#am i really back to making outlander gifs????
discar · 24 days
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
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Direct Message (@ DIVINER [Alva])
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Alva. Have you settled in with the outlanders?
DIVINER [Alva]: Yes, sir! Although technically we're the outlanders not them?
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Your empathy is going to cause you problems one day, Diviner.
DIVINER [Alva]: Sorry!!
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Have you learned anything of note so far?
DIVINER [Alva]: Uh, well, isn't all of the Legacy of note by definition?
OVERSEER [Bohai]: You're dodging the question.
DIVINER [Alva]: I just think it's important we don't lose sight of what's important!!
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Alva, don't make me use the gif. You know I don't want to use the gif.
DIVINER [Alva]: I mean, I already copied over everything from that research center, most of the new stuff isn't really immediately relevant!
DIVINER [Alva]: I mean, it's IMPORTANT, I just think it can wait!
OVERSEER [Bohai]: [FuryRoadMediocre.gif]
DIVINER [Alva]: I'm soooory!!
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Then tell the truth.
DIVINER [Alva]: It's just...
DIVINER [Alva]: I'm worried that you won't like the truth.
DIVINER [Alva]: pleasedon'tbemad
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Ah. Yes, I suppose my particular leadership style would come back to bite me one day.
DIVINER [Alva]: I'm sorry!!
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Alva, I respect you. I respected you before this expedition, and your handling of the Ceo crisis was extraordinary.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Though I remain insulted that you keep assuming even the simplest of lies will convince me.
DIVINER [Alva]: ...sorry.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: The point is, I am going to be perfectly honest with you. No sugar-coating.
DIVINER [Alva]: I'm ready, Overseer.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: I make no promises that you will receive credit for your discoveries. You are working under me, and that means that your discoveries are my discoveries.
DIVINER [Alva]: Yes.
DIVINER [Alva]: Yes, of course, I understand, Overseer.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: HOWEVER. I do promise that you will not be punished for any discoveries you make. Not even ones that conflict with the truth of the Legacy as we know it.
DIVINER [Alva]: Really!?
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Really.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Now, what have you discovered?
DIVINER [Alva]: I'll send the first file over now! It's a little big for wireless, so I stripped out the videos!
DIVINER [Alva]: [HZDorientation_packet.pdf]
OVERSEER [Bohai]: It came through. I will begin reviewing it shortly.
DIVINER [Alva]: Okay!
OVERSEER [Bohai]: The truth about Faro alone would cause ripples, I hope you realize.
DIVINER [Alva]: Yes, sir.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Though I suppose the Living Ancestor was right. By the end, the Ceo was acting like Faro.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: A clone?
DIVINER [Alva]: Yes, sir.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: You are certain?
DIVINER [Alva]: Yes, sir.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: If this turns out to be leading into Evangelion I will be quite upset.
DIVINER [Alva]: Sorry, but I never got into Eva! Aren't we missing like half the episodes??
OVERSEER [Bohai]: No, we have them all, none of you understand complex storytelling.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Hm, I am curious about this "Sylens" character. Why did he never come to us?
DIVINER [Alva]: Well, we were across the ocean, and ever since we got here we were... less than hospitable?
DIVINER [Alva]: Actually, I thought he might be a Diviner!
OVERSEER [Bohai]: If he is, I have never heard of him. Do you have an image?
DIVINER [Alva]: Yes, Aloy gave me one of her better stills.
DIVINER [Alva]: [JerkFace.png]
OVERSEER [Bohai]: No, I do not recognize him. As loath as I am to admit it, he seems to have discovered all this on his own. How frustrating.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Regardless, you have given me much to think upon. Please forward to me anything you suspect to be important, especially agricultural data.
DIVINER [Alva]: Oh! I did find one thing that I think the Imperial Family might find interesting! My friend Erend told me about it!
DIVINER [Alva]: [MetalVsMeatTrailer.mp9]
OVERSEER [Bohai]: ...that might be the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.
DIVINER [Alva]: Oh.
DIVINER [Alva]: Sorry.
OVERSEER [Bohai]: No, you're right, the Imperial Family will certainly find it interesting.
DIVINER [Alva]: Yay!
DIVINER [Alva]: …
DIVINER [Alva]: Um, are you going to steal the credit?
OVERSEER [Bohai]: Oh, yes.
DIVINER [Alva]: [Pout.gif]
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vagablondviking · 8 months
I need friends...
Hoping to cultivate a feeling of community here. Twitter was my online happy place until Napoleon Bonapartheid ran it into the ground. So much rampant hate and misinformation now. I still check Twitter daily, but it doesn't feel like home anymore. Blue Sky has potential, but without a gif library or direct messages, it's rather limited in scope.
Gifs and memes are my love language.
I'm hoping Tumblr is like Twitter in that once you follow enough accounts, you start interacting and it becomes fun. Twitter made no sense at first, like there was no point to it. You had to stick around long enough to crack Twitter.
I've heard of a learning theory called the "circle of fun" which describes a certain return on investment when learning something new, like a musical instrument. You spend forever learning basic technique, but eventually the day comes when you can play a song you enjoy. So you practice that one song a lot. Then, that joy feeds your desire to practice more and suddenly a whole world opens up for you.
Anyway, hi. I need Tumblr friends.
I'm a nursing student and I work part-time in ESL to pay the bills. I'm AuHD (autistic and ADHD). I am happily single without human children. I am owned by two cats (a blue point Siamese named Sven and a tuxedo named Fig).
I'm a classical history nerd and have an undergraduate degree in Greek & Latin. I was in a classical languages grad program for a while, but my life imploded (left an abusive partner, moved twice in the span of a month for my own safety, changed jobs) and I had to drop out. I really hope someday I can go back and finish the program. Just for me, for my own joy. I always enjoyed classics, but never felt I had any real talent that would make an academic career feasible.
I am a voracious reader, although schoolwork does rather infringe on my pleasure reading of late. I've also just found it difficult to concentrate in general lately, what with the world being on fire and whatnot.
Favorite authors:
Robin McKinley Terry Pratchett Jane Austen Neil Gaiman JRR Tolkien
Fandoms I enjoy:
Good Omens Lucifer Jane Austen Tolkien Monty Python Blackadder Muppets Bridgerton Outlander (book series, not so much the show) Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
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May the Lord forgive me.
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aceofwhump · 2 years
WAIT I had no idea that Outlander was back this week, holy shit! Can't wait to get annoyed at all the Roger hate 🤣
I can't believe it's happening so soon!!! Only a few days left to go!! Ahh!! I'm very excited! Yay more Roger!! Lol yeah I am already annoyed by the Roger hate. Can't wait to see how many more people I need to block once the show starts up again just so I can go into the roger mac tag safely. I've blocked soooooo many people on here because of their aggressive Roger hate. Makes me so sad. If people weren't so mean about it, I'd be fine but people are mean! I don't wanna see that in the Roger tag. Come on. At least on Twitter I've curated a really nice group of Roger fans to talk to. Funny enough it sometimes feels like there are more positive Roger fans on Twitter than on here.
Regardless, I fully plan on continuing my tradition over on my main blog (thewanderingace) of giffing as many Roger scenes that I physically can. If no one else will, I will. I might be a bit slower this year because of slowly dying computer but they will be giffed! And you bet if there's an ounce of Roger whump, I will be giffing it here.
Anyway, I am excited for the new season and I am excited for more Roger!!
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dragonbabezee · 4 years
Fictional Crush Series No.7
Have we made it to the 90′s yet?  We have!
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What’s this you say?  The Outlander series didn’t premier until 2014?  Well!  There just happens to be an antiquated technology called books in with this particular tale was first created.
Let me set the scene.  It’s 1993.  I’m at the library with my dad.  I feel like I’ve read the entire YA section, and I’ve run out of David Eddings and Anne McCaffery books to read.  I complain to my dad that I have sucked this library dry.  He reaches into the Returned Today Shelf of unsorted books and grabs one at random.  “Here, you haven’t read this yet.”  It was this, a first edition copy of Outlander:
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Perhaps he though it was an historical novel set in the highlands.  It kind of is...?  
