#also imagine walking into his penthouse for a party and this being on the tv 😭
doll-elvis · 1 year
Joe Esposito, road manager of Elvis, personally bought the copy of this film in December of 1973 after Elvis told him to “get that movie” due to all the hype it was getting. Elvis told the guys it was a Christmas gift and it became a running joke that Elvis “needed this” as his divorce to Priscilla was just finalized in October. They also joked that Elvis wanted to watch it alone before them. In January of 1974 Elvis brought the film to the Hilton Hotel for his engagement in Las Vegas where he played the movie after nearly every show in his penthouse. At the request of Elvis, Linda Lovelace actually came to a party at his penthouse (accompanied by her boyfriend so no funny business) where they met for the first time.
“To Elvis + the Boys : Merry Christmas & deep throat to you too” 💀
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Pictured: Elvis’s personal copy of the legendary adult film “Deep Throat” starring Linda Lovelace
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joy1579 · 4 years
RFA (plus saeran) with an MC that leaves when she gets angry (don’t worry they all make up)
so this took me all day but i want to try writing something everyday so here ya’ll go let me know if y’all like it. also i just noticed how often i misspell the names and i ask for mercy i have dyslexia and i really am trying to catch these things.
-        You two rarely argued but when you did it tended to bring out EVERYTHING past and present
-        You couldn’t even remember what exactly had sparked the argument
-        Something about not eating, or was it because you had worked yourself to exhaustion two days ago
-        Whatever the reason both of you were angry.
-        You knew he cared about you, knew that behind the anger was fear and love
-        That didn’t make his stern and angry voice more tolerable though
-        Didn’t soften his piercing gaze or ease your own frustration
-        “okay. I’m done fighting Jumin.” You say coldly cutting him off mid-sentence
-        “what” he asked looking for intents and purposes like you had slapped him across the face unexpectedly
-        “I’m done Jumin. I’m not doing this anymore. I’m going for a walk; I’ll be home by dinner.”
-        “your leaving me?” he asked cautiously afraid of the answer
-        “if I were leaving you I would have just left. I wouldn’t have told you I’d be back. I’m just, I’m done fighting.”
-        And with that, you were out the door.
-        3 hours later you hung your coat up in the penthouse entry way and met your husband at the dinner table
-        “I’m sorry” both of you said simultaneously
-        You put your hand up to quiet him as you see the question in his face before he can even ask
-        “I know I can’t just leave like that. It’s not good to just shut down a conversation like that. I just I hate fighting, I hate being angry and arguing. I’d rather simply not do it. You know?”
-        “better than you could imagine my love”
-        “I wasn’t flirting with him!
-        “he was flirting with you though!”
-        “I can’t control what he does yoosung”
-        “you could have walked away!”
-        “I was pay- no you know what. No” you put your hands up and turned to leave the kitchen where you too where arguing as you put away the groceries
-        “wait, we, we were talking” yoosung spluttered as you tugged your coat back on and grabbed your purse
-        “no yoosung you were talking, you were talking if you want you can keep talking, you’ll get just as far in the argument as you would if I were here so go ahead. Me I’m going to go get a drink at the cat cafĂ©. I’ll call you when I’m on my way back”
-        Then you were gone. Door shut surprisingly gently behind you
-        And yoosung was left alone angry and confused
-        So he did what he always did when he needed to process emotions, he played LOLOL
-        You called on your way home just as you said you would but when he didn’t answer he couldn’t help the sigh that fell from your lips
-        “yoosungie? I’m sorry I bailed on you. You know I don’t deal with frustration well, but that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have walked out like that. I’m on my home. See you soon puppy.” You mumbled into the phone as you left a voicemail
-        As soon as you walked through the door he was on you with the tightest hug you had ever felt
-        “MC! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you leave I just I saw the guy at the store and the way he looked at you I guess I kind of freaked out”
-        You couldn’t help yourself, not when he was nuzzling his face into your hair and rubbing your back as he hugged you
-        “puppy!” You cooed pulling back to fluff his hair a bit “I love you” you laughed at the rising blush on his cheeks and kissed his nose
-        You only fight when seven is closing himself off again. Most of the time when this happens you can usually simply love him through it
-        But every now and then you got frustrated. Frustrated that he still didn’t trust you frustrated that he still thought you were better off without him. After all this time everything you’ve been through he still doesn’t understand how much you love him
-        That what led to this fight. He was shutting you out again
-        “MC seriously I’m trying to work I don’t have tim-“
-        “saeyoung I’m leaving. I’ll be back, I don’t know later I guess I’ll take the routes with cameras so you don’t have to worry”
-        “what? MC you can’t just”
-        “I can. I am. See ya”
-        So you left before he could say anything else.
-        You took the CCTV covered routes and purposefully avoided looking at the cameras.
-        He called you a couple of times and you made sure he saw you see the call on your phone before you decline the call.
-        When you finally calm down you make your way home and find him at his computer.
-        You sit on the floor next to his chair and pull out your phone texting him a quick sorry message and telling him you’ll be right beside him whenever he finishes working.
-        After a while you feel his hand in your hair and you hum contentedly knowing that you two could get through this
-        Just like you had gotten through everything else
-        He hurt himself. Again. You had warned him that he was pushing himself to hard and he still pushed.
-        Now he was hurt and out of commission for 2 days and you had more work to do than ever.
-        You loved this man really you did, but between the upcoming RFA party, the new fan club coordination position you had taken up, and being his manager you were feeling frustrated and overwhelmed
-        So once he was settled in bed and safe you told him you had to run some errands
-        “ugh you were right jagi I’m sorry”
-        You damn right I was right
-        “listen to me.” You said coldly “I love you, but if you get up from that bed while I’m gone, I will throw the TV through that door and then post that video of you after you met Elly, swollen face and all.”
-        That shut him up fast. Looking at his mouth opening and closing as he looked for something to say almost made you feel bad. Almost.
-        “I’m just, I’m angry right now and I need some time to calm down. I love you but you have to give me a bit. I promise I’ll be back soon” you explained with a sigh.
-        And so here you were sitting on your laptop at local cafĂ© and posting an update for Zen’s fan club.
-        It had only been 15 minutes but you already felt bad for leaving him alone. So you began to pack up. That was until you noticed a new message on your latest post.
-        The fans wanted to put together a collection for Zen’s injury. That actually gave you a good idea
-        30 minutes and 48 different emails later and you were ready, this would be perfect and you couldn’t wait to get back to your zenny
-        When you got home you were relieved to find zen asleep and not waiting up for you as you worried he might. You kissed his forehead and set to work connecting your laptop to the TV.
-        When he woke up you helped him to the couch and just before you showed him what you and his fans had put together you set of a camera
-        “jagi? What is all this?” he asked laughing a little at all the stuff you had set up
-        “trust me Zenny you’ll love it and so will they. I just know it”
-        You played a compilation of the videos the fans had sent you of them wishing Zen well and telling him how much they loved his work. Video fan mail would definitely lift his spirits.
-        Not to mention posting his reaction would make the fans happy.
-        Cake burned, coffee spilled, cat hair everywhere.
-        day ruined
-        You were dog tired and so done with today when an equally tired and grumpy jaehee stumbles from the cafes back office
-        “MC what, it’s a wreck in here!” she exclaims
-        “really? I hadn’t noticed.” You replied sardonically before sighing “I know I’m working on it right now.”
-        “no it’ll be faster if I do it you just go, go make dinner at home” you could hear the edge in her voice and couldn’t help but respond in kind
-        “You know I’m not the one who let the cat in right?” you almost spat
-        “I didn’t say you did MC.” She sighed rubbing her temples
-        It had all started about 2 hours ago when a child had let in a street cat to get it out of the deluge outside. The ensuing chaos led to shutting early and trying to desperately heard a scared and soaked cat outside into a slowly fading rainstorm.
-        Needless to say that the café you two had worked so hard for was currently in shambles.
-        “fine. Your right. It’s probably faster if you just go it alone.” You muttered before stalking out the door and into the rain.
-        You had only made it half a block before you felt the rain stop
-        But it hadn’t stopped. You looked around only to see jaehee holding an umbrella over your head
-        You couldn’t help the breathless laugh the left you
-        “I guess I wasn’t thinking when I left was I”
-        “I wasn’t thinking when I told you to leave. So we’re even.”
-        you knew this wasn’t about you
-        it was about the new councilor, who had mentioned his mother
-        it was about seven doting over him about his medicine
-        it was about everything and everyone smothering him
-        so you told yourself again and again that this screaming wasn’t about you
-        you tried to be understanding and most of the fights ended with the catharsis of a tantrum and the comfort of a gentle hug
-        this was not most times
-        “I should have just left you at mint eye where you belong!”
-        You had worked so hard to support his recovery. You were used to insults, used to frustration
-        But he said this quietly, seething and dark and you were angry.
-        You felt your stare go icy and saw his eyes widen in surprise
-        You didn’t get angry often and he was always surprised when you did
-        “saeran. I’m leaving for a while. I’ll come back when I calm down”
-        “you can’t just leave”
-        “I couldn’t leave at mint eye but I can now” you spat without even looking back at him
-        “you wouldn’t dare!”
-        “I will be back when I calm down” you said slowly before finally walking out the door
-        He was furious, and with no one to point his anger at he paced his room.
-        As his anger faded he felt the all too familiar regret and guilt wash over him as he let himself fall backwards on his bed
-        You had been gone for quite a while and he wondered balefully if this would be the time you didn’t come back to him
-        It had to happen sooner or later after all
-        You had left nearly an hour ago and you could still feel the cold and icy grip of anger on your heart. You really had to do something, anything with this feeling.
-        you yelled. You raged and spat and cursed alone in the middle of the woods. Primal scream therapy, your mother had called it; cathartic your father had said. All you knew was you felt better and Saeran didn’t have to take the brunt of it.
-        When you returned you saw saeran laying on the bed and you cleared you throat as you stood in the door way. He sat up and eyed you in clear surprise
-        “your back” he said simply as though you hadn’t told him you would return.
-        You chided yourself when you remembered all the people in his life that HADNT returned
-        “it’ll take more than a raised voice a few mean words to get rid of me” you said making your way to sit next to him
-        “you just left.” He mumbled not meeting your eye’s
-        “I know. I shouldn’t have done that. I was very angry and I didn’t want to say something I’d regret. Next time I Promise to try to calm down here instead of leaving.”
-        “I don’t like when you leave”
-        “I don’t like leaving”
-        These quiet moments were few and far between, but you cherished them, they meant progress.
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Vacation in Puerto Vallarta - Top Ten Reasons
1. Climate
Warm during the winter and humid in the summer, Puerto Vallarta Limousine Vallarta has the perfect location on the map; just below the desert, but not too much as to make the tropical heat unbearable. In fact it is right on the 20° North Latitude below the Tropic of Cancer, that's right same as Hawaii. Puerto Vallarta combines the lushness of the jungle with the beauty of the Sierra Madre Mountains and the wonder of the Pacific Ocean. The ocean breeze and the fresh mountain air combine with the unrivaled sunny days Mexico is known for, to create the best weather in the world. It is no wonder why Puerto Vallarta has become a favorite vacation spot. Vallarta boasts three hundred sunny days a year, some of those being hot summer days that then get a refreshing rain. If you are ever in Puerto Vallarta anytime from the beginning of November through to the end of May you will find yourself in a paradise hard to leave behind.
2. Great value for your money
While it is a commonly known fact that the peso is worth less than the dollar, be it US or Canadian, you never truly appreciate it quite as much as when you vacation in Mexico. Being on vacations and knowing that your hard earned money can buy you twice as much fun as it could back home is simply refreshing. And for those lucky enough to be permanent vacationers whose retirement dollars allow them a life equal or better to what they had back home when they still worked, it is simply incredible. Getting more for less is good on anyone's book, but when talking real estate this is simply great. One can get a beautiful home for the price of a New York studio. On top of that, Puerto Vallarta has a large array of first class real estate developments, from stunning penthouses, state of the art smart homes on the beach to rustic homes on the mountain side, many built with Americans and Canadians in mind so just make your choice and become one of those people on vacations for life.
3. Stunning beaches
Nothing new for Mexican destinations, but Puerto Vallarta has a great story to tell. In 1964 American film director John Huston, chose Mismaloya beach in Puerto Vallarta, as the location for his film The Night of the Iguana, starring Richard Burton and Ava Gardner. Huston also brought in, his soon-to-be-wife Elizabeth Taylor, putting Puerto Vallarta in the international spotlight and making its beaches world famous. But Mismaloya is only one of a plethora of enchanting beaches that offer something for all walks of life. Whether you're an adrenaline junkie looking to do some kite surfing or simply someone that likes to lay by the water being tended to, Puerto Vallarta has the right beach for you. Many of those beaches have been certified by the Mexican Government for their cleanliness and beauty. By the north end of the Bay you can find fine sand beaches that extend for kilometers. On the other end you find small island coves only accessible by water. Imagine taking your loved one by water taxi to a private beach cove and spending a romantic afternoon. Puerto Vallarta's beaches are waiting for you to come and lay by their waves.
