#also i promise i'm getting through all my asks lol!! I read and enjoy every single one of them
sheepkebby · 1 year
What do you think Keith's dynamic would be with the other survivors if he were in the Savanna group?
Keith and Ellis are obviously best friends, and they can never shut the hell up when they're together. They're constantly talking, laughing, singing, just straight up having the best time ever. The others absolutely get double the amount of usual headaches, but at the very least they're glad to see Ellis is so happy to be talking to his buddy again. Plus, there's a lot more light in the group now that Keith and Ellis are bright balls of sunshine together. It's hard not to be optimistic about your chances when two of your teammates are constantly shouting WOOOOOO LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO
(Also everyone can definitely tell that Ellis and Keith are crushing on each other, and it melts everyone's hearts to see two idiots tiptoe around their feelings for each other like the stupidest ballerinas ever) ((#Kellis for life))
Keith and Rochelle would be absolutely adorable together. Ro treats Ellis as if he were a little brother and Keith is no different. Though, she'd probably treat Keith more like a muddy stray dog she found out in the rain one night. Rochelle thinks Keith is stupid and funny and she loves how he gives Nick noogies. Keith immediately takes a liking to Rochelle and wants to impress her with his stupid stunts. He's about to do a backflip off a cliff and he's like "RO!!! HEY RO ARE YOU WATCHING?? RO! WATCH!!! WATCH ME THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!!"
Keith and Coach would be interesting, I think. I mean the obvious choice for a dynamic would be Coach going Dad Mode and being a sort of father figure to Keith, and honestly? I do like the idea, but I also feel like Keith and Coach would be BEST FRIENDS❗❗ Like, they both like rock music and sports and tasty food, they're both Big Boys™ with Big Hearts™ and I bet they'd have tons more in common. I can see them tossing a ball around in the yard before going inside to scarf down the biggest hamburgers anyone's ever seen. Then they stay up late laughing loud as fuck over jokes only southerners would get, and they accidentally keep the entire saferoom awake.
Keith and Nick would have the most fun dynamic in my opinion- Nick has already grown a tolerance for stupid countryfolk after spending so much time with Ellis, but he immediately recognizes that Keith is way more of a bastard than Ellis is. He audibly goes "ugghh" whenever Keith enters the room. The rest of the group has already made it very clear that they won't tolerate Nick's bitchiness if it's genuinely mean-spirited (lighthearted teasing is ok) so Nick isn't allowed to bully Keith as much as he'd like to. Keith, on the other hand, absolutely LOVES bullying Nick. He'll ruffle Nick's hair and wipe his dirty hands on Nick's sleeve just because it's funny. Despite their differences, Keith will openly admit he enjoys spending time with Nick because he's a total badass (and it's funny to tease him, Keith doesn't mean any harm by it anyways). Nick will try and convince everyone that he hates Keith with every fiber of his being, and everyone's like "sure Nick", because they know he was lying when he said he hated Ellis, and he's definitely lying again.
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nikitunez · 1 year
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ຊ pairing : enhypen x gn!reader ຊ genre : fluff, headcanon ຊ words : 434 ຊ contains : hugging, kissing, mentions of food ຊ maya's notes : thank you anon for requesting this! i loved writing it! it kinda did turn into a preferred love langues thingy in the middle but i wanted to make each member's hc as unique as possible lol 😭 please leave feedback and reblog if you enjoyed it! i would really love to know how everyone found it hehe ❤ if you would like to read more from me, my taglist and requests are open as well! but that's all for now, enjoy reading :)
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𝙃𝙀𝙀𝙎𝙀𝙐𝙉𝙂 : honestly, he loves literally any kind of physical affection. but to name a few, there is running your fingers through his hair, giving him tight hugs as well as cheek and forehead kisses, saying i love you, and finally complimenting him for little successes like winning a game or making some good ramen.
𝙅𝘼𝙔 : he's kinda a high maintenance boyfriend and loves when you buy him gifts. it doesn't matter if they're cheap or expensive because for him, everything you gift him is priceless. the gifts could be anything from clothes to food to a short little trip to some nearby town.
𝙅𝘼𝙆𝙀 : if jay is a materialistically high maintenance boyfriend, this boy is high maintenance in every other department. i'm talking words of affirmation and physical affection and kind gestures. give him everything and he's a happy boy. but more specifically just remember to kiss his lips and tell him that you love him every thirty minutes if you can.
𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙃𝙊𝙊𝙉 : more than cuddling with him or giving him kisses just make him a large cup of delicious hot chocolate and i promise you he will get down on one knee and ask you to marry him right then and there. but he also really likes when you offer to wash his hair for him for no reason because it's such a silly yet soothing thing to do.
𝙎𝙐𝙉𝙊𝙊 : who needs a massage chair when you exist? he loves when you sense that he's tense and wordlessly start soothing his muscles. for starters, it feels so amazing and relaxing. but also, he realizes how much you care about him and how intuitive you are when it comes to him and all of those emotions just make him feel so grateful to have you.
𝙅𝙐𝙉𝙂𝙒𝙊𝙉 : just hold his hand and watch as his eyes fill with love. he likes the way your hands fit together so perfectly, and you don't have to be walking somewhere for him to want you to hold his hand. that and whenever you poke or kiss his cheeks. he swears he hates it but deep down it makes him all warm and fuzzy inside.
𝙉𝙄-𝙆𝙄 : back hugs. make him feel like he's in a kdrama and he will cherish you for life. also whenever you push his hair out of his eyes for him. the way you smile at him when he meets your eye makes his heart skip a beat. he also likes when you feed him. whenever you're eating together, you construct the perfect bite for him and hold your palm under his cheek while asking him to open wide. he loves it.
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© nikitunez
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demonpiratehuntress · 25 days
Good to know you're doing great, and that's fine (and Yes Inumake Toge 😍😍 🥺🥺) How about Zoro x reader (reader is the daughter of Gold Roger but uses a different last name she's two years older than Ace and her identity is a secret, she does tell Zoro in private after they get together) them having triplets together all look like Zoro (all have his sense of direction lol) just the shenanigans of reader having three lost Marimos 😂 she's very amused by it (it makes sense considering her sense of direction is non existent too 😂 the crew has five direction challenged members yikes) also she's a fighter (has Uzui Tengen's swords lol... I'm only adding this part cause I don't really like reader not being a fighter sorry if that's inconvenient you can remove it, I'm not asking for battle scenes just a note to point out) she's his height (the struggles of my tall ass constantly having to imagine how tall a character is for them to be taller than my 6'4 ass 😂) and kinda hot headed
i love the idea of Zoro's and reader's children being directionally challenged just like him lol. i can do this idea, because i am also directionally challenged :) i just don't know who Uzui Tengen is, but I did google him to make sure! i hope you enjoy this :) so sorry it took so long!
taglist - @kabloswrld
it runs in the family
Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader
summary - the ask ^-^
warnings - not proof read
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It was hard enough having one lost soul to take care of. Watching Zoro was like watching a child, needing constant focus and attention to keep him from wandering off. Everyone takes turns watching him, but it ultimately ends up being your job most of the time because it's so exhausting.
"I'm going to that weapons store over there, be right back."
Your head snapped up when you heard him say that, eyes going wide as you immediately lunged forward to grab his wrist.
"It's right over there!" He protested, "I won't get lost."
You snorted and raised an eyebrow, "Babe I've seen you walk across the street and get lost. I don't believe you for a second. Sit down."
He grumbled and complained, but listened and took his seat next to you again. The two of you were waiting for the others to come back from their respective tasks, having finished your own (no thanks to Zoro, you had done it yourself). You swore you looked down for two seconds and when you turned to say something to him, he was not there. You shot up instantly, looking around for a mop of green hair.
"That idiot-"
You found him soon enough, and he was making his way to the weapons store just like he wanted. You were quick to scramble after him, knowing if you lost him now it would take you a whole day to find him. Maybe two.
The man grunted as you grabbed his ear, shooting you a pained glare as you twisted it and pulled him in the other direction.
"Dammit woman, at least let my ear go!"
