#and on top of this—my mom has most of the same tendencies I do
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8hsaturn · 1 year
– my astrology observations pt.2
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I noticed that the more mature someone is, the more they lean towards their sister sign. For example, a mature Gemini will teach the people around them about their knowledge. In contrast, a mature Aquarius learns to embrace their performer side and embrace attention and their desire to receive it, a mature Capricorn will have a tight circle they can be vulnerable and open with while a mature Aries understands diplomacy and conversation over confrontation can go a long way etc…
generational placements are so real... like my mom's side collectively has Venusian and Cancer placements in everyone’s charts, and I’m a 7h Taurus stellium and my brother is a 7h Cancer stellium. my mom has a 2h Pluto and my dad a 4h Mars, both of which I also share. I believe they represent the generational trauma and gifts we have to work on evolving and healing.
your 5h can determine the signs and traits of your fans and admirers. For example, Lana Del Rey is a Scorpio rising with a 5h in Pisces, and the themes her fans popularized the most are escapism through drugs, seeing romantic relationships through rose-tinted glasses, or unconventional dating history. Ariana grande is a Capricorn rising with a 5h in Gemini and she has an extremely active online fanbase who are known for being problematic or heavily engaging in drama, this could also explain on top of her Neptune influence why she has so many copycats, as Gemini is symbolized by the twins.
7h mars get into fights with people very often especially with a domicile or exalted mars. they can have a tendency to be defensive because they were on the receiving end of a lot of animosity growing up, but this can lead them to start fights for no reason or just sabotage their relationships. while you have been betrayed or hurt by a lot of close people understand that not everyone is out to get you. On a more lighthearted note teasing and banter can be their love language.
this could be controversial but the ABC method seemed to have pushed the Astro community backward with the whole equalizing signs and house thing... no having an Aries moon isn’t the same as a 1h moon or a Cancer rising just like a Capricorn stellium doesn’t equal a 10th house stellium. I myself was guilty of this association as that was my introduction to chart analysis, but if you’re an aspiring astrologer, please try to separate the two: you’ll realize how much more accurate your interpretations will be after you do so.
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heyitspersephone · 7 months
Thinking about stranger things again now that the strikes are over and how, narratively, it would be way, WAY cooler to have Mike get Vecna’d instead of Will in s5
It’s just something about the way Mike’s trauma is never addressed or handled in any way?? Like, he hugs his mom twice and then when he was depressed in season 2 and 4 nobody did anything (his parents scolded him for his behavior in s2 ig but that’s not support). His best friend went missing leaving from his house, he watched his body get pulled from the quarry, watched El (in his eyes) kill herself stopping the demogorgon, watched Will be possessed, saw Bob die, was in Star Court when everything went down, saw Billy die, had his best friend move away, was SHOT AT (and really too few people talk about the shooting in Cali bc omg??), buried a body, and watched the apocalypse start. And that’s just off the top of my head.
(And yes I’m aware that the other characters (especially Will) are traumatized too but I will get to my point in a second just hold on)
The plot is geared towards this idea that Will and Henry have to have some big face off (and they should, in my opinion, but I don’t think it should be in a possession, or at least not the the Vecna kind of possession, yk?) but that makes it all the better, writing wise, to have mike be the one in danger. Will was helpless and hiding in s1, I think Will should get his big strong moments in s5 where he gets to be the hero of the story.
It would just be a lot more fun to work with Mike being Vecna’d than Will, because what are we going to bring up with Will’s visions? His dad? His sexuality? The events of s1 from his perspective? It would be cool to see, for sure, but we already know most of that. Mike, on the other hand, has a number of untapped things, like jumping off the quarry, why he’s so hesitant to tell El he loves her, how someone who was smart and kind enough to take El in in s1 and come up with the spy and sauna plans in s2 and s3 could turn into the oblivious asshole that he was in s3 and s4 (he needs therapy, ik, I still love his character but I want to explore the reasons he went from his s2 characterization to his s3 one)
It would be a very interesting parallel, I think, to explore Mike’s thought processes in this way, especially with all of Mike’s repression business (bc whether you ship byler or milkvan he is repressing his feelings HARD. Like, beyond his inability to say I love you there’s the fact that he doesn’t bring up the apparent many times he called pre-s4 during the Rink O Mania fight?? That literally would’ve absolved him of guilt in that argument since he WAS reaching out to Will the whole time? Hellooooo????).
Anyways, this all brings me to my main point: Vecna targets isolation as much as he targets trauma and guilt. The whole party was traumatized by the events in s1, s2, and s3, but Max was the one targeted. Plus, Henry went for Fred, Chrissy, and Patrick (I think his name was Patrick) instead of going for the perceivably easy targets that the mcs would make (ik narratively that would’ve made it more boring but shhh), so why Max and those three specifically? They were isolated. Lucas and Erica have each other, Dustin goes to Steve and Robin, Will and El have each other and Jonathan and Joyce, Nancy probably goes to Jonathan, and who does Mike go to?
No one. And don’t say Nancy because if those two have heart to hearts then I’m the next coming of Christ. Max separated herself from the Party in the aftermath of her grief and guilt over Billy, and it feels quite obvious that Mike was doing the same (like I said, he has repression issues). So Mike is traumatized, alone, and guilty (be it Will getting taken from Mike’s house, losing El in front of him multiple times, the many deaths he has witnessed, or the internalized homophobia angle), which makes him more of a target than Will, in my opinion (or at least an easier one, especially given his tendency to put himself on the line during fights (quarry, most of s2, s3 mindflayer fight), which would set him up on the suicidal ideation path)
Furthermore, as I’ve seen a few other people point out (and I can’t find the posts but one of them had eight screenshots of the various moments), Mike is always the one getting in the way, so it would be a strategic move for Henry to target him to get him out of the picture. Mike was the one that found El and got her involved in saving Will s1, he was the one who came up with the spy plan and called out the ambush in s2, he was the one to monologue Will out of his possession s2, he was the one with the sauna plan for Billy in s3, he was the one trying to help El get the strength to fight s4 (even if the monologue sucked ass it’s the intention that counts). As much as people like to hate on Mike, he is in the leader position most of the time when the party is grouped up (barring his mental health struggles slowing that down beginning of s3 and throughout s4, but he’s still capable of it). He’s the idea man, and he’s the one whose character’s foundations were built on the desire to keep his friends safe, so it would be a very fun plot line to watch him be the one targeted in s5. Like Will said, as lovestruck and cheesy as he was, Mike is the heart of the party when he’s on his A-game, so Henry should 100% be trying to keep him in the issues he’s been struggling with.
Obviously, Will and El are the Targets with a capital T for Henry since they’re the ones that got away or whatever, but I think Mike is a weakness of Will’s (and El’s tbh but also I think they need to have separate character arcs and I don’t exactly ship milkvan) that should be exploited.
