#and idk build suspense etc etc
rainbowtitania · 1 year
The Scarlet Lotus
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In the years following the Sunshot Campaign, the mysterious, masked cultivator who’d defeated Wen Ruohan took on many identities: the Yiling Patriarch, leader of the Wen rebels, enemy of the Jin Sect, practitioner of wicked tricks. His true name was shrouded in mystery. He always wore a mask. He carried no sword; wore no clan colors or insignia. Clouds of resentful energy clung to him as he walked.
But there was one thing that absolutely everyone agreed on: the Yiling Patriarch could not possibly be from the Jiang Sect.
Or: a Scarlet Pimpernel/Untamed crossover featuring Wei Wuxian in disguise, Lan Wangji determined to bring the nefarious Yiling Patriarch to justice, and the hijinks that ensue when you accidentally marry your greatest enemy/love of your life.
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45946444/chapters/115648279
Updates every Wednesday! There will be 12 chapters total.
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f1rewalk3r · 2 months
since apparently this is what i’m known for: What Motorcycle I think each member of the PRT ENE would ride:
Armsmaster: Canonically rides a “souped up motorcycle.” obviously this means tinkertech in the parahumans world, but in the biker world this means egregious, stupid custom. so i’m giving him a fat tire Harley Davidson VROD. an ugly bike with an ego for a silly man with an ego
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now what do you get when you cross the most reliable, unkillable dual sport of all time with a diesel engine? you get the Kawasaki KLR-650 HDT, the M1030-M1, a finicky monster used by the US military. perfect for the unkillable Miss Militia, a connoisseur of finicky military equipment. it can go anywhere and use anything for fuel, but it was literally designed to run on jet fuel.
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Velocity’s a speedster right? so obviously he’s gonna get an ultra fast liter bike, super sport, 200hp, etc. WRONG. you fucking idiot. you fucking moron. personally i don’t subscribe to grimdumb f(c?)anon that he perceives real time when he’s speeding. that’s stupid cape design imo. he can go fast as his heart desires with his power. yknow what he can’t do with his power? rip up the fucking motorcross track, doing flips and jumps and shit. radical, man. so he gets a two-stoke ripper, the Yamaha YZ-250.
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Battery, on the other hand, is a girlboss who needs to get stress relief via a supersport liter bike. she’s dealing with assault all day, can you blame her? so she’s getting the Honda CBR1000RR-Fireblade. liquid cooled, 999cc, inline four, with a top speed of 190mph it really doesn’t get much faster than this, folks.
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now if you take the dual sport Kawasaki, give it the suspension of the Yamaha motorcross, but the tires and street performance of the supersport, you get the Supermotard class of bikes. the crackhead hooligans of the bike community, these are the bikes that are doing wheelies in residential areas, jumping over that grassy hill near your office building, and squealing around corners as the back end slips out. can you tell i have a favorite type of bike. now, who’s our resident crackhead of the protectorate? why, Assault, of course! So he’s getting the king of supermotos (and the bike i will probably be purchasing in may), a Suzuki DRZ-400SM
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loud, annoying, and entitled Triumph gets the Harley Davidson Softtail, the bike of choice for obnoxious wannabe hell’s angels, the bike of choice for your balding 50yr old dad, or for the kid who wants so badly to be relevant and accepted amongst the boomers he calls friends. idk where Triumph fits into this its kinda just a vibe yk he’s a nepo baby, he gets a harley
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and finally. the perfect bike for those with mobility issues/those concerned about safety due to preexisting medical conditions, Director Piggot gets a Harley Davidson Trike and she fucking slays on it, understand? girl power.
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i forgot dauntless because he’s boring so he gets a boring adventure bike for boring losers. BMW F650GS. fuck you dauntless you dont even get a fun big BMW you get the heavy underpowered one. go to hell 🖕
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enamoredwithbella · 4 months
If you don’t want to hear or don’t like it just don’t read it. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion
I’ve been on the pjo tv crit tag and I gotta say I agree with most of what’s on there 😭😭
All my praise for the show goes to the actors alone. I’m not stupid I didn’t expect the show to be an exact replica of the books cause that would’ve been boring as well but I feel like say “faithful adaptation” is a bit overzealous.
1. The changes
Some of the changes I love. Like them stopping for candy and Annabeth going in was so cute. Grover using psychological warfare on the God of war ate.
But a lot of the changes were just like ???? What was the point? And all the stuff that they revealed like 4-5 seasons too early. Stuff that was hinted at through the books that built suspense and intrigue just dumped on the table was a bit 😕
I remember finding out about Luke’s mom and why Luke REALLY hated his father. It literally had me gagged it was like finding out something I didn’t even know I was waiting for. The build up to them finding out Kronos involved was always a favorite cause it felt so raw. It was pure fear encapsulated by words, you could feel it, it was palpable and we just didn’t get that in the show. It was so “here you go. Kronos it was him *but said intensely*”
2. Them knowing everything
I do understand how it does make sense that they would know a lot of things from the jump as they all literally grew up with this information but a lot of the times where they didn’t realize exactly what was happening right away in the books have a slight reminder of how young and innocent they are. These neurodivergent 12 year olds who have been tasked with a Gods job and have been trekking across the states for days; yeah I wouldn’t expect them to be at the top of their game ALL THE TIME no matter how smart they are. The slip ups show that even though they’re these tiny warriors they aren’t immune to being a little naive.
3. Setting
I’m not gonna criticize the settings cause if that’s how Rick imagined it then that’s how he imagined it but I can’t blame the ppl who are a bit miffed at how the sets were portrayed. The underworld did truly throw me off.
4. Info dumping ?? Or not enough info idk
I also saw a post about how they would just throw random names out there pertaining to Greek mythology and then just not explain 😭😭 and all the stuff that they left out too (fields of punishment, isle blest, etc) which sets up for things in later seasons. And I understand the time crunch; 8 episodes 40 mins give or take and a dream is what they had. That being said this shit was a mess 🤷🏽‍♀️😭😭 like badly set up, script was not doing them any justice, and it felt so boring most of the time.
5. Whimsy and fun erasure
There were gems I will keep saying that. There were fun times but the fun times also felt very strategically placed whereas in the books it was sorta woven into the chaos. Charon being a lil silly, Grover playing the shooting game in the lotus casino and killing humans (I love him so much 😭😭), annabeth geeking over the architecture of the arch and going on a tangent about how it was made while Grover and Percy trade candy in the back. Talking to the animals and Percy finding out he can speak horse, the car wash where annabeth scares off a grown man in a Lincoln, “shows over! Thank you and goodnight!”, Percy and Grover clowning annabeth for watching the discovery channel unironically. I’m not saying I expected them to put all this shit in there cause again I’m not an imbecile but the type of wit and humor that made everyone fall in love with the books was cut out for the more serious stuff. And what’s so frustrating about that is I KNOW the actors would’ve ate it up. Walker especially that boy IS Percy.
