#and it doesnt feel like being burnt out anymore
hadescabin · 5 months
TW// GROOMING, MANIPULATION breaking down tigerheartstar and dovewing and why i think its awful ik I said that I dont really like warrior cats anymore but recently i've been thinking about some stuff regarding the series and its fandom and there's one thing that's been particularly bothering me. dovewing and tigerheart. it's just crazy to see the shift of support for tigerdove considering early 2010s warriors fandom seemed mixed on them. now there seems to be this equivocal support for them, probably because most of the fandom's exposure to the couple has been the recent books which frames them as man who loves his wife x burnt out prophecy kid who will do anything for her malewife. which theres nothing wrong with that dynamic, i think it's cute, but people really seem to forget about how tigerheart straight up groomed and treated dovewing awfully throughout oots and even in tigerheart's shadow. it seems to be a forgotten fact that tigerheart was a full grown warrior by the time he was pursuing dovepaw, who was a newly made apprentice. for perspective, this was a 6-7 moon teenager with someone almost the age of her mentor (a little younger). people try to use the excuse "oh but they're cats" and "the age gap isnt that bad" but even the recent books acknowledge with frostpaw and splashtail, that a warrior and apprentice dating is WEIRD. tbf oots was released in the early 2000s, but the fact that canonically speaking the age gap is seen as a teenager and adult relationship gives me the ick. it really puzzles me to see people get on ships like dustfern and bramblesquirrel (both of which i hate btw) for their age gaps but come up with every excuse in the books to defend tigerdove. its not even just the age gap too, again, their relationship has consisted of tigerheart manipulating and grooming dovepaw to do what he wants. in the first two books (esp the second book of oots) dovepaw is presented as someone who got attached to the cats from the journey and doesnt necessarily understand why they must act like they shouldnt exist anymore due to the borders. this is something that tigerheart LEARNS and actively takes advantage of when dovepaw questions why hes at their borders (tldr its dark forest stuff). he shifts the topic and then goes on about the journey and how he felt that they almost became friends, and that if they were in the same clan things would be easier. this may not seem like a big deal, but this goes on for the rest of their interactions whenever tiger needs to pressure her to do something she doesnt want (meeting up, trusting him, etc.) He realizes that the subject of different borders resonates with her and uses it to his advantage whenever he wants something out of her. This can especially be seen in the next book, “Night Whispers”, which kickstarted their relationship. Dovepaw accidentally ran into ShadowClan territory while hunting, and Tigerheart happens to find her there. Once again, he gives her a speech about borders being meaningless, before asking her to meet up with him before the ShadowClan patrol catches them. There’s also other examples in later books where he coerces her into meeting up or trusting him since “that’s what friends are for” or even later in that book, where he manipulates her into using Ivypaw as a captive for herbs. 
When you take this into account, plus him as a full grown warrior, starting a romantic relationship with a barely apprenticed Dovepaw who is shown as having a childish/ immature perception on romance/mates (such as her argument with Ivypaw and claiming that she should “find her own mate”), Tigerdove feels very much like grooming to me. According to the dictionary definition grooming is, “the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of sexually assaulting them”. Of course, in this case, since it’s a young adult book, it’s to form a romantic relationship, which could also be another goal of grooming. Groomers tend to display manipulative behaviors towards the victims in order to coerce them into trusting them more. Whether that be through compliments, gifts, trying to resonate with them or make them feel special. They tend to try to get them to keep and “share” secrets, which is another tactic they utilize both to isolate the victim and to get them to feel more comfortable. 
A lot of behaviors that Tigerheart displays towards Dovepaw falls under this, including the examples I mentioned. There are a couple of other comments that he makes which come off as creepy such as Dovepaw “being his favorite sister”, which as I established, is something a groomer would say in order to make the victim feel as though they’re special and garner their trust. Which is especially the case when you note that he makes that comment in reference to Dovepaw asking about his ties to Ivypaw, which he actively lies about, and quickly reassures her that there’s nothing going on. 
This tactic of manipulation, where he either makes her feel special, or even love bombs and dissuade her from standing up for herself, doesn’t stop when she’s an apprentice. It continues when she’s a warrior, and is constantly used throughout OOTS and “Tigerheart’s Shadow”. At one point in the series, Dovewing and Tigerheart get into an argument about Dawnpelt wrongfully accusing Jayfeather of murder. When Tigerheart defends his sister, Dovewing stands up for Jayfeather, which prompts Tigerheart to try and manipulate her out of the conversation. He jumps straight to talking about how much he loved and missed her, and guilts her by asking why they had to argue like this, and why they couldn’t just “meet like before”. As for Tigerheart's Shadow, he actively goes against what she wants (to raise her kits outside the clan) and actively pressures and guilts her into coming back, before she finally relents. He doesn't care about what SHE wants, it's always about him. Whether it be secretly meeting up, or in The Last Hope, he tries to pressure her to date him again (which she FINALLY refuses and scolds him for thinking about his own needs when they're right before a final battle. as she should). It's especially upsetting in the newest book that tigerheart seems to be the only think at the center of her character. when she argues with ivypool, it's less about the two sister's interpersonal conflicts and more about her and tigerheart's relationship. which...feels like a lot of missed potential to me? i want them to argue, i want dovewing to stand up to herself against ivypool, but why does the entire conflict have to revolve around him? why can't dovewing have her own thoughts and feelings without it tying back to her awful husband?
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ghoodles · 9 months
A bunch of noir headcanons because im normal i promise
- Either really sensory avoidant or seeking, it depends on the day
- Either way he's still pretty affectionate, on the avoidant days its usually just words of affirmation but otherwise he's the type of person to like pat someone on the back or something (there's actual movie scenes in itsv that supports this)
- The strongest sense of justice you'll see. He sees an injustice and soon enough he's interfering
- He will find a way to get information out of you if you have it, he used to work for the press, and is a private eye, and he was damn good at BOTH
- The color of his webs depends on how long its been since his last revival. Darker usually means its been less time, and it usually lasts for like a month or two before it becomes white again
- Intrusive thoughts about violence that he's just slowly become desensitized to
- Used to be all bark no bite before he got his powers, would get his ass kicked a LOT, but now, i mean, he still gets his ass kicked sometimes, but he's more capable of holding his own
- He has fangs and claws, because, come on, he's literally been revived like multiple times by the spider-god, she's had to replace something
- Speaking on that, a lot of his blood is significantly darker than his natural color, because of the god having to replace it
- Actually figured out how to use futuristic technology pretty quickly
- In shattered dimensions, he definitely thought Madame Web's voice was the spider-god talking to him before he was like "hold on she doesnt sound like that, who the fuck are you?"
