#also hen is not related or see one of them as her son
It's interesting how from all the possible people to be in the room when Eddie brought Chris to see Buck in 6x11 it was Hen. Not Maddie or Bobby, Chim or (ew) Buckleys. We know all of them spent a lot of time in his room. But that exact moment it was only Buckley - Diaz little family and Hen. And I think it's important.
Because now we know that 118 or Maddie do not understand how codependent and close Buck and Eddie actually are. They don't see little family together. They don't really know how important Buck and Chris for each other (and they def don't know about Eddie's will). Because Buck and Eddie never let them see it. They subconsciously know if someone would see it they would ask questions Buck and Eddie can't answer. But that moment Hen saw the glimpse of their family. She saw how Chris asked Buck to come back (and let's not forget how it was stated that Chris INSISTED to see Buck. I can't imagine Denny do it for Chim). She also saw how Eddie broke down. She saw his grief. I'm pretty sure she saw how it different from all of them.
I believe Hen can be really important person in moving Buck and Eddie to canon. I can see her tell Buck about Chris begging him to come home. Or her mention that now she see that Buck and Eddie not just friends. Buck asked her about answer to his questions. Maybe Hen will make him to look closer at Diaz boys and his love to them. Make him really see it. And make him see that they love him too
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andavs · 17 days
One last unhinged theory before the finale kicks off, inspired by @captain-hen’s genius anon: witness protection
Councilwoman Olivia Ortiz is back for reasons, maybe she’s running for mayor or something
She’s buried the details around her son’s death while running a tough on crime platform or maybe getting drugs out of the city, but she’s actually corrupt and has some shady criminal connections
There’s a warehouse fire that’s related to something she’s connected to, 118 responds and they find evidence that wasn’t fully destroyed—not about Ortiz specifically, but something shady happening there
A Bad Guy sees the names Wilson, Han, and Diaz on their turnouts as they're talking to the cops and handing over the evidence they found—maybe Buck and Bobby were in a different section of the building at the time
Ortiz realizes that’s also the team that responded to her son’s accident and they can bring down her entire career if they figure out she’s involved
Her shady connections realize that if she goes down, their pull with the local government also goes down, so they take matters into their own hands to protect their interests
The shady contacts organize a way to take out Hen, Chimney, and Eddie, but Ortiz goes to Athena to warn them because she doesn’t want three innocent people to die
To keep the bad guys from continuing to pursue them or going after anyone else, they fake that the murder plot worked and announce that Hen, Chimney, and Eddie all died in the line of duty
They get one last goodbye at the station before they get hustled into nondescript vans and taken into protection while Athena builds a case with Ortiz to bring down her criminal connections
Their families know they’re actually alive but have to keep up the facade of grieving, and also they’re apart and can’t communicate with each other, except maybe sending rare messages/photos through Athena that they don’t get to keep. 
It’s a storyline that gives everyone something to do:
Hen, Chimney, and Eddie are suddenly isolated somewhere new and living under new names
Chimney finally married the love of his life and now they can’t even be together until the case is finished, and now he’s the one watching Jee grow up from afar
Maddie’s completely on her own with Jee for the first time since her PPD, but now she’s totally got this mom thing down—she just has to juggle that with work so maybe we get more of the Lees!
Hen and Karen have Mara who’s only just getting comfortable with them, only for Hen to be taken away and for Karen to suddenly have to handle all of it by herself
Who is Hen when she’s not a firefighter, paramedic, or mother? 
Eddie’s finally over Shannon and ready to move forward and then he’s yanked out of his life and completely isolated, probably working as a mechanic or something
Buck has to move into Eddie’s house with Chris and actually take on the role of full time parent, even though they both know Eddie will be back in a few months
(Maybe Buck and Eddie had a Moment but all of this happened before they got to talk about it and now they can’t talk about but they both know something shifted but will it still be shifted when all of this is finally over?)
Athena’s working on a seriously high profile case and all the dangers that come with it
Bobby’s holding the remains of his team together while knowing it’s temporary, and also probably still recovering from whatever the fuck is about to happen to him, if not physically then mentally
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matan4il · 1 year
Buddie 610 meta
Holy shit, this ep.
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Okay, what shall we start with? Maybe with what 911 itself starts, lots of foreshadowing. At the beach call, we have Eddie looking at Buck and replying to him (about the lightning), “I really hope it doesn’t strike twice, though.” Which, of course we know it will. But the foreshadowing continues, as Buck talks to Omar about unexpected things in life coming out of nowhere. That suggests we need to pay extra attention to other elements in this ep that might act as foreshadowing for later events along 6b. ~~
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That kind of connects to me with Buck being closely tied to Ely, the pregnant lady (he saves the day there twice, first by realizing the oil is dripping and if they use the saw, it might prove fatal, then by helping Bobby with the baby). First off, it made me chuckle when we learned that, despite being driven to the hospital by a man, he’s actually not her partner. 911 made sure we knew Ely has a wife, and that she has another kid with her. Is it a coincidence when Buck, who practically has a husband and a kid with him already, is the main firefighter taking care of her? Maybe, but it still amused me. What really made me take note is when he told her not to push, trying to stall her childbirth, and she replied that it doesn’t depend on her. That made me wonder if perhaps this is also in a way foreshadowing what we might end up seeing with the sperm donation storyline. I’m not sure, I can’t be, but I was not surprised to see that storyline brought up later in the ep. ~~
In general, this ep’s title, “In a Flash,” might seem to refer to the lightning storm the team experiences, but the real tempest is the havoc our families can wreak on us, tied to the unexpected nature change can sometimes take on. Chim’s dad suddenly shows up, raining on his parade. Albert suddenly thinks Chim should give their dad a chance to be Jee Yun’s grandpa, but decides against giving his brother a warning. The Buckley parents are suddenly making an effort, yet leaving everyone suspicious and unnerved. Albert suddenly leaks Buck’s sperm donation to everyone and unleashes hell between the in-laws. Denny’s changes, probably influenced by getting in touch with his dad, come as a surprise to Hen. And of course, at the climax of the ep, Bobby as the unofficial adoptive father of Buck might lose his son in a flash. The whole ep is filled with these parallels of abrupt familial disquiet, especially in relation to dads, on all 118 fronts. And as Buck deals with maybe the biggest of these questions, because he doesn’t even yet know what he wants for himself and how does the life he helped create (but only as a donor) fit into that, it’s no wonder his life ends up hanging literally in the balance. ~~
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One of the most painful things in this ep for me was seeing how much Buck’s parents are willing to accept him as a donor, because not for a second do they think he can be a father. That would be the natural conclusion from him looking at a sonogram on his phone, but his parents find it easier to believe their daughter is pregnant again than to think Buck would be a dad (ironic, because he already is one. Just not to the baby in the sonogram). It reminded me of how Eddie’s parents also didn’t believe in his ability to be a dad, and actively petitioned to have Chris taken from him to be raised by them in 315. It amazes me every time anew just how much Buddie are compatible, because their stories parallel so much that they can understand each other in ways most other people can’t. ~~
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And it gets to me that this whole episode also insists on reminding us how good Buck is with kids, first with the ones on the beach, calming them down and answering their questions to help them make sense of the whole ordeal. Then with Ely’s baby, a callback to how we saw him with the pipe baby in 101. It connects to him looking at the baby sonogram, all excited, once again acting so much like an expectant dad would (parallel to him and the firefighter onesie in 609), when we know he’s not actually going to be that baby’s father. It very much does feel like 911 is signaling to us Buck has some realizations coming his way in this context. ~~
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Speaking of the kids on the beach, Buck telling the boy he wants to fix everything, then adding that Buck gets it, had me screaming into my fists, because hey, remember who said that to Buck? That’s right, his Eddie, back in 504. A reminder of how much Eddie sees Buck, accepts him and allows him to be himself, enabling Buck in turn to reflect that back to that kid. Of course, in the context of the sperm donation, Buck’s tendency made him want to help “fix” things for Connor and Kameron, and we might learn in 6b that Buck comes to realize he sometimes lets this tendency take him to places that aren’t actually good for him, without fully considering the consequences, and then hopefully, he’ll get to find a way to balance this, to be himself, but not derailed from his life goals by this part of himself. ~~
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At the same time that the ep shows us how good Buck is with kids, it also serves to remind us of the one kid that we’ve seen him co-parent all along, the one who has always demonstrated what a good, loving dad Buck is, Christopher. Yes, when we see Buck working on his cooking with Bobby, it’s a part of the many parallels revolving around dads in this ep, so Buck and Bobby’s r/s is the immediate focus, but at the same time, we know who Buck is learning this FOR. Lazania kitchen scene from 601, anyone? Oh, but the best part? It’s when Buck tells Bobby, “Something’s missing.” He can’t quite put the finger on what, but he knows something in his domesticity isn’t fully there. I wonder what, Buck... And this is again in an ep full of foreshadowing! ~~
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It may seem like a minor thing, but remember how in my past meta, I was more or less losing it over the many times Buck and Eddie did rope rescues together as their own team within the 118 team, even having their assigned roles where Eddie connects Buck to the line and then becomes an anchor himself to keep Buck safe, to the point where I wrote a smut fic involving this very meaningful act? Yeah, so imagine me seeing that the most intense Buddie call we’ve had since the end of 413 starts with them doing this subtextually intimate thing, Eddie hooking Buck up to the rope, becoming his literal life line, and even teasingly calling him “cowboy” while at it. No, I was not breathing for a full minute at least. ~~
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But since I brought up the shooting in 413, can we talk about the insanity of the parallels? Take the meaningful staring once disaster strikes. Back in s4, it was mutual, right before Eddie collapsed. In 610, Buck is unconscious, so you wouldn’t think they could stare at each other at this moment, right? Plus, back in 413, it was just the two of them present at the scene out of the 118, the other members of the team weren’t there. The lightning strike seems a lot less intimate in comparison... But in this ep, the camera plays a role in recreating that same dynamic, singling out the connection between Buddie. Because when Buck is hit by lightning, we get shots of every 118 member looking up and being terrified of what just happened to their friend.
