#and letting me be a big fucking sap :3
Hi how are you? Ask game time!
16, 47, 65 & 93?
Hi anon!! I’m doing wonderfully rn! God bless the end of finals and the upcoming summer break. How are you? (Should you feel comfortable enough to reply, of course! I don’t bite :3) Thank you for giving me a chance to ramble :3 um. 16 got long so it’s at the bottom 🥰
47: how well-decorated is your bedroom?
That depends! If you mean well decorated as in how much decoration, yes, lots! Well as in nice/aesthetic um? I like it, but I know my maximalist style can be a Lot for some people LMAO. I have posters and D&D art everywhere, a rainbow carpet, Christmas lights strung through my bookshelf, knick knacks everywhere, etc.
65: do you have a Signature Outfit™?
Oh yes absolutely. Or at least a signature formula: graphic t-shirt under matching button up, jeans or shorts, maybe a cap or beanie. Here’s my favorite button up and jeans just for sillies :3
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93: favorite game?
In an every context possible way (board game vs video game vs ttrpg), D&D, hands fucking down. But in terms of video games, I adore the Mass Effect series. No other video game series has made me cry quite so much. Baldur’s Gate 3 is a close second, though I am still in Act 3.
16: is there anyone you're not biologically related to that you consider "family"?
ABSOLUTELY. In fact, why don’t I tag those of them that exist here as an excuse to be a huge fucking sap about it and so you all can go follow them. (Uh. This gets long, so adding a read more thing. I get sappy after 10 pm oopsies)
While I am no longer in the fandom that brought us all together (nor are most of them), I do have to thank that fandom for being what put us all in one place. One beta reading comment left on a fic inspired me to finally pick up D&D again after years of failed campaigns—and we’ve been going strong near a year and a half now. This D&D group is fucking everything to me. These people have been with my through the lowest points of my life and I owe everything to them. Not only are they all talented in art, writing, poetry, and the many things they do, but they are all absolutely incredible people and the best friends I ever could have asked for. One little comment genuinely changed my life.
@daughterofdrearburh is one of the coolest people in the world. She’s smart as a whip, hilarious as fuck, and one of the kindest hearts I’ve ever met. If you get the chance, you should bug her about her novel (I am the number one Starblossom fan) and about her horse, Ginger, who she has made incredible strides with. I admire her a lot. Also about her homebrew/framkensteined together TTRPG she’s running, because it’s a fucking blast!!
@ninthhousesteel was actually the first of the gang that I was mutuals with!! She’s also incredibly funny (probably the most hilarious person I know, seriously they pop out of fucking nowhere with one liners that’ll leave you in stitches). She’s so fucking smart and doing incredible things in engineering (I may not understand it, but I know they’re going to do great things), as well as being a great artist and wonderful writer. Also? Incredible taste in music, frankly. Another thing to bug them about!
@haaawaiianshirt is like. I don’t even know where to start. The best personality ever. She’s funny, outgoing, unbelievably sweet, with just the right amount of bite! She’s like summertime personified, just warm and the best to be around. You can’t help but smile. Add onto that the most delicious art style and an incredible talent for so many different crafts (ask her about crochet beast!!). They’re going to be famous one day for being behind the set design of all your favorite theme parks and theme park rides.
@candle-lion is so COOL. I genuinely look up to her so so so much. Again with the super funny (literally can’t breathe with this group, you will be in stitches). One of the most talented writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, an incredible DM, master at roleplay and making characters you can’t help but fall in love with, as a player or a DM. I admire everything she does in teaching—she is exactly the kind of teacher that our world is in desperate need of. She’s going to change lives, I just know it.
@lavenderlevetan where Emmie is summertime, Eve is autumn. She’s so unbelievably chill, a breath of fresh air to be around, a warm mug of tea of a person, if you catch my drift. She’s so sweet and so smart and sooo wonderful to hang out with, with possibly the most lovely laugh ever. Her writing is immaculate, and god I just LOVE the way she builds characters. You can’t help but be sucked into their inner workings. And yet another incredible artist!!
@suwunnysideup the master storyteller. I have never met someone with such a skill for weaving together stories and characters in such a beautiful web that you can’t help but be starstruck. Seriously, the world building is insane and so in depth, you can see how much they really care. They’re a fucking riot and my best fucking friend. Once again, another insanely talented artist, I need to shake their art like a chew toy. Ask them about carpe diem :3
And last but not least, while not an active PC in our main campaign, the group would not be complete without @avocadosockz . Our resident meme maker, comedian, character arc instigator, beloved guest star NPC, and best audience in the world—while also joining our side campaign as the funniest possible character choice in the world (ask her about Sadie!). Another amazingly supportive person who I appreciate with all of my heart, I love bouncing evil ideas off of her in DMs to enact upon the rest of the party. Excited for our next little scheme >:3
That’s the D&D group covered but I’m not done, if you would believe it. I will take every single chance to be a complete sap about my friends.
More people I met through fandom! I haven’t talked to them as much in recent months, which I’m terribly guilty about, they are all incredible people. @lionydoorin is a wonderful artist and a super sweet person, someone you can always rely on. They’re going to med school and I know they’re going to be fucking amazing in their field. @idyllghost is another rad artist and one of my first really good friends here in Tumblr! He’s so sweet, so funny, and so good at poetry and writing too. An artistic genius in so many ways.
@whiteredrose13 is possibly my oldest internet friend. I think we’re going on?? 5+ years now? Which isn’t much compared to some of y’all, but it’s a lot to me. Rose is one of the kindest, most supportive people in the entire world. She’s so unbelievably patient, listening to me ramble on and on about my D&D campaign and my unfinished writings. Speaking of, because I’m literally surrounded by talent, they are yet another insanely wonderful artist AND writer, with an incredible world and the most lovable OCs ever. Gabe and Ana and their entire family will always live rent free in my brain 🫶
And a special shout-out to the one irl friend who has stuck by me through everything 🫶 Elaina is so kind, so funny, so fucking smart, the best taste in music, one of my favorite people to talk for hours with. I wish we hung out more :,) (Side note, Em I’m realizing the two of you are like two sides of the same coin and would get along so we’ll probably)
If I forgot anyone, know that you are loved in equal measure, I am simply sleepy and functioning on post finals brain fry 🫶
10 notes · View notes
tarjapearce · 2 months
El Diablo Wears Prada (Pt.3)
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Mafia boss! Miguel O'Hara x Reader.
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Smut, Fingering, non-con oral (M! receiving), masturbation, power play, sexual tension, mild angst, Dom! Miguel.
Summary: Another toll is put on your shoulders.
A/N: Centuries later, here's part 3! Hope you like <3. Feedback much appreciated. Cooper Coen belongs to Marvel ✨
As much as you wanted to remain in Morpheus' arms and let your body rest until it reached a hundred percent, the constant buzzing of the tracking device against your ankle kept alerting you. 
The last vibration had bolted you awake with a startle. Body whined in protest at the sudden movement that took such a strong hold on your hips, the juncture of your arms and thighs. 
It took you a couple of seconds to get your bearings and see the little and borderline fancy tracking device on your ankle. It was as if a digital watch had been locked up around your smooth skin. 
A little jolt of electricity ran through your nerves in a clear sign to not mess with the device, since you had tried to remove it. If you looked closer, it had a little password lock behind, a four-digit code. 
You gotta be kidding me
How dared he putting such a thing on you? When did he put this thing on you?, but more important, was he still around? Cause if he was, he'd have a piece of your mind. 
His sweater on your skin felt a too stuffy, and you needed a bath. A couple of bruises begun appearing in your ankles and the fatty part of your thighs cause obviously he needed to make sure you understood the magnitude of your current situation and how Massimo had willingly put a target ring on your back.
The buzz however snapped you out of the spiralling trance of thoughts that assaulted your mind. Brows puckered as you made your way towards his room but as soon as you entered, anger sapped away for a moment from your head. 
The curtains were drawn shut, their dark colors provided enough darkness to isolate the brightest sunshines that tried with all their might to seep past them and take a hold of whatever thing they could reach. 
With careful steps and a petty heart you sauntered over the windows and one by one removed the curtains, letting all the sun's ablaze glory to illuminate the darkened room in a go, even if it meant for you to be blindsided for a second before you turned your back on the light and saw the results of your anger display before you. 
El Diablo, laid sprawled in his ever big and cozy bed, his right and sharp cheek smooshed against the soft and silky burgundy sheets that wrapped like a second skin on his torso and legs. One of his feet poked out from underneath, letting itself to hang outside the smooth prison. 
His gorgeous mouth laid slightly ajar, letting a little drool streak to escape him and get long dry over the sheets. The smooth locks with the little silver strands in it were also sprawled all over his forehead and the mattress. Your eyes shamelessly raked his back. Big, well worked, perfect for leaving scratches and marks. He had none of those, but a different one. 
A red lips silhouette located a few inches from his ear, half of it smeared, as if wrongly or quickly wiped, trying to cover up a trail. 
The fact he had someone before giving you a rough fuck, not only put a little familiar yet painful stab in your heart, but returned the angry thoughts that initially gave you enough courage to foray into the devil's personal hellhole.
The pain felt like an old friend now that you had seen and heard the type of man Massimo really was. You didn't want to admit that there were times you could still feel a woman's perfume on his clothes while busying yourself in the confinement of your manor, trying to distract yourself from the emerging distraught of knowing your husband was possibly cheating. 
With a scowl, you took one of the many pillows and threw it at his beautiful sleeping face. 
"Wake up!" 
That quickly contorted into several emotions upon suddenly awakening. Surprise cause you had dared startle him, anger because you had the guts to interrupt his slumber and throw a pillow and finally, annoyance at your yapping. 
Your arms crossed against your chest as he placed the pillow you threw his direction on t of his head with a bored grunt. 
The smell of his perfume wafted through the air, hand in hand with a light natural musk and a dash of air freshener coming from the bathroom. 
"What the fuck is this on my ankle and why did you put that thing on me?" 
"Can you shut up?" His slouching form only turned enough to take a proper look your way once his irises had adjusted at the room's brightness. 
Wearing his oversized sweater that covered those perfect mounds of yours he didn't have enough time to squeeze properly. Face twisted in a scowl, that although he rather your scared and demure look, he had to admit this angry you made his lips smirk and a spark of excitement to run through his body. 
Your hair spooked and tussled even if you were now trying to contain it in a messy bun while ignoring the rebellious baby hairs, revealing more of your upset features.
Beautiful and angry. 
Was this the sight you gifted Massimo every day?
"I'm talking to you!" 
"¡Ya pues! Cállate... fucking heard you already." He grumbled while laying down on his back. 
But in truth he hadn't heard a single word it came from your mouth. Too deep in suddenly remembering last night's events and what had transpired back in the club. 
"Take this thing off me." 
Miguel stretched his spine with feline grace and a satisfied smirk, letting some joints pop back into place. His spine wasn't aching anymore, he didn't feel like dragging the past few weeks' tiring load, his shoulders felt rather light, he was even in good spirits. You had spent him real good last night. 
"What is this anyway?"
You remained on the window, letting the sun warm you up a bit. The whole floor was cold anyway. Your hands grope on either side of your waist and your frown deepened upon him turning his back on you. 
"Fucking men." 
He smirked as you went to his closet. He noted you only wore the thick sweaters. You didn't rummage through his clothes and personal items like he initially thought. 
"I need to get some things back from home."
With a groan he finally rose, and sat against the bed's oak frame, his hands reached for his phone, and scrolled through his messages as his other hand slicked the messy strands that partially obscured his sight. 
"Are you even listening?!" 
"I'd rather not to."
He grumbled while his eyes remained on the screen. 
"I need to get myself some clothes. I don't wanna keep using yours for you to have me naked later." 
"You're thinking way too high of yourself, Ratoncita." He removed the silky sheets and tossed his phone somewhere in the bed, revealing his bare physique to you as he prowled your way. 
Eyes boring on your tense form. Undoubtedly he was the cat and you his ever lovely and amusing little mouse. One of his hands landed a few inches on one side of your face, but as soon as you tried to remove yourself from the equation, his other hand and a step forward of his frame closed the space, sandwiching you loosely between him and the wall. 
Even if limp, his cock felt above the sweater's fabric, right above your lower belly, ever warm and hefty. He had to lean down enough to face you, then took a half firm half gentle hold in your chin.
"If you have the energies to be mewling this early in the morning, you can take your pretty ass to the shower, clean yourself and get changed. We'll leave soon. ¿Entendido? 
"I'm not coming-" 
He squeezed your chin, igniting that spark of fury within you as he growled between teeth, "Understood?" 
His tone left no space for replies. But you slapped his hand away and retreated away from his confinement, but the petty in him needed to have the final saying. Even though words were done, he took your actions as a defiance. So he returned it, on your butt as a firm slap that smacked deliciously in the air. 
You didn't even turned to face him. Anger was too much in your mind to let it have the whole control over your emotional panel, and part of you assumed that he'd settle the score to his favor with another rough fuck.
Your hands clenched into tight fists to finally disappear into the bathroom with a loud slam on the door. 
As much as he wanted to yell for the poor treatment on his property, he couldn't help but smirk, satisfied at your reaction. 
Part of his brain was amused to no end to see this new emotion in you. Anger made his senses tingle. But the ever rational part of his gray mass, wondered what had taken over you to be this pissed. 
Hadn't he fucked you silly last night? Cause he refused to believe he had done a poor job. 
The sudden thought of him underperforming in bed made his bushy brows to pucker in annoying concern. He'd take many insults, name calling, but someone, a woman specially saying he was bad at in bed? No. He couldn't allow it. 
He heard the shower run, and it was his cue to get his clothes ready. 
He'd go for a pair of black pants, a burgundy Prada button shirt, socks, dress shoes, no tie neither a suit, Day was too humid to be overdressed. 
