#and everyone is like oh if u fail just take it again!!! i dont have an extra fucking 200 dollars to just throw away all the time lmaooooooo
sylvainlover · 3 months
stress posting venting in tags <3
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haohaowrld · 1 year
hi I saw u write for epex too and I'm absolutely in to them these days. if u don't mind could u write epex members when u fall asleep on them (before dating)
aaa plz i love epex 😭 yesyes this is so cute
im doing this in bullet points, hope you don't mind ❤️ if you wanted headcanons or if you want me to elaborate on any of them plz don't be afraid to ask! — not proofread, lowercase intended
epex — falling asleep on them !! (pre-relationship)
×× 곽 다윗 —★ kwak dawit ! wish ···
• will let you sleep unless you look uncomfortable 💀
• hes probably used to his members leaning on him and sleeping on him all the time but.. you??
• oh he's a wreck
• wants you to be comfortable and if it looks like you're in pain even in the slightest he will move you or wake you up
• overall just wants you to rest well, doesn't care that you're leaning on him
×× 금 동현 —★ keum donghyun ! keum ···
• 100% confused and WILL wake you up 💀
• "do you want to sleep? i can come back another time"
• vv worried and wants to know if you're getting enough sleep
• if you tell him you are actually tired he would be so conflicted
• he wants to spend time with you but he wants you to sleep
• prob just ends up letting you sleep on him after, win-win lol
×× 서 경민 —★ seo kyungmin ! mu ···
• will not intentionally wake you up but the second your head hits his shoulder he tenses up enough to scare both him AND you 💀
• will apologize and let you sleep on him ☹️
• WILL take photos of you but will 100% delete them if you don't like them lol
• texting EVERYONE for moral support
• "omg omg guys they're sleeping on me what do i do help help help" but no matter what anyone says he's not gonna move you until you wake up
• has ruined your sleep before, will not let it happen again 💀
×× 조 민우 —★ cho minwoo ! a-min ···
• confused but will let you sleep
• will 100% just. look at you.
• not like out of adoration but like why are you sleeping in the middle of the day and why on me look (out of adoration too)
• eventually understands because he's had his moments too
• might look at something on his phone and laugh a little too loud 💀
• will apologize even if you don't hear him or wake up lol
×× 김 현우 —★ kim hyunwoo ! baekseung ···
• nervous and will tell everyone who walks in the room to be quiet 💀
• will make sure you stay asleep because he wants you to rest and he needs to calm down
• will be vv sweet and will ask one of the members to bring you a blanket or something
• he won't hear but said member will walk away grumbling about how whipped he is
• v soft and just wants you to be warm and happy ☹️ need
×× 권 예준 —★ kwon yejun ! ayden ···
• will try to wake you up, ultimately fails, doesn't try again 💀
• "why me and why now." FEAR. someone help this boy 😭
• thinks that you meant to fall asleep on him and will get delusional /lhj
• will not be able to function until you wake up, whatever he was doing has been long abandoned
• might fall asleep too ngl 💀
×× 서 예왕 —★ seo yewang ! yewang ···
• takes him a second to realize what's going on but will let you sleep lol
• will try to wake you up but when you don't he won't push it
• if you're tired, you're tired, and he wants you to rest
• (so you guys can actually hang out 😭💀)
• will watch you and will make sure you're still sleeping and not just leaning on him to make him nervous 💀
×× 이 재호 —★ lee jaeho ! jeff ···
• you have broken him. congratulations.
• the most scared of them all a literal chill would run down his spine I think 😭
• would be 100% still and would NOT move
• will totally wake you up out of fear plz help him ☹️
• he'd wake you up like yejun but will not give up until you wake up 💀
• will ask you why you fell asleep on him but totally didn't mean to lol
• his ears are bright red please dont mention them he already knows
thank you for reading this far! ❤️ feedback, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated.
— haohaowrld, 2023.
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gothghostiie · 1 year
Hi! It's my first time doing this...hum...¿Is this even where I'm supposed to send u my request? 😶
Anyway...- holds up a plate of cookies - I didn't have any fangs around or any of the weird stuff most people have been offering u but I help this is enough 😄🍪
Could u do a one shot of RE5 Wesker's s/o not only being pregnant but getting into labour with his reaction, and showing us how it worked out?
I hope you're not taken aback by the idea😶😶
Oh and by the way, I LOVE YOUR WRITING ✨❤️
hi!! yes this is where you send the requests :D and I'm absolutely not taken aback by the idea at all!! I love things like these
and cookies are more than welcome too teehee (also thank you!! I'm glad you like my writing <3)
also this isnt exactly a oneshot but I hope its still okay <3
So, right off the bat, Wesker adores his s/o being pregnant. Like he will show them off and show everyone their round belly and tell everyone. will also have a picture of you pregnant and show it around - his whole pride. after all you're giving him a little heir or heiress!! (or maybe even multiple)
he will make sure you have the best doctors available and will make sure you dont miss a single appointment. if he can he will be at every appointment with you
tries HARD to not cry when he sees the first ultrasound where you can actually see the baby taking form (he fails)
pregnancy photoshoots. that's all I'll say
he's also touching your belly all the time. like casually resting his hands on it, feeling to feel the baby kick, even resting his head on it. he will also talk to the bump. (mostly telling them that they will rule the world one day)
when you get into labour he's completely calm. the hospital bag has been packed since about month 8 so he just needs to grab it and go ahead with you.
makes a few calls on the way to make sure everything is in order for the perfect birth for you, no matter what kind of birth you want
he will be right by your side at all times, holding your hand and brushing your hair out of your face and talking to you. he'll praise you for doing so well with the birth and talk about just how wonderful everything will be once you made it.
once the baby is finally out he'll carefully hug you and kiss your forehead and whisper about how proud he is of you.
let's the doctors and nurses do their thing until they finally bring the baby to you. he let's you hold it first for skin to skin but absolutely adores the sight in front of him.
Once he holds the baby he's just absolutely in awe. he can't believe that little creature is his... he definitely cries again.
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ge · 10 months
what do you like about rotmhs? like what draws you in?
GAHH IM SO GLAD YOU ASKEDDD at the top of my head thhe top three things i felt really drew me into and made me fall in love w rotmhs is the found family/bonds before blood narrative, the action/fight scenes, and the comedy..
