#and kill people . and have brothers who look just like them . and
thevoidstaredback · 2 days
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
A knock on the door was not what Danny was expecting that evening. In the two weeks of observation and one week of actually staying with the man, Danny had figured that Dick, for as friendly as he is, did not have many friends. And if he did, they didn't visit him a lot, if at all. So, a knock on the door exactly thirty minutes before Nightwing was set to go out was a suspicious surprise.
He answered it anyway.
On the other side of the door was a kid about his age, an inch or two taller. He had dark hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes, and eyebags dark enough to rival Danny's own. He also smelled faintly of coffee.
"Um," Danny started dumbly. "Hello?"
"I'm looking for Richard Grayson." The kid's accent was stronger than Dick's, putting him as a born and raised Gotham resident. There was also a hint of something that reminded Danny of Sam's parents. This kid comes from money.
"And you are?"
Obviously upset about being stalled, he huffed, "Timothy Drake. Are you going to let me in now?"
How does someone sound so rude and so polite at the same time? Obviously a skill Danny needs to learn. "Why-"
"Who's at the door, Danny?" Dick called from the hallway, making his way closer. He was in his Nightwing costume, minus the mask, but had covered it with a hoodie and sweatpants.
"Tim Drake," Tim introduced himself again, pushing Danny out of the way and entering the apartment to greet Dick with a handshake. "You're Bruce's Wayne's kid, Richard 'Dick' Grayson."
"Yeah, that's-"
"You need to come back and be Robin again."
There was a moment of silence as Danny closed the door softly. Then, "Excuse me?" Dick's smile was strained and his eyes narrowed slightly.
"You need to come back and be Batman's Robin again. You don't have to don the suit, but he needs you." There was a hint of desperation in Tim's voice now. "He's been spiraling since Jason died, and he's starting to hit harder. Most of the guys he beats up end up in the emergency room! Some of them have even died from their injuries! Batman needs your help! He needs a Robin."
Dick was quiet for a moment. "No."
"I won't- I can't go back to being Robin. I can't go back to being in that house."
"Why not?"
"I just can't. Now, I don't know how you found me or how you found out who I was, but you need to go back to Gotham, Tim."
"Now, Tim. You're parent's are probably freaking out about where you are right now."
Tim didn't say anything for a long moment, he feet rooted in place. Just as Dick turned around to go to the fire escape, he spoke, "My parents don't care where I am." Louder, he said, "Bruce is going to start directly killing people if you don't go back there and help him."
"Why should I help him?" Dick demanded. "He didn't even tell me that my little brother had died! I didn't even get to go to his funeral! And then Bruce had the audacity to punch me in the face and blame me for not being there! I'm not going back to Gotham, I'm not putting on the Robin suit again, and I sure as hell am not going to help Batman. he made it clear that he works alone, so let him." With his peace said, Dick took his hoodie and sweatpants off, donned his domino and escrima sticks, and left through the window fifteen minutes early.
Neither Tim nor Danny said anything for a long few minutes, neither bothering to move. Too many thoughts in each of their heads with no way to properly form words.
Finally, after nearly seven minutes, Danny's voice broke through the air. "I'm sorry he yelled at you."
Tim, having forgotten Danny was there, jumped and turned to face him. "What?"
"He hasn't been the same since Jason died, not that I know what he was like before."
"What do you mean?"
Danny moved into the kitchen, pulling down two cups, filling them with water before offering one to Tim and leading him to sit down on the couch.
"I don't know a lot about the situation, I've only been here for three weeks now, but I know that Dick is still hurting. Nightmares, hallucinations, the works. He's been more violent recently, too, but obviously not as much as Batman has been."
"You, uh, you know?"
"Yeah. Kinda hard not to figure it out while living here, and you coming in today didn't help that." Tim blushed and sipped his water. "Though, like you, I showed up on Dick's doorstep already knowing he's Nightwing."
"Oh? And how well did that pan out for you?"
Danny shrugged. "I offered him help and refused to leave until he accepted it."
Tim laughed. "That's what I did to Bruce!"
They shared a smile. Danny lifted his cup as if to toast. "Here's to a couple of goblins with hero complexes." Tim lifted his cup to join Danny's toast and they both took a drink.
Giggling, the two finished their water in relative quiet, the air around them comfortable.
"Say," Tim asked, putting his cup down on the coffee table, "How old are you?"
"Fourteen. You?"
"You're parents know where you are?"
"Nope. I would ask if yours do, but you already answered that."
"Yeah, they aren't really around much. I did tell Alfred I'd be gone, though, so he knows I'm not home."
"Yeah, but does he know you're here?"
"Hm." A beat. "Who's Alfred?"
Another laugh startled out of Tim. "Bruce's butler. Did Dick tell you nothing?"
Danny shrugged again. "I haven't pushed for answers about anything; I'm not a therapist. I'm just here because he's going to end up killing himself at the rate he's been working himself."
"So is Bruce," Tim admitted softly, "But he's going to end up taking Gotham down with him if no one stops him."
"So what are you going to do?"
He thought for a long minute, weighing options in his mind before saying, "I guess I'll have to be the help he needs me to be."
Danny tilted his head sideways like a dog. "What do you mean?"
Tim squared his shoulders, though he was still hesitant. "Batman needs a Robin, and if Dick isn't going to be that for him, then I guess I'll have to be."
Another beat. "But do you want to be a vigilante?"
"Does it matter if I want to be?" Tim asks, "If I don't then no one will." He took a deep, steadying breath. "Gotham is my home. I can't let Bruce destroy it in his grief."
"I understand." Danny nodded, "But what you want does matter. I know I can't stop you, so I'm not going to try, but I'm going to make you promise me something." He made sure to hold Tim's gaze. "You ask for help when you need it." He held out his hand and waited.
"You're phone. Give it to me." Reluctantly, he did so. As soon as the flip phone was in his hand, Danny put his number in it before giving it back. 'You don't have to do this alone, okay, Tim? Promise that you'll call me when you need help, okay? Any time of day, I'll answer."
Tim stared at his now closed phone, the weight grounding him for a moment. "Are you going to be a vigilante to help Nightwing?"
"I already am."
"It's why I'm here, It's why I know I can't stop you and why I'm making sure you know I'll be here to help you."
Nothing else was said between the boys. Nothing else needed to be said.
Part 7
Tag List: @flame-343 @ghestie93 @anarinette @aglmry @peachtreewriter @evix-syne666 @loudlypanickinginvenezolano @lumosfeather18581 @blueliac @talia-scar123 @cyber-geist @violet-foxe @currentfandomkick @jaguarthecat @moonchild0924 @tonicmii @bushbees @idekwutoput @justalittleghostkid
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eternaldecisions · 13 hours
MAKE YOU MINE. — Chris Sturniolo.
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₊˚⊹⋆ PAIRING. Bfb!Hockey Captain!Chris & Cheerleader!Popular!femreader.
₊˚⊹⋆ SUMMARY. No long due everyone knew who you are, the popular captain of the cheerleader team, but who also knew you, was your bestfriend’s brother, the captain of the hockey team, Christopher Sturniolo, he was pretty disputed between girls, but it wasn’t hard to make him yours, but you needed to do a lot to have him officially wrapped around your finger.
₊˚⊹⋆ WARNINGS. Cursing, mentions of parting, sorta enemies to lovers trope, mentions of sex, sexual jokes, no actual smut yet, sorta of manipulation? first part of the series.
A/N - welcome to the mym series!
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I wanna lay you down
I wanna string you out
I wanna make you mine
“So, did you hear it?” No, I didn’t the only thing I could hear was the sounds of the bell ringing for the next class, students flooding the hallways as they try to make their way to the class, you and Sarah were only leaning against the lockers, letting the zone calm down before you both could go to the classes.
“What’s the new rumor?”
“Apparently Chris and Rachel had sex last night, at John’s party.” Sarah comments, not in a too loud tone, you knew how much this school would kill to know every little gossip that circulated around the popular kids.
“Rachel!?” Exclaiming, taking a look around hoping she wasn’t around, Rachel is one of the girls that is in your cheerleader team, she never really liked you, why? because you are the captain of the team.
Yes, she tried really hard to be the chosen one, but luck wasn’t on her side that day, I guess.
“Yes, and I guess she is now going around the school telling her little victory.” Sarah sing songs the last phrase, as a light chuckle escapes her lips.
“We know how much a whore she likes to be.”
“But hey, soonly Chris will know she was telling their business to everybody, and he will cut off things with her, I just know that!” Sarah looks away for a second, her gaze taking a look around.
“Anyway, She’ll get what she deserves and-“ You’re cut off by Chris and his group entering the hallways, melodies of various laughters felling your ears.
You couldn’t deny it, Chris itself knew he was fine, and he knew it so well by the many girls in the college wanting him, but, he was a bit more reserved to himself, he never had a really serious relationship with someone, and I wonder why.
Your eyes are fixated in Chris group, giggles and smirks going straight to your direction, all you could do was roll your eyes.
"Hey!" Sarah snaps at you, reality washing over your body again.
"I said who are you most excited to see at Sam's party?"
“Uh, I don’t know, I don’t feel like going in first place.”
“You’re kidding, a party is never the same when you aren’t there!” Sarah utters, she wouldn’t believe you weren’t going, you never skipped parties, why skip this one?
Many reasons floated in your head, and one of them is Chris and his group.
The guys locker room, how did you get there? Being popular and smart is a really big bonus if you crave male attention, but you were just there for a particular reason.
As you had left pe you realized your friend, Waylon, had left his sweater in the bleachers, and with being a good friend, you were giving it back to him.
Walking thru the corridors, hearing different male deep voices echoing thru your ears, every little step you took it brought you close to the guys.
Silently walking, you lean against a locker, as you hear your name being used in a conversation filled with laughter.
“Yo, the cheerleader captain has to be the lame ass girl ever.”
“Yeah bro, how is she even popular?”
“People like her for her body, we all know that, but i bet once you remove her push up bra there’s nothing under it.”
Laughter & more laughter filling your ears.
You aren’t surprised, and you aren’t also shocked that mostly of the words coming out of their mouth, is from Chris friend group.
“I only know about her because she is Colby’s sister, and because she is the captain of the team, but c’mon, don’t say shit like that because you never got in her pants.” Chris comments, a smirk spreading across your face, the popular guy respecting you and putting manners into their team, he really knew how to be a man.
But no, you couldn’t like him or think about him that way, he was your brother’s best friend, plus, you both never really liked each other by you and him bikering every chance you had when he was over your house for Colby.
Footsteps creeping up in the marble black floor start coming close to your direction, dropping Waylon’s sweater on the floor and quickly making your way out of the room.
Waylon’s stepping in to the place you were, taking a good look around, grabbing his sweater off the floor, before stating.
“Weird, thought somebody was here.”
“There has to be something going on to you make the decision not to go!” She articulates, a silly grin spreading across her face, Sarah could read you like a book, she knew when something was off.
“My brother and his stupid friends are making comments about me in the boy’s locker room, and trust me they are bad.”
“Really? Are you skipping this event for their dumbass group? You never let yourself down and this won’t be the time, so just forget about them, and instead have fun before ending college.”
A soft smile is formed in your face, taking your gaze to the popular friend group, taking a deep breath before starting to walk off to class.
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“Okay, new season started and we know what it means, new routine started!” Your coach, Marjorie mentions, earning grunts and sighs of disappointment from your team.
Every Wednesday Afternoons there was always Cheerleader practice, the same time Chris had practice, such a coincidence for Rachel coming late to all practices that day.
