#am i allowed to like women enough to make them interesting characters rather than the mommy the gamer bros never got
wraith-caller · 3 months
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comradekatara · 4 months
Interesting. In your vision, would it have fit more if Mako had been Bolin's agent instead of his teammate? An agent who just so happened to be crazy good at fire bending himself? Bolin could soak up the spotlight, Mako would work behind the scenes on his behalf, just as later he would do the same for Korra. I like your thoughts on Mako being autistic, but I still feel like he needs to bring something unique. Maybe he's the team's spy or organizer?
okay so reiterate for the thousandth time, when i talk about "rewriting" lok to make it good, i'm not suggesting tweaks to the mechanics of the plot to "improve" it, but rather to tease out the preexisting implications of the narrative to make it as compelling as it has the potential to be. when i say that mako could better function to critique the patriarchal neoliberal system that necessitates familial order and exploitation of the marginalized/underclasses to operate, i'm not saying that his position in the show would necessarily need to change, but that his role already suggests these critiques, and that the writers simply lacked the insight to explore their own implications properly. just as when i say that bolin could better function to critique the neocolonial implications of republic city through his relationship to his earthbending as a mixed child, or that the implications of asami's abusive upbringing should have been teased out in a meaningful way, i am not suggesting that the structural elements of their characters be changed, but rather that those elements that are already established simply be explored properly.
mako being a pro-athlete in book 1 actually makes a lot of sense, because unlike bolin, who enjoys the attention such a profession brings (again, could that be tied to his formative trauma of being dismissed and ostracized by society due to his poverty and orphanhood? perhaps!!!!!), mako allows himself to be physically and financially exploited for the possibility of relative stability. before getting this gig, he was homeless, and so allowing himself to be exploited and put his body at risk for the chance to live under a roof (the gym where he works) for the first time since early childhood is his primary motivation for continuing to allow his own exploitation. obviously there are secondary factors, like the fact that he gets to bond with his brother doing something that bolin enjoys, the fact that he's being appreciated for his skillset by beautiful, powerful women (again how many times do i have to say that mako is innocent for fumbling korra and asami like i'm sorry but you would all fumble them too), the fact that he's been reintegrated into a more acceptable social form (by which i mean, no longer doing the books for a street gang). but we see that he doesn't actually make enough money in this career to support himself, that he's being financially exploited as well as physically (we even see him take a second job doing factory labor even more exploitative than the first), so the perks are largely the relative stability (of a nonetheless highly exploitative job) compared to his prior life experiences.
this is an interesting tension! the fact that mako feels like it makes more sense to choose asami over korra due to her wealth (as if korra isn't also immensely materially privileged, which mako even points out to her) is also interesting! book 1 does establish these tensions in mako's character, but never actually goes anywhere with it (hint: the issue rhymes with "shmapitalism"), which is the actual problem. he's not "boring" because his character is weak, but because the actually fascinating implications the writers establish with his character kept being negated by their own poor writing. if the structural critiques being implied throughout lok weren't constantly being veiled by a revolving door of wacky yet forgettable side characters and confusing ideological implications muddling our understanding of its own thesis, the show had the potential to be really good. the animation and music is gorgeous, the fight scenes are beautifully choreographed, the protagonist is deeply lovable, and there are enough compelling aspects to the show buried beneath the rubble of its own failures that teasing them out is genuinely worth exploring. mako, as an ostensible primary character whose role nonetheless largely feels like filler despite being highly compelling on paper, is one such example. so no, i would not change his character, i would simply give him the necessary room to shine.
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frankie-bell · 7 months
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An Essay Exploring Psycho-Pass's Most Controversial Character
I know I’m opening a huge, slimy can of worms and potentially incurring the wrath of half the Psycho-Pass fandom, but I feel compelled to share my feelings on Mika Shimotsuki and how I believe she serves as a lightning rod for fan culture misogyny. Now, before I start, let me just say that this essay isn’t targeted at any one individual, and it’s just my personal opinion, which you are more than welcome to disagree with. I’d also like to stress that, despite my love for Mika’s character, I’m going to try my very best to approach this topic from an academic standpoint rather than an emotional one. I recently picked Parasocial Relationships and their effect on female celebrities and fictional characters as a thesis for my Gender and Media course, and it really got me thinking about this anime in particular, so here we go…
Let’s tackle the female side of things first, because it’s the one that shocks and disappoints me the most. Don’t get me wrong -- I think fandoms with a strong female presence are awesome, complex, uplifting, and oftentimes incredibly positive and inclusive spaces. I love being a female genre fan and interacting with other female genre fans. That said, I’ve noticed female fandom can sometimes fall prey to online bullying and misogynistic groupthink when it comes to (a) female characters they find arrogant, bossy, mean, etc. and (b) female characters who are positioned as potential love interests for their collective male "blorbos," "husbandos," "faves," whatever the term may be. These two things very often overlap, which I’ll touch on later, but for now, let’s talk about the first point.
There was a big movement online several years ago urging creators to “let women be mean. Let them be angry. Let them be petty and complex and difficult. Let them be messy.” I fully support this idea in both theory and practice and wish it were that simple, but unfortunately, it’s not, because uncomfortably large swaths of fandom don’t like/appreciate unapologetically mean female characters the way they do male characters. Men in fiction are allowed to be cutthroat, selfish, cruel, narcissistic, arrogant, and even evil without garnering even a fraction of the judgement that female characters receive for simply being “difficult” or “unlikable.”
Take, for instance, Shougo Makishima. The Psycho-Pass fandom at large adores this character (myself included), despite the fact that he’s a remorseless sociopath who touts the importance of free will as a wholesale excuse for murder. He is a bad person, full-stop, and yet he garners love -- even sympathy -- in abundance. He’s the subject of fawning fan fiction, chibi art, thirst tweets, and endless Reddit analysis. Fans are capable of seeing him, murderous warts and all, as a product of the warped dystopian society Sibyl has created. But Mika? Nope. Just “a bitch, a whiner, an arrogant little girl who deserves to get slapped in the mouth.” (I am not making this up. These are the type of comments I see *female* fans making left and right about her character). She receives far more hate for giving up the location of Akane’s grandmother as a blackmailed, frightened teenager than Makishima does for slashing Yuki’s throat or blowing up Masaoka. Hell, she catches more heat for Akane’s grandmother than Sakuya Togane, the woman’s actual murderer and -- I can’t stress this enough -- a 41-year-old adult man.
Now, I know what some of you are thinking -- Makishima and Togane are villains, so their personality flaws (putting it lightly) and horrible actions are essential to the narrative and indicative of good storytelling. We’re meant to “love to hate them.” All correct, and yet this doesn’t change or excuse the fact that their standing in the fandom, when compared to the equally complex and emotionally fractured Mika, is textbook pernicious misogyny. But, for the sake of argument, let’s compare Mika to another character ostensibly on the side of good -- Nobuchika Ginoza. [Note: Ginoza is my favorite character in Psycho-Pass, and any commentary regarding his PP1 shittiness is made with pure love and appreciation for him and nuanced character growth in general.]
When we first meet Ginoza, he is rude, terse, unyielding, intellectually smug, and totally unforgiving of those closest to him. He’s a brilliant character, and his behavior, no matter how insufferable and seemingly cruel, is the result of compounded trauma -- the trauma of having his father ripped away when he was only nine, the trauma of being unfairly judged for the “sins” of said latent criminal father, the trauma of his mother numbing her pain with medication and eventually becoming something akin to a human corpse, the trauma of finding a new support system and best friend in Kougami only to once again be “abandoned” for the other side of the law. In many ways, he’s still a hurt child lashing out at the world, unwilling to see it for the complicated, morally gray place that it is, because being mad is easier. Telling himself that Enforcers are nothing more than dogs for him to guide and use as shields is easier. Blindly trusting the judgements handed down by Sibyl is easier.
In this way, he and Mika are remarkably similar. When she first joins the MWPSB, she’s a 17-year-old minor whose best friend (and probably first love) was dismembered by a latent criminal under the direction of a serial killer disguising himself as a teacher -- a trusted authority figure. She’s filled with guilt and self-loathing over her failure to act, and the easiest way for her to sort out her feelings and ensure the same thing doesn’t happen again is to harden herself to all latent criminals. Distrusting them, treating them as “other,” is her form of self-preservation. Yes, it makes her come across as mean, as closed-minded, as unlikable, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s good storytelling, and it presents her with plenty of potential for growth, which she is certainly given.
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[Upon discovering that her best friend, fellow Oso Academy student Kagami Kawarazaki, has been murdered by Rikako Oryo, Mika breaks down in tears, blaming herself for the tragedy. This is the moment her distrust of latent criminals is solidified.]
But, unlike Ginoza (a 28-year-old adult man), over half the fandom decided that Mika was so awful, so totally unforgivable, such a “heinous cunt,” that they were unwilling to allow her the time and space to grow beyond her trauma and immaturity. But why? Is it because we’ve been taught to judge women, even fictional ones, based on a different set of criteria than men? I think the answer is obvious, and I urge fans who dislike Mika’s character with such intensity to seriously examine their reasoning. I don’t mean to say that she’s infallible (hardly) or that it’s wrong to dislike her. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and no one person’s take is more valid than another’s, but it’s definitely something to think about in the larger conversation that is media analysis.
Which brings me to Akane Tsunemori, someone who fits all the abovementioned criteria for a “likeable” female character. [Another note: I love Akane, and none of this is meant to disparage her. I am simply trying to point out that she’s a more easily digestible female when viewed through the patriarchal lens of pop culture.] She’s smart but not arrogant about it, strong-willed but never disagreeable, empathetic but not easily led by her emotions, and most importantly, she’s always kind to the fandom’s male faves. She is, in almost every way, trademark "Best Girl" material, and Mika is her foil (at least in PP2). She’s set up to be the anti-Akane, both in personality and narrative function. If Akane trusts someone, Mika doesn’t. If Akane wants to bend the rules, Mika is rigid in upholding them. If Akane isn’t afraid of clouding her Hue, Mika is downright terrified.
Though it’s never stated outright, she probably hoped her senior Inspector would serve as a mentor figure, yet we see none of that from Akane, who often abandons Mika to chase down seemingly wild leads and appears to be stuck in the past, yearning for the original Division 01. (Mika even says as much to Ginoza in a novelization of the first film.) On top of that, I think it’s important to remember that we’re predisposed to side with Akane, as she is both our POV protagonist *and* the hero of the narrative. We have unprecedented access to her private moments, motivations, and methodology. We know she means well and trust that her unconventional strategy will pay off in the end. Mika does not. All she knows is that her direct superior is habitually breaking the rules, overloading her team with what feels like excessive busywork, and ignoring the more bureaucratic side of the job in favor of unconventional/unsanctioned detective work. If I’m being perfectly honest, I would also be submitting concerned reports to my boss.
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[When Akane blatantly disregards Sibyl's judgement of bomber Akira Kitazawa, talking him down from a Crime Coefficient of 302 to 299, Mika confronts her for putting both their colleagues and nearby civilians in danger. This later proves to be the right call, as Kitazawa attacks Inspector Risa Aoyanagi and escapes police custody.]
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[While investigating Kirito Kamui, Akane keeps her suspicions/theories close to the chest, leaving Mika and the rest of Division 01 in the dark as to her game plan.]
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[Although Akane's decision to entrust Hinakawa with all 185 Halos proves to be the right one, it's understandable why Mika is taken aback by her placing so much responsibility on a single subordinate -- especially one with Hinakawa's history.]
Now, that’s not to say Mika’s feelings about Akane are purely altruistic. She’s definitely jealous of her senior Inspector and resents her standing within the Bureau, which makes her behave in ways both petty and vindictive. But I’d argue that this, too, is understandable, if not wholly forgivable, when viewed through Mika’s eyes. Picture this: You’re the youngest-ever recruit to a highly coveted position. You follow protocol to a T, are deferential to your superiors, and show a genuine aptitude for the job. Even your callousness toward the Enforcers (again, your childhood best friend was butchered by a latent criminal) is in accordance with Sybil’s will. Shitty, yes, but standard for someone raised within the Orwellian hellscape of 2100s Japan. And yet, everyone around you prefers your senior Inspector. Your subordinates defer to her when you’re the officer in charge (Hinakawa) and even help her game the system (Ginoza). The Chief tells you you’re boring, but displays obvious favoritism toward her. This severely harms your self-esteem and colors the way you interact with everyone around you. After all, it’s hard to feel like a valued member of the team when you’re being undermined and lectured at every turn. This doesn’t excuse Mika’s behavior, and if she didn’t evolve, I might understand some of the hate, but she does evolve. Spectacularly. She’s just not Akane, and that’s okay.
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[While dealing with the hostage situation in PP2, Mika notices Hinakawa working on something off to the side. When she confronts him about it, he admits that he's acting on Akane's orders, even though Mika is technically the officer in charge.]
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[A similar incident occurs in Sinners of the System: Case. 1, when Ginoza shoots down Mika's (admittedly ridiculous) plan, which she interprets as him once again siding with Akane over her.]
Again, this is good storytelling at work, and you can acknowledge that these two women are diametrically opposed and still appreciate -- hell, even like -- both of them for the well-written characters they are. After all, most Psycho-Pass fans like both Kougami and Ginoza in PP1 despite their many differences, not to mention the fact that Ginoza is (and I say this with love) a giant asshole. Let’s not forget, he was *this close* to microwaving Kougami at Chief Kasei’s behest. You can tell yourself he wouldn’t have, but are you sure? Are you really sure? But we forgive him, because he’s a man. Anyway, back to Akane and Mika. For reasons I’ll never understand, many fans find it borderline impossible to love two women with beef, whether it’s one-sided or mutual. There can only be one Best Girl, and everyone better be on her team. It reminds me of the Sansa vs. Daenerys discourse that gripped the Game of Thrones fandom in its last few seasons. This is doubly ridiculous in Psycho-Pass’s case, because Akane and Mika come to trust, respect, and depend on each other. But people decided to hate this 19-year-old forever, so none of that matters.
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[Notice how Ginoza's gaze narrows ominously in the last frame, suggesting he might actually have pulled the trigger, thereby killing his best friend, had Akane not intervened.]
