#and I like the idea of it being originally built or commissioned to be built by Bretons
noxcorvid · 2 months
think I’m almost done deciding when serana gets bank chuted w her elder scroll, sometime between 1E 2331 and 1E 2703, the end and beginning times of the alessian and reman empires, bc the main hangup in figuring out when that happens is her line of “cyrodiil’s the seat of an empire?” when you wake her up. I decided against it happening during the interregnum in the 2E, bc while Cyrodiil doesn’t have a solid cohesive empire at that time, it still was kkkkkkkind of an empire? it was nominally an empire (the empire of Cyrodiil) so I decided against it, and then that segways right into Tiber septim septiming all over the place into the 3rd era, so 1E it is. Considered before the Alessian Empire, but that began 1E 243 and for the sake of keeping the story relatively cohesive (for perspective, the Dwemer getting thanos snapped and chimer->dunmer happened around 1E 700, and the yokudans began sailing en masse for Tamriel in 1E 792), and I initially didn’t want serana to be so violently out of the loop... I was gonna save that level of dissonance for a potential miraak doesn’t die in apocrypha arc but the ideas been growing on me. Like a fungus. ALSO, re: language: I don’t care what the official lore (or at least uesp) says there’s no way all of tamriel was using high elvish for legal documents continent-wide, serana would speak primarily old Nordic either way, but at least with the Alessian empire having already happened it makes sense if she at least spoke a little bit of old cyrodilic ……… but also very early 1E serana so. Hm.
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willowser · 8 months
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one thousand lonely stars, hiding in the cold—
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android!shouto x reader
wc: 2k+
tags: angst, cyberpunk dystopian setting, financial vulnerability, explicit language, minor mention of sex work + sex workers, reader has strong/conflicting feelings about their situation, and — as always — the question of true humanity.
notes: what a great opportunity this was for me to continue exploring this idea !! tysm to @shoto-brainrot for not only giving me the chance, but also for being such a support and helping me to figure out all this commission jazz !! i so appreciate you, and i hope you enjoy it ! 🩷
original post
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You’ve yet to find out what caused the damage to Shouto’s faceplate.
By the time you discovered him outside the credit exchange, he had been busted open and left for—whatever the equivalent of dead is for an android. A gaping hole in the left side of his disturbingly human face exposed his inner circuitry to the rain and you think that should have finished him off, truly, but—he's still kicking. 
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Technology in the lower district is distinct. The most careful hands could have crafted him down in the best underground salvage yard and he still wouldn't have lasted half an hour with his face submerged in a shallow mud puddle like that. Wiring would have been shot, fuses blown.
Even if the Todoroki Corporation symbol on his wrist wasn't glowing, a blinking light in time with his would-be heart, you'd know what he is. You'd know he didn't belong down here, beneath the smog, in the industrial bones of your dying city.
And yet—
The left side of Shouto's face took the brunt of whatever blow he'd been dealt, and the scarring—if it's even called that?—has extended down over his cheekbone and backward, so violently that his ear had only barely been hanging on. Without the bandage you've wrapped him up in, he's quite a sight: half a tangled mess of wires and pins, a dull cyan light glowing in his orbital socket. With the wrapping, however, he’s almost exactly as he was meant to be: seamless.
The fate of his detached ear had been unknown. Until this morning.
It still works, much to your surprise, learning so only after wondering aloud the whereabouts of your data docket and hearing Shouto answer from across the apartment. Whoever put him together, you realize, took great care to make him durable, adamantine; the carbon nanotubes and polymer arrays that make up his cochlea were hardly affected by the assault.
Someone—or something—meant to harm him, and you know that for certain, now. Such wreckage couldn’t have happened naturally, not to a Skin-Puppet like him.
(When you look at him, you can’t help but consider his creator. How far he is from them and why. If the hands that made him and the hands that ruined him are the same, if he meant to leave or if he was cast out. You haven’t asked, but it’s odd that a machine could keep such information to himself—itself.)
(Given the brutality behind his mutilation, perhaps it’s best you don’t know the answers.)
Working tech from the richer district—KōkyōLuxuria, above the smog, built high into the clouds—could not only earn you enough to eat this week, but also to pay off all your debts to the League. Maybe even finance a decent apartment a few stories up.
And that’s why you’re here: racing through the slums in the rain, doing your damndest to make this sale before time runs out and you’re forced to find another buyer. Coming across a Hack with 1,640,254 credits in their docket is rare; who knows when you’ll find someone from the Trade in Musutafu sector again? You’re likely to sooner perish—either from your empty stomach or that broker that demanded payment two days ago.
Shouto, however, doesn’t see the urgency.
“Hello, handsome! Awful cold out tonight…care to warm me up?”
“Oh, hello.”
At the even, all-too-friendly lilt in his voice, you halt your sprint again, and spin around with a hiss. “Shouto!” You snap—but it comes too late; the Entertainers have struck like lightning, already scrambling his code. 
Out of habit, you’d pulled the hood of his sweatshirt up over his head before leaving the apartment, and now the material separates his image from view—though you can easily imagine the pleasant expression showing on his face, illuminated in pink under the NanotechNymph advertisement.
At his easily captured interest, two women strut from the open doors of the low-lit den, all allure and swaying hips, mirage flickering beneath the heavy rain. They only meet him halfway—too far from the emanator deep within the club—and you dash forward to stop him from wordlessly accepting their offer. You can’t afford to owe anyone any more than you already do.
“Shouto,” you say again, mouth twisting when he looks at you simply. Despite the hood, his bandage grows dark from the rain and—despite his framework, worry fluxes in your stomach at the thought of him getting too wet. “We have to go.”
“Aww,” an Entertainer says to you, girlish pout pulling down her full lips. “You don’t want to come inside and play with us?”
“No,” you try not to look at them any longer, just in case that racks up a charge, too. Rock solid as he is, Shouto allows himself to be steered away, much to your relief. “Buzz off, holo-ham.”
“I’d like to play.” Shouto pipes up, peeking behind his shoulder when the girls squeal in excitement. “Can we come back once we’ve finished?”
“Not for that kind of play.” You put a hand on the back of his head and swivel it, all while shoving him down the sidewalk. You almost remark on how man-like he’s acting, before chasing the thought away.
“What other types of play are there?”
And he does, finally, when you loop your arm through his: a presumably innocent gesture that draws his attention fully back to you, as physical touch seems to do, with him. Beneath the material of the jacket, he feels natural, all muscle and bone, even leaning into you as if the weather has made him cold. You can feel him tracing your face with his one-eyed gaze—scanning you—and you pretend not to notice.
“Your heart rate has gone up. Have I made you angry?”
“Yes,” you tell him, though he hasn’t, really. “You and your curiosity are gonna make me late, and then we’ll be in some serious shit.”
He looks away then, down to the soaked pavement, a mimicry of disappointment. From the corner of your eye, you can see his manufactured Adam’s apple bob, and the muscle beneath your hand shifts.
“They seemed nice, the holograms.” He says, and you can’t help the soft snort such a comment merits. 
“Yeah, they’re nice, alright, until you can’t pay them.”
Shouto looks at you once again, stride threatening to falter until you tug him along. “Do you know them?”
You already know where he’s going with his question, and the corner of his lips quirk up when you cast him a filthy look. “Well, no, but—”
“Then how do you know—”
“I just do, alright?” You frown at him and he accepts it in full, studying once more. Whatever he finds in your expression amuses enough that he’s placated for the moment, though you know it won’t be long before he’s piping up again.
He does it often—studies you: body language, physiological changes, speech patterns, vocal cues. Human behavior he catalogs and streams to someone back at the Corporation headquarters, finding the miniscule details he can use against you, some day. Whatever the reason behind his damage, he is still a product of his evil overlords, made for reasons you can only imagine. 
This is what you tell yourself. 
As his fingers shift until their smooth pads are brushing the delicate veins in your wrists, as he tightens his arm around yours when another stranger on the streets knocks your shoulder, as he leans into the warmth of your humanness: this is what you tell yourself.
You’re overcome with a sense of loss and you don’t know why, and you clear the strange lump hardening in your throat. “Life lesson number six, Todoroki,” you murmur it closely to him, nearly into the fabric at his shoulder, though he doesn’t react to the name. “Everybody wants something from someone, holo-hams included.”
Shouto seems to process your words, for a moment, and his face is expressionless when you steal a peek up at him. Technicolor rains down on your both, swathing him in a wild array as advertisements dance on the buildings that tower above you, and again you think of his creator. The careful hands that crafted his smooth cheeks, the sharp line of his nose, the leanness of his body. You wonder if he’s ever been deemed precious.
Nearly all of the residents relegated to the lower districts owe the Todoroki Corporation in some way. Be it through credit loans or applied interest rates on subsidized housing or hidden costs and high premiums on mandatory, shit insurance—Enji Todoroki sits in the lap of KōkyōLuxuria, has probably never even stepped down from his pedestal. 
There’s no good reason a product of his could have found its way to you: this is what you tell yourself.
“And you want my ear.” Shouto says, looking back down at you as your shoulders tense. There isn’t a byte of hostility in his voice, but he must understand the sharpness to what he’s saying.
“Yes,” you admit with a nod, and some underlying, rogue streak of guilt has you pressing into him, as if your proximity could make up for your selfishness. “The sensors in your ear are gonna pay for our dinner tonight, handsome.”
His stride falters once more, and despite the time clock ticking in the back of your mind—you let him stop you. Maybe you want him to. Nothing ever goes unnoticed by him and you know that and maybe it’s cruel of you to say such a thing, to offer a comfort you can’t admit to, but Shouto looks down at you in all his ruination and—
Before he can say anything, a fat drop of water hits the tip of his perfectly manufactured nose. It makes him flinch, delayed, and the surprise he wears and the scrunch of his brow seem so—human, there before you. Shouto tilts his face to the dark, smoggy sky, and again that worry bites you, about too much water trickling into his core.
“We’re going to be late,” you repeat, though it’s much weaker than it was earlier. This is one those moments in which he overrides all your defenses, uploads something warm and hopeful and frightening into your chest cavity; you can’t tell if you want to run because you have to, for the sale—or if it’s a result of watching him now, haloed in neon.
He’s not one to ignore you, but he doesn’t respond, instead retracting his arm from your grip in order to push the hood back off his head. Raindrops soak into his bandage and the excess pools, dripping down over the line of his jaw and the column of his throat. So close to him, you can see the goosebumps that break out across his skin.
