#and im going to take him for a drive with the window down so he can (safely and harnessed) stick his head out the window
cinnabeat · 2 years
hate watching survival movies bc none of these people know any like. legit survival tips
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gyusrose · 2 months
➵ you’re so vain -> l.hs
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⚠︎ smut (mdni)
✎ jock!heeseung x reader, enemies to ?????, heeseung is rlly annoying, hate sex ;), hair pulling, dirty talk, unprotected sex, degradation, backshots lmao. i think that’s it?
summary: attending a new school was supposed to be a fresh start for you, trying to be nice to everyone and have new friends, yet coming across lee heeseung threw all of that out the window.
(heeseung x fem.reader)
wc: 3.2k
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your sweaty hands could not be gripping the steering wheel any harder. you wouldn’t call yourself “super shy” but when it comes to a whole new community of people, teenagers, hell yeah you are.
you had to move exactly at the middle of the year due to your mom’s work. they offered her double the salary at the other side of the city, who was she to say no to that? although you were going to miss your friends and the overall environment of your old home, you couldn’t just tell your mom ‘no’, either way her decisions are final.
you just got here two days ago, and to be honest, it wasn’t that bad. the worst thing so far is the fact that the nearest shopping center was 30 minutes away but you’ll live.
you didn’t except your first day of school to be so nerve-wracking. surely you’ll make some friends but who knows what people are like here. eventually, you saw the big navy blue sign with your school’s name on it. it was an averagely big school, bigger than your old one, which also meant more people.
the parking space alone was scary. it was huge yet already full even though it was still fairly early. you went around in circles around the parking lot, trying to find a vacant spot. fortunately you did at the second-to-last line.
as you tried to park, the limited space you had made it difficult to, having to back up and drive in constantly. as you reversed your car, you must have completely forgotten that you aren’t the only one there, feeling a small crash at the bumper of your car.
your eyes widened in panic. you looked back to see what you hit, and with your luck, it revealed at very nice black car, to which you’ve just hit. you tried to quickly get into your parking spot, hoping it was nothing serious, but then someone came walking up to you.
‘shit, that must be the owner’ you saw his red, rather handsome, fuming face.
you got out of your car to confront the first person interaction.
“hey look im so-“
oh he was an asshole. you almost scoffed in his face. who does he think he is.
“it was accident that’s all, it was barely a scratch calm down man.”
lord take me back. you were so close to just leaving him there arguing with himself. but you didn’t want to make him even angrier.
“look im sorry! i can pay for the fix up if that’s what you want, i dont know what else to do?”
the boy scoffed and rolled his eyes at your statement.
“you think i don’t have the money for it? please, it shows you’re a newbie around here.”
“i didn’t mean it like that-“
“yo heeseung!! come on bro!” another blonde boy called from afar, hopefully ending the argument y’all were having.
“ watch your back new girl.” with one last glare, he left to join his group of friends.
you rolled your eyes. shiver my fucking timbers, you thought.
you took a deep breath before grabbing your backpack and making your way into school , hoping to never see his face ever again.
you thought that was going to be the end of it all. but oh boy were you wrong. soon you found out that heeseung is the captain of the football team, and pretty much the most popular boy in school. as cliche as it sounds, every girl would drop their panties if he asked them to.
people know he’s not the nicest person ( an asshole) yet they still look up to him. that’s angered you. how are all these people so dumb? just because he’s kinda good-looking? seriously?
over the course of a few weeks, you’ve managed to make some friends, your closest taehyun and Isa. although you tried to block the negativity, heeseung made it really hard. always giving you snarky comments when he saw you around, ridiculing you in front of other people. somehow always finding a way to run into you despite not having any classes together. except gym.
“ bro open your eyes, catch the damn ball!” he yelled from across from you.
you hated sports. even less could you play one, but you gotta do it for the grade.
“the ball was too high up dummy!” you retorted, rolling your eyes for maybe the 100th time in the class period.
if you hated gym before, you definitely hated it more now.
as the period ended, you decided to take a quick shower in the locker rooms since you couldn’t handle being all sweaty and gross throughout the day.
heeseung finished changing and was outside the locker room with his friends, chatting, waiting for the bell to ring. that’s when he may have accidentally eavesdropped the conversation between your two friends, he could barely the names of.
“where’s _____?” taehyun asked isa, noticing how you weren’t with her.
“she’s taking a shower right now, she told us to not wait for her.” Isa shrugged before taehyun nodded.
a beautiful idea popped in heeseung’s brain. it was too good.
he excused himself and sneakily waited by the girl’s locker room, waiting for everyone to come out. once he only heard the shower you were using running, he quietly entered the room. the bell had rang about a minute ago, so the gym was empty, only you and him. the gym teacher god knows where.
he saw his target and rapidly grabbed the pile of clothes sitting on the bench, a smirk evident in his face.
suddenly the shower stopped running, making heeseung hurry and exit the locker room.
the shower felt too good, you think you spent more time that you anticipated to. as you exited the shower tiles, you looked around for your clothes, which you remember clearly leaving them in the bench closest to the shower. you looked around the whole locker room, hoping you were wrong and placed them elsewhere. unfortunately, you couldn’t even find your damn socks.
your biggest fear has come true. you’re now naked, nothing but a towel covering you, this was more than just humiliating. you felt sad, mad, angry, embarrassed all at once. they’ve been stolen for sure, and you were more than sure on who did it.
grabbing your phone you called Isa, to see if she could help you somehow. and she indeed did. bringing you some spare clothes she had. thankfully, you always bring extra underwear since situations like these could happen. you just had to wait for isa for the clothes, yet the five minutes she took felt like five hours. unfortunately, passing period is over, meaning some students are coming in the locker room to change.
many of them just straight up stared at you. giving you weird looks as to why you were pretty much naked in the middle of the locker room, but none had the guts to ask you.
you wished the ground would just swallow you whole. lee heeseung won’t hear the end of it.
“LEE HEESEUNG!” you yelled across the field. he and his friends were siting down eating lunch outside when you spotted him after trying to find him after the stunt he just pulled.
heeseung knew it was coming, giggling with his friends as they heard you yell his name once again. “ oh she’s about to scold me now .” heeseung scoffed but still got up and went over to you.
“yes ma’am?” he said with a smile, you wish you could slap off but you’re better than that.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about..” heeseung tried acting innocent but failed as he just burst out laughing. you groaned, how on earth is that funny?
“cute panties by the way” he continued to laugh, not sparing a glance at your mad expression on your face.
“you’re such an ass, i hate your guts.” you said leaving him alone, laughing to himself.
“yo bro i think she actually got mad this time.” his friend, jake came over.
heeseung shrugged. “she’s so sensitive, it wasn’t even that bad.”
“i can’t believe he did that…” taehyun said as you told them both what had happened. Isa knew a little bit but not who did it.
“that’s fucked up, what’s he got against you so much?”
you shrugged. “i guess because i gave his car a little scratch, but i guess he took it to heart since he hasn’t stopped bothering me since. he’s a jerk.”
“finally someone who thinks the same as me!” taehyun said making you chuckle.
“then get back at him! you know the one thing that makes him who he is is that damn football.” Isa said.
you tried to be the bigger person this whole time, not paying much mind to his little remarks or pranks he pulls, biting back a little wouldn’t hurt right?
“you know what, you’re right.”
“lee heeseung, mrs. park wants to speak to you.” mr.jung said calling heeseung.
heeseung who was barely paying attention heard his name. his frowned at this. what on earth could she want to talk about with him? either way, he went to her classroom.
he entered the empty classroom to find his coach and mrs.park, waiting for him. what the fuck? heeseung was more confused now. maybe they were going to congratulate him for the good work this semester? his coach’s face said otherwise though.
“there you are, you may be wondering why you’re here..” mrs.park started. heeseung nodded, feeling uneasy.
“a student came forward, showing how you copied word for word her whole assignment, the one i assigned a week ago. i didn’t notice it at first but it’s very clear now, you may know how cheating is unacceptable in my class, i’ve decided to fail you in this assignment, plus you’ll be serving detention this whole week..” she turned to the coach.
heeseung’s heart started beating at a rapid pace, he’s never been caught cheating, and being failed on the assignment that was a big part of his grade, it means he’s most likely failing the class now. the rules for football stated that all players should be passing all of their classes if not, they’ll be dropped….
no no no, the lee heeseung can’t be dropped. he’s the captain! the star player!
“since you’re failing this class heeseung, i think you know what’s about to happe-“
“please coach! don’t kick me out, i’m the captain! what would the team do without me? i’ll get my grade up as soon as possible im-“
“calm down calm down, i’m not going to kick you out, it’s the middle of the season, but unfortunately you won’t be playing the next three games. if your grade is not up by then, then i will drop you. understood?” his coach stated earning a sharp nod by heeseung.
he’s glad he’s still on the team but what’s the point if he can’t play? he’s going to become a joke. the captain that’s a bench warmer. how stupid.
he left the classroom enraged. he knows exactly who did this.
“bro what? what do you mean you ain’t gonna play ?” riki said in disbelief at what his captain just said.
“some snitch told mrs.park that i cheated on the last assignment and coach suspended me for the next three games, and i got detention all week!” sunghoon unknowingly chuckled. heeseung looked at him with a glare.
“what? she got you good, what did you expect hee?” sunghoon kept laughing, making some of the others also laugh silently.
heeseung had nothing to say back, he just rolled his eyes. “tch, whatever.”
nevertheless, you were overjoyed seeing heeseung slouching on the bench. you couldn’t miss this once in a lifetime scenario. obviously you were the cause for it. heeseung asks Isa almost all the time for her notes or to straight up copy her. she willingly let you rat him out after what he did to you.
he can sense how all eyes were on him, but he just tried to block everyone out a focus on the game. he had a poker face on, but deep inside he was irritated . he saw how you were smirking and laughing with your two little friends. you knew what you were doing.
“ahh look who it is, the benchwarmer! “ you said chuckling as you made your way to heeseung.
after the team (barely) won, jake threw an ‘after party’ at his house. even though you don’t normally go to these parties, especially from those boys, you felt like a party would do good with your marvellous mood. something about seeing heeseung’s frowny face made feel over the moon.
“seems like cat got your tongue now huh? dont have anything to say-“
in a blink of an eye you were pulled into a room, heeseung’s fingers wrapped around your neck, pulling your face closer to his.
“what the fuck? heeseung-“
“shut the fuck up.” his hoarse voice caught you off guard. he was actually really mad.
“you think what you did it’s fucking funny? huh? almost getting me kicked out ? “ you’ve never seen him this enraged before. making you almost scared, yet….kinda turned on? no, you hate him, snap out of it! you told yourself yet the wetness in between your legs became hard to ignore.
you didn’t respond. “fuck, you’re so annoying, i can’t fucking stand you. i hate you.” he saw lowly. fuck that was hot.
you spoke before thinking. “then show me.”
not needing to tell him twice, heeseung pulled you completely in. your lips met in a kiss that was anything but gentle, a fierce and consuming clash that spoke longing and raw need.
The kiss deepened, fueled by an unspoken urgency, their mouths exploring each other with a fervor that left y’all breathless. his grip on your neck becoming tighter.
“shit im gonna show you to fucking behave.” he said before pushing you into the bed forcefully. you may have discovered a new kink of yours. watching as he undressed himself and yourself rapidly. feeling his anger through every touch he gave you.
he rubbed through your folds before inserting two fingers aggressively. your body jolted at the sudden move.
“holy shit go softer dumbass.”
“aw you think i give a fuck? suck it up and take it since you think you’re all that.” his fingers pumped faster and faster making it hard for you to answer back to his stupid remarks.
“oh my god..” you tried to pull his hand away before you cum. not wanting to see you orgasm so easily yet.
“just fuck me already heeseung, or is your dick as tiny as your brain?”
heeseung looked darkly at you. that stupid mouth of yours can’t shut up will it?
he retracted his fingers put of you and took his boxers off. wanting nothing more than to prove you wrong.
shit. your eyes went wide at what stood in front of you. saying he was big was an understatement. it was like a zipper for your mouth. how was that thing going to fit inside of you?
“can’t say anything now, can you slut?” he pulled your legs down the mattress to have you at the perfect angle to ram into you.
heeseung ran his til over your folds, teasing his way in. making you aggrevated.
“just put it in for fucks sake!”
“tell me how bad you want it.” you shook your head, no way were you going to beg. no way.
“alright then, i guess im gonna go.” he said letting go of your waist, acting as if he was going to leave.
“okay okay! please fuck me, i want it so bad, i want your big cock so bad heeseung.” heeseung moaned at your words. he didn’t wait any longer and thrusted all of him in you.
you both moaned yet it was more painful for you. you’ve never had something so big inside you before.
“fuck yeah..” he said then grabbing your neck, slightly choking you. your hands went to his biceps, trying to find something to hold on to as the speed he was thrusting in became more hostile.
“fuck me harder, like the asshole you are.” you said in between breaths. heeseung took the challenge and thrusted violently. the skin slapping and wetness of your core could probably be heard in the party outside.
“of course a whore like you would like to be fucked like this.”
before you could respond he pulled out of you earning a desperate groan from you, but then your were flipped, now on all fours and before you knew it he was back in you again. gripping your hip with one hand while he pulled your hair on the other.
“such a tight pussy, you probably fantasized about this am i right?” he said in your ear. you shook your head through your moan.
“in your dreams lee, in your fucking dreams. fuck you.”
“i’m quite literally doing that.” chuckling, he let go of your hair and instead gripped your other hip, going in deeper, nudging your cervix literally driving you to an edge.
“fuck i’m cumming.” you cried out. never has an orgasm felt like this. heeseung was on edge as well, feeling you clench around his dick did it for him.
your climax rose over you, making you fall into the pillow while heeseung kept thrusting until his own organs came over him, pulling out and releasing his white ropes all over your back.
tiredly, he laid besides you in the strangers bed, not knowing what to say now.
you turned to him, smirking. “i think i may hate you even more now.”
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dearlyjun · 4 months
5% tint ☆ c. yeonjun
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☆ PAIRING: sugardaddy!yeonjun x collegestudent!reader (f)
☆ GENRE: smut (18+ readers only! dont make me block you)
☆ SUMMARY: you didn't think that doing well on an exam would mean that you would be fucked in the front seat of a porsche; good thing your sugar daddy has 5% tint.
☆ WARNINGS: gendered terms are used (girl), semi public sex, unprotected sex, daddy kink, lots of praise from yeonjun, yeonjun drives a porsche (I think its a valid warning), yeonjun is wearing rings, making out, creampie kink perhaps?, dirty talk, obviously car sex!! lmk if i forgot anything its almost 1am and im an old lady.
☆ AUTHORS NOTE: so heres part of the concept that I literally could not stop yapping about if I tried. combining my interests here: a hot man taking care of me and a porsche of my dreams. I am actually considering making this a series, with a backstory and everythingg so lmk your thots :)
a big thank you to @silvergyus @nightlyawnzz @hearts4huening for being my beta readers for this, and I may use your services in the future.
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walking to the front of your lecture hall, you collected the results from your latest exam. After finding your name in the pile of papers, you could barely contain your excitement when you saw the boldly printed 100% on the front.
Yeonjun would be so happy.
You quickly walked back to collect your things, before pulling out your phone to text him since he was picking you up from class.
you: going to be walking out in a few. I have good results!!
yeonjun: ahh my smart girl. I'm waiting for you out front.
Soon after you walked out through the double doors of the building that you were in, spotting Yeonjun’s gray Porsche parked up front.
Yeonjun had a pretty dark window tint, so you couldn’t see inside that well. You opened the door, and slid into the passenger seat; Yeonjun beaming.
“There’s my girl.” He had the biggest smile on his face. “Look at you, dressed all cute.” He was referencing your plaid skirt and big crewneck sweatshirt that was actually his.
“Did you just come from the office or something?” You asked him, leaning in to kiss him. “You look so nice.” You smoothed your hand over his button down dress shirt, making him smirk.
“Now let me see this test, huh?”
“Okay.” You quickly dug the scantron out of your folder that you had. Handing it over to Yeonjun, leaning over his center console as he examined it.
He was smirking.
“Yeah, one hundred percent.” You spoke with a huge smile on your face.
“Ah, see I knew you’d do well.” Yeonjun put his hand onto your jaw to kiss you.
You hummed against his mouth, pulling him closer by his shirt. “I missed you last night, daddy.” You kissed him again.
Yeonjun smirked against your lips before pulling away slightly. “Yeah? You know I want you to focus on your school too.”
“I know, but sometimes it’s easier to study when I’m sitting on your lap. You know?” You reached down to feel Yeonjun’s cock, which to your surprise was half erect.
“With my cock inside of you? Princess, you know you can’t focus.”
You remembered the time you swore that you would sit still and study on Yeonjun’s lap while he worked. You didn’t last five minutes before you were fucking yourself on his cock.
You pouted as Yeonjun moved to kiss you towards your neck. “But I’m such a good girl for you, Daddy.”
Yeonjun practically choked back a moan; if his cock wasn’t hard before, it definitely was now. “And I always reward you, don’t I?”
He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt, then went to unbuckle his belt to lower his pants. You let out an audible noise when he finally lowered his underwear, leaky, pretty cock out on full display.