- Swears like a sailor, but doesnt like younger people doing it
- Probably screamed in agony at seeing all the colors for the first time, especially in brooklyn during the night, thats gotta cause so much eye strain, especially in a black and white world
- Actually could see color in his world, but they were pretty dull colors, almost monochrome, but not
- Most people cant see the difference though
- Has met Miguel before (shattered dimensions) and was absolutely just in shock by the change
- A god at cooking, shit at baking, he tried to make cookies and almost burnt down the house
- Sometimes just feels like a puppet for the spider-gods entertainment
- Religious trauma is strong with this man, i can tell
- Derealization episodes where it feels like he's just not there anymore
- Back to his blood being darker the more he loses it, he has a full on breakdown over it once he realizes it, because he percieves it as a sort of indicator that he isnt human anymore
- The most unintentionally father figure acting person you'll ever see, he doesnt realize how many people see him as a dad, and if he does he's just extremely confused
- Had his gun with him the entire time in ITSV, just didnt want to accidentally scare someone with it
- Has a pretty good relationship with the other spiders in Shattered dimensions, but ends up getting a little iffy about Miguel once he brings up the canon events
- He almost fought him after Miguel brought up his uncle Benjamin and all his other canon events (ive only read like two issues of the comics im SORRY)
- The most vibrant color he saw in his world was the color of his spider-sense; a red
- For this reason, he can point out red really quickly
- Increased senses, to the point where it can become a hindrance
- Constantly on alert, checks so many things to make sure that he's not being followed
- Despite being naturally weaker than all the spiders, he can punch clean through walls
- He'd be bruised and a bit scraped by it but otherwise he's perfectly fine
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lostandfem · 2 years
there’s something i want people to understand as i blog about my detrans experience and thoughts on feminism: i wasnt someone who was wrong about being trans and now i have the wrong idea of the trans community. you have to understand that i was trans. i am trans. i still have dysphoria. i had every making of a trans person. i lived in that community for 5 years. i lived with that ”trans experience” my whole life, and detransitioning now doesnt mean all of that never happened
but transitioning wasnt the answer. maybe transitioning is the answer for some people, but i think its the answer for a lot fewer people than we think.
i was a young girl with an ED. i was a young autistic girl who was inadvertantly emotionally neglected because no one understood what i needed, nor did i know how to connect to other girls. i was gnc. all i knew was ”i am not enough, i want to have a community. but i dont want to be like those girls. im nothing like them”.
i was under the impression that the way women presented were all ways women wanted to present. i thought it was like a natural instinct to them. all the makeup, the dresses, the jewelry. i thought i was the only one who hated it.
i didnt get crushes like the other girls. i didnt want the attention of the boys. i developed breasts and got my period younger than most. i hated every minute of it, i hated having breasts, but i thought other girls were excited about it as a mark of ”womanhood”
what i needed as a young girl was feminism. i needed to know that there was nothing wrong with me. that these are ways to be a woman; that everything i thought womanhood was was artificial and forced on us. i needed a community of women that wasnt built around those artificial constructs. maybe then i wouldntve come to the conclusion, in the lowest point in my life, that maybe i just wasnt a woman. and coming to that conclusion felt freeing. it felt like id found a space to be myself without all the bullshit i thought i ”had” to be. i didnt have to be a woman anymore. but dysphoria eats you. its never satisfied. it wants change after change after change. more surgery, more hormones, lose some weight, gain some muscle. i got tired and burnt out.
with all the trans people i connected to over the years and shared similar stories, i feel like some are in this same boat as me. this is a trans experience. so i think it deserves weight in discussions about trans people
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zebulontheplanet · 3 months
Hello. You mentioned that burnout and late regression can look quite similar sometimes, and I guess I am sort of wondering what the difference is between them?
I am curious because I am a young adult and in the past couple of years I have lost some skills (like emotional regulation, masking/socializing, handling changes in routine, and executive functioning) and I don't know if it is burnout or regression or even what the difference is.
Thank you! (I am sorry if I am bothering you, please don't feel pressured to respond if you don't want to.)
Hey anon! So this is seriously just from my own personal research. There is currently one study out to my knowledge about it and a few articles. So do your own research as well! Please don’t use this post to self diagnose and contact a professional if you feel you are experiencing late regression with catatonia.
So late regression itself is said to come hand in hand with catatonia. It’s late regression with catatonia, if you google it then there’s a few articles about it and a study about it.
The main difference between late regression and skill regression caused by burnout is that burnout gets better with accommodations, unmasking, and time. While late regression seems to only get better with therapies, practice with skills that were lost, time, medication, and ECT in extreme cases. The also big difference is that burnout is usually caused by masking too much so you get “burnt out”. While late regression doesnt require masking to happen. And most people from what I’ve seen, were not masking to begin with and get it.
Late regression is more typically more severe then burnout as well, this is typically because of the catatonia symptoms. Burnout is pretty sudden. Late regression happens over time and just continues to get worse. Late regression you also typically begin to degenerate in ADLs and being able to take care of yourself, so typically your support needs change all together.
Burnout can cause you to lose the ability to do ADLs, but usually not to the extent of Late regression.
Not to mention speech. Typically with late regression, people lose their speech, either all together or experience “semi mutism” or semiverbalism/minimally verbal as some people know it.
There are also some things I’m not going into detail about, like loss in independence, increased slowness, needing prompting for basically everything, etc etc that comes along with late regression.
The two are very different. I hope this helps and i hope you understand this! If you have anymore questions then feel free to ask. Have a lovely day anon.
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modernchillthings · 1 year
I know I just did a little rant about Sooho so let me just talk about Sieun and why he is the way he is (or why I THINK so)
It's pretty obvious his parents neglect him, probably as early as childhood based on that flashback scene. I don't remember which parent said it but one of them most likely did not want to have a child and that outlook can definitely affect the way you raise your kid.
Based on that flashback, they were so unprepared with the thought of Sieun ever getting hurt (he had a broken arm I think?) I get being worried, but that was not worry to me tbh, it was more like they didn't expect raising kids to be so troublesome which is such a ridiculous notion! They get hurt, they get sick and you can't just expect a child to raise themselves no matter how smart or good they are. They need guidance! They need love!
And I don't remember what ep it was but when the dad asked Sieun if he still fell asleep in class or something like that and Sieun responded 'I don't do that anymore'. Idk that made me think that Sieun had like a chronic sleeping thing that he probably managed on his own just so he wouldn't trouble his parents. And the way Sieun at that age, understood how much 'trouble' he seemed to cause his parents, I think that's what started his very 'cold' and 'unfeeling' nature.
And from then on out, Sieun decided not to be a bother to his parents at all. That also made me think...okay, if he didn't want to bother them...then did he want to make them proud of him instead to show that he wasn't gonna be their problem?
And I get it, he's so me lol. Because I try so hard not to be a bother to not just my parents, but honestly any adult authority figure in my life. But the diff is, I kind of strive for that validation whereas Sieun...doesnt seem like he does, or at least not as much as he thought it would. Like what are his goals? Did he even want to go to a big college and be a big time 'something'? I don't even think we learned much about him and his motivations because it's true that he's so studious and gets so many awards and good grades and yes his parents praise him...but Sieun doesn't even look like he wants or cares about those praises anymore.
On the first ep. when he got that award and showed his dad, his dad seemed like he was genuinely proud of him but his reaction was just...😐 perhaps Sieun knows that his purpose in his parents eyes is to generate good grades and be a good kid so he just does that. Like 'ok I've done my purpose, on to the next task' and honestly that's so fucked up.
Anyways, yeah. I feel like he lost any sense of purpose. Maybe back then getting good grades and validation from his parents meant he wasn't being a bother to them and he prolly liked it but after a while, it kind of just burnt him out. Also maybe after his mother left and his dad started being away more often for work, it just didn't seem like it mattered to him but he still keeps going because it's the only thing that will grab his parents' attention. But again, at the same time, idk if he still even wants their attention. He doesn't even want to try anymore
When he was eating with his mom, you could tell the mom was distracted and Sieun must have felt so discouraged because he must have felt like a task to her, like something on her to do list to check off because how easily she pushes aside Sieun's presence and assumes he was done eating. Like she was already standing up, like she was waiting for an interruption. Sure, Sieun never said anything or expressed his needs but only because his parents never tried to understand him in the first place and idk...be an ACTUAL PRESENT ADULT FIGURE IN HIS LIFE!!