(You wonder if he’s ever been deemed precious. You wonder if he meant to leave, or if he was cast out. You wonder if he was created for continued corruption—or if someone out there wanted him to experience life, no matter how rusty.)
(You wonder if he feels as human as he looks. If he can blush, or if the soft skin below his ear can bruise.)
A small sound bubbles out of him, like a light laugh of disbelief. 
You found him face down in the rain; you’re not sure why it could cause such a reaction now, but he turns to eye the commercial playing behind him, before watching the path of a man walking by the two of you. Rain collects in his perfect cupid’s bow until he licks it away, and his hair slicks to the side when he pushes it out of his face. 
Shouto turns his attention back to you rather plainly, though the edges of his smile pull up a little higher than they usually do, enough that the apples of his cheeks round. He asks you, “What’s going to be for our dinner?” and the question is oddly worded, but each one is intentional. 
Maybe it’s not the rain that amuses him—and maybe it is. Maybe it really is that simple, that innocent. Maybe it’s the microtremors in your voice and your increased heart rate, all the little details that could never go unnoticed. 
There isn’t a way that this could end well: this is what you tell yourself.
You nod once and turn to face back the way you came, resigned, before looping your arm through his again. You trace the delicate veins on the inside of his wrist, careful not to cover the slow-blinking symbol embedded there, and you decide it doesn’t matter what his creator did or didn’t want. Because he has wants of his own, just like anyone.
“Okay,” you sigh, and when you slosh through the puddles collecting on the sidewalk, Shouto seems happy to follow along, this time. “I can probably sweet talk Toyomitsu into buying us some takoyaki, but you’re gonna have to play it cool.”
“Is this the kind of play you were talking about?”
That lilt has returned to his voice, even and friendly and amused.
“No,” you swat at him to hear his little huff of laughter, “now stop asking about that.”
Of course he doesn’t.
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yuurivoice · 2 months
Added point to the last post, but most of my work over the first 2 years being commissioned by individuals specifically gave me DEEP insight into what real life people wanted to hear. Not chasing trends, not trying to copy someone else's blueprint, none of that.
I heard directly from the same people who are listing today, the groups who specifically were looking to be served by me and my art. And I built my foundational philosophies off of those lessons.
None of them were asking for any of the shit people are trying to make this niche out to be. You can explore within it, I certainly have to much success. But ultimately?
Most folks just wanna feel connected to something. You can take them on a grand adventure, scare the shit outta them, do all kinds of things...but whether the premise is but a slice of moment in time between a character and a listener, or a whole chapter in a broader story, people just want something to grab on to.
We don't get to dictate what people can and cannot like, and there's no wrong way of doing things. When I first started stepping out of fandom characters and exploring original characters, there were people who said it was a bad idea. When I then started diving into longer form narratives, there were people who said that wasn't the right way of doing it, that I should stick to what worked before or return to their favorite character.
The moment we start letting other people tell us the "rules", we put a ceiling on our own growth and joy. So...fuckin...don't try and force people into silly boxes. That's all. 🙏💖
I'm gonna go cuddle with my cats now.
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do you have any mech pilot oc's
Yes! I actually have an entire Mech pilot setting that I’ve been wanting to write about for a while. And since I can’t think of a better opportunity to talk about it I’ll do that here. Warning for lots of text and infodumping below, also all of this was originally an idea for a novel so if this sounds a bit like reading the back of a book or like the setup to something that’s why
The story takes place in an huge city in America, where the entrepreneur who invented* zero gravity technology got so wealthy off of it that he decided to build an enormous tower that now has 7 ringed districts floating around it, with each one getting more wealthy and fancy the higher up the rings go. Besides its bizarre structure, the city’s other claims to fame are being the birthplace of Mechs that use zero g technology to function efficiently and being the place where Mech combat as a sport, which is played in large zero g arenas, is played. Mech combat is primarily a sport in this setting, although combat Mechs do exist that are used by the oppressive US police forces and militaries (it’s a bit of a dystopian setting) but the focus is primarily on the sport part in the story I want to write. There are also Mechs used for construction and other practical uses.
The main character of said story, Wormgear, is a mech mechanic who lives in “the underworld” which is the poor city that is beneath the floating ring districts. Wormgear grew up in her moms’ mechanic shop learning directly from her mothers how to be a mechanic for servicing primarily construction mechs and other vehicles. When one of her moms caught a lucky break and got an offer to move to another city to work for a big construction vehicle company, their moms moved away, while they stayed behind and took over the shop. Living alone and working in a poor part of the city, they struggled to make ends meet servicing just construction Mechs and transport vehicles, but once she found her way into being a mechanic for Mechs used in underground illegal combat sport that is even more dangerous than the official leagues played up on the rings, she finally found her true calling. She built her own Mech and became a successful underground prize fighter while also advertising her business to everyone in the scene. Things are going well enough for her, until a masked stranger in a machine far fancier than most underground fighting Mechs shows up and starts dominating the scene. After one particularly grueling match, when Wormgear gets back to her shop, she’s surprised to find the masked stranger in here garage.
Penelope Darlington, is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who had early on invested heavily into the zero-g corporation that now owns the entire city and the technology used in half the machines in the country. Being passionate about the gravmech sport, her father invested all the best training and equipment in the world for his son to be one of best pilots in history, and when said beloved son changed her gender and began going by the pilot moniker “Darling” it was such a good idea for her personal brand that he never even thought of opposing her. Now a national celebrity and a rising star predicted to earn titles and break records in the sport, Penelope should have had everything she ever wanted. But when the off-season comes and she can’t get that exhilarating thrill of piloting, the boredom drives her to do something stupid and illegal. Anonymously commissioning the creation of a new Mech, she enters the gravmech underworld with a mask and a pseudonym. She had never anticipated that anything would go wrong with her plan, and after weeks of wiping the floor with her competition without a scratch on her paint she got too comfortable, and some punk in a hunk of scrap landed a blow that disabled some of her engines. She didn’t lose, but she now needed to find a mechanic that could be discreet. Following the advice of someone in the scene, she found herself in a Mech garage of the very punk who damaged her precious machine in the first place, and what’s worse is the lifts to the higher levels are shut down this late at night!
Gonna stop my early plot synopsis there I think. If you couldn’t guess from everything I wrote here, these are my lesbian mecha pilot ocs who I love very much and hope to be able to actually write the story for some day when I can actually finish or even just continue working on a writing project for once.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 7 months
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Sooooo new AU anyone?
Behold the 🔥'Seraphim AU!'🔥
LOL I have been working on this for a month and decided to post what I have so far today on the spookiest of days, dear old Halloween. 🎃 And yes, I do get a ton of enjoyment out of The Sun and Moon Show, which helped inspire the direction this AU has gone.
I actually do have a whole AU/Story idea for him and his brothers (Yes he has siblings, his versions of Bloodmoon and Lunar)
I will just give a little intro into him and his background into this world below. :)
First thing I need to point out is that Seraphim Eclipse is not actually a Fazbear product. No, his creation was the result of a very ambitious fellow within Fazbear who had the brilliant idea to commission an outside company to build some of the more unique animatronics for less money. Specifically the Daycare Attendants.
As the DCA is the only animatronic whose insides cannot be replaced by a random backup Endo due to their thinner, more complex structures. They need to be custom built each time and it's particularly expensive given the unique 3 personalities and abilities the Endo will need. So, without authorization, he commissions a smaller company to build a new attendant.
Unfortunately A LOT was lost in translation. As this small company was led to believe that if their work was satisfactory they could get many more commissions from Fazbear. They were also provided with the DCA's primary blueprints... And furthering the miscommunication, they were told to improve on the design rather than make it identical.
Thus the Creator took liberties and built the base model of Seraphim Eclipse. (Pictured below)
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Initial Info: The he first thing that should be said is that Seraphim Eclipse was not initially able to fly. (He can currently) his original wings were just for show and were made to flash and glow. (If he tries it's like getting flashed with six Fazcams all at once)
Next, he was made to be a 'Gentle Giant' sort of figure. He stands at a towering 10 feet tall if one includes his rays.
He also doesn't have a hook on his back, rather he is equipped with a long, flexible and insanely durable cable that can retract completely into his back. This cable measures almost 35-40 feet and is so strong it can fully lift Seraphim Eclipse's weight and keep him balanced and suspended perfectly in midair. The reason for this is he was built to fill all three of the DCA's roles and for naps he would place the kids down for a nap, while being suspended above with his wings glowing faintly.
His entire appearance is supposed to invoke that of a guardian angel.
The cable also has a secondary function as it is much like a Na'vi queue and allows Eclipse to interact with the networks throughout the Pizzaplex. Due to his systems being completely built outside of Fazbear, he has difficulty with various aspects of the systems. But it also meant he was immune to the initial Glitchtrap virus.
He refers to this cable as his tail.
His creator chose to simplify the 'Sun, Moon and Eclipse' personalities and just made one singular being who could handle all of the duties he would need too. Choosing to name him Eclipse as it was more appropriate and would seemingly encompass all of the needed aspects.
The final really 'Abnormal' thing about him is that during his construction, someone attempted to abduct and possibly assault one of the Creators three kids, specifically his youngest daughter... Thankfully the bastard failed and was arrested, but the lingering stress of that disturbing situation resulted in his Creator building flamethrowers into his arms/hands... To be used in case of emergencies.
Brief History: Unfortunately when he was revealed to the heads of the Fazbear Board of Directors, brought before them and activated by the manager who commissioned him... He immediately showed that he was as sweet and as cheerful as Sun models usually are-
He was about as well received as someone finding a dead rat in their cereal...
The board was livid, as company secrets and schematics were given out to make this abomination... Yeah, his first memories at the job he was made for was being called an abomination to his face.
The manager was fired and Eclipse, since they couldn't send him back for a refund but also couldn't use him... They put him in a few restraints, locked him into a permanent 'resting mode' and pretty much hung him up on a wall in a small closet off of parts and services... and forgot he existed.
Unfortunately for Eclipse, he was locked but still conscious.
He was trapped in his own body, in darkness, alone for several years... The only escape he had was that while they locked his limbs up, they neglected doing so with his tail. So he was eventually able to get into the Fazbear networks and essentially observe the ongoings of the Pizzaplex.
He was also able to get access to an online Anime/Manga account that one employee set up for 'Productive Loafing' while at work. But it ended up being the one true joy Seraphim Eclipse had. A distraction from the nightmare he was stuck in. Even when the human employee was fired, Eclipse still kept the account active and constantly used it.
