#and I was like omg you're right Heart acts so much like a dog
axyer · 10 months
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ngrhfmmmm… dog heart…
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hwajin · 11 months
☆°. — silly boyfie things | skz
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genre: fluff
pairing: skz x gn!reader
note: i haven't posted headcanons in ages and this was SO much fun to fabricate omg hope you like it 🫶🫶
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he would FIGHT with you over the check after you went out for dinner. like literally FIGHT and not budge when you propose to pay yourself, because you feel bad that he always, always pays for the both of you. you think you smarted him out when you invited him for dinner calling for you to pay but he has his wallet ready the moment you finish your food, telling the waiter the bill is shared and having his money out faster than you can look — it nearly enrages you every time, but he tells you he genuinely enjoys paying, doesn't mind it and wants to do it, so you have no chance other than letting it go (even if reluctantly).
he's so annoying he thinks it's PEAK commedy to say "no" to every single favour you ask him only to do it seconds later. OR saying no and waiting, actually not doing said favour and waiting for you to get annoyed until he'd nudge and end up doing it after all. giggles as if he's the funniest mf like he enjoys seeing you being annoyed so much. acts like this in front of friends and in public in general as well, ALSO cringes sm when you show him affection whenever on a get together though the moment the two of you are alone he literally won't be able to keep his hands off you. like he pretends to be so disgusted when you even as much as touch him in public, and the moment you're alone behind closed doors he's slouching onto you like a koala.
omg you can't tell me that he didn't invent the "no you hang up first" 😭 like you'd be coming to the end of a conversation (often while he's on tour or smth tho he literally needs to hear your voice every single day so he calls you like whenever he has a minute even of free time) and at some point he's like "aight hang up 🥰" and you play along and hit him with the "no you do 😆😝" and the quarelling goes back and forth (jokingly on your side, in ALLLL seriousness on his) and at some point you say goodbye for real and hang up AND YOU CAN BET THIS FUCKER CALLS BACK like all pouty and actually slightly upset that you had the audacity to hang up??? and you're like someone has to at some point we can't have an endless phone convo??? and he's like why not do YOU NOT LOVE ME???? yeah you get it.
bro this man NEEDS him to be your lockscreen on your phone. like it's an actual need of his or else he's gonna cease to exist he thinks. like you're obviously his wallpaper (both on his lock AND homescreen) so when he catches a glimpse of your phone and you dare to have just a random pinterest pic as your lockscreen, one you've chosen mindlessly altogether he RIOTSSSS. pouts as if his life is depending on it, clutches his heart as if it's gonna stop any minute, gasps and side-eyes you as if you straight up cheated on him. takes a selfie RIGHT that moment (it takes him a while because he both can't decide whether he wants it to be cute or sexy, and because he wants to look good either way) and sets it as your lockscreen instantly. checks like daily to see if you've changed it (if you did to tease him he LITERALLY is moments from breaking up with you).
he sends you pics of ugly looking animals with a 'you' attached to the message. like even if it has no resemblence with you altogether. like it'll be a fish, a whale, a bird, a funny looking dog and their all attached with 'you'. and like he finds it so funny even if you never react to it, in fact finds it SO hilarious that at some point he will send you pics of literally ANYTHING he sees ever — like furniture, tools, random fucking street lamps, you name it — with a 'you' attached to it and CACKLES as if he invented comedy himself. the bright side to it, he takes this to the romantic level and shoots pretty pics of flowers and sends them with the same 'you' attached to it, or pics of the sky, or of a particularly bright star. so maybe it's not that annoying after all.
he causes his friends to tease you because he literally can't shut up about you. like every single thing you do he even slightly adores (which is, every single thing period, tbh) is being reported to his friends because he's just so in love with you he has to get the words out or he'll combust :((. like you'd maybe get him a little gift, smth small about stuff he's interested in lately, or these "i saw this and thought of you" gifts and he presents said gift to his friends as if it's an artifact of love itself, and the next time you're over they're going at you, teasing the shit out of you because tbh, they've teased felix so much already for talking their ears off that they need another victim. you basically never stop blushing when around them, hearing constantly just how much your bf talks about you when you're not around (and you'd lie saying you don't like it).
bro just straight up leaves you on read except when your text contains something of advantage to him 😭😭. like you haven't seen him in a while and want to catch up a bit? he reads the message and responds like 5 hours later ("we've seen each other yesterday, you can't possibly miss me enough to talk again"). or when you send him random tiktoks or shitposts — opens and reads them and then doesn't ever bother to even leave a like 😭. though the moment you hit him with a text like "running to the supermarket, you want anything?" he's responding the same second and you grow salty every time, wondering why you put up texting him in the first place.
pretends to be jealous like a LOT. like the first time he'd be actually jealous, going fresh into the relationship with insecurities still gnawing at you and him and when he confesses you reassure him, making sure he understands there will never be an occassion on which he needs to be remotefully jealous, even. and after that he simply pretends to be, for shits and giggles and to piss you off. like you talk to the barista for your order? how could you even look their direction omg. you send a quick text to a friend while out with him? how dare he's not the single most important thing in your life rn. you tell him about a dream that didn't involve him? breaking up with you this very instant. can't stop himself from giggling at his one if a kind humour while watching you grow annoyed every time anew.
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@happycandynoelle @es-kay-zee @jeyelleohe @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @bintificreads @svintsandghosts @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus @junebug032 @noellllslut
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rorichuu · 10 months
OMG HELLO!!! i see that u do tf2 and i’d love to request smth hehehehheheALSO ur account is so pretty what ?!?!
but i hope you’re well dude! can i request some relationship headcanons with some (or all!!) of the mercs pls? or any basic headcanons !!
take your time btw:)
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the tf2 mercs in a relationship + headcanons
pairing: mercs x reader (gender not specified)
authors note: MY FIRST REQUEST WAAAHH also oml thank you, you’re so sweet :( some headcanons coming your way! ... also i apologize if they're ooc, this is my first time writing for them:'(
disclaimer: minor spoilers for the comic in heavy's!
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i’ll be honest, when scout found out Miss Pauling was a lesbian he was pretty beat up for a while
that was until he realized other people exist!
he literally follows u around like a puppy dog when he realizes he has a crush on you
his love language is definitely physical touch and words of affirmation
and is ungodly touch starved
i can see him trying to find ways to touch you, and not in a sexual way... just either grazing your arm when he talks to you, or he stays shoulder-to-shoulder with you when you sit next to each other
he finds it very very comforting
and if you tell this man he looks very handsome or just occasional i love you's, he'll fold ong
his heart melts and he just wants to hold you till he can't anymore
but i think Miss Pauling and Scout would be pretty good buds after the whole "Scout constantly flirting with Miss Pauling" thing died down
and his confession was pretty cringey ngl
his crush on you was very evident so when he tries to ask you out, you say yes
(skipping down the halls with joy)
bisexual icon
oh man
this dude's flirting is... so hard to detect😭
but a lot of his attention is on you!
and makes a lot of exceptions for you
for someone who doesn't like loud noises and is very sensitive to outside stimuli, if you're like me and he notices it, he'll definitely find a way to be more quiet
like if you and the rest of the mercs are lined up and notices you're cowering or anxious asf, he's goes soft and let's you go
if you thank him or say you appreciate him for his efforts, his face is SO RED.
but he salutes you and said he was happy to do for a fellow compatriot
(his hearts beating so fast help him pls)
BUT if you're just as loud and upbeat as him/share his energy, he's in heaven
he loves that you like to blow shit up with him?!?! like omg this is my lover and i will marry them on this battlefield right now.
love languages is totally acts of service
like if you save this man from the enemy he's blushing so fucking hard like omg i love you
with his confession, it was straight forward and to the point (but he was beet red ... basically my hc on him is that he blushes very easily fhjrebjh)
also gender doesn't matter to him, he loves who he loves
i love pyro sm :3
best lover!!!
gifts and quality time!!!
alwwaaaaaaays giving you gifts like omg all the time
your reaction is her FAVORITE
like they'll find a flower burnt to a crisp or a homemade corpse bracelet and he'll have the brightest aura
jumping up and down if you give her something
like she's the happiest person in the world
bonus if you share a love for fire
campfires/bonfire dates!!
and you're probably the only one who understands him (alongside Engi, of course) so your conversations are endless!
and is suchhh a sweet tooth
such a soft and loving partner!
when pyro confesses (and you accept) he's leaping with joy quite literally
BIG HUG :)))
asexual royalty!!!
holy moly
which is a lot of the time cause yknow, very much alcoholic
but when he's sober he's pretty level headed NFJHBJ (comics for reference)
idk man he gives off best friend kinda lover
like he's always so hype and the best to be around
so when he found out he had a crush on you, he was pretty much head over heels
when he's drunk he's always holding you
hugs, kisses, hand holding, slumping on you
omg the best to nap with ong
BRO IS A FUCKING HEATER he's always so gd HOT
so if you're taking a nap with him don't get a blanket he's legit sprawled all over you
but it's kind of a different story when he's sober (he gives you your space but def rolls around in his sleep)
oh boy his confession was definitely when he was on his 100th drink
his confession was SO SLURRED
if you said yes he's over the moon
honestly, this man is a huge softy
and VERY protective.
have you seen him in the comics? he was 100% ready to kill a man over Medic's death (and just his natural protectiveness, like his family for example)
but dude his love language is for sure acts of service and physical touch
when he realized he had a crush on you, he always kinda stuck by you on the battlefield
even with the high of combat, his eye always finds youuu😭
i love heavy sm
and its quite obvious this man doesn't speak much, unless in his native tongue (which isn't often)
so even if he doesn't say anything, he'll for sure stand by you or take your hand
if you have anxiety, this man is SUCH a comfort
also you'd def be the one to confess
if you asked him out or asked to if you could be his partner, he is kinda shocked but is very very happy :)
lets you hold Sasha
no label, love is love
i'm so deeply in love with this man omg someone sedate me
but anyway
is SO polite and is SO PATIENT
he absolutely adores it when you visit him when he's working
it gets lonely sometimes because he focuses best when the others aren't around (aside from pyro) ... but when he realized how much he loved your presence, he expected almost every day for you to visit him at least once
(gets bummed when you don't)
but if you have a genuine curiosity for what he does and what it means, he tells you ALL about it!!!
