#and also the Doctor saying oh yes it is because he fucking loves his best friend
davidtennan-t · 6 months
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‘Maybe I’ll save you. Okay?’
yeah I won’t be surviving this last episode
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would love your opinion of the newest episode of DW, if you get the chance.
Alright okay so
I only have one complaint, which is that that wasn't a faerie ring. You could still have the shamble, no problem, but it should have been over the top of an actual faerie ring, which should be a mushroom (or, at a push, stone) circle. Not some cotton that would blow clean off the cliff edge in three minutes.
This is the first time I've seen Doctor Who do a time travel story using, not Doctor Who time travel lore and rules, but Welsh faerie rules. (First time I've seen anything do it, in fact.) In Welsh myth, people who enter faerie rings or get entranced by the music become suspended in time, out of sync with the real world. They think they danced for a night, but when they return it's been 100 years, and they crumble to dust as soon as they eat/drink/step on land/etc.
In this case, this is what I think happened to Ruby. She spent that time in Annwfn, seeing what would happen if the binding on the ring was broken. When she 'dies', she returns to the spot and lasts long enough to give her younger self the warning, then crumbles to dust.
But, a time travelling Ruby is not the woman who follows her throughout the episode. That, in fact, is a gwyll.
The gwyllion were hag faeries, usually of mountain tops (though Pembrokeshire's liminal cliffs are 100% from Welsh mythology - it was said that if you found a faerie ring on one but only put one foot in, you could see the faerie islands in the sea. And that faeries used to visit the human markets in Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion. So while gwyllion are unusual there, it's not an impossible relocation.) They were malicious and sometimes vicious faeries who delighted in making people lose their way, could strike an uncontrollable and ungodly terror into travellers, and who feature in more that one myth as an old woman that someone tried to approach, but they always appeared at the same distance away, impossible to catch up.
And the best part!! Is that this is why she defeats UNIT!!!
Kate tells Ruby that her agents have necklaces of silver and salt to keep out the supernatural, but that's just generic fairytale shit. That doesn't work on gwyllion. Salt drawn in a line would provide a barrier, but the UNIT soldiers aren't trying to trap or block the gwyll; they're trying to capture her. What works, very specifically, is a knife. Iron or steel for preference of course, but it needs to be a knife.
But UNIT has no Welsh employees and the soldiers have guns, not knives. And so they all become entranced.
(This is also what I think the gwyll 'says' to everyone to turn them against Ruby. She doesn't say anything - she sings.)
This is also the first time I've ever encountered any mainstream media doing Welsh faeries and understanding the tone to strike, which is 'unknowable, unstoppable and fucking terrifying'. I think I've only ever read it in Catharine Fisher books, and she's a Welsh author so... yeah, obviously. But I basically vibrated with delight and excitement for the entire episode.
Oh my god, hang on, Roger ap Gwilliam! Okay, I have two theories about him.
My weaker theory and the one I don't like is the kind of boring and obvious one, which is that he is himself not human. A lot of Welsh folklore features the devil, and I get that vibe from his role in the story. But, I'm not keen, because I can't see the link to the gwyll.
But my strongest theory, and the one I have chosen to believe, is that he's a human who made a deal with the Fae for power, and then reneged. There's a Metric Fuckton of stories about humans fucking up Fae gifts in some way, and the punishment is usually something ironic but always results in the loss of the gift. It could be a faerie harp that makes everyone dance, and the Fae tell the giftee not to abuse it, but they cruelly force everyone to dance so long and so hard that the faerie returns, takes back the harp, and then takes the human's ability to ever make music again, so example (by taking fingers or eyes or tongues as well, often.)
So I think Mad Jack strikes a bargain for power - but, then tries to abuse that power (nuclear war). But part of the bargain is that the Fae cannot approach him directly ever again. In the real world, they therefore tempt him into the faerie ring and bind his soul there, problem solved - until the Doctor accidentally lets him out, and gets his own soul stuck. Ruby, therefore, becomes the instrument through which they manage to take that power away once again - and then, her final Fae gift for her service is that they use the temporal anomaly of the faerie ring to send her back, at the end of her life, and give her a second chance. This time, with Mad Jack's soul left bound in Annwfn.
The fun part is, RTD is a writer who understands the power of not explaining everything and leaving some things up to the viewer's imagination, so none of this is ever going to be explained lol. But yeah, that is a gwyll. The moment she appeared, I said out loud "Oh holy fuck, gwyllion." That was a gwyll.
As a final observation, I loved seeing Siân Phillips, and I choose to believe they filmed those scenes in a pub because they could only get Siân if they agreed to just come to her local. The woman is a queen.
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love-belle · 1 year
about damn time !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which he finds out that his pregnant fiancée can really hold a grudge.
for when you love them too much to stay mad at them. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
real life // carlos sainz jr. x fem!reader
warnings - language, pregnancy talks.
author's note - had too much fun writing this, hope u like it as well!! thank u so much for reading, i love you <3 requests are open!!!
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
"can you tell your friend to stop poking me with that damn stick?"
"carlos," charles sighed, rubbing his face tiredly as he sat between his two best friends.
"stop poking y/n with that damn stick."
"tell her to tell me that herself."
"tell him to stop poking you with that damn stick yourself."
"tell him to stop poking with that damn stick before i break it and shove the pieces high up his ass."
"your fiancée is really fucking scary."
"i know."
"why are you guys even fighting?" charles asked, looking from y/n, who was very pointedly ignoring carlos who was watching with a nervous smile on his face, trying his best to get her attention for the past hour. he wasn't very successful and resorted to more inconvenient methods, which included poking his pregnant fiancée with a small wooden stick that he had found in god-knows-which cursed corner of their house.
"ask your friend that because apparently i'm too stupid," y/n snapped, standing up and leaving the room without even sparing carlos a glance.
"shit, what'd you do?" charles asked as he watched her retreating form. "the only time i have ever seen her pissed was when max ate her last cookie. i have never seen a man so terrified."
"why is it you always assume i did something?" carlos whined, burying his face into a cushion.
"because it is always you, that does something," charles retorted, moving to lay back against the couch.
"fair but doesn't mean it's nice," carlos narrowed his eyes at his teammate. "and it was a stupid thing i said this morning. word of advice, it's always better to stay silent when you have a pregnant fiancée with anger issues."
"holy shit," charles laughed in disbelief, not really understanding what stupid thing could his friend have said to make y/n this mad. "what did you say?"
"well, since we found out that we were gonna have a baby, she's been so invested in knowing what's the size of the baby like it's the size of a grain of rice, two grains of rice, end to end, a — "
"what's the size of your crotch goblin right now?"
"first, it's about the size of a blueberry right now and second, don't ever refer to my child as a crotch goblin."
"pet sperm?"
"what is wrong with you?"
charles shrugged, motioning him to continue with his account of what had happened in the morning.
"uh — and she also tells me that the baby grew a heart today, or that the heart is 's' shaped right now and soon it'll have limbs and all, yeah?"
"uh huh," charles hummed, his eyebrows furrowed as he thought about what ever could carlos have had said about this for them to be like this.
"and today, apparently the baby developed a brain or something and y/n came in all excited and she was like 'mi amor, i grew a brain today' referring to our child and i said that..."
"that..?" charles raised his eyebrows, sitting up straight as he watched carlos inhale deeply before he finished his sentence.
"i said that it was about damn time," carlos whispered, as if afraid that y/n would hear him once again.
"you said that?"
"i said that."
"to a pregnant woman?"
"if the doctor's appointments are legit, then yes, to a pregnant woman."
"who happens to be your fiancée?"
"i'm not sure anymore, to be honest."
"do you have a death wish?!" charles exclaimed, looking at carlos with wide eyes.
he knew how well y/n could hold a grudge and her anger was something you would never want to be on the receiving end of. and a pregnant y/n was a force to be reckoned with. the mood swings were already heavy on not just carlos, but their entire friend group, no one wanting to get yelled at by a woman who wore fluffy socks and sang taylor swift during long drives.
"i knew i fucked up as soon as i said it," carlos groaned, running his hand through his hair. "i thought she was gonna get mad."
"she didn't?" charles asked, surprised at the revelation. he knew if he had said that to her, he would on the next flight, any flight, out of the country.
"no," carlos grimaced, as if reliving that moment. "i thought she would, to be honest, her mood swings are wild this week but she didn't. she just stared at me for a minute before walking away."
"woah," charles nodded, not knowing what to say. "that feels worse."
"yes, especially because i think i made her cry," carlos admitted with a frown, fiddling with his fingers. "i hate it when she cries because she hates it when she cries. something about her feeling overdramatic for crying at every single overwhelming thing, even though i tell her that it's okay. it's just those hormones. she hates crying and this pregnancy is really challenging that and i think i made her cry this morning. she was just excited to tell me about our baby and i unintentionally and indirectly called her stupid."
"you're stupid," charles immediately said, looking at carlos with an incredulous look on his face. "i feel bad for her. i mean, i know that she's mean sometimes and she yells at us when we're being stupid but her crying feels, i don't know, wrong."
"yeah," carlos sighed, standing up and nodded towards the direction of the master bedroom. "i better go and try to talk to her. you'll be okay in the guest room, no?"
"yes, i will be, thank you," charles smiled at his friends before making his way towards the guest bedroom, leaving carlos in the living room.
the man sighed, switching off the tv that played a random movie before he turned off the lights, making his way towards their bedroom.
he paused in the front of the door, his hand lingering on the handle before he pushed it open carefully, thinking that she was already asleep. his eyes took a few seconds to adjust in the dark as he moved blindly towards the bed, reaching for any furniture in his vicinity. he tried his best not to make any noise as he moved as y/n was asleep not even three feet away from him and he would not have her any more mad at him.
he finally found himself by the edge of bed and quickly got in after discarding his t-shirt and pulled the covers over him. he didn't dare move, in fear of waking her up. he knew that it was sometimes difficult for her to fall asleep, always one thing not being right, sometimes it would be the pillow and the other times it would be the texture of the bedsheets against her skin. he had found her in the living room all by herself at three in the morning too many times to count. so, whenever she finally fell asleep, he would do his best not to wake her up.
he sighed, feeling weird, not having her right against him as they both slept. instead she was there, all over her own side of the bed, a good few inches between them.
carlos couldn't take it anymore, he'd gotten used to having her lay next to him, her arms around him while his rested on her stomach, tracing random patterns. with a swift movement, he reached across the bed and pulled her towards him, whispering a soft 'sorry'.
y/n exhaled deeply, her hands unconsciously going around carlos as she shifted to get more comfortable against him.
"this doesn't mean i forgot what you said this morning," y/n's voice spoke, barely above a whisper but carlos heard it loud and clear.
"i'm sorry, hermosa," carlos kissed her forehead, moving to place kisses down her face, sighing softly. "forgive me?"
"you know, i already do," y/n whispered, holding his hand that rested on her stomach. "i'm sorry, i was being overdramatic earlier."
"no, no, no," carlos rushed to correct her, holding his face in her hands as he shook his head. "you were not being overdramatic. you just wanted to share something about our baby with me and i said something stupid and made you cry. i'm sorry."
"technically, these stupid pregnancy hormones made me cry," y/n answered, a slight giggle escaping her making carlos chuckle.
"i love you," carlos sighed, pulling me her impossibly closer to him. "so fucking much."
"i love you so much more," y/n turned head and pulled herself up so she could plant a kiss on his lips, smiling slightly when he pulled her back into another one. "you're the best."
"i think you confused yourself with me, sweetheart."
"of course i did," y/n laid her head back on the pillow, her hands fiddling with carlos' fingers. she couldn't help but feel her heart swell up with love for her fiancé and for her baby, who would be soon joining them.
she stayed there, for god knows how long, thinking of her perfect family before she turned her head towards carlos, not really seeing his face in the dark. with the way he was breathing evenly, the fact that he had not spoken in minutes and the hand that had been tracing shapes on the exposed skin of her stomach laid limp, she reckoned he fell asleep. and even though he was asleep and couldn't hear her, she couldn't help but say it one last time.
"i love you, so fucking much."
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strniohoeee · 7 months
I NEED a pregnancy reader x matt smut
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is pregnant and yearning for Matt after reading mommy to be books, and learning about her libido spiking….will he give in?😙
Warnings⚠️: SMUT BABES, it’s nothing crazy just sex while pregnant? Idk shit bout being pregnant, so I tried my best LMAOO
Song for the imagine: Baby Love- The Supremes
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
Matt and I had been dating for a good four years. We were both 21 now, and he and his brothers were super famous on YouTube. I always had a feeling they’d get bigger than they thought. I was there for every milestone, and when they hit 5 million subscribers we were so fucking happy
I was occasionally in videos, I preferred to stay out of them as those were his brothers lives, and not mine. However I would pop out here and there since we were 18. At first most fans thought we were friends until we were 20, and finally came out to say that we had been dating since we were 18. We got the expected comments half loving and half hating, but I didn’t care I was secure in my relationship.