To prove to him that plucking ugly books at random off the shelf was no was to pick a quality read, I read it.   First came intrigue, then delight, then fascination and compulsion, then welling tides of love and lust, and the feels! So many feels!
For those very few who are still unfamiliar with the Outlander universe, it’s a genre-bending book and series, especially the first three books, combining historical fiction, time travel, romance, blood, gore, sexual violence, medical ickiness, touches of mythical fantasy and magic, mystery, and a big slabbing helping of hot sexy sex.  
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Oh, and this hunk of red-blooded, red-haired Scot!
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That means “I am ready” for everyone who doesn’t read French or hasn’t read the book.  I was 15.  I was ready.  My parents may have disagreed if they had known what was behind that twee bookcover.
James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser, Jamie to some, and JAMMF to the old school fandom.  Oh course, now we have Sam Heughan to envision Jamie as, but back in the day we used a read words off a page and picture Jamie et al in our minds.   I don’t think they did a bad job of casting Jamie.  Sam is of course, too short, and his hair is not red enough, but I give it a pass.
What makes Jamie Fraser a worthy subject of a lasting fictional crush that rocked my world?  He is an enlightened and modern thinker of the Enlightenment era, meaning that he does still kinda believe in witches and faeries, but also in science, and can eventually be persuaded to not beat his wife for wrongdoing (after a knife to the throat).  He is a soldier, a mercenary, an expert swordsman, can ride any horse, even a demonic stallion that no one else can master, a farmer, a landlord, a leader of men, a student of science and progress, a virgin at the beginning of the first book, and a sex-god by the end of it.  
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Packaged in a 6 foot 6 Viking-esque warrior’s body, like a red-haired, blue-eyed demon set on Earth to sway our time-travelling heroine Claire off the path of marital fidelity.  It could be said that he is the ultimate Gary Sue.  He does have flaws though, mostly pertaining to pride and being a man of his day, even if he is a progressive one.  He is the prototype that launched a thousand Highlander romance novels.
The most singularly swoonworthy thing about Jamie though is how much he loves his woman.  The end.
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You want more detail?  Oh, fine, SPOILERS AHEAD.
He will save his wife from his worst and most feared enemy, armed only with an unloaded pistol, even though he thinks she’s probably an English spy bent on turning him and his folk as traitors to the crown.
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He will single-handedly rescue her from the midst of a witch trial that is in the process of condemning her, even though he’s fairly sure she really is a witch.
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He will trade his soul and his body to keep her alive.  He will believe the insane truths she tells him, and based on them, betray his kin and his King.  What impressionable young hetro woman doesn’t want that level of devotion from her man?
At the opening of the book, Jamie has already been through a lot - imprisonment and two disfiguring floggings, exile, the soldiers life. near starvation, serious head injury, family intrigue, the death of both his parents....and he’s only 22.  And yet, Jamie is still fairly optimistic character, aside for when he or his wife are getting tortured, raped, nearly killed etc.  He’s not one to wallow unnecessarily in his Man Pain.  Until he is, and then grab the popcorn and watch Claire drain the pool.
While we’re here, I’d like to point out a few unexpected treats and differences that I got from the show that I didn’t get from the books.
1) Jamie’s knees
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2)  The flogging and several other violent scenes that were disturbing enough in the books became Extremely Uncomfortable and Upsetting Viewing.  If you’ve seen the show or read the books you probably know what scenes I am talking about.
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3) they didn’t hold back on the sex scenes.  Many gifs from the various scenes would get this post removed from Tumblr.  Many were so hot I was blushing whilst watching it alone.  DO NOT WATCH WITH YOUR PARENTS.
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I have read all the books of course, though I mainly concentrated on the first one here, the one that spawned my crush.  IT was a couple of years before I got my hands on books 2 and 3, and the fourth one hadn’t been written yet (I did get to go to a book signing and have my copy of Drums of Autumn signed by Diana Gabadon, Herself!).  My parents remembered my love for the series, unfortunately, and tried watching the TV when it came out.  My dad finally saw the error of plucking a book at random from a shelf to give to his 15 year old daughter to read.
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stephkaylor · 3 years
Gifs and Ships (ranking my ships using gifs...if you needed that explanation)
So I saw herosofmarvelanddc do this on my dash and they have literally no idea who I am so obviously didn’t tag me to do it too, but I’m gonna do it anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just so you all (does anyone even see my posts…?) know, I had to make a literal spreadsheet of my ships to accomplish this, just so I was sure I didn't miss any (41 ships across 25 fandoms, if anyone was wondering).  I don’t know what that says about me…. Anyway, enjoy!
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1. First Ship - Piper and Leo from Charmed (the original series, not the remake)
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I think it has to be this one; I started watching it in like...2000? So I was five years old...Is that too young to ship something? My poor parents must have been so confused...and probably still are.
2. First OTP - Damon and Elena from The Vampire Diaries
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Probably them.  Not 100% sure...but it was definitely the first time I felt compelled to do literal battle against anyone who disagreed with me, so it seems fitting.
3. Current Fav Ship - Rose and Dimitri from Vampire Academy
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I started rereading these books in the last few weeks because my country went back into lockdown, so I guess it’s them, by default. But it will probably be a different one next month.  That’s like asking to pick my favorite child.
4. Your Ship Since the First Minute - Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl
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This one basically punched me in the face in the first five minutes, and I could not have been happier about it.  
5. You Wish They Had Been Endgame - Caroline and Klaus from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
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I feel like they would've been endgame if ONE OF THEM didn't have to develop MORALS and nobly SACRIFICE himself even though he PROMISED to be her LAST LOVE. (I mean it was to save his daughter, or whatever, but I’m still upset about it) ((🤦🏻‍♀️shit, sorry, spoiler alert!))
6. You Wish They Had Been Canon - Clarke and Bellamy from The 100
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I 100% do not understand why they were never canon...(*wink* see what I did there...?) ((also, fun fact: I took French in college and I named my dog Bellamy before I even watched this show, and now everyone thinks I named him after the character, but I DID NOT, I’m just a nerd 🙃))
7. Most of the Fandom Hates, but You Love - Clark and Lana from Smallville
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I guess it’s them, by default.  I’m very easy to annoy when it comes to my tv shows and books, so if most of the audience doesn't like someone/something, I’ve probably been annoyed with it for a WHILE already.  I do remember, however, that a BUNCH of people hated Lana (I never really understood why) and didn't want her to be with Clark. There was just something about these two that I really enjoyed, and I could never get around to liking him and Lois, so....
8. You Don't Even Watch the Show, but You Ship Them Anyways - Claire and Jamie from Outlander
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I think this might kind of be cheating.  I liked them when I saw people posting about them on my dash, but then I tried to watch the show and couldn't get into it, so does that count? (I ask my approximately 3 followers that definitely don’t care about the “rules” of this shipping list I was not even required to do...)
9. You Wish They Had a Different Storyline - Veronica and Logan from Veronica Mars
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I get really annoyed when show-runners can't find a way to write someone off of a show without just killing them... (cough, Shonda Rhimes, cough).  I think it’s lazy and the characters deserve more.  
10. Fav Ship That is Endgame - Stiles and Lydia from Teen Wolf
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Hands down, favorite ship that became canon. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 They are perfect for each other, and it was gratifying for the fans without coming across as too “fan-service-y”. (It’s actually one of my only ships that became canon and lasted until the end of the show, because I’m a masochist, I guess 😂)
Ok, so I spent entirely TOO LONG on this list, but here you go (again, I say to my approximately 3 followers 😘)
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ecampbellsoup · 4 years
a wee psa
hello there outlander tumblr pals! i am coming to all of you with an open heart to share my perspective on a few things. i am hesitant to share what i’m about to. i’ve never addressed this before or said really anything like this, but ye know what, i think it’s time.
please please please, dear fandom, do not take other people’s work and repost it without giving credit.
please, don’t take things that are not yours and claim them as your own.
obviously, this is rarely done maliciously. but i’m just putting this out there because i don’t think this perspective is considered when people do this: many bloggers on here, myself included, can spend HOURS creating their content. gifs take lots of time and effort, as do screencaps, edits, etc.
when you take what someone else has created and then post it your own blog as if you’ve made it *as in saving screencaps/gifs and blogging them as if they were yours; NOT talking about reblogging from the original source*, it is disrespectful to the person who actually took the time and care to make it in the first place.
and to be transparent, because i’ve not been perfect with this myself: when i first came to the fandom back in 2017, i had no clue what the bannock i was doing. i took outlander gifs from gif apps and definitely posted them on here without credit several times. BUT, after settling in here, i realized what i was doing, and stopped; i have even since gone back and edited those posts to give credit.
maybe it’s not my place to say this and maybe i am being dramatic, but i really believe this clarificaiton needs to be put out there. this space is fun and delightful; let’s help cultivate that by being courteous to each other!
with that being said, im also going to say one more thing:
if you drop an ask, comment, reblog that is disrespectful, condescending, or just flat rude towards the actors, production, show, etc, i will delete it.
i strongly encourage you: if you think something about the show is terrible and you want to tear it down impolitely, write it on your own blog, but please don’t dump it on mine. cheers!
