#and it's not a big issue or anything but y'know. they make different sounds
moinsbienquekaworu · 11 months
Salut ma bien-aimèe! I wanted to thank you again for the fic recs, and also let you know that your compliment of my frenglish has been living rent free in my head since you sent it and just thank you so much <3
But I did take your suggestion of sorting by word count, and found some drabbles that were translations, and I shouldn't be this surprised but the parallel reading between the English and French actually helped a lot! So I think I'm gonna go off the deep end and read Cambiare Podents >:)
In the meantime, I'm def gonna be getting ahold of the French editions of HP, but you mentioned having some regular book recs too? Whenever you have the time, I'd love to see those 👀👀 I don't want to use you as a free resource, but I really massively appreciate the time you've been putting into this for me and I super appreciate your patience with my very limited vocabulary!
That's all, have a lovely evening and sleep well!! Love you!!!
MON AMOUR!!!! You're welcome I loove talking about what I read especially to people who are interested. Honestly the frenglish took me out I had to comment on it like it's wild. I talked about you to my family (yeah I don't have classes to complain about at diner anymore and your message was sweet) and your word order wasn't usual when you said 'j'aimerais les bons mots utiliser' (you'd put the utiliser before that, j'aimerais utiliser les bons mots) but my dad thought it was charming and it sounded like Yoda. So. That's a compliment obviously. (talking more about my online friends so that when I have the money to take a plane to come see y'all my parents don't go 'who are you going to see??' also)
Hehe Cambiare Podentes was SO important to me honestly! I started with the french translation but there were only a few chapters translated and it stopped right as it was about to get more interesting, and since the chapters are all the size of a novella the translator was updating like once a month/every few months. I didn't want to wait thought so I said well surely I can read it in english! And now here I am. So I hope you have fun with it too!!!
You're not using me as a free ressource you're giving me enrichment!! I love love love talking way too much about things that interest me but usually people aren't on the same wavelength so they listen politely but they don't really care that much. Which is fine but it's so cool when you know your recs actually have a chance of being read! I'll find you a little list of books + try to get a clean epub/pdf because I just know a lot of the stuff I like isn't going to be available outside of France and I'd feel bad for giving you recs you can't get your hands on. There's also a few visual children's books I'm thinking of (like the Claude Ponti books) that I have at home that I could probably take pics of/scan if you want, once again because I have no idea of the availability outside of France and potentially neighbouring countries/Québec. You'll have to tell me if Cambiare Podentes is the right level or if you want some simpler stuff because I can also do children's books with smaller vocabularies and easier sentences, I just have to know haha.
Also if you want me to speak french at you/with you I have a lot of free time now so 👀👀 text/voice, whatever you want, I'm free a fair amount is all I'm saying.
Thank yoouu you too! I think you said you were going to a concert so I hope you had fun! (and I didn't know if I should say it in the replies but you looked really good in that pic you posted)
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palsklingar · 8 months
Let me preface this by saying that everything's fine now, however something happened with Njord tonight that scared the shit out of me, and I wanted to hear if anyone else has experienced something similar.
So, I gave the bunnies their dinner pellets tonight, and then went into a different part of the apartment. I then heard a rabbit stomp their feet, and figured it was probably Idun who'd gotten spooked by something she saw through the window. She's quite easily spooked and it was windy outside, so I figured she'd just seen a tree branch move or something.
So I went into the bunny room, and Idun is looking spooked, kind of moving in that switchy way bunnies do when they feel unsafe. I try to talk to her to calm her down, and that's when I hear this weird sound. At first I think it's coming for outside the window, but then I realize it's actually coming from Njord, who's sitting on their little bed in front of the window.
The sound is like... y'know, that little grunting sound bunnies make sometimes, except it's very loud and constant. My first thought is that he's choking, but he seems to be able to breathe, although his breathing is faster, more panicked, than usual. So then I'm thinking that maybe a pellet got lodged in his throat, to the point where there's some obstruction, but not a complete blockage.
I pry his mouth open, but I can't see anything. I then fill some syringes with water and give them to him, figuring that if there's something stuck, I might be able to wash it down for him.
After this the sound gets less loud and less frequent, and after a short while it stops all together. I watch over him for a while to make sure that everything's all right, and he goes back to acting like normal, drinking, eating hay etc. He's been fine since, so whatever happened doesn't seem to have caused any permanent damage.
I usually give them a Swedish brand of pellets that the local vet carries called Djurdoktorn. However, last time they didn't have those, so I bought the Oxbow pellets instead. No big deal, I thought, since I've heard that those are good, healthy pellets as well. However, when I opened the bag I was a bit surprised by how much smaller these pellets were compared to the ones they usually get.
So my best (and only) guess as to what happened is that a piece of pellet got stuck in his throat. The fact that making him drink some water seemed to solve the issue definitely supports that theory. So I'm guessing that since these pellets are so small, he swallowed one without chewing it properly at it got stuck.
Sorry, this ended up pretty long, but I wanted to write it as thoroughly as possible. I feel quite shaken up by the whole thing, and wanted to know if anyone else has had any similar experiences, or have used the Oxbow pellets before? I've had bunnies for over 20 years, and have never had something like this happen before!
I don't think I'll dare give them this brand of pellets for breakfast and dinner again. I might just use it in their snack ball in the future, since then at least they won't get access to more than a few pieces at a time. I'm thinking he ate them too fast tonight.
All I can say is, thank god that his airways weren't completely blocked, and thank god Idun alerted me that something was wrong! Seriously, this girl might just have saved her brother's life.
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the-starry-seas · 17 days
You gotta tell me more about Whisper's problems. How bad could it *really* be for ne and Sol to be drinking buddies?
LOL well-
The biggest thing is, well, y'know. The kind of people who say "an army of child slaves sounds like the perfect way to solve problems" are probably the kind of people who dehumanise said army of child slaves. Jango straight up calls them livestock. Plus the whole barcode and CT numbers thing. Enough to give anyone issues when it's all they know! And that's not accounting for the extra trust issues coming from the fact that the Aces were betrayed by a clone from their own company.
Also I have a really incoherent set of thoughts about clones not having personal autonomy or the ability to say 'no', and the ways that can break them. And about how much worse that is for clones with touch aversion, like Whisper. And about how nonverbal episodes can make anything difficult, but are potentially lethal in a life-or-death situation. And how with emotions being all... fucky wucky, sometimes the only way to feel something is to get punched in the face. Kiss with a fist is better than none, etc etc.
(I also have a lot of thoughts about there being a different version of the clone chip that's installed with "live" programing, when sending a clone back to Kamino for reconditioning would take too much time. These chipped clones have to obey every order they're given, even if it would kill them to do so, and are forbidden from fighting back against anyone hurting them. I have even more thoughts about Whisper being threatened with a chip like that and being scared shitless because ne could never let the Aces endanger themselves to protect ner.)
This is entirely headcanon, but, Kaminoans are transphobic as hell when it comes to the clones. The army was made male on purpose and there's no reason for them to not stay that way. They hear about a clone changing up their gender and consider it a 'programming aberration', something tweaked in the DNA that makes the clone a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs in comparison to the 'real' soldiers. For one thing, Whisper is not fond of being called an aberration. And apart from the effect transphobia has on a kid, it's just stressful to wonder what's enough to get you taken from your family.
But that's not ner only aberration, as far as the Kaminoans are concerned! Or would be concerned, if they knew that Whisper was autistic. Which also brings a whole new set of Shit Whisper Doesn't Want To Deal With. I'm ready to kill someone with my bare hands like a gorilla after 15 minutes in a Wal-mart supercentre, and Whisper spent ner entire life in either a multi-million-people city or a war zone. Considering ne has no idea what a coping mechanism is (presumably some kind of machinery), is it really any surprise that ne has a load of emotional disregulation and anger issues?
The Aces did a lot to protect Ember and keep his deafness a secret. An unintentional side effect of that is that he sees his deafness as a Problem that would get them all killed if anyone figures it out. Did the Aces try to accommodate Whisper's own disability and accidentally teach ner the same thing? Does Whisper think there's something wrong in ner brain, and that ne needs to be fixed to be normal so ne's no longer a problem that ner family has to keep covered up? Yep. It sucks when your family teaches you shame, especially when they never meant to.
Also Whisper is asexual and demiromantic so like. That is also very alienating when you realise that you're not physically capable of feeling something that everyone else considers a defining trait of being human. Which also definitely ties back into the whole angle of Kaminoan dehumanisation, and the whole "ah fuck gotta fix the brain to be normal" thought pattern.
But the big thing is the child murder! In canon, one of the Cuy'val Dar had a fight ring, and multiple cadets died from their injuries. Whisper got kicked into the fight ring when ne was seven years old. Ner first time there, ne ended up killing ner opponent. And ne was efficient enough about it that Priest kept bringing ner back for more fights. Killing other cadets (some of them younger than ner) since childhood has, what's the phrase... deeply fucked ner up.
There's also the fact that ne internalises everything instead of relying on ner family for help or support. Everything is ner fault, therefore ne has to fix it all on ner own, too. It's like a damage multiplier against ner emotional state. The other Aces don't even know about the fight club thing, ne told them it was intensive training for consideration for an ARC program. That's gonna be a fustercluck.
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icedteaandoldlace · 2 months
🥑🥤❄️🧩🧃 for the writers game >:3
🥑 ⇢ You accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
All I know is it WON'T be @kittehexpress. She's already made it abundantly clear she will hide bodies for no one! 😂
🥤 ⇢ Recommend an author or fanfic you love
I know I recommend @orangesunsets12's Avalanche a lot...but I'm gonna do it again. It really is one of the best fics ever. It's just...it's got everything. It's fantastic. I love it.
❄️ ⇢ What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Team Citizen Charlie's Angels AU. I have something in the works that kiiiiiiiiiind of fits that vibe, but not quite. Also, anything Team Citizen related with Linda as a member. I think they'd all work great together, and I'd love to see it happen. I'd also really love an AU that's mostly canon compliant and set in a middle/later season, but Ronnie's been alive and part of the Team Flash Family the whole time. I hadn't really given any thought to who I would want to read these kinds of fics by, but the first person to come to my mind is @kitkatt0430, who has a good handle on everyone's personalities and a really enjoyable writing style (I'm not dropping hints here, just making a statement—don't feel pressured to do anything about it 😅).
🧩 ⇢ What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Not counting the things I won't click into in the first place here, no paragraph breaks is a big one. Death-panic-midnight writing is another. Y'know, when everything is SO DRAMATIC!!!! so early into a fic. Overuse of epithets and dramatic speech signifiers, or someone bursting into tears with no build up to it, so instead of feeling the emotions™️ with the characters, you're just overwhelmed because So Much Is Happening Right Now, and you don't even know what room everyone's in, or why character A is suddenly "roaring" at character B for what sounded like a reasonable question. Like, ease me into it or have the central character feel as bewildered as I do about what in heck is going on here.
🧃 ⇢ Share some personal lore you never posted about before
So when I was little (maybe 4 or 5), my family went out to a fancy restaurant, or at least what I considered to be fancy at the time. I don't remember the event that preceded it, but considering we were in a different town and with a big group of people from church, it was probably either a revival or choir tour (or, come to think of it, that might've been the night we saw the Gaithers in concert). It was a fun night out for the adults, but for us kids, it was tedious (the food was good, though, when it finally came out).
At some point, my older brother started entertaining himself with what little resources he had at the table. He got some paper, which might have been napkins or might have been a kids' menu, and folded it into a shape resembling a paper airplane, and poured some pepper into the groove down the middle. After getting me to look his way, he blew through his paper creation and sent pepper flying—right into my eyes.