However, Matt and I’s anniversary was a while back, and we had fun, LOTS OF FUN consisting of sex, sex and more sex.
But after two weeks I started to feel sick, and sore and just not right, so I decided to go to the doctor thinking it was the flu, or covid. What I didn’t expect was to find out I was pregnant… A WEEK AND A HALF PREGNANT.
I was shocked, but I also knew I wanted to keep this baby, and Matt and I weren’t always the most careful when it came to having sex. But he always told me if I got pregnant he’d take care of me with no questions asked.
I was currently 14 weeks pregnant, and I was showing, but not enough to really make people think. Especially since I dressed to hide my bump, and posed specific ways
The fans suspected nothing, and we didn’t want to say anything till I was almost due. Chris and Nick immediately jumped for joy and were always by my side if Matt couldn’t be. His parents and their brother Justin also supported me.
Mary-Lou and Jimmy would fly out like once a month to spend a few days with Matt and I. They were so excited to be grandparents.
I was reading a lot of what to expect when you’re expect type of books to prepare as best as I could. I was genuinely shocked at all the new information I was finding out
What I did read was starting at 14 weeks women experience a spike in there libido, and I kind of had a feeling because anytime I saw Matt I wanted to jump his bones
It’s called baby brain….we become different, and feral
Matt was out filming with his brothers and I was at home just doing nothing. I heard Matt come home, but I only heard him
He came into the bedroom
“Hey baby” he said putting his stuff down on his desk
“Hey Matt. Where’s Chris and Nick?” I asked
“They went shopping. They said that they wanted to buy some things for the baby” he said walking over and rubbing my little baby bump
“Aww that’s so nice of them. They don’t have to” I said looking up at Matt
“Yeah I know, but they wouldn’t budge they said there’s so many things they want to buy” he said sitting down to take his sneakers off
“They’re too nice I love them” I said as I rubbed my baby bump
Matt came over and laid next to me resting his head on his left hand while looking at me
“What’s my pretty lady been up to?” He asked
“I’ve just been reading these mommy to be books” I said pointing to a stack of books on the nightstand
“Find out anything good?” He asked
“Actually yes, our sex drive spikes at 14 weeks” I told him
“How far along are you?” He asked smirking
“Exactly 14 weeks today” I said winking at him
“Oh well then this must mean one thing” he said smiling at me
“It means you look so fucking hot all the time, I’m ready to jump on you when you walk through that door” I said
“Oh really?” He asked jutting (ew) his bottom lip out while pondering
“Oh yeah, and when you wear those whore outfits looking fine asf. I lose all self respect” I said giving him a kiss
“Oh baby, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself” he said kissing me
“So don’t. I want to fuck, and I want it now” I said sitting up
“Won’t I hurt the baby?” He asked
“Matt….. be for real right now. Do you think the baby got his hand hanging out of my cervix ready to high five your dick?” I asked laughing at him
“You’re such a weirdo with your explanations” he said laughing at me
“You will not hurt the baby. It actually says sex is usually more enjoyable when the woman is pregnant” I told him
“So then let’s find out” he said grabbing my cheek and kissing me
Matt laid me back down as he hovered over me kissing me, and then slowly going down to my neck leaving sloppy kisses
“Matt I missed this” I said sighing
“Me too baby” he said coming back up and kissing my lips
He removed his shirt and his pants, and then took my shirt, and shorts off
“You look so fucking hot pregnant” he said gently rubbing my bump
“Maybe after this one we can have another” I said winking at him
“Oh baby I’ll have as many as you want” he said kissing me
Matt had slid off my underwear before coming back up to kiss me, and massaging my breasts lightly because they were a little sore
As he was kissing me, he slowly slid his hand down to massage my clit
“Fuck baby you’re so wet, and I haven’t even done much” he said looking into my eyes
“Matt when I tell you everytime I see you, I need you…I mean it” I told him
“Fuck baby” he said before going back to rubbing my clit, and slowly inserting two fingers inside of me
“Oh fuck Matt that feels so good” I said moaning at the feeling
He kept pumping his fingers in and out of me, before finally removing them, and placing his dick at my entrance
“Ready baby?” He asked
“I’m ready” I said, and slowly Matt slid into me completely bottoming out
“Fuck baby please move” I moaned out to him
Within an instant Matt was thrusting into me at a good pace, not too hard and not too soft. It felt amazing, and his pelvic bone was rubbing against my clit allowing for extra stimulation
“Oh baby I’m going to cum soon” Matt said as he thrusted into me while kissing my neck
“Me too. This feels so fucking good” I moaned out to him
Sex with Matt was always amazing, but I think because of my hormones it felt extra fucking good. I was so fucking wet like the sounds coming from me were insane
Matt kept thrusting into me, and I couldn’t stop clenching down on him
“Fuck matt I’m going to cum” I said clenching down on him harshly
“Come on baby, cum for me” he said thrusting into me and rubbing my clit
“Oh fuckkk” I yelled out as I came so hard all over Matt, my whole fucking body was shaking and my breathing stopped
“Oh my god” I said coming down from my high breathing heavily
Matt soon pulled out, and came all over my lower stomach. He came down from his high, and immediately ran to get a wet rag
“Sorry…cumming on your baby bump feels wrong” he said laughing, and I laughed with him because he’s such a weirdo
“It’s okay you weirdo” I said laughing at him and sitting up
We cleaned ourselves up, and got dressed, and in queue we heard the front door open
“Look at that perfect timing” he said getting up from the bed, and we both walked out to the living room
“We’re BACKKKKK” Nick yelled as he walked in with a ton of target bags full of baby stuff
“Guys what is all this” I said looking at the bags
“Well we have to spoil our unborn niece or nephew” Chris said bringing in more bags
“YALL THIS IS CRAZY” I said as my eyes fell on at least 12 bags of baby stuff
“Listen we’re so excited you have no idea” Nick said
“Hmm” Chris suddenly stopped and looked at Matt and I
“What?” matt said
“I know what was going on here” he said smirking at us
“The fuck are you talking about?” I said
“My poor niece or nephew was getting scrambled….yall was fuckingggggg” Chris said
“The fuck?” Matt said
“Well…..y/n your hair?? And Matt your shirt is on inside out and backwards” Chris said laughing
“MATT” I said smacking him
“OH MY GOD” Nick said laughing
“Uhh sorry?” Matt said getting all shy
We just laughed at this awkward interaction, and then Chris and Matt gave me a haul of what they got me while explaining every single item, and how either they will use it, or how I will use it
The End
Once again I hope yall enjoyed, and for the person that requested this I hope I didn’t disappoint 🥰 also I would like to do a/n at the end of my stories, so if you have any like personal questions, you can ask them here, and I’ll answer them in the next stories endings or as a separate thread 🤭🤭
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redahlia-writes · 2 years
dream a little dream of me. | steven grant
Abstract: He thought it’d be awkward. He thought the lie would be too much and that he wouldn’t be able to keep up, that perhaps his shyness would get the best of him, and though he wanted desperately to try for you, he was terrified he’d somehow mess it all up. But he finds himself at ease, a sense of home he’s not sure he’s ever felt before.
Words: 3K
Content: f!reader; fluff, just fluff, fake dating, a little awkwardness, them being down bad for each other, yes it’s november and i’m posting a christmas fic
A/N: is this based on this tiktok i’ve seen months ago and haven’t been able to stop thinking about? yes it is. but moving on - (scene is from doctor who’s christmas special “the time of the doctor”)
also on AO3 - masterlist
feedback is always greatly appreciated. you can send it here, too
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“Emergency, you’re my boyfriend.”
For a moment, he thinks he hasn’t heard you correctly - it’s not the first time he receives a call from you that starts with an absurd statement, question or words that overall leave him confused. He’s almost grown fond of it, though this time it takes him too long to process what you’re saying.
“Ding dong, okay,” he replies, and frowns at himself - what? “I might be a bit rusty in some areas, but -” stop talking. “No, no,” you sound frantic, a clatter in the background followed by a string of curses under your breath before you clear your throat. “You’re not actually my boyfriend, Steven.”
“Oh, that was quick,” you snort, only to return right away to your muttering and swearing, followed by more loud noises that truly make him worry for your safety. “What’s going on? Why do you sound like that?”
“Because it’s Christmas, and I lied to my family, and this bloody oven won’t work and I’m so behind with dinner - fuck,” he knows your phone slipped and fell to the ground - there’s more rattling, a slam, a sigh. “They’ve been setting me up on blind dates for ages until I told them I had a boyfriend, and they said they couldn’t wait to meet him for Christmas - I thought they were joking, but now it’s Christmas and I don’t have a boyfriend and they asked about him for tonight, so I need you to be my boyfriend. Please.”
The last time he heard you so panicked was when a group of school kids had run inside the museum, escaping the control of their teachers. You had fussed and worried about the artefacts in spite of the glass cases, and he’d had to bring you a hot chocolate to calm you down as the children settled back into order, rubbing soothing circles on your back as you at last got up for their tour.
“You do know I’m Jewish, right?” he asks then, and you groan quietly. “Well, mazel tov - you’re still coming to your girlfriend’s Christmas dinner,” he laughs then, shaking his head a little - of course he is, he’s decided the moment he heard your nervous rambling, getting up from the desk to get to the closet and change out of his worn out clothes - he knows it’s play pretend, but his mind still started reeling about the need of making a good impression on your family, and he cannot do that in a washed out white shirt and old trousers with more than a hole in them.
“Alright, alright - so bossy,” he replies, and hears you exhale in relief, a temporary pause that is interrupted by a too loud ding that makes you yelp, quick steps passing by, more noise. “Hey, take a deep breath for me, love, will you?” he calls out - he knows the phone is still on the floor, speaker on, your hands otherwise busy. Later on, once he gets to your place before the rest of your family, he’ll find it there, still.
“Can’t,” you call right back, yelling a little over the sound of running water. “I’ll be there in a bit,” he sighs, and hangs up before you can respond, hoping that, at the very least, your house won’t burn down in the time it takes him to get ready.
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To say your family is loud is an understatement. From the moment they walked through the door, Steven’s senses have been assaulted by greetings and laughters and too-tight hugs.
He finds he doesn’t mind it one bit.
He helps you bring the food to the table, keeping an eye on your injured hand - a shallow cut from a broken glass he cleaned and bandaged himself because you refused to lose too much time going to get it checked. Stubborn, he’s muttered under his breath, and you’ve waved a spoon in his direction in mock threat, making him laugh.
He truly doesn’t remember the last time he’s seen so much food, vegan options thrown in the mix he knows for a fact you’ve done last minute when he’s accepted to go along with your lie - he’s thankful for it, for you, for this night.
Your mother is the most curious about him - and where did you meet, she asks, and how long have you been together, and how’s his job, and -
“Mum,” you call just then, loading her plate again with a pointed look. “It’s Christmas, not a job interview. Give him a break, will ya?” “I’m just curious,” the woman shrugs, looking at you and then Steven, then back at you. “You always talk so much about him, I want to hear some of those things from him,” she protests, and for a moment your movements still, face heating up.
“Ma!” you complain, a quick glance in Steven’s direction as he grins - his cheeks hurt for how much he’s been smiling tonight.
He thought it’d be awkward. He thought the lie would be too much and that he wouldn’t be able to keep up, that perhaps his shyness would get the best of him, and though he wanted desperately to try for you, he was terrified he’d somehow mess it all up. But he finds himself at ease, a sense of home he’s not sure he’s ever felt before.
And it’s not so difficult to pretend to adore you, to be in love with you - it’s not pretending at all, really. So he slips into it, that tugging at his heart that makes him feel warm all over whenever you hug him, or rest your hand on his arm, or talk with him in that enthusiastic way that makes your eyes shine a little bit brighter.
“Well, we met at work,” he clears his throat, pushing the few crumbs that remain on his plate around to stop himself from fidgeting with his hands too obviously. You fill his glass again, a new surge of affection in his eyes when he glances at you. “It was her first day, and I still worked at the gift shop - she bought too much candy right after her first tour ended and accidentally started her second one late because I kept her talking about some of the newest artefacts,” you snort, shaking your head a little - it feels like ages have passed.
He doesn’t talk about everything else - about Khonshu, and Marc, and Ammit. He doesn’t mention the help you’ve been during the whole mess, that you’re most likely the only reason he’s still got a job - and a promotion on top of that - and how you’ve kept him sane in the aftermath just by being his friend. He wants to say you’re probably the most important person in his life as for now, but he doesn’t because his mask would fall then and expose him to everyone in the room, you included. For now, it’s just pretend.