*back to squeeing*
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 3 years
ten different female faves from ten different fandoms 
@isabellaofparma, thank you so much for tagging me!!  💕 i can’t keep up with your stunning gifs (of very good characters), so i am just doing a list here; however I still wanted this to be interesting so i added a song to each character that reminds me of them. this was a lot of fun! 
i am also tagging @vishcount  and @the-cloud-whisperer ,if you feel like doing it! have fun with it, either by doing a simple list of anything else that pops up in your head  💕
it goes in no specific order under the cut:
Sana Bakkoush
SKAM is a show with many fantastic characters and it was difficult to choose only one of the girls because i absolutely adore all of them. but i must admit that sana has always owned my heart from the start - she is my queen and i was very excited for her season. i loved it in the end, though i wish they had done many things differently. i just regret that a lot of the focus was taken away from her. also i miss her
Fighting by Meryem Aboulouafa 
Toph Beifong 
Avatar: The Last Airbender
i was torn between mai and toph, but in the end toph one. i have loved her ever since i was little and she is everything i aspired to be back then. i don’t think it is necessary to list all the things that are great about her, she just owns my heart 
Stronger (feat. Loco, MINO) by Code Kunst
Consort Jing 
Nirvana in Fire 
NIF is a great show with an amazing set of female characters. i contemplated this a lot, considering mu nihuang, qin banruo and grand princess li yang, though consort jing won in the end. I love how much involvement she has in the entire show, how she has her own motives and also has such a huge loving heart. I would love to know more about herself and her past. 
Carry You by Novo Amor
Blue Sargent 
The Raven Cycle
maggie stiefvater created some of the best characters i know, and here as well i don’t feel like i have to explain why i adore blue. she feels so very real to me and accompanied me through my last year of highschool. it just hits very close to home, even when i did not have a fantastic adventure hunting a dead welsh king 
The Suburbs by Arcade Fire 
Luna Lovegood
 Harry Potter 
my lifelong fandom that will remain forever (even if jkr acts like an absolute asshole). luna has always resonated with me, i love her so much. she always gave me comfort, because i too have been a bit of an outsider and i felt comfort in knowing an amazing whimsical girl like her could be important.
Strawberry Blond by Mitski
Billie Potts 
Doctor Who 
i contemplated hard between rose tyler and billie potts, because i love them in two very different ways. rose is my heart and her era of doctor who was my favourite to be honest - the whole russel t davis era tbh. but i absolutely adore billie, because i can relate to her a lot and i was so happy about the storylines they picked for her. this way it made the last season with capaldi so enjoyable for me, after i had lost interest in the previous season. i honestly wish billie had stayed for longer, but i adore whittaker’s crew so much as well. this show is just filled to the brim with people i love and honestly, i should watch the newest season at some point
This Modern Love by Bloc Party
Luo Qingyang (MianMian) 
The Untamed 
i am absolute the untamed trash, though on the female characters front they are very weak. i love all the girls in theory, but i feel like they were never properly fleshed out and don’t feel quite real to me, only being relevant in relation to the men surrounding them (and killing them all off doesn’t really help either). but mianmian absolutely owns my heart and i guess she also forms the exception in this show. she has her own voice, she stands up for what she believes in and gains her independence in the end. also i am crushing hard on her, wish i could move with her into a small cottage and just tend to our garden while she goes night hunting 
Things Are Better by PVRIS
Farah Black 
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency 
this is another show with an amazing set of characters. i like how all the female characters are written but i have a special soft spot for farah. she is a true badass but also so sensitive and i just relate to her anxiety so much okay. she is just wonderful and suddenly i feel like i wanna rewatch the show. 
Till Death by Japanese Breakfast
Ellie Miller 
i binged all three seasons of broadchurch in three days last year and let me tell you, it was truly a ride. everyone feels so real in this show, and i especially adore the relationship between ellie miller and alec hardy. i love the platonic friendship so much and appreciate it a ton. sigh i miss this show, its vibes were impeccable and it was wonderfully heartbreaking
Oceans by RY X, Olafur Arnalds
Claire Fraser 
i have to admit i have not yet finished all seasons, i stopped after season 2 and somehow lost it from my view. it actually took some time warming up to claire in the first few episodes, but at some point i was dragged into the whole story. i feel very ambivalent about her but i think this also makes for a great character, and after two seasons, she grew on me. if i would rewatch it now, i am not sure if i would still like her, or what my opinion is, but i am definitely attached to her and this show
Landmarks by All the Luck in the World
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Ch. 14: A marriage takes place (?)
So I am laying in bed with back pain terrified that it’s sciatica again, and thought that it would be a good time as any to talk about “the wedding” — No, not that one — that may (or may not) have taken place this past weekend.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not mad, or sad, or heartbroken — maybe because for months now I have been slowly letting all of that go. I am just tired of all of it. And looking back, it all feels so stupid to get involved in shipping these two people I have little interest or respect in any more. After all the bullying, the campaign against shippers being called mentally ill, which I, who do suffer mental illness and take major offense to, have decided it’s not worth it. It’s not a “happy” place anymore. This thing doesn’t deserve my time and energy any more.
The saddest thing for me, is that I have also developed an indifference to Outlander, which is what makes me the most upset; something I loved that I feel has been ruined for me through all this shipping, games, lies and what-have-you. I see videos, it’s all “meh.” I want to make gifs, or edits, but my indifference wins out and I don’t.
Their “happy 5th anniversary of the show” where they looked like they were both as excited as they’d be if they were about to have a colonoscopy had me convinced that whatever Outlander was to both of them, just isn’t any more. I’ve said it before, if our leads aren’t invested, why should I, as a fan, be? 🤷🏻‍♀️
So, the wedding. I don’t really care 😂 I do care however, for all my friends who are feeling hurt, confused and sad, about all of it. We didn’t just make shit up. We SAW it. A lot of us, who have been married for years, been in love, we know “it” when we see it. I can’t say it was all for “the show,” I haven’t really decided on that yet, but undoubtedly, some of it was just that.
If you are still shipping, you do you. If you aren’t, that’s ok too. I am not going to judge. It’s hard to let go of something you’ve invested YEARS in to. I have been going through the process for months. It takes time, after investing so much of your emotions, your thoughts, and TIME, which you can’t get back.
I was not a popular shipper, or one who was personally attacked, but I did ride or die with you ladies lol. I will still stick up for shippers, still consider myself to be on the shipper side of the fandom, because that’s where the best times where had. Thank you to those I’ve met along the way.
So I feel like I am in the Upside down of Tumblr, wandering around in a black landscape with no fandom alliance 😂 Just reblogging things I like with no rhyme or reason. Who knows if it will stay that way or not, or for how long. Do I give up on Outlander for good? I can’t really say. But the whole Sam and Cait thing is for sure over for me.
Thanks for reading, if you got this far. And sorry again for not being around as much as I was. I am trying to work out my place here, so please continue to bear with me as I find my way. Oh and if you can spare some thoughts and prayers for my fucked up back, I’d appreciate that too 😊😂
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clairebeauchampfan · 5 years
That sinking feeling......