4. Amazing mountains
This is what puts Puerto Vallarta in a completely different league from other vacation destinations. It is not the typical Mexican resort destination with exquisite beaches and luxury hotels, I mean, it does have those things, but the Sierra Madre Mountains and their tropical forests with lush jungle vegetation, give the town a completely different atmosphere, far away from the "just beach and nothing else to do" kind of destination. The beauty of this vacation destination spawns from the fact that the bay is nestled in the Sierra Madre Mountains. They surround the bay like a mother's bosom protecting it and offering magnificent views. There is nothing that compares to watching the sun rise in the mountains every day and set in the Pacific Ocean. During the summer season the rains make the surrounding mountains glow an emerald green that is difficult to explain by mere words. A hike up the mountain trails will take you to a time long before when mankind was one with nature and you to will feel its beckoning. The vegetation and the bird calls combine to the mystic feel of being surrounded by mountains.
5. Mexican Culture
You just can't get bored with it. The mixture of indigenous traditions with Spaniard customs has produced an amazingly rich culture, an explosion of color, spirituality, flavors, images and sounds that will never stop impressing you. Slowly discovering the little idiosyncrasies of this beautiful culture is one of the best rewards for visiting Puerto Vallarta and once you start to understand Mexican culture, you will only want to learn more. But don't look only for the exotic side of it, the "DĂ­a de Muertos" or the religious pilgrimages, for instance, even when those celebrations are actually quite impressive, there are is much more to discover on the day-to.day life of Mexico. You might travel for the beaches and just to have some relaxing vacations, but if you are open to it, Mexican Culture will surprise you.
6. The people
You have to travel a lot in order to be qualified to compare people and cultures. Well, I have done it, and I can tell you that, there are no warmer people in the world. Mexicans always smile, they always say "please" and "thank you", they will kiss and hug you, so be prepared; they will touch you all the time, they are a happy people and they like to show it. You will have a lot of fun around them, they will make you feel at home, you just have to let go and learn from their laid-back and unpretentious attitude towards life. This way to understand life, where people work to live and not live to work, might be arguable, but for a place like Puerto Vallarta, where people travel to forget for a while about the problems of daily life, it's just perfect.
7. Things to do
There is almost everything to do, except maybe those boring winter games that include snow and cold, Puerto Vallarta offers to visitors a formidable variety of activities. Eco-tours, golf (7 courses), ATV's, scuba diving, canopy, whale-watching, swimming with dolphins or sea lions, a theater, museums, plenty of art galleries, gourmet restaurants, festivals (film, food, wine), surfing, botanical gardens, old towns to visit, a zoo, lots of discotheques and nightclubs, and much, much more. I am telling you, this place is worth the trip. Whether your dream vacation consists of lounging by the beach or zipping from tree top to tree top Vallarta has it. If you want to enjoy a five star gourmet dinner or just have tacos at a stand, this is the right place to come. The culture scene the little coffe shops in old town add to the incredible allure of this great city. Many visitors come because the large array of Puerto Vallarta tours and activities.
8. Accessibility from USA and Canada
Accessibility is not to be forgotten when planning a vacation. There are some other incredible corners in the world, but somehow they are always plenty of flight hours to Puerto Vallarta. Many cities in the US and Canada have direct flights to Puerto Vallarta, making it so easy and cheap to come down there, that it makes it even harder to invent excuses for not spending a week or maybe just a weekend in such a beautiful place. Puerto Vallarta is just a three hours flight from Los Angeles, and that is all it takes to feel like you are in a complete different world, the mountains, the rivers and the ocean make their presence felt at every corner, but you won't miss civilization a bit, as luxury hotels have everything in place to make you feel at home. On top of that the ongoing commercial relationships provided by NAFTA allow for crossing of people and goods without mayor hassles.
9. Services
This point is mentioned quite a lot by the large expat community in Puerto Vallarta (nearly 50,000 and growing). One of the biggest fears of those moving abroad USA and Canada is that they might not get the same quality services at the places they move to. But that's just not the case with Puerto Vallarta, as the city has defined its identity as a perfect place for retirees and developed the proper infrastructure to please them. You will find excellent medical services, a big focus on security, a diversity of financial businesses and all kinds of information and technology services, such as high-speed internet, digital cable TV and everything to help you avoid missing home while you are on vacations in Mexico.
10. The nightlife
Especially on Spring Break, but not limited to it. The "Malecon", a beautiful boardwalk by the beach, has been called "Puerto Vallarta's Bourbon Street" because it has club after club open all night long. World famous club brands as Hard Rock Café, Señor Frog's or La Bodeguita del Medio (where Hemingway used to go in Havana), compete with local clubs such as Mandala, Zoo or Punto V, to see who throws the best party in town. There is the world famous "Foam Party" at Collage every Tuesday and many salsa discos to feel the Latin vibe. Puerto Vallarta also has its own share of electronic festivals with some of the best DJs in the world, playing outdoors till dawn, with people dancing and jumping in the sand just a few steps away from the ocean.
Luis Dominguez is the editor of Enjoy Magazine - the best Puerto Vallarta vacation travel guide [http://www.enjoy-magazine.com] where you will find all you need to know about this gem of the Mexican Pacific. Enjoy Tours - Puerto Vallarta Tours and Activities [http://www.enjoy-magazine.com/en/vallarta-travel-tours] provides a full array of leisure options, from adrenaline high activities like canopy and atv, to eco-tours like whale watching and swimming with dolphins.
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sope-and-shine · 4 years
Christmas Special: Day 20
-> Pairing: Jeongguk x Reader -> Mafia!AU // angst but kinda fluffy too -> Word Count: 2.8k -> Summary: Your first outing together as a newlywed couple is not how you’d wanted it to go at all. But at least there’s an upside. -> Warning(s): 2 dead bodies
A/N: Yeah, your brothers are NCT members. 
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You always knew that the life you would spend with your future husband would not be the life you’ve always wanted to have. You wanted to have a life where you could wake up next to your handsome husband and just cuddle up next to him until you’re ready to get up and make breakfast together, then you’d go to work and spend the whole day thinking about nothing but when you would be home again with your husband, and then finally getting home and seeing your husband for dinner and sitting down on the couch to watch TV together was the life you wanted. But the glamour of a peaceful, domestic life with a man you love is a luxury that you will never be able to know.
Your family has been a part of the mafia long before your Great Grandmother was even born, and had grown over the years into the crime world’s most well-known mafia in the country. Drugs, weapons, materials, people, everything that a person should not have easy access to were things that were no problem for your family. For years, your family has mastered the art of laying low and intimidating others with their power and wealth, corrupting both government officials and CEO’s alike. Over time as each generation passed and the times began to change, your father became the head of your family business. Your mother was promised to him from a smaller gang looking for recognition and protection, and soon your oldest brother, your second oldest brother, you, and your youngest brother were brought into the deranged world as well. 
You grew up surrounded by violence and drugs, not knowing a normal life like children should. From as far back as you could remember, you were always surrounded by ‘guards’ everywhere you went. At the young age of 5, you were being taught how to hold a gun, how to disassemble and reassemble, how to get yourself out of as many bindings as you could possibly be put into. You learned about every detail of the family business including the grotesque forms of punishments that still haunt you when you close your eyes. Your parents spared no expense for your safety, and your older brothers spent their spare time making sure you were prepared for anything when they weren’t protecting you or if they weren’t training to be the best in the family. 
But, even so, after so many years of classes, multiple training sessions, years of being taught how to handle yourself, and endless conversations over how to handle yourself in every possible situation. 
You were not meant to be in the mafia. 
You’re gentle, caring, kind to everyone you meet. You listen to almost everyone that asks something of you, you do almost everything that you’re told. You can sell to anyone when guarded, you can talk business when needed, but you could not hurt someone. When asked to harm someone, you begin to shake in fear even just thinking about touching them. Even when yelled at and berated for behaving like a child, you refuse to give in. You never get angry, always choosing to remain calm when tasked with someone that irks you. You were a model citizen - if you take away the drug selling and trading - but this wasn’t the life you could be gentle in.
That’s why your parents gave you away to Jeongguk. He was young, resourceful, strong, he was the best son-in-law your parents could wish for! He would be able to keep you protected with the men he kept at his side, he was young and youthful enough to keep you ‘satisfied’ - or at least give them a grandchild they could count on. 
When you first met him, he only spoke to your father, and he kept his conversation with your mother short. His eyes never held your own for more than a second, long enough to glare at you before returning back to your father. You felt intimidated by him because of it, and being told that he would be the man you marry only made you more nervous. Then when your wedding day came, you could barely feel any happiness for what you had hoped would be the best day of your life. Both your father and your future husband had spared no cost for you, creating the most mesmerizing space you had ever seen. Your brothers helped to make sure everything was to your taste, and you would have spent more time enjoying it if it weren’t for the overwhelming feeling of dread that you’d be marrying a stranger and be tied to him for the rest of your life. You walked down the aisle with tears shed for the loss of your freedom, you kept as much space between the two of you during your vows with your eyes staring straight ahead, you let him give you a chaste kiss in front of your friends and family to seal the deal you had made, and you put a smile on your face when you took his arm so you could at least try to convince your children that you were happy to marry their father.
That was nearly 6 months ago that you married Jeongguk, nearly 6 months since you signed your life away to the man your father deemed perfect for you, 6 months since you moved from your home and into Jeongguk’s penthouse in the center of the city. After your reception - where you hung off of ‘happy Jeongguk’, as you like to call refer to the personality, met his friends, and shared a few more moments with your family - you were taken to you new home and settled in. You were fully expecting Jeongguk to take advantage of you and demand that you consummate the marriage, but he didn’t even want to look at you. Even now, he barely spoke a word to you at all.
“How was your day, Jeongguk? I trust you and your men are doing well?”
“They’re just as they should be, thank you. We don’t need your concern. I’ll be in my office.”
The only time he spoke to you was when you initiated the conversation, and that was when you would catch him for the 30 seconds he had to spare for you. He did his best to keep you at arms length, and you were both pleased and disappointed by this. You didn’t want him to touch you. You don’t know him, so why would you? But on the occasions where he would just barely touch you in passing, or the one time he spooked you in the kitchen and you crashed into his embrace, those were moments where you enjoyed his foreign touch just a little more than you should.
That’s why today felt like both heaven and hell put together.
The annual Christmas party that the Kim’s hold is tonight, and every family in alliance with them will be in attendance. Everyone that meant something in the underground world would be present as business partners, and that means your parents and your brothers would also be present tonight. Not only that, but the happy Jeon Jeongguk that you married almost 6 months ago would be the Jeon Jeongguk you were attached to all night. For one whole night, he’ll pretend you aren’t a burden to him, he’ll pretend that you mean something to him, and he’ll pretend that he enjoys holding you the way a man should hold his wife.
You’re both on your way to the event, sitting opposite from one another. Jeongguk is in a simple black suit with a white shirt, black tie, black socks and shoes, and his long hair separated in the middle. His choice was safe and comfortable, but he’d need that if he was going to be pretending to like you for the night. At least with the dress you chose for tonight - an off the shoulder, satin red dress that cuts off right at the knees with matching read heels and your hair in loose curls - would give him some incentive to at least enjoy your appearance. But with how tight his jaw is clenched, you can’t imagine he’ll be having any fun.
“You should relax before we get there, Jeongguk. That won’t look good in pictures for your image.” You scold. He sighs in response, and you think he’s about to yell at you, but instead he surprises you.
He smiles softly, “You’re right. I’ll try and relax.”
And he did. 
As soon as you arrived and he opened his car door, he was smiling and waving to the cameras. He turned back to you and helped you out of the car like he’d been doing it for the past 6 months with no problem at all. His hand placed itself on the small of your back with such ease that you begin to wonder if that’s what it was made for. He holds you close to him as you both walk into the venue past all the cameras, and keeps you there even as you enter the venue where everyone knows this whole ordeal is fake. Together, you begin to greet those you hadn’t seen since the wedding, some that you’d seen here and there, and some that you’ve never met in your life. It was a lot to handle, but the firm hand on your waist was enough to keep you grounded.
“(Y/n)!” You hear your younger brother call. You turn to find him running towards you, his boyish smile on his face.
“Jisungie!” You pull him into a hug and hold him tight, “How have you been? You grown so much taller!”
“I know! Dongsookie and Jeno have been keeping track; I’ve grown 7cm!” He’s excited to share the good news, happy to getting taller and taller - he’d be taller than Donghyuck if he kept going at this rate. His excitement, however, dies down to a scowl when Jeongguk returns to your side. He didn’t like him the first time they met, and it looked like he still didn’t. “Jeongguk.”
“Nice to see you again, kid.” He nods, awkwardly drumming his fingers on your waist. He smiles, “Are your studies going well?”
Jisung shrugs, “Yeah, they’re okay.”
“That’s nice.” You say.
“Actually, I need to go find Mom, but I’ll call!” Your brother assures, taking his leave as fast as he got there.