...on a negative note, Eclipse developed a seething hatred towards Sun, Moon and their Eclipse. As he viewed them as responsible for his own situation. Let alone the horrors that the malfunctioning Moon caused...
(Because I truly can write too much and given how LONG I could make this... I am going to shorten this now)
Seraphim Eclipse was finally be let loose from his captivity by MXES as a final desperate act to prevent Mimic from escaping and killing Cassie. As when MXES was set up, he became aware of Eclipse but didn't release him... Due to him not being sure if he was just another vessel for the Mimic or some other threat.
After getting free and having been watching Cassie's dangerous progress through the destroyed Pizzaplex via the cameras, Eclipse's first and only thought is about saving that little girl... And he reactivates Roxy to help him. (Because I still wonder how the hell she reactivated.) And it turns into a huge fight... Ending with Mimic getting deactivated by being ripped to pieces. And Eclipse taking quite a bit of damage especially to one side of his face, but making sure Mimic is VERY dead.
They all leave up the elevator, meeting the real Gregory, Freddy (Well... his head anyway) and Vanessa at the top. (They don't drop them.)
Literally everyone is burnt out from this nightmare, they go to the only place that might be a reprieve from the whole mess... They go to Cassie's aunt's place. Cassie's aunt, Twila, owns a Junk/Scrapyard and was babysitting her niece while her father was out of town. She opens the door to this lot and Cassie nervously laughing that she has a funny story to tell her.
Cassie is grounded for a month for scaring her aunt half to death by running off...
But Seraphim Eclipse stays there for a bit; and knowing he saved her niece... Twila gives him his sword. As she knows it's valuable, but judging by her nieces description about how Eclipse used a piece of rebar like a sword while fighting Mimic, she thought he should own a real one.
The sword is an Nodaichi.
His face is repaired, but seems to sport a permanent red scar, resembling a bloody tear.
(Again I am shortening this...)
After pulling off some blackmail, Seraphim Eclipse manages to aquire this particular Pizzaplex, all of its accounts for money and while associated, it's not connected to the Fazbear brand anymore... He owns it and gets it repaired.
His first act is to get rid of Sun/Moon/Eclipse... He quite literally tells them they are fired... And to go throw themselves into the dumpster outside because that's where they belong.
Twila takes the now distraught trio to live and help her at the scrapyard...
The Pizzaplex gets repaired better than ever and Eclipse takes his 'rightful' role, running the daycare.
...all is peaceful for a bit...
Until something is blasted through the roof and lands in the ballpit...
...namely the damaged form of a certain other Eclipse...
...and the damaged remains of the Newton Star...
Exercising A LOT of caution, Seraphim Eclipse takes the damaged other Eclipse to his workshop and starts going through his mind.
Yeaaaahhh he learns how batshit the other is... But he also comes across the schematics for the interdimensional portal, but more importantly the blueprints for both Bloodmoon and Lunar...
Because he and his alter share a trait of being agonizingly lonely.
He also meets Solar Flare, who he moves his consciousness into his computer... And ends up adapting him to be the AI in charge of his defenses...
LOL, MXES finally gets a friend.
He repairs Canon Eclipse, but knowing that he's pretty insane... Seraphim Eclipse slaps a nasty control collar on him so his alter cannot secretly work to destroy him...
Poor guy gets turned into a very angry janitor.
And Seraphim Eclipse proceeds to build his own versions of Bloodmoon and Lunar... Even incorporating the fragments of the Newton Star into his own Lunar.
The results are... Interesting... Especially considering his Lunar, who is extremely magically inclined, becomes responsible for Seraphim Eclipse's wing upgrades. As well as a multitude of additional upgrades... And awkward scenarios; that this crazy family will start enduring 😅
...I will write more later, but that's pretty much the start of this AU 🌟
Also, Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃
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storgicdealer · 23 days
ehehehehehe okay. first things first i figured out a good name for stohio: carteblan (i cannot believe it took me this long ive been calling it stohio for like ? oh my god just over a year now)
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anyways yeah.
i havent figured out the exact timeline, but a couple years before victim "came back to life"/escaped the ava1 youtube video (that's a whole other can of worms), stickfigures were just finding out about the existence of other living sticks. in particular, freedom was a rather popular figure as one of the first sticks to break out of stick slavery (many living stickfigures were put to tasks, similar to chosen and second, where it was either do the task or die). freedom specifically was the first to discover the outernet, and quickly provided a link to others online.
he then created the "stick freedom ad" (which earned him his name; prior to this, he was simply known as unti (short for untitled) (sticks having Names outside of their roles was not a common thing yet)). he made this ad and scammed several websites into displaying it without actually paying for it by using fraudulent money (there are a couple very old blog posts and forum posts about the Stick Freedom Ad and what its supposed to mean, since clicking on it leads to an error 404).
as more sticks were freed and entered the outernet, they began to build houses. some sticks that had experience with drawing helped draw the sketches for these houses, which was then built upon using the surrounding resources. this eventually developed into carteblan, the city that mango and purple live in today.
however as time passed the culture in carteblan became a little elitist--- victim-blamey (haha), acting like all sticks should be strong, and turning down their noses on sticks who look a little too different from the norm (like paleo, ballista and hazard) (the norm being hollowheads, fullheads and whiteheads).
like i mentioned in my reblog, the sticks in carteblan began to crave more, lives similar to human lives, and amongst that was a demand for stick children. in my headcanon, sticks cannot reproduce and any sex they have is entirely recreational, so they had to devise another method for having kids. adoption, like mango did with gold in my hc, is the most common way of doing this.
sticks like second, that can draw things to life, are extremely rare (like 1 out of a thousand) in the outernet, but theres a couple thousand people in carteblan as of 2024 so there are a few sticks that can actually draw sticks to life. thus, they do 'kid' commissions where they literally draw a kid to life in exchange for money. there are also some website sticks in touch with their animators who ask their animators do do kid commissions as well for people in the outernet.
wow okay this is long. there are other stick cities too but the two major cities are carteblan and adagia most other sticks live in solitude or on websites ok im done woo
grabs you by the shoulders. falls onto the floor. has a fucking awakening
this is one of the most amazing things ive seen recently that inspired me to make a ramble/srs.
im going to create another part of my ramble series and pin it because of it im fr
foundation of the outernet, development of outernet sticks and creation of living beings
(a ramble made with the help of an immaculate person with amazing ideas)
OH MY GOD?????? FIRSTLY. i need to mention that i ADORE that we both have an idea that outernet was discovered by created internet/pc sticks. that its appearance began to be a place for a whole race to live in. and that its not something that exists completely naturally and independently from it. this is the theory of their origins i believe most right now
freedom being the founder IS SICK. ITS SO FUCKING SICK im rolling on the floor
in my "rules of code" ramble also i supposed sticks being in touch with their creators as well and them also BEING DRAWN!!! by sticks and creators. ill put a screenshot of everything hold on
outernets creation
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my thoughts about outernets existence that most of which i think i explained
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lives of stickmen and reproduction
my thoughts were about reproduction as well!!!!! its mostly accepted as canon in the fandom that sticks reproduce naturally but i cannot say that it actually is canon. everything that was going on with purple was symbolic and didnt showcase like. natural birth
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alan said that for gold to exist king would have to marry a very neon yellow stick.
AND THIS made me confirm my headcanon that stick children are created by parent(s) own code. that they cannot influence it or prefer a color, that their code INHERENTLY has the variety of the color palette and hexcodes embedded into it.
ABOUT the code and colors. (i believe that the colors of sticks mixing up with each others is COMPLETELY code.)
all sticks inherently have a code and a name that gives them associated power. that can be messed with as well by a user (tdl command). its something that ive also talked in my rules of code ramble and mentioned the concept of "levels" and name power hierarchy
the chosen one, created and possessing a grandeu amount of power
the dark lord, also posessing a lot of power (that i dont believe couldve came from the command that was written into them. the command of destroying chosen is a goal that i believe is able to not be achieved)
the second coming, the name of someone that ties them with their predecessor (does make me wonder though how exactly their code made a connection with our chosen. maybe its possible that the name "the second coming" by itself, as a level, implies being a coming of someone powerful)
victim, being quite weak by themselves and not posessing any power by their own and having to rely on pc programs they're aware of.
i believe that being able to code a stick into a specific power and duty is something that could only be achieved and controlled through the feature of the program the stick was created in. in case of outernet, since they dont have access to computer programs and therefore, programs of creation such as adobe they cannot influence or change one's code
when it comes to creation of a stick i truly believe that you are able to give them color by yourself, unless the child is made by connecting it to the codes of its supposed parent(s). they gain hue by either actually taking/mixing up the colors of the parents or by taking one color in case of a sole parent.
(societal thought: its possible that outernet sticks, due to not wanting to have a literal copy and just an extension of themselves and wanting to create an "actual new life" by mixing colours prefer to have children with a partner, and not by themselves only)
have thought that color/code of the stick could be influenced by the parent(s) preferences, like a parent would like to have a kid similar to them and name them the same way (thus resulting/having their hexcode being picked out individually) BUT. i remembered alans words about kings spouse.
that for gold to exist king would need to marry a really neon yellow stick.
would it imply that sticks that subtract parent(s) code cannot influence the color of the stick created? as much as it impossible to influence the features of a born child in our real life, only taking it from parents and letting the nature play a randomizer. and that the only thing that they are able to influence is the shape of their creation?
society of outernet
THE CONCEPT OF STICKS SOCIETY BEING ELITIST ABOUT THIS STUFF. im eating it im not sure what fully do with it yet but im eating it
ive also talked about society there
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when talking about creators of mercs king purple and co i was mostly thinking about real users. BUT YOUR CONCEPT OF STICKS BEING DRAWN BY OTHER STICKS AND ME THINKING ABOUT IT AS WELL . THIS IS SO FUCKING AMAZING. this is canon for me IDC!!!!!!
it does, however, make me wonder of their living process. we know that alan's hollowheads are created for a reason, are born aware of themselves, how to walk/run/interact/fight and havent been seen aging or changing. and due to chosen, victim and second surviving a whole bunch of damage that should've killed them, second literally REFUSING to delete, the fate of dark lord being unknown and alan not giving a straight answer about it and, very important: cg as created sticks being unable to actually die and needing only refresh of a page to continue living, having all their memories intact... makes me wonder that stickmen created directly by a human hand are unable to die.