“Sorry, I’m late miss!” Rachel voice is echoed, Elena and Audrey starting to whisper among them about her, nobody in your team really liked her, for a fact, everyone would call her Regina George but 10x worse.
Rachel’s neck was covered in dark hickeys, her matte lipstick smeared, her wicked grin placed in her face like no other.
And on the other side, there was Chris coach, Charles, yelling at his team like there was no tomorrow, everyone around the campus always felt that Marjorie and Charles had a little bit of connection for both being coaches, and honestly, they do have.
Wednesday’s are always the worst days for a cheerleader, principal for a captain, being the one having to lead the whole team and guide them wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t also easy 2 hours of practice.
But sure it was fun tiring Rachel.
Drinking the last sips of water in your bottle, not satisfied enough, you call it a day, packing up your things starting to leave the girls changing room.
A sigh of relief for the whole day being finished, escapes your lips, suddenly, mid way thru the dark corridor, a male figure bumps into you, looking up, your face to face, with the school finest hockey captain.
Christopher Sturniolo.
“M’bad, I didn’t see you.” He remarks, he looked more handsome then he ever was, his hair strands forming little curls, the smell of his Dior Sauvage cologne filling up your nostrils, his plumped swollen red lips begging to be kissed, and if he asked, you would smooch his whole face without a doubt.
“Sure you didn’t.”
“Aren’t you the captain of the cheerleader te-“
“Sure I am.” You didn’t give time to him finish his phrase, slightly giving attitude to him, his signature smirk started forming in his lips.
“Well I know you.” He remarks, his hand combs thru his hair, as he interlocks eyes with you, an intense eye contact being shared between you both.
“Aren’t you Rachel’s boyfriend?”
“I wouldn’t call it that, but sure.” He replied, rolling his eyes, the intense eye contact is broke by him.
“I thought you could do it better than her.”
“Why you think that?”
“I can perfectly hear your conversation with Colby, talking about the girls you would get on their pants, and I remember perfectly fine when you said Rachel wasn’t all that.” Spilling it all you heard when he was over your house, your brother and him having deep conversations about women or even who they would hook up, you had everything figured out, and you surely did share a wall with your brother.
Chris stays silent, his jaw became clenched, he gripped onto his bag with more strength each second, a chuckle escape his lips, you look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“You know a lot don’t you?”
“I do.”
“You better keep that mouth shut if you don’t want me to ruin your little popular life.” He advises, the power look in your face disappears, you didn’t want look vulnerable in front of him, you didn’t want him to think you were that easy to stay weak.
“And how would you ruin-“
“You really think I don’t know what you been doing? You’ve hooked up with mostly of my team, I know what they say about you, and I know you aren’t that though girl you are in the exterior, but I do know you are as weak as much as you were in middle school.” He utters, he takes his left hand to move away your hair, having a better look of your exposed neck, his slender finger going up to your face, caressing your cheek.
“You better stay silent sweetheart.”
And with that, he begins walking away leaving you there alone, confused , was he really gonna try ruin your reputation? or was it all talk shit? thinking of the recent interaction with him, making you clench your thighs.
Was it wrong starting to fall for the popular guy in school, the one that would get all the girls he wanted like he was the prince charming?
You surely were, but you had an obstacle in your path, you just needed to ruin someone’s reputation first.
Maybe Rachel should watch her mouth and her behavior around you.
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taglist: @fawnchives @lanas-doll @mattscoquette @cannibalsclass comment if u wanna be on it!!
a/n: i had no idea how to wrap it up but i promise chapter two ill be GOOD.
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respectthepetty · 2 days
Pride Petty Watch (The Untamed) 1/?
I let the crowd pick which two blacklisted shows I would watch from my Petty List, so I flew through the first one knowing I had this 50-episode beast waiting for me. People have warned me that the first two episodes wouldn't make sense, there are a ton of characters to keep track of, I need to watch it at normal speed, and I need to keep the sound on. Therefore, I was already mad before I hit play, yet somehow I started the first episode, blacked out, and emerged five episodes later.
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Which means I like it so far, and here's some quick reasons why:
Before I start, these two better be an item because they are my favorite BTS song aka "🔥" and since I haven't seen them in the present yet, I'm fearing something happened to them in that great battle in the past, and if so, I'M GOING TO BE BE LIVID! I've had them for three whole minutes, and they are everything to me, so I feel this story is going to fuck me over.
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Everyone is chasing after this golden black snitch, yet nobody is catching it, so although there is a lot of death happening, I'm laughing.
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If you squint, My Stand-In and The Untamed are the same. Boys who fell off a cliff come back in another body only to live the same life with the same people and make the same bad decisions. Cool cool cool.
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This current lecturer is stating nobody could find the body but he fell into fire/lava, so what body were they thinking they would find?! Also, don't think I didn't catch homeboy getting in trouble in the past for asking in class what happens when a spirit demands revenge and the instructor got upset because look where we are now! Possession of a body for the sake of revenge. Should've entertained the question, professor, because sixteen years later, it will come back to haunt you, literally.
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And homeboy applied his own theory of making the possessed bodies work for him to fight the other body. He is a smart cookie, and that's why the original Moo Moo person gave his body up to him.
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@dribs-and-drabbles, if this is why you told me I needed the sound on, I'm confident I'm not going to remember this melody. And how is he playing a leaf right now?
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I can't take this seriously. This feels like an 80s music video, and he is about to hit me with the hottest synthesizer intro.
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And the sword has the golden black snitch in it. *Pikachu face*
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I can't play an instrument but for a DIY flute made out of bamboo on the spot, I thought his playing was excellent. For people being saved from being squashed, they are some haters, and I would have stopped playing just so they could suffer.
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I picked up that sister is dead in the future, but her kid is a brat, and I would've been mean to him too.
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And did the brother really kill him in that battle on the hill because when the entire crowd was like "you killed him, right?", he was looking like . . .
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So this is the brat's daddy? It would make sense that a man who shut down an entire hotel for his party would have a son who sets 400 traps so nobody else can catch anything. The privilege is genetic.
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I like him AND I respect him. He has priorities and they are to drink and party because even when he came back in that other body, he snatched the liquor. As the opening showed, he's here for a good time, not a long time.
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I don't like Fuddy Duddy. He can remember 3,500 rules (this place is where fun goes to die), but couldn't remember to tell my party bro that his sister and brother were inside? Everybody just left homeboy without a note saying where they are, and Fuddy Duddy had the information, yet was too busy lecturing about rules. AND committed the ultimate party foul and wasted the liquor. Make that the 3,501th rule! He's lucky he can lay the synthesizer so well.
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This is where the big battle is/was (Nightvale, Nightshade, NightWhatever), and I hope this man died in it because he is doing TOO MUCH! "I don't fear death; I fear boredom" YOU'RE boring! Shut up and go collect the pieces of that dumb rock, Thanos Jr., so we can get this battle going.
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HE BROUGHT A BIRD INTO CLASS! This is the everyday American high school class.
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Why is everyone in the Fire Nation so pissed? Is it because it's hot there? All of y'all are doing too much except for that sister and her brother. I know that brother was the zombie guy from the statue fight, so that means the main homeboy was talking to Fire Nation sister at the graves. That was her family's grave, and she must be a good person, who is probably dead now too.
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So they can all play magical instruments? They're like Josie and the Pussycats, playing gigs between fighting crime.
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The brat's dad is gold, the Cloud Recesses (what is this name about because they should be a lot more fun with a name like that?) are white and blue, and the Fire Nation is red, so it's odd that homeboy had the dark blue robes with red underneath before coming to school, and keeps getting really friendly with the fire people. Plus the cloud people's power is blue, but his comes out in bursts of red. Is his daddy really Fire Nation? Get Maury on the line.
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So his bird buddy gave him porn, which he gave to Fuddy Duddy, who then ripped it up. No wonder why he is so good at school and remembers 3,500 rules. Got nothing but time on his hands since he isn't using his hands doing anything else by being so repressed.
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Fuddy Duddy just said he doesn't touch people, yet in the very beginning he snatched homeboy's hand without hesitation, so he wouldn't fall to his death. Then, he snatched that premium liquor for him. I see you and your heart on your sleeve, my man! Just like this water demon, the feelings are sneaking up on you and snatching you up!
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Should've bought her the comb, bro, because she's going to be dead after that big battle since she was sent to snoop for the Fire Nation. Even though she is trying to help her brother, I feel this will be y'alls Romeo and Juliet moment.
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So the brother was always going to come back from the dead since he already was cursed(?), and my homeboy is once again proving to be a friend to all. I like you, and I will learn your name, hopefully by episode 28.
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Only three marks healed in the present, so whoever is the last mark has to be one of these hoochies, and the more backstory I get, the more I think it's going to hurt when I find out who the last mark is.
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Half these people have already died leading up to that big battle and the other half will die as homeboy sets out on his Kill Bill journey, so like . . .
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"You and I have unfinished business"
*slams on the 'next' button*
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taizi · 1 day
okay just because we were talking about this - how do you think an asl reunion at alabasta would look like?
i hope its ok that i took this as an excuse to write an au no one asked for :')
read on ao3
A lot of the problems in Ace’s young life—most of them, if he was being honest—could be attributed to the shitty choices that adults around him made. 
When Bluejam grabbed Luffy by the scruff, the business end of a pistol jammed painfully into the nape of his neck, he was talking a bunch of shit about how Sabo’s dad ripped him off. He was paid to kill Ace and Luffy but he’d been short-changed, and for a man who seemed to think he was entitled to a certain lot in life, it rankled. 
“But that noble brat doesn’t make a bad ransom,” the man said, shaking a weepy Luffy in one meaty hand to shut him up, like Ace’s baby brother was nothing but a piece of dirty laundry. “If his family won’t buy him back, I’m sure someone will.”
Ace’s blood turned to ice in his veins. Whatever time Ace didn’t spend in the jungle he spent in the gutters and outskirts of the city, where every unwanted, street-sharpened child knew the risk a certain kind of stranger brought with them. 
If Sabo ended up with a slaver, Ace would never get his brother back. Pieces of him, maybe. But not the same golden boy he was right now. Not the brave, proud, secretly soft-hearted person Ace loved so much. He’d come back different if he came back at all. 
He had to compartmentalize. He couldn’t act rashly until he had Luffy back. His mind raced frantically, but he made sure it didn’t show on his face. He snatched Luffy up when Bluejam finally let him go and made his own body a wall between his brother and the men who had no compunctions about hurting him to prove a point. 
They were left to spread gasoline throughout the terminal, while the pirates made their way back down to the beach. Not one of them lingered to make sure Ace and Luffy did as they were told, and Ace should have wondered about that. Should have wondered why they were making themselves scarce, why the city gates were barred, what all those fuel canisters are for, but his thoughts were too full of other things.
That was why, the second the coast was clear, he tossed his gasoline drum aside and seized Luffy by the arms. He stooped to look right into his eyes, trying to ignore the way his chest panged at how wide and red they were. 
“I have to go get Sabo,” he said firmly. “You have to stay here.”
“Let me come!” Luffy cried immediately, predictably. “Don’t leave me behind!”
“It’ll be faster if you wait,” Ace snapped, because he didn’t want to say that Luffy was going nowhere near any ship bound for the slave market, because then he would have to explain why. Even without the Fruit that made him a special novelty in the Blues, Luffy would be snatched up by evil hands in a heartbeat. “You’re too little, you’ll just slow me down,” he said instead. 
