#and both helping guide but also accepting guidance himself
hisui-dreamer · 7 months
ode to the three of clubs
Pairing: Trey Clover x gn!reader
Synopsis: he appeared ordinary, but he was radiant in your eyes
Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic hehe, reader is a simp for trey
Word count: 620
Notes: happy birthday trey! thanks for being the dependable older brother figure to everyone<3
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Your lover is an incredibly likable soul. From the instant your paths crossed, you found yourself entranced by his easygoing and amiable demeanour. He has this innate ability to put everyone at ease, like a soothing balm for the turbulence of life. His dormmates hold him in the highest regard, looking up to him as a brotherly figure, someone they can trust and rely on. The tenderness he exhibits towards those in his orbit is genuinely enchanting, making it impossible not to be enamoured by the genuine care he bestows upon others.
Your lover possesses a unique and invaluable quality in mediation. When conflict arises, he is the steady hand that guides everyone back to serenity. His ability to find compromise is nothing short of extraordinary. He is the first to step in and calm the storm, to make sure no situation escalates beyond control. His wisdom in handling disputes is a testament to his character, and you can't help but admire him for it.
Your lover’s demeanour under pressure is equally inspiring. While some may crumble or panic, he can always remain composed. He prefers to think things through and always has a backup plan at the ready. This level of foresight is both comforting and admirable. It shows his dedication to keeping things running smoothly and avoiding unnecessary stress. The way he carries himself during tough times makes you love him even more.
Your lover’s playful nature is a facet of his personality that unfailingly brings a smile to your face. He enjoys simple pranks, teasing others like he would to his siblings. You adore the simple moments when he affectionately teases you, all to get a glimpse of your reactions. This mischievous spirit adds an element of surprise and joy to your relationship.
Your lover, though he possesses a myriad of admirable qualities, shies away from the spotlight, preferring to operate in the shadows, unnoticed and uncelebrated. It's not that he lacks confidence or capability; rather, he's content with quietly making a difference without seeking acknowledgment. This unassuming nature is one of the many facets that make you love him even more.
Your lover prides himself on being a gifted baker, and it’s one of the few areas where he graciously accepts your compliments without feeling the need to brush them aside. In the kitchen, he crafts delectable treats on that delight the senses. Whether it's a batch of soft, warm chocolate chip cookies that melt in your mouth or a delicate, perfectly flaky pastry filled with seasonal fruits, his creations are nothing short of divine. It's no wonder that Heartsalbyul's tea parties are consistently filled with joy and delight when the treats are delectable.
Your lover, despite his disdain for being in the spotlight, is an incredible leader in times of necessity. He fosters a sense of unity and trust among his peers, empowering them to take initiative and make decisions while offering guidance from behind the scenes. This understated leadership style not only promotes a harmonious environment but also allows each member to flourish and contribute their unique strengths. His leadership isn't about seeking recognition; it's about enabling others to shine, making him a truly remarkable and unassuming leader.
Your lover, no matter how ordinary he may seem, is a beacon of light in your life. He may not always wear his heart on his sleeve, but his actions and his unwavering support speak volumes about his love for you and those around him. It's in these small details and everyday moments that you find yourself falling in love with him over and over again, and you can't help but feel grateful for having him by your side.
Your lover, is none other than Trey Clover.
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momentinparadise · 1 year
Ted Lasso / Julie Andrews
I have so much to say about the episode #3 of Ted Lasso, but I really want to focus on the scene where they discuss their favorite Julie Andrews characters because Julie Andrews is my FIRST LOVE and it all seemed so significant.
So please, come along on this crazy ride with me:
Roy / Maria (Sound of Music): Something that is very symbolic to me is that both Roy and Maria had to take on responsibility and independence at a very young age. Roy playing football away from home and Maria at the convent - both had to grow up quickly, which gave them a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Additionally, both characters have a strong desire for family and connection.
Despite Roy's attempts to appear stoic, he has an extremely loving side to him, and I think he identifies a lot with Captain von Trapp too. Like Roy, Captain von Trapp is also initially depicted as a stern and unyielding character. However, as the story unfolds, we see his softer side emerge as he connects with Maria and his children in new and meaningful ways. This mirrors Roy's journey throughout the show, where we see him gradually open up and become more vulnerable with those around him.
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Coach Beard / Eliza Doolittle (My Fair Lady): A character that is clearly rooted in the lower-class, marginalised portion of British society speaks volumes about Coach Beard's own underground personality. Eliza is a character who defies the expectations placed upon her by society, using her wit and resourcefulness to transcend her lower-class origins and gain acceptance in high society. This resilience and determination are qualities that Coach Beard likely admires, as he himself is known for his unconventional and creative approach to coaching. Additionally, Eliza's story highlights the importance of education and personal growth, as she transforms from a rough and unpolished street vendor to a refined and sophisticated lady. This is something we see every episode with Beard: he is always engrossed in a book, always improving his knowledge.
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Trent Crimm / Queen Clarisse Renaldi (Princess Diaries): Fits him so well! The character's level of sophistication and elegance aligns well with Trent's own refined ways. And both Queen Clarisse and Trent show a willingness to make sacrifices for their beliefs: Queen Clarisse is willing to renounce her position as queen if it means allowing her granddaughter to marry for love, while Trent is willing to sacrifice his job and reputation to stand up for what he believes in. When he is fired from The Independent for revealing his source (Trent admits that he was the one who ratted himself out) it reflects the same values of breaking with tradition and challenging the status quo that are embodied by the Queen.
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Ted / Higgins / Mary Poppins: For Higgins the character of Mary Poppins may represent a loving, nurturing figure who helps guide and care for the children in her charge. This may reflect Higgins' own values as a family man, and the ability to provide a sense of warmth and security to those around him.
But for Ted, the choice of Mary Poppins may have a more personal and emotional significance.
As a coach, Ted is often in a position of leadership and guidance, and he may see himself as a paternal figure to his team. The character of Mary Poppins may represent a sort of idealized father figure to Ted, one who is wise, compassionate, and always there to provide guidance and support.
I tell you, my friends, there is not the case.
Because Mary Poppins is not about the nanny.
When Mary Poppins arrives at the Banks family's home, she finds a gap between the children and their father. He is always at work and worries too much, while the children crave attention, love, and a sense of family. Although the mother is present and is loving towards the children, she is often silenced by the father, despite being a suffragist 😂 .
So, the real transformation really occurs with George Banks. His character serves as a commentary on the pressures of societal expectations. However, through the magical intervention of Mary Poppins, he is able to find a new balance between his work and his family, ultimately leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.
I wonder if this is not something Ted wishes had happened with him, in some level.
And let's not forget that P. L. Travers wrote Mary Poppins based on her own father. In the 2013 biographical film "Saving Mr. Banks", several scenes depict Travers' difficult childhood. Travers idolized her loving and imaginative father, Travers Robert Goff, but his chronic alcoholism resulted in his repeated dismissals, strained her parents' marriage, and caused her distressed mother to attempt suicide. Travers' father died of tuberculosis when she was seven years old.
I mean.
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daddyelliott1979 · 4 months
Reflections on being a Daddy; what does it mean to be a Daddy?
This post is very much inspired by my journey with @squirtdaboi, whom I am going to be posting more about, especially our journey together!
This one is largely based on his series of first experiences he had with me that I'm going to post about separately.
I am his first experience of having a proper Daddy, which to many will mean different things, to me it's a wide subject and one I explain to all of my boys.
1st I will say that being a Daddy is more than just changing Nappies, wiping bums, bottle feeds or tuck ins; it encompasses so much more!
I am his safe harbour
I talk about "safe harbour" a lot, for me it's a deeply powerful belief, in all the world I am the one place to go that's safe and nurturing.
When the world feels too much or overwhelming, Daddy's house is the place to come for a calm, safe and understanding space!
He can experience himself, in all his glory, without judgement, without shame, just love and acceptance.
That includes his mistakes or the aspects about himself that he doesn't love. For example and he may hate me for saying this, but he has one blind eye, that's in his mind deformed. He's been bullied his whole life for it, he's been taught to hate it.
But I personally think it's beautiful, his eyes are beautiful and if you catch it in a certain light it reflects it and glows and it's just stunning!
And that's another thing, he's been taught by the people around him that he's moody, wrong and a problem! Let me tell you something about this boy! He's the sweetest, kindest and deepest little soul you could ever meet and watching him smile lights up the whole room!
That's Safe Harbour!
I am the shield
The world can be a tough place, and for those special boys who dream of a world of soft blankets, cuddles and stuffies it can often be a daunting and cruel place.
But that's ok because I always have my boys backs! You do not want to f@@k with my boys, I can go from chilled out dude to 'I will make it my life's mission to ruin you" if hurt the boys under my care!
And @squirtdaboi will tell you how protective I get, wether it's idiots at college or dumb ass friends, even family have made my shit list.
Of course he always makes me promise I won't do anything, but he knows he's always safe with me; and always feels confident walking about with me, because he knows I'm his shield!
I am the compass
Boys can get a little lost sometimes, both literally and figuratively. They often need guidance, help making choices, especially healthy one's!
I'm always that non-judgmenental person that they can come to for advice, whether it's what to do about a work situation or what nappy to wear, Daddy is always there to help!
I guide my boys to not only be the best baby's that they can be but also how they can be the best big boy also, I'm raising them to be men after all!
Sometimes it's just about holding their hand, a little gentle encouragement, often it's praising them when they do good!
Sometimes it's about reassuring them that I'm not going anywhere, they aren't too much and that they weren't naughty for expressing themselves!
And this brings me to a really heartbreaking point; whoever taught these boys that the things they love were wrong, or they are too obsessed with enjoying their hobbies can really go f@@k themselves!
Get @squirtdaboi talking about music or his guitars, and he's such a talented musician, and you will be taken on a beautiful journey into one of his greatest joys. He's said before "I talked about this too much or I'm boring you" no he hasn't and doesn't. I want to hear about all of it! And more more more!
Understanding their needs
Something that @squirtdaboi tells me often is that even though I have only known him a short time I understand him and his needs better than the people who have been in his life for years.
