#and leave it as the official last path to follow
taking out this fine day today to play patho and mess on ublock :)
you just know its gotta be a good day to relax when you get some actually well deserved sleep that passes the usual 6 hours <3333
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asvterias · 10 months
𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝖡𝗈𝗒 ~ 𝖩𝖺𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝖱𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌
Part 2 | Part 3
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Warnings: Jealousy & Allusions to Sex/Sexual Thoughts
Pairings: (FWB) Jaime Reyes x (FWB) Black!Fem!Reader, Best Friend!Milagro x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: Being friends with benefits with Jamie is hard to keep undercover, in hopes of Milagro never finding out. The number #1 rule is to be strictly sexual and not explore romantic feelings for the other. What happens when that rule is broken?
Word Count: 2.5k+
Tag List: @drqcrys @mageneire @websterss @pxachy-tea @moralesszz @odiesdayoff @allthingsvicf @tinkerbelle05 @alienstardust @lemonyboy97 @alastorhazbin @writing-fanics @veronicarose20 @conicoroahre @gay-dorito-dust @presidentbarbieirl @kayla2233454-blog @sodacatz @n7cje
Author’s Note: Watched the Blue Beetle movie recently and I was hooked on Jaime Reyes. This is my first time writing for Jaime Reyes, so he might be a little out of character but hopefully you like it!
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Spanish Translations
“Por qué me estás mintiendo, Jaime?” — “Why are you lying to me, Jaime?”
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Sneaking around can be full of excitement alongside the adrenaline of the whole ordeal. You and Jaime were secretly fooling around, being extremely cautious around his sister who was also your best friend. You didn’t even know how you ended up in this complicated relationship with Jaime Reyes. It started with two people under the influence of alcohol, both with the straightforward intention of getting laid and it ended with a confused hangover and a hurried conversation of forgetting about the whole affair.
At first, you two had avoided each other like the plague, sometimes accidentally crossing paths whenever you visited the Reyes residence or from basic errands that needed to be fulfilled.
Then the longer you two distanced yourselves from each other, the more agonizing it felt for the both of you. One day, Jaime snapped which led up to you two heading to bed for a passionate night. The morning after having sex, you two discussed your unofficial relationship and coming to terms with being friends with benefits and nothing more than that.
It was a simple and easy rule to follow, right? Wrong! How very wrong that you were! Too bad that you were breaking the rule. How could you not fall in love with him? With those beautiful doe dark brown eyes, his long curly hair, and his alluring personality, not to mention being completely star-struck when riding his di—
Oh, his voice…him speaking Spanish to you while in the most intimate positions has you craving for more.
You always missed the comfort of his arms at night as you watched him get dressed and leave, heading back home to avoid suspicion from his family. If Jaime’s family ever caught wind that he was not technically single, they would go ballistic, eager to meet the person and neither of you wanted that unnecessary attention.
It was finally official, you certainly loathed mornings, especially when Jaime spent the nights before. There were rare moments when he’d be able to stay the night with you. Luckily for you, today was one of those rare days.
Normally, he would claim that he’s the big spoon, but his sleepy smile widens when you’re the big spoon instead. His favorite sleeping position is lying on top of the softness of your breasts. Sometimes he would wake up face first right in the plushness of your breasts, that was always a good way to start the morning, wasn’t it? Your hands would subconsciously tangle themselves through his thick curly hair, softly massaging his scalp, sending him into a peaceful sleep.
You stirred yourself awake, no longer feeling the presence of Jaime lying on top of you. You tiredly stretched out your limbs, wincing at the soreness from your breasts down to your mid-thighs. Jaime certainly wore you out last night.
Very faintly, you heard the quiet shuffling and muttering of words. Regretfully, you slowly open your eyes, your eyelids still heavy as you rub the sleep out of them.
“Hmm…morning Jaime.” You yawn, scratching your braids through the satin red bonnet.
“Did I wake you?” He mutters walking over, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead, and continuing the search for his belongings. You assumed that he just came out of the shower. He wore a towel around his waist, dripping wet, glistening over his abs and that sight made you think unholy things. There was no way that you were still thirsty for him. Come on, you’re still recovering from last night and you were greedy for more the following morning?! Have some self-control, for once!
You shook your head, disposing of the lustful thoughts. “Wanna stay for breakfast?” You suggest, nervously gnawing on your lower lip.
“I would love to, but I have to quickly run an errand for my mami and then head over to work with Jenny.” He dried himself off, putting on a pair of boxers and an undershirt.
He opened your closet, digging out his ironed suit that you prepared a few days ago.
“When are you off this week?”
“Today and Sunday are my only days off this week.” You inform him, watching him get dressed, “I could run the errand with Mrs. Reyes, so you’ll get a balanced breakfast before heading to work.”
“Oh, really thanks (Y/N).”
“Anytime, pretty boy.” You reply, taking your bonnet off. Jaime blushes at the nickname, feeling giddy whenever you use that phrase. “What time do I need to leave?”
“About a quarter past eight..” He murmurs observing his watch.
“Speak English, please.”
“It’s 8:15 and my mami needs to leave around 9:30.” He advises, looking at your vanity. “Where’s my necklace?” He turns to you.
“You have to come get it..” You tease, wiggling the piece of jewelry in your hand. He chuckles at your playful yet seductive tone.
Crawling to you across the bed, he gives you a soft kiss making you caress his face. The slow sensual kiss lasted a few seconds, and even though you wanted to stay in the loving moment, air had become difficult to maintain, both of you pulling away from the kiss. You flutter your eyes open, catching him staring into your eyes with a hidden glint that makes you flush, which makes those butterflies run wild in your stomach.
“Come here, I’ll help you put on your tie.” You offer, shuffling towards the edge of the bed.
He sighs, allowing you to fix the tie underneath his collar. Your faces were so close that you could have fainted right then and there, completely embarrassing yourself on the spot. You started to worry, wondering if he felt you staring at him. Turns out, he was admiring you and he wasn’t ashamed of it. Once you finished his tie, you cleared your throat and smoothed over his suit, straightening out invisible wrinkles.
The Mexican boy faces you again. “What time do you get off on Saturday?”
“Probably by 10 or 11 pm.”
“Perfect! I’ll see you Saturday night.” He promises, giving you a reassuring nod.
“Yeah,” You agree with a lovesick smile on your face, “I’ll see you Saturday.”
You handed him the necklace but he stopped you, “Keep it, it looks better on you anyway.”
You tilt your head to the side, feeling yourself tingle with goosebumps as he appears from behind you and he gently brushes your braids away. You gathered your braids together, bunching them up into a messy makeshift ponytail, giving Jaime area to put the necklace on. Once he clasps the jewelry on your neck, you release your braids as you grin at him.
Smiling sweetly in response, he steals one last kiss from you and hurriedly leaves, shutting the front door. Even though you two were friends with benefits, he still was the kind and sweet man that you knew all those years ago.
You sigh, lingering your fingers on the necklace, fawning over the mere kiss that he shared with you. It was an empty kiss so it should be treated as meaningless, but it hurts your heart for you to wish otherwise.
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Later that evening, Milagro helped you pick out an outfit for your blind date. Jaime tagged along with Milagro, under the impression of wanting privacy from his family.
You and Milagro picked out a nice evening dress, concluding that it was the perfect dress.
“You look so sexy in this.” Milagro squeals, momentarily catching Jaime’s attention. His eyes shift from his sister to yours, scanning the outfit that you are wearing, shamelessly checking you out. You did a little twirl to display the entirety of the dress, your eyes solely locked on Jaime to figure out his reaction. She was right, you looked so sexy in the dress. Maybe too sexy for another guy.
He noticed the mischievousness in your body language and decided that two could play that game.
“So…” Jaime ponders, lightly gritting his teeth, using his phone as a distraction, “What do you know about this guy?” His question was directed to you, attempting to conceal his jealousy. Slow and steady wins the race.
You turned to Milagro who spoke for you, “Duh, dummy, we don’t know who it is, that's why it’s called a blind date.”
“Wait! You’ve never even met this person before?” His eyes widened in surprise, processing the newfound information.
“Jaime, are you slow or something?” His sister asks. She rolled her eyes and continuously tapped her forehead, “Think, dear brother. Just think.”
He fakes grins at his sister and looks back at you. “It could be dangerous for you.”
“Okay, and I have a taser in my purse if anything goes wrong. I can take care of myself.”
“Why are you so interested in my best friend’s love life all of a sudden?”
“Just looking out for her.” He mumbles.
“Hmmm…” She sounds skeptical, surprisingly trusting her brother’s word.
All of a sudden, Milagro’s phone rings, indicating that her pizza order is ready. “I’m gonna pick up the pizza. Be back in 30 minutes.” She grabs your car keys and her wallet, leaving the apartment.
As soon as the door slammed shut, Jaime spoke his concerns for you.
“So…you’re going out with someone else.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“Then you should also know that I’m going out with someone else.” He boasts proudly with a tight-lipped smile.
“Oh, really?” You bite the inside of your cheek as jealousy boils through your veins at the thought of Jaime seeing someone else. Surprisingly, you managed to keep your jealousy at bay, refusing to let Jaime have the upper hand here.
You realized what he was doing, and he wasn’t going to win. It was so obvious that he was lying to you. So he decided to stretch the lie, just to witness your breaking point, “Her name is Maria Gonzalez, her family just moved to the neighborhood and we hit it off great. I also have her number.”
You remained nonchalant, continuing your mascara on your left eye, “Okay…good for you then?”
“That’s all you have to say?” He scoffs, folding his arms.
“Well, what do you want me to say? You want me to act jealous and forbid you from seeing this other girl?” You click your tongue, “Now that you mention it, no new family is moving into your neighborhood otherwise Mrs. Reyes would have told me, and I would have offered to decorate welcoming baskets with her and Milagro.”
Shit! You caught him in his lie. His eyes widened in surprise at your quick response to his lie.
As a matter of fact, he was more proud than scared of your realization of his lie. Your intelligence and ability to understand between the lines were one of the many traits that he loved about you. Intelligence is the glue that holds it all together, not that there aren’t many more characteristics from you that he adored. He would never put any other characteristic above the other, harboring his mutual love for all of them. After all, you attended Harvard, majoring in nursing, and left with multiple degrees.
“Por qué me estás mintiendo, Jaime?” You looked at him through the mirror with a pointed look.
Switching back and forth between English and Spanish daily was a neat trick that you mastered with ease. To be honest, Spanish was a beautiful language, and you just wanted to experience the full meaning of it.
You learned Spanish for your best friend and her family, wanting to connect with them on a personal level. At this point, you became fluent in Spanish and could hold decent conversations with the Reyes family in their native language. The Reyes family even made jokes that you would someday marry a Latino.
“I don’t know..” he shrugs his shoulders, “Maybe…I’m just confused right now.”
“May I remind you that you wanted us to be a casual fuck from time to time, and besides we also agreed on seeing other people.”
“Yeah, but—“
“Yeah, but what? You want to change your mind now?”
“Actually, I do.”
You paused from doing your mascara, making eye contact in the mirror with him. Of course, you weren’t expecting that answer. His statement rendered you speechless, allowing the silence to overtake the room. You gulped silently, intently watching him stalk toward you, almost in a patronizing manner to tease you even further. You were frozen, unaware of what he might do to you and it somewhat turned you on. The small thud of the mascara tube dropping on the vanity brought you back to your senses.
“…We shouldn’t do this, Jaime.” You lightly warn the boy. Jaime remains silent, making you consistently aware that he is gorgeously checking you out from behind. He made you so flustered to the point that you were stupidly smitten with him that it was almost ridiculous. It was a miracle that you couldn’t see a black girl’s blush.
“Milagro‘s gonna be back soon.” Your tone was soft.
The air was still tense as he nodded, his eyes still intently focused on your physique. Nervously, you began to play with your braids as your body squirmed under his gaze. The things that Jamie made you feel were out of this world. You held your breath, dilated dark brown eyes studying his every move that he made. It was the familiar gust of his infamous cologne that gave his sudden presence away, noticing his breathing was lingering on you. You shudder, minor goosebumps forming on your arms.
“Then, we just have to be quick, don’t we?” You swear that you could’ve felt his hard dick straining against his pants.
“Listen here Jaime—“ You were cut off by his hands roughly wrapping around your throat, raising your head, catching an upside down angle of the 22-year-old. A warm pair of lips was planted onto yours, reclaiming full jealousy as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. In a matter of seconds, the inviting kiss escalated into sexual tension, quickly heating the aura of the bedroom.
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likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2023. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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frostbitebakery · 27 days
a background check.
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“Are you angry?”
Obi-Wan shook his head, eyes trained on his hands wringing the shirt’s fabric in his lap.
“It’s okay if you are.”
Obi-Wan shook his head again. It wasn’t okay if he was angry. Even before Melidaan they’d accused him of being too headstrong, too volatile. Too angry.
He’d been so angry on Melida/Daan.
“Are you scared?”
He nodded before he could think. The nod, too, was too volatile, too angry.
“Are you scared you could infect people?”
Amongst others, he thought a bit hysterically. Nodded.
“The healers have tested, rigorously, if you can infect others. They have confirmed that you are not a danger to others, Obi-Wan.”
Which was the only reason he could be outside his room when the walls got too small or too big.
“How are you adjusting to the mask?”
He shrugged. Sometimes he wanted to rip it off and half his face with it. Sometimes he wished he could crawl into it completely and escape the curious looks and whispers of how his jaw was gone, have you heard? I’ve heard he’s rotting underneath—
It started with a cough after Melida/Daan.
He got message after message on the progress after he left and it made him smile, sometimes laugh at the betrayed disbelief over how much bureaucracy was actually necessary to form a planetary government.
The laughs soon turned into hacking coughs.
He drank the tea Qui-Gon made him to soothe his throat.
“Just a cold,” he murmured. He’d had that one before leaving Melidaan, and he and the Temple healers figured it was the stress his body had to endure that finally caught up with him.
“If it gets worse,” Qui-Gon started, looked down into his own cup, and fell silent.
Obi-Wan’s return to the Temple was a mixed bag of loth cats, after all.
A year of rumors and no contact showed him exceedingly well and painful in its brutal subtlety of lost smiles and avoidance who his friends were.
Lumi— Luminara had waited outside the healer’s wing after a follow-up check. Had straightened up when she saw him and clasped her hands in front of her. “I am very happy to see you, Obi-Wan,” she said, halted and stiff before the anger got the better of her.
What in the Galaxy had compelled him to leave the Order? No sign of him. Just an official statement that he had chosen to leave the Order. And now he’s back?
“What the fuck, Obi-Wan!” She reeled back immediately. Took a step back.
And Obi-Wan’s life had taught him how to step forward despite the fear clawing at him. “Let me explain? Please?”
She huffed at him, head up high. “This better be good. Quinlan is driving me up the Temple walls with his teenage drama sullenness over you.”
So that was why Obi-Wan hadn’t seen him but exactly once since he’d come back.
Obi-Wan explained. The war. Master Tahl. Master Qui-Gon. The war. The children. The war children. The war. The war. The war—
He hiccuped on the tears and something… something changed. In his throat. He lifted a hand to it—
Lumi’s arm was around him, stroking his shoulder and crying with him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry—“
He coughed, convulsed with the cough, and there was blood on Lumi.
It had started with a cough after Melida/Daan began to turn into Melidaan and he, what felt like, crawled back to the Order begging for forgiveness and a new path and a new Master while he was at it.
What followed was multiple summons to the Council, a closed door meeting of the Council and Qui-Gon after which his Master wouldn’t look him in the eye for a week.
What followed was Master Tholme being dragged across the courtyard by Quinlan who avoided his eyes but emanated stubborn help. The Shadow Master, which was only a rumor but a rumor that had lasted decades, drily looked at Quinlan before explaining to Obi-Wan how Quin had washed and pleated the robes Master Tholme was now wearing. Would Obi-Wan like some tea?
Tea turned out to be a monstrosity of a milkshake, a secret even more closely guarded than Shadow identities.
“I have been informed you are looking for a change.”
What followed was Obi-Wan getting to know Master Tholme as a person. The soft, comfortable core of him that was never betrayed by his stoic expression but rather the old fashioned music player his first Padawan had gifted him that he danced to in the sanctuary of his kitchen. His silences that invited to share, his calm demeanor, his high expectations and his steady, grounded, and ever ready provided help.
Before all that, the new Master, the old Master, a planet uniting, there was a kiss in victory, in celebration, and in genuine, heartfelt thanks, that transferred a local bacteria.
And that, that had started the cough.
“The Force is with—“ is the last thing he’s spoken with his own voice and, with distance and age, he’s rather proud of that one.
A lot of distance and age, granted.
Getting eaten from the inside out had hurt, had pushed him to the brink of insanity with how much it hurt even with the healers - five, six, seven healers working simultaneously to keep him from dying - keeping the pain at bay.
They had used the Force to try to contain the bacteria’s progress, trying to buy time to figure out what was attacking him.
He’d succumbed eventually. The pain, the sheer force of wills battling against the infection, half his neck just… gone. He’d succumbed to unconsciousness with Master Qui-Gon’s forehead against the back of his limp hand, and waited to see if he’d wake up again.
“The system Melidaan resides in has a strain of bacteria that,” newly graduated Healer Che halted, managing to shuffle her data pad like a stack of flimsi, “eats human-based tissue. The population is vaccinated and only very few cases have been reported in the past decades. It has been nearly forgotten.”
It spread orally.
Obi-Wan, when everyone was gone and he had managed to limp to his data pad on the table across the room, had sent a message “are you okay? Please go to the hospital”. Had crawled to the fresher, had scrubbed his lips and sutures raw and bleeding, and cried silently until dawn jostled him back to bed.
“How are you feeling, Obi-Wan?”
He shrugged. Eyes trained on the cracking open hands in his lap. “How is Thelar,” he signed.
“They are recovering well. Their healer contacted our office to let you know that they are alright and they are sorry.”
Thelar was too nice.
“You pushed them with the Force. What happened?”
Talking and teaching basic sign language and he got to take his first deep breath without the mask and in the company of friends.
Wet and too narrow and he was drowning in the liquified tissue of— no air, no feeling, his lips pressed against his teeth and he couldn’t feel it but the drowning and choking—
“They kissed me,” he signed.
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hoshigray · 11 months
My Professor's Final Spring Praise ༄ K. Nanami
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"Before my summer break officially started, I had to finish my last in-person exam with Professor Nanami. It was so tough, but I made it through! I was the last to leave, so I thanked the professor and shared some final words before heading to my dorm to finish packing up. However, how do a few gratitude and praise exchanges end up with me on his desk and him between my legs?"
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A/n: Yessirrrrrr!! First work of my very first series!! I'm very nervous about this as this is the first time committing to writing consecutively for a specific theme, but I got faith in myself!! Also, it's Nanami and my birthday!!!ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰ So as soon as this is posted, I'm signing off and enjoying my day with my hubby Kento~ (sike I'm not, just gonna hang with friends, lol). But anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this piece, and thank you so very much for 1k followers~~~!!! Not my best work, but it's a decent start for the series! >:D (will proofread l8r tmrw)
Series m. list!! This entry has been updated along w/ its contents.
Cw: professor! Nanami x fem! reader - explicit content so minors DNI - taboo (consensual sex b/w a professor & undergrad) - age difference (the reader is at least in their 20s; Nanami approaching early 30s) - fingering (fem! receiving) - cunnilingus - semi-missionary position (reader lies on their back on a table while Nanami stands) - public sex/sex in a university classroom - unprotected sex (PSA: wrap it up, or get the fuck up) - pining if you squint - praise - pet names (baby, darling, love, sweet pea) - clitoral play (licking and sucking) - kissing/makeout sessions.
Wc: 3.4k
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Dear Diary...it's been a long while since I had to come to you as an outlet for my thoughts. But something happened today that caused my mind to go rampant, and I need to rely on you again...
Today is supposed to be the best day of the year. You just finished taking your last in-person exam, you were able to finish packing up all your stuff, and you're now ready to kiss this campus goodbye until the upcoming fall season.
You could not wait to start your summer plans. Not only will you work in the internship you've been hoping to get into since last semester, but you'll finally have ample time to hang with your best friends ever — Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara!
The summer break has been the end goal for the four of you, and now that your finals are finally over, there's no stopping you from enjoying the season to the best you can!
However, as much as you say you're excited, it doesn't correlate to your actual feelings at this point in time. Something happened that altered your entire perception of what the future was supposed to be.
Something so out of the ordinary that you don't know how to properly feel or think about the situation.
Something so out of the ordinary that you turn to a diary to let your thoughts out, alone in your shared dorm room when all the other roommates have left earlier in the week.
Something so completely out of the ordinary that it sends chills down your spine just reminiscing the moment before sitting at this exact desk writing about what transpired earlier.
It all started when I went to my last in-person exam with Yuuji, where everyone else was waiting for the professor...
You and Yuuji had the same Biology class to take care of one of your science credits, and the exam was to take place on the last day of finals week. Although you've been told it's not supposed to be a difficult test — it's a bunch of multiple questions, short answers, and one essay — the exam period starts from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Three hours of endless testing was enough to put you, Yuuji, and all the other classmates in shambles, embracing guaranteed failures and having no idea how to study.
Luckily, a true saint descended from above to bless you and your peers with a professor who knows what he's doing and is patient enough to lead you to the right path. Your professor, Kento Nanami, was relatively young enough to connect with his fellow students but held a well-mannered and stern cadence that gained the respect and admiration of those around him. He was able to steer you guys into a secure approach to your studying: taking in questions, making study guides for quizzes and midterms, and highlighting significant areas from the textbook throughout the semester that will be shown on today's exam.
So through all the diligent preparation and practical labs you've attended, you feel way more confident with the material than at the start of the semester. Can't say the same for Yuuji, who's more nervous than you (with his three unexcused absences and constantly coming to you for help). But as long as y'all are suffering together, that's all that matters.
The only problem is that the exam is sectioned into three parts — sixty multiple-choice questions that are one point each, ten short answer questions that are also one point each, one mix-and-match portion, and the essay is ten whole points by itself (twenty if you can answer five bonus questions afterward). So, off the bat, everyone understands why three hours are given to complete the exam. But Professor Nanami said, "You all should be fine because it doesn't necessarily have to take you all three hours to complete. So if you finish early, you can get outta here." Say less.
So once you entered the usual classroom with Yuuji, you followed through and sat distant from each other at the same table. The professor came on time as always, instructing the class on where to get the exam on the class website, giving the password to unlock it, and wishing you luck.
The only sounds in the space were people clicking their keyboards, sighs, and groans, and people packing up to leave after submitting their exams before thanking their professor for a great semester. Soon the number of students would thin out, leaving just you and Yuuji still completing your exam.
Yuuji finished at the two-hour mark, releasing an extended sigh of relief before hurriedly stuffing his laptop in his backpack. He goes down to thank and bear hug the professor. And you giggle at the expression of Nanami's dismay because he would've sufficed with a simple handshake like the other students. But that's what makes Yuuji an anomaly to the mass, being exceptionally himself no matter where or who he's with. The salmon-haired boy walks up and wishes you luck, going to his dorm to pack the last of his things and promising to pick you up when you're done.
And then it was just you and him: the professor standing at the podium in front of the classroom, reading a book while you finish the last bonus questions before submitting it on the class site. You sigh heavily, and a massive wave of relief washes over you. You did it. You handled all your exams. You're finally free!
"Finished?" You look for where the voice comes from. The professor looks up from his book at your figure.
You place your laptop in your bag and stand up from your seat. It took you twenty more minutes just to finish compared to Yuuji. "Yup! It wasn't so bad like you said, but I had more trouble with the bonus questions than everything else." You stretch your arms and legs.
Nanami chuckles at your feedback. "I see. I did say the bonus questions would be more lab-based. Good thing those who couldn't make it to some of the labs got to see me so I could help them or assign them with the other students who missed."
"You mean like Yuuji?" You walk up to the podium to be in front of your professor. "Because the poor guy couldn't make it to some of the labs because of club activities."
"Yes, Itadori is one of those students." Nanami smiles at the mention of the salmon-haired other. "He's undoubtedly a hard-working student, asking questions and enjoying the lectures. But that's for when he is in the class."
You chuckle as the subtle shade at your friend. "He does try, though! All the times we've studied together since this exam shows that he wanted to put his whole heart into this class. Not to mention that you're secretly his favorite teacher~." You mention the last part hoping it sparks something in the professor, and you're glad to see that the older man releases a wee chortle at the tiny piece of information.
"Hmm, well, I appreciate his enthusiasm and that he was deeply interested in the class. However," your professor closes his book and walks to the side of the podium, erasing an imaginary barrier between the two of you. "You also play a huge part in his engagement. He's lucky to have a friend like you."
Your brows trench, but a smile creeps past your conscious. "What makes you say that?"
"You've been a particular student in my class. Not only are you an easy grader, but you capture the material so well that Itadori trusts you enough to help him when I'm not available to do so. Anytime you ask me a question, it's always outside the textbook or linked to something you looked into outside the lectures."
The smile on your face grows large, and you look away to shield it from his vision. "Thank you, Professor Nanami."
"I won't be surprised if I check the grades later and see that you got an excellent grade." He removes his glasses and places them on the podium with his book. "I'd also suggest you consider minoring in this field if you'd like. And did you sign up for that scholarship I mentioned to you around two weeks ago?"
"Yes, I filled it out last week."
"Good." He moves a hand to place on your shoulder, and the action takes you aback because it's the first time he's ever touched you. "I expect great things from you, Y/n. I'm sure whatever you want to do in this life, you'll do just fine."
You bashfully nod at his kind words. And you extend your hand up to him to signify a ready handshake. "Thank you, professor. And thank you so much for all your help this semester."
The hand that was on your shoulder grabs hold of your hand. But what happens next was far from what you expected.
Nanami lifts your hand with his and faintly sets his lips on the back of your knuckles.
And this is the provenance of what sets everything in motion.
What he did to your hand didn't just surprise you, but also surprised him. Nanami froze with your hand still in his, not daring to move as you have yet moved an inch.
Why did I do that? It's the biggest question that runs through his mind at this time. One moment he was praising you for being one of his best students, then he busses his lips onto your hand the next. But why?
Nanami knew he was done for. Unable to look into your eyes, he can only tighten his hold on your hand. This was so not part of his routine. Today was supposed to be like any other exam day. He only came here to see his students for one last time before the start of summer break. He only came here to see his final class and have them take the exam before heading home. So why?
Perhaps it was the feelings of spring blinding him like a child. Or maybe his emotions got the better of him. But today was the last day of the semester he'd see his favorite pupil — you. Until now, the professor has done a phenomenal job maintaining an appropriate relationship between teacher and student, keeping a respectable distance while tending to his scholars.
And yet, he still would catch himself sneaking a selfish glance at you following through with his lectures, his heart swooning when you use your lovely voice to ask a question, or going blind when you flash a smile that rivals the sun's beam.
It's never right to have favorites; however, you clearly were the one that caught his attention the most.
Yet, also, this type of relationship is not the best for Nanami or you. You are a student, and he is your teacher. This could damage the reputation of both of you. It's the least favorable outcome between the two of you...
...So why haven't you snatched your hand away from mine yet?
Your hands tighten back with his, and the man finally chooses to look at you.
You're eyes bore into him, looking at him as if he's the only thing meant to have your concentration. Your breathing descends to a slower pace, but the rhythm of your heart beats the more you look at the man before you. "Professor Nanami..." you said his name in a whisper, and God, did it feel so wrong to do such a thing. As if your mouth would be thrown into a pit of flames for even calling to him with an indescribable connotation. Your mind is now fueled with a deep emotion rooted within, rooted with a scary longing.
"Y/n..." It felt even more wrong to have your name hushed in his voice, so hot to the ears that they could melt any second. Even so, a part of you wishes he would repeat it in the same tone again. Expressing the exact feeling of wanting something, wanting you.
Observant brown eyes lock in with your eyes. Faces move forward with hesitance. Eyes close. Noses begin to brush their skins against each other. And pairs of lips seal an unfortunate yet desirable event that cannot be revoked.
It takes a few minutes for you two to melt into each other from the makeout session. It takes a few minutes to block the glass windows with portable whiteboards to block the view from the outside. And it takes a few minutes for you to be a disheveled mess with your back on a table with Nanami between your legs, fingering your throbbing vulva and licking your slick and sensitive clitoris.
"Hoooh...Mmmm, Professor Nanami, your tongue. I-It feels too good—Nnnmph!!"
Nanami flicks his tongue on your sensitive, the cause for you to cry out. "Y/n, I told you. It's just the two of us, so call me by my name."
No, you mustn't. That's taking things too far. But, "K-Kentooo," that name is too tempting to not have seeped through your moans. "Your tongue and fingersss, they're too much!"
His middle and forefinger pull and push inside your gushy walls, prompting more of your sweet cries to fill the blonde man's eardrums. "Is that so? Too much for you? Think you're gonna cum?"
You nod desperately with each question, your cunt clenching around his digits as if you were to snatch them off. But that would be impossible when he's playing with your pussy like a toy. Sweat starts to form on your forehead, your orgasm inching in closer and closer by the second.
And Nanami notices, resulting in him coming to your aid for release. His tongue goes back to lapping around clit, kissing and sucking on the bud while the tempo of his fingers increases.
Your climax hits you hard, having your body twitch and quiver as the inner walls of your slit contract around the digits scraping your velvety texture. You grab tufts of his blond hair, messing up its neat shape. But neither of you cares, too engulfed with each other to worry about the details. Tears form at the end of your eyes as you experience your high, and you try to steady your breathing when your professor withdrawals himself from you.
"Good job, sweet pea. Made a mess on my fingers." He praises you while undoing his tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt, revealing his well-defined torso for your eyes to see. But the real prize is when he unzips his pants and pulls down his briefs, his erect cock out in the open for you to marvel at.