It wasn’t nice, and when Ace had time later, he would feel bad about the way Luffy’s lip trembled. But for now, it was important that he got his point across. Every second he lingered was another inch ahead Bluejam’s crew got. Ace’s world would literally end if their ship left port without him. 
So he gave Luffy’s shoulders a push that propelled him back a step. Then he pointed in the direction of the treeline. He made his face mean and forbidding. 
“I mean it, Luffy,” he said. “Go wait for me at home.”
Luffy finally tucked his chin in a miserable little nod. Ace gentled despite himself and reached out because there were two people he would always reach out for and one of them was right in front of him.
He flicked the brim of Luffy’s hat up enough that it fell off his head, and then ruffled his hair. A gesture so familiar and well-practiced it was like muscle memory to him now. Luffy didn’t smile, but it kept the tears at bay for a bit longer, and Ace left him with another firm point back at the jungle. 
Ace was a child, doing his best to keep his tiny family together. He had a half-formed plan that he would sneak about Bluejam’s ship and find Sabo wherever he was and they would fight their way out and escape together and reunite with Luffy in time for a midnight dinner. He was a pragmatic youth, and was made wiser by the world than any ten-year-old should have been, but he was still only ten years old. He couldn’t have guessed what was going to happen. 
He would piece it together later—that Bluejam had been commissioned by the kingdom to make sure the Gray Terminal burned down, a noble title he planned to come back to collect once he had auctioned off Outlook’s eldest son to the highest bidder—that Ace had chased after one brother and left the other alone in a place that was about to go up in flames. 
When he climbed aboard the Blood Batako, he didn’t realize it would be the last time he saw Dawn Island for almost half a year. 
He didn’t realize that Luffy would wait for him right there where Ace left him, even as the fire spread into walls of flames much taller than a scrawny seven year old—frightened and crying, little hands bunched in the front of his own shirt as he choked for each breath in the thick, acrid smoke. That Dadan would find him there and haul him away kicking weakly but not screaming, because there wasn’t enough oxygen left in his body to scream. That the asphyxiation, not the fire, is what nearly killed Luffy that night. That he would spend the next week in Foosha Village tended to by their only doctor and wake up with some of his memory intact, but not all. That he would recognize Makino, but wouldn’t know Dadan. 
Ace had no way of knowing, when he and Sabo finally made their way home, well-traveled at the tender young age of freshly eleven, and relieved to see journey’s end for the time being, and looking forward to reuniting with a certain crybaby who had probably been miserable cooped up in Dadan’s country or at Party’s Bar without them, that Luffy will have been gone for months by then. 
“A cruise ship docked further up the island,” Makino says fretfully, “and a little boy who worked in the kitchens came down here to play because he said he didn’t like the way the kingdom smelled. He and Luffy were fast friends. I had no idea Luffy was planning to leave with him until I found the note he left in his room, and by then they were long gone.” 
It’s a good thing Sabo is there, because Ace’s head is just a roar of white noise. Sabo is the one who chokes out, “But—what—did—did you call Gramps? What did he say? Is he going to find him?”
“I don’t have his direct line. I’ve left a dozen messages with his office, but you know how he is,” Makino says, forgetting that they don’t, actually. “He hardly remembers that he has an office. And the number Dadan has for him is no good.”
“Why would Luffy wander off like that?” Sabo says, progressively getting louder. “Why wasn’t someone watching him?”
“He’s just been so restless since the fire,” Makino replies. “There wasn’t anything keeping him here anymore, and it seemed like he just needed one good excuse to leave.”
Sabo looks as gutted by that as Ace probably feels, hurt and confusion racing their way across his face. And Ace finally makes his contribution, in the form of a choked, “What do you mean?” which is when Makino realizes there’s something they still don’t know. 
She sits them both down at a table and holds one of each of their hands in hers, and gently explains that while they were gone, the world as they knew it had changed forever, and the happy little boy who always ran to catch up to them wasn’t running after them anymore. 
Ace still forms the Spades, and Sabo still falls in with the Revolutionary Army, and the only reason they don’t sail together the way they promised when they were young is because the ocean is awfully big. They have a lot of square footage to cover, and splitting up is the only way they could even hope to cover it all. 
It doesn’t occur to either of them to give up at any point. As Sabo climbs ranks, as Ace gathers a crew, both their bounties increasing every day, they continue to search faithfully. Either they’ll find him one day, or they’ll simply spend the rest of their lives looking. 
Masked Deuce says, “What about the cruise ship he left on? Did you track it down?” 
“Boarded by pirates that same year,” Ace replies. “According to the official report, it sank in a storm.”
The loaded silence says everything Masked Deuce will not say. Ace doesn’t care what someone who has never met Luffy thinks about his odds of survival at sea. If Deuce knew Luffy, he would understand. Since he doesn’t, Ace’s first mate can believe his captain is delusional all he likes as long as it doesn’t keep him from doing his job. 
Deuce turns out to be a better friend than Ace deserves. One day when Ace leaves his crew to party with some locals and sets off into town to distribute flyers and put his ear to the ground, he hears someone rumble something under their breath about a hopeless cause. He doesn’t even have time to turn around before Deuce has seemingly teleported across the bar and knocked the dissenter out cold. 
“Anyone who shares his opinion is free to get their shit and leave,” he says calmly. 
The only voices that rise up are ones who sound very offended that Deuce would lump them in with that guy, and Ace refuses to look as touched as he feels. 
When he hears word of Red-Hair Shanks in nearby waters, he tracks the man down to a wintery island and leads his crew up a small mountain to meet him. In part, he wants to thank this man who saved his little brother all those years ago. But also…
“I heard about the fire,” Shanks said grimly. “And Makino kept me updated about little Anchor until he disappeared. I’ve got eyes out looking, too, Ace. The world is big, but not so big that we’ll never find him.”
It’s a relief to know that Luffy is so loved, that more than just his brothers care if he’s ever found. But in true Luffy fashion, he explodes onto the scene when he’s good and ready. 
Ace is woken up by Deuce kicking the door of the captain’s quarters off its hinges and shoving a crinkled Wanted poster into Ace’s bleary face so that a toothy, stretching smile is the first thing he sees. 
He accidentally sets half the room on fire, a slip-up the likes of which hasn’t happened since the first week after he ate his Fruit, and there’s a lot of screaming, and someone shoves a baby Den-Den at him so he can call Sabo. From the way his nakama were carrying on, you would think it was their long-lost brother in the paper.
“I was about to call,” Sabo says breathlessly in lieu of a hello after only barely half a ring. “You saw it?”
“I saw,” Ace replies. The newspaper is rattling noisily in his hands but he can’t get them to stop shaking. “He took down Arlong Park. There are all these witness statements from the villagers. They’re saying he did it all for his friend.”
“If anyone even thinks about coming for his bounty, I’m killing everyone on the Grand Line and then myself,” Sabo says. It takes knowing him as well as Ace knows him to be able to tell over the phone that he’s crying buckets. 
“Get in line,” Ace says. If anyone so much as looks at Luffy wrong he’s burning this goddamn planet down. He can’t tear his eyes away from the poster for more than a few seconds at a time. At the urchin grin, the pencil-mark curve of a scar, this bright young man he’s never met who is so, so familiar. 
“They’re calling him Straw Hat Luffy,” Deuce says. He’s a pillar of serenity in a sea of absolute chaos, leaning on Ace’s shoulder to read with him. There’s a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Now I’ll finally get to meet him.”
Which turns out to be easier said than done, because Luffy and his merry band of lunatics won’t seem to stay in one fucking spot for longer than an hour. It takes weeks to finally track that cute little caravel down to a summer island about halfway through the Grand Line, and by that time Sabo has taken a leave of absence from the Army to join him. They’re close now. They’re so close. 
Wait for me, Ace would beg him if he could, wondering if this was how Luffy felt all those times his big brothers ran ahead and left him behind. 
Ace never knew how heavy a heart could be when he was a child, a half-feral, angry, touch-starved thing. But now his heart is full—now it bursts at the seams, spills through his ribcage, until there’s no part of him that isn’t touched by it—and it’s the heaviest thing he’s ever carried. 
A precious burden. He’s twice the man he would have been without it. He will never, not one time in his life ever, entertain the idea of putting it down. 
But gods, Ace thinks, it would be easier, so much easier, to rip the stupid thing out of his chest and walk around a hollow shell of someone once-loved than it would be to stand here for one more minute and look down at his baby brother looking up at him like he’s a total stranger. 
“Who’s this guy?” a blond man behind Luffy mutters. With the touseled hair hanging in an artful curtain over half his face and the cigarette between his teeth and the well-cut linen suit that makes it very clear he never skips leg day, blondie gives off an air of Do Not Fuck With Me just by breathing in a way that reminds Ace of Sabo at that age. 
The swordsman beside him, called Roronoa Zoro on his bounty poster, is scowling outright, gray eyes sharp, ready at any moment to leap over Luffy like a faithful hound and dig into Ace with his teeth the second he presents as danger. 
It makes Ace feel kind of nostalgic, like he’s looking at an old photo of himself. 
He tries to focus on the nostalgic feeling, because all the rest of his brain is drowning in guilt and grief. 
Somehow, he wasn’t prepared for this moment. Years of searching, nearly half his life, and he’s finally standing in front of the person whose absence tore a hole clean out of his whole future, and he has no idea what to say. 
You look well, springs to mind, because Luffy does. His hair and skin and eyes are all different shades of brown that gleam with good health under the desert sun. He’s still skinny, but not in the waifish, underfed way of all the Gray Terminal kids. He looks like he’s been eating well. It settles something in Ace’s heart in the one tiny corner of it that isn’t breaking. 
I should have been there, is the next-most immediate thought, and it almost takes Ace’s knees out from under him. He should have been there to make sure Luffy ate well. He should have been there to save him from the fire, to help him recover from the smoke sickness, to hold him when he cried in his sleep and to take his hand when he wandered aimlessly around the village with no one to play with and nothing to look forward to. 
I’m sorry I left you, is what it boils down to, what Ace has held close and carved into his heart over the years, hating himself, hating the child he was who thought he knew better, who thought he could conquer everything without losing anything. I never should have left you. 
But Luffy doesn’t know him from any other person in this busy marketplace, his head tilting to one side like a curious little bird’s, and Ace can’t think of anything to say to him that he’ll understand. 
He needs Sabo. He’s about to become a walking fire hazard, and he’s about to mess this whole thing up, this reunion that was almost a decade in the making. Luffy’s two friends are eyeing him with mounting suspicion the longer he stands there and stares at their captain, every line of their body still the way a predator’s body stills in preparation for a pounce. Luffy, for his part, is still engaged, but only barely. His interest is slipping away—there are too many sights and smells and things bustling all around for him to want to stand still for a gawking stranger that doesn’t even have anything exciting to say.
His little brother. Crybaby Luffy. The boy who crawled under Ace’s blanket when their treehouse quaked in a storm, who held Sabo’s hand when they stayed out too late and walked home through the jungle in the dark. He’s a pirate now, a Wanted person, with a crew and a ship all his own, and he got this far without them. The last time Ace saw him was that last night in the Gray Terminal, when Ace was being mean on purpose to make sure Luffy stayed away from certain danger. 
It occurs to Ace, for the very first time, that Luffy doesn't need him anymore. That tiny seven year old grew up. 
“I saw you in the paper,” he finally says, making a concentrated effort to sound like a human being. “You’re pretty cool.”
Luffy brightens immediately. “Yeah? Are you a pirate, too?”
“I am. Made a promise to my brothers when I was a kid that we’d sail the seas together one day.”
