#please remember to hydrate :DD
taking out this fine day today to play patho and mess on ublock :)
you just know its gotta be a good day to relax when you get some actually well deserved sleep that passes the usual 6 hours <3333
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factual-fantasy · 13 days
27 Asks! Thanks ya'll!! :}} 🤠
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XDD I gotta draw her in Elsa-esque outfit now!
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YESS!! I'm on the right track!! :DDDD
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:DD Thank you! The (somewhat) lineless style has been a nice change of pace! :00
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:DDD THANK YOU!!! :]]]]]]
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But its poisonous!! :(((((
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I'd prefer a ice cold glass of water please! 😋 I'll be sure to change my bandages as well <XD
And thank you! I'll do my best to keep drawing! XDD :}}}}
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Thank you! You wouldn't mind if I shared it with the fam, would you? <XD
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(Referencing this post)
Ohh! That's interesting! :00 I guess Grim WOULD be ok to drink it then XDD
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AWW!! I love the idea of Celebi sticking around even after bringing Ingo to the present... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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(Might be in response to this?)
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I don't think I do I'm afraid.. perhaps YouTube or Google could be of some use to you?.. <:(
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Sorry, I'm taking a break from the fandom atm.. but thank you! I'm glad to hear that you like my artwork!! :)))
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(In response to this post)
Aww! How cute! And thank you! I'm glad you like what I've done with Celebi! :DD
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XDDDD I should draw something for mega Gengar sometime-
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@illogically-austere (Post in question)
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@tallchest (Cant quite remember what this ask was referring to.. Perhaps this post?)
I hunger for the c r e a t i o n
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@stupid-thatsme (Referencing this post)
"Every time I feel love for my family, I do one☝️ arm curl."
Also thank you! I'm glad you liked it!! :}}
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Daww, thank you!! 😊😊😊 And of course! I'm stayin hydrated! 💪
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Of course! :DD
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@chip-dip5 (Post in question)
:DD Thank you!!! :))))
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post with spooky lady)
I am! I've made a handful of fanart for it too! Though I never finished the show... <XDD
And that lady is no one in particular! Just some spooky gal holding a baby that I doodled on the fly XDD I mostly just wanted to draw that spooky drippy looking hair XD
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(Post in question)
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Thank you! Though sorry, I'm taking a break from the fandom atm! <:D
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@square-the-cyan-idiot542 (I cant remember what post this is referring to :(( )
They're doing well! Thank you again!! :}}}
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valuunit · 10 months
Mums don’t cry
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Summary: Y/n’s mood changes and sicknesses happen to be more than just that.
lmao i don’t know why i put that tittle, but The Cure rules.
Content: soft husband!harry :DD pregnant afab!reader, use of she/her, mention of food and vomit (pregnancy symptom), la la land spoilers(?) and that’s it ig.
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, i’ll try to correct it.
“No, i’m staying with Y/n, she’s not been feeling good. Enjoy though, oh! And bring some tiramisu.”
“ ’M sorry, H” she said struggling to stand up from the bathroom’s floor.
“No, no, there’s nothing to be sorry ‘bout. Now come here, i’ll help you clean yourself and we can go watch a movie. You said that watching Ryan Gosling everywhere made you want to bing his movies.” Harry kneeled in front of her offering his hand.
“Mhm” Y/n said without any sign of excitement. Her hand reached the toilet’s chain and released her sickness before lean into the sink and wash her mouth a total of four times.
“Think that enough, you’re gonna get sick again if you keep pulling the brush all the way down your throat.” he chuckled taking the brush out of her hand.
“Wait, throw it in the trash, please.” she said before shoving some more water in her mouth.
“But it’s clean.”
“It’s not, but i’ve had it for over 3 months.”
“Okay miss.”
“It’s Missus, Mister.”
“You feeling better, Missus?”
“I think, it was probably all the crap i’ve been eating.”
“The holidays are for something, don’t you think?”
“I guess.” her mood “I’m sorry.”
“I told you, you don’t have to…”
“No, i’m sorry for being so grumpy this past few days, i don’t know what’s happening.” she said as some tears began to accumulate in her eyes and her head goes to her husband’s chest.
“Oh, honey, don’t worry, it was part of our vows, being here through thick and thin, right?” he grabbed her cheek and smiled warmly, with her blurry vision she just saw a charming white downward D but she returned it.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Now you can see me fantasize with Ryan Gosling.”
“No problem, i’ll do the same.”
They giggled like toddlers and went to the kitchen for some snacks.
“Some popcorn will do it?” said Harry grabbing a package of microwave popcorn.
“Yeah, although is there a peanut butter and chocolate? i’ve been craving some of it.”
“Hm, we have a package of truffles but no peanut butter…”
“It’s okay, all perfect.”
“Well, what do you think of you picking the first movie and i’ll be there when these are ready.”
“Okay.” she gave him a peck kiss. “This is like the honeymoon all over again.” and began to walk to the lounge.
“I hope we never leave that stage.” Harry said loudly making sure she heard. She blew him a kiss and sat on the couch.
Y/n grabbed her phone to google in which platform was La La Land on. She didn’t even knew if the villa’s TV had more than 3 streaming services.
“Already picked one?”
“I’m checking where is it.”
“I bring you some water, i like my woman hydrated.”
He let out a little laugh “Thanks, love.”
They snuggled in the middle of the couch and concentrate in enjoying the movie.
Everything went well, they got to the point in the movie that showed what would’ve happened if they had ended up together.
Harry made a pout, watching the montage of the couple having a kid, but beside him Y/n began to sob, but in a concerning way.
“Everything okay, love?”
“Y-yeah, it just...” she went quiet to hear the final notes of song that Sebastian was playing in his bar. And led out another sob. “It’s so sad, because they loved each other, b-but they couldn’t make their dreams come true if the stayed together a-and they will always love each other…”
“It’s okay” Harry couldn’t help but feel a mixture of concern and a little bit, just a bit, of fun, watching her being so invested in a movie that they’ve watched several times. “Sometimes that’s how life goes.”
“What a bullshit life we live in.” He audibly laughed at that, remembering the joker memes, she also laughed “Okay, i heard it.”
And just like that she was laughing like anything happened.
“Wanna see another movie?”
“I don’t know, ‘m tired.”
“Wanna go to bed?”
“Yes please.”
