#movie nights with Elvis ig
doll-elvis · 1 year
Joe Esposito, road manager of Elvis, personally bought the copy of this film in December of 1973 after Elvis told him to “get that movie” due to all the hype it was getting. Elvis told the guys it was a Christmas gift and it became a running joke that Elvis “needed this” as his divorce to Priscilla was just finalized in October. They also joked that Elvis wanted to watch it alone before them. In January of 1974 Elvis brought the film to the Hilton Hotel for his engagement in Las Vegas where he played the movie after nearly every show in his penthouse. At the request of Elvis, Linda Lovelace actually came to a party at his penthouse (accompanied by her boyfriend so no funny business) where they met for the first time.
“To Elvis + the Boys : Merry Christmas & deep throat to you too” 💀
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Pictured: Elvis’s personal copy of the legendary adult film “Deep Throat” starring Linda Lovelace
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woozingie · 2 years
suspicious minds
member: woozi word count: 495 genre: fluff content warning: crying at a movie and being lovingly teased about it?  note: that 1am inspiration strikes again, business as usual! obviously inspired by my afternoon seeing elvis (i found it pretty bad but austin butler was incredible) elvis and the beatles were the only gods in my house growing up, hence the emotional reverence found here!
jihoon’s head turns to you suddenly, features translating his worry. it’s hard to tell if you’re alright in the darkness of the movie theatre, but as the scene changes and the screen lights up your face, he understands why your fingers tightened around the hand you had been holding since the romantic wedding scene about halfway through the film. 
“are you crying?” he whispers loudly, but you immediately shush him. it will have to wait until the credits roll, he thinks, so it can wait. you produce a handkerchief from your bag carefully placed on the seat to your left and dab at the tears on your cheeks, eyes still looking up at the screen. your chest starts to heave as a sob shakes you quietly. 
when the movie finally ends and the lights are turned back on, jihoon lets go of your hand and leans in closer to avoid attracting the attention of the crowd walking by you to exit the theatre. “what’s wrong?” he tries to read the look in your eyes but you’re busy folding your handkerchief like it’s the most fascinating task in the world. your boyfriend’s fingers close around your wrist and shake it lazily to get an answer out of you. you sigh then, unsure of how he’ll react to your emotional outburst. but he’s so set on finding out, you might as well give it to him straight. 
“it’s just so sad! the song in that scene was so pretty, and he died so young... if only he were still alive... his voice was so beautiful...” you look up and do your best to keep fresh new tears from falling, so you miss the incredulous look on jihoon’s face. “you’re crying because he died? forty-three years ago?” you yank your wrist out of his grasp and give him a look meant for him to understand this was not the right answer. “it’s a shame he died! we need beautiful voices singing to us now more than ever!” you snap as you collect your things hastily, as if leaving the room would put this awkward moment behind you. following you down the stairs back to the cinema entrance, you hear jihoon’s smirk as he observes, “but i’m a singer too? don’t i sing well enough?” you stop dead in your tracks then, and turn around mightily annoyed. is he for real? are you really getting this annoyed over the long gone king? “jihoon, you’re no elvis!” your voice is hushed as if the legend could hear you speak his name in a vain comparison. you stomp down the stairs, still too hung up on your tear-inducing experience to deal with your teasing boyfriend. “don’t i make you cry when i sing?!” his voice is full of laughter as it follows you down the staircase and onto the street, but he makes sure to intertwine his fingers with yours when he catches up with you and steals a kiss from your pouty lips. 
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lovincherries · 2 years
Imagine Austin sneaking up behind you while you’re cooking dinner or something and in that deep southern accent he tells you about all the dirty things he wants to do to you
Dirty Dinner
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warnings: just dirty talk, breeding kink ig? No actual sex.
a/n: I’m leaving my vacation tomorrow so this is still a little blurb. Love y’all! Also, after this (and just the tip pt. 5 and trouble) I’m thinking about just using first person pronouns
You were cooking Austin’s favorite dinner tonight, he had worked so hard on the Elvis movie that he deserved something nice. He was getting back from an interview tonight, his last one for weeks to come. You knew he was exhausted, that this movie completely wore him out.
You were cooking in one of Austin’s big T-shirt’s, nothing but underwear on. It was what you were used to now that Austin was out of the house all the time, in all honesty you just didn’t want to get any of your nice clothes covered in food. To say the least, you were not a “clean” cook. Every time you made a meal, it got all over you, but it was always good. You were humming, listening to your music as you made the sauce for your spaghetti. Homemade was always better than store bought, that’s what your mom always taught you. You were reaching for salt, which Austin always put on the top shelf much to your dismay. You were well aware that your ass was completely out, but you didn’t care because Austin wasn’t supposed to be home for another hour.
The music was too loud and you were too focused on straining to reach the salt to hear Austin coming in. It wasn’t till he pressed his front into your back, reaching the salt for you did you notice him. You gasped in response, he completely scared the crap out of you.
“God, Austin, you scared me!!” You said loudly, attempting to turn around and hit his shoulder for coming up behind out. He didn’t let you though, his body left you pressed into the counter. His hand traced up your thigh lightly, leaving you shivering in response. The atmosphere became less light, and more dark, filled with lust.
“Didn’t mean to darlin’, just couldn’t resist. Your ass looked too good,” he leaned into the nape of your neck, kissing up it whispering into your ear. His right hand grasping harshly at your ass cheek, eliciting another gasp from your mouth.
“Austin!” You said in shock, not expecting your kind and loving boyfriend to be so rough. He chuckled darkly in your ear.
“What happens if i bent you over this counter? Huh?” He said darkly, pushing you down so your face was pressed against the cold granite. It let another chill go down you back, the coolness contrasting the heat on your cheeks. “Put a baby in you, maybe? Cooking a meal like this earns you a reward…” he continued, trailing off. He then began to reach his hand into your panties before he abruptly stopped, causing a whine to release from your mouth without you meaning to.
He leaned down to your ear, his hands still tracing your body, “but, we wouldn’t want dinner to burn,” he stated, cooly.
He released you without any warning, causing your knees to almost shake in response. Your breaths were rigid and your panties wet, and you knew you were in for a rough night in the best possible way.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
Vanessa comes off as attention seeking. She barely spoke about Austin after the split. Not until Elvis was released and his career took off. She starts being petty and leaving emoji's about his accent, knowing people are watching. She's been in the industry a long time, she's not stupid. Two years later, Austin has another huge movie out, here she is again making comments about him. It's intentional at this point. Austin is more relevant than she is in 2024. She hates it.
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You're right, she said not nary a peep for two years after their breakup until "Elvis" started having promo. 👀 I understand it's hard seeing your ex everywhere, but c'mon....
You're not the only one who's noticed this either lol. Other fans have picked up on it too lol. 😅
In fact, I was just telling another Anon just an hour or two ago that at this point, with Vanessa, I sort of feel like it's GOT to be one of three things:
1. Hurt feelings/Sour grapes/Resentment,
2. Using his name for clout or attention, OR
3. Unfinished business/Still have underlying feelings 🤷🏾‍♀️
Or, maybe it's all three at the same time ROTFL 🤣 I have no clue lol.
All I know is that when you're truly moved on from a situation, you're not having to talk about your ex all the time. In fact, it's a RED flag to me if I go out on a date with a guy, and he's talking badly about his ex gf. 👀 Even if he's saying how "oh you're sooo much better than my ex gf, because you're so understanding and loving and etc.....", my spidey senses IMMEDIATELY go up, I cross that guy off my list, and I make a mental note: "Okaaaay....sounds like YOU'RE not over your ex girlfriend!!" NEXT!!!