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I came across a rather bathetic post today, a personal statement PSA  in bold justifying her continued shipping in the face of all odds by a by-no-means extreme shipper  ( certainly not one of those  toxic shippers,  those frightening women whose entire blog consists of exchanging bitchy remarks about Sam and Cait with the rest of her gang, and never mentions Outlander except to say how terrible the seasons were that they didn’t actually watch),  but  who nevertheless, like so many other disillusioned shippers, appears in this post  to blame Sam and Cait for gas-lighting her these last five years. 
And yet she still sails on.....  
Reading it I couldn’t make up my mind whether to laugh, cry or clap my hands to my head in despair.  You poor, sweet, naive , innocent summer child, I thought, to have been so gulled, not just by Hollywood and any acting couple’s fan-service (”yeah, Sam, Caity baby, lay it on with a trowel...look deep into each other’s eyes, make like you’re madly in love with each other....box office gold, babes”. Like this..) 
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(oh look, Sam and er.... whassername..and THIS is what I know!.So much in love=so married! Another receipt! Take that, doubters!) 
.....but also conned by all those fanciful and fabricated ‘receipts’, the fuzzy photos, the wild and often tasteless speculation, the guessing, the half-truths pedalled as gospel....and all by your fellow shippers, that circle of self-reinforcing, self-confirming  group think where today’s desperate straw grasping is tomorrow’s canon. 
I’m not saying Sam and Cait haven’t had a close relationship...maybe , in the early days, a very close relationship....prior to the infamous IFH, and now the EFH, to put it in shipper speak terms.  Indeed, I’d be worried about them if they hadn’t. Can you imagine being stuck together for 6years as co-stars in a TV show if they hated eachother? I’m amazed they are still such good friends; hell, they probably share an apartment together! 
 But to still believe in a ship that definitvely sank back in 2017 and then to describe Outlander  as a shitshow? Come on, girl, get real. What on earth is the point of still shipping the stars of a show you now despise, especially if you now feel you’ve been ‘beautifully’ played by the people you ship? If you really feel you’ve been gulled, and that the show is as bad as you make out, why torture yourself with what might have been but probably wasn’t, wasn’t last year and certainly isn’t now, in the hope that things will suddenly change back to the dream you once had of unusual, perfect love? 
Puir wee lass, as Jamie might have said. I’ll spare you her blog name. Anyway, for what it’s worth, here  is a disillusioned shipper still proudly clinging onto the masthead, all that’s left of her sinking collander of a ship, when there are so many other good TV shows to follow and likely pairings to ship instead of clinging on ‘for no good reason’ except, perhaps,  the hope that one day cynics like me will be sorry we ever doubted you.
 “ I am still a shipper. I understand many people who formerly shipped Sam and Cait don’t do so for many different reasons. I think we feel we have been played for five years. That’s most likely true. “
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(playing a fish:my gif insert)
She goes on: “I am not as clever at finding info, or at analyzing pictures. I don’t know the business as many do nor understand the supposed quirks of Hollywood players. I only have the same evidence to look at as you all do.I can see how each individual piece of evidence we have is deniable. If Sam and Cait were to go through each receipt we have (something they would never do), they could deny each one with a plausible excuse. But the volume of receipts is so huge they would need a solid reason for having played us so beautifully for five years.Many former shippers wonder why we still ship when there is nothing to ship. I wonder what is it they were shipping when they began shipping Sam and Cait. Was it the unusual love they saw? Of course unusual love mirrors Jaimie and Claire and that is exactly why we are called delusional. If these two people managed to pull that one off, they are the greatest two actors of all time.I still see that unusual love buried beneath the rubble of a shitshow called Outlander. I am still going to stay here and ship this love. I have no idea why they are doing this. I will be here until I find out or until they go their seperate ways.......
#shippers #SMH
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“a new receipt! Look, over there...!”
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This Comment Gets to the Heart 💔 of the Matter of Unjustified Anger in the Outlander Fandom
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I was so impressed by a comment about fandom anger by @lassytude to a different POST of mine that I wanted to address it separately, so it wouldn’t get lost in the long thread of that post.
lassytude said: 
@contemplatingoutlander, I agree that self-righteous anger is expressed on all sides. I am certainly guilty of that. But the difference between the self-righteous anger of the ES and others, as I see it, is the anger directed at certain shippers is based on actual events. Many people are taken aback and angry at what the ES write (which is there for all to see) about Sam and Cait, their SOs, writers, journalists, and fellow actors etc. Can this self-righteous anger expressed as hate? Yep.
By contrast, shipper anger (and hate) is a result of perceived slights, beliefs they are liars and sneaks etc, conspiracy theories and suppositions. That’s hard to watch when someone (like me) believes the anger and hate is misguided. I know, I should look away, but it’s all too damn interesting.
Why do some fans let themselves get all worked up and angry about things they aren’t even sure are true?
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By contrast, [extreme] shipper anger (and hate) is a result of perceived slights, beliefs they are liars and sneaks etc, conspiracy theories and suppositions. --lassytude
Yes, all sides can get caught up in self-righteous anger. I know I have done so. But self-righteous anger based on suppositions, conspiracy theories and perceptions (or more likely misperceptions) is what I don’t understand. On some level many extreme shippers (ES) and their allies must know they could be wrong about Sam and Cait being a “secret couple.” After all for years Sam, Cait, and many of their colleagues have clearly said the “secret couple” belief is wrong. There is also a huge amount of evidence that does not support their SamCait beliefs.
And yet many of these fans think nothing of ranting on public social media about Sam and Cait “lying” to and “gaslighting” the fandom and some of them are foolish enough to take their anger directly to Sam and Cait, their SOs, and their colleagues, calling them “liars” or worse.
I remember a while back a major ES had a moment of self-reflection when she wondered if she had attacked Abbie for months based on false assumptions. She felt awful when she realized she might have been wrong all that time.
Can you imagine how some of these fans will feel when Cait actually marries Tony and they realize they have been truly horrid to Tony and Cait based purely on their misperceptions and conspiracy theories?
Why risk finding out that for years you have publicly said terrible things that turn out not to be true about celebrities you supposedly fan and their loved ones? 
A Ship Stuck in the Doldrums
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What makes all of this even more perplexing to me is that many of the ES don’t really seem to like or respect Cait and (to a lesser extent) Sam very much anymore. In addition, many of them don’t appear to get a lot of joy from the few “breadcrumbs” that happen each year that they misinterpret and squee about.
In fact, ever since the KDS/ IFH denial video, many ES seem angry and miserable on the good ship SamCait, 
That’s over three years full of misery.
All because they chose to misinterpret what Sam and Cait told them.
They chose to misunderstand the body language.
They chose not to believe Sam and Cait.
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I shipped Sam and Cait myself for a few months years ago. But I don’t understand hanging on for years to a ship that rarely offers you joy but instead usually offers a lot of anger and disappointment. 
sources for first picture: 01, 02; source for second photo (w/out caption); ship photo source; gif source
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swainlake · 5 years
Hello! So now that got has ended I'm looking for some tv shows that I could watch after I'm done with my exams. Do you have any suggestions? I'm not looking for anything specific, although if you have watched some good period dramas, I'd love some recommendations. Also wanted to add how much I love your blog, it's really beautiful
tysm that’s so sweet!! i love giving recs so i’ve got a bunch that you might like under the cut; i’ve put a ♡ next to my favs
period dramas:
NEW WORLDS (2014)this one is a mini series, only 4 episodes long, but please don’t let that stop you! it’s about anti-monarchism and rebellion and forbidden love in the 1600′s & is set in both england and america. i cried more than once but the ending is so bittersweet and hopeful!! 
POLDARK (2015—)i have a love/hate relationship with this one tbh. i started watching because of the main relationship but i ended up really into it for the side relationships instead?? the actual political plot doesn’t interest me but i love the drama between the family members. also i adore the women in this show, every single female character is well-written and realistic and you’ll love them all (even if at times you hate them). the men tho? the men are pretty much collectively the worst. “what’s wrong with the women in this family?” “the men.”
SPARTACUS (2010—2013) ♡i started watching this before i ever got into game of thrones but if you like the fight scenes in got, you’ll enjoy this! great characters, great fight scenes, great friendships. this one is based on gladiators who are fighting for their freedom.
