#also kinda fitting bc everyone looks at her and thinks omg cute name for cute girl
normiematsu · 8 months
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idk... thinking. 🤔
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
Do you have an info or art about the other characters involved with Kalamari??? Esp Glass since you mentioned them directly!!! OwO
Okay SO I do have a few things!! Most of these are old and a lil messy/outdated, so I'm really hoping to whip out a bunch of new stuff soon, but!! I'm gonna put everything under a ReadMore link again bc boy I have things to say and none of it is organized or really coherent so good luck (and also I am still shy)
I've got my two protagonists, Iso (I-20) and Aerani--
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[These are Old outfit designs, I redesigned them sorta recently but haven't finished a drawing of them, sobs] I first drew Aerani in like, 2016 I think? and Iso followed not long after! Iso is a bunny chimera, so he's got big silly ears, wahoo. Chimeras have identification codes to keep track of like, when they were created, and Iso's is I-20: Chimera Generation I, Specimen Number 20. Aerani gave him the nickname Iso <3
Here was Iso in like. 2017? 2018? idk but it was ages ago. He's changed quite a bit, mostly bc I would Constantly misplace sketchbooks and Constantly forget exactly what things looked like lksad;f
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This era of my art was so cute,, I wanna draw hair more like that again tbh
Here's a semi-recent doodle wip of their new outfits, hoorayyy. Don't mind how unfinished it is and my silly notes all over the place. I'm gonna just redraw this at some point bc my art has improved since then aklsdjf;lskdk
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Comfy boys!! Iso's clothing is always kinda ill-fitting bc he Hates skintight stuff, and he is gonna lose those cute slouchy boots SO fast bc I'm gonna drop him in the desert. Woe, sand be upon ye
Iso used to live in a mansion w a rich guy that was Kind Of A Dick, until that guy's daughter-- Iso's childhood best friend-- snapped and killed her dad w a fireplace poker. I haven't drawn her yet and honestly How Dare I. I wanna draw her making flower crowns w Iso
I was Nervous about jumping straight into making smth about them, because I feel like I need wayyyy more practice to be able to tell the story I really wanna tell, so I ended up scooping up my dorky purple merchant Kalamari like 'you know what sure, you can be the protagonist of my practice project and it will be Silly As Hell'. I call my main Eventual Goal 'Quote Unquote Quest', so Kalamari's adventure I'm calling 'Quote Unquote Quest Negative One', since it becomes before the main thing! Aerani will be in that practice project as a side character, bc he's Glass's little brother, but Iso won't be
Also, please witness Aerani's pet, a squishy jello-like blob he calls a frog. It is absolutely not a frog. It sits on his head a lot and makes squeaky lil noises
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Here's another chimera! She's much older than Iso, from gen F! The only one left from gen F actually. She calls herself Fa, and she doesn't like to talk, she just hangs out by a pond all day to watch the fish
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This is OLD so I'm def gonna redraw it soon, but here's one of my antagonists! They by the name Scratch, and they're sort of. the opposite of Kalamari. I have So Much I wanna draw abt them omg,,
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While I do like their color palette, I'm gonnadesign one to match. everyone else. The colors I wanna use for this project (that might eventually change ofc) are brown, orange, golden yellow, magenta, a slightly more purple magenta, violet, indigo, and blueee, with Very Dark Blue and Very Light versions of the other colors for lines and junk. Basically Kalamari Colors ft. some extras to spice things up, since my silly littol practice project revolves around her and how he sees the world:
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Everything is very saturated of course bc I'm. cannot and will not use desaturated colors. It's kind of like my chunky lineart-- I can try So Hard to make it thin, but that just doesn't look right to me and as I work woopsie everything is thick and I'm dying
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Glass and Kalamari!!!!!!! I hadn't drawn Glass yet and I'm crying bc she's turning out so cute. sobs. I was working on this before I realized oh shit yeah the oc tournament is posting Kalamari tomorrow, and I had to stop to go finish up my other art + my oc sideblog bc I wanted that to all be ready to go
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aezuria · 2 months
*ੈ✎ he's an all american boy!
content: american football player! jason grace x reader
╰┈▸ back cover: mortal! au; part I | part II
warnings: cursing (sorry guys), kinda random non-linear plot (but its hcs so its fine)
librarian's annotations: guys help i need a song title/lyric that fits this so it can be my title
also IM GOING FERAL I THINK THE ANGST MADE ME INSANE SO THIS IS HOW I COPE can you guys tell im projecting by the way ppl fawn over him in this
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bro is actually hotshot #1
right when he walks into the school he is BOMBARDED with students like theyre papparazi
hes just
tall, handsome, buff- what more could a girl want?? (there are other criteria he meets but we'll get to that later)
the picture perfect quarterback straight from a damn movie
at first ppl were like "omg hes so hot but im not gonna go up to him cause what if hes mean???"
and then he goes up to them and hes all shy like
"excuse me? i need to get to my locker, sorry if i interrupted your conversation." and hes scratching the back of his neck and smiling awkwardly
word spreads fast in hs yall already know
so when everyone finds out hes not only tall, handsome and buff but also KIND??
head over heels
and hes not exactly oblivious to it but hes not fully aware of it either
probably like "oh yea a lot of ppl talk to me idk why tho its probably cause my friends are popular"
bby you’re the most popular out of your friends don’t even
hes such a good student too
teachers love him
hes everyones golden boy fr (especially mine teehee)
usually sits in the front of the class unless his friends make him sit with them in the back
then he pulls out his glasses that he keeps in its case, even having the lil wipe thing folded neatly
cue shocked gasps
"omg you wear glasses?"
"do you need to clean them? here have my handkerchief!" ("who even are you can't you see he has one")
"those suit you so well!"
his ears turn red at the sudden burst of attention and he laughs nervously, muttering his thanks
even the teacher wasnt mad at the disruption bc who would get mad at jason?
(he got little nudges from his friends after)
you guys know that one jock whose actually a nerd x nerd trope???
i dont even know if it exists but it sounds cute anyway
thats you and jason
he had his first conversation- if you could call it that, at the library when you guys were abt to grab the same book (ugh so cliche right)
being the gentleman he was, he let you have it
to which you tried to refute but he INSISTED
"oh, y/n it's yours. i'll just get a different one."
which got you a little intimidated bc who wouldnt be intimidated by a 6'2 jock thats the talk of the town
you thanked him profusely and scampered away
wait did he just say my name? how does he even know who i am?
that probably kept you up at night
like "oh my god did i just embarrass myself in front of THE jason grace???? did i walk away weird?"
little did you know that the jason grace was awake that same night
"did i scare her?? why did she look like that when i said her name? did my voice crack? did she think i was weird cause my hand brushed against hers? oh my god my hand brushed against hers.."
started noticing you EVERYWHERE after that
like he knew you guys were in some classes tgt
but he finds that he passes by you SO many times in the hallway
and somehow spots you at a table across the library
was that your usual spot? was this his usual spot now?
like what?? his delusional never-had-a-real-gf-because-that-one-time-he-dated-his-friend-she-turned-out-to-be-a-lesbian ass thinks its fate
very much influenced by all the books he reads (NO he does not read romance he simply finds an interesting book that HAPPENS to have romance)
i have this headcanon that he remembers the name of everyone in his classes because he was always forgettable as a kid and no one really knew his name cause he was so quiet (or he tries really hard to remember because he has this aching feeling that in another timeline he could never remember)
so he doesnt want to make others feel that way and yea
(stealing part of this from my earlier rant)
its late, hes tired, but hes back in the library to cram for his test tomorrow
so unlike him, usually hed be on top of things, but his minds been on some... other things. persons. person.
hes still sweaty and sore from football practice, having (literally) ran straight here after changing
throws his bag down (quietly of course, he's not some brute) and takes out like three different notebooks, his worn pencil case from freshman year, and his glasses
jason slides them on, pushing it up the bridge of his nose as he gets up and searches for the textbooks he needs
he knows its more comfortable and less time-consuming to just study at home, after all he already has loaner textbooks given out at the start of the school year, but something in his heart wanted him to drag his beat ass here and work
and good thing too, because he sees a familiar hand grab a book from the other side of the bookshelf
not that he just knows what your hand looks like, that'd be weird
it reveals your beautiful eyes, ones jason would love to see closer
he smiles at you from the crack in the bookshelf, murmuring a soft "hello"
you think you just saw an angel with the way the warm light crowned his head
but when you offer to help him study??? he thinks he fell in love
you were his SAVIOR
thanked you a billion times every other sentence and fumbled over his words cause hes never talked with you for this long
his ears are bright red even though the ac in the library was always to the max
also how is he wearing just a shirt
not that you minded though, it gave you a chance to ogle at the way the fabric was fighting for its life to keep him under wraps
and daydream about fantasies that shall not be named (one involving a pink bow around his bicep)
you dont know how long you were helping and how long you spent daydreaming
you hoped you werent being too obvious (it was very, very obvious but jason was too focused to notice)
it felt like mere minutes when jason looks up, a tired but accomplished look on his face
he thanks you one last time, saying he'll make it up to you
you couldnt help but feel disappointed until the fatigue from the day hits you like a bus
he offers to take you home, saying it was too dark out, and that it wouldnt be safe
god, hes such a gentleman
you take him up on the offer as you did NOT plan on dying a virgin
walks you to your door too, can he get any better???
apparently he can because after he got his scores back for his tests, he rushes to you with a bright smile and presents them like a child with their artwork
”i got a hundred! it’s all thanks to you, you’re a really great study buddy!”
of fucking course he gives the credit to you how is he so humble??
like that was alllll him you just sat there and admired the view (so real for that)
after that he practically begs you to go to his next game, saying he'll return the favor by playing extra hard for you
(can he be extra hard for me tho)
you needed no convincing because a. hes jason grace. end of question. (and b, you know his ass would look great in his uniform GOOD GOOGLY MOOGLY)
he even said he’ll treat you if your school wins (which should be the other way around, but he again, insists)
they won, to absolutely no one’s surprise
took you to a cute lil cafe where you guys got drinks and sandwiches
then he overthinks it before bed cause he didn’t make it sound like a date but he really wanted it to be but he wasn’t sure if you felt the same and-
when you guys do start dating, everyones jealous but they cant bear to hate because you guys are just so cute together (bonus if youre short cause height difference couple !!)
he tried to keep it secret cause he didnt want to get you overwhelmed with a bunch of attention, but its obvious to everyone hes extra soft with you
he thought he was being sneaky when he slowly shifted his usual seat day by day to be closer to you so it wouldnt be obvious (spoiler: it was)
you assured him you were okay with your relationship being public if he was okay with it too
of course he is how can he NOT want you by his side forever
he sees his friends give their gfs their jersey to wear to their games and is like “i so want that” but he’s too shy to ask youu
but it’s written all over his face as you catch him staring intently at the way his friend hands over his spare jersey to his girlfriend when they think no one was looking
so, being the great girlfriend you are, took it upon yourself to ask him for it
which he gave to you a blushing, stuttering mess
the next game, he was worried
where were you? you weren’t usually this late; the game was about to start and he didn’t even get a good luck kiss yet!
he knows it’s probably nothing strange, that you’re just running late, but he can’t help but worry
the whistle blows and he sighs, getting into position, but not before sneaking one last glance at the bleachers
his sky blue eyes found you instantly, and was that-?
you were wearing his jersey, practically swimming in it as you waved your arm excitedly.
he broke into a wide smile, unfortunately hidden by his helmet, and waved back at you, forgetting all about the game for a moment until his friend whacked him upside the head
he buzzed with anticipation, wanting to just hurry and finish so he could run to you and spin you in his arms
you were his driving motive as he scored touchdown after touchdown, never letting the other team bridge the gap in their points
his team wins unsurprisingly, and the first thing he does is throw down his helmet and run to you, tackling you gently
he sweeps you off your feet and kisses you as you spin, giggles muffled by his lips
hes sweaty and sticky but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, the way his smile lights up the world is all that matters
and he knows that you’re his world, and he’d do anything to make you light up
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oraganji · 3 years
ok here’s the thing. I’m way too lazy and unmotivated to write a whole series, I am in awe of anyone who can actually do that or has done it. But in the spirit of ✨ hypocrisy✨ , of course I love reading them, and thinking about ideas for some series that will never actually come to fruition. So, for all the ACOTAR writers out there, I have a way-too-long idea for an Azriel x reader that I want to read as a series, or even like a couple of snippets of writing. Here it is:
Ok, so our (preferably female bc it’s my request but I’m not trying to disclude people here it’s just my preference) MC (I like the name Kora/Cora, or Arya, whatever, but y’know, since I’m not writing this, it’s not exactly my decision to make, it could just be Y/N, that’s fine too). Anyways, she’s half-seraphim, from Cretea, and is the commander of the seraphim/Cretea army. Now, here’s where the pick your story begins. I was thinking that she could be Drakon’s sister or something, to make her a princess, even though she only acts like a commander (I love nicknames that have a meaning. So like if Azriel calls the reader angel, it’s because of her white seraphim wings, and if he calls her princess, it’s because she actually is one). So she can either be his sister, or just the commander. She was old enough to have fought in that big war that happened with Miryam and stuff about the humans or whatever. IMPORTANT PART OF THIS: MC has water and ice powers, but to a massive scale. Like she can raise ocean tides, create snow/hailstorms, all that good stuff. I was thinking she could be called a Tidemaker, like in the Grishaverse, but you could totally change around the name. That’s the base of her character. Other than what I described, free reign to whoever is crazy enough to read/write this.
So now, I think of this as a slight (major) rewrite. This takes place right after Feyre makes it back home from enemy Tamlin. So, Hybern’s armies attack Createa for some UnKnOwN reason. Maybe MC’s dad/parental figure dies in the battle, and MC is filled with grief and rage. MC fights against them until she’s bloody and battered, using the ocean and sky as her weapons. Cretea is utterly destroyed, and she tries flying to a safe place. She had met Rhysand, Cassian, and our boy Azriel before during that Great War, because she was a commander, and the Night Court was allied with Cretea at the time. She remembers this, and tries to fly all the way to Velaris. She just makes it before collapsing/passing out, and Azriel’s shadows bring him to her.
Now, our boy is shocked because he actually used to have a little crush on MC the war so many decades ago. He sees her about to die and starts to ✨ panic✨ , obviously. So, I’m thinking he tells his shadows to find Madja, and busts into the House of Wind or something, and like alerts everyone by just saying “it’s Kora/Arya/MC”. So blah blah blah, cute Azriel taking care of MC moments, she tells them what she remembers about being attacked, etc. ALSO, i think it would be SO GREAT if Cassian and Rhysand called her Goose, instead of dove, or one of those other cheesy nicknames. Geese still have white wings, so it kinda fits. I just think it would be kinda funny if the first time they were meeting to discuss war strategy, MC showed off all of her powers, and established herself as a powerful, bad b****h, and these idiots call her a goose. AnYwAyS, time skip to the meeting with the high lords cause I don’t think things through. MC comes in later than our night court buddies because she “likes to make an entrance”, and walks in there with like a crown of gold laurels (i like that as a crown idea), and like a sage green dress or something (GREEN AND GOLD IS SO PRETTY), and is all like “hello ladies! and boys. What did I miss?” after not being there for like 200 years. Everyone is shocked, and she has a little spat with Beron, where she’s like “You’re just itching to play, huh Beron? Well, I’ll warn you, fire doesn’t tend to thrive with someone like me *smirk*.” I’M DYING. And meanwhile Azriel’s *mini* crush is slowly developing even more. So after that idc what happens, BUT. I think it would be great if Cassian made MC a general or something to help him out in the war with Hybern. Then, when she goes to leave after the war, to rebuild Cretea, and Rhys and Cass ask her to stay, she give a condition, which is that she wants to train the Illyrian girls. And she would leave after she feels like that initiative is set in place. So once she sees that females are being trained, she leaves. Later, Cass invites her for winter solstice very last minute, so she comes with one gift, for our special somene, AZZY BOY!. And it’s a moonflower in an ice sphere, cause headcannon: Azriel likes moonflowers, and so does MC. One day they were walking together or flying together, and she saw some, and pointed them out. Then Azriel plucked one and TUCKED IT IN HER HAIR OMG GET ME SOMEONE LIKE AZRIEL. And he’s like amazed that she remembered and saved the flower. Crush level rising. But at the same time, Elain seems interested in him, which MC can see, and thinks that Az likes Elain, so she goes back to Cretea cause she a little bit jelly.
I’m not a romance writer, so I was just thinking that once Cretea is close to rebuilt, MC invites everyone to come visit, and is taking a stroll with Azriel. She sees moonflowers again, and this time she plucks one and puts it in his hair, and goes “Damn. I bet I didn’t look this good when that thing was in my hair.” And then Azriel mutters under his breath, “you did. you looked ethereal. like an angel.” but MC kinda hears a little bit of it, so she gives Azriel a little kiss on his jaw, cause she can’t reach his cheek (THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE I’M SCREAMING) and says “I heard that Az. I think you look ethereal too.” He’s one blushy boy after this. omg why am I like this. But, plot twist, Elain saw this whole interaction go down and gets PISSED. Meanwhile, MC drags Azriel around, while he trails behind her like an awestruck puppy. She finds a starfruit tree (which I’m making native to Cretea, like it’s a rare thing elsewhere) and gets some seeds from them from Elain, saying that it would be good for her garden. And Azriel just thinks about how thoughtful she is, even to people she doesn’t necessarily like. They get back, and Elain is complaining about how Azriel chose MC over her to Nesta , who I think would be besties with MC. MC walks into the room and hears. Elain realizes this and tries to insult/yell at MC. But MC just had a sad smile and goes, “I brought you some starfruit seeds, Elain. They’re only native to Cretea, and I thought it might be good for your garden. Good night Elain.” OK so this is why I think it would be good if MC was Drakon’s sister and a princess. She knows she’s a princess, but she really only considers herself to be a commander. She’s debating going back to Cretea, or staying, and she tells Azriel that she’s prob gonna leave soon. And our bat boy is all ✨ panik✨  when he hears this. He says “But I wa - everyone wants you to stay”. MC smirks and goes “what were going to say Az. They’re like really close together now, so Az leans down and gives her a gentle kiss and goes, “I want you stay”. MC is stunned for a moment, and looking dazed, goes “well then I guess I’m staying.”AHHHHHHHHH. She can prob be a general under Cass.