He realized a split second too late that he'd fucked up when I started screaming and crying, getting everyone's attention at the table, and probably the whole restaurant. In the back of my mind—the part that wasn't overwhelmed by how badly my eyes stung—I was a little worried that my mom would be mad because I was being loud in a restaurant, and I would have to explain what happened. But of course, when you're screaming because you have pepper in your eyes and you can't even open them for how bad it hurts, it's obvious to everyone around you that something is wrong.
My mom very quickly led me into the bathroom, where she took me to the sink and started flushing the pepper out of my eyes, and it was the biggest relief when the pain started to fade and I could stand to open my eyes again. Everything was a little blurry at first, but that issue resolved itself soon enough.
My brother had to apologize, which he did profusely, because he didn't know that blowing pepper in my face was gonna do that, and my dad chewed him out, told him that he could have blinded me, and made him walk around with his eyes closed for a little while after we got home so he would "know what it's like to be blind" (not really the most accurate thing, but he made his point).
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beholdthemem · 1 year
Y'know, I feel like even if the 1986 school year had been completely uneventful and gone off without a hitch, Chrissy still would've dumped Jason.
Not because of Eddie. Not because she discovered 'Oh, maybe I'm into girls'. Honestly, not even because of Jason himself.
I think Jason was never aware of it, but he and Chrissy's relationship had had a time limit placed on it for a while- because Chrissy's number one goal was to get the fuck out of Hawkins, and a romantic relationship was not conducive to that at all.
Part of playing a character that won't be around long while still giving them depth is to build who they are as a person off screen- who they are, what they're like, what they want. Even if half that shit never makes it to air, YOU knowing that about your character helps you portray a human being rather than a cardboard cutout. There's a personality to draw from. There's unspoken experiences that created that personality. During a brief period of time last summer when people weren't being anal worms for no goddamn reason, Chrissy's actress did a Q&A, giving us a chance to learn some of those things. Including:
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(Weirdly cropped, I know, but I didn't know if the question asker would want their url included or not, and didn't wanna be rude. At any rate-)
Maybe season 5 will roll around and it'll turn out I'm wrong, but based on what we know of Laura, I really have trouble believing she would've just let Chrissy go. Chrissy's Vecna visions showed her being trapped inside that house. A recurring theme was her inability to get away.
Jason didn't know there was anything wrong in Chrissy's home life. If she was planning to leave as soon as she graduated, anyone she wanted to stay in contact with afterwards would have to be well aware why she was going, and why it needed to be a secret- loose lips sink ships. Anybody who didn't realize there was a reason not to talk about Chrissy's post-grad plans in front of Laura ran the risk of destroying of destroying her exit before she even had a chance to use it. If Jason didn't know about Laura, I don't think he knew about anything.
I do believe Chrissy cared about him. Not in a marriage/children/white-picket-fence-future kind of way, the way he seemed to think about her- but it sounded like there was some affection there. She wasn't willing to risk her safety, sanity and future to stay with him (because he seemed to have pretty positive associations with both Hawkins and the people living there, and I don't think he would've been willing to cut them off. Staying with Jason meant that no matter how many miles she ran, there would ALWAYS be an avenue for Chrissy's parents to get to her again) but she didn't want to put him through his girlfriend disappearing on him with no explanation. So... break up. If it was done early enough in the school year, it would theoretically give him enough time to heal and move on. He'd be able to pursue his life, and she'd be able to pursue hers.
Now, whether or not that ended up being how he reacted to the break up in PRACTICE is a different story. Jason is obsessive. If Chrissy dumped him, there would have to be a reason, and no matter what she told him to the contrary, I cannot see him accepting the idea that there wasn't someone else. He needs a bad guy. When something goes wrong, he needs someone to oppose. Prior to Spring Break, Chrissy might not have been in a position to see that side of him (The fact that Vecna tormented her exclusively through her parents make me think that whatever issues she and Jason may or may not have had, he never actively contributed to her trauma) but if she'd lived long enough to end their relationship, I suspect he would have made himself into a big fucking problem.
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itaeewon · 1 year
psa! © itaeewon
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please spare a couple minutes to read ♡
okay, so last year i reblogged this post which raises some very valid points about common banner requesting etiquette that i feel like everyone should be aware of. the concerns highlighted in the post were really spot on; however, i'd still like to emphasize that last point regarding the usage of banners, or the lack thereof.
"if you are no longer using your request/commission you must let the creator know as common curtesy."
this is what momo said in the post, and i completely agree with her. it's actually a big reason that's been deterring me from accepting requests lately.
for me personally, this issue mainly applies to free requests. of course, even with commissions, it'd still be nice to know if you're not using the graphics but ultimately, it's your money so it's your call whether or not you plan to use the things you paid for.
with free requests, it's a different story. i'm using my time to do it for free, so i would really appreciate if you could tell me if you're not using a banner i made for your fic. it could be because of whatever reason - you'd prefer to use someone else's work, you're not writing the fic anymore, or it could simply be because you don't like it. all of that is okay!
i promise that i will not be offended at all if you tell me you're not using the banner. i could repurpose it for a new use and not let that work go to waste. please know that i'm not demanding compensation or trying to guilt trip anyone. i'm not sugarcoating anything to make it sound more palatable, because i think it's fair and honestly, it's just common politeness, y'know?
it's pretty understandable for me (and other creators) to not want that time spent working on the graphics to just be for nothing in the end. especially since we're doing it for free.
sooo, yeah, that's all i wanted to say. please keep this in mind when you're requesting something :) peace out for now! ♡
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I'm starting to believe Derek Hook was correct when he said the only truly antiracist act is suicide. We're so immersed in whiteness, in this inherently-harmful state of being, that the only way to stop hurting poc in our environment is to stop existing in said environment. We can do all the self-reflection and unlearning and community-building we like but at the end of the day it isn't enough and it will never *be* enough. I say 'we' here because I very much include myself in this.
Ok this is a lot, babe, so let me say this to start: Derek Hook sounds like a self-important TWAT.
So no, that is fully not that answer, because killing yourself is not the answer to ANY harm you could possibly cause, especially not to systemic harm caused by a demographic you happen to be part of.
It's cowardly. Not to say you specifically are a coward, I very much understand why you might come to this conclusion given everything, but Derek Hook certainly is and I'll tell you why:
If you (general you) were to kill yourself bc of harm you've done, the only thing you've really chosen is to actively avoid doing anything to help fix it.
We don't cause active harm simply by existing. No. False. Period. But yeah we have privilege afforded to us by systemic issues rooted in choices taken over centuries by other ppl and we (broadly meaning living ppl) are the only ppl around who can try to fix it.
So we do our best to undo what we can. To give reparations where we can. To lift up voices where we can. To listen and learn and do better. To do our best to dismantle systems and to try to undermine them when we can't. That's how we fight racism, not by removing ourselves from the equation, especially since even if every white person decided they agreed with Derek Douche over there, the only white people left would be THE RACISTS WHO DON'T CARE. And that's clearly not an ideal solution.
There's a quote, the latter part from Rabbi Tarfon in the Talmud and the former part from modern commentary, about tikkun olam, the Jewish mandate to repair the world, that I really love and that I cling to when everything seems too big for me to make a difference, and I think it applies well here:
"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now. 'You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it'."
We are not obligated to completely dismantle racism in our lifetime. That's insane to think about, it's so ingrained, we'd need to dismantle the systems that encourage it and then give it a generation or two, y'know? But we have to do what we can to try to make less work for the next generation that comes along. And we might not succeed because there are people actively working against that goal, but it still means something that we're trying.
Are you going to make mistakes and not be perfectly anti-racist in every way? Well... Yeah, I mean that's a given. You're human. We all are. We will all make mistakes no matter how hard we try. The important part is how you respond when you realize you made the mistake. You acknowledge it, you apologize, and you do your best to do better next time.
Any person that tells you or agrees that killing yourself is a solution to anything, especially anything systemic no matter how you benefit from it, is lying or a piece of shit. Period, full stop. You are not making the world a worse place for others to live in simply by existing. Yes, systemic racism is a huge problem, and yes we as white people are all going to have shit to unpack and grapple with about it, and yes it's hard and yes you'll have to listen and learn and grow and you won't be perfect and you will mess up.
But do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
Do your best. It won't be enough, but it is still enough that you try.
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hey guys, just found out that my brother's friend's uncle's grandmas' mailman's sister works at roosterteeth, so now i have a REAL and TRUE reveal of how rwby episode 10 will go, We open with Jaune falling because fuck immediately following up on what happened to Ruby lol Jaune closes his eyes... he thinks... this is it... Going out at the ripe old age of *shrug*... But who else is there to save him... But his long-lost love... Herbalist.... "Herbie-kun,,," Jaune coos, as the Herbalist grabs him in his big strong arms and carries him to safety. "Jaunejamin..." Herbalist replies, defying the rules of Ascension to perfectly remember Jaune. For all of you who aren't True Fans, Jaune's full first name IS Jaunejamin, they said so in the secret behind the scenes director's cut edition of the RWBY x Maplestory x Yu-Gi-Oh x Tower Of God crossover comic that costs $59.99 per issue, makes Ozpin transphobic on-page, and is Totally Canon, I Promise. "Jaune!!" Weiss cries, rushing forward to hug him mid-fight. Gotta have the Whiteknight after all! "Oh, poo. You survived," says Neko, which they are literally going to start calling the amalgation of Curious Cat and Neo now with no prior setup or explanation. "Grr. This is all your fault, Neko," Weiss says. "Feel my SCHNEE FURY™" "How did you just do that with your mouth," Neko genuinely wonders, staring blankly, as Weiss shoots a Hadouken because her Semblance already does like 372.6 different things so if you don't think she can shoot Hadoukens shut up yeah she can. "Y'know, Weiss, kind of homophobic of you to shoot a Hadouken when I, the hand-to-hand fighter, should be the one in the best position to learn how to shoot Hadoukens :(" Yang says. "Wh- N-no, Yang, I'm not homophobic, I-" Weiss starts nervously, immediately stopping the fight to sheepishly back away from Yang and begin anxiously twiddling her thumbs. "No, Weiss, she kinda has a point," Blake points out, crossing her arms and dotting her eyes as she gives Weiss the kind of hurt, quivering, pitiful gaze only achievable by someone who's recently kinda just been the delicate waifu of the bunch. "Yeah Weiss, that's a bit of a dick move," chimes in another voice from offscreen. Everyone turns, gaping.... They can't believe their eyes... It's... It's Shrek! "Ruby? I-is that you?" Yang says. "I'm Shrek now," Shrek says. "It's all ogre now... my precious daughter can finally rest..." "Wait..." Yang says, eyes widening to the size of like, really wide eyes. "I always suspected... but I didn't want it to be true..." "Aye, lass," Shrek said somberly, looking at Yang with a tenderness that belies his Shrekosity. "Summer Rose was never really your sister's mum. 'Twas I. Shrek." "NAAAUURRR!!!" Yang cried, breaking down in Blake's arms and somehow showing more emotion over this than she's showed over anything all volume. "Well well well," Neko says, sashaying up to Shrek with a mischievous smirk. "Hellooooo, big b-," Neko starts to purr, before Shrek immediately grabs them by the neck, instantly snapping the vertebrae. It's like. Weirdly detailed and graphic for no reason. "Get out of my swamp." Shrek says nastily, before spinning around a couple of times and then hurling Neko like a shotput. Breaking the sound barrier upon launch, Neko is sent careening away at such dizzying speeds, body crumpled and lifeless as it goes barrelling through countless obstacles for miles upon miles, before finally landing in That One Family Guy Pose. You Know The One. Fin.