“Go ahead and sit on it, pretty girl.” Yeonjun spoke, shuddering slightly when he swiped the tip with his thumb.
You felt a sudden tinge of shyness when you took off your shoes. Yeonjun could practically read your mind.
“The tints are too dark; no one can see you.”
“Okay, help me.” You answered, slightly laughing at the fact that you were going to climb over the console of a car that cost as much as your parents' house.
“I got you.” Yeonjun held onto you. Before you sat down on him, he pulled the fabric of your underwear out of the way.
“Oh my- fuck, you’re so wet.” Yeonjun gasped. “I’ll slip right fucking in.”
You lowered yourself onto him, and it was painfully slow; making you feel every inch of his cock.
Yeonjun was seconds away from ruining his leather with his fingernails with the way that he was gripping onto the passenger seat.
“Daddy…your cock. Fuck.” You sighed, dropping your head into his neck; taking a breath of his sweet cologne. He was fully inside of you, nuzzled up into that spot that makes your toes curl.
“Yeah, baby I know.” His hands were roaming your thighs and ass. Your underwear was cutting into you, but you couldn’t care less.
You slowly started to grind onto him, trying to find a rhythm in the limited space that you had. Yeonjun looked ahead, subtly watching if anyone walked by his car.
“You look so pretty, you know.” He spoke into your ear. “My dick inside of you in the front seat of my Porsche.” He suddenly gripped onto your hips, fucking you onto his cock.
“You’re my good girl, you know that?”
You couldn’t even answer, just let out a whimper of a moan.
“Repeat it back to me, baby.” His grip was so tight you thought his rings were going to make marks in your skin.
“I’m your…good girl.” You nearly choked on your words. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
Yeonjun could already tell by the way that you were clenching around him, and he probably wasn’t going to last much longer himself.
Yeonjun turned your face to look at him in one quick movement. “Yeah? I’m so fucking deep in you aren’t I?” His voice was low; you knew what he was doing.
The sounds of your cunt were obscene; Yeonjun loved every second of it. He studied your face as he angled your hips differently, cockhead hitting so deep that your jaw fell slack.
You’ve never looked so pretty to him. Honors student studying biology. Probably going to end up being a doctor. He knew you’d be decorated in cords at your graduation. But now, he was hitting so deep you couldn’t form a coherent sentence if you tried.
Letting out a rather loud whine when your orgasm finally hit you, Yeonjun kissed you, shushing you. After all, his car only had a tint; not soundproofing.
“Cum in me. Please, daddy.” You were nearly delirious, whimpering expletives. Yeonjun knew you were actually being serious, because you always begged him to. “That’s my reward, right?”
And how could he say no? Not when you were whining, begging as you pulled on his necklace to kiss him.
“You can take it all?” He asked. Stupid question. You always could, even if he had to fuck it back into you.
You eagerly nodded, lips jutting out to a pout before you kissed him again.
“God you drive me fucking insane.” Yeonjun’s last words before letting go of his orgasm that he was trying to hang onto. “You feel so fucking good.”
The fact that he was probably making a mess out of his seat was sent to the back of his mind. He’d deal with that later, because the moan that you let out made it all worth it.
“Fuck.” He was panting. “You have to be quiet.” Grinding his hips with yours; his cock was still inside of you making you slightly wince at how messy everything felt.
“Shit.” You muttered, looking down at where the two of your bodies connected.
“Yeah, I made a fuckin mess.” Yeonjun jokes, his hands roaming your thighs. “We should probably go back to my place….” His voice trailed off like it was a question.
“Hmm?” You were confused. “I thought you texted me earlier that you wanted to go to the Prada store, no?”
“Yes…” Yeonjun bit down on his bottom lip, smirking. “But I don’t think I'm finished with you yet.”
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☆ TAGS: @mhasimp666 @yunsbby @sikkkko
(strike through indicates I am unable to tag, please make sure your tagging feature is turned on!)
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orionremastered · 4 months
I’m actually so obsessed with the way you write the boys like🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
why thank you anon this made me smile
and because im nice (school hasn't started yet)
911 Texting the Batboys
Dick Grayson
Exactly one minute after you send him the text, the living room window shatters into a million pieces across the floor. Nightwing calls your name, voice raw with concern, before surveying the state of your apartment.
"Oh," you say quietly by the kitchen, staring at the broken pieces of glass across the floor and then at your boyfriend who stares at you, chest heaving as he looks at you, confused.
"You're not hurt?"
"Well— I— the pan caught fire. I put it out though. I'm not burnt, I promise."
He looks at you doubtfully, storming over before pulling you into a tight embrace. "You scared me."
"I'm sorry," you whisper.
"Don't be. It's okay. Don't be scared to text me if you're in any trouble. Promise you'll let me know if you're in danger?"
"I promise."
"Good," he mutters, though more as a reassurance for himself, resting his head on yours and breathing deeply.
"You can let me go now," you point out gently.
"Two more minutes."
Jason Todd
When your boyfriend takes longer to show up than expected, you start to get confused. And cold— it's the middle of winter and your hoodie was stolen while you were out with your friends.
And that wouldn't be a problem if you're car wasn't starting either.
The familiar roar of a motorcycle engine catches your attention, dark shape speeding down the street towards you. It skids to a stop, the tires screeching in order to slow.
"Hey," you say with a wave and a smile. "Car broke down and—"
Red Hood rushes off his motorbike, carefully grabbing you to look you over in the empty street. When he finds nothing, he sighs. "Thought you'd been kidnapped. Couldn't find you at your apartment."
Without waiting for your reply, he shrugs his brown leather jacket off his shoulders and places it around yours, helping you put your arms into the sleeves despite you protesting that you can do it yourself.
"Let's get you home," he says gruffly, aching to hold you in his embrace when no one can see. "I'll call in a favour to get your car fixed."
Tim Drake
You don't think you'd ever been more embarrassed in your life when you realised you forgot your phone, which has your card in the case, at home.
Tim rushes into the store, having tracked your location immediately and driving well over the speed limit, still in his pristine CEO outfit.
"What's wrong? Is someone bothering you?" his eyes dart around the store, taking everyone's face and putting it to memory.
"No... I forgot my phone and card. And I have a full cart of groceries. Tim, I can't put this all back, that's weird."
"Why didn't you ask me to pay before?"
"I— hmm. I'll do that next time."
You lead him to the counter were the high school aged cashier gapes at the richest man in Gotham who pays for the food without even glancing at the price.
Damian Wayne
When you texted 911 to your boyfriend, you certainly weren't expecting this. Somehow, in the five minutes of the text being sent, he managed to gather ten League of Assassins members that now stand in your suddenly very cramped apartment, sharp katanas at their side.
"Are you alright?" Damian himself has two katanas, glinting in the terrible lights. "What's wrong?"
It seems so stupid now with ten assassins behind him. Maybe you shouldn't have texted after all. "Look, it's really—"
"I don't care how little it is," he states, "You texted me for a reason."
"I... I thought I could hear someone talking and moving in the walls."
All eleven of them tense, exchanging glances. Damian gives them one sharp nod and the assassins begin locating any hollow spaces in the walls, tapping their knuckles and listening closely to the sounds.
"وجدت ذلك," one says after a few seconds.
"Don't worry about it habibi, we'll tear the building apart and find them," Damian assures you, pulling you into his arms.
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luveline · 7 months
More flirty bombshell reader but Spencer was just let out of prison and now instead of just getting all hot and bothered he flirts back 😼
Love you and your writing pooks 😏😚🫶🏾
love you! fem, 1.1k
This has been the longest eighty four days of your life. Not even three months apart and yet it's felt as long and arduous as three years, and so you do what you must on the day Spencer is released from Milburn; you take your time putting yourself back together, preening and polishing, as pretty as you've ever looked. 
Penelope looks good too, JJ as well. The girls are here to represent, and that's without mentioning Luke's general unbelievable physique. 
You're pissed at being left outside but you can manage. You can cope. You don't think Penelope, bless her huge heart, is going to fight you for Spencer's attention. Not for a good five seconds. What to say first? I miss you, I love you, I'm so fucking sorry I let this happen, that I couldn't do more. 
He appears behind a grate door, Luke at his side. Then the grate is opening, JJ with tears in her eyes behind him, and every idea of what to do goes out the window. 
Your breath catches before he's so much as touched you. 
"Hey," you say. It starts well, ends weak, tears in your eyes as you choke, "hey, handsome." 
"Hey," he says, hugging you with more care than you're expecting. "Oh my god, hey." He lets out a sigh of relief, his face dipping down to press against your shoulder. You feel the familiar curve of his nose and hold your breath to stop from crying.
You let him go a selfish ten seconds later, but Spencer keeps your hand as he hugs Penelope, one-armed. It's awful and selfish and you don't care, you go in for the second hug on tiptoes, arms behind his neck, your mouth pressed as high as you can reach on his face. A mess of lip gloss is left behind when they finally crowbar you off of him long enough to get in the car, and even then you're clinging to his hand, worried someone will take him again, that you won't be able to do a thing about it. 
You wrap your arms around his and hug him on the drive back. You can't stop looking up into his face. Spencer, unflinching, meets you there, his eyes a little glassy, his face sallow but getting better. 
"Missed me?" you ask quietly. You've only so much privacy. 
"So much." 
"Like a hole in the head?" 
Spencer leans down an inch. "No, like, I really missed you." 
"Of course you did, you–" Spencer leans down suddenly and disarms you, his breath warm against your cheek. 
"I what?" he asks, kissing your cheek. 
"You haven't been away from me that long in years," you breathe. 
"It took getting used to," he says agreeably, speaking low, his breath hotter still as he kisses upward. Two kisses, that's all they are, but when he sits straight again you're thrown. 
"But you got used to it?" 
"No," he says, smiling at you like you've made a funny joke rather than thinly veiled insecurity spoken in a desperate attempt to garner some reassurance. 
It was difficult coping with the hurt of his having left you in the dark. You knew he was doing something he shouldn't have been, but you never for a moment imagined this outcome. You worried (deep down, and not for his ears) that he'd met someone new, that he'd grown disinterested in your years of love and life. Of you. Especially as he's matured, which is to say he stopped looking like he was about to walk the stage at New York Fashion week and started dressing sharp as a tack. Your Spencer stayed yours, but he got older, and you did too —you look older. You're still yourself, high maintenance, prideful, sweet, but you're not the same. 
Between the distance that bloomed with his secrecy and his growing maturity, you were caught off guard. And then not long after he was arrested in Mexico and you couldn't get him out no matter what you did, or who you begged for help. 
Spencer brings his hand to your cheek, tilting your head one way slowly, and then the other. There's confidence in his touch that you've felt before, just never to this extent. 
What happened to you? you think. 
"I'm sorry," he says. 
"For what, sweetheart?" you ask, meaning it implicitly. He's your sweetheart. He's everything. You're too high on his return to want an apology. 
"For everything. I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you." 
There's something you can work with. "Oh, you will?"
"I promise." 
Mindful of your friends in the front seats, you press your cheek into his hand, turning your head just enough to touch your lips to his palm. His eyes are dark brown where they meet yours, pupil and iris one and the same. "How?" you murmur. 
Spencer brushes his thumb against your bottom lip. Something in his eyes speaks even as he stays quiet, a light, an amusement, as if to say, I know exactly what you're doing, but it won't work. 
I'm not a saint, you say back with a sheepish smile. You close your eyes and let your head fall into his shoulder. He hugs you close despite the lack of room, his chin landing atop your head gently. "You'll have to try harder," he whispers. 
"Don't know what you mean." 
"Months of missing you and the first thing you do is try to torture me." 
"That's our thing." 
"No, our thing is me worshipping the ground you walk on," he says into your hair, hand squeezing as it roves up your arm, reassuring himself that you're there, that you're real. 
"Like I wouldn't do the same if you'd let me. I would've done anything." He probably can't hear you anymore, your voice a suggestion of sound. "I would've done anything if I thought it would…" get you back to me.
Spencer does you a favour of ignoring you. Later, you know he'll bring it up again. You'll have time, because he's going home. For now he does his best to hold you together in the company of others, always thinking about what you need. "You look so pretty today. Is that for me?" 
"I always look pretty." You haven't felt it lately.
"I know. Maybe it's because I didn't see you for so long… It's like seeing you again for the first time." 
Your chest aches in a strangely nice way. "And how are you coping, handsome?" 
He rests his cheek on your forehead. On paper, you're flirting. In actuality, you're being one hundred percent honest with each other. "I'm not. My blood pressure has gotta be 180 over 110 right now."
"I love it when you talk medical to me." 
"I love you." 
You nose at his suit sleeve ineffectually "I love you." 
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erwinsvow · 27 days
when rafe lets reader go on aux and she plays lana. him humming to beat omgggg. i need him in my bones
omg !! im imagining this with that one part of west coast.. but left it vague so you can imagine your fave lana song ♡
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rafe was in a good mood. it wasn't anything new—he was always in a good mood around you anyways—but today it seemed even better. you were sat in the passenger seat of his truck, waiting patiently for rafe to drive the two of you to dinner, when he glances over at you with a smile.
the windows rolled down, a breeze coming in and rustling your hair with the warm glow of the sunset filling the car. when he hands you his phone, you look back at him confused.
"y'can pick the music today."
"really?" your entire face lights up with a smile. you start looking through your options immediately while he backs out of your driveway, his arm stretched across the headrest of your seat.
the familiar sound of one of your favorite lana songs fills the car, even seeping out into streets through the open windows. you set down his phone and smile at rafe, pleased that he's happy.
you stare out the window, watching the sun dip further and further away through the trees, wondering how close you are to the restaurant and if rafe will get you dessert after—though you already know the answer.
you're snapped out of your thoughts at another sound—rafe humming along to the end of the song, fingers tapping on the wheel and maybe not even aware of what he's doing. your gaze turns to your boyfriend, eyes staring and taking in the scene, smile a little dozy.
a couple things run through your mind, how rafe's memorized the melody of your favorite song, how he must have liked it enough to remember, how silly yet memorable everything about it feels. warmth blooms in your chest, running up to your face and make your palms clammy.
the song shifts to the next and rafe pulls into the parking lot, stopping the car. he glances up to see you staring back at him.
"nothing," you reply, though you feel giddy inside, and over something as small as rafe letting you pick the music and liking what you selected. "i'm... excited for dinner." the lie comes out automatically, not wanting to bring it up just in case. you think you should keep the moment for yourself.
"yeah, me too. c'mon, kid."
"coming, rafe."
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
"doing laundry and taxes with you" ft. the monster trio!
ft. (domestic!) luffy, zoro, sanji x fem!reader
in which, you make their house a home
(a/n: im sick and needed some comfort so this got very long im so sorry!!)