Sieun is such a complicated and interesting character and my only wish was for him to snap at his parents at least once. He almost did it with his dad at the hospital but he held back which he shouldn't have!! Yell at them! They deserve it! (hopefully we'll see that in s2)
I never really knew I would be so attached to him. Usually I get drawn towards the Sooho-type (and dont get me wrong, I love him too) but something about Sieun just makes me want to wrap him in a blanket and never let him go and give him the proper love and care and attention he deserves!
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elikaina · 10 months
ngl, when I first read the itoshi brothers backstory, my initial thought was that this type of conflict could only happen between siblings as they both lashed out and hurt each other deeply and I understand both sides of it as well.
On rin's side, rin was excited to see his brother who he hasnt seen in a few years and missed a lot in both football and companionship. But sae's time in spain changed him and he doesnt recognize him, it feels like he changed their shared dream without consulting him.
He admires sae too much to be the best striker, he believes that that title belongs to sae. So rin felt like his brother threw him away and looked down on him when he lost the one-on-one. Rin started questioning their whole relationship like it was false and thinking that he meant nothing to sae, all those good memories are now burnt like trash. Rin's worldview shattered and couldnt stand anything that reminded him of sae, while at the same time, he yearned for his approval.
Sae, on the other hand, went straight to rin after he got back from spain. He didnt go home to put his stuff away before confronting rin, it was that serious for him.
Before I go in depth about his reaction, you gotta remember that sae went to spain when he was around 12/13 years old (7th grade). He was young, dealing with culture shock, language barrier, homesickness, and the feeling that he was not good enough to continue as a striker. No matter how much passion you have for something, sometimes its just not meant to be so you learn to adjust and go into something that is more suited for your skills.
With all of these negative feelings that's been brewing over the past couple of years, sae went to talk to the only person who he thought would be understanding, empathising, and supportive of him and his new goal.
He tried to adjust their shared dream from being number 1 and 2 striker to him being the best midfielder while rin is the best striker so rin would still be onboard. But instead he got the last bit of hope in his heart was crushed when rin rejected him and told him he's not the brother that he remembers. He went through whatever happened in spain and rins words were the final nail to his coffin. Something inside broke, he has nothing to lose anymore, no one to rely on.
So he went with the one-on-one without holding back. And called rins soccer lukewarm cause rin was basically copying his style while rin original way was completely different. This also made sae feel so infuriated with rin cause rin actually has the skills that he lacks to become the best striker. Sae calls him out on this by telling him that he didnt experience the real world and that he should give up if this is how wishes to play cause he knows that rins not gonna survive cause he didnt.
All of this misfortune happening to them around the ages of 16-17ish and 14-15ish. they are both teenagers, so they have a chance to learn and grow from these interactions and eventually mend their relationship. But what are siblings, especially teen siblings, if not petty.
It's kinda annoying (to me) when ppl disregard the fact that they were both hurt.
Yeah, I admit, that sae was harsh, as a brother, after the u20 vs. blue lock game. As a world-renowned player, his judgment, though biased from his hate towards japanese football, is frankly correct. Ego literally reiterated what what sae told rin to the team afterward.
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habeascorpseus · 9 months
👉👈 can you tell us more about the fnc angel/demon au? 🥺 pretty please?
oh CAN i? okay first things first. this is entirely because of good omens s2 and particularly uses concepts from episode 3 about "angels/demons who go along as best they can". also canon gillion and chip are very azi/crowley coded to me (cmon, gill's a literal paladin sent to the oversea to portend the rapture that he's now doubting the need for and chip is a mischievous little bastard with too much charisma and until recently no concrete stake in anything except for protecting his crew) so yeah. anyways the information will be delivered in bullet points for each person
was an angel. a pretty young one, at that. possibly came to existence around the 3rd millennium of mana's society
pretty mischievous and self interested for an angel. lets just say he fucked around and found out, and for it he was kicked out of heaven and fell into hell, but managed to crawl out like the stubborn bastard he is
the form he fell and crawled back to earth in was a young human looking boy. involuntarily, of course. but he often struggled to change his form in the past, instead letting it be dictated by his emotional state (another fairly chaotic and unangelic thing to do), and right now he feels small, weak, and vulnerable
he's picked up by the black rose, and, desperate to belong, he goes along with their assumption that he's just a normal kid, too weak to use much power or even change his form. for the couple years he lives with the crew, he doesnt grow. (this is chalked up to malnourishment.)
unfortunately, now that he's a demon, he has an Energy. and that energy attracts things. in particular: bad shit, and other demons. niklaus takes notice of this crew claimed by a seemingly inexperienced demon and decides to sink it for fun and to see what chip will do.
chip washes ashore on another island with two thoughts: one, he doesnt think he's allowed to be attached to anything good anymore without poisoning it, and two, he needs to be scarier in order to not be fucked with.
so he spends ten years hanging around ruben price, a man who acts so comically, stereotypically evil that chip occasionally doubts how mortal he is, but it seems like price just Like That. a handy trick of being a demon now is that chip can Sense types of energy- positive, negative, etc. what's scariest about price is chip gets nothing off of him, which is why he's the perfect person to watch
things come to a head when price forces chip to kill a man. and, well, its kind of what he's supposed to do, as a demon- but he hates it. in particular, he hates not feeling in control, and it angers him enough that hes finally able to use some demonic power to set price's warehouse ablaze and disappear into the night. (his hands are now blackened from where they caught fire and he now has a tail, being so unused to using magic that using it burnt away his human form to reveal the true form beneath it. he cant really disguise them back to normal because, again, bad at form shifting)
he sets sail on the sea and lands on an island where he follows a particularly strong negative energy to a tavern where he meets...
girl who's family basically run the navy.
her older sister was just mysteriously murdered around a year and a half ago, and she's going through it
by which i mean, She's Pissed. she wants whoever killed her to be found and brought to justice, preferably with the business end of her own pistol, but her father (an admiral) has fucked off to gods-knows-where and there's not really any leads at home beyond being surrounded by what her sister left behind... she's getting desperate.
she's bartending at her mom's tavern one evening when a guy her age walks in but he's.. wrong. somehow. there's dozens of lanterns and candles in the room, and yet he seems to cast a long shadow behind him no matter where he turns. also his hands are dark claws. she's pretty sure he's a demon honestly.
she's getting desperate and she wants leads. his appearance makes her feel almost irrational in how suddenly she remembers she needs to find her sister's killer.
so, with some part of her screaming that she is being very, very stupid, she offers a deal. vengeance for her sister in exchange for her soul. the demon looks weirdly surprised at this and tells her that her soul won't be necessary, that he needs a crew on his ship and all she needs to do is travel with him. so she accepts, they shake hands, and jay tries to ignore how much her instincts are screaming this is a bad idea.
they set sail two days later on the demon's dingy little ship and begin sailing towards where jay thinks the next largest navy outpost is, and on the way they meet...