The shower stopped a couple of minutes later, and he put all the things on the bed. 
You had finished a hot shower, rinsing all trace of him, wrapped your hair in a towel and pat dried your body to then wear one of his many black sweaters and slippers, the only thing you truly possessed. 
Upon seeing nothing but his toothbrush and grooming devices, you rummaged through the marbled drawers to look for a new toothbrush. You'd eventually find them next to a neatly arranged box of condoms and some gun chargers. But to your surprise the box was intact, sealed even, waiting to be used. 
With a roll if your eyes and a huff, you got to brush your teeth, a little harder than intended. 
Miguel simply entered the bathroom and slowly squeezed his way into the same space as you before the mirror, pushing you softly as you brushed your hair with your fingers. 
He looked in the mirror, the grayish hue on his cheeks increased, but he kept it. Not really feeling like grooming himself. His happy trail was on full display to you. 
If honest, it was the first time you actually paid attention to the secrets of his skin. 
A couple of scars littered his cinnamon tan and muscled skin, bullet marks? perhaps. The muscles rippled at every movement, enhancing the sight of his lower back's dimples, waist narrow and sharp, adorned with well-worked abs and sculpted thighs. There were no tattoos on his skin as he rather keep himself clean from them. 
His mere existence spoke loud and clear, he didn't need ink to prove his prowess. Plus, he considered himself too old for them. 
Gabriel on the other hand was like a walking board underneath his clothes. Or a bathroom stall's wall like he once called him. 
Your stomach grumbled loudly, and he chuckled. 
"Instead of staring, why don't you get some food? You'll need it." 
He grabbed his toothbrush and put a dollop of paste on it. Voice smooth like butter, that barely did a good job at hiding the rising mirth. But his lid twitched, vexed on your mimicking words 
"You're thinking too highly of yourself."
You pointed at his neck. 
"And make sure to properly clean yourself from others before even considering touching me." 
His smirk widened and held your wrist with enough force to make you whimper. Miguel finished washing and rinsing his mouth to then pull you by your nape and crashing his mouth on yours. 
You froze as he made you taste the fresh and cool flavor of mint in his mouth. When he pulled away, a sardonic smile plastered all over his infuriating yet beautiful face. He didn't give you time to reply as you were being pushed out the bathroom and before you could even give him again a peace of mind; he slammed the door in your face. 
He chuckled as you yelled behind the door and finally got to shower. 
After a hearty breakfast and some more calls from Miguel, you and the rest got into the cars and left. 
Ben, the blond man drove the SUV again. Jessica was tailing after in her own car as another car with a lanky and pierced man lead the way. 
Buildings and skyscrapers of all sizes and colors passed you by, streets were averagely full, but Ben drove through shortcuts that approached faster towards your secret destination. 
Miguel had refused to speak after you recoiled away from his sudden urge of teasing you. He deliberately ignored you through the road, focusing occasionally on his phone screen. 
"We're here, boss." Ben mumbled after what it felt like forever. 
The little caravan had stopped before a bright red three floored building. Dark windows prevented the sunlight to seep in. The name, Casa Cisneros displayed in a Dior alike typography over the red walls. 
Your eyes widened when you saw the gorgeous, elegant and colorful clothing designs neatly arranged in the window's showcase. 
Miguel guided your surprised self deeper into the boutique. A man around his forties, white hair, shorter than Miguel, dressed up in an orange suit and a shit-eating grin came to greet Miguel. 
"Por Dios, te juro que si vienes con esa mierda de zapatos de Prada ni me molestaré en atenderte." (I swear that if you've come with those shitty Prada shoes I won't even bother in help you out.) 
Miguel chuckled while shaking his head. Then hugged the man briefly yet sincerely. 
"How have you been Mateo?" 
"¿Cómo que 'How you've been?'" His disgust couldn't hide, "Ugh. Never mind, where is Dana? Can't wait to dress her up in my new collection!." 
Your brow quirked upon the woman's name but Miguel just dismissed him with a disdainful wave of his hands and a blasé scowl. 
"Ah... Ya veo. En fín, whose the new seasonal fling?" 
Mateo, the owner, or so you supposed, fixed his eyes your way and smirked approvingly as he watched you from head to toes. 
"Nothing better and exciting than a blank canvas." he then turned to Miguel, "The same as usual?" 
The same as... what? 
You looked at Miguel and the mob lord shook his head while focusing once more in his phone 
He dialed some numbers to place the trinket in his ear, "Up to her." 
He mumbled before disappearing into another room. Mateo however grinned upon you being given a carte blanche from his best client. Cause that meant money. 
"So... What do you want?" 
"Uh... The basics I believe?" 
This earned him a giggle. 
"Preciosa. Hermosa, muñeca. Listen to me. And listen well.", He waved a warning finger at you, "Basic is not in this fashion's house vocabulary. Secondly, if Miguel brings you here is cause, he wants you to look good and not embarrass him. I know it sounds awful, but if you're with him-" 
"I'm not." Your frown deepened and Mateo just rolled his eyes. 
"Of course you aren't. Anyway, I'll give you a wardrobe. Let's go. Cooper!" 
He called and soon a tall, young and redhead man approached. His green eyes lit up upon the task ahead. 
"This is Cooper Coen, my assistant. He'll be helping us today." 
The young man greeted, and soon they began working. 
Mostly of the pieces the both picked suited perfectly on your body, every curve lavished and worshipped with utter care. But you also noticed that as beautiful as it all was, the crafts were easy to remove. As if Mateo knew the purpose behind everything he donned you with. 
Cooper kept packing and bringing clothes that not only enhanced your body shape, but made you look like a spoiled rich man's wife. Elegant, beyond gorgeous, expensive and oh so tempting and fuckable. 
Mateo seemed delighted in having you as his personal doll, trying outfit after outfit. Miguel had left to business but Jessica remained behind to look after you. 
Hours kept passing, and you moved to the undergarments. You were too focused in getting the underwear you had missed for so long that didn't hear Miguel returning. 
You wouldn't ruin him financially, sadly, but as Cooper had told you, it wasn't going to go be cheap either. And if your intuition wasn't failing, you knew something didn't add up. Not that you weren't grateful to finally have your own clothes to wear, but deep in your brain, the ever rational and alert part of it kept telling you to be wary. To not trust Miguel.
What is he hiding? 
Miguel had to leave for a couple of minutes to have an impromptu meeting with Peter back at the club for more Intel gathering. Apparently a clue on Massimo's whereabouts came up and he left you with Jessica. 
But upon returning and seeing the amount of packages and the count ascending past the fifty grand, he called you. 
Money wasn't an issue for him, but the amount of unnecessary shoes that you or rather Mateo had made him wonder how many pair of shoes a woman truly needed. 
Never enough apparently. 
He called you once, but Cooper showed up instead. 
"She'll be here soon, Mr. O'Hara." 
The young man nodded as Miguel huffed.  
It reminded him the too many times he took women for shopping and always ended up like this. Bored out of his mind, sometimes pissed at the constant questions they asked him. 
Do I look fat? Does this color matches my skin? 
He sighed, irked but somehow ready to ignore the flood of questions you'd annoy him with. 
Much to his dismay, minutes kept stretching impossibly longer and he had things to do and places to be at. He called you again. 
No response. 
His jaw tensed as his teeth ground together. He immediately took his phone and searched on the tracking device location. 
Signal Lost 
"Pinche mujer" He growled as he bolted gun in hand towards where you had been, Heart pounding with such an intense anger it felt like molten lava flowing through him. 1Jessica was helping Mateo, unaware of what was to unfold. 
Heavy and livid steps guided him towards the dressing rooms. He swung the curtain, ready to look for clues as to where you had left, only to find you, struggling with adjusting the back straps of the lingerie Cooper had handed over to you. 
"¿¡Qué no oyes cuando te hablo?! ¿'Tas pinche sorda o qué?" (Didn't you hear me when I'm talking to you?! You fucking deaf or what?!) 
His sudden outburst startled you while your frightened gaze settled on him and it quickly turned angered. 
"What the fuck?! I'm changing!" You were about to keep up with his yelling when his gun stood high and proud in the air. Silencing your babbling with an unintelligible grumble. 
"What was that?" With a scowl he glowered your way. Your tongue clicked, ignoring him. 
His eyes couldn't help but rake your body for some brief seconds to finally settling on the tracking device. The thing was off. 
"What did you do to it?!" He growled while pushing you against the mirror and kneeled to grab your ankle and see with his own eyes why the device wasn't working. 
Updating 40% 
Of course the damned thing would be updating. His nostrils flared angrily as you yanked your limb away from his grasp.
"Hurry the fuck up, I don't have all day."
He let you go and headed towards the entrance. 
"Che palle! Lasciami in pace un attimo, stronzo!" (How annoying! Leave me alone for a second, you asshole!) 
And oh his head turned in many dangerous and dark thoughts. It wasn't the words you used, he couldn't care less about them, but the fact alone you still had bits of Massimo still clinging to you. 
If honest, you only had learned some phrases in the attempt to rekindle things with your husband, it somehow worked, but this was a completely different outcome you truly weren't expecting. 
In a blink of an eye he was already before you, red eyes glowering your way, a steely grip on his gun. 
"The fuck did you say?" 
You had to recoil away, but where? He had trapped you again against the mirrors, your fear etched in every face the multiple surfaces provided and it fuelled him. 
A thick gulp rolled down your throat as his gun's tip placed underneath your chin to drag down between your breast to stop right above your heart, tapping a tad rough with it. 
"If you wanna act like a spoiled brat, fine." he seethed as he pushed you on your knees in a swift move, the sudden movement had you stumbling down, startled "I'll teach you a fucking lesson." 
His other hand immediately went to your front strands, tangling his long fingers in them, your hands immediately flew to his wrist, grunting uncomfortably at the tight grip on your skull, trying to pry yourself away from him. You could feel his anger through the little tremors his body did as he tossed the gun to the seat inside the little cubicle. 
"Let me go!" he pulled your head back, parting your lips open in the way. 
"Since you fucking love opening your pretty mouth to disrespect me," His hold tightened on your hair as his hands fumbled with the belt of his pants, sliding his free hand past the layers of clothing and pulled out his engorging cock. A few pumps of his hand around it had it twitching to life. 
"I think it's time to find a proper use for it, hmm?" Before you could even protest, his flushed tip was already invading your mouth. A hiccup escaped you while he pushed in inch by inch, earning a brief gag and gurgle from you. 
A satisfied growl escaped his smirking mouth. 
"What's wrong? Cat's fucking your tongue?" 
He stepped in closer, your nose nuzzled his happy trail as he was now holding your hair in a fistful. A sharp tinge of tears blurred your eyes for a moment as he slid down your throat. Your hands slapped his thighs while trying to push him back, earning him a breathless moan. You had tested his patience long enough for him to snap and remind you of your position. 
If he had known how easy and quick you'd learn how to get under his skin, he would've left you back with your rotten husband. 
Upon sensing you gag again, he chuckled while sliding some of his fingers underneath your chin, guiding you slowly to take him properly. 
"Fucking relax." He heaved when your mouth flattened around him to have air flowing back to your lungs. 
Fucking gorgeous. That's how you looked, staring with your pretty and angry eyes while you choked on him, set a long forgotten thrill alive that he rather keep buried for good. 
You coughed as soon as he slid out, completely hard, glistening in your saliva and beads of pre cum that connected to the corners of your flushed mouth. 
"Uh-uh. Open up, I'm not done yet." 
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and coughed a couple of bits; the glare returned to your eyes. 
"Fuck you." 
Miguel huffed, crouched and took your chin to kiss you, tasting himself. You bit his lip, hard trying to get him to free you, but the growl grumbling through his chest only made your skin crawl as his tongue slid in your mouth, also invading you. 
The sheer size of his frame and the little space between sandwiched you, deliciously against him. One hand cradled your head, not giving you a truce while devouring your lips as the other one slid down between your legs. 
The sudden contact sent jolts up your spine, as he changed the cradling on your nape to a light squeeze on your neck as he pressed you against the floor, and spread your legs with his teasing hand when you trapped his hand in between your thighs, preventing him from reaching deeper. 
The motions had slowly made his cock to be trapped again in the fabric confinement. 
He earned a feeble mewl as he slid two of his fingers inside. The vibrations of your purring reverberated underneath his skin made his eager tip to twitch again 
His phone buzzed and he let your throat go for a second, but his fingers remained inside, massaging and wriggling softly within your flesh. 
"Not a peep from you, ok? This is an important call." 
Your hands immediately clenched and your thighs trembled when he moved his hand, back and forth, delving into your drenching walls. 
Heat licking at every pore of your skin. You didn't know if it was in anger or your hormones betraying you once again. The lack of sex with Massimo was costing your dignity big time. 
He's just toying with you cause he knows he can. 
Your mind reasoned, despite the rationality's grip loosening at his ministrations. 
"Ya le dije a Gabriel que procediera sin contratiempos." (I already told Gabriel to proceed without problems)
He talked and moved his hand like the most natural thing to do while in a call. 
Shame washed over your cheeks at the raunchy and sloppy wet noises your cunt made the more he probed your insides. 
"No, no-"
You hissed and his eyes went immediately on you, as if with his glare alone he'd be defying you to make a noise again. 
Your lips pursed shut as your chest heaved with ragged yet quiet breaths 
"I've got it under control." 
More than a reply to whoever he was talking to, his words were a fact. An undisputed truth that clawed at your brain the deeper he stimulated with his fingers. 
He was on control. Of you, your body and every bit that formed it, of every contraction that sucked and trapped his fingers, of every breath he made you exhale. 
His pace increased, and you choked while your body trembled at the beat of his thrusting fingers. A satisfied smirk crept up to his face, determined to break your forceful silent vow. 