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yesimwriting · 2 years
I just wanted to tell you that I LOVED part 2 of Final Girl. Very well written and it had me dying of laughter at certain parts 🤣 like Stu going 'Your mom is hot!' had me done 💀 and the way our mom called us out - 'Do not roll your eyes, he's not a 'monster trying to ruin your life' was so funny for some reason 🤣 Wells sounds like a piece of work and I can't wait to see him and Y/n interact at some point.
All we really know about Wells so far is that Y/n despises him, he drinks alot, and that he's apparently a creep who shows too much interest in Y/n's skirt size 🤢 I think that's the gist of it. I adore our mom lol their mother-daughter dynamic is so cute. Out here threatening to sue the hospital and making us stay overnight 💀 MOM just lemme be FREE 😮‍💨
The way Billy got wistful after seeing us interact with our mom 🥺 and Stu got this strange look too. You can tell Billy was remembering his mom. Also love how competitive Stu and Billy seem to be when it comes to us 🤭 Overall great chapter ❤️
I do have a question - how long do you think Final Girl will be? Chapter wise? 👀
girly you have me near tears!! i love this so much and i was having a rough day (migraine and someone almost rear ended my car!!) and this made me so happy :)) I answered your question at the end of my rant in bold lol,, feel free to scroll to the bottom (also i'm having so much fun talking about them and their dynamics, so if anyone wants to have a final girl talk, send me something!!)
I don't want to spoil anything but i will say that when we finally get a Wells interaction, a lot of things will be made clear. He does kind of have a pervy vibe but that's not what Y/n hates most, not to spoil things but i'm just going to say that Y/n's mom in a relationship and Y/n's mom single are two different people.
I'm so glad you love the mother-daughter relationship as it is going to be a little bittersweet :)) I picture her as a more frazzled Lorelai Gilmore type (if you've watched Gilmore Girls lol) and even though they're super close, Y/n and her make mistakes when it comes to each other but it's all just bc they grew up together, y'know?? And their relationship really affects Billy and Stu.
First off, I really think that Billy and Stu would have a big thing for dependency. Especially Billy (cough, cough mommy issues). A big thing in their lives is absence of positive family bonds, and that's part of the reason they're so close, and so when they first started feeling interested in Y/n (Side note: I actually think Stu would develop a 'crush (obsession)' first and then try to convince Billy to talk to her bc he knows she's special) , and they learned about her home life, they'd resent that relationship with her mom for two reasons.
The first reason--if you're so close with your mom, they're not going to be all you have. Y/n is going to be inherently less dependent on them because she has another support system.
The second reason--they won't really admit this to themselves, let alone to each other, but they're jealous. It's kind of a petty jealousy, but it is a jealousy. I think Stu would be a bit more vocal about this because of the kinda passive aggressive jokes he makes, but it would hit Billy harder. Sometimes he might even lash out at Y/n after seeing her mom do something particularly motherly.
Even Wells kind of plays into this jealousy at first because neither Billy or Stu have met him. They know Y/n complains about him, but they think it's all superficial. A girl who doesn't want a stepdad, that's it. They'll joke or make comments about it even when Y/n gets cagey and uncomfortable and they can tell. They don't mean to consciously, but they're kinda 'punishing' you for having so many parental role models in your life.
Until they learn the real reason Y/n hates Wells because the situation does get worse and Y/n can't keep it secret forever. Then they both really start to hate Wells (and then they feel a tiny bit bad about all the comments they made) and then they get a tiny bit annoyed at you for not saying anything sooner.
they do kinda get a bit better with Y/n’s mom tho!! (she warms up to them and makes one maternal comment and they’re both left shaking fr) mainly bc Gloria is just built different like that, she’d fr solo ghostface with a fresh set of acrylics after a friday night margarita 🙄
Anywaysss,,, sorry i took this as an excuse to ramble about them!! but if anyone wants to talk about Final Girl pls send me stuff!! i have so many thoughts about their dynamics and things to plan!
And!! To answer your question: how many chapters will Final Girl have? That's a little too good of a question lol, I can picture it having around 20 parts bc i think i want to do shorter chapters and more frequent updates, but if y'all prefer longer chapters with a little bit more of a wait between them...lmk!!
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H2O AU Sam anon: love everything you came up with~ but may I raise you, instead of lake Michigan, the canon Lake Eerie in Amity Park? With a name like that I would ABSOLUTELY believe a mermaid transformation on a full moon can happen. There's even a secret cavern behind a waterfall where a weird magical pool could possibly be hidden. Also I love the idea of her being a different TYPE of mermaid than saltwater mermaids. Like H2O mermaids all have orange tails (and like, that one dude who has a green tail for some reason?), if you really wanted to you could decide freshwater mermaids all have, like, black or purple or blue tails or something to soften the aesthetic for Sam to be slightly more tolerable lol (she would HATE an orange tail haha).
The hair growing thing is probably canon actually, I think in H2O:MA no matter what hairdo they have, when they turn into a mermaid their hair becomes all long and pretty? but it goes back to normal when they turn back to human so like... Sam might be mad about it if it were permanent, maybe let her have a bit of reprieve and not make it permanent lol (I mean, Danny's and Tucker's changes aren't permanent y'know?). Tucker growing big in his other form as a parallel to Sam growing small is great, and the "purify water" power makes her unique from the canon H2O mermaids :D Also the mermaid ghost zone bit, that sounds fun, as well as fishing out shenanigans. I'm just imagining she's mad about having to use straws to drink anything for fear of getting wet, because using straws is bad for the environment (she quickly gets a reusable metal one she can use anywhere she needs it. it's a Fenton Straw and it doubles as a hair stick and a weapon I guess because that's just how stuff goes in DP when they need something normal and the Fentons get inspired and make it a weapon instead XD).
I don't think she necessarily needs to be a princess (also I'm not understanding how exactly other than "you're the chosen one"?) since by virtue of her already activist personality she'd probably take on all those responsibilities anyway, just because it's the right thing to do. I can see her BECOMING a princess by doing all this though (along with unlocking more powers along the way and becoming OP in her own right), not really doing that from the start tho (could be a plotline to take for sure! similar to how Danny doesn't start out as king!).
Anyway loving the Valerie and Jazz bits too!! Full set go :D though they also need a transformy aspect to really complete the set lol. Jazz transforming into something with wings and pointy ears sounds cool tho! So now we've got dimension/space, land, sea, sky, and manmade creatures (Danny, Tucker, Sam, Jazz, Val respectively). There's a lot of faerie stuff out there if you wanna continue the route of basing this stuff on existing media (like Teen Wolf and H2O)... the only fae things that come to mind right now are Winx and W.I.T.C.H? Though I don't know much about them.
yooooo. erie works so much better and it would move what stat they're in but i don't care. it fits. i'd also like to note that all the lakes have different mer cultures and vibes. for instance lake superior is the biggest and deepest and has a lot of ship wrecks. erie on the other hand is the smallest and shallowest and has the greatest water flow. it also has issues with pollution and over fishing so it likely has the smallest population of mers and the smallest sized mers in general. they have a hard time with hiding and maintaining a population so they stake a lot of hope on sam and her abilities. there's also a lake monster named bessie in erie that's going to be a friend. the lakes are all attached to each other and have access to a lot of rivers so there's room for travel.
i'm tempted to make sam's tail pink just because she would hate it, but morphology wise it would make more sense if it was a brownish-green, similar to the fish in the area/ the mud on the lake floor. true greens are also an option. my main thing is that these mermaids would be concerned with blending in so they'd want to have camouflage. i'm also now tempted so say all mermaids have a full fish form for camouflage. tucker is going to mock her for this like being a glorified pooch is so much better
i'm down with it being a mer form only thing. she'd still be annoyed because she finds the length inconvenient but at least she can control how she looks on land. it also just occured to me that she needs to invest in water proof make up and the first few times she transformed without it were messy. she played the dripping off as an intentional look. but that 'intentional look' stopped happening within a couple of days.
she'd immediately switch to a reusable metal straw though i'm hesitant to have it double as a hair chop stick purely because that's gross to me and would lead to getting your hair and it's oils in your drink. she could probably have it as a different accessory though.
my mind also made a jump to paulina trying to be mean and 'accidentally' dump her drink on sam and danny and tucker having to step in and take the splash to protect her secret. i think it's safe to say that they'll all end up doing embarrassing things to protect each other secrets. they're loyal like that.
that's fair and the nature of plot development. sam accidentally earning the princess title is better than her just randomly getting handed it by pure chance. it would be nice to see her earn the eerie mer's loyalty and admiration. though she'd still be considered weird as hell due to her company.
and finally i don't know much about winx or w.i.t.c.h. either. it kinda missed me. i'm more inclined to lean into the existing lore for fairies. though it is extensive and often contradictory. how jazz will look depends on what kind of fairy she is. i saw a comment talk about how she might accidentally trick a fairy into giving her their name, when they were trying to steal hers. i wouldn't mind there being an ongoing plot where because she stole that fairy's name and therefore their power, the former fairy is following her around trying to get their name back and cause mischeif for her. only to find they've bitten of more than they can chew because jazz's life is chaos and the fairy isn't the weirdest thing to happen in her day. she probably ends up quite affectionate towards the fairy as she goes about learning how to use their powers. the pranks can become pretty mean spirited. but danny is a lot less nice and willing to threaten them to protect his sister. it's a whole thing. the fairy is very tsundere next to jazz's happy optimism. it should be noted that jazz did try to give the name back, but gifting names is different the stealing names. if anything she just ended up having more power over the fairy. which they aren't happy about. it's a mess. but eventually they reluctantly come to love jazz and her weirdo family. - Hestia
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insomniaink95 · 5 months
Uuuugggghhhhh… okay. Proship/Antiship discourse. Inky's got opinions on this...
Okayso, I have never known what the terms proship and antiship ACTUALLY mean. I know about the issues SURROUNDING what the terms mean but not what they actually 100% really mean at all. I did not grow up on tumblr. I had an account for, I think, three months once before deleting it, and didn't come back until I made this account a couple months ago. I also have only ever read fanfiction written by close friends and a single Final Fantasy VII fic from the ancient internet days of 1999(I barely know how to navigate Ao3 to read friends fanfics even). I have never had any real interest in any kind of shipping with the only caveat being a VERY mild fascination involving GriffGuts… So basically no real exposure to any community that was dealing with this.
So about a decade ago(give or take) when I first heard the terms proship and antiship, my understanding of it without looking anything up was that there were people who were against shipping in general and people who generally enjoyed it. I had no outside input and no impetus to go find out because I had heard the terms in a complete vacuum without their actual meanings. It just sounded like another random internet argument that I had no interest in whatsoever.
Several years later I FINALLY started hearing a few people's negative opinions on proshippers as well as other people's negative opinions on antishippers and realized my understanding of this was completely lacking and that it wasn't just some dumb argument and it was based on very important societal impacts. …so I went looking for what the two terms actually meant.
And the reason I have never known what the two terms actually mean is because depending on who's words you're reading the two terms can mean any number of different things with wildly different negative connotations for one group or the other. And it can be any DEGREE of negative connotations depending on who's explaining it as well!
On the most negative edges of the definitions I have heard proshippers described as those who enjoy fictional CP/incest/abuse who don't care that the propagation of that material in a positive light can have a real negative impact upon society and what other's perceive as acceptable irl.