TL;DR: Mike should get Vecna’d instead of Will in s5 because it would make sense in lore and be a very cool way to resolve his character arc
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trash-soup · 1 year
Weird and fun and slightly unhinged (and SPOILER FILLED) Stardew Valley headcanons i have:
My cows are transmasc (like Otis from Barnyard) so every time I (the player character) see them i say "Gentlemen" and give them a nod
Maru and I share notes on things we've built in the past few days every time we see each other
M. Rasmodius had two kids with two different women in town (which is why the witch divorced his ass): Abigail (duh) and WAIT FOR IT...Sebastian. We know nothing about Sebastian's father, but Seb himself is very attuned to nature and has the same slight smugness at the beginning as the Wizard. Do Seb and Abigail know they're related? No. Will they ever? Who knows. Do they feel a strong connection between them? Yes. Has it been confused for a crush and will it dissapate into a sibling-like relationship eventually? Absolutely.
Marnie knows she deserved better than Lewis. That's why she's been considering Marlon.
Gil (the monster slayer rewards guy) is Jodi and Harvey's dad.
Lewis siphons money from the town's taxes into various "town _____ funds", most of which he keeps for himself. (gold for a solid gold statue is expensive) the only reason he doesn't keep the agriculture fund is because I moved into the farm.
Evelyn and Grandpa had a long and storied romance before she met George. They were middle school sweethearts all the way through high school, but when they graduated, she left for a job in the city, and he stayed behind on the farm. He eventually met our grandmother, who he married, and when evelyn came back she was a bit saddened but she kept in touch with both of them. Soon after she met George, and that was that.
Pam and Clint are cousins
Gunther is actually running a small smuggling ring with his wife, the Travelling Cart woman (I call her Maureen). They smuggle artifacts and supplies over enemy lines.
"Our beloved Mona" in the cemetery is actually Jas and Shane's Mom, Marnie's Sister. Shane had a rough relationship with her, opting to go with his dad in the divorce, but when dad turned out to be an abusive ass, he came back to mom's. He and Mona got along a bit better and he even started thriving in school. She would make him homemade Jalapeno bacon pepper poppers as a reward for good grades, and threw him a pizza party when he made the Varsity gridball team. After he graduated, she had Jas and named him her godfather on top of being her half brother. Then she had an awful accident about a year and a half later. Shane spiraled, latched on to the addictive tendencies given to him by his father's genes, and began drinking. He asked aunt Marnie if they could crash with her for a while. He's still reeling from his mom's sudden death 7 years later when we move in.
Demetrius is working on secret military projects but can't let his family know, so he wanders off (to the lakeside and to the fountain) to work on them.
Harvey has a shelf in his apartment full of ultra expensive and intricate model planes, half of which were gifts from Jodi
Kent and Harvey have a strained relationship due to Kent having seen the true horrors of war and Harvey glorifying service in the armed forces. They get along but only just.
Pierre's secret stash is not porn, but Money. He keeps a rather large sum of gold tucked away from his family "just in case".
Shane and Alex hang out and talk about gridball more than you would think. In fact, Alex is one of the very few people Shane likes.
Claire (the cashier from Joja) hates Morris. She hates working for Joja. She hates the fact that they're causing problems in the valley. She wishes she could just own her own business here some day. And she does. When the Junimos restore the Joja building into the movie theatre, she gets a mysterious letter in the mail that says "Come bak tu valley, muvee plase is yours" (Junimos had to ask hat mouse to write it)
I have a ton more but that's it for now.
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katiesharms · 5 months
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65 (or march 6th) for @paulmezcal - love is a laserquest by arctic monkeys
i can't think of anything to dream about/i can't find anywhere to hide
it's weird to be haunted by someone who isn't dead.
bradley's well used to hauntings at this point in his life - his father looms over his career, his mother over his house. mav over his trust issues and most reckless tendencies. and jake over his heart.
he hasn't seen jake in years - 5 to be exact, almost to the day. since their leave ran out post mission and jake broke out of the daydream they had been in together, like he'd never even been there.
"this has been fun," jake had said, that same smirk he always has affixed to his face. "we should do it again some time."
and then he got in his car and drove off, leaving bradley in the parking lot, watching him, frozen in place. he's still there, in a way. it's weird, maybe concerning, how much everything reminds him of jake. the blanket across the back of the couch that they had laid down on the floor and fucked on top of the second they got home, adrenaline and relief taking them both to the edge in record time. the mug in the cabinet that jake dropped one morning when trying to prove he had the balance to be a waiter. the shampoo jake left that bradley started using, and kept buying even after it ran out.
it's not like he hasn't tried over the years. he's dated others, but it's all fallen away and all that's left is the stain on bradley's ceiling from the time jake opened the microwave and the butter exploded.
it's all pathetic. so pathetic that when he answers the door on a sunday afternoon, bradley almost doesn't believe it.
"jake," he says dumbly. maybe this is just another one of his daydreams.
"bradley," jake says back, more sure. always more sure. "you gonna invite me in?"
wordlessly, he steps aside to let jake come in. the man wastes no time getting comfortable, seemingly still acquainted with bradley's home after all this time. jake sits at the small table in the breakfast nook, so bradley sits across from him. he's struck with the memories of sharing their morning coffee here.
"what are you doing here, jake?" bradley asks when the other man is silent for a long time.
"i, uh, just got home from deployment," jake's not looking at bradley; instead, he's tracing his fingers over the wood grain of the table. "i got into my car and started driving south. didn't realize where i was going until i hit bakersfield."
it's not an answer, but bradley's too confused and too tired to fight. "and why did you come here?"
"i guess i was just thinking of you. it was just your birthday right? 40?"
bradley starts. he didn't know jake still kept those facts about him, stored away in some private file.
"yeah," he confirms. two weeks ago, he turned 40. the same age mom was when she was diagnosed.
"when i saw the date, i remembered how you used to look in the mirror sometimes, for so long i was afraid something had happened. and when i would ask you, you just told me you had to remind yourself that you're still here. i guess i was just wondering if you still had to do that. or if you've found something else to ground you."
for a long time, bradley thought jake would be that person. he almost was; by the end of there few months together, bradley's nights spent studying himself, picking out the differences and similarities to his parents, shrunk and shrunk. instead, he let jake kiss it out of him.
"not yet," bradley settles on as an answer and tries to decode the way jake's brows scrunch together, how his shoulders droop.
"i'm sorry. i know that's what you wanted."
it feels cruel, almost. that jake is sitting her and dangling what he refused to give bradley in his face.
"of course," jake continues, "you've never been very good at asking for what you want."
the truth of it burns, and bradley feels hot.
"what about you?" bradley volleys. "i remember distinctly feeling like this whole thing was some kind of game to you."
"it was," jake admits so easily that it shocks bradley, just for a moment. "i never felt like anything was real. i liked to move fast and not care about what i left behind."
"used to?" bradley echoes back carefully.
"yeah," jake confirms, looking deep into bradley's eyes. "used to."
"what changed?"
jake shrugs. "i think i finally feel my age. and i think i finally realized that i need to stop pretending you were just some lover, like all the rest."
bradley sucks in a sharp breath. "jake, you can't say that. not now."
jake's face crumples. "look, i know it's probably too late. but i'm sorry and i miss you and i want to try again. for real."
"what's changed?" bradley asks again, trying to quell the hope crawling up his throat.
"nothing. except for me. if that's enough."
bradley doesn't know if it is. but for now, it's good enough for him. he reaches across the table to loop their hands together and squeezes.
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sweetstarart · 11 months
40 Freaking Barnaby B Beagle headcanons!!!
(Why did this take me so long to make???)
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Under the cut!