“Wow!” Luffy says, suitably impressed. “We made a promise like that, too.” He loops both his arms through one of Blondie’s and one of Roronoa’s. “We decided way back when we were little that we were gonna stick together and become the pirate king, and the greatest swordsman, and the man who discovers All Blue!”
So one of his two guard dogs must be the little kitchen boy from The Orbit who spirited Luffy away from Foosha. The other must have come along not much later if they were all children together. Ace wants to hear the story so badly he has to clench his jaw to keep from asking. He wants to hear about everything. 
Instead, ignoring the way Roronoa’s hand closes around the hilt of one of his swords, Ace reaches out and flicks the brim of Luffy’s hat so that it slips backwards off his head. Luffy squawks, and tries to free his arms in time to catch it, and then freezes in place at the touch to his hair.
Ace ruffles it fondly, muscle memory that hasn’t corroded even after a decade, and says what he should have said the first time that sunshine child in a worn straw hat shared a wild, impossible wish; 
“I hope I’m there to see it when all those dreams of yours come true.”
If he had stayed a second longer, he would have seen the way Luffy mirrored Ace’s touch with his own fingers, frozen in place. 
Instead, Ace has officially reached his emotional threshold, and formally retreats to find his twin. They take turns being the stable one and Ace is calling dibs on being a basket case for the next month. Masked Deuce is just going to have to deal. 
Sabo got back to their meeting spot first, an outdoor table outside a tavern that hasn’t yet opened for the day, and already has their map rolled out and pinned down at the corners by various junk from their luggage. He’s marking something down and calls over a distracted hello, and Ace bleakly replies, “I found him.”
His tone is all wrong for the remarkably momentous occasion he’s announcing, so it’s not really Sabo’s fault that it doesn’t click right away. Sabo says, “Found who?” and Ace just looks at him with all his helplessness and weariness plain on his face, and Sabo drags an ink mark all across Sandy Island on the map as he whirls around and says, “You found him?” 
“It’s not going to be how we thought,” Ace says, trying to manage his brother’s expectations. They share everything, but Ace would keep this heartbreak to himself if he knew how. “It’s—I think we took too long.”
“What do you mean?” Sabo asks, hands clenching into fists and unclenching. The fountain pen is dripping ink, ruining the fine leather of his left glove. 
“He didn’t know me. I knew he wouldn’t, not really, but he—he didn’t recognize me at all,” Ace tries to explain. He feels stupid and childish and ungrateful, but really he just has no idea what to do. Luffy doesn’t know him and doesn’t need him and how is he supposed to fill a place in that kid’s life that doesn’t exist anymore? “We’ll have to—to start over from scratch, but how? How are we supposed to make someone like Luffy care about people like us? He’s sunshine personified, and deserves to have everything he wants and the best this shitty world has to offer, and we’re just—two selfish idiots who couldn’t even take care of one little kid between the two of us.” The awful truth, delivered quietly: “Luffy doesn’t need us anymore. I can’t see why he’d want us around now.”
Sabo is watching him like something carved from marble. Ace would never tell him, because it would hurt his feelings in a way nothing else ever could, but there are times when Sabo looks every bit the nobleman his biological family wanted him to be. The line of his jaw and the fall of his hair and his deep set eyes are regal, especially when he’s focused, when he’s working through a problem, when he’s the last sane voice in a room and he’s waiting for the morons wasting his time to run out of breath. 
And then his eyes flicker past Ace’s shoulder, and his expression transforms. The breath leaves him in a rush like it was punched out of him, his lips parting, blue eyes widening in a way that seems to shave whole years from his face. 
Something causes him, impossibly, incongruously, to smile. 
“Would you put money on that?” he asks. 
“What? Yes,” Ace says, thrown off by the inappropriate lightness of his tone. He feels himself start to bristle defensively. “Are you even paying attention?” 
“One of us has to,” Sabo says, only smiling wider, and Ace feels sparks falling off his fingers in sheer aggravation as he turns around to see what is so—
He has three seconds at most to take in the sight of Luffy hurtling up the hill at top speed. It’s been years and years, but three seconds is all he needs. His arms remember how to reach out and catch him. 
“I waited where you left me, but you never came back!” Luffy shouts. “You can’t be mad! I waited and waited, and then I went out to find you instead! I didn’t remember you but I had to find you! I still don’t—I still don’t know some things—but I know it’s your fault for taking too long!” 
Sabo lurches over and Luffy’s rubbery hug wraps around them both and Ace is too shell-shocked by the last minute to do anything but hug back. 
Luffy shoves his face in Ace’s shoulder, and there’s a hot, wet smear of tears there. It gives away that Straw Hat Luffy, the pirate captain worth thirty million berries, is maybe not as grown-up as Ace had initially feared. 
Sabo presses his face against the crown of Luffy’s head, too overcome to do anything but hold him. The regal young man from moments ago is long gone. The one standing here with them is that street-rat from Dawn who knew the best places to steal food from, who always made sure they never went hungry, who once shrugged off his fine winter coat at the market and traded it to a vendor for a pair of sturdy boots for Ace and thick woolen mittens for Luffy. He had shivered all the way home, where there was an extra coat in the treehouse he could use, until Luffy had the bright idea that they should all bundle into Ace’s oversized cloak together for warmth and whined until Ace agreed just to shut him up. That had been the most annoying hike up Mount Colubo in history. It’s a memory that Ace cherishes beyond reason. 
Ace whispers, “Of course I’m not mad, Lu.” It’s been ages since he was that hostile, hateful little thing who would take a bite out of anything that dared to show its soft underbelly to him. He presses as close as he can, cheek to cheek with this piece of his family that’s gone missing for far too long, and adds, “You’ve never been obedient a day in your life. If I expected anything different, that’s on me.”
Luffy laughs, and it’s snotty and choked and pure music to Ace’s ears. The kid worms closer, makes himself smaller, and lets himself be held. 
He doesn’t need his brothers. His shoulders are broad, and his arms are solid and strong. He’s already made a name for himself, and even now those two friends of his are lingering watchfully further down the road—far enough away to give the respectful illusion of privacy, near enough to make Ace and Sabo’s day a living hell if they try anything fishy. It’s probably been a long time since he’s needed someone to hold his hand or carry him home. 
But if, by some insane, undeserved miracle, Luffy still wants them…
It’s enough. It’s more than enough. It’s more than Ace has had in ten years. 
What one piece? he thinks, arms full and aching. I’ve got it all right here. 
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rachetmath · 1 day
Why RWBY Ain't MC?
(Okay if you already seen this ('Jaune More MC Ruby? 'https://rachetmath.tumblr.com/post/744057722669039616/jaune-more-mc-ruby) Then you should know where this is going.)
Jaune: And that's what is wrong with your characters.
RWBY: *shocked* 
Ruby: Oh crap.
Weiss: Oh God…
Blake: My people…
Yang: I am a basic bitch?
Jaune: Yeah you girl's characters are all over the place. Not just that… you have so much screen time yet do nothing with it. You're basically side characters to your own stories. 
Yang: Not true.
Jaune: Yes true. Look let's start with Ruby.
Ruby: Me?
Jaune: Yeah, because some of my character issues should have been yours, like killing Penny for example. Considering that was suitable punishment for what you have done. You lied to James. You drove him off the rails. You and your team made the mess. 
Ruby: Um…
Jaune: But that's too easy. Let's really go down the shit hole. Ruby, you have silver eyes. Yet you barely use them. You never trained with them. We still know nothing about them. And we don’t know if they’ll work on Salem.
Ruby: um…
Jaune: And you know that would have been answered back at Atlas if you went on the battlefield. Speaking of Salem, why the hell would you put Ironwood someone more of my problem than Salem, if I recall knows who your mom is.
Ruby: Well I had to protect Penny.
Jaune: Mhmm. Okay. Speaking of your mom what did you learn about her in The Ever After?
Ruby: Um-
Jaune: Not much. Yeah. And again no villain besides Cinder and Neo were interested in you. Not even you are interested in them considering you barely remember them. Like Ruby, you don't do anything. Like you fast but slow in the head. Hell even Neo ganging up on you, you still didn't deserve it. I actually deserved it.
Ruby: How?
Jaune: Again Pyrrha died. Ozpin died. All because of me. And even if you killed Penny it's still going to feel like my fault because I could've prevented it.
Ruby: Oh no. 
Weiss: Jaune-
Jaune: Nope. Your turn. You are worse than your father.
Weiss: I-
Jaune: You talk about how your father does business but you don’t do business. Nor do you know how to run a business.
Weiss: I mean-
Jaune: You lied to your sister’s face. Your sister who trained you and made sure you were able to leave Atlas. You got Klien fired. You threatened your own brother.
Weiss: Um-. I-i
Jaune: Oh let’s not forget how you destroyed your home and now your family is broke.
Weiss: Well at least I’m a good teammate.
Jaune: Didn’t you almost divide your team about two times? Also, how is everyone insulting me when you barely win your fights?
Weiss: Not true.
Jaune: Flynt Coal.
Weiss: Luck.
Jaune: Vernal.
Weiss: I was rusty.
Jaune: More like spamming.
Weiss: We defeated the Ace-ops.
Jaune: Neo and Cinder. The ones who were supposed to be on the same level as them. Did you win?
Weiss: Shit.
Jaune: You know what I should mention this. In Argus, I must have been under some stress or high as a kite, because now that I think about it, the deal Cordoven gave us, wasn’t that bad.
Weiss: Jaune she was planning to send me back to my father.
Jaune: Alright, then instead of accepting those terms and going to face your father, basically lying claim to your life, you cowardly avoided him and let your friends be what scares him. Not you. In fact, you were willing to endanger yourself and thousands of people to avoid him.
Weiss: … … ….
Jaune: Look I understand you don’t have to face everything alone. But there are some moments you have to deal with alone. Instead of having to escape your father like last time, you could have returned, stood up to him, and left out the front door from which you came in. Why? Because that’s how much you care about your friends and your freedom that you won’t let anybody, especially a man you can easily crush into ground beef take from you.
Weiss: By god. I am my father. 
Jaune: Yeah. Blake.
Blake: *looks at him*
Jaune: Blake, I would be concerned for my people if I were you.
Blake: Why?
Jaune: Well-
Me: Nope. Nope. I’ll explain. Blake, you remember the hound right?
Blake: Yeah.
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Blake: A silver-eyed person.
Me: Look at his head.
Blake: “Look at his head”? I mean I see- oh. Oh my god.
Me: Yeah. A faunus. People who have animal-like features.  Again with silver eyes, we know nothing. But Faunuses on the other hand, we know where this could lead to.
Blake: Oh no.
Me: And you single-handedly divided the White Fang. And if hunters or people start siding with Salem, what does that mean for the Faunuses who are now venerable because of you?
Blake: Oh GOD! What have I done?!
Me: I mean I started questioning whether you cared about your people or not. Considering you didn’t bother staying in Mantle to protect them. You trust a criminal more than an official officer or hunter. Even though Robyn was doing the same crap Adam and Roman were doing. Good job.
Blake: *crying*
Me: Now for you.
Yang: Me?
Me: Yes. I never thought I come back for your ass. But here we are. Now then, what the fuck did Raven tell you to do?
Yang: Um.
Me: The same thing your father was telling you to do. Think. Don’t just follow orders. Don’t just act. Think! 
Yang: I did but-
Me: You didn’t think it through.
Yang: Look trusting Robyn-
Me: When you confronted Robyn what was your plan afterwards?
Yang: Um-
Me: Remember you didn’t tell her everything so she was still skeptical. She was tearing James a new one. So what was the point?!