OK SO I DO HAVE AN IDEA FOR MORE WITH OUR ANGEL AND DEVIL. Where they discover the mating bond, there’s a big threat on Cretea, MC is a bad b***h as always, and protective Azriel makes several appearences.
Y’all can make up some situations after this as well, or if you want, which I don’t know why you would, my disorganized mess of a brain can write more about the thing above.
OMG THIS WAS WAY TOO LONG. Plz tell me if u guys liked this, or are actually gonna write this crap. And let me know is you have questions! Have a nice day lovelies!
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woozi · 3 years
Um this might be annoying but your descriptions on that mutuals as svt members was so wholesome! So I thought if you could name your mutuals and say what you like abt them? Your favorite thing about them kinda? Idk I thought it was cute but you don't have to do it if you don't want to ! 💚💚💚
i went through my following list and i think these are all of my carat mutuals/friends <3 i only included those who i'm mutuals with here on this blog, but with that in mind i hope i included the right people/and all of you! if not, i may have gotten confused with your main and sideblogs. :/ i divided this into 4 sections (because that's how i think of them in my head, lol). so, without further ado, here they are in the order of my following list (from the most recent):
@leechaerok (mirelle) - mi!! i love how you are always striving to be positive and that this is something you share and extend to other people! you literally remind me of sunshine and i hope that only good things are coming ur way. ily!!
@ohoshi (cora) - cora my naughty (IN A PLAYFUL WAY) friend <3 cora's really fun to talk to and she keeps you on your toes. idk why i didn't follow her earlier (i didnt know i wasn't following her jsdjkdsjsdk). extremely talented!! also love the upbeat vibe.
@soonyoungs (cara) - same with cora, i've been seeing cara around but never got to interact with her until recently! i love how versatile cara is and how she always always always appreciates even the little things. 10/10 would let her visit my home again <3
@wrongnanab (aya) - i get mom/older sister friend vibes from aya and i think it suits her a lot. she’s also not afraid of reaching out and i love that sm about her!! i relate to her a lot and i love how she’s always there.
@junhaoshua (e) - something interesting always comes up every time i speak to e! i also love her initiative and how well she manages her time. she’s really passionate about the things she likes and i love how she can get people to be interested in them too!
@choibeomgyus (kale) - kale has excellent taste! i love her aes so much. <3 her work is particularly right up my alley and i just love how clean looking they are. kale’s also such a sweet friend, and she’s not shy about showing affection. i love her sm!!
@dokyom (izy) - izy’s one of the first carats i first followed when i got into caratblr and i’m so glad to have made that decision! her work always wows me and although we haven’t talked much, she’s one of the people i always look out for in here.
@seohoshi (nele) - nele, my mutual at heart. <3 the way we became mutuals is so funny and memorable to me, and i can’t say that about most people! i really like the way nele presents herself as well. she can have fun while still being collected, which i find really interesting. i think she’s someone who brings stability, but i can’t really explain why i get that from her. <3
@art-hao (carrie) - goddess on earth. so elegant. a literal virgo. i love how carrie doesn’t want to be too invested in one single thing. that being said, she’s multitalented, yet is skilled in each of the fields she’s venturing in. she also speaks what’s on her mind, and i admire that a lot. what can’t this woman do :/  
@svtreasure (kate) - kate is one of the first people i got to talk to here on caratblr! and although she’s not on here that much, i always look forward to seeing her. i feel like i have to protect her like a younger sibling <3
@uriboogyu (lee) - lee definitely has feisty younger sibling vibes which i think is so cute! like carrie and e, she’s not afraid of saying what’s on her mind. lee is also such a go-getter! the future is very bright for this one <3
@smallkore (kore) - i remember first talking to kore after she tagged all 3 of my active blogs in one post, and i thought it was kind of funny <3 kore is super talented and entertaining! i also think she’s super interesting, and i love her strange picture collection. <3
@rq-s (katrina) - katrina is also one of the first few people who i interacted with here on caratblr! she is so supportive and always has a nice word for everyone. even though she isn’t here much, i always like seeing her around <3
@boosbin (isa) - iconic. legend. will kick your ass. my beloved <3 isa is SUPER talented and she never fails to amaze me. she’s also very relatable and is super fun to talk to! idk i’m just really fond of isa lol
@dk-s (zay) - i love zay’s sense of style and her overall aesthetic! she also is really smart and gets really invested in her interests. i love her dedication and initiative!
@scoupsy (dreamy) - dreamy and i haven’t really talked much aside from interactions here and there, but she’s someone i really admire. i love how she doesn’t take anyone’s shit and knows what she wants. she’s really skilled in her areas of interest and takes pride in her excellent work. love that about her!! 
@julyprince (madison) - i was really shocked when madison followed me back because i love her work so much! i love how she is so consistent and dedicated (honestly, the constant 9 sets say it all <3). she’s intimidating at first, but she is actually so nice and likes reaching out!
@xuseokgyu (belle) - one of my treasured moots. belle is literally the seok to my soon. <3 she doesn’t know it, but i was kind of shy during my earlier days in caratblr, and she encouraged me to be myself just because she was always reaching out to me. i see belle as someone who really nurtures and is just a reliable older sister for me!
@haniehae (anna) - also one of my favorites <3 anna doesn’t really need too much words but u can always feel the love from her by her little tags here and there. she’s also super supportive and very appreciative of the little things! anna is such a cute person to have around. i lalso love how much work she puts into caratblr. also an amazing dancer oh my god???????
@jaemtens (kevin) - like dreamy, kevin and i haven’t really talked much, but i always love seeing him on the dash! one of the people i admire. it absolutely blows my mind how he has a phd (about to have one? :D) and that he’s still somehow able to make gifs (BEAUTIFULLY!) consistently. love that dedication, wish that were me!!
@tearsofsyrup (vi) - vi thinking of me and tagging me on cute stuff really just makes me feel so :’>. i love how easygoing vi is and i just feel light whenever we interact!!
@soonhoonsol (chey) - everyone’s bestie!! chey literally is the go-to person on caratblr. idk how she manages to do it but she’s always so nice to everyone and really does go out of her way to make everyone feel comfortable! chey has a special place in my heart, and my stay in caratblr wouldn’t be the same without her. <3
@iiasha (emily) - you all don’t understand how much i LOVE emily. i can’t even explain why i love her i just do. she’s also one of the first people i followed when i came on caratblr and i’m so glad to have met her here on our own personal hellsite. emily’s the perfect balance of smart, cool, and funny (this sentence sounds lame as fuck but idk how else to put it)! i appreciate how much she likes her job and that’s something i hope to also imitate! i’ve said it before but i also really love how generous she is. emily also made my stay here on caratblr very enjoyable and i always love reading her text posts <3 i think tumblr junation would nearly die without her so go thank her rn. (she also spotted me turning full dinonara without me even noticing that i am one so. <3 /mwah/)
@coupsnim (izzie) - izzie gives me calm artsy vibes.  her work is always stunning omg. queen of red lips (and i think it’s so fitting bc it suits cheol the best imo???). ALSO love how much she loves cheol!! izzie’s just a sweetheart. <3 would also support ur 0 note posts, lol.
@kyeomshine (lyns) - lyns coloring queen <3 i looove how clean and cohesive her work always is! she’s also one of the people who encouraged me to stay here on caratblr (although she doesn’t know it!!). and though we don’t see lyns as much nowadays, i still think of her as the resident dk fan <3 one of the memorable people for me.
@heartgyus (rhys) - my sister (dISGUSTANG!!). my enemy. THE mutual to have homoerotic subtext with. rhys is actually my closest friend on caratblr. she’s multitalented, almost all-knowing, and has prettie vibes. i’m not elaborating anymore from here on out because i just know she’s gonna be a little devil about it on the dms. 🙄
@hanwooz (kellie & christine) - one of my absolute favorite blogs! i think of them as one of the constants of caratblr. i absolutely love their posts sm and just enjoy when they’re around!! (and how do ur gifs always look good omg tell me ur secrets pls <3)
@7ww​ (yasmin) - one of my favorite (if not my favorite) gfx maker!! i love how you can immediately tell something is from her because of their trademark look. we haven’t talked yet, but she’s one of my favorite carats!
@mngys​ (sofi) - coolest person in the world. idk why we’re even mutuals i don’t deserve this <3 sofi always has the coolest ideas and i look up to her sm!! i’ve also seen her from the birdie community before i got into caratblr so i’ve been following her for quite some time now, but we became mutuals here!
aes carats
@vixenjun​ (kaya) - another one of my beloveds <3 i always say kaya is funnie and sexie but she really is, and those are always the first words i think of when i’m reminded of her. one of my absolute favorites. a bestie that's close to my heart. <3
@tiddie​ (deniz) - i don’t see deniz posting much about svt anymore, but deniz is one of my first carat moots (i followed aes carats first). this one really witnessed my jeonghan downfall. :/ so funny. is a great friend!!
@bwaldorf (ramasha) - A SWEETHEART!! ramasha and i don’t talk much anymore but when i think of her i only am reminded of good things. i rmb how much she supported my weird posts back then <3 also iconic aes hello???? 
@vernons (oona) - oona and i are literally just vibing here <3 i actually met her from the aes side of tumblr before i got into caratblr (like deniz) and discovered that she’s also a carat! i really like oona’s presence and i just feel like she’s someone i want to protect. <3 also makes amazing pastries. she’s also so pretty!!!!! (i really like ur hair sm i think i’ve said this before lol) a cute friend. would send u things saying ‘this reminded me of u’, and i’d get heart attacks from it jsdjdjksd
@oldbooks (fawn) - my frog friend. i think it’s so cute that fawn shares this agenda with hao <3 also unexpectedly tags you on things and leaves cute little notes/tags that makes me want to :’). sophisticated taste!! also really friendly. ily!!
@scoups (hani) - hani is so friendly and takes really good care of her friends!! i was intimidated of her at first, but learnt that she’s an absolute sweetheart. i love how she’s also giving us sm svt content when she’s around! hani’s a supportive friend that you’ll always find yourself looking for. 
@snwo (joy) - refined taste. funny text post advocate. i love joy’s vibe sm!! i first got to know her when she had a hao url and i was super intimidated of her. now she’s one of my absolute besties! aside from her impeccable taste, she’s also such a great friend. this one always has ur back. ily ms joy <3
@sataemism (sof) - sof literally the funniest person in the world!! i’m always happy to see her and she brings me so much joy. very lowkey chaotic vibe (the taemin and hoshi urls speak a lot abt this lol), and just a very fun person overall!!
birdie carats
@flowerbeom (kat) - kat, like the rest of those in this category, is someone i’ve been following for a while now as i came back to tumblr because of got7. kat and i haven’t really talked much but always interact with rb/s and likes and i love that JSDJSDKJDSJ that being said kat’s tags are always so enjoyable to read. + it’s so funny as well that when we actually got to talking we didn’t realize we had a lot in common! a very generous friend. gave me a yugyeom pc even though i’m literally from another continent. 😭
@tuanzie (joanna) - content queen. i looove how joanna’s work has a trademark look to them! they’re always so gorgeous and smooth-looking. i love how joanna’s able to speak her mind and would not take shit from people. i see her as someone brave, but not too out there! also someone you can rely on to put reposters on hit lists mwah<3
@gotseventeens (belle) - my name twin <3 belle is actually one of the people/reasons why i got into svt and i’m eternally grateful to her for that!! we’ve been talking since i first became a birdie but somehow we both have 0 recollections of our conversations JSDJDKSJKSDJ tumblr wouldn’t be as fun for me if belle weren’t around ngl. i love how she seems to be mature yet you’re also up for a wild ride with her!! she’s my own personal wonu <3
@secndlife (karoline) - i’ve also been following karoline since i was a birdie, but we only became mutuals here! i love her writing so much and i enjoy seeing her lose her mind over hoshi (mood <3)
@defgyus (val) - i often associate belle with val and i think they have a lot of similarities!! val also gives me the mature yet fun vibe. i think val’s so successful and i admire her a lot!! i love her work sm and just love how she interacts with people. very warm and homey!!
more carat moots i haven't really talked to but enjoy seeing on the dash
@emailclub (emily), @kyeomblr (maddie), @joshuahong (bea), @delicatecy (deli), @mintyseoks, @syuperseventeen (nat), @haol (mali), @svtclub (hannah), @cutiejoshi (siri), @chanswu (mandy), @jeonghannie (myrena), @squishy-woozi (kris), @wonwooo (hiba), @rameniji (rain), @cafevernon (ish), @hoshluv, @minghyu (nicole), @mingyiu (katya), @yeol (tat), @dearkyeom (kristy), @seokgyus (kai), @bbaksu (akemi), @1adyluck (sushi), @shineesbag (gen)
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danishmiilk · 4 years
ship your moots with nct uwu
omg firstly thanks for the ask anon! assuming this is one of my moots who wants to date their bias but if it isnt oR if it is,,, smh i love you IM GOING BY VIBES YALLZERS
ship your moots with nct!
@softietaeyong || taeyong. because shes whipped for him and hed totally be whipped for her too bc who isnt tbh aha look rae we have a stable friendship going on! wow! BUT THEYD GO WELL TOGETHER BC BEAUTY X BEAUTY
@jimjamjaemin || jaemin. look it sounds like im shipping with biases uh but shes so confident and outgoing and everyone loves her and i THINK YES GREAT FIT BECAUSE I FLIRT WITH HER OFTEN AND I THINK JAEMINW OULD TOO AND HED TOTALLY ENJOY HER REACTIONS?? juseyo couple,,, goodbye, im sending you off to jaemin.
@neo-shitty || mark. i feel like shes just so cARING my god she alw sends me stuff and i feel like mark would spam her with links etc and like “i want to dye my hair red.” YALL CAN IMPULSIVELY DYE HAIR TOGETHER
@aesqas || doyoung. idk just,,, shes intimidating but also cool and also a total cutie <333 and if that isn’t doyoung idk who is? like shes kinda dry sometimes (IN A GOOD WAY FATE DONT KILL) but like sends asks and doyoung fits that and they fit so well uwus
@seeing-dreams || chenle. just chenle. i don’t know wHY but you seem like you’d go so well with chenle like you chat a lot and your ENERGYYYYYY GOES WELL WITH CHENLES AND YOURE CRACKHEADS BECAUSE SMH I LOVE YOU TWO
@fruityutas || shotaro. sorry were you expecting yuta?? LMAO BECAUSE SHOTARO’S SMILE GIVES OFF SUCH SOFT VIBES and so does your dming style like so soft,,, so cute,,, squish,,, 
@navyhyuck​ || jeno. idk your hearts and emojis feel very jeno smile and i think im deluding myself but thats fine yall better invite me to your wedding
@orange-nimon-cross || renjun. i think renjun’d be mad if people don’t reply him either and like (oops been on receiving end of The Mad) also i think yalls humour kinda fits?? like also personality kinda sassy etc etc etc wOW
@adamfoolcry || sicheng. look he’s still my boyfriend so don’t take him away but the vibes = sicheng oh my gooood you have NO IDEA OKAY WHY WHY CRY IM WILLING TO SHIP YOU WITH MY BF?? BECAUSE YALL WOULD FIT TOGETHER SO WELL NOT EVEN K I D D I N G  mAAN
@hannie-dul-set || donghyuck. hEy yOU FLIRT BACK??? WOW!! that’s haechan for you hyuck’d totally do that okay- and like yes i feel you + hyuck the vibes match a lot?? LIKE A LOT- LIKE ALOT OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND LIKE- i cant english forgive juseyo
@ncteaxhoe || kun. you put in so much effort to get to know how to read my name and i think kun?? would really appreciate that level of CARINGNESS yk like he’d do something like that too and he’d treat you so well. my god.
@neosculptures || lucas. why? you kinda wack broski. i have no more to say! goodbye!
@du0tine || johnny?? yes. so pretty. so intimidating. haven’t talked to you though i’d like to (SORRY) but straight up went “hit me up” like yes the confidence- johnny.
@xiaocvlts || dejun. i mean- dejun. kinda intimidating, super talented, and everything anyone could wish for.
@sunhyuck || yangyang. idk man vibes just- yall would vibe. totally. extremely. very. 
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parkerflix · 3 years
skz as: kids i work with
a/n: i work at a daycare center and work in an infant room and it’s a lot of fun but today i was looking at my kids and was like 🤨🤨 imagine skz as you guys and then it’s been in my brain all day anyways will explain ofc!! *slightly changed some names so that way i don’t get @ by their parents if they ever find this HDGVSHSBSN
also!! this is just for funsies it’s not to be taken seriously and i’ve kinda done some picking and choosing of personality traits because they wouldn’t all fit each member! okay yeah
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•okay so
•aurora is literally the oldest out of all my kids (she’s 16 months today!!)
• and she’s very sweet and probably the most calm and happy baby at her age i’ve met in a while
•she can and will scream for no reason and then smile right after
•and that gives me chan vibes bc i so feel like he would do that for funsies
•she’s very much a mothering soul she takes like soft dolls we have and pats their backs and rocks them to sleep
• granted she chucks them across the room after
• but she means well!!
•has a hard time during nap time tho and is a picky eater -.-
•but very much is the sweetest and even tho she can be annoying sometimes very much see chan in her yes yes
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•emma!! she’s the newest addition (joined the class in december!)
•currently the 4th oldest (10 almost 11 months!!)
• okay so emma
•first of all she seems very scared of everything which isn’t rlly minho but her neutral face is very 😐 which i think fits minho pretty well
•the moment you get her warmed up to you?
