#and is revealed to have a gf at the end of the film
softbaymax · 2 years
turning red 🤝 lightyear
receiving negative reviews upon release due to a “controversial” scene
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mikachacha · 1 month
masc reader x fem bada where team bebe vlogs for their fans and the fans notice reader always in the vlog but it’s like subtle appearances but they can see the closeness reader has with bebe and bada 😚 then reader is accidentally revealed as bada’s gf maybe on swf when she visits
My Girl (Fem! Bada Lee x Masc! Reader)
Synopsis: Fans are becoming more and more curious about you and how you're connected to team Bebe, especially to the one and only Bada Lee.
Warnings: I don't think there are any????
A/N: After 3000 years of inactivity, I decided to be productive 🥹🥹🫶🫶
From vlogs, to quick instagram live and to dance practices, you were always there with team Bebe. People are becoming curious as to who you are, why you're so close to the team, especially with Bada.
"Y/N-unnie! Say hi!" Kyma calls out to you as you enter the studio, bringing them food. You looked at her and the camera she was holding, you realized the girls are doing a mini vlog.
"Hi~!" you waved at the camera and gave them their food. You volunteered to buy them food since they were busy practicing for something and you figured you'd let them relax, especially Bada. You're in a secret relationship with her but you're keeping it as low profile as possible since you didn't want to put unnecessary pressure on Bada considering her career is taking off. You're doing fine on your own, you have a thriving career but far from the spotlight so no one really knows you that much except a few people.
"Wahhh Y/N-unnie is really a boyfriend material if she was a guy.." you heard Cheche say and you could only shake her head in amusement.
"Too bad, I don't have a dingdong." you shot back and the girls laughed. You looked at Bada and nudged her, giving her a bottle of her favorite drink.
"How's my favorite girl doing?" you whisper to her, smiling when you see her cheek turning red from your words.
"I'm nervous, jagiya.. What if we're not ready for the competition? I don't want the girls to be discouraged if we end up failing.." you could see Bada's worries and you gently stroked her hair. When you noticed the camera wasn't pointed near you and Bada's spot, you kissed the top of her head and pulled her in for a hug.
"You'll do great, yeah? I'm sure you and the girls will crush the competition. You're born for this, jagiya. And I'll be there with you every step of the way. You don't have to face this alone, you got me and the team." you reassured her and gave her a quick kiss before both of you interacted with the girls and wreaked chaos in their little vlog.
Schedules have been hectic but you kept your promise to Bada. You were there with them all throughout the competition since you wanted to support your girlfriend and her team after all. You really didn't think anything of it but Bada's and Team Bebe's growing fanbase are growing really curious about you. It was all fun and games until people started flooding your socials, the comments on team Bebe's vlogs and quick instagram live are also flooded with questions as to who you are as well.
"Should we tell them?" Bada asked one time as you both sat together while they were taking a break from filming. You looked at her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
"You know that I don't mind, right? I'm just worried about you.. I don't want to put unnecessary pressure on you as you're already going through a lot." Bada just smiles and rests her head on your shoulder.
"I want to. I want to tell everyone that I have the best girlfriend.." She says and you chuckle, wrapping your arm around her waist.
"Best girlfriend because I let you steal all my clothes to look cool on the show?" You joked and she laughed before sitting up, grabbing her phone and snapping some pictures together. She even kissed your cheek on one pic before she posted them on her Instagram account, tagging your account as well. She captioned it simply with 'My Girl 🩵🩵'. It was simple yet it answered most people's questions regarding your identity and why you're so close with the team and to Bada.
Some people didn't like the announcement but some also loved the relationship you have with Bada. Some fans are even saying that they wanted a girlfriend like you. Hot, supportive and caring.
"I love you, and thank you for being here for me and the girls." Bada says and you just held her in your arms.
"I love you too. I'll always be here to support and care for you no matter what happens. Win or lose." You smile and kiss her forehead. Unbeknownst to you, the sweet interaction was caught on camera and has been posted online. People have divided opinions regarding your relationship with Bada but you could hardly care. As long as you love each other, then that's all that matters.
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rollingsins · 1 year
all hers, part xviii
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: R and the Scooby-gang put into place their Ghostface trap.
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, violence, murder.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: thought it was time for the GF reveal! were you right? wrong? idk, let me know!
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You make it to the school in the passenger seat of Sam’s car without speaking the entire journey. 
You feel hollow. Like the world is crumbling around you, and Sam must feel it too. Her grip on the wheel is tight, sturdy, like she knows exactly what she has to do now. 
What you both have to do now. 
Get him. Kill him. For Tara. 
Mindy’s waiting outside the school when you pull up. 
She peers into the backseat, looking for Tara, looking a little confused when she can find her. 
“Where’s Tara?” Mindy asks.
Sam brushes her off. 
“Change of plan. Tara isn’t coming. It’s just us.”
Mindy’s eyes widen. 
“Sam,” She says, voice slow. Her eyes dart to you, “We can’t do this without Tara.” 
“Tara isn’t coming,” Sam stresses, “And we need to do this. For Tara, do you understand?” 
Mindy blinks. She fidgets with her phone. 
“I’m going to call her first and check.” She eyes you, no doubt terrified of the consequence if something were to happen to you. Tara isn’t shy about her love for you, and she certainly isn’t shy about what would happen to anyone who ever hurt you. 
“She’s been arrested,” You say, voice impatient, “She won’t pick up. The only way to help her is to catch this guy.” 
Mindy gawps. 
“She’s been arrested?”
“There’s no time,” Sam says, urgently, “Mindy, come on. YN, go to detention.” 
She puts her hands on your shoulders, squeezes tight. 
“And good luck.” 
The plan is so stupidly simple, yet there are about a hundred ways it can go wrong. 
You run through them on your way to detention, mind whirling, barely having the strength to put one foot in front of the other. 
Firstly, the band of so-called Ghost-face protectors is possibly the worst collaboration of people in the entire school to do the job. Chad’s a meathead. Liv, his ditzy companion. Mindy is all ludicrous theories and useless horror film knowledge, and you’re either so small or so weak your hundred pound, five foot one girlfriend can put you on your back without so much as breaking a sweat. 
Your only saving grace, it seems, is Sam. 
You’d left her with Mindy, shotgun in hand, dressed in a tank top and a pair of old ripped jeans, looking very much like she’s about to rip through a horde of zombies, rather than take on a single Ghostface. 
The only bright side to this awful situation is you no longer have to worry about Tara at the end of Ghostface’s knife. But the alternative - Tara locked in a jail cell for the rest of her life, is almost as bad. 
