#also yeah why are we voting kakashi. who even is that
nyxire · 1 year
what do u mean there is a naruto fandom poll for a spin off manga
#*hyperventilating* i will be dragged back into the naruto fandom i will be dragged back into the naruto fandom i will-#there are so many options literally what the fuck#it's not faur#like. i want uzumaki lore. but i want that tobirama lore. but hey i also want sakumo lore. yeah i'll take some minato lore for the hell of#it why not.#BUT INSTEAD#we just have a bunch of characters who already have a bunch of decent lore to their name :/#like shisui. i admit could be interesting but not more interesting then any of the older gen ppl#WHO IS VOTING FOR THE FUCKING UCHIHAS IM GOIGN TO KILL U WITH MY BARW HANDs#WE HAVE ENOUGH UCHIHA LORE FUCK OFF#itachi is second which?? what the fuck do u want bro. half the fucking series is about itachi.#fuck off about sasuke & sakura aren't they already getting another book or sumthin#what do you want more kakashi lore for. like yeah he's a funny lil guy but sakumo whom we know essentially nothing about would be more inte#resting. i find madara boring and for the most part couldn't give less of a shit about jiraiya. which leaves obito which :/#seriously guys??? THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLEEEEE. im sorry this just maddens me.#like so many characters (some integral?? to others backstories or even the main plot) and you chose some of the most. just lame characters#ver. FUCKING NARUTO IS ON THERE 😭. Kushina. mito. sakumo. tobirama. TOUKA. hell you could choose hashi & tobiramas dead brothers#and it'd probably be more entertaining then any of those guys!!.#genma. hana. mikoto. FUCK EVEN IZUNA. (<- don't even know what his could possible be about) PLEASE just thinkkkk#the point is that there are just so many more interesting characters then like 10 character who r currently on top.#like 5 of them which manga fucking revolves around#like naruto. seriously. what more do u neeeed#nyx rants#sowry. im just angrye
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
Yeah, the reason SS and even some SNS insist Sakura was important to Sasuke was because Sasuke said "I don't want to lose more of my precious comrades" after telling Naruto to take Sakura and flee, and because he thanked her, making people think Sakura did something important to him worth thanking. I don't see her being that important to him, he leaves her without any heartbreak, very nonchalantly. He said thank you to reject her politely and to leave on good terms. Kishimoto never bothered to make Sasuke think of her or be affected by her during team 7 reunions, which should be enough of a hint.
Heheh. Yeah, it's pretty clear whatever camaraderie or comradeship Sasuke felt for Sakura in part one was over when she confessed to him in such a self absorbed manner when he is leaving Konoha.
He says - I knew it, you would never change.
What this means is that he tried to get along with her in hopes that she would change and improve as a result. Given how she was with him, and ignorant, self important things she said to him in the beginning of the manga. We know Sasuke is a character who is very upfront about confronting people in very clear terms. It's not in his character to be evasive or to dilly dally. So when he saw that it was all just Sakura's facade, he tells her so.
Sakura starts that interaction in a balanced way but then, when she sees it's not having an effect on Sasuke and he is still about to leave, she reverts back to her original self absorbed persona. Because why would Sasuke stay for her? He had already told her during the chuunin exams that his objectives had nothing to do with her. It's his fight, his burden to bear and we also know that Sakura is delusional enough to think she is important enough for him when she is not. This is underscored even more acutely in part two, especially in kage arc. She overestimates her importance to both Sasuke and Naruto and then is proven wrong in the most humiliating of ways. Lol.
Whatever good grace was left in their relationship burned to ashes when she wailed like an immature girl and asked him to take her with him. So all her caterwauling about 'revenge won't bring you happiness blah blah' takes a dive, her concern for his safety takes a dive and what we are left with is her addiction to Sasuke, irrespective of Sasuke's own wishes, and Sasuke is obviously smart enough to see that. Which is why he immediately clocks it. That she was still the same person as she was in the beginning of the manga. Still annoying. Still full of artifice and selfishness. Who can't think beyond her own personal needs. She should learn that the world doesn't revolve around her.
This is why it was so easy for him to break his bonds with her. Just like it was with Kakashi. He was never really attached to them in the first place. And whatever there was, wasn't strong enough to make him struggle to break. While it was different with Naruto. Obviously. It led to vote one after all.
In the reunion, he clearly says he has broken his bonds with Konoha and team seven. But he knows he is lying. So does Naruto. He broke his bonds with the rest, not Naruto. Which is why Naruto gets real triggered.
Like of course, this is all very straight up and easy to understand. All one has to do is follow the story. Pay attention to what they are reading and seeing. It's straight as an arrow. The characters say everything themselves.
Sakura says to Sasuke- You never say anything to me, you don't tell me anything. Not even a word, it's like you hate me.
Sasuke says to Naruto - It's not insignificant. You became my closest friend.
Naruto says to Sasuke - You and Iruka became my family.
Sakura says to Naruto - Naruto, I couldn't stop Sasuke. You are the only one who can bring him back, only you.
Naruto says to Sasuke (when Sasuke tells Sai he has broken all his bonds) - Why.....why...THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL ME THAT DAY?? HUH??
Sasuke says to himself- Emotional bond makes one weak.
Like none of this is difficult to understand.
Fans need to understand that character development and narrative development exist. 😑 Characters change when their circumstances change or events happen that affect them. Nothing happens in a vacuum. There's a start, middle and end. There's always a certain trajectory to the story. Ups and downs are part of the story.
But all they do is selective reading, they hang up their heart onto one moment or one scene or one situation that they approve of and just dismiss what came before it and after it, how it developed and subsequently changed. I shouldn't even need to say this, it's pretty much common knowledge, but it's how stories are written. But fans are so stubborn about their misconceptions. Just like that dumbass anon who sent you that 'there's more brothers in manga than anime' ask. Seriously, it's like they have never read a story before. 😐
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sanjuno · 4 years
how do you reckon things would change if Obito and Kakashi remembered their past lives as Izuna and Kanna? (And have you given a past incarnation of Rin in the Warring Era?)
… @deverickracoma you mean, like in canon? Huhhhh…
Well first off before Rin was Nohara Rin she was Senju Touka. Which makes this situation super fun because both Izuna and Kanna died before Hashirama strong armed Konoha into existence and Touka only went along with it because Her Stupid Little Cousins Need Some Common Sense. XP
In her lives as both as Touka and as Rin she holds the single (1) braincell for this Disaster Trio.
So Izuna dies via Tobirama’s sword. And then Kanna kinda… revenge rampages with Madara until the critical angst threshold is reached as Kanna just… explodes both theirself and the battlefield. 
There’s a whole lot of background stuff behind the suicide run such as Kanna’s Hatake side suffering from mate-loss depression and their Uchiha side suffering from Makengyou Madness and also Really Bad post-partum depression compounding it and yeah. Unfortunately Madara is just as wrecked from Izuna’s death so he can’t really support Kanna and it all goes to shit because we all know canon is a shitshow.
But anyway Touka is there to see Izuna die and she is well aware that Tobirama has just made a horrible decision driven by unacknowledged jealously and overzealous paranoia. Then Touka barely manages to save Tobirama’s pasty ass from the screaming revenge demon that she later learns was Izuna’s wife. And then Touka stands witness as Hashirama forces peace at sword point.
So Touka is just there like, “Oh for fucks sake we’re all going to die horribly.”
And, of course, Touka was right everything is horrible and everything hurts. 
Only now it’s plot-twist time and Touka, who was investigating certain questionable sources about the ongoing breakdown of social order in Konoha gets killed by Zetsu in order to cause even more tension against the Uchiha in Konoha and hey guess what? Yeah, that’s right Rin remembers the creepy plant-demon thing gloating about stealing Uchiha Madara (aka the only one vaguely strong enough to combat Kaguya at that time given he had naturally manifested the Rinnegan) for his own use before Zetsu killed her in a suspiciously ambiguous manner.
Four year old Nohara Rin has a vendetta and the ability to kill a grown man. 
So obviously given that the Plant Demon is trying to kill off the Uchiha using shadowy assassinations and rumour mongering the Plant Demon is afraid of the Uchiha. Ergo the Uchiha are a threat to the Plant Demon otherwise it would confront the Uchiha more openly.
Rin therefore needs to make super-duper ride-or-die best friends forever with at least one (1) Uchiha. And then, on the first day at the Academy, Rin runs into an absolute dork wearing Madara’s face.
Ah. Says Rin, channelling canon!Madara. That One. That’s The One I Need For My Plan To Succeed.
Cue the Rin and Obito Bonding Moment ™ that will repeat as a flashback every time their history is at any point mentioned in the narrative.
As for Obito, well… when he was Izuna he loved his Clan but then when he was reborn he read the Clan Histories from after his death and the public history of Konoha and Obito knows his Clan are a bunch of fucking traitors who stabbed his big brother in the back and that’s why Obito is both disgusted by the Uchiha and overprotective of the Clan’s reputation because Madara still loved their Clan even after they turned on him.
I may include Obito unearthing Madara’s private journals from a hidden cubby in the Naka Shrine that only Izuna would have known to look for. Just for the sake of an extra knife and also so that Obito can find proof of Zetsu’s sabotaging his brother’s mental health. 
Obito is more than a little weepy and sentimental over the fact that Madara honoured Izuna’s last request to the point Madara destroyed himself and his connection to the Clan. Obito can’t blame Madara for giving in when Hashirama forced peace to try and protect the few loyal Clan members who remained. Obito decides to protect Konoha and the Uchiha because he won’t let Madara’s last wish go unfulfilled but he’s going to become the fucking Hokage and tear out all the Senju-inflicted rot infecting his Big Brother’s Dream.
Obito is openly disdainful of the Clan Elders and the only people he even vaguely respects is the Head Family. Mostly because Mikoto is descended from Izuna’s daughter and even though Izayoi married “Tobirama’s student Kagami” she was still his baby girl and Mikoto is his great-grand daughter and he loves her because she’s his family.
Mikoto, Obito, and Shisui are all descendants of Kagami and Izayoi’s kids so they’re second-third cousins. Obito spends a lot of time pondering the overlap of self-care and I-love-my-grandbabies. It’s a fun little exercise in existentialism.
In the meantime Kakashi is still a little shit-disturber of the highest order. Kanna was taught all the fun Uchiha Clan Skills as Izuna’s wife and now Kakashi has learned all the fun Hatake Clan Skills from Sakumo and the little bastard is even more terrifying than canon. Kakashi is more gender-fluid than agender the way Kanna was though which is a fun new flavour of dysphoria-through-reincarnation that I’ll probably enjoy exploring.
Now, this does mean that Kakashi starts wearing his mask before Sakumo gets scapegoated which is a minor yet still significant change from Kakashi’s canon characterization-and-motivations.
So Kakashi blitzes their way through the Academy in like, 6 months because Kakashi has negative chill and an understandably paranoid focus on keeping their dad alive this time around. The only people Kakashi respects are the Military Police and their Dad everyone else can perish. Minato is A Constant Despair because he cannot control this sassy hell child Sakumo-sempai pls tell your son to l i s t e n t o m e.
Sakumo-sempai goes “LOL nope” because Sakumo is also a troll but is better at hiding it than Kakashi is.
So Rin and Obito are BFFs then Kakashi rips through their class like ground lightning and the sparring scene happens but the kickback of Uchiha-memories manifesting as body action means the spar is a familiar dance and so Obito is like “OMG K a n n a” and cue Obito stalking Kakashi like a schoolgirl with an obsessive crush and no concept of personal boundaries.
Enough shenanigans occur to 1. make Team Minato a cohesive and functional thing instead of a train wreck, and 2. keep Sakumo alive because Kakashi recognizes their Dad’s suicidal tendencies for what they are and so they set their ninken up as watchdogs to make sure Sakumo doesn’t do anything stupid. Because Kakashi’s biggest regret is leaving Madara and Izayoi to suffer grief without them and they refuse to let that sort of despair take away anyone they care about again.
So now Team Minato is bonding, and they are friends, and they are all slowly coming to the realization that they all remember their previous lives. So they start to share information and gradually piece together where Zetsu’s influence has been applied as they try to figure out what the Plant Demon’s endgame is.
Which means that Team Minato is 100% more paranoid about mission intelligence than they were in canon and also Rin more than ready to gut the Iwa-nin who tries to kidnap her during the Kannabi Bridge Mission so that’s fun. Team Minato has also made a point system for rooting out moles, spies, and traitors to hand over to T&I. 
Sarutobi had a lovely headache when the knowledge that Sakumo’s mission had been sabotaged “accidentally” got leaked. (Kakashi had given the old man more than enough time to fix the rumour mill so it’s on Sarutobi’s own head that he didn’t take action before Kakashi did.)
Also Team Chaos Gremlins Minato manages to charm Orochimaru over to their camp via one of Obito’s rage fuelled rants about dismantling the hypocritical indoctrination of the institutionalized status quo. Specifically, the fact that the Hokage is supposed to be a public service position voted on by the people who only really has complete executive power during war time. Instead of a unilateral dictator chosen by the previous Hokage’s undisguised bias and favouritism.
Also because they’re all proof of the reincarnation cycle existing. Orochimaru is living his best life especially when Team Minato trash talks the other two Sannin. 
Rin is the Most Offended by Tsunade fucking off and abandoning her responsibilities. Tsunade basically inherited all of Hashirama’s worst traits without any obvious redeeming qualities to balance it out. Because, let’s be honest, the only reason Hashirama got any level of respect is because he was Over Powered to the point of ridiculousness and because Tobirama plus Mito were in charge of his public image.
Kakashi and Obito are both hyper-loyal so having Jiraiya decide to just not come back during wartime and for Tsunade to abandon her responsibilities as a healer and Clan Head has destroyed any possible respect they might have had.
Obviously Orochimaru is the best Sannin so he’s the one they’re going to make friends with. Also they drag Orochimaru back to the Hatake Clan House to commiserate with Sakumo about being the target of a Village wide smear campaign. Which strengthens both Orochimaru and Sakumo’s spirits enough to resist their Bad Endings from canon.
All of this basically allows Team Minato to have the leverage to track down Zetsu’s creeper cave and they find Madara trapped and blinded and leashed to the Gedo Mezo, and Obito nearly has a world-destroying breakdown. Rin stands guard while Obito and Kakashi have a tearful reunion with Madara and there’s a lot of dramatic apologizing and sobbing.
They all know that they can’t leave Madara here with Zetsu, but detaching him means he’s going to die. Eventually Madara makes the decision himself to break the connection because he refuses to be used as a hostage against his little brother. So Madara tells Obito where his eyes are (which means that the Ame trio are going to get kidnapped by Team Minato eventually) plus a run-down of all the subversive plots Zetsu has had a hand in, and then Madara outright smashes the statue.
Normally nothing would be able to destroy the Gedo Mezo given that it’s basically the fossilized corpse of a god but Madara is currently part of it which means that the statue’s defences don’t realize Madara is a threat. So, statue goes boom, the cave starts to collapse, and Team Minato runs away with Madara’s body so they can give him a respectful burial.
Zetsu has approximately ten thousand aneurysms in the space of one (1) second.
From here the kickback really starts to pile up because Obito now makes a habit of dropping in on newborn Uchiha to check and see if Madara’s been reborn yet. Which means that Sasuke has a really invested older cousin hanging around to take Itachi’s place when Itachi make dumb decisions.
Rin is grumpy because basically every Clan who joined Konoha had a bunch of Senju marry into their Clan so finding Hashirama’s reincarnation is basically impossible. (And then, of course, Naruto is born and Rin faceplams 1000 times because of fucking course.)
Kakashi is laughing at both of them. Right up until they take command of Team 7 and notice a hated familiar chakra under the skin of a pink haired little girl. (All three members of Team Minato nearly die laughing because Tobirama is a pink haired little girly girl heeeeee~)
Anyway aside from all the family drama Team Minato also manages to dispose of Danzo and exposes his “plot against the Hokage”, boosting Sakumo’s public image to the point he gets named as the Fourth, fixing the stigma Orochimaru faced despite being the only loyal member of the Sannin, and basically terrorizing Konoha with Political Activism.
Zetsu probably goes a bit around the bend thanks the Team Minato destroying all his hopes and dreams plans. Also they keep putting the pressure on and exposing Zetsu’s schemes and eventually that gains enough momentum that the other Villages are taking a good hard look at shit that’s going down and hey wait w h a t t h e f u c k …
Obito eventually takes over as the Fifth Hokage and tears apart the corrupt government systems like a Tasmanian Devil going through a rotting carcass because Big Brother’s Dream Will Become A Reality B E L I E V E I T !
The End. XP
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kusunogatari · 5 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Twenty: The Routine; Step by Step ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Uchiha Sachiko ] [ Verse: The World’s a Stage ] [ Previous || Next ]
Six weeks. Six weeks he had to stay in that hospital, waiting for the singed and melted flesh to heal. The only things that made it bearable were the visits he got. Primarily from his grandmother, but also from Ryū...and eventually, to his honest surprise, Kakashi.
Their reunion had been rather...awkward, at first. And Kakashi admitted that he’d been at least partially prompted by Ryū to show up. But it had been a long time coming, the pair sitting and talking about all that had happened for hours. Rin, the accident, their falling out...and then the fire.
Ryū had waited down in the hospital’s cafe, giving the boys their privacy. Only once texted that it was over did she come back up, smiling wearily as they both gave looks of tired accomplishment.
...but his wounds weren’t his only punishment.
Arson in the first degree. Depending on factors the prosecutor wants to bring forward, he could - in theory - face up to life in prison, and a fifty-thousand dollar fine. Stack that on top of his hospital bills and a lawyer...and things aren't looking good.
His grandmother insists the bills don’t matter - she’s just glad he made it out alive, even if it was his fault to begin with. Ryū sets up a fundraiser, and they manage to bring in a few thousand dollars, but...that’s really just a few drops in the pail.
Court is a terrifying thing. As legal jargon is tossed around and his fate decided by someone else, Obito can do little more than be truthful. Admit to his anger, explain its roots, plead that he’s more than learned his lesson.
The building he burned was condemned, but still legally considered a residence. In the end...he’s given seven years jail time, tried and prosecuted as an adult, being eighteen.
“We’ll visit whenever we can,” they tell him - his grandmother, Kakashi, Ryū. And still they try to find funding for his remaining bills, legal and medical alike.
For the most part, his stint in the joint is...unremarkable. The first year is filled with visits from all three, and even a few other students who feel sympathy. But then Kakashi and Ryū start college, and their arrivals dwindle. Depression on the rise, Obito just...slogs through it, day by day, unsure what he’s going to do when he gets out. Hell...he wasn’t sure what he was going to do before he started that fire. He had no direction, no goal...just anger and sadness and a tight grip on his past...without any thought to his future.
He tries to reflect. Tries to look forward. But there isn’t much for him to glean.
For good behavior, they shave off his last six months. At age twenty-five, Obito is released from prison.
...and he has no idea where to go from here.
By some miracle, his grandmother is still alive, but getting frailer by the day. Mostly he’s just glad he’s out before she’s gone. Their full reunion is a teary one, Obito enveloping her in a hug that almost makes her disappear.
“Oh, my boy...it’s been so cold and lonely without you here…”
“I’m sorry, grandma. I’m here, now.”
He starts looking for a job. But no one wants to hire a convicted felon. Even menial labor jobs think twice, seeing his past penchant for setting fires as a liability they don’t want to touch. Months pass with nothing. His grandmother has been barely squeaking by, managing his bills on top of her own expenses. With him home and only making things all the more expensive, the need for some kind of income drives him to extremes.
Kakashi, already graduated and working, tries to help him find something. He himself got a teaching degree, landing a literature gig at their old high school. By some grace, he convinces them to let Obito come on as a janitor. It’s...not much, but it’s something.
And by now, Obito’s learned to swallow his pride.
Three months of that first job pass before Life decides to throw him a curveball.
Home on a Saturday, Obito’s quietly peeling vegetables for dinner when a cab pulls up out front. Brow furrowing, he watches as someone gets out of the rear seat, packing a single bag. A sweatshirt’s hood is drawn, watching the car pull away before turning to the house and peeling the material back.
...it’s Ryū…!
Abandoning his task, Obito heads out the front door just as she passes the gate. There’s a small pause, and then they meet in the middle. Obito practically swallows her up in a hug, earning a laugh.
“I’m so sorry,” she breathes, doing her best to embrace him back. “I’ve been so busy, and only just heard you were out early…!”
“Kakashi didn’t…?”
“Look, it’s...a long story. Mind if we go inside, first? I have something I need to ask you.”
“Yeah, yeah...here, let me get that.”
“It’s just one bag! I can’t stay long. I, uh...technically snuck off.”
He gives her a questioning look, but she doesn’t elaborate, just heading inside. His grandmother wastes no time in giving her a hug of her own.
“Oh, it’s been so long, dear…!”
“I’m sorry...I’ve been so swamped the last few years. But it’s good to see you, Mrs. Uchiha.”
“Please, Sachiko is fine.”
“Here, I actually have something for you…” Ryū pulls an envelope out of her pocket, insisting, “Don’t open it until I leave, okay? It’s a surprise.”
Obito watches as they interact, noticing the rather glitzy outfit his friend is wearing. It feels like he’s...missing something.
But then she turns to him with a windblown smile. “Sorry, I’m all over the place...I’m a little lagged from the flight.”
“Yeah, I...well, let me start at the beginning…”
“I’ll go make some tea and some snacks,” Sachiko then offers, toddling toward the kitchen. “You two talk.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Uchiha!” Taking a seat in the living room, Ryū seems to take a long moment to think.
“So, um...I dropped out of college.”
“I was trying to major in nursing. And it, uh...wasn’t going well. But I was also taking some music classes, you know...since I loved theater and choir so much. I was posting some of my stuff to the net, covers of songs and stuff...and um...I ended up auditioning for that singing competition show.”
Obito just gapes.
“I got...pretty far. Semi-finals. And when I was voted off, I got picked up by a small label. Things just sort of...spiraled from there. I got a song on the radio, and views online skyrocketed, and now I’m…” She shrugs, looking sheepish with a blush. “I’m...a singer, now! I’ve done a few concerts, some music videos...and things don’t look like they’re going to slow down any time soon.”
“I...that’s amazing…! That must be why I haven’t...heard from you?”
Her face then falls. “...I’m so sorry...I had to move to the coast, and I’ve just been so busy...I kept meaning to write, but my agent didn’t want word getting out I was talking to a felon,” she mutters, looking frustrated. “Which...is why I had to sneak away to come see you. I’m tired of her strongarming me all the time.”
“...I guess I just...dunno what to say. I’ll admit I didn’t see that change coming.”
“I mean…” Ryū tucks some hair behind an ear, musing for a moment. “...part of me always wanted to try it. I’ve loved music and theater for a while. But I thought nursing would be more...practical. And follow my mom’s path. And I do sort of wish I’d stuck with it. I’d love to be helping people. But at the same time, as tough as this career can be...I’m pretty happy with it. And um...that leads me to my question.” She leans forward, arms braced on her knees. “...I heard from Kakashi you were having trouble with a job…?”
“I’ve got one for now, janitor at the school.”
“...do you like it?”
“It’s...a job.”
“...well...I wanted to offer you a new one.”
“Wh…? Me? But...for what?”
“My agent’s been a bit...worried lately. She’s convinced that I’m reaching a point where I should probably have some kind of security. Just in case someone tries to hurt me. Frenzied fans, or a stalker, or just...someone who gets it in their head. Y’know? So...I wanted to ask if you’d consider being my bodyguard.”
Obito stares at her.
“...I know it’s really random, and I don’t expect an answer now. But...well, I figured if I’m going to trust my life to someone, I want it to be someone I know. That I...trust.” Sorrow suddenly colors her features. “...I realize I haven’t been much of a friend. Life swept me away, and we haven’t talked in a few years. But...I do still care about you. And I thought it would be a good opportunity for you. It would pay really well, you’d get all sorts of benefits, and really it would probably be pretty easy most of the time. Just...think about it.” Dragging her eyes back to his face, she manages a small smile. “...it’d be great to be able to see you again.”
Rather overwhelmed, Obito reflexively jokes, “I think you’d get sick of me.”
“Oh, I doubt that. But...I just wanted to throw that out there for you. See what you think. And I don’t expect an answer now. I think I’ll be able to hide out in town a few days before my agent drags me back kicking and screaming,” she adds, grinning.
“...you really want me to...do that? You’d trust me with that?”
Her eyes flicker over his face for a moment. “...I would. More than anyone else. I got a really good look at your character when you were hurt, and...all the time after that. Court, and everything. It’s true, you had some issues...but they were born out of grief. I got a pretty good idea of who you really are. Besides that, you’re obviously strong, and attentive. I think you’d make a perfect bodyguard. But again, it’s only if you want it. No pressure, no expectations.”
Before he can reply, Sachiko returns at last with tea and some crackers. “I’m sorry, dear...I don’t have much in the cupboards.”
Something flashes across Ryū’s face. “No, no - that’s great! I skipped breakfast so I’m starved -”
“Oh! Then let me -!”
“No no, I’ve got it. This is good - my stomach’s a little wobbly after that flight. Tea and crackers is perfect, thank you.”
The old woman doesn’t look convinced, but takes a seat and a cup anyway. “So what’s this I hear about a job…?”
Obito explains it all again for her, and her eyes alight. “Oh, that sounds perfect…! You’re such a strong boy, and you’d be sure to keep her safe!”
That gets Ryū to smile warmly. “He was the first person I thought of for the job.”
“Surely you’ll do it, won’t you Obito?”
“I’ll...give it a little thought, first,” he replies evasively.
“Oh I’m sure he’ll do it. Just give him a minute to mull it over,” Sachiko insists, making Ryū laugh and Obito go pink.
“Well...I better find a hotel to crash in,” Ryū eventually offers, getting to her feet.
“Oh, won’t you stay, dear?”
“I don’t want to interrupt -”
“Nonsense! We’re happy to have you!”
“Well...Obito needs to do some thinking, and you need to open that envelope I gave you,” Ryū gently counters. “I’ll come back by tomorrow, how about that? Take you guys out to lunch or something. And we can talk some more. I sorta just...showed up, that was rude.”
“You’re welcome any time,” Sachiko insists, tottering after her as she moves to the door. “But it would be lovely to see you again tomorrow. Just give us a call!”
“I will.” Giving the elder a hug, Ryū then offers one to Obito, who accepts. “Think that over, huh?”
“Yeah...see you tomorrow.”
As she takes her leave, the remaining pair turn to one another, and then Sachiko brightens. “Oh, the envelope!” Fetching it from her pocket, she unfurls it and opens the flap, reading a small note before pulling out another slip of paper. Eyes widening, her face pales, and she almost collapses if not for Obito’s quick reflexes. “Oh...oh my goodness…”
“Grandma?!” Helping her to a chair, Obito takes the papers from her, first reading the note.
Just paying some good fortune forward.
I know how you can use this, so please
do. And no, I won’t take it back. Whatever’s
leftover after the two main expenses, you
keep to live on. Consider this me making
up for my absence, and all the time I owe
you both. And please...don’t show this to
Obito. I don’t want it swaying his decision.
I don’t want either of you to feel obligated
in any way. This is what I want to do.
Looking to the second slip, Obito sees the set of zeros on the check and freezes. Two main expenses...she must mean the rest of his medical and legal bills…? But this...this is…
Looking close to tears, Sachiko manages a shaking sigh. “...first she helps save your life...and now this? Surely she’s an angel from Heaven...what a kind soul…”
Obito reads the note again, flipping it over but finding nothing on the back. Don’t show it to him, huh? Well...he’d surely find out one way or another. Sway his decision...about taking the job? Which way? Obligation to work for her to repay the debt, or to turn it down and refuse her further kindness? Either way...he’s shellshocked.
“...I’ll take the job,” he murmurs.
“I’d certainly hope so!” Sachiko replies, her own surprise managing to fade a bit as she sits up. “Now you listen to me! You keep that girl safe, Obito. No one can hurt her...such a sweet girl. I’ll...I’ll have to call the bank in the morning. Good gracious…” Mumbling to herself, she snatches back the papers, suddenly full of vigor as she leaves Obito behind.
After a long pause, he gives a single huff of a laugh. “...well, then.”
When Ryū calls the next morning, Sachiko gives her an earful, but the singer refuses to hear any complaints or refusals. Instead, she takes them out to lunch as promised, and Obito tells her his answer.
“And you’re doing this because you want the job, right? No other reason?”
He just nods. He does want the job. But maybe partially for a reason she wouldn’t like.
“...all right then. You can fly back to the coast with me, and we’ll get you all settled in. Mrs. Uchiha...I know you depend on him, and if you’d like, I could have you moved -?”
“Oh, nonsense. I raised my son in that house, lost my husband in that house...and took care of Obito there. There’s only one way I’m leaving it,” she insists. “I’ll be fine.”
“Would you like me to hire a careta-?”
“I can manage that well enough with what you gave me. I’m not a prideful woman...but there’s only so much I’ll allow.”
“Well...we’ll come visit as often as we can. And I’ll get you set up so we can facetime with you!”
“Face what, now?”
“...I’ll explain later.”
Obito packs up a few belongings, giving a rather teary goodbye to his grandmother as Ryū calls her agent. The exchange is clearly argumentative, but in the end it all seems settled.
“Not in trouble, are you?” he asks, perking a brow.
“I didn’t break anything in my contract,” Ryū replies with a wink. “So no. She’s mad I snuck out, but I didn’t have any other pressing obligations. And technically I did what she wanted: I hired a bodyguard!”
Obito just snorts.
One flight later, he finds himself in the big city, the next several days a blur of Ryū finding him an apartment, introducing him to the rest of her team, and getting all of the paperwork taken care of.
“So you don’t have to be with me all the time,” she eventually explains. “There will be plenty of times I’ll be in safe environments where others can keep an eye on me. Biggest things will be public venues, you know?”
Ryū gives a sympathetic smile. “Don’t worry, it’ll all sink in. I know what it is to be overwhelmed...I felt the same way when things started picking up for me.” Her expression then warms. “...I’m just...very glad you’re here. I feel safer already. Now...I have to go to practice for some choreography for an upcoming show...want to go with me?”
They head to a dance studio, where Ryū meets with her trainer, choreographer, and backup dancers. For several hours they run through the routine, step by step. Obito, with little else to do, lingers and watches. He has to admit...it’s impressive. And Ryū looks focused and driven, mouthing along with her track as they go.
By early evening they break for the day, everyone heading home save for Ryū, who hangs back to work on a section she’s struggling with. Sweat lines her brow, breath rushing as she rests between attempts.
“Ready to call it a night?”
“No...not yet…” Taking a swig of water, she sighs. “...few more tries.”
“I dunno how you keep that all straight.”
Glancing over, Ryū grins. “Practice. Lots and lots and lots of practice.” Setting her water aside, she asks, “...want to try?”
“What, me?”
“Yeah! Just a few steps, huh?” She gives him a grin, holding out hands.
“I’m a bodyguard, not a backup dancer,” he replies, nonetheless stepping up.
“Well maybe I’ll promote you if you dance well,” she teases. “Here...stand like this. The sequence is...one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.” With each number, she executes a move, doing so slowly at first.
“We’ll go slow.” Holding a pose, she waits for him to mimic before moving to the next. Over and over, going a bit faster every time. “There, you’re getting it!”
“I’m a little stiff,” he laughs. “Scars and all that.”
“No, you’re doing really well! You’ve got good rhythm! Here, we’ll try with the music…” Playing the mp3, she helps him count out before they go through the little section. As Obito stops, she keeps on for a few more, including the part she’d been struggling with. “...okay, I think I got it! Finally, oh my gosh…”
As she stops and catches her breath, music still going, Obito listens. It’s pretty much your typical pop song, but...he likes it. If only because it’s her song. “...this is actually pretty good.”
“Heh, thanks...I’d like to do more ballad-style pieces. Fast, poppy stuff is okay. And it sells well. But I’d like to have something a bit more...theater-like.”
Obito shrugs. “Neither are really my genre…”
She laughs, insisting, “No, that’s fine! I’ll get you some earplugs, because otherwise you’re going to hear it a lot.”
“I don’t mind it if it’s yours.”
Ryū pauses at that. “...not biased, are you?”
Her lips curl a bit in a grin, shutting it off. “...well...I’m gonna shower, and then indulge in some takeout. Wanna come with, or head home?”
“I’ll stay.”
They slip into a fast food joint, getting it to go and heading back to Obito’s place. It’s a hell of a lot nicer than he’d ever afford working that janitor job. Yet another thing he needs to thank her for…
They sit on the balcony, legs dangling through the railing as they munch fries. “...you know...this is the first time since I graduated high school I’ve really just...hung out with a friend.”
Obito glances to her. “...really?”
“Yeah. I was a loner in college, and then...well, good luck finding real friends in his business,” she sighs, indulging in another fry. “...that’s a big reason why I wanted you to take the job. I’ve been...really lonely. Maybe that was selfish of me.”
“You’ve been anything but selfish.”
“Hey. You literally saved my life. Twice, really. You flipped it upside down. I’d be scrubbing high school bathrooms right now if not for you.”
“I don’t want you to feel that way, though,” Ryū insists, turning to him with a wilted brow. “I didn’t do this out of...of pity, or wanting you to feel like you owe me. You’re my friend. And I’ve been really lucky. I just...want to share that luck with someone. Help them. And you were the one I wanted to help the most. And not just because of all the troubles you’ve faced. But because you’re a really sweet guy, Obito. I -” She cuts off, apparently catching herself before blurting something. “...I’m glad you’re here. I wasn’t kidding - I feel safer with you around. For...a lot of reasons.”
“...yeah.” Looking into her empty fry cup, she then just...collapses against his side with a sigh. “...I know I’ve been a bad friend up until now. But I hope I can make it up to you.”
“...you already did. And then some.” Tentatively, he lets an arm encircle her shoulders. “...thanks for letting me be here.”
“...thanks for letting me drag you into this.”
“Any time.” Glancing down to her, Obito feels his stomach shift as she nestles a bit more comfortably against him, a weird warmth in his...chest…
...oh no.
Swallowing thickly, he then looks back up, watching the sky slowly darken, the city still bright with lights.
“You’re a really sweet guy, Obito. I feel safer with you around.”
He can’t help a small sigh. Oh, Obito...what are you getting yourself into…?
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     (This is a follow-up to day four!)      I'm not...100% sure it was a good idea to have this verse continued from day four - it mighta worked better as a standalone with them as strangers, but...meh, oh well - maybe I'll do this sort of concept again sometime lol      I am.......a really big sucker for protector / protected dynamics in ships, okay. I've wanted to try it for a long while now. And the title just gave me the idea of a dance routine, WHICH fits the whole pop star AU pretty well! And I think Obito would make a really good bodyguard, honestly. He's both strong, AND - depending on the verse - also knows how 'bad guys' think...hence me tying it into day four, like he had some experience in jail to sort of know what to look for to help keep Ryū safe.      Anyway, III'm rambling lol - hope ya enjoyed! Thanks for reading!~
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Ayesha Liveblogs Naruto Shippuden S20 (Pt. 3)
I wonder if going after Karin’s Tsukuyomi bulb was happenstance or whether Tobirama went “I smell an Uzumaki” and had at it
“Just be quiet for a bit” How dare you speak to your father this way Sasuke, Kakashi does nothing but love you
Mirai as a baby is an absolute unit and I love it
Shikamaru, getting down on one knee in front of Temari: Will you not marry me?
You know what. All these dreams are extremely realistic. I buy it. A teenage boy would totally dream about kicking his friends’ asses for fun even if he had the opportunity to do anything in the world. 10/10 believability 
Sai dreams about being told he has a nice smile and being twirled around by Naruto my boooooy 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“[My Sasori transformer] will be the guardian deity of the Sand” Kankuro pls
Omg Temari’s dream is so cute she wants her little brothers to need her
God the fact Gaara’s dream is about having a happy childhood PICK UP THE PHONE RASA I JUST NEED TO TALK
“Madara, don’t you dare talk about the Uchiha. The only one who has that right, is my big brother.” But he did... murder them, Sasuke. That is a thing that happened. My dear. My dude. He done did it.  
Having read Itachi Shinden none of this should be shocking but FUGAKU REALLY YOUR SON IS FOUR WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
“Listen Itachi, never forget this sight” well he sure won’t now that you’ve given him CHILD PTSD FUGAKU
“We finally have peace, and we must do our best to maintain it” Hmmm.... must you, Fugaku? Is that a thing you must do?
“What is life, anyway?” Damn my existential dread didn’t kick in at least until I was in school, Itachi
Sasuke was such a weird-looking newborn I love him
I wonder how the English dub will deal with the mild implications of inc/est between Itachi and Izumi
Please Mikoto your son is like 6 why are you having him babysit
God I am so used to every version of Itachi having the voice of a grownass man that hearing a child-like voice even when he is 6 is almost off-putting lmao
Full offence Obito but why do you have to be such a little bitch
“Oh good, I knew that you’d be alright” HE’S 6 FUGAKU
Why is Naruto just sitting in a basket on top of his father’s grave??? Who let you do this? Hiruzen what is wrong with you??
“I’m glad that you didn’t die” an accurate representation of Itachi’s social skills at all ages
DFhsdjfhkdsjhfk I love that Itachi has accidentally become these kids’ leader 
AHHHHH I guess that’s Hana next to Itachi I wanna see the cat ninja and dog ninja fight 
“If the fighting can be stopped, I’d like to stop it” Shisui <3 
Itachi’s sweet tooth is so goddamn cute ahhhh what a little nerd
“I mean, [ladies] are clueless” “How dare you insult my woman” Turns out the alcohol this cat was drinking was Respect Women Juice
God I love Minazuki-sensei he’s such a mess
“No they blew away in the wind” guess Itachi hasn’t picked up his snitching tendencies yet lmao
Baby Sasuke has acquired a younger voice too I guess. It is real late in the game to be establishing these lmao
Obito. I’m. Stop???? Please. Is this how Kakashi felt during the war
God I love Shisui the tiny ninja detective they really have left off some of the cooler aspects of being a shinobi in all the wild and flashy jutsu like during the Land of Waves arc when Kakashi kept noticing relatively mundane clues
“Shisui picked up on how I felt right from the beginning” welcome to empathy Itachi
“I’ll hand this intel over to Lord Hokage, and he will deliver a just and fair judgment” I like this ANBU vs. ROOT dichotomy but bold of you to assume Hiruzen won’t ultimately let Danzo do whatever he wants lol
Damn what the shit how does Shisui know who the foundation already isn’t he like 12 
The animation of this arc is nice but also so weird they really did make Itachi and Shisui’s eyes like half of their face
These wholeass adults getting between by two prepubescents lmao 
“A teleportation jutsu has no mass” wait WHAT I have so many questions Shisui what does that MEAN 
“I want to you to think of me as your older brother” HELL YEAH HE DOES
Ffgdfkghkjh what an abrupt voice change between age 8 and 11 Itachi
How many times have they animated these same goddamn Itachi scenes 
Holy shit it’s like they tried to tell the story of the Itachi Shinden novels and then got bored halfway through gfkhgfkhgkjh
“I’m exhaAAAUsted from my mission” Itachi pls why say it like that
“You have the Mangekyo as well?” Fugaku had a friend???? Unrealistic. Blocked
Genjutsu but I don’t remember that either ?!?!?! Doesn’t Fugaku spend all of Itachi Shinden being emotionally distant and sending Itachi mixed moral messages
Who is the Fugaku hater on this storyboard staff lmao I’m crying
I have a lot of thoughts about this art direction honestly why is everything in the shadows why are the character models so weird why is Itachi suddenly outside in the lightning for his murder discussion meeting instead of inside the council room if you had to shout over lightning people could hear you 
“I challenge you to the high jump” “You’re no match for me” Sasuke you’re the most obnoxious seven-year-old in the world I love it
“There’s something that I’d like you to help me with” a very casual opener when you’re proposing the murder of your entire clan but okay
They really leaned into the horror movie aesthetic huh fair enough 
I have some objections to register about Izumi’s death like both options are weird but at least in Itachi Shinden she wasn’t humiliated by Obito begging for Itachi to save her she had a degree of awareness and it was an impactful if strange scene
Cute new ED but also the idea of Tobirama giving anyone a fistbump amuses me immensely 
“Who would’ve thought that that scuzzy bearded jerk would’ve been able to use a taijutsu like that” RUDE but also ‘scuzzy’ jhfjghkjhfgj
Omg that’s so funny they literally gave the former owner of Zabuza’s blade the same voice
This doesn’t make any fucking sense how could Juzo have the executioner’s blade when Zabuza would be like 21 when Itachi was 13 oh my god 
“The Hidden Mist doesn’t keep any prisoners” unsurprising but interesting
Is this meant to imply that Juzo is killed and then Zabuza immediately finds the sword and starts a coup because that’s hilarious
Wait how does them fighting the Mizukage make any sense isn’t Yagura under Obito’s control lmao who wrote this
Did Itachi just.... accidentally cripple the Mizukage omg [Zabuza screams in the distance]
Hahahaha I know it’s supposed to be evil but it’s really funny that Kakuzu killed his partner for being too slow
“I wouldn’t know how to cater to your moods” kjfhgkdhfgjh Kakuzu just got wrecked by a thirteen-year-old LMAO 
“I’m not sure what to do with you... whether to kill you right now or find a way to use you” KILL OROCHIMARU, ITACHI, IT’S GONNA SAVE YOU A LOT OF TROUBLE 
Why the hell would Kabuto be hanging out near the Akatsuki anyway isn’t he in a long term infiltration of the Leaf Village lmao or can Orochimaru summon him like a snake
On what basis does Pain decide these partnerships did Kisame and Sasori take a babysitting course or smth
The cutaway without the “This... is art” scene is almost funnier because it implies Itachi just had to flash his eyes at Deidara and Deidara was like, “HELLO AKATSUKI I AM HERE”
“I wouldn’t mind giving you a taste of my art” [insert ninja sex joke about Deidara’s mouth hands here]
Deidara really should not be old enough to be here by this point in the narrative but this entire arc has been wacky timeline wise
Man it must be fucked up to fight a puppet version of your own corpse
“What I really wanted... was to get a hold of Itachi’s body” you are the definition of stranger danger Orochimaru
From what I remember the video games had Kakuzu and Orochimaru approaching Hidan and not Konan and Itachi but I’m game for any Orochimaru erasure lmao
 I’m pretty sure all of that blood was Hidan’s?? World-building whomst
“He licked Kakuzu’s blood” did he though?? Show me his wound Itachi
OMG they’re really heavy-handed with Leaf!Itachi as if we did not just watch a bunch of episodes of Itachi caring about his village like honestly look at this:
Kisame: So even you have feelings for your birthplace, is that it?