He can tell you more about that, but in an example I understand how his Sensory issues play out and know how to reduce issues, like patterns on t-shirts and the like.
He needed special ear plugs to help reduce sound and sensory issues, whilst his mum and school debated, made promises and didn't provide, Daddy went straight out and purchased the ones he said he needed; it cost me £50 and 5 minutes of time, but the benefit will be life changing for him!
There are probably so many aspects to being a Daddy beyond just AB stuff, things I provide but don't really think about, I am a Dad for real, so many things come very naturally to me!
But in the end I'm not just here to change messy lamps, but to help, to heal, to guide and to love my boys!
Something that I just take in my stride as my boys take my hand through life!
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chloe-spade · 1 year
Let's Believe (Twisted Wonderland SongFic)
A door was slammed throughout the house as Sebek huffed to himself, now pouting on his bed.
"Stupid humans," he muttered to himself, "who cares if I don't have all fae powers! I'm going to be more powerful than them anyways!"
Being young as he is, Sebek had some setbacks as a future knight of Malleus Draconia, one being only a half fae, which many has teased or belittled him for.
Some normally calls them out for their bullying, which spooks them away but they always come back and drag Sebek to a lower area of self esteem.
Today was no different, but Sebek had completely snapped and beat the bullies to running away. Lilia had to stop them and lectured Sebek on solving with fighting ("Don't fight with fists, fight with words," he would say), and told him to leave early to calm down and told his parents beforehand.
Now he's on his room, sulking, trying not to cry.
*Knock Knock*
"Go away," he screamed, "I don't wanna talk right now!"
".. it's me," mumbled Silver, carefully opening the door, "Father wanted me to check on you..."
Sebek huffs and turns away from Silver, "Tell Master Lilia I'm fine! I don't want to talk to anyone, especially you."
Silver frowns and walks in, holding something hidden in his hands.
"You probably believe that I was some half breed too! Someone who can't believe Lord Malleus!"
"Sebek, you have an advantage than I do being a half fae," Silver mumbled, "I don't have one. I'm just Father's son, and it's not much of a advantage," he looks down a little.
Sebek stayed silent and took a breathe. "You're right...I'm sorry. What did you actually come here for."
"I also wanted to give you something," he said in a meek tone, "if that's ok?'
Sebek looks over,"....I don't need a pity gifts!!" He wipes his face and tried to put a brave face.
"It's not a pity gift.." Silver sighed.
Sebek looks back, "Well, I guess I can accept this one..I suppose."
Silver sits down in his bed and smiles, "Close your eyes,ok? Can you trust me?"
Sebek frowns but begrudgingly closes his eyes. "I...can trust you..."
Silver smiles and holds his hand carefully.
At the end of the rainbow
That's where we became good friends
Sebek jolted when he felt a necklace on his neck and tried to say anything about it.
Together we believe in magic
From a world that never ends
Silver held Sebek's hand and opens a nearby window and helps Sebek back.
"W-what are you doing?" Sebek gulped and gripped Silver's hand tightly.
"Ready to fly?"
Now we both believe
We can change the world
Silver smiles and ran quick, dragging Sebek and jumped.
Sebek held on to Silver's arm tightly before opening his eyes and seeing that his necklace was glowing and wings are on his back.
Silver was the same and laughs when Sebek gripped his arm.
We can fly with rainbow magic to help our friends
Higher and higher until the rainbow's end
Silver helped Sebek as they flew high, feeling the air.
"How...," Sebek questioned, looking around from a high height, "where did you get these?"
"Father found them and said we can wear them because they were matching!"
Sebek smiles happily and looks down, "Coming down!!"
"Wha- Woah!!!!"
And we can fly to change the world to a better place
With Sebek's guidance, they zoomed throughout the forest, flying with birds and butterflies as Sebek's day has brightened more.
Silver smiles and that's when he knew Sebek's darkest moment became his brightest day.
The rainbow will be our guide
The magic is here inside
We can fly
Silver leads Sebek to his room and lands his on his room, back to normality and hands still interlocked.
Sebek laughed and looks over to Silver, "thank you, Silver," he whispered, "that was very fun."
"I knew you would like it," Silver giggles, "It's a friendship charm, meaning today and onwards we'll be friends for life."
"For life? Really?" Sebek gasped, "but everyone thinks I'm an annoying kid.."
"Don't let them decide that," Silver huffs, "I don't see you like that, and you're trying your best to be a great knight one day."
Sebek smiles and hugs Silver. "Thank you, Silver.."
"You're welcome, Sebek."
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tnpsychics · 2 years
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Park Jimin tarot reading -t.
hello guys! it's time to complete the maknae line with none other than the living bratz doll himself. to get as much info as i possibly could i asked about his:
current energy
love life
solo career
future overall
advice from spirit guides
remember, nothing stated here is a fact!
everything is for entertainment purposes only.
without further ado, let's get started!
tarot deck: quest tarot by joseph martin
oracle deck: daily guidance from your angels oracle cards by doreen virtue
[current energy]
10 of wands, the devil, 4 of swords
the contrast between him and the previous ones is painfully big.. he feels he's done so much work that's not paying off. i feel like he thinks he's the black sheep of the group. he feels like he's forced to wait and do nothing while everyone else is busy taking off as solo acts. in his eyes people are acting unfair towards him and he's quite worked up over it. he's hungry for fame and success, he feels ready to literally conquer the whole industry and is impatient. i'm honestly a bit concerned about him. it's a very stagnant energy and it's driving him mad beyond words. he's keeping it to himself mostly which makes it even worse. he should be careful tho because there's a chance he's becoming the devil he hates so much - he might start a lot of problems within the company because in his mind he's already fucked over so why even bother to stay on their good side? well, that's wouldn't help either so he really needs to calm down and think more strategically to fix his situation.
[love life]
3 of swords, wheel of fortune, 2 of cups
wow, to get both the best and the worst card for a love reading, that's got to be a talent! anyway, i'm not sure if he's heartbroken over a past situation or he's just emotionally unavailable in general, but due to him feeling a void he's jumping into relationships that might not be the best for him. he's constantly reaching for someone but he doesn't feel ready for a serious relationship yet. he might also have some fuckboy tendancies and i feel like he takes advantage of his charms quite a lot. he's walking on thin ice tho, if someone decides to speak badly of him it can stain his reputation for life so if he's fooling around with girls he should be careful not to leave anyone salty.
[solo career]
knight of pentacles, 5 of swords, ace of swords
he👏has👏to👏stand👏up👏for👏himself👏 at least if he wants to avoid deeper problems. if he wants things to happen he should speak to higher-ups. he cannot just stand by and watch as everyone else gets busy with something else. sometimes avoiding conflict is not sustainable long-term. if he's forgotten by the company he should let them know again who park jimin is! to reason with them he has to talk, periodt. his solo career is not moving forward unless he starts pushing for it hardcore. fight to succeed!
[future overall]
8 of pentacles reversed, 9 of cups reversed, 2 of wands
i see things getting a little better for him, but he's still going to be unfulfilled emotionally. he's going to feel like a wasted potential. he might mostly collab rather than putting out his own solo music which isn't exactly what he imagines for himself. he's also going to be very inconsistent too. there's one disappointment, then it's fixed, he puts out a song, then radio silence until the next opportunity, it doesn't go through, he gets angry, that's fixed, and then he might put out a song again if he's persistent enough. and fans are going to wonder why he's taking such a long time for just two songs. (that was for example) in his case i feel like he should work faster not even harder, he's working hard enough already it's the approach that's wrong. hopefully he's going to get back on his feet.
[advice from spirit guides]
acceptance, shower of abundance, innocence
he should accept that his feelings are absolutely valid but to reach his goals he should be more open to other people's point of views. he may be viewed as childish which isn't entirely false because that's how he makes himself out to be without realising it. if he wants abundance he should look for it not just think about it. as i said, talk to people! hear them out, they might have something valuable to say. he should do whatever it takes for him to be successful because he really can do it, he's just not allowing it to happen.
a little heavier than expected... anyway, that's it for today's reading! hope you enjoyed it, feel free to leave your suggestions -t. ❤️
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antstarion · 2 years
your opinion on moon knight and the hero’s journey. What kind of hero archetype are they, if they fit the mold of one at all, or are they something different?
thank you so much, this ask is amazing. you absolutely got the cogs in my brain turning. got my laptop out for this to do proper research and everything.
I'm taking this as mcu moon knight btw. So the hero's journey. I first thought if they even fit this narrative template at all. The basic template being:
The departure - where the hero leaves the familiar world behind
The initiation - the hero learns to navigate the unfamiliar world (with a mentor and defeating the "enemy")
The return - the hero returns to the familiar world
I'll start with steven because I think from a narrative standpoint you can see where he fits the best. We begin the series in stevens flat, this is his familiar world. The initiation comes after he learns about marc, who acts as his mentor figure, and I'd say it was completed for steven in episode 6 when he and marc fought together to defeat harrow. With the main enemy being harrow/ammit.
Escaping from being knonshu's avatar is also part of this journey too, making knonshu a side enemy. Aside from accepting his mum was dead and the other things in asylum, steven's journey is the most typical and most of his development into becoming a hero is physical. There are emotional barriers too but I think steven had it in him from the beginning. His return is at the end when he and marc are together in the flat. A familiar place, but this time it's shared with someone.
For marc, we don't get to see his initial journey of "becoming a hero" but we do see a different journey as marc begins to let the walls between him and steven fall and as he faces his childhood trauma. To me, this is the more important journey for him anyway. The beginning of this journey happens off-screen though. I'd say marc makes his departure in the cave, with his familiar world being his life before that. Marc tries to find his mentor that will help him through the initiation stage. I think he looked for a mentor when joining the military and with knonshu too, he constantly searched for guidance and direction whilst overlooking steven. But when marc finally lets steven in we can see that his mentor through this journey is him. Steven is the one who guides (forces) him through his memories. The enemy for marc isn't clearly defined, it's not really a person.
We don't get to see his return stage, I don't think we should get to see his return. I think marc is moving towards a new familiar place, rather than the old one before the wave, one with him and steven (and hopefully jake).