“In his defence, I’m the one who started rambling, and he had to remind me I actually had a job to do, so -” you shrug a little, but the smile doesn’t leave your lips. He’s looking at them too often tonight, he knows, but he can’t help himself.
“Is that why you called him your saviour?” your mother chuckles, and you almost drop the glass in your hands, eyes widening. Steven coughs on his mouthful of wine.
“Did you, really?” he wonders, and doesn’t want to sound amused but truly cannot help it. “I thought you’d said it as a joke,” he still remembers - the embarrassed laugh, frantically reaching for your badge as you walk towards the exhibition area, calling over your shoulder a you’re my saviour, thank you!, quickly hiding the candy in the pockets of your skirt.
“Half joke,” you scoff, bumping your knee with his under the table - that’s just for him, not for the show, and he smiles again. “I reckon I wouldn’t have liked it particularly if I had been fired on my first day.”
“Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have liked that either,” he muses, your nose scrunching up with your smile as you lean in a little. “But we’ve been friends since - she also helped me get out of the gift shop, somehow convinced our boss I should do some of her tours.”
“That she told us - spent the whole day complaining about Donna, is it?” both of you groan a little at the woman’s name, then quickly exchange a look that your father, not-entirely distracted by whatever was playing faintly from the TV, notices with his eyebrows raised.
“What she did not tell us,” your mother chimes in again, hands locked under her chin, “is how this,” she gestures between the two of you, a coy smile upturning her lips, “happened.”
“Ma!” you say again, one hand rising to cover eyes and forehead as you sink a little into the chair. At his side, your grandma chuckles, elbowing Steven gently.
“They’re shy, can’t you see?” she tuts, her eyes moving from Steven to you. “Haven’t even kissed once, these two.”
“Come on, leave the kids alone,” your father says, now no longer paying attention to the TV. “What? It’s just a kiss!” the older woman protests, grinning up at Steven. “It’s Christmas after all, what’d you say, young man?”
“Oh, God,” you mutter under your breath, both hands lifted to cover your face. Steven feels his neck burn, words tangling on the tip of his tongue as he glances at you, back at your grandmother, you again, unsure of what to do, say, think. “As long as you drop it.”
There’s an apologetic look in your eyes when you drop your hands and turn towards him - he wants to say it’s fine and don’t worry but he can’t, because you’re leaning in and brushing your lips to his. It’s quick, a peck, a brush of lips that makes his heart flutter, and you’re holding your breath, the tip of your fingers caressing his chin before you’re pulling back, leaving him dazzled, yearning for the taste of wine on your mouth.
“There,” you clear your throat, reaching for your glass with a hand that shakes slightly - there’s a groan at the other end of the round table, and in his temporary haze Steven sees your eyes widen, fingers curling around nothing, a notch away from the glass.
“You call that a kiss?” suddenly you’re wondering if you should’ve stopped bringing bottles of wine when your grandfather refilled his glass for the 6th time, his mood certainly turning jolly. Loud. Boisterous. “Come on, lad. Give her a proper kiss!”
“For the love of -” you look at him and sigh again, shaking your head a little. “Pops, really, it’s not -” you turn to Steven, still apologetic looking.
A split second, and he’s kissing you. Steven shouldn’t be taking advantage of the situation, he knows, but it’s a proper kiss and your grandfather is laughing. And Steven is kissing you, a proper kiss - gentle, delicate, and your hands come up to cup his jaw before you can help yourself, suddenly not wanting him to part from you. His stubble scratches your palm, and you let your eyes flutter shut at last, surprise leaving place to ease.
It’s easy, kissing Steven. It’s soft and gentle and warm all at once, and his hand is on the back of your head while the other rests on your thigh - his fingers trace a pattern over your clothes, and through the small fireworks popping in your mind you manage to discern letters. S-o-r-r-y, the apology on the tip of his fingers as the kiss goes on for longer, his lips parting and yours with them, melting towards him.
You would laugh, if you could remember how to breathe. Instead you’re carefully bringing your hand to Steven’s curls, slowly smoothing them back from his face, and your lungs are burning because you’re supposed to be breathing but really you don’t want this to end, you want to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him until you’ve grown tired of it and then some.
It’s Steven that eventually pulls away, and there’s an odd noise trapped at the back of your throat as you force your eyes to open, to make it seem as if that wasn’t your first kiss, as if you didn’t feel the ground rock beneath your feet, and your heart wasn’t trying to jump out of its place behind your ribcage.
The tip of Steven’s nose is bright red, as if he stood in the cold for too long, and it spreads across his cheeks like a rosy brushstroke - his lips are a little parted, short bursts of air coming out of it as he looks back at you with his eyes shimmering a little. He looks unbelievably pretty, and it takes every ounce of willpower in you to turn away instead of diving right back towards his lips.
“So, who wants dessert?”
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You’ve been looking at him for a while. He’s in the living room, carefully stocking up the empty plates from the table, setting the cutlery aside, the paper crown sitting a little askew on his curls. He’s humming as he does so, and a smile catches on your lips - it’s Dream A Little Dream Of Me, a song you’ve found yourself singing often in between tours, Doris Day’s version constantly stuck in your head.
“I will deal with that in the morning - you’ve already done more than enough,” you tell him softly, reaching his side. He looks up towards you, your eyes meeting for the first time since after the kiss - it still burns on your cheeks, lips, neck, the tip of your ears. “Thank you.”
“I cannot possibly leave you with this mess,” he argues, still gathering what’s left on the table - empty glasses and paper from gift wrappings and Christmas crackers. “What kind of fake boyfriend would I be?” he grins a little, and you laugh, shaking your head. The clock behind his head signals 2:34 AM.
“I don’t think I will ever be able to repay you for what you did tonight,” you reach up to fix the paper crown on his head, and he forgoes the plates and forks to turn to you.  “I enjoyed it,” he’s fidgeting a little, fingers tapping along his thighs. “My family - it’s never been like this, I’ve never had anything like it. It was nice. I’m glad you asked me.”
Steven’s never spoken a lot about his family, or Marc’s family - he’s mentioned things off-handedly, but has always been quick to change the subject, and you haven’t asked, there was no need. Still, the hurt is palpable each time, and it makes you ache for him. For them.
“Well, you’re invited next year as well, then,” you say, stepping a little closer and lifting his hand towards him in offering, the other reaching for your phone in your pocket. “Come, there’s one more thing.”
Steven frowns but obliges, watching as your thumb quickly slides across the screen while you wrap your hand around his, and soon enough soft music starts playing from the speakers - the first notes of the song turn Steven’s lips in a smile as you put the phone away again, looking at him again.
“Not Ella Fitzgerald’s?” he wonders, your now free hand reaching for his shoulder. Tentatively, he places his hand on your waist, slowly catching on on your intentions when you start rocking side by side, following the music.
“My grandma would play Golden Girl all the time when I was with her,” he starts following your movements, albeit a little slower, a little unsure. “I think it stuck,” you shrug lightly, taking a little step to the side, then back - Steven follows, looking down towards the floor. “Steven.” “Sorry,” he mumbles, looking up, then back down. You smile a little, drawing closer.
Once the initial awkwardness vanishes, Steven is great - he finds his footing and begins leading, steps becoming wider, more sure, and you let him move you both around the living room as you hum the words almost under your breath, never looking away - Stars fading but I linger on, dear / Still craving your kiss / I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear / Just saying this…
He’s looking at you, too, and smiling still - for a moment you wonder if there truly was too much wine, because his eyes are shimmering, and his cheeks are still red like right after the kiss, as if he’s still warm all over, and then -
“Mistletoe,” he says, so soft you almost don’t hear him, even if the music is low, even if you have stopped singing for a while. You look up towards the doorframe you’re somehow under, and Steven is unbelievably close, his chin tilted up to look at the small plant hanging above your heads, throat exposed to you.
“Steven?” he snaps out of it as soon as you call his name, gentle, and meets your eyes. “Yes, love?”
You desperately hope you haven’t misread the whole evening. You also hope the wine induced courage won’t leave you right now as your eyes flicker to his parted lips. You lean in, gripping his shoulder a little tighter for balance, and the moment your lips brush his he shudders a little, but pulls you closer right away. He hiccups lightly, dips his head forward, and though the kiss is initially hesitant, it’s true.
It’s somehow softer than the one at the table, slower, gentler, and you both melt into it, into each other, hands untangling only to reach for the other - your arms wrap around his shoulders, and his palm presses gently against the small of your back. Steven sighs into the kiss, shoulders sagging as if in relief.
It doesn’t last long, and when you pull away, he chases the contact for a moment longer, lips searching for yours once, twice, and then he stops, eyes widening again as he looks at you. You feel yourself smiling, hand moving from the back of his neck to brush his curls away from his forehead.
“Merry Christmas,” you whisper, the tip of your nose bumping his, and his face splits in a wide grin, holding you a little closer, a little tighter. He won’t let go now - not for the rest of the night.
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How do doctor appointments normally go for the toys?
The hospital visit post-rescue went better than expected due to just how exhausted most of them were. Even Catnap didn't have the energy to do much, although he did growl at the doctors and nurses. However, after that, Angel quickly realized the toys hated how similar the hospital was to Playtime Co.'s laboratories, and if they wanted the kids to cooperate, they would need to get creative with it.
Whenever it's possible, Angel has doctors and nurses going to the house instead of the other way around. Lessens the anxiety and helps the toys get used to other humans, but most importantly, starts making them trust said doctors.
Mommy Long Legs is usually agressive. Tells the doctors she's doing better than she is, and is deadly afraid of any injections or taking meds. It takes months for her to not have to get a day or two of emotionally getting ready for an appointment, and some more before she can feel like these strangers won't hurt her.
Catnap is similar to MLL, but he only behaves because his savior (Angel) trusts these people. When he drops the savior thing it's when he finally has a panic attack over an appointment, and when he realizes that yes, he's afraid of the hospital. Dogday is the one who helps him the most with this.
Speaking of which, Dogday is surprisingly calm. He knows these are good people trying their best to help him, and after getting an emergency surgery the same day he left the factory he assigns himself the role of helping the other toys calm down. He treats appointments like a necessary evil, even if sometimes he still flinches.
Miss Delight almost cries every single time a doctor or nurse is kind to her. What do you mean there's genuinely good people out there who don't think she's a monster?! Although a bit fidgety from time to time, she doesn't panic.
Huggy, Boxy, PJ and Kissy are wary at first, growling at the humans when they approach them, but with enough talk and patience, Angel convinces them to trust the medical team. They all get free lollipops and this is their favorite part of any doctor appointment.
Poppy is weirded out, fidgety, and doesn't understand why when she KNOWS she won't be hurt, but then it hits her that she doesn't have to shut herself up and just follow along if she doesn't feel comfortable to. Doctors respecting their patients? Now that's crazy!
KickinChicken is trembling the entire time he's at the hospital, not cooperating at all. He refuses to say it, but after a few weeks Angel finds out he doesn't even understand half the things the doctors are doing. He needs it explained to him in detail and why they're doing the procedures they're doing. After a few months he becomes less aggressive, but he needs someone with him at all times or else he will have a panic attack.
TRIGGER WARNING FOR SELF DESTRUCTIVE TENDENCIES AND SELF HARM FOR THIS PARAGRAPH. Picky is strangely lethargic. She lets the doctors and nurses do whatever, thinking that if they are doing something bad for her, it's because she deserves it. Can't believe anyone should help her after what she did to her friends. Becomes better with therapy, and is a very cooperative patient, although quiet.
Bobby is so scared, asking questions and begging that no one hurts her or touches her without warning. It doesn't take too much time for her to get used to other humans, and she easily gets attached to the medical staff. Loves all of then, but is easily hurt if anyone is mean or uncaring.
Hoppy is grumpy. She actually did hit one or two doctors during her rescue, but after that it's a series of "oh how fucking great, what are you going to do to me now, uh? Uh?", almost challenging the strangers to do something drastic. Also doesn't understand what they're doing to her, but only gets grumpier as she knows more and more. "Is this actually necessary?", she asks, time and time again. Only after months to a year she starts cooperating more, and that's only because Dogday or Angel are there following her to a doctor appointment.
Crafty is completely non-verbal for the first appointments, refusing to say anything that could potentially be used against her. That, or she straight-up lies and/or makes up stories for her injuries and how she's feeling. Needs to be explained the procedures, but doesn't care too much for the details, and stops lying after warming up to the other humans.
Bubba knows and understands the majority of the procedures, and is very calm. He uses logic and facts to calm himself down, and is the one that explains what the doctors are doing when a toy asks. Despite his calm exterior, however, he did have more than one flashback or episode during an appointment, and thought he could just tank through it, as if its a normal thing to happen. Needs to be reassured and calmed down, but also demands others to treat him like he didnt just have a flashback or episode.
