#and one of my bred heifers
mmmairon · 2 years
milkmaid diluc anon here (this is not the legacy I wanted nor expected but OH WELL!) if u want me to fistfight that anon LEMME AT EM
I don't get why people feel the need to be so entitled on the internet tbh :// like it's THEIR individual experience on the internet so they're supposed to curate it yourself, and if they don't like something then it's literally so easy to block or mute and scroll away. you keep doing you, ms. kaela! we got your back (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
also ALSO work was tiring but rewarding! I hope you and your cows are also doing well ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
thank you legendary milkmaid diluc anon <3
it just strikes me as so odd that they must have went out of their way to come to tumblr FROM twitter because you can’t see my followers here. this is not my main blog. so that anon had to come to tumblr, the only major social app that has anonymous messages, to tell me this. weird. should have just said it to my face without hiding behind anon lol
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countryboyforyou2 · 4 months
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A farm boy with gauged earrings ??? Let’s just say, I don’t think the heifers are the only ones getting bred on a regular basis, if you catch my meaning.  
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wranglerbuttboys · 3 months
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A farm boy with gauged earrings ??? Let’s just say, I don’t think the heifers are the only ones getting bred on a regular basis, if you catch my meaning.  
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virtie333 · 9 months
Why yes, I work with cows, and...
My boss and I have come to the conclusion neither of us can leave town, because whenever one of us is gone, something crazy happens with her cows. Last summer while she was gone, Bessie jumped the fence and met up with the neighbor's bull. The result was cute little Maverick, who was born, again, when my boss was out of town. While I was out of town for my birthday, that same bull jumped the fence and bred my boss's two heifers, and possibly Bessie and Irma. The fact is, something always happens. Today was no different. My boss was only gone one night, and Maverick slid under the paddock fence. This wouldn't be a bad thing, as he was still confined to the pasture, but it was 100 degrees today and the water was in the paddock, not the pasture. I knew he wouldn't let me catch him, but fortunately, using some creative gate-keeping (and the brief help from Roxy, my boss's horse), I got him back with his mama. Fun times.
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ftm2bbw · 6 months
Of course, being a prize heifer isn't just about being fattened and plumped and pumped full of hormones and made to produce insane amounts of milk from your fat, heavy udders. It's a lot about that stuff, but simply having it isn't enough to win the prize.
You have to be appraised.
Your owner, the one who dumped your E blockers, the one who stuffed you full night after night, brings you to me so I can judge you. My hands roam your body, exploring you. Every belly roll and bit of flab is felt, jiggled, hefted and judged. Tasting your milk, both post-milking and straight from from the teat. Spreading your legs to inspect your fupa and your fat cunt. And taking measurements of everything. When I look at you, when I touch you, it's clear that I barely see you as a person. You're just a cow. A cow meant to be bred and milked and fed.
I can only imagine how my fattening and milking would escalate leading up to the apraisal too. Ensuring I pack on every possible pound, produce every last possible drop of milk. Keeping me edged to keep me compliant, brainwashed by my own libido.
Of course, that also means I'd be primed and so, so sensitive by the time your hands were inspecting me. Trying so hard not to make a sound, to not give away my arousal. Until, finally...Mooooo....
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spookykestrel · 2 months
Lets Talk Farm Terminology!
Yay! I'm here to answer all the simple farm animal questions and misconceptions you've been too afraid to ask! Why? Because im bored and have thoughts and am reading Watership Down and want people to know the difference between "bunny," "rabbit," and "hare."
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You're probably thinking wow kes how bold of you to start out not only with an animal uncommonly kept by farmers but also starting with a scientific name few will know! And you're right, but I don't care! The Leporidae family includes rabbits and hares, and yes! they are different. Very closely related as they belong to the same family, but rabbits and hares are not the same thing. Simply: hares are bigger and wilder than rabbits. There are no domestic species of hare and they are more adapted to solitary life than living in groups/colonies. Looking at the image above you can note slight differences in facial structure and build, as well as most notably the ear length, with the smaller rabbit on the left and the larger hare on the right. Most Watership Down art features hares but I don't mind it all that much as the hare anatomy is more fun lol.
Now, what's a bunny? Bunny is an informal term used to refer to rabbits, especially young ones. It wouldn't be incorrect to refer to the long eared friend in your yard as a bunny but if you were writing a paper or just want to sound more serious, it would be better to say rabbit (as you notice, I am refraining from calling them bunnies in this post).
When referring to rabbits, their terminology is similar to other familiar animals. A male rabbit is called a buck and a female rabbit is called a doe, like deer or goats. However, a baby rabbit is called a kit or kitten and a group of siblings is called a litter, just like cats.
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Aw no more latin? As the domestic breeds of goat all come from the same species, there's no need for a broad scientific name as we all have an idea of what to picture, unless you're thinking of a mountain goat which are not considered true goats and are considered a goat-antelopes, making them closer in relation to muskoxen! Which is a whole different topic! Regardless, there's lots of different breeds of domestic goats (Capra hircus), like dogs and cats. Some are better suited for dairy production, some for meat, others are bred for their cashmere! Pictured above is a Saanen goat, one of, if not the most popular dairy goat breeds (in the US at least), known for their high milk production.
Many goat breeds have horns, which vary from antlers bc of how they grow and their composition. Horns can be removed when the goats are young, in a process called dehorning or disbudding. When horns are removed, their growth is stunted and they will not grow back once the animal is older. However, disbudding is a controversial topic as it is not painless and often unnecessary (really the only reason to dehorn would be safety towards others). Both male and female goats can have horns, although their appearance may differ.
I mentioned above that (mature, uncastrated) male goats are called bucks and females are called does. Many, many people use the terms billy and nanny to refer to goats. However, the better term would be buck/doe, and when people use billy/nanny it does peeve me. You may also hear the word wether to refer to castrated goats. Baby goats are called kids.
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My favorites of the post, let's finish with cattle (Bos taurus)! Same as goats, cattle can be bred and used for many purposes like the lovely Brahman I've included above, a very recognizable meat breed. Cattle terminology can get a little tricky as its not as straightforward as some other animals.
Cattle is the correct term for these animals, as cow technically refers to a mature female (has been bred). No one's going to freak out if you say cows instead of cattle, myself included, especially because if you dont know the specific details of the animal its hard to know whether to say cow or heifer or bull or steer.
So, a cow is a mature female, and a mature male is called a bull. An immature, young female is called a heifer. A castrated male is called a steer. When referring to an immature male you can use bull or bull calf.
Many places you will see the term "ox" thrown around (not to be confused with a MUSKox mentioned previously) and there's a lot of misconceptions surrounding the name. An ox is a specially trained bovine. That's all it is. There's lots of regulations on how they are trained and all that, but that's the basics of it. It is most common and recommended to use castrated males (steers) because castration should temper their aggression and testosterone production; additionally, males are typically larger than the females. However! Female cows can be trained as oxen, as can bulls.
Technically an ox should not be referred to as such until they have completed their training, which can take years. Typically oxen are selected at a young age and routinely worked to develop good skills. They are used for tasks plowing or pulling carts, and as modern technology has improved, use of oxen has declined.
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Thaaaat's all I have to say about that today, I sort of led into each topic in little ways and I've nothing more to mention. Hopefully you learned a little, I think livestock are cool 👍
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bovine-providence · 2 years
Master’s Home!
Melone x Reader
Melone had mentioned a kink he wanted to try, and you surprise him with it after his return from a mission.
Yo @whoreiaki-kakyoin, this is that lactation fic we were talking about!
[CWs: lactation, hucow/petplay(ish?? Not sure how to tag), rough sex, Master/pet dynamics, praise kink, breeding kink.]
Melone was coming home tonight from his weeklong mission, and you were anxiously awaiting in the bedroom of your shared apartment. You had a surprise for him tonight, assuming he wasn’t going to be too tired from his travels.
You and he had a loving relationship, in which communication flowed freely. This, of course, included discussions about what both of you were interested in sexually. He had made it known early on that he was a passionate lover, and you were more than willing to keep pace with his libido. Sure, some kinks between the two of you weren’t shared, but you both shared the major ones, which was enough for your relationship.