Jeongguk sighs, “Well, he’s definitely growing up.”
“Don’t remind me.” You groan. He was turning out to be just like your second eldest brother, and you hoped to every deity that he would be nothing like him as he finished school. “Donghyuck refused to speak to everyone at that age no matter how much I tried to convince him to speak. And I really tried everything...”
Jeongguk chuckles at that, knowing firsthand how annoying you can get, “Well, that’s just a part of your charm.”
The two of you continue on around the event, listening to Seokjin and Namjoon give their speeches before continuing with the party. With the more people you run into, the more you can see Jeongguk forcing himself to keep up his act. Not only that, but he looks on edge over something. 
“Are you okay?” You ask after your conversation with Min Yoongi and his wife. He was normally so animated when he spoke of the honey haired man, but he was anything but this time around. “I know you’ve been working a lot lately, but you really seem stressed. You haven’t even touched a drink.”
He shakes his head, “Something just doesn’t feel right.”
“I’m sure you’re probably just coming down with something. Stress can do that when you work too much. Maybe we should just go home and you can have someone come and take a look.” You suggest.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” He agrees with you for the second time that night and pulls away, but not before taking your hand for a brief moment and squeezing it lightly,  “Let me go and see one more person before we sneak out.”
“Okay, I’ll just find my mother before we leave then.” You call after his retreating figure.
But neither of you get that far.
At the front of the building, a large explosion goes off, sending people and debris further into the room the party is. You’re not close enough to feel the impact, but you do have someone that was fly into you and knock you over. They pin you to the floor, and you can feel just how warm their body. You can hear the screams of people around you, feet running past and over you while you lay beneath the unmoving person above you. Gunshots ring out, and the sense of urgency to get out grows even more from within you as you feel another body fall on top of you.
Hopefully, only one is dead.
“Jeongguk!” You cry out, trying to move the two bodies off of you without any success from how many people trample over you. You try to pull away again with no progress, “Jeongguk!”
The people running above you pay no mind to you, fending for themselves by running or taking shelter from the gunshots. They leave you to die on the floor, and you can’t help but think back on all those times you spent hating training with your brothers to now, when you finally realize how necessary they actually were. You would have started crying if you wouldn’t have heard his voice coming closer.
“(Y/n)! Get out of my way-(Y/n)!” He sounds panicked, but you can tell he’s close to you. He calls your name one more time before you feel the weight of the bodies being removed and you’re being picked up by familiar hands. He pulls you to your feet and turns you to face him, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You assure him. 
More bullets ring out and he grabs your hand to pull you away from all the chaos. Into a hall with others trying to escape the hell within the party hall, he takes you all the way down the hall to a stairwell that leads you to the backside of the building, all the while he’s pulled out his phone and called someone to meet him out back. You’re surprised with him, even though you know you shouldn’t be with this life being the one you grew up in. Even so, by the time his car pulls up to take the two of you away, you’re already completely out of it.
“Take us to my vacation home instead. We’ll spend our holiday in solitude away from the city.” He orders his driver. The man in front doesn’t waste anytime driving off in the direction only the two of them know, leaving the party far behind you. Only, just like the victims you see when you close your eyes from your childhood, you can still see and hear the chaos ring around you. The sound of gunshots ricocheting off the walls. You’re unable to look anywhere but blankly in front of you as the situation finally digests, and it has Jeongguk worried. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Were...Were they dead? The people on top of me?” You ask, breaking your silence without breaking your stare on the sea in front of you.
“Yeah.” His answer is the truth, but the truth isn’t what you wanted to hear at all. It seems the truth just cemented your reality that you almost died today, and you wouldn’t have been able to do anything even if you had a weapon on you. You can’t help but to let the tears fall, and Jeongguk is far from excited. He reaches forward and takes your shoulders in his hands,  “Hey...don’t cry, please.”
“I just really wanted to spend this night seeing my family again, and having some human interaction, and actually seeing you instead of your stupid work face!” You cry.
He’s confused, “What do you mean, ‘instead of my work face’?”
You hadn’t thought about your words before you said them, but there was no use hiding them now that they were out. You sniffle, “You only treat me like your wife when others are watching...I was just excited to feel some affection for one night with the holiday coming up.”
The realization seems to hit Jeongguk all at once, and his whole body seems to relax. He shakes his head, “I guess I haven’t been much of a husband to you, have I?”
“Not at all.” You agree.
“I’ll fix it.” He promises, pulling you forward into the comfort of his chest. His arms hold you close to him and his hand rubs your back. “I’m sorry it took scaring you like that for this to happen, but I’ll be better.”
That weekend with no one around and just the time for the two of you to get to really know each other, he began to make good on his promise.
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optimizche · 5 years
Make Do {Chapter 2} (Park Chanyeol/Reader/Oh Sehun)
It had been a difficult day at work. You were swamped with back to back meetings and it was clear that you were overworking yourself, choosing to remain in the office long after almost everyone had left.
Since the party where you had recieved the news of Chanyeol's engagement with Chaeyoung, you had chosen to immerse yourself in work. Keeping busy left little time behind to deal with a shattered heart. And you preferred it this way, instead of laying on your couch for days on the end in ratty pyjamas, eating your body weight in ice cream as you bawled your eyes out. Distracting yourself with work seemed like the more adult thing to do and you'd already been through your fair share of weeping and ice-cream consuming when Chanyeol had broken up with you.
Pulling your eyes away from your laptop screen with a sigh, you closed them, feeling them sting and burn from staring at screens all day long. A headache was beginning and you pressed two fingers to your temples, trying to cut the pain. As easily as you refused to address the fact that your heart was broken with the news of Chanyeol's engagement, you also refused to address that night with Sehun.
Three nights ago you'd found yourself having drunken sex with your best friend in a hotel room, trying to fuck away the heartache Chanyeol had bestowed upon you so mercilessly.
And your mind was fraught with conflict.
The sex itself had been earth-shattering. Even now, if you thought hard enough, you could feel Sehun's lips on yours, his cock buried deep within you.
"Fuck," you muttered quietly, feeling your walls clench at nothingness, a dribble of liquid heat slowly soaking the baby pink lace thong you were wearing under your black pencil skirt.
But before your mind got too carried away, rationality caught up with it.
Sehun was your best friend. Your closest friend. And you had had sex with him in a not-quite-stable emotional state. You had crossed a fundamental line in your relationship with him. And no matter how hard or how convincingly Sehun tried to assure you that things were going to be okay between you and him, you knew that you were going to have to talk it out with him and put a stop to this.
Sex with your best friend was a bad idea right off the bat. You had already lost one of the most important relationships in your life when Chanyeol left you. You didn't want to lose Sehun, too.
With this resolve in mind, you opened your eyes and began to pack your things. You had arranged to meet at Sehun's place tonight, for dinner in and a movie and you didn't want to be late.
It would be the perfect time have a frank conversation with him. Sex with Sehun was not going to happen anymore.
Dinner had passed by with zero awkwardness, both of you having ordered some Chinese takeout and choosing to eat it on the living room couch, while the movie played on the tv. By the time you both were done eating, you both were laughing, mocking the glaring plot holes in the action heavy flick Sehun had chosen for the evening. Then somewhere along the halfway mark of the movie, your mind began to drift.
You had your feet resting in Sehun's lap, his hands working their magic on your soles which were aching after being in heels all day. You were very pleasantly relaxed, lying on his couch, staring at the city lights glimmering before you from his penthouse, almost every room in it had floor-to-ceiling glass windows. The twinkling city night lights had always memerized you, ever since you were a kid, and your best friend knew of your fondness for them.
Sehun's large hands were deftly working out all the knots in your feet, making you putty in his hands. You had managed to remain fairly quiet, save for your heavy breathing. But when he pressed his thumbs into a particularly sore spot close to the arch of your foot, you let out a quiet moan.
Sehun froze at the sound, for barely a moment, his eyes locked upon yours. Before he pressed into the same spot again. Harder this time.
You moaned again. Louder.
There was a shift in his obsidian gaze, a glint that told you that he was thinking exactly what you knew he was thinking. You had known this man for decades after all.
"Sehun," you said, cautiously, moving to lift your feet away from his lap. "We shouldn't."
"Why not?" he asked. "Wasn't it good enough?"
You knew that he wasn't referring to the foot massage he had just given you. Oh no. He was referring to the other night. You both knew the answer to that question. Of course it had been good. Why else would you have begged him to have you three times that night?
Your silence and your lack of denial gave you away and a smirk grew on Sehun's luscious lips.
"Do you realize how many times I've touched myself to the thought of you since that night?" he asked you, taking a hold of your hand and guiding it to his crotch.
You gasped.
He was rock hard.
"We're best friends," you offered as a reasoning, moving your hand away from him, standing to your feet. You walked toward the glass window. "We shouldn't be doing this."
"Why not?" Sehun asked, echoing his earlier question. "We can be best friends who fuck."
You winced at the word, trying to keep the thoughts of that night away from your mind. But they came rushing in as Sehun came to stand behind you, the scent of his cologne triggering your memories...
You, on the hotel bed, on all fours, while Sehun fucked you from behind, his fingers digging into your hips...
You, in his lap, with your arms wrapped tight around him, riding him like your life depended on it...
Sehun pressed into you from behind, his hard bulge flush against your ass. "I know you're upset about Chanyeol," he said, his lips against the shell of your ear. "I know your heart hurts. But I can make you forget about him."
You wanted to walk away, to gather your belongings and leave his apartment. His offer of making you forget about him was all too tempting and he knew it. That is what had gotten you in his bed the first time around. You wanted to leave, you did, but an emotion that you couldn't put your finger on just yet had rendered your feet incapable of movement.
"Don't..." you murmured, voice unsteady. "Don't say things like this, Sehun. You know I-"
"I know that you're lonely. And you are trying to do the right thing by refusing me. But it is all unneeded propriety," he breathed, leaning into you even more, his chest pressing into your back, fingers walking along the waist of your skirt, until it reached the concealed clasp that held it. With a deft hand, he undid the clasp, sliding down the zipper and letting the garment fall loose onto the floor. "It'll be my pleasure to fuck you senseless every night to help you forget that asshole."
You shivered involuntarily at his words and the low timbre of his voice.
"Sehun, we shouldn't..."
"Be quiet," his voice came deep and commanding. "If you really don't want me, you'll be dry as a bone in your panties..." he said, his hand slipping past the waistband of your thong and into your folds. He chuckled quietly. "...and yet, here you are, soaking through the lace, princess."
He did a few passes of his fingers through your folds, coating them with your arousal, listening with glee as your breaths came deeper. And then, when he pushed his middle finger into you, it slid right in, all the way to the knuckle, your body barely offering any resistance.
You sighed, leaning back into his tall, strong frame, while he slowly slid his finger in and out of you for a few long moments.
"Your body gives you away, baby," he said, suddenly pulling his finger from you and showing you how his digits glistened with arousal so thick that it formed clear strings everytime he splayed his fingers. "Give in. Come on."
You felt so empty without his fingers, but the stubbornness in you had returned. You weren't going to give him what he wanted so easily. "Make me," you sassed.
And the way he smirked.
He immediately spun you around and pushed you against the nearest wall, kneeling before you. Eager, urgent hands practically ripped off your panties. It seemed like he was almost afraid that you'd change your mind.
But when he dove in, tongue plunging into your folds with a ravenous ferocity, every single thought vanished from your mind.
"S-Sehun..." you moaned, head resting back against the glass wall behind you, your back arching against it. Pushing your dripping core further toward his mouth.
Hands threading into his dark hair, you were muttering profanities and moaning his name like a prayer.
Pulling away to raise one of your legs over his shoulder, he grinned at you, mouth glistening with your juices.
"Can you imagine the look on Chanyeol's face if he happens to see us? See me eating you out here, like this?" he asked gleefully, pushing two fingers into your wetness.
You whimpered and clenched immediately around his long fingers, the scenario of Chanyeol walking in on you like this giving you a burst of vindictive pleasure.
Sehun chuckled at your reaction, before returning his mouth to your sex, tongue seeking out your clit to lash against it.
Pleasure flowed red-hot through you, every push of his fingers and every flick of his tongue causing that familiar coil to go tighter in the pit of your belly. The obscene sounds of his mouth upon you causing your blood to grow hot and a flush bloom in your cheeks.
The way he was working you up made you marvel at his abilities. His tongue caressing and playing with your folds, darting past the seam of your lips to sensually run over the raw, engorged bundle of nerves that was your clit. His fingers pushed in and out of you in time with his tongue, curling into your g-spot everytime, leaving you unable to breathe.
You were so close that you could taste the orgasm on your tongue and god did you want to make a mess of Sehun's face by coming all over it.
"Oh, fuck..." you moaned out in agony, eyes rolling back into your head as you rapidly approached your finish and-
He pulled away from you.
Immediately, the tightly wound coil in your core evaporated, along with the ecstasy that had been running through your body like a wildfire. A frustrated keen escaped your lips and all Sehun did was grin.