"You need a leash!"
And that's pretty much how it goes every time you have to babysit your husband. It only got worse when you found out you were pregnant, and produced three exact copies of the swordsman. Three little menaces with his hair, his features, his personality, and your eyes. That's about the only thing they got from you.
To absolutely no one's surprise, they turned out to have a horrible sense of direction just like their father.
To be honest, you were a little relieved they hadn't inherited anything from you. As the daughter of the famed Gol D Roger, you were just as much at risk of being captured and locked up forever - or executed - just because of your parentage, like your younger brother. Only Zoro knew who your father was, as you kept the secret as possible. Even then, you only told him because you wanted no secrets between the two of you, which you'd promised each other on your wedding day. It seemed so long ago, with everything you'd been through, but you were more than grateful for the swordsman.
Not just for keeping your secret (you were pretty sure he forgot the day after you told him) but for protecting you to a point. He knew you could take care of yourself, he'd seen how skilled you were with your blades. He wasn't overbearing, because you were already a strong fighter, but he protected you in other ways, like keeping you from getting into dangerous situations that risked exposing who you were - like that one time in Water 7 when Garp absent-mindedly noted that you reminded him of Gol D Roger, Zoro quickly changed the conversation. He was dumb, but he was more perceptive than he led people to believe.
All these memories, of meeting him and dating him and eventually marrying him, flooded your mind as you gazed down at your sons. A soft smile on your face, you admired just how much they looked like their father, something you had hoped for but the others teased you for.
But you found out soon enough that although having three little kids running around was hard enough, it was made worse when you and the crew found out about their lack of directional sense.
You smacked the back of your husband's head hard, immediately waking him from his nap. He glared up at you for a moment before seeing the furious look on your face and immediately became nervous.
"Where are the boys?!"
"They were right over-" He pointed to the nearby swing, "-there."
"Uh huh, and where are they now?" You crossed your arms.
He scratched the back of his head, getting to his feet, "Uh..."
You smacked him again, "Dumbass. You're just lucky this island isn't as big as all the other ones we've been to!"
But as it turned out, searching for your lost children wasn't hard. They were only a block away from the small park Zoro had taken them to, huddled together on the side and looking around in confusion. In true Roronoa Zoro fashion.
One of them spotted you and yelled happily, dragging his siblings towards you and your sheepish husband. You smiled and scooped two of them up, leaving the third to be lifted into Zoro's arms.
"You guys know you're not supposed to go anywhere without me or your father," you scolded, holding back a smile at how cute they looked glancing at each other before looking down.
"Sorry, mommy. It won't happen again."
And they sound so cute, so sad, you just have to smother their little faces with kisses until they're laughing and pushing your face away.
"Ew, mom!"
But of course, it does happen again. Because they're Roronoa Zoro's children, they always manage to get themselves lost. The next time it happened, you were visiting Vivi in Alabasta. As you and the others were caught up in greeting the princess, your overeager kids found some other kids to play with and went off with them without telling you or Zoro.
Your husband, bless him, tried to go after them but got himself lost in the process. How you know? Sanji found your kids and brought them back, but said he hasn't even SEEN the swordsman.
"Babe you are the LAST person who should go looking for lost people!" You sighed when you found him, shaking your head. "It always ends up like this."
"Those are MY kids-"
"Clearly," you pinched the bridge of your nose. "Anyway Sanji found them, so let's just go." You dragged him back to everyone else, ignoring the way his eye twitched at the mention of the cook.
That's not to say you were good with directions, because you were also bad with them. Sure, you had a better idea of direction than Zoro did, but the crew was still a little wary about sending you anywhere alone.
You and your family tended to butt heads about it, especially when you were all shopping for things you needed. Zoro would claim what you were looking for was in one aisle, while you asserted that it was in another.
It was quite funny for the crew actually, watching the five of you argue and then run off in different directions, only to forget which way you came from and struggle to get back. They had a blast when you took the kids to a carnival where there was a maze, because they found their way out relatively quickly. All the while you, your directionally-challenged kids and your even more directionally-challenged husband went in circles.
"I think it's this way."
"No, no, it's definitely this way!"
"Trust me, I know where I'm going!"
"So do I!"
You two were so busy arguing about where to go that you didn't notice your mischievous children sneaking off to try and find their own way out. Much like Zoro, they hated arguing and they wanted to just take action instead of thinking. By the time you realised it was too quiet, they were nowhere nearby.
"Oh my God, not again!" You face-palmed, then whirled on the swordsman, "This is your fault!"
"Mine?! You wanted to argue!"
Steam was practically coming out of your nose and ears, but you took a deep breath and calmed yourself. One of you had to be reasonable here. So without a word, you turned and walked in one direction while your thick-headed husband went in the other.
"(kid 1 name)! (kid 2 name)! (kid 3 name)!" You tried calling, hearing their voices call back out to you every time you did. But as soon as you thought you were getting close, you would call again and their voices would be even further away.
They were going in the opposite directions.
"Hey, kids!" You called again, "Just stay right there for mom, okay? Stay where you are."
Eventually you do find them, but now you have no idea where you came from so you have no idea where to go. Outside the maze, the rest of the crew is fast asleep as they wait for the five of you to figure it out, Nami being the only one staying awake just in case you made it out earlier than they expected.
You didn't.
"We can't take you guys anywhere," the redhead complained, making you laugh.
Yeah, that was pretty much what the Straw Hat crew had to deal with.
A/N: i hope this lived up to your expectations! i wasn't sure how to piece it all together so just tell me if i missed anything in your request, or if you're not satisfied with any of the parts! :) im open to criticism!
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niki-phoria · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about jay that I need to send this request to you rn.
m!reader wakes up and goes downstairs to find jay in the kitchen, making breakfast for him and the boys. he walks up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist, hugging him from behind and showering him with kisses.
the other members see this and they get annoyed by them, saying smth like “can you not? It’s 8 in the morning.” And that makes jay feel very flustered.
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pairing: jay x male!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 620
includes: blushy jay, sleepy sunoo, clingy reader, this is kinda short i'm sorry, tried my best not to make this read like an 8th member au lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! this idea is adorable, i love it sm :)) i hope you like it <33
requests open !! read my rules first
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sunlight seeps through your windows, casting the room in a gentle golden glow when you stir awake. you lazily roll onto your side, letting out a small disappointed sigh at the sight of an empty bed beside you. jay had made a habit of cooking breakfast for you whenever he woke up before you. 
the first time it happened he had made a surprise visit in the middle of the night after the first set of tour dates. he spent the night sleeping soundly next to you until his boredom and hunger became too much to bear. when you dragged yourself out of bed and he saw your smile at the smell of a freshly cooked meal, he made a silent promise to himself: he would do anything to make you smile.
jake’s bed is also empty on the other side of the room when you sit up, leaving the safety of your bed in favor of searching for your beloved boyfriend. finding him is easy enough. niki and sunghoon are sitting beside each other on the couch as they cue up another round of mario kart when you pass them. sunoo is curled up on the loveseat, forcefully blinking every now and then to keep himself awake. jungwon and heeseung are laughing together on the back porch, waving to you through the sliding glass door when you walk by. jay is in the kitchen, leaning over a pan of eggs with his back to you. 
you smile as you walk up behind him to gently pull him towards your chest into a back hug. he jumps a little at the sudden feeling before he relaxes, chuckling. you lean forwards to rest your forehead against his shoulder blades and close your eyes to fully enjoy the moment. 
jay reaches up to take your hand into his, gently squeezing it. “good morning love.” he chuckles. 
“morning,” you hum. the words are muffled against his shirt. 
you don’t move from your spot - even as jay turns the stove off. “i need to move, honey,” he says. you only tighten your grip around his waist to keep him still where he is. his body heat is a nice replacement for the warmth of the blankets you crawled out of not long ago. 
the door opens and heeseung and jungwon re-enter the dorm. “isn’t it a little early for this?” heeseung asks, walking over to the cabinet. he reaches up, taking out eight sets of plates and handing them off to jungwon to set at the table. 
you pull away from jay just enough to look at heeseung. “for what?” 
his answer is interrupted by a groan from sunghoon and niki whining. “they’re doing it again?”