When they were getting up of the couch Y/n felt sick again, she ran to the nearest bathroom and let it all out. That took Harry by surprise, one moment he was folding the blanket they where using and talking about other movies and the other he was grabbing his wife’s hair.
“Don’t know what’s happening to me, H. It feels like something more.” she rested her back into the cold wall opposite to the toilet
She recalled when she was sweaty and exhausted she blamed italy’s sun, when her mood changed drastically she blamed her personality, when she felt disgust out of nowhere and ended up vomiting she blamed the food and spices she was not used to, but everything as a whole was sign of other thing.
“Like what?” Harry said concerned thinking of the worst.
“I-i… i’ve been feeling weird lately and all my symptoms are, you know, hm, signs of pregnancy.”
“… Like what?” he repeated too shocked to say other thing.
“Mood change, um, craving could be described, the constant exhaustion, vomit…”
“Want me to go for a test?”
“What if paps catch you?”
“Who cares about them?” he said excitedly, this could be one of the happiest days of his life, and he couldn’t wait.
“Pr team, probably.” Y/n said tired.
“Well, I think they’ll understand. You’ll be good on your own? O could ask one of the guys to get a test on their way here.”
“I’ll be good, also we aren’t certain if i’m… pregnant, don’t want to alarm anyone and I’m pretty sure they’ll be back ‘till midnight.”
“You’re right. Well, i’ll be right back, honey.”
Harry literally sprinted to the nearest corner store as soon a he closed the villa’s door. Not caring of anything else, he ran through a fairly small business, not more than 5 minutes away, or that what he felt, until he viewed the boxes he was so desperate for, he grabbed three different ones and ran to the cash register, an old man smiled kindly at him. The interaction was short but cute.
When Harry grabbed the tests the man said to him "Buona fortuna." (good luck). With Harry's poor italian he said "Grazie" and ran back to Y/n.
"That was quick" Y/n was waiting by the door when he arrived.
"I always am, hun…” Harry said out of breath.
Y/n laughed and grabbed the bruised boxes from his hands. "I'm nervous"
"There's nothing to be nervous about, love."
"Well, then, there I go." she let a loud shaky breath and entered the bathroom again.
"Love you."
"Love you too." her voice muffled by the door.
Harry was also nervous, but in a good way nervous, what a good timing, he thought, they been wanting to start a family since last year, well, since forever, but actively trying ever since. He remembered the doctor appointments, the times they had sex just because an app told them to, and the disappointment in their faces when the test were negative, over and over again. And now, they were the happiest they've been, he just finished love on tour, Y/n finished her second book and taking a vacation with all their friends and family.
"Har...ry, come in, please." he did so immediately.
"Everything okay?" his voice was shaky. The tests were all perfectly lined up on a counter all of them facing down.
"Yes, I wanted you to be here." she was crying again, but the smile in her face denoted happiness and anxiety.
"Remember that no matter what the tests say, we'll be fine, and keep trying if you want."
"Thanks." she muttered hugging him.
"Thank you" he hugged her back kissing her hair.
"Can you check one first, please?"
While still hugging her he picked one of the tests and checked. His heart stopped when there was just one line across the screen.
"Uhm, what does one line means?" he asked, wanting to be in the wrong.
Y/n pulled away from the embrace to confirm what Harry was saying.
"It's okay, we got two more left."
"Yeah." Y/n said not really expecting any different result. She grabbed one and Harry the other.
Y/n's test said 'Incinta 2-3 settimane*' And Harry's had two vertical lines.
"Oh god, this one say-"
"My phone! Where is it." Y/n said quickly.
"I need a confirmation."
She opened the translator and typed the test's result, it gave 'Pregnant 2-3 weeks'
"Oh my god! What does yours says?"
"That you're pregnant!"
"This one too!" she jumped into her husband's arms rounding his waist with her legs.
"Two out of three." he said shocked.
"I'll take it. Tomorrow we could go to a doctor."
"I can't wait." he said happily.
"Neither can i."
"Thank you, thank you love." he kissed her nose.
"I couldn't have done anything without your contribution, love, thank you too." she cupped his cheek as he laughed.
"Let's go to bed, tomorrow might be a big day.”
Y/n, attached to him in a koala style, and Harry Styles went to the bedroom full of bliss and expectancy for tomorrow.
“Where were you guys all morning? We waited you for breakfast” Gemma said laying on a sun chair near the villa’s pool, where the radiant couple just arrived.
“Uh, went for some air.” Harry responded.
“Oh, how are you feeling, Y/n?”
“Much better.” Y/n smiled widely to her sister-in-law. “I’m going for some water, want some?”
“I’m good, pumping, thanks.”
“I have some here, thank you, Y/n/n.”
Y/n walked into the kitchen with a happy pace and Harry admired her silhouette in that white dress he loved so much.
“Are you guys high?”
“Why are you smiling so much? it’s creepy.”
“We’re happy.” he said jokingly annoyed. “Also, i have something to tell you.”
“Y/n’s pregnant?” Gemma guessed, siting straight and taking her glasses off.
“How’d you know?”
“I didn’t, but the pregnancy tests in the bathroom gave me an idea. Congratulations!” the siblings hugged tightly.
“Thank you!”
“You’re finally becoming a dad. Ahh!”
“I know, ahh!”
“Why are you screaming like hyenas in cocaine?”
“Y/n, congrats, darling.” Gemma hugged her.
“Oh Gemma, thanks.”
“You’ll be the greatest parents and i’m gonna be the greatest aunt.”
The three laughed. “I’m pretty sure you’ll be, Gem”
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busycloudy · 6 months
for the event, may i request a coffee and donuts with a dragon lollipop please?
take as much time as you need and remember to hydrate!! :O
Coffee(Fluff), Donut(In a flower field with them), Dragon Lollipop(Malleus Draconia)
A/N: Sorry for how long this took! I've been really tired and a bit burnt out lately lol. And thanks for the reminder to hydrate bc I just realized I had forgotten to for a bit💀Anyways, I do hope you like this!
A Beautiful Flower Field...But Not Nearly as Beautiful As You
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You ran around the flower field, the tall grass tickling your legs as the wind blew in your face.
Malleus looked around and stayed beside you. "Quite a gorgeous area, don't you agree?" Malleus said as he ran his fingers through the flowers. "Very much! All these flowers are so pretty!" You answered with a bright smile.