I could keep finding stuff but I’m trying to be grateful cause even after all of this Rick did take the time to try and think of us and maybe it’s not his fault but idk it’s just a bit disappointing after the way it was marketed towards long time fans
Much love to Walker, Leah, and Aryan and hope for future seasons 😊
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sovaharbor · 10 months
still thinking about the hellfire gala . spoilers obviously. this turned into a massive fucking rant LOL
quite frankly ive gone off before about how much i hate shock value writing because i consider it to be lazy and the utmost sign of a writer who doesn't know what they're fucking doing, and that's. exactly. what this felt like. like reading it just felt insulting honestly. like i won't pretend that i didn't expect the krakoan era to end. i KNEW at some point they'd either get rid of it completely or just fuck them over somehow and taint the whole thing. but like, this was just......too much. and it was awful. lol. i keep using that word because it really was.
like 1) the deaths were graphic in a way i would not have expected for mainline x-men honestly. like that was a step beneath x-force imo. and it felt so ... idk. mean???? like it just felt like a slap in the face, "lol your fave that you voted for has just been violently eviscerated on panel the immediate next page after you were told they'd be part of the most diverse mainline x-men team we've had in recent years" anD THEN ALL THE OTHER ONES AFTER????? BOBBY MELTING TO DEATH IN FRONT OF HIS BOYFRIEND???? JEAN A PILE OF BONES IN THE WRECKAGE???? FUCKED UP FOR LITERALLY NO REASON OTHER THAN SHOCK VALUE
2) most of the deaths could have been entirely preventable, some of them didnt even make SENSE. illyana was not the only mutant capable of teleportation in the entire fucking gala, why did jean not stop everything sooner, why was lourdes the only one who died to the gunfire, etc etc etc. i mean it's a suspension of disbelief that's just. lazy. lmfao. because you HAVE to suspend your disbelief to not imagine this going any other way that didn't end in a literal massacre.
3) there were multiple plot points within this that just had zero build-up and were just thrown in to make things work, so, again, Lazy Writing. and again, we're supposed to just Roll With It.
4) i can't explain how fucked up it is to give the minority allegory people their own safe place to live and then absolutely DUNK ON IT the way they did in this. the x-men deserve a break. mutants deserve a break. this was just uniquely awful and i cannot explain how GROSS it just feels to see it happen.
ALSO SPEAKING OF MINORITY ALLEGORY PEOPLE????? the way they handwaved kamala being a mutant is also very fucking lazy and if they're really going to commit to it she deserved something better than the explanation we were given. her death was similarly handwaved in a way i *personally* really hate , like that should be legitimately traumatizing to her, she's just a teenager, idc about her being a superhero. she just pops out of an egg, finds out she's apparently a mutant, and is just .... chill with it??? also emma saying she's going to erase the memories of her being dead from her parents' minds is INSANE??? EMMA AND CHARLES PRESSURING A BROWN GIRL INTO ""COMING OUT"" AS A MUTANT WHEN SHE'S ONLY JUST LEARNED SHE'S ONE AND DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HER POWERS ARE YET IS EVEN MORE INSANE AND SO SO SO WEIRD??????? LIKE DON'T YOU TWO HAVE JOBS, STOP IT
and like i don't know man! i don't know!!! i feel like none of this is very succinct and it's because i'm still SO upset over it but i legitimately was grossed out by this. it felt so awful to read. i had to force myself through the second half of it and i am pretty sure i had a mild panic attack over it. i don't understand how something like this could get continuously greenlit to the point of it going to print. it feels uniquely awful and if the krakoan era genuinely ends with another mutant genocide i really don't think i'm going to ever buy another marvel comic lol. or even if they somehow reverse said genocide, or it turns out it never actually happened, i still don't think i will honestly.
like granted i haven't read a ton outside of x-men stuff, but within the bubble of comics i have read, what other "group" of superheroes so routinely gets storylines that end with things like genocide and decimation and on-panel evisceration? the shock value in this is so disgusting and lazy and i don't even want to acknowledge it. there were such better ways to go about this and it's just disheartening to know they genuinely thought this was...a good idea? and i can't tell if they LEGITIMATELY thought it was good or if they thought the shock value -> everyone hates it -> "bad press is good press" pipeline was worth it... either option is not good, though. so idk.
there are parts of modern x-men i've really enjoyed, and i love the CONCEPT of krakoa, but i think the problem is you get a bunch of (usually) cishet white male culturally-christian writers trying to tackle the Minority Allegory™ characters and you end up with things like this. krakoa could have been so beautiful and meaningful if they weren't so liberal (and i mean this in a derogatory Democratic Liberal sort of way) with it. i wish we got more. i wish we got something better. and i'm not planning to read fall of x to be so for real, i'm gonna read About it like i have been ASM because i value my sanity much more than forcing myself to read awful garbage.
those are my thoughts, thank you!
edit: no actually one more thought. why the fuck was duggan so insistent on inserting kingpin into shit. why did he even matter. i don't give a fuck about kingpin i do't give a fuck about mary THIS IS THE X-MEN AND HE'S A FUCKING DAREDEVIL/SPIDER-MAN VILLAIN WHY ARE WE PAYING ANY AMOUNT OF ATTENTION TO HIM!!!! WHO FUCKING CARES!!!!!! WHY ARE WE WASTING DIALOGUE AND PAGE SPACE ON KINGPIN. WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCH A HARD-ON FOR KINGPIN, DUGGAN. WHAT THE FUCK
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so. this can come across as more of a ramble than an ask; still, i genuinely wanna hear ur take on it.
why is it 'normalized' that female characters in fiction never get their periods or have to shave or do like the mundane crap 'females' do?
Like.. yes, in some novels the writer could mention the woman shaving/being shaved.. but only when the context allows for it. Same thing with periods. We'd only ever bring it up if it pertains to the story, otherwise... what? is it just a given, sth the reader should simply know?
By extension, what happens in scenarios when say, the woman is kidnapped or kept in a dungeon. If the writer chooses to ignore that she gets her period/hasn't shaved (not wanting to deal with how her kidnapper would deal with that, for ex., or maybe they felt it's not necessary to the story), wouldn't that be a plothole? wouldn't smb ask: uh, she's been there for like 3 months, what about her period?
The same concept I'm bringing up here can be said about other human functions, like peeing, pooping, morning wood (just as normal and common as periods) ... etc.
So what is this? Is this willing suspension of belief or sth else? Is there a consensus on how we approach this fiction idk about?
P. S. Sorry for the awfully long ask. I appreciate the time you put into answering it and helping us out (surely I'm not the only one to bring this up lol)
You hit the nail on the head—it really is just a matter of only including things that are relavant to the text and letting the reader suspend their disbelief about everything else. It's the same reason you don't talk about what characters eat for every meal, and it's the same reason you don't write about all of your character's thoughts, feeings, passions, and desires. You can't include everything, because that book would have infinite pages, so you have to carefully choose elements that build a narrative: the series of events A -> B -> C -> etc. wherein one or a few aspects of a character change. For most narratives, something like shaving or periods wouldn't constitute meaningful character change. But if, say, in your narrative, your character changes by wrestling with their sex/gender identity, then yes, shaving and periods would be a great place to build the narrative!
So I don't think this is an issue at all, and I'm not sure this phenomenon is as gendered as it might appear. I don't really read about men going through mundane routines/morning rituals either, though that is kind of a trope in television (the man shaving at the mirror). It'd be interesting to take a wide survey and see how gendered this phenomenon actually is. I don't doubt there's something there, just that when you're writing, it really is just a matter of narrative cohesion and not bias.
Would be interesting to write a hyper-realist text that tries to include as many of these bodily functions and daily rituals as possible. Don't know what that'd look like, but there's probably something there in the right hands!
As for plot holes, they're kinda not real, especially with something this minor. A good rule of thumb is that if you're gotten your reader to suspend their disbelief enough to where they don't notice something (and in the case of bodily functions, the reader is already starting the text with those suspended), then it doesn't damage the text. It's fiction! The whole point is that it's a lie and we're tricking the reader!!
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harimenui-forever · 4 months
I do not wish to be mean, but like, I feel like the format of tmagp is making the horror lesser for me... some stories are too quick for the fear to sink in (first episode) or like it happens at the very end so you don't really get much of it and it just kinda leaves you there (episode 5), episode 6 is very silly to me and like I think it knows that? But that doesn't make it scary and maybe it doesn't want to be idk.