Hes surprisingly good at math! Ask him any question and he'll answer quickly before saying "But that's just my opinion"
His hat is pretty much an infinite pocket that can fit anything he wants
He keeps a rotary phone in his hat
He has a large collection of clown dolls
He can juggle up to 97 things at a time and hasn't dropped anything while juggling in 7 years
If Barnaby gets wet, rather than smelling like a wet dog he'll smell like popcorn
He wears boots on all four paws when it rains because he hates the feeling of mud between his fingers/toes
Barnaby tends to growl when people wake him up. Usually he'll apologize and calm down once he realizes its one of his neighbors but he'll still be a bit grumpy
The only way to prevent this is to wake him up by saying "knock knock" and knocking on the nearest surface
Even bad jokes make him laugh!
Barnaby frequently eats things that aren't food only to realize moments later
He can yawn like a human or a dog
He has a closet full of bones that he's too lazy to bury in his backyard
He can fit in incredibly tight spaces
Barnaby sleeps for 14 hours a day!
If he catches Eddie, he'll jump ontop of him before snapping out of it and wondering what happened
If Eddie isn't on time for a delivery, Barnaby will wake up and instinctively chase him around the neighborhood
He is incredibly afraid of mice and squirrels
Barnaby has been doing stand up for 12 years, starting off with 0 experience
That said he's grown to like the taste of tomatoes because of how often they were thrown at him as a kid
As a puppy he used to sneak out at night and go to comedy clubs
His mom caught him and as punishment, she slept on top of him like a mother hen does to her eggs for 2 months
He chews on anything! Mostly done out of affection but sometimes as a way to calm himself down if he's stressed
He usually chews on one of Howdy's arms
Howdy can tell if somethings bothering him judging by how hard he's biting
Howdy has gone on dates with many neighbors, but Barnaby is his favorite
He doesn't realize he's adopted and thinks his mother is just a strange breed of dog
They both like eachother very much
Him and Wally use the same eyeshadow and eyeliner
Barnaby's nose honks like a clown nose
He has a tendency to giggle after nearly everything he says
Barnaby is technically the tallest neighbor, but Poppy's head feathers make her seem bigger
Barnaby is NOT a good chef, particularly because the only things he can somewhat cook are made with dog food
He eats dry dog food like cereal and uses wet dog food inplace of beef
He doesn't like to go out on hot days because his paw pads are sensitive to heat
85 degrees or higher and he can't go outside at all
He says "excuse me" if he growls at people unintentionally
He often jokes about missing Sally's rehearsal because he'd rather stay in bed, but truthfully, he's never missed a single one and even shows up early most of the time!
Sally and him have somewhat of a rivalry, but they're still very close friends
He loves to dance!
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Would you believe me if I said that wasn't all of them? Lmao I love this dude!
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dk-wren · 1 year
Week 3 - 30 Days of Buddy Daddies
Welcome back to Week 3 of me responding to the 30 Days of Buddy Daddies prompts! Thank you for all your support on the previous two weeks' posts. I've been having a lot of fun answering these prompts. Anyways, without further delay, here are my responses for days 15-21!
Day 15: Favorite Official Illustration
Massive fan of Lily's work, so here are my favorites (was gonna say top 5, but even that was hard to narrow down)
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I mentioned it last week, but these two pieces of Kazuki, Rei, and Miri in kimonos are some of my favorites, so definitely gotta include them here too.
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Bonus: Since it came out after the 15th, but I’m so love with it I have to include it because Rei (and Miri) finally got their cat!!!
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Day 16: Character Whom You Most Identify With
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Trait-wise, Kazuki is probably the character I identify with the most.
I like to make sure my friends or whoever I am with is taken care of, which has lead to me being referred to as the "mom of the group" on multiple occasions. I generally try to keep a positive external attitude, even if that's not reflective of how I actually feel. And I always try to lead with love.
Definitely not to the same severity as Kazuki, but I also have a tendency to sometimes let past memories or mistakes influence current decisions. It's those moments where I might want to do something or try a new thing, but a lingering memory just pops back into my head and I psyche myself out/decide to longer move forward.
Also, a lot of what I do for my major (and hopefully in a future career) is research-based, obviously though in terms of historical or biographical information and not how to take out someone quietly and efficiently.
Day 17: Character Whose Story You Would Like to Know More About
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I would love to know more about Kyuutaro.
I really enjoyed his character and the way he kinda teetered between sides. I was asking myself, will Kyu help Kazuki and Rei or Ogino or is he gonna encourage the duo to be a family or warn them about getting too close with Miri. Things like this made me wander what is his history with the organization, let alone how he got involved with the organization.
The audience is really never shown anything about Kyu's life outside of Yadorigi, so I'm curious does he have a lifestyle outside of the cafe that's like what Rei used to have (very isolated and shut-in), did he have a past partner like Kazuki, I don't know, what is he like when away from the organization/giving out assignments.
There's a brief glimpse into when Kyu assigned Kazuki and Rei a mission together for the first time. Like, I just want to know what were his interactions with each of them beforehand and what other reasons motivated him to pair those two together. Also, the dynamic that is hinted (?) towards with Kyu telling Miri Kazuki is a comedian and Rei's a Middle Eastern Oil Baron, as well as his little smile in the finale telling Kazuki and Rei that he's no longer gonna run errands for them as he drives away, he clearly is fond of or enjoys Kazuki and Rei's company. I would've been so excited to see this side of their relationship explored more.
Again, there's a lot of mystery around Kyu so I would love to know more about him.
Day 18: Theories or Headcanons
I did a few head canons about a quarter or halfway through the series, so here's some more based on the second half of the season and epilogue!
Because Kyu will occasionally watch Miri at Yadorigi, he keeps a private stash of her favorite snacks behind the counter. Kyu even lets her create a "reserved for Miri" or "save for Miri" sign that he hangs on the draw or box where they're kept. This remains their little secret for a while, but eventually Rei or Kazuki notices the sign and asks Kyu what's behind the sign that says "reserved for Miri," which he just brushes off by saying toys/coloring supplies. Eventually, Kazuki realizes it's a secret snack stash and Miri's been having more sweets while staying with Kyu then what he allows her to take/have, prompting Kazuki to tell Kyu to stop giving Miri extra treats. If Kyu listens to Kazuki's request is up for debate though.
In ep. 11, Kazuki and Rei are shown watching one of Miri's shows that presumably she forced them to watch in the beginning, and then probably began to enjoy on their own (or they just associate that show with her). I imagine as Miri begins to grow up, they keep watching this show or another one of Miri's favorites even after she loses interest. She at first thinks they are still trying to treat her like a child or don't want her to grow up, but then realizes whenever Kazuki or Rei turn it on, they don't even refer to it as "her" show anymore or ask if she wants to watch it. This causes Miri to eventually ask why they still watch that show and if they realize she's no longer into it. Kazuki and Rei are not oblivious to the fact that she's grown up, so they share a laugh and tell her that they just enjoy watching it still.
Around Christmas, it becomes an annual tradition to go on a fun family outing to Marinoa City and go on the Ferris wheel, share a crepe, and maybe do a little holiday shopping. I don't know when or how Kazuki and Rei will tell Miri that her mother has passed, but I feel like once they do, they would take Miri to visit her grave on the same day so that it really feels for Miri like she gets to spend the day with her whole family. They'd probably start this tradition the year after the main storyline ends, but depending on when Kazuki and Rei reveal the truth to Miri, that would be incorporated into that day's plans later.
