#and also screaming about keeper
i just finished stellarlune and i need to make up for the time i lost not hitting the “view post” button on your posts tagged as stellarlune spoilers so. ramble at me if you want. gonna go scroll your blog forever and ever now
I saw all the notifs from you scrolling my blog; did you have fun? Did you have a good time? I hope so! Anyway, I have no idea what I'm going to end up rambling about so we're about to find out together.
I feel as though both so much and nothing at all happened. And also that it was all thrown at me very quickly. When I was making the timeline there were two points where several days pass at once (there's a week taken to prepare for the Trix meeting we don't see, and Sophie goes through several days stalling for her confession) so that likely contributes to it. And I can't help but feel it's a bit jarring.
Reading through (at least the first time, that may change with rereads) it felt like we'd skipped a step or two to get to where we were. Sophie started going off about Elysian and power sources and I was sitting there like girl slow down what are you saying.
I think my overall conclusion is that this is the sokeefe book. Not in the sense that this is the book where sokeefe went canon, though that's true as well, but as in this book exists for and is dedicated to the arc of sokeefe. That was it's primary focus start to finish, from Ro's teasing and the letter in the beginning to the kiss at the end. Sophie was focused on it and thinking about it, so we couldn't get away from it, even though there were other things peppered throughout. And I think that's why it's kinda meh to me at the moment. I don't dislike it, but it's dedicated to something I don't happen to care much about.
I can understand why it was done, as this has been something building up for the better part of a series and does take more time to address, but even with a whole book focues on it sokeefe somehow still felt rushed. Truly incredible how that happened. But either way, Stellarlune is intended for an audience with different interests than mine--which is totally fine! I loved Unlocked (and still do), while many in the fandom hated it when it came out. I'm not saying it's bad, just that it's not my favorite :)
I don't have a copy of Stellarlune with me at the moment (my dad's borrowing it) so I'm probably forgetting to touch on things but like. This felt like a very character focused book, and with a limited number of characters. Even with everything else that happened in the book, that's what left the biggest impression.
Oh! Rayni! I can touch on her! To be 100% honest my first reaction was "..Rayni??? that's your name?" Something about it caught me of guard. I was very satisfied to see the tribunal from book one come back around, as I hadn't expected it to. And I do appreciate the idea of someone going through similar hardships to the rest of the kotlcrew and turning to the Neverseen instead. That part about how the Neverseen got to her first or however it went? Chef's kiss. I absolute love that idea and her connection to the Neverseen, it being her only option and all that. Rayni herself? I'm still warming up to her, but I do enjoy having her around and am pleased to know more about her, even though it seems a little late to be adding in completely new characters to the books.
OH and Elysian. Can also talk about that too! I've said it before and I'll say it again: Stellarlune feels like the first half of an arc, so I don't want to judge it until I read the next book and see how it plays out. That being said, what. What is going on. This has been planned from book one, apparently, but it also feels completely out of left field. There's a power source and it's a person? This person is their world's best kept secret? There's so much going on in that that without the full information I don't think i can nearly get into it the way I want to. Do they power the Lost Cities? Do they control it all from behind? They like, turned of people's abilities, so do they grant abilities to elves? Are they where abilities come from? Who, what, when, where, why, how? Elysian raises so many questions and I can't ask them because I don't have the info to ask the right questions!
I'll just say one more thing: Sophie is. a lot right now. She got on my nerves this book, but I also can't blame her for it because she's 14 (15 in elven years). I can completely understand why she acts the way she does but it also makes me want to shake some sense into her like please please please think about things and stop yelling at people who are trying to help you. But being 14 fills you with rage so like, i get it even if oof.
Anyway those are some of the impressions this book left on me and I am so so curious to read the next one because I need answers. I need to know. I gotta know what's been cookin in Shannon's brain for the last 14 years.
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lucyshypemaster · 7 months
keefe was actually insane for this
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braceletofteeth · 1 year
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Jongwoo and Moonjo as Persephone and Hades: a Greek Gods AU
Hades was the ruler of the Dead
but he coveted Life
Life was the most powerful
and the most lovely
for they had yet to learn
about their own cruelty
Life pleaded with him:
“If I stay by your side,
I will become something else.”
Hades laughed,
more enamored than ever
Life was afraid
but too curious to part
Life gave so much,
they wanted to know what would happen
if they took it all away
if they destroyed what others took for granted
And Hades saw into the future then
one day, undoubtedly, he too would be
at the other end of Life's mercy
and grateful
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gaylotusthatexists · 8 months
taking a break from secret life to watch mcc but update from me, so far i’ve watched gem, scar, joel and mumbo, and i am absolutely loving it so far oh my god. the twist is so much fun grian u genius.
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thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
literally screaming so much about adelaide this sess........
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inuyashaluver · 3 months
hello! can i request an enemies to lovers fic for misa?!?! i absolutely love your fics and theres barely any fics about her so i thought why not
change of heart - misa rodriguez
misa rodriguez x reader
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description: in which your relationship with your ultimate enemy takes a turn when she helps you through a tough time
warnings: it’s a long one buckle in, swearing, fighting, suggestive, spanish in bold italics
a/n: finally misa!!! thank you for the love and support, babe, please enjoy!! ❤️
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maría isabel rodriguez rivero, or misa if you will, was the bane of your existence. she was ill-tempered, absolutely insufferable when you couldn’t get a ball past her, arrogant and more. she was also gorgeous but you’d never say it out loud.
you couldn’t understand misa and she couldn’t understand you, the two of you just didn’t get along.
you were on the same team always, but it always felt like a competition between the two of you. sure you were a midfielder and she was a goalkeeper but that didn’t mean the hate didn’t stem.
it’s always been like that, especially in the spanish youth teams, you had the ability to push misa’s buttons in a way she couldn’t explain and vice versa. there was never a pivotal moment where the hatred began but you both knew it steadily developed as you got older.
“misa, we’re just training, calm down!” a 16 year old you screamed when she dove for your strike, a harsh smack sounding as she caught it.
“we may be training but that doesn’t mean we get lazy, chiquitín (small one)” misa smirked, kicking a long ball way past you. you send her a glare, cursing her under your breath as you went to retrieve the ball.
by the time you got back, she was doing her keeper duties, but with much less intensity, clearly only going full out when you were the one kicking the ball.
“i thought we shouldn’t get lazy, misa?” you teased, cocking your head to the side and offering her a cheeky grin that made her blood boil.
“fuck off, lay it on me then” she challenged angrily, everyone could feel the tension between the two of you but chose to watch in amusement. this happened every two minutes on the daily and everyone was so used to it.
“i fucking will” you bite back, striking the ball before she had time to think and sending it dangerously close to her face, sailing past her into the back of the net. “no, you’re a cheater, i wasn’t ready,” misa barked, you shrug at her
“you don’t get time to prepare for your little tea party in a match, rodriguez” you taunt, that’s when misa lost it. she walked over to you, standing chest to chest as she glared down at you, you could feel her anger bubbling in your entire body as your eyes challenged hers.
“listen here, princesa (princess), this little attitude of yours is a bad look” she said lowly with mock sympathy. she was clearly trying to rile you up, and sure, maybe you should ignore it but you couldn’t with this girl, no matter how hard you tried.
“my attitude? your fucking ego is the only thing that enjoys a solo performance more than you do” you scoff, she smirks amusingly, moving her face dangerously close to yours as you swallowed hard.
her scent was enveloping you, it was crazy how good she smelled after a training session but you squashed that thought down quickly.
she chose to just keep her face close to yours, her eyes boring into yours while that fucking smirk was plastered on her face.
she looked down at your lips, chuckled and moved past you, letting you stand there with slightly pink cheeks. must be from the heat.
for years the snarky remarks continued, tension rose and stemmed the basis of you and misa’s weird relationship. in reality, something else was growing under the surface. attraction.
you both played together in the under 19 spain team and your fellow teammates could all agree that both of you managed to hate each other even more, believing it was physically impossible but you and misa were always overachievers.
“move” misa grumbles as you were talking with ona, shoving you towards the girl, making you stumble before you snap your head towards misa. “you’re such a treat” you glare at her, ona makes quick work of helping you stand after she giggled at the two of you.
misa watches as you stand, making her grin and blow you an exaggerated air kiss. “always such a pleasure to see you” she mocks, you roll your eyes at her and she smiles satisfied, moving to change into her kit in her cubby.
you hate to admit that your eyes lingered on the girl as she changed, the muscles in her back rippling against her skin when she tugged on her keeper kit.
you were distracted, not even processing that aitana had joined your conversation, coming back to life when she sends you a sharp smack on the back of your head.
“ow! what the fuck?” you yelp, turning to a grinning aitana and ona, misa’s head followed the sound of your voice, her eyebrows furrowed thinking you were in pain.
“welcome to earth” aitana smirks, you huff out in frustration and urge her to continue the conversation, your eyes flickering over to see that misa was already watching you.
“can i help you, rodriguez?” you call out, she shakes her head, “nope”, flipping you off before walking out of the room. your eyes followed her as she walked out, feeling a little disappointed when she was gone.
well, you were disappointed until training started. “come on, is that all you’ve got?” misa taunted, her signature smirk that pissed you off like no tomorrow evident on her face as she caught the fifth ball you’d sent her way.
“you never change, we’re practising!” you huff, hands stationary on your hips as you glared at her, “you never change, you’re lazy” misa teases, you close your eyes in frustration, taking a deep breath as she laughed at you.
“you’re so fucking annoying, misa!” you groan, “don’t be mad, princesa (princess), you’ll get one past me eventually” she throws you a thumbs up with her gloves, you send her a charming smile, kicking the ball hard way over the goal, making her send you a glare when she had to go and get it.
“you give into her every time” ona chuckles, her arm thrown over your shoulder. when misa came back and saw ona holding you close, a funny feeling brewed in her stomach, she wanted to be like that with you, but you hated her. and she hated you.
you and misa got signed to real madrid at the same time and it was purely unintentional. when you both came to training for the first time, you swore you had a heart attack seeing her in the kit.
“you just cannot get enough of me” misa says in mock disbelief, trying really hard not to laugh at your face right now, you were shocked.
“what the fuck are you doing here?” you exhale, watching as misa chuckled at you. “i play for madrid now” she starts, “you look nice,” smiling before tugging the bottom of your training top quickly before moving past you.
your cheeks instantly turned pink, mouth a little agape as she smiled at you over her shoulder, making sure you had to open the door yourself.
the first game you and misa played for madrid changed something slightly between the two of you. the tension between you two finally acknowledged a little when you got a hatrick.
at the end of the game, you felt a hand on your shoulder spinning you around as you did your appreciation lap, “always so greedy, you just had to get three goals?” misa teased, you roll your eyes amusingly, her hand still on your shoulder.
“i was imagining you as the keeper” you smirk, she laughs at that, “you wish” you laugh along with her, both of you with gentle smiles on your faces before you realised what was happening.
you were bantering without any malice, that was a first.
the months went by and slowly you and misa got closer? that’s not the right term but it kinda was. the two of you were more or less a little more friendly, mainly through moments that people on the outside viewed as normal but very different for you and misa.
for instance, misa would make an effort to help you out occasionally. helping you out on your tracker as you pathetically tried to yourself.
“you’re embarrassing yourself” misa laughs, grabbing your hips to hold you still, your breath hitched as you felt her fingers on your skin, you were burning.
she takes the tracker from your hands and slips it in the back of your training top, lightly tapping it with her hand before pulling your top down for you.
“i had it” you breathe out, “mhm, sure you did” she winks, placing a hand on your waist before moving past you. you stood there a little dumbfounded, that was nice, and why did you like the feeling of her hands on your skin?
during that training session, she analysed your every move, misa came to terms with having different feelings about you. they were always there of course, but it was different now when she finally accepted them.
you as well couldn’t keep your eyes off misa, often making eye contact with each other before you ripped your gaze away, afraid she’d see how red your face got when she caught you staring. but she did see it, and she loved it.
during shooting practice, misa let you get three goals past her and it pissed you off. “why are you going easy on me?” you exclaim, misa holds her hands up in front of her with a little laugh, “i’d never take it easy on you,” you narrow your eyes at her unconvinced, kicking the ball softly and watching as it rolled in the net, slowly, misa just watched as it moved past her.
“rodriguez, what the fuck!” you throw your arms up, misa laughs brightly, “you’re too good for me now, miss madrid!” she teased, you run your hands over your face, shaking your head.
you walk off to grab some water and misa came up shortly behind you, you wordlessly passed her water bottle to her and her eyes widen a little at the gesture, “thanks” she smiles quickly, her hands brushing yours as she took it, feeling a little jolt of electricity between both of you.
everything changed rapidly when you and misa played in the senior team for spain. as soon as the two of you didn’t come in like a thunder strike of an argument, the team was genuinely surprised.
they noticed the complete shift when both of you were starting and unfortunately, your team lost 3-2 in a final. you hadn’t managed to get a goal and you blamed yourself for the whole thing.
you fell to the ground when the final whistle blew, lying on your back with your arm over your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks.
you weren’t there for long, you felt your body being pulled to an upright position and you let whoever it was do it. you sniffled and looked down at your legs before a gentle hand hooked under your chin and gently directed it upwards.
your eyes met with misa and it made you cry a little more, her heart broke at the sight of you, she’d never seen you cry before. she places a hand on the back of your head and pulled you close to her, tucking your face into her shoulder as you cried.
both of you said nothing, letting yourself melt into misa’s body as everything else tuned out. her other hand rubbed up and down your back, your arms eventually wound around her neck, pulling her closer as she rested her head against yours.
“you played so well,” misa cooed, dismissing all the questioning looks sent by your own teammates, misa only cared about one person and that was you.
“i wasn’t good enough” you mumble against her shirt, misa shook her head, “you’re always good enough, hermosa (beautiful), always” misa said in your ear, her hand on your back now moving in gentle circles as she drew you impossibly closer.
“we lost” you whined, misa tutted at that, “it doesn’t matter, we’ll get them next time” you pull away from her slightly, at arms length.
she smiles at you softly, her hand leaving your head to push a stray hair from your eyes before gently wiping the tears falling on your cheeks. the gesture was so intimate, your stomach was fluttering.