warnings: nsfw towards the end! nsfw stuff includes car-sex, in public, dirty talk, rough sex, penetration, squirting, sanji takes a picture of you choking on his dic- (ahem, not sorry); MDNI (thankyou very much okay byee)
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they are so precious to me 😭😭
- whatever you do, don't imagine domestic!luffy - don't imagine cold mornings when you're under the cover with him. he's holding you tightly, snuggling against you and whispering a soft, "good morning, baby" - do not imagine him coming back from home and holding you by your waist when you're doing something, nuzzling into the crook of your neck as you asks you how your day was - don't think of him as one of those guys who start a tickle fight when poke him once and laugh at him - absolutely do not imagine his as one of those s/o who are down to make everything into a game "whoever loses mario-kart makes the dinner, okay?" he grins, pulling you down onto the couch with him "oh really?" you laugh when he holds you tighter, "i really want some pasta tonight then" - he ended up making pasta that night - but as i said, don't imagine luffy as that because he is certainly that man and more - he will fret over you when you fall sick, trying to make you laugh your way out of a fever (canon). he won't leave your side, no matter how much you insist that you're fine "what do you need? water? soup? pizza- oh wait no that's unhealthy" a pause, "wait, do you want a pizza? it'll probably be fine if you eat one tbh, right??" - also the kind of guy who will ask his friends to turn their car around (because in no parallel universe do i believe luffy knows how to drive ffs) because you only said "love ya" and missed the i (how dare you, he's heartbroken now) "yn!!" he's yelling from the driveway, "YOU FORGOT TO SAY I LOVE YOU!!" so now you're sticking out your head out of your apartment window, looking down at a pouty luffy, annoyed zoro and unbothered sanji - also, man has TERRIBLE separation anxiety - (people now know that wherever you are invited, luffy is invited too "what are you doing here?" nami hisses as she vaguely looks at luffy, "this is supposed to be a girls night out!" luffy shrugs, "pretend im not even here" yeah, luffy that's kinda hard when you're practically draped over your girlfriend the entire night) - but as it's been established, don't fall for his perfect acts because he is the kind to park in a distant corner of a grocery store parking lot and beg for you to let him fuck you "it'll be quick," he's whining, tugging you towards himself and kissing you senseless, "baby, i promise. just one hit." - he's feral, holding you flush against himself as he fucked you with your top still on and your hands holding tightly against his neck - your arousal drips into his thigh and he's groaning about how good you feel, you feel him thrust into you harder and now you're spasming and cumming around his girth - he didn't infact let you go after one hit. - you both walked into the grocery store 37 mins later with your faces flushed, hair tousled and a familiarly uncomfortable wetness nesting between your thighs - (cause i know he's fucking nasty and he will absolutely make you walk into that store with his essence still inside you. sorry, i do not make the rules :/) - eitherways, best guy ever - he's the perfect s/o that never lets you have a dull moment in your life as long as his annoying ass is around
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- i will stand by what i've always said. soft zoro is the best zoro. 'nuff said, i will die on this hill. - but god, nobody can ever imagine how soft domestic!zoro is with you by the way he shrugs and grunts off any and all people around him (except for his crew) - frankly speaking, you didn't expect this either when you started dating him - you would have never imagined this green-haired, stoic-faced, dry-ass motherfucker to hold onto you tightly and lightly close his eyes whenever you forced him to see another horror movie - he claimed watching horror movies was the equivalent of mind torture but followed along cause you seem to like them (you don't probably like them that much, you just like his heavy figure against yours as he snuggles in deeper and deeper against you) "this is so stupid" he hisses at the girl in the screen, groaning when she blatantly ignores him, "she will die if she follows the fucking voice!!" you don't fail to notice how shrill his deep voice can get whenever there's a jumpscare (but he will blame the wind for that noise, never admits what he knows is true) - he is so soft in the way he offers to shampoo your hair when you drag him into the shower. his calloused fingers are light, gentle, against your scalp and you can't help but smile when he flashes you a small smile and asks if it's fine - domestic!zoro is so soft in the way he would carry you bridal-style/on his back everywhere (wdym you only had to go to the kitchen?? he can carry you there, he's strong, do you not believe him?) - also, we all have sorta established that he's not a pda guy but my lord, behind those four walls, he needs to be around you one way or the other - doesn't matter if he is just standing at the bathroom door, making small talk as you do your skincare for the night or he's holding onto your hand as you both lay sprawled on your bed, looking at your phones - but don't let his softness make you forget that this man is a piece of shit. - he will purposely stand in front of cabinets and cupboards when you cook and flash you a innocent smile when you get annoyed; he will finish your favourite conditioner even though he said "i don't that conditioner too much"; he will purposely order you random stuff online and everytime you'd open it thinking it's something cute but it'll end up being something green and (cutely) stupid - (you now possess 5 mushroom figurines, 12 frogs doing random shit, a green cheap light saber, a lowkey-fucked up painting of baby yoda and green paper-clips. he doesn't even like green all that much, he just loves to annoy you) - but as i said, don't fall for his sweet facade because he will stop you at the door and fuck you against it before you're heading out in that skimpy dress (yes, he fucks you in that dress) (ofcourse he doesn't mind your dress riding up as long as people can see the marks he left on your body) "ah" he groans, thrusting upwards as one of his hands hold you firm against the door and another plays with your swollen clit, "sorry for ruinin' your makeup, baby. but look at you, you look so pretty, getting fucked right now" - he's sure the neighbours can hear the wood creaking against your weights and your high-pitched, feverish moans as you beg him to fuck you harder (it's the fourth time this month) - he forces his fingers (which were slick with your arousal) down your mouth and watches as his fingers rub away the lipstick into modern art "much better" he would sigh against your skin when he was done, "have fun at the party, babe" - he holds back a laugh cause he knows you can barely walk, much less party (not to mention, you gotta re-do your makeup now.) - so he goes with you, lending you his arm as support so that you wouldn't walk so wobbly "that dress still looks too good on you" he will whisper against your ear, "meet me in the bathroom in five, let me fuck you again" - as much as he is a menace, you wouldn't have it any other way - god, iamsodownbad for him <3
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it's him officer, he is the one who altered my brain chemistry!
- vinsmoke sanji is the perfect pinterest boyfriend. argue with the wall, i don't entertain wrong views. - what i mean is, he is the boyfriend/husband who will be up to bake a cake at 3 in the morning and eat it with you as the sun rises, he is the one who will hold you hand and groggily lead you to an ice-cream vendor at 1 in the night because you really wanted ice-cream, he is the one to take a thousand photos in any outfit you wear "yn" he's changing his angles every second, shutter of the camera snapping photo after photo, "you look so beautiful, so marvelous, charming, ah- mesmerizing, my love!" - he is the guy to hold your hand in a horror house no matter how scared he himself is. but you call tell by the way his fingers tightly close around yours whenever a jump-scare comes on (no, he is not being strong because he wants to look tough in front of zoro, tf you talking about??) - he is the man who will be looking for halloween decor on the first of september and christmas decor on the first of novemeber, takes the task of decorating his house very seriously (yes, he will out-do linda this time! so what if she bought a life-sized snowman?? he will pay luffy to become one, fuck linda.) - sanji is the guy that posts his girlfriend religiously (at one point, ussop asked you if you were holding him on gun-point and making him post you so much) - by religiously i mean for every one photo of himself, there's six of you like baby calm down nobody's gonna take her away - he also surprises you a lot (with nice surprises, unlike zoro.); he bought you a candle on your one-month anniversary and repurchases it every time you run through it - grocery store runs followed by cooking together is basically your idea of a weekly date - very on-brand with his theme but he has so many candids of you (a whole secret album with the title "my love <3"). there's pictures of you laughing at chopper's new onesie, hitting luffy in the face after he stole your sushi, tasting his cookies, tasting his dic- ahem. - it shouldn't come as any surprise that he has a huge thing for clicking pictures/ taking videos of you as he abuses your body in a way that has you crying for god "san-" "like that, moan out my fuckin' name, darling. tell me who's fucking you like this?" "you" you moan harder, eyes clamping shut, "you you, fucc-k you, sanji" - there's a video on his phone of his dick sliding in and out of your wet cunt as you moan and suck on your bottom lip; there's pictures of you sucking on his dick, giving the camera your prettiest doe-eyed look; there's a video of you squirting around his fingers, face red and body soaked as he keeps going and you're cumming a second, third, fourth time (that's his favourite video, it's insane how many times he comes back to that video) - he loves ruining you with slow sex as he makes you focus on the boring movie or show you're both watching - he gets off off how you try to maintain your composure but then come undone "yn, my love" he rasps in your ear, "come on, keep holding on for me. i'm gonna fuck you so well if you just keep taking me like this." - he ruins you and then gets you the best aftercare - ugh stan sanji for a good life.
a/n: the way i write sanji has me confused as to if i truly am a zoro girlie lmaoo. hope you liked it!! req are always open (also im sorry to the people who requested and i havent gotten around to it, i am just running low on fuel lately)
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boydepartment · 6 months
hiii r u taking requests! if so can you do enhypen reaction where you call them in danger and they get super panicked
pick up- enhypen texts + scenarios
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a/n: HI ANON! i am always taking requests :) i hope you like it!!!!!!
warnings- dangerous scenarios, one reader gets followed, another one burns her hand, they aren’t dark at all tho :) nothing triggering
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you had called jungwon a few minutes ago while walking home and you felt the presence of someone else. it was unusual for you to be walking home late from a study session and other students did too. however your intuition was raising red flags.
- “y/n are you okay? are you safe?” jungwon was panicking, you could hear it in his voice. you knew if he could he would drive over at this moment.
- “i’m okay. i just made it back to my abode. i’m just really shaken up i’m sorry for scaring you and calling you when you were working.”
- “baby please don’t ever apologize, you were scared and i’m glad you come to me for stuff like this.” you heard rustling on his end as you safely locked your door behind you. jungwon spoke up again, “i’m coming over with snacks and stuff. i’ll be there in 15.”
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you were home alone for the first time in years and heard people yelling loudly outside. usually your friend would be home with you but they were off with their family which left you by yourself. during the day you didn’t mind but at night it was different. when you peeked out your window the people were fighting and it scared you. leading you to call heeseung.
- “i’m on my way right now. why didn’t you tell me you were home alone?” heeseung got right to the point when you answered his call.
- “i’m sorry i didn’t think that it was important and i didn’t want you to get in trouble if you came over and-“
- “i don’t care about that. are the people still outside?” heeseung was rushing you could tell.
- “no….”
- “okay i am still on the way. stay on the phone for me pretty.”
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your hand was on fire, quite literally for a few seconds. and pick up the phone when jay called you back. which led him to rushing over to your home and using his key. immediately he rushed over to you and put your hand under the kitchen sink water. your burns weren’t horrible but they were pretty bad. jay swiftly picked you up and sat you down on the counter so he could wrap your hand.
- “i’m sorry i called when you were with your mom….” you mumbled into his shoulder. you were panicking and that alone made you exhausted.
- “i’m not mad at all baby i promise. is the bandage too tight?”
- you shook your head no and places small kisses on the side of his neck. you were too tired and overwhelmed to thank him. he knew and just swiftly carried you to your room.
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the first mistake your made was even going to this party. it was a stupid idea and you got roped in. so when the cops showed up and you scaled a wall, breaking your nail, scraping your knees, and falling into a rose bush , you immediately called jake.
- “okay where are you right now?” jake asked, you could hear his pants, jogging to your location on the life 360. he asked you to get it so he could see how close or far you two were always.
- “i’m now sitting next to the rose bu-“
- “ah i see you!” you saw jake jog up to you and kneel, “hop on. i’ll piggy back you to my dorm and we will get you all cleaned up okay?”
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normally you don’t call sunghoon without asking first. it was just a thing you both did. so when you called he was immediately concerned.
- “baby can you hear me ? are you okay?” sunghoon frantically asked when you picked up.
- “i’m okay…. i just got scared because there was a loud noise in the library i’m sorry i panicked. you’re away again and i got paranoid without you.” you whispered into the phone. sunghoon tried not to softly smile, he missed you so much.
- “im here princess. talk to me tell me about your day. please.”
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your day was terrible. the week prior you and sunoo got caught getting coffee at 4am, and your face was covered thankfully, however, engenes are still sometimes crazy so you were paranoid. when you went to get groceries today, you had a couple of them go up to you and ask about your keychain. which was in the photo. obviously you played dumb but it was still scary.
- “they asked about your keychain? why don’t you take it off now?” sunoo asked, you were putting groceries away now.
- “you got it for me when you went to italy. i don’t want to take it off it reminds me of you.” you said and reached the top shelf.
- sunoo smiled to himself, “i’ll get you a new one. i’ll get you as many as you want.”
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you and riki had gone out to a themepark. no one knew except staff and the other members, you wanted a date and something nice to do since you both don’t get this a lot. the day was going great, and you both didn’t have a care in the world at the moment. at some point you both took bathroom breaks and were separated. as you waited by the men’s bathroom you decided to check your phone for the first time in hours. you saw tweets from a few seconds ago and they were of you, and riki. your eyes widened and you immediately went to a nook of the amusement park to call him. wanting to just hide away.
- “y/n where are you? you were supposed to be waiting for me outside of the bathroom? y/n what is going on?” he was looking for you frantically, if riki lost you at this park he didn’t know what he would do.
- “i’m between these two buildings and and-“ you were stuttering, you yelped when you felt someone pull you into their embrace, “please don’t hurt me!”
- riki looked down at you confused, “y/n it’s me? what happened?” you looked up at him blinking and showing your phone to him which had the screenshotted tweets.
- “fuck…”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
out for a run
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words: 900
warnings: established relationship, catcalling, physical violence!!!, description of blood, reader kinda crazy as well as rafe lolz
“you ready?” you ask rafe as you finish tying your tennis shoes before making sure your watch is strapped tight to your wrist.
“yup.” rafe says, still leaned up against a wall, not so subtly checking you out as his eyes look up and down your body, dressed in tight fitting leggings and a sports bra.
“earth to rafe.” you wave your hand past his face as you head towards the door, taking a final sip of water before you start your run.
“yeah, yeah.” rafe jogs to catch up to you, again admiring your body, this time from the back.
you go through a quick stretching routine once outside, warming up your muscles. you walk to the end of the driveway, occasionally swinging your knee back to kick your butt and warm up your thighs. 
rafe is right by your side as you start to run, keeping pace with you, even though he could probably go faster. rafe insists it's the perfect pace for him, but you know it's just because he wants to stay by your side.
you fall into a comfortable silence. you used to like listening to music during runs, but you've come to enjoy just the sounds of the outer banks, whether it be the distant waves or dogs barking, even the cars driving past provide you a bit of interest as your feet pound against the pavement.
a car horn suddenly beeps out, causing you to look over, making sure it's not directed at you.
you twist your face in disgust when you see a guy smirking at you out the window. he even has the audacity to roll down his window and shout. “nice tits!”
rafe doesn't hesitate, turning up his pace as he sprints onto the road after the truck, but it tears away, blowing through a stop sign.
“it's okay rafe.” you reach your hands to his shoulders, legs burning slightly from the sudden stop as he rejoins you on the sidewalk. “he's just some asshole, okay?”
“im gonna find out who he is and fucking kill him.” rafe grunts out, eyes staring into the distance like his glare can cause the man pain.
“alright, you gotta run your anger out.” you shove slightly on rafes shoulders. “go faster, it's okay. just circle back to meet me.”
rafe looks at you, then back in the direction of the truck, wondering how far it's gone. hopefully it's parked somewhere close and rafe can confront the asshole.
“call me if anything happens.” rafe says, planning to just run up and look down the streets of a couple blocks before rushing back to you.
“of course.” you give him another gentle shove, and rafe takes off.
you give your legs a little stretch, shins hurting slightly before starting to jog again, heading the direction rafe went. you always switch up your route, but it doesn't matter because you're always together. you figure the best thing to do is just stay going straight.
you get back into your groove quickly, listening to the birds chirping, the wind rustling through the trees, only for it to be interrupted by a quiet thud of skin hitting skin.
you look down the side street, eyes widening when you see the same truck as earlier, the driver now splayed out on the grass, rafe standing over him. 
you turn quickly in his direction, pushing your legs as hard as they can go as rafe kneels down over the guy, fisting one hand in his shirt and pulling his other arm back to punch him again.
“okay, rafe.” you grab his elbow when he raises it up to swing again. “i think he's learned his lesson.” the guys face has turned black and blue, blood dripping from his nose onto the green grass.
rafe stands, turning to place his hands on your shoulders, blocking your view of the creep with his wide chest. “come on baby, you don’t gotta see this.”
rafe turns to spit at him before leading you back in the direction you came when the guy has the gall to speak again. 
“your ass is as nice as your tits.” the words are slurred, rafe clearly did a number on him.
rafe turns, clearly he hasn't beat him well enough if he can't shut up even when he's lying on the ground bleeding, when you stop him with a hand on the bicep.
“i got this.” you say, turning towards the man, looking down at him with disgust, sorry you have to dirty your favorite pair of running shoes with his filth as you swing your leg forward, connecting your toe with his side.
he lets out a loud groan, twisting to cover his side, but it just gives you a better angle as you muster everything you learned from playing soccer in elementary school and kick again, directly in his stomach.
“you need to learn how to treat women with respect.” you spit onto his face as well, landing on the opposite cheek that rafes had.
“you're lucky i don't let my boyfriend at you again.” the guy is sobbing into the ground now, but you're not satisfied, giving him a kick right in his crotch to finish off your point.
“come on, rafe.” you begin to walk away as he looks at you with wide eyes.
“baby-” rafe hurries after you as you start to jog, turning back down the street like nothing happened.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @raysmayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewsephrry
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starreo · 2 months
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multi-character x fem! drabble.
includes MAJOR self indulgent work, situationship, strict parents raise sneaky kids, and adult themes so, mdni.
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he was always punctual. never tard, always there at 11pm sharp, outside the black gates of your home. headlights off, so as to not alert any meddlesome neighbours. but you'd look down each time, from your window, to find the front bumper of his silver mercedes benz, always peeking through the end of the white walls.
so you'd slip on your tight skirt, and slip out of your window, placing that science textbook between the sill and the frame, so you could go back in later.
tip-toeing almost professionally on the edge of the roof, you'd then step onto your mom's car, and then carefully get down by stepping on the hood, and finally on the pavement.
excitement always bubbling in the pit of your stomach, as your bare feet padded across the pavement, slipping through the black gates you'd left open before dinner.
heat spreading across your cheeks as you saw his face again. this happened every week, every saturday, every midnight.
but some things, you just can't get used to.
so, shyly, you'd lock eyes with his, and notice his fitted white shirt, his slicked back hair, and his daydream look. soft footsteps into his car, it was routine by that point.
he'd reach out his hand, cupping your jaw and gently placing his lips on yours, murmuring between the kiss about how it's been a while. and you'd hum, pulling him back in for another.
smiling as he'd start the engine then, and drive down the lane. the view of your home, where your parents slept under the assumption that you were studying for a test. strict parents raised sneaky kids, didn't they?
and then the long drives, the jokes, the flirty smiles, the feet on his dashboard, the slow slide of your foot from his dashboard to his shoulder, then the slide down his abs to his groin area, the faux-complaints made by him, about how he might crash the car.
but he never did.
he'd take long laps across the beach, simultaneously watching you as you watched the water in amazement. a smile would creep up on his face and he'd place a hand on your thigh. you'd look back, and lean in towards him, and he'd stop the car on the side, and pull his seat back, watching with wild eyes as you'd crawl onto his lap.
one kiss. another kiss. and another one. and then you'd come back up to face him, eyes quivering as you'd ask, "so, is there anyone interesting at the university yet?" hoping there isn't, your fist would bunch up his white t-shirt. and his callous hand, would so softly rest under your chin, thumb grazing your lips, with a fondness he held only for you. and you wouldn't ask again. because you knew.
EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN EREN OH MY GODJVRIURUJWI also major uni! satoru-sukuna vibes...im getting bakugo and nagi vibes too ngl....SUNA RINTAROU (i love u taylor btw!!)
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© starreo 2024. do not copy, translate or repost .
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gn4bnahc · 23 days
Workout Session
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Pairing: Changbin & Bangchan x Fem!reader
Genre: Smut, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Threesome, creampie, oral, unprotected sex, rough sex, pet names: babygirl, slut.
Masterlist | VIDEO
This is just fiction!
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This was your first time in this gym. You keep trying different gyms, but they were horrible, so you try out this new gym near you and get a membership.
As you entered, two guys stared at you, you guys stare at eachother for a few minutes before breaking it. You go to a machine, but you don’t know how to use it. You decided to ask for help, you looked around and saw that thise two guys were the ones near you right now, so approached them.
“Uh, excuse me”, you say while tapping Chan on the shoulder, both of them turn around and look at you “Hm?”, both of them say while raising their eyebrows and eyeing you up and down, “Can you help me out with that machine”, you say as they both nod and follow you.
They both guide you and teach you, “I’m Changbin by the way and hes Chan”, “Oh I’m Y/n”, you smile at eachother, shaking hands. They both walk away, but you could feel them still staring.
They look at you, practically eye fucking you. Your nipples, showing through your tank top, you didn’t wear a bra since all of them were in the laundry, your tight leggings with your camel toe (if you don’t know what that is, search it up), they couldn’t help but stare.
You were finally done working out, you pack your things getting ready to leave, but Changbin and Chan approached you. “Y/n would you maybe want to workout with us privately?”, Chan asked while smirking at you, “Huh? Where?”, “You know…”, Changbin says while crossing his arms, “Wait wha-”, “We don’t bite… unless you want us to…”, Chan says as both of them stare at you, waiting for your answer.
“I mean… you guys look pretty big… I don’t know if I can take it”, “We’ll be gentle, gorgeous”, Changbin says as they he looks at Chan, knowing that it was a lie.
Few minutes later
You guys go to the parking lot, “Which car do you wanna ride, mine or changbin’s… or do you wanna ride something else” Chan says teasingly as he smirks at you, your cheeks turn red while looking down shyly “I think i’ll ride Changbin’s…”, “Which are you talking about… my car or my di-”, you cut off Changbin, dragging him to his car “oookay, let’s just go now mkay”. “Hey! you better not taste that pussy before me!”, Chan says as Changbin chuckles, “Pfft you just gave me an idea”, Changbin says while looking at you, smiling innocently.
Chan texted Changbin to stop by the near gas station cause he was gonna pee. As Chan gets out of his car, “Take off your leggings now”, Changbin says, ordering you, you follow his orders quickly, he transfers to your seat, without any hesitation, he quickly circles on your clit, licking your wet cunt, “So wet for me already”, he holds both of your thighs, still burying himself in your pussy, you moan out loud, “Chan is there already, Changbin”, “Shit”, Changbin says as he quickly transfers to his seat, leaving you without your leggings and panties. Chan knocks on your window, you open it, he looks at both of you with your flushed faces, “Wait… why don’t you have your leggings on… Changbin… you little bitch”, Chan says jokingly shaking his head and chuckling, “My bad…”, Changbin says while shrugging.
As Changbin was driving, he caresses your thigh “Man, I can’t wait to fuck you dumb”, you giggle and place a kiss on his cheek.
Few hours later
All of you arrive at their house. As you enter, Chan quickly kisses you roughly, holding onto your waist, “I’m definitely going to punish you after what you and Changbin did a while ago”, he says while you take off your shoes.
They suddenly both carry you to Chan’s room, Chan still kissing you as he goes upstairs, “Helloooo… Im literally here right now”, Changbin says as you and Chan look at him, laughing.
They throw you on the bed, Changbin plays some music while Chan is making out with you, he puts in a finger, pumping it inside you, you moan as he adds another finger in and out of you. “Hey… I thought we were gonna do this together..”, Changbin says as he pouts, you both stop kissing and look at him while smiling. You crawl towards Changbin unzip his pants, taking off his underwear, you look up at him while you stroke his dick slowly, you smile at him innocently even though your literally about to have a threesome. While you suck on Changbin’s cock, your ass was in Chan’s view, when you heard his zipper unzip, you knew what was about to come. Chan lines his cock on your entance, he puts it in, starting off slow but going faster. You suck on Changbin’s dick faster, licking his tip, “Shit babygirl… best work out evaaaar”, Changbin says while throwing his head back, Chan goes faster, fucking you from behind. As you whimper , cry out loud, moan, both of they feel more aroused. Both of them look at eachother and nod, they pull out. You look at them confused, “Why’d you stop?”, you look at them pouting, Changbin lays down, he taps on his thigh, “Here, you fucking slut”, you crawl to him, going down his dick slowly, you moan as his dick enters your cunt. You start bouncing on him, Chan lines up on your ass hole, “Channie, will it fit?”, Chan smiled as he heard you call him ‘Channie’. Both of them are fucking voth of your holes right now, Changbin is down you, Chan is behind you, “Fuuuck this feels like heaven”, you say as you bite your lip, rolling your eyes back, panting heavily. “Shit I’m about to… t-”, Chan says as both of them releases their load in you, filling you up, you squirt, “Shit you’re like a fucking fountain”, Changbin says as he presses his dick deeper inside you, rubbing your clit.
The three of you lay down on the bed, you in between them, “We’re definitely taking you out on a date after this”, Chan says as they both look at you, panting heavily, “Huh? What do you mean after this?”, “Babygirl, we didn’t say we’re finished”, Changbin says as they both look at you, smirking.
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megalony · 2 months
Get Her Out
This is an Evan x Reader x Eddie imagine, based on the last episode of season 6. This will have a follow up part, I hope you will all like it as I've had a few requests for a Buddie x reader fic and finally got inspired. Let me know what you think.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @gillybear17 @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Part 2
Summary: When a callout goes wrong and a bridge collapses, the whole team is in peril. Including (Y/n) and their unborn baby.
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"Oh, damn." Evan leaned his forehead against the window, feeling the cool glass blistering into his skin like it was melting through his head. He pressed the tip of his nose against the glass to try and get a better view of the scene building up in front of them.
A smile rose to his lips when he felt (Y/n)'s cheek on his arm and she leaned across him to try and get a look at the scene and see what they were going to walk into.
She pulled her lower lip between her teeth and sighed when she saw the mess on the road ahead. An RV was turned on its side, blocking off most of the road ahead and at least three other cars had collided and were crashed or turned upside down.
(Y/n) moved her hand to Evan's thigh to steady herself when Bobby turned onto the hard shoulder and started bumping across the uneven ground and over the potholes. The hard shoulder was their best bet to get close to the scene.
When the truck pulled to a stop, (Y/n) tore off her headphones and followed Evan down out the truck with Eddie and then Chimney behind her. Hen was driving the ambulance which she managed to park just shy of the accident on the road rather than the hard shoulder.
Pursing her lips, (Y/n) placed a hand on her hip and tried not to let her shoulders sag as she followed the team over to the hard shoulder barrier. Great. Both Bobby and Evan climbed up and over the barrier with ease and Chimney swung his legs over and hopped across. There wasn't much chance of (Y/n) making a graceful swoop across it like she would of been able to a few months ago.
Not now she was twenty-nine weeks pregnant.
"Need a hand, mi amor?" Eddie slumped his helmet on his head and moved his other hand to (Y/n)'s back between her hips.
He kissed the side of her head, mindful that his helmet didn't bash into her temple before he sat on the barrier and held his hand out.
(Y/n) smiled and took his hand, moving to sit on the barrier while Eddie swung his legs over and hopped down. He moved so he was stood in front of her and held both her hands, taking her weight and helping her down. She squeezed his hands and pecked his cheek, letting him keep hold of her hand and guide her over to where Bobby was assessing the scene.
"Okay, Chim, Buck I want you to get in the back of that RV, there's a woman trapped in there. Hen, we'll get the driver out. Eddie, go check the other drivers, anyone that can walk and get out, direct them to the other medics."
Everyone nodded at their directions and looked around before their gazes set on (Y/n) who was waiting patiently.
She already knew what she was going to be told. She could see it in Bobby's eyes, ready to give her the order that she was sick of hearing by now. The order to hang back and wait around to be a spare pair of hands for any medical emergencies.
She would be able to tend to anyone who needed medical help who could get out of their vehicles unaided. (Y/n) couldn't assist on this one. She couldn't get in that RV and get the women out, she couldn't help the other drivers from their cars or kneel down and try to give first aid and medical help to anyone that was stuck.
It was lucky that she had even been allowed out of the station and on this call at all.
"(Y/n), wait by the ambulance, when we get everyone out, you can assist as a medic."
In other words, watch and wait.
She nodded and folded her arms over her chest, letting them rest on her bump and press her florescent jacket down into her stomach. Her jacket barely zipped up over her stomach anymore and (Y/n) had worn Evan's jacket a few times even though she wasn't meant to for 'protocol reasons'.
"See you soon, babe." Evan murmured against her temple and gave her a quick kiss before he jogged off after Chimney towards the side door of the RV. They couldn't get in through the back doors which were completely jammed, they would have to bypass the driver and climb through to the back to get their victim out.
(Y/n) grinned when Eddie kissed her temple and she watched him flurry off too.
Waiting was the hard part. She didn't like waiting to help people, she just wanted to bustle in and help get everyone out safely and be useful rather than stand around waiting like a spare bag of parts nobody needed.
But she knew she couldn't help. The last time she tried, Evan got in her way and told her not to and Eddie went silent and kept giving her that look that let her know she was in trouble. It wouldn't be worth getting in the way to try and help and end up having the boys get angry at her and have Bobby tell her the rules again and again.
Her arms stayed folded over her stomach as if for protection and she took a few daring steps closer to the overturned RV. (Y/n) leaned down and peeked through the windscreen.
"Cap, we might have a spinal injury." Chimney's quiet voice came through the radio and (Y/n) pursed her lips. It was a good job dispatch was still on the line and contacting a different team. Airlifting the patient to the hospital was faster and safer than the bumpy road, moving and jostling her too much would only do her more damage.
Turning around, (Y/n) backtracked down the road, past the few cars that had swerved to a stop to try and assist and went towards the ambulance. She opened the back doors and hopped in, grabbing the two backboards they had stocked up. Once both boards were slumped on the gurney, (Y/n) clicked off the brakes and wheeled it down.
It was hard to steer the gurney when no one was stood at the other end, it was like moving a shopping trolley wityh a dodgy wheel and a lot of weight piled in. But she weaved between the cars like an expert driver and skidded to a stop just shy of the RV.
With one backboard in hand, (Y/n) headed over to the upturned vehicle and crouched down in front of the windshield the team had removed to get inside.
She ignored the pointed look she gained from Hen and kept low, shuffling inside and moving between the seats to pass the backboard across to Evan. "Here, I think Cap's contacted the air services, they'll be ready to take her in a minute."
(Y/n) bit down on her lip and dropped her gaze down to the woman Chimney was slipping a neckbrace on when she felt Evan's piercing gaze. His eyes did a sweep up and down of her and he took the board she handed out before he pointed back towards the front of the van.
"Out. You shouldn't be in here." His tone wasn't harsh but his words were firm.
They were cramped in the back as it was with broken glass, shattered cups, plates, broken metal and God knows whatever else littering the floor. (Y/n) didn't need to be in here risking a fall or a collision of any sort and she was on light duties which meant no heavy lifting either.
"Yes, bossy." (Y/n) murmured in response with her hands raised and she clocked the grin Chimney aimed her way before she turned around.
(Y/n) grabbed the headrests and used them to propel herself back through the mess and towards Hen who was crouched down with the driver. The young girl didn't look to be much older than (Y/n) and she had a severely broken leg, a few damaged ribs and a concussion. But she was awake and alert which was a good thing.
She patted Hen's shoulder and moved back through the windshield to grab the second backboard. And she bent down just on the threshold of the bonnet and went down on her knees to stop her legs from aching in a crouched position.
"Didn't you hear Buck?"
"He told me to get out, I'm not technically in there, am I?" (Y/n) placed the backboard in front of her knees so it was between her and the victim they needed to transport.
Bobby had been derailed over the other side of the bridge to help sort evacuations and make sure everyone else was getting out. Eddie was assessing another driver and there wasn't another fire unit here yet. Hen was going to have to wait for help or let (Y/n) help her get this girl out and in the ambulance. Both Evan and Chimney were occupied with the lady in the back.
"What's your name, honey?" She looked down at the girl with a bright smile and carefully slipped a neck brace on her while Hen made sure her leg was secured in a brace. They needed to keep the broken leg in place and stop any arteries or veins from bursting.
"Shall we get you in the ambulance, Molly?" She reached out and took the IV bag from Hen and placed it on her shoulder before she inched closer to Molly's shoulders so Hen could stay near her feet.
"What happened to light duty?" The pointed look on Hen's face was commanding but she kept her voice low enough so Evan couldn't hear. That was a sign that she wasn't going to tell or command (Y/n) to stop if she tried to help. Hen would only advise and tut.
"Please, like I'm not already doing heavy lifting. This baby probably weighs more than Molly." (Y/n) glanced her eyes down to her stomach. She was carting this child around all day and night, sharing the weight of a backboard for less than a minute wasn't going to hurt or strain (Y/n) anymore than normal.
She wasn't doing the firemans lift or carrying Molly by herself, it was only a few steps from the car to the gurney (Y/n) had moved as close as she could. She would be fine and they both knew it.
Hen rolled her eyes but sighed and gave in. They needed to get Molly in the ambulance and both women needed to be at the hospital. And (Y/n) wanted to help, Hen could see how desperate she was getting on calls to try and be of some use.
Molly groaned and closed her eyes tight when they lifted her up and carefully eased her onto the back board. Once she was secure, (Y/n) pushed into a crouching position and lifted her end of the board as Hen started to shuffle out the car.
They held her up between them and walked across to the gurney and carefully placed the board on top of the gurney. Hen held onto Molly and helped her lift up enough so (Y/n) could pull the board away and slump it down on the floor.
"See, easy transfer. Do you want to wait for your friend?" (Y/n) braced her hand on the back of the gurney and smiled encouragingly when Molly nodded.
The three of them watched as Evan and Chimney soon emerged from the windshield, backboard balanced between them level with their chests. They could get her straight in the chopper that had landed about fifty feet away, in the centre of the evacuated bridge. Once she was off, they could transfer Molly to the hospital and be out on their next call of the day.
(Y/n) tilted her head down and smiled at Molly as she said a quick goodbye to her friend who they mistook for her mother. But her lips pressed together tightly when she looked up at the same time as Evan frowned at her.
He had enough strength to hold the backboard with one hand as if it and the lady on top of it weighed nothing at all. The way his shoulder and bicep tensed made (Y/n) shiver but it was how Evan pointed his free hand at her that made her knees shake.
"You're in trouble." He muttered before holding the board properly again and following Chimney towards the chopper.
"Is he your partner?" Molly asked quietly, looking between both women when Hen snorted and laughed.
"One of them." Hen retorted with a cheesy grin but she straightened up when Bobby and Eddie started heading their way. It didn't take long for them to assess the situation, seeing Evan and Chimney handing over their patient to Lucy in the chopper. And when Bobby looked between (Y/n) and the gurney, his hands fell to his hips as he tried to gain his breath back.
"Alright, I want you both in the ambulance, get ready to transport. We'll finish up evacuating and wait for traffic control." Bobby pointed to the ambulance and (Y/n) and Hen both nodded.
He would wait until later to reprimand (Y/n) for not listening to him and waiting like he asked.
"I'm gonna check that van, see what's in the back."
"Good idea."
Eddie nodded and bypassed Bobby, resting his hand briefly on (Y/n)'s hip as he walked behind her. His fingers danced over the hem of her trousers and near her stomach before he headed off to see the van just ahead of them. He didn't like the thought of leaving without checking to make sure no one was unconscious and trapped in the back. And he wanted to check what was in the back. It wouldn't be the first time they had a van caught up in a collision with dangerous chemical tanks in the back.
"Let's get you ready to go."
(Y/n) nodded at Hen and followed her lead, pushing the end of the gurney as Hen wheeled the front and trailed towards the ambulance. It was much easier when there was some weight on the gurney and two people to steer it in the right direction.
When they got to the ambulance, a silent exchange passed between them and they silently agreed. Hen would dirve the ambulance. (Y/n) didn't like driving either the ambulance or the truck, it made her nervous. And her stomach was starting to get in the way of the steering wheel.
Once the gurney was in the back, (Y/n) locked it in place and set the saline IV bag off her shoulder and on the end near Molly's feet so the wire wouldn't get tangled.