Malleus plucked a flower and walked over to you and put it behind your ear. "Indeed these flowers are, but none are as pretty as you" He smiled. You felt your cheeks grow warm. "Well.... Thank you" You shyly said. "Oh no need for thinks, I'm simply just saying the truth" Malleus gently grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it.
Malleus set up picnic equipment by a large tree with your help. You two talked for forever, and Malleus at one point brought up gargoyles and a conversation went on from then as you let him rant and got interested in it at one point as well.
Soon enough the sun seemed to be setting, so the two of you were going to watch, but Malleus decided to take both your hands and go out into the field more and slow dance with you.
The two of you traveled across the field and danced as the sun went down and light faded. It was like music was playing, but it wasn't.
The night ended with you two kissing in front of the sunset as the cool breeze blew.
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Hi hi, this is me, faesfondness! :D
I'm changing my account because I want to make a new one. While I'm here I want to give you this little doodle gift of Dad!Ingo and his child in the hospital.
I want to make Y/n with no hair, but it ends up looking weird, so I just slap y/n a short hair and ponytail, and a Y and N on their eyes because, yes.
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*Ingo ain't listening to anyone's words. He ain't leaving his child ever again.
I adore a good platonic/family love fics, want it angst or fluff, I weak for them.
I really adore your angst about this little train family, doesn't have enough angst around here and I crave more of them. When I see your writing for the first time I know I need to hop into the angst train you provided on your station, hope you don't mind my presence on your train.
(my handwriting is messy, so I'll put it down here instead if you can't read it).
Y/n: *Just happy to have dad back, after God decided to bring them to Hisui to fix everything there.
Ingo: *Angy dad will MURDER 'Every time you try to separate me from my child, I'm close to letting Chandelure off from their seat to devour your soul.'
Doctor: "Sir Ingo, please..."
Forgive my poor English, I'm not really good. Hope you like it!
Also, keep up the good work, keep them coming(love them all)!! And don't forget to rest if needed, drink water, and stay hydrated!! :DD <333
but yes hello! i remember your account, and so i'm happy to see you here with a new one!!
i'm totally the same way. i love platonic fics and family fics so much. and i'm so happy to have you on the angst train!! i've been driving it through my station for years, so i'll happily accept any new passenger <3
BUT OMG MY HEART I LOVE THE DRAWING SO MUCH like angy dad!Ingo ready to kill anyone and everyone for you,,,yes please and thank you i adore it. but you're correct he would let chandelure devour anyone's soul without hesitation. and chandelure would happily do it for you!! his pokemon love you as much as he does.
(omg now i have to write a fic of hisui'd!reader reuniting with all of ingo's pokemon wait that is a must i have to do that
thank you for this!!! i'm so sorry i didn't see this until now but i am so so grateful for it!!!! i hope you are well and ily <33
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ginnsbaker · 10 months
HELO AUTHOR! Warning as this messege is a little bit long since I just really need to pour this out of my system. 🦹. I do not usually comment or send asks on anyone's profile yet so please forgive me if anything I say is a bit odd or weird 😺
First and foremost, I want to say just how much I appreciate you writing <3 :D. Your works, as well as you in general, have given me inspiration to continue to write! I can remember the first time I saw the first chapter of ILGOSS as a sequel of a fanfic who I remembered had a plot I enjoyed immensely posted on Ao3 and I was overjoyedd
Afterwards as time passed, every update of this story made my love grow for it more 🤗. My days definitely get better whenever I see you post. :DD
AND ALSOO I love you sm as an author, the way you reply to us readers warms my heart so much I can't even put it to words, I don't know if that's weird considering it may just be a kind gesture but I swear it makes my heart melt. :`0
The effort you put into your works has not gone unnoticed I want you to know how much I admire you (not in a creepy way) and your writing alooot <33
And if words can't explain how I feel maybe pictures can, take them yayy 👽😎💓
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I still smiling like a fool while im typing this😁😭🥰🥺
This is one of the sweetest and most thoughtful ask I've ever received and I just want to thank you for your very kind words.
I love that you're inspired to write because writing is a blessing in itself and helped overcome some tough days and express myself in a way that i never can out there in the real world... So i hope it does the same for you ❤️
I appreciate you so much 🥺 i hope you have a great day and that you're always hydrated and healthy 🥺
P. S nothing about your ask is weird, it's so wholesome and ive read it like 3x now. Thank you 😭
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kuberish · 2 years
Hey! Its been a while! I just wanted to pop in and say the comic is looking amazing!👏👏👏I binge read a bunch of them since i havent checked in a minute. Keep up the amazing job my friend! Also i hope you are in good health and are doing well!😁💙 Please remember you are an awesome individual and to stay confident in your abilities, you are wonderfully talented and need to remind yourself of that. One last thing, stay hydrated! -Sam🧚‍♀️💙
faoifjawofawef, holy shit arraggh, thank you so much ;-;!!! You are too friggin kind <333. Thanks a ton for sticking around for this long!! Comments like these always keep me going <333
And yesss gonna drink nooww :DD
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sohyuki · 2 years
kakjhskds hi mint !!
first off, welcome back to this hellsite :DD how are u?? remember to look after urself !! eat what u can manage, hydrate well and rest plenty/take regular breaks <33
second, with the recent post, its ur choice if u choose to deactivate and if that makes u feel better/comfortable then good for u !! just make sure to prioritise urself and ur health above all ;w;
mwah mwah take care and its nice seeing u back on my dash again >< <33
thank you for the welcome back to the hellsite because most of the time, i'm tempted to wish someone my condolences for coming back SKJFHSKJ like you managed to repress the urges !! why are you back !!
and thank you for this :(( honestly this past month was less me being busy and more me testing out whether i still wanted to be here. it's not genshin burnout because i still log in regularly and it's probably not writing burnout because me and writing are going to therapy together. i know everyone is probably tired of hearing this but it's entirely due to the lack of interaction. i don't look to tumblr or internet people for any kind of validation but it gets tiring when you're speaking into a void. sometimes i think that 900 followers or whatever mean nothing if not even one person makes the effort to communicate. i genuinely don't care about follower counts and whatnot but c'mon, i'm only human too.
aaaa i'm sorry for rambling! i hope you're been doing well <333 i'm gonna lurk on your blog for any new posts because i am LOOKING at some very interesting concepts sophie 👀 anyways! please take care of yourself okay!! thank you sm for this <333
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OMG HI 🥹 sorry for also being dead for a bit, my dog was just being extra silly these days HAHAHA but anw!! i never forgot abt u, ur writing will forever stick to me and butcher simon has my brain on a chokehold HAHAHA
SPEAKING OF BUTCHER SIMON I THINK I HAD A DREAM ABT HIM EARLIER 😭😭✋ i briefly remember him being in the butcher shop and being entirely distracted bc he was playing with wraith the dog HAHAHA
sewer i missed u sm i hope ur okay ☹️ , always stay hydrated and take care of urself!! ur gonna do great im sure of it! i will forever support ur writing bc it is delicious fr!! have a great day :DD - 🍚
Hi rice anon! Don't apologize! I didn't mean to make you feel like you had to send another anon!
