#and learn what your name means to a language that will be a major feature in your career...
ms-hells-bells · 2 months
languages around the world use much of the same alphabet or variants to mean very different things....
but i can't help but think how unfortunate it is to be an international level athlete with the first name semen....
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zoeythebee · 1 year
How To Make Your Code Actually Good
This is about programming structure and organization. Resources online are very sparse, and usually not super helpful. Which was unhelpful to me who was struggling with code organization.
So I wanted to make this, which will explain how best to structure your code based on what I've learned. What I lay out here may not work for everyone but it works well in my experience.
These resources were very helpful for me
Handmade Hero - https://youtu.be/rPJfadFSCyQ
Entity Component System by The Cherno - https://youtu.be/Z-CILn2w9K0
Game Programming Patterns - https://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/
So, let's get started.
So first we need to cover a few terms. These are Decoupling, and Abstraction.
So, when we code there is only so much information we can keep inside of our brain at one time. If we kept all of our code in a single file, we would have to keep in mind every single line of code we have written thus far. Or, more likely, we would actively ignore certain lines that aren't relevant to whichever problem we are trying to solve. And miss possible errors by skipping over lines we didn't know were important.
This is bad, what we need to do is decouple our code. Decoupling just means to break something up.
We need to split our code into smaller more manageable pieces so that we can focus better on it without cluttering up our brain with useless information.
For example lets take into account a basic game loop
int main(){
bool running = true;
// Game init code
// Game update code
// Game exit code
return 0;
Obviously in a real example this would be much larger. So an extremely good start would be moving chunks of code into different functions.
int main(){
bool running = true;
Now, when we are working on loading the game, we shouldn't have to think about what's happening in the rest of the app. This may take moving some code around inorder to truly seperate it from the rest of the code. But it is a very worthwhile effort.
Abstraction is when we take complex pieces of code and put them inside of a function or structure to make that feature easier to use. Or to hide tiny details that would be a waste of time to type out over and over.
For example programming languages are abstracted away from Assembly. Which of course is a thin abstraction away from machine code.
Now abstraction is great, computer science is practically built ontop of abstracting away small details. but the point I'd like to make here is that you can go too crazy with abstraction.
If you are making a gui application, and you need to create a new button. And to do so you need to run a function that returns a new class that you pass into another function that returns a pointer to an app state that you use with the original class to interact with a gui state that takes in a general state class and a position.
You have abstracted too far away to actually getting that button on screen. And due to all the hoops your code has to go through you will face major performance hits as well. And nobody likes a slow program.
Generally my rule of thumb is one layer of abstraction. Obviously for really complex stuff like graphics more abstraction is required. But for our own apps we should strive to as little abstraction as possible. Which makes code more clear and easier to debug, if a little more verbose at times.
Note that breaking things up into other files and functions are pretty cheap abstraction/performance wise. But the number of steps your code has to go through is what's important. Like the number of objects you have to go through, and functions you have to run.
Now these are good general tips for programming. There are also other good tips like consistent naming conventions, and consistent function names and argument patterns. But that's all pretty basic good-programming-things-you-should-do.
Now when I was learning this sort of stuff, I got told a lot of the stuff I just put above. But the biggest question I had was "but where do I PUT all of my code?"
As projects grow in complexity, figuring out sane ways to organize your structures and code logic in a way that makes sense is pretty tricky.
So to kinda crystallize how I think about code organization is basically.
Pick a pattern, and stick to it
A design pattern is just a piece of code structure you repeat. And there are lots of smart people that have come up with some pretty smart and flexible patterns. Like entity component systems, and state machines.
But sometimes you have to figure out your own, or modify existing patterns. And the best way to do that is to not plan at all and jump right in.
Do a rough draft of your app just to get a general idea of what you are going to need your pattern to support. And you may have to build up a pattern, find out it sucks, and start over. The trick is to fail fast and fail often.
Grabbing some paper and trying to diagram out how you want your app to flow is also handy. But getting your hands dirty with your keyboard is the best.
Now if you are new to programming, the above method probably wont work the first time. The only way to really learn code architecture is by building apps, and when you are first starting out many of your apps are probably falling apart early on. But the more you build these apps the more you learn. The bigger the apps you make, the more you learn.
But there is something that's also very helpful.
Steal somebody else's pattern!
So I can explain this best with an example. I make games, and the complexity I have to deal with is having multiple game objects that can all interact with each other fluidly. Enemies, the player, collectibles, moving platforms. This is a pretty tricky task, and I wound up picking two patterns to follow.
The first one is a modified version of a State Machine that I call a Scene Manager.
A scene is essentially a structure that contains an init, update, and exit function and can store data relating to the scene. And I have a Scene Manager that I can dynamically load and unload scenes with. So if I need to create a main menu or a pause menu it's as easy as loading a scene.
For my actual game scene I chose to use an Entity Component System. I linked a video above that explains it very well. To summarize, an ECS use entities. Entities can contain data called components. And systems will grab any entity that has the required components and will modify that entity. For example a Move system will operate on any entities that have the Position and Velocity components.
And this has worked very well for my game. Now this doesnt solve every problem I had. I still had to fill in the gaps with code that doesnt 100% match the pattern. After all there isnt any pattern that will fix all possible issues a codebase needs to solve. For example to delete an entity I have to add it by reference to an array where it is deleted AFTER the game is done updating.
Elsewhere I used a bit of abstraction to make creating entities easier. For example i created a class that stores methods to create entities. Whereas before I was manually adding components to empty structures.
Decoupling entity creation meant I could focus on more important things. I also deal with window resizing and rendering in a layer outside of the scene. In a way that would affect all Scenes.
An Example
In the game I'm making, the most complex part of the program so far is the player update code. Which makes sense for a platformer. So the issue is simple, it's getting too long. But the other issue is things are in places that don't immediately make sense. And it's all packed inside a single function.
You can view the code as it is now here.
Our goal is to decouple the code into pieces so that it takes up less brain space. And to reorganize the function so it's layout makes more immediate sense.
So my first step is to figure out a logical way to organize all of this code. My plan is to split it up by player actions. This way all of the jump logic is inside it's own function. All of the shooting logic is in it's own function etc.
Here is the code after implimenting the pattern.
Notice how this decouples the code into more manageable pieces so we can work on it better. Also note how I am still keeping one layer of abstraction from the player update code. I also put it in a seperate file to slim down the systems file.
So the method I implemented here of observing a problem, coming up with a pattern, and implementing it. That at a larger scale is how to overall structure a good code base. Here in this small instance I found a working solution first try. But for more complex code you may have to try multiple different patterns and solutions before you find what works best.
And that's all I have to say. I hope it made sense, and I hope it helps you. Let me know if I should change anything. Thanks for reading!
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caramelcuppaccino · 2 years
lunlun's autumn studying challenge! #studyingunderthefallingleaves
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Hi and hello everyone! Welcome to my blog and my studying challenge! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ My name is Lunlun. I am creating this challenge because my uni started on October and I want to motivate myself and keep track of my studies. I hope you will participate and enjoy the challenge too!
• How to participate?
Just reblog this post! You don't need to follow me or anything like that. And do not forget to post your posts with the hashtag #studyingunderthefallingleaves so that everyone can see your posts! You do not need to start at a certain date. I wouldn’t even mind if you started the challenge during summer :] Just try to enjoy it and make sure you’re taking breaks and taking good care of yourself!
• Prompts:
Day 1: Welcome! Let’s start with a simple question: What is your major/What do you study?
Day 2: Share your goals for this challenge. What do you want to accomplish by the end of it?
Day 3: What does autumn mean for you?
Day 4: Share a song that has autumn vibes with us.
Day 5: Why did you choose your major/what you study?
Day 6: Are there other languages you learn besides your native langauge? If so, which ones?
Day 7: What is the best place to study for you in autumn?
Day 8: What do you like to drink while you study? You can share the recipe if you want!
Day 9: Do you have a memory, which happened during autumn, you remember with a smile on your face?
Day 10: What is your favorite thing about your major? Why?
Day 11: Which one of your courses do you like the most? And the one you just can’t like no matter what you do?
Day 12: Do you have any studying methods you use? If so, share them with us (please *sobs*)!
Day 13: Which one do you prefer: Digital devices and online platforms or notebooks and books? And why?
Day 14: Share a picture of your favorite pen/pencil!
Day 15: You’ve finished the half of the challenge (for now as more prompts will be added), so let’s look back at your goals. Are you getting closer to accomplishing them?
Day 16: Share an article you’ve read and enjoyed recently.