he understands it can be very confusing if you haven't studied engineering/computer science, etc... so he is more than happy to explain it to you :)
loves cooking for you and would sooo wear a "kiss the cook" or something cheesy like that (he finds it funny and hopes to get a smoochy)
quality time quality time quality time
and pet names
omg pet names
"love", "darlin'", "sweetheart", "buttercup"
i can kinda see engi being a bit cheesy honestly
his confession would be pretty casual! he wasn't too stressed about asking you... and would probably slip the question in mid-convo !
rfhbrtgbj much love for this man
I'll be honest here
his love is lowkey highkey possessive
but i think it'd either take a while for him to realize his feelings for you or would become attached VERY QUICKLY
there's zero in between
with his deep love and possession, he finds such deep fascination with your anatomy/body
not even sexually bro
he just thinks you're so incredible and puts u under a microscope
this man hasn't felt the touch a person in years (aside from the mercs' checkups obviously)
and übercharge, if it was a love language
worships u ONG
loves to see you with such confidence when he activates the übercharge omfg
he thinks you're the most attractive thing he ever laid eyes on
confession? nah yall kinda just started dating; yall kinda just started happening
let me explain😭if someone was tryna ask you out, medic would be pretty quick to step in
uses his height to his advantage to let the person know what's up 😨
bisexual with a def male lean
at first you would definitely think sniper hates you
he wouldn't purposely avoid you, but he like spends zero personal time with you at first
he's always in his van and istg u wanna drag him out and force him to tolerate you
(and he'd probably find that very attractive if you did)
but if he found out he has feelings for you? oh boy oh boy
acts of service 🔛🔝
if you were in close combat with someone and you tripped, the enemy having the upper hand... you'd hear a sudden gunshot in the enemy's skull and a loud thud.
but before you could look up, he was nowhere to be found (you knew it was him and you were very appreciative)
if you brought it up to him OH MY GOD his face would be soooo red soso red
the most bisexual man i have ever seen
too suave for his own good dude
his love is very old-fashioned!
when spy finds his massive crush on you, is when he realizes the comfort of your presence
if you can have comfortable silence with spy is when he is totally connected/in love with you
smoking out the window/evening night conversations!
also when i tell you this man gets so flustered if you one-up him...
he'll wave it off and play it mad casual but on the inside he's malfunctioning
would definitely take you to the best, high-class restaurants and walks you home omg
loves to spoil you holy shit
always buying you stuff (jewelry, clothes, shoes, personal things you like... he bought it already)
which btw love language is definitely gifting and quality time
def bisexual like cmon
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
ik your requests are closed but if you have time n feel up to it, could you write a fic, blurb or even just head canons about how Frank would celebrate you and your birthday? Hes seems like the “anything you want is yours” kinda guy, even if it’s getting coffee then spending the day at home he would still make it special. Its my birthday haha and i dont want a big celebration just a low key day doing little things i love with the ppl i love. Omg this is sappy hahah but yeah if you have the time, thank you!! And I totally understand if you dont ❤️❤️
-Max 💥
my fic requests are currently closed, but i'd be more than happy to whip you up a little birthday treat! i'm gonna go with a headcannon if that's okay bc I have a lot of thoughts about frankie & birthdays I don't think I can properly translate into a blurb right now so please find my rambling below the cut :)
frank castle & your birthday
frankie strikes me as someone that is a hopeless romantic at heart, and I feel like his love language is physical touch but also acts of service. I think we've seen that he pays a huge attention to detail, so he might not go like all out for your birthday, especially if he knows you prefer something small and intimate, but he would definitely make sure it felt special
he would probably start by taking you to your favorite coffee shop, getting you a little birthday breakfast treat with your coffee, and it would probably be the one time he doesn't criticize your drink order (he definitely thinks plain black coffee is real coffee) or comment on how much espresso you added to it (i'm on that pedro pascal shit myself, & I know the only time frankie wouldn't give me shit about it is my birthday bc he's legally required to be extra nice that day)
"you're gonna be hoppin' around like the goddamn energizer bunny with all that. it's your day though. get what you want, sweetheart."
he would insist that you sit down at one of the cute little tables so you can enjoy your coffee and little breakfast together, while you try to get hints from him about what he has planned (he'd resist as long as he could but it's really hard for him to say no to you)
I could see him taking you to do something that you had been begging him to do for awhile. something he kept putting off, or there wasn't time, or he acted like he didn't wanna go, but really he was just saving it for your special day. maybe a trip to an art museum, the aquarium, some botanical gardens, or the zoo even
or maybe a romantic stroll through central park. he'd bring a blanket and your favorite book, let you cuddle up in his lap as he read to you, play with your hair and point out all the cute dogs you saw to each other
even though he'd already gotten your birthday gifts weeks ago, he'd take you to your favorite store and let you pick out anything you wanted
"what? i'm not allowed to spoil my girl on her birthday? if that's a crime, it sure ain't the worst one i've ever committed."
as far as the evening, I see it going two ways: frankie either makes a reservation at your favorite restaurant and invites your closest friends and family to keep it intimate, or he surprises you with a special dinner he cooked himself (your favorite meal) along with a homemade birthday cake (it might not be the prettiest, but it would be delicious) because we know frankie can throw down in the kitchen
if you went out for dinner, he would insist on giving you your gifts & card at home because they're special and sentimental and he's shy when it comes to things like that, and he likes it better when those moments just consist of the two of you
if you had dinner at home, he would roll his eyes when you begged him to sing you happy birthday, but he would oblige because he can't tell you no
"alright, fine. but you're patchin' up your own ears when they start bleedin'. you know I can't sing for shit."
he would ask you several times throughout the day if you were having a good birthday, because he wants to make sure that you are because he thinks you deserve nothing less than as close to perfection as he can provide
he'd also continuously tell you how pretty he thought you were and how much he loved you and how lucky he felt to get to spend your special day with you
I could see him putting your favorite song on and asking you to slow dance with him in the living room to it, drawing out every single minute of your birthday all the way up to 11:59 and making sure you spent every second of it feeling loved and special
"today's one of my favorite days. know why? cause it was the day you were brought into this world, and I think that deserves a goddamn celebration. happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you."
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chuuyrr · 2 years
hey chu I have a request for you where baby fushiguiro, liking chuuya's clothes and hat a lot, decides to make a replica of this that is in his size with his magic of chaos to spend all day trying to imitate chuuya's style (I can see to dazai visibly disgusted by this XD)
when scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader imitates chuuya's style
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungou stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs and jujutsu kaisen (gojo's past arc), jealous! dazai, and mentions of scarlet witch's powers, major themes of fluff and crack, soukoku fighting over child! reader's favorite parent
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungou stray dogs x reader (dazai osamu, nakahara chuuya)
this is so cute omg i love it!! thank you so much for requesting and for being patient, enjoy reading ♡
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dazai knows and despises the fact that you adore chuuya with all of your heart, his former twin dark partner back when he was still in the mafia, and he honestly doesn't understand why or how.
what do you mean by his gravity manipulation ability being cool? chuuya's ability can easily be nullified by dazai! it's not that big of a deal. your dazai-nii can also pull off suits and coats, and he's more attractive than that shrimp!
so, when you returned to their universe, dazai and the armed detective agency he was with were astounded to see you running up to them all dressed up in chuuya's clothes.
kunikida, yosano, and ranpo have their mouths agape, kyouka and fukuzawa are staring at you with wide eyes, atsushi and junichiro are screaming their lungs off from shock while dazai clutches his chest as if he had been stabbed or shot in the heart.
as the gears in his head turned slowly, dazai fell short of words, "w-what in the.."
you weren't just wearing chuuya's clothes; you were also completely imitating his style.
you wore the same white button-up shirt under a gray vest, a black choker, a black ribbon bolo tie held together with a small silver buckle, an open black cropped jacket with sleeves rolled up at the elbows, black slacks, a black belt hanging off your right hip, and black low-arch shoes.
you've even got chuuya's black gloves, a long black coat with a light-colored lining and lapels that he wears around his shoulders like a cape, and the freaking hat, except that everything is just about your size. worse, you made your hair look like chuuya's, with a longer section falling past your left shoulder framing your face.
as atsushi stared at you, he began to laugh nervously, "[name]-chan.. that's um.."
"i'm copying chuuya-nii!" you exclaimed, stating the obvious and giggling fondly as you threw your gloved hands in the air.
"that's very nice.. [name].." fukuzawa managed to say while clearing his throat and reaching out a hand to pat your head, err, hat—since you were wearing one, "yes.."
"riiight.. yes, i agree with the president, [name].." kunikida asserted next and pushed his glasses up his nose, "you look nice."
"nice? you think that's nice?!" dazai exclaimed dramatically, dropping his knees to the floor and reaching out his arms to you, "my poor, sweet little belladonna has been tainted by that hat rack pipsqueak of a mafioso with his... stupid and disgusting influence!"
"dazai-san, calm down.. you're acting as if [name]-chan died or something," atsushi said as his sweat dropped before looking down at him.
"that's it, you're taking this off!" dazai scooted towards you on his knees, grabbing the hat on your head and the long coat draped over your shoulders, "my poor sweet bella can't be wearing that awful snail's clothes!"
"what? no!" you exclaimed as you vanished into a red mist of psionics before reappearing about a meter away from him, clutching your hat and coat, "i'm not taking them off!"
"and why not?!" dazai's eyes narrowed as he gasped and stood up before placing his hands on his hips.
"because i like chuuya-nii's style and i made these with my wiggly-woos magic!" you argued, puffing your cheeks up in annoyance as you mustered a glare for dazai, but it was just too cute to be honest, "so you can't!"