He's worse than Massimo. Don't forget that. 
The hardened nub of your breast peeked underneath the flimsy fabric, swaying, demanding to be tasted. 
His initial resolution of not making a physical approach, had been long broken, ever since you insulted him in that foreign language that certainly sparked things within his mind he rarely liked to indulge thinking. 
You amused him, that was much true. But God you also made him so fucking angry. Running your mouth like you were his equal, facing him despite being scared to the core and spending his energies in such a delicious way he only sought whenever stress was eating him alive and none so far had properly known how to sate. Not even Dana. 
The only serious relationship prospect he had so far until she cheated on him and he had to get rid of her. 
But you, He didn't know if to kill you himself or fuck you 'til you were in tears. 
Your mouth parted in a pornographic 'o', gasping quietly, eyes shut, face covered in a deep shade of red, hands clenched into fists on the floor as your body swayed underneath. 
"Let me see what I can do." He crooned as his golden chain around his neck dangled with his motions.
His eyes kept glued onto your face as he slowly rubbed the rough pad of his thumb against your neglected clit in a tortuous and flickering motion. 
You bit your lip, and he smirked darkly. Slowly, he pushed in a third finger as he applied a bit more of pressure on your already sensitive and engorged nub 
Think about the condom box! 
Your toes curled in, body contorted in between gentle twitches and jerks when he grazed ever softly and teasingly at your sweet spot. A soft and barely audible gasp escaped your mouth. And his breath hitched as soon as you locked eyes with him in a glare. 
How dare he? 
He moved in and out, alternating between fucking his fingers inside and caress your bundle of nerves for enough time to edge you. 
"I know. Hmm." He nodded at whatever words Peter gave him, "You're more than capable of handling it." 
It felt like he was encouraging you through the whole process. 
He's not in control. 
One of his fingers grazed into a spot that got your hips stuttering and shaking your head as your teeth sunk deeper into the plump of your bottom lip, jaw tense but unable to trap in a garbled moan. You felt like a hypocrite. 
"Yeah, don't worry. Everything's fine." 
The way your walls increased their drenching with every contraction on his digits, had him tittering silently in twisted delight. 
At this point it was a matter of seconds to have you coming undone. He was set into making you break the rules. Your toes curled and trembled as he fastened the pace enough to have a soft squishing slap echoing just for him. 
El Diablo tilted his head as you clawed your nails on his ankle, it barely tickled him. 
"All he has to do is to agree. Offer him more money if that's the case." 
With clinical precision he stopped a few seconds before you got to come undone and trap him inside. A frustrated and shallow whine flew out your mouth. His thumb pad was now tracing the outline of your lips, to then slid two of his drenched fingers into your mouth. 
"All he has to say is yes." He moved his hand, making your head bob in a nod as he spoke. Your taste exploding into your mouth. 
With little he just retreated outside the cubicle to return a few minutes later with a plain pair of pants and a shirt. He hung the call up and sighed. 
" Now that you've learnt how to shut the fuck up, get changed. We need to go."
With trembling legs you stood, trying to catch your breath, the lingerie soiled, your thighs sticky. Heart and pussy played like a fancy tailed piano and he was the main musician. 
He fixed his clothes, despite the raging boner pulsating between his clothes. He looked at you for a moment, nose reddening, lips flushed and glossy eyes that turned aqueous the more he remained in there. 
His brows pinched softly in an imperceptible frown before leaving you alone. Not really wanting to witness your sudden discomfit. 
What had came over you? 
Ever since he woke up that day there were so many changes he had barely had time to adjust. But this quiet and distant you was unsettling and uncomfortable for him. 
First the need to cry after he almost gave you an orgasm, then, the silent ride back at home. 
You barely glanced his way when explaining the dress you needed to wear for the party he was also changing into. But what frustrated him the most was when he asked you to remove the ring out of your finger. The urge to cry returned on your face. 
He truly didn't understand why you still clung so blindly to Massimo. At this point he thought it was love.
He huffed, disgusted. 
You wouldn't drag him to your emotional rollercoaster cause he already had his own. And there was an enough mess as it was to keep adding to his plate. 
He was proud of his detachment skills, soon you'd return to that asshole you called a husband and he wouldn't have to worry about you anymore, cause again, he was growing tired of facing other emotions that weren't the ones he could master. 
No matter how gorgeous and fuckable you looked in that backless and sequin golden dress that undoubtedly did a better job at treating your body than him. 
You had to apply some makeup to the most visible bruises around your body. Neck included. He loved squeezing it apparently. 
Miguel had removed the tracking device of your ankle to disguise it as a clock on your wrist. He looked handsome as usual. 
In truth, you looked like a celebrity. It made you wonder what kind of party you headed to, but you refused to speak to him and he was more than happy to not be bothered. 
Each sat in opposite corners in the car. Not saying a word during the ride. The only instruction he gave you was to stay close as he hugged your waist, although weakly, with his hand. 
Nostalgia was rampant on you today, and it didn't help the not so clandestine reunion harbored within a familiar milieu for you. 
A fancy club, L'Enfer, you once had the chance of visiting. Your engagement night, and returning after so many years in extremely different circumstances, tightened the knot around your throat and the need to run away to increase tenfold. 
Golden floors matched the velvet curtains that protected the black windowsills from prying eyes. The tables pristinely arranged to the left and right, ready to witness its attendee's darkest and deepest secrets. 
Servers were dressed in jet black suits and red gloves, offering the myriad of delicacies prepared for the night. 
Some men stared at Miguel, apprehension and wariness in their eyes. Others smirked and raised their champagne cups as he made his way deeper into the place. Peter walked ahead, Miguel and you followed, and Jessica tailed behind, yet his agents scattered all over the place, either as servers or valets, even bartenders. 
Miguel wore his usual frown, occasionally changing into a deadpan whenever a fan of his work approached. 
Miguel entered to a further room, more private and secluded. The smell of tobacco and expensive perfumes polluted the air, assaulting your nose at once. 
You downed the discomfort with a cup of champagne. 
"Try to not drink too much. Need you sober for the meeting." 
A meeting? 
You quirked a brow at his mumbles but nodded and remained seated near the indoor font, the least tobacco smelling place from the rest and the same place Massimo proposed. Now, you were eating the different entrees, balancing the alcohol ingest in a mob lord party, you realized too late. 
Jessica remained on your side, also eating whenever a snack she liked passed by. Peter accompanied Miguel as he greeted and exchanged a few words with the other people. 
Orborn, Kravinoff or Kraven for short, Olivia Octavius, and other men didn't ring a bell on you. 
"Let Miguel do the whole talking. In fact, act as the listener. And if Kraven calls you beautiful, don't say thanks. He'd think he can hit on you and the least Miguel needs-" 
"Is worrying for stupid shit. I know." 
The sweetness of the mini desserts and other assorted flavors didn't help to conceal the tart tasting in your mouth. Jessica quirked a brow and nodded. 
"You're adapting quick. That's good. But despite having a ten grand dress on you with matching shoes and gold in your ears, you look like you're about to cry. What the hell is wrong now?" 
Tough love was all you got from her, but it also surprised you how perceptive and unsuspecting she could be. 
Jessica rolled her eyes and sighed, adding another lemon curd mini tart in your plate. One you hadn't had before. 
"What in specific? Is it... That guy, your husband?"
Jessica smacked her lips with her gaze fixed on you, scrutinizing within your eyes upon your sudden silence. 
"You're really hung up on that asshole, aren't you?" 
"It's not that. And I'm not even sure about my feelings on Massimo. I want to punch him in the face for lying to me, but I also I want to know he's alright, so I can... pass page."
Your shoulders slumped as you heaved, defeated, "And Miguel is no better. It feels like they'd be secretly competing against eachother whose worse." 
Jessica grunted with a silent titter and shook her head. 
"He's blunt and an asshole, undoubtedly. Despite that, I'd stick in Miguel's side, he'll make sure you're safe in his own way." 
"Just wished he'd be less cryptic whenever I ask for answers." 
"Again, he's protecting you."
"From what? From himself?" 
"No. From the troubles your man dragged you to, honey." 
"Ugh" You rolled your eyes, the last thing you needed right now was to be reminded how awful Massimo was, "Just forget it. I feel anxious enough as it is." 
"What do you mean?" 
"I... I have a bad feeling." 
You sat next to Miguel and carefully listened. The mobster's voice occasionally drowned the cutlery's tinkling out. 
Topics had varied through the night, from luxury cars and ways to armor them, weapon hiding and smuggling, to your current predicament. Massimo. 
"Kingpin is looking for him, his wife has gone MIA, which is convenient. Bitch's smart. The guy could learn a thing or two from her."
"He ratted out Delgado with the FBI. His associate! Wouldn't surprise me if he'd sell out his family to save his skin." The man called Harry Osborn spoke as he downed his whiskey. 
"Da. My associates have gathered Intel, he hasn't left the country still."
You gulped thickly the more the men spoke. If seeing with your own hands what your husband had created wasn't enough, hearing it straight from the horse's mouth only crushed your heart even further. 
"What about you, Diablo?" 
"Max owes me money." 
Many just hissed while contorting their faces disapprovingly. 
"How much?" 
"Four Million."
"Poor bastard sold his soul to you, didn't he?" Olivia Octavius mumbled between sardonic and titters. 
Miguel downed his whiskey as your hands clawed on the golden sequins of the dress. 
"What kind of fucked up woman marries a guy like that? She's desperate or corrupt as he is." 
Olivia spat and a few nodded. 
"Heard he was fooling her this whole time."
"Ahh, C'mon, Miguel. Didn't know you fell for such things." 
Miguel just shrugged, then he lit up a vanilla and cherry cigarette to blow the smoke away from you. 
"I'm giving people the benefit of doubt still. But I'll find him."
"You'll kill him?" 
"Gotta collect my reaps first." 
The men and Olivia grinned, everyone seemed pleased but you. It had been a good deal of information to swot on, so many to digest your stomach had turned queasy. 
You were about to stand up, feeling the bile and nausea rising, that registered too late the acute ring piercing through your eardrums so badly after a powerful loud bang. Unable to move, frozen in the spot. 
Everything felt in muted slow motion, some droplets of something warm and wet fell on your face, spraying you. You saw the group pulling out their guns one by one as Harry Osborn fell with a seemingly loud thud on the table. 
Why isn't he moving? 
Your heart pounded in your ears, throat constricted, and when you tried to scream nothing but a mute yell came out. A strong tanned hand pulled you down, as more loud bangs kept echoing, like distant fireworks underneath water. 
Guns were sparkling with every shot they fired, people fell on the floor, staining the golden surface with crimson as the walls around received an ugly hole-themed makeover. 
You could see Miguel grabbing your shoulders, shaking you while his mouth moved angrily as he pulled his gun away and kept you secured tightly underneath his frame. 
Chaos had broke loose. And you weren't sure you'd live up to tell. 
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@nanamiscunt @rabiebarbie @sailorlilipa @theywannabem3
@36namey @spiderpapi2099 @palesatan @homewreckingwreck
@arrozyfrijoles23 @instanttimetravelpizza @migueloharacumslut
@n3v1 @zelolinator @ewan-tef @alyeskathewave @mightyknight501
@alitaar @miranexx @the-pan-liquid @coffeeandtealol @haveclayeveryday @aizawasprimarybabymama @elliaze @tian-monique @deathlypickles @straw-berry-ghoul @rl800 @what-the-jams @6thhokageswife @thejaymaker @itsjstz @reader-1290 @kaikanther @vicravluv @anotherdisapointment @lemonpies2
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hungharrington · 11 months
from oldest to latest. as always, this entire blog and everything produces on it is 18+. minors do NOT interact, you will be blocked. feel free to flick me a message if a link is busted or in the wrong place <3
a little less conversation, a little more action, please You've had some bad sex and... well, thinking sex is the problem is easier than admitting it might be you. Steve knows better; that you just need someone to take care of you. 8k words.
two places at once Late night sixty-nineing can get messy. And loving. And competitive. afab!reader, 69, a pinch of face sitting
the price of pretty nails You've got fake nails and that means certain activities are restricted. Turns out, your best friend Steve is more than happy to help you out. fem!reader, fingering, plenty of teasing
cupped hands Even when he's fucking your mouth, Steve's gentle. You wish he wasn't so much. gn!reader, blowjob
wipe out Sitting up too quick can you have you passing out, even at the most inopportune moments. afab!reader, p in v, a touch of hurt/comfort
sittin' pretty (popular!) prompt: “just sit here and look pretty for me." You're ready to ride your boyfriend into oblivion - Steve has other, better, ideas. fem!reader, light choking, hella praise kink, riding but really its u getting railed from the bottom
you know what they say about big hands Some damn good finger-fucking from Mr. Steve Harrington. afab!reader, fingering, lil bitta condescending!steve
eyes on me Steve's a sap for eye contact, even if it means giving up some positions. afab!reader, p in v, riding
counting with kisses You count all of Steve's moles. sfw blurb, supa lovey dovey
my eyes are up here, handsome You catch Steve staring at you boobs. sfw blurb!
taunt Menace!reader teases Steve in the car by tugging the straps of their bikini loose. afab!reader, no smut just teasing :)
menace Steve can be a menace in bed, giving you a little of what you want, but not enough. afab!reader, fingering, teasing + menace!steve convincing you to blow him after the gym
tremble Sometimes, you need loving time... on your knees, pulling out every little whimper from Steve to let him know how adored he is. gn!reader, blowjob, praise
morning spoon (popular!) Some mornings, you wake in that certain mood. Good thing Steve's always on board. gn!reader, p in v, lazy morning sex
drunk call Just a sweet drunk voicemail, sfw :D
take the picture Steve makes you a deal. You take the photo correctly and he'll make you cum, over and over and over. afab!reader, mean!steve, photos taken during sex, p in v
you know how much i love you, right? (popular!) You aren't liberal with your i love you's. Unless, of course, it's when your hand is curled around Steve's cock, watching how he falls apart as you coo praise at him. gn!reader, handjob
loud prompt: JOY, sender getting louder than usual which makes receiver start laughing affectionately,  taking the opportunity to check in. fem!reader, p in v, pussy-drunk steve :)
what do you need? (popular!) prompt: CLOSE, sender wrapping their arms around receiver who is on top after they’ve finished,  holding them close against their chest with their face hidden in their neck while they recover. fem!reader, p in v, reader takes longer to cum
shy baby prompt: COAX, the dominant partner gently moving the shy or overwhelmed submissive’s hands from covering their face so they can kiss them, breathing praises against their skin. afab!reader, p in v, sweetness
stay still, won't you baby? prompt: CONTROLLED, receiver stops stimulating sender and tells them the have to be still if they want to continue. subby!steve, gn and teasing reader, handjob
look at me prompt: GAZING, receiver taking sender’s jaw and saying “look at me” during sex or foreplay. fem!reader, p in v, lovey dovey :)
thick thighs (save lives) You're squirming and Steve can't figure out why - til he does. afab!reader, steve eats r out, fingering.
lakeside make-outs. Balmy makeouts in Steve's car. afab!reader, making out.
sweet revenge. / continuation from this thought Steve enacts his revenge. fem!reader, p in v, almost mean!steve, exhibitionism.
steve harrington loves all boobies. You think your boobs are too small. Steve does not. fem!reader, making out, sweetness.
welcome home traditions / based off this thought You and Steve have a habit of having some kind of sex up against the door when one of you has been away. This time is no exception. gn!reader, r gives steve a blowjob.
let me take care you. (popular!) You ask Steve if anyone's ever taken care of him before and when he says no, you show him what he's been missing. gn!reader, handjob, bitta thigh & tummy worship, almost sub!steve too.