Day 17: What is your favorite thing about having a studyblr blog?
Day 18: Share a YouTube channel and/or a podcast you like to watch/listen that inspires you.
Day 19: How was your day? You can talk about anything; vent or share a moment. I personally am willing to hear!
Day 20: Where are you from and how is the school system in your country? As a prospective teacher, I like to hear about different education systems. For example, in my country, we have a 4+4+4 system where students study elementary, middle school and high school (seperately) for four years. Most departmens in universities are also for four years; however, medicine students, for example, have to study for six years.
Day 21: Share a random fact you know.
Day 22: What is your best feature according to you?
Day 23: Okay, you have to praise yourself with at least two sentences. Go! I am listening!
Day 24: What do you think about homeworks? Do you think they are necessary or just burden for students?
Day 25: What was your favorite subject as a child?
Day 26: What advice would you give to people who want/will start to study your major?
Day 27: What book are you reading right now? Do you like it so far?
Day 28: Share a playlist you listen to while studying.
Day 29: What is your favorite autumn food?
Day 30: It’s been a month already! How are you feeling? Is keeping up with the challenge tiring? Have you enjoyed it so far? Please share your thoughts!
• From Lunlun: I will add more prompts later, probably for 30 days again. I am posting this part for now as if I try to write more now, I know it’ll take more time for me to share the challenge and don’t wanna miss autumn!
Tag List (let me know if you’d like to be tagged!):
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waitmyturtles · 6 months
There's a Bad Buddy Anonymous out there to whom I owe an answer to!
If you're an Anonymous who wrote me an ask about Bad Buddy's episode 7, and you noted that you liked the un-formulaic way in which Pat and Pran reconciled their relationship, and asked for recommendations for dramas to watch *before* Bad Buddy, ones that might reflect on that un-formulaic quality that you liked so much: I apologize for the delay in responding.
I had a great answer that I had all written up, that the web editor ate. :'( The web editor LOVES to eat asks in drafts. Lame.
So here's my best attempt to recreate that answer!
Non, thanks for the ask! Ha.
Okay, so, Bad Buddy's episode 7, the competition-in-love episode. What is so great about this episode is that the boys are equals in their competition to get each other to confess first. They're both so clearly sweating for each other, they are totally aware of it, and yet they're still committed to the bit until the very end, when Pat confesses that he'll always throw the game for his lover.
Non, in your original ask, you noted that this set-up went against the formula of how couples usually reconcile their attractions to each other to confirm a relationship. You then asked for recommendations for dramas that a beginner should watch before Bad Buddy, so with that, I assume you mean that you'd like recommendations of Thai BLs. I'm going to interpret your ask from here on out as an ask that reflects on your appreciation for how we got to the setup that was episode 7 of BBS. I can help with this, but I'll also call in some experts at the end to ponder this!
I so appreciate that your ask focused specifically on Bad Buddy, because: my watching and appreciating BBS was a major reason why I myself wanted to learn about the early development of the Thai BL genre. Bad Buddy upends a ton of tropes that had been established in early Thai BL dramas -- I wanted to gain a better appreciation for what BBS was doing, so I hit the archives in my Old GMMTV Challenge project.
As I review the OGMMTVC syllabus for thoughts on recommendations, I'm reflecting on dramas that relied heavily on certain tropes that established the exact formula that BBS/episode 7 spins around. To me, namely, that's the pursuer/pursuee structure, better known as the seme/uke structure.
Pran and Pat are equals in episode 7 -- they're both chasing each other. Earlier Thai BLs almost always featured a seme who pursued an unknowing uke, and very commonly, that uke would have a queer revelation to realize that they were falling in love with their seme pursuer. (In BBS, Pat indeed has a revelation -- but he's not being pursued at that moment. He just realizes that he's fallen in love. By episode 7, both boys are the pursuers of each other.)
So in thinking about earlier Thai BLs that a beginner could watch, to learn about and appreciate the seme/uke tropes that established the formulas that BBS upended, I've got the following.
SOTUS/SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS: By now, in 2023/2024, SOTUS is.... gently offensive? But for historical purposes, AND for Bad Buddy-purposes, I think it's a must-watch. SOTUS walked so Bad Buddy could run. It was the first BL by GMMTV, a huge one, and gave birth to the first huge celebrity ship in KristSingto. Singto's Kongpob pursues a hesitant Arthit (Krist), who has a revelation that he's fallen for Kong by the end of the series. SOTUS S and Our Skyy x SOTUS follow their eventual relationship.
VERY IMPORTANTLY! Bad Buddy does a LOT to upend a LOT of what SOTUS put out there, by way of commentary on bullying, on the "gay-for-you" phenomenon -- BBS even featured an actor from SOTUS S who played the father of one of the main characters (Kongpob), and put that dude in the same shirt he wore in SOTUS S!
But for the sake of the seme/uke tropes we're talking about, SOTUS has this in spades. There's problematic hubby/wifey language in SOTUS that's, again, upended in Bad Buddy. But SOTUS is a product of its 2016-time period. The genre has learned a lot by way of revising problematic elements that came with the genre's origins. Whenever I think of SOTUS, I always get a sense of nostalgia for Arthit and Kongpob, because SOTUS gave birth to a LOT of tropes (engineering, beach trips, etc.) that we still see in Thai BLs today, tropes that often give structure and reference to dramas. I like that Bad Buddy honored these tropes while also gently calling them out -- and I think, Non, that if you get your historical knowledge squared away just through the SOTUS franchise, you'll appreciate that BBS/episode 7 that much more.
Love By Chance: LBC aired two years after the original SOTUS came out. Trope-wise, overall, I call LBC an ultimately derivative structured drama, in that it encapsulates really well a lot of the tropes that had been established in Thai BL in years prior. Non, I recommend LBC for its seme/uke pairing in AePete, as the pairing was a classic pursuit, but Pete happened to be out and gay, and had a fear that Ae would face discrimination for being open in his love for Pete. I loved that the show addressed this head-on. The rest of the show is not nearly as up to par as what PerthSaint delivered in their AePete performance, but LBC is well worth watching to see the tropes in high action.
Until We Meet Again: While I am a slavish LOVER of UWMA, this drama has a classic seme/uke pairing in Dean and Pharm, but -- the show allows Pharm as a blushing maiden uke to actually have agency and space for his sexual preferences. The show depicts Pharm in hesitation mode, often, but also allows for Pharm to have open and equal communication with Dean about when Pharm is ready to take things to a next level, without a seme pushing an envelope to move things more quickly than they should.
I Told Sunset About You and I Promised You The Moon: Instead of driving to a classic seme/uke set-up, ITSAY spent much more time in Teh's revelatory and recognition headspace, as he negotiated internally his attraction to Oh-aew. IPYTM allowed us to see into Teh's and Oh's eventual relationship, and established Oh-aew's supremacy as a man in control of his world and his decisions, always fully aware of Teh's attraction to him, but needing time and space to be ready for Teh's chaos. I love thinking about ITSAY and IPYTM as trope-deflectors before the rise of Bad Buddy, and -- there are multiple moments when Bad Buddy talks to ITSAY as well.
All of these dramas are considered classics and are thus on the OGMMTVC, but Non, I am in no way a comprehensive expert on the genre itself. There are elders all around who have watched more than me! I'm wondering if -- for the question of what dramas best established the seme/uke pursuit trope in Thai BLs before Bad Buddy upended that trope -- if @bengiyo, @so-much-yet-to-learn, @absolutebl, and @lurkingshan have thoughts and suggestions.
Non, I hope this helps!
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professorpusset · 2 years
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Free Classics Courses - With Certificates!
Studying "the classics" is a rich, rewarding and thoroughly enjoyable experience. Unfortunately these days, many of us lack the opportunity or resources to integrate ancient civilisations and languages into our formal education.
I, for one, am forever grateful that the advent of the digital age heralded new and interesting ways for society to share a wealth of information. Since the early noughties, I've tracked down free online courses in areas of personal interest. Naturally, the Classics is a subject I gravitated towards, and it saddened me to notice that over time free courses in the arts and humanities dwindled in favour of modern, digital, knowledge.
However, I am gladdened to share that OpenLearn (a branch of The Open University) have a growing selection of free Classics courses! All of these courses offer a free certificate to download and print on completion, and are drawn from the various undergraduate courses provided by the university proper.
These courses vary in length and difficulty, but provide an excellent starting point for anyone interested in the Classics, or who would like to sample university level content before committing to a more formal course of study.