I just think about people who are around regularly and wonder what they're up to and hope they're okay.
What did you dog get up to? What kind of dog do you have (if you don't mind me asking)?
Also you're way too sweet to me! Thank you for liking my writing so much and being so supportive, making me tear up a bit. Stahp.
Now, Simon playing with Wraith is something I might have to think about. I can see that happening. But ut's unfair!!! Give me your dreams! I want to dream about him too! (I'm joking, just in case).
Please take care of yourself as well, Rice anon (can I call you Ricey? Totally cool if not). I might have to go and drink some water actually (I'm shit at staying hydrated don't come after me). You too tho! Look after yourself and drink enough.
That goes for you all! Remember to stay hydrated and give your body the food it needs! You deserve it. Love you
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oh shiro!! I disappeared! but I'm still here somewhere~ please take care always, hydrate lots and have a fun day! <3
- lurker naenon
I'll drink some water rn! >:D (and I'm writing rn so I'm having fun as well XD)
And you too!! Remember to take care of yourself! Drink water, don't skip meals, and know that you are loved!!! I hope you'll have an amazing day Naenon!! :DD (and know that you're always free to stop by and say hi! uu)
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baeshijima · 2 years
hi hi soph! i hope you‘re doing well 🥰 i‘ve been following you for a while and wanted to ask if i could be an anon? if yes, is it alright if i‘m bubbles anon? 🫧 anon if we‘re going with an emoji
because i would love to share brainrots and all other kinds of thoughts about genshin 👀
anyway, i wish you a nice, productive day, please remember to stay hydrated 🙏🏻 and get enough rest!
- 🫧 anon 💕💕
omg hello hello :DD im doing well and i hope u are too >< and ofc !! the more the merrier HKJVHLK (i will go with the word since my laptop cant see the emoji ;w;;)
and ty !! i wish the same to u too and i hope u remember to take care of urself :( eat well, hydrate well, and rest well/take regular breaks <333
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hey hey you you! describe your moots in one word!
aaaaaa i’ve been waiting for this one hehe <3
@reggies-eyeliner -> this is my jatp himbo ghost from the 90s side account lmao. yes, i follow myself. self love, y’all.
@smallsweetvanillabean -> BABE (that’s it. that’s the whole thing. i adore you.)
@cathwritestragediesnotsins -> selfless, i rly do appreciate you for always looking out for everyone 🥺💖
@vaporizemebakugo -> hardworking (WE HAVEN’T TALKED IN SO LONG, HRU LOVELY??)
@hvnlydmn -> beautiful (in every?? single?? way??)
@kreampop1257 -> WIULIUFADAKLASJAKDALA (that’s it. that’s the word. when i think of you my day is POOF inSTANTLY BETTER)
@pillow4iida -> approachable (your vibes?? and you’re so sweet to everyone- like- i-?? i’d love to chat more, i think you’re super neat and talented and aaaa 🥺
@apotelesma-on-paper -> sexc (you got the voice you got the looks AND the aesthetic, everyone is QUAKING)
@hisokaslittlepogchamp -> chill, and i’m not just saying it bc you’re kinda just there, like NO, your vibes are MMMM IMMACULATE AND I THINK YOu’RE RLY AWESOME AAAAA
@levsjuicycaboosey -> consistent, we don’t chat much, but you’re definitely doing a lot on your blog aaaaa!! remember that issokay to take breaks <3
@sunnnyshark -> sweet, the SWEETEST angel you will every meet i would like to hold you and give smol kith 🥺
@iridescent-queen -> amazing, just PURE amazingness and your blog theme is so pretty oml, ilyy
@cherry-cake-pies -> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i ADORE you??? no like i actually ADORE YOU, you’re so fricken sweet and caring and talented and ifuhweliufvliweuhuwivhliuhvieu keep fighting!! ily ily
@starlightstoriez -> unique, NOT SAYING THIS IN A RUDE WAY, i adore your post that says “reminder that iida is hot” because YUM, 1. HE IS, and 2. THAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE BC THAT’S SOME AMAZING TASTE IN MEN
@m00nlightwrites -> approachable, LISTEN I THINK YOU’RE AMAZING. OKAY??? okay :DD <33333
@farfetchedparanoia -> precious. you are so precious. i have to protect you because you are SO SWEET AND CARING AND JUST HNNNNNGHHH REMEMBER TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF
@basket-flower-chick -> amazing, i think you’re really neat oml!! remember to hydrate and get rest lmao, YOUR THEME IS SO NICE THO-
@kozumegamecollection -> incredible. fricken incredible. YOU MAKE MY DAY. I THINK YOU’RE NEAT. ILY SO SO MUCH WITH EVERY FIBER IN MY BODY.
@levis-cup-of-tea -> hardworking, you work so hard on your matchups and that’s so admirable. you’re a blessing, please remember to take breaks, ily <3
@aitarose -> sexc, queen that was meant for sugawara that i think i annoy a lot but WHO CARES YOU’RE COOL AND YOU SHOULD KNOW IT
@kyoshoto -> talented, we don’t interact much, but your theme is really cool and your writing style for the oikawa post is actually pretty awesome omg!!
