#ancient may
akirakirxaa · 2 months
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The FFXIV Swap Discord proudly presents Ancient May, or, more colloquially, #Mayncient! On the discord, many of our members have ancients that are not Azem, and I know that goes for here on Tumblr as well. So we wanted to make an ancient OC based month that would not feel limited to only Azems. Azems are of course welcome, but not required, as are any OCs that hold other seats, or are even just normal people trying to get by in the pre-Sundering world. We want to see all your Ancients!
Mayncient is open to all types of art, be it gpose, drawing, writing, anything you can do is welcome for Mayncient! And we're posting nice and early so everyone can have a chance to participate, even if you need to prep before May.
We hope you have fun, and we're excited to see all your beautiful and unique Ancients!
Edit: Please don't think that you can't participate because your only ancient is Azem, Azem is still welcome! We just wanted to be inclusive of all Ancient OCs, not only Azem. :3 So bring your Azems! All Ancients are welcome, including Azem.
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st-hedge · 1 year
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*puts on my retro hackerman glasses* man, if only I knew shit about making games haha
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wehavekookies · 4 months
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New body (and skeleton) references for Victoro.
There is stuff happening in our She Is The Ancient campaign with his hexblood transformation that i am exploring some visual ideas for - currently roots growing under his skin and over his skeleton (more on that some time later :))
edit: added the roots spread over the skeleton.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Because it is Mermay:
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Originally did this art for one of @radiance1 prompts/story ideas, which also gives an idea of colors so.
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artist-ellen · 1 year
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Historical Mermay Day 2: Ancient Greece
I wanted to incorporate the sort of double-crown hairstyle, a lot of mermaid hair, and of course the color palettes and a little pattern. I haven’t done such a limited color palette in a long time, it was fun!
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram.com/ellenartistic or tiktok: @ellenartistic
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ganondoodle · 6 months
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Sonia redesign + Zelda (ancient)
she is the one to seal ganondorf in an intentionally cruel way to take revenge for him killing rauru
she also had a daughter from a previous marriage that she named Zelda after an ancient legend from long forgotten times; while she technically had both time and light powers, she could only take ahold of one (struggeling to grasp a certain power you are pressured to awaken reference ;) ) which is time, it was not the one she was supposed to manifest as her status was always associated with light, in her younger years she was often looked down upon but despite that later proved to be a capable leader
shortly after her first marriage was ended rauru and the rest of the remaining sonau (engl zonai) came from the underground to warn the folks living on the surface from a great evil that was told about in ancient texts they had found while mining desperately for the stones they had grown reliant on for survival
this warning later evolves into the plan to seal ganondorf away before he could even become a threat, through all those discussion and planning sonia and rauru grew closer and eventually married; the plan was to be executed in secret to give ganondorf no time to even consider to reveal what demon they believed he really was, but the secret got out and ganondorf enacted a counterattack in the form of stealing one of the enigma stones in order to put pressure on the hyrulian kingdom, but he gets betrayed by the gerudo that will be their sage in the last confrontation, however in the time that the gerudo sage takes to warn sonia and mobilize to save rauru ganondorf has already confronted him and though he did not plan to kill him he does so, more on accident really, as rauru did not listen to a single word he said but instead acted erratic like a helpless man trapped in a cage with a hungry bear, essentially starting a fight of life and death
when sonia arrives at the scene it is already to late; thanks to the enigma stone ganondorf can escape her grief-striken rage but sonia is out for revenge and sees him killing rauru as proof of the warnings of old, she wages war and at the end seals ganondorf in a cruel cage between life and death, even at the cost of her own life
her daughter, having witnessed it all, grows up bitter and determined to make hyrule a kingdom that will never fall again
(totk rewritten project)
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sunnyhar · 8 months
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Top 2 silliest creatures in mc
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magpiesketchins · 1 month
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As a little Terry Pratchett tribute today I wanted to draw the two fictional men that have inspired me to create more than anything has in a long time.
And also a little tribute to the community surrounding these books that makes me want to share my creations instead of hiding them away. It's meant more than you know.
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skyshipper · 1 year
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ineffableaddiction · 1 month
There’s something so wholesome about a happy Angel Crowley and a totally heart-eyed Aziraphale.
I love them 💕
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akirakirxaa · 27 days
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[ day 7 : familiar ]
Upon her arrival in the future, Persephone created a new familiar which she christened Pomegranate, or Pommy for short. When the arcanists asked why she gave it a sword, she told them if he was meant to fight at her side, he would need a weapon. Fiercely loyal to his mistress, he does not suffer fools and has a taste for the most Eminent Emet-Selch's ankles.
[ masterpost ]
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artstfuff · 1 year
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woman figurine, terracotta, 3600 bc s
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finelythreadedsky · 2 months
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ah yes the three genders: naked, clothed, and disguised
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immediatebreakfast · 10 months
There are no wolves in England.
Modernity, and its need for land killed their home, and in consequence killed them too.
The people of Transylvania live with their legends at their front door, covering their necks with rosaries, and prayers. Closing windows, and hanging flowers. Less another life gets taken by that Evil Being whose eyes now point beyond their borders. A young english man was the last victim, who knows if his visage now walks in those forests, waiting for an unsuspecting traveler like he was.
There was something Inhuman aboard on the Demeter. It killed the crew, and pushed the captain to the edge of humanity, yet he held his head high, and made himself deserving of honor among the sailors of Whitby in death. All proud of the captain who completed his duty to the end.
"It almost seems as though the captain had been seized with some kind of mania before he had got well into blue water, and that this had developed persistently throughout the voyage."
A huge, unknown dog jumps from the tragedy of the Demeter, and hides in the shadows. Because it couldn't be anything else than a dog, there are no wild canines in England.
The log of the captain doesn't mention a dog. However, it is weirdly filled with superstitions.
Something, a horrible unknown beast is killing the poor dogs. We must do something! What if it gets the poor dog that left the Demeter in such a hurry, it might get hurt!
Even the oldest people in Whitby laugh at their legends. Only constructed to bring in tourists who are curious about them.
They could be true! Says an old sailor, but we don't need those anymore. There is no need to put rosaries on our necks, nor lock our doors.
After all there are no wolves in England.
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #38
The JL had always known that both Captain Marvel and Phantom were ancient god-adjacent creatures. So maybe it was normal to occasionally catch them running giggling through the watchtower after pulling a magical prank, or competing to see who could eat the most, or just messing around outside missions.
Maybe ancient immortal beings just act like a couple of children.
…Either way, they probably should have seen the way things would get out of hand sooner. Because now they have to figure out how to reign in a bunch of ghost animals and retrieve the Eiffel Tower from the moon.
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elli-forelli · 4 months
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"Kinda like Rome, Rome, ancient Rome Founded London and Paris, Zurich and Cologne And in terms of religion..."
oh... that one... first it was Momoa.... Then it was Momoa...
and after "the power of Sparta" I broke down. Yep.
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