•she will eat a lot bc she’s growing
•also she’s very clingy to the people she’s closest to
•aka minho with his cats as he should.
• she also has a hard time with nap time 🙄‼️ these older mfs i swear
•anyways once she’s asleep she’s so cute
•cheeks!! and puffs them out too!!
•honestly she’s pretty quiet she makes sounds when she wants you to pay attention to her
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•ok so u know how people when they first see changbin are like “omg so scary!! he looks very angry omg nooo” but as soon as he opens his mouth they go ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
•basically thats jayden
•he is second youngest!! (7 months)
•he’s bald except for little bits of hair not related just wanted to mention he’s part of the bald twins
•when he first started he cried a lot and was very grumpy and i feel like for the longest time that’s how people viewed changbin
•SIKE THO as soon as jayden started crawling mf is the biggest smiler and so funny
•and if that isn’t changbin idk what is tbh
•jayden just started solid food and his reactions are PRICELESS.
•tried blackberry yesterday,, was not a fan
•paris pls ur getting off track
•anyways, he clocks out so easy and he’s pretty laid back
•very funny baby,, also can be loud when he wants but for the most time he’s pretty calm and just roams around the room
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•riley!! middle baby (9 months!!)
• she makes my heart go woosh! i adore her to pieces
•no i didn’t pick my favorite kid for my ult noooo
•JDGSSJSJHS the favoritism.
•riley is super sweet!
• although she’s really sensitive too ):
•and everyone knows that hyunjin is sensitive pls be kind to my boyfriend): HDGSHS
• also??
•their laughs? so sweet and pure
•very dramatic too omg
•today riley didn’t wanna sit on the floor when i grabbed her out of her crib after she woke up from her nap and proceeded to scream and fake cry at me
•...she got what she wanted
•also sleeps horribly and won’t take her bottles...
•but makes up for it by being the biggest sweetheart and just is always smiling at people and is so infectious to be around love her
•even tho she sneezed in my face today
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• shaun is also 9 months!!
• him and jisung have the cutest chubby cheeks ):
•also their smiles ? 10/10
• although did base this off of their personalities
•shaun is very overactive and is just like always talking and always around everyone
•very jisung like!!
•also another funny kid they make me laugh
•can make the other babies laugh too
•when frustrated will either verbalize it or you can just see his mood change
•probably the one i spend the least amount of time with bc he’s always moving around and he sleeps a lot
• has nothing to do with the fact that he spits up everywhere and i hate when he spits up on me
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•she’s the youngest of the group (7 months today!!)
• she is probably the cuddliest of the group
•will let you hold her forever if you want
•is a very happy baby
• her smile?? unparalleled.
• is literal sunshine
•everyone in the center knows who em is!!
• also another of my favorites although i love all of them
• she is so relaxed and she does everything to 100%
•very stubborn and determined
•currently trying to stand up and will spend all day trying
•reminds me of felix and his determination
• goes down easily for a nap and wakes up smiling most of the time
•can also be sensitive
•most of the kids kinda underestimate her bc she’s small and bc she can’t walk yet but she holds her ground!!!
•very felix like in that sense
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•turned 1 on uh... SATURDAY.
•very energetic when he’s not like exhausted
•also super talkative when he’s comfortable with you??
•very gucci flip flops kid
•although he screams constantly
•but we move on from that bc seungmin would to that just to be funny too...
•omg yk seungmin going “STA” when the balloon fell and how i died laughing okay anyways
•knox basically is that moment but embodied
•he’s funny and so sweet
•will cuddle you and give you the biggest laugh and smile every when he’s happy
•tbh knox’s laugh reminds me of like a gerber baby laugh or the sun from the teletubbies
•anyways i digress.
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•so eli is 13 months!
•very much reminds me of jeongin bc they’re both young but old
•like jeongin is my age.... and he’s super successful.. and i’m writing this...
• like he’s young?? but also old compared to the younger ones???
•eli is the baby of his family and it translates into the classroom too my coteachers tend to baby him
•and sometimes when he’s cranky he doesn’t mind
•like jeongin
•but is currently trying to move past that
•and kinda be seen as the toddler he is
•or adult in jeongin’s case!!
•smiles and laughs are so precious
•always best outfits of sweats and a cute sweater
•definitely when he’s older will give jeongin a run for his money on the #OOTD shshshs
• tbh when he’s super sleepy he gets kinda super sensitive
•once when he was in that mood i said one thing to him and he burst into tears and then passed out sleeping
• i told him broccoli.
•anyways he’s funny too
and this concludes skz as kids in my room/ i work with/ the ones i see the 40 hours a week i spend at work.
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taejeonie · 4 years
taehee in america!!
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— i can’t find a gif from one of their interviews :// also the events aren’t in sequence,,whatever i remember watching will appear here so if i missed something, u guys can tell me!!
okay so taehee’s like
like most of the tweets were ‘american air changed taehee’
like in korea she’s chill, semi-shy but still chaotic
but in america it’s that but x82848, minus the shy part it’s like gone now
and she’s more interactive with czennies so that’s probably why (*^_^*)
like in one of their interviews someone asked, “okay, so i have a question from tumblr...do you know tumblr”
“yes i know tumblr ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
and she loved doing rpd with them it’s so cute
she kept hyping them up and dancing in the sidelines
but when cherry bomb comes on
she was like: this is my song. must. dance.
and she was center for the nananananana part so it was p e r f e c t
when they did flinch she was paired with doyoung
james was trying to talk to them but they were mODELLING
let them do their work james
“oh i see how it is now”
her eyes flinched a bit when the fruit came out but they didn’t notice....hopefully
anyways youngtae won
speaking of interviews
awkward faces. disgusted faces. bored faces. fake smile faces.
‘oh shit did they just say that?’ faces.
“so how’s it like being the only girl in the group?”
in her head she’s like: stfu i didn’t go to america for this ಠ╭╮ಠ
but outside she’s like: hahahaha looks like i gotta answer this ∩^ω^∩ gotta pay rent u know?
the genius interview oh god markhee was a MESS
they kept pinching each other when they had to explain the s t e a m y parts of the song so johnny did it for them
in the end they just gave up on explaining so she said “you don’t have to take the lyrics word by word, line by line. you can take it however you want and the feelings aren’t just limited to a significant other. it’s just love between two people and that could be a friend, a partner-“
inside they’re like “good job, taehee. good job,” until she says
“-your mom.”
and when they were teaching cherry bomb she couldn’t keep her mouth shut
“okay so you spread your legs like this” - johnny
“that’s when you feel the air coming in” - mark
and when doyoung thought it couldn’t get any worse
“oh, really? i don’t” - taehee
and yuta, taeyong, johnny, and mark just try to hold their laughter
doyoung @ the rest: just smile and wave boys, smile and wave
also stayzens got crumbs of (han) jisung and taehee’s friendship when they were guessing the dance based on the silhouette
when the choreo for ‘get cool’ showed she immediately answered
she scared everyone with her excitement but that’s okay bc they got a point
“that was fast,” the host told her
*proudly* “yeah i’m friends with one of them”
taehee stans were served
she wore dresses to award shows bUT THERE WAS A TIME SHE WORE A SUIT
everyone died
she looked amazing hot spectacular show stopping
“hey guys! welcome back to my channel ( ◠‿◠ ) so today we would be going toOoOoOo miAMIIIII *fake sound effects* um so like we’re going to buy some stuff for the beach coz like it’s really hot hahahaha but that’s because i’m here *slowly pulls shades down*”
“why do you talk like that”
“just let me be, mark. let me be.”
but she went back to taehee mode so it’s aight
“taeyong oppa broke his slippers and the sand’s really hot so i don’t know how he survives.”
she gets caught anyways
and hyuck drags her to the deep deep deep part
but she knows how to swim :>>
she came back to shore to dry off,,,so she watched the surfers with jungwoo while the others are having fun
“waahh, that’s so cool. did you see that?”
“my dad taught me how to surf back in australia”
“really? :OO”
“yeah but that was when i was still younger. i think i forgot now.”
“woah” jungwoo’s amazed by this girl
so when she was asked to do flirty
she got shy, that was the shyest moment of her life but you gotta do what you gotta do
*starts twirling a piece of hair on her finger* “hey,,,,” *winks*
then she starts playing with her hair more aggressively until she had to stop and fix her hair bc the manager told her to
producer: is that how you flirt?
taehee: i don’t flirt. *confidently* people flirt with me ;))).
johnny, off-screen: excuses! this is why we don’t let her out
her and johnny just kept giving commentary on poor mark it’s hilarious
*mark raises his eyebrow*
“you’re so flirty”
“damn, that eyebrow tho. i’m swayed.”
taehee kept eating ice cream
like everytime the camera pans to her she’s just eating ice cream
when they watched alicia key performing ‘if i ain’t got you’
she was star struck
markhee: Aw sHIT
when she rapped “knet knet talk talk” she blew up the whole bird app
she was feeling herself everytime they performed it was sexc
american air really is different
concerts omg don’t get me started
johnny started shaking his booty as a joke but then there’s taehee on the side of the stage lowkey twerking
you know how bp were feeling themselves during their cons?
well taehee is just like that and czennies wERE SO LOUD
her ‘baby don’t like it’ fit .....
it was different from the boys’ since she’s wearing like a dress like damn what if she sLIPPED
she was wearing a blindfold too
her performance is still flawless tho i mean it’s taehee come on
and when they performed ‘superhuman’
istg that markhee part everyone flipped
they were so close (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡
like i swear they could feel their breaths on each other’s faces
but it’s what the czennies want and you gotta give it to them even if the management said nO
markhee stans were fed this season they kept hanging out with each other
they rode that horse carriage thing together
they ate donuts together
they shopped together
they messed up their korean and english at some point together
best friend goals
taehee was so excited for the dodgers game she was so adorable in the jersey
she was more than glad to be the first pitch and list off the names of the players to the members
jungwoo and hyuck trapped her so they could get on kiss cam
she was struggling
but that’s okay bc she still gets to see the dodgers play
brooklyn boys
the title’s still boys the producers are like whatever just name it brooklyn boys
after they ate they went shopping right
taehee was in the ‘don’t forget your tools’ team
taeyong mom johnny dad jungwoo child mark child taehee child
“i wanted to be the cousin!!”
“.....taehee child”
#markheebesties we love it
markhee separated from the group for a while to buy ingredients to make cocktails for the older members + staff
“you know how?”
“yeah, my dad taught me.”
“your dad is so cool.”
“i know right- *immediately* mom, i still love youuu <3333”
“we’re both minors and we’re the ones getting alcohol”
“mark, we’re in america. we’re not minors anymore.”
but later on they don’t drink alcohol to respect their korean culture :>>
when jungwoo wanted to get the pie thingy and taeyong won’t let him it was comical
mark’s like that youngest good kid
jungwoo’s like the middle kid who wanted to bUY SOMETHING BUT THEY WONT LET HIM
and taehee’s the eldest bad influence kid
*whispering* “just hide it. yeah, hide it in there. then just put it out when they’re paying for it*
mark’s just laughing off cam they were so serious
anyways they’re cooking and taehee made the guac :p
she kept on laughing at markwoo it’s cute
but she kept on eating the other group’s pasta
“hey! why do you keep eating our food?”
they complimented her on her guac since she doesn’t cook that much
but she’s a great cook she learned from taeyong!!! and her dad
when they were playing beer pong the maknae line was sOOO HYPED
and hyuck’s just looking at them weirdly like wtf hahaha markhee tingz i guess
she acted like a ring girl every time they switch to the next round
“wAIT LET ME WALK” *catwalks from side a to side b*
while they were karaoke-ing she made the cocktails and mark watched her
she kept doing tricks with the cups to make mark laugh
she let the staff taste it and they were amazed she’s such an angel i swear
“this one’s for you!!!!”
“is it good?”
“oh i should add more of this? okay, hold on”
and then the older hyungs came and were amazed
doyoung doesn’t even drink but she managed to get him to have a taste
when they were all going to sleep, she chose the bed at the very end
she used mark’s arm as a pillow
they all kinda...didn’t shower...
jk they still smell great ig
“mark you stink”
“shut up”
and then they fell asleep but the others caught them
“mark and taehee are asleep”
“really?” *laughs*
“i’m not asleep i’m just closing my eyes”
“okay but taehee’s already snoring”
*sleepily* “i DONT SNORE!!!”
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grlfriends · 3 years
giovanna give us your #controversial kpop takes!! you seem passionate abt ***** being mediocre 👀👀👀
omg anon this is definitely going under a read more
ok so it's not that I think they are mediocre but rather that I know how much being from a big company can determinate your success, onces will go on and on about how much jyp was broke before them and how sixteen had a low viewership rate and how jyp was almost "out" of the big3 (a lie bc if that was truly the case then yg wouldnt be considered big3 rn, big3 is about how much influence and power you have on media yes it's related to how rich the company is but not all that matters when we all know that's not even being considered by anyone lmao) but at the end of the day no matter what they were still under big3?? the amount of money they had to even START a show about the group and then to film the like ooh ahh mv was huge man, onces make it seem like they had 10 dollars and a dream when that was definitely not the case, I know I seem bitter about this but bc I'm a fan of a group who was truly in that situation it just seems so fake and attention seeking?? yall know how much an mv like like ohh ahh and cheer up cost?? yall know how much producers and outfits and hair and makeup and studio and everything else costs?? jyp was always powerful and just bc they were in a bad time and bc they got more rich after twice it doesnt mean they were # broke before them, of course luck is a factor in any situation but let's be honest, do you think if a company was that broke and if twice had done that badly in their debut an mv like cheer up would even exist?? it's expensive y'all
also about the mediocre thing: I dont think they are mediocre but rather that no twice track has made me fall in love with them, I do like some songs but that's it, I feel like after their cheer up promotions jyp was very smart and played all the right moves and got them even bigger, they are not mediocre but we all know jyp has a fucked up ear that has rejected THE iu and THE yuju which is now considered top3 best vocalists of the 3rd generation (along with eunji from apink and wendy from rv) and I dont think they have been necessarily giving them the songs that fit their voices the best, some of them are able to adapt better (nayeon) and some are not (ie: momo voice was too deep for some of her parts in more and more), at the end of the day it still sounds nice if you're not listening to the live locals, their choreography is okay but is more focused on going viral than anything lmao, it's not bad but you can definitely see the comeback their team opened their email box and found out about all the emails about onces having to defend themselves bc twice had easy choreographies and SOME members were still not doing okay vocally and then decided to turn up their difficultly level to catch up with the current trend among ggs at the time ON THE TOP OF making them a token gg (along bp) to white gays listen and like bc they werent cute like that anymore and were doing hard choreographies so they were # not like the other ggs and this only expanded twice fan numbers in western countries (I also think that the bigger a group is the more their fans get obsessed with them and stop caring about their song quality and only listen to them bc they're a fan not bc they truly enjoy the music anymore you know?? I feel like feel special was okay but if a smaller gg like idk weki meki (I know it's not their sound but bear with me) or even a nugu gg like pink fantasy had released it it wouldnt have achieved 10% of the numbers it did or even made these groups have a bigger fanbase you know??) so do I think if they were from an actual broke nugu company they would have be as famous as they are now releasing the same songs? no and there's nothing wrong with that, kpop isn't a talent show and it's more about how well known you are with the most basic stuff
once again, I know this is too big of an essay for someone who has said they dont think they are mediocre but honestly that's my opinion and at the end of the day it doesn't matter bc they're still million sellers but that's my opinion ✌🏻 also do I think they're the nation's gg? no that's snsd and will always be
other hot and spicy takes:
bgs should go cute again, where's my fresh and energizing concepts?? astro why did you leave us in the dark?? sm why did you ruin nct dream when you could have made them comeback under another name/unit and make dream remain with the cute concept still
if any bigger gg had released queen by 3ye everyone would have lost their minds, it's the girlboss anthem everyone is looking for and no one knows about, everything from choreography to the lyrics is what blinks think bp is doing in terms of power
I miss gfriend intros so much :(( source PLEASE listen to this poor soul and give us intros, i cant stop thinking about how good the sots album intro would have been with that yuju siren call notes
also about gfriend but ma'am. apple supremacy, this is hands down their best release and best album this year (even tho I'm in live with three of cups and grwm for as long and the songs have been out) and also I wish crossroad had a bigger impact in the instrumental, the guitar should have been louder and it should have appeared sooner, the post chorus (that part they sing about the star) should have something more so it wouldn't feel as flat as it kinda did
↳ and I think that the beginning and bridge choreography should have been not that, specially the bridge..... that arm movement and the walking becomes okay after a while and getting used to it but still, it should have been anything else, let sinb choreograph a part of the title track for a change please
normalize people saying gfriend were robbed in 2016, rough WAS the 2016 soty and no one can tell me otherwise, people were so mad a nugu gg had the catchiest song of the year 2 years in a row (me gustas tu and then rough) they literally boycotted my girls 🤒
CONTROVERSIAL but I dont think rv has the best choreography and bsides in kpop..... their fans are just too used to noise and saying everything is # a concept (but the Russian roulette mini album DAMN it was amazing)
↳ also their title tracks..... it's been a wild ride but the ride is in flames and about to explode
I miss seventeen fun songs, now they're all about being edgy and dark and it's okay I guess but I miss their early days so so much, everything since thanks (even tho it was released close to my bday I have to admit I dont think it's that good either....) has not been it and it made me stop being a fan, I loved them so so much once and now all I have is old pretty u performances and funny gifs of them on their gose eps 😔 svt comeback with the pastel colors I miss those days of your youth
↳ also I cant believe pledis still has trainees when they're probably going to debut another bg when svt enters military years and then will be working in their solos and/or units since a gg wil be boycotted by pledis after 2 years maximum
the loona lore is 100% more about orbits going crazy over anything than BBC actually planning out stuff, their mvs are like any other aesthetic mv y'all
↳ also on the loona topic I dont think they're the powerful dancers people make them out to be, they have beautiful choreographies and are in sync that's all
↳ can orbits please STOP the ch*ves madness, yves is so straight it hurts and people are turning this into a l*rry of kpop almost
↳ when is haseul coming back 😭 people are calling Kim lip the leader for the longest time and it makes me mad seeing haseul forgotten like that.... maybe when she comes back loona will stop having those sm adjacent (derogatory) songs
I cant believe korean people have turned as you wish by wjsn the top end of the year song to enter the new year when dreams come true is RIGHT!! THERE!!! as is just much better by simply being good where as you wish, well, it wishes 😶
↳ ot13 wjsn was the best and their only good releases as ot10 was boogie up and save me save you, yuehua and starship if any of you break ot13 I'm going insane and beating everyone involved
cant believe non stop was the sing that made oh my girl famous when closer exists and they were not problematic yet, non stop is an attack on peoples ears and sucks so bad there's nothing remotely good or even okay about it (actually, their last good song was a-ing bc that's when jine was there 😢 other than that bungee was okay and banana allergy monkey was quite catchy too) also yooa has an annoying voice idk how they chose HER to debut solo
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detectivesofty · 4 years
Welcome welcome to my live commentary of the second episodes of One Chicago!