2am (popular!) Early morning rides, with sticky kisses and even stickier thighs. afab!reader, riding, p in v, super-disgustingly in love smut.
kitchen counters (kisses and more). Prompt used: “I had a dream about you last night. Woke up hard. Wanna hear about it?” fem!reader, fucking against the counter, p in v
wet as a dream (popular!) Prompt used: "When I tell you to sit on my face, I want you to sit, is that clear?" fem!reader, facesitting, soft in love & obsessed wth each other smut.
king steve, brought to his knees. Steve asks you out thinking it'll be an easy fuck — not knowing you're not that type of girl. You're the type of girl who likes to hear her men whimper. fem!reader, exhibitionism, public sex, king!steve, p in v, r mocks/teases steve, sorta mean!reader.
if you're sure. You're a little worried about pushing Steve. He assures you that you aren't. no pronouns but r has breasts.
demonstrate. You ask Steve to show you just how he likes to be touched. gn!reader, r gives steve a handjob.
sweet talk. (popular!) / sour talk. / third part still coming! series. afab+fem!reader. You're interested in your boyfriend's history- well, more like what he used to do that made the stories about King Steve in bed spread like wildfire during school. You find out for yourself.
851 notes · View notes
tpwkwriter · 9 months
pease do where Harry took her v card last night and the morning after like when shes bleeding and harry being really caring and protective
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Warnings: mentions of the deed, cursing, fluff<3
—————————The morning after————————
Y/n sat up in the empty bed, the bed where her Innocence had been taken the night prior, her T-shirt and his boxers where the only things clad on her body, her hair felt scruffy, and her bones definitely had an ache.
Flashbacks to evening before y/n wasn’t sure she’s felt so many butterflies and flutters in her stomach in one night.
Her mind kept going back to the way his hands roamed her body, they way his forearms would be either side of her head, he was just so Devine.
“What’s on your pretty mind?” Said a voice throwing her out of thought.
Harry entered the room placing a cup of water on her bedside table and a kiss to the top of her head.
“Y’alrigh?” He asks plopping down next to her.
“Mmm” she smiled, taking a sip of her water
She leaned her head on his bicep which further elevated her comfort, he pressed another kiss in return.
“Want me to run y’bath” he asked
“Yes please, and can y’add some of that lavender stuff, will help with my legs” she bashfully admitted.
“Y’legs?, y’in pain?” He asks, eyebrows furrowing and now moving to look at her.
“Just a Bit achy, just how is is H, don’t panic”
“M’sorry love, was as slow and gentle as I could be” he muttered into her hair
“You were amazing” he added
A red colour stained her cheeks as he continued to utter these words and pressing kisses to her like there’s no tomorrow.
“Want that bath?” He offered again.
“Yes please”
Y/n slowly made her way towards the bathroom, though standing up was definitely a challenge.
“Shit” she winced standing up from the bed.
“Slowly love” Harry said, gently putting a hand on the low of her back to guide her.
Once y/n got into the tub Harry thought this was an ideal time to properly clean the bed and change the sheets.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t overthinking last night, was he too rough? Was she okay? Did he check on her enough?
Y/n sat in the tub and seeing her red raw inner thighs made her let out a small chuckle at the memory of the night before, it somewhat felt surreal that her virginity was taken by someone who she adored so much, Harry shew her so much love and attention that it made her heart race 10x much.
“Y’okay beauty” Harry called from the bedroom, knocking y/n from her reminiscing.
“Yes love, come sit with me” she answered.
Normally y/n was a very private and shy individual, but there was something Harry carried with him that radiates safety and comfort and after the previous night his words made her feel so beautiful.
Without a word he presses a kiss to her forehead and proceeds to sit on the closed toilet Sid which sat next to the tub.
Y/n loved admiring the beauty that was her boyfriend, her eyes drunk him all in and enjoyed it thoroughly.
“Thank you for last night” Harry admits knocking the train out of her mind.
“Harry” she began
“Thank you, you treated me lovely” she stressed wanting it to get through his head.
“S’jus, such a vulnerable moment and you shared y’first with me” he smiles.
“And there’s no one else I would’ve rathered” she said looking directly at him.
“S’true” she sighed.
“Y’gonna make blush n shit” he chortled.
“That’s because your just a big sap” y/n teased
A moment of comfortable silence washed over them enjoying the bliss of simply just each others company.
“Love?” Harry asked.
“Was last night painful?” He asked his green eyes filling with slight concern
“Harry-“ she started.
“Y/n” he answered a slight more serious and deeper tone.
“Baby, only a teeny bit it’s normal, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t bleed slightly in the bathroom after but it’s so normal Harry-“
But he wouldn’t take that.
“What?” He asked eyes pinching closed and tighter as each word rolled off her tongue
“Baby stop beating yourself up-“
“I made you fucking bleed?”
“Harry listen to me”
Clearly lost in his own brain overthinking the worst things ever.
“It’s normal, before you I was a virgin it’s fine, harry it’s not your fault you didn’t cause anything, hell it didn’t even hurt, m’used to periods and much worse love so stop letting your brain win”
Harry looked up at her, her beautiful eyes and face were the death of him.
“Fuck love” he said quick to move off of the toilet lid and kneel beside the tub to level with her face.
“I love you so much Harry, your the best boyfriend, I felt so safe, so loved in your arms last night, as sickly as that sounds” she quietly said while studying his features.
“I love you y/n, I never want to hurt you, cause ya pain ever ever ever” he rambled.
“I know silly, now gimme a kiss you big sap” y/n requested.
A kiss she received.
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rabbit-or-rib · 2 months
Rubbing my hands together like a evil fly
What's up pookie how are you, I have another request of it's okay :3
Some sfw and NSFW headcanons for Tim and Evan?
(the volleyball ones were so good I was giggling and kicking my legs ngl)
HIII FISHY !! i'm soso happy you liked them :33 lmk if any of this should change !!
[NSFT] 🚬☠️ Tim Wright / Evan Myers x gn!reader sft and nsft headcanons :)
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Tim :
sappy guy honestly
he's got a lot of walls for you to get through, but as soon as you do he's the SWEETEST
he's a family man i can tell you that
whether that's y'all and some kids or y'all and some pets is up to you
he's the kinda guy to slow dance in the kitchen with you, quietly humming and tracing small circles into your back
he feels so guilty for it, but he does have a lot of reoccurring nightmares given what he's been through
he made need space, he may need comfort, but he just doesn't want you to be scared
that's honestly a major fear of his, making you scared of him in any way
it's a lot of his job and day to day, but he doesn't wanna do that to you. he knows you, he's let you into his life, he wants to keep you there
he honestly and truly does his best to keep you happy
he knows he can't get you everything he wishes he could, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try to make it up to you in other ways
lord have mercy does this man love to praise you
every little thing you do, every little noise you make, he thinks it's the sweetest thing
not to say he won't be absolutely demolishing you, but he's definitely gonna be whispering deep, gravely praises into your ear while he does it
you have an almost constant hum of a low, "yeahh, that feel good, pretty? doin' so good for me, just a little more, i know you've got it in ya"
the control he has to use you however he wants reaaally gets him going
and he likes that you get to be as loud as you want, since most of the time he lasts long enough for your arms give out holding your body up that you're just a moaning mess against the pillows
he has
a secret
that he is EMBARRASSEDDDDDD about
it makes his head spin when you mark up his neck
he's so sensitive, poor thing has to grab onto your hips with a vice grip to keep himself grounded
if you catch him in the right moment while you're riding him and go for his neck, it's one of the few times you can hear him whimper
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Evan :
complete dork and we love him for it
he's so obviously head over heels for you and it's the sweetest
if you like to talk about drama from work, school, etc he is PERFECT for over the top reactions
i feel like you guys have a lot of those moments where if there's a beat of silence in a conversation or just in general as soon as you guys make eye contact you burst out laughing at literally nothing
likes to play his music LOUDD
especially in the shower or while he's cleaning he is jamming way tf out and he absolutely wants you to join him
i think physical touch, words of affirmation and quality time are big things for him, so even if you're just there sitting on the couch while he's blasting music and smiling at him, he's over the moon
he's so silly and such a sap he'd do anything for you ☹️
i can't imagine a world where Evan isn't loud
loves having you on top, you having any kind of control over him makes him melt
he is such a mess when he gets head
he's grabbing at anything he can, throwing his head back to let out whimpers and moans of your name
"o-ohh my god- babe please, please please it's s'much-"
pressing your legs against your chest, panting and whimpering while trying his best to stay focused and keep an actual rhythm but you just feel so good around him his hips stutter and jolt against the back of your thighs
he always loves getting to see your face during anything
he wants to know he's doing good, and if he gets to watch your eyes roll back and hear you gasp out his name it's all he needs
he likes to talk you through it 😛
you could be on top riding him and as soon as he knows you're close he'd have a hand gripping your thigh or holding your hand, his voice low and adoring at he tells you "come on, baby, i got you, cum for me. i'm right here, i knoww, it feels so good, huh?"
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wiinttrr · 1 year
▫️ IMPATIENT ; pedri gonzalez
A\N: here’s a little whatever again cuz i’m too lazy to write anything detailed lol
·˚ ༘➳ warnings: smut ig
·˚ ༘➳if you’re a minor theres no reason why you should be reading this <3
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・。.・
“WHAT?But you just came back!”
Is the retort you wail out upon hearing pedri’s plan to hang out with his friends for the night,since he hasn’t been able to during the week like he normally does.
Truth be told,pedri spent a lot of his time with you,spoiling you rotten with attention,dick,and affection which you like to think that you’re very appreciative of,but in sooth,all of the pampering had you entitled,stubborn and frustrated when you’re aching and when your needs aren’t met;you always protested whenever confronted about it,claiming that you simply couldn’t get enough of him,could never get enough of him,always and unfailingly greedy for his love.
You’re aware that you can be very needy,and the few times pedri isn’t there to satisfy your desires you have no problem taking care of it on your own,but today it just won’t do..he wasn’t leaving,you weren’t about to let that happen,especially not after he had you spending the entire day in your own head,indulging in filthy untamed fantasies about him,images of his cock fully sheathed inside of your warmth,tight pussy clamping down on him while he relentlessly thrusts into you..it was all you could reminisce about.
You were so excited,so amped up to finally have him for yourself for the forthcoming hours,have him fulfil your desire,but now you now have to surrender to the idea that no,you don’t get to be with him because apparently he has other plans..
“m’sorry baby,will make it up to you later,kay?”
You’re pouting -Pedri notes- how fucking cute. The jut of your lower lip, so soft and glossy, makes him ache to take it into his mouth,to kiss you dumb and stupid,to kiss away your anger.
He grabs your leg,pulling at it with enough force to drag you to the end of bed,he proceeds to position himself between them as he hovered over your figure,he squeezed and groped at your calves,placing a couple of kisses on your ankle,trying hard to get you out of your foul mood,i mean it’s not like he wouldn’t love to stay with you,he is considering it,but you can’t always have it your way;at least that’s what he thinks..
“but i missed you lots,and I feel soo lonely pepi~” you resort to your typical antics,the sap at a man’s strength,addressing him in such sultry voice,looking up at him with big pretty lust infused eyes,running your hands over the column of his neck,feeling him up and down, left and right..it’s got his mind in a tizzy twirl.
that’s all the convincing it took for pedri to succumb,sliding out of his clothes swiftly to then manoeuvre you into your fours,busting you open on his cock real fast,hips rutting into you at a hastily quick rate,his grip on your waist and ass so fervent that it almost hurts..
“fuck,’papi” is the mantra you babble aloud, wispy moans spilling past your lips as he scoops you up in his arms and turns you over, now laying on your back;what a view it is, lidded eyes overtaken with raw lust,splotches of love bites gracing your supple skin, tits sloping to the side,with your legs resting along his shoulders,right where he set them to be.
he leans low to press soft,endearing kisses to your lips,gives your breasts a light squeeze, and plant light smacks on your sensitive pussy,the pads of his fingers toying with your clit.