"Do you want some morphine for the pain?" She could see Molly's mangled leg was going to cause her some discomfort and she was still crying. Although she was trying to hold strong and take deep breaths, all Molly wanted to do was cry and wail.
(Y/n) leaned across the stackers and found some bottled morphine, filling a needle which she then carefully injected into Molly's right leg.
"Will I need surgery?"
Tilting back, (Y/n) leaned to the right and took a look at her leg. The break wasn't puncturing through any muscle and the bone wasn't exposed through the skin. She would need it setting back in place and a pot on her leg, but that didn't necessarily require surgery.
"I wouldn't think so, just a cast and no driving for a few months." She smiled as she busied herself putting a pulse monitor on Molly's finger just as a precaution and to keep check on her vitals. She could already feel the ambulance pulling away, ready to head down to the hospital.
"God, we were supposed to be on a road trip, not a hospital trip." Molly tilted her head back and dragged her fingers through her hair, brushing the tangled strands away from her eyes and off her sweaty forehead. She could feel herself wanting to cry again and a sob caught in the back of her throat. But when she turned to look at (Y/n), she let her eyes linger on her stomach and her expression softened. "Is it your first?"
A soft smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips and she nodded as her eyes cast down to her stomach. This was technically her first pregnancy, but they had Chris waiting for them at home and he had started calling (Y/n) his mum and referring to Evan as pops. He prided himself on telling people he had a mum and two dads at home.
"Do you know what you're having?"
"No, but my money's on a boy." The three of them had decided to keep it a surprise, but that didn't stop them from guessing and speculating.
(Y/n) thought it would be a boy, mainly because then she would be outnumbered and fully surrounded by four boys. But she knew Eddie wanted a girl and Evan guessed it was a girl, although he was just excited to have a baby in his arms soon enough.
She could see Molly's smile spreading and she was about to say something else, most likely ask another question to distract herself from the pain and uncertainty she felt. But she stopped herself when she realised (Y/n)'s soft, motherly look had switched to confused, tense brows and pursed lips.
Why were they going backwards?
She knew Hen had turned the ambulance around when she pulled up, all she had to do was veer to the left and go straight. She didn't have any reason to be reversing. And they were in the middle of the road, at this angle, where could she be reversing to?
(Y/n) slammed both her hands down on the gurney and locked her knees when the ambulance shuddered.
What the Hell was that?
It didn't stop. It felt like the tyres were coming loose and rolling away as the back end of the ambulance dropped down a few feet, tilting everything at an odd angle. (Y/n) leaned her weight on the gurney that thankfully stayed locked in place and didn't move towards the back doors, but she could feel her heart jumping into her throat when the ambulance started to move.
Somehow, that didn't feel like Hen's driving. That felt like they were going down a slope. How could they be going down a slope when they were on a bridge?
"What's happening?"
(Y/n) didn't have the answer to that. She couldn't bring herself to look down at Molly and try to lie to her and give reassurance. (Y/n) wanted reassurance herself, but she knew she wasn't going to get it.
She looked ahead towards the front of the ambulance and what she saw out the windscreen terrified her. She could see the bridge. Great cracks in the concrete floor like tree roots sprouting from the earth broke apart the floor in great chunks. It looked as if the road was made of polysterine and someone had snapped it in half.
They were falling off the bridge. Where were they going to land? How were they going to land? Would they all be crushed?
"No! No!" Evan bashed his palms against the side of the ambulance, moving in the opposite direction. But he didn't know what he was trying to do or how he thought he could help or stop such a large vehicle like that. Telling it to stop wasn't going to work and he couldn't hold it up in any way.
As the ambulance veered down to the left, plummeting towards the ground below where gravity was at its strongest, Evan tried running to the right. He hurried along the crumbling tarmac, avoiding falling chunks of stone, shattered pieces of glass and large slumps of brick and concrete.
His hands crashed down on the bonnet of the ambulance and a terrified scream left his lips when he could no longer feel the ground beneath his feet.
He had nothing to hang onto. Nothing was around for Evan to grab when the half of the bridge he was stood on was falling towards the ground and he was too far gone to try and reach for the remaining bridge that was still standing.
His breath caught in his lungs and his stomach lurched up towards his throat when his feet left the floor and for a split second, maybe two, he was falling. He didn't fall for as long as he thought he would. It felt just like Evan had dreamt he was about to fall off a cliff. Just as his body fell, he jolted awake.
In the space of a second, his body crashed against the ambulance which broke his fall and knocked him out.
Throbbing aches pulsed through Evan's body with his blood like he was a duke box radiating waves of pain out into the air. He found the strength to open his eyes but he had to focus his vision and find out where the blood was coming from that was dripping onto the windscreen.
His nose. God, it ached and pounded like someone had punched him. But when his gloved fingertips dabbed against his nose, he was relieved to find it still in tact and in place; it wasn't broken.
He could feel the blood welling up in his mouth and when his lips parted, blood and spit dribbled off his tongue and teeth and onto the broken windscreen that was holding him up.
He didn't feel safe.
He wasn't so sure how strong the ambulance was or if this sheet of glass was going to keep him up for very long. And when he focused his eyes past the blood and into the ambulance, he had the perfect view of Hen. No blood, no obvious breaks or abrasions, but no movement either.
"Hen? Hen?" His voice crackled through the radio, but she stayed silent and unconscious. "Bobby? Bobby… Captain Nash, do you copy?"
No response.
"I'm good, I'm up on the bridge, no damage done to me this time."
He was up top. That was some good news. He had access to the truck and the winch and harnesses and any equipment Evan might need to find the rest of their team and get them out safely. He didn't have to climb his way back up to the top of the bridge if Chimney was already stationed up there and unharmed.
"Eddie?" Evan gulped as he spoke his partner's name. He was desperate for an answer, but unsure whether he wanted to actually hear it or not.
He didn't want to imagine whereabouts Eddie was. Evan didn't see him on the bridge, nor did he see Bobby either just before it collapsed. He didn't want to guess where his boyfriend was or if he was hurt or okay or unconscious.
"Ugh, I- I'm in the van, a-and I'm stuck." Whatever else Eddie murmured was too quiet for Evan to hear.
Evan leaned over the side of the ambulance as carefully as he could to get a look around. What van was Eddie in? Was it back up on the bridge, or was it somewhere beneath them in all this debree and mess? He got his answer when he looked down. The ambulance was resting on top of a van, and Evan would bet any luck that it was the van his boyfriend was trapped in.
"Oh, I've broken a few ribs." Eddie hissed and closed his eyes, trying to take deep breaths but it only made the pain worse. So he switched to short, panting breaths that were shallow enough that it didn't burn his ribs or make them twitch and ache. But a sudden thought sent his blood curdling and made his breaths hitch even faster. "(Y/n)? Fuck, baby are you okay?"
He hadn't heard her through the radio.
Neither of the boys had.
"I- oh, I'm here- I'm awake." She didn't know what to say. She wasn't sure if she was okay, but she was awake and somewhat alert and the boys needed to know that.
It took some effort to open her eyes and once she did, (Y/n) tried to look around and gather her bearings.
She was on the floor.
She was wedged in the corner of the ambulance, very close to the back doors which she hoped wouldn't swing open and make her fall.
Her eyes danced around the ambulance and she let out a shaky breath when she looked over herself. Poor Molly was curled up on the stretcher, trying to balance and stay upright as she sobbed and trembled like a leaf. And (Y/n) had both legs stretched out, awkwardly slumped beneath the gurney which luckily hadn't run over her legs in the struggle.
But when she looked down to her left, her lips pulled down in a grimace and she sniffed. The gurney had broken. Part of the metal frame had snapped off and it had sliced against the upper side of her left arm.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, a few scrapes… I think my knee's dislocated. The baby's moving, that's a- a good sign, right?"
"That's good." Eddie gruffed, trying to catch his breath and remain calm but it was getting increasingly hard when he was stuck like a mouse in a trap.
It took some effort for (Y/n) to wriggle her right arm out of her jacket and she reached behind her to grab the back of her jacket. She leaned to the right, slowly peeling her arm away from the metal pole from the gurney. She slowly dragged her jacket off her left arm that was starting to burn and ignite. Once it was off, she looked down at her arm and took another deep, shuddering breath.
The metal had sliced right through the skin, separating it down near the muscle. But at least it wasn't impaled in her arm or cut through to the bone; small mercies.
"Molly, can you pass me a pack from that drawer? It should have some gauze and packing in." She held her hand out and pointed towards the cupboard just above the gurney. She needed some gauze to pack and bind her arm until it could be stitched up.
Once she had it, (Y/n) ripped the plastic packaging with her teeth and unfolded the bandage glued to some large cotton padding. She bound it tight around her arm, grimacing and stiffling a moan when she pulled it as tight as she could to stem the bleeding.
"Are you okay?" (Y/n) tilted her head back against the wall and looked across at Molly. She hoped the gurney had softened any wounds or bruises Molly might have gotten in the fall. She looked okay, and she shakily nodded. Nothing was wrong apart from her previous injuries.
(Y/n) managed a tight-lipped smile and she kept her left arm tight to her side to try and ignore the throbbing ache and each pulse of her heartbeat that sent her arm thudding. She flopped her hand on her stomach and started to glide her fingertips up and down.
She could feel the baby moving. That had to be a good sign. She wasn't hurt anywhere else apart from her arm and her knee which she just knew was dislocated. Maybe a few bruises here and there, but (Y/n) prayed no harm or damage had been done to the baby. They were kicking and wriggling which she took as a good sign and it was comforting. If she felt nothing at all, she would of been crying in panic.
Reaching her hand out, (Y/n) pressed her right hand into the floor and closed her eyes, trying to steady herself and take a deep breath when the ambulance moved.
Evan was climbing through the window into the front to try and talk to Hen and bring her back round.
Evan patted Hen's shoulder when the smelling salts in his pocket brought her back round. He smiled and checked her over before he peered into the back of the ambulance. He couldn't see (Y/n) at first. But after a second look around, he realised she was stretched out on the floor in the far right corner.
"How you doing back there?"
(Y/n) smiled but it faded to a grimace and she closed her eyes when the ambulance shuddered. She prayed it wouldn't move until they had it on a winch and tied off. The last thing they needed was another fall.
"Get her out." Eddie slammed his hands down on the floor and tried to dig his fingertips into the metal to drag himself out, but he couldn't. From his waist downwards, he was imbedded in a pile of rubbish and furniture that was squeezing down on his ribs and making his legs go numb.
"I need to get you first-"
"Get. Her. Out."
"Eddie if I do that and the weight shifts you'll get crushed. Chim, get the winch set up I need harnesses and clips to secure this ambulance so it doesn't fall. As soon as I get Eddie, me and Hen can get the girls out."
"I'm not going anywhere." (Y/n) spoke softly into the radio and nodded across at Evan.
She was safe and secure for now, she wasn't bleeding out or in dire pain or need of a doctor. (Y/n) and Molly were okay to wait in here, they had medicine and equipment and all the first aid tools they needed for an emergency.
Once Evan freed Eddie, he and Chimney could secure the ambulance and get everyone out and then they could work on finding Bobby who hadn't called in his location yet. They had to have a system and they had to work this like any other call. Eddie couldn't call the shots and take a dangerous risk with his safety because he wanted his girlfriend out first. Evan wanted her out too. Evan wanted her and the baby safe and sound but he couldn't risk crushing their partner in order to do that.
"Okay, hang tight and I'll be as quick as I can."
Evan didn't wait for Chimney to send down a harness. He shuffled out of the ambulance, keeping tight hold wherever he could and scuffed his boots against the side to scrape down the rubble and get down. He felt like he was rolling down the snow on the side of a mountain, trying to safely reach the bottom.
He stumbled once he was on firm ground and his knees shook when gravity got hold of him once again. He rounded to the back of the van that was squashed between the broken concrete and being crushed down with the ambulance resting on the top.
"Eddie? Babe, you in there?"
"Alright." Evan tried the doors but they were jammed, he wasn't getting in without a set of jaws. He turned on his heels and took a look around, feeling like a tidal wave of relief had crashed over him when he noticed another station pulling up along with some police.
Just the help he needed.
Whoever got out the truck with a set of jaws was a lifesaver and Evan didn't give them time to question him or complain. He confiscated the jaws from their hands and bolted back over to the van.
Once the doors were cut open, Evan wrenched and yanked on the door until it swung loose and almost hit him in the face. It took his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the bright streams of sunlight that poured behind him and lit up the previously damp, musty van.
He squinted and leaned down to try and locate his boyfriend.
There he was. All Evan could see was Eddie's arms, head and shoulders, the rest of him was cut off with chairs, odd bits of furniture and God knows what else this van was carrying.
Evan climbed up and looked around, wincing when Eddie grabbed the back of his boot to stay stable and secured to something. There wasn't time to try and dig Eddie out of this mess by hand. He couldn't start removing every item and uncover Eddie, it would take too long and be a lot of work and pain.
"Buck…" Eddie rolled his lips together and reached his hand up. He wanted out. He needed out, now.
"You know this is gonna hurt?"
Something flashed across Eddie's eyes as he rose a brow and huffed. The look almost made Evan laugh whereas his words only seemed to irritate Eddie, but he nodded all the same. He didn't care if it hurt, he just needed to get out and get some feeling back in his body and move. They needed to go and get (Y/n) and they had wasted enough time already.
He still wasn't happy Evan had come down to free him first. He should of got (Y/n) out, she was their priority.
With a deep breath, Evan crouched down and held out his right hand until Eddie grabbed it with a fierce grip. He held Eddie's elbow with his other hand, nodded down at him and started to pull.
"Aghh… Fuck!" Eddie slammed his right hand down on the floor and screamed when something sharp grated against his right hip. He bashed his gloved hand down again and again and kicked his legs until Evan dragged him enough to shimmy his hips free.
As soon as Evan started to walk backwards, Eddie crushed his knees into the floor and crawled as he finally got free from his cage.
He stumbled up onto his feet and flopped against Evan's chest as his knees gave way. He took a few deep breaths, feeling Evan's hand let go of his elbow and move to cradle the back of his neck instead. Each breath Evan took fanned against the side of Eddie's head and tickled the shell of his ear, but it felt comforting.
When he felt Evan press a kiss just behind his ear, it seemed to snap Eddie back into reality and he gave his partner a tight squeeze before he pulled back and stood on his own two feet again.
His arm flopped out across the back of Evan's shoulders and he leaned his temple against the side of Evan's head as they slowly climbed out the van. Eddie cradled his left hand against the right side of his chest, wincing and hissing through his breaths. He had a few breaks, two at the least, possibly as many as four broken ribs.
God, he was going to be in pain for the next few weeks.
"Alright, go sit down. I'm gonna rig up and get them out the ambulance." Evan looked over his shoulder but he hated the sudden anger and pain that pooled in Eddie's eyes and made his upper lip curl.
"We're getting (Y/n) out."
"Babe you're injured, let me do this."
He could see that Eddie was in pain and a harness was only going to amplify that pain. Broken ribs could lead to a punctured lung, the last thing Evan wanted or needed was Eddie suffocating and breathing into his chest cavity. He could watch and wait and when (Y/n) was out he could help and get in another ambulance with her.
"That's our girl and our baby, I'm not waiting around. I'm coming with you." He wasn't sitting back like a useless ornament and letting Evan do this on his own.
That was their girlfriend and their unborn baby up there, Eddie was going up to get them out whether Evan agreed to this or not.
"Guys, I've secured the ambulance to the truck, going down for Molly now." Hen spoke into her radio and nodded up at Chimney who was leaning over the side of the bridge to check everything was going smoothly.
Hen barged the side door to the ambulance open and stood on the threshold. "Alright (Y/n), I'm gonna get Molly down, and then Buck should be able to get you out, okay?"
The harness she wore was tight and cutting into her chest that already felt a little worse for wear. She was closest to Molly, it would be easier to rig Molly onto a harness and get her down. Then the boys could climb in and get (Y/n) out between them and get her to safety.
She hooked her hands beneath Molly's arms and gently eased her up onto the end of the gurney so she could get a harness round her.
"Oh god."
"(Y/n)?" Hen paused in her administrations, halfway through with strapping the spare harness around Molly when (Y/n) gasped.
"No, no, oh boys…" Terror flooded (Y/n)'s voice as she dug her fingers so tightly into the radio on her shoulder that she almost snapped it in two. She could feel her body beginning to shake and her eyes closed as tightly as she could manage.
She needed the boys. Now.
"Baby what's wrong?" Evan latched his free hand around Eddie's shoulder and held onto him tight, stopping him from trying to get a harness on.
What was happening in that ambulance? Why was (Y/n) beginning to cry?
"I- oh, I think my water broke."