But before you could look at it with all its glory, the tip of his dick presses up against your cunt, sliding it up and down to warm you up before entry. The feeling of his shaft grinding on your folds and clit is enough to have chills travel down your spine.
"Alright, love, I'm gonna go slow for you, okay?" His chocolate brown eyes examine your face to give him a response. You nibble on your lip and brace yourself after confirming your cooperation. "If you want me to stop, let me know. So, take some breaths for me."
And with that, the blonde pushes his cock into you with every exhale you take, the twinge of pain making it difficult to focus. Yet you still pull through because you want this so fucking much. There's no turning back now. And when the tip of his cock finally nestles inside your vagina, a choked shriek departs from your lips.
Slowly, Nanami pushes himself into you, every inch of his cock venturing further into your welcoming, throbbing chasm. He brushes up against your sweet spots causing you to jerk up. Nanami coaxes you through it. "It's okay, darling. You're taking me so well."
Tears come streaming down when the base of his cock kisses your folds, your union now solidified. The blonde gives you a moment to get acclimated with his girth inside before he gradually instructs a patient pace of the hips.
"Mmmm, Kento. 'S so good..." You mewl into the air, your face feeling hot and sweaty. The slow rhythm of his ruts is tantalizing, but it feels so good having his length scrape your insides. "Pleaseee, go fasteeer—"
"Want it faster? Nnmmm, damn, I'll go faster, baby." When the moment is right, his thrusts quicken the cadence, provoking more blissful whimpers to fill the silent room.
Your hands find purchase on his back, your legs wrapping around his waist to cage him close to you. And Nanami takes the notion as a signal for him to dial up the speed, thrusting so deep into your pussy with an erratic tempo. Pelvis smacking hard on your slit and tender clit that it has you seeing stars.
"Hmmm, Ahh—Ahhhh! Ohhhh, fucking shit!" The harsh ruts to your lower half keep your ground to the table beneath you, sweat sticking your clothes to your back. The sounds of skin slapping each other are on par with your pornographic noises, having you feel indecent and shameful. But it's too late now.
"Hmmph! Oh, fuck," husky groans exit from Nanami, the man putting his forehead on yours. "You feel so good and tight around me, love. So close to—Ahhhh!! Shit, so close to cumming.."
You swallow the spit that secretes your mouth. "Haaaah, Kentoooo—" your eyes are shut to wholly focus on the commotion beneath you. Your sexes smacking each other, forcing you to clench around him with every thrust of the hips. "I'm about to—Nnnaaahh!! Oh, Jesus, I'm gonna cummm!"
He kisses your forehead. "You want to cum, sweet pea?"
"Yesssss, please, please, pleaseee!!" Begging for your release is all you can do as your mind turns into mush, the familiar sensation crawling back to haunt you.
He hushes your cries with his lips on yours, the final kiss filled with scorching passion while Nanami pistons a few thrusts plunging to your vulva.
Your orgasm washes over you again, and you moan blissfully into the blonde's mouth. Your gushy walls flutter around his member for the last time, coating it with your essence. And Nanami had to be quick not to sink too deep into the feeling, or else he'd spill his release into you. He removed himself from your lips and body, ejaculating his load onto your bare stomach, and you gasped at the contact of his fluids spilling on your exposed skin.
You look up to survey the man before you, and you're met with an image you never thought you'd see. Blonde hair that was once slicked neatly now had messy strands that framed his face beautifully. Sweat covered his sculpted physique, and hooded brown eyes examined your body under him.
Letting the silence calm the both of you down from your aftershocks, Nanami glances at your face and smiles. He brings a hand to cup your cheek, brushing off tears that painted your face.
"Glad to have you this semester. Have a good summer, darling."
An abrupt sound has you stop writing on the entry, bringing you back to the present time.
It sounded like it came from the front door, so you stuff your diary into your bag and exit the room to find out who's causing all the ruckus. When you open the door, the first thing that enters your line of vision is pink hair.
Your friend, Yuuji Itadori.
"Yo!" He greets you. "Ready to go? I called up your phone like four times."
"Oh, you did? Sorry, I must've forgotten to put it back on vibrate after the exam." You move out of the way for Yuuji to enter your dorm, closing the door behind him. "My stuff is in my room. I got two suitcases, a duffel bag, and my backpack."
"Alright then, let's hurry and get out of here! Think we can take the freeway since it's late at night, and traffic should be gone by now."
Yuuji grabs your two suitcases and heads outside to put them inside the trunk of his car. You walk around to check and see if anything is missing or misplaced before heading to your room and grabbing the other bags.
Yet before you leave the space entirely, you grab your diary again and write your final thoughts.
...I don't know what possessed me to let what happened happen. But, at the same time, I don't hate it for happening? I don't know...it was probably the feelings of spring taking over me or the relief that I finished all my exams.
But one thing is for sure; if I wasn't the last person to leave that classroom, none of that would've happened. I wouldn't have experienced that new side of Professor Nanami.
And as long as this keeps between me and him, then I'm kinda glad that it happened.
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greensagephase · 1 month
Nonviolent Communication - Part 14
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Pairings: Miguel O'Hara x SpideyFemReader Summary: Miguel continues to try and move forward with subtle changes in his life. He has some reflections about life and you. You cross paths with an old friend from the past. A rainy night at Miguel's penthouse. Word Count: 28K Warnings: This chapter takes place over the span of three days; Reader feels anxious and nerves; Miguel is so supportive here I want to give him a big kiss and hold his pinky finger until I fall asleep; Miguel Previous Part MasterlistMusic Inspo (You can find the official Spotify playlist for the fanfic here) "Adonis and Amara" - Ludwig Göransson "Ab Ovo" - Joep Beving "You Could Start A Cult" - Niall Horan "To My Son" - Daniel Pemberton "quiero sentirme bien" - Kali Uchis (thank you to the reader that suggested this song to me a while back) "Can I Call You Rose?" - Thee Sacred Souls "El Muchacho de los Ojos Tristes" - Jeanette (thank you to the reader that said this song reminded them of Miguel and reader, I've been thinking about it ever since and 😭😭 I love this song sm, so it was perfect)
Enjoy and thank you for reading!! 🫶🏼❤️
Part 14
Miguel places two mugs of café de olla on a tray, steam rises into the air, reaching his nose. It’s one of those evenings in which you have both gone separate ways after dinner to give each other space. Miguel wasn’t planning on making any coffee, but he suddenly had the craving for it while he was reading in the living room, and knowing how much you love it was Miguel’s final and biggest motivation to get up from the couch and make it.
He turns to a glass dome-shaped cake stand and takes the lid off, uncovering fresh pan dulce he bought earlier for the two of you.
In a matter of seconds, Miguel has two dessert plates with pan dulce and the two mugs on the tray, along with some napkins. He doesn’t want to intrude on your space, so his plan is simply to give it to you and leave you alone.
He knows you’re either in your bedroom or in the office upstairs, the one he’s told you numerous of times that you can use. He reenters the living room, tray in hand, ready to go upstairs but halfway through the room, his red eyes stop on one of the walls, the one next to the stairs.
He can’t help himself, so Miguel stops and admires it. For the first time since he moved into the penthouse and Gabriel and his mother decorated the place, there’s a new change to the space. To anyone, this is probably a small one, insignificant even, but to Miguel, it’s a large change and one that warms his heart.
The once empty and vacant wall is now decorated with some photographs and not just simple, plain standard ones, like those that can be found on other walls around the penthouse that were once placed by Gabriel and his mother several years ago when Miguel first moved in.
No. Miguel’s living room, for the first time, is decorated with photographs of his loved ones.
It’s only been a few days since that morning on the rooftop when Miguel asked if you could help him redecorate his place, but already, this new change is a sign of it.
Together, the two of you have worked on this project over the last few days. Since he requested your help, Miguel and you have spent evenings on the living room floor, heads low and eyes focused on the tablet Miguel gifted you several months ago for Christmas while you helped him create a mood board.
“What is something you know for sure you want?” you asked him that following Saturday night, gazing at him with curiosity.
And though Miguel hadn’t thought much of it since he had only asked you the day before, he immediately had a response to your question, one inspired by you.
“This wall,” Miguel said, turning to look at it.
You nodded and gazed at it.
“A clean canvas,” you said, which made Miguel turn back to you.
He felt a sense of wonder and awe in that moment because for so long, he saw that wall, like the rest of his place, as a sign of emptiness - of the void in his life. And then, there you were, making Miguel see it in a positive light. A clean canvas, one that he can fill with happiness.
“Photographs,” Miguel said with a gentle smile. “Like, your wall with all the photographs. I’ve always liked it.”
And that was all Miguel needed to say because if he liked that aspect of your apartment, then that meant that Miguel wanted his family’s photographs in display.
The two of you spent some time shopping for picture frames, ones that go with Miguel’s new theme to begin the small project. As of now, there’s already a few adorning the once empty wall. You’ve taken a break, unwillingly, since the last few days at the Spider Society have been rather busy with anomalies causing chaos in other universes and the recruitment of new members. Due to that, Miguel and you have come home tired and with little energy to continue. Despite there only being a few photos, Miguel feels great about it.
It’s a new change.
Staring at the photos, Miguel can’t help himself from feeling like this is a new beginning. The thought scares him somewhat, his old way of thinking wants to creep back on him. The old Miguel, the one from two years ago, wouldn’t want a part of this. He would frown about this, about opening up to someone so much - about letting someone into his life, into his heart.
Shock, Miguel realizes, the old him wouldn’t even be here right now, standing in his living room holding a tray with café de olla and pan dulce for him and his best friend on a week day at 7pm. No, the old Miguel would be in the lab right now, preparing for a long night ahead of him reading data and reports through his marigold-colored screens. His red eyes would shut close for a few seconds every once in a while as an attempt to fight off sleep to avoid nightmares of Gaby. The old Miguel wouldn’t be here, right now.
Miguel wonders now, where would you be? Would he had offered his place for you to stay due to the fire at your building, even if the two of you were not close, and just mere colleagues? Would you had even accepted, or would you’ve stayed with someone else, in another universe?
These and other questions come up in Miguel’s head, going as far to the very beginning.
What if he never accepted your help to organize the lab? What if he never went to your apartment the day you were unwell? What if none of this ever happened because he didn’t allow himself to share a shred of a side of him he had kept locked away after losing Gaby that day, when everyone seemed to be unbothered by the fact that you hadn’t show up, and he was? He told himself it was merely concern for your universe - for the fate of the multiverse - but he realizes now more than ever, that his caring side had slipped from his grasp unknowingly that day. What if he had realized it, that he was not only concerned about the multiverse, but also about the young woman that failed to show up that day because it seemed so unlike her to not show up on time, to not give a heads up that she had something going on, and what if in realizing that he was about to let you see that side of him, what if he didn’t show up and simply had Lyla do a wellness check?
Would any of this have happened had he not made those decisions? Would it had mattered at all, or was Miguel, somehow, in a long string of loss and hurt, destined to be here, in this very moment, holding a tray with food, not just for him, but also you, his best friend?
Was it always meant to be like this, or was Miguel, for once in his life, merely granted a sliver of luck?
Miguel’s eyes turn away from one of the photos to another one, one of him and you, his best friend. The fact that he can think about it so easily, without any hesitation feels unreal. He actually admitted to you that you’re his best friend after fearing that fact for so long, and yet, his lips uttered those words only a few days ago. Not only out loud but to you, in person.
He has no regrets nor fear about it. And thankfully, Miguel thinks to himself, he also doesn’t have to live with the regret nor be haunted by those very questions - by the what if - because it’s already been done. He silently thanks something bigger than him, he’s not sure if it’s divine intervention or maybe something else, but he gives thanks nonetheless for being here now despite everything.
Miguel smiles softly at the photograph, this one being from New Year’s Eve consisting of you, Mayday, and him welcoming the new year. His gaze shifts to another one from the day he helped you put together the bookcase. There’s still more that he wishes to add of you and him, of Gabriel, Gabriella, and even his mother.
For now, however, the photos that have made it already make him happy.
There’s the photo of Gaby holding her soccer ball and smiling at the camera, her smile sweet and endearing. There’s Gabriel when he graduated from high school, his cheeky smile always present. Then, there’s one of Miguel and Gabriel after Miguel graduated from college, and of course, Gabriel had to make a silly face for it. Some of the memories make Miguel’s heart ache, for it reminds him of days when he used to have his brother around. And of course, he misses his little Gaby terribly. His gaze turns to the side, a single photo of both his mother and wife have also made it, to honor them.
Miguel’s heart aches, it does, and maybe it always will. He’s slowly begun to realize that it’ll ache in a different way, even with time. He’s learned that from you. The loss of loved ones will always hurt, but one learns to embrace the moments and the time that one had the privilege of sharing with them, and to hold on to that instead of the grief and loss. It’s how you honor them, by who they were in life and the moments they shared with us. Those are the things that one ought to hold on to when it hurts because it’s those very moments that lighten the heavy emotions.
For years, his grief and pain didn’t allow him to do such thing - to display photos of Gabriel and his mother, and with the loss of Gaby and his wife, even less - but looking at them now, Miguel is filled with a sense of warmth and happiness.
There's still loss and grief but unlike before, when that was all Miguel could feel, there's also warmth, happiness, and even more love.
It’s a small change in the large penthouse, but one that already makes the place feel much warmer, more like… a home.
With a soft sigh, Miguel smiles and continues on his mission to find you. He’s halfway up the stairs when he realizes you’re definitely in your bedroom.
Miguel briefly thinks about that - how it’s your bedroom. He used to call it Gabriel’s room, even the guest room, but now it’s your bedroom. It’s how he refers to it. Your bedroom. He knows even when you return to your universe, he’ll be referring to the room as such. As Miguel climbs the rest of the steps, he pushes away the heavy feeling that suddenly wants to spread across his chest, so he dismisses the last thought away, far from his mind. He doesn’t want to think about it.
Instead, he focuses on the now. Your bedroom door is open and light pours out onto the hallway, illuminating it. Music fills his ears and it grows louder with each step Miguel takes until his maroon eyes finally find you. You’re on the ground, your back against the bed’s side, and looking down at something - a photo album, Miguel realizes.
He gently taps the door with his foot to get your attention as he’s holding the tray with both hands, which immediately makes you look up. You greet him with a smile that only grows warmer as you spot the mugs, the kind that makes Miguel feel like it’s his reward for making the café de olla, filling him with great satisfaction.
“I hope I’m not interrupting too much,” he starts with a soft smile.
“Not at all! Come in,” you say happily, an invitation Miguel immediately accepts.
He steps in, crossing the short distance before he carefully hands you a mug. You thank him and take a small drink to avoid burning yourself before you pat the place next to you. “Would you like to sit? Unless you’re heading back downstairs?” you say looking up at him, hoping he’ll stay.
Miguel smiles. “I wouldn’t want to disturb you. You seem to be busy.”
“I’m just looking at some photos, it’s nothing too important,” you say. “I could even show you some?”
That makes Miguel smile even more.
“Alright but first, do you want some pan dulce? I bought you some,” he says placing the tray on a desk.
“You also brought pan dulce?” you say happily. “I’d love some, thank you!”
Nodding, Miguel grins and hands you a plate with a piece of bread and a napkin before he settles down next to you. You take a bite from your polvorón, a Latin shortbread cookie that Miguel is very fond of. The soft, crumbly, and sugary cookie melts in your mouth deliciously as you eat it before you take a sip of coffee. After you wipe your mouth clean with the napkin, you lift the photo album and show Miguel the page you were on. “Teenage years… Don’t judge too much,” you joke and Miguel chuckles softly.
“I would never,” he says as his red eyes take in the page, filled with curiosity and wonder to see and learn more about you. Sure enough there’s you as a teenager during some school function. He takes in every detail.
You turn the page and there’s suddenly a lot of photos of Peter and you as teenagers. You look at the pages fondly, something Miguel notices before he returns his gaze to the photos. He silently wonders if at this point the two of you were dating - a thought that reminds Miguel about how you and him have had a life before meeting each other. You’ve lived and laughed, spent days with people he’s never known - and probably never will - and that thought, for some reason, makes him feel like he’s missing something. It almost feels like Miguel longs to have been there, to have been in each other’s lives much sooner.
Miguel is in his early thirties and you’ve only been in his life for two years, a fact that suddenly feels heartbreakingly wrong to him, but if life treats him with more kindness than it has in the past, and if Miguel can help it, he’ll do his best to never push you away, so you can be a part of his life until his very last breath, whether that is tomorrow, or in forty years from now.
Miguel sighs silently as he comes to that conclusion. He’s no longer pushing anyone out of his life, especially not you, who he turns to look at now. You still have that soft look on your face as your eyes gaze at the photos.
“We were just friends at this point. He had already been at my school for a few months but we quickly became best friends and then, well, you know we started dating,” you share softly.
Miguel nods, scanning the photos. Your words settle in and just when something goes off in his head, something about your words that almost lead him to a thought, you turn the page.
“Oh, look! This is when we went on a field trip! Senior year of high school,” you tell Miguel, showing him a picture of a group of kids, Peter and you included.
Miguel blinks, unsure of what he was about to think about but now the thought is gone. He’s sure he’ll think about it later, in the future.
“Were these all your friends in high school?” he asks, tilting his head to get a better look at you and your friends.
“No, I only had two close friends, including Peter. The others were friends but in a different way. We were in clubs together and the such. I didn’t have a big friend group, you know?”
Miguel looks up at you and grins. “I was the same. Small group of friends. It was better.”
“I always thought so, too,” you reply with a grin of your own. “I guess now is the only time we have a large group of friends.”
Miguel raises an eyebrow.
“You know, the spider gang. As adults, now we have a large group of friends. I like it.” You glance down at your photo album again. “And well, we have - each other, too,” you say with a soft smile forming on your lips.
It’s been a few days since Miguel verbally admitted that you’re his best friend, and every time you think about, every time you remember him saying it - your heart races. You’re filled with happiness and pride for Miguel. You know it must have taken a lot for him to admit it, but at last, though, the two of you said it.
It’s out in the open now and ever since then, you swear something has changed. It’s like things are easier, the air is lighter. You swear Miguel has been far more playful these past few days than he was before, throwing little smiles and smirks your way.
Even members of the spider gang asked what happened because according to them, Miguel has been in a, “great mood.”
“Are you sure that’s Miguel from this universe?” Hobie asked as the two of you walked to a meeting earlier this week. “I find him more tolerable these days for some reason.”
“Hobie,” you warned him with a soft smile, though not harshly. You know Hobie and Miguel have their own dynamic, but there’s still respect. The bickering has decreased especially since Miguel and you have grown closer. Somewhat. At least, it’s more on the playful side, you think. “Of course it’s our Miguel. Why wouldn’t it be him?”
“Yeah, I know, I know. You have a sweet spot for him, and him for you,” he replied with a little smirk that you missed as you entered the room first. “Our Miguel, huh?” Hobie said with a soft hum, as if pondering something, but you didn’t have time to think about it because Miguel was already at the head of the table with two cups of coffee, one placed in front of him and the other where you’ve sat for months now, next to him. No one even tries to take your seat, even when you arrive just in time due to emergencies at your universe. It’s as if that spot is your assigned place and now no one messes with it.
Miguel smiles at your words. Yes, you have each other now, have for a while despite how long it took him to admit it. He feels a warmth spread through his chest at the thought. He finally said it, what he’s been wanting to say for so long.
Miguel’s hand closes into a soft fist while he sits next to you as he thinks about the day he admitted you’re his best friend. It was hours later at his lab when you walked out to get something that Miguel truly realized what happened. The realization of what he did rushed through him and he found himself looking at his hand, the one with which he held yours the whole night. He didn’t meant to, all he had wanted to do was his pinky hug gesture, but it seems that at some time during the night, a sleeping Miguel felt comfortable with doing more.
He felt comfortable about it even when you were both awake. He did offer his hand to help you up, didn’t he? Miguel swallows softly as he remembers this, how you declined his help as an attempt to respect his boundaries regarding physical contact, but the truth is that Miguel wanted more, even if just for a few more seconds.
He yearned for it.
He did, otherwise, he would’ve easily activated his suit to avoid direct skin to skin contact but Miguel didn’t. He kept his hand out for yours and felt it. The sensation and the thought of it stayed on his mind the whole way upstairs until he got in the shower, only for the thought to return once again hours later as the two of you hung out in the living room that evening.
The day was an interesting one in regards to sleep. You both ate and drank coffee to replenish yourselves and fight off any sleepiness during the day. You were successful and even managed to create a mood board for the penthouse that evening, sitting side by side. An hour and a half later though, the two of you fell asleep while the telenovela played in the background after you both returned to your respective couches, hoping to not fall asleep so soon. You both failed the task, though you passed out first.
Miguel remembers thinking it was expected. You stayed up far longer than he did while you watched over him. He knows that because Lyla later mentioned it in passing with a soft smirk, as if the fact was amusing. Seeing you passed out, Miguel now remembers standing up to cover you with the same blanket you shared the night before up until that early morning. He wasn’t cold himself but he thought maybe you were, so he covered your body and with a soft smile, heard you make the softest and most endearing sound of content, welcoming the warmth. It made him stand over you for a little bit, watching your sleeping form through his own sleepy red eyes, his ears capturing your gentle breathing.
After a minute or two, Miguel returned to his own couch and fell asleep within minutes, watching you through heavy eyes while the telenovela continued to play in the background. As he began to doze off, Miguel thought of the night before and how you had both fallen asleep on the ground, just a few feet away from each other. And for some reason, which he decided was exhaustion at the time, Miguel wished that night would’ve ended the same way in that moment.
Miguel’s fist uncurls as he comes back to the present, his mind running with all these thoughts and memories. He glances at you again with a warm smile, thinking about your words about having each other now. “We do. We have each other,” he says softly and before he can stop himself or truly realize what he’s about to say, a single word straight from his heart slips past his lips. “Always.”
A heartbeat later and with your own smile, you reciprocate it. “Always.”
Smiling, you stare at each other. Something in your chests is ignited, like a soft gold beam of light, glowing for each other.
Miguel’s cheeks have a gentle pink hue on them and your smile is one of shyness, so you both take a moment to drink the rich, wonderful café de olla Miguel made while that single word echoes in your minds and hearts alike. An understanding passes between you, one that requires no further explanation, for that word alone makes an intention very clear.
You both intend to stay in each other's lives for however long you can.
There will be no pushing or turning away, especially not from Miguel, who used to do that with anyone who tried to get too close.
Until you came along.
As you take another drink, you both stare at the photo album, pinky fingers silently itching for contact, but you, as always, never want to push Miguel’s boundaries, even if physical contact between you has increased over the last few months; even if he held your hand while you both slept just a few days ago. Without even trying, you remember the way it felt to have his hand on yours all those hours, or the way his body’s heat reached out to you under the shared blanket before you push the memories away. All in due time, you tell yourself. Miguel has done some inner healing, and opened himself to you in more ways than you ever imagined in a short time. You have no doubt that one day he’ll be more open to physical touch, beyond hands, at least. Maybe one day you’ll be able to embrace him, not just for comfort, but maybe just because of sheer happiness, too.
One day, you tell yourself, one day in the near future.
For now, you hold your mug for a few seconds and refocus on the moment.
Miguel holds on to his mug, too, while he thinks about reaching over and offering his pinky finger, but he’s not sure that he should, not now. He turns his gaze to the photo album instead, trying to distract himself from his thoughts concerning physical touch. Maybe another time. He sighs softly, so gently you miss it entirely and Miguel himself doesn’t even register it, but if there was a third person present, they would’ve labeled Miguel’s sigh as one of longing.
You place the mug on the floor next to you, not between Miguel and you to avoid spilling, but instead on your empty side. It’s then that a small hint of color catches your eye from underneath one of your pillows. It's your sweatshirt, but it’s not the one you’ve been wearing these last few days to sleep in when you get cold during the night. No, this is the sweatshirt Miguel returned to you several days ago.
And yet, it’s not on your bed because you wear it to sleep but for another reason.
You turn to Miguel, his eyes are on the photo album, lost in thought, thankfully.
You discreetly push the sweatshirt further underneath the pillows, hiding it, while you keep an eye on him. You feel as though if he sees it, he’ll know the truth, which is that just like he finds comfort in your scent, you find comfort in his.
You know there’s nothing wrong with it. At least, you don’t think so. You’ve never had a negative feeling nor thought about Miguel finding comfort in your scent, or even the fact that the old audio recording of you sleeping helps him. If anything, you find it endearing, and knowing that such simple things from you helps Miguel sleep better brings you happiness because it means he’s sleeping properly these days.
Therefore, you’re not hiding the sweatshirt because of that but rather because you don’t want to risk making Miguel uncomfortable. You’re certain he wouldn’t react negatively to it but still, there’s that risk, considering only a few days ago Miguel admitted being best friends. You don’t want to take that chance, even if a part of you believes that you telling him might bring Miguel some relief since sometimes you can still sense some embarrassment from him when he accepts the new sweatshirt every weekend.
So for now, you’ll keep this little secret to yourself. Maybe in a few months you’ll tell him about it and how you came to the realization that his scent fills you with peace and comfort. You briefly allow yourself to think of that night, New Year’s Eve, when you took his scarf home with you after he wrapped it around your neck to keep you warm. That fact alone brings a soft smile to your face as you watch Miguel looking at the photos. It also ignites another rush of warmth through you, as it’s one of the most intimate moments Miguel and you have had. It was so unexpected but even more what he did later that night, when he dried your tears with it on the rooftop, just the two of you. He soothed your tears and feelings, and then you both joined the rest of the group, forgetting about the scarf entirely.
It was the next morning at your apartment when you realized you still had it. You remember finding and picking it up, feeling its softness. And then, maybe out of curiosity or sheer instinct, you brought it to your face to smell it and Miguel’s scent filled your lungs. Catching yourself in the act, you placed it back on the bed, where it had been, before you headed to the bathroom only to end up accidentally pulling it towards you when you were ready for a short morning nap since Miguel and you spent the whole night talking here, at his penthouse, after leaving Miles’s universe. You got settled into bed and when you noticed pulling it along with the covers, you didn’t put it away. Instead, you brought it closer to you and shortly after fell asleep, inhaling Miguel’s scent like it was the most natural thing for you to do.
That’s how you discovered that you find comfort in Miguel’s scent. And that’s the reason why you hold on to the sweatshirts when he returns them - simply to have his scent nearby at night because it lulls you to sleep like nothing else has in years.
You pick up the mug again and take a sip, glancing at Miguel. Maybe another time.
You smile at him as you hold your mug. “Thank you for the café de olla. It’s so good, as always,” you tell him, breaking the short silence at last.
“Of course… Always,” Miguel says looking up at you. He gives you a small smile in return, noticing yours.
“Next page,” you say, grinning at him before you flip the page on the photo album. “That’s my mom and dad, high school graduation day. They cried,” you share with Miguel.
“Understandable,” he replies, looking at the photos. “Their only child graduated. I would’ve cried, too,” Miguel admits quietly, thinking. “I would’ve cried watching Gaby graduate high school, but what a privilege it would’ve been to have seen it happen…” Miguel clears his throat and looks at you again. He gives you an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I understand,” you say gently, reassuring him. You watch Miguel, thinking of a way to lighten the mood, of focusing on something much positive. “I have a feeling she would’ve been valedictorian, or at least top three in her class with how bright she was.”
That comment alone brings an affectionate look to Miguel’s face. He nods, knowing what you’re doing. Over the months and so many conversations, Miguel has noticed the way you always try to lighten his emotions, something he greatly appreciates. You always find a way to lift his spirits up. And somehow, you always succeed.
He offers you a gentle and warm smile. “She would’ve. I’m sure of it. She was very bright and loved learning.”
“Just like you,” you reply with a smile.
Miguel chuckles, his cheeks reddening just slightly as his gaze avoids yours for a few seconds in what seems to be shyness. “I - Thank you.” Miguel turns to look at you again with a sheepish smile. “You’re like that, too, you know?”
You chuckle and lift the coffee mug to your mouth to drink, feeling amused but also a bit of shyness yourself now. “I guess so.”
“You are.”
“Thank you,” you reply, lowering the mug. You gaze down at the photo album, feeling Miguel’s gaze on you the entire time. You mindlessly turn the page on the photo album. “I was thinking… It’s not too late. Not yet anyway,” you start.
“It isn’t,” Miguel replies, still looking at you, noticing the way you’re avoiding his gaze now. He’s turned the tables on you with the compliment and now you’re the shy one. He grins to himself, for some reason finding it amusing and yet sweet.
“Right, so I was thinking maybe we can work on the photographs? For a little while, at least. Only if you’re up to it, of course,” you say, finally glancing at him again. Your eyes instantly meet his red ones, making you wonder if he’s stopped looking at you even for just a few seconds. You have a feeling he hasn’t.
“It’s not too late, we can. If you’re not tired,” Miguel says, his eyes scanning your face for any sign of exhaustion as this week has been pretty busy at the Spider Society.
“I’m not. Plus, I have new energy thanks to this wonderful coffee,” you reply with a smile. “And I just know there’s more downstairs,” you add with a little smirk that makes Miguel chuckle.
“There might be some left.”
“I’m up for it then,” you say. “Are you?”
“Yeah,” Miguel responds with a soft smile. “I’m in.”
With that, you stand up and retrieve your mug, finishing what’s left of the coffee so you can refill it downstairs. Miguel glances at the photo album one more time, his eyes landing on a photo of Peter, you, and one more young man all dressed in cap and gowns. He recognizes him from previous photos you had before you redecorated your apartment a year ago, but you’ve never talked about your old friends and well, neither has Miguel. He lifts the photo album and closes it before handing it to you, so you can place it back where it needs to.
You thank him and place it on the desk as Miguel stands up, ready to head downstairs with you. He silently thinks about the friends he had in high school. Maybe one day the two of you can talk about those days, recall old memories with people that are no longer in your lives.
