#also something something red and blue gays trope. idiots
identityquest · 2 years
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meyrin and romsir portraits
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beebabycastiel · 2 years
for the fic trope mash-up: 19 + 63 ✨
Summer Camp AU + Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple
The Summer Program is held every year from June-- when all the crummy Chicago schools finally give up on plan ahead test prep-- to August. But this is Franny's first year.
Even with her Uncle Ian having spent every summer she can remember up at the northside camp, she's only been as close as letters and homemade post cards made from index cards. But now she's finally twelve. Old enough for mom to sign her up and hug her tightly good-bye before she climbed into the passenger seat of Uncle Ian's beat-up Jeep.
When she gets there, it isn't exactly what she was imagining. It's not like all the movies and TV shows she seen about summer camps. There is a lake and her cabin mates range from syrupy sweet to rich and stuck-up. And there is a cute boy, Lucas, she met at Archery, with shiny braces bright blue eyes. But there's also poison ivy and communal showers that are always a little slimy and Uncle Ian keeps saying a bonfire will happen, but she hasn't seen one. She's covered in misquotes bites, too. At least the food's okay.
"Ew. What the hell is this?"
Franny doesn't bother to hide her eyeroll at her cabin mate-- Chloe's-- voice.
"It's hash brown casserole," Marisa replies helpfully, as if Chole was actually curious and not just being her usual snotty, self.
"It's gross," she corrects, flipping her glossy brown ponytail over her shoulder and wafting them all with the scent of Victoria Secret body spray and the coconut tang of suntan lotion, "I can't believe they're making us eat this shit, if my mom knew she'd--"
"Probably have something to say about you're language, yeah?"
Franny shovels a huge bite of potatoes and cheese into her mouth to keep from smirking. Uncle Ian is all smiles and floppy red hair as he winks at Chole. Franny wondered at first why someone as snooty as Chole even wanted to share a cabin with her to begin with, but now as she watches her flutter her black caked lashes up at Uncle Ian and make giggly excuses to him, she understands.
Franny continues to eat while her cabin mates giggle and watch Uncle Ian walk away, trying not to retch as they whisper about his arms and his butt.
"Shhh!" Jamie interrupts, pointing her fork at the swinging kitchen door at the other end of the long dining hall, "Look!"
They all do. Watching as Uncle Ian shoves his hands in his short pockets almost bashfully as he talks to the main cook at the camp. Clad in an apron and a backwards White Sox's cap instead of a hairnet, the cook raises an overly expressive eyebrow at something Uncle Ian says. It causes Uncle Ian to smile, wide and toothy, while the cook smirks and thumbs absently at his eyebrow-- the dinosaur band-aids wrapped around his knuckles on full display.
"They're totally together," Jamie says, lifting a carton on orange juice to her lip gloss tacky lips, "They've gotta be."
"Says who?" Chole demands, her doe eyes turning sharp and jagged like broken beer bottles. Franny looks away as the cook punches Uncle Ian gently on the arm, grinning with the corners of his icy blue eyes crinkled and pleased.
"Says everyone," Jamie rolls her eyes, "Look at them. Making moon eyes and touching and stuff. Everyone knows they're together."
"Do they?" Franny can't help but ask. Three pairs of eyes swivel towards her with such speed and force they feel like snow prickling her cheeks.
"Oh, totally," Jamie nods sagely. Even demure Marisa shrugs a bit helplessly. Only Chole's intense glare seems to sharpen into a needle like press.
"So, is he?" she demands, before scoffing, "Does he have a girlfriend? There's no way he's gay,"
Franny shrugs, popping the last forkful of her breakfast into her mouth. She could tell the truth. It's no secret that Chole giggles and talks shit behind her back. Franny's quiet. But she's not a pushover. Gallagher's don't back down. But... then again, watching Chole make an idiot of herself is entertaining.
"Nope," she says, settling in to make her summer camp experience just a little bit more like the shows she watches with Aunt Tami, "But he does really like brunettes and younger girls..."
The bonfire isn't like Franny was hoping. It's nice and she doesn't have to deal with Chole at least, who's sitting with her skinny thigh pressed right into Uncle Ian's despite the sticky heat. But she was hoping to sit next to Lucas. Ask him about what he likes to do on the westside or maybe about his school or does he think she's pretty, maybe?
But he's sitting next to another girl. She's pretty. With braces and name brand shorts, not old cut-offs like her. No one's really looking at her, no one even probably notices her. So, she gets up and walks. Listening to crickets and owls and the snapping or twigs under her ratty converse. She likes it. It's peaceful and nice and nothing like home. She misses home more than she thought she would. Even her mom who's always yelling about the dishes or the laundry or her cutting her own hair (again).
Without much thought, she finds herself drawn by the familiar smell of cigarette smoke. Following the whitish gray cloud to the back of the dining hall. There, under the buzzing yellow light, is the cook. His hair shaggy and greasy black from being trapped under a hat all day. The dinosaur band-aids are gone now that dinner is long over and lights out is creeping ever closer, the dark ink there stark against his pale skin.
"'Sup?" he says when he sees her watching him. She shrugs, examines her bitten down nails and the peeling sunburn on her overly freckled arms. Finally she comes closer, so he'll hear her.
"Uncle Mickey? How did you get a boy to notice you?"
Mickey snorts, tugging affectionately on one of her reddish braids.
"Have you tried pushing him into the lake?" he asks, laughing at Franny's glare.
"What?" he laughs, "It worked for me."
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cobrakiin · 2 years
Ask memey thing, 001 Pokemon, 002 Cojeel, 003 Sokka
Send me a fandom, ship, or character ask meme!
001 | Pokemon
Favorite character Pokemon: Absol and Bulbasaur :)
Least Favorite character Pokemon: idk... Pignite?
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Kukui x Burnet, Archie x Maxie, Chloe x Dawn, Ash x Goh, Steven x Wallace (+ Bonus: Leon x Raihan)
Character(s) I find most attractive: ORAS!Archie is 👀 but Talia do be kinda cute
Character I would marry: idk
Character I would be best friends with: Leon or Brock seem fun? idk
a random thought: i'd like Nanu's job of sitting around with cats all day and getting paid for it
An unpopular opinion: I liked Tracey and want him back
My Non-canon OTP: i think maybe,,,,, Adman and Warden!Ingo should kis... just a lil,,,,, uwu
Most Badass Character: Cynthia. She may not be my favorite champion but I respect her.
Most Epic Villain: it's ya boi GUZMA
Pairing I am not a fan of: Anything with Piers? He's ace? sorry i don't make the news i just report it
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Lance. No, I won't explain.
Favourite Friendship: Pikachu and every other electric rodent
Character I most identify with: I can't say I identify with any specific character
Character I wish I could be: When I was little I liked to pretend I was a Vaporeon when I went swimming :) . I, as an adult who has seen unspeakable things in greentext format, know better now.
002 | Cojeel (Cobra x Gajeel)
When I started shipping them: Been on this ship since 2012 babey!!!
My thoughts: punk bfs w/ a lot of chemistry, they've both been through plenty of traumas in their own lives and sorta understand where the other is coming from...... (also this ship is how i met you @zephiraz my loving partner of 8 years *heart eyes emoji*)
What makes me happy about them: they're not pretty boys except for when they want to be (SO much eyeliner and hair products, their bathroom is a MESS), their relationship feels natural for them, they very lovingly insult each other yet they also don't let the other get away with shit, but also sometimes they're just content being lazy gay snakes dragons together
What makes me sad about them: they deserve happiness but shit keeps happening, who would have predicted that past misdeeds would have future consequences :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I guess if Cobra's dialogue is hard to distinguish from Gajeel's? His vocab does get more relaxed post-timeskip, but not that much,,,,
Things I look for in fanfic: .... new fanfic. There's 15 works on AO3 and 4 of them are from ME. FFnet is practically just me.... oTL
My wishlist: More fic or art in general? Maybe some more canon teamups? <:3c
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Laxus x Gajeel x Cobra polyship... it's technically not just them ;)c
My happily ever after for them: They have a very private wedding or just straight up elope
003 | Sokka (Avatar)
How I feel about this character: this boy has adhd 100%
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I like most ships with him, but I don't really have a favorite?
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I like his relationship with Katara. Especially when they pick on each other, because I will always be tired of the "siblings always get along perfectly" trope in fiction
My unpopular opinion about this character: He's obviously bi, but is a little nervous about the whole liking boys part bc of his upbringing. That being said, it's something he definitely gets over later in life.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish caffeinated beverages existed at that time period, because he definitely seems like the kind of person who should not consumer caffeine because then he sees all the time all the time
Favorite friendship for this character: Him and Aang are always fantastic idiots when it's no braincell day and it's great
My crossover ship: Sokkoya. (Sokka x Naoya Itsuki) It happened because of the rp that originally inspired Hiraethean Prophecy, and is one of the "canon" ships in the panfandom crossover fic version. :3x
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profnodanna · 3 years
Please do Mikoto Suoh for your character game 🥰
send me a character and i’ll list:
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favorite thing about them: hard question. I've been thinking about it a lot. I didn't want to write something like "his tragic story" or "he's strong and cool", which I think it's something most of his fans would say. What made me love him was, in the end, his contradictions, that monstrous red which is also beautiful, that part of him captivated by destruction and that other part made by kindness, his being an outsider, someone who due to his nature can't fit in the society (and I think this is a strong theme considering how the japanese society is), his desire for a freedom almost utopic, that can't be reached.
I feel like Mikoto is a puzzle made of pieces that don't match, a flame you can't grasp, a spirit so free you can't restrain with any rule.
In the end, my favorite thing about him is he inspires very strong emotions, both in the characters around him and the audience.
least favorite thing about them: Sometimes he has the personality of a rock, but probably it's more a consequence of the combination of my high expectations and K-not-being-so-deep-after-all. Speaking only of his personality, I don't like how negatively he considers himself.
favorite line: “A guy who can only measure another’s foot by his own last is an idiot, no matter how quick-witted he is.” [ X ]
brOTP: MikoIzu (+Totsuka. I'm generally less interested in him, but you can't really understand Mikoto without both Kusanagi and him)
OTP: Mikorei
nOTP: Mikototsu
random headcanon: He got his first kiss from Kusanagi. You know, just the "two bros kissing for learning reasons nothing gay here" kind of trope.
unpopular opinion: The section is which it becomes clear why I have two friends in this fandom (and they barely tolerate me). Disclaimer: I (try to) respect everyone's opinions, but one thing is the canon, another thing is what is projected onto his character.
Nope, he didn't die because he couldn't live without Totsuka.
Nope, he wasn't an ass to Munakata and he doesn't deserve to be blamed for his (Munakata's feelings).
Nope, he is not responsible of anyone's feelings towards him.
Nope, he didn't die because he was depressed.
He is not "irresponsible" just because he doesn't conform to Munakata's standards.
His character is very interesting, but at the same time it is not so deep as I like to think. Mikoto's character was born with the idea to talk about the fate of the Red King, not Mikoto's.
He made a favor to everyone by killing the Colorless. Do you really think Munakata would have been able to imprison a fox-spirit somewhere? The same people who complain about how Mikoto hurt Munakata would now complain about how Mikoto dared to stay alive while the Blue King had to kill the Colorless, suffering the Burden of killing a King.
Nope, he's not gay (he wouldn't label himself in any way imho).
(I wrote the last one just to be annoying :P)
song i associate with them: In The End (Epic Cinematic Cover)
favorite picture of them: hair down + long coat = chef's kiss
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tessxblxckthorn · 3 years
you’re more to me
@juulies and again: happy holidays love!! (2/2)
a short juke soulmate au cause meg wrote that she likes the trope so i thought why not... english isn’t my first language and I haven’t written in quite some time so please have mercy and enjoy! 
It took her an entire day to realise. Julie could see colors. Actual, vibrant colors. Not the dull, grey-ish colors she had seen her entire life but the bright red of the painted dahlias on her bedroom walls, the vivid blue of the Los Angeles sky, the deep violet of the string that was still braided into her hair from yesterday's performance in the Orpheum.