“doing what?” jay asks. 
“being all cuddly,” jungwon chuckles. you stifle a small laugh of your own as you finally let go of jay. he takes the pan off of the stove, sliding two freshly-made eggs onto a plate jungwon holds out for him. 
jay’s ears and neck are tinted a light pink - evidence of how flustered he’s becoming. “are you blushing?” 
he looks away as he turns back to the stove in a poor attempt to hide his blush. “no.” you simply step closer to see him better, tugging him back so you can see his face. 
“you’re blushing!” jay sighs, mentally preparing himself for the onslaught of teasing he’s sure will come. you laugh as you pull him into a hug. he takes the opportunity to hide his face into your neck. “it’s cute.” you lean forwards to press a quick peck against his lips when you pull away, tugging him towards the dining room with you. “now come on, let’s go eat. breakfast smells good.”
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yourmomni · 8 months
Fix You
A/n: hi guys🥰 I hope you enjoy this I literally was so excited to write this first part of this story and can't wait to continue it ( and actually finish a series). Their will be 4 parts of this series that will be dropping every Sunday ( or if I'm feeling generous) every Friday. I have school through out the week so please be patient with me. @loveyouselfalways thank you for the request i cherish you in my heart 🥰🥰
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The comments on the life were popping up rapidly on the screen as I rocked in my gamer chair that was in my room.
" Guys, what song should I play next."
I smiled as the requests were all over the screen within seconds of me asking. I was live on Weverse after our comeback on Music Bank.
" Oh I like Maroon 5, let's play Sunday morning."
I typed the song in and turned my speakers that were on my desk up. I swayed to the song bobbing my head and singing along.
Jay popped his head in as I looked up over my monitor at him. " Jake wanted to know if you've seen his black cap, and I also bought you some ramen." I shook my head. " no he probably left it at the studio but do you wanna come say hi." He smiled rushing into my room sitting the bowl down beside me, standing behind me waving. " Hi ENGENE thank you for supporting us today." He began humming the song and reading the comments.
" no, I'm not joining the live I just stopped by to say hello…now I'm leaving so goodnight I love you." He waved bye rustling my hair and then running out before I could hit him back.
" He's so annoying guys, I swear he's really like a big brother to me." I fixed my hair grabbed the chopsticks and ate a little bit of the ramen
Hoonies wife: You’re the annoying one
Jaybm: I want to see him not you
I squinted at the comment
" He's not really annoying, it was just a joke guys."
Dweakicake: look at how she's eating. What a pig
Skyhon: fat bitch
Lilsim: I can't believe they chose her as the last member, what a waste of space. Literally lol.
Jewelgold: did you guys see her outfit for comeback? They should have covered her up more, she looked like a dancing cow
You stared blankly at the camera reading the comments appearing on the screen one by one.
"I'm sorry if you guys didn't like my outfit for the comeback, maybe next show you'll enjoy the next one."
You faked a smile, your heart felt like a needle was going in and out of it, and your stomach felt like there was a zoo inside of it.
The song finally ended and you slid the bowl to the side.
You were too sick to eat
" Okay, guys I'm not feeling well so I'm just going to end the live here."
Y/Nfairy: Don't pay attention to the mean comments we love you
Enha4L: Don't go I'll miss you too much
You smiled " It's getting late and I promised Sunoo I would do face mask with him tonight so I gotta go. I love you engenes until next time." I blew a kiss and waved bye to the screen ending the live.
I exhaled, groaning, laying my head on the desk. Jay walked back in smiling holding his own bowl
" I came to- hey what happened to the live I was going to surprise them" I quickly lifted my head to face him
"Oh, I ended the live it's getting late." I got out of my chair, grabbed my bowl that was on the desk taking it to the the kitchen.
Jay was taken aback by the sudden change of mood you had. You were all bubbly and excited to get on live just a second ago.
Jake was sitting at the dinner table on his phone, probably ordering a new black cap.
" Someone needs to clean the dishes I did it last night and this morning, and they keep piling up," Jungwon said, walking in from the living room and setting his bowl in the sink.
I dumped my food in the trash sitting my bowl down beside his " I did it last week it's sunoo turn." Jay said leaning on the island
" I did it the week before," Sunoo yelled from his room.
" Hey, you didn't eat all your food," Jay whispered as I stood beside him on my phone.
" I wasn't hungry." I moved before he could ask me anything else. The living room was empty even though the T.V. was on. I sat down on the couch scrolling through Twitter trying to see if anyone posted the highlights of my live.
Enhypenlover: Y/n looked so pretty today on her live as she played songs by Tyler the Creator, Frank Ocean, Steve Lacey, Beabadoobob and Maroon 5. She even had a special appearance from Jay. Sadly she left in a hurry but I can't wait to see her again soon. What did you guys think about her live?
You pushed the comment section and saw over 2.5k people reply to her tweet
There were a lot of comments about how they liked your taste in music, or about how they enjoyed seeing you. Then you scrolled too far.
User183752890: why didn't they make her diet before coming back? So embarrassing
You sharply exhaled as you read it over and over again
You knew you weren't the skinniest person in the world, you had thighs that doubled every time you sat down, your fingers weren't skinny and Dainty like the other girl idols and your belly was nowhere near flat. It would spill out from under your shirts and poke out when you tried to hide it in your jeans.
It was nowhere around how you looked. You knew you were fat.
After I-land aired and the last 7 members were picked to be in enhypen everyone was so excited to see the new group, well until they decided to add you into it.
The boys were nice, sweet, and caring towards you but the fans were a different story. Always commenting on how you looked or saying you didn't match the boy's vibes. Telling you to leave the group every chance they got.
A tear fell from you're eyes and onto your cheek, as you gripped your phone in your hand. " You okay." You quickly whipped it away. " Yeah just got something in my eye no big deal."
Niki was standing there watching as you wiped your tears away for the 5th time that week in silence.
He walked over to you, snatching your phone out of your hand. " What are you reading?" I gasped hopping up trying to grab my phone back. " Niki stop it." He started scrolling eyebrows frowning as he continued to read all the comments
" Niki give it here." He turned his back to me, blocking my phone from me. I tried going in front of him but he ran to the other side of the room.
" Niki, this isn't funny, just give it back." He scoffed. He was still reading silently. Niki was beyond angry at all of the things he was seeing.
People who claimed to be fans hated you for no reason. It was pissing him off.
"How long has this been going on?" He asked, finally looking up from your phone. " It doesn't matter, just give me my phone back." You reached for your phone but Niki moved it out of the way.
"It doesn't matter? Y/n you were literally crying 5 minutes ago reading this trash." "It isn't trash," I yelled at him. He bit the inside of his cheek. " When did this start y/n." I crossed my arms looking away from him
He shrugged, "Fine, you don't wanna talk." He brushed past me and into the kitchen where I followed him. " Niki, what are you doing?"
Everyone was gathered in the kitchen which was just your luck.
" Jungwon, look at this." I gasped as I watched him hand my phone over to our leader. Jungwon raised his eyebrows as he received the phone.
Oh no
The one thing about getting hate was that you tried your best to hide it from your other members. You knew if they saw it they would try to protect you or worse agree with the people about you.
Everyone crowded behind Jungwon to read what was on your phone. you felt like you were living a nightmare. Your hands started getting sweaty and your legs turned to jello.
Jay was the first one to look back up at you sadness all over his face. You quickly looked away from him and down at the ground. You hated seeing them sad especially if it was over you.
You clenched your fist all of a sudden and anger filled you. " When did this Start?" Jungwon asked, breaking the silence. I couldn't look up at him. " Y/n answer me when did-" " None of your business." I spat. Everyone looked taken aback.
" Y/n watch how you talk," Heeseung said glaring at me. I walked over and snatched my phone out of his hand. " This is none of your concern I can handle this alone."
" Oh, so that's what you call crying at night in your room. You call that " handling it" because it doesn't seem handled." Niki yelled back just as angry. I pushed his chest " fuck you.".