rotmhs is not a romance and i feel like that really pushes people away from reading it, especially folks who were first introduced to east asian novels through bl (specifically mxtxs novels like mdzs tgcf etc etc) which i feel is incredibly disappointing because yallre missing out on a certain depth of writing and nuance you otherwise wouldnt get in a romance focused novel. (orv is another extremely popular knovel with no romance.. if you like orv PLEASE give rotmhs a shot)
rotmhs is about a dead man resurrected a hundred years into the future having to come to terms w the fact that everyone he loved is dead and that the only home he ever had was destroyed, its inhabitants and centuries worth of teachings burned to the ground, and that it was partially his fault these things happened, so in order to prevent a future catastrophe he knows is on the horizon, he trains the youth of this new generation and finds a new home surrounded by ghosts in the wreckage of his home of his past
⬆️…very dramatic but somewhat accurate barebones synopsis of rotmhs which is fairly faithful enough methinks.. rotmhs doesnt make a point of going ‘heyy these guys are family nowww theyre brothers and sisters and love each other like familyyy’ LOL the growth is very subtle and before u can really blink ur like ‘oh man.. chung myung would kill for these kids. obliviously though. i dont think he knows he even likes them’ all the while hes still aching w the loss of his loved ones before.. if we’re being really really honest chung myung, the mc, truly is the star of the show and a character i got attached to incredibly quickly.. hes so stupid but so smart he has so many issues i want to hit him with my car then nurse him back to health just to hit him again
chung myung himself is a whole other thing i could get into but he has so many layers.. so much depth.. on the surface ud look at him and think what a punk but look a little closer and then ud think oh this punk has depression ptsd survivors guilt hallucinations etc etc LIKE DAMN.. I THIUGHT HE WAS JUST A FUNNY LITTLE GUY WHYD I GET SUCKER PUNCHED
what was i even talking about. OH right romance. please please dont let the lack of romance dissuade you, imo it is soooo refreshing to read something that isnt focused on romance like i love yaoi like the next bl reading bitch but damn.. ive always been into found family and while the bl novels i have read did always have a little hint of it, i always wanted more and rotmhs fills that void
(that being said i cant stop yall from shipping if yall want LOL im guilty of shipping charas too despite everythiing i just said… if yall want yalls yaoiyuri fix may i direct yalls attention to the ‘doomed by the narrative, tragic best-friends-to-almost-lovers tangchung’ & ‘love at first sight sweethearts iseolsoso’ ….. :SMILES: I LOVE TANGCHUNG..!!!!!!)
NEXT, the action and fight scenes in rotmhs, even in written text form, are sublime to say the least.. my fail cis dudebro trait is that i love crazy insane adrenaline rushing heart pumping shounen-esque battles so much that i could typically care less for the rest of that specific piece of media as long as the fights are good.. FORTUNATELY FOR ME rotmhs is crazy good at balancing its comedy, action, and otherwise more ‘mundane’ scenes together so harmoniously that its such fun read even when theres no swords crossing or heads being beaten in
also important to note, despite being a knovel w korean naming of characters/places, rotmhs actually takes place in ancient china in a wuxia setting so jumping head first into it wont be all that confusing for first time readers/cmedia fans and u can use ur knowledge of cnovels to fill in the gaps.
theres not really much more i have to say on the topic of fighting, im just personally a huge fan of the crazy spectacles rotmhs brings to the table.
saved this for last but THE COMEDY…!!!!!!!! after being soo dramatic w all my previous points and comments ur probably thnkng rotmhs is heavy and somber w no breathing room.. WELL YOURE WRONG. ROTMHS IS FUNNY AS HELL quips and jokes and simple funny actions and scenes litter nearly every page. i mentioned this novel balances its action and comedy well and im NOT LYING youd think maybe the heavy action and light comedy would awkwardly clash but u cldnt be more further from the truth.. rotmhs wears action and comedy like a pair of twin gloves
rotmhs handles its action and comedy in equal doses and it all fits together like matching puzzle pieces, like i really cant stress enough how fun it is to read. not every fight scene is somber, most of the time its chung myung oneshotting someone by hitting them across the head so hard they pass out..
unfortunately im not really the best at listing instances so its be better for u to go read it for urself but this scene from one of the later chapters is soo funny every time i read it i start giggling
(LIGHT/MINOR SPOILERS FOR THE NOVEL it probably doesnt even matter u wont even remember this when u start reading)
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right so i think thats most of it.. too lazy to read through everything i just wrote so if nothing makes sense… well. …well!
rotmhs deserves to have the same amount of fame as ORV and MDZS and TGCF have and it is my civil duty as one of the oldest mxtx novel outlets on tumblr to put yall on it..
my thumbs hurt from typing so im done now but if u have anymore questions PLEASE ASK IM SO DESPERATE TO TALK ABOUT ROTMHS ok byyyeeeeeeee
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flowersfortheghost · 8 months
when ur so bored u decide what the spider-kids' reactions are to dbh (slight spoilers for dbh)
everyone takes it super seriously. they take turns who plays but god they're screaming at each other. it goes like "GRAB THE GUN! LET HIM DEVIATE!!" and the person playing is like "NO!!! I OBEY THE LAW!!"
hobie, gwen and margo wanna cause violence and pav and miles just wanna protest peacefully in markus' story. they would probably end up doing like a little bit of chaos but mostly peaceful protesting (they just wanna get the good ending)
they all wanna kill off todd, but all for different reasons. hobie just wants to use the gun, gwen thinks he deserves it after killing kara once before, margo agrees with gwen, pav just wants kara and alice to not be bothered by him again and miles also agrees with gwen and margo
they pause the game so many times just to discuss what option to choose. like its intense and then u get blinded by the paused screen and they go "alright guys, what now?"
margo is insanely good at the fight scenes. gwen, miles and hobie are pretty good and pav can do it but he could fail (50/50 chance if u let him play). when a fight scene comes, sometimes the controller gets handed to margo just so they know they will win
pav doesnt wanna kill of leo bc of the scene towards the end u can have with carl. the others do want to kill him off
hobie grabs every gun without hesitation
pav is way too invested into the story (his favorite story is kara's)
miles is just impressed by the graphics of the game. he looked at the zen garden and was just like "woah..this so pretty"
margo has beaten this game multiple times. she knows how to get the best endings but doesnt say anything
gwen gets easily frustrated. she cant run and is like "oh my FUCKING GOD RUN!!!!!" and she yells at the characters like they can hear her. she just fucking "DUDE DONT TRUST THAT MAN I SWEAR HE IS UP TO NO GOOD LOOK AT THAT MACHINE"
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voiceofsword · 1 year
I'm gonna set up a little tent in your inbox sorry it's cosy here :)
I still think about this so much like what does he mean by this. The shipper brain in me just sees it as rinniki real but I doubt they had that intention like????
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Also when he and mayoi talk and niki denies seeing rinne as family only to proceed defending him by claiming he's human like everyone else and he's just shown his "total bastard side" to everyone (but niki knows his true side because he trusts him enough. kinda 🏳️‍🌈)
I've just kinda rambled in your inbox but if you wanna add anything (or delete my ask fair lol) feel free ^^
omg why would i delete this u guys know i love any excuse to talk about them
ill put this under a cut bc screenshots, dont wanna clog ppls dashes !!
my shipper brain AGREES and in large part i think its intentional (not romantically? probably. will i see it that way? well 😏) because these two guys find it impossible to be open about how much the other means to them.. and through that weird tsun-ness it becomes obvious that they're both tiptoeing around it, so much so that when they do, it makes it even More apparent to everyone that something is up... but they both think they're very good at hiding it.
