#also please god please tell us what you think i'm dying
boiohboii · 1 year
What's a soft launch? (Lando Norris x Leclerc! Reader)
YN Leclerc is dating Lando Norris in secret, and they had been keeping it really quite for the past 9 months, but unfortunately she is dating an idiot who forgot to close his stream.
in which YN Leclerc and Lando Norris make everyone watching his stream need to bleach their eyes.
N.B: this is something for fun and has no relation to real life people. Also, I'll be doing a sm fic based on this cause a meme picture is what started this for me.
WARNING: suggestive, no actual smut. Making out. PDA cause lando forgot to close his stream. Mentions of breast, nipple and bra. French not used properly?... if i missed anything else let me know!
Sighing, Lando stretched his back while calling for his girlfriend- letting her know that it's okay to come in.
"Hey handsome."
username: is that who I think it is!
username: someone call 911 lando no rizz pulled YN Leclerc
username: I want yn to call me handsome too
Unaware of the fast chat the couple smiled at each other as YN sat on Lando's lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, wrists staying still at the nape of his neck while her fingers play with the soft curls of his hair.
"Hello ma chérie."
And that's all the older boy got to say as the young girl latched her lips onto his, tightening her grip around his neck while his arms rest at her hips, squeezing them as he lifts her up a bit trying to reach as much of her as possible.
username: AY YOOOOOO someone tell my man he is live and we can see that
username: ooofffff, Lando's funeral is gonna be tomorrow my dudes
username: F in the chat for lando
username: F in the chat for charles, he having a heart attack rn
username: my girl gonna wake up with bruises
Breaking away to catch their breath Lando's hand caressed her hips, moving until they rested on her ass
"Ohhhh, okay, are we going there."
"I don't know gorgeous, are we?"
Shifting around in the chair, Lano placed his back to the arm of the chair moving YN in front of him- unknowingly, making the viewers have a perfect view of their interlocking lips which were quickly followed by a gasp from YN as Lando pressed his hips into hers- thus allowing a perfect entrance of his tongue into her mouth.
username: Holy shit, YN have mercy on your brothers
username: how to be Lando rn
username: please lord, let Lando still be able to have kids after seeing the Leclerc brothers
Being interrupted by her ringtone did not deter the couple from their steamy activity, in fact it was like they didn't even hear it as Lando's right hand slipped into the girl's shirt roaming around her stomach as it rested in her breast.
Another ringtone...... Lando's left hand made its way to her bra's clasp, opening it with swiftness that made it evident it had not been the first time he had done that.
The way their tongues moved and their arms explored places they were already familiar with only comes with expirence. A lot of experience.
As the ringtone got repeated for the third time, Lando decided to slow down, removing his lips from hers while his right hand pushed her bra downward a bit, making him feel her hard nipple under his fingertips.
Moving her left arm from around his neck while balancing herself with her right arm, YN reached into her back pocket getting her phone out.
"Oh, it's Danny"
The cheerful voice of the girl filles the room
username: of thank god!
username: FINALLY
username: Lando, you will be missed
username: this has been the hottest thing I have ever seen in my life
username: I wasn't even doing anything and I'm out of breath
Answering the phone YN couldn't even get a word out before Daniel is screaming into her ear
Snapping her head towards her boyfriend's set up, she quickly balanced the phone in between her ear and her shoulder while removing his hand from under her shirt, tipping as she attempted to close the live while holding her bra in place as much as possible.
"What? What's wrong?" Upon seeing his girlfriend's frantic behaviour Lando became alert, worried something might be wrong.
In a hurry to get up from his position and close the stream he tripped over his own feet just as his hands reached the desk, and as an attempt to save himself from the fall he gripped the first thing within his reach- his keyboard and his mic- making them fall right on his head.
The sudden scream of Lando's and the quite comical fall (in YN's opinion) made her forget about the older man on her phone and about the entire issue. The only thing she did was double over in laughter that within seconds turned into a sound similar to that of a car's windshield wiper.
"Oh, I'm glad my pain is amusing you."
username: this is the best stream of my entire fucking life man
username: I have no idea what is going on, but I love it
username: this is hilarious.
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shun-nie · 10 months
SatoSugu x reader
=>They can't reach you while you're on a mission.
—>a little angst to fluff
!!!!!swearing, gn!reader, mentions of death!!!!!
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"Why did Yaga-Sensei gave the mission to Y/N anyway?" Satoru said as he frowned, you left early this morning and still didn't came back.
"Because Y/N always finishes their work smoothly, they always thinks logically and moves smart in missions." Suguru replies, he missed you too. He was also annoyed that Yaga-Sensei gave the mission to you but it was understandable why he did that. Suguru sighs, he and Satoru were sitting on a bench, sulking beacuse you're not here.
"I missed Y/N, Suguru. Why haven't they come back yet? The mission shouldn't be too hard for them right?" Satoru whined, it was so boring without you. And you always finished the missions quickly, plus you would call them if you were going to be late. Suguru frowned, what if something had happened to you? Sure you were strong and smart (pretty too) but anything could happen right?
Suguru immediately took his phone out of his pocket, went into his contacts and tapped your name. Satoru stopped whining and turned his gaze to Suguru, watching him get impatient as you didn't pick up. Suguru called you for the second time, after ringing a few times, he heard the message "the person you are calling cannot be reached at the moment, please try again later". Suguru looked at the phone screen, why weren't you picking up?
"They usually pick up the phone even if they're busy..." Satoru said quietly, he was thinking the worst scenario. Did you got hurt? Oh god. What if you did?
Suguru got up from the bench and looked at Satoru, Satoru undertood what he meant even if he didn't say anything. He stood up as well, they both walked off to find Yaga.
"Fuck, this shit hurts." you said as you clenched your fists, pressing a cloth over the bleeding wound. The mission went smoothly, there was two 1st grade curses. You got rid of them but then a special grade showed up, and there was a little girl in its hands. You had to save the child first, you did save the child and killed off the special grade but you were injured badly.
"Y-Y/N-san, please don't-please don't die!!!" the little girl cried out, tears running down her face. You panicked a little but calmed down.
"Hey, I won't die. Don't worry. I'm one of the strongests, y'know?" you grinned, you actually felt like shit and your head was hurting, there was a ringing in your ears, your phone was broken, you were bleeding from multiple spots. 'Fuck, I'll probably die.' you thought, guilty that you lied to the little girl.
"W-what do we do?! You'll die!!!" the little girl cried even louder, hugging your body close. Not wanting to let go. You sighed and pat her head, thinking of a way out.
"Say, what's your name?" you asked gently.
"Yume, that's a pretty name. Just like you." You said and smiled, Yume wiped her tears. Looking at you.
"Yume, can you find me a long stick?"
"Sensei, we have to look for them!! Let us leave!!
"I said no, Satoru. Y/N is strong, no need to worry about them."
Satoru clenches his teeth, clearly angry. Yaga refused to tell where you are and both Satoru and Suguru were worried about your safety. Sure, you were strong. There is no doubt in that, but you were still human and not an immortal. You could've die while they were sitting on a bench doing literally nothing. Suguru frowned at the idea of you dying alone, he wouldn't want that. You didn't deserve that.
Yaga couldn't reach you too, you didn't pick up his calls either. He was worried too, but he knew you were strong and believed that you would manage to get the work done.
"Sensei, we know Y/N is strong. But that doesn't change the fact they can get hurt." Suguru said, trying to remain calm. Yaga looked at them and opened his mouth to talk but Haibara opened the door harshly, he had a scared look on his face. Satoru and Suguru shared a look before looking at Haibara, Yaga was about to scold him for not knocking but he got silent as his eyes widened at Haibara's words.
"..The hell do you want? Don't scream in my ear you dumb fuck..." you said with a tired tone and opened your eyes slowly. Blinking multiple times to adjust the lights.
You saw 2 familiar faces when you opened your eyes, then you sense that there are 3 people in the room. All the eyes on you.
"Glad to see you're the same even if you came back from death." you heard Shoko's voice, she sound tired. And her voice was hoarse, did she cry?
You tried to process what had happened for a few seconds, and when you remembered what had happened, you immediately sat up in bed. Your head, throbbing as you did so. Suguru and Satoru were looking at you with concerns, Satoru probably cried as his eyes were red. Oh. Oh shit.
"Yume...Where is Yume? Is she okay?" You asked quickly, turning your gaze to Shoko, she sighed and nodded.
"Yeah, there was not even a scratch on her body. She's sleeping in your room." Shoko said and got silent for a moment before talking again.
"You almost died and you're not even worried about yourself..?" Shoko said quietly. You sighed and let Suguru lay you down on the bed.
"I'm sorry. The special grade just showed up, I couldn't just left Yume to it's hands." you replied quietly, "Sorry..." You said again. Suguru kissed your forehead, he was holding your hand as your other hand was being held by Satoru. Shoko walked over to your bed and kissed your cheek, it hurted to see you in this position.
"Just rest, yeah? Don't worry much about it." she said and walked towards the door, leaving the room to smoke her stress off. You were left with Satoru and Suguru, Satoru was resting his head on your stomach as he played with your fingers. Suguru was stroking you hand with his thumb, probably think of which words he should say.
"Satoru, Suguru. I'm sorry I worried you both." You said, not looking at them. Satoru pulled his chair closer to your bed, kissing the side of your lip softly before grinning. Teasing you about how depressed you sound, you teased back telling he looks as depressed as you. Suguru watched you both and smiled to himself.
He was glad you didn't left them.
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strangemaleswaps · 1 month
Strange Funeral Swap
People chatted with each other around the various rooms at the funeral home, though I couldn't help but feel left out a bit. I was at the funeral of Clarence, my friend Brian's grandpa. I didn't know him too well, besides the occasional visit when I hung out with Brian. He convinced me to come, saying that funerals are a celebration of life, and I was in Clarence's life, even if it was just a bit. I couldn't argue with that, so I did it for him. Clarence would always do little magic tricks involving cards and whatnot, and he seemed like such a nice man. But still, the people surrounding me knew him alot longer, some their whole lives, so I felt like an awkward weirdo standing around while Brian talked to the rest of his family. 
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After a while the ceremony started and I felt like even more of an outcast when people started crying. After what seemed like forever, it was finally over and Brian thanked me for coming. He said that they were doing the burial the next day, but I didn't have to come. I couldn't anyway, as I had to work.
As I walked out with Brian, I noticed a man sitting on the bench in the hallway outside. He was an old guy that had a pretty big gut and looked like he was missing a finger. I think I saw him a bit earlier but I wasn't sure. I couldn't help but feel his eyes burn into me as I moved by.
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Just then I realized that I had forgotten my car keys on the table inside so I ran back into the main area to grab them. The whole place was empty so I quickly made my way into the other room where I found my keys, and back out. But I nearly had a heart attack when the man from before had snuck in while my back was turned. I didn't even hear the door open!
“Hello,” he said. Creepy.