Now, let’s return to my earlier point about certain fans irrationally hating any female character they deem unworthy of their blorbo, husbando, etc. This is where Parasocial Relationships become extremely interesting. As mentioned above, Ginoza is my favorite character in Psycho-Pass, which I think is pretty common. While I myself have never been one for self-insertion or creating OCs to pair with my favorite characters, I understand that it’s a popular trend, and if you enjoy it, more power to you. It becomes problematic, however, when those who engage in self-shipping/OC-shipping decide to collectively gang up on the female character creators have paired (or hinted at pairing) with the object of their affection. Enter GinoMika. Now, I know what you’re thinking -- “But Mika’s a lesbian!” I don’t necessarily agree. Do I think she was in love with her best friend at Oso Academy? Yes. Do I think she had a crush on Yayoi at the beginning of PP2? Yes. Do I also think it’s obvious she currently has feelings for Ginoza, which have been steadily growing since Sinners of the System? Absolutely. For this reason, I interpret her as being both bisexual and demisexual. But that’s beside the point --
The point is that many Ginoza fans who ship him with themselves, their OCs, or Akane (remember, she’s Best Girl) seem to enjoy trashing on Mika like it’s an Olympic sport. And when I say “trashing,” I don’t mean your normal yet still disappointing level of ship nonsense; I mean unhinged, violent rhetoric that makes me feel like the Internet is a place where women can never win. And why? Because she was mean to him when she first started working for the MWPSB? As if he was oh-so-kind to the Enforcers who worked under him. I seem to recall him screaming at his father and threatening to “make him pay” for visiting his sick wife without permission. Oh, and then there was the time he introduced Akane to her new colleagues by telling her, “Don’t think that the guys you’re about to meet are humans like us.” But yes, Mika once told him that she didn’t want his opinion as a latent criminal, which is so much worse. And before you can say that she’s still a bitch to him, let me point out that she is a textbook tsundere. That’s how she flirts, shows affection, etc. She can never come right out and say what she means, because that would make her vulnerable. But she can surreptitiously tell Ginoza he better come back alive by insisting he return her special Dominator. You know, because it would be a real hassle if she had to replace that thing.
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[The language Ginoza uses when introducing Akane to the Enforcers, including his own best friend and father, is deeply dehumanizing.]
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[When Aoyanagi takes Masaoka to visit his estranged wife, Ginoza reacts with explosive anger, reprimanding his father in front of their colleagues and threatening to retaliate should he do it again.]
Which brings us, at long last, to the male portion of the fandom. While many female fans like to call Mika out for her more negative character traits, completely ignoring any and all growth she’s experienced since PP2, male fans tend to direct their anger, dislike, etc. in a much more aggressive manner. I wish I was exaggerating when I say that I’ve seen multiple posts praying for Mika’s rape and subsequent murder. You can’t dive into a single “Season 4 Wish List” thread without finding at least one person wishing extreme ill on Mika Shimotsuki. It's pure misogyny, classic “I’ll fuck the bitch right out of her” rhetoric, and it has no place in this fandom or any other. You would never see a male character being talked about in these terms. Consider this: There’s more fan fiction featuring Mika being raped or coerced into sex by her tormentor, Sakuya Togane, than her having a positive, consensual experience with any other character. Love her or hate her, that is extremely fucked up. We as a fandom need to do better, because once this type of misogyny can be weaponized against fictional characters, it becomes much easier to use against real people. Fan culture, though it might seem trivial, says a lot about us and our values.
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[This is just a sampling of the comments you'll find on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, and other social media sites.]
That said, I’d like to end this essay on a more positive note, so let’s take a look at all the ways in which Mika has become a better, more compassionate human being over the course of the series...
By PP3, she shows obvious concern for her Enforcers, values their opinions, and treats them like integral members of her team. In an especially cute scene, she even fist-bumps Tenma Todoroki after they work seamlessly to defeat Koichi Azusawa’s henchmen. She also makes a point to attend the party thrown in the Enforcers’ quarters, as she now longs to be part of the gang -- a gang she would have actively shunned in PP2. 
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[During First Inspector, Mika shows time and again that she's willing to work with and for her Enforcers.]
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[As Chief, Mika realizes that Enforcers deserve respect and gratitude from their superiors. They are no longer dogs to her.]
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[In PP2, Mika tells Ginoza she doesn't care what the Enforcers think of her. By PP3, however, we see her display concern that her team might find her dull. She wants to be liked and accepted by them.]
She becomes far more flexible with her co-workers, allowing Inspectors Arata Shindo and Kei Mikhail Ignatov plenty of freedom to conduct investigations as they see fit. Yes, she consistently scolds them (textbook tsundere behavior), but this is done in a manner far more humorous than anything else. We know she actually trusts them and has their best interests at heart; she just can’t bring herself to say it aloud. She also repeatedly takes heat from Chief Hosorogi on their behalf and is genuinely worried for Arata when it seems like Sibyl might “eliminate” him. The palpable relief on her face when she finds out he’s allowed to remain an Inspector speaks volumes.
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[Throughout PP3, Mika allows Kei and Arata to play to their individual strengths, even if it means bending the rules -- something she would never have done in PP2 or the first film.]
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[Just look at that excited face. No caption necessary.]
She goes out of her way to make sure the immigrant prostitutes saved by religious leader Joseph Auma are protected following his death. This is an especially big deal, since many of these individuals are latent criminals, and Mika is forced to ask her newfound nemesis, Frederica Hanashiro, for a favor in order to secure their safety. When she tries to pretend it’s no big deal, Frederica calls her bluff by pointing out that no one would stoop to asking someone they hate for help in order to protect people whose fates they don’t care about.
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[Even though Mika detests Frederica, she puts the well-being of the immigrants before her own pride.]
In Sinners of the System: Case. 1, her distrust of latent criminals is permanently altered after dealing with Izumi Yasaka, whom she works tirelessly to rescue and comes to view as brave, capable, and worthy of reintegration into society. She also displays genuine concern for and lack of discrimination toward Takeya Kukuri, the young son of a latent criminal, and is horrified to discover that the latent criminal inmates at Sanctuary are being used as disposable tools to move nuclear waste canisters.
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[Sinners of the System: Case. 1 marks a decided shift in the way Mika views latent criminals. Instead of lumping them all together, she begins to see them as individuals who deserve basic human rights.]
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[Even though Mika is unable to save all the latent criminals at Sanctuary, she does everything in her power to ensure Yasaka and Takeya walk away clean.]
When Enforcer Mao Kisaragi turns out to be the “fox within the CID,” Mika and the rest of Division 01 are united in supporting her claim of innocence. Mika trusts (without concrete proof, mind you) that she’s telling the truth about being an unwitting accomplice, something she never would have done in PP2 or even the first film.  
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[While the old Mika would have been the first person to distrust Kisaragi, here we see her standing up for the beleaguered Enforcer.]
She comes to respect Division 01 (Akane, Ginoza, Sugo, Hinakawa, Kunizuka, and Shion), views them as a surrogate family, and misses them once their unit is disbanded. In Sinners of the System: Case. 3, Frederica Hanashiro, who temporarily worked as part of their unit, says, “CID Division 01… They’re not just capable; they have a rare teamwork that overcomes the barrier between Inspectors and Enforcers.” Yes, this is mostly due to Akane’s guiding influence, but it’s clear Frederica is talking about the whole team. It’s taken Mika years to get there, but she is now definitely part of the group, not a jealous outsider looking in. In fact, even Mika’s obvious dislike of Frederica in PP3 is a clear result of this affection. After finally finding a place to belong, she feels as though Frederica swooped in and stole her found family, leaving her right back where she started -- on the outside.
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[Though she'll never admit it, Mika views Ginoza as both a mentor and a friend. When he leaves the PSB to join SAD/MOFA, she misses having him around.]
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[During her lowest moment in PP2, a jealous Mika actually hopes that Akane's Hue will darken. In Sinners of the System: Case. 2, she pleads with her to take her own safety more seriously. It's clear a big change has occurred in the intervening years.]
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[Instead of feeling constant competition with Akane, by PP3, Mika is finally able to give her her due. It's clear they trust and respect each other despite their many differences.]
She’s grown from an immature young woman who couldn’t bring herself to take responsibility for her failures -- most notably her involvement in Akane’s grandmother’s murder -- to a responsible PSB Chief who holds herself accountable for anything that goes wrong with her Inspectors and Enforcers. This is most evident in her reaction to Koichi Azusawa taking control of Nona Tower and subsequently endangering the lives of MWPSB faculty and agents. We first see inklings of this change near the end of PP2, when Kunizuka tells Mika she’ll never forgive the person who gave up Aoi Tsunemori’s location, and Mika responds in kind. It’s clear that she’s not merely parroting a response to save her own skin but is deeply troubled and filled with regret over her own actions.
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[In PP2, Mika is constantly blaming others for her mistakes. By First Inspector, she's owning mistakes she didn't even make.]
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[Mika trusts her team so much, she's willing to put her job on the line.]
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[Although Mika doesn't come clean to Kunizuka about her role in Aoi Tsunemori's death, it's clear she’s haunted by it. Later, when she confesses the truth to Ginoza, he admits to feeling a similar guilt over the way he treated his late father, telling Mika they'll have to bear their respective shame silently for the rest of their lives.]
And lastly, I believe the biggest example of Mika's growth can be found in what is arguably her most important relationship -- the one she shares with Ginoza. Whether you view them as mentor/mentee, begrudging friends, potential love interests, or all three, you can't deny that they have one of the most interesting and entertaining dynamics in the series. As mentioned above, when Mika first meets Ginoza, she views him as a cautionary tale. His demotion from Inspector to Enforcer is her worst nightmare, something that could conceivably happen to her, though she'll never admit it. Because of this, she treats him with hostility, disregarding his opinions and shunning his advice. But the longer they work together, the more we realize that Ginoza brings out the best in Mika -- and vice-versa. His calm, cool demeanor tempers her fiery spirit, and her enthusiasm makes him feel like he still has a purpose. By the time PP3 rolls around, he's become her #1 confidant, the person she calls whenever she has intel to share, grievances to air, etc. And you can't deny that Mika is the one person who makes Ginoza funny. Their flirtatious banter is genuinely charming and shows the softer, more human side of both their characters.
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[Given her history with latent criminals, Mika refuses to listen to Ginoza, even when he's coming from a place of experience and genuinely trying to help her.]
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[After working together for several years, Mika learns to value Ginoza's opinion and even feels proud when he compliments her.]
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[During the Sanctuary case, Ginoza admits to both Akane and himself that being an Enforcer isn't so bad, as long as Mika is the one calling the shots. He knows she has a good heart, and working for her reminds him why he joined the MWPSB in the first place.]
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[Notice how Mika's body language changes from PP2 to Sinners of the System. She now looks at Ginoza with appreciation and, in certain instances, affection. The fact that he views her the same way speaks volumes about how far their relationship has come.]
If you made it to the end of this mammoth post, thank you for sticking with me. Hopefully, we can all treat Mika with a little more patience, kindness, and respect when PP4 arrives.
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gidaryeong · 4 months
2023 drama roundup
Unchained Love: I still hum the unhinged flute intro on a regular basis, easily my fave intro of 2023! I didn't actually finish the show due to dwindling interest, but for the first 14 episodes or so I took a keen pleasure in it (and it made me go on a eunuch webnovel spree, expertly curated by @mercipourleslivres). I love it when heroines are allowed to be truly funny, rather than just quirky or ditzy. Also appreciate the goofy Lamp Prince turning into a brutal incel tyrant the moment he got power.
Six Flying Dragons: I don't think I can write anything succinct enough for the roundup format so I direct you to my "my sfd tag" if you want to access my enthused livetweeting. Show of all times, lives were changed.
Tree with Deep Roots: I literally can't think of a better topic for a tv show than Sejong the Great constructing hangul together with his band of nerds, one of whom he has a weirdly intense, vaguely erotic relationship with. Han Suk-kyu carried this entire show on his trembling shoulders. What an actor! What range!!! It was such a treat to watch him smugly debate his ministers, roleplay a farmer, and hiss half-mad soliloquies to himself in the dark. It took nuance and depth to portray the kind of inner conflicts and generational trauma that Sejong battles in the background of this drama. To be honest I didn't always enjoy the Milbon subplot which I felt got repetitive, and often found myself wanting to fast-forward the wuxia scenes. In a better world the show would have centered the whip-smart palace maids and their alphabet workshops. But I will definitely rewatch this soon. And maybe also write a fix-it where Sejong and Soo-yi fuck idk.
Quartet: Cute little murder mystery about a found family of freaks, liked it a lot.
My Country: The New Age: As entertaining as ever. Very fun to rewatch this back to back with Tree with Deep Roots, since Jang Hyuk plays diametrically opposite characters with the same vigor and commitment.
Gone with the Rain: Sometimes you watch something which you understand is technically a masterpiece but it doesn't do anything for you, and sometimes you watch a piece of campy silly fun and it makes you tingle with joy. This was the latter category for me. I liked the first and middle parts enough to make up for the lukewarm fizzle of an ending.
The Autumn Ballad: Has some fucked up elements that are difficult to stomach, but the parts that are good are really good.
Not Others: Bingeable! But imo they could have cut out the stalker/murder cases and just focused on the excellent family drama.
The Matchmakers: This surprisingly swooped in towards the end of the year as my favorite comedy of 2023, all thanks to a rec by @haraxvati. I adore Cho Yi-hyun in this role!!! She is so hot as a shrewd matchmaker with a fake mole and a twinkle in her eye. Love the virgin prince with his yearning-induced panic attacks (Rowoon didn't work for me in The King's Affection in a quite similar role, but he's so much weirder and lamer here, which is something I like in a man). I am obsessed with the side plot of the crossdressing romance novelist and the solemn police officer who is trying to capture her and ends up giving her free home renovations and smouldering looks instead. Also, Park Ji-Young and Lee Hae-Young are two of my favorite villain actors on their own, and here they are married!! Still have a few episodes to go, but I intend to binge them as soon as I post this.