”—impatient little slut,can’t go a day without taking cock..hmm?”
he taunts,sneering against your lips,before easing himself in,hands grasping at either one of your legs as the pace picks up speedily
you’re out of it tho,nothing’s going on inside of your pretty little fogged up mind -aside- from immense palpable ecstasy,oh so content that you managed to get your way once again like you always do..
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If you could *be* the monster to fuck, what would your ideal form be like? :3
I think I've made it clear that I am A VAMPIRE but I think if I could be any other monster I might like to be a plant monster who snaps up cute unsuspecting hikers and pumps them full of my sap with thick vine tentacles.
ooh or maybe a dragon? I'd like to sleep on a big pile of gold and burn foolish knights to a crisp when they come to slay me. Maybe I guard a princess in a tower and let her bounce on my big dragon cock.
in conclusion: I want a monster dick.
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 3
Hi!! So I can't link to part 2 (well I can, but that whole section remains lost) at the moment because the damn post is broke and can't be edited and according the belabored staff it was an issue for a lot of people that posted during that seven hour window when the tags were down last Thursday. So they have a shit ton of help tickets to wade through, though they have assured me they are looking into it.
But as soon as they have it figured out I will link back to the original post, until then I'll link the fixed reposted version for now and apologize profusely for the fuck up.
I have the whole back story plotted out for what happened and why, I'm just not sure where the story is going to go to get to those reveals. However this means you get enjoy the ride with me.
So without further ado, Steve gets his man vampire.
Part 1 Part 2
Steve turned to Robin. “Telling you to leave, too isn’t going to work, is it?” he asked with a sigh.
She grinned at him. “Nope!”
He turned to Eddie who had been watching the whole interaction with a curious tilt to his head. Steve thought he looked like a puppy like that. Big brown eyes, adorable head tilt, the hair being a stand-in for floppy ears...
He was also one hundred percent sure that Eddie would have been offended by the comparison.
“What’s got you smiling like that, sweetheart?” Eddie asked.
“You,” Steve replied truthfully.
Robin faked retching. “Oh my god, I’m going to gag on the absolute sap oozing off the both of you.”
Steve blushed, but Eddie wagged his eyebrows suggestively.
“That’s it,” Robin said, throwing her arms in the air. “I’m out of here. Steve, don’t die. Eddie, you hurt my best friend and not even all the vampires in the coven and all the wolves in this pack would be able to stop me from ripping you to pieces, do you understand?”
Eddie smiled with just his lips, his eyes crinkling with mirth. “I read you loud and clear.”
Robin nodded and then marched back into the trees.
Suddenly Steve could feel the importance of it just being the two of them.
He cleared his throat and scratched his cheek nervously. “I wanted to thank you for the rescue. I was so sure I was going to die that night.”
Eddie grinned, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “I’m glad Uncle Wayne sent me.”
Steve felt his insides turn cold. “Oh. You only came to my rescue because Wayne sent you?”
Eddie cocked his head to the side thoughtfully as he took in the question. “Sweetheart, I think you misunderstand something. Rescuing you was an obligation to the pack leader, loyalty to my uncle and maker, and a sign of my love and devotion for you. I don’t need to have a single reason. I’m allowed multiple reasons for doing something.” He wagged his eyebrows suggestively. “For doing you.”
Steve snorted, but the ice was beginning to melt in his gut. Eddie took a step closer and then another when Steve didn’t flinch or take a step back. Soon they were inches from each other.
“I am worried,” Eddie murmured gently. “What kind of trouble a turned vampire and a werewolf alpha would cause in a town that is already balanced on the edge of a knife.”
Steve nodded, carefully taking Eddie’s face into his hands. “I’m worried too. But I think we’re going to need band together not just turned vampires like you and your uncle and my pack, but the coven, too. What happened to me was just the tip of the iceberg and the new sheriff seems shockingly anti-supernatural.”
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded. “God, do you know how much I’ve wanted to stand here with you like this? To have you see me?”
Steve brought their foreheads together. “I did see you, Eds. I did. But I wasn’t the alpha then and you were a mere mortal.”
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and let out a shuddering breath. “It’s why I asked Wayne to change me, you know. Because if Hopper was afraid of him then made if he made me, Hopper would have to let me near you.”
“Oh, darling...” Steve murmured. “I wish you didn’t have to do that, but I don’t think your uncle would have appreciated me turning you into a werewolf, so...”
Eddie threw back his head a laugh. “Oh god! The look on his face would have been priceless. I almost wish I had waited until I was twenty-one to ask, just for that reason.”
Steve smiled. “Yes, but then it would have been Wayne that rescued me and I wouldn’t gotten to see how sexy you are when you chase your prey.”
Eddie’s face transformed under the feral grin that spread over his features. “You get a little hot and bothered watching me defend you, baby?”
Steve bit his bottom lip and shook his head.
“No?” Eddie asked tilting his head to side, still grinning from ear to ear.
“Yeah...” Steve said, dragging the word out slowly. “To say I was a little hot and bothered would be a little like calling a tornado a gentle breeze.”
Eddie laughed and turned his head away, pulling gently out of Steve’s hands. He looked back at Steve who now shared his dopey grin. “And people in this town call me the menace.”
Steve laughed too. “I just get to hide my weirdness under the guise of being a werewolf.”
“I’d really like to kiss you now,” Eddie murmured.
Steve stepped into his space, their chests nearly touching. “I was wondering when you were going ask.”
Eddie chuckled and tangled his hands into Steve’s hair, drawing their faces close. Their lips were a literal breath away when Eddie stopped, just taking in the mingling of their air as they were already panting.
Steve closed the remaining distance and finally, finally they were kissing. It lit every nerve ending in Steve’s body up like a firework. He never knew kissing could feel like this. He gripped the back of Eddie’s leather jacket and held on for dear life.
“Wow.” Eddie felt like he had been forced to run the mile in gym. He couldn’t breath, his heart was beating erratically, and every muscle burned. It was amazing. He dived back in and kissed Steve again. He couldn’t get enough.
Steve had never felt like this in his life. It was deep and sensual and everything he had been told growing up that love should be. And now he was standing on the edge of precipice waiting for that last gust of wind to knock him over the cliff and into Eddie’s strong arms.
“Fuck, Eds,” he breathed when they stopped for breath. “You smell, taste, and feel amazing. God, I don’t want to stop.”
Eddie let out a growl, deep from his throat. “I know, baby. I know. But if we don’t your entire pack is going to get an eyeful.”
Steve chuckled. “Nudity isn’t a problem with packs. All the shifting makes it hard on clothes.”
Eddie’s growl turned into groan. “You can’t just say shit like that when my dick is that hard. It’s gone soft thinking about seeing Murray or Hopper naked.”
Steve laugh startled out of him. “Yeah, I could see that having an effect. I do know a place we could be alone if you wanted.”
Eddie smiled. “I like the way you think, sweetheart.”
Steve let out an ear piercing whistle and a large black, shaggy wolf came running up through the tree line. The wolf sat down and wagged its tail happily.
Steve laughed. “I figured it would be you. You’re on sentry duty until I get back at dawn. I’m going to Skull Rock.”
“You got it, alpha,” the black wolf said his voice thick with a barely contained giggle.
Steve knelt down and they hugged each other with their necks, allowing their scents to mingle.
“I’m glad you’re still the alpha,” the wolf whispered.
Steve stood up. “I will protect this pack with everything in my power. I promise you that.”
The wolf nodded solemnly.
Steve turned to Eddie. “Come on. I’ll race you to Skull Rock.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, but before he retort, Steve had shifted and was sprinting in the direction of the local landmark.
The wolf let out a breathy laugh that only wolves could make. “You better start flapping those wings, lover boy. Otherwise Steve will beat you.”
Eddie shook his head and took flight, transforming as he leapt into the air.
Eddie managed to barely pull out a win by tackling Steve right before the rock out cropping and rolled to the finish line.
Steve ended up on top of the vampire fully human with bright laugh bubbling from his lips. “You cheated.”
Eddie grinned. “Of course I did. It’s the only way to win, babe.”
“It’s a good thing you’re so cute.”
Eddie hummed, his hands roaming over Steve’s bare skin, calloused fingers catching on the smooth expanse.
“Feels good,” Steve murmured, nosing Eddie’s throat.
Eddie’s hands continued their trek down his back, to cup his ass. “You feel amazing, sweetheart. How did I get so lucky?”
Steve gasped, grinding down into Eddie’s hips. “I’m the lucky one. I never thought I would find someone who gets me the way you do.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “You werewolves go fast, don’t you?”
“We have to,” Steve murmured. “We might live longer than humans, but we don’t live nearly as long as you vampires do. If we don’t move fast we might lose a chance to breed and that would hurt the pack in the long run.”
Eddie’s expression softened. “I’m sorry, babe. I wasn’t thinking when I said that. Are you going to have to breed with someone as the alpha?”
Steve buried his head deeper into Eddie’s neck. “I don’t want to. I want the Harrington line to die with me. But as the alpha I might have to.”
Eddie’s hands went back to roaming over Steve’s skin, this time to comfort. “What made you decide to go for the alpha position after Hopper was declared dead?”
Steve raised his head. “Because I looked at the other options and knew that if I didn’t, the pack would be stuck in the old ways and people like Carver would kill us all.” He gave Eddie a peck on the lips. “Would you want to be in a pack under Ted Wheeler or Murray Bauman?”
“Wait,” Eddie said raising both eyebrows in surprise, “those were your two options ultra-conservative Ted Wheeler or super conspiracy nut Murray Bauman?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah. It was insane.”
“What about Derek Sinclair or oh...” Eddie’s brain finally caught up to his mouth. “Oh shit. It was literally you or the old guard, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “And then when Joyce got supplanted by Nancy as alpha female, her and Murray conspired to bring Hopper back so that things could go back to the way things were before.”
“That’s messed up,” Eddie said. “Could you banish them for that?”
Steve sighed, rolling off Eddie to lie next to him on the ground. “I’ve thought about it a lot, I won’t lie. But I worry how Jonathan and Will are going to react to their own mother getting banished. Would I end up having to banish them too? Could I split up a family like that? Would they willingly go with her?”
“That’s a lot to think about,” Eddie agreed, rolling over on his side and propping his head up by his elbow. “Especially for someone so young.”
“I’m not a fan of Billy Hargrove, the racist, homophobic asshole that he is,” Steve said, “but he is the reason I tried for the alpha role in the first place. If he could take over the coven at the young age of eighteen, then I could take over the pack at the tender age of nineteen.”
“Wayne told me that the amount of supe on supe violence has gone down since you took over,” Eddie said. “The coven respects the pack and the pack respects the coven.”
Steve nodded. “I still wouldn’t mind having outside voices from the pack. The echo chamber has gotten so loud that we get bullshit like the pack tearing apart a vampire that wandered into the encampment instead of helping him or accepting his help, in the case of you rescuing me.”
Eddie nodded. “It’s that suspicion that breeds contempt and allows people like Jason Carver to stir up the town against its supernatural founders.”
Steve sighed. “I worry about the undercurrent of distrust that’s been building for god knows how long.”
“Let me help you forget about it for awhile, baby,” Eddie murmured.
A shiver ran down Steve’s spine in anticipation. “Yes, please.”
Eddie leaned for a kiss and then pulled Steve back over on him.
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Yes, everyone, Billy is in this and while he still is all the things that made him repugnant, Steve still respects him. But we'll get more into that at later date.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @goosesister
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sorrowfulrosebud · 2 years
This reminded me of a conversation I had with my friends once.
Bakugou is sick of you
Genre: fluff
Content: First I love yous but it’s fucking stupid lol
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Katsuki was in the middle of his workout as usual, flexible limbs splayed methodically in the UA gym as he stretched for his cardio exercises. It was the middle of November, and as such he wanted to improve how quickly he could use his quirk in the cold.
Sweat was dripping down his porcelain face and he let out the occasional pant when he completed another round of sets before the shrill ding of his phone alerted him of a text. He was going to ignore it, fluffing out the sweaty strands of dandelion fluff that was stuck to his forehead until another ding sounded off.
Katsuki grunted in annoyance before his features softened at your dumb little nickname he definitely didn’t remember writing on his phone. (He wasn’t going to change it though).
Katsuki physically felt his heart leap out of his ass as he towelled his face and ran for your dorm room. Sweat was flying off him as he ran like never before, even considering using his quirk. He sped past the many confused faces of his classmates as he bounded up the stairs to your familiar room.
He swung the door open violently, vermillion eyes trained to find you. Only to meet your confused eyes as you kicked your feet on your bed.
“Hi baby, are you ok- HEY!” You squeaked as Katsuki grabbed your face and forced you to stand up, twisting you every which way to look for an injury.
“Are you hurt?? Was there a villain?? Talk to me!!” He would not let you speak at all since your cheeks were uncomfortably smooshed in his grip.
“Babe, I’m fine. I just have something important to tell you,” you pried Katsuki off of you and stared at him intently. He was relieved that you were not hurt or dying but his heart was still pounding in his chest at your proclamation. He tentatively sat on your bed as you placed your hands on his shoulders and looked deeply into his eyes.
“Katsuki. You have breeding hips”.
Katsuki screamed at you as his face turned bright red.
You nodded in earnest, loud guffaws erupting from you at your boyfriend’s face.
“It’s true Katsuki! You have the breeding hips that my ancestors would kill for! You would bare excellent children!” You couldn’t stop your laughter, peals of tears running down your face as Katsuki grabbed you and shook you back and forth.