What surprised you, though, was how long it took for him to admit to one of his fantasies.
“[Y/N],” he started one lazy afternoon that saw you sitting on the couch as he used your thighs as pillows.
“What’s up, Mel?” you responded, gently brushing a strand of his hair out of his eyes. He preened at the contact, before meeting your eyes.
“I wanted to ask you about a kink I’m curious about,” he started casually.
“I’m listening.”
“How do you feel about lactation and hucows?”
You had to pause to think about it. Sure, you enjoyed the breeding kink talk in the bedroom, and maybe this was a natural progression from it. But it still warranted a discussion.
“I’ve never really thought about it seriously,” you admitted. “I’m aware of those kinks, but I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about the lactation one.”
“Why’s that?” the lilac-haired man asked, sitting up to face you.
“I mean, it would involving changing my body, and it would affect how I go about my life. It would be a big change.”
Melone nodded sagely at your response.
“I can understand your concerns. If you don’t want to do that, it’s fine.” He tilted his head at you. “And the hucow one?”
“Would it be similar to petplay?”
“I suppose,” he chuckled. “But I think it would tie in nicely with breeding.” He leaned in mischievously. “Would you want to be my little breeding heifer?”
“As long as I don’t have to moo…”
“Oh we can work with that,” he assured quickly. “I just think you’d be such a good little cow for me.”
For some reason, that brought some delicious thoughts to your mind and heat to rise between your thighs, and the night was spent excitedly exploring the ramifications in bed.
Now, you almost can’t believe what you’re doing. You were sat on the bed, dressed in a cowprint lingerie with a cow horn headband and white stockings. The bra did little to hold your breasts in place. Speaking of which…
You gently squeezed your right breast, feeling the milk leak slightly into the cup.
Even though Melone hadn’t mentioned lactation much since that afternoon, you thought about it from time to time, wondering if you could really do it. Eventually, you figured you could always try it and stop later if you didn’t like it. So, you had done some research and learned about lactation cookies. Ordering some online, you took care to avoid arousing Melone’s suspicion, tucking them away in the freezer until you could find an opportunity to try them. When Melone had told you that he would be on a weeklong mission, you saw your chance.
You perked up when you heard the front door creaking open from down the hall, and your loving boyfriend greeting you.
“I’m in the bedroom,” you called out, and soon his footsteps led to the opening of the bedroom door.
“I’m so glad to- oh,” he stopped mid-sentence. His expression turned from eager to pleased, a lecherous grin painting his lips.
“Who’s this little heifer? Is she here to be bred?” he purred.
“Hey Mel,” you greeted meekly. “I’m glad you’re home, so I wanted to try something new.”
“I can’t wait,” he answered, his suitcase forgotten by the door as he approached slowly, like a predator closing in on his prey. You leaned back slightly as he shifted onto the bed, quickly straddling you.
“You look good in cowprint,” he murmured as he took gentle hold of your jaw, leaning in for a kiss that you eagerly reciprocated. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, baby,” you whined. He leaned in closer, forcing you onto your back. You grabbed onto his upper arms, stroking along them as he began caressing your skin. As the two of you made out, his caresses began to shift into full-on groping, and he moved to your breasts.
“Ah,” you winced when he pressed too hard. Since you started eating those cookies that week, your breasts had become much more sensitive.
Melone pulled back, light confusion etched on his face, until he looked down and saw the wet spot forming on your bra. His eyes shot up to you immediately.
“Wait, you… did you… are we?” he questioned breathlessly.
“Yeah,” you giggled beneath your lover. “I wanted to at least see what it’s like before I made a final decision.”
“Fuck, baby, you’re the best little heifer a man could have,” he moaned, returning his attention to massaging your breasts.
“The milk only started coming in a few days ago, so I don’t think there’s a lot,” you warned.
“That’s fine,” Melone hurriedly answered. Pulling down at the edge of the bra, he glanced back up. “May I?”
He didn’t need further encouragement, quickly pulling down the bra so the cups were bunched beneath your breasts. Melone watched in awe as he tenderly squeezed your breasts, watching the translucent milk bead up on your nipple. Reverently, he lowered his mouth to your left nipple and suckled.
The feeling of the milk flowing into your boyfriend’s mouth was amazing. It was like pressure had been released, and seeing him get so aroused by the action turned you on further.
“Cara,” he gasped, pulling away from your still-leaking breast briefly, “you taste exquisite.” He was quick to latch back onto your reddened nipple, careful not to let a drop go unsipped.
You found yourself rutting against him, wrapping your legs around his thigh to rub your dripping cunt against him between the layers of your and his clothing. He moaned into your tit at the action, grabbing at your waist as he ground against you, equally desperate.
“Fuck, Mel,” you whined, clinging onto him, one hand wrapped into his hair, pressing him against your chest further.
The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes more, writhing against each other in desperate arousal as he had his fill of the milk from your left breast, then your right. Eventually, he lifted his head up to you.
Melone gazed at you, seemingly drunk on the taste of your milk. Cheeks flushed, his gaze distant, and there was a dribble running down his chin.
He looked like a mess, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Fuck…” he sighed dreamily as he gazed at you.
“Mel, I want more,” you whined at him, rubbing your still-clothed pussy against him. He hissed, feeling your thigh bump against his engorged member.
“Are you really this desperate to be bred, little heifer?” his growled, his dreamy gaze quickly turning hungry.
“Please!” you begged. “Fill me up, Mel.”
“That’s Master to you,” he corrected, leaning down to sharply nip at your neck before crawling away to quickly remove his outfit, shoving it off to some corner of the room before looming over you.
“I’m sorry, Master! Please, please fill me,” you whimpered. He grinned down at you.
“Good girl. Now spread your legs for me.”
You didn’t need to be told twice, quickly opening your legs wide for him. He gazed down at you, still in your headband and the cowprint lingerie, your stockings beginning to show runs from the friction of rubbing your legs against his.
“I think my little heifer deserves to feel good after this lovely surprise,” he murmured, half to himself as he kneeled between your legs. He was quick to pull your panties to the side and was soon pressing two fingers into you.
After the rutting and relief of being suckled, it felt like your prayers had been answered when Melone began to mercilessly thrust his fingers in and out of you, the lewd sounds of your slickness coating his digits filling your bedroom.
You moaned loudly, rolling your hips into the sensation as Melone looked down at your squirming form.
“Feels good, huh?” he smirked. “Such an easy little bitch to please. I just need to press my fingers in and you lose all control, don’t you?”
“Yes, Master,” you whimpered, clutching at the sheets beneath you. Melone wasn’t dominant often, but when he was, you quickly fell in line with his commands.
“Then I want you to come on my hands. Do it, little girl,” he ordered, making sure to abuse the sweet spot inside of you that had your legs twitch and back arch.
With an undignified cry, you came on his hand, your juices coating Melone’s fingers thickly.
You gasped for air as you watched your partner lift his hand to his mouth, closing his eyes in bliss as he sucked on a slick finger. Returning his gaze to you, he placed them on your lips.
“Clean them.”
Eager to obey, you opened your mouth, allowing them entry as you sucked your juices off. You gazed up at the lilac-haired man lovingly, taking your time with the task, your tongue running across the skin until you could no longer taste yourself on them. As he withdrew his fingers, he spoke further.
“What do you say?”
“Thank you, Master, for fingering me and letting me clean your fingers off.” His eyes twinkled affectionately at that, pleased with how specific you were. He had trained you well.
“You’re welcome, baby,” he murmured. He gazed down at your form, using his just-cleaned hand to ensure his cock was ready. Your eyes trailed down to where Melone palmed himself; he may be fairly average in length, but his girth was where he really made you scream. It stretched you in ways that you’ve never felt before, and it pressed into places you didn’t know existed.
Finally he shifted above you, taking hold of your legs and bringing them to your chest, folding you into a mating press. “Now let me make you a mommy.” With that, he smacked the head of his cock against your clit before pressing inside you.
You let out a whiny, prolonged moan as he steadily continued, his keen eyes watching for any discomfort. Even while Domming, he never wanted to seriously hurt you. If you weren’t veritably losing your mind from pleasure, your heart would’ve been melting at the consideration.