(does make me wonder about another completely different thing. the societal perception. is it acceptable to be in touch with your stick creators? how would it even feel. do they perceive them as a distant relative?? do sticks that are able to create life consider their creations close to them as well??? im imagining something along the lines about detroit stuff with connor&kamski but way less intense)
connection of realms and creation of life
ive rambled A TON about connection of internet and outernet and how sticks especially of outernet could connect and travel between realms. hear ye hear ye.
right now i genuinely believe that stick society advanced so far in the outernet and got to live there that their connection with the internet mightve severed:
sticks of outernet don't physically interact neither with internet/pc programs OR travel there unless they obtained something that could allow them to travel to a pc/internet (the minecraft block and nether portals that seem doing quite fine in the outernet dimension) or have powers that can allow them to break through (chosen and the computer/ip sky which, interestingly, has only been seen broken through on the alanspc ip adress//dark portals to the internet).
given this, there's not a lot of accesible methods of traveling to the internet and most of them are available only to pc sticks.
(except. for king and purple. except for king getting a block from minecraft that was not supposed to be in the outernet from that merchant in his backstory. but it is a whole another can of worms as well)
as far as we've seen sticks that werent exposed to pc and internet tech dont really use or possess any tech that could access it??????? the times where we've seen tech such as computers/phones/tvs/pc and programs interface were always in possession of sticks that came from a pc or were there at least once (hollowheads, the cg, purple) or were entrusted with it from someone that was on a pc (mercenaries). talking about the video used on the tv in "the king" episode... it has never been shown that this video was being shown directly from the youtubes platform either. and that lead me to a thought that outernet sticks might not even interacted with internet's properties except for the tools used to create a life that came along with the foundation of the internet and most likely were developed from tools brought by the first sticks. but the way outernet progressed they might not even know that this stuff is literally from another realm
heck, a daring thought.
in case of outernet being almost completely cut off from its original internet history recent sticks of outernet might not even know of the existence of pcs and internet.
this does however clash with sticks being still created by people and sticks that are able to create life being in touch with them. but its still supposable that only rare sticks with an ability to create life somewhat have a.. gene? passed through to them from some of their ancestors that could've been able to create life. and users dont exactly come into this (also given its unlikely that its a regular experience for a user to be emulated in the outernet world like it was with alans cursor in showdown)
continuing to talk about elitism. again this is such a sick concept
im thinking right now that elitism towards stickmen that arent completely strong/prefer not to engage in fighting due to the progress of their civilization//different kinds of stickmen mightve also came from the original stickmen (im going start coloring this concept now. also this whole is some adam and eve stuff) that were created to fight. we know from our real world that the first appearance of sticks in the internet didnt come from a desire to animate them in a fighting ring but the whole scene and culture of fighting sticks came around pretty quickly. the whole reason avam exists as a series
its possible that while predecessors of original stickmen werent created with fighting in mind the stickmen that discovered the outernet might as well been the first sticks created for fight. and since it isnt a thing that gone away and is most likely embedded into the code of sticks themselves in the avam universe the whole "fighting code gene" mightve been carried over to recent sticks as well. and this elitism exists that even though sticks dont have to fight anymore (to literally survive in most cases) due to the progress of their kind some conservative mfs might believe that "this is what our ancestors intendeeeddd you need to bow to your roots and your existing gene"
the elitism towards kinds of sticks is. god its such a big and very explainable and amazing concept
due to sticks just beginning existing in the internet a long while ago and mostly drawn pretty similarly (since most creators were just exploring how to draw them digitally) the race of stickmen that passed down from original stickmen could've been all just fullheads and whiteheads and perhaps hollowheads?.. im really thinking hard about it because. we havent seen hollowheads in the outernet and the fact that orange didnt even know of their existence anywhere else and even WE didnt up until they saw victim (and were probably quite damn shocked) and the fact it was possibly quite a grand moment to them confuses me.
im not sure for what reason, but the number of sticks of the race of hollowheads might have been reduced in present outernet, only having the ones that posses incredible power survive. (yet. also victim. that does not posses such power. but its a whole another idea on that they could've acquired it through different means and not from power coming from their own self)
or, it just is an avam universe rule that users didnt really think of drawing hollowheads when creating first sticks because it was hard for them to keep track of the background besides their damn hollow head and it was easier to have a stick that covered it fully on another layer LOL
either way, coming back to elitism (this sounds funny out of context), due to original sticks being simply drawn as fullheads whiteheads and possibly hollowheads it was the main race that stickmen were used to creating when drawing a new life. but with the progress of their civilization they started to experiment, eventually inventing new kinds of sticks (the kinds of hazard, ballista and paleo). due to some conservative sticks clinging to their roots they didnt like the difference from the norm.
elitism thought.
even with a possible inability to code a stick into doing something by outernet sticks would people still try to draw a stick with a specific build associated with certain jobs and tasks, trying to force them into a mold of who they are "supposed" to be? like, drawing a stick that resembles a sign (like hazard) and having them work for example as an aircraft marshaller or some other job that requires caution and directive? the grey sticks working in rocketcorp, possibly made as clerks and errand dudes?
..could purple be drawn being stronger and having a greater build than a usual stick would have, therefore disappointing navy when they dont match their expectations of a stick they wanted?
would it be a problem that progressive sticks would try to solve? allowing different kinds of sticks to exist, but not forcing them into a certain shape?
my previous ramble (rocketcorp, dimensions and virtual reality) made a theory that victim, in one way or another essentially brought pc programs and tech into outernet, thus obtaining power that is, quite literally, linked with their whole creation. (very symbolic considering their whole power is the one that made their life end so fast) and, due to outernet being cut off from programs and powers of internet and pcs, became a being that literally stood higher than the reality and fabric of the outernet realm itself, possesing power that could possibly meddle with it (mercs cannons literally changing structure and whole being of objects like the corndog stand or literally messing with a sticks state and body with chosen). and i have thought that victim is the one that could use internet itself as one of their grand tools.
and. animation vs youtube. we fucking know. that a stick is able to upload itself and break the interface of internet.
no one said that the original ava video on youtube is the whole thing that victim used to escape.
also. remember me mentioning that the original video of animation vs minecraft wasnt shown to be accessed through youtube. this video looked like it was downloaded having a whole different bar at the bottom and everything. couldve it been downloaded by vic or rocketcorp?
(victim interneted the fucking internet and started showing avam series like their own show. by the way its ALSO a potential scenario i talked about before. that due to potential severing of outernet citizens with the internet the recorded adventures of the cg on pc, internet and minecraft (ESPECIALLY considering that minecraft existed as a fun simulation game on a festival) that was broadcasted could've been interpreted by outernet sticks as fiction. but its an independent funny concept to be thought about and i still didnt fully figure it out)
you cracked my mind open like a walnut and i cannot stop thinking about all of your ideas
oh my god this did so much to me. ive been writing for the past two hours due to how much ideas it gave me. im going to pin this ramble because its very important to me and puts a lot of theories and headcanons in stone. you are my saviour cindersnows and you are probably going to be fucking FLABBERGASTED by the length of this post
sincerely yours storgic "the aspiring matpat of the avam fandom" dealer
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wuzhere75 · 1 year
So for some reason I got the idea of designing palaces for “all” of the WOF tribes. The specks that appear in most of these are supposed to be dragons to give a sense of scale.
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From top left to bottom right
Rainwing (Modern)
-Modern Rainwings don’t really have “palaces” or separate households for the royal family.
-Most Rainwing “houses” are comprised of a covered platform and a hanging nest (the nest is mostly used by dragonets or for storage). The only difference for the “palace” would be a larger platform for social/diplomatic events, plus some extra adornments.
-The “old” Rainwing palace (not illustrated here, think the Queen Anaconda days) was a far more grandiose structure long sense destroyed in some unknown war (think the classic “lost jungle temple”). Scattered ruins of it can still be found around the main Rainwing village.
-Mostly just the arena; it’s constructed out of a natural “bowl” at the base of some big cliffs. It was commissioned by some queen who wanted a big space for grandiose events, with the royal family eventually moving into a structure next to the arena after the old palace got destroyed in some war.
-The palace is mostly buried into the cliffs. Its pretty modest, at least for Scarlet-types (everything’s still probably gilded and studded with jewels)
-A prehistoric tree that has been carved out over time.
-The tree itself is likely older than the Scorching, a relic of the time when the Rainforest extended further into the Mud Kingdom. In modern times, while the area around it is still very tropical, but there are no trees remotely of its size around it.
-Even before being used as the palace, Mudwings and Rainwings alike had lived in hollows in its side for generations upon generations. It got moved into by some hippie queen who thought it would be badass to live in the big-ass tree that probably technically exists in another tribes territory but they chill.
-Likely amunis-touched or otherwise magically enchanted; no matter how much it gets tunneled into, the tree stayed alive.
-Historically, the palace has also took the form of large adobe buildings or wood cabins depending on what materials they have around.
-Originally built as a military fort; most previous palaces had been more on the eastern side of the Kingdom. Almost every queen that has occupied it has thought about building a new one; not one has ever gotten around to it.
-Bum fuck in the middle of nowhere
-The only remaining palace that has been continuously used as the palace since its creation.
-Created out of an enchanted glacier overlooking the sea. Over the years many additions have been made, magically created or otherwise It looks utterly insane and defies all laws of physics. Largest palace if you don’t count the whole Wasp Hive as a “palace”.
-It’s considered rude and against tradition to try to remove additions made by previous queens, though many work around less ascetically pleasing features by covering it up with even more stuff. This ends up with kind of a full-on Winchester-house situation, there’s a whole bunch of unused rooms and staircases that go to nowhere.
Bugwing (Wasp Hive)
-I don’t have much to say on this one; this is just what the wasp hive looks like (the actual palace is more like a penthouse somewhere in the middle of it).
-I originally was just going to do hydrothermal vents some amunis created; but then I remembered “bubble gardens” where described in the books, so the hydrothermal vents, while still warm (enough to incubate eggs), they aren’t scalding and spewing volcanic fumes
Nightwing (1st volcano)
-This is what the first Nightwing palaces that was created on the volcanic archipelago (not Vigilance era, but maybe the next generation afterward). It’s inside of an extinct volcano that has filled with water (inspired by that one part of 20,000 leagues under the sea). There’s smaller caves that have been carved in the sides, with docks built out into the water.
-This got destroyed in one of the subsequent periods of activity of a the volcano on a nearby island.
-I don’t know what the “old kingdom” palace looked like (maybe like a cave hidden behind a waterfall.