Episodes 2, 3 and 4 are good. They're not necessarily scary, the bit with the tattoo in episode two is kinda silly? But the face thing is good. It's shocking, a different kind of dread but sure.
Episode 3 made me frustrated at the guy, then I realised he couldn't actually leave and like yeah the idea of this is kinda creepy and the acceptance and just I dunno how to put it, it works, but it did not make me shiver with fear yknow?
Episode 4 was fun, probably my favourite, but it's not very scary. To me it makes up for that with the story though, the themes, the morality and the time it takes to go through the story. It adds gravity to it. It's a fucked up lil episode with a lot of story and character
All in all, I have a feeling that the horror is not as much of a focus as it used to be in tma, which might be great for other people, but I've always appreciated the horror of tma, even when I liked the characters and the story. And I understand comparing the two is a bit strange, but... I understand that the "statements" are different here, they're not from scared people who survived something weird/horrible, they're from people who are deep into becoming something else (?), from people who have not survived most likely and, just like for them, there's not enough time for us to be afraid before it's over. And there are strengths to this approach too, I just...
I've relistened to the Anglerfish, because I was scared that perhaps I've just grown numb to the horror, but no. I could still feel the shivers run down my spine, I could still feel the dread building with every new detail, every new small thing that was off and just... terrifying.
The first episodes are so widely different when it comes to horror I think. And it's hard to put my finger on it, but I feel like the role of the investigation afterwards is missing and with it some of the horror.
It feels unfair to compare an entire episode statement with just one statement from the two in tmagp ep 1, but hear me out.
The reveals in mag1 are just very well done. You have the setting being creepy, you have the line being repeated and reenacted in that weird tone twice, before the guy notices on the 3rd time that the figure is not opening its mouth. You have the swaying pointed out multiple times and each time it feels a bit more extreme, weirder, the simile used to describe it, the anglerfish, is so vivid and creepy and RIGHT. When he realises its feet are not touching the ground. The weird way it disappears. AND THEN, because he survived you get the reveal of him finding cigarettes there the next day and connecting them to the missing person. That could have been him. But that's not all, sure Jon is a little bitch, but the reveal of more disappearances adds more credibility. And THEN the cherry on top is the photo, the hand (?), beckoning.
Now let's look at the email from tmagp1. It is very short. There is a set up yes, but the reveal is just...immediate, it lacks the suspense. Like the concept is scary. But the laughter, the laughter is just...sooooo, it's not that scary. Just, it's harder to describe what's not working here than it is to describe what DOES work in mag1. I guess I could focus on the absence of things...
Man, I do sound like an old man swearing at a cloud, my friend would laugh at me and call me 240 years old, I am never beating the allegations
Anyway, in short, I know this podcast aims to be different. I can see it. The character interactions, the more intrusive listening in etc. However, in my humble opinion, the horror gets the short end of the stick here. I wish it didn't
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yourqueenb · 1 year
Out of all the mystery books on Choices, were there any that you found particularly fun and/or well written? I'm not sure if it's just me bcs it might be a matter of taste which is super subjective, but something about the way PB does mystery stuff feels kinda...lackluster? I'm not sure what exactly it is about their mystery books (like TUH and MAH), but while they're not necessarily terrible they usually don't feel super satisfying
It’s def not just you. Idk how many times I’ve talked about this, but PB can’t do mystery. I believe that 100%. Maybe in the very beginning they could because I remember enjoying Most Wanted. But I haven’t played it in forever. And all of their mystery books after that have been lackluster as you said. (And I do mean all of them, including VoS and CoP, which are fan favorites).
I think one of the issues is that they always feel the need to make us investigate whatever noble pursuit the person had along with their death. And they really play up the fact that the victim was basically a saint and loved by all. And it’s just like 9 times out of 10, I do not care. It gets annoying and old. One of the other issues is that they also always do the collectibles for clues and stuff. And it’s usually either that you need almost all of them to understand whodunnit, how, and why (see: TUH) or pretty much none of them because they’re actually just extra pieces of information that aren’t all that interesting (see: MaH). Of course the former is worse because paywalling plot/other important story aspects is flat out ridiculous. But the latter annoys me too because premium content should add something to the story, not just little factoids.
I think writing a mystery book is a balancing act. And we all know PB already struggles with balance outside of that. They don’t know how to set the stage, build intrigue, and stop throwing in red herrings to let the story come to a conclusion at the right time. Or if they do manage to build intrigue, they still can’t craft a proper twist that feels shocking but makes sense/is believable at the same time. So that’s why VoS had a good setting/all that suspense throughout, but fell flat in the end. And that’s also why MaH never really found it’s footing as a mystery to begin with imo.
Didn’t intend to write an essay, so last issue I’ll speak on is the fact that PB also rarely writes good villains/a good dynamic between the MC and the villain. I think what their mystery books are missing is the feeling that whatever we’re investigating is a puzzle that needs to be solved. And one of the ways they could create that is by writing both villains/antagonists and MCs who are actually intelligent and fun to go up against/play as! It’s usually that the villain is 10 steps ahead. And not because he/she is particularly crafty but because they dumb MC down to drag the story out for 16-20 chapters. CoP is an exception because MC was actually pretty smart, but we had the dumbass murderer and her even dumber minion. So I truly believe that if we had characters who didn’t just bumble their way through the story and were legitimately formidable adversaries to each other, we would have a lot more fun maneuvering around the obstacles/red herrings/etc. thrown at us and solving the mystery OR being surprised by the twist/resolution but able to pick up the breadcrumbs and connect the dots after it’s revealed
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300iqprower · 1 year
Food for thought for the rewrite of the FGO lore. I feel like the humans belief creates the servants don't really get driven home very much especially the divine servant's like gods, like that plot thread is just there when it needs to be when it needs to be. From a meta standpoint I kinda want depending on the settings either a servant gets a buff or a debuff (like boudica getting a debuff since she's in the territory of her enemies during her life pre servant in the Rome singularity, etc., Etc.) This could also apply during battle matchups as well like Artoria getting a debuff if pitted against Mordred or something.
However in a more world building standpoint I kind of wanted FGO to take a more uhhhh diverse (I'm not sure what term to use sorry if this doesn't make any sense) approach. Like different ages being able to coexist at the same time despite the vast difference between them being able to made possible because of humanity, and in cases where some beliefs get swallowed up by other ones, the Servants who were made from those beliefs have their spirit origin changed to match that belief as well or get an insatiable hatred for that belief. Or like servant's who have similar myths or traits made to look like each other or at least have their spirit origin have a reaction to them. Or something idk man these are all just crumbs from me since I really think FGO flopped with this aspect in the story. Like you could do so much with this??? Like having new servants of the same character (bc let's face it the (character)-face syndrome is sorta their trademark at this point and I'm surprised they hadn't used it to the fullest) or smthng.
the whole "belief creates spirits" thing is like, patient zero of Fate working backwards to justify itself retroactively, rather than using 'natural' worldbuilding for lack of better wording.
to pinch how @bitterrosebrokenspear put it, the ideal situation would probably be different ages can coexist as "pinnacles of humanity" and "age of gods" etc. On top of not being so blatantly "My world views are the correct ones", it'd just flat out fit the [alleged] overarching themes of the series way better by showing that humanity is not a fixed point but rather an ever growing ever evolving concept and a collective achievement.
This is one of the key reasons that singularities and lostbelts are such an inherently great premise. The idea of distortion and divergence from history allows a blank check to treat any point in history as a key moment for humanity, and to explore ideas highly specific to certain cultures without issue of putting one up on a pedestal. It fundamentally highlights those aforementioned themes of collective progress by treating any culture and/or point in history as a keystone of human history.