And I have heard antishiipers described as censorious puritans who are against sex-positivity and are often also anti-LGBTQ+ and have even been compared specifically to the "burned furs" movement.
And of course from that level of negative connotation on either side all the way down to some folks thinking it's just a mild difference of opinion and no big deal…
I've got a good idea of what the terms SHOULD mean these days. but I just did another quick web search to see what any young people would run into if they were curious about the term's meanings after just hearing them for the first time. Y'know, what're the KIDS gonna learn these two terms mean today if they go to look it up like I did several years ago.
It's the same jumble of definitions that I ran into several years ago. Both from random people who gained their opinions on what the terms meant from the SAME jumble of definitions to news articles in which the writers did a cursory glance at what the meanings were(basically looked at whatever the first google search result on the subject said) and wrote authoritative articles on the subject.
pulling my hair out!!!
The ISSUE is deadly serious. But these terms have no useful application in society. I don't know the history enough to say if they ever DID, but they don't anymore at least. There's been so much muddying of things by those who don't want their interest in hardcore muppet babies porn to result in reasonable people giving them the side eye and hitting the block button AS WELL AS online "news" content mills doing their best to make a quick buck by churning out articles on the subject that are authoritative and "well researched" when the authors don't know jack and had no interest in ever knowing jack in the first place!
Also, does anti proship mean the same thing as antiship or is that a new term with a completely new meaning??? I am an old man who doesn't even have a smart phone, someone take me back to my room, my grand-kids are supposed to visit soon!
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helloalycia · 3 years
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overstepping [one] // jane banner (Wind River)
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summary: after getting several voicemails from your colleague and best friend with her asking for your backup, you attempt to call her back, only to get no answer.
warning/s: mentions of rape, murder and injuries.
author’s note: this is a two parter because i finally watched Wind River and it broke my heart but also lizzie was v cute and i felt the need to write this, hope you like it x
part two | masterlist | wattpad
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"C'mon, work you stupid phone," I complained for the millionth time, before standing on the chair to get a better signal.
When I saw the bars in the corner of the screen increase, a grin appeared on my lips. I loved my parents, but the fact that they lived in a remote cabin in Tennessee with zero signal was not my favourite thing.
When the bars remained, my phone decided to actually be helpful and receive all the messages, calls and voicemails I missed. I did a brief flick through, noticing nothing was too important that couldn't wait for me to return to work. As an FBI agent, I rarely got time off. And now that I had taken a two month vacation to spend with my parents, I was adamant on enjoying it, even if I was missing work a smidge.
Next were the calls, which I noticed were mostly from my colleague and close friend, Jane Banner. I furrowed my brows, realising she'd left me several voicemails, too, which was strange since she knew I was on a break from work. What could be so important?
I sighed, glancing down at my uncomfortable position standing on the chair and leaning above the wardrobe. It was the only place in the house with decent signal and the only other place that wasn’t in the middle of nowhere was twenty minutes out. Telling myself I'd just listen to one voicemail to make sure everything was okay, I played the earliest message.
"Hey, Y/N. I'm sorry, I know you're on a break, but I just had to talk to you," it began, and Jane sounded troubled. "I was in Vegas, as you know, but I've been called out to a reservation in Wyoming where this poor girl was–" She paused, releasing a shaky breath. "She was raped and left to die out in the cold. I thought I could send in another team to take a look – y'know, usual protocol. But the coroner won't rule it a homicide and you know what that means."
I swallowed hard, knowing exactly what that meant. If it wasn't ruled a homicide, no backup would come and we had to move onto the next case. But if this girl was raped and left to die, the rapist was still out there and wasn't getting caught by the FBI.
"I can't just leave it and go," Jane continued quietly, with that recognisable passion for her job evident in her voice. "I have to do what I can. But I... I can't do this alone. It's not like other cases, Y/N. It's different out here. And there's only so much their police department can do. I know you're on a break, but I was hoping that, maybe, you could come out here and help me? It's the Wind River Indian Reservation. That's it, I guess. Bye."
The message ended and I found myself chewing on my lower lip anxiously, unable to think about anything other than Jane now. She'd worried me with that one voicemail alone – I couldn't imagine what the others said.
She was usually so good at dealing with cases, but this seemed different. She sounded shaken up, attempting to put on a brave face by the sounds of it. What was so different about this case? She didn't need me. She was capable.
Curiosity got the better of me and I played the second message, ignoring the discomfort in my arms as I stretched to maintain the signal. It was left a day after the first one.
"Hey, so I just remembered that you said you don't get much signal up there with your parents," she began apologetically. "I don't mean to– shit, it's so cold..." There was a pause, a noise in the background, then she continued, "Sorry, just turning up the heating. Anyway, I was saying. I don't mean to intrude on your break. I just– I'm hoping you'll find signal and hear this because I could really use your help. I think we've got a lead on who may have done it. It was hectic today. Really could've used that backup."
She chuckled dryly at her attempt at a joke, but all I felt was guilt. She sounded exhausted within a day of being there.
"I hope you get this," she finished with a sigh. "I should go. Got a busy day tomorrow. Hope you're doing okay. Bye."
I wasted no time in playing the next message. Three days into her case.
"I don't know why I keep sending these," she began with a hoarse voice, and my heart clenched at the sound of it. "You clearly aren't getting them in time. But it's easier talking to you like this than not at all."
It went quiet, so quiet that I thought she may have finished and forgot to hang up. But then she spoke up again, a whimper escaping her lips.
"It's so hard," she admitted. "We've covered worse cases, but this one... everything about it makes me uncomfortable. Something doesn't feel right. I've got a lead – we think it might be the boyfriend who did it and we're gonna see him tomorrow. But I don't know."
I frowned, squeezing my phone tightly because I didn't recognise the girl speaking as my friend. This girl sounded broken and I wondered what she could have discovered that made her like this.
"I've got the police department with me for backup," she said with a sniffle. "And Cory, he's a hunter whose been helping me with the case. They're all gonna be with me tomorrow. But I wish you were here, too. You always make things easier."
The lump in my throat wouldn't disappear no matter how many times I swallowed it. She made things easier, too. Always. And all I wanted to was be by her side and be there for her like she always was for me.
"Sorry about this," she said with a watery laugh, and I could imagine the embarrassed smile on her face as she did. "I sound like such an idiot. Never mind these messages. Just enjoy your break. I shouldn't be worrying you like this. See you when you get back."
The message ended and I checked to see if there were anymore, but to my disappointment, there wasn't. That message was from a few days ago and she hadn't sent anything since which was concerning in itself.
Trying not to panic for no reason, I called Jane. Hopefully everything was okay and I was being stupid. She was a fully-trained FBI agent. She could take care of herself. Right?
The call rang and rang, but nobody picked up. One missed call. No biggie. She probably heard it and couldn't find her phone or something. So, I tried again.
More ringing and no answer. Okay, no big deal. Just try again.
Another call and no answer. The chewing on my lip became more intense. Why the hell wasn't she picking up? Was she still working the case?
I waited an hour, trying again at ten minute intervals, unable to fight my concern. But there was no answer every time and I realised that I couldn't sit and wait for her to call back. Not after how she sounded in those voicemails.
No, I had to go there. She needed backup.
Wyoming was way colder than I could have prepared for.
I mean, technically, I prepared for nothing. I bid my parents a goodbye, threw some random clothes in a bag and caught the next plane over there. I tried for Jane's phone constantly, knowing she was never one to ignore me for this long, but there was no point. She wasn't answering, which could only mean so much.
When I reached the reservation, I had no idea where anything was or what I was looking for exactly. I just knew that as soon as the taxi dropped me off in the centre of town, I didn't know where to go.
There were a lot of locals hanging around, so my first port of call was to ask them if they'd seen Jane around – or Agent Banner, as she may have introduced herself. I showed them a picture of her on my phone, described her with vivid detail, but they just stared at me like I was crazy. I was starting to believe I was at one point, until I stopped by the convenience store.
As worried as I was for Jane's whereabouts, the chill in my bones was real. Especially my hands, which I was certain would fall off any minute. So, I decided to buy some gloves and also ask the cashier if he'd seen Jane around or heard anything of her. Whilst I was doing that, a customer caught my attention, probably having overheard my conversation.
"Did you say Jane Banner?" he asked with a quirked brow, interrupting my purchase. "The FBI lady, right?"
I nodded quickly, facing him. "Yes, that's her! D'you know where she is?"
He nodded casually. "Yeah, she's in the hospital. That big shootout that happened a few days ago, right?"
My stomach dropped. "The what?"
"The shootout," he repeated, not aware of the concern in my face. "At the drill site. A bunch of officers were killed and the FBI lady was one of the only one left standing." He tutted as he shook his head. "Very lucky that one."
A shootout? The hospital? Only one left standing? No wonder she hadn't been answering her calls.
"Can you– do you–" I stopped, clearing my throat and trying to stop freaking out. "Which hospital?"
After getting the address from him, I caught a taxi to the only hospital in town and prayed to God that Jane was okay. The one thing she'd asked for was backup and I couldn't even give her that. If I'd just looked at my messages sooner... fuck.
Getting past the front desk and to Jane's room was no issue at all. A quick flash of my FBI badge was enough for the receptionist to give me the details and wave me through. My heart was constricting in my chest the longer it took. What if it was really bad? What if that customer's intel was outdated and Jane was– no. I couldn't afford to think like that.
Upon finding Jane's room, I spotted an older man leaving through the door, being careful to close it behind him. I didn't recognise him at all.
"Excuse me," I called, earning his attention. "Is that Jane Banner's room you just came from?"
He seemed surprised, glancing over his shoulder to make sure I was speaking to him, before nodding. "Yes. Sorry, who are you?"
I pulled my badge from my pocket and showed him, though I doubted anyone would take me seriously when my eyes were watering at thought of Jane being severely injured.
"I'm her friend," I said, swallowing down the lump in my throat before lowering my badge.
"Oh, you're the backup that didn't come," he said with realisation.
My eyes flickered to the floor guiltily. He wasn't exactly wrong.
"I didn't mean it like that," he added quickly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
I shook my head, lifting my eyes to meet his. "It's okay. I should've... I should've been here." It went quiet as he didn't know what to say, so I looked to him halfheartedly. "I assume you're from the police department, one of the ones who helped Jane."
"Not exactly," he said, before putting out his hand for me to shake. "Name's Cory. I'm a hunter by trade."
Returning his handshake, I recalled Jane's voicemail. "Oh, yeah, she mentioned you... thank you for helping her out."
When I couldn’t, I added in my head.
He offered me a small smile and I couldn't find it in myself to return it. I must have looked like shit, since he gave me a pitiful gaze.
"You want me to catch you up before you go in?" he asked, nodding to Jane's door. "She's okay by the way."
I nodded, sucking up a breath. My nerves were eating away at me the longer I didn't see Jane – half of me was terrified of what I'd find, and the other half was afraid she'd be upset or angry because I left her to it, even when she pleaded for my help.
Cory and I took a seat down the hall and he proceeded to explain about the case and how they found the guy who raped that poor girl. The shootout was the worst bit, making me shiver with discomfort. Apparently, Jane had gotten blasted with a shotgun, puncturing her torso and neck despite the vest she wore. All of the officers with her were killed and by the sounds of it, Jane almost was, too. But Cory managed to take out the criminals and the rapist himself. When he was finished telling me, I had no words.
"She's a bit shaken up, but her surgery went well," Cory reassured with a short nod. "Does she know you're coming?"