Anyways Leafwings don’t really have a palace because that’s not really part of their culture (“the queen sleeps among her citizens”). A whole colony of Leafwings might end up living in a tree similar to Mudwings, but just one hollow would be reserved for the queen.
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celecaster · 2 months
Do you have any advice for coping with schizoid personality disorder?
I think this is strongly contingent on what affects you, personally [ this is a generic observation to make, isn't it? ]. For example, loneliness and avolition didn't use to be an issue for me, it only became so after a specific period in my life that changed a lot of things about me. In present day I ascribe the most difficulties to existential angst first and foremost and to social difficulties + anhedonia/avolition tying for second.
With that said, this is what works for me more or less:
- Try to fight against the idea of being 'special' especially if it makes you think of others as stupid/inferior/dramatic/etc. I think this is incredibly difficult, and it's harder than it seems to balance this in a way where you're also being honest and acknowledging your own alienation and the way arbitrary (or even justified) societal expectations can take a lot out of you.
In my case, I try to resolve this by orienting myself specifically to a sort of 'vulnerability': many schizoids cannot acknowledge they are lonely or anxious or afraid, sometimes because it's shameful to do so but mostly because it doesn't feel 'true'. It doesn't look like 'normal' misery so it's easy to assume it's not 'misery' at all. Accepting one's own thoughts and emotions as real and accepting others have their own deep interiority even when they manifest in 'different' ways helps a lot with combatting the deep distaste for other people.
You might not necessarily learn to like others, but I think the 'angst' isn't as heavy when you recognise these internal experiences (both of yourself and others) as responses to a shared reality, instead of the feeling that other people live in 'reality' and you live (insofar that you 'live') in an inaccessible void.
Even if it's more for the sake of 'self-interest' and not necessarily altruistic, I find that fostering my distaste for people made me feel less tolerant of reality as a whole and more importantly critical of myself. If others are 'bad' then my misery must be evidence that I'm fundamentally worse. I think it's importance to recognise abject misery even without the need of someone to 'pin' it on.
- Find the thing about your identity that you think most people will find you detestable for and then hang out in spaces for that thing or meant to provide support for that thing. In my case it was being a paraphiliac. I think if you become accustomed to seeing the 'worst' parts about you accepted and people like you thriving, it becomes a little easier to accept that the rest of you can be accepted by others.
- Have something to do that your either enjoy or, if you're anhedonic, are able to deal with a reasonable level of visible 'results', such as developing a skill you are naturally inclined at or doing something 'meaningful' (like community service).
- Find a bunch of smaller things to set as goals/expectations for the future even if you're not 'stoked' about it. In my case I don't think I'll actually play Penny Blood when it comes out but I keep a mental footnote of it because the original developer's games were once meaningful for me.
I think the future is difficult to conceptualise in its vagueness and that can be disheartening. For me it helps to have real dates to look forward to instead of a vague 'The Future', even something like 'This game comes out in three months.'
Also, I'm a suicidal person and I find that it's easier for me to avoid suicide attempts by indefinitely 'delaying' it. So I do a lot of these 'I'll wait for [ event ] to happen first' to manage my feelings.
- If you have decent relationships, practice asking them for trivial things. For example I ask someone close to me to reblog commission posts. I think being able to ask for small favours helps fight against the 'love is litigation, relationships are obligations, there is no room for compromise' schema that ye schizoidism is built on. It may not be 'enough' to push a person to commit to anything 'more' or to ask for help when it 'actually matters' but it does help one inch closer to finding relationships at least a little 'meaningful'.
- Instead of trying to interact 'more' try to diversify the avenues in which you interact with others until you find one that works. Are you more comfortable online or in real life? One or one or in group settings? Do you like small talk or find it boring? Is there a specific type of person you want to talk to? etc.
While there are certainly schizoids who are winning the IDGAF war I really think that the average schizoid isn't repulsed per se by interaction but are more repulsed by emotions. Avenues to communicate with others where you have more control over your own boundaries and emotional disclosure are often more helpful.
- My standard for whether I think a relationship is 'good' is to ask myself whether I think I could 'come back' to this person. Whether it's a physical disappearance or something more abstract or mental [ eg I get a little silly with it and have a huge mental breakdown or whatever ], I assess whether this person would be more apt to focus on the 'leaving' or the 'coming back'. There are plenty of people I think that are nice or non-malicious but the personality they have is just that I know I will be 'punished' for 'leaving' [ Getting upset/'Why couldn't you just ask me for help/tell me this was happening?'/Centering their lack of 'obligation' even if I was not inferring they had one to begin with/Just straight up ignoring me because I was 'weird' instead of at least having the courtesy to tell me they can't/won't respond to me ].
To be realistic about my circumstances I know it's a lost cause to think there will be a point where I'll be Normal and Loveable enough to be beyond this type of reproach. Welcome to my dark twisted mind or whatever. All my failed relationships did not die with a lot of drama or fanfare but more a case of where I Lost It and couldn't 'come back', either because I was too ashamed of myself or the person clearly saw me different afterwards even if they wouldn't say it out loud. I find I can't sustain relationships around this people even when neither of us truly 'hurt' each other, and inversely I found there are cases where I have been able to forgive people for a lot/vice versa because the other person was very receptive of 'weirdness.'
[ I think the reason a lot of schizoids stick with childhood friends they had before their personality 'settled' is because those people tend to be more accepting of the schizoids 'checking out' and are quite cool/welcoming about the 'coming back' without much of a need to acknowledge/punish the 'leaving'. ]
- Try to find a system to do your chores/other self-maintenance duties, if not regularly then at least at some point. A lot of schizoids don't feel when they're 'down' but it's commonly observed that schizoids who are stuck in solitude do worse at self-maintenance and won't clean/do the laundry/bathe/eat/etc. as consistently.
In my case I try to do this by making it too inconvenient to ignore things otherwise. For example, I dump all my stuff on the bed so that if I don't clean eventually I can't sleep well (if I leave them on the floor I will never get shit done).
Self-maintenance through routine or some other external marker is helpful because it doesn't require you to depend on what could very well be an unreliable internal sense.
- Even if you're the type of schizoid highly susceptible to loneliness don't bother 'putting up' befriending' people you don't like. It's a waste of time. It's a good skill to practice civility and diplomacy, but faking a sense of 'closeness' is really troublesome.
I do encourage maintaining relationships for pragmatic purposes if not emotional ones as much as you are capable of.
- If you get jealous about 'normal' people like I do get out of whatever thing it is you're in/what you're looking at that's bothering you and try to entertain yourself with something you find more pleasant. This really sounds like 'common sense' but the number of times I find myself seething from seeing people online talk to each other and feeling envious of how other people have friends or some shit is embarrassing especially when I do something else and the frustration immediately dissipates. Like 'wtf was that all about? lol'
- God, this is the most unpleasant thing ever but sometimes even the most extreme of discomforts have no solution in material reality if the problem itself isn't in material reality. This is really what I think gets to me the most: I want to be able to do something to 'solve' my problems, doesn't matter what. I can convince myself of my competence and determination, that I could get rid of the upset that plagues me if I study it well enough, apply all the logic, that there is an action that will make it all stop.
The problem is a lot of my discomfort is existential, they're not 'happening' in real life in any material way. I can't do anything about it, and that uncertainty and helplessness makes me feel even more frantic and worse. It feels easier to accept, for me, that I'll fuck up and embarrass myself over and over than it is to think that misery just happens without someone or something to blame it on.
I talk about it a lot but this encourages not much more than the hyperreflexive tendency to want to take your own experiences, turn it into a tangible object and study it like a possession. It drives you into dissociation and it sort of makes you insane. Happier people aren't happy because they have the amazing sense of logic that allows them to make all the correct choices in solving their problems. They're happy because they embody their emotions and they don't have to stop and 'prove' their happiness is real every moment it happens. It just does. They just do.
- Anyway expecting a general state of 'happiness' is a lost cause. Happiness isn't a perpetual evaluation of one's circumstances, it's an emotion that happens sometimes and then fades away. Sometimes there isn't even happiness, just something more subtle like contentment or relief. Still, one can live like this.
Anyway, that's it. I do not actually think any of this is helpful or novel in retrospect but I already typed it out so lol
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Signalis Doom - 5
Not much today either, it was mostly a mix of overcoming issues with 3d models in doom and figuring out some workflows.
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3d models are still considered sprites, so to get models to display properly, it involves a degree of pointing the engine to look at invisible dummy sprites and then swapping those with the model. Odd stuff. There's better formats than this one and i'm going to look into those. That being said, i'm unsure how much i'm gonna commit to 3d, right now it's just experimentation. what I'll prob end up doing is spending a day banging out a buncha mockup sprites to approximate some chars and start mapping. Just enough to get the idea. tbh i could be doing way more mapping to establish a level language than i am, i'm kinda putting it off to play with textures and i gotta diversify.
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I'm considering commissioning some artists for some spritework, either on specific characters or UI elements or such. I know i'll want something done for the opening splash. Most of my time today, and the next few days, is going to be spent reacquainting myself with a host of tools. I've been doing gamedev for years, i went to school for 3d animation, and i've spent a great deal of time in alot of art tools. However, i tend to forget how they work very easily. I realized i'm not gonna get anything done unless i take the time to remember how the following tools work; 1. Maya for core animation(could be a problem, iqm is the newest doom format and the community pipeline is best setup for blender, but we'll see how it goes) 2,. Blender for import/export/better compability with some aspects of gzdoom 3. Photoshop for photo manipulation of the existing textures and as a means of either creating new textures, or givng more nuance to ones i create elsewhere. 4. Aesperite for core pixel art. Signalis is a mix of low rez painted works and pixel art, and knowing when to deploy each is a good idea. 5. I'll need to get a proper toolkit up for the model to 2d pipeline, i have options but they need to be tested. 6. FL studio for audio manipulation. 7. and imma be real i don't know how spreadsheets work and i'm gonna need a hell of a spritesheet to organize what assets i'll need to recreate. That sounds like a lot but i've used them all before, and i'd need to more or less do the same thing for any real production anyway.
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On the plus side, i think i've figured out how to do the floors. i'll just take elements of the original textures, and build a larger one out of them with built-in variation for tiles and color variation. I'll add more variation as needed in-editor.