Gameplay wise it all just collapses. The sheer bullshit of the stuff instantly causes any suspension of disbelief to atomize when, to use my go to example, William Shakespeare is seen as common fodder but Murasaki Shikibu is an EX SSR
Ironically for my rewrite of LB7 though a lot of this isn't that relevant, since one of the handful of things I'm keeping (well, sort of. let's call it a Half-truth) is it being a divergence that dates back all the way to before humans even existed. Though, then again, considering part of it is a microcosm of "humanity's collective progress" you could argue it's still very relevant-
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leehestia · 2 years
Upcoming works for Astro:
Notes from Author: I mostly make stories based on songs or whatever drama or movie I watch, and some of these won’t be released if I read it again to check and find out that it’s really horrible or cringe so please don’t have high expectations 😭😭😭
- Kim Myungjun / MJ
None yet
- Park Jinwoo / Jinjin
1. Luxurious Love || Rich husband!Jinjin x Wife!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Synopsis: Park Jinwoo, one of the richest CEO's in South Korea. You're his wife, a humble middle-class woman who is still adapting to this 'rich' environment. You and Jinwoo argue about it, until you finally understand him and you both apologize through words and pleasure.
Notes: Based on “Luxurious” by Gwen Stefani
- Lee Dongmin / Cha Eunwoo
1. It Was Always Her || Toxic boyfriend!eunwoo x reader
Genre: Angst, A little Fluff, Suggestive
Synopsis: You know you're being used, you hated it. But you'd do anything to be with him. You know you're not the one he loves. You know that you just remind him of her. You can't help but let him use you for his comfort. You love him, but he doesn't love you.
Notes: Based on “Glimpse of Us” by Joji
2. The Depth of the Crazy Sea || Stalker!eunwoo x Idol!Oc (Han Hyeseung)
Genre: Angst, Suspense, Yandere
Synopsis: Love is truly unexpected. Who would have thought that your beloved is just like you? Good-looking, rich, popular, crazy, horrific, and most importantly, in love with you. Love can never be predicted. If obsession towards someone is what you call love, then can you really call that… love? Cha Eunwoo, passionate trainee by day and an obsessed stalker by night. Han Hyeseung, a popular idol loved by many who has everything all except love. Under one company, both were casted as the main characters for an upcoming drama, The Depth of the Crazy Sea.
An opportunity for both people to find out more about each other. But what if they already know each other? To be exact, one already knows way too much about the other. Too many things even the other doesn’t know about themselves.
This is what they call love. But if stalking and obsessing towards someone is their own love, can you really call that love? No one knows. After all, no one knows the depth of a crazy sea.
Notes: Me and my friend made this for our creative writing class and it’s in short chapters. Btw if the writing style is so much better than my solo works, it’s bc my friend is 100x better in story writing.
- Moon Bin / Moonbin
1. A random moonbin story lol (I don’t have a name yet 💀💀) || husband!moonbin x wife!reader
Genre: Arranged marriage, smut, angst, fluff
Synopsis: idk yet but basically y’all got arranged marriage and moonbin lieks it but u dont etc etc and u think moonbin is dangerous af.
Notes: I didn’t really prioritize it bc it’s just a random story I made in school out of boredom 😭😭😭
- Park Minhyuk / Rocky
None yet
- Yoon Sanha / Sanha
1. To Be King || Prince!Sanha x Princess!Reader ft. knight!Rocky
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Synopsis: You and the prince from the neighboring land make an agreement to get married so that you may escape the dreadful palace life you both live. Sanha, being completely in love with you, takes advantage of your marriage to build a relationship with you. Rocky, your ex-boyfriend tries to steal you back by creating misinformation about Sanha’s love for you.
Notes: Plot by my cousin @leedongmen 😻😻🫶🫶
2. “You’re too fast!” || hufflepuff!Sanha x gryffindor!Reader
Genre: Hogwarts!au, Fluff, Sports, Humor
Synopsis: Popular quidditch player, Y/N, goes against a weak quidditch player, Sanha, and teaches him how to properly play despite the risk of getting caught.
Notes: idk bro just came up in my head after rewatching harry potter
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incarnateirony · 1 year
They all want the kiss, Min. Goggles are still pretty tight on so much that everyone wants the m/m couple to do what f/m couple did in the reflections. I mean I understand, given a kiss would 100% prove what it is for the GA and the generational trauma of fandom will be finally put in to sleep.
Until that happens, this is all a very suspenseful game. No one trusts anyone except for those idk. Not the fake ones tbh.
I for one trust. Because I have no choice. That's how desperate this dumpster is.
Yes, that's why I told you "until episode 1x7 I was unclear if it would only be verbal, but Jensen and Robbie made it very clear what Jensen's shape of it looks at the end." However, if they're only here for the ending? They fake. Fake as fuck.
M/M pairings equally deserve meaningful tellings, not slapdash barbies smashing together. We'll get there when we get there, but everybody refusing to listen to the story, morals, or dean screaming to be heard the entire way? fake as fuck. I want them out of my garden. I want people that actually want to listen to both Dean and Robbie, not people who are waiting for their personal gratification bar before deciding if anything is worth a shit. Cuz frankly if they were listening, they wouldn't have to ask these questions to begin with.
It's not about desperation. it's about reality yall. And it's about learning to care about people beyond your own personal wants, shapes, demands, orders of how you think they should talk, walk, or anything else. We'll get there when we get there, and we're getting there, but I call absolute horse shit on anyone that refuses to listen until the coconuts smash.
Harsh? Yes. True? Also yes. It hasn't escaped me how few people genuinely cared enough to learn the authors as individuals as people, rather than trying to scream over and assign assumptions for all these years just to warrant attacks on them. Nobody fucking cared. And Robbie's out here pissed af talking about revenge and STILL most assholes in this fandom in all lanes all around are still too self absorbed to listen to his voice until the end, around which he'll be shoving his dick down everyone's throat.
By the by, GA don't need shit proven. Trolls and antis need their shit pushed in, bitters need put in their place, etc, but GA don't need shit proven. The noise you guys generate in this fandom is your own transmission interference that clouds up a lot of shit that is perfectly clear to the GA. I've invited 3 GA people to my server that are just Random Dudes That Watch The Show and they themselves wandered in and were like ?????????????? I CAN TALK ABOUT JUNG???????????? OMG. [goes on a long theory that's half solid half out of touch with the content but is automatically building theories wincels would scream are delusional]
Stop imagining monolithic monster enemies against yourself. Your mental health is yours alone to manage and perpetual anxiety and trauma sharing is a toxic trait, flat out. Nihilism is a toxic trait, flat out. Narcissistic projections or demands are a toxic trait, flat out.
It's all toxic shit and you all gotta root out your own damage before trying to sit here preaching that the people who are building a wholeass gay empire need to somehow Do Better than the story that's about to headshot half the fandom at once while they actively swear off the existing content until it's Their Way(TM.) and, in result, are actually starving or attacking queer content actively, and still taking out their personal mental health issues against queer content, and they won't get out of their head enough to realize it.
Speaking of narcissism, this illusion of a GA composed of yokels barefoot in the appalachians that understand TV Less Than You is actually a manifestation of narcissism. No, the GA is a diverse, wide array of people from all walks. They're as wide as the fandom itself is, but far less extremized, and not exposed to years and years and years of interference from fandom's white noise. GA, at large, are actually fucking smarter than the fandom is at this point. A vast majority of the GA are better educated or equipped to understand storytelling than fandom is just due to their own life experiences, frankly. They're not all fucking illiterate and stupid. There's no magical Idiot GA monster that is unanimously for or against a position or unanimously do or don't want a thing. That, like your trauma, is inside your head.