For jake, I think his journey is barely beginning. Like marc, he's got both journeys going on but for jake, we know very little about either. I wouldn't say jake has a defined familiar place. I don't think he'd be able to think back to a purely happy or stable time in his life. Maybe jakes journey involves forming a life with marc and steven, or maybe it doesn't. Maybe it involves escaping from being knonshu's avatar, or maybe it doesn't.
Hopefully, we will see his hero's journey in season 2. This is not me saying jake isn't a hero, he is. They all became a hero when marc accepted knonshu's deal in the temple because they were all shoved into an unfamiliar world (the initiation stage). But like marc I think this journey happens off-screen. He obviously has more experience than steven and has an established relationship with knonshu. But as it stands, jake's journey is just getting started and we really don't know where it will go.
Okay, okay now onto your actual question, the hero archetypes:
I'm going off these six archetypes to keep things simple: everyman hero, classical hero, epic hero, tragic hero, anti-hero, byronic hero. Please forgive these opinions.
Marc is a byronic hero to me, or at least that's how he presents himself. Brooding, mysterious, perceptive, a little withdrawn. And they're usually forced to deal with trauma. He tries to be emotionless on the surface but he knows he isn't. He has regrets. The sort of hero you struggle to understand at first but once the cracks in their facade start to show you get it. And you root for them because you want them to succeed. They give you faith that people can grow and change and that heros don't always have to be perfect to do good.
I think steven is part everyman hero and part classical hero. He has classical traits in that he's brave, has fighting ability, and has a lot of knowledge. He also has the Mr Knight suit, setting him apart from being an everyman hero. But he's part everyman hero because he has a strong moral compass. Because he's new to being a hero, he's got that ordinary nature to him that makes him easy to relate to. At the beginning of the series, he is that underdog placed in a weird situation that makes you want to root for him, particularly in episode one.
Now I'm going to be careful here, I don't want to feed into that jake evil alter stereotype with this. Jake is part byronic hero like marc but I also think he is part anti-hero. Pls hear me out. I'm not saying he's evil or that he's a villain. I just think he's more willing to kill, the fact he killed those hospital workers before killing harrow, supports this for me. Killing predators and bad guys for knonshu and killing harrow is different to me than those workers. I think that's what separates them all. Steven won't kill at all, marc will but only when necessary, and jake will only when necessary too. But marc and jake have different definitions of necessary.
Jake embodies that conflict between right and wrong and how that line blurs when some killing is deemed "okay" and some is not. But in general, I don't think we've seen enough of jake to securely put him in one archetype, or even several. His motivation is protecting steven and marc, he'll just go to more extreme lengths to do it and I think that's what makes him an anti-hero, the fact that he lives in that moral gray area. Maybe that makes marc an anti-hero too.
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tfw you think about how jeremy & christine’s journeys to embracing themselves are so parallel & jeremy is to christine what she is to him; jeremy sees her Being Herself & recognizes both himself & how he wishes he could be, i.e. he thinks she already embraces herself (more than she actually does) b/c he mostly sees her operating within the frameworks in which she feels safer actually being herself, like going down the hall interacting w/no one, or most prominently within theatre, which is her version of the metaphorical squip that not only supposedly tells her how she should Successfully act, but beyond that provides this context in which she feels she can be spontaneous & offbeat but feel okay about it, like doing performance art. and jake pointing out that her [this is how i should do things / this is the Zone i have to stay in to be acceptable Enough to others] device is theatre, like his is (certain) extracurricular overachievement lol....that, as is pointed out, even once the squip is involved christine still really mostly sees jeremy Being Himself, even if the squip is smoothing over some details, or trying to, and what really matters is in fact that jeremy is being More himself than ever b/c he feels like he has this safety backup that will make sure he stays Socially Accepted no matter what. jeremy’s freaking out in a mall court Organically even if the squip gives him an excuse about it, he’s adding all this dramatic flair to his monologue even if he didn’t memorize it himself (hey hamlet be more chill), then certainly obvious events like his interactions w/her before agtikbi or its reprise. and this applies even with his more outright / intrusively guided interactions w/brooke, who’s Also being somewhat spontaneously, weirdly Herself more than she realizes when she’s also trying to do what she’s Supposed to do, more obviously in dywr when her figurative squip guidance is right there from chloe, or later when she doesn’t have so much direct input going on but is surely still drawing from that sort of influence abt how she Should be / how to Correctly operate in such situations
anyways the point is that it’s so good how the way jeremy sees christine is how christine sees jeremy. he may have had a head start on noticing her, b/c presumably jeremy is trying to get as little attention as possible & does a solid job, he can’t help a dedicated bully having specific instruction to notice him anyways, & jeremy’s Role in which he feels he can be more of himself, like christine’s Roles in theatre, is being michael’s friend, which they mostly get to do outside school (and when it happens At school, jeremy gets the boost to Go For Something like signing up for the play) (and jeremy feeling more stifled by a) having one limited Role / Space to be more himself and b) feeling like that Role / Space is more determined by someone else than christine is yet re: her relationship w/theatre at this point, since jeremy has more motivation to act / set things in motion / be the protagonist most at the center of things, and christine needs a little externally provided impetus in jake pointing out the “when’s the last time you tried something new Not on a stage” limited nature of her Being Herself only in a specific context).......but from christine’s perspective, jeremy’s Appearing while she’s in that realm of her established / accepted Roles, waiting on play rehearsal, and jeremy’s the one out here being nervous & Elevated & Noticeable, & even though it’s just this communication misalignment when she says it’s about swim team, he’s the one who feels like he did something awkward / weird more so, but christine recognizes that He’s Nervous through this reaction, You’re A Virgin....but then christine would’ve retreated back into how it’s Okay to act outside actual rehearsal, Reining It In(tm) and reading her book, but it’s jeremy’s obvious interest & nonverbal encouragement / positive reactions as she talks about how she feels / behaves more Spontaneously in general that ilpr even happens in the first place, and pretty clearly this is someone she Likes at all upon their Introduction to her, and later on when jeremy says he’s this committed to the play just b/c he Loves Theatre, as supposedly the Right Thing to say via the squip, she’s a bit disappointed b/c you know, there’s already that nonzero romantic interest in him too, but she isn’t actually encompassed by her love of theatre & while she’s interested in this actual relationship, obviously being like, perfectly devoted to Theatre, or switching gears & thinking she’s gone for jake so now you have to also be Popular when that’s jake’s thing, are missteps / not Enough on their own, when she goes for jake first Because he’s breaking out of his own role and encouraging that from her, even if likewise that on its own isn’t necessarily enough that they have a great relationship, And they’re potentially leaving these genuine aspects of themselves behind by just switching up their sense of The Right Way To Be to try out something new....and naturally, christine Confiding in jeremy via agtikbi in preceded by their Genuine spontaneous “weird” “Wrong” interaction beforehand where the squip is just like hey lol what. the hell. which is just their enjoying Interacting Genuinely with each other, same as how this comes back around during the party going disastrously for the both of them re how acting Correctly in this realm is feeling (as well as the sunk cost factory of doing that since partway through act one for both of them) and they bond over being even more spontaneous & genuine while realizing they’re both in this situation where neither of them know how to navigate it / both feel out of place, but not Quite getting all the way to fully realizing how things are for the other Or themself, b/c this isn’t the climax of the show lol & obviously their arcs as individuals or for their relationship doesn’t resolve here, and they both need to further learn that a) the other person doesn’t have it together / isn’t as Confident in themself as they seemed to be, jeremy being surprised at the end of the agtikbi reprise scene / after the smartphone hour scene that christine’s questioning herself this much, vs christine maybe more so being a bit confused by jeremy at this juncture like, possibly testing out what his whole thing is by introducing this opportunity to lay out what she Thinks his role is at the party, i.e. one of the popular people, apparently Trying New Things(tm) plenty, etc or something, with the excellently telling line later on about “is that what’s been going on with you” once she’s being More surprised about realizing he hasn’t been as self confident as he seemed to her either, wherein she’s presumably realized he’s sometimes being “weird” vs his actual less filtered / more genuine self, i.e. there’s no reason for her not to have noticed he’s seemed a bit inconsistent with these bursts of genuine connection between them at certain moments and then less of that / him not acting in that same more spontaneous / offebeat way......and how naturally during the play, they’re both dealing more with Themselves as it’s time to like really confront the experience of ditching “actually being yourself” for what would technically be the smoothest sailing that hypothetically avoids any conflict or uncertainty in any social interactions / connections ever....the neurotypical “social skills” ideal lmao, jeremy is so autistic coded, for us....wherein christine, not the protagonist, is getting this crash course experience in the combo epitome of this validated / accepted role through both a squip And a part in a play, and where her rejecting that is implied b/w the play & vimh, since with her autonomy & agency & all she Could’ve just been like “no yeah i do want a squip” lol but is not, & jeremy obviously realizing through his own experience & christine’s as these Supposed Ideals that yknow, they aren’t ideal, not what he wants for himself, and prioritizing undoing what he got christine into here even if he obviously knows he doesn’t want to be stuck here himself but this is the Action he’s taking about it regardless....and you know, christine also understanding herself better for being presented with those supposed ideals of having this star moment role in a play & how to avoid doing any/everything wrong, and also going “yeah no i don’t want that,” and naturally having this evidence that jeremy doesn’t want her to Be Someone Else / doesn’t only like her acting some certain way within some certain externally outlined role, since his climactic decision / act there was to choose to make sure to give christine back that unhindered capacity to be herself, however that looks / whatever that means for her, and you know, there they are having both Liked each other since ilpr (& beyond, for jeremy at least) & now having this increased understanding of & confidence in themselves thanks to the plot having happened for them, & this increased understanding in each other just in general & re: everything that had happened prior where they weren’t quite in alignment At The Time & kind of always both playing catchup trying to Get what’s going on with the other lol, but now they Are aligned and yknow that it’s Fine when there’s not perfect alignments, like misunderstanding each other momentarily in this vimh interlude conversation but just then clarifying lol, and the show not needing to end with like “and then everyone had everything figured out forever & never felt uncertain or confused or like they were doing things wrong ever again” b/c that whole Conclusion is that all of that Not being guaranteed / being guaranteed to continue to be a issue for them at some points is something that can be handled & doesn’t prove that there’s something inherently wrong with them for it when it’s so [yep that’s part of the human experience] that naturally Everyone is connecting over the literal connecting but also just their collectively relatable struggles with this that have also been parallels w/everyone else’s arcs this whole show
anyways taking a lot of words to talk about it as always but tl;dr it’s sooo fun & so neat how yknow jeremy sees christine as like wow here’s this person who’s so obviously genuine in a way that really resonates with me & i want to interact more with them & they’re so bold in being themself & god i wish that were me & also i Like them, and that’s how christine’s seeing jeremy too
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gamerfreddie · 2 years
So I was originally going to rant in this video's comment section but YouTube isn't letting me and I didn't spend over an hour writing a whole essay on my comfort show for nothing so here it is: -----
Okay, no hate, but I feel like you ENTIRELY missed the point of SUF.