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The only exception in terms of this shot? Eddie. He’s the only one that isn’t being filmed from the side as he looks up, he’s filmed from above as he looks straight into the camera. Essentially, the shot recreates Buck’s POV for Eddie, and for him alone. It shows us what Buck would see and how he would stare down, back at Eddie, if he only could. The fact that the camera has to do this instead of Buck himself further emphasizes the horror of Buck being unconscious, but the choice to do this only with Eddie highlights their connection and makes it clear that Buddie’s bond IS different to what the other team members have with Buck, no matter how close the others are to him or how much they love him. What’s insane is that DESPITE having all of the 118 there, there is still a bubble within this whole situation that is Buddie and Buddie’s alone, even as Buck himself is unconscious. It’s no wonder Eddie jumps up that electrocuted ladder without even thinking about it, it’s no wonder no one even tries to stop him or warn him of the danger in that. That is a man on a mission to save the other half of him, and the show tells us that in more than one way.
That’s gonna continue through Eddie’s attempts (and eventual success) in getting Buck away from immediate danger, as well as when the team tries but then fails to revive Buck, because Eddie will be the one to push past Bobby to see Buck, and Eddie will be the one Bobby has to keep in line by assigning him driving duty, maybe the most important thing anyone can do for Buck once all the medical assistance they can give him in the field is of no further use. ~~
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One more thing regarding the comparison with the shooting arc in s4, as well as talking about camera shots, is that we get to see the difference between a platonic friend resuscitating his teammate and a man desperately trying to keep the love of his life alive. If you look at Chim doing compressions on Buck, he’s giving it his all, because he DOES love Buck, Chim’s doing his best for his friend and brother in law. But the shot is not an intimate one, we don’t get close ups, we don’t get to focus on the eyes and see the frantic look of a man who knows he CAN’T fail, we don’t see the intimate touch of a hand laying a gauze on an exposed chest and trying to keep this treasured body together, we do get “come on, Buck,” but we don’t get personal speech, begging the other man to hold on and just “stay with me.” While back in 414, in the ambulance, we had ALL of those as Buck, almost on the verge of losing his sanity, fought for Eddie’s life. ~~
Lastly, I’ve made in the past a gifset of times when we’ve seen Buck screaming Eddie’s name in horror at the face of danger (including in 413), and I love that we can finally add to that Eddie doing the same thing for Buck. But I think it’s particularly meaningful that it happened not as a matter of when Buck would be in danger, but rather it was a question of just how significant Buck had to become to Eddie for this former, highly decorated soldier to go from the stoic man he was in 218 to what we see in 610 (as seen in my latest weekly gifset). Because Eddie WAS incredibly worried back in the s2 finale. He was gritting his teeth, you can see the tension on his face, and the second it was safe, he sprang to Buck’s side. Eddie also held on to him while everyone else was lifting the truck (even though Chim, as a medic, would have been a more natural choice to hold on to Buck, while Eddie the firefighter helps lift engine 118). And Eddie wouldn’t even let go of Buck’s hand on the way to the truck. HE WAS DISTRAUGHT. But the man who kept his facade up in the hospital after Shannon, his wife and mother of his son, died just one ep earlier, did the same thing with Buck. What I find so telling is that he can no longer do that by 610. Buck has become such an integral part of his life, of his family, of who Eddie is as a person and how he deals with life, way more than even Shannon managed to be. And that’s why Eddie loses it, confirming what we’ve known for a while: Buddie are life partners. ~~
I now have direct links to my weekly meta posts, my Buddie gifs and more of my content in my pinned post. Loads of love to @whosoldherout​​ for making unbelievable gifs for my very unique requests. You’re a star! Tag list will follow in the reblog. Thank you in advance for any reblog and like! I’m operating on 1.5 hours of sleep to get this posted ASAP, so I really appreciate any and all encouragement to keep doing this. xoxox
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kinardscoffee · 1 month
Do you think Tommy is here to stay for a while? How do you think is going to evolve his relationship with Buck? Will we get another kiss next episode?
I would love for him to stay forever!! Love him!!
Hey, Anon! Thanks for stopping by! I love talking about anything related to bucktommy, so you've basically made my day with your ask!
This turned into a long ass post, so I'm putting the rest under the cut.
Yes, I really do think Tommy is here to stay for a while because, honestly, he's the perfect LI to become Buck's endgame.
And I know that that thought is the biggest issue with certain stans right now, but like, he can easily have little storylines weaved throughout the series with the main and guest stars. And, if you actually read the interviews that the actors and Tim are doing, it's clear that's the goal. In fact, I was actually going to make a post for that idea, but I'll just add it here:
Hen, Chim, Bobby
Tommy clearly has a connection to Hen, Chim, and Bobby from his days at the 118. We've seen it in S2, so it's a canon fact. Chim saved his life, so that's a strong fucking bond right there. Not to mention they clearly enjoy quoting movies and probably discussing the plot of movies together. (Thank you, Bobby begins for the bar scene) Tommy was there when Kevin died, too, so he understands the loss that Chim has experienced through the job. And let's not forget that he had the opportunity to watch Chim become an amazing paramedic.
When it comes to Hen, he helped get rid of Captian Gerrard when Hen was being put through hell. (And yes, I do believe he said something to the higher ups. He is a military guy, and following the chain of command is very important to them, so I'm not surprised he never voiced his opinions outloud. Add that with the idea that he was very deep in the closet, he was probably terrified of that man.) And he knows that when it comes to Hen, she will never give up to do what's right and I like to think Tommy took a page from her book and applied that to his life on his journey to accept himself.
Then Bobby. Probably the first man in a leadership position that treated him with kindness and respect. When Bobby comes to the 118, there's some resistance, mostly from Sal, but even through all that, Tommy sees that Bobby is fair (transferring Sal to another station instead of fully firing him) and welcoming (by incorporating family dinners).
I was struggling with how he'd be connected to Athena, but then I remembered: trivia night!
Athena and Bobby used to have game night with Michael and David. Can you IMAGINE Bobby and Athena inviting Buck and Tommy over for dinner and game night??? I can. And I am so here for it!
Teams would absolutely be: Bobby and Buck. Athena and Tommy.
And let's face it. Athena sees Buck as Bobby's un-adopted son, so if Tommy makes Buck happy, Athena is good.
This one is interesting and maybe a tiny bit of a stretch, but I really believe that Tommy and Karen could connect through their interest for aviation/aerospace. She's a rocket scientist for crying out loud. He'd be like a little kid at the place where she works.
I also like to think that maybe, due to his childhood and being constantly between homes, he can help discuss the trauma that Mara might feel.
I mean, the most important thing to her is that Tommy obviously makes her little brother happy and giddy. She wants to meet him, which is something I can't recall Buck or Maddie ever saying before about one of Buck's LI. Maybe Abby, but Buck was living in her apartment soooo... yeah.
I know Lou has revealed the backstory he has set up in his mind for Tommy and after saying his father was an alcoholic, I can't stop thinking that maybe little Tommy unfortunately experienced abuse from his father or witnessed it happening to his mom. Tommy, having a childhood connected to domestic violence, while not in the exact same way that Maddie experienced it, gives them something in common on a deeper level. An understanding of how important it is to accept love and open yourself up to the possibility.
Eddie's friendship with Tommy is actually so interesting to me too because I have this crazy "invisible string" theory that includes him.(Platonically) But, moving on...
Clearly, they share a love of the same things. Muay Thai, watching fights, cars, Buck, basketball, the military.
For me, the military is their real connection because of Eddie's breakdown. No one else in Eddie's life can really understand what he's gone through and how it feels to maybe be the only one of your unit to survive. I'm pretty sure Tommy has already gone through therapy, and since Eddie had no one to reach out to with shared trauma like Frank suggested, he found that second chance in Tommy.
I mean... they connected lips and soon hearts. 🥺 Sooo....
Next question...
I really hope their relationship evolves in the cutest, sweetest, sometimes naughty, way!
I want to see nervousness. I want to see them learning things about each other. I want them to cuddle and laugh and go on double dates.
I want them to worry about the other one during a dangerous call or rush to each other at a moments notice.
I want to see them fall so in love with each other that I can sue ABC for giving me cavities from all the sweetness.
Having said that... I also want to see disagreements. Arguments and vulnerability and then the process of apologizing and making up.
So, basically, I want them to evolve into a healthy, stable, loving relationship.
And hell yeah! There will be a kiss on Thursday. I'd like to believe we'll see more than one just because of Oliver's interview, but for sure, we're getting one initiated by Buck and honestly I cannot fucking wait!!!!