Bunzo and the mini toys are screaming their lungs out. He's crying and sobbing and clinging to Angel for dear life, afraid they're going to give him away to the scientists Long Legs always told him about. Needs to be calmed down and gently reassured, and refuses to leave Angel's side. After getting used to the idea of doctors not experimenting on their patients, he's very cooperative!
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dragonflylady77 · 3 months
Mr Steve and the Monster Hunter
Only a couple of chapters to go now... @bigbangharringrove
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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In which Billy has BIG feelings
Chapter 5 - He's awake
Billy hears footsteps outside his door but whoever it is doesn’t knock. The footsteps move away after a minute. He keeps his eyes closed and goes back to focus on his breathing, content in the knowledge that his staff respect the Do Not Disturb memo.
He knows he’s on borrowed time. He’s been hiding out for a week and Max will no doubt come bursting through the door soon, of that he is sure. Once she decides he’s spent enough time wallowing. God knows she’s pestered him enough through the years about having feelings and working through them that she should know to give him some time to process them.
He nearly lost Steve to a fucking demogorgon. Even if Steve isn’t his to have, and might never be, that near miss in the Upside Down shook Billy to his core. He knew it was a bad idea to let Steve come with them and he regrets letting the guy challenge his decision and make him change his mind. Too many years have passed since Steve was anywhere near danger like that and he lacks the training Billy, Lucas, and even Will, have.
He’s awake
Thank fuck
Relief floods his system and Billy feels tears flow down his cheeks. He does nothing to stop them. Steve is awake. He must be okay or El would have said something. Billy knows that the doctor said Steve will be okay physically, once he’s recovered from the surgery, but there was no way of knowing how he would be affected mentally.
Billy remembers all too well Robin and Max mentioning Steve complaining of ringing in his ears and migraines following one too many bumps on the head when they grappled with the Upside Down and its monsters fifteen years ago. Robin also mentioned something about Russians under the mall but Billy never felt the need to ask about that. No point rehashing bad memories.
The footsteps are back and this time there is a knock on the door.
“Come in,” Billy says with a sigh, getting off the floor in the corner of the room where he’s been holed up for a few hours. He glances at the opening door and finds his sister. “Hey, shitbird.”
“He speaks,” Max counters, sarcasm heavy in her voice. She stops on the other side of the couch Billy drops his sore body on. Maybe sitting on the floor wasn’t the best idea. “Are you done with your pity party yet? Your man’s awake, you should go see him.”
“Max…” Billy is tired of having this conversation. She doesn’t listen, and neither do El and Robin. The second they found out he was still harboring a crush on Steve, they started referring to him as Billy’s, and refused to stop. Heather usually rolls her eyes and changes the subject. Billy sighs and runs a tired hand through his hair. “He nearly died on my watch. He had to have surgery and was in a coma for a week, for fuck’s sake.”
“He’s alive, and confined to a hospital bed. Best time to confess your undying love, really.”
“Oh my fucking god, Max. It’s not gonna happen.”
“Oh yes it is. And you know how I know?” She looks way too smug and Billy hates it.
“Enlighten me, oh wise one.” He wants to roll his eyes but Max is within kicking range and he’d like to keep his shins unbruised, thank you very much.
“He asked where you were.”
“Ooooh, yeah, wow.” Billy has to laugh or he’ll start crying again. “Jeez, Max, you better get the wedding invitations in the mail, I guess me and Harrington are getting hitched!”
“Jesus, you really are a butthead.” Max sits next to him on the couch and Billy only narrowly avoids the punch to his shoulder because he leans away from her.
“You’re the one who came in here all excited for something that exists only in your brain”—Billy sees the look Max gives him and amends—“fine, and mine.”
“Billy, he asked if you were okay, and sounded worried after Rob told him what had happened. And I told him to think about why you have been calling him by all those pet names you like so much.”
“You didn’t! Oh my fucking god. Why?”
“Because, brother dear, you deserve to be happy, and I have it on good authority—”
“You mean Robin.”
“Yes, of course, I mean Robin, the lesbian mother of your child and kinda best friend of your soon-to-be boyfriend. Based on a chat she had with him the night you dragged him into the Upside Down, he only needs a little push and he’ll open his eyes to what he really wants.”
“Oh, really? And what’s that?”
“Stop being an asshole. You know I mean you. I am not at liberty to repeat what was told to me in confidence but if you do not go to him now and at least talk to him, I swear to God…”
She doesn’t finish the sentence and Billy does not need her to. He knows that she will follow through with whatever she threatens him with and it’s definitely in his best interest to not push her that far. She can be real scary when she wants to and he takes some pride in that. 
Billy hears Livi’s babble before he gets to the room and it makes him smile as he walks up to the open door. He knocks and waits. Livi is sitting on the bed across from Steve and whatever story she is telling him stops when she hears knocking and notices Steve’s attention is no longer on her. 
“Daddy!” Livi exclaims excitedly. “I bringed Mr Snorkles for Mr Steve to keep him safe.”
“That was really nice of you, princess,” Billy says as he walks into the room and stops by the foot of the bed. “Where did your mom go?”
Livi shrugs then turns on her knees and shuffles towards Billy until she’s close enough to wrap her little arms around him for a cuddle. “Me and Auntie Janie gotted a chocolate cupcake for Mr Steve and Mommy took me to give it to him cos Auntie Janie needed to get back to work.”
“I think she’s ringing Heather,” Steve adds, locking eyes with him.
Livy moves back to where she was before, and starts her story again. Billy feels the heat in his chest ramp up a notch. His fingers tingle as he notices Steve’s gaze move down then back up, stopping on his mouth before finding his eyes again. 
“Okay. Thanks.”
He really needs to keep his power under control around Steve, especially after what happened in the Upside Down. He makes a mental note to talk to El about it. Hopefully she has some special trick to ensure he doesn’t raze an entire city block if he ever gets his mouth on the guy. Fuck. Thinking about it only makes the tingles worse. Ugh.
“Right, sweetie, are you ready to go?” Robin enters the room and stops when three pairs of eyes land on her. “Hey, B.” She smiles and approaches the bed, stopping by Billy for a quick hug.
“Heather okay?” Billy asks, watching as Robin gathers their daughter’s coloring book and felt pens and shoves them in her backpack, then adds Mr Snorkles before she zips it up.
“Yep. She had another nap. Olivia, say goodbye, sweetie.” Robin busies herself getting Livi’s shoes back on.
“Mommy, I didn’t finish telling Mr Steve my story about the seals at the beach.”
“It’s okay, Olivia. You can tell me next time I see you. Or you could draw a picture about it, so I have something nice to put on the wall,” Steve says with a grin and Billy can see how taken with the idea Livi is. 
Once her shoes are on, and Robin has successfully wrestled the little girl into her green sweater, she gives Steve a wave. Billy picks her up before she can hop off the bed and wraps his arms around her as he walks them to the door, Robin following after she says her own goodbyes to Steve.
“I’ll see you soon, okay, princess?” Billy tells Livi, kissing her cheek. “You be good for Mommy and give Mama a hug when you get home.”
“Yes, Daddy.” Livi traces the scar on his left cheek with her finger in a move he knows well. Something is bothering her. 
Billy stops in his tracks and feels Robin walk around them and into the hallway. “What’s wrong, baby girl?”
They had a big talk about the incident once she and her moms arrived in San Diego last week. El had rung Robin then opened a portal to pick them up, quicker and safer. Heather had stayed behind at Billy’s house while Robin sat with Steve, and El had brought Livi to Billy because she knew his daughter would be the person to snap him out of the spiral he was in.
She lets out a little sigh and glances up at him. “Is Mr Steve gonna be okay without Mr Snorkles?”
Robin chuckles next to him. “Aw, sweetie, don’t worry. He’s gonna be just fine now that your daddy is here.”
Billy sends Robin a sharp look but she raises one eyebrow at him. He wonders what she knows but won’t tell him. She’s like Max in that way, hinting but not sharing. It’s infuriating but there’s not much he can do about it.
“B. Give me this child.” she says, picking up Livi from him and putting her down on the ground, holding her hand. She pats his shoulder with her free hand in that slightly standoffish way of hers he’s grown fond of over the years and gives him a grin. “Go get your man, okay?” 
“No.” She shakes her head. “No more running. He’s here. He’s alive.” Her eyes narrow as she stares him down with that eyebrow raised. “More importantly, he finally knows you are alive.”
Billy takes the hit. Robin, Max and El have been on his case for a few years now, wanting to know why he wouldn’t let Steve know he was alive. It wasn’t like he swore them to secrecy or anything, he just… didn’t see the point. Heather agreed with him, more out of loyalty and trauma bonding than anything.
Steve is a fantasy, an unattainable dream that refuses to die. Billy sighs. 
“Hey,” Robin pipes up again, squeezing his bicep. “You can have this, I promise you, if only you let yourself. I wouldn’t lie to you. You know that. Not about anything, but especially not about this. I know how long you’ve been wanting this. Wanting him. And I know you’re scared—”
“Daddy isn’t scared of anything, Mommy,” Livi interjects, making them laugh.
“Olivia, sweetie, I’ll tell you a little secret. Your daddy might not be scared of monsters, but he’s scared of being loved.”
Billy glares at Robin but says nothing because, well, she’s not wrong.
“I love you, Daddy,” Livi says, taking Billy’s hand in hers, as a show of proof. “And Mama and Mommy love you. And Auntie Max and Auntie Janie love you too.”
“Yes, thank you, princess. I love you too.” Billy smiles down at her and gives her little hand a squeeze.
She looks at him with her big blue eyes and he knows he’ll do anything she asks of him. “Daddy?”
“Yes?” As much as Billy thinks he braced himself for the inevitable follow-up question, when it leaves his daughter’s mouth, he finds that he wasn’t ready for it.
“Do you love Mr Steve?”
“Only I heard Mama and Mommy talk about it with Auntie Janie yesterday. The yelling waked me up.” She looks at Robin. “Sorry, Mommy, I know it’s rude to earsdrop.”
It never fucking ends… Now they have his daughter in on it. Billy takes a deep breath and decides he’s tired of fighting against the current. Maybe it’s time to listen to what the women in his life are telling him. He’ll shoot his shot and when nothing comes of it, at least, he’ll have closure and he’ll be able to move on.
“Okay. Fine. You win, Buckley. I’ll tell him. And when he kicks me out of his room, we can never mention it again.”
“Whatever, Hargrove. It’s gonna go so well I might hire a plane to write ‘I told you so’ in the sky at your wedding.” With another smirk, she picks Livi’s hand from his and nods towards the room. “Get your ass in there, B. We’ll see you later at home.”
“Good luck, Daddy!” Livi calls out as she follows her mother down the hallway. 
Billy stands there watching them disappear towards the elevator, wondering when he became so easy to read.
“Billy? You still here?” Steve’s voice reaches him through the door.
The open door.
Kicking himself for letting Robin drag him into this conversation so close to the subject of it and wondering how much Steve actually heard, Billy heads back into the room, forcing himself to walk all the way to the bed. The instinct to run is clamoring in his head and he stamps down on it before El shows up in his mind again.
He sits on the side of the bed instead of the chair, one knee bent, and lets himself look at the man in the bed. Steve looks exhausted, his hair needs a good brushing, and Billy can see the edge of some of his bandages in the vee of the hospital gown. The nurses had to shave Steve’s chest hair before the surgery and Billy knows first hand how itchy and annoying it’s gonna get when it grows back. 
The nurses have kept Steve clean shaven but there’s some stubble on his jaw now that Billy would give a lot of things to be able to touch. He blinks away but can feel Steve staring right at him.
“Hey,” Billy says, not sure about anything anymore. He watches, heart in his throat, as Steve’s long fingers tangle with his on the blue hospital blanket.
“Billy, look at me. Please?”
Billy does what he’s asked and there’s something in Steve’s brown eyes that makes the want inside him claw at his throat. His mouth is dry and his hands clammy, and he can’t remember how to make words.
The tingles are back in his fingers, and they’re moving up his arms and centering in his chest. The cup of water on the side table in his peripheral vision starts to float slowly up, then it’s the magazine on the chair. When the call button for the nurse starts moving off Steve’s pillow, Billy closes his eyes tightly and forces himself to take deep breaths and visualize the objects back where they belong.
He feels a pull on his arm, then he’s lying across Steve’s body with his head on Steve’s chest and Steve’s arms around him. He hears a clatter when his power suddenly cuts off and the cup crashes on the floor.
“Sorry,” he whispers. His heart stops when Steve starts running his fingers in Billy’s hair, and Billy suddenly misses his longer hair in a way he hasn’t in years, not since the Incident, when he woke up alone in hospital with a shaved head and a hole in his chest.
“It’s gonna be okay,” Steve whispers, his fingers moving from Billy’s head to his nape, then his shoulders and his back, tracing patterns Billy doesn’t try to decipher. 