Kazuki's really good at making hand shadow puppets. Not something he intentionally set out to learn, but maybe one night Miri has a nightmare, there's a thunder storm that scares her, or a power outage, and she goes to Kazuki's room where he takes out a flashlight and begins to play around. He does really simple ones at first, but Miri is so fascinated by it, she keeps asking him to do more. So, after Miri is finally able to go back to sleep, he looks up how to do other animals for the next time Miri asks and learns that he's got a knack for it.
Still kinda a draft, but I was thinking about how Rei has very few "normal" experiences in life since he has spent basically his whole life under the eyes and rules of the organization. He's definitely street smart, but comes up a little short when it comes to book smart. So, what if Rei eventually decides to enroll in one of those online degree programs. Perhaps as Miri gets a little older and is less dependent on her papas, Rei has a bit more time on his hands (and perhaps also because Kazuki is still limiting his gaming hours per day). He does some poking around online and feels going to college/getting a degree is a fairly normal thing to do, leading him to just apply for an interesting sounding one. He would get accepted, and when Rei tells Kazuki, he breaks down crying because he's so proud of him and that he did it all on his own. Perhaps this would lead to Miri and Rei doing their work together at the dining table or going on trips to the library together so they can both work on their school work.
Day 19: What Would You Write in the Mom's Chat
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A) if this is true to life, I'd probably be quietly reading all the messages in the Mom's chat, reacting to some, and occasionally typing something
B) if I were to type something into the Mom's chat though, it would probably be something along the lines of "You think Kazuki will ever let us know when he's gonna do a stand-up night? I'm dying to see him perform. Not to be cheap, but do you also think he could get us in for free?"
Day 20: Scene/Moment that You Would Have Liked to See
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No idea where this would have fit in, but would have liked to see Kazuki and Rei tucking Miri in at night. Like let me see them read/act out a bedtime story, pepper her with kisses, and pull her blanket up high to make sure she's all snuggled in and nice and warm.
And like, how adorable would it be if Miri starts insisting Kazuki and Rei gotta kiss all her plushies good night too or she teaches them the smile spell, which she then makes them do for her every night.
Day 21: A Post from Kazuki's Instagram
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I’ve already written about the Ferris wheel scene being the scene that caused me (the most) anguish. But the way this post broke me and just made me so sad, even without a caption, is why I’m including this one.
Angst aside, the Instagram was so fun! Always looked forward to see what part of the new episode would be featured in the post. I doubt there will be, but hope there’s little updates every now and then.
Thank you again for reading this week's responses! Another very hectic and busy week, so I really did not have a whole lot of time to edit my replies (apologies for any errors or really long sentences). But, still glad I was able to step away from my work every now and then to work on these prompts! As always, had a lot of fun this week, even if some of my answers are on the shorter side.
Not that anyone cares, but also think I'm gonna hold off on posting the next round of responses until the end of the month so that there's not one post with like 2-3 days. Could change my mind, but that is my current plan.
See you again sometime soon!
-Dakota Wren
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Holy shit you on the inbox....... This is so awesome hello.
UHM um this is my oc her name is Melaine. She is a Normal Girl who is a Bug also
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A doctor by profession, a biologist by heart, and a mutant through experimentation. Melaine T. Curatella was a renowed name in medicine, a part of one of the most famous families in the interplanetary system, until some horrid event lead her far outside the bounds of sanity... and now, who knows what she's after, using mutagenics and science horrifically in some far off planet? There's only speculation to be done.
Originally from Promethea, came to Pandora with a mission to help everyone who needed medical assistance, eventually ended up setting up her own hospital for the same purpose (free healthcare W). She is surprisingly rarely ever attacked simply because she is nice to people and as it turns out, even the worst of mercenaries would rather not die because of an unaddressed broken bone. Do not mistake this kindness for tolerance however, because she's more than capable enough to defend herself should a threat arise (Trust me scalpel stabs are Way Worse than regular stabs). Extremely competent in what she does to a scary degree, often being called "the Angel of the Wastes" for it. She could probably rearrange someone's entire skeleton if she was up to it. Deep down she has a lot of pent upanger because of how everything in this planet just is so exploited, so ignored, how everyone is clearly struggling but can't do anything about it because of the ideals that are perpetuated. She hates hates hates hates it so bad and she WANTS to do something too but, where is she even supposed to start right ? Well, "not letting everyone die constantly because of turf wars and meaningless violence" is probably a start.
Gets really passionate about everything really fast. Once she decides she likes or supports something, it would take hell freezing over to make her change her mind. This stubborness and resilience is what allows her to keep moving even throughout the most awful of situations, even in the face of the worst of adversity, she will come out on top covered in blood and permanently changed but she will stand by her extremely strict set of morals or so fucking help me. Melaine has a bad tendency to overlook special case scenarios because of this as well because she really dislikes the idea of being wrong about anything, which is how she feels after you tell her that things aren't just forever set in stone. Probabilities and other such interference don't matter to her, because only one version of every situation exists in her mind. This severely limits her ability to navigate new situations because she doesn't have the proper equipment to understand them, and it frustrates her beyond belief, so she does anything and everything to classify it as something she's already familiar with. Nothing else matters but my understanding of it, my classification, my experience, MY method. This woman would rather spend 5 years on the same argument than admit she maybe miscalculated. Totally not taking after her mom <3
After everything goes down in the story, she has to escape everything and ends up crashing back on her home planet, which is ironic for her giving she said she'd never go back under any circumstances, but I think the circumstance of "My husband is possibly dead and a company wants to take me + our 2 young kids out too just for being associated with him" is kind of a special case. This does not make her feel hopeless as much as it just makes her ANGRY. Injustice runs loose everywhere, with the worst people you've ever seen having most of the power and thus perpetuating it, while you're just getting kicked down over and over after climbing the ladder. It's humiliating, it's awful, and it makes her so fucking mad. This kickstarts her descent into madness and obsession after the concept of justice, something she herself has to do, because clearly nobody else knows how to. No one else knows justice how she does, and therefore, she must be the one to instill it.
Has been fascinated by insects and other arthropods ever since she begun to talk. Most namely, the Praying Mantis. If left to her own devices she would infodump about bugs for days at a time. Their exoskeletons and surprisingly tough claws and their big stupid eyes just captivate her, to a point where almost everything she owns has a mantis pin. This fixation takes a weirder turn later in the story as she attempts to BECOME a mutant version of one, often using several chemicals and other substances on herself to achieve what she considers "the perfect predator form". She's very normal about it and she would never perform any particularly unethical experiments to achieve such a goal. She is not doing it for any nefarious reasons (like say, especialized murder) and would never awaken cannibalistic urges within herself after all that. Don't worry about it !👍
Lookit her <3
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Despite it all, she loves a lot. She is enamored by the beauty of life and understanding it is only her goal because of how much she appreciates every little detail of it as well. She loves helping people and she loves her husband and she just wants to keep loving things but unfortunately the world wants to make her Insane Constantly.