“Ready?” you ask Miguel, grabbing the tray Miguel brought earlier to take it back downstairs.
“Let’s go then.”
You gesture for Miguel to follow you and he does so without thinking about it. In a matter of seconds, you’re both in the living room.
“Do you want more café de olla?” you ask him.
Miguel looks at his mug and shrugs. “I guess I could go for more.”
“Here, I’ll refill our mugs then.”
“Thank you,” Miguel says as he hands you his mug before you head off.
You take care of the tray and dishes, and serve both yourself and Miguel more coffee before you return to the living room. Just as you enter the space again, you find Miguel by his record player and a second later, music fills your ears. Seeing Miguel use the record player always makes you smile without failure, especially knowing that he truly enjoys it despite the fact that he lives in a futuristic dimension where record players are not the norm. You’ve noticed that his collection of records has grown in a short amount of time, and at this rate he might beat you in having a larger one in just a few months.
“What are grinning about?” Miguel asks, raising an eyebrow.
You chuckle and shrug your shoulders. “Just thinking.”
“About what?” he asks, curiously.
You walk to the coffee table from which you’ve been working from, spotting a stack of photos and several frames ready for use.
“Your collection of records. It’s grown in a short amount of time,” you state as you place down the mugs on coasters and make sure that the stack of photos are far away from the coffee to avoid damage.
Miguel turns to look at his bookcase, eyebrow still raised, to take a look. He realizes it has. There’s a lot of records from artists Miguel enjoys listening to, records he bought right before the fire at your apartment. Miguel also realizes there’s a lot of Billie Holiday and other artists you specifically enjoy, records he often finds himself listening to - because of you.
“I guess it has, hasn’t it?” he asks looking back at you with a small grin.
“It has! I was thinking that at this rate your collection is going to be larger than mine,” you respond as you take a seat on the floor.
Miguel chuckles as he walks to the coffee table, too. He takes a seat next to you, leaving plenty of space so you can both stretch if needed before he picks up a few photos.
“Are we going to have a little competition?” he asks as he inspects a photo.
“A little competition?” you ask glancing at him, amused. “No, I just think it’s nice seeing you use the record player and your collection growing. It’s nice to share my love for records with someone again.”
Miguel turns to look at you when you say that.
“It’s nice to share my love for records with someone again.”
You smile at him before picking up a picture frame and inspecting the little sliding parts at the back, making sure they work fine.
Miguel continues to watch you, a soft and affectionate look on his face as your words stay with him. He’s that someone to you now - that someone you can talk to about records or share them with. It’s a thing you share now.
“I’m flattered,” Miguel says at last, smiling softly. “And by the way, you’re always welcomed to borrow any of the records. I can also buy them for you, if you’d like your own copy. Don’t hesitate to let me know,” he adds, meaning it.
“Thank you, likewise,” you reply softly with a smile. You place the frame down. “So, what other photos do you want to add?”
“I was thinking this one,” Miguel says, showing you a photo. “It’s Gabriel. His whole class did a play in the first grade to conclude the school year. He played a prince. I can’t even remember what it was about but he was a good one.”
You smile warmly as you look at the photo of Gabriel wearing a crown. “He looks so adorable,” you say, your eyes softening at the sight, something Miguel notices. “He was so little and look,” you say, leaning closer to the photo. “He had little curls, like you do.”
Miguel’s eyebrows raise at the fact that you’ve noticed and recall such detail about him but then again, he remembers you’ve washed his hair before. He smiles. “Yeah, his faded as he started to grow older.”
“That explains why I’ve never noticed them before in other photos of him where he’s older.”
“I think he was about seven when he lost them. Let’s see…” Miguel says looking through other photos. “This was some field trip and he still has them. Looks like he was in the third grade here. I’m pretty sure he didn’t have them by the end of elementary. I remember he was sad about it. My mom was, too,” Miguel adds, remembering that. “I think I want to add this one for sure.”
He places the photo he first showed you on the table to the side before he grabs more photos. Together, he shows you more photos, mostly of him and Gabriel. You don’t fail to notice that there are none of Miguel’s stepfather, George O’Hara. Rightfully so, you think to yourself. His mom, on the other hand, shows up here and there.
“Maybe this one.” Miguel holds up a photo. It’s of Gabriel and himself, holding up matching superhero action figures with a Christmas tree behind them. “This was a good Christmas,” he says softly. “Gabriel was so excited about those action figures. He said we were twins because we had the same one,” he continues, chuckling. “And he made sure to tell that to anyone who was willing to listen.” Miguel grows silent as he stares at the photo some more. He clears his throat. “I still have them. We both kept them even when we grew older. They’re downstairs with his things,” Miguel shares.
You stare at Miguel fondly, noting the way his voice has grown quieter. “He was so sweet,” you comment, glancing at the photo as well. “I bet he’s happy that you still have them.”
Miguel glances at you, smiling, even though his eyes show signs of sadness. “Maybe. Or maybe not, considering they’re packed away.”
“You can always unpack them. Maybe you can put them in his room, or even here in the bookcase as decoration,” you suggest gently.
“I might do that,” Miguel says, nodding. He looks back at the photo. “Definitely adding this one.”
“It’ll look lovely on your wall,” you reply. “I can go ahead and put it in a picture frame if you want. That one and the other one.”
“Yes, please,” he replies as he hands you only one of the photos. He keeps the other one and inserts it into a picture frame himself, so you’re not doing all the work. “There.” Miguel looks at the photo again, this time in its picture frame. He nods, satisfied.
He places it next to him on the floor and reaches for more photos. He doesn’t need much time to decide on the ones he’s going through now. They’re of you and him. He places each one down, remembering each moment as you get other picture frames ready. He can’t believe he has shared so many moments like these with you. It feels unreal, that he’s opened up so much to you, but he’s thankful for it - and for you.
He comes across another photo, this one is also from New Year’s but it’s a photo of the entire spider gang, you, and him - taken by Lyla, of course. He places it in the pile because why not.
Next, he comes across the few last photos he has of Gaby. He places all of them in the pile. Some of them are already on the wall in display and the remainder are on this stack now. He silently wishes more could’ve been saved but this is all he has, unfortunately.
He sighs softly. He’s thankful he has these many, at least.
“I think for now these will be it,” he says as he lifts the short stack of photos. “Once I hang them up, I’ll see if I want to add more.”
You nod in agreement and together, you work on the picture frames until all of Miguel’s selected photos have one and he can begin to hang them. He asks for your opinion on the arrangement, so you make suggestions, which he agrees with. At last, Miguel places the last photograph and steps back to take a look at the completed project.
You stand side by side about eight feet away from the wall and simply take it all in.
You personally find it beautiful and touching to see all of Miguel’s deceased loved ones present from Gaby to Gabriel, and even his mother and wife. Then, there’s photos of you and him, and even one from New Year’s Eve with the entire spider gang that you don’t have. You remind yourself that you’ll ask him about it later, so you can add it to your own wall when your building is done with construction. As your eyes shift from photo to photo, you internally hope that Miguel is happy with it - that he feels good about this addition to his penthouse.
You glance up at him, subtly, trying to gauge his reaction. It’s been almost two minutes of silence and he hasn’t said anything yet. You hope he’s not regretting it nor feeling overwhelmed with seeing all these memories all at once. Worried, you scan his face but thankfully, there’s no negative emotion etched on Miguel’s face.
Instead, you find a soft and warm smile as Miguel’s red eyes move from photo to photo. He nods to himself in approval.
“I really like this,” he whispers, his gaze still on the wall. “I like having their photos out.”
Smiling, you nod, returning your eyes to the photos. “It looks beautiful,” you whisper back. “It’s great to see them.”
Miguel hums quietly, unable to tear his eyes away. “It is. And I also like - seeing our photos, too. And the one with the spider gang.”
“I didn’t know that one was even taken.”
“You know Lyla,” Miguel says. “I have yet to find all the photos she has taken in the past. She keeps hiding them.”
You laugh quietly. “Her secret folder has probably tripled since the day she told us about it.”
“If not more.”
“True,” you say softly. “I like seeing our photos, too, by the way. It makes me truly realize…” you trail off.
Miguel finally shifts his gaze to you, curious. “It makes you realize…?”
“It makes me realize how much time has passed since I joined the Spider Society. Almost two years now. On top of that, I realize how much time and moments we - we’ve shared,” you say quietly, as if afraid that this truth will upset Miguel.
“We’ve shared a lot,” he says, agreeing. “It’s being almost two years and yet, it doesn’t feel like that much time has passed but it has.” Miguel glances at the wall, thinking. “The last two years have flown by for me, to be honest,” he admits. “Before that, time felt like it was dragging by.”
You process his words, a thought coming to your mind but you tell yourself that surely that’s not what Miguel means.
“They haven’t been easy years,” Miguel admits. There’s no way he can deny that. Losing Gaby shattered him. “But they’ve flown by. I blinked and now we’re here, and it doesn’t feel like two years have almost gone by. It feels like - only a few months. What I’m trying to say is that…” Miguel shakes his head. Is he even making sense? Or, is he just so excited about the finished wall that he’s just rambling and not making his point clear? “I don’t feel like the last two years have dragged in the sense that it feels torturous. They’ve flown by and I actually find myself wondering where has time gone? It’s like, I don’t have enough time but in a good way, if that makes sense. Shock,” Miguel says in disbelief. He’s probably making no sense to you right now. “You’ve made these years better. More than better,” he tries again. “I’ve enjoyed these years because of you despite everything I was, and still am, navigating - and because of that, it feels like it hasn’t been two years already. I hope that after all my rambling I made sense.” Miguel looks at you with a sheepish look on his face.
You smile at him and nod, touched by Miguel’s admission. It may not feel like two years have gone by already but they have, and it’s evident by Miguel’s words themselves. The man you met almost two years ago wouldn’t have share those words with you, either because he didn’t want to show his feelings or because he wasn’t able to speak them out loud. Now, here he is, saying them.
Time has definitely gone by.
Yet, you agree with Miguel. It doesn’t feel like it has, not with him and your other friends around.
“You did, I understand what you’re saying. I feel the same way,” you respond, thinking. “There were many days, before the Spider Society, that felt like that, as if time was dragging on. My days blended into each other, but ever since I joined and I became friends with you and everyone else, I’ve had no days like that. Not anymore. The last few years have been amazing, truly. Thanks to you,” you continue.
You settle into a peaceful silence, staring at each other for a few seconds with smiles on your faces before turning to the wall again. Unknowingly, you both think about earlier upstairs.
You have each other now.
Half an hour later, you’re both sitting on the couches. It’s still early in the evening when you remember that you’re going grocery shopping tomorrow, so together, you make a grocery list because it’s your turn to buy groceries.
Miguel watches you as you jot down things, wishing you didn’t insist on this, but it was a condition you established from the start when he offered you to stay with him while your apartment building is under construction. He has to respect it despite his discontent. He has no choice but to do so, even though he’d be more than happy to pay for groceries every week for the two of you.
“Okay, what about snacks?” you ask softly, looking up at him from your list.
Miguel tilts his head to the side, thinking. “Those cookies you always like, those are amazing.”
“I’ll get those then,” you say with a smile as you add them to the list.
You stop working on your list when you receive a notification from your gizmo. You glance at it, noticing it’s from Peter B. asking if you can babysit Mayday for a few hours tomorrow since something came up for him and MJ. You quickly reply and tell him you can.
“Seems like I’ll have a little companion for my grocery trip.”
“Who?” Miguel asks.
“Mayday,” you say as you add something else to the list that you just thought about.
Miguel smiles softly, watching you. He can already see you walking the streets of your city with Mayday on your chest in her little carrier. He shakes the thought away when you glance at him again.
“Seems like I have everything but if you think of something else, even if I’m already there, just send me a quick message.”
“I will,” Miguel replies with a small smile. _☆_
The next day you walk the streets of your city with Mayday just like Miguel imagined it. She’s grown a lot over the last few months, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. You have two reusable bags on your arm in which you’re carrying the groceries and at this point, you only have two more stops before you head back to Nueva York.
“Snack!” Mayday says, pointing to some food stand eagerly.
A laugh escapes from your lips as Mayday proves to have Peter B’s appetite each day. You decide to find a place to stop and sit down to give her a snack since Peter and MJ packed some safe snacks for her. Once settled, Mayday happily eats and looks around, pointing at things that catch her attention, so you reply back and tell her about those things she points to. Her vocabulary is expanding more and more each day, and these days she can say things that are understandable, even if it’s just single words.
You can’t help but enjoy this moment with her. It really is sweet when you have the opportunity to look after her, something that has become more frequent as Mayday is also beginning to show superpowers. Her strength is already like that of a ten-year old, and you can only imagine it will increase as she grows older. On top of her strength, she’s also started to experience spidey senses like the rest of you. And so, because she’s already displaying these powers, some of you from the spider gang have offered to help, as mentors, including Miguel.
You can’t deny that knowing this about Mayday has made you wonder. If you and Peter had the opportunity and time to have children, would they have powers, too? The thought always makes you smile, especially when you imagine Peter trying to catch a child swinging around. That would’ve been a sight to behold for sure.
You sigh softly and gently hug Mayday closer as you offer her another piece of her snack. In a multiverse of universes in which Peter Parker doesn’t always get a family and happy ending, you’re more than happy that Peter B. has had this beautiful opportunity. He has MJ and Mayday after everything he’s gone through. And of course, he has the spider gang, too.
“All done?” you ask Mayday with a warm smile, noticing she’s done. You wipe her mouth and her hands, making sure to keep her clean before the two of you carry on to the other shops. It doesn’t take long for you to finish since you have the list you put together last night with Miguel.
At last, Mayday and you are on your way with everything. Your eyes search for a good place to sneak through so you can get on a rooftop and travel back to Nueva York to avoid raising any suspicions or questions. As you look around, you feel Mayday begin to wiggle around in your chest. She starts pointing at something, a flower stand that’s just up ahead.
“Flowers. Do you want to look at the flowers?” you ask her but you know the answer to that already just by her enthusiasm, so you walk up to the stand. You inspect some of the flowers like many other customers, with nothing in mind since you had no plans to buy flowers today. “Should we get some flowers for Miguel’s place? It would brighten up the kitchen, I think,” you tell Mayday. “What do you think? Should we get these?” You pick up a bouquet and show it to Mayday but she doesn’t seem too excited about them. “Alright, so not those… These?” you ask, raising a bouquet with an assortment of colors with red, a pastel yellow, and pink.
This one seems to have Mayday’s approval because she reaches for it.
“I see we have a winner, then,” you say, inspecting the flowers beyond their colors to make sure they’re in good condition. Satisfied, you continue to look at the other flowers. You notice there’s a line of people anyway, so you might as well enjoy the other flowers with Mayday in the meantime, so she doesn’t get bored waiting in line.
“Romance, friendship, and admiration,” someone says about a minute later as you glance at the bouquet you’re holding.
Startled, you look up only to find the owner of the flower stand staring at Mayday and you.
“That’s what the colors usually mean,” she says, explaining. “Red is for romance. Yellow for friendship. And pink for admiration. It can also be playfulness and innocence. It’s a bouquet I usually arrange with lovers in mind.”
“Oh,” you reply softly, glancing at the bouquet again. You chuckle softly as you think about the fact that this is for Miguel’s home. “It’s a lovely arrangement.”
“I’m sure your partner will love it,” she says. All you can do is nod at the statement instead of correcting her about the fact that you don’t have a partner.
“Yes!” Mayday exclaims with a little clap that makes the flower stand owner grin.
“Seems like the little one agrees.”
You smile and nod. “Yes, she seems to agree. We’ll take these, please,” you reply, handing her the bouquet so she can ring you up. The flower stand owner hands it back, wrapped in another protective paper. You pay and get your change back from the lady, who thanks you for your business.
“I hope you and your partner enjoy the bouquet, miss,” she says before another customer approaches her.
You sigh, taking a few steps away from that area to show Mayday more flowers. It seems she’s really enjoying them as her attention is still on them. You decide to indulge her, it’s a lovely day after all and you’re genuinely enjoying shopping around and showing her the flowers now that it’s warmer out. “Look at these, Mayday,” you say, pointing at some flowers but those fail to get her attention, so you try showing her others.
“Not your cup of tea?” you ask as she still seems uninterested. You wonder if she’s just bored of looking at flowers now, or maybe she’s just tired from the trip just as she starts patting your body. “I guess we ought to go home,” you say realizing Mayday seems impatient now.
“Go,” she says, still patting your body.
“Alright, alright. We’re going home,” you reply.
“Go, go,” Mayday repeats pointing to the street.
“We’re going. Don’t worry,” you reply, reassuring her while readjusting her carrier to make sure she’s secured. It’s then that you notice, she’s giving signals of her spidey senses going off. A second later, yours do, too. You’re about to look around to see what’s going on but you have no time.
You freeze.
It’s been several years since you’ve heard someone use your first name in your universe. For years, all the social interactions you’ve had have been with people who address you formally by your last name, such as your landlord or the people at the bank when you have to take care of financial matters. Now, here’s this voice, saying your name full of recognition. It’s one your brain immediately identifies, and how could it not? You’ve known this person since elementary, all the way until Peter’s funeral. With a gulp, you turn and face him.
“Y/N,” he says again, this time with more confidence as he realizes it’s truly you.
You manage a nod. “Harry,” you reply, saying a name your mouth hasn’t uttered in years.
Mayday sits on your lap, probably the most still you’ve ever seen her. In fact, she remained quiet during the entire walk as Harry Osborn and you made your way to this small coffee shop he apparently visits a lot. You don’t even remember saying yes but you did. After addressing each other and stating awkward “what a surprise’s,” Harry invited you for a cup of coffee. And, you said yes because your brain froze due to the shock of seeing him standing in front of you.
He offered Mayday and you a ride, pointing to his parked car on the side of the street, his valet waiting with the door open, but you politely declined. That didn’t seem to bother Harry a bit and even after telling him that he could ride his car and meet you there, he refused and opted to walk with you.
You glance out of one of the coffee shop’s window now, sitting next to it. You saw the table open when you first came in and chose it, thinking that the window will provide some relief from the awkwardness that might come from this conversation. You also figure it will sooth some of your nerves. You didn’t expect to feel nervous about seeing and talking to Harry again, but here you are, your hands slightly trembling. Your eyes spot Harry’s car across the street, his valet waiting inside it for him.
You look away and stare at the table, wondering how it’s possible that years later you stumble into him. It’s the first time you’ve seen and spoken to him since Peter’s funeral. It feels surreal.
Your thoughts are interrupted as a coffee cup comes into view before it’s placed in front of you. Harry takes a seat across from you, his own cup in his hand. You meet his gaze and manage to offer a small smile, one you hope doesn’t show how shocked and off you feel about this encounter.
“Thank you. I appreciate it,” you reply softly, not sure where to start, not sure what to say.
“Don’t worry about it,” Harry replies, offering you a small smile as well.
You can tell that he’s equally unsure of where to start. His eyes continue to flicker towards Mayday, who remains on your lap peacefully, no doubt wondering who she is to you, but you don’t feel like offering any answers or explanations right now, especially with Mayday being from another universe. The less Harry knows, the better.
“So…” Harry starts, still holding on to his cup, as if finding assurance from it. He smiles nervously before he shakily sighs and looks down at the table for a few seconds. trying to gather his thoughts. He raises his head again. “You look beautiful, as always. You look well, Y/N,” he says gently.
“Thank you,” you respond. “I’m doing well*,* too.” You nod, knowing this statement is true. You’ve been good for a while - you’ve been happy since you joined the Spider Society almost two years ago, and even more so since you’ve made close friends. And not only that, you now have a best friend. A smile forms on your lips at the thought of it.
Miguel, your best friend.
“I haven’t seen that smile in so long,” Harry says, taking notice of your smile immediately. It’s a much different smile from the one you offered him just now. It’s real and happy, not awkward at all. “It’s the smile you always had for Peter.” Harry realizes this and he can only wonder what or who you’re thinking about, what or who is the reason for that smile now.
His comment about your smile and it being the one you always had for Peter while thinking about Miguel makes you freeze just for a few seconds but you simply nod. You’ll think about his observation later when you’re home. You blink at that, still smiling gently, as you realize you’ve unconsciously called Nueva York “home,” even though you are home, at least in your home universe. You’ll think about that later, too, you tell yourself.
Harry smiles, much warmly this time, and continues, unaware of your scattered thoughts. “I’m more than happy to hear that, truly. I’m happy you’re doing well,” Harry continues. “You deserve to be doing well after…” he trails off, a look of understanding crossing his features, not wanting to say it out loud but you know what he means - that you’re doing well after Peter’s death.
You nod again, focusing on the conversation and on Harry. You don’t want to come across as disrespectful.
“Thank you. I hope you’ve been doing well, too, Harry,” you say, genuinely. “I mean that.”
He sighs softly, his eyes on you. “Thank you…. I - I know this must be - strange and I don’t even know where to start,” he whispers suddenly, but loud enough for you to hear. “After all this time… I have so much to say to you, and yet I cannot find the words to convey everything I’ve felt and continue to feel.” Harry pauses and exhales heavily this time, continuing to meet your gaze.
Below, on your lap, you feel Mayday’s hand grip your fingers. You hold her closer, your arms tightening around her just slightly for comfort.
“I’m so sorry,” Harry says, his tone pained. “I’m so sorry for just - disappearing. For leaving you... When you needed me the most. I failed you and Pete,” he whispers, his gaze heavy with sadness. “I failed the two of you.”
“Harry,” you start, sensing his genuine regret and something else. Sorrow, pain. You sigh and look away. This is certainly not what you were expecting to be doing today - running into an old friend, into Harry, and hearing his apologies for disappearing.
“No, please. Please just let me,” Harry says. “I need to get this off my chest. I know it’s not fair to just dump all of this on you right now, but I haven’t seen you in so long, and now that you’re here, I just - want to say it. How sorry I am. You deserved so much better from me, but I failed you and Peter. I was never worthy of being called your friend, of Peter calling me his brother.”
You return your gaze to him. For years, you’ve been hiding the hurt from his sudden disappearance, but you also know that you were going to do the same to him. You were going to cut ties with Harry eventually, just like you did with other friends and acquaintances. It was your plan all along after Peter’s death. Your mind was made up only a few hours after you found Peter and held him in your arms before he passed away.
In your grief, loss, and pain, you found a guilt that you carried for a long time. You felt that you had failed Peter, in saving him, and wondered. If you couldn’t save one of the most important people in your life, how would you protect anyone else, including your friends - including Harry? They were better off without you, at least you believed that then.
It was that mentality that led you to cutting ties with everyone. Your plan included Harry, who you always saw as a bit of a brother as well. You anticipated that it would be harder to disappear from his life. You believed he was going to try and stay in touch, no matter how much you tried to distance yourself from him. You had known and being friends with each other since elementary and that friendship only grew as the years went by, especially when Peter transferred schools and he became friends with Harry as well. The friendship became a deeper one.
But then, Harry simply disappeared after Peter’s funeral. He gave you a hug at the end of it, holding you tight, before he excused himself, marking it the last time you saw him or heard from him. On one hand, he made your goal easy, and yet, it still hurt.
You gulp the emotions away. “All of that is in the past,” you reply gently, meeting Harry’s gaze. Your hurt from his disappearance has lessened over the years and at times, you told yourself that he must have had his own reasons for doing so, just like you had yours. “You had your reasons, I’m sure of it.”
Harry nods and looks away, as if suddenly being unable to meet your eyes.
“I - Thank you for being understanding,” he says, clearing his throat. After a few seconds, he turns his gaze back to you. “… I’m so sorry. I truly am. For disappearing… For leaving you alone. I hate to think of all this time,” he says, eyebrows knitted in regret. “I learned from the others after some time that you slowly started to distance yourself.”
You look away from his eyes now, brushing aside a strand of Mayday’s hair from her face. “I had my reasons,” you reply, giving him the same excuse for his own distance. He hasn’t provided any reason or excuse, and you haven’t probe for more, so you hope he’ll do the same. You glance back at him, his eyes meeting yours.
He nods. Harry Osborn is smart, always has been. The words you’ve used and the way you’ve both avoided discussing the reasons for distancing, doesn’t elude him. There will be no discussion of such things, at least not today. He clears his throat and nods again, understanding.
“I haven’t talked to them in many years,” he says. “It’s crazy to think some of them have children now.”
“Yeah, I learned of one of them. It’s definitely… crazy to think about. How much time has passed that they have kids now.”
“I went to look for you,” Harry suddenly reveals.
“You did? When?”
“I found out your apartment building caught on fire. I immediately recognized it, of course. How could I not?” he says with a small smile. “It’s where we spent so many evenings with everyone. So many celebrations. Birthday parties for friends, your baking and Peter’s cooking. You guys always made the apartment feel like a second home.”
You smile at that. “Yeah, I remember that - those days,” you reply softly, thinking. It’s been a while since you thought of those days, except for Peter’s birthdays. It’s the only time you think about those happy evenings when the apartment was filled with excitement and happy conversation.
Harry nods. “As soon as I saw it, I was worried about you. I didn’t know if you had moved somewhere else, or if you… had stayed there. I asked around and found out that you still live there. I wanted to make sure you were okay after the fire. Wanted to know if you needed help, or somewhere to stay, but I haven’t had luck in locating you until today by pure chance. I just happened to look out the car’s window and your figure seemed familiar, so I asked my valet to pull over and well, it turns out it was you after all.” Harry pauses. “Where - if you don’t mind me asking - where are you staying right now? If you need a place, you’re more than welcome to stay with me,” he offers, concern laced in his words.
“Thank you, that's kind of you but please don't worry. I’m already staying somewhere.”
“Are you safe? Do you have everything you need?” Harry asks, for the first time leaning closer, trying to gauge if you’re telling the truth.
“Yes, I'm safe,” you reply, reassuring him. You smile gently at him. After all these years, you can hear genuine concern in Harry's voice. “I’m staying somewhere safe.”
“It isn’t a hotel, is it?” he asks. “Or, are you staying with someone?”
“Mig!” Mayday exclaims, thankfully being unable to say Miguel’s full name correctly.
Harry turns to Mayday.
“Mig?” he repeats and Mayday nods, clapping her hands, excitedly. He turns back to you, an eyebrow raised but he doesn’t ask more questions. “As long as you’re staying somewhere safe, that’s all that matters.”
“I am.”
Harry nods. No further details are provided from you. He doesn’t even know who this child is. He turns back to Mayday, his gaze filled with curiosity.
“She’s a friend’s daughter,” you simply state, giving no names. “I’m looking after her today. My friend and their spouse had something to do.”
“I see,” Harry replies, still staring at Mayday. “She seems sweet. And very fond of you,” he comments, taking notice of the way she holds your fingers. The child seems more than content with you, as if she has known you her whole short life, which only makes him wonder more. He has a lot of questions about your life. Where have you been? Who are your friends now? So many questions, but Harry knows he can’t ask them. He has no right to, not after disappearing from your life so abruptly when you needed him the most. He’s glad to see that you seem happier these days, at least. Your smile from earlier is a sign of it. He wonders about it again, unable to stop himself from associating the “Mig” with your happiness.
“She seems so,” you reply, holding Mayday. Not knowing what else to say, you lift your coffee for the first time and take a sip to fill the silence. You glance subtly out the window again, your eyes spotting Harry’s parked car once more. Looking back at Harry, you place the cup down. “So… How have you been?”
The question throws Harry off guard for a second. The awkward silence that fell upon you made it feel like this conversation was over but you’ve asked him something, and maybe that means this random encounter isn’t over just yet.
“Okay,” he replies. “I’m working with my father now at Osborn Industries.”
“Right. Osborn Industries. How is your dad? I haven’t seen him in a long time.”
“He’s - older,” Harry replies with a sheepish smile. “He talks about retirement but then again, he’s been talking about it for years. I don’t think he’ll ever retire, to be honest. It seems impossible to him to not work. He’s worked his whole life. I think he’ll grow bored from not working, but who knows.”
You nod. “I can imagine.” You chuckle a bit. “Tell him I say hi and that I wish him well, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course. He’ll be happy to hear from you,” Harry says. “He’s asked about you over the years.”
With a smile, you nod and pick up your mug again. You wonder what Harry told his father, if he ever shared with Norman Osborn that he cut contact with you, or if he told him something else to excuse the sudden lack of contact between you. “Well… You can tell him I’m alright, still living here in the city.”
“I will,” he replies, not knowing what else to say for a few seconds before he thinks of something. “I know this is unexpected, but - would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?”
You blink in surprise. Harry’s lunch invitation is definitely unexpected. You meet his gaze, pondering about what his invitation and your acceptance might mean for the future.
“Just lunch,” he says gently. “That’s all. I know it’s probably too much too soon after so many years but I just… I’d like to see you again, even if just one more time. I’ll understand if you want nothing more with me afterwards. I’ll respect it but just… Please. For old time’s sake,” Harry continues.
Mayday glances up at you, her blue eyes wide, as if waiting for your response. It’s always been intriguing to you how she seems to understand the mood of the situation - of the environment - she’s in despite her age. You sigh silently.
For old time’s sake, Harry says. A part of you feels like you should accept. Not just for old time’s sake but also for Peter, who you think would be happy about this, even if it’s just this lunch and concludes at that. Maybe this is a form of closure for both Harry and you, and in a way, for Peter, too. You nod.
Harry beams at you. “Tomorrow. I can have my valet pick you up, if you’d like. Or, I can simply give you the address, whichever you prefer.”
“The address is fine, thank you,” you reply, politely declining the ride once more.
Harry nods, understanding, before he gives you the address. You both confirm the time, making it official.