I want him to stay forever, too. You're not alone 🩵
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notafragilething · 17 days
Late Night Buck & Tommy Ramble: Shit is getting interesting
I honestly thought today was going to be fucking chill with no promo and maybe only a whisper or two about tomorrow's episode. We currently have 21 hours left until the new episode airs and we have so much to unpack because everyone is just out there wilding right now
Get yourself a drink and a snack and prepare yourself. There is a lot to discuss. Minor spoilers for tomorrow's episode in regards to stills and vague-ish comments by people who have seen the episode.
Buck & Tommy Related Chaos:
I'm going to start with the chaos: OLIVER AND LOU ARE DOING A JOINT INTERVIEW that was filmed today for Access Hollywood / Access Daily that will air tomorrow before the episode.
I am in total shock by this because I've been vocal that I didn't even think we'd get more interviews from these two before the season ended. I would have never dreamed that they'd have them doing a joint interview together.
This is a pretty huge (and good) sign, in my opinion. You wouldn't suddenly have two actors going out doing press together unless (from a marketing point of view) you're trying to promote that couple to the audience. This to me really does suggest they're planning on keeping Lou around and pushing BuckTommy.
I've heard crazy speculation about what the interview will be about but it airs before the episode so likely we won't get major spoilers. We'll likely see the two talking about their characters, what it's like working together and hinting at what is going to happen moving forward.
With that said, I'm really curious at how they're going to sell this on the show. We've already seen Ryan hitting the talking point that Eddie is straight in recent weeks, which seems to be an attempt to distancing themselves from Buddie. This interview tomorrow may possibly give us an idea where their heads are at moving forward.
Regardless, I think this is a strong indicator that Tommy isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I know some people are trying to downplay this as happening because Bi Buck was such a huge storyline but they could have easily just had Oliver on the show. Them having both of them makes this about their relationship, not just Buck coming out as Bi and that's a pretty big shift from the marketing we saw around episodes 4-5.
Lou also posted about it on his Instagram and Ryan liked it.
Also I cannot remember a time that they had Oliver doing interviews with his love interest on the show. Can anyone else?
The kiss on Instagram reels continues to do well. It's almost at 1.2 million, sitting currently at 1183k.
General Cast Information:
Let's start simple with the tweets coming out from press who saw tomorrow's episodes. The overwhelming theme with all of them seems to be a warning for us to prepare for some hurt. I'm preparing myself to watch Hen, Bobby and Eddie all go through hell tomorrow based on what we've seen on social media over the last 24 hours. So let's get into that.
Hen: Early today the official Instagram posted stills from the earlier episode where the councilwomen's son refuses treatment after he accident and dies (which leads to Hen being investigated). They then captioned this "A moment from the past can become so pivotal for your future" because clearly they want to hurt us. It also seems like that congress women is in the episode and we see her in one of the stills at the medal ceremony.
Bobby: It seems like he's going to have a nice father/son moment with Buck at some point this episode based on the stills and what Oliver has hinted at. But I think he'll also definitely be dealing with guilt.
Eddie: Dude I don't even know. Between Marisol being at the medal ceremony with him and Christopher and him taking a row boat out with Kim? This is going to get ugly.
All of the stills were really happy and we know that isn't what is happening in this episode so I'm pretty sure they're from the first 15 or 20 minutes. This show has been fucking with our heads with these promos.
We're very, very likely to get a sneak peak sometime tomorrow along with the Oliver&Lou interview.
I might attempt to make a ramble post talking about the interview prior to the episode depending on what time it airs.
So how are we all feeling? Cause I'm having all the fucking emotions.
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Hi! A bit of a weird ask here, hope you don't mind. (I swear it's not meant in bad faith)
So, I'm new to the fandom. I'd wanted to watch the show for a while and I finally found time. I did like it, and all the characters, esp Hen and Buck.
Even previous to watching it, I had seen many posts about Buddie. I didn't think much of it until I watched the show. And now I can say... I don't see it. Like, from Buck's side? Sure. But from Eddie's? Not so much.
They both clearly act like Christopher's co-parents a lot, and that's where I'm like "oh, maybe there IS something". But outside of that, I actually see their interactions as mostly platonic. And when I see people talk about it, I see mostly about how Eddie completely trusts Buck with his son (which I agree with and makes a good point), but not much else.
So, what am I missing? Sometimes some characters are harder for me to "read", so I know there could be stuff that I'm missing. What interactions do you see from them that are so clearly romantic (at least more so than they are platonic)? In which ways do you see Eddie showing feelings for Buck?
Sorry about such a long ask. This might be more of a rant (oops). I just really want to understand, bc everyone's so sure... and I'm not. (Also, thanks for reading if you got this far)
So i’m obviously not going to tell you thst your interpretation is wrong- art is subjective and your interpretation of things is completely valid.
that being said, to me i see myself in eddie in a lot of ways:
- only son in the family, so i had unrealistic expectations fixed on me about what my life as a “man” should look like (im not a man, im nonbinary but i was still amab so to my parents i’ve always been a ‘man’)
- raised in a very religious household where there were certain expectations on who i would one day marry and have a family with (because not getting married at all and never having kids was out of the question)
- i was repressed for years emotionally (and sexually) due to pressure from my parents/church and thought there was something “wrong” with me for the feelings i felt
- i often revert to anger as my default defense mechanism because i have repressed my emotions for so long (which is something i am working through in therapy)
so seeing those things i relate to reflected in eddie, it is easy for me to pick up on subtext (whether intentional or not) when it comes to his sexuality/feelings for Buck.
you mentioned eddie trusting buck with christopher— to me this is one of the clearest examples of eddie’s true feelings for buck because he completely trusts the most precious thing in his life with Buck, but he has never even come close to that same kind of trust with any of his romantic partners… even shannon he was apprehensive about letting her back into chris’s life. this means he trusts buck on a level he has never trusted anyone else before— and not to get into psychology, but often when people are repressed emotionally, they find ways to feed those feelings without overtly feeding them if that makes sense. so eddie giving chris (who is practically his whole heart) to buck is essentially eddie offering up his heart on a platter.
so that gets that one out of the way.
as for other examples… i am going to state again that eddie is more repressed than buck and doesn’t show emotion as easily as buck does so Buck’s attraction/feelings are going to be more clear-cut and obvious.
but i am constantly seeing examples of eddie’s feelings for buck interwoven subtly through things:
- crying over buck after the lightning strike when we had only ever seen him cry twice before
- the hurt in his face when buck said natalia was the only person who “saw” him
- the way that he gets overly jealous and acts petty around buck’s romantic partners (the most egregious being Taylor, but we have seen it happen in his other relationships as well)
- the fact that he has never been able to fully allow himself to have feelings for the women he’s dated
- he is looking for a mother figure (second parental unit for chris) but has already effectively filled that role with buck
- he is constantly looking at buck like he hung the stars and the sun and the moon
- he has only started going off the deep end of this fixation with shannon after buck came out to him, and he is onyl actively remembering their relationship as what he wished it had been rather than what it was— something i used to do back when i was still in denial about my sexuality was imagining this dream life where i was happily married to a woman because that is what i was supposed to want, not because it’s what i actually wanted
- eddie is the only one who has shown he understands buck’s recklessness is less him being reckless/thinking he’s unbreakable, but that it’s actually buck seeing himself as invaluable enough that getting hurt wouldn’t affect anyone around him
- one of my favorite scenes is post lightning-strike when eddie climbed the ladder and instead of trying to lower buck to the ground immediately, he initially tries to pull buck closer to him while screaming for him
the list could go on and on and if anyone else wants to leave their observations on eddie’s feelings for buck in the replies by all means please do! but these are just a few ways in which i have personally seen eddie’s devotion to buck portrayed in a light that is much deeper than a platonic level.
i hope this made sense and offers a new perspective for you, and i’m glad that even though you haven’t seen enough evidence in your own interpretation, your first instinct isn’t to jump down people’s throats to tell them they are wrong, but instead reaching out and asking for other opinions to better contextualize why us buddie shippers are so invested in these two!
(and never apologize for a long ask to me… if there’s one thing about me i love to yap lmao)
i hope you have a lovely day, anon!! 💕💕
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homeofhousechickens · 6 months
Same anon as prev,
Would Cream and Crush really mate with each other, like wouldn’t they recognize that they are mother and child and idk not do that??
Again /genuine question and curiosity, I have like 0 previous info about any of this stuff
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So with my birds they are not a color bred breed they are usually bred for type and size primarily. That means that their color genetics are kind of a mystery box. By inbreeding certain pairs I can learn more about what genetics I'm working with due to possible recessives popping up and seeing how the genes themselves interact.
Inbreeding is commonly used in chicken breeding to select for specific desirable traits. For me I'm selecting for health, certain temperments, production capabilities, broodiness, body type, colors, and plumage type and you can use inbreeding to your advantage by breeding genetically similar birds together.
I really like a lot of traits Cream has, so if I'm able to get more birds who are genetically similar to her, this is a good thing for me. I might even get birds who are genetically similar but better due to the genetics thrown in from the father. By inbreeding, I'm also able to see the BAD traits immediately as well and attempt to eliminate them from the gene pool. Chickens aren't dogs, they don't have genetic tests out there to see if they possibly carry a lethal gene, you have to find this out on your own.
In species that reproduce quickly like chickens and mice do there is also less of a negative impact. The things you need to watch out for are how vigorous/healthy the chicks are, longevity, hatchability, and fertilization rates but it can take a while for these to be impacted especially if you are working with a gentically diverse flock.