“who are you and what have you done with my misa?” you let out a wet laugh, she laughs along with you, pinching your cheek gently as you both sat on the ground.
“your misa?” she teases, you freeze up a little at that, attempting to pull yourself away from her embrace but she kept you close, pulling you into another hug.
“you’re okay” she breathes out, comforting you as you both conversed quietly back and forth, misa helping you calm down completely before helping you to the change room.
she holds out both of her hands with a friendly smile, you blink up at her and take them both, allowing her to lift you from the ground.
that’s when alexia and jenni came over and began to comfort you, your hands dropping from misa’s and instantly missing the contact.
she went around talking to your teammates as you all slowly filtered into the change room, celebrations still occurring in the change room despite the loss.
you sat quietly in your cubby, misa watched you concerned when you just sat there but she didn’t want to push you anymore.
you all made it back to your hotel, separate rooms for the first time in a while. you collapsed on the bed with an exhausted sigh, starting up at the ceiling while the tv gently filled the atmosphere.
at this point, all you could think about was misa, she was completely clouding up every thought in your head.
your body moving on its own, you walked to the door, swinging it open and letting out a little noise of surprise seeing misa on the other side already. you both clutched your chests in fear, breathing heavily at the fright you gave each other.
“sorry, were you going somewhere?” misa utters, you shook your head, “i was going to your room” you say a little sheepishly, misa’s never heard your voice so soft, especially directed to her.
“oh” she breathes out, you shift your weight between your feet, “do you want to come in?” you swallow, misa nods slowly, moving inside the room and closing the door behind her.
“i just wanted to check up on you” misa admitted, scratching the back of her neck bashfully.
your heart was beating so fast, you nervously glance up at misa before looking back down, trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. you could feel her eyes burning into your side profile, trying to see what your next move would be.
you clear your throat before sitting on the bed, your legs swinging over the edge, misa smiled at the sight, you looked adorable, she felt like she could see your younger self that she admired so much shining through.
she moved to sit next to you, her thigh slightly brushing yours as she sat down. “i feel bad, but i’ll be okay” you sigh, looking over to see her smiling sympathetically, she places a gentle hand on your knee.
“hermosa (beautiful), you played amazing, i really mean that,” she says earnestly, her hand gently squeezing your knee as she maintains eye contact with you.
you smile sadly at her, “so did you” she grins, “i let three go past me” you shake your head, “it doesn’t matter, misa, you played amazing as usual” her cheeks go a little pink at your compliment, “what have you done with my (y/n)” she mocks, bumping your shoulder with hers.
you laugh brightly, “your (y/n)?” you tease, but she just nods, “mhm, my (y/n)” her eyes flicker between your own, slightly dropping to your lips before catching herself and looking at her hand still resting on your knee, ready to move it away before you placed your hand over hers.
“misa” you breathe out, almost sounding like a plea as you looked at her, her heart caught in her throat, her eyes searching yours. she moved her hand to rest on your cheek, her thumb rubbing the skin there.
your eyes dropped to her lips and she took it as confirmation, closing the gap and placing her lips on yours. you gasp against her, your mouths moving together tenderly before she slipped her tongue in your mouth.
you weren’t sure how it happened but you ended up straddling her lap, both of you breathing heavily as the kiss grew a little hotter. she gently tugged at your bottom lip between her teeth and you whined into her, making her smirk lazily against your lips, squeezing the flesh of your waist as your hands carded through her hair.
you pull away in need of air, you and misa just looking at each other with pink cheeks and blown out pupils.
you pant as you look at her, smoothing down her hair with a giggle. “sorry” you smile, she smiles up at you adoringly, shaking her head lightly, “it’s okay” you keep your hands on her shoulders, your finger lightly grazing the exposed skin near her collar.
“you okay?” she whispers, the words hitting your lips, you nod, leaning forward to peck her lips sweetly, she smiles at you so brightly. “you okay?” you whisper back, she nods, bumping your nose with hers softly.
“if i told 16 year old (y/n) how good of a kisser you were, maybe she wouldn’t hate you as much” you tease, misa chuckles, pulling you in for another kiss, her hand cupping your jaw.
“if i told 16 year old misa all she had to do was kiss you to get you all sweet, i think she’d pass out” she teases back, you giggle, rolling your eyes fondly.
you tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, “you’re so beautiful” you say softly, “you’re more beautiful” she matches your energy, you both smile at each other sweetly.
“i like you, (y/n)” she looks right into your eyes as she says it, you offer her a cheesy grin, “i like you too” she mirrors your expression before pulling you into another kiss, becoming heated relatively quickly.
you pull away breathlessly making her huff in annoyance, “does this mean you’ll let me score against you?” you tease, she rolls her eyes with a laugh, “hm, maybe, bebé (baby)” she mumbles against your lips, pulling you back into the kiss.
when you both went to breakfast the next day and sat next to each other closely, you were offered wild looks of amusement.
“isn’t this a surprise” jenni laughed as her and alexia sat across the both of you. “what?” misa shrugged, “well you’re not fighting” alexia smiled, you rolled your eyes, arms crossing over your chest when you sat straight in your chair.
misa placed a hand on your thigh under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. “we don’t fight all the time” misa defended, alexia laughed at that, yelling at ona and aitana for backup that they promptly gave.
“we made up ages ago” you narrow your eyes at alexia, she crinkled her nose at you teasingly, making you bite back a smile.
“oh don’t worry, we know you made up” jenni laughed, looking down at her plate with a smirk as she ate, “and what do you mean by that, jennifer?” you bite back, misa smiled amusingly, loving your feisty side.
“well the hickey on your neck says everything to me” she said simply, your eyes widen and your hand flung to your neck quickly, jenni laughs heartily, making alexia giggle too.
misa puts her head in her hands out of embarrassment now that the whole team was looking at you with teasing grins.
“i thought i heard something interesting last night, misa definitely got (y/n)’s forgiveness with what i heard” jenni teases, you glare at her, misa was bright red, “stop it, jenni” misa grits out,
“okay, i will” jenni smirks, continuing to eat her food before mocking your voice, “oh, misa, don’t stop” you gasp at that, ready to leap over the table to tackle the girl to the floor before you were held back by misa, the girl holding you firmly on her lap.
“misa” you whine, “no,” she reprimands, making you slouch into her, “i’ve never seen her so obedient” alexia smirks, you turn bright red, misa matches her smirk, running her hands up and down the side of your waist, promptly calming you down.
you both sat there like that for a bit until you had to get on the bus back to the airport. you and misa sit together and you both can’t help but relish in the affection and domesticity of being together.
you were cuddling into misa as you both chatted, laughing brightly with each other that had the whole team grinning.
it was extremely different from watching the two of you at each other's throats to seeing you all loved up but it was a happy change for everyone. especially you and misa.
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you know the drill, just pretend it’s you!!
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liked by ona.batlle and 44,232 others
marisabel_rguez: who knew she was such a softie?
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yourname: fuck off
↳ marisabel_rguez: there she is!!
jennihermoso: i’ve learnt a lot of things about this one😉
↳ alexiaputellas: so have i
↳ marisabel_rguez: oh god, so have i
↳ yourname: stop it.
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The Bolter (part one)
Steve Rogers x f!Reader
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synopsis : Steve carries out his decision to return to Peggy, aiming to live out the rest of his days with her. But this means he's leaving everything behind - he's leaving you. Did he make the right choice? Will there be anything left with you to come back to?
in this chapter : Steve is about to walk out of your life, causing you to let go of everything you two have, and everything that could be.
📝 yes, the title is inspired by Taylor Swift's upcoming song The Bolter. In my interpretation and in this story, it is meant to symbolize someone who runs from someone or something. A potential relationship. A loved one. And the choice is not easy, one that may bring a lot of remorse or catharsis? Anyhow - Steve IS a bolter. In the beginning, at least.
themes/warnings : language, angst!!!, pining, unrequited love, Steve is kind of an asshole for leaving (but we love him anyway)
word count : < 1k
masterlist ▪︎ next chapter
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This is it.
This must be what true heartbreak feels like.
Steve, your best friend and the unrequited love of your life, has decided to volunteer to return the Infinity Stones to their respective timelines. Very noble of him.
But he also confessed that he plans to stay with Peggy, now that he finally has the chance.
They can have the dance that was stolen from them, decades ago.
Steve can be with his true love it seems. And that person is just not you.
Well, fuck my life.
"Doll," he smiles ruefully, both of your hands encased in his, "say something."
Say something, he says. What is there to say - I'm in love with you, I want you to stay with me? Don't leave me? I want you stay - for Bucky, for Sam, for Nat. For everyone. For me?
What can you fucking say that will ever be enough? In the 7 years that you've known Steve, you've grown to love him. As a friend, as family. Then, almost inevitably, as the only keeper of your heart. And he knows this.
But he's still leaving. Because, at the end of the day, Peggy is the keeper of his heart.
To you, Steve has always been everything good. Golden boy perfection, with a heart that would put a saint's to shame. Sunshine, laughter, companionship, standing tall and unwavering in his ideals. His gleaming red, white, and blue tendrils snaking their way into the very fibres of your being and taking root.
But now, all you feel is empty. You were angry, when he first told you, days ago. You had almost screamed at him, told him how unfair he was being. You made a long, drawn-out case for Bucky. How he doesn't deserve this. But really, you were making a case for yourself.
Stay, you had said.
He simply smiled, without any mirth. Not like his usual on-brand Steve Rogers gesture of sincerity. He smiled and it did not reach his eyes. He was sad, or maybe he pitied you. And that made you even angrier.
Until minutes later, when you finally broke down, and sobbed quietly in his arms.
"I hate you," you muttered against the creases of his shirt.
"I love you," he said back, and you hated him even more for it. He doesn't get to say that to you, in that way. Not in the same way he would say to Peggy.
Now, right before stepping onto the platform that will cause him to vanish from your life, he says it again.
"You do know that I love you, right?" His smile is genuine, if not a little nervous. He hoped you would be as accepting as Bucky, and send him off with just a rueful look. A gentle, final word. A sweet farewell that he can take with him as a reminder of all the times you spent together.
"I know," you breathe, relenting. Steve does not like that your eyes are glazed over, empty. Like you're not taking him in at all. You take notice of the resulting sag in his shoulders, out of character from the dignified stride he sported as he was saying goodbye to the others.
A big part of you wants to remain indignant. So what if he's hurt or uncomfortable due to your coldness? It serves him right.
"Come here," he whispers, and it comes across a silent plea. Come here? Will you, please?
You take just one small step closer, but he is already ahead, wrapping his arms around your frame. Your stony mask breaks as your cheek presses against his chest, away from his view. His chest plate glistens from your tears, but you don't have it in you to wipe them away.
When he pulls away to look down at you, his heart breaks. He cradles your face in his hands as you look up at him through wet eyelashes, and it's almost enough to make him consider staying.
But then you say, "It will all be okay, Steve." You gingerly pry his hands from your cheeks, giving them a comforting squeeze. "We will be okay."
You look behind you, where Bucky stands watching the exchange, and he offers an encouraging nod.
You take a step back, mustering everything that you possibly can, all the love you have for Steve, to give him one last genuine smile.
"Go get your girl."
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Read part two here.
The way I was making myself upset while writing this - god I love angst!!! ~~~
I was gonna keep going, make it even more brutal, but I'll save that for the upcoming parts. It will have some Bucky x reader as well 🖤
God Bless America('s ass).
oh, and let me know if you wish to be tagged!
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raya-hunter01 · 13 days
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 3
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Kara's Parent's Guest House
Kara's POV
“What the hell do you mean your water broke!” I exclaimed as Tia screamed in pain.
Is this really happening, she’s in labor.
Switching to auto pilot I helped Tia over to the couch to lay down .
“Are ya’ll alright down here I saw Jey leaving and he looked upset?” my dad asked pausing at the door.
“She’s in labor, call an ambulance,” I said as my dad called 911.
“Where is mom? I need her,” Tia moaned as dad held her hand.
“She had to go get your brother, his flight just got in,” dad said as I tried to time Tia’s contractions.
“Another one is coming!” Tia screamed as I frowned. That was too close to be having contractions.
“How long have you been hurting?” Dad asked as Tia grunted through another contraction.
“Since this morning but I wanted to have my baby shower, it wasn’t as intense earlier.” She moaned shook my head.
“You always do stuff that don’t make sense! Ugh,just breath and lay back until the ambulance comes,” I said trying to put aside my differences for the moment.
Logan being born safely was all I cared about at that moment.
“I feel like I need to push!” she cried as I reached down to check her and felt the top of the baby’s head.
This bitch really done sat here in labor all fuckin’ day….
“My daughter said she feels like she has to push, should she do it?” my dad asked putting the phone on speaker.
“Dad the baby’s coming I can feel the top of her head,” I said, totally overwhelmed as Tia screamed in pain.
This had to be some cruel joke…I’m really about to deliver Roman’s baby…His baby with my sister…
“Ok, looks like this baby ain’t waiting, I’m going to need you to get some towels, scissors and something to tie around the umbilical cord. There is a traffic jam, and we are about thirty minutes out,” the operator said my heart began to race.
“This isn’t happening right now,” I whispered trying to help Tia get comfortable as dad gathered the needed items.
“I’m so sorry Kara,” Tia cried as I tried to keep my emotions bottled up but couldn’t stop my tears.
“Look, Logan needs your help. You gotta push with all you got,” I whispered  trying to keep my mind on what was important right now.
“Here is the stuff,” dad said placing the items beside me as we waited for nature to take its course.
“When the baby comes out, I need someone to tie that string about a half an inch up before you cut the umbilical.  Now when another contraction hits, I need mama to push as hard as she can,” the operator said as we all listened intently to her not wanting to miss anything.
“Here it comes. Ahhh!” Tia screamed pushing with all her might as my niece’s head eased into my hands.
“Oh, I got her head, it’s out!” I cried. “Come on and push Tia!” I shouted, as she screamed pushing once again.
“It’s burning! Get her out! Please, get her out!” she yelled and with one final push, my niece made her entrance into the world, but there was no noise….. No crying.
“She’s out,” my dad cried to the operator as I tied off the cord as instructed and cut the umbilical cord in a hurry.