“Uh hi,”
“Shame that Clarence is no longer with us.” I started to get uncomfortable so I slowly began walking away.
“Yeah it's sad.”
“How did you know him?”
“I uh. My friend's grandpa-”
“So you're not related to him?” He interrupted.
“Good” He then gave an evil grin. I had my hand on the doorknob when suddenly he reached his hand out and a bolt of purple lightning struck me in the face. I think I blacked out but I wasn't so sure.
“Sir. Sir. Sir!”
I woke up to the sound of a man's voice. When I opened my eyes, I realized he was the mortician who arranged Clarence’s funeral. The way he was looking at me, I could tell he was angry but was trying to hide it. I was sitting on a bench in the hallway. How did I end up here?
“Oh, what?” I said in confusion. What was even more confusing was the fact that my voice sounded so gravelly.
“Sir, there is another funeral starting soon. I'm going to have to ask you to leave,” he explained hastily.
“Ok sure.” There it was again! Why did my voice sound like it's dying?”
“Wonderful. Now please hurry up. I have a few more things to set up.” With that he quickly turned around and walked into another room.
The last thing I remembered was that old guy talking to me in the room. He hit me with lightning or something. That must've been a dream but why did I black out in the first place? I guess it didn't really matter. I started getting up, only to find doing so was a lot more difficult than normal. What’s worse was that I noticed I was wearing a completely different suit than I was before…and I gained a lot of weight! My belly was huge, so much that I noticed the buttons on my shirt were starting to give way. I looked at my hands. My fingers were huge! They were like sausages, only wrinklier. I also found that my right index finger was missing. Amputated. God what happened to me?! I searched around for a clue and found a piece of paper in my jacket pocket. It looked like a letter of some sort.
Dear Ron, sorry I had to do this to you but it is what it is. I'm sure you've noticed by now but you're not in your own body anymore. You're in the body of me…well at least the body I was in when I met you!
What? That old guy. Oh no. He's right! These are the clothes he was wearing when I saw him! I continued reading.
You see, Clarence isn't dead. But that body that was in the casket sure was. How is that possible you ask? Well it's simple really. I am Clarence. Like anyone my age, I craved youth. But unlike the others, I actually did something about it. With a simple spell, I swapped my body with someone else's. I desired a young, fit stud, but unfortunately the spell backfired and I ended up in that old guy you're in now. But fret not. The spell could be used one more time! When I first saw you, I knew you'd be my new target. I'm loving your body though, you're a hunk! Too bad for you though. You must've aged at least 40 years! Not to mention gained at least 200 pounds. Well good luck on your new life!
No way! I was stuck like this? I couldn't get up by my legs alone, so I had to use my arms to force myself off the bench. When I got up, I nearly fell right over as the weight of the new body made me lose my balance. I tried walking around like I used to, but found the gut kept hitting my arms so I had to stretch them out a bit further. My knees were killing me under all the weight, making the trek to the nearest bathroom a difficult one. I walked inside and sure enough, the mirror revealed that I was now in the body of an old man. I grazed my hands along the unrecognizable face, feeling the wrinkles that weren't there before. At first I was relieved that I still had hair despite the receding hairline, but then I touched the back of my head, revealing a large smooth bald patch.
I can't believe just like that, I was 40 years older. I glanced down at my pants, realizing that I needed to know what my dick looked like. Expecting the worst, I unzipped my pants to find I couldn't couldn't actually see it past my gut. But I reached my hand down there anyway to find I was incredibly hung! My new buddy started growing, even though I should've been turned off by a gross old man's body. But my dick didn't lie; it actually grew so far out that I could see the tip past my enormous belly. I quickly took my jacket off, and unbuttoned my shirt, to find a fleshy pair of man tits and the now revealed gut. I started jerking, and watched the tits and gut swing around like they were made of jello. I walked over to the mirror and stared at myself as I jerked some more. I came all over the bathroom mirror, and as I cleaned it off, I realized that I didn't know where this guy even lived. I reached into his jacket pocket to find a pair of keys and a wallet with an address on it. I guess this was my life now. At least I can jerk off with a huge dick anytime I want…
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Another day another LU analysis with me!
Dawn 9 is here and with it the end of the next arc of the LU comic is done!
This update did a lot and is also a full 10 pages long! So there's a bunch to unpack!
As always linked universe belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, I own none of the pictures I'm using and please give the original post some love. It's very well done and I love this comic so much.
You can find the comic here!
Oh, and obviously spoilers for the most recent LU update if you've not looked at it!
Now, checklist. Popcorn, water and time to read half an hour worth of rambling.
Without further ado!
The letters!
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So, Twilight, four and Time all appeared to get letters, with Time getting multiple (More on that later)
Twilights reaction to the super sale was my reaction while playing TP (I recently finished it for the first time! :D) when they opend the store in castle town. Every time i couldnt get there to get potions i was low key gutted.
And Four. Four's grandpa is a mood and i hope we get to meet him.
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blorbo blorbo blorbo
The master of standing 🧍
Beloved blorbo i love him
Okay im done
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(Im not done)
Poor Sky He's so sad about it D:
But... I, as a part of the The team is heading to Skyloft next, team. Believe that Sun has done this on purpose. (Or that the Skyloftians dont have the mail system for him to retrieve anything) but i like to think its the first one.
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Hmmm.... Time got multiple letters. (That takes care of the letter discrepancy)
Twi asking about the ranch, Time looking to one of the letters. This tells me one of two things.
The letter he's looking to could be from Malon, and he's genuenly not concerned.
or The letter he's looking at isnt from malon. Infact, by the way he's looking at it i think its from his Zelda. Possibly a report about black bloods in his time period. (As last time we see them in Time's era. They dont actually fight anything)
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Twilight being cheeky and Time's dad face are giving me life.
But... as we know, Time is Twilights direct decendant only by a few generations at most. With the infomation we have from Twilight princess with Shade. And from jojo with Time and Twilight. I'm seeing this conversation as more of a father and son conversation over brothers.
And the rest of this conversation follows this same pattern. Twilight is very much being scolded. He's biting back with what he see's as Time's own words. (not that time know's as such)
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Twilight looks genuenly shocked to hear this.
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From the hero's shade (Time) in twilight princess.
"You may be destined to become the hero of legend...but your current power would disgrace the proud green of the hero's tunic you wear. "
I am screaming
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And now im screaming more. Twilight nooooooooooooo
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The we care about Twilight's well being gang. Spoiling us with the full body shots againnnnnnn.
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Give me more of these three i love them all together.
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And I'm convinced that theres going to be something bad happens to time directly after the end of the LU timeline.
Time is missing an eye. So we know that Shade and Time are closer together than the hero of time (In game). SO.... If time dosent Die on the adventure with the chain. I'm almost convinced he does almost right after he returns back to his time.
The armour is almost identical. He has most of the scaring which lines up....
If the helmet turns up, then i think Time dies during this adventure. It's the only thing i can see as missing.
Twilight.... Now i think Twilight thinks that the gods are giving him an opportunity to save the hero of time from dying to become the heros shade. but thats the funky thing about timetravel.
(Depending on how Jojo and LU time travels works.)
I believe that the timetravel in LU solidifies the adventures of the other links. And that nothign that occours in this adventure impacts their adventures. Even if something was changed it wouldnt change the past.
IE - Twilight breaking his shadow crystal wouldnt mean that wild didnt remember having the wolf on his adventure - as its already happened.
(I hope that makes sense. - time travel is confusing i see it as an alternative timeline type thing)
Moving on!
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Wild is best brother 101
Also twilight getting flustered about a girl oh bless this man i low key love him okay
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Smiley man
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Epona is a wonderful girl and i love her so much okay
Also Warriors!
Man got his emotional support scarf and is no longer stressed (Atleast not visably)
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Please understand how much i am cackling at the shenanigans of these three.
Wind rolling around because it is clearly faster mode of travel
Go zoomies wind go zoomies!
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Wind rolled down the stairs you cant convince me otherwise. Look at his little superhero pose as hes moving around the corner.
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Older brother alert, dont ruin the kids fun warriors they are just getting excited about being on the road again.
Also Warriors, This is normal link behaviour. Just ask Time. He would eailsy tell you that he rolled around hyrule field.
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(if i run out of pictures i swear to hylia)
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There's so much brotherly energy in these panels i love them all so much okay.
Also Sky offering to Pay Time back for the Inn Fee this is why i love the wonderful blorbo okay
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Guys im sorry, he's their dad. You cant change my mind.
Thats a dad walk, with a dad sentence.
'Okay guys i need to make sure you are not gonna get killed please have swords.'
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The blacksmithing gang getting the love they deserve.
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Sky leading the charge! (I know its cause he knows the way and stuff But...)
It also makes a lot of sense. If Sky is the slowest of the group(Again not confirmed but we have had jokes about his stamina), it makes sense to put him at the front to maintain pace of the group. Stops people going too fast and prevents people from being left behind.
Which i might add has already happened. (Warriors and Hyrule im looking at you.)
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We just need to read the boss partterns for a bit so we can then decide how to fight it. You know, like we did when we were in our adventures and had to figure out boss mechanics.
Important that hyrule is saying this as his game is arguably one of the hardest. He probably spent a long time on each boss learning attack patterns.
Oh this arc was fun! So much fun i love it so much okay
Thank you so much again for hanging out with me while i write these. I love making them and i really appreciate all the support on them. (If you could share it around i'd really appreciate it :) )
Have a wonderful day! :D
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 10 months
Take What You Give
Pairing: Nightcrawler x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: fingering, hella dirty talk, pet names, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, DP kinda- it's with his tail so there's that, praise praise praise, unprotected p in v, creampie, kinda cockwarming also- I think that's everything lol
Genre: smut with the tiniest bits of fluff
Summary: after a dreadfully boring date you know the perfect way to unwind
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A/N: Someone on tiktok called Nightcrawler community dick and this idea popped into my head because of it lmaoo
You're bored. You're on a date with the least interesting person you've ever met in your life and oh GOD you are bored. You feel bad, he's cute and seems like a nice person but none of your conversations have been stimulating this whole time. You're trying to give a real and honest chance before you quit on this and leave. Although you'll admit you're already making plans for after this date so maybe you've checked out at this point. When he starts telling a story about a nightmarish party his college roommates held years ago you practically leap from your chair.
"Sorry to interrupt, I need to use the restroom." You tell him. You don't wait for him to respond before you rush off to find the bathroom. You allow yourself five minutes to come up with a plan ultimately setting a timer before heading back to your table. "Sorry about that. Please, continue." You say with a smile.
"All good?" He asks.
"Yes. Thank you." You say and he continues his story. Twelve minutes later, the alarm on your phone goes off. "Hang on let me just- sorry I have to take this." You mutter angling your phone away from his view as you fake a phone call. "Hello? ... No I'm out, why is everything okay? ... what?! ... Do you need me to come and get you? ... don't be silly of course I'll come. I'm on my way, alright? ... See you soon. Hang in there." You pace out your responses to your imaginary call. "Dillan I'm so sorry my friend is- in a bit of trouble and really needs my help. I hate to bail but it can't wait." You grimace as convincingly as you can.