@viridevi -> incredible. I just think you’re amazing, okay?? ALSO SLEEP GIRLIE, GETCHO SLEEP OML ILY
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saebyeoked · 3 years
hello there!! this isnt a request, just a convo starter ig :-) i love your writing style so much, the way you portray the characters is very accurate to me and it helps scratch the squid game itch in my brain i have atm :,-) thank you for putting in so much effort into your account! ik you are very busy based off your rehearsal related posts, but your still manage to put out something everyday and i really appreciate all the hard work youve been doing <3
also youre so kind and welcoming! youre the first writer ive ever sent an inbox message to that wasnt on anon, i just feel very safe talking to you using my account :-DD ily youre the best
hello wow this is absolutely the sweetest thing i've ever read T-T thank you so much for your kindness and i'm so glad you enjoy my work!! i love hearing things like that. i always want to portray these characters well and put out content people will enjoy that will scratch that itch so hearing that it works means so much to me :)
i am really busy for the rest of this week, i get home from rehearsals every day at 9:30EST and i spend at least an hour writing something for this blog so i can post it at some point. i always want to post at least one thing every day, it's the least i can do for you all!!
and also i'm so happy to hear that you feel safe talking to me! i always want people to feel comfortable when talking to me and i'm so happy you feel that way! i'll always love and enjoy talking to you and ilysm!! please remember to stay hydrated and healthy :) <3
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hoekaashi · 4 years
For Better or Worse | B.K. + M.I.
a/n: this took me so long to complete, but here it is. yes, i was inspired by that one picture of tattoo artist deku w bakugou, ya know. that one. yes this came out longer than i wanted to it to be bc i have no self-control. also no banner bc im a lazy poop. also also, i had no idea how to end it, so yeah characters: bakuguo, izuku, mina, kirishima, sero, kaminari, a pinch of todoroki warnings: language, alcohol (they are all aged up), bakugou’s inferiority complex, deku looking dangerous in an all black outfit and a beanie yes yes taglist: @babydabi​ @suckersuki​ @bakugoustanaccount​ @animoozies​ @haiikyuuns​ @depths-of-your-soul​ @differentballooncollection​ @waitforitillwritemywayout​
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The thumping from the bass made Bakugou feel like his brain was rattling in his skull and the dim lights of the club were straining his eyes. He needed a break from the sweaty people around him, but his friends wouldn’t let him leave. He looked around the dancefloor, sure that he wouldn’t remember this moment in a few days from now. Lifting his half empty glass to his lips, he took another sip of his drink, the strong taste of the alcohol hitting him hard. He narrowed his eyes when the DJ let out a strong gust of wind again from the hoses on the ceiling next to the confetti cannons that had gone off not long before.
Again, Bakugou needed a break. One look at his friends taking care of the birthday girl was the only confirmation he needed that he could step away from them. Mina’s drunken complaining fell deaf on his ears as he pulled away from Kirishima’s grasp. As he made his way off the dance floor, the groups of people around him tried to push forward to fill the space he was leaving vacant. He walked over to the bar and leaned back against it, wishing there was an open seat for him to take. Downing the drink in one shot, he placed the empty glass on the counter and watched his friends from where he was standing.
Bakugou hated clubs. He hated the crowds of people who invaded his personal space as they danced on him or with other people. He hated being around people who couldn’t hold their liquor and did stupid things with their inhibitions thrown out the window. But most of all, he hated having to deal with drunk people constantly using their intoxicated state as an excuse to persistently hit on him or even feel him up. It was frustrating and annoying, and as he got older, he learned how to best deal with those situations rather than getting into fights. But it had been a while since he had been out and it was Mina’s birthday. Sure everyone had to get together and persuade him, but in the end he agreed that it wouldn’t be an awful time.
And it wasn’t. Hot, sweaty, smelly, claustrophobia inducing, and even sticky, but not awful.
He had been scrolling through his phone in hopes to prevent anyone from talking to him when his friends approached him.
“Bakugou, I want a tattoo!” Mina shouted. Even after all she drank, she seemed pretty sober.
He raised an eyebrow. “And you’re all okay with this?”
“Nah bro, we’re all wasted so we told Mina that it was your decision.” He looked at Kaminari who was leaning on Sero for support.
“My decision?”
“Bakubro, just take care of her,” Kirishima said, placing both his hands on Bakugou’s shoulders.
“Take care of - what the fuck are you on?”
“Alcohol bro,” Kaminari said with a serious face. “We’re on alcohol.”
Sero chuckled. “I’m taking these two home to try to sober them up before going to bed.” He was DD for the night, in charge of everyone until Mina decided to go on a little adventure. “They’ll thank me for this before they head out to work tomorrow.”
Sero began to walk away with Kaminari using him as support and Kirishima shuffling behind them, leaving Bakugou alone with Mina.
“Please! Please Bakugou? It’s my birthday.” She looked at him with pleading eyes.
Bakugou didn’t even hide his annoyance. He looked at the time. It was one in the morning. “If there is a shop that’s open right now within a seven mile radius, we can go.”
Mina squealed and grabbed Bakugou by the arm as she ran in her heels to the exit. It didn’t take long for her to stop running with her grip still tight on Bakugou’s arm.
“Where’s my phone…” she mumbled to herself looking around for it. Bakugou watched in amusement as Mina began to pat herself down with one hand while searching the ground around them for her purse.
When he was fully amused, he reached into his pocket and pulled out her phone. “Here.”
Her eyes slowly lit up as she recognized her phone in his hand. Mina had no recollection of leaving her purse at home and Bakugou being nominated to carry it for her. She managed to get on the internet and started looking up tattoo parlors near them. After a few minutes of struggling, she managed to find one. Bakugou didn’t even try to hide his annoyance over the fact that he had to sit through Mina possibly getting a tattoo. It had been a long night and he wanted nothing more than to take a cold shower to wash away the feeling of all those people who were around him.
Bakuguou trailed behind the birthday girl who was dancing in the middle of the parking structure as she walked to his car. The chilly breeze and the fresh air were both helping her sober up and she had a vague memory of where he had parked. As annoying as he found his friends, Bakugou enjoyed moments like tonight where everyone could be themselves and forget about the stress of being an adult. When they could let their guard down and just enjoy life for a night. Why was he on board with this whole tattoo business in the first place? Because who was he to stop his friend from living her life the way she wanted to? It was a harmless tattoo, and he would be there to make sure it would be something she wouldn’t regret later on.
Getting into the car, the first thing Mina did was put the top down while Bakugou grabbed a water bottle he brought just for tonight and opened it, handing it to her so she could hydrate herself. Once he managed to get her to drink at least half the bottle, he took off, using her phone’s GPS to guide him to the shop.
Mina stuck her arm out of the car and leaned back in her seat, enjoying the feel of the cold air on her warm body. Bakugou relaxed as he drove, one hand on the wheel, and the other propping his head up. Even if this felt like a chore, he enjoyed nothing more than the feeling of the cool night hair on his skin as he drove.