Little Homeschool - Set up for the season. Establishes things that will be needed for later (Jasper being on Earth, Little Homeschool's existence, etc.). Like you said, it's mostly exposition.
Guidance - Steven still feels the need to help, so he ends up thinking there are issues he needs to solve (forcing his solutions onto people,) and then creating actual problems that he ends up solving, feeling guilty for creating a problem, and those guilty feelings perpetuate the cycle.
Rose Buds - Steven still doesn't know how to feel about his mom. This is the first hint that Pink/Rose is still very much an open emotional wound for Steven, far more than it is for Garnet and Pearl. Also gave us needed closure as viewers as to whether the Rose Quartz gems that appeared during "What's the Use of Feeling (Blue)" were real or fake and what happened to them in Era 3.
Bluebird - This episode is showing us that there are still Gems out there who resent or outright opose Steven and Era 3. Bluebird probably never makes an appearance again because SUF's focus was on Steven's mental health and setting up his road to recovery from all that trauma.
A Very Special Episode - It's just filler. That's it. I watched it and felt like I had wasted my time. Literally almost turned Sunstone and Rainbow Quartz 2.0 into annoying and disliked characters for me. I do know that this was the Crewniverse trying to let us experience these fusions one more time, but I feel like it could've been better executed and actually mattered to the plot.
Snow Day - The way that the Crystal Gems treat Steven like he was still a child, despite everything he went through, makes him feel invalidated, belittled and undermined. Allows for the Crystal Gems to start getting a glimpse of how Not Okay Steven really is. However we won't see a full realization from them until later, because the Crystal Gems are too caught up in their own happy lives to notice that the kid they RAISED isn't okay.
Why So Blue - Establishing that not all Gems have a moral compass at all, and are guided by what they like doing or what they're used to doing. Basically shows us that things are binary (either fully accepting and flourishing in Era 3 or completely against it) but is instead a spectrum, and that some Gems will try to be better when shows the way and others won't see the point. This one is like Bluebird, it's for us rather than the plot itself. Also, personal opinion here: This episode in combination with Bluebird probably hurt Steven because he was forced to face the reality that not all Gems can be talked into redemption.
Little Graduation - Again, the plot doesn't come out of nowhere, but moving on. Steven's whole life was based on helping others and when he wasn't helping others, he had his friends to hangout with. Steven is VERY emotionally attached to Sadie and Lars, and the fact that both of them are leaving as a result of his actions (Sadie became a popular musician and found her partner because Steven helped her become successful and Lars is only with the Off Colors because of Steven and is only as powerful as he is because Steven revived him) must have hurt Steven really bad. So he is without a way to distract or cope with the pain and starts feeling helpless, which feeds into the desperation to help others more and more. This episode also was very obvioulsy showing that Steven has abandonment issues and that he's becoming severely depressed and that no one bothered to check up on him because everyone is so used to Steven being the therapist friend.
Prickly Pair - I honestly don't understand how your takeaway was "Nothing happens". Steven tries to find something to busy himself with, it goes horribly wrong because of his powers and his trauma and everything he's been bottling up is being exposed, so he tries to quiet down the cactus monster and repress it, but it keeps growing and growing. The cactus monster is clearly a metaphor for his trauma, and when the Crystal Gems see it, Steven is distressed, which leads to him feeling the need to close himself off even more AKA he denies everything to the Crystal Gems.
In Dreams - Mostly filler, yeah. Though you can tell in the very clips you show in the video, that Steven is VERY uncomfortable with his nightmares AKA symptoms of his PTSD are freely available to anyone AGAIN, because at this point he's dedicated to bottling things up and keeping up the facade that everything is okay.
Bismuth Casual - For plot reasons, it sets up that the only support system that Steven has left is Connie. As you said, it is VERY clear that sh*t is about to hit the fan. Everything else is just closure for fans, especially with the Bismuth/Pearl romantic implications.
Together Forever - Steven feels incomplete without Connie because being with her is the only way to deal with his trauma. Thanks to Garnet's wedding, Steven probably made the association that the way he feels about Connie is how Ruby and Sapphire feel about each other, and so his perspective on marriage is incredibly distorted and different to Connies, who did the best she could to reassure Steven. Needless to say, Steven's feelings have been trampled so much just in SUF that this soft rejection still hurt a lot.
Growing Pains - I disagree with you on SO many levels about how Steven's Gem powers acting up looks stupid and can't be takes seriously. Some of Steven's first traumatic experiences was exactly this, loosing control over his body because he couldn't control his powers (aging uncontrollably and nearly becoming a cat monster). Also, as I will explain later and have already explained, not only is Steven's PTSD evident from pretty much the start of SUF, but it's also brought up multiple times later, it's just not outright stated like "Oh no, Steven's PTSD is acting up", you're just meant to know that and piece things together on your own.
Mr. Universe - Yeah. Greg didn't know how to act and thought positive affirmations would help. Other than that, I agree, he failed miserably at comforting Steven, though he can't be ACTUALLY blamed for it because he never had the chance to REALLY mature as an adult (he dropped out of school early) and Steven's issues require actual professional help.
Fragments - I figured on my own that it wasn't actually that long of a time skip, since Steven's been known to shapeshift into different aged versions of himself. Other than that, Steven went to a last resort, someone who he knew to be stoic and strong, after feeling weak. Jasper is the prime example of a bad influence, indulging Steven's anger and influencing him to become violent. Steven then looses control and shatters Jasper. Can you guess what this means? That's right! Your favorite pacifist has just gone against one of his core moral codes. I'm sure that won't worsen his mental state nor add to his rapidly growing list of traumatic experiences :D. ALSO, your whole talk about how "There's no going back" when a Gem is shattered makes me think that you haven't been paying attention to SU at all. The Cluster is a bunch of Gem fragments, and each still hold a piece of the gem they once were. And if it's possible to revive living beings like Lion and Lars, it's not exactly unexpected that Jasper would get the revival treatment as well. And by the way "Why did he shave?" he literally didn't. In S1 Steven aged into an old man with a giant beard and once he regressed back to his normal age the beard disappeared.
Homeworld Bound - Yeah... I agree with you on everything you said.
Everything's Fine - So... The beggining is Steven spiralling down and everyone FINALLY starts to notice that something is off. This then culminates on Steven going into a vent where he keeps putting himself down, making himself responsible for everything that happened to him. This is an actual thing with PTSD, speaking from experience, both mine and from others, "How could I be so stupid? I should've known. I'm a fraud." etc etc.
I Am My Monster - Literally everyone who could feel responsible for Steven's pain starts to feel guilty because Connie's right, it IS their fault. They're faced with the, from their POV, unbelievable reality that Steven was hurting (excluding Greg and the Crystal Gems, who caught on earlier but couldn't do shit about it because Steven shut them out). Everyone is so used to Steven helping them with their feelings that they don't know how to help him. Also, about White, feeling sorry about what you've done wrong is the first step towards bettering yourself. I don't understand people's obsession with critiquing that. For White, Gems were inconsequential and emotionless robots who were to be thrown out and repurposed when faulty. Biological life was a fuel for their evolution. As soon as she realized that her worldview was wrong, she tried to change. An admission of guilt and a continous attempt and helping others and bettering herself is better redemption and growth than what I've seen from real world people. Lastly, the "group hug" isn't JUST a group hug. It's a sign of affection. It tells Steven "We all love you. We all care about you. We are here for you. You are NOT a monster.". Steven was surrounded with so much care and affection that it helped him come down from that mental state.
The Future - It is EXPLICITLY said in the episode that Steven has been seeing a therapist. I don't know what else you need as to "how he got better". It wasn't all magically resolved, he actually went and got the proper professional medical help he needed. And Steven feeling a bit upset that the Crystal Gems didn't act even a bit sad is obvioulsy because he feels like he won't be missed. Also Greg saying he's "allowed to have feelings, even petty ones" is correct and healthy. You're allowed to feel your feelings, your actions based on those feelings are what may or may now be valid. Also, the whole thing with Steven doing things to get a reaction out of the Crystal Gems and them staying strong isn't "wasting time", none of this episode was wasting time. It was about emotional closure. The Crystal Gems and Steven burting into tears at the end was a very emotional scene and very much needed and well placed and written.
In conclusion, while I mean no hate to you, I think all this hate comes down to a few possible factors, maybe one of them, all of them, or a combination of them:
- You're not very knowledgeable with mental health
- You're really not the type of person who likes emotional story telling and thinks a plot has to be driven by an antagonist or villain and anything that doesn't flow like that is wrong, boring and/or makes no sense
- You didn't really care nor pay attention to the series as a whole
- You lack a capacity to interpret media beyond was is directly upfront and in your face
These are just a few assumptions and how it looks and feels from this video. Ultimately, I'm not trying to start a debate nor offend you, but this show is my comfort show and my favorite part in all of SU, so I felt the need to spend over an hour writing this essay that you proabably won't even read but oh well, it's the thought that counts.
Anyways sorry everyone for the super long post buuuuuut I worked too hard on this and it's 4:30 am so fuck it
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dearestones · 2 years
Death Note Matchup: Yagami Light
Warnings: Fluff, although, there might be some signs of manipulation and toxicity. 