You’re having lunch with Harry Osborn tomorrow after years of not seeing him. __☆
“I thought about Peter and how this might be a closure for everyone. For Peter, Harry, and me,” you say softly, leaning on one of Miguel’s lab counters almost an hour later after you parted ways with Harry. Your meeting with him left you feeling a lot of emotions and the time it took you to put away all the groceries at the penthouse served as a moment to think about it a bit before you returned to HQ to tell Miguel what happened. “So, I said yes.”
Mayday sits on the floor over a blanket you placed for her. Some of her toys are scattered around as she plays with them by herself. You’ve been keeping an eye on her the whole time while telling Miguel about your encounter with Harry, along with providing some background information, such as the last time you saw him.
Miguel has been listening to you and nodding his head in silence so far. He realizes now that the man he saw last night in your photos is Harry Osborn.
“You said yes,” he repeats, nodding.
“I did…” you reply, trailing off.
Miguel leans back on the same counter, his back to it. He crosses his arms across his chest, thinking. “And how do you feel about it now?”
You shrug slightly. “I don’t even know, to be honest. I think I’m still processing the fact that I even ran into him.”
“That’s understandable. It’s been many years,” Miguel comments, trying to ignore what you’ve told him about the man - about how Harry Osborn disappeared from your life right after Peter’s funeral, a time when you could’ve really used someone to lean on. Miguel can’t help but feel a grudge towards him, even though he’s never met the man.
“It has.” You fidget with your gizmo, looking at it.
Miguel can tell you seem off by this entire encounter, you seem nervous. Anxious even. He’s about to say something when he sees you turn away. In the blink of an eye, Mayday is in your arms. He quickly realizes you sensed Mayday swinging towards you and it’s why you turned away.
You smile as you hold Mayday in your arms and sigh. “She made the encounter better,” you tell Miguel, looking at him. “By the way, she called you ‘Mig’ at the coffee shop.”
“Mig?” Miguel repeats, smiling softly, placing his thoughts about Osborn aside, for now. He glances down at Mayday, noticing she brought her action figures of you and him along with her. He’s instantly reminded of the time she made both action figures kiss that one day you babysat her. He remembers hiding his face by lifting Mayday up to keep you from seeing the heat in his cheeks and how embarrassed you seemed about it afterwards. The memory makes his face feel warm now.
“Miggle!” Mayday says raising Miguel’s action figure so he can see it.
You cover your mouth, stifling a chuckle at Mayday’s new nickname. He glances between you and Mayday, a grumpy look on his face, but it’s a playful one. “Alright, I was okay with ‘Mig’ but this - that’s a no.”
You laugh, which causes Mayday to giggle. “Miggle!”
“Great,” Miguel mumbles, covering his face with one hand for a few seconds. He drops it and sighs, looking at Mayday and you, your laughter makes him chuckle, too. He shakes his head in disbelief and lets it go, it’s just a silly nickname. One day Mayday will grow out of it, he’s sure.
“Hey guys, I’m back,” someone says.
The three of you turn at the voice.
“Peter,” you say, greeting him with a smile.
Miguel gives him a nod of acknowledgment, crossing his arms over his chest again as he stands next to you, Mayday still in your arms.
Peter B. stops a few feet away, looking at the three of you.
“Hm,” Peter B. hums softly, a gleam in his eyes. He smiles to himself, as if fondly thinking of something but he reveals nothing. “Just came to pick up Mayday. MJ and I got out of our meeting just in time for her nap. Thank you for looking after her for us,” he says to you with an appreciative smile.
“Of course. It was no problem. I think she enjoyed her time with me. We looked at the flowers, didn’t we?” you ask Mayday, holding her higher. “And she had her snacks and got to see around my city again. It was a fun grocery trip,” you say, leaving out your meeting with Harry for now. You’ll tell him and the rest of the spider gang later when your mind isn’t so scattered nor conflicted about it. “It was a busy trip, so I think she’s definitely ready for her nap.” You walk over to him and hand Mayday over.
“Thanks,” Peter says again with a smile. “I’ll see you guys in a bit. This little one definitely needs a nap.” Peter looks at his daughter, noticing signs of sleepiness even as she continues to hold her action figures, lazily showing them to him.
“Let me collect her toys,” you say, gathering her items with Miguel’s help. The two of you place everything in Mayday’s backpack before you hand it back to Peter, helping him put it on. “There.”
“Thanks, guys. I’ll see you around. Say bye, Mayday,” Peter B. says with a grin.
“Bye-bye,” Mayday says waving one hand, the one holding Miguel’s action figure.
“Bye,” you say warmly, waving as well.
“Bye-bye, Mayday,” Miguel says standing next to you.
You glance at him, noticing that he said “bye-bye” as well, just like Mayday. You turn away and smile, finding that endearing as Peter and Mayday head out of the lab.
Miguel watches as they vanish from sight, his thoughts going back to your encounter with Harry once again, but he keeps that to himself for now. He knows that this sudden contact with him and the lunch tomorrow is weighting on you right now, and the last thing he wants to do is add to your stress by bringing it up so soon.
What Miguel wishes to do is make you forget about it, even if just for an hour. Miguel wishes to do what you always do for him, lift his spirits when he’s feeling down or tense. He thinks for a few seconds, planning and remembering something
“Mira [look], I wanted to show you something,” he starts, hoping this will take your mind off it for a little bit. He was planning to show you this later today but now seems like the best time to do so. He gestures for you to follow him to another lab bench. “I’ve been working on something with Lyla, doing trials and such.”
“What is it?” you ask as you stand next to him, looking at the surface. There’s a few lookalikes to the gizmos, a closed box, and tools all scattered about.
“Ever since last spring when I got injured and my gizmo was broken by that variant of the Green Goblin, I’ve been thinking about working on a new one. A more durable one,” Miguel says as he opens the box and retrieves something. He lifts it up and shows it to you, another gizmo. “I started doing some research on better materials - stronger ones, which this one is made out of. Up to that point there were no incidents like that, in which the gizmo was directly targeted. It was built to be durable in fights, to take hits and scratches but not that kind of impact. So for months, I’ve been testing other materials but they’ve all failed until I came across a new one. I started building this gizmo a few weeks ago once I found the new materials needed. This seems to be the best one in regards to that,” he says, offering it so you can take a closer look at it.
You take it carefully and inspect it. The trial gizmo looks similar to the current one with some differences. For instance, you can immediately tell this one is sturdier but also much more sleeker than the current one.
“It has a few more features, including those like that of a smartwatch. It can track vitals and the sort,” Miguel says, watching as you look at the gizmo. “I’m not concerned for that but it’s something other members have talked about in the past, so I added it. It might be helpful, who knows.” Miguel adds, shrugging.
“It feels sturdier,” you tell him. “I’m sure the others will like it, especially with those new features,” you add with a grin. “So, I can track my heart rate?”
Noticing your grin, Miguel returns it. It seems that his little plan has worked so far. “Why don’t you try it on?”
“It’s ready for that?”
“Yes. Now I just need to test it out - to make sure that everything is working as it should. I’ve made two, so far, so…” Miguel trails off. “You can test this one for me. I’ll test the other one.”
You nod, not questioning the fact that Miguel specifically made two of these gizmos. You slide the new gizmo on your other wrist and start it up. The familiar marigold colored screen appears immediately.
“I’m glad you kept the same color. It’s easy on the eyes.”
“It is, isn’t it? It helps a lot, especially with me staring at the screens for so long. Oh, look, there’s the vitals icon,” Miguel says pointing with his finger.
You click on the icon and the gizmo immediately shows a screen, asking if you want to measure your heart rate among other things. You approve the heart rate feature and it begins instantly, not taking long to show the results.
“Ninety-three beats per minute, and it’s within the general range,” Miguel reads. “That seems normal. We’ll keep track of that and make sure it doesn’t fluctuate to crazy numbers. If it does, it means I’ll need to work on it more.”
“I’ll keep an eye out for that then and report it to you,” you reply. “Unless it’s already synced to the network?”
Miguel nods his head. “These are but just because I want to make sure they’re working correctly. The final ones, those distributed, won’t though. I don’t want to breach anyone’s health privacy.”
“That sounds reasonable,” you reply. “I personally don’t mind since it’s you but it’s a nice thought for the others.” You give Miguel a smile. “You think about everything. This is amazing as always, Miguel. I’m excited to try out the other features.”
The compliment makes Miguel smile shyly at you. “Thank you. I’m glad you’re excited about it. I’ve been working on it little by little and I was excited to let you see and try it out. I guess it’s also time for an upgrade. It’s been a few years now since we’ve had these. Also, I do want to ask you to keep your original gizmo on you, especially for missions while we test these new ones. I don’t want you having any issues with glitching,” Miguel adds with concern.
“I’ll keep it on, don’t worry. Definitely don’t want any glitching,” you say, remembering the time you experienced it yourself. It was painful and if you can avoid feeling it again, you will.
“Good,” Miguel says with a sigh, satisfied with your answer.
You play with a few other features until at last you remember you have some work to do. “I’m going to go ahead and work on the report for next week, if you don’t mind,” you tell him, nodding to the desk where you always sit and work.
“Alright. I’ll be here,” Miguel says as he watches you walk away to your desk. Maybe working on the report will distract you for a while before he continues with his little plan.
It’s not much in his opinion but he hopes the gesture comforts you regardless. After a few seconds of watching you, Miguel finally walks back to his platform, where he tries not to think about your old friend.
It’s an hour later when Miguel looks at his gizmo to check the time. He steps off his platform and walks over to you. You’re so concentrated on the report that you only notice him until he’s next to the desk.
“I’m going to head out for a moment. About ten minutes or so. I’ll be right back,” he informs you.
“Oh, alright.”
“Wait for me here,” Miguel says softly. “I won’t take long. Promise.”
With a smile, you nod. “I’ll wait here. Promise.”
Satisfied with your answer, Miguel nods with a smile before he heads out with a determined look on his face. You silently wonder where he’s going off to but you don’t question it. You continue to work on the report and wait for him.
Just like Miguel promised, you hear his footsteps about fifteen minutes later. You glance up at him just as he appears in your line of sight. He approaches your desk again.
“Come on,” Miguel says softly, nodding his head to the side.
You raise an eyebrow.
“Let’s go,” Miguel tries again with a small smirk.
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere. Just follow me,” he says, not sharing much.
You continue to stare at him, eyebrow raised. He just came back from wherever he mysteriously went off to and is now asking you to follow him. You feel the need to ask what’s going on but based on how little Miguel is sharing, you have a feeling he doesn’t want to tell you about it, but rather show you.
You save your progress on the device and nod before you stand up. “Alright.”
You follow Miguel, walking a few feet before he stops and looks up. He shoots his web up to the ceiling and climbs up. With furrowed eyebrows you do the same. You have no idea what’s going on, but you meet Miguel on the ceiling, noticing that he’s holding himself up with his talons.
“I always forget about this,” Miguel says. “No one else knows about it but there’s a secret window up here.”
“A secret window?”
Miguel nods and moves his hand around the ceiling, trying to locate something. “There. Watch out for the sunlight,” he warns before you hear a clicking noise. Miguel pushes it up and suddenly there’s light coming through the ceiling.
“There’s really a window on the ceiling,” you say, amazed.
Miguel chuckles before he pulls himself up. He continues to hold on to the building with his talons since you’re both stepping out onto one of the building’s peaks. If he doesn’t, he’d slip down. He crouches on the rooftop and offers you a hand, which you take without thinking. You cover your eyes, shielding them from the sunlight as you take in the fact that you’re both outside now, straight from Miguel’s lab.
“Well, this is a nice surprise,” you say.
Miguel chuckles again and shrugs. “I had it installed many years ago. It was supposed to be another way for me to leave the building during emergencies but I hardly use it. I forget it even exists.”
“But you remembered it today,” you say with a smile.
“It proved to be useful today, so I remembered it.”
“You can’t even see it,” you say looking at the ground. It blends right in.
“I had it designed that way. It’s why no one has found it, thankfully. Or, I’d have spider members literally dropping into the lab,” Miguel says with a grumpy face, just imagining how some members might abuse it for their personal fun.
You laugh. “I promise I won’t tell a soul.”
“I knew I could trust you,” Miguel replies, his grumpy face gone. The soft smirk is back. “But I didn’t bring you up here to show you the secret window.”
“Nope. We’re going somewhere else, so follow me, please,” Miguel says.
“Alright, I’ll follow you,” you say and with that, the two of you swing off the building.
You follow Miguel and take in the sight of Nueva York. Living here for the last few weeks has made you grown used to it, a thought that brings back the realization from earlier when you were with Harry. You now see Nueva York as a second home and you don’t know when that even happened, but it has.
This universe is a home to you now.
Miguel makes a quick right and you follow right away, heading straight for a building’s rooftop. You land on it within seconds, your mind stirring with questions as Miguel looks behind his shoulder, as if making sure that you’re following along. A few more steps and you spot a box. You turn to Miguel, confused.
“Lunch,” Miguel says. “I thought I’d get some lunch for us from somewhere else other than the cafeteria.”
You smile, nodding. “I’m up for lunch.”
“Yeah?” Miguel says glancing at you as he takes a seat on the ground. He pats the ground next to the box with his hand, silently inviting you over.
“Yeah,” you reply as you take a seat, not wasting a second.
Miguel opens the box in which he’s kept the food secure, once again, thinking about everything. He takes out boxes with food and two to-go drinks. As he hands you a box, you instantly recognize the amazing scent. Tacos. You smile and remember the last time you had tacos with him on another rooftop here in Nueva York, which reminds you of what Gabriel used to say about them.
It’s then that you realize it. Miguel is trying to cheer up you after what happened this morning. You glance at the new gizmo, thinking. Did he show you the gizmos as a way to distract you?
“I got your favorite kind of tacos. And favorite salsa, too,” Miguel says as he hands you small carry-out containers with your favorite salsa. “And we have agua de horchata.”
You accept everything with a smile. “Thank you. I appreciate it… A lot.”
Holding his box with food, Miguel stops passing out items to look at you. You stare at each other, soft smiles grazing your faces.
“Always,” Miguel responds gently with no doubt in his mind that you’ve pieced together his plan because he recognizes that knowing look on your face right now. “I hope you enjoy your food.”
“I will. It smells amazing,” you comment as you finally open your box. The sight of food makes your stomach grumble. You look at Miguel, who is already looking at you with a soft smirk on his face but he says nothing and instead hands you napkins.
You eat side by side, enjoying the view of the city in a comfortable silence. Below, you can hear the midday traffic and see the people of Nueva York out and about. It’s a peaceful moment, one that truly makes you forget about your lunch meeting with Harry tomorrow. It’s just Miguel and you, nothing else.
You eventually finish eating and together, you collect everything, minus your cups, to avoid leaving a mess. You take a sip from yours, the sweet horchata hitting differently now. You sigh and place your cup down on the ground.
Miguel glances over at you. That sigh is not out of exhaustion. It’s one of frustration. He sighs, too. He tried to keep your mind off it for a little bit but of course, the gizmo and the lunch isn’t going to make you forget about it. In about twenty-four hours, you’ll be in your universe having lunch with Harry Osborn.
He clears his throat, wondering if he should bring it up. A part of him feels that he has no right to, especially when it’s about someone from your past - someone who meant a lot to you. Then again, it worries Miguel that you seem so tense about this situation, even anxious, and he truly hates seeing you like this. He sighs again, wishing he could do more.
“I know you’re not asking anyone for their thoughts or advice and I don’t want to intrude,” Miguel starts, getting your attention. “But… you don’t have to meet with him, you know?” He continues, his voice gentle and with an unwavering gaze. “At least not tomorrow. You can always arrange another time if you’re not ready.”
You nod, holding his gaze and feeling reassurance from both his words and gentle tone. It soothes your nerves.
“I feel nervous about it, not as much as I did earlier, though. It’s just that it’s been so long since I last saw him but… I think I need to. I feel like it will do me good,” you reply.
Miguel nods. “I understand that. If you’re certain about it, I’m glad you’re doing it. Whatever you decide, I’ll be here,” Miguel states, genuinely. “Supporting you. “
“Thank you,” you say softly. “I really appreciate it, Miguel, truly. I know you did this to cheer me up, and it means a lot. It helped me,” you tell him.
He smiles warmly at you. “It’s not much but I’m glad it helped you, even just a little,” he replies.
“It helped me a lot,” you correct him. “I do feel better, less nervous now.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Miguel says sincerely, still smiling.
“Your brother was right,” you state, still holding his gaze.
“Was he?”
“Yes, definitely. There’s nothing like tacos to lift someone’s spirits.”
Miguel chuckles before taking a sip from his drink. “He would be very proud to hear you agree with him, you know. He’d probably turn to me and say something like, ‘told you so,’ as if I ever disagreed with him.”
You chuckle at that, thinking about Gabriel. It would’ve been amazing to have met him.
“When did he come up with those wise words?” you ask, causing Miguel to snort softly.
“He was in his junior year of college during finals season, so I guess he really needed a pick-me up.”
“Understandable,” you reply. “Finals season is brutal.”
“I know,” he says, curious now that you mention college. “How did you manage those days? I’m curious.”
“You are?” you ask.
“Well, yes,” Miguel replies, thinking once again about how there’s so much about your life he doesn’t know of, and the truth is, Miguel would like to know more. “I’d like to know if you were the kind of student that rested properly those nights or if you pulled all-nighters. That says a lot about a person, you know.” Miguel gives you a playful smile.
You laugh softly. “I drank a lot of coffee.”
“I feel like I knew that already,” he replies, smiling. “What about my question though?”
“Well… I tried to rest as much as I could but there were times I did pull all-nighters. Other times I opted to sleep early and wake up at like 4am to begin studying.”
“So a little of both. I pulled all-nighters. A lot,” Miguel shares. “What was your favorite place to study?”
You smile and take a sip of your drink before you answer his question, one of many, as Miguel continues to ask about your college days and sharing about his own. In the end, the conversation itself boosts your mood, something that relieves Miguel. _☆_
The next day, you sit in the kitchen. It’s a rainy day in Nueva York and the weather forecast says thunderstorms are expected tonight.
A glass with agua de Jamaica is placed in front of you, along with half a sandwich Miguel prepared. You have about thirty minutes before you need to head to your universe to meet with Harry, but Miguel insisted in you having something to eat before you meet up with him.
“Uno nunca sabe [one never knows]. You might not like the food you order and then you’ll be hungry for the remaining time. You might get a headache, or something. At least you’ll have some food in your system if that’s the case,” Miguel said trying to convince you earlier today at the lab. He left out the part about him sensing your growing tension as time ticked by, and that he’s worried about you not eating properly in your nervous headspace. He even proposes splitting the sandwich between you in hopes that you’ll agree, which you do to his relief.
You can’t turn down the idea. Miguel does have a point, and you also think to yourself about your nervousness. You may eat very little even if the food is great just because of your nerves.
You take a bite of your half sandwich, looking up at Miguel as he takes a sip of his drink, his half of the sandwich almost gone. The fact that you’re sharing a sandwich feels very funny all of a sudden, but it’s also sweet that Miguel worried about you eating something, just in case.
It’s also sweet because it’s midday and Miguel is here, at the penthouse, instead of at HQ. The two of you left together and while you got changed into regular clothes upstairs, Miguel prepared the sandwich and glasses of agua de Jamaica.
You finish the sandwich and drink from your glass. You tell yourself it’s fine, that this is just - lunch. You’ll probably talk about Peter and maybe about what the two of you have been up to. That’s when you realize you’ll need to come up with some story about working somewhere, and about doing something other than what you’ve been doing all these years, or Harry might become suspicious.
“What’s wrong?” Miguel asks, noticing the worried look on your face. He straightens up, standing across from you, alarmed.
“I just realized I might have to come up with some lie about working somewhere. No one other than Peter ever knew about me being Spider-Woman, so if Harry asks, I guess I’ll have to lie.”
Miguel nods and thinks about that.
“You can tell the truth, just keep it vague. You do work at the Spider Society and do a lot,” he says.
You nod thinking about the tasks you help with at the Spider Society. “You’re right. Okay, no names. Just keep it vague.”
Miguel gives you a reassuring smile, feeling bad that you’re worried. This situation has caught you by surprise so much and he hates that because you seem nervous and tense, something he’s not used to seeing. He dislikes seeing you out of your usual self - calm and happy. He leans on the counter to be your height, hoping he can ease some of your nerves.
“It’s going to be okay,” Miguel says gently, his gaze soft as he meets your eyes. “It’s just lunch. It’ll probably last about an hour and a quarter of that time will be spent eating and drinking. It’ll be over before you even realize, trust me. And don’t worry about answering all his questions, if he asks any. You don’t have to answer them nor give him explanations for anything. It’s not an interview,” Miguel adds. “You’ll be okay, I know it.”
You smile at Miguel, his words sinking in, calming you. “Thank you, that - that really helps,” you say, sighing softly and feeling reassured.
“Always. Just remember to breathe,” Miguel adds. “Everything will be okay.”
You nod, repeating those words. Everything will be okay. It’s just lunch and it’ll be over before you realize. You don’t have to answer all of Harry’s questions nor give explanations. You’ll be okay. You stare back at Miguel, letting his words continue to calm you.
A random notification from your gizmo reminds you it’s almost time. You look at the screen to confirm. You now have about fifteen minutes until lunch with Harry.
“I should head out now,” you say, glancing back at Miguel, but you really don’t feel like leaving.
“Yeah, it’s almost time,” Miguel replies, not moving an inch and still leaning on the counter, his gaze set on you.
You nod. “I should finish my drink first though. I don’t want to waste the agua de Jamaica.” You lift your glass and take a sip.
“I can serve you more if you’d like,” Miguel offers, looking at the pitcher. “It’s very refreshing.”
“It is,” you respond. “I think I’ll have just a little more, please.”
“Of course.” Miguel moves at last and reaches for the pitcher.
You hold out your glass and he serves more of the maroon liquid, refilling it entirely.
“If you want more, just let me know,” he says placing the pitcher down.
You thank him and drink some more, Miguel’s gaze back on you.
You take your time drinking the water, not rushing at all. Miguel doesn’t seem preoccupied with the time either, as if he doesn’t have any work to do at HQ - as if it’s normal for him to be at home in the middle of the day on a weekday.
It’s about five minutes later that Lyla pops out of nowhere.
“Oh, you guys are still here? I thought you were gone already to your lunch,” she says looking at you before turning to Miguel. “And I thought you’d be doing some work somewhere in the multiverse. Shouldn’t you be going? You have - like eight minutes left,” Lyla continues, displaying a countdown for a few seconds before she disappears.
“Right. I should get going, or I might be late,” you say before downing the rest of your drink and standing up. You glance at Miguel. “I’m heading out now.”
Straightening up, Miguel nods in understanding. “Yes, alright… You don’t want to be late.”
“No, that would look bad.”
”And it’s unlike yourself to be late,” Miguel says, exhaling deeply. He unconsciously taps his pinky finger on the counter. “Do you have everything you need?”
Miguel’s question reminds you to check, so you quickly make sure you do. Today, you’re taking a handbag with you to store all your items, specifically your gizmo, so Harry doesn’t see it. You were lucky yesterday to be wearing something that hid your wrists, but today you’re wearing clothes that don’t easily conceal the device. You nod once you confirm. “Yes, it seems so.” You sigh softly and look back at Miguel, giving him another nod. It’s time to go, you tell yourself, curling your hand into a soft fist at your side. Your pinky finger flexes slightly but you ignore it. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
Miguel nods, his tapping pinky finger going still at last. “I’ll be at HQ… I’ll see you there.” Miguel pauses, wanting to say something else. “Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance of any kind,” he says, summarizing all of his thoughts with that sentence alone, even though he wants to say more, like how he’d meet you somewhere - anywhere - if you need to talk, or if you need a moment far away from everything.
You smile softly and nod. “I will, thank you. I’ll see you at HQ in an hour or so, then.”
“In an hour or so, then,” Miguel repeats, nodding.
Time is ticking and you remember that Lyla said you have about eight minutes. At least two more have gone by, which means you must have about six minutes left to leave and make it to the location. And yet, you feel rooted to the ground, right there in Miguel’s kitchen.
You remind yourself that you don’t want to be late, that you don’t want to seem disrespectful. That’s what makes you take a step back at last. You break your gaze away from Miguel and look down at your gizmo, preparing it to open a portal.
“Alright, I’m heading out now, or else, I’ll really be late,” you state, sheepishly.
Miguel nods, knowing you really must go now or you’ll definitely be a few minutes late. So, together, you walk to the living room where you finally open the portal to your universe.
Miguel’s pinky finger begins to flex over and over again as he walks just a few feet behind you. You turn to face Miguel.
“Wish me luck.”
“You don’t need it. It’ll be alright. Just enjoy yourself. Remember,” Miguel pauses.
“It’s just a lunch,” you say, remembering his reassuring words from earlier.
“It’s just a lunch.” Miguel nods. It’s just a lunch with an old friend. You’ll be fine. You won’t be in harm’s way, he tells himself. Miguel’s gaze turns to the living room’s windows for just a fraction of a second, which reminds him that it’s pouring outside and that usually, the weather matches across universes. “Wait.”
Miguel turns and walks back to the kitchen before you can say anything, heading straight for the door that leads to the hallway where the laundry room and second office is located. You see him enter the laundry room for a few seconds before he walks out again with an umbrella in his hand. He walks back to you, reaching you in no time due to his long strides. He hands it to you. “Just in case it’s raining there, too. If it’s not, you can just leave it somewhere in the meantime, but please take it. I don’t want you getting caught in the rain without an umbrella and getting sick.”
Smiling, you accept the umbrella and nod. “Thank you. I actually forgot it’s raining and that it might be the same at my universe. I’ll keep it with me, just in case.” You tightly hold the umbrella in your hand, feeling a physical itch in your pinky finger that you try to ease by pressing your fingers together. “I’m ready,” you say, even though it’s not the truth because you suddenly feel like you’re forgetting something. You ignore the sensation and at last, turn around and begin to walk into the portal but before you fully enter it, you look over your shoulder to look at Miguel. “I’ll meet you at the lab!”
“Sounds good, I’ll wait for you there!” Miguel replies, watching as you disappear fully from his sight. “In an hour or so,” Miguel says out loud to himself.
He stands in the same spot until the portal fades completely and it’s only then when he notices his pinky finger flexing. He raises his hand and holds it out where the portal was just now.
Pinky hug, Miguel thinks to himself, but it’s too late now because you’re already gone.
Miguel sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose for a few seconds before he shakes his head, trying to clear his mind. He walks back to the kitchen, deciding to wash the glasses you both used before he returns to HQ.
“Done pouting?” Lyla asks, appearing once again, as he picks up your glass from the counter.
“Who’s pouting?”
“You were just now.”
“Do you have nothing else to do?”
“I always have things to do.”
“Doesn’t seem like it,” Miguel replies as he washes the glasses.
Lyla shrugs, watching Miguel. She notices the frown once again, the one that’s been present ever since a certain someone stepped into a portal and left Nueva York looking like they were being forced to. After a few seconds, she sighs. “She’ll be fine.”
“What?” Miguel asks distractedly, his mind somewhere else, in another universe that’s not his but one that feels like home regardless.
“She’ll be fine. Don’t worry too much about her. She’s Spider-Woman, you know.”
Miguel raises an eyebrow with a stern look on his face before he returns his attention back to the sink. He wants to argue that he’s not worried but that would be a lie. Miguel finishes washing the dishes before he dries his hands. He sighs and places the towel down. “Yeah… She’ll be okay.”
“That’s the spirit,” Lyla says even though there was little enthusiasm in Miguel’s words. “How about you head back to HQ? You have about three spider members looking for you.”
“I step out for an hour and everybody needs me,” Miguel says rolling his eyes.
“Well, to be fair no one is used to you leaving out of nowhere.”
“I leave all the time.”
“Not in the middle of the day to head to your penthouse. It’s always for a mission or something in regards to the Spider Society but today you’re here,” Lyla says. “It’s strange.”
“Alright, alright. Ya [Ok], I’m going back to HQ,” Miguel says heading to one of the windows to slip out of the penthouse. Outside, Miguel glances back inside the penthouse with a sigh. He finally closes the window and leaves, his mind still whirling with thoughts.
He reaches HQ in no time and sure enough, when he arrives there’s people waiting for him. Miguel takes care of the tasks, feeling like at least these distractions will keep him from thinking about where you’re at right now. Or rather, who you’re with.
It’s not even ten minutes later after the last person left when Miguel hears multiple sets of footsteps. He’s definitely not in the mood for visitors but his eyebrows raise when he sees who it is.
Hobie, Pav, and Miles.
“Miguel,” Hobie says, hands in his pockets, in black and white.
“Hey, Miguel,” Pav says much softer as the three spider members approach him.
“Tío [uncle],” Miles acknowledges him with a little wave.
“Hobie. Pav. Miles,” Miguel addresses them, standing on his ground level platform. He does a glance over, noticing they seem to be in a somber mood, which sends alarm bells in Miguel’s head. “Has something happened?” Miguel asks, now noticing that Hobie is in black and white, a sign that he’s not in a good mood. He learned about Hobie changing colors depending on his mood and who’s around him a while back. Hobie’s appearance makes Miguel wonder.
“So this guy,” Hobie starts. “Harry Osborn.” __☆
Upon stepping out into your own universe, you’re grateful to Miguel for being so thoughtful. Droplets of cold rain splatter on you before you immediately open the umbrella to shield yourself. Under Miguel’s umbrella, you waste no time and make your way down the building you chose as your location, saving yourself a lot of walking and even swinging to avoid any suspicions since you’re not wearing your Spider-Woman suit. You didn’t even bring it with you, so you hope there’s no need for it, or else you’ll have to travel back to Nueva York to retrieve it.
As you approach the entrance of the building where you’ll be having lunch, you briefly think about how convenient a holographic suit option could be in times like these. You could’ve easily thrown the little chip in your handbag, or sewn a secret pocket into your clothes and keep it there.