Principal Garcia greets you, looking very much like he’d rather be anywhere else on his Saturday off. Sam had called ahead about Tara and he either doesn’t care, or can’t be bothered to ask how she is. 
Instead, he sits at the front of the classroom, peering down at a newspaper through his spectacles as you settle into the front desk, nervously tapping your foot against the ground. 
Your eyes draw to the clock on the wall. 
The quiet click. The sound of Principal Garcia flipping his newspaper every now and then. Your heart is in your throat and it’s pounding so loud it drowns out almost everything else. 
This has to work. 
It if doesn’t - you’re fucked. 
You look behind you, to the closets lining the back of the room and pray Chad and Liv are already in there. You have one of Sam’s handguns in your backpack. You keep it on your lap, resting your hand on it, needing it close. 
Minutes pass. 
Ten. Twenty. Thirty. 
No sign of Ghostface. 
Your eyes glance up at the clock once more. 
You swallow. Start to think maybe this entire foolhardy plan is all for nothing. 
And then you see it. 
Through the crack of glass in the door, the bone-white of the mask. The long, black mouth. The hood. And before you can so much as cry out - Ghostface is ramming into the classroom, his knife raised. 
You scream. 
Principal Garcia’s head jerks around. 
Ghostface’s movements are steady, calculated. He rushes forward and in one easy swing, he slashes his knife towards Principal Garcia and slashes through his raised forearm.
“Sam!” You cry out. 
Ghostface’s head whips around to look at you. Principal Garcia crumbles to the ground, gasping, holding his bloodied arm. 
The cabinets burst open. 
Chad and Liv stumble out. Chad lets out what can only be described as a war-cry and charges forward, taking Ghostface off guard and tackling him to the ground. 
You stand, hands shaky as you reach for the pistol in your backpack. You click the safety off and raise it. Chad has Ghostface pinned down. The knife in his hands clatters to the ground. 
You squint, heart pounding as you try to find the shot. But their bodies are entwined, Chad’s grip on Ghostface lessening slightly as Ghostface juts his head upwards and smacks it into Chad’s. 
Chad cries out. 
Ghostface musters the strength to shake Chad off. 
You fire out a shot. 
But your grip isn’t steady. Your aim all over the place. The bullet whizzes past Ghostface and lodges itself into the blackboard. 
Ghostface reaches for his knife and stands. He’s tall, menacing. He steps closer. 
“Sam!” You cry out. 
The mask tilts. The knife in his hands gleaming. He takes another step closer, confident. Like he knows you’ll miss again. 
“Don’t come any closer, asshole.” Liv says. You feel her behind you, at your shoulder, “Shoot him, YN!” 
You fire again. 
And miss. 
All those practices with your Dad. All those bottles you’d blown clean open have nothing on the real thing. The adrenaline is too much. The fear of him is too much. 
“Where’s your girlfriend, YN?” He taunts. He flashes the knife, stepping closer once more. Another step and he’d be close enough to disarm you. You stumble back, gun in your hand shaking madly. 
“Guess she’s finally getting what she deserves,” He says, “And now I’m going to give you what you deserve.” 
The classroom door rams open once again. 
It draws both of your attention. It’s Sam, Mindy at her side. Her shotgun is drawn, her eyes blazing. 
“Back up asshole,” Sam says, voice even. Her hand isn’t shaking, she’s calm. Steady. You know she won’t miss. 
“Take off that mask and I won’t blow you bit from bit,” She says. She moves a little closer. 
If Ghostface knows he’s cornered, he doesn’t act like it. He turns from you like you’re not a threat, looks over to Sam and tuts at her. 
“Sam, Sam, Sam.” Ghostface says, “So protective. Such a good sister. I wonder if you’d still protect her if you knew. If you knew what sweet baby-Tara did in her spare time.” 
Sam cocks the gun. 
“Last chance,” She growls, “I won’t ask again.”
The adrenaline in your body evens out. Your heartbeat slows, the determination in your eyes settles. You steady your hands, knowing what you have to do. 
Sam wants him alive. Sam wants him to see justice. 
But if he’s alive, he can talk. 
If he’s alive he’ll tell everyone what Tara’s done. And you can’t have that. 
You lift your gun, only slightly. You close one eye, the way your Dad had taught you. 
You feel ethereal. Out of body. This is what Tara must feel like when she does it. Vision tunneled, like there’s only one thing in the world you want to do. 
And then you shoot a bullet right into Ghostface’s chest. 
Liv screams. 
The sound of the gun firing leaves your ears ringing. 
Sam blinks, startled, as Ghostface stumbles back, clutching the bloodied hole in his chest. 
He crumples to the ground, right next to Principal Garcia, gasping. 
You charge forward, kicking the knife out of his hands. 
There’s only one thing on your mind. You have to know who it is. You have to see his face before you blow it clean off. 
You lean down and rip the mask off the fuckers face. 
Liv gasps. Chad gawps. 
Sam’s grip on the shotgun wavers. 
You blink down in surprise. 
It’s Richie.
His eyes are wild, hazy. Blood pours thick and fast out of the bullet wound in his chest. The look in his eyes is terrifying. Pure hatred, hatred of you. Hatred of Tara. His mouth opens like he wants to speak, but he’s too injured. He’s moments from death, you can see it in his face.
Sam almost drops her gun. She sinks back, caught only by Mindy who steadies her shoulders. 
You swallow, mind racing. 
All those nights with him, the games with him. He’d slept only doors down from you and Tara. Tara had been so insistent it was him and you hadn’t listened. Because it didn’t make sense. 
He’s dead before he can give you an answer. 
“Holy shit.” Chad murmurs. His hands grip Liv’s shoulders. He looks to you, wide-eyed, “Are you alright?”
There’s a frog in your throat. You clear it once, twice, unable to take your eyes off the man who had tormented you for the past few weeks. 
“He didn’t get me.” You say. You suddenly remember Principal Garcia and look over to him. He’s clutching his arm, eyes as wide as everyone else's, but other than the gash, he looks okay. 
“Sam,” You murmur, looking over to her. 
Her face is white, no doubt her entire world crumbling around her. 
“Sam, are you okay? We need to call the police.” 
“They’re on their way,” Mindy says, rubbing Sam’s back, “I called them preemptively. Thought we might need them.” 
You place your gun on one of the desks, move over to where Sam is sitting. You crouch down, rest your hands on the tops of Sam’s thighs.
“Sam,” You say, “It’s over. It’s going to be okay. This is going to save Tara.” 
Sam blinks back at you but she’s barely there. She looks as though she might pass out. 
“Sam,” You promise, “It’s over.” 
The police arrive not five minutes later. 