Obviously you don't want to only inbreed your flock without a care. The selection part is very important and it's also important to outcross to keep up the genetic diversity. You only want to breed from healthy birds regardless.
As for why a mother and son would breed its important to not put human morals onto chickens. Young cockerels actually tend to get weaned from their mothers (pecked and chased away) faster then their sisters because they start showing sexual aggression towards her and attempting to mate with her. It's also important to keep in mind that I'm the one who typically raises the chicks not my broodies so why would Crush not try to mate with his mother? How would he even know?
Anyway inbreeding isn't like evil or bad and it has its purpose. The chicken eggs you get from the store come from hens who are genetically very similar, so much so in fact that these hens are readily used by science in chicken related studies because of how gentically similar these production hens are to each other (this isn't a good thing but just an example) and most chicken breeds in general are a genetically similar as that is the whole point of creating a breed which is just a population of genetically similar animals selected for certain traits.
Right now there are a few different breeds i want to introduce to my breeding flock for genetic diversity and useful traits before I close it off from outcrossing. I have been trying to add new blood this year from one of those breeds but unfortunately I have been very unlucky. With my Crush x Cream chicks I wanted to see if there was any nasty lethals Cream might be carrying and I wanted to learn about her color more but I don't think I was going to continue to inbreed them again from there since the cross had served its purpose.
Here are some interesting links for you if you want to learn more about this sort of stuff and come to your own conclusions.
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lovecolibri · 8 days
SaL anon here my friend, only mildly hung over but still severely disappointed, just coming into your inbox to share my random finale complaints that have been stockpiling.
Already been said many times but why Marisol again?? Just why??
You know what the awkwardness of the daddy talk reminded me of?? Remember in RNM 3x01 when Alex came back and told Forest "a man has needs" or some shit and we all collectively cringed away from our screens?? Its was sooo weirdly out of place and character and that's exactly what the dinner scene is. Also notably written by a former showrunner who won't stop fucking up storylines at every opportunity.
How exactly is the Chris leaving BS supposed to last more than like, 1 week tops??? When Helena (and Ramon) tried to take him 7 years ago and get their redo he was just a kid, but now he's a teenager whose been raised by Eddie Diaz. Not saying he's ready for college or to make his own housing decisions or anything 🙄, but his personality and preferences are not going to change much. He's not the moldable little kid anymore, and the moment Helena realizes that and Chris realizes that's what they wanted him for wouldn't jump on the next flight?? I know there's so much about that arc that's utter nonsense but did the writers put any thought into the characters at all??
Anyway, I probably should do my job for a few hours before I go completely off the rails, hope your own recovery is going well!!
Hey bestie! If it seems like you haven't heard from me all day, that's because I girlbossed too close to the post limit sun reblogging every petty, irritated, frustrated, what-in-the-actual-fuck-was-that post. I scheduled a bunch too do drop after the doors open on the post limit jail cells, this one among them.
I'm sitting here with my twisted peach tea, fresh off of work and a trip to the store (it was awful and full of people and only one lane open that could sell alcohol, AND they didn't have the honeycomb ice cream I specifically went there to get and try out with my earl grey tea ice cream because the universe hates me), just still so SO frustrated that once again they let KR swoop in at the last minute and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the finale. Not even anything Buddie related, just in making literally ANY storyline all season have a good narrative payoff that felt like we went somewhere. Even the most watchable part of the episode (the Mara reunion) fell flat because we didn't see Hen and Karen putting up the fight they set up with the councilwoman, and Maddie and Chim had time all season to talk about maybe having another child, or fostering to make them able to swoop in at the last minute make sense but instead it just came out of the blue! (And don't get me started on the whole "this lesbian couple can't have a kid but the straight couple runs into no issues despite Chim being involved on scene in the death of the councilwoman's son).
ANYWAY. Let's talk about your bullet points please, because I have THOUGHTS.
1/3. Marisol was literally less than useless and if they HAD to avoid an off-screen hiatus breakup (they didn't need to, no one remembered her, it would have been fine) they easily could have ditched her in 7x05 and it would have affected absolutely nothing.
IMAGINE Buck is the one taking Chris to the movies and walks in on "Shannon" and Eddie? We get some Buddie angst with them having to talk out what happened because Buck was worried before but now he's WORRIED, and we could have gotten a more heartfelt resolution with Chris by allowing Eddie and Chris to have one single conversation this whole season, and maybe deciding together to go to therapy in a couple weeks when he gets back from his pre-planned summer vacation to Texas.
Then start s8 with Chris having delayed coming back all summer, and Ramon and Helena facilitating getting him into camps and stuff so he "couldn't" come back and Eddie starting to get fed up and maybe being ready to go to Texas himself to get Chris when whatever disaster the opening is strikes. Cue Chris seeing it on the news and panicking and demanding to go home and see his dad. It would be satisfying to watch, and would tug on the heartstrings without ripping them out for no good goddamn reason and punishing Eddie so severely while also NOT actually dealing with his issues about Shannon!! *screams into pillow* If we never see or hear about her again it will be too soon. They have drug this out past the point of any purpose and it needs to be put to fucking rest, 25ft down so it can't crawl back up. Doused in holy water just in case.
It really feels like they had a plan for Buck with the whole Natalia thing fizzling out and breaking up which I actually am glad we didn't see because as this season proved, it is LONG past time to leave Buck withering away in unfulfilling relationships he don't know how he got into in the first place, but once that was gone he got the coming out bit and....nothing much else all season and even that was one episode and then a couple minutes of screentime sprinkled throuout that used those precious seconds to show us how incredibly ill-matched they are. While Eddie, who was SUPPOSED to have the coming out arc (that was maybe more in-depth and planned to ACTUALLY deal with the Shannon of it all), was also left with a "well what do we do with him now" arc. Spoiler alert, it was NOT THIS. So no, I don't think they had the time in the shortened time frame they had to put literally ANY thought into what to do with these characters.
Point 2. My friend. Not only are you EXACTLY right about the tonal issue matching that cringe AF scene from RNM, but I will raise you that, AND everything about 2x06, including fandom swooping in to claim everyone who didn't fall all over themselves about that scene being amazing was a) homophobic and b) puritanical, pearl-cultching, and uneducated. Oh! and c) just needs to learn how to fucking multi-ship and be happy with whatever is on screen because it couldn't POSSIBLY be better, and you should just accept it now. 😒😒😒
It's gonna be a loooooong fucking hiatus but here's hoping Timmy got all the Lone Star brainworms out and can not just pack a punch in the disaster opening (RIP to everyone who didn't like the cruise ship disaster, I had a great time and it was the best opening in YEARS), but can actually follow through on storylines and emotional beats all season. And maybe get more calls??? On the weewoo show?? It was always and issue on LS too which I thought was Rob Lowe syndrome an all the "Owen things firefighting is boring" stuff but maybe it's budget constraints? Yo! ABC! Give us the cash for good emergencies! And of course, they need to get Kristen the FUCK out of the writers room. Please, literally ANY cop show out there, we are literally BEGGING you to take her off our hands!
Bright side, I have been working on my Countdowns fic (I posted a little bit last week and I want to try and work on it more now that all my shows are on hiatus), and while *I* may be the worlds slowest writer, I just know the Buddie fandom is going to come through with some BANGER canon-fix-it fics. So cheers to that, and lets pray the muse smiles on me astronaut!Buck/medic!Eddie so I can actually contribute something. I'm gonna go make a flatbread spinach and artichoke pizza, watch something, literally ANYTHING else, and oggle my d20 Bad Kids dice that arrived today, my Ayda pin, and my Jawbone quote mug and not think about 911 for a little bit. (until I'm allowed out of post-limit jail and can go back to being a petty bench on main).
Take a breath, we can get through this hiatus together! At least we know we have Oliver and Ryan on our side, so let's make some Buddie content for them to send to each other to help THEM through this rough time.
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the-amber-raven · 1 year
Oohh I've always been fond of fics where Chris picks up some habits from Buck! Aside from the jackets, what other habits/headcanons you have for them that wasn't included in the fics?
This was a surprisingly difficult one to answer, since thanks to the (asides) I use in this series and the flashbacks in I once was lost, I've actually been able to include a lot of them!
(Also, I didn't say the hoodies tidbit wasn't going to be in the fic ;) Just sayin')
I've been trying to think of the ones I struggled to shoe-horn in though, so here's a selection:
Bobby had a Reputation at all of Buck's schools. After his first parent teacher interview at their school in LA, he organised a meeting with the principal. She attempted to fob him off to someone else but he insisted it had to be her. So she diligently collected information from all of his teachers and went to this meeting prepared to discuss what she was sure would be his concerns about his son potentially having ADHD. She had a list of psychologists to refer him to and everything! And then he hands over a folder and starts explaining to her very seriously that the school is barely meeting fire safety requirements and here is a list of all the things she should do to improve their adherence to code and ensure student safety. She passes this information on to Evan's next school, which has a very frantic principal running around quadruple-checking fire safety standards before the first day of school.
Related to the above - Buck is diagnosed with ADHD in this universe, although he never ends up taking medication for it. Bobby is more concerned with making sure Buck is taught in a way that works for him (see "Mr Stugley said that I need explicit instructions" in oh captain my captain) and he has no patience for teachers who just tell him to get his son medicated. The revolving door of sports is also to help Buck manage his need to keep moving and stay active.