Detangling from you, Sehun rose to his feet, towering over you now. He leaned in and pressed his body into yours, allowing you to feel his insanely sculpted musculature against you. A blatant temptation that only served to increase your frustration.
He leaned in close. "Say the words, princess. 'Take me to bed and fuck me silly, Hun,'" he purred, his warm breath running across your face. Another temptation. "Give in to me."
Your body was screaming from the denied release and your mind was too far gone to care about anything else. The words fell easily from you in breathless gasps...
"Take me to bed and fuck me silly, Hun."
He gathered your denied and frustrated form into his arms and marched straight toward his bedroom. You went with him, letting him undress you in the dimly lit space of his bedroom. In his haste to see you bare before his eyes, he ripped open your blouse, buttons clattering to the floor as he discarded the garment, your bra receiving a similar aggressive treatment, the scraps of torn pink lace being tossed away.
Hands on your shoulders, he pushed you back until you were lying on his bed, the satin sheets a pleasant cold against the heat of your skin.
He stood between your spread legs, working at removing his own clothes as you watched, his gaze hungry as it raked all over your form.
Your own eyes were less than innocent in their survey of his body, mesmerized by his pale gold skin and the way his finely-honed muscles rippled everytime he moved.
And when he walked over to his bedside table to retrieve a condom from the drawer, you found yourself dripping onto his sheets at the sight of his tight ass.
Sehun's own self control was fraying away as he watched you lying on his bed, naked and waiting. His bed, not a hotel bed. And this time, you weren't shit-faced drunk. You were completely sober and in your senses. Here, in his bed.
"Will you just get in me, Hun?" you snapped testily, the sight of his enormous length standing rigid, flush against his lower abdomen driving you to madness.
And he had already denied you an orgasm.
"Coming," he said, smirking as he knelt down between your legs, aligning his cock with you.
"Oh, I'd better be-ahhhh!"
He sank into you, all at once, causing you to choke on your retort. His large hands smoothed over your thighs, spreading them apart as he fell into a rhythm.
Deep, but not too quick. For the moment, Sehun just wanted to savour the feel of your velvet walls sucking hungrily at him.
The rub and slide of his cock deep within you caused fresh waves of pleasure to rise through your body, your back arching as the pleasure left you shuddering into his mattress.
"Fuck, Hun..." you whimpered, the previously denied orgasm rearing its head again, hurtling towards you with a surprising force. Especially since he was going at a relatively pace.
Sehun groaned, leaning in to take your nipple into his mouth, palming your other breast. You were tight as a glove around him, moaning and gasping and clenching him as he slowly fucked into you.
You came around him suddenly, gripping him so hard that he bit down on your breast to keep himself from blowing.
Keeping up the same rhythm until your orgasm faded away, he came to a stop within you, harder than a rock still. The fluttering of your walls around him and your ragged breaths drove him crazy.
How was it that you had him so completely wrapped around your litte finger even though he was the one in complete control tonight?
It was because he still loved you.
But you still loved Chanyeol...
Sehun drew back almost completely, before pushing back into you. And you let out the sweetest moan.
Music to his ears.
He raised your legs, hooking them over his shoulder, the change in position making him sink that much deeper into you.
A smirk grew on his lips upon hearing your exclamation and he pulled back out, before surging into you roughly.
The force and rapidity of his thrusts made you shudder, your body rocking in time with his.
Hands clutching at the sheets around you, you were a mess. Sweaty and hot and thrumming with pleasure like a live wire.
Sehun, above you, was not much better. Teeth digging into his lip as he fucked into you, his hands roaming along the smooth skin of your toned legs. Shit, you were perfect. Walls gripping him tight, like you never wanted him to leave their silky heat, the obscene wet sounds of his every thrust into you straight out of his wildest fantasy. Hell, he could smell you on the air, that is how wet you were around him. Your every moan, every sigh went straight to his cock and his head, urging him to take you even harder.
"Did he ever fuck you like this?" Sehun found himself asking, himself on the edge of losing it. "Did he ever fuck you like the little whore you are?"
There it was, the slight mention of him, sparking the ache in your heart all over again. Even through all this pleasure, you needed that pain. The heartache that now was synonymous with Chanyeol.
"N-no..." you moaned, one of your hands reaching out between your legs to rub at your clit, the other palming your breasts.
"Of course he didn't, that fool," Sehun grunted out, his lips pressing into your calf. "Look at you, touching yourself like the needy slut that you are. Come for me like a good slut. Now."
Almost as if on command, you broke, your cry echoing through the room. Spasming around him, you let go, the clenching of your walls finishing him off, too.
He groaned, spilling into his condom, keeping up the sedate rolls of his hips until you both had ridden out your orgasms.
When you were finished, he quickly got off the bed to dispose the condom and to bring a washcloth to clean you up.
You were still trembling from the aftermath when he tucked you in, crawling into bed beside you and placing a kiss to your lips before you drifted away.
"I can treat you better than he did," you heard him whisper as you sank into a deep sleep. "Give me a chance, __________."
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Houroubing to Aruba, Chapter 4, (Branjie) - Blackhighheels
(read at AO3)
Chapter 4: You better catch me, bitch!
A loud groan, followed by a curse fills the penthouse and lets Jose know that Brock is up. He finds him sitting in bed, his head between his hands, eyes closed.
“Good morning sunshine!”
“Not so loud!” Another pitiful groan follows. “How are you up already? You had more to drink than me.”
“Puerto Rican alcohol tolerance
 and also you old as fuck.” He smirks when Brock glares at him and decides that he should stop gloating and take care of his man instead. “Here, baby, open up,” he tells him and places two ibuprofen in his mouth before he hands him a bottle of water, which Brock empties in one go.
“Fuck, how much did we drink last night? And Marge and Magnus had the same
 you think they’re still alive?”
“Met them when I went to get us some breakfast. They looked pretty alive, fresh and in colour to me. Told me to say hi to you and asked if we could repeat the night some time soon while we here.”
“Urgh! God no! I’m only drinking water for the rest of the stay.” Brock lets himself fall back, rolls onto his stomach and closes his eyes again.
“You want some coffee?”
“Fruit salad?”
“Then have some more water at least. Come on, twinkle toes.” Jose pats his butt lovingly.
“Fine,” Brock sighs, sits back up and accepts another small bottle of water. “What time is it?” he asks when he is done.
“Nearly noon. You should go shower, so we on time for our picnic extravaganza.” Brock makes a whining noise. “Or we can do it another day and you stay in bed?” Jose offers. And it’s his willingness to adjust the plans he was so looking forward to, that makes Brock finally get out of bed.
“No, we’re going. You already showered? Or do you wanna join me?”
“I’m gonna join you, but don’t think I don’t know you just want me with you so I can wash you and you can go on sleeping. I know your lazy ass when you hung over,” Jose teases, but goes ahead into the bathroom, starts the water and gets undressed while Brock makes a pitstop at the toilet before he joins him.
They both quickly brush their teeth before they step into the shower. Brock really feels more dead than alive while the warm water rains down on him. Jose soaps them both up and even washes his hair. “That’s what it gonna be like fifty years from now when I have to take care of you, boo?” There’s laughter in Jose’s voice before he tips Brock’s head back and rinses his hair out.
“Maybe it’ll be me taking care of you, who knows,” Brock replies and takes a towel of the rack. He places it on Jose’s head and rubs gently, then grabs another one and dries his own hair.
“Maybe,” Jose agrees after a while. The fact that Brock can even imagine them still being together so far in the future, old and wrinkly, does weird things to his chest, heart and stomach. He doesn’t burst into tears anymore now, like he did when Brock mentioned maybe getting married some time in the future, but it’s not something that he takes for granted either. Just a year ago this moment, heck even just this vacation together, was so far out of reach he couldn’t have dreamed it up. And now, here they are and Jose quickly pinches himself to make sure he is actually awake.
“What are you doing?” Brock asks him and must have seen it.
“Nothin,” he says quickly.
“Did you just pinch yourself?” Brock takes his arm and when Jose follows his eyes he can see the red mark clearly. “You did! Why?”
“I didn’t!” Jose lies and wraps the towel around his hips. The way Brock looks at him lets him know that he is aware of the lie, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead he pulls him close by his hips and kisses him.
“Good morning.” There is a gentle smile on his man’s face when they break apart, his arms stay wrapped around his waist.
“Morning,” Jose replies and puckers his lips a couple of times, asking for more kisses without words. Brock full-fills his wish and the pecks soon turn into a make-out session against the shower wall. “Had to make sure this was real and not a dream, you know, us talking about fifty years from now and all that,” Jose confesses when they stop.
“If your head felt like mine, you’d know it isn’t a dream,” Brock jokes, slaps his butt and steps out of the shower.
“As long as you don’t throw up, we good.”
They get ready as they do most mornings when they are both home. Brock gets dressed in the bedroom, while Jose runs back and forth between bathroom and bedroom, always forgetting something. When they are both finally dressed Jose douses himself in aftershave and cologne, while Brock uses deodorant and forgoes the shaving. Jose trims his stubble, combs his hair back and puts on his hat, after spraying it with even more cologne, while Brock steps outside on the balcony to smoke. By the time they are done it’s time to leave.
Henry hands them a backpack as well as a map, that Jose quickly passes on to Brock. Their way leads them along the beach, past palm trees, other hotels and resorts and a couple of fruit stands. The longer they walk the quieter it gets around them and by the time they reach their destination after about half an hour they are completely alone. They know they found their spot when they find a  large, light blue picnic blanket with several pillows on top. A bottle of champagne in a cooler, two glasses and a picnic basket are also waiting for them underneath a divi tree on the beach. A large rock a couple of meters away makes the location secluded, not visible from the pathways and picture-perfect for a romantic picnic.
“One has to give it to Henry, he really knows what he’s doing. He must have prepared all this while we were walking here,” Brock says, takes off his shoes and sits down on the blanket.
“Knew Henry was our man for the job. What’s in there?” Jose asks and peeks into the basket. “Oh wow,” he says and then takes out one plate after another with different salads, fruits, dips, bread and small cakes. He spreads out the feast and checks the backpack they were given. Sure enough plates, cutlery, soft drinks and more can be found in it. Once everything is unpacked, Jose lies back, props his head up on his hand and gets comfortable. “You gonna feed me?” It’s meant as a joke, but Brock simply shrugs.
“What do you want?”
“Can you give me some bread, cheese and fruits?” Brock fills a plate with the requested items, but then continues to actually feed Jose. After a couple of bites they both have to laugh. “This shit sure looks more comfortable on TV.” With these words Jose sits back up and takes his plate from Brock so he can get himself something to eat.
“God, this is so good!” Brock moans once he has tried the food. “I really have to stop at the gym today. With all this delicious food I won’t fit into my costumes anymore otherwise.”
“I might join you, I could use a good work out as well. Otherwise I might lose my new flexibility,” Jose agrees. “But you shouldn’t worry about your weight, Brock. I think overall we both could use a couple of pounds more.”
“You remember my love handles when we first got together. I got so fat.”
“You weren’t fat! You put on happy weight because you were finally eating like a normal person and not skipping meals because of your anxiety. And I liked it. It was cute.” Jose smiles as he remembers the pictures from this time.
“It wasn’t cute.” Brock protests.
“Hey,” Jose asks and places a hand on Brock’s leg so he looks up. “It was cute, you were still hot and I liked it. Just accept it.”
“Fine,” Brock sighs and rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “But you always think I look cute. I could be Silky’s weight and you’d still call me cute.”
“Can you imagine?” Jose grins widely and then giggles. “But it would limit our love life, cause you sure as hell wouldn’t go on top anymore. You’d squash me like those play-doh bugs in the game.”
“Wait until I tell Silky that you just questioned his qualities as a lover.”
“Ho, I didn't
” Jose bristles, then stops. “Ok, maybe I did,” he chuckles and scoots back so his back is resting against the tree trunk. “Silky called me this morning while you were still asleep.” Jose becomes serious.
“Did something happen?” Brock moves closer to him and places a pillow in his lap so he can balance his plate on it.
“Not really. The usual. Complained about some idiots online, talked about all the partying he done and how he got hit on but then went home alone. Got real weird when I told him what a dope time we having.”
“I know I told you before and I know you don’t wanna hear it, but I think Reggie is jealous of you.”
“Why? If he wanna go on vacation he can.”
“Jose, look at it from his perspective. He went on Drag Race with a plan. He wanted to be the next sensation, the next Miss Vanjie. And you know I love him, but it backfired for him, even though Ru loved him. Gigs got canceled, fans were put off by his behaviour. In the end he doesn’t even win the money. And you, you came back, rocked the competition, got booked more than ever and have all these opportunities. And while we fucked it up for a while, in the end the fact still stands that we got each other out of drag race, not matter what else happens. Reggie wants all that: Money, admiration, fame, love. Ok, not necessarily in this order, but, you know. And you have it all."    
"But he my best friend, Brock. He always has my back and he was there when you dumped my ass.”