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The point isn't that he's saying all of these nice things about you in comparison to his ex, the point is the fact that he's still needing to bring up the ex in the first place. Major red flag imo. In fact, at this point, I almost feel bad for Cole.... 👀
She can talk about Cole w/out involving Austin. But when she talks about Cole, it's almost like she's trying so harrrrd to show why he's the one, and Austin was not.
I'll never forget that time when Austin was doing his SNL show, and that SAME night that he was hosting SNL, Vanessa posted a clip from SNL to her IG stories that involved Jennifer Coolidge (Austin wasn't in that skit at all lol), but I was just like, GIRL.... lol 🤣 It does seem attention-seeking at this point.
Like I said, if she were SINGLE it would be one thing, but the fact that she's MARRIED doing this stuff makes me go, "hmmm.....". 🤔
I'd be saying this about anyone who was still triggered by or talking about their ex 4 YEARS after a breakup lol.
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lindszeppelin · 10 months
I did not think they were PR and I was a follower of Mollie’s up until they went to the Era’s tour. Kaia is extremely close with Karlie Kloss (who is no longer friends with Taylor) and Mollie herself even speculated that when Kaia unfollowed Baz it was because he was at a party with Taylor the night before. Kaia’s dad’s tequila company is one of Taylor Swift’s sponsors and suddenly they show up to a VIP tent at her concert where a lot of celebrities are attending for attention/PR? I don’t think Austin is innocent in this, I think he’s collecting a paycheck and playing the game so it isn’t fair to only blame Kaia for it. I still support Austin but I def side eye their relationship now. And I know Karlie herself went to a Taylor concert but that was to fuck with Taylor herself, it didn’t have anything to do with Kaia. Kaia also follows the artists she likes on IG or posts about them and she has never done that with Taylor so while she’s a fan she was never one publicly and all of a sudden she’s at the concert dancing and singing? They’ve gone to concerts before and stayed lowkey (Gracie Abrams, concert in France, etc)
WOW. The lore goes deep with this one. I mean honestly this whole eras tour situation is baffling to me, and i appreciate you guys that are taylor fans can comment on this because i don't know any of this stuff lol. I'm aware of the drama that surrounds taylor and she just seems like a really messy person. but aside from that, it is not lost on me at all that this happened on the same day of Austin's YSL cologne dropping. It is too coincidental. And the fact that Casamigos is a sponsor of the Eras Tour threw me for a loop. not rande getting his daughter to support one of his tequila backers for PR lol
in regards to the baz thing. i think it's really petty and immature of kaia to throw a hissy fit when baz lurhmann didn't follow her back on instagram. that girl follows a lot of people associated with austin and the movie, which is weird in itself that she's trying to ingrain herself in that community she is not apart of. and when baz fucking lurhmann didn't want to follow her back then she's mopey about it. i didn't even know that SHE unfollowed baz. so see, she's being petty af. and baz is a grown man who doesn't have time for drama. he clearly loves austin and will ride for him long after the Elvis hype dies down. and he seems loyal to the people he cares about. so the fact that he never followed kaia says a lot to me. he's a smart man.
but getting back to the original point here, yes this swift concert was the motherload of all PR lol
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
I can't believe that fans, even after such an incredible performance by Austin, manage to dig out the drama (I'm talking about that ridiculous discussion about the sketch about Elvis). Austin said they only had one night to rehearse all the sketches. Do you seriously think that he ran to the toilet and frantically wrote to Priscilla or Lisa Marie, asking permission for a sketch that he didn't even write? This is insane. These women agreed to use the image and name of Elvis in much more ridiculous things, because they were paid for it, I'm sure they will be able to survive one joke in a sketch that they probably haven't even watched. In general, this deification of the Presley family, the idealization of Austin (as if he is a damn guardian elf of Graceland, when he is actually Gollum) and the sacralization of their relationship will not end well. If only because when the Elvis award season ends, and Coppola's film enters the final stage of post-production, then you will hear a lot of Priscilla's praise for Jacob (regardless of how he embodies the image of Elvis). Some of you are definitely not ready for this.
they might have only rehearsed once but rehearsal was not the first time anyone knew what the sketches were- there are read throughs and what not where things are changed/cut/edited/etc. and i'll stick by thinking it's in the realm of possibility lisa and austin spoke at some point between him being announced as a host and last night. and snl probably came up even if casually when he was talking to priscilla at the celine show. of course i don't know for sure- i unfortunately am not on speaking terms with any of them LOL it's just my opinion.
but i do agree to your other points and think the ppl most upset about the skit were just waiting eagerly for him to do something they disliked so they had a reason to drag him/say he sold out/doesn't really respect e and the family etc. they were praying on his downfall and jumped at the first opp to be "proven right" even if he didn't really do anything wrong- and the family seems to be a-okay given that riley liked baz's post. and i share your sentiment about the priscilla movie too. my opinion on that project as a whole is nawttt popular on etwt and i am also not ready for all the drama when that gets released. god speed and good luck to us all ig.
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bubblegump-1-nk · 2 years
In Trouble
Summary: You are a famous actress doing an interview for your new movie Elvis, with your co-star Austin Butler. Something you say causes your boyfriend Timothee's insecurities to skyrocket (Notice a theme in my writing yet ;)) - Angst ig? Sorry this is so long, I got super carried away!
Press tours. You couldn't decide if you loved them or hated them. Recently though, you've been loving them because you have your - now - best friend Austin Butler next to you the whole time. With your new role as Priscilla in the Elvis biopic you've been in the spotlight. The only downside of it though is being away from your boyfriend for so long. But today was the last of the press tours, ending right in none other than New York. How perfect!
"Ok everyone, 5 minutes until we air!" Said one of the workers back stage.
You and Austin had been settled in your seats for about 10 minutes already, so you carried on your conversation.
"The Outsiders is easily the best book ever written." You say, as retaliation to Austin saying What We Talk About When We Talk About Love was the best book.
"Oh, but that's where you're wrong (Y/N). What We Talk About is pure perfection, literally perfect writing." He explains, with a goofy grin on his face.
"No. The Outsiders is scientifically the best novel ever written. The End." You say playfully.
"Ok, then let's trade books. We'll see how easily you change your mind then." He challenges.
"You wish." You say, as your makeup team comes over and quickly retouches some of your makeup.
Austin uses this short period of time to take out his phone and look up what you said earlier. He didn't know if you were joking when you said that The Outsiders had been scientifically proven as the best book ever written. You were. He chuckles to himself at your adorable claim.
"Ok everyone, places! The camera is rolling in 3...2...1!" Says the interviewer, now sitting in his spot.
The interview starts smoothly, the interviewer introducing himself as, Tom. He does a nice job of bouncing the questions back and forth, making sure you both get the same amount of questions. You're grateful for this, in most interviews all the questions are for Austin. You understand that, of course, and Austin always does the best job in including you into his questions, but it still feels nice to have some of your own.
Austin just finished answering Tom's question of "What was your favorite performance you did?" After he's sure Austin has finished talking, he turns to you and asks, "So (Y/N), I know this question doesn't completely pertain to you, but what is your favorite performance of Austin?"
You smile, knowing your answer immediately. "Definitely his trouble performance. I love that song and Austin sang it perfectly. I also just love the rebellious aspect of it, I think it really captured Elvis. It was incredibly fun to watch and Austin did amazing." You say, dragging out 'amazing'.
The interview ends some moments after and once the camera is shut off, you and Austin begin conversing.
"Ok everyone, you're free to go." Says one of the people back stage, who you assume to be the manager.