“Why isn’t she crying?” Tia whimpered as I tried not to panic.
“Come on Logan…… Breath baby,” I whispered trying to clear her airway, gently rubbing her back but she wasn’t moving.
“Kara, what’s happening!” My dad yelled as I began CPR.
“It’s my karma for everything I’ve done!” Tia cried as I tuned her out. This was about Logan right now, not her fucking guilt.
“Breathe, Logan. Come on, breathe for Tee Tee,” I begged blowing air into her tiny mouth.
“Ya’ll please hurry the baby’s not beathing,” my dad pleaded as I took two fingers and began compressions counting in my head.
“Logan, mommy loves you. Please……. Just breathe.”
Once again, I blew some air into her tiny lungs. The powerful cry that spilled from her lips, lifted my heart as she wailed, her little face scrunched up as her tiny hands moving against my face.
“That’s it baby girl, breathe,” I cried, wrapping her up in the blanket, before placing her on Tia’s chest.
“My baby…… My Logan,” Tia cried as a momentarily wave of relief washed over me, Logan was ok.
“Ambulance is almost here, you did so good baby,” my dad said as I nodded moving away from my sister and niece.
I felt the walls closing in as I observed her with the baby. That was my dream, and she took it from me.
“Kara, look at her,” Tia whispered as they did skin to skin.
“I see her, she’s beautiful” I whispered as my dad kneeled beside her.
Her tiny face, a mirror image of her daddy’s baby picture that proudly hung up in our home.
I turned away as the EMT’s came in, wiping my tears. I needed to leave, and in a hurry, this was too much.
 I turned back around to watch the EMT’s check over my niece. I had to be sure before I left.
“Baby’s vitals are good, and lungs are clear. Now we need to check mom, can someone take the baby for a few minutes,” one of the EMT’s asked as Tia looked at me.
“Take her Kara, she needs her auntie,” she whispered as I shook my head in shock and disbelief.
“Was she serious? She really was trying to manipulate me to hold the baby….
“I can’t and you know why Tia…..” I whispered as she wiped her tears.
“We can put this behind us, please….. Kara, just hold her, please…Just look at her, she needs you in her life,” Tia pleaded as I sick to my stomach at her weak attempt to manipulate me.
I couldn’t do it, I would never be able to look at that tiny little face and not see my husband and my sister’s betrayal.
“She doesn’t need me….She needs her dad, and I hope you allow Roman a chance to be that,” I said looking at my niece.
“Roman?” What are you talkin’ about sweetheart?” my dad asked as I smiled sadly at him.
“I’m sure when everything settles, they will explain it, I just can’t right now.” I whispered, giving him a hug. I was done with it all. I then leaned over and kissed my niece gently on the forehead.
“I love you Logan, always remember that,” I whispered as she opened her eyes and looked directly at me.
“Kara, I’m so sorry,” Tia cried as ignored her and left.
Walking back to my car I felt numb, and I knew nothing would ever be the same again.
Roman’s & Kara’s Home
Roman’s POV
“Where the fuck is she?” I muttered pacing the living room. I hadn’t heard from Kara in hours and now I couldn’t get Tia either.
Had Kara heard us on the baby monitor?…God, I hoped not, I wanted to tell her for myself.
“You really fucked everything up, all you had to do was kick her out of your room that night,” I whispered to myself pouring me a shot of brandy.
11 Months ago
“You said you understood Roman and that we would make time for each other,” Kara said as I felt the tension between us building.
“I do, I just didn’t think it would be this hard to be without you,” I said peering through the door at Tia getting into the bottom bunk.
She had come to me after her match and said her ride had left early and asked could she ride with me to the next city.
I saw no harm in it, so I told her sure. I didn’t tell Kara though; I knew they fell in and out too much and I didn’t want to cause no argument.
“Are you still coming to spend the week with me next week?” Kara asked as I smiled.
“Yea, I’m taking the jet after my last house show. Maybe you can show be around up there,” I said as she smiled brightly at me.
“I would love to,” she said with a yawn.
“A’ight I kept you up long enough, go to bed and dream about me,” I said as she blushed.
“I always do, love you,” she whispered as I smiled. “Same here beautiful, and I love you more. Call me after you get outta class in the morning,” I said as we said our goodbyes.
Turning off the light, I went to bed but sometime later I felt the other side of the bed dip beside me.  Startled, I turned over and there lying next to me was Tia…..Naked.
“What you doin’ in here Tia?” I asked as she straddled my waist, a strangled moan escaped my lips as her bare pussy rubbed against my dick.
“Giving you what you’ve been missing,” she moaned slowly moving against me as I groaned stilling her hips.
“Don’t do that, you know I’m with Kara.”
“She isn’t here, and I know you need it Roman. I won’t tell, I promise,” she whispered her face mere inches from mine, my heart racing as I saw for the first time how much she really did favor Kara.
“We can’t,” I moaned as she slowly stroked my dick.
“Yes, we can,” she moaned against my lips, placing my dick at her entrance slowly takin it until I was buried to the hilt.
“Fuck, we can’t,” I hissed as she began to bounce slowly with a smirk. “Then stop me,” she moaned, as my eyes closed in pleasure as she bounced.
Giving in, I gripped her hips meeting her thrusts as she screamed.
“Mmm, yes! That’s what I wanted,” she moaned as I willed my eyes open to look at her as she bounced on my dick with a purpose.
“Kara! Fuck!” I moaned as Tia smirked. “Oh…..So, you want me to be Kara, huh?” she asked.
“Tia, this is a mistake, we gotta stop,” I rasped, sitting up as she kissed me again.
“It’s ok….I promise…I’ll be Kara for you…I’ll be whatever you need me to be Roman.” she moaned and in that moment there was no turning back.
And that was the first encounter….On my bus, fantasizing she was Kara as we had sex.
“I’m so fuckin’ stupid,” I growled truly regretting my choices. Picking up my phone, I called Kara with it once again, no answer.
“Kara where you at baby?”
Kara’s POV
With a heavy heart I stared at the home Roman, and I’ve shared as husband and wife for five years. The bus where a lot of his infidelity took place, parked beside the garage made my stomach turn.
Anger radiating off of me, I reached into my bag and pulled out the knife I had brought with me earlier to cut Tia’s cake.
“I decorated this fuckin bus and I picked out this motherfucka,” I quietly hissed to myself, stabbing the tires one by one, leaving one untouched.  “Had her slutty ass up in here,” I muttered, failing to reel in my emotions, I was too hurt but I knew I needed to calm down.
“Get it together Kara, calm down and just see if he’s going to tell you,” I muttered giving myself a pep talk.
 I put the knife back in my bag, laying it down beside the bus before I went around to the side door. As I went into the kitchen, I spotted him pacing in the living room sipping on a glass of Brandy.
 “Nasty son of a bitch,” I muttered, taking a deep breath before I made my way into the living room.
“Kara, I was worried baby, where you been?” Roman asked sitting down his drink as I cleared my throat, walking a little closer to him.
“Um, I was at my parents, then Tia stopped by with Jey,” I said staring a hole through him as was oblivious.
“Oh….Well, you could have returned my calls or texts baby, I thought something had happened. I’m glad you were at your folks though,” he said nervously as I gave him a small smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes.
“I was busy….Tia went into labor, Roman,” I said watching his facial expressions. He looked excited then cleared his throat stopping himself.
This asshole, how could I have been so fuckin’ dumb?”
“Uh, did everything go ok?” he asked, trying to be indifferent as I nodded.
“Well, Tia had a trying afternoon. The ambulance didn’t make it in time, so I had to deliver the baby, but they’re both fine,” I said casually as Roman seemed shocked but happy.
“You….You delivered the baby? That is crazy,” he said as I nodded in agreement.
“Yea, it was crazy..Damn near like I was in the twilight zone,” I said studying his body language, knowing at any moment I was going to fucking snap.
“Wow that’s great, little Logan is here,” he whispered, a small smile etched on his face before he slipped back into his stoic expression.
“Yes, she’s here, so congratulations Roman…..You and my sister have a beautiful, healthy baby girl,” I said calmy as his looked at me as if I had shot him in the heart.
The disbelief on his face as he processed the fact that I knew his secret was something I will never forget.
Taking a deep breath and exhaling, he bent down placing his hands on his knees, he looked sick honestly.
“What’s wrong Roman? You look like you can’t breathe.”
“What you gotta say?…Kara, what!?” I yelled trying to keep my tears at bay, backing away as he reached for me.
 “W- Who told you? Was it Tia?” Roman asked as I chuckled at the gall of him.
“You both told me actually,” I said, his eyes widening in realization.
“The bab-……You heard us on the baby monitor.” He stammered, his eyes full of unshed tears.
“Yea, imagine my surprise to find out my husband is not only sleeping with my sister but got her pregnant. Damn, we’re a fucked-up Steve Wilkos episode waiting to happen,” I said, my voice full of sarcasm.
Honestly, it was that or being a hysterical mess, but I was well on my way to losing my shit.
“I’m so sorry Kara, I didn’t mean for this to happen.  Please, believe me baby,” Roman pleaded as I felt my heart breaking even more.
“You’re sorry you got caught! Like who are you?!” I cried as he lowered his head in shame.
“Just tell me what I can do to make it right please?” Roman pleaded as I looked at him in disbelief as he sank to his knees pulling me to him, burying his head against my stomach, his arms holding me tight.
“Let me go Roman,” I whimpered trying to unlock his arms from around my waist as he held me tighter.
“No baby, I can’t let you go…Just tell me what you need, I’ll do anything. What do you need me to do?” Roman begged as tears fell from his eyes.
“What do I need you to do?” I sobbed, prying his hands from around my waist.
“Yes, what do you need?…..Please, Just tell me what can I do to help us get through this, I love you.” Roman pleaded holding my hands in his, still on his knees, his remorseful gaze, pulling at my heartstrings but there was no coming back from this…Ever.
“Well, I’ll tell you, Roman…I’ll tell you what you can do for me,” I said as he waited with bated breath, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.
“You can go straight to hell,” I said calmy, snatching my hands away, leaving him in the living room, my mind on autopilot.
“Kara…Kara! Don’t do this,” I heard him plead as I walked into our bedroom ripping the comforter off the bed.
“I don’t want you here!” I shouted as Roman stood at the doorway looking almost scared to come in our bedroom…As he fucking should be.
“Kara, calm down.” Ignoring him, I ripped the fitted sheet off the bed laying it out on the floor. I wanted…No, needed him out of here before I did something I will regret.
“Let’s just talk please, I never meant to hurt you.”
“What is the point? It ain’t nothing else to talk about, you had a baby with my sister!” I exclaimed, grabbing some of his clothes out of the closet, throwing them on top of the sheet.
“I know I fucked up bad, but this can’t be it,” Roman said as I grabbed a couple pair of his shoes throwing them on top of his clothes.
“All these fuckin’ shoes, what you trying to do, start a shoes company? If you put this much effort into this marriage as you do shit like this, we wouldn’t be here now!” I ranted as Roman grabbed my hands.
“I do care about us! I know I hurt you baby, and I know how much you love me-” Roman started as I snatched away, slapping the fuck outta him.
“I obviously don’t know you Roman!” I cried, moving around the room throwing what I could of his on top of the sheet.
“You do know me, I’m your husband!  You didn’t do anything wrong baby, I fucked up-” Roman said, his words stopping me in my tracks.
“You don’t think I did anything wrong? Really…Really….Marrying a selfish asshole and believing in him, when he obviously didn’t deserve it!” I shouted.
“Putting off my MEDICAL SCHOOL plans for you!” I cried, really pissed thinking about the sacrifices I made for our marriage.
“Aye, I didn’t make you leave school in Boston,” he said pissing me off even more.
“Nah, you right you…I did that because you made it seem like it was an inconvenience for our marriage, and I wanted to be with my husband and save my marriage.
“I wanted that too!” Roman shouted as I scoffed. “No, you didn’t because you were too busy fucking my sister. That’s why you could never come see me in Boston,” I said as Roman rubbed his temples in frustration.
“Kara, It only happened a couple times and I am so sorry, if I could take it ba-”
“It should have never happened! I screamed, slapping him again, causing him to stagger as he Rubbed the side of his face.
“Just let me explain, please, I love you,” he whispered taking me in his arms, grasping my chin, trying to get me to look at him.
“I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!!.............And I never will again,” I whimpered, snatching away from Roman.
“You don’t mean that Kara.”
Ignoring him, I tied the ends of the sheets together, making a makeshift suitcase, throwing it over my shoulder, and walked out of our bedroom. “Kara, don't do anything rash," Roman said as I made my way through the house, the makeshift suitcase thrown over my shoulder, only stopping to pick up his bottle of Brandy, and lighter before storming out the house.
The look of shock on his face as he saw the flattened tires on the bus was almost comical.
“Too late, I already did,” I said pointing at the flat tires as he sighed.
“Look, I don’t care about the tires, Let’s just go back in the house. I just wanna make sure you’re ok and then I’ll leave Kara.”
“Oh…You wanna make sure I’m ok? Well……Let’s see, in the course of a damn day I’ve lost my sister who wasn’t much of a sister to begin with anyway, my husband and my pride,” I said as Roman stepped closer to me.
“Baby, you ain’t lost your sister or me.”
“Don’t!……Don’t patronize me!" I yelled, throwing his clothes in the middle of the driveway, and dousing them with the bottle of Brandy, before going back over to my bag, pulling out a can of spray paint.
“What you doin’ wit that Kara?” Roman asked as I scoffed at him.
“I helped design this fuckin’ bus, and you out here fuckin’ dat bitch in it! You got me fucked up!” I yelled spray-painting the words “Adulterer" and "cheater” across the side.
“You takin’ it too far, Kara! First the tires, and now this!” Roman yelled finally snapping, grabbing the can from me as I pushed him away.
“Oh, I ain’t took it far enough, Roman," I said reaching in my pocket, igniting his clothes and shoes on fire with his own lighter.
“Got Damn it, now that’s it!..Let’s go in the house before somebody calls the police!” Roman yelled, trying to carry me back in the house as I fought against him.
“Put me down! Put me down Roman, I hate you!” I screamed as he continued to carry me towards the house.
“Will you calm the fuck down!”