Yang: Um-
Me: I mean, how were you going to chop Ruby off when ultimately you are more at fault than she is?
Yang: Um.
Me: Like at least Ruby was trying to lower the tension. You as per-fucking-usual added way more fuel to an already heated fire.
Yang: Well-
Me: I already mentioned how you are the biggest hypocrite, a simp and horrible sister. Now I might as well say you are the weakest link in your team– no, your squad.  
Yang: Hey-
Me: You've been losing fights.
Yang: Name-
Me: Mercury.
Yang: I beat him.
Jaune: Wasn’t that part of the plan to set you up though?
Yang: Yeah but-
Me: Round two, what happened then?
Yang: They double-teamed me.
Me: Before that you couldn’t land hit on him.
Yang: … … Adam.
Me: 2 v 1. He wasn’t even at his best. Bro was in his feelings.
Yang: The Ace-ops-
Me: Marrow, for one, could’ve ended that fight before it started. Second weren’t they arguing half the battle? Also didn’t Elm have your partner and for “reasons” she decided to let Blake go? Selling the match.
Yang: A win is a win.
Me: Okay Salem. Did you stand your ground and fight?
Yang: Um. Tactical retreat?
Me: She wasn’t even putting in effort. The cat.
Yang: I mean-
Me: Kilgore.
Yang: He does not count.
Me: Neo and Cinder. Again, on Ace-op level.
Yang: Come on, man, she-
Me: A win is a win right? So if you get a ring out or fall that is not victory. Neo won. Two to Zero.
Yang: … … …
Me: Raven… Raven trusted the lamp to you. Not Ruby. You! And you just… you just lost it like that. You fumbled- you fumbled so bad. And what’s crazy is I mentioned how you searched for the deadbeat instead of your “real mom” but it seems Raven is a better mom than Summer now. How? Not only is she alive. She knows what happened to Summer. And she saved your ass so many times. Three times.
Yang: Not-
Me: The train. Your first defeat.
Yang: … ….
Me: I’m not going to count Adam. But she let you leave her tribe camp alive, with your friend no less, knowing full well she didn’t have to help you especially when you came to her and was ready to fight when she wouldn’t give you what you wanted.
Yang: …. …. 
Me: And she let you walk with the relic. She could’ve killed you two times. But she didn’t. Why? Because whether she likes it or not, you are her DAUGHTER! And she LOVES you! 
Yang: Um…
Me: I hope- I hope Raven puts her hands on you because you earned the most savage ass whipping alive.  You basic bitch.
Yang: *shocked*
Me: Anyways y'all had plenty of opportunities to make your characters good. You all were given a good amount of screen time, however, the writers don't allow you to face your problems, shield you from consequences, and try so hard to prove you are always in the right all the time that you all might as well be Mary Sue. The worst kind of Mary Sue. The do no wrong type of Mary Sue.
Jaune: Damn. 
Me: Jaune, bro, I hope you survive this cause I still stand by this the writers did you dirty man. You didn't deserve that man. You didn't- you didn't deserve that. You and your team deserve better. 
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first-edition · 2 days
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- 18+ words and themes overall, cussing, graphic deptiction of killing, mention of death, mention of sandors death, Family reunion, joss and Podrick being little gay cutie pies, y/n being a gay ally (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH)
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
Previous chapter here
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A blood curdling scream can be heard from sandors plot in the forest as he chops up bits of wood. The scream comes from the same pathway he just headed through. 
“Shit.” he huffs before running  as fast as he can back to the village. The sight is gruesome, as the premade homes are engulfed in flames and some even already burnt out. The bodies amongst the mud, horse slaughtered and food supply turned over. But the sight that holds Sandor in his clutches is brother Ray, hanging from the structure that was supposed to be the church once finished. His skin purplish gray his black dark red his eyes bulging. 
Sandor grumbles looking around at everyone dead on the ground before he sees the horse hoof markings that lead into the side path of the forest. With an anger filled rage he picks up the ax he’d dropped and speeds after the men that did this. The only thought was to get back at them and do much worse than what they did. 
It's not long before Sandor comes up to them, easily hacking one down. The man's head rolling in the leaves and mud going to the next cutting his chest open as he swings the ax. He ducks and takes the third swinging the ax up as it slices into the man's crotch pushing up before Sandor pulls it out and back. The man falls to his knees begging for mercy. 
“Where the fuck is the other one? The one with the yellow cloak?” Sandor asks, holding the ax to his neck. 
“FUCK YOU!” the man yells. Sandor angrily grunts before taking the man's head off.
You watch as Sansa plays with your son. She holds him in her lap and makes babbling noises with silly expressions. It's been six months since everything and you and your others have become virtually one with a cold. Being able to stay out longer, your fingertips and ear no longer freezing on impact. 
This winter will be long and hard and with all the preparations for fighting the night king and asking the dragon queen for her help it is too much for some to handle. Sana has unfortunately left most of the work to you so she can spend time with you son although joss takes him away from her to bring him back to his rightful mother she will always whine a bit before understanding. 
The sound of metal clinking horse hooves pounding and people chatting is a lively sound you could only hear outside the gates of king's landing, as people work on sorting supplies and gathering for the possible fight to occur. 
“How much food does winterfell have?” you ask the head supplier. 
“Enough for a year your grace, with the wool, and steel there should be enough possibly over than that.. A-at least for those who are in the castle now” he says 
“Hmm. you're telling me there isn't enough food, especially not when the armies from the dragon queen will be brought back to winterfell.” you say as you begin your walk down the steps to your son who begins to fuss in Sansa’s arms. 
“N-no my lady.” he answers “Most likely not.” he ends 
“I’ll have my share of militia head out in a cart to bring back more supplies as we cannot have the other guests starve now can we.” you say he shakes his head. 
“Come here. I've got you” you say picking up your son from her arms holding him close to you fixing his furs so he's warm against you. He snuggles into your chest holding onto you before popping his thumb in his mouth. 
“The little prince is growing fast, your grace.” lord baelish says as he approaches. 
“Thank you.” You reluctantly want nothing more to do with him as you find him to be a weasel that could manipulate those for his pleasure. 
“M-my lady!” joss comes running up to you and sansa taking a few puffs of breath before standing straight and speaking. 
“Y-your sister has arrived..lady arya..st-stark.” he huffs which makes you giggle a bit at how out of breath he is.
“Where..” Sansa says standing up. 
“I dont i want to come and get you but when I turned around she was gone and said s-somthing about your mother and father and v-visiting them.” he sighs nodding. 
“Come with me.” sansa sansa says taking your hand leading you to the entrance of the castle. Joss follows. She leads you to the entrance of the catacombs where all the Stark family are buried. You've visited as Sansa has an honorary burriel for Sandor down there despite not being a member of the family. 
He basically pulls you anxious to see her sister. But she soon lets up as she sees Arya standing there looking up at Sandors statue. Sansa looks at her for a few seconds before ayra takes notice and smiles a bit. 
“Do i have to call you lady stark now? I never really wanted to.” she says. Sansa smiles and hurries to her sister giving her a much deserved hug. The hug is broken by your son's babbling. 
“Your grace.” ayra says giving you a small bow. 
“No need for formality.” you say walking twords them both joss following behind you. 
She gives you a hug as well. Even though you've spent the least amount of time together she still feels ecstatic you have you around. 
“Whos this?” she asks about the child in your arms. 
“This is Joss Dortain Clegane.” you say turning him slightly to face her. She holds her hand out and extends a finger he grips it and begins to bring it to his mouth. 
“oh..no no.” you both laugh as she pulls her hand away. 
“The little prince.” she smiles. You nod. 
“His last name, clegane. Like Sandor or Gregor clegane?” she asks. You take a breath before nodding. Your eyes divert to the statue they all stand under. 
“His father, sandor. Brienne told me what she did, fought him for you, she pushed him.” you say looking up at the stone carving still. 
“If it's any consolation, he fought hard, like...extremely hard. I've never had someone fight that hard for my protection, ransom or not.” she says. You look at her and nod.
“Thank you. For keeping him company. I know he's not the best to hang about with but-” you begin. 
“He was fun. He talked about you. Last he mentioned you was of your pregnancy, he hated traveling in the opposite direction made him ancy, angry, he would always mutter thing about volantis. I asked him if he loved you, and he said yes with no hesitation, then I teased him that he was technically a prince." Arya laughs, making you laugh as well. 
“I remember on our wedding night I said the same thing to him; he didn't like it.” you say
“He didn't like it when I mentioned it...from my time with him. He adored you; he killed a man for speaking ill of your likeness. He really did love you.” she says a twinge in your heart forces a lump to hit your throat that your force back down. You nod in compliance for fear if you speak you'll start crying. 
“You must be hungry, I'll have the cook prepare you a proper meal.” Sansa breaks the sadness before you all gather and exit the crypts. 
Podrick and Brienne spar. They play swords clinging against each other as he's gotten…somewhat better at his sword play. He lunges forward at Brienne allowing her to kick his ankle tripping him into the mudded ground and walks around him smacking his butt with the side of the sword. 
“Don't lunge.'' She sighs, turning around as Podrick bets up and grabs the sword he drops before raging at her and begging again. But as per the round he makes a wrong move and she rides him backwards. Granted she did it on purpose. 
“Don't go where your enemy leads you.” she says walking around him chuckling at his failure. 
He gets up once again wiping the mud from his cheek about to go to attack once more but is stopped by familiar words. 
“Don't fight someone like her in the first place, it’ll get you nowhere.” joss speaks his hands behind his back as he walks up the two dueling. 
“Joss.” Brienne. 
“My lady.” he replies, bowing a bit before holding out his hand for the sword. 
“Be my guest.” she chuckles. Handing it to him before nodding to podrick and walking off the inside to get a drink. 
“You have to keep your knees bent, your eyes at half looks, and your free arm tucked for fear you might get cut off if you are not careful.” joss says podrick scoffs and rolls his eyes before taking his stance brienne taught him. 
“When did you learn so much about the sword?” podrick asks. 
“Unlike you who knows of fine things, I was a king's guard squire fighting in the description.” 
Joss huffs in a laugh at the way he stands. But nonetheless begin the fight. Easily joss maneuvered the sword around as podrick is slightly confused as he follows the sword with his eyes. This leads to joss bopping him on the backside like brienne. 
“Eyes at half look doesn't mean follow the entire sword, you have to watch your opponents moves as well, predict them.” joss replies. Podrick nods before they both begin again, sparing this time it lasts a bit longer than a few seconds. But ultimately a hit on the ass is what seals the deal. 
“That was good. Could be better,” joss says, running his fingers through his own hair pushing it back and out of his face. To their surprise they last much longer now join for a minute or two and podrick even takes down his first opponent leaving him to straddle joss with the sword held to his neck. Joss chuckles, smiling at podrick both proud and enthralled. 
Joss pushes Podrick off of him and switches positions holding his dagger to his other neck before leaning close to him. 
“Don't let your guard down..no matter who you're fighting.” joss speaks. Podrick chuckles back before the space between them closes, their lips connecting. It consumes the moment for a brief time only for joss’s name to be put to air as you call him. 
He pulls off his partner and stands up looking toward the sound to see you at the side. A smirk on your face. 
“The others need your help in unloading the carts. You can speak to your boyfriend later tonight.” you say looking down to podrick who quickly gets up and bows to you. 
“Yes, your grace.” joss says, sheathing his dagger before handing the sword back to podrick their fingers brushing against each other before the other man hurries off the the carts you turn to podrick, 
“This is for you. John has requested your presence at castle black he needs you to meet him by the shore of the wall.” you say handing him a raven scroll. 