"chuuya's style is absolutely disgusting! his style stinks!" dazai retorted, now folding his arms and puffing his cheeks up like you.
you held your ground, your cheeks puffing up in annoyance, "but not to me!"
as you became agitated by dazai's comments about chuuya, your [color] eyes began to glow red, as did your hair as it began to flow upwards, causing dazai's eyes to widen because it reminded him of chuuya whenever he glows red due to his ability.
dazai scoffed at this, folding his arms and sighing deeply in defeat. he didn't want to push it any further, remembering how he had already made you upset in the past once and you ended up giving him the silent treatment. in any case, chuuya's the one to blame for your new look because he's been rubbing off on you.
so, dazai was stuck with you just imitating chuuya for the entire day. from his trademark smirk to the way he acts you even mimic how chuuya rolls his letter r's as you throw glowing red punches and make yourself stick to walls and ceilings, which everyone found adorable, including dazai, but he'd never admit it.
of course, dazai would never let you drink actual wine, so the best you could get was grape juice, which you were still happy about, but dazai was incredibly grumpy as he begrudgingly held your hand while the two of you walked in public.
it just wasn't fair to him. you should be imitaring him instead. after all, he reminds you of your adoptive father, gojo satoru. unless you had a preference for someone other than gojo.
when dazai thought about it, he couldn't help but wonder if gojo had a close friend who reminded you of chuuya. but, as dazai recalled the jujutsu sorcerers you considered your family, he believes there isn't anyone who makes you think of chuuya.
it couldn't be your uncle nanami because you explicitly mention him acting like kunikida, with atsushi acting like yuuji-nii and your auntie shoko acting like yosano.
as dazai was thinking about it, he was interrupted by a familiar but irritating voice calling out to him.
"oi, dazai!"
speak of the devil.
"who the hell is that with you?"
when you and him came to a halt on your tracks to turn around, dazai was already grimacing. he couldn't have mistaken that irritating voice for anyone else's. you gasped in delight at the familiar person as dazai groaned.
"just great, it's the real deal," dazai grumbled, his gaze narrowed at the redhead.
"chuuya-nii!" you exclaimed enthusiastically, leaping to your feet and darting towards him, wrapping your tiny arms around his legs.
"c-chibi? is that you?!" chuuya's eyes widened as he peered down at you to see how you were dressed exactly like him, "why are you...?"
"[name]-chan has been imitating your style all day, and it's all your fault!" dazai exclaimed, pointing a finger at the stunned redhead, "you and your disgusting influence got to her! you tainted her!"
chuuya's temple twitched in response to dazai's remark, "HAAAAAH?!"
"dazai-nii keeps telling me you suck and all that!" you exclaimed, tugging on chuuya's pant leg and pointing to dazai, "but i told him no!"
"oh yeah, chibi?" chuuya scoffed at dazai as he patted your head, err, hat, since you were wearing one, "this simpleton is just jealous!"
dazai argued, his hands on his hips, "i'm not jealous! i'm just telling the truth!"
"yeah, you are! just look at [name]," chuuya smirked as he picked you up in his arms and replied to him, "clearly she has a favorite, and it isn't you."
you giggled as you wrapped your tiny arms around chuuya's neck, rubbing your cheek against his.
"[name]-chan!" dazai's eyes widened with disbelief. "what happened to me being your favorite?! i thought you loved me!"
it was just utterly ridiculous.
"i do love you, but i like chuuya-nii's style more!" you argued with dazai while sticking out your tongue at him.
"ehhh? what's wrong with my clothes?" dazai inquired, placing a hand on his chest, slightly offended by your remark.
chuuya rolled his eyes, "you have shitty taste in clothes, that's what."
"chuuya-nii's clothes and hat are cooler." you exclaimed with a small pout, "his power is like my wiggly-woos magic and he turns red too!"
"i couldn't agree more." chuuya smirked, a hand on his hip as he held you closer to his chest.
dazai and chuuya were eventually forced to stop arguing because the three of you were out in public and a bystander was genuinely concerned, believing your "parents" were fighting over you because it ended with dazai attempting to take you away from chuuya, who refused to let you go.
"just come with me already, [name]-chan!"
"what are you taking the kid for, huh?!"
"[name]-chan is not even your kid!!"
"well, she's not yours either, you vagabond!"
"i'm the one taking care of her, not you!"
for some reason, seeing dazai and chuuya act so amusingly yet seriously over you reminded you of your adoptive father, gojo satoru, who would act just like dazai around your favorite uncle, whom you have a limited memory of, probably because he died a little too soon for you to remember exactly, but a memory of him you significantly remembered and greatly treasured was how you would copy his man-bun.
"oi, what are you laughing at, [name]-chan?" dazai looked down at you, his cheeks slightly puffed up in a childish way. you were now walking with your hands in each of theirs.
"i just remembered something," you said as you squeezed dazai and chuuya's hands before releasing them to pull your hat down to hide your smile and laughter.
"oh, yeah? and what's that, chibi?" chuuya remarked, his arms folded across his chest.
you dangled your tongue as you lifted your head and hat to face him and dazai, "it's a secreeet!"
dazai frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly, "aww, can't you tell me at least?"
you shook your head, shoveling your gloved hands into your pocket to grin at dazai like chuuya, "nope! don't wanna!"
"heh, sometimes i wonder what it's like to have your chaos magic [name]," chuuya sighed, shrugging his shoulders and chuckling fondly at you, "none of us can ever have a penny on your thoughts, and the fact that you can easily copy someone's clothes through your ability's transmutation too."
"unlike you, i actually know what [name]-chan is thinking about," dazai spoke with confidence as he stuck out his tongue at chuuya, who looked incredibly irritated with a raised brow and nerve protruding on his temple.
"chuuya-kun reminds you of someone, doesn't he?" dazai continued talking, "hmm, actually, let me rephrase that. we remind you of two people, right?"
"did you just read my mind, dazai-nii?" you inquired, blinking and softly gasping.
he nodded his head and clasped his hands together, "looks like i did little bella!~ i'm amazing aren't i? way cooler than chuuya's shitty gravity manipulation and style, yeah?"
as dazai snickered at your reaction, chuuya exclaimed an angry, "HAH?!"
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Mothman's Buffy rewatch: Season 3, episodes 3 and 4, "Beauty and the Beasts" and "Homecoming"
Beauty and the Beasts
Lmao is she reading to Oz
Xander's turn!!
I do not understand the Monty reference
Xander don't fall asleep on the job (this reminds me of Mike from getting FNAF movie)
I love when the intro spoils part of the episode (I just saw Xander getting attacked by werewolf Oz)
Yo Scott!!
Damn did Oz kill a man
Angry Giles
Poor Oz :( it must feel awful
Who is this guidance counselor man
"You can fight demons" I think she knows that
Oz is so straightforward I love him
What the fuck wild animal Angel
My dad called him Angle
Is the theme of this episode feral boyfriends
Ouchie Faith's fist probably hurts
Ok a hell torture dimension is a bit much even for someone who doesn't like Angel
Aw Scott is kind of sweet. I don't think he's interesting enough to date Buffy long term but he's fine
Buffy pouring his heart out to a corpse. Rough 😭
Is the boyfriend on magic drugs?
Ah what the hell what's his face doing
Oh shit I feel so bad for Debbie she's in an abusive relationship and she can't leave
Allegory for boyfriends who get violent when drunk huh
"You know you shouldn't make me mad" walk into traffic
Oh now she has to comfort HIM. Kill this man with hammers ❗️❗️🗣🗣
Oz is clear yippee
Omg jazz band mentioned!!! (I used to do jazz band)
Oz should rip him apart fr
"He does love me" :(
His werewolf form reminds me more of a monkey
Got Giles in the behind
I hope this man dies horribly (I don't remember his name)
Did Debbie die? If she did ill cry she didn't deserve that abuse only to not be freed
Got all the monster boyfriends fighting each other lmao
Angel's back yippee(?)
Cordelia believing the birth control story I'm crying
Buffy poet???
I googled it Debbie did die :(
I like Buffy's hair
Oh she gave Angel a shirt! He's still not buttoning it up but progress
"They wouldn't understand that you're better" why not? Why wouldn't they that's not a wild thing to believe, Buffy already told them that Angelus was back to Angel before he got stabbed 😭😭
Angel whipping his head around when he finds out she's dating someone
Who are these people watching Buffy
Is this the Slayerfest episode?
This guy is obsessed with cleanliness but he is also very threatening. I do not care for this representation
I love the picture montages it really shows off their personalities
Xander is definitely giving lesbian fetishier with that comment. That being said, Fuffy is a good ship
Simply take each other to the dance Buffy and Faith
Ouch her favourite teacher doesn't recognize her
Awaken the prom queen within ❗️❗️
Silly yellow guy with spikes like a stegosaurus
I thought the cowboy vampires died is this a new one
I thought Willow and Xander were going to kiss for a sec please don't do that
Willow you're better than this (Xander you're not)
Buffy gets abandoned
What the hell did he get pull out of his arms
"I'm a rabid dog who should be shot" 😭
Buffy guilt tripping Willow I'm crying
Dad says there was a deep cut star trek reference in this episode but I don't get it
Cordelia what the fuck "I have two parents, unlike some people"
They put Buffy and Cordelia in time out
The car driver putting in earbuds. Unsafe driving he's gonna crash
Ouch singing the song he wrote for Willow right after she cheated on him
She threw the fucking bear trap at him I'm gonna cry
Oh my gosh Faith fucking over Scott to get revenge for Buffy I love her
Willow I love you but I cannot defend the cheating you need to fess up to Oz
"He grows on you like a chia pet"
Buffy opening her heart I hope she gets prom queen. It makes sense she'd feel that way since she's likely to die young
"Cordelia, the spatula"
Rip that yellow bastard
I was wondering how those two vampires got invited in and then I remembered it's a public school
Cordelia bullying the vampire I'm crying
Why did they let him live
They got trackered rip bozo
Trick guy gets hired by the mayor
Oh it's both of them
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plasmasimagination · 6 months
haii i hope i could ask for a matchup :] genshin/hsr male!
im an afab female, chinese around 163-164 cm in height & i am an adult (under 25). im not sure if my looks matter but i have one dimple on my right cheek and one to the left side of my bottom lip, and i have very light skin. long dark brown hair (butterfly cut with bangs/fringe) and brown eyes. im quite thin but most of my weight goes to my thighs.
i like to learn instruments, and im the best at violin from all the instruments ive learned. i also like to learn new languages (im fluent in 3), and im decently good at my studies. despite that, i lack a massive amount of sleep because of exams ruining my sleep schedule (i end up sleeping at 11 pm and waking up at 2 am now). i dont like going outside often and crowds really take up my energy & make me anxious if im alone.
i tend to be super physically affectionate with my friends, and i have random habits of waving with both hands when im excited, and also bowing too much to elders or professors even though they keep on telling me to not do it so much 😭
people tend to tell me that i can be super quiet, but super sweet and tend to do big gestures that i think are very little and the bare minimum. i like to experiment! making new baking recipes and stuff, i love to bake.
im quite a people pleaser, and i also feel guilty when i receive gifts from people. im also mentally sensitive, and tend to cry easily (crying while i hug teachers on teacher’s day, seeing a dog walk alone in the streets, etc) and take words to heart unless people give me constant reassurance.
i have a soft spot for animals, they’re my #1 weakness and i always have a pack of treats in my bag whenever i go out just incase i meet some animals on the way to university.
my love language for giving is physical touch, quality time and words of affirmation, for receiving i love physical touch, acts of service and quality time!
i also like to cosplay ^^ even when i dont like crowds or being known, cosplaying is kind of like a little escape for me. i also like to play games on my free time, and i sometimes write my own music.
this is super long, im sorry 😭🙏🏻
HEYY sweettheartt
A/n- You seem so sweet omg 😭
Anyways onto the matchup machine!