Dramas I dropped or paused:
Our Blossoming Youth: I shipped the heroine and her cute maidservant a little too much to bear the dull prince they stuck her with. But I might rewatch it some day bc I want to write a Sherlock Holmes fic for the girls.
Little Women: A real disappointment, because I love Louisa May Alcott and I love Jeong Seo-kyeong. Once again, letting the women kiss might have solved much of it.
Island: Casting Kim Nam-gil as an expressionless cool-guy action hero offends me personally. (Yes Song of the Bandits I'm giving you the stinky eye also.) But Lee Da-hee and Cha Eun-woo were delightful!
See you in my 19th life: I couldn't, even for my most darling Shin Hye-sun, go beyond episode 1. There's something about a kid dating another kid even though she's a literal adult inside her brain that I can't really vibe with.
My Dearest: I do intend to finish this, but I lost the thread after the first half. It got a little too dark for me I think.
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I finally read again today, chapters 34-39 this time
Usually I read these books in german while on the bus but today I forgot my book, but fortunately, I had some time to go to the library and they had it, but only in english. And since I was sitting at a table with my phone, I was able to take notes live as I read, and I'd like to share those with you rather than doing what I usually do and trying to sum up all of my thoughts a few hours later
Chapter 35:
the fact that NO ONE in the summer court recognized Feyre is absolutely ridiculous, it really is like her accomplishments from the first just vanished, no wonder so many people recommend just skipping ahead to MAF i bet that would make the reading experience wayyyyy less frustrating
shes cursing herself from being so out of shape despite Cassian's 'lessons' and that reminds me, at the start of ACOMAF her internal monologue and other characters kept remarking on how thin and frail she had become and I dont think its come up since she started staying at the NC permanently, great mental health rep girlie
"I let instinct, no doubt granted from Rhys, guide me forward." Come onnnnnnnn, can Feyre not be cool on her own for one (1) moment
"Amarathan did not break that kindness [from before UTM]." no, but Rhys sure did
Once again, Feyre is horrified at her violating Tarquin's mind, rightfully so, and yet she continues to hang out with His Majesty, The King of Violating Minds
Rhys tells Feyre that she "thinks like an Illyrian", which is very strange to me given that Illyrian women are literally not allowed to do anything other than housework and Illyrian men are seemingly all violent misogynists whom Rhys hates
Chapter 36:
"I'd bet they wouldn't have handed over that book" but you didnt ask them though??? Like, they couldve just told Tarquin about their plans, he seems reasonable enough, even if Cresseida and Varian dont agree, he as high lord should be able to override their opinions easily and if that doesnt work out THEN you can go ahead and steal it. Sure, maybe they wouldve trippled security and/or thrown them out of the SC but that should hardly be an obstacle for The Most Powerful Highlord In The History Of Prythian and his eldritch girl best friend
Okay, so Rhysand did pack illyrian leathers for her which is nice, but still, I see no reason why Feyre had to wear dresses for this (and be okay with wearkng dresses when she absolutely wasnt at the start of ACOMAF) when the NC clearly has more feminine fashion involving pants
Theres lead in this vaguely medieval fantasy world?? And theyve had for like centuries?? That seems weird to me I'll have to look into that i think
Okay, so Feyre shapeshifted into Tarquin and she says that she didnt let any part of herself that wasnt Tarquin shine through while she opened the books locks, but those shapeshifting powers are Tamlin's though. That has some very interesting implications but tbh idk if I trust sjm to have thought about it that much
"I am summer; I am sea and sun and green things" that just sounds kinda silly, also I feel like it shouldve been "I am sea and sun and golden sand" given the beach vibes that the Summer Court has
Chapter 37:
note to self: lookup what Leshon Hakodesh is exactly bc theres no way its not some random mythological term that sjm is just dropping into her world [edit: its just the jewish term for 'the Holy Tongue', im not gonna question the implications of that any more than im gonna question the existence of Nyx as a minor goddess or something in this world]
Rhysand doesnt tells anyone jackshit and Cassian is ready to stab Amren if she dares go against him, why are these jokers friends again?
Chapter 38:
granted, its been a while since I read this book and my memory isnt the best, but why exactly does Rhysand need to keep the 'why' of their mission secret? wasnt their mission just to find the cauldron before Hybern does and prevent a war with prythian and the human world?? I guess maybe Rhys doesnt wanna reveal his secret goodness or whatever, but he couldve just had Feyre act as some kind of emissary to the rest of Prythian, like, just have her pretend this is information she found out by herself at the Night Court and have her relay it to the other courts, Feyre has saved them before they have no reason not to listen to her
"'I think Tarquin wanted to be my friend.'" question, is Tarquin/Rhys a thing? Obviously Rhys doesnt deserve Tarquin but idk, there could be something there I think. they have some nice aesthetic contrasts
why would Feyre say stuff like "mother above" when thats not a deity she believed in for most of her life? Like, I already talked about how Feyre clearly had the impulse to pray in ACOTAR she just didnt do it because the names of the mortal gods have been long forgotten, but idk, I feel like her starting to embrace fae religion warrants more exploration. and fae religion in general warrants more exploration tbh
"'Its not the end of the world if you [make a mistake] every now and then'" hello??? Feyre, he made you steal from a man that has been nothing but kind to you for no reason and now theres a bounty on your heads!! And lets not forget that Rhys, Amren and Feyre are all highranking politicians in the night court, youre lucky the SC is too occupied with rebuilding itself to declare war on your asses
I keep saying this, its so infuriating how well Feyre and Rhysand already get along when theyve spent like, 2 or maybe 3 months if Im being very generous, worth of time together aside from their time UTM
god Feysand flirting is the most straight bullshit to ever straight bullshit I feel like im gonna die
Shes thinking about buying RED "lacy things" when that was meant to be a trigger for her, did no one edit this
"a sensual male voice chuckled with midnight laughter" istg the prose is so much worse in english
Feyre having to make herself focus to not look at Rhysand dick after he just had a horrible nightmare has the same energy as Bryce Crescent City thinking about how hot and muscular Hunt is while he just completely shut down because he had to kill someone
"The hole in my chest that was slowly starting to heal over" can you BE more unsubtle
Chapter 39:
Rhysand tattooing the symbol of the nightcourt onto both his knees because he "will bow for no one and nothing but his crown" is actually so funny, i wish he did more cringefail bullshit like that
I think out of all the inner circle relationships, I like Amren and Feyre the best so far and I absolutely do not believe that Cassian cares about Amren at all, much less sees her as family, that guy would kill her in a heartbeat if he could
forgive my aromanticness, but I really dont like the thing that Amren and Varian have going on, cant there be ONE character that doesnt have some stupid romance subplot in this world
Oh, so Mor telling Feyre very little of any specific plans they have is fine, but if someone from the spring court does it theyre the worst person ever
"[Cassian told me] that my family was full of bossy, know-it-all females" oh but hes sooooo much better than all those other illyrians who are all sexist brutes
Why are Beron and Helion the only ones with a last name
"[Strolling through Velaris with Mor] was perhaps my favorite, and the female certainly excelled at finding ways to spend money" are you fucking kidding me, are there actually people who consider a book with this kind of blatant 'women b shopping' bullshit to be feminist?
"'I wanted to protect my people, change the perceptions of the Illyrians, and eliminate the corruption that plagued the land'" wow Rhys and youve done such a good job at all of those things in the 500 years youve been on the throne
"[Tamlin] resented being High Lord — and maybe... maybe that was part of why the court had become what it was" ???? girlie what are you talking about, the spring court is fine right now it doesnt get destroyed until ACOWAR. which is also you fault
so Feyre is once again wearing a chiffon gown for political reasons when she could very well be wearing pants and shes completely fine with that. great
And Mor is wearing red and Feyre is completely unbothered by it, why give her a trigger like that if it just stops mattering the second shes out of the spring court
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bashsbooks · 1 year
Iron Widow Book Review
★★★★★ ~ 5 out of 5 stars
Due to its popularity on Tiktok and Tumblr, I have long heard rumors about Xiran Jay Zhao’s Iron Widow. I tend to be skeptical about social media hype, but after a friend recommended it to me personally, I added it to my to-read list, forgot about it for like a year, and then promptly remembered it when I was figuring out what books to read for my 2023 reading challenges. And as soon as I started reading, I was like, “Oh shit. I should’ve read this sooner.” 
Iron Widow lives up to the hype. Actually, it smashes through the hype and goes way past what I expected. Set in a futuristic alternative universe based on Chinese history and mythology, Iron Widow follows Xu Zetian as she volunteers to be a concubine-pilot, a deadly but supposedly necessary role required to power Chrysalises, which are basically giant supersuits used to fight off aliens. Concubine-pilots usually die in the process of powering Chrysalises, though their families are heavily compensated for this sacrifice. At the beginning of Iron Widow, Zetian is desperate to get vengeance for her sister was forced to become a concubine-pilot by their family - and then murdered by a male pilot before she could. (Interestingly enough, piloting the Chrysalises is not deadly for men - usually.) So Zetian volunteers with the ulterior motive of killing her sister’s murderer and quickly finds out that everything she knows - about the piloting system, gender and social dynamics, about the war - is a lie. 
Although the patriarchy is a primary antagonist in Iron Widow, not every man in the book sucks  sucks; in fact, Zetian manages to find not one but two love interests in Gao Yizhi, the son of the richest man in the country, and Li Shimin, a man who murdered his whole family (for good reasons, he’s valid) and is only being kept alive because he’s the best damn pilot in the war. As a hater of love triangles and a lover of fellow bisexual men, I am pleased to report that Yizhi and Shimin are also very interested in each other. 
Iron Widow contains such a nuanced and fascinating take on how the patriarchy fucks over everyone. Zetian is understandably upset with the way women are treated, but she learns over the course of the novel that things aren’t all sunshine and roses for men, either. This does not diminish her passion for fighting for women (and indeed, it is never really poised as a competition of who has it worse; it’s pretty clear that it’s by-and-large worse for women), but it allows her to see men as fellow humans rather than inherently The Enemy. 
Zetian is also disabled, having had her feet broken and bound from a young age to turn them into ‘lotus feet’, which are considered beautiful in her culture. She has trouble walking, even with the aid of a cane, and she constantly feels pain in her feet. This is a central aspect of her character, not an afterthought, and it’s woven into the novel thoughtfully. It parallels and interweaves with the novel’s exploration of gender and gendered expectations - much like Zetian cannot be reduced to the caricature of womanhood expected of her, nor can she be reduced to a caricature of her physical disability. Instead, the integration of these aspects into her character are complex. Her successes are not in spite of her womanhood and her bound feet, but because of them, and that makes her all the richer as a protagonist.
I love Iron Widow, and I’m happy to recommend it with a full 5 out of 5 stars. Its sequel, Heavenly Tyrant, comes out in August, and I can’t wait to read it. Xiran Jay Zhao, Iron Widow’s author, is here on Tumblr (@/xiranjayzhao) and they have already posted some Heavenly Tyrant memes to tide me over until then. (And if you like authors commenting on their books outside of the text, then I recommend following their Tumblr after you’ve finished Iron Widow.)
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mintacle · 1 year
The girl-coded thing was like, forever ago, but I just was thinking about how the victim brutally avenging themselves is a very girl-coded narrative? Like, the rape and revenge trope. Woman gets sexually assaulted (or some other form of survivable but violating violence like mutilation) but survives and wrecks bloody vengeance on behalf of herself. I don't know but a woman taking brutal and bloody revenge for herself rather than on behalf of someone adjacent to her seems far more common than the same story with a man, perhaps because it demands victimization of the protagonist as the inciting incident which people are way less comfortable doing to a male character. Heck, Jason's female sidekick from the Morrison run (which I know we all pretend didn't happen) has exactly that sort of origin where she's brutally mutilated by Professor Pyg, though admittedly it's not well-written enough to give Sasha much of an inner life or goals let alone a proper revenge arc. I think Jason is supposed to have brainwashed her somehow within the five seconds of meeting her. But it's a very female character sort of narrative I see a lot.
Ah! yes, it was like two months ago, which does feel like forever though. I am still an ardent believer in this, I just have this issue that I stupidly believe if I've said something once, then that ought to be enough. (wdym I have to promote my point? I explained it so well though??)
The revenge trope often falls onto female characters! Male-characters are "inspired to prevent what happened to them to happen to others"(Batman) or "trying to make the world better"(Batman, again) and generally encompass the idea that you can grow and move beyond your trauma (oh, look, again what people pretend Batman is!)
Female characters suffer from this old idea, as already expressed by that bitch Kant, that they don't act moral/immoral, but they ARE moral or immoral. It's a neat little way of thinking that allows you to trust that "women won't ever learn" but at the same time dismiss any moral virtue a woman does possess! How useful.
Which is also the way people act around Jason, this weird have-it-all between wanting to punish him and teach him, but at the same time knowing he is a "lost cause". And boy is that a typically feminine experience.
I haven't read Morrisson either, bc yeah duh, but I do think it would make a lot of sense for Jason to team-up with female characters. I'm most interested in seeing Jason and Stephanie work together.. boy, would they have a bunch to talk about.
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anoelleart · 8 months
What makes an antagonist? It's in the name: who or whatever works against your protagonist's aims. On first glace, that's the bag guy, the villain.
That's not entirely the case. The antagonist can be the main love interest, it can be society at large, in some fun cases, your antagonist and your protagonist are one and the same.