@kokonut-hajime Request: Hi! Can I have romantic matchup for Death Note? Only with male characters
Im quiet and reserved, i need yars to really trust somebody. I think personal space is most important to me, i dont like touch or inviting people to my house. I looove reading, especially french literature. I also enjoy watching old movies or anime, painting and taking photos. If its going about some positive traits Im loyal. It is easy for me to accept someone's flaws and I don't judge people, I analize their actions. From my negative traits i would choose my isolated tendencies, i often prefer to stay alone with my problems. Im insecure and often feel worthless. I It's hard for me to find a sense of my life
Ive hope its not too long and you find time to write something! Also excuse my english, its not my mother language. Have a nice day!
After reviewing the description that you gave me, I believe that you pair well with our favorite leading man, Yagami Light!
Like you, it can take some time for him to warm up and trust people. However, he won’t let you know right away that he won’t trust—if at all. Instead, he’ll be overwhelmingly polite and courteous towards you, making sure that you’re comfortable and that the relationship you have with him is progressing at the rate that you want. After all, he wants you to trust him and he’s quite patient with whatever relationship you want to pursue with him. 
He appreciates the fact that you’re quiet and reserved. It’s a trait that he also has, although he is far more gregarious and friendly when the time is right. Expect to engage in parallel play for most bonding experiences once the both of you settle into your relationship. This may include, but is not limited to reading different books—you can read in French? please tell him more, he would like some insight on literature from the West—engaging in your different hobbies, or merely sitting in silence and enjoying each other’s presence. 
Do you value your personal space? No problem! Light doesn’t appreciate when other people crowd around him, so he can relate. However, he doesn’t mind it when you reach for his hand to hold or when you lean forward for a hug. It gives him a sense of smug satisfaction that you look to him for comfort than only he can provide. When he’s feeling particularly cheerful and indulgent, he might give you a kiss on the forehead or place his hand on your lower back to guide you where he wants you to be. 
What Light treasures you the most is loyalty. Once he gains your trust and when he realizes that not only you are loyal but you have also gained his trust, then he will freely make you his closest confidant. Since you’re not judgmental and judge based on actions, it will be very easy for him to tell you that he’s trying to cleanse the world and make it a better place. You better accept him for who he is or are you saying that you’re not loyal?
As for your tendencies to isolate yourself… Light won’t see that as a negative. Instead, he would definitely use that to his advantage, especially if he’s still part of the Kira Investigation. And you’re also insecure? He’ll prey on you, making sure that you only look to him for guidance and support when you need it most.
If, however, you live in a timeline where Light is actually a decent human being, then he would be more than happy to encourage you to seek help and to create a support system outside of himself. He’s not a student of psychology, but even he knows that people need each other to survive—you need others to stay sane. As for insecurities, he’ll help you overcome them in a manner that is encouraging, but almost condescending in a way. 
Basically, the seeds of a toxic relationship are sown, especially if you happen to come across Light while he’s active as Kira. However, you can hope to gain some ground in this relationship if you maintain your independence and let Light know that you don’t fully approve of his actions. Who knows? You might end up surviving in the end?
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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scarletfokx · 2 years
I've been thinking about something. 🙃
I think I know *who* "father" really is. Don't forget that Fugisaki is just being possessed by "father". This theory is a long shot but I think that...Yato has split himself into two.
It makes sense.
Kazuma might be a dick sometimes(and actually he has every reason to be but people forget that because they like Yukine more. I am not one of those people tbh, I can't stand Yukine) BUT why would he call Yato a "god of calamity" knowing Yato hated that part of himself(what he *used to be*?
I haven't forgotten that it was by Yato's hand that Viina was struck down. But the thing is, it *wasn't* Yato's hand, it was Yukine acting on his own and leading Yato back into his childhood where he was only a god of calamity. Kazuma was warning Yato, not being a jerk?? It's likely. They still have to be very close for Kazuma's/Kazune's name to be on his chest and for him to take such a kickass form for Yato.
But heres the thing. Kazuma is the most broken blessed vessel out there(sorry not sorry Yukine profans!) He has super intelligence, great instincts, he knows Yato and here it is folks, *he can see the future*. Nothing else would have MADE him become a nora unless he knew it was the only way to save Viina and get rid of "father".
So whats this about "father" and Yato being the same entity and why did I change topics? I didn't. This is why Yato will die when Fugisaki dies OR vice versa. Kazuma already knows this and he believes he is the only one who can do the deed when the time comes: kill....*Yato*
I'm sure Yato would rather a friend do it while knowing that friend doesn't mean him harm but wants to help him fix his mistakes.
People have been theorizing about who Yato/Yaboku could really be for ages and this doesn't solve the problem entirely. Or does it? We know how "father" got the second brush(not why he needed it...perhaps to name a *god* another name, aka *Yaboku*) but how and why did "father" have a brush in the first place? Because Izanami *gave it to him* or rather, she gave it to her husbando, Izanagi.
"Father" is Izanagi's resentment that he cast away(non related but, Yatos strange relationship with Hiyori who he loves but can't be with because she should live in another world is similar to Izanagi and Izanamis case of separation via necessity) I didn't put that right. Izanagi *has become his resentment* and is no longer the god he used to be which is why the god who WAS Izanagi(because people still believed in him) died and was reborn as Yato and was thus renamed Yaboku by the reborn Izanagi/"father" who knew where he would be reborn and knew how to manipulate him.
So then, if they are different entities now then why would Yato die if "father" dies? Because gods can change. If Yato accepts that he is a god of calamity then he and "father" will be one and the same again(this is what Kazuma is aiming at) and if EITHER Yato or "father" die, they BOTH will die and be reincarnated as one being. As Izanagi. But he will be raised by his guide who will help him decide what kind of god he should be.(I think Kazuma is really gna die this time for killing a god...) This also explains why Yato sometimes envisions himself as a reincarnated kid(better suited for Yukine) and knowing he would need his guidance.
This theory goes on and on but the most important part is out there for people to ponder :) ENJOY!
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wisdomrays · 2 years
The Messenger of God: Muhammad: Part 82
Why He Had More Than One Wife: Part 3
A'isha, his second wife (though not in the order of marriage), was the daughter of Abu Bakr, his closest friend and devoted follower. One of the earliest converts to Islam, this man had long hoped to cement the deep attachment between himself and the Prophet by giving 'A'isha to him in marriage. His acceptance of this arrangement conferred the highest honor and courtesy on a man who had shared all the good and bad times with him throughout his mission.
'A'isha, who proved to be a remarkably intelligent and wise woman, had both the nature and temperament to carry forward the work of Prophetic mission. Her marriage prepared her to be a spiritual guide and teacher to all women. She became a major student and disciple of the Prophet and through him, like so many Muslims of that blessed time, she matured and perfected her skills and talents so that she could join him in the abode of bliss both as wife and as student. Her life and service to Islam after her marriage prove that such an exceptional person was worthy to be the Prophet's wife.
Over time, she proved to be one of the greatest authorities on Hadith, an excellent Qur'anic commentator, and a most distinguished and knowledgeable expert (faqih) in Islamic law. She truly represented the inner and outer qualities and experiences of Prophet Muhammad through her unique understanding.
Umm Salama, of the Makhzum clan, was first married to her cousin. The couple had embraced Islam at the very beginning and emigrated to Abyssinia to avoid Qurayshi persecution. After their return, they migrated to Madina with their four children. Her husband participated in many battles and, severely wounded at Uhud, attained martyrdom shortly thereafter. Abu Bakr and 'Umar proposed marriage, aware of her needs and suffering as a widow with children but without means to support them. She refused, believing that no one could be better than her late husband.
Some time after that, the Prophet offered to marry her. This was quite right and natural, for this great woman, who had never shied from sacrifice and suffering for Islam, was now alone after having passed many years among the noblest Arab clan. She could not be neglected and left to beg her way in life. Considering her piety, sincerity, and all that she had suffered, she deserved to be helped. By marrying her, the Prophet was doing what he had been doing since his youth, namely, befriending those lacking friends, supporting those without support, and protecting those without protection.
Umm Salama also was intelligent and quick in comprehension. She had all the capacities and gifts to become a spiritual guide and teacher. After her marriage to the Prophet, she became a new student in the school of knowledge and guidance, one to whom all women would be grateful. Let us recall that, at this time, the Prophet was approaching the age of sixty. His marriage to a widow with four children and acceptance of all related expenses and responsibilities can be understood only in terms of his infinite reserves of humanity and compassion.
Umm Habiba was the daughter of Abu Sufyan who, for a long time, was the Prophet's bitterest foe and strongest supporter of unbelief. But despite this, his daughter was one of the earliest converts to Islam and emigrated to Abyssinia with her husband. Her husband died there, leaving her alone and desperate in exile.
At that time, the few Companions had problems supporting even themselves. She was faced with several options: conversion to Christianity in return for Abyssinian Christian support (unthinkable); return to her father's home, now a headquarters of the war against Islam (unthinkable); or go begging from household to household. This last option was just as unthinkable as the other two, but had the added disadvantage that if she were forced to do so, she would bring shame upon her family name, as it was one of the richest and noblest Arab families.
God recompensed Umm Habiba for all that she lost or sacrificed in the way of Islam. She had been reduced to a lonely exile and a grieving widow in an insecure environment among people who were racially and religiously different from her. The Prophet, learning of her plight, sent an offer of marriage through the king Negus. This noble and generous action is a practical proof of: We have not sent you save as a mercy for all creatures (21:107).
Through this marriage, Abu Sufyan's powerful family was linked with the person and household of the Prophet, a fact that caused them to rethink their opposition. It also is correct to trace this marriage's influence beyond Abu Sufyan's immediate family and to the Umayyads, who ruled the Muslims for almost a hundred years. This clan, whose members had been the most hostile to Islam, went on to produce some of Islam's most renowned warriors, administrators, and governors in the early period. It was his marriage to Umm Habiba that began this change: the Prophet's depth of generosity and magnanimity of soul surely overwhelmed them.