It had all been so chaotic that Julie hadn't had a minute to breath and, well, realise that she had met her soulmate. 
Her soulmate. 
Of course she knew about soulmates and that, after finding yours and having direct skin contact with them, you could see every beautiful color that exists. But she also knew that many people never, ever found theirs. Sure, her parents had been soulmates, but they were lucky. Flynn's parents weren't soulmates, Carries definitely hadn't been. 
While there were a lot of soulmate-couples, people just didn't want to get their hopes up just to never find theirs. So that's why, at the young age of 10, Flynn and Julie had stopped believing that they would eventually find their perfect match, simply because this wasn’t a perfect world. 
And now, at age 16, Julie was laying in her bedroom on her bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering how on earth she could’ve missed meeting her soulmate. Because that was what had happened, right? She must have bumped into them at the show or while running out on the street when she thought the guys had died...or stopped existing or whatever...or when she went home with her dad and Carlos or-
There was a loud bang coming from her closed door followed by a groan and a curse. 
“Come in!”, Julie called out, sitting up and pushing her messy hair out of her face. 
“Damn it”, Alex groaned and closed the door behind him. “Still haven't adjusted completely to being alive again, thought I could just materialize through the door.”
Julie laughed softly. “Yeah, I heard that.”
“Pretty sure your dad thinks we’re absolute weirdos now, Reggie just said good-bye in the kitchen and then jumped up before realising he couldn't poof out.”
Jup, that sounded like Reggie.
“Anyway, the boys and I wanted to drive back to the Orpheum, you wanna come?”
“Weren't you at the Orpheum this morning?”, Julie asked confused, while starting to fold her costume from yesterday's performance. 
“True, but...Lukethinkshemethissoulmatethere”, Alex muttered under his breath, looking at the, suddenly so interesting, blanket that was thrown over Julie's bed.  
Said girl froze up. Had she heard correctly? “Uhm Luke- he- what?”
Alex sighed and pushed his blond hair back, a habit he did a lot when he was anxious. “Ok, so- I mean- Luke- He- he can see colors now, like the kind of colors you can only see after you met your soulmate? And he can see the colors since this morning so he thinks he met them while we were back at the Orpheum to meet with Willie.”
“Oh…”, Julie said, dropping her hands that were still folding into her lap. No, it was stupid. Of course she hadn't thought or hoped her soulmate would be Luke. He was dead. Well, now he was alive again, but that wasn't the point. The point was that Luke Patterson couldn't be her soulmate. Eventhough, for some dumb, idiotic reason, her heart apparently had wished he was. 
“Yeah…”, Alex agreed, awkwardly fingering at the blanket. He wasn’t dumb, in fact, he was probably the most observant of the three boys and it wasn’t difficult to identify the way Luke looked at Julie. Not only at the performances but all the time. 
“Uhm- I- Flynn’s coming over so…”, Julie trailed off. “We’re having a girls night.” More like a “freaking-out-about-who-could-be-Julie’s-soulmate”-night or a “crying-over-the-fact-that-Luke’s-not-her-soulmate”- night. She hadn’t decided yet, but judging by the lump in her throat it seemed that the latter was more possible. 
“Oh ok. Yeah, sure.”
Julie nodded slowly. 
“Okayyyyy”, Alex scratched his neck. “Then I'm going to go now. With the boys. To the Orpheum.” She nodded again.
By the time he had closed her bedroom door again, after softly smiling at her with his annoyingly nice “I-know-what’s-going-on-and-you-can-always-talk-to-me-but-I-don’t-want-to-push-you”-look, Julie was fighting the tears. 
The last two hours, after she realized that she could see colors, she had spent thinking about every person that could or couldn't be her soulmate. It couldn't be anyone she actually knew, because she had had direct skin contact with all of them at some point before yesterday. All of them except Luke, Reggie and Alex. Not Alex, because he’s gay and terribly in love with this Willie she had yet to meet. Not Reggie, because he was like a brother to her and he still couldn't see colors. 
And not Luke, because he had met his soulmate this morning. And not last night like she apparently had, simply because she hadn’t left the house since then.
So it had to be some stranger, right? And still, everytime she thought about her soulmate, she thought about Luke’s piercing hazel eyes, his perfect smile and his soft brown hair and- 
“Oh my god”, Flynn shouted, slamming the door shut behind her. “You can’t just text me that you met your soulmate without any details!”
Julie flinched and instantly shushed her. “Flynn! No one else knows! Shut up!”
“Oh Julie, I’m not stupid. Ray and Carlos went grocery shopping and the boys just passed me, saying they want to go to the Orpheum or something? Whatever, I need the details!”, Julie's best friend threw her bag beside Julie’s desk and jumped onto her bed. 
“Who is it?”
“I don’t know.”
Flynn laughed loudly and then looked back to Julie. She went quiet. “No”, she said. “No, no, cause I thought I just heard that you said you didn’t know who your soulmate is but I must have misunderstood.” 
Julie sighed and layed back down next to Flynn. “You don't know? How can you not know? You met your soulmate, are able to see colors now and tell me you don't know who it was? How can you not know?”
“I don’t know.”
“Seriously, Flynn. I don't know, okay? And it's horrible! I didn’t even realize I’m able to see colors now till this morning. I don’t remember suddenly being able to see colors after touching someone, okay? It was all so chaotic yesterday. The performance. The boys missing. Then I thought the boys were gone. Then they weren’t. Then they nearly died of those jolts in the garage. Then they were suddenly alive again. Then I had to explain to my dad why the hologram band from Sweden is in the garage. It was all messy and chaotic and I must have missed it.” 
“Breathe, Julie.”
“I am breathing!”, Julie cried out, hiding her face in one of her pillows. 
She felt Flynn soothingly patting her shoulder. 
“So it isn't Luke?”, the girl said softly after a while. Julie choked and pushed down her tears. She shook her head, still buried in the pillow.
“But you thought he would be.” Julie went still and then shook her head again. “I guess I hoped it would be him.”
“Oh…”, Flynn mumbled and went back to rubbing her best friend's shoulder. While she had been against bonding with Luke and more one Team Nick, she knew that Julie had fallen for the ghost-boy. And, well, she’d mostly been against Luke because he was a ghost...which he wasn’t anymore.
“So did you tell the boys?”, Flynn asked hesitantly when Julie showed her face again and sat back against the headboard. 
“Nope”, she croaked and cleared her throat. “I wanted to think and then tell the boys. But then they were busy trying to find Luke’s soulmate.”
Flynn opened her mouth and closed it again. “Wait so Luke met his soulmate too? When?”
“This morning at the Orpheum apparently”, Julie answered bitterly.
“This morning? Is he sure?”, Julie shrugged. “I don’t know, that’s what Alex said.”
“Ok, so you haven’t talked to him or, you know, touched him? I mean, what if he only realized this morning he could see colors? Touching him-”
“would either dull or brighten the colors.”, Julie finished, looking at Flynn wearily. “I forgot about that part to be honest.” Flynn was beaming. “But, Flynn, I really don’t want to get my hopes up just to be disappointed again, okay? And who knows, maybe Luke found his soulmate already.”
“Nuh-uh, you gotta be optimistic, okay? Everyone can see the way you two look at each other!” Julie frowned slightly. God, how she wanted to believe Luke could be her soulmate...she just didn't want her heart to be crushed when reality set in.
“Anyway, we gotta change that topic because we can’t do anything about it right now. But before we start the Netflix marathon we gotta go to the kitchen or I’ll starve.”
Julie laughed and rolled her eyes but followed her friend.
The two girls were in the middle of topping off their tortilla chips platter with cheese when the front door was opened. 
“So, let me sup it up”, they heard Alex's confused voice. “You don't actually know you met your soulmate this morning, you just didn't realize before then that you could see colors? So you meeting and touching them also could’ve been yesterday. Which actually seems more plausible, if you think about-”, the blond boy stopped abruptly, Luke next to him, when he saw the girls sitting at the counter frozen up and...listening.
“But the only person you touched yesterday, other than us, is Julie so- ohhhh”, Reggie bumped into Luke and shut up when he saw their faces. 
There was silence for about five seconds in which everyone in the room realized what Reggies statement meant before Flynn hopped from her chair. “Reggie, Alex, you have to help me pick out a movie upstairs. Now.”
And Julie and Luke, still frozen up, were alone.
“I-”, they started at the same time. Julie blushed. “You go first.”
Luke nodded awkwardly and walked towards her, sitting down on the chair opposite to her.
“I didn't realize it till today. I don’t know why i thought it might’ve been someone at the meeting with Willie today but I thought you couldn’t see colors and I didn’t want to get my hopes up, and-”, he was cute when he rambled, Julie thought, but stopped him from any more talking by reaching out and taking his hand that was on the counter in front of her. Every color in the room seemed to get even brighter momentarily and Julie gaped. Luke did too. 
“So, that was fool-proof.” Luke laughed lightly and slowly took her hand in his. Julie couldn’t stop herself from smiling.
“I didn’t realize it till this morning either. And i wanted to think first but then Alex told me you had met your soulmate this morning but i had to have met my soulmate yesterday so I thought- wait, did you just say you didn’t want to get your hopes up?”
Luke grinned but blushed. “I kinda thought it was obvious, you know, that you mean a lot to me.”
Julie’s heart seemed to beat faster and she squeezed his hand. “Well, apparently everyone but me realized it but...it’s mutual, Luke.”
The boy smiled widely and pressed a shy kiss to their joined hands. “Good to know.”
Julie swore she never smiled that hard ever before. 
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it: ZUKKA
OH i have some opinions on this. warning: this reply will be a mile long.
essentially: i do really like zukka and have a soft spot for it, i used to absolutely love it (it was my fave ship back when i first watched atla in 2016), but the revival of atla has complicated my feelings towards it & has made me realise how much fan discussion and culture shapes out understanding of television. I largely think it is very overrated now and the fandom frustrates me a lot even if it's still kind of dear to me?
like at core, i think one should approach zukka not like it was 'meant to be' or highly signalled by the narrative (it was not and never was, lol, let's be honest) but rather just an extrapolation & continuation of the great teamwork dynamic and friendship that zuko and sokka presented during the boiling rock episode. they set out with some of the most awkward small talk and struggled to communicate or bond (i.e. that's rough buddy) but in the midst of the action, affirmed, supported, and trusted each other repeatedly, and this culminated in how well they fought together against azula imo? by the time they left they were so much closer. tbh i think zuko is important to sokka, as zuko affirms sokka and doesn't see him like dead weight or unnecessary in the slightest and believes in him, but also zuko is emotionally forthright in a way that challenges sokka, who hides his insecurities and buries emotions deep with a bleak outlook, sarcastic humour and a focus on the plan, to be more forthright as well. i think sokka helps direct zuko from bad impulsive decisions without trying to stifle him either and clearly appreciates some of his more hare-brained creative solutions (e.g. breath of fire in the cooler) and doesn't dismiss him entirely as an idiot either. like their dynamic - friendship or romance - is very good imo from only that one episode
ideal zukka content is set in this liminal space between boiling rock and sozin's comet where it's about the two of them continuing to lean on and trust each other, open up about shared fears and experiences (both older brothers with chips on their shoulders and prodigy sisters who looked up to their very very different fathers) but also just be goofy boys together, who do stupid or impulsive things and just *act their age* as that is something neither sokka nor zuko, who both shoulder responsibilities and tasks beyond their years, get to do much. like something light, maybe a little fleeting, but means so much in that space, very much the sort of meaningful summer romance you might have as a teenager.