I shook my head, voice thick with emotion. "She wouldn't answer her phone. I guess I know why now."
Cory nodded, rubbing the back of his neck before sparing me a consoling glance. "She talked about you a lot. I think it'll cheer her up seeing you. You should go."
My eyes met his, teary and stinging with unshed tears. "Thank you so much."
He shrugged bashfully, but he didn't realise all that he'd done. I gave him a small, tight smile before standing up with a sigh. No point dwelling anymore – I had to see her.
Pushing my selfish feelings aside, I sucked it up and approached Jane's room. She would either want to punch me or not, but either way, I had to see if she was okay. And so, when I opened the door slightly, heart racing in my chest, said heart jumped in my throat at the sight of her.
She was laying on the bed with wires stuck in her and, only from what I could see, bandages were covering the side of her neck. I thought she was sleeping at first, but then her head tilted towards the door curiously, and bright blue eyes widened with disbelief.
"Y/N?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "What are you– how did you get here?"
I closed the door behind me and hesitantly approached her bedside, unable to stop my eyes from soaking in the sight of her. She looked so feeble and vulnerable and unlike how I saw her last. Then, Cory's words came back to me and I began to imagine the worst scenario of her getting shot, blood seeping from her wounds, the life draining from her eyes...
"Y/N," she called, and I looked to her startlingly, hoping I didn't look as troubled as I felt.
"Sorry," I said, clearing my throat. "I, er– the messages. Voicemail. I heard them and tried calling you back, but..."
She pursed her lips, exhaling with a wince and looking up at the ceiling, as if suddenly remembering she left messages in the first place.
"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," I said quietly, guilt seeping back in.
"No, no, don't be," she said, and I just about noticed the pink dusting her cheeks. "It's not your fault. I shouldn't have interrupted your vacation like that. I know you said you wanted a break and–"
"Jane, no, don't even say that," I cut her off, reaching for her hand in an instant. She looked my way, eyes flickering between mine nervously. I squeezed her hand gently and said, "I should have been here. You needed me and I– I didn't come. Maybe if I had, this could have ended differently."
She tried to smile, but I could see the discomfort in her eyes. "It's not that bad, honestly. It just looks bad."
I pressed my lips together, eyes falling to the bandage on her neck. Even though it was big and covered her wound, I could still make out the bruising around it from the impact of the shell. I didn't imagine the torso wound looking any different, and that thought alone made me regret leaving her alone. It was very much as bad as it looked; I knew that and she knew that.
Her lips trembled as she avoided my eyes, her own tearing up. I pushed away my guilt momentarily and changed the subject.
"So, I met Cory. He seems like a great guy."
She didn't say anything as she seemed lost in thought. Either that or she was trying not to cry in front of me. I hoped it wasn't the latter, since the last thing I wanted was to make her feel uncomfortable.
"You know," I said, when she wouldn't speak, "I'm pretty sure I told you to stay safe before I left for my vacation."
At my poor attempt to lighten the mood, she cracked a small, tight smile, but a smile nonetheless, and my racing heart slowed down momentarily.
"I'm glad you're okay," I said, now that I had her attention again, and she looked my way with a softened expression. "Kind of okay. But you know... okay."
Thankfully, she knew what I meant and her hand tightened around mine.
"I'm glad you came," she returned, and I couldn't look away even if I tried. She was always able to trap me with a single gaze.
With a tug of her hand, she motioned for me to sit on the edge of her bed, so I did. And then she began to ask me about my vacation, what I'd been up to this past month, how my parents were... basically anything and everything except for the case. And it was understandable, since she was reminded of it all the time. If I could be a form of escapism for her, so be it. It was the least I could do.
We spoke for hours until the nurse came in to let me know visiting hours were over and I'd have to come back tomorrow. With a regretful sigh, I got up from my seat on her bedside and stretched my limbs.
"Where are you staying?" she asked, a slight frown on her lips.
I smiled awkwardly, realising I didn't think that far ahead. "I'm not gonna lie, I don't know. I came straight here. There's gotta be a hotel or something in this town, right?"
She nodded and flicked her hand to the shelves on the other side of the room. "You should stay in my room in the inn. Key's in my bag over there."
"Oh, I don't have to do that–"
"Y/N, it's not like I'm going to be staying there anytime soon," she cut me off, smiling halfheartedly. "Please."
I chewed on my lip and nodded, giving in. When I grabbed her keys from her bag, I stopped by her bedside and gave her a supportive smile.
"I'll back first thing in the morning, if you don't mind," I said, and she finally gave me a smile that reached her eyes.
"I'd like that."
I nodded, resting a hand on hers and squeezing comfortingly. "Goodnight."
Though I knew Jane was okay, I still couldn't stop myself from thinking about her all night. The sight of her wounds and the broken expression on her face was enough to keep me awake. And the guilt that came with it all... why couldn't I have just picked up my damn phone?
As promised, I returned to Jane's hospital room the next morning, this time bringing some breakfast snacks from the hospital cafeteria since I knew the food would be much better than whatever they were serving her. Judging by the content expression on her face when I gave it to her, I was right.
When she finished eating, she was able to sit up slightly and move over on her bed, urging for me to join her and watch some TV with her. There was no way I was going to turn down that offer, so I slid next to her and kept a packet of sliced apples between us as we watched whatever was playing on the TV.
About halfway through watching, she spoke up randomly, taking me by surprise.
"When are you leaving?"
I tore my gaze from the screen and realised she was staring at me with intense green eyes.
"When you're well enough to," I answered truthfully.
She looked down to her hands. "You don't have to stay with me. You can go."
I studied her profile, knowing it was the wrong time to appreciate how stunning she looked even when she was makeup-free, sporting a bed head and tired.
"Do you want me to go?" I asked softly, afraid I may have overstepped.
She was quick to shake her head slightly, finally lifting her gaze to meet mine with glossy ones. "No."
I nodded, trying very hard not to smile, cleared my throat and grabbed her hand. "Then I'm not leaving. I'll be right here until you get better and I can take you home."
A ragged breath escaped her lips as she nodded in response. We both looked back to the TV and I noticed she didn't let go of my hand, her fingers warm to the touch and giving me goosebumps at the contact. But I wouldn't have had it any other way.
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cat-sapphics · 2 years
Queer history and labels are my special interest so imma ATTEMPT to educate you, as someone who used to identify as bisexual, and now chooses to identify as pansexual.
Now, I'm not sure how much you know, so I'm gonna start from square one! First off, pansexual has been a label for a very very long time, longer than you or me has been alive! It's been in the queer community for a long time as well. It's been used many times in old queer writings.
Pansexual is something called a microlabel. It's a label that fits underneath another one, but specifies it a bit more! Another example of micro labels would be nonbinary, demiboy/demigirl, genderqueer and anything under the trans umbrella. A good non-queer example is dog breeds, specifically I'm going to use corgis. We all know what a corgi is, but there are two kinds of corgis, the Pembroke Welsh and the Cardigan Welsh. Very similar, and the corgi first thought of is the Pembroke (tailless). But the Cardigan Welsh also exists and is lesser known. Neither are harmful to the other.
Now, you wouldn't say nonbinary is harmful to the transgender label, would you? Because it isn't! It can stand on its own or be paired with trans because it specifies what you mean when you say you are trans.
Now! Pan is a mircolabel for bi. The only sense in which it's harmful for the bi community is when it's misdefined. The "gender blind" definition is wrong, and was made to confuse people. It's not the widely accepted definition, which is just "all". Bi is two or more, which can mean all but doesn't necessarily mean all. Not every bi person can id as pan, but every pan person can id as bi. It really depends on what is more comfortable for the person.
All the "pan is harmful to bi" arguments I've seen rely on assumtions, which are never good. A lot of panphobia relies on the assumption that someone who is pan ids that way out of biphobia, which wouldn't make a lot of sense since both are mspec labels and could, in a sense, be interchanged easily. I've yet to see any actual proof that pansexuality is harmful or biphobic.
Now, we're going to discuss "dismissing" someone's sexuality. Saying you "dismiss" someone being pan is, quite literally, like saying "she's a lesbian but Im dismissing that". Pretending something doesn't exist doesn't make it go away, and doing that is, honestly, childish. In the end, the pan and ace flags are hung at stonewall. Both labels have been used in history. I'm assuming you're very young, so I'm hoping you can learn to drop the misguided hate in your heart and try to learn about actual history. Have a pleasant day <3
this is... super disinforming for "queer" history supposedly being your special interest (not to invalidate it as a special interest because trust me, i know all about getting my favorite things wrong quite a lot) - but anyway, how many times do i have to tell y'all NOT to call us ALL queer just because YOU have no issue with the word?? i couldn't care less if you want to reclaim the slur for yourself but calling everyone queer is not the way to go.
but to start off, no, pansexuality has no great time period of history behind it and i have no idea where you even got that idea from. the way you talk about it makes it sound like it was around when lesbian separatism was a big deal and it wasn't. if i recall correctly, it first existed as a term on a blog in around 2005-2010, give or take (that's extremely recent comparatively - we're talking a decade or two here), and its initial definition was problematic - y'know, the "bisexuals can't love trans people like we can", "hearts not parts!!", things like that.
secondly, i've heard many times that pansexuality is simply a microlabel under the "bi umbrella" and initially when i was newer to this side of discourse i wasn't so bothered by it, so long as those identifying with it understood that they were still bi at the end of the day and accepted that pansexuality really is no different. but that doesn't change anything, because the pansexuality we are against is the kind that stands out on its own claiming to be different at all. regardless of the number of people now identifying with it as a microlabel, it's not enough. the damage has been done. it is still seen after your attempt to "reform" and "redefine" as the "woke" bisexuality and inclusive of trans people, implying that no other sexuality can be, which obviously is anything but true. it is still preferred by inclusive self-identifying queers, still preferred by those experiencing internalized biphobia due to harmful stereotypes and assumptions that have not largely stigmatized the pans so much. too many pansexual people refuse to date bisexuals because of how they view us as being inferior to their "progress" in the lgbt community and it's quite frankly disgusting as hell. this is no thing of the past either, mind you; the rising spike in which this all started has of course passed, but these are still things that very much happen and won't stop for as long as pansexuality is praised, accepted, and preferred as much as it is. i've seen this shit go down in real life within the past year and i am admittedly not of much experience beyond online discourse.
i'd honestly have to say that i'm confused by your comparisons to nonbinary gender identities being under the trans umbrella and uh... dog breeds?? i think the difference you're missing here is that nonbinary actually is always inherently trans, and that both groups mentioned actually have noticeable definitive differences among them, not to mention that being nonbinary really is so vast and that being such is in no way harmful to the (binary) trans community, nor does it imply anything negative. the two trans categories are meant to coexist, hand-in-hand, because nonbinary truly is a microlabel under trans, as well as an umbrella term of its own - and yet even then, [they aren’t always inherently intertwined all the time, as the “distinction matters to some” argument actually holds quite a bit of decent weight here]. it has its own categorical system and was never before used to imply a deserving space above transgenderism as a whole. this isn't comparable to bisexuality as an umbrella term because it has no definitive subset, as not all trans people are binary but all nonbinary people are trans - until pansexuality has a difference to bisexuality, it cannot be reasonably classified as bisexuality "with more detail" because every single pansexual person IS bisexual. in addition to that, bisexuality is incredibly fluid, so there isn't a way to define pansexuality as being broader when bisexuality could not possibly be any broader or fluid. the former has absolutely no difference to the latter in any way at all except a problematic history and flag design - i challenge you to define pansexuality in a way that is not bisexuality, AND does not imply harmful things about the bisexual community. never before have i ever seen someone give a decent response to that, only something circular that just proves the point.