The Sheriff blazes through the halls, stares wide-eyed at Richie’s dead body, Ghostface mask clattered next to him. 
They take your statements, one by one. 
Mindy tells them in great detail about the plan to capture him. Principal Garcia is rushed off to hospital to treat his arm. Sam sits quietly, not uttering a word until she’s spoken to. 
“My sister-” She says, voice hoarse. She’s blinking, slow, “You’re going to let her go now?”
The Sheriff pauses. 
“It’s not that simple, Sam,” She says, “We have witnesses- she was the last person to see my son alive-”
“That doesn’t mean shit,” Snaps Sam. She gestures to Richie’s body, “We’ve given you him. Clear as day. He framed my sister and you need to let her go.” 
Sheriff Hicks considers this. 
She looks over at Richie’s body, a little mournful, “If you’d kept him alive we could have interrogated him and cleared Tara’s name for good-” 
“It was self-defense.” Liv says, immediately, “He came at YN and the only way she could protect herself was by killing him. Right guys?” 
Mindy and Chad nod in unison. 
Sheriff Hicks stares at you. 
“Why would he kill my son?” She asks, and it’s urgent. Her eyes flitter, a mesh of grief and sorrow and confusion, “He didn’t even know him. Why would he kill him?”
“I don’t know.” You say. You swallow, “I’m sorry, Sheriff Hicks.” 
She stares back at you a moment. 
Then she’s nodding, blinking away the array of emotions she’d briefly allowed you to see. 
“That’s for me to figure out,” She says. She looks over at Sam, “We’ll release Tara. But Sam - that doesn’t mean she still isn’t a suspect. If we find any link between them-”
“There’s no link.” Sam says, “My sister is innocent.” 
The Sheriff nods. 
“I’ll call the station.” 
She moves over to speak to another officer. The relief on Sam’s face is palpable. You squeeze her thigh, mirror her relief with yours. 
Tara’s coming home. You’d given the police what they wanted - a suspect to pin the murders on. She’d come home and you’d kiss her and hold her and never let her go again. Your veins flood with dopamine, the nicest high you could possibly imagine. 
Tara’s safe. 
But Mindy's frowning. You move over to her, frowning a little. 
“What is it?” You ask. 
Mindy turns to you, the look in her eyes urgent. 
“Richie was there that night,” She says, “The night Tara was attacked. He was there with you and he wasn’t Ghostface. Not that night.” 
You blink. 
Mindy seizes your arm. 
“There’s two, YN,” She says, “There’s fucking two of them.” 
And your blood runs cold. 
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shoyoist · 1 year
please expand more on the shoyo tiktok gym thing 😭 i am going insane ONLY IF YOU WANT TO OF COURSE >:)
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content: gn!reader, timeskip and final arc spoilers. established private relationship (that gets revealed). tiktok thirst traps :P just fluff. i rambled a lot lmaoo. note: hehe of course!! for you & me lan<3
— . 。˚ ♡ hinata shoyo tiktok baddie era let's gooo!
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hmmm so shoyo decides to try tiktok out because of all the hype the jnt receives during the olympics. they're the monster generation after all — atsumu and suna have been gaining quite a lot of traction on their pages, and they ask shoyo to cameo in their videos often, by popular demand. so he decides to give it a go!
of course, as soon as shoyo launches his tiktok and posts a video (just a short one of him sitting on the locker room bench at practice, introducing himself while the rest of the jnt are walking around and chatting in the background) he blows up instantly. @n1njashoyo gains over 30k followers within a day, and his first video gets a 100k likes in a couple of days. his account becomes big news everywhere.
he's one of the most popular members of the team globally, so it makes sense. he's known as the cutest player on the jnt, and in brazil/argentina he's so famous as “ninja shoyo”. people start tagging him in edits and fancams, and he sometimes duets them to praise and thank them.
lots of “hinata senshu notice me please 🥺” comments on his videos, and he replies to some of them with “hi !! 👋🏻” because he's just the cutest ever fr <33 he also responds to most japanese commenters and people that comment in portuguese because he understands them better.
his posts are mostly workout routine videos, different kinds of warm-up/cool-down stretches, high protein meal plan discussions—and he also films (and ocassionally goes live during) his evening runs and practise sessions. he has a series of form correction videos on volleyball, and a series of videos on resistance workouts that target specific muscles.
and every time he posts a clip where he's shirtless, doing curls or just anything with the weights, the videos are so clean and zoom in on his muscles so nicely<3 people start commenting things like “hinata sen do you have a camera man?” and he replies to one of them like “yes i do! :)” and they start telling him “senshu i think your cameraman has a crush on you...” little do they know v_v.
he doesn't respond to those comments, and the rumours about him having a lover away from public eye resurface. some viewers from brazil (where he lives at, since he's a player for ASAS) say that they “know something the others dont” etc etc.
and it builds up until about six months after shoyo launches his tiktok, one night he posts a thirst trap. low exposure filter, dim blue lighting, he's shirtless and standing infront of the mirror in just a pair of sweats — and behind him, someone is wrapping their arms around his waist. the video ends as soon as you fully lock your arms around his waist, and it drives his fans crazy.
the fangirls start posting about how their dream husband just announced that they're no longer single, comments like “gf reveal???” “hinata sen WHO IS THAT” “mr. hinata shoyo EXPLAIN” fill nearly all his recent videos.
after that little stunt, he disappears from social media for a bit. he had posted the thirst trap right on the brink of off season, and he stops posting on any of his socials for a couple of months.
then one day he makes a sudden, quick comeback — he drops a long video of himself and you, his beautiful partner, relaxing at a beach resort and enjoying a sunset dinner together at the beach. he clinks his glass of cherry wine with yours, takes a sip and grins at you all dopey before leaning in to give you a kiss. there are matching golden bands on both your ring fingers.
and the caption? “5 stars ⭐ food is good !! :)”
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onlyonetifosi · 1 year
Hola, Iya! I'd like to request one for Ollie Bearman. Y/n and Ollie have been secretly dating for a few months. Ollie and Y/n are the same age and Y/n currently works for Prema as a publicist who takes care of Prema's social media content. The plot probably started when Y/n was filming Ollie for LAP content on prema youtube. Ollie says he wants to get himself oakberry (his favourite smoothie all the time) and offers Y/n if she wants one too but accidentally calls Y/n with "babe". Maybe the dialogue would go something like this:
"I'm gonna go get oakberry!"
"Like, right now?"
"From oakberry shop of course. I scouted it out months ago. 1.5 km from the hotel, 5 minutes drive, you want one babe?—whoops.... sorry for the slip, no one heard that right?"