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iwaasfairy · 9 months
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┌─ “ ! „ MAGNESIUM
tw. noncon, blood, branding/marking, some pretty egregious dirty talk and degradation, threats, mirror sex, horror elements, knife play, manipulation, murder, little bit of gore, there be a dead body in here somewhere wordcount. 6.3k
a/n. ♡ commissioned by a lovely lovely person whomst im so grateful for ♡ i reallyyy liked writing sakusa a lot so i hope you like it and it is what you hAd IN MINDDD!! this was such a fun commission thank yoUU a ton seriously! mwUah ♡♡♡ i hopeee you enjoy!!! kiSsES once again a million million kisses to everyone who helped read through it when i was struggling you're the bestest ilY
sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
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It’s almost impossible to believe that everything led up to - this. You’re slumped against the car door in the back, and though you’re not knocked out, you sort of wish you were. Instead you have to feel the hard glare Kiyoomi sends you through the rear view mirror each time his eyes flick up as he reverses out of the street. There’s tension so thick that you can’t just cut it, but it’s troubling the air between you two like polluted water. Silence drags on until you wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to warm up.
“Where are we going?” You whisper. 
The man in front smoothly turns the corner, as an almost impalpable furrow moves his brow. It takes him too long to answer for your liking, as you shuffle in the leather seat, unable to get comfortable. “I don’t like fighting with you, but you always push me.” The dry tone and answer says everything his eyes can’t. “Tonight pissed me off, you know? I’m not ever gonna let you go.”
“All this because Atsumu complimented me?” You try, and when that doesn’t get a reaction - not even a blink, your hands clamp together. “He’s like that to everyone. He was calling Hinata ‘real handsome’ all evening.” Nothing. The Kiyoomi you fell in love with was a bit sarcastic and clumsy in his words, but he wasn’t ever cruel. Wasn’t ever purposefully standoffish. What seems left of him is only the brittle, icy void. You would’ve been better off breaking up days ago.
He also would’ve given the blond the benefit of the doubt.
You can basically feel the smile shine off of your face closing the billowing curtains against the golden light, looking back at the dark-haired beauty splayed out over your bed. You clear your voice. “So what’s the deal with your teammate- that Miya guy?” Kiyoomi’s brow raises a few millimeters. “He’s serious? He’s really like that all the time?”
“The whole flirtatious act?” Your boyfriend yawns into the question, before rolling over so that his muscular shoulders, pecks, and that pretty waist are even more distracting. It’s infuriating how good he looks. But you nod, and place yourself down on the edge - where he trails a lazy hand over the back of your hand. “Oh, yeah. He has this overflowing… charisma that you can’t help but get used to, and learn to appreciate.” He chuckles when you frown. “He drives me up the wall. But he’s a good guy.”
“Hmm?” Your pout is instantly enough to have him reaching around to pull you down onto him. “You’re not worried?”
You try to blink away tears, and stare out the window instead, at every light that flashes past. More to yourself than to him, you hiccup as you brush away the wobbly lines of heat down your cheeks. “You’ve been acting so— different.” He barely glances before turning too comfortably at the next lights, speeding up enough to make your chest feel tight. “I don’t know what’s happened, but I want you to go back to how you were.” That’s the only way you can put it. It’s like there’s nothing left.
Kiyoomi’s mouth corners drop at your confession, but he doesn’t speak. You’re not sure you want him to anyway. His free hand runs through his brushed back hair, long fingers sitting still against the steering wheel when they land. And they don’t move again as you sit in the quiet cold.
“Worried?” He repeats, calm expression changing into a grin. “Please, Miya fucking wishes.” You laugh when his lips start dragging down your pulse and he softly moans against you. “You’ve got way better taste than that. In neighbors - and,” his kisses get a little more hot and needy when his large hands glide down your body to grab your ass and pull you closer, “in boyfriends- and in perfume— you smell sexy, ‘s that new?”
You giggle harder, can’t help but get flustered when he gets so touchy. “I’ll get an inflated ego if you compliment me so much.” He shrugs, and positions you better onto his broad chest. But still. “How don’t you get jealous? I’m pretty sure I would if the roles were reversed.” His dark hair is splayed out over the pillow when he drops his head back, and those pretty eyes flick over your face for a second, thinking.
“I do,” he eventually breathes, “but not because of you, and definitely not with Miya Atsumu.” When you start giggling again, he frowns. “I mean, truly- genuinely-” You snort, and he stares at you with an affronted look. “If you wanna run into the egotistical, bombastic, borderline- pathetic sunset with that guy, I might have to take a long, hard look at myself. Wonder what horrible traits you’re dating me for.” His eyes fall back to you when you take a deep breath, and he goes a little bit softer as you nuzzle up under his chin. “You wanna leave me for a shitty dye job?”
“I don’t think so,” you whisper back. He looks much too at ease in the comfort of your now shared apartment.
The silence that once felt so comfortable, now squeezes the life out of you with all it’s got. Only after a few minutes, Kiyoomi’s voice reaches out, and the shiver down your neck seems to screw the icy collar down tighter.
“Y’know, I hate how that Miya looks at you. Makes me want to carve his fucking eyes out.”
About a week into living in Tokyo, you decide it’s not all that bad. Hauling along the giant box of fresh veggies and two more bags of groceries, you can barely look over enough to watch the elevator open, and hasten your steps. “Hold the door, please! There’s no way I’m doing the stairs today,” you sigh, and watch as the doors ping. You slide in just in time, and a deep chuckle follows when your arms start slowly folding with the weight.
“That’s … some collection you’ve got there,” the deep voice continues, “did I miss the call on doomsday?”
You manage to turn yourself enough to see the pair of warm, obsidian eyes staring down at you - soft curly hair freshly wet from a shower. The eggplants and pumpkins in your box start rolling toward the edge, so you shift the box onto your side with a struggling smile. “No, I- I like to buy in big batches and pre-chop everything to freeze. I don’t really love cooking so… that way I save- some time while still…” You fall quiet when he keeps your gaze without any reaction, and clear your voice. Most of his face is kept behind a black surgical mask, hiding what you imagine to be the rest of a handsome face.
But no one likes being stuck in unwanted small talk, do they. He nods though, right as you arrive on your floor and the doors slide open. “That’s smart. I’ll have to try that sometime.” The box starts slipping further. The noiret’s eyes go from your face to your white-knuckled grip, and then back. “Would you like some help with that?”
“Please,” you can’t say quickly enough, afraid that one wrong move will send the entire box rolling across the floor. It’s not like you to admit defeat so easily, but currently your pride could cost you a hundred on fresh produce, and— he doesn’t seem like the type to ask if he’d mind. Your neighbor doesn’t say anything, but his eyes crinkle a little with a smile. Aside from some very brief passings in the hallway, you haven’t had the chance to meet any of your building’s occupants yet. He doesn’t bat an eye when lifting the very heavy box out of your arms, and you fluster. “Sorry for the hassle.”
“No, it’s alright. I have the afternoon off - ‘s nothing. You’re the new 3B tennant, right?” He frees one hand just to slide his mask down when you nod your face towards your door. He’s probably the prettiest guy you’ve seen to date, strong jawline, full lips and an almost perfectly straight nose; dark curls framing smart, observant eyes. So not only is he tall and charming, he’s also hot. When you mumble a soft acknowledgement, he gives you a little smile, and you can’t help but feel a bit too seen. “I’m Kiyoomi.”
You think you like Kiyoomi.
The heat of hands shakes you out of sleep with a slight startle, and the surprise soon makes way for a wave of rolling pleasure mixed under a heavy layer of embarrassment - at the way Kiyoomi’s toying with your body like it’s his own, and the low chuckle he lets out when you let out a pinched whimper. One of his hands is two fingers deep inside your pussy by the time you can even blink the sleep out of your eyes, feeling the warmth flood onto your face. As slick gathers between your thighs, he pushes himself up above you, and squeezes your throat between his free fingers.
“Sorry for waking you up, baby.” There’s a sharp glint in his eyes that you can’t miss even with the low light, deep from within. His hand slides down the curve of your spine to settle around your hip, pressing you further into bed as your back arches when he curls his fingers without any mercy. Though you are leaving wetness all over his hand, the sudden invasion is still a little jarring, definitely when he starts sucking at your tits and bites down. “Omi, ow,” you breathe, and he only grunts as he nudges a thigh between your knees, spreading you apart. “Right now?”
“Shhh, just bear it for a bit,” he mumbles back, as his hand trails down your ribcage and forces your body to adjust to him when he hikes your leg over his shoulder. “Woke up so hard thinking of you, and- you were so cute just sleeping here next to me without a worry in the world.” His fingers are replaced quickly by the hot head of his cock, that is slid a few inches too deep right away, and your whimpering only drives him further. “Ah, fuck, there it is. Good- fucking- girl…” By the time he bottoms out there’s silvery slivers running down your face and you’re shaking your head as the ache has you moaning with pain.
But the dark haired man above you barely gives you any time to adjust, before he starts rocking himself against your center and rubbing himself deep enough to force your mouth shut. “You trust me, don’t you, angel?” He pants, stroking the inside of your thigh a few times, before starting a punishing rhythm that rocks the bed hard. The question takes you off guard, but it doesn’t seem like Kiyoomi needs an answer to keep going anyway, and you swallow down your whimper to hide your face in the pillow. He’s so big and rough and your body can’t keep up. “Oh, your pussy’s so fucking good. So tight and- warm, agh, fuck.”
Jutting out your lip into a little pout, you let out a little noise. You’re trying not to let the way he’s basically getting himself off inside you ruin your mood. After a moment, you blink up at him with wobbly vision. “Can you kiss me?” He takes a few seconds before the words register, fucking you harder each time he bottoms out— before his dark eyes go from your eyes to your lips like he’s having to debate it. And that hurts. He decides maybe against better judgment to lean in anyway, and presses his lips to yours with a low sigh, an almost moan that you suppose you have to be content with. 
He pushes your knee up to your chest as he gets closer, and the heavy pressure of his body on yours gets even more unbearable when his free hand wraps around your neck and presses until you’re gasping out. Your boyfriend’s eyes glint as they flick all over your face, and a small grin starts to travel up his lips. “Don’t you like me better like this?” You’re too distracted by the pounding in your head to answer, and whine out his name as your back arches off the bed. And Kiyoomi pants as he forces you to take each thrust. “I like you a lot. Wanna keep you.” You throw your head back, and reach around his wide shoulders to pull him even closer, trying to lock your legs around his waist with a sigh.
“Shit, you’re so fucking pretty, baby,” he pants into your mouth as he rocks himself into you, forehead to forehead as your nails dig into his skin. You feel bad, but you can’t help but pull him closer by his shoulders as the shower water trickles between you two and makes the entire room a steamy mix of pants and sweaty touches. “So-” he kisses messily, making you smile as his tongue swipes yours, “-damn pretty. I love your body so much.”
“And me?” You breathe back, letting your body tremble in his strong hands as he rocks himself so deep inside you that it’s making you breathless. Your little whine makes him stare, and nod.
“Of course I love you even more— don’t be silly- agh, fuck.” You move one hand to brush the wet tresses of hair out of his face and let yourself get moved up and down him, thighs wrapped ever so tight around his narrow waist. He breathes your name like the word itself is lovely, and you can’t help but moan a long whimper of his name when he hits the right spot so perfectly. “You feel so good, taking my cock right in there- that tight, little pussy. Drooling all over me, huh.” Another kiss as you swallow your mix of spit and rest your hand on his cheek. “You drive me crazy. I really- ugh- really love you, baby.”
Your tits brush up against his chest. “Promise?”
“Uhuh, mh-ahg. Promise. I can’t get enough of you.”
Sometimes you swear you can hear the house close in around you with heavy breaths.
The door to your apartment already hangs open when you notice the noise. The low thumping that is only audible when you slide the headphones off, a vaguely rhythmic noise that makes the hairs on your neck stand. You slide off the bed with a little frown, and smooth the wrinkles in your camisole as you peer into the open apartment area - which is empty. “Babe?” The door wobbles when the wind passes through, and your frown only digs deeper into your face when there’s no answer.
The noise is louder when you walk towards the hall, and fist your hands into the bottom of the flimsy dress to pull it down. Only after a few moments of thought, your instinct drives you across the hall to pull open the door of the neighbors’, a young guy who moved in after you two did. Sure enough, your stomach drops as the scene splays out before you. There’s red all over the floor, Kiyoomi’s hands, and most horrifying - all over Ryouta’s nose and mouth as the barrage of fists lands over and over again— and you let out a horrified gasp. The damage has already been done, the brunet lays back with swollen eyes and is no longer fighting back, and you’re basically stunned in place as his knuckles crack on his cheek again.
When you manage the next breath, you force out a call of his name between tears. “Hck- Kiyoomi- w-what are you-,” your voice sounds too tiny to be your own, but any more volume doesn’t make it out of your throat, “please stop.” The last crack that resounds before he stops is even harder than any of the ones before— and he gets up without a word, smoothing his jersey back in place. He only quiets a moment, before turning over his shoulder to look at you. You, wobbling toward him like a baby deer.
Honestly, you don’t want to worry about him. But you can’t help but take his hands in yours to inspect the split knuckles, bloody and bruised— as if this is some bizarre dream. Kiyoomi’s precious about his hands. They’re his dreams, his passions, and his opportunities all in one, something to be cared for, rested gently like they mattered more than anything else. And now they’re bloodied like animals at the slaughter. When you look up at him- there’s no regret, no worry or care or concern. Just a blank sort of faux-understanding of your worry when he reaches out to brush your cheek.
You pull back away to look instead at the young man on the floor, because if you think about it too hard, you might start sobbing. Your hands drop by your thighs and feel so heavy, tears drying on your face. “Why did you-”
“Got back from my run and he said he needed your help.” There’s a cold, detached resolution in his voice. “And I told him to forget it, and then he asked me what ‘the fuck’ my problem was.” You find yourself shrinking into yourself when his dark eyes shift to you, with that unreadable look in his eye once more. His hands are slid into his pant pockets with a soft sigh, but he still raises an eyebrow your way. “Why would another guy need my girl?” Ryouta’s been nothing but nice to you since he moved in. You believed, maybe mistakenly, that that niceness had extended to your boyfriend.
But staring at the poor, battered face of the guy on the floor— something tells you that even if it did, Kiyoomi no longer cares. It feels like really, he’ll take any excuse to lash out. Your eyes flick over his face again, before swallowing. “I don’t know. Maybe it was a misunderstanding.” For the first time since you’ve noticed this new side to him, you’re truly scared when he eyes you down. You’ve been upset, and worried, and angry before - but this is new. As the only sound between you two is the shallow rise and fall of your chest, you try to walk up and wrap your arms around his bicep. “I love you, Kiyoomi. I have only ever… loved you.”
He frees a hand to run it over your hair, before leaning down to rest his nose at your crown. “I know you do. You’re a smart little thing, that’s why I like you.” His training jacket still smells like mint and eucalyptus wash sheets, and it does absolutely nothing to soothe the aching pressure that makes its way between your ears and squeezes. And the soft kiss to your forehead doesn’t, either. “Get back inside. I’ll be right there in a bit.”
Your apartment is barely a shell of itself now. You realize it -truly realize it- when you toss and turn in your bed and can’t help but get stuck on little things that shouldn’t matter, but they do. The sheets are different, silkier somehow. Kiyoomi got new toothbrushes instead of the old ones with dolphins, and your entire apartment smells just different enough to make it pressing. Slightly bleachy, and too hospital-like. A blue haze is cast through the window by the moon when you softly slip out of bed, ignoring the way a soft puff comes from your boyfriend. He doesn’t stir as you move, though his empty hand seems to reach for the heat you left. Normally you’d wonder if he misses you when you go, but instead the reach just feels possessive. 
It’s like living with a brand new boyfriend all over again.
You don’t like it as much the second time, you realize, trying to choke down the bad air you’re breathing. As you wobble around in the dark, it’s hard to find your footing. The door clicks too loud for your liking when you brush it closed behind you, and slide down onto the couch as your eyes adjust to the dark. You feel like you’re hanging off the edge of falling apart as you look around the room— and try to think. That night when he came home, when he stared off into space and wouldn’t talk to you, your first thought was of another woman. Kiyoomi had never given you any reason to doubt.
He was handsome and intelligent and you were lucky to have him, but he always made it easy to trust him. If he wanted to be with you he’d be with you.
But as more and more days passed, small things got bigger. Not letting you call friends, not letting you dress how you wanted to, glaring at anyone who so much as looked up at you on the street. He’d never been so possessive when things were good. Still, you don’t want to mourn a relationship that isn’t even over yet. You cover your sniffles into your hand, and get up from the couch to go search through his jacket for his phone, or wallet. A stray bobby pin or earring, anything to make sense of the mess inside your head. You wouldn’t be proud of this in the morning - but your brain is eating itself alive. The apartment’s so quiet at night, and the old building pants and moans in the darkness.
The small closet is hotter than the rest of the apartment, more damp too. The jackets are piled high on the dryer, and though you shove your hand down every pocket, your search turns up empty. After a few seconds of turning the last pair of pockets inside out, you sink down into a crouch— and take a deep breath. Just a few weeks ago, you’d thought that you could see yourself marrying Kiyoomi. You’d spent hours by his side, convinced that no one in the world knew you better than he did.
A soft whistling noise sounds from behind the dryer, and makes you wipe your hand under your nose. There’s an old door to a bricked up stairway here, that you never got any use out of. Kiyoomi once stored some brooms there, you think. You don’t know what possesses you to slide your hands into the narrow space between the dryer and the wall and pull, but with some force- it moves. You strain to drag it aside until you jerk, scrambling up.