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mbat · 2 months
every day i wonder what happened during the design process of equestria girls for them to all come out the way they did. i can see where the skirts thing came from cause they wanted them to be undeniably girly i guess or whatever but. every other weird decision is just confusing
like fluttershys whole outfit, the shortish skirt but especially the tank top. maybe its meant to indicate that shes outdoors a lot with animals, but it completely betrays her shyness and tendency to try and hide herself
they kinda messed up big mac and shining armor? mostly shining armor. his jaw could slice metal. why he look like that
also i only realized while looking at the characters that. okay i was just going to say 'lol cheerilees hair is stupid its like 1 foot taller than her head, why didnt they just give her normal bangs wtf' and i still mean that but then i realized... they swapped her mane and fur colors for her human counterpart ??? so now her usually darker coat and light hair became dark hair and light skin ??
which leads me to the point about the skin colors being weird. like. i dont like how they lightened them up, i dont like how aj and big mac have human skin colors (i have to assume maybe they thought for them that the colors looked bad, or possibly even close to caricature territory, especially with big mac), and the way they outright lightened up the colors of at least 2 normally darker ponies? like i said, cheerilee, but also
luna. even back when i first saw the movie and adored it, i DID NOT like the princesses designs. how did they fuck up some of the best characters in the show, especially the ones that are the prettiest (imo).
i would say that of the 3, cadence is the most okay design (i know we dont see her in the first movie just roll with me here). its clearly her, she looks like her and has her vibe (visually), all around not bad. not necessarily my favorite, theres still something slightly off? but it doesnt rub me the wrong way
celestia... i dont like her vibe. who is she. shes light pink and she has hair spikeys that are meant to look like a crown but just made it look like she didnt brush her hair properly. she has celestias hair but her face does not read like celestia to me. she looks like an imposter. where is my mother
and finally. the pinnacle of the issues with the designs. luna.
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the design of the show vs the movies is, i guess now literally, night and day. pony luna is so inspired and pretty and meant to invoke such regality, its very clear what her theme is, and she very much sticks out amongst the others, both in shape and details!
but the human version feels generic, she could easily be a background character (and she basically was), she feels unfinished, the colors on their own arent the worst but moreso feel insulting when compared to the original (i like the addition of pink/pinkish purple to the palette, but not so much to luna as a character. it just isnt her imo), she doesnt even look like an authority figure aside from obviously looking older than the other characters, let alone being someone meant to be somewhat equivalent to royalty. also again she was a minor character here but its like... her pony version has such a stone strong personality, both when shes freshly back from the moon and later on when shes more grounded and princess-like. human luna is just... generic teacher person. did human luna even ever experience significant isolation and feeling completely unseen by everyone she cared about? doubt it.
and yeah, they significantly lightened her skin ?? why ?? theres literally no reason to do that? she wouldnt look like a caricature unless you somehow chose the wrong colors (how possibly would you), and its not exactly impossible to draw characters with darker skin, again her pony form literally has a dark coat !! but also plenty of people have redesigned her human form to have the right skin color and they look great!! and in general obviously theres plenty of characters with dark skin, like... what was the reason they did that. it just feels gross.
dont cross me when it comes to luna dude i love her so much
anyway yeah its been over 10 years since EG first aired and i loved it back then and i still love it but i think a lot more about character designs now. mlp g4 is known for having these really pleasant and well put together designs with lovely colors (for the most part), its so weird how that gets easily messed up, like in g5, but also still in g4 itself(in the spinoffs and the main show lol)? wish i had the motivation to redesign them all lol, i probably will someday. please go look at redesigns theyre very lovely
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yallemagne · 7 months
Writer Asks
Tagged by @bluecatwriter
I think I've done this one before!! There's more questions this time, but this is an interesting blast to the past to see how I've changed.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59 works
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
300,805 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, Dracula. In the past: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Jesus Christ Superstar, Sanders Sides, Castlevania, Elisabeth, etc.. If you fuse the fandoms that intersect it's about 18 fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Orice (Dracula, Jonathan has A Time; unsurprising, it is my longest by far)
When Providence Favours Witches (Castlevania [specifically Netflixvania], Trevor gets adopted by Lisa; also not surprising, very popular fandom)
Lückenbüßer (TF2, Trans Scout talks to Ally Medic; shocker!! that's a single-chapter fic!!)
Pseudo-Asthma (JJBA: Battle Tendency, Joseph has a heart-to-heart with his mom; woah! that was only 3 chapters!!)
Bewitching (JJBA: Phantom Blood, Dio genderbend; of course, I can never escape it even if it is a hiatus fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, sometimes even if it is just to say "thank you!!" I like to talk about my writing a lot and comments are the place I get to go into detail about my thought process.
6. What's the fic you wrote that has the angstiest ending?
Vulture in Saviour's Robes, I had people yelling at me for this one (in a good way), so it's really no competition, huh.
7. What's the fic you wrote that has the happiest ending?
It's gotta be one of the one-shots iojegp. To suggest a less well-known one: A Pitiable Performance, J&H and Dorian Gray crossover, Utterson and Lanyon go to see a play and Sibyl Vane is the lead actress.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not much. Oh wait--- oijegpioerg trauma engaged. Orice got a LOT of hate at some point, someone in the fandom really wanted me dead so they rallied a bunch of people against me. My crimes were: 1. writing a Jonathan POV story 2. supposedly writing Renfield to be a bad guy. None of it reached my comment section thankfully, but when I found out I was very paranoid that someone would dox me over fanfiction.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
For a period of time, I swear that was all I wrote iojgepri. My specialty is dom/sub with plenty of aftercare, though I've also written some dubious consent stuff. Silver Crystal Carousel (Dracula, John/athan dom/sub) is my most recent smutfic, it was so hard to get back into the dirty groove especially since I was writing in first person.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yeah, but not much. I get plenty of ideas for crossovers, but they're pretty difficult to write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah. I'd say lost and you'd say love was translated into Russian and posted on ficbook.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Same answer as before: Only one (The Apostles), and it was mostly a self-imposed research project with my friend. They did the research, and I wrote the incorrect quotes and a short Jedas one-shot.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
How could I possibly choose. If you go by fic count it's Jesus/Judas ijopegij. I'd say... JonMina and JonEri. I really like writing already established relationships.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
So many. So many of them. There's some that are barely started!!! To name one y'all will be familiar with: the continuation of An Odd Doctor.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been praised for my characterization a lot recently!! Specifically with VH in Orice, I've gotten a lot of compliments on his characterization being complex. I'm really happy about that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything-- *gets shot* I don't know how to articulate!! Sometimes I get ideas and I try to write them, but it's all in pieces, and I don't know how to fix it into a fully-fledged narrative.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have gotten help with that in the past for Lückenbüßer. I don't do it often, it is difficult to pull off in a way that doesn't take the reader out of the story. I suggest a translation key in the notes. If you aren't familiar with the language and don't have a buddy who is, I'd say it's perfectly acceptable to write the dialogue in your native language and put it in italics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
There is no way of knowing, truly. On ao3, Greek Mythology and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood. Why both? The Daffodil's Echo was written first but The Shocking Absence of Grief was posted first.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
How does one choose!? I'm very proud of what I've done with the Orice series. Of course, it's not done tho. I'm very proud of finishing Perfidy (Elisabeth and Rudolf crossover)!
