deadgodwalking · 3 years
Theseus: Fiend! You knocked that smug look off my face, but luckily I was wearing a second, smaller smug look underneath!
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
// So I promise I haven’t forgotten about you all here. You’ve been very kind to give me as much attention as you have. I’m here, and lurking! Writing ground to a halt pretty much due to some several things occurring outside of tumblr. As soon as the spark is back (and it will be, it always is~) I’ll be back writing threads every which way.
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
Lord Hades: You’re a complete embarrassment, boy. To me, to Achilles, to the Underworld, to the House of Hades, to me, to our family, to me--
Zagreus: You said 'to me' like three times.
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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FIRST MEETING PROMPTS | ACCEPTING [Zombie] For our Muses to be caught in a zombie attack together ~ @glory-hasnoplacehere​ [Ialu]
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     The Prince found himself panting. His thoughts were racing at a thousand stades a minute. The skies were blue here on the surface, and he had breached through his father’s realm once again. But the world was wrong. Had he exited into another underworld? The shades here were clearly malicious, but they were not ghastly or possessed of their wits. His blade cut through them just as easily as any of the dead. In fact it felt more like the slaughter of the Satyrs of the Temple of Styx, more than it reminded him of the shades.
But the problem with this Underworld was that they were everywhere. Entire cities’ worth of bodies; shambling and arms outstretched, pursued him. But where he could dash upon wings of holy flame, they tripped, stumbled, and fell.
     Overall, he felt he could take them in time. A war of attrition, in this hell that was not his own. Footfalls of flame touched on the cold stone floor of an industrial building -- empty, save for some corpses that had been dragged across the floor. Moved, perhaps? Cleared. The darkness was no stranger to him, as his eyes flick around. An upper level, accessible only by ladder, seemed like a well-enough place to catch his breath.
Only... there was someone in there already.
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     “-Oh! Well then. Sorry for the intrusion. You... wouldn’t have any idea where we might be, would you? Norse Hel, perhaps? Or is this that Christian underworld I keep hearing about? I’d hate to think that this is what’s become of the surface, truthfully.”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
✧️– She’s less amused by that, but does little more than offer a disappointed shake of the head. “It was pointless to ask, anyway. I am not particularly interested in fighting someone who lacks the will.”
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“Don’t you know that our mouths are exceptionally filthy??? I commend dentists for being able to stick their hands in someone’s mouth without being disgusted…”
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     “Hm, my apologies then; I’m not used to fighting someone being optional. Killing my ex-girlfriend and my Father every time I wish to visit has me rather disinclined to fight with otherwise cordial people if I don’t have to. I thank you for, at least from this viewpoint, being one of the most reasonable people I’ve met.” The Prince pauses, brows furrowed.
“Filthy? I know our mouths can grow smelly, but some mint paste goes a ways to alleviate that. Unless... there’s some vital information that I should be aware of considering the filth that apparently gathers in our mouths?”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
@averagetm replied: PROTECT THE AWKWARD GOD ;//
    Protecc he smile; he try he best
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
// Zag_AwkwardSmile has been created and it is just as awkward as it should be.
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This is the reason he never smiles with his teeth, ever, for any reason.
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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✧️– “Perhaps a more understandable variation would be to ‘bare one’s fangs’, which speaks to a primal aggression. I am merely asking for one such display – to show one’s fight.” The breath that escapes her nose is humored. “Dentists care for our teeth…”
     The Prince smiles -- it’s... different. He tries to bring up that kind of grim determination that is required for facing the legions of the damned and exalted, and just can’t. He’s just smiling instead. He has to laugh, writing it off as a failure to comply.
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     “I do swear I’m trying to let you see my teeth; it’s just not quite coming out right. Thank you for telling me, though. There’s a lot that I don’t quite know about -- such as why you’d need someone to care for your teeth. I don’t see many shades with anything less than pearly whites, after all.” 
     “...Are there dangers to your teeth on the surface?”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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✧️– “Where you come from is it normal to flash your teeth at others? If not, then I can assure you that it is not common here, either.”
A pause.
“Not unless you are a dentist.”
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     “Where I’m from, we just grit our teeth like -- well, to say ‘normal’ people is rather short-sighted of me. That’s what’s normal for me. So what did you want when you asked to see peoples’ teeth? Forgive me for not immediately assuming you wanted my best grin for a painting.”