i think niki is especially a worse offender of this bc admitting rinne's just as important to him as it is the other way around is an IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE.. like with kohaku there hes like ew rinnes so gross his face makes me sick and not want to eat. hes definitely exaggerating here... what are u overcompensating for. ehem
but niki's love language is literally acts of service, and, well, it's pretty obvious how often he manifests this towards rinne
and in the mayoi conversation you mentioned it's SOOO.. when mayoi mentions that c:b are going to be their coperformers, when niki starts talking about rinne in response, it's almost like.. he's thanking them? bc to him he couldnt care less if they're invited on stage again. but rinne's the first thing he brings up because he knows how much it means to him, and that if anyone deserves a second chance, it's him:
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after mayoi says this, niki goes hell no but regardless his next lines all sound really fond:
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and i think the underlying sentiment here is that niki thinks rinne deserves the world. that even though hes sometimes an asshole, that beneath it all he's still a Good Person, and niki would give anything to make other people see that. it's not an explicit declaration of love but reading between the lines, hes pouring his heart out to mayoi like, hey i really love this guy. and even tho its not put into words, not properly, anyway, mayoi himself can see it
(especially taking into account that immediately afterwards he asks mayoi for a favor (that would benefit rinne, in the end))
just like him regularly feeding rinne (although sometimes rinne doesn't give him a choice — on several instances where rinne comes up to him like 'im hungry make me food', nikis like 'oh i cant Not feed you. youre being annoying but i cant have you be hungry', bc to him that's how he shows he cares, about rinne or about anyone), insisting that he'll go back home with him, and always, without fail, getting roped into his schemes and ending up enjoying it, bc time he spends with rinne is ultimately time spent with his best friend.
so yeah nikis a little 🏳️‍🌈 ur right
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
hi, can you write a dico x fem!reader who is just like him. they are best friends but also a couple. they are always laughing & joking around, doing skits, having rap/roast battles, doing stunts, etc together. the others constantly teasing them about how they are same person and outsides would never be able to tell they are a couple.
that’s so fucking cheesy I’m so sorry AHHHH 😟
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THANK U SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING THIS IM A LITERAL SUCKER FOR DICO AHHHH and trust me nothing is ever too cheesy when it comes to me, i fucking loves cheese little romantic things like this, especially for someone who acts just like him. this is fueling my crush for him more and more 🤭🤭🤭🤭
u always had a little crush on dico
come on the guys funny and cute whats more there to love??
when u guys finally got together though its like u guys were just best friends
i mean u two were together CONSTANTLY
the guys started to get suspicious
“dico are u banging her or are u too just friends?” -bam
everyone genuinely couldnt tell if you were dating or not, hell ur the spitting image of eachother personality wise
when u too finally tell the guys the teasing begins
constant “oohs” and “aaahs” when u two would show anytype of affection towards eachother
the guys finally having something to tease brandon abt was a huge win for them
it was all fun and jokes
at first
then it started to be annoying so you and dico get together and start scheming
then it hits you two
to get back at the guys u decide to give them all their own little “hell days”
for bam u definitely wash all of his skateboards with soap and water on the grip side, hide some of his him cds, maybe even take the lambo out for a spin (for hours without telling him) u guys also fuck up his favorite shirts just for the hell of it
with ryan he really never picked on u guys a lot but just to make it equal u guys just do little psychological pranks on him, yk the whoopie cushion, fake shock gum, corny shit like that
with raab, dico and u probably just smack him in the face throughout the whole day, maybe take key key with u for a joy ride just to scare him a bit or burn his favorite beanie
oh god rake gets it the worst
being dicos best friend and all he made fun of yall CONSTANTLY ( prob to get back at dico for always bullying him)
dicos gonna get ruthless
woo de wolf impression all day, gay jokes upon gay jokes, probably tries to cut his hair and to top the day off, a gallon of yellow mustard on rakes head (DICO U BETTER RUN BITCH)
dico really wants to do rakes hell day by himself bc he loves fucking with him
you guys will get the nickname “diablos” (the devils twins) after all this
he probably is gonna get murdered for doing all this but hey nobody can stay mad at dico
hes too cute fr
will put u in his homemade video projects
imagine cudding with him while u too just crack jokes and hold eachother
“hey babe ive been working on this impression and i need your opinion on it”
you will try and kick his ass at mortal combat, and ultimately fail “they dont call me the record holder for nothing babe”
does like to take u out on sappy romantic dates sometimes but also just likes to hang out with u, just ur presence alone calms him
his his nose and watch his fave turn red ‼️
ROAST BATTLES TO THE MAX, put on a beat and you two will go at it for hours, constant back and forth of you guys dissing eachother then having it turn oddly sexual then having it turn into roasting rake then back to the beginning again
putting on masters of the universe and cuddling to sleep 😩
HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! i have no clue if u wanted a actual fic or not but im shit at writing so this is the best i got, and im not turning down this idea bc it makes me giggle and get all giddy tbh 🤭🤭🤭
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natsmagi · 10 months
I love ur art!!!! really its so gorgeous and the style brings me sm joy, its so soft and cute!! and ofc fem ntsmg is THE GOAT!!!!!!
BUT I JUST WANNA ALSO SHOW APPRECIATION FOR HOW U ANSWER ASKS AND STUFF AND IDK JUST UR WHOLE PERSONALITY IN GENERAL?? I love reading ur text posts especially when u kinda analyze the characters and stuff like its so fun to read and tbh, both natsume and tsumugi are characters that I feel are often mischaracterized in the fandom, and like idk I feel like u get them so perfectly and its sooo !??!?! Awesome getting to read ur awesome takes when new events come out and stuff like YOURE SO RIGHT ABT EVERYTHING, i be reading ur posts and going "you!!! YOU FUCKING GET IT!!!!!!!!!!" *happy stimming*
if you honestly did like a proper character analysis for them one day just now i would be so here for it and read it over and over again probably. Im currently hyperfixating RLY HARD on ntsmg so sometimes i just go through ur entire text post/ask tag and read everything over and over again 😭😭😭 I JUST LOVE THIS BLOG IN GENERAL KEEP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING, YOURE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME AND VERY MUCH BASED USER NATSMAGI!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️
im a very chatty person so im very glad u like hearing what i have to say 🥺!!! and im glad u like my personality too since i feel i can come off as harsh or arrogant sometimes AKJHFSKJH THOUGH TBF I DO TRY MY BEST TO BE KIND......