One of the first gifts Evan ever got for Bobby was a horrendously ugly mug. Bobby did not care about how ugly it was and used it anyway. Buck got in the habit of giving increasingly tacky mugs, a part of him morbidly curious about where his dad would draw the line. Bobby is suspicious that his motivation is to test him (as is Athena when he starts doing the same thing for her) but actually he doesn't really care because he is that much of a Dad that he will happily use a #1 Dad mug no matter what it looks like. This was actually really close to being in the story, so have this little snippet I wrote: Bobby had wondered sometimes if Evan was subconsciously testing them to see if they would still be willing to use the gifts when they were so over-the-top. Ultimately, though, it didn’t really matter because he had loved every one of them purely because they were from his kid and had taken great joy in using them. 
Lily (the paramedic in Minnesota who treated Evan after the fire) holds a grudge against Bobby for counseling her to stop getting involved when he then subsequently GOT INVOLVED AND ADOPTED THE KID. She gets her revenge by teaching Evan about just how much of a pushover his new dad is and she is the main reason that baby!Evan knows exactly how to soften Bobby up.
Eddie was pretty happy with how things ended in that last chapter of the mortifying ordeal: sure, Hen and Chimney teased him relentlessly about the miscommunication but they actually seem pretty happy to hear he's dating the captain's baby. And then it's Buck's first day at the station and he is suddenly reminded that Evan is in fact the station's baby and he realises he shouldn't be so complacent just yet. There are many, many speeches involved.
Christopher has found their silken ropes in their bedroom once, after they forgot to put them away properly ("it was a long shift and we had a tiny window of alone time, okay, it was a totally normal mistake!" Eddie insisted to a cackling Hen later.) Buck spun a very elaborate story about how someone at the station had gotten a new cat and he had read about DIY cat toys you could make with rope and so he wanted to give it a try but he was just soooo tired that he'd given up and fallen asleep. Chris very kindly offers to to help instead since clearly they can't let the poor kitten not have any toys! The crew laugh when Buck bemoans the loss of the ropes. ("They were expensive!" he mourns, getting laughter from the crew. "And they were so good because they never left any visible marks!" Bobby is visibly traumatised by the conversation.)
Evan got so used to Bobby's cooking that he forgot that there are people who aren't as good at cooking. The first time the 118 have to look after Evan for an extended period of time (because Bobby is in the hospital, badly injured but not on his deathbed, which creates plenty of heightened emotions) Chimney burns their dinner, Sal makes something ridiculously bland, and Tommy uses a store-bought spaghetti sauce. Evan is very judgmental. (Hen and Karen do fine, of course.) Bobby feels very vindicated when he gets to go home and gets a cuddle from Evan alongside a speech about how much he missed his cooking.
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Background on Buck’s breakdown #3 of ?: Almost losing the people he loves
Buck rescues victims while he’s at work because he’s a firefighter and that’s part of his job.  However, if someone Buck loves is in danger, he doesn’t just rescue them, he saves them (related post: Rescuing people vs Saving someone he loves).  Buck saved Maddie, Christopher and Eddie after all three of them almost died at the hands of someone else (Maddie’s estranged husband tried to kill her in 2x13 “Fight or Flight” and a former LAPD sniper shot Eddie in 4x13 “Suspicion”) or from a natural disaster (Buck and Christopher were caught in a Tsunami in 3x2 “Sink or Swim”) but an important fact to remember is he wasn’t on duty as a firefighter when he saved them.  Buck was off work when Doug took Maddie in 2x13; he was on medical leave (he actually quit his job) when he and Christopher were caught in the Tsunami in 3x1-3x3; and he arrived at work just before he left with Eddie to save Charlie from his mother but he hadn’t clocked in yet and he didn’t have a chance to put on his uniform in 4x13.  Buck risked his own life to save his family, his sister Maddie, his son Christopher and his husband Eddie.
GIFs #1-5 2x13 “Fight or Flight” Buck found Chimney bleeding out on the pavement in front of Maddie’s apartment building.  He called 9-1-1, told them who he was and the police detective who was assigned to the case arrived around the same time as Bobby and Athena.  Bobby tried to calm Buck down because Buck tried to tell the detective that it was Maddie’s husband who took her but he wouldn’t listen.  He took Chimney’s phone and accessed it with Chimney’s thumbprint while he was unconscious in the hospital and Athena told the detective Buck was the one who took the phone.  After she talked with the detective about Buck breaking the chain of command, she agreed to help him search for Maddie.  They spent hours driving all over California looking for her and when they finally located the cabins where Doug had taken her, Buck ran to hug and care for Maddie after she stumbled out of the woods following a brutal and fatal showdown with Doug. He rode in the ambulance with her and tried to keep her awake.
GIFs #6-10 3x1 “Kids Today” 3x2 “Sink or Swim” and 3x3 “The Searchers” Buck and Christopher went to the pier and got caught in a Tsunami.  They were separated after the wave crashed into the pier but once Buck emerged from being underneath the water, he called for Christopher and Christopher answered him.  Buck swam towards him but since he couldn’t reach Christopher’s hand, the wave pushed him past the pole Christopher was holding on to. Christopher yelled that he couldn’t hold on any longer but Buck jumped back into the water, swam towards Christopher and saved him.  They spent hours sitting on top of the 136′s ladder truck with other people Buck rescued waiting for help to arrive.  The wave started going back towards the ocean and the truck shifted which caused Christopher to fall off the truck and into the water.  They got separated but Buck spent the rest of the day and well into the nighttime searching for him.  He didn’t find him, so he called Maddie asking her for help regarding what he should do.  He saw Eddie because he was working at the VA hospital and when Eddie saw Buck, he asked him what happened, then asked where’s Christopher and then asked why he had Christopher’s glasses.  Buck told Eddie what happened and while he was explaining everything, a woman who had been carrying and caring for Christopher all day appeared with Christopher in her arms.  Eddie called out to Christopher and he responded, “Dad!” which caused Eddie to run to him.  Buck turned around so that he could see what Eddie was looking at.  He was thankful that Christopher was found but Buck was also in a state of shock. Chimney and Hen saw him and asked him what happened but he didn’t answer them until Bobby asked him if he and Eddie were ok.  He replied, “Yeah, we’re great” and collapsed in the arms of his captain and teammates from the 118.
GIFs #11-16 4x13 “Suspicion” and 4x14 “Survivors” Eddie was shot by a sniper while he and Buck were standing in the middle of the street after they saved a boy named Charlie from his mother.  Buck was in a catatonic state of shock after Eddie’s blood splattered on his face and clothes which caused Captain Mehta of the 133 to tackle him to the ground to remove him from the sniper’s line of fire.  After Buck watched Eddie close his eyes, he shook himself out of shock long enough to crawl underneath the ladder truck, drag Eddie’s limp body underneath that same truck to safety, lift him up and yell at the 133 to “Get him up!”, then they placed Eddie inside of the truck.  After the firetruck was out of the line of fire and enroute to the hospital, Buck ripped Eddie’s shirt open, applied pressure to his wound and talked to him to keep him alert until they made it to the hospital.  Eddie went unconscious for the last time while they were just three minutes away but Buck’s actions saved Eddie’s life.  Buck returned to a catatonic state of shock after Eddie went into surgery and when he left the hospital, his complexion was pale and he could barely form coherent sentences.  He only had one thing on his mind at that point and that was for him to talk to Christopher.  Buck and Christopher cried together and consoled each other after Buck received a text message from Bobby stating that Eddie made it out of surgery.
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
Kat! how are you feeling? what are your thoughts on the way buck's heading? honestly i am pretty excited, I am hoping for a lot of angst (just because) while buck grows and learns that he deserves to have and set boundaries and that he doesn't only exist to serve other people etc (something something going through a paralel journey in therapy rn so! love to see it! go babygirl! realize your selfworth). and uh. lowkey highkey hope something happens to him in the mid-season finale lmao. ALSO. DID YOU SEE HEN! HANDLING THE CHAINSAW! IDK why but that was v nice to see. And the fact that hen can't keep still (relatable) and that buck went to her and they just decided to get blasted...love them so much. Also Bobby and the dog...just. people were saying how empty their house is and bobby saw the dog and went 'guess it's mine now' (which brings me to: didn't hen & fam have a dog way back? one she rescued from a collapsed building?). GOD AND EDDIE! Don't get me started! He's growing so much, and love to see that his father is actively working on himself and his bond with his son too!!! That whole scene with christopher had me ahw-ing all the way through, he's doing such a good job, i love love love that for him!!
ah anon!! i hadn't watched the episode yet when you sent this so i had to wait to reply—i'm still dealing with some truly obnoxious jetlag that's keeping me up late in italy so i just caught up on everything. don't worry you didn't spoil anything!! i spoiled myself on EVERYTHING last night as the ep was airing 😂
re:buck i'm waiting to see where this story goes. personally i don't really think it's gonna actually end up with him successfully donating his sperm and having a biological child out in the world. and honestly i'm just a little wary of this arc bc i personally hate tv's track record when talking about adoption/sperm donor's/surrogacy/etc. like...love the drunk scene! but if buck donates his sperm he is NOT a father walking away. sometimes i think tv gets really hung up on blood/biological relations and i find it Particularly Aggravating. (of course that doesn't mean that BUCK doesn't think or feel that way, and i'm totally okay with him struggling with those feelings—i just am wary of the story/writers/etc validating those feelings as correct™)
hen handling the whole call at the star was SO fucking good and impressive and hot and just. YEAH QUEEN, YOU'RE GREAT AT BEING CAPTAIN.
hen did bring a dog home that she rescued in the s2 earthquake, but tbh i don't know if we ever saw that dog again? we might've when denny was playing in the park but i can't remember.
eddie still looked so bummed after his final talk with chris and all i can say is—that man needs a boyfriend to occupy his time as chris gets more independence and buck is RIGHT THERE (speaking of, buck was DEFINITELY yearning while listening to connor and his wife talk about how they met and fell in love. he wants a partner so bad!!)
anyway, it was a VERY good episode. i'm looking fwd to when this buck donor plot is picked back up in e7 (when i'll be back in the states and can actually!! watch it live!!)