John was supposed to be back only a few weeks after the last scroll he sent about getting Daenerys' approval. But under certain circumstances he had to stay and collect the resources before returning which has taken longer than expected. Podrick nods. You turn to follow joss to oversee the cart supplies but you stop and turn back to podrick. 
“Please, come back alive, you're good to joss, he needs you.” you smile at him before turning around and going to the carts. 
Next Chapter here
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sollsmith · 2 days
From the clips we have seen so far I actually quite like the direction they have taken Daemon's response to Luke's (and Viserys') death.
He's just filled with extreme rage at everyone who had the chance to do anything sooner, after years of identifying problems and having them dismissed by everyone around him, when he himself believes would have managed them head on when he had the chance.
Viserys ignored his warnings about Otto, and did nothing.
Erryk saw how awful Aegon was, knew he was not fit to rule, watched as his family usurped the rightful heir and put him on the throne, and did nothing.
Rhaenys saw the greens murder people that would not bend the knee, she saw them actively usurp Rhaenyra (and by default her own granddaughter and grandson) and she knew they were coming after her family next, and yet she did nothing.
He planned an assault on Kings Landing to quickly put an end to everything and everyone looks around at him like he was a war crazed manic, and did nothing.
I don't know, I think it's an extremely human reaction, because he is so consumed by grief, anger and denial at this point.
He's almost like a child experiencing an extreme wave of emotion of the first time, so they misplace that emotion and just start lashing out. He was in Kings Landing the day of Viserys' death. In his denial he believes the Greens killed him. He was in Kings Landing the day he died, and he left him to the Greens. Therefore, he ultimately he blames himself. Because if he had 'saved' Viserys' when he had the chance; his brother would still be alive, Rhaenyra would still be heir, their daughter would still be safe in Rhaenyra belly and Luke would still be alive.
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dareactions · 3 days
How will companions react to a teen!Warden? Will their behavior change or they will act the same way as with an adult!Warden? Who would like to be friends with Warden and who's more annoyed by teens? Sorry if my request is too long:(
Alistair: He always wanted a sibling in some ways. There's something nice about the idea of having someone that depends on him and the Warden becomes a younger sibling so fast he gets a bit scared. Alistair wants to so badly steer them in the right direction- and he very easily falls into that role of the cool older brother. Honestly he kind of lets them get away with way too much just because they're younger but eh- he's not here to be a dad let's be honest. Leliana: Honestly she's kind of excited. Teenagers are always some of the most creative people in terms of problem solving and they have the ego and gumption that rivals most politically inclined adults. She for sure leans into the big-sister role that she finds herself in. She is a confidant, someone who listens and gives advice when asked. Also the person who pretend she doesn't see anything if you don't want her to. Loghain: Only one internal thought- what the fuck? He is so confused. Like- Loghain can't even be angry, he's just confused. Why the fuck is a teenager this competent? Since when were Grey Wardens below the legal drinking limit? There's such a mix of feelings that anger never even bubbles to the surface; he just becomes an exasperated dad in the funniest way imaginable. He hates this, he doesn't want this but it's not like Alistair or Morrigan is going to tell the kid off. Morrigan: She is so actively displeased she may as well just have even more of a permanent frown. She's not bad with kids and she would argue she can handle teens even better; but really? A teenager? She just sighs, rolls her eyes and makes sure they're not more than an arm's reach away when they're in major cities and anyone who even so much as raises their voice at them- it's on sight. Oghren: This man- does not know what to do. He isn't exactly the most stable person to put anyone around; much less a teenager. There's a lot of squabbling and stupid fights. Teenagers like pushing boundaries and Oghren likes pretending he is unbothered until he no longer is. It takes a LONG time to find a stability that actually works on the road between the two but hey- he doesn't mind teaching the kid a trick or two. Shale: Could care less, let's be honest. Just more inclined to not take you as seriously initially but eh- humans tend to exceed all odds. Sten: It's a big of a weird situation. In some ways- he likes the initiative the Warden is showing at a young age. After all, it's not like age actually decides your competence in battle - however he really could do without the whole mood swings and feeling on top of the world thing. He doesn't baby them whatsoever- just treats them like he would any teen within the Qunari. Wynne: If the Warden didn't want a mom figure- they should've stayed out of Wynne's sight. She is ON THAT. She does not mind being the bad guy unlike Alistair and is here to ensure the Warden survives this Blight. She's soft, comforting, nurturing- and also willing to put her hands on her hips and stare them down with a look that would make gods shake. Zevran: You know that older brother or uncle that teaches you how to pick locks and steal cars? Yeah, that's him. Zevran is actually the one who seems the most upset visibly that they're doing all of this so young- but he takes it in stride. He keeps them within arm's length, his protective nature is always a silent one. He is pissed when he finds out he was hired to kill a child though.
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They were bred for aggression. A ratting dog can't differentiate between a rat and a cat. A herder can't differentiate between a sheep and a toddler. Aggression is aggression. And no, the statistics I try to find come from hospitals and/or court documents rather than police-presented. Either way bully breeds top.
Die mad about it.
You’re so funny for saying this because it shows you’re talking out your ass. Ask quite literally any animal behaviorist or dog trainer and they will tell you dog aggression/reactivity is not the same as human aggression/reactivity. A dog can be sweet as can be to humans and still try to fight any dog it sees to the death with zero prompting beyond it seeing said dog. This not even getting started on the fact they aren’t even being selected for any type of aggression anymore since they’ve transitioned to primarily just being a pet people get because they “look scary” to deter intruders without actually being dangerous or needing the same level of training as an actual guard dog to avoid aggression towards familiar humans. If I had to pick between walking up to an unsocialized bully or an unsocialized Akita or cane corso, I’m picking the bully every time.
“I’m not using cops as a source, I’m using court documents” this is so funny brother in Christ who do you think is sending the court documents? Do cops have no hand in court systems in your world? Hospital stats are also often reported by an animal control officer (that’s a cop btw) or a random freaked out person who just got bit badly enough to need medical attention. Eye witness accounts are unreliable and not concrete, if someone is attacked by a large breed they’re calling it a pit bull for the same reason people think any dog with floppy ears is a “lab mix”.
And here’s another thing, pit bulls and related breeds are some of the most common breeds in the US. You think there’s no statistic bias just based on a disproportionate number of bully mixes relative to the number of Dobermans in North America? Especially when bully breeds are some of the most commonly surrendered or abandoned because weird white women pearl clutch until the breeds are banned in certain housing districts?
Oh yeah, and interesting anecdote you put forth there. If herding breeds can’t tell sheep from toddlers, why aren’t you trying to ban herding breeds? Seems like there would be an awful lot of children with bites to their ankles from some of the breeds used to herd cattle. I mean, those breeds are literally bred for a drive to chase after animals and bite at their feet to move them a certain direction. Surely if dogs were stupid enough to not know the difference between humans and livestock they would be so dangerous. Also interesting to see you in none of your examples brought up dogs when my entire point was that dogs perceive humans and dogs differently which is why a dog could be dog aggressive without human aggression present. See a lot of rat terriers killing puppies mistaking them for rats? See a lot of border collies trying seriously to herd labs? A lot of retrievers trying to retrieve chihuahuas? Hm. That’s odd. Almost like dogs know what dogs are or something. Weird.
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wolfish-trickster · 2 days
Jealous Choso?
I wrote this inbetween studying so it's gonna be pretty scuffed i'm sorry 😭
Being a half curse his entire life meant he had no reason to be jealous. His brothers loved him and no one else, the three of them were always together since most humans would run away at the sight of them so they didn't really have any other companions (lets pretend geto and co never met them). If anything he expected his brothers to be jealous of him, since he is the only one resembling a human, the only one who could walk outside in daylight and no one would bat an eye. The older the three got the more his brothers told Choso to go out and find some companions outside the world of curses. He always refused.
That is until he met you. It was random really. One night you couldn't sleep and since the sun was just about to rise you decided to go for a walk. That's how you met all three of them. At first you thought you must've finally fallen asleel and you didn't treat any of this seriously. You greeted them, threw some jokes at them, acted as if the four of you have been besties since kindergarden. Only after the sun rose did you realise this wasn't a dream. But for some reason these scary looking dudes didn't hurt you. Quite opposite, they seemed to be fond of you. Especially the pale one in pigtails.
The rest is history. Choso was incredibly happy he found someone like you. He cherished you with his whole heart. And since you have met the most importand people to him, you wanted to introduce him to some of your important people too. It was them who explained some human dating concepts to Choso.
Before meeting them he had no issue seeing you talking to another man. He knew you loved him and him only. And from his observations he knew people were social animals so he didn't want to isolate you and make you unwell.
The friends however explained what cheating is, that it can happen to anyone at any point and for any reason. Choso tried applying logic saying how yoh never complained about anything to him, but some of your friends insisted that a) some people are just quiet even when they don't like somethjng and b) people cheat secretely because the one they're with simply lacks something they will never have. Choso wasn't a full human like you. That was his biggest minus when compared to aome of your male friends.
And that pretty much srarted the jealous Choso arc. If his eyes alone could kill all of your male friends wozld already be 6 feet under. After gaining some courage he even walked over to where you currently were and put himself all over you like a cat wanting attention. And that's basically what he was. A giant black cat. Whenever you asked hik if he's jealous or if he wants attention he always swatted you away and pretended he hates physical touch. But after you as much as had a phone call with someone whose voice sounded masculin he was all over you in an instant, cuddling you the whole night even.
He would never admit it but his jealousy stems from fear that one day you'll realise you want a normal life with a normal human man by your side, not half a curse who would probably never even give you children if you wanted. Add a risk of you being attacked by curses, curse users or anyone who had a problem with Choso and his kind. As much as he wants to keep you all to himself he knows he can't and so he will keep doing what he does, showing everyone you are his and he won't share.
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seulrinnie-rinrin · 4 hours
The Man Next Door
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SUMMARY | San is your brother’s friend and your next door neighbor. Despite the constant bickering, you can’t deny the attraction between you both. PAIRING | San/Reader GENRE | non-idol!San, smut with no plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), fingering, vaginal sex RATING | Mature LENGTH | 4602 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Hi and hello. Enjoy~
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"Can you stop that infernal noise?!" You pounded on your neighbor's door as you heard the sound of power tools once again. The banging went on and on. "Damn it, I've asked you a dozen times to turn down your shi..."
The door burst open, your angry glare landing on a grinning face. "You know, Y/N, I don't say shit about the noises you make when you're working on your remo..."
You cut him off before he could finish. "I want it quiet! And I mean really quiet!"
"Well, damn." He crossed his arms in front of himself and leaned against the doorframe, obviously amused. "And here I thought you were going to storm into my place and grab my tools."
You let out a groan and ran a hand through your hair. "You're so annoying San. If I wasn't so pissed off at that loud ass thing over there I would kick your fucking ass."
He burst out laughing. "See? You like me after all. What if I said no?"
"Can we not?" You let out a sigh. "Please, can I have some quiet?"
"Why? You have a guy over or something?" He raised an eyebrow, knowing you didn't get a date often enough for anything like that to be true.
"What's it to you, huh? Jealous?" Your mouth twitched up slightly as you tried to hold back a smile.
"Hell no, I'm just curious, is all." He held up his hands defensively. "So who is he? Your boyfriend?"
"Fuck off, San." You rolled your eyes. "But if you wanted to know, my parents are visiting me and I would appreciate it if you kept the noise to a minimum. Once my parents leave, then we can start our bickering like usual."