Billy moves his arms closer to Steve, fingers almost touching his sides. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you, from a few people today, Billy.” Steve continues to stroke Billy’s back as he speaks and Billy lets himself enjoy it.
The soft touches feel warm and good and he never wants them to stop. Steve keeps talking.
“I understand why you wouldn’t let me know you were alive. Heather was very clear about the fact that you and I were not friends and you don’t owe me anything. But I owe you. I owe you, Billy.”
“No, you don’t.” Billy’s words are muffled by Steve’s hospital gown but Billy doesn’t want to lift his head. He can hear Steve’s heart and it’s beating a little bit fast, but that means Steve is alive and it’s the most beautiful sound Billy has ever heard, besides his daughter.
“I owe you an apology for not giving you a chance back in high school. Especially after that stupid fight at the Byers’. We could have become friends after that mess was cleared. Then you wouldn’t have been…” Steve stops talking and his fingers dig into Billy’s back a little bit. 
Billy gives himself a moment to imagine what that could have looked like, being friends with Steve that year, meeting at the quarry for a beer, hanging outside the arcade and having a smoke or two while the kids played their games, going to see Steve at the mall and make fun of that stupid sailor suit that looked so fucking good on him the few times Billy had seen him from a distance. Steve coming around to the pool while Billy worked and maybe, just maybe, stealing kisses in the showers once the pool was closed for the day…
Then Steve relaxes his hold and continues, “It took me a long time to put a name to how I felt and I did my best to avoid thinking about it, about you, but then you showed up at school to pick up Olivia and I knew.”
“You knew?” Billy whispers, wary of breaking the spell.
“Billy, I missed you.”
Chapter 6
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nortism · 4 months
doctor who liveblog pt 20
s4 ep3 planet of the ood
- yayay ood episode, my fav aliens
- the doctor spends so much time fiddling with the tardis and yet he can do nothing to make the journey more comfortable
- i’m obsessed with her coat
- does he just carry a stethoscope around with him?
- omg the poor oods
- lets go ood revolution
- “doctor. donna. friends :)”
- omg the mega ood brain
- the brain ate him
- well at least they’ll take care of him?
- very ominous from the ood at the end
s4 ep4 the sontaran stratagem
- saw martha in the promo, i hope her and donna are best friends
- aww they’re talking shit together <3
- she’s a doctor!!!
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- oh she’s perf to me
- oh no there’s a man in the soup
- why’s the robot sexist?
- aww donna no
- ok i’m also a great big outer space dumbo
- nooo martha
- he’s such a nerd i love him
- fucking grammar police over here
- “intruder window” made me laugh
- omg they’re cooking a martha in the soup
- oh protective granddad i love him
s4 ep5 the poison sky
- yes then donna’s mum
- “that’s my girl!”
- i need them to calm down with the sexism
- omg they nicked the tardis
- nooo ross
- yes then donna noble !!
- ayyy empty child reference
- the marthas are unionising
- yayay ya donna!!!!!!
- bro is fuming about those guns
- oh fuck the kid died
- nooo the tardis is stealing martha
s4 ep6 the doctor’s daughter
- i’m glad we’re getting some answers because the doctor saying he’s a father has been bothering me i won’t lie
- donna and martha my sillies
- ok they did not answer my initial question, this is a new daughter
- also very bizarre to watch when you know that’s his wife irl
- he’s a dilf and a milf?? what can’t he do??
- the one day year old is fucking brutal
- also crazy how she was born with eyeliner on
- yes then dr martha jones!!!
- is she a baby timelord??
- aww a baby timelord
- martha and her hath friend
- ayo she’s got way more rizz than her dad
- what happened to his other kids???? wait the war stupid question 😭😭
- does that mean he’s had sex?? how do timelords reproduce??
- yoooo the war has been going seven days???
- ooo pretty garden
- can she not regenerate??
- can’t believe the invisible bullet wound killed her
- donna u are not gonna travel with him forever
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still thinking about yaz travelling with 10 so heres what i have so far:
she runs into him in london coming out of an interview for unit or smth, a couple of months after potd. for him it's in the gap between waters of mars and end of time. hes So Messed Up and yaz is like oh i know this. this is familiar. this might not be my doctor but,,,,this is my doctor
hes like oh what year is this? i was aiming for- and shes like dont ask me i keep getting it mixed up too. and hes like thats a bit of a strange thing to say, do we know each other? you seem familiar. shes like yes we've met
she surmises he doesnt have company bc hes all high on ginger and not trying to hide it. then shes like youre not flying like this, can i take you anywhere bc this is a fucking tardis and a fucking doctor available to her and how many more times is she gonna get this opportunity? never? once, and she has to wait for it 40 more years? no way is she just gonna walk past and go home. shes gonna do what shes always done and buy herself a little more time
she lets herself into the tardis, too sure of herself for him to really do anything abt it, as she asks "where did you say you were going?" he closes the doors "eternity"
"eternity?" she looks at him "is that a euphemism"
"it's a planet. in the larger magellanic cloud. thought maybe i should check up. sorry but who are you, exactly?"
shes like yes. um. yasmin khan. im a friend. as she stares at the tardis in wonder like the first time she walked in. and the tardis lights up bc she doesnt care about linear time and she loves yaz. so yaz starts putting in coordinates. she has to search for some of the controls bc the console is different but it's not too bad
"well thats great to hear, yasmin khan. can never have enough of those"
"larger magellanic cloud" she says looking at the navigation on one of the screens. "dyou ever think it's maybe a bit weird to name things in space after colonists?"
"well depends whos doing the naming. we dont call it that"
"no? what do timelords call it"
"and seeing as it were human colonists who settled there, maybe the name fits"
"there goes my faith in humanity" and she pulls the takeoff lever
the flight is bumpy as ever and when muscle memory fails her three times in a row shes like oh my god WHERE is your conceptual geometer and instead of pointing it out to her he just walks over and adjusts it and the way he does it is so familiar she has to blink hard a couple times
they might or might not end up on eternity but they certainly run promptly into trouble. yaz is a bit mysterious to him, a bit suspicious maybe because she wont answer any question directly but shes able to anticipate him so well that teamwork is pretty much seamless and theyre both running away from something so their motives line up and their need for something fun and exciting and distracting to happen too and also hes lonely and despite the way she basically hijacked his tardis he likes yaz bc of course he does
they match up timelines while hiding from guards, whispering about 1969 and weeping angels and "oh THATS why i dont remember, two doctors in the same place same time" and he figures out yaz travelled with future him
yaz drops a "she" and hes like "she??" and shes like oh shit should i not have said that and hes like no it's fine. and then hes like "does it suit me?" and she does Not manage to blink the tears away at that one
"is it something i said?" and then the guards spot them and hes like "RUN"
the ease with which he takes her hand as they run is lovely and horrible at the same time. she lets herself be dragged along while she thinks about the way 13 shook them off almost any time any of them touched her
a week & 8 planets in and shes been held by him more than shes been held by 13
they become buddies in like the way that you can sometimes become buddies with the younger sibling of your best friend or something. hes probably too heartbroken and messed up to develop a real crush but it's still yaz right? you know the way 10 kisses claras hand in the day of the doctor? that vibe. and yaz, with the benefit of.........foresight? hindforesight? picks up that vibe here that she couldnt with 13. bc 10 is young and a fountain of emotion compared to 13
my yaz is pretty firmly a lesbian so even if she was gonna get over the like very recent heartbreak and younger sibling vibes then still nothing was gonna happen here but theyre also both not in a place where they could cope with another heartbreak like that so like,,,,,,they both know, and they both know that they both know, but they dont need anything more so it just kinda makes them better buddies. sometimes youre a little bit in love with your friend in a way you dont want to act on. just another thing to bond over
and for yaz it's maybe a little bit healing to get 10s adoration like that
at some point the fact of meeting in the wrong order also comes up of course. yaz is like it's a little bit complicated, i dont know what i can say and 10 is like meh follow your instincts, youve got good ones i can tell. and if theres really something you shouldnt say i'll stop you
yaz is like does that happen a lot, as a time traveller i mean, meeting people in the wrong order? and 10 is like [THINKING ABOUT RIVER] "from time to time"
i just think theres a lot of potential for fun with the two of them. both of them running from the inevitable. not wanting to lose who they are, wanting more time as this version of themselves
yaz will learn so much about the doctor that retroactively contextualises a lot of 13, which i think could help in getting a little bit of closure. and theres so much river echoes sort of going in both ways. yaz flying the tardis with 10 because she learnt with 13, river later flying with 11
i also think seeing the way 10 is about his principles compared to how 13 was would be interesting. she would see a lot of the ways the doctor has grown up. yaz got to see so much of 12 in 13s trauma but she never got to see how 12 learnt and grew to become the 13 she loved. i think it would be special to see 10. see how they used to be. and also slap him on the fingers sometimes when he needs it
i dont know how to end it yet because that will just be more tragedy. 10 still ends up in end of time. yaz still ends up home. but maybe they can help each other a little bit in the time inbetween, even if the end theyre running from still comes to them both
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tobyisave · 8 months
the plot of "ethanol"
aka that Adamandi fanfiction I never finished last year (OTL) and companion to this drawing (x)! There were only a few pages (that I will never release) so instead here's what was going to happen, according to my old notes doc... it's mostly just Vincent angst I'm not gonna lie. I kinda stopped because I realized there was no plot at all and that's not how stories work
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Also: I did not write adamandi. And it's been a *second* since I was Vincent. And cannot stress enough that even the finished parts of this are wildly unfinished. So make of this what you will kdlfdsjf
(tw for body horror, medical horror, suicide, self harm, others harm, vomit, you know the drill it's Adamandi)
CH1: "I love you, too"
Vincent wakes up in Hancock Infirmary, the medical center on Ardess campus. (It's incredibly sketchy that he's not in the local hospital instead -- especially since the Infirmary has been openly racist to him and Quincy before -- but evidently this is the best way to keep things under wraps.)
He has a traumatic brain injury (from fighting Beatrix), is probably a little drugged, and starts freaking out because he's in pain and everything looks super flat and fake...
But he sees his Phaethon award letter sitting on the nightstand and feels so relieved that he lets himself fall back asleep.
Later the doctor tells him "what happened" including a reference to Vincent’s suicide attempt and "stabbing his own eye" to which he's like my WHAT. He finally realizes he can only see out of one eye - he pokes his fingers into the "soft, swollen folds of meat" on his face (thanks past toby) and finds that the eye is completely gone.
Doc is like you might have amnesia? You also have a TBI. Also fill out this form to make sure you wont kill urself when we release you
Specifically, the form is like “How often in the past two weeks have you: Had trouble sleeping…. Had thoughts that you are a failure….. Wanted to hurt yourself….. Attempted suicide….” And because he only ticks the last one the final score is "1" and the doctor's like okay free to go! (this is totally anachronistic but i think its funny so it stays)
Doctor makes him call someone to help him get home.
For some reason he doesn’t want to call Quincy (he thinks bc he hurt Quincy really bad). He thinks over who else he could call – oh yes, that guy I’ve been hanging out with lately, Ambrose! Wait fuck…. For the first time he realizes that Ambrose is not here.
After phoning Quincy to pick him up (Q cries on the phone, V feels moved to but genuinely doesn't have the energy to cry or even say much - and they say I love you to each other, except its Weird and Uncomfortable this time), Vincent roots around in the medical waste bin and pockets his enucleated eye, which he's alarmed to find is bloody and kind of smashed to a pulp.
CH2: pretty peppermint green
(title from "asthma" by b/ulldog eyes)
Quincy shows up (btw they're they/them in this because I can) and Vincent remembers pretty much everything. They share a reluctant kiss --- after which Vincent is content to slip into the fantasy that things are back to normal --- and walk back to the dorm. It's lightly misting outside. On the way there, Vincent stops and kneels to vomit from his intense headache and nausea. Quincy tries to hold them/help them up after and it makes Vincent's heart race.
In Quincy's room, they lie in bed. Vincent is often the big spoon (lol) but he feels the eye in his front pocket squish against Quincy's back, so they switch for undisclosed reasons. Quincy keeps saying they're so glad Vincent is back and they love him so much. That strikes a terrible weird chord with Vincent, and he's just lying there and he can't see Quincy's face and he's practically pressed between them and the wall and he can't stop feeling like there's another guy in the room watching them both, and he's not sure if the knowledge that there isn't is comforting or scary, and he starts freaking out until he has to leave the room.
(Why that strikes a weird chord: Quincy kept dissing him until now, and now is lovebombing him? Is that because Vincent finally earned their respect academically or because Quincy is guilty or what? He can usually tell what Q's thinking but it's very opaque to him right now - either because of the TBI or because their history is so extreme. And what usually makes him feel calm and well - ie Quincy - is not working anymore).