"Omg yeah luckily. I'll edit it later. Pls watch your mouth!"
"Yeah I'll don't worry. Also make sure you do the editing thing, otherwise everyone will know" (laughing while pinching Y/n's cheeks as he can't handle his gf cuteness.
However, a few days later when she had uploaded LAP to Prema's youtube, an error occurred and it turned out that a video part of her dialogue with Ollie was not cropped and had been watched by Prema's fans. Everyone was talking about it including Prema people. Arthur, Dino, Paul, and others teased Y/n and Ollie because they had been secretly dating. Y/n was afraid that she would get bullied by Ollie's fans but he made sure that everything would be okay. And sure enough, it turned out that they liked Y/n because she is just an angle and had a strong chemistry with Ollie behind the scenes (though there were some who definitely didn't like her) and ended up revealing their relationship to the public.
I guess that's the idea I had in my head. You can develop the idea further and the rest is up to you. Let me know if there's anything from my request that makes you uncomfortable, make it as comfortable as possible for yourself. Also, looking at some of your writings, there is the use of – instead of " for the dialogue. If it's okay, I prefer to use "......" for the dialogue instead of –........–. But if it's more comfortable for you, it's fine, I'm just letting you know which one I prefer. That's all. Im really looking forward to reading your writings! Gracias y envio un abrazo muy grande!!!
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Y/n and Ollie had been secretly dating for a few months now, keeping their relationship hidden from the public eye. Y/n was Prema's publicist and took care of their social media content.
Y/n was worried about how their relationship would affect her job, but Ollie assured her that everything would be okay. He told her that he loved her and that he was proud to be with her, no matter what anyone else thought.
One day, while Y/n was working at the Prema office, she received a message from Ollie asking her to meet him outside. She quickly finished her work and rushed out to meet him.
When she arrived, she saw Ollie standing there with a huge smile on his face. "What's going on?" Y/n asked, curious.
"I have a surprise for you," Ollie replied, taking her hand and leading her down the street.
As they walked, Y/n couldn't help but feel nervous. She had no idea what Ollie had planned, but she trusted him completely. Finally, they arrived at a beautiful park, filled with lush green trees and colorful flowers.
"Wow, this is amazing," Y/n said, looking around in awe.
"I know, right? I thought we could have a picnic," Ollie said, pulling out a basket filled with delicious treats.
Y/n smiled, feeling her heart fill with happiness. They sat down on a blanket and enjoyed their food, laughing and chatting about everything under the sun.
As the sun began to set, Ollie took Y/n's hand and looked into her eyes. "Y/n, I have something to tell you," he said, his voice soft and serious.
"What is it?" Y/n asked, feeling her heart race with anticipation.
"I love you, Y/n. I've loved you from the moment I met you, and I can't imagine my life without you. I want to be with you forever."
Y/n felt tears well up in her eyes as she looked at Ollie. "I love you too, Ollie," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.
Ollie smiled and pulled her close, kissing her gently on the lips. They stayed there for a long time, wrapped up in each other's arms, feeling the love and warmth that they shared.
One day, while filming, he mentioned that he wanted to get himself an oakberry smoothie, and offered to get one for Y/n too. However, in his excitement, he accidentally called her "babe".
Y/n blushed, trying to suppress a smile. "Omg yeah luckily. I'll edit it later. Please watch your mouth!"
Ollie chuckled and pinched her cheeks. "Yeah, I'll don't worry. Also, make sure you do the editing thing, otherwise everyone will know."
But, little did they know, that small slip-up would eventually lead to their relationship being exposed.
A few days later, Y/n uploaded the LAP video to Prema's YouTube channel, but there was a technical error, and almost everything of her conversation with Ollie was not cropped out. Prema's fans caught it and started speculating that Y/n and Ollie were secretly dating. Arthur, Dino, Paul, and others teased them, and Y/n was worried about being bullied by Ollie's fans. However, Ollie reassured her and made sure that everything was okay.
Y/n felt her heart skip a beat. She had always known that their secret relationship couldn't last forever, but she wasn't sure if she was ready for the attention that would come with being Ollie's girlfriend in the public eye.
"Ollie. I'm scared," she admitted.
"I understand, but I promise I'll be by your side through everything. We'll face it together," he reassured her.
Y/n couldn't resist his charm and agreed. Ollie immediately posted a picture of them on his Instagram with a caption that read, "No longer keeping it a secret. This girl makes me the happiest."
As it turned out, the fans loved Y/n and her chemistry with Ollie behind the scenes, and many were happy to hear about their relationship. Y/n and Ollie eventually decided to reveal their relationship to the public, and it was well-received, with many fans showing their support.
Despite the initial fear and uncertainty, Y/n and Ollie's relationship only grew stronger after the public reveal. They continued to work together on Prema's YouTube channel, and the fans loved seeing them together on-screen and off.
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ryuttaeng · 1 year
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pairing: perv!lia x fem!reader
summary: you decided to stay for a sleepover with yeji and her friend. you still have to introduce yourself to her and get to know her…
contents/warnings: suggestive, minors dni. dirty talk, pet names, swearing/cursing, please do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such themes!
genres: suggestive
a/n: it’s a fanfic swap between me myself and i and @writers-gf 🥳
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lia felt heat pool between her legs as her friend’s friend smiled at her. yeji showed lia pics with her and her friend before, but she never thought you would look more pretty and more attractive in real life rather than on a selfie.
“jisu, it’s y/n, i showed her to you before. y/n, it’s jisu, she also goes by lia and i told you about her too.” yeji introduced you both, as lia looked down at you and she shook your hand. “it’s a pleasure to meet you, y/n.” she said, as her gaze stopped on your cleavage for a few seconds.
speaking of which, lia had to quickly change topic to other when yeji would bring up you in her stories and show pics of her and you together. it’s not that she was jealous, it’s just the angle that yeji decided to take photos with. sometimes it was just the angle of the photo that made reveal your cleavage or it was your clothes pick that day, but it always made lia to get off to your pictures with yeji, wishing it was her to spend time with you.