Dan heng
Sweet girlfriend x quiet boyfriend
Two introverts that love spending time with each other
At first he was a bit indecisive and taken a back by your affectionate attitude, but soon got used to it and learned to reincorporate it
His love languages being quality time and acts of service is very known, so definitely expect more on those aspects
Also hes not usually very vocal about his love, but with you he lets a few cute words slip by
He finds your sensitivity quite cute, he thinks it makes you a lot more humane, and even though he's not the best comforter he does try his best by patting your back or trying to resolve whatever might've made you cry
Since his attitude and demeanor can be quite...distant, he will reassure you that he does love you and try showing it more than in the beginning of y'alls relationship
He's also a cat lover, so if you decide to get a cat one day, he will agree after a bit of convincing, and become besties with the cat afterwards
Similar yet not very different, xiao.
Doesn't matter how you got together, what matters is that you're here now, and that he's putting every part of love he has in himself to show you that he loves you
He's distant, at first that is, but soon adapts to you, soon he's around you all the time and showing you love
Not very vocal about his love, prefers showing it through his actions, or by simply spending time with you
From time to time will also enjoy holding you, hugging you, smooching you.
Your personality gives him fate, something he's lost a long time ago, but got it awoken by you
Like the brightest star in the sky, his eyes light up when he hears the Letters of your name, as a breath catches in his throat, you've made him fall for you, even though the skies had other plans.
What a blessing it is to have a sweet thing like you by him
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mexswiftcan · 2 months
First of all, I cannot believe all of us clowns were right and she did release a double album at 2:00 am
She's insane, I love her
Anyway, here are my first impressions and lyrics I loved from THE ANTHOLOGY
🐾The Black Dog
piano is slaying as always
the location giving him away is everything
it hits her = hits different
she's too young
old habits die screaming
omggggg the sounds!
best laid plans = "paper cut stings from our paper thin plans"
i don't understand how you don't miss me
was it hazy? = lavender haze
great, i'm crying again
i wanna sell my house = "that's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend, i'd never walk Cornelia Street again"
even if i die screaming, so she's an old habit, his old habit
and i hope you hear it
the enddd so gooood
this scratches my brain
short skirt = "but she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts" / "and I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt"
she doesn't know if she wants to be his wife? i think i understood that wrong idk
act like i don't care what you did
i can take the upper hand and touch your body
you were never not mine, you're mine = "you weren't mine to lose" somehow
omg such a great song
i'm poison either way = "i once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy"
🐾The Albatross
sounds like evermore
they tried to warn you about me = "i know what they all say, but i ain't tryna play"
SHE is the albatross
she is the death you chose
i love the guitar and her voice and everything
spread my wings like a parachute
i'm the life you chose
🐾Chloe or Sam or Sophie or Marcus
hologram, i think she's hallucinating
are all of those names his lovers?
he looks like he could've bullied you in school?????
joe is bi confirmed? jk
omg, it's building up
she changed for him = "i'll show you every version of yourself tonight"
i loved you, not love
scarlet, maroon???????????
will i always wonder?
this song is so incredibly sad
🐾How Did It End?
piano slaying as usual
vocaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals i'm dead
we must know how did it end
the piano is too beautiful
most lyrics she gave are here, this must be like an equivalent of a track 5
did they run into the mistress?
sounds so much like folklore
my beloved ghost and me, sitting in a tree d-y-i-n-g
the thing is, she knows how it ended but doesn't at the same time
🐾So High School
excellent beat and guitar
i wanna find you in a crowd, sounds like a love song
so upbeat
i feel so high school everytime i look at you is so sweet
this songs makes my heart smile
so she plays gta now?
she calls him babe, i can'tttttt
she sounds so happy
i bet this is about Travis
very glitter pen coded
🐾I Hate It Here
my eternal consolation
she's scared to go outside, interesting
she hates to be recognized everywhere, that's what i'm getting form her
nostalgia is a mind's trick
i love that she has peaceful places in her mind, but it is sad that she has to do that because she hates it outside of her mind
i guess she loves it too, but she mostly hates it?
like you're a poet like you're trapped in the body of a finance guy
🐾thanK you alMee
the title looks like a drunken message
all that time you were throwing punches, i was building something
i can't forget the way you made me heal = "my broken bones are mending from all these nights we're spending"
laughing at each baby step i take
kinda sounded like a glass broke
my mother is a saintly woman but she used to say she wished she was dead i love Andrea and i hope she's ok
a thousand songs you find uncool = "death by a thousand cuts" / "would hide away and find your peace of mind with some indie record that’s much cooler than mine"
so she thanks him for being her muse
my spirit black and blue = "but just look what I created, i came out alive, but I'm black and blue"
A SONG ONLY WE KNOW IS ABOUT YOU must be in folklore and/or evermore
your words were ringing in my head relatable
who tf is Amy? the mistress????
🐾I Look in People's Windows
the guitarrrrrr omg
died the tiniest death
i'm afflicted by the not knowing, she keeps saying she just wants to know why
she wants him to look at her one more time, this is so sad
sounded like beach noises
i'm addicted to the if screams the 1
i think she's saying she stalks him and everyone he interacts with, which is so relatable
🐾The Prophecy
i got cursed like Eve got bitten
someone who wants my company
cards on the table, mine play out like fools = "my cards are on the table, yours are in your hand"
still i dream of him
she's begging for someone to want her, for him to actually want her
i howl like a wolf at the moon
this song is fucking me up
this is too fucking painful
let it once be me, i'm ugly crying with hiccups and all
i looked at the sky and said please
this song reminds me so much of my breakup
she got the call?
when the truth comes out, it's quiet
who is Cassandra?
do you believe me now?
what doesn't kill you, makes you aware
the piano and her voice are sublime
gives me castles crumbling and rep vibes
they never spared a prayer for my soul, there are a lot of Christian references in this album
the piano again omg, sounds like Aaron
could this be an analogy for Saint Peter?
i'm never to keep, i hate that i know this feeling
i'm having a headache from crying this much
same moon, different galaxies sounds like they were together physically but their souls weren't together
i'm having a headache from crying this much
hold on to the day that you were mine
the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light, so she can't see into their window anymore
🐾The Bolter
she almost drowned = "eyes like sinking ships on waters so inviting i almost jump in"
they nicknamed her the bolter
i love the rhythm
he was a cat
her watching him jump, then pulling him under
gives me "Slut!" vibes
so she fell through the ice and came out alive, there was a song that said she had an ice cold heart
the pianoooooo is so good
you're blood thirsty
i want to stop cryingggg
you're ridiculous and you have no idea mood
they kept a secret from Robin, I guess, in sweetness, so like a white lie
it feels like she's talking to a kid or someone that's too innocent and maybe childish
🐾The Manuscript
this already sounds like it's gonna destroy me, she's gonna kill me, i swear
the manuscript of the entire torrid affair, sounds like Hamilton
so the sex was good as the convo but it didn't last, it wasn't enough
he wanted a housewife?
the piano is incredible
this whole album sounds so different and i love it
what you know looking backwards might be the only way to move forward
she knew what the agony was for
so the only thing left from their relationship is the manuscript
why isn't the story hers?
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eviltiddyproductions · 9 months
destined with you : episode 4
rowoon has graduated from the song hye kyo school of cheekbone acting omg. you cannot not look at them!
my sister's gagged
lmaooo i love her for just glossing over his confession 😂
this is a pretty realistic (and hilarious )conversation regarding the love spell lmao like they are both really just stuck with this situation now 💀
the writers better make this fun !!!
need to get my hands on a gif of his deadpan delivery of 'don't make that face it makes my heart flutter' 😐🫥😐
him trying to pull his feet of the ground lmaooo
props to the second male lead he said I'm good to dogs, cold to my family; stop the delusions ✋ (to be fair though families always have a higher chance of being terrible than dogs)
well he let her down gently, sweet man
everybody in this show is lonely #relatable
oh the way he randomly got up scared me lmao 😭
naur hong jo find a cure and get this man back to normal again 💀
adore the manager down for atleast taking care of these things
all the best hong jo 😭
'in my body sadness should be working actively but joy is having fun cluelessly' ME WHEN
y'all they're showing his ex girlfriend and I guess the second female lead but we're 4 episodes in and I feel nothing. 💀 like at least give me some breadcrumbs to be interested
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hide hong jo! you're about to catch strays because of his breakup 😭
honestly he's got the i need to pee so bad stance absolutely downnn
generally in shows that go back and forth between past life and current life i get kind of bored and disinterested but this is keeping my intrigue!
also maybe shows really work when you take them 2 episodes at a time because at this point I'll eat anything up 💀 #embarrassing
lmao Manager Queenie just read Mr. Gong to filth
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babe pretty sure your love potion man moved in
woah who's this hoodie man ?!!
get your streetlights fixed sister !!!
love potion man got the lights fixed!
should've just made him call you
lmao look at him skipping after her 💀
could make a drinking game out of the amount of times he says 'get a grip of yourself Shin Yu
y'all I do feel for him though. having to sit through this and have no control of your feelings bc of a love potion seems terrible 😭🙏
I knew they would cut away when she told her the way out of it !!! let me in !!! I won't tell
'do you think I'm doing this so I can spend time with you? you're right I'm doing this so I can spend time with you' is actually so funny
wait he left, did the second male lead move in here ?!!
he's just like me! I want to know too!!!
