#and he just gives me that soft little smile and slides his hand around the back of my neck and strokes my cheek
vampiricgf · 2 days
ᝰ you think he's just another frat boy with meaningless flirty words for the person he sits next to in a boring class (he's down horrendous)
frat boy satoru x f!reader, college au, somewhat established relationship you guys are classmates, sfw no smut, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, just lots of him being an idiot with a massive huge earth shattering crush <3
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"And how's my favorite girl?"
"Worse, thought you'd skip this class again and we'd have some peace." You roll your eyes as you slide the straps of your backpack over the back of your chair.
Satoru Gojo, nuance Sig Ep and unfortunately glued to your side since the first day of statistics for reasons unknown to you. You'd made an effort to avoid members of greek life on campus, not wanting to get involved in party culture or whatever new dramatics were unfolding with its subgroups. That only seemed to encourage him though, casually throwing his arm around you through the duration of lectures and begging in that whining tone of his for you to come by the house.
You never did, you also pointedly ignored most of his text messages and actively regretted ever having to give him your phone number after the one assignment you'd been paired up for. Outside the occasional drunk text where he'd plead for you to show up, which did make you feel both bad for ignoring him and a little high off the attention. Not that you'd ever admit to clicking your phone lock and grinning to yourself in bed on those nights.
"C'mon, I'm the highlight of your day!" He shoots you that signature megawatt smile and you stick out your tongue at him, scooting your chair in the opposite direction and creating a wide gap as you sit down.
You see him frown and for a half second it looks genuine, making a pang of guilt reverberate through you so you scoot back to where you were and he resumes pestering you with some latest escapade in the Eps house as you both wait for the stream of students to peter off and the lecture to begin.
"Hey so, why you been ignoring my texts?" He pulls a pout and god you wish it wasn't actually cute.
"You send me weird combinations of emojis Gojo, what can I say to that?"
"It's Satoru," he quips almost immediately, barely allowing you to finish.
"Alright, Satoru, it's because you send me weirdo shit. Say hi every once in a while and maybe I'll say it back." You shrug, opening your laptop and preparing yourself to block out his incessant whispering for the next hour while you take down notes.
"You actually came!"
The sheer volume in the cramped, would-be living room of the house made you wince in tandem with his shout as Satoru threw an arm around you.
"I'm just humoring you so you stop bugging me!" You shout back, accepting a cup of god knows what from his hands and already formulating a plan of when it would be polite to bow out for the night without a barrage of where'd you go texts.
He doesn't answer you, too busy immediately yelling at some other guy over the volume of the music but you don't miss the way his hand slides down your back to settle at the lower curve, just above your ass. It makes you smile a little, despite your own misgivings about the scene you're in.
But quickly it becomes too much, being jostled by a permanently sweaty and horny crowd in such a cramped space, and you find yourself drifting outside to a patio sparsely populated with only a handful of smokers. The alcohol buzzing inside your brain makes you crave one, a thick, acrid stream of smoke spreading like thick flower petals blossoming inside your lungs.
One girl catches your eye and slowly you meander over to where she's perched, away from the rest on a railing that's seen one too many coats of poor paint jobs.
"Could I bum one off you?"
"You got a dollar?"
Lamely you pat your hips, absentmindedly searching for one until she lets out a soft laugh and extends the pack in her hand out to you. Marlboro lights, the gold top of it shimmers faintly in the dim light as you slide one out and accept the lighter she passes you.
"I tell myself lights mean I'm working on quitting. What a load of shit." She huffs out a laugh to herself as you flick the lighter and it gives a few sparky coughs before the flame catches, burning the tip of the cigarette into a solid ember cherry.
"I'm Ieiri," she says cordially as you hand back the deep purple lighter.
You give her your name before taking a deep drag of the cigarette, enjoying the feeling of it settling in your chest.
"They should invent a kind of cigarette that doesn't kill you." You say absentmindedly and she cracks a smile.
"Too bad the "healthy " cigarettes of ye old days had asbestos in them."
That makes you laugh, enjoying the way it flows into the air with the breeze that plays against your skin, like a lover running fingers over it and giving you gooseflesh.
"Wait, you're the girl Satorus got statistics with right? Tuesdays and Thursdays?" She asks between puffs, flicking ash off into the dark.
"Yeah, the very same. I figured I should finally take him up on the offer to come over, I've blown him off so many times." Saying out loud makes you feel a little like an ass, he may get on your nerves but he's never been anything but sweet to you.
"You know he's like, obsessed with you, right?" She says with another laugh and it makes you raise a brow.
"Oh yeah?"
She shakes her head, another drag before continuing. "Oh yeah. Gets too drunk every weekend and cries in the bathroom because you didn't show, has a crisis every day because he doesn't know what to say to you in texts. I've never seen him excited about a math course before this semester either, usually it's any excuse to cut class until a prof bitches at him."
With every word a strange sense of giddiness grows in tandem with the alcohol drenching your brain, and you can't help but think about those devastating blue eyes. The opposite of rose colored glasses but it fits, a shade of comfortable blue that tints the world because of him and suddenly you're gripped by the urgent need to go back inside and find him.
"Hey, thanks for the cigarette but I'm gonna go find him. See you inside?" You crush the butt out with the toe of your shoe, grinding it down and giving Ieiri a wave goodbye as the wall of thumping bass and neon light swallows you back up.
It strikes you as incredible how a house can turn into a labyrinth when filled to the brim with bodies and only offering the occasional flash of strobe or neon lights to guide you in the dark. After when feels like hours and checking nearly every room you come across for Satoru, without luck, you find Ierie once again leaning against a closed door with a particularly bored expression.
"Satoru she wasn't saying she was leaving she said she was coming to find you, dummy. Open the door."
As you sidled up beside her she shot you a conspiratorial glance before pulling you closer so you could hear her over the din.
"Can you tell him you're right here? He's such a whiny drunk." She rolls her eyes but you can tell it's playful, although you get the feeling this has happened more than once.
Hesitantly you put your palm against the door, feeling the distant bass thrumming through the wood. "Hey Satoru? I didn't leave, I'm right out here with Ierie!"
There's silence on the other side, making you frown in concern until the door is suddenly wrenched open and you nearly fall right against him. Despite clearly being drunk his hands come to grasp your upper arms gently to steady you before yanking you inside the hazy dark of what you assume was his bedroom.
"You're welcome!" You hear Shoko yell through the door as he sits down in a huff, still holding onto you, against a well worn futon.
You can't help but giggle at the way he almost curls around you, as if determined to attach to your side like some sort of sucker fish. With a bit of wiggling you manage to pull back, sweeping a few stray strands of hair from those baby blues as you do.
It's in that moment, when your fingertips brush his skin, that everything seems to pause. The noise outside seemingly vanishes, and it's like only the two of you exist in a comfortable bubble of silence. You never really noticed how his eyes looked almost crystalline before, too pretty to exist.
"Who gave you eyes like that?" You murmur, more to yourself but nevertheless he beams down at you.
"So you do like me, huh?"
The way he says it, so boyish, so... happy. You can't help but smile back, a shy thing that barely tugs at the corners of your lips.
"Duh, of course I do."
That makes him frown a bit, brows knitting in thought and somehow it made him look even cuter. No fair.
"Then how come you never showed up before? And you don't text me back?" A little pout forms on his lips as he finishes and you're struck with the overwhelming urge to kiss him.
With a superhuman effort you keep yourself focused on answering him. "You're, well... All this," you gesture broadly with your hands as you pull away slightly. "And I'm just a girl you have stats with. I thought maybe you were just yanking me around, being flirty in class but that's it, you know? I didn't wanna look stupid getting my hopes up."
"A girl I have stats with? You're joking, right? You're everything." He says incredulously, eyes wide as if more shocked than insulted that you could've looked at the situation that way.
Heat rushes beneath your skin at that, you're everything, and you know it's not the alcohol making you lightheaded. In your silence he continues.
"Y'know I'm not just messing around with you, I think about you all the time. Sometimes you're all I think about all day-"
With a surge of confidence you grab him by the front of his shirt, pulling him down and cutting him off with your lips pressed against his. It grips you like a fever, a crushing need to taste him. It's all sloppy teeth and tongues and spit but it feels perfectly serendipitous at the same time, an otherworldly calm that takes hold of your mind as your lips move against one another.
As you open your eyes into his you can't help the grin that now stretches wide across your mouth, giggling as you press kiss after kiss against his lips, his cheeks, his forehead and soon enough he's dissolved into a puddle of giggles and faux pouts in your arms.
"Will you tell me I'm your favorite girl again?"
"I'll tell you that forever."
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tojisun · 2 days
hockey player simon pt 03 // part of this plot // mlist
i swear it was just supposed to be a drabble w no plot
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jo heaves a sigh the moment you slide in front of her, and you would have been insulted if it wasn't for the gentle smile she gives right after. still, she's staring at you with that teasing tilt of her lips and her eyes narrowed in humour, one that you're not privy to.
"what?" you finally bite out, fiddling with your iced coffee, feeling self-conscious.
you fleet your eyes to yourself and, yeah, sure you're wearing the same pants as yesterday’s but c'mon? you didn't get to go back to your place after, well...
at least you didn't repeat your top, and is instead wearing a sweater you've stolen from simon's closet. cashmere, cream and soft, and the material comfortable, if not a little bit loose in the arms that droop past your fingers.
you thought you at least looked like those typical college students in the movies—effortlessly chic in a boyfriend sweater, if not a little haggard because who is not when in university?
she finally chuckles, the thrum of her voice easing up the frown that tugged your brows together. “don’t sweat it, superstar. it’s just that i’m still not used to seeing you be a sugar baby.”
you choke mid-sip, her words devouring you like an angry tide. you feel your eyes water in protest, the feeling burning as you sputter.
“i’m not–!”
“you’re not what?” tim asks, sliding into the seat beside yours.
you grumble, wagging a finger as you wipe your stained chin with your other hand. jo snorts and fills him in, chuckling all the while as she gestures at your sweater because she knows it couldn’t possibly have been yours.
tim’s smile turns cheeky, teasing, and he wiggles his brows at you.
“shut up, oh my god,” you whine, rolling your eyes at them, almost shyly, and you feel your cheeks warming. “i’m not– simon’s not my–”
“oh c’mon, babe,” jo says, playfully throwing her mechanical pencil at you. you huff before chucking it back at her, giggling to yourself when it bounces off her arm and rolls into the floor.
tim picks it up for her.
“he buys you expensive things—” her eyes flit to the new promise ring that you’re wearing. you unconsciously hide it behind your palm. “and pays for your tuition which i’m so, so jealous of.”
“doesn’t he fly you around too? in a private jet or something?” tim pipes up, shamelessly snagging away your iced coffee now that you’re too preoccupied to drink it.
“he doesn’t!”
twin brows quirk up in silent judgement.
“…he buys us first class tickets, not, like, a whole jet.”
see? they seemed to say with the way they cock their heads to the side.
you sniff. “it’s for work,” you mumble, remembering the first time simon flew you for his games.
“i mean, for him, maybe. but you? tell me what business do you have in winnipeg?” tim chirps and you almost want to jump him just to make him shut up.
“sugar baby,” jo finishes, singing. “but i mean, who can blame him, huh?” she grins, her voice dipping into a faux southern accent. “i’d spoil you too, sugar.”
“oh, you flirt,” you trill, taking the opening she offers to change the topic.
tim takes the bait and whines about how jo doesn’t do all those things for him, but jo is unmoved, eyeing you knowingly, but thankfully drops it too.
it’s just—
there’s a whole stigma to athlete’s girlfriends. for god’s sake, they even have a whole label—puck bunny—which is honestly just a dig made up by really shitty men who burn with jealousy . and you know that, but—
you can’t help but wonder if some, not all, of simon’s love for you is because of what you do to him. of what you give him in return. especially since he’s so busy all the time, either flying during the season and is rarely home, or packed with training and other physical regimen during the offseason.
so you wonder if this—flying you with him on the days the official WAGs are not being flown by the franchise, bringing you to vacation spots on the other side of the ocean, buying you everything you used to only dream of ever having—was his way of paying you back for your support and patience and care and love.
tim knocks his shoulder with yours, worry now lining his boyishly charming face.