"Is everything alright? Do you need-"
"I'm alright. We'll take care of it. I just have to go now, but tonight has been fun. I'll call you!" You say standing up. You will not be calling him.
"Yeah I had a great time. I hope things with your friend turn out fine." He says standing with you. You leave the restaurant with one more muttered goodbye and roll your eyes once you're down the block. Time to solidify your plans for the rest of your evening. You dial the number you haven't used in some time- a few months you think but no matter.
"Liebling." His voice is a little breathless when he answers.
"Hi Kurt." You say.
"It's been a while." You can hear the smile in Kurt's voice.
"I'm a busy woman Wagner and you have quite the schedule yourself. Are you engaged for the evening?"
"I can make myself unengaged."
"Don't trouble yourself Kurt."
"For you my dear it's never trouble. When do you want to see me?"
"Whenever you can unengage yourself and get here is fine. I'm not in any particular rush." You tell him.
"I'll see you in an hour. Ish. Be ready."
"Already am." You say suggestively before hanging up the phone. You catch the beginning of what, knowing Kurt, was probably a swear and you chuckle to yourself as you make your way home.
At home, you take off your makeup and the dress you wore and change into some pretty lacy lingerie. Kurt is quite fond of your collection, he says taking them off feels like unwrapping a present he's been dying to receive for months. He's quite dramatic, but you don't see him often so it's easy to enjoy giving him that little treat when you call on him. It's not yet an hour later when he materializes in your bedroom where you're reading leisurely.
"Hello darling." He smiles.
"You're early." You match the grin on his face.
"I said 'ish' plus I hate to keep you waiting." He shrugs.
"Always so sweet to me." You hum marking your place in your book and placing it on the nightstand beside you.
"Do you work tomorrow?" Kurt asks.
"Good." He says and then he's over you, holding himself up with one hand while his other cups your face. "You smell of cologne."
"Bad date." You mutter tugging him down to connect his lips to yours. The kiss doesn't last long, you feel him smile against your lips before pulling away.
"Happy to help you forget about it darling but you should call on me more often if you're feeling lonely." 
"If you're worried I'm replacing you Kurt don't be. You'll always be my favorite." You wink at him pulling him in for another kiss. This one he doesn't break, his tongue slipping into your mouth, dominating the kiss quickly. His hands are up your sides nails slightly dragging against your skin enough to send shivers through you. You back away from him enough to tug his shirt over his head, sliding your fingers down his patterned chest.
"I'll always be your favorite hm?" He smirks kissing down your neck.
"Of course my shadow jumper." You whimper when his mouth focuses on a spot against your throat, one of your hands sliding into his hair.
"You know you're my favorite don't you liebling?" He hums into your skin.
"Never had a doubt." You giggle.
"Good girl." His lips trail further, kissing the swell of your best just over the edge of your bra. "I think this might be my favorite set on you too by the way." He says sitting back and pulling you with him so he can unhook the lacy number.
"You say that every time you're here Kurt." You remind him.
"Every time I'm here you unlock a new type of perfection." He winks dipping his head to wrap his lips around one of your nipples as he lays you back against your pillows.
"You're such a flatterer." You say jokingly but a moan punctuates the sentence as Kurt's teasing tongue against your chest tugs at something deep within you. Your back arches towards him your fingers burying themselves in his hair again. Kurt's tail slides up your leg, making you squirm even more and he uses the extra appendage to pull your panties down your body. That tail wraps around one of your ankles, keeping your legs spread for the hand that slides down your abdomen. When his fingers reach the apex of your thighs you're breathing hitches before he's even touched you.
"Always so ready for me, pretty girl." Kurt chuckles. He plunges two fingers into you quickly, curling them in just the right way to have you grinding against his hand. His fingers pump in and out of you with deliberate thrusts, stretching you for him. "Heaven help me, you're absolutely soaking." Kurt hisses, your juices flowing over his hand.
"Fuck babe- I'm close." You pant out, arching into his hand as you chase your end.
"That's it liebling, let go for me." Kurt coaxes softly before leaning forward to take your clit between his lips. He sucks harshly on the bundle of nerves and the sudden stimulation sends you over the edge with a whine. He works you through it with gentle licks and slow pumps of his fingers, watching the way your face shifts between the stages of your pleasure. When you let out a long albeit shaky breath he pulls away, knowing that loud unsteady release of air means you're back in your body. "Oh how I love making you do that." He says pressing a kiss to your lips before placing his sticky fingers into his mouth. The groan he lets out at your taste flooding his tongue is pornographic. There's no other way to describe it, and a fresh wave of arousal washes over you at the sound. You watch him clean his fingers with a darkened look that he relishes in. That carnal desire in your eyes focused solely on him, he'll never get tired of it. When the essence of you no longer coats his digits he pulls them out with a satisfying pop.
"Skipping your usual protocol today?" You ask with a teasing smile. You'd have no qualms if he did but Nightcrawler is one of those makes you cum a dozen times for his own enjoyment types who has never passed up the opportunity to eat you out before fucking you.
"And allow the sweetest nectar to go to waste? Don't insult me." He scoffs shifting himself to lie between your legs. He wastes no time pulling you towards his waiting mouth and allowing his tongue to dive into your center. Your fingers are in his ink-colored hair moments later, desperate to ground yourself as he devours you like his final meal.
His tongue thrusts in and out of you, slurping the juices that spill from you, moaning as your arousal washes over every inch of his mouth. The sounds from him reverberate against your skin only furthering your madness as Kurt takes you apart one lick, one slurp, one suck at a time. When your legs begin to shake, he brings his hands up to hold your thighs still, digging his fingers into the flesh there as he feasts. Your first orgasm on his tongue meets you with a loud moan and barely contained thrashing that does nothing to slow Kurt. You jerk against his still seeking mouth, but his hold on your thighs simply tightens as he continues his onslaught.
"God! Kurt- please!" You cry out though you're not sure if you're asking him to stop or continue. As if it matters, Kurt will go until he's satisfied which with him could literally be hours. With Kurt there's no such thing as too much, he can go and go and go shattering you into a million pieces just to put you back together so he can do it all over again. And you let him. You relish in the bite of overstimulation that soon melts away to pure pleasure again as his tongue forces another orgasm from you. This one takes you by surprise as you pull at the strands between your fingers, your body convulsing harshly.
Kurt's eyes meet yours and he winks at you as he pulls you tighter against his mouth. His tongue focusing now on your too sensitive clit. You writhe against him, caught between escaping and searching for more as you squeal from his ministrations. When a scream Kurt would describe as piercing falls from your lips and your third orgasm coats his tongue he finally gives you a break, working you through your release before sitting up.
"When I asked if we were skipping your protocol it wasn't a challenge." You eventually huff at him, once your chest stops heaving so hard you thought you'd never get enough air in your lungs.
"Tapping out already? I've given you much more in one go before. Perhaps I should be checking on you more often liebling." Kurt smirks as he wipes his face.
"Tapping out? Before you've even fucked me? It's like you don't know me at all anymore sweet one." You tease back.
"That's my girl." Kurt chuckles shucking his pants off before sinking into you. Between your breathless moan and the feeling of your walls pulsing around him Kurt can't help but groan when he bottoms out. He holds still for a moment allowing both you and him to adjust to your heat swallowing his length. With a deep breath, his hips rock back, almost all the way, and then he thrusts into you so harshly that he shifts you on the bed. He settles his hands on your hips then and sets a brutal rhythm, his hips snapping against yours relentlessly.
"Holy- fuck." You grit out, tossing your head back against the bed. Kurt always fills you to the point where it's almost too much, you can feel him everywhere somehow but oh how you love it. Your nails scrape down Kurt's back as you cling to him while he fucks you ruthlessly.
"So good. You feel so good liebling." He huffs out between his thrusts.
"So do you, god- you fuck me so well. Fill me so nicely."
"I know I do pretty one, this pussy loves taking my dick. Does it so well each time. Isn't that right baby?"
"Yeah- yes- love it so much." You whimper when Kurt's tail slips between your bodies and finds your clit. The extra appendage is as dexterous as his fingers and the swollen bundle of nerves reacts to it the same way, luring you to another orgasm that has you shuddering in Kurt's arms. His tail continues to poke around near where you and Kurt are joined, his hips not slowing even with his tail in the mix. It's something he's done before, not often- but it seems tonight he's pulling out all the stops. The tip of his tail is gathering your wetness, covering itself to prepare for entering you at the other end. Kurt lifts your hips further into him, holding you high enough for his tail to get under you and slowly prod your ass.
"Gonna stuff you proper tonight." Kurt mutters before his tail breeches you. Your gasping whine at the sudden intrusion only fuels Kurt more. His tail quickly matches his hips in rhythm filling you in both holes, clouding your mind. You're a mess of moans and whines as Kurt has his way with you. He pulls one or two more orgasms from you before he's spilling into you with a roar. He doesn't even bother pulling out before lays beside you and pulls you tightly against him. He kisses your forehead softly and whispers something in German that you don't know the meaning of. It's fine he'll be here a while. With Kurt it's never one and done. He'll pull more orgasms from you until you've completely lost count, until all you know is his name and the pleasure he's giving you, until the world has been flipped on its axis and you along with it. It happens every time and that's exactly why you call him when you do.
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mxqdii · 5 months
also I have a request
so reader is dating Sam or Colby (you pick❤️). Reader is alone at a haunted location with just Sam or just Colby (does this make sense?) say it was Sam, they are just the two of them and say there were trespassers and they were threatening the two and reader has a panic attack and Sam defend them (Sam or Colby) and calm reader down on the way home.
is that doable?
when part three comes can you tag my other acc
take my breath away - c.b
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pairings: colby brock x reader
summary: a day with the boys doesn't go as expected
warning(s): panic attacks, mention of ghosts (??) idk.
a/n: so i see u said just the two of them, but i only realized after i finished writing it... i'm sorry! i hope this is still okay 😭
not proofread
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"are you guys sure this is a good idea?" i say as me, sam and colby enter the gate
"too late now! unlocking that gate took forever" sam says, walking ahead
"we're all gonna die" i mumble sarcastically, scoffing at the boys skipping together joyfully
we decided not to vlog this one, since, well..
we're trespassing.
it's okay though! atleast that's what the boys told me (and what i'm telling myself)
"hey, you okay?" colby, my boyfriend, asks.