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is the manager Queenie really that good or is the shoe going to drop soon ( I hope it doesn't I love her down !!!) like woah she's always on the right side
awww at least he cares about his boss
wearing a Hawaiian shirt at the funeral of someone should be on my bucket list
WHO MOVED IN !!! I want to know so bad lol
she saved his name as groot
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girl just tell us
he was the hooded man !???! 😭 it is him! mr. kwon the second lead (honestly very slay)
girl I adore you 💀🙏 I'd be terrified of moving around if my crush moved in
he looks cute dressed down
oooh imoogi's here
lmao scenes like this remind me of the tale of the nine tailed 1938 dialogue that the gods have gotten lazy and are copy pasting the same face everywhere 😂
at least here it's destiny
girl help him break the spell omg? this is kinda cruel 😭
is that a real beach? the sky and angle is giving green screen
girl his ex would also feel much better if we all got together to break the spell 🧘
oh she came here for her dad
it's a real beach after all
1 minute of the show left and I'll have to wait for another week I really lost. I'm not built for his lifestyle 😭
the precap looks saur good
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Three of Hearts episode 17 live blog
(this bitch has spoilers)
On sabbatical from my impromptu career in marketing, and also (sigh) life, here's another liveblog! The first one on tumblr, the platform where I am somehow even more unapologetically long winded
OOOH another flashback I love these. Getting to know spar before clovenheart is <3. Of course it's malicious compliance that's the best type of compliance.
Ooooh I gotta love a seedy literal underbelly. I'm excited to listen to that quiet year series omg.
Okayyyyy I see that moody lighting we've got going one 👀👀👀
Invite only altered people club is so rad.
Scales and tails notes for future me writing a very particular sort of fanfic
Note to find out how to spell yaccab's name right for that fanfic LMAO
GOD I love spar. The puring for the table, the going out to have fun and going it by acting like a host. He's such a people person in a way that's like....Shepardly? OH like a herding dog! Not so much that he's forceful but so much that when he's got you marked as a friend he's gonna make sure you're ok make sure you're okay make your you're okay, your good? OKAY GREAT!!!!! :D
And it's so lovely and wholesome and warm and I'm glad it's a dude filling that sort of role. As much as I love my sexy hostess with the mostest trope, accommodating individuals come in many flavors and genders!
Okay writer brain is telling me that while I don't think vellum is TOO straight laced to go here...... hmmm these notes will NOTE be posted yet
(I would've listened to more of the episode by now and maybe gotten to 18 if my brain didn't go on a HARD left turn after that. Know that the live in liveblog means "with many, MANY pauses")
Spar is like "hmm. I moved away from my tribe of people like me. Unacceptable. I'm gonna adopt everyone in this shady ass establishment" and yk what I respect that. Queer life goals.
Let a man get drunk without interruption, oh my god!
I realized "Yaccab" might be "Jacob" and I am... a perfectly intelligent English speaking person! But monolingual.
I don't like this dude for ruining the party. He's probably fine but. Still.
The dynamic I'm imagining between Spar and Jacob is like...Not friends with benefits, but not NOT friends with benefits. Sex-positive, queer, and close enough to where they're super physically comfortable (he was literally on his lap lmao) and they may have kept eachother company once or twice! But like. I'm thinking of that dynamic that is sort of "our relationship is neither platonic nor romantic not queer platonic but between all of those things, and I want you to find somebody but I consider it my responsibility to decide if they're good with you" type beat. Yes these posts are very often me taking notes for myself later. Ah to be free of the twitter character limit.
"....that's fucked up." THE WAY I HOLLERED. Yacob (final awnser) is so confused and spar is so drunk lmao.
OH WAIT IS YACOB AN EX? idk I mean previous statements still mostly count.
I'm too aro for this shit— I don't care how much characters kiss I deadass forget traditional romantic situations are like. Possible.
Why does spar keep giving YACOB responsibility 😂😂😂😂 narrative brain is saying "Setting up to spar trusting vellum with Anya or sorrel n them/paralleling when he sort of did fighting jasper" the part of my brain that wants to put my blorbos in my mouth and chew on them like the word "intellectual" was never invented is going HAHA. SHEEPDOG!
Ah yes the classic Italian stereotype: possessing fancy hats
Jordan introducing the folks in this room as "two women and a man" is THE most gendered sentence that I think exists in this podcast and that is VERY funny to me
*fanning myself* There is something SO admirable about a man with convicti— HES GOING FOR THE DOOR LMAOOOO
"I know what I wanted to know now" my deeply embedded distrust of gms (as a runner-of-games who also loves to get up to nonsense at the first opportunity)has alarm bells going off a bit
OH MY GOD I love little cute scenes where characters met before they like met, if one or both parties forgets it I call them "meet moots" because they meet and nothing happens JFKSVSLDVSKDVKZ
I mean yeah timbleton has gotta pursue hell lose his job and probably get arrested.
I was about to be like "vellum fuck your bosses stop staying late RISE RISE RISE!!!" and then I remember vellum kinda owns the place dushdgoddb SO DO SOME SELF CARE AND SLEEP, DUMMY.
"yeah I'm fine are spars first words to vellum" oh ouch but cute
Bestie if he pushes the key under the door anybody who comes past can open the door.
Spar said "idgaf I can fuck I fucker up, do it all the time, try me"
YACOB IS HERE!!!! OMG FRIEND! Oh my god I love him.
POV: you're thinininininnton and vellum is pointing his rapier (I imagine that when he presses the button to unsheathe it an intricate collapsible golden guard springs out) at you're throat is something I wanna draw SO bad that is SOOOO cool and sexy and rand but wayyyy out of my ability right now. It will live forever in my brain (also my list for 3o♥️s stuff to draw is sooo long )
(also I shouldve guessed those people were shady they had one-word genders)
Yacob saw spar running and was like "guess this is my life now!" What a real one.
HE PULLS OUT A FLASH. KIIIIIING SHIT. Spar kisses him...but...but are they.....whatever dlegdkvdskdvd
Also I feel like grey for sure has that eye. Or diamond had the eye and grey has the gem now.
Efficiency-opsec brain getting really excited about the idea of vellum adjusting security protocols....I fucking love protocols.
Oh Vellum honey maybe don't go interrogating the single most secretive person with the most open desire to kill you.
"do you need somebody to take you there?" 🐑🐕
OH SHIT CATS. I miss destiny
I feel like Arabella is for sure in that lighthouse
Look like I Respect Meraphina's biomancy, and I respect her ability to use it for healing while also being very skeptical about the role of magic but like .... I disagree with the "don't bring magic back" thinking. If YOU have access to it it's clearly still there. Better for the world to recon with it as a whole then to have it available to some mysterious small number of folks only. Idk. Maybe my opinion on that will change but :\
They're still in cloven heart...hmm. in the lighthouse? This is probably related to preparing something big for bridge since they were all jacks.
"you dont just give things freely" somewhere in town Brunhilde has started frowning
Anti-thaumatera is wearing Mayor Thorne as a glove puppet
"everyone in cloven heart at the time the spell was cast" diamond? Didn't diamond arrive soon after?
LOL ok so she'll still kill him
Midtro dance midtro dance
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[ID: several repeats of the same very low quality image of a strange silhouette, humanoid but with a head that is too long from nose to ear, feet planted apart, arms out, and butt back, almost as if halfway through a squat. It is black on a white background. End ID]
Ooh Arabella can't do magic. Good to know.
"diamond took care of that" ALSO good to know
Okay but like...jasper...I can see where they're coming from
"he is posted up scanning the river and trees for potential assailants" the sheepdog joke will stop being funny when it stops being relevant and that is no time soon.
"that is definitely where I would be sneezing" 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
"they are both committed to this...to this Investigation"
OKAY BUT TATI AND ANYA COULD BE SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE. I'm glad I'm not the only one that hears this. Tatianya....though I prefer Anyati
I didn't know tati was altered!
Edit: yes I did, what? Just forgot
...hmmm stowaways.....Arabella would probably be a much stronger presence probably. Xoechi and Joaquin maybe????
If you're trying to get money from the Harrington's for a good reason you could consider just ASKING
Girl I love you so much but you are like one week from the world's best full time jobs with the world's most eccentric investor like you'll be fine.
to protect him...
Still bestie it is NOT hard to guilt your niece into going to a blood drive you're setting up and like yoinking that shit. The drama! Unnecessary!!
Unless she's doing something super secretive and vellum might suspect that the blood being related to grey at all makes his behavior weird........HMMMM. HMMMM!!!!
I just KNEW tati was about to make that joke
Maybe grey is being Ransomed by a third party who wants vellums blood for some reason and she can't ask him for it because she knows the third parties goals go against vellum's morals and that the only way for them to be happy together after the third party does whatever thing with vellums blood he disagrees with is for her to pay for other people to get the blood so vellum assumes they were involved at all?
Like protection and ransom feel like good grey motivations to be but idk
okay okay maybe not.
Yeah because if grey was REALLY their employer it means that she doesn't have working for him as an out anymore really ...
Spar it might buy you time but it might also put you in danger. And there are possibly worse forces looking for the blood of altered people for expiriments!!!!! Though....well supplying it to them isn't actually doing any harm it's it's conventual since their goal isn't harmful? Well arabellas isn't but....UGH!
This blood drawing scene feels...intimate?
I was right!!!! Just some teens having fun going on an adventure.
BDJSGSJDGDKDBim imagining spar doing full manly-frown lean-on-the-banister stern older brother, vellum starting to smile when he sees the teens (because they're NOT Arabella!) Looking at spar and then going ahem yes. Serious. I am serious now.
Okay yeah but your mom's said no because diamond is a person of interest in a fucking KIDNAPPING
Ah yes the feeling vellum will feel upon spars death is surely "disappointment"
I really hope there's some really crucial information in the couples party djdgskdbd.
THE EYE?????????????? OH DAMN.
That was a really good one. No conclusions I am very tired now. Lots of love goodnight
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madraleen · 4 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Season 4 An Excitable Commentary
-omg?? tell me it's the fukuzawa-ranpo backstory, tell me it is so!!