True to her word, the shop wasn’t far from where they were. Bakugou was able to park right out front due to the ungodly hour that they were out at. Mina didn’t wait for the car to be fully parked before jumping out and running to the door, ignoring everything Bakugou was yelling at her. He followed behind her, taking his time as he waited for the hood to come back up, slowly feeling regret creep in.
When he entered, Mina was already sitting at a seat, talking the ear off of who Bakugou assumed was the artist. He was wearing a black short sleeve shirt, with a beanie that covered his green hair. Once he got closer, he saw that the man sported his own fair share of tattoos along with glasses and freckles that adorned his face. There was no other person in the shop.
“Bakugou! I decided on what I’m getting,” Mina giggled.
The artist glanced back at Bakugou but said nothing to him as he began to prep the design. Bakugou raised an eyebrow to her. “Are you gonna tell me?”
Mina continued to giggle. “Nope, it’s a surprise!”
“Why the fuck is the tattoo you’re getting a surprise for me? Now tell me before you get something regrettable inked on yourself. I won’t hear the end of this if I don’t.”
“No!” Mina stuck out her tongue.
“Alright, you said on your left shoulder, correct?” the artist asked.
“Yes ma’am!” Mina lowered the dress strap so it hung off her shoulder. He got to work, transferring the design to her skin and began the inking process.
Bakugou watched with his arms crossed as the artist worked. He noticed how there was a small crinkle on his forehead and how his tongue peaked out as he concentrated. His hands moved skillfully and quickly. Mina was talking about something that went over Bakugou’s head to which the artist replied to. He wasn’t engaged in their conversation, he didn’t have the brain power to be at this point. Mina fell silent when the stinging from the tattoo was finally hitting her. Bakugou refused to give her his hand when she asked for it, saying that she got into this mess herself and she needed to deal with the pain on her own.
“You know, you could just give her your hand,” the artist muttered. Mina wasn’t making a sound from the pain but she did flinch every now and then and hiss. 
Bakugou blinked. Did the artist just say that to him? “Aren’t you not supposed to give tattoos to drunk people?”
He cocked an eyebrow but didn’t break his concentration from his work. “My method of tattooing is a bit different. I can give tattoos to tipsy or slightly drunk customers without the design getting messed up from the alcohol in the blood. She would also be much worse off if I tattooed in the traditional sense as well.”
Bakugou leaned forward and noticed that he did in fact use a different method of tattooing. “A different method isn’t going to prevent the alcohol in the blood from ruining the way the ink sits.”
The artist sat back and sighed. “Look, you don’t see me barging into your workplace and tell you how to do your job -”
“Because I’m not fucking dumb.”
He rolled his eyes. “And I’ve been doing this for a long time. I know how to do my job.”
“Yeah, scamming people into getting some ink and for it to be fucked up like a month later. They paid full price for it and you don’t have to worry about anything because they signed paperwork just for this occasion.”
The artist took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. “You could hunt down every one of my customers and I bet my entire business that not even a single one would say they were dissatisfied with the work done. But since you’re so hellbent on making me feel ashamed, why don’t you check back here in a month and tell me how fucked up you think the tattoo looks?”
“And what if it is? You’ll give her money back? She’ll still have a shitty piece permanently on her body.”
“You can tattoo something on me, anywhere you would like doesn’t matter how big it is,” he replied in a heartbeat.
That piqued Bakugou’s interest. He thought about the proposal while the artist got back to work. “What’s in it for you then?”
“If it doesn’t look bad, I get to tattoo you. Same conditions.”
Bakugou took a seat at the front of the shop without saying anything else. The shop itself looked pretty fancy, there was no doubt in his mind that this guy was probably famous in the tattooing world. But at the same time, anyone with some money could get a place that big and make it look impressive. He knew he should check out the reviews online, but it felt like that would take some of the excitement out of this bet.
Watching him work, Bakugou wondered if he gave himself those tattoos that decorated his body. If he did… he was about to be even more annoyed because they looked damn good. From what he could see on the artist’s arms and neck, they were all different tattoos but they flowed together effortlessly. It felt like they were trying to tell a story even though most likely they weren’t. Bakugou knew he was staring, but he felt himself get lost in what little he could see. Before he realized it, Mina was finished and wrapped up. She refused to let Bakugou see it properly since he wouldn’t let her hold his hand. Instead of staying with her inside, he got his car ready as she paid and the artist went over proper care with her. Just as Bakugou drove away, he realized he never got the artist’s name.
“Deku,” Mina said as the wind whipped past them. It felt different now that she was sober, but she loved it either way. “His name is Deku.”
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“Okay, okay. My turn. Truth or dare?” Kirishima spun the bottle and everyone watched as it landed on Bakugou for the first time that night. Kaminari howled and Sero whistled.
“Make it a good one because this might be our only chance with him,” Sero commented.
Kirishima nodded and waited patiently for Bakugou’s answer.
Kaminari booed.
“Why do you keep talking about Deku? I’ve seen his work and he’s good and all, but are you like… in love with the dude?”
Bakugou’s frown deepened. “I’m not fucking in love with that nerd. I’m annoyed. Pinky won’t show me her damn tattoo and I’m not about to lose this bet to him.”
“Oh, that tattoo looks awesome. I made an appointment to get one too,” Sero said, pointing to his arm where he was planning on getting it done.
“I just got a new piercing there this morning.” Kiri moved his hair out of the way to show his new helix piercing. “Deku is so chill, bro. We made plans to get lunch this Friday.”
“Man, I went by his place with Mina last night and he was a mess,” Kaminari said as he laughed from the memories.
Bakugou watched, slightly annoyed, slightly in awe of what was unfolding in front of him. Within a couple weeks, Bakugou felt like his world was tilted on its axis. All by one man whom he just met. As much as he told himself to not let it bother him, he couldn't help but to hyperfixate on this new person in his life who made a rage he didn’t know he had in him erupt. Never had he wanted to beat someone so bad in his life. As awful as he knew it was, he was hoping the tattoo came out looking shitty so he could have this victory.
He needed this victory.
Because to him, it felt like his friends were slipping away.
He felt like he was being replaced by someone more likable. More friendly. More easy going. Someone better than him.
And he would never admit how much that hurt him.