ID LOOOVE TO ANALYZE NTMG MORE !!! main reason i dont do it as often or hold myself back a bit is because admittedly its been a While since i read alot of the stories, a majority of which i have only read once, and when i make actually Proper analyzes i like to have reread the material and see if i maybe misinterpreted something on my first read or am misremembering, bc when given new info other interactions can be read differently and all that. and i also wanna actually do them justice and not accidentally spread misinfo AJHSFKJH AND I UNFORTUNATELY HAVENT HAD THE TIME NOR ENERGY TO DO THIS </3 but even without remembering every single piece of dialogue verbatim i like to think my grasp on them is still somewhat decent, and im very glad u like my interpretations 🥺❤️
it always makes me so incredibly happy when people view the characters similarly to me aswell bc like u mentioned they Are kinda prone to getting mischaracterized in some ways...... i think it mainly comes from both natsume and tsumugi having MANY factors to their characters though, and the mischaracterization comes from only highlighting one aspect of them and failing to think about how their different attributes overlap (although this can probably be said for the entire cast tbh). like an easy example that im sure everyone gets by now is natsumes little tsundereisms. if you only focus on him being rude to tsumugi it can look like hes just some edgy guy with anger management issues, but when you take into account other factors such as him having a rather spoiled upbringing both by his parents and nii-sans, and his distaste towards feeling "weak" (also caused by his upbringing, since he was frail as a child and raised as a girl) you start to see that oh. alot of that is just him being defensive and emotionally immature. since he had such a comfortable upbringing those hints of discomfort and vulnerability are threatening to him as someone who always had everything handed to him. and when you dont know how to deal with situations like that ASWELL as being afraid of being seen as "weak" youre Gonna start resorting to harsher words and sometimes even get physical because you have no clue how else to handle this. its also why the natsumes character consists of him being pretty obsessed with "growing up" and "not being a kid anymore," because he knows how immature he could be SKHDGJH he doesnt have bad intentions he just. doesnt know how to be vulnerable with people
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amourcheol · 4 months
hi fia!! so i just finished rereading great war...i dont know if you remember my tags from my first read but i did cry again i am so sorry im just the biggest cry baby despite knowing what coming anyways i again was reading without having any power in my house i seriously do not know what is about me reading your fic that the universe makes my house lose power but i don't care i'll do whatever it takes to reread it a million times!! i just wanted to stop by again to tell you how much i absolutely adore your writing and to give you your flowers for the rest of time, you seriously have such a gift and tremendous talent i hope it takes you far and wide in your life because seriously everyone deserves to witness at least a snippet of your writing a little blurb if you will :) i know i said i wasn't really someone that leaned to the side of historical fics but you really put you're all into this storyline that it makes you fall into a rabbit hole and you make it so interesting (even though it already is, you add a bit more!!) i'm sure you know but the countless messages and notes/tags left on your post that your fic is very loved, it is by me that's for sure :') your jeonghan fic is next on my list and i can't wait! again i want to just say thank you for taking the time to write such a beautiful fic its forever engrained in my head!! i hope you take care :) 🫂
OH MY GODDDDDDD I DO REMEMBER YOU !! u best believe i reread ur comments on reading the Great War when ur power went out I CACKLED 😭😭
WTF U CRIED ?:£:!:!:!:!: no because that is a COMPLIMENTTT PLSSS and don’t even sweat it im such a crybaby too 😭😭 but wtf i feel like a Disney villain cackling w pride over making u cry 💀 thank u for feeling my fic as much as i feel writing it !! ur power going out again as u reread it pls this is too funny 😭
user chaerbears ur the sweetest thing ever 😞😞 thank you so much for coming here again and giving me such praise like??? The time it takes to read the Great War too is so long and still u REREAD it 😞😞nothing makes me happier than to have someone who doesn’t necessarily read historical writings enjoy my history works like !! thank u for giving it a chance 🥹 i hope u enjoy the jeonghan fic just as much, but again no pressure since that one is even longer than the cheol fic 💀 fia shut up challenge FAILED ‼️
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year
Hewwo everyone haha the pain never ends! 😊💖💖 Anyways I'm in a massive Cortex mood and have been for like 2 days so I'm probably gonna be talking abt him for a hot sec again 👉👈💖💖💖 (free invitation to send me asks or messages abt him i NEED to SP E A K)
Anyways my shower thought this morning was if I can choose a favorite between Cortex's N. Sane Trilogy design and Crash 4 design and... I can't!! I really can't!! They're very different... flavors of designs for him, like Orange and Cranberry, but I still RLY love both of them 💖💖💖
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Like Crash 4 Cortex is very sleek, streamlined, aerodynamic very clean and has a great silhouette. Like they RLY followed the character design rule of "triangles=evil". Another thing I think they got soooo right where a lot of Cortex designs, even ones I like, have failed is that his proportions are PERFECT. Don't get me wrong Twinsanity Cortex is right behind these two designs, maybe even tied, but it always sticks out way too much for me that his hands look way too small. Here tho, he's sooo perfect, he still looks super short (albeit a lil bit taller than the average Cortex design) and has his dumb big head with those skinny lil arms, but his hands are proportioned correctly to be big enough that any animated motion is still incredibly readable. As much as I love it tho, I almost feel like its... too clean?? There's just not too much detail and he looks, dare I say, marketable. Its a very great design but it feels very modernized to the style of cartoons today, with more simplistic looks and rounded corners.
Whereas N. Sane Trilogy Cortex takes what was so good about the original design and gives it a 4K rendition. I won't lie, a complaint I have with the art style in the trilogy is that it seems like some designs went too realistic in the details while forgetting that it's supposed to be a cartoony universe (imo Trilogy N. Gin looks wretched 💀) BUT! I really dont think that was a problem with Cortex! Granted I may be a bit.. biased ☺️💘 But I rly love how they HD-ified his design. He's got the square flat head which is something I kinda miss in Crash 4's design, and he just has this rough around the edges look that serves him very well. The amount of detail is perfect to me and frankly, I don't know how else to say it, makes him hard to look at but in a good way??? Like u see him and ur like oh this guy is awful. More plz 😂💖💖 I've always enjoyed how original Crash designs for every character have always been rough and not conventionally "cute" or aesthetically appealing like other platformer characters, and I think they nailed that design philosophy perfect with Cortex in the Trilogy uwu
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ramen2jpeg · 1 year
Hello I haven’t interacted with you before and I’m really really sorry if I’m being annoying you don’t have to answer this but-
May I ask more about your AU please? I adore links meet aus and love seeing everyone’s different takes on them
Oh u have NO clue what u just unlocked 😭
And its all cool dw abt it!! I have been just aching to talk abt this au i have
So buckle in this one gonna be a ride, and im gonna summarize it to be the shortest i possibly can 😀
So my story starts with the goddess hylia finding that in the current time period shes in, ganon has yet again awoken and is wreaking havoc on today’s hyrule. Only, she finds herself in a predicament because a worthy hero has not been born yet, and she refuses to choose just anyone. She finds herself in a sacred shrine full of stories of heroes past, and in this temple the fierce diety is sealed away, awaiting a new host (new link). She decides to attempt to summon just one link who happens to be Wild. Only, the prayer she is doing goes awry because ganon causes a sudden earthquake that shakes the land and destroys everything in its wake, and this earthquake causes hylia to accidentally summon the fierce deity who is rapidly looking for a host. Upon learning that he was summoned by ganon, the fierce deity summons EVERY link that has a story written in the stained glass of the temple (cue super mario 64 paintings type thing). After a lot of commotion and argument because all of the links are scrambling and frightened after very suddenly being taken from their worlds and timelines, Hylia tells them that she must find the Hero of Today, and it will be a tough decision for her. Upon hearing this, every link stands up to sacrifice themselves to be the host yet again of the fierce deity for this timeline. Only due to their spirits, they all end up getting in a huge argument over who deserves to be the Hero of Today more. After witnessing this act of selfishness, hylia chooses to force them to all work together and gather a fragment of ganon’s essence (and if the link doesnt have a ganon, they gather that villain’s essence anyway since its similar to ganons) from each of their worlds, meaning that they must all go through their adventures again to gather this fragment of ganon. At the end, they will put all the fragments together and create a hylian beast for the fierce deity to take over and defeat ganon.
So cue all the links going in an order through their adventures (the games) again to gather the fragments of ganon. Through these adventures they use their abilities, like Time’s time traveling capabilities so they dont have to start at the very beginning of their adventure, and twilight’s ability of connecting to other worlds and so on and so forth. They have their conflicts amongst each other of course and even fail their tasks twice leading them to have to start all over again. After each of their adventures each link usually comes back a better person (and teary eyed or full on sobbing) and eventually they work together smoothly. After gathering all the fragments of ganon, they come back to the temple to summon the beast with hylia and the fierce deity. The beast alone with the fierce deity alone is just short of defeating ganon, so the links all use their newfound connection to defeat the ganon of today. After he is finished, hylia seals away ganon and uses her abilities to keep him away for good until the next link and zelda are born.