THE WHITE PRINCESS (2017) ♡okay firstly and most importantly: jodie comer stars in this so you know it’s good. it’s also got michelle fairly (catelyn stark) in it though tbh she wasn’t my favourite character in this and i didn’t find her likeable at all. it’s not very historically accurate ofc but the relationship between henry/elizabeth is honestly the perfect enemies to lovers rep & always lowkey reminds me of book!sansa/jon possibilities
PAN AM (2011—2012)this one isn’t like game of thrones at all but it’s only one season and it’s super cute and has a lot of famous actresses in it like christina ricci & margot robbie. based on the adventures of a crew of pan am stewardesses, this is a good combination of lighthearted fun and chilling cold-war drama. an old favourite. 
THE MUSKETEERS (2014—2016) ♡i’ll be gushing over this for years to come tbh it’s really just that perfect. the relationship between the musketeers is so lovely, the personification of ‘brotherhood’ really, but also the romantic relationships are really good too?? which for some reason i personally hadn’t expected. my fav couple is aramis/anne (anne is played by the actress who played roslin frey!) because the forbidden love & the respect and adoration between those two is just perfect but really every relationship (even the ones that don’t become endgame) are written very well
OUTLANDER (2014—)i haven’t watched every single episode of this one but from what i have seen it’s very good, and has some similar themes to game of thrones!! the sex scenes are epic, the main relationship is lovely, and overall its a very realistic show that features supernatural elements!
THE LAST KINGDOM (2015—) ♡i’m not going to lie: i started this series by skipping straight to 2x7 because i’d seen gifs of the relationship between aethelflaed and erik but it was so good i ended up going back and starting from the beginning! this show reminds me of ‘vikings’ more tham game of thrones but it’s not as gory and the characters aren’t all assholes. side note: if you love sansa stark as much as i do you’re gonna love aethelflaed, lady of mercia! she’s actually a real person but this show is based on a book series that looks super interesting! honestly the main character also kind of reminds me of jon snow
HARLOTS (2017—) ♡oh my gosh how do i describe this show?? the family dynamics are so! intricate! and! beautiful! honestly just stunning. everything about this show is s t u n n i n g. the costumes are colourful and vivid and honestly i’d recommend watching just for that but the storyline really does keep you hooked!! also: liv tyler and jessica brown findlay are love interests in this which is honestly a dream come true
BLACK SAILS (2015—2017)okay full disclosure; i haven’t actually seen this but i’ve heard very good things and it’s on my list!! it’s about pirates, i think there’s some queer rep (can anybody confirm??), and there’s lots of amazing women. again, allegedly. 
THE SOCIETY (2018—)i literally watched the entire first season in a single night so it must be alright, right? basically all you need to know about this is that a town full of teenagers go on a field trip & then return to find all their parents mysteriously missing and their town closed off from the outside world. it’s basically lord of the flies but modern! with some kick-ass friendships! and amazing young women (one literally teaches herself to be a doctor can you believe?)! 
SHARP OBJECTS (2018)if you haven’t heard about this one yet idk what rock you’ve been living under but welcome back! this one is a m a z i n g but also hella chilling and the ending is such a shocker if it hasn’t been spoiled for you yet!
THE BOLD TYPE (2017—) ♡i always describe this one as ‘sex and the city for millennials’ but i’ve never watched a single sex and the city episode in my life so i honestly don’t know how accurate that is?? but it’s about a group of 20-something year old women who are best friends and work mates and they love each other so much?? the relationship between the girls is my favourite thing about the show but the show honestly tackles a lot of relevant issues; trump, age gaps, queer rep, immigration, racism, etc. i can’t recommend this enough!
CODE BLACK (2015—2018) ♡you know those episodes in greys anatomy where everything is life-or-death and you’re on edge for the whole episode? that’s basically every single episode of code black. this is hands-down one of my most rewatched shows ever. i love medical dramas and this one balances well written characters with action-packed medical miracles so honestly what’s not to like?? 
A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES (2018—)okay admittedly the only reason i watch this show is because of the main couple but i can’t help it when they’re just so gosh-darn cute!! they love each other so god damned much! i wasn’t completely sold on this straight away but by ep 3 i was HOOKED. if you like supernatural romances/dramas that are more mature than your usual cw show, this one is a good choice!
THE OA (2016—) ♡i can’t even put into words how much i adore this?? but also: it will confuse THE SHIT out of you. no matter how smart you are, this one will leave you scratching your head. basically: a group of people who’ve had near-death experiences get kidnapped and experimented on. it’s not as brutal as it sounds, in fact the show is exceptionally beautiful, but it does deal with some hard themes and the good guys don’t always win. 
12 MONKEYS (2015—2018)do you like time travel? do you like forbidden and yet totally-still-devoted-to-one-another-anyway love? then this is the show for you! this one is dark and gritty and deals pretty realistically with the concept of time travel & self-sacrifice and what people will give up to create a better world. it’s got a happy ending & you wont regret watching!
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE (2018)oh this one will make you cry. in a good way though! long story short a family grows up in a haunted house and it affects them in ways they cannot imagine. it’s hauntingly beautiful and poetic and everybody should watch it at least once imo
THE MARVELOUS MRS MAISEL (2017—)okay so this one counts as a period drama as well but it’s about a COMEDIAN so i put it in the comedy section lol. okay so long story short, a woman is left by her husband, she’s worth 1000 of him & everybody else knows it because you seriously can’t help falling in love with this woman but ofc there’s period-typical sexism she has to face as she struggles with being a single woman, a single mother, and an up-and-coming comedian. def recommend.
SANTA CLARITA DIET (2017—2019)drew barrymore is a zombie!! who lives a normal life but also eats people!! it’s only weird for the first couple of eps. the family dynamics are snarky and witty and they manage to make gore funny?? honestly this entire show is legit laugh-out-loud darkly hilarious.
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empressaryastark · 5 years
Tagged by @arsenicandfinelace
Author name: thesunflowermachine on ao3. I was direwolfmaid for years, too. If you can remember that, you're a senior citizen gendrya.
Fandoms You Write For: A Song of Ice and Fire and GoT. Primarily Gendrya though I do dabble in some other Arya centric ships. I used to write Harry Potter fic, mostly Romione/Snily.
Where You Post: ao3, tumblr (here and mizznancywheelerfic). Ao3 is for typically posting longer fic and tumblr is for posting older works on mizznancywheeler as a sort of archive for direwolfmaid works and just general drabbles/testing ground for fic concepts.
Most Popular Oneshot: What Fire Joins. I think this was my most popular one shot even before I went into mass delete mode with direwolfmaid. I guess people just like p0rno and this one has a palatable Outlander inspired premise that makes it easy to digest, I think.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Ever? Hmmm idk I feel like I had randomly popular ones like prom fic/winter wonderland is coming as direwolfmaid. At the moment, I would say Neutral Housing probably gets the most clicks, but Untold Want has the most loyal readers/commenters.
Favorite Story You Wrote: So many!! I loved writing this one, now long gone, one-shot where Gendry is admiring Arya's red shoes. It was just a soft character study in love. I also love my Lady Stoneheart x BWB from Gendry's PoV one-shot, my Gendry at the Wall one shot, In the Bleak Midwinter, Arya and her son go to live in Pentos (this is a 2013 fic) only to return back home so her son could meet Gendry, etc I love them all for so many reasons. I also wrote a very cute, totally rated G Arya/Ned Dayne one years ago that I really thought was precious and a pleasure to write. Rn, I really love doing any historical research for Untold Want but it does tend to make me procrastinate bc I get overwhelmed. I also really enjoy writing Moonlight because I love the Baratheon Chaotic Energy in that fic. It's really fun to envision an adult version of Shireen as well.
Story You Were Nevous to Post: LOL welp. I tend to post some strange shit so I do wonder if certain fic premises will jibe well with people. Anything Jondrya is definitely a gamble (they get a lot of hits, but not tons of feedback or kudos), a Gendry is an asshole fic from years back, a masturbation themed one from way back, Arya/Edric Storm having sex (this hasn't happened yet but it will). Just any time I tend to dip my toes into weird territory, I am kind of dreading reaction or lack of reaction from readers but it is what it is! I think fic is for exploration, but I do try to give people a heads up for concepts or relationships that can be problematic. I have no interest in making others uncomfortable either.