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I'm realizing i'm spending alot of time in odd spots. To be honest, i've never done a fan project like this before, much less one working with OG textures. I'm having a tough time getting my head around not only the unique nature of doom modding (releasing contnet packs taht can slot into any game) with full game production (Og maps, mechanics, story with bespoke stuff) ontop of fanworks (fanfiction, recontexualization of original assets). part of me wonders if my focus on getting og textures working is a mistake, as it's putting me in a mindset that's not the most useful for my project. But we'll see, I'll get my priorities straightned out, this ain't getting done overnight either way.
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katy-133 · 1 year
Solaricks and Setup/Payoff
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Solaricks (s6e1) has become my favourite episode of Rick and Morty. There's several reasons why, but the one I'd like to talk about today is.
Solaricks is an excellent example of Chekhov's Gun (the dramatic principle that recommends details within a story will become important to the overall narrative later on).
It's comparable to the "spaghetti disaster" episode in s3e12 of Bojack Horseman--A culmination of various things introduced in different episodes all becoming important for one big event that is greater than the sum of its parts.
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In order for the overall plot beats of Solaricks to have happened, and for the viewers to have the full context of the different pieces, they will have watched the following episodes:
S5E10 Rickmurai Jack: The episode starts with Rick and Morty stranded in the Citadel with little hope of rescue. The place is in ruins and they can't portal out of there. This is the aftermath of the previous episode, which was season 5's finale.
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S4E10 Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri: Rick and Morty are then rescued by Space Beth, who is introduced properly in Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri. (There are also even earlier episodes that lead to her appearance, but her first speaking role is s4e10.)
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S2E2 Mortynight Run: Near Solarick's start, Jerry starts glowing green and asks why. Rick explains that they're about to jump to their original dimensions. Jerry then realises he's not from their current dimension because he got swapped with another Jerry in the Jerryboree. An event we see at the end of Mortynight Run as a quick throwaway gag.
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S1E6 Rick Potion #9: Morty then gets teleported to a version of Earth that is overgrown, is full of hostile monsters, and meets an alternate version of his father, Jerry, who is now very different. This is the aftermath of the Rick Potion #9 episode wherein Morty and Rick left their version of Earth after being unable to save it.
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S1E10 Close Rick-Counters of Rick Kind: The idea of dimension-hopping has been important to the show since episode 1, but we are only fully introduced to the concept that Rick and Morty can meet alternate version of themselves (and ones that are evil) in Close Rick-Counters of Rick Kind. This is key for this episode, as we meet Rick Prime, a version of Rick that is willing to kill his own grandson's father.
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S3E1 The Rickshank Redemption: We get a scene with Rick Prime, who was previously introduced in Rick's backstory, which Rick at the time had said was made up. This is later proven to be wrong in s4e10 where Morty glimpses Rick's memories and sees Rick Prime in them. The s3 backstory explained that Rick Prime killed our Rick's wife and daughter.
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S3E9 The ABC's of Beth: Rick is able to fight off Rick Prime's robots using his cybernetic arms, which he gave himself in The ABC's of Beth after he gets attacked by a creature in Beth's childhood world Rick built for her.
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In total, that's about 7+ episodes spread through 5 different seasons. It's hard for writers of a television series to be able to coordinate the use of Chekhov's Gun within 1 season, but Rick and Morty's unusual commission situation (they were commissioned by Adult Swim back in 2018 to make 100 episodes) I imagine allows the writers to mentally go, "Okay, here's where we are, here's where we should be by season 10." And it's interesting to see how that affects the writing and design of the show.
The episode Solaricks is able to manage a bunch of moving parts in such a way that it shows the writers have been paying attention to past events in the series. It's the care of continuity (something Rick lies about not caring about) that I appreciate.
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obsessedwithdavrick · 7 months
Weekend WIP game
Questions for artists/gifmakers
Thaks for the tags @demora00 and @chelle-68
1. WIP List: It's not long
Therapy (which is part 2 of conversion)
Do you know how to ride a horse
Happy birthday to me
Christmas Budget
My original idea for an MM novel
2. Which WIP is your most complex?
Therapy. It's not long yet. But it's probably going to be.
3. Do any of your WIPs involve you using a technique/style that you haven't used before? What inspired you to try it?
Nope. Sorry. Just started writing and waited to see what happened.
4. Which WIP do you expect will take you the longest?
Therapy. It will just go on and on.
5. Which WIP are you finding the most enjoyable to create?
I want to go back to "the straight man's game", which isn't technically a WIP, but it is a story begging for an addition.
6. Do you have a favourite character to draw/stitch/paint/depict? Are they in many of your WIP projects?
Patrick Brewer. Always and Forever. I mean... just look at him.
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7. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
My original project. Fanfic will always have an audience in some form, but an original work with original characters? That is nerve-wracking as hell!
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of creator's block?
Yep. therapy. But I wrote today and I wrote D&P's first sex scene in that universe so I'm feeling the mojo coming back.
9. Do any of your WIPs contain characters outside the main ship? How are you finding creating those?
Yes! I have created the perfect therapist for Patrick and I'm pretty proud of myself.
10. What emotions are you hoping to convey through your WIPs?
Acceptance and love.
11. Are there any features/details you are finding challenging in your WIPs?
the therapy sessions
12. Which WIP has the most complex shading/colouring?
13. Which WIP has the most complex background?
therapy ( I wrote 70k words of background)
14. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for?
I honestly don't know. I work on one at a time usually. I hope Therapy works out, but I feel like it's got a built-in audience of people that read part one.
15. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Just of Patrick/Noah Reid.
16. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other art doesn't?
17. Are any of your WIPs commissions?
As if.
18. Do you have a character that is more difficult to draw/stitch/paint/depict? Are they in many of your WIP projects?
I find Ray hard to write because I don't want him to seem like a characterisation of a person, or a stereotype.
19. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
One might end up being for Frozen over fest...
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gaoau · 5 months
You can't bathe in the same river twice, but I can bathe in the same river that you bathed in
Raison d'Être warnings — none. word count — 1.1k
prev. — next.
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It was rare for [Name] to get a random call on a Saturday evening. Her head whipped instantly towards her phone lying screen-down on the table when her ringtone blared through the apartment. An inkling of consistency pinched her brain for hope. She eyed the canvas still sitting patiently on its chair, wary of the minute chance where it could pounce on her. Her fingers were quick to snatch the vibrating phone from its sight before she could be murdered.
The screen displayed an unsaved number. It wasn't Matsuno Chifuyu (XJ Land) in all his taunting kanji that didn't fit him one bit.
She picked up either way. "Hello?"
"[Surname]-san! Hi!" a cheery voice reached her through the speaker. She recognized it, but she still couldn't relate a name to this person. She really needed to learn her co-workers' names.
"Oh, hello. Is everything okay?"
"Yes, yes, I was just wondering if you're free right now."
[Name] hesitated, "…I am. Why?" She stole a glance at Ai sleeping by her feet.
"Great! I know you left early today, but would you like to go out for some drinks?"
Oh, the drinks again. The previous week, she had received this same invitation, out of nowhere, for free, out of the goodness of their hearts. She'd thought that raincheck would never have the chance to be fulfilled. It had been a one-time opportunity, and her rejection had shut down any future attempts her colleagues would make at interacting with her. Yet here she was again, being presented another shot at tearing herself out of that stupid rut she built around herself.
"Well, I…" Her eyes flickered around the room on instinct. Ai sprawled out on the hardwood floor, the horrifyingly ginormous canvas awaiting dinner, and Chifuyu's commission that she had yet to begin working on. What would he say? What would he advise? In which direction would he push her? "Yeah. Yeah, okay, I'll go." She wasn't too sure what she was doing, just like when she had picked up Ai from a soaked box in the middle of the street. The things she had come to understand at this point.
Silence lasted for a bit too long from her co-worker's side. Maybe she was supposed to turn her down again. Maybe it was common courtesy. No, that didn't make sense; why would she call? [Name] breathed in relief when her voice came through, coated in more excitement than before, "Really?! Great! We'll meet you there, then. I'll send you the location now."
"Alright, thank you."
"See you, [Surname]-san!"
And the call ended with an outcome that [Name] surely hadn't expected ever in her life. She turned again towards the peacefully slumbering Ai and considered her options. She couldn't just leave him all on his own for the night. She wasn't even sure at what time she would return—it could be in an hour as much as it could be in the early morning. It was all a gamble, always. It was all excuses, always.
Sitting around the table along faces she regularly met at the office, creative minds with the most impressive of ideas, [Name] didn't know she could feel welcomed and uncomfortable at the same time. The alcohol passed around and she didn't dare allow herself more than a few sips. But they all grinned at her so warmly, inviting her to join their conversations and become a part of them.
[Name] watched the atmosphere in the room, the way they interacted with one another, their tiny little quirks that might take others years to notice. For someone with such an intense gaze, she knew how to avoid eye contact almost professionally. She paid as much close attention as she could, so that when she wanted a glass of water to ease her nerves, she could easily pretend she'd never forgotten any of their names.
She allowed her shoulders to loosen to don a mask of fake courage. "Ikeno-san, could you pass over the water?"
Her co-worker, the one with the cheery voice and the original invitation to join for drinks, turned towards her with a blinding grin. She seemed to bounce with how much joy and bubbliness she held inside. "I told you, [Surname]-san, you can call me Chika! Here!" She was such a refreshing and genuine person, [Name] almost felt she was meeting Chifuyu all over again but with long hair. She was about to hand over the water when she jerked back, rosy cheeks flushed with inebriation and a twinge of sudden shyness. "Can I…?" Her voice disappeared into a mumble.
[Name] blinked perplexed at the unexpected change in her behavior. "Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you."
Chika averted her eyes as she bashfully busied herself with filling up [Name]'s glass. "Can I call you [Name]…?"
"Oh." Oh. "Oh." Okay. It really felt like she was meeting Chifuyu all over again. She could feel her chest tightening at the warmth these people radiated. "Of course, Chika-san."
The gleeful grin returned to Chika's face the moment [Name] pronounced her name. She was almost vibrating on the spot with joy. "Thank you, [Name]!" Oh, well, no honorifics. That was fine, [Name] never really cared.
Before Chika could dive into friendly conversation with [Name], another of their co-workers rose from her seat. "Hey, Chika-chan!" The room fell quiet at the sound of her voice. "Stop hogging [Surname]-san! We brought her over to chat with all of us!"
"It was my idea!"
"We're a team!"
[Name] pursed her lips to keep her chortles from overflowing. She adored the sight of playful banter going back and forth between a tight-knit group of friends and colleagues. By her side, another voice called her attention, chuckling lightly, "Don't worry about them. It happens every time they get drunk." His glasses glistened in the light as he smiled at her, a few more giggles slipping from his lips. She couldn't help but laugh alongside him when Chika flung food at her friend.