Jey’s POV
“Uce, what you gon do?” Jimmy asked as we drove towards roman’s house.
“I want some answers,” I said as my twin brother tried to talk me in to going back to his house.
“I just think you need to calm down first. I don’t need you doing anything that you may regret.”
“They played me, Uce…Like really planned all dat shit,” I said in disbelief as Jimmy turned off the highway.
“I don’t see Roman doing that. I think he just got caught up in not wanting to lose Kara, so he kept quiet,” Jimmy said as I rolled my eyes.
“He still shoulda’ told me what was up. I been at doctor appointments, ultrasounds, getting attached to a baby that ain’t even mine!” I hissed.
“I know that, but can we just go over there tomorrow. I know Kara and Roman have a lot to talk about.”
“She ain’t deserve this, big Uce didn’t have to do her like dat,” I said remembering the pain in her eyes as she confronted Tia.
“Have you tried calling her?” Jimmy asked as I shook my head. “Another reason I wanna check on her, I need to lay eyes on her and make sure she good,” I said as Jimmy sighed in defeat.
“A’ight you know I’m wit you. Just don’t do nothing that could send our asses to jail,” Jimmy warned.
“I’ll try but I ain’t making no promises…..Plus, who would call the cops he ain’t got no neighbors for miles.” I said noticing smoke as we neared their house.
“What the hell?..... Is that them?!”Jimmy yelled as I jumped outta the car before he could put it in park, running toward Roman who had a struggling Kara in his arms.
“Aye, let her go!” I yelled, grabbing Roman and making him release Kara in the process as he turned to face me. All I saw was red, and swung connecting with his Jaw.
 I saw Jimmy out the corner of my eye reach for Kara, moving her out of the way as I tackled Roman to the ground punching him over and over in the face.
“Fight back!” I yelled releasing my frustration as Roman hit me with an uppercut pushin’ me off of him as I stood up and kicked him in the ribs.
“Get yo’ ass up!  I ain’t done!”
“I ain’t tryin’ to fight you, Uce!” Roman yelled as I kicked him one last time before Jimmy grabbed me.
“That’s enough, Uce, let him up,” Jimmy said as Roman coughed struggling to get up, wiping the blood from his mouth.
Kara’s POV
Good, somebody beat his ass….He deserved  it.
“I never mean for this shit to happen,” roman said as Jey struggled against Jimmy.
“Why didn’t you tell me? You let her play me!” Jey hissed as Roman looked at me.
“What you lookin’ at me for, you had that shit coming.”
“I didn’t know how to tell ya’ll and I didn’t want to lose you, Kara,” Roman whispered as I turned to walk away, not wanting to even look at him anymore.
“Oh, so now you just gon’ walk away after calling Jey over here to attack me,” Roman accused as I stilled in my steps.
“Kara, ain’t called me, I came to check on her,” Jey said as Roman laughed.
“Of course you did, you just ready to make a move on her,” Roman said as I heard Jey snarl.
“Nah, that’s some shit you would do…I mean you did fuck her sister, didn’t you?” Jey said as I winced at his words.
“I said I was sorry, and ya’ll won’t even give me a chance to explain. Between you attackin’ me, Kara destroying and  burnin’ my sh-”
“You deserved it and you should be happy that’s all I did!….. But does me doing that really hurt you, Roman?” I asked walking back towards him.
“The bus…..Your clothes …. Your shoes….It’s just stuff, Roman……Stuff that you replace or fix with the snap of your fingers, whenever you feel like it.” I said sadly truly trying to get him to understand the damage he has casued.
“Just look at her, Uce. Give her some space,” Jimmy said as Roman sighed in defeat.
“Fine, I’ll leave for now…. But I’m not letting you go Kara,” Roman said as I turned and walked back into the house, not saying another word.
Roman’s POV
I’ll never forget the look on her face …I didn’t know her anymore and I caused the hurt and change in her. Looking at the bus and torched clothes, I knew I deserved it.
Thankfully, Jimmy was attempting to put out the fire with the hose as I looked at Jey.
“Damn, she torched dat shit,” Jimmy said continuing to douse the fire with the water as Jey looked me up and down before heading toward the house.
“Where the fuck you goin’?” I asked, more angry with myself, than Jey. The thought of him comforting her, knowing deep down how he really feels about her has me on edge.
He didn’t respond to my question; he only shook his head continuing to walk towards my house.
“Don’t get too comfortable Jey…… Kara’s still my wife and I ain’t letting her go without a fight.” I warned as Jey scoffed, still refusing to turn around and look at me.
“Shouldn’t you be at the hospital taking care of your new family?” Jey said walking in the house and slamming the door.
“You good to drive, Uce?” Jimmy asked as I nodded.
 “Yea, I’m going to see my daughter, and then I’ll be back.” I said making my intentions very clear.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Kara needs some space,” Jimmy said as looked at the bus.
“Oh, I’mma give her all the space she needs…. I’m gon' just crash on the bus until we go back on the road. I'll call the company tomorrow to get everything fixed," I said as Jimmy sighed.
“Uce, I don't think staying on the bus is a good idea…Just grab a room or go to your folks.”
“I can’t uce, this is my home and my wife is in there…….I ain’t going nowhere, this is where I belong,” I said getting in my truck.
“A’ight, you just ain’t gon’ rest until she light dat damn bus on fire wit yo dumbass in it.”
“It’s just a chance I gotta take….. I can’t lose her.”
She’ll forgive me… I have to believe that, we’ve been through too much.
Jey’s POV
As soon as I went in the house I saw  Kara sitting on the couch in a daze. The look of hurt adorning her beautiful face made me want to go back out there and whoop his ass again.
Hearing Roman speed out the driveway, I  went to sit beside her.
“He’s gone,” I whispered as she nodded wiping away her tears as I sighed pulling close as she sobbed.
Damn him for doing this to her…. I could take it; I had no emotional ties really to Tia…. only the baby and I didn’t even have that anymore.
“I was outta control…I don’t know what came over me,” Kara whispered as I sighed.  
“Your hurt and you have a right to be.”
“I thought I could, but I can’t stay here,” Kara said as I nodded in understanding looking at all their pictures on the wall.
“Kayla, you ain’t got to stay here…. Come home with me,” I offered as we sat in silence for a few minutes, no words spoken as I waited with bated breath for her answer.
 “I’ll go with you,” she whispered finally as I sighed in relief, pulling her closer, kissing her gently on the forehead.
The fallout from Roman and Tia’s betrayal was just getting started and I knew it was about to get ugly, but Kara wasn’t going to have to go through this alone…
I’m here and I don’t give a damn who doesn’t like it.
One thing I knew for sure, Tia was gon' have to see Kara and Roman was gon' have to see me...
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
@truefant4sy @yana3sworld amandairene88 unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx @harmshake
tshepisho thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86 sayyestoheav3nn digidestned @kriissy4gov
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rat3ggs · 3 months
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Sanemi wants his Love out of the corps.
Warning: Fem bodied reader, forced pregnancy, controlling behaviour, Yandere behaviour, soft bdsm, smut.
2.4K words!
Second fic I’ve ever made! Be warned there will be some grammar mistakes and maybe punctuation mistakes! I think my writing is getting better!
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Sanemi has been a good husband, doting, loving, supportive.. in his eyes at least.
In reality he’s been quite the opposite. he often degrades and belittles your role in the demon corps, threatening to force you out of the corps if you ever return home with a serious injury.
His opinion of a serious injury seems to be small scratches and bruises, luckily for you you’re very careful and quick on your feet so you’ve managed to avoid being hurt bad enough for Sanemi to freak out over, that was until your last mission. You were sent about 3 hours away from home deep into the forest along with another member of the corps.
You thought this would be a pretty cut and dry mission. little did you know, you were sent in terrifyingly underprepared for this mission against someone not even Sanemi could have saved you from. You and the other corps member walked through the forest- on guard, of course, something just felt so.. off about the area; you were so strangely nervous but managed to stayed stoic for your fellow corps member, although the tension and sense of unease filling the air made it hard to keep your composure, every bone in your body told you to run while you could.
It didn’t take long before the demon reared it’s rather handsome face.. as angry as that fact makes you, he had a muscular build with skin so fair that appears bright blue-tinged white, decorated by a pattern of thick blue lines with pink hair.. he said his name was— Akaza? He was an Uppermoon! You’re almost a hashira but you haven’t quite reached hashira yet so you certainly weren’t qualified to fight him, not even Gyomei could’ve beaten an uppermoon of that rank! You came to the quick realization the pink haired demon refused to hit you, but didn’t hold back on the man accompanying you, although the pink haired demon didn’t kill you, he certainly injured you, you tried to use yourself as a shield for your teammate and ended up being punched and thrown into a tree.
That’s all you remember before you woke up in a bed in the butterfly mansion. You felt your poor aching head and felt it’s wrapped in bandages, you must have gotten a head wound when you got tossed like a sack of potatoes. You sighed deeply and sat up and couldn’t help but groan when you felt those painful bruises on your back. Before you could even think to stand you hear familiar steps, steps you hear only when you’ve done something stupid or you two have gotten into a petty argument.. Sanemi.
He slid the shoji doors open and stomped over to you, his face looks like a storm cloud, Sanemi grabbed your cheeks and grit his teeth, it’s painfully apparent he’s refraining from screaming at you.
“You’re done, you’ll be quitting the demon corps. You’ll stay home and take care of the house- clearly you can’t be trusted on missions, you got injured for a fucker that still died !”
This has been an ongoing argument between you and Sanemi, he wants you to become a home keeper, he also wants to keep you safe of course- but that’s not what you want for your future.
That’s all you said in response, your just trying to shut down this conversation before it got more serious. You watched his face of anger vanish to one of relaxation, he spent the next hours cooing over you and making sure you're comfortable in the butterfly mansion. In all honesty it’s scary! He’s never this nice, he definitely has something up his sleeve.
Sadly, the injuries were a bit worse than expected seeing as you couldn’t walk on your foot for a short while, but Sanemi happily carried you around like a bride when he wasn’t away from missions, the lucky man got his home keeper for a solid four weeks- although luckily for you, you get to go back into work tomorrow. You noticed Sanemi looming around you as you go about your day, staring at you as you read, side eyeing you while you made your side of the bed, until finally you had enough while you were chopping some cabbage.
“What, Sanemi!?”
You asked sternly as you whipped your head to the side to stare at him, he jolted slightly- he was staring at you from behind a wall like a crazy eyed peeping tom. He didn’t say anything as he walked over to you, just waved you off and you went back to preparing your meal. You tried to ignore him before you heard him take a sharp breath in and begin to say something.
He cut himself off before he could finish his sentence, before you could even turn to question him you felt his hands on your hips, you jolted when you felt him squeeze the flesh of your hips, he pulled you so his chest would be pressing against your back and his hard cock against the curve of your ass, you couldn’t suppress the sharp exhale that escaped your mouth, he took the opportunity to force your head to the side so he could brush his lips against yours before he bit down on your bottom lip, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to make you jolt in surprise. He released your lip and slid his hands from your hips to under your shirt, he practically yanked his shirt off you before tossing it away like trash, he spun you around and lifted your body until you were sitting on the counter, your legs spread with him standing between them.
“God.. ‘m gonna miss my little housewife.”
He purred out, his hands sliding up to your bottoms, he played with the band of them before he ripped them clean off you, you gasped and held his shoulders so you didn’t get swept off the counter and into his body, you sat only in your panties on the counter with Sanemis starving eyes trailing all over your body. His hands slid between your thighs, his fingers gliding over your panties.. where a wet patch could be seen, you shifted your body and frantically peeled them off, exposing your wet heat to Sanemi, you feel your pussy throbbing in a desperate cry for attention.
“So eager, you’re just a little slut? Not a homebody.. just a hole, huh?”
The way he growled that out made your pussy flutter, you whimpered and pressed your hands against Sanemis chest, you can’t even find it in yourself to lie and say you wouldn’t love to be his to be used. Suddenly your mind clears out of its fog of arousal and you remember you have work tomorrow.
“Sanemi, we can do this later, I have to make—“
He cut you off when his lips crashed against yours, you barely even had time to register him unbuckling his belt and letting his pants drop before you managed to pull away, you wiped your mouth and laughed with a sigh.
“Sanemi you can wait!”
You mumbled as your eyes trailed down his body, he’s still wearing the top of his uniform.. which basically hides nothing- god why does he dress like such a man whore?! He unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor, a shit eating grin on his face as he watched your eyes trace his cock, his cock is so heavy it weighs itself down, his pink tip is beading with precum, your mouth began to water and you panted in anticipation.
“Nemi.. so big.”
You panted out and looked away, covering your mouth at the perverted words that just came from your mouth before you watched Sanemi sink to his knees, pulling you until your ass is hanging off the counter and Sanemis face is buried in your pussy, his hands wrapped around your thighs while your fingers tangled into his hair. Your head fell back against the wall and you closed your eyes, a soft moan escaped your throat as he began flicking his tongue against your clit, your eyebrows furrowed and you rigged his hair, making a growl escape his mouth as his teeth brushed against your clit.
“Desperate whore.”
Sanemi grunted and began lapping at your wetness, lifting your thighs onto his shoulders while he parted his lips to suck on your clit, His hands digging into the flesh of your thighs. Your mind begins to get hazy, like you just downed seven drinks, drunk with pleasure - the moans that escape your throat are purely against your will as Sanemi uses his skilled mouth on your sopping wet pussy. You begin feeling that familiar coil in your belly.. not a coil actually, more of a scratch that you couldn’t reach, one Sanemi is managing to finally itch.
All the blood in your veins ran to your ears and you began to feel light headed, your legs are trembling in pleasure while the itch in your stomach starts to feel more intense, the itch turns into an unbearable heat that feels like a pleasurable fire dancing in your belly before it finally went out, being washed away by waves of ecstasy and pleasure, the wave of bliss hits you so hard tears prickle in your eyes and you pull hard on Sanemis hair.
It feels like your floating in space before Sanemis tongue drags you back to reality, the feeling of pleasure quickly turns to a sting mixed with the overwhelming feeling of searing bliss, the feeling shocked you so much you yanked Sanemis head away by his hair, his mouth covered in your juices, a annoyed growl left his throat as he stood up and ripped you off the counter, holding you by your hips as his aching cock pressed against your wet slit.