Chicago Fire
Oh dang we’re starting off HOT as hell (hot as in the storyline immediately picks up after the cliffhanger)
Mackey is NOT having a good start in her new job man
Casey is so worried man
Omg (I don’t ship Brettsey)
Gianna is so confused😂😂😂
Oh he dead man
Oh he’s alive (probably not for long tho)
What an asshole
I can’t look this is kinda gross
Okay changed my mind it’s super gross
Fuck he lives??? Okay then
Uhhhh what is going on with ambo 61. I sure hope they will have shay’s name on the new one too
They’re definitely not okay
Lmao Joe is such a big brother
This is... awkward
Ugh stop
Lmao no
I don’t ship brettsey and it’s very obvious
Ritter and Gallo are so funny
Oh dang Kelly is feisty today
Pls no
This is so weird
Lmao thank you mouch
If Kelly is looking for the ambo bc of Shay I will literally cry (also I called it)
Oh damn Gianna is fit
Omg already????
This is so sad
Who’s dax
Oh fuck man
Stella chill man, the girl has other problems rn
I like Kelly in that hoodie
It’s still so surreal to see them wear masks
Matt is so weird
No surprise here
I’m crying
I didn’t expect them to still think of Shay after all this time
Oh my god...
Oh my GOD
Ritter is so cute
This is weird
Skipping that
Say yes bitch (he’ll say no)
Sorry but I still ship Dawsey
Omg that man is loyal
Sorry Brett
Gabby pls come back
I really really like that they don’t just forget the characters that left LIKE OTHER SHOWS
Okkk Chicago Med here I come!
I’m still hoping for manstead lmao I’m a sucker
Oofff bed bugs
Club Med
Aw Will :(
Why did Maggie get Will’s hopes up
Fuck Choi
He tested positive????
Why does everyone HAVE BANGS
Aw no :(
Oh man I can’t watch this
Fuck Ethan
Oh dang why is she so fucking rude to nat
I need Will and Jay back together
Ethan is such a dick man
I want Will to be right and Ethan to be wrong
So much hate for so many characters 🥲
Crockett man
Btw does anyone know what happened to April’s brother?
Ughhhhhh Crockett is so annoying
Nice of you to rub it in maggie
Doris man fuck off
Dude how many wives did Charles have
April is taking advantage of Choi and it’s so obvious
Oh dang I like the new obgyn
But why is she preggo
Doris is so annoying
Omg fuck Ethan man
I like anna
Oh mannnnn
It’s so funny that the US have tiny water bottles
April man stop
This zoom call is so funny
Stoppppp Ethan
How many kids does Charles have
This cop is such a dick
What did you DO NATALIE
This is so sad
Bruh are you kidding
They’re both gonna die man
Aw oh no
Do we know if Sharon has to be over zoom? Like is the actress at risk or is it just because of fun
Oh no
Bc of Hannah man
Fuck Hannah
Aw poor will
Is he... gonna LEAVE
Ari fricking ZONA I CANT
JANUARY 6????????
What the FUCK
okokokok CHICAGO PD
Lmao Kevin’s brother is back???
It’s six and he has to WORK SOON
Poor kev
Where’s Jay????
Adam and Kim🥰🥰
Lmao trudy
What was the point of the stain on her blouse???
Why do I think that they’re going to pair hank with Miller (romantically)
Seven minutes in and there’s still no Jay 🥲
Where’s Jay 😓
Everyone on the team has made an appearance except of Jay
He looks so good
Oh damn jay’s voice is soo deep??
Oooof that’s rough
I miss Jay
So much Kim and Jay interaction (I don’t ship them I just think they should interact more)
I love jay
This episode kinda sets me off, the kid is so jittery and ugh idk
That shirt is way too big on Jay
Still no mention of Vanessa
That room is definitely new
Oh my goddddd
Lmaoooo Adam
It’s so weird that they’re going off in threes and Kim’s basically alone
Omg fuck man
What a big fucking bruise
Oh man this is not gonna end well
Oh man poor Adam
It’s his new nickname now
I like it
My mans jay
Where’s the masks tho
Adam is in so much pain 🥲
Oh no
Oh god no
Fuck this dude
I really hope that Miller is a good person
oh damn
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Winx Club Season 1 Thoughts (4kids)
I decided to start rewatching Winx Club since there were strong nostalgia feels and I am getting more and more sucked into this fandom, so might as well just rewatch everything and pay close attention to it, right? So here are my thoughts (this gets very long so they are under a cut):
- Okay, so we got classical “ordinary person learns that they’re not so ordinary” here. It’s a little weird how Bloom’s powers just activated out of nowhere but it could be because she came in contact with a magical threat that provoked her powers to awaken so no complaints here. It was actually very brave of her to try to help Stella, seeing how she didn’t know she had powers.
- Kiko is our little bunny buffoon - no complaints here either.
- Stella being so confident in Bloom’s powers and so encouraging was really cute. The friendship between them probably was a little rushed since they knew practically nothing about each other but whatever.
- Bloom’s parents were pretty chill with finding out their daughter was a fairy. Edit: Okay, that was covered in one of the later episodes. I do like that Bloom told Mike and Vanessa exactly what was going on and didn’t try to hide the truth from them (*cough* like she’ll be doing in a certain live-action series *cough*). And they were actually very supportive about it and didn’t try to stop her! Awww! All the family feels!
- I hated Brandon and Sky’s ruse back then and I hate it now. At least they’re good at it and know how to actually keep it up.
- Unlike Bloom and Stella who couldn’t even last an entire episode. It was cute how much Stella wanted to help Bloom, though.
- Beware Stella, the Destroyer of Labs. I wonder if she ever managed to create that new shade of pink.
- Griselda is so savage. And Faragonda is there like flowers and sunshine. XD
- I have to say that the line about not getting caught by the witches of Cloud Tower may seem funny at first but it actually bothers me. It bothers me because the teachers know that the witches would torture and abuse any fairies they come across but nobody is taking steps to prevent that. Why is that allowed? It is terrible, although, I have to admit, realistic since the education system is shit and nobody does anything actually helpful to prevent bullying. Still, it is a problem and I really don’t like the way it is portrayed on the show. It’s like “Yeah, they might scar you for life but it will be your own damn fault even though we are the adults and we clearly can’t be bothered to do shit!” And don’t tell me there isn’t anything to be done. If there were negative repercussions towards Cloud Tower as a school when their students misbehaved, I doubt Griffin would allow as much of that as she does now.
- OMG, Flora’s idea to save the forests is so awesome. I would so love me some talking plants. You don’t have to talk to yourself when you have a plant to have a conversation with!
- Spying on some witches sounds like a good idea, Bloom. Except don’t get caught maybe. (Okay, I am not being fair here. She didn’t know that what Darcy did was possible.)
- But damn, Darcy’s powers are so cool! I actually liked the “fight” with the Trix. And we saw all their transformations for the first time. It was cool.
- Well, at least they didn’t throw her out of Alfea. That would’ve been a shame. And they’re quickly becoming friends. Apparently, the girls decided they were okay with not being told the truth. I would’ve loved to see that conversation but still.
- Stella is being supportive... until she is not anymore. Stella has these sudden mood shifts but she is being a ray of sunshine most of the time.
- Faragonda is married? But why do they call her “Miss” then? It makes no sense. Btw why does Griselda look like she’s having the worst time of her life while Faragonda is announcing the ball? I mean, I know she’s not big on fun but that looks a little bit over the top.
- Griffin kinda pulled an ala Maleficent routine.
- How is it that Bloom always gets into trouble? And because she couldn’t find a pair of scissors.
- Damn, Darcy with that magic again! I love her! Also, Icy can dematerialize walls? That is so cool! (pun unintended)
- Bloom’s powers conveniently showed up. I was gonna complain that it was unrealistic for freshman fairies to be defeating senior witches but then I realized that they didn’t actually defeat them. In 1x02 Stella teleported them out of harm’s way and in 1x03 the Trix disappeared in order to go after Stella’s ring so it’s actually fine.
- I feel sorry for that duckling. Icy is being so cruel to it in next eps. And they just put it there as plot device. It was used more than once to give away the Trix’s presence to Winx.
- Gotta love how Bloom is the only one besides Flora who can hear the voice of nature. At least they allowed Flora to hear it as well because if it had been only Bloom who was able to hear it, I would’ve thrown a fit.
- Tecna has done her homework. I love how she figured out the ship was taken out by an attack from the outside. I’m actually starting to like her.
- Classical Riven, all grumpy and ungrateful. Though, he and Brandon actually did manage to call a truce so... I guess that worked out well. I love that the Specialists were shown working together as a team as well as bickering. It helps build some relationship between them and that is sorely needed.
- Damn, the Trix just vanished an entire troll. I love how powerful they are!
- Okay, but... that abbreviation Stella suggested to be their group name that consisted from the first letters of their names? Was that subtle shade being thrown at W.I.T.C.H? Bc you know, “we’re too good to use their initials as a name, we can actually come up with a title”.
- Spell for making good decisions? Really? Um... okay. Whatever. (that is so lame) But hey, at least we got those kitchen scenes that were absolutely hilarious! XD
- Okay, how did no one realize that that wasn’t actually Stella? Proves my point that they don’t actually know each other that well and that  the whole friendship was rushed.
- So I have more to bitch about Bloom and her “leadership” here but I will actually save it.
- At least they managed to save Stella. (Question, though. Why was she in her everyday clothes if they caught her at the date? She went out with the dress. Did the animators forget about that?) The hug with Bloom was cute. And Stella was being all brave, telling them to keep the ring instead of begging them to save her. I think she will make a better queen than everyone realizes.
- Starlight is the purest source of magic? Oh, hey, I didn’t know that! But if that is true why is Stella not more powerful than Bloom? I am a little confused as to what happened since it was pretty much explained as in the Big Bang created the Great Dragon that later created the magical universe. But where do the stars and magic fit in that? Also, I had not noticed up until this point that Faragonda says “she” when she talks about the Great Dragon. That’s cool. Also also, here’s a plot hole for ya - Faragonda said that the Great Dragon is just a myth and so is the Dragon Fire and that was when she was alone in her office. But season 3 later gives us the Company of Light storyline which contradicts that since Faragonda knew Marion who had the Dragon Fire personally. It is so much fun when you don’t have your backstory covered before you dive in. Leaves so many opportunities for plot holes for you to fall into and the writers are diving headfirst into this one.
- Breaking in Cloud Tower. When they were explicitly warned to stay away from the witches. Sounds like a good idea, right? At least they have a map and aren’t totally unprepared.
- Tecna totally rocked in this episode. She memorized the whole map and seemed to be strategic about everything and had a plan (which was about the best idea any one of them has had ever since the beginning of the show). And she did protect them all! I am really starting to like her a lot. I wasn’t even annoyed by her constant nagging to leave because that was a good idea. (Btw totally a side question but how did Tecna know which room was the Trix’ from the map? Did she also hack the computer system of Cloud Tower (that I doubt exists, considering Griselda was checking which fairies were arriving manually and their names were just taped on the doors in their dorms instead of something more computerized so it’s probably the same with Cloud Tower?)
- And Griffin had to go and try to kill them. Great idea! And when Faragonda goes to search for them after she realizes that they’re missing, what was Griffin going to tell her (I’m presuming that Faragonda would find a way to locate them or at least figure out where they’d last been)? “Nope, never seen them. Not even once. Well, except for that time I killed them but that’s totally irrelevant here.” Amazing logic! I know they broke into her school, but damn, she could’ve dialed it back a little.
- I had completely forgotten about Daphne. It took me a while to figure out what the hell was going on when she started talking to Bloom.
- And Bloom’s sudden and inexplicable desire to know about the Dragon Fire is executed in a way I am not really a fan of. I mean, you know what the fuck is up when you’ve already watched the show but on your first go that would probably just seem very random (even if she was insisting it was so that they could figure out what the witches wanted).
- It was so unfair for Winx to get punished without even being heard out. I’m mad on their behalf because yes, it does matter why they did what they did. Is no one going to tell Faragonda and Griselda about the theft of the ring? (Or the way it happened for that matter? Stella could have died.) That is a royal symbol and it got stolen. Why is no one talking about this? (on the show I mean.)
- That punishment was harsh. But they proved they can handle themselves even without their powers. Who needs magic when you have cleaning supplies, am I right? XD
- OMG, Tecna, you don’t need computer or guidance to figure out a mop and a bucket of water. And Flora just standing there and watching Tecna completely misunderstanding the cleaning supplies and their usage and laughing about it? She’s not as innocent as she seems.
- How do the Trix know about the Dragon Fire if Faragonda herself thought it was only a myth? And where the hell did those crystals come from? I mean, I’m not complaining. Have you seen them? They totally rock. But I’m just curious.
- Winx really did a number on the Trix this time. And Faragonda and Griselda came back in the right moment. Though, I can’t get over the fact that she has zero idea what the fuck is going on between her students and the witches (not that anyone tells her shit but still). Now they went overboard? What about three episodes ago when they tried to kill Stella? And they’re making sure they’re not breaking the rules but who the fuck makes sure these girls are safe? Because they’ve been in more trouble from the beginning of the school year than a person gets into for their entire high school run.
- Did Faragonda take away the Trix���s powers too? Well, she should’ve left them powerless. It would’ve saved everyone a lot of headaches.
- Fuck, this talk about Stella and Musa’s family situations is making me want to cry. I can’t see through the tears in my eyes. Help!
- I always loved this episode (1x08). But damn, why is Riven hitting on Bloom? Pls, stop! But at least she really ripped into him and then poured water on him which, frankly, he deserved. I mean, I like him as a character but he was way out of line talking to them like that.
- I love that Stella was being supportive with Brandon when Riven was trying to embarrass him. She didn’t care if he’d failed, only that he was okay. That was really cute!
- So the whole plan hangs on whether Knut can sell the Timmy vibe? Which he is not really doing all that well. Great job! This only worked because Bloom is not paying attention. Which I will cut her some slack for because of the whole thing with Daphne and then Riven.
- I feel like the writers do know how to build suspense, though, and I really appreciate that.
- I like Riven x Musa but I also like Riven x Darcy. When you forget that she was actually using him... and she put a spell on him. Ugh... Why is this so problematic? And also never addressed? Not to mention that Darcy totally did not look up any spells prior to that so she must have known it beforehand, and considering Icy and Stormy’s words, I think it is safe to assume she’s done this before... which is not okay.
- But on the plus side, she knows how to ride a hoverbike! I like that!
- Well, it did end in tears so job well done I guess. I am still having problems with Griffin’s behavior here. “Break some hearts, break some bones”? Umm, what? Can you not? (Also, sidenote, but Griffin’s remark about the celebration struck me as annoying tbh. I know she’s a witch but she has a family too. Can we, please, drop this idea that witches can’t love, thanks?)
- Wow, this is the most interesting episode so far.
- Stella really got spelled there. And in the end with the oppositus spell. That part was really random, though. Was it simply because they needed Musa to run off to town?
- Aw, Faragonda hugging Bloom so readily was really cute! What the heck did she mean about the dark forces, though? Was that... Was that somehow caused by the Ancestral Witches? Because I am pretty sure the Trix had nothing to do with it. What the hell is going on?
- I wanna know about the First Witches! Tell me moooore!!! At least we know about Daphne now.
- Okay, this time the Trix and the other witches were gonna kick Winx and the Specialists’ asses. That was some awesome battle, though. I liked it so much. Real action. Plus, they got to show off their powers!
- Darcy’s powers are so awesome!!! (I’m sorry but I love her and I have to gush.)
- Now the Trix know about the Dragon Fire. (I love those damn crystals; they look so good!). It’s starting to get real. But let’s backtrack for a second here. They wrecked the place where there were fighting, not to mention the blinding light from Bloom’s powers and yet, somehow nobody knows what happened there? What? Why tf don’t Griffin and Faragonda know about that? I am pretty sure they wrecked multiple cars there so why is nobody filing complaints and tracking the fight back to them?
- “Puppy dog to Stiletto.” I AM DYING!!! And the way they are showing how the communication between them runs through Darcy’s psychic channel is so cool! I love it!
- It’s the Magical Reality Chamber... Ugh. I am not really thrilled about that.
- And Palladium is busy Palladiuming here. I can’t help this thought but why is his design so different in season 1 from his design later on? What happened to him? (Obvious glow up but I mean why?)
- Tecna’s sass is killing me. I am so loving it!
- Oh, thank goodness Kiko is okay!
- What the hell happened to the Dragon Fire? Did it just decide to pack its bags and leave? How did it get away from the Whisperian Crystals? Also, if Faragonda and Palladium were watching how Bloom was doing, why didn’t they say anything about the Trix? Did they not see them? If they did, why didn’t they do shit about it? I am pretty sure what they did is very against the rules. So what the hell is up with that?