gillion is an archangel. he's pretty young, all things considered. he's not sure when he came into being, but he's pretty sure he's a replacement for.... someone.
gillion has a destiny, that's for certain. the heavenly council has been training him since his creation for some kind of destiny, though he hasn't really thought to ask what it is. he's sure it's good, though. the heavenly order would never mislead him into committing morally reprehensible acts in the service of a greater cosmic good, right?
his "life" is pretty rigid though. all training, no play, and certainly no contact with the mortal realm, that is, until he follows some of his superiors on their way to bless some admiral of some mortal navy. except... this guy is evil. its written in his the fake smiles, his body language, the way he listens to them with greed in his eyes.
and gillion was destined to smite evil, so he attacks him.
heaven, of course, doesn't take kindly to this, but instead of kicking him from heaven outright, they propose a test of faith: be stripped of most of his divinity and fulfill his destiny within a year in the mortal realm. it's not like he has a choice, so they kick him down to mana with only his sword and a little bit of armor.
he falls into the sea, deep, deep into an undersea trench, where the first thing he sees are a couple tritons. and, yeah, tritons seem pretty cool. so with the last vestiges of whatever divine energy he carries, he becomes a triton and uses his wings (oh thank gods he still has his wings) to propel himself to the surface of the sea.
for a while, he floats adrift, taking in the feeling of being wet and having the sun burn his body where it rests above the waves and the taste of salt on his tongue and the dark spots in his eyes that appear every time he stares too long at the sun. but that's fine. it's.... nice. he can almost forget it's a punishment.
after a day of listless floating, Something appears on the horizon, and then grows closer. its large, and brown, and honestly kind of shabby looking. but it looks cozy, a bit more hospitable than the ocean, and he sends out a dozen silent prayers and thank-yous when the ship suddenly changes course and begins heading Directly for him.
a man pokes his head over the railing of the vehicle and asks if he's okay. his hair is a really pretty color. his eyes kind of remind him of the fires lit to burn sacrifices that he's seen humans make a couple times. a blackened, clawed hand reaches out to grab his, and when they touch, it the crackle in the air feels like the moments just before a smiting lightning strike. he feels forbidden. but gillion's beginning to appreciate the idea of a rebellious phase, so he grips him tightly and lets himself be pulled onboard.
chip knows what gillion is, gillion does not know what chip is. chip is completely fine with this and is deciding to use it to his advantage in order to do minor devilish activities
what follows is basically the same plot until episode 14, though chip leans a lot more heavily into trickery and temptation
when it's revealed What chip is, gillion is not only Pissed but afraid for jay's soul, convinced that chip has been traveling with her in order to prey and feed upon it. he and chip duel, and gillion wins, as good so often does against evil— but before gillion can smite him and send him back to whence he came, jay steps in and stops him long enough for chip to slip away below deck. she tells gillion she made a deal with him and he blatantly refused her soul, which is why she's travelling with him instead. gillion, now hopeful that he can redeem chip, lets it slide, but. has chip promise to cool it on the demon shit.
the reason why gillion couldn't sense chip being a demon for so long is because he, for some reason, doesn't feel fiendish to him. unfortunately, gillion is too stupid to further entertain this train of thought.
both gillion and chip regain power at the same rate, though their progress is accelerated whenever gillion feels they did something good, and when chip is feeling angry. (this will eventually change)
chip is very bad at being a demon, to the point where he's begun talking jay out of vengeance entirely because it makes him feel bad about making her worse. gillion, ironically, says she should hold herself to her principles and seek justice, in a comical subversion of the angel and devil on her shoulders. they have many an argument about this.
nobody knows chip is Fallen. its one of the main sources of his insecurities and hed rather not have gillion judge him harder, thank you very much.
when chip is offered to have a memory removed by blangus, he attempts to remove his memory of being an angel. this doesn't work, because the memory is a core part of What he is and forgetting that would unmake him. he decides to give up killing a man instead.
gillion's destiny is to bring the rapture. kind of a bummer! gillion's a little in denial about it and the longer he spends with humanity and witnesses their good and their bad and the hope they all carry within them, the more reluctant he is to fulfill his purpose. (it's fine. he has 6 more months to decide. its fine. it's fine. time goes painfully slow for mortals)
eventually the truth of chip's past is revealed, and gillion is Pissed, though not at chip. in hindsight, it's obvious that he was created to replace chip when he Fell, meaning if not him, chip would have been the one to end the world, and that thought sits worse for him than imagining himself doing the deed. perhaps when he gets back to heaven he will demand chip's status be reinstated.
chip is caught between encouraging him to forsake his destiny (he likes humanity, and he likes fucking with heaven's plans) and going along with his destiny to not get kicked out of heaven. falling is painful and awful and he cant imagine gillion playing any role other than good, and he doesn't want him to, because if you're not With heaven, you're a victim of the rapture, and he doesn't want that.
gillion is already halfway on his way to letting himself fall on purpose the more he spends time with jay and chip. he wants to be with chip as long as he can be but every time they touch gillion gets the feeling hes skating on thin ice.
jay is the safest pirate on the sea in terms of other demons and angelic presences trying to fuck with her, both gillion and chip have a deal to smite her father next time they see him.
in chips solo mission with price, he ended up sending him to hell instead of giving him the eye. it is not at all disconcerting that chip can do this
edyn is an angel who helped raise gillion and gave him an immortal soul as a pet. when he was sent to earth it manifested as a frogtopus, and after gillion was sent away edyn followed him to earth and settled down in allport to keep tabs on him through the navy
caspian is Lizzie's guardian angel
anyways theres more but thats the long and not-at-all short of it. hope you like!
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nevarroes · 4 months
Completely unsolicited advice from a stranger and fellow artist: if you're feeling burned out it might be a good time to take a break from art for a week or two instead of pushing yourself to keep creating, because trying to brute force burnout usually only helps you burn out faster and harder.
Your fans will still be there after a couple weeks of you time, 100% promise you will not be hated or become irrelevant or forgotten if you stop posting content for a bit. They'll lose their minds when you come back.
thank u for ur input! I talked about it a little a bit ago but I don't feel err... "burnt burnt out" in that way (as in. I was proper burnt out before obviously but it doesnt feel the same) I just really can't make high effort stuff anymore/spend more than like a few hours on a piece at most. I get where the advice comes from I really do and this isn't about some... me being worried that my engagement drops off or whatever it's jsut that I genuinely get so fucking sad if I can't draw for a few days already so I do not think it's the solution for me in this scenario unfortuntely💔
but I'm already trying to not push myself to draw anything I don't want (besides well. work and stuff but not much I can about that) so I just hope it doesn't last too long and that I can get back into drawing bigger illustrations at some point soon :/
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suck-a-egg · 2 years
A possible au that has been entertaining the hell out of me for months but everytime I try to post it, I forget it immediately.
long story short: Domino survives, they go into hiding until after order 66. This is going to be hard to explain so stick with me
After Rishi, it turns out that Droidbate was more or less stunned but left behind by the others. He has a weird feeling and decides to stick back. He gets out of the building in time to watch Cutup get eaten by the eel and the flair go up and the other three make their way to the "inspectors" and sees Rex kill the eel. He runs and cuts Cutup, haha, out of the eel's stomach because I dont understand how stomach acid works and I don't care to know.