-young oda??? my heart.
-why does ranpo's "help me, mister bodyguard" remind me of anya forger, lol
-HELLO hiro shimono, didn't expect to hear you, always the greatest pleasure
-ranpo is adorable. the world is all babies that he has to protect, tsk. adorable
-fukuzawa LITERALLY created the agency FOR ranpo, for his talent and his protection, literally his shield, i cannot. i love their story.
-everything is getting richer and richer as the story progresses. everything and everyone takes on so much more meaning.
-the bsd op and ending songs never disappoint. they all have something so nostalgic and heartfelt and dynamic in them, idk. they're like a tight tight hug that warms you and breaks you
-i don't know when this turned into a ranpo-poe comedy act, but i love it
-hiroshi kamiya is a phenomenal va. i've followed him in quite a few roles now and just. he's. just. he is That Guy, you know?
- i really like nikolai's design???
-i really like this cast. the more i get to know them, the happier they make me
-the op song is so good. every time i sing along with that "monogatari no saki e," i feel connected to every person that's ever done the same, it's so cool
-we lost dazai AGAIN? ffs, we always lose dazai. from a practical point of view, of course, if dazai were here, it wouldn't matter that ranpo stormed off because we'd still have a second genius on the second team. BUT STILL
-gee, i can't, i love dazai's voice so much
-ranpo has lots of guts for someone who's basically defenseless. i worry.
-yes, talk to me about jester nikolai and demon fyodor, finally more info
-i really want to see how they'll pull off this plotline, this is an avengers-level reality-altering memory-tampering threat
-I thought that voice was familiar. yuki kaji, we meet again. is everyone from aot in bsd
-yuki kaji, man. another phenomenal va. i've seen him in a few different roles by now, and he just. he's so good. so versatile.
-is it just me being enchanted or is bsd actually really well-made animation-wise?
-CHUUYA MY MAN! TO THE RESCUE! and doing it in style! why am i tearing up
-eyyy, atsushi is using his brain well!
-they've really split up the teams in a way that they're at their weakest. no one has ranpo or dazai, so no genius intelligence, dazai and ranpo don't have anyone, so no defense, atsushi and kyoka don't have a mentor, and the port mafia trio are all basically supports. very interesting
-WHEEE GROUP LIFE COUNSELING WITH DAZAI AND FYODORRR (this anime is making me derangedddd)
-mamoru miyano's performance as dazai is inspired, i cannot
-who does the port mafia want though? dazai is too volatile. ranpo, they don't really need a genius. atsushi would clash with them at every turn. they could use tanizaki though, and i think he'd be the most okay at doing it, to protect naomi and such
-what a mindfuck
-dude, 11-year-old yosano's life is torture. that whole situation is torture, for everyone
-WHAT! TACHIHARA IS A SPY AND THE FIFTH HUNTING DOG?! IN OUR PORT MAFIA?! HOW DARE! HOW FUCKING DARE. yes i understand the perception right now is that the agency are terrorists and the hunting dogs aren't unjustified, BUT WE KNOW THE TRUTH SO I AM ALLOWED TO RAGE, OKAY?!
-do you ever just want to squeeze their lil chibi faces (re: the end titles)
-thank you for the acupuncture point sequel, that was a much needed comic relief, i laughed
-dude wait, everything's paying off so nicely and coming around full circle, the metal guy and his brother from yosano's past, the writer friend's memory helping them escape, the plot is so much tighter and connected this season
-oi, ango is an ability user??
-and the Explanations For Dummies, thank you s4, thank you :')
-SURELY fyodor won't figure out dazai's communication method? surely he… *sigh*
-aha, "lol, controlling his heart rate, a classic dazai-kun party trick." y'know. the usual.
-oh come on, it'll be us using the back of the page, right? RIGHT?!
-oh. oh no. will the arc not be resolved this season??? will it end on a cliffhanger?? i'm scared
-for a main character in an ensemble, atsushi holds his own even in this huge cast of wacky and/or charming people
-here's the thing, i really like fyodor's voice, dammit. and i like sigma.
-the hunting dogs could be heroes in their own damn story, but here i'm like I'M GONNA SLAP YOU SO HARD! but it's NOT their fault that they're the antagonists -.-
-oh. i was like, "that's a good plan, atsushi! a little gambly, but it's smart!" and then he goes "that's dazai-san's plan." yes. of course. why wouldn't it be mr heart rate's plan
-sigma basically: "i've only had this casino for eight days, but if anything happened to it, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself."
-okay, sigma gave in a little too fast to ango, but who cares
-lmfao, this outcome is the exact opposite of dazai-san's plan, nice
-okay, but. dazai has communication with ango so he gets feedback, he's in the know about what's happening outside. is someone feeding fyodor information too, or are you saying he's taken ALL of this into his calculations? surely not? surely someone's communicating with him as he's communicating with them?
-you can see dazai's mind working in light speed with every word fyodor says, heh
-"you and i are powerless in the face of their intense spirits," dazai i love you
-lmfao so nikolai IS alive, okay
-omfg i'm gonna miss them so muchhh :"))) YES i'll start s5 in a couple of days, but that's not the point! i'll miss s4!!! everything that took place, every interaction, all of it! WHAT A RIDE!
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hueningshaped · 2 years
omg ur so right that is us😞😞😞 this one is u!! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊ whenever i think about the staff working at hybe i think of to do ep. 80+81 where they had them wearing dog masks and acting like npcs....... especially the one that was all alone in the cafeteria just waving his spoon even after they left??😭😭 i am the exact same when it comes to working unfortunately so we're in the same boat😔 you may not be #1 employee but you're the #1 in my heart<3 what do you mean talking too much about yourself........ my favorite genre of literature: amor😁 and there sadly isn't much that i could tell you anyways since my days have all been looking the same🫥 although the past few days i've been trying to improve my vocabulary/grammar in my native language!! and it😿 is🙁 so😞 hard☹️ omg yes THE TWICE CB!!! have you listened to it already!!! i saw this some time ago and i kept forgetting to send it to you😐😐 i'm sad that jihyo isn't with them though :( no bc you genuinely have no idea how much i love talking to you i cannot get enough of it you're just sooooo ?!??!!?!?! can't even find the right words for it😔💓🫶🏻💗 and NOOO please i feel so happy you liked the song i was so worried😞 you do not have to apologize AT ALL!!!!! especially when i'm only replying THREE days later?? put me in jail right now. but i do really hope that you'll feel better soon🫶🏻🫶🏻 both of the links😿😿😿 absolutely devastated the slide??? how do i go on. and beomjun,,,,, i just love their relationship so much i could write a thesis on it💔 just look at them :( here is a video that just fills me with adoration whenever i see it + some fanart that never fails to make laugh😭 + a dumb meme that i can't stop thinking about🫥 I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE!!!!!! here is another set of yeonjuniez (they are so pouty...... total devastation........) stay healthy happy and hydrated beffie!!!! MWAH MWAH💘🫂❤️‍🔥💗
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OMG TUMBLR LITERALLY NEVER NOTIFIED ME ABOUT THIS WTFFFF i litwrally was like “lemme just look and see what rqs ive been ignoring” AND…. 🤐 apple i am so sorry for my mistake and ㄷumblr’s mistake.. anyway !!! that little emoticon face is so cute NO WAY!!!2!:!/ ˙˚°☆(* ’ ᵕ ’ *)ノ this one is you !! those todos get to me every time hfjsjfjf hehe and awww not u too working ur butt off 😭 nono YOU are employee of the month every every month of every year for eternity 😽 just like soob 😄 you’re my favorite book my fav genre my fav—ever 🥺 omg me too :c i just wake up and do work and/or school and sleep hardly i hate this !!!!! lets just go somewhere 😿 get out of here & be free !! omg hey you’re amazing for working hard and doing so !! i have to do that or i have yet to do that but i keep putting it off >__< u are amazing and sooooooo smart did u know that?!! AWWW JIHYO OUR GIRL 🥺🫶 me too hehe but omg yes ! twice always servessss and cmonnnn that’s me @ you !!!!! seriously could never get enough of you okayyyy 🥺💞💞💌🎈 NO I DESERVE JAIL TIME !!!!! jm literally the worst especially since ik long periods between replies make u anxious im literal evil im below the ground ok?!!! i don’t deserve u ☹️ </3 we will now begin our thesis on the transcendental love txt has for one another and moas and the parasocial relationship in this essay i will— OMG UR LINKS ARE SO !!!! IM GETTING FED SO WELL 🥺🥺 love is stored in the beomjun <3333 😚 the (baby tone) got to me theyre sooooo *starts crying* AWW SOOBSTER !!!!!! poor thing :”0 a soobin of unfortunate events poor guy he must be protected at all times!!!! and ahhhh tyun ur so precious and cool i loved that look that’s so cute 🥹 and omg the meme wouldn’t load at all for me this is SICKENING 🩼 I LOVE YOUU SOOOOOOoo MUCH!!!!!! never forget it!!!!! i have yet to listen to the rest of twice’s cb and instead ive been listening to gwsn and weeekly 😭 i also like billlie but i haven’t heard their new album // do u like any recently (i use the term ‘recently’ loosely) debuted ggs ? :0 btw these yeonjuniez successfully put the largest smile on my face and it’s all because of you 🫶 i owe u my life !!!!!! here’s a silly video (freaking taehyun) + another that made me laugh (do u have a soft spot for choi line ? :0) + us Vibing while life becomes bland except for the color that txt manages to bring to us ALSO WHAJXHJSJ HAVE U LISTENED TO TXT’S JPN CB YET 😭 or watched their mv and what did u think of their songs!!!!! I WANNA hear ur thoughts 🎤 🎤 anywayyy i love u SOR much plz take care of yourself and remember to be kind to yourself always. you are the best and you make me proud and you are so wonderful! ❤️
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syrenblubs · 3 years
— starting a podcast with their s/o (kugisaki , fushiguro, getou)
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a/n: was this an excuse for me to ask yall for podcast recs? yes (also im still experimenting with formats just a heads up) 
pairing(s): kugisaki nobara x f!reader, fushiguro megumi x f!reader, getou suguru x f!reader
genre: fluff, mildly suggestive, lwk crack for getou
warnings: slight reference to sex (i said the word sex like once here)
word count: 878
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kugisaki nobara
she was elated when you asked to start a podcast with her. she thought it would be more than fun to share your girl talks with the rest of the world.