“I don’t say that’s not true, I know he is. But sometimes, like, I don’t know. Sometimes the way he acts around me annoys me.” Brock is done with his plate and places it in the empty picnic basket.
“Like how?” Jose hands him his empty plate as well.
“You remember the stupid fight we had on tour?”
“Still burned into my brain, boo.”
“Before we finally talked when we got back, I talked to Steve, told him what was going on and asked him what I should do. And he, like, told me to accept that I am a control freak and that it will clash with your chaos and that all we could do was talk about it. He told me he’d fly in, if we didn’t resolve it and lock us in or something. He calmed me down and reminded me of all the fun we had on tour and how much we love each other.”
“Aw, I love Steve,” Jose coos and places his hand over his heart.
“I wasn’t there and I don’t know what Reggie said to you, but when I saw him again first time after our fight he basically told me, that, like, I should be grateful that you didn’t dump me, cause he would have done so. He made it sound like it was all my fault. Maybe he was just being shady, but it was all too fresh and I decided not to say anything to him because I didn’t want to fight.”
“He not your biggest fan no more, cause he had to listen to me cry one time too many after we ended. Then again when we were fucking around. He don’t understand why I loved you so much
 love you so much, even after all the shit we did. He knows we both fucked up, but he didn’t see you cry. He never seen you, like I see you all the time, cause you always have your guard up when he around. He’s a shady bitch, you a shady bitch and he kinda don’t understand that you not like this with me.”
“You could be right. I never thought about it like that.” Brock contemplates it and lays down, between Jose’s legs, places his head on his chest. “When he’s around we’re usually going out partying or just don’t spend much time together. I don’t think I ever had a really deep talk with him about anything. I tried once or twice, but he was being so extra I just gave up.”
“Want me to talk to him?” Jose wraps his arms around his shoulders and holds him tight.
“I think I’ll try on my own first and if I don’t succeed
 yeah. I’d love to be as close with Reggie as you are with Steve.”
“I love Steve,” Jose placed a kiss on Brock’s hair.
“Sorry, boo, he’s taken,” Brock chuckles.
“You such a dumb-ass sometimes.”
“Just sometimes?” Brock asks and strokes his nose over the exposed skin of Jose’s chest, kisses his collar bone, then his neck.
“Mmmh, rest of the time you alright,” Jose smirks before he leans down and seeks out Brock’s mouth with his. The kiss starts slow, but becomes deeper after a couple of minutes. To get more comfortable Jose slides down and rests his head on the pillow, before they continue their make-out session.
“Aren’t you glad right now I’m not heavier,” Brock mutters against his lips, then slips it back into Jose’s mouth before he can reply.
“Don’t care,” Jose says once he’s able to, then pulls Brock back down to him. Their tongues battle as they both breathe heavily. Brock slips one leg between Jose’s and starts moving his hips, grinding down on him, rubbing his growing erection against Jose’s thigh. Jo moves with him, moans loudly and grabs Brock’s ass with both hands so he can pull him even closer.
“God, Jo
 fuck,” Brock moans and rips their lips apart to breathe, but doesn’t stop moving his hips.
 if we don’t stop I’m gonna come in my fuckin’ pants.” Jose replies, equally out of breath and horny as hell.
“Get rid of them then,” Brock orders and slips his own shorts down. They are made of a sweat material, so it’s a lot easier than taking off Jose’s tight jeans shorts. He manages in the end and Jose knows he is absolutely no help, squirming for as much skin contact as he can get. “Fuck, we need to get off this blanket or we’ll ruin it,” Brock remembers just before Jose finds his lips again.
“Shit!” Jose slumps down on the blanket. Then he remembers something and sits up. Quickly he digs through his fanny pack and takes out Brock’s wallet that he has in there. With a triumphant cry he holds up the condoms, throws the wallet down on the blanket. “Put it on,” he tells Brock as he pushes one of the squares in his hand.
“You serious?” Brock sniggers.
“Do I look like I’m joking? You know, neither of us is prepped and even a blow job would be too risky. We won’t go back with cum-stains on us or anything else.” When Brock takes too long Jose takes the condom back, rips the foil open and puts it on Brock himself. Then he lies back down, grabs the front of Brock’s shirt and pulls him back down between his legs, Brock’s arms coming to rest on each side of Jose’s head. This time their crotches touch directly, hard cock sliding against hard cock, the slickness of the condoms helping. They kiss deeply as they grind and rut against one another, Jose’s hands on Brock’s ass dictating the pace.
 this is not
can’t come like this,” Brock gasps after a while. They are both on the brink, but can’t make it over. And as nice as this is, they are still somehow in public and shouldn’t take unnecessary risk.
Jose slips a hand between them, takes both of their dicks in his hand and holds them closer, starts moving up and down. Bock keeps circling his hips, but it’s still not enough. Jose slips his other hand down as well and Brock has to lift his hips just a tad. He groans at the loss of contact. A second later he groans again, because his balls are being massaged gently. Now it’s enough! It only takes a couple of strokes and they both come; Brock with a gasp and Jose with a loud moan. Then they look at each other and start laughing, can’t believe what they just did.
“We losing it, toes. We can’t behave on a fucking public beach,” Jose states as he takes his condom off, ties it.
“I know. I can’t believe we just did that. We’re turning into horny teenagers.” Brock agrees and takes his condom off as well and places it in a paper napkin, then holds it out for Jose so he can place his there, too.
“We always horny, just not in public.” Jose pulls his shorts back up.
“God, I hope no one saw us.”
“I hope no one filmed us! Maybe this one of these places where some fucker is filming.”
“It would not make for a good porn movie. All one could see is my naked ass moving around and you had your hands there most of the time.”
“Then you better put your shorts back on before someone posts your ding-a-ling anyway.” Both keep laughing as Brock puts his shorts back on. When their eyes meet however they are right back where they started within seconds: Kissing each other silly on the blanket. This time Jose’s on top.
A large screen is set up on the beach, lanterns illuminate the huge round beach beds that are set up, one for each couple. Also each couple has a table and drinks are already waiting there for them. When asked both Jose and Brock chose beer, thinking it is a much safer choice than more champagne or cocktails. Brock takes a sip of his beer before he leans back against the cushions  and Jose takes his own bottle with him as he snuggles up to his man.
“Have you seen this movie before?” he asks.
“Yes, I have, but way back when it came out. You?” Brock replies.
“Once during a movie night with friends at school, but I didn’t pay too much attention.”
“Too busy making out with your boyfriend?”
“No, girlfriend at the time,” Jose says and presses his lips against Brock’s cheek. “But I like making out with you wayyy more, even though you all scratchy right now.”
“You are not clean shaven either, papi,” Brock points out and Jose just chuckles and then takes a sip of his beer. Henry walks up to the screen, a microphone in hand.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to welcome you to our weekly movie night under the stars. Today we will show "Notting Hill” staring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. I hope you enjoy the movie. Afterwards we all invite you to stay and dance away to the most romantic movie songs of all times. Thank you!“
"Oh, dance night. Think we can stay and watch these straight people get it on on the dance floor?” Jose tilts his head up to look at Brock.
“If you behave during the movie.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he pushes himself up in a sitting position and Brock flinches, because he uses his stomach to do so.
“It means: No indecent yelling when you don’t like something, no insults, no throwing something at the screen, no sucking noises, no kicking of other people’s seats and keep your hands out of my pants,” Brock lists the things Jose has actually done in the past when they were at the movie theater.
“You boring,” Jose huffs and pouts but then has to laugh. He knows he’s done all of the things Brock just listed. He lies back down in Brock’s arms and puckers his lips again to get another kiss before the movie starts.
Jose really does behave this time and even manages to whisper his comments at a volume so only Brock hears him.
Brock surprises him when he quietly mouths along the words of the theme song when the couple on screen kisses for the first time. “All day long I can hear people talking out loud. But when you hold me near you drown out the crowd. Try as they may they can never define what’s being said between your heart and mine. The smile on your face lets me know that you need me.”
“You bet!” Jose whispers back and lets his fingers find the patch of skin that is exposed at the top of Brock’s shirt.
“There’s a truth in your eyes saying you’ll never leave me.”
“Try and get rid of me.”
“The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me wherever I fall.”
“If I can hold your tall ass.” Brock gives him a look that says ‘really?!’
“You say it best,” Jose smiles widely at that, happy about the compliments. This is so romantic. “
when you say nothing at all.” Brock continues and tries to keep a straight face, but fails.
“Asshole!” Jose’s voice can be heard over the movie as he slaps Brock’s chest hard. Brock erupts in a fit of giggles, that Jose and some other people soon join.
They stay after the movie is over, because they spot Magnus and Margaret at a table and join them again. Brock tells the story of his hang-over and Jose recounts their day and their picnic trip, but leaves out the dirty details. A make-shift dance-floor has been set up in the sand and some couples sway to whatever cheesy songs the DJ plays for them.
“Oh, I wish I could dance like this.” Margaret gushes and watches the dancing couples enviously when an upbeat Salsa rhythm is played. None of the couples are particularly good and Jose wonders what some of them are even doing. There are only four people who know the correct steps and only two out of those are in rhythm. “I’ve always wanted to learn Salsa, but Magnus here is not a big dancer and also there’s not much of an opportunity where we are from.” Jose exchanges a look with Brock, then gets up from his chair.
“Senorita, may I have this dance?” he bows down in front of the elder woman and holds out his hand with a large smile.
“Oh, darling, really. I can’t dance Salsa.” She is hesitant.
“I’m gonna teach ya. Come on!” He insists and helps her up when she takes his hand. They kick off their shoes before he leads her to the dance floor in the sand. Slowly, he shows her the steps, then leads her through the moves.
“Darling, this is so fast,” she laughs when she stumbles again, but Jose keeps her upright.
“You can also fake it, Mary. Just swing your hips like this and shuffle your feet a bit,” he tells her and shows her how to move her hips the right way.
“Are you a professional dancer?” she laughs when she sees what he’s doing.
“Just Puerto-Rican,” he avoids answering the question directly and twirls her around. When the song ends, he carefully dips her back and they both laugh. Brock and Magnus applaud when they get back to the table.
“Did you see that Magnus? Your old wife knows how to dance Salsa!” Margaret is still out of breath as she sits down beside her husband.
“You looked good out there, papi,” Brock compliments and pecks Jose’s lips when he’s back in his seat.
“Coming from you, twinkle toes, that’s a real ass compliment. ” Jose feels really proud when he hears the praise and also sees it in Brock’s eyes. “He’s a ballerina,” Jose tells their new friends.
 was a ballet dancer,” Brock laughs.
“Your feet are still fucked up, so I get to say "is”.“
"See, I told you,” Margaret tells her husband. “The first time we saw you, I told him that you had to have some ballet training because of the way you carry yourself."
"Nailed it!” Jose exclaims.
“And what do you think he does?” Brock asks curiously and points to Jose.
“Oh, that’s harder
 I don’t know. Maybe something in showbiz? You said you’re from L.A. and there’s something about you
 Jose, I think you belong on stage. I don’t know, if that really is your job, though or you’re like
 an account by day, but you absolutely should be on stage.”
“You good. Real good,” Jose is genuinely impressed by her assessment.
“So you are? Am I right? Are you an actor?”
“That’s one way to look at it,” Brock sniggers.
“Bitch, you doing the same stupid shit as me, so stop laughing,” Jose swats at his chest.
“True,” Brock nods. “You got your phone here?”
“Yeah, need to take some cute ass pics of us. Why?”
“How about we show them? I’m sure you still have those videos of the tour saved.”
“You bet I do,” Jose says with pride, because the videos of him and Brock on stage together during their first tour are his favorite thing ever. He hands his phone to Brock, who unlocks it with his pin, then flips through the videos he has saved and throws him an incredulous look when he realises how many naked pics and videos of him Jose has saved up. Then he chooses a video of the two of them dancing to a Rihanna remix that features both the elegance and sluttiness of Brooke Lynn and the hood style and heart of Vanjie.
Brock moves his chair closer to their the elder couple while Jose gets up and stands behind them, so he can see the video as well.
“Oh my god! That’s you?” Margaret gasps when the camera zooms in on their faces and she realises what she is watching.
“Kind of,” Brock chuckles. “We’re professional drag queens and this is what we do for a living.”
“Unbelievable!” Magnus says. “Are you in Vegas or something? I’ve never seen anything like this!”
“You’re both so beautiful!”
“I used to be in a couple of Vegas shows. We also touring, did some Broadway and West end, TV shows. Brock is a host on a TV show in Canada
 we kinda do it all for the money money money.”
“So, you are both dancers, just in women’s clothes. This is so good! Let us know if you ever come to Sweden and we will come and see your show!” Margaret is so enthusiastic about it she is basically vibrating in her chair.
“I think we have a show coming up in Stockholm. I’ll check it later and let you know tomorrow,” Brock promises.
“But if you are both dancers then why are you sitting here with us old folk and aren’t out there dancing?” Magnus asks.