Newly released Cutup and confused as fuck Droidbate, now watch as Hevy sacrifices himself and they bust into the old station and find him burnt up. Listen, if Echo can survive an explosion so can Hevy. They somehow got him stable, don't know how and don't really care.
After Fives and Echo leave with Rex and Cody they get in contact with the "survivors" and give them a comm channel to contact them on and they all talk regularly. The twins give the comm channel to 99 the morning of the invasion but he never gets to use it.
After the citadel, Echo still gets blown up there's literally no way of stopping it, the comm channel goes silent until Umbara where Fives just wants an outsiders opinion and starts talking to them again.
When Fives finds out about the chips, Fox shoots Fives in the shoulder instead of the chest and one of the Corrie guards patches him up. Fives, understanding that if he stays with the GAR then he will be killed, contacts Domino and is smuggled off the planet and back to their little base that they made in a corner of Rishi (Kamino doesn't really pay attention to the moon anymore). Rex doesn't know where Fives; went he just knows he's alive and has no way of communicating with him.
Fast forward towards the end of the war, Rex and the bad batch find Echo caught in the wires on Skako Minor. Rex tries his hardest to try to somehow get in contact with Fives but he's just left at a lot of dead ends. He tells Echo about Fives to a certain degree. He basically just tells him that he went AWOL and doesnt even try to explain the chips or anything. But Echo, being one of the one only people to know about the comm channel, just calls Fives one day and has him explain it.
Domino, now knowing that Echo is alive, tries to convince him to leave the GAR and come with them. But since Echo is not done fighting yet, he chooses to go with the Bad Batch. But Domino makes him agree that if he's ever in trouble or needs help that he will contact them but once he does they will take him "home" to be with them.
Hunter figures out that Echo knows some type of squad outside of the ones that he has personally met because he hears a little bit of their conversation due to his senses. But he chooses to not say anything.
Order 66 still happens and the events of season 1 of the Bad Batch still happens.
After the fall of Kamino, Rex contacts the Batch asking them to go on a mission with him and they somehow end up captured (Omega included). The group that captured them are allies with the Techno Union and they easily figured out who and what Echo was and are trying to take him back to Wambor. The captors for some reason didn't take their equipment, so Echo, now panicking, contacts Hevy specifically, because he's the least likely to freak out, and asks for help. The batch has no idea who he's talking to but Rex has an idea after he hears Hevy's voice.
Rex starts to basically interrogate Echo, asking how long he had known, who was alive, why he kept it a secret. Echo breaks down because he doesn't want his older brother to be mad at him but he also wants to keep his other brothers safe and away from the war.
Wambor shows up an hour before Domino does and they have already taken Echo and hooked him back into a computer and have him completely out of it.
Domino busts in and Hevy and Droidbait find Rex and the rest of the Batch. They let them out of their cell and start asking them where Echo is but get cut off by Fives and Cutup on the comm line telling them that they had found the final Domino. Everyone rushes over and finds Fives cradling Echo to his chest while trying to calm him down. Fives ends up carrying him out of the prison and back on to the ship that they somehow commandeered.
They get poor echo back on the ship and after some questioning from Rex, they take the Batch back to the marauder but when they try to get off of Domino's ship, Echo doesn't go with them and chaos ensues.
You didn't see this, E
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alicentsgf · 1 year
here's the link lmk what u think about ithttps://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFgvfTV7/
okay so that was VERY interesting.
tl;dr for anyone that doesnt have time to watch - ryan says that the neck-grab was more about viserys. daemon really wanted to hurt viserys and hes always seen rhaneyra as just an extension of viserys. he basically implies it was always truly viserys that daemon wanted to attention and love of, to be the partner of.
I'm really trying to figure out what he means by this, and I'm wondering if you're right and he means that Daemon wanted to be to Viserys what Visenya was to Aegon, to give him everything, to be his sword and advisor and give him an heir (though perhaps in himself rather than through being a consort and birthing heirs ?). So yes, actually I see what he means about Daemon and it's something I've never considered before although I have always thought power is more important to him that Rhaenyra... but is it more important to him than Viserys? No, from what we've seen. Honestly I do think if Daemon had been born a woman but had still been very much Daemon in every other way then he would've probably been happier with his position, assuming he was allowed to be a Visenya-type of queen - I think Baelon as a father would have indulged that though, given the type of woman he married; Alyssa was much more a Visenya than a Rhaenys too.
Being born a second son definitely pushed Daemon further from power and further from his brother than if he'd been born a daughter, and likely married off to Viserys, and those are the things he desperately seeks; proximity to power and Viserys approval and love.
The comment about Rhaenyra being an extension of Viserys is funny because I just made a post about Alicent being perceived as an extension of Otto. These poor girls just cant shake off their dads. I don't think any of the men in this show see the women as entire people, (considering how they all certainly assign worths to them based on their claims and their ability to produce children.) So it doesn't surprise me that Daemon would see Rhaenyra as an extension of Viserys rather than as a whole person. Which leads me to believe it wasn't just desire that had him groom Rhaenyra and part of the reason he pursued her, especially after she was named heir, was because if he was her consort Viserys wouldn't be able to send him away anymore. His place would be with her, and her place would be by Viserys side. Of course, when he finally gets Rhaenyra he's been burnt so many times by Viserys that he's all but given up, as we see in his conversations with Laena, so he's happy to disappear of to dragonstone and try to use Rhaenyra to fill the Viserys-shaped hole. I think his misogyny will make him struggle to see Rhaenyra as a ruler, to see her making decisions, especially ones he disagrees with. He's going to realise she isn't Viserys, and he doesn't feel the same watching her rule as he felt watching Viserys rule, for whatever reason.
Ngl I know Ryan said it isn't sexual, and maybe it isn't at the point we meet them in hotd, but... it's not crazy to me that Daemon might have loved his brother that way when they were young, even if Daemon never fully understood those feelings. They are Targayens, and Daemon did have scenes that were cut of him having an interest in men. He certainly acts in ways to get his attention that speak to an obsessive level of love that often walks hand in hand with his approach to sexual interest. And I know he hates Alicent because he sees her as an extension of her father, but there could be another element to it. It could be partly jealousy, even if it's just over the place she has at Viserys side, rather than the fact she shares his bed...
But yeah... a lot to think about.
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Ok i have an idea based on personal experience:
Can i have a oneshot of gojo x reader where gojo's girlfriend is a really good cook and her foods are amazing but she always end up burning herself bad or sometimes even cut her fingers but she doesnt reach cause she has a high pain tolerance because of being a grade one sorcerer?
Like,when satoru sees his gf burn herself and doesnt react,he wants to hit his head to the wall and he has to treat her himself?
- 🌊 anon
I’ll add in a little personal experience myself where I witnessed someone spill boiling water on themselves and they didn’t even flinch 😵‍💫😵‍💫
TW: reader spills boiling water on their hand idk if this counts as a tw but I’ll add it just in case since it is mentions of physical hurt
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
You were boiling some noodles for a dish you were preparing for yourself and Satoru. He was still stuck in a meeting at Jujutsu High and was go into be arriving home soon and you wanted to have dinner ready before he came home.
You heard the door click open and turn your head over your shoulder, “Satoru, welcome back!”
“Hi, Y/N. Smells good in here.” Satoru smiled as he removed his blindfold and shoes and made his way towards you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed a quick kiss on your cheek.