your podcast with nobara revolves around the "big sister" persona
it's the type of vibe the two of you aim to radiate to your audience, which you successfully manage to achieve by giving advice on pretty much any topic your listeners ask about, from relationships to fashion or school
 although nobara may get a little over the edge with her advice, you're always there to bring her back on track
she's a whole icon throughout the fashion community, always giving her opinion on the latest trends
it didn't take your fans long to realize that you two were dating. the way her eyes light up when a listener asks for fashion tips melts your heart, and brings a small smile to your face everytime without fail
both of you, but mainly nobara, also use the platform to rant about your crazy lives, without getting into too much detail regarding the jujutsu world of course
most of nobara's complaining on the podcast would stem from gojo and itadori's antics
when asked who her biggest inspiration was, you already know she'd bring maki onto the show
on a related note, sometimes maki would make an appearance on the podcast, and to your fans, she was the real big sister behind you and nobara
your audience mainly consists of females around your age, some being slightly below or above, but nothing too alarming
fushiguro megumi 
when you first asked him to start a podcast with you, he was a little skeptical
with how busy missions got, he knew that you and him won’t have time to keep up with it
he was also not very fond of the idea of exposing himself on social media
after some convincing though, he found himself sitting on a comfy office chair next to yours in front of his bedroom window, holding your hand, as you began to speak into the mic that started recording just seconds before. 
on the podcast, you and megumi usually give out your book recommendations from different genres, which are requested by your fans, and also read some of theirs too, giving your thoughts on some of your fans’ favorites after reading
at first, you would do most of the talking, while megumi would give reassuring nods in agreement before moving on to the next topic, sometimes leaving a comment here and there
as time went on, he became more comfortable, easing himself into talking on mic
he definitely doesn’t talk anywhere near how much he would around you, but it’s a big improvement from when you began
now he’ll rant about shitty plot twists and the morals of some of his recent reads
yes, he has fangirls okay but how would he not though he’s made it clear that you’re his and only you
you have fans simping over you too dw 
still he has fanpages on instagram and you, along with your two other first year friends and gojo, think it’s funny
okay but do you wanna know who the real fan favorites are? his demon dogs
he summons them before recording because yk they can’t have jujutsu on set but your fans love seeing them on yours (and sometimes megumi’s) instagrams
hs!getou suguru
it’s practically canon that he got the most girls out of everyone in the series
he was the one who wanted to make the podcast, specifically one that gave dating advice
reason being that gojo didn’t believe him when he was really popular among girls and believed that there was something that he was doing in order to make them like him (ofc you did gojo - you can’t be good at everything sadly)
so yes this entire podcast was made to spite the white haired man with a god complex
he asked you to join on the idea that you could supply his advice with examples from your relationship with him 
also cause he just wanted to make gojo just that more jealous about having a girlfriend
on the podcast, he gives relationship and dating advice, as well as  any topic related to them
you let your fans dictate what your next topic on the podcast will be, whether it’s how to get your first kiss right to doing the nasty safely 
yes he preaches safe sex like the kind he was-
gojo bullies you and suguru before getting on set but he’s the one who listens to the podcast the MOST (like yeah bae you need it the most too <3333)
so its plain obvious that suguru have fans (like that’s just a given)
he acts so cool and snarky on mic, but yk he’s the biggest softie in private
you may or may not have said this to your listeners and the die-heart suguru totally didn’t rave over it on twitter
gojo is their leader fucking fight me on this one
he will not hesitate to show signs of affection to you on set
he says he does this to prove his points mentioned on the podcast, but really he’s just touch starved for you 24/7
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shadow--writer · 3 years
bro do you think i could get like,, a coffee shop (or bookshop) au headcanons for the main six? if you're comfortable with that ☺️✨
Ah coffee shop/bookstore aus are my favourite I love them! I hope you don’t mind me going wild on my favs (Julian and Muriel) lol
Requests are still open! And asks about my new MC! Send em in!! (also fic requests are open lmao)
Main six x MC coffee shop/bookstore modern au
You work at your local bookstore and this very hot doctor comes in almost every week 
You don’t know why, but you’re curious as to why
He always comes during your shift, asking for new books, books on medical treatment, old history, history on leeches, types of leeches, birds and birdcare
The first time he came in when you locked eyes he fell over
You and your coworkers started a little bet to see what he’s coming in for next 
But he doesn’t come in the next week
Or after that
You hate to admit it but you’re starting to miss him. He never failed to make you laugh with his strange requests
The past few times he came in he was always a bit red
But his face lit up whenever he saw you
You started crushing on him and now that he hasn’t come back for a while you’re...a bit sad
Next time he comes in is when you’re closing up
He’s out of breath, wheezing on his knees
Amused you let him catch his breath
“MC...I’m sorry I haven’t come in a while! School and work got hectic and I didn’t have time-”
Shushing him gently you bring him inside, pulling out your secret stash of tea you keep in the back
Asking him what’s wrong makes him go bright red
Confused, you sit and wait
“Would you believe me if I said I fell in love with this cute bookworm who works in one of my favourite store?”
You’re a little hurt but happy for the person he loves. He notices the hurt and laughs
“It’s you sweetheart. I’ve seemed to have fallen for you.”
I’m sorry, but after he confesses he would totally steal you just to make out with you behind the science textbook section (....I might write this wait)
Asra works at this sweet little tea shop that you like to visit every so often after work/school
He’s the cutest barista and you always smile when he’s there
Slowly you’ve warmed up to one another, him bringing you your favourite tea with a little note
Don’t hit on the baristas, but he might make an exception just for you
He adds some stuff to your tea to make it special and he always gets excited when he sees you come in
When you stay late he breaks out the coffee to help you stay up studying/working
He’ll spend time after work just to talk to you
He smells good like cinnamon and tea leaves
If you fall asleep he’ll let you sleep a bit while he closes up, and then wakes you before he leaves
He really enjoys your company, and you always brighten his day when you come in 
Days you don’t come in seem to drag on and he’s a little lonely 
Oh no
oh no
he has a crush on you now
But you bet your sweet arse you developed some weird outta nowhere feelings for him too
It’s why you avoided the tea shop, you didn’t want to make things weird
He sees you passing by and runs after you just to tell you
He really does miss you 
His confession is all a jumble. “MCILOVEYOUSOMUCHPLEASECOMEBACK!”
He’s very cute and when you go back he’ll make you a latte with snake art
Nadia works at a cute little bookstore with a small cafe off to the side
It’s not very popular, just tucked away but it has a very nice atmosphere
They make the best pastries and have the best espressos
The first time you came in Nadia was there and willing to help 
She misheard you and sent you to the wrong section but she was too nice so you felt bad
Later on you tell her about the incident 
She is so embarrassed but it’s sweet
She finds your compassion so very sweet 
Some days you’ll come in just to study for school or read a book over coffee
She likes talking with you (distracting you from your schoolwork and her from her actual job. The manager doesn’t mind)
She handles everything with such grace it’s hard not to fall deeply in love with her
Sometimes you’ll come in just to talk to her 
It’s about when she starts to fall for you too, making your guyses interactions a bit awkward but still very sweet
She confesses by kissing you behind the bookshelves, she tastes like bittersweet chocolate and coffee 
When she pulls away you are bright red, making her giggle. 
“Consider it a thank you, MC. You’ve made my days so much brighter just with your smile.”
Oh my gods is she hot 
You aren’t gonna survive this 
Kiss her back 
“I...I hate to admit this, but I think I love you.”
You work for a fun little animal themed bookstore 
Kids love it 
But one day this huge I mean tall and broad man walks in, hunched over, asking for a book on how to take care of chickens
Well that’s new you’ve never had a request like that from someone who looks...well, like Muriel does
But as always, you put on a smile and sweetly show him the way to chicken care
He’s so nervous oh poor baby 
He’ll grab your sleeve as you go back to the counter, his hair falling into his eyes but you can see how red his cheeks are
“Can...can I have some help finding a specific book? I...don’t know my way around.”
Of course you help how could you not
Soon after that he becomes a regular, and you learn he is in school to be a Vet and he has a small house up in the mountains 
Where apparently he has been saving animals
The first time you learn about Inanna was when he came in asking for a book on dog breeds
When he couldn’t find her breed he asked for a book on wolves
and you are starting to worry
But it’s okay he knows what he’s doing
As shy as he is, he falls for you fast and hard. Soon coming in with very poor excuses 
But it’s okay because you get to see him more and more, falling for him yourself soon enough
When you show him to books on bird seed, you kiss his cheek making him sputter
After a moment, he kisses your forehead, whispering ‘I love you’
And that was the day you knew this man was gonna kill you with his voice
Portia is this super cute barista at this fun energetic coffee shop
You are a poor hardworking person who needs their coffee fix
But oh my god Portia thinks you are the cutest most beautiful thing to walk through those doors
Her coworkers tease her but they let her act on her immediate crush
Looking up to this bubbly redhead holding your coffee, you fall for her too 
And soon you come in every week, sometimes three times a week
To study and get coffee
No...no other reason....
Portia is thrilled to see you in the coffee shop so often 
Eventually she leaves her number on the side of your coffee cup 
OMG no other person has done this in this au bwahahaha they’re all dumbasses 
She’ll confess with a few hearts in your coffee and a wink 
After work you’ll wait for her before pulling her along and kissing her behind the building 
Ah, young love
She’ll giggle and after this you come in more often and when she finds out where you work she’ll come to visit you
“MC! You came again! Welcome!!!”
Bright smiles and laughter 
Your day always seems better when she’s around
You work at an old coffee shop with a fun rustic vibe and this man comes in so often 
Like every 
to order the same exact thing
The same exact super sweet coffee with two cookies on the side. He’s an odd one isn’t he
He’ll start to flirt with you right away
“Hey gorgeous, you make this all for me?”
Of course you did
That’s your job
Eventually you start flirting back and that’s when things start picking up 
Lucio catches major hardcore feelings
You’re that cute barista and he caught feelings for you
You catch feelings too 
He’s very blunt and flirty and..okay sure you kinda like that in him 
One day he was so aggressively flirting that you grab his shirt collar and plant a hard kiss on his mouth
Then get back to work as if nothing happened
Leave your number and winking face by his coffee
Ooooooooh man are you gonna get it after work 
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
omg anon, i completely forgot to post this two days ago ! my apologies...
here is the next batch of colby's tweets from 2016.