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Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 8 Energetic Matchmaker AuthorPsychicInTraining SeriesCelestial Spirit Guide of Imagination Power, Wisdom BrainPower Genius Development, and Passion andor Love Development
Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 8 Energetic Matchmaker AuthorPsychicInTraining SeriesCelestial Spirit Guide of Imagination Power, Wisdom BrainPower Genius Development, and Passion andor Love Development
Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 7 AuthorPsychicInTraining Series
Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 2 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 7
Successful Manifestation of Career Money andor Storytelling Success Creative Fiction Genre Permanent Lifelong andor Long Term Resident of Virginia Series
intent: I Stella Carrier channel creating heaven on earth happiness unity faith hope while also fulfilling an intent to be helpful with my fun writing therapy of creative fiction writing
Alias names andor alias gender names given to protect the identities of the personal and professional life allies of those interviewed
Start Time Sunday March 12, 2023 by 950pm
Completion Time Sunday March 12, 2023 by by 1038pm
Code Name Osora who is currently a celestial spirit guide training multiple earth based men and women ages 40 to 80 on how to be official romance andor love matchmakers to their secret admirers who they are fine with seeing paired of with other people. What do I Mean by this for instance lady griashis is romantically pursued by a male named Ayul. However Lady Griashis has politely told Ayul that he must pursue other women. However this has only made Ayul want Lady Griashis more. Lady Griashis has petitioned I Osora for celestial help to match Ayul with a woman who would be romantically interested in him since she is truly fine with Osora being with other women. However Lady Griashis intuitively realizes that Ayul is only going to let her be and move on to another woman once Lady Griashis attains a certain level of prosperity and abundance and improves upon both her own level of intuition and wisdom and truly feeling more beautiful. What am I Osora trying to say-implying regardless if you are married or a bachelor or bachelorette whatever qualities cause you to refrain from wanting to reciprocate a person’s love andor lust offer are qualities that you must work on within yourself-trigger warning though also coming from a plce of helpful intent or guidance on I Osora helping Lady Griashis see why Ayul keeps stalking her is also a mirror for where she needs to improve herself to experience more passion and miracles of abundance in her life for instance
Lady Griashis found it easy to refrain from accepting Ayul’s lust offer because she sees that he needs to improve his self confidence in truly finding himself attractive handsome and good enough for her, this was a mirror for Lady Griashis to understand that she too needs to continue to improve upon work on seeing the beauty within herself and seeing herself as a prize both before and even after she achieves both her weight body fitness and career goals.
Additionally Lady Griashis felt it way too much when Ayul admitted to spontaneously jumping out of an uber in the middle of a night to try to pick her up, Once again Lady Griashis was trying to understand why Ayul instead passed on the golden opportunity to go to his home on time to spend more time both pondering on and brushing up on his talents to make more money and improving upon his wisdom intellectual ability and money making goals, she was understandably concerned about if Ayul was even utilizing the wisdom and smarts that heaven and his celestial spirit guides gave him when he chose to jump out of an uber in the middle of a night to try to pick her up before even knowing who she was just because he found her attractive- Lady Griashis intuitively realized that Ayul is also an intuitive mirror of her celestial spirit guides intuition and higher self trying to communicate to her that itt is time for Lady Griashis to do what she can to clean up and improve upon her career and money life even after she achieves her body fitness and weight goals, Lady Griashis also intuitively realized that she needed to realize that her celestial spirit guides were helping her to see that utilizing her talents in writing would also help her to eventually improve upon her writing and abundance within the next 3 years andor sooner. Lady Griashis also intuitively realized that in addition to making more time to make her writing dreams and dreams of being an author come true towards greater money, Lady Griashis intuitively realizes that her celestial spirit guides have been trying to help her see that she also has potentials and talents to awaken her own genius, psychic, seer and manifestation goddess abilities within her and that eventually taking action towards at least becoming a part time writer and working even in another job that may be related to her writing andor something different from writing is going to both help her manifest the abundance and wealth that she desires and to also help her be a vibrational match towards other men and women that are part of her destined soul tribe and where she is also living in even stronger alignment of her life purpose and destiny
Within 2 weeks of these realizations of how a person’s admirers also mirror qualities to work on within themselves-for instance-trigger warning- if a male suitor feels that a female admirer needs to make more money andor be more beautiful to come close to being worthy of him those same qualities mirror where he also needs to have more self confidence in even if those qualities within them are celebrated by others-the similar is also true if the gender roles are reversed-
Anyhow, with Osora’s guidance, Lady Griashis gathered multiple offline and online resources in a secret email account and writing through a secret penname though in a secret email account at least once or twice a week she wrote a short one to two page story of a parallel universe story of how one of her admirers Ayul finally took her advice to heart and matched with a woman who recirprocated his interest resulting in a happy union which fortunately also helped Lady Griashis become an unofficial matchmaker and an unofficial matchmaker success story because fortunately she only had to write this type of story for Ayul for two months
Meanwhile, Lady Griashis utilized I Osora’s guidance towards utilizing some of her money from her current job to become a prosperous writer on the side while also utilizing some of her free time to improve upon both accessing her wisdom, inner genius, seer, psychic and money making abilities. Within two years from the time that she put some of both her money and actions towards improving her writing skills talents and gifts she started to manifest making at least 3000 dollars a month after taxes from her writing creative fiction genre stories via a pen-name, this in addition to a job utilizing a car that helps her manifest an additional two thousand dollars a month andor more after taxes and her main job that helps her make an additional 2900 dollars a month andor more after taxes. Lady Griashis is about to be surprised within a year from now manifesting a 100 thousand dollar after tax lottery win as a reward from the celestial spirit realms towards pouring both her money efforts and time towards improving upon herself her gifts and talents and some of the money she made towards her writing passions which are fortunately now making money to where one of her short stories is being considered for a movie by one of her favorite celebrities (though I have to refrain from saying who for now to protect the privacy and identities of both Lady Griashis and the celebrity even though both Lady Griashis is in her 40s and the celebrity admirer is of a different age group-I wish that I was allowed to say if they are more farther along in current earthtime age or younger though I have been asked by two of Lady Griashis money and intuition celestial spirit guides to keep secretive on that for now even with the matchmaker success story that Lady Griashis has played in being an unofficial matchmaker to Ayul in an important spiritual blueprint for other earth based men and women who wish to play matchmaker and pair up their men and women admirers who they are fine with being paired up andor connected up to someone else. This may sound like common knowledge however there are some even among the most attractive, handsome andor wealthiest men and women who have secret admirers that they refrain from volunteering playing even energetic matchmaker to because they require more time even in the celestial spirit realms to decide if they are willing to let their admireres move on or if they want to allow more time to manifest a stronger, more satisfying andor even more passionate andor more durable enduring connection between them.
my comment to Mr Beast youtube video I Uber’d people (posted to this blog by 525 am Monday March 13 2023)
This I Uberd People and Let Them Keep The Car via MrBeast youtube is inspiring in a happy way and thrilling to watch, the look and pleasant surprise on the faces of a multiple number of people featured in this youtube video are priceless especially considering it may take a while for someone to save up the cash to pay for a car loan-free even if the person’s job is a well paid job. Though on the bright side-this MrBeast youtube video helpfully gives me some money ideas to keep in mind for both present and future reference in a hope inspiring way.
youtube video of I Uber’d People and Let Them Keep The Car via Mr Beast youtube channel 97 million views as of 2 years ago
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orthodoxydaily · 2 years
Saints&Reading: Saturday, August 22, 2022
august 22_ august 7
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Saint Horus in his youth withdrew into the Thebaid desert and struggled in complete solitude for many years, leading the life of a strict hermit. Having advanced in years, Saint Horus was granted to see an angel, who announced that the Lord had destined him for the salvation of the many people who would seek his guidance.
After this, the monk began to accept everyone who came to him for advice and help. The Lord granted him a gift of reading the Holy Scriptures, despite the fact that the saint since childhood had not been taught reading and writing.
Gradually, a large monastery formed around Saint Horus, in which the holy Elder was the spiritual guide. The monk never entered the trapeza for food, nor did he eat on the day of partaking of the Holy Mysteries. He often taught the brethren by means of stories about the temptations which might beset a monk living in solitude. But he always told them in such a way that everyone would know that he was speaking of desert-dwellers personally known to him. The saint concealed his own ascetic exploits.
Once, when the saint still lived with only one disciple, he brought to the Elder’s attention the approach of Holy Pascha. Saint Horus immediately stood up at prayer, and raising his hands, he stood thus for three days under the open sky, in unceasing prayer. He then explained to his disciple that for a monk every feastday, and especially Pascha, is celebrated by removing oneself from everything mundane, and lifting up one’s mind to unity with God.
All the thoughts and deeds of his disciples was revealed to Saint Horus, and no one dared to lie to him. Having survived well into old age, Saint Horus founded several monasteries, comprising altogether as many as 1,000 monastics. He died at age 90 in about the year 390.
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Saint Pimen the Much-ailing attained the Kingdom of Heaven by enduring grievous illness. This Russian ascetic was both born and grew up sickly, but his illness preserved him from illness of the soul.
For a long time he besought his parents to send him to the Kiev Caves monastery. When they brought their son to the famed monastery, they then began to pray for him to be healthy. But the sufferer himself, conscious of the high value of suffering, instead asked the Lord both for the continuation of his sickness, and also his tonsuring into monasticism.
One night, radiant angels appeared in the guise of monks, and tonsured him. They told him that he would receive his health only on the day of his death. Several of the brethren heard the sound of singing, and coming to Saint Pimen, they found him attired in monastic garb. In his hand he held a lit candle, and his tonsured hair could be seen at the crypt of Saint Theodosius. Saint Pimen spent many years in sickness, so that those attending to him could not tolerate it. They often left him without food and water for two or three days at a time, but he endured everything with joy.
Compassionate towards the brethren, Saint Pimen healed a certain crippled brother, who promised to serve him until death if he were healed. But after a while the brother grew lax in his service, and his former ailment overtook him. Saint Pimen again healed him with the advice, that both the sick and those attending the sick receive equal reward.
Saint Pimen spent twenty years in grievous sufferings. One day, as the angels had predicted, he became healthy. In church, the monk took leave of all the brethren and partook of the Holy Mysteries. Then, having bowed down before the grave of Abba Anthony, Saint Pimen indicated the place for his burial, and he himself carried his bed there.