Here is a full list of courses in the Classics category at OpenLearn, though I strongly suspect more will be added over time:
The Ancient Olympics: bridging past and present
Highlights the similarities and differences between our modern Games and the Ancient Olympics and explores why today, as we prepare for future Olympics, we still look back at the Classical world for meaning and inspiration.
Discovering Ancient Greek and Latin
Gives a taste of what it is like to learn two ancient languages. It is for those who have encountered the classical world through translations of Greek and Latin texts and wish to know more about the languages in which these works were composed.
Getting started on classical Latin
Developed in response to requests from learners who had had no contact with Latin before and who felt they would like to spend a little time preparing for the kind of learning that studying a classical language involves. The course will give you a taster of what is involved in the very early stages of learning Latin and will offer you the opportunity to put in some early practice.
Continuing classical Latin
Gives the opportunity to hear a discussion of the development of the Latin language.
Introducing Homer's Iliad
Focuses on the epic poem telling the story of the Trojan War. It begins with the wider cycle of myths of which the Iliad was a part. It then looks at the story of the poem itself and its major theme of Achilles' anger, in particular in the first seven lines. It examines some of the characteristic features of the text: metre, word order and epithets. Finally, it explores Homer's use of simile. The course should prepare you for reading the Iliad on your own with greater ease and interest.
Hadrian's Rome
Explores the city of Rome during the reign of the emperor Hadrian (117-38 CE). What impact did the emperor have on the appearance of the city? What types of structures were built and why? And how did the choices that Hadrian made relate to those of his predecessors, and also of his successors?
The Body in Antiquity
Will introduce you to the concept of the body in Greek and Roman civilisation. In recent years, the body has become a steadily growing field in historical scholarship, and Classical Studies is no exception. It is an aspect of the ancient world that can be explored through a whole host of different types of evidence: art, literature and archaeological artefacts to name but a few. The way that people fulfil their basic bodily needs and engage in their daily activities is embedded in the social world around them. The body is a subject that can reveal fascinating aspects of both Greek and Roman culture it will help you to better understand the diversity of ancient civilisation.
Library of Alexandria
One of the most important questions for any student of the ancient world to address is 'how do we know what we know about antiquity?' Whether we're thinking about urban architecture, or love poetry, or modern drama, a wide range of factors shape the picture of antiquity that we have today. This free course, Library of Alexandria, encourages you to reflect upon and critically assess those factors. Interpreting an ancient text, or a piece of material culture, or understanding an historical event, is never a straightforward process of 'discovery', but is always affected by things such as translation choices, the preservation (or loss) of an archaeological record, or the agendas of scholars.
Introducing the Classical World
How do we learn about the world of the ancient Romans and Greeks? This free course, Introducing the Classical world, will provide you with an insight into the Classical world by introducing you to the various sources of information used by scholars to draw together an image of this fascinating period of history.
Introducing Virgil's Aeneid
This free course offers an introduction to the Aeneid. Virgil’s Latin epic, written in the 1st century BCE, tells the story of the Trojan hero Aeneas and his journey to Italy, where he would become the ancestor of the Romans. Here, you will focus on the characterisation of this legendary hero, and learn why he was so important to the Romans of the Augustan era. This course uses translations of Virgil’s poem, and assumes no prior knowledge of Latin, but it will introduce you to some key Latin words and phrases in the original text.
Icarus: entering the world of myth
An introduction to one of the best-known myths from classical antiquity and its various re-tellings in later periods. You will begin by examining how the Icarus story connects with a number of other ancient myths, such as that of Theseus and the Minotaur. You will then be guided through an in-depth reading of Icarus’ story as told by the Roman poet Ovid, one of the most important and sophisticated figures in the history of ancient myth-making. After this you will study the way in which Ovid’s Icarus myth has been reworked and transformed by later poets and painters.
Getting started on ancient Greek
A taster of the ancient Greek world through the study of one of its most distinctive and enduring features: its language.
The course approaches the language methodically, starting with the alphabet and effective ways to memorise it, before building up to complete Greek words and sentences. Along the way, you will see numerous real examples of Greek as written on objects from the ancient world.
Travelling for Culture: The Grand Tour
In the eighteenth century and into the early part of the nineteenth, considerable numbers of aristocratic men (and occasionally women) travelled across Europe in pursuit of education, social advancement and entertainment, on what was known as the Grand Tour. A central objective was to gain exposure to the cultures of classical antiquity, particularly in Italy. In this free course, you’ll explore some of the different kinds of cultural encounters that fed into the Grand Tour, and will explore the role that they play in our study of Art History, English Literature, Creative Writing and Classical Studies today.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
Ok so prefacing that this is a genuine question because people on Twitter have yelled at me enough about it that I'm unsure but:
Is it racist/problematic/bad/whichever term goes here to headcanon or draw/write an anime character who's presumed to be Japanese as Black? There's one character in the anime I like that I usually write as being Black in AUs, because she's like... Pink, in canon verse, and I've had multiple people get really pissed at me for it, but no one will explain why it's bad aside from saying things like it's "blackwashing" and "reverse racism" which.. I don't think would even apply if they aren't assumed white to begin with? Doesn't that mean making a white character Black?
If I'm genuinely doing something wrong I want to learn and correct myself but I'm struggling hard to understand if it's actually a problem or if this is just people being trolls. Sorry for the ramblg ask or if my phrasing is weird, English isn't my first language
Short answer: no, it's not bad to draw anime characters as Black.
Long answers:
Blackwashing doesn't exist. Whitewashing is about power structures and the ways racism and colorism are reflected in media and fandom. Whitewashing isn't about the characters themselves, it's about the way pale skin and European features are prioritized and part of Western beauty standards at the cost of the people who don't fit into those standards. "Blackwashing" does not have that social weight or history.
Black people exist in Japan. There are Blasian people in Japan. There are Black Japanese people in Japan. There are non-Black dark-skinned Japanese people in Japan. These are all basic facts. If you aren't changing the character's name, background, nationality, ethnicity, etc, then giving them dark skin and Black features isn't erasing the fact that they're Japanese. People who think otherwise just think that being Black and Asian are mutually exclusive.
Anime has a HUGE issue with colorism and anti-Black racism especially. The vast majority of Black anime characters are stereotypes, often outright minstrel caricatures, which is a reflection of the very present anti-Blackness and colorism present in Japanese society. Black and Blasian people wanting to see positive depictions of people like them in media isn't bad or wrong, it's a completely normal response to never seeing yourself in your favorite shows and comics.
And before anyone goes "well what if someone drew [insert Native character] as Black?!", please do! I would love that! Afro-indigenous people are valued and important parts of their communities and they deserve to see themselves in their favorite indigenous characters and media!
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ordinaryoracle · 1 year
Labyrinthos: A Beginner's Map to the Labyrinth of Tarot
The Swiss army knife of Tarot learning resources
Between the 22 major arcana cards and the whopping 56 minor arcana cards (which are divided into their separate suits!) it can all be a whiplash of new information for the beginner tarot enthusiast.
If you've ever felt like this, don't worry, because you're not alone! I and several others have encountered this roadblock before. Here's a little secret: you don't need to know everything right off the bat! There's no shame in doing a reading and immediately having to consult the guidebooks as you try and remember what these cards mean in the first place.
Buuuut if you want to be one step closer to knowing all these meanings by heart, Allow me to show you this handy thing known as Labyrinthos.
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What exactly is a Labyrinthos?
Labyrinthos is an all-around tarot resource app you can download for free on Android and IOS devices. Released in 2016 by Labyrinthos Academy, it has since amassed over a million downloads, myself included. Like other Tarot resource apps on the market, it offers a guide for all the card meanings and a digital deck so you can make your readings on the go. But it has several other features that I love that make it really stand out among other apps like it.
A Charming Theme
When you log in for the first time, you'll be instantly met by the whole theme of this app. Your cute little spirit avatar meets a guy named Doppelganger who brings you to your senses. Your spirit self has apparently stumbled into the space between realms, unable to get back home! Fortunately, you're in a place called the Labyrinthos Academy which will help you learn tarot, the language of the universe so you can go back! Doppelganger further shows you the features of the app before saying goodbye.
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I love fantasy magic schools in fiction and the fact that this app is themed this way makes me like it even more. As a side bonus, you can unlock more versions of your adorable ghostly avatar as you use the app more and more!
Tarot Theory and Card Meanings
When you buy a new tarot deck, you're usually given a guidebook alongside the cards so that you know what each individual card means. Labyrinthos is that and so so much more.
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Along with giving the standard meanings of the cards, it also has keywords that really help in associating the imagery of the cards to their meanings. There's also information on different spreads to use for all types of circumstances and even an option to make a custom spread! 