The villain is obvious, but the antagonist is more subtle. Plenty of villains show up in Part 1 of The Protolith:
Octavia, Charlotte's rival on the High Court
Charles, Charlotte's uncle who pressures her into marriage
Lorraine, Charlotte's mother-in-law (enough said)
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Are any of them the antagonist? Regardless, here's an excerpt with Octavia, my resident mean girl:
“This wine is gorgeous, but one just goes straight to my head!” Octavia laughed lightly. “It is lovely to see you,” Charlotte replied. Though Nathaniel stood across the room, she nearly felt his hand – like that of a ghost – on her waist, tightening its ghastly grip on her side. “As it is you,” Octavia replied. She sipped her champagne slowly. Then, she sighed and looked back toward the staircase. Half of the debutantes had finally reached the bottom – soon, they would dance. “This is my favorite day of the season.” “It’s a treat, indeed.” Charlotte forced a smile.  Octavia placed a hand to her chest. “I remember my debut like it was yesterday. Three years ago. I felt rather old, just nineteen – but the other women! As young as sixteen! Goodness, I cannot imagine debuting so young.” “Perhaps we should not allow it so young.” “Oh, I could never deprive them the thrill!” The debutantes began to dance. They paired up, open palm to open palm, walking in careful circles before a twirl. “If I recall correctly, we were meant to debut the same year.” Charlotte did not reply. Her energy went instead to tightening her lips so they might smile rather than speak. “I was delighted when I learned you’d be in attendance. But then, they called your name only to see an empty stair. I was distraught.” Octavia placed her hand on Charlotte’s arm. “Once again, the wisest woman there. I could not be consoled.” “I can imagine.” Charlotte shrugged. “I am so lucky to have found my dear Nathaniel. When I was your age, I had prepared my life for spinsterhood. Please, look toward my marriage as a reminder that there is hope for you yet. How is your cousin?” Charlotte felt the name General Cromwell on her tongue like a sour fruit. Octavia narrowed her eyes, her sharp lips erring towards a frown. When she looked past Charlotte, her mood shifted. “Oh! Look! Richard has found his prey.” The debutantes had finished their dance. Hiram and Agatha had split from the group to dance together while Richard hunted. He spoke with a young woman in a bright pink gown, and when he joked, her eyes brightened. By his side was Nathaniel, speaking to a waifish woman, with coiffed brown hair, pale, sloping shoulders, and a sunflower yellow gown. “Do you think she is dense or blind?” Octavia asked. Charlotte chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Both.”
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Well. Here I am. With another question. Or more so, interested in hearing your thoughts.
Talk to me about this scene, in particular, Rio’s thoughts / feelings about the possible pregnancy and loss.
I am of the mind that he knew (or suspected or hoped) that it was fake all along, but then this scene makes me question that.
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Uuughh, maybe I’m unromantic, but I think I’m in the minority in my opinion. I don’t view him as being sad about the loss of a pregnancy he allowed himself to believe was real. Like, I can just picture his little brain cogs turning after the OB confirmed a pregnancy, trying to figure out how she was lying. If Rhea was clever enough to inform the doctor and get her to lie, why wouldn’t Rio have suspected that as a possibility? He probably imagined all sorts of ways he was being lied to, ranging from “she isn’t pregnant and everyone is lying” to “she’s pregnant and it isn’t mine and she’s lying.” And maaaaybe somewhere in a secret corner of his mind lived a nagging little spark of “she’s pregnant and it’s mine and we’re all fucked, especially this poor baby.”
I keep watching this scene, trying to see his grief over a lost pregnancy, and I just don’t see it. I’ve tried to bend my mind that way and those emotions don’t come across to me at all. Even if he did believe she was pregnant, I don’t think his immediate emotion here is grief.
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He sees the distress on her and watches as she engages in a self-destructive behavior. Has he seen her do this before? He’s participated in her self-destructive actions in the past, but IDK if he realized the trauma response that they were. He was having too much fun with her and enjoyed the ways she acted out. Her willingness to work for him, her initiating sex with him – it was all fun and games. I think this is the first glimpse he has into her overwhelming sadness. Into the load she carries and the reasons why she ever entered his world in the first place. To me, he is almost worried for her mental stability and how she may be hurting herself here.
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Again, I see almost worry in this moment. Idk why I imagine Rio as very aware of things women go through that men usually don’t. Like the difficulty of a pregnancy loss. I imagine he would understand the impact of that kind of loss. Look at him assess her. It could be him looking for the truth. But it doesn’t seem that way to me. It’s a complicated look. One of empathy and of concern. He’s watching her get drunk and self-harm and to me, he is feeling for her here. Despite himself, he is feeling for her as a fellow human. A human he cares about whether he wants to or not.
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And slowly, that empathy and that caring and that genuine concern he feels for her changes. There are no more excuses. The shield she had protecting her is gone and he has no reasons not to kill her. I think this is the moment he realizes this, while at the same time realizing that he no longer WANTS to kill her. His anger cooled while she stalled and some of his old sentimental feelings for her have returned. He just experienced them. He just felt the care for her he’s been stuffing down. The care he thought was gone forever. And suddenly those old feelings came back when he saw her vulnerable and hurting. Rio loves to save hurting women. He loves to be their hero. Not even for his own ego. I think he just acutely feels a protectiveness over women he views as “his,” and he felt that protectiveness for her as he watched her shoot tequila and be sad. I think those feelings surprised him. I think they confused him. And I think his internal struggle here is with himself and his code of ethics rather than grief for what might have been with an illegitimate crime baby. He isn’t mourning a baby. He’s mourning Beth.
Side note: what do you think the actors thought they were conveying? It’s so interesting to me how we all attribute all this emotion based on subtle looks and small actions. Beth and Rio aren’t real. So what did Christina and Manny think these characters would feel in this moment? So fascinating!
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ksfoxwald · 7 months
Fire and Hemlock Readalong: Part 2 Chapter 3
Another quiet chapter in which not much seems to happen - Polly even comments on it in the text - but a lot of things are set in motion.
Polly goes to visit Tom again, and he asks her to find Tan Coul's companions in a photo of the orchestra. It's he who asks "could Tan Audel be a woman?" and Polly is hugely embarrassed that she had never considered the possibility. Thus far the women in the Nowhere stories have been the female stock characters in most heroic stories - Edna, who is awful, and Hero, who is pretending to be a boy. Once again, women in the real world prove to be more interesting and complex than in stories, but now Polly is becoming consciously aware of it.
This chapter is also full of Polly's growing awareness of sexuality. Note that it is awareness, but not understanding. David Bragge gives her money in exchange for something she does not quite understand - her silence after seeing him with another woman, though the significance is lost on her. On the train back from London, Seb is very interested in talking to her - or talking at her, really, since Seb is one of those guys. - and she does not understand why. But she's starting to be aware that there is something happening that she does not understand, rather than simply not noticing things. Encountering Carla the Landlady again:
Polly asked, feeling rather mature, "Is Carla a one-parent family?" "No," Mr. Lynn said. "I think there are several Mr. Carlas. It's rather confusing. "Oh," said Polly, and felt childish after all."
Polly is in that very messy part of growing up where one is constantly bouncing between feeling too old for things and too young for things and being hugely embarrassed about both. Diana is so good at capturing that teenage awkwardness in ways I don't really see anymore. Part of why I think Diana Wynne Jones might have been ace is because the way she writes about teenagers becoming aware of sexuality makes sense to me more than 99% of modern YA novels where people are having feelings, recognizing what those feelings are, and acting on them, among a group of peers who are all having similar feelings. Does the world really work like that? I don't think I have enough of a frame of reference to know which is more typical.
Other things to note: Polly is still working mostly working on instinct in dealing with the Perry Leroys.
She knew she had broken the rules by seeing Mr. Lynn, which was what allowed Mr. Leroy his revenge.
In a way that's also a metaphor for growing up; you find yourself in a world of strange and shifting rules that no one has quite explained to you and no one wants to explain to you, but you get punished severely for breaking them.
The chapter ends when Tom convinces Polly to gives fairy tales another try - another way she is bouncing between the "too old" and "too young" - and she dutifully picks up "East of the Sun and West of the Moon." The title is another Nowhere reference; the content is an extremely obvious clue that Polly doesn't quite get. She is "too old" for fairy tales, but too young yet to realize that "well if I were her I would simply not have looked, rip you but I'm different" is not really the main takeaway.
To paraphrase that one tumblr post about Orpheus and Eurydice (which is another variant of East of the Sun): Of course it's a metaphor for grief, and who among us has not looked back in grief?
In Polly's case, it's a metaphor for knowledge, and maybe other things too. And actually, she has no right to judge the girl in East of the Sun, because she's doing the same thing. The Leroys are telling her to stay away from Tom or else, and she continues to see him anyway.
[editing to add bc I am v tired and forgot: The Obah Cypt! We have our first mention of the Obah Cypt! We don't know what it is - possibly a container, but no idea what is inside - but we are searching for it, because all good heroes need a quest.]
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icannotreadcursive · 1 year
So I’m catching up on 911, and I wish the show would stop introducing female characters who are so obviously only there so they can be romantic interests for Eddie and Buck.
Like, okay, do I think Eddie and Buck should get together? Yes, yes I do. Is that shipping goggles? Partially, sure, but at this point it’s also what has the best narrative foundation.
But I am not opposed to either of them having other love interests! Regardless of gender!
On a general level I even like these two characters, Natalia and Marisol, and I think the actresses cast in the roles are great.
But these characters serve absolutely no narrative purpose other than being love interests. There’s nothing else going on with them. Natalia in particular feels very custom made just to Buck’s girlfriend, especially in the super contrived way they meet.
(Marisol and Eddie’s meeting, or rather re-meeting is also very convenient but it isn’t too perfect a fit in the same way.)
It genuinely feels like these characters exist purely to ship-block because someone up the decision making chain is allergic to the idea of allowing these leading man type characters actually be bisexual, despite the show directly acknowledging the chemistry between the characters several times. Whether that’s a case of “our cast is diverse enough” or straight up biphobia (which would not be the only example of biphobic character handling in this show) I don’t actually care.
If they don’t want to commit to Buck and Eddie as a couple it would genuinely work better to have them try dating then decide they’re better as friends than constantly shoving women into the story as excuses.
But if you’re gonna insist on the love interests, please please give them their own damn lives and storylines and reasons to be there other than just She’s The Love Interest.
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xoteajays · 7 months
I'm basically the real life Saiko Yonebayashi. Actually.. She's actually a character that accurately explains me as a person, well, maybe one of many characters that's very similar to me. I'm very short, chubby with rounder features. Our personalities are kind of similar to an extent but I'm not exactly an emotional person though. So that's kinda who I am.
Exactly! The first time I was old enough to drink, none of the workers in the restaurant never carded me because they were afraid to offend me. The second time we went to a restaurant, my mother made them card me because it was irresponsible to not card someone. Which.. I'd have to admit is true. But I'm still annoyed about that she actually did that though. So sometimes they card me, and other times they don't.
You have to wear uniforms? I can't do that... I'm too much of a rebel in that way. I'm a very individualistic person. A really iconoclastic person who prioritizes self creative and self expression.. So I am biased when it comes to this. Punk rock is against the system. That sort of thing is who I am. I hate conformity. So if I did have the option to quit schools (which my parents would never allow), I would rather quit school than give up my individuality so I can't actually comment about any of this.
My father, uncles, cousins are covered in tattoos. My mother only has two tattoos. She actually got her second tattoo this year, and she was upset that I refused to make that a matching tattoo with her.. Even if I ever got a tattoo, I would never get matching tattoos with someone in any way. And I also hate people who get names tattooed on them too.
We had family friends who are - were - bikers who are also covered in tattoos and piercings. Actually.. Many bikers were the people who did work in tattoo parlors as tattoo artists and piercers. So there's that.
That definitely happens more than once... Noboru, Kohaku, Rocky (to some extent) and who knows who else they helped in that way too.
Because the power of friendship happens more than people realize in just about every story. That's usually the key point in so many stories.
But snotty crying is so completely gross though.
Obviously Rocky is not the type of man who would fight, argue, raise his voice to women. Because he knows how scary men can be toward women. And obviously, Rocky's girlfriend (or wife) does respect those decisions of wanting to protect his people and places - that he's really protecting his beliefs and ideals. She respects that. But if someone in the city, like Cobra, is offering his help for people like Rocky. And he's not being condescending about it. Cobra just wants to help Rocky be able to protect everyone. Obviously. And obviously Rocky finds some way to make it up to her, to apologize to her in his own way, but that's not happening until she is ready to accept the apology. She's just way too upset that he wouldn't listen to her when she told him to accept a whole alliance for the city. But she is upset that Rocky's so stubborn.
And she is definitely smug about it, with her "I told you so!" attitude.
I have read the Hunger Games in school. And we actually were able to watch the movie in theatres, actually that was a field trip for students who read the books in class. I only went because I didn't want to work in school. So I went to the movies just to get out of class just for that.
I know books, shows and movies with survival game themes could be similar since there's only so much you can do with that type of genre.
But the Hunger Games story seemed too similar to Battle Royale, and the story just seemed like the watered down version of Battle Royale.
In my opinion.
And I've never actually been a fan of Jennifer Lawrence either.
I enjoy some fantasy genres. I do like mythical creatures... Vampires, werewolves, and any other creatures if they are interesting enough to pay attention to. Especially if the story and characters are well written for me to actually enjoy it. And there are times that I actually even like sparkly and shiny things too. But sparkling vampires though? Just no.
I was going to watch Han River Police because I knew Sangyi was in... Since I know he was starring in the show (which is another web series too). But I actually just realized that the most recent picture I'd saw of him were him in costume for HRP. I thought that was for photoshoots though. Well.. Photoshoots of the show anyway. But still. Apparently I know his character's like a temperamental foul mouthed nephew who wants to take over his uncle's businesses.. And he is the antagonist of this whole show. But despite being a CEO, his appearance really does have more of a mafiaesque style to me. And he's really still pretty too.
Now I'll have to watch the Divine Fury too. I have to see more of these boys again. So I'll have to watch anything and everything I can find of them... Including the shows on Netflix that I haven't watched yet. So I have some shows, and maybe movies too, to watch for some time. I'll preoccupied for some time then. I'll have to watch these shows soon.
So from sweetheart heroes to coldhearted villains.
That is definitely the best of both worlds for me in every way.
Either he is going to death a horrific death in some way, or he is really going to end up in prison. I don't know why. Those are my guesses for the ending.. And I haven't actually watched the show yet. Because if a very attractive man would allow himself to be manipulated by not one but two people like that, he never has a good ending to his own story.
Tell me what happens though! I have to know what happens next.
Oh! I see some reliable articles. I don't know if you're a fan of Lalisa of Blackpink. But apparently she's going to be in Squid Games, but with a cameo scene instead of a recurring character. Just to let you know..
Have you watched more episodes of Vincenzo? I'm not rushing you.. I know you're watching multiple shows and movies at one time now, so I'm not rushing you about that. If you are still continuing the series.