“of course.” you lick your lips. “so did you ever get a copy of the lab sheet from rayan?”
you watch from the front seats as the team wrap up practice tonight, their coach looking pleased at their performance. it was still difficult to follow the game, but the players all look content too despite the sweat and their ragged breathing.
they never did know how to hold back even during a practice.
you say your goodbyes to the other people who came to watch, shooting simon a text that you’ll be waiting for him in the parking lot, and walk out.
the cashmere sweater, thankfully, is enough to fight off the cool air and the gentle breeze while you make your trek to simon’s distinct range rover, all sleek and pure black like he’s got the damn royals for a passenger.
it’s locked so you hover outside, stuffing your hands in the pockets of your pants, and entertained yourself with making puffs of air like you’re ten again. it’s honestly not too bad to be alone, if it weren’t for the sudden swarming of your doubts—the very same ones you thought you already shrugged off before taking the cab to the rink.
“hey, love,” simon’s voice pierces through your thoughts and you jump, barely smothering the yelp that almost tore itself from the base of your throat.
you swivel, heart pounding, and simon’s beautiful face creases into one of concern.
“are you–”
“si!” you greet, jogging to him.
he laughs and opens his arms for a hug, one that you excitedly give him. you tuck your cold face in the crook of his neck, breathing him in, taking in the antiseptic scent of rink soap and the faint smell of his shampoo.
his body is so warm against yours, and you can’t help but melt in his hold, body relaxing at the comfort he brings you.
“you ready to go home?” he asks like the insinuation that his home is also yours is not heart-stopping and world-changing.
you nod, unable to trust your voice right now.
there’s something different whenever it’s just you and simon—your thoughts, for once, are quiet and your confidence in yourself peaking like simon is the only place in this world where you can truly be yourself. it’s not just indulgence, nor tolerance, but it’s pure unadulterated acceptance.
and maybe it’s because of that realization, that flipped switch, that in the lull of your conversation with simon, you bring it up.
“did you know? my friends think that you’re my sugar daddy.”
you feel him freeze, body going rigid as your words spill into the space between you two. you continue to hide your face away from, avoiding a serious conversation as regret begins to build, shame licking up from your fingertips to your ears.
stupid, you think to yourself. why the hell did i bring it up? fuck—
then, simon laughs, soft and sputtering, his whole body shaking as he giggles, choked wheezes uncontainable. you tip your head up just enough to catch his eyes, questions filling your tongue, waiting to be spilled, but simon cups your cheek so tenderly before you could doubt anything any more.
“do i need to be one to spoil you rotten?” he asks like he didn’t just shaken the foundations of your doubts.
do i need to be one to spoil you rotten, he said like spoiling you was the norm. like showering you with expensive gifts and booking you expensive flights and helping you with your expensive necessities was something that boyfriends typically do. like your friends are the odd ones for thinking he had to be anything other the man you’re dating to be able to splurge for you.
“no,” you say, dizzy with the weight of your affections.
simon’s smile droops, his eyes clearing. “was that something that honestly worried you?”
the humour leaves him, and simon straightens up at seeing the gravity of the turmoil in your heart. his hands fall to your sides, thumbs hooked in the dip of your hips. he leans forward until his nose is brushing against yours.
“you know i love you, right?” simon asks, his voice quaking in desperation.
“yeah,” you sniffle, honest because god you mean it. “yeah, si. i know.”
“okay,” he says after a while, still intensely looking at you like you aren’t surely anything but a blob in his eyes with how close you two are pressed to each other.
then, his lips brush with yours, so faint, you almost missed it. you shudder at the feeling of it—how could a chaste kiss feel so intense?—your lips wobbling as something in your heart bloats.
you feel simon’s lips stretch into a grin from where they’re ghosting above yours, and then he’s kissing you again, this time deeper and longer. you curl your arms around his neck, feeling like you’re being swept off your feet all over again.
because simon is not good with words, truly, but he’s managed to swing an axe to the cornerstone of your self-doubt and made it crumble.
“oh god,” jo sobs in your arms, the two of you snuggled up under your sheets. “that was a joke! i promise!”
“i know,” you say, giggling. “i swear jo, it’s not you, it’s me.”
she looks up at you, eyes shimmering with tears. “are you sure?”
“yeah,” you croon, bumping foreheads with her. “...‘sides, simon’s taking me somewhere to make up for, and i quote, ‘making you doubt how serious i am about you’.”
she sniffs. “…permission to make a joke again?”
you grab your plushie from somewhere behind you and smack her ass with it.
“stop being dramatic—that didn’t hurt.”
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[giggles nervously] so uh. 🏃🏻
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princessbrunette · 2 days
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pope just loves kissing.
since getting together with you, he felt he couldn’t stop himself. he always thought pda wouldn’t really be his thing, and that intimacy was for the privacy of your own home — but with a girl as beautiful as you, he wanted the world to know you were his.
kisses on the cheek when you’d be listening to jj ramble about something, an innocent look of wanting to be a good and active listener on your face as he rambles on — not used to the group dynamic being that — whatever jj said you had a free pass to just zone out. he thought you looked so sweet, blinking in interest and nodding your head, lips parted slightly in confusion as to where his story was going. pope had huffed out a quiet laugh when he’d peeped you giving him the time of day, wrapping an arm around your waist and pecking you adoringly on the rounded skin of your face.
kisses on your chest down the centre column down to the tops of your tits when you’d throw your head back to laugh. he loved the sound, the way your shyness melted away for a moment to indulge in the humour of a conversation. your skin would always be glowing there, like the goodness of your heart was physically projecting through the skin of your torso causing you to have this otherworldly glimmer to you. his giddy smile would melt into a pucker as he’d suddenly tuck his head under your chin to kiss your body, even in public, hands splayed around your lower back to tug you closer until you squirm in embarrassment, hot in the face.
kisses to your knuckles as a greeting. he was always an old romantic, your sweet voice often greeting him with “hi romeo.” the nickname warming his heart and controlling his body. he’d hold the eye contact as he’d bow slightly, pressing a kiss to your knuckles as you’d laugh happily. “what, too corny?” he’d ask, wrapping that same arm around you and walking by your side.
kisses to your thighs when you’d just happen to stand infront of him wearing a pretty dress or skirt. he’d be sat, and as you speak his gaze would lower to the length of your hem, that polite smile never once leaving his face. it would be like you could see the cogs turning in his brain as he’d take in the soft skin of your thighs, his large hands sliding round to grip the back of them before he bends at the waist to press a kiss to each thigh, perhaps even nipping at the skin as you yelp a little. “po!” you’d scold lightheartedly, and he’d return his gaze, choosing to rub his hands up and down the back of your thighs. “what?” he’d ask innocently, willing you to continue.
kisses to the corner of your mouth during more vulnerable moments. perhaps you’d have a bad day, tired and upset — and your boyfriend had cornered you somewhere safe in public away from wandering eyes to slip his thumb in your mouth. “hey, you’re okay.” he’d coo, voice buttery and warm and comforting as your eyes would flutter, letting yourself melt into that safe submissive space. drool would gather around your lips and at the base of his thumb but he wouldn’t mind, filling your space so that all you could see was him as he tilts his head, pressing the softest kisses to the corner of your mouth as you continue to suck on his thumb. “you’re safe with me, pretty baby.”
kisses to your clit later on when he’s got you settled. little ones, soft as a feather as his soft lips brush over your spread petals to read the twitching bud. you’re a little clammy and messy, spread out on his sheets with his toned arms wrapped around your thighs. he won’t go further yet, not until he feels you’re ready to immerse yourself in the pleasure. for now, he’s enjoying the strained little whimpers and arches of your back each time he presses his mouth down on your pleasure point, humming and cooing against his girl as the sweet nectar drools from the lips down to the sheets.
he just liked to kiss you. everywhere.
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blairespandora · 3 days
hiiii can i request smth whumpy??? daryl saying “don’t you touch her” not being able to do anything abt reader being held at knife point. maybe she gets a stab or cut on her side.
A/N: Hii angel <33 tysm for your request!! lmk how you like this! 💕
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Daryl and Y/n were walking towards Alexandria when suddenly a group of 4 men ambush them, holding Daryl down and grabbing Y/N at knife point;
He was instantly filled with anger and panic with how fast this had gone downhill. His body strained against the people who held him down and he struggled against them trying to reach you.
“Get yer’ damn hands off ‘er! Touch ‘er and I will rip ya’ to pieces, dumbass!”
One of the men that managed to hold you hostage put a knife right under your chin and glared over at Daryl with a sinister smile upon his face.
“Now now…you don’t get to give orders here. If you want this pretty thing to stay alive, you’ll get on your knees… and be a compliant little bitch”.
Daryl stared at the man with murderous rage in his eyes, his breathing became heavy, but he slowly dropped down to his knees. You could see that the man was very satisfied with his current power over the situation, and he was enjoying it.
You were trying to silently communicate with Daryl but the pressure of the cold blade against your chin was making it hard to focus and stay calm.
One of the men who was holding him down leaned down with a mocking tone in his voice and whispered to Daryl,
“Your little lady is a pretty one. Think we should keep her with us.”
Daryl’s face darkened greatly when he said that and let out a snarl. He was starting to get fed up with how smug these guys were. “Fuck YOU” he said through gritted teeth, keeping eye contact with you at all times.
The man holding the knife against your chin chuckled as he slowly began to slide it up your face and press the tip against your cheek. A soft red mark started to form as the tip broke the skin and you let out a small gasp
“If you keep talking like that, I might just have to carve her face up a bit…hmm?”
Daryl clenched his hands tightly into fists and bit his cheek to hold himself back from lashing out against the man. His teeth grinded against each other while he just glared up at the men holding him down,
“If you lay a hand on her I will kill you I swear…”
The men all laughed at that threat and the one holding the knife against you leaned down closer to your ear and spoke in a sinister tone
“I’m gonna like keeping you with me…”
His hand slowly wrapped around your neck and softly squeezed.
Daryl’s rage began to reach its boiling point at the sight of his hand around your neck. He began to struggle against the men and was slowly gaining momentum. His strength overpowered the men holding him down and his hands reached up and grabbed one of their throats.
In the struggle the man who had the knife against your neck ended up dropping it and letting go of you to help the men holding Daryl down. They all managed to finally overpower Daryl again and forced his head down into the dirt. The man holding the knife got back up and glared down at Daryl, his anger showing,
“That was a big mistake redneck…”
The click of the safety going off on the gun could be barely heard as you were quickly able to grab a gun from the guys holding Daryl down and with no hesitation, shot all 4 of them in the head before they could even realise what was going on.
When you stood up and fired the gun Daryl just stared at you in shock as the men’s bodies dropped dead to the ground. His breathing slowed down and he could finally breathe normally again. Before you could completely process what you just did, he leaped up and wrapped you in a tight embrace, his face leaning against the top of your head.
you let out a loud cry, the adrenaline seemed to wear off slightly and realised what you've done "Daryl..." you continued to cry into his shoulder,
He held you tightly against him in a protective embrace, letting you cry on him. He whispered soft reassuring words into your ear as his hand ran softly through your hair.
“T’s okay, you’re okay…they’re all gone now…just you and me…”
When your crying began to die down Daryl gently pulled you back just enough so that he could see your face. His hands gently cupped your face and wiped away the tears from your cheeks, trying his best to soothe you.
“Shh…it’s alright darlin’…just breathe…”
You could feel his hands tense up a bit when he finally noticed the deep gash across your cheek, and you flinched slightly when he gently brushed his thumb against it. The anger was beginning to bubble up again in his chest as he gently wiped away the blood dripping down.
He took a deep breath trying to will himself to stay calm. He gently pushed your hair behind your ears and began gently kissing along the cut to soothe it while whispering quietly to you
“It’s gonna be alright…we’re gonna go back to alexandria and clean this wound up…”
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thedelicatearcher · 2 days
baths with finnick odair
this is a little nsfw!!
after a long day at the market, you decided you wanted to take a bath with finnick. your body ached to have him so close to you intimately and to be in his embrace.
“honey,” you said to him sheepishly, “can we take a bath together?” his answer was a warm smile as he grabbed your hand and took you to your shared bathroom. slowly, he started to undress himself, teasing you and flexing his muscles to try and get a reaction from you.
“finn, stop it,” you scolded him in a playful tone, “just let me do it for you,” were your words before sliding his undershirt off him. your next task was to unzip his pants and take them off for him, but you noticed he was making you do all the work, looking down at you with a mischievous grin as you tugged down his pants and boxers until they were stuck around his ankles. 