Too soon, his hips were pressed against your own.
“Ready, little heifer?” he purred into your ear.
“Yes, Master,” you whimpered, trying (and failing) to roll your hips into his own.
“Good girl.” He began his thrusting, the position forcing his cock deeper into you. Reaching up to try clutching his shoulders, he was quick to grab your hands and press them into the mattress above your head.
“No. I want you to lay back and take it,” he murmured. Fuck, how did his saying that make you feel even hotter?
“Okay, Master,” you whispered softly. He smiled at you before leaning down, pressing a tender kiss belying the rough pace he had begun as he continued thrusting into you.
“Feels pretty good, doesn’t it?” he asked breathlessly.
“It does, Master, it always does,” you replied, attempting to squeeze your legs around him. He groaned at the contact.
“Such a good heifer for me. Can’t… can’t wait to make you a mommy. You’ll be such a good mother,” he muttered. “And you’ll look so… fucking… beautiful pregnant. I can’t wait for that…”
“I can’t wait either,” you sobbed, tears beginning to run down your cheeks at the thought. “I wanna… I wanna make you a daddy… make you proud…”
“Oh baby,” Melone sighed, leaning down to shower your face and neck in kisses, “you make me proud everyday. Just keep being you.”
“Melone,” your voice cracked, and you found yourself shoving his hands away to wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face into his neck.
“You’re a good girl for Master, alright?” you heard him chuckle above you, his thrusts picking up.
You could feel another orgasm beginning to form, your core tightening. And by the sounds of it, Melone was close as well.
“Master, can I… can I cum? Please?” you begged.
“But you’ve already cum, cara,” Melone teased into your ear.
“But I wanna cum again,” you whined needily.
“You can cum again, IF,” he decided, “you beg just a little more.”
“Please, Master! I wanna cum! I wanna show you how good you make me feel,” you needled, your voice turning high-pitched from the satisfaction you were feeling. “I wanna show you how-ah! How you make me feel!”
“Oh baby,”Melone moaned, “when you beg like that, how can I say no?”
You soon felt his fingers rub against your clit urgently, shooting you over the edge into bliss.
As you felt the waves of pleasure flowing through you, you felt Melone press himself against you, and a warmth filling you. You gazed up at him, meeting his own eyes dazed in bliss. He leaned down to press a kiss upon your lips.
“How was that?” he inquired breathlessly.
“It was great,” you murmured shyly. He smiled down at you.
“Good,” he whispered sweetly, sharing another kiss before he pulled away, taking care to gently place your legs back down.
“Stay there, I’ll start up a bath,” he threw over his shoulder as he got up and headed for the attached bathroom.
You snuggled further into the sheets, gasping for air after the roughness of your reunion with Melone. Lifting your hand to rub the sleep out of your eyes, you felt the headband had fallen askew. Smiling to yourself, you pulled it off.
A moment later Melone walked back over to you.
“Let’s get you out of this, amore,” he murmured as he gently began to tug your now-dirtied lingerie off of your exhausted body. As you leaned up to help him with removing the bra, he gazed down at you dreamily.
“This was a wonderful surprise to come home to,” he noted. “Thank you.”
“I enjoyed it more than I thought I would,” you admitted bashfully. He leaned down to pick you up, carrying your nude form princess-style to the waiting bath. Eyeing the bubble bath as he strolled in, you turned up to face him.
“Could you join me? I imagine you’re tired after traveling and… this,” you blushed. He smiled down at you.
“Of course,” he answered, pressing a kiss to your forehead before placing you down and helping you into the tub. As you got settled, he moved to join you, sinking into the hot water behind you.
“I’m glad I’m home,” he sighed, nuzzling into your hair as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m glad to have you back, Mel,” you purred back.
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jurakan · 2 years
Fun fact?
Alright last one of the day because I'm pretty tired.
Alright Today You Learned about Fidel Castro’s dairy obsession. There’s a guy in my trivia group who really liked telling this story. I want to put the disclaimer that I did not make this up; if it is made up, I am not the one who made it up.
Cuban Communist dictator Fidel Castro loved dairy products, particularly ice cream. As in, he couldn’t get enough of this stuff. Gabriel Garcia Marquez once claimed that he ate over two dozen scoops in one sitting. There was actually a CIA attempt to assassinate Castro by putting an arsenic pill in his milkshake, which didn’t work because somehow being put in the freezer compromised the casing of the pill or something so it obviously didn’t work.
Also apparently he got mad when someone didn’t think that Cuban cheese was better than French cheese? He thought that one of the ways to prove Cuba had made it was through superior dairy, I guess???
In order to boost milk production, Castro bought several Holstein cows (famous for their milk production) from Canada. And by several, I mean thousands of these heifers. A lot of them died pretty quickly, because the climate change between Canada and Cuba was, weirdly enough, drastic enough to not be healthy for your average cow. So what to do? Well clearly he needed to breed a super cow, so he put his energy into that.
Most of the cows that he got out of this program didn’t last long. And then… Ubre Blanca.
Yes, the cow’s name was “White Udder.” I am not making this up.
Ubre Blanca was the superhero of dairy cows. According to the Guiness Book of World Records, in 1982 she broke the record and once produced 110 liters of milk IN ONE DAY what the fudge. She was unable to produce long-lasting offspring, and no other cows bred were anywhere near as productive, but Ubre Blanca became a celebrity in Cuba, with the newspapers covering how she’s doing all the time. Castro was happy to show off his cow to the international stage to prove that he could do what the US never coule: create the ultimate dairy cow.
She was euthanized at the age of 13 because, I don’t know actually. Is that old for a cow? Was she sick? Regardless, she died, it was in all the local newspapers, and government scientists collected samples from her body. Castro tried to get them to clone her, and also to be able to make miniature dairy cows the size of dogs? Obviously that didn’t work out, and there hasn’t been as successful of a dairy cow as the great Ubre Blanca, a point of national pride.
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Absolutely nuts.
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mmmairon · 1 year
UWAAA miss juliet looks so beautiful!! I'm sure she's doing well and cheering you on from her meadow, ms. kaela :"))))
if you don't mind, would you consider introducing your other cows to the public? they sound like lovely creatures ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ and ok fine I'll admit I became more interested in them bc of that one diluc fanart u made where he tends to the cows
*discreetly crushes that other entitled anon ask under my foot* also pssst I think you can block people's IP addresses from asking on anon so you don't have to worry abt them anymore,,, chronically online people are built different man I hope they leave u alone soon :((
— milkmaid diluc anon
Hi Milkmaid diluc anon! Sure!! I’ll put pictures under the cut since it will be a little long. I have to admit, there are too many to introduce, so I’ll show my “pets.”
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Blindos!!! Just as her name indicates, she’s blind in one eye. Bad case of pinkeye when she was a calf. She’s my baby. I’ve had her since I was a kid. My dad named her, not the most creative lmao. She stays at home and mows the grass down in the yard during the summer. Loves chop and good scratches. An absolute dear and glutton.
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This is her baby she had this spring, Molly. She’s so sweet :)
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Here are some of our heifers:
J2 is Jojo
J3 is, of course, Juliet <3 (I cut her tag to keep with me, so now I can frame it)
J4 is Jackie
J1 is Jenny
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These are my 3 hooligans. The guy that looks like an Oreo Mcflurry is Zorro. He used to escape all the time lmao. He’s a specklepark, one of our up and coming bulls.
The guy in the back is Benny. Also a bull for next year.
To the right is Mark (hence the mark on his forehead), one of our old bottle babies. Every morning I would bring him his bottle and go *Tommy Wiseau voice* “Oh, hi Mark.”