News flash, dickbags. You're part of this magical GA monster too.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
thoughts about s1e1
I’ve watched the episode three times hahaha I wanna write down some thoughts to get it out of my head before episode 2 drops tomorrow ashdjglasd (how am I supposed to live like this or 7 weeks haha)
But something I really enjoyed in the episode that I've been thinking about a lot is that Every. Single. Interaction. between Louis and Lestat is so full of coercion lmao. He's fucken relentless.
It’s like a feast to watch. From the moment they meet, Lestat is negging him and emasculating him, and the first time they talk Lestat is already Mind Gifting him. Louis describes it as being “immobilized.” 
But wait, let me say something else before I get into this lol. 
One of the complaints I have about the show currently is that I think it doesn’t really know if it expects the viewer to show up with book/movie knowledge. (Remind me later to mention a few parts where it specifically seems to comment on the movie even though they keep claiming they're separating from it.) Like as much as we’ve all identified this as an AU fanfic, it truly does seem to have some storytelling beats of fanfiction, in that fanfiction utilizes different writing skills when it comes to character development and world building. There are several moments in the episode where it feels like they expect us to just know who Lestat is and accept that Loustat is the ship we’re here for.
And like, it’s tricky with this specific story because the name is on the tin, like there’s no ambiguity or mystery about the fact that Lestat is a vampire and yet they still try to fold in some moments of spookiness to let us know he’s not a regular person. And tbh it doesn’t really add anything to story. Louis isn’t bothered by it and mentions being okay with being told that Lestat will explain it later. It shows us that he's unbothered at times for his sake, but the scene with the lamplighter for example is not Louis's POV and is for the sake of the audience? To? Let us know that Lestat is a vampire? Which kinda blunts the reveal that he's eating the priest at the end? idk I don't really get it.
And in some ways I don’t think they do a great job and showing us WHY these two like each other, they kind of just expect us to buy it. But the two big clues I see that they try to spell out for us is that Lestat sees Louis as a violent man who has a secret inner personality (like he must have heard Louis whispering to Paul in the street before pulling the knife on him) and then the threesome specifically makes a point to begin and end with Nicki’s music box. From canon we know that Louis assumed Lestat was using him for his money which isn't relevant in this version, and Lestat claimed it was love @ first sight bc Louis reminded him of Nicki. Positioning Nicki into their sex scene like this kinda tells me that we’re still going with “saw a stranger who reminded me of my ex that I am grieving a lot” and it tracks with the way he stares directly at Louis as he says “a boy of infinite beauty and sensitivity.”
As far as what Louis sees in Lestat? They set it up immediately to let us know he’s conflicted, wanted to slash his throat, felt humiliated, etc. It’s hard to know exactly what he sees except that he’s found someone he can be himself around and he feels accepted.  Aww lol.
But the gaslighting here is just IMMEDIATE like it opens with a racist comment, only to then have Lestat remind him of it during the poker game. He doesn’t take Louis’s side against those men except to help him cheat. In some ways he’s constantly reminding Louis of his own superiority and goes out of his way to make Louis feel even smaller than he already does.
So like, trying to build any sense of suspense about what Lestat is kind of falls flat to me when Louis isn’t concerned about it, especially coming from a man as insecure as he is, and it makes me wonder how much of it is Mind Gifting. The fact that Lestat fucks with his mind IMMEDIATELY and would know everything Louis is thinking just sets him up as a perfect victim. 
And it kinda brings me to a point I wanna also mention later but, the way they interact here COMPLETELY changes the entire theme of vampirism representing outsiders that we get in VC and that Anne spoke about frequently. Between Lestat & Louis’s interactions in the past and Daniel & Louis’s interactions in the present we are told all the ways that Louis and Daniel feel small, feel insecure, feel shame, and it frames vampirism as a way out of shame and a way to be powerful. It really really changes the dynamic between them; in the book Louis agrees because he’s suffering intense grief and sees it as a means of penance, in the show he’s continuously being teased and negged and needs the power to escape the life he created.
He even describes it to Daniel as seduction. 
Another thing I didn’t love, and this is kind of related to whether or not we’re supposed to show up knowing the story, is the pacing kinda felt all over the place. There’s a few moments they ask you to sit with for a long time (opening scene with Daniel is one) while rushing through the next. Like we spent a lot of time seeing Daniel’s life, going so far as to OPEN THE EPISODE with this e-course ad, only to jump to Dubai and jump into the interview almost immediately. I still don’t understand why they’re doing a second interview LOL. But it feels same with the way they gloss over Louis & Lestat dating. They give us enough for both situations to like, UNDERSTAND, like, I get that Daniel and Louis met 40 years ago and wanna do another interview, and I get that Lestat and Louis spent a lot of time together, but. I want to SEE this. I want to know what Louis & Lestat did and talked about to get to know each other. We see the end result but we don’t get to see the meat of it, like. Is Lestat ever sincere with him? Do they ever have conversations where Lestat isn’t gaslighting him? I feel like they’ve put a ton of stock into Loustat as a central subject of the show but spent more time with them making out than they did showing us how they got to know each other and IDK MAN I JUST, I KINDA LIKE STUFF LIKE THAT LOL. I would’ve liked to see it to understand them better. I see that they’re into each other and I’m supposed to buy it, okay, but, I want to know why lol. The show is only interested in showing us moments where Lestat is misbehaving and Louis doesn’t like him.
Because then like, they skip over weeks of courting and the next time we get them together is the family dinner. And this too, like. The tantrum Lestat has in the middle?
I was REALLY distracted during this scene in particular in the fact that Lestat is 150 YEARS OLD LMFAO. I’m still waiting to figure out if he’s had a big sleep or not bc that might change the dynamic; if he’s been asleep for 100 years maybe he’s still a young man at heart. But this age change makes this entire scene SO fucking sinister to me haha. 
I’m not sure how to feel about his powers because the show has made up their own lore, but like, obviously in the books you gain these powers over time. Idk how it relates to this time freeze thing since it’s a show invention. But it’s creepy as fuck that he lets Louis watch. If it was something he had to get off his chest for a moment, he had the choice to freeze Louis as well. But he wanted Louis to see that. The way he immediately snaps back into being charming to Louis’s family is so fucked up hahaha. Sam Reid I think in the BTS had said something like how Lestat knows how to behave and how to misbehave and it’s perfect right here. He knows exactly what he’s doing, even in a moment where he needs to have an angry outburst.
SO NOW WE’RE UP TO THE SEXYPART WHICH IS VERY INTERSTING TO ME. It again opens with their walk to Lestat’s with Lestat reminding him of his own shame, leading into Lestat asking for a nightcap and Louis telling him he’s already too drunk. And it’s like DOES IT MEAN SOMETHIGN that he says no AS he’s walking towards Lestat? 
There’s something that feels deliberate about the way the shot is framed, seeing both of them and the way Lestat is stepping backwards to lure him, and Louis is going right to him. (Recall the end of the episode leading to the church how Lestat is saying Come to me over and over.) Louis is already drunk when he agrees to come up and Lestat even pours him another drink inside. 
I’m also curious if this is the same way Louis continues unbuttoning his vest even as he’s saying to Lestat “how’d you do that?” They make a point to show the way his and Lestat’s movements are in sync with each other. It reminded me of when he meets Santiago except now it makes me wonder if it’s the other way around, if Lestat is the one controlling Louis here, suggesting these things to him even as he’s alarmed. 