"yeah i'm fine, just worried about being shot by a police officer" i say, giving him a look
"calm down, we'll be fine!" he speaks over confidently
"whatever you say" i groan
"woah! guys this place is so cool, let's use the spirit box here" sam yells from ahead, taking off his backpack and grabbing the box
we all listen, hearing a few random meaningless words, until...
my phone starts buzzing, which makes us all jump
"sorry, my alarm- it's midnight if anyone cares" i say, signaling for us to get out of here
"leave" the spirit box says
"yes please- wait was that the box?" i mumble
"trespassing" the box says
"guys i don't like this.." i mumble, reaching over to grab colby, looking over realizing he's nowhere to be found
"g-guys?" i say, realizing i've been left alone with only the spirit box
"guys this isn't funny. you got me okay? i'm scared." i yell into the distance, hoping to be met with colby's voice or sams laughter
but i don't hear that, instead something worse
the bushes besides me start rustling, and i feel tears brim my eyes
"h-hello?" i almost whisper
this is too much. i wanna go home.
my legs start moving before i can think and i run back to the car, hoping to find sam and colby there, but no.
i realize, i don't have the keys, leaving me in the dark parking lot surrounded by woods, alone.
okay, it's fine, i'm fine, i'll call them.
this is when i start freaking out, because what am i supposed to do now??
the only thing i can think to do, cry.
i let myself lean against the locked car door, eventually curling into a ball on the floor
i'm currently a sobbing mess at midnight, alone and cold.
the more i'm sat here with my thoughts, the harder it gets to breathe, causing me to panic.
i try to calm my breathing but can't, colby always helped me with panic attacks, i need colby.
i don't know how much time passed, but eventually, i felt hands on my shoulders and looked up to see colby
thank god.
"colby-" i try to say more but the words get caught in my throat
"shh, baby it's okay. breathe for me okay?" he says
he sits down to my level, pulling me into his lap
"i'm so sorry. we thought it'd be funny to hide but we got lost, i'm so sorry baby that wasn't funny, i know." he hushes my cries, helping me with my breathing along the way
his hands stroking my hair and his smooth rhythm of breaths calm me down,.
(even though his heart is racing)
i snap out of my panic, looking up at him.
i shove my fist into his chest, not hard enough to hurt bad
(as if you could)
"ow!" he says, almost out of instict
"never do that again" i huff
"never again." he repeats back to me, kissing my forehead.
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @its-jennarose @thetriplets3 @anythingsamandcolby
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leclerc-s · 7 months
the blue - part six
masterlist previous next
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amelia holland BUT MY MAN IS IN SINGAPORE??
amelia holland lewis hamilton duh
harry holland she's so real for that tuwaine barrett that's a mood
harrison osterfield are you officially dating oscar yet?
tom holland why do you want to know? you have a girlfriend.
harrison osterfield not anymore. we broke up.
zendaya oh for fucks sake.
amelia holland i am. i have been since monza.
harrison osterfield oh. never thought he was your type.
amelia holland and what did you think my type was? you?
sam holland WOAH WHAT? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING BETWEEN THOSE TWO? tuwaine barrett god sam, get with the program. harrison played with your sister's heart. cheated on his girlfriend with her, emotionally, for months. listen to the love is embarrassing ep to get it. sam holland HE'S THE WEIRD SECOND STRING LOSER? HARRISON WHEN I FUCKING CATCH YOU IT ON SIGHT BITCH!
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ameliaholland posted new stories
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singapore, you're great but why are you humid?? i'm dying over here.
spotted at a restaurant in singapore. will this be the week red bull loses? god i hope so. sorry max, i still love you, please don't hate me.
singapore, you're beautiful.
oscaroo! have some decency man!
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ameliaholland posted new stories
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if anyone spots this loser please tell him we got lost. we need help getting back to the hotel and we don't fucking know the name of the hotel!!
BESTIE GOT P2!! LANDO'S ON THE PODIUM! (not congratulating carlos because he thinks he's lando's bestie, clearly it's me)
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JAPAN 2023
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tom holland daniel?
tom holland LIFE ISN'T FAIR!!
zendaya you three truly are children.
harry holland you can meet his son? mick? he's mercedes reserve driver
amelia holland OH MY GOD YOU'RE RIGHT!!
harrison osterfield are you going to end up dating mick too?
tom holland dude, what the fuck?
amelia holland no because i'm not you. i don't cheat on my significant others asshole.
tuwaine barrett also, what the fuck harrison?? stop being a fucking dick??
tuwaine barrett you weird second string loser
harry holland FOUL!!! get you're fucking shit together osterfield. hop off my sister's dick.
zendaya anyways, tell the boys i say good luck this week!
amelia holland lando just let out the most unholy screech i've ever heard because and i quote "zendaya fucking coleman just wished us good luck."
amelia holland charlie is being salty because he wasn't wished good luck by zendaya.
harrison osterfield charlie?
tom holland i wish him luck!
amelia holland he says he'll blame you if he ends up lower than 5th.
amelia holland GET YOUR OWN FRIENDS TOM!
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ameliaholland whoever said i would cry when oscaroo got his first podium, you were fucking right. enjoy the close up of me crying after i saw it happen.
view all comments
username girl we all knew this was going to happen. you cried in japan when lando got p2
↳ username not to mention she cried when she met seb
↳ ameliaholland okay no need to call me out guys i get it.
tomholland2013 YEAH! GO OSCAR!
↳ username we love a supportive brother-in-law!
landonorris you straight up bawled your fucking eyes out. charles was concerned you were going to be dehydrated.
charles_leclerc i expect this sort of enthusiasm when i get a win or podium
↳ ameliaholland honestly just get a p3 with that fucking tractor and i'll cry tears of happiness for you.
zendaya i believe i am the reason for this
↳ oscarpiastri i think you are, please keep sending good vibes our way
↳ landonorris we couldn't let you down
mclaren admin is worried, are you okay ms.holland?
↳ ameliaholland i'm fine, oscar gave me a bunch of water
samholland1999 ROOKIE OF THE YEAR! (sorry logan)
↳ logansargeant no i get it, i have him saved as rookie of the year on my phone (i lost a dare)
↳ ameliaholland i told you not to bet against me and here you are looking like an idiot on my instagram comments
↳ username i want to know what this bet was
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ameliaholland posted a new story
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seen by hazosterfield, landonorris, logansargeant and others
uber driver 10/10
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¡leclerc-s speaks! VEGAS QUALI HERE WE GO! (i am not excited for this)
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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ysrjune · 9 days
hi! i know you don't usually write for clay, so feel free to delete this if you want. but, if youre up for it, I'd love to see inpatient!clay beresford x inpatient!reader (maybe also w heart condition i have one and i just think it would be cute). and like maybe they both have surgery on the same day or smth soft of them comforting each other through this or smth idk i just need patient!reader w clay so bad 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 ( if u like angst also im not against one of them dying at the end)
My Baby
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i’m so sorry that I replied to this so late, but hey.. at least I responded, right 🥰⁉️ thank you for your ask <3
summary ✦ clay and reader have heart surgery the same day, and they comfort each other.
“We’ll be okay.” Clay runs his fingers through your hair in hopes it will calm you down. your surgery was less than a few hours away, and you were scared. what if the doctors do something wrong that ends up in death for you or clay.. or both. Clay was your everything, and you couldn't bare to lose him.
“You don't know that for sure.” she sighed, looking up at Clay to say something else, but he beat her to it. “Yes I do. what kind of hospital hires doctors that don't know how to be doctors.” he was just trying to make you feel better. he knew there were always risks in any situation for surgery. “After this, we're gonna be fine, sweetie. more than fine.” he kissed your cheek. “we'll start our own family and be happy the rest of our lives without being scared of randomly dying on the spot.”
Clay was always better with coming to peace with his condition, so much so that it didn't bother him to make jokes about randomly dying on the spot. you, on the other hand, were really scared of dying and not being able to fulfill a good enough life. you wanted to have fun, find a suitable husband to raise a family with, and be the best wife & mother you could be. so, the thought of death being able to take you out of nowhere was terrifying.
“clay, dont say that. It's not funny.” you look down to his chest. “I just.. want us to live the life we deserve.”, “and we will. I'm telling you, baby, nothing bad is gonna happen, you'll see.” he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
the time finally came, and you were being pushed on the hospital beds to the surgery rooms. Clay held your hand the whole way there since his bed was next to yours. “I love you, clay. with all my weak heart has to give.” he wanted to burst into tears. this could he the last time you see each other. as much as he didn't wanna think about it, he did. his beautiful angel being taken away from him or him being taken away from you, ending up in not giving you the life you wanted with him. still, he put a smile on and looked at your wedding ring, then his. “I love you too, y/n. I'll never stop loving you.” even the nurses who were pushing your beds wanted to cry.
“if anything happens, you were the one for me, baby. the only one. the girl of my dreams.” he gives the softest half smile as you're close to parting ways to different rooms. “I'll see you out of surgery, honey.” you respond, kissing your fingers and placing it on his hand. he shed a tear and nodded as you split ways.
things were going great for the first half of everything that the doctors did. but then something went wrong.. very wrong. the heart wasnt receiving enough blood flow. the doctors didn't even notice until it was too late. how could they break the news? after the nurses told them about how all you two wanted was to stay here on earth with each other and raise a baby of your own. that didn't matter anymore. you were dead.
Clay woke up from surgery, his mother and a couple of friends by his bed. his first instinct was to look over to the bed next to him so he could see you. nothing. the bed was empty. it made his still fragile heart begin to beat fast in worry. “where is she?” he looked to his mother with teary eyes. “where is my wife?” his voice cracked. he was staring to cry. did you make it? please, God, he hoped you made it and you were just put in a different room.
All his mother and friends did was frown at him, crying as well. Clay sucked in air and started to cry. sniffling while shaking his head, he still kept looking to the bed. “No, no, no. this wasn't how it was supposed to go. youre all lying.” his cries were heartbreaking. “Mom?” he switched his gaze to her, hoping it was all a lie.. a dream.. a hallucination. anything but the truth.
“I'm sorry, Clay.” that was it. you were officially gone. his baby was gone. not just you, but the baby he could have given you. the baby he could love and see you through the eyes of your child.
Clay never emotionally recovered from that. he never dated either. never even dared to stare or flirt with another woman. all he ever did was work, drink, visit your grave, and go to bed. occasionally visit some friends and family, but that was it. his life was never the same without you. he kept all your things. he sprayed your signature perfume on your pillow thst he cuddled with to just pretend you were still there with him.
Clay Beresford was absolutely miserable for the rest of his life without you.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
taglist: @anakinstwinklebunny @heartsforanakin @anisscarletstarlet @sockiess @erosmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader @freezerbride95 @starsfortaylor 🎀
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ghouljams · 8 months
can you please take us back to the beginning? from where it all started?
what did ghost do that made price decide ‘yep, imma ship you out with the horses’ and how did price mention goose before ghost met her.
I have been dying to write some Price and Ghost fic. I wanna do some fae au stuff for them too, but for now we focus on the cowboys. So here it is. Ghost tells Price he'd follow him into hell, and Price asks if he'd follow him to safety too.