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This is Martin, our bottle calf from this year. Big enjoyer of scratches under the chin, his eyeballs will roll back lol. He’s a rejected twin :( His sister’s name is Martina, who is with his mom. We went with the “Martin” theme because female twins are what we call “freemartins” (infertile).
the red on his forehead is old chalk. We mark calves in the field we think have something weird going on with them. Figured out pretty quickly little Martin didn’t have a mama to drink from
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Skrunkly. That’s his name. I never got around to naming his buddy. But Skrunkly is one of our yearlings we keep around the yard to mow grass. We had a couple days of -55C last winter that got the best of his one ear tip :( He can still hear fine and he’s a silly goofy guy and a little gremlin
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This is my little buddy Clyde. About 2 years old. He’s an anomaly. If you look above his ears, you’ll see two little nubs peeking out. He has horns!! I’m so baffled… my dad bred horns out over 10 years ago. Been scratching my head over this for the past few weeks. And it’s weird they only just appeared after so long…
But… poor Clyde passed away this week. He seemed to have a bout of pneumonia, which I gave him Resflor for. And he recovered. But there was always something odd about him ever since he was born. Always weaker than the rest, never too energetic, but liked a good scratch on his back. He passed away asleep in his bedding. He looked comfy and warm. I’m, at least for that, glad for it.
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This is Miss Raccoon and Miss Halfie. Very fine, distinguished ladies.
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Alas, there are too many cows to name :’) But know I love them all and do my best to make them happy!! I’d add a few more, but I think mu phone is about to explode.
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This photo is from today. This is the poor lassie who was shot by someone. She’s healing excellently. You can only barely see a pitted mark on her forehead. She’s so strong, I’m so proud of her!!! She looks a lot better.
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vegance · 2 years
Yeah cows do care, if you delay separation, but the thing is, they really dont tend to bond anywhere near as fast as even beef cows do. This leads to dairy cows being inattentive to a dangerous degree the first 24-48 hours. And calves aren’t removed to steal the mothers milk. They still get milk from either her or one of the other dairy cows. They’re removed so that the mom doesn’t sit on them, stop them from nursing, or just because it’s kinda a lot of disease risk where the adult cattle are kept (specifically disease risk for babies). Cow-calf operations do exist that leave the calves with their mom. There’s downsides and benefits to both options. It only makes the cow sad if you dont separate asap.
And ive seen ai done, both on tv and in person. She doesn’t even need to be restrained. It’s usually done only to prevent her from hurting herself or others during the process. Its not bestiality, it’s a safer way of letting a cow who is at the time desperate to get pregnant actually get pregnant. Bulls are assholes. They’ll try to breed heifers too young to handle their weight, they’ll rough up even seasoned cows. And they’re a risk to keep around for the farmers too. Its a medical procedure much like in vitro fertilization is. And if the cow truly didn’t want to stand there and get bred, she could easily kick everyones ass because large herbivores, are dangerous!
the link i provided says it distresses them regardless of time. just because it's worse later does not mean it's not bad when done early, too.
and if dairy cows are such bad mothers, why not stop constantly breeding them? and dairy cows do show at the very least some maternal instincts
and its always so convenient how the thing that is most economical just happens to be whats definitely 100% best for the animals. awesome how that works out. is killing the calves also for their benefit?
like....my entire point, the entire point of veganism is that we don't need to do any of this. yes, if we are constantly impregnating cows it might be better to do so artificially. might. but....what if we just don't do it at all? like that's just the whole argument
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sxnyarostova · 1 year
good woman
what is a good woman?
is a good woman docile,
quiet as a churchmouse,
and compliant like a gun?
or is she accomplished, well-rounded, 
a comet amongst stars,
long-tailed but short-lived, 
as she blazes across the sky,
a commodity for you to tout, 
someone to get us to try?
what is a good woman, sir?
is she a heifer tied to a stake on a farm, 
her lashes long, her eyes lidded, her milk
claimed by the man who owns her, 
sloshing in the bucket that yawns beneath?
is she well-bred, well-raised, well-fed,
a pile of books stacked atop her head:
the declaration, the manifesto, the one that reads “we the people”
a lady who can balance, and has not leafed through the pages
because what is a good woman,
if not a docile little mouse,
a gun to pull out, a finger on the spindly trigger,
the heifer on the farm and the lady with the books, 
with the weight of the world stacked atop her head,
as she smiles, turns about the room, and curtsies instead 
of tearing you apart with bloodied fingernails, 
stained with the lives you have stolen away
from the good women moulded at your fingertips.
someone visited my school today and was rambling on about how it has produced "good women" since the days of its foundations and it did not sit well with me. what constitutes the definition of a "good woman", anyway???
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peacefulheartfarm · 2 years
Homestead Musings
Today I’m doing a little bit of Homestead musing. More “a day in the life” sort of podcast. I’ll make is a short one and I hope you like it. I love sharing my life with all of you.
I want to take a minute and say welcome to all the new listeners and welcome back to the veteran homestead-loving regulars who stop by the FarmCast for every episode. I appreciate you all so much. I’m so excited to share with you what’s going on at the farm this week.
Our Virginia Homestead Life Updates
We got a late start this morning. I was Chatty Patty before morning prayers so we started an hour late, that’s 7:15 instead of 6:15. It’s now just about 10 am. I have fed and watered the chickens, emptied the dishwasher, sorted and started the laundry and am on my second load, cut down an entire 3’ x 8’ bed of swiss chard and disposed of it (more on that later), cooked about 3 pounds of swiss chard (some we will eat and some will be frozen), froze 2 gallons of blackberries and 3 gallons of blueberries and set up 1½ gallons of milk to make yogurt. I also need to set up for waxing last week’s cheese. Scott is currently pouring the milk into the cheese vat so I can make Pinnacle. That is our aged alpine-style cheese – sort of like gruyere. Yes, today is a cheese make day so I’ll have to get back to you later for the rest of the podcast. Love ya. Bye for now.
Ok, I’m back. Just a short update. I’ve got the culture in the cheese milk and I have a few minutes before the next step. I have to bring the temperature of the milk up to 90 degrees for the cheese that I am making today. The way that I do that is to put hot water in the metal jacket cheese vat. It is sort of like a double boiler except that it is completely closed. Well, not quite completely closed. There are a couple of openings at the top that let the displaced air out as the water fills the jacket.
Focus is Really Important
I have to be quite focused when I am doing this part because I tend to check on the milk and then go do something else and then check the milk again. If I am also filling the water in the jacket, a disaster can sometimes happen. It has already happened once this cheesemaking season. If I forget that the water is running, it will completely fill the jacket and then overflow through the opening at the top onto the floor. What a mess that makes. I think once I forgot and it was overflowing for like five minutes. There was water everywhere. If I was in the actual cheese make room we are building, this would not be a big deal. It would simply go down the drain in the floor. But at the moment we have a temporary set up in our storage room. There is a drain in the floor, but the floor is tile and not meant for lots of water to be on it. Anyway, no such disaster happened today.
More homestead musings. I’m going to get in a few animal updates before I need to go tend to the cheese again.
We are in the midst of the AI process with our cows and it is not going well. You know, one thing and another. I say this often. Life on the homestead is never dull. There is always something going on that you did not plan. We plan for pregnancies but God has the final say. We had one – possibly two – heifers that appear to have taken on the first try. That’s one or two out of eight. We have to start over with the other six. Add to that an inconvenient medical condition and we are way behind on getting these cows bred.
We are praying for the health of our vet. She got the Covid and is still under the weather. Once she is back on her feet, we will preg check the two girls we think took and give the other six another chance. Actually, there are seven because Cookie is now far enough past her delivery to begin the AI process as well. If we don’t have success this time, I’m not sure what we will do. It is extremely expensive to do AI over and over and over. So expensive that we are reconsidering keeping a bull.
Keeping a bull is also a huge expense because the bull is eating and eating and eating while only being useful for a couple of months out of a year. It’s a dilemma. However, at this point, the AI is going to cost more than feeding that bull through the winter with hay. Will it be that way every year? Who knows? We do the best we can and make new choices. Ideally, Scott would be able to do our AI but that is a long and involved learning curve. I’ll keep you posted on that topic.
Quail and Chickens
We are out of the quail business. The last of the quail were processed last week. I have quite a supply of eggs saved up. Hopefully, the new pullets will start laying about the same time I run out of quail eggs for Scott. The chickens are doing fantastic. I couldn’t be more happy there. We have at least six American White Bresse hens and eight roosters to choose from to fill out the breeding flock. There are a total of nine Black Copper Marans. The distribution there is nearly perfect. There are six hens and three roosters. I’ll be keeping two each of the roosters and the rest will get processed for eating.