The goddess hylia congratulates the links and sees that they have all truly come back changed. They are all crowned the Heroes of Today, and their legacies will live on for as long as Hylia exists. After a teary goodbye, all the links are returned to their worlds as better people than they were before.
Whew, long story 😅 but i have been having this idea for so long and am lowkey considering turning it into a comic. Zelda is my current hyperfixation, so i may just do it and flesh out these links even more.
Thank u so much for ur ask, i really appreciate it!! 💕💕
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theskyexists · 2 years
scholomance 2
The first half of this book was a bit slow and not so crunchy, the second was very very crunchy, and the twist worked out pretty well.
things that don’t make a whole lot of sense:
1. why is there a weight limit (this could be explained by saying it takes gallons of mana to bring mass in that way thus weight capped)
2. why does failing the exams literally maim or kill you. i would protest that shit if i were a fucking parent.
3. why the fuck would you need to reach some damn gates to get out when the kids get IN via induction spell and the way out is via unspooling that same spell
4. why didn’t they use the goddamn COMPLETELY FREE healing spell again
5. why not use a reviser to phase mals (MAWMOUTHS) out of the graduation hall.
6. so why exactly does the school KEEP good spells from students and fuck them over so much with exams and languages if it actually IS aiming to keep them all alive. what a weird twist. would have made much more sense if it was simply the biggest mal yet. like why the fuck would it have encouraged El NOT to go after the mawmouth going after the freshmen if it was trying to keep students safe???
7. i still dont understand where mana comes from and why it comes from horror terror annoyance pain
things that don’t make sense to me narratively:
1. why have El go on and on about enclaves and reading and studying and the scholomance is in essence an enclave and not capitalise on that (maybe next book but like...)
2. why was Precious such a bitch about El getting together with Orion? like jezus, they were just dating, just kissing and having sex and falling in love and shit. whats wrong with that my god. yeah shes gonna be devastated and everything bc he lied. he doesn’t love her more than killing mals (a very late dramatic twist bc for the longest time El didn’t even understand he genuinely loves it)
steps forward now:
just keep doing this shit ey? make an enclave type thing as a trap, lure em all in and boot the bit of matter into the void. BAM. exterminator supreme, El!
Like i was like, well now the chances are 50/50 for wizard kids, let’s build a new scholomance, and have the kids come down the maintenance shaft every week to burn the new ones out in teams (new freshman handbook rules, seniors do this so graduation goes way smoother) and especially kill the agglos and re-ward the mortal flame machines. if a mawmouth shows up just revise it out of existence with the revisers you put under everybody’s pillows. since this was never said to cost too much mana - why not.
but now theres a much better option. just boot em out into the void. just do that shit! hope the debris doesn’t bump into some enclave also out in the void.
incomprehensible liveblog:
is she gonna be a teacher???? to these freshman kids?
scholomance is so damn hard on these kids but it does also sometimes act in their best interests....probably to keep them coming
ok so the scholomance is trying to kill her even more desperately. by playing on her protective instinct, by assigning her the worst ever seminars and classrooms
‘Sure, the story is, the enclaves put in some mana, and our parents all put in some mana if they can afford it, and we put in mana with our work, but we all know that’s a story. The single biggest source of the school’s mana is us. We’re all trying to save mana for graduation; everyone’s working on it all the time. The mana we grudgingly put into our schoolwork and our maintenance shifts is nothing compared with the amounts we put away for that rainiest of rainy days. And when the mals tear us apart, of course we grab for all that nice juicy power we’ve desperately been saving up, and they suck it out of us, only built up more by all our terror and final agony and struggles to live. The Scholomance gets the spillover, and then thanks to all those wards, it kills off a good healthy number of the mals, too, and it all ends up in the school’s mana stores—where it goes to keep the rest of us luckier ones alive’
So when an enthusiastic hero—read, Orion—shows up and starts saving lives, and the mals start to starve, the school starts to starve, too. And at the same time, has more of us alive in here, breathing and drinking et cetera. It’s all a pyramid scheme, and if there aren’t enough of us on the bottom being eaten, there’s not enough for the ones at the top.
an explanation!
so in other words, the only thing that comes into this closed system is the kids, and teh mals. and teh scholomance can only grab teh spillover of mana when the mals or kids are killed, or the kids deliberately put mana into maintenance/schoolwork. somehow. i guess there’s a huge loss on the energy when it’s used to kill though. somehow. i guess because the mana is transformed into something else by spells. thus it cannot be sucked up by the school. but it’s happy with Orion killing teh small mals. won’t it be happy with El doing the same?
won’t the new york enclave be upset with Chloe’s alliance?
pretty sad to have el’s work always (still!) be attributed to orion
AAHH there’s a freshman handbook.... which el read ofc but orion didn’t.
Well fucking finally people realised that El’s a catch. I mean - jezus christ. She really could have shown everbody from the start.
what i dont get is if her mother had 7 spellbooks why doesnt she know more of her spells
why the fuck aren’t they inviting orion on their team
Why the FUCK would they stop working on the honeypot if the lute plan mostly worked and apparently Orion has just found the key component of wizard blood. It's essential that Orion pours in more mana into the pool!!! Wtf???
Why think it normal that's 1. Scholomance has it out for El 2. THUS the mals come after her. Just cos the school lets them through or what?
The finals literally main students. SURELY wizards didn't think of that part???? Surely thats the scholomance operating as much within its parameters to weaken the weak further?
Why the hell would El consider all the killing spells she gets useless? The whole point is to kill mals. She could become a literal exterminator outside too.
It really does seem like the wizards have lost control of the school. Why else couldn't they sneak in adults with induction?
How the fuck can I ship Orion and El if he doesn't even get anything ever about her. But I guess his dumbness strengthens her
What are the mouse familiars about...
You're telling me that there's NO magic to keep you from getting pregnant???? Hello??? Aha. The spell gets confused....that doesn't make any sense lol. It's not like a shield spell gets confused when you walk into a gout of flame deliberately to get to the other side of the graduation hall, now does it?
The obstacle course stuff implies that wizards can still adjust things inside the scholomance. So why would they allow the Scholomance to maim those who fail their exams.
I thought seniors got access to way better spells? But El's gotten nothing. Also that reviser trick is great. Why not dump patience and fortitude out into the void like that? And reading so much about enclave spells, I feel like that should give her a way with the reality and unreality of the scholomance.
Why the fuck would El say that mature wizards are the real apex predators. In what sense. What do they hunt
Oh only NOW does El ask the invincible hero in love with her to join her team. What the fuck. And he doesn't say yes? And she was asking him for his safety?
What I don't understand is why they don't share spells. I understand keeping mana for yourself but why not spells??
They actually use the spells they're gonna use at graduation? I mean...isn't that wasting mana. And the obstacle course can kill you. I mean....that's only going to lower everybody's chances right
They're all bloodied up. So let's do a circle spell again? THEY DONT DO THE COMPLETELY FREE HEALING SPELL
Right - ok that explains the casting. If the course fakes the effect then either it's an illusion and illusions are cheaper or the ffect comes out of the general mana pool and we know why the scholomance is always so hungry
Why the fuck would her wither spells not work but khamis firepotion would? Lol
Ahhh now she realises that she must save them all. But! How can she save them all - right?