“Dunno if all these straight couples would like us romancing it up on the dance floor,” Jose replies, uncharacteristically shy. He is usually never like this, but he is not home, he knows none of these people and he can’t remember when he was in an all straight environment for days the last time. Surely not since he moved out of his mother’s house at seventeen.
“Oh darling, if they do, just ignore them. Idiots can be found everywhere, even here in paradise,” Margaret turns around and pats his arm.
“You know what, Margaret is right,” Brock decides and gets up. “You wanna dance?” he asks Jose just as a new song comes on.
“Really?” Jose’s eyes widen.
“Really. Let’s go dance.”
“We’ve never danced together like this,” Jose says as they make their way to the beach dance-floor.
“Then that’s a good time for it. Question only is, if you gonna let me lead,” Brock smirks. He wraps his arms around Jose’s waist, while Jose’s wrap around his neck, his head resting on his shoulder and they start to sway to the song.
“J.Lo played this. It’s Maid in Manhattan.”
“What?” Brock doesn’t understand what he is taking about.
“The song, 'Fall again’ is from the movie 'Maid in Manhattan’ and J.Lo plays the lead.”
“You’re right. I love the movie. The kid is so cute.”
“And Ralph Fines is kinda hot in it.”
 he can’t be hot in anything. He is Voldemort,” Brock scrunches up his face and Jose guffaws, then hides his face in Brock’s shoulder again.
“You can’t turn away, the past is said and done. I need us to carry on,” Jose mouths along with the words, the words spoken against Brock’s neck. When Jose looks up and smiles, he gets lost in Brock’s eyes and kisses him while they keep dancing.
They break apart with laughter when the next song starts and they both recognise it, like almost all other couples. Strangely most men flee the dance floor, while the women rush over to dance, singing along with the famous song.
“Can you do it?” Jose asks Brock mischievously and of course Brock knows what he’s talking about.
“Sure, we did similar stuff on tour all the time. And if we fall, at least it’s sand and not a hard stage floor,” Brock agrees.
“Let’s show these straight people how you do it,” Jose exclaims excitedly and they start re-enacting the choreography of Dirty Dancing’s 'Time of my life’- at least the parts they remember.
At first no one really takes notice of what they are doing. They scream the lyrics along with the rest of the people, goof off by twirling each other around and give each other exaggerated longing looks, before having a giggle fit. Then however Brock lifts Jose up and twirls him, just like in the movie and a circle forms around them. Aware of the audience they get a bit more serious about what they are doing and start the show for real.
“There’s no stage to jump off,” Brock laughs when he remembers what’s next.
“You can do it,” Jose laughs and watches when Brock jumps up and does the triple tour barefoot, in his shorts and T-shirt. The crows cheers when he lands. “That’s my ballerina!” Jose yells with glee and winks at Margaret and Magnus, who have joined the crowd watching them. Jose dances over to them and dances with Margaret again, while Brock dances with a couple of other women, until their eyes catch when they know the big moment is coming.
“You ready?” Brock yells over to him.
“You better catch me, bitch!” Jose yells back before he starts running, jumps and Brock holds him over his head in the iconic pose of the movie. “Yes! I’m flying!” Jo screams over the applause of the spectators. Brock nearly drops him because he starts laughing so hard. He manages to get him down safely and they exchange a couple of kisses between laughter and then simply goof around some more for the rest of the song.
When it ends and they leave the dance floor with Margaret and Magnus and walk back over to their table, they get stopped a couple of times and are complimented and praised and even get friendly pats on the backs from their volleyball buddies.
“Here,” Magnus says when they sit back down and hands Jose his cell phone. “I don’t know much, but I know you don’t need to unlock the phone to take pictures and videos. I hope I got it all.”
“You filmed our dance?” Brock exclaims happily, excited that they have this moment on camera.
“I hope so.” Jose checks his phone and clicks through the video. It’s all there. The whole dance.
“Magnus, I could kiss ya!” Magnus only taps his right cheek with one finger and Jose places a loud smooch on it. Then he watches the whole video, keeps replaying it and shows his favorite parts to Brock. “Hey, Brock?”
“Yes, Jose, you can upload the video on instagram with whatever crazy caption you’ve come up with. Don’t forget to tag me.”
“How did you
?” Jose is speechless.
“I know you, papi.” Brock chuckles and kisses him softly.
Ten minutes later two clips of the video are uploaded to Jose’s instagram account. Caption says:  Miss Vanjie, Miss Brooke Lynn, Do a spin, do a dip, just jump on the dick. #nobodyputmytwinkletoesinthecorner #dirtydancingdonetheVanjieway #Brocktakin'metonewHytes
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afjakwritesarchive · 6 years
Can I request some vampire USUK with some sort of soulmates twist? Bonus if only Arthur is a vamp at the beginning!
Title: A Long WaitPairing: USUKWords: 2,817Rating: TAU: Vampire Arthur/Human AlfredGenre: RomanceSummary: Arthur Kirkland waited nearly 200 years to meet his soulmate. A/N: Thank you for the request my dear! I had a lot of fun with this one! :) Love me some vampire Arthur ;) 
Arthur Kirkland was 110 years old when his soulmate tattoo appeared. It had been a rainy day in London, and he was walking home from work. The year was 1949, and he’d pushed the sleeve of his suit jacket back in order to check the time at just the right moment. He’d watched the words in their black print as they wound around his wrist, one letter at a time. The first words his soulmate would ever speak to him.
His soulmate.
At the time, Arthur had been overcome with emotion. He’d dropped his umbrella and began to cry right there in the street, so overjoyed at the sight of the tattoo he’d missed ever since he’d been old enough to understand what it’s absence meant. He hadn’t cared what it had said. It wasn’t until later that day, when he’d calmed down enough to read the words on his wrist, that he’d become confused.
He’d immediately rushed to Francis, a vampire like him, but who was much older. Though Arthur wasn’t sure exactly how old Francis was as the man was a bit coy about his age, Arthur knew he was at least 400. He was sure that Francis would have a clue as to why his soulmate tattoo was finally revealing itself after over one hundred years of waiting, and he was right. Francis had explained that a soulmate tattoo wouldn’t appear until the birth of one’s soulmate was within the next fifty years. Being that Arthur’s had appeared on July the fourth of 1949, Arthur’s soulmate wouldn’t even be born until July 4th of 1999.
Though this had put a considerable damper on Arthur’s excitement, the simple notion that he actually had a soulmate was more than enough to permanently brighten his spirits. He’d walked with a new spring in his step for years after, and though he’d eventually calmed down, he couldn’t help but for his heart to flutter each time another July fourth passed.
When 1999 finally came, Arthur had thrown a party for the fourth of July. While he wasn’t all that patriotic, he’d moved to America three years prior and had a decent excuse to throw the party. Francis, who had accompanied Arthur to the states, had helped his friend and all of their guests to get far too drunk, and the celebration had lasted well into the wee hours. Arthur remembered standing on the roof of his small home, his arm slung across Francis’s shoulders as he shouted drunkenly to the neighborhood: “Happy birthday, my love!”, and Francis’ equally slurred echo: “Happy birthday, Arthur’s soulmate!”
Afterward, with each year that passed, Arthur had continued to celebrate his soulmate’s birthday, though more privately. No longer did he throw parties for the Fourth of July—rather, he bought some sort of ‘Fourth of July’ paraphernalia with the year on it, along with a bottle of wine and a candle, celebrating to himself. Each year, as he lit the candle, he’d smile at the flame and murmur into it: “Happy birthday, my love.”
The years had passed quickly. Currently, it was February of 2018—Arthur’s soulmate would be twenty years old in a matter of months. Arthur was growing increasingly excited to meet his soulmate with every passing day. Though there was a strong possibility that he wouldn’t meet his soulmate until he was older, Arthur had a feeling that he’d meet his soulmate while they were somewhat young. Arthur felt a bit guilty about that—though physically he was only twenty-four, in reality he was twenty years shy of two hundred, and he knew he wasn’t exactly the most “modern” of people. He had trouble with technology and new trends, preferring old fashioned things in many aspects of his life. He hoped his soulmate wouldn’t grow frustrated with him and his lack of connection to modern technology.
Presently, Arthur was seated in a coffee shop on the outskirts of the city he was currently living in. It was a small, secluded place the Brit had taken a particular liking to thanks to the extensive array of tea flavors they offered, created by the owner of the shop herself. Each cup was brewed with the utmost care by the employees, all family or friends of the elderly owner and her middle-aged son. It was a cozy, comfortable place which reminded Arthur of his own family, all of whom had long since passed away. His only living relative was an elder brother of his, also a vampire, whom Arthur had been estranged from for over a century.
Arthur stood to leave the small shop, leaving a few dollars on the table as he always did. He’d hardly taken a step away from the table when, to his great surprise, a large man suddenly walked directly into him. Arthur let out a cry of surprise and took a step back, his hands coming up to grip the man’s muscular biceps in the same moment. With the aid of his enhanced speed and strength, he reacted swiftly and easily caught the man before he could fall and take Arthur to the ground with him.
“Holy shit, dude, I’m so fucking sorry!” Cried a loud voice.
Arthur froze in his place with his pale hands still gripping the man tightly. He looked up, green eyes widened beyond belief, and gazed into the face of the man in front of him.
He was beautiful—even more beautiful than Arthur could have imagined. He was much taller than Arthur, at least a foot, and he looked down at the Brit with an apologetic, friendly smile. He had gorgeous, plush lips and tan skin dotted with faint freckles. His hair was a lovely golden color and contained one cowlick which stood stubbornly apart from the rest of his silky-looking strands. His eyes were a hypnotic, bright, beautiful blue which immediately pulled Arthur in and refused to let him go. Currently, they were filled with confusion at the Brit, who had said nothing and was still holding him.
“Hey, are you alri—”
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you,” Arthur interrupted quickly, his voice coming out in a gasp due to the rush of emotions he was feeling.
The man stilled momentarily, shocked. Then, the most lovely smile Arthur had ever had the pleasure of looking upon spread across his handsome, slender face and he leapt forward, throwing his arms around Arthur and lifting him easily off the ground.
“Dude! Oh my god, I’ve been waiting for you too! I—Holy shit, I can’t believe my words to you were so stupid, I’m so sorry. Yours were so romantic and mine were total shit, damn it!” He cried, laughing jovially as he gently set the Brit down on his feet.
Arthur couldn’t contain the smile on his own pale face as he gazed up at the man. “I’ll forgive you since you’re absolutely divine,” he said, chuckling.
“God, dude, I-I can’t believe it! Oh my god, tell me everything about you! What’s your name, how old are you, where are you from? England, right?” Asked the man quickly.
“I’m Arthur Kirkland, twenty-four, and yes, I’m from England. And you?”
“I’m Alfred Jones and I’m nineteen! Born and raised in Delaware!”
Their conversation continued on with Arthur and Alfred speaking excitedly. They both took an eager interest in the other and quickly grew to like the other. They both left the cafe giddy with excitement at heaving met their soulmates. Of course, they’d exchanged phone numbers and made plans to meet the following week for their first official date.
From there, their relationship progressed quickly. Weeks together turned to months, and soon they’d been together six months. Arthur had learned more about the eccentric, excitable American he was to call his soulmate, and had fallen head over heels for him in a matter of weeks. He was absolutely enamored by the American despite his many quirks, finding everything he did completely perfect. Even Francis approved of Alfred, agreeing that his cheerful personality was the perfect complement to Arthur’s naturally abrasive, sarcastic nature.
It was when they were sitting down together on the couch in Arthur’s luxurious penthouse, Alfred laying with his head rested upon Arthur’s chest as they watched TV. Arthur had completely forgotten his lack of a heartbeat until Alfred had suddenly sat up almost twenty minutes into the program, propped up on his elbow and frozen in place.
“Love? What is it?” Arthur asked, frowning. He couldn’t see Alfred’s face, only the back of his head, but his heart rate had quickened and he still hadn’t said anything, which was very unlike the usually obnoxious American.
“Hold on,” Alfred said, sitting up.
He reached out, pressing his hand over Arthur’s chest again, directly above his heart. Arthur could feel the warmth from the American’s palm pushing through the fabric of his sweater, radiating comfort against his cold, dead skin. His breath caught in his throat, suddenly realizing exactly what it was Alfred was looking for, and knowing he wouldn’t find it.
“A-Arthur?” Alfred asked after a moment of holding his hand in place, looking worriedly up into his boyfriend’s face.
All the blood had drained from Alfred’s face. His bright eyes were widened to the size of saucers and filled with horror, and his full lips were hanging open, clearly unsure of what to say or do.
Alfred gulped, looking guilty. He slowly reached for the American’s wrist, wincing when the American flinched and retracted his hand, bringing it to his lap. If he’d had a heartbeat, Arthur knew it would have stopped by now from the fear on Alfred’s face, the worry and horror swimming in his eyes as they flitted across Arthur’s figure.
” Arthur began softly, gulping.
The American was still gazing at him with horror in his eyes. “What's—Wh-What’s wrong with you, Arthur? Why don’t you have a heartbeat?” The American asked, his usually strong voice shaky and weak.