Maybe you’ll tell Miguel about it later. He did offer one a few months back when he accidentally made some rips to your suit when he was in the infirmary. You sigh as you make your way to another floor, thinking about how your suit is quite old. You’ve had it since before Peter died, maybe a year or two before his death, and you’ve refused to change it because he helped you design it.
You can tell these days that the fabric feels differently from so much wear. It has seen better days for sure, yet, you feel like you’d be parting away from a part of Peter if you change it. You know you’ll save it like every other suit you had before, so it’s not like you’d be throwing it away, but this one feels different because it was the last one he helped you design.
As you enter the designated floor, you think about it. Maybe you’ll ask Miguel about it, at least get his opinion. You’re sure he’d like to help you.
You glance at the umbrella again, now closed, and think of Miguel and how thoughtful he is. Not only that, but he’s been so comforting and assuring of this whole situation, so openly and without hesitation, too.
Just as you’re about to slip off your gizmo to put it away, you see a bunch of notifications come through from your other friends, all wishing you luck with your meeting.
You told them about Harry and today’s lunch a few hours after Miguel and you returned from lunch yesterday. Just like Miguel, they were able to tell that you were nervous even if they didn’t say anything about it. You smile as you read the encouraging words from them now before you activate the “Do not Disturb” mode and place it in your handbag.
You enter the main room and search for Harry as you take in the setting, noticing it’s a bit on the sophisticated side and filled with individuals in business attire. You imagine they’re probably some of the richest people in the city, considering Harry is one himself.
At last, you spot Harry when he stands up to greet you, so you head his way.
“Hey, you made it despite the weather,” Harry says with a smile.
“I did. It’s definitely raining out there,” you reply, giving him a small smile.
You both stand there for a few seconds, not knowing how to properly greet each other. Do you give him a handshake and make it formal? A hug, on the other hand, feels far too personal.
“Allow me,” Harry finally says before he pulls the other chair for you.
You thank him before sitting down, wondering how awkward this will be if neither of you were able to figure out how to greet each other. You calm yourself with Miguel’s words as Harry returns to his seat. It’s just lunch and it’ll be fine. Time will fly and it’ll be over before you realize.
“I’m relieved that you came,” Harry says adjusting his suit’s jacket. “I must admit… As I saw the time, I thought you had changed your mind - which I wouldn’t blame you for.” Harry looks down at the table. “But I’m glad you came. Thank you,” he says softly.
You nod. It didn’t occur to you to cancel on him. It was Miguel who suggested that you could meet him another time until you were ready since he noticed your tension.
“It never crossed my mind, to be honest. I’m glad I was able to make it, too, despite the weather. Thank you for the invitation,” you reply.
“Of course…” he responds giving you a brief smile before a waiter approaches your table.
You both order drinks to start and take a minute or two to look at the menu. Looking over it, you feel thankful that this alone will take some minutes.
You subtly glance up at Harry, his eyes on the menu. He also seems to not know what to do.
Turning your attention back to the menu, you realize you’re honestly not hungry after the half sandwich Miguel made and drinking so much agua de Jamaica, but you must order something. You finally find something that sounds light and hope it’s good.
“My dad loves this place,” Harry says placing his menu down. “They have great food and it helps that it’s close to Osborn Industries.”
“Yeah, I bet that makes it very convenient for a busy man like him.”
“I think so. And of course, he runs into old friends, too, so that must be another pro to the place,” Harry says glancing around, which makes you wonder if he recognizes anyone.
You nod. “It’s very beautiful, too. Lovely view,” you say glancing towards the windows.
“I’m glad you like it.”
You nod at each other, falling into a silence that’s somehow alleviated by the waiter who arrives with the drinks. He provides a small buffer between you as he takes your orders but all too soon, he’s gone.
As Miguel would say, shock, you think to yourself while taking a sip from your drink.
“Alright, so… You’re all unhappy about this lunch meeting?” Miguel asks after listening to the three spiderlings. It seems that they just wanted to vent, even Hobie.
“… Yes,” Pav replies.
“Yep,” Hobie responds at the same time as Pav.
“It’s just - I don’t know why Y/N accepted,” Miles asks in sync with the other two.
“Why?” Miguel asks.
“Because… Why is this guy now showing up?” Hobie replies. “So many years have passed since Peter’s death. It just doesn’t sit right with me.”
“Or, me,” Miles adds and Pav nods.
Miguel raises an eyebrow. He can’t deny that he’s thought about that, too, about how sudden this all feels, but then again it happens, for better or worse. Plus, there's something else in Miguel's mind - something about Harry Osborn's sudden reappearance in your life that's gnawing at him. He can't pinpoint it right now in the presence of the three spider members.
He sighs and leans on his platform. It’s at least nice to know he’s not the only one having thoughts about this encounter between you and Harry, however, he’s not going to add to their worries with his own. No, Miguel is going to try and calm their worries as best as he can, they are, after all, still so young. And whether he realizes it or not, the paternal side of him feels the urge to ease their concerns.
“Look, guys,” Miguel starts, looking somewhere else, trying to gather his thoughts. After a few seconds, his red eyes shift back to theirs. “As much as we’d like to be there with her right now and question Osborn about his decision almost five years ago - question what kind of person does that to their friend,” Miguel says with a sharp tone. His relaxed face turns stoic at the thought of Osborn ghosting you right after Peter’s funeral - a change the other three Spider-Men notice - before Miguel reminds himself to calm down. “Believe me, I have many thoughts about that,” he says irritated but as he continues on, his voice and face expression become softer as he speaks of you. “But Y/N - she - she’s incredible. She’s a brilliant woman and I think we all know that. If she made the decision to meet him, we must support it. She knows what she’s doing - knows what she needs - and maybe this is a closure for her. As her friends… what matters is that we respect it and support her, the way she’s always supported us.”
Miguel meets everyone’s gazes, trying to drive his words home to make the younger members understand. He understands where they’re coming from but at the end of the day, they all need to respect your decision and support you. At last, they nod.
“It’s a good thing we’re not there, or we’d give this guy an earful,” Miles says, frowning.
Miguel nods in agreement. Harry Osborn is lucky it’s just you and not the entire spider gang, otherwise, he’d be receiving glares left and right.
“More than an earful,” Hobie says with a sigh.
“Personally, I think that guy needs a chat,” Pav says, nodding. “But we must respect Y/N.”
Miguel smiles a bit, glad to hear that the younger members have settled down a bit. He sighs before he straightens up and presses a button. His platform rises just enough so that Miguel can sit on it and have his long legs dangle from it. Three seconds later, Miles joins him with a sigh.
“So, I guess we wait,” Miles says.
“We wait,” Miguel repeats before all four Spider-Men fall into a silence.
Pav ends up taking a seat on Miguel’s other side. Meanwhile, Hobie stands, looking off to the side, still in black and white. About a minute or two passes when Miguel’s stomach grumbles, causing everyone to look at him.
“Did you have lunch?” Pav asks.
“No,” Miguel replies. “Well, I had half a sandwich.”
“Half a sandwich?” Hobie asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I split it with Y/N. I made it so she could eat something before she left, just in case.”
The younger spider members stare at each other at that. Miguel O’Hara made a sandwich and split it in half with you?
“That’s - kind of you,” Hobie says at last looking down at one of his boots, thinking.
“Very thoughtful,” Pav says smiling.
“I’m sure she really appreciated that,” Miles says with a little smile, sharing a look with Pav as Miguel looks at the floor.
“What time is it?” he asks, a question that Miles answers. He closes his eyes for a few seconds. It hasn’t even been thirty minutes.
“I think I saw a new batch of empanadas being put out,” Hobie says looking up.
Miguel looks up at Hobie and nods. “I might go in a bit and check, thanks for letting me know.”
“Sure,” he says, shrugging before he slips his hands into his vest, pink spots appearing randomly in his appearance.
“Where’s everyone else at?” Miguel asks curiously.
“They’re all spread out around HQ. Waiting for Y/N to come back,” Hobie responds.
“I see,” Miguel replies with a nod, thinking about your comment from two nights ago and how true it is.
Not only do you have each other, but the spider gang, too. __☆
“So…” Harry starts, clasping his hands over the table.
“How is work?” you ask, deciding to take control of the conversation.
Harry blinks in surprise, taken a back. He composes himself quickly though. “Good - it’s going good. Busy, which is good. It keeps me occupied,” he says, nodding.
“That’s great to hear,” you reply nodding. “Busy is good. And I’m sure Mr. Osborn is more than happy with that - with him always being so happy to work and staying busy.”
“Oh yeah, he loves it,” Harry says with a smile. “He’s happy having so much to do. I always have to remind him to take a moment, otherwise he’d be running around the building - wanting to be involved in everything. By the way, I told him we ran into each other. He was very happy to hear that you’re doing well.”
You smile warmly at that. Mr. Osborn was always kind with Peter and you, so much that he even offered internships at Osborn Industries at one point. Growing up, you saw him look after Harry like a father should despite being a single working parent. He always made time for every single school function Harry was involved in.
“Well, he’s a working man,” you say. “And I’m touched, thank you. I’m happy to hear he’s doing well, too.”
Harry nods, lifting his glass to take a sip. He sighs and looks at the windows. “This rain. It reminded me of the time Peter…” he trails off, looking back at you.
“You may talk about Peter,” you say. “I’m not going to fall apart listening to a memory about him.”
“I didn’t mean to make it seem like that.”
“I’m just letting you know,” you reply. “Almost five years later, I’m still learning to move forward, but I’ve grieved and healed some. It may not seem like it, but I have. Slowly but surely.”
The reminder of how much time has passed, almost five years in a few months, hits Harry. He stays quiet for several seconds.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to - I don’t know what you’ve been through all these years and I didn’t want to potentially upset you by bringing up a memory of him. I’m thankful that you’ve tried to move forward. Peter… Peter would’ve wanted that.”
You nod at Harry’s last statement. You never told Harry about Peter’s last words but he is right. Peter asked you to try and move forward. You sigh. “Thank you for trying to be considerate, but you don’t have to worry about upsetting me. So… what were you going to say?” you ask him, genuinely wanting to know because the truth is, Harry is one of the few people in this universe that can tell you stories about Peter. Everyone in your life as of right now never knew him, so for years, your memories alone are what you’ve held on to.
With a small smile, Harry continues. “I was thinking about this day when we were in college. It was raining so hard when we got out of a lecture but Peter simply pulled his rain jacket’s hood over his head. He didn’t want to wait. When I asked him where he was off to in a hurry, he said home. He told me he’d send me a message later and said bye before he headed into the rain. I remember standing outside under the roof and watching him take off, that Spider-Woman enamel pin on his backpack standing out in the rain. It was later when he told me he went to see you,” Harry says softly.
As Harry shares his memory, you smile, remembering that day. “I remember that day. He was soaked. My parents and I had to find him dry clothes,” you say. “And the Spider-Woman pin,” you pause and chuckle, remembering it now after so long. “He kept it all the way to the end of college. I still have it with his belongings.”
“I swear he was the biggest Spider-Woman fan,” Harry says with a soft chuckle. “Do you remember when…” Harry continues as more memories flood his mind.
The two of you continue to talk about the old days even when your food is brought to the table and thankfully, that’s the topic of discussion until the end. An hour later, and feeling much more at peace, you’re both standing in the first floor’s lobby. The rain hasn’t stopped at all.
“Do you want a ride home?” Harry offers.
“I’m alright, thank you though. I have my umbrella,” you say holding it up.
“Right,” Harry says with a bit of a disappointed look on his face. He clears his throat. “Thank you for agreeing to have lunch with me. I really enjoyed… Talking to you after so long.”
“I did, too,” you say gently, finding it to be true. After so many nerves, you ended up calming thanks to the memories of Peter. You silently thank him and wonder what he thinks of today from wherever he is. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“Of course.” Harry nods. He stares at you for a few seconds, debating. “I was hoping - I want to ask you something,” Harry says. “It may be too much, but I can’t help myself from asking. Talking to you… It felt like the old times when we used to talk. I didn’t realize how much I missed that until today. I was wondering if - if we could meet again. For lunch, or dinner. Or, anything, really.”
You stare up at him, holding your umbrella and your handbag.
“You don’t have to say yes now. Think about it. I’ll understand if you don’t want to see me again, but just think about it,” he says with a sad smile before he retrieves his wallet. He pulls out a small piece of paper, a business card, and a pen from his top’s pocket. He scribbles quickly and hands you the business card. “My personal number, outside of work. If you’re open to it, call me whenever you want. I’ll get back to you if I miss your call. Just - think about it, okay?”
Holding the business card now, you glance at it for a few seconds, reading the scribbled phone number. You nod before placing it inside your handbag, unsure about your answer. “Thank you. I’ll - think about it.”
Harry nods. He wasn’t expecting a quick yes. “May I call you a ride, at least?”
“I’m alright, Harry. It’s just a little rain. I’ll be fine, truly. Thank you, though.”
“Alright. Please be careful on your way back,” he says, his eyes taking in the sight of you before you part ways. It might be the last time he sees you, after all.
“Likewise,” you reply. “Stay safe,” you add before you give him a small wave and exit the building, feeling his gaze. __☆
Miguel reads data from a screen. It's the fourth time he's read over a paragraph and the information doesn't stick. He slides the screen away. Maybe he should focus on something else that requires less attention.
“Your roommate is back. She's outside the lab asking if she can come in,” Lyla says popping up next to Miguel.
“She's back? I'm gla - Tell her yes. She can come in,” Miguel replies, his face lighting up.
Lyla nods and disappears. A few seconds later, Miguel can hear your footsteps before you step into view. There you are, already in your suit and with a smile.
“I did say in an hour or so,” you say, approaching his platform.
Miguel chuckles quietly, a soft smile grazing his lips. “You did. Did you - Did you enjoy your lunch?”
Stepping onto the platform, you nod and look at him. When you first joined the Spider Society, you never imagined stepping on Miguel’s platform but it’s no longer a strange feeling. You now know how to operate everything on his platform these days after he taught you and a few other members when he was injured last year during the spring. Sometimes you even use the screens when you wish to see what you’re working on in a larger scale, sharing the platform with Miguel. And it’s why you feel comfortable stepping on it now, even leaning back with Miguel facing you. He leans to the side, watching you tentatively to gauge your reaction, trying to detect any negative emotions in you but your smile is a true one. You seem at peace and that makes Miguel relieved.
“It went well - after a few minutes of awkwardness. I’ll admit, at the beginning I was disappointed when the waiter left too soon after taking our orders.”
Miguel grins in amusement. “That sounds like a rough start.”
You chuckle and make a face at him, a playful one that inspires a short exhale of air from Miguel out of amusement and ternura [fondness, endearment]. “It was, but thankfully, it slowly got better. He brought up a memory of Peter, from our college days, and that was how we were finally able to get past the awkwardness. I think he was nervous, too. From that point on, we talked about other memories. As you said, it was over before I even realized, thankfully.”
“I’m glad to hear that - that you found something that eased your nerves and his,” Miguel replies, feeling glad that you didn’t spend over an hour of discomfort in Osborn’s presence.
You sigh softly, a sign to Miguel that there’s more. He watches you carefully as you glance at a screen.
“He gave me his personal phone number by the end of it - said that he’d like to meet again, if I was open to it.”
Miguel nods, absorbing these news for a few seconds. He’d like to ask what your thoughts are on that but he refrains from doing so. He believes you’ll tell him once you’re ready to share. Right now, he has a feeling you haven’t fully given it thought considering you just came back.
“I’ll be honest, I don’t know the answer yet,” you say at last, turning to meet his gaze again.
With a look of understanding, Miguel replies, “You have time to think about it. There’s no rush to make a decision today.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” You nod to yourself, thinking. You’ll take a few days to consider it, but in this moment, all you want to do is settle down for the day - have some normalcy. All day, since morning, you’ve felt nervous and now that the lunch is over, you feel as though it has taken a mental toll on you. “Have you seen the others?”
“According to Hobie, they’ve all taken posts around HQ, waiting for you to come back,” he says, offering you a gentle smile.
“Really?” you ask, your face softening.
“Yeah… Including myself,” Miguel admits quietly, looking away.
You smile, feeling like all the tension from the day is slowly melting away. “I was more than ready to come back,” you admit as well. “You’re all so sweet,” you add, wishing you could lunge yourself at Miguel right now to give him a big hug but alas, Miguel is not there yet. “I really am lucky.”
Miguel’s gaze turns back to you at that, a hint of a smile on his face that grows into his usual smile for you. “We are, too,” he replies softly, sending a warmth through your body with his words.
As you both stand there, you think about how you should go see the rest of the spider gang to let them know that you’re back, but for the second time today, you don’t feel like leaving Miguel’s presence. So, you both stand there in each other’s presence until you both hear thunder.
“I guess we are having thunderstorms,” you say, still leaning back. “But hopefully we’ll be at the penthouse by then.”
“I’m sure we will,” Miguel replies, suddenly wishing that it was later in the day already. “I think - I’m going to leave around the time you usually head out.”
“Yeah? You have something to do?” you ask softly.
He shakes his head but then nods. “Actually, yeah. I was thinking for dinner we could have burritos de tinga, if you’re up for it.”
“I’m always up for burritos de tinga.”
Miguel grins and straightens up, his head tilting to the side. “Really? I had no idea. I thought the reason you smile every time you have them is just coincidence,” he says with a soft smirk now, his voice playful.
You chuckle, eyes sparkling with amusement. “Ah, I see how it is now. In my defense, it’s not my fault you’re amazing in the kitchen. It’s your fault I love them so much, you know.”
Now Miguel chuckles, raising an eyebrow at you. “So now it’s my fault, eh? Very well, I’m guilty then, your honor.”
“Who is guilty?” Peter B. asks.
“And for what crime?” Jess asks.
Miguel and you turn, your eyes finding the spider gang. You straighten up as they all approach the platform.
“We heard you were back,” Pav says looking at you. “From Lyla.”
“I got back about ten minutes ago. It went well,” you reply, adding the last bit to ease any concerns from your friends. “It was just lunch,” you add, glancing at Miguel with a knowing look. He gives you a small smile before everyone surrounds the platform to ask you questions until the conversation turns to other things, like how it’s been raining all day and then to how your school age friends are not in school when they should be only to be told that you didn’t need to worry about that, at which Miguel and you shared another look.
Half an hour later, with everyone still in Miguel’s lab, Mayday swings to you to be held. You hold her, standing near Miguel as everyone else has their own conversation. The two of you watch in silence as your friends talk happily amongst themselves. You smile at the sight, thankful to be surrounded by friends once again.
The sight makes you wonder. Do you have space for one more, an old one, that is?
You fix Mayday’s wristband, the one she wears in order to travel through the multiverse with Peter as you think of Harry. Time will tell, sooner rather later.
“Miggle,” Mayday says looking over at Miguel.
“What did she say?” Peter asks, turning his attention to his daughter.
“Por favor no [please, no],” Miguel mutters next to you.
“Did she say ‘mingle?’” Peter asks coming over to his daughter with a bright smile.
You glance over at Miguel who looks like his face is about to turn into a grumpy one. “She said mingle,” you reply, with a smile to Peter. You hand her back to him.
“Another word! Mingle. Wow, where did she hear that? We haven’t taught her that one yet,” Peter says. “Good job, sweetie. Daddy is proud of you.”
After Peter walks away, still praising Mayday, you turn to Miguel, who is looking more than relieved. He glances at you. “Thank you. I know Peter would start calling me that if he heard it.”
You chuckle. “No worries. I got you cover.”
“Thankfully,” he replies relaxing.
After a few seconds and very quietly so only Miguel will hear, you speak again. “So, we are eating burritos de tinga, right, Miggle?”
“Yes, we are. We have all that we need to mak-” Miguel stops mid-sentence and turns to face you, eyes narrowed. “I see how it is.”
“What?” you ask, shrugging innocently.
“You said the m-word.”
You look away to hide your smile. “The m-word… All I said was your name. Miguel.”
“Yeah, okay, uhuh,” he replies. “Might not make the burritos after all.”
“Wait, no - please?” you say, turning to look at him. “Please, Miguel?” you add, emphasizing his name.
Miguel’s lips quiver as he fights the urge to smile but he gives up and almost rolls his eyes at himself. He’s too easily persuaded by you.
“Fine. Burritos de tinga for dinner,” he says with a smile. “But never call me that again with Peter within earshot, please,” he adds quietly for you to hear only.
You grin. “Alright, alright. I got it. Just don’t threaten my burritos de tinga, please. I can’t wait to get home,” you say happily.
Miguel chuckles, something inside him fluttering when he hears you say you’re ready to go home, to the penthouse. “Honestly, this weather makes me want to be home now. Maybe we can head out earlier…” he says softly as his eyes look around at your friends.
“I’d be down for that,” you reply.
“We’ll do that then, if nothing else comes up.”
To Miguel’s relief, and yours, nothing interferes with your plans. At the penthouse now, Miguel has a pan on the stove in which he’s cooking the tinga. The two of you are sitting side by side with your photo album laid out on the counter so the two of you can look at the photos. You brought it downstairs, wanting to look at more photos since the lunch with Harry unlocked memories you’ve been storing away.
Outside, the rain hasn’t let up and thunder has only increased since earlier when you were both in the lab. Thankfully, you are both at home now, shielded from the rain and in the comfort of the penthouse with Miguel’s record player on and delicious homemade food being cooked.
You lean back on your seat, still looking at the photos. Miguel’s eyes scan each one with close attention. You’re both in lounge clothes now, with plans to relax for the rest of the evening. You wonder if tonight you’ll go separate ways, or if you’ll hang out in the living room. You secretly hope it’s the latter, especially on an evening like this.
“Here we were at the student center,” you say softly as your eyes land on one photo of Peter and you in college. “It was some event for a student organization. I honestly can’t remember what it was called but somehow we got involved.”
Miguel chuckles quietly and nods. “So you joined clubs and organizations in college?”
“Yeah, I tried to,” you answer, remembering that that wasn’t something that came up yesterday when he was asking you questions of those days. “I got into honor ones and others.”
Miguel turns to look at you, a smile on his face. “I’m not surprised.”
Turning to face him, you smile, feeling a little shy. “Yeah, I was in a few.” You shrug as if it wasn’t a big deal.
“Hmm.” Miguel turns back to look at the photos. “And look at those cords and medals,” Miguel says, gently tapping on a photo.
You look at the photo. “I earned a few.”
“Just a few, right,” Miguel says rolling his eyes playfully before he stands up. “Let me check on the food real quick.”
He checks the food, making sure it’s not burning and satisfied, he prepares everything to start heating tortillas before he returns to your side.
“Next page,” you say softly in a bit of a sing song voice as you turn the page. The photos on the new pages consist of both Peter and you, either photographed alone or together but one in particular catches Miguel’s eyes.
Peter and you are on a couch, sitting side by side. You’re both smiling but you’re the only one looking at the camera because Peter is looking at you. With his gaze glued to that photo, Miguel thinks about how there’s no doubt that Peter loved you. He can see it in the man’s eyes, the pure love and affection in them. You were the love of his life.
And Miguel knows you reciprocated all that love and affection. Despite the years since Peter’s death, your voice and face says it. You speak of him with love and fondness.
You both loved each other. So much.
Miguel gulps softly as he continues to stare at the photo. “You were so in love,” he says, so quietly you almost miss it.
You look at Miguel, following his gaze and realize what photo he’s focused on. You smile tenderly and nod. “We were.”
Miguel nods, his eyes still on the picture. “It looks like the kind of love that you only find once,” he comments. “The kind that a lot of people search for their entire lives.”
Still staring at the photo, you process Miguel’s words. You remember what Miguel told you about his wife and marriage a few days ago. You’ve been thinking about it since, how Miguel felt that he was in a loveless marriage, and that both him and his partner had only married to have a sense of family. By his words, Miguel has realized over time that he wasn’t truly in love with his partner. He loved her but not in a romantic way.
You reflect on his statements from just now - about searching for love and not finding it. Is that how he feels now? That he’s searched for it but hasn’t found it? That makes you wonder. Is Miguel still open to it? Or, has that door been shut?
You sigh softly and trace the photo with your fingertips, trying to find the right words.
“I’ve had the privilege of experiencing it - feeling it. To receive and return it,” you start, your gaze on the photo. “It’s truly a beautiful thing. All kind of love is, I believe, and our love, Peter’s and I… It was a beautiful one. I was - I am - fortunate to have experienced that kind of love,” you say, finally looking up at him. “However, I don’t believe that it’s a once in a lifetime thing.”
Miguel’s eyes turn to you, questioning. You shake your head.
“I think there are people who have the privilege of experiencing it twice, sometimes even more.” You give Miguel a soft smile. “That’s the thing about love, at least, that’s how I see it. I’m not a love expert,” you say, shrugging slightly. “But, I think love is so complex it can be found again. Perhaps it’s felt differently considering no relationship is the same but that doesn’t mean it’ll be felt with less intensity and connection - it wouldn’t be any less meaningful. You know - one time I remember reading something about this. It was something along the lines of how one can find the love of their life in one partner, and discover their soulmate in another one. I don’t know,” you say softly. “Maybe that makes no sense but… I think it’s possible. Love is love, as long as you love with your heart.”
Miguel nods slowly, your works sinking in just as a loud rumble of thunder fills the penthouse. It seems that over the last few minutes, the rain has grown stronger, and thunder and lightning have become more frequent. “You have a much positive perspective on it than most people do.”
You offer Miguel a small smile. “Maybe I’m naive, and there will be people who disagree, but that’s what I think. Especially, if you’re open to love again.”
Miguel nods, still staring at you as a question comes to mind. “And are… you?” He’s wondered this before - whether you’ve ever even considered the idea of a relationship after Peter, at least one in the future.
You hold his gaze and smile, another loud rumble filling the silence before you reply. “… I am. Just not now. I think I’ve been open to it for a while, the idea of it. One day, maybe. And that’s if I find someone that - you know.”
Miguel nods in understanding. He looks down at the album again. “Maybe one day,” he repeats, now staring at a photo of you alone, smiling at the camera. He silently wonders if Peter was the one who took the photo before he clears his throat, the penthouse’s lights flickering. “Thank you for sharing your thoughts,” he says sitting still for a few seconds before he stands up, remembering to check on the food. “It’s ready, how many burritos do you want?” he asks softly as he retrieves plates, thoughts of your reply in his mind.
You politely tell Miguel how many you’d like and while he prepares the burritos, you gather everything else that’s needed from glasses to napkins. All the while, the sound of rain against the windows grows. You notice the lights flicker a bit more but neither Miguel nor you think much of it, or at least, neither of you say anything about it. You put away your photo album, somewhere where you’ll see it and remember to take back upstairs to your room later on.
“Your burritos are ready,” Miguel says as you look out a window from a distance, watching as lightning scatters around the sky in bright flashes.
“Thank you,” you say turning back to the kitchen again, ready to serve drinks for both Miguel and you just as Miguel heads over to the counter, one plate in each hand.
Miguel has barely placed the plates down when the lights flicker again. You finish pouring the drinks, glancing up for a second.
“At least we still have-” you start.
“Power,” Miguel finishes your sentence, nodding.
Except, the lights flicker once again and this time, the penthouse goes dark. The music from the record player has cut off, so now it’s just the sound of the thunderstorm filling the air. After what feels like ten seconds, Miguel and you chuckle.
“We spoke too soon,” Miguel says, shaking his head in amusement. “Let me go and retrieve some flashlights. It usually doesn’t take long for it to be restored but we can’t have dinner in the darkness.”
“I have some candles upstairs,” you offer. “I’ll get those.”
“Okay, let me just - cover the food so it doesn’t get cold,” Miguel replies before the two of you head off in different directions to get what you need.
You come back downstairs with the candles and quickly light them up to get some lighting. You set them around the kitchen and dining room area, making sure to place each one in a safe area. As you place the last one, you hear Miguel’s footsteps, catching your attention. He steps back into the space, holding three flashlights, and looking around, he realizes your candles are more than sufficient for dinner. Either way, he places them on the counter to the side.
“The candles light up the place pretty well, what do you think?” you ask, meeting Miguel back at the countertop.
“I was just thinking that. No need for flashlights. I’ll leave them here either way, just in case you need one. Feel free to grab whichever. They all have new batteries,” Miguel says, tapping the flashlights before he gestures to your chair. “Come on, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
With a smile, you nod and quickly reach his side before taking a seat. You both begin to eat your food, at last, over candlelight and thunderstorm sounds.
“Oh, yeah, I found this,” Miguel says as he reaches into his pocket. He places a device on the countertop between you and then a few rectangular pieces.
Cassette tapes.
“No way, cassette tapes?” you ask with excitement, which Miguel immediately detects.
“Yes. They became trendy a few years ago - back when Gabriel was still alive, actually - so, many years now. Gabriel is actually the owner of this one. Some of these tapes are his, and some are mine. I saw them once I got the flashlights and figured, why not, since we can’t use the record player right now. I hope it works though, I haven’t tried it.”
“I hope so, I’d love to hear your music taste from back then. And Gabriel’s, too,” you say with a grin.
“Well, I hope you’re not disappointed. I don’t remember a thing from these things,” Miguel says, nervous that the music might not be to your taste, or his at this point in his life. He sets the device up and to his surprise, it works. “This one is one of Gabriel’s tapes. Let’s see what the vibe was for it since he never labeled them,” Miguel says shaking his head in sibling disapproval.
You take a bite from your food as you wait for the music to start and seconds later it does.
“It worked,” you say.
“I’m surprised it did. It hasn’t been used in forever.”
You chuckle and lean back as the music continues. “This is nice. I like the vibes,” you say. “Seems like Gabriel had good taste in music.”