"So, I don't know if you have any plans with Timothee already but the whole cast was thinking of going to a bar right now to celebrate. We can reschedule though, if you do, no pressure." Austin says, helping you out of your seat.
You thank him, and then think for a second making a humming noise. "Tim and I didn't have any plans already and I don't think he would mind me going out. I mean we went out to dinner last night, so it should be fine. I'll give him a call, just in case." You say, pulling out your phone.
"Ok, tell me as soon as you know the plan. I'll text you the name of the bar if you end up coming." He says, smiling.
"Perfect. Thanks Aus."
"No problem. Also, again, no pressure into going if you want to hang out with Timothee, I understand." Austin says, making sure you don't feel pressured into anything.
You let out a small laugh at his caring manner. "Don't worry Austin, I know. Now leave and go have fun."
He says goodbye and waves to you through the window as he's getting into his car.
"You alright (Y/N)?" Baz asks, walking over to you and placing an arm on your forearm.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just calling Tim to see if he had plans for us tonight." You explain.
"Oh ok. Let us know if you decide to come tonight. I know Austin won't be the same without you." He says cheekily.
You wave him off in mock anger, and he walks away laughing to himself.
You open your phone and press call on Timothee's contact. He answers on the first ring, as he always does.
You quickly explain the situation and he's completely understanding. You ask him if he would want to tag along, but he explains that as much as he wants to he has a lot of work to do and it's better if he stays at home. You understand, and end the phone call in 'I love you's'. You walk out of the building, texting Austin on your way out.
you: hey I'm coming what's the name of the bar?
Austin responds in seconds, like he was staring at his phone and waiting for your text. Well actually, he probably was.
Austin: yay!!! its called the Shirley temple, its a super small bar that we found, hopefully no papz
you: perfect 💕
Austin: ❤️
--- Timothee's POV ---
I was scrolling through my phone instead of actually doing my work. I was too lazy. Maybe I should have gone to the bar, it would've been fun to go out with (Y/N). Plus, I don't trust that Butler guy. I mean, he's perfect. Blonde hair, 6'0", gruff voice, abs, what's not to like? That's why I don't like him around (Y/N), my (Y/N). He could easily swoop in and take her, he has everything I don't. And it's not like I'm insecure about other men, it's just the fact that him and (Y/N) are always touching each other, always together, always laughing at things and leaving me out of the joke. Not to mention the fans. Before Austin came along, everyone was obsessed with me and (Y/N) as a couple, they thought we were soulmates. But now with Austin in the picture, people are changing their minds.
A ding from my phone takes me out of my internal rant. I look down at the notification and see (yourinstagramuser) has posted a new story! I click on the notification and it directly opens the story.
repost of austinbutler's story:
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(Austin is Elvis, and you're Priscilla in this image - you are tagged in the original story)
"What the fuck!!" I say, accidentally out loud.
What is even going on here? I knew I should've gone, why are they looking at each other like that? Slow down Timothee, why am I so mad. It's just a picture. They're just best friends. At the end of the day she's coming home to me, to my bed. This calms me down a bit. Only a bit.
I set my phone down and go grab a coke from the kitchen. When I come back I get another notification that draws my attention. Austin Butler and (Y/N) (L/N) chat about the new Elvis movie. I click on the notification and begin to watch the new interview that has just been posted. I'm exited to see (Y/N), but not that douchebag Austin. Especially not him being obsessive over my girl.
The interview is surprisingly smooth, nothing that seems to flirtatious. Well until (Y/N) is asked about her favorite performance from Austin. "Definitely his trouble performance. I love that song and Austin sang it perfectly. I also just love the rebellious aspect of it, I think it really captured Elvis. It was incredibly fun to watch and Austin did amazing." What the hell? And why the hell did you drag out the word amazing?
I'm no idiot, and I know all about that scene. Austin is thrusting around and making all sorts of 'sexy' movements. Why the hell is that (Y/N)'s favorite performance? The most provocative of all! I quickly pause the interview and go to the comments. I only pay attention to the ones that mention both Austin and (Y/N).
User3: isn't it so cute how their matching?????
I quickly scroll back up. Oh fuck, they are matching. Austin is wearing simple leather pants, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. (Y/N) is wearing a short, leather skirt and a cropped white shirt that comes down just a little lower than her cropped leather jacket. I wonder if they meant to match?? I keep reading the comments.
User5: they are soulmates
User9: they compliment each other so well
User10: forget timothee, Austin is what (Y/N) needs
User12 - reply to User11: I completely agree, timothee doesn't deserve her. at least Austin compliments her well
User14: hottest couple ever.
What do they mean hottest couple ever? They're not even dating??
A jingle of keys at the door indicates how long it's been. I've stayed up for hours researching every interview, every tweet, every instagram post, every tiktok, and every goddamn comment that has to do with Austin and (Y/N). I look down at the time - 3:21 AM -
"Tim? Are you awake?" I hear (Y/N) call out, as she enters the apartment.
Part 2??
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trannydean-moved · 1 year
I watched Ten Inch Hero for the first time last night, have some thoughts on it.
I unironically loved it. Idc if it's cheesy in any sort of way, I really liked it.
I see where all the Punk!Dean AUs come from now. I get it now.
Biggest problem was Priestley's glo-down. Like it's Jensen Ackles so he's still fucking gorgeous, but man, this was not the movie for it.
I loved everyone at the sandwich shop. Kinda hard not to.
It's found family so I was a huge sucker for the movie without even realizing it (there's no Wikipedia article so I wasn't able to read about it beforehand).
Priestley's prolly my favorite and no it's not just because he's Jensen Ackles I swear. His graphic tees were definitely a big part of it.
Who on here edited his one shirt to read "top me or die" instead of leaving it with "tip me or die", I was having a crisis last night because I swore I was hallucinating and seeing the two different pics/gifs I had were actually the same and my mind was percieving them differently. (not mad btw it was just a big confused moment for me last night lmao)
Found it a little confusing how Piper just seemed to end up forgetting her baby? Like it wasn't addressed at all after she told Noah the truth about everything? Ig she sort of moved on from it but also I thought they'd at least address it once more, even in a talk like Piper and Jen had towards the beginning.
Loved the van and Piper, Jen, and Tish's roadtrip. Also kinda wish Priestley had gone along, it could've been fun 💔
Jensen Ackles in a kilt. Yes.
Fuck yes to Trucker fucking up Tadd. That was awesome.
The whole interview scene was great.
"She thinks Elvis is dead." "And now you're hiring people who fail the interview?"
Ik the scene where Fuzzy comes in is a touching scene but when he pulled off his wig and hat, I was just reminded of Hannibal Smith from The A-Team and I had to pause the movie for a minute because I was laughing my ass off.
Priestley's speech in the store 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
I love this movie, would watch it again, it's one of my favorite movies now.
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musicismymoirail · 1 year
Because I’ve been screaming about it on my poor IG for the last few ...weeks..., but I played through the first two books of Fallen Hero and oh boy, it’s been awhile since something has so Utterly Consumed Me. :’) Like, hyperfixation to the max. Toss out everything I’ve been waiting for or wanted to work on. My mind consists on Fallen Hero now. 
So. Random thought about my Sidestep Vendetta that’s been sludging about my brain this morning.
I imagine while ne had been educated to some degree, Ven (at least definitely at the start of their vigilante career) was functionally culturally illiterate. Ne can debate the Classics, talk about fancy paintings brought and locked away and quote eons-old poetry but anything else, it’s a just blank screen in their mind of ‘information goes here’. Sports? Nothing based an odd fact or two about an odd Olympics or two. Movies? Maybe ne can fake a yarn about a silent film but no more. Music? Please, nothing modern. 