He scooted further away from his boyfriend on the couch and the Brit wanted desperately to reach out for the American, to wrap him in his arms and reassure him of everything, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t warm like a human, couldn’t offer Alfred the same comfort a human could. He wasn’t alive. He was a vampire—a cold, dead, soulless vampire, and Alfred had finally discovered his soulmate’s disgusting identity.
 Alfred, dearest, please, I
 I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to think I’m crazy. I swear there’s an explanation, but you have to trust me.” Said Arthur calmly, his green eyes pleading.
Alfred gulped and clasped his hands together in front of him. “Tell me, Arthur,” he said.
The Brit nodded grimly, his square jaw set with determination. He ached at the thought of telling Alfred the truth, for he knew the American would be far too afraid to be with him once he knew what he really was, but he couldn’t lie. He knew Alfred would figure it out eventually even if he convinced him now that he was normal—after all, there would come a day when Alfred would catch on to the fact that Arthur hadn’t aged a day since their first meeting.
 Alfred, I’m a vampire. I
 I’m not 24. I’ve been alive for a very, very long time.” Arthur admitted in a low tone.
For a moment, all was silent. Then, Alfred slipped off the couch and began to walk toward the door. Arthur moved to the edge of the couch and was about to call for the American when the man turned on his heel and walked back toward the couch. Then, he turned around again. He was pacing, Arthur realized with surprise.
“Darling, say something,” Arthur urged, standing up.
Alfred stopped in his tracks with his back turned to Arthur. “
I have no idea whether to believe you or not. If this were anyone else, I’d be out the door by now, but—” Alfred sucked in a deep breath and turned toward Arthur— “you’re my soulmate, and I’m ridiculously in love with you. Which is probably stupid, considering you’re obviously crazy.”
“I’m not—” Arthur cut himself off, knowing that arguing with Alfred wasn’t the best course of action. “I can prove it to you.”
Alfred gaped. “I’m not letting you drink my blood, if that’s what you mean. You’re probably just a freak who says this to try and convince people to give you blood for some weird fetish or something, or—” Alfred was cut off by his own scream as Arthur sped at him at an impossible speed.
In the next instant, he was in Arthur’s bedroom, being held tightly in Arthur’s arms. When he looked up, Arthur’s mouth was open and he was displaying two white fangs, to the American’s utter shock. “Wh—H-How—?!” Alfred asked, shoving against the man.
Arthur didn’t release him. Instead, he sped them back to the living room. Alfred’s mouth was open wide with shock and he immediately began to squirm again, jumping away from Arthur the second he was set back on his feet.
“You—How the fuck did you—?!” Alfred cried, his hands coming to his hair.
“Alfred, darling, please, look at me.” Arthur said. Once Alfred met his eyes, he continued. “I would never, ever hurt you, alright? And I will never keep anything from you again, I swear. This was my only big secret, I promise.” Arthur said gently, trying to reassure the American. “Please, Alfred. I love you.”
The American gulped in response. “S-So
 How do you eat?” He asked carefully, frightened.
Arthur blinked. “I would never drink from you if you didn’t want me to, darling. Among the supernatural community there are others who have warm blood and whoact as donors, providing warm blood. A vampire can stave off the need for blood for a while with human food, too.”
Alfred was still staring at him with fear in his eyes and Arthur couldn’t help but to feel ashamed. He should have known he would never be accepted for what he truly was. How could he have ever been foolish enough to think that a dead man could ever be worthy of Alfred, someone so very alive, as if life was just radiating from him in all directions. Alfred’s light had given Arthur the illusion of life, making him feel as though he were truly alive once more.
” Alfred paused a moment. “I should
 tell you something.” He said, gulping.
Arthur blinked, surprised. Alfred’s shoulders has slackened considerably and the fear in his eyes suddenly seemed more like surprise.
“What is it?” Asked Arthur.
Mattie is like you.” Alfred said. “I admit that it still freaks me out a little to meet vampires, but
 I believe you. And I know you aren’t dangerous.”
With that said, Alfred approached his boyfriend, taking the man’s cold, pale hand in his. Arthur smiled and squeezed it tightly, relishing in the contact and allowing relief to wash over him.
“Your twin is a vampire? How did that happen?” Arthur asked curiously.
“He said he got turned on his last visit to France.” Alfred said with a shrug. “All I know is that now he can do some awesome shit, and he promised to turn me in a couple years. I guess now you get to do the honors.” Alfred said, flashing Arthur a grin.
Arthur jolted. “Y-You want me to turn you?” He asked, gaping.
“When the time is right, yeah. I’m not about to die and let you move on,” Alfred teased.
Arthur grinned back at him, pushing himself up into his tiptoes and leaning inward to kiss the corner of Alfred’s mouth. “I waited almost two hundred years for you, my dear. I’d like to have at least triple that with you.” Arthur whispered gently against Alfred’s skin.
The American grinned, taking Arthur’s face in his hands. “Dude, you are so old.” He laughed.
Arthur rolled his eyes. “Time flies, darling. Soon you will be, too.” He retorted.
“As long as I get to be old with you, that’s fine.” Alfred replied, pulling Arthur into him for a kiss.
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benrockford-blog · 7 years
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is that CHRIS EVANS in woodridge? my mistake, it was just BENJAMIN ROCKFORD, who is THIRTY-ONE years old and is an ACTOR / MUSICIAN. HE has been living in woodridge for TWO YEARS. some say HE can be CHARMING & INTELLIGENT but also can be FLIRTATIOUS & RECKLESS. ( filling ann-kathrin’s wanted connection. )
hello hello kfjhdfg i’m caitlyn my timezone is cst, i’m 23 and honestly
. i’m such an angst / pain heaux ?? i’m so hype to bring ya’ll this burnt ass cupcake / trash bucket. i’ve got some stats / mini bio n things like that under the cut and some basic af connections for him up right HERE. i’m probably sleeping right now as i was silly and stayed up all night BUT if you’d like to plot w benjamin, please feel free to im me or like this bc i need all the plots?? like?? all of them ??
( trigger warnings: mentions of death, alcohol and drugs. )
ben was born and raised in la & happened to be the oldest of the three children his parents had.
his parents were pretty well known actors in their prime and because of it they weren’t at home a lot of the time.
but because of their passion for their work, benjamin was okay with them not being there that often and took care of his younger siblings whenever he needed to.
which wasn’t all that often because the rockford family had plenty of money for babysitters & nannies, meaning ben was able to slip off and get into a bunch of trouble.
which benjamin seemed to be extremely good at, getting sent home from elementary school all too often for causing some sort of chaos in the classrooms or halls.
but even though he was a troublemaker, he took after his parents and began acting at a very young age, getting his first gig at the age of 7.
which meant the spotlight that was on him just caused him to become extremely selfish and bratty.
his parents, of course, were upset with him and decided to enroll ben into a very, very prestigious school that had no tolerance for bad behavior, hoping that would calm ben’s reckless and troublemaker ways down some.
which it did, for a while. but not because of the school. ben started to act right just so that his parents weren’t disappointed or upset with him, not because the school ‘forced’ him to be that way.
because ben, ben was not the type to be forced into anything and people who came around him realized that fairly quick, knowing that he hated to be bossed around.
and people made sure they didn’t boss ben around because the few who had regretted that choice very quick. and it stayed that way all throughout the rest of elementary school and the first year of middle school.
but there was this new kid who came into town and decided that benjamin would be the perfect target for him to bully.
what this new kid didn’t know is that benjamin could and would end up knocking the bully on his ass in front of everyone, causing ben and the bully to both be expelled from the school.
this infuriated ben’s parents, causing his father to chew him out for days, causing ben to want to get out of the house & away from his parents.
so that’s what he did, he started sneaking out of his window at night, meeting up with a few of his friends from school.
they never really did much, walking around la, enjoying the weather.. sometimes they’d stop for ice-cream or something like that, but things changed once ben and his group of friends found some kids their age that went to a different school.
these kids were polar opposites of ben and his friends, constantly sneaking out, causing absolute chaos wherever they went and because of ben’s mischievous personality, he instantly became entranced with this group of people and found himself hanging out with them more often than not.
those kids ended up taking benjamin to a party that one of their older brothers was having and that’s where benjamin had his first taste of alcohol, something that would eventually become a huge part of his life.
the rest of his middle school years involved him trying to keep his grades up and put up a front that he was becoming the “good” kid they ‘raised’ him to be all while sneaking out at night to go to numerous parties and such.
but even though he loved going to those parties, he knew he needed to keep his grades up, knew that they were extremely important in the long run.
and he kept that mindset all throughout high school as well, busting his ass at school during the day and slipping out of the house to party at night.
however, he was a teenager, which meant he sure as hell lived like one. going to party after party, hooking up with whoever he felt like, trying any and every drug that was offered to him because the people who he hung out with made it seem so normal, like all of that was okay.
benjamin, though, got tired of the double lifestyle pretty quickly. trying to keep up with his acting career, high school and partying became too much and he knew he was worn far too thin for his age.
not to mention the fact that because of his fatigue from trying to do keep up with everything, his body started to crave certain drugs or alcohol, almost as if it needed those things to survive.. something that didn’t sit comfortably with ben. something he knew his parents would flip out about if they ever found out what he’d been into.
but things changed for the worse, in ways ben never imagined they could. he was at his best friends graduation party when he got a phone call from the los angeles hospital. his parents had been in a fatal wreck on their way home from a movie set and because he’d recently turned 18, his siblings were now his responsibility.
the news killed him, made him want to fall back into a reckless lifestyle, one that would probably end up killing him too. but he knew he couldn’t. his siblings didn’t deserve to loose someone and and he knew for a fact his parents would be so disappointed in him if he picked that lifestyle back up.
so, in the blink of an eye, he dropped all the ‘friends’ in his life that led him to believe that drinking and partying every single night was the normal and made sure he graduated high school with flying colors so that he could focus on his acting career.
one which was started to gain more and more momentum as he’d landed three huge movies in less than two months and his agent was trying to get him to star in a tv show as well.
which he did, causing him to have to go back to juggling his career, his family and his social life.. but it was all worth it to him. the fame that he’d gotten in such little time was something that intoxicated him in far worse ways than any drug he’d ever tried.
but deep down, he knew he wasn’t completely happy, he’d lost his parents.. nothing could ever replace them. not fame, not money, not sex
and so he began writing down his feelings, letting everything he’d had on his chest flow onto sheets of paper and eventually turned them into songs.
he wasn’t a singer, that much everyone knew, but he could play guitar and piano and once his agent found that out, he found yet another way to wear benjamin thin. a record label, one that had the best singers who could take his music and make number one hits out it.
three movies, one tv show and constant trips to and from a recording studio meant that benjamin’s duty to his siblings began to dissipate day after day until he came back to his penthouse to see a note from his sister. they’d left, packed up and gone in the middle of the day because they were tired of living in ben’s shadow.
yet another blow to an already broken and worn down young man.
another blow that he couldn’t handle, another thing that let him back to alcohol and drugs. anything to numb himself from the world for a brief moment. anything to make him forget about everything.
but he couldn’t do that for long as he had press conferences, photoshoots and everything else that came along with fame to go to, but that didn’t matter to him.. and so he started going to said events drunk or high, making a fool of himself where so many people were able to see it.
and things stayed that way for a while, his agent getting onto him daily that he needed to straighten his act up or he wouldn’t have anyone wanting him for a damn thing.
ben knew that wasn’t true, though. he was one of the best up-and-coming actors and everyone in the damn business wanted a piece of benjamin rockford. information like that made his ego inflate ten times too big.
so he continued to be known as “the wild card” or “the party boy” to the media, eating up every single good and bad comment that was made about him because at the end of the day, he was still making money and being able to numb himself whenever he pleased and that’s all that mattered to him.
until he got cast in a 'chick flick’ of sorts, something he’d never done before. he was an action kinda guy, that’s what people hired him for, but not this time.. and it threw ben for a loop.
so much so he had to take a leave from the tv show he was on to be able to focus for this movie, to be able to give it everything he had, just like he did with every other role he was ever cast in.
and then he met his co-star. she was an up-and-coming actress, not unlike him.. but god, she was so humble.. so kind and so generous that it made ben fall head over heels for her faster than he could have ever imagined.
he wasn’t known for that, he was known for hooking up with a new person every night of the week, not falling for one single person and wanting to be with said person for the long run.
to ben’s surprise, though, she fell for him too.. and she changed him. she retaught him how to be the kind, caring, loving person he used to be before his parents died and he knew he’d do anything in the world for her. even if the press thought they were far too young to be talking about love like they were.
maybe they were right, maybe twenty one was too young to get engaged, and considering they’d only been dating for six months
 but they didn’t care. young love would prevail, or so they thought.
the engagement only lasted three months, called off because she fell in love with one of their co-stars and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.
another blow to his heart, another thing that caused him to spiral back towards that lifestyle that’d end up killing him, but god, he needed to be numb if he was going to have to be around the two any time they were at work. it was either that or the other guy end up with a black eye and some broken bones.. but ben knew it couldn’t go there.. that he couldn’t afford that.. so he went back to drinking and drugs to numb himself.
but the media had grown tired of “the party boy” title that benjamin had made for himself, the articles about him growing far more hateful day after day until one day benjamin snapped on a reporter that tried to ask him if he had anything to do with his siblings dipping out of la like they did.
one little mistake caught on camera was enough to cause the jobs to come to a halt, leaving benjamin lost and confused.
that was until his agent told him that maybe a 'vacation’ of sorts would do benjamin some good, handing him the tickets to a town he’d visited a few times for press conferences and conventions where he was promoting the movies he stared in.
ben thought it was a joke at first, rolling his eyes and batting the tickets way from him as if they were laced with poison. but it wasn’t a joke and after a few weeks of thinking about it, benjamin decided that maybe, just maybe his agent was right. he needed a break, from everything. and a small town like that seemed like the perfect place to get said break.
so he packed up his things and he was off, hoping that maybe he’d find some balanced lifestyle in woodridge, hell, he didn’t know what he was looking for in all honesty. all he knew was that it was a fresh start. a way to make a name for himself that wasn’t “the party boy”.