all that said:
for various reasons i'm now sure how it'd pan out long term? a lot of fandom content depicts them as meant-to-be and each other's whole world when like, there's clearly so many other priorities they have - both have a strong sense of duty by the end of the show and i really dislike it when sokka is depicted neglecting that to spend all his time hanging around zuko? like racism r.e. sokka also comes into play as people will devalue his friendships and family in the tribe for the sake of a romantic relationship (with the fire lord, of all people! the boy-king of the imperialist nation that once raided the water tribe so much that it was barely hanging by a thread!). like i don't mind reading fic that actually takes the time to explore that conflict of interest and those different goals and how to navigate having different priorities as an adult and the legacy of colonialism without totally handwaving it or dismissing it but a lot of content just ignores it for the sake of 'oh gay husbands' and it really does a disservice to the characters? realistically i think it would have to be long distance and even then i'm not sure if that's what either needs - and so I instinctively just don’t care for anything that ignores the real difficulties they’d face.
there's also issues with racism in how sokka is mischaracterised as stupid (he's not) or the more emotional one (really, did we watch the same show) or how he thinks zuko is just a million times out of his league (especially when this trope talks about zuko's silky hair or pale skin i absolutely want to scream), as well as fetishising art where he's often more nude that really can make some zukka circles really really uncomfortable? like imo some fans definitely treat zukka like the red boy/blue boy ship from v*ltron and either grossly simplify or flat out ignore characterisation for them to fit certain stock m/m fandom archetypes, and a lot of this is tied up with racist fetishisation of visibly brown characters and fandom racism too. and yeah there's some visual similarity there but zuko and sokka are a thousand times more fleshed out? please don't reduce them to that bullshit. very much feels like the rise of zukka is a product of how fandom culture nowadays prioritises m/m far more than it did 10 years ago but has not at all attempted to address racism, misogyny, ableism, any kind of structural power dynamics that shape modern american/western culture and fan discussions
also? quite honestly i'm of the opinion that people should *not* be writing explicit sexual content about aged-up teenagers in community spaces where there's *tonnes* of minors and yet there is a plethora of explicit zukka fic in this revival and it leads to people just casually remarking about sexual roles of teenage characters around fucking. 15 year old kids. and the total lack of responsibility or even willingness to question whether this is appropriate by adults in this community drives me up the fucking wall. (zukka isn’t unique in this regard btw other ships do this too but it's been a reason for my growing discomfort). obvs teenagers do talk about sex themselves but they should do that amongst themselves and not with adult strangers in the figurative room? ffs.
i think on a more minor note now there's almost an over-saturation of content in the atla fandom to the extent that its drowning out other, more meaningful discussions about the characters or their equally/more important platonic dynamics, and that's frustrating to engage with.
like in theory, done well, with a delicate hand that respects the strength of their characters and dynamic, it's an A+ ship, but the content the fandom produces is sometimes really horrible. In fairness to zukka fans there have been attempts at accountability in at leas the circles i travel in, but there's way more to do in this regard.
(and also as a primarily f/f writer i do resent it a teeny tiny bit because of how much reception it receives for a pairing with little textual basis, and how that dwarfs femslash at the end of the day since a lot of the focus on m/m is fetishising or the readers just don't consider the autonomy or interiority of women as interesting).
i feel like i have more to say but that is largely it r.e. zukka. very much taught me a ship is often as good as its fandom, but also taught me that i can read two works labelled zukka and they can have absolutely nothing in common beyond that because how good a ship in fic is reliant on what the author has done with it. i’ve read a lot zukka content i adore but i’ve also read a fair amount of zukka content that makes me deeply uneasy/uncomfortable. I still love it but i have a love-hate relationship with it to some extent.
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gvnbreaker · 5 years
@yascaret​ edited/removed some of the questions to make this more FFXIV-friendly. I made a few of my own changes as well.
RULES.  Repost, don’t reblog! Tag 10! Good luck!
TAGGED BY.  @yascaret​ and @wood-warder​
TAGGING. If you’re reading this, you’re tagged!
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BASICS. FULL  NAME :   Aja Hyskaris
NICKNAME :  None (yet?)
AGE :  Appears around late 20s/30 by hyur standards
BIRTHDAY :   Midsummer
GENDER : Non-binary; she/they
ETHNIC  GROUP : Viera (Rava)
NATIONALITY :  Ivalician (?)
LANGUAGE / S : Common
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  In a relationship with Lofn Yascaret & Pjel Qoet
HOME  TOWN / AREA :  The Hyskarian Deepwood, Golmore
CURRENT  HOME :  A small house in Shirogane.
PROFESSION : Mercenary. Bounty/monster hunter & occasional bodyguard.
PHYSICAL. HAIR : Vibrant red, wild, curly, falling to mid-back; undercut. Sideburns and widow’s peak.
EYES :  Amber.
FACE :   Square with a sharp jawline. High cheekbones, thick, arched eyebrows, and a prominent, aquiline nose. Often smirking insufferably or flirtatiously, prone to great expressiveness and wide smiles but just as easily brooding. Sharp teeth.
LIPS :  Full. Her smiles are crooked to begin with and deadened nerves on the left side of her mouth add to the effect.
COMPLEXION : Deep brown with warm undertones, lighter palms and soles of her feet, a lighter smudge underneath her nose and around her nostrils. Freckling around her shoulders, arm, the tops of her thighs and her lower back.
BLEMISHES : None of note.
SCARS :  Covered in scattered scars of varying age, depth, and severity, particularly on her left side and near her prosthetic arm. Ceruleum burns on torso; old, ringed scar around throat; vertical scar on left corner of mouth; small scar across nose; edge of left eyebrow; three scars beneath right eye.
TATTOOS & PIERCINGS :  Blackwork tattoos around forearm and legs, among others (design with art to come); white tattoos (curve, three dots) beneath eyes; Several gold rings along outer shells of ears; gold septum ring
HEIGHT :   Just under six fulms, not counting her ears.
WEIGHT :   Average.
BUILD :   Muscular and stocky, with broad shoulders tapering to a strong waist and thighs. [body type reference]
FEATURES :  Her left arm, from the start of the bicep, is a mechanical prosthetic, appearing to be of magitek-or-close make.
ALLERGIES :   None that she knows of.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Worn loose and wild, not so much a style as a thick mane.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Bare-faced, wearing tinted red pince nez. Smirking, grinning, flirting--generally looking like a complete asshole.
USUAL  CLOTHING :  Loose, open shirts, trousers, long coats, heavy, knee-high boots, leather jackets.
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : Imprisonment, isolation, drowning, Garlean war machina.
ASPIRATION / S :  Stability, helping others, belonging. In her younger years, she had romantic visions of knighthood, but those have since quieted with the years.
POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Adventurous, Passionate, Brave, Charismatic, Strong, Empathic
NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Cocky, Bull-headed, Self-destructive, Reckless, Impulsive
SOUL  TYPE / S :   Warrior
ANIMALS :   Wolf
VICE HABIT / S :   Brooding, drinking to excess, recklessness, impulsive decisions, using sex as validation.
FAITH :  She spares it little thought.
GHOSTS ? :  Yes.
AFTERLIFE ? :  Maybe.
REINCARNATION ? : Hopefully.
ALIENS ? :   When she met her first hyur man, she knew aliens were real.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : Garlemald bad, fuck cops.
EDUCATION  LEVEL :  Average for a viera of her village. She's taught herself to read between the lines better after being conned out of a full hunt reward once or twice in her early days in Rabanastre.
FAMILY. FATHER :   Fleeting contact a lifetime ago.
MOTHERS :  Still in the Wood.
SIBLINGS :   Several, no contact. She was close with one, but has made peace with never seeing any of them again.
EXTENDED  FAMILY :  Still in the Wood--as far as she knows.
NAME MEANING / S :  Aja, from the Hyskarian Deepwood
HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : She was born in Golmore, but as far as she knows her name has little meaning.
FAVORITES. BOOK :  Adventure stories and romance novels. She’d never admit it, but they can be found hidden in her satchel or underneath or inside other things.
DEITY :  She tries not to think about them.
HOLIDAY :  Moonfire Faire, ????
MONTH :  Summer
SEASON :  Summer & Fall
PLACE :  A grassy field. The back of a cycle. On top of someone or between someone's legs.
WEATHER :  Thunderstorms, rain showers, clear skies and bright sun overhead.
SOUND / S:  Rain, thunder in the distance, the soft breathing of a woman asleep.
SCENT / S :  Metal, cedar, rain, leather, girlfriend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
TASTE / S :  Meat, whiskey, curry, girlfriend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
FEEL / S :  Furs, leather, grass, rain, girlfriend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ANIMAL / S :  Cats, coeurls, dogs.
COLORS :  Red, browns, black, gunmetal
EXTRA. TALENTS :  She's a blunt instrument, so beating the shit out of things. Flirting. Fixing things, usually the mechanical variety. Making friends. Diffusing social conflicts as often as she creates them. She's a good cook, but it's suitable really nowhere else but over a fire with a beast's flank in one hand and a metal spit in the other.
BAD  AT :  Love. Understanding and accepting her feelings. Has a chronic case of Foot-in-Mouth Disease. Has a long fuse, but her temper can spin out of control when pressed. Terrible at restraint and not being reckless and impulsive.
TURN  ONS :  Stockings, especially with the seam up the back. The nape of a woman's neck. Banter. Compliments. Smiles. Give her a smile and a coquettish eyelash flutter or make her feel strong and she's useless putty in your hands.
TURN  OFFS : Flirtatious men, cowards, cruelty, Garleans.
HOBBIES : Fishing, tinkering, gambling, trying new foods, sparring and training, exercise.
TROPES :  You Can’t Go Home Again, Badass Longcoat, Dark-Skinned Readhead, Cannot Spit It Out, Hot-Blooded, Scars Are Forever, Everyone Can See It, Artificial Limbs, Berserk Button, Unusual Eyebrows, Dark and Troubled Past, Rage Breaking Point, Cool Bike, Hot-Blooded Sideburns, Fiery Redhead, Red Oni Blue Oni, Gun Blade, La Résistance, Spell Blade, Love Epiphany, Bruiser with a Soft Center, Didn’t Think This Through (Gonna stop now or I’ll be here all night)
QUOTES : “Ah, fuck.”
MUN QUESTIONS. Q1 :   If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  John Wick mixed with Final Fantasy VIII mixed with Drive but with Garlean soldiers, turncoats, gay bro content, a sorceress, and also heaps of gay in general.
Q2 :   What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Chromatic rock, Nightrun, hair metal, a lot of Deftones, Tool, the Weeknd, indie and acoustic rock for angst.
Q3 :   Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :   When viera were teased at Fanfest, I lost my mind and have been unable to concentrate on any other character since. Aja was actually going to be a hrothgar, but when they genderlocked them and the model and general design didn’t fit her body type, well… plans changed.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :   Much like @yascaret’s answer, getting my gay hands on viera in FFTA and being obsessed since then. I wanted to write a warrior, a little battered but unbroken despite everything. She came out differently than originally planned, but in a good way. She’s just an even bigger himbo now.
Q5 :   Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :   I worry about Flanderizing her too hard, because while she is a big flirtatious himbo idiot I also want it to come across that she has depth.
Q6 :   What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :   Not a lot. I guess we're both stubborn idiots with very long fuses that nonetheless eventually explode and/or destroy whatever is on the receiving end. Also what's gender precious
Q7 :   How does your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   She probably wouldn’t acknowledge me at all, but we might bond over spicy noodles.
Q8 :   What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
A8 :   Lofn and Pjel are the obvious choice, but… Lofn and Pjel. I really love writing her alongside and against them because their personality traits both complement and chafe against one another, often in the same scene. Also I love their chemistry and look forward to how that plays out.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Q9 :   What gives  you inspiration  to write  your muse ?        
A9 :    B u n y  d e a t h  s q u a d. Just in general seeing my RP partners and roleplayers I haven’t interacted with yet writing and posting content for their characters really inspires me. As far as writing Aja, I take a handful of aesthetics, design elements, and themes and smash them together until something clicks. Listening to music and rolling through a prompt generator usually kick starts me into writing a drabble or developing something, and the FFXIV Write challenge has been great for that this month.
Q10 :  How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 :  About an afternoon and part of an evening. I fell into TV Tropes a little too hard near the end.