A few thoughts on the garden. I mentioned that I took out an entire bed of Swiss chard. We had a dry spell throughout June. So much so that we bought extra hay to get the cows through this winter. Well, now it is raining every day. The weather is always weird. Anyway, the Swiss chard got a fungus, some kind of unpronounceable leaf spot. The red variety got it, but the giant white looks fine at the moment. I cut down every plant in the bed of red. We shall see if it grows back and if I eradicated the fungus.
Everything else looks really, really good. This is the fifth year of using this particular raised bed system. The first year we started with cut up trees, fill dirt from around the homestead and a top layer of purchased organic composted soil. The next four years, Scott added our own composted soil to the beds. This year it has really paid off. The eggplants are huge. As are the squash. The peppers took a little bit of time to catch on but there are going great guns right now.
Homestead Musing About Plants: Do I Have Too Much Plant and Not Enough Produce?
Because I planted everything so late, I’m not sure whether I am growing too much plant and no fruit, or if I just need to wait for the blooms. This morning the squash was covered in blooms and bees. I’m still not sure about that eggplant. It may be all plant and no fruit. My cilantro survived the dry heat of June. So far, so good there. The tomatoes are going to need more support in the next couple of days. I have small tomatoes and lots of healthy plants.
The lima beans are blooming. There are three beds of winter squash. The butternut I grew from plant starts so they are already producing squash, too small to pick, but there are lots of them. The other two beds are a variety of other winter squash that I started from seed. They plants look great. They are fending off the squash bugs and I look for a great crop there. The summer squash looks like all plant and they are huge, but as I said, they are now covered with blooms as are the cucumbers.
It’s little weird that it is July and I am just now getting the first squash and cucumbers. I really didn’t get my garden planted until June. Normally, it was would have been a month earlier, but I was holding on to my plants to sell at the farmer’s market. And Independence and Galax are both in a different USDA planting zone. The elevation there is about 2,500 to 3,000 and we are between 1,200 and 1,400 here. There is a big difference in temperature.
Making Cheese
Well, I’m off to tend cheese again.
And now I’m back. That’s the last time I will tell you when I leave and return. When making cheese, there are often timespans of 5, 10 or 15 minutes – or even 30 minutes to an hour where I need to leave the process to continue what it is doing and return later to go to the next step.
The cheese make process is going exceptionally well. I probably shouldn’t say that as superstition would indicate that I just jinxed myself. Oh well, I don’t believe in superstition, so there you go. I expect it will continue to go well.
We are getting closer and closer to completing this project. Scott is sometimes down that he is not getting more done. There is always another something that needs to be done instead of working on the creamery. My advice to him and to you is to keep your attention focused on what is in front of you. Do what needs to be done right now and the rest of it will take care of itself. No sense ruminating over what didn’t happen. Let’s be grateful for what did happen. Let’s be grateful for what we have gotten done. Let’s be grateful for the people that touched our lives this week.
We thought it would be complete in late summer summer/early fall. Then spring happened. Even though the cows would need to be dried up and we wouldn’t have milk to make cheese, we thought it would be complete by year end. Then summer happened. At the moment, I’m feeling pretty confident that it will be done by the time the cows give birth in the spring. We can have a USDA inspected cheese facility just about the time we have milk to make the cheese. That sounds like a plan. . . right? We shall see.
Cheese Update!
It did go well. The cheese is in the press for the final time. I’ll check it in the morning and move it to the brine tank for salting. And at least five months until it is mature. Seven months is better. And a year is the best.  
Final Thoughts
That’s really about all I have to say for today. I just wanted to check in with you all and let you know the status of our homestead and give you yet another window into the lifestyle. As always, we love it and wouldn’t have it any other way. There are always more tasks to be accomplished than there are hours in a day. It gives us purpose and motivation. Sometimes it can seem overwhelming but at those times, I just let some of those tasks slip a notch or two down the list. There are a few things that have to be done on a specific time schedule. But many more do not. I choose what I do on any given day. I choose how much I will do on any given day. Most of the time I choose to do an unbelievable amount in one day. Or at least it seems so to me. Actually, I only think that in contrast to the other days when I laze around and get very little accomplished. Well, there are fewer of those days. I get bored pretty easily and get right back to it.
How about you? Do you get bored easily? Are you dreaming of the day when you get to call your own shots? Are you working toward that goal? If you are, here is a little encouragement. It may seem like you will never get there. Don’t lose heart. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
That’s What We Did
At first, we planned five or 10 years into the future. Many times, it seemed like we would never get there. But here we are. We worked seven years longer than our original plan. We blew through our savings that was supposed to last until the creamery was built. It is still not done and we came up with other ways to make ends meet. We started our dream in 2003. That was 19 years ago and we are still going, trying to get this creamery built. In between then and now, we have changed our plans more times than I want to count. It was in 2012, ten years ago, that we decided to be artisan cheesemakers. It has taken a lot more steps, time, money, effort and so on than we ever imagined. But we never stopped imagining.
Scott is currently getting the electrical work done on the creamery. I help him with the ceilings from time to time as he moves from one room to the next. Electrical, plumbing, floors – we are nearly there.
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Thank you so much for stopping by our homestead and until next time, may God fill your life with grace and peace.
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mhathotfic · 3 years
Imagine hybrid bull!bakugou scheduled to breed the farms newest heifer cow!reader. She’s so stubborn and pushy but he easily puts her in her place over a breeding rack. She’s so squishy and pliant once he’s settled into her, he’s a big mean bull and he’s not gonna let an inexperienced cow bother him… my brain is only full of bull bakugou, it’s a hybrid that don’t get enough love ;w;
Listen I’m obsessed with cute moo-moos and have been wanting an excuse to talk about it for a while now so thank you
Warnings: breeding kink, size difference, attempted brat reader, female reader as requested, written with plus sized readers in mind, hybrid au, little bit of dub-con
Pairing: bull! Katsuki Bakugou x heifer! Reader
She didn’t want to want this. Didn’t care for the fact that the human caretakers insisted on her being bred. She wasn’t a fool she understood her heat would’ve made her a target regardless, but she didn’t want her first calf to be conceived just because it was decided that this was best.
She especially didn’t want to want the cocky bull sniffing at her.
Bakugou was somewhat intimidating to her small and plump stature. Long horns that juts out from either side of his head and curved upwards into sharp points. Muscular build from days of hard work in the fields, wild blonde hair and piercing red eyes.
He made her nervous. Made her body scream out for his child. Pissed her independent mind off to no end just by looking at her like that.
“I don’t care if they choose you, I didn’t” she huffed without thinking, shifting her weight to one side and crossing her arms over her chest. A stubborn look on her face that screamed ‘try me’. A good foot and half smaller then him, yet so certain that she could defy him and intimidate him into giving up.
He was falling in love with her already.
“Huh?” he rasped, pulling her closer by her plush hips “You think I don’t smell how needy you are? Stop being stubborn heifer, you’re in heat aren’t ya?”. He payed no mind to her surprised squeal or the shaky glare set on him, she clearly wasn’t as tough as she thought. It was cute honestly.
“F-fuck off! I-I told you I-” she attempted to push at him create distance between them only to be interrupted by him turning her around and pushing her over the damned breeding rack, a callused hand running over her thigh. Squishing and kneading at her soft doughy body part while his other hand pushed clothing out of his way.
“I-I-I, tch I’ll believe you when you can say it without looking like you’re gonna piss yourself” he mocked, running a finger along her delicate sex. Snorting when he discovered just how wet she really was.
“All that fighting, and for what? You-” he paused at the shaky little breath she gave and the nervous glance back and it clicked. “Stop worrying, I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m not that much of an ass” he grumbled, he almost forgot how inexperienced she was. He’d probably scared her with his attitude towards her.
He’d have to make sure to make it up to her.
He didn’t give her time to think of a smart response. His fingers set to work on opening her up for him and pressing heated kisses to her back.
She almost felt embarrassed by her reactions. Her heat finally getting the better of her and making her feel hazy and lightheaded. Only able to focus on the way he touched her and how she wanted more.
It wasn’t fair at all how easy he was able to switch gears on her. How he went from infuriatingly smug and pissing her off to making her want his calf in such a short time.