Vincent goes downstairs and sleeps on the basement couch. He unlocks this memory -- or is it just an image he constructed to fill the gap? -- of Quincy holding him, the weapon still in their hands, those hands still bloody, their face twisted in a horrific expression he can't even describe.
CH3: 20 grams
(title - from "duck or ape" by roar - but references an old paper that claimed to experimentally calculate the weight of a soul by weighing a person before and after death - they were purportedly 20 grams lighter.)
In the morning, Vincent goes to his own dorm. His chair and desk and bedframe were all burned in the pyre, plus most of his paper and books, so there's just big square sun-stains everywhere and a lot of empty space.
He goes to his bottom shelf, where there's a few empty jars & cans & stolen lab glassware, and puts his old eye in an open beaker. There's a big jug of ethanol under his bed and he pours some in to preserve it. (This has been making the room smell awful by the way). The beaker goes on the shelf next to an array of other trophies (aka student organs) which he'd left as a sort of last display of genius that the world could find after he killed himself.
He goes to the mirror and is unnerved to realize that he's been fully bathed and his hair has been brushed out. He checks all the bruises on his body and tries to recount where he got each one - most are from previous murders and some are from the pyre. Even though he literally just got out of the hospital where he lost an eye, he looks a lot better than in the past few weeks just because he finally got some fucking sleep and idk they probably had him on an IV or something
After that he looks at his eye again with morbid fascination --- he's seen this exact wound on corpses before, but never seen it healing.
He considers taking out his surgery kit and trying to fix the eye. There's this question of if he could repair his damaged eye and see through it again, would he be able to see Quincy the same as he used to? His right eye never saw Quincy betray him. He wonders if Quincy burned themself again after last night - the first time he remembers that knowledge - and tears come even though he's still just standing there absently.
Anyway when he goes back to the shelf to look at his old eye, he frowns at how fucked up it is, and pulls down the bottle next to it instead. In the bottle are two blue eyes. He pulls one out in front of the mirror and presses it into his socket, which is rapidly filling with fluid; it overflows out of the socket as he pushes the eye in. This is agonizing because he's putting an eye covered in ethanol into an open wound.
He stands there looking at himself, still in his jacket, with one finger up to hold the eye in place, for like 10 straight minutes. He recounts all the unbelievable things he's done this year, the way people looked at him a bit differently as he started to get his act together. The way they looked each time he wound up the killing blow. Ambrose's eye still looks completely out of place on Vincent's face.
Everything else that happens!
Quincy & Beatrix
Beatrix was also going to be at the hospital for back up in CH2 apparently. so pretend that happened
Quincy finds out about the preserved eye (idk how lol) and confesses to Beatrix that it creeps them the fuck out. Beatrix assumes it's because it represents Quincy's guilt and tries to reassure them. That makes Quincy feel worse because to be honest they just thought it was disgusting and scary to see their lover's disembodied eye looking back at them from the bottom of a beaker.
The three of them are planning on going together and walking through the Ardess Randolphitz graduation gate etc etc. Except all of them are kind of having a trauma reaction to the idea of going to graduation. Less so Quincy, because they missed the pyre graduation speech, but yeah. Nobody likes that.
Vincent thinks about skipping graduation but then checks his mailbox and realizes he failed two of his classes this semester. AN: In my notes it said this: the letter says he has to take an extra course to graduate - he literally cant afford that (used to have a scholarship but obviously broke the contract) so he can't graduate. His family is in China and he cant stomach the thought of explaining everything to them.
(Right before the Pyre scene he mailed a copy of the newspaper accusing him of murder to his family because he wanted his mom to see what he did (/pos??). Then he has this sudden realization that his mom has no idea who Vincent Aurelius Lin is. Not really that relevant to this fic, but I actually consider this canon to the show because I sat backstage and did it every night with the newspaper prop lmao)
Anyway I don't think the graduation logic checks out anymore, I mean he won the Phaethon so he kind of has to graduate lol. Oh well.
Quincy & Vincent
Honestly... I didn't write a lot about what happens with them because one of the central concepts of the fic is that they break up! And unfortunately I seem to have stopped working on this around the time that Quincy reentered the story, so I have no idea what that actual arc was going to look like. Upon revisiting this story though, it's pretty obvious I was just using everyone else as a sounding board for Vincent angst anyway... so that kind of sucks lol
Room situation
Vincent... doesn't have a bed... so he sleeps in the basement of Stutton (?) again. Unlike the months leading up to the pyre where he was completely sleepless (aka restless and unable to stop mentally planning each of his murder schemes and the things he would say about what inspired them after it all came out), he falls asleep really easily now (...because of the TBI). Beatrix encounters him there and heres a quote from my google doc:
B: oh my god. don't tell me you lost your keys again 
V: no. i just… dont have anywhere to go
B: … do you want my room key? like ill have to kick you out in the morning but me and portia are pulling an all nighter right now 
V: thats not what i meant. (licks lips) beatrix im not graduating
(AN: damn.... where CAN he run........)
B brings V to news room where portia and her are working, planning to use portia as the emotional support dog. this works on portia's end but vincent is not very reactive.
Beatrix is renting a house for the summer and invites Lin to sleep on her couch (upon learning that he planned to squat or get back with Quincy to survive)
Summer: Bea's house
P: Bea, he's a murderer! You're going to let him live in your house? Alone?!
B: Harper, just.... look at him
*The most hollow dead eyed broken toy of a Vincent you've ever seen*
^^^^ this is like the establishing quote of the fic, just vincent looking like that is the whole concept actually. Obviously thats also what I tried to capture with the drawing too
While shes at work he gets very understimulated and he wants to Plot Evilly and hes really really frustrated that he cant (because that project is over and he can't focus)
he used to journal/stalk every day but "lately... i cant even remember whats been happening lately." he has headaches constantly and hasnt written in weeks 
he starts chain smoking on her couch (AN: interesting choice sldjfsdkfjdsfls)
she gets back and is upset about this (the smell and he used like all of her cigs)
→ a) he realizes he cant really feel remorse over this (only intellectually he understands it and goes outside)
-> b) he's confused to see her refuse a cig from him. okay bea thats new what are you pulling here
in her office, bea (feeling like she has adopted a stray dog) chews gum while reading a terrified letter from quincy who is about to move 
(AN maybe anachronistic that bea would try to quit smoking at this time?? im not sure.)
(Also - not sure if this ever came up explicitly, but in our production, Beatrix is the one who first offered Vincent the occasional smoke back in the day, and instead of ever buying any he mostly grubbed them off her (which you can maybe see at the beginning of little more in love). During the course of canon events he gets more addicted - and if i remember correctly, he also started going through withdrawal at some point, but I dont remember why he quit - I think because he stopped seeing Bea around so he kind of just stopped?? - if anything I guess it's symbolic of Bea kind of setting him up to murder and then disappearing from his life for months. The cigarettes weren't actually in the original script at all.)
vincent paces then goes to the drugstore
while hes there he uses the restroom to stare into his eye hole yada yada
(prior to going to restroom hes dubious about entering mens but its single stall anyway)
buys like a shit ton of cigarettes and pain medicine (which was probably like coke back then idk) and also candy
(cigs are for beatrix because he just wants to be loved…)
Phaethon did not give him any money at all by the way. Maybe this is the part where he should go huh I need a job even if I can't be a doctor
IDK where to put this but also - at some point Vincent finds a horrifying drawing of Quincy killing him, and Bea is like you obviously drew that look at it it's in your style. and he can't remember drawing it but not that he looks around he sees he's actually been drawing little pieces of it everywhere
Beatrix's apology
*giant overwrought Beatrix speech here*
V: (trying to be normal about it) i uh i did try to kill you
B: (also playing cool) yeah sure, so did my dad, join the club 
V: sorry?
B: the point is, lin, you were having an episode, and instead of helping you see that i pretty much handed you a bat, spun you around a couple times, and sent you on your merry way 
(shaky breath, beat- V feels weird about being described so passively)
Anecdote I wrote last year that I genuinely don't understand anymore OTL
Vincent likes to read possibly?
B: you can read?!
V: (swallows a lump… then sarcastically) oh yeah quincy finally taught me how
(^^^ realize they always bitch at each other by default - he wonders if she would be nicer if he was nicer but probably not)
^^^^^ the book sucks anyway shes like ok go to the bookstore CUE QUINCY
(“ok read your own fucking book” “i can’t” “why” “i burned them”)
AN: like QUINCY WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT jdslkfjdsf who is that what's happening what's going ON
...I think it's Beatrix actually? idk man idk
but OMG im suddenly obsessed with the idea that this is all a bunch of absolutely insane buildup to an exes-to-lovers vincent coffee shop / quincy bookstore au dlskfjdslkfjdslkjfsjfjdsklfsdf
V’s lack of empathy - i think he cant understand other peoples feelings very well? He definitely at the least has to imagine them through incidents in his own life to picture how they feel 
People pleasing … & possibly its conflict with the above 
Bring back suave vincent :(  (AN: I failed)
Masculinity problems…? 
Realization that all of his rapports (ie with ambrose and beatrix) are facetious and aggressive. And also baggage with quincy accidentally dissing him all the time. Who will be nice to him :( 
Maybe this: 
V: "i think i might be autistic"
B: "i dont think youre autistic i think youre a sociopath"
V: "i think i might be both"
^^^^ except thats also pretty anachronistic and kind of silly but i do what i want
ambrose ghost was a representation of his hyperfixation on murder (AN: absolutely insane take. what the fuck)
he probably gets lost in drawing now if he can stomach doing anything
accidental psychiatrist beatrix bc shes really good at cracking people open 
realization that quincy didnt value him while he was innocent which fucked the relationship but V has trouble justifying it bc now he cant value himself 
difficulty feeling remorse for what he did 
→ realize you arent accountable for how you feel just for what you do 
can you love someone without empathy? (yes)
(stems from asking if q was ever in danger of murder -- obviously not!)
realization that v is actually good at something (art) 
Respectability politics - beatrix is trying to make girls/latinas look good. vincent is still in the headspace that hes inferior but starts to think about how frosh vinc would have felt about him now (AN i dont know what i meant by this ldjsf)
becoming ambrose was in a way his idea of proving himself in the world. being gnc and failing his classes was just bc he couldnt "do better" 
RECURRING: pulls open his eyelids and tries to see into his brain through the hole 
addiction (AN: thats it thats all i said its the word "addiction" sljdkfdslkf. I can only assume because for a while i had an interpretation of vincent as becoming an adrenaline junkie after his first murder - plus then bea got him addicted to cigs and murder)
other char breakthroughs 
Bea - yo vincent actually did some fucked up shit
Quincy - living with yourself. realizing you can never reconcile with some people. 
Portia - hold on… Bea actually did some fucked up shit...
(sorry this is MASSIVE i thought it would be like 7 bullets)
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AND ON THAT NOTE.... Yeah that's what the fic was going to be about. Hope that was fun??? And shoutout to @ceaslesswatcherwhatistboyswag for asking about the abandoned fic and inadvertently prompting this whole post :P
Also. by god please do not take any of this as canon or word of god (except perhaps the newspaper thing...) i beg of you... these are just the post-show ramblings of a man newly deprived of the ability to spend 5 hours a week pretending to be a fruity little murderer. very fun diving back into that time to compile this though 🫀
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quietwingsinthesky · 26 days
(@transgenderdoctorwhomst )
looks at you with my big eyes and holds out my hand. would you like to be normal with me about master!rory?
yes yes yes yes so badly hold on hold on.
okay. see. what’s got to activate my brainworms about master!rory is the moment we all know and love, this little speech here:
You know what's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks, it's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around.
which, already one of the best rory moments on its own. with regular rory, its an immediate tell of just how insightful he is about the doctor—the guy whose whole thing is being a mystery man in a mystery box. he reads him for dead there, and he’s right. but god. think about that with the context of master!rory. maybe even a master!rory who is still currently fobwatched or whatever, who doesn’t know just how well he knows the doctor. because doesn’t that just cut to the core of their relationship. as much as the master is perfectly capable of doing evil shit all on his lonesome, there’s a part of him that wants the doctor to see. to be impressed by just how far the master can go, has gone.
i mean s3 and end of time are practically him shouting LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! until he’s gone far enough to put his own face everywhere on the planet.
and then, of course, the way that this line could also reflect on missy’s future(?) arc (assuming that at some point rory is gonna regenerate into her. which. extremely funny if you hold to the EU fact that missy is also one of amy’s childhood therapists. missy, that’s your wife what are you doing-) What’s more undoing than wanting to be better because the Doctor knows you can be, promises you can be, and you reach and reach and never quite get a hold on what he’s saying you must. you don’t want to let him down. and you will. inevitably.
you know?