“your turn, sweetheart,” he said as he started undressing you, gently pulling your shirt off and your shorts too, giving sweet kisses to the exposed skin. his kisses trailed down your skin, going from your sternum, to your tummy, and ending right above your underwear. he stopped himself before pulling it down and stood up from being on his knees in front of your body. he finished off by cradling your face with his hands and giving you a soft kiss, pulling away to start the bath.
he ordered you to sit still while he started everything, making sure the water was warm enough like you always like, pulling out some cherry-scented candles you bought at the market, and bringing the book you’ve started reading together. after that, he grabbed your hand and led you to the bathtub, holding your hand steady as you lowered yourself  into the water, and he followed after, humming softly when he felt the warm water on his skin as he made himself comfortable behind you.
this is one of your favorite moments with finnick. him behind you, his chin on your shoulder, occasionally nuzzling his nose to your neck, tickling you, and his arms holding you tighter in his embrace to stop you from squirming. a long time was spent like this, enjoying the comfortable silence as you leaned back in his strong embrace, appreciating the feeling of your bodies against each other and relishing in it.
your usual routine when you take a bath together isn’t always the same, usually holding each other still for a good twenty minutes to relax from the day, and then washing each other, taking time to massage the other’s scalp with shampoo and gently rubbing their skin with soap.
sometimes, you can’t get enough of each other, your hands can’t seem to separate from him. you position yourself in his lap, not caring that the water is overflowing and leaking out of the bathtub. you run your hands across his hair as you desperately kiss him, his lips feeling like the much-needed water in a hard drought, tongues tangling while you unconsciously grind yourself on him. finnick is just as desperate, his hands spread on your back as he tries to bring you even closer than humanly possible, your skin on his relieving the aching on his hot, scalding body. 
other times, your body aches too much and you just want to feel your muscles relax as finnick reads you a book. his strong arms around you as his soft voice recites the words your imagination starts to picture. today is one of these days, and as he reads you the fantasy book you’ve been reading together for some weeks already, you can’t help but imagine the both of you as the protagonists, hoping to be in a different world where you can love each other so passionate and freely without the tyranny you live under right now.
when your skin starts to wrinkle after spending a long time in the water, finnick decides it’s time to get up. he stands up and gives you his hand to carefully help you out of the bathtub. he already has two towels ready to dry yourselves and put on some clothes to go and make dinner. but he won’t go to the kitchen to prepare dinner until you brush his hair, not wasting an opportunity to feel pampered by you. soft hums escape his lips when you comply and gently brush his hair, and that’s when you know that you don’t care what life throws at you as long as you can have these domestic moments with finnick.
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gothushi · 2 days
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pairing: simon x f!reader
warnings: simon rips your panties off, manhandling, mild choking, hair pulling, one spank, one pussy slap, no aftercare mentioned (implied the entire scene isn’t over with)
note: from this request! this took much longer than necessary but i wrote half of it then redid it bc i wasn’t happy with it😵‍💫
word count: 4.7k
Cleaning up the kitchen is one of the last things on your mental to-do list, just finishing up dinner whilst some music plays from the radio on the window sill.
The door opens and it startles you as it slams shut, catching your attention as Simon’s busy tugging off his green coat and toeing his shoes from his feet, looking pretty pissed.
“I thought I told you to stop slamming that door?” You muse, loud enough that Simon can hear you as you twist and turn the radio volume down on low.
“You did tell me.” Simon snaps as he hangs his coat up, running a hand harshly over his face, coming over near that counter. His eyes narrow, but he’s trying not to be angry at you.
“You’d think I’d remember with the amount of times you’ve told me.”
“Mm you’d think so.” You hum softly, giving him a soft smile. He must’ve had a bad day, in one of his moods again but it’s nothing you can’t handle. “Dinner’s just got a couple minutes left, made your favorite.” You tilt your head at him, leaning against the counter.
You’re dressed in some pajama bottoms, a big t-shirt with some slippers on and your apron, and his eyes rake over you as you turn to finish wiping down the counter.
Simon takes a deep breath. He hates this part, always has. He knows you’re trying to be patient, but he hates how he can treat you when he’s frustrated, how he snaps, he doesn’t want to tonight, he always regrets it.
“Thank you,” he says, tone slightly softer, stepping forwards to wrap you in a hug, “Smells amazing by the way.”
You let go of the dish towel to curl your arms around his waist, giving him a squeeze before tilting your head up to look at him, “I know,” you smile, “Y’okay..? Bad day?”
He leans down to press a kiss to your forehead before stepping back, hands sliding to your waist. “Terrible day.”
He departs from you, walking the few feet to the living room where he plops down in the recliner next to the couch, sighing with a hand rubbing his forehead. You follow, frowning softly. Slipping off your apron and tossing it over the arm of the couch before sinking to your knees in front of him, rubbing your hands along the denim covering his thighs.
He sighs softly as he feels your touch, head tipping back in response, yet his eyes are filled with frustration.
“Y/N.” He says, almost in warning, but his hand reaches out and finds the back of your neck.
A little grin forms on your lips, hands sliding up over his stomach, head leaning to the side innocently, “What?”
He takes a deep breath. “Don’t.” Still, a small smile lifts the corners of his lips as he sees you all happy, “I’m annoyed. I don’t like feeling this pissed. I don’t like snapping at you.” His thumb idly rubs your jaw.
“Y’don’t have to snap at me. You could..” You shrug a little, eyes darting down to his lips before back to his eyes, “Do somethin’ else? Get that anger out a different way..” You suggest slyly, leaning into his hand.
He knows exactly what you’re implying, what you’re doing, and though he likes the idea, “No.”
But his hand squeezes your neck slightly, thumb massaging into your skin. “I need to calm down.”
You smile wider, trying to taunt. You lean up on your knees, over his lap, hands sliding down to his belt buckle and starting to pull the leather free. “Aw, c’mon.. wouldn’t it be fun? Y’can be rough, I don’t mind..”
The teasing makes his blood burn, and his cock stir. He knows if he gives in he might hurt you, be too much. His fingers press into the back of your neck, “Y/N.” He says sternly, “Behave.”
Giggling a little, your hands leave his belt alone and push his shirt up, exposing his stomach. You lean down and nose at his skin, at the four inch long scar, kissing lightly, “What? ‘m not doin’ nothin’..”
Simon lets out a soft groan, he wants to be frustrated, be furious at the world, but you make it impossible. You always have.
He tugs you up into his lap, running a hand up under your shirt until it’s meeting the floor, palms coming to massage over your tits. “You’re acting like a brat. Remember who’s in charge here love.”
Goosebumps rise on your skin, upper half naked, giggling again as your own hands find his biceps, feeling the muscle beneath the thin fabric. “Am not.”
He doesn’t waste anymore time. His hands curl to your sides, tugging you down for a searing kiss. His tongue meets yours, licking into your mouth with a breathy groan. Your knees press into the leather of the recliner, body craving his warmth as the touch of his fingers spreads heat through your cunt.
Even though you were teasing him, you’re giggling now, muffled by his kisses, “Mm-! Simon- I have t-.. mm, have to get dinner out- it’ll burn-” The timer hasn’t even gone off yet.
“It can wait.” Simon murmurs against your neck as he trails kisses down the soft skin, hands sliding over your ass as he stands, earning a squealed giggle from you as you hold onto him. “I need you.” He breathes out, finding the wall by the kitchen counter and holding you against it.
You start giggling again, excited by his mood change, this is what you were hoping for. You want him to be rougher, to manhandle you, get his anger out in a different way other than stewing in it or bottling it all up.
You hum a moan, fingers combing through his hair as he pins you to the wall, back arching as his jeans press into the thin silky fabric of your pajama bottoms, belt buckle nudging into your clit. “‘m right here..”
Simon knows this is exactly what you wanted, he knows by the way you were teasing, taunting. His hands grip at your ass, kisses laid over your neck before he bites quite hard at the flesh. A rough moan escapes him, grinding his hips into you as his cock hardens in his jeans, starting to ache quickly, “I need more.”
You whine, a shudder rolling through you as arousal coils in your gut, sparking heat in your cunt as slick quickly wets your panties. “Ah! Take it- please, y’can fuck me.” You beg easily, holding onto him as he holds your weight up against the wall, whimpering.
His hands grip tighter, urging you against him with a groan, “Tell me to.” He needs it, needs to hear it.
Another shudder up your spine at his breathiness, the way he’s mouthing desperately at your neck, open mouthed kisses and tongue licking over your flesh. You whine again, hands grasping at his hair, trying to move your hips down against him, “Simon-! Please, please, wan’ you to fuck me.” This is what he needs. “Want y’to.. to be rough. Please, I can handle it.”
Simon pulls back, dragging you with him, and throwing you onto the counter. His hands grab at your hips, yanking you to the edge so he can grind into you, fingers tugging at the waistband of your pajamas.
“Tell me to fuck you. Beg.”
Whining needily once more, counter hard and cold under you, your flailing arm knocks some mail onto the floor before you right yourself again. Your face is flushed with heat, heart pounding in your chest with anticipation. “Want it Simon, please. I don’t wanna ask for it, I want you to take what you need- want it to hurt.” It’s breathy, pleaded.
“Good.” Is all Simon says, all he needs to hear.
Your thighs spread as he tugs the pants from you, letting them join the floor in a small heap, fingers greedily finding the cotton of your thin panties. Without a second thought, he rips through them, torn from your body which makes you squeal. “Simon!”
He’s leaning down though, mouth attaching to your inner thigh with a slight suckle to your skin to leave a mark, sharp tooth dragging over the flesh. The action has you leaning back, whining, arching with your head knocking into the countertop. His lips latch onto your clit, pulling the torn fabric of your panties away as his tongue spreads over your cunt, greedy.
Gasping, your hands flail and find his hair again, “Simon!”
He only lets this last for a few heartbeats before he’s pulling away with a pant, flipping you over so your front presses to the cold granite. You can’t see, neck straining to look to the side but a hand pushes the back of your head down, “Stay.”
He grinds his hips into your ass, rough denim sliding against your skin, belt buckle clattering as his free hand undoes it, the other petting over your back. The anticipation is killing you, slick dripping down over your clit as your feet dangle off the carpet, panting softly. His belt is undone, button nearly ripped from the stitches as he tugs his cock out, throbbing in his hand.
He runs the head of his cock along your folds, acting like he’s gonna push in before he dips it down to your clit and back up, repeating the process even as you whine and plead, “God- please Simon, please fuck me-”
Your fingers curl over the edge of the counter, knuckles turning white as you wiggle your hips a bit, clenching around nothing, yearning to feel him.
“Hold still.” He mutters, almost breathless himself, hand sliding over your hand and landing a hard smack on the flesh, earning a whiny yelp from you. He lets go of his cock in favor of grabbing your wrists, forcing your arms down by your sides, “Don’t. Move.”
Your fingers wiggle, trying to push back for fiction on your cunt, delirious with need. “Simon.. please..”
“I didn’t tell you to speak either.” He growls. He leans over you, hand finding your chin and forcing your neck to crane to look at him. You whimper, back arching with the strain. His thumb trails over your lower lip, and you easily accept it into your mouth, which seems to please him if the groan he gives is anything to go by.
“That’s better. Good girl.” Simon croons, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. When his thumb leaves your mouth, slick with spit, his fingers twist to trail over your cheek, from your brow bone, over your nose, “Perfect. Pretty girl.”
The sweeter praise has you flushing with heat, even though his other hand is moving your one arm to be twisted behind your back, making you whimper as his cock nudges against your cunt. Gasping, you choke on nothing, eyes fluttering, but you make sure to not speak.
“Good girl..” He hums again, a slight smile to his lips. The little sounds you make have his cock starting to drip, hand leaving your face to curl around the length and jerk himself off. Simultaneously, his lips pepper down your back, until he’s stood upright again and watching as he spreads slick over his cock, fingers dipping through your folds.
You full on moan this time, legs twitching. Your free hand down by your hip grasps at the counters edge, back arching a little to try and push back. He admires your body, gaze lustful as he continues to grind forward, never pushing into you fully. He lets his cock just taunt your hole, almost pressing just to make a stretch palpable before moving away.
A breathless plea falls from your lips, eyes rolling back, a little whiny.
“Mine.” He mumbles, fingers of his other hand tightening on your wrist. Another few agonizing moments of this before he breaches your entrance, pushing in slow but in one fluid motion.
You’re crying out, body jolting with the intrusion and slight pain from not being prepped. It has a sob shaking your body, “Simon-!”
“Oh, I’m going to love watching you break.” He whispers, almost to himself, hips flush to your ass. You’re helpless under him as he holds an arm behind your back, using it for leverage as he pulls back before slamming into you once more. Your cunt squeezes on his cock, drawing a groan from him. Your toes curl, knees pressing together, whimpers falling from your lips as you sniffle. Moans are punched from you with every thrust he gives, body jolting against the granite counter.