A track of blood.
Smeared over your normally proper linoleum, there’s a dried off-maroon that can only be blood, crusted onto the wood as a dark patch between the dryer and the door. Your chest caves. Instead of normal breaths, shallow gasps start making your entire body go solid and cold, and your throat dries up. This can’t … it isn’t real. Can’t be. Everything inside you tries to convince you that this is just a nightmare, but even as you pinch your arm hard, nothing happens.
Blood rushes to your bruised knees as you look around, trying not to panic too hard— instead put a shaky hand on the handle. It could be rusty water. A busted pipe. As you move at a glacial pace to open the door, it creaks, and you lick your lips. You can’t cry. You want nothing more than to explode into a dam of tears and unload, but it’s like your body refuses. Every second makes your body pump with adrenaline, until the door clicks open and reveals the narrow space - and in it, something that doesn’t make sense.
Blood pools on the floor, dulled, matted and a disgusting, sticky mess that has you gasping; only to hold back a gag. But in it, sits the slumped, unmoving body of your boyfriend.
The same boyfriend you were sleeping next to just a few minutes ago.
Every hair on your body rises when you choke on the smell, and sink down to press your fingers to his pulse— even when the off white pallor of his face says everything it should. “Omi?” You whisper, and when you breathe out, your throat closes up. You want to wake up. Your first coherent thought is that you can’t breathe; the next, to run. There’s no more heat in his skin, icy to the touch, and it frightens you so much that you jerk back and slam the door to the closet, stopping abruptly between the couch and the door.
It’s when the lights flick on that you do regret that.
Kiyoomi’s voice sounds deeper when you turn. As he stares at you, he brushes his messy curls out of his face. “What are you doing?” You don’t speak. Nothing but a shallow hiccup makes it out of your mouth, but you’re still holding out your hands like they’ve been burned, and maybe that’s enough for him to slide his eyes over to the closet. For a moment it stays quiet. So quiet that you can hear the blood rush beneath your skin, pumping with adrenaline you have no room for. Kiyoomi’s dead. Your Kiyoomi’s dead, isn’t he. “Ah.”
“I- I-”
“You weren’t supposed to go snooping, angel. You’re really making things difficult.” The noiret’s quiet calmness makes way for a slight smile, before he steps out of the doorway towards you. And you flatten yourself to the wall on shaky legs, but moving any more than that feels impossible. You’ve never been so scared in your life— literally frozen solid to the wall as your panicked hiccups send tears welling up in thick, childish bubbles that refuse to tip. He gives you an up and down, before pointing at you as he walks over to the closet, and sighs. “Don’t move.”
You couldn’t, even if you had the courage to. And you very much don’t. It’s so cold— you watch as he pushes into the small room only to drag the body you’d left there out of it. The heavy scraping noise of a limp body across the floor is almost enough to have you totally break. When he dumps the body in the middle of your shared living room, you manage to let out a few noises, strangled, pathetic noises, before you wring your hands together. “W-what did you do to Kiyoomi?”
“I am Kiyoomi,” he says back with enough certainty to shake you, and then smiles a little when finally the tears spill, and you shake your head left and right through your panic.
“You’re not—” is all you can squeak before he walks up to you too close and grabs your face, leaving sticky cold blood with his touch. Your cheek is almost held lovingly, but one glance up at his eyes convinces you that it’s anything but. It’s predatory, a mean glitter of amusement that plays in the darkness, and the harder you cry, the giddier it seems to get. “Let me go, p-please,” you sniffle, “let me go. I won’t tell, I just don’t wanna be- h-here.”
“Shhh, we might as well pretend I’m him still. You look so cute whining that name like it’s your fucking job.” He takes you by the hand after pressing a brief kiss on your forehead, and then sits you down onto the couch. And your chest still feels much too rattled to think about running anywhere, but when he pushes one finger into your mouth with a slight grin, you consider it. “Don’t know any better, do you?” He groans. You want to bite and run, and hide until everything stops pounding— but run where? Your boyfriend’s cold on the floor of your apartment. You can barely stop crying for long enough to take a breath, and the man above you pushes another finger down your throat. “Such a pretty little girlfriend I’ve got- look here-” 
You do - can’t help it when the pressure starts choking you, and whatever frightened look you’re giving him, is enough to make him groan long and hard. It fucks with your brain. It’s still your boyfriend- looks, smells, tastes the same- and if you stop paying attention for a few seconds, it’s almost like everything is back to normal. It’s almost like you’re safe as long as you pretend not to notice what’s going on around just you and the invasive touches that are forced onto you. “Man, you look so fucking wrecked, baby. Say my name, won’t you?” His grin is wide and cheshire-like when he leans in and starts nudging your top down your shoulders. “Say ‘please, Kiyoomi’.”
He doesn’t move his fingers out of the way to allow you. Instead you whimper around his fingers, and try not to choke as spit gets all over your chin and his hand. “Pwea-se, Kiy-oomi.”
“Hahah, you’re so fucking nasty, getting spit all over me. Drooling like a fucking dog while you’re being forced— You like whining and moaning for me?” He takes his fingers out to wipe them on your flimsy camisole and stands to start sliding down his boxers, pushing you back towards the couch. The small grin changes to a tight grimace when you try to grab at him for comfort. “Ah ah ah, don’t think so.” There’s a fistful of hair in his hand before you can apologize, as he shoves you face down towards the couch and holds you there, cheek pressed to the rough fabric. Until your face is hung just off the side, and you’re forced to face the trail of blood that ends in a familiar face.
It’s horrible, and the harder you squeeze your eyes shut against the wave of fresh tears, the deeper the image seems to force itself into your brain. “Kiyoomi~” You whimper pathetically, and he hums in response. Everything’s too close, too loud, his touch is too real and too pressing and warm— burning you from the inside out as he yanks your clothing the last bit down until it hangs around your waist and he drags his fingers up and down your slit through your panties a few times. It leaves the wet fabric awfully sticky against your pussy, and your cheeks get hotter. It’s not your fault, his fingers work you in ways that always work. That thought has your eyes flicking open, but the horrific sight has yet to disappear. “Mh-hck,” you start up again, and try to roll aside as he grabs your thigh hard to hold you in place. “I wanna stop. I wanna stop.”
“Aw, poor baby. Poor angel.” The dismissive tone is cooed as a loving mockery when he pushes you down between your shoulder blades and yanks your panties the rest of the way down. “You don’t even know what to do with yourself, huh?” He then yanks your head up so you’re forced to stare at your reflection in the window, unable to see anything else. You can’t close your eyes to hide from it. Kiyoomi’s grabbing you tight enough to have you unable to move. “I’ll give you a hint. You lay here and you take it. You just listen nice and sweet, ugh-” He groans low when pushing the hot head of his cock against your entrance, patting it with a patient sigh— only to push in with a force that makes you jerk.
Why does it hurt so much? You wanna cry harder when he forces all the heavy girth of his cock inside you and the wetness dripping between your legs squelches loud, but your throat’s too clogged to. Instead only a pinched moan comes out, and he grunts when bottoming out deep inside you. “Girls who don’t listen make me wanna cut them open and eat their insides out. Would you like that?” The pull on your hair forcing your head up is making you lightheaded. That, and the stinging, uncomfortable tightness inside your pussy, squeezing and clenching against the intrusion - still isn’t enough to drown out the horror of those words as he whispers them.
Almost instantly you shake your head left and right, and your muffled ‘no’s melt into a childish cry. “No, nonono, Omi- ‘yoomi- I, no~ pleas-hck- stop. Wanna stop.” He pulls back his hips for long enough to really let you feel the ache of your walls as they cling to his cock, but then thrusts back in and bounces you on his cock. He drops your head back to the side of the couch, and places a hand in the middle of your spine to anchor you down under his weight. 
“You don’t? I think you’re lying. You want to be treated like a sack of meat.” His hips make a loud sound when connecting with your ass. “You don’t like this?”
“Ow, oww, Omi- ‘hurts-” You’re fighting against the caving of your chest each time you exhale, and forced to take shorter breaths each time he fucks back into you. “Ah, ow.” And your pussy hurts, but the rolling of his hips and the stubborn, deep grinding is too overwhelming. You hate that you can hear the wetness of your cunt squeezing around the pumping of him inside, you hate the way he breathes above you, how you can feel him everywhere. It makes you sick. It’s all too much, and still it feels so fucking good that you’re hot in the face. “Mhm~ ‘m sorry. I’m sorry.” You blink through the tears to stare just a second at the trail of blood that he made from the closet to the couch— but you can’t make yourself look any closer. Instead you aim your eyes back at your reflection, and meet other eyes.
“You haven’t wanted to play with me much since I got here. ‘S your own fault that I’m all pent up now, stupid girl.” The steady rhythm in and out of your needy pussy is too much. It feels so good— and you hate it. You clench your hands into the couch as best you can and try to hang on, until your knuckles turn white. The noiret’s voice is back to taunt you, this time as his other hand reaches around to grab the soft of your throat and squeeze, shaking you back to him. “If you want your nice, reliable Kiyoomi, look- he’s right here for you.” You can’t. You can’t. Your tears well over in ugly rivers that you shut behind your lids, and Kiyoomi makes a noise.
You can’t tell if it’s a pleased noise or not, you don’t care. He rolls his hips, and your cunny accepts too eagerly. But it still feels so fucking good. And you can’t stop yourself from feeling like the worst person in the world. Your hands shake, and your head feels faint. Kiyoomi’s dead. There’s nothing else to know. Kiyoomi’s dead and you’re about to cum getting fucked— your whimper gives you away. It’s faint, but he hears it. “Hm, you don’t like him either now huh?” Instead of squeezing your throat, his hand moves to grab your tit instead, pinching your puffy nipple until you can’t help but make a noise. You’re so gross. And your pussy’s still pulling him back in, clenching to the pulsing heat as it fucks right into the softest part of your walls. “I- agh, f- I like bullying my pretty little cock sleeve to tears. So- f-fucking cute like this.”
He ruts into you until your belly feels hot and tingly, and you grind back against him on instinct. You’re getting so close, the pinching, the precise way he hits the needy spot deep inside you - you don’t even want to. “No, no- Omi, I’m- agh, please stop.” You really don’t. “I’m- I’m gonna—” But before you can stop it, your eyes squeeze shut, and your entire body goes tense. The tight ball of heat that’s been expanding all over your body with each pump, each time his heavy balls slap against you, explodes into a million pieces. “Kiyoomi, I love you, I’m so- sorry, I’m so sorry, it’s— all my fault.”
As he fucks you through the blooming heat and the white and black spots that play on your lids, he groans your name low and possessive. Your clenching only slows way after you’ve grinded yourself back against him and drooled all over the couch, until your tired body drops back into the plush. And Kiyoomi lets out a little chuckle. “Yea, it’s all your fault, stupid girl. You lay here and stay— I’ll be right back.” You barely feel the heat leave until it comes back, shoving some of the wetness from your sensitive pussy right back inside with a grunt, and a harsh tap of his hand to your pussy. The sting is sharp, and you glare through your tears as you look up. Not that he cares. “Here. Look. Kiss it.”
The sharp blade that’s basically shoved in your face glints when you hesitate, and suck your bottom lip into your mouth. “Come on. Or else I’ll put it to use on him instead, and you don’t want that, do you?” Your lips press against the cold metal, but your eyes stay resolutely on his face. Dark curls framing dark eyes and long lashes — you often told him he was the most beautiful man you knew. You wonder if he remembered it in the end. You suppose it doesn’t matter though, watching his mirror click his tongue.
“Good girl, such a good baby girl under all the crying and mess, aren’t you? Almost make me think you like me better like this after all.” You can’t answer, but the tears that wobble sadly along your waterline spill over in the silence— and your lip wobbles. And Kiyoomi only brushes a thumb along your lip, before shrugging. “No? That’s a shame. Because you are mine now. Mine. All of you.” He points the knife into the top of your leg, and leaves behind a mark that immediately wells up with dotted red. The immediate pain and sting of hot blood sears through your skin. “Tell me again what name you want me to write? Say it nice and sweet, angel.”
Your voice doesn’t shake as much as you think it should. “Kiyoomi.”
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fictioonbanger · 11 months
race car driver eren<3!
warnings?; smut obvi, hint of jealousy.
speedracer!eren; who loves driving you around in his all black srt hellcat, has a personal “y/n’s seat” tag in pink glitter on the bottom side of the passenger seat. “baby you didn’t..” you looked back at eren who stood behind you with a huge smirk on his face staring down at you, waiting for your reaction. he was so proud in himself he knew you’d love it. you were hugging him tightly placing soft wet kisses onto his neck. “you like it pretty? got it in pink for ya..” he groaned from under his deep voice as you kissed his chin and adams apple. feeling the vibration of his voice he spoke on your lips as you smirked to look up at him. “mm it’s beautiful my love, i love it.“ you couldn’t help but feel so giddy at erens actions he loved you.. he loved you as much as he did his precious car.
speedracer!eren; who got in trouble with you for driving so fast after his racing match taking you both home, still pumped up on adrenaline. “eren you hit this corner hard so god help me.” you said sternly looking at him, you hated when he drove fast. eren would think your being over dramatic everytime you told him to slow down. to him he doesn’t think he’s going fast.. but i mean obviously is. “mm yeah beautiful.” he’d hum and stare at your pouted glossed lips giving them a long warm peck as he leaned over the arm rest to your seat. “no, im serious ren, ‘hate that shit.” you didn’t react to his kiss and still kept stern. “aight yea baby i heard you..’m sorry y’know i don’t mean to.” he placed another kiss on your pouted lips that you eventually gave into. you hated when he raced also, i mean at a point it was too much and everytime you’d watch and support him from the side line your stomach would bubble and ache. every hard turn he took, the tumbling of the other cars on the side of him from getting hit by another, the anticipation waiting to see your husband cross the finish line and seeing the green flag wave so highly. the relief and squeal you would let out seeing him catch first place.
speedracer!eren; who proposed to you after he won his first game 4 years ago, you’d been dating him before his racing career. supporting him all the way with every decision he made, being by his side in moments of need.. vice versa. you’re his high school sweetheart, you’re his day one. eren loved showing you off, letting everyone know you’re his, will forever be and only. he took you to car shows that everyone expected you to be at, having you in the car of course as he showed out to everyone. driving circles with his driver friends who were right behind him shouting from their cars to the other people in the circle crowd. you deep down had a little hatred for the shows, you hadn’t honestly realized how many women loved your man. screaming his name from the crowd, trying to walk up towards him for a autograph, batting their lashes at him to get his attention at his conferences. eren tried to act like he didn’t notice, he did, but he didn’t notice your attitude towards it.
speedracer!eren; “don’t act like you didn’t notice how close she was trying to get to you, not to mention she SAT her hand on your shoulder while laughing.” you huffed out to eren after the dinner with some friends and employees at the racing center while he was driving home. all he could do was chuckle, that’s all he ever did when you complained. you hated it , it was like eren never took you seriously. after your words you sat quiet in the car as he drove, nothing but the sound of the car revving. “why you bein so quiet?” eren turned his head towards you eyebrows furrowed scanning your every move as you sat there with crossed arms, looking out the window, your signature move. eren didn’t answer you for a reason, he didn’t understand why you were jealous. he never paid attention to anyone else, especially any other woman. why should you feel like someone could ever take your spot? he knew what you were feeling and your feelings were oh so understandable. he just couldn’t have you thinking like that, he sighed and drove the whole way silent. you’d occasionally glance at him gripping the wheel and starring ahead of him not saying a word.
speedracer!eren; who finally got you both home, opening the car door for you and walking behind you silently into your shared home. you sighed and rolled your eyes at his silence and dropped your purse onto the counter walking towards your shared room. you were stopped and taken aback a bit by the force that slightly shoved you into the wall. eren had you put between both him and the cold wall behind you looking down at your eyes. his green orbs piercing into your own, like he was scanning your face all over again for the first time. “r-ren? what’re you doing?!” you said in a confused and honestly irritated tone looking back up at him waiting for a answer. he didn’t reply just tilting his head and raising his eyebrow at the way you spoke to him. he didn’t like when you were mad at him, especially for something he didn’t do. it wasn’t intentional of letting the woman touch and flirt with him. he just ignored it and didn’t care like the usual, his attention was fully forged on you the entire time anyway. “who you talking to like that?” he was searching for a answer out of you. the scowl look on your face and you hurriedly crossing your arms made eren roll his eyes. he knew you were upset about the situation but what could he do? “you! ren! now move please..i need to get in the showe-“ eren scoffed hearing you speak, and grabbed your wrist before turning towards the room. you were so confused of the sudden movements but followed behind.
speedracer!eren; who fucked you all night, having you recite how much you meant to him. “you’re daddies only girl right? nobody could replace you y/n.” he mumbled the last words while looking down at where you two were connected. the white ring forming from the last orgasm you had and his pre cum mixing, he was groaning from the sight and landed a hard smack to your ass to wake you up from your last orgasm. you were face into the pillow and yelped from the contact letting out a accidental moan at the stinging feeling. “stay up f’ me pretty..need you awake baby, wanna hear you repeat it.” eren spoke softly sliding in and out of you effortlessly. hitting your soft spongy spot over and over making a whimper leave your lips with every thrust into you. “mm yeah i’m daddies only g-girl! fuck!” your eyes rolled in the back of your head as you spoke and moaned your words. eren smirked hearing your words and decided to stop finally teasing and get you your last nut. thrusting faster, gripping tighter on your waist slamming you back onto his dick, and fucking into you. eren was a groaning mess and his thrust started to recklessly come on as he was finna nut. “cum with me pretty please baby, just wanna make you feel g-good..fuck.” eren plead out a breathy moan as he tilted his head, thrust sputtering as hot stream’s of cum swarmed your tummy. you came on his dick, gripping onto the sheets below you, eyes shutting tightly as you continued to still throw back on him to finish your nut. eren was gripping your waist tightly, biting his bottom lip and whimpering as he continued to release into your tight cunt. snapping his hips into you more as he drained himself into you. you were gripping him, literally milking his dick. eren sat with a half open mouth as he finished and groaned. setting his forehead on your shoulder from behind you, panting and rubbing up your back with a warm hand. he placed soft kisses onto the crook of your neck and back. “stop thinking you got competition with these bitches y/n, they could never be you baby. let alone breathe the same air as you my love..” eren mumbled into your shoulder as you both came down from your high. you were tired and fucked out but you listened to every word he spoke. you shouldn’t be jealous, eren was wrapped around your finger as you were of him.