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red-sterling · 5 years
thanks for answering!! i hope you don't mind if i send more charas...how about green and/or lillie?
fhgjkfdg aw yea thank u!! hopefully this doesn’t publish before i’m done typing lol
also this definitely needs a readmore bc i got emotional abt Green oops
favorite thing about them
first of all: the fact that Green canonically has a rivals to best friends arc with Red fills me with so much joy and YES they are on their alolan honeymoon you cannot convince me otherwise
okay like. gen 1 Green just perfectly encompasses what it’s like to be a ten year old in a way? like ofc he’s written like a kid bc he is a kid, but i feel like the writing on him just feels so genuine as compared to some of the other 10 yr old rivals you get in other regions. even though he’s kinda a brat at the start, he kinda eases up a bit as you go along your journey and starts giving you progressively nicer/more praise-y end lines when you beat him (going from “i picked the wrong pokémon!” to “so, you are ready for boss rocket!”) but still retains this childlike rivalry and competitiveness and i love that about him
and like. fucking beating him at the Indigo League still completely breaks my heart because even after he did become the champion at age 10 the first thing that happens is you beat him and Prof Oak just yells at him for being bad at things and like. ow. 
this is why i headcanon that Red actually took awhile longer to get to Green like please. please give my boy a chance to be happy and proud
also Red was caught up with Team Rocket anyway so i imagine he must’ve fallen a little behind at some point? anyway
the development on him across regions is so choice!!! he’s so much more mellow and even kinda melancholic when you find him in gsc/hgss, like he’s calmed down over a few years and he obviously misses Red so much but like, it’s clear that Red is kinda the reason Green does settle down and he seems to have worked on his character and become a nicer person - and he still has that sassy flair to him! he’s just got that gradual slope from asshole rival to kinda aloof gym leader to friendly/sassy battle legend and aaaaa i love my boy so MUCH
also huge point: he’s so fucking driven??? he’s got the most drive and the most passion for battles/pokémon in general out of all the rivals i feel. he’s only closely matched by Silver, but Silver seems to be more aggressive than passionate, and somewhat out of necessity too (like, Giovanni abandoned him what was he to do), whereas Green just really like. he genuinely just cares so much about battles and about pokémon in general! he literally calls you in hgss and just rants about how many different kinds of pokémon there are in the world!!!
also in Alola he’s like???? just so sweet?????? he congratulates you and is like hey you’re really strong lets battle like!!!!!!!!! supportive boy!!!!! he has come so far over so many generations and i cry
also on Four Island when you play frlg he legitimately says “Be smelling ya!” when he leaves and how do you not love this idiot
least favorite thing about them
i mean. while i get that you beat Green right after he becomes the champion in the kanto games i feel like there should’ve been more pomp and circumstance for him and i’ll never forgive gamefreak for giving this boy his dream, then making you rip it away from him, and then watching his own gramps yell at him for fucking up like. again it’s that drive, i get why Red keeps such good pace w Green but i just feel like he worked so hard and he deserved so much better than that
also while i’m very biased towards him bc Big Emotions, i feel like if i knew this boy irl who was constantly i’m so great and you’re a loser i would probably punch him eventually lmao. in theory it’s kinda endearing but as a real person that’d be grating 
favorite line
on one hand, “smell ya later” is so fucking iconic, but on the other - 
“I’m Blue. Man, this guy called Red brought me down in a heartbeat. I haven’t seen him in a long time…I wonder where he is and what he’s up to… Come to think of it, you look a little bit like Red. Yeah, you do. Just…Just a little bit. Whatever…”
my namelessshipping heart
for long elaborate headcanon reasons, i see him as being a good brotp with Kris - i headcanon her as also being really driven the way Green is, but more quiet about it, she’s kinda a good balance to him and they probably do pokemon research together. i also feel like she kept him sane while Red was still missing/before they found him on a fuckin mountain
do i really need to tell you that i’m 100% namelessshipping
like they perfectly balance each other. Green has all this energy and all this spunk and Red is just like… so opposite of him y'know? he’s quiet and he’s more measured in his behavior i feel, he doesn’t really rush into things as much, and yet they both really just took Kanto by storm when they were kids, and i like how they have this foil dynamic and are both still so successful? they’re so different and they complement each other in that way, and they both find success in their own ways
like one of the reasons i hate that Green’s championship gets undersold so much is that he did beat you to the punch, and he has been one step ahead of you, and there’s so much passion there and it’s so loud - and yet you as Red are just as driven, you take down Team Rocket, you’re always right on his tail, so close but not quite there, you’re the only one who can keep up with him and you’re the only one he cares enough about to slow down for
so like. idk with even all my headcanons about namelessshipping aside (and i can infodump those another day lol), i feel like the in-game representation of them just works. they just work so well together, they balance each other without ever holding each other back, and there’s something really beautiful about that in a relationship y'know
…..i feel bad abt not putting as much infodump about isshushipping now but oh well
i don’t really have a notp with him? i kinda like. i basically just do namelessshipping, but i don’t get a visceral eugh when i see other ships with him, just kinda a well it’s not nameless so i’ll be on my way. idek what other ships w him are popular?? i’ve been in nameless hell since 2012 so 
random headcanon
while Red is still living on Mount Silver, Green is not coping well with having him so far away, and so Green massively overworks himself to the point that he keeps just not being in his gym sometimes bc he’s bouncing between the gym, training multiple teams, pokémon research, and ofc going to visit Red whenever he can. this leads him to be kinda temperamental after he’s been working on 2 hours of sleep a day for like a week until he just has an emotional meltdown and crashes, and then he gets right back into it because he has no self preservation
…….. nicer headcanon; Red can only cook two (2) foods, so Green cooks all the food for them when they move in together. he has attempted to teach Red how to cook, but Red pretends not to understand so Green will keep making him food. Green knows Red is faking it and doesn’t call him out bc he thinks it’s cute
unpopular opinion
look i’ve played through classic red version a few times and when i say he wasn’t that much of a jerk, i do genuinely mean he was not that much of a jerk. he’s like ten. ten year olds are just Like That. i guess this isn’t too unpopular anymore but it was Back In The Day and in some parts of the fandom he’s still seen as a jerk and like Bro He Is Ten In RGB/FRLG cut him some slack
also genuinely unpopular - Green is taller than Red. i know namelessshipping has fallen into the bara Red and twink Green trope but i refuse to let go of tall Green/short Red fuckin fight me why dont you
song i associate with them
a lot of the Pray For The Wicked album by Panic! at the Disco gives me Green vibes, more for the sound than for lyrics necessarily, but for some reason Roaring 20s just like. has the sound of Green to me. it’s somewhere between flamboyant pride and underlying insecurity that i think really encapsulates Green (or at least his subtext)
favorite picture of them
i genuinely love his let’s go concept art he’s such a sweet good boy?? 
and for the life of me i cannot find the op source on this but this is my fave pic of Green/namelessshipping in general that i’ve had saved since like 2012 maybe???
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yeah if anyone can help me source that i’d appreciate it bc reverse image search only brings me to pinterest and random wattpad links :/
update: source seems to be the artist くる (pixiv id=982894) on pixiv, even though the original post got taken down (ty anon!)
favorite thing about them
by now i guess you know im a sucker for character development, but i think they did a really good job with her!! i feel like her turn is a bit more in moments than it is with Green, who gradually evolves (lol) over the course of Kanto/all the gens overall. you see more discrete moments where Lillie starts to shift and gain confidence in herself and i am so proud of her ???? like the way she gets excited when she sees Olivia doin’ her z-move stuff, she starts buying her own clothes and getting ahead of you, etc etc
and like, she still has moments where she’s scared, there’s still some fundamental Lillie in there yknow? you don’t lose any of that softness that characterizes Lillie, she just like… she gets better, she develops without losing her Lillie vibe and i love that abt her. she overcomes a lot of the shit she had to deal with when she was stuck with Lusamine, she stands up to Lusamine eventually, and ghfdkjsg gah she’s a sweet gorl i love and appreciate her
also like. the writing on her backstory is so subtle in-universe. like yeah she literally looks like Lusamine’s daughter and you see her in the opening cutscene leaving Aether, but as the protagonist - like as Selene lets say, there’s little hints about where Lillie came from, and if you suspend your disbelief and put yourself in the pc’s shoes, there’s subtly to her character arc that i like 
also like. when she changes her outfit and starts being more protagonist-y, like more confident and kinda bubbly instead of shy??? love that shit it’s so cute can i have custody of this child pls
least favorite thing about them
i like. sometimes feel like she’s too soft of a character for me to really get into? like i love her and Hau, they’re sweet good friends, but i tend to personally gravitate towards characters that create a little more tension (ie Green and N)
(though on that note, Hau can be kinda savage. he just calls Faba out and sarcastically calls Gladion “a ray of sunshine” at some point i think?? Lillie is just very tender and i will support her forever, but i think that also makes her almost too soft to keep me fixated on her yknow. it’s not even a flaw in her character but just not something i fawn over as much)
favorite line
“I’m so glad I got to meet everyone. I’m so glad I got to meet you.”
like that ending kills me but that line almost feels like. I Feel That So Much like i feel so happy to have met all these new characters and to have played these games, and i feel like some of the player’s energy and enjoyment of the game is channeled into this last line of hers 
probably her and Hau?? idk, i don’t have a specific brotp for her but i like her just hangin around w the other Alola kids, so like her, Hau, Gladion, and the protag kids. they’d raise hell together and Lillie continues to be the only one with some impulse control
(Gladion also has some impulse control but keeps getting annoyed by Hau and so he gets dragged into their nonsense anyway)
Selene and Lillie is. Good. idk what the ship name is but it’s canon
i dont even know if people ship her with Gladion but incest is a big no-no in my house
random headcanon
when she goes to Kanto, i bet she’d pick Bulbasaur as a starter if she was given the opportunity - and if not, she’d probably catch a wild Vulpix 
unpopular opinion
idk if have any unpopular opinions for her?? 
song i associate with them
i have no reason to associate this with her but the Rainy Day theme from acgc just. has a vibe about it. i think a lot of ac music feels like it suits her
favorite picture of them
i found this art of her through a lofi remix of her theme awhile back and it’s so pleasing to look at? her hair is nice and the colors are so warm n happy gjhkfdgf
if you read this far, congratulations!!! and i’m sorry
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petalsbloomed-a · 4 years
VERY LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY !! RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED.  stolen !!! TAGGING. anyone who wants to do this tbh cuz this is long as shit and i dont want anyone to do this who might not be able to aljdhfskjdhkj
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BASICS. FULL  NAME : galo thymos NICKNAME : himbo, idiot, rookie, newbie, #1 firefighting idiot AGE : 21 BIRTHDAY : june 30 ETHNIC  GROUP : japanese (+ korean / western european) NATIONALITY : american LANGUAGE / S : english / japanese / studied french and spanish SEXUAL  ORIENTATION : demisexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION : biromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS : single HOME  TOWN / AREA : promeopolis (i envision this being around nyc / tri-state area) CURRENT  HOME : lives with older sister and niece PROFESSION : firefighter, undergraduate student
PHYSICAL. SKIN : pretty fair tan, but he sometimes appears a little darker than usual. his skin does a strange thing where it changes shade in different lighting. his skin is usually smooth, but right after getting finished with work, he sometimes is covered in dust and appears somewhat dried out. EYES : slightly upturned, deep-set, wide and somewhat of an almond shape. irises are usually very round, and are a bluish-cyan color. pupils often alight with mischief. in intense lighting, you can see a little red dot reflecting off his eyes. LIPS : pretty thin and nude, hard to notice. matches his skin tone very well. usually quite smooth. tends to get chapped after working. COMPLEXION : pretty fair, but in different lighting, he can look a lot tanner than what he really is. BLEMISHES : he has a few moles here and there, but overall his skin is fairly clear and clean. he doesn’t suffer from acne nearly as much as he did when he was in grade school. SCARS : he has some tiny, barely noticeable acne scars on his face, chin, and neck. the most noticeable ones are on his left arm from when he was practically set alight by a burnish flame. these are thick and quote coarse, and can cause some discomfort when touched. he also has a very small nick in his left ear, which was how his sister identified him when he found her after being separated from their family after the burnish incident when he was a kid. TATTOOS : an arrow that goes right below the nape of his neck to the middle of his back. the point is at about the small of his back, and there are a few decorations along the arrow. HEIGHT : 6′0, 183 cm WEIGHT : 165 lbs, ~75 kg BUILD : very muscular, quite athletic. very beefy arms, strong chest, well-built abdominals. however, his thighs and waist are pretty thin and trim. FEATURES : his most distinct features are his dramatic haircut and scars on his left arm, as well as the small white line on the outer helix of his left ear. his chest and shoulders are also quite broad in comparison to his rather thin waist. ALLERGIES : slight peanut allergy, dust, pollen. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : undercut with a dramatic, spiky blue mohawk. USUAL  FACE  LOOK : mischievous smile or smirk; sometimes looks a bit wistful, like he’s thinking about something. USUAL  CLOTHING : is normally shirtless, wearing thick red firefighter pants with a yellow “3.” most often wears black rubber boots, black gloves, ear lobe piercings, and an industrial piercing. sometimes wears a black tee-shirt.