“You’re so pretty. So, so pretty when you’re helpless.” He hums, picking up the pace. He’s still using just enough force to keep you pinned, almost too tight, just enough to keep you there. But with how pent up he feels, how good your pussy is, it won’t last long. All of his frustration is slowly being poured out with these thrusts, with the way he fucks into you.
Your hips press into the counters edge painfully with each smack of his hips on your ass, feet dangling above the floor. You whine again, gasping as you writhe in his hold, “Oh my- God! Simon, fa-” You’re cut off with another cry, another moan.
His own breathing is picking up, panting, leaning his body over yours to groan in your ear, keeping you trapped where he wants you. “That’s it, what is it, huh?” His free hand abandons his side and finds the front of your throat, making your neck crane to lift your head some.
A strained whine leaves you as he squeezes, almost making it hard to talk. Whimpering, “Fas- faster, wan’ it faster..”
“That’s my girl.” His grins, squeezing your neck again before standing upright some more, that same hand tangling into your hair instead. He uses his grip to keep your head down on the counter, cheek smushed into the granite. He slides back into his rhythm, picking up the pace with hard smacks against the backs of your thighs. Faster and harder he fucks you, making sure to hurt just enough. His grip on your arm tightens, pressing down on your back, keeping a firm grasp on your hair to keep you where he wants you. Trapped.
You have no choice but to take what he gives you, letting him use your cunt for his own pleasure. He feels so good, almost feral, letting loose like he hasn’t before with you. It pulls little wails from you, lips parted and drooling onto the now warm countertop beneath you. He can’t help the snarl that escapes him with how you sound. He’s using you, using your body.
Simon’s hand abandons your hair, finding the nape of your neck instead, deeming that better to keep you pinned, fingertips pressing into the sides. He leans forward on said hand, panting, “Want me so badly, don’t you?”
He stretches you out so well, mild pain still lingering in the best way as he fucks you, cock nudging that sweet spot with every thrust in. Slick drips from your cunt, down the inners of your thighs, making a mess.
Your legs kick at his taunt, gasping, trying to nod, “Yeah- yeah! Simon- nnnhah-!”
The backs of your thighs and ass hurt now, skin turning sore from how hard he’s fucking you, feet dangling uselessly. You swear you’ll have sore spots tomorrow morning, bruises that’ll adorn your flesh.
Simon grinds his hips against you slow for a moment more and then he pulls out, cock dripping with your slick connected to your cunt by a thin trail of it. It breaks once he tangles his hand into your hair again, pulling you up. Your legs are so weak that once your feet touch the ground you just collapse, falling to your knees on the plush carpet with a harsh pull on your scalp.
Torso twisting, you move to look up at him, panting, desperate, eyes watery. Your hands find his thighs, pawing at him, almost wanting to take his cock into your mouth as you sit up on your knees a bit, shuffling forward.
“Sit.” He mumbles, giving your head a jerk that makes your roots sting, using a socked foot to nudge your thighs apart and then press on the top of one of them, urging your butt back onto your heels. He lets go of your hair, opting for tugging his shirt off. His cock is glistening with your slick, looking so tempting with his boxers tucked under his balls, full and probably aching if you had any guess.
Whimpering, you listen, staring up at him with shiny eyes, lips parted as you pant, “Simon..”
Simon’s hand slides into your hair once more, pulling your head back. He’s staring down at you with such hungry eyes, like a predator, “Take off my jeans, slowly.”
With a slight complaint in whining form, you obey. Greedy hands tug his jeans and boxers down his thighs, slow, letting him step out of them whilst also slipping his socks from his feet.
“Good girl.. now, hands behind your back.”
Another complaining whine, but you yet again obey. Hands clasping behind your back, brows furrowing up at you plead, “Simon- wanna use my mouth, please..”
“I do too,” he croons, grinning, “I wanna use my whore.”
Your mouth drops open further with a high whine, eyes fluttering as he pets your hair, trying to lean closer.
You want to please him, to be used, let him do whatever he wants. Manhandle you, take his anger out, he’s already definitely gotten some of it out by now. He goes to bring his cock closer to your face, just about to give you permission, when the timer on the oven beeps. Food’s done!
He discards you, leaving you easily where you kneel as he rounds the counter into the kitchen and stops the oven, tugging his boxers over his cock to get the baking dish out.
Clouded by need, you crawl after him, kitchen tile cold and hard on your knees. He grins to himself as he glances to see you, closing the oven door as heat floods the small room, baking dish set on the stovetop to cool. He turns to you once again, giving a soft groan of a sigh.
“So eager.” He hums, reaching both hands out for your hands, “Up.”
Just like a puppy learning a new trick, you listen, taking his hands and getting to your feet, legs wobbly. You look up at him with doe eyes, ready for whatever he wants. So unbelievably aroused.
The way you cling to him doesn’t go unnoticed by him, keeping a grasp on one of your hands as he hums, “Follow.”
Leading you back around the counter, out into the living room again, he stops in front of the couch.
“On the couch.” He points, ordering you around, though he doesn’t give you even a few breaths to do so before he’s shoving you down himself, face first into the soft cushions. Stumbling, your hands catching yourself with a little whimper. Knees pressing into the cushion, they spread automatically on instinct. Head twisting, cheek smushed into the plushness, you try to look back at him.
“Good girl.” He purrs, one hand petting over your ass, sliding along your arched back. Seeing you so vulnerable, spread wide for him, his eyes light up with fiery desire. His boxers are shed before he’s kneeling behind you, hands sliding over your hips and then finding the small of your back. “Hands on your ankles.”
It’s a bit uncomfortable, having to stretch your arms along your body and rest your fingers curled over your ankles, cheek smushed into the couch but anything for him.
He chuckles softly, grinning down at you even though you can’t see it. “Spread them more.” His hands pet over you, down the outsides of your thighs, back up to your ass, lightly smacking as he watches your knees spread to nearly the edge of the couch. “Good girl, now stay still.”
“Simon-” You try to plead, whining, “Please keep fucking me, please, need it.”
“I said stay still.” He growls, the sound enough to make you tense. He likes when you beg, when you whine, but only when he allows it.
His hands reach up your back, forcing the arch to intensify, forcing you where you are, “Stay.”
He talks to you like a damn dog and it makes your cunt throb, whimpering as you feel his presence behind you, cushions dipping with his weight. You have to curl your fingers over your ankles to resist the urge to bring them up, to move.
There’s something about the way your body reacts, your body moves for him, needy and submissive. You’re cunt’s dripping, a shiny mess coating your folds and swollen clit, down the inners of your thighs that his him drooling a little.
He decides to not make you wait any longer, pushing back in nice and slow with a groan. Your face is hot with heat, gasping, “Nnnh- Simon..” You’re jolting, trying to push back.
That earns a hard smack on your ass, “No.” He scolds, “No moving. You’ll lie here, and you’ll take it.” He lays his body over yours, pressing a kiss to the back of your shoulder.
“I can’t- help it!” His hips pull back before thrusting in hard, deep, pulling a cry from you. Your thighs quiver from the sensation.
“That’s a shame.” He sounds cold, rougher, different than a few minutes ago, but this is what you want.
Your eyes roll back, lids fluttering with another cry as he starts fucking into you at a rapid pace, much like the one from the kitchen. Sharp, jolting cries and whines are pulled from you with every slap of his hips, the lewd plap of him meeting your cunt making him groan again.
“Ah-! Ah! Simon!”
Even when you’re loud, crying out and whining, he continues to ignore you, fucking into you like a damn fleshlight. You sound delicious crying his name, whimpering, but he isn’t going to let you get away from him, nor will he tolerate you misbehaving. He reaches a hand to your hair and grabs a fistful, bringing your head up to make your neck arch painfully, “Too loud.”
It makes your noises strained, gasping around a weak whimper.
All of it only encourages him, “Not a sound.” His other hand comes up to cover your mouth, pressing his palm flat over your lips, the other moving back to your ass. His palm seals your noises in, muffling the little whines or whimpers that you just can’t help. You’re so close to cumming, so close to letting go with the fast pace he fucks you with, but you’re not even sure he cares, if that’s part of his goal right now.
“You’ll be a good girl for me, hm?” He says it almost softly, like a bit of sweetness is seeping through this hard headspace he’s slipped into. He’s panting hard, breaths heaving as he feels himself getting closer and closer.
It sounded soft, but it wasn’t a question, it was a command, not needing an answer.
Panting through your nose, almost feeling dizzy with how hard he fucks you, cock reaching deep, the strain in your body to keep this position, it’s all overwhelming.
Simon’s pace quickens, cock pounding into you whilst his hand leaves your ass to find your hair again, twisting into you for leverage as his hips smack your ass. He fucks you so hard it almost hurts, bordering on painful with your cunt stretched wide, balls slapping your sticky clit and urging your body closer and closer to orgasm.
“That’s it,” he murmurs, gasping, “fuck that’s it.”
He wants you, wants the control, he’s taking what he needs and he doesn’t want you to get what you need.
And you don’t, because the moment he pulls out to cum, a shattering orgasm crashes over you. It’s unsatisfactory, making your hips jolt and buck for friction, whining as his hands leave your head, letting you flop back into the cushions with panting breaths, tears slipping from your eyes.
You faintly register his panting moans, the feeling of cum dripping over your cunt. Underwhelming aftershocks flood through you, cunt clenching around nothing whilst he admires the sight. The mess. You’re covered in his cum, dripping along your cunt and thighs.
He rubs a hand over his face then drops it to rub over your pussy, smearing the mess into your folds. A thumb pushes in, only for a moment, before leaving and suddenly four fingers are smacking over your clit.
It pulls a sharp cry from you, a whimpered sob, hips jolting down for more friction even if it hurt.
But he’s leaving, standing from the couch to collect his shirt from the floor, cleaning his cock off as he catches his breath. You’re left sniffling, a bit cold, watery eyes watching his form. He makes his way back to the armchair he originally sat in when he first got home, sitting down with his legs spread wide, relaxing. His eyes flick to you, a hand gesturing out, “You can move now.”
You know what he wants. Can hear it still in his tone.
With permission to move now, you push up onto your arms and then crawl off the couch onto the soft carpet, crawling your way over to between his legs, nuzzling your teary face against his inner thigh.
He has a slight hint of a smile on his lips, hand reaching to pet your head, smoothing over your slightly sweaty forehead. Playing you like an instrument.
“There’s my good girl.” His voice is low, softer, yet it still makes your cunt throb with need, unsatisfied.
Still though, you aren’t upset about it. You made him cum, made him feel good, you’re covered and marked in his mess, bruises probably forming on your hips from his hands, thoroughly used by him.
A little whine escapes you and he chuckles, smiling, hand coming down to stroke over your cheek and lips. “You want more, don’t you?”
You kiss the pad of his thumb, nodding as you look up at him so sweetly. It makes his cock stir again, but he needs a bit of a break.
He takes in a small breath, sighing it out, “You want to speak?”
Nodding quickly, resting on your knees with your hands pressing against the floor, almost pouting.
He laughs again, knowing you’re desperate for more. Such a good girl. His thumb brushes your lip again, murmuring, “You can speak now.”
“Wan’a cum..” You’re whining immediately, softly, batting your watery eyes.
His own blues darken slightly as he hears that tone, that plea, humming with his thumb resting on your lower lip.
“And you don’t think you can wait?” It’s almost playful, more taunting than anything.
“I..” you falter, sniffling, “If y’want me to wait.. I can..”
“Good girl.” He moves his hand over your head again, petting. It makes you feel safe, grounded, eager to please.
“Yeah, think you can wait until I say otherwise.” He says it quietly, more to himself than you.
You lay your cheek on his thigh, a bit tired, sniffling once more but you know better than to complain, to argue, deciding to just enjoy the affection he’s giving you.
He’s enjoying the nice sight, even as you wiggle a little bit because your own cum is dripping onto the carpet, a sticky mess beneath you.
It makes his ego skyrocket, but also his pride, watching as you just enjoy what he gives you. It’s intoxicating, “Why don’t you go plate me up some dinner, love?”
“Mm?” You nearly looked ready to fall asleep before realizing what he said. The request catches you off guard, but of course, just like you do every night, you don’t have a problem with it now. On wobbly legs, you stand up and head to the kitchen, stark naked and dripping cum, fishing a plate from the cupboard.
The sight is gorgeous, God, he is not gonna be done with you for hours.