She should take everybody with her on this course. Yep she is. But she should do it all together maybe.
El is so FUCKING stupid. She never tells people anything. 'oh they won't believe I'm powerful without proof :(' 'oh they won't believe I'll help people :('
Just TELL THEM. Ok just going for it was effective. And now ALL the teams are becoming more and more tightly knit.....
It's funny. El's got the INSTINCTS for bringing people together but she hasn't got the rational thinking for it. That's gotta be her friends dealing with her.
AND she keeps thinking : yeah I'm not doing that, but then doing it anyway. MAWMOUTH here she comes.
Orion is such a dumb brick Jezus Christ. He's really gone down in attractiveness
The SECOND half of this book is actually picking up
El keeps yammering on about how unfairly Orion was treated in the enclave but I genuinely do not see it. She makes deals all the time and thinks them fair. All the wizards do all their lives - and the enclave made the deal with Orion that he'd kill mals - which he instinctively loves to do - and they'd give him whatever. Which I think is pretty damn fair. Just because Orion is SO extremely lucky that he doesn't need any protection and wouldn't have had to come to the scholomance at all to survive - well, that's HIS EXTREME LUCK - which El used to despise in anyone. But if it's natural not social it's fine apparently.
Since they can't keep more than 300 alive, they're gonna somehow have to go one after the other. But how?
God theyre good. Kept their whole generation from getting eaten much. And now they're tackling graduation like no one else. What about the kids who come after...?
Liesel is so fucking right and El is almost as much an idiot as Orion. Idiot could have told and shown everyone and they could have prepared for FOUR years together.
What's up with this mouse trying to force El to stay away from Orion like she's the manifestation of Gwen's message.
And look how enormously useful El's death spells are. Should have written some more
EXACTLY. HAH. HERE IT COMES. Thanks sudarat. She's getting them all out. Alllll of em. Yep. All of the seniors. But what about those poor freshmen.....
The title is a bit of a hint. Her friends are gonna pissed when she stays behind.
'im so stupid' yeah El you're smarter than Orion but stupider than most others.
El my dear - you could make it better. You could improve the wards, burn out the mals, teach the children, defend defend defend, for as long as you stay
What would happen on the outside... More and more wizard kids. The lucky ones all survive in scholomance. The others die outside. And the wizard population grows... There really was something to the throwaway comment about wizards being the predators. Ecology ecology.
Maybe.....yeah the scholomance does want to be better. So.... It was nice to Orion because he was protecting kids. And it was hard on El to attempt prod her into action... After all....it gave her the sutra book, and kept her in the aisle. Not to keep her from helping Orion but to allow her to get the book. And it tried to get her out of the aisle when the mawmouth was there. Because it wasnt sure she could kill it. It put her with freshmen and led mals there to test her and to prepare her.
Thing is, if what's in the graduation hall is just so horrible - then them repairing the burners probably didn't work, and all those seniors died.
Oh right. It probably did work, and that's why the mawmouths are now desperately hungry.
Oh what. Oh no. Oh what the fuck. Where are they.
If the induction spell can drop you into your new room, and graduation is actually the reverse. WHY EVEN HAVE GATES.
'what do you want me to do?' she asks. And precious thinks it's obvious?
So the school made her care about everybody and told her look: you can.
Hmmm. But this is a very strange narrative twist. I was really getting into the whole army preparing to survive together by helping each other. And now there's nothing?
why the FUCK would the narrative go this way wtf.
I thought she would get everybody out, have to heroically fight patience and fortitude and then push Orion and Aadhya and Liu out with the sweep spell bc she'd stay forever to keep every generation safe.
But I guess that's....not it.
Ok but this is inconsistent because last year they were very much afraid of a full grown agglo coming through the doors down to graduation. (edit: that was an argonet apparently)
Ok I understand that a mawmouth is bad news but uhhhh El and Orion went down there and fixed stuff and didn't come across a single one. Like. Yeah yeah the little ones are faster but like...
But seriously why is there a graduation hall and not just a reverse on the induction spell
What WOULD work as a plan apart from dropping the whole school in the void is creating things that eat the agglos but which have a destruct button from a distance. Also simply reverse the induction spell to make graduation unnecessary. That having been built in really makes me feel like there's a hidden "lure all the mals to scholomance so they don't overwhelm all of wizard kind' agenda behind it secretly maybe perhaps.
So now I understand why the honeypot shit was in there. Don't understand why the narrative made it fail on small scale though.
Why make graduation only half an hour?
Also. Orion Lake leaking some sort of eldritch stuff out of his eyes certainly should have made an alarm bell go off in El's head perhaps.
OK SO. I think it's silly that a new mawmouth is given as an excuse that they can't keep killing the agglo's and repairing the mortal flame machine. Especially because the mortal flame took whole layers off of fortitude and patience. If you just dodged around the mawmouth /shielded enough - whichever came in in a couple of years, and you've got lots of space now - then you could easily keep it down if not kill it. Also - if the whole point was that Agglos are destroying the flame machine - specifically agglos - then I'm pretty sure that the narrative should have had El notice them chewing on the flame machine in the graduation hall when she was there. And a mawmouth is only a long term risk, they could improve odds for 5 years at least by regularly taking the maintenance shaft down and blasting any new mals to bits. Like every month. Or am I underestimating the presence of a single mawmouth? They really instantly want only a permanent solution.
More importantly, I'm a bit sad that instead of this development giving them space to create a whole new culture, one of all for one and and all for one, which will improve all of their odds enormously and make the experience hugely more pleasant - a culture they could pass on to the freshmen etc if they continue to root out mals together, perhaps hey, in teams from the start, patrolling,etc. but maybe the culture shift will happen outside as their whole generation is now in serious solidarity with each other.
This is one way I can see the prophecy working out in an unexpected positive way. El casts down the enclaves through true solidarity and reducing the desperate dependence that indie wizards have on enclaves. Also makes a mass killing in mals.
One more thing though is why don't they just let their kids get adopted by mundanes. Or idk invited mundanes into their house at all times? Whystick to the nuclear family. Grab your mundanes - grab homeless people off the streets and make them babysitters! Get a mundane nanny bodyguard! Jeeze. get four!
Two other ways I can see this plan go horribly wrong though and fulfilling the prophecy:
1. patience and fortitude are loose. Where did they go? More importantly - where did the Bangkok enclave go.... Can mawmouths traverse the void? Or...did the mawmouths simply roll out and go back hunting in the real world? Two huge impossible to kill mawmouths? Because Orion and El managed to deprive them?
2. There's a lot of ecosystem-type talk - reproductive rates, survival rates and predator Vs. prey. What if it was a good thing that all these wizard kids died? That is to say - it kept balance. This ties into one of my questions: how did wizards survive at all when 6 in 7 kids are normally eaten? It is said that mals used to be less powerful and hungry.... What changed so rapidly ? Or were wizards simply having loads and loads of kids to beat the odds? (seems unlikely to me)
El has often misinterpreted the Scholomance, and I think it's wrong to think it would evenhandedly keep kids safe. I'd say it absolutely does not - and picks off the weak to power itself so the strong can survive.
Im not into this romance anymore. El is so constantly worried about Orion - and yes he's shown himself dumb as a brick, dumb enough to get himself killed almost a dozen times. But! He's so completely blasé. He's never ever shown himself to align with her sense of injustice about his serious desire to simply kill kill kill them mals.