- Okay, I totes agree with Bloom. Yeah, Flora messed up with all the plants but they legit let her go live in a swamp. Wtf, guys?!?!?! You’re her friends. You shouldn’t let that happen!
- Awww, they went with her! Okay, we’re good! (And even Stella went even though her shoes got ruined!) Also, Flora’s inventions are really cool. Baby can save the entire universe on her own and protect nature with her inventions.
- The nymphs are so cute!!! Not to mention well adapted! They can fly, breathe air and live underwater. Damn!
- Stella is finally hearing the voice of nature. Or whatever it is that is sending her that vibe that something is off.
- Why wasn’t Tecna affected by the mist (or whatever it was)? She was breathing the same air as them and all the rest were getting sleepy even before she put down her mask (whatever). So why was she not affected at all? (I’m not trying to poke holes into the plot, the plot is poking my eyes out with its holes.)
- An evil willow. Well, you don’t see that every day.
- Tecna’s apology was very Tecna and very cute.
- Awwww, they agreed to help Stella with the beauty pageant because she was so passionate about it. That’s some real friendship!!! Also, I love how concerned they were with making sure she was going to pass the test. Sometimes the only thing that can make you study is indeed someone else forcing you to. So props to them for taking the time to make sure she was handling her classes.
- Lol, the Trix are at it again. But what did they do with Lucy? She looks like a completely different person. Also, they used a lot of magic there (and their reactions to how well it was working were just hilarious). And here I go again with my ranting. Why didn’t the contest have someone to make sure the participants weren’t using magic since that was against the rules? The Trix used so much magic and no one would be the wiser if not for Bloom’s spell. Other contestants could have used magic as well and no one would have been able to tell. It’s just not believable.
- Stella won the pageant and passed her test. Now that’s impressive!
- That episode with Bloom and her parents made me cry, wtf! That was really emotional. I don’t get one thing, though. If she knew she was adopted, why didn’t she try to look for her birth parents even before that? Wasn’t she curious why they’d given her up? And why did she not think of them when she learned she had magic? I think it is logical after learning that you have magic and knowing that you are adopted to go “Hey, perhaps I inherited this from my birth parents”.
- At least Winx were very supportive about it. (I am a bit unsure why Bloom didn’t make the connection about Daphne when Mike told her he’d heard a voice when he’d found her. I mean, she also heard a voice (guiding her out of a fire no less) so why didn’t she wonder at least if perhaps that hadn’t been Daphne that talked to Mike?)
- I just noticed this but remember how Bloom is complaining that she always has to go first at tests because they do alphabetical order? Isn’t Amaryl in the same class? She was with them during Wizgiz’s quiz (wait, that’s next episode) and when Palladium had them listening to the voice of nature. But then with the magical reality chamber and this exercise with Faragonda Bloom’s going first even though Amaryl should go before her.
- Omg, Sky is fangirling so hard! And he’s on for breaking into Cloud Tower. I have a feeling that is the worst idea but I know they’re gonna do it anyway so...
- So Griffin’s entire family consists of witches? Cool. And of course, her fave spell is a revenge one. Why am I not surprised? XD
- I feel so bad for Mirta. Everyone laughed at her. But she should’ve known that was coming and she should’ve chosen a different spell to describe. Actually, scratch that. She was brave enough to be herself and did not conform to what was expected of her so props to her for that! Though, the witches’ reaction suggests that having friends is something to laugh at which just... isn’t true??? Like, everyone needs a friend once in a while. I can’t stand it when kids shows make the villains these heartless, soulless people who feel no emotion whatsoever. Would it kill you to make a villain that actually acts like a person?
- Wtf, Lucy? That was nasty as hell. And does she really think that the Trix are going to hang out with her?
- The Trix’s plan is truly horrible. But I have to admit it’s a good plan. Seriously though, the poor duckling! Honestly, how is it still alive? They made an entire troll disappear but they can’t get rid of one little duckling? Does that mean that they didn't actually want to kill it (bc lbr they could've easily killed it if they wanted to)?
- At least Sky would’ve tried to comfort Bloom if she hadn’t pushed him away. (Question, though. Why didn’t Griffin learn they were in the library? Last time Winx were there she immediately knew. (It is probably a good thing, though, because she probably would’ve tried to kill Bloom... Again.))
- Awww, Bloom and Mirta friendship adorableness ensues!!!
- I loved the way Winx all used their powers to find Bloom! And Musa getting that sound wave reading that she then transferred to Tecna? Awesome! I wish we could get more extraordinary usage of magic like that! (in the later seasons I mean)
- Kiko and the duckling fighting is some peak comedy right there.
- Oh no, poor Mirta (again; dammit this episode!). But at least she’s among friends now.
- That’s some drama with the test (understandable). And that’s some more drama with the answers.
- Bloom was a little pushy in that scene with Faragonda who was clearly exhausted from the spell but I’ll cut her some slack because of the circumstances.
- Was that a pixie that was flying outside of Alfea?
- Flora is getting angry over here. Honestly, she’s really surprising me. I remember her as this goody-two-shoes but the only reason she hasn’t really snapped so far is because something always happens before she can. If you really look at her expressions, you can see that she gets mad as often as the other characters. I actually kind of like that because it shows she’s simply doing her best to be nice all the time and she also has limits but she’s actually working on keeping herself in check. It makes her more interesting.
- Why is everyone so bad at sneaking around?
- That lesson about inner transformation was interesting. Definitely something to think about. (I’ll tell you what’s for sure, though. Amaryl probably wasn’t transformed at all by the temptation. She is just a bitch like that. (It’s all she’s shown so far.))
- Stella legit picked up her teacher and then dropped him LMFAO!
- I really love how the Trix are casting so many spells and developing their skills. In this season they actually worked for what they were after and did not receive everything on a silver platter. It makes me actually like them even though they are as evil as ever.
- Poor Stella! That monster caused her to dream about her biggest demons. And poor baby is afraid nobody likes her. Awww! :/ I am legit crying over here again, dammit!
- Damn, the monster is growing as it feeds on their nightmares! And Musa and Tecna’s nightmares were horrible. Poor babies! They did have a good plan for catching it, though... kinda. (It was a good thing they managed to contact Mirta and she told them what it was at least.)
- Well, it was about damn time Faragonda showed up! That monster has been roaming her school for two nights now. And it’s not so sneaky and quiet either. Not to mention the enormous amount of dark energy it must have brought in the school. How did none of the teachers notice it sooner? Like, seriously, it was there for two nights, the girls were screaming, loudly, they fought it in their room, they fought it in the corridor, they fought it in the yard, it knocked down Musa and Tecna, the Trix showed up and froze Stella and Flora, the gargoyle caught Bloom and Faragonda showed up ONLY THEN? Are you kidding me? Took you for-fucking-ever! And on top of it Winx started apologizing they hadn’t been able to handle it on their own instead of being angry that the school is not doing enough to protect them. None of the shit that has happened to them since the beginning of the season should have been allowed, and yet, somehow it keeps happening.
- So Griffin didn’t care that they wrecked havoc but that they got caught while doing it? Nice. I love it how she just decided to magic a gigantic projection of her head and use it to kick the Trix out instead of going out in the rain. Power move!
- And now the Trix are hella mad. This is getting intense.
- Well, Sky isn’t handling this well. And Diaspro is coming which means trouble. It’s not going well! (I can’t stress this enough. God, I really hate this episode.)
- Wait, so Timmy knows about the switch up between Brandon and Sky? I mean, if he knows why Diaspro’s visit is a problem, then he must know about that as well, right? Which means that Riven is the only one in the group that doesn’t know. Well, that doesn’t look too good. I mean, it was good for them they hadn’t told him but it might explain why he never felt like a part of the group. They were keeping things from him.
- That chat between Griffin and Faragonda escalated quickly. And damn, they turned a man into a goat? I mean, I expect that from Griffin, but Faragonda? I did not see this coming. Also, the dialogue was horrible. It’s pure exposition. Both of them know what happened. Why are they going over it? And it was just information without any added commentary from either of them which made it pointless and sort of an info dump. I’m cringing just listening to it.
- Okay, but Griffin’s seat was 26 G and Faragonda’s was 26 F. I mean, come on! It actually made sense for them to be seated together (and with Saladin too) tho since they’re the headmistresses of the schools.
- So Erendor went to Red Fountain too? I mean, of course he did. But please, who is buying the crap that Samara is a philanthropist? She is obviously a big snob and you can tell that just by looking at her.
- Politics is being brought to you by Musa.
- Too bad for Bloom that both Icy and Diaspro are horrible and she thought Diaspro was Icy. Smart call with the press idea, though. Also, Diaspro’s magic is actually really cool! It is unique and I really like it!
- And Riven and Sky don’t have it together either. Everyone is acting like they’re five years old in this episode. Also, I love how Saladin just blamed the whole thing on Bloom when Sky and Riven also had a big role in ruining the entire celebration. But of course, Bloom is the only one guilty here and Winx are getting punished again. At least, this time they told their teachers it wasn’t completely their fault. But what good did it do anyway?
- Omg, Bloom, no! You can’t leave and just... leave your friends. Ugggggh, this is too sad!!! (And kind of annoying me because they told her they wanted her there and they were all together in this. Though, on the other hand I understand because guilt is something that you have to deal with yourself and only you can get over it no matter how many reassurances you get from outside.) But awwww, they all looked so cute when they were just chilling together while everyone was doing their own thing. True friendship!
- I am so with Stella on this one. Bloom’s their friend and they have to go get her back no matter what.
- Btw Griselda’s glasses can’t be functional at all. I mean look at them. The two lenses are so far apart, wtf?
- Go to hell, Icy! Earth is cool!
- Mitzy is so annoying. I would’ve used my powers on her a long time ago if I were Bloom. So props to her for (mostly) keeping her cool.
- Oooh, Bloom finally learned who she is (and ooh, we’re getting backstory!). And... she lost her powers. The way they just ripped the Dragon Fire out of her was terrible. It makes me hurt!
- Stella is such a good friend! I love her!!!
- Oof, that battle between the Trix and Griffin. Griffin was so done with them when she was dusting herself off. And awww, she cares about her witches! That was so cute!!! Ediltrude and Zarathustra flying out of the window wasn’t cute, though.
- Stella is not being helpful with her “it might be the end of the world”. And Griselda’s mood seemed to flip pretty quickly from angry to concerned. Also, Faragonda with her “I believe we learn things when we’re ready to” may not have made the best decision. If Bloom had known, it could have been different. Not to mention that in the previous episode she told Winx she’d take care of Bloom when she refused to let them go after her but I didn’t see anyone taking care of anything. If Stella hadn’t gone to take her back, she may not have found her way back. What are you, guys, doing?
- Why does Cloud Tower have functioning dungeons, again? Also, who decided it was a good idea to keep the book for summoning the Army of Decay in Cloud Tower? I know you need the Dragon Fire to summon it and they thought that was gone, but still.
- I am so over the name of the spells. English words with Latin suffixes? I mean, really? Couldn’t actually come up with something better? (I wasn’t going to rant about that but they keep doing it.)
- I can’t decide if the Army of Decay is a good name or not. I think I like it, though. Either way, it seems to be a big deal since all the teachers looked scared as hell.
- Ah, the scene with Riven was painful. I really liked it, though. They got to show off their new powers and be nasty.
- Definitely a cool name. And an even cooler concept!
- The Trix were such great villains in season 1, though. They truly were menacing and were actually pretty powerful. And look at how creepy they are! I love!
- Does somebody want to tell me why Faragonda (and Griselda) weren’t helping the fairies fight the monsters like Palladium and Wizgiz were? Yeah, they need to keep communicating with Red Fountain but, like, isn’t there a more efficient way to do that that won’t keep the headmistress who is the most powerful person in the school from fighting?
- I like that Sky decided to stay and fight even if it meant dying.
- Oh, look, the magical reality chamber can apparently be used as a teleportation device. Hmm, interesting.
- Darcy talking to the Army of Decay as if they’re little puppies was the funniest thing ever!
- Poor Knut (and the duckling). But at least he’s helping as much as he can! And he cares about his mom! Awwwww!
- Omg, I have for some reason been left with the impression that Saladin was a calm person but in the few moments he’s had so far he’s been raging far more than he’s been calm. And he did have a point about not trusting Knut but, jeez, can you calm down? Also, “everyone who survives passes the semester”. Oh yeah? How very generous of you. However, the semester is the least of your problems rn.
- If the Trix know that Winx are on Sparks, why don’t they attack Alfea?
- We finally saw a little of what Saladin can do. I think it’s weird that he’s a magic user when his school doesn’t teach magic. Can he fight without his magic? I mean, he probably can, but let us see it goddammit! I still liked the magic use, though!
- Ooooh, Icy unleashed some power there. Also, was she able to control the dragons because of the Dragon Fire? How are non-magical dragons related to the Great Dragon?
- Yeah, Stella is transformed and watching Bloom fall down a chasm and she’s asking “What do we do?” Fly down to fucking get her maybe? I don’t know.
- How does Bloom remember the palace on Sparks if she was a baby back then? And it’s too quick for it to become “her palace”.
- Stella and Tecna took a Mathematics and Magic class together? Aww, that’s so cute! (Even if Stella slept through most of it.)
- Oh, look, Daphne showed up! When is she gonna tell Bloom that she’s her sister?
- I loved all the magical stuff here! The way they combined their powers and the attacks they used were super cool and felt really unique! Where did that go in the later seasons?
- Awww, Stella and Brandon are “friends”!!! Cool!
- Brandon is doing his best as Sky’s wingman! And he succeeded! Now if they can only fix the magical mess as easily as the romantic one!
- Omg, Stella being so ready to help Knut is one of my favorite things! I can’t help but feel like this side of her was lost a little bit in favor of the more bitchy one in later seasons and I’m so sad.
- The entire Universe is in danger but girls will be girls and get all excited at the news of their new guests in the face of the boys.
- Going in without a plan is not the best idea. And that was such a positive reaction we got from Tecna.
- Stella is ready to go out with Brendon! That’s really cute!
- The Trix wrote “rule everyone” in their admission letters and Griffin still accepted them? What the actual hell was she thinking?!?!?!
- So Icy also comes from a lineage of witches?
- It was really cute that Griffin actually cared about Riven. So she’s only being a bitch to fairies then?
- Since when can the Army of Decay turn you into rot by touching you? I mean, they said that and a minute later Codatorta punched one of the monsters but he was fine. Contradictory much?
- So Riven just turned into the Red Fountain living instruction manual the way he was reciting all those things? Also, jumping out of windows is probably not the best action to undertake. Not that he had any other options left.
- Is Faragonda leading the battle? I thought Saladin would command the Specialists but it seems that she’s the one who’s giving all the orders. That is so cool!
- So much for sneaking in Cloud Tower.
- Awww, Riven saved the day and apologized for screwing up earlier! Plus, he showed how competent he is. All of that was so awesome and probably my fave part of the episode.
- Tecna and Timmy, though! XD If they weren’t being attacked, that calculations talk would’ve practically been a date!
- Griffin just blasted the Trix like that! Damn! And she was legit glowing with magic! That was so awesome!!! She was so mad, I can’t. And that spell she put on them to trap them seemed to be very sophisticated, having in mind how many motions it needed to get activated.
- Did Griffin just compliment the fairies? Oh, I see, when they sneak in Cloud Tower under her supervision, she tries to kill them, but when they sneak in Cloud Tower while it’s under the Trix’s control, it’s brave. Nice logic we got here.
- Griffin, Faragonda and Saladin stand for the three points of magic? What does that mean? I mean, in terms of magic. What can the three of them do when they combine their powers?
- Btw why the hell would they need to enter the portal in alphabetical order? That was just so random, not to mention inconvenient.
- What is it with witches and turning people into goats? Speaking of Ediltrude, where the hell are she and Zarathustra? They weren’t shown to be with Griffin and her students.
- Wait, I’m confused. Are they suggesting that the Trix are direct descendants of the Ancestresses and that’s why their parents never showed up? Because they don’t have parents? What the hell is going on?
- I like the idea that the monsters keep reforming because it really makes sense considering what they’re made of. And it is so epic! I am so here for this battle!
- I kinda feel Bloom’s worries about her magic being the only special thing about her, though we all have to give her credit for the fact that she keeps beating monsters with a stick. XD What was it? Her Earth powers? Do we all have those? I haven’t tried it yet.
- Wow, Faragonda and Griffin’s combined magic was so powerful! I love it!
- Awww, that Brandon and Stella moment that turned into the Specialists and Winx moment was so cute!!! But poor baby Stella. She just wants love and her parents’ divorce is really hurting her. (Also, that remark about her being the one to protect Brandon was cool! You go, girl!)
- The monsters attacked again. And just when they were ready to take the fight to the Trix, gdi! I have to say that I am actually wondering what Griffin meant by taking out the roots. I suppose she didn’t mean kill the Trix which is interesting to me. Considering Griffin’s general behavior and background, I’d say it is safe to assume that murder is not past her. But she never tried to really hurt the Trix even when she knew how serious of a threat they posed to the entire universe.
- Musa’s attack was so awesome! They got really powerful during that year they spent in Alfea. (Perhaps it would’ve been good to actually see them learn the new magic they seemed to have mastered but anyway, it is still cool.)
- That combined magic of all the fairies and witches was so epic! And I love the way it was done. With Faragonda and Griffin acting like a bridge between the light magic of the fairies and the dark magic of the witches. It was really cool!
- Magix sort of looks like Pompeii. Is that how people look when they’re turned to rot?
- That was some very unladylike way of sitting that the Trix pulled there.
- Omg, Riven’s confession of his feelings towards Musa was so awkward, I can’t!
- Well, it was obvious that Bloom’s powers were still in her. First, that always happens on TV shows. And second, after the Trix stole the Dragon Fire from her she was still in her fairy form so... yeah. And I really hate the whole thing because I get what they were trying to do but it is so frustrating to know that they had to go through all this shit (they almost died! Multiple times!) only for it to turn out that her powers were inside her all along. It’s just... disappointing!