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whorediaries-09 · 11 hours
admiring from afar;
pairing- neighbour!sirius black x reader warning(s)- fluff. a/n- just a little comfort fic for myself cause i've been a bit unwell.
little train.
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it's cold. unusually cold for early fall. it seems you can't bury your face too far into the warmth of the wool of the burgundy scarf around your neck, even though you've got it till the bridge of your nose, just enough to keep your eyes out and peeping.
the sky is a beautiful orange hue when you finally stand at the doorway of your flat. you fiddle with the keys, fingers cold and numb from the bitter gusts of wind. you unlock the door, the familiar soft padded steps echoing as your cat walks towards you, her silver eyes sparkling through the coat of black fur; a quiet contrast.
'hello baby,' you say, as she purrs at your feet, nuzzling her snout through your flared trousers. sometimes you think you'd gotten a 'broken' cat, considering your cat wasn't stereotypically 'rude' or very 'unsocial'.
you put down the groceries, picking her up, and hiding her within the warmth of your wool sweater.
'hello,' a voice behind you almost startles you, breaking the sweet moment. you turn around, sliding down the scarf from your face. it's your neighbour- the very handsome who'd moved in a few weeks ago.
'hi,' you greeted him. he looked at the cat the softly purring under your sweater.
'i've never seen a cat so calm and friendly,' he says, long ringed fingers moving closer to the furball. 'is she the same with strangers?' he asked.
'no not really. she's usually quiet around the people she's familiar with or senses safety with,'
'cats tend to like me,' he said, pulling away his hand. 'however, since i'm a stranger, maybe it's the best i don't pet her.'
'i understand. cats can be difficult to deal with.'
'i know. my best mate's fiancé's cat quiet likes me. but my brother's cat doesn't.' he said. you smiled meekly, wondering to what you owed the small talk. he got the hint.
'i distract you, i'm sorry. i was wondering if you had any tea? i don't fancy going out, it's too chilly. just some tea leaves.'
'i do. come on in, i'm about to set up some for myself too.' he smiled, as if pleasantly thrilled by the offer.
'you're not lactose intolerant are you?' you asked, setting down the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. he shook his head, inky locks scattering over his chiseled features.
'would you like some cookies?'
'what kind do you have?'
'uhh...some caramel toffee ones, they're too teeth rottenly sweet. i s'ppose you don't like too many sweet stuff.' you huffed. he shrugged, giving you a smile.
'you'd be wrong then,' he said. you looked rather surprised.
you weren't wrong, not really.
'well, i'm one bad baker,'
'i'm sure you're underestimating yourself.'
there was a knock at sirius' door. he'd been falling asleep, his reading glasses at the edge of his nose. the book he'd been reading was boring him direly.
it was on the floor. he picked it up before attending the person on the other side of the door.
'hello?' he asked, peeking out his head. once he saw it was you, wrapped in several layers, standing outside he opened the door completely.
'to what do i owe this pleasant surprise darling?' he said, leaning on the doorframe.
'are not going to let me in?'
'it's a mess,'
'can't be bad than mine,'
'trust me when i say, it is,'
'i'm sure you overestimate yourself.' you replied. he liked your cheek. that was something he was immaculately charmed by. and to charm sirius black - unconsciously was one hell of an achievement. you'd done it, somehow.
'tell me, darling,' he tried, watching as you entered the his flat, steps muffled by the thick fuzzy socks. 'what do i owe your presence to?'
'you're so corny,'
'just chivalrous,' he said, watching your face for any predictable retort. 'and a little pretentious, i s'ppose.'
that earned him a chuckle.
'nothing really, i was bored. so i thought i'd pop to check with my very handsome neighbour and talk with him,' you shrugged.
'neighbour? not a friend? ouch, you hurt me,' he said, dramatically putting his hand on his chest. you smiled,
'no no, you're a friend, of course. so tell me, what do you do?'
'i'm a mathematics professor. boring if you ask me.'
'consider me impressed. i was never any good at it,'
he smiled, setting down beside you on the couch.
'i'm sure the students absolutely swoon over you,'
'i'm sure they hate me. i can be...rather strict.' you laughed. a silence commenced. he gulped slowly, not really thinking about anything. he studied your features, the color of your eyes and hair. the soft vanilla scent upon you.
'i also sing in bars during the weekends. i'm not much of a good singer, but it's a hobby really,'
'i would love to see you perform,'
'i'm horrible at it, trust me.'
'you underestimate yourself.'
you were present at the bar, a few minutes late. but sirius wasn't there.
not yet, anyway. you ordered yourself a non-alcoholic drink, not really in the mood to get drunk. you wanted to see sirius perform without any influence judging your decision making.
even though you were sure he was just underestimating his skills.
'hello folks,' the familiar voice ringed in the speakers. you took a sip of your drink, watching as sirius sat on the stool. the "folks" in question stared at him as if he were a trophy. as if at least one of them would take him home tonight. but oh did they know you were invited by him?
you took a sick pleasure at that thought, stomach churning, cheeks burning like a silly teenager high on hormones.
'today i feel very overwhelmed. like a teenager high on hormones, you know? because in this crowd i believe is somebody i invited. somebody who'd either flip me off or take me home. somebody i have a crush on. so hopefully my vocals aren't too bad.'
a few people, you noticed weren't too pleased by his words. some cheered, some looked around disappointed. a man with thick curly hair and round spectacles, however seemed utmost excited. he whistled and cheered.
you peeled your eyes from the crowd, deciding to take a moment to stare at sirius instead.
you found his silver eyes already upon your form. there was a certain warmth in them that hugged you. you cheered your glass in the air, taking a sip. he acknowledged it with a raise of his eyebrow and a slight curve of his lips. you relished the sweet taste of the drink flowing down your throat.
hearts skipped a few beats, perhaps.
but tonight, it was just to admire from afar.
and swirl the shine of eyes into all of the poems.
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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kissitbttr · 6 months
“i’m sorry baby” simon murmurs against your warm skin, large hand coming up to palm your breast under the material of your shirt as he watches you squirm under his hold, fingers kneading your nipple.
“you hurt me, si…” you whine, doe eyes looking at him as you sniffle. “i hate you”
he hums with a nod, peeling your shirt off just enough to expose your naked chest. “i know baby, i know.. was a dick to you, yeah?”
you don’t answer, covering your face with your hands as he continues to pepper kisses down to your stomach. your quiet sobs make simon’s heart breaks.
“fucking asshole”
that almost makes him laugh, but he doesn’t. only smiles. “i was”
“a bastard you are”
he kisses your clothed cunt. “i agree.”
you shudder at the contact, whining. “careful. i just waxed there. I’m a little sensitive.”
he groans. he swears you’re doing that on purpose. “i will sweetheart.”
his fingers move to pull your laced panties down, ever so slowly. his hunger increases the moment his brown eyes settled on your pretty wet pussy.
“christ” he breathes out. “gonna make it up to you, pretty girl. i promise.” he sits up on his knees, looking down at you. glossy eyes looking up at him with a small pout formed on your lips. his cock growing hard under his briefs
‘fuck, don’t look at me like that’ he thinks to himself
puffing out a scoff, you reply “doesn’t mean I’ll forgive you for this si”
he knows. he hurt you. his pretty girl. he made you cry and that’s something he would never forgive himself too. that fight was stupid, he knows that now.
“i know, sweetheart” he pulls the waistband of his boxers slightly, just enough to take his hard cock out before hovering your body. a small gasp escapes your lips when his the tip of his shaft make a brief contact against your cunt. “i didn’t mean to make you cry. was a proper dick. hurting my baby like that, yeah? what kind of a man am i.”
he gives a soft kiss on your lips in which you hum, eyes fluttering shut. he wraps his hand around his cock, pumping it a few times before guiding it to your wet entrance while putting his other palm beside your head to support his weight.
you bite down your lower lip trying to suppress a moan when he slides the tip up and down your cunt. mumbling a low ‘fuck’ at the slicky sound of your wet cunt. another loud groan rumbles off his chest when his cock slips in. simon stays still for a while before he sits up straight, hooking his hands underneath your knees, telling you to wrap your legs around his waist.
“gonna fuck you real good, ma” the term of endearment almost makes you cum. as he begins to rock his hips back and forth. he watches you arch your back, soft hands gripping around your tits with pretty moans falling off your lips like an angelic prayer. he growls at the perfect sight, making him thrust even faster.
“show you how sorry i am”
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ttsukiimi · 12 days
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〃★ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⎯ the jjk men n how they treat you after s⍣x. - submitted by anon.
〃★ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 ⎯ nanami x fem!reader, toji x fem!reader, gojo x fem!reader, choso x fem!reader, aftercare, brief mentions of smut (mdni), unprotected s⍣x, creamp⍣es, fluff, established relationship, rough s⍣x, reader referred to as (baby, doll, sweetheart.)
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────〃ଘ 𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎 - second thoughts…
Nanami is always considerate of you. And he’s considerate of your preferences—preferably the things you enjoy most in bed. So, when you tell him you want it rough, albeit a little hesitant, he’s right on it. And he gives it to you good. Plowing you so hard, fucking you so good the bed starts to rock back and forth with the weight of his thrusts. The headboard bangs against the wall in tandem with your wanton screams and moans of more, the same sounds that keep him rooted deep inside you.
Nanami gives it to you almost too good—to the point that, by the time he’s done with you, leaving your cunt a creampied-mess, you’re shaking and your chest’s heaving for the breath he’s so greedily robbed you of.
With a fondness in his eyes, Nanami wipes your tear-stained cheek with his thumb. “You okay, sweetheart?”
You nod, attempting to ease the trembling of your lips—to no avail, considering every part of your body is quivering at this point. Your head turns and you look away in embarrassment—you can’t possibly be the one in such a state after asking him to be rough with you.
Nanami smiles at this and places his pointer under your chin, turning your head back in his direction with his finger. “Tell me you’re fine.”
You nod again, finding yourself unable to talk. “With words, my love. I need words.”
“I-i’m fine, Ken. Promise.”
“You’re still shaking,” his voice’s a whisper now, breath fanning past your neck from his proximity. “Tell me I wasn’t too rough, please.”
“Kento—it’s fine. You were perfect.” you reassure, looping your arms around his neck and pulling him down, planting a quick yet searing kiss to his lips. “I just feel a little gross that’s all.”
After those words Nanami, being the perfect husband that he is, hurries over to fix you a nice, warm bath. And, per your request, he steps in too, and you both end the night basking in each other’s warmth in soft light and vanilla scented bubbles.
────〃ଘ 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐔 - I’m doin my best!
Satoru’s always up for a rough session with you. The way you sound, the way you feel, the way you try and fail to escape from his thrusts—he loves it all. Especially when you’re crying and telling him how good he’s making you feel in both broken sentences and inhales for breath, scratching your manicured nails down his back in a pleasurable burn while doing so. The sight of your fucked-out face alone is enough to have him ready to make you bear his child, and your pussy—oh, don’t even get him started.
Satoru would go to hell and back for a mere second inside your warm, tight cunt.
And, saying that, he might’ve just went a bit too far—too rough this time. Because, as he finishes up inside you, spurting his hot seed deep into your womb—he wasn’t kidding about making you have his child—you’re shaking more than usual.
His brows furrow in slight concern, and his big hands caress all over your body as if asking if you’re okay.
His lips slide against the skin of your shoulders. “You good?”
You open your eyes and give him a look—closing them again because doing anything makes your body feel even more sore. “Yeah, i’m fine. Just shaking because you went too soft.”
Satoru, on the other hand, doesn’t catch your sarcasm, and he’s about ready to get hard again when you flash him another look and slap his hand away.
“Satoru.” you heave, now trying to pull him closer. “I can’t even move. Do something.”
At that, he’s hurrying over to the bathroom and getting a washcloth, dampening it and scurrying back to you. Satoru’s surprisingly intent on cleaning you, more focused on tidying you up than your pussy which is just a mere inch away from his face—surprisingly not him at all.
Afterwards he’s tending to your every need, assuring you that there’s no need to feel ‘gross’ every time you say so.
Satoru Gojo really tries his best with aftercare.
────〃ଘ 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎 - ‘Kay, on it!
Well, Toji is nearly almost always rough with you in bed. There’s just something about it that he can’t get out of his system. And he even feels like sometimes his body’s really doing it out of habit—maybe even instinctively.
But, perhaps it may not have been that same instinct that drove him this particular time—and with the way you’re quivering more than usual, Toji thinks so too.
Then again, he just can’t stop himself from being too rough on you when you look so helplessly up at him when he’s plowing your lil’ pussy, and especially not when your moans fuel him on so much to the point where he has to hold you down so you don’t try and squirm away from his ruthless thrusts.