" Y/n that's enough," Sunghoon interjects. " Niki was trying to help and-." I cut him off ." He wasn't trying to help me he was trying to embarrass me…I don't have time for this." I stormed to my room " Come back here, we're not done talking to you." Jay said following me.
" I don't want to talk to any of you EVER." I slammed the door in his face.
" teenagers." Heeseung groaned throwing the rag he had in the sink and whipping his hands on the apron he had around his neck. Niki dragged his hands across his face. " Why didn't she tell us," Jake said with frustration all over his face.
Niki's leg was bouncing so hard the table began to move with it." I don't know but I'm going to fix it." He got up from the table storming to his own room slamming the door.
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Why I'm so … away lately:
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Spending my freet time with my Info PDFs on Vijay and Ryder.
This project is somewhat insane and ate already a lot of free time (doing all the casual outfit shots alone). I know I do not need to present it in this way, but as the graphic designer who I am, I enjoy doing this way too much! I just love to create layouts and in this way I also make use of my own VP pics as well in a secondary usage. It is something I cannot life out in my daily job. I've always wanted to create some sort of a guideline. And my ocs are just perfect for that. I wanna do Thyjs and Jaysen as well ofc but I won't start with them for a while. Ry and V need to be done first, then I 'll look into other priorities (e.g. roleplay story -> + turn it into fanfic, get more creative in VP, help some modders maybe) for a while and then I go back to getting this done for Thyjs and Jaysen as well. <3
So what about these documents?
of all they provide some huge help for me to have the best overview possible on their main mods and clothes I use for them. Once this is done, I can just open the PDFs and click onto the links that bring me to the mod page of a specific mod. I've been asked a few times what I used so this will help me find it within no time. Searching on nexus is sometimes a whole pain for me when you do not know the title of the mods. And I don't want to keep everything in "tracked mods" either except for the core mods such as CET, archive XL etc. needed for the game.
it hopefully does a good service to the lovely @gloryride who's going to turn both, Vijay and Ryder, into NPVs soon <3 I want her to have it as easy as I can make it (hopefully it works how I imagined it). So she's got everything neately sorted to look up in lists — especially for the outfits I want to include — even though I'm going to send over all the needed stuff. But if there's need to look it up you can just simply klick on the link that brings you to the nexus page that has the usual additional info, original mods (since my are renamed with prefixes) and who it belongs to.
it also will serve for everyone who wants to take pics of my boys in the future. Because I do love to share them and I wanna see how they look through other VPer's eyes! Therefore I added a short backstory, character dates and inspiration, likes and dislikes so you can imagine them better plus every up to this date outfit I've got for them so far. A bunch of outfits will be included to their NPVs but not all since both have already something between 15-20 outfits and some mods require permission for NPV (it takes ags for me to ask permission). I assume people love more to take pics with NPV rather than having to install all their mods (tho Ry's and V's are okayish; Thyjs on the contrary has like approx. 50 main mods alone lol) but I'll still provide both once I'm done. Dunno how often I'll update these docs since there will always be new outfits for them.
If you read all through to the bottom: please feel free to send me a dm or write me on discord if you think about wanting to VP my boys some day! <3 Once I'm done and NPVs are there I'm more than happy to share.
Once this massive main project of mine is done for the time being, I may reach out to some of you in the future asking if I can VP your ocs as well and I'm always happy to see my ocs making new friends too! I'm just very bad at doing all at once, so I never came around asking – I need to finish one thing first, before I can take on antoher or I'll get completely lost, :,D I've already got a list of stuff I have to/wanna do. So everything I've promised some time back will be still done at some point!
Thanks for reading <3
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bronanlynch · 6 months
once again I've watched more anime than done anything else this week but I promise I also have other stuff to talk abt
listening (podcast):
Great Gundam Project: almost done with their 0079 episodes and it's so funny to hear how confused and surprised they are that Newtypes don't get mentioned until the last 10 episodes. also, once again, hearing them talk about Char reminds me that I miss seeing Char on my television screen :/
Palisade: once again it was crazy good this week. shout out to fucked up dream sequences/visions of alternate futures, gotta genuinely be one of my favorite storytelling devices
listening (music): MakeDamnSure by Taking Back Sunday, which is going on my Partizan/Palisade playlist for Balence reasons
Imperial Uncle: got to more fun reveals that make the main relationship a lot tastier and more fun. still having a good time with this one
The Death I Gave Him: part of the appeal of this book for me (other than that I love Hamlet & Hamlet retellings) is the romance with the sentient lab AI. this should shock absolutely no one (at least no one who knows me as the Sokrates/Integrity guy lol) but I'm real into stuff that explores like, how intimacy works when you don't each have your own separate bodies
A Power Unbound: also started & finished something I've been looking forward to, A Power Unbound by Freya Marske, the third book in a romance/historical fantasy trilogy (different main characters for each) set mostly in Edwardian England. I've enjoyed the other books in the series, and I enjoyed this one too (though I think I prefer the other two for reasons that probably don't have to do with the actual quality of this book and have more to do with what I like & don't like in a main relationship, and actually it's a testament to how strong the writing was that the relationship worked for me anyway, because it did feel earned in terms of both characterization & themes, even though it's the sort of relationship dynamic that I tend to be hesitant about because I often see it done very badly in fanfic in ways that do a disservice to the personalities of both characters involved). anyway. my actual review is that I love fucked up magic houses and there are several of those in this book so shout out to that, and one of the main characters is extremely my type (short, angry, hates the aristocracy, etc)
I'm in Love with the Villainess: we're caught up now, and I do love class conflict even if I'm sure it's going to be incredibly simplistic and silly because that's the show this is (which I am fine with, to be clear, this is a romance anime based on lovingly parodying otome games, I am treating it with the same kind of seriousness that I would treat something like Scum Villain)
Bakeoff: I'm glad that this year they seem to be better about not putting way too much weight on the showstopper and sometimes deciding star baker based on other challenges like. finally some respect for people who do really well in the signature!!
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: I mean. I've been posting through it about this one so I don't think I have any new insights here just. man. I love it when a major character death is done really well. what a show (positive)
Gundam Seed: you may, at this point, be asking why Seed is our next Gundam after finishing ZZ, especially when every week I talk about pining for Char. the answer is because my roommate watched some of it a while ago and wanted to revisit it, and also because we're saving Char's Counterattack for when we get really desperate for Gundam that isn't Seed. anyway. Seed is fun so far!
the above description of Gundam Seed was written a few days ago when we first started but before we got to the info dump about what's up with Coordinators & Naturals so I'm editing this to say: oof. it really is like what if someone took all of the parts of the original Newtype stuff that I was most skeptical about, took out all of the metaphorical stuff from Zeta that redeemed the concept for me, and then explicitly added literal eugenics. don't like that!