Pointing to those buried there, one after the other of the monks, he predicted that the brethren would find one buried in the schema to be without it, since this monk had led a life unworthy of it. Another monk, who had been buried without the schema, would be found clothed in it after death, since he had greatly desired it during his life, and he was worthy.
Then Saint Pimen lay down upon his bed and fell asleep in the Lord. The brethren buried him with great honor, glorifying God.
After the death of Saint Pimen, the brethren were persuaded of the truth of his words. On the day of Saint Pimen’s repose, three fiery columns appeared over the trapeza, and moved atop the church. A similar event was described in the chronicles under February 11, 1110 (See the August 5 commemoration of Saint Theoctistus of Chernigov), therefore the day of demise of Saint Pimen is surmised as also occurring on February 11, 1110.
The relics of Saint Pimen rest in the Antoniev Cave.
Source: All texts Orthodox church in America 
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MATTHEW 17:24-18:4
24 When they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said, "Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?" 25 He said, "Yes." And when he had come into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, "What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?" 26 Peter said to Him, "From strangers." Jesus said to him, "Then the sons are free. 27 Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.
1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" 2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
ROMANS 15:30-33
30 Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me, 31 that I may be delivered from those in Judea who do not believe, and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints, 32 that I may come to you with joy by the will of God, and may be refreshed together with you. 33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.
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woodmamtoys · 2 years
Ask your child directly-Woodmam
 One suggestion is for parents to use their own mouths as little as possible to give guidance and advice to their children. The best way is to let the child make his own analysis and judgment, while you remain a listener and provide simple guidance to the child's analysis and judgment. Parents say more, the child may not listen, but after his own thinking to reach a conclusion, will really become his own experience.   So you may want to use the "do it yourself" approach, which is to guide the child to analyze and make judgments on their own, the parents are just listeners.   You can try the following approaches.   (1) Ask your child directly   Note that "ask" is not a "rhetorical question", let alone a "questioning". Parents should ask calmly on the basis of acceptance and recognition of the child's feelings. For example, "It's true that it's unfair for teacher x to treat you like that. But have you ever thought about what his purpose was in doing that?"   (2) Let the child put himself in someone else's shoes   For example, "It's true that teacher x was wrong to lecture you without knowing all the facts. Teachers can make mistakes too. Besides, teacher x thinks highly of you (cite some facts), so I think he probably expects a lot from you and is anxious to see your faults. What do you think?"   (3) Directly evaluate the child's behavior   For example, "I think you are right to do this, you should not stand by and do nothing about this kind of thing, and you should tell your teacher and classmates your reasons for doing this." "No, I don't agree with you doing this. Xiaoqin is hurting you by doing this, but you will also hurt her by doing this, so why do we have to lose both?"   (4) Spell out clearly the problem your child is facing   For example, "So, you're in a situation where your classmates think you're the one who told the teacher off, so they don't talk to you, right? I can understand how hard it must be for you right now." Offer some information, advice and options. "I heard there's a ball game tonight, would you feel better if you went to a game with Kim? I can pay you if you really want to do that." "What do you think of ......?" "Would it help if ...... would help?"   (5) Give some fantasies that are impossible to achieve in real life   For example, "It would be nice if the contents of books could be transported to the brain through a machine, which I heard scientists are working on."
Educational toys can be used to prompt children's learning abilities
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slasherhaven · 3 years
I'd like to request michael, bo, asa, and otis guiding their s/o through their first kill :3
Includes: Michael Myers, Bo Sinclair, Asa Emory (The Collector), and Otis Driftwood.
Normal warnings and some nsfw stuff mentioned (nothing detailed)
Guiding their S/O through their first kill: 
Michael Myers
Michael is against it at first. He works alone and he doesn’t really think that you mean it, or that you could actually go through it.
But he eventually gives in and allows you to do it once, then you might stop bugging him about it.
He takes you out one night, both of you stalking the victim he had chosen for you. Somebody who was home alone for limited complications.
Once your inside the house, he pretty much lets you go for it, not considering himself to be much of a teacher.
If you go in a little too eager, he will grab your shoulder and still you, giving you a stern glare to be quiet and patient.
You get to see Michael in full ‘Shape’ mode, but he’s still oddly aware and protective of you.
He had given you a knife similar to his own and lets you go for it.
If you manage it with ease, attacking and killing the victim. He’s just a little impressed.
But it might not be that easy, they might run or fight you off. In that case, Michael will step in.
If they run, he will catch them and throw them to the ground in front of you. Letting you finish the job.
If they fight you off, if they even lay a hand on you, he will have them within an inch of their life before letting you finish the job. Reminding you of just how protective he is over you.
He wonders if you feel same the rush and relief that he does, or if your interest in killing comes from something else.
It can only bring you closer together.
It’s not like the two of you are just going to go home and sleep after this. On a normal day, that wouldn’t actually be too uncommon for Michael, but the rush of seeing you kill somebody with him, it’s going to lead to a rough night in bed.
Bo Sinclair
Bo had always supported you playing a role in luring victims into a false sense of security, and you had probably already agreed to that before you expressed your interest in actually killing someone.
But after so long of playing the part to lure victims in, you wanted to experience the actual kill.
When you told Bo that, he was a little surprised but also curious.
So, you went about the usual routine of luring in the victims, and separating them.
Now, neither of you want your first kill to just be shooting a runaway victim, he wants it to be worth your time.
So, it all takes place in that basement of his.
He’s oddly supportive and patient, something you don’t see from him much at all.
He’ll ask you how you want to go about it, all while telling the victim to be quiet.
And he’s all the more happy to help you, to guide you.
He’ll tell you what to do if you don’t know where to start.
If you want to take your time, he’s completely supportive. If you’re more interested in making it quick, he’ll allow it but is a little disappointed.
In the end, it’s your kill and you get to do it however you want.
You get so much praise afterwards. 
It brings the two of you closer, like you’re really part of the family now. There’s no going back after this. It’s a weird form of commitment between the two of you. You’ve fully accepted life in Ambrose and you fit in as much as they do.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
He’s unsure at first, telling you to give him some time to consider it.
He will finally make a decision and agree to it but, as always, he has complete control over the situation. 
Asa will take you to the hotel, where he will already have a victim waiting for you. 
Before you go into the room where the victim is being restrained, Asa reminds you that once you walk through the door you can’t go back. (The truth is that if you change your mind, he will take care of it for you, but he needs you to know how big a decision this is). 
Once inside, he’ll hand you a blade and guide you over to the victim he had picked out for you.
You will follow his guidance, following the orders that he makes. 
And he watched you like a hawk, observing and controlling.
If you’re nervous and need some more guidance, he’ll come up behind you and help you guide the blade. He guides you like he’s just teaching you to cook or something, which is at least a little reassuring to you.
If’ you’re more confident in what you’re doing, he will step back a little and let you do it by yourself, even if he’s still giving some orders.
Ideally, he’ll have you draw it out but if you express that you want to make it quick, at least this time, he will show you how to do so effectively.
He watches you, trying to figure out what you’re thinking or how you’re feeling. Just so he knows when to stop and pull you out, putting an end to it if you suddenly change your mind.
However, he is also watching for your reactions out of curiosity. Figuring out why you wanted to do this, whether you liked it or not, wondering what would happen after this.
You’re like his little pet project as he observes you afterwards, seeing how it effected you, if you wanted to do it again. He likes to work alone, not trusting anyone to do a job as well as him, but having you around the hotel more would be welcomed.
Otis Driftwood
When you first told Otis that you wanted to kill with him, he was beyond excited. He couldn’t wait to bring you even further into his world.
He’ll take you out one evening to find the perfect victim, letting you pick from the public like choosing a lobster from a tank. He wanted you to get the victim you wanted, this was a special moment.
One way or another, the victim will be brought back to the house to give you the time you might need.
Otis will be there for whatever you need, and he does insist on watching. This is a major turn on for him.
He lets you do whatever you want but will be smirking like crazy if you decide to drag it out and torture them a little. 
But he will take a step back and let you do what you want, unless you want him to be right there beside you. In that case, he’s happy to join you.
He’s very encouraging, placing a knife in your hand, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, before letting you go.
He’ll give you plenty of tips if you ask for them or ask for more guidance, he’ll even guide your hand if you want him too. But for the most part he lets you be very independent with the kill.
Afterwards, you two are absolutely fucking. This was pretty much foreplay for Otis.
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wisdomrays · 3 years
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Why Was the Prophet Polygamous?: Part 2
Khadija was the Prophet's first wife. As mentioned above, she married him before his call to Prophethood. Even though she was 15 years his senior, she bore all of his children, except for Ibrahim, who did not survive infancy. Khadija was also his friend, the sharer of his inclinations and ideals to a remarkable degree. Their marriage was wonderfully blessed, for they lived together in profound harmony for 23 years. Through every trial and persecution launched by the Makkan unbelievers, she was his dearest companion and helper. He loved her very deeply and married no other woman while she was alive.
This marriage is the ideal of intimacy, friendship, mutual respect, support, and consolation. Though faithful and loyal to all his wives, he never forgot Khadija and mentioned her virtues and merits extensively on many occasions. He married another woman only 4 or 5 years after Khadija's death. Until that time, he served as both a mother and a father to his children, providing their daily food and provisions as well as bearing their troubles and hardships. To allege that such a man was a sensualist or driven by sexual lust is nonsensical.
'A'isha was the daughter of Abu Bakr, his closest friend and devoted follower. One of the earliest converts, Abu Bakr had long hoped to cement the deep attachment between himself and the Prophet through marriage. By marrying 'A'isha, the Prophet accorded the highest honor and courtesy to a man who had shared all the good and bad times with him. In this way, Abu Bakr and 'A'isha acquired the distinction of being spiritually and physically close to the Prophet.
'A'isha proved to be a remarkably intelligent and wise woman, for she had both the nature and temperament to carry forward the work of Prophetic mission. Her marriage prepared her to be a spiritual guide and teacher to all women. She became one of the Prophet's major students and disciples. Through him, like so many Muslims of that blessed time, her skills and talents were matured and perfected so that she could join him in the abode of bliss both as wife and as student.