and we gotta get into amy/rory we gotta. okay. again presuming fobwatched!rory -> him getting his memories back. i mean, what’s that like, right? because rory’s world revolves around amy, it really does, but the master has centuries behind him. how do you fit a universe inside you and still love one girl so much. i don’t think he could stop, i don’t think he could help himself. above all, i don’t think amy would let him. that sounds uhhhhh but what i mean is: i don’t think amy would watch rory become someone else and think that she, she who believed the doctor back into existence, couldn’t force a little of him to stay rory, just by holding onto him. very tam lin of her, if she held onto the master as he snarled and spit and lashed out until he ran out of energy to fight it and let himself be rory again just to be in her arms a little while longer.
i think you’re right. i think she really could just go ‘you’re being an idiot’ and he’d completely bluescreen processing that he, the master, is being spoken to like that. that he’s listening to her. he can’t help it, he’s whipped. oh the insane things that would do to him and the doctor both if the doctor couldn’t talk him down from Evil Plan Of The Week but amy could. a compelling parallel too, assuming that somehow fobwatched rory grew up from being a kid (the way yana did?) alongside amy, remembers that still alongside memories of growing up with the doctor. two very different childhood friends, and the real one, the older one, is someone with whom the relationship is so banged up it can never be good or simple ever again. and his childhood with amy wasn’t even real but the love is. the love is.
i think that would be a wonderful way to fuck him up forever. the doctor spends all this time picking up humans and ghosting when they grow older because he’s terrified of facing that and the master mocks that, and then all of a sudden. here’s his human. she’s going to grow old. and he never will. a new kind of fear for him to experience, the horrible understanding of exactly what the doctor does and why. he’d probably bring it up more in response, lash out at the doctor with names of people he hasn’t visited in centuries because he’s so scared, and then turn around and see amy and get cold and shaky because it’s happening to him and he can’t stop it.
ohhhhh river. what do we think the odds are that master!rory would let his daughter be taken away from them? zero, right? and like hell would amy, no matter what the show seemed to believe. so let’s steamroll the doctor’s opinions on the matter, commandeer his ship, because its his future he wants to preserve but its the master’s/rory’s/amy’s present they both want to save. amy’s got a vicious streak that could burn through the galaxy if given enough reason to, and that’s her daughter they took. but alone, the doctor could stop her, because at the end of the day, it’s his ship and he’s got more power over everyone’s lives then is reasonable. with rory, she couldn’t do it. but with the master? the stars are gonna learn to shake when they hear she’s coming.
so yeah. i have. a few thoughts on master!rory. hopefully good ones lmao.
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hi! I'm fairly new to you blog but it's become one of my favourite 😂 I adore your writing. I was wondering if I could request a headcanon of being married to Leonard Mccoy and your life on the Enterprise? Thanks!
oh my gosh thank you so much!
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I love Leonard so so much so I am a bit biased, but this man, he was meant to be a Husband
Yes he is a grump all the god damn time, but this man melts when he is around his s/o
When he's had a stressful day, he knows that he can come to you and just the sight of you will make his stress melt away
Leonard is very good at compartmentalizing, it's part of what makes him such a good doctor, he knows what needs to come first, but there are times when he finds himself craving the sight of you, getting to hold you in his arms
So he'll make an excuse, even if it's just for a few minutes, to leave Med Bay and find you
He'll pull you into a quiet corner, just holding you in his arms, burying his face in your neck, and it's enough to keep the both of you going until the next moment you can steal
The crew quarters on the Enterprise aren't the greatest, but to Leonard, yours are the greatest sight in all the galaxies
Leonard has taken you on every single piece of furniture in your quarters (perhaps even in Med Bay) but that's not what makes your home his favorite place
You are in every part of the home - even if you're not there
Pictures of your wedding, trips together, are scattered on all the tables and a few on the walls
You brought your bedding from home, because Starfleet regulation just wasn't soft enough (and fuck if you aren't right about those damn expensive sheets)
And even when you're not there, he knows it won't be long before you are, and that thought alone can keep him going for hours
The two of you have become the unofficial go to for relationship advice
You represent the ideal couple, because you make all the craziness aboard the Enterprise work for your relationship
Countless times, Jim has shown up, either in Med Bay, dragging you along behind him, or at your quarters, so he can tell the two of you about his latest relationship and get your opinions
The two of you make it a priority to schedule date nights - it's the only way that your relationship can survive
These can be a romantic dinner back at your quarters where Leonard makes your favorite meal and the two of you end up in the bedroom for the rest of the night
Or they can be in his office in Med Bay, laughing and kissing over patient files he can't bring himself to look at, because he's got you in his arms, and last for only about an hour
The point is, the two of you make time for each other
And even when you can't, Leonard finds ways to show you he loves you
He'll make sure to leave little notes for you to stumble upon while you work, he'll send you flowers when he's on a planet because it made him smile, just like you do
Whenever the two of you have to work together, you try to keep it as professional as possible, but sometimes Leonard just can't
"As beautiful as she is, she's completely wrong," he'll say when you're in a discussion with the crew, and he won't even notice until he sees the smiles on their faces
My wife this, my wife that, my wife, my wife, my wife
You are his rock, but he is yours, too
Leonard can read your emotions with just a glance over at you (maybe it's because he's such a good doctor, but most likely it's just because he knows you that well)
He knows what to do to make you feel safe and comforted and listened to, when he knows that you need it
Leonard is also skilled at taking care of you in other aspects
The steady, steady hands of the good doctor have never once let you down
Leonard's voice gets a deeper twang when he's aroused (or when he's sleepy)
So when you're fucking, all his babys and darlings and honeys come out and that alone can finish you off
He is your best friend
You can tell him anything - bad day, fight you had with a friend, when you're sick - and he'll take it all in stride, knowing that letting you vent is usually most important
When you're done though he will take some action
For instance, you've got a headache? He'll prescribe you some medicine. Slept funny on your back? He knows just the perfect herbal remedy and a massage that will straighten you out
The two of you laugh more together than you do with anyone else
Jim swears he has never seen Leonard smile so much as when he does when he's with you
Some nights you'll stay up late, lying in each other's arms, just talking about what your future will look like, when you'll settle down, where, whether children are in your future
He is supportive of all your dreams and vows that whatever you want, he will get for you
Leonard says "i love you" like he breathes
First thing he does when he wakes up, last thing he says at night, when you pass down the walls of the Enterprise, when he's talking about you and you're not even there, it's just a reflex for him
Leonard is just the sturdiest man you could ever know - he's there to support you, there to take care of you, there to love you, there for anything you might need him for
He's such a good husband that it makes you want to be a better spouse, too
Of course you fight like all couples do, and they can get heated because Leonard is stubborn, but you always end up resolving things
Leonard knows he can be stubborn, so he usually comes to you after he's cooled down and apologizes for what he said
You tell him you don't care, it was a petty fight, and you love him
His favorite words in the world
The entire crew is sick of your PDA (there have been meetings) but Leonard doesn't care, he will kiss you whenever and wherever he wants
He'll pull you into a passionate kiss and not care that the crew all lets out a collective groan, because he is with you, and there is nothing else in the world that makes him happier
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moldybonessmell · 9 months
Okay, but can we talk about this one Christmas scene in BBC Sherlock S2E2?
Let's take a look at this one dialog that occured when John needs to stay with Sherlock to comfort him after Irene's death and his girlfriend is upset:
"You're a great boyfriend!" "Okay, that's good. I mean, I always thought I was great-" "And Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man." "Oh, Jeanette please"
John has his priorities and it's very obvious to everyone involved (even tho I do think that staying with your best friend after the death of a person who was important to him is a valid reason to miss a celebration) I suppose it just was the last straw for her
"No, I mean it. It's heartwarming. You'll do anything for him. And he can't even tell your girlfriends apart!"
The fact that John's love is so unconditional he doesn't even care if Sherlock returns it reminds me so much of this one episode of Doctor Who where River Song compared loving Doctor to loving sun: "You don't expect the sun to love you back!" or something like this, I don't remember the quote and it breaks my heart so much.
(Yes I did a wholock reference, what are you gonna do about it?)
And I also see here how much he tries to move on knowing that sun will not love him back but he just can't.
"No, I'll do anything for you, just tell me what it is, I'm not doing, tell me!" "Don't make me compete with Sherlock Holmes!"
This quote is so important because even Jeanette knows and understands the entirety of the situation John's in.
Compete with Sherlock Holmes is something nobody can do (all his enemies get defeated as we know) but not only villians are a threat, even loved ones will always be on a second place for John. The first place is forever taken by this one nerd not knowing the Earth is moving around the Sun (even tho he's the sun himself).
"I'll walk your dog for you. There, I've said it now, I'll even walk your dog." "I don't have a dog!" "No, because that was the last one- Okay."
Even John himself admits his defeat and realises what he got himself into.
(He did marry Mary eventually, and even tho I love her character, I can't help but see her being another one of "escapes" for John.)
Please don't witchhunt me for "hating on straight ships" or whatever, complain at the directors and writers who made John so unbearably closeted any other of his ships just doesn't sail (pun fully intended).
All I see here is a man desperately stuck in his one-sided feelings and fear of being out, he goes through the struggle a lot of queer people experienced in their life.
Yes, it's been done many times before, but I can't help but say that the production crew are cowards for not making John canonically queer when his writing is so authentic it makes me experience almost physical pain.
Coming back to the topic of Mary btw, I think it was fucking lame in the way her destiny turned out to be. She deserved to have a good life with loving husband and a child, but writers put her in the story just to make John not so openly queer coded (bi and pan people exist btw but it's a topic for another conversation unfortunately) and they just killed her off to "sail" the johnlock ship in the end because they are cowards to actually follow through with queerbaiting (that's what the quotes for, because they haven't actually sailed it). I hate, and I mean HATE when a woman is added to a story just for a man's character development and gets killed off and BBC's Sherlock situation is exactly like this. Why even add her to the story if you don't plan on making her stay with John? The last season makes no sense and makes me so angry I often pretend it doesn't exist "BOO TOMATOES TOMATOES-" (it's the reason I don't want any new Sherlock seasons tbh)
Okay, this post is all over the place, at this point I'm more just ranting instead of doing a proper topic analysis but I hope you liked it anyway. Share your opinion if you have any, ig the Sherlock tag is too full at this point I don't really see people taking about stuff while checking the tag (saying this as if the first season didn't come out like 13 years ago)
Have a good day :)
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hi Blair :) I read your post on house elves and i wanted to infodump about my thoughts/headcanons on elves. It’s one of the most interesting parts of the wizarding world to me.
House elves do not actually like being enslaved. So many people jump to the conclusion that “oh house elves love being slaves, and Dobby and Hermione are supposed to be the weird ones.” I don’t think that’s true, for multiple reasons.
-You touched on this in your post but first reason is that house elves are brainwashed. One of the unforgivables gives a wizard the power to control someone. According to the wiki, it’s only illegal to use an unforgivable curse on humans. There’s also other ways of controlling someone in the wizarding world, such as amortentia (keep in mind that there’s a half elf in the fantastic beast series). Even if they aren’t magically brainwashed, house elves have been a part of the wizarding world for ages, and would be raised with the expectation that they would serve wizards.
Second reason is the wars. Dobby mentions that the first war was a dark time for house elves. Goblet of fire takes place before the second war begins. I know elves have magic but it doesn’t seem like they have any defensive magic. They’re small creatures that are easily harmed/forced to harm themselves. We’ve seen how death eaters such as Lucius Malfoy of the Blacks treat their own elves. How would they have fared underneath Voldemort’s regime? 
My belief is that elves tolerate captivity in exchange for safety and protection from wizards. Sure, wizards do abuse elves and the Black family specifically beheaded their elves when they got too old. However, without an employer, the elves risk being killed by random wizards or other creatures. This is why I brought up the wars because most death eaters would not hesitate to harm an elf.
This next one is more specific to the kitchen elves. I think they were mad at Hermione because she was condescending and because Hogwarts is the best job they could get. They’re surrounded by fellow elves. They’re not abused. Dobby at least gets paid, and it’s possible some of the other elves are too. Their refusal to touch the socks that Hermione leaves could also be because they don’t want to risk losing this job. I don’t think they would be kicked out for handling clothes, but the risk of homeless is not worth it.
After the second war, more protections were put in place for elves. The biggest is that their owners would face legal repercussions if they abused their elves. More job opportunities opened for elves besides domestic work. Hermione took a more subtle approach this time and worked on deprogramming the younger elves.
Infodumps are the best kind of dumps!