the other thing about Seed is the misogyny which like. god. at least the misogyny in Zeta felt more interesting to think about. at least it felt like Tomino was saying things about gender even if I didn't always like it. this is just peak early 2000s misogyny where everyone including the writers hates women so much that every man comes across as incredibly gay because their relationships with other men are treated so much more seriously
at this point you might be asking what I actually like about this show since I've been complaining for several paragraphs and the answer is I love it when childhood friends end up on the opposite sides of a war. also, a lot of Seed feels like it's trying very hard to Be A Gundam Show (for better or worse tbh, I can feel myself being marketed to, I can practically hear Bandai being like, hey remember how cool it is when a blue-and-white mobile suit fights a pinkish-red mobile suit, don't you want to buy some models), and I am not immune to classic Gundam shit like "oops these kids are involved in a war now because the military was developing a top-secret superweapon right next to where they live" and "your lives are at risk and/or you might get arrested for trying to protect your friends because the higher-ups are incompetent/selfish/do not care about you." I am also not immune to squads of edgy anime boys, or giant robots that each have their own special weapon/power, or whatever the fuck Le Creuset's got going on. I love him. I still miss Char and he's not quite filling that void but I do love him
another session of my Blades in the Dark campaign, based on the image below (from here). the crew was asked to get the sea serpent to go away and leave ships alone, and absolutely no one was surprised that the secret actual mission was to protect the sea serpent (a baby one) from the coast guard who were going to try to make it leave but more violently because we're playing Blades like it's a game about befriending creatures (see also: Missy is currently trying to resocialize a former fighting goat and Xiao Yun collects extremely fucked up birds)
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Ace Attorney 5: not very far into the trial but man. sorry for falling for the trilogy nostalgia but I love to have Edgeworth as a prosecutor, I love the energy that he and Phoenix have, I'm such a sucker for defense attorney & prosecutor working together to find the truth and also they're in love
making: vaguely spanakopita-inspired stuffed pastry wreath. we made it once before and put too much extra vegetable in that released too much water while it was baking so the dough just straight up did not cook. we did it better this time! the dough is actually baked! (it's store-bought crescent rolls, we did not make the dough). anyway. there's spinach and mushroom and herbed goat cheese in there, and it's tasty
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drinking: the grocery store had peppermint bark creme liqueur, and it's pretty good in hot chocolate
writing: continued to pick away at a zine fic, figured out what I want to write for my Nirvana in Fire exchange fic, and also did a little bit more on the Integrity fic that I've been working on. it has been a minute since I've written an action scene huh
The Principality knows how to contain divines, to leash them, to defang them and bend their powers to its will. And Integrity is an old divine, and never among the most awe-inspiring. Integrity is a small, quiet thing, precise and intimate and not suited for flashy displays of power like many of its fellows. But it is a divine nonetheless, and when it fights, it brings death. Orbit-and-Integrity steps into the corridor where the Princept fled. Orbit bares their remaining teeth, blood pooling in their mouth and seeping through the seams that begin to open in Integrity’s armor where it no longer has the focus to keep them closed.
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taegularities · 9 months
! Brief trigger: this is not exactly a rant, it’s a story time but a very long one, pls bear with me 🥲 (also my first ask so there’s that)
Been following you for a while now Rid, I’ve mostly read your standalone fics like love me better, begin, silk & stones, stars behind waves & tale of broken hearts. I consider myself as the type who likes gut wrenching angst that ends in happy ending or at least a feeling of hope at the end. These ones like you had promised, were definitely angst heavy (esp the vmin fics). I prefer not to touch long series coz I fear I might lose interest midway thru & might end up thinking I wasted lots of time reading it since it often happens that authors end up adding bunch of filler scenes in between & im one who doesn’t like that.
So for the longest time I actually ignored cmi, until the amc thing came up & the some of the questions relating to the character arcs were def intriguing for me, & I thought ‘why not just give this one a go?’ The word count for cmi looked quite scary😶 so I took inspiration from seven & tried finishing from start till the recent update within seven days (…peak stupidity LoL) & GOD THE ANGST. I couldn’t help but take a blanket over my head to tear down through the rough patches that followed in midway through the fic…literally every scene was so detailed, it almost felt like I was looking at two people I closely knew & felt sorry for to suffer the miseries of being apart because of the conflicts they’d been facing.
Even if I actually succeeded in completing the 200k wc (the fastest & longest record for me) I was able to enjoy the fic. Maybe coz you actually understand the pacing of the slow burn and wrote their arcs so carefully which allowed the reader to slowly unveil their personalities, their flaws, their growth throughout the fic. I kinda skipped the drabbles in between (i did skim through but didn’t actually focus on them alot) coz the goal was to first read through the main storyline then take my time to unwind & re-read the drabbles after. Honestly this work might be my fav one from you, or any Jungkook fic I’ve read in the entirety of this website. Just wanted to say thanks for crafting such a wonderful piece of literature for us, im thrilled to read further what lays in store for jk & oc after they talked through their differences & patched up. And after reading so much pining that went behind in the past 9(?) parts, I’d actually love only fluff and warmth for this couple (me as angst enthusiast saying this✋🙂). And yes, I’m waiting for the cmi drabble (seven mv jk cross over with cmi jk is an unimaginable menace 🫠) and future parts to be posted sooner too! This couple has my heart💛
this was your first ask?! to lil ole me? 😭 omg hope you still see this one!! i wasn't around much when you sent it, then it got buried – but today i remembered it again and wanted to say hi 🥺
first of all, tysm for reading so many of my fics, and such long ones, too!! like, lmb is a huge ass piece, so im really happy you gave it a shot and enjoyed it, too 🥺 and like, same goes for cmi. it's also so lovely to know that people try out stuff on my page that they usually wouldn't – so it melts my heart that you gave cmi a chance and grew to love it as well!! angst, ikr? me too, i could live off of it :') LOL NOT THE SEVEN DAY CHALLENGE. that's actually so amusing and sweet 🤣 i know the word count is crazy and the chapters tend to get very long, but... i know i'm repeating myself, but i'm incredibly thankful that you tuned in. if you ever want, do read through the drabbles, too, since i think they give a deeper glimpse into the characters' flaws and personalities – no pressure tho!!
once again, thank you. it means the world to me to know you loved it so much. like, fav fic? please i'll sob :'') a lot of fluff incoming (but angst too, so fret not), and i truly hope you enjoy the rest as well. drop by anytime, seriously, i'd love to talk about cmi or anything with you whenever you like!! 🥺🤍
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eleanorfenyx · 1 year
For the ask game:
What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
Do you prefer to write AUs, canon divergence, or canon-compliant fic?
Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
What is your most underrated fic?
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
♥ Thank you for sending something back! Also in order of asking (and with the numbers of the asks fixed as promised lol):
(here's the link to the askgame for anyone curious)
5: Perfect environment to write in? - I wish I could say it's something nice and healthy-sounding like at my desk with a cup of hot chocolate yada yada yada but it is, unfortunately, in the dark in the middle of the night writing furiously on my phone to get my insomnia to be quiet and let me sleep. There's just something about that perfect storm of circumstances that leads me to bang out thousands of words at a time, thumbs flying, even if I'm super stuck every time I open my laptop when I could get so much more done so much faster if my brain would cooperate. So weird!
9: AU's vs. canon divergence vs. canon-compliant? - I've written all three and I really love them all in different ways at different times, but I think my favorite right now is AU's. I've been doing ones inspired by other media as well as just straight AU's (i.e. my Pacific Rim 3zun-centric AU vs. my ensemble/multiship 90's Strip Mall AU) and they're both super fun. I really really love getting to the point where I feel like I know characters well enough that I feel like I can pluck them up out of their source material and redesign their world to something new. Plus I get a really big kick out of people commenting that my characterization still feels realistic to them even when the circumstances are so different from canon.
12: A trope I haven't written but want to? - I think I'd really like to do something with identity porn/mistaken identity/shenanigans. I'm a big fan of miscommunication (done well, not just to draw things out unnecessarily [I have noped out of so many dramas for committing this crime against my sensibilities]) and I think that identity shenanigans can play into that really well. I read a lot of them and I think they're really fun, so I think I'd enjoy doing that sometime. Either that or mind-reading stuff like Cherry Magic AU's and the like, that also seems like such a good time.
16: My most underrated fic? - Hmm it's a bit of a tough choice. I think right now I feel like my ongoing 3zun-centric Pacific Rim AU 'Soldier, Poet, King' isn't getting nearly as much attention as I'd thought it might when I first started writing it. Pacific Rim AU's used to be everywhere back in the day and people ate that shit up like it was candy, and I suppose I'd expected that same excitement to still be around because why wouldn't people be excited about giant love-powered robots fighting aliens? I also started writing it while there was still a lot of really active buzz about Xiran Jay Zhao's fantastic 'Iron Widow', so the timing felt right and I'm really proud of what I've done for it so far, but alack alas it (feels like it) is going largely ignored. (Even accounting for the fact that 3zun is a much less popular ship than Wangxian, it still feels weirdly quiet)
18: A line/scene that I'm proud of and some commentary for it? - Two years ago almost to the day, I wrote/posted some of my first fic for CQL. It's a relatively short re-imagining of the Jingshi scene in episode 43, when Wei Wuxian is realizing that if he has no one else he still has Lan Wangji, and he comes in out of the cold to sit with his zhiji. They have a brief conversation about the time Lan Wangji spent waiting for Wei Wuxian and mourning him, and have this brief exchange:
“What if I had never come back?” [Wei Ying] whispers and the quiet heartbreak that shatters through Lan Zhan’s stoic facade steals his breath straight out of his lungs.