Itachi: No. Not at all. [Sasuke, I hope that you’re safe.] 
(Me too Itachi 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
“It’s been a long time... Saaasuke” could you say his name a little less weirdly please Itachi
You really can’t get mad at Kakashi for teaching Sasuke chidori Itachi like maybe if you would murder less people Kakashi would feel a little less overprotective
God was the only point of animating and voicing these scenes again so that Itachi could mentally apologize every twelve seconds? You know what fair enough, anxiety and depression be like that sometimes
“You still have people who’ll protect you” Oh plot twist Itachi was actually writing a “Nice” list instead of a “Naughty” list and Kakashi, Jiraiya and Naruto are all on it
Oh yeah I kind of forgot that this was all supposed to be like a 5 minute span for Sasuke’s flashback of Itachi’s entire life lmao
You know.... it’s real unclear to me how Obito wakes up from his trance lmao he may not be in a cocoon but he’s certainly exposed to the light
“Be careful. We’re surrounded on all sides by four of his shadows” “Yeah I know that” Yeah, Naruto knows it, but Sasuke’s warning where the Shadow Madaras are entirely for Kakashi and Sakura’s benefit BC HE WORRIES MY BABY BOYYYY
“This chakra is even way stronger than Ten-Tails” I really heard “Tenten” there and I was like, wait what did I miss with Tenten kfhkjhgkjhg
“They’re turned into White Zetsu” I hate this nonsensical bit of world-building it made more sense and felt less weird when they were Hashirama clones like what the fuck
Oh I can’t believe this is making me feel almost bad for Madara did Zetsu really edit the Uchiha Stone Tablet’s Tsukuyomi section to say “Peace Plans” ain’t that how like the CIA entraps people 
“Hashirama... where did I go wrong” We’d need a lot more time than you have to unpack that Madara
“Countless nights passed” I mean. Was it countless nights. Because I think it was. A couple hours. This war arc spans like two days. I have spent more human hours on this arc than they’ve spent ninja hours in this war
“I can’t believe such a person existed” neither can I Sasuke it’s almost like she was invented specifically for this arc
For real Obito no offence but like why aren’t you dead it just doesn’t make much sense khkjfdhkjhgkjh
Hmmm not 2 be that gal but Kaguya’s voice is v pleasant on the ears 
“Sorry to be so rough with you, Obito” Kakashi. You loving, kind, dumb bitch. He stabbed you THREE TIMES in the past two days you really owe him like -1000 apologies
“This is also one of those times where your body just moves on its own” SASUKE CALLED OUT FOR LOVING HIS COMRADES
“I’ve got to get to Naruto” I love your dedication Minato but I feel as though the loss of both of your arms makes helping more difficult
Kakashi is not NEARLY as surprised about this levitation thing as he should be. I think as this point he’s just like. ‘This might as well happen’
All other things aside Kaguya’s really fun to look at damn
Okay okay okay not to look for too much logic in this ninja show but don’t both Naruto and Sasuke have Six Paths chakra why can only Naruto float is a metaphor for Sasuke’s fall from grace
“I am Kaguya’s child” I can only imagine a Game of Thrones-eque shadow flying out the hooha situation
“Just before the seal took hold, she gave birth to me, in order that she could be restored” I can only assume Kaguya fucked Bitterness and Regret and you know.... fair enough
I gotta tell you Zetsu being the primary narrator of this arc is jarring
Tenji seems kinda nice it’s a shame something terrible will probably happen to him
Say what you will about SP’s animation inconsistencies they can animate some beautiful-ass skies
“Is there anything that you desire” Get u a man like Tenji
Fellas is it gay to sit under the stars with your handmaiden who adores you in comfortable silence
“Even now you’re not scared. That just makes me like you more” take a shot every time a man is Like That (bah dum tss) 
“Do Not Touch Me,” wow Kaguya mood
I will clarify I said that BEFORE she exploded the men gkhkjfhgkhh
Tenji, that Aino lady is your subordinate are you really gonna leave her with the creepy That man u are not the man I thought you were
“Just tell him, and I’m sure that Lord Tenji will forgive you” to be fair Aino you could’ve elaborated u were just like ‘yup she killed them’ and left it at that
When life gives u lemons use people as fertilizer for ur infinite lemon tree I guess
Are you telling me 1) Gamamaru has existed since the DAWN OF CHAKRA and 2) He knew all about this Tsukuyomi shit just like. Kept it on the DL. WHAT KINDA WORLD-BUILDING
Okay but for real did the Otsutsuki clan stem like.... all the clans, because there’s the Kaguya clan (through Hamura I guess?), and the Hyuga clan definitely through Hamura, and then the Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki through Hagoromo like just how many people did your kids sleep with and for that matter how long ago was this
“A real talking toad! Think people would like it if we caught it and took it home?” Why are Hagoromo and Hamura the cutest things in the world this is the sibling content we deserve
“You’re just a snake oil salesman, and not a very good one” oh I think I love Hamura oh no I would love a character who gets stuck on the moon 
Take a shot every time a woman exists to die and make a man sad 
“She fell in love with the ruler of this land and in time she became pregnant with the two of you” notice that at no point does Gamamaru say they got married can u believe Kaguya invented premarital sex
You know none of this goes against mine and Sloane’s Kagumo theory
“How can you see so far into a toad’s heart that clearly” Gamamaru and Hagoromo’s interactions are killing me
How much time has passed for Hamura’s hair to grow that long
Tenji doesn’t even appear in this flashback about love and betrayal it’s just Kaguya being bitter bc her gal Aino died they were in lesbians together
Every so often I’m reminded that Kishimoto has a twin brother and I wonder what he thinks about making the twins fight
“You enabled me to awaken the mangekyo sharingan and rinnegan” how do u even have words for those things. Didn’t they just happen right this moment
Wow this is all very Little Shop of Horrors, Momma feeds the tree with people juice and in turn it wants to protect her from harm
“We won’t be that far apart,” said Hagoromo, just as his brother was about to teleport to the moon
Side note: Maybe ur crops were failing bc without the moon the tides are all out of whack and you know, the moon was apparently just invented right now
“Time passed, and so did Hagoromo” I love this particular literary device
“Time after time I’d approach the reincarnates of Indra and Ashura” okay so we’re supposed to be down for not only regular reincarnation in Naruto but Indra and Ashura ONLY BEING BORN TO THE SENJU AND UCHIHA CLANS REPEATEDLY WHAT WHO WROTE THIS
Does this mean that people Naruto and Sasuke every 50 years????You’d think the Land of Fire would just. Get used to it
“Just with that alone, a thousands years passed” well at least we have some idea of how much time it’s been since Kaguya era lmao 
Ur telling me that this horseshit happened bc Tobirama doesn’t know to leave dead bodies well enough alone
This montage of Zetsu taking credit for everything Madara and Obito did is not appreciated lmao take some responsibility for your actions!!!!
I’m gonna keep harping on this for the rest of the war honestly like where is the ACCOUNTABILITY
“So your teen rebellion continues” LMAO UR NOT WRONG
“I know that this could be our last hurrah, but we gotta give it our best shot” not much of a plan Naruto sweetheart but fair
Tag urself I’m Kakashi’s look of despair at his hormonal students
“And Sasuke? Sorry that my sexy jutsu didn’t work” I was not prepared for the sincerity with which that line was delivered
The Sad Old Man™ energy radiating off Obito is... Immense 
“I want to thank you for helping me out. And for helping Sasuke” “No, there’s no need to thank me” this is the first time Obito has been right about something since the age of 13
“I’m not going to waste time on speeches,” said Obito, in the middle of a dramatic speech 
Minato..... how did you chop the branch.... with no hands to pick up a kunai???????? What kind of yoga contortion was involved
What I imagine the subtext of this scene to be:
Hagoromo: New old son!!!! I am dad now
Hashirama, whose dad was Butsuma: [choking back tears] Okay
Tobirama: I also hate our father
They’re all taking to this “demi-god pops out of the bottom half of dead ex-comrade” thing pretty well but to be fair they’ve had a complicated day
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kitsmits · 5 years
About the Kakashi Anbu Arc...
Specifically, the anime filler arc in the final season that explores Kakashi’s life post-Kyuubi, pre-Team-7. First of all, I actually really like this filler arc. It fleshed out several character relationships (not least of all, Kakashi and Yamato/Tenzo/Kinoe) as well as the dichotomy between Danzo’s Root and the Hokage’s Anbu. There was action, political intrigue, Kakashi being a badass, Kakashi being vulnerable, Kakashi interacting with baby Yamato and baby Itachi...plus, I’m a sucker for glimpses into Root’s culture. Sure, there were some flaws, some plot holes, but for the most part, they were relatively minor in my mind.
Except for one.
The plot to assassinate Hiruzen.
I have several problems with this whole plot thread. Let’s take a look, shall we?
First, a quick recap: In this anime-only filler arc, after the Kyuubi attack, teenage Kakashi was left grieving, angry, alone. Along comes Danzo, giving him someone to blame for the tragedy: Hiruzen. It was Hiruzen who ordered all the young Shinobi (including Kakashi) to NOT interfere during the attack; if Kakashi had been allowed to fight, perhaps things would have turned out differently. Danzo then makes Kakashi an offer: Work for him. Spy on Hiruzen. Help Danzo put Konoha back on the right path.
Kakashi, in his grief, agrees.
So we see him passing along information to Danzo for a bit...and then, Kakashi comes across a Foundation kid with a supposedly extinct ability: Wood release. Put a pin in that - it’ll come up again soon.
Anyway, eventually, Kakashi becomes part of Danzo’s plot to assassinate the Hokage. However, Kakashi has a change of heart and instead warns Hiruzen of the plot. Danzo is thwarted; Hiruzen confronts him...and then essentially forgives him. Hiruzen tells Danzo that if he ever found the individual responsible for the plot, he would have every right to charge the person with treason and execute them...but he’d rather that person instead focus their energies on protecting the village. 
Some issues.
1. It was unnecessary from a story perspective.
From a story point of view, the assassination/double-cross subplot is supposedly what made Kakashi turn “back to the light,” so to speak. But here’s the thing: I don’t think that was the reason he turned on Danzo. It’s not that I think Kakashi was perfectly fine with the idea of assassinating the Hokage; it certainly contributed, I imagine. However, given the trauma in his life so far, especially being forced to kill a friend for the sake of the village, I think the Kakashi of this time had resigned himself to being a tool of assassination. If killing the Hokage was really the best thing for Konoha - as Danzo said it was - then he was probably prepared to do it. (Or at least believed he was.)
However, something else happened during this time that lead Kakashi to doubt Danzo’s intentions: Kakashi discovered that Danzo was hiding a Wood release user. It’s significant to me that Kakashi investigated the matter BEFORE deciding to tell the Hokage about Danzo’s plans. Hiruzen bringing up that Wood Release was one of the only ways to subdue the Kyuubi made Kakashi think: That ability is more important than ever in the village now. Why would Danzo be keeping it hidden away if he truly had the village’s best interests in mind?
TL;DR: Kakashi already had the doubts he needed about Danzo. An assassination, while certainly good for drama, wasn’t completely necessary for him to turn on Danzo. Plus...
2. The aftermath is VERY problematic.
There are two sides of this: Hiruzen and Kakashi. By allowing Danzo to get away with a thinly veiled warning, they both wind up looking at naive and/or horribly negligent - and well into the future, in Kakashi’s case. Hiruzen giving his old comrade the benefit of the doubt despite trying to KILL him...that’s one thing. I mean, I’m generally a fan of forgiveness, but this is extreme, even for me.
But Kakashi knowing about all of this, and NEVER bringing it up, say, to Tsunade? Or the Elders? (Not that I have the highest opinion of those two windbags...) Staying quiet about it while Danzo took power? I know, I know - Kishi didn’t actually figure this whole filler arc into the story. But do you see the problems it creates in hindsight, especially for consistent characterization? It makes Kakashi, a character defined partly by his intelligence and judgment, seem at best an idiot and at worst willfully negligent. A lot of the filler arc adds to his characterization and shows his growth (though most of that is focused on Kino-Tenz-Yams). But this? This takes away from it. It doesn’t make him flawed; it makes his actions (or lack thereof) reprehensible.
3. It could almost be seen as “out of character” for Danzo. (Yes, I’m serious.)
Yeah, we get it, Danzo is power-hungry and has wanted the Hokage hat ever since Tobirama tossed it to Hiruzen in the middle of a mini-war. He regularly undermines the Hokage office, acts on his own without the Hokage’s approval, and utilized shady, sometimes illegal means for his ends. He even holds his own forces back from assisting during Pein’s assault - while you could debate how much help they’d really have been, it’s still possible they COULD have saved at least a few lives. (...which would have been resurrected anyway, but let’s not open THAT can of worms.) Danzo has certainly committed egregious acts of subterfuge and sabotage.
But if he’d wanted to simply kill his way to the Hokage seat, he’d have done so long ago.
I put forth that assassinating a political figure of his own village was NOT in Danzo’s character, at least at that time. Assassination of a Konoha official is messy, risky, blatant. And it might not have even worked! Danzo would still need to be nominated, then chosen as the prime candidate, then approved by the Daimyo, then voted in by the Jonin...there were (apparently) quite a few hoops to jump through. Simply killing off the current Hokage wouldn’t have gotten all the work done. Heck, since the Uchiha clan was still around at the time, and I somehow doubt he had the best relationship with them in public, he’d have had a HARDER time getting the political support he needed.
(Huh...come to think of it, that COULD be part of the reason he wanted to get rid of the Uchiha clan...hmm...)
Point is, Danzo as he’s presented in strict canon is an opportunist, a reactionary, and frankly, a coward. From youth to old age, he’s preferred to stay back and let things play out around him, then take advantage of the outcome. We see this when he fails to volunteer himself as bait for Shinkaku and Ginkaku; we see it (in filler, but still) when he hesitates to put himself or Orochimaru forth as a Hokage candidate, post-third-war. We see it again when he keeps his troops from fighting Pein. Considering all of this...would he really be so bold and direct as to kill a Hokage?
“But the whole point of the failed assassination and Hiruzen’s forgiveness of it is that it made Danzo prioritize the village over his own ambitions!”
He still prioritized his own ambitions after that. He kept Root going in secret so that he’d have his own personal army. He continued to undermine Tsunade, trying to assassinate Sasuke without her knowledge. And again, there’s his purposeful inaction during the Pein attack. He may have convinced himself that he was only acting in the village’s interests, but he still prioritized his own.
Conclusion and caveats...
So, from a plot perspective, I kind of understand why they needed something other than the whole “Danzo’s hoarding a Mokuton user” thing for Kakashi to bring to Hiruzen at the start. I can see 2 uses for it:
A) It helped Kakashi prove his ability to judge situations for himself, thus making him one of Hiruzen’s most trusted Anbu operatives.
B) The writers wanted to save the Mokuton reveal for later - after “Kinoe” became “Tenzo” and had his own life-changing encounters that prepared him for leaving Root. After all, once Hiruzen was told of Kinoe/Tenzo’s existence, it became necessary to pull him out of Root. (I’ll admit, my memory on the timeline of this arc is a tad fuzzy...I can’t recall if Kakashi had already told Hiruzen about Kinoe before or not...and I’m too lazy right now to check.) Anyway, if they had Kakashi tell Hiruzen sooner, we might not have gotten the whole “Tenzo”/smoke-clan thing, or the whole “to kill Kakashi or not to kill Kakashi” thing, both of which wound up shaping Tenzo.
But I still think the assassination subplot made less sense than it attempted to make.
Also, it’s a tad inconvenient for certain aspects of my own fic, soooo yeah. There you have it: the real reason I want to retcon it :P
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fineillsignup · 6 years
LOVE STINKS (KakaSaku, rated T)
For @natanije​ and KakaSaku Month prompt “Healing”
Sakura stabbed at the crumbled daisy petal with a chakra scalpel in utter frustration. It was counterproductive, she knew that, since the diminishing supply of months-old flower petals was now all she could have for the indefinite future, but it was just so aggravating. An absolutely textbook case of the rare Hanahaki Disease just had to develop while she was out of the village on a mission. Not that anyone should have been surprised that the newly twenty-year-old Hinata developed a terrible case of flowers in her lungs on the very day of her Coming of Age Ceremony. Even Sakura had thought it would probably happen, but she’d thought it would keep until she got back from the emergency mission.
Instead, that stupid mutt Kiba just had to confess to Hinata that he was in love with his teammate, and then Naruto had awkwardly admitted that he and Gaara were currently dating (“although I’m really flattered Hinata -ttebayo!”), and by the time Sakura made it back to the village, Hinata’s lungs were botany-free, although the sweet girl had been kind and forward-thinking enough to collect all the coughed-out detritus for Sakura to examine.
It’s not that Sakura really wanted Hinata to be literally dying of her unrequited feelings, but understanding the mysterious Hanahaki Disease had been a goal of hers since she first read about the disease at age fourteen. She knew, without doubt, that if Sasuke-kun didn’t return her love by the time she was twenty, she would certainly develop the disease, leaving the morbid choice: die of her feelings, choked poetically to death on Sasuke-kun’s favourite flower; or choose to have the infection scraped out, a treatment which, the literature somberly warned, left the patient unable to love at all?
The idea of being found dead of love, surrounded in a sea of bloody petals—doubtless something very elegant like peony or fire lily… at fourteen, it had seemed like a glamourous fate. By twenty, however, quite a lot had happened. Sasuke had come back, fought with them, knocked out a goddess with them, then knocked Sakura out, lost to Naruto, and left again after a rather unsatisfactory poke to her broad forehead. In the four years since then, they had seen each other only briefly.
Sakura and Hinata had turned twenty the same year, and Sakura hadn’t thought Hinata’s possible infection would be a problem, because Sakura would surely also develop the disease, solve it with her medical genius, and return in plenty of time to cure Hinata as well.
But her Coming of Age Ceremony came and went without even a tickle in her throat.
How could she cure Hanahaki Disease without a patient to study?
She pulled off her lab coat in a huff and stormed over to T&I to drag Ino out for tea and dango.
“Am I a terrible woman?” she demanded as the waitress went away with their orders.
“Yes, that’s why we’re friends,” Ino replied, her bang swaying as she tilted her head.
“Be serious, Pig!”
“Well, I’m more serious than not,” Ino said, frowning. “You’re a goddamn force of nature, Forehead. You can level a battlefield, scoop up the wretched pieces left behind and put them back together more often than not. That’s terrible. And awesome. You’re the kunoichi I strive to be better than.”
“I mean about Sasuke-kun… if after all this time, I’ve given up on him… doesn’t that make me terrible? You know… fickle, and so on?”
“Is this about you not getting Hanahaki?”
Ino drummed her fingers on her arm. “Look. I wanted Sasuke-kun back then too, and I’m not coughing up camellias or whatever.”
“But you’re dating Kankurou.”
“Yeah, exactly. I moved on. Does that make me terrible? I used to want Sasuke, now I’m with Kankurou. Naruto used to want you, he’s happy now with Gaara. Maybe you should cut out Shikamaru and make a play for Temari, come to think of it.”
Sakura giggled. “You’ll sabotage your own teammate?”
“Sure, make his lazy ass work for it,” Ino winked. “Hey. I know that wanting Sasuke-kun was, like, a huge part of your identity for a while, but maybe there’s a reason why Hanahaki Disease only strikes starting after the Coming of Age Ceremony. You have to be an adult for feelings to be that serious. That’s why we don’t let twelve year olds vote or drink or get married.”
“We did let them go to war though.”
“Well, the minimum age for genin is sixteen now,” Ino said. “Maybe you should ask Kakashi-sama to raise it to twenty?”
Sakura hums. “Maybe I should bring it up to him. It’s not a bad point. I haven’t seen him for a while.”
“Come to think of it, I haven’t either,” Ino said. “Weird. Usually he’s in the flower shop at the very least weekly.”
Sakura scowled. “It had better not be that there’s a new issue of the Icha Icha fanzine again. I’ll definitely go and sort him out!”
Getting a meeting with the leader of the most powerful hidden village was very difficult. Even the daimyo had to wait nowadays.
Sakura was not the daimyo, and she waited for no one.
Genma and Raidou didn’t even bother to try to stop her as she thrust open the Hokage office door. “Kaka—whoa!”
The room absolutely reeked. There must have been some kind of odour-blocking seal to keep the stench from drifting into the corridor. And the odor was unmistakably emanating from the Hokage… or rather, the back of him, hunched over a basin and apparently puking into it.
“Kaka-sensei!” Sakura stifled her disgust with medical efficiency, hurriedly sealing her olfactory senses as she rushed over to give aid. “What’s happening? Why didn’t you summon help? Are you sick? Were you attacked? Were you poisoned?”
He weakly made a gesture for writing with a brush as she reached to chakra scan his system. She ignored him, biting her lip as she examined first his stomach and then—
“Your lungs!” she gasped. “This is an emergency! Kakashi-sensei, you have Hanahaki Disease and it’s really advanced!” Using her precise chakra control, she internally sliced the blockages into tiny pieces, enabling him to actually productively clear his lungs. Soon the basin was full of little pieces of spongy red-orange petal.
Although he was now breathing noticeably easier, she got him a scroll and brush anyway, since his throat was no doubt sore from the effort of getting rid of the flower. As she did so, she laughingly said, “You know, sensei, whoever you’re in love with has good taste. That looks a lot like a rafflesia, which is my favourite flower. They’re just… so weird and...”
Kakashi just looked at her with his sad, droopy eyes, sunken with exhaustion. Immediately, Sakura felt a horrible stab of guilt. How could she laugh when Kakashi was dying ?
“I’m sorry!” she said, “I don’t know what I was thinking. Don’t worry, sensei! I know I can cure you—”
She stopped because he was writing savagely onto the scroll.
I don’t want to lose the ability to love. I’ve lost so much—not that.
“No, of course not!” She bit her lip. “I mean… I really want to try to figure out a third way other than loss of ability to love and death . Are you sure you can’t be loved by this person in return?”
Kakashi shook his head miserably.
“Have you confessed?”
Kakashi looked away.
“Oh, come on now. You’re Hatake Kakashi, the hero, the Sixth Hokage? And you’re so in love that you’ve got physical proof of it! Who wouldn’t fall for that?”
He didn’t react for a moment, then he wrote on the scroll again.
Many people. What if it were you, for instance?
Sakura laughed. “Well, it’s not like you could possibly love me like that.”
Again, he looked away. The bottom dropped out of Sakura’s stomach and her heart leapt up into her throat. The last time she saw him was just before she left on her mission. It couldn’t be…
“Kakashi…?” she said, actually dropping the honourifics for the first time. He still didn’t look at her. “May I… examine your throat?”
He looked up slowly and peeled down his mask. It was the first time she’d ever seen his full face, yet she couldn’t take her eyes away from his sad, droopy eyes.
And the love in them.
A thousand memories flashed through her mind. She had never before consciously considered him in such a way, but now that she was, it seemed ludicrous that she had never realized it before. He was selfless, funny, loyal, willing to change himself, diligent… and, as she actually let herself take in his whole face, hot as fuck.
Could she… actually like Kakashi back?
Well… she was certainly willing to try.
“My treatment plan,” she said, in her best doctor voice, “is three kisses by mouth, as needed. And weekly dates—with no skipping out on your part of the bill. I’m not saying the man has to pay for me, but sticking me with the tab is just a little unromantic.”
The sad droopy eyes widened.
“Shall I start the first part of the treatment now?”
His adam’s apple bobbed as he nodded.
Sakura leaned forward and pressed a cute peck to his lips. “One—” Another cute peck. “Two—”
He suddenly grabbed her and laid a passionate kiss to her mouth, running his hands through her cherry-blossom locks fervently.
When they finally broke apart, he cleared his throat, thumped his chest a little, and said, with a hint of smugness, “Three.”
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an example of the stinky flower that Sakura likes in this story
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: How Kakashi vs Obito Exemplified One Of Naruto Shippuden's Greatest Strengths
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  Even if you've never watched Naruto Shippuden, Kakashi vs Obito is still a very cool battle.
  The animation is fluid and fast, but the character models remain on point and relatively controlled, adding impact to every landed hit and creating suspense out of every charge and reversal. The choreography is tight, well-paced and relentless, eschewing melodramatic excess. The rising orchestral music (anime shorthand for "Y'all are probably gonna cry about this") might seem like a bit much, but it never overpowers the action and it quickly becomes a natural part of the sequence. And the flashbacks interspersed throughout perfectly convey tragedy while also helping to blend the brawl into a mix of muscle memory and intense rage. 
    So yeah, it's a very cool fight, even if you have no idea what a "Kakashi" is and you're just scrolling through YouTube looking for dope anime fights to watch while you're on the toilet. But of course, if you're a fan of Naruto Shippuden, then the fight probably means much, much more.
  One major theme of Shippuden (and the Naruto franchise in general) is that the past is hard to escape from. The things you regret will come back to haunt you and those that you hold dear. This is evident, not just in the many villains returning to seek vengeance and the many heroes that have deeply complicated histories and relationships, but in how many times someone is defeated ... only to not really be defeated. They find a new way to come back or their spirit gets a new vessel to inhabit or they show up in some kind of new vision and while it might leave a viewer saying "Orochimaru survived THAT?!?" it all serves a greater purpose — no matter how hard you try, you're never really done with your past. It'll probably always be a part of you.
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    When we first meet Kakashi, he's there to keep an eye on Naruto and Sasuke and also hopefully teach Team 7 to just get along for once. His seemingly lackadaisical attitude hides a past that is full of trauma and despair, one that he probably wants to hide from his new ninja apprentices because it's hard to fully explain "So I had a ninja friend and another ninja friend and one of those ninja friends was a lot like Naruto and the other was super swell, too, but then that first ninja friend got mad at me for abandoning our other ninja friend even though I thought it was a good idea at the time and then I abandoned that first ninja friend as that seemed like a good idea at the time, too, and then that second ninja friend impaled herself on my powers and died because she had a monster stored inside of her and that first ninja friend got piiiiiiissed and if he comes back, he'll probably help start a war. Got that? Cool! Now try to grab these bells!"
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    Now, all of this might sound like complicated anime backstory, but it's kinda relatable. Think about every time you wonder why the government doesn't do some obviously helpful thing, only to learn that, like, a bunch of dudes passed the Can Never Do The Obviously Helpful Thing Act of 1974. For better or for worse, so many things we experience are built off the stuff that people have done before. And in Naruto, the main motif among the politics of the leaders of the Hidden Leaf Village is that they're all trying to stay one step ahead of something that lurks in their backstories — something they're not sure the next generation of ninja can handle, even though they inevitably have to.
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    And that's why Kakashi vs Obito is so powerful, because it's a straight-ahead attempt at reckoning with your traumas and the relationships that you've seen destroyed. It's the theme of being unable to hide who you are (and who you once were) distilled into hand-to-hand combat. The lack of dialogue in the clip above is a stylistic choice for sure, but it also hints to how personal the duel is. There are no outside voices, no cheerleading, and no reactions. It's just two men confronting each other, trying to reckon with the things they've both done.
  Vote for the next FIGHT SCENE FRIDAY here!
    Check out the previous Fight Scene Friday columns here!
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      Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
      By: [email protected]
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kimmibers · 7 years
SasuHina - His Beauty and Her Beast - Chapter 6
Sasuke flinched as the cloth made contact with his shirtless back again. Hinata had helped him back to the mansion and was currently tending to his wounds. He was currently lay shirtless on his stomach on the bed with his head in his arms. He kept his gaze on her however, carefully watching her. Waiting for her to show any emotion about the attempted abduction, she had yet to talk since they'd sent a note via his hawk to the Hokage tower (both their phones had been damaged beyond recognition in the blast).
“Sorry.” He heard Hinata mutter as he involuntary flinched again. “I need to clean your back before I can heal your wounds.”
“It's ok, keep going.” He groaned out as she yet again swept the cloth over his back after she'd cleaned it off in a bowl beside her. He knew this needed to be done so there was no point in prolonging the process. Squeezing the blankets in to his hands he tried to attempt to hide his discomfort from Hinata, she felt guilty enough without hearing his pain.
Hearing her tell him she'd finished cleaning his back Sasuke breathed out a sigh of relief and loosed his grip on her sheets.
“Hinata,” He held her wrist pulling her up the bed so he could see her face more clearly, “Tell me honestly, are you ok?” Hinata's gaze looked away from his immediately at his question and she removed her arm away from his grasp.
“It's not my first abduction attempt I've been through, Sasuke. These eyes and my birthright are a curse as much as a privilege.” Hinata stepped away from the bed, “I-I wish I could be like you and fear nothing.”
“That's ridiculous,” He bluntly protested, “everyone fears something, we wouldn't be human if we didn't.”
“But you don't act like you fear anything. Back there you...you saved me without thinking of yourself. What if...What if she'd hit one of your vital organs? What if she'd-”
“Hinata stop! You're thinking irrationally.” Sasuke sat up on his knees wanting to see her face more clearly, “You can't live your life by 'what if'. You think I don't get scared? You're wrong!” Hinata gave him a look of 'yeah right', “ok. I'm shit scared I'm gonna get these votes and what then? I bring back my clan? What if history only repeats itself? What if the Uchiha are destined to be Konoha's destruction again and again?”
“That won't happen!” Hinata sat on the bed next to Sasuke, placing her hand on his face she pried his gaze to look in hers.
“How can you know that? I'm not like Naruto, what if- what if I'm the next Madara?” Hinata sat perfectly still choosing her words deliberately.
“I'm glad.” She told him finally breaking the silence between them, “I'm glad you're not like Naruto.” Now it was his turn to give her the look of 'yeah right', “If someone would of told me a year ago I would consider you one of my closest friends I would of laughed, but I do. I really do, Sasuke. You're not like Naruto, you're right and that's what makes you the perfect clan leader. You have so much to teach the next generation, not just jutsu but life lessons too. You've been down a difficult path and yet you've still found your way home. You're not a saint, Kami knows,” They both smiled, “And yet you're surrounded by people who care for you no matter what. Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, and myself will always be here for you.”
“Ok ok. Enough of the pep talk.” Sasuke chuckled awkwardly and lay back down on the bed. Sasuke looked over his shoulder gazing at Hinata as she began healing his back. At least now she had a slight smile on her face that he could see thanks to the green glow illuminating her skin and created shadows on her face. For a while they stayed silent so Hinata could concentrate.  
“So...What's your fear?” Sasuke asked her after some time.
“My fear?” Hinata peaked at Sasuke's gaze then back to the remaining wound on his back, “My fear
is loosing someone else I love because I did nothing.”
“That's easy to rectify.”
“How so?”
“That's all in the mind, training could easily remedy that. I'll help you if you like.”
“You don't suggest isolating myself?” Hinata questioned.
“No.” He stated frankly, “You say I'm surrounded by people who care for me yes? Well you are even more so. Your team, my team, hell all the rookies, your clan, your sister...Me.” He added shyly. “Isolating yourself accomplishes nothing but loneliness. I...I couldn't allow you to go through that.” Hinata's eyes widened at his words and a slight blush coated her cheeks. He cared for Hinata as a friend, he told himself, and he was just doing what Naruto had done for him right. Right?  
Hearing the door to the bedroom opening Sasuke jumped off the bed, paying no heed to the fact he'd just opened the last remaining wound on his back, his main priority was to protect Hinata. The dark shadow from the hallway stepped into the light seeping from the room to reveal Sakura.
“Oh? I'm sorry...Am I interrupting? I knocked but no one was answering and I-” Sakura bumbled her words and her face grew flushed.
“No, no Sakura. We was just- I-I was just healing Sasuke's back.” Hinata had cleared the room by the time she'd finished her sentence and guiding Sakura in to the room, “Y-You should take over. You have better skills than me.” Sasuke could sense there was some unspoken words between them, some 'girl code' that he had no hope of deciphering.
Suddenly being shirtless in front of Sakura felt far too revealing. Strange that in front of Hinata he'd felt comfortable? Maybe because he knew Hinata wouldn't ogle his body like Sakura was currently doing.
“I-Is that ok with you Sasuke?” Hinata asked.
“Hn.” He sat himself on her bed and covered his chest with a spare blanket. “Wait! Where are you going?” Sasuke asked. He didn't want to be alone in the room with Sakura and the thought of something happening to Hinata while he couldn't keep an eye on her brought with it an overwhelming fear.
“Hinata's just going for a shower Sasuke.” Sakura looked at Sasuke as if she was seeing him in a totally different light.
Silently Sasuke nodded his head and tried to look nonchalant. Hearing the door close behind Hinata he shut his eyes trying to suppress the sense of dread at being left alone in a room with Sakura. He flinched when he felt her weight behind him, why did this feel so wrong? Sakura was his friend but he also knew she wanted more from him and he couldn't give her that. He'd tried to tell her so many times through out the years, he just didn't and couldn't see her in that way, he'd tried! When they got back from the war, he'd convinced himself she'd deserved his love, proven herself worthy of it by standing up for him through everything but he soon came to realise he was hurting her more. He just couldn't love her, no matter how hard he tried, he'd confessed as much to Naruto. Naruto had been the one to tell him you couldn't force yourself to love someone, that's not love and if that's how he felt he should leave Sakura be and let her move on. That's why he'd left on his '3 year redemption mission', he'd wanted to give Sakura the time to find love, someone she deserved and yet here she was still pining for him.
“Sakura.” His voice came out gruff with emotion. This was going to be hard he knew, but he had to tell Sakura the truth. She deserved as much.
“It's ok Sasuke, I know.” She whispered. He didn't know when she'd started to heal him but he could feel her chakra entering his system, stitching his muscles back together.
“What do you mean, you know?” Sasuke asked confused by her words.
“I've watched you for most my life, despite what you think I can read you like a book. You don't have to say it Sasuke, I know there's nothing between us.”
“That's not true. You'll always be my friend Sakura...I hope.” Sasuke looked over his shoulder to judge her expression. Sakura gave him a small smile and nodded her head.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Isn't that what friends do? Pry in to each others lives.” Sasuke smirked at Sakura's half hearted chuckle.
“How do you feel about Hinata?”
“Hinata?” He sat up straight at her name alone.
“It's just...I've noticed you act differently around her, she calms you I think. Now I think about it you're so similar it's easy to see how you've become-”
“Friends.” Sasuke felt he needed to clarify that point and fast.
“Friends then. But as one friend to another let me give you a little advice,” She told him gently, “Don't be an idiot like Naruto. If you feel something more for her, act on it, don't let her slip through your finger's. Hinata is...one in a million.”
“And you wouldn't mind that? Seeing me and Hinata...” Sasuke trailed off, he couldn't bring himself to say more.
“I...Hinata is one of my dearest friends and with you I see her happy again. Since the war she's been distant with everyone and yet you've brought her out of her shell again.” Sakura began to laugh at how unbelievable that was, “Who knew Sasuke Uchiha and Hinata Hyuga could be such close friends? Not me that's for sure.”
“We are an unlikely duo.” He agreed smirking at the image in his head of the two of them.
“She makes you happy, you make her happy and as both your friends that's all I want. I would never stand in the way of your happiness Sasuke.” Sakura gave his hand a squeeze. Sasuke looked down at their joined hands and smiled. He was lucky to have a friend such as Sakura, he knew before now but this moment made it all the more clear.
“Thank you Sakura.” In that moment he did something he never thought he'd do; he hugged her. It wasn't a romantic hug in any sense but it was enough to convey his thanks, he hoped. As he pulled away he saw the blush on Sakura's face and felt her hand on his bare chest pushing him back.
“Yes...Well.” She coughed, “I..I should go to my room.” She stood up off the bed and walked in a trance like state to the door, “Oh. I forgot, Naruto and Kakashi will be here in the morning. They're having a meeting with Hiashi Hyuga, he heard what happened here. Actually he saw the smoke coming from the building and well he's not happy, he wants the best protection for his daughter. I was told to give you this also.” Sakura handed him a note and saying her goodnight left the room.
Sasuke looked down at note in the scruffiest writing he'd ever seen.
“Naruto.” He mumbled to himself and rolled his eyes. His best friend really needed to work on his penmanship for when he became Hokage. The note didn't have a specific name to who it was addressed to but Sakura had said it was for him. Opening the note he began to read:
We're puling an all nighter to try and figure out more details of why someone would come after Hinata! Hiashi has a rod up his arse saying we're not taking this threat seriously! So as of now you're Hinata's protection detail! Got it! She goes nowhere without you! Or else I'm dead!!!
Hiashi is scarier than you!!!
Kakashi has organised for some guys to come check out the house to make sure it's safe and to start fixing it in the morning. We'll be there too in the morning, tell Hinata to make pancakes I need food!! So hungry!!!
Sasuke shook his head at Naruto's letter, so typical of his friend to be thinking of his stomach at such a time. He glanced at Hinata's bedside clock and noted it was now 3am. Hinata had still yet to return from her shower, what did he do? Knock on the door? Wait for her?
Looking down at himself he decided first thing first was definitely changing out of his dirty clothes and grabbing a shirt. Walking down the hallway to his room he passed the bathroom he could hear the shower still on, pausing for a moment to listen for anything suspicious, instead he heard the muffled singing of Hinata. He didn't want to embarrass her by alerting her to his presence so carried on walking to his own room.
Quickly throwing away his ruined clothes, he clothed himself in some of his more baggier clothes. Before putting on his new t-shirt he inspected his back in the mirror, 3 more scars to add to the collection he thought to himself. At least these ones he could be proud of, he imagined kids from his clan asking him 'how'd you get that one?' what could he say? That one was from when I killed my brother Itachi. Oh and this one is from when I'd tried to kill uncle Naruto. He growled at himself in his mind and hastily put on his t-shirt.
Walking out his bedroom he noticed the door to the bathroom was slightly a jar and the light turned off.
“Hinata?” He knocked on her door quietly in case Sakura was already sleeping.
“Just a sec.” He heard the panic in her voice followed by something falling to the floor.
“Are you ok?” He called through the door, his hand on the handle ready to go in.
“Y-Yes! J-Just stubbed my toe on the bed. C-Come in.”
Sasuke slowly opened the door to see Hinata sat in the end of the bed she was wearing some baggy trousers, much like his own and a vest top. She had her head in such a way to be able to have her hair over one shoulder while she tried to dry it with a small towel.
“Sorry to interrupt but Sakura gave me this, I thought you might want to see it as it's to do with you.” He handed her over the note off Naruto.
He watched her carefully reading each word; the way she smiled so easily at Naruto's words had his stomach twisting in an odd sensation.
“O-Ok. How's your back?” She asked him, handing him back the note.
“Better. Thanks.” Why was this so awkward? He asked himself.
“I'm not really tired are you?”
“Not really.” He admitted.
“D-do you think you could stay with me?”
“I mean...Not with me,” She blushed, realising the implication of her words, “I just mean, I d-don't want to be alone r-right now. May-Maybe we could watch a movie downstairs or-?”
“Sure. But not-”
“Love stories. I know.” She smiled. “I was thinking something we both like, how about Lord of the Rings?”
“Now you tell me! They made movies of the books? Do you know how long those books are?” He pretended to be annoyed and rolled his eyes making her chuckle.
“They've made lots of movies while you were...away.” Sasuke couldn't help but laugh.
“Alright I'll grab snacks and drinks, meet you downstairs in a minute.” He told her while leaving her room.
“Hey Sasuke?”
“Yeah?” He looked back.
“Thank you.”
“Hey guys!-”
“Shhh.” Sakura peaked her head around the kitchen door frame, “They're sleeping.” She pointed in the front room.
“Who's sleeping?” Naruto asked puzzled.
“Who do you think Baka?” Sakura responded like Naruto had asked the dumbest question in the world.
As Naruto walked stealthily passed the lounge they couldn't help but look in with its door open it was just too tempting. They were able to see the two dark haired figures of Sasuke and Hinata on the couch. Hinata's head leant on Sasuke's shoulder and Sasuke's head leaning on hers.
Naruto paused at the door momentarily shocked, Sakura grabbed hold of his jacket sleeve and pulled him in to the kitchen.  
“What? When?” Naruto asked urgently.
“Are you really that surprised? We both saw how different he's been since Hinata moved in.”
“Yes but he's-they're..” Naruto interlocked his hands hoping what he couldn't convey in words he could with gestures. “And you're ok with this?”
“Why wouldn't I be?” Sakura challenged. “Sasuke said they're just friends when we spoke last night anyway.”
“Teme spoke about feelings?”
“I do have them you know.”
The two friends turned to see Sasuke who was currently leant on the door frame.
“You're awake?”
“You wish me to answer that ridiculous question?” Sasuke sighed and walked over to Sakura so she could hand him a coffee.
“How's Hinata?” She enquired.
“Sleeping.” He answered simply. They each sat at the table, each with their own drinks. “So what's the plan? I assume Kakashi has one?”
“Er yeah. He's called back any Hyuga from their missions in case who ever tried to abduct Hinata were after her Byakugan.”
“The way the puppet was talking I highly doubt that.” Sasuke spoke over his drink.
“Either way Hanabi is still on her mission and Hiashi wants her back.” Naruto told them.
“Hinata will be happy about that.” Sakura spoke.
“Kakashi and Hiashi want Hinata to stay here still-”
“She wasn't going anywhere else Dobe.”
Naruto glanced over to Sakura to judge her reaction to what Sasuke had said but saw her nodding in agreement with him instead of hurt expressions he'd expected to see.
“Hinata mentioned something last night, she said this wasn't the first abduction attempt on her, how many has there been?” Sasuke looked over at Naruto expectantly.
“I can't tell you that, it's classified. Need to know only.”
“Well I need to know Naruto.”
“But I can't-”
“Naruto!” Sasuke slammed his hand on the table. The three of them sat still for a moment to see if Sasuke's sudden outburst had awoken Hinata. Sasuke sighed in exasperation and looked over at his best friend. “Look Naruto,” He began again, this time in a calm manner, “I need to know this, Hinata is under my protection, under my roof, if something were to happen to her it's on me. I won't let that happen. I need to know if this is just another attempt or if something more sinister is at work, you understand?”
Naruto nodded his head and began to tell Sasuke and Sakura officially everyone knew of only one abduction attempt know as 'The Hyuga Affair'. He explained how Hinata had been turning 3 at the time; Konoha and Kumogakure were to sigh a peace treaty, but that had been a cover up. The head ninja of the Kumogakure attempted to abduct Hinata in order to obtain the secrets of the Byakugan. However Hiashi Hyuga dispatched of the shinobi, saving Hinata himself. In the aftermath,  Kumogakure denied any accusations of abduction and in retaliation demanded the body of Hiashi for compensation. Hiashi's younger brother and identical twin Hizashi decided to go in his brother's place despite Hiashi's protests. Hizashi knew Kumogakure would be fooled and his curse seal would safe guard the secrets of the Byakugan and would not only save his brother's life but also prevent a war between the two nations.