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : spiders, bugs, needles, being in love (kind of), losing his sister or niece, finding out his parents are dead. ASPIRATION / S : to continue his firefighting career, to receive a masters in emergency medical technology / fire prevention & safety technology. POSITIVE  TRAITS : brave, caring, friendly, modest. NEGATIVE  TRAITS : daring, reckless, sensitive, over-attachment. MBTI : entertainer (ESFP-A) ZODIAC : cancer TEMPEREMENT : choleric / sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S : performer ANIMALS : zebra VICE  HABIT / S : twiddling thumbs, jiggling leg (usually the right), twirling & playing with hair, biting nails, chewing lips, swearing, sighing, pen clicking. FAITH : none; would consider himself agnostic. GHOSTS ? : yes. AFTERLIFE ? : not sure. REINCARNATION ? : not sure, but leaning towards no. ALIENS ? : yes. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : independent, opinions slightly more left-leaning EDUCATION  LEVEL : graduate student
FAMILY. FATHER : nikanor thymos MOTHER : agape thymos SIBLINGS : danai thymos (older sister) EXTENDED  FAMILY : james (ex-brother-in-law), aria (niece) NAME  MEANING / S : his first name is of an unknown meaning, but it could mean “from gaul” in greek. his last name comes from the greek word “thumos”, which means “spiritedness” or “the need of recognition.” HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : not that we know of, i think ???
FAVORITES. BOOK : harry potter / hunger games MOVIE : the lion king 5  SONGS : rick astley - never gonna give you up, lady gaga - born this way, beyonce - countdown, ariana grande - god is a woman, pitbull - timber (feat. kesha) DEITY : zeus HOLIDAY : christmas MONTH : july SEASON : summer PLACE : his bedroom / the lounge at work WEATHER : partly cloudy SOUND : meditation sounds SCENT / S : coffee, flowers, fresh baked desserts, fresh pizza, light cologne TASTE / S : coffee, vanilla cake, milk chocolate, parmesan cheese, green tea anything tbh FEEL / S : soft blankets, comfy pillows, loose-fitting clothes ANIMAL / S : dogs NUMBER : 13 COLORS : teal blue / flame red
EXTRA. TALENTS : piano, singing, writing, linguistics, thinking quickly, firefighting BAD  AT : drawing (sort of), getting himself organized, following orders (sometimes) TURN  ONS : kindness, sensitivity, acceptance, openness, agreeableness TURN  OFFS : irresponsibility, lack of free time, ignorance HOBBIES : piano, singing, writing (stories, poems, etc), karate TROPES : ambiguously gay, antiquated linguistics, broken tears, calling your attacks, the chosen one, firemen are hot, going commando, hunk, idiot hero, innocently insensitive, large ham, mr. fanservice, oblivious to love, the protagonist, rookie red ranger, scars are forever, shonen hair, you gotta have blue hair (found here, there’s a lot more actually) QUOTES : “medals are made to be awarded to and from people who deserve them.” / “you can’t just kill for no reason!” / “[i’m] the universe’s #1 firefighting idiot!”
MUN QUESTIONS. Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ? A1 : honestly??? i think i would keep it the way it is, BUT i would like to have seen some more canonical information about galo’s family. as of right now, we know that kray saved him after his family was attacked by the burnish. if i were to direct a new movie about galo, i would focus it mainly on his family. Q2 : what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ? A2 : i think it would be a mix of melancholic music as well as more upbeat stuff. on my blog’s main page there are links in the sidebar to both a soundtrack playlist as well as a pop music playlist; i definitely think it’s fair that a variety of genres would suit him and his experiences. Q3 : why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ? A3 : when i first watched promare, i was instantly drawn to this buffoon himbo. i’ve always had a thing for upbeat, energetic characters who are also quite caring and a bit dumb (which yes galo is very smart but he has his moments). while their personalities differ greatly (despite having the same personality type), he reminds me a lot of lance from vld, who i absolutely adore as well (and i also rp him too oops) Q4 : what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ? A4 : again, probably his personality. while i’m not as energetic and upbeat as galo and i have a very, very different personality type than him, i feel like i definitely do understand him. i understand why he feels he needs to be overly confident, and i also have my moments where i just need to storm off and be alone. god i could write paragraphs and paragraphs about why i like galo but i wanna keep it short and sweet and just stick with those two points, which i consider to be the biggest points. Q5 : describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse. A5 : look, i know i said i liked confidence, but something about galo that annoys me is the fact that he can often seem too confident. like yeah he seemed pretty humble in that pizza scene at the beginning of the movie, but i can’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance towards people who put themselves right into the center of attention and be all like “yeah i know i’m great.” like my boy i love you but do u have to announce urself every time u appear on the scene??? and pls stop being so reckless u honestly might die too soon one of these days we want u to be around for us to enjoy u Q6 : what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ? A6 : i definitely feel like we both have our moments where we just need some peace and quiet. of course, everyone needs this, but when galo talked about running off when he was pissed reminded me of me; i tend to go and cool off and vent to myself if i’m annoyed about something. we’re both naturally people-oriented and love to be around others, even though galo likes being the center of attention a little bit more than myself. Q7 : how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ? A7 : in the sense that if galo were real, i honestly think we would get along fairly well. we have different ways of dealing with things, but we have similar habits and personality traits. however when it comes to rp blogs, while i do like to headcanon things about my muses that mirror my own opinions and beliefs, i do consider the mun/muse relationship fairly symbiotic. we as real people can learn so much from fictional characters and in how we play them, and of course, the mun will determine some things about the muse that will deter from canon. Q8 : what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ? A8 : i just started this blog and have had very minimal interactions, so it’s hard to say ! i’d say that an interaction with a kray muse would be the most interesting. part of me wants galo to forgive kray and to have a better relationship with him post-movie canon, but there’s still so much about galo and kray’s relationship pre-movie as well; what was their relationship like? was kray like a father to galo? how can i describe the psychological mindset that galo had after finding out that kray betrayed him? there’s so much about these two that i really want to discover and look at, while of course providing my own insight (cuz that’s what muns do, right?). Q9 : what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ? A9 : i like to study galo’s actions in the movie, and try to find the underlying cause of the actions he takes. however, when it comes to headcanons, i will often think of a scene or an idea in my head and then internally apply it to galo and see if it works. this is usually what kindles my writing fire: the thoughts that often rush through my head. Q10 : how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ? A10 : like two whole days lmao im so slow
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brewcha · 5 years
*beware, long answers ahead
(copied this from @rafaelafranzen; had some time on my hands so thought i’d bang this long post out. anyhow if y’all wanna do this thing on your blog, if you’re bored and so forth, please feel free. would love to see what you guys wrote!)
ONE / name: gabrielle is the name!
TWO / birthday: october 3
THREE / zodiac sign: libra. (but i’m also a rat, in the chinese zodiac!)
FOUR / height: UMMMMM LAST I CHECKED (and that was a long time ago), 153cm???
FIVE / hobbies: reading, first and foremost. creative writing is next, and drawing? or sketching, because it’s been a long time since i’ve gone beyond pencil scribbles in my various sketchbooks. i also love to bake, and owning a stand mixer is my dream.
(does window-shopping count as a hobby because i could structure a whole day around just wandering through malls and shops just doing that without spending a single penny. it’s fun! particularly if you’re in good company.)
SIX / favourite colour: blue is nice. i like blues.
SEVEN / favourite book: the honest answer is that it’s very hard to choose favourites, my taste in books vary depending on the time and some things i used to be utterly convinced were faves end up being...alright...at a later date?  the last two years i’ve been steadily immersing myself into a lot of SF/F and i tend to adore all of them as a result of getting those reads from woc reviewers.*
in the meantime, here’s my current faves that come to mind without hesitation and with little doubt in hindsight: (literary fiction) frankenstein by mary shelley, never let me go by kazuo ishiguro, (fantasy) the tiger’s daughter by k. arsenault rivera, (sci-fi) the long way to a small angry planet by becky chambers, and finally (fantasy/mythology?) the song of achilles by madeline miller.
*if you’re a queer poc like me who’s gotten a bit picky and cynical about mainstream publishing over the years (partly due to being spoiled by wonderfully written and equally wonderfully free fanfic), woc reviewers usually have the best recommendations.
EIGHT / last song I listened to: under attack by abba
NINE / last film I watched: rocketman. it was awesome! 
TEN / inspiration or muse: there’s some writing out there that just gets those creativity gears running. the kind of writing where you just wanna absorb via osmosis or something because just reading it with my own two eyes isn’t enough. i’m not even saying like good stories kind of writing (although that’s definitely one form of inspiration), i mean like writing style. the turns of phrases that stick to you, choice words that make you feel a great number of things, clever syntax that has you coming back. you could drink it all up.
don’t @ me for saying this: i know there’s a lot of stuff worth critiquing over with john green’s novels, it definitely isn’t for everyone and i totally respect that because i see all the flaws in his books as well, but his writing style is something i quite unabashedly enjoy, for example, because of how dry and direct it is. (which makes me wonder that not nearly enough White Men are dry AND direct: they’re all dry and.....insufferably and intolerably long-winded.) and then there’s madeline miller, k. arsenault rivera, and naomi novik -- fantasy writers that have very atmospheric writing, the kind where you feel the beat of some unsung song in the way their story is told. they’re also my go-tos for when i feel the creative well is all dried up.
ELEVEN / dream job: wanna be...an author...
TWELVE / meaning behind your URL: i used to refer to myself as “bluey” Back In The Day (which is another long story that involves warrior cats), and i had an online friend who lived in japan that nicknamed me “brew” because it was how she pronounced “blue” in her head. the nickname caught on in the community i was in, and i grew quite fond of it myself; figured it was time for a change after a while and went with some combination involving “brew” thereafter with my social media handles (sans my instagram). the “-cha”....well...tea, anyone?
THIRTEEN / top 3 ships: aziraphale/crowley from good omens, chirrut/baze from rogue one, aaand peraltiago from brooklyn nine-nine. some variation of Married™ and two halves of a whole idiot.
FOURTEEN / lipstick or lip balm: lip balm. i do like seeing lipstick on other people more because other people wear lipstick better than i can.
FIFTEEN / currently reading: red, white, and royal blue by casey mcquiston. sign me the heck up for gay ass hate-to-love.
SIXTEEN / work: i’m an english teacher, but i am self-employed on an official capacity since i’m hired through an agency. i have yet to land a permanent job, though i’m starting a masters in creative writing in september. we’ll see how things go.