Some of her own laughter was mockingly directed at herself now that she realized how stupid she could be at times. She had truly been missing out on so many wonderful things right underneath her nose, served to her on a silver platter that she simply refused to look at. And why? What for? What was the point of ignoring everything she could have been enjoying a little earlier? All because she just had never tried harder to be alive; because until Ai needed her, she really never even thought she could try to make a single effort to do something she didn't matter enough for. It wasn't like she mattered much now, not at all, but with a dog waiting for her at home and a man who had commissioned her skills, she had a reason to enjoy her surroundings a bit more.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image by John D. Batten and Gloria Carew, in the public domain. Accessed on the Multo (Ghost) Blog here
[Commissioned by @abominationimperatrix​, the last of their Indian monsters. Silesaloma is the Buddhist incarnation of the widespread folklore trope of the “tar baby”, a figure that entangles a character who gets more and more stuck the more and more they fight it. A number of references assume that the story of the Sticky Ogre and Prince Five Weapons is the “original” version, and that the African American version with B’rer Rabbit and B’rer Fox somehow descends from this one. That strikes me as being more rooted in 19th century Orientalism than anything else. The diffusionist idea that all culture originated in one place and then spread through the world is long debunked (the specific focus on India being a popular variant thanks to British colonialism). I think it’s much more plausible that multiple cultures around the world would come up with the metaphor of a sticky problem being literally sticky, and a hero having to think his way out in order to become untangled. Plus, the tar baby that B’rer Rabbit encounters, along with West African and Native American versions that are more likely genuine precedents, isn’t a character. It’s a trap built by another character. Silesaloma can talk and has agency, and even is redeemed at the end of the story!]
Silesaloma CR 11 CE Monstrous Humanoid This creature is vaguely humanoid, with a head like a hawk with a beak and wide staring eyes. Two tusks curve upwards from the corner of its beat. Its skin is scaly, but growing over its body and covering it like a shroud is a mass of thick, tangled hair.
A silesaloma is sometimes called a sticky-haired ogre, for obvious reasons. Its body is covered with a long stringy pelt that secretes thick glue, and the creature is usually partially obscured by pieces of plant matter, dirt and other detritus. Silesalomas are wicked and predatory creatures, killing partially to eat and partially out of a joy for violence. They enjoy lording their strength and defensive properties over other creatures, and often intimidate their victims and play with them a while before going in for the kill.
Fighting a silesaloma with physical weapons is a daunting prospect. Arrows and bolts become stuck in the creature’s hair before they can touch its flesh, and weapons are likely to be similarly entangled and glued to the silesaloma. A silesaloma uses its hair to grapple opponents, who become hopelessly stuck the more they try to escape. On the other hand, silesalomas have little understanding of or defenses against magic. They are also somewhat foolish and prone to believing lies and tricks. Despite their usual cruelty, silesalomas are not irredeemably evil, and there are stories of some of them learning the error of their ways and seeking enlightenment, using their abilities to protect travelers instead of preying on them.
Silesaloma             CR 11 XP 12,800 CE Large monstrous humanoid Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +13 Defense AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +12 natural) hp 150 (12d10+84) Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +6 DR 5/- Defensive Abilities improved Deflect Arrows Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee 2 claws +20 (1d8+8 plus grab), bite +19 (1d12+8), or morningstar +19/+14/+9 (2d6+8), claw +15 (1d8+4 plus grab), bite +14 (1d12+4) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Statistics Str 26, Dex 19, Con 24, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 17 Base Atk +12; CMB +21 (+29 grapple); CMD 35 (39 vs. disarm) Feats Dazzling Display, Deflect Arrows (B), Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (claw) Skills Climb +25, Intimidate +24, Perception +13, Stealth +17, Survival +13, Swim +21; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Stealth Languages Common, Giant SQ adhesive Ecology Environment any forests Organization solitary or pair Treasure standard (Large morningstar, other treasure) Special Abilities Adhesive (Ex) A weapon that strikes a silesaloma becomes stuck fast to the creature's adhesive hair unless the wielder succeeds at a DC 23 Reflex save. A creature adjacent to the adherer can attempt to pry off a stuck weapon with an opposed grapple check. The silesaloma's adhesive hair gives it a +8 racial bonus on grapple checks. It can attempt to grapple a foe without spending an action whenever a creature successfully hits it with a natural attack or an unarmed strike. A silesaloma does not gain the grappled condition when it grapples a foe, nor does it provoke attacks of opportunity when it attempts to do so. Its sticky hair also grants it a +4 bonus to its CMD against disarm attempts. Fire can temporarily burn away a silesaloma's adhesive coating—whenever an adherer takes at least 20 points of fire damage, it loses its adhesive special quality for 1d4 rounds. Universal solvent, alchemical solvent, or a similar fluid removes a silesamola’s adhesive quality for 1 hour if it fails a DC 15 Reflex save, or for 1d4 rounds if it makes the save. The silesaloma’s hair loses its adhesive quality 1 hour after the creature dies. A silesaloma can release anything stuck to it as a free action. The save DCs are Constitution-based. Improved Deflect Arrows (Ex) A silesaloma gains Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat. It can use this feat a number of times a round equal to its Dexterity modifier, and does not require a free hand to use it; the arrows get stuck in the creature’s hair instead.
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windmaedchen-fairytail · 11 months
Dark Tales of Fairy Tail
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Hey everyone, we (@snowfist13 (the story creator) and @windmaedchen (the commissioned artist)) are happy to announce an upcoming story project that we wanted to share with you for a while. 🥳
🛈 Introduction 🟣 Prelude 01-10 🟣 Prelude 11-20 🟣 Prelude 21-30 🟣 Prelude 31-40 🟣 Prelude 41-50 🟣 Prelude 51-60
Rules of the Prelude Story:
First things first, this is a what-if scenario, no relation to the canon or the 100 YQ storyline.
The Raven Tail arc has a darker tone and story compared to the Tartaros arc, in order to show the ''darker aspects'' of the Fairy Tail guild's history.
Based on the ''Battle Analysis'' commission but in story.
Originally I wanted to create a manga-like arc to expand the ideas but shortened it to focus on the important parts.
Some elements of the original series and characterization of the main cast remain in order to blend in with the commission story.
While non-canon, our idea for the project consisted of fleshing out Ivan Dreyar and his family history and their importance to the guild.
Many of the panels of the story are based on theories and valid points taken from the original series in order to create a unique arc.
It is the first time a "Guest Character" was added to the story to create a unique shift and dynamic in the characters.
The commission will consist of 4 parts: 1st is The Recap of the Arc, 2nd Expands the origins of Yuri and Makarov Dreyar and background of Ivan Dreyar and their importance to Fairy Tail, 3rd is Background of the Mysterious Matriarch of the Dreyar Family and the final part is the conclusion of the prelude before the final battle between Ivan and Laxus.
Many of the important fights in the commission are based on logic and facts and not out of favoritism as will be explained in the story prelude. So no B.S or Antis whatsover XD.
Now as mentioned above, we wanted to give information on certain details and interesting ideas:
Firstly, since Mashima sensei won't bring the Raven Tail into play, we've decided to do it ourselves. The conflict of Ivan and Fairy Tail isn't just motivated by ideals alone, but there's personal history which will be revealed soon. >:3
Ivan Dreyar returns as the main antagonist in this arc...
...but we wrote and built him to be a unique villain and a real foil to the Fairy Tail Guild. In the Raven Tail arc, he's the most powerful, most dangerous and most brutal interpretation yet. As was stated in the ''Battle Analysis" commission, his role as a villain is inspired by old school villains but in this arc, he's based on his son Laxus from his past antagonism but in a ''professional'' manner.
His most characteristic trait is being a Master Manipulator who wants power and control using not only an expansion of his magic, but his means of ''control'' is best described by 3 methods: Manipulation, Subjugation and Destruction. Also, despite what many still believe about Ivan's strength, he's been given a proper introduction to make him a powerful adversary. Unlike Zeref and Acnologia who weren't given a proper build-up, Ivan isn't given the generic villain role but we wanted to give him a humanized background that further explains in the later parts about his corruption and his motive goals.
In the Raven Tail arc, Lucy Heartfilia surprisingly has an important role in the story...
...because true to her character; she is best represented as the ''eyes'' of the fans. She is the narrator and the one explaining the 1st Part from her perspective. Given her traits as a novelist/journalist, she's the one who tries to uncover most of the detailed facts on the Dreyar Family while also explaining a lot of its background. Her later meeting with Ivan in the 2nd part is inspired by how Mashima views Lucy's character as a professional, a counter or rivalling to Ivan's character. Lucy later learns about the dark past of the Dreyars and is given a proper perspective through Ivan's part.
Laxus Dreyar, the prodigal son, was given the Complex Character/ Anti-Hero role...
...and it creates a struggling situation for the main cast and against Ivan. Originally he was meant to be the ''hero'' of the arc but this concept felt too simple and bland. While many might believe that this creates the opportunity to fill the role of Guild Master, he lost the motivation based on an official article. It was contemplated to add a scene where Laxus faces his former persona within a nightmare to create an internal conflict in his character. Laxus for the majority goes solo in trying to defeat Ivan, and doesn't want the interference of his friends - out of fear of his father's manipulation and because it's a personal fight.
The final end of Makarov Dreyar...
Many fans have argued and discussed that Makarov's death creates character development for many of the characters, so we experimented with the idea but it only proves certain points. For the first half, Makarov has one last role to play before his ''true'' passing, the details will be fully explained in the 2nd part. His last role is facing Ivan in the poetic irony of his character. Because he is the ''father figure'' of the guild, all the members follow his will, but with him gone for good it creates many complications and conflicts from within.
Mirajane takes control...
...we also placed Mirajane Strauss as the 9th guild master, given that in the actual series, she's technically Makarov's assistant and has helped him handle many guild situations. Her role is temporary until the end of the arc.
OMG it's Gildarts Clive!
One of the important story plots of the Raven Tail arc is expanding some old hypes and fanservice. Such as featuring the long-awaited fight between Ivan and Gildarts. Gildarts returns once again to face Ivan but for the first time, we've given a cool standoff. We also wanted to expand some fight shots based on how they presented in combat, Ivan in Defensive and Gildarts in Offensive, this also was the chance to give a huge backstory on their ''relationship'' and a bit of Gildarts's past. In the first half of the Prelude, Gildarts loses against Ivan based on actual facts about his magic: It's been heavily applied in the series that Gildarts is bad at holding back and proves that despite his powerful magic, he can't fully control it and the amount of power not only affects him physically but also it's stated in the wiki that one's magic can harm their user. So Ivan takes advantage of his weakness and defeats him.