Bakugou stood up abruptly. Without saying anything, he headed outside of the apartment he was in and made his way to the curb to sit down. Was he overreacting? Probably. Most likely. But he knew his feelings were valid. He wasn’t the best friend, but they all stuck around for some reason. So he couldn’t be that awful. Right?
He let out a deep sigh and looked at the clouds that were passing him by. His gaze didn’t move even when Kirishima joined him.
“You know we aren’t replacing you, right?”
Bakugou didn’t respond.
“We don’t know why you hate him so much, but we respect your feelings. No more Deku talk in front of you.”
“That won’t stop you from hanging out with him,” he said drily.
“No, but even if I hang out with him and enjoy his presence, you’re my best friend dude. And that’s never changing. You’re stuck with me for life.”
A pair of arms wrapped around Bakugou’s shoulders and the force of the hug pushed Bakugou forward. “You’re stuck with all of us!” Kaminari shouted.
“Get the fuck off of me dumbass!”
“Not until you believe us!” Kaminari leaned forward and tried to kiss Bakugou’s cheek. Sero and Kirishima were laughing, enjoying the scene that was unfolding before them. It didn’t take Bakugou long to shove Kaminari off of him. The blond didn’t miss the small upturn of the corners of Bakugou’s mouth either.
“Okay, but since you’re boring as usual, we’re going to give you a dare.”
Bakugou stared at Kaminari in disgust. “No.”
“Get a piercing from Deku. Unless you’re too chicken…”
All three of them smirked. They knew Bakugou would do it. He never backed down from a dare. As long as it was sensible.
“You want me to waste money on a dare?”
“Nah bro, we’re all paying for you,” Sero said.
Bakugou took a minute to think about it. “After I complete this dare, all of you are gonna shut the fuck up for a week.”
“Bro, it’s not a bet. It’s a dare.” Kirishima frowned. “You’re not even paying for it. And we’re letting you choose where to get it. Kaminari wanted to you get your di-”
“He doesn’t need to know,” Kaminari interrupted, shoving his hand over Kirishima’s mouth.
Bakugou stood up and dusted his jeans. “Fine, let’s get this over with.”
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The shop looked a lot different than how Bakugou remembered it, but it was also currently daytime. He took a good look at the sign, Deku written in front of some sort of drawing of an ugly, green, bunny ears mask. There were a lot more people inside as well. Bakugou hesitated going in - he wasn’t in the mood to talk to, or even see, the artist. Deku. Deku, the tattoo artist.
When he walked into the shop this time, he was greeted by someone at the register. He easily found Deku in the crowd of people, his green hair visible today. His outfit still consisted of all black, but it made him seem more edgy than how his friends make him seem to be. From the stories he heard, he would never have guessed they were talking about the same person he met that night with Mina. The Deku his friends knew was a clumsy, anxiety-filled guy who seemed to be in his head a lot. The Deku in front of him was too sure of himself and his abilities to be the same person.
“Hey Midoriya!” Kirishima said as he waved.
Deku looked up and smiled at him, casually passing his gaze over Bakugou. “Hey, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine. We came here for someone else.” Kirishima gently pushed a pouting Bakugou forward. “He’s here for a piercing.”
Deku raised an eyebrow and didn’t even try to hide the cocky smile on his face. “Is he sober? I might get a lecture if he isn’t.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and took a seat without being told to. “Gimme the damn paperwork and let’s get this over with.”
Deku motioned for the person at the register to come over and told him to prep Bakugou. As he filled out the paperwork, he couldn’t help himself as his eyes kept wandering over to wherever Deku was. What was so good about him that made people flock to him? What about him attracted so many people to his shop? He internally cursed himself every time he got distracted and went back to finishing his paperwork. He handed it off to Kirishima who went back to the front with the others to pay for what he was about to get done.
“So what’ll it be?”
Bakugou crossed his arms as he remained seated. “My tongue.”
Deku nodded and went to get what he needed. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that walk-ins weren’t common during the day. All the artists in the place were busy with their clients. Deku actually had walked away from someone he was working on but the man didn’t seem to mind. There was a small crowd waiting for their turn to be seated - Bakugou assumed they were also walk-ins from how half of them were glaring at him. And from how one of them started arguing with the cashier who looked visibly scared and confused.
The sound of a stool being dragged over to him brought Bakugou’s attention back to the task at hand. Deku placed his materials down on a small table next to the two of them.
“What made you want to get this done? By me of all people?”
“They dared me.”
“Your friends?” Deku got everything ready before he got to work.
“Known them long?”
Bakugou narrowed his eyes. “What’s with this small talk?”
Deku grimaced at his tone. “I’m just trying to be nice. Get to know you. I don’t think you’re a bad person…”
“And how would you know that?”
His expression softened. “You have some great friends. They wouldn’t hang around you if you were a bad person.”
Bakugou felt himself relax slightly. He motioned to the guy with the two tones hair Deku was working on before Bakugou came in. “What about him? Is it okay for you to leave your client like that?”
“Yeah.” Deku scooted his stool closer to Bakugou. “He’s a friend of mine, he didn’t care. Tongue.”
Bakugou leaned forward and watched as Deku put his gloves on. He picked up the needle and held Bakugou’s tongue between a pair of tweezers with two circles on either side to help him know where exactly to pierce the tongue.
“You’ll feel a pinch but it’ll be fast.”
Bakugou couldn’t stop the corners of his mouth from turning up slightly, amused by the warning. Deku didn’t lie, it was quick and he barely felt a thing. The rest of the process was quick and Deku talked him through care and maintenance of the new piercing. The cold metal balls felt foreign in his mouth and he kept moving it around to feel a bit more comfortable.
“And the pain will get worse the next couple of days. Soreness is normal, but make sure you keep cleaning it properly to avoid getting it infected. Also pay attention to the foods you’re eating.” Deku kept talking as he walked Bakugou to the front where his friends were waiting for him. Bakugou felt his annoyance increase with each word that left Deku’s mouth. 
“Shut up ya damn nerd. You literally gave me a paper with all this fucking information.” Bakugou did his best to keep his voice down, but ended up yelling anyway.
“Sorry!” Deku replied instinctively.
“No need to apologize to him. That’s just how he is.” Kirishima slung an arm over Bakugou’s shoulder. “Thanks for taking him right now.”