“…lia…jisu!” lia slightly jumped at the sudden voice near her ear, making her look at the person that called her. yeji crossed her arms as she gave her knowing look. “what?” lia blinked several times before she could notice yeji’s look on her. “it’s pretty obvious that you like her.” yeji pointed at you, while you were away on the kitchen. “i’m not-“ “it’s actually pretty obvious that you want to sleep with her. and by sleep i don’t mean-“
you returned from the kitchen right on the moment when lia placed her hand to shut yeji, making them look at you as you looked at them in confusion. “…okay.” you said, as you sat down between yeji and lia.
it was unbearable to keep her hands in place when your thighs were revealed. lia barely even remember the film’s title as she kept her eyes on your body. misplacing her hands, leaning on your shoulder to get a better look on your cleavage, everything lia could think of.
the next 30 minutes lia would accidentally bump into you, and usually with her back pressing to your chest. she would also occasionally hold your waist and apologise for being too ‘clumsy’ today.
you opened your eyes to the feeling of someone laying down near you. you turned to look, if it was yeji or lia and you found last one looking at you. “lia? what are you doing here?” you asked, as lia’s eyes trailed down your body. “yeji kicks me in her sleep and you know, it’s not the most cutest thing to be used to.” indeed, yeji would accidentally kick you in her sleep. you nodded, turning back to finally get some rest.
lia slowly moved closer to you, but now pressing her chest to your back. her hands slowly moving upward as she tried not to squirm much. “lia, what are you doing…” you whispered as her second hand got lower. “the night doesn’t have to end here, you know.” lia whispered back, as her movements got intense.
saying that lia wasn’t hot attractive would be a lie. actually, yeji showed you some her pictures and maybe her profile on instagram randomly popped up in your feed and you’re definitely just occasionally checked her posts.
as lia’s hand cupped your breast, her other hand was already under your shorts. you squirmed under her touch, making her to remove her hands. “really couldn’t keep my hands off you, will work on that.” lia almost removed her hands, but you stopped her. “no! i like when your hands are on me… i love it actually.” you said, keeping her hands in place.
you could sense lia’s grin behind your back. “oh, do you now?” you exhaled when lia put her hands back, but not moving them. “tell me how it makes you feel like.” lia said, her hot breath on your neck. you squirmed, feeling heat pool between her legs at her raspy voice. “it makes me feel your girl.” you whispered, holding back your moan as lia’s hand on your breast slipped under your top.
“you are my fucking girl.” lia whispered, and was about to kiss you when the door to the room opened.
“lia why are you here?” yeji asked younger girl, as you two immediately parted away from ourselves. lia let out a groan, standing up from the bed. “unnie, you’re kicking me in your sleep…” she replied, following yeji back to their room, as lia turned to you and winked.
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cowpokezuko · 1 month
Les!Ushiten hcs
bc its finals and my brain is broken.
Satori is a stress baker. Anytime she has a big project due or anything that makes her anxious is happening, she can be found in the kitchen making the most delicious baked goods.
Satori also despises cooking. She would rather spend two days working on a complex cake that involves spun sugar and handmade chocolates than cook a pasta sauce.
Wakatoshi, on the other hand, loves to cook. She doesn't have the patience for the hours of baking or proofing involved in baking, nor does she have Satori's sweet tooth, so cooking is much more in her wheelhouse.
She also has an extremely specific diet due to her sports career and her autism, so being the main cook in the household worked out that way too.
They are generally very good communicators, but when they do fight, Satori is far more passionate and emotional, whereas Wakatoshi thinks she's more rational and tries to get Satori to relax and calm down, but that just makes her more upset.
They are a butch/femme couple and WILL play into it for the bit.
Satori (anarcho-communist that she is) thinks it's really funny to satirize housewife/sahm instagram content then reveal at the end that she's a lesbian. Wakatoshi does not get the joke but is always willing to support her gf.
Wakatoshi has an instagram, but it has 1 (one) blurry picture of Satori and a picture of a cat she saw in Paris one time. You can vaguely see the eiffel tower in the background, but that two is blurry and hard to decipher. She has like 10k followers.
She may have a horrible social media presence, but she has a very detailed and carefully maintained journal that features notes, sketches of her surroundings, to-do lists, recipes, and most of all, doodles of Satori and her teammates.
Wakatoshi is a beer girl. Satori is decidedly NOT.
She is a cocktail girlie and sometimes fine wines, but only if they're not too dry.
Satori is a lightweight. She will take a few shots and be absolute blasted. She also gets really flushed when she drinks.
Wakatoshi spends most of their nights out trying to reign in Satori and holding her hair by the end of the evening.
Satori is terrible at crafting because it requires long periods of focus that she does not have.
Satori loves horror movies, but is also a bit of a scaredy cat and has to keep Wakatoshi around so she can cling to her strong arms when she gets scared.
Wakatoshi's favorite film genre sci-fi/fantasy but is very picky about it. Yes she's into LOTR and Star Wars.
I feel like I should post about ushiten on this blog more, so here's an attempt at that.
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
Your oc pairings doing the tiktok couples paint each other trend? (It's what it sounds like, couples paint each other and film it to show their reactions) (unfortunately I've seen a lot of sad cishet ones where the guy paints his gf or wife really badly, like intentionally, where the gf/wife looks like a monster so I need some actual nice ones to feel better and thought I'd ask about your ocs)
Awww that sounds so cute! (though it really sucks about the sad cishet ones, I don't know why you'd want to paint your partner badly on purpose, that's just mean and awful :( )
I'm just gonna answer this for the couples you know I think, just for simplicity's sake
Rae: Isn't that much of an artist, but she'd do her best. It's not fantastic quality but it's really clear that she tried to get all the details (especially in his eyes because she loves his eyes). I think she'd either just stick to drawing a bust of him just to make sure it's manageable, or would try something ambitious like him with his wings wrapped around her. Warren: Refined upbringing... I'm sure he's taken some art classes, not to mention his mom liked to paint, so he knows how to paint. He hasn't done it in years so it's a bit of a slow start, but once he finds his rhythm he actually makes something really beautiful. It has Rae crying a little when he shows it to her (but happy tears of course)
Robin: She's more of a music person than a 2D art person, so her solution is to paint a bunch of wiggly stripes in shades of blue and silver and say "it's you at superspeed" - kinda cheating, but it makes Peter laugh. Peter: Tries his best... that's about all he can say. He tried to paint her singing onstage for Carmen since that's how they met, but it's a little lopsided and goofy since he's not the best painter. It's not intentionally bad, he's just not an art guy, so he and Robin just laugh together when he shows her.
Madison: Would probably opt to sketch him rather than painting him (she's better at sketching, it was one of her hobbies to pass the time out in the woods), and would actually draw a really accurate sketch of Alex. He's very impressed (and it makes him a little embarrassed about his own drawing, honestly) Alex: Isn't a great artist, so he kinda just stuck to the key details - plus, as we both know, she's kinda hard to draw. Madison thinks it's sweet no matter how it turns out though, he could have drawn a stick figure and she'd still think it was sweet that he tried.