Welcome a guest to the world of Fairy Tail...
...lastly and most importantly we used the opportunity to introduce a Guest Character to Fairy Tail. Officially, Fairy Tail has had many crossovers with other anime franchises, via mobile games and one-shot stories. We placed a character that has an important role in the story: Nosferatu Zodd from the dark fantasy series Berserk. He has a close connection to the Dreyars, particularly the mysterious wife of Ivan Dreyar. His role is to eliminate and stop both Ivan and Laxus because their own feud is causing havoc in the Fairy Tail world. It's taken as an example from Zodd's own series where Ivan's wife is willing to sacrifice her beloved husband and son for the greater good scenario. As a guest character, Nosferatu Zodd must be given a few rules in order to blend in the Fairy Tail universe:
His role is only for the Raven Tail arc.
He cannot kill off the main cast, nor should they do the same, as it might create problems with fans from both franchises.
Berserk fans will know that he's a powerful character in his respective franchise, but being placed in the FT universe gives him a powerful setup to equal the likes of Natsu, Erza and Laxus.
Despite being ''cut off' in the recap, he does return in the aftermath of Laxus and Ivan's fight where he faces Laxus for the final time.
The fights between Zodd and Fairy Tail aren't decided on power scaling or out of favoritism. Both series are unique and to be respected equally.
Mashima has said in past interviews that Berserk is one of his favorite series and drew small inspirations from it.
He does belong to the Berserk universe but was magically transported to the Fairy Tail world for some time. It is stated in the Fairy Tail story that different universes exist: such as Edolas, Elentar and the Celestial spirit world; each has different sets of power rules and given Zodd's character, his power is 10x greater than his own original counterpart. He's an in-between character that puts a huge challenge against Fairy Tail characters, putting him on the same level as Zeref.
This commission is a love letter to and inspired by the late Kentaro Miura, as his dark storyline has given ideas for the story arc.
We hope that you'll enjoy this concept and story and we will soon show many juicy secrets.
Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima Berserk's Nosferatu Zodd belongs to Kentaro Miura
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puella-peanut · 1 year
Chozen framing it like a work of art
Johnny has it on his nightstand to jerk off to
Terry buying every copy he can and blowing them up portrait size
Mike sees it in his employees break room like "I know that guy!" :U
Kreese has a crinkled one that he keeps like his other memorabilia. He has to replace the newspaper clipping he had(FOR REASONS) and regrettably ruined
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they all jerkoff. johnny just has no discretion
You know @yenforfairytales, I got the inspiration for the tagline Twink for All Seasons from the Grease 2 number, Girl for All Seasons. Which also inspired the original fic. How cursed fantastic is that?
But yeah, I agree with all of the above. Daniel sure had a bunch of sentimental suitors!
Chozen frames it in his beautiful shrine to LaRusso-kun. When his students come in, see it, and ask about it, Chozen simply shakes his head, and keeps his wistful sigh to himself. It's like he's living in a Shoujo-manga!
Johnny keeps a gross copy in his gross apartment. When it gets sticky, he dons a trench-coat, aviator-sunglasses like Maverick in Top Gun, and buys another copy with the last remaining coins he has in his pocket. So what if he can't make rent?! Fuck off, he needs this shit in his life!!
Terry, dear god, Terry--being Extra, he commissioned a portrait for every month, and then had an extension built in his evil-lair so he can view his Danny-boy in peace, preferably in his silk robe with a glass of wine. And his grand piano? Well, he had it moved to his museum, so he can play deeply complex and passionate Italian sonatas to his Daniel every night. (The Help are all paid very nicely for their discretion.)
Mike sees it, and doesn't let it bother him. Except that a day or so later he drives a long way off to another part of California where no one knows him and buys himself a copy. What, he really does need a calendar for the upcoming year!!
John meanwhile ripped out the date parts, only keeping the pictures of the Prima Donna stuffed in his ratty old wallet, along with the new newspaper clipping his buddy Terry was kind enough to get from the LA Library Archives for him. Now he can carry that little shit everywhere with him. No, he's not fucking a fucking queer by the way. Fuck you.
Meanwhile, Daniel finds himself a great deal more wealthy! He had no idea his calendar would do so well, topping several local end-of-year book sales across the country. It's so nice that he's already planning a photoshoot for next year. Maybe even a meet n' greet too, so he can thank his fans for making this all happen!
Oh, Danny-boy. If only you knew...
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bookwormscififan · 3 months
Proof of Your Love Lies in the Simple Things
Read on AO3!
A/N: When I run out of original MadMare ideas, I turn to Veg for prompts, or I consult my list of dialogue prompts I found on Pinterest. And then I end up with some sweet spice like Chai tea
Warnings: Smut.
Mad held Mare’s hand tightly as they walked through the park, pointing out interesting flowers and telling the musician about certain trees. His cheeks were flushed from the sun, eyes bright as he stood beside Mare.
Mare watched Mad talk, a tender smile on his face at how enthusiastic Mad was about anything. He’d suggested going for a walk after seeing Mad getting increasingly more frustrated with some experiment, and Mad hadn’t let go of his hand since they climbed into the car.
“Stories say most of the fountains here were carved without commission, just people having fun,” Mad stated, pointing out a grand fountain ahead. “The park authorities didn’t have the heart to have the fountains demolished, so they built the walkways around them.”
“That’s an amazing fact, dear,” Mare said, stopping them in front of the fountain and squeezing his hand. “Fountains in general are quite romantic.” He smirked when he caught Mad biting his lip, brows furrowed as though he wanted to say something. “What is it, love?”
“I want to ask something, but I’m nervous,” Mad replied, taking a deep breath before turning to face Mare. “Will you kiss me until I’m breathless?”
“Oh, dear heart,” Mare chuckled, leaning forward to catch Mad in a kiss, free hand travelling up to cup his cheek, tilting his head so his lips molded perfectly against Mad’s. When Mad bit his lip, Mare slipped his tongue into Mad’s, feeling him melt in his grasp, and he held Mad closer to support him before breaking the kiss. “I’ll kiss you whenever you want.”
“Can we go home now?” Mad asked in a whisper, eyes still closed with his head tilted up toward Mare, smiling when Mare hummed, and suddenly Mad was being laid backwards onto their bed, hands moved above his head as Mare kissed him deeply again. “What about the car?” He asked when Mare pulled away, taking in the sight of the musician hovering above him with hunger in his eyes.
“The car will be fine,” Mare replied, hands finding their place on Mad’s hips. “We’ll go back and get it later. For now I want to be all you think about.” Slowly he moved his hands, sliding them under Mad’s shirt and gently pushing it up his body, settling his hands on Mad’s chest and squeezing slightly.
“Mare…” Mad moved a hand to cover his face, whining when Mare grabbed his wrist to put his arm back above his head. “M-Mare, please…”
“All in good time, dearest. Let me touch you first,” Mare whispered, pulling Mad’s shirt off him and tracing the faint lines of his muscles before dancing his fingers over Mad’s stomach, smiling at the sharp breath Mad took in. “Do you want more?”
“Please,” Mad panted, already worked up from just Mare’s kisses before. He lifted his hips when Mare tugged at his pants, pulling them and his boxers off and tossing them across the room. When Mad settled back onto the bed, Mare sat back to look at him, eyes shining with love as he took in the sight of Mad laid bare in front of him.
“God, Mad,” Mare breathed, voice light with admiration, “Every inch of you is breathtaking.” Moving forward, Mare pressed his face into Mad’s neck, biting and sucking marks into the skin as he gently pushed a finger into Mad, other hand toying with his nipples to distract him from the discomfort.
Mad squirmed when Mare pushed in a second finger, slowly working on stretching him open while still focusing on marking his neck with bites. His free hand moved from Mad’s nipples to his wrists when Mad tried to hold Mare, smirking against his skin when Mad huffed.
“Mare, please,” Mad begged, whining when Mare removed his fingers and climbed off the bed, removing his clothes and putting on a little show for Mad. Mare gave him a look before climbing back into the bed, coating himself with lube and lining up, hands on Mad’s hips to angle him as he slowly began to push in. “Mare…” Mad’s moan was long as he felt Mare inside him, forcing himself to keep his hands above his head when Mare leaned back down to bite at his collarbones.
“Patience, dear heart,” Mare whispered against his skin, slowly beginning to move, his speed almost torture to Mad. “Be patient, then you’ll get the best.” His hands slid around Mad’s waist to hug his back, holding him tight as he started moving faster, speeding up in increments that drove Mad crazy.
Legs wrapping around Mare’s hips, Mad closed his eyes as Mare moved, barely able to speak as Mare hit every perfect spot inside him. Without realising, he grabbed Mare’s shoulders, digging his nails in as he tried to get Mare to go deeper, faster, letting out an embarrassing sound when he got what he wanted.
“C-Close,” Mad panted, gasping when Mare moved a hand to start stroking his cock in time with his hips, and he threw his head back as he came, scratching down Mare’s back as his toes curled, loving Mare’s continued movements through his high. “More,” he gasped, eyes rolling back when Mare held him almost painfully close, biting into his shoulder when he came, filling Mad before flopping down on top of him.
Mare hissed as Mad ran his fingers over the scratch marks on his back; they weren’t deep enough to draw blood, but they still stung from the callouses on Mad’s fingers as he moved his hands. He moved his arms so Mad wasn’t laying on them, propping himself up on an elbow to brush hair out of Mad’s sweaty face, both of them twitching at Mare’s small movements.
“How are we doing, love?” Mare asked, looking into glassy eyes with a tender smile. “You look so beautiful like this, I just want to keep you here forever.” With a soft grunt, he pulled out of Mad, caressing his cheeks as he whined, pressing kisses all over Mad’s face.
Mad blinked several times, working to clear his mind enough to reply, and his lips stretched into a crooked smile as he wrapped his arms around Mare to pull him down to lie beside him. “Promise me that you’ll hold me forever,” he mumbled against Mare’s ear, sighing contentedly when Mare chuckled, holding him close.
“I promise, darling,” he replied, turning his head to kiss Mad on the cheek before moving to climb out of the bed once more. “Let me get us cleaned up, then I’ll hold you until the end of time.”
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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