Deku smiled. “No problem. I’ll see you on Friday.” He looked at Bakugou as he began to turn away. “And I’ll see you in a few weeks for your tattoo.” He walked away before Bakugou had a chance to reply.
It pissed him off even more how cocky Deku was acting about this bet. He was so sure that he would win, it made Bakugou want nothing more than to crush him. But that would have to wait until the one month was up.
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Mina stretched when she got out of the car. “Thanks for driving us Bakugou!”
He grunted in response. All of his friends thought he always drove because he hated everyone else’s driving, which was partially true, but it was just that he enjoyed being in control of where he was going. He got out, eying the tattoo on Mina’s shoulder as she rushed into the shop with Sero and Kaminari rushing in after her. Kirishima waited for his friend as they walked in together. The shop was unusually empty for this time of day, but Bakugou didn’t question it. He had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that he would be going home with some new ink today and he didn’t need to deal with an even greater audience.
Mina was already showing off her tattoo to the two people inside. Deku’s friend nodded along as he listened to whatever Mina was talking about. Bakugou felt his palms get sweaty. He hated losing, everyone knew this, but where was this extra anxiety coming from? Why did Deku of all people make him feel like he would never be able to reach him - like he was on some immeasurably high platform and Bakugou could try to climb up there but he would never reach the peak.
Kaminari waved a hand in Bakugou’s face. “Earth to Bakubro. What’s your vote?”
He blinked once, twice. Looking at Mina’s tattoo properly for the first time, he couldn’t find a single thing wrong with it. No line looked droopy, nothing looked distorted. “It...looks great…”
Kaminari laughed. “So it’s unanimous! All six of us think the tattoo looks fine.”
Bakugou didn’t realize the voting had already taken place. He was so deep in his thoughts, not that it would have mattered if he was paying attention.
He shrugged, not having enough mental power to fight this. “What’s it gonna be, nerd?”
Deku prepped a chair that was next to a set up table. “Take off your shirt and sit back.”
Everyone gathered around, wanting to watch Bakugou receive his punishment. Deku got to work, not bothering with transferring a design onto Bakugou’s skin beforehand. Seeing that made Bakugou worry about what was going to happen as Deku dotted his skin over and over again with the gun. Bakugou listened to everyone talk, never once speaking up, as he took in this moment. Seeing his friends interact with Deku and his friend pissed off Bakugou, but at the same time he felt warm inside. Something about this moment felt right to him, he was meant to meet all these people, they were put into his life for a reason. Deku? He was just the newest addition even if he hated to admit it. They were friends, sort of. But rather than the friendship he felt with anyone in his life, Deku made him want to be better. Bakugou felt so complacent after meeting Deku for some reason. Seeing him own his own successful business, have his own fanbase, but still be humble and kind. Bakugou felt like he needed to work harder before he could feel good about himself. And he was determined to get there even more now that Deku was in his life.
For better or worse.
The tattoo was finished faster than he thought, fully colored and swollen. He looked down at his hip where his new tattoo lived, and groaned. “You gave me that shitty green bunny mask? What even is it? Are you coming out as a furry?”
Deku blushed. “W-what? No! It’s like…” He hesitated, feeling embarrassed. “It’s a symbol that I adapted from this hero I liked as a kid from a comic.”
Bakugou squinted at the tattoo and realized what it was. “All Might.”
Deku looked at Bakugou in surprise. “You used to read his stories too?”
“Tch, of course. He was the best superhero and anyone who thinks otherwise is fucking dumb.”
The other five watched, all feeling different emotions, as they watched Deku try to have his first bonding moment with Bakugou and couldn’t help but share the same thought of how those two would become fast friends. Sure there would be lots of fighting, but there would never be a dull moment with them. They also knew Bakugou wouldn’t rest until he was able to tattoo something on Deku. Maybe that was a good thing, maybe it was bad. But no one could wait.
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eterni-ki-moved · 3 years
Hi! Could you please tell me how to pronounce 'xe' pronouns and other versions of it (like if you have she, then you say something is her, how does that work for your pronouns?)
Sorry if it's mean, I just want to learn (and I don't trust Google, but that's a personal thing 👀)
Anygays how are you?
I just checked and you're 8 hours ahead of me, so I hope you're sleeping 💕
Remember to stay hydrated (I hope I wrote that right... just drink water, okay?)
I really appreciate you and I love your blog, thank you for making Tumblr a better place
hello :DD it's okay i don't mind helping!
okay so my neopronouns are xe/xem/xer. and basically, they're pronounced ze/zem/zer, so with a 'z' sound.
i think the easy way to compare it is by thinking of they/them/their-- xe replaces they, xem replaces them, xer replaces their!
i'm doing good! just vibing! wait, 8 hours ahead-- 👀 but it's 4:50 pm for me now
kgsejgks you're so sweet i love you a lot <3
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dourpeep · 3 years
Yes, you may have a cookie 😌 I made enough and my tongue is still very badly burnt so I can’t eat them anyways (pls have a look at it Albedo—)
*cough* anyways
That angst…. Sir, I may me small, but you’re about to feel the wrath of the gods— jk, I just have a love-hate relationship with angst. Love it, but I grow attached to quickly so 🥲 pain, pure pain. I do like to comfort myself in a specific situation like this by remembering that poly is a thing ✨
Btw, sry for responding this late. Been quite busy with studying for Latin, but 🥺🥺🥺 that short lil scenario you write just amplifies my tattoo-artist!Bedo brainrot. HNNNNNNGH AND THAT SCENARIO JUST NOW DID NOT HELP DAMMIT
I’ll go back to studying now (I’m ducking tired of this shit ngl. I’m not getting sleep properly, and everything hurts 🥲) I hope you’re well tho, and resting when you have to!
💜 anon
Dearest Anon, I wish you restful sleep when you have the chance. Please take care to stay hydrated and have meals or snacks as well as a break or four throughout the day!
I also have a love-hate relationship with angst. I don't really like writing it because being sad on purpose makes me feel uncomfortable (for a lack of better word?). It isn't a pleasant feeling...however sometimes I get inspiration and I have to write it down. Thus!!! The KazuXiaoReader angst hehe. And I'm weak for the trio so there's very little I wouldn't write for them. Maybe.
As for responding, don't worry! It just means you've got things to do and that's entirely fine :DD
I definitely had a lot of fun writing that tattoo artist scenario...tattoo artist Albedk lives on in my brain rent free—
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