“Oh? The slut suddenly doesn’t want me to pleasure her? I guess it’s finally my turn, hmm?”
He said with a grin as he put you down and bent you over the countertop, your head held down by his hand, your face squished against the tops of the counter. His other hand spreads your folds and he drags a finger over your slit, gathering the wetness on his finger before he uses it to lube his cock up.
“God, seeing you like this makes me wanna pump a baby into this sexy cunt!”
He said in a teasing manner, you could tell there’s some truth to his words. You couldn’t respond telling him off before he lined his cock up with your pussy and finally sunk into you, he started at an animalistic pace, his free hand on your hip, digging into the skin of your flesh and leaving crescent moon marks where his nails are. The sound of skin Slapping together fills the room as Sanemi started fucking you into submission.
“gonna fill you to the brim with my cum.”
He growled out before continuing.
“Wanna see you swollen with my babies.. you’d be such a good mommy.”
His voice is shaking and he’s breathless, his pace somehow quickens and he lifts your hips so he can hit a new angle, his cock nestled against your cervix, his words sent shivers down your spine and made the cloud of arousal fade away at a terrifying speed, you push back against the hand on your head before he forces your head back down, a sob escaped your throat and Sanemi shushed you,
“Shh.. baby I’ll pull out don’t worry..”
He whispered and that soothed your nerves, although if you could see his face you’d see the pure disgust plastered on it at the very thought of letting an ounce of his cum spill out of you. He continued pounding into you feverishly before his grip on your hip loosened, he gritted his teeth as he unloaded hot cum into your pussy, filling your womb to the brim with his creamy load. You yelped and stood up straight, you glared at Sanemi before you tried to run off to the washroom to clean yourself out. Sanemi grabbed your hips and pulled you back against him, he whispered in your ear in a reassuring tone.
“It’ll be fine, I’ve accidentally came in you before and you didn’t get pregnant, I’m sure you’ll be fine this time.”
You're shocked by that calmness before you fight deeply and nod. Sanemi grins and lifts you up bridal style, carrying you off to the bedroom to have sex once, twice— a dozen times! You were stuck in that bedroom until your limbs were limp and your brain was dead, your head was so full of mush you couldn’t even register Sanemi scooping and pushing his cum back inside you. He grinned in satisfaction as he watched his cum ooze out of you, not being able to fill you up anymore. Managing to “accidentally” cum inside you just shy of 5 times today, He’d never tell you all the times he’s “accidentally” came inside you is nothing but intentional.
Two weeks later you felt strange, and after a solid month you notice you’ve missed your period. You cry and sob to Sanemi, preying it’s just a scare and the stress of going back to work is just making you miss your period, even after The sound hashira assured you he hears the baby’s heartbeat inside your womb and yet you kept denying the pregnancy for 4 months until it was impossible to deny the swelling of your belly could be nothing but Sanemis baby, Sanemi went to the master and had you put on leave- you can’t fight pregnant! Hell, the child can’t have parents with two high risk jobs.. he managed to convince you to quit and become a stay at home mother.
Almost 8 months go by in the pregnancy, Sanemi has never felt more bliss.. his head rested on your engorged tits- full of milk for his future child. His hands caressing your belly, feeling every soft movement and hard kick the baby makes in your womb. You’ve never been more miserable though, the baby feelings like an unwanted guest sitting on your bladder and completely turning your life upside down.
A thought suddenly popped into Sanemis head.
“I’ve always wanted a big family, I don’t think one will be enough- you don’t want the kid to be lonely, do you?..”
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outsideratheart · 4 months
Happy Sundays (Laia Aleixandri x reader)
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A/N: I’m not a huge fan of this one and I’m not really sure what prompted me to right it. Hey ho, I hope you all like it.
Sundays away at Meadow Park were never something to take easy. After your last performance there you wanted to prove that it was one bad day and it would not happen again. 
“Forget about it” Laia’s hand rested on the small of your back as you stood in the tunnel “it was a mistake, don’t take it into this game” 
You had been obsessing over the previous league game against Arsenal when your error game the home side 3 points. 
“No can do” you didn’t look back at her but you hand to lower to her waist as you give it a little squeeze. 
Your girlfriend shared a look with her close friend and fellow defender. Leila simply shrugged her shoulders. If she has learnt one thing since coming to Manchester City it is that you held yourself the highest standard and anything below that was not good enough.
Through the fist half you didn’t have much to do. The ball was being played in the middle third for the most part and you took the time off the ball to watch your team play. There were a few moments when you were needed but Arsenal took too long to execute so they weren’t really a threat.
The second half is very similar to the first. That is until Arsenal commit a foul and city is awarded a free kick. Chloe looks at her options and with Bunny already on the bench you wonder who will be the blonde’s target. At first you think it will go over everyone and out for a goal kick but then it hits Catley’s leg and Laia has clear shot on goal. You scream in delight as the ball hits the back of the net. 
Do you want to run to the other end of the pitch to celebrate with her? Of course you do but you also know that isn’t an option so you retreat to your goal and prepare yourself for the restart. No way was you going to let your girlfriend’s goal be in vain. You were going to everything you can to keep a clean sheet and send the team into the quarter final.
When Laia got back into her position she turned around and made a heart shape with her hands before pointing to you. She did the exact same thing when she scored her first goal for the club. Just as you did then you kiss your fingers then point at her. 
“You two can be cute after the game. Focus” Alex points at the both of you. 
“Yes boss” you salute your captain and return your focus to the game.
When 6 minutes of injury time is announced you know that Arsenal are going to give it there all. They had nothing to lose and you were the thing standing in their way of going through to the next round. 
Your first true challenge of the game came from an Arsenal corner. Pavlova gets her head to the ball and you use every ounce of power in your legs to jump and push it over the cross bar. 
“Jesus Christ. That was too close. Be better girls!” You shout to the players in the box “that can’t happen again” 
“We won’t” Laia is the closest to you “5 more minutes. Project your goal, mi amor” 
You only have the chance to nod before Foord is on your for the next corner. 
A few minutes pass and you hate to admit it but it has been all Arsenal. You are filled with adrenaline from the saves you make and watching your girls fight to defend.
Somehow Kim gets the ball in open space. You know what she is capable of you do everything you can prepare for the power shot is about to take. It comes flying at you quicker than you imagined and yet you still manage to react quick enough, once again sending the ball over the bar.
When the full whistle blows you pound the badge on your chest in victory. 
Laia and Leila both coming running to you and latch onto you like koala’s. 
“Victoria, chicas. A la siguiente” you tell the two of them as you place them back on the ground.
“My keeper and my goal scorer” Leila kisses you both on the head.
“My keeper” your girlfriend says territorially.
“And my goal scorer” you match her tone.
The former Barcelona defender mutters something you don’t quite catch before leaving you alone with Laia.
“You showed them. You showed them all” she tells you. 
“You scored Laia. You’re the reason why we are through the to quarter finals” 
Nothing a lot is said as you head to where the team is huddling. Your girlfriend head rests on your shoulder and your arm wraps around hers. You won’t lie the injury time took all your focus and you felt a little mentally drained. Laia knew that this sometimes happened so she doesn’t say much. You both enjoy being in each others company even if you know the peace won’t last long. 
“There they are!” Chloe says as you approach the team “our stars” 
You take a bow reeling in the cheers before pushing your girlfriend into the middle of the huddle so the team can celebrate her once again. 
Once in the changing room you go about your business. You shower, get changed and head to bus to get one of the tables. By the time Laia get on board you are dancing around with Chloe as if no one is watching. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, what are you doing?” Laia laughs as she sits where you’ve placed your bag. 
“There she is. The love of my life, the scorer, the Spanish beauty, my girlfriend Laia Aleixandri!!!” You introduce much like an announcer does a boxer. 
With flushed cheeks, she pulls you down into the seat. 
“Look at us. You scored and I made some right worldie saves!” 
“You’re in a good mood. Will I be dealing with confident Y/N all night?” She moves lose wet strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Oh you know it. Tomorrow morning too” you quickly steal a kiss. 
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
if Keefe was in twilight he’d make one too many jokes about vampires and the volturi would simply drink him. like without question
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stiffyck · 4 months
So with the start of a new season and the end of sl I come bearing scar angst:
After sl ends scar gets stuck there right but no one knows. Pearl and grian, the other two winners, just think scar needs some time alone and they think he's just in a private server or something.
Scar meanwhile is stuck in sl and he has no way out. I imagine time moves differently in there so who knows how long he's been there.
I think he'd be very... hmm. Emotional? Like one moment he's sobbing and the next he's fuming and screaming at the secret keeper.
I think he should have nightmares aboht him literally being the secret keeper- that could be fun.
But anyway.
When season 10 starts the others just greet scar and tell him that it's good to have him back and that they hope he's okay- and scar realises they think he's just been somewhere by himself to deal with stuff, not that he was literally stuck in a server filled with dead bodies of his ~~friends~~ enemies.
So scar has to just pretend everything's fine and everything's normal and he's doing okay! He definitely doesn't have any issues! He definitely isn't touch starved!
Idk just scar wanting someone to hug him, to hold him, but also he can't bring himself to ask for any comfort because he feels like he doesn't deserve it.
I think him bottling everything up and not being able to deal with anything while in sl could lead to him being a bit more... uhhh what's the word.... aggressive? Like maybe he snaps at people occasionally without meaning to, he gets mad at stupid stuff like just dropping something on the ground etc.
He's just not doing very well and he's not dealing with anything at all.
I think he's also not used to being around other people who are actually alive.
Also the whole thing about magical mountain. I think Scar is just not doing very well in s10-
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calcifiedunderland · 3 months
Pride and Prejudice: A TWSTed AU
The Keeper of the Underworld: I. Shroud
Introduction, or Pick another route!
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Idia x GN Reader (they/them)
Warnings: P&P-level angst and miscommunication, some cringe dialogue, parties, possibly ooc Idia, I wrote this before playing Book 6 so I apologize if there’s any inconsistencies
Notes: The level of overthinking I put into these fics is unreal 💀 First and foremost, thank you all for your patience!! Idia was hard to write, but I hope you enjoy, shrimpies~
Well this is certainly something, you thought. Of all the things you’d witnessed at NRC, (even overblots), you didn’t think you’d ever see Idia Shroud at one of Kalim’s parties.
You sipped on your drink when a shock of bright blue flames came in the corner of your eye, contrasting the orange-red of Scarabia. Kalim lead Idia into the dorm, bright and sunny, compared to the look on Idia’s face. Poor guy couldn’t even escape, because Cater and Rook ambled in behind him, chatting happily.
It was like the beginning of a joke: A sultan, a card soldier, a huntsman, and a blue flame-headed gamer walk into a room.
Kalim spotted you and grinned, grabbing Idia’s hoodie sleeve and dragging him over too. “Hey (name)! I’m glad you could make it!”
You smiled at the Scarabia Housewarden, “Thanks Kalim! I-“ At that moment, Jamil reached him to drag him away, mumbling exasperatedly to Kalim about being careful. Kalim laughed Jamil off, “sorry (name)! I’ll see you later, okay?” “Alright then…” you trailed off and turned to Idia, who looked like a deer in headlights.
“So…” you rocked on your heels. To be honest, you didn’t know how to approach him sometimes. Sure, you’d gamed with him a few times (with heavy insistence from Ortho) and you weren’t on his ‘avoid at all costs’ ranking list, but Idia did have his odd moments. Some days, you two would get along like a house on fire. Other times, it was like Idia hated you - avoiding you even in tablet-mode, and ghosting your chats.
You’d like to think that your more friendly moments were the ones that Idia counted, but sometimes it was hard to get a read on the guy.
“I didn’t know that you’d be at Kalim’s party today. I thought Ortho said there was an event in… um…?” You finished, cringing at your vagueness. You might not have known much about the game he played, even though he’d made you play it when you came over to Ignihyde, but you knew he probably didn’t want to be here of all places.
Idia’s hair flared a bit, and he looked resigned and moody. He pulled out his tablet. Ya, the event dropped today but I got mobbed by kalim + the extroverts. “That sucks,” you said, “I got dragged here by Ace. Still, it’s nice to see you.” In the oil lamp lighting, you could’ve sworn Idia’s hair turned a bit pink.
You were both silent, and you opened your mouth to speak when Lilia yelled out from the front, “let’s get this party started!” Kalim started drumming wildly, and then electric guitar swelled. Lilia began screaming heavy-metal-style into the mic. Around you, everyone started dancing, and even you found yourself moving to the rhythm.
You glanced at Idia every now and again, but he looked vaguely annoyed and tired despite the liveliness. He looks so over it, you thought. Probably since Kalim maybe dragged him here. You looked around, biting your lip when you noticed your friends having a grand old time on the dance floor, and kind of wanted to go too. Still, it wasn’t every day you saw Idia, and you wanted to do something with him. Especially since he was… well, here.
“So, Idia…” Idia’s eyes snapped to yours, dull. You rocked back on your feet, “do you dance?” Idia rolled his eyes, and you felt your heart sink, for some reason. Obvi not, id probs distract everyone anyway. And also id just rather not if I can help it. Your smile wavered, “c’mon Idia, anyone can dance, even if it’s not good!” Idia typed rapidly into the tablet, i mean ur not wrong. Like literally anyone can dance but ppl only do it bc its wat normies do.
You opened your mouth, then squared your shoulders, words failing you. Idia shoved a hand into his pockets and opened an app on the tablet, scrolling. You swayed for a bit, feeling awkward while Idia kept his eyes glued to the screen, a frown creasing his brows. Finally you shrugged your shoulders, trying to shake that sinking-feeling off.
You stepped into the crowd of dancing people, swaying to the music and trying not to look over at the blue flames swaying in the corner. Unknowing to you, Idia glanced up from his tablet every few minutes, trying to catch a glimpse of you, before trudging back to the cold chrome of Ignihyde, back to his dorm.
Ugh, could this get any worse?
Idia flopped onto his bed, shoving his headphones on and opening the mobile game on his phone. Not only did he get a late start on the game event, but he flubbed a chance to talk to you. Even if you did want to dance like all the other non-introverts at Scarabia. Thank Sevens Ortho didn’t know he missed his chance, otherwise the little robot would’ve torn Idia apart.