“BUT BABY, THAT’S A GOOD THING! YOU’RE LIKE ONE OF THOSE WOMEN SIR MIC-A-LOT RAPS ABOUT IN ‘BABY GOT BACK’! YOU’RE SO FEMININE!” Your lungs felt like they were on fire due to your laughing fit as Katsuki tried not to fucking explode you to shit.
That made you pause in your tracks. Katsuki visibly stills as you try to maintain eye contact.
“Katsuki. Did you just-” you started before Katsuki interrupted you.
“YES YOU FUCKING DID! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!” You squealed back as you dove in his arms.
“ARGH, SO WHAT IF I DID? ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS IF YOU SAY IT BACK!” He fumed silently as you snuggled in closer to him. Of course the first ‘I love you’ would be over something fucking stupid.
“…do you feel the same? About me, I mean.” He mumbled, looking away. You pulled his face gently towards yours as you cupped his cheek and landed soft kisses on his softer skin.
“Of course I do you big dummy. I wouldn’t tell just anyone that they have the most curvalicious hips to ever grace my eyes,” you laughed into his cheek.
“Well then say it! Make it official so I’m not the only one sat here like a sap!” He mumbled angrily into your hair.
“Katsuki Bakugou, I love you, your sweaty gym clothes that are stinking up my dorm room, the sticky hair that is tickling my face and I also love your snatched waist,” you kissed him deeply before he could grumble about your last few words. It was a comfortable silence as you sat in Katsuki’s lap with your face buried into his neck.
“You’re free to use my shower if you want to baby,” you peeped from his neck. Katsuki let out a puff as he stared back down at you.
“Yeah, I’ll have to go get my shit from the gym though since SOMEONE thought it would be funny to scare the shit out of me,” he grumbled at you as you shifted himself out of his lap. You rolled your eyes at him when he started to leave, but not before irritating him with a quick:
“Little in the middle but she got much back”.
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sapnap nsfw and sfw head cannons?😣 istg that man is so hot I need him so bad
I have really long nails usually and I just cut em all off and now typing is really hard cause I’m not used to it so sorry in advance for any messed up weird typos and shit<3
WARNINGS: chubby chaser mention, face sitting mention, hair pulling, cum eating, praise, overstimulation, vibrators, buttplugs
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Sap absolutely is the type of guy to lay on your chest when you cuddle, even though he puts on a tough-guy act
Which is why he loves cuddling on the couch the most, that way he can lay on your chest and watch a movie with you at the same time
Before you guys got together, he was very inconsistent about doing his laundry, putting it off till the last minute
But once he saw you wear one of his shirts, you bet your ass he was doing laundry every other day, making sure he always had a fresh one for you to put on when he saw you
Because there was no way he was letting you wear one that he hadn’t washed in two days
However, when you wore something of his he avoided washing it because he could still smell you on it
He’s horrible at cooking, but half of his love language is acts of service, so he always tries to make easy stuff look hard
Like making really elaborate sandwiches, that take zero skill but look like it took 4hrs
Or making you waffles or pancakes and pretends they weren’t made with the mix from a box by covering em in fruit and stuff to make me look pretty
Speaking of love languages, i imagine he’s pretty big on acts of service
Which is why I can’t imagine him ever letting you open your own drinks, like if you get a drink that’s got a tab or a cap he always opens it for you
And he has such a good memory for the minor things, but a garbage one for the major things
Like he’ll notice when you stop to look at certain types of flowers more than others
But if you tell him what your favorite color is he will have no fucking clue if you asked him five minutes later
But when he notices you always pick the same color character in a game, he’ll know it’s your favorite color
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Now listen as much as people wanna talk about Sapnap being a thigh lover and a chubby-chaser and a lover of having his face sat on, can we take a step back from that for a minute???
This guy would be the sweetest fuckin thing sometimes omg
And like don’t get me wrong i don’t doubt he loves having you on his mouth 24/7 and having his hands just full of your thighs
But I cannot imagine this guy being comfortable being rough with you until you guys have a sit down and talk about it
Cause I can totally see him having you sat on his lap, just sweet soft kisses while his hands are under the edge of your shirt, just brushing across your ribs
And he’d nip at your neck softly and just be absolutely addicted to the little noises you make
And I’m sure when you get down to it he won’t be all slow and gentle
But i can’t imagine him using your hair as leverage when he fucks you from behind until you’ve sat down and talked about it
And boy oh boy once you do, you’re done for
He’d have you bent over half the surfaces in the house, making you lick your own cum off the table when he’s done with you
He totally can be sweet at the same time tho, holding you close to him and holding your face in his neck as he praises you, telling you how good your doing when he has you pushing your fourth orgasm of the night
And his aftercare would be elite, not letting you get up for anything, and carrying you when you did
As much as I think he’s an ass and thighs guy, I think he has plenty of appreciation for tits too
Like he loves sucking on them, holding them when he has the chance
Which is why he likes cuddling with his head on your chest instead of vise versa, when he’s bored he’d just push your shirt up and lick your tits
And btw Sapnap would not be afraid of a little assistance
He’d probably be the one to recommend a vibrator, putting it on your clit when he’d eat you out, nearly moaning a little too loud when it bumps the tip of his dick when he lines up to fuck you
And butt plugs?
I think he’d love making you wear one even throughout the day, knowing you feel it every time you move, knowing you feel like a slut, would get him off
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bloodynereid · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you could write a warren rojas x reader one shot where the reader is apart of the six (and Italian) and suggests a song for the album and Billy just disregards it. Warren is very angry and has to comfort her. But she ends up doing the song with another singer once the band breaks up and becomes very successful in her own country and warren is a proud husband
I love your writing, thanks 💕
Innervated Love
pairing: warren rojas/rhodes x reader
a/n: hiii tysm for ur request. I kind of tried to do this request justice since I loved it sm so I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it.
tw: swearing, billy is his own warning, drinking mentions
description: being a songwriter was in your blood but billy just didn't want to see it, thankfully warren was around.
for @djatsappreciationweek day one: favorite character - warren rojas my unproblematic king &lt;3
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Y/N: I loved being in the band, I would never trade that experience for the world but Billy… fuck yeah he was a real fucking asshole.
You were sitting on the floral duvet that covered the bed you shared with Warren on his boat. Somehow he had convinced you to move out of the dingy old place that was the house in Laurel Canyon to his slightly cramped houseboat… it was an easy yes. You and Warren were always a will they won’t they kind of situation until after the first tour. That tour changed everything and left you with one of the best men in the world as your boyfriend.
Currently you were working on getting some finishing touches done to an array of lyrics that had evolved into a song over the course of the past couple of weeks. Ever since you picked up your first guitar the words that wove themselves into songs had quickly followed. Not that you ever showed anyone your little creations.
That was until Warren found a few of your songwriting journals when you were unpacking boxes. And let’s just say he was incredibly excited. He eagerly became the first person to hear every single one of your new creations.
So later that night as he finished listening to the most recent piece of your little side gig, Warren grants you a huge smile before carefully taking off your guitar strap and giving you a huge hug, followed by a rather passionate kiss.
“I’m assuming you liked it then.”
“Oh you have no idea, baby.”
“Well good cause that one was written about you.”
“I will gladly be your muse for the rest of my days.”
“Aww stop it you big sap.” You say as you lightly slap his shoulder before giving him a quick peck and taking another swing of your beer.
“I think I should be calling you the sap since you wrote a song about me.”
“Most of my songs are about you.”
“You are only further proving my point.” You snorted as you settled into his arms and felt him pull you tighter against his chest as a soft breeze blew over the boat.
Warren: Y/N is a genius. She’s one of those incredibly talented people that just has that spark, you know.
You took a deep calming breath as you nervously fiddled with one of the corners of the paper where your song was carefully printed out. It was a love ballad but with obvious rock and roll influences, you had even tried to sneak in a few things you had noticed from the array of punk records you had started to collect.
It felt as if you were back in school, about to give one of those presentations that you felt would end the world if you ended up messing up. Billy wasn’t known for being one who listens to anyone other than Daisy, which was also a rare occurrence. He was bullheaded and controlling about every little detail on the album. So this was like trying to talk to a brick wall, but you were still determined to at least try.
At the sound of Billy walking into the recording room you nervously stood up and eyed Warren who gave you a reassuring thumbs up.
“Hey Billy.”
“Oh hey Y/N.”
“I was wondering if I could talk to you…”
“If this is about your bass lines, I already told you that you can change them if you want for the riff.”
“Uh no this is about well this.” You kind of shoved the paper into Billy’s hands and his eyebrows raised as he quickly skimmed over the lyrics and notes.
“What the hell is this?”
“Well since I know you were looking for something extra for the album I thought I would suggest this.”
“Yeah well, uh it’s not what we need. And I finished up a song with Dai-”
“Yeah it’s fine Billy. Whatever, I’ll start setting up.” Billy just nodded at you before walking off to the side to talk to Graham. Warren just looked at you and titled his head, you just shrugged. That was when you realized you had never really seen Warren truly angry. It was as if a secret rage suddenly brimmed in his eyes. You quickly made your way over to your boyfriend and gave him a hug.
“Hey look it’s fucking whatever okay, don’t worry about it.”
“That song was amazing mi amor, it deserves to be on the album.”
“You don’t think, I think that too.”
“I am so sorry mi amor.”
“Thanks Warren.”
“Do you want me to punch him?”
“Nah, better not cause more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Okay fuck him then.”
“Yeah fuck him.”
Warren: Y/N deserved to have that song on the album. I’m not just saying that because she’s my wife, I’m saying that because that song was a chart topper. And that is what it became, even without the addition of Daisy and Billy singing it.
Y/N: So after the band broke up, Warren convinced me to send the song around to some of my producer friends I had made through Teddy. After that it kind of blew up.
Warren: Honestly I couldn’t be more proud of what Y/N has built. I mean to be part of 2 of the most popular bands in the world has got to be some kind of record.
You let out a laugh at Warren’s choice of words as you enveloped his hand with yours as the camera zoomed out to allow you into frame.
Y/N: It was kind of crazy that people actually wanted to listen to my music. So yeah I formed a little band with a few acquaintances and I worked out of London for a few months. Our first single, the song I wrote for Warren, was an instant hit. After a few weeks the album came out and well I was suddenly catapulted to fame once again.
Daisy: Y/N deserved everything she ended up doing. We’ve even done a few features on each other’s albums.
Y/N: So yeah I ended up with my own band, the best husband in the world and two bundles of absolute joy. And I owe it all to that song. Innervated Love will always be one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.
Warren: You are still such a sap.
Y/N: Oh you love it.
Warren: Of course I do.
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missed writing for my man warren &lt;3
taglist: @pinkdaiisies @yesshewrites1
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celestialking · 2 years
MORE TWITCHCON FICS PLEASE!!! [dream,sapnap,george,foolish,punz,karl]
How about with Punz Foolish Sap and Karl... 👀 ♡
NSFW 18+ only - Minors/Ageless blogs DNI
Warnings: gn, spanking, mentions of videotaping, mentions of double pen, slight humiliation,
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Sapnap raised an eyebrow watching the two taller inch away from him. "What are you up to?"
Punz shook his head feeling his phone vibrate against his leg. "Nothing, me and Foosh gotta run though,"
"Dude seriously?"
Foolish grasped Punz's arm yanking him along. "Yep. Sorry busy. Be back," the raven rambled.
The two sprinted to Karl's hotel room, to eager to properly explain why they were leaving early in the first place.
"You fucker," Punz complained opening the door.
Karl giggled from his spot on the bed. His hips moved slowly, fucking into you sweetly. Your hands dug at the sheets as you looked up at them with tear-filled eyes.
"I couldn't help it," Karl cooed. "Look at them,"
His hands smoothed over your ass, watching hungrily as the others approached.
"Well move over," Punz demanded undressing himself. "You had them to yourself this whole time,"
Karl pulled out making you whine before shuffling to the other side of the bed. Punz taking his place behind you, his hands burning your skin as he grasped your hips.
Most of their conversation was fuzzy to you, your brain filled with desperation and need.
"How many?" Punz asked pushing in. He was a bit bigger than Karl, stretching you open a bit more. A hand gently tugged on your hair making you look up.
"None," the giddy tone in Karl's voice was evident.
"Poor thing," Foolish cooed above you. His hand pulled your head back more, tapping his cock against your lips. "Hasn't even cum once,"
You opened your mouth letting your lips envelope him.
"Where's Sap?" Karl groaned as your hand reached up to jerk him off.
"Didn't know he was coming,"
"They have a free hand still don't they?" Karl grinned bringing out his phone. "Or I'm sure you could maybe share Punz,"
Punz huffed. His hand meeting your ass roughly, enjoying the way you squeezed around him when he did. "Nah he can wait his turn,"
Sapnap indeed had not looked at his phone for a while. So opening his phone to several assorted pictures and videos of you being fucked open and choked on his friends dicks was a big surprise.
He would have thought they were by mistake if one of them hadn't been you begging for him to join with someone's cum smeared on your lips.
With a half-assed excuse he left, making a beeline for Karl's room.
When Sapnap slammed open the door he was greeted with an amazing sight. Foolish was hunched over your back slamming his cock into you.
"Look at that baby, Sapnap did want to play after all," Karl giggled.
He shut the door behind him watching Foolish's muscles move as he fucked into you. You whined as his hips slowly came to a stop. The male behind you pumped you full, looking up to grin at Sapnap.
"Want a turn?"
The brunette nodded silently beginning to take off his clothes. Usually he would be nervous with so many other people in the room, but with the way you were looking at him he didn't care.
Foolish pulled out and wrapped his arms around your body. Easily he maneuvered your body to rest against his chest, holding your thighs open for Sapnap.
You were a mess, thighs sticky with cum a mix of your own and theirs, hair wild, and eyes darkened with desire. The way you were looking at him was addicting.