- Why don’t Stormy and Darcy know about the Invisible Road? And why the hell is there even such a thing? So that enemies can sneak up on you and attack you? The possible uses of that road do not balance out the danger it puts them in so why does it even exist?
- Lol, Codatorta beating Saladin in that game was a cool moment. I honestly expected him to lose because he looked distracted but it turned out it was the other way around.
- Faragonda and Griffin really know each other well. Though, I don’t think that Griffin was very happy about that. What I’m more interested in, though, is how they heard the Army of Decay. It still seemed pretty far away so I think it was their magic that enabled them to hear it. That’s totally awesome and I approve!
- So Faragonda IS leading the battle! That’s so awesome on so many accounts. But the most notable is that that means she must have experience with battle strategy in order to pull this off (Well, of course she does, considering the whole action with the Company of Light that must have gone down)! I’m gonna scream here!!!
- Winx joining Bloom to help her against the Trix and the boys teaming up while discussing their love life was honestly the best. Riven and Sky are working together, I cannot believe it! It’s so cool!
- Okay, but even without the Dragon Fire Darcy and Stormy should still be stronger than Winx since they’re seniors. And yet, they seem to be losing. And kind of easily at that. And I’m not really sure what happened. Did Winx’s convergence turn Stormy’s attack on them?
- Is it only me or does it look like Bloom’s teleporting? (Also, props to the animators for only making Bloom’s powers look like a dragon to show who really controls the power, but they do lose points for making Icy and Stormy’s powers take the shape of a dragon as well in earlier moments.)
- Why did Stormy and Darcy’s monsters disappear when they were defeated if all the Dragon Fire was in Icy? That makes no sense.
- I love it how Bloom just carried Icy back like it was no biggie.
- Oh, no! Griffin is blaming herself for what happened (well, she was a little guilty but still). Opening a Bed & Breakfast? Wait, what? Did I hear right? That was so weird.
- Knut is so adorable! And Stella is so supportive of him! I love!
- Well, Lucy is just being a bitch.
- “We don’t do prom. We crash prom. So enjoy it. This will be the one year we won’t try to ruin it.” XD That was such an awesome line!!!
- So Griffin is the one who sent the Trix to wherever she sent them. Why are they still her responsibility if she expelled them? Shouldn’t she consult Faragonda and Saladin as to what to do with them? Or like... the Council? (Also, Griffin’s face when Saladin mentioned them was priceless. She is so done with them and I fully understand.)
- Why did the duckling go with Icy? It came to Alfea with Knut because it was scared of her. What happened?
- Even Griselda is having fun. That’s nice!
This was kind of... epic! Plot is perhaps not the strongest point of the Winx Club writers but they definitely know how to build tension. The season is a little weird in terms of time constraints in-verse but it was very enjoyable to watch! The powers and moves that they had were really awesome and actually rather original which I am very pleasantly surprised by. The season had some very strong moments and I really liked what they did, especially with the final episodes. I actually really loved it and I don’t think it is just the nostalgia talking here.
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loseyoutoloveme · 4 years
rare first impressions review
a “first impressions” review instead of a straight up review since my opinions will def change over time
i’ve been listening to the demo for over a year and it’s so cool to see how different it sounds w her voice
“burning toast in the toaster” is such an offbeat lyric. almost jarring in its banality, i love it
the glo up from revival to this....... going from wondering “maybe i should be more like her” in perfect to shouting “i’m not gonna beg for you, i’m not gonna let you make me cry, not getting enough from you, didn’t you know i’m hard to find?” we love a liberated queen so much
this is super fun and great but i played the shit out of the demo in 2018 which makes it feel a lil less exciting. i should have waited rip. still love it tho.
“confidence is throwing your heart through every brick wall”
this is so different?????? love to see experimentation, not my fav sound she’s ever tried out i don’t think, but i do like it, v fun
“all the trauma’s in remission” (trauma or drama????? idk)
sounds very starboy inspired at times, at least abelena gave us this
“vulnerable ain’t easy, believe me, but i go there”
actually, almost a return to stars dance at moments???? in a way more mature, fully realized way... which is so cool when the whole theme of the album and its imagery seems to be looking back at your past self and celebrating yourself for overcoming so much, and also, like she said taylor told her, reclaiming the happiness that has been taken from you and letting yourself return to a happier version of yourself, the truest version of yourself that wasn’t being pulled down and abused. like stars dance was her big dance edm record and i know it’s not a celebrated work of hers lol but there is so much beauty in making a song that says “feels so good to dance again” and going back to that sound for 1 song, remembering what it’s like to feel light, to just dance.
(adding this after my second listen: WAY better with a second listen)
a forever bop
we love her
“of course she was sad but now she’s glad, she dodged a bullet, took a few years to soak up the tears but look at her now watch her go”
yes yes yes yes yes yes
we stan forever
“this dancing was killing me softly, i needed to hate you to love me”
absolutely the rawest, most vulnerable track in her discography, which is saying a lot
“in 2 months you replaced us like it was easy, made me think i deserved it in the thick of healing”
i think what i love so much about this era, about the things that she’s saying in interviews, about the messages she’s sharing in these lyrics so far, is like... not apologizing to her abuser, not making excuses for him, not letting his actions destroy her confidence. comparing the lyrics of revival to this, it’s so clear that there’s been such a change in mentality, such a maturing process, that revival was very much still in the midst of it all and that it’s finally over now. no “i’ll always have love for him,” no “everything happens for a reason,” no “i miss you,” no “what did i do wrong?” there is SO much strength in saying “actually, you know what i really didn’t deserve that and i do not love you anymore and losing you is the best thing that ever happened to me” and simply leaving it at that. forgiveness and love is NOT always essential to moving on!! sometimes that chronic forgiveness is just detrimental and the best thing u can do for yourself is say “FUCK YOU” and leave.
“i’m one in a billion baby, don’t you agree?”
nothing else to say like...... period....... 
“wrap your arms around my weakness”
this is not at all what i expected and is so good
saw everyone saying this is delicate’s sister and it’s so true
the strength and beauty in being completely devastated by a person and still being like... i won’t let it make me cold....... :(
now this is camouflage’s sister. i love that nostalgia is at the core of so many of selena’s songs like wow she’s truly a cancer huh...... the pain of growing up and becoming a different person and knowing you need to let go of a person that you experienced so much with in such formative years but letting go of them feels like not only letting go of the good memories but letting go of the self that you were when they loved you, when things were good...... ugh
“i never know when enough is enough” hit me right in the heart
this sounds so good... incorporating the edm sound that she experimented with in the droplets but not going all the way there, just kind of letting it exist in that in between....... love
“me and this spiral are done, burn this camouflage i’ve been wearing for months, tryna let a little happy in for once” BEAUTIFUL
“take that tired heart and go and turn it inside out” wow.....
this is so sexy and empowering
noticing ur tendency to self-sabotage and overthink and be toxic towards urself..... when ur so used to toxicity and pain that u forget what it’s like to live without it...... but then breaking that pattern and letting urself just LIVE for a moment......
i’m still thinking about “me and this spiral are done, burn this camouflage i’ve been wearing for months” like wtfffffff 
it’s like a self-aware, realistic me & my girls lol 
i didn’t expect to like this one tbh bc it kinda faded into the background of the tracklist and i forgot it existed, but she snapped
her voice sounds so cute and suits this sound so well
“yeah i was afraid but you made it safe, i guess that is our combination, said you feel lost, well so do i” SOFFFFTTTTT.... TENDERRRRRR
again, honestly didn’t expect to totally love this one but I LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!
“the world keeps on spinning but i ain’t dizzy yet”
this 6lack feature fits well and is a great addition, his voice really suits the song
an original sg2 track we stan
“but slowly all the sugar, it went to waste” :(
say my name vibes in the chorus lyrics. love!
“you’ve been lyin just for fun, luckily no damage done” LOVE!
“now you’re treatin me like i’m insane... YOU’RE insane!” SNAPPPPPEDDDDD OMG..... YESSSS BITCHHHH
oh my god the snippet that we’ve been listening to for 3 years lol
this is...... STELLARRRRRR BITCH!!!!!
“my kind of trouble likes your trouble too”
the sigh before the chorus!!!! 
“you get me higher than my medication” we-
this is rare’s hands to myself tbh
this chorus is so good 
i was most excited for this one!!! based off the snippets she shared in the trailer
“gotta chop chop all the extra weight, been carrying you for fourteen hundred sixty days, gotta gotta gotta clean my slate” OOOOOOOF
this chorus is EXACTLY my vibe tbh this song was made for me lmao
“i imagine all the endless places i could know with a drop drop and i’ll let you go, all the possibilities i got from head to toe, yeah they’d yeah they’d yeah they’d start to show” WHEW BITCH!!!!!!! realizing this dead fucking weight is holding you down... realizing you will be FREE you will be GOOD you will be HAPPY without him. the way that dropping him will be liberating and will open up the whole world for you!!! AHHH! LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!!!!
this guitar solo, ABSOLUTE chef’s kiss! selena GETS me!
“red lips french kiss my worries all away” ummmmmmm *billy eichner voice* GO LESBIANS LET’S GO HERE WE GO LESBIANS HERE WE GO LESBIANS COME ON
“felt what real is like” 🥺
tbh i don’t really love the chorus except for the “oo-oo-oo-oo” part at the end but it works with the song and is something i’ll love with time
kid cudi’s verse really adds to the song, i’m glad the features are used to add to the song rather than just being thrown in out of nowhere
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aximili · 4 years
X, Q, E
oooo i didn’t think i had any ocs starting with x but i remembered one from ages ago actually..... i had a story called After Life abt a kid trying to redeem his soul after he gets sent to hell, it was a bit all over the place tho and i scrapped it. although recently saw there’s a netflix show of the same name w ricky gervais and still managed to be annoyed
Full Name: Xanthe (if she had a surname it’s gone from my memory omg)
Nicknames, If Any: Xan
Hogwarts House: slytherin
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi
A Song I Associate With Them: hmmmm.... That Man by caro emerald
3 Important Relationships: WELL i only remember 2 other characters she knew, tbh this world was never well-developed
-ransom, he’s her very officious & stuffy angel rival who she ends up having a weird hate-fling with
-there was the main kid whose guardian demon she is (oh yea she’s like a guardian angel but the opposite. encourages u to be bad.) but for the life of me i don’t remember his name lol. once i had developed RanXan as concepts i got distracted by their s*xy little rivalry. yes it’s all terminally het, i was like 14
2 Fears: she’s been (well, not alive, but around) for a long time so she’snot scared of much. she’s a very cocky person and embraces being the bad influence, especially to annoy ransom, bc on the surface she’s like, well this whole heaven/hell divide is bullshit, people aren’t just one thing. but i think deep down she’s afraid of the idea that she really is bad. and afraid of what happens once she fades into irrelevance in hell and stops getting assignments but still has to carry on existing
1 Element of their backstory: i think she was alive way back in Biblical Times - obv she wasn’t called xanthe then but chose her own name. she was a serial liar and said that god was talking to her in order to get things she wanted. but she died young, like everyone did
Q - oo i DO have one Q oc! he’s from adrift, my pirate novel that i will one day finish
Full Name: Queryn Smousk
Nicknames, If Any: idk if anyone calls him a nickname. they mostly just don’t refer to him. 
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff
Gender: male ? hm
Sexuality: gay
A Song I Associate With Them:  bottom of the river by delta rae
3 Important Relationships:
-rictor avis: queryn is a generic sailor on the pirate ship, rictor is the surgeon/carpenter for the crew, he’s a huge tall crow man, and is equally or perhaps more creepy than queryn. they hang around together and give everyone weird vibes. rictor is mute & queryn isn’t, but he says very little out of choice (he doesn’t speak the main language, idk common or whatever, very well) but they like to sit in the crows nest together in silence most hours of the day when theyre not working. everyone even their crewmates thinks they might be up to some weird shit. their dark secret? theyre just a cute couple.... they just like to hang out. they bonded with quiet, intense looks when queryn was first rescued dying in the swamp and brought on board and rictor mended his wounds. it was tender. absolutely nobody else knows theyre a couple even tho they don’t keep it a secret. theyre just chill
-garran korrash: garran is the bosun and is a literal/figurative grizzly old bear, and as well as being queryn’s manager he’s one of the only people who he’s really chill with. garran was the one who insisted they stop n help him out, and queryn’s been grateful ever since. he doesn’t say it bc he hardly says anything, but he shows it in hard work
-sonya perlace: like almost all of her crew, queryn would die for captain sonya. he comes from a pretty harsh society where the strong survive, and even tho he never quite fit in there, he really respects sonya’s strength & leadership.
2 Fears: even tho he’s a pirate his biggest fear is drowning since he nearly drowned before. he has a lot of nightmares about it. he’s also creeped out by elliot. cause what the fuck even IS that?