Miguel raises an eyebrow, glancing over and noticing the way the candles lit up your face in a gentle manner. “You’ve only heard half of this song. You should wait before you make a decision because sometimes he’d play music that wasn’t pleasant to the ears.”
You laugh softly. “Really now? And what did he think about yours?”
“Probably the same thing,” Miguel replies with a grin before he takes a bite from his food.
You laugh again before you continue to eat, listening to the music and talking with Miguel, enjoying the conversation. You thank him for dinner once you’re both done and together, you clean up by candlelight.
You’re happy when you both head to the living room afterwards, neither of you wanting to part ways tonight. The cassette player comes along with you, which Miguel places on the coffee table before he settles on the couch, opposite of you. The candles, which you both moved to the living room, now light up the space as there’s still no power over an hour later, but neither of you seem to mind. If anything, you’re both enjoying the randomness of this moment.
You pull your blanket over your lap and grab your book, one you left a few days ago on the coffee table, next to Miguel’s. You’ve noticed that he’s been reading lately, a hobby he mentioned a while back but one he hasn’t made the time for, especially because it reminded him of Gaby. You wonder if seeing you reading has inspired him to start again. Either way, seeing Miguel reading anything other than reports and data makes you happy, especially because he’s reading one of the books you gifted him for Christmas.
As you get settled to start reading, Miguel picks up his, joining you in reading while soft music plays in the background despite the thunderstorm going strong.
You both read for what feels like an hour, at times stealing glances at each other from across the coffee table, until Miguel closes his book and places it back. He stretches his legs and glances at you just as you flip a page, finishing a chapter. You look up at him and give him a small smile.
“Tired of reading?”
“Kind of. My eyes are, at least,” he replies before he rubs them, a sight that you find endearing. He lowers his hands and glances at you. “What about you?”
You tilt your head to the side. “I think I’m done reading for tonight, too.” You repeat Miguel’s actions, closing and putting away your book, next to his again - spine to spine. “It’s still early,” you comment.
“It is,” he responds, looking around, thinking.
You look around yourself, spotting your tablet on the coffee table. “Do you want to look at new ideas I have for the penthouse? I found a few ideas you might like.” You look up at Miguel, waiting for his reply. “Unless, you want to do something else, then I can show them to you later.”
“No, no, let’s - look at them now. Please,” Miguel replies, looking at you. “I’d like to see what you found.”
You grin and prepare yourself to stand up.
“I’ll go to you,” Miguel says, making you stop before you even really began moving. He’s up and in front of you in the blink of an eye, taking a seat on the ground near you. He grabs the tablet and hands it to you before he pushes the coffee table away so he can stretch his long legs comfortably.
You feel a little in awe with how fast he moved but shake it off. You get off the couch and sit next to him on the ground, pulling your blanket along with you, which unintentionally ends up covering part of Miguel’s lap. Finally settled, you pull up saved photos and begin to show them to Miguel, who gives you his full attention. He nods and hums in approval, telling you when he really likes something. You feel a sense of satisfaction when you’re done showing him everything you saved because not once did he show disapproval.
“I like all of those ideas. Do you think we can work on it this weekend?” Miguel asks.
“Definitely. I’m up for it, if you are.”
“I’m up for it,” Miguel replies, still sitting next to you. He smiles softly as you scroll through other saved pictures. “You seem to have more ideas.”
“These are not that great,” you say, making a face of disapproval. “I found better ones later on.”
Miguel hums in response, still smiling. He watches as you make a movement in your tablet, moving pictures around. Despite being done with the photos, both of you remain in place, not moving. After a few minutes, you suggest finishing flipping through the photo album from earlier, something Miguel says yes to.
So, you find yourselves, once again, looking over your photo album. You flip through each page, telling Miguel the stories connected to the photos.
And Miguel? Miguel listens to every word you say, his gaze shifting between you as you talk and the photos.
Before either of you realize it, you close the photo album. “That’s it for this one. I have more, maybe I can show them to you later,” you say.
“I’d like that,” Miguel responds as he watches you place the album on the coffee table before you lean back on the couch, still sitting on the ground with Miguel. You sigh softly. “You tired?” he asks you softly, wondering if the day’s exhaustion has finally caught up with you.
“Nope,” you reply with a smile. “If anything, this weather and the music makes me want to stay up and simply enjoy the evening for a little longer, especially… In the presence of great company.”
That makes Miguel smile. “We can do that.”
You nod, getting more comfortable. You glance at the flickering candles, thinking about what a lovely evening this has been despite having no power and the day’s events. Miguel and you are simply enjoying each other’s presence over his brother’s music in the dim lit living room while it rains. There’s something about it - it’s so homey.
You slide lower, resting your head on the couch’s cushion.
“Do you want to lie down?”
You glance at Miguel. “Hmm, I might. I think - I think I’m going to stay up for a while longer. You?”
“… Same. If you’ll have me,” he says, which causes you to smile.
“It’s your living room.”
“And? It’s your living room, too.”
You look away at that, your cheeks suddenly feeling warm.
“It’s the truth,” Miguel says quietly. “You’re living here, for now, so… I said it before. My home is your home.”
“Thank you,” you say softly.
A few seconds of silence later, you lay down and stare up at the ceiling. “This is kind of a moment - a vibe.”
“Is it?” Miguel replies, glancing down at you for a second. He reaches behind him and pulls something. “Lift your head,” he says and once you do, you feel him slide one of the decorative pillows under your head.
You thank Miguel for the kind gesture, unable to stop yourself from smiling about it. You lay there for several minutes, Miguel sitting at your side until he eventually lays down, too.
You both listen as a new song starts to play. It’s the kind that’s perfect for a rainy evening such as this one - soft and slow, and yet sweet and groovy.
“I wanna plant you in my heart, oh, so love can grow…”
Miguel lays there, listening to the song. Gabriel always found gems when it came to music, Miguel will give him that. He continues to listen to the song but his mind shifts to other topics without wanting to, such as his comment from a few minutes ago.
“You’re living here, for now, so… I said it before. My home is your home.”
For now. You’re living here for now.
Once again, Miguel thinks about how great it’s been to have you here, staying with him. He doesn’t want to think about the day you return to your universe. He’s tried to avoid thinking about it and for the most part, it has worked. Until now.
“May I tell you something?” Miguel asks as you both lay on the ground.
“Of course.”
“I’ve been thinking about your apartment - when construction is completed and it’s livable again.”
You glance at him but Miguel is staring right at the ceiling, unable to meet your gaze.
“You have…?” you ask gently, wondering where Miguel is going with this.
“Yes… I’ve been thinking about it. Is it crazy that I,” Miguel pauses, wondering if he should really say what’s on his mind but ultimately, he says it. “I’m going to - miss you,” he says at last with a sigh. A few seconds later, Miguel turns his head to face you, his red eyes find yours. And like always, there’s no judgement from you. Instead, Miguel finds a smile.
“I’m going to miss you, too,” you say softly, your heart swelling with pride, affection, and love for Miguel because you know sometimes it’s hard for him to share his feelings and thoughts and yet, he’s done it tonight.
Miguel’s eyes widen a little at your words, as if there was doubt in his mind that you would miss him, too.
“A lot, actually,” you say, looking away now.
Miguel’s lips twitch upwards into a small smile. “You are?”
You glance back at him, finding his smile. It brings one to your face, too, because Miguel seems genuinely happy to hear your words. “Yeah,” you reply. “You seem happy.”
“I’m just glad I’m not the only one feeling like that,” he confesses, still smiling.
“You are not. I… I’ve actually thought about how quickly I got used to living with someone again - with you.”
“Me, too,” Miguel says before he rolls on his side, supporting his head with his hand, staring at you. “I think we’re… We’ve been great roommates.”
That statement makes you smile a little more. You nod before you copy Miguel’s position, so that you’re both facing each other now. “I think so, too.”
Miguel gives you a little grin, satisfied to hear that you agree, but a part of him still feels untranquil. You’ll be leaving at one point, even though you’ve both enjoyed this temporary arrangement, that is a given and you both know that. Unless…
Miguel and you look away from each other as a similar thought crosses your minds, one that neither of you dare say out loud.
It’s crazy to think about a long-term possibility, right?
You sigh softly after several minutes of silence, thinking about something else to avoid other thoughts.
“You know, you asked me a lot of questions about college. I feel as though I don’t know the same about you. Yet.”
“Yet,” Miguel says with a small grin, his thoughts scattered. “What do you want to know?”
“Well…” you start with the first question and as always, Miguel listens intently. He answers your questions and satisfies your curiosity like you satisfied his the day before. Each time you ask something different - something he didn’t think about asking already - he returns the question, wanting to learn even more about you.
All the while, there’s a bright look on Miguel’s face as your conversation continues. His eyes light up as he hears your questions and genuine interest in his life before you ever crossed paths.
There’s a happiness in them, one that has grown over time with and because of you, replacing a sadness that had settled in those beautiful autumn eyes for so long.
At some point, without realizing it, Miguel stopped being el muchacho de los ojos tristes, the young man with sad eyes.
And at some point, you started to find safety in those maroon eyes - the same ones you gaze into while falling asleep on the living room floor, but before fully succumbing to your exhaustion, you offer something to Miguel. It’s what you’ve both wanted since you repeated “Always” to each other on your bedroom floor two nights ago. It’s what both your bodies longed for earlier today, before you went out for lunch with Harry.
A heartbeat later, your pinky finger is gently held by Miguel’s and just like that, his warmth, presence, and scent lull you to sleep while those warm eyes guard your sleep.
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Translations:café de olla - coffee made in a pot pan dulce - Mexican bread polvorón - description provided in text; for my friend @faretheeoscar !! telenovela - Latin soap opera Mira - look agua de horchata - rice water agua de Jamaica - hibiscus water Uno nunca sabe - one never knows Ya - used in place of "ok" Tío - uncle ternura - endearment; fondness burritos de tinga - I feel like you know this by now. I had some Wednesday and they were bomb despite not being made by Miguel *sigh* Por favor no - please, no el muchacho de los ojos tristes - the young man with the sad eyes; brb gonna go cry from HQ's rooftop now that Miguel showed us the secret window
A/N: I'm gonna make this quick since at this point you've read like three or four chapters from an actual book! 🫣 Some of you may have seen a post I made last Sunday but just in case you haven't: I'm sorry for how long it took me to update. Last month was a bit off for me and I didn't feel like writing. It might sound silly but I feel like I get seasonal depression but for spring. 😂😭 I'm a fall and winter gal, so I always feel down around this time for some reason. I also had other life things going on, so I hardly got on here or other social media. Anyway, I'm better now :) I hope you guys enjoyed this update! Thank you for being so patient with me and for supporting this fic. I say it again and again, so much I probably sound like a broken record, but it truly means so much to me!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and please stay safe ❤️
taglist: (text block limit sucks) @loverlorn @saturnknows @d1lf-loverrr @eddiestitmiguelsbigdick @freehentai @arithestrawberry @scaleniusrm @haradasaya @spidermanismyfav @bitchykittenconnoisseur @thecraziestcrayon @obi-mom-kenobi @natsury-kazuki @coraline750 @edgycatx @safixiovi @sunnyx07 @nxrdamp
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pandorxxx · 1 year
Made for each other (crazy about you part 2)
Lo’ak x Omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: pure smut, possessive, delusional, violent lo’ak (and reader), attempted murder, mentions of suicide, mentions of killing in general, spanking, choking, hair pulling, smacking, spit kink, biting (a lot of blood at the end), daddy kink, praise kink, cursing, oral, p in v, multiple orgasms, creampie. (Lmk If I miss something)
Addition warning: This fic follows the pattens of toxic relationships, so if this triggers you in any way, please do not continue.
Last warning⚠️: Lo’ak is extremely toxic in this. Please read at your own risk
It had been a year since you and lo’ak made it official, a year since he put you in your place. And the relationship was….toxic to say the least. You two had broken up and gotten back together so many times that you lost count. You were jealous and he was possessive, creating a recipe for disaster. You almost wished that you never even pursued him, maybe your life would be better without him in it. You wouldn’t dare tell him that though.
He told you that he would kill you if you tried to leave him for good, and apart of you believed him. You were becoming scared of lo’ak, scared that he might do something unspeakable, all for you. And it showed in his daily actions; the way he would linger around, watching your every move. Threatening any man that got to close to you, similar to the situation that transpired today:
“Bring your little ass here, right now! I’m sick of chasing you!” He growled, whipping through the trees as he followed your small frame.“NO! Why did you have to punch him?” You yelled, stomping away from him.
“He was too fucking close, y/n. Too close to what’s mine.” He growled, smacking leaves out of his path as he kept his pace behind you. “He’s didn’t even touch me!” You screamed, storming through the trees to get away from him.
“I’m a man! I know what the fuck he was thinking. Maybe I should just lock you up, huh? So no one can see you!” He chuckled angrily, speeding up his pace behind you.
“Ughhh! I hate you!!!” You screamed, hissing at him loudly, tail swaying in anger.
“I hate you too!” He roared, running towards you. He caught up quickly, yanking your arm harshly, turning you towards him.
“Let me go, idiot!” You shouted, trying to yank yourself out of his grasp, to no avail. He gripped your other arm, lifting you off the ground.
“No! You’re mine! Did you fucking forget?” He growled, shaking your small frame with every word. You hissed, struggling to get him off of you.
“Put me down, lo’ak! You’re hurting me!” You whined, making his gaze soften slightly, before he dropped you down to the ground.
You fell onto your back, instantly trying to crawl away from him. He grabbed your tail, pulling you back, before flipping you around. He straddled your lap, placing both of his large hands around your neck.
“You think you can leave me, y/n? HUH? I’ll never let you go!” He roared, squeezing your neck tightly, to the point where you couldn’t breathe all that well. “L-Lo’ak, y-you’re choking me!” You strained, tapping his forearm repeatedly. However, he didn’t let up.
“I’d rather see you dead than with someone else! I can’t see you with anyone else, y/n!” He yelled, voice becoming shaky as his emotions got the best of him. Tears flooding his eyes, loosening his grip on your neck slightly. Just enough for you to gasp loudly, regaining your breath.
He slowly crumbled, falling onto you as he weeped like a child. You cried too, looking into the sky. The situation that you put yourself in made you emotional. Deep down, you knew this was your karma for stalking him all these years. You blamed yourself for this. You just wanted out, but he couldn’t seem to let you go.
“P-please, baby! Please don’t fucking leave me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He cried in your chest, punching the ground in frustration, causing you to flinch. He shot up, looking into your terrified eyes.
“B-Baby, I don’t mean to scare you. You know that right? I’ll do anything to make you love me again! ANYTHING! J-just give me another chance. I’ll be good for you this time. I-I won’t yell, or hit anybody anymore. I-I promise, please!” He rambled, crying as he caressed your tear stained cheek.
Lo’ak was draining you from the inside out. You regretted everything about your relationship with him. You truly wished that you could go back to the beginning, when he wanted nothing to do with you. But because you couldn’t turn back time, there was just something in you that didn’t want to let him go. Maybe it was his “bad boy” tendencies, or his protectiveness, his sex….you couldn’t quite pinpoint it. As many times as you tried to be strong, tried to end it, he always found a way to suck you back in, and today was no different.
“Lo’ak, please. I-i can’t do this anymore. Just let me go, please let me go…” you whimpered, shaking your head from side to side in exhaustion.
“You know I can’t do that, don’t make me do that, please! I promise I’ll change for you. I’ll calm down!” He whined, sliding his hand down to your loincloth. You shook your head again, so tired of the same old song he sang. He’d treat you like shit, get aggressive with you, apologize, and then fuck you until you felt better. And you let him. You’d let him fuck you until you forgot about the argument because deep down, you enjoyed this little game you played with him. You were just as sick as he was, just as delusional. You two were made for eachother.
“Let me make it better, ok? Daddy’s gonna make it better.” He spoke lowly, pecking your lips, tasting your salty tears as he slid his hand in your loincloth, rubbing circles into your clit. You moaned into his mouth, falling into his trance again. He slid a finger inside of you, pumping in and out at a slow pace, just how you liked it. He knew you like the back of his hand, and he knew how to please you.
“Mmm shit..” you whimpered, tears still streaming down your face. “It’s ok, baby. Don’t cry. I’m going to take care of you.” He whispered, kissing down your body until he reached your loincloth, pulling it down with his teeth.
“Lo’ak, I-im breaking up with you.” You cried, knowing that you didn’t even believe yourself. Knowing that after this, you would walk out of the forest with him, hand in hand.
“Don’t say that, mama. I’d kill you if you left me. Matter of fact, I’d kill myself. Is that what you want?” He spoke lowly, attaching his mouth to your cunt, French kissing it slowly as he glared into your puffy eyes. He grabbed your legs, pulling them over his shoulders as he caressed your thighs.
You moaned loudly, throwing your head back as your dainty hand connected to the back of his head. “Yes, baby. Open up to me!” He moaned, flicking his tongue against you clit. He trailed his hand up to your top, untying it gently.
“Lo’ak, please. w-we aren’t good for eachother.” You grunted while caressing his head softly, allowing him to pull you back into his toxic embrace.
“Stop saying that! You know I’m the best thing for you.” He growled, giving your clit one last flick before kissing your thigh. He flipped you over on your stomach before laying flat on top of you. He ripped his loincloth off, throwing it to the side. He grabbed his cock, sliding into you gently.
“Let me show you how much I love you, y/n. I’ll be good for you, I promise baby.” He spoke softly in your ear, thrusting into you slowly. You bit your lip, grabbing his large hands to hold them close to your heart. He sped up the pace, going deeper than he ever has.
You never truly believed him when he said he’d change. But he was so gentle with you today, solely focused on how you were feeling. It made you feel like he was capable of change, capable of being the man you knew he could be for you.
“Please, don’t stop!” You whined, throwing your head down to the moss. He kissed the back of your neck, still thrusting into you at a steady pace.
“I’ll never stop, y/n. I’ll never leave you alone, baby. You’re mine, ok?” He moaned in your ear before tugging on it with his canines. With you being a delusional mess for him, you nodded frantically.
“Yes, I’m yours! I’ll always be yours.” You whined, kissing his hand as tears blurred your vision. “Do you love me? Huh? Tell me you love me, and that you’ll never leave me.” He spoke lowly, his hot breath breezing past your ear. You felt that familiar knot in your stomach building up, in turn, making you submit to him, as you always have.
“Yes, lo’ak! I-i love you so much, I-I’ll n-ever leave you, baby!” You stuttered, holding his hands tightly as you felt his cock twitch inside of you, repeatedly. He let out a loud moan, thrusting into you harder to catch his high.
“Oh, baby! Please keep talking to me like that! Im gonna fucking cum!” He grunted in your ear before giving it a small peck. You loved when he became a complete mess for you, it turned you on and today was no different. “Mmmm, fuuuuck lo’ak! I-i dont know what I would do without you baby! I need you so bad!”
You whined loudly. You closed your eyes tightly, squeezing his hands in yours when you felt your high approaching quickly.
“Mhmm what else, mama?! Come on, t-talk to Me. Im almost there!” He whimpered, squeezing your hands as well, shutting his eyes tightly as his face screwed in pleasure.
“y-you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Me. I-I would never give you up!” You whimpered, shaking your head to confirm your previous statement. He purred in your ear, before losing it completely.
“Fuck! *thrust* Fuck! *thrust* Fuck! *thrust*”
He moaned before coming undone inside of you, painting your walls with his seed. Yet and still, He kept a steady pace just for you, making sure you were taken care of. You felt the knot in your stomach coming undone, convulsing under his whimpering and moaning figure.
“Shiiit! Cumming!!” You screamed as your juices merged with his, coating his cock with every deep thrust.
“Goooood girl, baby! Such a good girl for daddy, aren’t you?” He whispered in Your ear, thrusting into you slowly as he rode out his high, also helping you ride out yours.
“Fuuuck yes! yes! I’m a good girl, just for you!” You moaned, letting out a sigh of relief, along with lo’ak. You were hoping that he meant everything he said about changing for you, so that you two could start fresh. But, just like the other times, he lied.
He continued to be possessive and aggressive. He would stalk, and watch your every move, watch for other men who could drive a wedge in between you two. All the while, still finding time to flirt with the other girls in the clan. Although you didn’t have solid proof of cheating, you had a feeling, and that’s all you needed. He would leave the hut early and come in late at night. And when you questioned him, the conversation always went alittle something like this:
“What? You don’t trust me?” Lo’ak would say, barely above a whisper. His ears flat, as he held his tail in his hand. Your gaze would soften, seeing his sad demeanor.
“n-no lo’ak, I do trust you!” You would nod frantically, caressing his biceps as you planted soft kisses across his chest.
“I thought we had something different, y/n. I thought YOU were different.” He would speak softly, shaking his head at you with disappointment before trying to leave. You would pull him back, willing to do anything to keep him right where he was. And it was an endless cycle for the two of you. If he wasn’t manipulating you, you were micromanaging him, making sure that nothing could hide under your nose. However, it didn’t seem like lo’ak cared that much. He would flirt with girls in-front of you, and today was no different.
Everyone shuffled around the common area, doing their daily chores. If lo’ak wasn’t stalking you, you were stalking him, watching his every move as he held long conversations with the other females.
Today, he decided to make conversation with Malina, who so happened to hate your guts. And vice versa. What made you mad was that lo’ak knew about your hatred towards her, and she knew that lo’ak was yours. Your blood boiled as you watched them laugh, and joke with eachother. You stalked from the trees, squeezing your bow tightly.
How could he? Any other girl but her! Why would he do this? Knowing the relationship you had with Malina?
You were furious, tail swooshing behind you in defense as you huffed with every breath. They could both die for all you cared, but more so Malina. She had the nerve to talk to lo’ak, knowing he belonged to you. You thought maybe you should just get rid of her, so she could leave him alone. So you wouldn’t have to worry about her.
All of theses thoughts ran through your head as you stood tall, drawing your bow back as you aimed it at Malina’s temple. You saw Malina raise a hand, running it down lo’aks bicep. And that was all the motivation you needed to take her fucking head off. You released the bow, watching it fly directly towards Malinda, just for it to hit the tree bark just inches above her head.
She screamed, ducking all the way down. Lo’ak jumped, stepping back from Malina slightly before looking around the forest in alertness. He had a feeling, but he didn’t want to believe it. However, he knew you all too well, and wouldn’t put this past you. Shit, he would do it too.
You cursed internally, disappointed in yourself for not putting a whole through her head. You shook your head in defeat, stepping out of the trees slowly. Lo’ak chuckled, throwing his head down as he shook it all-knowingly.
“Y/n, what the fuck!” Malina screamed in disbelief, standing to her full height. She looked at the bow sticking out of the bark, before slowly turning to you with wide eyes.
“Malina, I’m so sorry! My aim is so off today! I meant to kill you. Silly me!” You confessed with a sarcastic tone, grinning from ear to ear. Lo’ak bit his lip in anger, shooting you the scariest glare before turning to a flabbergasted Malina.
“I am so sorry for my girlfriend. She didn’t mean it.” He mumbled, trying not to let you hear what he was saying on your behalf.
“Oh, I meant it. Wish it would’ve went through that pretty little head, too.” You scoffed, glaring at malina. Lo’ak shut his eyes in frustration, clenching his jaw. He took a deep breath, darting over to you. He grabbed you by your hair, dragging you to your shared hut.
“What the fuck was that about, mama?” Lo’ak huffed in anger, slamming the hut door behind him. Coming face to face with you.
“You two were talking for too long, so I just ended the conversation early.” You spoke softly, crossing your arms as you glared up at him. He grinned, pulling you closer to him by your neck.
“You’re fucking crazy, you know that?” He said in his melodic tone, staring down at you with nothing but lust. He liked when you were jealous now that he found himself being completely obsessed with you. He also liked how quick you were to kill that girl, all for him.
“And you’re not? Threatening to kill me if I left you, but you do shit like this. Flirting with any girl that’ll give you the time of day. You’re fucking sick. You make me crazy, it’s all your fault!” You spat in a low tone, heat radiating off of your body in anger. He licked his lips, backing you into the wall harshly.
“Oh, I’m sick? But how did we get here?” He asked with a cocked brow, tilting his head in confusion.
“I told you in the beginning, that we wouldn’t work together. But you wouldn’t fucking listen. You just couldn’t take no for an answer. So I gave in, and now I’m stuck. I’ll never let you go. And I will kill you if you try to leave me. That’s not a threat, it’s a fucking promise. Play and see what happens.” He growled, pulling you closer to him by the grip he had on your neck.
“I can’t fucking stand you. I’ve had enough of your stupid game. I don’t wanna play anymore. I QUIT!” You shouted, pushing him away. You started to walk off but he snatched you back by your queue, pinning it on the wall. You hissed at him, trying to push him away to no avail.
“You’re done when I SAY you’re done. And I wanna keep playing.” He growled, holding your dainty wrists in one of his large hands. You shook your head wearily, so fucking tired of his games. He was draining you of everything, like a leech. Your emotions got the best of you, as your eyes started to water, blurring your vision completely.
He watched you on the verge of breaking down, and his gaze softened. He let your wrists go, finally understanding the severity of the situation. You leaned your head on his chest in exhaustion, feeling so sick that the thought of standing was making you tired. Lo’ak grabbed you in his arms, stopping your movements as he tried to keep you upright.
“Y/n, c-come on baby. Don’t do this.” He grunted, watching your body shake from your constant wailing. “No! w-why do you d- do this to me?!! You’re killing me, lo’ak! I-i can’t!” You cried, punching his chest weakly. You weeped, burying your head in his chest.
“Y/n- i-I’m sorry, please. I-it’ll never happen again! I’ll stop talking to her. I’ll never talk to her again. I’ll kill her if she comes near me, I only want you!” He rambled, as he always did when you threatened to leave him. You shook your head lazily, placing your fists on his chest.
“You always say that. Yet here we are! And here I am, looking stupid for staying with you.” You whimpered, leaning your head on the wall, looking into his teary eyes. He shook his head frantically, terrified at the thought of you leaving him, and him having to do the unthinkable to you.
“No, no, no! Please! I’ll change, y/n! I can’t live without you! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I don’t wanna lose you, I CANT LOSE YOU!” He confessed, voice cracking from his sadness.
“Then SHOW ME! Show me you don’t wanna lose me!” You shouted, looking into his puffy eyes as tears fell from your face.
“You want me to show you? I’ll show you!” He growled, picking you up by your thighs, connecting his lips to yours, and like always, he sucked you in again. You grabbed the back of his head, deepening the kiss as his hands roamed your body.
You wrapped your hands around his waist, loosening the knot in his loincloth. It fell to his feet, allowing his cock to spring up in between the two of you. You took it in your hand, stroking the beads of precum out of his pulsing tip. He moaned in your mouth, bucking his hips into your hand. He slid a hand down to your loincloth, completely ripping it off of your hips, deeming it unwearable.
“You know I love you, right?” He spoke lowly in your ear, planting wet kisses on your neck. You really couldn’t tell anymore. The way he made you feel on a regular basis was unbearable, but the way he made it up to you was….unmatched. And you knew deep down that you would never find anyone that could hold a candle to the way lo’ak handled you.
“y-yes, I know!” You moaned, pushing your soaked cunt to his throbbing cock, pulling him closer to you by his shoulders.
“Just make it up to me. I-I need it, lo’ak!” You whined, bringing his cock up to your cunt, using the tip to massage your clit.
“You can have it, baby. It’s all yours, I swear. No one else’s.” He grunted, sliding into you with ease. You both let out a series of moans as he thrusted into you slowly. Still kissing your neck, placing a hand on the wall, next to your head.You clung to him, laying your head on his shoulder as you whined with every slow thrust.
“I-I need you to know that i would NEVER cheat on you. No other girl c-could ever make me feel the way you do, y/n. I’m crazy about you…” He whimpered, gnawing at your neck, biting down until he drew blood. You winced at the mix of pain and pleasure. He quickly licked the womb clean, speeding up his pace inside of you.
You would be lying if you said he wasn’t convincing. Especially when he would wait until he’s drilling into you to confess his love. It was such a manipulative move on his part. How could you even question him in the middle of him fucking you how he did? You couldn’t, and that was his plan.
“I-I know, lo’ak! Just keep fucking me like this, please don’t stop!” You moaned, leaning back on the wall, throwing your head back in pure bliss. He deemed this the perfect opportunity to nuzzle his head into your exposed chest, leaving his scent on your body. He purred into your chest, tail wrapping around your back. He slowly trailed his eyes to yours, planting a kiss on your quivering lips.
“I wont stop, baby. You like when I fuck you like this, huh? Tell me how good it feels.” He whispered, thrusting into you one hard time before rolling his hips into your sweetspot. You screamed loudly, digging your fingernails into his biceps. Your face screwed in pleasure, shaking your head from side to side in pleasure. “Come on baby, look at me!” He pouted smacking your face a couple of times before snaking his hand up to your neck, using it to focus your attention on him. Your eyes finally locked as he started to thrust into you at a steady pace. The room fell silent for a moment, as you both indulged in the squelching sounds with every stroke, looking deep into each others eyes.
“You make me feel soooo *thrust* fucking *thrust* good *thrust*.” You screamed, breaking the silence as tears welled in your eyes. He nodded in agreement, kissing your lips once more, muffling your cries for a moment.
“You m-make me -ngh!- feel good too, baby. I’m so fucking in love with you!” He growled through gritted teeth, shaking your neck with every syllable. He sped up his pace, making your jaw drop as you felt that knot in your stomach tightening.
“Yeeess, baby! Juuuust like that! Let go for daddy.” He nodded, biting his lip as your walls fluttered around his cock. A tear fell down you cheek as you convulsed in his arms.
“Daddy’s sorry, baby! I’m sooo sorry!” He spoke softly, kissing your bottom lip as your eyes rolled back. And just like that, you came undone on him. Every stroke revealing his cream coated cock.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you? I’m almost there baby.” He moaned, throwing his head back as he used your hips to rut into you, chasing his orgasm. You whimpered, as he brushed against your sensitive sweetspot with every stroke.