There's also a short section about Tarot Theory, explaining the underlying principles and symbolism of tarot and how best to use it, which I think is really really helpful for beginners to get into the mindset and figure out what tarot is about.
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There's also flashcard-based quizzes for the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana Suits that help really well with memorizing! It's by completing these same quizzes that you can level up and unlock more versions of your avatar.
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In the off chance that the brief card summary the app provides isn't enough, tapping the read more button at the bottom of the page leads you to a more in-depth dive of the card's meanings in their dedicated website!
Readings Journal and the Mirror
Their Readings Journal allows you to store your previous readings. From the daily card draws to the more elaborate spreads. As someone whose forgetfulness is the bane of my existence, having a journal like this where I can jot down my thoughts after a reading is very helpful. Moreover, I like being able to see readings from months ago to compare and contrast with my more recent ones.
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Labyrinthos defines the Mirror as Self-knowledge through the cards. It takes all the data from the readings that you've logged and gives you insight on what patterns and trends may have been coming up in your readings. This big-picture view lets you know how many reversals you've gotten, what were the common cards, suits and numbers of a certain time period. My results have always been eerily accurate which makes it all the more interesting to me.
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Absolutely Ad-free
Have you ever used any free app only to be bombarded by the amount of ads it has? You go to turn off your internet so the ads stop coming, only to lock yourself out of the important online features? I've also gotten used to being wary whenever an app says they're a hundred percent free. After all, it seems too good to be true... is there a catch or something?
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Well friends, Labyrinthos has none of that! The app is funded by the purchases of their high-quality physical decks, so the app can go without those tedious, tedious ads! They don't even have pop-up ads for their own products! There's only a separate Shop tab, showing all the designs they have offered but no sleazy UI design that tricks you into clicking the links and buying them!
All in all, I like using Labyrinthos. I aptly nicknamed it the swiss army of tarot learning resources, because it does just that! It's a guidebook, a digital deck, a tarot journal, a flashcard tarot quiz app all in one. It's been really helpful to me when I was still starting and very very lost with all the information I need to absorb, and I'd recommend this app to any beginners in a heartbeat,
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pallabhowlader · 1 month
Haunted Mansion's talented cast makes the movie a pleasant enough destination, although it's neither scary nor funny enough to wholeheartedly recommend. Haunted Mansion is a fun blend of horror and comedy with a great cast and a story that'll be extra entertaining for fans of the ride that inspired it.
Haunted Mansion is a comedic, ghost story that has enough laughs and light moments to balance the dark side of this Disney movie. It is still, however, quite scary in parts, which makes it unsuitable for children under 10 years. Parental guidance is recommended for children aged 10-12 due to the supernatural themes.
Haunted Mansion is needlessly convoluted and feels its length but for a Disney theme park ride adaptation it's really impressive how ready this film is to have some genuinely moving and open conversations about grief and how painful it can be to move on. Lakeith Stanfield is the main reason any of this works. 
“Haunted Mansion,” rated PG-13 for “some thematic elements and scary action,” is based on the Disneyland ride of the same name. The movie features a mother, played by Rosario Dawson, and her son, played by Chase Dillon, who move into a haunted home in Louisiana and learn they cannot leave.
The Korean/Chinese/Japanese horror films really have a certain feel to them, this one did not disappoint. There were some jump scares here and there, but most were predictable. Still a pretty decent watch but the run time could have been cut down a little.
All of this makes the movie more appropriate for older tweens and teens than younger or more sensitive children.” The Motion Picture Association gave “Haunted Mansion” a PG-13 rating for some thematic elements and scary action, according to IMDb.
I would say the movie is best for more mature kids, but if your kiddo is not phased by jump scares and creepy things, by all means let them watch it. Regarding suicide: 1. The Ghost Host in the ride this movie is based on committed suicide, so this movie deals with the subject. 2.
 "Haunted Mansion" succeeds by being a thrill ride from start to finish, utilizing aspects of the ride naturally while telling a story of rejection, grief, and acceptance, even if it's a little long and predictable. True ghost story Visit 
The film was theatrically released in the United States on November 26, 2003, by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution. The film received negative reviews from critics but performed well at the box office, grossing $182.3 million worldwide against a $90 million budget.
For example, most of the film is really dark: it takes place at night, in rooms with failing lights. Waldron: Yeah, darkness is hard. Disney darkness is extra hard because a horror film is one thing, but a Disney horror film is another thing entirely. I wanted to make sure we could see, but still feel it was dark.Holding a 37% approval rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes, the majority of criticism for Haunted Mansion was aimed towards the movie's balance of horror and comedy, with many reviewers feeling it didn't go far enough in either direction to fully recommend the movie. The film was presented to the MPAA in two versions, both were R rated for crude and sexual content, language and some drug use.
In terms of scariness this film has infrequent jump scares, when they do appear they are scary (the scariest is at the beginning) the music adds creepy vibes and the ghosts themselves do have scary designs Characters are chased and axes are thrown and the hatbox ghost is menacing. For more haunted mansion
PG-13: PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. R: RESTRICTED. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. People who have experienced McKamey Manor have shared truly horrifying accounts of what has allegedly taken place from near drowning and possibly being buried alive to much worse. While there is a safe word, people have claimed that it's pretty much useless and the experience isn't over until McKamey says it is. The Mansion is a delightfully unlivable home to 999 happy haunts (but there's room for a thousand in case you wanted to volunteer). The ride features a slow-moving Doom Buggy Omnimover ride system, a number of special effects and some secret surprises that make it a truly unique experience.
Firstly, you've got to consider the maturity level of your 14-year-old. Some kids can handle mature content and understand that it's fictional, but others might get nightmares or become overly anxious. You're the best judge of your child's temperament. 1-13 year olds may be better equipped to navigate the scary movie scene on some level but each child is different. If your child watches something that they say is not scary to them but then starts coming to you at night wanting to sleep closer to you or is having nightmares let their behavior speak for them.
The movie is rated PG-13, according to the MPAA rating system for some thematic elements and scary action. Several users on International Movie Database said it also contained some profanity. Gentle thrills can let kids explore fears in a safe environment. Others movies can be very scary and even violent. Scary movies that contain violence or adult content can have harmful effects on young viewers' behavior and mental health. 
The issue is that the PG rating is too low for what the movie contains. It views more like a PG-13. While the Halloween violence is minimal, there are numerous sexual innuendos in this movie that are shocking for a movie that seems to be aimed for kids.
According to Common Sense Media, “Haunted Mansion” is rated PG-13 for violence, frightening scenes, supernatural elements such as dark magic and the appearance of a Ouija board and some alcohol use. The site recommends the movie for kids 11 years old and older. “Haunted Mansion” is not rated PG-13 for language. Which Disney Haunted Mansion Movie Is Better? - IMDb. Which Disney Haunted Mansion Movie Is Better? The 2023 remake of Haunted Mansion is considered better due to its more engaging characters, intriguing story, and relatable themes, providing a deeper connection to the audience.
6. The Disneyland Haunted Mansion was largely inspired by the Shipley-Lydecker House in Baltimore, Maryland, pictured in Decorative Art of Victoria's Era, a book found in the Walt Disney Imagineering Information Research Center in Glendale, California. 7.
Haunted Mansion failed at the box office due to a lack of good reviews and a boring story, despite a star-studded cast and nods to the Disney ride. The ghosts haunting the mansion won't let anyone leave, and Ben discovers a dark and vengeful spirit controlling the house. With teamwork and a willing sacrifice, the group banishes the spirit and decides to stay in the haunted mansion, celebrating with a Halloween party. Simply by the sheer number of popular figures present in the film, the Haunted Mansion remake has the superior cast. The film also includes Jamie Lee Curtis as Madame Leota, which tips the scales in Haunted Mansion's favor. 
Ben's life hasn't been the same since his wife, Alyssa (Charity Jordan), died in a car accident, and so the character was originally slated for a rather devastating ending, as opposed to the more upbeat version that's in theaters now. The project marks the second theatrical film adaptation of the ride, following 2003's The Haunted Mansion starring Eddie Murphy. Please visit haunted hous
A Few Decent Laughs Can't Save Disney's Haunted Mansion. Disney's new Haunted Mansion is a hot mess, but it's a sporadically entertaining one. For a film that's based on a fun and spooky ride, it failed to deliver on both. Sure, there were funny moments but nothing ever felt fun. It lacked a spirit of adventure, probably due to the nature of confining the plot to a mansion. The Only Scary Thing About the New 'Haunted Mansion' Movie Is How Bad It Is. Disney's latest cash-grab film based on one of its theme park rides is egregiously corny, lazy, predictable, and without a fright to be found.