“And... what might be a dentist?”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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     “No, but I’ve been hearing some odd things about peoples’ teeth since coming up. ‘By the skin of one’s teeth’ is apparently a saying now? And, as only way to learn is to be told you’re doing it wrong. Which means my initial idea of ‘showing you my teeth’ wasn’t right, obviously.”
@deadgodwalking​ said:
“Aaaaaaa - am I doing this right?”
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✧️– “Do you actually believe I was being literal, or is this some attempt at humor?”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
On the shores of Greece... (Closed, with @bloodstrength​)
    Soft, green grass was pressed underneath the Prince’s body, his eyes gently watching the clouds, passing him by.  One red, a symbol of his infernal heritage, and one green, verdant and reminiscent of this world above on the surface. Prince Zagreus sat beneath darkened skies, simply... waiting. Something was going to happen, and it didn’t quite feel like he was bound to die. At least, not yet.
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     There. A presence, out of the corner of his eyes. A person? But one that felt... distant. Impossibly so; perhaps even further than the distance from the Pool of Styx to this very place. Somewhere far, on a land perhaps just like this own, was someone. Maybe, wherever they were, whatever consisted of ‘his’ symbol would have appeared to them in an illusion of light; a (hopefully) warm, comforting glow ushering them forth.
Perhaps instead there was a dream that this person would witness him in. Where they mortal? Or something else? All that the Prince of the Underworld knew was that there was some link, a thread within this person. That which keenly called out to him -- itched -- until it would be satiated. 
How would someone satiate such a thing, you might ask. He didn’t know. But the Prince hoped that it went something a little like-
     “Erm- hello? Can you hear me, by any chance?”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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‘ BRO are you KIDDING !? that was the funniest shit I’ve EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. – We just got to Elysium and that was HILARIOUS. ‘ 
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     “Unebelievable... Betrayed, even by you.”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
@bloodstrength replied: JKDSAGJ LMFAO
     “You’re laughing. I went unknowingly to a Cock-and-Ball Torture Priming party and you’re LAUGHING.”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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An Anonymous Narrator has Narrated:
And as the prince walked into the morning sun, cock and balls primed for this sun day of sin, he found himself jumped by a group of women who were zealotous to his revelry loving friend on Olympus. However if the tales of the maenads are to be believed, the end of their revelry always... ends... with...
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     “-Wait, wha-!?” As the crazed and utterly smashed women of Dionysus treated Zagreus to his first ‘Condoned’ party, he thought he was having fun. It seemed fun, at least.
That was, naturally, until he found himself waking up in the Pool of Styx once again, feeling as though he’d died to a thousand-and-one cuts, and felt incredibly sore from his abdomen down.
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     “What in the gods’ names just happened!?”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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     “One of these days, I’ll admit, I’m scared that I’m accidentally going to send out a boon to somebody, without having meant to. What if someone weird picks up the message? Will it even work if they don’t say ‘In the name of [person or place], I accept this message!?’ Can they just say ‘Uh, hello?’ and I’ll have to have a personal, one-sided conversation with somebody I don’t even know?”
“What is that even going to feel like from the sending-side? It’s not like I can ask my father about it, or anything.”
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deadgodwalking · 3 years
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@burdenofheaven​ sent in a starter:
The Hellknight looked upon the god of blood and seemed confused, knowing divinity when he sees it but unsure just what pantheon they could possibly belong to. "Forgive my bluntness, o' god. But with whom do I speak? I know nothing of the gods of this realm."
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     Whether from prior involvement or just uncertainty, the Prince of the Underworld found himself readied, with Stygius in hand. The ornate, skull-emblazoned armor of his visitor had imparted certain sensibilities of his home. His initial thoughts were that his father undoubtedly would have followers amongst mortalkind, and that even now they would seek to return him down the river Styx.
But the warrior spoke with reverence and -- confusion. A terse, awkward silence fell between them for a moment.
Prince Zagreus ran his fingers through his hair, sighing to break his own silence.
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     “Well, I’m not certain I would consider this ‘my’ realm, seeing as I can take a boat and find tales of other gods I’ve never heard of, so, I-erm, suppose this is the first time I’ve introduced myself as thus. I’m Zagreus, son of Hades, of... the Greek Pantheon? Is how I think I should say it? Hail, Traveler? I think?”
Were his Lord Father capable of seeing the embarrassment that his son brought upon himself, he would be shaking his head in utter dejection and shame.
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