Jasper: Tries to draw the time the two of them kissed across the railing at Jasper's derby bout... Kyle: Ends up, by total coincidence, drawing the same exact moment, since it's also his favorite kiss that they've had. Jasper's is more cartoony and Kyle's is stuck in that vague zone of "past the anime character stage but not quite the right proportions yet" but they were both so surprised to flip it and reveal the exact same moment that neither of them are really paying attention to the quality of the paintings.
Prometheus and Corinthian: I feel like as dreams they'd probably have some kind of like... photographic art thing? I mean, they are themselves artistic creations, in a way, and they're not exactly human.... I guess what I'm saying is they'd both make realistic paintings of the other, and though they'd both find it sweet they also wouldn't quite understand the point of it... it's more of a human trend, I think.
Indie: Also opts to draw him rather than paint him (maybe with pastels or colored pencils, and she'd play with a fun color scheme), since she already enjoys drawing. It comes out really clean and accurate, and Hux is both impressed and maybe a little overwhelmed because I can't imagine anyone's paid enough attention to draw him before he met Indie. Hux: I also feel like he knows how to sketch a bit (admittedly this is a headcanon I latched onto from a fic I read, but still), though he's probably rusty since he hasn't drawn since he was a teenager. Indie kinda tries to brush it aside when he shows her, saying he's biased and she definitely doesn't look as nice as what he drew, but he insists that it's how he sees her. I mean, we already knew he's completely smitten for her.
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madelinemccoolname · 2 months
Today on Magnet's Movie MReviews: ratatouille (2007)
Ratatouille is a 2007 pixar film about linguini, a twink chef and his gay patton oswald rat friend remmy trying to make it in french fine dining without teaching linguini anything at all because the rat controls his every move. While director brad bird's previous pixar movie the incredibles (2004) has thoroughly changed and been changed with the context of the world and its director's political beliefs, ratatouille is just a movie about a rat that can cook, unless brad bird is being piloted by a rat that believes in uhh whatever brad bird believes this joke is getting away from me.
as the movie goes on the pair become more popular, they fight, remmy's evil dad is there, they make up, they inspire a critic for the first time in decades, they kidnap a health inspector, and by the end remmy has his own rat themed restaurant and everyone can cook we can all go home. it is a movie that feels as though every blemish and weird pacing moment got smoothed over by a million double checks until a perfectly smooth round movie egg was all that was left. that is to say, i have no problems, if i had to create problems i'd say that i found the kitchen staff a little underdeveloped, while the evil chef and the heir plot got a little too much? it is also technically a liar revealed plot which i don't love but unlike most of those you can understand why linguini is lying to the public, and why remmy is lying to linguini about stealing food for his family.
if i have a real problem its this movie's opinion on theft, which is that it's always bad and the rats that steal in this universe know they are sinning and do it anyway. it feels like an odd moral for a rat to have learned, especially since the movie doesn't try very hard to support the idea that stealing is bad? like remmy's family could've just been eating poison garbage but no it's fine movie tell me more how stealing is bad, 9/10
memorable bits (in loose order of appearance): anyone can cook, remmy's brother, that old woman who just fuckin blasts her house apart cos there's rats, doug from up cameo, remmy's gusteau tulpa, all the tasty food, linguini pushing remmy into the water, linguini's gf, imagining going to the rat restaurant and just being fine with healthcode stuff, kidnapping the health inspector
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flaringgoosebumps · 2 years
I may just be reiterating what was said in this post (please read that one first) but anyway,
"Why do people want two teenage boys together so bad?"
This question only seems to come up about queer pairings, people don't seem to go out of their way to shame shippers of mlw pairings, especially in times where they should. For example, since literally forever and even in stranger things, there are sex scenes or implied sex scenes with teenager characters. The concern only arises with the mere idea that there would be a queer couple merely kissing or hell, even holding hands.
While I relate to everything @hey-its-bucky said, I have more reasons why I want Byler to be canon. Not just because queer people past, present and future, deserve to be represented and humanized and for their experiences to be validated but also!!
Queer representation in movies and tv are genuinely so boring! While I appreciate that we are getting representation, it is crumbs in comparison to what we could have. I'm tired of the whole shtick of a story centering about a young queer person trying to figure out who they are, in normal settings lol I don't find that appealing, it's not my ideal form of entertainment. I want Byler to be canon for selfish reasons.
I want a canon queer couple with proper build up in my niche interests! I want them to exist in horror and sci-fi and be treated just as important as cishet couples.
I deeply enjoyed fear street because while it did center around a few queer characters, it didn't center about them finding out they were queer. It centered around some fucked up supernatural shit trying to kill them and a girl desperately trying to save someone she loved. And we got a good ending! I want more of that!
I've seen very few queer pairings or characters in shows I've watched and a majority of them didn't get good endings
In Buffy the vampire slayer, Willow found out she was gay in the middle of the series and fell in love with a girl named Tara who also became a main character and they killed her off. Then they gave Willow a girlfriend that kind of felt rushed but that could be me being biased because they killed my girl!
Aubrey Jensen in MTV scream, was in love with her gf who was murdered in 2nd episode, then it's revealed she did some questionable things because she had a crush on her childhood friend (who didn't return her feelings) and they gave her a gf by the end of her story arc but it wasn't someone we saw build up with like??
There are shows I haven't even seen and I know their queer pairings are severed the same way.
Stranger things has the appeal of a lifetime! It's not a show that marketed itself as queer, but they planned for Will to be gay from the jump. They are building something and if they're building what we think they're building. It will be a game changer.
This is one of the most popular shows that is out, it is virtually inescapable even if you've never shown any interest in it or anything like it. If they make Byler canon, it would be a coming of age queer love story epic sci-fi saga. As far as I know, that hasn't been done before on film.
If they follow Leigh Janiak's lead with queer story telling, it would hopefully be the first of many stories that humanize queer people, and more than that, make us the hero, give us a happy ending, final girl(person lol) endings, romantic storylines on par with cishet people in the sense that it was planned out and executed in a specific way instead of just throwing someone in there and hoping that's enough crumbs for clout.
Representation matters for a multitude of reasons but Byler specifically, isn't just about representation to me. It's about good story telling and if they intended on making Will gay since they began writing and let that be the center of his character arc for an entire season and don't plan on letting him have the happiest ending possible with the guy he's in love with, what the hell was the point of bringing attention to it at all? Narratively. What the hell would be the point of that? Also what would be the point of building milkbones just to break it down so easily? Why would they go out of their way to do this to the characters they spent years on crafting just for no pay off?