Sasuke was piecing together a lot about Hinata's past and character. Her word's from last night repeated themselves in his mind; ' My fear is loosing someone else I love because I did nothing'. He realised then Hinata blamed herself for not only Neji's death, but her uncle's too. How could he show her how wrong she was?
Sakura was right, Hinata and himself had many similarities regarding their childhoods; They'd lost their older brothers, both of whom had sacrificed themselves for them. They'd each grown up in a powerful clan, bringing with it not only family but as Hinata had said a birthright that was also a curse; the notion they could be stronger and better than the rest by their genes alone. Neither of them had been able to meet their fathers high expectations growing up, from what little news Sasuke had gathered it seemed Hinata had earned her father's respect since the war though.
“Wait you said officially.” Sakura interrupted his train of thought, “What's the unofficial number?”
“8, well 9 after last night.” Hinata answered alerting her presence to them.
“Come on.” Sasuke strode over to her and took hold of her hand, leading her out the kitchen.
“Where we going? I've not had any breakfast yet.” She protested.
“It's time to train.” Sasuke answered her in a monotone voice.
Sakura and Naruto glanced at each other for a second before their chairs squeaked along the floor with their sudden burst of moment, both following after Hinata and Sasuke.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
it’s long. bear with me
but here be the first official chapter
@soul-dwelling shout out to this amazing dude for doing this RP with me ^^
Stocking: Looks like the party's just getting started huh? Death the Kid: *to himself* "Don't be nervous, Kid...Don't be nervous don't be nervous dontbenervousdontbenervous..." Death the Kid: *Too loud* "Yes! It does look like it is just getting started!" Stocking: Uh, you ok? Death the Kid: *Clears throat* "Yes, I am fine. I am happy to be here with you. Um...May I get you something to drink?" Stocking: Sure. I want to see what they did with the drinks bar this year. Death the Kid: "Shall we walk over? Oh, I think I can see some dry ice fog coming off from the punch bowl..." -it kind of looks like a cemetery. there's even a skull shaped ice block in the punch bowl- Stocking: Woah, cool set up. The tomb cake looks sooo gooood! *she licks her lips* Death the Kid: "Sweets for my sweet, then?" *Nervous chuckle* "Um, well...I wonder how long it will take that ice block to melt...I would hate to see it melt into some ghastly, asymmetrical form..." *camera click* Kimiko: Ya-ho~! So you guys enjoying the party? Death the Kid: *tenses at the photograph--clutching Stocking's hand* "Wh-what's with the camera?" *Adjusts his tie for his Levi outfit* Stocking: Ah! Oh, yeah its pretty awesome so far. Kimiko: Oh this? Well the School paper's photographer is sick today, so she asked me to take pics for her. And I’m taking notes for the AV club announcements tomorrow. ^^ Stocking: Ah. Kimiko: Also, word on the street is a member of the AV club is one of the dance queen nominees. so be sure to make your votes. i think its over there. *she points to a tomb like structure* Death the Kid: "Did we look good in the photo? Er--I mean, did I look good? I'm sure Stocking looked great." *Looks at the tomb* "Oh. Yes. We will definitely vote." *Calms down, chuckles* "I know who I am voting for." Kimiko: cool! oh, there's also a movie room and a haunted house trial of courage if you're interested. i'm going to check the pumpkin carving out, have fun now~! *she goes to do that* Stocking: Hmm, i'm curious to see who the nominees are. *she takes a slice of cake and heads to the tomb* -seems Sid is monitoring the voting booths- Stocking: lets see here....hmmmm one for you and one for.... well, its a secret~ Death the Kid: *tries to peek at Stocking's ballot* "I wonder..." Stocking: uh-uh-uh~ no peaking~ *she puts it in* Death the Kid: *smiles* "Darn." Looks around the dance hall. "An eclectic set of costumes this year, to be sure. But I can't recognize some of those outfits. Could you explain some of them. For example, who is Akane supposed to be?" Stocking: hmmm, i think he's kakashi from naruto? and i think the guy next to him is from some game? Stocking: Looks like your partners are here. Death the Kid: "So Clay is...a fox? I guess?" *Looks behind him* "Ah." *Smiles* "I was wondering where you were…” Stocking: i think they brought one of the new students, dont think i've seen them around. Liz: "Been looking for you--thought we would find you outside rather than indoors." *Crosses her arms* "Oh, hey, Stocking." Patty: "Sweet outfit!" *looks Stocking up and down* "But, um...Who are you supposed to be?" Stocking: Hey Liz. so, who's this with you? one of the new students? Stocking: i'm no one in particular, just a fairy. Patty: *Excalibur face* "If you are a fairy, that doesn't mean..._he_ is here, is he?" *glances at Kid* "Please tell me no." Stocking: ?? Liz: *blushes* "I can't quite remember this first-year's name..." Patty: "Him! He who must not be named! The Holy Sword! The creature with the pointy nose! Excalibur!" Stocking: oh? well i haven’t seen anything like that here. Patty: *sigh of relief* Stocking: well, nice to meet you miss....? Mio: Oi, Hepburn, dont look now but i think you're boyfriends comin' over. Tamaki: "Jeez, you can't even remember my name after meeting me just a minute ago, Stretch?" *holds hand out to Stocking* "Hey. I'm Tamaki. Pleasure." Anya: *puts hand over face to obscure from being seen* "Not again..." Stocking: oh? well nice to meet you. nice costume. *waves* Mio: wanna hide in the haunted house? we'll keep him offa you. Tamaki: "Yeah, I'm a sucker for all things Mew." *grins* "You look like a great fairy, by the way." Anya: "Lead the way. Now." * walks past Mio--even though she just said she needs to be guided* Stocking: thanks. i think i saw you in the tournament on TV earlier today. Mio: sure, Oi Ao-chii, you wanna take her for me? i think Meme got lost somewhere again. Tamaki: *freezes, covers face* "Ugh..._everyone_ saw _everything_ on that tournament..." *crosses hands over chest* Stocking: hmm? what was that? Ao: "Again? Anya, any tips for how to find your friend?" Tamaki: "Word of advice: string bikini top and a lot of running into other people do not mix...I don't know why they don't put a five-second delay on that live coverage. Everyone saw me..." Mio: i'll handle Meme for ya, just hide before fedora-lord gets over here. -_-; Stocking: ok...? Well, i wanted to check out the haunted house, you guys wanna come with? Anya: "Thank you! Oh, Liz, Patty--I didn't see you. Could you lead me to the haunted house?" *Turns to see Stocking and Kid. Looks closely at Stocking.* "Oh! Are you also a princess?" Stocking: oh? no, although my dad does call me that....well, sure, just follow us. -the haunted house is very dark and foggy, it almost looks like you are outside- Kid: *Groan* "Horrible. I can't see a thing." Liz: "That's the point, Kid--increases the scare factor." *Liz nudges Stocking* "If you get scared, you gonna grab a hold of your boyfriend?" Stocking: are you?.... whatever lets just go in. Anya, maybe you're friend wandered in here by accident? Anya: "Knowing my luck, likely. But if that's the case, I'm less worried for Meme--than I am for any fake monsters she mistakes for real, then punches in the face..." -there is a sign. 'this is a haunted house not meant for the faint of heart or the weak of mind. There are specialized candles placed that may mess with your mental perception and make it seem more frightening than they are. remember; you are in no real danger, its all in your head- Patty: "Huh. Good thing I got nothing in my head!" *taps her skull* Liz: "Stop undervaluing yourself, Sis. Let's get in so that Kid and Stocking can get all intimate in the dark. :3 " Stocking: h-hey come on! geez... -the first room looks like the room of an old mansion left forgotten in time- -the silence is almost defining, everything is coated in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs, though no spiders can be seen- -the floorboards creak with each step taken- Kid: "It's horrifying! Look at all that dust!" *Everyone facepalms* -out of the shadows, a black cat with two tails jumps out and down the dark hallway- Anya and Liz: *screams, clutching each other* Stocking: i think it was a nekomata? maybe we should follow it? Kid: "S-sure." *sweating, tightens grip on Stocking's hand* "Um...tell me, what about the nekomata that was so important?" Stocking: hmm? oh, well it ran down that way, so maybe we should go that way? i think this was the planned route anyway? just try not to get lost in here. Kid: "Right. Come along, Liz, Patty, Anya." *Looks back--and sees no one there* "Oh no..." Stocking: *looks at the stairs* Tamaki? You up there? Tamaki: *peeks down* "Oh, hey! Where did the rest of the group go?" Stocking: we're down here. come on, you nearly gave us a heart attack. i heard some people had to go to the nurse after they went in here alone. Tamaki: "Hope it was the actual nurse, and not someone in one of those stupid 'sexy nurse' costumes." *waves at Kid* "Hey, Li'l Death. What happened to your twins?" Kid: *glum* "Separated, I'm afraid. I'm sure we'll see them around here soon. Where did the cat go? Which hallway should we take?" Stocking: oh shit... we better find them. i think the cat went straight up ahead. i just hope they're together...i heard bad stuff happens if you end up by yourself in here... -Meanwhile- -Anya: "What touched me?!" Patty: "That was my hand." Anya: "Why is it on my backside?!" Patty: "Where else am I to grab if not your ass?!" Kid: "...I think you should expect the worst." Stocking: yeah, i heard one kid went in by himself and practically had a panic attack... Kid: "I do hope these candles are not as...mind-altering as I was led to believe." *Tenses* "Did you feel something?! I just felt something like fingers touch my neck!" Stocking: no... remember what the sign said, its all in your head. Stocking: how are you holding up Tamaki? Tamaki: *wide-eyed* "Fine. Just fine. But, um...Stocking? Since when did you grow a third eye in your forehead?!" \those two have become close, haven’t they boy?\ Stocking: huh? *looks at mirror* ....i don’t see anything... Stocking: its ok, just breath. *pats her back* \if that thieving kitten got any closer, your angel might fall in love with her \we can’t have that now... can we boy?\ Tamaki: "Easier said than done--I'm kind of freaking out!" Kid: *listening* "Did either of you hear something? I thought I heard meowing." Stocking: hmm? no, just these creaky floors... \maybe you should lure the other girl away...\ \and break her little neck\ Kid: *eyes widen* "No!" *looks around, sees Stocking and Tamaki looking at him, Stocking looking concerned but Tamaki clenching her teeth in horror* "Sorry...the stress must be getting to me..." *Kid clutches his hand, stares at Tamaki's neck. Whispers to himself* "Never..." Stocking: hmm? *a small shadow goes into one of the rooms, where faint piano music is playing* Kid: *Happy for any interruption* "Did you see something Stocking?" Stocking: yeah, i think it went in here. *opens a door* \she's in the way of you and your angel being together\ Kid: *holds Stocking's shoulders, using her like a shield between him and whatever is inside the room* *squeaks* "What do you see?" *glances back at Tamaki.* ‘How can I get her to leave Stocking and me alone?’ Stocking: just a piano and a fireplace.... the piano is playing though.... though no one is sitting there.... -the bust on the fireplace glances at kid with a twisted smile- \smash her head in!!\ Tamaki: "Maybe it is a player piano?" Stocking: well, i dont see them in he-... huh? -a figure is seen trembling in a corner and crying- Tamaki: "Who is that?" *softer voice, calling out to the figure, approaching them* "What's wrong?" *gets up to the figure, crouches to meet them* \take the bust, now is your chance to bash her brains in\ ????: uhuuuuu... i hate this creepy house, i dont know how to get out, i just wanna go home.... m-mommy... \kill her kill her kIlL hEr KiLl HeR\ Tamaki: *smiling* "It's okay. It's going to be alright." *holds out a hand* "Take my hand. We'll lead you to someone who can find your mother." Kid: *glances at a bust atop the piano. glanced where Tamaki is crouched* ????: HYAAAAAA!!! *throws a punch, smack in tamaki's face* IYAAAAAAAAA!!!! Stocking: AH! hey, you alright? whats the big-... huh? -trembling in the corner is Gopher, dressed like bridget from guilty gear- Tamaki: "Do you know this person?" Gopher: NOOOOO I WANNA GET OUTTA HEEEEEEREEEEE!!!! *blinks and stares* Stocking: i think so.... some weird kid.. dont know if he's a student or not... i think he was one of our enemies at one point? *shrugs* Kid: *walks towards Gopher--and instead heads to where the bust is on the piano* Gopher: *ahem* im fine, totally fine... hey, stupid reaper, where are you going? Examining that ugly bust? Stocking: Kid? are you alright? *taps his shoulder* Kid: *glances up* "Nothing. Nothing at all." *his fingers move towards the bust--then stop, pulled back immediately* "I think we should leave, now." Stocking: yeah, looks like the weird kid is coming with us. Gopher: *glares at her with his ^ frown.* Kid: *glares at gopher* "I could live without having _him_ accompany us...Just look at that horrid frown on his face." Gopher: Believe me, the feeling is mutual, but I have no idea of how to get out, so I may as well be stuck with you for a little while. Kid: *looks at bust* "I could think of one way to get you out of this room..." Gopher: *ducks into the hall* eep! Tamaki: "What was that about?" *to Stocking* "Think if we follow that guy, he'd lead us out of here? And find your other friends, Anya and those sisters?" Stocking: its worth a shot. Tamaki: "I'll lead." (smirks at Kid and Stocking) "Don't fall behind, lovebirds." Stocking: *blushes a bit* you ok kid? Kid: "...I want to tell you something, but I want you to keep it a secret. Please?" Stocking: oh? What is it? Kid: "I think I have been...hearing voices." Stocking: really? …. Shit we need to get out of here… Kid: "...Yes." (Kid thought, "I'm just thankful she hasn't asked _what_ I heard...") Tamaki: "Guys! I found a door labeled "This Way To The Exit!" stocking: hmmm... *she creaks the door open* .... O_____O;;; kid: "AH! Asymmetrical!" Tamaki: "What the fuck?! Shut the door! Shut it!" Gopher: nope nope nope nope NOPE! Kid: "Run away!" Tamaki: "Which way?! Stocking?!" *CRACK* *thud* Stocking: ow….. what did I land on?...you ok? Kid: "Stocking! Where are you?!" Tamaki: "Hey! Whose hand is that?!" Stocking: shit its dark down here…. Kid? Gopher: aaahhh what am I grabbing?! Kid: "Stocking! What do you see?! See calling out! I am listening for your voice! I would read your soul, but the candles--the everything!--is obstructing my soul perception!" Tamaki: "My butt, you stupid brat!" (Tamaki swings her arm in the dark to punch Gopher--and instead knocks over something that starts sparking) "A-a flashlight?" Stocking: maybe try turning it on? Kid: "Stocking! I can hear you! Is anyone with you?" Tamaki: "Let me just bend down and grab the flashlight..." (Freezes, begins sweating) "I-I-I don't think this is a flashlight...I think this is someone's...someone's..." (Removes hand) "Yuck! I touched that weird V-frown person's...his...his...Ew!" Gopher: GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! *PUNCH* stocking: i think tamaki and weird kid are down here with me gopher: MY NAME IS GOPHER DAMMIT!! Tamaki: "Ow! My face!" Kid: (calling) "Yes, I can hear Tamaki's screaming. I think I'm almost there--whoops!" Gopher: ack! Kid: "Oh. I thought I tripped over someone important. Guess I was lucky I didn't." Kd: (to Stocking) "Are you okay, my dear? (Blushes) I mean--Stocking?" Gopher: fuck you too. stocking: yeah, im fine. tamaki, do you have that flashlight? Tamaki: "Finally, no thanks to this jerk getting in my way..." (Glares at Gopher--then shines the flashlight on him) Stocking: do you think you can shine that around the room? Just to get an idea of where we are? Tamaki: (swings flashlight around--blinding Stocking, then Kid) "At least I can see you two." (points up inadvertently) "Oh, an attic door." (shines in front of her) "A stairway..." (shines to left) "A painting of....someone in a skull mask?" (shines to right) "The door I came out of." (shines behind) "And another door." Stocking: I think that painting is lord death, the school’s headmaster. Kid: (serious) "Yes. That is father." (glares at Gopher. Looks to Stocking) "Do you think the stairs would lead us to an exit? Perhaps this path is more circuitous than expected. Or we may find Anya, Liz, and Patty up there." Stocking: ok, I’ll go first. *she goes up the stairs* stocking: huh? hey! i found someone! you ok? Liz: (clutches Stocking's waist) "I was so scared! Get me out of this hellhole!" (Liz is clutching Anya's necklace) Stocking: ah! Hey, were are liz and patti? Liz: (wraps her hands around Stocking's neck) "I am Liz! I lost Patty! And Anya! And Kid! And--" (realizes she is strangling Stocking) "Oh." (Lets go) "Sorry about that." (Calms herself. Sees Kid. Coughs, embarrassed. Waves sheepishly.) Stocking: *coughs* gah… liz geez… Kid: "Really, letting yourself be so afraid..." Liz: "BUT I HEARD VOICES!" Stocking:………… come on liz, just breathe…. Tamaki: "If we go up these stairs, Liz, where will they take us?" Liz: "I WAS TRYING TO FIND THAT OUT! Then something grabbed Anya! I tried to hold onto her, but all I could get was her necklace! Patty ran off to fetch her--and--and--and I can't find her!" Kid: "Stocking, shall we follow these stairs to see whether they lead us to Anya and Patty?" Stocking: seems like our best bet. Kid: "I'll lead." (glares at Gopher) "Will you watch our back?" Gopher: tch- fine. (Kid leads. The others follow through the rest of the stairs to the second floor.) Kid: "Stocking, you have the flashlight now. Could you shine it to show us what is in this room?" Stocking: ok. -it looks almost like a Shinto style shrine. With various ofuda plastered about the room- Liz: (absentmindedly taps an ofuda) "Should we be worried? Why would you need one of these pieces of paper?" -when she touched them, blue lights appeared down the long path to a door- Liz: (sheepishly) "Please tell me that rave music is going to start playing..." Tamaki: (frowning) "Doubt it." (Tamaki nudges Gopher, smiles) Tamaki: "How 'bout it, shorty? Want to lead us on this path to the door?" Gopher: hmmmm…. *opens the door with a creeeeeak* Liz: (clutches Gopher's shoulders, peeks into the door) "Am I the only one who sees two eyes...looking at me?" *SLAM* stocking: ok, how about the other door? Liz: (Rubs her nose, where door hit) "Ow." Kid: "I'll try the other door." (Grasps handle, opens the door--and light pours from the room) "I can't see what's in here! What is going on?!" Gopher: I think I found your friends. Patty: "Kiddo!" (runs by Gopher, who barely gets out of the way, and leaps into Kid's arms--causing Kid to fall, knocking Stocking down...again) Kid: "This pattern is getting old." Gopher: ick! *jumps out of kid’s arms* how unsanitary. Anya: (seated in a chair, someone's jacket draped over her shoulders, tended to by the haunted house organizer. Glares at her friends) "Took you long enough." (sees Gopher) "Who's the short one with the sour disposition?" Gopher: its gopher. And im perfectly fine, thanks for your concern. stocking: well that was an anticlimatic ending to that adventure. Anya: "I was not asking out of concern." Patty: (wraps her arms around Liz) "Yeah, anti-climbing wall alright. Bet you all are thirsty! Want drinks? Head back to the dancehall and boogie already?" Stocking: yeah, im starving. -a slow song begins playing- Kid: "Very well. We will get you refreshments." (Smiles at Stocking) "And sweets." (Pulls Gopher by the ear) "Come. I will need extra hands for all of these treats." Gopher: ow! Patty: "So, Stocking, you hold up okay through that scary haunted house? Outfit hold up okay?" Stocking: my wings got a bit bent up. Bummer. Liz: "Better fix those up, or else Kid will pass out." (Adjusts the wings to even out the bents) "Ah, better. You can now sing my praises.  " Stocking: ah, thanks liz. *chuckles* hey kid, wanna dance? Kid: (clutching a ton of food) "Oh! Um, yes! Sure!" (pushes the food into Gopher and Patty's arms) (Holds out both hands to Stocking) "I...I'm not the best dancer, though." Stocking: *she smiles and puts a hand on his waist, since she is taller than him, and holds his hand.* gopher: gak! oh sure, make me the pack mule. Patty: "Okay, Pack Mule! I'll take some of it off your hands!" (shoves a cupcake whole into her mouth. Grabs another and hands it to Anya) Anya: "...It has your slobber all over it... >-<" Kid: "...I don't supposed, you would mind leading?" Stocking: *she smiles and leads* Liz: "Check out the happy couple?" (Nudges Anya) Patty: "So, Pack Mule Gopher, you vote yet for the King and Queen?" Gopher: maybe, but why would I tell you who I picked? Patty: (tightens grip on wrist) " 'Cause if it is for anyone but my Kiddo, then that blood around here won't be just fake..." Liz: "Patty. Stop." Gopher: that blonde girl is glaring. rosalie: (oc) .......... Patty: "...What?! You never see someone threaten someone for votes?!" Liz: (Slaps hands across Patty's mouth) "Hi, Rosalie! You dancing with anyone?" Rosalie:…… oh? N-not yet…. Im waiting for him… Liz: (coy) "And who is he? Is he cute?" -it seems its time to announce the dance queen- Kid: (sweats) "Did we miss our chance to vote?!" announcer: our runners up for the title are; Sonia Nevermind, Anya Hepburn, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Stocking Pheles, Celestia Ludenburg, Claire Bernard, Isadora Rivenmeyer, Marcy Hamilton, Iris, Mami Tomoe, Layla Richards, and Maki Oze. Rosalie; he is…. Perfect…. Stocking: looks like i didnt get it... announcer: we also had two write-in runners up: Rosalie Carver and Kirika Kure. gopher: WHAT?! BULL CRAP! Kid: "I am sorry. But rest assured, you are the only queen for me." Liz: "Perfect how? Strong jaw? Tall, dark, and handsome? Got lots of money?" Stocking: oh, thanks kid. Rosalie: ………………… *walks away* announcer: and now for our 3rd place winner; Kim Diehl. Mio: 3rd place, not to shabby kim. announcer: and now, the title of our halloween dance queen shall be awarded to.... Nonon Jakuzure! Nonon: HELL YES!! Liz: "Rosalie, why you leaving me hanging? What, are you embarrassed? This isn't some nutjob again, is it?" stocking: looks like you got second place, Tamaki. Tamaki: (Smiles) "Guess people appreciate my beauty." (flips her hair--which collides in Gopher's face) Gopher: oh sure rub it in why don’t you! Kirika: goph, eat a snickers. Gopher:…. *angrily eats it* Tamaki: "Don't get so pissy." (Holds out a hand) "Want a dance? After you have your Snickers?" Gopher: cute, but im here with someone. Patty: (looks at sister) "Corner her in the bathroom?" Liz: (nods) (The Thompsons follow Rosalie) Tamaki: (grimace) "Hey! I'm the princess here!" anya: "No, that would be me--" Tamaki: "Not now, Anastasia! Look, shrimp, if I want to dance, I want to dance! Unless you want a fireball chasing you to the dance floor, you dance now! I'm sure your date won't be that jealous!" announcer: and now the runners up for dance king; Misono Alisuin, Renzou Shima, Tetsuya Kato, Tom Hyung, Hiro Kenshimono, Lewis Hawkins, Oscar De'Arc, Arthur Boyle, Yukio Okumura, Byakuya Togami, Andre Lee, and Akane Hoshii. stocking: come on, knock it off you two announcer: and in 3rd place for the title; Hao. Kid: (leans closer to Stocking) "Well, so much for making the ranking..." Tamaki: (crosses arms) "Well, who's going to dance with me?" stocking: well some weird blond guy named 'Reid' i think doesnt have a date, so ask him maybe? announcer: and our winner of dance king is; Shinra Kusakabe! stocking: hey, second place isnt so bad kid. rosalie: .......... *takes the hand of one boy and takes him outside* Justin: ... ?? Miss Iris? you seem somewhat disheartened. Liz: "Okay, so who was that?" Patty: "I couldn't see who Rosalie had. I think he was wearing a mask. At least, I hope that was a mask." (shudder) Tamaki: "Reid? Who, that guy next to the tall dude? Hmm. I guess he'll do." (shouts across hall) "Reid! You're dancing with me, now!" Reid: HELL YES! Hao: --; Iris: "Mister Law!" (Iris almost drops her drink) "F-Fine, sir. I'm fine. I'm just, well, not used to such crowded social gatherings." Justin: neither am I to be honest, but I do try. Tamaki: "Awesome! Just keep your hands where I can see them, bub." Chidori: well, im glad he found a date tonight. ginka: hey iri-nee, about the dance king, do you like him? justin: !! ginka! its not polite to ask that! Iris: (coughs on her drink. Justin pats her back until she can breathe) "Shinra is, you know, a friend. (whispers) Sure he would rather be around Maki, Tamaki, or someone else..." Justin: ….. well.. hmmm… to be honest, matters of the heart are not my strong suit. So im not sure what I can say… rosalie: *comes back inside alone, her costume looks more red than it did* Iris: "It helps, sir, just to know I'm not alone..." (smiles at him) Patty: "That's weird." Liz: "Did she change outfits?" Stocking: so, want to go to the movie room, I think they’re showing the rocky horror picture show now. Kid: "Certainly. Although, I've never seen that film. Be honest: do you think I'll enjoy it?" Stocking: probably. stocking: unless you'd rather do something else~ Kid: "No, no, a film would be enjoyable, at least to rest our feet and sit. Oh! I see two seats there! Wait...Who is that next to the seats?" Mio: found meme. she was in here. Meme: "Howdy! How's it going, Stocking?" Stocking: good. How’s the movie so far? Meme: "They're about to bring Rocky to life!" stocking: cool. Kid: (eyes widen) "That one person's outfit is rather...outrageous..." Stocking: *flashbacks to halloween 2 years ago* *cringe+Excalibur face* Kid: "Are you okay, Stocking?" (stares at screen) "HOW DO YOU DRIVE A MOTORCYCLE LIKE THAT?!" Stocking: y-yeah, its nothing. Meme: "Their outfits are so adorable! And sexy!" Mio: *blushes* m-m-m-meme-sempai!! Random student: "Oh, don't be such a prude! Come on--wouldn't you like to get into one of those outfits? It is Halloween--you might as well enjoy yourself! Be someone different!" mio: hmmm.... stocking: *smirks* -after the movie- stocking: want to carve pumpkins? Kid: "Oh, is that happening here at the dance? Or elsewhere?" Stocking: I think there’s an area in one of the rooms to decorate pumpkins. Kid: (smirks) "We won't get lost arriving at this room, will we?" stocking: i think there are signs directing us to it. Kid: "Let us follow the signs, then! Um...Why is Patty dunking Anya's head into a bucket of water?" Stocking: I think that’s the apple bobbing. Anya: (Flailing arms) Patty: "Oh! I think she got an apple!" (Tugs Anya up by her hair) Anya: (Gasping) "I DON'T CARE WHETHER OR NOT THIS IS A COMMONERS' GAME!" Patty: (eyeroll) "Let me show you how the pros do it..." (Dives head in, five seconds later comes up with two apples in her mouth, spits them to floor) "There! Now, what's my prize?!" Student: congratulations, you’ve won… hmmm. Ah yes, a set of ear buds! Kid: "...Let's pretend we don't know them and just hurry to start carving...What kind of pumpkin design do you want to make?" Stocking: hmmmm, it’s a secret~ Patty: (stares) "I guess this'll help when Kid starts whining..." Kid: (teasing) "Not even a hint for me?" Stocking: you’ll just have to wait, now wont you~? Kid and Stocking sit at a table in a bright room--with some black lights ready for once everyone is done carving) Kid: "Now begins the struggle: determine a perfectly symmetrical design...Hmmm...Ah! I will carve the Number 8 into it!" Stocking: hmmm… *the pumpkin carving resembles the face of a young girl and a stuffed rabbit* Look, I made Raku-chan and her rabbit! Kid: (wide-eyed) "...That was fast..." (slight chuckle) "Don't let Crona see that rabbit..." Stocking: ok then. your carving is really good. Kid: (blushing) "I think the top curve on the 8 is a bit uneven...But if you like, then I am satisfied." (small smile) stocking: *she giggles* Kid: (laughing along with her) "I am really happy to be here with you." stocking: im glad to be here with you too. (Kid tentatively puts a hand on the table, near Stocking's...) Stocking: *she hands him one of the carving tools* looking for this? *she grins* Kid: (Sweatdrop. Takes the tool. Quietly) "Yes, thank you." (Returns to perfecting some of the carving) -after that- Stocking: so what did you want to do now? Kid: "I suppose we should find our friends first. I hate to imagine what Liz and Patty have done. Would you like to take a walk while we're still in our costumes?" Stocking: sure, sounds like fun. Kid: "Liz! Patty! Are you here?" (Looks at Stocking) "Should we check on that v-frown person and anyone else?" Stocking:…..!!! is that patti playing spin the bottle in there? Patty: "Spin! Spin! Spin! Spin! And it lands on..." [Any choice?] Chidori: oh… oh my! *she blushes* Patty: (wiggles eyebrows, puckers lips) *chuu~* Chidori: *blushes+heart eyes* hehehehehe~ (Patty's leans towards Chidori, waiting to see what she does.) -they smooched- stocking: awww. Patty: (pulls back) "That was super! NOW LET'S DO IT AGAIN!" Liz: (Holds back her sister by the collar) Layla: chidori, you ok? chidori: heheheheheh~ Liz: "I guess it's my turn." (Liz spies around the circle, focused on her target...Who could it be...) stocking: i think we'll leave this ambiguous. Kid: "If they are busy, I am sure they will get home safely. They did not become the Devils of Brooklyn without being able to tend to themselves." (Holds out her hand) "Shall we depart, my angel?" Stocking: what was that? Kid: (freezes) "Sh-shall we depart?" (nervous smile) Stocking: hmmm. Yeah, I think I’ve seen everything here tonight. And we got our pumpkins, so yeah. Kid: "Yes, it is convenient that the school provided us with these containers to take the pumpkins home. Well, wave goodbye to our peers." Stocking: see you guys tomorrow~ Kid: "Good night!" Liz: "Later, lovebirds!" Patty: "Don't do anything I would do!" (Kid and Stocking exited the DWMA and began to descend the stairs) Stocking: I had a really great time today. *she smiles* Kid: "I'm happy for that. Would you like help carrying your pumpkin? I'm sure I can manage." Stocking: thanks, but I can handle it. I appreciate the offer though. Kid: "Very well. I guess we should return to your residence?" Stocking: yeah. I need to get plenty of sleep for the trick-or-treating im gonna be doing tomorrow~ Kid: "Just a few blocks, then." (Looks up) "I'm surprised I can see so many stars--hardly any clouds." Stocking: careful there, you don’t want to fall down the stairs and hurt yourself now. Kid: (trips--sending his package flying up--then assumes a back-defying pose to maintain balance and catch the package) "Heh--I am never off-balance. Now the next problem..." (slowly adjusts himself so he can stand upright again) Stocking: hehe, show-off. Kid: "Guilty." (smiles, slowly adjusts himself until he is upright) "Where do you intend to trick or treat tomorrow? Have you found some decent neighborhoods?" Stocking: right here in death city. It’s a big place, so there are bound to be some nice hot-spots. Maybe I might come over to your place~ *she winks* Kid: (blushes) "That would be nice. I can promise you that we have enough candy to feed an army...Assuming Patty hasn't devoured most of it...Would that be enough for you?" Stocking: maaaybe~ Kid: "Hmm...Maybe I should get more candy tomorrow, then?" Stocking: perhaps~… ah, looks like we’re here. Thanks for a great time tonight…. *she is almost at the door before she pauses* ah! Crap I forgot something! Kid: (raises an eyebrow) "And that is?" Stocking: *she walks up to him and places a sweet, yet firm kiss on his nose* happy birthday kid. Well, early birthday anyway. (Kid is frozen. Slowly, his hands come to his nose--but he stops himself from touching, letting the feeling stay there a bit longer. He gives a small smile.) Kid: "Right in the center...Th-thank you for the birthday wish." (He blushes, unsure what to add) Stocking: see you tomorrow then. *she smiles and heads inside* Kid: (uncertain how to proceed) (calls inside as Stocking passing through the door) "Yes, I will see you tomorrow. G-good night, Stocking." ~the next morning~ maid 1: miss liz? is the young master alright? he seemed in a daze when he came home last night. he isnt intoxicated, is he? Kid: (walking by, humming happily, with a stupid grin on his face) Liz: (sipping coffee brought to her by the maid) "Yeah, but on love." Maid 1: is that so? maid 2: at least he isnt moping about like always. maid 1: Elsa! be nice! elsa: (maid 2) well its true though... Liz: (chuckles) "It's cute. By the way, who's taking care of Trick Or Treaters stopping by? And how are things going with..." (Looks to make sure Kid isn't nearby) Liz: (whispers) "The birthday surprise?" Maid 1: well, we have April and May taking care of trick or treaters, and I believe lord death is discussing those matters with the death scythes. Liz: "Hey, what can Patty be up to? She is going to want to help out, so where do you think she would be most useful?" Maid 1: perhaps with planning the party games? Im sure miss Mjolnir has it under control, but it might be nice to have some extra help there. Liz: (devious grin) "I'm sure Patty's ideas would spice up the party games for the guests. BTW, you made sure to have Stocking on the guestlist, right?" Maid 1: yes, we have made sure of that. But, I heard that she was trick-or-treating tonight so… Liz: "So, what's the plan? Will she be trick or treating and make her way here during that? Or is she gonna be distracted by all that candy and miss this party?" Maid 1: well, since trick or treating is from 5-7, and the party starts at 8, I think there will be plenty of time for her to arrive. Liz: (taps finger on her chin) "Okay. But if she isn't here at 8 exactly, I'll end up having to look for her..." Kid: "Look for who?" Liz: "KID!" Maid 1: looking for Cassidy since she’s so lazy. Ellen is bound to have her head for this. Liz: (sigh of relief) Kid: (raises eyebrow) "Hmm. Well, don't over-exert yourselves--after all, isn't today a great day?! By the way, what is on my itinerary?" Maid 1: well, I believe your father said that he wanted to speak with you. he’s at the school so you should hurry and see what he wants. Melina will be accompanying you. Kid: (slight laugh) "Good thing I am already showered, dressed, and prepped--even though it took me 12 seconds longer than usual...I must be a bit distracted." (snaps fingers) "Come, Melina. Let me bring my coat and pocket mirrors. Liz, call me on the mirrors should you require anything." (marches to entrance's closet) Melina: of course, sir. *she nods and follows* maid 1: excellent, that should keep him distracted long enough to prepare everything. and i believe we should open the cellar door. Liz: "What you got hiding in the cellar?" *the maid opens the door. And for some reason the death scythes are there* maid 1: hello. i take it the mirror is still in good shape down there? Dengu: (hunched over) "I had hoped this cellar would be taller...It is most uncomfortable in here..." maid 1: well, do come in. we have some staff to help you with your assignments. Dengu: "Thank you." (Climbs down stair/door, stretches) Tezca: "Hurry up! I need a bathroom! Justin, move your butt!" Justin: *follows.* Spirit: "I don't see why we had to meet here. We still don't have all the stuff we need, do we? Are you sure there isn't anything left at DWMA to bring? Or any shops you want us to visit?" Ellen: everything is being brought in through the back. *looks at maid 1* thank you Lucille, you may take your leave. Lucille: yes ma’am. *exits* Spirit: "I better call back catering to tell them to drop off the food to the back entrance, then." Dengu: "I would like to begin decorations. Could one of you lead me to a ladder? And to any decorations you already have here?" ~meanwhile at the school~ Kid: (entering the Death Room) "Father? We have arrived." Melina: shall I get you something to drink? Kid: "Just water, please." Lord Death: "Green tea, if you please!" Melina: understood. *she goes to do that* Lord Death: So Kiddo, how did you enjoy the dance last night? Kid: (sighs) "It was eventful." (blushes) "And...satisfying." Lord death: that’s good. I’ve heard you made some new friends too, is that right? Kid: "Yes, some from the 1st and 8th fire Brigade. Eccentric, to be sure. Tell me, do you anticipate shared missions with them soon? Why are we inviting them to Academy social gatherings?" Lord death: well, since many more monsters and such have begun to crop up from the woodwork, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to form alliances with other organizations to preserve peace, such as the 119, True Cross Academy, various guilds, and even a few magical girls. Kid: "That should keep things interesting around here--complicating some things, simplifying more, I hope." (taps his index fingers together) "I've been pleased with at least one person it has put me into contact..." Kid: "Was there something you wanted to discuss? Are there any emergencies?" Lord death: not at the moment, I was hoping to spend a little quality time with you. Kid: (smiles) "That sounds nice. Shall we have a seat?" (looks around) "Um...Where are the seats?" Lord death: ah! Right. *claps and summons chairs* there we go. Looks like our drinks are here. Thank you melina. Melina: of course sir. (Kid seats himself) Kid: "Father...I would like your advice. I feel...confused about my feelings about...someone." Lord death: oho? How so? Kid: (clasping his hands) "There is...someone I know, and when I'm around her, I feel nervous, over-thinking what to say, worried I will make myself look foolish. I do not like to look foolish, and I do not want her to hate me for looking foolish." Lord death: hmm. Interesting. lord death: and how long have you been having these feelings? Kid: "I don't know. Maybe a month into knowing her...which, even that was quite a while ago..." Lord death: do you think about her a lot? Kid: "Yes! Exactly! I mean, I assure you, Father, I am focused on important tasks at hand, especially missions and...well, not schoolwork since that has always come easily to me, but--Oh, I'm rambling! But when I'm not focusing on important work...I mean, I don't mean to suggest she isn't important. But when I am not busy, she is the first person I think about. That's weird, isn't it?" Lord death: sounds to me like you have a little crush. Kid: "Yes, I think that is what I would call it...I'm not sure what to do now. We danced, I walked her home, and she--um, she said she would be out Trick or Treating tonight, so I expect she'll be by the Mansion. What if I look foolish again when she comes by the house?" Lord death: well no need to worry too much. Im sure you’ll be fine. *pats his back* Kid: (smiles) "Thank you. Enough of my rambling. How are you?" Lord death: I’ve been doing quite well. Rather busy, but well none-the-less. Kid: "How are the new NOT students coming along?" Lord death: they’ve been doing quite well. I believe one of them is related to a member of our special ops. Kid: "Seizemore? Interesting. Tell me a bit more: has she had any problems being overshadowed by Clay?" Lord Death: not from what I can tell. Seems like she goes by her own pace. Kid: "And the students who recently switched from NOT to EAT--how are they?" Lord death: they’ve adapted fairly well. Kid: "Death Scythes--how are they?" (looks around) "I'm surprised Spirit or another has not interrupted our talk." Lord death: they’ve been given a top secret mission. Super hush-hush. Kid: (raises eyebrow) "As your son, would it not be in your best interest to inform me?" Lord death: hmm… I would, but I just remembered. We’ve finished re-doing the school auditorium! Kid: "Oh." (eyeroll) "Thrilling. (aside: Brilliant segue, Father. Okay, I'll play along...) Why the refurbishing of the auditorium? Still trying to convince Soul's brother to perform?" Lord death: well, since the school is expanding to suit the needs of the new students, we figured that expanding the auditorium may benefit for the morale of the students and clubs, like the theater club and light music club for example. Kid: "Theater club? Hmm...Well, we are involved with espionage. I expect learning how to improve some students' acting talents would assist us...aside from some large hams such as Black Star who could learn more restraint...Any play you are interested in producing?" Lord death: you’d have to consult with the theater club president on that. Kid: "Oh, you already lined up a president? Student or faculty?" Lord death: each club has a student as president, and one adult chaperone. The club president is usually decided by the club members. I believe you’ve met the school’s AV club already, they are the ones who do the school broadcasts. Kid: "Yes, I did meet her. Who is the adult chaperone for Theater?" ~some time later~ Kid: "Melina? Did Father seem taciturn? I do tend to worry when he seems to keep secrets from me." Melina: while I do not meddle in family affairs, I do know he does what he does for your own well-being. Kid: "I hope you are right..." (sardonic smile) "I would like not to have another Kishin-size surprise explode under my feet..." Melina:…….. oh, I believe that is your friend. *points to stocking, who has just finished dropping off her treat stash at her home and is enjoying a sweet treat* Kid: (freezes, hides behind Melina, turns her around to face him) "How do I look? Is everything in order? Any hair out of alignment?!" Melina: ?? young master? Are you alright? Kid: "YES I AM FINE!" (Covers mouth. Clears throat) "Please answer my earlier questions. I want to look presentable to Stocking." Melina: you look fine sir. Kid: (smiles--too wide, rather nervous) "Th-thank you. I guess I should greet her!" (marches from behind Melina towards Stocking--rather stiltedly) Stocking: *humming* hmm? Oh, hey kid! *she waves* Kid: "Salutations. How was your Trick or Treat endeavour? May I interest you in some Gallows Mansion candy?" Stocking: it was really good! I even got full sized bars in some places. Full. Sized. Bars! Well, I just finished, and I was planning on making your place my last stop. Kid: "Full-size is quite a haul!