"You're not renewing your contract," Ghost has never been keen on beating around the bush. Price is used to that, used to the sharp look in his lieutenant's eye that asks 'what are you keeping off the record and should I do the same?' There have been enough times that they've had to scramble in the dark without the cushion of military contracts, everything less than official in order to achieve the impossible, that he should have expected the look.
"I'm retiring," Price tells him, tugs open the corner drawer of his desk to fish for a cigar. The scrape of wood echoes through his office. Simon fidgets, a short flick of his nails against the pads of his fingers that is quickly stopped by Ghost's clenching fists.
"Retiring," Ghost repeats, feels the word out like he's never heard it before, "didn't know men like us retired." Price hums, clicking his lighter with a growing frustration, fucking military grade bullshit. Ghost flicks his lighter on, and holds it out for his captain. Price takes a moment with his cigar, letting the flame burn just a little long before Ghost flips the lid shut.
"When's the last time you slept?" He asks instead of rising to the obvious, if self deprecating, bait.
"Last night." The answer comes just a second too quick. Practiced. It's a standard question from the psych eval Price knows good and god damn well Ghost's been lying on for years. The kind of scars he's got...
"Really?" Price isn't asking, he lowers his cigar and exhales heavily, feels some of the tension melt off his shoulders, "I didn't." Ghost doesn't blink.
"Don't see how, they just keep makin' the barrack beds more comfortable." He jokes, the deadpan tone a distraction from his underlying agreement. Price would bet Ghost hasn't had a decent night's sleep in years. It won't be any better with him gone.
"Your contract is up about this time isn't it?" Price slides a folder to the side, flips up the edge of Ghost's papers. Same date stamped at the top as his own. It's been like that as long as he can remember. There's never been any question of what was going to happen on that date, except this time around. "What're your plans for that?"
"Renew." Ghost says without an ounce of hesitation.
"Without me?"
Ghost freezes. Price can almost see the gears turning in his head. A new captain, one he can't trust, one who doesn't know who he is or how he works. A new captain that might bring in new people, who might decide he's too much work and have him transferred out of counter terrorism. Who might not let his psych slip pass, who might discharge him for any number of things Price has let go over the years.
Ghost is a good soldier because he trusts him. Someone new? After what happened chasing down Hassan and Makarov, it's anyone's bet how he'll play. Those betrayals still hangs fresh over all of their heads.
"You like animals lieutenant?"
"Animals, sir?" Ghost's head tips forward ever so slightly, the smallest breech in his rigid posture betraying his confusion.
"My wife's family owns a ranch stateside. Would save me the trouble of lookin' for an extra hand if you wanted to change careers." Price leans back in his chair, "Good place to spend your retirement if you like animals."
"When'd you get married?" It's not the most elegant topic change, but it's also not a "no."
"Soon as I saw how shit the barracks were," It's the truth, but it sounds close enough to a joke that anyone else might think it was, "Got a kid too, Goose, you'd like 'er." Ghost grunts, breezing past that one, though Price knows he's carefully filing the information away. Mind like a bear trap that one. There's nothing Price has ever known Ghost to forget.
The two men regard each other across Price's desk. There's a level of trust between them that's carried them to this point, past every roadblock. It's not something that can be built up over night, nor is it one the affords requests lightly. Price has asked a lot of Ghost over the years, both of them understanding that the only way out was through. Now they stand at an impasse. One of them leaving, the other hoping they'll stay.
Ghost doesn't know what he'll be if Price leaves. He doesn't know what he is when he isn't this.
"Simon," Price appeals, leaning forward, "Let me do this for you. Let me get you out before this job kills you. The ranch is nice, it's quiet, you'll have your own place, work. You can sleep there."
Ghost is silent for a long moment, his eyes dark, clouded, as they stare Price down. It's anyone's guess what he's thinking. The conversations they've had- Price knows as well --no better-- than anyone that Ghost lives his life waiting for this work to kill him. He can't bury him again. Can't mourn Simon a second time when he knows he could have saved him. Price couldn't be there last time, but now? Today? He can try.
"I'm not babysitting," Ghost says finally. Price smiles, feels the tight anxiety in his chest loosen a little.
"Who? Goose?" He chuckles, shakes his head, "Doubt you'll get the chance to meet 'er, but I'll make sure she knows not to bother you."
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pluckyredhead · 3 months
Can you please say more about the Lanterns' politics?
I am so glad you asked me about this because I've been thinking about it since I reblogged that post but also I'm definitely about to get yelled at lol. ANYWAY THIS IS GOING TO BE LONG.
Tl;dr: John is the only one with a coherent political position or an up-to-date voter registration.
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So something interesting about Hal is that his stories are often very political but his character is not. With one extremely obvious exception, he rarely talks about politics; rather, he serves as a means through which to tell political stories, usually unintentionally.
What do I mean by that? Well, for example, in the Silver Age, his love interest would occasionally be possessed by a misandrist space jewel that would force her to attack him, but always lose because women are inherently inferior to men and prefer to be subjugated by them anyway. That's the original Star Sapphire concept. It's wildly misogynistic, but it doesn't mean Hal the character is misogynistic. But it's also a very political story, even if I don't think the writer was deliberately trying to make a point so much as...being an average, thoughtlessly sexist guy living in the 60s. (Carol continues to be the subject of mindbogglingly sexist writing and art well into the 2000s. Fucking comics.)
And so you have Hal Jordan, whose love life was ruined by his girlfriend getting promoted above him and who called his best friend by a racist nickname for decades; Hal Jordan, poster boy for chest-thumping post-9/11 kneejerk patriotism; Hal Jordan, lightning rod for a certain kind of regressive bigoted fanboyism. Choosing Hal as the Lantern for a particular story over John or Kyle has come to signify something very specific, but none of that is necessarily reflective of what Hal himself believes.
So what about Hal himself? Well, when we first meet him, he's the epitome of privilege: a white, straight, cis, Christian (I know he's canonically half-Jewish now but that's only as of the past decade or so), ablebodied, upper middle class (Geoff Johns retconned him to have a working class background, but in the Silver Age, he had one uncle who was a millionaire, another who was a judge, and a successful politician brother) man with a flashy job. Privilege tends to lean Republican; even if he is from California, I suspect Hal voted for Eisenhower in 1956.
In GL/GA, the word "Republican" isn't used to my recollection, but Hal is definitely presented as...I'm going to say conservative by I mean lower-case C. He doesn't have deeply held political beliefs, but he's traditional. He doesn't question the system, because he's never had to. He resists things that challenge the way he's always understood the world works, and that's very relatable - most people do! And he will absolutely argue with Ollie, who certainly isn't always right about everything. But he's also willing to listen, and have his mind changed, and certainly reachable via appeals to compassion and fairness.
Once the "relevance" trend of the late 60s-early 70s was over, Hal's stories default back to ostensibly politically neutral, although obviously nothing is actually politically neutral. In the late 80s and early 90s he's the most unpleasant version of himself, and that has political manifestations, like when he allows John to be imprisoned in apartheid South Africa for a ridiculous and unnecessary crime Hal himself committed. It's extremely fucked up, but again, it's less because of Hal's actual opinions and more because Christopher Priest wanted to write about apartheid, even if it does make Hal look incredibly, horrifically racist.
Then jump to the mid-2000s and Green Lantern: Rebirth, and you might imagine that losing his hometown, getting possessed by a giant space bug, becoming a supervillain, dying, and becoming the embodiment of God's vengeance might have some effect on Hal's politics, but that is not what Geoff Johns is here to write. Johns is writing a Hal who teleported in from, like, 1967 - no nuance allowed. He's a summer blockbuster that walks like a man. He's a Baja Blast. He's never had a coherent political thought in his life. In his defense, he has had more and goofier concussions than any superhero I can think of and his brain is smooth like an egg. Still.
Anyway, all of this is to say that I think Hal tends to default to center right positions but can be easily coaxed over to center left. That said, he has never not once in his life had his shit together enough to vote in a single election, not even for his own brother.
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So Guy's deal is a little bit complicated because his most vocally political era was also in part due to severe and personality-altering brain damage.
When Guy was originally introduced in the 1960s, he had the pleasantly bland personality of all superheroes. Many years later, he suffered a series of major injuries, torture, and a lengthy coma, and he emerged from the coma in 1985 with the aggressive, abrasive personality he's best known for today. Justice League International took that even further, using him to parody the jingoistic, red-blooded American action hero of the 80s.
This version of Guy is a vocal fan of Ronald Reagan and despises the USSR. He's pro-war, proudly xenophobic, and treats women badly enough that it crosses the line into repeated sexual harassment, both physical and verbal. (To be fair...ish, this last also applies to Wally West and arguably a number of other men, and was always played for laughs. It was gross all around.)
Again, this is partially a manifestation of his brain damage. There's also a running gag in JLI where if he gets hit on the head, his personality changes to this cloying, timid, gentle one, sort of halfway between a child and a flamboyant gay stereotype. Hit him again and he goes back to Asshole Guy. I'm not going to pretend I don't find some of the gags funny, but it's obviously all highly problematic, and not just from a medical standpoint.
That said, I don't think we can dismiss Guy's politics or his usual personality as simply a manifestation of brain damage. We see in later flashbacks that he developed the abrasiveness as a defense mechanism from growing up in an abusive home, and as he matures through the 90s, he doesn't actually become a significantly different person, even after his Vuldarian healing factor kicks in and heals his brain. (It's a thing.) I think it's more accurate to say that the brain damage probably affected his impulse control, his filter, and arguably even his paranoia levels.
All of which is to say that as much as I would love to go "Guy's better now, so he's not a Republican!"...that dog won't hunt. I think a really good canon writer could make the case that Guy is pro-union-style working class and also a former teacher so he's at least center left, but as of now canon evidence is pretty firmly on the red side. It doesn't help that the GLC has been written as fetishistically pro-cop and pro-military since Johns got his grubby hands all over it. I will happily ignore the New 52 retcon that Guy was a cop, and you could even try to argue that he dislikes cops because his brother was a corrupt cop who became a supervillain, but I think it's much more likely that he identifies with cops as a Corps member. Although I don't think he would have any patience for killer cops. ("You were afraid for your life even though you were the only one with a weapon? Then fucking quit, coward.")
All of that said, I think Guy is similar to Hal: defaults to center right, can be talked into center left on certain issues but he's more stubborn about it. (They would also both be enraged by Jan 6 and disgusted by the current Republican party - I can't quite argue that Guy Gardner is a Democrat but Green Lanterns don't have any patience for traitors or cowards.) It's also kind of a moot point because he never knows what is happening on Earth and hasn't voted since his pre-coma days.
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Oh John Stewart, thank god for you.
John was introduced as an explicitly political character in an explicitly political story. The first time we see him, he's stepping in to defend Black men from a white cop, citing his own knowledge of the law to do so. He shows a much more perceptive and informed perspective on the issue's main plot (a racist senator running for president) than Hal does. Even in the little moment above, we see that he's sensitive to exactly what it means for him, a Black man, to be taking on this role.