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone's tweet to him.
if it's in (), that's just me commenting bc some of the ones down below are... strange lol
Oct. 1 - Even scientologists know there's more to all of this
(i'm sorry i have to butt in... wtf is this tweet????? lmao)
Oct. 2 - I'd walk through hell for you
Oct. 3 - I'm overly protective
so that means if you had a girlfriend you'd protect her a lot
@/NicoleR5forlife protect her with my life
Never let people walk all over you. Stand your ground and speak up if you have to
Oct. 4 - My mind always occupied with the thought of what could be
Don't let beauty disguise personality
Oct. 5 - I think about you often. Hard for me not to.
Oct. 6 - Sometimes, you just gotta push yourself to do things you're not very comfortable with.
Oct. 7 - "You know, I never wanted it to turn out this way.."
Oct. 9 - I'm a dreamer
Confidence is sexy
Oct. 12 - I hate comparing myself to others, but it's hard not to in the world of social media
Sit under the stars with me
Oct. 13 - I like girls who portray confidence and don't give a crap about the negative things
Oct. 15 - You know you know I'm only a fool for you.
Making the most of it while I'm young
Oct. 16 - Looking for that someone I can give my all to
Oct. 17 - I'm in dire need of an escape. Wanna go see the world
Oct. 18 - I want a little dog friend
Calling all little doggie friends to come love meeee
Call me crazy, I'm far from normal
me too. Hi crazy I'm insane.
@/Jellis7898 "hi crazy I'm insane" I really like that
If I couldn't have you, well, I'd rather be alone.
Oct. 20 - New day, same feelings
Oct. 21 - Don't wait for the "right" time. You'll wait forever
Oct. 24 - Gloomy days in LA are the best
Oct. 25 - I live to make you happy.
I feel like I'm driving myself crazy. I need to stop
Oct. 28 - I can't stress how important it is to always do what makes you happy despite anyone else's opinion
Oct. 27 - Not the life it seems like.
Oct. 29 - Remember. It's okay not to be okay sometimes.
Oct. 30 - Need someone to cuddle with on this lazy Sunday
Putting my 100% trust in someone seems almost impossible
Nov. 1 - You're beautiful no matter what they say
Nov. 2 - I lost my class ring and that makes me so sad. I just wanna find it
Nov. 5 - I feel like I live a nocturnal life
Nov. 6 - I've gotten to the point where I just ride the rollercoaster of life .. not even trying to fight anything.
I'm dying my whole head bright neon yellow
I want you all to call me "lemon head"
Guys I'm kidding ... but you can still call me lemon head if thats what your heart wants
(these past three tweets had me dying lmao)
Nov. 7 - I put way too much pressure on myself sometimes. Just gotta chill out for a second
I did c:
I cared so much that it made me a different person at times.
I try to share my thoughts with you as much as I can. And I get it, sometimes it doesn't make sense. But bare with me
Nov. 11 - If you ever want to find out why someone is acting a certain way ... ask them. Communication is key
I appreciate you. The person reading this tweet I'm writing right now .. I really care about you. Thank you for being in my life.
I feel like in the world I live in everything is dramatic. Always.
Nov. 15 - Such a hopeless romantic at heart .. even if I don't show it that often
Mess with me, I'll get over it. Mess with my friends, not a good idea for you..
Nov. 16 - @/itscolbybrock come watch Harry Potter with me :(
@/alyssayikes you're a wizard, Alyssa
Nov. 19 - There's nothing more nerve racking than being in an elevator that makes loud, creaky noises.
Confession: sometimes I watch chiropractic adjustment videos because I like the satisfying noise of the back cracks.. Is that weird
"And I know I know you're in love with me and I've been ignoring you.."
Nov. 20 - "She's just got a funny way of loving me.."
Nov. 21 - I will always have respect for you.. until you break my trust
Nov. 22 - I miss my little Puggle.
Time to go grocery shopping! We just ran out of chicken nuggets and that is NOT okay.
You're worth fighting for.. and that's why I keep pushing
Nov. 23 - Perfect date: laying in a trunk bed looking at the stars. Listening to our favorite songs and eating our favorite foods.
Nov. 25 - Let me tell you something that I want you to remember: You are NOT alone.
Nov. 26 - Because of you, I'm still dreaming
Nov. 28 - I want adventure .. But only with you
If only you could see what goes on in my mind
Nov. 29 - RT @LifeLimits: Every girl deserves a guy that can make her heart forget that it was ever broken.
Nov. 30 - My mind is just a big blur today
Dec. 1 - I always do the most embarrassing things. Hahah definitely gunna regret a few things I post on the internet in a few years
Dec. 2 - Do you ever wake up and are just like "Go away sun.. im NOT READYY" Cause that's me today
Oversized hoodies are the best thing to cuddle in
I want a koala onesie.
Dec. 3 - If you are someone who will stay 100% loyal in a relationship, I have the highest level of respect for you.
Dec. 4 - Seeing you always makes my world so much brighter
Dec. 5 - I want to get married to a krispy kreme donut
Dec. 6 - Being yourself is attractive. Confidence is everything
Dec. 8 - All my friends are better than me at bowling
lets go bowling, I promise you I'm worse
@/corrinamortiz I'll take you just so I can win
I just want to make a giant impact on the world
Dec. 10 - I want you guys to know me as a person... not just a character in videos. And trust me, in the next few weeks. I'll make that happen.
I wanna kiss someone under a mistletoe this year
Dec. 12 - I'd be the type of boyfriend who would want to show my girl off to the entire world
Dec. 15 - Thankful for you
Dec. 17 - Really hate to scare you guys, but I just hope you support everything that happens in the near future
So excited to see my baby girl. (Talking about my dog)
Dec. 20 - Nothing would be possible without you. And for that, thank you.
Dec. 21 - I got mah organic gummy bears ... I am happy
Worried that the lady sitting next to me can hear the staggering amount of screamo blaring through my headphones. :3
Turbulence gives me so much anxiety
Dec. 22 - Just walked around the mall I'm permanently banned in. I know I know, I'm a rebel.
As weird as this is to say .. I actually missed the gloomy days in Kansas
Dec. 23 - I can tell my mom anything. And that is something I'm SO thankful for. Don't know what I'd do if I couldn't
Dec. 24 - I love all animals. 😍 like how can you not ?
(hi im gonna go cry now)
Dec. 25 - These are the moments you should cherish! The ones with your family. Everyone in the same place
Dec. 26 - Sometimes I'll talk to myself, I'm not afraid to admit that
What happened you ask? I got sick and impatient.
I've been dreaming so much lately
Goin back to my roots
Dec. 28 - The new Star Wars movie made me so emotional idk why
Heading back to the land of dreams
Dec. 30 - New Years kiss 🤔
Seems like all I do is wind up missing you
Dec. 31 - Be safe tonight guys, love you
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thefirsthogokage · 3 years
Not that I want to watch new copaganda (I tolerate Law and Order Organized Crime for Elliot Stabler, as a character from my youth), but I got bored and needed something to watch, so I've put on the Turner and Hooch reboot show staring Josh Peck. (OH WAIT THIS ISNT A REBOOT THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF THE MOVIE! I could believe Josh Peck as Tom Hanks's son. Now I get why they hired Peck.)
I hate it.
Like, I'm sure they won't touch on any big issues and what not, but they are still gonna cop wrong.
So, Turner is apparently a US Marshall and they have this witness they need to protect. Well, the witness got shot and apparently the best place they thought to have him was...
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Out in the fucking open with NO COVER.
Like, please think you guys, this is cop show 101. This is one of the reasons Disney shouldn't make a cop show (besides all the other reasons to not make a cop show).
Oh, and they had him crash through a homeless man's cart full of cans for laughs, I guess? Lots of just other really annoying things about that car chase too.
And of course no one took the time to teach Josh Peck how to hold a gun:
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I honestly don't understand the target audience for this show. It seems light it's supposed to be a light hearted show for adults, I guess? But if that's the case THEN THEY DEFINITELY NEED TO DO THEIR JOB!
Having a dog in the building is not a health code violation pal, you're a lawyer, you should know that.
The only acting I don't like on this show is by Josh Peck. I until this moment I think he had dead eyes.
Ok, his acting got better.
Seriously, who is the target audience of this show, like, it's dumb. There's so much dumb here. It can't be fore kids too much because someone was shown with a bloody shoulder after an attempted hit. It can't be fore adults because how how back the cop (functional-wise) and how bad the writing is. Who is this for?
Omg, no way an FBI agent pulling an inside job would be dumb enough to actually be part of the team who went to got kill someone. No way.
At least they are giving their all in the acting department on the show. Well, most of them most of the time for sure.
Why TF did they make a noise somewhere and then go in almost immediately to a room with no less bad guys? Oh yeah, they don't know what they're doing! Such a dumb scene.
"What kind of idiots are you?!" One mind, this character and I have. Except that's me at their production crew, and writers, and director.
The only character that's made any sense on this show is the guy who got shot in the earlier picture that I had up there.
Like, I get that it's tv, "suspension of disbelief" and all that, but, like, some of this is easily clockable dumb.
The bad guy. Was just. Standing outside.
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Whoever CGI'd these paws didn't do great job. Like, the fur is definitely too long, the motion or the paws isn't right, they are the wrong color, and not the right size either.
No sure how they did these shots:
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But if they were CG too, - which I'm not convinced they aren't, - why are they so much better than the paws? Wait, they might be real. The guy's shirt is crumpled.
Oh god, they are putting an ARC in this show? WHY?! They don't need that. This isn't some serious show, just make it episodic, damnit! We need more episodic shows in this world! Why won't people make those anymore?
McG...wait...(goes to IMDb)HE WAS AN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ON SUPERNATURAL FROM 2005 TO 2013?! Hunh. Oh and on Nikita. Explains why Lyndsy Fonseca is in this. I like her. He's done some other stuff I've seen too. Interesting.
I MIGHT watch this just to give myself something to do. But I think watching this gave me a headache.
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