“I would have hoped for another lifetime together to be kinder to us.”
I'm still really proud of this even though it's so simple and I've written just shy of 800k other words, according to my AO3 stats. I think it really sums up Lan Wangji and his love for Wei Wuxian. If given no other choice but to wait then that's what he'll do, and he would have done it hoping that he and Wei Wuxian would be given another chance one day, because one lifetime just was not going to be enough. Like it would have hurt and he would have been in mourning until the moment of their unknown second chance arrived - and probably after too - but he would have seen no choice but to wait and hope. I feel like I hit the core of Lan Wangji's characterization (in the ways I want to write him, anyway) so it still colors everything I do with him in it.
20: Favorite minor character I've written? - MO. XUANYU. But particularly my Mo Xuanyu from my time-travel fix-it universe that was begun in my first ever longfic and has now spiralled outward into a much bigger universe than I'd originally thought it would. So basically Mo Xuanyu in this universe had the chance to grow up in Koi Tower from a young age, but a Koi Tower in which Jin Zixuan is the Sect Leader and Jin Guangshan is already dead. So he gets a very large, loving family who supports him and loves him for his oddities and his gender fuckery - that is 100% my self-projection - based solely on the fact that he was known in canon for wearing makeup. Like I took that and RAN with it, and now in my universe he's essentially a full-time feminine cross-dresser, though he identifies as both masculine and feminine and isn't too fussed about picking one or the other. He's everything I wish my gender fuckery could be, and I love him and want all good things for him, so I'm very attached to him. The very close runner up is my Lan Jingyi, both in that universe and in a more canon-compliant setting, so I feel like it's no wonder I got it in my head that they should be together in my fix-it universe lol.
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mossible · 1 year
Hellooo I have come from AO3 to say Many Things!!! About Cracked Snowglobes!!
But now i'm unsure where to even begin with the gushing because chapter 4 has left me CLIMBING the walls, hanging upside down from my ceiling, HOWLING because good cod !!!!! Intense argument after intense emotional moment after brief humorous, hopeful breath of air, thEN MORE INTENSE CONFLICT--
I was positively SHAKING in bed when i read it last night, it left me IN SHAMBLES (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
I've been meaning to comment in more detail on every chapter, and just list up everything little detail and exchange i love, but after the current chapter i had TO COME HERE FIRST to send an Ask!!
I am SO HAPPY to see Off the Hook and the Squid sister and Splatoon hanging out, and knowing that sweet, brave Eight is in good, caring hands now 🥺 they deserve the world, and their genuine admiration and trust in Octavio had me 🥹 it was so cathartic to see Marina have the heart to heart she needed with her former leader as well, even if they don't agree with everything, Octavio's growth already showed a teeeny tiny bit in him, reluctantly, agonizingly, agreeing with Marina and making that promise to her (and by extension, to Eight and all of his people)
I don't know what you have planned for the next chapter, i know this one's gonna be tricky since it has to essentially fill in the void between game 2 and 3, but man!!! I really really really hope that, despite all of the baggage and anger and yelling, Octavio can find some solace, something to hold onto, in the genuine hope and trust that Eight, Callie, and Marina put in him, in spite (or because?) of everything 🙏 he's gonna have another tough road ahead of him, but i believe in this stubborn, clever, spiteful old man 🐙 he has fucked up many times before, but i believe he will try his best to keep his word, if only to not let the people down that put their trust in him (maybe that's hust me being delulu and naive tho agsjshdjfhgfd)
My god that ENDING tho!!! The leaky roof has CRASHED DOWN metaphorically, and it's really lucky that Octavio jumped the heck outta there because i would NOT want to be at the camp after all that!
There's poor Callie, probably having a small breakdown rn, and Cuttlefish, who let some /real nasty/ things slip out there (granted, that was mostly the result of being spurred on and goaded by Octavio to be his worst self, i think) that i can't rly see Marina and Eight just... overlook, tbh (especially after he also pulled that whole past identify reveal on Marina in the Metro, which could have potentially ended very, very poorly)... The mood there is probably. 😬😬😬 Rip to the planned party 🎉
There's soooo much more i would like to say, but yeah that's gonna be probably better said in individual chapter comments, but i just HAD to get this all out!
Thank you so much for your incredible work!! The long chapters are a delight to read personally, even if they seem a bit daunting at first; since the writing and pacing is so good, it's very easy to breeze through them :D
I wish you a belated Happy New Year and lots of inspiration, motivation, and free writing time for the chapter 5, I'm super looking forward to whatever you've planned next! 🙌🐙✨
WAUUAUGHH TYSM OMGGG!! i absolutely relate on the commenting thing LOL sometimes ill spend months keeping up with a fic, only to realize later on that oh. oops i havent commented at all. i really shouldve done that! very much a regular ao3 reader thing to overlook it, so i absolutely dont blame u at all LMAO (i do look forward to the comments though, ive said this like hundreds of times it feels like already but feedback rlly is such a strong motivator when it comes to writing! very funny how reading words makes you want to make more words)
but. again. WAHHH thank you !! im glad youve been enjoying so far, and ur kind words mean so so sososo much ;_; omg
i'm very excited to get chapter 5 out to yall, but im also super excited to just like. write it in general LOL it has a LOTTTTT of stuff that i cant exactly talk about just yet, considering that it would all be spoilers for what exactly goes down, but im super hyped for it. and im the one writing it!
the only thing i can say is that, yeah youre spot on about it being tricky and having to bridge that gap! i don't have any plans to change the actual plot points that happen in the games themselves, excluding whatevers gonna happen for the s3 dlc which we essentially know uh. nothing about! we're currently still on track to be following the story modes' outlines. (but as soon as we get off of that track? hooh boy ive got some silly ideas >:))
again tho, thank you so much ik i keep saying it but. it means so much to hear how yall are liking the fic !! <3
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softguarnere · 2 years
hi, I have a ship request if you’re still doing those <3 I love your writing and these other ships, they make me feel so warm and fuzzy!
so physically I’m around 5’1 with warm brown hair that lightens in the sun but gets dark in winter. personality wise I’m an absolute dork :) I’m super loyal to my friends and really value information of all kinds. my goal when socializing is making others feel cozy and appreciated. it’s super easy to make me laugh which I love about myself. I tend to be creative through my hobbies and academics but it can be hard for me to stick out full projects. it can also take a bit to get me to socialize or leave my comfort zone but I always have a ton of fun when I do (gotta feed off the extroverts lol)
I love music, creating hyper specific playlists, and playing my baritone uke. I was absolutely a theater kid. I can be fairly athletic when I want to be, I grew up playing and enjoying sports. I also love baking and sewing when I have the time. when my energy’s low I usually spend my free time reading, writing bits and bobs, and playing video games
thank you so much dove <3 <3
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for the compliment, I really appreciate it 🥺💕And I completely get what you mean about the extroverts lol -- Idk if I've ever related to a statement more in my life
I ship you with . . .
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Babe Heffron!