“Need help with anything?” He asks as his eyes watch your hands work on the food.
“No, it’s almost done I can handle it. I wanted to finish before you came back home but it’s fine, it’ll be ready like five minutes anyways.”
Satoru hummed and placed another kiss on your cheek, “Sounds good to me. I’m still going to watch though, you look cute when you cook.” You couldn’t help but laugh a little at his compliment as you shyly looked away. You grabbed the colander and started to pour the boiling water out to free the tender noodles. You misjudged how far the water would splash and ended up spilling almost half of the water on your hand. You let out a monotone “ow” and continue to pour the water and give the colander a little shake to remove anymore excess water hidden in the noodles.
Satoru gasped loudly and grabbed your hand, taking the colander with his other and moving it to the side.
“Y/N!! You just burnt your hand with boiling water!!”
“Yeah, I’m fine. It didn’t hurt that much.”
“Y/N!!” Satoru scolded. “Don’t be so reckless, you could hurt yourself.”
“Satoru, it’s fine I barely even felt it. I’m a grade one sorcerer, this basically nothing.” You scoffed a little.
Satoru looked you sternly in the eyes. “Y/N, you make me want to bash my head into the wall, be more careful! Let me help you. I’ll get the aloe vera, that helps with burns, right?”
Satoru sits you down to keep you away from cooking as he searched the cupboards to find the bottle of aloe vera all while muttering to you.
“Honestly, Y/N. Even if you don’t feel it, it’s still damaging. You shouldn’t ignore it like that. Your skin could get all messed up from that. And don’t get me started on you in battle. Do you realize how much you worry me sometimes?? It’s cool you have a high pain tolerance and all, but for the sake of my heart, please just be careful and let me help you when I can. I’ll tend to all your wounds for the rest of my life. That’s a promise I’ll forever keep. And I expect you to hold up your side of this promise too.” He slammed the cupboard door shut with the aloe vera in hand. He pouts at you when he kneels down to hold your injured hand in his.
You laugh a little at his pout, “Okay, Satoru. I’m sorry. I promise to be more careful and let you know when I’m hurt so that you can help.” You place a small kiss on his forehead as he rubs the soothing gel over your hand.
Satoru sighs gently, “Alright. Feeling better?” He looks up at you, your hand now covered in the gel you couldn’t deny felt really good. It instantly cooled your hand and relieved a lot of pain you didn’t even register was there.
“Yeah, feels good.” You smile back down at him.
Satoru stands, “Good,” he gives you a quick hug, “Now you stay there and I’ll finish preparing dinner. Your hand is out of commission right now. I’ll kiss it better later when the gel is gone so I’m not kissing plant goop.”
You laugh at Satoru once more as he made his way back to the food to finish prepping it.
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thewildsorcerer · 10 months
Question for Oc. Since the topic is going around I want to ask if you think the Aib fandom is really dying? What's your opinion on that?
-- I just saw someones take on this and my honest opinion is I dont think its exactly dying. Most of us are Adults that have lives of our own. Not me though, Im addicted to social media and my life is literally on here. But I do get burnt out sometimes and feel as if my characters dont actually matter.
I really hope it doesnt die though, because ive made so many good friends here and I feel like I belong- so i dont want to lose that. But again, People are gonna prioritize their day to day jobs and activities and school before being on here. And im not going to fault them for that, because they come first before anything else.
Dont worry tho, I know the biggest thing you're worried is about is Im not gonna be here anymore (/j). I dont have a life outside of the internet, and I crave the attention. So im not going anywhere babbeyyyyy
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rayneydayss · 2 months
i have had such a hard time with the massive change of having graduated college and not being in classes anymore
like i thought in hs that i would probably kill myself before getting to college but i always thought i would love college, and when i actually made it there i ended up finding the most absolutely perfect university for me. forested and historic and so wonderfully queer. small classes with profs that love what they teach and even a medieval reenactment club that i fell in love with. and i got to experience it for all of <6 months when the pandemic hit and sent all of us home. i had been writing a script for the club’s spring renfaire and had just cast the play we would do, and literally during one of our meetings when we discussed pushing the faire back a few weeks in hopes covid wouldn’t pose a major threat, we all got the email saying we would be going home for the rest of the semester.
i missed a full year of on campus experiences and memories trapped in my room staring at a screen. when i finally started going to some in person classes again i was already halfway done with undergrad. three major medieval reenactment events were cancelled.
my senior year it felt like i was at the best point in my life, ever. i was researching so many fascinating topics and i had two jobs on campus in library and archives that i absolutely loved and was in club leadership running the faire with lovely people and good friends. i finally felt like i was living my best most authentic self.
and then i graduated. since then i have managed to get. a shitty retail job. playing dnd with my friends on discord once a blue moon when everyone is available. trying to run my own dnd campaign but being so utterly burnt out from shitty retail that all i can do is curl up in bed. i put myself out there as a freelance editor/beta reader and landed what seemed like a great gig pretty soon but now it’s been almost a month since the guy’s messaged me and over a week since my first payment milestone.
i just feel like a husk of myself. i feel in my heart and soul i am a lifelong scholar but that is not financially feasible. and i’m afraid the longer i go without being in classes the less i’ll retain unless i can get a job that doesnt burn me out so much so i can pursue those interests on my own time. i miss having a sense of purpose.
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astranne · 2 years
Your wish is my command My Goddess!
Startin this off, Bodyguard!Xiao would absolutely 100% be SO jealous if someone was to flirt with you well he'd be use to it since your famous but this person is particularly handsome????
Hes gonna be like a cat hes gonna pout and glare at you and huff until you acknowledge his existence.
Speaking of, i can see him leaving you gifts but never saying anything. Atp idk if I'm talking about Bodyguard!Xiao anymore but anyways!
He would sneak you gifts onto your desk, table, whatever is there he will put it there he wont say anything he's just gonna go "Oh, your welcome." If you say thank you Xiao. It could be for literally anything and he would still say your welcome.
He has so much potential for angst and i can feel it.
I can see Xiao as the kid who gets bullied for being academically smart but his other siblings are smarr and well versed in sports and activities. Hes the anti social emo kid who wears hoodies and blasts his music (not really angsty!xiao would rather keel over) through his headphones and not have many friends.
I CAN however see him get one friend. And this is purely for funny moments but Tartaglia would friend him unironically. I love the intorvert adopted by extrovert trope and those two fit that role well.
Childe just sitting next to Xiao after a few weeks and suddenly best friends??? Sign me up. Childe recongizing Xiao beyond his academic intelligence and Xiao feeling appreciated??? Sign me up. Childe ACTUALLY not using him for projects and to do homework like many of Xiao's "friends"???? Sign me up.
The whole Xiao and Childe dynamic has potential and wanna what help has potential? Hu Tao and Xiao
Now this? Wouldnt happen unless you tied Xiao up and locked him in the closet w Hu Tao for a week.
Now listen how did they meet?? Simple.
Hu Tao pranked Xiao on accident by putting something in his locker and ruined has his stuff and Xiao was just "👤Um." The entire time and Hu Tao, being the lovely person she is, did it again why not. I can see her being a prankster, but after awhile Hu Tao would have to end up buying Xiao's notebooks that get water damaged or burnt by something and end up giving him notes but helloooo???? GIVING HIM NOTES?????? He already memorized every math formula why is she giving HIM NOTES????