Idia shut his eyes and went over the details. Doing this IRL was trash-tier. Why couldn’t this just be a good-old-fashioned otome game, or romance anime? First you meet the love interest, then you find things they’re into, then you talk to them more. Then finally you confess, and cue the outro. He’d watched countless shojo and romance anime’s, and that was the basic outline. Eventually, the ethereal, gorgeous, smart, kind protagonist (aka you) would fall in love with their love interest (aka him) and it would all work out. Boom. Happily ever after.
Ah, yes. He could see it now.
Cherry blossom petals rained around both of you. Where are they coming from, this campus doesn’t grow cherry blossoms? Whatever, don’t question it. Anyway, the petals fluttered past your beautiful, sparkling eyes as you stared up at Idia with adoration and love. Idia stared down at you with full-rizz, kabedoning you against the wall.
“Oh, Idia-senpai!” You’d cry, eyes turning into hearts as sparkles and pink flower petals surround you both. “You’re so cool and not cringe at all! I could never want one of those normies! You’re the only one for me! Please date me!” And then Ortho would set off the heart-shaped fireworks and you two would finally kiss-kiss-fall-in-love, just like the popular anime Our High School Has A Host Club And The Leader Falls In Love With Me?!
“Whee hee hee…” Idia stared off into the distance, giggling ominously to himself and hair turning pink at the ends. His character on the screen went into idle mode, and he didn’t even hear when Ortho floated into the room. “Big brother?” Ortho gently tapped him on the shoulder, yanking him from his shojo daydream. Idia jumped, hair flaring. “AAAIIIIEEEE-“ Ortho jumped back, eyes wide but not detecting any signs of injury on Idia.
Idia breathed heavily, wide-eyed. “Ortho! Wh-when did-? I wasn’t-!” Ortho analyzed his heart beat, noting that Idia had traces of blush on his cheeks and his erratic behavior pointed to- “Were you thinking about (name) (last name)?” Ortho asked innocently, his theory proven when Idia flushed and went pinker. The younger boy suddenly got an idea.
“You know, (Name)’s heart rate goes up when they interact with you,” Ortho watched his brother’s eyes widen, “even when you’re not there, when you’re mentioned, their heart rate increases by 45% and they are more likely to be in a positive mood. 82% of the time, they regard you in a positive way.” His eyes lit up happily with realization, “If my calculations are correct, they have feelings for you!”
Idia sat there, thinking. What were the odds you would like him back? Sure, you made him happy, and more importantly made Ortho happy. And it was actually nice talking to you. And he never felt exhausted after interacting with you. And maybe you did enjoy the artificial light of Ignihyde to the spring sun above, and maybe you would like being with dreary, nerdy him.
Ortho could see his brother lost in thought, noting that Idia’s heart rate spiked when he mentioned you. “I also overheard them telling Grim about finding a partner,” he said casually, omitting that you’d been wanting a partner in Alchemy, and not necessarily a romantic partner.
That seemed to fire Idia up. Ortho could see the metaphorical cogs in Idia’s brain turning, an entire blueprint of a plan being made in his mind. At last, a wide cunning grin spread on his face, and he opened his arms, “well, who else but a genius could be partners with the MC?” He said arrogantly, “it’s not like just anybody can woo the protagonist!”
Ortho beamed, cheering, “all you need to do now is confess!” Idia immediately began sweating, freezing up. “H-huh?!”
You frowned at your textbook, rubbing your temples as you read through the alchemy procedure. Ugh, this couldn’t get any more confusing.
As you turned to begin writing, the door burst open. You flinched and immediately locked eyes with a frazzled Idia. His golden eyes were wide, and he was panting - he even looked sweaty. Somehow his blue fire hair seemed just as frazzled as him, looking pale-blue in shock. Could flames somehow look poofy?
“Prefect!” He squeaked. “Idia?” You questioned, what’s he doing here? It was odd that he’d be out of his room at six in the afternoon, not to mention he looked afraid of you. It wasn’t like you were a stranger, even though as of late, he treated you like one.
He stared at you from the door for an uncomfortable amount of time, then sped-walked to stand in front of you. You looked up at him from your seat, tapping your fingers. You awkwardly asked “do you wanna sit down?” He shook his head quickly, the ends of his hair were turning pink. You frowned, “…dude, are you okay?”
Idia flinched. He pivoted on his heel, “no, no, can’t do it, not today-“ he scuttled out of the room and slammed the door, screeching to himself and pulling his hood over his head. You stared at the door, vaguely hearing Idia freaking out to… was that Ortho? You heard the little robot boy’s voice through the door, probably calming Idia down, along with an odd spraying sound.
It went quiet and you assumed they’d left. Whatever, weirder things have happened at NRC. As you went back to writing, the door slammed open again. You jumped, heart beating wildly. Idia stormed over to you, hair blazing a trail behind him. He slammed his hands down on the desk, and your eyes watered with the scent of overpowering cologne bodyspray.
“Prefect! I need to tell you something!” Idia’s eyes steeled in determination, and he looked you dead in the eye. He was breathing heavily, and his flamed hair blazed and curled more than usual, turning deep pinkish-red near the ends. The last time you saw his hair similar to that, was when he was rage-playing during one of your gaming sessions. How pissed is he? You felt your heart leap into your throat.
“Idia,” you began, freaked out, “I think you should sit down-“ Idia blazed on, “this is honestly a horrible decision for you and definitely for me. I don’t even want to think about what Mother and Father would say, not to mention how this’d affect Styx.” He was tunnel visioning now. “Plus you don’t even have magic and this might not even work out anyway ‘cause I don’t see us working out TBH…” Slowly his hair began fizzling out, voice getting quieter and quieter as he mumbled to himself.
This was a terrible idea, Idia realized. After everything that had happened with Styx, not to mention everything you had to deal with personally, it wouldn’t be good to get involved with him. You could be in danger, especially as a non-magic user. No, it would be selfish of him to ask you to be with him. Why would you, anyway? There were other guys at NRC, not to mention the entire Sage’s Island, who would be a better fit for not. Especially ones who didn’t kidnap your friends and Grim. Especially someone like Idia.
No, he concluded. He shouldn’t have come.
You frowned deeply. “Idia, what…?” Your alchemy work definitely wasn’t done yet and Idia was making zero sense. He sighed, as if tired all of a sudden. “Nope, no… this isn’t going to work.” He stood abruptly and sped-walked out the door, brushing past Ortho. You overheard the boy try to get his brother to come back, but Idia didn’t stop. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears. So that’s what this is about? Idia didn’t want to be friends with you anymore? All because you weren’t… what? A tech whiz? Good at gaming? Magical? Your heart dropped. Because you were just too different from him? So you weren’t good enough to be even friends with him?
Your eyes stung at the thought. Fine. If Idia wanted to be that way, then fine. You shoved your books into you bag and headed back to Ramshackle. You doubted you’d be able to focus, anyway.
Poor Ortho was confused.
After running simulation after simulation, scouring the Internet for any clues, and piecing together what Idia said after running out of the classroom, he just couldn’t understand what happened. That was a first, considering it was Ortho.
Idia had ran out of the room in a hurry, mumbling incoherently. “Brother! What’s happening?” Ortho flew to him, scanning his vitals. Idia seemed to be ok, but his brother seemed… strangely melancholic. “Ortho, it won’t work out,” he said dejectedly, not wanting to talk about it.
Ortho called after him, trailing behind “What did (name) (last name) say? There was a high probability they’d accept your-” Idia sighed in exasperation, shaking his head. “It won’t work. I should’ve never left the dorm…” As Idia trudged back to Ignihyde, Ortho was left with more questions.
He hovered for a moment, before heading back to the alchemy room for you, only to not find you there. Ortho thought hard, thinking back to what Idia said. ‘It won’t work out,’ was what he said - not a flat-out rejection from you. So that meant…
He began floating back to Ignihyde, determined. I can still save this!
You were taking overthinking to a new level.
You bit your lip, staring at the game’s chatbox in front of you. Idia was online, and probably didn’t realize you were too. You leaned against the Heartslabyul common room couch (curse Ramshackle’s lack of internet!), and hit send.
Hey is everything ok??
You watched Idia’s game icon immediately switch to “online less than 1 minute ago,” and groaned.
Cater exited the kitchens, leaning over the couch back. “Hey~ what’s got my fave frosh so worked up?” He chirped, looking at your phone. “Ohh, isn’t that the popular game that’s been trending? Wait, didn’t you say Idia got you into it?” Cater immediately had his phone in hand, “that’s supes adorable, playing with friends is so fun-“
You cut him off, throwing your hands up, “that’s it! Idia just doesn’t want to talk to me! He- he just-!” You grabbed a throw pillow and smashed your face into it, groaning. Cater patted your shoulder sympathetically, “well, we’re playing at another one of Kalim’s parties tonight, you want in?” You sniffed dramatically, thinking. “Well, I guess. Sure, why not?”
Later that evening, you stepped into the Scarabia mirror. You and Cater made your way to the food table. As you both munched on Jamil’s cooking (damn, the guy made a good curry), you watched everyone dancing. “Y’know, it was weird seeing Idia at a party,” you commented, while Cater nodded. “Yeah! We decided to bring him along that day, it was fun seeing him.”
You sighed, “yeah, it was, but… it’s not really often that we can hang out in person. I kinda wanted to dance with him last time, but he sort of… blew me off? I guess maybe it wasn’t the best idea.” You winced, while Cater’s eyebrows rose. “You didn’t tell me that. So, he did that and also told you he didn’t want to be friends?” You nodded, frustration flooding back, “Yeah! And I just don’t understand how he can be so conceited about him being so high and smart, and not like me because I don’t-“
“Prefect,” Cater cleared his throat. You looked up mid-rant, meeting Ortho’s eyes, and jumped. He just snuck up on you both like it was nothing. Did he hear you? Hopefully he wouldn’t be mad. In your mind, Idia started it.
“Hello (name) (last name)!” Ortho said pleasantly, so you assumed he hadn’t heard you. Great. “I didn’t know you’d be here! What a coincidence!” That was a lie, Ortho overheard you and Cater talking about the party when you were walking to Scarabia. He absolutely knew. And he dragged Idia here because of it.
“Yep,” you smiled at Ortho, “it’s nice to see you.” Ortho mentally readied himself and remembered every bit of acting advice Vil gave him. “I almost forgot!” His eyes widened, while your eyes narrowed. Ortho was a robot. He didn’t forget shit. “Big brother is here, and he wanted to ask you to dance!” What? Your neck snapped around, looking for Idia’s bright blue hair. Cater elbowed you, bringing you back to reality.
“I-well, I- had not-“ you stammered, fumbling for an excuse. Ortho’s eyes shone at you like puppy eyes, and your anger at Idia cracked. “…yeah, sure,” you watched Ortho rise a bit in the air happily, “Yippee! I’ll go get him!” He zipped off, and you rubbed your temples. Cater twisted a strand of his hair, eyes wide. “Yikes…” “tell me about it,” you groaned.
A few minutes later, you both looked up when Kalim tapped the mic. You didn’t miss Ortho hovering a ways behind Kalim. “Hey everyone! Thanks for coming!” When the cheering died down, Kalim continued, “We’re gonna try something different! Everyone, find a partner and join the dance floor!”
Cater glanced at you, mischievous. “Welp, I can’t leave them hanging~ TTYL, Prefect!” And he left faster than you could say ‘Magicam.’ Sweet.
You hesitantly stepped to the dance floor, half expecting Ortho to float up to you and sheepishly tell you Idia left. Your mind drifted back to that day in the alchemy room. I guess it wouldn’t work, anyway.
To your surprise, a finger tapped your shoulder. You turned, seeing Idia with a with a flushed expression, wearing a casual-but-chic blazer. His hair looked a bit tamer than normal, and cascaded down his back in a low ponytail, bangs flickering over his forehead. Undoubtedly, this was the work of Ortho, who definitely got pointers from Vil.
You both stared at each other, unmoving, until slow music began playing. You averted your eyes. Idia gulped, eyes widening until waving caught his eye. Ortho was flying upwards a little ways away from the slowly-crowding dance floor, gesturing wildly at you. As if that wasn’t enough, he projected words above his head: DANCE WITH THEM!
Idia was lucky that everyone else was more interested in dancing with their partner than Ortho. His eyes snapped back to you, “s-so I guess you wanna-“ he swallowed thickly, eyes shifting to the dance floor. You shrugged, feigning nonchalance and looked ahead. Idia looked back at Ortho, who was pointing wildly at the words. He thought to himself, this is fine. It’s just the mandatory side quest. It’s not fighting the boss. It’s…
It’s charming the love interest. It’s solidifying your route!
Idia steeled himself and forced your hand into his. Your eyes shot to his in surprise, and he walked stiffly to the dance floor. Your hand clasped his, and you both swayed gently to the soft rock from the stage. Your brows furrowed, but Idia locked his gaze onto you, focusing only on you.
Yes, he thought. This is just the player’s pov on the screen, and he was only focusing on the love interest. The other waltzers didn’t exist. The party didn’t exist. It was just you and him.
Meanwhile, you were at a loss for words. While Idia seemed taciturn, you glanced up at the stage. Cater, Kalim, and Lilia were in their own little bubble jamming out, so that wasn’t a lifeline. After a little while of swaying with Idia, you hummed, “I haven’t seen you in a while. Since that day.” Idia’s hands felt clammy, and in the dimmed lights you saw a small pink dusting Idia’s cheeks. You saw him swallow heavily, but he didn’t say a word.
The tension grew between you two, and despite feeling hurt, you felt a little bad. Still, you wanted some answers out of Idia, after the incident in the alchemy room. “Y’know, you never used to be this… odd around me.” Was it the crowd that made him quiet, or… You felt a lump in your throat. Was it you?
Idia’s eyebrows shot up, thinking fast on what to say. Why can't conversations irl have ready-made dialogue?! “I… we c-can talk about wh-whatever you want? I guess?” He tried, kicking himself internally for leaving his tablet with Ortho. You bit the inside of your cheek as you stepped with him, that’ll do for now. “Scarabia parties are a little much, but they’re more pleasant than the Pomefiore mock balls,” you tried “wouldn’t you say?” After an uncomfortable pause, expecting a reply, you mumbled to yourself, “I guess we can stop talking now.”