Wiping your cheek with the back of your hand, you hiccup. Toji raises an eyebrow as he gazes down at you, wondering what he should do—you’ve never shook this much.
And he would be concerned but, there’s a sadistic part of him that’s secretly enjoying the sight knowing he’s the one to have you like this.
“Hm? Yeah, doll?”
“Can you get me some water, please?”
Before you can even blink he’s back with a refrigerated bottle of water, cold just to your liking. You smile, thanking him and gulping down the liquid, placing a kiss of gratitude to his lips afterwards.
“Can you, uhm, clean me..?”
A smile finds it way to his lips. Toji finds it cute how you’re hesitant to ask him such a question.
After some minutes he’s back with a damp cloth to wipe you with, though that’s not all. He’s carrying you bridal style to a warm bath waiting just for you, placing you in carefully as if you’re made of porcelain.
You kiss him again, stroking his forearm lovingly.
“Can you order us some takeout too?”
“On it.”
────〃ଘ 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐎 𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐎 - uh, where do i start?
Initially, Choso’s very nervous about going rough with you. His palms are sweaty, his eyebrows are furrowed together in a tight knit and he’s asking if you really want him to. He simply wants to make sure that you’re not acting on impulse—because, as soft as he may seem, he can really give it to you.
And he does—hard. Albeit, maybe too hard. He’s never gone so rough to the point where you shook after sex, and that was Choso’s first worry.
He expected you to at least calm down after a bit of time but your body kept continuously quivering.
That’s when Choso begins to scold himself. Maybe if he wasn’t so addicted to your body, your pussy, the noises he discovers you make when he’s harsh with you, then maybe you’d be alright.
But there was no denying that he was hooked on everything about you.
“Cho..think i need a massage.” you groan, falling back onto the bed after a failed attempt at getting up. “my back’s so sore.”
“I-i’m sorry, baby, I—“
You cut him off with a kiss; one that diminishes his every worry and gives him reassurance. “It’s fine.”
“You sure?”
Nodding, you turn around onto your stomach, hissing at the pain in your limbs—he had really stretched you to your limit tonight. “Yeah, just, massage please.”
With a hum of acknowledgment, Choso begins to rub your back, his big hands working at the knots in your shoulders, and he smiles with every sigh of relief that leaves your lips.
By the time he’s done, you’re just about ready to have him fuck you again with the way that he’s touching you so sensually—but the gross, sticky feeling between your legs cancels out that thought.
But a pleased sigh leaves your lips—you have the perfect boyfriend and idea to get rid of that.
“Cho, baby, let’s shower.”
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augustinewrites · 7 months
dress + nanami
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“i bought you something.”
you frown slightly, eyeing the sleek box that nanami places on the bed.
“but i didn’t get you anything…”
he simply smiles, gently taking your hand and smoothing his thumb over the gold band adorning your ring finger. “allowing me to marry you this afternoon was the greatest gift you could ever give me.”
memories of your little ceremony still linger in the forefront of your mind. you’d married him atop a small rooftop garden filled with this season’s blooms, surrounded by your closest friends and family. you’d never been an extremely sentimental person, but the way he’d gazed at you and whispered vows meant for your ears and yours alone…you’d hold that close to your heart forever.
“no take backs, by the way,” you say when you feel tears prick at the back of your eyes once more. “you’re stuck with me, even though i snore.” 
“your snores are adorable. like a bunny holding a chainsaw.”
“hey!” you laugh, letting him wrap his arms around you from behind, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. 
“just let your husband spoil you, hm?”
nanami loves to spoil you. he’s always had such lovely taste, picking soft, pretty things that catch his eye in shop windows— a pair of leather gloves, a stylish sweater, a diamond bracelet. each gift is thoughtful, always complimenting you perfectly,
you lift the lid of the box, peeling back layers of tissue paper to reveal a delicate, silky white dress.
“kento…” you breathe, feeling his lips curl into a smile against your skin. gingerly, you lift the feather-light dress by dainty straps, taking in the cowl neck and tasteful high slit. 
simple, yet elegant, like him. 
“for you to wear to the reception,” he murmurs, pressing a light kiss to your shoulder. “do you like it?”
“i love it,” you tell him truthfully, turning to look at him. “help me put it on?” 
your husband couldn’t look more pleased, especially when deft fingers undo the back of your bespoke wedding gown and he sees what you’d snuck on underneath.
but nanami is nothing if not efficient, clearing his throat before helping you step out of your current dress and into your new one, the material gliding against your skin like butter.
“you’re a vision,” he whispers, brushing another kiss to the back of your neck. with heat in your cheeks, you turn in his embrace, bringing your lips up to his. 
the rest of the world begins to melt away, as it often does when you’re with him. but it’s different now. it’s different because in the eyes of the law, you’ve chosen him and he’s chosen you. 
so you share eager kisses in the warm lamplight of the hotel room, his hands gentle as they slide over the smooth material of your dress. 
and eventually, up the slit resting atop your thigh. his warm hands rest on your bare skin, setting off sparks of pleasure up your spine.
“we shouldn’t,” you breathe as he plants open mouthed kisses on the hollow of your throat. “we need to check on our guests— you know satoru gets weepy when he’s had more than one drink.” 
nanami pulls back to look at you, pupils blown with desire as he takes in your smeared lipstick and wide-eyed stare.
he responds by pulling you close with his grip on your hips, a groan slipping past your lips as he does so. 
“they can wait,” he tells you, walking you backwards until your knees buckle against the edge of the bed. “i’ve waited long enough to be alone with my wife.”
he’s waited for this moment even when he hadn’t realized he’d wanted this, wanted you. he’s wanted it since the days you’d shared at jujutsu tech, when he’d been a besotted schoolboy, pining after his classmate. 
nanami’s always been a patient man—
he yanks the skirt of your new dress up around your hips and kisses a trail down your chest.
— except when he’s not.
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bi-writes · 3 months
you don't think ghost likes you very much. (part 2 of this, but can be read standalone) (18+, semi-dark content ahead, ghoap x fem!reader)
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he doesn't like you. no matter what you do, what you wear, what you say, you know he doesn't approve of you, not really.
not like johnny.
johnny adores the ground you walk on. his lips are always on you. in your ear, along your neck, against your collarbone. his tongue is warm, and it slides along your jaw, around your fingers, sucking on your skin.
"what a nice gift, LT," he always says. "got the nicest pussy 'v e'er had." and then he puts those eyes on, those big, soft, blue ones, and he asks, "can i keep 'er, LT? can i have 'er?"
and johnny is so good. johnny does what he's asked of. johnny says yes, he never says no. johnny smiles and nods and does what he is told, and so johnny gets to have you.
johnny gets to keep you.
but you are a pet, and you are nothing more, and ghost never lets you believe otherwise. he doesn't even give you his name; it's ghost, and ghost only, and he never touches you. not the way the johnny does.
he competes with you, but it isn't a competition. johnny doesn't listen to you, not if ghost contradicts you. he will win, and he will win every time, and even though you are aware of this, he reminds you, all the time.
"johnny, please--" you sob, and he laughs, rubbing his stubble against your thigh gently. it's wet, because he's slobbered all over your cunt, and your hole pulses because it wants more. "johnnny...j-johnny, please--"
"oh, relax, my little lamb..." he sucks your clit into his mouth gently, suckling on the puckered bud. you whine at that, reaching down, pulling on the long strands of hair down the middle of his head, and he groans. "makin' a right mess..."
you're crying. tears falling down your face, pleasure like fire at the base of your spine and crawling up your back, and you reach up and squeeze the swell of your breasts, pulling on your nipples gently. johnny always gets you here--right at the top of a glorious fucking hill, and when you come down it, he carries you, keeping you high for as long as he can before he tries again and again and again--
"fuck are y' doing?" a rough voice growls. johnny's ripped off of you, his back arching as a gloved hand yanks on his head. johnny grunts, hissing, and you whine when you see ghost gripping him by his neck, holding the back of his head to his chest. "spoiled. you spoil her, johnny."
"she's so pretty, LT...i--"
"you spoil her." ghost tilts his head to the side, and you see his eyes narrow, a harsh glare at you from under the mask that makes you shake a little. "spoil her fuckin' rotten."
he doesn't let you come. he's a selfish motherfucker.
you don't know why he doesn't like you. for all intents and purposes, he chose you. and he had all but asked you to leave. tortured you, yes, but he hasn't asked you to leave. he still wants you here, doesn't he? if he hated you, if he was jealous, if he really disapproved of you, a man such as he would just kick you out, wouldn't he?
johnny and ghost are gone today. you're alone, and you've decided to occupy your time by cleaning. you put away the clean dishes, fold the laundry that was stuck in the dryer, pick up around the kitchen. ghost keeps the place very clean--but they were pressed for time in the morning, so johnny left you with the softest kisses, and ghost with just a grunt.
you're arranging fresh flowers in the living room when you hear the front door shut. you bounce into the hallway, a big smile on your face ready to greet johnny, but you freeze when you see only one big shadow shrugging off his rain jacket.
ghost is by himself, and he rolls out his neck as he toes off his boots. he hangs up his jacket, still not looking at you.
"wot?" he snaps. "cat got your tongue, little rabbit?"
you swallow, shaking your head.
"sorry...i thought...thought it was johnny."
"yeah? and wot? just 'cause it's not johnny, gonna not greet me like y'should, yeah?" he bites. you stand still for another minute before coming towards him. you lean up on your toes and kiss his cheek, but when you pull away, he reaches down and grips your ass tight, forcing your pelvis against his and rumbling low. he snarls a little, and you tilt your head back as he presses the front of his mask against your lips, kissing you through it. "tha'sit. good girl."
a soft sound comes out of you, a moan, a whimper, you aren't sure, but he smacks your ass gently, nodding his head.
"go on," he mutters. "on the couch."
he eyes you as you walk away.
"'n why the fuck are y'wearin' all those clothes?"
your insides warm at that, and you turn your head to look at him over your shoulder.
"oh. sorry." you slide your sweats off and toss them aside. it's then that ghost realizes you're wearing his shirt. he runs a hand over his taut stomach, adjusting himself shamelessly in his jeans as he watches you bend over to get onto the couch. you wear no panties, and he hums under the mask, tilting his head to the side.
"johnny got held up on base," he murmurs, coming into the living room. you take a seat on the couch, looking up at him, squeezing your thighs together.
"so...we're all alone?" you ask. this is your chance. this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. with no johnny to distract him, all he has is you, and he can't ignore you. not this time.
"all alone, sweetheart."
you swallow hard. "why don't you like me?"
the question is blunt and clear. ghost clicks his tongue under the mask, focusing on you, and he shakes his head.
"tha' isn't wot it is."
"then what is it?"
he just stares, and you shake your head. you need answers. you need to know what you're doing wrong--you want to be good.
"not you, luvie. it's my boy, my poor johnny..." you watch as he grips himself through his jeans again, visibly hard as he squeezes his cock over his zipper. "fuckin' annoying when he isn't the center of attention. my attention. you understand, right?"
you watch him, licking your bottom lip.
"turns into a bloody muppet. pouts like a baby." ghost comes closer, leaning over you, gripping your chin gently. "wot, huh? thought i didn't want y'around?" you whimper when he squeezes your face between his big hand, squishing your cheeks. "'n how could i not, yeah? look at ya..."
he growls under the mask.
"y'wet, sweetheart?" he asks, and you lean back, spreading your knees, and he grunts when he sees between your thighs. the skin is wet, soft and slick, and he hums lowly when he sees how you clench around nothing. "wanna taste, luv. give it t'me."
you reach down gently, sliding two fingers through your folds. you whine a little, scooping a nice handful of slick, and then you pick up your fingers for him. he pushes his mask up, and you shiver when you see the wicked grin on his scarred face. then he takes your fingers into his mouth.
he leans over you. his mouth his hot, and you shake a little when his tongue slips over your fingers, warm muscle swallowing as he tastes you.
"fuckin' hell," he murmurs when he lets your fingers go. "know why johnny spends all his time down there, yeah?"
you giggle, arching your back a little, pulling his shirt up.
"ghost...why dont...why dont you come here?" you reach for the waistband of his pants, tugging gently, and he falls over you on the couch. you meet his eyes as you start to unbutton his jeans. "i want you to spend time here, too, y'know."