Double Mints was the movie about an unstable gay couple? I haven't watch the movie. But they really seem like they need a lot of therapy.
Oh! If we have have a pink character (or pink haired character)... I may know some pink haired people if and when we have a pink character.
Obviously you mentioned the ballerina girl whose name I forgot, then there is also AleXa too (who dyed her hair just about every color you'd think of). Amongst other people too. So I might have some options.
Since it seems like the symbols I would want to use are not able to be used as symbols on here. So I might have to settle for emojis then.
Some of the emojis I don't mind..
-💋 | 💀 | ☠️
Basically kissy lips, skulls, there are probably other emojis that I can't think of at the moment. Emojis I might use. Actually... Just use 💋 as my nickname. Unless I figure out another emoji, name, or something.
Apparently I can't use an anatomical heart though, that does seem to be an emoji I still can't use for some reason. So that kinda annoys me.
i’ve been carded just walking into a liquor store once, when i wasn’t with my parents and was with my friends. we were all around 20/21 tho and the legal age is to buy alcohol is 18. i didn’t have my id on me at the time so i had to dip out.
yea most australian schools have uniforms, even the public ones. at my school there was about five different pants styles (skirts, skorts, two different shorts, long track pants), two shirts (polo or button up) and four jackets (windbreaker, zip-up jumper, pullover, and a senior’s jersey). shoes teachers were most meh about, they only cared that they had laces done up and if you could participate in hpe, but they had to be, like, sneakers. sports shoes. not boots or mary janes or slips ons or anything. we also weren’t allowed to have colourful dyed hair, had to be natural colours. they were also pretty stuffy about jewellery. i wore a necklace for the last few years of high school and had to keep it hidden under my shirt because it wasn’t a religious piece. i wore a lot of rings tho, that i think teachers were just kinda ‘whatever’ about.
i wanna get another tattoo and i might think about talking to my dad about it for my birthday later this month - since he knows a lot of the artists in my area. i’d have to work with an artist tho because i want a specifically designed piece. i’m thinking a floral half-sleeves, with hydrangeas, lilies of the valley, lavender, and violets. maybe snapdragons. they’re some of my fav flowers!
h&l really pops off with the ‘we’re gonna use the power of friendship to defeat evil’. whether it’s cobra and yamato crying to their off-the-deep-end friends or all the gangs getting together to fight alongside each other. or the golden bomber guys going into nameless to ask the rude boys to help their ex-team.
rocky’s gf respects his choices of wanting to protect women and that being his main focus, but she’d probably also be worried about ranmaru and think everyone would be safer if the alliance was happening. definitely has her ‘i told you so’ moment after ranmaru and kuryu is dealt with.
i haven’t seen anything about battle royale, but i did like hunger games. i don’t remember a lot of the books i read as a teenager, but i also started reading crime fiction novels when i was maybe a bit too young. lotta murder novels.
i have started reading more young adult novels that i should’ve read as a teen now as an adult. i just finished up the his dark materials triology and it was excellent! i wish the tv show had stuck a little closer to the novels because watching the show while also reading the books i was very ‘this happened differently in the books …… :(‘. i’m also reading song of achilles rn.
watched the first of the new episodes of worst. he’s wanted to marry the wife since he was a teenager. he drew a portrait of her on a napkin. so obsessed with her. his chinese associate is so pretty, like seriously elegant is the only way i can think to describe her. just googled it and she’s played by bibi?! the idol??!! she’s playing a half chinese half korean character and speaking mandarin. she seems pretty cool so far.
i think she’s got a thing for the cop!
havent watched any more eps of vincenzo yet. i’ve been working and catching up on some movies between editing a fic.
double mints is the unstable gay movie! it was good but SO messed up. just every new thing that happened was nuts. trying to explain it would read like an insane rambling.
i’ve got the anatomical heart 🫀 emoji! so i could use either, like ‘💋 anon’ or ‘🫀 anon’. if i was gonna use emojis for myself i’d use 🐝 or🪻. bee emoji my beloved.
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becky-s-updates · 1 year
(A letter to a friend - discussing abuse dynamics in our families and society in general).
I've always wondered why so much responsibility is placed on the victims of abuse rather than speaking the ugly truth about the perpetrators....I think you're right. You can't stop abusers from abusing.... so, what can we fix? The walking wounded....Normal people. I've always believed in equipping victims to fight back....but never understood why so much of that process sounds and feels like the blame is actually mine. How dare I allow myself to be abused! What deficiency in me made me ripe for abuse? How is this *my* mistake? I lived and loved and opened my heart, I believed, and endured, and persevered, forgave and turned the other cheek for years...and somehow that makes me mentally and emotionally weak?? For this, I am labeled. Diagnosed. Damaged goods. Sick. Mentally ill. I didn't choose to be born into an abusive family. I didn't choose to marry an abusive man. I didn't choose to join a second abusive family. I didn't choose to live in torment at my job or in a society that didn't care enough to help me. I just tried to live my life the way I was told I should! I tried to be what everyone wanted me to be! I did the work. I went to the hospital, did years and years of therapy. I worked my ass off and recovered myself from 25 years of hell. I sought to hold myself accountable - and that’s exactly what I had to do to recover. I sought to hold the people who abused me accountable - only to be told again and again for decades that *I* was the problem....or, that I would just have to accept more abuse if I wanted to stay in this family. I did everything RIGHT!!!.....So, how am I the one left holding the bag of sorrows and disappointments, and accumulated grief and fears?? This whole thing feels like a setup....like a sham. And often, I wish I'd never been born into a this family.... because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have suffered for the majority of my life. Because that has done more damage to my mental health than anything else I've experienced in 43 years of life. I was trained to believe this kind of treatment was NORMAL....and worse, that this suffering was just a part of life. And I have lived under the heavy and ridiculous burdens of being fully convinced by society that MY RESPONSE TO THE ABUSE was and is the problem. An actual diagnosable problem! Yet nobody seems to be interested in rescuing or delivering ourselves from it. For a while, I stopped fighting back. I stopped bucking. I stopped being furious with all of them and became grief-stricken with *myself*....with my perceived failures to comply, to submit, to grow, to mature and develop proper character, and fully surrendered servant status. I beat myself up. I did their job for them! And isn't that the epitome of an abuser's success?? When they no longer even have to touch you or oppress you....because you repress yourself. You learn to anticipate. You adapt. You compensate. You hide who you really are and what you really feel. You speak and act as expected. You just cope with the writhing rebellion inside you. You quiet your self-awareness and autonomy. You live in self-preservation mode. You smile. You speak. You go through the motions. You meet their demands. You try not to make too many waves....because you know there are consequences. You withdraw from reality....and you do it all just to SURVIVE!! But since when does that mean that I AM THE BROKEN ONE?? Who decided this is WEAKNESS instead of great, excruciating, super-human STRENGTH?? Who would want to take that away and twist it up and turn it around to hand it back to me misshapen into more BLAME? I have no idea....and I just do not understand it. I am not ILL....I survive in the harshest conditions known to women and womanhood. And it's insulting and harmful to keep being told "You need help." NO, I NEEDED HELP....and it never came. It was withheld from me. It was denied me. And now they want to say I hurt myself just as much as my abusers did?? No. I refuse to accept that. I did everything I could to have a normal life. I did not fail. Those who insisted they love me failed. And failed miserably!
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bao3bei4 · 3 years
fan language: the victorian imaginary and cnovel fandom
there’s this pinterest image i’ve seen circulating a lot in the past year i’ve been on fandom social media. it’s a drawn infographic of a, i guess, asian-looking woman holding a fan in different places relative to her face to show what the graphic helpfully calls “the language of the fan.”
people like sharing it. they like thinking about what nefarious ancient chinese hanky code shenanigans their favorite fan-toting character might get up to⁠—accidentally or on purpose. and what’s the problem with that?
the problem is that fan language isn’t chinese. it’s victorian. and even then, it’s not really quite victorian at all. 
fans served a primarily utilitarian purpose throughout chinese history. of course, most of the surviving fans we see⁠—and the types of fans we tend to care about⁠—are closer to art pieces. but realistically speaking, the majority of fans were made of cheaper material for more mundane purposes. in china, just like all around the world, people fanned themselves. it got hot!
so here’s a big tipoff. it would be very difficult to use a fan if you had an elaborate language centered around fanning yourself.
you might argue that fine, everyday working people didn’t have a fan language. but wealthy people might have had one. the problem we encounter here is that fans weren’t really gendered. (caveat here that certain types of fans were more popular with women. however, those tended to be the round silk fans, ones that bear no resemblance to the folding fans in the graphic). no disrespect to the gnc old man fuckers in the crowd, but this language isn’t quite masc enough for a tool that someone’s dad might regularly use.
folding fans, we know, reached europe in the 17th century and gained immense popularity in the 18th. it was there that fans began to take on a gendered quality. ariel beaujot describes in their 2012 victorian fashion accessories how middle class women, in the midst of a top shortage, found themselves clutching fans in hopes of securing a husband.
she quotes an article from the illustrated london news, suggesting “women ‘not only’ used fans to ‘move the air and cool themselves but also to express their sentiments.’” general wisdom was that the movement of the fan was sufficiently expressive that it augmented a woman’s displays of emotion. and of course, the more english audiences became aware that it might do so, the more they might use their fans purposefully in that way.
notice, however, that this is no more codified than body language in general is. it turns out that “the language of the fan” was actually created by fan manufacturers at the turn of the 20th century⁠—hundreds of years after their arrival⁠ in europe—to sell more fans. i’m not even kidding right now. the story goes that it was louis duvelleroy of the maison duvelleroy who decided to include pamphlets on the language with each fan sold.
interestingly enough, beaujot suggests that it didn’t really matter what each particular fan sign meant. gentlemen could tell when they were being flirted with. as it happens, meaningful eye contact and a light flutter near the face may be a lingua franca.
so it seems then, the language of the fan is merely part of this victorian imaginary we collectively have today, which in turn itself was itself captivated by china.
victorian references come up perhaps unexpectedly often in cnovel fandom, most often with regards to modesty.
it’s a bit of an awkward reference considering that chinese traditional fashion⁠—and the ambiguous time periods in which these novels are set⁠—far predate victorian england. it is even more awkward considering that victoria and her covered ankles did um. imperialize china.
but nonetheless, it is common. and to make a point about how ubiquitous it is, here is a link to the twitter search for “sqq victorian.” sqq is the fandom abbreviation for shen qingqiu, the main character of the scum villain’s self-saving system, by the way.
this is an awful lot of results for a search involving a chinese man who spends the entire novel in either real modern-day china or fantasy ancient china. that’s all i’m going to say on the matter, without referencing any specific tweet.
i think people are aware of the anachronism. and i think they don’t mind. even the most cursory research reveals that fan language is european and a revisionist fantasy. wikipedia can tell us this⁠—i checked!
but it doesn’t matter to me whether people are trying to make an internally consistent canon compliant claim, or whether they’re just free associating between fan facts they know. it is, instead, more interesting to me that people consistently refer to this particular bit of history. and that’s what i want to talk about today⁠—the relationship of fandom today to this two hundred odd year span of time in england (roughly stuart to victorian times) and england in that time period to its contemporaneous china.
things will slip a little here. victorian has expanded in timeframe, if only because random guys posting online do not care overly much for respect for the intricacies of british history. china has expanded in geographic location, if only because the english of the time themselves conflated china with all of asia.
in addition, note that i am critiquing a certain perspective on the topic. this is why i write about fan as white here⁠—not because all fans are white⁠—but because the tendencies i’m examining have a clear historical antecedent in whiteness that shapes how white fans encounter these novels.
i’m sure some fans of color participate in these practices. however i don’t really care about that. they are not its main perpetrators nor its main beneficiaries. so personally i am minding my own business on that front.
it’s instead important to me to illuminate the linkage between white as subject and chinese as object in history and in the present that i do argue that fannish products today are built upon.
it’s not radical, or even new at all, for white audiences to consume⁠—or create their own versions of⁠—chinese art en masse. in many ways the white creators who appear to owe their whole style and aesthetic to their asian peers in turn are just the new chinoiserie.
this is not to say that white people can’t create asian-inspired art. but rather, i am asking you to sit with the discomfort that you may not like the artistic company you keep in the broader view of history, and to consider together what is to be done about that.
now, when i say the new chinoiserie, i first want to establish what the original one is. chinoiserie was a european artistic movement that appeared coincident with the rise in popularity of folding fans that i described above. this is not by coincidence; the european demand for asian imports and the eventual production of lookalikes is the movement itself. so: when we talk about fans, when we talk about china (porcelain), when we talk about tea in england⁠—we are talking about the legacy of chinoiserie.
there are a couple things i want to note here. while english people as a whole had a very tenuous knowledge of what china might be, their appetites for chinoiserie were roughly coincident with national relations with china. as the relationship between england and china moved from trade to out-and-out wars, chinoiserie declined in popularity until china had been safely subjugated once more by the end of the 19th century.
the second thing i want to note on the subject that contrary to what one might think at first, the appeal of chinoiserie was not that it was foreign. eugenia zuroski’s 2013 taste for china examines 18th century english literature and its descriptions of the according material culture with the lens that chinese imports might be formative to english identity, rather than antithetical to it.
beyond that bare thesis, i think it’s also worthwhile to extend her insight that material objects become animated by the literary viewpoints on them. this is true, both in a limited general sense as well as in the sense that english thinkers of the time self-consciously articulated this viewpoint. consider the quote from the illustrated london news above⁠—your fan, that object, says something about you. and not only that, but the objects you surround yourself with ought to.
it’s a bit circular, the idea that written material says that you should allow written material to shape your understanding of physical objects. but it’s both 1) what happened, and 2) integral, i think, to integrating a fannish perspective into the topic.
japanning is the name for the popular imitative lacquering that english craftspeople developed in domestic response to the demand for lacquerware imports. in the eighteenth century, japanning became an artform especially suited for young women. manuals were published on the subject, urging young women to learn how to paint furniture and other surfaces, encouraging them to rework the designs provided in the text.