"Is that a promise?" His eyes glinted mischievously.
He gave you one last leer before turning around and closing the door behind him. You made your way back to your condo next door, your parents curiously giving you looks from the living room where they sat watching TV.
"Is everything alright with your neighbors?" Your mom inquired as she took a sip of her tea.
"Sorry about that. San is remodeling his place right now." You replied, your cheeks growing hot as your dad snorted softly.
"How romantic." Your mother commented wryly.
"Mom, please." You rolled your eyes and waved your hands at them. "He's like the most irritating person ever and-"
"You're still arguing with him, Y/N?" Your brother walked out of the bathroom. Seonghwa gave you a strange look before taking a seat next to your mom.
"Seonghwa, I swear I am going to kill that man." You mumbled angrily as you rubbed the bridge of your nose. "Of all people, how did your friend end up being my neighbor?"
"It's destiny." Your brother replied cheerfully, causing both of your parents to laugh. "It was meant to be. You two should go out together. There's nothing wrong with trying."
"Mom! Tell Seonghwa to stop it." You glared at your mother.
She giggled as she continued talking to Seonghwa. "Yes, love. Your sister and San should get together. How many times has he looked at her?"
"A lot." Seonghwa smiled as he watched your face grow redder.
You groaned as you got out of your chair and headed towards the kitchen. "I hate my life sometimes."
"Oh come on. If you hate the thought of going out with San, then why don't you just find an actual boyfriend?" Seonghwa pulled you back by the waistband of your pants. Your mouth fell open as your gaze landed on your brother. He gave you a smirk as he started pulling you back towards the couch. "I think Yeosang is single..."
You turned to your parents. "Mom, Dad. Please tell your precious son to stop hooking me up with his friends. It's getting old and I swear I will hit him if he tries this again."
Your parents chuckled as they shook their heads at you. They knew that your brother was just doing it because he loved you. He didn't care if you ended up liking them or not. All he cared about was that you found someone special to spend time with and make memories with.
They weren't stupid though. After all, you hadn't dated anyone seriously since breaking up with your first serious boyfriend. If he wanted you to settle down soon, then it only made sense that he'd try to set you up with a good looking guy with good family values. One that wouldn't cheat on you or be too needy. That's what your brother had always told you.
Despite him irritating you to no end, he was a good guy. A kind-hearted person that would never intentionally hurt another person. You knew that because even when he was teasing you mercilessly, you couldn't help but see the soft side of him. It was impossible not to, especially when he was being sweet. And sure, you couldn't deny being insanely attracted to him either. His voice, those ridiculously perfect lips, his gorgeous eyes... Everything about him screamed sexy, and the way he treated you when you were alone with him made you weak in the knees.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Seonghwa placed a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah. Just give me a second." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Opening your eyes again, you looked up at your brother. "Do you think it's a bad idea to ask him out?"
"Oh? Do you perhaps like San?" He raised an eyebrow, and then started to laugh as he saw the look of horror cross your face. "Kidding, Y/N! Of course you do. I don't think he'll mind the fact that you've been crushing on him since high school."
"I have not been crushing on him since high school!" You exclaimed defensively.
"Uh huh. Tell yourself that. Because I'm pretty sure he noticed." Seonghwa chuckled. "Do you have dreams about him too?"
"Stop it." You groaned.
"No really. I won't stop until you admit it." Seonghwa smirked.
"I'm going to punch you in the face when Mom and Dad aren't around." You grumbled, glaring at your brother.
"So...?" He grinned mischievously. "What are you going to do?"
You groaned as you got out of the couch. "Mom, Dad. Don't stop me when I throttle my own brother. Seriously."
They laughed as you stalked towards the door. Grabbing your phone off the counter, you slammed the door behind you and headed towards San's place next door. San was outside washing his car when you walked out. His head shot up when he saw you standing there, and you immediately felt your face heat up. God, it was hard not to blush every time he caught your eye. As much as you hated admitting it, San was incredibly attractive. But even more than his appearance, it was his personality that got you. His humor, his kindness, and the way he teased you constantly...
God, you wished you were less awkward around him. You spent so much time daydreaming about what it would be like to kiss him and spend the night in bed with him, that it had become difficult to function normally around him, hence the bickering with him over the years.
"You okay there, Y/N?" He spoke softly as he came closer to you.
You shook your head, a small smile on your lips. "It's nothing. Just Seonghwa being annoying as always."
"Ah, Seonghwa." San let out a laugh. "Trying to matchmake yet again?"
"Shut up." You muttered under your breath.
His smile grew wider as he moved in front of you. "Who was it this time? Jongho? Mingi?"
You shook your head. "Yeosang."
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow, surprised.
"Really, really." You sighed. "I told Seonghwa that I'll beat him up the next time he tries to butt into my love life. So that means I owe him a beating."
San cocked his head to the side as he studied you. "Hmm... A chance to hit Seonghwa for you. That does sound fun."
"Feel free to beat him up. He is your friend after all." You shrugged and shook your head. "Anyway, I came here for something else. Seonghwa won't leave me alone unless I ask you this...Do you...Uhm...Think it's a bad idea to ask you out?"
His smile grew bigger as he pulled you close to him. "Oh my god, I can't believe I have to hear you asking me this question already. We've been friends for years, what makes you think it's a bad idea?"
You frowned and bit your lip. "I just feel like it might cause problems between us... Ugh." You huffed and looked away from him. "Nevermind. Forget I asked."
"It's fine. Really." He placed a gentle finger under your chin and gently tilted your head upwards. "It's perfectly normal to want to ask a friend out. And I know you like to look at me when you think no one's around. Even if you pretend you don't, I know you do."
"I swear one of these days I'm going to beat you up instead of Seonghwa." You mumbled as you stared into his eyes.
He let out a laugh. "Are you going to start fighting everyone you meet now? It's cute. Kinda."
You blushed slightly and quickly looked away. "Stop flirting with me. You're making me lose focus."
"I wouldn't dream of it." He winked at you before releasing your chin and stepping away.
You crossed your arms and glared at him. "So... Will you go out with me?"
"Maybe." He smiled cheekily.
Your jaw dropped and you widen your eyes. Was that a yes? "W-what?!"
"Shh. Be patient." He winked at you. "Just wait for my answer."
"One. More. Minute." He smiled. "And then you can say whatever you want."
"Seriously, you guys need to just make out already." An annoyed voice called from inside the house. "You two drive me crazy sometimes."
"Oh, dear God." You mumbled under your breath. "Seonghwa is coming out now."
"Hello, loverboy." Seonghwa laughed as he walked out of your condo. He patted San on the back. "I take it that my crazy, violent sister asked you out?"
"Yeah. She kinda did." San chuckled, reaching for your hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
"Well, I suppose it's better late than never." Seonghwa smirked. "Still though, it's about time you guys went out."
You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face. Seonghwa wasn't exactly wrong. In fact, he was right. You had gone out with your friends and tried dating other people without success. But honestly, there was something missing in those relationships. Something that you felt only with San. Sure, he was a huge flirt, and he was usually joking around whenever he saw you. But it was more than that. You could always tell how genuinely happy he was to see you. How excited he was when he saw you smile. And his caring nature... He put you first in everything. Always putting you before himself. He always wanted to make sure you were safe and taken care of, before thinking of his own needs.
The fact that he was super hot didn't hurt either.
You squeezed San's fingers tightly, wanting to convey to him how much you cared about him. You also wanted to show him how happy you were that he agreed to go out with you. For some reason, you felt nervous that he might say no, despite the fact that you both knew you wanted each other. You knew he liked you. Hell, you liked him too. He was the only person who seemed to understand you, who knew how to push your buttons and get under your skin.
"Y/N, why are you squeezing my hand so tight?" San laughed.
"I'm not." You mumbled, slowly letting go of his hand.
Seonghwa burst out laughing. "Sure you are."
"Ha ha." You smirked. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with this very handsome man." You turned to San and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I'm going to show you how to properly kiss later." San laughed, his arms snaking around your waist.
You grinned and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Can't wait."
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It was a Saturday afternoon and you were relaxing on the couch while watching a movie with San. You had to admit that you felt a bit nervous being wrapped in his arms, but you couldn't deny the butterflies flying around in your stomach every time he touched you.
"Are you feeling alright?" San asked you softly. You hummed in response and looked away. "Is there anything wrong?"
"Do you really want to know?" You rolled your eyes playfully. "It's like I've lost my mind or something."
"Losing your mind doesn't mean that you've lost your ability to speak." He lightly poked you in the nose.
"And yet you still manage to insult me, Choi San." You snorted. "Fine. I'm just freaking out."
"Why?" He asked, concerned.
"Because..." You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. "There are so many things I'd like to do with you...Things I've fantasized about doing since high school."
"Oh? What kind of things?" He smirked.
You bit your lip nervously. "Like...kissing you senseless. And sleeping in your arms all night. And waking up next to you... You get the picture."
He leaned in and pressed his forehead against yours. "Okay, okay. I'll make all of those things come true."
Your heart started racing as he pulled back and held your gaze. For a second, you thought he was going to kiss you, but he quickly moved away, giving you a smile instead. You couldn't help but frown a bit. Ever since you agreed to go with San, he had yet to really kiss you and you weren't sure why. Sure you, kissed. A peck here and there but it wasn't nearly enough. You longed for the moment when he finally did kiss you, fully and passionately. But so far, he had refrained from even trying. Maybe you were expecting too much. Perhaps you should just go with the flow. Let things happen naturally.
Later that night, you found yourself in bed, staring at the ceiling.
This is stupid. I should stop thinking about him and just sleep.
You scolded yourself. You've been doing it for years and nothing bad happened, so what's stopping you now?
Sleep. You need to sleep.
Closing your eyes, you tried to ignore the fact that San's face kept flashing before your eyes. You attempted to block out the memory of his soft lips touching yours, your hands running through his silky hair and the way his muscles flexed beneath your touch.
Focus. Sleep.
You sat up in bed and grabbed your phone from your nightstand.
If I can't fall asleep, I may as well text him and try to talk to him. At least it will occupy my mind for a while. Right?
It only took you a couple of minutes to compose a message to San. You closed your phone and tossed it onto the bed next to you. Not two minutes later, your phone vibrated and you jumped at the unexpected sound. Picking up your phone, you read San's reply.
San: What did you want to talk about? Can't sleep? I'll hold your hand until you doze off.
A goofy grin spread across your face as you read his reply. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of his name and it was difficult to suppress the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Before you realized it, you were typing another message to him:
You: Hard to sleep when all I could think about is kissing you senseless. Tried to count sheep. Didn't work.
Minutes passed and you got a notification telling you that San replied. You hurriedly unlocked your phone and opened his message.
San: What else were you thinking about? Want to share them with me?
You reread his message and a wide smile appeared on your face. It only took you seconds to type it out.
You: Weird thoughts of you.
San's reply came almost instantly. Your cheeks flushed red as you stared at the screen.
San: What kind of thoughts? Sexy ones?
Before you knew it, you typed out another message.
You: Want to know what they were about?
San immediately replied. His response made you blush again. Your breathing picked up as you stared at your phone, waiting for his response.
San: Give me details. Now.
Slowly moving your thumbs, you typed out your reply.
You: Thoughts of your fingers running down my body. Fingers that would eventually find their way inside me.
A few minutes passed before you received a reply. You peeked at your phone anxiously, wondering if he was done responding. When the message alert popped up, you couldn't hide your surprise.
San: And in these thoughts of yours, did you like my fingers? Because I would love to use them...All over you.