How just his fingers alone was getting her close and pulling noises she never heard from herself out.
“You gonna cum for me already? Gonna make my hand all dirty huh?” she found it especially annoying how easy it is for him to read her.
“Bakugou pleas- ah!” a sharp tug on her tail and kiss to her temple interrupted her “It’s Katsuki, understand?”
“Katsuki” she repeated, earning another kiss “Katsuki, please gonna cum, wanna, want… want…” she trailed off too embarrassed by her sudden change of heart to continue.
“Oi, use your words heifer, what do you want?” he demanded, fingers speeding up, hurtling her even closer to edge.
“A calf! F-fuck! G-give me a calf please want one w- aha!” she yelled out when he pushed into her. “Big, so b-big” she babble, mind blanking on anything else as she came undone.
All Bakugou could do was laugh at her dazed response, amused by her sudden change in temperament and desperation for a baby to be fucked into her. He barely let her adjust, just as eager to be breeding her as she seemed to be bred.
“What happened to that attitude huh?” he growled tugging her head back to give her a sloppy kiss “Even told me to fuck off, what makes you think you deserve a calf huh?”. She whimpered, shifting all her weight onto her forearms while he played roughly with her clit, his other hand sliding up her body before settling on her breasts, pinching and rolling her perked buds.
“S-sorry, so sorry” she hiccuped, feeling his cock slid in out of her so perfectly. “Won’t pick fights with me again yeah?” he questioned, pressing a few kisses on her shoulder and neck “Gonna be a good girl right?”. “Yes! Please! I promise!”
He hummed as if thinking about it rubbing his hands over her soft stomach “Want my calf so bad huh?”.
His voice was dripping with lust as he spoke “wanna be bred huh?”. She whined desperately, barely clinging to her sanity “Pease!”.
He groaned in response, his pace picking up and jostling her forwards as she took the full force his thrust. “Gonna take my cum, you better not let go to waste, got it?” He grunted, burying himself deep inside, feeling her fall over the edge with him.
He almost hoped it would take her longer to get knocked up, just so he could keep breeding her over and over again.
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
Could Andy like a male farmer? I can imagine the male farmer being like, “No. Andy, listen! I’m not a heifer- hell, I’m not even a girl! I can’t get pregnant! Go on now! Get away!” And Andy just doesn’t listen (or he doesn’t care) treating him like a princess and not letting any other farmers near him. Maybe some smut ensues…maybe not…up to you 🤩
Working on the farm isn’t easy, with all the hard work you have on your schedule, but it’s a labor of love. All the hybrids on the property are rescues, fearful of their own shadows or aggressive to the point of harm towards workers. Some people get upset that rehabilitating these creatures isn’t instantaneous, and that they have to actually take the time to love and care for them.
Well you aren’t that type of man. You put all of your hope, faith, time and energy into making sure these creatures are once again free and healthy. Most of them trust you, nuzzle you and ask you for apples or peaches shyly while you wash them or brush their hair. It’s precious how they slowly open up to you, asking to be milked because they know you’ll be professional and not hurt them for asking to stop.
Most of the heifers and bulls are sent off to other sanctuaries or well known farms, but some get to stay and become a regular you meet in the morning. One of the lucky picks was the large, broad, muscular bull known as Andy. He was one of the worst cases you’ve seen, bloodied and infected, unable to even speak at first. You were worried he wouldn’t make it, but never left his side, even sleeping beside him some nights as he healed and needed hourly medicine.
You nourished him until he was back to a towering, buff, protective bull for the heifers who come and go. However, he isn’t exactly kind to the other workers, often charging them or outright picking them up to drop them over the fence. You’re the only one he won’t attack, and some farmers are a little annoyed that he’s so sweet to only you.
While you were washing the stable, you felt the warm breath of Andy against your neck, and turned to face him, your face meeting his chest as he looks down at you in confusion. “You...aren’t supposed to be here. Why are you in another bulls stall?”
Ah, it’s this conversation again. “Andy, he needs my help too. He was sick like you were and he needs a clean room”.
Andy just scuffs his back hooves in a jealous huff “there are also other farmers who can do that. Making a fine mate like you work is disgusting, just like my old home”. You wanted to scold him, remind him that this place is way better than where he used to be, but you decide against it. He’s just throwing another fit, he’ll get over it.
“Listen, I know you’re thinking I won’t care for you anymore, but Andy I love all the hybrids here! You included”. You gently reach up to play with his long, black hair, and tuck it behind his ear. For a moment, you think you got through to him, that he was at least less worried, but he abruptly picks you up. You grapple for a moment, clinging to his arms as he squeezes you tightly to his frame and trots off to the other barn, carefully sitting you on a pile of hay in his stable.
“Andy! What the hell has gotten into you?” you scolded, watching as the hybrid cornered you in and pressed his face close to your own. “You said you loved me...and the other beasts” he stated with a furrowed brow “I don’t like that your love is shared. That others get your care and attention”.
Sighing, you gently stroke your thumb over his cheek, his face nuzzling into it on instinct. “Andy, I can’t just stop working. That’s not right, you know it”. Andy’s face just scrunched up in anger, and he pressed you harder against the hay beneath you. “Wasn’t asking you. I was telling you. You’re my mate. Not their slave”.
“Andy, we’ve discussed this-” you begin, face flushing as the bull began to let his large hands snake up your shirt and tug at the unwanted garment. “You don’t have to be pregnant to be my mate...I can still stuff you full and make you happy though”.
He tugs off your boots and jeans, chuckling at the squeal that left you. “A-Andy! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”. The hybrid bull chuffs, sniffing up your thighs to your stomach, purring as his tail sways. “Smell so good...love your scent. Everyone else makes me sick”. He gave a quick kiss on your chest, and another on your pelvis, nuzzling your pubic hair “So so good. Such a pretty cock from my pretty mate”.
Warm hand rub circles up and down your thighs, your boxers completely gone and tossed aside. You bite your knuckle while your cock pulses, slowly hardening. Andy purrs in approval, letting his long tongue swipe up the shaft of your dick, causing your back to bow and tighten as the appendage wraps around the base and slides up in a lewd slurp.
“My mate...always taking care of others, but who takes care of you? You’ll be so happy to be my little heifer” Andy kisses up and down your shaft, mouth reaching lower to suckle on your balls and cause another yelp to escape you. Your thighs were quaking in the bulls strong hold, your mind a haze of lust and humiliation as he continues to slide his tongue up and down your drooling cock, spit and precum dripping to the floor below as your thighs were held apart.
Tight, velvet heat surrounds your entire length, Andy’s head bobbing up and down in swift movements while you can only desperately cling onto his horns, trying not to erratically thrust in fear of choking him. After a few weak jerks, Andy pulls away and lets spit dribble down his chin.
“Let go. I can handle it. I wouldn’t be a good bull if I couldn't handle what you gave me. Use me”.
His voice was so gravelly, so deep and desperate, it gave another hot pulse through you. He once again wraps his tongue around your entire cock, sucking and slurping while bobbing his head up and down again. You throw your head back while clutching onto his horns, balls tightening and your slit pouring out precum while Andy devours you.
Embarrassingly, you couldn’t stop yourself, cumming down the hybrids throat with a deep groan and exhausted sigh. Andy growled, pleased, and didn’t pull away until he was sure he drank all you had to give him. With a wet pop, he groaned and licked his lips, teasing your sensitive shaft with the tips of his fingers, watching the spit and cum stick to his digits. “So good...so good for me. I need more, think you can do that for me?”.
His thumbs reach down and begin to spread apart your cheeks, exposing your hole that was begging to be stuffed and bred into oblivion. Andy wanted to slither his tongue inside of that cute little hole, having you become wrecked from just his mouth once again. Not just to open you up, but because he genuinely got rock hard at the thought of you using him like that. Like a good fucktoy that only HE could be, because he knows all of your needs.
“Y/N! Where’d you go?” a voice called out, causing you to panic and scramble away from the bull. Your legs were still wobbly, and putting on everything again was clumsy as you tried to wriggle past the still very much aroused hybrid. Andy didn’t put up a fight, only due to knowing it was simply lunchtime and his mate needed to eat before they tried to copulate.