Get your ass over here @fitzrove!! You too @company-and-co!!
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ecargmura · 8 months
The Yuzuki Family's Four Sons Episode 2 Review - 11 Month Age Gap
Are the subtitles bad for this episode? Nope! They’re perfectly fine now, so no need to worry anymore! The first episode’s subtitles have been fixed as well, so I recommend watching the show with ease now!
Looking at Mikoto and Minato really does remind me of my younger days. Like I mentioned before in my review for the first episode, I am eleven months younger than my actual brother, so I do understand these two a lot. However, unlike these two, I never had another older sibling to look after me or a younger sibling I could take care of—it was just my brother and me growing up. Because of that, my dynamic with my own older brother is a lot different from Mikoto and Minato’s dynamic but I can also relate. The main difference is that my bro and I were calm and chill kids, according to our mom’s words. We were so quiet and didn’t really cause a lot of trouble for our parents and towards each other. If possible, I’d like to write a post about my own experiences growing up being 11 months younger than my brother.
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Oh, speaking of which, I did read some comments on discussion forums about how the age gap confuses them, so I’ll explain it here. The Japanese school system starts from April to March. Let’s say that A was born on April 1st, 2000. This would mean A’s classmates would be people born from April 2000 to March 2001. A’s upperclassmen would be people born from April 1999 to March 2000. So even if B was born March 2000, they’d be “senpai” to A and in an higher grade. A’s underclassmen would be people born from April 2001 to March 2002. Since Mikoto and Minato are 11 months apart and in the same grade, this would mean Mikoto was born April 2000 and Minato would be born March 2001. This issue wouldn’t be a problem if Minato had been born a month later. So, the part where Minato tells Nikaidou that the latter has to call Mikoto “senpai” makes no sense to me unless Nikaidou was born after from January to March 2001 like Minato.
Enough about me, this episode showed how Mikoto was given an unfair hand in life. As soon as he was born, Minato came into his life eleven months later. He never had the chance to be doted on and was practically raised at the same time as Minato (another similarity I share with my brother). Because of this, he never really had the chance to prepare being an older brother as it was practically handed to him once he developed awareness. Although Minato is a bit sensitive with their age gap, Mikoto isn’t all too affected by it in the present. However, he was in the past. Before Gakuto was born, Mikoto was basically the neglected middle child as Minato had to be taken care of more often due to his tendency to become easily sick and Hayato already being in his teens. Mikoto did get frustrated with why he had less attention than the rambunctious Minato. I do like how Mikoto’s frustrations and thoughts were shown as childish drawings, showing off how young he was at the time. It’s like he’s still a child but has to suppress a lot of things while maintaining a childish mindset.
Fortunately, Mikoto was able to get over his frustrations and anger over being the middle child—being Minato’s big brother—thanks to Hayato. Hayato’s role is very crucial in this episode. He was the pillar of support Mikoto leaned onto during his fights with Minato and the person who doted on Mikoto when he needed attention. This really shows why Hayato chose to care for his three young brothers in the present. He loves them and wants to be there for them when they need it. Hayato is really shaping up to becoming one of the top big brothers in anime of all time. I’m really surprised with how mature Hayato was even as a teenager. I think it’s most likely because Hayato had a whole decade of attention given to him, so he was already prepared to become an older brother and the protector of the household when his parents needed him to be. Mikoto never had time to prepare when Minato came right after. Also, the subtitles of the show state that Hayato is 12 years older than Mikoto, which is incorrect? In the present, Hayato is 23 and Mikoto is 13, so he is about 10-11 years older than Mikoto and 11-12 years older than Minato depending on his birthday.
This is also the first time the parents of the brothers are shown in full. All of the sons got their black hair from the mother, Chieko and 3/4 got their green eyes from the father, Haruichi. Mikoto, Minato and Gakuto mainly resemble Chieko while Hayato does look more like Haruichi. Although Chieko did give Minato more attention, I can’t really blame her for not being too attentive  towards her second son. Raising two kids at the same time is a lot of work—my mom had to raise my brother and me at the same time.
Other than the understandable lack of Gakuto, my only gripe with this episode was that the dialogue between 5-year-old Mikoto and 4-year-old Minato felt a tad unrealistic for kids of that age. I do feel like what Mikoto said to Minato doesn’t really feel like something a five-year-old would say. From what I’ve seen from kids at that age, they’d say shorter sentences and such and not full on dialogue that you’d expect to hear from kids around 8-10 years old. Do kids actually like like Mikoto? Please let me know.
I really liked this episode for the insight it gave to siblings with a rare age gap. It really did help people understand why Mikoto is so level-headed and patient and how Hayato really is the pillar of the family after the parents died. While the previous episode made it seem like the show gave a family sitcom vibe, an introspective episode like this shows that this story does care about giving characterization towards each brother. I can’t wait to see more! What are your thoughts about this episode?
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sgcairo · 2 years
can you imagine anastasiy meeting klee
she’s just like teucer and immediately decides that they’re friends and is like “do you wanna see dodoco? my mom made him for me!”
anastasiy is not scared by the fact that it turns out to be a bomb that she throws into the lake. if anything he’s intrigued and wants to learn how she made it, whereas pants is having a heart attack
just. a pyromaniac and an aspiring pyromaniac hanging out, blowing up fish.
(pantalone learns who klee’s mother is and has to lay down for a while. jean is near tears when she learns who klee’s new friend’s parents are. albedo is trying his best to make sure anasastiy stays safe so mondstadt won’t be wiped out by an angry harbinger
dottore is unsure of how to feel, because on one hand he’s thinking of how to use their friendship to his advantage but at the same time pantalone is giving him a look that says ‘get her away from him or else i won’t give you any more funding’.)
I absolutely love this idea, and I raise you:
Future Anastasiy and Klee meeting, all grown up, and having the weirdest moment of deja vu in the history of Teyvat. In Fontaine, of all places. The meeting itself is rather anticlimactic, but it takes both of them a few seconds to realize that yes, I vaguely recognize that person.
From Klee's perspective: there's the aspiring pyromaniac she remembers. But now Anastasiy is a Harbinger... which actually doesn't scare Klee at all. In fact, she thinks it's super cool, and when she sees all his explosive potions- It's like they're kids all over again, talking giddily about the improvements that Klee has made to Dodoco, and how much she inspired Anastasiy's inhumane firebombs. They even make the most destructive and wicked looking bomb of all time, which makes a new lake outside of Fontaine overnight when tested on a small Hilichurl camp. It quite literally causes an earthquake, and nearly toasts the two in the process, but it's worth it, seeing the destructive potential they just achieved.
After that, they become best friends, because when you build one of the most destructive weapons known to man, what else is there to do but become besties? While Klee is out traveling, she writes plenty of letters to her new Snezhnayan pen pal, which makes Anastasiy chuckle at all the strange encounters she's had. He writes about his own escapades with the Harbingers, especially with Dottore's weird experiments and Pantalone's hoarding tendencies. Klee even invites him to Mondstadt for the Windblume festival, which almost causes a diplomatic accident when Diluc tries to smite him on sight. Despite the Knights hating the Fatui, they tolerate Anastasiy, as there haven't been as many fish casualties with him around Mondstadt.