"tha' right, sweetheart?"
you smile, "y-yeah." you unzip his pants, your jaw falling open when you pull him out. he's so big, nice and girthy and pretty, and the tip is so pink, dribbling precum and just aching for your tongue to taste him. you rub your thumb over the tip, and he hisses. "and...a-and i love johnny..." you look back up into his eyes. "b-but...i..."
he reaches around and fists your hair, growling against your lips.
"need a right beast to fuck this pretty pussy, yeah? need someone to--" you cry out as he yanks your head back, exposing your neck to him. "--fuckin' ruin ya."
you squeal, arching your back, and he chuckles, but it's mean. you wrap your arms around his neck, and he leans down, resting his forehead against yours.
"yah, luv, y'r mine, just as much as johnny--" you gasp when he sucks your bottom lip into his mouth, "y'belong to me. gonna write my name across your fuckin' cunt, sweetheart, fuck that idea right into your pretty head--"
you cry when he fucks you. when he sits up on his knees, gripping you from under your thighs, fucking into you with a reckless rhythm that leaves your thighs shaking and warm tears coming down your face.
"look at you..." ghost hisses, and you cry more, keening as he stares down at where you're connected and the squelch of you dribbles down his thighs. "bloody hell..."
your back bows, your thighs clamping around ghost's hips as he fucks you into the mattress. you can barely think, the only sensation you can really absorb is the way his thighs smack against your ass and the feel of his big, gloved hands spreading you open.
"just needed me right here, yeah?" ghost grunts, slowing his pace as he nestles his pelvis right against yours. you whine; he's so deep, it hurts, but it hurts so good, you don't tell him to stop, you can't. he's so much bigger than johnny, in every way, and you feel suffocated, but if this is how you die, so be it. getting fucked brainless is not the worst way to go, not like this. you gasp when he smooths a big hand over your stomach, pressing the pad of his thumb to where you know the tip of his cock sits. "right there, luv, tha' place is for me, yeah? 's mine, my spot--"
ghost leans down, growling against your neck, a firm grind of his hips punching your cervix again. you claw at ghost's back, and it's painfully obvious how desperate you are--you nearly rip ghost's shirt in pieces.
"this place is for me," he murmurs, spreading his fingers. he grips your waist in both hands and gives you a hard thrust, leaning his head back as he feels you clench hard. you like it when he talks, he can tell--the sound of his voice has you that much wetter, and he clicks his tongue as he leans back, rubbing a gloved thumb over your pretty little clit. "wanna live here...want ya to be my little pet..." he smirks under the mask when you cry, so sensitive. "whenever i want, want you bent over, spread nice 'n wide f'me." he hums low, "whenever i want, yeah?"
he talks like you aren't there. like he isn't cock-deep inside of you, molding the soft places of your pussy to the shape of him. ghost, despite being a little breathless, has no tremble in his voice despite how hot he feels, and he knows, suddenly, why johnny fawns over you. there is nothing that compares to this--there is nothing quite like fucking this pretty princess, watching her tits bounce, her thighs shake, feeling how soft and lovely she is when he gets her right where she belongs--stupid and cumming.
"a princess ya are, yeah?" ghost chuckles. "a right spoiled one, innit?"
and maybe you are a little spoiled. you had no idea you would be getting two for one--johnny and his looming shadow.
you grip ghost's shirt from the front tight, balling it up in tight fists and pulling him close.
"please!" you squeal. "please, please, please--" you moan and sob against the front of his mask. "w-wanted you for so long--w-wanted--"
"ya did?" ghost tilts his head to the side, picking up the pace. he cradles your head between his arms, pressing his face to yours. "even though i was a bastard?"
you mewl, nodding, reaching down and gripping his lower back as he grinds mercilessly. the curls at the base of his cock are rubbing against your clit now, and you angle your hips to catch the feeling every time, and you know you're getting close. you're there.
"almost said your name--" you gasp. "w-when...when he..."
"poor thing--" he chuckles. "thought johnny was what you wanted?" he knows you like the way he's fucking you, and he slows down, wanting to see your face and every expression you make. "what you needed?"
you nod. "i need him," you whisper. "but it isn't enough."
"no, you're such a greedy bunny--" he grips your face tight, sitting up, and you cry when he fucks you. he's an animal, he's lost control, and you are helpless under him. all you can do is spread your knees wider and moan. "johnny can't tame you, but i can, yeah?"
you meet his eyes, big and soft and wet, and he hisses. the look in your eyes, he cums instantly, falling over you and barely having enough time to put his hand out and catch himself. you gasp at the feeling, reaching down, and with a few soft circles of your fingers, ghost lets out a strangled sound as he feels you tighten and cum. the front of his thighs are soaked, and he nudges your chin up with his nose as he breathes in the scent of you from your neck.
"don't say of word of this to 'im, yeah? got ourselves a jealous little bastard," he murmurs against your ear. you nod, and when he kisses you, you can't help the way you relax. cupping his scarred face, licking into his mouth--ghost is your keeper, and he's johnny's keeper, and you know suddenly why johnny does whatever he says, whenever he wants.
ghost is in charge. he just is, and even though you're just a little, innocent civilian, ghost has given you orders, and you will follow them. there is a soft, aching place inside of you that wants to please him so badly--wants to impress him, show him how good you can be. and you imagine, wonder, if johnny has that same feeling in him, that same little press on the inside of his ribs that screams, be a good boy, a good girl, do just as he says, he'll give such a nice reward.
and when johnny comes home, there you are, all soft smiles and tender touches and little giggles that make his belly hurt so nice. and when he tells you he's hungry, you spread your legs, using two fingers to show him your pretty, wet cunt. and he dives in, like he always does, because one of his favorite places is feeling the rub of your thighs against his stubble and your fingers tugging his hair.
his tongue spreads your folds, and he hums with delight when you fall onto your back, pliant and soft and warm. and then he tastes you, and he swallows, and his eyes flicker when there is something else there, something that he knows.
johnny's eyes dart up, looking over you, and he can see ghost lingering in the doorway, watching, and then johnny understands what it is he tastes--and why he likes it so fucking much, and why it tastes like something he knows.
he meets ghost's eyes, and they look at each other, and johnny knows what it is that he's done, what it is he's eating out of you. but ghost knows johnny is a good boy, and he won't pull away, he won't make a scene. no. johnny pulls back a little, wiping his face.
he smiles. and then he leans in for more.
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sednas · 5 months
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gojo, geto, nanami, toji x fem!reader (separately)
trigger warning: overstimulation, dirty talk (geto), use of handcuffs (nanami), public s!x, degradation (toji)
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you wake up by the feeling of a soft tongue running against the skin of your inner thigh. opening your eyes slowly, the first thing you see is gojo's face, squishing his cheek against your thigh, lazy blue eyes watching you with a glint of adoration.
"morning beautiful." he whispers just before placing a kiss over your clothed pussy.
"w-what time is it?" you ask weakly, your legs already slightly trembling.
"who cares? today's your birthday, we can do whatever you want, we got all day..."
you watch him slowly raise his eyes at you again, smirking mischievously and you can feel his hot breath against you.
"so..." he begins to talk while running his fingertips along the curve of your hips. "what do you want, mmh?"
he's really asking that when his lips are a few centimeters away from your pussy.
"your mouth, I want your mouth..." you whisper to him and he smirks again.
"where? here?" he teases, taking your hand to kiss the back of it. "be more specific baby or else I can't give it to you..." he laughs at your disappointed face and whines a little as you gently tug at his white hair to bring him closer to where you need him most.
"hereeee satoru, need you here." you almost groan in frustration, lifting your hips in the air in a needy way.
"oh here?~" he murmurs just before kissing your hidden pussy, this time using his tongue to wet the soft fabric of your panties.
you feel the tip of his tongue circles around your clit and it makes you shiver, your eyes are already rolling back even though he barely touched you.
gojo loves to tease you, sometimes he makes you beg just for a kiss, but today's your birthday, so he will be nice, at least at first.
he brings you gifts in the morning. a lot of gifts. even more than usual. clothes, jewelry, perfumes, flowers, books, nintendo switch, pokemon cards, anything you want, he got it.
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you know your boyfriend has a thing for edging you. he likes to deny you for hours and hours, makes you cry and beg in frustration until you sound like a broken record, saying "please" over and over again... he just loves it when you're so horny and sensitive that he could make you cum just by blowing air on your pussy. but on special occasions, he likes to do the opposite, it's his way of spoiling you on your special day. he's so nice isn't he?
"su-suguru wait! you're... you're being mean!" you cry out, your trembling body trapped against his chest.
"I don't think your pussy agrees with you sweetheart, look how she's spasming when I remove my hand, she wants more..." he mocks with a wicked grin.
your skin burns with embarrassment at his words, talking about your genitals as if they were a real person. you'd be jealous if you weren't so overstimulated right now.
slowly, he puts two of his fingers inside you again and you moan at how full you feel just with his fingers alone.
he brings his mouth closer to your ear and you get goosebumps through your whole body, his lips almost touching your skin.
"come on lovely, give me one more I know you can." he whispers as he licks your earlobe.
"too much... can't..."
you squirm between his arms, your left hand desperately holding onto his forearm as his muscles flex while he pumps his fingers in and out of your pussy, his thumb toying with your clit. he clicks his tongue in disapproval and lifts your chin up so he can look at your face.
"you can still talk now can't you? mmh... looks like you're still using that brain of yours, let's fix that sweetheart."
while fingering you, he slides the thumb of his other hand in your mouth and you start sucking on it without even thinking, half lidded eyes trying to focus, your vision blurry as you can feel your sixth orgasm of the night coming. he smiles, flicking your clit a bit more harshly.
"cum sweet girl, you deserve to feel really good on your birthday."
he takes you to your favorite restaurant <3 and he's smart enough to fuck you AFTER your date unlike toji 💀
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"what is it? already giving up?" he asks and he smiles when you shake your head. "that's my girl."
nanami knows how to listen, it's one of the main reasons why you fell in love with him. he listens and remembers everything you tell him. so of course he remembered when you confessed that some day you'd like to be tied up to his bed during sex. and tonight, for your birthday, he has decided to indulge that fantasy of yours. at first he thought it was a bit silly, the smile on your face when he handcuffed you to the headboard of the bed made him laugh a little. it's only when he finds himself kneeling between your legs, facing you, watching your eyes darken with lust and the way you're already tugging at your restraints that he realizes his position. he has you under him, completely helpless, at the mercy of his teasing touch and his insatiable mouth as you impatiently wait for him and he suddenly feels like the luckiest man in the world. he caresses your thighs lovingly and starts to kiss your stomach, making his way up to your chest to bury his face in your sweet tits, licking and giving gentle bites to your soft skin. you whimper and squirm, quickly realizing how frustrating your little fantasy is going to be and he seems to notice.
he keeps kissing your body until his lips meet your own, taking your breath away with a sloppy kiss and you gasp in his mouth when you feel his knee against your pussy.
"work for it baby, show me how much you want me." he orders, his voice soft but firm and you can only obey.
swaying your hips, you start grinding against his knee, softly moaning, looking away with embarrassment when you see him looking down at you, hypnotized by the way you're moving your body.
"you're doing such a good job baby, keep going, wanna know how desperate you can get for me."
nanami never takes breaks from work, except for your birthday. he takes you on a weekend where you both can relax and have some sweet sweet sex in a jacuzzi 🤤
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you thought he was being weird as soon as you showed up in the outfit you had carefully chosen for your date at your favorite restaurant. he just looked at you from head to toe and nodded. he didn't even squeeze your ass when you walked past him and you ridiculously felt a bit sad about it. you should have known better, really.
now he's grabbing your hips with his big hands and forcing your body down onto his throbbing cock in the driver's seat, in the middle of the restaurant parking lot.
"m'sorry baby, I just can't resist you, you look so fucking good in that outfit." he moans in your ear and you have to bite his shoulder to keep from screaming.
he lowers one of his hands to grab your ass and he starts thrusting inside you, his cock rubbing all the right spots, making your thighs tremble and your eyes water.
you feel his other hand threading through your hair, forcing you to look down where both of your bodies are connected.
"look at the mess you've made honey, it's all over me. does getting fucked in a car turn you on that much?" he asks and he smiles when he feels you trying to meet the cruel thrusts of his hips while looking away from the view of your pussy soaking his cock.
you whimper when he pulls at your hair, forcing your head down once again.
"answer me. does my little slut like to get off to the thought of getting caught while I'm fucking her pretty pussy?"
and despite shaking your head you can't lie to him, almost salivating at the feeling of your swollen clit rubbing against the fabric of his pants while he keeps slamming his hips against your skin.