Her life and service to Islam prove that such an exceptional person was worthy to be the Prophet's wife. She was one of the greatest authorities on hadith, an excellent Qur'anic commentator, and a most distinguished and knowledgeable expert on Islamic law. She truly represented the inner and outer qualities and experiences of Prophet Muhammad. This is surely why the Prophet was told in a dream that he would marry 'A'isha. Thus, when she was still innocent and knew nothing of men and worldly affairs, she was prepared and entered the Prophet's household.
Umm Salama of the Makhzum clan, was first married to her cousin. The couple had embraced Islam at the very beginning and emigrated to Abyssinia to avoid persecution. After their return, they and their four children migrated to Madina. Her husband participated in many battles and died after being severely wounded at the Battle of Uhud. Abu Bakr and 'Umar proposed marriage to her, aware of her needs and suffering as a destitute widow with children to support. She refused, believing that no one could be better than her late husband.
Some time after that, the Prophet proposed marriage. This was quite right and natural, for this great woman had never shied from sacrifice and suffering for Islam. Now that she was alone after having lived many years in the noblest Arabian clan, she could not be neglected and left to beg her way in life. Considering her piety, sincerity, and what she had suffered, she certainly deserved to be helped. By marrying her, the Prophet was doing what he had always done: befriending those lacking in friends, supporting the unsupported, and protecting the unprotected. In her present circumstances, there was no kinder or more gracious way of helping her.
Umm Salama also was intelligent and quick to understand. She had all the capacities and gifts to become a spiritual guide and teacher. When the Prophet took her under his protection, a new student to whom all women would be grateful was accepted into the school of knowledge and guidance. As the Prophet was now almost 60, marrying a widow with many children and assuming the related expenses and responsibilities can only be understood as an act of compassion that deserves our admiration for his infinite reserves of humanity.
Umm Habiba was the daughter of Abu Sufyan, an early and most determined enemy of the Prophet and supporter of Makkah's polytheistic and idolatrous religion. Yet his daughter was one of the earliest Muslims. She emigrated to Abyssinia with her husband, where he eventually renounced his faith and embraced Christianity. Although separated from her husband, she remained a Muslim. Shortly after that, her husband died and she was left all alone and desperate in exile.
The Companions, at that time few in number and barely able to support themselves, could not offer much help. So, what were her options? She could convert to Christianity and get help that way (unthinkable). She could return to her father's home, now a headquarters of the war against Islam (unthinkable). She could wander from house to house as a beggar, but again it was an unthinkable option for a member of one of the richest and noblest Arab families to bring shame upon her family name by doing so.
God recompensed Umm Habiba for her lonely exile in an insecure environment among people of a different race and religion, and for her despair at her husband's apostasy and death, by arranging for the Prophet to marry her. Learning of her plight, the Prophet sent an offer of marriage through the king Negus. This noble and generous action was a practical proof of: We have not sent you save as a mercy for all creatures (21:107).
Thus Umm Habiba joined the Prophet's household as a wife and student, and contributed much to the moral and spiritual life of those who learned from her. This marriage linked Abu Sufyan's powerful family to the Prophet's person and household, which caused its members to re-evaluate their attitudes. It also is correct to trace the influence of this marriage, beyond the family of Abu Sufyan and to the Umayyads in general, who ruled the Muslims for almost a century.
This clan, whose members had been the most fanatical in their hatred of Islam, produced some of Islam's most renowned early warriors, administrators, and governors. Without doubt, it was this marriage that began this change, for the Prophet's depth of generosity and magnanimity of soul surely overwhelmed them.
Zaynab bint Jahsh was a lady of noble birth and a close relative of the Prophet. She was, moreover, a woman of great piety, who fasted much, kept long vigils, and gave generously to the poor. When the Prophet arranged for her to marry Zayd, an African exslave whom he had adopted as his son, Zaynab's family and Zaynab herself were at first unwilling. The family had hoped to marry their daughter to the Prophet. But when they realized that the Prophet had decided otherwise, they consented out of deference to their love for the Prophet and his authority.
Zayd had been enslaved as a child during a tribal war. Khadija, who had bought him, had given him to Muhammad as a present when she married him. The Prophet had freed immediately him and, shortly afterwards, adopted him as his son. He insisted on this marriage to establish and fortify equality between the Muslims, and to break down the Arab prejudice against a slave or even freedman marrying a free-born woman.
The marriage was an unhappy one. The noble-born Zaynab was a good Muslim of a most pious and exceptional quality. The freedman Zayd was among the first to embrace Islam, and he also was a good Muslim. Both loved and obeyed the Prophet, but they were not a compatible couple. Zayd asked the Prophet several times to allow them to divorce. However, he was told to persevere with patience and not separate from Zaynab.
But then one day Gabriel came with a Divine Revelation that the Prophet's marriage to Zaynab was a bond already contracted: We have married her to you (33:37). This command was one of the severest trials the Prophet, had yet had to face, for he was being told to break a social taboo. Yet it had to be done for the sake of God, just as God commanded. 'A'isha later said: "Had the Messenger been inclined to suppress any part of the Revelation, surely he would have suppressed this verse."
Divine wisdom decreed that Zaynab join the Prophet's household, so that she could be prepared to guide and enlighten the Muslims. As his wife, she proved herself most worthy of her new position by always being aware of her responsibilities and the courtesies proper to her role, all of which she fulfilled to universal admiration.
Before Islam, an adopted son was considered a natural son. Therefore, an adopted son's wife was considered as a natural son's wife would be. According to the Qur'anic verse, former "wives of your sons proceeding from your loins" fall within the prohibited degrees of marriage. But this prohibition does not apply to adopted sons, for there is no real consanguinity. What now seems obvious was not so then. This deeply rooted tribal taboo was broken by this marriage, just as God had intended.
To have an unassailable authority for future generations of Muslims, the Prophet had to break this taboo himself. It is one more instance of his deep faith that he did as he was told, and freed his people from a legal fiction that obscured a biological, natural reality.
Juwayriya bint Harith the daughter of Harith, chief of the defeated Bani Mustaliq clan, was captured during a military campaign. She was held with other members of her proud family alongside her clan's "common" people. She was in great distress when she was taken to the Prophet, for her kinsmen had lost everything and she felt profound hate and enmity for the Muslims. The Prophet understood her wounded pride, dignity, and suffering; more important, he understood how to deal with these issues effectively. He agreed to pay her ransom, set her free, and offered to marry her.
When the Ansar and the Muhajirun realized that the Bani Mustaliq now were related to the Prophet by marriage, they freed about 100 families that had not yet been ransomed. A tribe so honored could not be allowed to remain in slavery. In this way, the hearts of Juwayriya and her people were won. Those 100 families blessed the marriage. Through his compassionate wisdom and generosity, the Prophet turned a defeat for some into a victory for all, and what had been an occasion of enmity and distress became one of friendship and joy.
Safiyya bint Huyayy was the daughter of the chieftains of the Jewish tribe of Khaybar, who had persuaded the Bani Qurayza to break their treaty with the Prophet. From her earliest days, she had seen her family and relatives oppose the Prophet. She had lost her father, brother, and husband in battles against the Muslims, and eventually was captured by them.
The attitudes and actions of her family and relatives might have nurtured in her a deep desire for revenge. However, 3 days before the Prophet reached Khaybar, she dreamed of a brilliant moon coming out from Madina, moving toward Khaybar, and falling into her lap. She later said: "When I was captured, I began to hope that my dream would come true." When she was brought before the Prophet as a captive, he set her free and offered her the choice of remaining a Jewess and returning to her people, or entering Islam and becoming his wife. "I chose God and his Messenger" she said. Shortly after that, they were married.
Elevated to the Prophet's household, she witnessed at first hand the Muslims' refinement and true courtesy. Her attitude to her past experiences changed, and she came to appreciate the great honor of being the Prophet's wife. As a result of this marriage, the attitude of many Jews changed as they came to see and know the Prophet closely. It is worth noting that such close relations between Muslims and non-Muslims can help people to understand each other better and to establish mutual respect and tolerance as social norms.
Sawda bint Zam'ah ibn Qays was the widow of Sakran. Among the first to embrace Islam, they had emigrated to Abyssinia to escape the Makkans' persecution. Sakran died in exile, and left his wife utterly destitute. As the only means of assisting her, the Prophet, though himself having a hard time making ends meet, married her. This marriage took place some time after Khadija's death.
Hafsa was the daughter of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, the future second caliph of Islam. This good lady had lost her husband, who emigrated to both Abyssinia and Madina, where he was fatally wounded during a battle in the path of God. She remained without a husband for a while. 'Umar desired the honor and blessing of being close to the Prophet in this world and in the Hereafter. The Prophet honored this desire by marrying Hafsa to protect and to help the daughter of his faithful disciple.
Given the above facts, it is clear that the Prophet married these women for a variety of reasons: to provide helpless or widowed women with dignified subsistence; to console and honor enraged or estranged tribes; to bring former enemies into some degree of relationship and harmony; to gain certain uniquely gifted men and women for Islam; to establish new norms of relationship between people within the unifying brotherhood of faith in God; and to honor with family bonds the two men who were to be the first leaders of the Muslim community after his death. These marriages had nothing to do with self-indulgence, personal desire, or lust. With the exception of 'A'isha, all of the Prophet's wives were widows, and all of his post-Khadija marriages were contracted when he was already an old man. Far from being acts of self-indulgence, these marriages were acts of self-discipline.
Part of that discipline was providing each wife with the most meticulously observed justice, dividing equally whatever slender resources he allowed for their subsistence, accommodation, and allowance. He also divided his time with them equally, and regarded and treated them with equal friendship and respect. The fact that all of his wives got on well with each other is no small tribute to his genius for creating peace and harmony. With each of them, he was not only a provider but also a friend and companion.
The number of the Prophet's wives was a dispensation unique to him. Some of the merits and wisdom of this dispensation, as we understand them, have been explained. All other Muslims are allowed a maximum of four wives at one time. When that Revelation restricting polygamy came, the Prophet's marriages had already been contracted. Thereafter, he married no other women.
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