Hes so shocked he doesnt know what to do so he just goes with it. And now oh would you look at that Hu Tao is now taking him out for Boba and rambling about her favorite show. I can see Xiao not knowing anything about Boba, or just the outside world. His caregivers werent harsh on him, he just wanted to be seen by them like his older siblings :( he just wanted that validation. Know who gives it to him? Hu Tao and Childe.
"Xiao your so cool!" As he absolutely owns them in paintball?? Hes smiling so hard.
"Xiao how did you know the answer? I couldnt even get it your so smart!" After he answered a hard essay question hes literally shaking with happiness.
My boy just wants to be seen :((((
Back for a little bit of angst, Xiao wouldnt tell them he feels left out sometimes or how he gets drained. He wouldnt tell them about anything or how he feels he made it this far why would he?
I can see his siblings especially if theyre older constantly teasing him, they dont know it but they gant up on him and practically bully him into hiding his room and not coming out. Not projecting i swear
Horror movies, staying up late and eating junk food? Challenges and even going to walmart at 3:30 when Xiao is hyped up on energy drinks speeding down the aisles in carts giggling and laughing past the cameras and workers who're too tired because "dammit they do this every weekend we cant kick them out"
My Goddess i hope i delivered what you asked for!
i'm getting blessed today!!! thank you so much, i really had a blast reading through this my dear fischl anon <3 all the brainrot is under the cut hehe it escalated a bit just a tiny bit lmao
jealous and protective bodyguard!xiao, yes please. he will stare everyone down who tries to flirt with you AND is very handsome. not even five minutes in and he will be like "excuse you, but back tf off." he will do it immediatly when he notices you don't really feel comfortable... and he will be a bit more agressive 👀
bodyguard!xiao gets a certain reputaion... he is a bloody good bodyguard, very protective of his clients and their privacy. you bet everyone wants him as their bodyguard (especially when he's handsome as well)
also the gifts... asdkfubhd- he will leave all his gifts at the places he knows you will see them, watching with a small smile how you eagerly open his gifts (sue him, you really look cute when you get all excited and happy about little things)
he will spoil tf out of you, gift you with the most lavish gifts, oh and if you like his cooking, yeah, well he will always cook a full ass menu for you, just to enjoy your blissful face when you take the first bite of his heavenly food.
just... xiao. also the little cat comment made me think about cat!xiao, like,,, hybrid, like just... cat and fluffy tail and perky ears and purring xiao...
xiao is born, breed, made, created for angst. have you seen his lore?? like, come on, angst is his second third name.
okay, childe and xiao friendship. we love and we need this rn. xiao gets bullied by the jocks and it's acutally his elder siblings fault,,, because well,, they are a jock too and started teasing him. not many realize they are siblings, and since older sibling is quite popular, everyone else started teasing bullying him too. xiao swallows all the bitterness, not wanting to call his siblings out because he still loves them!! but sometimes... sometimes they don't realize he's hurting.
anti social!xiao. emo!xiao. introvert!xiao just... xiao. he is the weird loner of the school, but not quite?? like, he's smart and does so well in school and not to mention, he is handsome. not that many would admit that. but there was a time where xiao wore eyeliner before everything went downhill and some really miss those times... but they would never admit it.
he doesn't really have friends until childe comes along. and childe is a social butterfly. he is friends with the whole school but not really, he is outgoing, quite smart too and just funny to be around. he can be a jerk sometimes, but aren't we all sometimes too? he befriends xiao first for a selfish reason, hoping he would get a bit of quiet from all the noise in his life. but then he realizes how he enjoys xiao's company and sticks around.
later, when they're really thick and probably somthing like best friends, childe will admit that to xiao and they almost have a fallout
and when hu tao comes around? yeah well, prepare for chaos. childe and hu tao go along so well and you bet after a while, when Xiao feels comfortable enough, he will try and curb their chaos. not that he succeds.
hu tao still feels bad sometimes about how much she ruined from xiao's stuff, which is why she started spoiling him. she is well off, probably from a rich family, just like childe. they will spoil all the sadness and angst from xiao away
you bet hu tao is the reason why xiao now has a starbucks and bubble tea addiction this is how he meets other friends, on his own but that's for another time
yk what, with anti social and introvert xiao... gamer!xiao. what is he even doing the whole time in his room? yeah well, of course he studies, but he can't study the whole ass time and this is how he slowly became a gamer. not that many know that
but after hu tao and childe find out, you bet they will buy him a whole ass aesthetic streamer set up, even tho he doesn't stream but maybe in the future they want him happy, and all those little games make him happy. especially when he now can play with real friends, not only those people who he met online.
thanks to hu tao and childe he comes out of his shell, dressing up a bit (xiao has style. he just has a style not everyone would approve. war core/dark and tech wear. he has style and the clothes, just not the confidence wearing it) and even putting his eyeliner back on (you bet he suddenly becomes the crush of so many people)
hu tao and childe are confident people, and he somehow has to keep up. he finds his confidence once again (if we want to make this especially angsty, he was a very confident, if a bit silent child. but his family and all the teasing/bullying made him lose his confidence)
oh and if we want to create more plot, childe is a somewhat well known influencer and hu tao hops on that train too. it's easy for them to gain more followers and reach, and the extra money is certainly welcome. xiao ponders if he should start doing this too, but somehow... he's not really comfortable with that. he wants to do this in his own way. (que, xiao being the 'unreachable, mystery, but lovable and gorgeous influencer)
but he starts with streaming first, his fan base grows fast because,,, xiao is so calm, he loves all the games he plays and is so passionate about it!! he is an avid animal crossing player, always building and creating on his island and proudly showing it off to his viewers. they praise him and shower him with compliments, and he always gets all shy and blushy and you bet they will coo over him and only make things worse better
hu tao and childe just proudly show off xiao's achievements in their social media, talking about xiao and what an awesome friend he is, how smart he is and everything.
now i want cracked gamer!xiao, who looks nothing like it, but will absolutely destroy you in CoD, Val, LoL and all the other games. he is well known in the gamer community and you bet he has many admirers. okay but what about professional gamer!xiao-
okay okay, i got a bit distracted- but,,, SLEEP OVERS!!! yes omfg, yes, just yes. xiao loves energy drinks, but they get expensive if you drink so much like him. but with hu tao and childe as his walking wallets, nothing can stop his addiction. he has so much energy in this small body and childe loves to create more chaos and just gives him more. hu tao just giggling and filming all the chaos xiao creates (because that's so rare!! it's always her or childe) and never deleting it.
hhhh- all of them sleeping in these big ass beds hu tao and childe have, piling up and smacking each other while sleeping, but not caring. both hu tao and childe love cuddling, and xiao is always their victim. what if... touch starved!xiao
they would go to McDonalds at midnight, get like 60 chicken nuggest and 7 burgers, eat it on there or take the whole food with them home, talking and giggling the whole time and having to eat the food cold.
just the whole group dynamic with them would be so whole some and i'm here for it!!! like,,, AHHHH i mean come on!!!!
okay, this became longer than i intended and i got distracted, but holy shit. xiao brainrot <33
thank you so much for sending this big, long ask about xiao and his brainrots <333
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trickstarbrave · 2 years
i have a weird idea in my head thats like. only half formed so i prob wont write it and also doesnt seem that interesting. but its just balls to the wall shit in the form of qiu haitang also being replaced by a transmigrator but like. very early on.