“Shiiit, I’m cumming baby!” He whined, leaning his head on your shoulder, burying his seed deep inside of you. “Oh, yesss lo’ak!” You moaned breathily, scratching his back up as he thrusted into you slowly, riding out his high. And just like that, he had you again. Wrapped around his finger, just how he liked it.
And as always, he fed you a bunch of BS. Although he stopped talking to other girls, the obsession and possessive behavior grew stronger. There were times where he wouldn’t even let you out of his sight; dragging you around with him everywhere. Anytime a male even looked at you for a second too long, he would lash out at them. Soon, everyone knew to stay clear of you, scared of what lo’ak would do if he saw you with another.
This caused loneliness, and you resented him for it. The only other male you could somewhat talk to was Neteyam. And lo’ak had a problem with that most of the time.
You mainly went to Neteyam for advice on your relationship. And he always spoke the truth to you. Telling you that it would be best if you stayed clear of lo’ak. And boy, did that make lo’ak mad.
“Y/n, I hate seeing you like this. It’s like he’s locked you in this hut. You need to dead his ass.” Neteyam explained, leaning on the hut wall as you sat on the cot across from him.
“Teyam, I can’t leave him. Do you know how many times he’s threatened to kill me? Kill himself? Plus….I love him.” You spoke, gesturing softly. Neteyam sighed in frustration at you, as you sat infront of him singing the same old song.
“He would never. I wouldn’t let him. And, he’s way too scared of my dad. He’s not fucking stupid. Crazy? Yes….but stupid? Nah.” Neteyam shook his head, crossing his arms with a light chuckle.
“You don’t understand. You don’t hear the conversations we have. I just….can’t leave him.”You shook your head, bringing your knees to your chest.
“He treats you like shit. Locking you up from the outside world. Don’t you think that’s alittle fucking toxic? Are you scared of him?” He asked, the last part echoing in your mind.
Were you scared of him?
You were scared of what he was capable of, but deep down, you knew lo’ak. And you knew his intentions were good. You knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to you, and that he would protect you. How could you be scared of your protector? Right?
“What’s there to be scared of?” A familiar voice said from the entrance of the hut, catching you and neteyam’s attention. It was non other than your smothering boyfriend, leaning against the door frame.
“Last time I checked, you set us up. Now you’re trying to break us apart? What, so you can have her to yourself?” Lo’ak spoke angrily, walking towards Neteyam. Neteyam stood up straight, assuming a position of dominance against his younger brother. Your heart pounded, watching the two brothers meet half with aggressive demeanors.
“I wish I knew you would treat her this way. Then I wouldn’t have set her up with your psycho ass.” Neteyam growled, getting in lo’aks visibly angry face.
“And if I find out you’ve threatened her again, I’ll kill YOU. How about that?” He growled, poking lo’aks chest. Lo’ak tilted his head in anger, tail swaying high in aggression. You panicked, shuffling off of the cot to stand in between them. Both of the men towering over your small frame as they eyed each other with so much hatred. You couldn’t help but think this was all your fault.
“Please… d-dont do this. Don’t fight.” You whispered wearily, getting choked up by your own tears as you shift your attention in between both brothers. They completely ignored you, still staring each-other down.“Neteyam, j-just go. I’m fine, really.” You grabbed his arms, shaking him to get his attention.
“Yeah, you should go Neteyam. Y/n and I need to….talk.” Lo’ak grinned, wrapping his arms around your shoulders lightly, pulling you flush to his chest.
Neteyam hissed at lo’ak before meeting your soft gaze. “If I see so much as a scratch on her, I’ll beat the shit out of you.” Neteyam spoke deeply, bumping lo’aks shoulder as he walked out of the hut, shutting the door behind him.
There was an awkward silence as he swayed you back and forth, before he broke it. “Why do you test me, y/n?” He asked calmly, slowly squeezing his arms together around your neck.“L-Lo’ak I- I’m sorry.” You apologized, not even knowing the reason why. You held onto his arms, trying to loosen his grip around your neck.
“Nah, don’t apologize now. All you ever do is is try to leaving me. Telling me that you want to break up with me.” His voice grew angrier, making you nervous. He spun you around in one fell swoop, walking you back into the wall by your neck, slamming you into it.
“What the fuck do you want me to do, huh? WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU’RE NOT GOING NO FUCKING WHERE!” He growled, shaking your neck with every word. You had never seen him this angry before, and it made you tremble under his grasp.
“I-I UNDERSTAND! LO’AK I LOVE YOU!” You whimpered, voice shaky as tears flooded your vision. He shook his head, loosening his grip on your neck.
“Stop saying that! You don’t fucking mean it! You try to leave me every chance you get. And I do whatever I can to make you stay, make you love me. But I’m not enough for you. And everyone thinks I’m bad news, influencing you to believe the same! I’ve tried everything with you. I’ve apologized numerous times, I’ve stopped talking to other girls like you asked me to, but nothing is enough for you. Guess I’ve just gotta fuck you until you get it. Until EVERYONE gets it. You are MINE goddamit!” He roared, nothing but rage in his golden eyes as he punched the hut wall, creating a gaping whole in the foundation. He grabbed your hair, yanking you towards the cot before throwing you onto it.
“Lo’ak please!” You begged as he flipped you over on you stomach. “No, fuck that! I’m gonna show your little ass! Show you who the fuck you belong to.” He growled, all while tying your hands up with his hair tie. He tore your loincloth off, throwing it to the side.
“Lo’ak! I know I belong to you! I know I’m YOURS!” You shouted, looking back at him, only to see his hand raised to the heavens, coming down on your ass so hard that it left a handprint. You yelped in pain, squirming under him.
“What did I tell you, huh? Who do you belong to?!” He yelled, spanking you hard at a constant pace. “Lo’ak, MERCY!!” You screamed, tears tricking down your cheeks with every harsh blink.
“ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!” He roared, holding your wrists in place as he continued your punishment. “YOU- I BELONG TO YOU, BABY!” You whimpered, trying desperately to crawl from under him.
“I don’t believe you yet, mama…” he growled, pulling you up by your hair, before biting down on your neck, marking you as his. The blood flowed down your shoulder, dripping onto the cot. You hissed, feeling your neck throb from the open womb.
“YOU. ARE. MINE! Do you understand?!” He spoke through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on your hair. “Yes, lo’ak! I fucking get it!” You shouted in anger. He chuckled, kissing your cheek as he untied his loincloth with one hand, throwing it across the room.
“There’s my girl! I love making you mad. Gives me a reason to fuck you like a whore, just to straighten you out.” He whispered in your ear before kissing it.
He lined his cock up with your entrance, plunging into you deep. He pulled your hips up to meet his pelvis before he started rutting into you hard and steady. He gripped your long ponytail, wrapping it around his forearm to pull you up. Every thrust causing droplets of blood to fall beneath you.
“Say my fucking name, baby.” He spoke in a low and calm voice, smacking your bruised ass. Sending shock waves through your entire body.
“Looo’aaaak!” You whined, taking your lip in between your teeth, shutting your eyes tightly. He opened his mouth, letting spit drip down to where you were both connected before throwing his head back in pure bliss.
“This pussy is driving me crazy, baby!” He spoke sensually, thrusting into you faster. “Mmmm! you fuck me soooo good. I can’t get enough of you!” You moaned, smiling deliriously as your lower abdomen tightened.
“I’m so fucking obsessed with you, y/n!” He moaned, shaking his head before planting a soft kiss on your womb, coating his lips with your blood. He tugged on your hair, bringing your neck all the way back to kiss your lips passionately. The copper taste of your blood consuming you, before he pulled away.
“I’m obsessed with you too! No one can take your place! I-I’m so sorry daddy!” You whined, tears flowing down your cheeks from the immense amount of pleasure. Lo’ak groaned at your sweet words, feeling that familiar knot build in his stomach.
“No, no! I’m sorry, mama! I’ve b-been a fucking idiot.” He moaned, biting his lip as he admired your position. Your whines and moans got louder and louder as your peak neared.
“Go on and cum for daddy. I’m right behind you.” He spoke deeply, smacking your ass as he licked his lips. And that was all you needed, twitching under him as you came undone.“Yeeesss!” You screamed, screwing your face in pleasure as your eyes fell shut.
“Mmm! fuck! *thrust* fuck! *thrust* fuck! *thrust*” lo’ak grunted, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he painted your walls. He thrusted into you slowly, riding out his high.
“Untie me.” You moaned, trying to rip your way out of the restraints. “Why? So you can run away?” He chuckled deliriously, reminiscing on his first time with you.
“I just wanna fuck you so bad. Let me, please? I won’t leave. I’ll never leave.” You shook your head in reassurance. He bit his lip before tugging on the restraint, untying it from around your wrists. And immediately, you rose up from your position, pulling him down before you hopped on top of him, straddling his lap.
“Shit, you weren’t kidding, huh? You want this dick? Take it!” He grinned, plunging his cock into you. Both of you letting out a series of moans.
You watched his face screw in pleasure as you began to ride him. He threw his head back, exposing his neck. You weren’t one for marking but something came over you as you flashed your fangs, bending down to sink them into his neck, drawing blood. He hissed from the pain and pleasure, gripping your hips tightly. He watched you sit up slowly, blood dripping down your mouth and chest as you looked at him with nothing but lust.
“You are so fucking hot.” He muttered through gritted teeth, reaching up to rip your top off with harsh force, revealing your huge breasts. His blood mixing with yours, dripping down your breasts with each bounce to his lap.“Yeah, I know. And it’s all for you. I’m all yours!” You moaned, using his shoulders to bounce on him harder.
“Comere.” He spoke sensually, grabbing your neck to bring you down to his lips, indulging in a heated kiss. Tongues fighting for dominance as they danced around eachother. You pulled away, hovering over his lips.
“Open.” You commanded, and he obliged. You let a line of spit flow into his mouth as he swallowed it happily, bringing you in for another kiss. He thrusted up into you, causing you to moan loudly against his lips before he pulled away.
“I love you.” He whispered, gripping your ass to guide you down onto him. “I love you too.” You moaned before taking your lip in between your teeth, staring deep into his eyes.
“I’d really kill you if you left me. I fucking mean it.” He muttered with a clenched jaw, tightening his grip on your neck. You giggled deliriously with a weak grin.
“I know, daddy. I’d kill you if you left me. y-you know I’m good for it.” You spoke seductively in his ear before kitty licking it once, sending chills down his spine.
“Mmm, daddy’s little monster, huh?” He groaned, feeling his high slowly approaching him. You nodded with the same delirious smile, sitting up on him to speed up the pace. Your moans got louder as your abdomen got tighter, getting that familiar feeling again.
“d-daddy I’m gonna cum!” You whined, pouting at him with your puffy eyes. He nodded, gripping your hips again, using them to fuck into you just right.
“Come on baby, give it to me. Show me how much you love this dick.” He spoke lowly, watching your eyes roll back as you started to tremble on top of him. And just like that, you came undone again, coating his cock with your juices.
“Mmm, fuuuck! I’m about to cum in this pussy baby!” He moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure, releasing inside of you once more. Both of you letting out breathless moans as you came down from your highs. He looked up at you, pulling you down to him by your hair to bring you in for a passionate kiss. He pulled away, staring you in the eyes before speaking.
“Never forget who you belong to…”
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @pullandhug @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @thecutieyahia @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @neteyamsprincess @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly
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b1rds3ye · 10 months
Task Force 141 but it's Battlefield's Bad Company - a unit of disgraced soldiers who are valued no higher than cannon fodder but who are also too skilled to simply get the boot. Despite being thrown at the most devastating threats, they are low on resources and lack respect from the rest of the military. No one bothers learning their names, they're not expected to last more than a week. But a small unit of them always manage to pull through.
Captain John Price says he only took up Bad Company because he was given an offer of early retirement if he survived leading the dredges of the military. In truth, he's gone off the books one too many times, his last mission had him temporarily A.W.O.L. as he pursued what he believed was right. If the military can't silence him with retirement, they'll silence him with Bad Company where they'll throw every mission under the sun at him until he inevitably falls. He doesn't comment on how his last official mission went, but if you ever bring up General Shepherd he says he has a special bullet reserved for that bastard.
No one knows exactly why Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley got into Bad Company, he doesn't say. In fact, no one knows shit about him. All anyone knows is that he's a damn good soldier, the longest lasting in Bad Company - he transferred even earlier than Price. Simon says he willingly transferred here because he thrives with the freedom and informality compared to the standard military and no one dares comment on how utterly unhinged that sounds. Still, his personality seems to fit the story; he's not afraid to go off the beaten path to reach the mission objective which seems to have taken out everyone but him.
Sergeant Johnny "Soap" MacTavish is just a menace, but a crafty one which is a problem for the military. He enjoys being demolitions expert and one day got too bored and a little too curious. Destroying physical objects would be too obvious but he may or may not have infected the military system with a virus to see what sort of information he could extract. He learnt the hard and very expensive way that he has a knack for hacking. Perhaps that's why they transferred him to Bad Company, with trash-quality guns, outdated tech and precisely negative ammo, there's not much destruction he can wreak. Well, that was likely the thought process but Johnny's always loved a challenge.
Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick was framed - he presumes. He excels in all the drills, his performance is promising, he follows all the orders, and yet he's here. What he doesn't know is that he doesn't have the personality superiors desire. He questions too much, he's far too open minded, he can't be molded like other soldiers. He's stubborn - they transferred him because he filed one too many complaints of inefficient directives that could be boiled down into polite military speak of "screw you and your orders, I have a better way (P.S. may your tea always be lukewarm)". He's annoyed the big bad men at the round-table and now he's paying the price. Fortunately, those are the traits that thrive in Bad Company and the exact traits that prompted Price to take him under his wing.
And that just leaves you, the newest member on the brink of promotion to sergeant until you were transferred into Bad Company. You're jittery, you've heard of the nightmare that is Bad Company, how it contains the worst of the worst (and yes you are aware that it apparently includes you now). When you step off the helicopter, you repeat your simple goal - to survive this one mission with Bad Company so that you can go back to your squadron and get your damn promotion.
But as the mission progresses you find yourself getting closer to all the members of Bad Company. You look back fondly at the memory of Price forcing the rest of you to run back into gunfire to retrieve his stupid bucket hat, the same hat he plops on your head if you're ever too on edge. You can only feel thankful for Ghost's unconventional medical advice - you have to give it to him, this discount Bear Grylls has saved your life more times than you can count. You look forward to the new creative ways Soap will blow up an enemy cache, or watch as Gaz hilariously tries to mimic your direct superiors with an overly high-pitched voice as Price begrudgingly talks to them over comms.
And that's when you realise that there will be a day where the mission is inevitably over. And instead of looking forward to your transfer back, you find yourself wanting to risk your life every day with your beloved bunch of military misfits, the group of you against the rest of the world, than whatever stuffy perks come with being sergeant.
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Call of Duty Masterlist
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conkers-thecosy · 6 days
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Been a while since I last made a fic rec list, and I recently went through all the newer bagginshield works on AO3, so I wanted to share some of my favourites! These are all amazing, please go give them a read if you haven't already! 💛 These are all completed, but if anyone is interested I might also do a list of incomplete works in progress that I'm feral about as well!
"Green-Handed" by lotusOkid Post-BotFA, while Thorin, Fili, and Kili are slowly recovering from their wounds, Bilbo finds himself subject to a condition that hobbits might experience at a few very particular times in their lives, under very particular circumstances, none of which apply to him. Very confused (and somewhat embarrassed) he decides to keep it a secret during this delicate time in the mountain. This goes about as well as you might expect.
"The Burden of Choice" by @fantasyinallforms Thorin Oakenshield is the crown prince of one of the strongest kingdoms in Middle Earth, but in the last year, the kingdom has struggled to keep its place among the ruling powers of Middle Earth. Erebor was held under vicious siege by the dragon Smaug, who terrorised the land and wiped out the nearby human settlement of Dale. The hardship forces Erebor into a difficult position, creating no other choice but for King Thror to seek alliances with other kingdoms and races through the bonds of marriage. Will Thorin see this as his duty to his kingdom or take another path entirely?
"No Grave Can Hold My Body Down" by @chaoticangel666 Bilbo returns to The Shire after the Battle of the Five Armies. He might be going insane though, because why does the ghost of Thorin Oakenshield keep showing up when he least expects it? Follows the events from the end of The Hobbit until the end of The Lord of the Rings.
"Handsome Stranger" by kriegswaffel A handsome stranger arrives at Hobbiton, both reminding and distracting Bilbo Baggins from the upcoming negotiations between a Dwarven Envoy all the way from Erebor and the official-inoffical leadership of the Shire regarding trade. As he gets more wrapped up in matters, can he find something true and lasting with someone so different - and maybe entirely different from what he expected? Or will he get his heart broken again, at long last, having hoped where there was no hope, or even only betrayal?
"What's In A Name" by broken_pencils A short scene that takes place post-canon, in which Bilbo and Thorin discuss the uniquely hobbit custom of family surnames. ~ "And Watch Them Grown" by @sunnyrosewritesstuff Thorin survives his battle to find Bilbo laying unconscious in the snow. Unable to carry him down, Thorin leaves him with his ring on to get help. Only he doesn’t make it very far before collapsing. Waking in the healing tents, Thorin comes to realize no one made it back up to save Bilbo! ~ "The Kitchen Thief" by @mordellestories There are pests. At first, Thorin thought one of his assistants was stealing from him. And that may have been why he was a bit harsher on them than what was deemed necessary. But one by one, the workers were replaced only for the goods to keep vanishing into thin air. It was driving him to madness. And when Thorin wasn’t at peace, everyone knew it. So, it had to be pests, right? Pixies, brownies, rats, something was pilfering his hard work and it was happening more often as time went by. ~ "The things you see in the market." by GothicMama Krelven just wants to explore the market on his day off. But instead he gets thrown for multiple loops when he sees two extremely familiar faces.
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shadowlali · 3 months
COD - Alejandro Vargas x fem!reader
[18+] wc: ~600 summary: You cross paths with Alejandro after the breakup. masterlist
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warnings: no smut, some proofreading, angst, heartbreak and toxic relationships, Alejandro is an asshole
a/n: story and title inspired by "AMARGURA" by Karol G. i have played this song non-stop since she released her album and i always felt it was very Alejandro-coded.
The hallway leading to the bathroom provides you with the perfect hiding place as you watch the scene unfold. The DJ happens to be playing most if not all of your favorite songs tonight, and maybe if your heart wasn’t currently being ripped in half, you’d be out on the dancefloor with your friends. 
But you watch as Alejandro slides his fingers through her hair and brings her mouth to his. They share a kiss and another, until he pulls back with a smile on his face. She places a kiss on his cheek, then grabs his hand to drag him over to the dancefloor. 
He follows her, and even over the sound of music you can hear his laugh. Or maybe you just have it memorized by now, the tone, timbre of his deep laugh, that you imagine you can actually hear it. His hands travel to her hips and they sway to the music. 
“Come on, Alejandro! It's just one dance.”
He stares at you with annoyance clouding his features. Your immediate reaction is to shrink back, already knowing that his answer will most likely be no. But you press the topic anyways, waiting to see if maybe this time he’ll change his mind. 
“No,” Alejandro says, placing his beer bottle on the table, “and don’t ask me again.” 
“You never want to dance with me–” 
He stands, sighing loudly before walking away. You deflate in your seat. You should’ve known he would react that way and now because of your insistence, Alejandro will most likely ignore you the rest of the evening. 
You think about dancing with your friends, looking over to where they are, but the last time you did that at a different party, he became angry and immediately forced you to leave with him.
So instead, you sit and watch the dancefloor. Sadness clogs your throat but you force it down with a shot of tequila and wait where Alejandro left you, just in case he comes back. 
You think about leaving, maybe sending a text to your friends that you don’t feel good. But then, how will you move on? Alejandro isn’t yours anymore, he made that very clear. It didn’t matter that you begged him to stay, that you promised him you’d change, he still left. 
Looking back now, you gave so much in that relationship. You were attentive to his needs and understanding of his job–of his responsibility as a Coronel.
He was cruel sometimes, but you thought if you gave him more love, more kindness, he’d treat you better. He doesn’t mean what he says, he just needs to let out his frustrations from work, you’d tell yourself. 
Alejandro never wanted to dance with you. Or go on dates. Or do basically anything that you wanted to do. So you compromised. And compromised. Until there was nothing left of you. Everyday was just a well at least we're together, but at what cost? 
So while you stand here, with tears flooding your waterline as you watch him be so different with her, you can’t help but hope he’s different for her. You hope he does the things that make her happy and that he never raises his voice or makes her feel small. 
You hear your name being called and turn to see your friends waving at you to join them. You take one last look at them, seeing Alejandro’s head jerk up and turn to look around him.
You wonder just for a second, if he heard your name being called, and if you should walk a little bit more in the light so he can see you. Because you do still love him, and you wish he was here with you. 
But instead, you turn and walk towards your friends, officially saying goodbye to that failed relationship, and looking forward to a future where you receive the love you deserve.
You say a thank you in your head, because while Alejandro did break your heart, he also set you free. You love him, but you love yourself more. 
the remixed version she sang is soooo good. viva colombia!
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starhvney · 18 days
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet garroth x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: your boyfriend finally pursues a career that he chose for himself, so to show him your support you surprise him at his training.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, firefighter garroth guys firefighter garroth this is in fact not a drill, established relationship
𝐂𝐖: none!
𝐀/𝐍: this fic is based off of @artists-who-rarely-draws hc that garroth would be a firefighter in the mys universe! aren’t firefighters just sooo >>>
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you were so happy for garroth, nothing but overwhelming support for him in your heart as he finally was able to pursue something he truly wanted to do for a career. after zane had officially taken the reins of the ro’meave corporation, your boyfriend had immediately enrolled into a firefighting training academy.
he had mentioned his interest in the career path before, but you didn’t realize how passionate about it he was until he excitedly came home from the first day of the academy, rambling about how well he did.
it warmed your heart, the childlike excitement in his eyes when he detailed the training he went through every day. it was so different from his time in college, when he told you he was majoring in business with a disinterested shrug and a dull look in his eyes.
last week, as you and garroth sat on your couch for your movie night date, you saw that the pd fire academy was asking for volunteers for their upcoming rescue drill. from the corner of your eye, you glanced at him, debating about bringing it up to him. he had been particularly focused on the rom-com that played, the reflection of the brightly colored screen lighting up his eyes. on a whim, you applied to volunteer without saying a peep, turning your phone off and snuggling up to him with a smirk on your face.
this morning as he asked you what your plans were for the day as usual, you briefly shrugged off the question with an excuse of running a few errands. he gave you a small look but shrugged it off, leaning down to give you a kiss and leaving in his cargos, boots, and the pd fire department shirt that hugged onto his muscles that seemingly continued to grow by the day.
yes, you were very supportive of his career choice.
now, a few hours later, you find yourself in a dim building, the room illuminated by the orange lights shining into the “smoke” that the fog machines dispersed. not only did it look like the building was on fire, but the lack of ac in the summer heat added to the ambiance, and had you slightly regretting your decision. you looked down at the tag that they had given you before escorting you to your spot, telling you to lay limp until you were successfully “rescued”.
legs disabled from fallen debris, half-conscious. critical condition.
you lay there for quite a while, wondering if garroth would even be the one to get you. your doubts are thankfully squandered when you hear him, calling out a code call to presumably another fireman. his familiar footsteps turn into the room you’re in, and you hear his breath satisfyingly hitch in his throat before a disbelieving huff follows. 
quickly, you clamp your eyes all the way shut, ignoring your urge to smile as your plan sets in place.
“victim, victim, victim!” his deep voice calls, before the noise of the thick material of his uniform meets your ears as he slides on his knees next to you. 
“she’s light,” he calls to the other pair of heavy footfalls that enter the room. “find an exit, i got her.”
you crack open your eyes, turning your head and looking up at him as a cheeky smile threatens to break on your lips. for just a split moment he narrows his eyes as they meet yours, tongue rolling against the inside of his cheek as he fights off his own urge to smile.
“…errands, huh,” he mutters under his breath, shaking his head as he leans forward to read the tag on your shirt. he snaps back into his profession, one of his hands reaching to grab your shoulder in a reassuring gloved grip. “you’re going to be okay. i’m gonna get you out here safe.”
a part of you wants to laugh at how serious he suddenly became, but through your want to tease him you instead found yourself repressing a giddy giggle. the summer heat was most definitely affecting him through the heavy layers of his gear, as a sheen of sweat covered his face and stuck the small bit of his golden hair coming out of his helmet to his forehead. 
you only get to admire him for a moment, before he quickly shifts his knee to part your legs, one of his hands grabbing onto your thigh and hitching it up. at the same time, he easily gathers both of your wrists into his other hand, using it to lift your torso off of the ground. he smoothly ducks his head under your shoulder, lifting you up and using his own shoulder to hold you on his back.
you don’t hear even a grunt from his lips, but his heavy breaths brush against your arm as he uses one hand to pin your hand across his chest and to your leg, freeing his other hand. he has always been strong, but the extra training he has put in lately gave him an insane boost. through the material that covered him, you could still feel the bulk of his muscles from underneath you as he toted you through the building.
it was amazing, how easy he made it look. you found yourself back outside in seconds, having to close your eyes again from the sudden bright sun reflecting into your eyes. he held you so firmly on top of him that you barely moved as he jogged you out to one of the stretchers set up outside, sliding you down onto the material. 
he pauses for a second, his lips twitching as he pats your legs twice. “i’ll talk to you about this when i’m done,” is what he says without words, begrudgingly turning to run back into the building with another huff.
one of the supervisors lets you get up, thanking you for volunteering and giving you a water to rehydrate from the stuffy room you were stuck in. it’s only about fifteen more minutes of waiting before the rest of the volunteers are retrieved and the drill is over. garroth quickly walks your way, pulling off his helmet and shaking out his pressed-down hair. his jacket has been shrugged off now, red suspenders hanging down on his cargos and his black shirt damp from sweat.
“and… why did you not think to mention this to me?” he asks, raising an accusatory brow and pulling you into his embrace.
“i wanted to see you in action. besides, if i told you, you might’ve chosen favorites.”
“hmm,” he hums lowly, rolling his eyes as he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “i would argue against that, but even for a drill i’d save you first.”
“ro’meave! quit flirting with your girl over there and get your ass over here! we still have to debrief.”
“yes, sir!” he calls back, turning to you with a sheepish smile as he tucks his chin down, looking at you through his lashes.
“i’ll see you in a sec, sweetheart. and don’t leave, you still have some explaining to do.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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fallinforerling · 1 year
So proud of our boy 🫶
It gave me an idea for an imagine or whatever, if youd like
Being one of erlings best friends and being there to support him for the final and him being super overwhelmed by the victory and his feelings, spilling the beans to her on the pitch after the match 🤌🩵
Lots of love to you xx
heart rush - eh
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ೃ⁀➷ erling's masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ erling's taglist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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It all felt like a blur. One moment he was on the pitch, following the ball, waiting for the right opportunity to make an assist that would win them the Champions League, or even better, make the goal of his career so far. Then, in what seemed like a mili-second, Rodri took the chance and made all of his dreams a reality.
They were the UCL champions. Finally. 
He ran after his teammates, shouting at the top of his lungs, hugging every single person that crossed his path. He couldn’t believe it. The sequence of greeting, accepting the medal, cheering on a cloud of confetti with all of his team, looking at the screaming fans, and feeling like his face would split in half from all the smiling passed quickly. 
He wanted to see you. He knew you were near, next to his family. The adrenaline rush was so high that he felt like jumping in place. Once he finally saw you running across the pitch towards him on your Man City shirt, smiling as beautifully as always and shouting his name, he knew he needed to do something. Anything.  
“Erling! You did it!” Was the first thing he heard falling from your lips before your body practically slammed itself against his. He hugged you so tightly that he was afraid he might actually crush you. 
When you separated, he didn’t think twice. He just held your face with both hands and went for a kiss. Only when he had his lips against yours did he realize what he was doing. But he didn’t have time for regrets; he only laughed when he let you go, not knowing what to expect.
“I…” He started, still holding your face, trying to find the right words to excuse himself in case you were mad.
“I’m so proud of you.” You said instead, the smile never leaving your face. Then you were the one going in for a kiss, having to tiptoe a bit to reach. This kiss was less effusive, but still full of something he knew was mutual.
So he wasn’t only winning the UCL today. 
The moment, as intimate as it could be in the middle of a pitch full of people, lasted a few seconds more before teammates, photographers and family came by, cheering and hugging him. He saw you stepping back with the same sweet smile, hugging one of his sisters and greeting other family members of close teammates. 
After he had done all the basic photos that he was asked to pose for, he called you. You turned, hiding his last name on the back of your shirt with your hair. He pointed to the trophy, which was resting on the ground, waiting for the next player to pick it up. Someone (probably his father) has put a Norway flag on your shoulders, and when you jogged towards him, he never felt prouder.  
“Wanna take some pictures with it?” He said once you made it to his side, pointing to the trophy again. 
“Of course I do.” Both of you seemed a bit nervous to actually speak, but once you squated next to it, he felt like you both knew what to do. 
You fixed the flag around his shoulders while he held you by the waist, both grabbing the holders and smiling at the cameras. A few flashes later, he helped you lift it. Both of you kissed it, still looking at the camera. Then you turned to look at him, holding his gaze, he felt the need to kiss you again. 
He knew it was very possible for a couple of videos of him kissing you were already up there. But if he did this, the photos would most definitely make it to every single page and it was going to be official.
There wasn’t anything else he wanted more. So he leaned at the same time as you, both kissing for a brief moment for the cameras. He heard cheering on the back, and once you were done, Rodri patted his shoulders so he would be able to take photos with his family. 