1 Element of their backstory: p much the only backstory he has is that he was part of this society of amphibian/lizard people in the deep swampy area of the continent that’s cut off from the rest. he was out hunting but got badly gored by a huge aninal (idk what, like a Bigger Lizard.. theres always a bigger lizard) and couldnt make it home. he started sinking into the bog but couldn’t pull himself free, then the area began to flood with torrential rainwater and he cried for help. luckily sonya & garran happened to be trekkin through the jungle and heard him
E - has to be elliot, the little bastard supreme. i played him as a dnd character with an altered backstory but i’ll use the adrift version
Full Name: elliot (no known surname)
Nicknames, If Any: nope
Hogwarts House: slytherin
Gender: male
Sexuality: probably bi? he only a teen though and being surrounded by furries hasn’t had much chance to develop any feelings on the matter
A Song I Associate With Them:  mariner’s revenge song by the decemberists
3 Important Relationships:
lol 2 of the 3 are fully hatred relationships because this young man has iiiiisssuuuuuues
-sonya perlace: he acts the begrudging deckhand who’s resigned himself to his life, but he is 100% devoted to eventually killing her. she killed his mama and he has been waiting for his moment ever since, he’s even had opportunities to leave the crew but has stayed so he can keep close to her. it’s fully like, would have a picture of her with daggers & darts in it, if he had such resources
-niphea perlace: niph is the captain’s daughter, the first mate, and the reason elliot’s still alive - she persuaded sonya not to throw him off the ship along with his mum. he has understandably mixed feelings abt this, and he rarely shows it, but she’s always been an advocate for him and treated him fairly so he does like niph more than anyone, despite himself. also she’s his closest in age on a ship full of adults. he.... tries not to think abt the fact he plans on killing her mother in return cause that’s a bit awkward isnt it
-aidan moss: quartermaster aidan doesn’t like things he doesn’t understand, and he doesn’t understand what elliot is, so he goes out of his way to be awful to him, tending to delegate his own jobs to elliot at every chance he can get & generally insulting him. elliot tolerates it bc he has to. but make no mistake this dude is no2 on the kill list
2 Fears: i don’t think he has a lot of fears because he’s already been through some of the worst things imaginable. i don’t even think he precisely fears drowning/dying at sea, because he’s been focused on the image of how his mother died for so long, & imagining doing the same to sonya, that it kinda no longer affects him?  but he also saw his dad die over a long period from wound infection and i think that must have made a traumatic impression on him, so i imagine he’s probably at least repulsed by decay/rot
1 Element of their backstory: so elliot is the only human character in a world of animals basically... i mean this is major novel spoilers but when tf am i ever gonna finish that.  he comes from a very remote island of remaining humans, descendants of the few who survived nuclear disaster a long time ago. when he was small he and his parents were exiled from the island for breaking its rules (yea, as tends to happen w small isolated communities, things got over the top cult-y) and sent out in a tiny boat to fend for themselves. his dad died slowly while they drifted in the ocean, and he and his mum were near death when they were picked up by sonya’s crew, who were like what the fuck are those??? they kept them in the hold to discuss what to do w them, but elliot’s mum, thalia, tried to break free, attacking niph when she came with food. as punishment sonya made her walk the plank, and that’s where it all went wrong yknow. woops this isn’t 1 element is it. oh well 
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babybirdgyeom · 5 years
got7 as college boyfriends
– just smth short and light – also quite a lot of crack hshs i’m sorry – much fun ♥
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𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝒯𝓊𝒶𝓃
– in your first year of college you always sat beside mark in this one class you had but you didn’t even know his name – you always thought he was cute as shit though and told your friends about him – every now and then the two of you talked but only ever about college stuff – exchanging notes and asking for pens and so on – but after the first year you realized that your current major just wasn’t for you so you changed it, never seeing mark again – until one year later your friend convinced (if not almost forced) you to get tinder – isn’t that always how it starts.... – you weren’t even interested in dating but she was like just get some dick at least – so you agreed but only to make her shut up, not thinking you’d actually use it – until this one guy swiped you right and your heart skipped a beat – so you finally found out his name was mark, how cute, it fitted – having a crisis you immediately showed him to her – “this is the cute guy i used to sit next to!” – she laughs at you because you were so overwhelmed, not knowing what to do – “you know you could just.. match him?” – so you did and not even five minutes later he send you a message – ‘omg how funny to meet you here. did you stop studying physics?” – not in a hundred years would you have thought that this was how you’d meet your boyfriend – your friend still teases you about it because you were so against using tinder – mark also teases you about it tbh – anyways he immediately asked you for your number and you started writing 24/7 – somehow you never manage to find time for each other though because damn college gets stressful around that time of the year – one time you talked to him for seven hours at night on the phone – also he always calls you late at night when you have to walk home alone just to be sure – but after you completely failed your one class and wrote him about how frustrated you were he was like – “ok you know what fuck this presentation i have to prepare i’m coming over and will distract you a bit” – when he wrote that you weren’t aware that distracting you a bit meant heavily making out after not even twenty minutes into this random ass movie you watched on netflix – since that day you and mark were a couple and what a happy one you were – shyly admits that he immediately deleted tinder after getting your number – what! a! softie! – all of his got7 friends constantly tease him about being in a relationship – but secretly are so happy for the two of you – jackson acting over the top whenever you two just look at each other is a thing – “so cute i’m dying”, jackson at some point – mark knows he should force you to study but... – always makes you chill with him instead and feels bad about it hshsh – “i don’t want you to fail your classes but.. we should get mcdonalds right now you know” – knows your schedule better than you do – constantly rants to you about how stupid his profs are – sometimes doesn’t take you serious when you’re stressed or mad – but loves you so much actually
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𝐼𝓂 𝒥𝒶𝑒𝒷𝓊𝓂
– you were more than shocked to see jaebum in college again suddenly – the two of you went to the same middle school – you never really were close but damn – that boy still looked fine and now he was an adult  – and you both were single now – so when you two saw each other you immediately were like – maybe we should grab a coffee to catch up sometime? – and you did... even at the same evening – jaebum was so handsome you wanted to die – plus y’all were getting along so good that you didn’t even want to go home – but you did because you just met this guy – as you said goodbye he was a nervous wreck – because he definitely did enjoy this evening and would like to see you again – so the next morning he came over with breakfast – in sweatpants and a big hoodie, hair all over the place – suddenly you understood what this uwu term meant – this breakfast date was the softest, y’all watched spongebob and discussed old tv shows – after he left because he had to go to class you genuinely felt butterflies in your stomach and you hated yourself for how cliche that was – immediately wrote you after his class – “wyd tonight?” – so that’s the story of the first time you stayed over at jaebum’s – a few kisses were shared but nothing more – but a week later you were already calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend   – amazing sex especially after college partys – he’s so in love with you it confuses him – will wait for you in the coffee shop next to your classroom every time – sometimes he’s a pain in the ass though – is ready to fight you whenever he gets jealous – but always apologizes later – you two have very different majors and always tell each other about the amazing things you learned while the other one has seriously no idea what’s going on – but it didn’t matter, you still enjoyed seeing him being so passionate about what he was doing – “you know (y/n) i’m really happy we met again”  – everyone on campus knows the two of you belong together – lots of girls lowkey want jb bc look at him but you luckily didn’t have to worry about that – literally doesn’t give a fuck about any other girls – whenever you’re at parties he’s the biggest flirt – will make out with you in the bathroom as if y’all haven’t been dating for an eternity – tbh it’ll never get boring with jaebum
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𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝒥𝒾𝓃𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔
– basically he’s your dormmate which is good and great – y’all get along just fine – no fights or drama – he even helps you with your essays every now and then – regular netflix nights are a must – makes sure you eat, even cooks for you when you come home late for work – your friends are pretty sure y’all are dating – but jinyoung and you just roll your eyes at that – even his friends, mostly mark and jackson won’t stop teasing him – you guess that’s what you get for moving in with a guy  – but you literally never were flirting which each other or anything – the two of you just seemed to become very close friends – so long story short living with jinyoung was nice – except for this one thing that bugs you so goddamn much – the girls he brings home every weekend – not only are most of them dumb as fuck – and you don’t say this to be mean, it was true – even jinyoung said so – but also they were sooo damn loud – like jinyoung must know what he’s doing according to their screams – ugh you hated it so much – you constantly fight jinyoung about it but he just laughs it off – “(y/n), you have to get laid” – “thanks jinyoung, i’m aware of that” – one time when you were discussing his loudness he massaged your shoulders and told you that you need to relax more and the moment his hands touched you it sent shivers down your spine – but suddenly you noticed that jinyoung stopped bringing girls home – and you were like ??? what’s going on – so on this one saturday night you were sitting on the couch with him, binge watching house of cards – as you finally confronted him about it – “you know i just want smth more serious but idk how to get that” – “have you tried asking a girl on a date?” – “i thought i’m on a date right now”, he said as if it was nothing – so basically that is how y’all started to go out every now and then – netflix dates soon became bigger and more romantic – cinema, then restaurant, one time you went to an amusement park – no one ever asked the other one officially out – but one time jinyoung introduced you as his girlfriend and everyone around you including you went ??? – he constantly forces you to study  – will pick you up from your 9 pm classes just to be there in case – he’s aware of how douchey guys were but not with his girlfriend – teases you all the time but you got used to it and played along – the two of you always laugh so much but mostly about each other – it was nice that you could just make fun about the other one without someone being offended – thousand of inside jokes only you two understand – secretly the biggest softie though – tells you how much he loves you during sex – also tells you how goddamn beautiful you look under him – one time you wanted to get a tutor but jinyoung found out he was male and he didn’t like that at all – “but (y/n) that’s how all the love stories in the movies start i can’t let that happen” – besides his lil jealous side the best bf you could ask for – hypes you up no matter what even if he knows you have no idea what’s going on – tbh everyone on campus knows and likes him – has had some girls before you and he always gets embarrassed when someone talks about them in front of you – doesn’t want you to be reminded of his fuckboy past – it’s strange for him to be vocal about you and him – not bc he doesn’t love you just bc he never was in a serious relationship – will literally do everything for you tho tbh – he’s like – “yeah i wanna become more mature for her” and all that shit – he hates himself for how cringe it sounds but he just wants you to feel appreciated and safe around him
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𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝒲𝒶𝓃𝑔
– jackson lived in the dorm next to yours – your girl dorm and his boy dorm became good friends over time – your best friend even started dating yugyeom, his roommate – you saw him almost every day and he was always so polite and nice – sometimes y’all were just drinking in one of the dorms and having fun – one time he brought you tea when he heard that you’re sick – basically jackson was the sweetest guy around and everyone knew – but you soon found out he was maybe a bit too nice – everyone knew about his kinda manipulating gf – and everyone also was very relieved when he finally broke up with her – she always created drama at your partys – and always accused him of shit he didn’t do – but still he was the kindest soul – so when you found him one day outside the dorm, a bottle of wine in his hand you asked him what’s wrong – long story short his ex gf was crying and drunk in his room – and he allowed her to stay but he would sleep somewhere else – so his plans right now were to sleep outside of the dorm.. – you told him he was too nice but your heart was bleeding – there was not a way you could let this poor guy sleep outside just because his ex girlfriend decided to be dramatic one more time – “so uhm-- do you maybe- just if you want of course- sleep in my dorm?” – suddenly he looked up at you and you realized – you might like him that much bc you are actually attracted to him – finding out about your crush in the worst moment since now you were sharing a bed with jackson wang and a still full wine bottle – the two of you were talking until three in the morning – until something else happened and suddenly jackson was on top of you, making you feel more amazing than anyone else ever did – it was a bit awkward the next morning when he stepped out of your dorm and met his ex gf outside but looking back at it now it didn’t matter – everyone found out within the next 24 hours somehow so there was no way back – but you didn’t care, you wanted this – sweetest boyfriend tbh – loves you to death and supports you a lot – will get annoyed though when you don’t have time for him a lot – he understands that you have this one project going on but he just wants attention and kisses – always tells you to teach him everything you have to learn so you will remember better in exams – picks you up from class as often as possible – so much pda like every guy needs to see you’re off the market – will hold hands with you in lectures  – just literally the best thing that could have happened to you
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𝒞𝒽𝑜𝒾 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓃𝑔𝒿𝒶𝑒
– when you looked for a tutor you would have never thought that he would become your boyfriend  – like you genuinely just didn’t want to fail the class – and youngjae was the biggest help, explaining everything to you over and over again – until one day you found yourself writing him about other things than this literature class – and he asked you if you’d just come over and maybe watch a movie with him after your tutoring session – so slowly you realized that tutoring became an excuse for both of you to spend time with each other – until the exam you were studying for with him was done and you got 96% on it – and you and youngjae found yourself still looking for excuses to hang out – one day y’all just stopped and started to see each other just bc you wanted to – he always invited you over, ordering food for the two of you – you tested out every single delivery service around the campus and made a list with ratings – it kind of became your thing and that’s how you found yourself on his couch at least twice a week – and as time went by your relationship developed into something more serious – you met his friends and also introduced him to your friends – whenever one of his friends celebrated their birthday or something similiar he took you with him – and you both were very well aware which direction this was going – so one night you found yourself in the bathroom of jackson’s dorm, his mouth exploring your neck downwards as you were leaning against the wall – you swear you could hear him mumble a small ‘finally’ under his breath as you two were getting it on – anyways that was not the last time you and youngjae were making out obviously – the next day he officially asked you to be his girlfriend  – by now that felt like a lifetime ago – you loved when the tutor in him came out again whenever you had exams coming up – it made you smile so much reminding you off the beginning – you basically live at his place by now – you’re always together – knows exactky where to find you on the campus – he legit plans to marry you as soon as you graduate like he’s deffo in it for the long run
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– your friend and her boyfriend yugyeom told you they found the perfect guy for you – and you agreed to meeting him bc u know they wouldn’t leave you alone – so as you arrive at their dorm this one day you were more than shocked – and so was bambam – “(y/n)????” – so ofc yugyeom and your friend were curious about where you two know each other from – “do you remember that one guy i slept with on the first week of college?” – so a year later you met this one guy again – and you had to admit that your friends weren’t exaggerating  – he rlly seemed to be quite perfect for you – so after that you met again, all four of you going to the cinema – and one time you went clubbing with a bigger group – and then a few days later when you visited your friend he was there too – but he never actually asked you to meet up which frustrated you – so one time you asked your friend for his number and just wrote him like – hey bamban will you ever ask me out – not rlly expecting an answer but you at least wanted to try before giving up – and to your surprise he stood in front of your door four hours later – popcorn, nachos and gummies in his hand – “i didn’t know what you prefer” – so finally you and him were alone again and everything was going fine – and.... ofc the one night stand from last year was now not a one night stand anymore – and the two night stand soon became a serious relationship – bambam will always just make fun of you – “what do you mean you don’t understand this class? that’s easy” – you seriously want to kill him sometimes but he doesn’t care – he’ll just give you a fat smooch and says sorry and hope everythings fine then again – you two never are bored together – if you have class together it’ll literally be hilarious – you’ll do anything except for listening to the prof – if you don’t have class together you’re constantly writing – sending each other stupid memes and joke about people from campus – shameless tbh – never says it but he’s so goddamn happy to have you – loves the sex so much but loves you even more – one time he told yugyeom that he can see a future with you and then he cringed at himself but it was the truth hshs
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𝒦𝒾𝓂 𝒴𝓊𝑔𝓎𝑒𝑜𝓂
– you met him at Mark’s house party and the way he danced was no joke – attracted to him since day one tbh – the two of you sat on a sofa in a corner the whole evening – while everyone around you was dancing and making out – you talked and shared stories – wondering how you never met him before bc apparently – you both share a lot of the same friends – “What do you mean you know Bambam????” – “This guy from my class, his name is Jackson---”  – “JACKSON WANG?” – it clicked immediately – and you wanted to die whenever you looked at him for a bit too long – like he was crazy attractive – many cups of alcohol later you were making out in a bathroom oops – the softest make out ever tho tbh like  – he’s all over your neck and sensual and just ugh – making you feel really really good – even after that make out session you spend the rest of the evening together – mark and jinyoung saw you two coming out of the bathroom – the shock on their faces was no joke – “we didn’t even know you two know each other” – anyways after this night you didn’t hear from yugyeom for three days – and you felt so damn stupid for thinking there could’ve been more – until!!! – you suddenly got a text message from him – ‘uhmm hi here’s yugyeom, idk if you gave me your wrong number on purpose but i had to blackmail jaebum to give me your number for three days so if you didn’t want me to contact you just forget i even wrote you in the first place’ – you... gave him your wrong number – immediately texted him back that this was an accident – and from then on yugyeom and you texted all day – ‘you know i really enjoyed the evening with you so if you would like to how about you accompany me tonight to jinyoung’s party?’ – ‘i mean haha only if like’ – ‘no pressure haha’ – the most nervous guy but of course you went to the party with him – surprise - another one of those little bathroom session happened the same night – except for tonight he actually slept in your bed instead of his own – the next day the two of you were just chilling in your bed all day – talking about everything – somehow he takes college very serious which surprised you – so passionate about his major it’s the cutest – it took you and yugyeom some time to finally become a couple – he literally never understands a single thing you explain to him about your major but it’s cute how he tries – same goes for you though, you couldn’t even explain to your mum what exactly his major is about – will proudly take you with him to any party he’s invited to and show you off – the two of you sometimes walk around the campus at night and hold hands and it sounds lame but it’s literally your favorite thing to do – always fantasizing about the future – DAMN to think you almost didn’t go to that party where you met him would have been tragic – bc now you have someone by your side when college gets hard at least and you love him more than anything
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papistark · 5 years
Okay. I’ve allowed a night to let everything sink in. I’m ready to talk about Endgame now.
*cinemasins voice* spoilers!! (duh..)
so the wounds are still fresh. v v v v v v v v v fresh. but my thoughts during the entire movie were just OMG IM TRYING TO REMEMBER EVERY SINGLE THING THAT IS HAPPENING SO I CAN REMEMBER IT AS LONG AS POSSIBLE BEFORE i inevitably go see this movie again
This is what the movie reduce me to like 99% of the time btw
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now, I’m gonna try and break this up to be as organized as possible into 4 main sections which will be general thoughts, the highs, the lows, and closing thoughts. that may sound organized but I promise it won’t be and as always I’ll have to use bullet holes to even stay relatively "organized"
I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out that I either loved or would wanna discuss but tbh the ENTIRE FILM i was just like GOD I WANNA REMEMBER THIS FOREVER!! Every scene that happened i was like god there's still 3 hours of stuff that's going to happen but I want to remember it all!!!
this movie was good. and i’m mad it was so good and i found it so enjoyable for how dirty they did me. The pacing was pretty well done for a first viewing, but I'm sure after a couple rewatches I'll get caught up on the occasional misstep in the pacing and general direction the story took, but I really liked it!!
I thought the Thor stuff was kinda distasteful and honestly a joke that ran too long. Like ha ha okay we get it but also? He went through so much fucking trauma can we just lay off him? Damn? I don't wanna linger too much on it bc honestly the more I think about it the more I get upset the russos did him dirty
all the callbacks??? made me so emotional????? eleven years and almost two dozen films guys holy fucking shit it felt like such a good homage to bring stuff back
Yo literally when they went up to busted ass thanos i leaned over to my bf and whispered "are they just gonna kill thanos in the first ten minutes is that allowed" and uh YEP! WOW
Also the opening scene being Clint's family getting dusted... gasps in my theater y'all they went in hard on us
TIME HEIST!!!!!! FUCK marvel knows how to take you on a fun journey!! The concept was so fun!!
I also appreciate them mixing up the plot a bunch to keep us guessing!! Like fuck, when Thanos was finding out through Nebula... future nebula talking to past gamora i was SO SOFT... sisters...
Hulk was... weird. It felt a weird kind of fanservicey for a little bit, and honestly a little out of place? But. Eh. Wasn't the worst part. Certain parts of it were fun! I think I got used to it haha
Everyone looked. So good. After the time jump. Damn. Thank you make up department for everyone's new looks. I live for silver fox tony always.
I loved seeing Loki again i know it was so little content BUT I DONT CARE I'LL ALWAYS LOVE MY FUCKING PRINCE
We didn't get as much Nebula and Tony content as I was hoping but god it was so cute and tender in the beginning. Imagine all that bonding. Nebula finding tony on the floor, knowing he's on the brink of death, and propping him up in the seat :'(((( tony helping fix nebula :(((( the father daughter relationship we deserved and didn't get to see come to fruition.
All the New York flash back was so fucking fun. The elevator scene. Brilliant. I really thought they were gonna recreate but it was such a fun tease. Also cap making fun of his past self for saying "i could do this all day" I SCREAM why do the Russo's get steve so well
Carol taking a direct punch in the face from Thanos without even flinching? We stan a goddess
ALSO SHORT HAIRED CAROL YESSSS I LIVED!!!!! YES!!!! (But also that movie could've used like way more Carol thats just mY OPINION)
Also AGAIN, I DON'T CARE THAT IT WAS FAN SERVICE, STEVE WEILDING MJOLNIR WAS E V E R Y T H I N G. They have TEASED US since that one middle avengers movie we don't talk about that he was worthy and!!! Our!! Son!! Is!! Fucking!!! Worthy. And the scene of thor making him swap w/ him "you get the little one" i screamed bitch
also I was living for how much Steve swore in this film lol literally fuck joss Whedon's characterization we don't know her!
Valkyrie on a Pegasus thank you THANK YOU i was living
That entire final action scene..... holy fucking shit y'all. It was just crazy enough without being too crazy. I loved the callback to the original long continuous shot
Carol's little "hi peter parker :)" god i love them. I love peter. My fucking spider son. I missed him so much. I missed Tom Holland's sweet peach little face AH I CRIED WHEN HE SHOWED BACK UP
Also last kind of ~general~ thought i know i don't get time travel at all and it is an instant way to confuse me in any franchise but wouldn't steve doing what he did fuck literally everything up idk we'll get to steve in a bit
TONY GETTING HIS JUSTIFICATION IN BEING MAD not just mad but PISSED at Cap for how everything fell out. catharsis. felt good scoob.
speaking of good tony content of course i need to just take a moment to YELL ABOUT STONY thank you russos for the fan service thank you for having tony ogle and comment on steve rogers’ ass it almost makes up for all the pain and suffering
btw do y’all think the H. for Morgan’s middle name stands for Harley because I LIKE TO THINK SO
also am i lowkey annoyed that like half of viewers won’t recognize an adult ty simpkin at tony’s funeral at the end even tho i know i shouldn't be because ot everyone is a die hard BUT half the articles im looking up for reviews and shit of that scene literally all the results are “SO WHO IS THAT KID AT THE END OF ENDGAME” YOU FUCKING FOOLS IT’S TONY’S FIRST BORN SON HARLEY KEENER FROM IRON MAN 3. FUCKS. im getting off topic anyway i was just happy they brought him back because I am an iron man 3 enthusiast and his relationship with tony was SO important and this confirms that at the very least tony kept in contact with him over all these years!!! and he wasn’t just some insignificant blip
Not to be stony on main but steve being the first person to hold Tony again once he was back on earth :)))) wrow.