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, anger and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him.
wears glasses to read and mess w computers, but hates them a lot and probably won’t wear them if people are around.
loves suits & everything expensive.. will probably look like he just came out of a photoshoot like 8 times outta 10 ??
however, he rocks jeans, v-necks, shorts, sweats, leather jackets and anything that makes him look like your typical fuckboi jock?? it’s kinda his aesthetic.
has a motorcycle and it’s his baby.. has a car too but only uses it when the weather is too cold for him to ride.
highkey still a hotmess on the inside.
loves halloween so much?? even though it’s his birthday?? he gets so hype for that holiday it’s unreal.
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators at conventions & press related things.
lowkey worried that people in woodridge will figure out that he’s not the asshole role that he plays on a daily basis and is actually a very hurt person bc if people started realizing that, he’d have to start feeling again and tbh, he don’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet?? like boy chill the hell out ??
will try to get everyone to go to bars n parties with him because that’s his life in a nutshell.
hella nerd on the inside though like owns so many comic books, loves to play video games, read books, write songs & all that jazz.
is a musician but pretends he doesn’t know why people think that because playing instruments for him means remembering his parents and sad times because that’s all he’s ever written music for.
super, super intelligent. had he not gone into acting, he’d probably be working for nasa or something idk.
every once in a while he’ll fall back into that drinking pattern and start drinking too heavily, but will cover it up so frickin quick if people start to catch on.
he cares
 god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
full of horrible and cheesy pick up lines and jokes and frequently texts people said pick up lines and jokes.
owns a book that is full of nothing but blank pages and keeps it on his coffee table because he 'relates’ to it.
is still a highkey hoe but he keeps it on the dl now because he’s trying to clean up his image so that one day he can move back to la and start working again.
speaking of
.. might be a highkey dom yikes
super into fitness as it’s a way to keep him away from drinking every evening.
fell in love with boxing and can be seen at the gym almost every night.. also has bruised knuckles 24/7 because of it as it’s a way to take out his aggression and feelings out on a punching bag instead of letting people see that broken side of him.
actually super kind and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall.
is one of those people who’s instagram feed is nothing but pictures of his dogs and food.
will also talk about his dogs more often than he talks about his life.
highkey into cuddling and all the cute shit like that but would literally never tell a soul because then they’d see that he isn’t such a hardass.
is a burnt cupcake who has really good intentions but has horrible execution skills.
loves his job more so than he could ever tell anyone and will gush about all of the awesome opportunities he’s been able to have being in the acting business.
full name: benjamin rhys rockford.
nickname(s): ben, benji.
age: thirty-one.
date of birth: october 31st.
zodiac sign: scorpio.
place of birth: los angeles, california.
gender: cis-male.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
romantic orientation: bisexual.
religion: n/a.
occupation: actor / musician.
language(s) spoken: english, french, spanish, welsh, russian, korean, japanese, italian, romanian, greek, gaelic and bulgarian.
accent: american.
face claim: chris evans.
hair color: blonde / brown.
eye color: blue.
height: 6â€Č 1″.
weight: 225 lbs.
build: athletic.
label: the facade.
positive traits: charming, intelligent, adventurous, lighthearted.
negative traits: flirtatious, reckless, sarcastic, closed off.
fears: acrophobia & claustrophobia.
hobbies: playing video games, reading books / comics, boxing, pool, going to sports events, soccer, football, going to the gym, playing guitar, playing piano, cooking, hiking, camping, fishing, golf.
quirks: belives in karma, fights for animal rights, fights for gender equality, fights for human rights, fights for marriage equality, wears mismatched socks ( sometimes ), counts stairs, plays with fire, plays a musical instrument, boxes, enjoys nature, tells the truth / can be brutally honest, uses bad puns whenever possible.
likes: rain, thunderstorms, cars, shoes, boxing, sports, nighttime, fall, traveling, swimming, cooking, art, astronomy, greek history, food, animals, cuddling, movie marathons, comic books.
dislikes: seafood, heat, bad traffic, being bossed around, bullies.
father: james elliot rockford. ( deceased. )
mother: lucille rose williams-rockford. ( deceased. )
sibling(s): a younger sister & younger brother. ( living. )
pet(s): two siberian huskies named balto and steele.
financial status: upper class.
myers-briggs: estp-a
enneagram: type 8 ( the challenger. )
temperament: choleric.
hogwarts house: slytherin / ravenclaw.
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Vacation in Puerto Vallarta - Top Ten Reasons
1. Climate
Warm during the winter and humid in the summer, Puerto Vallarta Limousine has the perfect location on the map; just below the desert, but not too much as to make the tropical heat unbearable. In fact it is right on the 20° North Latitude below the Tropic of Cancer, that's right same as Hawaii. Puerto Vallarta combines the lushness of the jungle with the beauty of the Sierra Madre Mountains and the wonder of the Pacific Ocean. The ocean breeze and the fresh mountain air combine with the unrivaled sunny days Mexico is known for, to create the best weather in the world. It is no wonder why Puerto Vallarta has become a favorite vacation spot. Vallarta boasts three hundred sunny days a year, some of those being hot summer days that then get a refreshing rain. If you are ever in Puerto Vallarta anytime from the beginning of November through to the end of May you will find yourself in a paradise hard to leave behind.
2. Great value for your money
While it is a commonly known fact that the peso is worth less than the dollar, be it US or Canadian, you never truly appreciate it quite as much as when you vacation in Mexico. Being on vacations and knowing that your hard earned money can buy you twice as much fun as it could back home is simply refreshing. And for those lucky enough to be permanent vacationers whose retirement dollars allow them a life equal or better to what they had back home when they still worked, it is simply incredible. Getting more for less is good on anyone's book, but when talking real estate this is simply great. One can get a beautiful home for the price of a New York studio. On top of that, Puerto Vallarta has a large array of first class real estate developments, from stunning penthouses, state of the art smart homes on the beach to rustic homes on the mountain side, many built with Americans and Canadians in mind so just make your choice and become one of those people on vacations for life.
3. Stunning beaches
Nothing new for Mexican destinations, but Puerto Vallarta has a great story to tell. In 1964 American film director John Huston, chose Mismaloya beach in Puerto Vallarta, as the location for his film The Night of the Iguana, starring Richard Burton and Ava Gardner. Huston also brought in, his soon-to-be-wife Elizabeth Taylor, putting Puerto Vallarta in the international spotlight and making its beaches world famous. But Mismaloya is only one of a plethora of enchanting beaches that offer something for all walks of life. Whether you're an adrenaline junkie looking to do some kite surfing or simply someone that likes to lay by the water being tended to, Puerto Vallarta has the right beach for you. Many of those beaches have been certified by the Mexican Government for their cleanliness and beauty. By the north end of the Bay you can find fine sand beaches that extend for kilometers. On the other end you find small island coves only accessible by water. Imagine taking your loved one by water taxi to a private beach cove and spending a romantic afternoon. Puerto Vallarta's beaches are waiting for you to come and lay by their waves.
4. Amazing mountains
This is what puts Puerto Vallarta in a completely different league from other vacation destinations. It is not the typical Mexican resort destination with exquisite beaches and luxury hotels, I mean, it does have those things, but the Sierra Madre Mountains and their tropical forests with lush jungle vegetation, give the town a completely different atmosphere, far away from the "just beach and nothing else to do" kind of destination. The beauty of this vacation destination spawns from the fact that the bay is nestled in the Sierra Madre Mountains. They surround the bay like a mother's bosom protecting it and offering magnificent views. There is nothing that compares to watching the sun rise in the mountains every day and set in the Pacific Ocean. During the summer season the rains make the surrounding mountains glow an emerald green that is difficult to explain by mere words. A hike up the mountain trails will take you to a time long before when mankind was one with nature and you to will feel its beckoning. The vegetation and the bird calls combine to the mystic feel of being surrounded by mountains.
5. Mexican Culture
You just can't get bored with it. The mixture of indigenous traditions with Spaniard customs has produced an amazingly rich culture, an explosion of color, spirituality, flavors, images and sounds that will never stop impressing you. Slowly discovering the little idiosyncrasies of this beautiful culture is one of the best rewards for visiting Puerto Vallarta and once you start to understand Mexican culture, you will only want to learn more. But don't look only for the exotic side of it, the "DĂ­a de Muertos" or the religious pilgrimages, for instance, even when those celebrations are actually quite impressive, there are is much more to discover on the day-to.day life of Mexico. You might travel for the beaches and just to have some relaxing vacations, but if you are open to it, Mexican Culture will surprise you.
6. The people
You have to travel a lot in order to be qualified to compare people and cultures. Well, I have done it, and I can tell you that, there are no warmer people in the world. Mexicans always smile, they always say "please" and "thank you", they will kiss and hug you, so be prepared; they will touch you all the time, they are a happy people and they like to show it. You will have a lot of fun around them, they will make you feel at home, you just have to let go and learn from their laid-back and unpretentious attitude towards life. This way to understand life, where people work to live and not live to work, might be arguable, but for a place like Puerto Vallarta, where people travel to forget for a while about the problems of daily life, it's just perfect.
7. Things to do
There is almost everything to do, except maybe those boring winter games that include snow and cold, Puerto Vallarta offers to visitors a formidable variety of activities. Eco-tours, golf (7 courses), ATV's, scuba diving, canopy, whale-watching, swimming with dolphins or sea lions, a theater, museums, plenty of art galleries, gourmet restaurants, festivals (film, food, wine), surfing, botanical gardens, old towns to visit, a zoo, lots of discotheques and nightclubs, and much, much more. I am telling you, this place is worth the trip. Whether your dream vacation consists of lounging by the beach or zipping from tree top to tree top Vallarta has it. If you want to enjoy a five star gourmet dinner or just have tacos at a stand, this is the right place to come. The culture scene the little coffe shops in old town add to the incredible allure of this great city. Many visitors come because the large array of Puerto Vallarta tours and activities.
8. Accessibility from USA and Canada
Accessibility is not to be forgotten when planning a vacation. There are some other incredible corners in the world, but somehow they are always plenty of flight hours to Puerto Vallarta. Many cities in the US and Canada have direct flights to Puerto Vallarta, making it so easy and cheap to come down there, that it makes it even harder to invent excuses for not spending a week or maybe just a weekend in such a beautiful place. Puerto Vallarta is just a three hours flight from Los Angeles, and that is all it takes to feel like you are in a complete different world, the mountains, the rivers and the ocean make their presence felt at every corner, but you won't miss civilization a bit, as luxury hotels have everything in place to make you feel at home. On top of that the ongoing commercial relationships provided by NAFTA allow for crossing of people and goods without mayor hassles.
9. Services
This point is mentioned quite a lot by the large expat community in Puerto Vallarta (nearly 50,000 and growing). One of the biggest fears of those moving abroad USA and Canada is that they might not get the same quality services at the places they move to. But that's just not the case with Puerto Vallarta, as the city has defined its identity as a perfect place for retirees and developed the proper infrastructure to please them. You will find excellent medical services, a big focus on security, a diversity of financial businesses and all kinds of information and technology services, such as high-speed internet, digital cable TV and everything to help you avoid missing home while you are on vacations in Mexico.
10. The nightlife
Especially on Spring Break, but not limited to it. The "Malecon", a beautiful boardwalk by the beach, has been called "Puerto Vallarta's Bourbon Street" because it has club after club open all night long. World famous club brands as Hard Rock Café, Señor Frog's or La Bodeguita del Medio (where Hemingway used to go in Havana), compete with local clubs such as Mandala, Zoo or Punto V, to see who throws the best party in town. There is the world famous "Foam Party" at Collage every Tuesday and many salsa discos to feel the Latin vibe. Puerto Vallarta also has its own share of electronic festivals with some of the best DJs in the world, playing outdoors till dawn, with people dancing and jumping in the sand just a few steps away from the ocean.
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