They're literally going to escape like tomorrow. So just fuck already! Jesus! Ok finally.
EXACTLY. Jezus did they really need to have sex first for Orion to set El straight on how he's not been damaged by his parents and enclave? He's just LIKE THIS. he loves to kill and slurp up mana. That's who he is. Lol - but she really can't deal with it. She kept trying to blame the enclave but ITS JUST WHO HE IS.
Please do NOT die Liu. DO NOT DIE.
Oh right ok that's the crux. He thinks he's weird. But he IS weird. But that doesn't mean he can't pursue happiness.
Also I wonder.....whether she's gonna have to kill another mawmouth
An obstruction eh.....might....that....be...a....mawmouth....
Ok but if the induction point is where the kids go back, and it is ringed by adult wizards, and ringed by hungry mals, how are the mals getting past the wizards. And also...if they've lured lots of hungry mals to the induction points and the kids are going back there........
Are they expecting a mawmouth tho. Like there's two still HERE!!!!!
Lol finally El understands and BELIEVES Orion. Jezus when he tells you something El - LISTEN. STOP THINKING HES NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD. now she understands.
Please tell me that the kids going out didn't all get eaten. This isn't that kind of book right.
Why did they not expect a mawmouth. And why was it able to get through the fucking refusalshield??? That doesn't make any sense???? Was Alfie already out???? Oh it wasn't UP to the gate.
What the FUCK Orion.
Jezus Christ. He can't even fucking kill it! Oh my god.
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suguwu · 1 year
😱😱😱 Bee you do it to Takao like that?? You kill him like that!? No goodbye, no last "I love yous" that's so cruel!!
okay before i get into THAT, you never fail to provide the most beautiful detail to every mundane moment, but if i gushed over every one, this ask would get five part series too
Honest to god i was so certain Takao would've actually left in the end. Like "oh your soulmate's here? guess i'll die" and he just!! goes!! and let's be real in his shoes, i dont blame him. at least he said something. he communicated his feelings and he took a step back because he wanted space.
like yeah reader suffers a bit, but she's got a solid support system. she's got her parents, she's got her friends. have i mentioned i love Abe and Yoshikawa so much?? what would this story be like without them? how would Reader cope without them?? i dare not think.
also you're so good at describing food, i wanted those crepes so much
okay and i must know, what's the soulmate clause in the marriage contract, what was all that about??? it sure sounds like a lot of boring paperwork to me, and a headache to work through. you're so good at weaving subtle worldbuilding in where it matters, but that's the problem, i want the story to be about bullshit soulmate clauses in marriage contracts. what are soulmate laws here, what do they look like
Kita is so good, that's the problem. the progression of their interactions between text and phone call to eventual physical visits was very sweet. If he was an asshole that'd make things easier. and honestly i was Very nervous where it was going because like especially when the wedding got cancelled after reader met her soulmate, i'd lose my mind because you KNOW that got people's tongues wagging.
it's unfortunate that it's not hard to imagine that a lot of people would in fact, find reader insane for not immediately choosing her soulmate in a heartbeat. your neighbors, your co-workers, distant relatives, people on the goddamn street etc
oh my god speaking of, i wasn't kidding when i said i would've fist fight Atsumu in the streets, i could've HOWLED.
Aran is a fuckin blessing because i knew the twins were gonna have Opinions on reader after she rejected Kita. THEY may be protective of Kita, but I'M protective of reader and i'm stronger, i know it. i could beat them. the social expectation surrounding soulmates would be abysmal, can you imagine?? and we only got a little taste of it, when Atsumu just threw his hands up like "He's your soulmate!" as if that was supposed to be the end all be all statement to end an argument. when reader is MARRIED??
oh, you already have a partner? forget them! you met your soulmate! guilt tripped reader for KITA'S choice to remain in contact as if it's her job to manage his feelings. i'd ream Atsumu so hard it'd strip the hair dye from his follicles and he'd have to go back to Onigiri Miya, a brunette again.
thank god reader has supportive loved ones. thank fuckin god. if i got grilled by the general public, or even people in my life why i chose Some Guy and not my Soulmate, i would kill everyone in the room and then myself. SMH
okay i definitely had more to say but i'm gonna cut myself off now before i go insane luv u so much bee, congratulations again on getting part 2 out!!
whisper beloved this had me ROLLING lmao thank you so much for taking the time for this!!
cut because this is a long answer lol
i did do it to takao like that i'm afraid,,,he deserved better but i couldn't give it to him. i knew it from the start
takao could have peaced out and honestly it would have been the expected thing for him to do in this society! so he just took a step back. which i think was hard for him but easier than it could have been, knowing the support system reader has in place. i'm SO glad you love abe and yoshikawa they are also near and dear to my heart,,,love a good friendship!
lskjdflksjdf once i'm done with the fic i may release some of my worldbuilding notes! for the shrine clause (and a clause used by most marriage venues), it's one that allows the person getting married to get out of the contract without any consequences if they meet their soulmate. so they would get their deposit/any money back and not be held responsible for any penalties that might otherwise be described in said contract.
for the form they hand in at the time of marriage, some countries track soulmates and have bureaucratic systems around it. it's almost like a census in some ways. the form is essentially a report about whether either party has met their soulmate and if they are marrying their soulmate. it can be used as a way to stop the marriage if the soulmate desires to do so.
kita is Very Good and that's half of the issue, like you said! and yes, society has a Lot to say about reader's choice - it's very unusual and there's a lot of controversy around people who don't stay with their soulmates (don't even get me started on soulmate divorce).
PLEASE I AM CACKLING honestly atsumu deserves a fist fight for that one! both the twins do in their own way (osamu distracted kita so atsumu could go after reader). reader's been hoping to avoid them because she knew from aran's stories (they've met a few times, mostly over facetime when he was visiting kita) that meeting them probably wouldn't go well. and...on the money with that one.
thank you thank you for all of the thought that went into this ask. you are always far too kind and i'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!
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raisinchallah · 11 months
vriska ^_^
First impression
well u chose violence today i see :3 interesting i recall liking her and finding her fun but oh my god it was 10 years ago i read it i feel like i cant actually remember a strength of emotion or anything on that first read i think i was simply overwhelmed by the onslaught of new characters
Impression now
iconic untouchable insane girl fail girl pathetic sad terrible launched a thousand discourses
Favorite moment
is it mean to say when she got stabbed by terezi was iconic and rearranged my youthful brain cells?
Idea for a story
terezi and vriska watch naruto (with running commentary)
Unpopular opinion
i mean this is just a loaded question to ask about vriska i think every possible opinion a person could have about vriska is probably unpopular like you could just create a computer that generates new baffling vriska takes like the entire spectrum in an attempt to study and construct the entire world of vriska opinionology but it would not get at the full breadth of vriska opinions created by humans on our little internet and also everything it would spit out would be unpopular
but heres my take you really have to thread the needle with like levels of patheticness and like terribleness i think people either assume shes extremely evil the worst ever or like oh shes my pathetic little self insert character because ur also an insane lesbian or something and i dont think anyone understands her essence or the correct level of modulation on their vriska takes in the vriska discourse but also again this is both a universal vriska opinion and also one that everyone in the world hates so you know
Favorite relationship
i mean what else could a person say except again the original brain damage itself the cause of everything wrong with me etc vriska and terezi i just think its fun how they are like tormented by like the standards of troll society and both view themselves as the fuck up and the other as the one succeeding but also like hate the other for this and like have been driven apart but nobody understands them better than each other and like how they then play insane murder games with little human boys as their puppets like their insane ethical conundrums that terezi has to view vriska as a bad person to be able to kill her and also to be able to feel like she herself is not a bad person despite participating in most of vriskas shit and that you know terezi literally reset the universe to get to see her again after living for three years with the guilt of killing her you know normal stuff
Favorite headcanon
shes a scene girl thats why her hair looks like that
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Thank you for replying to my ask and having this blog! I didn't want to tell any detail about my ed I thought that would be very triggering for some people cause it's about losing and gaining weight and dieting so trigger warning!!