Also the first thing tony telling him being "I lost the kid" WOW BREAK MY HEART MORE HUH!! WHY NOT!!
The first thing Peter doing when he saw Tony again :'') just rambling about everything that happened and tony just so happy to see him alive and hugging him so tight I'M NOT FINE!! NOTHING WILL EVER BE FINE AGAIN!!!
I appreciated the closure with Howard like?? A lot?? I'm the last person to be a Howard stark apologist, but I think his character and his relationship w/ Tony and how Tony viewed him as a father and as a man was so well crafted throughout the series??? Idk I liked that scene it was good to my baby.
And now a pOSSIBLY CONTROVERSIAL~~ opinion but..... I loved Steve's ending. I really did. I thought he got a beautiful and fitting ending and I was so happy. It meant so much especially to hear his reasonging being that in a way, he did it for Tony. He was inspired by what Tony told him. He saw Tony get his happy ending and for so many films now Steve has been searching for that and he missed an entire life. Tony helped him realize that. It just made me!! So emo!! Like Bucky's face when he knew Steve wasn't gonna be coming back. Steve's last convo w/ Sam. It was just amazing. I can't believe I'm seeing hot takes from people calling Steve selfish or blaming the fact that the Russos have a boner for Steggy or whatever. Who cares!!! Steve got his happy ending and it was well deserved and a wonderful arc!! Lay off him bc you ship him w/ Bucky or tony more damn!!!! (Idk about the timeline y'all dont come for me i really have no idea i think the Russos just said fuck it for that one even when talking about not fucking up the timeline)
Natasha deserved better. She did. I understand why they took her character arc the way that they did, and honestly, this is the first time I've felt we've seen Natasha have even a modicum of actual character traits since like, Iron man 2 and Avengers 1. She found purpose in keeping the family together and trying to help the people left living, while never stopping or losing contact with anyone else in their endeavors to fix what Thanos broke. As tired as I am of seeing a female character die for ~man pain~ this felt like so much more than that. In the end Nat wanted to sacrifice herself for the greater good, and that's what she did. I'm still fucking upset though, even though they've butchered her character across almost all the films she's been in
Thor being turned into an entire fucking joke. That's it. I got nothin left for the writers at this point.
So..... let's talk about Tony's death, shall we
"You can rest now" broke me. It truly did. I've never loved any fictional character across any medium as much as I have loved Tony Stark. But Pepper's line at the beginning "you'll sleep, but will you rest?" Is so fucking telling. I think I immediately knew for sure in that moment. Because she's right. And that's the worst part.
Peter :)))) finally :)))) calling :))))) tony :)))) by :)) his :)))) first :)) name :))) as he was dying :)))) asking him not to go the same way he told tony he didn't want to go when he was getting dusted GOD. AND WE THOUGHT THAT SCENE IN INFINITY WAR WAS ROUGH. HAD N O T H I N G ON THIS.
No offense but where was Rhodey when Tony was dying lmao ok
That funeral scene.... seeing everyone there drawn together..... god. It was beautiful. It really was.
Of course I'm not happy. I'm extremely fucking upset. I knew tony wielding the gauntlet would be coming, but I thought they would find a way for him to make it out alive. As soon as they were showing that even the hulk couldn't handle it with the gamma radiation, I knew the nail was going to be in the coffin.
All that aside... what I can say, is that if they HAD to kill him off, I think it was a proper send off. We saw so many arcs of Tony's come to a close, and I knew it was just a matter of time. Also that being said, I really don't believe in death being necessary to end a character's arc. Yeah yeah blah blah we get the sad and tragic but TRUE message that at the end of the day death is inevitable and that tony had to sacrifice himself for the greater good. He and Strange both knew it, and as soon as Strange held up that finger I knew that was it for him.
It wouldn't be so hard if they hadn't given us everything they did with tony after the 5 year jump. He healed. He was HAPPY. But pepper was right, and as long as Tony was alive... he would never truly /rest/. And that's the only way I'm able to make peace with this death. Tony has always been a character who was just going going going, never going to stop even if it killed him, all to protect the ones he loved, and protect the whole world and make it a better place. He had a beautiful story that was told so well over these past eleven years, with admitted shortcomings here and there. He had the most cohesive trilogy films, the best character development and arcs, and an incredible portrayal. I'm grateful for it, but that doesn't make it any easier that they decided to go and show us that Tony was able to FINALLY settle down with Pepper and see him find the best version of himself as a husband to her and a father to his little baby girl. A baby girl that now has to grow up without her dad, and pepper has to go on without her husband, the love of her life. It's fucking tragic and honestly, we didn't need that imho lmao
The hardest parts is that like.... idk. I feel like the only reason they killed him is for shock factor, but somehow without the shock? A lot of us felt or were worried that this was coming. I think the russos and co. We're just totally set on the idea that like... tony HAD to die and that was the only way for this arc to come to a close not just WITHIN the universe, but meta, outside of the MCU as well. They did the same thing with Hugh jackman as Logan and that shit HURTED me y'all. Eleven years we had RDJ give us this amazing character and he is the SOLE reason the MCU is where it is today. So you know what, the Russo's and everyone can circle jerk about how much ~poetic justice~ there is in this ending for Tony, but at the end of the day... it just ain't it fam.
Realistically I know after wielding the infinity stones there is no way Tony, a human, could've survived, even with his armor on. I knew that. And as biased as I am towards seeing Tony living, if he had wielded the stones and NOT died? It would've felt cheap. So again, if they had to end his life, I appreciate the way they did it and thought it was the best send off they could've given him. I also would've appreciated some kind of alternate option where oh i dont know carol or someone strong enough could've handled the snap and tony could live the rest of his days with his wife and daughter and found family but..... ig that's just me huh.
:(((( Happy asking Morgan what she wanted and her saying "cheeseburgers" SHE'S JUST LIKE HER DADDY I AM SO!!! UPSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And last thought is that I fucking cried AGAIN because the biggest applause moment was during the credits when RDJ's name appeared. My theater gave a standing damn ovation. Also the very last sound after it faded to black... Tony hammering away, building the very first Iron Man suit.... that shit hurted.
If any of y'all read this and wanna yell about stuff w/ me I WELCOME YOU INTO MY DMS LMAO PLS MESSAGE ME I NEED MORE PEOPLE TO CRY WITH!!!
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lhpxawol-amalgam · 5 years
Popular AWOl Ships in a Nutshell
Long post ahead.
Won x Soomi
Queen of all ships
Intellectual meets philosopher
Funniest couple you will ever meet
Agdjkfdgdaf there’s just so much chemistry
Stans have like written full-length thought-out analyses on this shit
When they dance together it’s the best cause Won can dance like no one’s business and Soomi is just trying her best but they still look awesome together
Gyuri x Jinju
Both have two siblings
Both play guitar
Both are the two tallest in their group
Both do modern dance
At this point no one knows if the only reason this ship is so popular is cause they just have so much in common
But they do kinda balance each other out
Gyuri’s the drill sergeant and Jinju’s the cheerleader
Hyerin x Jinju
Leader/maknae stuff, ya know
They’re actually pretty cute together
“Oh my god, they were roommates”
These shippers will never get over the one time Hyerin made Jinju ramen when she was super stressed and helped her to take a break from working
WonderMod stans be like “I ship Hyeju” and LOONA stans be like “but with who tho”
Hanbyeol x Areum
Hanbyeol can cook and Areum loves to eat so
Also lots of dad energy for some reason 
This one’s only as big as it is from that one fanfic “I’m Trapped in a Hareum Anime”
Sangwoo x Jaegeun
It’s a duo group
Of course it’s a ship
Generates lots of enemies-to-lovers fanfiction for some reason
Sangwoo’s the flirty one and Jaegeun’s the dapper one so you get all the cute shipping dynamics
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Woori
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Scary but weak meets buff but softie 
Honestly could become real
I mean K.O.’s bi so
The fans feel vaguely justified
Lites Out:
K.O. x Lite
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: 2Woo vs. Lites Out
K.O’s stage persona is almost aggressive enough for Lite’s actual personality
Jk she’s soft for like one person and it’s him
Need to host a variety show stat
Lite x Luxe
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Lites Out vs DeLite
Fashion king and queen
They got that yin/yang thing going
Watch them like actually get away with murder tho
Miro x Luxe 
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: DeLite vs Labyrinth
The thinking man’s ship
They’re always the ones to sit back and lovingly shake their heads while everyone else does something fun but stupid
No one really sees this ship going anywhere sexual but it’s got all the good memes so
Hanbin x Joohwan
That name tho
Absolute softies for each other
If this were a fanfic it’d be a slow burn cause they’re so goddamn oblivious
Hanbin’s a sex-demon on the outside and a cinnamon roll on the inside
Let’s just say people suspect the opposite of Joohwan
Kim Woo:
Kim Gyeong x Siwoo
More leader/maknae
Try and make this one sexy and watch yourself get kicked out of the fandom by angry stans
This is why Forget-Me-Not doesn’t have ship wars
Shinyoung x Minchul
We don’t know how anyone let this happen
They’re cousins
Like not even distant cousins
I know the internet sucks
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Shincest or Mincest
Lots of pining jokes cause gEDDIT they’re in pINEAPPLE
But yeah this one gets all the shame it deserves
Gayoung x Tokki (Jangmi)
Their MV characters have a sorta abusive dynamic so
This one gets a lot of eyebrows raised
But IRL they’re both just trying to out-care for each other
So the fics are either hardcore angst or total fluff 
I would say “oh my God, they were roommates” but they’re all roommates so like
Gayoung x Sungmi
The Unpopular Ship™
Oh look it’s another enemies-to-lovers Sungyoung fic
Half the time they’re both j chilling and the other half they’re the literal definition of sexual tension
Tokki (Jangmi) x Sungmi
Technically leader/maknae but like
It feels different
It’s just really cute man what can I say
They’ve got that tsundere/genki girl dynamic going
*insert meme man* Show ALL the affection!
Yang x Sebin
All the chemistry, all the feels, and sadly also all the annoying straight girls fetishizing Asian men
But like seriously when they dance together it’s absolutely golden
Yang’s all flowing and expressive and Sebin’s all sharp and aggressive
Kinda matches their personalities too
It’s just sad that so many stans have to be all sasaeng-y about it
AB Yang:
AB Young x Yang
Who wants to bet it’s just for the name huh
But no it’s low-key cute 
You wouldn’t think they’d have too much chemistry at first
They’re like the “don’t match on paper but perfect irl” kinda couple
More platonic vibes than the Yangbin shipping content
Horang x Kyungho
Literally just Sangeun all over again
Everyone wants to protecc our precious maknae Kyungho from bad boy Horang
But they’re actually both really good for each other and Horang just gets him ya know
You know what it is? It’s Good Omens. That’s the dynamic here.
Moya x Doyeon
Also called Doya by people who are stupid
Should really start their own pranking channel
Who’s ready for h/c fanfiction~~~
No but seriously Moya has helped Doyeon through panic attacks a lot
She’s tall so she can fit all the comfort in her
And Doyeon’s short bc
Ok it’s just cute how much taller Moya is compared to Doyeon lol
Jung-ah x Duanphen
Softies trying to be baddies
Like Yangbin in their dancing styles
So much poking fun at each other it’s not even funny but like it is tho
All the cuddles, all the selcas with cutesy filters
And then BAM new set of teasers comes out and they look sexy as FUCK
JD Fang x Yuyan
No one would’ve shipped it until the behind-the-scenes vid for Midnight Girl came out
And now they’re just weirdos together
They’re like the Sith: One master, one apprentice
Yuyan is the dark mysterious inner core JD wishes she had
And JD is the stability and reasonableness Yuyan has been searching for her whole life
JD Aika:
JD Fang x Aika
It’s 99% because they kissed in a music video
Honestly gorgeous fan art for this couple
Not as much obvious chemistry as some ships but fans are always like “omg thEIR HANDS tOuChEd”
Yifei x Yuyan
There’s something about whenever they have lines or screen time together that just works
Both trying to soften each other up but in different ways
And usually succeeding
They’re just really good close friends ya know
The kind you could see accidentally developing a crush on each other
Yifei x RJ
“Oh my God, they were roommates”
Ultimate good girl/bad girl ship
But secretly they’re both just nervous wrecks
We know Yifei helped comfort RJ a lot after she came out and heard back from her parents so
Get ready for more h/c fic~~~
RJ x Hoa
The actual baddies
*stifles laugh* hoe-j
Remember the “sugakookie with a cup of tae” jokes? Yeah it’s that bad
They’re both just too sexy for the fans to handle so naturally what better ship could you get it’s just basic math
Also need to host a variety show stat
Triple D:
Duanphen x DaO x Doyeon
It’s a joke ship that some people started taking seriously
Don’t ask, no one has an explanation
SET! (Korean soloists)
Jihoon x Zo
Because Jizo is an objectively bad name (ok sure it looks fine but try saying it out loud)
Also occasionally known as Jezus
Lots of uncle energy (?)
Zo would totally be Jihoon’s real life manic pixie dream girl if she wasn’t, ya know, a strong and badass woman with her own agency who also happens to have quirky hair
May x Hayoon
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Do you pronounce it like “May” or like “Hayoon”
Tbh this ship died pretty quickly
Since we’re all pretty sure now that May’s aroace
And like they’re young, we don’t get in the way of their friendship
That iconic answer-your-tweets vid where someone asked “how do you pronounce Mayoon” and Hayoon was just like “you don’t”
But for real they have the BEST FRIENDSHIP HANDS DOWN
Jaegeun x Areum
The thing with Mesmere is that there are canonical “couples” in the MVs
Which were decided based on which members were like “yesss I’m so down for this concept” and which ones were like “this could be fun to try I guess”
Jaegeun and Areum fall into the former category
The shippers tend to be very kinky
So much smut but like most of it’s inspired by Mesmere’s original concept so it shouldn’t be surprising 
Is there real chemistry? Who knows? Does it matter? Not to the fans it doesn’t
Miro x Hanbin
The “this could be fun to try I guess” gang
Everyone stans bc omg that ship name is adorable
If Jaereum is the “sweet on the outside, sexy on the inside” pair, Robin is the “sexy on the outside, sweet on the inside” pair
This one always throws AK6 and Forget-Me-Not fans for a loop because no one expects them to be THAT SEXY
Seori x Teiko
Another tsundere/genki girl ship
Except the genki girl is surprisingly intimidating in that “she’s not scary she’s just hot” way
New fans never expect Seori to be the head-over-heels type
But she is~
Someone make this into an actual book please it would be so cute
Haruna x Mega (Megumi)
1 ball of energy + 1 ball of energy = perfection
No but literally they have so much enthusiasm
They could be a perpetual motion machine where they both just survive off the other’s energy
Opposites attract more like no I love Harumi
Hiroto x Junya
Obligatory main-vocalist ship
Surprisingly pure ship until you realize you just haven’t looked hard enough
Like seriously it’s all fluff or all smut with this one
Irl they’re fairly cute together but mostly because they’re good friends
Good friends who happen to be very sexy
Yoshi x Nico
The one fans actually care about 
Partners in crime except they would suck at any actual crime
All the memes. And when I say all the memes, I mean all. The. Memes.
Wouldn’t surprise anyone to know that Yoshi and Nico made all the memes themselves
They don’t like it when fans box them into a specific romantic relationship but they’re also like “yeah we ship Yoshico too” to be funny and cute about it
Teiko x Nico
The Cute Ones™
Sometimes it seems too perfect and you have to wonder if it’s just an idol personality thing they’re putting on because they’re supposed to
Until you remember this is AWOl we’re talking about
Probably just friends but still
More food puns
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Coco vs Ho-J
Ryouga x Yuuna
So #sophisticated
Shipping Ryouna is a wild ride cause like
First of all they’re both hot as hell, especially together
And there’s just something about most Ryouga/Yuuna biases, they tend to be very hardcore stans (let’s just say neither of them are the Jungkook of their group in terms of popularity so if you stan them you STAN them)
And they are well aware of this fact
And love to tease fans with like “pretend” kisses on stage or during variety shows 
There’s just so much Ryouna content like who cares whether or not it’s real
We all know they’re gonna fall in love eventually
K.O. (Kiwoo) x Sangwoo x Siwoo
AWOL’s version of the Dinosaur Triplets
Sangwoo came up with the name himself so you know it’s legit
All flirtatious bad boys on the outside, all surprisingly courteous once you get to know them
On their own they’re genuinely cool people, but for some reason whenever they get together they all become the kind of person to (un?)ironically use the word “swag”
So of course someone’s gotta ship it
Kim Hyerin:
Hyerin x Kim Gyeong
The pure one
Kinda overdone so
You either love this ship or you hate it
And either way it’s because they’re both such caring people that it becomes an unstoppable-force-meets-immovable-object problem
But everyone tends to agree that it’s at least kinda cute 
It’s also funny ‘cause in Korea women don’t take their husband’s names
Hyerin x Sangwoo
Because Sangrin is an objectively bad name
The sexy one
They did ONE performance on e.LIVE together and now no one can get over how hot they are
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: Kim Hyerin vs Hyesang
No seriously the number of Kim Hyesang love triangle fanfictions is kinda insane at this point
The shippers love to pull the “they’ve known each other longer, of course they’re emotionally closer” card and then make absolutely no content that reflects that
Ah yes, the ultimate ship war: is this referring to Naoko x Taizō or Naoko x Zo
Of course it’s Naoko x Zo they’re so much cuter together
Naoko and Taizō kinda go together as the two Japanese soloists but like
Naoko and Zo~~~
The chemistry~~~~~
NaoZo > Naozō
Because it’s gay you fools
Naoko x Teiko x Nico
Ok this is just ridiculous
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