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matan4il · 2 years
Buddie 608 meta
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Buck babysitting Jee Yun was adorable, but what gets to me is that it seemed to come with more question marks than when he was looking after Chris in 301. Does that imply something about how often he babysat Christopher without Eddie present even before that little “intervention”? In any case, it re-affirms that even relatively early on, Buck was very much a part of the Diaz family. ~~
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It actually feels weird that in this entire ep, Buck is around kids, talks about kids, but doesn’t address the issue of him possibly fathering a biological kid of his own that he won’t get to raise. Is this a hint that he’s def in denial? It was especially loud because we saw him talking about Chris, while spending time with Jee Yun AND Denny. The former two make sense, but Denny? The only other time we saw Buck around Denny was in 310, when the scene was primarily about Eddie watching Chris with Buck. So it feels like it’s very pointed that he’s around more kids than usual, yet not addressing the biggest issue related to that taking place in his own life.
At the same time, to connect both of the above points, the difference between how we see Buck with Jee Yun, his actual family, in this ep, and how he’s with Denny (he’s in the same scene with him, but hardly interacts with the kid, they’re even physically separated by Hen) serves as a reminder that Chris isn’t like another colleague’s child to Buck. What they have is how Buck treats his own flesh and blood. ~~
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Carla reminding Eddie that the fantasy is sometimes better than the reality, when she’s the person who, in 413, encouraged him to follow his heart… Is this the show building towards Eddie’s next step on his romantic journey? IDK, but with this continued theme of him watching Christopher maturing into his own person, leaving him to find out what makes him happy outside of being a dad, it would seem to fit. ~~
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I loved Buck asking whether Chris isn’t too young to date, then being asked himself to reminisce about his first crush. Which was in fact way earlier (and a reminder that not every crush is about being old enough to date). It made me snicker a little, ‘coz it was such a good reminder that our boys are a bit oblivious about matters of the heart in general. And yes, it comes from an overprotective place of caring, much like Buck’s reaction to hearing that Chris is going to a summer camp in 318, but it def explains why they’re not very good at following their own heart or figuring out what it’s telling them.
At the same time, Buck asking whether Chris isn’t too young to date, followed almost immediately by Eddie saying he didn’t think his son was old enough to kiss others, screamed VOLUMES to me about how much these are both Christopher’s dads. They literally have the same reaction where no one else from the team does. This cannot be accidental or meaningless. Especially when paired up with the fact that it’s Buck who Eddie looks to first to sooth his apprehension over Chris kissing someone, and he only turns to the other teammates when his work husband is being a bit of a tease and refuses to give Eddie the reassurance he seeks... Flirting at your place of work on top of being obvious co-parents, seriously? ~~
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I loved Buck’s comment about the song “It’s Raining Men.” It wasn’t just a funny comment on its own, it was also a nod to a gay anthem. One of the most well known as well as one of the earliest ganthems (that should be a word), in fact. So while it’s not a clear indication of anything about Buck’s sexual identity, it is an added hint in a long series of hints that he isn’t straight. And to add to that, when Buck makes that comment, it’s Eddie who’s there by his side to make one of his iconic faces at that. They’re not just battlefield boyfriends, they’re battlefield husbands, exasperated eye roll included. ~~
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NGL, May and her crush Darius realizing where they’d rather be, or better yet with whom, after their ordeal with Erik very much reminded me of 414. Buck CHOSE to fully integrate himself into Eddie’s life and be by his side in every way that counts, while he literally saw Taylor and immediately started walking in the opposite direction, while Eddie broke up with Ana shortly after. It kills me that they still don’t get what stuff like that means. Literal bozos. ~~
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Eddie threatening to only speak to Carla about stuff related to his son growing up might have been said in jest, but it also served as sort of a set up for her being the one to stay with Eddie and watch Chris outside the dance. And I adored that scene, with that soft look on Eddie’s face, his moving words! Yet, I can’t see either this arc, nor Buck’s with the sperm donation, being complete without the two of them having a real conversation about what’s going on with them and their respective parental journeys. Especially not after the Buddie stuff we got in 5b which locked them in as each other’s person forever. There’s no coming back from that stuff. So I can only assume that it is coming in 6b. And hopefully, it will be all the more emotionally effective for how long we have to wait for it. Hey, that’s the whole point of a slow burn to begin with, right? ;)
~~ Thank you to everyone liking, reblogging and especially those who consistently reblog these meta posts, you own a small piece of my heart. I wouldn’t be writing a meta post on a day when I’m sick AND working a double shift if it wasn’t my way of saying thank you. I really love and appreciate you all. Also mad love to @whosoldherout​ for once again slaying with her amazing gifs, and just for being so wonderful. xoxox
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booksandwords · 1 year
Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez
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Read time: 2 Days Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: "Yes, and what about a woman whose husband has four wives? He is allowed four, and she is allowed just one husband? In that marriage, is she worth just one quarter of a man?" "Ach, who would want more than one?" [...] "But it is also true," [...] "that without us, these men who are so valuable would have no sons. Heaven is under the Mother's feet, so treat her kindly. Have you not heard that said? Our tradition tells us that women should be given kindness, love, and respect if a man truly wants to be righteous." "Well then there are some very impure men around." — Zara and Halajan
I know these books (this and The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul) are controversial. Their controversy comes largely from the simplification of a hugely complicated culture and I believe a slight disconnect from reality. But I like them in the way that they are driven entirely by women, that is not something I read a lot. This is quite different from The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul in the way it is told. Whereas the first book focuses entirely on the titular coffee shop in Afghanistan, this one splits its time between the coffee shop and the Screaming Peacock Vinyard on the fictional Timbly island in the United States. Not only is the geography different the themes in play are too. Moving from family and community to self and home (with the community still there to a degree).
As I did for the first a bit of write up for each of the characters. Zara — The Bride Zara is a character I didn't see coming. While I do feel her whole arc feels more like it is forming the framing rather than allowing her to be an independent character, she is still a good character. This is a time when we are seeing the consequences of an arranged marriage. To a degree her arc lets us see that process, something I didn't know. Even if Rodriguez is using an extreme or old school example seeing that as a piece of culture felt important. As the blurb may indicate Zara has the worst of the endings, though there is a silver lining of a sort there. It's along the lines of Isabel from The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul. A reminder that life is messy, imperfect and can be truly ugly.
Yazmina — The Proprieter Yazmina, fondly referred to as Yaz, is pregnant during Return it is of course Ahmet's. She's still headstrong, bold and willing to push for the good of women in Afghanistan. As well as raising Najima she is the one running the coffee shop day-to-day. Honestly, she feels like she has followed in the footsteps of not only Sunny (in her creating a safe space for international workers and locals alike) and Halajan (her headstrong nature and feministic opinions) but Candace (her drive to help people especially women). I loved seeing what has become of Yazmina. From the scared women at the very start of The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul to strong mother, fierce woman and a fighter through and through.
Sunny — The Lost Soul Sunny remains Sunny. Headstrong, determined. But now she's a bit listless after leaving Kabul and then trying to find her new place to be. There is a lot of mourning and homesickness involved. Homesickness because Kabul and her coffees shop was her home for so very long and mourning because between the books Jack has died quickly and tragically with no chance to say goodbye. This story is her finding a new drive, a new way to be her and use her skills. This is so effective and relatable as a plot, we all know that we will come to this, or have already.
Halajan — The Mother Hen Halajan continues to be somehow both a provocative and stabilising influence in the world. A reminder that Afghanistan hasn't always been like this, that women used to be free (look it's a bad word choice but I can't think of a better one). Halajan is not torn between the old ways and the new ways, she is firmly on the side of bringing back the old ways (aka she's a badass feminist). Encouraging her son and daughter-in-law to continue her fight. To see a woman so in love and with the man of her dreams and encouraging the next generation is such a brilliant thing. We need more women like this. We need women to remind us that life doesn't end at 30, 40, 50, even 60.
Layla and Kat — The Next Generation Layla and Katayon (Kat) have this brilliant equal and opposite thing going on. Both are fish out of water and enduring culture shock at times. Layla, Yamina's sister, has a year-long scholarship to study in America. She is struggling with the cultural and social differences between Afghanistan and America. Kat is an Afghani girl who has lived in America since she was a young child. She is has blended into the local population and taken the traits of a contemporary American girl, shunning her Afghani roots her hatred for Afghani roots leads her to judge Layla harsher than anyone else. There is some severe tropiness, stereotypes or perhaps heavy-handedness to Kat in particular. I know Kat was based on a real person but I'm not sure how much. Sometimes Layla comes across as kinda flat. Like not enough focus was put into planning her full role in the book aside from her role with Kat and friendship with Sky. They do have some great conversations about culture clash and lost childhood. A warning Kat's past can be heavy, domestic violence but worse.