--er, accomplishment." (blushes) "I don't suppose I should consider this visit as you saving the best for last..." Stocking: *chuckles* maaaaaybe? Kid: "I'm just happy to have you here." (turns to see Melina waiting, turns back to Stocking) "In addition to our fine selection of Halloween treats, could I interest you in a drink? Water? Tea? Coffee? Perhaps a soda or a lemonade?" Stocking: some tea sounds nice. Kid: "Melina? When we enter, please provide tea for Miss Stocking." (Offers a hand to Stocking to lead her to the door) Melina: of course sir. stocking: *she smiles and takes his hand* Kid: (to Stocking) "So, did the heavy amount of candy that you carried home give you a sufficient workout?" Stocking: whats that supposed to mean? You tryin’ to imply something? Kid: (sweating) "I just meant you likely got so much candy that the weight of it probably required a lot of exertion for the average human! Not to suggest that you are average! You're above-average in your strength!" Stocking: well, maybe… oh, looks like your house up ahead… yep, that’s definitely your place. Kid: (teasing) "What gave it away: the perfect symmetrical appearance?" Stocking: pretty much. Kid: (looks into the windows) "Why is everything dark inside?" (frowns) "Did Patty tell the power company to turn off service again?" Stocking: I’ll go ahead. Kid: (glances at Melina) "What do you think has caused this problem?" -a shriek can be heard from inside- Kid: "Stocking?!" (Kid runs by Melina, dashes to the front door, and rips it open) -Stocking is standing in the ballroom- Kid: "Stocking? Are you okay?" (looks around) "Did the lights come back on?" -the lights switch on- everyone: happy birthday kid! Kid: "Ah!" (backs away--and lands against someone, or someones, behind him) Stocking: caught ya~ hehe~ Kid: (freezes, feeling Stocking holding up his shoulders, quickly re-balances himself) "Wh-what is all this? Birthday?" (pauses. Slaps forehead) "I forgot my own birthday...again..." Maid 3: cheer up sir. All your friends came to celebrate with you! Kid: (flustered) "I-I didn't mean to seem like I was taking offense! I am most certainly happy to have everyone here! I just, you know, did not expect to...I mean, for people to..." (clears throat, speaks professionally) "Thank you, friends and associates, for taking time in your busy schedules to organize this surprise birthday party. Your presence demonstrates to me your concern for me, and I am honored to have you in my residence. (And please tell me you wiped your feet before entering...I'm looking at you, Black Star...)" Lord death: well of course son, you’re important to all of us. Kid: "Father?! Is this why you had me meet with you? To not know this was all happening?" Lord death: well, it is a surprise party. stocking: *pats kid's back* come on, enjoy yourself today. Kid: (straightens up) "I think I can manage." (turns to Liz and Patty) "I expect that I owe considerable thanks to the best weapons a shinigami can have, yes?" Kid: (looks around the room) "And who else should I thank for these festivities? Our wonderful maids?" Kid: "I'm...really not sure what to do first. Games? Dance? Food? I know I should treat myself, but there seem to be infinite options." Stocking: how about that birthday dinner? You did promise to treat me to tea after all~ lord death: the death scythes all pitched in too! Kid: (bows to the Death Scythes) "Your service is always appreciated." (turns to Stocking) "I think a meal would be an excellent start. I have been peckish since that meeting with Father." (looks over Stocking at the entrance to the dining hall) "So long as Patty and Black Star have not already eaten most of the dinner..." Patty: "NO PROMISES! :3 " Kid: "Father, would you mind sitting with me and my...friend, Stocking?" Lord death: its no problem. I’d love to get to know your ‘friend’. *elbow nudges* Kid: (blushes) "Stocking, this is my father, as I'm sure you're aware..." Stocking: a pleasure to meet you in person, sir. lord death: as for you *shakes her hand* Kid: "Stocking, please sit opposite me, next to father." (snaps fingers) "Liz, Patty! At my sides!" (points to someone else) "You as well! I need a table with three people on each side of it!" Liz: "...Oh, joy--the birthday boy is delivering orders." Patty: "How is that any different than usual?" Stocking: *chuckles* Kid: (blushed at Stocking's laughter) "Do I see anyone here from our allied organizations, Father? Or are the guests only our friends from the DWMA?" Lord death: that depends if you’ve befriended anyone from those groups. Kid: "More like a friend of a friend, I would say." (Kid spotted one such friend: Shinra.) Shinra: *waves+nervous smile* Liz: "...Why is he smiling like that?" Stocking: I think it’s a nervous tick. Kid: (to Liz, warning) "Be nice." (smiles at Shinra) "I'm happy to see you here. Please, have a seat. This is my...friend Stocking, my partners Liz and Patty, and my father, Lord Death." Patty: "Are you one of those Fire People I keep hearing about?! What's it like? Who does your nails? Can we be BFFs?!" Shinra: well, sorta. It’s a bit complicated. And I kinda do my own nails. *nervous smile+sweat drop* Patty: (leans towards Shinra) "But wouldn't you like a new nail color? Here, let me take your hand!" (Liz smacks Patty upside the head) Liz: "Down, girl." Kid: (sweatdrop) "Um, Shinra, I assume you have met my father? And this is my friend Stocking." Kid: "What do you think of my residence?" Shinra: Yeah, Tamaki told me a little about you. oh, nice place. really.... big. Patty: "Don't get lost here! I did! It was horrifying! Terrible!" Liz: "It was five minutes." Patty: "Excruciating! So, you and Tamaki are close, huh?" Shinra: well, I wouldn’t say close as- we’re’s just aquaintences, that’s all. *sweats+nervous smile* Kid: "We're happy to have you here. I really do appreciate are new allies joining us on my birthday." (Takes up glass, stands up, clicks the glass) "May I have everyone's attention? I would like to have a toast, to good friends, old and new!" Stocking: here here! (Everyone drinks. Patty is about to throw her glass down to shatter it after finishing her drink. Liz pulls it out at the last minute, sets it on the table) Liz: "So, Stocking, what did you and lover boy here do after the party last night?" stocking: *almost chokes on her drink* oh, y-you know... talking and stuff. Kid: (petrified) "Yes. Talking. Stuff. Things." (coughs nervously) "Father, have you heard good things about the Halloween party? Such as how difficult it is navigate that Haunted House?" Lord death: I hear the party was a hoot. As is this one! And yes, I  was meaning to speak to you about that tomorrow. Kid: "Yes, this party is enjoyable. I am happy that the surprise of this party was far less terrifying than what the Haunted House provided." (looks around the room) "What exactly will be on the menu for this birthday get-together? Aside from cake, of course." Spirit: we got all kinds of stuff, we got catering from deathbucks, higanbanas, mortisimos, and Mille Fooly’s bakery. stocking: *drooling slightly* Kid: (offers a napkin) stocking: thanks. *blushes and wipes* Kid: (smiles, blushes as well) "Then may we place an order? What is everyone going to have?" Patty: "One of everything!" stocking: one big slice of cake please~ *licks lips* Kid: (smiles) "I haven't had dinner. I don't suppose I could have one of the vegetarian dishes, please?" Spirit: coming right up~! -after dinner, time for gifts!- Kid: "This is quite an eclectic blend! So many sizes, shapes, and colors!" (picks up one well-wrapped gift) "This one has very careful wrapping--such craftsmanship! Such exquisite beauty!" (eyes dart back and forth...shakes the box and listens to it) "Should this be my first to open? Or should I choose another one first?" Ellen: Here young master. all the maids worked hard on getting this. well. almost all. *glares at some of the lazier maids* -its a finely tailored suit- Kid: (goofy smile and shiny eyes) "Glorious." (puts arms togther) "Squee!" (then resumes serious face, studying every detail of the suit, raising sleeves, examining cloths, checking for missing threads...) "Perfect. Absolutely perfect. THANK YOU!" (Kid proceeds to obsess over the suit for minutes, putting Patty to sleep...) Random guest: hey! Give some other gifts a chance! Kid: (Grimaces. Coughs nervously) "Yes. Of course." (removes one that says "From Your Favorite Papa!") Kid: (opens the box) "I wonder what you have gotten for me, Father -it appears to be a music player- lord death: it plays CDs, cassettes, and records! you an even connect your optical pod! Lord death: more commonly known as 'ipod' Kid: (impressed) "Ooooo...I have been meaning to improve the audio output of the music Soul has given to me in the past. And so pragmatic, playing so many different audio formats." (smiles widely) "Thank you, Father." Lord death: of course son [thinking: YES! VICTORY!] Kid: "I look forward to setting this up in my bedroom. Or maybe in the living room for all of us to share..." (Picks up another gift, reads the label, freezes...) "Oh. Um, this one is from...Stocking." Stocking: yeah, I saw it while shopping and thought you’d like it. Kid: "Th-thank you." (Slowly, deliberately opens the gift, not wanting to ruin the wrapping paper at all..." -its a sleek new phone case. monochrome and symmetrical. with a little skull decal attached- Kid: "So...shiny...So...symmetrical...I love it, Stocking..." (feels his knees weaken) stocking: im glad you do. *she smiles* Kid: (holding eye contact) "Th-thank you." (smiles very happily) "It means a lot to have it. To you have here." (looks at Lord Death and the Thompsons) "And family." (looks around the room) "And so many friends." Kid: "I shall continue with the gifts...Here is one from Liz and Patty.." -it was a vase and a note that said 'sorry for breaking the old one'- Kid: (tense) "When was the old one broken...?" (looks with concern at the Thompsons--who both hide behind Melina.) Melina: i believe it was during the game night when miss patricia knocked mr evans into one of the vases. Patty: "Yep! Don't mess with me in Pictionary--I'll straight up knock you into a vase! So, you like the gift Kiddo?" Kid: (eye twitches over the broken vase, but recomposes himself and smiles) "I do. Thank you, Liz, Patty. You do look out for me more than any other weapon could." stocking: aww. Kid: "Melina, where should I place the vase? And which gift would you recommend I open next?" melina: i believe this is from your blue haired friend. the very, very loud one. *sweatdrop* Kid: "...He's right behind me, isn't he?" (covers ears before he shouts...) black*star: YO THATS A NICE SENTIMENT AND I APPRECIATE IT BUT I, THE ALMIGHTY BLACK*STAR, WISH YOU THE HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY OF ALL TIME!! (Patty and Liz cover their ears) Kid: "I CAN STILL HEAR HIM DESPITE COVERING MY EARS! PLEASE TELL ME HIS GIFT ARE NOISE-CANCELLING HEADPHONES! Tsubaki: "I'm sorry. Please, Kid, open and enjoy this gift." Kid: "...It won't blow up, will it?" -inside is an autographed photo of black*star and a blank diary- Kid: "Oh, joy. _Another_ autographed photograph of you. But the diary certainly is a welcome gift. Thank you." black*star: well since your other diary is getting full, i thought you'd need a new one. Kid: "...You found and read my diary, haven't you?" black*star: not gonna say, but do you ever write anything other than how much you love sto- Kid: (slaps hands over Black Star) "Breathe a word of this to anyone, and you will be eating all of your meals through a straw!" black*star: *muffled speaking* *licks his palm* Kid: (disgusted look, removes hands from his mouth) "Yuck! Liz! Patty! Hand sanitizer! Please tell me someone here gave me hand sanitizer as a gift!" Tsubaki: "I'm so sorry, Kid!" (tugs on Black Star's ear) black*star: ow -one of the maids goes to get hand sanitizer- Kid: (holds out hands for hand sanitizer) random maid: look! you got a gift from an animal! Kid: "...An animal?" (Glances at Black Star) "Could you be more specific?" maid: i think its from a gopher? Kid: (V-Frown) "Gopher...WHO INVITED YOU?!" Gopher: dont copycat me! and i have my ways.... kirika let me in. Kirika:*waves* yo Kid: (stares at Kirika) "Why would you do this to me?!" (looks to maids) "I ask that the next time we have a social gathering that you please post a "No Gopher" sign!" (looks to Gopher, takes the gift from him) "Thank you. Should I open it, or should I hand it to someone else in case it explodes?" Gopher: oh please, if I wanted to have you dead I’d have done it more discreetly. Consider this as an act of good samaritism. Kirika and I picked this gift out specially and with care- kirika: shut up and open the damn present already. Kid: "Fine." (slowly tugging on the ribbon, fully expecting it to explode--at which point he can toss it) "What is this? -inside the box is a c*ck p*mp, l*bric*nt, diapers, and a note- ‘we hope you enjoy your little gift. Kirika and I worked diligently to make the most embarrassing of gifts to utterly humiliate and shame you. we can see the look of horror and despair on your face. You know you’d never dare speak a word of the contents you have received, lest damage your reputation amongst your peers. Low and behold that we have claimed victorious in this battle.’ In kirika’s writing is a crude drawing and the words ‘go fuck yerself mate XP’- Kid: (shuts the gift, hands it to Melina) "Do not open and burn this immediately." (Snaps fingers) "Liz, Patty? See these two out of this Mansion, posthaste.) stocking: looks like they left. Kid: (fuming) "I am really trying not to let them ruin my birthday party...but I admit it is really hard when there are some really mean persons...At least I am around decent people here." chrona: h-here... i got these. -it was a pen set- Kid: (smiles warmly) "Thank you, my friend. I enjoy getting to work on my penmanship. I appreciate this, Crona. Are you enjoying the party?" chrona: *nods* Kid: "I am glad. Please tell me you will have some of the cake?" (glances at Stocking, teases) "There is some left, yes?") stocking: of course there is. stocking: *pout* i do have some self restraint... Kid: (thinking: "She's so cute...and attractive...") "I can trust that you do. Crona, would you like some? Ragnarok hasn't consumed your slice, has he?" chrona:..... yeah... and he did. Kid: (Frowns. Looks at the Black Blood around Crona.) "If your friend wants to have the extra special dessert I was saving for later--" (glances at Stocking, puts a finger over his lips as a promise she will have some, too) "--you will let Crona have this dessert and not touch it. Are you listening to me, Ragnarok?" Ragnarok:…. *eyes widen* for realsies? stocking: are you sure the special dessert isnt you~? Kid: (smirks) "Realsies." (Hands the cake slice to Crona. Stares at Ragnarok) "No snacking on Crona's cake. Or else no special dessert for you." (from behind him, Kid reveals the dessert--and hands it to Stocking) "She has her slice. You'll get yours once Crona finishes their slice." Kid: (to Stocking) "Eat yours now--before Ragnarok steals it." stocking: *nomnomnom* thank you kid~ *kisses both his cheeks* Kid: (freezes) "Th-th-thank...you..." (smiles--then notices everyone looking) "What?" maid: *slips something into kid's pocket* just in case. Kid: (goes to look in pocket) "Why? What is it?" maid: your dad said it was 'for protection' Kid: " 'Protection'? But I am already armed with weapons." (Points to Liz and Patty) "They are enough protection, are they not? What other protection would I need?" (Patty looks dumbfounded. Liz stifles giggles) maid: in case you and your... *ahem* 'friend' need to....resolve some things. Kid: (Glances at Stocking. Shrugs) "I guess my staff thinks that you and I need protection for something. Weird." (Smiles innocently, taps pocket) "Good to know they are looking out for us, huh?" (Patty is having to put her hands over Liz's mouth to silence her laughter) maid: *whispers* also we left that stuff in that box in your room. minus the diaper and note. Kid: (shocked, angry whispering) "Why would you ever leave that kind of stuff in my room?! When would I ever need that--" (freezes. Realizes what is in his pocket.) "Gah-gah-gah-gah..." (Kid's knees weaken. He seats himself at a chair) Patty: "You almost broke him, folks!" Liz: "Um, maybe we should give him the rest of his gifts? Who's next?!" stocking: kid? you ok? Kid: (leaps back a bit from Stocking--falling out of the chair) "Fine! Just--just wanted to enjoy how nice the floor is! Maybe I could get a lay--lay here! Maybe I could lay here!" (Snatches a gift nearby) "Oh, Maka! Thank you! I will enjoy this gift!" (Kid thinks: "I should lower my voice already.") -its a copy of the portrait of dorian grey- Kid: "Ah! You had recommended this text to me earlier. Thank you, Maka. May we discuss our thoughts on Wilde's novel after I finish reading it?" maka: sounds great. Kid: "Any more gifts? Soul? Tsubaki?" -soul got him a music CD, i think tsubaki got him a mug- Kid: (reads the mug) "Number 8 World's Best Shinigami." (sniff) "I am so blessed..." (wipes away a tear) "And thank you for the music, Soul. Well, then, after food and gifts, I think it is time to dance until this party ends!" stocking: so kid. want to dance? Kid: (calming down after receiving "protection", smiles) "Yes." stocking: *she smiles and dances slowly with him* Kid: (Leans a bit on her shoulder) "Everyone here has been so kind. Thank you for coming." stocking: hey, its no problem. *rubs his back a little* Kid: (inwardly screaming with joy) "I...Would you be interested in going out this weekend? Or next weekend? Or any weekend?" stocking: oh? where to? Kid: "Well, if you were free next weekend, I heard there was a carnival in True Cross Town. Care to visit?" Stocking: oh… well, you might be seeing me there. Kid: "I'll hold you to that." (Holds her closer) stocking: kid... Kid: "Yes?" stocking:.... nevermind. its nothing. Kid: (debating whether to press the issue, decides not to) "Hmm." (draws back, looks her in the eyes. Smiles as he takes both of her hands to continue their dance) stocking: seems you've been practicing. Kid: (sheepish) "Maybe." stocking: so many people here. its surprising for someone to keeps to themselves a lot to have so many friends. Kid: "I have been blessed. And it is up to me to be the friend everyone in this room deserves." (downcast) "I'm not sure I'm doing that well." stocking: i guess... *sight frown* i wish i could be nearly as lucky as you. Kid: (taken aback) "I do think it is the value of your friends, no matter how few, rather than the number of them. Would you say that the friends you have are there for you?" stocking: *sigh* actually, i dont have any, other than my family, the mansion staff, and honekoneko... actually. honekoneko is the one i really consider a legit 'friend'. Kid: (serious) "You have me." (smiles) "And that means you have Liz. And Patty. And Father. If you want to have us." stocking: *smiles a little* thank you kid. *she hugs him* that means a lot.. s-sorry for spilling my guts for you just now. Kid: "If you allow me to, er, spill my guts at to you so often, I cannot refuse to let you do the same. I really like you, Stocking." stocking: i really like you too kid. Kid: (stares into her eyes. Smiles) \do you really want to tell her your feelings boy?\ Kid: "Could I tell you something?" stocking: what is it? \what if she rejects you?\ Kid: (Listening to the voice around him. What on earth could that be?) \she just sees you as a friend. do you really want to ruin that now? foolish boy\ stocking: kid? you were saying? Kid: (Thinks...and thinks that, if he can be specific, and honest, then that is what any other person deserves) "Sorry. I just wanted to say what I'm about to say...perfectly and precisely..." \do you really want to risk it? what if she thinks you're a creep?\ \all these people are only here because they feel obligated to.\ \you’ve only just started to know her. if you tell her now you'll scare her away\ Kid: (Inhaled. Kid thought, better I be thought poorly now than refuse to be honest--because I have been deceived too often for me to hide what I feel and manipulate someone I care about.) "Stocking...I think...I am starting to fall in love with you." (His voice squeaked at the end of that sentence. He blushes, lets go of Stocking's hands, and covers his mouth.) stocking: w-wha? *blushes* Kid: (Freezes. Silent.) "I-I just mean I'm _starting_ to...I just wanted to..." (Looks down) stocking: *she doesnt say anything* ..... Kid: (Keeps looking down. Inhales. Exhales.) "I just wanted to say what I felt, to be open from the beginning. I have made things awkward, haven't I?" stocking: kid... i.... Kid: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything yet." (lets go of her hands) "I should have waited." stocking:..... i.... *sighs* i need a little time to think about this. see you tomorrow. *slight wave and exits* Kid: (weakly tries to lift arm to wave goodbye, let's it fall...) "What do I do now? Who do I speak with?" shinra: *in deep thought* Kid: (bumps into Shinra) "S-sorry. I wasn't looking..." shinra: oh, hey, its fine man.... you alright? you dont look so good. Kid: (trying to maintain a cold, logical demeanor) "I'm...not. Sorry. I think I just said the wrong thing to...someone." shinra: ah. i can get that. *he nods* im sure you'll make it up to them one day... maybe. Kid: (inhales) "I hope so. I just...I don't know what to do." (looks to Shinra) "I want to speak with her now, but that is outrageous: she deserves to take agency and leave as she wishes. Do I call her tomorrow? Do I wait longer? What if I wait too long?" shinra: hey, calm down. ..... *sigh* im not exactly a girl expert, but maybe you should let her come to you first? Kid: "Yes. I just fear how long that will take..." -later that night, after everyone else has returned home- Kid: (Loud sigh) "What am I going to do?" (Patty walks by Kid in one of the living rooms--and stops to see what the reaper boy is doing. She waves to Lord Death, who is still around to help with clean up) Patti: "Pst! Boss! What's up with Kiddo?" lord death: im not sure. he's been like that since his little friend went home. Patty: "Should we talk with him?" (inches into the room, looks back to Lord Death to see whether he is coming) liz: kid? you ok in here? Kid: (shoots head up--his eyes are red) "F-fine. Just...a bad conversation with...Stocking." liz: oh..... !! kid... your eyes.... Kid: (sniffs, rubs left eye) "Please tell me they are both equally red...One feels more red than the other..." liz: dont tell me you've been crying in here all night... Kid: "No. I've also been regretting my actions and yelling into a pillow." (points to a nearby pillow--which has been ripped apart) "And then crying over how disfigured that pillow now is." liz: what did you even say to her? you didnt like insult her or anything, did you? Kid: "...I don't think I insulted her...But I think I said something that upset her." liz: and that was? Kid: "I said I was falling for her..." liz: and she wasnt? Kid: "I-I don't know what she is feeling! I thought she was...at least interested." liz: im not a mind reader, so i cant say for sure. if she does, then she does. if not, then your life isnt over. there's plenty of nice girls at school. Kid: "I-I know. I think I'm more upset at myself." (puts head in his hands) "I just wanted to say the right thing, perfectly. I'm a shinigami--I should be able to do so at all times...Shouldn't I?" liz: true, you are a shinigami. but you're also a person. you have your good qualities, but you also have your bad qualities. no one is completly perfect, that would be unrealistic. but thats what makes people balanced i think. Kid: "...What do I do when I feel like I'm unbalanced without her?" (sighed) "I sound like a stereotypical teenager, don't I?" liz: and i feel like the mom. *she chuckles* well, for now maybe try focusing on something else? like that new music player your dad got. that sounds like fun. patti! you want to help set it up? Patty: "On it!" (looks at the cables) "Where do these plugs go?" (Kid looks up at Patty) Kid: "How about you untangle them, first...especially since you are now entangled in them?" Patty: "Oh, yeah...Um, Sis? A little help to unwrap?" (Kid then looked to Liz) Kid: "Thank you, Liz. I...am starting to feel a little better." liz: sure any time kid. *goes over to patti* dammit patti how did you even get tied like that. it just looks.... *sigh* here, let me just get you out of there. Patty: (struggling to sit still, waiting for the wires and cables to be loosened) Kid: (reviewing his current music and new gifts) "Any particular genre you all would prefer? Father?" lord death: its your birthday, so choose whatever you like. Kid: "...If I choose a polka, you all will laugh at me, won't you?" liz: patti dont make those noises, you’re making it awkward! lord death: if it helps you, then do what you wish. Kid: "I'll...go with jazz instead. I think we all would enjoy it, especially Liz." (removes record from collection, waiting for setup) "Is the audio player ready for use?" liz: yeah, it is now. finally. Kid: (smiles) "Excellent." (places record on the player) "Patty, you ready for some music?" liz: i am. -fly me to the moon begins to play- Kid: (smiles a bit sadly when the song gets to 'I Love You') liz: *pats his back* Kid: (smiles) Patty: (plops down next to Kid, clutches him in a hug) "We love you, Kiddo! Cheer up!" Patty: "Right, Sis?" liz: of course. *sits on the other side and hugs him* Lord death: *hugs all 3 of them* Kid: (struggling to breathe) "Th-thank you all..." -the next day- Kid: (gets out of bed, showers, dresses, comes downstairs--debating whether to make his own breakfast or ask the maids) Kamille: Good morning young master. i see you're awake now. Kid: "Good morning, Kamille. I am feeling...a bit off. Could you recommend what I should have for breakfast?" Kamille: Would some tea and pancakes help? Kid: "Hmm...That sounds appetizing. May I request a flavor of pancakes?" Kamille: of course sir! what would you like? Kid: "Apple cinnamon?" kamille: coming right up~! Kid: "I trust Father returned to the Academy. And given the hour, I assume neither Liz nor Patty is awake yet, are they?" kamille: i believe they're getting ready now. you've been sleeping a bit later than usual. Kid: (checks watch) "That's still sooner than usual. I anticipate we will be ready for classes." (pensive) "I don't suppose...anyone left a message...on the phone...or in the mail...or by bat messenger..." kamille: well, other than the usual stuff the maid's take care of, that make-up kit miss liz ordered finally arrived. Kid: "Oh." (looks down) "Good for Liz." (taps his finger on the table) "Let me pour some tea. Oh, would you like some, Kamille?" kamille: i've already eaten today. but i appreciate the offer. Kid: "Oh." (taps fingers on his teacup, struggling to pass time) "H-how are you? I hope the post-party cleanup was not too stressful." kamille: not too much. Ellen 'maid' sure everything was in perfect order. hehe~ Kid: (glares at the pun) "Seriously?" kamille: huehehehe.... *sweatdrop* *ahem* carry on sir. -at school- Kid: "Quickly, Patty, Liz. I do not want to be late for our next class." Patty: "Yeah, Sis, get the lead out!" liz: yeah yeah i hear ya. -they arrived at stein's class. a certain someone was sitting near the back- Patty: "Look it is it, Kid!" Kid: (freezes, tenses up) -stocking was reading her notes quietly to herself. she glanced up at kid and looked back down, blushing a little- Kid: "Liz, Patty, we'll be sitting in this row today." (middle row of the class, far enough from the back row--but still close enough for Kid to look back at Stocking) stocking: ..... *slight frown* rosalie:............... Kid: (jots a few words on a sheet of paper) "Liz? Please pass this note to the back row." (the sheet says "STOCKING") liz: cant you do it? liz: *sigh* fine. *she passes the note* -when it reaches stocking, she is hesitant at first, but then opens it- Kid: "Can we talk after class? During lunch? Y/N" -stocking looked at the paper and slipped it into her bag- Kid: (jaw falls) Patty: "Oooh...She didn't even circle yes or no?" Kid: (loud whisper so not to attract teacher's attention) "DID YOU READ MY NOTE?!" Patty: (frowning) "Fine. I'll get her attention..." Patty: "Stocking! Want to talk with me after class?!" Stocking: *she doesn’t say anything* Patty: "Wow. You must have pissed her good." Kid: "Liz? Help? Should I wait until lunch to see what happens?" liz: that might be for the best. Kid: (puts head down into his textbook) "What are we studying, anyway?" liz: barrier rifts and outerrealms.... weird. Kid: "Rift..." (sigh) "So, we're trying to find ways of traveling vast distances in a short amount of time?" -at lunch- stocking: ...... *notices a boy with spiky back hair walk past* excuse me. but see that kid with the white stripes in his hair. can you ask him to come over here by himself? Shotaro: "Sure! Good deed, away!" (runs by Stocking--on all fours) Kid: (holding his lunch tray to find a seat at the cafeteria--and almost collides with Shotaro) Shotaro: "You! Come with me!" (clutches Kid's tray, tugging it and Kid with it to Stocking's table, where he leaves him) "Good deed done!" Kid: (blushes) "Um...Hi. Is this seat taken?" stocking: its fine, you can sit there. Kid: "V-very well." (sits, lays out his napkin along his lap, forces a nervous smile) "I-I appreciate you agreeing to meet with me. H-How are you?" stocking: good. been thinking a lot. Kid: (thinking: " 'Good'? 'Good' is good...right? Or is 'good' bad? Breathe, Kid, breathe--calm down...Just listen.) "Thinking about...?" stocking: about last night actually... Kid: (What do I ask? Do I retract what I said?) "What have you thought about last night?" stocking: mostly what you told me... and how i felt about it.... Kid: "I...see. What...do you feel? Right now?" stocking: conflicted mostly... Kid: "Are there...good emotions that you feel?" stocking: *sigh* well, i'll be honest. i've actually known you liked me. for a while now. i just wasnt expecting you to tell me so soon. Kid: "I was that obvious?" Kid: "I mean, before saying it directly?" stocking: no offence, but you werent very subtle. *she chuckles* Kid: (Thinking: Chuckling. Chuckling is good.) "Ha. I...cannot disagree with that." (looks at her) "I had wanted to be...open and honest." stocking: i guess. but there is a difference between lying and withholding information. Kid: "I...understand. I just worry that...I don't want to make my intentions unclear. And if that means that...I am attracted to you romantically, that I would like to be more than friends, I would like to say so rather than leave things confusing. That is what I mean by 'open'." stocking: *she blushes a little* well.... i guess.... i kinda like you too... but i barely know you. i have a good bit to go on, but im just scratching the surface... i mean, i might want to but... Kid: (puts left hand on table) "Let's take everything slowly. No rushing anything. And I'm sorry that I...rushed things." stocking:.... i guess. *she smiles* s-sorry... its... i had some bad experiences in the past. Kid: "I...didn't know. I'm sorry." stocking: its fine. its all in the past now, all i can do is go forwards. Kid: "I...would like to be with you as you go forward. Whatever that will be." stocking: thank you. *she holds his hand* Kid: (stiffens, then calms down. Smiles at Stocking) stocking: *smiles back* Kid: (rubbed her hand a bit) "I suppose...we can dine together for this lunch? We only have so much time before next period begins." stocking: sure. rosalie: ................ Kid: (noticing Rosalie hovering, trying to ignore her) "H-how is your lunch? Did you get any dessert? Or is that an obvious question?" stocking: um, duh~! Kid: (studying her tray--and ignoring Rosalie, who is right behind him) "I spy cake and something sweet to drink. What are you imbibing?" stocking: some caffe latte~ Kid: "Hmm. Good choice. Should balance the flavor of your cake." (looks left to right) "Pst! Is someone watching me from behind?" rosalie: *is gone* stocking: no? i dont see anyone just your partners. Patty: "Hi, Kid! You make up with your girlfriend yet?!" stocking: p-patti! *she blushes* Kid: "P-Patty!" *he blushes* "Liz! Don't you and your sister have somewhere else to be?!" liz: come on sis, didnt you want to try some of those new items on the menu? Patty: "As long as Kid is paying!" (waves his wallet in the air) Kid: (aghast. Turns to Stocking) "I am so thankful I paid for this meal first before sitting down." stocking: *chuckles* awww. poor kiddo. Kid: "My poor wallet..." (sigh) "At least the meal is enjoyable." (blushes) "And thank you for talking with me." stocking: open and honest, you know~? Kid: (smiles) "Open and honest." (he folds his napkin and sets it on his tray) "Off to next period. Heading my way?" stocking: depends, what class do you have. Kid: "Advanced Meister Studies." stocking: ah, i have history classes. i think we're going to learn about the Roma war? Kid: "Shoot. I was hoping to...talk more. I hope we can speak after class. I imagine that lesson on the Roma War is going to span over a few classes. When is your next history exam?" stocking: next thursday i think. Kid: "Should be enough time to study, I hope." (scratches his cheek) "I could...always lend my notes..." stocking: hehe, i appreciate that, but i think i can manage. Kid: "Heh, okay. Um...May I...see you after classes end today?" stocking: sure. i was hoping to get some part time work someplace. Kid: "Oh? Any particular type of work? Or location?" stocking: not sure, i was planning on checking out the cafe and the movie theater. Kid: "Deathbucks?" stocking: yeah. not sure if i want to check the cafe or the deathbucks on main. Kid: "The Cafe? I'm not sure I know of this one. What's it called? Where is it?" stocking: deathbucks. but apperantly there are two deathbucks buildings in the city. the cafe where i think your partners worked once, and the deathbucks on main street plaza. Kid: "Oh, now I remember! The one on main had a rather different design." Kid: "...Will the cafe on main require a uniform?" stocking: kinda, but it doesnt look as cute. stocking: not implying i want to look cute at work, but. i.. you know how much i love cute clothes~ hehe~ Kid (thinking: "I like her in cute clothes, too...But I already made things badly! So...just don't say anything") (blushing) "O-Oh, really...That's a shame...That the outfits aren't as cute!" stocking: kiddooo~ are you thinking about me in a waitress dress~? Kid: "...Maybe?" stocking: i think you'd look cute too~ Kid: (grimaces) "I don't do dresses..." (adjusts collar) stocking: aw, well im sure you would look nice in either uniform. Kid: "Never. Again." stocking: hmm? Kid: "I-it was one time! I was young!" stocking: did you want to talk about it? i promise i wont laugh. Kid: "...Last year, I was playing a punishment game with my teammates...and I lost to Black Star. My punishment was putting on one of the Deathbucks uniforms...Those skirts are too short..." stocking: aww... now that i think about it, i bet you looked really cute. Kid: "...Maybe...I doubt half as cute as you would..." stocking: hehe, you're such a sweet talker. Kid: (blushes) "I-I don't have a lot of experience at it..." stocking: well, i appreciate it none-the-less. ah, i should head to class. see you then~ Kid: "Yes. Have a good class." -she smiles and waves- (He smiles and waves back) rosalie: ....................... Kid: (frowning) "I know you are right there, Rosalie. Sensing your soul, it is deafening. What do you want?" Rosalie: oh! k-kid. i was.... i was considering a part time job at deathbucks. what do you think? Kid: (eyebrow raise) "Are you seeking employment to supplement your allowance?" Rosalie: yeah, i could use a little extra money to keep on the side. Kid: "And Stocking working there has nothing to do with that?" rosalie: oh that girl? i didnt even know she was considering it. Kid: "You were practically hovering around me. You expect me to believe this is merely a coincidence?" rosalie: oh, i was actually on my way to my advanced weapon studies class. i guess i overheard. Kid: (eyebrow still raised) "O...kay. In any case, how are your weapons classes going?" rosalie: i'm doing much better at it. i'm able to transform my limbs perfectly. Kid: "Really? Would you have time to demonstrate?" rosalie: i would, but i have to do that in class. i dont want to keep the teacher waiting. Kid: "Very well. I hope class goes well. Before you leave, who is teaching your course?" rosalie: i didnt catch the teacher's name, but the assistant teacher is miss Oze. take care. Kid: "Have a good class!" (waves goodbye) Kid: (calling to his weapons) "Liz, I'll be in my Advanced Meister Class. How are you and Patty doing in your weapons course?" patti: doing good! liz:..... Kid: "Liz?" liz: hmm? oh, yeah. im here. say, can i talk to you tonight, just us? Kid: "Sure." (Looks to Patty. Then to Liz.) "Although it is highly unorthodox for only one weapon to be present..." liz: yeah, i know, i know. but. its really important, ok? Kid: (serious) "Of course. After dinner?" liz: with who? what about your little girlfriend, stocking, hmm? patti: dang, you are just crawling in girls. luckyyyyy. Kid: "I-I haven't made dinner plans with her for this evening...Not yet. Why? Should I ask her to join us for dinner?" liz: no i jus- *ahem* i wanted to discuss more.... personal matters. Kid: "O...kay. Just you and me, after dinner." (looks to Patty) "Will you be able to preoccupy yourself while your sister and I discuss this...matter?" patti: caaaan do! -later- Kid: "That was a satisfying dinner. Liz, shall we now speak?" liz: yeah. *she looks around, making sure they are alone* i wanted to talk to you.... about that rosalie girl. Kid: "She seems...odd. Hovering around. I can feel her watching me." liz: yeah, luckily she isnt around right now. but.... she- something about her doesnt sit well with me. Kid: (Leans forward) "I thought the same. I could read something about her soul, but it's not yet clear to me. Tell me, what have you noticed about her?" liz: at the halloween dance. when the king and queen were picked, she took some guy outside. and when she came in, the guy was gone, but her costume looked more red... Kid: (eyes widen) "Do you know the name of the man who was with her?" liz: no. just some random student. Kid: "We need to find that student's name. We will have to interview to learn who that student was, without raising suspicions of Rosalie. And have forensics check where she was in case there is any...evidence of that boy's presence. Have you mentioned any of this to anyone else?" liz: no. just you. Kid: "I do not want someone else attracting Rosalie's attention. But I do we should report this to Sid and Naigus--they have experience acquiring forensic evidence surreptiously." liz: yeah, but what proof do we have? Kid: "We have a student no one has seen since the dance, yes? I think a missing person justifies at least looking into the spot where he was last seen..." liz: maybe... i remember the guy wore a creepy looking mask. Kid: " 'Creepy'? Please narrow that down. Was it more human-like, animal-like, or demon-like?" liz: hmmm... *sketches a rough drawing of what the mask resembled* Kid: "Hmm...This drawing does not adhere to traditional practices of sketching, but I guess it's better than nothing." liz: *glare*...... well, yeah, its something to work with. so where do we start? Kid: "A mask is not going to help us identify a person if they attend the Academy...but perhaps we can find which shops actually sell this mask. What if it is rare?" liz: well, i guess. oh! i just remembered, he was hanging out with a few others, and i could see their faces. maybe ask them? Kid: "Let's do so. It's rather late tonight. I suggest I approach Sid and Naigus tomorrow, you interview that student's friends." liz: yeah. night. --The Next Day-- Kid: "Liz, I will be meeting with Sid and Naigus today. You find those other students around our mystery person. Oh, and do try to avoid bringing any of this up to Patty." Liz: can do. -later, after kid brought things up to sid and nygus- Kid: (bumps into someone) "Oh, sorry." stocking: ah, its fine. Kid: "S-Stocking! Hello! Hi! Salutations! Um...How are you?" stocking: *she chuckles* doing fine. and you? Kid: (Thinking: "I can't tell her about what I am investigating.") (smiles) "I am well, thank you. So, any progress with your job application to the cafe?" stocking: still a work in progress. no pun intended. Kid: "Heh." (awkward pause) "Where are you heading right now?" stocking: actually i was heading to battle tactics classes. Kid: "I as well! Shall we head to class together?" stocking: sure. *she smiles* Kid: "The teacher to this class is a real killer. If you'll pardon the Death City vernacular." stocking: ah, hahah. *sweatdrop* i'm still getting used to it. Stein: "Hurry up, you two. Or you'll be my personal punchingbags for today's demonstration." stocking: well geez then. Stein: (sneers) "Hurry. Wouldn't want to bruise yourself in my demonstration...or lose a limb." stocking: ..... *huffs and takes a seat in the back* Kid: (sits by her) "Best not to lose a limb...quite asymmetrical." stocking: yeah, plus my dad would probably tear him a new one. Kid: "Your father? You certain he could handle Stein?" stocking: well... n-nevermind. may as well pay attention to the class... Kid: (opens book, removed papers, removes pen--and starts intricately writing notes...slowly...) "Darn. That 'T' just doesn't look right." stocking: .......  *writing notes* Stein: "Now, I will need a volunteer for today's demonstration." (Stares at Kid and Stocking with a sneer) stocking: *eyes fixated on her notes* Kid: (burying his nose in his book) Stein: "Who shall I pick...Stocking? You've been awfully quiet today." stocking: (thoughts: fucking shit) oh? i was trying to pay attention to the lesson like a good little student. Stein: "Gee, how kind of you--and also notoriously sycophantic. Down here, now--you're my guinea pig for this demonstration." stocking: .... ok, but i wont get hurt, will i? *there is a light passive aggressive tone in her voice* Stein: "If you don't get hurt, how will you ever learn? But seriously, if you've been doing your training, this lesson should go smoothly. Understood?" stocking: ok... *she smiles at kid* im ready. Kid: (gives two thumbs up) Stein: "Good." (Stands up, pushes chair away--which falls down as he does so. He removes his labcoat. He holds out his arms.) "Come at me. I want you to try to kill me." stocking: do i need a weapon partner for this or not? Stein: "I see no problem with that: you may have a weapon if you wish." stocking: any volunteers? bailey: ohoh! i volunteer! Kid: (nudges a classmate) "Who is that student?" bailey: Bailey Seizemore reporting sir! *waves* stocking: what she said. Kid: (remembers) "Ah. I wonder whether she is as sufficient as her sibling." (looks to Stocking) "Best of luck..." bailey: here i go! weapon form activate! *goes into sword mode* Stein: (stands still) "Well? Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to show me what you got?" (holds out hand and moves fingers in a "come here" gesture) stocking: *breathes and waits to make a move, then rushes forward with the sword in hand* Stein: (Sneers, waiting motionless.) stocking: haah! *slashes at him* Stein: (catches sword between his hands, holding it before it hits him) "Too slow." stocking: *pulls back, in an attempt to slice his palms* Stein: (ducks, swings leg under him to knock Stocking's legs) stocking: !! *jumps up to avoid getting kicked* Stein: (palm punch heading towards her chin) stocking: *dodges to the side* Stein: (Stocking is now where he was, he is now where she was. As he turns around to face her back, he lifts his leg to kick her in the back stocking: *is knocked down and rolls to get up* Stein: "Sloppy. Are you even practicing?" stocking: *smirks and kicks her legs at his stomach* Stein: "Ugh!" (stumbles back, but still on his feet) "Good." (smiles) "But not enough." (dashes at Stocking, preparing to knock Baily out of her hands with a punch to Stocking's wrist) stocking: ah! *drops bailey but picks her up with her other hand, aiming the blade at stein's neck, panting* Stein: (stops) "Very good, Stocking, Baily." (calmly moves the blade away from his neck with one finger. Reaches into his pocket to remove a cigarette--his hand shaking just a bit, even as his voice is calm) "But there is room for improvement. Baily, you are depending far too much on Stocking rather than resonating with her soul fully." bailey: i guess, but i feel more comfy with mizuki anyways *she smiles* no offence. stocking: its fine. Stein: "It will be important for both of you to have some flexibility, to optimize your resonance." (lights cigarette, drags on it, exhales) "Good work. Both of you. Please return to your seat. And Stocking? Watch on your left." stocking: *looks* ?? Stein: "No. I meant in our battle. You seemed distracted, weren't focusing on all locations." (exhales another smoke) "Come now. I'm not so petty after a loss to dare punch a student on their left as some gag." (sneers) "If I wanted to attack, you'd be dead right now. And serving as my new taxidermy subject." stocking: hmmm... \she would be a pretty little doll\ stocking: *she sits next to kid* Kid: "Excellent work. For Stein, his comments are the equivalent of a high compliment." stocking: yeah, i guess. (thinking: actually, i was really holding back...) Kid: "Cheer up--your form and combat skills just keep improving!" stocking: thank you kid. *she smiles slightly, but warmly* Stein: "Sorry, am I interrupting something?" (Stein is standing in the row behind them) stocking: gah! jeez, i nearly jumped out of my skin! Stein: "Don't let me stop you--you have such fine skin..." Kid: "Would you stop that?! Why are you sneaking around the classroom?" Stocking: *cringes* please don’t touch me. Stein: "Why are you two talking while I'm lecturing?" (stares at Stocking) "Anything you want to share with the class?" Kid: "Enough. I am sorry that we were speaking during your lecture--when you were telling us that, for proper resonance between meister and weapon, it sometimes helps to picture common goals shared by both persons." (holds up paper of his notes--but in Stocking's handwriting) "See? Stocking wrote those notes as you spoke. So what exactly is the problem here, Professor?" Stein: "...No problem at all." (slowly slinks below the row between him and Kid/Stocking's row--surprising students in his row as he seems to disappear....) (and then pops up behind his desk) "I think that will be all for today's class. Or do we have any questions? Stocking? Kid?" stocking: *doesnt say anything, but smiles at kid* Kid: "No, not today, thank you." Stein: (points to door) "Then be off." Kid: (holds up his notes in her handwriting) "Don't forget your 'notes,' Stocking." stocking: *she nods and takes them, looking at them* Kid: "Not a terrible imitation of your handwriting...not perfect. But how can I match that?" stocking: why... *makes sure they are in the hall and whispers* why did you want to try and imitate my writing? is it because i was doodling in class? Kid: (shrugs) "I find that, with Stein, it is best to give him the answer he wants. Otherwise, he will keep poking and prodding." (smirks) "Cute doodles, by the way." stocking: ah. oh, thanks. i tried to keep them relevant to the lesson. Kid: "Is that why Stein has bunny ears?" stocking: what? cant i add a little humor? Kid: (giggles--then catches himself. Clears voice, coughs, smiles) "Um, indeed." stocking: oh, your one friend mentioned that you write poetry sometimes? Kid: (blushes) "I try to write sonnets, but I just do not like the pentameter..." stocking: ah. Kid: "...Would you...like to listen to my poetry, at some time? Or I could lend you some to read?” stocking: maybe i could come over to your place and hear it? Kid: "Th-that would be great! Please let me know whenever would be good for you." stocking: how about tonight? since i basically know the way now. Kid: "S-sure! Yes! Super!" (grimaces at that last one, clears throat) "I would like that. Would you like to have dinner at our place as well? We have cake." stocking: sure, that sounds lovely. Kid: "6 o'clock?