it was considered a beneficial activity for them; zuroski describes how it was “associated with commerce and connoisseurship, practical skill and aesthetic judgment.” a skillful japanner, rather than simply obscuring what lay underneath the lacquer, displayed their superior judgment in how they chose to arrange these new canonical figures and effects in a tasteful way to bring out the best qualities of them.
zuroski quotes the first english-language manual on the subject, written in 1688, which explains how japanning allows one to:
alter and correct, take out a piece from one, add a fragment to the next, and make an entire garment compleat in all its parts, though tis wrought out of never so many disagreeing patterns.
this language evokes a very different, very modern practice. it is this english reworking of an asian artform that i think the parallels are most obvious.
white people, through their artistic investment in chinese material objects and aesthetics, integrated them into their own subjectivity. these practices came to say something about the people who participated in them, in a way that had little to do with the country itself. their relationship changed from being a “consumer” of chinese objects to becoming the proprietor of these new aesthetic signifiers.
i want to talk about this through a few pairs of tensions on the subject that i think characterize common attitudes then and now.
first, consider the relationship between the self and the other: the chinese object as something that is very familiar to you, speaking to something about your own self vs. the chinese object as something that is fundamentally different from you and unknowable to you. 
consider: [insert character name] is just like me. he would no doubt like the same things i like, consume the same cultural products. we are the same in some meaningful way vs. the fast standard fic disclaimer that “i tried my best when writing this fic, but i’m a english-speaking westerner, and i’m just writing this for fun so...... [excuses and alterations the person has chosen to make in this light],” going hand-in-hand with a preoccupation with authenticity or even overreliance on the unpaid labor of chinese friends and acquaintances. 
consider: hugh honour when he quotes a man from the 1640s claiming “chinoiserie of this even more hybrid kind had become so far removed from genuine Chinese tradition that it was exported from India to China as a novelty to the Chinese themselves” 
these tensions coexist, and look how they have been resolved.
second, consider what we vest in objects themselves: beaujot explains how the fan became a sexualized, coquettish object in the hands of a british woman, but was used to great effect in gilbert and sullivan’s 1885 mikado to demonstrate the docility of asian women. 
consider: these characters became expressions of your sexual desires and fetishes, even as their 5’10 actors themselves are emasculated.
what is liberating for one necessitates the subjugation and fetishization of the other. 
third, consider reactions to the practice: enjoyment of chinese objects as a sign of your cosmopolitan palate vs “so what’s the hype about those ancient chinese gays” pop culture explainers that addressed the unconvinced mainstream.
consider: zuroski describes how both english consumers purchased china in droves, and contemporary publications reported on them. how: 
It was in the pages of these papers that the growing popularity of Chinese things in the early eighteenth century acquired the reputation of a “craze”; they portrayed china fanatics as flawed, fragile, and unreliable characters, and frequently cast chinoiserie itself in the same light.
referenda on fannish behavior serve as referenda on the objects of their devotion, and vice versa. as the difference between identity and fetish collapses, they come to be treated as one and the same by not just participants but their observers. 
at what point does mxtx fic cease to be chinese? 
finally, it seems readily apparent that attitudes towards chinese objects may in fact have something to do with attitudes about china as a country. i do not want to suggest that these literary concerns are primarily motivated and begot by forces entirely divorced from the real mechanics of power. 
here, i want to bring in edward said, and his 1993 culture and imperialism. there, he explains how power and legitimacy go hand in hand. one is direct, and one is purely cultural. he originally wrote this in response to the outsize impact that british novelists have had in the maintenance of empire and throughout decolonization. literature, he argues, gives rise to powerful narratives that constrain our ability to think outside of them.
there’s a little bit of an inversion at play here. these are chinese novels, actually. but they’re being transformed by white narratives and artists. and just as i think the form of the novel is important to said’s critique, i think there’s something to be said about the form that fic takes and how it legitimates itself.
bound up in fandom is the idea that you have a right to create and transform as you please. it is a nice idea, but it is one that is directed towards a certain kind of asymmetry. that is, one where the author has all the power. this is the narrative we hear a lot in the history of fandom⁠—litigious authors and plucky fans, fanspaces always under attack from corporate sanitization.
meanwhile, said builds upon raymond schwab’s narrative of cultural exchange between european writers and cultural products outside the imperial core. said explains that fundamental to these two great borrowings (from greek classics and, in the so-called “oriental renaissance” of the late 18th, early 19th centuries from “india, china, japan, persia, and islam”) is asymmetry. 
he had argued prior, in orientalism, that any “cultural exchange” between “partners conscious of inequality” always results in the suffering of the people. and here, he describes how “texts by dead people were read, appreciated, and appropriated” without the presence of any actual living people in that tradition. 
i will not understate that there is a certain economic dynamic complicating this particular fannish asymmetry. mxtx has profited materially from the success of her works, most fans will not. also secondly, mxtx is um. not dead. LMAO.
but first, the international dynamic of extraction that said described is still present. i do not want to get overly into white attitudes towards china in this post, because i am already thoroughly derailed, but i do believe that they structure how white cnovel fandom encounters this texts.
at any rate, any profit she receives is overwhelmingly due to her domestic popularity, not her international popularity. (i say this because many of her international fans have never given her a cent. in fact, most of them have no real way to.) and moreover, as we talk about the structure of english-language fandom, what does it mean to create chinese cultural products without chinese people? 
as white people take ownership over their versions of stories, do we lose something? what narratives about engagement with cnovels might exist outside of the form of classic fandom?
i think a lot of people get the relationship between ideas (the superstructure) and production (the base) confused. oftentimes they will lob in response to criticism, that look! this fic, this fandom, these people are so niche, and so underrepresented in mainstream culture, that their effects are marginal. i am not arguing that anyone’s cql fic causes imperialism. (unless you’re really annoying. then it’s anyone’s game) 
i’m instead arguing something a little bit different. i think, given similar inputs, you tend to get similar outputs. i think we live in the world that imperialism built, and we have clear historical predecessors in terms of white appetites for creating, consuming, and transforming chinese objects. 
we have already seen, in the case of the fan language meme that began this post, that sometimes we even prefer this white chinoiserie. after all, isn’t it beautiful, too? 
i want to bring discomfort to this topic. i want to reject the paradigm of white subject and chinese object; in fact, here in this essay, i have tried to reverse it.
if you are taken aback by the comparisons i make here, how can you make meaningful changes to your fannish practice to address it? 
some concluding thoughts on the matter, because i don’t like being misunderstood! 
i am not claiming white fans cannot create fanworks of cnovels or be inspired by asian art or artists. this essay is meant to elaborate on the historical connection between victorian england and cnovel characters and fandom that others have already popularized.
i don’t think people who make victorian jokes are inherently bad or racist. i am encouraging people to think about why we might make them and/or share them
the connections here are meant to be more provocative than strictly literal. (e.g. i don’t literally think writing fanfic is a 1-1 descendant of japanning). these connections are instead meant to 1) make visible the baggage that fans of color often approach fandom with and 2) recontextualize and defamiliarize fannish practice for the purposes of honest critique
please don’t turn this post into being about other different kinds of discourse, or into something that only one “kind” of fan does. please take my words at face value and consider them in good faith. i would really appreciate that.
please feel free to ask me to clarify any statements or supply more in-depth sources :) 
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queenshelby · 3 years
THE SECRET - part one of three
Featuring: Cillian Murphy x Virgin!Reader
Summary: You are a new cast member, playing Tommy Shelby’s love interest. During filming, you fall for your co-star Cillian Murphy.
Words: 6,556
Warning: Smut, Age Gap
Notes: For the purpose of this fic, Cillian is single.
Tag List: @lilymurphy03 @deefigs
@chrisevanshoeeee @desperate-and-broken
@weepingstudentfishhorse  @fookingshelby  @livinginfantaxy
@atomicsoulcollecto  @datewithgianni @mariapaiva13
The Scene
You were nervous. This was your first role in a popular TV show.
You had been on small production TV shows in your home country of France. But this was different. The show had international success and you couldn’t believe that the producers of the show had chosen you for the role of 27-year-old Yvette L’mare for the series’ final Season.
You spoke fluent French and English and had experience in scenes with extensive dialogue due to your theatrical experience since you were 12.
But, you were by no means as experienced as some of the other candidates they had casted. After all, you were only 19.
You read the scripts over and over again after your successful audition and made yourself small rehearsal cards for each scene. The dialogue heavy scenes didn’t concern you. But, there were some scenes which were out of your comfort zone.
Your script included two intimate scenes with the actor who played the main character of the show, Thomas Shelby.
The first scene was simple enough, not much more than a kiss. The second scene, however, was to be filmed under closed set. Neither of you were going to be clothed in more than underpants, which meant that only the director, one assistant and the camara man would be present.
Before the audition, you watched the last two seasons of Peaky Blinders and you re-watched them just a week ago as part of your preparation and to give you an idea what the director will look for when filming these kinds of scenes.
Before that, you hadn’t paid much attention to the show.
From watching some of the series, it was obvious to you that your co-star was experienced. He portrayed Thomas Shelby impressively well which was something that made you even more nervous.
Will you live up to the standards of the director? Or will you fail miserably with these challenging scenes?
It didn’t matter. It was all too late now. You signed the Contract and were on your way to England.
You arrived a day before filming started in order to settle into your apartment.
The apartment was located within a hotel residence that was booked out for the cast for the entire period of production.
You shared a small two-bedroom apartment with another new cast member named Emma. Emma was from France as well and, ironically, portrayed your sister in the show. Emma was 24, slightly older than you and quite attractive. You immediately got along. She was focused, didn’t care much about partying and was down to earth.
For the first evening, after everyone arrived, the producers organised a dinner to introduce the new cast and crew members to everyone. This was when you first got to meet your co-star, Cillian.
Since you had several scenes together, the director of the show took the time to personally introduce you to Cillian.
Cillian greeted you with a big smile and you knew immediately why so many women were smitten by him. You recalled that, when you told friends and family about your audition, they wouldn’t stop talking about Thomas Shelby and how insanely attractive he was.
They were not wrong. But, what impressed you the most about Cillian was that he was so easy going and funny.
You talked to him for a while, about the most random topics, ignoring everyone else for at least 20 minutes until it was time for you to meet the other cast members.
‘Looks like you two have a lot to talk about?’ Anthony said jokingly.
‘Talking about wine’ you smiled, rather shyly.
‘Yeah, I got carried away talking about the wine production in the province. Did you know that Y/N’s parents own Bessiux Wines?’ Cillian asked, catching Anthony by surprise. ‘His sister got married at your parents’ estate last August’ Cillian added, causing Anthony to nod.
You talked about your parents’ winery for a little longer before Anthony asked you to meet the other cast members.
‘I am looking forward to working with you Cillian’ you said as you walked away and he responded with a smile and comforting ‘Likewise’.
After your encounter with Cillian you were introduced to Finn Cole and Natasha O’Keefe. You heard about Finn from your new roommate but only just then realised that he portrays Michael Grey.
You talked to both Finn and Natasha for a while and, whilst you enjoyed their company, you wished that you had some more time to talk to Cillian. Unfortunately for you, he left rather early that evening.
The next day, you picked up your schedule for the week and noticed that the scenes you prepared for were to be shot completely out of order.
In fact, your most intimate scene was scheduled for 10am on Day 2 of Production. You couldn’t believe it. You were by no means prepared for that.
Your first day on set went well and the director of the show complimented your work on several occasions. But, when filming was finished for the day, your nervousness sat in.
‘Are you alright Y/N?’ Emma asked as you were picking on your salad and looked at tomorrow’s scripts.
‘Yeah, just a bit nervous’ you sighed.
Emma looked over your shoulder to read your script.
‘Wow, they are throwing you right into the deep end’ she giggled.
‘Yes, they are’ you said with a shy smile before listening to some advice from Emma, who had more experience than you acting on screen.
That night, after reading your scripts at least ten more times and letting it play out in your head, you could not sleep and your lack of sleep was evident on set the next day.
‘Are you alright Y/N?’ Cillian asked concerned, noticing your yawning and your hands shivering slightly.
‘Yes, I am fine. I am just trying to think how to act the next scene. From reading this, it isn’t very clear to me what exactly I need to do’ you said concerned.
‘These scenes are scripted in a way to allow for improvisation. From experience, actors often fail to act these kinds of scenes directly to script, that’s why’ Cillian laughed.
‘Right, so the script is lacking the details on purpose?’ you asked.
‘Correct’ Cillian said. ‘John and Anthony will tell us what to do and in which direction to face so that you are covered. You don’t need to worry’ Cillian said reassuringly, causing you to giggle.
‘I am not worried about anyone seeing my breasts or something. I just don’t know what do, where to put my hands, my face, any of that’ you explained with total embarrassment.
‘Well, I suppose you just pretend to do what you would normally do when you are getting down to business’ Cillian said with a chuckle, not knowing how else to explain it.
‘Well, my experience in this department is limited. So, I apologise in advance for any awkwardness’ you said, your cheeks flushing even through the dense make up.
‘Y/N, these scenes are awkward even for the most experienced actors. If it gets too uncomfortable, we can postpone it, alright’ Cillian said, keeping a relaxed approach.
‘Alright. Thanks Cillian’ you said just before it was time for you to get changed into your gown.
The next time you would see Cillian was on the closed set, pretending to make love to him on the large cedar bed.
Just as you were getting undressed in the change room and put on the skin-coloured panties and robe you were given by the set assistant, you topped up your perfume.
You were going to be so close to each other, at least you wanted to smell nice.
After you were done, the set assistant applied some more lipstick and fixed up your hair before you sat down on the large bed. You were nervous, your heart pounding.
Cillian was much more relaxed sitting next to you in black Clavin Klein briefs. There was no need for a robe, his intimate parts were well covered, unlike yours.
His freckled skin was highlighted by the light which had not yet been adjusted and you couldn’t help but look at him while you made an effort to keep your small breasts covered from him at this point.
The cameraman was angling the camera while the director discussed the scene with you and Cillian.
You knew that this was going to be a disaster. The issue wasn’t so much that you were naked in front of the camera and the director, but more the fac that, as part of the scene, another man who you felt somewhat attracted to was about to see you like this, completely vulnerable. He was about to touch your naked skin and kiss you, but not out of his own accord. It felt absurd to you, yet you knew this was part of the job.