she knows shen jiu will kill her whole family. shes just in the body of a child though and the system wacks her if she tries to get him kicked out or even thinks about having him thrown out. so she grits her teeth and puts up with him sitting in her room or staying close by her. 
until she notices things a typical child wouldnt. he is kept well groomed but usually his clothes are of lesser quality even tho hes supposed to be her fiance. sometimes his sleeves slip up and she’ll see bruises. he is unusually quiet, not the weird pervert the og sqq from pidw. he is quiet, nervous, his eyes get progressively more hopeless, and whenever her brother’s voice rings out in the house or her brother looks at him he stiffens up and looks ill. 
then she hears, while sneaking around, her brother beating him. and she realizes whats rly going on here. 
she ends up getting ooc freedom. she lets him hide in her room. she calls him more and more often. she gives him medicine for his bruises. she learns to hate her brother and the way he looks at her, hate the people who live there and think they can keep this from her. she talks to him, genuinely, trying hard not to poke at his abuse too much but give him an outlet. when he starts limping into her room she starts sobbing and shen jiu doesn’t even know why. shen jiu is no longer a villain who conspired against her and her family but an unwitting shackle to keep her there while they abuse him to the point of insanity. 
and then one night she can’t sleep. she lays there tossing and turning. she has a bad feeling. she cant sleep knowing shen jiu is probably being hurt. qiu haitang creeps out of her room, to her brother’s study, and hears him beating shen jiu senseless, and she just snaps. she bursts in, demanding answers. she cant take it holding her tongue anymore. her brother is getting aggressive now, telling her to mind her business and go back to playing pretend, to being a good daughter to their family. he makes a motion to hit her. shen jiu attacks him from behind, enraged and he hits so hard he’s barreling toward the wall. 
he barely has time to turn around before a heavy paperweight is in front of him and qiu haitang is bludgeoning him to death. system be damned, she cant fucking take this anymore!
she’s only stopped when shen jiu pulls her off him. he’s already long dead, blood coating her inner robes and the floor. his head is unrecognizable. something in her feels just as shattered as his skull. she’s killed a man. 
shen jiu tells her he is going to kill everyone in his manor. she tells him to let her pack her things; she has no intention on stopping him. her love of this place and this family died when she first heard her brother beating shen jiu. its more than dead now, rotting in her heart like a corpse knowing her brother was going to beat her too for stepping in. qiu haitang simply leaves him as the manor goes up in flames with the advice to not just the new teacher he is going to get and to go to cang qiong.
qiu haitang learns cultivation on her own for a bit. shes a wandering cultivator. she wonders how much she’ll fuck up the plot if she refuses to be luo binghe’s wife. she doesnt have it in her to go after shen jiu for the murder of her family; they deserved it. and she knew shen jiu would never hurt her; that he probably never hurt the original qiu haitang either. that he had saved her after paying back everyone in that manor that had hurt him and then burnt that hell to the ground.
but then cang qiong disciples from qian cao or another peak find her. the system doesnt tell her she shouldnt. she goes. shen jiu is still a bit rotten and bitter, but hes a bit better. she encourages him to talk to yqy. she never becomes a peak lord i dont think, but i think she’d be interested in medicine after she failed to help shen jiu when they were younger with his injuries. by the time luo binghe comes sqq is still dedicated to making his life hell, but she knows why now--she called her brother a’luo. she can see the way shen jiu sees both himself and her brother in lbh. much like yqy she cant bring herself to blame him entirely; she wishes it wasn’t happening both bc lbh doesnt deserve it and she doesnt want sqq to suffer, but he is pretty dedicated to being at least a lil cruel. 
i think qht figuring out shq was a fellow transmigrator early would be funny. she and an ding’s peak lord just bitch all the time locked in a room. double points if this qht is gay. sqh like “why were YOU reading by bad stallion novel” “for the hot women obviously. women are gorgeous. you write a lot of very pretty women, its hard to not find several you like and theyre really fun. dont want to be in the harem tho.” 
and then ofc shen yuan transmigrates late into the game. he has no idea why qht is at cang qiong. he has no idea why yqy is a little nicer to him than usual. he acts like she is going to ruin his life. its only after a while she figures out this is NOT shen jiu. and slowly spirals as she realizes her friend is fucking gone. shen jiu is gone, for good. shen yuan has no idea how to help. he does however get the exposition dump of sqq’s sad backstory though, which he may or may not use for sympathy with lbh. 
now theres three idiots bitching about missing the internet and what to do with the plot even before the conference. theyve potentially thoroughly fucked it up now. shq doesnt wanna die. sqq doesnt wanna have his limbs cut up. qht doesnt wanna be in a harem and misses her childhood best friend. 
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finalgirlbee · 11 months
i wanted to write some of my personal headcanons for nitros oxide! mostly for my own reference but they're under the cut if anyone else wants to read about him!
- He has anisocoria; his pupils are 2 different sizes due to a head injury sustained when he was a teen (car accident)
- Is bioluminescent (i hc that all gasmoxians are)
- His father was also a very famous, well-known racer who passed away in a horrific accident on live TV when Oxide was a young teenager
- His father always wanted him to race and Oxide idolized him even though behind closed doors he could be a bit of a nasty drunk
- Has his father's nasty ego, too
- Oxide's entire identity lies within racing and being the greatest because that's all his father made him feel he was good for aka "if you're not the best, you're the worst/if you ain't first, you're last" hdfjlkjfshkgfds
- His mother on the other hand wasn't the most responsible parent and enjoyed partying most nights when Oxide's father was still alive
- However after he died it shook up her sense of reality and she had a major shift where she became very fearful and overprotective of Oxide. She didn't want him to race anymore but he always found ways around it
- This caused her to be very angry with him almost constantly and lash out at him a lot from her fear of losing him the same way she lost her husband, a way to protect herself from any pain
- Oxide left home as soon as he could and worked as a deliveryboy for nuclear pizza for a while, while he couchsurfed at friends' places until he could afford a place of his own
- He was very active in the underground street racing community as an older teen/young adult, which he attempted to keep a secret but was ultimately arrested a few times for it lol
- He got off easy every time due to his family name. officers who were big fans of his dad would let him go with a slap on the wrist (racing is very very big in gasmoxia, conparable to how football is in the US but even bigger lol)
- Friends of his late father greatly helped him in training/practicing on real tracks, and helped him quickly gain the attention of a sponsor. he was able to rise through the ranks relatively fast with the help of his name and a bit of natural skill
- Has probably done Every Drug
- Drinks way too many energy drinks (but that's already a given lol) It's to a point that they no longer do much of anything for him but the taste is comforting so he still drinks them
- Liked to party a lot in his younger days and has probably done some things he's not proud of but now that he's older he's calmed down a lot in terms of that lol
- Is prone to headaches, especially when he's stressed
- He can't cook for shit, probably has lived most of his life surviving on fast food and takeout (that's not to say he doesn't enjoy fine dining, though.) He has a fast metabolism so he can pretty much eat whatever he wants but it's a mystery as to where it goes
- Probably got burnt out over the years, racing became too normal and routine and boring but he doesnt know what else to do with himself plus he still very much prides himself on being one of the best. he wants to retire somewhat but is hesitant to give it up because he doesn't quite know who he even is without the fame, titles, and trophies
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