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: (looks at his watch) "I'm afraid I have study hall now, but I have to...meet someone..." stocking: oh? is it your girlfriend? Kid: "N-no! I don't have a girlfriend!" (stares a second too long at Stocking) "I mean, I want one. I...have someone in mind..." (clears throat) "No. Professional DWMA business. Very hush-hush." stocking: ahh, i see. (thinking: i think its pretty obvious who it is you're interested in though haha) Kid: "I...guess we depart here. What is your next class?" stocking: looks like... literature. see you at 6~ *she softly kisses his nose before leaving* Kid: (blushing, stammering, standing still) "Wh-where was I going again?" -later at 6- *din don* Stocking: hey kid, im here. Kid: "I STOPPED STAMMERING HOURS AGO! I mean, um...Come in!" stocking: *smiles and enters* so how was your 'professional duties' Kid: (serious but smiling) "Confidential, I'm afraid." stocking: figures, haha. so whats for dinner? Kid: "Our main course has some options. You have a choice: lamb chops with balsamic reduction, or orecchiette with rapini and goat cheese." stocking: wow, sounds fancy... hmmm. i'll take either what is the sweetest or the least spicy? Kid: "I recommend the lamb chops, then." stocking: guess i'll go with that. Kid: "I'm happy to have you here. How did you spend your time after classes today?" stocking: filling out my part time work form. Kid: "With the DWMA? How long has the paperwork become now?" stocking: no, i mean the deathbucks form haha. my dad already took care of everything with the school. Kid: "Oh, good." (Smiles. Then frowns. Then eyes widen.) "Your father?" stocking: yeah. he's...uh.... really wealthy. that explains why i can afford that really fancy apartment, haha! Kid: "Sorry, I just never...heard you talk much about your family." stocking: i guess it just wasn’t brought up a lot. i guess i'm still learning too after 6-7 years. Kid: "Ah." (Debates with himself whether to ask more) "Have you spoken with your father much recently?" stocking: yeah. he said he'd be going to the fall festival on saturday, its kind of a family tradition. Kid: "Oh! That should be enjoyable for both of you, yes?" stocking: yeah, you mentioned wanting to go too, right? Kid: "Y-Yes, I do! I would enjoy seeing you there! And meeting your father!" (realizes he is talking loudly) "It would be enjoyable." stocking: i guess... but be warned, he's a bit...... eccentric... Kid: (smiles) "My father is the Grim Reaper." stocking: so i've seen. *she smiles* Kid: "In any case, I look forward to getting to know your father. Shall we head into the dining hall for our meal? I think Liz and Patty will be joining us." stocking: sounds great! (Kid holds out a hand to offer to guide her) stocking: *she smiles and holds his hand* Kid: "Here we are?" (lets go of her hand to pull her seat for her) stocking: *she smiles and seats herself* Kid: (takes his seat) "I think I hear the sisters arriving." liz: hey, we're here. *waves* Kid: (Waves) "I trust your day has gone well." (Pours water for all four of them) "_And all that you were working on today, yes?_" (he stared at her intently) liz: oh ya know, the usual stuff... they have morning rescue in the vending machines now. Kid: "Hmm. I'm surprised how much material we get from Japan. Of course, given our close alliance with that nation..." (smiles at Stocking) "I don't suppose Morning Rescue is sweet enough for you?" stocking: i havent had the time to try it yet. Patty: "It's really good! You should buy some!" stocking: i'll keep that in mind then. Kid: (glances at Liz to see whether she knows that he is interested in her investigation) "Everything else go smoothly at school today?" liz: yeah. talked to some other students. they told me their friend Tenma hasnt been coming to class recently. Kid: "Tenma." (to Stocking) "Have you met a student by that name?" stocking: no. then again, i havent met too many people here yet. Patty: (sits down next to Stocking) "Then we have to fix that, ASAP! I mean, we can't let Kid menopause all your time, can we?!" Kid: (horrified) " 'Monopolize,' Patty." stocking: ....hehe... i guess... *sweatdrop* Kid: (sweatdrop as well) "Liz, I would like to speak with you later after dinner about...homework." liz: yeah, i'd appreciate that. Kid: "I wonder how much longer until dinner is served." -seems dinner is being served now- Patty: "Yummy yummy! Thanks for the meal you all!" (salutes the maids) stocking: looks good. thanks for the meal~ Kid: "Excellent flavor and texture. You continue to raise the bar for culinary expertise." Kid: "Stocking, would you like something to drink? We have various sweet drinks." stocking: hmmm, how about some tea? something fitting for this meal. Kid: "Thank sounds good. One cup for me as well, please." liz: i'll just have some water. Patty: "Cola! -after that course- Kid: "Was the meal to your satisfaction, Stocking?" stocking: yep~ and now for the best part~! Kid: "We have a variety of dessert options. Any particular fruit, sweet, chocolate, or other amenity you desire for this course?" stocking: ooooh~ lets go with whatever sweet dessert you can come up with~! Kid: "Heh--I should try preparing a dessert for you at some point." Patty: "DON'T DO IT, STOCKING!--He'll take two hours just to crack an egg properly!" stocking: *sweatdrop* Kid: "QUIET, PATTY! *Ahem* We have a delicious Valrhona cacao truffle. Would that be to your liking?" stocking: oooohh. sounds yummy~ Kid: "Liz? Patty? That sound good?" Patty: "Yep!" stocking: *licking her lips* Kid: (glances at Stocking, blushes. Tries to distract himself) "Liz? Everything okay?" liz: yeah, lets go for it. Kid: "Four orders of the cacao truffle, please!" stocking: oooh~ they look so good~ thanks~! *she takes a bite* mmm. MMMMMMM~~!! soo gooood! Kid: "Yes. The staff has outdone themselves." stocking: careful, you get any sweeter and i'll have to eat you~ Kid: (Gulp.) -after dinner- stocking: ahh~ so yummy~! Kid: (dabbing napkin to his lips) "Yes. Exquisite." stocking: ....?? oh, kid. you have some chocolate on the side here. Kid: (symmetry minor panic) "Wh-where?!" stocking: *gets up and licks it off. then licks the other side* there we go~ Kid: (Blushing. Stammering. About to collapse out of his chair--while sitting) "Th-thanks." stocking: no problem~ hehe Patty: (staring, blushing a bit herself) "Um...I'm going to get another glass of cola! Any of y'all want something?" stocking: some tea would be nice. liz: im good... *stares* Kid: "I-I'm fine!" Patty: (stares at Liz, kind of nods her head towards the kitchen) stocking: kid? you ok? Kid: "Fine! I just...am not used to...being licked." (awkward pause) "Sorry. I can't think of any other way to phrase that without having strange implications." stocking:..... *she giggles* Patty: "Okay! I'll be back with my cola." (winks at Liz) "Okay, Sis?" liz: yeah. liz: *gets up and follows* Patty: (loudly talking) "Thank you for helping me bring the cola back, Sis!" (slowly closes kitchen door) "OMG! WTF was that?!" liz: i know! she didnt even so much as flinch! i mean, what the hell? Patty: (struggling to keep her face to a whisper) "She is like...Wow! She is weird! That chick is weird!" (...) "It was kinda hot, though." liz: yeah, she-..... patti what the hell?! Patty: (shrugs) "It was. What, you didn't want to be on the end of a licking? Or to lick Kid's face?" liz: *blushing wildly* p-p-patti! *sighs* i just... that girl barely knows him...i just want to be sure she isnt just using him. Patty: "Oh, she's using him." (smirks) "And he likes being used as her personal licking-post." liz: patti im being serious here! we hardly know a thing about her. how to we know she isnt just pretending to like him because he's rich and good looking? b-because he's more than that dammit! Patty: (Eyebrow raise) "Are you...? You know what? Nevermind. I'll ask later." (looks out the door crack to see Stocking and Kid laughing with each other) "I think you may be onto something. He is our meister, so we have to protect him." (looks at Liz) " Patty: "Any ideas? Should we test her to make sure she is really, absolutely committed to Kiddo?" liz: hmmmmm... i got it. we'll have a girl's night out with her. we'll have to invite tsubaki and maka. maybe those girls from not too. Patty: "Yeah! Yeah! Get her drunk and then make her reveal all of her secrets!" (quiets down) "Or did you mean something else?" liz: no, i mean, just get together and have a sleepover. maybe get to know her. hopefully she wont get too suspicious if there are other girls there. i mean, i dont want to be that kind of girl and be suspicious without really knowing her... (thinking: rosalie on the other hand...) Patty: "Sleepover! That'll be fun! And even if we don't out Stocking as some evil succubus trying to corrupt our Kiddo, at least we can put Maka's hand in water and tickle Tsugumi with a feather and shaving cream!" (then gets more serious) "By the way, what were you up to today? You and Kid seemed...you know...like you're planning something. Or hiding something." liz: i guess. maybe we could prank call some teachers? (thoughts: hmmm.. should i be honest? or just leave her in ignorant bliss) hey, didnt we promise to bring drinks to those two? Patty: "Oh, yeah! Here, I got the bottles of cola and--" (Stops walking. Scowls. Looks back at Liz) "Wait a minute...YOU STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTION?! ...What was my question again?" liz: thanks. and yeah, i think we are having waffles for breakfast tomorrow. Patty: (thinking: "I'll ask her when she's ready to tell me...") "Goody!" (Turns, kicks door open) "I got the soda! Stocking! You done licking Kiddo?" stocking: you're not gonna let me live that down, are you? Patty: "Nope! But just because it was so adorable and hot!" (turns to Kid) "Cola?" stocking: *blushes* Kid: (blushes as well) "N-No thanks." (Clears throat) "Well, shall we retire to the den? We have some new music, courtesy of Father and from my birthday." stocking: sounds lovely. Kid: (stands, hold out hand to help Stocking from her seat) stocking: *she smiles and takes his hand* Kid: (helps her up, leads her to the den) (Patty exchanges a look with Liz) liz: *doesnt say anything* (Patty and Liz follow, sit with Kid and Stocking in the den) Kid: "Any particular music you all prefer?" stocking: i guess classical or techno. Kid: "Hmm...Well, that's surprising...Soul included this song..." stocking: oh, so he does mix tapes? Kid: "He's a weapon of many talents...Not bad, actually." stocking: ah. i see. Patty: "Not bad--has a good beat! Liz, what're your thoughts?" liz: yeah, not bad. Kid: "Stocking, what do you have in classes tomorrow? Have you finished homework?" stocking: looks like i have history, gym, and art as 3 of the main classes... Kid: "Oh--I have gym tomorrow as well. Second period?" stocking: as a matter of fact yes! Kid: "Excellent! Liz, Patty, and I will see you there! I heard tomorrow's lesson will be meister vs weapon basketball." stocking: looks like i'll be on your team then, kid. Kid: (looks to Thompsons) "Better watch out, you two!" liz: *cracks knuckles* challange accepted. Patty: *cracks knuckles as well* "How about we make this a bit more interesting with a little bet?" stocking: ohhh? and what do you have in mind, pray-tell? Patty: "Hmmm....If your team loses, Kid has to come to school in a dress!" Kid: "What?!" Patty: "And what should Stocking have to do, Sis?" liz: not sure. what can you come up with? Patty: "I would say have them switch clothes--but that's not really embarrassing for Stocking so much as Kiddo. Or we could have her get her hair cut like Kid!" liz: hmmm. how about you wear a bunny suit? im not talking playboy bunny here. im talking shopping mall easter bunny here. Patty: "OOOh! Yes! A dress and an Easter Bunny!" (whispers to Stocking) "Don't go near Crona--unless you wanna die!" stocking: noted. an if you lose... you get to dress up like those old animatronics from the old pizza parlor outside of town. Patty: "But how is that a punishment for me--Ouch!" (Liz elbows Patty) "I mean, um...Oh no! How will I bear with that punishment?!" (grabs Kid and Liz’s hands to shake) "We agree to the terms of this bet?" liz: *siiiigh* alright.. Kid: (determined, confident smile) "Agreed." stocking: works for me~ Kid: "Then I think we all will need our sleep before our big game tomorrow. Stocking, may I escort you home?" stocking: dont worry, i know the way back. i appreciate the offer though. Kid: "Then I will see you out at least." (looks his shoulder) "Liz, when you have a moment, I'd like to speak with you." liz: *she nods* Kid: "Stocking? If was a pleasure as always to have you visit our home." stocking: thanks. maybe one day you can come over to my place for coffee once i get settled in a bit more. Kid: "If you ever need help setting up your home, I would be happy to offer...although, with me, I may do more harm than good, obsessing about the best placement for everything to have maximum balance in your residence." stocking: i appreciate that, but i think i can manage. Kid: "Have a safe walk home. I don't suppose I could trouble you to send me a message once you arrive home, to let me know you got there safely?" stocking: sure kid. Kid: "Good night!" (waves to Stocking. Looks back to see Liz watching him.) "Is Patty still around? Or are we alone that we can speak?" liz: Yeah, i think we're alone now. Kid: "Good. I hope Patty is far enough away." (leads them back to den to sit) "What did your end of the investigation uncover?" Liz: well, we know the guy's name now, Tenma. Not sure if its his first or last name, or if is a nickname, but it something. Kid: "How did his classmates describe him? What was his usual demeanor?" liz: a little laid back, if somewhat gullible. Kid: "So deceived into following our potential serial killer? How was he that night? Was he acting any differently?" liz: same as usual, though i couldnt see his face because of the mask. Kid: "I am awaiting confirmation from Sid and Naigus concerning anything that they can find at Tenma's last known location. Who knows?--Maybe they will have a breakthrough tomorrow?" liz: hopefully. Kid: "Any other information about Tenma I should know?" liz: thats all i have to go on. Kid: "Understood. Well, excellent work. I suggest we get some sleep then." (smirks) "Before you and your sister end up dressed like pizza parlor characters..." liz: well, im just glad she didnt suggest we stay the night in that creepy old place... i heard rumors you know.. Kid: "Which old place? This is Death City, after all." liz: that abandonded pizzaria... with the creepy killer animatronics! Kid: "Ah. Hmm...There is something odd about that location, almost a spiritual energy coming from it...I think we'll have to investigate it ourselves to determine what is wrong with it." liz: why dont we worry about that place AFTER dealing with creepy blondie stalker? i dont want to have my head bitten off thanks. Kid: "We should at least have someone look into it! I'll call Father now to confirm that he has set up a mission. If we have our own investigation, then at least someone else can look into the location." liz: i guess so. Kid: "I will call Father, then go to bed. You heading to bed as well?" liz: yeah. night, -the next day- stocking: *Stretching* yep, today's gonna be a good day! Kid: (stretching as well) "Agreed. With our team of meisters, how can we lose?" liz: *cracks knuckles* well, we have patti on our side. Kid: "Need any help stretching?" stocking: im good. you? Kid: "I think I'm balanced." Patty: "Our team is gonna win! You know why, Stocking?!" stocking: why is that? Patty: "Look at your team, dollface: Kid'll be obsessed with whether there are a symmetrical number of bumps on the basketball..." (spins basketball on her finger) "And your meister team includes the worst basketball player in this school!" stocking: who? the blonde guy? herpes i think his name was? Hiro: "Hi! How are you all?" Patty: "Oh, wow--I meant Maka. But yeah, you got the _two_ worst teammates!" stocking: well, you know what they say about the underdogs in sports movies. Patty: "Look, Missie, I've seen Air Bud twelve times--unless you got a canine on your team, you're screwed." (Pinches Kid's cheeks) "I got a lovely dress for you! Whole Alice in Wonderland theme for you and your rabbit!" stocking: we'll see to that, chica the chicken. Patti: "Chicken?! I'll make you eat those words!" (Liz drags Patty away) Kid: "So we have you, Hiro, Maka, and me. Shouldn't there be another member of this team?" stocking: Well, looks like we have Black*Star, Meme, Akane and Kim. Kid: "Hmmm...Those are enough really good meisters to overcome our competition, even when considering how poor at basketball Hiro and Maka are..." stocking: and those two not girls, the pigtails girl and the glasses girl. they dont seem that physically strong. Kid: "No bunny suit for you, then." (Turns to teammates) "Who is captain for this team? Or should we take a vote?" stocking: rock-paper-scissors for it? Kid: "Very well." Kim: Alright! Let me show you how things get done. Patty: "Oh, is it opposite day? 'Cause that's the only way you're gonna beat us!" -and so the game begins- Patty: "Soul, block your girlfriend! Big Sis, pass! Tsugumi, do something useful!" Kid: (tries to intercept the ball between Liz and Mizuki) -this goes on for a bit, when stocking grabs the ball, she breathes and sends it flying like a shot-put- -the ball knocks Mio off her feet- mio:....ow.... Patty: "Foul!" Yukari: (mizuki's sister) FOUL! That was a completely unorthodox and outright illegal move! That poor girl may have a concussion and get triggered by basketballs because of this! Have you no shame at all?! Inexcusable! Unacceptable! I should have you reported! Mizuki: *excalibur face* Kid: "Okay, okay, let's all calm down" (looks to Kim) "We have to allow that was a foul, yes? At least to get through this short-term problem if we want to win the competition." kim: im sorry what? oh yeah, it hit that one kid, so yeah, foul. Kid: (sweatdrop) "Thank you for your concern..." (tosses ball to Patty for foul shot--knowing better than to toss it to Mio and risk hitting her in the face) stocking: *frowns and continues playing* Kid: "Pass to me! I'm open!" stocking: *passes the ball off* Kid: (catches the ball, shoots from three-point line--and is blocked by Liz) -some time later- Kid: (catatonic shock) "Oh god no..." Patty: "In yo face, Reaper and Stocking!" stocking: *sighs* oh well. Hiro: "Everything okay? Why the glum expressions?" Maka: "Yeah, what's wrong with you two? It's just a b-ball game." stocking: well. we kiiiinda made a bet with the thompsons. Maka: "..." (looks at Kid) "What have I told you about making bets?" (looks to Stocking, points at Kid) "Never let him make bets. I beg you." stocking: what do i look like, his nanny? stocking: also, you might want to keep chrona away from my during my portion of the bet... Maka: "No, you are not his nanny." (looks back at Soul) "But I do know a thing about stupid boyfriends doing stupid things." (smiles at Stocking) "Just like I know how boyfriends prevent stupid girlfriends from doing stupid things." (raises eyebrow) "Wait, why keep Crona away?" soul+stocking: *blushing* wait what?! Maka: (giggles) "Just trying to pass along good advice." Kid: (catatonic) "No...skirts...Or at least make the dress symmetrical." stocking: *kneels next to him* hey kid, you ok? *pats his back* Kid: (takes her hand) "Yes. Just...shocked." (inhales, sighs) "We tried our best, didn't we?" stocking: yeah...... need some water? Kid: (nods) "Th-thank you." stocking: *helps him stand up and brings him to the drinking fountain* Kid: (sips on water, pulls back head) "This is going to be embarrassing..." stocking: im sure you'll look cute. and if anyone laughs, im sure they're just jealous. Kid: (blushes) "You...think I would look cute in a dress?" stocking: of course. anyone can look cute in a dress. you'll just look twice as cute~ Kid: (small smile) "Maybe...I doubt I would look half as cute as you do in a dress..." stocking: *giggles and kisses his nose* come on, looks like its time to get changed back into normal clothes and head to the next class. Kid: "Stocking...Thank you." (takes her hand so they can walk together as much as they can before separating to go to their separate shower/locker rooms) -students changing, please be patient- Kid: "Soul? Why do you have that smirk? My underwear aren't asymmetrical, are they?" soul: so... that girl... are you two like a thing? black*star: hehe Kid: "...We're...seeing each other. I am interested. Very interested. Thoroughly interested." soul+black*Star: ooooooohhhh *snickering* black*Star: smoochy smoochy kiddo's in looove! Kid: (eyes narrow, smirks) "Thank you. I am very happy with Stocking, and I appreciate your desire to see me happy and fulfilled. Now, if you two are done with your mockery, you mind covering up? Your naked asymmetry is even worse than your clothed asymmetry." soul: alright, alright. black*star: so you're gonna wear a dress again huh? Kid: (cringes, then tries to pass it off with nervous laughter) "Where did you hear such an absurd idea?" black*star: patti told me. but in all seriousness, you look pretty dang good in a dress. just sayin. Kid: (frown) "Gee, thanks. I just want to get that whole mess over with...and then hide Patty's Halloween candy stash for outing that bet." soul: she'll probably just sniff it out. Kid: "Hmm...Perhaps I should bury it under a pound of asparagus and cabbage...In any case, I had best finish getting changed to get back to Stock--Class! Classes!" soul: suuuuure. Kid: "Oh, why don't you go take another exam in your underwear!" (Finishes getting dressed, retrieves books from locker.) -at home- Patty: "You think we got enough clothing options for Kid and Stocking, Sis?" liz: yep. seems fitting. Kid (down the hall): "Liz? Patty? Where are you?" Kid: (enters room, sees the range of dresses hanging on mannequins) "Oh no..." liz: oooh yes. at least you get to choose which one you want to wear. Kid: (pokes at one skirt) "I am not wearing this. Look at short it is!" liz: maybe you want a second opinion from your girlfriend? *she chuckles* Kid: (blushes) "I wear that and...people will get quite a view...Couldn't you recommend something a little more conservative?" liz: alright, alright. *mutters* what a prude... Kid: "Just show me what you got.” liz: how about this cute little alice style pinafore? Kid: "Hmph. At least the color is okay, and the skirt is longer. Let's set this aside as the top option for now. I see three other dresses here--" (Blushes) "I-I don't do bare midriffs. Um, what else is there?" Kid: (tugs at the Stocking-like dress) "Where did you find this one?” liz: they were selling a similar dress in one of those fancy dress shops. Kid: "Hmm...Which would you suggest: the Allce, the Stocking, or the Lolita?" liz: *shrugs* Kid: "I-I guess the Lolita one..." liz: aww. cute. what do you think sis? Patty: "I would go with the halter top and pumps--but I guess this'll be good enough for some photogenic opportunities." Kid: "You're going to take photographs of me?!" liz: *whistles innocently* Kid: (growl) "Fine." (snatches the dress) "Let me go change to try this out. You two talk among yourselves." -and so- Patty: "You got your lens and flash for your camera, Sis?" stocking: sup. *she is dressed in a fursuit resembling zipper t bunny from animal crossing* Kid: "Stocking?" (looks her up and down) "Nice...overalls?" stocking: aww, you look so cute~! Kid: (blushing) "This is embarrassing...even if this dress does look rather nice..." stocking: i think it's adorable. its even cuter with those expressions of yours~ Kid: (frowns) "Promise me that if someone flips my skirt up, that you'll deck them." stocking: got it~ Kid: "Could you walk me to my first class at least?" stocking: of course. *she smiles and takes his hand* Kid: "I will be stuck in advanced Meister-Weapon training, so I do not look forward to classmates giggling at this dress...even if its color does flatter my complexion. Er, anyway, what is your next class?" stocking: looks like history class again. Kid: "Good luck. Take good notes. Don't take carrots from strangers." stocking: *she laughs* thanks. and i'll try not to bump into chrona. Kid: "Good." (Looks at Stocking. Kisses the forehead of her bunny outfit. Blushes.) stocking: *blushes behind the mask* well, better get you to class then. Kid: "You as well. I'll see you at lunch! I'll bring carrots! (Sorry! Last carrot joke!)" stocking: sure thing, princess~ Kid: "(Annoyed grunt) Yeah, yeah..." (walks into class--and everyone is standing at their desks) Patty: "Introducing, to the royal court, our fair princess, Kiddo! APPLAUSE, YOU PEASANTS!" Kid: "Liz?! What the hell?!" gopher: *snickering* mio: thats....er...a nice look...i guess... Kid: "Just get out of my way, and let me to my seat." (Kid then feels someone flip up his skirt. Furious, he spins and decks the person in the face, and it is revealed to be...) gopher: *smirks* feh~ i look cuter in a dress anyway~ Kid: "Then let me take it off and strangle you with it!" Patty: "Kid! You can do that after the day is over! Now take your seat. Oh, and, um, cross your legs--we don't need to see that, pal." liz: i think some students in school would disagree with you sis. Kid: (blushes, puts legs together, looks down) -later at lunch- stocking: hey kid. *she waves* Kid: "Hello. How was your class?" stocking: pretty good. we're still learning about the Roma war, and the Romani people in general. Apparently they worshiped a moon deity named 'Izanami'. Kid: "Interesting. When is your next history test?" stocking: next tuesday i believe. Kid: "Good luck. Um...I ended up punching a student today in class..." stocking: you arent in trouble, are you? Kid: "Miss Marie was too distracted by how adorable my dress was to punish me." stocking: well, you are adorable, even without the dress. Kid: "Thank you. If I may say, you carry yourself well regardless what you wear--even a rabbit outfit." stocking: what about a bunnygirl outfit? Kid: (Blushes, looks down) "I...wouldn't mind..." stocking: hmm? what was that? Kid: "I...would like to see that." stocking: or would you rather see less clothes than that? Kid: "...Remember how I said I want to be honest and direct with you?" (blushes, looks down) "Let's just say that...You are very beautiful, however you are dressed...or not." stocking:.............*blushing* well... ok then! seems next class is literature. we're gonna be reading lord of the flies. Kid: "Enjoy. See you afterschool at the front steps?" stocking: sure. Kid: (awkwardly stands up, approaches, and hugs her) stocking: ah- *blushes* Kid: "Thank you for doing this bet with me. I really do appreciate it." stocking: hey, no problem. if it was really that embarrassing for you, i wouldnt want you to have to go it alone. Kid: "I will see you this afternoon. I hope Lord of the Flies makes for an enjoyable discussion." -later- stocking: so can i take the rabbit costume off now? Patty: "Can't we at least get one more picture of Alice and the Rabbit?" stocking: ok. *lifts kid up bridal style* Kid: "...I would be so embarrassed right now...but your physical strength is amazing and so attractive right now." Patty: (snaps pic) stocking: so can i take it off now? Patty: "Sure! Take it off!" stocking: *removes the mask, gasping for air* haaa... finally i can breathe! *her face looked quite hot* Kid: (pulls bottle of water from his backpack) "Here, drink this." stocking: thanks. *she takes a drink* ahhh~ refreshing~! Patty: "Didn't you already drink out of that bottle, Kid?" stocking:........*drinks slowly* Kid: (blushes harder) stocking: *licks lips when she finishes* Kid: (falls backwards--caught by Liz) liz: woah, easy there, lover-boy. Kid: "Thank you, Liz. I hope I didn't wrinkle my dress...Wait...I didn't bring a change of clothes! I'm going to have to walk home like this?!" liz: 'fraid so~ Patty: "Or you could strip down to your undies and walk home." (elbows Stocking and Liz) "How 'bout that, ladies?" stocking: you'd like that, wouldnt you kiddo~? Kid: "...What?" stocking: *innocently whistling* Kid: "...Would you suggest that me in my boxers would be less embarrassing than me in a dress?" Kid: "Or that you would _want_ to see me in my boxers, Stocking?" stocking: as much as you want to see me in my bra and panties....or not~ Kid: (blushes hard, squirms a bit) "That would be a lot..." (crosses his legs a bit, holds his bookbag over his dress) "I'll stick with the dress then. Stocking, would you like to join us at our home for some tea and pie?" stocking: sure. liz: *glances at kid's...*ahem* then looks away* Patty: *stares at Kid's...*ahem* keeps staring all the way home Kid: (walking more comfortably) "Please make yourself at home, Stocking. I am going to change out of this. Liz, Patty, please ask our staff to bring some peppermint tea as well as whatever you all desire for tea and pie." stocking: ok~ *stares at it too, smirking slightly* Patty: "We have all kinds of pies, Stocking! What do you want?" stocking: suprise me....or..sur-pies-me? Patty: "...Make another pun like that again, I'm kicking you out a window." stocking: jeez. (Liz and Stocking can hear Kid coming down the stairs, whistling as he adjusts his tie) stocking: *already her dress* hey. Kid: (smiles) "As lovely as you look in a rabbit outfit, I much prefer you like this." (still fiddling with his tie) stocking: thanks kid.. *she smiles* Kid: "Darn, this tie is being troublesome." stocking: want me to help? Kid: (puts hands to side) "Sorry. I just feel a bit anxious. Would you?" stocking: *after a little while, she gets it straightened out* there we go~ Kid: "Perfect. Thank you, love." liz: so when's the wedding? Kid: (frowns) "If you receive an invitation, you'll know." (winks at Stocking) stocking: sometime after grauduation maybe~ Patty: "But first, pie!" (flourish and bow) "Snacks are served in the dining hall, ladies. And Kid." stocking: yum~! Kid: "Aw, I see you chose a sampler variety of flavors. Which one will you have, Stocking? Or will that be 'which ones'?" stocking: cherry and chocolate or me please! hopefully no one pulled a 'the help' here. Patty: "Doubtful! I'll have some of the lemon meringue! How about you, Sis?" liz: sure. Kid: "I will try the cherry and chocolate as well. And after today's torturous experience, I am happy to be spending time with three of the best women I know." stocking+liz: thanks.....*stares at each other awkwardly* Patty: (clears throat awkwardly) "Thanks Kid! Say, let's go back to talking about how embarrassing it was for Kid today! Like when he had part of his skirt stuck in his underwear after coming out of the bathroom!" stocking: ...... Kid: "Patty! Could we talk about something else?!" Patty: "Stocking, how badly does that rabbit suit smell?" Stocking: could be washed. A lil sweaty. Patty: (sniff) "Yet you have the delightful smell of flowers and cinnamon." (seizes Stocking by the face, smushing her cheeks) "Are you magic? Share with me your fine-smelling secrets." stocking: showering and perfumes. Patty: "Showering! That's what I forgot! Which perfumes should I make Kid buy for me?" Kid: (impressed at how unaffected Stocking seems with Patty's foolishness) stocking: usually i get stuff from arom-amour. Patty: "Kid! You have your shopping trip this weekend! And while you are there, buy some for Stocking, too!" stocking: but it's also the fall carnival on saturday. Kid: (grateful for distraction) "Yes, it is. Wouldn't that be fun, Patty?" Patty: "Then you better buy your girlfriend and me fancy perfurmes next weekend." stocking: there's going to be all kinds of things, like games, rides, and a fireworks show! Kid: "I look forward to it. You had said that your father would be there as well, yes?" stocking: oh yes.... yes he is... kid: "I hope to meet him." stocking: mmmm~ this pie is soooo gooood~! Kid: (raises eyebrow at Stocking changing topic. Takes a bite off of his plate. Smiles) "Yes, it is." -later- stocking: what now? Kid: "I don't suppose anyone would be interested in a game? One without taking bets." stocking: what kind of game? Patty: "We have a variety of options: checkers, chess, Cataan, Monopoly, Guitar Hero, Twister, Trivial Pursuit..." stocking: you have clue? Patty: "We have Clue! And a clue, too!" stocking: sweet! so who do you want to be? Kid: "Colonel Mustard?" Patty: "Mr. Green!" stocking: miss peacock? liz: scarlet. Patty: "Who wants to pick the suspect, weapon, and room cards? Big Sis?" Kid: "Yes, Liz, will you pick the cards?" liz: sure. *she spreads out the cards equally to each person, putting three cards, one from each catagory, into the secret file without looking* Patty: "And Miss Scarlett can start play! Then Kid, then Stocking, then me!" liz: alright. *she rolls the die; 4 spaces* Kid: "Which room are you in?" liz: i think im still in the hall. Patty: "Any suggestion you want to make? Or should Kid roll?" liz: you're up, kid. Kid: "Six..." Kid: "I'm just outside the library. I'll wait and let Stocking go." stocking: six as well, right outside the conservatory. Patty: "Have a suggestion?" stocking: nah, you're up patti. Patty: "Five, between dining room and lounge. Sis, you're up!" liz: 4 and im in the lounge. Kid: "No suggestions?" liz: do you think the candlestick was the weapon used? Kid: (shows Liz the candlestick card is in his hand) stocking: so that isnt it then... Kid: "I have 2. I enter the library. Hmm...I suggest the murder occurred here, in the library." stocking: *shows him the library card* Kid: "So not there. Your turn, Stocking." stocking: 4 again, so im in the concervatory now... Patty: "You want to make a guess, Detective Stocking?” stocking: could the suspect be mr green? Patty: "I can't disprove that. Big Sis?" liz: nah, kid? Kid: "I'm afraid not." (glances at Patty) "Guess we have a suspect." Patty: (sly smile) "My turn then?" Patty: (rolls 6) Patty: "I'll go into the lounge, so I'll suggest the murder happened here!" liz: *lifts up lounge card* Patty: "So much for that. MY MURDEROUS CAMPAIGN CONTINUES UNABATED! Big Sis, your turn." liz: found the secret passage to the conservatory. Patty: "Ooooo! What're you gonna do?" liz: do you think the knife was used? Kid: "I can't disprove that." stocking: neither can i. Patty: "Nope, no disproving. So we know it's the knife by me, Mr. Green." Kid: "My turn..." Kid: "I roll 2. I'll enter the Billiard Room. May I suggest the murder happened here? Stocking?" liz: *holds up billard room card* Kid: "Drat. Cross that room off the list. Stocking, here is the di." (hands it to her) stocking: 4 and moved to the ballroom. Kid: "Hazard a guess?" stocking: you think the ballroom is the place? Patty: "I got nothing to dispute that. Think this is the place, Sis?" liz: *holds up ballroom card* Kid: "That leaves the Kitchen, Conservatory, Dining Hall, Cellar, Study, and Hall, yes?" Patty: "I think so. I'll roll!" Patty: "I got 2!" Patty: "I'm heading to the dining hall, but can't get there yet. Your turn, Sis!" liz: 1, just outside the conservatory. Kid: "2, just outside the conservatory as well. Stocking?" stocking: two, heading to the kitchen....*licks lips* hopefully there will be cake~ Kid: "Easy, Stocking." Patty: "I rolled a 1. I can't get into Dining Hall yet. Your turn, Sis!" liz: 4, now in the ballroom. do you think it was the hall though? Kid: "I cannot object to that." stocking: *holds up hall card* Kid: "Cross off Hall then. 5 options left." Kid: "I roll a 6, I enter the Conservatory. I will hypothesize that Mr. Green used the knife here in the Conservatory." liz: *holds up conservatory card* Kid: "4 rooms then. Stocking?" stocking: 1 space. Patty: "So you can't get into another room." Patty: "I roll a 5." Patti: “I enter the Dining Hall, and I'll suggest I committed the murder with the knife in here! Then I had cake!" stocking: cant disprove it. liz: same. liz: how about you, kid? Kid: (holds up Dining Hall card) "Looks like you had your cake in the Kitchen, the Cellar, or the Study. Your turn, Liz." liz: 3, in the hallway. Kid: "I roll a 1. I leave and am in the hallway, heading towards Ballroom. Stocking?" stocking: 6 and kitchen time. anyone find anything suspicious? Patty: "I don't. And I still want cake. Sis?" liz: it looks clean. Kid: "I have no objections. So, Mr. Green with the Knife in the Kitchen?" liz: no i meant i dont think this is the place. Kid: "So we still have to locate the place? Then it is Patty's turn, right?" liz: yeah i think so. Patty: "I roll a 6! I leave the Dining Hall and enter the Hall, and I think the murder was in the Study!" stocking: nah. *holds study card* i think it was mr green with the knife in the cellar. Kid: "I trust this concludes the game, then?" liz: think so... Patty: "Curses! My murder was uncovered!" (flips the board over) "Sorry. I got excited." stocking: now what? Kid: "Maybe an hour before dinner, if you would care to join us for that. Until then, I'm not sure. Too cold for a swim in the pool, although there is always the hot tub. We have billiards, television. Or we can take a walk." stocking: maybe there are some other rooms in the mansion i havent seen yet you'd like to show me? Kid: "We have an extensive art gallery. Would you be interested?" stocking: sure! Kid: (Offers a hand to stand up) "Let us depart." stocking: *takes his hand and smiles* Kid: "Will you two be joining us?" liz: nah, im just gonna clean up the mess. Patty: "I'll help with dinner! Or make it worse, one or the other." (Pinches Kid's cheeks.) "Don't do anything I would do with your girlfriend!" stocking: *chuckles* Kid: (rubs cheeks) "Perhaps you can assist with cutting the vegetables. Liz, please watch your sister. Well, my dear, let's depart." -art gallery- stocking: wow, this place is huge! Kid: "Father has amassed a large amount of art over 800 years. He likes to acquire art not only that is of historical value, but art as it is made today. He hopes to see those aspiring arts reach high levels of fame. I don't suppose you paint or sculpt, do you?" stocking: if you mean doodling, then maybe-...are these yours? *she points to a framed drawing, looking almost like a child's drawing* Kid: (blushes) "Father also likes displaying my...doodlings from childhood. I suppose this is better than his previous method: buying more and more refrigerators and magnets to put up my art." stocking: awww. thats so sweet! Kid: (smiles) "Yes. I am lucky to have a father like him." stocking: *solumn smile* Kid: "Are you okay?" stocking: hmm? oh! yeah, im fine. Kid: (decides not to press, but makes a mental note for later) Kid: (squeezes her hand) stocking: *she smiles a bit* -after a while in the gallery, they explore other parts of the mansion- Kid: "It's easy to get lost here. So be sure not to separate from me." stocking: i know what you mean. my family's mansion is said to be like a maze. i've actually found a few intruders near death or insanity on a few occasions. Kid: (eyes widen) "I'm sorry--about the intruders. It sounds like your family wishes to keep your home well protected." stocking: yeah. haha. Kid: "I suppose Father should pick up some interior design tips from your family's architect. We haven't had a home invasion in some time here." stocking: maybe. Kid: (stares at Stocking) "how are you feeling? I mean, right now?" stocking: im doing well. Kid: (small smile) "That's good. I'm happy to have you here this afternoon. I have felt so pleased to be around you." stocking: *she smiles a bit. she had really started to open up more around him and his friends* Kid: "Where shall we walk to next? We have other rooms we could visit." stocking: anything you have in mind? Kid: "The balcony gives an excellent view of the sunset." stocking: ah! its that late already! Kid: "I'm afraid so." stocking: wow, guess time really does fly... Kid: "Would you rather head back? Dinner should be about ready." stocking: sure! Kid: "Okay." (leads her down the stairs to the dining hall) "While I love the food our staff prepares, I wouldn't mind dining out. Would you be interested?" Kid: "I mean in the future..." stocking: someday maybe. Kid: "Okay. Ah, here we are. Liz, Patty? How are dinner preparations?" liz: doin' good. Patty: "About done! Take a seat!" stocking: so whats on the menu tonight? Patty: "Grilled lemon-herb chicken or Persian zucchini frittata!" stocking: sweetest one please? Kid: "I'm not sure...Perhaps the chicken?" stocking: as long as it isnt too spicy... Patty: "No worries there! Sis, what about you?" -after dinner- Kid: "Excellent meal, as always. Did you all enjoy?" stocking: yeah. and now for the best part~! Patty: "I went a little more basic--I got popsicles! We have cherry, grape, orange, and lemon." stocking: cherry please~ Kid: "Grape." Patty: "Orange!" liz: looks like i got lemon. Kid: "The grape is rather flavorful." stocking: *enjoying her pop* Patty: "Ah! Brain freeze! stocking: hmmm! yummy~ Kid: (finishes his popsicle) "That was good. I could use a glass of water. Let me bring some for all of us." stocking: thanks~ Patty: "Have a fun tour of our humble abode, Stocking?" stocking: its really nice. *she smiles* Patty: "So things are good between you and the Reaper? Getting along okay?" stocking: yeah. Patty: "That's good." (holds popsicle stick to Stocking's neck, smiles pleasantly) "Because if you ever hurt my meister, I'll cut you." stocking:...i'll keep that in mind. Kid: "Stop threatening her, Patty." (sets glasses down, takes a seat) "You know as well as I do that if I am in any danger, you and Liz will save me." liz:...... Kid: (notices Liz's silence) "So, Liz, Patty, how were your classes today...when you weren't photographing my dress?" liz: pretty good. Patty: "Ah, she's under-selling herself." (pokes Liz) "She managed to get a B on the last advanced weapons test!" (hugs Liz) "All that studying and tutoring!" (frowns) "I just got a C-." stocking: not bad. Kid: "That is excellent work, Liz! You should be proud." liz: *scratches the back of her neck.