“...is it like a rule for normies to chat while dancing? Isn’t the act of moving enough?” Idia mumbled in exasperation, hand tightening a little on your own. You bit your lip, your eyes burning. “No, I prefer to not talk to my friends at all and tell them we can’t be friends. It’s so much fun, right?” Idia’s eyes widened, and he scrambled for words, “I- I didn’t mean…” You stopped swaying abruptly, both of your clasped hands in the air. “Why are you here, Idia?”
A chill went through Idia. “T-To be honest, I didn’t even want to come to this stupid IRL dance,” he rushed out, “TBH Ortho had to make me come ‘cause he told me you’d be here-“ “You didn’t want…?” You cut Idia off, heart dropping. The other dancing couples swirled around you, but all the commotion around you felt like nothing more than idle chatter. Hurt flashed in your eyes, and Idia seemed shocked, which made you angry.
“I guess you wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who’s magicless, especially since you have STYX right?”
Idia’s eyes were wider than the Heartslabyul tea saucers. For once, he didn’t have a smart-ass reply. “Um, what? Obvi, I’m kind of stuck with STYX-” You let go of his hand and took a step back, almost bumping into a waltzing couple. “Yeah, wouldn’t want me to mess things up. Make any bad decisions and all that, right?” You felt your eyes water, despite yourself.
Furiously balling a fist and wiping your eyes, “Since you said we wouldnt work out n’stuff.” Idia suddenly remembered everything he’d muttered to himself, from the moment he’d stormed into the room to when he’d left dejectedly. When he’d made his choice and left before you could even get your word in.
Like a coward.
Idia’s heart pounded but shakingly, he reached a hand out to you. “P-prefect, I-I-!” You dodged the crowd, and ran out of Scarabia. You didn’t look back until you crashed through Ramshackle’s door, raced up the stairs, and fell onto your bed, Grim yelping in surprise as you tried your darndest to forget everything that just happened.
Back in Scarabia, Idia somehow stumbled off the dance floor, staggering to a table and breathing heavily. Mentally he replayed everything that just happened. Ortho floated over to him, “Brother? I don’t understand, why would (name) (last name) not accept your feelings?” Ortho went over the footage when he was observing you both dancing, and frowned.
“My senses indicate that based on their body language, they were upset with you. What happened?” Idia swallowed heavily, “I-I said it wouldn’t work out between us c-cuz they don’t have magic,” he stammered, eyes wide, “a-and STYX and-...” Ortho’s eyes widened, then narrowed, “That shouldn’t be a problem! You know that!”
“I meant for them, Ortho.” Idia sighed heavily, sinking into the chair. “I don’t want them to get hurt. Not when…” his mind wandered to Ortho, before NRC. He fell into deep thought. “In the end, I couldn’t even tell them...” He frowned deeply.
Ortho fell quiet, computing. Idia stared at the table, dejected, until Ortho spoke. “You know (Name) (lastname) doesn’t back down easily from a challenge.” That’s true. From playing games with Idia to taking down overblots, you weren’t someone who ran away when it mattered. Maybe that’s why Idia liked you - you were like the protagonists in animes, who found a way to make the world their own.
“You shouldn’t make (name) (last name)’s decision for them.” Idia looked up at his brother. Ortho continued, head angling to the side, Idia shook his head dejectedly, “it won’t work-”
“Your lil’ bro is right, y’know,” Cater walked over, shaking his hair out with his guitar slung over his shoulder. “Sry, I overheard you two,” Cater could piece together what happened. He did see you blow up at Idia (although he couldn’t hear you), and after spamming your phone with no reply after you ran out, now he had an idea of what was going on. “Y’know, if you didn’t tell them how you felt, then how could you know you were making the right choice?”
Idia looked down. Ortho piped up, “Cater Diamond is right.” Idia shut his eyes, then stood up, hands tightening into fists. Cater jumped back as Idia’s hair flared up bright blue, and the Ignihyde housewarden headed straight to the exit. Ortho called out, “thank you, Cater Diamond!” and floated after Idia, “Brother! Wait!”
“Lets go, Ortho,” Idia’s golden eyes steeled in determination, “I can fix this.”
A knock on the door jolted you from your reading of Prejudice and Pride.
It was early morning. Somehow, even though it was the weekend and you’d stayed up all night, you still woke up at an ungodly early hour. After being unable to fall asleep (totally not because of Grim’s snoring and sleep-munching) you decided to go to your living room and read. You were sure that you didn’t have a guest coming, so why would…?
You got up and opened the door, expecting Ace or Deuce or something. The annoyed look on your face turned to shock when you saw Idia standing on your porch. In one hand, he held a bouquet of pomegranate-red roses and some flowers you recognized to be asphodel.
You both stared at each other, unwilling to move. “Idia,” you breathed, “why are you here?” Idia shuffled awkwardly, “I wanted to see you.” You crossed your arms, looking around. “Where’s Ortho?” You were sure the little robot boy made his brother come. Otherwise, why would Idia be here? Idia rubbed the back of his neck, “Ortho isn’t here. I… I wanted to see you,” he repeated.
Wordlessly, he thrust the flowers into your arms, and you wrapped your arm around it instinctively. “I- um,” you looked everywhere but Idia, who was staring at the Ramshackle doorway. “Idia,” you cleared your throat, “about what happened-” “Prefect, I… I wanted to apologize.” Your eyes widened, but Idia continued.
“I… I didn’t mean what I said that day.” Idia looked bashful, face turning pink and the ends of his hair turning a deep blush. He kept talking, rambling on and fighting he urge to grab his tablet and let the device speak for him. “I… really like being friends with you.” The words came out quietly from him, and even though he looked like he wanted to sink into his hoodie, Idia didn’t shirk away.
A lump rose in your throat as you didn’t make eye contact with him, instead playing with the flower bouquet, “I like being friends with you too,” you bit your lip, rubbing an asphodel petal, “I like you, Idia.”
Idia’s eyes widened and went rigid. Both his face and his hair went deep pink. Your own eyes widened at the color, and you felt your face grow hot. So that’s what it meant…? Not anger…?Wordlessly, without thinking, you dropped the bouquet. Your body moved on its own, and you flung yourself at Idia, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and squeezing your eyes shut.
Idia staggered back from the momentum with a squeak, but wrapped his arms around your torso with an iron grip. You gripped his hoodie tightly, finally understanding what had gone on for so long. Your cheek was pressed against his, and despite the early morning chill, you both felt warm.
High above, Ortho hovered in the distance over the tree canopies from afar. He zoomed in on you and Idia, and behind his face mask, he beamed. In midair, he did a heart-shaped loop-de-loop in happiness, and hovered back to Ignihyde.
After a few minutes, you leaned back in Idia’s arms, the both of you chuckling in happy disbelief. You looked up and saw a little blue streak leaving a smoke trail of a heart, and laughed to yourself. Idia turned around, seeing his brother above, a soft reminiscent look on his face.
“…guess Ortho was right.”
Fun fact: the beginning is inspired by idia’s school uniform vignette!!!
Me, while writing this: wow Idia and Cater’s dialogue are unique, they’d be hard to write
Also me: *puts both of them in this fic and suffers*
Writing Idia was SO HARD but I hope I managed to get him right-ish. Trying to balance his reactions with the dialogue was hard 😭
anyway thanks for reading~ please leave a comment/reblog!! <3
Taglist: @cerisescherries, @eclecticprincecollector, @ars-tral, @thehollowwriter, @twst-eeps, @casperandcats, @ttokkisbee, @mitsuriswaifu, @parad-ice-lostandfound, @sad-sie, @moyo5653
(If your user is in bold, I wasn’t able to tag you properly)
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
What ever it takes. Pt2.
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Yandere Alicent & Aemond x Sister/daughter reader. Miniseries.
What ever it takes. Part Two. Part three. Alternate ending.
Plot: Your obsessive mother and twin brother are on the hunt to find you after you had been taken. They would stop at nothing to get you back into their arms, may the seven forgive the poor souls who dare harm you.
Hope this is a good sequel- Also this is Aemonds chapter.
Word count: 1103
Taglist: @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @helloitsshitzulover @second-try-stevie @a-dorkier-book-keeper
Warnings: Yandere thrist for blood. Blood, violence, female abuse, being kidnapped and chained.  No real statement of the targaryen way of love...If you know what I mean. Mistakes, writing errors. 
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It’s been a full week since you had felt the comfort of your home and you missed it deeply. You began to wonder if you would ever see it again. You missed to soft sheets on your bed and how you laid on it comfortably, you missed the gardens you walked daily and most of all you missed your family. How you could remember your mothers soft and kind embrace, holding you so dearly.
Now you had no soft place to sleep, you couldn’t walk do to the pain in your feet by the chains, no soft touch or even seeing the sun as more then a tiny hole through a crack in the wall. You didn’t know much about where you were but the men here hated you but they had not do what any normal men would do. You were thankful for that. But they had no problem hurting you and sometimes you wondered if it would be the last time and finally kill you.
Sitting on the cold stone floor you had your back against the wall to get some rest. You felt weak and so cold that everything that happened just felt like one day to you. You hadn’t had more the a small piece of dry bread in a week and they only gave you water every two days. After your time here you learned why they took you: Their boss had wanted to get gold and land for returning you which didn’t seem that smart to you.
Opening your eyes as you heard the echoes through the halls of screaming men and it panicked you. But being weak you couldn’t even move more then a inch. Maybe it was your savior, or someone who wanted you dead. Who ever it was you had to wait to use your last ounce of strength.
The smell of burnt flesh carried its way through the air as the bodies of burnt men surrounding Aemond and a man on his knees. Blood leaking onto the ground the man groaned in pain, he began and pleaded for mercy to the prince. Aemond just smirked and grabbed him by the armor he was wearing and stared right into his eyes, “You stole my sister,” he put pressure on the wound but more then it should be and the man lets out a cry. “Let the last thing you see is my pleasured face as I feed you to my dragon.” He dragged the man and dropped him in front of vhagar.
Aemond moved out of the way and watched as his blood splatter everywhere with a sick smirk in his face. His focus the turned to walk passed the already dead bodies and into the old stone palace, he rushed through and saw no one in sight. “Y/n?!” He called out for his sister but no answer. He looked between the different hallway and he choses the one to the right and walked down the cold hallway.
He shouted again and all he heard was silents. His chest filled with guilt and the twisting thoughts stayed the same. He wanted to cover the walls in red with the blood of everyone who took you. Feeding him to his dragon or them dying by fire was a mercy kill. He hopes a few were still alive so he could make them see just who they messed with. Maybe bring a few of their body parts as a gift for his mother.
His head turned at a sound coming from the end of the hall and he rushed to the door. “Stay still.” He heard a voice from inside trying to hush someone so he opened the door quickly. Standing over a chained woman with a knife in his hands, it was her. His darling sister looked weak but still managed to use her last strength to stop the knife.
“You’re a dead man.” Before anyone could reacted the man was pulled of her and thrown on the ground. “You think you could do this.” He knocked the blade out of his hand and held him down as he tried to fight back. “My love is not someone you fuck with.” Grabbing the man’s neck he pushed down and tightened his grip to choke the man.
“She is mine. Mine to protect. And a targaryen doesn’t like to lose what’s theirs, but don’t worry my mother will know just what to do.” Grabbing the back of his head he lifted it up and smashed in into the floor. Knocking the man out he laughed. The sound coming from his stomach is a happy, evil and dark laugh. What Aemond would do to just kill the man here and now with his bare fucking hands.
The small raspy voice called out to him and he had forgotten all about his wrath and the light was brought back into him. “My darling.” He moved off the man and came to her side while lifting her up. “I am here to bring you home.” She was covered in dirt and the darkness around her eyes wasn’t what he was focused on. It was the swollen bruises and cuts on her face.
He wanted blood. He wanted to kill. He wanted revenge. 
“Seven hells.” He grabbed the chain and broke it off with the handle of his sword and it made her twitch. “Shh my love.” He tried to calm her. Once she was free of it all he picked her up into his arms. “Darling?” He looked down and her eyes fully closed and her chest barely moving.
“My prince?” A voice called from behind him again. It was one of the guards that was sent to help him but he got here first. “That man is to be brought to the dungeons and anyone else you can find. The queen wants them alive.” He walked out outside and placed her in the carriage they brought in hopes of finding her. Vhagar knew she’d have to fly home but it wasn’t that far, she was also sad she didn’t get to kill anyone else. She felt the same way her rider did about y/n. A bound shares between the two.
“You’ll be home soon.” He whispered as he kissed your head. He held you the whole way back to the castle and screamed at the driver to drive faster. He wished he could take you on vhagar but there was no way he could ensure your safety.
“I will spill more blood for you. Do what ever it takes to make sure you’re safe forever….”
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sturnsbabie · 19 days
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pairing: dad!nate x sls!reader
summary: in which nate and sls find out the gender of baby #3.
warnings: mentions of pregnancy,crying,fluff.
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my sister and nate decided to let me the keeper of the gender for her gender reveal. it was such a sweet thing and a special moment for me to be able to find out the gender first. she gave me the enevlope that had the gender and i was now in my room alone about to open it.
i had the vlog camera out and set up as i started to record. “hey guys you wont see this for a while but im here about to find out the gender of nate and y/ns baby because she let me be the keeper of the gender.”i said to the camera.
“im scared.” i chuckled as i started to open the enevlope.