“Haunted Mansion,” rated PG-13 for “some thematic elements and scary action,” is based on the Disneyland ride of the same name. The movie features a mother, played by Rosario Dawson, and her son, played by Chase Dillon, who move into a haunted home in Louisiana and learn they cannot leave.
There are frightening moments throughout. Haunted Mansion, of course, dabbles in light horror elements during its two-hour runtime. While the scary moments can be startling and loud, most are not for sustained for long periods of time.
Good ideas in this anime get lost in a disappointing, convoluted plot. The Haunted House attempts to juggle too many ideas at once and misses the mark. Mysteries are overly complicated, and the visuals and sound effects can be quite scary, which may not be suitable for young kids.  Real ghosts visit.
People who have experienced McKamey Manor have shared truly horrifying accounts of what has allegedly taken place from near drowning and possibly being buried alive to much worse. While there is a safe word, people have claimed that it's pretty much useless and the experience isn't over until McKamey says it is.
Many haunted houses are believed to contain ghosts. They can also contain the spirits of dead people. The rumour that a house is haunted often starts after something violent or tragic happens in the house, such as a murder or suicide.
They're often surrounded by dead trees and plants. The windows are dark and filled with shadows that play tricks on your eyes. On the inside, haunted houses are filled with things like dust, cobwebs, creaking doors, cockroaches, mist, shadows, ripped curtains, ghosts, rats, and rot. I would say the movie is best for more mature kids, but if your kiddo is not phased by jump scares and creepy things, by all means let them watch it. Regarding suicide: 1. The Ghost Host in the ride this movie is based on committed suicide, so this movie deals with the subject. 2.
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jimbuchan · 10 months
It Doesn't Matter If It’s A White Cat Or A Black Cat As Long As It Catches Mice
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There are two schools of thought regarding the management philosophy of your CRM... or more specifically, your thought-process of end-user accessibility. For some CIO's the lion's share of the time should be dedicated to ensuring the ease of use is at 100% while others choose to take a more lax approach. Both have their advantages, but for the best mix of productivity and adoption, a careful mix of both sides of the equation should be applied. That is to say a modern design that's appealing, but yet not a work of art. While the most opportune scenario of striking a good balance between the two is best done at the outset of the construction phase of your CRM, finding the right solution can be done at any point in your CRM rollout... even if you have just completed onboarding. Regardless the timeframe, some of the criteria to consider in the eyes of your internal customer when planning how they will use your system may deviate from what you have in your playbook, but yet can make a large impact to your bottom line which all comes back to usage, not perfection. Rollout of Technology Based On Resources As the title of this post suggests, the idea is to get to the end-result by whatever means necessary, using the expertise that you already have. This is not to say that you can't increase your head-count based on specialized knowledge when needed, but generally-speaking with many CRM options which are cloud-based (such as Salesforce.com), you can choose to develop manually (using code) or declaratively (out of the box using the on-board platform). As a yardstick, consider a team of 10, supporting an organization of 500 active users. On the surface, it may seem like 1 person supporting 50 people, but the reality is that not all of these people on the team are CRM experts, and 2 may be in management roles, making the ratio even thinner. This being a reality for many organizations, the focus which will shape the overall mindset for ongoing development will be in the continual pursuit of the ideal candidate who is fluent in all 'languages' or leveraging the knowledge that is readily available. Taking Salesforce as an example, there are hundreds of permutations when it comes to areas of expertise, from Marketing-related clouds to Finance to Sales. Then, added to the equation are the purpose-specific third-party applications available via the AppExchange from Digital Signatures to Mapping Solutions to PDF Generation and you have a situation where you can either take a planned, confident approach or continually be on a hiring binge. With the latter (custom AppExchange apps), the good news is that they are managed-packages, meaning that you need only be cognizant of a few fo their features as the set-up / install process is the same for all apps, with the ramp-up time for both user and developer almost on-par with the learning curve your kids have when installing a new game on their tablets. When it comes to core development within Salesforce (Accounts, Opportunities, Cases, etc.) the answer is not as easy, but it's simple... meaning that if you follow a basic philosophy, regardless of the size of project, the time to deliver should always be rapid. Ease Of Use Or Paint Job The delays come (majority of the time) when there is no clear mandate as far as the development process which has the double-negative effect of not thinking on behalf of the end-user (or, your 'internal' customer). Take for instance a related object for tracking multiple Maintenance Requests within Opportunities where 15 fields are required. The request came in from the sales team, with the importance being on the naming of the fields and the importing of the data, which up until now has been done via an editable PDF. When the request was handed over to the development team, layout, design, field-type and estimate timeframes were discussed as always, and as it should be. When it came to the wireframe / design-phase of the pages containing the 15 fields, 1 person suggested that the fields be on-par to the layout of the original PDF which had 3 columns of fields (or 5 rows of 3 fields per line). This was then presented to the management team which then green-lighted the project to not only have the same field-structure, but also to look exactly like the layout of the original PDF.
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While in some organizations this may not have been a challenge, however with the small number of admins on the Salesforce team, none of them were Apex / Visualforce developers, which was a requirement to go outside of the native environment of a 1 or 2 column layout. This could have easily been overcome by taking the intermediate step of going back to the requestors of the project to ask if they required a 3-row page, or if a 2-row version would suffice. By explaining the difference as far as development time to the person(s) requesting the application, it's overwhelmingly likely they would choose a shorter timeframe in a slightly modified design (especially as it's only 15 fields) as opposed to looking for a developer who had this skillset, and thus delaying the project. The moral being that developers must also play the role of facilitator and educate where need be so that situations such as this are avoided. CRM, like the development of a physical structure can be either planned intuitively with room for change/improvement, or designed by the book, without leeway. The danger with being so focused on a single agenda is that alternative suggestions (be it positive or not) are quickly shelved, and thus opening the door to issues which may arise later on, and in these cases some of these 'overlooked' items are often costly. The projects which are delivered in the shortest timeframe possible, while achieving the end-result of what the 'buyer' had in mind are the ones that command the most respect. With technology-related pursuits, it's a given that there will be continual changes made over time from that of the original checklist of items, but if we (i) never made the customer an active member of the planning phase or (ii) waiting for everything to be spot-on without context, the end-result would never be achieved (or at best have varying degrees of success).
Title image by W. Robinson (via Gutenburg.com, The Giant Crab)  |  Quote by Deng Xiaopin Wireframe Art by Noiz Architects
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smitpatel1420 · 1 year
Is Node.js Killing Python And PHP?
When developing application software, it's crucial to choose the best technology stack, especially the backend technology that will power your entire web or mobile application. That’s not always easy because of the many alternatives for the technology on the back end, with Node.js, PHP, and Python being the most frequent. Each of the three technologies stands out due to its distinct features. Others contend that in the highly disruptive technology environment of today, Node.js is displacing PHP and Python as the backend programming language of choice by the majority of organizations.
What is Node.js?
Node. js is an open-source server-side platform for running JavaScript programs. The vast array of JavaScript modules it offers facilitates the creation of web applications.
What is Python?
Python is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language that is often used to build websites, software, and automate procedures.
What is PHP?
The most popular Node.js substitute is PHP, one of the most frequently used server-side programming languages. Personal Home Page was the original meaning of the language's name. Eventually, a recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor was created.
What is the Impact of Node.js on Python and PHP?
PHP and Node.js have both been impacted. Beginning with the architecture of an application, Node.js has streamlined development by standardizing on a single language for both the client and server sides. This eliminates the need for programmers to learn several languages by allowing JavaScript to be used for both front-end and back-end development.
Python, PHP, or Node.js: Which One Is the Best?
Major corporations currently employ all of the aforementioned best backend technologies. The optimal course of action will be determined by the details of your project and the type of web application you wish to create. Many various kinds of businesses enthusiastically adopt new technology, particularly when those businesses take into account the previous use of the technologies. For the best performance, regardless of the type of business you run, you should think about implementing some or all of these backend technologies.
Will Node.js eventually replace Python and PHP?
It could be challenging to find what you need in the complicated world of computer languages. Businesses use Python, PHP, and Node.js in the same field. Depending on the particulars of your project, each of them has benefits and drawbacks of their own. The same types of web-based software are available on all three of these platforms, which are all free. This shows that popular scripting languages like Python and PHP are not in danger from Node.js.You might be able to locate developers to assist you if you wish to employ Node.js for your upcoming project.