Yes, yes! They are brainwashed! Anytime a story features a group of slaves who are "just so happy" to be enslaved...like, that's not the story saying it's a good thing. You gotta read between the lines. Doctor Who did the same thing with The Ood, and just line with the House Elves, there was more to that story than initially presented. Anytime a slave is happy about their situation, one can assume it's because they are conditioned to feel that way. Especially if they say that they have "no right to feel unhappy when there's jobs to be done and masters to be served." Like, that line has stuck with me since my childhood, it is so fucking chilling. How do Ron and Harry hear something like that and not become immediately radicalized?
I have no idea what sort of magic binds the House Elves into slavery but it must be quite powerful because House Elf magic is otherwise depicted as stronger than human magic. They can bypass things like Anti-Disapparation Charms and everything. I never considered The Imperius Curse but I can't imagine it's that simple either, because the Elves are often "inherited" and seem to retain the conditioning even when they're between Masters. Dobby was free for a couple of years, and made much more progress in his deprogramming, but he still couldn't speak a word against the Malfoys. Fast forward three years later, he had overcome the trauma enough to return to the belly of the beast and confront his old masters, even fight them, for the sake of his friends. So I think the conditioning can be broken, just like in real life, but it would take time. It would take a healthy environment. It would take an elf who actually wants to be free, and with the world House Elves are raised in, most of them aren't going to want that.
I...completely forgot there was a Half-Elf in the Potterverse. I know who you mean, too. The sweet little woman who took care of Credence. (Or maybe it was Corvus? I'm still a little fuzzy on the details.) But either way, that....that is horrifying. That sends chills down my spine, to consider the implications of just how that happened. Because there's no fucking way that was a consenting relationship. House Elves do appear to have human level intelligence so it's theoretically possible...in the distant future when House Elf slavery has been abolished for generations. But, in the nineteenth century? It would never happen. That just gives me the creepy crawlies and I wonder how many monsters out there exploited their Elf's absolute obedience to do the unspeakable.
It seems like a House Elf can do almost anything but their highest law is their master's bidding. Kreacher was ordered to return home from the cave, so he did. It was that simple. On the other hand, he was also ordered to destroy The Horcrux, and he couldn't do that. But Horcruxes are a cut above "usual" magic, so that may just be a special case. All I know is, House Elves would have been miserable under Voldemort's rule. He framed Hokey for murder. He tortured Kreacher and left him to be ripped apart by Inferi. I know it's a general rule of thumb that everything would be worse with Voldemort in charge, but especially for minorities and the House Elves are a minority.
The idea that House Elves tolerate enslavement because it provides protection from being killed in the wild is an intriguing one. I don't think it would be the case anymore, by the time Harry was growing up. But I wouldn't be surprised if this was how they did it. If this was how Wizards successfully subjugated the Elf race. By creating a world where it was sport to hunt them and then offering them a "way out." This would have been centuries ago, most likely. Yet even now, Wizards fear the Elves, even if they would never say so. There's a reason why it's literally illegal for any non-human to carry or use a wand.
I think you're absolutely right about the Hogwarts' Elves. They are likely a reflection of the mindset of Elven culture in general, especially when we look at Winky, but it's also a fact that working at Hogwarts is the greatest job they could hope to have. I know I give Dumbledore a lot of shit, but he did good here. Keeping slaves is never okay, but most of the time, the slaves in question would choose freedom if that was an option for them. These slaves won't do that, so the best you can do for them is give them a job where they're treated well and get to be among their own kind. If the other Elves asked for their freedom, to be paid fair wages, I'm sure Dumbledore would do that. And I don't usually praise the man but he'd have no reason not to.
But the fact is, they'll never do that. Not without real change, the kind of change Hermione wants to bring. Yes, Dobby is paid, but even he turned down fair wages and terms because, as he put it, he liked being free but he also liked working. The other House Elves seem to be embarrassed, even ashamed, at the ways Dobby doesn't conform to the expected status quo. It's also probably at least in part because he was freed. I'm sure a number of these Elves were, but Dobby and Winky are the only confirmed elves at Hogwarts who were freed, and they're equally ashamed of Winky, as she is ashamed of herself.
As for handling clothes...honestly, this gets into woolly territory because the books never answer the question of laundry. Can House Elves handle laundry? I have to assume they can. With that in mind, being freed is probably a more ceremonial thing, where the Master explicitly presents the Elf with a piece of clothing. (On the other hand, we see that this can be done accidentally, so who the hell knows.) I just don't think picking up clothes without even realizing it would count. Also, not for nothing, but....Hermione cannot free the Hogwarts Elves. She is not their Master, she doesn't have that power. She also cannot free Kreacher, despite Ron warning her not to give him clothes. I'm not sure why all of the characters act as if this is something she can do, including Hermione herself, but it just muddies the waters even further, in terms of figuring out how this rule works.
I do like to imagine that Hermione took a more subtle approach to dealing with Elf Slavery as her original strategy clearly wasn't working. But I don't know. This is the same girl who lit Snape on fire. Who kidnapped Rita Skeeter. Who scarred Marietta Edgecombe. When Hermione gets passionate about something, she doesn't do things by halves. Still, we know she eventually became Minister of Magic (one of the only things from Cursed Child canon I will accept) so it's safe to say she set the wizarding world on the right path, even if she didn't manage to completely abolish House Elf enslavement in her lifetime.
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Watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Subspace Rhapsody
(spoilers for the musical episode)
I can't believe La'An and Kirk still haven't gotten that drink yet
(I mean obviously I can, La'An is so relatably awkward)
Have I mentioned how much I love Pelia? Because I do
Also her hair is gorgeous
I have dreamed of this exact scenario for all of my fandoms since I was little and it makes me so happy 😂(them all getting stuck singing)
(we all love a good dance break)
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Holy shit, they're all so good at this
Oh I think this song about it being most peculiar is my absolute favorite song
Kirk: "Honestly I had assumed it was all something you rehearsed but then I sang too"
The crew members just looking at Una and Kirk as they sing😂
This must've been the absolute best thing to flim
Oh noooooo
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La'An looks sad seeing the pair dancing 🥺
The flashback to her Kirk🥺😭
Ah yes, the classic Hollywood scene of a couple looking at each other under a white sheet with light somehow framing them perfectly
The Kirk brothers bickering 😂 the writers and actors were spot-on for siblings
"Marie, I'm gonna call you back."
"Oh no, no you don't" the alarm in his eyes😂
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Safe to say, it's not a private conversation 😂 I love that he fell to his knees and La'An immediately turned the thing off
I mean, not for them
La'An looks like she's gonna be sick at the idea of working together with James🥺
Oh wow, they're floating(Una and La'An)
I kinda ship them
That's gotta hurt, Spock finding out about Christine's getting the fellowship by seeing her celebrating with others
Everyone dancing 😂
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Damn, Christine saying if she has to leave Spock, she's not gonna fight it, ouch
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Oh damn, La'An took a gamble telling Jim how she felt, and he just broke her heart a bit by being in another relationship
Also, I have no idea who tf Carol is
Spock is definitely in his emo/angst phase
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Uhura's song is so damn heartbreaking 🥺😭
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A grand finale of everyone singing? This will be fantastic 😂
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Oh my god, it is fantastic
Pelia is freaking gorgeous and her singing with Spock and La'An makes me so happy
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The doctor seeming to be posing while Christine spins is so funny and adorable to me😂
I have chills
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I'm dead I was not expecting this one at all
Even the ships themselves are dancing
The way everyone looked at Uhura with dread when she started humming😂
I think this was probably my favorite episode of Strange New Worlds, if not my favorite Star Trek episode EVER!
20/10 would recommend watching
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mihrsuri · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @isagrimorie - thank you darling <3333.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 234
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 364,199
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently: The Tudors (TV), Shadow and Bone/Grishaverse, Tamora Pierce (largely Tortall at the moment but also Emelan), West Wing, Hunger Games (mostly in the form of a lot of Fandom AUs set in the Hunger Games) and Narnia. But I’ve written for a lot of others including Criminal Minds, Pundit RPF, Band of Brothers, Scarlet Pimpernel (1998), Spooks/MI5, The Hour, Doctor Who (Nu!Who) and Star Trek Discovery.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Undertow (co-authored) (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - The very short version: Dave gives Aaron a back-rub.
It’s not because of you (it’s because of me) (Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt) - Brian Symonds was - fuck is one of the best youth talent coaches in the country it’s just he’s also been arrested and all Jamie can think is fuck (one take on Jamie’s backstory)
Five times out of many david rossi realised he was happily doomed (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - Basically what it says on the tin. Five ways David Rossi knew that he was totally totally doomed in the best possible way in regards to the way he loved these kids
To dwell in enchantment (Criminal Minds, Rossi/Hotch) - It doesn't make the world any less messy, but it does make a balance, this family he has. David Rossi, coming home from work.
If i could go back (co-authored) (criminal minds/ncis/csi: ny, rossi/hotch) - It's the day of Derek's high school graduation, and Jason Gideon is standing at the bottom of the porch steps, trying not to hope.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do my absolute best (sometimes sadly spoons :/) but I appreciate every single one of my kind comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think it might be Hope Deferred Maketh Something which features Jason Gideon/Toby Ziegler, an apocalypse set in a diner in New York (I actually think the larger world is hopeful but these characters specific corner of the apocalypse is Very Much Not).
Oh no wait also In Pardoning That We Are Pardoned which is a Spooks fic in which a certain episode The Thing Is Real.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hi Tudors OT3 Verse. Just in general. It’s not that there’s a conflict free path but it’s very very much a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Very little but I have, yes and I will be honest it did get to me. And I am still working through it but moderating comments has helped a lot. And it was honestly barely anything compared to what so many people have to deal with.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes and also kind of no. I used to write it more and then uh, Trauma Brain. I can’t have sex because of CPTSD reasons and apparently writing sex is also triggering except sometimes the fictional people (or the fictional representations of fictional depictions of historical people) still do in fact have sex and so I write it. But it’s Weird (I think I do okay for never having had consensual sex though).
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I think I actually write more fusion AUs than crossovers in some ways but I have in fact written a Sherlock-L&O: UK-Thick Of It-Pundit RPF-Modern Tudors-Criminal Minds Multiverse cc @bibliothekara
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I was going to say I have but I actually don’t know/recall for sure so I’m going to say no. I have had podfic made of my fic though which is So Cool. (I would be delighted if anyone wanted to translate though).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! Fantastic experience. Also just tossing AUs/ideas back and forth in general is So Much Fun and one thing I really loved about LJ fandom.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? I mean there’s Faramir/Eowyn my beloveds.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Into The Fire (The Tudors Scarlet Pimpernel AU). It’s going to get so dark and I’m not sure I actually want to go there because a bunch of people are going to die.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characters and like, description and emotion.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I’d want to double check really carefully with someone who actually speaks the language in question (I’m currently checking about thou/thy formal versus intimate usage and that’s for English which I speak) before I did.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fandom I published fic for was The Bill. It was, perhaps not surprisingly angst and whump centric (before I knew what that was but) and may survive somewhere on the internet via the Wayback Machine.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
With Snow Far Below (Band of Brothers, Roe/Renee) - Renee thinks in terms of snow and chocolate
Monuments, Historical & Contemporary (Criminal Minds/Pundit RPF, ensemble) - How they could build statues and memorials and think that by paying homage after the fact, they were doing an honor.
I Am A Princess On The Way To My Throne (Skyfall 2012, Severine) -Severine. And the way it could have been (written because aspects of her story are mine and I unashamedly wanted a different ending for her)
Such A Time As This (Tudors, Anne Boleyn) - "You have come to your royal position for such a time as this" or a retelling of the story of Queen Esther with Anne Boleyn as a Mizrahi Jewish lady.
We Rise Together (TWW, CJ Cregg) - CJ was kidnapped, not Zoey.
Once I Fall In Love (It’s Forever) (Kushiels Legacy, Phedre and Delaunay) - She loved him as she did me. The realisation had come suddenly, a shock [AU mini fic for Kushiel's Dart]
Karma Is My Family (Grishaverse, Inej) - Inej smiles at her friends who are her family, warm and full of love. Smiles at her husband, who has never possessed her or owned her - has never thought of their love that way - only as two hearts shared. [Inej and her power, her kindness, her love and the way karma comes for Tante Heleen]
Rewrite The Stars (Tudors, Anne/Henry/Thomas) - In another world this is how it might have gone between the three of them. The story of how the love between three extraordinary people change the world for the better and made it the kindest. The story of a fight for a fairytale. [An expanded version of the Tudors OT3 verse fic Rewrite The Stars]
Tagging: If you want to (and if you want to do consider yourself tagged): @bessemerprocess @endoftheworldhere @unseenacademic @emilykaldwen @shes-a-voodoo-child @onekisstotakewithme @claudiajcregg @holy-ships-x-red-lips @quillington @theladyelizabeth @naurielrochnur @eidetictelekinetic @dr-dendritic-trees @boleynecklace @nocompromise-noregrets @herawell @sarking
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