But I guess I have always had since high school disturbed body image because diet culture starts affecting you very early on.
In college when I have had depressive episodes one way to cope was restricting my eating and then when I lost the weight I gained when depressed I started to feel better and it was like this yo-yo ish many years.
But oh god last year I had so many things that caused me stress I was living in a survival mode the whole 2021 and maybe still am, and idk why I gained weight guickly maybe it was many things combined. Then when things were bad my bf left me and my friends didn't help me and I was left kinda alone and the only way to cope again was thinking of losing weight. So this is such a classic but my ed was the symptom of my hard life situation and way to cope with the anxiety and stress.
But restricting my eating didnt 'work 'like it used to in the past, I havent been able to lose the gained weight and so my energy and time is still focused on losing that weight even now when im my life situation has improved a bit.
I have talk about my issues with doctors and I feel they haven't been taking my symptoms seriously or have focused just on my depression and anxiety (which are caused by ed so this is a fun cycle). Yesterday I talked to a nutritionist for the first time since applying help and she just said what I already know that even tho ed is a mental health problem the only way to cure is by eating. And that I should stop thinking about losing weight cause that only worsens everything (yeah no shit). And that she can't help me cope with the anxiety it's the other healthcare system that should (have) do(ne) that.
The thing is I have triedddd so much this whole time to take care of my eating but if I had succeeded I wouldn't be having any problems with it still u know?
It's kinda ironic how much I know about ed without being able to do anything. First I need to fix my nutritional status I think that's where everyone starts. And after that maybe intuition eating. I need to learn dbt skill to cope with anxiety and depression. And stop stressing about everything everywhere qll the time. Buying new clothes that fit so looking at my too small clothes wouldn't be so triggering. I need to learn self compassion and find a therapist but they are in high demand so that's really hard. I need to find things that I like about myself and repeat those. But everytime when I fail at trying to fix my daily routine and fix my eating routine I think of it as a setback and its a cycle very hard to get off (I need to wake up early to eat breakfast and lunch early so I wouldn't be so hungry at evening and night cause then I can't sleep properly and then I sleep in and then I eat late and then im hungry at evening and night cause I don't wanna eat too much in the evening and then I sleep in cause my blood sugar is so low from not eating enough in the evening does this make any sense at all) and I think I have ibs from so much stress and I think that's actually the reason I have gained weight like I'm bloated all the time. And i dont have any support cause my depression/ ed made me also isolate from my friends and/or they kinda left me also so yeah. Ummmmm this became a lot longer than i thought. if you read this all thank you and also sorry for dumping all my problems here
Sorry that it took me so long to respond to this - my own life situation is kind of taking a toll on me rn, and I've been slow to respond to people. That will continue to be the case, most likely.
But I'm sorry you've found the system so unhelpful! I really think a competent nutritionist should at least be a little understanding of mental health problems, especially when a lot of people coming to them with additional health needs will probably be coping with a lot and might need a little empathy. I mean, yeah, that's not her main job, but healthcare requires a multipronged approach, especially since her "just eat" directive won't be helpful without someone assisting with the mental health aspect simultaneously. I mean, if she frequently works with ED clients she should know that - "just eat" is such an ineffective directive. I hope you find a therapist or a team of therapists that are capable of helping you.
My advice, though? Break it down for yourself. All of these things are a cycle that feed into one another, so making progress in ANY of these areas you struggle in is still progress. And if you let yourself focus on one thing at once, it might not seem so overwhelming. Also remember that everyone struggles with hard days/moments, so if you slip, it doesn't mean you've lost all your progress. It seems an all-or-nothing approach can be really self-defeating. I get it, though - that's definitely something I still find myself struggling with!
I really hope you find more social support! I don't know if you have any online support groups. I also hope it's okay that I published this ask - I tend to do it unless otherwise specified so that people on here don't feel alone in their struggles. I bet there have been lots of ED sufferers who struggled during the pandemic, who have been feeling a lot of overwhelm and who struggle with finding adequate support and on trying to accept their bodies as-is and who are triggered by things like buying new clothes. I'm wondering if anyone else would like to share their experiences.
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babyurthendofjune · 2 years
i took a break from this app, thats why i was gone for a while! i feel sooo much better cause it’s summer and i dont have to stress about school!!!
so many things happened these past few months like i got tickets to see harry!!! and i FINALLY got my drivers license. i failed the first test but its whatever. i also got a job at a fast food place and it is difficult 😣 but my coworkers and managers are super friendly!!! im also moving out my old place and moving in to a newer and nicer home! which im super excited about cause it feels like a fresh start and i get to decorate it however i want!!
WAIT I FORGOT ABOUT HARRYS HOUSE!! what do u think about the album?? what are your top 3 songs? i think its one of my fave albums of all time and i literally listen to it everyday day
anywayyyy… how are you??? anything new and exciting going on?? i missed you sosososo much!!
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BESTIE OMG HI 👋🏻 that’s always okay bub!! you’ll always be welcomed back 💕 I’m glad you’re getting a break from school!
oh my goodness SO many exciting things I’m so proud!!! HARRY again what show?? take me with you pleaseeeee 😊 that’s wonderful that everyone at your new job are being so lovely to you it’s what you truly deserve 😁 and the new place that makes my heart so happy for you! good luck with all the decorating that sounds so fun!
I’m OBSESSED with Harry’s House it’s pretty much all I’ve listened to since it came out!! I love every single one so I don’t know that I could ever pick a top 3 but 3 faves are daylight, music for a sushi restaurant, and keep driving. I have to agree I think it’s amazing and I just know it’s gonna get me through so much like the other two albums have!
ahh I’m trying but I haven’t been doing that great 🫤 just a lot going on mentally and I need to find a job and a new living situation but I haven’t had much luck with either! my Nanna’s cancer came back too and she had to have surgery last week so I’ve been worried about her as well 😔 her recovery is going great though, much better than expected!
my birthday was last week and I had a really nice day despite everything going on! my birthday is normally a sad day for me now that I’m getting older, but everyone made me feel so special that day (including complete strangers) and I got so many lovely treats and felt so celebrated 🥹 then this week I’ve been on a lil staycation helping my little sister and her bestie house sit for someone so that’s been fun! I go back home later today I don’t want to 🙁 but it will be good to be home with my dogs and sleep in my own bed again!
I love and miss you so much it’s always wonderful to hear from you! I think of you sometimes and am always wishing you well ✨ thank you for checking in, you lift my spirits so much you don’t even know how much ❤️ please take care of yourself as best you can my love come back anytime!!
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