Node.js, PHP, and Python are the most popular backend technologies, yet none stands out as being better than the others. We hope that after reading this text, you have a better understanding of these three technologies. For various factors, each of these three technologies is creating a stir in the tech world.
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estelledarcy · 2 years
Regardless of whether they are from a technical or non-technical background, most individuals have heard of the programming language Python. However, if you're curious in what Python coding is and how it works, let's start with a straightforward illustration. Have you ever completed an online form fast because your address, phone number, and other details were saved on your system? I'm happy to see you utilised Python. This programming language has several typical use cases that are dispersed across our daily lives. Thus, it is accurate to state that Python is ingrained in our digital worlds.
What Python is may be answered in a number of ways. It is a programming language, to start. It may be categorised as a fourth-generation programming language in terms of timeframe. Python is a high-level programming language that has a very simple syntax and permits syntactic reuse. This makes maintaining web structures built with Python really simple. Additionally, Python employs a "glue" language to link parts of various data structures and allows dynamic semantics. Python essentially makes it possible for many of our contemporary digital experiences, such as using Over The Top (OTT) streaming services or adding products to a shopping cart on an e-commerce website.
One of the fundamental programming languages used for web development is Python. It provides complex content management systems like Plone and Django CMS as well as frameworks like Django and Pyramid, micro-frameworks like Flask and Bottle, and micro-frameworks like Flask and Bottle. Python is a viable alternative for web development since it also supports a number of well-known internet protocols, including HTML and XML. One of the features that may be investigated with this programming language is automation.
Python is an excellent place to start if you're attempting to learn how to code for the first time. Python is really basic and straightforward to learn, making it a great language for beginning programmers. Python is a key component of the majority of educational institution curricula's breadth.
Python is a fourth-generation programming language, as we've already said. In the Netherlands, at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Guido van Rossum created it in the late 1980s. In computer circles, a fun fact regarding this coding language is frequently mentioned. It goes like this:
Python coding is what? What exactly does the name "Python" mean? Is it the name of the developer's preferred animal or an acronym? Really, there is none. The word "Python" is a reference to the BBC comedy programme Monty Python Flying Circus, which the creator was watching while creating this programming language.
More than 12,000 job vacancies for professionals who are familiar with Python coding are now listed on LinkedIn. The fact that learning Python coding qualifies you for a lot of work prospects persists despite the fact that this quantity may fluctuate depending on the state of the labour market.
It is one of Python's key benefits. The syntax of the high-level programming language Python is comparable to that of English. As a result, the code is simpler to read and understand.
Many people suggest Python to newbies since it is so simple to pick up and learn. There are less lines of code needed to achieve the same goal as compared to other well-known languages like C/C++ and Java.
Any platform, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows, can run Python code.
Python enables you to build complex web apps, do data analysis and machine learning, automate activities, crawl the web, develop games, and produce stunning visualisations. Python is one of several languages that programmers must master for a variety of positions.
You may already be aware that Python has dynamic typing. This implies that while writing the code, you do not need to define the type of the variable.
There is duck typing. But wait—that? what's It only states that anything is a duck if it looks like one. Although this facilitates programmers' coding, run-time errors may result.
Python's simplicity, speed, ease of installation, and cross-platform portability are some of its benefits. The downsides of Python, on the other hand, are its poor execution speed, dearth of libraries, and other issues. Let's learn more about Python's benefits and drawbacks in general.
You now understand what Python is and its benefits and drawbacks.
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platinumtitta · 2 years
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Google Play costs $25 as a one-time developer fee to publish apps. It has a different amount set up for the users for publishing their apps. Google Play Store Fee - 2020Īfter learning about the Apple App Store, it is time to find out how much does it cost to put an app on Google Play Store. To publish your app on the Apple App Store, you should get to know that Apple App Store Fee for the users an amount of $99 on an annual basis as a cost to publish apps. Let us find out how much does it cost to put an app on the App stores - Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Talking about the cost for App Stores, different App Stores have different amounts to be paid for publishing the apps. How much does it cost to put an app on the App store?
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Upload Android Package Kit to an App releaseįollow the above-listed steps to get the app published on the Google Play Store. Prepare Store Listing such as product details, graphic assets, languages and translations, categorization, contact details, privacy policy, and others required Let us check out the steps to get the app published on Google Play Store: The platform has its own set of rules and regulations that users need to follow to avoid any future issues. Play Store is available on the Home Screen on most of the Android devices. Google Play Store is one of the largest platforms for promoting, selling and distributing Android apps. Go through the above-mentioned steps and follow them to submit your app to the Apple App Store successfully. To publish your app on the Apple App Store, follow below-mentioned steps:Ĭreate an App Store Production CertificateĬollect the required information such as name and icon of the app, detailed features, separate keywords, support, marketing, and privacy policy URLs, rating based questionnaire, copyright and demo account.
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Get the references based on the Apple product that you own, find out the accessories compatible with your device and you can easily upgrade it to a new iPhone from the current one. Apple App StoreĪpple App Store offers a more personal way to get the latest Apple accessories and products. We will talk about two kinds of app stores where you can submit your app – Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Firstly, let us go through the below-mentioned steps to make sure that you publish your app on the App Store successfully. Users have to pay the app store fee as a cost to publish apps, to make them available for download and installation. There are also some third-party app stores available online, for example, the Cydia for jailbroken iOS Apple devices and Amazon Appstore for Android.
Apple ios store update#
They can browse the software, purchase (if a commercial software), download and install, and update it through their device's app store.Īll the major mobile operating system vendors, including Google, Blackberry, Microsoft and Apple have their app stores, which gives the ability to control the applications available on their platforms.
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Web browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have their app stores, from where users can download and install Web-based applications.Īn App Store offers a group of free and commercial software, pre-approved for use on users’ devices. The concept of creating an app store became common with the rise of tablets and smartphones, but it has now been extended to desktop operating systems and Web browsers. What is an App Store?Īn app store is an online portal for the customers through which they can download or purchase software and programs. In the content further, I will walk you through the meaning, definition of App Store, the steps for how you can publish your app on the app store and how much does it cost to put an app on the app store. I am here to make sure that you publish your app to the App Store properly. Though it is not as simple as pressing a launch button but not as complicated as it seems either. Publishing an app on an App store is just a matter of a few clicks. Whether you are ready to launch your first app or if it has been a while since the last time. By Abhinav Girdhar | Updated on July 29, 2021, 4:54 am
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mostjust · 2 years
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A simple user interface tuned for drag-n-drop.
It also allows you to drag and drop of multiple files at once and let it do most of the work for you. the program offers a neat and clean interface with self-explaining tools and features that make renaming and organizing media files a breeze. It comes in handy when you want to select packs of files that include complete seasons or, in the majority of cases, a large number of files that is very difficult to manage.
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freeload filebot elite license key crack.įileBot Elite License key Crack is an excellent application that can download subtitles, automatically recognize TV shows, film, and series names, download relevant information and artwork, and much more.
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It is an intelligent tool which can automatically match your files with information from your preferred online database, and then rename and organize everything perfectly for you.It offers a perfect solution to manage folders full of downloaded files with unrecognizable names. It is an efficient and handy tool that will help you organize your files through various automation tasks, making your life much easier. It also allows you to search for the subtitles in different languages. Quite simply an essential tool for anyone with a large digital media collection.FileBot Elite Crack allows you to store, manage and rename your favorite TV series. Take the time to learn its secrets, however, and you’ll find FileBot is an essential tool in any digital media library toolkit. It does take a little getting used to, though, making FileBot a better choice for more experienced media users.
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There’s also integration with uTorrent (Windows), Transmission (Mac) and Deluge (Linux) for working with media downloaded from the internet.ĭespite all this power, Filebot employs a relatively straightforward user interface: drag your files in, choose a naming convention, pick your metadata partner, preview the results and then click to rename. It’ll even download artwork where possible. If you want full control over how your files are named and embedded with additional information including metadata and subtitles, you need FileBot.įileBot’s versatility lies in the fact you have complete control over the naming process – different media solutions recognise different naming conventions, and FileBot allows you to match up your files to whatever media servers you intend to marry them with.įileBot works with movies, music and TV shows, and supports fetching metadata and naming information from a wide range of sources, including TheTVDB, TVRage, OpenSubtitles and MusicBrainz. Some tools like Collbee will appeal by making the process as simple as possible, but it’s restrictive and only works in Windows. Even better if that app can also add extra information like TV episode name, plus embedded metadata and even download artwork. What you need is an app that can automate the process for you. Most media servers come with their own naming guides, which is fine for new titles you add, but a major pain if it means you face the prospect of renaming and organising hundreds of existing files. When it comes to building your digital media collection, naming your files is a crucial part of the process if you want them to be picked up and recognised by your media server.