Their cultural education stopped about a hundred years prior but every day, it’s like drowning. Vendetta fakes disinterest but it hurts. All these things ne has missed, simple small-talk topics that fall out of people’s mouths and hearts with such an odd sincere love. Ne wants to know too! But, knowing requires admitting ne is clueless and admitting ne is clueless requires an excuse about why ne simply doesn’t know and nope nope nope! Can not do.
There’s one exception tho. Vendetta knows One Modern Song. I imagine ne heard it during one of their old missions, at a party less fancy then ne typically was assigned too. And it just captivated nem like nothing else. For the first time in their short life, ne actually understood what a siren’s call could be like, something so intoxicating and enthralling that one would risk death for the mere chance to be near it.
And it stuck inside Vendetta, on a loop. Another silent rebellion, another silent secret, another silent treasure that was only for nem. The words faded away too fast, but the chucky endearing beat remained thankfully. 
And by chance, after ne escaped the Farm, ne heard it again. On the radio! And heard the actual name! Ne rushed out and ...most likely stole the cassette in their excitement. Never listened to the rest of the album because Their Song was the first one and every time it ended, they just rewound it and listened to it again. Still hopelessly enchanted by it, even more now that the lyrics returned.
And I imagine like one night, hanging with the people who won’t leave nem be (friends? Maybe friends? It feels too tender to say friends tho), Their Song comes on over the Radio and Vendetta, tipsy drunk, is just Possessed by the Siren’s Call and Pure Rebellious Joy and probably jumps on and over a table because It’s Their Song and Ne Must Dance and Allow The Music To Take Nem Unabashedly.
And everyone is like dumbfounded, amused, but dumbfounded. 
Like. “How have you never heard about Jaws or Elvis Presley before, but you know frickin’ Pulp?”
And Vendetta doesn’t? Not really, never listened to the rest of that album. Ne just knows Mis-Shapes and it’s Their Song and Anathema probably would join nem in dancing because it is a jam and Vendetta enjoying something Unabashedly is a treat~
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katieshook02 · 1 year
i was tagged by the great @ it-spork
1. Are you named after anyone?
my full name is Katherine Anne. my first name comes from a great grandmothers name (can’t remember if its on my dad or my moms side) and my middle name is the shortened version of my moms middle name (Annette).
2. When was the last time you cried?
last night. saw a sad tik tok edit about elvis with his cover of unchained melody as the audio. instant tears in my eyes.
3. Do you have kids?
NOPE HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD 🙌🏼🙌🏼#beatteenpregnancy #fuckthemkids #godisgood
4. Do you sarcasm a lot?
i eat, sleep, breathe, and bleed sarcasm. so not really ig 🤷🏼‍♀️
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Girls- eyes, smile, and outfit; Boys- smile, eyes, and hair (in those orders).
6. What’s your eye color?
a greyish blue but sometimes they turn an icy blue.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings 80% of the time, but scary movies during the whole month of october only.
8. Any special talents?
im fluent in spanish and have been since ive been able to speak full sentences.
if that doesn’t count then idk if i do. probably not.
9. What are your hobbies?
listening to music, reading, eating, sleeping, falling for men who wont like me back, hitting parts of my body on anything i can see or touch, whoring out over miles teller, watching elvis + top gun edits on tik tok
10. Where were you born?
Texas 🤠
11. Do you have any pets?
i have 4 cats and one family dog that thinks my cats heads are chew toys.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
oh lawd..
ok i played soccer, tennis and did competitive swimming from age 5 to age 12, i did softball from my sophomore to senior year (minus half of junior year bc of Corona) of high school, i will play football occasionally, i used to play basketball from age 6 to age 8. i did gymnastics from age 7 to age 9, i did horseback riding from age 8 to age 12 and i played a little bit of volleyball somewhere in there. oh and i can surf, sorta.
13. How tall are you?
i am 5’8 so 172.72 cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
spanish, but i was also really good at history, geometry, english and lunch. spanish was just the easiest for me (even tho its my second language)
15. Dream job?
sports broadcaster/journalist for ESPN/Fox Sports. seeing as how jam packed my childhood was with sports it only makes sense imo 💀 but no ive always loved sports (obviously) and im currently like in love with hockey and sometimes nfl and mlb. i will talk about either one any day all day it doesn’t matter.
im not gonna tag anyone but whoever wants to do this feel free to!
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c4rr10n · 2 years
adjusting to the roommate life fairly well. it’s honestly very odd to be living with people who dno’t act like my existence is the most inconvenient and annoying thing on earth, which is taking the most adjusting tbh. like I’ll apologize for something and they’ll all be like “what? oh, lol, don’t even sweat it.” ig for the past like 6 years (outisde of living with my ex) i’ve just been living with major dickwads, which i was aware of, but ig i had just forgotten what it’s like to live and engage with people who are like... genuinely nice? i’m honestly terrified to even speculate such a thing because such a consistent amount of people i’ve interacted with and been exposed to have just been... well, abysmal, lol. i literally have lived with two separate women who lgot genuinely super pissed at me for tossing tuperwares from the fridge because they were full of MOLD. horrific. like keep your biohazards to yourself, fuck. anyway.
it’s still a lot to adjust to, and despite the place being really messy i can tell that folks are making an effort to change that and happy to work with me on things, and actually WANT to see me???? like holy shit. literally baffling to me, especially the latter. they’re chill and nice and reasonable and considerate and non-judgemental. like they’re my friends??? fucking wild. i’m just not used to having actual friends ig??? like lol SAD but i’m ever-so-slowly working towards accepting that these ppl are benevolent and trustworthy, an extremely foreign concept to me. again, sad lol, but the way here hasn’t been very kind to me. but i’m learning to let myself relax and breath. i actually left my room to hang out with them last night for the first time. had dinner and watched tv and talked and laughed a lot. it was really nice!! apparently one of their friends is solely responsible for the elvis movie still being in theatres bc he just... keeps going to see it??? lmfao. idk why that’s so fucking funny to me. anyway, things are levelling out and dust is settling and it feels like the setting sun is rising again. it’s nice! it’s a good change of pace and i’m really grateful
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raganandhersurveys · 3 years
3/1/21~5000 question survey 1-100 {CXV}
I started this about 2 years ago and never finished so I’m going to restart and see how far I can get. I’d love to get it done before the end of the year but I am definitely not holding myself to that statement haha. Here we go pt. 2 
(also shoutout to @lovemesomesurveys for doing this so i could get the questions from one source. Thanks girl! <3!!
1. Who are you?
~my name is ragan
2. What are the 3 most important things everyone should know about you?
1. I am very outgoing and fun loving 
2. I have a big heart but am not afraid to speak my mind
3. I hope I can one day pursue a career in fashion
3. When you aren't filling out 5,000 question surveys like this one what are you doing? 
~hanging out with my friends, doing hw, eating, or talking to my bf haha
4. List your classes in school from the ones you like the most to the ones you like the least (or if you are out of school, think of the classes you did like and didn't like at the time). 
~choir, drama appreciation, geology, american gov. 