SEVENTEEN / fiction: most of the things i’ve written for public/semi-public consumption (i.e. submitted as an assignment/project, had it published in a collection, etc) have been just about....people? people as people and people interacting. my most notable(??) piece is a short-short story about a 20-something gay woman’s relationship with her single father, who is also gay and has been in love with his childhood friend the whole time. it’s not a tense story, the father-daughter relationship is a good, strong one; just one where the daughter reflects on Life as she considers coming out to her dad, when it turns out he wants to come out to her too because he’s so inspired by her. i wrote it for a short story class, and imagine how gratified i felt when all my classmates in the workshop kept asking me if the dad + childhood friend get married later!!
but i’ve also done a lot of SF/F in my spare time, some projects i’m experimenting with. there’s one about a girl and a sword from space, there’s another that might as well be good omens fanfic since the characters involved are very aziraphale- and crowley-like, and there’s one completely suuuuper self-indulgent thing involving superheroes. just a lot of stuff i’m exploring and figuring out!
EIGHTEEN / fanfiction: I HAVEN’T WRITTEN FANFICTION IN SO LONG. the last thing i wrote and uploaded was a short chirrut/baze thing. they were played by chinese actors, one of whom’s from hong kong where i live, so it was an au where they (particularly chirrut) grew up in hk. the most fanfic i’ve ever written was during my free! and haikyuu!! days...those were some awesome days not gonna lie.
would love to write good omens fanfic, considering how obsessed i am with it, but there’s something ineffable about them that makes me hesitant to even attempt nailing down their characters in my own writing. like i’m not even worthy of the multitudes they contain. i’ve enjoyed all the fanfic that’s been pouring out of the fandom lately, however. i love me some sweet, sweet tropes.
(remember that project in #17 where the characters are very aziraphale- and crowley-like? sometimes i look at the shorts i’ve written for those ocs, the slice-of-life type of shorts where i’m just playing around with dialogue instead of plot, and think to myself “with some name-changes and tweaking this could be GO fanfic. why not??? WHY NOT????”)
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ununniliad · 6 years
Writer’s Block Person #39: “Too Much Time Inside My Own Skull" Part One
[Early March 2018]
  Writer's Block Person was having a nice picnic. The periwinkle grass shuffled musically in the minty-cool wind, and the robinfruit sang in the trees. Their picnic partner, a human-shaped collection of tropes named Todd, handed them a gyro and a can of god.
  "Really?" said the purply-orange hippo, sunning xerself by the pond. "We're starting another issue in the Mindverse?"
  Yes. Now shut up.
  "Todd, could you get me a passport to Turkey on rye... huh?" A coolness shivered through the grass and the trees and the sky and the sun. Writer's Block Person turned around and walked to the edge of the pond.
  It was a thousand feet deep. The water was dark, and dinosaur skeletons jutted out of the sides, but at the bottom, Writer's Block Person could see the outline of a door. A door that was more solid than the dream.
  Writer's Block Person felt... a memory, something they'd forgotten... running and jumping, strength and warmth... energy flowing, undammed...
  They dove into the pond. Down, down. The warm yellow sunlight softened, became blues and greens, purples, exotic flavors of darkness. The door was a rectangle, a symbol of a door. The knob glistened in the darklight.
  They hovered in front of it. They held out their hand...
  No. No, couldn't. No, it wasn't-- they had to do something else, they-- they were drowning, they thrashed about--
A heap of blankets lay, tangled, at the side of the bed. Writer's Block Person sat up out of them. They shook themselves out, stretched, hopped up, stretched more, went to get some water, and allowed the dream to fade from their mind...
Later that day, Writer's Block Person was talking on Discord with... deep breath Whisperion, Gives Hugs Impetuously Lass, Dr. Puppy, Redink, Distraction Damsel, Barnabas McGillicuddy, and Edwina the Ultimate Editor. They liked to keep all their net.heroing allies in the loop, because miscommunication is the engine of boring plots.
|| So, || they typed, || I've now used the Heavy Black Heart emojiform to dispel dark magical energy from four different people. ||
|| Wait, really? || said Dr. Puppy (don't think too much about how she types with paws, okay). || Totally offscreen? ||
|| Turns out I didn't really feel like writing a bunch of darkness-victim-of-the-week stories! ||
|| A number of different people, all happening by coincidence to have contact with and infection by dark magical energy within a short period? || said Redink. || That's a break of suspension of disbelief! ||
|| It's definitely not a coincidence! There was an artist who was frustrated they couldn't get the images in their head down on paper, a student who was frustrated that their teacher didn't understand they were getting overstimulated, a comic book artist who was frustrated about being screwed over by the company, and a cat who just couldn't catch that goshdarn laser. It's a consistent pattern, like a season of Sailor Moon. ||
|| so this is some kinda new spook on the block || said Barnabas McGillicuddy, ignoring both proper capitalization and the meta-story references.
|| Yeah, but I don't know what kind yet. I'm fighting the symptoms, but the cause of the problem is somewhere out on the streets right now. ||
|| Don't worry! || said Gives Hugs Impetuously Lass. || The good guys are on the case, together! It won't slip by us! ||
|| Right, || said Whisperion. || So, what are these darkness-influenced people like? ||
|| Well, they look pretty normal at first, but they're really angry - they're hyper-focused on whatever problem they're having. When someone really pisses them off, they turn into these sort of organic-looking shadow monsters, and they start yelling about whatever frustration it is they're focused on. You gotta get them to move forward at least a little on their emotional problem before the darkness can be properly dispelled. ||
|| Let's see, what else... Oh, like, I always talk to them after, and all of them reported, like... these thoughts, like if they stopped caring about hurting people, they could get stronger? It sounded like some kind of weird intrusive thought. But none of them really cared about getting stronger - honestly, it probably helped distract them from the thing they were really angry about. Which made my job easier. ||
|| Got it. - Ed. (UE) || said Edwina, whose screen name was on every message anyway. || Updating my records now. - Ed. (UE) ||
|| Hey guys!! || said Distraction Damsel.
|| Hey, DD, || said Whisperion.
|| Sorry I'm late for the meeting! There's this guy on the sidewalk outside who keeps talking about how he's going to show them all, or something, and there's black smoke coming out of his eyes? ||
|| ... ||
|| ... ||
|| ... ||
|| ... ||
|| ... ||
|| ... - Ed. (UE) ||
|| ...welp, time for action! ||
Eight minutes later, Whisperion's moped arrived in Distraction Damsel's neighborhood. Writer's Block Person dramatically stepped out of the bucket seat, ready for action... put their foot down on an icy patch, and  immediately fell on their butt. "WAUGHow! ah jeez."
Whisperion slid off the other seat, planting her feet and helping Writer's Block Person back up. "Careful now," she teased.
"Rrrgh." Writer's Block Person didn't respond to the teasing with their usual gay cheer; their forehead wrinkled in frustration and their cheeks colored in embarrassment (and not the fun kind). "God, why's it gotta still be icy?" They straightened up and ran their fingers through their scalp, burning off energy. "It's freaking March, alla these people not caring about climate change, alla these people just not CARING--" They took a deep breath, let it out, looked up at Whisperion. "Just, um, not caring about clearing their sidewalks and such." They looked to the side, calmer, and just a bit guilty about their outburst.
Whisperion leaned in, found Writer's Block Person's hand, squeezed it. "Are you okay?"
Writer's Block Person pulled in a deep breath, let it out, sighed. "Yeah. Just..." They rubbed their arm, not letting go of Whisperion's hand yet. "I'm a really happy person but I'm also a really angry person. I don't show it as much, not to y'all, but it's been getting tough lately. It's been so gray for so long... this winter's felt like it's lasted forever. And there's been so much shitty stuff going on, both in our world [See LNH20 Comics Presents #21 for the newest status quo, true believers! - Ed. (UE)] and in the world of the Writers and the Readers. [You probably already know! - Ed. (UE)] And now this, coming into my cute little life... I just want to protect everybody, and I'm mad I can't."
"Awwww." Whisperion pulled on their hand and they half-collapsed against her chest, leaning, sighing. She put her arm around them and squeezed gently. "Look... we all know you're doing your best. You're not the only hero around here, not by a long shot, and you don't have to be."
"I know..." They took a big breath, let it out. "Hokay." Whisperion let go, and Writer's Block Person straightened up and shook themself out. "I'm okay now. Thanks for carin' so much, hon~"
"Very welcome, are you~" Whisperion looked around. The neighborhood was full of leaf-denuded trees, small but well-kept houses, sidewalks with rock salt laying on them. Nothing especially weird... until a white dude in a T-shirt and boxers walked out from behind a fence, shouting something incoherent at the sky. "Aha. Think I found our man."
"Right!" Writer's Block Person pulled out their pen. "Time to get serious! HENSHINSPIRATION!"
As Writer's Block Person transformed, the man swung around to watch them. Frankly, Whisperion thought his expression was kind of creepy - a wide, artificial-feeling smile with staring eyes, hidden slightly by a veil of darkness - but she supposed that was the kind of thing that happened when dark magical energy was affecting you.
All armored up, Writer's Block Person affected a casual demeanor. They walked up to the man, slowly, hands behind their head like they didn't have a care in the world. "Oh, hey, man," they said, leaning against a tree. "Are you okay?"
...then they dodged out of the way as the man took a swipe at them. "Mmmmm!" he grinned. "Now you'll understand that I'm here, and I'm not going to be stopped!"
"Right," said Writer's Block Person, pirouetting back out of the way of the blows. "Let's go more into that! Who put you down before?"
"Hahaha! They don't matter now! You don't matter now!" The man was breathing hard. He was sweating a lot for someone dressed the way he was in this weather, Whisperion noticed. "You fucking idiot! What are you even doing here!"
Right. Whisperion put the butt of her staff down on the ground. Writer's Block Person didn't need support yet, but this guy wasn't stopping, and better safe than sorry.
"Well I'm trying to help," Writer's Block Person grumbled. Then they blinked and shook their head. "I mean... whoop!" They dodged under a kick. "Dude - whatever's going on with you, I'm here to help!"
"Hah! What are you doing! What are you even doing here!" His grin growing even wider, the man planted his feet and flexed. Steaming shadows burst from his body, surrounding him. "You IDIOT!" He was wrapped in a cloud of darkness. "YOU! CAN'T! FIX! ME!"
The darkness burst away, to reveal a strange humanoid form. Panels of cloud-gray hardened material over muscle-red flesh. Exaggerated form, with bulging muscles and large hands and feet. Face hidden behind panels of gray, but for two glowing green eyes.
"Jeez." Writer's Block Person took several steps back, ending up next to Whisperion. "I gotta bad feeling about this. He's already keyed up way more than the others, and he's not responding to me reaching out. This guy is way more advanced-looking than the others were, too. Look at that color palette."
Whisperion nodded, frowning. "Think we might have to beat him down?" That wasn't usually their kind of conflict. What was going on?
"Maybe. Let's try it the fun way first." They pulled out their pen. "EMOTICONVERSION! CODE POINT HEAVY BLACK HEART!" Hearts swirled around and they switched to their bright sparkly form.
Writer's Block Person held up their hands, and took one encouraging step forward towards the monstrous man. Then another. "Hey!" They stopped in place. "Look, it's okay! I'm listening."
"And I'm not talking!" Shadows burst out of the monster's chest and whumphed against Writer's Block Person's armor. Lines of cold pain lanced across their muscles and nerves, and they choked and fell to one knee.
"Ow ow ow ow ow!" They rolled away. "Nnnf, it feels numb..."
Whisperion pointed her staff at Writer's Block Person, transforming the dark energy in their system into life-force. "Jeez, man!"
Writer's Block Person hopped to their feet. "Right! Magic time! Emphemeral-Eternal-Doki-Doki-Blissful-Emotion BEAM!" They thrust out their hands and a beam of pink and red and white hearts and sparkles crackling with pink-white lightning shot out.
It was immediately met with a beam of shadows, a cloud that seemed ephemeral yet was solid against the coruscating energy of Writer's Block Person's beam. For a moment, the light and the darkness were evenly matched... and then the shadows swirled straight back around the beam and right up to Writer's Block Person's body and they lost concentration and BOOM!