“lets see what baby doe #3 shall be.”i said as i opened the envelope that had the ultrasound of the baby and their gender.
the ultrasound was folded up so i unfolded and it revealed the gender. the paper said its a girl.
i let out a loud squeal as i covered my mouth with my hand getting teary eyed. not was i only so happy that im finally getting my niece but i was happy for my sister who’s finally getting her girl that she has dreamed of having since she was a little girl.
the tears slid down my cheeks as i looked at the camera. “its a girl!” i said quietly so nobody in the house could hear.
the gender reveal was in two days and tomorrow i was gonna go get everything for the party. i planned on ordering cake pops and only one of them had the gender in it. i also was gonna get some smoke cannons filled with pink smoke and some extra little things.
im so excited to see how my sister is gonna react when she finds out that shes gonna have a girl. im happy for her and nate. i always had a feeling that one day they would be together. i could tell by the way they both act around eachother.
they both have always looked at eachother like they are the only person in the room. they both have a little sparkle in their eye as cheesy as that sounds. you could just look at the both of them and tell how inlove with eachother they are.
i loved having nate as a permanent part of our family even though he always has been but now he’s literally like our brother in law and it was great. he was so sweet to her and sweet to their boys. i couldnt wait to see both of their reactions to having a girl.
today nate and i would be finding out the gender of baby #3. nick was throwing the gender reveal party for us.
we were currently on our way to my moms where nick was throwing the reveal at in her backyard.
i had on a light pink mini dress that showed off my bump and nate had on a light blue shirt with some khaki shorts. leo was matching his daddy and owen had on a light pink shirt with shorts. nate was team boy and i was team girl.
nate had his hand on my thigh while he was driving us. he looked so good. i loved watching him be a dad because he was so sexy.
we now were at my moms and we have been here for about 30 minutes and we all have been standing around talking as nick is getting the reveal ready.
nick came outside. “alright guys im gonna give each of you a cakepop. one of these will have the gender in it and we will all bite into them at the same time” he said as he gave everyone a cake pop.
“okay on the count of one…two..threee. lets do this!” nick said as we all bit into our cake pops looking for the color. none of us got it yet til justin spoke up.
“i have a color!its pink!” justin said as i looked at the cakepop then back at nate.
suddenly a bunch of smoke cannons went off as pink smoke filled the air. everyone squealed and screamed as the gender was revealed.
i let out a loud scream as i jumped into nates arms. “IM HAVING MY BABYGIRL!” i said as i started to sob in his arms as he held me. nate had a big smile on his face
“i know baby! you have your girl.”nate said smiling as he kissed my forehead holding me close to him.
“i got my girl.”i sobbed as he pressed a soft kiss onto my lips.
he put me down as everyone came over to us. my mom hugged me as we both cried as nates mom hugged him while she was crying aswell.
my brother justin pulled me into his arms giving me a big hug. “congratulations y/n you finally got the girl of your dreams.” he said smiling.
“im so happy to finally have my girl.” i said.
matt and nick were talking to nate as chris came over hugging me. “im happy for you sis.” he said as he had tears running down his cheeks.
“chris why are you crying?” i giggled as i hugged him.
“im just so happy you’re finally getting your girl”he said.
we talked for a while til nick came over to me congratulating me as we both cried about me having a girl.
nate and i opened the gender reveal gifts we got and thanked everyone.
it was now nighttime after we had the gender reveal and nate and i were currently back at our apartment with the twins laying in bed.
i had owen laying on my chest as i rubbed his back as he was fighting his sleep. leo was sound asleep on his daddy as we were watching our show.
i love having little moments like this with our boys. i loved being a mommy so much its the greatest gift nate has ever gave me. i couldnt wait for our girl.
owen was starting to get fussy as he laid on my chest. “shhh owie its okay baby mommy has you.” i said as i held him closer to me rubbing his back.
“go to sleep owie baby youre so sleepy.” i said as i kissed his forehead.
after a bit of me rubbing his back and talking to him he was finally asleep as i looked over at nate and leo both of them sound asleep.
i started to cry as i saw them both asleep together looking so perfect. leo was a perfect mix of me and his dad mostly looking more like his dad as owen looked a bit like the both of us more.
i wiped my tears as i scooted closer to nate leaning my head on him as i started to fall asleep.
my little family. we cant wait for you to come babygirl
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TAGLIST: @sturniololoves , @milesfordays11 , @freshloveee , @zayyluvz , @luvr4miya , @delusional-4-fake-people
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mae-gi-writes · 1 month
Finders Keepers | Gally [TMR] - Part 1
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In which Gally gets soft for one of the boys in the Glade, only…is it a boy? alternatively; In which Mai disguises herself into a boy to fit in the Glade, only to be suspected by the keen eyes of the Builder's Keeper.
"Enjoying life, Greenie?" 
Dark eyes framed by thick lashes look up with a scowl at the said Builder's voice. And here Mai had hoped for some peace and tranquility after having spent all day out in the sun pulling out weeds and listening to Zart talk incessantly about his love of plants and whatever. 
Gally stands ahead of the new boy, leaning against one of Homestead's supporting structures with the kind of grin that makes Mai want to run for it. No wonder so many new Greenies decide that the Maze is a fair chance. When Gally's out here storming through the grounds, Mai isn't quite sure that the Glade is as safe as they all make it out to be. His temper is something to be reckoned with. 
Mai's been here for only over a week and to say that it's comfortable would be a lie. It feels suffocating, all the more because of the number of people cramped into the Glade. 
Gally takes a step towards the Greenie and the latter freezes up for a second, inwardly screaming at him to go back where he comes from because god knows Mai does not want the peace created undisturbed. But seems that Gally doesn't read faces well, for he plonks himself down next to the new boy while pushing up his shirt sleeves currently caked with mud from all the hard work he's been doing around the Glade. 
The words fall from Mai's mouth without warning, "aren't you supposed to be with your Builders?" 
For a minute, Gally's eyebrows quirk up in surprise. Not a lot of people dare to stand up to him and yet, this new recruit has the kind of fire in his eyes that makes Gally smirk. Little smartass, he thinks to himself. 
"I'm their Keeper, I can do whatever I want." 
"Slacking off is also part of that job title?" 
"You've got quite a mouth on you for a Greenie." 
Mai's scowl merely deepens before he looks away. Gally's right. That's not the right way to keep a low profile here. In the Glade, hierarchy was everything and Mai is stupid to believe that Gally's interest in him excuses Mai from any sort of punishment he might have to offer. 
"Sorry," Mai mutters. 
Gally doesn't seem to mind, clapping a hand on the younger boy's back before he pulls himself back up, "Gotta go back to work Greenie. You coming?" 
Mai grumbles but does as told, already feeling the scars on his hands where he'd been pulling out weeds all morning. He just hopes that his phase with the Garden people is just what it is - a phase. There are far more fun things to be done around the Glade and unwillingly, the Greenie casts a glance back at Gally's broad back as the latter makes his way to his newest architectural invention.
Mai feels his face flush and quickly averts his gaze, knowing full well that he needs to get a hold of himself if he wants to survive in this place.
Well, she needs to get a hold of herself. 
Lie to them. And to yourself.
Lie, Mai.
Those were the first few words that Mai heard echoing in the back of her brain the moment she'd stepped out of the metal box. The crowd of boys around her hadn't suspected a thing, considering that she was dressed as a boy, had close-cropped hair and was so scrawny one could barely believe a female's body laid underneath. The words were so poignant, dripping with venom of instructions, that Mai had done as told. She'd lied to them all, for the sake of safety.
And maybe that was what had saved her, in the long run.
It's complicated living in a Glade full of horny boys. Mai has to be careful because every second counts. When she goes to the toilet, for example, making up the excuse that she needs to do "a big one" as she'd mutter out to the other boys while averting her gaze elsewhere. Or when she's changing, always volunteering to go pick out weeds and quickly dropping into the Runner's chambers so she could get into fresh clothes. The biggest challenge had been the showers. It was communal and most boys didn't care at all for privacy. So Mai had to wait out in the dark. No boys enjoyed bathing in utter darkness, so night time was her best opportunity. She'd wait until everyone was drowsy enough not to realize that she was gone, scrubbing down her body in milliseconds before shoving on her new clothes.
Thankfully, the boys are either too dumb or too preoccupied with dealing with what the Maze has to offer to give her attention, and for that Mai is grateful.
"So have you decided?"
She looks up from her bowl of soup freshly made by Frypan and herself -- they'd decided to put her with the said young man for the day to see how she would fare and in all honesty, Mai thinks that this is probably the first time she's felt at ease with something -- into Alby's dark eyes.
Their leader is not one that speaks for nothing, and so everything that does come out of his mouth is of some importance.
"I definitely don't want to be a Slicer," she responds with a shrug, and takes another gulp of her soup. The leader takes a seat across from hers with an amused smile, "why not? I think it's fitting."
"Shut up Alby," she scowls at him.
"Alright alright," he lifts his hands in surrender, "considering your frame, I say we make you a Cook. Frypan needs all the help he can get anyway."
"That's offensive," Mai states, "what's wrong with my size?"
"C'mon Greenie, you're like four feet tall. You can't hold or build nothing, you suck at gardening, you've got no shuck stamina. I think the kitchen's where you belong."
"Thanks Alby, really shucking inspirational."
"You're welcome." Alby grins. Someone cries out his name then, something to do with the Runners, and he hits you lightly on the arm as he stands, "right. Off to work, shank."
Mai watches as his back shrinks with more distance, and wonders whether Alby suspects something off about her — or him. She's so careful, always double or triple checking, but she can never be too sure. Is that why he's sticking her into the kitchen where he thinks girls belong?
No, you're thinking too much into it, Mai thinks to herself. It's fine, you're doing fine.
Obviously, it's not just fine.
She busies herself all afternoon working as Frypan's assistant in the kitchen. He is easy-going and makes her feel a lot better, something about his presence reassures her, even though the close cooking quarters makes moving about impossible without touching one another. That's not something that Mai feels comfortable with, so she does try her best to avoid moving in the same direction.
Tonight is pork curry from the Slicer's last batch, paired with flavored rice and some green beans from the Track-Hoes gardens. The boys are hungry by the time evening falls and Mai busies herself by serving them one another another, until the familiar clamour of metal causes the entire Glade to freeze.
It's been a week, and yet Mai is still not comfortable hearing the gates close them in every night. The same gates keeping them from the outside. The same gates trapping them in, in a world that they can't even control.
Mai's fury burns as she thinks of it.
"Hey," she turns to see the blonde, the one that looks like an elf with features so delicate that she might swoon at the look of him. He's the next in line, amused by the fact that she seems distracted.
"O—Oh. Sorry," she quickly shoves a few pieces of Pork into his plate and loads it up with the greenbeans, "here you go."
"Thanks Greenie," he cocks his head st her curiously, "how you holding up?"
Mai shrugs, embarrassed that she can't seem to recall his name even though she knows he's second-in-command, "doing alright I suppose. Alby finally figured out what to do with me."
"Yeah I think you're better suited for it than picking out weeds. Zart wasn't impressed."
"It's not my fault your weeds seem to be ten meters long." Mai protests as a flush creeps up her neck.
Newt laughs, "I'm joking Greenie. Relax. Anyway," he lifts his plate in mock salute, "thanks for this. Hope I don't choke on it."
"Well I hope you do!" Mai yells out after him, only to add after some minor reflection, "—a little bit."
After having served all Gladers, Mai takes her own plate and tries to find a seat. Alas, the task proves itself hard upon noticing that all tables are already full. There's only one place open — and that one place is by the Runner's table.
Now, it's not that Mai wants to be rude and ignore them altogether. But the Runners only bring out the particular memory of her pathetic wheeze after having run merely a mile, deeming her not fit for the said job. That embarrassment had only made Mai want to avoid the Runners altogether if she could.
But alas, fate is not on her side today. She spots the asian boy called Minho, whose eyebrows quirk up when their eyes meet. He casts a quick glance at her tray, has a look around, before he grins and beckons her over.
"Hey Greenie," he says as soon as her butt hits her seat. His dimpled smile paired with his pretty crescent moon eyes doesn't help with her heart, "thought you'd never wanna show your shuck face around us after that run."
"Some people aren't Runners. Get over it," you say it more in a mutter but loud enough that it gets the entire table into chuckles.
"Well I think you might just be the next Frypan," another Runner says, "I'm Ben by the way."
"Mai," she responds, not enjoying the way his eyes seem to flicker over her face in thought, as if he's trying to figure out what's off with her.
Because there is something off, just not the kind that they'd expect.
"Huh, Mai." Ben tries it out on his tongue. He takes another bite of his curry, "how are you liking the glade?"
"S'alright. I just wish the Builders could maybe build us actual beds instead of having hammocks."
"Oh he said it," Minho claps Mai's back so hard she almost spits out her food, thankful he hasn't noticed when he only slings an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer, "hey Gally! Greenie here has a problem with your hammocks!"
Uh oh. Mai's horror triples as she watches the said Builder stand from his seat. Numerous eyes have swayed across tables to land on her now. Gally strides towards them slowly, a predator confident in his skin, she can't help but squirm back.
He's intimidating and scary. And yet, her stomach squeezed with an unfamiliar feeling altogether.
"You got a problem with the hammocks?"
Gally's voice brings her back to reality. Mai blinks, "uhm—no, not at all—"
"That's not what you said a few seconds ago Greenie," Minho grins, "come on. Tell him. He doesn't bite."
"He might," mutters Ben from your other side.
"Uh— I was saying how comfortable the hammocks were," Mai responds with a nervous laugh, "so yeah— good job Gally."
Gally doesn't seem convinced, but a call from Alby stating that he wishes to see the Keepers thankfully breaks the attention from Mai.
"Right," Minho quickly clears the plates  away, but not before ruffling Mai's hair as he does so, "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Try not to die Greenie."
Mai lets out a soft sigh as the asian boy makes a run for it, followed by Gally after having thrown her another glance. He doesn't say anything though and as the Glade slowly starts to die out — boys settling into their hammocks and others taking their turns in the showers — Mai is glad when no one seems to pay her attention in favor of sleep. No surprise there, considering how tiring they are after all this hard work.
She settles into her own hammock, tied up close to the elfin-looking blonde, and tries to get comfortable. The Maze walls look even larger as she stares up at them, her breath catching in her throat as she thinks of all the boys that have lived here for months without hope.
Mai falls asleep that night, dreaming of the what ifs and the endless possibilities of what the future might hold.
She just hopes that they'll make it out one day, hopes that the echoing voices at the back of her head are just that — voices.
A/N: AAANd that's a wrap for the first chapter! Like I said, I'm in a TMR brainrot so don't mind me or my obsessive behaviour towards Gally in these series. And can I just say that Will Poulter has aged like fine wine. See you in the next chapter! Do let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist <3
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