Wow. Just wow. That sent chills down your spine and it took everything you had to remain focused on the topic at hand. Thinking about how good his fingers felt made you imagine how it would feel to be underneath him, feeling his strong arms wrap around you as he pinned you down. Oh god, you couldn't stop thinking about it. In fact, the thought alone sent shivers down your spine. You barely noticed when San responded again.
San: Yes. You liked them. More than you ever imagined possible. I'd like to make those thoughts become reality. One day. Soon. Please?
You bit your lip, before responding.
You: Kiss me first and then I'll let you do whatever you want.
San replied a minute later.
San: Whatever I want?
And you proceeded to write the next part.
You: Whatever you want. From the way you touch me to the way you taste me.
Several moments passed and San's reply came through. Your eyes widened as you read his words.
San: Why don't we make our fantasies come true? Tonight. Come over here. Now.
Letting out a small laugh, you pushed yourself up and headed towards his place. It took you but seconds to reach his condo, but you didn't waste any time once you arrived. You knocked on the door loudly, anxious to see him. A moment later, he opened the door and you felt your heart rate pick up. Without saying a word, you flung yourself into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and pressing your body firmly against his. He returned the hug fiercely and placed his hands gently on your hips, deepening the kiss.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he broke the kiss and rested his forehead against yours. You pulled away and looked into his eyes. The intense look in his eyes was making you feel slightly dizzy and nervous.
"Is this okay?" You whispered softly.
He brushed your lips with a thumb. "Never knew that you wanted me this bad."
You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I do. I've wanted you forever."
His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he kissed you again. You moaned in pleasure as he deepened the kiss. After several minutes, he pulled away from you and smiled. "Come in."
With one last lingering kiss, you reluctantly pulled away and entered his home. After closing the door and taking your shoes off, San pushed you gently against the wall, holding you firmly by the hips. His mouth hovered above yours as he watched you, trying to take in every little detail. Finally, he lowered his head and planted another soft kiss on your lips.
The kiss was brief, but it left you panting. You brought your hands up and pressed them against his chest, enjoying the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat. Slowly moving your hands up his back and around his neck, you pulled him closer to you.
"I want to do a lot more than just kiss tonight, Y/N." San said huskily.
"Yes." You whispered back. "I want to do more than just kiss too."
San's lips left yours and trailed down your jawline, leaving wet kisses along the way. Finally, he stopped at the base of your throat and slowly nipped your skin, causing you to moan softly. Leaning in, he kissed the spot where he bit you and you whimpered. "Don't make me wait anymore, Y/N."
You reached up and grabbed his shoulders, keeping him in place as he continued to tease you. Slowly licking up your neck, he lingered on your pulse point and teased you with feather light kisses. "San... Please..."
As if reading your mind, he gripped your chin tightly and lifted your head. His eyes met yours and you saw desire blazing behind them. Gently brushing his lips against yours, he lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom, leaving a trail of kisses behind him. Once in the bedroom, he kicked the door shut and began undressing you as soon as he set you down on the bed. Your shirt flew across the room and landed somewhere on the floor, followed by your shorts, bra and panties. His lips pressed against your skin, eliciting soft gasps of pleasure from you. You squirmed under his touch, desperately wanting more.
Suddenly, San pulled away and his hands grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifting it up. His eyes remained fixed on yours as he revealed his bare chest. With one swift motion, he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it aside. You could feel your breath catch in your throat as you gazed at his muscular torso. You reached out and caressed his abs lightly, enjoying the soft feel of his skin beneath your fingertips. You pulled at the waistband of his sweats and soon had them off of him, tossing them to the side.
You didn't have to ask twice; San immediately rolled over on top of you and pressed his lips against yours. He pinned your wrists above your head, covering your body with his own as he kissed you passionately. Moans escaped from your lips as his tongue slid past your lips, plunging into your mouth. After a few moments, he pulled away and stared at you with hooded eyes.
"Do you want me, Y/N?"
"Yes." You whispered softly.
"Tell me how badly you want me."
"Very badly."
San leaned forward and sucked on your bottom lip, gently biting it before letting it go. "Good girl." He said, kissing you again.
Again, his lips left yours and moved down your jawline, leaving wet kisses on the way. He trailed his kisses lower, stopping at the hollow of your throat. His hot breath fanned across your skin as he licked your skin. His fingers suddenly clasped your breasts, squeezing them roughly. Your nipples hardened under his touch and a low moan escaped your lips. You arched your back, pushing your breasts further into his hands, craving more.
San's hands dropped from your breasts and trailed down your sides, coming to rest on your hips. One hand trailed slowly down your thigh and pressed against your pussy, making you gasp. "You're wet, Y/N." He said in a husky voice. "You're so wet for me."
Unable to form coherent sentences, you simply nodded your head.
"Touch yourself." He commanded. Sitting up, you placed your palms on your thighs and used them to spread your legs wider. You glanced up at San and found him staring at you with lust filled eyes. "Touch yourself, baby."
With shaky hands, you tentatively touched yourself, moaning softly as you ran your fingers along your clit. You gasped at the sudden rush of pleasure that coursed through your body as you began to finger yourself. The pleasurable tingling quickly turned into a throbbing ache between your legs. When you felt the telltale sign of your orgasm approaching, you slipped two fingers inside yourself, stretching your pussy wider.
"Fuck, baby." San let out a moan as he watched you pleasure yourself. "Tell me how you're feeling."
"So fucking close." You managed to say. "Please, San... I need you inside me."
"I'm not gonna make you wait much longer." San groaned. His gaze softened as he gave you a slow smile. "But for now... Let me watch you finish yourself off."
Normally when you touched yourself, it never felt like this. But the combination of watching San's eyes glaze over with desire and having him watch you touch yourself, intensified the pleasure tenfold. The pulsating ache became even stronger and before long, you felt yourself begin to tense up.
"San...I can't hold back..." You moaned, pulling your hand away from your wet pussy. You felt a burst of heat rush through your body as your orgasm ripped through your body, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through your body. The force of your climax caused your knees to buckle and San instantly rolled over, supporting you with his arms. His gaze fell upon your flushed face, a content grin plastered on his face.
"That was beautiful, baby." San said, kissing your forehead. "God, I've been waiting all night to hear you call out my name."
"San, I need you now." You pleaded softly. "Please."
"Yeah, baby." He breathed heavily. "I know."
In an instant, he sunk into you, filling you completely. As soon as he did, your eyes fluttered closed and you held onto him tightly. The overwhelming sensation of him finally being inside you sent tremors of ecstasy coursing through your body. You cried out as he slowly thrust himself into you, setting a steady pace. Each movement was a reminder of how perfect this man was for you and how lucky you were to have him.
"Fuck, San..." You let out a moan.
He gently stroked your hair as you clung to him, murmuring loving words in your ear. Together, you rode the waves of pleasure as your bodies intertwined. Your hands grasped onto his back, relishing in the gentle contact of his skin. Every touch made your heart race faster and soon you were reaching the peak again. You moaned his name as your orgasm crashed over you, causing you to squeeze him tighter. As you neared your release, you felt San begin to shudder beneath you. You opened your eyes to find his gaze locked on yours.
Slowly, he buried his face into your neck and let out a loud groan. "Y/N... Fuck... Baby... I'm gonna cum."
You tighten your grip around him, urging him on as he poured everything he had into you. For a moment, nothing else existed but you and him as your bodies clung together, relishing in the blissful afterglow. After several moments, you released his back and lay there in silence, trying to catch your breath. As your breathing slowed, you felt San's weight shift slightly, rolling over onto his side. With a smile on your face, you turned your head and nestled into his warm embrace. He pulled you closer to him and placed a soft kiss on your temple.
After several moments, he spoke softly in your ear. "Did all your thoughts and fantasies come true, Y/N?"
You laughed quietly. "Every single one."
He grinned and kissed your cheek. "Mine too."
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preposterousjams · 2 days
Girlhood and Cassandra Cain: a messy analysis
I love how through Batgirl (2000) we just see Cass learn to be a semi-functioning "normal" girl and how she slowly goes from a life centred around justice and violence to a girl with so much wonder in her heart
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Like girl starts out only knowing that she can be one thing: A good fighter. So obviously, to her, her own life outside of that means nothing if its non existent.
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And at the same time, she doesn't really know what being a "regular person" means. She's had 2 identities: Weapon and Batgirl. In between both she was just surviving and it probably sucked rlly bad. She used to not picture a life outside of Cain, and now she cant picture a life outside of Batgirl. She literally has met like a total of 30 ppl in her life and talked to like 4.
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But even with her very limited idea of normal social interactions she is unafraid of trying to show ppl love. She sees through their body language that the opposite of pain is love. But that kind of love requires an interaction outside of fighting.
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She can't understand english much at the beginning but her initial drive to learn is not to be a better detective or batgirl related, its her love for people. For them to be happy. Its like a way of being useful.
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But when others treat her in the same way, when others show her affection, she wants so bad to experience those connections over and over again. Mutual loving relationships are a new experience to her and she can't get enough of it.
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She needs help on a case so what does she do? She breaks into Stephanie's room after meeting her like a single time because who knocks anyways?
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wdym its not normal to knock ppl out when they're annoying? Like its convenient so y not?
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She quickly makes her first friends but doesn't really know how to act or communicate but still manages to joke around in her own way. But they're happy, and she's happy, so it works.
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She even watches crime shows and reality tv like guides on how to interact with people on missions and irl.
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But gradually, all these small interactions let her become a person, for her to share small things about herself with others. Relationships let her be someone. Sharing thoughts, having conversations, working together, and anything that involves the small human pleasure of company become things she looks forward to.
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And little by little, she starts doing things for herself. Like bro runs around Gotham, night into morning, holding onto a rose because its something thats hers and its pretty but she doesn't even know how plants work, but she's got the spirit. (yes ik that the rose is a randomly placed metaphor for cass having a bad work life balance but its so cute)
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She starts going outside as a normal person instead of only for missions. She does normal girl things like going to restaurants but kind of not really cause wtf is a balanced diet.
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Being able to share something about herself with someone and to sit in a mutual understanding of each other becomes easy. She lets herself be open to change and finds herself looking forward to living.
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Wanting something for herself and being her own person is such a foreign concept to how she was raised but she loves it.
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She experiments with everything to see what feels right. She starts flirting with boys, going to parties, dressing up in different styles of fashion. She wants to experience everything that girls do
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She also learns that being a girl is different from what the other bats experience
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Which sucks especially when she can read people's body language. As batgirl, in her scary ass outfit she was only terrifying and strong. But as a normal girl, people sometimes objectify her which has to be the oddest experience when u could kill someone with the blink of an eye.
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Even her new father and brother see her differently than she sees them. Theres a weird social thing that comes with "girlness" that she doesn't understand, where girl things are supposed to be weak and have to be protected. But logically, shes like, yall gotta be protected from me be so forreal.
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She dont gaf. Shes got bigger things to be ashamed about and being a girl is not one of them.
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As she experiences the downsides of girlhood, she learns of the social expectations that come along. And instead of playing along blindly, she uses them to mess with ppl (and bruce). Cass understands more than anyone that social expectations and behaviours are just created performances that bring ppl together. So she chooses the ones she likes and completely rejects what she doesn't like.
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and in the end she picks girly things like bold lipstick, fancy dresses, fashion, because she loves pretty things not because its whats expected. Social norms are like toys she can play with and put aside when they aren't fun.
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Like she'll still get into a bar fight after eating the entire menu cause she can. Anyways ted talk over
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