The strangest thing would be if Byler wasn't their plan in the first place lol
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youraverageaemondsimp · 3 months
i have this headcanon now of bipoc reader being a former child actress who once starred in several disney channel shows. years later, she meets aemond again because he is starring in her fantasy romance book and that was when the two hit it off. she is inspired by bridgit mendler, the former disney child star, who gave up acting and music to become a doctor, lawyer and engineer. and yes. bridgit mendler has a doctorate and is a doctor at the same time. yeah, so she side hustled as an actress and singer to fund her college degrees. she is so impressive and one hell of an intelligent queen!
aemond and reader met once when they were starring in a disney show.
the two of them were just besties, initially, because they were a bit too young.
however, aemond could remember the day when she stood up for him against the strong boys and aegon who were picking on him, leading him to become incredibly touched.
of course, after the loss of his eye, she stood by him and was urged by alicent to keep quiet to protect herself.
nevertheless, aemond became incredibly touched by her actions and grew to have feelings for her.
but, alas, she was dating someone else, leading him to become incredibly upset.
nevertheless, he chose to love her from afar.
he tried to give signals to her that he liked her romantically but, of course, she was too dense to notice.
both of them had study sessions together and he was quite impressed by her wit. they rival each other, academically speaking.
while aemond gradually chose roles where it demands intimate scenes from him to be seen as a true actor, reader chose to star in christmas movies and shows for children in order to fund her college degrees.
the last film she starred in was a christmas movie before fully quitting acting and music to pursue a career in both classical piano, voice, anthropology, law and tech. so, yeah, doctor, lawyer, engineer, piano and singing.
oh yeah. like bridgit mendler, she pursued both her masters and doctorate at the same time. don't ask me how bridgit mendler does it without going crazy. maybe, she time travels? who knows!
the guy she dated with ended up cheating on her but she was like, "meh!"
she was too busy with all that shit, anyways.
years later, when her novels became NYT #1 bestsellers and being turned into shows, that was when she met aemond again.
aemond, at this time, has won a few acting awards and is seen as the most desirable man of King's Landing.
reader, by now, is a CEO of a startup tech company.
what greeted aemond was an incredibly accomplished, beautiful and intelligent young woman.
he became more and more enchanted when he heard her sing and play the pieces for her fantasy books. it was clear that she has matured, both as a person and an artist.
that was when sparks began to fly between them.
initially, she was quite wary of aemond flirting with her because, at the end of the day, the two of them were colleagues.
but, finally, she couldn't hold it in anymore and the two of them started dating.
they kept their relationships under wraps because she wants to be seen as an accomplished individual, not as aemond's gf or wife.
so, you can bet that when the two of them revealed their relationship, the public was completely gobsmacked at the fact that aemond chose someone who is so accomplished to be his bride because they thought that he'll choose an actress or a model. not someone like her.
most of the messages were incredibly supportive from both the cast and public. but, of course, there were a few racist ones.
as for the bipoc women out there, they could not help but feel incredibly inspired by her, that you can be bipoc, proud of your heritage, successful, accomplished, beautiful and incredibly desired.
months later, the two of them were married in a private ceremony.
Wait bridgit mendler is an engineer too? I only ever saw the news of her having a JD in law and a phD in anthropology(? Im not sure) But tbh she is an icon highkey, I loved her from good luck charlie it's insane 😭😭 I couldn't imagine the pressure oof!!
Like she's so girlboss I love her actually 💞💞
Reader was so strong for going through that omg, I'm glad she's found him, she's such a nice inspiration for others omg what a queen 💘
Reader really pulled bridgit mendler
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lunesprite · 7 months
FNAF movie talk - (spoilers beneath the cut) (i did enjoy it it was very fun we saw it twice)
ok now that we're safely under the spoiler bar
I LOVED the set and the animatronics. The costumes were amazing and they did such a good good job with them. You could feel the love that went into making everything and just. Ah! Ah! I thought that they did a good job with Mike! Like yeah, let's stack on the motivation to stay here.
The issues I had are mostly around a couple confusing bits. And I bring them up because I had the mortifying realization as I was explaining to my partner's younger brother that - yeah. I know too much about this.
I think they kiiiind of bungled two of the ghost kids. Freddy's ghost, and golden freddy.
They really, really conflated the two throughout the film, and it makes the line later of him being like 'not freddy :)' quite confusing to someone who hasn't spent an agonizing amount of time in the lore. Like, even in the Freddy death scene with the bite? I am like 90% sure the kid shown leading to that was GF kid, not the OG freddy ghost kid, and it was definitely normal Freddy in parts and services and not golden.
I think they either needed to show golden freddy in that scene, or have the freddy kid ghost shown. By equating and confusing the two there, it really makes golden freddy later... confusing.
I think that actually, having golden freddy get that kill would have worked better. Because then it's shown before it's suddenly in their house! Or have both of them in there. Having just freddy and then being like oh uhh yeah there's five and you've not actually been talking to freddy ghost but GOLDEN freddy ghost hehe :) it's not great. it's a bit sloppy.
Making either direction more clear would have been a good benefit to the film.
And I think really the only other thing coming to mind right now is the kind of climax scene. It would have been stronger, I think, if Afton had kept the mask on. Like ok. Ok. Then the audience doesn't get the OHHHH THAT"S AFTON!!! recognition from the first scene, but then you wouldn't have the kind of weirdness of like... The impression I carried, perhaps wrongly, was that the ghost kids simply didn't connect springtrap with the man who killed them, and that's why in the games he is shown diving back into the suit; it masks who he is from the vengeful ghosts, because the funny bunny didn't hurt them, it was the bad purple guy.
Having afton take the mask off to gloat is a bit weird. I feel like they could have shifted that to have him still talking in the mask but referencing things from their interview talk to have as the reveal instead. Have Mike listen to him say something, idk, that clues him in to the fact that this is technically a set up. Afton with the mask off should, by my understanding, have drawn ghostie aggro. I know this is another canon, but it makes the whole... ghost situation a little odd.
I actually don't have problems with the drawing cluing the ghosts in, I just think the idea that they didn't aggro at Afton with the mask off to be strange. I would think at least GF would have gone aggressive, but again, his role is just... odd.
I also think, perhaps suggesting this is a sin, but I wish they'd sacrificed his iconic line there at the end. If they'd changed it to him just generally gloating about how he'd be back, instead of him always coming back, because like. It's a great easter egg, but you've really gotta be into the franchise to get it. To an outsider, it's just a little weird for him to say.
Springtrap looked fucking great tho, 10/10 loved him.
They were 10000000% right to give him a knife.
I'd give it like. A 7/10 overall. A 10/10 for sheer fun tho.
I am going to buy a big fuckin' poster for this movie and buy it the second it comes out on disc. I am dying to see what extras it will come with.