Your thighs fought against Foolishs hold when Sapnap's cock bumped against your hole. Punz was quick to smack your thigh with a frown. "Don't be rude sweetheart, you begged and whined for him so much and now here he is,"
Karl was quick to join. "Or did you want all four? 3 wasn't enough?,"
If that wasn't enough the rumbling of Foolish's chest shook you as he began to speak too.
"Why don't I just slip back in baby? I'm sure Sapnap could fit inside too,"
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coff-in · 22 days
Please.. I NEED Younger sister reader, Andrew and Ashley's threesome. PLEASEEEE 🤭🤭🤭🤭😭
notes from coff-in: me, too. please enjoy <3
[fem] reader-insert, [reader] is 1 year younger than ashley, this is a follow up to my previous "younger sister reader" headcanons, i describe [reader] with breasts (big and/or small) and wrote little snippets of them having a clit/vagina [afab] and/or a penis [amab], incest, NSFW
i need it too, ‘nonnie. i can just imagine baby sis [reader] being shy and scared since this is her first time sexually or romantically with anyone. ashley crawls up on the bed with her, kissing her cheeks while giggling, wrapping her arms around her shoulders, and pressing her body against baby sis [reader]. andrew watches his two cute sisters kiss and make out and he immediately gets hard. ashley teases andrew about how he’s getting hard and erect at looking at his little sisters kiss and that he should “be a good big brother and help us get undressed ;)”
they’d strip baby sis [reader] first and they’d probably coo at her while taking off her shirt and pants/skirt and underwear. if [reader] had big tits like ashley, she’d probably press their tits together and show andrew. if [reader] had smaller tits, ashley would tease her playfully about how she really is her “little” sister. either way, she’d sit [reader] in her lap facing towards andrew and play with her breasts and nipples while andrew looks [reader] in the eyes and jacks off.
ashley beckons andrew closer to them and kisses him while [reader] looks up at them from below, watching their lips intertwine and listening to their pretty moans. after a minute or so andrew would part and start kissing [reader] while still jerking himself. ashley would pull [reader] back and start playing with her clit or stroking her dick at the same pace as andrew. god i can just imagine andrew grabbing his and his baby sister’s dick in one hand and just stroking them off together but that’s for later maybe :3
GRRRRUUUHHH!!! my brain is rapid firing images so fast i can’t keep up with them. baby sis [reader] is laying on her back on the bed, andrew’s thrusting his hips into her wet and dripping hole while ashley rides her face. and oh my god the praise!!! so much praise from them both at each other and [reader].  “Such– ah– such a good little sister. Letting your big siblings fuck you like this! Mng–! Oh we’re going to take such good care of you.” i just, i can’t, it’s so good. andrew’s thick and curved cock thrusting harshly in and out of [reader] (i bet he holds her hand too while fucking her, the romantic sap) and ashley’s wet slit dripping all over [reader]’s face and mouth. they’d praise her as she cums and andrew immediately goes down on [reader] to lick and slurp it all up. god, he’d eat out his baby sister every night if he could, just fucking bury his face between her thighs and– AAAUGH! (i love them <3)
i blacked out for a bit writing there. ashley and [reader] snuggle up together naked and sweaty with hickeys and love bites all over them while andrew leans his back against the bedframe. a cigarette in his hand while his green eyes flicker over to his sleeping sisters (sisterwives?), he smiles with a faint blush dusting his cheeks. a hand closes onto his baby sister’s face and he brushes a stray hair away from her flushed sleeping face. god he loves them so much.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
General waluigi relationship hcs because nobody will write for my man’s . Don’t judge me for this one
Also I haven’t done this formate for writing in so longggg
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MY MANNNSSS waluigi !!
• He may seem like a jerk to others but to you he’s the absolute sweetest dork of all time☹️☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️ like I swear whenever your around he’s got nothing up his sleeve he is on his best behavior and wario is just like 😐 bro u are down so bad .
• also he’s a blushy dork whenever you’re around especially if he does a nice gesture and your like “omg ur so sweet! ^_^” he dies inside he just gives you a stupid toothy smile he cannot handle that shit his face is pure red
• SMOOCHIES!!! Listen he’s too shy to initiate believe it or not… so whenever you do.. OMGGGG he dies and he loves smooches on the cheek so much
• when it comes to sports he goes easy on you and wario wants him dead for being the reason they lost a tennis match
• silly goof of course he gives you flowers … ROSES . OF COURSE
• but if you give him roses he would die on the inside he’s just like “… nobody’s given me flowers b4 wtf” his heart explodes!!!
• don’t get that I can fix him mentality tho . He is who he is even if he tries to hide it from you, you’ll know eventually.
• he’s not that bad tho let’s be honest 🤷‍♀️
• he is a bit shy in your relationship but at the same time a big flirt, he’s all talk but no action, pretty much.
• he worries abt u a lot he’s such a dad ok . Don’t let him catch you without a scarf when it’s snowing outside
• fashion icon ok if you two are dating you guys are wearing matching outfits when it comes to tennis and any other sport you guys play with everyone else
• I hc that he’s Puerto Rican so he probably says romantic shit in Spanish to you LMFAO
• you may think he’s the one carrying you bridal style but really it’s the other way around and he may act like he hates it but he loves it so :)
• also might I add that he loves sleeping on your lap, anyway possible
• likes shorter s/o’s but wouldn’t mind it if you were taller
• not the hero type but lets just say if bowser were to ever mess with you… oh boy not good he’ll fuck up bowser so badly
• likes to share hoodies with you because he thinks you look cute in his and he looks adorable in hoodies so it’s a win win
• loves them innocent neck kisses :))
• one smooch will make him feel better when he’s angry or upset
• also a sap he’s the type to stare at you with love in his eyes with a stupid warm smile on his face and the type to just be in awe when the wind is blowing your hair just right and time slows down for him when you kiss and blah blah blah he’s a dork
• although he comes across as confident I see waluigi being insecure in a relationship as it’s not something he’s used to at all.
• he gets jealous of Luigi a lot I’m just gonna say it lmao
• but honestly just kiss him and make it better , maybe have a talk about it
• likes to slow dance with you AGRUSBXKNS he’s so cute
• also he’s on the trans hc list for me so he helps you out if youre trans lol
• body positivity for you both ayyy totally not because I get literally nightmares about my body no not at all no this is not me projecting cuz I love waluigi
• cosplaying eachothers outfits
• he hates playing Mario party now because you kick his ass LMFAO
• likes to spin you around, also likes to be spun around. Idk cute romantic shit what can I say
• big on stupid one liners he can use on you, he is such a loser
• loves to tease you but it’s all in good fun and jokes lol
• overall waluigi is a dorkkkk imo <3 love him
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frogserotonin · 1 year
Please write George Karim x reader, I want BANTER and late night cooking
il y a - george karim x reader
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a/n: im gonna be honest its 3:40am and i have to rewrite this entire fucking thing im losing my mind i literally have to get up in three hours shakshksysjst hope its what u wanted anon :)
warnings: unedited, kissing, ooc
The first time you’d met George Karim-smart, sarcastic, snappy, cute as hell and so far out of your league-you knew you didn’t stand a chance, falling for him almost instantly. What you didn’t know was that he was thinking almost the same thing about you.
Now, two years later, you slowly eased yourself outside from his arms and slipped out of the bed the two of you shared. You’d always had trouble sleeping, insomnia and nightmares plaguing you for the majority of your life. Normally you were content with just laying in George’s warm embrace and falling asleep to the sound of his breathing. Today, unfortunately, you had a fair amount of energy left and desperately needed to do something.
You checked your boyfriend to see if he was sleeping and a wide smile found its way stretching across your face at the sight of George sleeping deeply. It never ceased to amaze you that he chose you of all people, sure you were great, but he was idyllic.
You quietly exited the bedroom and made your way to the kitchen, everything in full focus to you. The brush of your oversized shirt on your thighs, the cold floorboards quiet creaking, the faint buzz from outside. The kitchen came into your view and you sped up a little bit, giddy at the prospect of baking.
As you gathered the ingredients you hummed to yourself and danced a bit around the kitchen, enjoying yourself thoroughly.
“Nice moves.”
You jumped.
“Fucking Jesus Christ, you terrified the shit out of me!” You whisper yelled at George, walking over to him and into his open eyes. He squeezes you tightly and places his chin on your head. “Why’re you up? It’s like…”
“It’s 1am,” he huffs, letting you go and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “And I’m awake right now so I can make cookies with my wonderful partner.”
“Aww, Georgie, you big sap.”
“I will leave right now.”
“Oh, come off it.” You flicked his nose and he smiled the most gorgeous smile you’d ever had the pleasure of witnessing, catching your hand and pressing his lips to it.
“C’mon let’s make these cookies so I can go back to sleep, preferably with you there as well.” He pretended to crack his fingers and started measuring out ingredients to mix. You watched as he smoothly poured in various things, mixing them with practiced ease.
“Wow, of course you have me do all the dirty work.” He shakes his head in mock disappointment. “I should’ve expected it of course but…alas.” He dramatically sighs and brings a hand to his forehead to imitate shock.
“Hey! I’m going to help, I just got a bit distracted. I can’t exactly help the fact that you’re really pretty.” You smile up at him, watching a faint red dust his cheeks. In his brief moment of weakness you swipe some stray flour off of the counter and wipe it on his chin. His jaw drops open and he retaliates with a brush on the tip of your nose.
You back and forth for a bit, before going back to preparing everything for your cookies, this time with a but more contribution from you. They were put in the oven after a bit more time.
“Hey George honey, kiss me would you?” you beamed earnestly. He leaned right in, so his nose and yours were touching, and he pecked your lips once before leaning back. You frowned at him and he smugly grinned back.
Quick as light, you grabbed his chin and pulled him in for a longer kiss, arms finding themselves hugging his neck as he kissed you back. George’s own arms were wrapped around your torso, feeding into the warmth blossoming in your chest. You kissed him until your lungs felt as if they’d stop working, pulling away from him and leaning your forehead on his. The both of you stood there, in that kitchen, with your foreheads pressed to one another’s, until George jumped and grabbed for a towel.
“The fucking cookies!” He lunged for the oven, opening it to see that the cookies were miraculously not burnt. He pulled the tray out and placed it down. “Now, who’s the distracting one?”
“Still you darling.” You laughed and if he kept smiling at you like that you would explode into a million tiny pieces. “God, I love you so much. Have I told you that before? Because I do, love you that is.”
“I love you too, but you’re not going to try one now, they’re still cooling down.”
“Worth a try!”
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astranva · 2 years
Back into Place | au!Backstage Girlfriend
Word Count: 3.4k 
Category: Fluff, angst-ish
Warning: curse words
Summary: In which Harry gets bsgf!YN back and things fall back into place.
A/N: Any follow-up concepts of this storyline (bsgf!Harry and bsgf!YN getting back together) will be under the “au!bsgf” tag.
Backstage Girlfriend Universe Masterlist
Read Pt. 3, Scenario #1 before reading.
Ideally, things got better after a kiss. After all, songs about “kissing and making up” were written for a reason, right?
The moment Harry’s lips left yours, he gave you a promise: 
“No more hiding,” he had said, “I promise.”
Your heart was rapidly beating against your chest in a rhythm that was almost identical to Harry’s, only Harry’s was about to flatline from how fast it was beating.
“What about Jeff?” You asked.
“I’ll talk to him,” Harry wasted no second to reply, “And I’ll end shit with Olivia.”
You stayed quiet for a moment, “How will this affect your movie? Or, I don’t know, your deal with the team.”
He shook his head, “I don’t care,” he said, “Let’s see if I’m any good at acting,” he joked.
You chuckled slightly, rolling your eyes at him.
“You know,” he began, wiggling his butt a little as he still had both hands on your chair’s armrests with his back bent so he could look at you, “I think I might have broken my back.”
It was hard not to laugh as Harry stood up straight, his back audibly cracking slightly, making the both of you gasp and go wide-eyed as you giggled, watching him stretch a little. 
“I deserve that,” he mumbled.
You nodded, “You do,” you joked, poking his leg with yours.
He laughed, taking your hand in his before yanking you up and out of your seat so he could wrap his arms around you, bringing your body to his before humming, “Better, no?”
You gave him a shrug, a small smile on your face.
“I missed you,” he said, the joking tone faltering, “Missed you too fucking much.”
He hummed, nodding, “Yeah, missed you. Did you miss me? At all?”
“Only a little,” you said quietly, teasing him with a small side smile.
“Just a little bit?” He smiled, “Not so much?” He shook his head before leaning to peck the corner of your lips, “How much?”
“So little.”
“I think,” he pecked the other corner, “You’re lying.”
Your hands moved, cupping his face to bring it closer to yours, “Shut up,” you said with a smile, “You have so much making up to do.”
“Oh–Oh, I’ll-”
“Not that type of making up, H!” You laughed, squeezing his cheeks, “Stop, I’m actually being serious.”
Harry hummed, his lips puckered like a fish from how you were squeezing his cheeks, “Serious, yes.”
“Really,” you chuckled, letting go of his cheeks so you could put your hands on his chest, “I can’t–Harry, I don’t want this anymore. I don’t want to lie to people and tell them we’re friends. I don’t–I–I seriously won’t take seeing you kiss someone like that, and like, be with them. I can’t have people calling my boyfriend someone else’s boyfriend.”
He was nodding intently, “And you have every right. I’ll fix this. No more hiding, I promise,” he said, “Just give me a day.”
“It’s not about time,” you said, “But what if you get another movie deal, and it’s like, so big, and then they ask you to–”
“I’ll say no,” Harry cut you off, “If anyone makes me choose between you and anything else, it’s you. It’ll always be you,” he said, “The past week has been–It was shit. It was awful. I sound like a fucking sap right now, but I don’t want a life you’re not in, especially when I know I can always do better to keep you.”