Once you’re done, he’ll continue the process of making you see that he’s the only bull you need.
(Hey, tell me what you think! I hope this was at least semi-hot lmao -Mommabean)
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
I saw the cow boy endeavor post and ask you this 🙈 bull!boys possessive over their soft cow gf?? Any mha boys 👀
Referenced smut, blind reader, crack, fluff.
Yall like my cow au’s a lil too much. Is everything okay at home?
Bakugou, Dabi, Shouji
To keep with the cursed cow theme:
Heifer: a young female cow that has not borne a calf.
Also, cows actually have heats and the female will wander and of course, the bull will be aggressive. Just so you’ll know I’m not talking out my ass.
Bakugou (I had too)
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When you first came, I’m going to be real, Katsuki didn’t like your ass. Because you’ve never mated before, Bakugou saw you as extremely weak and he would be damned if he bred you.
When receiving a new heifer, the first rule of business is to slowly but surely introduce the bull to them. To do this, you and Bakugou were placed in a miniature barn with a tall gate in between. 
For the most part, you stayed on your side, opting to sleep the days away on your fluffy bed. Bakugou didn’t care, he was perfectly fine glaring at you from a distance and muttering all the reasons you were weak and how the farmers were stupid.
Something that really irked him was how you always nibbled on your tail in order to focus. “Hey dumbass, quit cannibalizing yourself!” You glanced away from your crossword puzzle and just stared at him. Wrong move.
Moments later the farmers had to quickly come in and restrain Bakugou because he had destroyed his half of the barn by scrapping his large horns against the wooden walls. Everyone was forced to do round just in case Katsuki decided to take his anger out on you.
As the weeks went on, you were moved into barns that were smaller than the last until the small gate between the both of you was removed quickly. During all this time, not once did you speak to him so Bakugou practically glued himself to the edge of the barn, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of walking past him. 
Of course, this petty rivalry was forced to come to the end. Earlier that day, you had wandered past the field so many times that you were locked inside. So when Katsuki awoke to you shuffling along the sides of the barn and throwing hay at his head, he knew your heat was here. 
It took a matter of two hours and annoyance due to the mountain of hay that was on his side as you practically swept your side clean, before Bakugou on the floor pumping his cock into you. There were no words said as your slurred words passed through empty ears. Bakugou’s teeth clenched tightly onto your tail as the last rebuttal on how much he hated you.
“You couldn’t get my attention he old fashion way and ignored me?!” Your tail flicked around as your pleasure heightened. “Well, tonight we are going to see how long you can stay quiet.”
Though his words were harsh, you can’t ignore the fact he willingly fucked you till morning although you were fine with one load.
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Dabi was one of the many bulls on the ranch that was specifically bred to breed. However his abnormally large horns made other cows afraid of him, of course, that was until you appeared. 
You, for a lack of better words, were blind. You had been shipped from a ranch that was going through bankruptcy, and your new owners saw this as a perfect chance. 
You were immediately put in the vicinity of Dabi. For about 3 days, Dabi would watch you trail your hands along the dewy grass, occasionally eating a few pieces. On the fourth day, Dabi stood in front of you with pursed lips.
“Why are you staring at me?!” Dabi visibly flinched, leaning away from you. “I thought you were blind?” You nodded, chewing softly on a dandelion, “I am blind, but I can see shadows, and yours is really blocking my light.” 
Dabi sputtered, plopping down next to you. You laughed as you could hear him pouting as he too grabbed some grass.
Dabi deeply enjoyed your comfort as he couldn’t get any from his father who was mysteriously out of commission. He would ask you curious questions about your blindness and in return, you asked him what certain things looked like. “Every time I ask people, their answers always vary.”
You held such a close place in his heart that Dabi wanted to breed you sooner rather than later. “I don’t want you to be out of your mind during your heat and I don’t want to be too rough with you.”
Despite this confession, Dabi couldn’t help but force you to make the sweetest of sounds. “You like that?” His scared hand smacks your bouncing bottom as you grip the cotton bed below you. “Oh, please yes!” Watching you bounce above him, made him crave the sweet relief he would feel once he came deep inside of you. 
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For the most part, all the caretakers considered it a lost cause when they roomed you with Shouji. He was lame and was too large to be moved so he spent more of his life in the very barn he was born in. Pitiful eyes would always peek through his stall. 
“All those legs and not a single one works, God must be playing a cruel joke.”
It was only a matter of time before Mezzo would be shipped off to the butcher but hey, maybe they could get one good calf out of him. That’s where you came in. Though you were a simple cow, long past your youth, you were the only cow the same size, if not larger than him. This upper hand meant you could move him around and wouldn’t need his help with mounting him yourself.
Since you weren’t new to this rodeo, the farmhands expected you to get straight to work. But no, you waited. During each meal, you’d help him feed himself, his limp libs hung to his side as you held his head up. 
Every day, you’d ask him if he was ready, and he’d give you the honest answer of no, so you would leave it at that. But on the day of his heat, you couldn’t stand to hear him grunt angrily, from the lack of stimulation. 
You edged close to him cautiously and softly palmed his cock. The euphoric look on his face was one that reassured you your actions were not unwanted. You rubbed his brown tip softly between your fingers, listening t the soft gasps he released. Pleading eyes looked at you and your large figure.
“P-Please, I need you so bad!” You hurriedly sat on top of him, careful to not settle all your weight down as you coaxed his dick inside of you. Although he was unable to help you, the feeling of him stretching your womb was like fresh honey.
Months later, Shouji was still sitting in his barn stuck in his own head. A faint knock on the door alerted him of your presence and he shuffled his way into a sitting position. In you, walked with a calf shyly holding your hand. “There’s your daddy.”
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
When the Cows Come Home.
Patreon Reward!  I suppose I should start adding more non ask stuff cause ya know, everything died! 
Jaune’s hand hit the alarm clock before it even had the chance to really get going, his eyes snapping open and his body jumping straight off the bed.  “Good morning!”  He rose with a mighty shout, causing the empty home around him to tremble with his mighty yell.  A smile slapped across his face as he scurried forward, his body and mind ready for the day to come.  A quick dash to the shower, half an hour later, and he was ready to go and hit the day with all his might.  
“Ah!  Nothing quite like a hot shower in the morning to get ready.”  And, as he headed downstairs, his mind ignoring the empty echo of his footsteps.  “Time to get started.”  Dressed head to toe in denim, boots tightly bound to his feet, and a large hat to block out the sun's rays he knew that today was going to be a good day.  
And like every day, this was how Jaune Arc started his mornings, before the sun began to rise he was out and about.  Now one may wonder, what was the young Arc doing up so early in the day?  Well the answer was simple, he had a responsibility, and he would be darned if he didn’t follow through with it.  Even if he was the last remaining Arc holding down the fort he would continue what his ancestors started.  
With one quick turn back to his home he allowed himself a small frown, he’d be lying to say he didn’t MISS his family… oh wait no!  It wasn't like they were dead or anything.  They’d all just wanted something else in their lives, and well his parents wanted to retire and his sisters just moved on.  But, as he made his way towards the barn… he realized he’d never be able to leave this place.  After all, if he did leave, who would take care of the girls?  THUD  The doors swung open as he took a step into the lovely stable.  “G’morning girls.”   And he smiled, brightly as he was met with the pleasant and waiting smiles of three gorgeous heifers.  
“Morning Jaune!”  
May was just… he shuddered as he eyed the gorgeously tanned heifer, her massive watermelon sized breasts swayed back and forth as she excitedly beckoned him.  She’d been so shy when he’d gotten her, and well look at her now!  He couldn’t help but feel proud.
“Good Morning.”
Ciel was something else indeed, massive swells jiggled freely as she tried to hide her enthusiasm for the coming activities.  Even if her breasts were smaller than May, she made up with the most… delectable ass in existence.  
“Neo!  Watch your language!”  
The last of his girls, a short heifer, bound with a large chest, wide hips, and large ass.  Neo had lost the ability to speak long before he’d picked her up and saved her from a life as breeding stock.  While she’d softened, she HAD QUITE the mouth on her.  