the thing is that anti-pan arguments do not rely on assumptions, they are based on what has actually happened over time and how it continuously weakens the bisexual community. the internalized biphobia argument is based on the fact that panphobia isn't real, which is based on pansexuality being exactly bisexuality but a deemed less-valid label. serious panphobia that y'all face is biphobia, but i'm assuming what you mean is criticism towards the label itself, which... is not a bigoted -phobia in and of itself. i don't know what proof you're looking for in terms of pansexuality being biphobic because you can't possibly have missed it by now. do you need statistics? i can give you some sources at the bottom, considering you gave me none.
before that though, i really want to personally address your last bit and why it frustrates me. ignoring minx identifying as pansexual is not comparable to saying that if she was a lesbian because lesbianism is a real sexuality that doesn't require woke identification to be. i'm not dismissing her sexuality because i acknowledge her as bisexual seeing as they are the exact same thing to the very last letter. by “dismissing”, you obviously seem to mean not openly validating something i criticize with solid reasoning, but that doesn't necessarily mean disrespecting her as a human being with a potentially complex relationship to her sexuality, either. being "childish" would be going out of my way to be petty towards her, obsess with her personal choices, make fun of her for the hell of it, harass her and her fans for disagreeing with my stances, and the like; obviously i do none of that and consider myself to be the opposite. could i still be more mature yet?? probably, although i don't see how except to just continue on silently ignoring it the way i did before getting anons asking for a reaction to how she identifies.
i also don't know how young you consider to be "very young", but i'm 16. i assume you're probably several years to a decade older and you consider yourself some "queer elder" who knows better than someone like me, and i find those people annoying because they make it crystal clear that they were very much not present during stonewall. i don't care as much as you seem to think i should that pan and ace flags are waved at pride, because who am i to stop that? there are also plenty of kink and sexual flags, nude & crude adults being indecent, misogyny, biphobia, cops, and plenty of other things that i am against being there (and that's not to compare cops to pansexuals, so i'm sorry if it comes off that way, i'm just making a point that there are plenty of things at pride events that i wish weren't). all i do on this hellsite is speak my mind against pansexuality as a valid label separate from bisexuality and the inclusion of cishet aros & aces into the lgbt acronym. i never claimed to have the power to act, shown by how i say time and time again that i am passionate about discourse topics but i don't take them seriously to the point where they negatively affect my day-to-day life or who i interact with regularly.
lastly, i'm not hateful. i was never hateful. i'm critical. i don't despise people who identify as pan and i don't hold anything against them personally unless they are intentionally biphobic, as i expanded on in [this post here]. and i'm certainly not misguided either. not everything is valid and not everything has to be, nor should it be. your personal feelings about your labels are not more important than the negative effect that pansexuality has had on its parent basis, and if you truly can't see that at all then you're a part of the problem, whether you mean to be or not.
anyways, here are some good sources, and i hope you also have a good day/night. please do not twist my words and paint me as some hateful stupid child if you're going to reply:
[the cultural impact of pansexuality] (google doc, with even more resourceful links within it)
[debunking pro-pan arguments] (google doc, a table of contents that address harmful misconceptions)
[why pansexuality is inherently problematic] (courtesy of @femmebisexuelle)
[addressing the reality of label preference vs. label impact] (courtesy of femmebisexuelle)
[the history of pansexuality] (it mentions the word's first definition coming up in the early 20th century, which i think is what you meant anon, but it did not have the same meaning of an individual sexual orientation as it did a hundred years later and absolutely nobody identifying as pansexual now is resonating with it because of its earliest mention, nor do they state so)
[an entire overview timeline of pansexual history] (describing pansexuality as either an instinctual behavior or... well... bisexuality)
[panphobia is not a real thing outside of biphobia] (what i said above about that in particular, but better tbh)
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future-dregs · 2 years
I'm so glad I was able to find this video, because it's been hard to find people who understand just why this was so upsetting to me. And it's also hard to explain why, without sounding prejudiced (and I've heard plenty of people mocking, and making it all out to be about how stupid having any sort of nonbinary or queer character is at all, which, y'know, has been just super).
And everyone's rep is different, but for me, as a queer person myself, Gren as he originally was, was plenty, and it was the first time I felt this connection, that I had found someone like me, both and neither. And like you said, it wasn't his choice, to become the way he was, it was something traumatic forced upon him that shouldn't be lauded, but he had found a way to accept himself, and his body, and just be...Gren.
But all that orginal queer subtext and comfort (as much as I love it and make it a big part of how I view and interpret/interact with these episodes), it's all a side note, because Gren isn't there to be someone's rep, or make a statement, or do anything or be anything other than himself and present his story.
And his story, fortunately or unfortunately as you see it, is for Vicious.
Gren exists to show the cold, ruthless brutality of Vicious' nature. Jupiter Jazz shows his cunning, his cruelty, and more than anything it sets up just what an effective villian Vicious is. He chills you to the core, because he doesn't believe... in anything. Everyone else in the show, no matter how bleak, even if only in fatalistic inevitability, believes in something.
Except for Vicious.
Gren is lonely, but he is full. His heart is full, his blood is warm, he is inviting, comforting, there is almost a sense of sanctuary about him.
Vicious is surrounded by people, but he is empty. He takes in nothing, he gives out nothing. Emotions, connections, experiences, they flow from the top to the bottom of him like water, passing through without touching. He is a cold stream of clarity and unemotion. His breath is like ice and death clings to him like a draping shadow.
He regards nothing.
Gren cherishes everything.
They are the perfect foils to each other, each bringing about the other's eventual demise.
This, is Gren's narrative importance.
It's not the gender change to Gren that is the issue. Itd that's they took this character that brought SO MUCH to the story, so much that was NEEDED, and reduced them to merely Gender.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 3 years
Bon 4oyage || K.SJ
Episode 1
Pairing: Kim Seokjin X Reader Summary: In which you're Jin's girlfriend of 9 years and tag along in Bon Voyage Season 4. Wordcount: 3.4k
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" Y/N ah, tell me, do you have any plans for the (random date) till the (another random date)? " Your boyfriend of nine years asks you suddenly. 
The two of you are simply chilling in your shared apartment. 
" Not as far as I'm concerned, why? " You ask, sitting down beside him. 
You were cleaning up the apartment before he asked you. 
" Y'know the boys and I will be going on Bon Voyage again, right? " He asks you, lacing your fingers together. 
You hum with a pout. 
" Yeah, it's my annual miss Jin ti-"
" Not this year love. " He cuts you off, a smile on his lips. 
You raise a brow in confusion. 
" Not this year? " 
" Yeah, I've asked the company, once again. And this time, they actually agreed. " He tells you with shining eyes. 
A smile makes it's way onto your face. 
" Really?! "
It was, in a way, hard to believe. The company liked you, but never actually approved of Jin having a relationship. When you became a couple back in 2010, the two of you had to keep it a secret for 4 years for the company, and another 5 years to the public. Until now, you didn't think that they would be okay with you going public.
You couldn't believe it. Finally your waiting for each other got paid off. 
" Yes. However, there are a few downsides. " He tells you, making a bit of a turtle face. 
You subconsciously run your thumb over his hand. 
" Just so you know, I will not come if I have to wear a mask for the whole thing-"
" No, no. -" He laughs. 
" Even worse. We can't have sex. For like a little longer than a whole week. " He tells you. 
You snort at his expression. You can tell it's genuinely bothering him. 
" Is that an issue for me or you? " You ask him. 
He huffs, turning around so he can lay against you instead. You run your unoccupied hand through his hair. Sure it's basically dead, but you know he likes it. 
" Both. I know your sex drive, plus that also means like, no sleeping naked. And I have to share your attention with the other boys. " He pouts. 
You grin, bending over to kiss his head. 
" Don't worry, it'll be fine, fun even. We'll just have a pg family trip. " 
And so you find yourself seated at a restaurant between your boyfriend and Taehyung. They're about to kick off the season, and today you're just going to talk about activities and what not. 
" There's trekking and a lavender farm. " Hoseok comments as he looks at his phone. 
" That sounds fun. " You comment, as the other boys give their own opinions. 
After a bit more of catching up, the staff calls out to all of you. 
" You've all done your research, right? " The staff member asks. 
You all hum in response. 
" Worry about the activities later, pick the accommodations first. " The producer tells all of you. 
Soon enough everyone's talking again, figuring stuff out. 
" We have to sleep in a campervan for three days. " Yoongi suddenly casually pops when you're drinking your tea. 
You almost choke. 
" eight of us in a campervan? How is that going to fit? " 
" eight of us in one campervan won't be comfortable. " Taehyung agrees with you. 
" We'll probably have 2 vans. " Jin tells the two of you. 
" Y'know, there's this thing I've always wanted to try- When you wake up in a campervan and then wash up in the river. " Jungkook smiles. 
You blink at him. 
" You want to wash up in the cold? " You ask him. 
He grins. 
" If I can manage, yes. It'll be fun. " He nods. 
" We didn't do research that thoroughly. " Namjoon tells the crew honestly. 
" Forget on where to stay! We'll figure that out somehow. Let's focus on the activities first. " Jin calls out, basically canceling the producer's idea. 
Soon enough everyone starts coming with ideas. 
Jimin wants to go to Aurora¿ and on a boat. Yoongi just wants to go fishing and Namjoon wants to go on a kart trek. 
" I want to go on the swing too." Jin says. 
" The swing? " Namjoon asks surprised. 
Namjoon had this great idea to go do some kind of bungee jump activity, just with a swing, as if that would magically make it better. 
Jin hums. 
" Yeah, it'll be fun with Y/N. We can both scream our heads off. " He smiles at you. 
You laugh, swallowing your bite. 
" Okay. But that does me we really are going, okay? No backing out last minute. " You tell him, knowing he's a scaredy cat sometimes. 
He laughs. 
" Yah! It's not like you're any better. " He points out. 
You laugh. 
That's true. 
" Okay, okay, I promise. Do you? " You ask him, holding out your pink. 
He smiles, taking your hand instead and kissing the top of it, sending you a wink playfully. 
None of the boys mind either of you by now, knowing the way you two act longer than a while. 
" I promise, m'lady. " 
" We just sealed our death. " You laughed. 
" We did. " He laughs with you. 
" Well, at least we'll die together. " You tell him. 
He smiles at you and winks again. 
" That we do. "
By the  the two of you tune back in, they're talking about trekking. 
" It only takes 2 hours to finish. " Yoongi speaks. 
Apparently they're talking about Mount Cook. 
Soon enough they're all talking, and giving their opinions on it. 
" It's really only a few hours, we should do it. " You catch Yoongi saying. 
Jin hums in agreement, slurping in his noodles. 
You raise your brow at both of them. 
" Bet, you two will regret it. " You tell Yoongi, who smiles at you and shakes his head. 
He makes an over confident face. 
" We'll be fine, we'll have fun, don't worry. " He tells you. 
" Should we stay in the campervan the whole time? " Jungkook suddenly wonders. 
You make a face but don't say anything. 
The editors do catch it, as does Taehyung. He nudges you with a smile. 
" We'll all stink by the third day. " You tell him softly. 
He laughs. 
Sleeping in a campervan with eight people doesn't sound too appealing for the whole week. 
" We can play Halli Galli. " Your boyfriend adds helpfully. 
" And BTS Uno! " Namjoon adds too. 