How Do You Pick Your Titles: I kind of just pick them out of thin air. I don't spend much time on them at all. Sometimes I just skim a first chapter and choose a line or lyric that clicks.
Do You Outline: To a degree. I try to make tentative outlines, but my chapters usually end up taking lives of their owns so I adjust accordingly.
How Many of Your Stories are complete?: HAHA this is where the shame kicks in. All my one-shots are finished? So far, I think I only have one finished multi-chapter fic. When I post the next chapter of Untold Want, it will be my second.
In-Progress: All the rest.
Coming Soon: I'm trying not to do this because I already have fics that I need to concentrate on, but I'm me and I write for clownery/to sate my manic daydreams so the chances of that are slim. I do have a tentative canon AU in my head that is called "Birth Day" which is a fic in which an LSH lead BWB intersects with Arya & company at Winterfell. I want to give Lady Stoneheart more rights!
Do You Accept Prompts: I'll consider them? But I make no promises. However, I am a complete clown who lives to entertain so it always gives me joy to write for my friends. Making someone happy is always enough cause for me to write something as a gift. I don't have any other fandom talents like making gifs or edits so writing is a thing I can do!
Upcoming Story You're the Most Excited For: I'll be very glad when I feel able to start on Birth Day.
I want to tag ppl but I'm feeling shyyy @obsessivewriter @aryasbadbenergy
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drunklander · 5 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 405
The end.
Y’all I haven’t fangirled about an episode of Outlander this much since season fucking one. And can I just say, I fucking missed this feeling. I missed this feeling so fucking much. Comparing this episode to the ones with all of the book dialogue awkwardly crammed in makes me really hope they start throwing the book out the window more and more, and instead just do whatever they want in order to tell a good story.
Just the mutual respect between Claire and Adawehi gives me the warm fuzzies.
Adawehi: “She is here. No, not in your heart, woman. I mean actually here. Like physically here. Yes, I know you find it comforting to think your daughter is always with you in your heart, but I’m telling you, she can also literally be with you, like in your house.” Claire: “Yeah, it’s really too bad I had to leave her, but at least she’s here in my memories...” Adawehi: “You’re killing me, lady.”
Gerhard, not Robert.
I love the white sow with my whole heart.
I’m laughing at Jamie so hard for thinking that Scots are just going to jump at the chance for free land...that ties them to the English government. Like bro, some of the Scots in North Carolina actually give a shit about what the English did to Scotland. And don’t immediately get in bed with them, (especially when it’s common knowledge that they cheat and steal from people) and become the sort of people they fought against.
It’s like Jamie and Claire were like hmmm, our only two options are to move to Boston where we’ll be right in the middle of the revolution or become the colonizing/occupying force we fought against in Scotland. And the rest of the Scots are like nah, bro.
“I love bacon.” Same, Young Ian. So much same.
Lady Boner for Frontier!Beauchamp.
Oooh, we’re doing Jamie’s visions are we?
I really do appreciate them doing damage control after last season including Jamie thinking of Bree this season. And I love how ever since Claire came back to Jamie, Bree is still a constant presence in her life. And she continues to live with the cost of her choice to return to Jamie.
Y’all Claire lost her parents. She left Uncle Lamb when she got married. She lost Frank woohoo! when she went through the stones. She lost Jamie after Culloden. And she lost Bree when she went back to Jamie. She’s never really had all of the people who are important to her with her all at the same time. AND IN A COUPLE OF EPISODES SHE WILL AND I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT! I SHIP CLAIRE AND HAPPINESS AND SHE WON’T FULLY HAVE THAT UNTIL HER WHOLE FAMILY IS TOGETHER AND GUYS I HAVE FEELINGS.
Nice hat, Roger MacSeedot.
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Miss Baird: “I can see she broke your heart.” Me: *recaps the last couple episodes* Miss Baird: “Actually, she’s better off without you. You’re kind of the worst. Good day to you MacSeedot. I SAID GOOD DAY.
Just noticed that this pic that was tweeted about Wilmington is actually Woolam’s Creek. Lulz.
Ok is this lady flirting with Jamie only supposed to be setting up him telling Bree that he’s a married man? Or else, like, what’s the point? We know Jamie’s not going to cheat on Claire? If this is supposed to be like the Mme Jeanne fake out then hard pass, show.
“That’s a very impressive offer. But you see, the English fucked up our country. Our families. Our lives. And now they cheat and steal from us here, all the way across an ocean. Rent or no rent, I still have my principles.”
“Did six farmers just refuse the offer of land given without charge?”  “There’s no sense in it. Except that it makes them obliged to the English and, you know, as Scots we sort of don’t like them very much. So really I have no clue why they’d turn me down.”
Yo, I fucking love this change, tbh. Jamie’s a dumbass, but I’ve thought that about show!Jamie for a minute now so... Bahahaha. Bro. Rock on, farmers.
“Savages! They steal our water for their horses!” Y’all Mueller is the literal worst. But him being fucking awful, doesn’t mean Jamie and Claire are off the hook for also being fucking colonizers.
But seriously. Gerhard. You are a fucking monster.
“They have no reason to set foot on MY land!” Fuck ALL the way off, bruh.
Claire’s like “Please! I know they’re the literal worst and you’re literally just watering your horses on your own damn land, but please change your behavior to accommodate a racist af colonizer!” Which like, good on her for trying to deescalate the situation, but putting it on the wronged party to change to accommodate the white aggressor still isn’t a good look.
“Water belongs to no one.” Y’all this show claims not to be political, but making this conflict about water is relevant as fuck to the present. (For those who don’t click through to what I link, that’s a profile of the Standing Rock water protectors.)
This episode is really doing a lot to try to frame the Frasers as “good” colonizers. (Look! They make friends with their Cherokee neighbors whose land they’ve stolen! They’re trying to learn the Cherokee language! They respect the knowledge of Adawehi! They know Cherokee customs!) And the Muellers as “bad” colonizers. (This is our land! They shouldn’t be here! Fuck what they’re actually doing, I think they’re cursing us and therefore must murder their witch!) But show, let’s be real. Just like the “benevolent slave owner” is bullshit, the “good” colonizer is also bullshit.
Gerhard Mueller is an unforgivable piece of shit, but that doesn’t mean the Frasers are in the right.
Rollo the body guard is adorable and I 100% want a blooper reel of just him fucking up and Balfe being like OMFG DOG.
Claire tiredly flopping onto the bed is A FUCKING MOOD.
Y’all the Leoch music as Claire does the homestead chores gives me so many feelings. It meant she was starting to feel at home in Jamie’s time and is now signifying her being at home in the place they built together AND I JUST WANT MY BABY TO BE HAPPY OK.
For real though, I fucking love the white sow.
White Sow/Clarence 2020
Claire nudging Rollo out of her food is relatable af. *side eyes my cat*
Claire’s “good morning, ladies!” to the goats is my fucking everything. Also, pretty sure one of the goats is named Persephone and the person who posted this just didn’t know how to spell that. High five for animal name twins! I should get my cat a goat friend...
Claire drinking and being like oh this is gross and then drinking more anyway is also A Mood.
“’Tis my land after all.” Jamie says it in relation to the English. Mueller says it in relation to the Cherokee. Again trying to show a difference between the two, but *looks directly into the camera.*
Lol, I love that in the closed captions, Murtagh’s lines are noted as “Smith” before he turns around. Like we don’t recognized that crotchety voice.
Oh look, rando flirty woman is back. *hums Say No to This to self*
"I’m sorry. Citronella died. They got measles, but at least there were no mosquitoes.”
Gerhard Mueller is totally the sort of person who would shoot up a mosque or synagogue because of some bullshit, racist 4chan conspiracy theory. Entitled white men haven’t evolved at all in the last 200 years...
Yas, Claire, work that gun...
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(gif source)
The way Jamie’s face lights up when Murtagh says he can do a bit of silversmithing though.
Murtagh’s face when he thinks Jamie remarried is amazing. And Jamie sending Young Ian away when Murtagh asks if he married again is hilarious because like “Dude, please don’t blow up my spot about Laoghaire when I haven’t been able to fanboy with my godfather about my time traveling wife yet. And I need to fanboy about my time traveling wife with her literal #1 fan.”