* hehe... Kid: "You put in a lot of work, and you should be proud of that, Liz." liz: um, thanks. Kid: "Now if only Patty could follow your example." Patty: "Oh, like you're any better! You take an hour just to write your name! Hey, Stocking, how have you been doing on your tests?' stocking: i guess im doing fairly decent....except in math... Kid: "Tutoring is available at the Academy." stocking: thats good to know. Kid: "I suppose it is getting late. Would you like an escort home?" stocking: im good tonight. Kid: "Let us know that you get home safely." Patty: "Later, Stocking!" stocking: *waves and leaves* [in her mind: kid... i wish i could tell you....] Kid: *waves* (In his mind: She is so...amazing.) (Turns back to his weapons, smiles) "Patty, Liz and I have to discuss her grade on the test some more. Would you mind leaving us alone for a few minutes?" Patty: (glances at Kid and Liz) "Don't do anything while you're alone that would upset your girlfriend, Kid." liz: patti please. Kid: "Agreed. Please, give us 10 minutes." Patty: "Oh, fine. You two just can't take a joke. I'll go help the maids wash dishes..." (departs for the kitchen) Kid: "Liz, any updates regarding our investigation?" liz: one student said she smelt something weird behind the track field storage shed... Kid: "Weird how? A chemical smell?” liz: i dont know, but the door to the track field is the same as the door rosalie took our possible victim through... Kid: "Have you notified Sid and Naigus? That shed is a potential scene of a crime. Evidence could be compromised unless we close it off." liz: i sent a text to them, they should get the message. they might 'clean it up'. Kid: "So they'll be able to bag and tag all evidence. Good. Could you send them a text, now, to ask for an update?" liz: i think they'll let me know. Kid: "Okay. But the moment you hear something, you tell me. I don't care what I'm doing: whether I'm in class, whether I'm asleep, or in the bathroom, you come find me, understood?" liz: what if you're making out with your girlfriend~? Kid: (frowning) "Yes, even if Stocking and I are being...intimate." liz: just checking~ Kid: "Cute. Well, let's retire for bed. Patty? Are you done--" (Opens kitchen door--and soap suds fall out) Patty: "I think I used too much soap in the dishwasher! Again!" liz: ack! Patty: "At least I don't need a bath! I smell as clean as Stocking!" ~after some time, the time for the fall carnival had arrived~ Kid: (pacing back and forth) "I can't find her anywhere. Where is she?! Did I miss her?! What if she stood me up? Or did I stand her up?!" Patty: (gnawing on caramel apples) "You keep pacing that much, you'll end up in a rut. Ease up, Kiddo! Stocking'll be here soon!" -on the stage, mephisto is welcoming the townsfolk to the festival. Stocking is sitting in a chair behind him. when she sees kid she blushes slightly- Kid: "Oh, there she is!" (waves--then stops) "Why is she on stage?" -after the entrance show, stocking talks to mephisto and bumps into kid- stocking: ah!! oh...kid! i wasnt expecting to see you so soon... Kid: "H-Hi! I was looking everywhere for you." mephisto: oh? ah! so this is your little friend then, dear? stocking: y-yeah... *blushing* Kid: (thinking: "Dear"?) mephisto: well, im glad to see you are making friends at your new school. or are you something more~? stocking: D-DAD!! *she blushes wildly* Kid: "DAD?!" stocking: *she sighs* yeah... *looks down and blushes* Kid: (to Mephisto) "I...didn't know Stocking was your...daughter." -after that- stocking: *still red in the face* Kid: "I...did say I would like to meet your father... stocking: yeah... at least it wasnt one of my uncles... that would have been hectic.... Kid: (considering the implications of all of this) "From what I know about Mephisto, does that mean...that you are...?" stocking: no, of course not!....truth is... im actually kind of...adopted.... *she looks down* Kid: "S-sorry! I didn't mean anything! I was...I'm sorry. That was absolutely improper of me. Please, forgive me." stocking: hey, its fine. im used to it... its a better alternative than.... n-nevermind.... well, at least you got to know a bit more about me, right? Kid: "I am grateful for that. And I know a thing or two about surprising fathers." stocking: yeah, though i have been suprise myself...to say the least.... *excalibur face* i can never look at omelettes the same way ever again... Kid: (eyebrow raise) "Um...Is this a topic not to discuss at this time? Or should I worry about what I serve you for breakfast?" stocking: hmm? i-its nothing... so what did you want to do first? Kid: "Let's leave the sweets until later, maybe? I would hate to have an upset stomach after some of the rides." stocking: yeah, haha. Kid: "Shall we try the Twin Dragons roller coaster?" stocking: sounds good! Kid: "If you feel scared on the ride, you can hold my hand..." stocking: i doubt that~ Kid: "Very well, my brave angel." stocking: what did you say? Kid: (smiles) "You are brave, and you are angelic." (holds out hand) "And I hope that you would consider me yours as well." stocking:................t-thanks....*she takes his hand slightly* Kid: (smiles warmly) "Off to face the dragons." stocking: yeah. Kid: (seats himself. Holds hand out for Stocking to take seat next to him) stocking: *sits next to him, adjusting everything so it doesnt come off* Kid: "Buckled in for the ride?" stocking: yeah, you? Kid: "Yes." Kid: "Yes." The Dueling Dragons roller coaster takes off--pushing back Kid and Stocking's skin against their faces at its high speeds. stocking: MREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Kid: "OH, Death, Why?!!!" -after the ride, stocking is shaking slightly. meanwhile a blue haired girl rushes to a trashcan to vomit- stocking: h-how are you holding up? Kid: (covers mouth) "That track was not symmetrical." (removes vomit bag from his jacket pocket) "Just in case I need it...How are you?" stocking: alright...good thing i didnt eat yet...haha....haaa.... want to do something else? a bit less fast? Kid: "I see a Thomas the Tank Engine Kiddie Ride...But that's not the best choice. Patty usually hogs it all day." Carnie: "Ma'am, you should really give the children a chance to ride--" Patty: "Shut up, fascist! I paid for 40 rides, I'm getting my 40 rides!" stocking: how about one of the games? Kid: "I'm game!" stocking:........................*laughs* Kid: (blushes) "Y-Yes. Well...Um, how about skeeball?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: "I'll aim for the center for the maximum number of tickets. What prize should we have as our goal?" stocking: i'll just take whatever. Kid: "Like that giant stuffed doll in the shape of a lollipop?" stocking: seems good! Kid: "Then I shall get the highest score!" (Kid tosses the ball--direct center! Three times!) "Yes! 90 tickets! Just need 10 more." stocking: *aims and aero rolls it into the center* NICE! Kid: "We'll take the lollipop doll, please!" stocking: its so cute! *she hugs it a bit before kissing kid's nose* thanks kid. Kid: (blushing) "Aw...Well, you're welcome. Would you like to get something to drink or eat?" stocking: sure~ Kid: "I'll have an iced lemonade. How about you?" stocking: cotton candy please~ Kid: "Excellent choice. May I have a bite?" stocking: sure. *she takes a piece off and gives it to him* Kid: "Thank you." (takes it from her hand, puts it in his mouth) "Hmm...It evaporates so quickly." stocking: yeah, it does that. h-have you ever had it before? Kid: "Quite a number of times. I remember the first time: I was on a trip with Spirit, out of town because...Father could not. While walking along the boardwalk, Spirit bought me some. It was quite tasty." stocking: ah, thats...one of the deathscythes, right? Kid: "Yes. He is also Maka's father." stocking: ah... *she nods* so what now? Kid: "A bit too soon for another stomach-turning ride. How about the Funhouse? The Maze of Mirrors in it should prove a challenge to navigate." stocking: challange accepted~ Kid: "Bet I can get through the maze and out of the Funhouse first." stocking: winner gets to choose the next ride~ Kid: "Agreed." (holds out hand to shake) -soon, they enter the hall of mirrors- Kid: (runs into a mirror) "Ouch." stocking: *feeling around for the right place to go* Kid: (Finds a mirror--that reflects half of his body over the other. He is symmetrical! He puts a hand to his chin) "Well, hello there, handsome." stocking: *sneaks up behind him* reading my mind, are you~? Kid: (blushes) "Can I help it?" stocking: maybe~ *she leans in to kiss him, then pulls away and continues her way, in order to tease him* Kid: (dumbstruck, frowns) "Can't let her beat me that easily!" (departs...then turns back to his symmetrical mirror, points at it with a smile) "Stay beautiful!" (runs after Stocking--and into another mirror) "Ouch." -stocking's reflecton can be seen through several mirrors, giggling playfully- Kid: "This is...certainly better." (takes his time walking by them) "Are you even trying to reach the exit before I am? Or are you just here to tease?" stocking: maybe~ Kid: (lands into what he thinks is a mirror--and instead is Stocking. Freezes.) "I'M SO SORRY!" stocking: its fine... its not like you groped me by accident. *awkward chuckle* Kid: "...No." (awkwardly tries to slide around her for where he hopes to find the exit.) stocking: *kisses his nose* Kid: (freezes, can't move. But can Stocking get around him?) stocking: *squeezes past him* aaand im out! Kid: "Not if I get by you, first!" stocking: *fast walks to gain momentum* Kid: (tries to slide past her--and instead slips) stocking: *trips over him* ack! Kid: (Stocking lands on top of him) "Ouch! Oh dear! I'm so sorry!" stocking: y-you ok? *she blushes a bit* Kid: "Yes. Sorry." (then he notices his hand is on her hip) stocking: !!! *SLAP* Kid: "Ouch!" Kid: (puts hand to his face--which gets it off of Stocking's hip) stocking:.....s-sorry... i kinda.... i-it was a reflex... Kid: "No, it is okay--absolutely warranted." (then he notices where Stocking's hand is--outside the Funhouse! She won! ...And bystanders are staring at them...) stocking: *blushes and stands up, clearing her throat* *ahem*... well... looks like i won. (Bystanders include Tsugumi, Meme, and Anya. ) Anya: "How scandalous!" Kid: "Yes, you have." (stands up, dusts himself) "And as winner, which ride will you choose?" mio: *also with the not crew* ......*snaps a pic with her phone* Anya: "No photos!" (glances around) "Text it to me later..." stocking: how about the haunted house....i-if you're up for it... Kid: "I'm not afraid." (rubs his cheek) "Not after what I have seen...and felt..." stocking: you want some ice? Kid: "...Would you be willing to slap the other cheek?" stocking:.....*takes him back inside to keep him from view* *SLAP* s-sorry. Kid: "Aw, that's much better!" (now has two hand-shaped red welts on both cheeks) "I will now accept that ice, please." stocking: *she buys two ice packs and puts them on his cheeks* Kid: "Thank you. I should heal within five minutes, then we may explore the Haunted House." stocking:......*kisses both his cheeks* i-if that helps... Kid: "Yes, it does." (blushes, smiles) "Even your slaps are full of beauty." (looks in mirror) "You slapped me perfectly along both cheeks. That takes talent." stocking: *blushes* t-thanks...i guess.... Kid: "Shall we enter the Haunted House? I promise not to slip this time." stocking: sure. hopefully this one isnt too intense.. Kid: "Will it be a walking tour? Or will it be a dark ride, in which we sit?" stocking: i think its a dark ride. Kid: "If I am scared, I'm happy to have you with me to hold my hands." stocking: of course. Kid: (seats himself, holds out hand to Stocking) stocking: *she sits down next to him* (The ride operator, dressed like a creepy house waiter, puts the bar down on them) Operator: "Enjoy, you lovely couple--this could be the last ride you ever take..." stocking: *smiles a bit, not scared in the least* Kid: (blinks, unimpressed, but still clutches the bar as the ride jolts forward at a slow speed) stocking: how are you doing? Kid: "Quite fine. After all I have encountered, the only scary part of this ride is how dusty it is." (rubs fingers, which have layer of dust from the ride-bar) "Yourself?" stocking: doing good. *a skeleton pops out from a coffin. the metalic joints are somewhat visible* oh no im soooo scared~! Kid: "This is disappointing. I only hope it becomes more frightening as we go on." (bat dolls--with strings obviously visible--fall in front of his face, slapping him) "Nope." stocking: *yawns* -a small girl smiles and runs off- stocking: hmmm? Kid: "What's wrong?" stocking: .....probably nothing.... Kid: (a zombie cardboard standee pops up in front of them) "It had to have been more interesting than this..." (pushes the standee away as they pass it) -the little girl giggled and ran down a corridor again.- Kid: (looks at Stocking) "Why are you giggling?" stocking: that...that wasnt me... Kid: "Well it wasn't me!" (eyes widen as he hears giggling next to his ear. He turns around--and sees nothing) "What is going on..." -a skeleton dummy falls from the ceiling- Kid: (Shrieks!) stocking: FUCK! ...damn.... Kid: (nervous laughter) "I can't believe we were tricked by such shoddy construction..." stocking: yeah....haha... Kid: (freezes, stares at Stocking) "What is that...behind...you?" stocking: *turns around, just in time to miss the face of a little girl with empty, bloody eye sockets* Kid: "Her...eyes..." stocking:....? Kid: "There is something wrong here. But I cannot read any souls here! Is it a prank--or something else?" stocking:....... Kid: "Do you have a weapon on you?" stocking: s-sorta....why? Kid: "When I say so, I want you to swing at the target--not to hit it, but to see whether it reacts..." stocking:..... Kid: "Stocking? I really think there is something here...I would rather be safe than sorry." stocking: ok..... (The giggling is now between Kid and Stocking) Kid: "I hear it, but I don't see her!" *PUNCH* ???: eek! hey! that's mean! Kid: "Who is that?" -the girl appears between them, a bit upset- Kid: "Who are you?" ????: Just a stray ghost... just haunting the house to make it a little scarier... Kid: "Well, you certainly accomplished that task--I thought I was going to jump out of my suit!" stocking: so, you're just staying with the haunted house then? ???: Yeah, its a living... or unliving in my case hehehe~ Kid: "Do you have a name?" ???: I actually dont remember it, but i guess 'Fran' works. Kid: "Well, Fran, I am Kid, and this is Stocking." stocking: so, you arent causing too much trouble here? fran: nah, unless you count terrifying the customers as trouble. Kid: "Where were you before coming to this haunted house, Fran?" fran: not sure. i rode this ride but wandered of and got caught in one of the machines... Kid: "We got our money's worth in fear--in fact, you should probably ask for some of the profits." fran: how are you going to pay a ghost? Kid: "...I hadn't thought this through...Is there anything we can give you as...thanks?" stocking: but the way you died.... thats just awful... fran: im used to it.... fran: just letting me do my thing. Kid: "I am sorry for what has happened to you. You know, I am a reaper...I would give your soul...peace." fran: really? i appeciate it, but i'll stay here for now, at least a little longer until they get money for a haunted house that isnt sucky. Kid: "Hmm...Very well. It looks like this ride is reaching its end--I can see the exit." fran: well, see yaaaaa. *she vanishes into the floor* Kid: "The sights we've seen..." stocking: well, as long as she is happy with what she's doing... Kid: "Yes. I just hope she keeps finding such happiness. Here's our exit." -soon, they exit- Kid: (outside) "Is that...your father? Talking with my father?" stocking: *takes kid's hand and drags him to the pumpkin patch before they get caught* Kid: "I cannot blame you for wanting to avoid awkwardness around parents, but we can't hide here forever." (looks around) "But nothing stops us from exploring the patch...maybe for hours." stocking: yeah, we could even make out and no one could see us......wait what? Kid: (blushes, scratches cheek) "I suppose we could...if we wanted to...Would you want to?" stocking: i dunno....*blushing* i mean.....maybe? Kid: "I don't want to do anything that would make us uncomfortable. We can do what you want. We can hold hands, look at the stars...see what happens." stocking: yeah....its still some time till the fireworks show... Kid: (brushes aside some leaves on a bench, takes a seat with space for Stocking to join him) stocking: *she sits down next to him, relaxing* Kid: (inches his hand towards hers) stocking:.....*holds his hand* Kid: (Looks to the stars) "Beautiful sight..." stocking: yeah... i think we might be able to see the fireworks from here... Kid: "I hope so." (he gave a lift squeeze on her hand. It felt so soft) stocking: wish i could have brought cider... Kid: "I'll be sure to have some in the Mansion upon your next visit. I really do enjoy your visits...I like being around you." stocking: *she smiled* (Kid smiled at her. His face was lit by the stars above) stocking: *she blushed slightly.* Kid: (he leaned towards her) stocking: *leans slightly* i...i..... Kid: (gulps) "Stocking..." stocking: y-yeah? Kid: "May I kiss you?" stocking: *she blushed* i.... im.... c-conflicted.... Kid: "Then may I keep holding your hand?" stocking: y-yeah...... sorry.... its just..... its hard for me... to feel those things.... Kid: "It's okay--you are doing nothing wrong. I'm sorry. I never want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable." stocking: its fine.... i guess its because of what happened in my old school that im like that.... Kid: "If you ever want to talk..." stocking: ok... it was when i was 14... i just started attending an all girl's private school. there was one really popular girl i kinda.. h-had a crush on. Kid: (He thought: "A girl?") "Okay..." stocking: at that time, some of the other students were bullying me pretty badly. one day, she said she'd try and get them to stop, so she brought me to the school cellar... Kid: (silent, letting her continue) stocking: they were there....and they ambushed me....the ripped my clothes off and took pictures of me.... they wanted to humiliate me....and she planned the whole thing... Kid: "That's awful." stocking: i thought so, but it got worse.....she brought this fat, horrible smelling man in and he....he..... *she breaks down crying* Kid: (removes his handkerchief to give her, uncertain whether to hug her) stocking: *she hesitantly takes it* t-th-thanks......its just.... been hard to get close to people after that.... Kid: (silent, puts his arms around her) "I'm sorry." stocking: n-no...im sorry...f-for spilling my guts and ruining the evening.... Kid: "You ruined nothing. You have lived with these experiences for so long--and there is never a wrong time for you to be honest about what you feel. I never want to make you feel like you can't refuse. You don't even have to explain--and I should be listening better..." stocking: *she sniffed and buried her face into his chest until she finally calmed down* Kid: (rubs her back) "It's okay. It's going to be okay." stocking: *her breath was still shaky, but she seemed to be doing better* t-thanks....f-f-for listening kid.... Kid: "Anytime, Stocking." Kid: (thinking: "If I ever meet the people who hurt her...I will hurt them...") stocking: i-i really do like you a lot...b-but it's going to take some time before i can really 'love-love' you...or anyone. Kid: "I understand. And I am happy, right here, right now, just being here with you. And I enjoy having you in my life, no matter what." stocking: thank you.... say....d-does your offer for a kiss still stand? i-it might...help me calm down a bit more.... Kid: (small smile) "As you wish..." (He leaned closer but stopped, letting her make the move) stocking: *she was hesitant, but leaned in, pressing her lips to his own* Kid: (thinking how soft her lips feel. He closed his eyes and let her lips stay on his, unsure what to do next--this was his first real kiss) stocking: *she blushed, continuing to kiss him for a while until she pulled back for breath* ah....w-was it any good? Kid: (catching his breath, blushing) "E-Excellent. You are...quite good." stocking: you weren’t too bad yourself..... did you want to try hugging at the same time? Kid: "If you would like to..." stocking: *she wrapped her arms around him and gently kissed him, a bit deeper this time* Kid: (his eyes widened a bit, before shutting. His arms wrapped just a bit more tightly around her) stocking y-you dont have to hesitate.. Kid: "Okay." (he kissed her back, a bit more deeply...he felt her tongue) stocking: *she released a small moan and shuddered* a-ah...i... wasnt expecting that... Kid: "S-sorry!" stocking: i-its fine. Kid: "O-okay." (sly smile) "It felt...pleasant. You?" stocking: it was warm... *she smiled* Kid: (smiles back, gives soft squeeze on her hand) stocking: looks like the fireworks are going to start soon. Kid: (leans back on the bench to get a view) stocking: *leans closer to him* Kid: (quiet, smiles as he nustles against her head) -soon, the fireworks show begins- Kid: (gazes at one firework that forms the shape of the number 8) "Father..." stocking: *stares at one in the shape of angel wings* ................ Kid: "Wings? Interesting design." stocking:..... (another firework forms the shape of the DWMA skull symbol) Kid: (touches his tie's skull choker) stocking: *another takes the form of a heart* *she blushes* Kid: (somehow an arrow firework pierces the heart) Kid: (tugs at his collar, nervously) stocking: *bluuuuush* (multiple fireworks go off at once in a glorious display of light, shining onto Kid and Stocking’s faces) stocking: *buries her face into his neck* Kid: (frozen, slowly leans) "I'm happy to have you in my life, Stocking." stocking: im...i am too....f-for you i mean... Kid: (silent smile, puts arm around Stocking) stocking: *leans in and gently kisses him* Kid: (kisses back, trying to be gentle) stocking: mmmmm.... Kid: (slight groan) stocking: ah, y-you ok? Kid: (gasping a little for breath) "Y-yes! That...just felt good." stocking: ah... Kid: "Really good." stocking: *she smiles and lays in his arms for a bit* Kid: (thinking: "This feels...good. I'm happy to be with her.") stocking: (in her mind: so warm... damn kid, if he keeps this up.... he's gonna make me fall for him...) (Rustling in the patch behind them) stocking: !!!! *whispering* kid.... Kid: (pulls away, looks behind) (whispers) "Someone walking through?" stocking: *gets up to investigate* Kid: (follows, trying to keep up with her) -she then finds the source of the noise- stocking: !!!!! Kid: "What on earth?!" gopher: *screams* gross! how lewd! how scandelous! how absolutly deprived! Kid: "What the devil are you doing here?!" gopher: whats it to you? stocking: *glares* Kid: "I think you are one to speak of depravity." (takes Stocking's hand) "I think we should depart here. Would you agree?" gopher: its not like i came all the way out here to gawk at you swapping spit between you and your fat pig of a girlfri- *PUNCH* stocking: ........ *visably pissed* Kid: (eyes widened as he sees Gopher hit the ground) "Nice punch." gopher: *on the floor* ow.... stocking: oh trust me, i went easy on him. i could easily crush the little peanuts he calls his balls, if you can even call them that, but i wont. gopher: *whimpering* Kid: "No need to get your hand dirty. Let that be a lesson to you, you cowardly miscreant. What she did to you, I will do double." gopher: i was wrong, girls are terrifying... Kid: (smirks at Gopher) stocking: dont worry gonads, im sure someone will find you.......eventually... gopher: its gopher! Kid: (gently presses Stocking's hand) "Let's depart. Oh, and you might want to get some ice for that bruise, you insect." gopher: Q^Q Kid: "Forget about that monster: you knocked him to the floor like the goddess you are." (eyes widen) "...Um..." stocking: well he shouldnt have- hmm kid? you ok? Kid: "Fine!" (starts leading her forward) "How about some more sugary treats?!" stocking: kid? Are you sure you're ok? Kid: "Yes, goddess!" (slaps hands over mouth) stocking: *she blushes* Kid: "I...just thought your feat of strength was impressive." stocking: yeah... hehe... Kid: (rubs back of his neck) "The carnival should be ending...Want some treat to take home? Maybe an elephant ear? I hear they make them perfectly symmetrical here..." stocking: sure. and yes, i think they do. Kid: "Excellent. There's the food bar, and they are still open." stocking: awesome! -and so- Kid: (bites into his elephant ear) "The cinnamon is flavorful. How is your apple elephant ear?" stocking: yummy~! Kid: "May I have a bite?" stocking: sure, if you let me have a bite of yours~ (Holds his out to her) *nom~* stocking: mmmmMMMMMM~! Kid: (bites at hers) "Mmm..." Kid: "These flavors go well together...like I think we do..." stocking: hehe~ oh! kid you have a little... *she licks the corner of his mouth, then the other side* Kid: (blushes but smiling) "If you want an excuse to kiss me, you can just do so...even if that lick is very..." (blushes harder) stocking: hmm? Kid: "Your tongue...on my mouth feels...good." stocking: oh... *she blushes* Kid: (blushes...returns to biting his elephant ear, awkwardly) stocking: *she smiles and noms her own* Kid: (completes his, wipes hand with a napkin) -soon, she finished hers as well- (lights start going out at carnival) Kid: "I suppose we must depart." stocking: yeah... so your place or mine? Kid: "...Are you inviting me to visit your house?" stocking: i guess. i mean, i've been to your place so many times... Kid: "I would like to visit your home." stocking: sure. *she smiles* i've pretty much got everything unpacked now, i still have one or two more boxes to go through but yeah, for the most part its all ready. Kid: "O-okay. Which way should we go? Is it walkable?" stocking: i guess we can take the bus there. Kid: "Where is the nearest stop?" stocking: not far actually. Kid: "Ah, I see the bus stop bench." stocking: you should probably call your friends to let them know... Kid: (pulls out pocket mirror, dials the number for Liz) "Hello, Liz?" liz: *carrying a backpack full of plushies* yeah? Kid: "I will be visiting Stocking's residence. Do you intend to stay in True Cross, or will you be returning to Death Ci--" (pauses) "What is that in your backpack?" liz: plushies....lots of them.... blame patti. Patty: "No carnival game can withstand the power of Patricia Ann Thompson!" Kid: "...Right. Will you be staying in True Cross a little longer, or returning home?' liz: we were gonna head home actually... you? Kid: "I'll be visiting Stocking's house for a while. I'm not sure how long." liz: w-what!? Kid: "It's just a visit. Please, calm down." liz:.... *she sighs* ok, just... dont do anything i wouldnt do... Kid: (smirks) "So don't steal the silverware?" liz: that was patti!...and if it comes down to....*ahem* that... use protection, ok? Kid: (eyes widen, realizes that "protection" from earlier is still...in his wallet...) (high-pitched) "Uh..." stocking: kid? is everything ok? Kid: "FINE!" (clears throat) "Let me conclude this call..." (glares at Liz in the mirror) "Thank you for your advice. I will call once I determine when I am returning. Please be safe getting home." liz: ok. Patty: "Bye, Kiddo! Go get some!" stocking: ?? Kid: (covers up mirror, puts it back in his pocket, puts on fake smile) "Well, that bus should be here any minute now..." stocking:...*raises a brow, but decides not to question any further* Kid: "Here comes the bus." -soon they get onto the bus- Kid: "Would you like the window seat?" stocking: nah, im good. Kid: (looks out window) "This town is truly marvelous to see. I rarely get to spend time in one city for very long, except for home." stocking: yeah, i barely get to see it as well. Kid: "I imagine. It would be nice to have a day, or a week, just to travel through..." stocking: yeah. Kid: "How many stops is your residence?" stocking: my place is in death city, like i mentioned before. -after some time, they arrived at their stop.- Kid: "Where to?" stocking: my apartment isnt far now. (arrive at the apartment complex) Kid: (mouth hung open) stocking: yep, good old Griswald apartments. Kid: "Surprising..." stocking: well, you did come to this place before when you escorted me to the dance. Kid: "It looks different than I remember. It may be the lighting." stocking: yeah, i think thats it. (standing at door, waiting to enter) Kid: "It looks like you have a secured entrance." stocking: yeah. *she checks her mailbox* lets see... Kid: (glances around the entrance, looks at stars) stocking: *she talks to the receptionist* ok, you can come in now Kid: "Thanks." (nods to the receptionist) stocking: *gets onto the elevator and presses the 3 button* Kid: (soft chuckle) "Couldn't you have an apartment on the eighth floor?" stocking: *she rolls her eyes and chuckles* Kid: "I don't suppose your apartment number is at least 8..." stocking: yeah, its 308. Kid: "That looks close enough to a symmetrical number..." stocking: yeah. *she opens the door to her apartment.* here we are, home sweet home. -there was a living room area, a small kitchen area, a dining area, and two doors leading to her bedroom and bathroom respectively. there was also a balcony.- Kid: "For having just moved in recently, it looks good." Kid: "Cozy." stocking: yeah. you wonder why im so tired when i start class in the morning? haha. Kid: "I wish you had asked for help. I would have been happy to offer." (tenses) "Although, given my...obsession, maybe I would have delayed you..." stocking:...!! make yourself at home. *she goes into her room and puts honekoneko under a pillow* im sorry, but kid would freak if he saw you... Kid: (studies one painting waiting to be hung on the wall) "Hmm...Interesting." stocking: *exits her room* hm? Kid: "This painting. It's surprising." stocking: what about it? Kid: "It's not symmetrical, but the use of just two colors is fascinating." stocking: yeah, i kinda won it in a bingo game. Kid: "Oh. I didn't realize you play bingo." stocking: occasionally, yeah. Kid: "That would be an enjoyable game to play with you some time." stocking: that sounds great. Kid: "That balcony outside must provide quite a view." stocking: yeah, you can see the school from here. Kid: (walks to the balcony, puts hands on the banister to look at the school) stocking: want to watch some tv? Kid: "Sure!" Kid: "Which shows are on at this hour?" stocking: i guess whatever this is. Kid: "Well, the music is excruciating, but at least the images have bilateral symmetry." stocking:...i guess.... yeah, this is giving me a headache... want to change it? Kid: "Yes. Oh, what is this?" stocking: *she shrugs* *switches to the news* news reporter: in other news, the november fishing tourney will be taking place over the weekend. Kid: "Fishing?" stocking: *shrugs* stocking: want to watch something else? Kid: "I'm not sure. What's on the news?" Kid: "I mean, what is the next news story?" stocking: looks like its going straight to commercial. *changes channel to an episode of lost tapes* Kid: (rolling his eyes) "I can't believe this kind of programming. They never interview real experts. If someone wanted to see a chupacabra, why not ask me?" stocking: yeah... *she laughs* stocking: 'do they live among us'. yes and then some! Kid: "I'm not familiar with this show." stocking: i think its about some 'totally legit' tapes of 'totally legit' creatures that 'totally legit' happened. haha. Kid: "...What? Are you suggesting this show is not accurate?" stocking: well, i guess it has some points, but the 'lost tape' itself is kinda cheesy at times... Kid: "I encounter 'Lost Tapes' as evidence all the time, but we never can confirm all of their veracity." stocking: sighs and changes to the home shopping network* Kid: "Anything of interest that you are intending to purchase?" stocking: at the moment no... you hungry? Kid: "Sure. What do you have?" stocking: not much, did you want to order out? Kid: "That sounds good. Between the two of us, we know some excellent dining locations. Any style you desire?" stocking: im down for anything as long as they deliver. Kid: "Italian?" stocking: i was thinking pizza. so i guess that works. Kid: "Excellent. Um...which toppings, though?" stocking: just cheese for me please. unless it were chocolate pizza... but i doubt they'd have that. Kid: "That is acceptable for me. And I'll cover payment." stocking: thanks, i'll pay half, how does that sound? Kid: "Well, I am your guest--I thought it was only fair to pay since you are hosting me." stocking: right, so that makes it the host's duty to pay, right? but i'll compromise by paying half. Kid: (laughs) "Okay, fair enough." stocking: so what are you getting? Kid: "I'll have cheese as well. Oh, and could we get some breadsticks?" stocking: sure~ Kid: "I'll let you call." stocking: *takes out her phone and dials the number* Kid: (looks around apartment, sees boxes still unpacked, hovers over one) stocking: yeah, can i get two cheese pizzas and some breadsticks? Kid: (looks at side of box labeled "PRIVATE") stocking: ok, should be good to go. ok.. yes for delivery. ok the address is... -the box looks opened- Kid: (peaks over...and eyes widen) -inside is an assortment of......*ahem* 'toys' and books on....more mature subjects- Kid: (stands up straight, turns around, leans against a wall, trying to look cool and calm--and failing) stocking: ok. see you then. *hangs up* well, the pizza's are ordered... kid? you ok? Kid: (nods silently) "I...look forward to seeing how you decorate your apartment in the future!" stocking: yeah. well, i put my half of the money on the table by the door... pardon me a second, i have to get changed. dont want to get cheese on my dress, haha! *enters her room* (ding dong) Pizza Delivery Boy: "Pizza delivery!" stocking: kid? can you get that? Kid: "Sure!" (opens door) "Ox?!" Ox: "Oh! Kid? What are...Why are you here?" (looks at receipt) "I swore I wrote the right address..." stocking: *exits her room* ok~ im dressed now~ Kid and Ox: ((both momentarily distracted by her outfit)) stocking:....what? Ox: (flustered) "Stocking? I didn't realize...I mean, that you were here, Kid, and--and..." stocking: uh yeah im here, this is my apartment after all... Ox: (looks at name on side of door) "So it is." (turns to Kid) "Visiting, then?" Kid: (serious) "Yes, I am." stocking: yeah, he's spending the night... *she hands ox the money* Kid: (eyes widen, silent) Ox: (take money) "Oh. Um...enjoy?" stocking: thanks, now if you excuse us, kid and i have buisness to attend to~ *she closes the door* Kid: (stiff--frozen stiff) " 'The night'?" stocking: if you wanted to... Kid: "You...would let me?" stocking: sure. now come on, this pizza wont eat itself now~ and i think i still have some big city cola in the fridge. Kid: "O-Okay." (thinking: "...Should I? No, that's too fast...Isn't it?") -after dinner- stocking: that was pretty good. Kid: "Indeed, it was." (quiet for a moment) "Stocking...I have a question, about what you said earlier..." stocking: yeah? what is it? Kid: "What you said earlier...about me spending the night..." stocking: if you want to, i guess it'd be fine. but i dont want to force it on you. Kid: "I...would be interested..." (looks at the couch, shuffles confusedly) "Maybe I could sleep on the couch..." stocking: i guess... although, i'd rather see you sleeping someplace more...comfy... Kid: "Such as?" stocking: there is a bedroom... stocking: *she blushes slightly* Kid: (blushes a lot) "How...big is your bed?" stocking: about a queen size. Kid: "Large enough...for two then..." stocking: yeah.... *blush* n-not like we'd be doing...*ahem* that.... but... i guess cuddling would be fine... Kid: (inhales) "I...would like that..." stocking: great!... *ahem* s-should i lend you some spare PJs? Kid: "Would you have some that men usually wear?" stocking: i think so, let me go check. Kid: (sits on couch, looks around room--then realizes he should call Liz and Patty) Kid: (removes pocket mirror) "Hello, Liz, Patty?" liz: hey. stocking: *gets out some pajamas, and puts honekoneko in the closet* sorry. Kid: "Hello, Liz. I will not be home this evening. I am staying at Stocking's." liz: ..... *eyes wide* Patty: *eyes wide, too* Kid: "So...I will be home tomorrow, likely in the morning." liz:....*falls over onto a sea of stuffed animals* Patty: "Liz!" (glares at Kid) "You just killed Liz!" Kid: (eyes wide) "I-I did not! I'm sure she's fine! Liz! Speak to me!" liz: awawawawawaaa Kid: "...Was that a sentence?" liz: im fiiiine... but....j-just be careful, ok? Kid: "Y-Yes. Of course." stocking: here, i got you some pajamas. Patty: (glares at Kid through the mirror) "If your little bow-chikka-wow-wow makes Liz have another heart attack, I will rip you into seven pieces..." stocking:.....*blushes* Kid: (covers mirror as Stocking arrives) "Yes, thank you!" (stands up, holds up pajamas) "Um...they are...colorful..." stocking: they're just purple. Kid: "Oh, yes. I never really let myself wear something so bright so often. But I like them. Um, where is your bathroom?" stocking: its the door next to the bedroom. Kid: "Thanks." (Thinking: "Good thing I saw her come out of the bedroom.") (Kid enters the bathroom, staying in there for a few minutes as he changes, engages in bedtime preparation--minus brushing his teeth, for obvious reasons--and looking at the design of the bathroom. Meanwhile, Stocking...) stocking: *gets her bed ready and changes into her own nightgown* Kid: (opens door to the bathroom, now in his PJs. Calls aloud) "Stocking? Do you have a new, unopened extra toothbrush I could have?" Stocking: yeah, I think there’s a two-pack of them on the bathroom counter. Kid: (looks at the counter) "Ah, I missed it. Thank you! May I borrow your toothpaste?" stocking: sure Kid: "Thanks." (opens toothbrush two pack, takes one, puts on toothpaste, brushes) -after he finishes, she goes in next. soon, she is ready for bed- Kid: (standing in hallway, looking at the bedroom) "Um...May I go in?" stocking: sure, just dont go snooping around. Kid: "Of course not!" (Kid inches into the room) stocking: *brushing her teeth+washing her face* (Kid stands upright, inflexible, looking at the walls and floor) stocking: *soon, she enters her room* (Kid sees a nightstand, a box to be unpacked, the bed, a window with the curtains closed) stocking: did you want to help me with this box? Kid: "Oh! Um, sure..." -inside was mostly dolls and other knickknacks. one in particular was a photo of stocking and her father, as well as a male with green hair. in the picture she looks around 11 years old and is holding a stuffed cat toy- Kid: (holds up the photograph of Stocking with the male with green hair) "Who is this with you in the photograph?" stocking: one of my uncles. Kid: "Ah. This photograph looks like it was taken quite a while ago. What's his name?" stocking: amaimon. it was actually a picture from when i was taken in. Kid: (makes mental note of the name "Amaimon") "It...was an important day for you." stocking: yeah... it was the first time i actually had nice clothes. stocking: o-of course i had my new family and that was really important, but yeah... Kid: (sad smile) "That is important..." stocking:...hm? kid? is everything ok? Kid: "Yes." (sets the photograph on the nightstand) "Would here be a good place?" stocking:..hmmm. here. *she puts it by her vanity table.* this is where i get ready every morning. Kid: "Good." (removes some dolls) "Should these be lined up somewhere? Perhaps order them by height? Or alphabetically? Or date of acquisition?" stocking: just put them however. Kid: "Then by height..." (takes out of a ruler--out of nowhere--to properly measure) stocking: do you keep that in your secret reaper space? Kid: (sweatdrop) "That's a secret I share only with my closest of allies...friends..." stocking: oh! i was only joking, but ok~ Kid: "It's...a special skill." (slides ruler in and out of his palm) "Similar to how I summon Beelzebub." (eyes widen, slaps forehead) "Ugh...I should have given you a ride on Beelzebub rather than making you pay for bus fare! I'm sorry!" stocking: hey, its fine. *she pats his back* Kid: (lets her pat his back, silent) Kid: (Puts his hand over hers) stocking: !! *blushes a bit* Kid: "Anything left in the box?" stocking: i think that's everything. Kid: "...Anything else to do? Or..." stocking: not really...so... Kid: (looks behind her at the bed) "So..." stocking: y-yeah... *she blushes a tiny bit* Kid: "...Let's go to bed. Um...which side would you prefer?" stocking: i guess i'll sleep on the left... Kid: "The right will be acceptable." (scratches cheek) "Who should...get in first?" stocking: how about you? Kid: "O-okay." (awkwardly gets in--and is so obsessed with getting in well that his butt his hanging up in the air as he tries to find the best position) stocking: *she gets in and pulls him close so he doesnt fall out* there ya go~ Kid: (tenses a bit before relaxing into the hug) "Thanks." stocking: no problem. *she smiles, kissing him slightly* Kid: (lets out a satisfying sigh) "You'll be here when I wake up?" stocking: of course, and if not, im probably making breakfast. Kid: "Hmm..." (Sleepy) "That's good." (Yawns) stocking: night~ -As Kid dozed, his dreams surprised him. He was facing someone who looked just like him--only with five black lines along his chin.- Kid: (in his dream) "What?" ????:......*grins* Kid: (seizes Dream!Mad!Him by the collar) "Wipe that smirk off your face." ????: or what....~? Kid: "Or I'll wipe it off for you, you demon." ????: ufufufu.... AHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA.... oh kiddo, its not nice to call yourself names now~ Kid: (slaps his mad half--then feels the sting along his own cheek. Eyes widen) "What the devil?" ?????: I am you.... you are me.... we're a happy fucking family~ AHAHAHAHAHAHA Kid: "Stop!" ????: stop whaaaaat? Kid: (tries to strangle the Mad iteration--and instead his hands are around his own neck, as he struggles to breathe) ?????: tsk tsk tsk~ you really are suicidal, arent you~? Kid: "Stop it!" (Kid struggles to breathe, is choking) ????: then let go idiot. Kid: (gasps, eyes fly open, sits up in bed) -the clock reads 11:35 PM, stocking is still fast asleep next to him- Kid: (thinking: "Heavy sleeper...She looks so peaceful...") (Stocking lets out a loud snore) (Kid: "...Still peaceful...") (Kid lies back down to sleep.) -the next morning- Kid: (Awakens) *Yawn* "Stocking?" stocking: *yaaawn* mornin.... Kid: (smiles) "Happy to see your face." stocking: *blush* better get ready then. *sits up and stretches* Kid: (stares as she stretches) "Yes...You shall shower first, then? I could help make breakfast." stocking: thanks. there's a pancake mix and syrup in the pantry. Kid: "Good." (sits up.) "May...I hug you?" stocking: sure. *she hugs him too* whats this for? Kid: "Just because." (Pats her back, pulls her back, kisses her cheek) "And that's for being you." stocking: hehe...you want to kiss the other side too? Kid: (does so) stocking: *she gets up and heads to the shower* Kid: (Finds a skillet and sets it on the stove, turns on heat. Removes some cooking spray, pancake mix, eggs, and milk. Mixes the ingredients and, once the skillet is heated, pours the mix into the skillet) Kid: (watches the pancakes cook, flipping them once ready) -after a while, stocking comes out from the shower.- stocking: mmmmm~ smells good~ Kid: "Thanks!" (turns around to look at her) -she's draped in a towel. one around her body and the other wrapped around her hair.- Kid: (drops the spatula) Kid: (jaw hangs open) stocking: hey, be careful there! Kid: "W-what?" stocking: *walks over, picks up the spatula and hands it back to him* Kid: (watches as she bends over and comes back up) "Th-thank you." (turns back to the skillet) "I...Should I tend to these? Or are you done in the bathroom?" stocking: im done with my shower, i just have to dry off and get dressed. Kid: "O-okay. I should wait till you dry and dress, then." -after some time, and some more pancakes have been made, stocking comes back out in an alice style dress- stocking: smells good~ Kid: (smiles) "That dress looks good on you." stocking: thanks. *she smiles* Kid: "I had best have my portion of pancakes quickly, then hop in the shower." stocking: sure. you want butter or syrup with that? Kid: "Both, please." stocking: *she smiles and gives it to him* i'll have syrup please~ Kid: *Pass the syrup to her* "Of course." (Smiles) Kid: "Hmm...I think they turned out well." stocking: *she smiles and enjoys her breakfast* Kid: (finishes his meal) "I'll head to the shower. Where shall I leave my dirty dishes?" stocking: just put them in the sink, i'll get your clothes ready for you. Kid: "Thanks." Kid: "Where is there a towel and a washcloth? May I borrow your shampoo and body wash?" stocking: on the rack and they should be in the shower. Kid: "Thank you." (Kid enters the bathroom, locks the door, and turns on the hot water. He disrobes and hangs the pajamas on the door. He enters the shower. The hot water feels nice against his body. He opens Stocking's body wash--it smells sweet. He cleans, washes his hair--the shampoo also smelling sweet--and finishes his shower. He dries himself off, secures the towel, and proceeds to brush his teeth. He then exits the bathroom.) Kid: "Finished." stocking: *her eyes are fixed on something that had fallen out of kid's pocket.....a certain...rubber....thing...* ....... O//////O Kid: (eyes widen) "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" (holds up hands and starts waving them) stocking: uh....um.... *bluuuuush* Kid: "My...maids are just...They want us--ME!