Still wrapped around the flag, you both walked back to his family, hugging each other and chatting like nothing happened. Well, like nothing new happened. Alfie stared at both of you for a moment before letting it go, like he knew this would happen eventually.
Hours later, his predictions were certain. There were videos and pictures everywhere of the moment you ran into each other and kissed. Hundreds of people were wondering if you had always been his girlfriend instead of his friend. Then the photos started to also make their way into every single page that popped up on his homepage. They complimented your reaction, your beauty, the way you both looked at each other, when he carried you around the pitch, and how cute it was when you fixed his Man City hat and kissed his cheek. Everyone was happy for him. 
He was happy for himself. 
What a day to be a winner.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ * ERLING’S TAGLIST
@questionable-behaviour | @koufaxx | @xjval | @nikki01234| @evarasworld | @kynykyny | @alleyahah | @444pantheress | @football4life9 | @f1lover55 | @frankcastleonlyfans | @ironmaiden1313 | @pizzapie349 | @may-machin
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the-traveling-poet · 8 months
Love on the Battlefield
The Rumbling has begun. Yet all you can think about is him.
When Eren summons you and your companions back to the Paths once more, you fight your way forward to be at his side once more.
Pairings: Eren x Reader
Warnings: Spoilers! Angst/Fluff, character death
SFW, Angst/Fluff, S4 pt.3
A/N: This was a request I received from the lovely @21aurora on my Wattpad account 🤎
Hope you enjoyed lovely!
Amidst the rumbling of the flying boat's engine, broken cries and stuttered sniffles echoed off the metal walls of the cabin all around you.
You yourself did your best to wipe away the tears that stung your eyes and clear your dry throat, your knees brought up to your chest as you sat on the floor of the craft. Mikasa sat on the seat above you, a strong hand placed on your shoulder comfortingly as she silently grieved on her own.
None of you could scarcely believe it; Commander Hange was gone. And in their place now stood Armin, the fifteenth Commander of what remained of the Survey Corps.
Grief clouded your mind, ridding you of any other thought that had been plaguing you ever since this damn war had officially begun back in Marley. Well, all but one thought. It plagued you, day in and day out. Like a broken record left out to rust in the storm that had since become your life.
Why...Why do you always have to run so far away from us...from me? Eren...
Ever since his departure in Marley all those months ago, you'd begun to change. Something that hadn't gone unnoticed by your comrades.
You grew silent, speaking only when spoke to. Emotions scarcely showed on your face anymore, leaving you looking dull and lifeless.
But never did the flames of determination leave your eyes.
You were always the first up. The first to take action, reckless or not. The first to chase after him whenever he'd landed himself in enemy territory.
You'd been there at Eren's side, aiding him in taking on the War Hammer titan back in Marley. Time and time again you made your presence known at his side, aiding him in any way you knew how.
The last you'd seen him was back in Paradis, the shell of your former home. You'd raced after him down the streets as he ran; running towards his brother.
You'd screamed after him to stop, to wait for you. But your voice had fallen on deaf ears as a single gunshot rang out louder than any other sound in the broken city.
You'd never forget the dull look in Eren's eyes, looking up blankly towards the sky as his head separated from his body and came into contact with Zeke's outstretched hand.
You'd only barely survived the explosion that followed, lighting lit the sky for miles around. You'd been pulled away by Jean and Connie. The Founding titan emerged, and the rumbling had officially begun. Before you sprung a sight so horrendous, so monstrous, you could hardly believe it was Eren in there. Eren's Founding titan form.
Sighing, you rubbed your dirty hands over your sweaty face, heaving a shaky breath and clenching your fists in your lap.
Oh Eren...What have you done...What are you doing?
Slowly, what remained of your companions pulled themselves together enough to remain silent. It was eerie; the only sound to be heard was the engines and the occasional click of a button pressed by Onyankopon in the front of the flying boat, guiding you all towards your final destination across the cloudy skies.
One by one your friends began to break the silence with speech, voicing their thoughts of what was to come now that they were nearly 'leader-less'.
But their words fell on deaf ears to you. All you heard was the faint buzzing of conversation, watching their lips move soundlessly on either side of you. Your head ached as you clenched your eyes shut, and your hands shook...Just when would this all be over?
"Could it be...Eren wants us to stop him?"
The sudden comment snapped you out of your grief stricken haze, making your whip your gaze up to them in astonishment.
Could it be...?
Suddenly, the buzzing in your ears vanished; as well as every other sound bouncing around your subconscious. Snapping your eyes back down towards your feet, your knees gave out you and landed on the ground where you had previously been kneeling. Only, what had once been the metal floor of the plane, now resembled sand.
You shot to your feet with a silent gasp, snapping your gaze this way and that.
Overhead was a borealis of colors, reaching endlessly both upwards and outwards. Your surroundings were washed in a near blinding blue. Beneath your feet lay miles and miles of endless white sand, coating your boots and making your sink a couple of inches into its surface.
All around you stood your companions, looking just as confused and bewildered as you felt.
You were back.
Eren had summoned you all back to the Paths.
Before you all formed a tree, shining with blinding white light and branching out over the 'sky', illuminating to you a small figure standing near the base, unmoving and unblinking.
Behind you, you briefly registered the voices of your friends.
Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Captain Levi...Even Reiner spoke out loud in earnest.
"Eren! Please hear me out! This is already enough!" Armin cried out, cupping his hands around his mouth.
"You don't have to kill any more people, the island will be okay now!"
"Eren, you don't have to keep committing genocide for our sakes!" Jean joined in, desperation in his tone.
"Please, Eren...Come back to us!" Mikasa choked out, tears pooling in her eyes.
"You heard them, brat. Do it now, and I'll let you off with just a swift kick in the ass." Levi scoffed, a furrow in his brow.
"Eren!" Connie and Reiner called out just behind you.
Their voices became fainter and fainter as you began to shuffle forward, your eyes trained dead ahead.
"Eren..." you whispered, your hands itching to move from your sides and reach out to him despite the great distance separating you both.
You're here...I'm here...Please...
"The rumbling will not stop."
His voice echoed off the dunes, sending a shiver down your spine. All was eerily silent a moment longer before the voice of Eren continued to boom across the barren land.
"Nor will I leave Paradis Island's future to chance. I will keep moving forward."
You continued to shuffle towards him, as if in a daze. Faintly you heard the others calling out your name in warning, but you heeded them no mind. You simply couldn't right now, not with him being so close.
And yet so far.
"In order to obtain freedom, I will take freedom from the world. But I will not take anything from any of you. You all have freedom. You are free to protect the world's freedom. And I am free to keep moving forward."
As Eren's voice continued to boom over the land, a figure joined his childlike frame near the base of the tree. Your eyes widened in recognition of who, or what, this might be.
By now your friends began to chase after you, crying out and screaming to Eren. This propelled you to break into a sprint, gasping and heaving as your feet made uneven impressions in the sand rushing by under you.
"There is but one thing for us to do;  Fight."
You could see him clearly. He appeared as a child; the same child you'd grown up with all those years ago in Shiganshina. He was so close...
"Then why...Why did you call us here?" Armin's voice broke your train of thought. You looked over your shoulder as you ran, seeing Armin and the others gaining on you now. You knew they wouldn't stop you. They wanted...no...needed answers. Just as you did.
"To discuss the fact that there's no need to have a discussion." Eren replied, his voice echoing from all directions at once.
"If you wish to stop me, make me draw my last breath. You have freedom."
"No...Eren!" You finally managed to scream out, hastening your pace tenfold. Your legs burned and your knees felt weak, but you pushed on.
After some time, you subconsciously recognized you no longer heard anyone behind you, and when you turned to look all you saw was sand. You stuttered in your run, nearly collapsing then and there. But you had to push on. You couldn't stop here.
Looking back in front of you, you gasped once more. Eren was gone, as well as Ymir.
You were completely alone in the paths.
You spun on your heel, looking for the source of the familiar voice.
Spotting him, you nearly cried in relief. You started to jog towards him, ignoring the ache in your legs.
Finally, after what felt like years apart, you were reunited. He made no move to stop you as you ran forward and threw your arms around him, burying your face into the fabric of his overcoat. You registered the feeling of strong, slender hands raking delicately through your hair, and you sighed.
This is what you had been fighting for.
"Please...Please stop this. Stop the rumbling. Come home to us."
"Y/N," Eren repeated, his tone light as a whisper. "You know I can't do that. There are things at play here that cannot be stopped now."
"Then please...Please let me stay here. With you." You begged, tears stinging your eyes as you looked up at him.
Eren's arms snakes around your waist, holding you close to him. His entire demeanor had now changed. Instead of his booming voice and sharp tone, he softened up and spoke softly against the crown of your head.
"I cannot do that either. You are needed....Needed by the others. Away from me."
He paused with a forceful sigh, then squeezed you just a little tighter.
"Trust me, Y/N. If I could, you know I would have you at my side."
"You can!-" You protest fell on deaf ears when he cut you off.
"I don't have a choice. I only have so long to keep you here with me. I managed to let you stay after sending the others back."
You pulled away from his embrace, tears leaving your eyes. "And for that I am grateful. But I have a choice. And my choice is you! It always will be!"
Silence enveloped you both after your confession. Your cheeks dusted red was a stark contrast from the blue hues of the paths around you. A look of surprise flitted across Eren's face, before a small smile found its way to his lips. Something you hadn't seen in so, so long.
"I know. It always has been, hasn't it?" He asked softly, pulling you back into his arms. You collapsed against his chest with a muffled cry, both in relief and grief at what you both knew was inevitable.
"You may have to send me away again...But please...Just for a little while...Let me stay? Let me...let us...have one last moment like this." You whispered, tracing your fingers soothingly down his arm.
A hum of agreement rumbled in Eren's chest, and a smile you couldn't see shone warmly on his face.
"All those years I waited to hear a confession from you, and you chose now of all times to say it," He whispered humorously.
Chuckling, you wiped at your eyes as best you could from your squashed position between his strong arms. "Oh hush, you could have said something way before now too, you know."
"Well, for now at least...We can live in this moment. Together. It's all I can offer you now."
"That's all I ask, Eren. I just want to be with you. Right now, and forever."
You knew he would have to let you go eventually, and send you back to your comrades. But for the time being, you indulged yourself in the moment you'd pined so long for.
For now, in this space, you were at peace.
At peace with the man you loved.
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frostbitebakery · 2 months
Hi frost!!! I'd love to see more from the loud Au!!! Or handkiss!!!!😍😍😍
:D Enjoy!!
It started with a cough after Melida/Daan.
He got message after message on the progress after he left and it made him smile, sometimes laugh at the betrayed disbelief over how much bureaucracy was actually necessary to form a planetary government.
The laughs soon turned into hacking coughs.
He drank the tea Qui-Gon made him to soothe his throat.
“Just a cold,” he murmured. He’d had that one since before leaving Melidaan, and he and the Temple healers figured it was the stress his body had to endure that finally caught up with him. They would routinely check on him and keep an eye on it.
“If it gets worse,” Qui-Gon started, looked down into his own cup, and fell silent.
Obi-Wan’s return to the Temple was a mixed bag of loth cats, after all.
The last month of the war, when he’d been torn between negotiating, bridging the sides, and somehow always ending up in the crooks and niches for a bit of peace and hearing things.
He was sick of being made the face of the Young by the other side. He was there to help, not have all the attention focused on him. He had dropped back in those last few weeks. Advising from the shadows, operating from them. And that kind of help, that was, he felt, how he could actually help. Instead of being patronized and revered as a Jedi in the same breath.
Coming back to the Temple had been… difficult. Facing Qui-Gon had been difficult. Standing in front of the Council with Qui-Gon next to him, asking to join again. Asking to switch fields, switch… Masters. Because he felt inadequate for the path he was walking on.
Qui-Gon’s supportive hand had slipped from his shoulder.
A year of rumors and no contact showed him exceedingly well and painful in its brutal subtlety of lost smiles and avoidance who his friends were.
Lumi— Luminara had waited outside the healer’s wing after a follow-up check. Had straightened up when she saw him and clasped her hands in front of her. “I am very happy to see you, Obi-Wan,” she said, halted and stiff before the anger got the better of her.
What in the Galaxy had compelled him to leave the Order? No sign of him. Just an official statement that he had chosen to leave the Order. And now he’s back?
“What the fuck, Obi-Wan!” She reeled back immediately. Took a step back.
And Obi-Wan’s life had taught him how to step forward despite the fear clawing at him. “Let me explain? Please?”
She huffed at him, head up high. “This better be good. Quinlan is driving me up the Temple walls with his teenage drama sullenness over you.”
So that’s why Obi-Wan hadn’t seen him at all since he’d come back.
Obi-Wan had explained. The war. Master Tahl. Master Qui-Gon. The war. The children. The war children. The war. The war. The war—
He hiccuped on the tears and something… something changed.
Lumi’s arm was around him, stroking his shoulder and crying with him. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry—“
He coughed, convulsed with the cough, and there was blood on Lumi.
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daisynik7 · 10 months
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Pairing: Takashi Mitsuya x Original Female Character
Genre: Romance, Canon-Divergent AU
cw: switching POVs (2nd and 3rd person), explicit language, angst, hurt/comfort, non-canon compliant, canon-typical violence, fluff, slow burn, eventual smut, eventual time-skip
Summary: Student, big brother, sewing expert, and Second Division Caption of the Tokyo Manji Gang. Takashi Mitsuya is an 18-year-old boy who wears many different hats. With graduation approaching in a few short months, he must decide what path he wants to follow into his future: continue his life as a delinquent or live in normalcy, a concept he’s never been familiar with, an idea he’s only chased but never captured. Until one day, he meets Hana Shimizu, the very definition of ordinary. That’s what he thinks, at first. Little does he know that this “ordinary” girl would change his life.
Author's Notes: I binged all two seasons of Tokyo Revengers within the past two weeks and I'm OBSESSED with Mitsuya! He is absolutely husband material, so I was inspired to write this, I hope you like it! It's my first time writing a female original character, but I'm keeping it formatted like a reader-insert because I genuinely enjoy writing in that style. Heads up, she does have a name and a few distinct qualities - she has hair and is chubby (similar to me!), but it's not the main focus of the story. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated! Thank you for reading!
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Chapter Title and Summary (spoiler-free):
Chapter 1: Cut From the Same Cloth - Takashi Mitsuya has always lived his life being true to himself. Despite being the proud Second Division Captain of the notorious Tokyo Manji Gang, he never hides the softer side of him: He cares deeply for his two younger sisters and enjoys spending his free time sewing. When a classmate, Hana Shimizu, approaches him, asking for lessons in sewing, he agrees, not seeing any downsides to having some company.
Chapter 2: On Pins and Needles - Hana babysits Luna and Mana for the first time. Mitsuya catches up with Draken before attending a short, but tumultuous Toman meeting at Musashi Shrine.
Chapter 3: A Stitch Ahead - Mitsuya is asked to create jackets for the newly appointed captains, to which he reluctantly agrees. When the deadline arrives and he still hasn’t finished, he enlists your aid to help him complete his task. The same day, the two of you make dinner together for his sisters, leaving Mitsuya with a lasting impression.
Chapter 4: Cute as a Button - Mitsuya skips a session of sewing lessons, attempting to keep his distance after realizing his growing feelings for you. You’re left wondering where you stand with him, confused by his behavior the last time you saw him. Soon enough, you both realize that these feelings are too intense to ignore.
Chapter 5: Bursting at the Seams - You and Mitsuya make your newly blossomed relationship official. To commemorate this special occasion, he invites you to his house for breakfast, where you meet his mother. 
Chapter 6: Heart on a Sleeve - You and Mitsuya make your budding relationship public and things only continue to grow from there. The Tokyo Manji gang successfully absorbs the Leviathans all thanks to the efforts of new captains Tetta Kisaki and Shuji Hanma. Despite Mikey’s praise for them during this month’s meeting, Mitsuya remains wary of the two. His suspicions only increase when he runs into them while on a date with you. 
Chapter 7: Reap What You Sew - A dinner with you, Mitsuya, and your parents quickly goes south. Mitsuya makes a decision that could lead to dire consequences. 
Chapter 8: Hanging by a Thread - After leaving the Tokyo Manji Gang, Mitsuya feels like his life is on the right track. They have their fearless leader Mikey back to his usual self and Mitsuya’s relationship with Hana grows stronger day by day. They graduate, ready for the next big step in their lives. But with everything said and done, the past will always haunt the brothers of Toman, for better and for worse.  
Chapter 9: A Rough Patch (tbd)
Chapter 10: Mending What's Broken (tbd)
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Please do not plagiarize any of my works or translate without my permission! Thank you!
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vajazzly · 5 months
ok i have been thinking a lot about how sirius ended up with grimmauld place, and im going to rant about it under the cut
so, the most likely (imo) (with jkr kind of in mind) theory is that yes, sirius was disowned officially, but he still has the last name black. since all his cousins are married into other families, when regulus died the house went to sirius automatically as the "last black" despite his being disowned, since there were no others with the last name living. sirius being the og heir probably strengthened that.
the second theory, which is also quite possible, is that the inheritance was going to go to either bellatrix (eldest) or narcissa (eldest with an heir), but sirius (probably with help from dumbledore/moody/possibly bill) managed to override it sometime during GOF. if that's the case, though, it seems odd that the house was seemingly abandoned before the order/sirius moves in.
my favorite theory though is that sirius was never disinherited at all. maybe he was bumped down behind regulus, maybe not, but he wasn't taken out of the will entirely at any rate. and okay, here we're getting into like - conjecture and headcanon territory, so yknow, fair warning.
we know that sirius was a lot of things that a pureblood family would value in an heir - charismatic, confident, talented in magic, intelligent. regulus on the other hand - well, we dont know much about him in terms of his talent for magic, though it can be assumed he was reasonably intelligent since he figured out the horcrux thing, but we do know he was a lot more predisposed to following rather than leading. where sirius was confident in his own beliefs, ready to make his own path, forward-thinking, etc., regulus was happy to idealize and follow voldemort.
obviously, this is why sirius split from his family - their beliefs did not align. but despite that, siriuss personality lends itself a lot better to being the head of a great house. reguluss loyalty to voldemort could have been a good thing for the black house, sure, but if voldemort failed it would be ruinous, and throwing all of one's weight behind one leader, one plan, the way regulus seemed to be doing isn't really the mark of a great leader.
this is 100% conjecture, but id argue that the blacks were in decline, both in money and power. despite an enormous amount of pride in their house and generally giving off an old money vibe, the black vault is never referenced as particularly grand, and they only have one house, and a townhouse in a muggle area at that - grand, but nowhere near somewhere like malfoy manor or the other country mansions pureblood families of status seem to favor.
it makes a lot more sense for orion, from an objective point of view, to leave everything to sirius. regulus was unlikely to make their house into anything great, more interested in worshipping someone else, but sirius had real potential, and if the blacks fortune and power was dwindling, it makes more sense to put the future in the hands of someone more adaptable, who might be able to turn things around instead of being stuck on one path. blindly following someone else doesnt really lend itself to greatness, or potential.
here i think its also notable that siriuss parents were never death eaters. they agreed with voldemort, sure, but they never threw their weight behind him. that, i think, is the old money pride talking - they thought of blacks as being akin to royalty, and royalty does not let someone else take the reigns, tell them what to do, etc. even if voldemort had succeeded, leaving the inheritance to regulus would make their family successful only as long as they remained attached to voldemort, comfortably under his thumb. leaving everything to sirius would be a risk, but the potential payoff would leave the blacks at least with their pride intact, independent. which, yknow, maybe a bit insane, but again - old money pride.
i also think that in general sirius being a golden child who went astray when he went to hogwarts is a lot more interesting (and plausible) than him being the family scapegoat from the jump. hes the heir! and again, hes all the things a family like the blacks would look for in an heir! i dont think their family was ever particularly, like, healthy, but the narrative that sirius was abused and hated from a young age doesnt make all that much sense to me. and in ootp we see glimpses of sirius having a complicated relationship with his family, especially his mother, which hints more at a bond gone sour than outright hatred.
all this to say that sirius was a much better heir than regulus, politics aside, and i think orion and walburga may have seen that, or at least been unwilling to let their wayward perfect heir go completely, and left him on the will in some capacity.
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440gallery · 1 year
-Another Round
Synopsis:: Itotia (OC) is in heat, she decides neteyam, her mate, will be able to help her out.
Pairing:: Neteyam x f!omatikaya!oc
Authors Note: Neteyam and Reader are both aged up, around twenty. First Neteyam x f!omatikaya writing.
Content warning:: mature
Word count:: 2k
General tags:: p in v, sexy time, f!omatikaya!OC in heat, heat, smut, female in heat
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Neytiri’s arrow whooshed through the air, hitting its target straight away, taking the life of the Hexapede we hunted for the Omatikaya clan tonight. The eclipse was near and I was sure we caught enough today to make it successful.
Neytiri took off on silent soles and I followed her, watching her movements and making sure I would be able to do the hunt alone one day. She started taking me along since Neteyam and I were friends, even before we had officially mated and even thought she knew perfectly well I could do this on my own, she decided to come with me time after time. Secretly I thought she just liked being out in the nature and letting her toughs zero down from all the responsibilities she took on her shoulders as the wife of the Olo'eyktan and taking care of her children.
My head whipped around, the soft cool air brushing my nose as the leaves of the trees whistled softly, following the direction of the breeze.
“Itotia.” Neytiri called and I looked back at her, seeing how she already had the animal half carried over her back. I went over to her, supporting the weight of the dead meat we would eat tonight. Thanking Eywa for our good hunt, we went back to the clan. The walk was silent and comfortable, both of us content. The soft wind rippled along the path, making my body cool down, drying the sweat which had formed during the constant running and reading tracks of the wildlife. Around my waist was a Riti, its dead body slowly chilling around my skin, whilst I looked in front of us, stepping into the familiar path of home.
“It was a good hunt today, Itotia.” Neytiri said, before adjusting the weight of the Hexapede on our shoulders. I smiled, still not used to her complimenting me, even after being friends with Neteyam since childhood and therefore a part of the family. Still, I always looked up to Neteyams mother, her strength and agility being something I always admired.
“Irayo.” I mumbled and looked around, a bad attempt to hide the blush staining my cheeks. I shifted again, suddenly feeling hot all over. I welcomed the next breeze, willing my body to cool but it wasn’t working. A heady feeling settled in my stomach and I groaned, knowing where this would lead.
“What is it?” Neytiri muttered and looked at me with a gaze of concern flashing through her eyes. I bit on my lip to stop the sizzling, pained moan trying to escape my mouth. My ears grew hot and I shook my head, announcing everything was fine.
“‘Itetsyìp. What is wrong, my child?” Neytiri stopped, noticing my pained face, heat making me dizzy with lust, blood warming and I knew I needed to go to Neteyam the second we were at our village. When females entered their heat, it was suffering if they did not have a mate, creating a feeling of loss and pain, which lasted for a couple of days, but either way with a mate, it didn’t make it less painful when you both were apart.
“Oh, great Eywa.” I whined as my stomach contracted in pain of not being with my mate, not feeling him inside of me and my gaze was dizzy, trying to find a way to Neteyam, as fast as possible. Neytiri dropped the animal, her hands on my cheeks as she nodded, her eyes sharp as she pinched my side and I yelped in pain.
“Skxawng!” she said, a word usually only reserved for her husband or children. “Get back silly girl. I will handle this on my own.” She said, her eyes shining, but I knew she wasn’t mad at me. She knew heat came and went as unannounced as everything in Pandora. Despite her order I shook my head, picking up the animal and resting it on both of our shoulders.
“Let’s go.” I wheezed and tried to ignore the pain and pleasure the seeped through my blood. Neytiri snapped silently but complied, foot moving fast across the wild forest, managing to bring us even faster to our village than usual. By the time we were at the edge of our village I dropped the Hexapede to the ground, fumbling with the Riti around my waist, leaving it with Neytiri and the others which already came up. I supressed another groan and doubled over, trying to breathe and not let the pain get to much. I just needed to get to Neteyam. Just to him, and he would make me feel better. I staggered trough the village, looking for him, before, after what seemed lifetimes, making him out at a group of guys at his age. I knew with Neteyam being twenty and planning to take over the post as Olo'eyktan he had things to do, rules to oblige and chores to follow. But I couldn’t wait any fucking moment longer to have him.
I went up to him, pressing my hands to his sides as I lay my face against his back.
“Teyam.” I whispered, sighing into the contact of his skin against mine. It felt like being on fire and I whined almost silently into his back. But I knew he had heard it anyway.
“Ma fyole.” Neteyam muttered, turning in my arms as he looked down at me, his hand coming to rest against my neck and I nearly purred right then and there. All it really took him was one good look, and he knew. His blood rushed in his ears and he didn’t even bit back his grin as he turned, dismissing the guys without as much as a glance before returning to me, his hands sneaking around my thighs before giving them light taps with his fingers. Jumping into his arms, I moaned quietly at the sinful contact and buried my face into his neck, sucking in the familiar smell of his, fingers smoothing over his broad shoulders and kneading the muscles beneath them.
“Atta girl. Wait a second, babe.” He laughed, his fingers digging into the back of my thighs and I pressed my body closer to his, seeking contact, skin against skin. Heat pooled between my legs and I couldn’t help but shift myself against his groin, grinding slightly against him.
“Itotia, fuck!” He slammed the nest closed before his hips started circling against my own. My whines grew louder as the pleasure grew over the pain, now that I was with him, my mate.
“Teyam, I need you!” He groaned and made quick of ridding ourselves from the clothes we were still wearing.
“Atta baby, you’re so good.” He mumbled as he smashed his lips against mine, gripping my hips. My hands were on his strong shoulders, keeping myself around him, feeling all of him. But it wasn’t enough. I needed more, was already dry humping myself against him, seeking release, but what I wanted was be with him, together, joined as one soul. My hands went up to his hair, taking his Tsaheylu, breaking the kiss for a moment to ask silent permission.
His eyes were warm and hot, giving me shivers down my spine as his hand traced along my bottom.
“You don’t ever need to ask for this, baby.” He whispered, gripping my Tsaheylu and joining it with his. As the strings attached to another, my breath was stolen away, just like every time we connected like this. I gave me goosebumps, just feeling his presence, knowing he was with me, feeling him all over me, but also inside me. A soul connected to mine, like a second. Hot needy whimpers teared at my throat and it didn’t take long for Neteyam to break our kiss, salvia connecting the pair of our lips.
“Fuck, I need to be inside you, ma fyole.” My moan confirmed his suspicion that I was as ready as he was for me. He felt it within him. “I’m going to take good care of you.” He whispered and licked along my neck, sinking his canines into the soft flesh.
“Teyam, Teyam, Teyam.” I mumbled, grinding myself against him, slick juice dripping along his strong thigh making it all sloppy and nasty. He lined himself up, sliding inside of me without any resistance. I nearly came right then and there, his full dick feeling just too good to be true. My pussy clenched around him, quivering, and Teyam stopped for a moment, knowing I wouldn’t last long. But he wanted it to last. Sometimes, he just wanted to see me beg for it. My hips moved on their own, sinking lower and lower till we were fully joined. I moaned as I felt the pulsing vibrations, the messy, hot feelings pushing through the connection, making me breathless. Neteyam leaned down to take my lips with his as he started pushing into me. It felt so good and I was so, so ready for him to fuck me, right then, right there.
“Neteyam.” I mumbled, trying to show him how I wanted it rough, by pushing down hard on his dick, making his suck his breath. But he only chuckled moments after, still gliding in and out of me at an antagonizing pace. My whines for more were not heard, Neteyam grinning as he knew how much I needed him to pound into me.
“Stop teasing.” I said, moving around to give me more freedom to use my hips, but he kept me against the wall, taking full control.
“Come on baby, I know its on the tip of your tongue. Tell me how you want it.” He said, snapping his hips upwards, bringing his dick deep into me. My moans were his answer, but he needed more, needed to know how much I was waiting for him to completely fuck me senseless.
“Tey, fuck me already.” I moaned, breathless into his ear, my heart pounding in my chest. “Fuck me like you mean it.” I whispered, nipping at his ear, trying to hide my squeal as Neteyam roughly turned me around, slapping my bottom, before inserting himself again, hips snatching against my ass, creating the sound of skin against skin, his balls heavy against my pussy. My legs quivered as I said my praise, moaning beneath him as he fucked into me, his dick gliding in easily with the juices it was coated in. My hands pressed themselves against the wall, nails digging into the wood, because it felt so, so good and “please, please, please don’t fucking stop!”
“Hmm, baby, you take me so good.”
His praise shoot through me like lighting, adrenaline pumping in my body as my hips met his. “Oh, yes, Teyam, right there!” I bit out, my walls clenching around his dick as his hand came around to give my throat a squeeze. His pounding grew more rapid, selective thrusts that left me shivering with pleasure, facing the cliff, coming closer and closer to the edge.
“Teyam.” I breathed, knowing he could feel me reaching my high, begging him to keep going.
“Atta girl, my cum will fill you up so good.” He said, knowing it was the tipping point for me, bringing me crashing down into the depths of my orgasm. Pure bliss rushed through me, leaving me speechless for seconds, eyes screwed shut, pussy clenching around Teyam’s dick, hard, so that after a couple of thrusts, he came too.
Neteyam leaned heavily against me for a moment, before pulling out and plunging his fingers right to where his dick was just seconds ago. I withered underneath his touch, my tail flipping around his wrist to keep him there.
“Don’t want to waste my cum spilling out of you.” Neteyam whispered into my ear, nibbling at it, before kissing along my neck.
Pressing harder against his fingers, moving slowly up and down on them, I whined as the heat returned.
“Another round, my fyole?” He asked smugly.
“Another round.”
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