“Alright then…”  He shook his head as the shorter girl waved him off, her eyes flashing dangerously as she gave a quick snap at her cow printed bikini.  A smile showed that she was ready and waiting for them to get started, though from the very scent wafting off of the three, he could tell they were all ready.  And… as he remembered what his sisters had told him long ago, a well bred cow is a well milked cow.  
So-  “Alright, Neo, you’re up first.”  
He chuckled to himself as he unhooked her fenced zone letting the tiny troublemaker out.  She quickly made her way over to the large pumping machine, something that had cost him a PRETTY penny.  But it had made his life so much easier, after all just like his sisters had said again!  Or at least what Saph had said, “Remember, breeding your heifers while they’re being milked is the best way to get the highest quality milk.”  
If he was being honest, he didn’t believe her but… as Neo got herself ready, propping herself onto the specially cow shaped bed, letting her feet rest at the tail ends and splitting her legs apart.  He just couldn’t resist, now could he?  Especially not as his eyes followed the shimmering trail running down her inner thighs, leading to her moist core, the g string of her bikini wedged solidly between her plump vulvas.
“Well then…”  
He hastily prepared the pumping machine, and watched as the suction began to work its magic.  Her thick round nipples began to tense inside and her face contorted into slight pleasure.  “Time to get started.”  Thump.  His pants hit the ground as he positioned himself between her thighs, and as his hands touched down upon her legs he could feel her practically vibrate in anticipation.  
He of course was a gentleman, and knew not to keep a lady waiting.  So without further adieu he pressed the meaty head of his cock against her already slippery slit and slid it straight through.  Her body tensed for a moment as he pushed against her cervix, a bulge forming against her belly as he found himself grinding into her uterus pushing her organs up just a tad bit. 
Her smaller body had always made it easy for him to see his handy work, and as he began to shift his hips, pulling back as the bulge inside of her started to slip away, he found himself simply enticed to do it again.  
Hands firmly grasped onto her once more, his fingers digging into her boney hips as he suddenly slammed back.  Her back arched and her toes curled as he let himself thud inside  of her once more.  
He could see her hands grasp at her hair as she tried to scream out in pleasure.  A smirk crossed his face as he pulled back once more and then let loose another powerful smack.  Fleshy bits meet, and their bodies collide.  SMACK SMACK SMACK 
His body began to move on its own as her lithe form tightened around him.  Her moist cavity grasped upon his cock, each ridgey lump squeezed upon his veiny weighty cock.  And everytime he tried to pull out she would only tighten more, her pussy tugging along with his member as she did so.  
Their bodies continued to meet in pleasure until the pumping finally came to an end.  And, as a reward for her good deeds he let loose a torrent of white inside of her.  Her back arching once more and her nails grasping onto the side of the bed.  Her eyes rolled back as she lost herself to a powerful orgasm, allowing her body to fall into a nice little rest as he did so.  
For what it was worth, “You lasted longer than usual.”  Jaune took note of the time, a clock installed onto the wall above, an hour had passed.  “Okay, good thing I got stamina.”  
Pulling his cock out of her with a POP, what followed was a flooding rush of thick white goo spreading onto the soil beneath them.
Not even wasting time, Ciel came up.  Despite being the most ‘mature’ of the trio, she was always excited, internally, for a good ol fashion milking fuck.  
“Excuse me, I do believe it is my turn.”  
Jaune smiled, she pretended to be calm on the outside, but he could see the way her hips swayed, her big juicy ass wobbling back and forth as she did so.  “Of course.”  
He quickly pulled Neo off the machine, resting her to the side on a nice stack of hay.  
“Well then… get on.”  
Ciel shook her head, “I would rather…”  She turned back to the machine and made her way over.  Finding a medium height branch off the bedding she bent over.  “This will suffice.”  
Once more Jaune simply rolled his eyes, but as her big bare ass swayed back and forth, the sun's light glistening off the juicy posterior, he couldn’t resist.  Wrapping around he set her up, this time a soft moan escaped her lips.  “OooOh~”  
Jaune smiled, the normally stern girl becoming soft as dough under his touch.  “Good girl.”  His hand was already in motion before his mind even formulated his next plan.  SMACK The base of his palm met her massive mounds of soft flesh.  Ciel shivered, her body bucking at the point of impact, her plump posterior rippling outwards.  
“Ahng~”  Her voice echoed as she felt the pressure of his cock squeeze against her soft sex.  A terrible tremble tremored through her form as he pushed inside of her.  Her teeth bit down upon her lip as she squeezed her eyes shut.  His thick cock punching in and out of her tightly wound body always did THINGS to her.  
The orderly woman began to melt, her form finally relaxing as she fell to the rhythmic thrusts of her beloved master.  SMACK SMACk SMACK.
Their bodies pressed together, his hands tightly squeezing upon her soft and supple flesh.  His hips smacked and rolled against her bottom, cock twitching and plucking at her precious core.  
Ciel, for all her bluster, gave in rather quickly.  Her body seizing as small shakes began to spread from her womb.  Her body shivered and jolted, her muscles tightened and her mind ran blank as he began to fill her with his own precious milk.  Her womb began to fill, thick globs of seed poured inside of her ballooning her belly with miraculous speed.  
And just like with Neo, Jaune pulled out, allowing the girl to fall silently into the bedding.  
“Phew~  That’s a good girl.”  His fingers ran through her rump, squeezing and sinking into the soft fleshy folds.  “Now then.”  
Before he even had the chance to fully turn around he was suddenly tackled to the ground.  Straddle upon him now sat the sex crazed May.  Her gaze consumed with lust, her pupils having completely shifted into shaking hearts.  “Well now.”
He wasn’t surprised of course, well not anymore at least.  “Me! Me! Me!”  
May couldn’t help herself, the Barn was practically radiating with thick sexual pheromones and she had waited SO VERY LONG!
“Milk me!  FUCK ME!”  
Jaune smiled, though that smile turned into a contorted screw of pleasure as she propped herself up and down on his cock, taking full control of the situation.  The massively busty cowgirl couldn’t wait any longer, her body already on automatic as she began to bounce herself up and down his massive shaft.  
And in it went, slicked with thick layers of cum and love juices he was able to slide right inside of her without a problem.  His member pushed all the way down her depths punching right against her cervix and pushing her inner wall up and against the other side of her uterus.  
So she screamed with all her might, “YES YES YES!”  She wanted more, her body already acting on its own as she bounced herself up and down, the sound of her wide ass smacking against his hips, the pendulum swing of his big full balls bouncing up to smack her bottom echoing from around them.
She didn’t even care about being milked at this point, her massive tits swayed and flopped up and down as she unrelentingly pushed herself further down upon him.  She loved the way he made her feel, his cock stretching her insides, rupturing against her inner membranes and slamming against her needy cavern.  
The more she pushed off of him, the harder her breasts flung.  Thick droplets of pure white began to seep from her nipples, with every thud against her chest she began to leak more and more of her precious white nectar.  
Jaune wasn’t about to let it go to waste however, thinking quickly he reached out, spearing his hands upwards and folding them into her soft and squishy sacks of fat.  His digits dug into her flesh, squeezing and massaging at the fatty milk jugs.  Pulling his strength he lunged forward, knocking May onto her back as he started to thrust.  “YEEESSSSH!”  She squealed in joy as he bit down upon her plump nubs, his lips tugging and suckling upon the delicious teets.  
He was going to lose a bit of profit today, but getting the chance to drink right from the source was ALWAYS a pleasure.  
His body reacting to the new found flavors began to plunge further into his orgasm.  Heifer milk had a ‘special’ effect to it, it heightened sexual appetite, increased sex drive, and of course.  “YES CUM INSIDE ME!”  
It helped stimulate sexual orgasms!  
And so he did, his cock twitching, pulsing, and finally convulsing inside of her released an unrelenting torrent of semen.  His thick cum began to flush forward, as her hungry ovaries did their best to consume the newly invading substance in hopes of making room for more.
And as he pinned her to the ground, her body unable to push back even if she wanted to, he found himself surrounded by his other precious girls.  A smile crossed his face as he released May’s soaping tit, a rancher’s job was never done.
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