*waits impatiently for Murtagh’s reaction to the Laoghaire marriage news*
For real, his reaction to that is going to be fucking aaaaaaaAAAHMAZINGGGG.
Y’ALL I WANT A CEBRF FANDOM WAR BETWEEN MURTAGH AND YOUNG IAN OVER WHO STANS CLAIRE MORE. “I regularly put my hands in other people’s body cavities for her!” “I’ve been stanning her for twice as long as you’ve been alive, laddie!”
Da!Jamie bragging about his kid is endearing afffffffff.
*again side eyes how she was treated in ep. 306*
Ok, but I love that Murtagh doesn’t just like up and change his whole life to rejoin Jamie. It’s been a long time. He has his life. He loves Jame and he loves Claire, but just like they had changed, so has Murtz.
“We’ve had trouble finding tenants.” “Yeah, no shit. Come, Jamie, let me school you.”
Murtagh in a kilt and bonnet while Jamie is in breeks and a tricorn. Murtagh rousing the Scots against the thievery of the English and Jamie trying to get them to become indebted to the English. Which one is truly keeping the spirit of Scotland alive in North Carolina?
I’d bet money that the piece of tartan Murtagh has pinned over his heart is the same piece he’s had with him since Ardsmuir.
Mueller can fuck all the way off with his “we deserve to live because we believe in God” crap.
It *is* their land you fucking piece of shit.
The scene with Mueller when he brings Claire Adawehi’s scalp got me so fucking heated because there are so many white men in this country today who share the same/very similar beliefs to him in regards to various minority groups or people they see as “Other.” Fuck each and every one of those men.
Claire’s funeral for Adawehi is very moving though.
You brought this on yourself, Herr Mueller. Good riddance.
But Frau Mueller, yet another woman who is the collateral damage of the shitty actions of men.
Rollo is the least intimidating guard dog ever.
Ok the letter that Bree left for Roger makes him look even worse for going after her tbh. Like he wasn’t supposed to see it for a year and it was like clearly an “open if I’m dead” thing so like he knows she clearly is intending to come back. But instead of listening to her, he off and does what he thinks is right instead. Which means he’s learned *nothing* since the proposal. Fuck that guy.
Roger really is Frank. He wants a marriage like Frank and Claire had pre-stones. Where it's all about him and what he wants to do and the wife is just along to support him in that endeavor. *gestures at episode 101* Between reading the books again and watching this season, Roger really is the worst and I don't think the show will do anything that comes close to redeeming him since *gestures at how they wrote Jamie last season* so at this point I ship Bree with her damn self. She doesn't need a man to live her fullest life. Especially one like fucking Roger.
Bree is too good for Roger and this is the hill I will die on.
But y’all! Bree’s gonna get to be with her mom again! And meet Jamie! And look hot af in period clothes! AND MEET MURTAGH!
*focuses aggressively on that instead of Rape and Rogergate*
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To his extreme surprise, the next few years were in many ways among the happiest of Jamie Fraser’s life, aside from the years of his marriage.
Above everything else, he had Willie. Helwater was dedicated to horses; even before the boy could stand solidly on his feet, his grandfather had him propped on a pony to be led round the paddock. By the time Willie was three, he was riding by himself—under the watchful eye of MacKenzie, the groom.
Willie was a strong, courageous, bonny little lad. He had a blinding smile, and could charm birds from the trees if he liked. He was also remarkably spoilt. As the ninth Earl of Ellesmere and the only heir to both Ellesmere and Helwater, with neither mother nor father to keep him under control, he ran roughshod over his doting grandparents, his young aunt, and every servant in the place—except MacKenzie.
And that was a near thing. So far, threats of not allowing the boy to help him with the horses had sufficed to quash Willie’s worst excesses in the stables, but sooner or later, threats alone were not going to be sufficient, and MacKenzie the groom found himself wondering just what was going to happen when he finally lost his own control and clouted the wee fiend.
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“I shall be leaving tomorrow.” Jamie spoke matter-of-factly, not taking his eyes off the bay mare’s fetlock. The horny growth he was filing flaked away, leaving a dust of coarse black shavings on the stable floor.
“Where are you going? To Derwentwater? Can I come with you?” William, Viscount Dunsany, ninth Earl of Ellesmere, hopped down from the edge of the box stall, landing with a thump that made the bay mare start and snort.
The ninth Earl of Ellesmere had his chin thrust out as far as it would go, but the defiant look in his eye was tempered with a certain doubt as he intercepted Jamie’s cold blue gaze. Jamie set the horse’s hoof down slowly, just as slowly stood up, and drawing himself to his full height of six feet four, put his hands on his hips, looked down at the Earl, three feet six, and said, very softly, “No.”
“Yes!” Willie stamped his foot on the hay-strewn floor. “You have to do what I tell you!”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do!”
“No, I…” Shaking his head hard enough to make the red hair fly about his ears, Jamie pressed his lips tight together, then squatted down in front of the boy.
“See here,” he said, “I havena got to do what ye say, for I’m no longer going to be groom here. I told ye, I shall be leaving tomorrow.”
Willie’s face went quite blank with shock, and the freckles on his nose stood out dark against the fair skin.
“You can’t!” he said. “You can’t leave.”
“I have to.”
“No!” The small Earl clenched his jaw, which gave him a truly startling resemblance to his paternal great-grandfather. Jamie thanked his stars that no one at Helwater had likely ever seen Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat. “I won’t let you go!”
Without a word, Jamie grabbed the boy by the collar, lifted him off his feet and carried him, kicking and squirming, to the farrier’s stool he had been using. Here he sat down, flipped the Earl over his knee, and smacked his buttocks five or six times, hard. Then he jerked the boy up and set him on his feet.
“I hate you!” The Viscount’s tear-smudged face was bright red and his fists trembled with rage.
“Well, I’m no verra fond of you either, ye little bastard!” Jamie snapped.
Willie drew himself up, fists clenched, purple in the face.
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“I’m not a bastard!” he shrieked. “I’m not, I’m not! Take it back! Nobody can say that to me! Take it back, I said!”
Jamie stared at the boy in shock. There had been talk, then, and Willie had heard it. He had delayed his going too long.
He drew a deep breath, and then another, and hoped that his voice would not tremble.
“I take it back,” he said softly. “I shouldna have used the word, my lord.”
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“Have you really got to go, Mac?” he asked, in a very small voice.
“Aye, I have.” He looked into the dark blue eyes, so heartbreakingly like his own, and suddenly didn’t give a damn what was right or who saw. He pulled the boy roughly to him, hugging him tight against his heart, holding the boy’s face close to his shoulder, that Willie might not see the quick tears that fell into his thick, soft hair.
Willie’s arms went around his neck and clung tight. He could feel the small, sturdy body shake against him with the force of suppressed sobbing. He patted the flat little back, and smoothed Willie’s hair, and murmured things in Gaelic that he hoped the boy would not understand.
At length, he took the boy’s arms from his neck and put him gently away.
“Come wi’ me to my room, Willie; I shall give ye something to keep.”
“What’s that little candle for?” Willie asked. “Grannie says only stinking Papists burn candles in front of heathen images.”
“Well, I am a stinking Papist,” Jamie said, with a wry twist of his mouth. “It’s no a heathen image, though; it’s a statue of the Blessed Mother.”
“You are?” Clearly this revelation only added to the boy’s fascination. “Why do Papists burn candles before statues, then?”
Jamie rubbed a hand through his hair. “Aye, well. It’s…maybe a way of praying—and remembering. Ye light the candle, and say a prayer and think of people ye care for. And while it burns, the flame remembers them for ye.”
“Who do you remember?” Willie glanced up at him. His hair was standing on end, rumpled by his earlier distress, but his blue eyes were clear with interest.
“Oh, a good many people. My family in the Highlands—my sister and her family. Friends. My wife.” And sometimes the candle burned in memory of a young and reckless girl named Geneva, but he did not say that.
Willie frowned. “You haven’t got a wife.”
“No. Not anymore. But I remember her always.”