5. What is your biggest goal for this year? 
~to begin to plan out “big girl things” in my life. i’ll be a freshman in college in the fall and i really wanna feel confident about my future(if that’s possible) so saving money, getting a real job, looking into new opportunities, etc. (if you have any advice, plz send my way haha:))
6. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 
~to feel a little secure in my job or career pathway, or at least have a plan
7. What stage of life are you in right now? 
~the ending of my teenage years :(
8. Are you more child-like or childish? 
~neither honestly 
9. What is the last thing you said out loud? 
~i was singing along to a song haha
10. What song comes closest to how you feel about your life right now? 
~8teen by khalid haha
11. Have you ever taken martial arts classes? 
12. Does your life tend to get better or worse or does it just stay the same? 
~it’s honestly one big rollercoaster. i have my good days and bad days but i try to keep a positive mindset:)
13. Does time really heal all wounds? 
~it doesn’t necessarily heal it but it does help it some
14. How do you handle a rainy day? 
~usually stay inside or take a nap. if it rains for a long period of time i tend to get a headache so i usually take a nap haha
15. Which is worse...losing your luggage or having to sort out tangled holiday lights?
~losing luggage for sure 
16. How is your relationship with your parents? 
~pretty good. my dad and i are super close. my mom and i have our moments but i love her
Will you miss them when they are gone? 
~are you kidding?!?! i don’t know how i’ll recover from losing them tbh
17. Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you? 
~for the most part yes; i’m pretty good at reading the room
18. What is the truest thing that you know? 
19. What did you want to be when you grew up? 
~gosh so many different things; teacher, pharmacist, reporter, author, family therapist, actress 
20. Have you ever been given a second chance? 
21. Are you more of a giver or a taker? 
~both tbh
22. Do you make your decisions with an open heart/mind?
23. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you? 
~i had to go to the hospital one time because my stomach was hurting so bad I thought i was gonna die. i don’t think anything except child birth could beat that
24. What is the most emotionally painful thing that has ever happened to you? 
~some things my mom has said to me
25. Who have you hugged today? 
~honestly no one :(
26. Who has done something today to show they care about you? 
~i can’t think of anything but i’m sure there was something 
27. Do you have a lot to learn? 
~for sure. i don’t think we should ever stop
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
~how to start my own clothing brand, how to make straight a’s, and to cook perfectly
 29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel? 
~how they make me feel fo sure 
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship? 
~communication, loyalty, passion, 
31. What 3 things do you want to do before you die? 
~have a successful job, find the love of my life, and travel the world 
 32. What three things would you want to die to avoid doing? 
~having to get divorced, letting down my future children, and emotionally traumatizing someone 
33. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause? 
~not a cause, but i’m a christain and that’s the truest thing in my life 
34. What does each decade make you think of:
The 19.. 
 20's: flapper dancers and the roaring 20s
 30's: the great depression and poverty
 40's: world war II and classic movies
50's: sock hops and diners
 60's: iconic fashion and audrey hepburn
 70's: my dad and classic rock
 80's: the breakfast club and how much i wished i grew up then ahahah
 90's: rnb and friends
 2000 (so far): brittany spears and my early childhood
 2010's: middle school and social media 
 35. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?
~the 80s because i’ve always felt like that was the decade for me. that’s when my mom grew up and i envy her so much for growing up then. but also the 2000s because that was my early childhood and its crazy to think i’ll never get those days back 
36. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song? 
~stairway to heaven: led zeppelin
37. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country? 
~the usa and president biden 
If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?
~you good homie?
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night? 
~i rarely watch live tv
39. What Disney villain are you the most like and why? 
~bahah probs ursula because if i knew ariel could sing like that, i’d steal her voice too
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout? 
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat? 
~neither but a boat in the middle of the ocean during a storm would be terrifying 
42. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night? 
~the sun?
43. What does your name mean? 
~i just looked it up and apparently it means noble LMFAO
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space? 
~neither. both of those sound like a bad idea 
45. Word association What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: traffic
Meat: steak
Different: breed
Pink: drink
Deserve: freedom
White: elephant 
Elvis: graceland
Magic: treehouse
Heart: pump
Clash: boom
Pulp: fiction
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be? 
~audrey hepburn 100%
47. What if you could meet anyone who is alive? 
~jimmy garoppolo ;))
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
~not everyday but i’m always down for a lotr/hobbit marathon
49. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do? 
~a phone with some kind of wifi box so i can gtfo lmao
 50. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?
~uhhhh not that i can think of 
51. Make up a definition for the following silly words... 
 Fruitgoogle: a website you can search up fruits with
 Ambytime: free time
 Asscactus: an annoying person
 52. What was the last thing you made with your own hands?
~this little gift bag for my mom’s students 
53. What was your favorite toy as a child? 
~american girl dolls omfg 
54. How many TV’s are in your house? 
55. What is your favorite thing to do outside? 
~swimming or just being at the beach
56. How do you feel when you see a rainbow? 
57. Have you ever dreamt a dream that came true? 
~i have dreamed about people and then met them which is a super weird experience 
58. Have you ever been to a psychic/tarot reader? 
59. What is your idea of paradise?
~i think it would be a couple of different places or themes because i love to see the beauty in a lot of different ideas
60. Do you believe in god and if so what is he/she/it like? 
~absolutely. He’s just and loving 
61. Do you believe in Hell? 
62. What one thing have you done that most people haven't? 
~i honestly cannot think of anything 
63. What is the kindest thing you have ever done?
~i’ve done some volunteer stuff for other people so ig something like that 
64. Are you a patient person? 
~i try to be 
65. What holiday should exist but doesn't? 
~free shopping day where only i can shop for free :))))))
66. What holiday shouldn't exist but does?
~i love all the holidays 
67. What's the best joke you ever heard? 
~apparently none because i can’t think of one
68. Where is the most fun place you have EVER been? 
~southpoint mall in charlotte. it was shopper’s heaven 
69. Is your hair natural or dyed? 
~all natural .
70. Do you have any deep dark secrets or are you pretty much up front? 
~none that are interesting 
71. What is under your bed right now? 
~dust and stuff from my childhood
72. If you were in the Land of Oz would you want to live there or go home? 
~gtfo bahaha
73. If you drive do you frequently speed? 
74. What is the world's best song to dance to? 
~depends on what kind of dancing. any 2000s club song is an absolute banger 
75. What song was on the last time you danced with someone?
~some tik tok sound. just a gen z kid here :)
76. Do you prefer Disney or Warner Brothers? 
~probs disney 
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo? 
~otters or tigers 
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
~if i’m crazy about you, absolutely. .
79. If the earth stopped rotating would we all fly off? 
~ig lol
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it? 
~travel all over 
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick? 
~i’m sorry that’s too stressful lol
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole? ~equator. i hate the cold 
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
~tv. i can’t live w/o music
84. What do you think makes someone a hero? 
~being selfless 
85. What cartoon would you like to be a character in? 
~powderpuff girls 100%
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
87. What was the last thing you paid for? 
~clothes from shein
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
89. Get anything good in the mail recently? 
~not super recently 
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling? 
91. In Star Trek people 'beam' back and forth between different places. What this means is they stand in a little tube and their molecules are deconstructed and sent to another tube somewhere else where they are reassembled. Only problem is when the molecules are deconstructed the person is dead. When they are put back together it is only a clone that has all the dead person's memories. So... Is the person who gets beamed the same person on both ends? 
~no because the real person died, so it’s a clone but not the original
92. What insects are you afraid of? 
~roaches and wasps
93. If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say? 
~”she stressin’ over her wardrobe” 
94. What's the most eccentric thing you have ever worn? 
~i have these huuuuge tiger earrings that are freaking extra. i wore them with green corduroy flair pants and a brown stripped shirt and literally looked like the 70s threw up on me hahah
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be? 
~chick fil a
96. What are your parents interested in? 
~my mom loves 70s tv shows and christmas lol and my dad likes classic rock and anything to do with christianity
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
~we used to catch lightning bugs in a jar when i was little and put them in a jar.