" Camping for sure. " Someone pops, probably Jungkook. 
" Does anyone know anything about camping? What do we need? " Namjoon asks. 
" Well, we start with a tent. " Hoseok provides helpfully. 
" I've camped a few times with my brother and his friends. Most stuff is usually inside the campervan."  You tell them. 
Jimin adds onto that, explaining most stuff to Namjoon, like a table that's built in. 
" Let me see the campervan? " Jungkook asks. 
" It's huge. " Hoseok responses. 
" If it's that big, will it be easy to drive? " Jin asks. 
" The road will probably be mostly empty. " Namjoon points out. 
" We do need shower facilities. It's not like we can shower outside. " Yoongi points out. 
" We don't need to shower. " Jin says vaguely. 
You give him a disgusted face. 
" Oh yes we do. " You tell him. 
" I want to too. " Jimin says. 
" We have to think of the rest too. " Yoongi tells Jin. 
" I normally shower though. " Jin says. 
" Yeah I know. " Yoongi grins. 
" You better. " You say with a scrunched nose. 
Jimin laughs. 
" Happy wife happy life, hyung. " Jimin tells the eldest. 
Jin turns to you and looks blankly at you for a second. You raise your brows before flipping your hair over your shoulder sassily, returning your attention to your meal. 
" No, I do take showers everyday, and my lady knows, thank you very much. " He grins playfully, one of his hands going under the table to rest on your thigh. 
After a bit more of discussing about Jin's shower habits, the producer cuts in. 
" We do need to choose an accommodation besides the campervan. " He points out. 
You breathe happily as Tae grins at you. 
For a moment it's a bit of chaos, most of the boys pointing out a 9.7 rated accommodation. 
With a bathtub.
As soon as it comes into view, Jin turns to you, and you give him a cheeky smile back, yet shake your head. 
Rules are rules. 
However, a moment later they're looking at a different accommodation, with cramped rooms. 
" it'll be fun. Like old times. " Jungkook smiles. 
A moment later they're back at discussing the campervan. 
" Jungkook and I will drive mostly though. " Hoseok calls out. 
" I don't mind driving. " Hoseok tells the others. 
" I'll get a driver's license on our days off too. " Namjoon pouts. 
" I can drive. " You tell them. 
Almost everyone turns to beam at you. 
" No, no. Not you, you drive like we're in Fast & Furious. " He points out. 
You grin. 
" Then she can be back up driver. " Yoongi gives you fake hope. 
" Back up driver? We already have enough drivers though.-"
" Yeah, we can't have you drive on national tv. " Jin says quickly. 
You laugh but don't bother with it. 
This can only mean you'll be in charge of the audio right? 
Soon after they're making a song about Bon Voyage. 
You can't really follow, but you clap along anyway. 
The scene wraps up with everyone clapping. 
A Few Months Later
" Yah! I went shopping with Y/N especially for this! " Jin says as his bandmates bully him. 
You don't pay a lot of attention, instead busy with helping the boys pack the last stuff and checking up on everyone. 
Soon enough a staff asked you aside. 
" Yeah? " You asked her. 
" This is for you, as you're coming with and the boys' are sponsored by Fila. The company thought it'd be nice if you'd at least have a jacket of the same brand too. " She smiles. 
" Oh, that's really nice. Thank you. "  You smile at her. 
She hands you a soft pink wintercoat. It's admittedly not your colour, nor your style, but you take the jacket gratefully, happy that they at least thought of you. 
" I look good in whatever I wear. " You hear Jin say. 
You come up to the mirror beside him, checking out the jacket on yourself. 
" Noona, your jacket looks nice on you too. " Jungkook compliments you. 
You smile at him. 
" Thank you! A staff member gave it to me, it's from the company. " You beam. 
And then they're arguing over Namjoon's accent. 
" We may be in the same group, but during our days off, I only saw Jimin hyung and Hobi hyung. And Y/N Noona. " Jungkook tells the camera, smiling cheekily at him as you give him a look. 
You too went to visit him on his birthday. 
" Yah! I called you so often! " Jin argues. 
Jungkook doesn't bother with Jin's complaint. 
From there the talk is mostly chaotic. First Jin's asking about an extra suitcase (which is really yours), Taehyung is showing of his Ramen noodles, Jimin has finally arrived and you found out that Yoongi's washing up. 
" At least someone showers. " You tease your boyfriend as you nudge him playfully, thinking of the small meeting a few months back. 
" Yah! I shower too! You of all people know that. " He shakes his head, playing along. 
You grin.
Soon enough you engage in small talk with Namjoon, and you can hear Jin somewhere in the back. 
" Compared to when you went to Malta-" The staff member begun. 
" We took a lot more this time, didn't we? " Jin says. 
" My pillow, something to hug when I have to sleep separately from Y/N, a down coat, fleece, pajamas. I also packed some slippers. And some of Y/N's clothes didn't fit it her suitcase, so it's in mine. " Jin laughs. 
" Do we need to bring shampoo and conditioner? " Jin asks a few moments later as everyone's seated together on the couch. 
"  We should bring our own, we might not be able to bring them. " Yoongi points out. 
" I'm taking mine with me, you guys can use it too if you don't mind smelling like fruit. " You shrug. 
" We can also get them at the airport. " Jungkook suggests. 
" Right, Duty-Free. "
 And then they suddenly spring to the topic of food, and before hopping over to talking about who's going to be the accountant. 
You don't bother adding in on that, you've never traveled with a group of eight before, and you aren't really willing to try when it comes down to it. After that, you're all tacking up your suitcases. 
Soon after they're suddenly grabbing some random bags, and Hoseok finds money. 
How they forget money, you don't know. 
You all sing the new Bon Voyage theme song before you finally set off towards the airport. 
" Did you search for 'huge luggage' when you bought your bag? " Yoongi teases Jungkook, though his bag is just as big. 
You're walking in front of the two, your left arm linked with Jin's right, your suitcase in your right hand and your backpack on top of it. 
You turn to give him a look. 
" I'm pretty sure we all did. " You point out. 
After a moment of rare silence (The only thing you hear is the rolling of suitcases), Jin claps again. 
" Bon Voyage! " 
" Why is no one reacting? " He asks the camera with a grin. 
" Bon Voyage! " Jungkook pitches in late. 
A moment later, the scene cuts, and you all get on the bus. 
You sit in the back with Jungkook and Hoseok. 
" How did you spend your vacations? " The producer asks them. 
They all each start talking about their vacation. 
Yoongi mentions his finished mixtape, Namjoon visited lots of museums and went to Europe, Hoseok points out about how he hasn't seen most of them in a while, Jimin basically went everywhere, from Korea to Russia, and Jungkook worked on some songs. 
" Jin what did you do in the vacation? " A staff member asks. 
You snort. 
" I spent half the time sleeping and half the time playing games. " He admits. 
" I went on dates with Y/N too. " He says quickly after. 
" It's no surprise, at least he made time for you. " Namjoon grins, looking at you. 
" I forced him. " You joke. 
" I wasn't that bad. But I mostly did play games whenever Y/N wasn't around. Or slept. " He nods along to his own words sleepily. 
" Then I realized I couldn't keep living like that, and so I met up with some friends too. " He laughed. 
" You had an important realization. " Hoseok comments. 
" I did. " Jin grins
After that came the question of Taehyung's where abouts and he mostly traveled the outskirts with friends. Most were shook when he mentioned one of his friends already being married. Jin too gave you a quick glance at the mention of marriage. Taehyung also mentioned working on a few songs too. Hoseok came soon after, and he mostly worked on his solo song 'Chicken Noodle Soup', and chilled at his apartment. 
After that they spoke about their pets. When the question came if you had any, you shook your head, though you did mention that your parents owned two cats. 
After that you all got a 'travel guide' made by crew for New Zealand. You didn't open it yet, instead opting to read through on the plane. 
Before you know it, you've all arrived at the airport.
And before you know it, you and Jin are waving the other boys off. 
" Bye guys! " 
" Bye! "
" Have a safe flight! "
" So they can't come? " Jimin asked, as Yoongi did so at the same time. 
" They can. " The staff answered shortly. 
" Huh, so you can't? " Jungkook asks you, still confused. 
" No, we can, we'll just have to take a different flight, we'll probably arrive a few hours later. " Jin tells Jungkook. 
" We have a connecting flight, we'll probably arrive around the same time. " Yoongi points out. 
" As long as you two can come it's fine. " Jungkook comments. 
[ Due to issues with Y/N and Jin's travel documents, the two are unable to board the same flight as the members. Luckily, they're able to take a different flight, and arrive an hour later. ]
Time flies, and before you know it, the two of you are walking in the airport, just having checked in. 
" Y'know, I might as well have forgotten my password. " Jin jokes. 
You shake your head. 
The humor appeared to be low budget. 
Soon after he's catching up with Army through the camera, simply babbling about his plans as you too listen, until, 
" Oh, is that RJ? " He wonders, looking at a shop. 
You sigh. 
" Oh please not again, we have so many of them-"
" Let's be cute and get matching RJ's Y/N. I'll pay. " He says, pulling you along with him as your arms are once again looped. 
Before you know it, the two of you are at the check out, with two matching RJ plushies. He's got a pretty big one, while you've got a smaller, cuter one. 
Soon enough it is time to get on your flight, and time,, flies,, by. 
" Now, we are going to find the other members. " Jin informs the camera as the two of you finally walk out of the airport. 
A crew member tells him it's all good like this, and he turns the camera off, handing it to the staff member. 
" Don't you think it's a little awkward to talk to a camera? " You ask Jin as the two of you and two other staff members get on a cab thing to go to the other members. 
He shrugs, holding out a hand for you to help you get in the car as the car has a bit of a elevation. 
" Not really, we're pretty used to having camera's on us by now. " He tells you honestly. 
You hum, and soon enough everyone's in the car, and easy conversation flows through. 
It doesn't take all too long before you're at the destination. 
Once you are spotted by the other members in the parking lot, Hoseok is the first to hop over, basically jumping on your boyfriend. 
You chuckle, being used to their way of greeting each other. 
" Y/N! " Hobi smiles, looping an arm around your shoulder casually as he leads to the rest, just as Jimin literally hops onto Jin. 
Jimin fetches your suitcases as Jin is quickly waved inside to do training. 
As Jin goes inside, you turn to help Jimin, Hoseok's arm falling off as you do so. 
" Wait, let me help with that. " You call, jogging over to help him. 
The two of you get it done quickly, and soon enough you're being informed by staff of the facility about the campervan. 
The water seems to be a bit of a problem. 
" Look,  how about we all shower together?" Jungkook suggests.
" Except for Y/N of course. " jungkook adds quickly as both you and Jin send him a look. 
" Let's coordinate time. " Hoseok suggests. 
" Yah, how do we do that? We can't control everything! " Jin complains. 
Luckily, the staff comes with a solution. 
" There's holiday parks, campervans can go there too. They have shower and toilet accommodations. " He quips helpfully. 
" That sounds much better. " You laugh. 
" Okay, let's only use the campervan's toilet for emergency. " Yoongi adds. 
" If you're about to die. " Namjoon pops. 
" Let's shower all at once too. " Jungkook keeps trying. 
" We can't shower long. "
" Only 5 minutes, after that, cut the water. " Jin says, as does Hoseok.
A ton of questions later, everyone's once again getting their suitcases, and Yoongi loads it into the campervan. Soon after all of you are clapping along again. 
" Jungkook did you bring your dumbbells again? " Jin jokes. 
" That's not my suitcase. " Jungkook informs. 