Willie put out a stubby forefinger and cautiously touched the little statue. The woman’s hands were spread in welcome, a tender maternity engraved on the lovely face.
“I want to be a stinking Papist, too,” Willie said firmly.
“Ye canna do that!” Jamie exclaimed, half-amused, half-touched at the notion. “Your grandmama and your auntie would go mad.”
“Would they froth at the mouth, like that mad fox you killed?” Willie brightened.
“I shouldna wonder,” Jamie said dryly.
“I want to do it!” The small, clear features were set in determination. “I won’t tell Grannie or Auntie Isobel; I won’t tell anybody. Please, Mac! Please let me! I want to be like you!”
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“I baptize thee William James,” he said softly, “in the name o’ the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
Willie blinked, crossing his eyes as a drop of water rolled down his nose. He stuck out his tongue to catch it, and Jamie laughed, despite himself.
“Why did you call me William James?” Willie asked curiously. “My other names are Clarence Henry George.” He made a face; Clarence wasn’t his idea of a good name.
Jamie hid a smile. “Ye get a new name when you’re baptized; James is your special Papist name. It’s mine, too.”
“It is?” Willie was delighted. “I’m a stinking Papist now, like you?”
“Good.” Jamie reached out and ruffled Willie’s hair in dismissal. “It’s almost time for your tea; ye’d best go on up to the house now.”
Willie started for the door, but stopped halfway, suddenly distressed again, with a hand pressed flat to his chest.
“You said to keep this to remember you. But I haven’t got anything for you to remember me by!”
Jamie smiled slightly. His heart was squeezed so tight, he thought he could not draw breath to speak, but he forced the words out.
“Dinna fret yourself,” he said. “I’ll remember ye.”
— Voyager
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Gifs: section1rules.tumblr.com, Season Three, Episode Four, October 1, 2017 (horse riding)
Gif: smartbitchestrashybooks.com, Season Three, Episode Four, October 1, 2017 (walking)
Gif: outlanderamerica.tumblr.com, Season Three, Episode Four, October 1, 2017 (bastard)
Gif: lordjohngreys.tumblr.com, Season Three, Episode Four, October 1, 2017 (“Mac”)
Gif: pinterest.com, Season Three, Episode Four, October 1, 2017 (stinkin’ papist)
Photo: Starz, Season Three, Episode Four, October 1, 2017
Book: Voyager, Diana Gabaldon, 1994
Tumblr: October 15, 2018, WhenFraserMetBeauchamp 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️🇬🇧
WFMB’s Tags: #Outlander #Season Three Episode Four #S3E4 #Of Lost Things #Voyager #Chapter Sixteen #Above everything else, he had Willie #Dinna fret yourself, I’ll remember ye #Jamie Fraser #Willie #William, Viscount Dunsany, ninth Earl of Ellesmere #William Clarence Henry George Ransom #William Ransom #William Fraser 😬 #146 #101518
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justsomewhump · 5 years
Whump Profile
I was tagged by @killian-whump, who knows how much I love doing those things! Thank you, dear!
Name: For personal reasons, I don’t want to disclose it publicly.
How old were you when you first realized you liked guys getting hurt?: Kinda hard question... when I was younger, I was always trying to find a way “around it” and not straight-up admit I liked “guys getting hurt”. Like, when I made up stories in my mind, I always weaved the plot so that there would be no other way for it to go than them being hurt. But that was in the “middle stage”, like when I was in elementary school, I’d be like, “And then he got hurt and started bleeding :D”
What was that very first scene you remember gave you those glorious butterfly feelings?: That’s quite possibly that Digimon episode where Yamato (Matt) is lost in a snow blizzard and finds refugee in a cave, but he’s still too cold and shivering, so his digimon, Gabumon, takes off his... fur coat, whatever that was, and covers Yamato so that he wouldn’t freeze to death. I must have been around 6-7 at the time. Yamato ended up becoming one of my all-time favourite characters, as well as probably my very first whumpee - being subjected to as much whump as a 7yo could make up XD
When and how was it that you realized “Hey, I’m not so messed up in the head!” and that there’s a definition and community for this sort of thing?: Well I have killian-whump to thank for that. I distinctly remember going through my notes of my non-whump blog one day, and seeing a “killian-whump liked your post” note, and an icon with Killian from 5x13, with blood on his face and all that. I was intrigued, and checked her blog. Kinda got shocked at first, wondering how she would even like that that much, even if she clearly said she loved the guy... but I couldn’t stop visiting her blog, even with the 80 posts or so she had at the time, so I ended up following her. I don’t remember exactly how things went, to be honest... but I started chatting with her, then I made some gifs for her blog that she posted “anonymously“... then ended up making this blog, unable to keep all my whump thoughts secret. The rest is history :P
What’s your favorite whump trope?: Oh, man. My first impulse is to say clutching their chest, partly because of broken ribs or something, partly because there’s a wound there they’re trying to keep from bleeding out. I couldn’t really choose, I think. I also love spiritual possession and sexual whump...
What’s a whump trope that you hate?: I’m gonna copy killian-whump’s answer to that, pretty much, and answer with death, along with extreme gore and eye/fingernail torture.
What’s your favorite whumped character?: I haven’t really explored the character of many whumpees, and even my original ones sound shallow now, but currently it’s Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time. Apart from the fact that I’d been loving the character to bits, he then went and got marvellously tortured, being a perfect little defiant stoic woobie... How could I not?
What’s that whumped scene(s) that you’ve watched over and over again. (We know you do it and we understand): I’m so glad there’s that little “s” over there because I’d feel so bad if I had to choose... *cracks knuckles*
- Pretty much everything with Killian in OUAT, over and over again, but I’ll put these below, where I was rewatching them before I realized what whump is and that it’s okay to like it.
- That scene in 2x11 where Gold beats the hell out of Hook, and though there’s not that much blood, for me it’s also marvellously angsty as well, so I remember watching that one a lot.
- That scene in 4x15 where Ursula wraps Hook in her tentacles and squeezes him a bit.
- I almost forgot the heart theft and heart squeezing scenes from 4x08 to 4x11 and I feel ashamed. How could I?!
- Jamie’s rape and torture scenes in Outlander 1x16 (is that the episode?)
- One specific lady whump scene in Game of Thrones 1x02. I’m on the verge of feeling bad because of how many times I’ve watched that one.
Bullet or stab wounds?: Stab wounds, cause they’re usually bigger and you need more hands than one to stop the bleeding, and the hands get all messy and bloody... yes. I am actually a bit bummed that Wish Hook got stabbed, but in his memories as Rogers, he remembers being shot. And I’m like... why you gotta change this?? Let me enjoy my preferable whump when headcanoning about him! XD
Fevers or Hypothermia?: Oh, I love the classic “sweating like crazy and trembling and being covered with a blanket and maybe being a bit delirious” thing, so yeah. One of my favourite parts in The Hunger Games is Katniss describing how Peeta behaved while burning with fever.
Emotional or physical?: Well, obviously, both, but if I had to choose, I’d choose emotional, preferably over past physical whump. I mean, there’s a reason I’ve written 11k and 9k words for two different fics respectively, focusing on the aftermath of heavy whump. If mainstream media ain’t gonna show me whumpees having PTSD, I’mma do it myself.
Injured and asks for help or tries to cover it up?: TRIES TO COVER IT UP. I have such a huge love for stoic whumpees, as I mentioned above... one scene in my first big “original” idea for a story has the whumpee injured somewhere on his upper back and leaning on a wall, while his sister is talking to him, oblivious to the fact that he’s bleeding to death because the whumpee refuses to take his jacket off... until he pushes himself off the wall and walks away, and his sister, to her horror, sees blood on the wall and asks him what the hell’s going on, and before he manages to say anything, he collapses. I just love this kind of shit so much - but my absolute fave is them ending up collapsing and being forced to ask for help, barely getting the words out because they’re in too much pain by now.
Lastly, does anyone know about this addiction of yours?: Apart from people here, technically, no. A friend once said she was writing a story which was an OC going through torture and stuff, so I guess she likes whump too without realizing it. However we never happened to talk about it since, but I guess she got that I’m also kinda into it? But you know, we haven’t actually discussed it in detail.
I’mma tag @hookaroo for this one ;)
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