Louis is SO vulnerable here, and the thing is that Lestat knows it. And I think there’s a few ways to read this scene, I don’t think it’s definitely noncon/dubcon but it came off that way to me on the second viewing. The way Louis’s body goes limp when they levitate in the air calls me back to being immobilized. Like maybe he’s just feeling the SWOON that hard but like, how are you letting a man drink your blood and heal your neck wound AND YOU’RE STILL NOT REALLY CONCERNED ABOUT IT????????????? 
Like Lestat must have made it so, right? I don’t understand how a clever businessman who can READ PEOPLE and who profits off of people’s addiction and sin and is in the business of selling bodies wouldn’t BE CONCERNED LOL. I don’t care how insecure he is! I just feel idk we’re pushing it here, unless we can accept that Lestat is mind controlling him, and in that case I need to watch this entire scene and wonder how much he’s being mind controlled. How many of Louis’s actions are of his own volition? If he initiates the kiss, did he really? It really calls everything about them into question.
(ALSO this is the point I wanna come back to about commenting on the movie like, I don't recall it being a thing that you like kiss & bite people and float in the books, this feels specifically like a fuck you to the film to be like OH OH WELL THIS TIME THEY'RE NAKED! lol like is this gonna happen all the time, I'm yelling LOL. )
So then he’s getting ready to leave and he’s thinking like, I can’t do this, I’m gonna put this out of my mind, this never happened, etc, and Lestat is right there listening to it. Lestat heard all those mean things you just said LOL!! Unbelieve.
We get a time jump here and we know that at least two weeks go by. We know Louis ghosted him. At some point Lestat kills Lily (Louis’s like, only friend aside from Paul? Who he can hang out with and feel comforted?) and it’s such a blatant way to isolate him. Now you can’t go to Lily, you have to come to me. And we get to see this quality time with Paul at the wedding, and WHAT HAPEPNS NEXT?
Paul knows that Lestat has the Mind Gift lol, of course no one is gonna believe him, but Louis is like lol oh shit. And they have a nice wedding, and a lovely sunrise together, and a nice convo, and Paul just ??? Very calmly walks off the roof?????
Since vampires don’t have death sleep when the sun is up, it means Lestat could be AWAKE! Like y’all I think he killed Paul lol. He’s pouting in his coffin and his mind is across town making this happen. Even if that’s extravagant I think we still can get enough like Hannibal/Miggs mindfuckery if it was a seed Lestat planted earlier. 
And it leads us now to Lestat approaching Louis at the funeral, blunder-flirting by asking about the casket, and showing us how angry it makes him to be ignored. Louis continues to the cemetery, is immobilized once again, and at this point it’s full on mindfuck warfare with Lestat trying to lure him.
I really do not like the character shift that Lestat is like a vengeful edgy atheist here but it makes sense how he tries to be with Louis, Louis cannot seek Lily for comfort, he seeks Paul (aka religious man that triggers Lestat), and when he cannot seek Paul either he goes to church. So now Lestat’s gotta destroy the church, too! Anything to lead Louis towards him!!!!!! 
Similarly to the way they gloss over the dating period, I am dsaghjklsdhgjKSDG so frustrated that we don’t get to hear what Lestat is saying to him to convince him at the end. I’m wondering if this is trying to hint towards the way Louis skimmed over any love or positivity in the novel and focused on how much he hated Lestat and what a douchebag Lestat was lol. Same could be happening here and I’m waiting to see how it unfolds in the future episodes. 
But like YIKES that Lestat murders priests and starts a fire to win Louis over and still acts like Louis has a choice here. He’s isolated Louis from his friend, his brother, his church. Arguably he still has Grace and his mom except that his mom is blaming him for Paul’s death. But Lestat narrows his world down to only have room for Lestat.
And just THE WAY HE SAYS “I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE LOVED.” Like. Lestat is a total solipsist, I think he has a hard time caring about other people’s feelings unless he’s using them in some way and observing them for his own benefit. “I love you” is an expression of his own feelings, and he means it, but having to remind Louis “You are loved” is so fucking manipulative at this exact moment. 🍿 
I’ve been like super worried about this show was going to handle Lestat’s tendency to abuse people around him and woobify the domesticity of Rue Royale Era because of the way they said it would be truer than the movie since they can draw on all the books to inform Lestat’s personality.  YKNOW LIKE ALL THE BOOKS WHERE LESTAT DOESNT ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HE’S TERRIBLE AND WE’RE SUPPOSED TO JUST BE ON HIS SIDE etc etc and all the ways Anne fumbled the topics of domestic abuse. 
Like I WANTED Lestat to be clearly toxic and I’m really relieved we’re getting a version of him like this instead of framing him as a hero but at the same time it was like WOAH LMFAO THIS IS EVEN WORSE????? He’s so much worse here. It’s Lestat being an asshole but with the subtlety of a brick to the face. 
I definitely have some complaints about it and he comes off as a caricature at times even though Sam is doing a great job with what was written for him, but I guess I prefer this over it being like a wholesome romance hahahah. Like please, yes, make him the biggest asshole. :D
In my mind I was gonna just write a few bullet points about stuff I liked & didn’t like in the episode but I got really carried away so I’m gonna end here. 
I’ll park some other points here just for the record to have it out of the way before we watch more.
- the set designs & wardrobe (even though this time period isn’t my fav for wardrobe but they did really good with it) 
- really good performances from Jacob and Sam ! 
- the Daniel straightwash/closeting (I wrote a bit about it yesterday though)
- I don’t really love that they’re framing race, orientation, and disability as sources of shame, especially when it’s a show invention. I feel there might also be something in here about how Lestat thinks it's okay to murder poor people and sex workers but maybe we'll find out that they were ~evil all along~. To say you’re updating the text and then adding these kind of reductive themes is like, not awesome LOL but I wanna see where it goes to decide how it’s being handled. 
- I have a lot to say about how they handled the topic of Louis owning brothels & the way they talked about the sex workers. There’s so much to unpack here when it comes to the politics and economics of the time period and how like, almost all the SWers were Black except for the disabled one and someone in the bg. There’s just a lot here. I don’t think it’s necessarily bad on the screen within the story but there’s sort of a larger context about the way RJ has talked about the story and the characters and his occasional creepy sexist remarks that are giving me big red flags here about the intent behind it. 
- Changing the entire theme of vampirism from othering to power is just. … .okay lol. All the reviews were raving about how much this show FELT like Anne Rice and how it was so loyal to the themes and honestly I did not get that all from this episode? In a super broad strokes way I see the through-line of like loneliness/love and shame/isolation but from this episode alone it feels like a huge mess and I wanna see where else it goes.
- I’m really curious because a lot of the reviews said this episode was slow and I THOUGHT IT WAS RUSHED HAHA I was really confused about the pacing. But knowing that the reviewers saw 1-5 I’m just like omfg does that mean the others are like Ryan Murphy level drama?! LOL. They also kept commenting on how campy it was (in a good way) and in this episode I couldn’t tell if the campy moments were intentional. They came across as cringe & cheesy to me haha but I suppose if they show up often enough as a pattern we’ll be able to see if it was intentional. There were definitely a few parts where the music had me literally crying laughing (when they floated off the floor and when Paul died I don't think it was supposed to be funny, oops!)