The Support Cast As with The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul much of the supporting cast is male with one major exception, Candace. Candace stills appears frequently she's working as a financial backer for various things, jet setting and using her alimony, network for good. She is absolutely not the woman she was before Isabel's death and everything else in that book. But when we do see her now it's fly in fly out and only there for a page maybe a bit more. I wish we saw more of her but her role as a plot device to move things on is fairly effective. Of the other characters, my favourite is Sunny's next-door neighbour on Timbly island, Giuseppe better known as Joe. Joe is a Japanese, American, Italian twice Sunny's age who has lost his wife, his beloved Sylvie but lives life to the full. Through him, we hear about the internment camps with a focus on Camp Harmony (the name of the camp at the Puyallup Valley Fairgrounds), not something I ever expected to read in this and honestly it's done well too. I just really like him, he is so different from everything else that has come, a character that marks Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul as his own.
One of the most common themes or motifs in the book is indicated on the cover, peacocks. The Winery name and local wildlife, a request, a pet and a quote... "in the story, the peacock goes to the goddess Juno to complain that she had not given him the song of a nightingale, a song wonderous to every ear, while he became the laughing stock each time he opened his mouth. Juno consoles the peacock by pointing out his beauty and his size." [...] "The peacock then asks 'What is the use of beauty, a voice like mine?' 'Your lot in life has been assigned by the Fates,' she tells him. 'Each must be content with his own particular gift.' In other words," [...] "take care not to strive for something that was not given to you, or you will waste your life being disappointed by what you don't have." (Joe, p.94). This quote is a large part of the meaning of the book in general. You'll get it. Actually, quotes and words of wisdom from lifelong learning are a big part of this, both Joe and Halajan like trying to teach from their own experience.
The ending of Return to the Little Coffee Shop of Kabul feels fitting. Pushing the idea of finding a home, connecting to your roots and making yourself whole. There is so much strength in this book. Even Zara who goes through a lot, suffers, blames herself for so much pain and suffering is strong. The whole thing ends on a tone of optimism as is only right. All that said I did have a little lingering disappointment over the ending, but I'm unsure why.
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isaiahbie · 3 years
Is Christianity Sexist?
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Some believe that Christianity is a male-dominated religion that reduces women to an inferior status. How can we trust a sexist book (the Bible) as a revelation from God? Many women have felt the anguish of being treated as second-class citizens in a man’s world. They have been stereotyped and marginalized by men who fail to see their real abilities and understand their real desires.
Christians should be sensitive to these concerns, since God calls us to respect everyone equally on the basis of the truth that we are all created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). We are to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 19:19) and recognize our unity and equality in Christ (Galatians 3:26-29). Yet sadly, many women and men see the Bible itself as justifying the mistreatment of half the human race.
Many non-Christian feminists claim that the God of the Bible is male. If God is male, then men are more like God than are women. This belief devalues women who, because of their gender, will never have the privileged status of men. Some feminists also complain that since the incarnation of God occurred in the form of a man, Jesus, this God cannot properly relate to women’s experience. Because of these problems with Christianity, they say, women must turn to a feminine understanding of the divine, the goddess.
But those who are drawn to the goddess must come to terms with the real Jesus, not a sexist caricature. First, the God of the Bible is not male in any sense, because God is not a sexual being. Jesus taught that God is Spirit (John 4:24) and not one who brings things into existence through procreation. God is not to be represented as either a male or a female (Exodus 20:4; Deuteronomy 4:16). Scripture refers to God as “He” and Jesus called God His Father not to emphasize masculinity against femininity but to highlight that God is a personal and powerful being. Unlike the idea of the goddess, the biblical God is a knowing, willing, holy and loving personal agent who reveals Himself in the Bible and through taking on a human nature in Jesus Christ.
Throughout human cultures, men have had more authority than women. The Bible uses the terms and concepts that would best communicate God’s power and prestige, and His role as our protector and provider. Nevertheless, the Bible uses feminine imagery when it speaks of God as giving birth to Israel (Deuteronomy 32:18) and to the Christian (James 1:18). Jesus said He longed to gather rebellious Israel to Himself as a mother hen gathers her chicks (Matthew 23:37-39). These kinds of metaphors reveal that although God is not a sexual being, He possesses all the qualities that we appreciate in both men and women, for God is the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17).
Moreover, Jesus did not set up a male-dominated religious system in which women would be permanently subjugated. He surprised His followers by teaching theology to women in private and in public (Luke 10:38-42; John 4:7-27; 11:21-27) at a time when women were excluded from such affairs. Although He esteemed the family, Jesus stipulated that a woman’s principal purpose in life is not reducible to motherhood and domestic work, but is found in knowing and following God’s will (Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28). Jesus also appeared to Mary after His resurrection and appointed her as a witness to this world-changing event—in a time when the witness of a woman was not respected (Matthew 28:5-10; John 20:17-18). His model of leadership was based on mutual service and sacrifice, not hierarchical authority structures:
But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:25-28)
In addition, in the early church, women served as prophets (Acts 2:17-18; 21:9) and teachers (Acts 18:24-26). Paul clearly articulated the spiritual and ontological equality of male and female believers when he said, “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26-28).
Third, the incarnation of God in Jesus does not imply that God is male or that God excludes or devalues women. For God the Son to take on human nature, He would have to be either a male or a female. He could not be both simultaneously. Moreover, the divine nature of the Son is not gendered, since sexuality is a human, not a divine attribute. The most important fact about Jesus’ humanity was not His maleness but his moral perfection and His identification with the entire human race. Jesus understands us all from the inside out: “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Although Jesus lived in perfect harmony with the Father and the Holy Spirit, when He joined the human family He personally experienced what it was like to suffer and feel pain, even as we do (Hebrews 5:7-9).
Those who gravitate toward the goddess because of the problems they perceive with the God of the Bible should realize that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world, including the sins that men commit against women. Jesus neither endorses nor excuses any sin, but calls everyone to repent of sin and accept Him as his or her Savior, Master and Friend (John 15:15). An impersonal principle, power or presence romantically called the goddess can be no one’s friend, let alone their Savior.
While goddess religion is speculatively reconstructed from the dark recesses of pre-history, the drama of Jesus is enshrined in datable, space-time, human history. God has a human face, the visage of Jesus. His story has spoken to countless millions of women and men worldwide for the last two thousand years—and continues to speak to us today. Jesus, in fact, scandalized the religious establishment (and even His own disciples) through His respect for women demonstrated in many circumstances. Even though the Bible was written in and to patriarchal cultures, it lauds several women leaders in various capacities, such as judge, prophetess and teacher. The promise of the kingdom involves both men and women filled with the Spirit and serving Christ (Acts 2:17-18; see also Joel 2:28-32).
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Any life headcannons on the plf and your ngs?
Oh boy DO I. Im gonna tag @palettepainter because she also has some headcannons for this wacky family.
-Skeptic is a malewife and mother hen, I won't accept criticism on this- He'll berate Trumpet for getting sick in the first place and at the same time force him to sleep in and give him soup.
-Debating of whether or not Curious is still alive at this point but she is the mother to both Iko and Rida and both had developed her weird habits. Rida will often hold up his hand when trying to focus on something and Iko has unintentionally started writing down weird facts about random things she finds interesting.
-Out of the two of them, Trumpet is the more lenient of the two dads and will let the their two children get away with things much to Skeptic's annoyance which also includes annoying Skeptic when he's working.
-Skeptic cooks more, Trumpet cleans more. That's just how it is. Skep's watched enough cooking videos online to be a decent cook. The reason for that is because Trumpet is actually a terrible cook. He once mistook the dishwasher for the oven and instead of a roast they ended up with a wet ham. So Skeptic handles most of the cooking. Skeptic's also a neat freak but he barely has time for it with all the work Giran puts on his shoulders so Trumpet handles most of the cleaning. It balances it out surprisingly well.
-Because of Skeptic's busy schedule, Trumpet was also the one who helped their children train up their quirks. He's used to helping train someone's quirk from his time with Kotoba (@palettepainter 's oc) so he helps apply that to their children.
-Skeptic has some small scars on his hands from when Rida's quirk accidentally discharged for the first time.
-Both show their care in different ways. Trumpet has no problem saying 'I love you' to his husband and children or giving physical affection. Skeptic is more with actions than words and it's different for his husband and kids. With Trumpet he'll move his bangs aside and let him see his eyes and let him get physically close on levels he wouldn't anyone else, and sometimes return physical affection such as a side hug and a VERY quick peck of a kidd. With his kids- He'll gift his children some things he'll notice they express interest in, give advice even if it's more of his opinion, and will let them lean against him if they're near him.
-Giran has more than once gotten berated by Skeptic either having his hair styled by one of his kids or them leaning against him, and can't take him seriously. Skeptic still can't fathom why.
-Both of them were extremely taken aback to finding out both children wanted to become heroes, and both has adamantly tried to talk them out of it for obvious reasons but in the end have dropped it. It's not that they don't support them, it's just that they don't want either harmed or anyone finding out about them being criminals.