They rolled away, steaming, panting, detransformed, palms scraped up on the concrete. "Ow ow... nnngh, fuckin' ow..."
Whisperion pressed the blossoms on the end of her staff into Writer's Block Person's back. The grass turned green under the snow and ice as she channeled life-force into them. "Okay, so, it's time to pull back and get some help, right?"
Writer's Block Person pressed their fist to their chest. "That'd be smart, but..." They took a deep breath, letting the life-force saturate their body and mind. "I think there's something else I have to do. I think this might be the next chapter in my story."
"I had a dream last night... about a door that... that I couldn't make myself open." They looked up at her. "A piece of my true self I've never let myself touch."
"...okay, but dreams aren't real. Even in our weird, magic-y, technicolor lives, dreams aren't real."
"No, but feelings are real." Writer's Block Person took a step back and stared at the monstrous man; he stared back, green eyes glowing, claws clicking, ready for the next move in the fight. "Feelings are real, and feelings are the power at my heart, and there's something I need to let myself feel." They shook their head. "But... I don't know what's going to happen. I'm a nice and cool and kind person, but... not everything inside me is nice."
"Yeah, because you're human." Whisperion punched Writer's Block Person's shoulder lightly and smiled. "You nerd. You're my best friend. I've seen inside your soul." She stepped past them, held up her staff. "Whatever's inside you, I'll fight alongside it."
Writer's Block Person breathed deep, let it out. "Okay."
They stepped back and held their pen up. Without words, light bloomed, and the transformation happened. Behind the helmet, Writer's Block Person closed their eyes, and reached down inside themself.
  Down, down... past the everyday feelings, past the troubles and worries of this and that...
  Past the deeper, harsh-edged worries about where life was taking them, about what if they were fucking up and no one was telling them...
  Past the strange warmth of their preferences and their ideas, all the other people they could possibly be and sometimes were, the friendly monsters...
  Down, down, into the silent depths of their mind...
Meanwhile, the monstrous man took Whisperion's step forward as a challenge, raising his fists  and charging at her. Whisperion sidestepped, knocking the punch away with her staff, and started channeling the dark energy around her, pumping it into herself as life-force. I can't do this indefinitely, she thought, but buffing my own energy makes me a good enough tank to buy us a bit of time!
  The fight was somewhere far away. The image of the door rose up in Writer's Block Person's mind. They felt, again, the currents of energy that moved beneath it - leashed, but just barely, moving in the darkness, affecting them even when they weren't aware of it.
  They reached out their hand... and held it there. They could feel the warmth... they could feel the tingling fear... this was risky... but it was also exciting... but...
  What if? What if?
The monstrous man released a burst of shadows, right against Whisperion's body. The cold numbness blasted across her skin, but she channeled the pain into strength. Around her feet, grass poked through the frozen soil in the cracks in the sidewalk, dislodging chunks of salt.
  ...well, thought Writer's Block Person, what if? What if something terrible happened? Then they'd deal with it like they'd dealt with all of the other terrible stuff in their life.
  What if something wonderful happened?
  They reached out and grabbed the knob. Pure sensation tingled through their self. They turned it and tossed the door open, and--
Their eyes opened. "Oh, shit."
It was powerful and cold and shot up through their mind like a geyser, their body freezing in place, muscles trembling slightly, taken over by the sudden rush of pure, unfiltered rage.
The monstrous man roared and thrust their arms out, and Whisperion fell back several paces. "Nnnf!" She looked over. "Writer's Block Person, you okay?"
"I..." Oh god. They'd forgotten so many people were so awful. Why did they have to be so awful? "I don't, um..." They just wanted to protect all of their friends and all of the people but every day they had to give money to assholes and work for people who didn't care about them and sometimes they would try and talk about it and fuck it up and everyone would get angry and why couldn't people just give them a break? "I don't... fuck."
Whisperion stepped sideways, keeping her staff between herself and the monstrous man. "Writer's Block Person, what's going on?"
She was such a good person and they couldn't protect her, and that was so fucking unfair, and right now they just needed to tear out these demons and tear out the roots of the world until it stopped being so. "I'm just... um, just so..."
She grabbed their shoulders. "Drew, what's going on!?"
They tried to get these thoughts together, but it was too much, it'd hurt someone-- but wait-- no-- needed to let it out-- but it was too much-- but--
And the rage surged and they threw their head back and SCREAMED! A scream of defiance! A scream of pain! A scream of just fucking stop it already!
A wave of blood-red energy burst out of their body, threw Whisperion back, and knocked down the monstrous man.
Whisperion landed on her butt. "Uff!" She shook herself out and looked up at Writer's Block Person.
They were breathing hard, looking off into the distance, eyes intense but unfocused. Their hands clenched and unclenched as they tried to get ahold of themself. Tendrils of red and black lightning coruscated over their body. Their armor seemed to flicker in and out of existence around them, and something darker seemed to flicker into its place.
"I guess..." they whispered hoarsely. "I guess it's too late to hold it back any more..."
They threw their head back again, chest thrusting out, and screamed. Above their chest, in the air, a symbol appeared - a flat CGI image of a skull, cracking with red and black lightning. It started moving towards them - ground to a halt - shattered into pieces - the pieces pierced their flesh--
Everything went dark, like the sun had turned off--
The light was back. It shone on a bone-white suit of armor, with accents that burned a resentful crimson, and a black bodysuit laced with painful-looking red veins. A ragged white cape with burned edges. Oversized red gauntlets, with long claws burned soot-black. A bloodstone gem in the center of the chest in the shape of a cartoon skull, cracked down the middle, radiating crimson energy from the crack. And for a helmet, the skull of an ancient, saurian predator, the eye sockets glowing red.
From within the helmet came a voice, swallowing, struggling to get the word out. "Skull..." They threw their head back and howled. "SKULL WRITER'S BLOCK PERSON!"
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erlenmeyertrash · 7 years
Doorways, Part 6
oh goodness
tag list: @a-blog-just-for-sanders, @countessmissyshort , @hardcoremoonlover,  @dragonangel-funandfire , @that-space-gay-writes (if you want to be tagged just let me know!)
(words: 1878 | pairings: none | cw: slight mention of violence/injury)
Virgil was in a much better mood this morning.
For one thing, the swirl of negative emotions was gone this time around. He was also hungry enough to earn a heaping stack of Patton’s special pancakes, made with extra love and doused with so much powdered sugar it looked like a snowglobe had exploded over his plate.
It also helped that it was quiet. Virgil wasn’t even noting it in a snarky, thank-god-Roman-isn’t-blabbing quiet, even; just a peaceful, lazy, sleepy Saturday morning stillness. The four sides were all seated at the table, allowing the others to wake up on their own time. If Virgil was more Patton-like, he would have hugged them all.
Speaking of Patton, he was the first to break the silence. “So, what’s everybody got planned for today?” he asked, pouring a lethal amount of syrup onto his pancakes. Logan raised an eyebrow at the serving size but didn’t comment.
Virgil shrugged, swallowing the piece of pancake in his mouth before stabbing another. “Nothing much happening for me. Thomas has had a bit of a break in his schedule lately, which I appreciate.” He nabbed the pancake off the fork and pointed it at Logan, as if to say, I appreciate you for that. Logan blinked and his lips curved upwards slightly.
“Yes, the going has seemed pretty smooth. I was going to go over his coursework from the astronomy class sometime this afternoon, but it is otherwise looking like an excellent day to simply rest and recuperate.”
“What about you, Roman?” Patton prompted, pleased with the others’ responses. “Any fun quests you’ve got planned? Any stories to tell?”
Virgil snuck a look at Roman. Ever since he had found out the prince’s “secret” about his quests, it made him listen that much more intently to the stories, just to see if Roman ever… well, messed up.
He didn’t. Ever.
Even though the majority of the plots and villains were rather ridiculous, they all passed any scrutiny Virgil could dream up. Roman really did go all-out in his planning; from accurate descriptions of the changes in time of day to the seasons to obscure magic potion recipes to injuries from previous quests to the type of shrubs that were native to Northeastern Europe in the late 1800s. Even Logan would have been impressed by the number of things Roman always thought out so well. Virgil had a whole new appreciation for the storytelling, to say the very least.
Roman, in response to Patton’s question, suddenly had a strange look pass over his face. He flashed a quick look to Virgil that the anxious side couldn’t read before leaning forward and giving Patton a thoughtful look.
“Actually, Patton… would you like to help me on an adventure today?”
Virgil choked on his pancake. Logan hiccuped on his sip of coffee. Patton’s eyes grew wide as saucers.
“Would I ever!” he squeaked, hands covering his cheeks in a dramatic yet genuine expression of surprise. “Oh, my goodness, Roman, I would be so honored! How could I help you?!”
“...Well, truth be told, the charge of this quest is quite steep for just one prince. I am in need of some unpredictable spontaneity and a few extra helping hands. Actually-” Roman turned to Logan, then Virgil, and smirked at the sides struggling to keep their breakfasts down- “I could use a little help from all of you.”
“You insolent fools. You have no idea the fate you’ve sealed. What idiots, to put your minds at my mercy for the sake of one simple little prince and his kingdom.” The hooded figure smirked evilly, eyes glinting in the darkness.
“There is no nobility in hurting innocent people,” the first prince growled, hand reaching for his sword. His hand shook slightly, but he would never show his own fatigue on his face. Not now- they were too close.
“You think nobility has ever driven my actions?” The figure laughed darkly.
“Our nobility drives ours- and will lead to your demise, you evil beast!” The prince’s companion marched up next to him, dagger drawn. His clothes were torn and tattered, and what was left of his splintered shield dangled from his left arm, but his eyes shone brightly.
“Is that so? I’d like to see you try.” The figure suddenly launched a silver, sparkling ball of magic at the two, who dodged in opposite directions. The projectile slammed into the side of the cave, showering the floor with hissing sparks.
The prince rolled to his feet, but before he could charge another ball was launched at his head. He barely had time to dodge out of the way of that one as it exploded above him, sending rocks thundering down from overhead.
Meanwhile, his companion raced toward the evil mage, dagger raised. The mage quickly drew his own sword and parried the attack. He sent another silver curse to his side, causing more rubble to crash down from the ceiling. The Prince jolted sideways and narrowly missed his leg being crushed- but in the act, another stone caught him in the back between his shoulder blades. He stumbled and fell, landing heavily on his side and letting out a sharp grunt of pain.
“Roman!” His companion, distracted, turned towards the noise. It was all the enemy needed- he swung his sword in a huge arc, aiming to slice straight through the solider. At the last second, Roman’s companion managed to bring up the remnants of his shield. The two pieces of metal met in midair with a huge, reverberating clang. The mage bore down with all his force, and his sword started to glow a deep green.
Roman struggled to stand, shaking off the dizziness, and saw the scene in front of him. He raced forward, praying the shield wouldn’t melt or shatter before he crossed the cavern. His companion strained with the effort of holding the shield in front of him; his back leg seemed to wobble slightly.
Suddenly, the mage froze, sword immediately losing its shine. He coughed, and as the soldier shouldered the interlocked weapons away, the mage crumpled to the ground. Behind him stood another figure, small knife in hand and torn ropes around his wrist.
Roman could barely believe his eyes. “...You’re alive!”
“And you saved my life!” His companion cried, throwing his dagger to the floor and attacking the other man in a hug.
“Are you alright, Your Highness?” Roman rushed forward, checking the other prince’s wrists. The ropes had burned them slightly, angry red marks crisscrossing the skin; there were slight scars littering his face and palms.
“I’m fine- thanks to you two. You distracted him enough for me to cut the ropes. I-”
The other prince suddenly broke off, choking on his words. Roman glanced at his paling face, panicked.
“Wh-what’s wrong?”
“...I- he-”
The man suddenly swayed and pitched forward; the soldier barely managed to catch him in time. Roman looked down in horror to find the mage’s pitch-black hand curled around his victim’s ankle.