--to be better safe than sorry...in case anything were...to...happen..." (Kid's put his hand to his forehead) stocking: oh....well... *she puts it back into his pocket and returns his clothes* better save it till the-.....*looks down.....* eennn oh my.... Kid: "What?" stocking:.....im sorry what? i was....distracted.... y-your towel.... Kid: "What about it?" stocking:.....you kinda....dropped it.....s-so big.... Kid: (looks down, shocked) "Ah!" (Looks around the room) "I-I'm so sorry!" (holds up a vase over his crotch) "...Why didn't I just grab my towel?" stocking: *blushing wildly* Kid: "Please turn around..." stocking: *does so, though she is tempted to peek* Kid: (places vase back onto the table, retrieves towel, secures it, holds it still anyway) "You may turn around, now. I'm so sorry." stocking: i-its fine, really. Kid: (blushes) "I...Um...Did you say something when you...saw me?" stocking: n-no.... *blushing* Kid: (heard what she said...blushes harder, ignores it) "I'll...get dressed...thank goodness..." stocking: y-yeah Kid: "I'll...get dressed in your bedroom then?" stocking: sure... Kid: (awkwardly takes his clothes with the hanger) "Th-thank you for tending to my clothes. They look well-ironed." stocking: no problem. *turns on the TV for the weather; looks like its going to be cloudy today* Kid: (closed door to bedroom--without locking. Removes towel, puts on underwear.) stocking:...... *blushing a bit* Kid: (finally puts on his socks and shirt, buttoning it) stocking: *reaches down, then pulls her hand back* (thoughts: no stocking! dont do that while he's here!) Kid: (thinking "Did she...dislike what she saw? Damn it, I feel so embarrassed..She probably thought it--I--look weird...") stocking:..mmmmm... (thoughts: fuck, i'll just take care of it later when he isnt here...) Kid: (looks at his underwear. Sighs. Puts on his pants. Grabs his tie, choker, and suit jacket, ready to leave the bedroom) stocking: oh, you ready to head-er, r-ready to go? Kid: "Yes...Stocking, I...feel embarrassed about what happened. I mean, I have nothing to be ashamed of...but...I am sorry that happened." Kid: "Can we put that behind us?" stocking: yeah, sure. of coc-of course! Kid: (sighs, smiles) "Good. Well, let's not dick around--" (Covers mouth) -awkward silence- Kid: "Let's just go already." stocking:...*AHEM* well then!... we better get to it then! Kid: "Yes." (Holds door open) "You have your keys?" stocking: of course....wait today is sunday. Kid: "...We could've slept in then..." stocking: oh well, i better bring you home anyway, dont want your weapons and staff to be too worried now. Kid: "Agreed." -and so they head out- Kid: "Shall we walk? Or bus? Or...Beelzebub?" stocking: lets take the last one for a spin. Kid: "Very well. Let's head to the entrance of your complex." -so they did that, stocking checked her mailbox, and nothing seems to have arrived- Kid: (summons Beelzebub from his palm, letting it land on the sidewalk) "Ready to board?" stocking: *she takes his hand and gets on with him* Kid: "Before we depart, hold on: the board is not that wide, so you must keep a firm grip on me. Wrap your arms around my waist..." stocking: yeah...*holds tightly* unless you want to carry me~? Kid: "I...would like to. But I will need my hands free in case of balance..." stocking: yeah.... -soon, they arrive at the mansion- Patty: (waiting at steps) "What took you so long?!" liz: well, look who's finally back. Kid: "Hello to you, too. Any calls while I was out?" liz: no but....*walks up and tugs his ear* DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED SICK I WAS? Kid: "Ouch! Liz! Not one ear! At least pull both ears!" Patty: "I got ya." (tugs on Kid's other ear) "WE WERE WORRIED ABOUT YOU, YOU MORON!" stocking: h-hey now... Patty: "Not yet, toots! We have to lecture our meister!" stocking:..... liz: you two werent doing anything too lewd, were you? if you did you at least used protection? Kid: "I called you last night! What did you have to be worried about?!" liz: true but....n-nevermind... Kid: (eyes widen) "It...never went there." (extricates himself from Liz and Patty) "And it's none of your business what happened to us!" Patty: (wraps an arm around Stocking's shoulder) "Why she squirming and blushing, then?" (stares into Stocking's eyes) stocking: i dont know what you're talking about. Patty: (dawning realization) (whispers in her ear) "Pretty impressive, huh?" stocking:...... *whispers* how would you know? Patty: (smirks) "So you did see him...And to answer your question, it's practically sticking out when he's in his boxers." stocking:....*blushing wildly* Patty: (Pats her on the back) "Enjoy having seen Nirvana, dearie--it's incredible." stocking: oh my god... *facepalms to hide her blush, and failing* Kid: (sees Patty talking with Stocking, squirms. Thinking: "What are they discussing...?") stocking: *whispers* well, between us girls, and dont tell kid this, but im probably going to be thinking about it when i...take care of personal buisness...if you know where im going with this. Patty: (smirks) "Oh, I hear you--and I like the way you think." (gives a playful smack on Stocking's behind) "Let me know how it goes--and when." stocking: *bluuuush* Kid: (to himself) "What are they talking about..." stocking: *walks over to kid* so should i stay over a bit or....? Kid: (smiles, holds out a hand to lead her) "Always." (Gives a look to Patty. Patty whistles, faking innocence) stocking:....*bluuush* Kid: (escapes her up steps and through the door--while Patty is humming the Wedding March) Patty: (nudges Liz) "What you thinking, Sis?" liz: n-nothin... Patty: (frowns) "Something is bothering you, and we're going to talk about it, whether you are ready or not. So pick a time now, or let me pick it." liz: its fine, im just... i want to make sure he's ok... Patty: (studies her, then Kid. He and Stocking are laughing) "Seems fine. If there is something wrong, he'll tell us. He always tells us. He wouldn't not NOT tell us...Right?" liz: yeah, o-of course... Patty: "Hope so. Well, put on a happy face and see if we can tease out from him and Stocking what they were up to last night." (smirks) liz: Ok. Patty: (enters the building, finds Stocking and Kid already on the couch) "So, what were you two up to last night?" stocking: oh you know... stuff... Kid: "Y-yeah. Stuff..." liz: what kind of 'stuff'? Kid: (scratches cheek) "I was helping Stocking set up her apartment." liz: really now? Kid: (holds up hands) "Really!" Patty: "So Stocking had an extra bed for you?" stocking:............ *bluuuuuuuush* Kid: "It is rude to ask a lady how her room is designed. And how we spent our time in privacy is not fair for you to inquire about." liz: so... was it just one bed? or did you sleep on the couch? Kid: (silent) Kid: (looks at Stocking) stocking: ........ *bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush* Patty: "So...No comment?" (smiles) "Kid, you sly dog. No wonder Stocking got to see--" stocking: O////////////O Kid: (covers patti’s mouth) "So, have you two had breakfast yet?" liz: yeah. Patty: (wiggles loose) "Look, if you two are sleeping in the same bed, that's fine! Just--stop being all weird about it. Right, Sis?" liz: uh, yeah, i mean, a guy and a girl can share a bed and not have it be weird. Patty: "Why, Kid could share the bed with us again in a Thompson Sister sandwich, with a side of Stocking, and it wouldn't be weird at all!" stocking: y-yeah.... *blush* Kid: (sees Liz's blushing, too) "Let's...have a drink..." stocking: who wants tea? Patty: "Bubble tea?" stocking: sure. Kid: "Sounds good. Liz?" liz: yeah. Kid: "Patty, Stocking, go ahead and brew. I would like to speak with Liz for a moment." stocking: ok. liz: so whats up? Kid: "Two topics. Let's get the less important one out of the way. First, any updates regarding our investigation? Any word from Naigus?" liz: ....yeah.... they found the kid....or.... at least what used to be the kid.... liz: even worse, our prime suspect has gone M.I.A. Kid: (eyes grow sad) "That poor kid...Has his family been contacted?" liz: yeah...... *she sighs* Kid: (calm, then slams his fist onto the table) "I should have been here!" (calms down) "Father or I should have spoken with the family directly." liz: kid, dont blame yourself for this... *she pats his back* Kid: (breathes in, lets her keep patting him, but he is insoluble) "This is horrible. We have to find this suspect, whether or not they did it, to get some answer...Who are this suspect's associates? Where are they?" liz: like i said, rosalie's gone AWOL, she hasnt been seen or heard from in days. Kid: "Then we need someone who can find her. What is her family's contact information?" liz: they're having trouble finding it... liz: so whats the other thing you wanted to talk about? Kid: (still serious) "I wanted to ask how you were." liz: im fine. why? Kid: "We haven't had as much time to talk. I haven't been around as much as I want to be. I always want to be here for you and Patty." liz: kid... Kid: "How was the carnival?" liz: it was great, we got to ride rides, win a mountain of plushies, and there was a really creepy haunted house with a creepy ghost girl! Kid: "You saw that ghost girl, too?!" liz: *shudders* Kid: "Yes, quite. At least you didn't slam into the walls at the Hall of Mirrors." liz: maybe a little... Kid: "You _did_ go into the Hall of Mirrors? Those were...surprising images. And cramp spaces." liz: yeah... Kid: "You see any surprising reflections in the Hall?" liz: i-i dont want to talk about it... Kid: (small smirk) "It couldn't have been that bad. I found a delightful mirror I would like to acquire, one that makes me look symmetrical." liz: heh, good luck. Kid: "Money is no object." (looks around the room) "What did you do with the stuffed animals?" liz: patti's room. Kid: (groans) "Am I going to have to expand her room? Will she have any room to move in that space?" liz: you'd be amazed. Kid: "Liz, thank you for this information. I appreciate hearing it. Let's discuss our investigation once a lead on our suspect emerges." liz: yeah. Kid: "Let's join our friends. Which flavor of bubble tea would you enjoy?" liz: berry if you have it. Kid: "Yes, we should." (offers a hand to help her off couch to go to kitchen) liz: how about you? Kid: "Actually, watermelon would be tasty." liz: alright Kid: "Let's enter the kitchen, then." (Pushes the door to find Patty and Stocking inside) "How is everything in here?" stocking: oh, hey guys. *she has strawberry flavor* going good Patty: "I'm trying to mix flavors, but I don't think the raspberry and cherry are the best mix...What'll you two have?" liz: im having berry, kid's having watermelon. Patty: "Coming right up!" Kid: (stands at the kitchen island next to Stocking. Smiles at her) stocking: *she smiles back* Kid: "What do you have on Monday? Which classes?" stocking: geography, math, music, and literature. Kid: "I didn't realize you took music." stocking: yeah, mostly piano, but i play some electric guitar too. Kid: (slight chuckle) "Have you given a run yet for Soul?" stocking: who. the shark-tooth guy? Kid: "Yes. He practically has a piano attached to his hip. Or hand." stocking: does he? Kid: "He grew up as a famous pianist." (Patty opens her mouth, Kid covers it before she can say anything) stocking: is that right? Kid: (nods) "Odd, isn't it?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "I would love to hear you perform some time." stocking: sure. Patty: "Tea, darlings!" (sets cups down) stocking: thanks~ Kid: "Yes, thank you." (takes a sip) "Hmm...Tasty." -after tea- Patty: (loud slurp for last bit of tea) "Ah, so good." stocking: yum~! Kid: "I wonder what to do with today." (eyes the Thompsons) "You studied?" liz: yeah, i've been helping patti trying to get her grade up. Patty: "I think it's working! Wait till the end of the semester--I'll probably get...Um, what would be higher than an A?" stocking: A+? Patty: "Then I'll get A plus plus!" Kid: "At least make it A plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus." stocking: *giggles* Patty: (glares) "Overachiever." (pats Liz on the back) "Give Big Sis credit. I don't see you two offering tutoring." stocking: well, maybe kid could tutor me in math? Kid: "Oh, um...Yes, sure. I am a whiz at math, if I do say so." stocking: neat! im not the best with money, so maybe a private session might help~? Kid: (hears only first half) "Well, I am an expert at budgeting money, and you really should yourself." (then realizes the second half, eyes widen) "I....would be interested...if you are." stocking: aw, thanks, that means a lot. *she kisses both his cheeks* Kid: (blushes) "You're welcome." Patty: (pokes Liz's ribs) liz: what? Patty: "Seem really close, huh? Feel good for what Kid has right now, yes?" liz; yeah, i guess. Patty: "Bet you'd like to have something like that, too, right?" liz: what do you mean? Patty: "Maybe your own boy-toy, too?" liz: *blush* w-wha?! Patty: "Or girl-toy. Or gender neutral-toy. Whatever you want." liz: patt geez....i know, i should be getting out there, but i have a busy schedule looking after you and kid. Patty: (eyes herself) "I can watch myself." (looks at Kid) "And with Stocking and me, we can take two-thirds of that job watching Kid. Especially that fine booty of his..." liz: PATTI! Patty: "Fine, you can watch the booty." liz: PATTI!! Patty: "We could ask Kid who should watch his fine booty." liz: patti oh my god. Patty: "So...I won't ask him. But seriously, Sis, you shouldn't worry about only me and Kid--you should worry about yourself, too." (puts hand on his shoulder) "You deserve all the happiness in the universe." liz:.......*hugs patti + happy crying liz sounds* Patty: (awkward sibling hug) "There, there?" (Kid looks and points to Stocking) stocking: is everything ok? Patty: "Just...a sisterly conversation!" (pats Liz) "You know how Big Sis gets when she's so close to her sister? Right, Liz?" liz: *sniff* y-yeah... Kid: (smiles) "I've always been happy close you two are." stocking: yeah, it must be nice. Kid: (notices Stocking's sad smile. Puts hand over hers and squeezes gently) stocking: *blushes and smiles* Patty: (pats Liz's tears off her shoulder) "This lovefest is awesome and all--and I'm happy for all the love in this room." liz: *pulls them all in for a group hug* Kid: (choking) stocking: gack-! Patty: "Yay huggies!" (squeezes Kid, Liz, and Stocking harder) Kid: "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE TOUCHING!" stocking: GYA! Patty: "Huh. Someone's been working out." stocking: oh my god! Kid: "I appreciate the love, but we can stop this!" (feels something curvy) "...Stocking? Patty?" stocking: *BLUSH* oh... Kid: (lets go, pushes away--and lands into Liz) liz: well, this is just getting us nowhere. Kid: (Pulls back from Liz, blushing) "Sorry, Liz. Sorry, Stocking." (glares at Patty) Patty: "You go to admit, we got a lot of love to share." stocking: yeah, haha. Kid: *Ahem* "With this 'love fest,' could we at least be seated? Perhaps in the den? Or is it getting to be too late?" stocking: its still mid-morning. Kid: "Well, let us go to the den, then. Or maybe get some sun by the pool?" stocking: isnt it a bit cold for the pool? Kid: "The pool is covered, but we have comfortable seats and a fine view of the trees as autumn changes the color of the leaves." stocking: sounds good. Patty: "Yep!" (throws on a sweater) "Red leaves, orange leaves..." (throws open doors to the backyard/courtyard pool) stocking: wow! Kid: (smiles, looking up at the leaves) "Colorful." liz: its really something. Kid: (opens umbrella at one table, removes chairs and sets them out) stocking: *she sits down* Patty: (lies down on a beach chair, stretching) "Aw, so comfy." Kid: (sits next to Stocking, smiles. Looks to Liz. Pats seat next to him) liz: *she sits down as well.* Kid: (looks at Liz for a rather long moment) liz:....? Kid: "You have an eyebrow that is slightly asymmetrical..." liz: wha? Kid: (reaches to touch the left one) "Right here." liz: *takes out mirror and looks* Kid: "You see? I could help you. Let me just got my tweezers, drafting paper, and--" liz: hmm? (Kid puts his hands on the sides of her face) Kid: "Let me tend to your eyebrows. Make them symmetrical." liz: uh, ok? Kid: "I'll be back with tweezers!" (turns to Stocking) "Excuse me for a moment." (Kid departs) liz:....?? Patty: (looking back) "So, Stocking, Kiddo fiddle with your eyebrows yet?" stocking: uh, no? Patty: "You should totally let him. He just stares at your face for hours, perfecting every detail about you, getting all close to your face until his lips are almost near yours." stocking+liz: PATTI OH MY GOD!! Patty: (looks back and forth at the two. Devious grin) "Maybe I should ask Kiddo to fix my eyebrows, then..." (points at Liz) "Before he gets to you, Big Sis?" (wiggles eyebrows at Stocking) liz: *siiiiigh* oh my god... Kid: "I'm back..." (Sees two blushing young women and a devious smiling Patty) (Annoyed) "What did you do, Patty?" stocking:..... Patty: "Just singing the praises of your eyebrow grooming! Here, Sis, you should lie here on this beach chair--easier for Kid to focus on the job." liz: *she does so* Kid: "Good idea, Patty!" (moves his chair next to Liz) "May I begin, Liz?" liz: yeah. Kid: "Good." (He placed a hand along her right ear, a bit under her hair, to steady himself) "I will be gentle. Please speak at any moment that you feel pain. Understood?" liz: y-yeah. stocking:..........(her mind drifts to thoughts of kid kissing her) *bluuuuush* Kid: (smiles) "Good." (shifts head from side to side along Liz, studying the eyebrows to see where to trim) "Hmm..." (lowers her head towards hers, studying more closely) stocking: hmmm..... Kid: (Leans closer) "Just need very minor work on the right eyebrow..." -after that- Patty: "Amazing! They look all even now, Sis! Kid even avoided plucking them all out this time..." liz: yeah, thank god. Kid: "Well, I think this was miraculous work!" (then studies Liz's face, getting so close their lips almost touch) "I...think so...Do those eyebrows look quite right?" liz: t-they're fine. *backs up* stocking: hm..... *antsy* ????:................. Kid: (sees Liz wiggle back along the seat) "O...kay." (Kid then tenses up, as if he feels something...near him) stocking: hmm? kid? you ok? Kid: "I...thought I sensed someone...Liz, Patty, be ready to transform if necessary..." -the presence has left- liz: i... i think its gone now.. Kid: (glances nervously) "I hope so..." stocking: .........we should head inside.... Kid: "Yes." (shuts umbrella) -cut to that night- Kid: "Liz, Patty, good night. And thank you for spending today with Stocking and me." liz: hey, no problem. night. -in kid's dream- stocking?:....... Kid: (in dream) "Stocking?" stocking?: Kid... can i ask you something? Kid: (nods) "Yes, anything." stocking?: out of the three of us....me...liz...patti...who do you consider your 'special someone'? Kid: (mouth hung open) "I..." stocking?: i mean... which of us.... do you want to be your bride? Kid: "I...I love you, Stocking. You are the one I want." stocking?:.......... *she rushes at him and tackles him to the ground* Kid: "St-Stocking?!" stocking?: please kid..... i.... i want you..... please, take me..... Kid: " ‘Take you'? What do you--" stocking?: *she kisses him passionately* Kid: (eyes widen, then close--as he kisses her back. His hands hold to the sides of her face) stocking?: fuck me kid.... fuck me like no one else ever could... Kid: "...O...kay..." Kid: (moaning into his pillow) "Oh, Stocking...S-So good..." Kid: (still muttering into his pillow) "Yes...yes..." (shouts) "Yes!" (falls out of his bed) maid: young master? are you ok? Kid: (gets up) "Yes, just had a...dream that caused me to fall out of bed--" (looks down--eyes widen. He's in boxers and...picks up his bedsheet to cover up below the waist) maid: you arent hurt are you? Kid: (gulps) "No, not at all. Um...If breakfast is ready, I'll be done in a moment. I want to...use the bathroom--to shower!" maid: it's only 3 in the morning, sir. Kid: "...Oh. Still a few hours to sleep..." (thinking: I really do need the bathroom...) maid: if you really need to though, then i wont stop you. Kid: "Th-thank you." (awkwardly walks towards the bathroom...) maid: *continues on her way* Kid: (looks down, realizes he is still dragging sheet with him...) "I should get my bathrobe instead." (walks back to room, still trying to keep what is below the waist covered) -after he does that- Kid: (now in bathrobe, awkwardly walks to bathroom, shuts door) "Um...Well, I should take care of business..." --After he takes care of business-- Kid: "...Now I should get back to bed..." -cut to next morning- Kid: (sits up in bed, stretches) "I still feel exhausted." (yawns) "That sleep was...not restful. I had better shower, dress, and head to breakfast." liz: morning. Kid: "Liz?!" liz: just checkin' up on you to make sure you're ok. you alright? Kid: "F-fine!" (looks down for a moment, looks up again and smiles, but sweating) "Yep. Just fine. But, um, you could knock before entering my room, first, please..." liz: i'll keep that in mind. Kid: (notices her attire: pajama pants, sleeveless top. She already has a cup of coffee in her hand) "So...How was your sleep?" liz: decent... you? Kid: (squirms) "I didn't get much sleep...What I did get was exhilarating, er, pleasant, but I feel exhausted." liz:....?? Kid: "I...just had a dream that kept me up..." liz: oh... do you need a hug? Kid: "Um...Yes, sure." (gets out of bed) liz: *walks over and hugs him* its gonna be ok, it was just a dream. Kid: (takes the hug, puts his arms around Liz, letting his head rest on her shoulder) "Thank you..." liz: *pats his back* Kid: (Pulls back, smiles at her) liz: *smiles* now come on, we have breakfast. Kid: "I'll be right there. I have to shower and dress first--" (then realizes he is in his boxers) liz: ok. Kid: (blushes at his seeming state of undress, having just hugged) "Well, I'll see you at the breakfast table!" (takes his bathrobe, puts it on, hurries out of his room, leaving the door open) -does patti dare read his diary~?- Patty: "I DARE!" (covers mouth) "Hope I didn't shout too loudly..." (Opens the diary) Patty: (reading) " 'Dear diary--' Who actually writes that in their diary? Hmm...'Today I met the most fascinating girl...'" Patty: "Blah blah blah my hair isn't symmetrical, blah blah blah why do classes have to start at 7 AM, blah blah blah I am disgusting scum...Ah, Kiddo, you aren't disgusting scum. You're high-retail, state-of-the-art scum!" Patty: (flips page, eyes widen) " 'Ode to Beauty'? He wrote a poem?" (cackles) "This I got to read!" Patty: (reading the poem) " 'My angel's hair hangs low to the ground...'" Patty: (still reading) " 'She stares at me with eyes of cyan, feigning happiness. Yet underneath their shine, I see a sadness...'" Patty: (rotates the book to its side) "Man, this stuff doesn't even rhyme! Maybe it's some nouveau-hipster poetry that I'm just not getting..." Patty: "How does this poem wrap up...Wait, here's another one...'Let me draw her to me, to kneel my head into her bosom and--'" Patty: (eyes widen) "Hot damn! Finally, some smut!" Patty: (blushes) "Whoa, Kiddo...That's kind of hot...but not really anatomically feasible..." Kid: (down the hall, whistling) Patty: "? Kiddo never whistles." (then realizes she is lying on Kid's bed...reading his diary...) "Shit!" Patty: "What do I do?! If I leave, he'll find me! Wait! I could jump out the window! No, that's no good--I already broke one arm that way..." (Hides under bed, then grabs the diary and drags it under the bed with her) Kid: (enters bedroom, shuts door) "At least the shower released some tension. Now to dress." Patty: (eyes widen as she sees the bathrobe fall to the floor) Patty: (dares to peak up a bit...) Kid: (as he puts on his clean set of boxers--all of them properly folded in one of his dresser drawers) "And at least the shower woke me up after that dream..." Patty: (thinking) "A dream? What kind of dream?" Kid: "I have never had such an intense sex dream like that before..." Patty: (shocked, sits up--and knocks her head on the bottom of the bed) Kid: (looks around room. Looks to door) "Yes? Who's there?" Patty: (stays quiet) Kid: (opens door slightly, so not to be seen just standing in his boxers. Sees no one there. Shrugs) "I don't know how I'll act around her today after that dream...But I had better finish getting dressed..." (Puts on his shirt, then sits upon bed to put on socks...) Patty: (the weight of the bed collides on her back--she has to cover her mouth to stop from screaming) Kid: "Just have to make sure nothing is awkward today..." (stands back up--to Patty's relief) (Kid puts on his pants and suspenders, then suit jacket. Then he sits back upon the bed to put on his shoes--and Patty again has to stifle the back-breaking pain) "Well, all done!" (stands up, exits room) Patty: (slowly crawls out from under the bed) "Who made a bed like that...? Is Kid gaining weight or something?" Patty: (finally crawls out, pulls back to fix her back, then slouches) "I'll put the diary back here..." (leaves it on the desk) "And I need a hot shower to fix my back. Then I need to figure out which kind of sexy dream Kid had today...and who was in that dream..." --After Patty's shower, she changes clothes and joins her friends for breakfast-- Patty: "Hey, Big Sis!" (then blushes as she sees Kid) "Um...hi." liz: hey. Kid: "Good morning." (concerned) "Patty, are you okay? Your face is all red. Do you have a fever?" Patty: "N-No." (Kid puts a hand to her forehead--which makes her blush more) Kid: "No temperature. Well, you have a seat--I'll get you some cold water." Patty: (glances at Liz) "Um...Sis?" Patty: "Have you...heard anything...weird from Kid?" liz: he did say he had trouble sleeping... *whispers* i think he had a nightmare... Patty: "Oh...Was it a...um...pleasant nightmare?" liz: ?? Patty: "Like, did Kid mention seeing a certain someone in the dream? Maybe he had a nightmare...with you in it?" liz: *glare* hey kid... was anyone in your dream last night? Kid: "...I...don't want to talk about it." Patty: (frowns) liz:.... Patty: "Just answer the question!" Kid: (blushing) "Can we discuss this another time?" liz: can we? Kid: "...Okay. I'll tell you, sooner rather than later. For now, let's just eat. That...dream was...surprising..." Patty: (grabs the water out of his hand) "Fine. Sis, please pass some of the bacon and eggs." liz: *does so* Kid: (frowns. Thinks) "Please don't be angry with me, Liz and Patty. Some dreams are best kept private given how...intimate they are." liz: you dont have to go into too much detail if you dont want. Kid: "I just...want to think this through. I'm sorry, but for now, this dream is private. I just want to get through today as best as I can..." liz: ...*sigh* ok... -at school- Kid: (Thinking: "How will I react when I run into her?") Patty: (Thinking: "Bummer morning already: don't know who Kid was dreaming about--and I barely got to see him when he was undressed! I wonder what Big Sis is thinking about?") liz: *in her mind, she is planning that sleepover party at tsubaki's* liz: so whats on the agenda for history? Patty: (holds book upside, then rightside up) "Something about 'The 1870 Assault on Death City'?" liz: hm... Kid: "It is one reason why the Immortals have been such a threat against Death City." liz: *listening intently to the teacher* Kid: "I remember Father's discussion about these battles. He tried to make them bedtime stories..." (shudders) "Horrifying choices to tell a child before bed..." liz:..... Patty: "What the hell kind of bedtime stories would those be? Sis, shouldn't we tell Kid some happier bedtime stories?" Kid: "Yes, do you know any bedtime stories I should hear?" liz: i dont really know that many... Kid: "Please think of one. Maybe you could tell it to me tonight so my sleep is...different..." liz: y-yeah.... -next class- Kid: "Do we have the same class together?" liz: yeah, i think we do, actually. Patty: "Which class is it?" (pulls out schedule, looks at it with Liz) liz: looks like we have battle strategy. Kid: "Very well. I wonder whether there will be a training session for us to engage in physical combat, or just a book lesson today." -looks like its a book lesson. basic fort defence- --In class-- Patty: (covers her head with the book) "Ugh, so boring...Can't we learn with our punches? I want to beat someone up!" -cut to next class- Patty: "Is it lunch time yet?" -cut to lunch- stocking: *she's ordered an angel's food cake* Patty: "Stocking! How you doing girl?!" (hugs her from behind) stocking: kyan! p-patti! jeez, you almost gave me a heart attack! Patty: (leaves hands around Stocking's mid-section for a moment) "Or a tummy ache! Looking forward to that angel's food, sweetie?" liz: oh, hey stocking. *waves* stocking: *grumbles* Kid: "Please unhand my girlfriend, Patty." (awkward wave) "Hi." stocking: g-girl-uh.. h-hi kid.... *she blushes brightly* Kid: (blissfully unaware of what he called her--since he's still nervous about the dream...) (Still waving absent-mindedly) Patty: (still hugging Stocking) "You can stop waving, Kid." stocking: g-girlfriend? Patty: (finally lets go of Stocking) "Um, yeah? What else would Kid call you?" Kid: (realizes what he said) "Er...Um..." stocking:..... n-nevermind.... s-so how are you kid? Kid: (blushing, squirming, looking down, hands in front of him) "Fine..." stocking: y-yeah, same... *blushing* Kid: "...Um...Let's have a seat...So, Stocking...did you...sleep okay?" stocking: yeah, i slept so goo- pretty good. Kid: "Oh. Good." (avoids eye contact) That's good." stocking: y-yeah, it is...h-how about you? Kid: (pokes his fingers together) "Not...too good." (Patty's eyes widen. Patty, thinking: "Did Kid dream about...?") stocking: oh, thats too bad... Kid: (silent) stocking:...y-you ok? Patty: (awkwardly sips a carton of milk, glancing between Liz, Kid, and Stocking) Kid: "F-fine. That dream just...got to me..." liz: ???? stocking: do you want a hug? Kid: "Oh, um...yeah, sure." stocking: *gets up and hugs him gently* Patty: (looks at Liz) liz: >,>;;;;; Kid: (smiles softly, gives soft almost purr-like noise at being hugged) liz:....*glances at patti* Patty: (glances back at Liz, then at the hug. Mouths: "What the fuck...?") liz: *looks on at kid and stocking, completely poker faced* Patty: (sad eyes, looks down) Kid: (Pats Stocking) "Thanks." (still blushing...because of lingering memories of the dream...) Kid: "I had better finish lunch already." stocking: n-no problem, and yeah. so whats your next class? liz: i think kid has writing... Kid: "I'm improving! It only takes me 10 minutes now to write my name!" stocking: ah, you're one friend with the pink hair told me you like to write poems? Kid: "Actually, yes." Patty: (spits up milk) liz: ?? Kid: "Are you surprised that I am poetic, Patricia?" Patty: (waves hand) "Actually, no, not at all." liz: not really. Kid: (haughty) "Well, I think my poetry is rather good. In fact, why don't I read some to you, perhaps later this week after school?" stocking: sure. you have a piano at your place, right? maybe i can show you some of my skills. Kid: "Excellent! I could have my poems ready tomorrow. Or we can try later this week." stocking: maybe this weekend? Kid: "Sure! Liz, Patty, would you like that?" liz: sure, why not? Patty: (blushing) "Um...Yeah. I'm sure at least one of your poems has to be better than what I--" (Stops herself) stocking: ?? Patty: "...better than what I heard other people write. I mean, Kid's poetry has to be better than what...um...Maka writes!" liz:......anyway.... time for class then. Kid: "My penmanship can only improve! Where are you off to, Liz, Patty?" liz: seems we have art. Patty: (sigh of relief for change of subject) "Can't wait! We need some new models for that class." (winks at Stocking) stocking: *blush* w-wha? Patty: "Yeah! You're all symmetrical and stuff, so you could be a fine piece of art in paint, or clay, or finger coloring..." stocking: um, thanks. *she smiles* \???: best not let her get to close now, right kiddo~?\ Kid: (hears the voice...and instead is thinking about his dream...and what he felt...and then he gets awkward...) "You...would be an excellent model...Stocking..." stocking: y-you think so kid? *she blushes* Kid: "Of course. Why, if you were modeling, I'd enroll in art class immediately." stocking: i guess.... i could consider it... Kid: (smiles) "Good." (collects items) "I'll head to class." (points to Liz) "Please keep an eye on your sister: I don't want to get another complaint from the art teacher about 'lewd illustrations.'" liz: roger. -cut to literature class- stocking: seems we're reading watership down. Kid: "Ah, good novel. Depressing, though." stocking: and kinda violent... stocking: *mumbles* 'children's literature' my ass. Kid: (smirks) "Language." stocking: s-sorry. stocking: can i talk to you after class? Kid: "Of course." (writes on his notebook paper regarding a quotation from Watership.) -later- stocking: i wanted to talk to you, a-about last night... Kid: (sweats a bit) "What happened last night?" stocking: i...had a dream about you.... Kid: (tenses) "Oh..." stocking: in the dream, we did some.....*ahem*....rather.... intimate things... Kid: (blushes) "Stocking...I have something to tell you as well..." stocking: y-yeah? Kid: "I...also had a dream of you and I...doing...intimate things..." stocking: o-oh.....*bluuuuuush* Kid: (blushing) "What are the chances that you and I would have dreams in which we both..." stocking: *she kisses him* s-sorry....i.... i dont know what came over me just now. Kid: (pauses...then interrupts her and kisses back, with equal intensity) stocking: !!!! K-kid... w-we shouldnt be doing this... n-not in public.... and.... im not sure if im ready to even do...t-that... Kid: (was kissing her neck...and pulls back in shock) "I-I'm so sorry!" (steps away) "I don't...what...What are we doing?" stocking: ..... *blush* i-i need to think about this....i-i'll call you when i get home... s-see ya.... Kid: "L-later..." (watches as she leaves. Then hangs his head) "I'm an idiot..." -later, at kid's place- liz: *whistling and hears something from kid's room* ?? Kid: (thudding noise) liz: kid? kid are you ok? (The door is unlocked. Liz enters) liz: kid? kiiiid? (The thudding is Kid...knocking his forehead against his desk) Kid: "Stupid...stupid...stupid..." liz: kid? you ok? Kid: (doesn't remove head from desk) "I have tremendous lust for Stocking." liz: *almost falls over* w-WHA?!?! Kid: "I am very attracted to Stocking. I don't want to have things go too fast. But I also feel...carnal desires." liz:....bye. *turns to walk away* liz: im calling your dad! Kid: "No, don't!" (runs down the hall) "I need advice from a girl! If you tell Father, he'll make things awkward!" liz: its already awkward!.....*siiiiigh* just what do you want to know? Kid: "How...do I know when it is the right time?" liz: well, i guess its really up to her to decide.... so who knows... liz: hugging and kissing is fine, but when it comes to doing that, she'll let you know when she's ready. liz: until then, you'll just have to make do with your hand. Kid: "...Yes. I do know that...Stocking seems...interested in the idea but not up for it..." (sigh) "I think about her so often. Her smile. Her eyes. Her curves. Her breasts. Her--" Kid: (finally hears what Liz said) "...Yes. I guess so..." (blushes) "I made this awkward, didn't I?" liz: ok ok i get it, you didnt have to get into details. Kid: "Right. Sorry. I...have a lot on my mind..." liz: yeah, i'll say. Kid: "How do you focus, Liz? I mean, how does any person focus when sex can be on their mind so often?" liz: wha-? erm..... *ahem* well either try distracting yourself or just take care of the problem manually.... if it helps.... i can get you a little something to take the edge off... Kid: "What would that be?" liz: well, y-you'll have to wait until tommorrow when i can get it.... Kid: "O-Okay...Um...Thanks." (stretches) "I suppose I should finish my homework..." liz: you do that. -the next day, after school- Kid: (awkwardly shifting on his feet) "I only got to see Stocking today, not speak with her..." liz: i left you your thing in your room. Kid: "Oh, thank you. What is it?" liz: you'll have to look... -in kid's room is a box from a shop called 'Lavicious Luxury'- Kid: "Hmm...Liz couldn't be bothered to tell me what is in here, that I actually have to open it?" (Holds up the box) "She could have at least made it an unmarked box: 'lavicious' has some poor connotations..." -inside is....erm.....how do i put this.... a pleasuring item- Kid: (eyes wide. Screams) "LIIIIIIIIIIZ?!" Patty: (in another room with Liz) "Oh. Kid found his new toy?" liz: you're welcome! *pokes her head in* oh, and it vibrates, just an FYI. Kid: "I AM NOT COMFORTABLE USING THIS!" (tries to hide his face) "I'm so embarrassed..." liz: its basically the same as using your hand, sorta... Kid: "...Just...Thank you for the thought, but...I'll...consider it..." liz: ok. but try to keep the noises down to a minimum if you can, ok? Kid: "I could say the same about whatever you use..." (realizes what he just said, slaps hand over mouth) liz:.................... *exits room, poker faced and blushing* Patty: (standing in the hallway, right outside of Kid's room as Liz exists) "Yeah, it is kinda loud, Sis." liz: *grabs patti and drags her* like you're any different! Patty: "Ouch! My ear!" -once they have left the room- Kid: (Stares at the toy. Dumps it into his nightstand's drawer) "Maybe another night. I have homework to finish, first..." -later- Kid: (closes book) "Finished." (yawns, stretches) "I should ready myself for bed. Brush my teeth, wash my face..." -that night- Kid: (passes by Liz and Patty in the den) "Good night, Liz, Patty." liz: night. Patty: "Night, Kid! Pleasant dreams!" Kid: "And to you as well." -soon the thompsons go to bed- Patty: (lies down on her bed, clutches a giraffe plushie) "Good night, you hellish long-neck abomination against God..." (quickly falls asleep, snoring) liz: zzzzzz -meanwhile in kid's room- Kid: (lying in bed) "Sigh..." (turns) "Just calm the body down and..." (slowly drifts to sleep) -the next morning- Kid: (awakens, scratches under his left arm) "Hmm...Only two children? Eight would've been preferable..." (blushes) "I...don't think Stocking would be interested in that..." *riiiing* Kid: *Looks around the room* "Is that the house phone, or the mirror phone?" -it appears to be his cellphone- Kid: (gets out of bed, walks to his pants) "I forgot to remove my cell phone..." (removes cell phone) Kid: (answers phone) Kid: "Hello?" stocking: h-hey kid....listen... i think i caught a fever last night so im probably not going to be at school today... Kid: "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. Have you been to a doctor? May I bring you anything, such as soup? Or a candy?" stocking: i-i havent been to a doctor, but im sure it will pass.... and i dont want to get you sick... Kid: (sad) "Okay. Well, feel better soon. I hope to see you soon." stocking: o-ok... s-see ya... Kid: (hangs up, sighs) "Damn." liz: everything ok? Kid: (thinking: "Maybe I should lock that door...") "It's nothing. Stocking was just calling to say she will be out sick today." liz: bummer. Kid: (inhales, sighs) "I had best shower and dress. I still have school." (looks to Liz) "I'll be down for breakfast shortly." liz: ok *exits* --After shower and dressing, Kid joins the Thompsons for breakfast-- Patty: (Yawns) "What's our first class today?" liz: looks like we have home ec. Kid: (Thinking: "Maybe I could cook something for Stocking...Perhaps something sweet...or maybe something for a cold, like chicken soup...") -and so, the new school day has begun- Patty: "What're you going to do for home ec today, Sis?" liz: i think i'll try sewing. need to boost that skill, you know? Patty: "I want to cook something..." Kid: "Then I could use your help: can you help me prepare some chicken soup?" liz: why? Kid: "I thought it would expedite Stocking's recovery from cold. She asked I not visit her apartment, but..." liz: are you sure about this? Kid: (shrugs) "Worst case, Patty and I learn to improve upon a chicken soup recipe." (removes the recipe card from the classroom's collection) "This looks like a good option" liz: seems good. -cut to after school- [kid and patti cooking skill +2, liz sewing skill +2] Patty: (smells) "This soup smells so good..." -at stocking's place- stocking: *napping on the couch* Kid: (stands before door...and hesitates knocking) Kid: (inhales, makes a quiet knock on the door) stocking: nnhuu? -she gets up and opens the door- stocking: h-hullo? Kid: "Hi..." stocking: kid? w-what are you- Kid: (holds up soup) "I thought you could use some hearty food, to expedite your recovery. Patty and I made it." stocking: kid.... *she smiles slighly* you didnt have to go to all that trouble... Kid: "We wanted to." (moves it towards her) "Will you accept it?" stocking:.... *she takes it* thanks.... i'd kiss your cheeks, but i dont want to get you sick, haha... Kid: "I appreciate that. Even still, my shinigami biology is usually resistant against colds. By the way, Liz and Patty told me to wish you a speedy recovery." stocking: thats really sweet kid.... and tell them i said thanks... Kid: "I will. You're welcome. Shall I heat the meal for you?" stocking: sure... (Kid heats up the soup in the microwave, presents it to Stocking in a bowl with a spoon on a tray) Kid: "My lady..." stocking: *chuckles and smiles* thanks kid. Kid: (standing) "While I am here, is there anything you want me to do? Oh, that reminds me: I have your homework and make-up work with me as well" (removes it from his backpack, places it on a nearby armchair) stocking: oh, thanks, i just had history, gym, and art today... Kid: (flips through papers) "Yes, those are the classes." (blushes a bit) "I hope your art make-up work goes well..." stocking: yeah, though i doubt the gym is an option right now, haha... Kid: (Holds up a worksheet) "Your teacher has a wicked sense of humor: they want you to review some stretching exercises and answer questions about which are most appropriate for each muscle area." stocking: i...i dont think i get it *sweatdrop* Kid: "Just some busywork to have you review proper stretching for gym class--something they give any student who misses a day to make sure they still do work even if they are not present for class. Some bureaucratic stipulation." Kid: "It shouldn't take you more than five minutes to finish. I had to do one after I missed weeks of school following an...accident..." stocking: accident? w-what do you mean? *she looks worried* Kid: "I...had a duel my first day of class and...had an injury..." stocking: it wasnt too bad, was it? Kid: "My...hair was cut! It was made asymmetrical!" (Hyperventilating) "It was awful AWFUL AWFUL!" stocking: *pats kid's back* kid, its ok, just breathe kid... (thinking: thats not that serious...but then again....the OCD and OCPD...) Kid: "Thank you..." (Looks at the clock, thinking it is getting late) "How is the soup?" stocking: its nice.... that was sweet of you to do that... Kid: "You're welcome. It is getting late, and I shouldn't have upset you with my own earlier injury...You need more rest. I hope sleep expedites your recovery." (stands up) "I shouldn't kiss you, so..." (blows a kiss to her) stocking: *giggles* thanks kid... *does the same for him* Kid: (touches his cheek where he imagines where it rests) "If you need anything, please call: anyone at Gallows would be happy to provide assistance." stocking: sure thing. Kid: (opens door, exits, then pops back in) "Good night, love." stocking: *blush* n-night kid... *when he leaves, she lays back down, blushing* damn, im starting to feel weird again... *sigh* why do you have to make me feel like this? Kid: (walks down the hall to the elevator...then stops. He clutches his chest) "Stocking...What are you doing to me?" -that night- Kid: "Patty, thank you--Stocking enjoyed the soup." Patty: "She better have! We put in all our love, sweat, and tears into it!" Kid: "...Not actual sweat and tears..." Patty: "Damn! I knew I forgot some ingredients!" Kid: (nervous) "Um...Thanks, anyway. Good night, Patty." (looks around) "I had better find Liz to ask her about...something..." liz: so how's she holding up? Kid: "Ah, there you are. Stocking seems to be recovering well. Maybe another day or two?" liz: hopefully. Kid: (serious) "Any update on our investigation?" liz: so far, nothing... Kid: "Keep me posted." (blushes) "And...about that...item you got for me..." liz: yeah, what about it? Kid: "I...do not know about it..." liz: its really simple... *whispers* you just slide it onto your 'thing' and pump. its like when you use your hand. there's some buttons on the one side, one for vibration, one for vibration speed, one for sucking mode, and for sucking speed. Kid: "...I meant I didn't know whether I wanted to _use_ it. But thank you for those instructions: they are most...enlightening." (blushes, especially as Liz is whispering this right into his ear, as he feels her breath blowing so close onto him...) liz: dont sweat it. im not forcing you to use it, but y'know. Kid: "...May I ask another question?" liz: what is it? Kid: "That shop where you bought...it...Do they also make items for women?" liz: of course they do...