98. What is more helpful to you, wishes or plans?
~uhhh plans....lol
99. When do you feel your life energy the strongest? 
~when i’m hanging out with friends or at a high energy place like an amusement park or concert
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you. What do you bring?
~water, a flashlight, and something for protection like a gun
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apersonalone · 7 years
Do the last half of the asks 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
BOI 100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? Used to be more girls but it's more guys now I think 101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? Both 102: Where was I born? Dewsbury in Yorkshire 103: Sexual orientation? Bi 104: Where do I currently live? Stirling mostly! 105: Last person I texted? You 106: Last time I cried? Today but it was because of a book lmao 107: Guilty pleasure? Ghost adventures & licking crisps 108: Favourite Youtuber? Shane or tana cause I'm trash 109: A photo of myself. I've sent you many today lmao 110: Do I like selfies? Sometimes Ye 111: Favourite game app? Don't have any so idk, pool probably 112: My relationship with my parents? Good! Bit wary a lot of the time but it's good when I'm not staying at mums 113: Favourite accents? RUSSIAN (and American but I'm still gonna pretend to hate it) 114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? Canada 115: Favourite number? 3, 4, 7, 12 & 42 116: Can I juggle? NO it's always annoyed me 117: Am I religious? Kinda a little bit 118: Do I like space? YE119: Do I like the deep ocean? YE 120: Am I much of a daredevil? Nah 121: Am I allergic to anything? Too many things but they're all v small 122: Can I curl my tongue? Yep 123: Can I wiggle my ears? Nope :( 124: Do I like clowns? NO 125: The Beatles or Elvis? Ahhhh they're so different to me but the Beatles for the memories 126: My current project? A book 127: Am I a bad loser? Oh yeah 128: Do I admit when I wrong? Depends if the other person is smug or not lmao129: Forest or beach? Forest 130: Favourite piece of advice? Not sure 131: Am I a good liar? Nah 132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Ravenclaw / erudite or amity / not sure one of the fishing ones probs 133: Do I talk to myself? All the fucking timeeeeee134: Am I very social? If I know the people Ye 135: Do I like gossip? Yea if I'm not involved lmao 136: Do I keep a journal/diary? Yep always have 137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? Yeah 138: Do I believe in second chances? Yes 139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? Fffffft idk id probably hand it in for fear of getting caught or if I saw their face on a card or smth, slightly worried I'd justify it if there was anonymity in it 140: Do I believe people are capable of change? Yeah almost always 141: Have I ever been underweight? When I was very young (like 4 or 5) & as a baby but never drastically 142: Am I ticklish? Yes pls never tickle me I hate it 143: Have I ever been in a submarine? No but I'd LOVE THAT 144: Have I ever been on a plane? Yeeeeee love it145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? Oh fuck knows lmao probs Jonah Hill & a bunch of b99 actors lmao 146: Have I ever been overweight? Fuck YE BUDDY 147: Do I have any piercings? just ears 148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? CHEKOV, CHEKOV, CHEKOOOOOOOOV 149: Do I have any tattoos? Nope 150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? Stirling 151: Do I believe in Karma? Yes 152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? Glasses 153: What was my first car? Don't have oneeee154: Do I want children? Yeah 2+ 155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? Not sure, most people I know are intelligent in different ways 156: My most embarrassing memory? NAH 157: What makes me nostalgic? Broxburn158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? Lmao 159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? Brains ig, my version of beauty is a little bit skewed I think based on other people's preferences 160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? Blue 161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? Yea buddy 162: What do I hate most about myself? Appearance 163: What do I love most about myself? Imagination 164: Do I like adventure? Yes but I'm lazy 165: Do I believe in fate? Yes 166: Favourite animal? Not sure?? Anything fluffy and bigger than me is great 167: Have I ever been on radio? Nope 168: Have I ever been on TV? Yeah 169: How old am I? 19 170: One of my favourite quotes? Can't think of one off the top of my head 171: Do I hold grudges? Yeah but without noticing 172: Do I trust easily? Kinda 173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? Fuck nahhh 174: Best gift I’ve ever received? NZ175: Do I dream? All the time but they're often boring or vaguely symbolic & I don't like either 176: Have I ever had a night terror? Ye 177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? Had one once that every object in my house was alive & it was an experience 178: An experience that has made me stronger? Idk I tend not to learn from things until they pop up again & I feel like this is the same, I'm not very good at thinking realistically about current situations 179: If I were immortal, what would I do? Go for it 180: Do I like shopping? Not for clothes but anything else yeah 181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? Major corp fraud 182: What does “family” mean to me? Forgiveness 183: What is my spirit animal? Idk snake probs 184: How do I want to be remembered? Empathy 185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? Writingggg186: What is my greatest failure? Mhm nah187: What is my greatest achievement? Lasting & accepting friendship 188: Love or money? Love 189: Love or career? Mmmm that ones more difficult, if career means success then love, but if it means doing something you enjoy then career ig? 190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? Boringly probs to my grandparents in their youth 191: What makes me the happiest? Plots 192: What is “home” to me? Somewhere you're happy 193: What motivates me? Being stubborn lmao 194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? I'd be lame and probs quote Star Trek 195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? HELL FUCKIN YEA 196: A movie that scared me as a child? Spirited away & Saw 197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? Sleeping 198: Zombies or vampires? Uhhh zombies 199: Live in the city or suburbs? Suburbs when I have children but rn the city 200: Dragons or wizards? Dragons 201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? 202: How do I define love? Dk how to describe it but you just know 203: Do I judge a book by its cover? Yeah 204: Have I ever had my heart broken? Yeah 205: Do I like my handwriting? Nope 206: Sweet or savoury? Savoury 207: Worst job I’ve had? Spoons 208: Do I collect anything? Notebooks 209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? Ankle socks 210: What is on my bucket list? Northern lights 211: How do I handle anger? Poorly, often a lot of things I'm feeling translates to anger and that usually means not speaking & getting upset 212: Was I named after anyone? Some actress for my old middle name, this time no but two James Potter and James T Kirk are both people I'd want to be lmao 213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo of course not 214: What TV character am I most like? Foggy nelson 215: What is the weirdest talent I have? I can make my knees look like babies & mum finds it hysterical 216: Favourite fictional character? Chekov, Sulu & Remus don't make me choose
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thedoughnutdiaries · 7 years
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hope your weekend has been going well!
i am so excited to finally share with you our trip to palm springs!! if you follow me on instagram, you may have already known tyler and i were there seeing i posted ~6 photos a day (oops!). but i couldn’t help myself and i will NOT apologize because PS was one of the most amazing places i’ve ever been. and tyler agrees, too! i am going to write about our trip in phases since we did so many things and there are countless photos to show for. so let’s talk about day one!
you might wonder why in the world we even chose to go to palm springs, it is a little random especially because we weren’t going to coachella (i’ve never been nor do i have the desire to) and we aren’t over 60. in all honesty, i don’t have a straightforward answer. if i had to really put my finger on a reason, it is one-part seeing it featured in “the oc” YEARS ago when they all go to oliver’s parent’s house in palm springs and summer is wearing that adorable t-shirt that says, “PS, i love you” - you oc fans know the one! another part is because of the glitz and glamour of the 50s and 60s. it was the ultimate get-away from LA for big movie starts like Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Nat King Cole, Debbie Reynolds - the list goes on and on! i am also a HUGE fan of mid-century modern architecture and palm springs is a haven for it. tyler mainly wanted to go for the warm weather and hey, that wasn’t bad either! :)
we already knew this trip was going to be somewhat of an adventure before even getting on the plane. for those living in nyc, we had a horrible snow storm literally a day after it was 60 degrees. long story short, our flight ended up getting cancelled and we luckily got out the next day. once we touched down in ps, it was 9pm and as tyler and i were walking to pick-up our rental, we could see the outlining of the mountains in the dark and we both got all excited and couldn’t WAIT for morning. we found a great groupon for the saguaro and i’m so happy we stayed there for our first time in PS! it is super colorful, the pool is to die for, and the restaurant attached, el jefe, has some of the best nachos and tacos tyler and i have ever had. in fact, we immediately ate there the night we arrived. we knew the food was going to be great and what better way to start a vacation by eating nachos and sipping margs? 