Knew it had to be Babe when you said the thing about being a dork, lol (in a good way, I promise!) I just think the vibes would match so perfectly. I totally see you guys being that couple that are always up to some sort of mischief, or are always making plans that somehow end up sending you on some sort of crazy adventure, and I think it would be very sweet
Babe loves your laugh. Lucky for him, since it's easy to make you laugh, he gets to hear it often. Sometimes you try to hold it in, and something about the way it slips out after you've tried and failed to hold it back after one of his jokes just makes his heart soar
Babe is so extroverted -- especially when he's around Bill -- that his energy is infectious. It's so easy to be outgoing around him, and to branch out and meet new people when he's by your side. But at the same time, if you need to recharge your social battery, he will 100% come up with an overelaborate distraction so that you can slip away (this boy would do anything for you, omg it's so sweet)
He understands if you need to be alone to recharge, too, as much as he'd prefer to be spending time with you. You come home from a party worn out? Hey, he's got you a mug of tea and has queued up whatever show you've been watching so that you can enjoy a moment alone
"The quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" Which is so him. If you're trying to bake a new recipe, you don't even have to ask him if he'll sample some of it, because chances are, he's stolen a little bit of whatever you've made while your back is turned. He gives honest feedback, even though he's convinced you couldn't bake something bad if you tried
In a modern au, Babe's Spotify library is almost entirely playlists that you've made. He tries to make you playlists in return, but then he gets super embarrassed and sets them to private, because he knows that his music taste isn't as cool as yours. But when you accidentally discover a few of them and tell him how much it means to you, he's blushing for days every time he thinks about it
Babe is super competitive -- with everything. It's just who he is. It's probably why he and Bill get along so well, because they're always roughhousing and racing and competing over nothing. When you first get together, he's determined to go easy on you in sports and video games, because he is not going to have a repeat of the great-hole-in-the-flatscreen-incident that occurred the time he, Bill, and Toye got a little too competitive. But when he sees how athletic you are and how good you are at video games (without cheating, unlike some of his friends who we won't name but we all know who I'm talking about hehehe) he's willing to have a fair competition. He loves it if you get competitive with him, because instead of it ending with a smack on the back of the head, he gets a soft kiss and a sweet "congratulations!"
He really loves how you make everyone feel appreciated and like they belong. In a canon-era relationship, it's something that he adores about you, especially after the war. On the wrong day, he can get a little too in his head, and he's always so grateful after he gets to spend time with you, because it clears his head and makes him feel all warm and gooey inside
Thanks for the request Anon! I hope you enjoyed this 💕🕊️
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Hey friends! I desperately need to answer some anons now that I am a little more caught up on things 😅 I have a TON to get through, so get ready for multiple posts! I keep getting overwhelmed whenever I try so I am gonna push through... hopefully!
(1) Thank you (and everyone else who has sent love) so much for your kind words. I promise I've been reading and rereading them all. Everything that I do on here is for people like you who take time out of their day to say kind things to strangers. I wish you luck with writing, friend. I'm sure you won't need it.
(2) I'm so happy to hear that I helped reinvigorate your love for fanfic! I hope things are easy for you, too. We're gonna get through whatever is in front of us ❤️
(3) I sent this message to all of my friends immediately after you sent it. It's saved on my phone. It's my favorite thing I've ever been told. I love you and I hope you are having a wonderful day and month and year and life.
(4) I'm going to give you the lawyer answer of "it depends." I work on a lot of cases that involve Bioethics, but for the most part it's something I research in my free time. Obviously, I've had a lot to read lately. I did have to do a lot of work interpreting Dobbs (the SCOTUS case overturning Roe v. Wade) for my job recently. It was very draining.
(5) You should get a Tumblr! They're fun! But I'm also on AO3 or Wattpad if you prefer. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. You are always welcome here ☺️
(6) What the hell this is the nicest thing I've ever heard 😭 I'm glad I can make you feel things. I definitely feel every emotion I'm writing - I am a deeply empathetic person (to a fault, lol). I'm glad I'm not suffering alone 😝
(7) Honestly, I don't know. I ask myself every day. Angst is just so much fun. I love mess.
(8) I don't, I'm sorry. Based on their last few posts, it sounds like they got a new job and are just living their best life. It's sad to see friends in fandom leave. I wish I had a better update for you, but I like to imagine they're happy.
(9) [Kitten Love] Thank you for the feedback! I had fun writing it. It's actually based loosely on something that happened to me 😅 I never said I was bright.
(10) Oh no! Hahah, that's so sad. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be around. I'm glad you found your way back ☺️
I made it through the first 10! See you soon (hopefully) for the next!
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senbons · 11 days
I agree that Temari is not perfect too and she pushed him in a way she never done with anyone else. And thats so intriguing because why would she do that? What was she thinking? I hope we get to see more into her motives in later chapters. But I still think that he needs to be nicer to her lol. He didn't to go that hard in that last scene hahaha.
I will continue reading even tho it costs me my happiness LOLOLOL what are you talking about? Your story is always perfect! And it gave me so much joy to be able to discuss a story with the writer like this. If you have no fans and dedicated reader then I'm dead lol.
Please update soon I'm dying!
Awwww that's so sweet!!!!! Still convinced I have only one anon just talking to me about my stories -- so if it stops, I will definitely say the mourner's kaddish and shed some tears!
(honestly I am the one who is so so so so indebted to anyone who wants to discuss my stories with me. They obviously take a lot of work and I want to discuss them so badly and no one in my life know I write at all, so honestly talking to people about the story and hearing they enjoy it is what i look forward to the most. I know it'll never happen as much as aibg (and nor should it, this story is fine, it's not my fav work) but happening at all literally makes my whole month so thank you thank you for even reaching out!).
Hmmmm I will tell you we never switch povs (I know great stories where it happens, but I honestly just don't know how to it... how do people write that and keep one vibe or feeling throughout?! I just don't have the creativity and writing skills!), but hopefully you won't leave the end of the work without some further insight (though, it's definitely his story and his relationship with the world/her, so I can't promise every question will be answered!).
But bro he did NOT need to do what he did in that ending scene. And it was done sooooo malevolently. Like, out of anger, but also knowing it was about desire and using hers against her and then also his as some sort of violence against her. Like, pushing her as she has pushed him in a violent way. Some form of: if you want to push into my life, this is what you get (which isn't healthy) and I think acknowledged to us that they defffffffff have a sexual thing happening for both of them, and even though he was utilizing that as a weapon in multiple ways (I know what I said above is convoluted, but I don't think inaccurate), he also wasn't openly acknowledging it to himself. Wow, idk if that makes sense, but that's what it felt like. 😂 He definitely went way harder than necessary. I understand she was annoying him (and he was going through A LOT) but I feel like he literally could have just stopped giving her anything (any anger, etc) and she would've eventually left. He didn't have to do that, you know?
Anyway -- thank YOU for reading and enjoying and reaching out to me! I'm serious, these asks made my day
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harmshake · 4 months
beginner's guide to harmshake's fanfics ✨
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Thank you for the tag, @megamindsecretlair! Please read her work, too. 🥰
intro: I'm Marian! I mainly write fics for WWE/AEW, like The Bloodline, Rhea Ripley, and Daniel Garcia. However, I occasionally write for other fandoms like Mortal Kombat, Sons of Anarchy, or True Blood.
pairings: My OCs and fem!readers are always black women. I'm black so I like to represent black women in my work. I also write wlw/mlm fics, usually with my ships like AmbReigns.
warnings: If you know me, you know my work is smutty smut smut, LMFAO. My fics are to be enjoyed by grown folks only who like reading about grown folk business! 👏🏾
so where to start reading...?
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my first fic: This is the first thing I ever posted in the WWE fandom and it is part 1 of my Let's Play a Game series (that only became a series because y'all asked for more 🥲).
The Quiet Game: Amanda gets risky at work with Roman Reigns...
my longest fic: On the contrary, this is the final part of the Let's Play a Game series...and it clocks in at just over 15k words. I don't normally post super long fics like this, but I had a story in my soul for Amanda and Roman's finale!
The End Game: Months after their hot love affair cooled off, Amanda and Roman start to realize there’s more between them than just sizzling-good sex...
my shortest fic: My friend @jeysbvck tagged me in a "seven sentence Sunday" challenge, so I posted an excerpt from one of my hundreds of WiPs. Lol. It's only 172 words. 🤧
Talk It Through: Roman keeps you up late with sweet nothings in your ear...
my most popular fic: You already know it's Roman Reigns. 😭 When he had the nerve to say this, I had to write about it and thankfully y'all loved it!