*looks* between you and me, i get my... *ahem* stuff from there. Kid: (blush intensifies, as he imagines Stocking with those items...) "Oh..." liz: you feelin' alright? or is it just puberty? Kid: "Puberty. Definitely puberty." (looks at Liz, blushes harder) "I...appreciate the thought...about what you bought for me..." liz:...*ahem* well, its better than using a sock, so yeah... i-im just looking out for you. Kid: "Of course...Well, I had better rest. Good night." liz: night... --That Night-- Patty: (squirming in bed) "Can't sleep." (kicks off her PJ pants and throws them off the bed) "Ah...that's better..." liz: *sleeping* -meanwhile in kid's dream, there is a 3way of kid, stocking, and a male version of stocking- Kid: (in his dream, points at Male!Stocking) "Who are you?!" -the next morning- Kid: (already at the breakfast table, coffee in hand) "What is with these dreams...?" liz: you ok? Kid: (sighs) "Another dream...I just...am feeling really awkward...around Stocking..." liz: again? Kid: "Again. I think I need to relieve some stress." liz: by all means, go do that. Kid: (blushes) "Thanks...Then I'll shower..." liz: *nods* -after that- Kid: (feels some relief, but still nervous. Drying off after shower) Kid: (dresses, exit his room, heads to the front entrance) "Liz! Patty! Are you ready to depart?" liz: yeah. Patty: (still tying her shoes as she hops on one foot towards them) "Coming!" (arrives) "Okay, ready! What's first period today?" liz: looks like math. Kid: "That should be easy enough." Patty: (grumbling) "Speak for yourself. I just hope the tutoring holds up..." liz: yeah. -cut to later in the school day- --At Music-- Kid: (looks around the room) "I assume Stocking is going to miss her period of Music..." (sighs) liz: *picks up the bass guitar* Kid: "Patty, stop goofing around and pick up that tuba before the conductor begins today's lesson." (The teacher enters) -it was wes- soul: you gotta be shitting me! Wes: (smirks) "Hi, little bro." (glances at Liz) "Liz." liz: um, hey? *awkward wave* (Kid and Patty exchange at look) Wes: "I was told you all would be working on a rather interesting tune. I'll need to hear the strings on this one, so brass, pay close attention to my directions. Oh, and Liz: the bass is very important on this one. But I know you can do it." (winks at her) liz: *plays* [music +2] random student: i love this song! Kid: (struggling with violin. Only +1) Patty: (no increase, from playing too loud) Black Star: (tears off shirt and starts twirling it in the air while screaming) "Yahoo!" tsubaki:.... *facepalm* Wes: "We do not have any vocals on this one, Black Star--sit down. Patty, quieter on those notes. Kid, you are a half-beat off..." soul: *rolls eyes* Wes: "I saw that, Soul." soul: *frowns* Wes: (concludes song, catches his breath from the vigorous conducting motions) "Good work, all of you. Room for improvement, certainly, but as good as I expected. Your musical score for your next class's lesson is on the desk: take your instrument's score on your way out." liz: that wasnt too bad. Wes: (overhearing) "Not bad at all." (nods to the others) "Kid, Patty, good to see you both again." (stares at Liz) "How have you been?" liz: um, fine... why do you ask? Wes: "Just curious. I haven't been around the DWMA as much, so I was hoping to catch up with some friendlier faces." (thumbs behind him at Soul, who is glaring at his older brother's demeanor) "Friendlier than Soul's, at least." liz: oh, well, most of us are doing pretty good. soul: *growl* mizuki: yeah, i know a thing or two about annoying older siblings... Patty: (overhearing Soul and Mizuki) "You poor dears..." (whispers to Soul) "But seriously, what is your bro trying to do to my sis?" soul: not sure, but i dont like it... liz: so whats on your mind? Wes: "I really enjoyed getting to talk with you the last time I was in Death City, and I'd be interested in catching up with you. Would you be interested in getting coffee some time?" liz: *light blush* um sure, that sounds fine... any place in particular? Wes: (slight laugh) "I suppose you'd rather not go back to Deathbucks. I know a trendy jazz cafe with excellent brew." liz: sure, sounds great. so how long do you plan on staying? soul: *jaw drops and silently mouths 'WHAT THE FUCK?!'* Patty: (mouth hanging down too) Kid: (mouth hanging down. Thinking: "She...sees something in him?") Wes: "I'll be here through the end of this weekend. Maybe we could meet on Saturday?" liz: um, sure! sounds good. Wes: "Cool! Here, let me give you my number. Call me with a time on Saturday that works for you." (Waves) "Later!" (Walks away--and grabs Soul by his arm, dragging him behind him) "Come, little bro--let's talk." soul: uh... ok? liz: well...that happened... Kid: "...Um..." Patty: (silent) liz: what? Kid: "Nothing." Patty: "You just got asked out on a date!" liz: yeah, i guess i did. Patty: (looks around, whispers in Liz's ear) "Bring protection." liz: patti, dont worry, i have things under control. and besides, its not like its a date-date, its more of catching up with someone i havent seen in a while. Patty: (frowns) "Just be careful. Right, Kid?" Kid: (serious) "Yes." liz: ok. -in the hall- soul: what do you want, wes? Wes: "How are you doing, Soul?" soul: fine, why do you care? Wes: (narrows eyes) "Because if I am going to be here through the end of this weekend, there is one person who is my priority while I'm here: you." soul: just get to the point. Wes: (sighs) "That's all. Just wanted to let my brother know I'm here...if he, you know, wanted to...hang out?" soul *chuckles* thanks for the offer, but i'll pass. Wes: (holds up card) "Call if you need anything. And would it kill you for you and your girlfriend to let me stop by for a home-cooked meal? I'm getting tired of take-out." soul: yeah yea-... s-she's not my girlfriend! she's my partner, her being a girl doesnt automatically make her my girlfriend wes! Wes: (small smile) "Of course not. But you are watching out for her safety, right?" soul: of course i am. Wes: "Then that's all that matters." (smirks) "If you want to join me and Liz for coffee, we could double-date." soul: i'll pass thanks. Wes: (smiles) "Alright. Well, I'm going to peruse the faculty lounge. I'll see you after school." soul: probably not. --Meanwhile, at Kid's next class...— Patty: (has her fishing rod) "Ready! Sis, you got the bait?" liz: yeah. Patty: "Thanks!" (takes some bait and hooks it) "Maybe I'll catch a pike or something." liz: alright. lets do this. Kid: (trying to hold the fishing pole absolutely straight) Patty: "Hey! I caught a salmon!" Patty: "How 'bout you, Sis?" liz: i caught a carp. Black Star: "Look at this awesome guppy I caught!" sayaka: i got a boot.... rin: seems like i got a.. i think a black bass? Ao: "Oh, what a lovely crab." tetsu: a yellow perch, nice. Iris: "What on earth is a sea bass doing in the river?" ginka: WOOHOO! i got a goldfish! Kid: (pouting) "Nothing yet..." (hard tug) "What...?" (harder tug) "Hey! I need some help here!" liz: *helps him pull the fish* arisa: FUCK! *gets pulled in* Patty: (wraps arms around Kid's waist) "Don't fall in, guy!" seira: i got a dace... matsuri: crucian carp get! ryuko: neat, a pike. Kid: (being dragged to the edge of the river) "I can't fall in! Everyone! One more hard yank!" izumo: looks like i got a... is that a student? arisa: hi. *PUUUUULLLLLL* Kid: (Pulls--falling back, but pulling the fish out of the water) liz: um... im pretty sure that isnt a fish.... -you caught a kappa- Tuhl: "What the hell?! Hey, I'm swimming here!" liz: uh.. s-sorry. Kid: "...I guess I don't pass today's lesson..." Patty: (Licking lips) "So, can we cook and eat this guy?" Kid: "Liz, Iris? Please help us escort this kappa back to the river..." liz: alright. sorry about my sister, she's a little weird. Tuhl: "No kidding. I'm not just some garbage that you can fish out of the river, you know!" (dives back into the water, floats away) liz: sorry! *she sighs* well, kappa river isnt that far off from here... maybe he just got lost? Kid: "Does this still count as a large catch of the day? Or do I have to catch another...um...fish?" teacher: well, i guess its something... (all students get a +2 in fishing. except sayaka, who gets nothing. sayaka: aw man...) Kid: "Well, that was something..." Patty: "Yeah, but what _does_ kappa taste like? Chicken?" Kid: "Let's wash up and then head to our next class." -art class again- Kid: (thinks: "It would be nice to have Stocking as a model in art...") Kid: "What will you be creating today, Liz?" liz: i think maybe work on my fashion design skills Patty: "Is there a model today?" -seems tsubaki is volunteering- Patty: "Oooooh! good choice! You look very pretty today, Tsubaki!" tsubaki: thanks... Kid: "Hmm...I think I'll work on my drawing skills today." Patty: "Where you gonna be, Tsubaki? Sitting? Standing?" tsubaki: just sitting here. Kid: (removes his pencils, starts sketching) tsubaki: its kind of embarrassing to be dressed up like this.. i almost look like oichi-san. Patty: "Better than nude modeling!" liz: patti! Kid: "I'm sorry, Tsubaki. Please don't let her distract you: we really need your pose to finish our work." tsubaki: right. Kid: (thinking: "But I wouldn't mind Stocking as a model for class...") -in kid's mind, stocking smiles sweetly- Kid: (smiles at the thought. Thinking: "That smile...I wish to make a perfect copy of it...") -after school- Patty: (holds up finger painting drawing of Tsubaki) "See? Doesn't this look great?!" liz: yeah. -where do you wish to go? [ ] cafe [x] the curiosity shop [ ] library [ ] etc Kid: "You could make the art more symmetrical." Patty: (frown) "The model wasn't symmetrical." liz: hey, want to go to the curiosity shop? i hear they have some new things in. Patty: "I got Kid's charge card! Let's go!" -there is quite a lot of merchandise- liz: this looks nice. (its a dream diary) -there is also an assortment of masks, including a creepy mask with a sharp toothy grin, an all nighter's mask, and a skull mask- Kid: "A dream diary?" liz: do you want it? Kid: "I would. How much?" liz: $12 dollars. Patty: (sneaks up on Liz with the Sharp Toothy Mask) "Boo." liz: you see any-KYAA! Patty: "HA HA HA HA!" liz: patti!....*sniff* eww! that mask smells like a corpse! Kid: *sniff* "Yes. If you intend on purchasing that, you had best clean it thoroughly!" Patty: "Well maybe whoever sold it should've washed it first!" *sniff* "It kinda smells like Sid." liz: .... whats with this wire mask. looks painful... shop owner: yeah, a treasure hunter brought it in, not sure where it came from. Patty: "Maybe it was used for torture..." liz: patti dont be creepy. shop owner: well, the seller called it the 'all nighter's mask'. Kid: "What did this treasure hunter look like?" shop owner: didnt get a good look at the guy. kinda weird lookin i think... then again i get a lot a weirdos sellin stuff here. Kid: (Puts a hand on Patty's shoulder) "I have a bad feeling about this mask...If we were to buy it, I think I would hand it to Academy specialists to study it..." liz: good plan. Patty: (frowns) "Fine. Buy it, hand it to them, and when they found out that there's nothing wrong with it, then I get to keep it!" (pouts) -anything else they want?- Kid: (trying to mollify Patty, looks at other items to buy) -there is a golden jewel encrusted music box- Kid: (finds swords) "No, not giving her one of those again..." (sees the music box) "How about this, Patty?" (opens the music box) -if played, it has a very soothing effect.- Patty: (raises an eyebrow) "You should get that. For yourself. Maybe you'll get better sleep instead of dreaming about St--er, whatever it is that is keeping you up at night." shop keep: that will be $20, i'll give ya a discount for it. Kid: (hands over the $20) "Thank you!" (accepts the bags of their items) "Shall we depart?" liz: yeah. Patty: (pouting) "You two still owe me something good if I don't get to keep that mask..." Patty: (looks worriedly at the mask) "Creepy." -that night- Kid: "The mask has been given to the investigative team?" liz: good. Patty: "Fine." (still pouting, shoving the music box and dream diary into Kid's hands) "But when that mask is proven to be nothing, I'm going to laugh at you fraidy-cats!" (smiles widely) "Good night, then!" liz: night. Kid: (studying the music box) "Good night, Patty. Rest assure, we will find all we can about that mask--or pay you back otherwise." Kid: (looks to Liz, smiling slightly) "Looking forward to your date with Wes?" liz: i guess. Kid: (contemplative) "Good. That's good." liz: at least its something to do, right? Kid: "Yes. Enjoy it." (yawns) "I had best rest." (taps the dream diary) "Hope this helps..." liz: yeah. night. --After Kid washes, dresses, and goes into bed-- Kid: (Has set the music box on his nightstand with the dream diary. Picks up the dream diary and opens it) Kid: "Hmmm...Surprising design to this book...I should write some thoughts in it before bed..." -in his dream, there is a large tree, stocking cuddles with him under it- Kid: (in dream) "I like this shade...Hmmm...You feel so warm..." stocking: so are you. *she smiles* Kid: (in dream) "Two of a kind, then..." (rubs small, soft circles along Stocking's hand) stocking: *she nuzzles into his neck* Kid: (lets her rest there) "I really enjoy being with you." stocking: so do i.... *she kisses his nose* Kid: (tilts his forehead to hers) stocking: *moves the kiss to his lips* Kid: (approaches her lips as well) stocking: *kisses him sweetly* i love you. Kid: "I love you, too." (kisses the corner of her mouth) stocking: mmmm~ Kid: (His hand is resting on the grass under the tree. He places it on Stocking's knee) stocking: *places her hands on his shoulders* Kid: (Returns to kissing her lips) -the rest of the dream is spent kissing and snuggling- -in the morning- Kid: (yawns, looks at the music box, taps it) "Maybe you did give me better sleep..." (opens dream diary, begins writing in it, as well as some wishes for what else he would like to dream in the future...) Kid: "I wonder whether Liz or Patty are up yet." liz: *yawn* Patty: *snore* (Alarm goes off) "Ah!" (falls out of bed) liz: hey kid, how did you sleep last night? Kid: "Excellently! I think that music box was effective! How was your sleep?" liz: pretty good. Patty: (holding ice to her head) "I fell out of bed..." liz: you ok? Patty: "Nothing ice won't help...And maybe some Tylenol..." -at class- Patty: (rubbing her head) "I forget--what's our first class?" Kid: (thinking: "I wonder whether Stocking is back...") liz: gym class it looks like. Kid: "Hmm..." (remembers the bet he had made that he and Stocking lost) "I do wish Stocking was here...At least gym should be energizing. I'll see you two after we get changed." -seems they run laps today- -Patty and Liz enter the locker room to change- Patty: "Hmm...No Stocking in here. Guess she's still out sick." liz: yeah. Patty: (struggles to take off shirt so not to hit her bruise, opens her locker and gets her gym clothes) "Maybe we should go talk with Stocking after she gets better." (smiles) "You and Wes could have a double-date!" liz: wha? *blush* Patty: (giggling) "You know, only after you see how your first date goes! Then you and Wes can join Kid and Stocking." liz: please, i've been on dates before. Patty: (leans head on Liz's shoulder) "What does that mean? You think this date will go well?" liz: hopefully. Patty: "Then I hope so too!" (whispers) "Wear something eye-catching." liz: i plan to. Patty: (out of her usual clothes) "Well, time to get on my gym clothes on! Then it's off to run laps today! I bet you I can out-run you today!" -outside- Kid: (stretching before the run) "Liz, Patty? No sign of Stocking?" liz: nope, nothin. Kid: "Darn." (considers) "I should at least text her after gym, to see whether to bring homework to her..." liz: maybe... -after gym- Patty: "You two sore after all those laps?" liz: *panting* Patty: "So...yes?" liz: im good....kid seems crashed out Kid: (lying on ground, face down) liz: what about texting your girlfriend~? Kid: (still lying face down, pulls phone out of his pocket) "Please text her...whether to bring homework to her..." (Hands phone to Liz) liz: sure... Patty: (head on her shoulder again) "How you want to phrase this text?" -Symmetric_Death; hey this is liz, should kid bring your homework over?- -SugarSweetHeaven: thanks liz, but my dad has a maid taking care of it...- Patty: (tries to take the phone) Patty: "Let me text something to Stocking!" liz: uh... Patty: (snatches phone) "Thanks!" -Symmetric_Death: patty here, liz has big date coming up. advice?- -SugarSweetHeaven: oh a date huh? do tell~?- liz: p-PATTI!! -Symmetric_Death: guy named wes--violin player! tall dreamy with a kinda albino vibe- -SugarSweetHeaven: sounds fancy. well, i suggest just be yourself i guess?- Patty: "Stocking says to be your usual fine, sexy self." liz: *blush* Kid: (getting up) "What did Stocking say in her text? Liz, why is your face red? Are you out of breath?" liz: im fine, just a lil tired.. Patty: "Stocking said she'd have her dad bring the make-up homework to her." (helps Kid up) "Let's get to our next class!" -since i lost track of time, lets just skip ahead to saturday- (liz has her hair done up and is wearing a green dress with a white bolero jacket.) (Wes is in dark slacks, a white shirt unbuttoned at the top, and a black dress jacket with polished dress shoes and an expensive watch) (Wes is already waiting for her at the table) Wes: (spots her, smiles) "Liz!" (stands up) "I'm glad you came." liz: i have to say, this seems like a nice place so far. Wes: (gestures to the seat, not pulling it out for her as he waits for her to seat first before he sits down) "Yes, I had visited here the last time I was in the city. And I stopped by Thursday to make sure it was still as good." liz: well, i look forward to seeing what they have. Wes: (gestures to a waiter for menus) "You're looking well. I really like what you've done with your hair." liz: oh, thanks. tsubaki helped me with it too. Wes: "How is Tsubaki? I haven't seen her or her hyperactive partner around much this week." liz: they're doing pretty well. Wes: (nods) "And your sister?" liz: same as always. and kid's the same too...well, mostly... Wes: " 'Mostly'?" liz: well... there's a girl in school that he has a major crush on. her name is Stocking. no really, it is. Wes: "Let me guess: she wears stockings?" liz: yep. she sure does. Wes: "So how head-over-heels is Kid? Are they official or something?" liz: well....*ahem* its complicated to say... so i guess... half-half? and yeah, he's completely smitten Wes: "Hmm...What do you think of her?" liz:.. well.....i guess she's nice enough... though im still getting to know her myself. im actually planning a girl's night in. Wes: "That should be fun. When is that happening?" liz: im still planning it, so soon hopefully. Wes: "That's good. I'm sure it will be fun. You've seemed like someone who is pretty well organized since I met you." liz: well, i guess i get it from my meister, haha... Wes: "Yes, I see a bit of that with my brother...Hey, could I ask you something? How is Soul doing?" liz: he's been doing good. still training hard to become a death scythe. maka's doing good too. Wes: "Hm. Maybe that is why he seems more irritable than usual." (looks down) "Or maybe he's just annoyed with me being around." liz: *frowns* Wes: "Sorry. Didn't mean to get so depressed." liz: hey, its fine. i mean, kid does it all the time, so im used to it. Wes: (chuckle) "I don't think I could ever out-emo him." (opens up menu) "By the way, your dress looks great." liz: *blush* thanks, you too.. i mean! you look good. Wes: (chuckles again) "Thanks." (Thinking: She looks good when she blushes.) "So, what would you be interested in ordering?" (He holds up his open menu--but even as his head is tilted towards the menu, his eyes stay on Liz) liz: maybe a coffee. and maybe a BLT. Wes: "Ah, the BLT here is good. I am a bit hungry...I'll probably go with the turkey burger." liz: ah. Wes: "Yes, I think that sounds good...Are you ready to order?" liz: yeah im good. Wes: "Waiter?" (He approaches) Wes: "I'll have the coffee with a turkey burger. And you, Liz?" liz: one coffee and a BLT please. Waiter: "Very good, ma'am. I'll put in your meal orders and come right back with your coffee." Wes: (stretches a bit in his chair) "This cafe is very mellow. I like how they tend to play some lesser-known jazz songs. But you should really see this place at night..." liz: yeah i could imagine..... ?? Wes: "Everything okay, Liz?" liz: um, yeah! im fine. -outside the window- soul: do you see anything? Patty: "Not with Big Sis's big head getting in the way! That thing's like a melon! What about you?" soul: nope nothin... Patty: "Hmmm...Oh! Wait!" (removes her sunglasses and lowers her overcoat for undercover) "Ah! Now I can see a bit better. But I think we'll have to get closer...maybe enter through a back door?" soul: .... !! *notices some empty boxes* in there. Patty: "Sweet!" (heads to the boxes with Soul) -a little later- liz: so how's your grandma doing? Wes: "Better..." (taps finger on the table) "After her last hospital stay, the doctors have given her a better routine." liz: well thats good to hear. *she smiles* Wes: (sad smile) "Thanks...Family...is important..." liz: yeah, it really is... Wes: "You ever worry that you don't get to be as close to your family as you want?" liz:.... Wes: (awkward silent, blushes a little) Waiter: "Sir? Ma'am? Here is your coffee! Your meals will be coming soon." liz: you ok wes? liz: thanks. Wes: "Yes." (picks up cup and saucer) "I...had hoped to spend more time with Soul while I was here. He just...I'm just not the kind of brother I should be." liz: what do you mean? Wes: "Whenever I try to hang out with him, he seems...rough around the edges. He has been keeping his distance...and maybe I haven't made myself available to him. It's been so long since I've been back here, and maybe he's hurt that I don't see him enough." liz: maybe.... its hard to say... Wes: (leans back in chair) "I envy how you and Patty get along." liz: well, it isnt all sunshine and smiles, she can drive me nuts... but at the end of the day, she's still my sister... Wes: (smile) "What do you do when you two aren't talking?" liz: oh well... *she continues as the other two watch on* soul: cant...hear...shit... Patty: (cups her hand to her ear...then cups her other hand to Soul's ear) "Does that help?" soul:..... Patty: "So, yes?" -this goes on for a while until...- Patty: "I can't hear shit...Let's just move closer. Can't we duck under a nearby table? Look! The waiter is bringing out their food! Now's our chance!" -skitter skitter- Patty: (now under the table) "Okay...I think I can hear Sis saying something..." liz: oh so thats how soul got his name then? haha. Patty: (whispers) "Darn! I just missed out juicy gossip about you, Soul...If that is your real name..." soul: of course it is! Patty: "Then how did you get that name? Oh, forget it, you can tell me later...What else is Liz saying..." liz: the marriot, huh? sounds nice. Patty: (eyes widened) "Liz said 'the Marriott'!" Wes: "Yeah, you'd love it." Patty: (gasps) "Wes said 'you'd love it!'" soul: yeah, what about it? Patty: "I-I don't know! What if Wes wants to...I-I have to listen to how Liz replies..." liz: i wish i could, but i planned on helping patti with her studies tonight... Wes: "I'm still here tomorrow. I'm taking the red-eye, so my flight isn't until 10:00 PM. Let me know if you change you mind." liz: i'll consider it... Patty: (mouth hung open) "Your bro offered to take my sis back to his hotel room!" soul: shhhh! Patty: "You 'shhh'! They're trying to make in-laws of us, so I get to 'shhh!' you!" liz: did you hear something? Patty: (slaps hands over Soul's mouth) Wes: "No, sorry, I was distracted by this song. Hey, you ever hear this one live?" liz: not really. Wes: "I know someone who does a really good cover of it..." Wes: "But nothing beats the original." liz: its nice. Wes: "Yeah...Hey, when was the last time you went dancing?" liz: well, the last time was the halloween dance a few weeks ago. soul: oh he is not... Patty: (sweating) Wes: "Oh, cool! How was that?" liz: well, eventful... patti and i got stuck in a haunted house *shudder* Wes: "Heh...I think eventful is right...And knowing you, a haunted house is one of the last places you want to be. I'd...really like to dance. But the songs here aren't exactly at our pace, and I know you have to get going. But the next time we meet up, wherever that is, I'd like to go out dancing. Would you be interested?" liz: sure, sounds fun. Wes: "Good. Well, my next performance will be in Vienna. If you ever come around that way, let me know and I'll get you tickets--for you, Patty, and Kid, too." liz: alright then. well, see ya. Wes: (walks to Liz, offers a hand to help her from seat) liz: *she gets up, they pay for dinner then she exits, waving* Patty: (with Liz and Wes gone, knocks table back, exposing her and Soul) "What the fuck?!" soul: come on patti, we better get you home before liz finds out! Patty: "I know a shortcut! Come on!" Waiter: "Hold it! Look what you two did to this table!" soul: send the bill to celestia ludenburg! -at gallows manor- Patty: (climbs through her bedroom window, collapses on the floor, rolls over onto her back to catch her breath) soul: now what? --Meanwhile, at Ludenburg's house-- celes: table damage? the hell?! -back to gallows manor- Patty: (Sees Soul is hanging by windowsill. Stands up, goes to the window) "First, we get you up here..." (grabs his arms, tugs to pull him in--and causes both of them to fall to floor) soul: good thing these plushies broke our fall... at least i screwed over luden-bitch today, hehe. Patty: "Focus, Soul! We got lucky today that Wes and Sis didn't make us in-laws--but what about tomorrow? Is Sis really going to go to his hotel room?!" soul: they could have been talking about other stuff...maybe... Patty: "Tell me the truth: should I be worried about your bro?" soul: to be honest.... i dont really know... i'll probably just let my own emotions cover the truth... so its hard for me to say... Patty: "...I trust Liz...I do...So...I leave it to..." (runs to her dresser) "But not without taking precautions!" (flings items out: socks, shirts--a bra lands atop Soul's head) soul: *nosebleed* Patty: "Ah ha! Here it is!" (holds up an unopened wrapped condom) maid: did you need any-.... soul: O_______O Patty: "Just finding a condom for something later!" maid: 0__________________0 *slowly closes the door* Patty: (thumbs at Maid) "What's her problem?" (sees Soul. Smirks, removes the bra from his head, pats his face) "You're adorable..." -later- liz: patti, kid, im back! Patty: (hides condom in her pocket) "Hi, Sis! How was your date?" liz: it went well. it was nice to see wes again, and the food was really good too. Kid: "That's good to hear. How is he?" liz: he's doing good. his next preformance will be in Vienna Kid: "Oh, that's quite an accomplishment! I'll commend him the next time I see him." Patty: "...Did...anything else come up during your date?" liz: yeah, he told me there was a new restaurant opened at the marriot he is staying at. he wanted to know if i wanted to meet him there for breakfast there Kid: "Oh, that should be good." Patty: (blushing. Thinking: "So...I jumped to conclusions on that one?") "Oh." liz: so, did you get a call from your girlfriend yet, kiddo? Kid: (squirms) "Just a text...Stocking thinks she'll be back in class on Monday..." liz: thats good Patty: (takes Liz's arm) "Sis, could you help me study tonight?" liz: oh, uh sure, of course. Patty: (smiles) "Let's study in my room! Okay?" liz: uh, sure. Patty: "Great! I'll see you after dinner!" (awkward laugh) liz: ?? -sunday morning- Kid: (kissing his pillow, lifting leg awkwardly) "Stocking...Right there...don't stop..." Kid: (falls out of bed--again) Kid: (lifts head off of floor, pulls himself up) "Well..." (pulls dream diary off of nightstand) "I better write that one down..." Kid: "I wonder whether Liz and Patty have dreams this realistic." Kid: "...Maybe I don't want to know Patty's dreams...But I wonder what Liz dreams..." liz: (thinking: well.... that got intense...) Kid: "...Maybe her dreams are no different than mine..." (blushes) Kid: "...But I do feel...anxious...And it is a Sunday morning...I don't think anyone else is up yet..." (Looks at nightstand) -the clock reads 4:44 AM- Kid: "...No. I'm...not ready for that...I'll just go the bathroom." -later in the morning- Kid: *Yawns* (taps the music box) "Thank you for improving my sleep..." (sly smile) "The dreams are a lot better now..." Kid: "I wonder whether this music box would improve the sleep of anyone else..." Patty: (waking up) "No, Giant Dolphin Man--that's too much pudding for one Giant Dolphin Man to eat!" (falls out of bed) "Not again..." liz: *pant* well... im up.. Kid: (puts on bathrobe, departs to see whether the bathroom is occupied and whether he may shower) -looks good to go- Kid: (knocks, hears nothing, enters. Disrobes, turns on hot water to heat up while he brushes his teeth) Kid: (spits into the sink, rinses toothbrush) Kid: (wipes mouth, enters the shower, adjusts the heat) -later- Kid: (dressed, walks downstairs to breakfast table) "Wonder who is up yet." liz: morning. Kid: "Morning!" (smiles widely) "Ah, sleep was so good. How was yours, Liz?" liz: eventful.... *siiiips coffee* Kid: "Oh?" liz: other than that it wes- WAS great... Kid: (blinks, hides small smile behind his coffee cup) "I'm happy that sleep is treating you well..." -later that day- Kid: "I really think that music box and dream diary have helped. Writing my dreams down is...invigorating. Perhaps you should try?" liz: perhaps. -Later That Day- -riiiiiiing- Patty: "I'll get it!" Patty: "Who is it?" stocking: hey, is kid in? Patty: "Stocking! You sound much better! Hang on!" (calls loudly) "Kid! Get your ass down here! Your girlfriend is on the phone!" stocking: *whistling kk bossa* Kid: (runs down the stairs, trips on rug, crawls to the phone) "H-hello?" stocking: hey kid. Kid: "Stocking! Hello! How are you?" stocking: im doing a lot better than i was. i think i might be able to come back to school on monday. Kid: "Oh, good! I've missed seeing you around campus." stocking: thanks i.... i missed seeing you too. Kid: (smile) "Take it easy today so you can finish your recovery. Want Patty and me to bring any more soup or anything?" stocking: i think i'll be fine. i'll probably stay in and play smash bros or something. Patty: (next to Kid) "I heard Smash Bros. Ask whether she has online play enabled!" Kid: "...Did you catch that, Stocking?" stocking: not yet, but i might do that later. Patty: (grabs phone, speaks seriously with an even, loud tone) "Got on that immediately. My Shiek is gonna whoop yo ass..." Kid: (pushes Patty by one finger to her forehead) "_After_ you recover. I really do look forward to seeing you when you get back to school. stocking: same here. Kid: "I have to finish some homework, but I did want to talk with you about something surprising this week: Liz went out on a date." stocking: yeah, she told me about it. so how was it? Kid: "I don't quite know. She said she enjoyed it, but she also seemed, well, a little closed off. I guess that's to be expected for anyone going on a date." Patty: (overhearing, blushing, sweating) stocking: well, what if we went on a date? theoretically speaking~ Kid: (blinks) "I...thought we have...Or do you mean something more, well, typical for a date? Like dinner and a movie?" stocking: maybe something like that. maybe Higanbana's? Kid: "Oh, that would be fun! Maybe...this weekend? Or next weekend?" stocking: this weekend sounds nice. Kid: "Good. I'll pick you up. Say around 6?" stocking: yeah, this saturday? Kid: "Sounds good. I'll see you then!" stocking: yeah, see you in school tommorrow. Kid: (sweatdrop) "Oh. Right. Getting ahead of myself! Or...behind myself?" (flustered) stocking: well, see ya~ Kid: "Yes...bye..." (awkwardly hangs up the phone) "Hmm...Did Liz go to meet Wes for breakfast?" liz: nah, its really far from here, and by the time i get there, the discount will aready be over. i told him, and he seemed cool about it. Kid: "Oh, there you are, Liz. Well, that's too bad." liz: soooo, you got a big date this saturday, huh? Kid: (blush) "Looks like it. Have any advice based on your recent date?" liz: well, try talking to her, see what her interests are. get to know her a bit more. Kid: "Good...That is good advice. Thank you. Is that what you did with Wes? Get to learn more about him?" liz: yeah, mostly just catching up to what he has been doing. but yeah. Kid: "Good. I...just hope the date goes smoothly. I get so anxious that I start fixating on everything, like whether the utensils are spotless, whether the arrangement on the table is symmetrical, whether to move the table for better lighting..." liz: easy there now. Kid: (pulls out a paper bag, breathes in and out of it) "I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine..." liz: *pats his back* Kid: "Th-thank you. Well...I better call a reservation in to that restaurant..." liz: ok. -Monday- Kid: *Yawns* -at school- Patty: "School day! School day!" Kid: "Please...stop yelling...I'm still waking up..." liz: well, stocking should be back today... Kid: *Perks up* "Oh, yes!" (Looks around, left and right, even under a table) "I wonder where she is..." -in history class- stocking: *is at her desk* Kid: (approaches her desk) "Welcome back!" stocking: *she looks up and smiles back* oh, hey kid. Kid: "Is this seat taken?" stocking: it is if you're sitting in it. Kid: (smiles, takes a seat) "Have you fully recovered?" stocking: more or less, yeah. Kid: "That's good. I hope you feel back to 100 percent soon...at least before Saturday..." stocking: yeah. Kid: "I made the reservation yesterday, so we're all set." stocking: thats great... looks like class is starting. Kid: (opens book) "What's today's lesson again?" stocking: the lost mountain village of Hoshizora... Kid: "Hmm...I'll have to pay close attention: I'm not as familiar as I'd like to be..." {in the ancient past, there was a village in the mountains known as Hoshizora. it is believed the residents of this village were the early ancestors of the star clan and branch families such as the Hoshi family, the Hoshino family, and others) Kid: "Hmm...So, ancestors of Black Star, Akane, and Ao..." {-due to brigands and harsh mountain weather, the villagers left to other parts of the world. the mountain eventually snowed over, causing it to become the icy region it is now. there are those who wish to find the village, despite the everlasting snow.} Kid: (thinking) "What could be hidden there?" stocking: maybe relics? Kid: "Perhaps. I can't imagine what Black Star and the others feel: to find something of one's past can be thrilling..." stocking: maybe... Kid: "I should get my books and materials for my next class." *Yawn* "I should check my schedule...I'm still so tired that I'm forgetting what is on today's agenda...I think math?" stocking: looks like i have science classes. Kid: "I will have to see you for lunch, then." (leans over, kisses her cheek) "Until then..." stocking: *blush* didnt you want to kiss the other side too? Kid: (smirks) "If you want it, then that's your incentive to find me at lunch..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (waves, departs for his locker) (Thinking: "Some people are worth giving up even symmetry...") Kid: "I wonder how Liz and Patty are doing..." -at lunch- stocking: hey kiddo. Kid: (smiles, finally kisses the other cheek) "Miss me?" stocking: well, i guess~ but i knew you'd get antsy from not kissing the other side so... Kid: (sigh of relief) "Oh, thank Death..." (stammering) "It is still h-hard, getting out of my comfort zone...But...with you, I am happy." stocking: aw, thanks...*she kisses both his cheeks* Kid: (blushing) "Th-thank you...Shall we dine?" stocking: *nods* Kid: "So...I guess this is a trial run for dinner on Saturday..." stocking: i guess. *she smiles* Kid: "I was wondering...do you...like dancing?" stocking: occasionally, why? Kid: "Maybe...we could find somewhere to dance? Sometime?" stocking: that sounds great. *she smiles* Kid: "I...am a bit rusty. But I do enjoy it." stocking: maybe i could come over and we could practice? Kid: "Oh...Yes! We can use the ballroom!" stocking: nice. should i get dressed up fancy or...? Kid: "Um...S-Sure!" stocking: great. see you tonight~ Kid: "See you then!" -that night- stocking: im here Kid: (dressed even more formally than usual: a tux) Kid: (eyes widen) "H-Hi! Welcome! You look amazing." stocking: thanks. i had to alter it a little bit though. Kid: "They came out well. Good work." stocking: *she smiles* so where is this ballroom? Kid: "Right this way..." (Offers a hand up the stairs) stocking: wow, it’s so big! Kid: "Yes, it's amazing how many rooms we can fit in this mansion. I'm afraid I couldn't get live music, but the audio system is pretty good." stocking: well, I appreciate it none-the-less. Kid: (claps hands, and the music starts. Leans and extends hand to Stocking) "May I have this dance?" stocking: why of course~ Kid: (he gently takes her right hand in his, and puts his right arm along her back) "Is this good?" stocking: yeah, pretty good. Kid: "Let me know how to improve..." (prepares to lead) Kid: (puts his left and right feet together with hers.) "Ready?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "So, I'll take a step forward with my left foot, and you'll take a step back on your right foot..." stocking: ok. *she does that* Kid: "Now I'll step diagonally forward with my right foot, bringing you into a bit of a turn..." (steps forward with right foot, his hand moving a bit down her back into the turn) stocking: oh. *she blushes a bit* ok. ((TBC IN VOL 2 ))
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kuehbiko · 7 years
Naruto Challenge
So it’s my turn to jump on this bandwagon and put up all my opinions that no one actually cares about, and here it is:
Name your favourite…
Female characters: Tenten, Kushina, Rin, Tsunade
Male characters: Kakashi, Minato, Shikamaru, Tenzo, Sakumo, Inoichi, Shikaku
Teams: Minato, Gai
Sensei: Minato, Kakashi, Gai
Hokage: Hashirama, Minato
Kage: Mu, Mei, Gaara
Villages: Konoha, Kumo
Akatsuki members: Konan, Itachi
Jutsus: Like, all of them. But mostly the Hiraishin (for the sheer badassery), the Raiton: Kage Bunshin (for the inherent functionality), and the Raiton: Raijuu Tsuiga (for the Cool Factor)
Episode/Chapters: I can’t remember all my favourites for the life of me, but it includes the Shadow of the ANBU filler arc (ep. 349-361).
Fight scenes: Naruto vs Sasuke (both VotE ones), Obito vs Kakashi in Kamui (the angst), Minato vs Tobi, Team 10 + Kakashi vs Kakuzu and Hidan, Naruto vs Pein
Fanfiction: Don’t ask me to choose I can’t choose please don’t make me, but also check out @anbu-legacy​ here, Chiaroscuro, Uneasy Lies the Head, and the Sharingan Rising series.
OTPs (explain why): I kind of ship MinaKaka, but it’s like my only ship and I don’t know if it really qualifies as an OTP. But do you know how much angst there is on that ship? Yeah, I don’t either but definitely more water than is on the Titanic.
NoTPs: KakaSaku, KakaIru, ObiRin
Crack ship: Don’t have one (I am incapable of crack because everything turns to angst in my hands it’s not even funny)
BroTP: Kakashi and Gai, Kakashi and Tenzo, Kakashi and Obito, Tenten and Neji, Lee and Neji, Naruto and Sasuke, Sasuke and Itachi (does it count if they’re actually brothers for real?)
OT3: Don’t have one
Crossover Ship: Nope
Headcanons: I don’t think I can cram all my headcanons into this tinyass post but uh:
Inoichi’s flowershop also gives free therapy/counselling (considering in their society, the two major events which involves flowers are dates and funerals)
Kakashi, Tenten and Shino are all aro/ace. (I would have liked Shikamaru to join the club, but he’s got a thing on with Temari, so maybe he can be just ace, or some sort of demi/gray-a?)
Are you happy with the ending? Anything you would have changed? I’m happy because they’re happy and they fucking deserve to be happy okay. But I’m also a tiny bit dissatisfied because it completely skips over the post-war recovery period. And uh, Orochimaru is still alive ffs, and are they really going to let Sasuke disappear just like that?
How do you feel about the new generation? Not interested. Boruto seems like a very bratty kid, and the whole concept is really pushing it? Like, I don’t overly object to the other kids, but we just ended 700+ chapters and the shinobi world is happy and can we just leave it as it is and quit while we’re ahead? 
Say something about your favourite character, good and bad:
Good: fucking genius, sassy af, interesting fashion sense, youngest genin, chuunin and jounin in Konoha’s history, loves his dogs more than people, mastered the Sharingan through his own hard work, managed (for the most part) to recover from the trauma that was his entire life
Bad: you’re a sensei now please set a good example in front of your students no matter how much personal history you’ve had with their families, spends too much time in front of the memorial stone, still fucking hates himself, is probably socially inept
Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP: No.
Say something negative about your OTP: Teacher-student relationships are inherently problematic, and moreso in their society. Also, there’s really no way for them to get a happy ending (goddammit why do I even ship this), and there are too few fics.
Any way to change your mind about your NoTP: Not for the first two. But if you can write Obito as not being obsessed about Rin, then yes, I’ll accept that one. I mostly don’t ship it because Obito seems very, very obsessive about Rin even before his whole speech in the Fourth War, and I don’t understand romance very well, but it was very off-putting.
What made you mad about the series? 
Lack of female character development. I need more Tenten screentime. I need Sakura to stop comparing herself to her teammates and get over Sasuke. Hinata needs to have more scenes where she isn’t thinking about Naruto. I need to see Kushina as a strongass jinchuuriki during the war, and a fearsome shinobi who would definitely have been a candidate for the Fourth Hokage. And Rin. Oh my god, just Rin. Kishi, you do not kill off a mature and caring strong female twelve-year-old medic who can successfully transplant a fucking eye behind enemy lines while her friend is being crushed to death for the fucking angst value.
Also, Kakashi fight scenes. All the times we’ve actually seen him fight onscreen, he’s held back, been held back, or acted as support. We’ve never really managed to see the full extent of his genius and one thousand fucking jutsus come into play, and the one time he really went all out and decimated the Seven Swordsmen in the Fourth War, the fight scene was off-screen.
Sasuke and his longass trip around the world that leaves Sarada without a fucking father and just…it’s not fair to compromise your family just so you can get your fucking redemption, alright?
Orochimaru’s plot armour. You can count on two hands the number of times the shinobi have killed him for real, except that you’re not supposed to be able to do that! The number is supposed to be one!
If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be?
Team Seven/Kakashi/Minato fluff
Fluff in general
The timeskip
The Third War and everything surrounding that
Minato’s reign as goddamn Hokage. It was short, but not that short.
More ANBU, and darker aspects of shinobi life and missions
More jutsus. Kakashi was introduced as the master of a thousand jutsus, not three.
More worldbuilding. Like, each country must have their own cultures, and fighting styles, and accent or dialect, and cuisine? And the research concerning chakra, like how does developing a jutsu go? 
What would you say to Kishimoto: Thank you. And I really wouldn’t be averse to a series about Kakashi.
I think I’m supposed to tag people? But since I did this voluntarily, y’all should get the choice too.
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