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lackbrains · 2 years
Problems Faced by NLP Practitioners and Developers
The majority of the difficulties come from data complexity as well as features like sparsity, variety, and dimensionality, and therefore the dynamic properties of the datasets. NLP continues to be a young technology; therefore, there’s plenty of room for engineers and businesses to tackle the many unsolved problems that include deploying NLP systems.
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Introduction To NLP
NLP is a branch of computer science or artificial intelligence that deals with a way to manage communication between machines and humans using natural language. NLP includes machines or robots that understand human language, the way we speak, so they can truly communicate with us. It implies the natural processing of human language. You probably heard these names in some places: Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, and Cortana. Presently, it is the right time to add another option to this list.
LakeBrains Technologies
LakeBrains Technologies is an AI-powered innovative product development company. Lakebrains has developed deep expertise in the development of NLP Service Provider Company (Sentiment & Behavior Analysis), Web Application, Browser Extension Development, and HubSpot-CMS. In our short period of spam, we have majorly worked on SaaS-based applications in sales, customer care, and the HR field.
1. Training Data
NLP is principally about studying the language, and to be proficient, it’s essential to spend a considerable amount of time listening to, reading, and understanding it. NLP systems target skewed and inaccurate data to find out inefficiently and incorrectly.
2. Development Time
The total time taken to develop an NLP system is higher. AI evaluates the info points to process them and use them accordingly. The GPUs and deep networks work on training the datasets, which will be reduced by some hours. The per-existing NLP technologies can help in developing the merchandise from scratch.
3. Language Differences
In the United States, the majority speak English, but if you’re thinking of reaching a global and/or multicultural audience, you’ll have to provide support for multiple languages. Different languages have not only vastly different sets of vocabulary but also differing types of phrasing, different modes of inflection, and different cultural expectations. You’ll be able to resolve this issue with the assistance of “universal” models that may transfer a minimum of some learning to other languages. However, you’ll still have to spend time retraining your NLP system for every new language.
4. Phrasing Ambiguities
Sometimes, it’s hard for an additional creature to parse out what someone means once they say something ambiguous. There might not be a transparent, concise aspiring to be found in a very strict analysis of their words. So as to resolve this, an NLP system must be ready to seek context that will help it understand the phrasing. It should also have to ask the user for clarity.
5. Misspellings
Misspellings are a straightforward problem for human beings; we are able to easily associate a misspelled word with its properly spelled counterpart, and seamlessly understand the remainder of the sentence within which it’s used. Except for a machine, misspellings may be harder to spot. You must use an NLP tool with the capability to acknowledge common misspellings of words and move beyond them.
6. Innate biases
In some cases, NLP tools can carry the biases of their programmers as well as biases within the information sets that train them. An NLP could exploit and/or reinforce societal biases, or it could provide a better experience to some users than others. It’s challenging to form a system that works equally well in all situations with all people.
7. Words with Multiple Meaning
No language is ideal, and most languages have words that might have multiple meanings depending on the context. For instance, a user who asks, “how are you?” incorporates a totally different goal than a user who asks something like “how do I add a replacement credit card?” With the help of context, good NLP technologies should be able to distinguish between these sentences.
8. Phrases with multiple intentions
Some phrases and questions even have multiple intentions, so your NLP system can’t oversimplify matters by interpreting only one of these intentions. As an example, a user may prompt your chatbot with something like, “I must cancel my previous order and update my card on file.” Your AI must be able to distinguish these intentions separately.
9. False positives and uncertainty
A false positive occurs when an NLP notices a phrase that ought to be understandable and/or addressable but can not be sufficiently answered. The answer here is to develop an NLP system that may recognize its own limitations and use questions or prompts to clear up the paradox.
10. Keep a Conversation Moving
Many modern NLP applications are built on dialogue between people and machines. Accordingly, your NLP AI must be able to keep the conversation moving, providing additional inquiries to collect more information and always pointing toward an answer.
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Natural Language Processing is the practice of training machines to understand and interpret conversational contributions from people. NLP-supported Machine Learning is also accustomed to establishing communication channels between humans and machines. NLP can assist organizations and people with saving time, further developing proficiency, and increasing consumer loyalty.
While natural language processing has its drawbacks, it still provides plenty of benefits for each company. Many of those obstacles are going to be torn down within the next few years as new approaches and technology emerge on a daily basis. Machine learning techniques supported by linguistic communication processing could also be used to evaluate large quantities of text in real-time for previously unobtainable insights.
If you’re managing a project utilizing NLP, one of the best ways to tackle these problems is to use a set of NLP tools that exist already and might facilitate your solving a number of these hurdles quickly. Utilize the efforts and creativity of others to supply a stronger product for your consumers.
LakeBrains Technologies
LakeBrains Technologies is an AI-powered innovative product development company. Lakebrains has developed deep expertise in the development of NLP Service Provider Company (Sentiment & Behavior Analysis), Web Application, Browser Extension Development, and HubSpot-CMS. In our short period of spam, we have majorly worked on SaaS-based applications in sales, customer care, and the HR field.
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softprodigyus · 2 years
MVP Development : Why You Should Hire MEAN Stack Developers?
Today’s software development requires comprehensive solutions, and that’s why modern businesses hire MEAN Stack developers. Some startup ideas are extremely difficult to convert into the product you actually dreamt of. For instance, you may face major budgetary constraints when it comes to developing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Thankfully, technologies like MEAN Stack development can bring an answer to such difficulties.
Understanding the MVP with the best MEAN stack Development Company
It’s true that most startups fail due to funding issues. Before investing money, make sure you validate your business idea. Find out whether or not it has any prospect of success. That’s when you need to build a minimum viable product, which is a technique of developing a new product with enough features to satisfy early adopters. 
The final version is only designed and developed after considering feedback from these early adopters or users. If you receive positive feedback, then you are ready to develop a full-fledged product. 
The main goal of MVP is to ensure that your product fits market requirements, making it a huge potential for start-up companies that are striving hard to convert their creative ideas into reality. Following this approach minimizes the risk of product failure, gets the initial feel of the product, and saves time.
What is MEAN Stack Development?
As an open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic websites and web apps, MEAN supports programs that are written in JavaScript and written in one language for both server-side and client-side execution environments. It is named after MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node – the four main technologies that make up the layers of the stack. The process of MEAN Stack development consists of three different layers. 
Presentation Layer: This one is the frontend portion of your MVP product, which deals with the look and feel of the product. Hire MEAN Stack developers and build the UI with some basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Moving forward, it is crucial to have enough experience with advanced JavaScript frameworks. 
Logic Layer: This is the backend of your product and empowers the frontend. It helps MEAN Stack developers to use server-side programming languages to write the business logic and develop the backend of your product. Here, hire MEAN Stack developers because they have enough expertise and experience in writing business logic. 
Database Layer: The database layer is a part of the backend. Make sure MEAN Stack developers you hire have a good knowledge of both relational and non-relational databases that often have different objectives to address different data management requirements. 
Top Reasons to Hire MEAN Stack Developers for Creating an MVP
Since MEAN Stack development is a combination of frontend and backend development, it is a complete package for MVP development. Here are the top reasons to hire the best MEAN Stack development company for your MVP development project.
Complete Knowledge of MVP Development 
What makes MEAN Stack developers different from other developers is that they are able to focus on both client-side and server-side programming. This means they are abreast of the changes and challenges associated with developing an MVP. In fact, these developers are equally good at coding and UI designing. 
More Adaptive to the Latest Technologies  
Compared to specialized web and app developers, MEAN Stack developers are generally more adaptive to trending technologies, tools, and techniques. So, when your MVP needs an instant upgrade, they can quickly learn, adapt, and improvise. On top of that, hire MEAN Stack developers because they can easily switch between frontend and backend.
Budget-friendly Solutions 
It’s the ability to develop cost-effective solutions that make MEAN stack developers popular among startup businesses. With excellent domain and subject knowledge, they are the best team of developers to hire. After all, you don’t have to hire individual developers separately to get a specific task done. So, hire MEAN Stack developers for your web project.
Next-level Project Management
MEAN Stack developers can take full ownership of the MVP development project and deliver the expected results better than others. This is because they can ably handle end-to-end projects and take project management to a whole new level. As a complete team of seasoned MEAN Stack developers, they can navigate the project, conduct quality assurance, deploy the project, and so on.