-No one actually knows their parents but sometimes Hawks will give Iko a look when he sees her around UA when visiting his son. She looks and acts...familiar but he hasn't quite put his finger on it yet.
-Speaking on the Hawks family- Iko has a not so secret obvious- crush on Shosha (@palettepainter 's oc) to which Rida both likes to tease her and just facepalms when she just ends up stuttering like a frozen popsicle when talking to him. Skeptic is devastated and Trumpet won't stop teasing them both about 'Like father like daughter'.
-Iko has gotten into one or two fights with Kiru (@palettepainter 's oc)
-The kiddos both have heroes they admire for different reasons involving their quirks. Iko has respect for Higari and his assistant Hatsume since she often has to assemble her own weapons by hand especially if they're on the larger side, she also has respect for Snipe being that they both work with guns. For Rida it's more personal. His two favorite heroes are Present Mic and Shinsou solely based on the fact both their quirks are voice oriented and he can relate with Shinsou on feeling self conscious with his quirk and how it can affect others.
-Iko dyes the pink parts of her hair blonde, not because she doesn't like her mother, but because she isn't too fond of the color pink. Thus this has earnt her the nick name 'Blondie' from close friends.
-Her friend circle includes Fugen, Moku, Imori, and Tokage from her time spent on the streets while her fathers were in hiding.
-Rida has a harmless Gardner snake for a pet he affectionately named Slinky gifted to him by Trumpet. Somehow Slinky always manages to escape his cage and ends up being found by Skeptic by accident. If Rida ever finds Slinky missing he usually just waits for Skeptic's scream of fright to locate him.
-Both siblings have a weird dynamic and have pros and cons to it. Iko clearly takes after Skeptic in both looks and some of her personality but unlike Skeptic she's actually not afraid to say 'I love you' to her baby brother and dads...However for all her smarts she doesn't always pick up on social cues and she isn't the best at interacting with others often coming off as blunt or a flustered mess. Rida has a MUCH easier time socializing with people (his dad IS an Ex politician after all. It's something he picked up from Trumpet.) and is often the one facepalming at his older sister's blunders.
-Seppen is Rida’s best friend and is younger than him by only two years. You’ll often hear them playing video games together or both working together to annoy Skeptic.
-Both siblings are self conscious with parts of their quirk. If either of them are too stressed or angry or scared both of them has the ability to accidentally blow something up which is something they bond over.
-Skeptic is more protective of them than trumpet. May not seem like it at first but you’d be surprised at how many parent-teacher conferences has ended with Disguised-Skeptic going off on any unfair treatment he deems on the teacher’s end.
-Much like Skeptic, Iko is also protective of her friends along with Rida and Seppen since she grew up with both. This has been the reason for her few fights with Kiru on top of her stubborn attitude. 
-Both Trumpet and Skeptic are devastated their children refer to Giran as ‘Grandpa’ and show genuine care towards him. They are currently unaware of what history they have with Giran (A.K.A. destroying his hand-) and tense up whenever Giran makes a hand pun in front of the children. The children don’t get it and Giran has no intention of telling them the gruesome details, but OH he loves seeing them squirm in horror. 
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emikadreams · 3 years
May I request a prompt?
Feyre being comforted by Cass and Az when Rhys isn't available or all the bat boys comforting her? Just their fluff?
And maybe Lucien and Rhys bonding because Lucien means so much to Feyre and Rhys making an effort for her?
thank uuu sooo much for sending this in and I hope u enjoy this fluff monster!💕
Also please be kind with me, I haven’t edited this properly, studying for exams iss a bitchhh
Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn’t read acosf...
Uncles Retreat 
Rhys was gone.
Well, he was not home.
Ok fine he was at the Palace of Jewels but Feyre missed him horribly. She had thought it was impossible to miss him with every cell of her body but each new day shows her that her love for Rhys was like time; eternal and sweet. 
Feyre sighed and decided that she wouldn’t get out of bed today, she had meetings to attend herself but after being pregnant her duties had lessened and Rhys made sure that she was stress-free, “Cauldron, I love him so much.” She said to their empty room but she heard a chuckle from the bond. 
Her heart leapt as Rhys stroked talons down her shield and she lowered them instantly to let him in.
“Missing me, darling?”
“Horribly.” Rhys chuckled but she knew that he felt the same for the feelings he pushed back told her more than words could convey.
“I’m afraid that I’ll be stuck here for a couple of more hours darling.” Rhys sighed exasperatedly.
“Ugh fine, but can you bring me some dessert from Rita’s before you come home, I had been dreaming about it and now I’m starving!” She could feel Rhys smile with joy and pride as he said, “Tell our son that his father loves him to the end of the galaxy and back and that he will do anything to keep him and his mother happy.”
Feyre laughed, “He’s already got you wrapped around his finger, hasn’t he?”
“Oh most definitely darling, but I’m not complaining. You and Nyx are my everything.” 
She could feel his promise resonate through her body but the moment was broken when her stomach rumbled and Rhys took that as his cue to bid goodbye, not before telling her to eat well.
“Overbearing mother hen,” Feyre said softly before getting out of bed to find something to eat.
Seeing the house empty she touched her belly and said to her son, “Looks like it’s just you and me, love.”
“Aha! Not so fast high lady!” said Cassian as he breezed into the house through the front door followed by Azriel who looked at her and her belly and smiled unabashedly, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Oh no.” Feyre exclaimed, “I know that look Az, that’s your ‘Cass has something planned but I won’t let him do it alone lest he burns another building’ look.”
Cassian squawked in offence and turned to glare at his brother who simply shrugged at him, “What? She’s not wrong is she, I didn’t come to that trip to the summer court and you managed to burn down an entire building.”
“It was one building for cauldron’s sake, a teeny tiny building.” 
 Feyre laughed seeing them bicker and shook her head but her heart warmed that she was finally a part of a family that cared for each other as if they were all related by blood.
Her eyes burned and her throat tightened with emotion, both the Illyrians were at her side in an instant, turning her this way and that, scanning her entire body before saying in unison,
“What hurts.”
“Do I need to call Madja?”
The former from Azriel and the latter from Cassian. Feyre stuck her tongue out at them before answering, “Nothing, you overbearing uncles. I’m fine. Pregnancy hormones, remember?”
They breathed a sigh of relief before beaming,
 “Uncles. You called us uncles.” Cassian said, love, etched across his face.
“Well. that’s what you are, aren’t you? Might as well get used to it.” 
They laughed and Feyre joined along before asking, “ Why are you here again?”
This time it was Az who replied albeit shyly, “Well, we know Rhys is stuck at meetings so we thought we’ll enjoy some quality time together.”
Feyre squealed with happiness and hugged both Az and Cass or rather squished them together awkwardly.
“ If we knew you were going to be this happy about spending time with us we would’ve kicked Rhys out, a long time ago.” Cassian grinned but frowned as Feyre yelped.
“What’s wrong,” Cassian asked, a promise of death swirling in his eyes at whatever threatened his high lady and her baby.
“I’m fine, he just kicked.” 
“What!” they exclaimed,
“Oh that’s right we didn’t tell you guys, he started kicking a while ago.”
Cassian and Azriel stared, their jaws on the floor before Az cleared his throat and motioned whether he could feel her stomach, Feyre nodded, her face softening.
Az’s fingers were slightly shaking as he placed them gently on her round belly and waited, Nyx kicked with all the strength of an Illariyan almost as if he knew that his uncles were watching.
“Oh wow.” Az’s eyes were silver-lined and his lips were shaking, Cassian paid him no heed as he shoved Az and knelt in front of Feyre to put his hands on her belly.
Nyx replied with the same vigour he had shown Azriel. 
“Hi, nephew! This is your awesome uncle Cassian speaking, I can’t wait for you to get here so that I can have someone as awesome as me to annoy your mom with.”
Feyre giggled and Cass stood up grinning.
“Now what?” Feyre asked, curious.
“Well, we can do whatever you want,” he replied
“Whatever I want.” Feyre grinned devilishly.
Feyre giggled, a plan forming in her head. Cassian paled and tried to back away but Azriel caught his collar.
“You’re not going anywhere, you made your bed now lie in it,” Az said only half-joking.
Rhys was exhausted.
All he wanted to do was cuddle his pregnant mate and go to sleep not before she enjoyed the special dessert that Rita had made for her High lady, Rhys’s heart swelled with pride at how loved Feyre was. Which was what propelled him to get through with all the hour-long meetings but on arriving at the river house, a sense of dread washed over him.
His home was eerily quiet. 
He called Feyre’s name but no reply came, he guessed that she was probably already asleep and decided to go into their room and found to his surprise his brothers sitting on their bed with feyre, all in loose clothing, a huge tray of food on their laps and with face cream and cucumber slices on their faces, their heads were leaned against the bed rest and it seemed as if they were getting facials.
Rhys burst out laughing causing the trio to turn their attention to him, cucumber slices falling out of their eyes and to Rhys’s eternal pleasure Cass and Az opened their mouths to explain but was rudely shushed by Feyre, “You’ll ruin it.” and they immediately shut up
Which caused Rhys to double over with laughter, a hand on the side of his face, they continued staring at him with disinterest.
After a good five minutes of Rhys laughing, he sobered took a steadying breath and said, “Mate, Shadowsinger, General,” nodding towards them he mentioned their names, “ can someone put it on my face too?”  he asked and they all squealed with pleasure.
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