“You’re right.”
Harry hummed in question.
“You do sound like a fucking sap,” you chuckled slightly before gasping when he pinched your side, “Stop that!”
He gave you a grin as he leaned to press his lips against yours, circling his arms around you, “I love you.”
In a perfect world, you would’ve cut your working day short and spent the rest of it rekindling with Harry, but you were working on a big project that even his continuous whining and begging couldn’t get you to drop it.
“I’ll see you at home? He asked, hopeful eyes staring at yours.
“I don’t know…” You trailed, looking at him unsurely.
“Tell me you slept well without me and I’ll leave this,” Harry said, with the most assertive tone, giving you a daring look with a smug smirk.
You stayed quiet, looking at him and almost having a staring contest before your shell broke with a groan, “I’ll see you at home, oh my God, you’re unbelievable.”
At that, Harry grinned before peppering soft kisses all over your face before his lips were on yours in a loud smooch, “I’ll pick you up.”
“I have my car.”
“Fuck your car.”
“Excuse you.”
“Fuck it some more,” he tilted his head with a smirk before pecking your lips, “I’ll have someone drive it to our house.”
“And that’s some privilege talk,” you joked, “I’ll just leave it but you’re going to need to drive me to work tomorrow.”
Harry had 3 more hours to go before he had to pick you up from work, and that worked well in his favor because the moment he was seated in his car, he had taken his phone out.
Are you home?
Yeah, everything okay??
I’ll stop by.
He knew better than to plan out his words and prepare. Harry was surprised that he felt absolutely no stress or nervousness as he drove to Jeff’s; after all, it was a professional deal and a good amount of money would be paid, but it was nothing he cared for.
Parking his car, he ran a hand through his hair and sniffled before walking to Jeff’s door and ringing the bell, having a cool and relaxed stance as he waited for his manager to open the door.
Harry knew Jeff well; he was his manager, yes, but he was also a friend. He knew that by the look on his face, Jeff expected bad news. 
“You had me thinking about a million things, man,” Jeff said as Harry went inside, “Need anything to drink?”
“No, it’s alright,” Harry answered before sitting down on the couch.
“Have you eaten yet? Glenne and I were about to order tacos.”
Harry sniffled and brushed his nose, “No, I’ll eat with Y/N.”
Jeff’s posture tensed and his eyebrows went up as he gave Harry a shocked look, “Y/N?”
Harry nodded, “Yeah.”
“You’re…” Jeff trailed, “Are you…? What?”
“Back together, yeah.”
“Oh,” Jeff’s eyes went wide, “That’s–That’s nice, man, congratulations.”
“Thanks–Yeah, thanks,” Harry gave him a small smile, “Look, let’s not–Let’s not beat around the bush,” he began before going quiet for a few seconds, gathering the words in his head, “I want to end the stunt.”
It was quiet then, with just the sound of the clock ticking in the background.
“Can’t say I’m very surprised,” Jeff chuckled. Harry only gave him a small, side smile. “Why?”
It was a stupid question. It was so stupid that Harry almost couldn’t answer him.
“Because–Because it cost me my entire relationship,” he said, “And I can’t–I won’t lose Y/N for my career. I’ve been doing well without the–the fake, stunt shit. I have a good partner by my side, I have incredible family and friends, I don’t–I don’t need it.”
“Nobody ever really needs it, Harry, but it does well with the sales and you know it.”
“Yeah well, fuck the sales I guess,” Harry shot right back, “I’m doing acting on the side, Jeff. This isn’t what I’ve always wanted, it’s just–it was just a good opportunity.”
Jeff let out a breath, “I understand where you’re coming from. I really–I do. It’s just,” he rubbed his face with hands, “We’re going to get shit from Olivia’s team.”
“I’m sure she’ll understand.”
“Her team won’t.”
“So what do you want me to do? Because I won’t be doing the stunt anymore, so let’s just–we can just start thinking of how you’re going to handle her team because I’m out and there’s no more say in it.”
“Man, you really fucking love her, huh?” Jeff spoke with a small, genuine smile.
“I do,” Harry nodded, “And I lost her once, I’m not going to do it again.”
Jeff nodded slowly and pursed his lips before shrugging, “I’ll do my best,” he said, “Consider it done.”
Harry nodded, “Thanks, man,” he smiled, “No more making me do shit that isn’t me.”
“Your call.”
Harry nodded once again before he patted Jeff on the back, Jeff repeating the gesture.
“Do you think Y/N hates me?” Jeff asked.
“Absolutely,” Harry replied instantly.
“Fucking hell,” the manager muttered, “How do I fix that?”
Harry shrugged, “You can talk to her,” he suggested, “Apologize I guess. I don’t know, I have some fixing I need to do myself.”
“Does she like flowers?” 
“What?” Harry snickered, “You’re going to get her flowers with a card that says ‘sorry I might have fucked up things for you’?”
“Now you’re just taking the piss.”
“Maybe so,” Harry joked, “You’re on your own with this one.”
“She’s understanding,” Jeff said, “She’ll–She’ll forgive me. I hope.”
“She will,” Harry confirmed with a soft smile, “Y/N doesn’t–She doesn’t really hold grudges. Might have her guards up but she’ll, like, come around. Just, like, apologize, but be genuine about it.”
You would have had to be the grim reaper to make Harry’s mood sour, because it felt like he was on cloud nine.
Stocking up on your favorite foods was a chore he did so happily, humming tunes to himself and walking with a pep in his step. His smile was wide in the pictures he took with some fans, he was even more open and talkative with them, going as far as telling them that he was in a good mood. It was when he was picking up some fresh flowers for you that decided to text you:
On my way to you. Love youuuuuuu xxx
He could have waited outside for you, but for the second time that day, Harry walked inside your building, but that time, with a shit-eating grin on his face.
He was about to wave to the short receptionist, Jenna, and walk towards your office but Harry decided on approaching her.
“What’s up with you two?” She asked, “One minute Y/N was all sad and now she’s blasting Ariana Grande and laughing, and you’re–you’re smiling like that.”
Harry hummed, “What Ariana song was she playing?”
“Positions, like, the song,” she answered, “Did she make up with her boyfriend?” She whispered.
“You know,” Harry leaned his one elbow on the counter, resting his index on his lips before pointing at her, “I thought you’d know by now. Like, put two and two together.”
Jenna only gave him a confused look, to which Harry only raised one eyebrow at, causing Jenna to deepen her confused look, and then Harry to tilt his head at her.
That was all it took for Jenna to let out a loud gasp.
“No,” she gasped.
“Very much so.”
“You’re–” She pointed at Harry before pointing towards your office, and then back at Harry, “You’re both…”
Harry nodded, “Nice to meet you,” he held his hand out for her to shake, “I’m the asshole boyfriend.”
Jenna shook his hand in shock, “I can’t believe this. I thought–Look, it makes so much sense. It makes so much fu–freaking sense, but weren’t you with that–you were with that actress, right? Olivia? And Y/N was–I’m getting a headache.”
“We’re together,” he put her at ease, “That’s all that matters. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” he stood straight, “I have a girlfriend to tend to,” he joked with a childish giggle before leaving the-still-shocked Jenna.
You were shutting down your computer when Harry knocked. “Come in!”
His head peaked inside, and in contrary to hours ago, that time he had a gleeful smile on his face that made his entire complexion look radiant, “Delivery for Y/N Y/L/N.”
You grinned, butterflies in your stomach shifting into huge monsters that had your heart picking up as you looked at him come inside with a simple, small flower bouquet.
“Hey,” he said, leaning over your desk to press his lips to yours, “Ready to go?”
You nodded with a hum, standing from your seat, “Ready.”
You knew enough to trust Harry to want to fix things up, but him being persistent to hold your hand as you walked out, in front of your colleagues, was enough to make you feel like screaming as these damn butterfly-beasts in your stomach had a rave. 
“I’m going, oh, I’m going. I’m going, oh, I’m going home,” Harry dramatically sang as the both of you were sat in his car, making you giggle. 
Neither you nor Harry wanted to address anything in your ride home, and instead, chose to hold hands as you both belted out to your blended Spotify playlist. It was almost like nothing ever happened, and in a way, you were grateful for it, but you knew you both still needed to  talk. 
Home could be person. It could be a pet, a city, it could be anything. Surely, you and Harry were each other’s homes, but stepping inside the house where you had created life in together gave you a feeling that couldn’t be described.
For you, the moment you stepped inside felt like one where you could finally let out a breath you had been holding. The lingering smell of the mahogany wood polish you both liked to use when cleaning, the soft carpet you both had purchased a year ago that you both liked to regularly lie on, the almost-empty vanilla candle on the coffee table–it was home. 
For Harry, it was like finally lighting up a Christmas tree in the dark. It wasn’t just a place where he slept in for the last week, it almost felt like it was mocking him every single day that you weren’t there. The house felt suffocating and judgemental of his every move. The mattress felt too sturdy, the pillows felt too rough, the kitchen felt like just a place where you cook food; it didn’t feel like the place where the both of you gossiped, danced, kissed, and ruined God knows how many recipes. The living room didn’t feel like the place were you cuddled, laughed, and cried together. The bedroom didn’t feel like the place where promises, love, and memories were made.
But then you came back, your hand in his, and your shoes next to his by the door, and suddenly the house was a home again–it was revived.
“Welcome home,” Harry said softly, kissing your shoulder and neck before nuzzling his face there from behind, with his arms around you.
“Couldn’t sleep without you,” you admitted, “And it’s–it’s funny because years ago, I hated sleeping next to anyone, so I thought I’d be fine, but, I don’t know,” you chuckled, “It never felt right. Just restless.”
Harry stayed quiet, and you knew that his silence meant that he agreed with you. You knew he related to what you said.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
And then it was you who went quiet, but Harry knew that you knew him enough to know that he really was sorry. 
Cooking for you was one of Harry’s favorite things to do. He wasn’t the best cook, everyone knew that. His presentation skills needed improvement, and he took too much time on recipes, but he always did it with so much love because seeing you sit there, talking about anything and everything as he chopped the vegetables, and singing along to whatever you decided to play as he let the water boil, it was all so domestic to him; something that he, as an A-list celebrity, appreciated more than anything.
“And then he told me to send the email to Layla,” you said, eyes wide as you gave him the latest tea, “Which is crazy to me because, hello? You have the email, not me.”
“He’s so lazy!” Harry scoffed.
“Like, why do they even pay him when he just wants you to do everything? It’s not like–It’s not like that’s even your job.”
“Thank you, exactly! I was like, you can send it to her because I’m going to be meeting up with Sam Levinson in two hours so I’m busy.”
“Fuck yeah!”
“H, he looked–Oh my God, you should’ve seen his face,” you laughed, “It was like,” Harry turned around to look at you over his shoulder, his hands halting from cutting the parsley, to see you with a shocked face which made him giggle.
“Serves him right,” he said, “I hope they fire him.”
“That’s mean,” you giggled.
“He’s mean,” he pointed out.
It was after you both had eaten and showered that you could finally lie down in each other’s arms. 
“You leave for tour again soon,” you said.
Harry hummed, trailing his fingertips so softly over your arm.
“I guess,” he answered, “I think a part of me is like really excited, but another part of me, the one that is currently in bed with you, doesn’t want it.”
“Harry,” you said softly.
“Really, it was–we were broken up. I don’t care if it was for a week, a day, one hour, we were–we broke up,” he said, “It’s scary to me. It’s like, just, not okay.”
“Maybe we needed it,” you said quietly, “I mean, sometimes things need to get rough before they get better. Maybe we’ll, like, communicate better with each other now.”
Harry hummed, “Will you come visit me on tour?”
Your silence had Harry tilting his head to peak at you on his chest.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
You sighed, “You know I love your shows. I love–I love seeing you up there, putting on a show for everyone but, last one was brutal,” you chuckled slightly, “Just–I just don’t want to see you from backstage.”
He understood, and it was why his heart broke.
Harry wrapped his arms around you, kissing your head, “You won’t,” he said, “You won’t see me from backstage. No sidelines. You can sit beside Sarah if you want, be my own fucking mic stand, I don’t care,” he said, “I want you there as my girlfriend. I want to see you as clearly as you can see me.”
“But Jeff-”
“I talked with Jeff,” he said.
You instantly sat up, “You talked with Jeff? When?”
“Today,” he said, reaching up to softly cup your cheek, grazing your skin with his thumb, “While you were at work.”
“And?” You raised an eyebrow, “Stop being mysterious now, will you?”
Harry chuckled, “I told him to end the stunt and to never put me in that position again because it cost me you once,” he said, “And it’s done.”
“Just like that? Won’t that affect you?”
“He’s going to deal with Olivia’s team,” he said, “But it’s done.”
“How did he take it?”
“He understood,” Harry nodded slightly, “And I think-I think he feels like shit. And he’s nervous about how you feel towards him.”
“He should be,” you said, smiling slightly when Harry chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s what I told him.”
“How do you think Olivia will take it?” You asked.
“Don’t think she’d be surprised,” he said, “I think she might have wanted this to end as much as we did.”
You let out a breath before lying back down, your head against his chest, “H?”
“Can I be the little spoon tonight?”
“Do I get to be the little spoon tomorrow?”
“Then yeah, you can be the little spoon tonight.”
Some would say Harry was in a “silly, goofy mood” and some others would say “it was about damn time”.
What felt like a year-long sleep was one that had you stretching your limbs out like a cat, waking up with a smile on your face that only faltered a little when you didn’t find Harry in bed the next morning, but then it made sense when you heard the shower running.
Like every sane person, you unlocked your phone for your one-hour pointless scrolling, but almost had a heart attack.
harrystyles mentioned you in their story.
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