“Oh, my- no no no no no-” Roman fell to the ground and threw the hand back towards the body, the soldier immediately pulling the body away.
“The Touch of Death- Oh, Roman, no! We have to- please- he’s going to-”
“He is not going to die. You are not going to die, do you hear me?!” Roman yelled, grabbing the other prince’s shoulders and shaking them as he struggled for breath.
“...Roman… I…”
“No. You’re going to fight it,” Roman seethed, shaking him further. The soldier hiccuped beside him, hands attempting to hold Roman back but to no avail.
“We’ll figure something out, I-”
“Roman, he-”
“Roman, my brain is rattling around in my head.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry.” Roman dropped Virgil’s shoulders, then winced as his head crashed into the ground, his crown skittering across the floor.
“Ow! Hey!”
Logan snickered from where he was crumpled a few feet away. “Well, if he wasn’t going to die from the Touch of Death-” the logical side rolled his eyes- “you at least sentenced him to a concussion from that.”
Patton stuck his tongue out at Logan. “Well, what was I supposed to call it? You didn’t kiss his ankle!”
Roman cracked up at Logan’s face scrunched up in disgust. “Of course I wasn’t going to kiss his foot! Your royal damoiseau had been kidnapped and locked up in my tower for days! Who knows how many magical germs were on him!”
“Excuse me, mister Evil Mage, your secret lair is definitely not up to any health standards!” Virgil retorted, sliding the shoelace “ropes” off his wrists. “You’re one to talk about my hygiene condition.”
“He’s right, you know,” Roman interjected through peals of laughter. “Just look at that filthy hand-  no gloves in sight!”
Logan frowned at his eyeliner-covered palms, attempting to wipe them on the black robe from Roman’s closet as well as the carpet. “This is going to take ages to wash off.”
“You’re not the one spouting a black eye over here,” Patton grumbled, scrubbing at the blue and purple eyeshadow surrounding his left eye under his glasses. “Thanks for that move, by the way.”
“You didn’t seem to mind being the valiant, wounded soldier, Patton!”
“...Speaking of minding our roles,” Roman cut in, “can we just appreciate how good of a villain Logan was?!” He gestured to Logan, who blushed slightly.
“Mad props- seriously. I thought I was the bad guy,” Virgil added, giving Logan a few claps of applause.
“I must admit I had some desire to try playing the part. Evil genius is a commonplace yet fantastic literary trope. Virgil, dare I say you also did quite well performing as the rescuee- distressed, but not pathetically helpless.”
“Well, what can I say? I had some well-written heroes to help me out. And great narration.” Virgil looked to Roman and Patton, who beamed.
“Roman, this was so fun! I know you have a lot of quests, but can we do some like this- with all of us- more often?!” Patton fixed the knotted ends of his cardigan-turned-cape around his neck and picked up his plastic dagger, leaping up onto Roman’s bed and brandishing it proudly. Roman sat back on his heels, watching the other two nod in enthusiastic agreement.
“Absolutely, Patton! I can’t believe I never thought of this before. Combining my love of adventures and acting- and with three handsome new characters to help me out! These will be much more fun with you three in tow.”
“Oh, gosh! Can’t wait to have more adventures, and go-” Patton winked- “Roman all over the land with my heroes!”
“...That was pretty bad, dude.”
“Excuse you, he used my name, it was excellent-”
“I feel as though there were better options-”
“Sorry, guys, I guess I’m- sword- of out of it at the moment-”
“...That’s a dagger, Pat-”
“I will say that one was marginally improved-”
“-Aw, hey! Roman, those little crafty glitter star things are all over your bed now! It looks so magical and sparkly-”
A/N: ...Thomas can probably ride a bike. I have 0 knowledge as to his ability to do so. I just really like using the bike joke in this fic for some inexplicable reason.
also wow this was SO fun to write *and* imagine. so cutesy. i just- Roman incorporating the other three as actors and narrating an adventure for them all so they can all have fun together like little kids and Virgil not having to play the villain unless he wants to. :’)
comments and critiques are always appreciated!! one more part to go after this :)
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naruto-oc-critiques · 7 years
Murasaki Fujiwara Review
Name: Fujiwara no Murasaki/ Murasaki Fujiwara
Age: 23 26/27 in Shippuden
Gender: Female
Personality: Fairly calm, intellegent, relatively cheerful, can be a bit mopey/morose depending on the mood
Chakra: Sensor-type
Physical traits; Blue Grey eyes, medium skin (not super pale, about Jiraiya’s color), square-ish jaw, long brown hair generally pulled into a ponytail, blue-green eyes with red lines beneath them, fairly average build if not a bit on the athletic side
She wears either the hakama/sode-kukuri of a miko or a standard flak jacket uniform.
To start, me likey. I love when japanese myths and history are used as inspiration for characters! YES. Also she’s a super cutie and I LOVE THIS PHOTO. I love the concept of Jiraiya having bastard kids, as I have 2 OC’s who are in that role, and she fits the role perfectly appearance wise. She’s not a clone of Jiraiya but still bears resemblance. Realistic gene pool using. :D
                -Murasaki was the result of a one night stand between Jiraiya and a b-list actress whose clan name was Fujiwara. The running joke is that Murasaki got more of her father’s looks (not a compliment). (She is still a cutie patootie. May I suggest that, running with your history things, that her mothers first name be Takako? :D Or something related that is.)
                - As a baby, Murasaki was dropped off at a Shinto shrine complex near Konoha (since the only thing her mother knew about Jiraiya was that he was a shinobi from Konoha). (Shinto shrines yes. Although, I would wonder why the mother didn’t bring her straight to Konoha and ask of the father’s whereabouts? Like a description and matching and whatnot? But hey, I still definitely see why she would be dropped off at a shrine. Lots of people drop unwanted babies off at places of religion.)
                -Murasaki was taken in by the priest and his family, who were generally okay to Murasaki, but the births of their own children made Murasaki feel like an outsider. (Tiny bit cliche but hey it’s realistic.)
                -While working as a miko at the shrine Murasaki met and befriended Obito (three years her elder), and developed a crush on him. (D’aw. How did they meet? Please tell me that the priest requested a D-rank mission for something and Minato’s team was sent out! :D) 
                -His stories made her fall in love with the idea of being a kunoichi (of course she didn’t see anything but the rosy outlook of what Obito told her). (Dang it, Obito. The naive idiot knucklehead ninja isn’t the best person to ask about being a ninja! Fudge nuggets.)
                - She became friends with Rin and an acquaintance of Kakashi’s (Kakashi developing a reluctant crush on her, but constantly belittling her/pushing her away emotionally). (Oooooooooooooooooo I want to know how Kakashi developed a crush on her? And ah yes, the old trope of “if a boy is being mean to you, that means he likes you” whatnot. Still realistic. Especially for Kakashi.)
                -Murasaki was invited to go to the memorial ceremony for Obito, this is where Jiraiya met her and immediately started asking where her parents were etc. (Considering her facial markings, as I would think they would be prominent by then, would he assume she were an Inuzuka possibly? :D)
                -A few weeks passed and Jiraiya came to remove Murasaki from the shrine and enroll her in the Ninja Academy. She went to class with Iruka and they became good friends. They used to harass Gai, and Murasaki became friends with him as well. (Iruka, you little devil. Also, I’d love to know more about how Jiraiya coped with the idea of having a bastard kid like Murasaki. She certainly didn’t inherit his personality, so he must be thrown for a loop whenever she opens her mouth.)
                -She kept bumping into Kakashi and the interactions were extremely awkward and unpleasant, giving her the impression he hated her. (Mucho cliche but again, seeing as they are teenagers, it’s super expected because that’s just human nature. Although, I think the word “hate” would be far too dramatic for a girl like Murasaki to use in the situation. You say she is calm, collected, and pretty intelligent. I don’t see her as a girl who would be overly… feminine. Especially in the boys department.)
Murasaki’s career consisted of:
                -Fighting against a small workers rebellion in the land of rice (under contract of daimyo). It was a complete blood bath. (Wowza. Me likey.)
                -Worked as an assistant/bodyguard for the emissary to the Daimyo (she began writing her memoirs in the Daimyo’s court (she gets her name from Murasaki Shikibu)) (+1)
                -Was captured on a mission by Orrochimaru, who took her dna, after which she was assaulted by one of his henchmen and was left very badly injured. (Why was Orochimaru interested in her DNA?)
                -Achieved the rank of Chunnin by age 16, but did a ‘soft retirement’ at age 20 (became too much of an anxious, emotional wreck to feel she could do her job, dealing with severe PTSD) (Considering the rebellion in the land of rice that you mentioned beforehand, I would say PTSD would be expected. Although, considering the timeframe you are working with, how did the villagers and her friends react to a retirement? Shun her? Understand?)
                -Had worked a little with the toads, earning her the moniker ‘The Priestess of Myoboku Mountain’. She mostly works with Shima, who is very maternal towards her.
                -Has a major fight with Kakashi, in which he lets it slip that he has feelings for her, which doesn’t go over well. Murasaki tells him to get more or less bent, but realizes she’s angry because she likes him, too. (Super rom-com-esque. What were they fighting about? :/)
                -Became an Aruki Miko/Spy for Konoha doing light peacekeeping work around the Land of Fire
                -After the death of the 3rd Hokage, Jiraiya met up with her at a shrine (the one which Naruto yanked the bell down from in the anime) and filled her in. She agreed to return to the village at that point. (Aw. She was probably super sad about Hiruzen’s death. I’d only assume this was after the Tsunade Retrieval Arc as Murasaki coming back to Konoha sort of feels less important in the overall picture.)
                -She tries to help with the seal Kakashi had put on Sasuke, but Orochimaru’s mark was too ‘infected’ at this point for her to do much. (Must purify the thing.)
                -Sometime around the time Sasuke leaves, she and Kakashi begin healing their friendship/seeing each other. (Cute but how did that happen? I need details on how they reconciled!)
                -between the first series and Shippuuden, they get married (Murasaki’s request, since I figure with her being strongly Shinto, she would probably want at least some ceremonial aspect to it). (MUCH RELIGIOUS BELIEF. Totally a plausible way to get around the whole “Kakashi isn’t the marriage type” idea. Thanks, religion!)
                -Has a son with Kakashi (still need to name him (I thought about Genji, since I’m going with a 'Lady Murasaki’ theme). (FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, YOU HAVE TO NAME THAT CHILD GENJI. DO IT. YOU HAVE TO.)
                -Thinking about having her die during the great Shinobi war, but I’d also like to see Kakashi happy and not losing another person he cares about. If she does survive, I was going to maybe put her on the Konoha Council during Naruto’s reign as Hokage or make her the emissary to the Daimyo. I definitely want to have her carry on the tradition of writing like her father, and publishing her memoirs as a kunoichi (as a work of fiction, but it’s entirely true).
(Don’t do that to Kakashi. That’s just too tragic. It’s realistic sure but at what cost? I’d say go along with the emissary idea as she has history WITH the emissary *being a bodyguard and whatnot.* And yes, she must write books. Not smut, but fiction please. Although, it would be super cute of her to be able to write a conclusion to the Icha Icha series just for Jiraiya’s fans (and Kakashi) closure. I can totally see Murasaki saying “I don’t know how he wrote such…. SMUT. without a care in the world.” And Kakashi comes in saying “Let’s do some research together.”) 
Well. Murasaki is definitely a likable character with a thought out story. But, there are several things missing that I’d love to see more info on.
For instance, not once did you mention the main character of the series, and his relationship to Murasaki. Where’s the love for Naruto? He is Jiraiya’s godson, so he is technically Murasaki’s god-brother.
Also, the most obvious question I have…. WHAT ABOUT JIRAIYA’S DEATH ? HOW DID IT AFFECT HER? HECK.
also ye I’d love to know her reaction to Kakashi “dying” during Pein’s invasion.
Overall, I love Murasaki. And I really want to read her story. SO GET TO IT.
Love, Dom.
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