"fuck yes! yes I like it! I like it so much!" and he laughs at your dumb voice, seeing you so cock drunk never fails to amuse him, especially when you make such shameless noises with the rear windows half open... he'll tell you later.
this car sex session leaves you both panting, sweat sticking on your foreheads, your hair all messy and let's not even talk about the cum dripping out of you right now. so you both decide to go back home and toji orders food from the restaurant you were supposed to go to.
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jyoongim · 4 months
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~Anyway you want me baby~
Taking Angel’s Poison and giving it a spin.
Porn with no plot? Slight Degradation kink. Pet play. Orgasm denial.
You made your choice to deal with the devil and now you’re at his mercy
No one knew why you were always with the red demon. When the Radio Demon came back from his ‘sabbatical’ he had a pretty little thing by his side.
If people saw you, Alastor wasn’t too far behind.
There were many rumors.
many think you were just his little errand girl.
others thought you were the reason he was gone.
but oh…how wrong they were…
You were a poor, underpaid, and abused dancer. you had met Alastor when he had dealt a deal with Husker in the club you worked.
he had peaked your interest when you witness him strip Husker of everything.
he had power. Power was the only thing in this damned place that got you anywhere.
and you wanted that power.
with his help, you could be and have anything.
and so you made the mistake approaching him.
“I want to make a deal” you said confidently.
his sharp smile widened as he quirked an eyebrow at you.
”what would you give me my dear?”
You couldn’t offer him money. So you took a deep breathe and gave him your best flirty smile “I’ll be yours. Anything you want”
his clawed finger caught your chin, angling your face to bring his face closer “you sure about that my dear?”
you nodded and just like that; you had struck a deal.
but this deal wasn’t what you thought.
you thought maybe he would have you do his bidding, or request you do weird shit.
Alastor had found you mildly amusing that you would willingly strike a deal with him. So he took it upon himself to make a special deal with you.
“What a pretty pet you make dear”
your jaw was aching as you swallowed his dick. You whined at his words. You had been doing this for hours and practically had a puddle of your slick underneath you.
Alastor was sitting above you, leg on your back and purred as you gagged when he pushed your head down further.
you looked so pretty with your lips wrapped around him.
he held you fast in place with your leash wrapped around his hand.
feeling your momentum slow, he slide out of your throat with a pop.
he wrangled you til you were in his lap. The sound of static hummed in the air as he positioned you right above his spit covered dick.
You whimpered in embarrassment as he toyed with your throbbing clit.
he chuckled as your hips sought after his fingers before pushing you down onto his member.
you hissed at the inrustion and let out a moan as he slowly bounced you.
he tilted his head, watching your pretty face contort in pleasure.
“Who said you could feel good dear?”
you gasped as he set a rough pace. You felt the leash tighten around your neck, restricting your breathing as he mangled your insides.
”A-Alastor!”you cried out as he hit that sweet spot inside you.
all you wanted was relief.
his smile was vicious “do my pretty pet want to cum?”
he had asked you this multiple times and you knew what the result was going to be, but frantically you nodded as you hoped he would give you mercy.
but what fun would that be?
Alastor chuckled deeply as he thrusted harshly inside you.
he loved how pliant you were.
you would do anything to please him just to get some relief.
unfortunately for you, that just wasn’t how things were.
he decided when you got pleasure.
he let out a growl as he felt your inside clench around him
”don’t you dare”
you felt tears well in your eyes. You wanted to be good.
but fuck it felt so good.
you let out a high pitch whine when you felt that tight coil in your belly.
”please please please please” you begged.
he flipped you onto your belly and pulled the leash tight, wringing your head back, causing you to gasp as he hovered over you.
Admits his harsh thrusts he placed a soft kiss to your forehead
”how you want me dearest?”
your eyes clenched as he quickened his pace
You were so close.
he hummed and before that coil could snap…
he pulled out and you felt the warmth of his cum spilling on your ass.
you groaned and glared at his smiling face.
he scooped a little off your ass and smeared your lips
”lets try again shall we?” You sucked his fingers clean and whine when he released your leash enough for you to turn around and with only the thought of being able to cum, you spreaded your legs for him again.
Alastor’s ever sharp grin widened at you.
”and how do pretty sluts like it dear?”
“Any way you want baby”
what a good little pet he made you…
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casiia · 5 months
simon riley hates when you smoke, so whenever he feels the need to smoke he’ll wait until you’re sleeping or busy because he knows you’ll want to join him. he’ll sneak onto the balcony and light a cigarette; hold it between his index and middle finger, take a long drag and tilt his head back to watch the smoke puff from his mouth.
the sound of the door sliding makes him shut his eyes, he only sighs and drops his head slightly, moving away from the banister and sitting on the mini couch.
leaning forward to take another pull from the cigarette, he leans back into the cushion and looks you up and down. he rolls his eyes at your face, pouty lips and wide eyes glued to his hands — the smoking cig that burns ash onto his clothes.
tapping his thigh, he shifts his hips upwards before spreading his legs. in an instant you’re straddling his hips, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before reaching for the cigarette that he’s holding. simon only shakes his head and pulls his hand away from yours, sitting up slightly and wrapping an arm around your waist.
“no,” he grumbles. pulling you into his chest, he returns the gesture and pecks you on the lips. when you whine and squirm in his hold he has to bite back a grunt, his eyes hardening as you frown with glances towards the cigarette.
“don’t be like that, si.” you say, trailing your hands down his shoulders and squeezing around his biceps. you lean forward and bump your nose with his, smelling the tobacco that lingers on him. “give me a taste.”
simon knows that he’s being a hypocrite. you don’t smoke often, and majority of the times when you join him outside are when he’s smoking first. he influences you, but he has his urges and sometimes can’t wait til’ you’re away.
begrudgingly, he loosens his hold on you, rubbing your arm as a gust of wind breezes through your hair. simon tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before he settles his hand on the back of your neck.
“open your mouth.”
a smile grows on your lips and without much thinking you’re doing exactly what you’re told. you watch as simon leans forward, you can feel his chest rise from underneath your hands as he inhales. ash begins to fall from the end and you swipe away at his shirt, small smudges staining the soft material.
simon’s fingers gingerly squeeze the back of your neck, he tugs you towards him until you’re lips are just barely hovering his. his thumb caresses your jaw before he blows the smoke into your mouth, humming when you inhale it and lean into him for more.
when you tilt your head away to blow out the smoke, he turns you back to him before pressing his lips to yours. the subtle taste of tobacco that strays on your tongue makes him groan. and times like these make him hate smoking with you a little less.
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Simon’s heart was racing, a sheen layer of sweat covering his body as he slowly made his way up his driveway.
Your car was there as it always was when he came home but instead of bringing Simon peace, it made him more nervous than he’d ever been.
He found himself pausing at the door, his trembling hand hovering over the handle as he steadied his breathing. He knew when he opened that door, his entire life would change.
When he left for deployment, you were 7 months pregnant. Now here he was, nearly three months later, about to meet his child for the very first time.
He regretted more than anything, not being there for you when you needed him most. While you were giving birth, he was half a world away, and he felt so incredibly guilty for it. He knew you were strong, he knew you could handle yourself, but that didn’t ease the self loathing thoughts that swirled in his brain.
Closing his eyes, he took one final deep breath before sliding off his mask and entering the house.
“Sweetheart, I’m home.” He called out, setting his belongings on the floor. He slowly made his way into the living area, his hands still shaking from before.
“Hey, handsome.” You greeted, a warm smile on your face as you turned and stood from your spot on the couch. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
Simon felt his breath leave his lungs as he took in the sight before him. There, nestled in the love of his life’s arms, was a baby girl. HIS baby girl.
“Simon, this is Y/D/N.” You spoke, your tone gentle. You walked up to him slowly, and leaned in a way that Simon could get a better look at his child.
His brain went numb as he took in every little feature of his daughter, a whirlwind of emotions hitting him at once. “She’s…she’s..she’s beautiful, Y/N.”
You felt tears pooling in your eyes as you watched your husband be rendered speechless. The way he was looking at his little girl had your heart soaring. There was nothing but unyielding admiration, and awe in his eyes. “Do you want to hold her?”
Simon’s breath hitched in his throat as he nodded curtly. He watched as you walked up to him, gently placing the infant in his arms. As he held her, the entire world around him seemed to slow, and the only thing in the world was just him and his little girl.
He held his daughter as if she were made of glass, not daring to move a muscle as he admired her. He began to notice small bits of himself in her, the dark brown of her eyes, the soft curve of her small nose. Never did Simon think anything that came from HIM would ever be so….perfect.
Simon had never felt a love like this before. As his daughter smiled up at him, Simon made a silent vow that he would do absolutely anything in his power to keep that smile on her face for as long as he lived.
“Thank you.” Simon whispered, smiling down at the newborn. Her small hand wrapped around his pinky, causing Simon’s eyes to pool with tears. She was so, so small compared to him.
“For what?” You asked, as Simon pulled you closely into his side.
“For giving me the family I never knew I wanted.”
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witchwyfe · 5 months
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karma is my boyfriend - rc
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pairing - (non-canon) Rafe Cameron x female reader
précis - a lil princess treatment from rafe :)
content/warnings - mentions of alcohol/alcohol consumption, fluff,
word count - 673
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"Rafe, Rafe!?" You're spinning around, looking for your boyfriend until suddenly you whirl around and bump into a broad chest.
"Hey!" You gasp, until you look up and see his face. "Oh! Hi baby!" You coo, reaching up to cup his cheeks. 
"Hi sweet girl." He smiles, running his thumb along your cheekbone. 
You greet him happily, leaning in to his touch. "Did you get my drink?" You wonder, suddenly remembering why he left you in the first place.
"Hmm, sure did." He nods, handing you an ice water rather than the vodka redbull you'd requested.
You don't seem to notice though, slipping the paper straw into your mouth and slurping it down happily.
"We gonna dance s'more?" You wonder, straw between your lips.
"We can't, baby," He says, smoothing a hand down the back of your head. "They're closing."
"Nooo!" You groan, throwing your head back.
"I know, I know," He soothes. "But we can go home and get some snacks and watch a show...?" He offers.
"Okay!" You're smiling once again, digging your fingers into his tee shirt.
"Finish your drink and we'll go home, kay?" 
You nod, bypassing the straw and tipping the rest of the water into your mouth, before handing your empty glass to Rafe.
You're not even that drunk, really just a little past tipsy but you're fine with letting Rafe handle everything and take care of you.
Suddenly his jacket is being draped over your shoulders, coupled with a soft kiss to the top of your head. 
"Thank you." You simper. You slide your arms into the sleeves and blink up at your boyfriend.
You lead him out of the bar, arms shoved into the pockets of his jacket, while he has your little purse slung over his shoulder, your phone, his phone, and the keys all in one hand.
"How much farther?" You ask a few moments later, looking back at him.
"Not too much," He frowns looking out at the street. When the two of you arrived at the club, hours before, he'd had to park his car somewhat far due to the lack of space. "Your feet hurting, baby?"
You shrug a shoulder. "Yeah." You nod. "But it's just till the car then I'll take my shoes off."
"C'mere," He says, shoving both of your phones into his pocket.
"What?" You wonder, turning to give him a coy smile.
Your sweet boyfriend kneels down on the dirty sidewalk, taking your ankle into his hands so he can unbuckle your heel. You're flustered beyond words, heat rising on your cheeks while Rafe's rough palm softly works your foot out of your strappy shoe. 
"Stand on my foot babe, so I can take your other shoe off." He says, running his hand up your calf. 
Once both of your heels are dangling from his hand, he scoops you into his arms, bridal style.
"Are you sure, Rafe?" You wonder softly. "I feel bad, you don't--"
"You have nothing to feel bad about." He assures, lips at your temple. "Just let me take you to the car, okay gorgeous?"
"Okay." You hum happily, relaxing in his hold.
Your arms are sling around your neck and you have easy access to his neck if you strain a little--and you do--at least five times on the way to the car, so you can kiss his neck.
He pretends like he's not flustered by it, but you can see the rosy glow of his cheeks from the street lamps, the harsh light making him appear ethereal and you have to shut your eyes for a second to remember he's real.
You’re still in a fond trance when he uses one hand to open the car door and gently deposit you into the passenger seat. He buckles your seatbelt and tugs on it, before pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“Love you,” You croon, leaning back against the seat to look at him. 
“Love you so much more.” He promises. “C’mere angel, gimme a kiss.”
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© witchwyfe 2024. absolutely no reposting, translating, or modifying, even with credit.
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