None of this is a surprise, since we'll later learn that John's parents were civil rights activists. Not only would he not have had the privilege Hal and Guy did to assume his existence was politically neutral, he was explicitly educated about political realities and progressive advocacy from childhood. He's well-informed, he's passionate, and he's going to tell you when you are being fucking stupid.
John isn't immune from the GL cop/military...thing, although I can't blame Johns for that - it was the cartoon that made him a Marine, and the comics followed suit. But that's never outweighed his origin or his upbringing. Like, he's friends with the DCU's fictional version of Nelson Mandela.
This one is straightforward: John is a staunch progressive. He is, however, in outer space 90% of the time, so he's always at least a little bit out of date. I imagine every time he comes back to Earth he spends the first 24 hours watching the news in abject horror.
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Kyle doesn't talk about politics a lot, but when he does, he lands pretty much where you'd expect a young California-born artist living in New York City to land: to the left. My read on Kyle is that he hasn't really thought any of his politics through, which makes sense - he's a character who is led by emotion over reason every time. He doesn't have John's carefully thought-through arguments or knowledge of the law behind him. I feel like when something political upsets him, he's more likely to splutter angrily than make a coherent argument (which: same). When he's given the time to think things through and speak from the heart, though, he can be very eloquent, like in his speech to Terry after Terry accidentally comes out to him.
It's also worth pointing out that his solo appearances were mostly in the 90s, which were prone to avoiding politics or only addressing them in a halfhearted both sides-y way like the story above.
That said, I don't think he ever actually does anything about his political opinions. He never votes in midterm or primary elections, and probably only voted in a presidential one because Alex dragged him along one time. I feel like Donna tried to do the same when they were dating and that was when Kyle realized he'd forgotten to change his voter registration from California to New York. Jennie wasn't responsible enough to Mom him into doing his civic duty, and he's been in space pretty much nonstop ever since, so...
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In that other post, I said Simon's experiences should have radicalized him, but instead he was created by Geoff Johns. Simon is a Muslim, Lebanese-American man who came of age in the post-9/11 era, and was wrongfully convicted of terrorism and waterboarded at Guantanamo Bay. His reaction to this was...to put on a ski mask and wave a gun around. Like, it's been a while since I've read these issues, but aside from the "ripped from the headlines!!!" of it all, I feel like Simon's experiences largely don't inform his actions or perspective except that he's super angry (fair enough).
The thing about Simon (and Jessica) is that he hasn't been around very long, and most comics don't have characters directly expressing political opinions. It's not a coincidence that these characters are in chronological order and each write-up is shorter than the last. I can think of about three times where Kyle has ever said anything I can interpret as political, and he's been around for 30 years. Simon only has a third of that history. So while one could certainly extrapolate what Simon's opinions are likely to be, I can't think of any canon where he actually says them.
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Jessica has even less to go on in terms of explicitly political comics. You'd think she wouldn't like guns because of what happened to her friends, but she has one of her own and doesn't seem bothered by Simon's. I'd imagine she has opinions on immigration as someone whose family is from Mexico and Honduras, but it never comes up. If I were writing for DC, I'd make both Simon and Jess leftists, but as for actual canon proof? I got nothing.
I will say that she probably avoids political discussions because anxiety, and I bet she got really good at voting by mail during her years not leaving the house. She probably votes by mail from space. Maybe John's not the only one with an up-to-date voter registration.
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idyllcy · 9 months
I'm so impulsive, got a flight to the east coast already
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word count: 1.5k
summary: As Tim sits on the plane, he can only— shit. You're cute.
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Three days, four hours, two minutes, and eleven seconds counting.
That's how long Tim's been awake.
Sure, he should do something that isn't flying out for personal business last minute in economy class— but he should also really not be allowed to stay awake for so long. He needs to fly back to Gotham from Jump City, and somehow, for some wretched, cruel twist of fate, he's stuck flying economy class because Bruce is using the private plane for WE business. First class is somehow, cruelly, awfully booked full, and even business class was not let up. Tim Drake, for the first time since birth, is stuck sitting in economy class, cramming with others. He's sure this is payback for being awake for three days without a single nap.
Maybe he'd get kidnapped for ransom on top of it.
"Here's your ticket. You'll be at gate 20." The lady at the register smiles.
Tim has no carry-ons other than his messenger bag, and for the first time in ages, TSA is hell to go through. He waits in line with the rest of the people, hands them his ID, gets a plethora of questions asked to him about why he was flying economy, and finally makes it to the gate. He wonders if he should use his card to check into the VIP lounge, but he has barely any time to think about it, noticing his flight's already about to board.
He ends up being one of the last ones to board, running to his gate and handing them his ticket before entering. God, he needs to get a plane of his own with his inheritance sometime. Flying in economy sounds like the worst experience yet, and sure, he's privileged to say it— but he'd much rather stick to first class or even business at worse.
Though, as he meets eyes with the person he's sitting next to, he pauses.
Oh. Shit. You're cute.
"Awh..." You pout playfully. "And here I thought I'd be able to get three whole seats to myself."
Tim laughs to the best of his ability, sitting next to you and tucking his bag under his seat, yawning as he slouches back.
"Long day?"
"Long week." He mumbles.
"Yeah? Tell me about it." You yawn too, slouching back into your seat. Tim glances at you as you tilt your head at him, curious to see what was his problem. Maybe it would pique your interest. A six-hour flight really doesn't sound that bad, but then again, Tim needs some sort of sleep before he knocks out. Right. Shit. He forgot his neck pillow.
"Call me privileged, but this is my first time flying economy." He blinks. "God, I'm tired."
"Want my pillow?" You pull it from your neck, holding it out for Tim.
"Are you an angel?"
"Erm, not quite." You smile awkwardly, shrugging. "But I don't sleep on domestic flights."
"What are you flying for?" Tim clips the pillow around his neck, moaning quietly at the comfort.
"Family. I heard one of my parents got hurt. I bought the only ticket left."
"Funny. I'm going back for family business too." Tim snorts.
How you have not yet called Tim out for being a Wayne is beyond him. He's too tired to analyze you, sinking into his seat as he closes his eyes, humming as you continue rambling.
"So? Why this flight?"
"Got a call from my old man this morning about how I needed to attend a meeting for him." Tim mumbles. "God do I hate him sometimes."
"Business meeting?"
"Yeah. The worst part is that those old geezers weren't willing to host it on Zoom like a normal person." Tim sighs. "They made me buy my own ticket too. The disrespect is wild."
"Do they do this to your dad?"
"Never." Tim groans. "If I fall asleep while you talk, I'm sorry."
"Don't be. Sounds rough." You smile. "Any drink orders?"
"Zesti." He mumbles. "But a can, please."
"I'll let them know." You hum.
Tim knocks out cold. It's the quickest he's slept in ages, and the neck pillow feels so good he thinks he's going to heaven. He wouldn't mind dying on this plane— Not when he's sleeping so well. God, maybe he'd actually have a better flight experience on economy. (it would, however, NOT be a more than once experience. Economy was a nightmare. That was his sleep deprivation speaking, not him.)
You open your laptop, go back to your document, and join the free internet as you continue typing on the document. You text the server for advice, bouncing ideas off of each other as you go on a tangent about the cute boy next to you at the airport. The chat goes insane as you try to explain that there is no way you are going to meet him again; the universe simply would not allow it, but they ignore you, spilling story prompts and stirring the worms in your brain. Fuck.
You grumble quietly as you start a new document for the idea.
Halfway through the flight, Tim leans onto your side, head meeting your shoulder, his lips parted as he drools a little, eyes still closed. You blink at him slowly, making sure he was still asleep before going back to typing. You order him a can of Zesti when the flight attendants come by before typing on your laptop again. You wonder if he knows anything about the vigilantes of Gotham. Maybe you'll ask him when he wakes up. Though, as you write fanfiction for a meet-cute with a vigilante on a plane, you think you'd rather die than ask him a question about vigilantism. Your boldness could only go so far.
When you finish your drink and doc, you glance at the time. You had another two hours to kill before descent, and you were kind of starting to regret not bringing another neck pillow. Listen. He's cute. You'd give your neck pillow to him any day if it meant he would call you an angel. His voice? His face? God, he was so hot it was kind of daunting. Maybe you'd ask him for his number later. Then again, he'd probably say no. What kind of a Gotham elite would give his number to a random person?
Hell, it's not as if you even went to school in Gotham either. You try and put your finger on which Gotham elite he is, but you come to no fruit as you think of the big ones. There's no way he's Bruce Wayne despite the uncanny blue eyes and black hair combo. Maybe one of his sons? But then again, Dick Grayson was much taller than the boy next to you. You don't actually recall what his other two sons look like. Two? Three? You don't remember if his second son is alive. Last you checked, he is. So it'd be three, huh? It's also definitely not his Asian daughter.
You give up on figuring out who he is and settle for closing your laptop and putting it back in your bag, closing your eyes as you rest your head on his, racing heart only calming when you fall asleep.
The two of you stay that way until a flight attendant wakes you up to put your tray back, waking Tim too on accident, the boy blinking slowly as you close the tray, tilting his head at you.
"God, maybe I am in heaven." He mumbles.
You laugh much brighter this time, warmth flushing your skin and blood rushing to your neck, embarrassed as Tim registers his own words, horrified at his boldness.
"I'm so sorry—"
"No, no." You continue laughing, the joy still in your voice as you continue. "I'm touched. I don't get called angel often."
"Really?" Tim mumbles. "How long until landing?"
"Thirty minutes." You smile. "They had me put my tray back. You can go back to sleep if you want—"
"Can I have your number?" Tim blurts.
"A-ah?" You stare at him wide-eyed.
"Oh, is that too much? I just really wanted to go out with you for coffee, you see. You can say no if you're uncomfortable, really. You're allowed to do that. Actually, please do that. I don't know if I'll be able to—"
"Yes!" You cut him off. "Yeah. Yeah. You can have my number."
The two of you exchange numbers the last thirty minutes of the flight, names and information exchanged, a light flush on your cheeks, and a visible one on Tim's face.
Tim thinks this is his reward for flying economy for once. (And maybe, just maybe, he'd fly economy back if it meant he would be with you again.)
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mydarlingbat · 1 month
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Batman Europa #3 lemme just inform everyone that i did not feel like making this one, and It's only because I have to do two parts to Batman Europa #3. there's so many wonderful moments in this issue. It'd be illegal for me not to show all of them. Alright let's talk about the first cutout panel from Batman Europa'#3 I would like to elaborate on Batman's patience here. I've already said this before, however Batman has so much patience with the Joker. He literally just sighs and ask the Joker can he stop his babbling. Batman here is obviously just trying to start a fight. He's once again grabbing the Joker recklessly. Batman you can just ask him you know? Plus he already mention he told you, so this just let's me know you want to argue a little, or even chat a little, but I do think he's also making sure the Joker isn't setting him up. The Joker telling Batman is hypocritical question is so funny to me, and Batman responds with 'heh that's funny' I swear theses two are so married. Batman doesn't tell the Joker to shut up until he talks about them murdering each other. I wonder why? What I really wanted to point out that the Joker listens to the Batman and be quiet for a whole hour? I'm in awe to be honest. The fact that Batman is complimenting the Joker again, and chucking too. It gives me life. Batman is so free around him.