(Speaking of cheesy stuff I laughed so much at all the super silly transitions and over the top music that felt straight out of Bram Stoker’s Dracula 1992 lolololol I was crying hahah) 
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lancerious · 1 year
❌ Queen (I may have said months ago that I don't want to see shit talk abt her but I changed my mind)
Okay honestly I have a lot less to say about Queen compared to some months ago, so this list will be shorter than you may expect
HER VOICE. GOD I HATE HER VOICE. I literally cannot explain why this is but her voice gets on my nerves SO MUCH
Definitely a personal nitpick, but she...kinda becomes a good person too quickly for me. I get that she's not really a traditional villain in the sense that she outwardly wants to murder Kris and the gang like a certain other Deltarune character, but Idk, she kinda does a 180 in a span of maybe three dialogue lines. Yeah I get the Roaring is bad and all but still, Queen's just like "holy shit I didn't know that" and immediately stops everything she's doing with no contemplation or hesitance. Just seems too sudden
Just the fact that she completely overshadowed Spamton at one point. MY LITTLE SALESMAN DIDN'T DESERVE THAT. #JUSTICEFORSPAMTON
Um. I'm sorry but Queen still shows up in Chapter 2 waaay too much. You remember Chapter 1, where the Darkners kept mentioning Spade King and were building him up to be the big bad? Yeah I think Queen should've gotten a similar treatment. Mention her a few times, especially the SCC since their values are the opposite of hers so it would've been interesting. The Werewires and Werewerewires could still be controlled, but you don't know by who. I feel like it would've been SOOOO much more interesting if there was suspense and tension built up, only for you to realize Queen's not super threatening and likes to joke around
Uhhhh I'm really sorry but I still feel like Queen's overrated. No, she is not bad, no, I do not despise her, but man, compared to other characters, she gets too much attention. Like, I saw a Tumblr poll gathering data about which Deltarune characters people like the most, and Queen was LITERALLY ahead of MY BOY LANCER. LANCER OF ALL PEOPLE. As a Lancer addict I was very sad. But anyway yeaaah I don't really get the hype yet. I think other characters like Seam, Swatch, etc are more interesting compared to her. BUT QUEEN IS STILL GOOD I SWEAR IT'S JUST AN OPINION DON'T TAKE THIS PERSONALLY
Okay I'm not sure if Queen knew Jevil or anything but WOULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN SO COOL IF QUEEN MENTIONED HIM? Like just a throwaway line like "oh yeah I know that crazy Jester" would have been so fun, especially if you got the ending where Jevil warns you about Queen in Chapter 1. Like IMAGINE you got that ending and then in Chapter 2 Jevil's just mentioned and BAM, you never hear about him again. Wasted potential Toby Fox, WASTED
Ok that's all I can think of for now, yeah honestly I have much less negative thoughts about Queen than I used to, which I'm sure makes you happy, lol. Still not a top-tier character for me, probably never will be, but I don't really have a major bone to pick with her anymore
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folklauerate · 1 year
anj ur fics are so fun and well-crafted i am a huge secret admirer of them who has been following u for a yr (and i respect the dilf prof anthony agenda frfr it's always the english depts too getting called daddy thank u for this homage) but omfg as someone in the humanities phd track, i cannot help but ask why kate is so young for a prof???? esp since almost all humanities profs start a fulltime teaching position at 28-30 yrs old minimum... i had a hard time imagining how 25 yr old would allowed to teach as a professor full-time by effect of her 'merit' unless it's some exploitative semi-illegal gag clause contingency hidden in her contract that renders her basically a 'pre-'grad student but w/o even their flimsy benefits n protections which actually usually is the case... 😭😭 knowing the dysfunctional politics embedded in uk and north american tenure systems, i unfortunately couldnt get past it! but looking forward to ur milf kate writing, hope u dont find this question too nosy or offensive lol (i enjoyed the fic for what it is hehe) i realize traumatized phds r probs not the target audience of this fic nor entitled to an explanation for why ur not reading and incorporating paywalled exposes of uni working conditions into a fic but was still curious if u were just taking reference from a different context or more ethical precedent of academic labor (which may ease my conscious reading it haha). tysm!
First of all—thank you! I appreciate you reading and being a secret admirer (tho I promise I don’t bite, ur always welcome to say hey!). I appreciate it 💘
Second of all—lmfao I was wondering when I’d get this ask or comment 😭😭😭😭😭 I just knew there’d be some poor phd student or some professor reading this fic who’d be like “hang on… what’s that?” and the answer I’ve got for you is let’s have a healthy dose of suspension of complete disbelief because it was the only way I could make this work 🤓
I wanted it to be an age gap because I wanted to write an age gap but I didn’t want there to be too horrible of a power imbalance that would definitely come with it being a student/professor relationship. That was just too far for me to personally go, even though with the ages I have them at, it would be the most realistic thing. Idk making them student/professor made me feel icky. I suppose I could’ve made her work some admin job within the university but I really liked the idea of them both teaching, and I originally planned on having him sort of rediscover his own love of teaching thanks to her enthusiasm. For some background (this didn’t make it into the fic, but I did hint at it); Anthony specializes in teaching a lot of western lit canon/comp lit things and Kates specializes in post-colonial lit/Asian American lit, and I liked the idea of her challenging his perspectives and changing up some of the ways he approaches his work and the things he assigns, and that all helping him rediscover his love of teaching as well. There’s a repeated theme in this oneshot of rebirth; how love can find us at unexpected times and make the world feel brand new again. I kinda heavy-handedly drove the theme home when he says I love you and I write that it washes over Kate like rainwater in spring—a sort of nod to baptism/rebirth imagery, a nod to rain being necessary for renewal even though she’s afraid of storms but the storm scene is a huge turning point for them, and rain and springtime and rebirth etc lol. ANYWAYS—all this to say, I really do try and make things as realistic as possible, because that matters to me and I like world building and tbh I do get paranoid that someone might read my fic and go “oh well that’s wrong, a mechanic would never say that” or something lol, but it is fanfiction land and I do have to make some concessions to make the story work in the way I want it to work, and I sort of ended up here lol! Trust me, though, I totally hear you; I was an English major myself (if you couldn’t tell) with a concentration in post-colonial lit and a minor in poli-sci and for a while I thought I’d get my masters or a PhD in the humanities and then teach, before a professor discouraged me from it bc ya know this is the US and that usually means a lot of debt and no teaching positions lol. But all that to say—I totally hear you! It’s not realistic and it’s icky if you work/study in it and know exactly what the dark and ugly side of academia looks like! But most folks probably didn’t catch that bc no one really knows what it’s like until you’re in it tbh. I tried to sort of make it work by having her have these two masters degrees (again, insane) and be some sort of wunderkind and exciting new voice in the post-colonial lit field that Agatha just had to bring on lmao. Basically it’s not perfect and it doesn’t totally work irl, but it’s not too big of a plot point besides getting them in the same place, and it’s not a huge focus, just in the background as they’re grading things or walking around campus, and I hope it doesn’t totally impede your ability to read it, but I totally understand if it does 😭
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
Same guy who asked about the tp dungeons, I think weirdly enough me liking queen Rutela’s design while I was a kid is what led me to having a two year crush on mipha… which ended in me shipping link and mipha WAY too hard lmao. This was during my botw phase that I burned out while trying to 100 percent complete age of calamity. This may seem unrelated but, what’s your opinion on the music INSIDE vah medoh and vah ruta.
tp stan and mipha/link stan. um. you might not like a lot of my opinions. anyway i am not musically inclined in the slightest so the score is actually usually an afterthought to me when it comes to these games unless it has an obvious specific motif(?) like zelda's lullaby, the alttp overworld theme, etc etc. i did just go listen to those 2 songs tho. medoh's sounds to me like a slow, building sense of danger, almost. it doesn't quite feel like a battle theme, but there's obviously some danger there. it's suspenseful, i guess?? it reminds me of a pre-trial ace attorney theme tbh. like. Things Are About To Happen music. idk im sorry i dont know shit about music. ruta's on the other hand is very... idk. not quite calming but definitely less in-your-face danger. it seems to fit mipha very well, in that there's not much overt fight/intensity? but you can still feel this like, quiet danger under the surface. you're dealing with something not overtly dangerous, but obviously powerful.