Fast and Timely Delivery 
Since MEAN Stack developers work as a team, this makes the entire MVP development project faster, better, and stronger. It’s the coordination that makes the delivery of the project fast. Also, maintaining an MVP is easier. As a result, you may receive positive reviews from early adopters.
Exceptional Customer Relations 
When you hire MEAN Stack developers, you are sure to build excellent customer relationships after-sales support. With these developers fully aware of the latest technologies and updates, the process of maintaining your MVP gets simplified. This may boost your customer’s confidence and result in growth prospects.
Concluding Thoughts 
You see, why it’s a great idea to outsource your MVP development project to an experienced team of MEAN Stack developers. In addition to everything said above, these developers can also focus on other aspects of your startup, including branding, marketing, and launch. So, are you confident about your startup idea? Ready to give it a go? Hire MEAN Stack developers today.
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kim680 · 2 years
Emerging Trends for Mobile App Development
The increasing demand for more functional apps has led to widespread interest in mobile app development, especially among the self-employed, and independent game developers. Anyone can create an app that could become the next smash hit, like, the indie game, Flappy Bird, which earned 50 thousand dollars every day, at the peak of its popularity, which led to a huge success for the small developer!
There are several areas of interest in the development of mobile applications that today's mobile app developers need to pay attention to. New technologies and old ones who are on their own feet, and with a spurt of new programming languages of 2021 has a lot in store for you, not only for consumers but also for the developers.
Here's what you need to know about it.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will continue to grow
Artificial intelligence is not a new thing, and it is going to be used in an increasing number of industries in the years to come. The International Data Corporation estimated that the AI market will reach $ 45 billion by 2022, IDC says that the worldwide spending on artificial intelligence and cognitive systems will reach $ 77.6 billion in 2022!
Blockchain technology is increasingly being used
Over the past few years have seen the development of blockchain technology, and this trend is expected to continue in the years to come. The major financial institutions and investors have benefited greatly from this technology, especially when it comes to their resources. Transparency Market Research estimates that the blockchain technology market will reach $ 20 billion by 2024. This means that mobile apps are becoming more and more in use in 2021 and, expected to increase at a later period app developers sacramento ca.
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A growing number of on-demand apps
On-demand apps are the ones that act as intermediaries between service providers and customers. In the world of apps, it is becoming more interesting in 2021, as more and more providers will offer on-demand apps in the marketplace. Uber and Taxify are a few of the companies that have recently gained a lot of popularity, with on-demand app services. Appinventiv, says that the on-demand app market reached $ 106.83 million in 2017. Technical analysts are saying that this is only going to grow in 2021 and beyond.
Chatbots Will Have A Wide Field Of Application
Recent trends in mobile apps, giving you that chatbots can occupy several lines of communications in the mobile app world. Part of the increased adoption of chatbots is due to the need for real-time interaction between the customers and the suppliers. It is important to keep in mind that this technology circumvents the need for human-to-human interaction.
Gartner claims that chatbots will be responsible for 85% of all customer interactions by the end of 2021. An interesting (or worrying) prediction is that the average person begins to interact more with chatbots than with their partners.
Mobile app for supremacy, is growing
Mobile technology is becoming more widespread all around the world. Statistics predicts that the number of wearable devices will reach 1029 million in 2022, out of 453 million in 2017. We have to assume that mobile devices and apps will soon be a part of your everyday life.
It is expected that the app developer will be able to create apps for mobile devices, which are dominated by the smartwatch. 2021 promises to bring more and more mobile devices in the market, with more advanced applications and technologies, from fitness bands, watches, and Instagram apps.
Instant Apps will have to be paid
Mobile apps are sure to remind you of their user-friendly and memory-efficient features. Instant apps are native apps that are more user-friendly, smaller and easier to use than traditional web apps. This is due to using instant apps, there is no need for downloading. As the name suggests, this app can be accessed without the need to launch a specific app.
With more and more users asking for a better user experience and faster page load times, instant apps will no doubt become more and more common in 2021, to reduce or eliminate the waiting period that is required for the installation of the app.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Will be used more widely
Virtual reality and Augmented Reality will continue to stay in the market for some time, and 2021 will see more widespread adoption and proliferation of these technologies. Mobile app development trends show that AR and VR technology is not only for the improvement of the quality of the gaming and other apps, but it can also be used in several different use cases.
In 2021, you can expect to see a mobile app developer have a greater mobile experience in AR and VR, and more with compatible hardware on the market, and the party's just beginning.
Statista predicts that the global AR and VR market is expected to increase to $ 209 billion in 2022, up from $ 27 billion in 2018.
Rapid Development Of the Mobile Pages (AMP) will Speed up
The accelerated mobile pages (AMP) is an open-source initiative by Google, and Twitter, to enhance the performance of web pages on mobile devices. The technology of accelerated mobile pages will make it easier and faster to allow lightweight pages to load more quickly on smartphones and tablets. We have to assume that the mobile app developers in 2021 will be more active in the use of this technology to speed up the load time of your mobile devices.
Mobile Payment Will Be Made
As the demand for mobile apps, portfolios, programs and methods have increased significantly since 2019, this trend looks set to continue in 2021. Methods of creating a mobile app, a portfolio, preferred mobile phone users, and a variety of apps for integration of payment methods is significantly changing with the ways customers shop.
With all of the new trends in mobile applications, the spread of mobile payments and Internet-based services such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, you can pay by more such payment apps like PayPal, Bhim UPI, PhonePe, Paytm, Amazon Pay and Mobikwik.
Currently, each successful and popular mobile application should consist of at least three or four active forms of payment methods, including Google Pay, Bhim UPI, Amazon Pay, Paytm, PayPal, credit and debit cards, gift cards, and other mobile wallets. Further, the expansion of mobile payments is expected to occur in 2021.
IoT Opens Up New Opportunities
The IoT, or Internet of Things, is already well-established, and over the next five years, more than 5 billion people are expected to use IoT-related technology, in one
form or the other. Today, the Internet is available in the current mobile technologies, smart thermostats, smart light bulbs, dimmable lighting, etc.
The following year, the provisions of articles associated with the development of mobile apps, expect to see this technology soon be implemented in the mobile application development while providing a more personalized user experience across multiple devices.
Cloud platforms will continue to grow
No surprises! From an average consumer to a tech professional, they've all heard about the benefits of cloud-based technology and how it can help transform our collective lives. Today, the cloud is not only fast, easy-to-implement, and affordable, but it's also a great place for you to work for both large corporations and small scale enterprises. In 2021, there will be more cloud-based applications, and new technologies are going to be increasingly based on cloud-based technologies.
Your Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, are just the tip of the iceberg. In 2021, we can expect to see the new, cutting-edge apps that run directly in the cloud, and they take up very little space in your mobile phone storage. Data-teaching will work
with an app on your phone, and also continue to prolific on your tablet or desktop computer, and it is now becoming more and more common.
For business mobile apps are getting a new life
It's no secret that more and more developers are leaning in the direction of the development of enterprise mobile applications. One of the main reasons for this is that these applications make it easy for you to communicate with a large team, and keep track of your important data and key performance indicators, which are almost required for both small and large businesses, now, to a certain extent.
43% of enterprise app developers are earning over $ 10,000 per month, as compared to 19% of the people involved in the development of customer-facing applications. Enterprise app stores are expected to be the next big thing, as well as more B2B interactions, and new engineers have a wealth of opportunities.
Location-Based Wi-Fi Services Will Become A Commodity
Mobile location services and Beacon technology have started to blur the boundaries between online and offline advertising, especially in the retail sector. Apple had already integrated the technology within iBeacon, and in 2016 Android followed their footsteps.
Over the years, the Wi-Fi network is not only used to provide access to the Internet, more and more public access points are also doubled down on a location for the access point. App developers need to follow this example, and the creation of apps that take advantage of services such as Wi-Fi internet access included, based on your current location.
m-Commerce will be a major challenge
As e-commerce giants such as Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, eBay are examples of hugely successful m-Commerce apps, the development of the use of the m-Commerce app, can be expected to increase in the coming years. With a large number of smartphones, using technologies such as NFC, fingerprint recognition, etc., etc. Using a mobile device or a transaction, in particular, you will also find that you are ready to accept the fact that app developers can take advantage of m-Commerce applications that will be able to help provide additional functionality to the end-user.
High-quality UX will be the norm of the day
In addition to having a great look, smartphone users today expect their apps to be more intuitive and to provide more relevant content that best suits their likes and dislikes. In the upcoming periods, developers will have to focus on answering the customer's questions of whether the app is safe, secure, or too much of the user's rights, and so on.
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