" That's mine actually, sorry. " You grin, not actually feeling sorry. 
Once that's over with, there's a small discussion about who's driving what car. It settles with Jungkook driving the campervan and Jin driving the SUV. 
" Where are we going? " You hear most around you asking. 
" The guide book mentioned (a random restaurant). " You tell them. 
" Alright, if you say so. " Jin says, already getting the navigation started without further questions. 
The other car either can't hear you or doesn't listen, as they instead listen to the producer, who agrees with you. 
[ A/N: Oh my god this is a 3.4 k chapter folks,, never done dat before. Anyway, how did you guys like it?  Also, no, there will be no smut in this story, but keep in mind that Jin & reader are both of age and in a 9 year relationship. ]
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emilia3546 · 3 years
Playing Games - Nessian NSFW
Written for Nessian Month using the prompt: ‘Shall we play a game?’
When Nesta discovers just how much of a reaction she can get out of Cassian's wings, she starts a game of teasing him, but wasn't counting on being on the receiving end.
Nesta leaned across the table, shooting Cassian a concerned glance at the way he stiffened,
"You alright?" He nodded, oddly quiet, but she looked back to the map spread across the table, he was fine, just being a baby, again. She shifted closer to him, marking an empty spot on the map,
"What about there?"
"They use that for training exercises, we'd never get away with taking that," Rhys drummed his fingers on the table, and Nesta sighed, "This was the issue I meant, there's no space that they won't kick up a fuss about,"
"Then they need to get their heads out their asses," she snapped, then quickly glanced around, heaving a sigh of relief that Nyx was not in the room, she didn't want to risk him picking up on her vulgar language, if he were human there'd be no chance, but she didn't know how fast High Fae developed.
"He's not here, Elain offered to look after him all day," Feyre reassured her, "There might be some space outside of Velaris, it'd be more accessible there,"
"True," Nesta pursed her lips, ignoring the annoyance laced with arousal floating down the bond, "But the whole point of this is to offer a challenge, the weather is a big part of that, if we're going to ditch trainees for two weeks to look after themselves, I don't want it to be easy, that's not the point, it's supposed to test their skills." Feyre sighed,
"Is there nowhere in Illyria that can be used, for two weeks at a time, at most three times a year? That spot they use for training, we could share it, this is training," Rhys shook his head, and Cassian mirrored him,
"Some of my people will see it as you laying a claim on 'their' training land," Nesta narrowed her eyes, Cassian's voice sounded different, she wasn't sure exactly what, maybe like he was tired, or, it was like when he was trying not to start a fight. There was no-one for him to fight here,
"Cass, it's okay, we'll figure something out, perhaps we can ask Helion to use part of his mountainous regions, then it's a completely new landscape," Nesta kept her eyes on Cassian, and moved to squeeze his shoulder, "Are you okay?" She whispered,
"Yes." There was no room for argument in that tone, but she wasn't sure she believed him, then something moved next to her, against her leg. She shifted, his wing, she'd been rubbing up against it the whole meeting, a slight touch, and this was the result? She definitely have to see how far she could push him. She would enjoy playing this game, even if Cassian didn't know they were playing.
She didn't stop him from tucking his wing in closer, stopping her from touching it, but she subtly dropped her hand and pretended to adjust her shirt, making sure her wrist brushed against the ridge of Cassian's wing as she did so.
"I'll get a letter to Helion," Feyre smiled as she left, and Rhys raised an eyebrow at Cassian,
"I'm fine," he insisted,
"Nesta's asked you twice, I don't believe you,"
"I said I'm fine," Nesta furrowed her brows, feigning innocence as she slipped into his lap,
"Cass, we're just worried," she ran a hand over his shoulder, 'accidentally' flicking the edge of his wing where it met his back,
"I'm fine, Nes, really, just tired, and fed up of trying to cater to these idiots,"
"You and me both," she muttered, leaning against him a bit, her hand dropping lower, "You want to take the afternoon off, we can go and do something, get all of this off our minds?" He made to speak, to refuse probably, but Rhys latched onto the idea,
"Good idea, I don't want to hear of you working this afternoon, either of you, go enjoy Velaris,"
He's worked up about something, see if you can distract him, Nesta.
I know, I'll get him sorted out,
Thank you.
Nesta squeezed Cassian's other shoulder, allowing her second hand to drop just too low when Rhys left, leaving the two of them alone, but before she could reach his wing, her wrist was caught in a tight grip. She sucked in a breath, and made to pull her hand away, but Cassian shoved her backwards, pinning both her wrists to the table,
"Cass! The door!" It was still open, and she looked up at him innocently, pretending to be confused,
"You think I don't know what game you're playing?"
"What game?"
"If you touch my wings in public when I can't turn around and fuck you like I want to, you'd better be prepared for what happens next," Nesta flushed at the sinful promise in his words, "You know exactly what you were doing then, if you're going to insist on denying me, since I can't get inside you in a room with our family, you'll be getting a taste of your own medicine."
"I don't know what you're talking about," she mumbled,
"Yes, you do,"
"I was just worried, you seemed worked up,"
"Yeah, because you were touching my wings!"
"Not deliberately,"
"I doubt that very much, Nes, besides, now I get to show you what it feels like," Nesta wriggled, trying to twist her wrists out of his grasp, but he held on, pinning her hips still with his own, the evidence of his arousal painfully obvious. She struggled again, only managing to move against him, and squealed in protest when he gripped her waist, throwing her over one shoulder,
"That's not fair!" She protested, but fell silent, reaching out to touch his wings again, laughing at his muttered curse. She did it again, and yelped when his hand came down on her ass, not hard, but enough to leave a bit of a sting,
"If you push it, I'll properly spank you,"
"Really?" She grinned,
"As a punishment, Nes," he sighed, "But I won't need to, you'll be begging me to let you come in no time,"
"Not likely," she muttered, touching his wings again,
"Shall we play a game then? I lasted that whole meeting,"
"It wasn't the whole meeting,"
"Yes, it was, you might not have been doing it deliberately to start off with, but you were touching my wings, over and over for at least half an hour. If you can last that long, I'll give you a reward,"
"Last half an hour and find out," Nesta wriggled again, but Cassian was holding her steady as he walked towards their bedroom, his pace increasing each time she reached for his wings. She tried once more to escape when he had to let go with one hand to open the door, but still had no luck. She huffed and pulled herself up, doing everything in her power to make this difficult for him, earning a chuckle from Cassian as he strode across to the bed. Nesta didn't even have enough time to move when he let go before finding herself flipping over, her wrists pinned to the bed. She narrowed her eyes and glared,
"I didn't do anything," she tried, but Cassian saw straight through the lie, his knees bracketing her hips as he drew her hands up, pinning them both above her head with one hand.
"You know what it feels like when someone touches your wing?" Nesta shook her head, and Cassian leaned down to press his lips against her jaw, making her tip her head sideways, just for him to nip gently at the skin beneath her ear. Nesta bit her lip, trying to hold back her moan, but when he did it again, she couldn't help the little cry that fell from her lips, "See? Annoying in public," she flushed at the realization that she'd been doing that to him, deliberately or not, for half an hour, no wonder he was all riled up. She whined in protest when he lifted up away from her, but kept holding her wrists to keep her pinned down,
"Cass," she tried to wriggle her legs free to tug him closer, but he just laughed at her attempts,
"It's been, what, two minutes," he chuckled, and Nesta fell still,
"I'm fine, I don't know what you were complaining about," she said, trying desperately to keep her voice steady, smiling to herself at Cassian's raised eyebrow. She was still trying to figure out his next move when he pulled her up the bed, binding her wrists to the headboard before she could complain. She glared again, but lifted her hips in a silent demand,
"That was quick, sweetheart, you really are desperate if you give in that easily,"
"Maybe I just can't be bothered to brat, it does take effort, y'know,"
"Oh, I know, but so does begging for release, which you will be doing,"
"I doubt it," Nesta stared straight into Cassian's eyes, even as he started to slowly undress her, leaving her shirt open, her breasts exposed, but pulled her leggings off completely, and her panties with them. "It would take a really skilled male to get me to beg, and I don't see that happening," she trilled, but squealed when Cassian tugged her back down the bed, leaving her arms stretched out over her head. She flushed at the way his gaze swept up and down her body before settling at the apex of her thighs,
"Beautiful," he murmured, already tracing little circles across her stomach, up her sides, across her breasts, and she bit back the plea already forming in her throat. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction. Half an hour, then she'd get what she wanted. That couldn't be too hard, could it?
It was very hard, within a few minutes of Cassian touching her, she'd wanted to beg him to fuck her, but her resolve had really been tested when he'd slipped a finger inside her, then two, then three. She'd long given up trying to hold still, her hips moving of their own accord against his hand, and she did let out a few moan here and there, but that was allowed, that wasn't part of their game. She held on to the ropes around her wrists, desperate to hold on to him, but he was too far away. She squealed from the pleasure when he curled his fingers inside her and pressed down on her clit at the same time, her hips bucking wildly into his hand. He was grinning at her from where he sat between her legs, and she ignored the fact that they'd been falling wider and wider without any intervention from him. She also ignored the way her head was tipped back, her mouth open in a silent gasp, ignored it until he slipped his fingers out of her, holding her gaze as he licked them clean. She made to speak, to tease and claim that she was doing fine, that he was just a baby, but screamed his name when he replaced his fingers with his tongue.
Nesta gasped his name again when he pinned her hips still, crying with the effort of holding back her pleas for more, more, more. She threw her head back, her back arching off the bed as much as she could with her hips pinned and her hands bound, it was almost too much, this pleasure racing through her, coiling in her belly, but she pushed back her release, that would count as losing. Cassian pressed down on her clit with one hand, his tongue still deep inside her, and she broke in the most wonderful way, squealing with pleasure,
"Cass," she gasped, "More, more," she panted, "I need, please, more," she didn't realize until Cassian pulled back what she'd said,
"Twenty minutes, I'm impressed, but you still lose,"
"Okay, okay, just, please," Nesta panted, no longer caring what she had earlier, no matter what she said, he was very skilled, not that she'd admit it out loud, "Cassian, please, please,"
"Please what?"
"Can I come?"
"You can," Nesta panted as Cassian  slowly, far too slowly, stripped off, climbing onto the bed to hover over her, his lips trailing up her neck and across her face before meeting her own. He kissed languidly, slowly, as if they had all the time in the world, and Nesta melted beneath him, her breath coming in little gasps and pants when he released her mouth, then in a scream as he pushed into her. She cried out Cassian's name when he lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist as he thrust deeper into her, kissing away her cries of pleasure each time. She collapsed when he brushed a hand up along her ribs, fully handing control over to her husband, her mate, the love of her life, and she held on for dear life when he started to move in earnest.
Cassian buried his face in Nesta's neck, softly kissing and sucking at the skin there, he was going to leave a mark, and damn her to hell, but she didn't stop him, she wanted the world to see that mark.
"Together," he murmured, and it was all Nesta could do to nod before all that tension in her belly exploded, sending her hurtling over the edge, with Cassian falling right with her, still moving until both of them were panting, completely spent. Nesta hardly registered him untying her wrists, nor the way he gently kissed them, making sure she was okay, which she was, but she did hold on to him as he carried her through to the bathroom, setting her down on his lap as he ran a bath,
"So that's what it feels like,huh?" She murmured, "I might have to do that more often," Cassian barked a laugh, and Nesta smiled, snuggling into his chest, her eyes drifting shut as he brushed a kiss against the top of her head.
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