Gentle: Roman promises to go real gentle with you for your first time…
my personal fave fic: My fave fic changes every month, tbh. But right now, it's one of my Boyfriend Danny fics because I adore him with my whole heart. For the longest, it was my Jimmy fic so special shout out to Pull Up. 🫡💖
Grind It Out: Danny's been grinding in the ring and he's ready to celebrate with you...
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💞 a lil about me.
I've been writing professionally (I'm a Content/Copywriter by trade) for about 11 years and creatively...well, all of my life!
I started posting my fics online last year and I will never get over how kind all of you are to take time out of your day to read, reblog, and leave such lovely comments.
Thank you so much for embracing me and my work, and as always, happy reading! 💗
I challenge all my moots who write to do this!
🫶🏾 Tagging: @wrestlingprincess80 @visionarymode @miyuhpapayuh @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @vebner37 @dreamsinfocus @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @jeyusos-girl @nayys-world @msbigredmachine @purplehairgawdess @mohawkmama @po3ticb3auty @alyyaanna @murrylove @papireigns-05 @vintage-pvssy @bebesobrielo @urasunflower @seeingstarks @555sage @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @theninthwonder @tabletheofhead @weirdosandhopelessromantics @venusesworld @ariieeesworld @sassginaswanmills @gomussy @theglamclosetsl @baeusos @2-muchsauce @empressdede @woahdude9481 @browngalmal @twocentuar @claymorexpunisher @alichesmi @eclectic-tee @brwnsugababe @joannasteez @whatdoeseverybodywant @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade (let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from my tag list!)
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
lol I didn't even realize this bingo post going around was an ask meme until I saw your tag.
You say I love you but I cannot stay and/or The problem with starting halfway through
I'll do both. Why not?
You say I love you but I cannot stay
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I love Sometimes You Hear the Bullet. And I was haunted by the idea that Hawkeye would write an introduction to Tommy's book and make sure it got published. And because I'm me, I wanted to write the letters Hawkeye would write. And then I realized BJ would be a complete weirdo about Hawkeye having other friends. Even early on in my hunnihawk days, I was into BJ being really, really weird about it (not that this is hunnihawk - it's just BJ being obsessed with Hawkeye and not understanding boundaries). And BJ *would* be so fucked up about learning how traumatized Hawkeye is/should be, that he would freak out and Hawkeye would have to comfort him. Thinking about this now I almost want to write it again but different.
The problem with starting halfway through
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I don't entirely remember where this all started, but I had a lot of feelings. I had already written Hawkeye goes to California, and I was obsessing over every little line where BJ flirts with Hawkeye, and I wanted BJ to think it was a good idea to hook up as the war was ending. This line in particular sunk it's teeth into my brain:
"I know this is an ending and not the start of something, and I wish maybe we could've started something sooner, but I want to know. I want to know what I'm missing"
Specifically because this is a terrible fucking idea and I've been there. But I was also just listening to Tegan and Sara's album Hey, I'm Just Like You, and the song Keep Them Close 'Cause They Will Fuck You Too invaded my brain and combined with my MASH brainrot and the hunnihawk and spewed out this idea of how they could keep fucking up at being together. I needed them to have a really poorly thought out last hookup that ate at BJ until he pursued something more, while Hawkeye convinced himself BJ was happy. And then I needed everyone to be gay and fell in love with gay Peg who gives BJ permission to love Hawkeye but also breaks the fuck out of BJ's heart. And I'm gonna take any chance I get to write love letters and fell hard for the idea of Hawkeye pretending to fish but just reading letters from everyone from the 4077.
Oh, and I was having thoughts and feelings about Hawkeye's inconsistency around messing around with married people.
I also wanted to fix BJ Goes to Maine (which I have a soft spot for, but BJ is too into his family and California to go to Maine, and he'd have to be 100% sure of Hawkeye, which he does not have the confidence for).
I promise I will get back to this series because honestly, I have outlines for several more fics. Even though my brain wants to give them a happy ending, none of the stories I've started give them that (although I have a self-indulgent little Peg/Miriam (my OFC) happily ever after planned because sapphic joy). Just lots and lots of misunderstandings and complication.
In the end, it's a story of two people who have wildly different interpretations of what point of the relationship they're in, and they never really got a start, so how can they have a beginning? And did they start at the end? Keep Them Close 'Cause They Will Fuck You Too is a post-breakup song that I decided to apply to a ship I thought I wanted to give a happy ending, so we'll see what happens.
Caveat to everything I've said here: my memory is shitty, and I probably talked about everything over on discord, but I'd have to track down late night conversations and rants from over a year ago to make sure I got everything.
I enjoyed thinking about this and wow do I wish my wrist wasn't as shitty because I feel like writing things down on paper but it is so fucking annoying to hold a pen with my wrist brace. Maybe I'll type some things. Also, this introspection reminded me how much I like to slowly rotate BJ as I consider what a hot mess he is and how much he can manage to hurt the people around him while he flails figuring himself out.
Thanks @marley--manson, I love answering your questions.
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itsrottenwork · 1 year
Hellooo, mj!! Secret Santa here!! Happy New Year, love!! May 2023 treat you with lots of love and positive vibes for your family/friends!! Hopefully, you received my last couple of messages!! 🥳💕✨
I guess I should formally introduce myself!! My name’s Doly (she/they) and I had the pleasure of interacting with you this past month of December!! I had a wonderful time getting to know you through this exchange!! Here’s to a great 2023 filled with opportunity for many bright and beautiful things!! One thing I’d say I’m really looking forward to this year is to get back into my passions and reconnect with the creative side of myself again, whether that be reading more, painting more, getting outside more!! Cheers until the next one, hun!! 🥂✨ I’ll be looking forward to the pictures of your trip in the spring!!
doly beloved hello!! it's so nice to get to finally meet you!! I'm so sorry I went m.i.a. at the end of the month, I know I didn't respond to all your messages but I promise I read them all and appreciated every one (I'll happily answer your questions under the cut, and we can absolutely keep chatting in continued asks/dms if you'd like!!).
I hope you had a wonderful new years (happy belated birthday to your brother hehe) and enjoyed your trip!! I'd love to hear about all the fun things you got to do 😊
I've been very lucky having you as my holiday pal this year and I absolutely hope we keep in touch in the new year. best of luck with finding your creative spark, and I hope to share stories and photos of my upcoming adventures as the year gets into full swing. cheers!! 🥂
okie dokie now I'll rapid fire answer all the questions you left for me while I was away :)
preferred beverage on a hot day: your answer of mango smoothie was absolutely excellent, I always forget smoothies are an option hehe. my answer would be starbucks strawberry acai lemonade, but the secret is to have them add raspberry syrup to it
fictional world/place to go to: this is kind of a bad answer since it's technically a place in real life but I just went there irl so I'll say richmond from ted lesso is such a cute little town and I wish I could go back
any job: I've been desperate for some sort of creative sort of project, so any sort of job where I could tell an artistic sort of story, like a podcast or videos or something (although I get so frustrated with proper video cameras lol). more realistically I could see myself doing something with graphic design and branding, which has an element of storytelling to it at least
how was my vacation: my vacation was good!! it was amazing to see my family again and we had a lot of fun (even though my parents had a lot of travel difficulties). we also ate some really good food, I eat way better when my parents are paying for it hehe. at the same time, I haven't really had a moment to myself for a couple weeks now and I'm relieved to finally be alone again
holiday plans: unfortunately we didn't really do much for the holidays, I kinda feel like hanukkah didn't happen this year tbh. my sibling was with me for new year's which was kinda fun, we had some wine and stayed up for the fireworks, but honestly now that I'm finally alone again I'm treating this as my new year's, do a bit of self care and reset my life and whatnot.
2022 recap: saw one of my best friends for the first time since before the pandemic, wrote my senior thesis, graduated undergrad, had a lot of big work accomplishments I'm very proud of, got into grad school, and moved to a new country!! there's still a lot I wish I had done and hope to do in the new year, but all in all, 2022 was tough but positive, and I'm looking forward to the things I'll achieve in 2023 (dissertation, finishing grad school, finding a job, finally settling down, etc etc)!!
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