Finally, after the director gave his instructions, you got yourself into position.
With some embarrassment you handed the set assistant your robe and lied down on the bed.
You were waiting for some kind of joke from Cillian to lighten up the mood, but Cillian was very professional.
He sat down right next to you and you could tell that he was trying very hard to look away from your breasts.
Before he climbed over you to get into position, he gave you a warning. Regardless of the warning, you stopped breathing for a minute as he positioned himself on top of you.
‘Are you alright?’ he asked as he could see the nervousness on your face.
‘Yes’ you nodded, taking in a deep breath. He was so close that you could smell his skin and the scent of his aftershave.
‘Sink down a bit on the left forearm Cillian, we want to keep the rating below R18’ the director said with a laugh because your breasts were fully visible on camera.
‘We do?’ Cillian chuckled, causing you to laugh just before Cillian adjusted his position as instructed. For a short moment, his chest brushed against your left breast.
‘I am sorry’ he said politely.
‘It’s alright Cilly’ you said.
‘I think we are good now guys, I will count to three and we start the first part of the scene’ the director said.
It felt like an eternity with Cillian on top of you by the time the director called action.
In this scene, Tommy and Yvette were having sex. It was to start with a kiss followed by the obvious act.
There was no practice for a scene like this and, as soon as you heard the word action, Cillian’s lips slowly met yours. You closed your eyes and caressed his face with your hands as you let him take the lead. The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity until he pulled away from you.
His body was soon grinding against yours, but without your most intimate parts touching. He made sure of that. Regardless of this, you could feel his legs in between yours and his chest brushing against your breasts. The sensation sent shivers down your body and small little goosebumps began to cover your chest. How embarrassing you thought and, unfortunately for you, your embarrassment was evident on your face and the cut was called.
You attempted the scene again several times. You kissed over and over again and your hands moved from his face to his arms and chest, exploring his skin while his body was grinding against you.
But, this wasn’t enough for the director who picked up that the movement of your hands and the expressions on your face weren’t giving the viewers the impression that this was real. Your biggest problem was that you were attracted to Cillian and you realised this more than ever during this scene and tried very hard to hide it, making you look nervous and embarrassed.
After a few more takes, the director suggested a break.
‘I am so sorry Cillian’ you said as you sat next to him in your dressing gown.
‘Don’t be. You are doing fine. These scenes can be tricky and really shouldn’t be scheduled for the second day of filming’ he said with a warm smile before excusing himself.
He was gone for about ten minutes while you had some water and waited for further instructions from the team.
When he returned, he informed you that he agreed with the director that the scene be postponed.
‘Cillian, I can do this, really’ you said upset about the postponement.
‘I know you can, but like I said, it’s the second day of filming and it would probably be easier once we had a few more scenes together’ Cillian suggested.
‘Is that not going to be a problem with the set up?’ you asked.
‘No, the prop can stay here for another month and one of the perks of being a producer is that I get a say in this stuff’ Cillian smiled.
‘I feel like such a failure’ you said embarrassed.
‘You are not Y/N, you are doing great, really’ Cillian said, his hands touching your arms.
‘Common, time to get ready for more scenes’ he said with a warm smile and you followed him to get changed, separately of course.
Mr Matchmaker
Later that night, some of the cast members were heading to the pub for dinner and you sat down next to Natasha and Emma when you arrived.
You told Natasha and Emma about what happened on set. You were still upset about it.
‘Oh gosh, don’t worry Y/N. Cillian is very easy going and Anthony is very impressed with your scenes from the first day so you have nothing to worry about. I remember my first sex scene with Cillian and it took nine takes and a lot of laughter to get it right’ Natasha said.
‘How do you know when it’s right though? It’s extremely awkward’ you said.
‘If it looks like you are having sex then it’s right’ Natasha laughed. ‘I actually think about the man in my life and just switch off throughout the scene. So, if you have a boyfriend, think about him. That might help with the comfort level’ Natasha said.
‘I am happily single’ you said with a smile just as Cillian arrived at the table.
‘You are late’ Natasha said, noticing the frustration on his face.
‘Sorry’ Cillian said as he sat down next to you.
‘Still dramas with Nadine?’ Natasha asked, causing you to wonder who Nadine was.
‘Yes’ he responded just before he ordered himself a drink.
Throughout the conversation you learned that Nadine was Cillian’s ex-girlfriend with whom he broke up as little as six weeks ago. Him and Nadine were together for three years and shared a house in Dublin until recently.
Your group was soon joined by some more cast members, including Finn Cole and everyone seemed in a pretty good mood.
You talked to Finn for a while until you excused yourself to get another drink.  
As you walked to the bar, you noticed Cillian following you and engaged in a conversation with him.
‘Just in case you haven’t noticed, Finn seems to like you’ Cillian said as he stood next to you at the bar.
‘Oh, what makes you say that?’ you asked.
‘I just know. My matchmaking abilities are impeccable’ he joked.
Whilst you felt flattered, you weren’t interested in Finn and little did Cillian know that he was the one you had your eye on.
‘Really?’ you asked.
‘Yes, really. You should probably consider him. He is a nice guy, down to earth, good looking, the right age’ Cillian said cheekily.
‘I have my eyes on someone else Cillian, but thank you for your efforts’ you said with slight embarrassment and a hint of humour.
‘Now I am intrigued. Who is it? Someone on set?’ Cillian asked.
‘None of your business Mr Matchmaker’ you laughed.
‘Well, if you ever require my services, you know where to find me’ Cillian said, causing you to raise your eyebrows.
‘Services as in setting you up with someone from the crew, discreetly of course’ Cillian laughed, realising that his comment may have been received by you in the wrong way.
‘Right, you got me excited there for a moment’ you said jokingly.
‘Did I?’ Cillian joked. ‘Now that makes me feel good at my age’ Cillian added.
You knew how old he was. You googled him, just before you came to the pub, because you were curious about him, his background, things he doesn’t talk about. But, to your surprise, the fact that he was nearing 45, didn’t bother you the slightest and it certainly didn’t dampen the attraction you felt towards him.
You also knew that, being 19 years old, you would have no chance with him. He wasn’t the type of actor who was chasing young models like many other celebrities his age.
You and Cillian talked and joked for another 20 minutes before he excused himself. He had a busy day filming ahead of him and needed to get some rest.
Over the next few days, Cillian and you had several scenes together and spent some of your breaks together. You enjoyed his company and he clearly also enjoyed yours.
On Day 9 of Production, you even went as far and asked Cillian whether he wanted to watch the Liverpool game with you and Emma.
He accepted your invitation and you were quite excited. Emma was confused as to why you invited him over but didn’t think much about it until there was a knock on the door and she opened it.
To both of your surprise, Cillian had invited Finn along. Was he really so oblivious to the fact that you were attracted to him that he had to bring a sidekick, you thought?
The evening went rather slow and with you sitting in between Finn and Emma, you felt somewhat uncomfortable.
The next day, on Day 10 of Production, you had another somewhat intimate scene with Cillian. It wasn’t more than a kiss and some touching. Regardless, you were nervous but not nervous enough to first ask him why he invited Finn.
‘He invited himself when I told him about it’ Cillian chuckled. ‘I told you, he likes you’ he added.
‘That’s just great because now Emma thinks that I have a thing for him’ you said laughing.
‘These Rumours. You got to love them. Sometimes I seriously feel like I am back at school working here’ Cillian laughed.
This conversation led to an interesting question from Cillian. After you had time to talk about your days at school, he brought up your upcoming birthday. You seemed to have referred to school as a recent event, so he couldn’t help but ask how old you were turning.
‘I am turning 20’ you responded, causing Cillian to look at you almost like he had seen a ghost.
‘You are 19?’ he asked.
‘You seem surprised. How old did you think I was?’ you asked.
‘Not sure, mid or late twenties maybe?’ Cillian said just as the set assistant called you both to the scene.
Your nervousness set back in as you took your position in Thomas Shelby’s office.
The scene started of with a dialogue between Thomas Shelby and Yvette which went smoothly, as expected. The next part of the scene involved Thomas lifting Yvette onto his desk and kiss her passionately while running his hands over the back of her body.
The first attempt resulted in Cillian and you both laughing as he lifted you up. It was awkward and it didn’t help that you were ticklish.
The next take went smoothly. Cillian lifted you on to the desk gently before his hands ran down your back while he kissed you. Your hands caressed his face as he did and the director had to call the cut on the kiss.
You enjoyed it, and to his surprise, so did Cillian. He felt uncomfortable about enjoying kissing you or even spending time with you outside of work. Not only were you a co-worker but you were also much younger than him.
A sense of guilt ran through his mind right after the scene now that he knew your age. Kissing you shouldn’t feel good, it was wrong.
The director was happy with the scene and you hopped back off the table before asking Cillian whether he wanted to have lunch with you.
Little did you know that your lunch date was going to be your last with him for while as Cillian was trying hard to keep his distance from you thereafter.
Birthday Surprise
But this all changed another week later, on your birthday, which was Day 17 of Production.
By that point, filming was getting to you and you were tired and, therefore, declined the offer from Natasha to organise a birthday party for you.
Instead, you and some of the crew and cast went for dinner at a nearby restaurant.
The food was amazing and you spent two hours at the restaurant after a rather long day of filming. By about 8.30pm half of the crew and cast had left and it was only you, Cillian, Emma, Sam and Finn who stayed.
Finn was going to meet some friends at a nearby pub at 9pm and invited you all to join him. Whilst Emma and Sam agreed, you and Cillian weren’t keen and made your way back to the apartment complex.
‘Would you like a glass of wine?’ you blurted out all of a sudden just as you were both getting into the elevator. This question took all of your courage after Cillian had been avoiding to spend time with you.
‘I think the hotel bar is closed already’ Cillian said.
‘Well, as it happens, I am holding a bottle of red wine in my hand’ you said cheekily holding up the birthday present from Natasha.
‘I am not sure Y/N, we have to be up early’ Cillian said.
‘Common, it’s my birthday’ you said convincingly, causing Cillian to laugh.
‘Alright, I suppose why not’ Cillian said as followed you down the hallway.
‘Your place. Emma is determined to pick up a date at the pub’ you laughed.
‘Yeah, I don’t want to be there for that’ Cillian joked as you walked further down the hallway. Your apartments were on the same floor.
You walked into Cillian’s apartment and took off your jacket before sitting down on the small lounge.
Just after Cillian poured two glasses of red wine and sat down next to you, his phone rang.
The display showed ‘Incoming Call from Nadine’ and he turned his phone to silent.
‘You should let me pick it up, it might solve all your problems’ you joked.
‘It just might’ Cillian laughed as he pressed the ‘Ignore’ button and put the phone down.
Just after the short interruption, Cillian and you began to talk about your work, travelling and some other things until he brought up an uncomfortable topic.
‘Do you remember two weeks ago when I tried to talk you into going out with Finn?’ Cillian asked.
‘Yes, Mr Matchmaker, I remember. Why?’ you said.
‘You said that you had your eyes on someone else…who is it?’ Cillian asked with a laugh, causing you to take a deep breath.
‘Oh god, are you still going on with this?’ you said with a laugh. This was the fourth time Cillian had asked you this question since you mentioned it to him.
‘Common, I have been pondering about this for weeks now. Tell me’ Cillian said.
‘No’ you giggled.
‘I promise I won’t tell anyone’ Cillian said.
‘Stop it’ you responded.
‘Alright, I will take a guess’ Cillian said before taking a pause. ‘Harry?’ Cillian asked, causing you to shake your head.
‘Daryl?’ he asked, causing you to shake your head again.
‘I don’t know then. That’s literally everyone who is around your age’ Cillian laughed.
‘Who said he’s around my age?’ you asked, causing Cillian to raise his eyebrow.
‘Paul?’ he then asked, causing you to shake your head again. Was he really that oblivious?
‘Everyone else is married, I think’ Cillian said.
‘You are not’ you said shyly after taking in a deep breath.
‘Me?’ he asked after taking a deep breath while his blue eyes looked at you, full of questions.
Your heart was pounding, your hand shaking again. There was no turning back now.
‘Yes, you’ you said nervously, looking at him almost fearful about his response.
He drew another deep breath while, in his mind, he was thinking about what to say.
‘Y/N, I feel humbled and it’s not that you aren’t a beautiful and smart woman, but I am more than twice your age’ he said.
‘Ignore the age difference for a minute and tell me that you don’t feel the same, that you don’t want me’ you said.
‘It is irrelevant what I feel and what I want, it still doesn’t make it right’ he responded.
‘But, are you attracted to me? It’s a simple question’ you asked nervously and, after drawing another deep breath, Cillian responded.
‘I’ve been trying very hard not to be...unsuccessfully so’ he sighed, causing you to smile.
‘Alright’ you said with the biggest grin on your face.
‘Alright?’ Cillian asked surprised by your response. This didn’t mean that he was going to give into you just like this and ignore his concerns, or did it?
‘So, what do you propose we do now? This will make things very awkward on set’ he said concerned.  
‘This’ you said as you leaned in and pressed your lips onto his. His lips were just as soft as the last time you kissed on set, but this time there was an intensity and urgency between you.
He gave into the kiss as if there had never been any doubt and, unlike previous kisses you shared in a professional capacity, this time, when his lips parted, you could feel his tongue slip in between your lips and it wasn’t long until your tongues moved in sync with each other.
The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity and you wanted so much more than taste his lips.
‘This is wrong Y/N’ Cillian said as your lips finally drifted apart.
‘Do you want me to leave?’ you asked, caressing his face, staring at all of the freckles which covered him.
‘No’ he said, earning him a smile from you just as he reached beneath your shirt and pressed his lips back onto yours.
His warm hands ran over the sides of your abdomen, up and down, until he lifted your t-shirt over your head.
It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen you like this before, but it felt different. His eyes didn’t have to shy away from your breasts and the rest of your body this time.
With his hands cupping your breasts, which were still covered by your black lace bra, the kiss intensified. It became more urgent and more passionate.