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joelslastofus · 3 months
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[SUMMARY: After roughly taking your virginity, Joel keeps his promise in showing you new things.]
“You have any idea how many times I’ve fought myself to pull out?”
Part 3
It had been a few weeks now since you so unexpectedly lost your virginity to Joel. The two of you found yourselves having sex any chance you could and anywhere you could. Joel ached to feel himself in you at least once a day as you yearned for him. Ellie knew something was up as she would catch Joel staring at you when you weren’t paying attention like he was in that very moment. Through the window he could see you planting more in the garden you made, he could tell you really enjoyed growing vegetables.
“Why don’t you just talk to her?” Ellie chuckled sitting beside Joel.
“Huh?” Joel looked over at her with a raised brow.
“You keep staring at her, why don’t you say something, don’t just watch her like a creep” Ellie pulled out a comic book and began flipping the pages. Joel held back a smile, if only she knew just how aquatinted the two of you already were with one another.
“You know what Ellie, I think I will do that” Ellie shrugged just as you walked inside feeling like you had just walked into the middle of something.
“What are you guys doing?” You asked awkwardly as Ellie stood up.
“Well I was gonna go take a walk around the cabin, maybe sit up on a tree and read” she made her way behind you quickly turning back to Joel giving him a wink. He couldn’t help but look down and smirk as Ellie walked out slamming the door shut.
“Don’t go too far!” You yelled out to her.
“Did you say something to her about us?” You asked curiously.
“Of course not” he chuckled as he stood up.
“So what was that all about?”
“Ellie caught me staring you, says im kinda obvious that I have a thing for you” he smirked pulling you against his body.
“You were staring at me?” You smiled looking up at him.
“Little bit” he leaned in and took your lips with his passionately. You moaned feeling him close before quickly pushing yourself back.
“She can come back any minute, Joel”
“I think she wanted to give us some time..” he raised his brows with excitement before conintuing to kiss you feeling him push you towards his bed.
“Are you sure?” You whispered in between kisses, he unbuttoned your pants pushing them off you.
“I wanna show you somethin’” he began to swirl his tongue beneath your earlobe making you moan.
“That feel good?” He whispered.
“Mhm” you nodded. Slowly he pulled back looking down at you, his hands on your hips he guided you to sit down on the bed.
“Lay back” you did as he asked and watched as he unbuttoned his shirt throwing it to the side leaving him in a sleeveless white undershirt. Your hips slightly squirmed at the sight of his bare arms, you could already feel yourself aroused.
Joel leaned over you with his hands by your head, your legs eager to pull him in you.
“Not yet darlin’” he whispered in a way that made you shiver.
“Why not?” You asked with a slight look of desperation making him chuckle. Without responding he bought himself down to his knees at the edge of the bed and unexpectedly pulled your legs toward him.
“What are you doing?” You asked confused as you noticed he placed his face between your legs. His dark eyes met yours as you felt the warmth of his breath against your inner thigh.
“I’m gonna make you cum, baby” and just like that you felt his tongue slide down your slit making you gasp. Parting your lips with his tongue he began to slowly tease your clit. Joel was waiting for the perfect time to taste you not wanting to be rushed. Your legs sitting on his shoulders, his hands squeezing your thighs as he watched you feel his tongue devour you. You’ve had women tell you how good this can feel if a man knew what he was doing and you could definitely say Joel knew exactly what he was doing. Flicking his tongue, you moaned unexpectedly reaching down driving your fingers through his curls with the urge to somehow pull him closer to you.
“Oh yes…” closing your eyes you felt him begin to suck on your clit. He moaned watching you lost in pleasure, his moan making you feel a vibration that only intensified the sensation on your clit. Not taking his eyes off you he reached his hand up beneath your shirt, grabbing your breast in the palm of his hand before teasing your nipple. Joel was a man that loved to provide the pleasure to a woman, watching you cum could get him off alone.
“Just like that” you moaned as his other hand found your other breast now teasing that nipple. The triple sensation only making you squirm uncontrollably, your hips jerking towards his face wanting more. He knew you were about to cum with how you grabbed onto him, that always seemed to give it away, holding onto him for dear life. Flicking his tongue and fingers on your nipples faster he waited for what he knew was seconds away. Arching your back you moaned in release practically squeezing his head with your thighs until your body relaxed.
Out of breath you lay flat for a moment until you felt Joel pull you up to your feet. Quickly he picked you up sitting you on a desk as you grabbed onto him still in a daze.
“That was…”you whispered looking up at him noticing his beard filled with your cum as he placed himself between your legs.
“Oh-you have-“ your finger went on to touch his face but he quickly interrupted you with the sudden feel of him sliding in you.
“Shit-“ he spoke hoarsely feeling how wet you were. Joel wasted no time moving in a rythm that quickly built up the tingly sensation in the pit of your stomach…only this time it was different. It felt a little stronger than you had ever felt before, each stroke bring it closer. He moved faster not breaking eye contact as you felt something intense take over.
“Oh my god, Joel-“ his breathing was loud and heavy as he continued thrusting his hips when you got the sudden urge to push him away, you screamed.
“St-stop-“ you cried out as he pulled out when you uncontrollably squirted on him taking him by surprise. He watched in awe as your body convulsed, your legs shaking as you squirted once more. Joel catching your legs from slipping off the desk as you held onto the table.
“J-Joel” your voice trembled still feeling the waves run through your body, you had never felt anything like it.
“I’m sorry” you panted confused and slightly embarrassed with what had just happened making him quickly look up at you. Pulling your body towards him he slid himself back in and grabbed your face with his two hands making you look at him.
“Don’t be,” Whatever had just happened, you could see it turned him on even more. He continued like he had never stopped. His eyes focused on you while he moved vigorously as you whimpered feeling it begin to build up all over again. Almost feeling like you couldn’t handle it, it was all happening so fast.
You never thought anything else could feel better than when he made you cum but this…this took over every nerve in your body in a way you never expected.
“Oh god-it’s gonna happen again” you cried out as Joel pulled out once more and felt you squirt on him. His hands entangled in your hair, he leaned his forehead on yours as you held onto him.
”That’s it baby, that’s how I want you.” He whispered but you could barely speak. Kissing your shoulder and your neck, your arms wrapped around him as he buried himself in you once more. He moaned in your ear in a way you hadn’t heard before, Joel knew he was about to cum but feeling you pulsating around him he lost complete control. His body moving too fast for you to keep up, you moaned digging your nails into his back when he suddenly stopped and grunted harshly.
“Fuck-“ he choked out. You gasped feeling his heart pounding against your chest, his hips jerking once more as his body slumped against yours.
“Joel?” You whispered confused as he panted still hiding his face against your neck. His release taking so much out of him he held still. Slowly he lifted his face up noticing you puzzled expression, yet he didn’t say a word. Instead he kissed you passionately… his cock still throbbing inside you.
“You alright?” He whispered knowing how new this was for you, he didn’t mean for this to happen like this. You nodded as he leaned his lips on your cheek, slowly he slipped out of you and turned away grabbing a towel. Silently you got on your feet looking down at the mess that was made, before you had even finished cleaning yourself up Joel walked out slamming the door shut.
“Joel?!” You called out for him quickly dressing yourself, luckily as soon as you ran out he hadn’t gone far.
“You’re doing this again?!” You yelled out to him making him turn to you.
“First you take my virginity and walk off like an asshole and now you-“ you found yourself struggling to say the words out loud.
“You..you came in me and that’s it? You walk away again with nothing to say?”
“I lost control, shouldn’t have happened” he responded bluntly without looking at you directly.
“So that’s it, you lost control. Joel, what if I get pregnant? ” his eyes quickly found yours with
your straightforward question. You began to sarcastically laugh as he remained silent.
“Is this what you do? Go around and screw women risking getting them pregnant and acting like nothing-“
“No” he cut you off calmly.
“Or did you think I was too stupid to not know what could happen if you did that? Which one is it-“
“No” he flared his nostrils trying to calm himself.
“Oh no, maybe it was-“ he suddenly grabbed you pushing you against the wall.
“You have any idea how many times Ive fought myself to pull out? How many times I just wanted to keep you close?” His words and aggressiveness catching you off guard.
“Do you have any idea-“ he cut himself off realizing a part of him selfishly did it only thinking about what he was starting to feel for you. A part of him realizing this wasn’t just sex.
“I’m sorry” he whispered with a hint of guilt in his eyes, his hands on your waist gently squeezing you. He knew this was all new to you and confusing and the last thing he wanted to do was complicate anything.
“I don’t wanna lose you” he suddenly blurt out. Joel had never felt this way about a woman so fast, he swore he never would again but something in him took over…something he couldn’t shake off no matter how hard he tried.
“Joel..”you whispered gently placing your hand on his face when Ellie appeared clearing her throat, yet this time he didn’t pull away, he didn’t even look away from you.
“Shit..Ellie saw-“
“So what. Let her see” his response surprising you.
“I’m not hiding this anymore, not from her..not from myself. You hear me?” You nodded silently, Joel left you speechless as Ellie quietly walked by and into the cabin. Looking behind you at Ellie, Joel turned your face back to him and kissed you, you could feel his eagerness, you could feel how he felt for you. Excitement rushed through you yet with hesitation and Joel sensed it but he promised himself he would be more open with you with ease.
“Hey” he whispered tilting your face up.
“I won’t do that again” you looked at him pressing your lips together….secretly wanting him to do so again.
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dark-fics-4-you · 4 months
hi queen 🤍 the way i squealed when i saw ur post PLS
ok but umm what if your tire went flat at night and dark!rafe happens to be driving by, kinda crossed after leaving a party super late but he stops and helps you…. but plans to make you pay him back one way or another right there on the side of the road even tho you thought it was just a nice stranger doing a favor…..aldfjidoendkd
dw im seeking out help rn.
it’s okay i need to seek out help for writing this the way i did. This fic alone is putting feminism back 50 years okay sorryyyyy enjoy
Equal Exchange
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Warnings: noncon, smut, reader gets assaulted by a stranger, degradation, rough sex, implied drug use, misogyny, slut shaming
“Fuck!” You hissed, slapping your steering wheel in frustration before flicking your hazard lights on.
Of all the times and places for a tire to pop, of course 1AM on a back road was just your luck.
You opened your door, examining your parking job before checking out your tires. Sure enough, the right hand rear tire had a gash in it, and was now considerably less full than the others.
With a groan, you retreated to your trunk, opening it and locating your spare. However, only then did you remember lending your jack and wrench to a friend and you cursed angrily.
How could you change the tire now?
As if on cue, the back of your car lit up as another car approached. You spun around, only to be momentarily blinded by the truck’s headlights, but you could hear the large vehicle slowing to a stop.
You nervously shifted your weight from one leg to the other as you watched the door of the truck open and a tall, blond man exited and walked closer to you.
“Engine trouble?” He calmly asked, blue eyes looking down at you kindly. The scent of weed hit your nose, and although you silently judged the guy for driving while high, you weren’t one to turn down help when it found you.
“No, my tire popped. I have a spare, but I don’t have the tools to fix it,” you sheepishly explained, crossing your arms around your chest when the cool wind made you shiver.
“Lucky I was in the area then.” He said with a friendly grin. “I’ve got a jack and a whole tool kit in my truck. I’m Rafe, by the way. What’s your name?”
“Y/N. Thank you so much for the help Rafe, I really appreciate it!”
You watched as the blond got his kit and jack out, and then observed as he masterfully changed your tire. You didn’t miss the way he glanced over the stickers you had on the window there, a couple band ones and then a few feminist stickers that he stared at for just a little bit longer than you were comfortable with.
However, he was helping you out, and by the time your spare tire was on, you had almost forgotten about the way he looked at your stickers.
“Wow, I can’t thank you enough Rafe, you really saved my skin. I’m glad you were driving around here tonight when you were,” you politely smiled up at him, genuinely grateful for him coming to your aid.
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” His eyes lingered on yours but he made no movements to go back to his truck, instead taking a step towards you.
You backed up nervously, why was he coming closer to you rather than going back to his car? It was well past midnight and maybe your paranoia was getting the better of you, but you suddenly really wanted to leave.
“Well, it’s late so I better get home,” you started to turn away from him, but his hand flew out and clamped down on your wrist.
You whipped around to face him, crying out and wincing at the painful way his fingers were digging into your skin.
“What are you-?”
“You just said I saved your skin, didn’t you?” There was an icy edge in his voice, and Rafe pulled you closer to him, chin ticking as he looked down at you in disapproval. “I mean, if it weren’t for me you’d be stranded all alone out here for god knows how long.”
“I-I know, I said thank you, Rafe, now please just let me go!”
“What if I didn’t want to, hm? Are you going to make me?” He chuckled when your face dropped, enjoying watching the severity of the situation he had placed you in dawn on you.
“I mean, don’t you think you could repay me for sticking my neck out for a dumb bitch like you?” He held you in place with one hand, allowing the other to snake around your throat.
Your eyes widened and you thrashed against him when he clamped down around the tender skin, choking you hard.
With all of your power, you aimed your knee in between his legs, missing his crotch, but still catching him off guard enough to get him to release you.
You screamed as you pulled away from him, hoping that someone else might hear you and come to your rescue.
Stretching your fingers out to reach for the handle of the door, you had almost grabbed it when Rafe’s large arms encircled your waist, tearing you away from the door.
You were no match against his strength and he easily pushed you back before getting behind you and shoving you as he bent you over the hood of your car.
You yelped when your hips painfully dug into the metal in a way you were sure would leave bruises.
His large hands pawed at your clothes, and you hopelessly struggled in his arms. When he ripped your shorts and panties down in one movement, dread gripped your heart. You felt dizzy with fear.
Before you could even register the chill of the night air, Rafe roughly slammed your head against the hood of your car, holding it there and chuckling at your terror before hissing into your ear as he undid his shorts with one hand, “I’ve never understood girls like you. I mean, you have those dumbass girl power stickers all over your car but you can’t even change a tire by yourself. And I bet you learned that little move after mommy signed you up for a self defense course, huh? You can take all the classes in the world, but you never really stood a chance against me, sweetheart. I mean, you are so fucking stupid it’s actually adorable.”
His cruel words brought a burning pink tinge of shame to your cheeks, tears beginning to pool in your eyes.
When you felt the tip of his cock brush against your slit, you tried to move again to get away, but you were pinned down by his rough hold on your skull.
“Uh uh, Y/N,” your name sounded all wrong on his tongue, and the smug overfamiliarity from this stranger who was now assaulting you made your stomach turn in disgust. You froze when he pressed the head against your slit again, this time you were slick enough for him to slowly press the tip past your lips and into your warm cunt.
“You’re gonna stay still if you don’t want to get hurt,” his sick laugh barely reached your ears, as your focus was locked on the building pressure between your legs as Rafe pushed himself into you, painfully stretching you out inch by inch.
You whimpered as he sheathed himself inside you, trembling with adrenaline and fear underneath him. He was big, too big, and you clenched around him when he tilted his hips back before snapping them against your ass.
“Fuck, Y/N, I thought I wasn’t gonna get any tonight after that party turned out to be so lame but shit-” he groaned before slowly starting to push his cock in and out of your heat.
“I guess I got lucky after all,” his gruff voice sent shivers down your spine and your tears only made you feel worse. Each stroke of his length was agonizing.
You could barely adjust to the feel of his thick cock dragging along your walls, it felt like he was going to split you open. The pressure between your legs had you gasping and crying out in a confusing mixture of pain and pleasure.
“God you’re squeezing me so fucking tight,” he groaned. “I knew you’d be worth stopping for.”
Rafe was rutting into you faster now, enjoying the way you fearfully looked up at him through teary eyes as he took advantage of you.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were enjoying this, Y/N.” His taunting voice was punctuated by his sharp thrusts, each one rocking your body. “Why else would you be moaning like such a fucking slut?”
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