going from east to west coast time was a bit challenging, but i was grateful because it made us get up early! just about every morning we were up at 6am. we would sip our coffee on our balcony while listening to the birds and staring at the mountains (sounds corny, i know). that simple routine was one of our favorite parts of the trip! it was so peaceful and picturesque. i think tyler and i both have this idea that once we’ve “made it” every morning we will wake up and sip coffee on a porch or balcony and ease into our day as we please and those PS mornings were definitely a taste of the good life. so at about 8am, tyler and i were READY to go explore. mind you our reservations for breakfast weren’t until 10am so we had some time to kill. for the first 10 minutes, we were driving around in awe of how beautiful the scenery was. mountains + palm trees + sunshine. YOU. CANT. BEAT. IT. maybe it is just because i didn’t see mountains until i was 20, but there is something about them that makes you feel things. for example, tyler was taking a photo of mountains before breakfast and shouted “I FEEL SO ALIVE” and i knew exactly what he meant ;) the first spot we checked out was the pink door. this door basically is IG famous and i wasn’t about to miss it! there are so many statement doors in PS. people are definitely not afraid of patterns and color (like me!) which is one of the reasons i came to love this place so much.
for breakfast, we headed over to the parker hotel to eat at norma’s! i had seen so many people eating here on IG and other blogs i follow - i’m happy to report it was so worth it. i had the “waz-za” waffle and tyler had this yummy egg & sweet potato hash. also, the interior of the parker is to die for. the pic above with the “drugs” sign is part of their lobby. swoooooon. 
after we ate, we decided to go check out downtown! i had a few stores i wanted to hit up to see if i could score any 60s vintage pieces. and let me just say, i hit the freaking jackpot. we went to a little more upscale vintage store called the frippery and it was the best experience. i walked in and the first thing that caught my eye was this adorable floral & polka dot jumpsuit with a matching cropped jacket. i tried it on and the rest was history. you will see the outfit in my PS day 3 post! we also went to this adorable shop, dazzles. they had allllllll the colorful vintage 70s glassware (UGH. i die.) not to mention that classy blue car parked out front 24/7. 
the next scheduled event for the day was our massage back at the parker! we had a little more time to kill post shopping so we drove out to see the cabazon dinosaurs! its super cheesy, but very worth the 15 minute drive. finally, spa time! tyler and i majorly treated ourselves to a spa at the parker. it was our v-day gift to one another and holy cow, it was great. if you ever have the chance to splurge, i highly recommend you do it at this spa! 
we headed back to the hotel after being super relaxed and decided to go hang out at the pool before dinner - such a treat! i will say, that i like the idea of the pool probably better than being in it. i knew we were going to a nice dinner after and i didn’t want to get my hair wet so i didn’t “fully enjoy” the pool that day haha. once we were ready for dinner, we stopped by this place called seymour’s for drinks! it is part of the restaurant mr. lyon’s which has been around since 1945! that was super cool. the vibe is very speakeasy with velvet chairs, dark lighting and good cocktails. we probably would have stayed there all night if we didn’t have dinner plans! post drinks, we headed right down the road to the ace hotel where we ate at their restaurant, king’s highway. the vibe of the place was so fun and we had a great meal! 
it is hard when you feel you peaked the first day of the trip, but we knew ps had much more to offer! can’t wait to share the rest of our trip! stay tuned :)
what i wore: shoes: sweedish hasbeens (old) | pants: asos | sunnies: asos | top: jcrew (old)
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beelzebubsthings · 6 years
Second half
100. Girl friends
101. Boys
102. Texas yeehaw
103. Bisexual
104. Texas lol
105. Josalynn
106. September 1, 2017 at night
107. Yeeeeaaahhh
108. Mini Ladd
109. *Photo of myself*
110. Sure
111. Solitaire
112. it's good
113. Australian and British
114. I want to visit Japan
115. #21
116. No I can not
117. No I'm an atheist
118. Yes I love it
119. No I do not
120. Kinda
121. No not that I know of
122. Yup
123. Nope
124. Nope
125. Elvis
126. AP classes
127. No
128. Yes I do most of the time
129. Forest
130. Instead of cutting draw on yourself
131. I'd like to believe I am
132. Hogwarts: Griffindor, Divergent: Dauntless, Hunger Games: District 12
133. Yes I do
134. With my friends I am but when I'm with people idk I'm typically not
135. Sometimes not all the time
136. Yeah
137. Sometime yeah
138. Yeah
139. Probably look for the owner but if I don't find them keep it
140. Yeah I do
141. Yes I have
142. Yep
143. Nope
144. Nope
145. Rashida Jones for me, Crystal: Rebel Wilson, Josalynn: her words Anna Kendrick, Mom: Danneel Ackles, Dad: Jensen Ackles, Uncle: Jared Padalecki
146. Yup
147. My ears and I'm about to get more
148. Doctor Who with his TARDIS
149. Nope but I planning on getting some
150. To actually get friends
151. Yeah I do and karmas a bitch sometimes
152. I wear glasses
153. It's a 78 automobile
154. Maybe in the future but not now
155. My aunt Jenny
156. I lost my mom in a store and she had to go to the front and I was with a friend at the time
157. When I see pictures of the past
158. I've pulles multiple all nighters
159. Brains
160. Black
161. There used to be foot steps in my hallways at night around midnight
162. My thighs ig
163. My eyes
164. Yes yes I do
165. Yep
166. Wolf
167. Nope
168. I was on the news for like 10 seconds for something about clowns
169. I'm 15 about to turn 16
170. "Just because my path is different doesn't mean I'm lost." - unknown
171. Yes if the person had done something unforgivable
172. No I do not
173. Yes I have
174. The best one I've received is probably my phone I'm able to do a lot of things a lot faster
175. No I do not I did when I was younger but around 10 it kinda of stopped and anyways it was mostly nightmares
176. Multiple
177. One that sticks out the most is I was looking for something and my mom came outta nowhere and she looked like her teenage self again she asked me what I was looking for and I told her I didn't know but nothing came out and all of it just melted away and I woke up it was really weird
178. I had to grow up fast and all that did was make me get stronger
179. Help people and when it starts to seem strange that I haven't grown old then I'll move
180. Yeah I do
181. Rob a bank
182. Family means a group of people that I can trust with my secrets and accept me for who I am as a person
183. The deer
184. Someone who helped when they could, a artistic soul, and a lover
185. I want to master playing the guitar
186. I'm not what my family wants me to be in all truth
187. I'm able to be myself when I'm alone with people I trust
188. Love
189. Career
190. I'd go back to the 1800s and I'd go to New Jersey
191. When I'm alone with what I love
192. My home is wherever my music and art is
193. Just knowing that when it's over I'll have achieved something
194. I'm happy with the life I've led as thus far and I love everyone that I've met
195. Yeah sure as long as they don't probe me and experiment on me
196. The IT movie scared the living shit outta me
197. Horror Films
198. Vamps bro
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 11
1001. What has caused you to reinvent yourself or reevaluate who you are? i just wasn’t happy with who i was as a person and what i was doing with my life honestly. 1002. Name three annoying bands: insane clown posse, blood on the dance floor, and one direction when they were a thing 1003. Have you ever been to a foam party (a big dance floor full of soap foam that people dance in at a club)? If yes did you get into the foam? no i haven’t but that sounds like it’d be fun and very messy 1004. Who do you take for granted? Who makes you feel taken for granted? i feel like i take my boyfriend and family for granted sometimes and i shouldn’t 1005. Short, knee, or ankle skirts? short preferably