Your hands soon found their way beneath Cillian’s t-shirt also and, this time, touching his skin didn’t feel awkward or inappropriate.
Within seconds, his t-shirt landed on the floor next to yours just before Cillian’s fingers had found the clip of your bra.
It didn’t take his skilled fingers long to unclip it and let it join the rest of the clothes which you had already gotten rid of.
He took a moment to look at your breasts, right there in front of him yet again.
‘What’s wrong?’ you asked concerned as you noticed him stare at them.
‘Nothing, just taking in the beautiful view without feeling guilty about it’ Cillian smirked.
‘You checked out my breasts when we were filming, didn’t you?’ you said sheepishly.
‘Of course not’ he said with a laugh before he guided you backwards and down onto your bed.
You both were quick to remove your jeans and, moments later, there you were again, on the bed together wearing nothing but underpants. Just this time, there were no cameras. You were free to touch and kiss each other the way you pleased. It didn’t feel awkward. To the contrary. It felt right.
Hoovering over you again Cillian began to gently kiss your neck while one of his hands ran over your firm breasts. Finally, he was able to touch them, feel every inch of them.
Cillian soon worked his way to the lobe of your ear, playing with it using his tongue. Lightly sucking on it as his hand moved to your other breast, squeezing your nipple gently.
You didn't want this to end, and with a soft moan, you signaled Cillian to continue exploring your body. And so he did. You had never been with a man before, but in the moment, this felt comfortable, felt right.
As he continued to cast his spell on you and work his magic, your body responded. Your lace panties were soaking and your muscles began to vibrate with an unfamiliar feeling.
As Cillian’s lips moved back to your mouth for another passionate kiss, one of his hands wandered further down your body. But he was in no hurry, taking his time explore all of your body.
Cillian’s tongue began to gently drift between your lips and you responded with yours. Your arms wrapped around him, pulling him even closer to you as his hand reached the top of your lace panties.
Pushing your panties aside slightly, he ran his fingers over your wet entrance, slowly and gently while his lips never left yours.
You moaned into the kiss just as the tip of one of his fingers dipped into you slightly.
You took in a deep breath and broke the kiss for a brief moment.
‘Cillian, I never had sex with anyone’ you said, causing him to remove his hand from your wet mound.
‘It’s alright. We won’t go that far until you are ready’ he said reassuringly.
‘That’s so embarrassing, I am sorry’ you said.
‘What is?’ Cillian asked, slightly confused.
‘I am 20, it’s weird don’t you think?’ you said shyly, your face flushed.
‘Don’t be silly Y/N. There is no rush’ Cillian said as he ran his hand over your cheek. ‘If it is any consolation to you, I didn’t expect any of this, tonight, with you and I am enjoying every moment of it even if we don’t have sex’ he added.
‘So am I Cillian’ you smiled.
‘Good’ Cillian said before kissing you again gently.
The kiss soon became heated again but Cillian wasn’t taking it further, giving you the chance to set the pace at which you were willing to move.
But, you enjoyed him playing with you, teasing your most intimate parts and, after several more minutes of passionate kisses, you guided his hand back in between your legs.
Your actions earned you a chuckle from him as his lips moved from your lips down to your breasts slowly.
As Cillian was gently trailing kisses over your breasts, your hand made it’s way in between your bodies where it found the elastic of his Calvin Klein briefs.
Cillian moaned briefly against your breasts as you slipped your hand beneath the elastic, gently taking hold of his erection.
His cock was warm and firm and his tip slightly lubricated from the precum that had pooled there.
You moved your hand up and down his shaft, stroking him gently while his fingers began to circle over your clit, making you moan loudly.
Your panties were getting wetter and wetter with each stroke of his fingers and you were grinding against his hand, wanting more.
You were panting and moaning in pleasure as he kept stimulating you with his fingers, until, all of a sudden, me removed his hand making you squirm in protest.
His mouth soon wandered from your breasts down to your stomach, forcing you to let go of his hard cock.
But, as your body responded beneath his, your mind couldn't catch up to the events unfolding between the two of you.
You surrendered and let him take control and it wasn’t long until his lips had reached the top of your panties.
‘Oh god’ you moaned in anticipation just as Cillian took hold of both sides of your panties before slipping them down.
‘Do you want me to stop?’ he asked, unsure about your reaction.
‘No, please don’t’ you said, your hands falling onto the top of your head.
Admiring the view, Cillian let his fingers run up and down your slit slowly and gently, taking the juices leaking from it and spreading them up to the hood over your clit.
You moaned loudly at the sensation as, suddenly, you could feel Cillian’s tongue join his fingers, playfully darting closer to your opening, but not quite getting there.
‘Cillian, fuck’ you moaned as energy was coursing through your body, wanting to release, but not quite getting there. He apparently had received a masters degree in how to play your body.
Suddenly his tongue was there, licking up the sides of each of your lips. Inspecting the crevices.
Your head began to thrash, your hands flew out and grabbed the bedding.
‘Let me know if I hurt you’ was the next thing you heard but didn’t pay much attention to as you felt one of his fingers enter you.
With the mildest of discomfort, you arched your back while moan after moan left your mouth.
For several minutes, his finger went in and out of you gently while his tongue was licking you, circling over your clit.
He wasn’t sure whether or not to add another finger, but he decided to try his luck after reminding you to tell him if he hurts you in any way.
Moments later, he inserted a second finger while continuing to circle your clit with his tongue.
‘Oh fuck’ you moaned. There was a slight discomfort but it didn’t last very long before you felt nothing but pure pleasure.
Cillian’s fingers began rubbing inside of you as he placed his mouth around the hood of your clit and began to suck.
‘Holy Shit Cillian’ you moaned. You could feel him smile against your mound.
You began to squirm but he would not let up and your body began its final ascent.
Waves of electricity were crashing through you and your hips were grinding and bucking under his direct tutelage as your orgasm washed over you.
You were a shaking mess by the time he was done and, when you finally came down from your high, Cillian moved up and gave you a passionate kiss.
You could taste your juices on his lips and it was possibly the most erotic moment you had ever experienced.
‘Your turn’ you smirked before pushing Cillian onto his back against the stash of pillows.
You comment caused Cillian to chuckle just before you leaned over him to kiss him.
‘You know you don’t have to Y/N. There is no rush’ he said, running his hand over your cheek as your lips drifted apart.
‘But I want to’ you said with determination. ‘I might just need a little guidance’ you said shyly before descending down on his body, trailing gentle kisses over his chest and all the way down to his stomach.
You adored his body, it was perfect. He was the most attractive man you ever met.
As you were gently kissing his stomach, your hands moved beneath the rim of his briefs before pulling them down.
His erection sprung up almost instantly as soon as the briefs cam down and you couldn’t help but stare at him for a moment.
‘I think I will just go for it and you tell me if I do something wrong’ you said with a smile as you pinned back your hair into a bun with the hairband that was wrapped around your wrist.
Your comment made Cillian laugh for a moment until he could feel your warm lips on the tip of his cock, at which point the word ‘fuck’ was all that left his mouth.
Moans soon began to escape him as you used your hands to stroke him, up and down, while the head of his cock lolled uneasily on the top of your tongue.
You took him deeper into your mouth with every stroke and, as the third inch made its way into your mouth, your lips were being stretched.
You soon managed to take him in all the way, although it was a struggle.
‘Fuck, Y/N’ Cillian moaned as his length disappeared in your mouth.
His comment made you stop and ask whether something was wrong.
‘No, you are doing it perfectly’ Cillian reassured you just before you returned your attention to his very hard cock.
By this time precum had pooled on the tip as you took him back into your mouth. It tasted sweet but yet salty at the same time.
Your tongue began circling around him and then up and down his shaft before returning to the bopping motions.
Cillian leaned back and relaxed as you improved your technique minute by minute.
Each stroke of your tongue was now driving him crazy.
Looking up at him occasionally, you could see that he was enjoying whatever you were doing.
Your tongue was moving like a snake, coating every inch of his velvety soft, yet hard cock with a fine patina of sweet, warm saliva.
It wasn’t long until you could feel Cillian’s cock throb inside your mouth and his breathing was becoming laboured.
His hand was tangled up inside your hair as you continued to bop your head up and down firmly.
‘Y/N, I am close, you might want to stop’ Cillian said, trying hard to hold back.
‘Come in my mouth’ you said confidently before you continued your movements.
Your comment caught Cillian by surprise but he didn’t dare to argue and let go.
Just as your mouth bopped down on his hard shaft again, you could feel him pulsate inside your mouth and, with one loud groan, his warm cum spurted on the back of your tongue.
You continued to bop your head and collect all of his cum until he began to relax.
‘Did you just?’ Cillian asked, and before he could finish his question, you interrupted.
‘Swallow? Yes, what else do you normally do with it?’ you asked with a smirk.
‘I hate sleeping on dirty sheets and I was planning to stay the night, so that seemed like the best option’ you laughed before laid beside Cillian, his arms gently wrapping around you.
‘Hey, I am not complaining’ he laughed as he ran his hands gently over your arms.
‘Didn’t think so’ you said before kissing him again gently.
You fell asleep pretty soon afterwards, curled up against Cillian’s chest.
You both slept well and deep until, at 6am, Cillian’s alarm went off.
‘Oh goddam, what’s the time?’ you asked.
‘6am, why?’ Cillian said as you jumped out of the bed and collected your clothes, trying to put them on as quickly as you can.
‘Y/N, we don’t have a scene until 7am. There is plenty of time’ he said.
‘Yes, but Emma starts at 6.30am. She will notice me not being there’ you explained.
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meirathinks · 2 years
Women and Detachment in the 21st century
(otherwise known as dissociative feminism)
this is all my experience I mean no harm! I am poking fun at myself when I was a freshman in high school!!!
Sylvia Plath said something about suffering being a religious sort of experience. Had this been two years ago I’d be able to recite the quote word for word— nowadays I’m too busy living it. Don’t worry, this is the palatable type of suffering. The kind where it makes me interesting, and approachable and human despite my unnatural obsession with how I presented myself.
There’s a catharsis that comes with having to wipe your tears in a certain way— so it won’t disturb your makeup, or watching yourself waste away in your own bed (not before performing a meticulous skincare routine). I curl my lashes before I climb under a blanket and sob. So that, on the off chance that I rise from my makeshift grave to head to the bathroom, I’ll be able to see the remnants of tears cascade prettily off the dampness of them.
My misery is addicting. I watch myself from above my body, like a guardian angel, or some man on a recliner chair mindlessly watching the television while licking the salt of potato chips from the palm of his hand. I will cry tears and I can feel my heart leap! I am so flawed, so tragic, so, so, so, consumable. I loved myself the most when I was sad enough to emulate the witty, sardonic but deeply troubled female main character we’ve all come to know and love (see: fleabag.) I love myself the most when I walk the fine line of ‘flawed’ and outright ‘repulsive.’
But, I’m not stupid; I notice the superficiality of it all. No one really thinks to make poetic diary entries when they feel unloveable. No one really lounges around in (consumable, palatable) silk pyjamas and a pint of ice cream. I know, deep down, that my misery is disgusting. But no one loves disgusting. No— they just love flawed.
So what? I was telling the truth that I love myself best when I’m parading the streets wearing my cynicism on my sleeve. It’s dry, witty, sardonic and points to my intelligence. I’ll laugh daintily at a man’s joke poking fun at the stock market, and I, in turn, will say something (that is most definitely dry, witty, and sardonic) about my country's inevitable state of economic disrepair. And we’ll both laugh together, hoping that there’ll be some sort of lasting connection founded on our dryness, our wittiness, our sardonic nature.
Connections are never made that way.
I’ve fallen into cynicism through the way I make fun of myself. I’ll point and laugh at every emotion I’ve ever felt from a safe distance. I’ll let everyone know that misery had made it’s home in my shadow but I will never allow myself to feel it wholly. I’ll meticulously smudge my eyeliner, I’ll take thirty minutes to ‘throw’ my hair up into a bun, and I will utilize sarcasm to make the space between me and every negative emotion larger and larger.
For a time, I thought this made me desirable. I didn’t ‘bitch’ and ‘moan’ I laughed at myself while I rotted away in my own home. I smirk knowingly at my faults while being hyperaware of my existential aches and pains. I knew I could only feel flawed (rather than disgusting) while I was pretty. I was watching myself suffer from outside of the Bell Jar. The air has most definitely turned stale, in my makeshift cage.
I didn’t want to be desperate, so this detachment was my own sort of protest. I thought of myself as niche, academic and raw. I refused to mediate whatever was bringing about existential horror or dread or misery or fear. What would I be without this cool detachment? If I felt my own sadness fully I would have to be present, and I would have to speak about whatever I was feeling.
Which is completely humiliating! I’m a cool girl! To let yourself feel feelings is desperate and girlish. I was mature, I looked at the chaos and laughed, I let the river of life flow through me. Giving up is what real women did. Nihilism is something reserved for smart girls; intelligent girls.
Slowly but surely, I realized that I was somewhere else. I wasn’t present, instead, I elected to trap life in a glass enclosure. I laughed at it safely, from behind a pane of glass. I’ve tamed an animal, not by beating it into submission but by turning my back on it. I taunted it with my absence. Though, behind my knowing laughs, I think I missed it.
On the rare occasion that I tuned back in, I felt vulnerable. Not in the desirable way where I’d drink orange juice from the carton or stare at myself in the mirror— teary-eyed. But in the way where you feel that everyone is gazing upon your emotional nakedness, at the ugliness of the heart on your sleeve and scoffing silently before they leave you to deal with it on your own.
I was scared of appearing desperate by abandoning cynicism, I was scared I’d look uninteresting if I tried to better myself. Detachment makes you mysterious, but you lose hopes, passions, and love in the process (because who cares right?!)
And this is a truly upsetting realization. I was cutting myself with my own wit. Its sharpness grew by the day, by the hour, by the second. So long as I didn’t feel anything to the fullest extent I could maintain this charade.
Cynicism slices at you, it leaves you in dainty ribbons of skin. Your detachment will cut at you, it sears the flesh until it bubbles up— but for some reason, the wound never cauterizes.
So you will try again tomorrow. Surely it’ll work tomorrow.
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