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apricotsandcandles · 1 year
so i watched the first episode of the last of us today with my brother and predicted what i’m assuming is a major plot point very quickly. then when it was revealed i was right, my brother said it’s an ‘adhd thing’
for context: a couple years ago, i started to suspect i have adhd. i tried to get tested but needed permission from my school, who wouldn’t allow it as they said i’m a good student and told me i was convinced by tiktok (i did a lot of genuine research - tiktok was barely involved, and only came after my initial suspicions)
apparently, his gf, who’s currently being tested for adhd, does the same thing. she predicts what will happen in shows/films before my brother can even recognise any hints of it, and ends up being right. he was pretty insistent that it’s ‘an adhd thing’
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daydreamrry · 2 years
watch them create a whole ass powerpoint trying to prove that harry knew the rat before dwd began filming 😭
They already have bestie. Because Harry revealed that he wrote the song in 2020 they changed their original story to "they actually met at the end of 2019 (since he also wrote boyfriend then aswell), Liv was having problems in her relationship with Jason and Harry was a great friend and a shoulder for her to lean on and he also had a crush on her 🥺"
Dumbasses 🙄🙄🙄🙄 like stick to one narrative because they're just embarrassing themselves by constantly changing their story. And they call us conspiracy theorists 😑😑
they’re actual psychos like i never thought that anyone could be so stupid but here we have Gf harries proving me wrong! like yeah poor baby liv was having so much trouble with jason that she would happily post, talk about, and support him throughout 2019 and 2020 but it’s okay because haz was her side piece who realized he loved her while she was still in a relationship with another man 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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hoghtastic · 3 months
I get the deja vu with "my dog stepped on a bee" -> "I was in a abussive relationship, I need healing" (skipping the "most wonderful man" or how she called Mikal, come on now)
Like an Anon said, to let guys know on how materialistic girls work, more on JulianaNalu, I see a pattern here: it was a PR relationship revealed by Kanye himself, but before it was revealed she has vids on her page with his song, calling the papz and talking on newspaper about Kanye (see the similarity? no? wait). With Lewis it was a friendship with benefits situation, it is well known he makes them sign NDAs and it was the Antarctica trip when accidently Shown White made a video and Juliana was spotted in it, Lewis told him to take it down but it was caught by gossip pages quickly, since that moment, tons of hints in her stories about her relationship with him, telling it herself it was impossible with the NDA, even going hardcore to post hints like reading f1 books 🤣, had "FavelaSeeds" something that apparently helps models similar to what Lewis had with Mission44 way before her (making it seem they both fight for something good in this world, still doesn't ring a bell?); before Kanye she was a mere model, basic photoshoots, after Kanye a huge reach, after Lewis, an Elle cover, Mugler shows and so many. He also dated Shakira last year, but meanwhile she was hinting at dates with Lewis and photoshoots kept coming. Before JuNalu, there used to be Camila Kendra, that girl didn't play her cards right, she even used her brother's plane to get where Lewis was according to his stories and take photos, making it seem they are together 😆, even pay articles to say the recicled text that they are together, same text from 2019-2021 in all articles 😆 and Camila herself made a foundation that helped people (it's on the internet), a foundation that is quite similar to Mission44 (the idea of helping people).
Now, Alex's gf takes a diff approach, gives the fairytale idea, kind behavior, fairy like, Mother Theresa vibes, fight for Justice situation, she gives off this idea that she wants him for him, not the name and this was demoted when she talked about him in the article, skipping the "best men in the world aka Mikal and the savior Alex". And I really laughed at "I didn't know him before filming on the set", the Vikings had huge ratings, still is huge and she didn't know that a Danish actor got the role and did an amazing job in it? In my town and even country everyone finds out quick when someone gets famous. To end this long message, I would have supported this relationship, I really want a good person for him, but her behavior is really like the women I talked in this message.
Can't wait for premiere 💅🏻
Thank you so much for sharing more on this topic, anon! 😊 While personally I'm not into F1, and therefore don't really know some of the people you mentioned, it's certainly an interesting read and helps seeing things from another perspective. 😊
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ed-frankward · 7 months
Scream VI - More Screaming
Horror is my least favorite genre because I find the films frightening. However, now that I've been working out for two weeks and I've got so many muscles, I'm pretty sure I could fight off the monsters, demons, and murderers depicted in these sorts of films should they come after me for any reason. This confidence has allowed me to view, and now review, the almost newly released Scream VI.
The Scream franchise chronicles the exploits of Ghostface, a lovable though misunderstood misanthrope who wears a mask until the end of the movie and then takes it off. The twist of the franchise is that when Ghostface takes off the mask at the end of each movie, there is always someone different wearing it, or multiple different someones wearing multiple masks. The fun is in trying to predict who will be wearing the mask. As Ghostface (henceforth and hereafter GF) has a tendency toward violence rather than diplomacy, GF is often engaged in murder. Thus the Scream franchise contains both mystery and murder, or as some have taken to calling it: mystery-murder.
Scream VI takes the franchise to a new location, New York City. I was excited to see the sights of the city and wondered what GF would get up to in the Big Apple. Perhaps GF would stab the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps GF would push someone off the Empire State building. At the risk of spoiling the film, I will tell you that none of that happens. Nonetheless, many people die in this film and many more are at least stabbed. Our two heroes, the ones we hope don't die but that we can tolerate getting stabbed, are Tara and Samantha, portrayed by Jenna Ortega (more like Jenna Stabtega am I right?) and Melissa Barrera (more like Melistaba Barstaba am I right?) respectively. They live with another person in what looks to be a 3-bedroom apartment in Manhattan, presumably for $7,000 a month. GF is after them for indiscernible reasons, or at least GF's reasoning was indiscernible to me.
I must reveal at this point that I was unable to watch much of the film. The first time GF appeared on camera, I leapt out of my chair and ran through the exterior wall of my apartment in my hastened attempt to escape (only possible because of the many muscles I now have). Several of the jump scares in this film left me screaming in fear for upwards of 15 minutes, which led to a few awkward interactions with the police. To combat the scariness of the film, I watched many sections while wearing three blindfolds, ear plugs, earmuffs (those were mainly for aesthetic purposes) and a utility belt full of lethal and nonlethal means of combating potential foes. As a defensive maneuver, I occasionally swirled around in circles while wielding my activated taser. I didn't sleep for three days after watching this film, though I did happen to be experimenting with amphetamines around that time. I can't be sure if that is related, but I'd just say that the two don't go together well.
Overall the film was pretty good. The characters, and even GF, ride the subway. I'd imagine GF jumped the turnstile.
2 and a half thumbs up!
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