1006. Do you wear a hat? occasionally 1007. Did you watch Sifl and Ollie on MTV? How about Liquid Television? The Maxx? none 1008. What do you like that is NOT part of pop culture? idk rlly 1009. What music makes you feel: Sexy? buttons by the pussycat dolls lol Passionate? really slow music Violent? screamo Romantic? slow stuff Sad? any song with sad lyrics Happy/joyous? rock or pop Ecstasy? idk lol 1010. Who’s your favorite cartoon character? spongebob 1011. Does break dancing impress you? hell yeah 1012. Are you a smooth operator? not really 1013. Would you rather be a police officer or a criminal? a police officer 1014. Do you believe that government decisions should be made based more on economics or more on social reform? i mean, a lil bit of both would be nice 1015. Why do ‘they’ spend money to sterilize needles that are going to be used to give lethal injections? idk man 1016. This summer have you Been to the beach? not this summer no been to the movies? several Played mini golf? i think i did actually Gone for a walk? plenty of times 1017. Would you rather lay in bed all night talking or have sex all night long? i love talking all night long!! maybe a lil sex in between conversation 1018. Have you ever eaten tofu? yep 1019. Who needs a brain? everyone??? 1020. Who needs a heart? everyone??????? 1021. Does the moon have an affect on your mood? nahh 1022. Do you feel pressure on Friday and Saturday to have fun, go out and party? not really. 1023. Many people will say that the Harry Potter books are pure fluff with no literary value. Do you agree? nahh they’re good books.  i’ve only read thru the 5th 1024. Is Harry Potter comparable to The Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings? i love the chronicles of narnia, that shit is sooo good.  but i’ve never read the lord of the rings books so idk bout those 1025. What are you doing next Wednesday? getting a new tattoo!! 1026. Why do so many people think Elvis is still alive? conspiracy theorists 1027. What couldn’t you live your life without? jackson and my family 1028. Are your hands cold? not at the moment 1029. Is your heart warm? yeah??? i think so ig 1030. Palm trees or snow storms? snow storms 1031. What bands would be great if only the singing was edited out? idk. 1032. What fantasy book would you like to see made into a movie? delirium 1033. Do you avoid risks and if possible stay at home? sometimes 1034. What SCI-fi books do you read? tons 1035. Would you be on that who wants to marry a millionaire show as a contestant? ehh maybe if i was single 1036. Who’s the best secret keeper you know? i don’t know if i even know anyone who can keep a secret tbh lol 1037. What is your favorite myth? idk m8 1038. Is it easier to live when you’re evil? oh yeah, i’m sure it is 1039. Have you ever belonged to a sorority or a fraternity? no 1040. Would you want to join one? absolutely not 1041. If your friend were doing dangerous drugs would you tell their parents? nah, it’s not really my business to tell them.  maybe if they were on the verge of killing themselves 1042. Would you rather be a unicorn, mermaid/man, or a sorceress/er? sorceress!! 1043. Are leather pants sexy? On you? i’ve never worn them but probably lol 1044. Did you tell someone you love him or her today? not yet 1045. Have you ever given blood? i’ve never donated blood but i’ve had blood drawn for medical purposes & hated it 1046. Have you ever been thrown out of someplace? nope 1047. What do you daydream about? life 1048. Are you a miracle? nope 1049. If America is one nation under god then are atheists citizens? yeah 1050. Should they be? i think so 1051. If you could pick any rock star to replace the Ozbournes in their reality show, whom would you pick? idk i don’t even watch that show soo 1052. What are your feelings about Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion of Christ? i personally thought it was terrible lol 1053. What did you think about the last episode of Sex in the City? never watched it 1054. What is your favorite movie with Adam Sandler in it? either happy gilmore or grown ups 1055. What is your biggest problem? procrastination 1056. Have you ever been arrested? no. 1057. Can musicians be held responsible for influencing people to behave badly? no 1058. Do you believe that there are subliminal messages embedded in some TV shows, movies & music? absolutely 1059. Is there anything that you believe should be banned for any reason? rape, abuse, and so many other things 1060. How often do you eat too much? allll the time 1061. Have you ever descended into pure madness? nahh 1062. Would you want to? who would??? 1063. Do green m&m’s make you feel sexy? i don’t even like m&ms 1064. If you died tomorrow, what mark would you have left on the world? not a very big one but hopefully the people who i have interacted with will think of me as a good person 1065. What movie would you NEVER want to see? there’s plenty. 1066. What annoys you the most about yourself? i procrastinate a lot 1067. How do you feel about capitalism? nothing. 1068. How do you feel about socialism? idk 1069. How do you feel about communism? - 1070. Has anyone ever tried to injure you? i don’t think so 1071. Has anyone ever tried to kill you? not to my knowledge 1072. How do you know when it’s time to break up with someone? when you are no longer happy when you’re with them 1073. What is your opinion of the Janet jackson/Justin Timberlake superbowl exposure incident? idk 1074. What’s the most annoying sound? when people eat with their mouth open 1075. Who was your childhood hero? my sister 1076. With nearly 100 channels why is NOTHING ever on? idk man, i usually find something to watch but i only watch tv when there is something specific playing that i want to watch 1077. Would you adopt a stray kitty wandering through your neighborhood? yeah, i’d take ti to the vet to make sure it’s healthy first and give it a bath and stuff 1078. Describe what you look like: well right now i’m wearing a hoodie and pajama pants, my hair is a mess bc i just woke up 1079. Describe what you ARE like: driven, funny, talkative, passionate, friendly, kind 1080. What bad habit do you have that affects other people as much as it affects you? anger??? idk 1081. How did you party new years eve 1999? i was 3 yrs old lol so i didn’t party very much i’m sure 1082. Does second hand smoke bother you? kind of 1083. Have you ever: Dumped a drink over someone’s head? nope Dumped a drink over your own head? yeah Bit someone? yep Torn at someone’s clothes? not that i know of Made out in the bathroom? i’m sure i have 1084. Which Lord of the Rings movie has the best ending? i don’t remember 1085. Do you have any interesting scars? i wouldn’t call them interesting 1086. Is it better for people to change and evolve their ideas or always be consistent? i think it is good to change and evolve 1087. Warped tour, Lollapalooza or Area concert? any, ig 1088. What are you missing in your life? motivation 1089. Do you ever know when someone is thinking about you? not unless they tell me that they are 1090. What could you make a sculpture out of that’s in the room with you right now? paper 1091. Do you believe in the lost city of Atlantis? i don’t really know 1092. Have you ever read The Little Prince? no, i want to tho 1093. This is Mr. fish <>< What’s the best picture you can make on your keyboard? <(^-^)< 1094. What did Mr. Octopus say to Mrs. Octopus? idk???? 1095. Let’s see if I’m psychic. Write a yes or no question here. am i wasting my time here? 1096. Write another yes or no question. will i do good in my new college? 1097. Think of just one more yes or no question. will i be successful in my future career? 1098. Type one question that can be answered with a color (example: what color is my car) what color i my underwear? 1099. Think of a number between one and one hundred & type it down. 88 1100. Write one more question, anything you want. what should i be doing right now?
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