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Batman's over here thinking. 'What heart?' Nah, I'm just joking around. I have no doubt that he's just flabbergasted by the Joker right now. He is finding out something new about him, and he's just surprise by it, but I love how his mouth slightly hangs open in befuddle way, like is this really happening too.
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I can't entirely believe that Batman just stands by, watching the Joker. He so fascinated with this man!!! Batman also refers to the Joker as his closet enemy. What he really meant is his closest friend. It's in disguise. I'm telling you. I mean but why did he choose those words though? He could've have said my greatest enemy. Bruce please stop playing with us here.
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Like Bruce are you saying that the Joker has charm? I actually love this page, because Batman's aware of the Joker's charm. The Joker doesn't need to look amazing in appearance. What makes up for his appearance is his charm itself. It's why Batman can be so intrigue by the Joker, and find him attractive. Batman also wanted to know how it feels to be the Joker, and again Batman's kind of complimenting the Joker here.
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I just can't with Batman always trying to start a fight here. The Joker refuses to fight with the Batman while they're working together, but Batman continue to try to go back with the usually routine. Let's fight a little. Batman looks like he misses it more than the Joker here to be honest, but here's a theory. I believe Batman desires the touches from the Joker. He's not fighting with him, which involves a lot of touching. This is Batman way of getting that from the Joker, without making it obvious, and the reason I believe this is because after the Joker's touches Batman arm to call him down He relaxes and doesn't seem the littlest mad to be honest. Batman also grabs the Joker constantly, and even chokes him throughout the comic run. The Joker on the other hand isn't trying to fight with Batman, because he feels free touching Batman whatever way he pleases. Batman's the one who has to stop him. I mean Batman can clearly see no one's laughing. The Joker isn't laughing neither. Batman just find a reason to grab the Joker. He waits for the Joker to say anything about him to attack, that's the only way to touch him without him feeling wrong about it. Now this is just a theory. It definitely might not be true, or maybe it's something I deeply want. Lmao
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And the way Batman willingly let's the Joker push him away says a whole lot, and not Bruce raising his hand to ask a question. Oh my god! I'm dying. The Joker just over here like 'bats shut up' and Batman is raising his hand like can I ask something. I can't even think of another villain Batman has done this with? It's so funny to me. I just love, love how the Joker speaks to Batman like he's a child, and Bruce takes it. It's just my opinion.
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witchymadness · 1 year
(w/ Gwendoline Christie's Characters)
(A/N): literally wrote this for myself bcs I just can't with how hot and sweet this woman is, but I thought you guys might enjoy too! 🥹 literally Stan Gwen for a better life. Did not proof read, pls enjoy.
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(also fls this image makes me just want to sin, mame)
Brienne of Tarth
-You're a princess and she's a knight.
-Classic trope.
-You were on a journey and your father, the king, sent his mightiest guard with you in your quest, whatever it may be.
-All that good shit.
-So, one day in your seemingly endless travels with Brienne, you were bound to encounter the following scenario:
-"I profusely apologize, m'lady, but there seems to be only one more room available in the inn. And it only has one bed."
-I mean, it wasn't like you had the hugest fucking crush on this gorgeous-ass fucking woman next to you--
-So you arrive at the room and the bed was quite spacious, seemingly a bed for... Couples.
-But your internal screaming was ceased when your amazing (mountain) of a knight offered to sleep on the floor. And of course, you couldn't let her do that!
-"Oh, it's absolutely fine, Brienne. I insist."
-"B-but m'lady--"
-"It's fine, Brienne. I could use the company."
-*insert internal dying pt. 2*
-You trying not to stare while she takes off her armor was a successful, yet gruesome process.
-Facing away from her in bed because you might just freeze to death if you accidentally met her icy-blue eyes.
-"(Y/N). I understand that you are not comfortable with our predicament. Cease the civilities and let me sleep on the floor, please."
- >:0
-"Brienne, I-- listen, it's not you that I am uncomfortable with. Well... It is you. But--"
-She let out a quiet sigh as she had started to stand, but you, frustrated and quite tired of the bullshit, grabbed her arm and caused you two to come face to face.
-This slightly took her a back, but she kept her usual composure, propping you up as you still held on tightly on to her arm.
-"Lady (L/N), what on earth are you doing?"
-"I'm not letting you leave. By god, you are as slow as you are gorgeous."
-"I don't understand, m'lady."
-"Brienne, I do wish for your company. Not just this evening, but the evenings ever since I've met you and the evenings in the many moons to come."
-*exe.brienne has stopped working*
-"I understand that I may have been a little too aggressive. But my offer still stands the same. You can have the bed. It's the least I could do for the bravest knight of Tarth."
-"(Y/N)... Are you true?"
-"With every word that I have given you. By the old gods and the new, Brienne. I mean it."
-You saw the spark in her eyes, a spark of hope and maybe... Love? So, you continued.
-"I meant every compliment I have given you, every thanks, every laugh and each of those chaste kisses on your cheek when I tend to your wounds that I wish could be longer. They're all true. I mean it when I say that my bed shall always be yours. And I'll mean it everytime that I tell you how much I love you, my Brienne."
-"I love you too, (Y/N). I always have. I'll always be by your side. I shall protect you and offer my life to you, my (Y/N). Know that in my dying breath, the memories of your smile shall put me into the deep slumber with joy."
-You cried because, whew! Did you guys just get married?
-"Let us sleep then. As I await every tomorrow that I'll spend with you."
-Move over, Will Shaxbeard!
-You woke up with Brienne holding you close and you the same. You knew instantly that that is how you wanted to spend the rest of your eternity.
Lucifer Morningstar
-Little less pure than Brienne.
-So, Lucifer abandoned their post, went down to earth and met you.
-You we're a psychic.
-Well, kind of.
-It didn't matter, because Lucifer seemed to think so, so they dragged you along to fulfill their great escape of their father's plan.
-You really did not believe them, but hey, they've got money.
-You we're visiting a demon in Las Vegas.
-Suffice to say that you've seen quite the shit that day and just wanted to get some rest. And probably a beer or two before travelling of to the dreaming.
-Lucifer didn't really like sleeping, and they usually just... Do things while you're asleep.
-They're a very busy person.
-In your slumber, you'd sometimes awaken to the Morningstar cursing under their breath, contemplating their life.
-It was a strange ass mid-life crisis.
-Besides being the Devil, you had to say that they were quite charming. Polite, infact.
-They never bothered you unless they needed to.
-No one ever saw them in their raw form of vulnerability, except you.
-Or atleast, no one ever survived to tell the tale.
-Well, that night in Vegas, you've drank MORE than a beer or two.
-Lucifer said that alcohol never really worked on them. It's a celestial being thing, you wouldn't get it.
-"Well why don't you just get some rest then, angel?"
-That nickname irritated them to no extent.
-"I told you (Y/N), I don't sleep."
-"Like... You can't? Or you just don't wanna?"
-*annoyed Lucy activated*
-Usually, you'd back off. But in this case, you had no control and you were face to face with the Devil, for Christ's sake. Of course you were curious.
-They looked at you incredulously.
-"(Y/N), just go to bed, angel."
-They did not just say that.
-You burst out laughing. Does the devil have blood? No. Can you see clearly? Absolutely not. But are they absolutely blushing like a tomato? Yes.
-They marched to the side of your bed, demanding you to shut the fuck up but to no avail.
-Going as far as to straddle you and attempted to choke you, out of their childish frustration.
-Part of them knew they couldn't kill you as you were still an evident part of the prophecy.
-But, God they wanted you to shut up so bad.
-It's an itch that grew unbearably annoying to them, to listen to you laugh. And now, especially, that you were laughing at their misfortune.
-"(Y/N), SILENCE!"
-When you realized the position that the two of you were in, you suddenly quieted down.
-Samael was the most beautiful angel in the heavens, and still retained their features even after their fall from grace.
-As the dim yellow light shone a faux halo above them, it was bitter irony.
-Your angel.
-You pulled Lucifer down next to you, then almost successfully straddling them in the same manner they did.
-"You look so beautiful, my angel."
-You couldn't remember what happened next but when you woke up, you were on top of Lucifer, head resting on their chest.
-They were wearing their own silk pajamas and you found it adorable.
-"Good morning, my angel."
-They decided that they liked that nickname better.
Larrisa Weems
-You were a fellow teacher.
-Well, you liked thinking that you were.
-You were just an intern, or as most people like calling you, Ms. Weems' assistance.
-It didn't really bother you as much.
-It meant that you got to spend more time with the Head Mistress, who to be completely honest, you were absolutely smitten with.
-You slept in your own chambers, of course.
-But one day, something completely unfortunate happened.
-A fur just happened to burst into your room while they were morphed, through the windows.
-You were sleeping at the time, but luckily, you only had a few cuts from the window shards, thanks to your duvet.
-Larissa, being the headmaster, had to take care of the whole debacle.
-She dragged you inside her chambers and started patching up your arms and the few stray cuts littered across your face.
-Larissa did look sorta pissed, while doing so.
-"Ms. Weems, I understand that I'm intruding. I can stay with Mr. Ramirez tonight and I can patch myself up, if it's troubling you."
-You offered, as Mr. Ramirez, or Gary, as you knew him, was a friend of yours before getting into the academy. And before Principal Weems, it was him who you spent most of your time with.
-"Wouldn't Gary be fast asleep by now, (Y/N)? Although, it is you. I doubt he would refuse his own girlfriend, no?"
-"Oh, am I imposing? Forgive me. I just see the both of you lovebirds hanging around, couldn't help but notice." she hummed.
-"Ms. Weems--"
-"Larissa, please, darling."
-Ignoring the butterflies dancing in your stomach, you responded.
-"Yes, Larissa. Gary and I are just friends."
-Her expression was unreadable, and so was her tone.
-"I suppose you haven't set your eyes on any of our staff, then?"
-"Actually, I have..."
-You let out a small wince as Larissa pressed the cotton ball a little too roughly on a wound.
-"Sorry, sorry."
-Soon after she was finished bandaging up your cuts, she offered to walk you to Gary's room.
-But then you heard loud snoring and after a few more countless attempts to call the man, you gave up.
-"(Y/N), this is getting a tad ridiculous. I wouldn't mind you spending a night in my chambers instead."
-Ignoring the underlying meaning that the statement had, and you wished she meant, you agreed.
-The walk back to her chambers was a quiet one.