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abri-chan · 2 years
Reading SB BL chapter 34, where 1) Minho had decided to end his life, so he really said let me have a good fuck beforehand, 2) WK thinks Minho fucking him is an opening to make him fall for him, and acting like they're newlyweds (oh I love you, like that makes up for me raping you), 3) Minho deciding to kill himself instead of killing WK, at least take him with you, don't let him off the hook.
Tumblr media
That tie will break, or WK will get up to piss and catch Minho mid act, and then WK will make this all about himself again.
Minho, do one good thing in this SB universe: kill WK steal his money, then write your life story as a best-seller, I beg you.
(I already lost hope for WK once he started begging for men for pussy, instead of Doona. Not that Doona would take him, because he's trash. But Minho? Pathetic Minho?
And the fact Minho keeps being pathetic and directing his anger inwards? This time you're not in the wrong Minho--WK fucked you up. It's not your fault, you should make WK suffer, make him your sub bitch idk. But don't go thinking he really loves you (does WK even know what loving is, and no he does not love you), and now you can kill yourself and be at peace.)
In short, don't do it, Minho, you may survive.
(I do think he may survive bc we are shown the sounds right at the end... I think if he was gonna die for real, you would either show him dead by the end of the chapter or by the middle. Yes, this version builds suspense but it betrays that he will survive bc storywise, he would be dead by the opening of next chapter, so epilogue would be too short for the second half. Or you'd have to spend a whole chapter waiting if he died or not to find out he died at the end, and you feel the suspense is gone by one chapter prior. Maybe he has to be taken to the hospital or falls into a coma...
So to explain this better, storytelling wise, death of main character can happen at the end of the chapter as a very strong punch to the gut, or at the middle of the chapter to leave plenty space for an epilogue--say how others react to that death etc. The way it is set up right now, Minho will die at the beginning of next chapter, and that makes sense only for non main character bc 1) you wasted the chance to make the punch stronger by killing him right at the end of prior chapter, 2) there's 3/4 epilogue space let's say, and that's too much that you forgot the punch, or 3) worst case, you kill him at the end of next chapter but now the punch has no strength bc you dragged the death concept too long)
From the cover of the spinoff
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Is that the mark of the tie from the recent chapter? Of his failed suicide attempted (maybe he's depressed it didn't work...)? Or just the chain mark from the first few chapters (notice the bruised face from punching... either way foreshadowing)
Real quick from reading the English translation.
Minho's face is all of us right now.
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("this bitch serious?")
(In general, I noticed from the beginning of this manga to now, Minho's eyes get smaller and smaller and more and more tired. But since this chapter teases is to suicide possibly, it's also a metal for how his field-view of life is getting closer and closer, and more and more of the world turns dark.)
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WK is an idiot, and he shows he hasn't changed one bit. He tells Minho how much he loves him, and how he wants to change, but notice how his behavior speaks. He tries to kiss Minho after sex Minho pushes him away, Minho starts moaning and whining "I'm a changed man but please oh please let me kiss you. I won't shut up until you do." It is important to WK to get that kiss, to seal the sex that just happened as making love, bc he wants to believe it is intimate, and that he may have a chance with Minho now. As though, all is forgiven bc WK loves Minho now, so forget the rape, forget how he still won't respect Minho's boundaries of not wanting to kiss, plus also, how he goes back to his old ways to wear Minho down until Minho agrees. This is further cemented by Minho's answer "do as you want." So WK fails twice, by being the definition of Minho giving up an inch and WK taking a foot, and by lying to himself that if he gets the action of intimacy (a kiss after sex), this will equal the act of intimacy, as though the action itself will make it true.
There's another scene which I'm tired to find screenshots about but it goes as follows: WK holding on to Minho's shirt in bed, like a little child. So Minho says "don't cling to me", and at first I was excited bc I thought Minho meant "you are annoying", but the panel that follows "I don't want to have anything tying me to this world." It must be that the "..." during the scene of WK's love confession is Minho making a decision about WK's words, and his decision was to believe him, and as he says walking towards the door, knowing one person loved him was enough to fill he was worth something. I doubt WK loves Minho, but WK thinks he does, and Minho chooses to believe it bc he wants to be worth something and he thinks if one person can love him, he is not utter scum and he has some value. And now he can make peace that his life didn't go without leaving a mark on someone. (It is also that he sees WK clinging as something that tied him to the world, so something desirable as opposed to annoying, which as much as I think he should have hurt WK, I can't reason with a man about to commit suicide.)
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(I went and found the panels after all)
The panels denoting Minho's dark thoughts are very well drawn actually, and interesting too. The darkness, like ink flows into him, from his head (he made the decision), down his neck, and toward his body. And the light of the bathroom as the light of salvation, bc he wants to end it all. It's a nice play on dark and light, and also the way suicidal thoughts are presented visually.
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I'm also kinda annoyed with WK bc he's the annoying kind of clingy: he needs Minho for affirmation. He makes it all about himself, and even when extending an ounce of understanding to Minho getting raped by WK's friends, he forgets soon after they have sex, and acts as though they're lovers on a honey moon, as though Minho is in the right state of mind to tend to WK's emotional needs. And for what? So WK can use his as an experimental rat to test and figure out what he wants on? WK thinks that bc all is right in his head now: he knows what he wants, all must also be right with the world, and it doesn't work like that. He has yet to grow past that age when a child closes his eyes and thinks the world around them doesn't exist, because other people surely can't exist if he doesn't see them, and they can't feel if he doesn't witness.
I was reading/am reading Legs which cannot walk along with SB in the current timeline, and it is funny to me that as of right now Teasung (a mafia boss) and the uke there may have a happy ending (chapter 80), while SB BL spinoff is heading for suicide: a rich entitled kid can use more trouble, it seems, than a prostitute child who grew up in the streets and raised in ranks through murder (make of it what you will). There were so many parallels btw Taesung and WK in this spinoff, like chaining the "uke" to the bed, but one is a gangster, and the other is a rich kid that supposedly is a decent citizen, so again, make of it what you will.
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abtheb · 2 years
Scale of 1-10, 10 being THE MOST, how much of a furry would you say you are?
How do new generations define "furry" in tyool 2022?
I am old and my understanding of that label dates back to like 2005 4chan/somethingawful days, so I expect it's more nuanced now.
I don't really distinguish between human bara and furry bara, and good art is good art. I've long preferred bara art over real human porn content, which is often kind of gross and cringy to me. I much prefer seeing the incredible amount of passion and skill that goes into creating good art and neat characters, and the suspension of reality re size/size difference, etc. I prefer furry art that leans more human.
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(Source: Uleez)
I don't have a fursona, or OCs. I don't belong to any furry discords or telegram groups, and am not involved in the culture except where it overlaps with my own size-related interests. I don't see myself or have an idealized perception of myself in a furry/anthro form. I want to be tauren sized IRL, and I have a soft spots for bulls and bears after over a decade of playing world of warcraft as my sole vehicle for sexual expression for most of my late teens and 20s.
I had pretty limited exposure to media as a rural, non-english, pre-internet kid. I had video games though, and I always appreciated and enjoyed large male humanoids in them. I would always get 👀-eyed as a kid turning into Zora and Goron Link in Majora's Mask, or seeing shit like this in Donkey Kong Country games
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I always assumed furonas and furry culture to be community-shared escapism and freedom from the realities of human flesh - an opportunity to be one's idealized self in a self-created confident identity outside the bounds of human culture and expectation. I'm very happy with my human meatbag though, which I've worked hard to build into something I'm proud to experience the world in. I've fantasized about being my current size since I was like 12yo, and I enjoy being this huge every day it lasts.
So, idk, 7?
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