Put two pyromaniacs in a room together and you get a questionable amount of explosives, which is exactly what happens when these two put their brains together for some serious fish blasting.
Timmie's pigeons also suffer the wrath of a crazy Harbinger and the Spark Knight, which gets a complaint filed with Jean. The Knights have to finally step in, because a Harbinger using dangerous chemicals right at their doorstep is... technically a public hazard, not to mention that Diluc's been muttering about tossing him off a bridge for quite some time, so it's not only to protect the people from the Harbinger- but to protect him from an angry Diluc. A tearful letter arrives in Snezhnaya not long after about how Anastasiy and Klee are currently locked in solitary-ish confinement, which gives Pantalone ten other headaches on top of the quarterly reports due.
An exasperated Pantalone and a giddy Dottore show up on her doorstep a few days later to retrieve their wayward son, though Dottore gets detained at least twice for telling citizens how he's going to rearrange their guts and steal their eyeballs. It's chaotic, and when Anastasiy and the others finally depart, the Knights realize that Klee is nowhere to be found.
A letter from Snezhnaya arrives for the knights a few weeks later, with a picture of Klee and Anastasiy blowing up ruin creatures together.
She escaped solitary confinement in Anastasiy's suitcase.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
For the ask game, 1 and 24.
the character everyone gets wrong
I said Steve the last time I did this (and I do think he gets it the worst) and while Loki is the obvious runner-up, I find that the Thor films (+ A1, IW, Loki) are so inconsistent that tbh, that's more understandable. So -- Natasha. There's a huge tendency throughout the fandom to flatten Natasha out in ways that are wildly inconsistent with her actual portrayal in canon, some of which is spillover from comics, some of which is just taking her at face value, some of which is just being unwilling to pay attention to what's onscreen. Like, the number of times I see people being unwilling to acknowledge that Natasha is Clint's best friend? A lot! Or that Natasha is (minus five minutes in CACW) consistently on Steve's side, not even in a shippy way? Also a lot! Or -- this might be a more cosplay-specific one, but I've seen it in fic and edits and art as well, the idea that Natasha is very...I'm probably going to use the wrong word here, but that Natasha is very, very femme, in a "always wears bold makeup, paints her nails, red lip, has her tits out" kind of way. The only time we see Natasha do that kind of, mm, performative femininity is IM2 and the beginning of The Avengers when she's literally not being herself and I'd also make a strong argument for AoU here, though with AoU I do think she's deliberately presenting herself in that specific for PR purposes. (Besides, you know, Joss Whedon being terrible about her.) Obviously there is a certain amount that's there because this is a movie and everything is a little more exaggerated. Like, even though in all movies but one Natasha is in heels or wedges in her tactical gear it's at least partially because they have to get 5'3" ScarJo into the same frame as all their six-foot tall boys as well as being ~sexy; Natasha is probably not wearing 3-inch wedges into a fight, and we know that because none of her shoes in BW have a heel/wedge on them. (I also strongly suspect BW may be the only film where she's wearing a sports bra in the suits.) Some of it is probably spillover from comics, because comics Natasha is more femme fatale-ish than MCU Natasha.
(Obviously for cosplay purposes do whatever the hell you want, these are just trends I've noticed; I am in this community too, which is why I see it come up over and over again in the first place. This is the only time I've gone "wow, I do not have the tits for this," which is actually quite disconcerting if it's never come up as ~something to be self-conscious about before.)
Some of it is also fandom's general propensity to flatten female characters in general -- the team mom thing, the only one with the braincell thing, the femme fatale thing, etc. Like, yes, it's funny the first ten times, and then it's "...we're really not watching the same movies, huh?"
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
this is more like a "top five" topics than a single one SO in no particular order
was baby Loki kidnapped or rescued (child abandonment was and is a real thing, but in ancient/medieval cultures it is both (a) real and legal and (b) a common mythological trope, have you never heard of Oedipus)
Sokovia Accords and everything surrounding them (even canon regretted this one, which is kind of a shame because I would have liked to see the MCU treat it seriously after CACW -- only Ant-Man and the Wasp and Black Widow actually started to deal with it, and it got resolved offscreen years later in She-Hulk)
did the Asgardians deserve to be genocided (what the hell is wrong with you people, why have I been in real fandoms where this is a real question)
Loki/Sylvie (not my ship, I don't care, but hoo boy)
is Endgame good or bad (woof)
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reenvisiongame · 10 months
The Inn and Its Staff
Time for the monthly post! 👀
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I’ve already mentioned most of the stuff I needed to in my last post so, by and large, things are still the same. I’m still working on the inn, though progress was a bit slower than I had intended. Summer school + Artfight made things pretty busy, BUT DON’T WORRY. I prevailed >:D
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The rooms I got done/am working on are coming along beautifully so far. The picture at the top of this post is of the Inn’s lobby area! The picture just above these very words is of the main character’s room. If I had to estimate, then I think the inn is about halfway towards completion by now. Development should become speedier as both Artfight and my summer classes are ending, AND most of the base assets for the inn are completed.
A bulk of the lobby’s development time was making reusable assets, such as the wallpaper and flooring. Now that that’s done, I can just copy and paste a bunch of that over and over again. We love efficiency ✨
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Next time the inn is shown off, I’m hoping it’ll be in the form of a full video. It’s the most important location, so of course it deserves one of the biggest reveals so far. As promised from my last post, though, I think now’s the perfect time to finally introduce some of the residents of this Inn.
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As you’ve probably seen from many of my screenshots and videos, this lady in pink appears quite a lot. This is the Nurse and one of ReEnvision’s major characters! She runs a clinic inside the inn where she works as one of the country’s only two healthcare providers. You’d think this would be a problem, and it is, but most people ignore it because of how small of a population it is. The Nurse is caring, gentle, and friendly, as well as very sarcastic. Visit her for any of your aches and pains and she’ll fix you right up!
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This funny guy is Shepherd, the dog mayor of the town of Clemence. Did I ever mention that the Inn is not only an inn, but ALSO a town hall? Because it is, and Shepherd runs the place. Innkeeper and mayor, it’s a miracle Shepherd juggles it all. Yet, he does it perfectly well with a huge smile on his face. He loves his town, and he knows that if he isn’t the mayor, who would be? Only he can do the job right!
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This is Mila, the town’s bounty hunter. Technically an inn staff member, her job is to clear out any monsters in and surrounding the town, ensuring that all residents and guests leave to and from Clemence safely. She’s soft and has a tendency to act like the mom friend in any given situation. She also has a killer sweet tooth! You see, Mila is a vampire, but to avoid sucking the life out of everyone in the own, she eats cheesecakes topped with blood. A strange combo, but it’s something she can safely make. Let her cook anything, though, and uh... Hope you had homeowner’s insurance.
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This is Erin, the inn’s vampire janitor, housekeeper, repairman, groundskeeper, you name it. He hates his job(s), but does them surprisingly well and takes them deathly seriously. Out of everything, he hates messes the most and if you’re a guest, then expect a very length “janitor handbook” to suddenly appear at your bedside. Break any of the rules in the handbook? Well... May Erin have mercy on your soul. Just kidding! Outside of work, he’s generally laid back and goes with the flow to most things. Whilst his wife, Mila, likes cheesecakes, Erin’s addicted to slime jelly. Everyone is disgusted by his diet.