-"Thank you, M-- Larissa. Goodnight."
-Without thinking, you placed a soft kiss to her cheek.
-Larissa was left dumbfounded, while sleepiness visited you as soon as your head found the pillow.
-"Goodnight then, (Y/N)."
-She reminded herself to ask you in the morning on who was the staff member you liked.
-Waking up was a surprise, as you found that Larissa's hand had snaked it's way to your waist, while you had your hand on top of hers, keeping in in place.
-That's how Enid pays her 'Thing' Massages.
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Ikepri ATK Alliance Crack
One afternoon in a certain undisclosed location...
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Kagari: (sets his cutlery down) And then I told my family to go take a hike.
Matthias: I don't follow. How would a mere hike improve your clearly apocalyptic familial relations?
Kagari: I was telling them to get lost.
Matthias: But then wouldn't you, as their next of kin, have to go find them on the hiking trail? Putting aside how you're casually confessing a crime to me, you are a busy man. I don't think you'd have the time for all that?
Kagari: (aside to Azel) Does he have siblings? Can we just swap a different one in?
Azel: (saintly smile) The Living God does not err in his selections. Would you kindly peel my fruits for me?
Kagari: Hmph. (reaches for Azel's plate) The more time I spend with either of you, the more atheist I become.
Azel: I accept even those who do not accept me. Such is the grace of god. Not the figs, please. The dates.
Kagari: I'm not sitting here and peeling 37 dates for you. Or even a single one, because who in the world eats dates like that?
Matthias: I think there's 36.
Azel: 35. I ate one while waiting for it to be peeled. It tastes terrible. My tongue is screaming, crying, throwing up. I think I'm dying. Anyway, how are things in Owl Country, Matt?
Matthias: (stops performing the Heimlich maneuver on Azel) Oh, um, we're putting a brand new night patrol program into place.
Matthias: (super-proud) Actually, I've just received the prototype for the uniforms.
Matthias: (puts on an adorable owl-themed ear-flap hat)
Kagari: (ponytail quivers as he tries not to laugh)
Matthias: (serious) The owl is a respected symbol in Achroite. To laugh at The Owl is to laugh at Achroite itself. A grave crime indeed.
Azel: (nods ethereally) He's right. Just like the moon that watches over and sees all in Tanzanite, the owl, too, is a mysterious guardian, protector of man, knower of crimes.
Matthias: Beautiful. Poetic. I suspect this is why the owl and the moon are such natural allies.
Azel: (burps) Cool, yeah sure. Anyway, God is pleased with your initiative, Matt. And he will happily accept a generous tithing in exchange (holds out a palm as he cleanses his palate with the fig in his other hand)
Kagari: Aaand there it is. I'm not covering for you today, by the way, Matthias. And you still owe me from last time. If you even so much as think about paying me in those adorable, I mean stupid owl hats...
Matthias: A tithing? What for?
Azel: Was it not the infinite wisdom of God which guided the crayon-wielding hand that drew up such a wonderful design?
Matthias: (gasp) You can see my crayons? Are they okay?
Azel: (continues holding out palm as his eyes grow distant) Your crayons are well. They're sleeping like little baby sardines, right in the box that you so carefully placed them back into once you were done with your stupid, I mean adorable drawing.
Matthias: (relieved)
Matthias: Wait, hold on, are you trying to swindle me again? Not that I'm saying you swindled me the first time, or the second or tenth time...
Azel: (intense frown) I am a benevolent god!
Matthias: O-Oh, right, right. Please forgive me for speaking out of turn (scavenges around in the upside-down owl hat he's using as a coin purse)
Kagari: (casually admiring his reflection on his katana blade) Congratulations, Matt. You dreamed up a stupid hat and paid someone else for your own stupid idea. If someone told me you were the most accomplished fool in all of Achroite, I'd believe it.
Azel: (wearing one of the owl hats) So you don't want one of the hats?
Kagari: (also wearing one of the hats) I said I didn't want more than 40 or 50!
Matthias: Oh… (sitting among boxes of hundreds of hats labeled "Gifts for my new friends")
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wonillaa · 1 year
save me — heeseung one shot
summary . the first time you see your boyfriend in weeks is by facetime call of him sick and asleep on the floor. his members call you for help. genre . fluff!!!!
heeseung x fem reader (girlfriend and she/her pronouns used!)
notes . realizing i don’t post as much solo content for the hyung line oopsie i will work on that hehe thank for the request anon!!
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deep down heeseung knew he was making the wrong decision, his brain feels like it's on fire, his everything feels like it's on fire. he also knows the members have noticed his suffering, still he just purses his lips and looks the other way.
you've been on enhypen dorm ban for the past two weeks due to their heavy focus on comeback preparations. they've been so busy you haven't seen heeseungs face in you don't even know how long. at the same time you've been busy with your own work, getting home two hours later than usual and finally starting dinner. then a facetime call from jay. you look down at your pajamas and sigh, propping the phone up and accepting the call.
"yn, please look at this mess." a sleeping heeseung in their practice room fills your screen. "that's my mess," you frown in endearment, "what'd you do to him?" he scoffs and puts the phone up close to his face. only then you notice his droopy eyes, tired face, snot above his lip- "oh god"
"yeah that's what i said. you're off dorm ban now so please come resurrect this man." you look back at your pot of water that just started to boil and weighed your options. help your dying boyfriend or have your long awaited dinner... "i'll come get him. will he even wake up?" a new foot comes into the frame and nudges him a little, heeseungs eyes open slowly as he looks straight at the camera. "why are you filming me- shoo." he says sleepily and rolls over, sighing when his hot face is cooled by the floor. "i'm not filming you, your girlfriends on the phone." jay rolls his eyes and puts you up to heeseungs face for him to see.
"my girlfriend," he smiles and takes his phone, pushing him and niki away. "hi baby, how are you?" you shake your head in disbelief. "hi. you look like death so i'm not doing too well." you turn your stove off and walk to your room to change. "that's so nice of you to say, you look really good in your stained t-shirt honey." he smirks and flips onto his other side to cool his other cheek. "i'll leave you to suffer on that floor." you frown and he sighs. "i'm not suffering, don't listen to jay he's just being a mother-" he swallows his words at your tilted head and raised eyebrows.
"ok, how about i finish this practice and i'll definitely go home and take some medicine." he bats his eyelashes as best as he can. "your eyes are crusty it isn't working on me, just let me come take care of you." you beg. "come onnn i promise i'm ok baby, we need to get this choreography down." he sits up and blinks to make his vision less fuzzy. "i'm putting my foot down heeseung, you are sick please get some rest," jungwon points at him and puts his head into the camera. "please yn help me!" he puts his hands together and begs you. "you're making her think i'm dying! really, i'm fine." he attempts to stand up and tumbles into jungwon.
the whole way back to his bed he complained about how he just misstepped and it was unlucky timing. you laid him down and felt his forehead. "you're burning up! how do you feel?" you frown and pull his hair from his sweaty forehead. "...not good” he covers his face with his hands and groans. “it’s not a crime to tell me you feel sick baby” you say softly. “can i get you anything?” he bats his crusty eyelashes at you once again, “cuddle me to health pretty please.” you motion for him to move over, only for him to shake his head. “i was kidding, i can’t get you sick.” you sigh. “everyone knows loves ones don’t count, now scooch.”
you lay next to him and he turns to his side facing away from you. “come on honey, spoon me.” smirking to himself in victory. you roll your eyes at his complete 180 in attitude and lean in to hug him. “thank you for taking care of me, i love you” he whispers as he falls in and out of sleep. “i love you too sweaty.” “hey…you can’t be mean to me, i’m sick.” he says before throwing his leg over yours.
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itsjusthockey · 11 months
Road Trip - Cole Caufield
Summer Series Open Now
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For your reading pleasure...enjoy
Send in your requests for Summer Series, please and thank you.
“Is six packs of gummy worms really necessary?”
Cole glances your way, feigning an offended expression. “Please don’t question the snack choices. I've had extensive training in snack procurement, and I'm highly qualified for this job."
You let out a snort, rolling your eyes at the drama Queen, and finish throwing the rest of the snacks in the car. You’re almost packing everything away when a familiar bright green package catches your eye.
“You hate these.” You grab the big bag of Warheads and shake them slightly at Cole
He does a once-over of the candy and shrugs his shoulders. “I do, but you don’t.”
A small smile spreads across your lips. Though you’d never tell, it’s the little things like this that he remembers that make warmth spreads in your body.
You bump his shoulder slightly as you move next to him, helping him grab his bags of hockey gear and loading them into the already full car.
“Okay, we got everything?”
It’s more a question for yourself than for Cole; he has a terrible memory; you both know it, so you’re in charge of ensuring you both survive this road trip.
"I think so,” Cole confirms with a satisfied nod. The car is loaded with snacks, drinks, and all the necessary gear for your trip to the infamous Hughes Lake House.
“All right, let’s go. I got four episodes of unsolved mysteries waiting for us.”
In mere minutes you’re pulled out of the driveway and on the open road. You’re listening to your favorite podcast and watching as the miles pass, and you couldn’t be happier.
You get precisely fifteen minutes into the drive with your best friend when he turns the volume down, grabbing your full attention.
“Are you excited?” He quickly glances at you, then back to the road.
“Of course I am.”
You offer him a smile, but when he glances your way, he doesn’t seem too convinced.
“Are you sure?”
You know that Cole knows you better than almost anyone in the world, so trying to lie to him won’t work, especially when you’re in the same confined space for the next few hours.
“Okay…a little nervous, but that’s because they’re all your hockey friends. I’ve never met the other two to the big three, and I’m just a little unsure if they’ll like me.”
Cole glances at you, his expression softening. He reaches over and squeezes your hand reassuringly. "Hey, they're going to love you. You're amazing, and in two seconds, they’ll be stealing all your attention away from me.”
A laugh spills out from your lips, and you take a deep breath, feeling the tension melt away as his words wash over you. "
“And I know the guys can be a lot, but Jacks's girlfriend is dying to meet you.”
Suddenly an enormous weight is taken off your shoulders, knowing she’ll be there. You’d only ever heard stories about her from Cole, but from what you know, you think you’ll be great friends.
“Thank god, that makes me feel better already.”
Cole chuckles, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "See, nothing to worry about. Besides, you're not just my plus-one; they all basically know you.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, “how’s that?”
“I talk about you all the time.”
His words warm your heart, and you lean into his reassuring presence. "Aww, you love me so much."
He flashes you a grin, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Yeah yeah, don’t tell anyone, though; I have a reputation to maintain.”
With a renewed sense of excitement and the weight of nervousness lifted, you both settle back into the comfort and grab some snacks, watching the miles tick by. You can’t help but feel excited about the upcoming week. You know it will be fun, and you’re also excited to spend time with Cole.
You really only had one goal for this summer. One simple goal. Make Cole fall for you just as hard as you’re falling for him.
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