As the game continues to develop, these 4 characters should be making more and more appearances. They’re all rather important, you know! Once ReEnvision releases, I hope you all enjoy getting to know them better :D
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weird-dere · 11 months
My turn to ask about ur hubies >:3c
Do you think that ichigo shaves his pubic hair? Is there any random headcanons u wanna share of him? Things that arent mentioned or said in the anime/manga but u just feel like they r true?
What type of dad do you think ichigo is? Do you think he is more of a daddy girl? What do you think it woulded been if ichigo's mom was still alive? What woulded change and what not?
I am laying down kicking my feet at the chance to talk about the love of my life <3. Thank u bby!! 💋💋💋
Pubic hair tingz:
Ichi does shave his pubic hair, but he doesn’t shave himself bald. Just maintains it at a nice trim :3. I feel like when he’s younger he doesn’t let himself have a happy trail tho. Always shaves that away so all hair is contained in his boxers. But as he gets older he kinda just leaves it be and I am always kissing down it when we get intimate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
He also loves whatever I am most comfortable with concerning my own pubic hair, which for me is at a trim or at full bush >:3. No bare coochie here lmao. Bro loves eating the kitty and seeing our mixed arousal on the hairs when he’s on top of me uwu.
Random Headcanons:
Tho he hates getting called the nickname ‘strawberry’ by literally anyone ever, he does love getting strawberry themed gifts for me. Plushies, stickers, treats, etc. If I have something strawberry themed, he prolly got it for me and everyone knows. It’s like his mark or signature almost lol.
Breakfast is his favorite meal, which is great for me as someone who doesn’t eat it a lot bc he makes sure I have something to start my metabolism day uwu.
Canonically he doesn’t like the rain. Hasn’t most of his life. But I like to think he finds hale very interesting.
Things not said in anime/manga but that just feel true
Bro does not grow a lot of body hair in general (meanwhile me, a Sasquatch 🧍🏾‍♀️). His skin is so smoooooove. Bro cannot grow a mustache or beard to save his life (but this is okay bc I prefer him without anyway). He still has to shave away his 5 o’clock shadow every once in a while tho. Trims his sideburns from time to time too.
No matter how active he is, dude never bulks up. He’s muscle-y, but he’s just built genetically lithe. Isshin (his dad) naturally seems to get thicker when he gets older, but I don’t see Ichi doing that. Which again is okay with me, I love him as he is uwu. I feel like seeing him be Bakugou type of big and muscle-y would be weird lol.
I feel like he thinks about true zangetsu (hollow ichigo) a lot actually, even after he disappears for a while. Reframing how he thinks about him the more he grows. Reflecting on what his relationship with zangetsu says about himself on a deeper level.
Ichigo as a dad:
As u know, in my selfship cinematic multiverse Ichigo and I have 5 kids lmao. 3 boys and 2 girls in the order of B B (<- twins) G G B
As a dad he is a mix of doting and tough love. Playful and supportive, but serious when he needs to be. Ichigo has a tendency to get annoyed easily and will yell and argue with any of his friends, but he never gets loud with the kids. Ever. When communicating with them, tone is everything to him. It’s how he gets his point across and shows his authority.
He does love his girls, but I think he treats all the kiddies the same :3. Though because he got used to being a boy dad after the twins, he was a little nervous when he found out we were having our first girl. He was so gentle with her 🥺. Had to reassure him sometimes.
If Ichigo’s mom was still alive?:
I feel like he would be a very different person. Might be more expressive and emotive rather than scowling all the time. Also I feel his urge to protect may not be as strong, since he wouldn’t have lost the one thing he wanted to protect most.
Also I feel he may have been way more powerful? Because he may have been let in on his Quincy lineage and may have learned to protect himself that way before gaining his shinigami powers and being even stronger.
He would still find him annoying, but I also feel that maybe Ichigo’s relationship with his dad would be better if Masaki was still around.
Ichigo is very confident as is, but I feel like if his mom were still around he’s be confident in a different way. Rather than having to prove himself or prove others wrong, he would feel like he is already inherently good and valuable bc of his mom’s encouragement.
I am taking all of ur kithes bby sorry this took so long! Lots of brain power went into it jwksisjzjosjz
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caixxa · 1 year
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Janne Ahonen got bronze in the Finnish championships. Send him to the Olympics pls.
22 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
July 18th! Miro Heiskanen's birthday!
To celebrate, I will start posting a new 5-chapter fic, one chapter a day through this week.
I'll post around lunchtime in Finland, which means that for American readers, a new update should be waiting for you like a morning paper fresh from print when you wake up.
Yes, it's a Helsinki spin-off of my Oulu summer fic Summer Kisses but it's an independent story and can be read as a standalone.
22 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Katso Козаки | Пороблено в Украине, пародия 2014 YouTubessa
Something light in a horrific situation:
7 years ago, Volodymyr Zelensky danced in heels and latex for a parody video of an Ukrainian boy band on TV.
As if we didn't have mad respect for the president of Ukraine based on his leadership in fighting back the Russian invasion, there's more proof that he's 💯 badass.
61 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
I've been meaning to ask this for ages and your last post finally inspired me to do so.
So, if you don't mind: what would be some sweet pet names in Finnish? (something to the effect of darling/sweetheart/my love, if possible)
I cannot find many sweet ones online and I'm kinda getting desperate at this point...
Thanks in advance :)
Glad you asked because I was just thinking that I might have to do a post about this.
Here are some off the top of my head:
Rakas (dear, loved - this is used both in addressing very close people like dear - rakas äiti, dear mom, and by itself when it has basically the same meaning as the next one ->)
Rakkaani (my love)
Kulta (literal meaning gold but this is the most usual pet name. I think it is used pretty much the same way as darling and sweetheart - it can also be used in a condescending way, lapsi kulta, child dear, has more the sound of a oh sweet summer child. But basically this would be your honey/darling/sweetheart)
The three above are the most usual ones, the ones below can be and are also used:
beibi, hani (literally the english words baby and honey, only written the way they would be written in finnish. Beibi can also be used in the same meaning as babe, referring to a cute, hot, desirable girl)
Muru (literally crumb, I think it's shortened from the next one ->)
Kullanmuru, kultamuru (gold crumb, for me the uses of these are closest to Sweetheart or sweetie)
Pupu, pupunen (bunny, (li'l) honeybunny - for people that you can see calling each other bunny. I get a feel that this could be easier used by a mother to a child than an adult couple to each other but, you know, if you're the type)
Tyypit, rakkaat, anyone, feel free to add your thoughts and suggestions!
82 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I want everyone to consider that the purity-anti-tendencies against any chosen part of fanfic contribute to broadening the platform for these tendencies overall. There is a parallel between the willingness to censor uncomfortable themes and tropes from Ao3 and the willingness to censor LGBTQ+ education from schools or ban books from public libraries. If you don't want the latter, do not contribute to the former.
Not every story is for everyone. Choose your reading, use the back button liberally but the abuse report button with great consideration.
the author is not the same as their work
what would be illegal, for a reason, in the real world, is not illegal to imagine
the author that you wish to hurt for something they have created is a real living person; the characters in their fiction are not
155 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
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