#also brett did such an amazing job
beachesgetpeaches · 6 months
grant ward i hate you but i love you
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
Hey hey hey :D what's UPPP? I have very important request. So, the 'gang' as Brett likes to call them, x reader. (Inside job x reader) Now, the reader is like, really sleepy. Sleeps all day everyday. I need the reader to be a clingy sleeper. I also low-key want the reader to like, invent a cloud he can sleep on. Like it's a real fucking cloud, but he just sleeps on it.
(he/they pronouns) 🤭
The Gang x GN!Reader
A/N: I did HCs so I hope that's okay!
He thinks it's really cute and will try to steal it from you. Not because he wants to be cheeky or mess with you, he's genuinely impressed you were able to make something that's like a real cloud.
Can't wrap his mind over the science of it, and when he tries to ask you, you're asleep so-
Will join you to sleep on it, if you make room for him.
He's not one for bragging, but he will tell everyone at work about it, in or outside of the gang. He's just excited you made something like this.
Can't say he would get annoyed that you spend most of your time on it, but he can only make so many excuses to JR/the higher-ups.
It's a bit of jealousy or pure impression for Reagan, she is extremely impressed but suprised in herself that she didn't think of it first.
Will join you in your cloud, and for the first time in her life, she sleeps well [/hj]
She pesters you on how you made it, and ngl, even if you don't tell her, she'll probably figure out how to make one.
She thinks it's the most amazing thing you've made.
Unlike Brett, she WILL brag about it to anyone who listens.
She's so haughty about it that the gang kinda has to stop her, but, in the end, she's very proud of you.
Isn't the biggest fan of laying in the cloud with you, but will find you in goofy poses to take pictures of you in. She may or may not post about it depending on how much you care.
Honestly, I don't know how much Myc would like the cloud.
He would probably find it weird.
Cue forward to a couple of weeks later when he gets high as shit and is floating around with you, fast asleep.
The gang would be like "Where the hell are Myc and [Y/n]" and boom, you two are conked out on the cloud.
Like Myc, he's going to get high as hell on your cloud.
If you three ever go missing, the rest of the gang has a pretty good idea of where you went.
He's obsessed with the cloud ngl.
It might as well be his cloud now too.
He's not one for crazy science, so I'm not sure how much he'd enjoy it ngl
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centauryscrubs · 1 year
ok so, there’s a LOT of reasons why inside job is one of my favourite gone-too-soon tv shows ever (fuck you netflix) and i could probably list them all and talk about them extensively (and i might in a future post!) but the couple that really did it for me were:
1. that they didn’t make reagan and brett a couple. this is SO important to me. the trope of “hetero friends to lovers” is overdone to the point of society expecting it/finding it weird when it’s not there. the fact that brett and reagan are just… literally best friends is so much sweeter than them being a couple. for me, at least. it just wouldn’t really suit them either, y’know? brett (imo) is more focused on strengthening PLATONIC bonds, because having friends isn’t something he really had as a child. and that’s the same for reagan! (plus she had ron. and EVEN THOUGH BRETT DIDNT REALLY LIKE HIM AT FIRST, HE STILL ACCEPTED AND RESPECTED THEIR RELATIONSHIP!! AND DIDNT BREAK IT UP!! in fact HE tried to change HIMSELF so that he’d like ron!!! if that’s not some serious ride or die friendship between brett and reagan idk what is! it’s not like brett was ever a third wheel when ron came along either!!)
connected to 1. — tamiko’s relationship/s is/are a perfect example of when het interactions can go well, regardless of if there are romantic feelings or not. with rand, it resulted in divorce BUT they did have fleeting romantic moments which were sweet, as well as some generally funny scenes together! the “date” with alpha-beta ended up in him learning how to love, despite tamiko being disgusted by his appearance/robotic physicality. i’ll admit i don’t even like ron x reagan that much, but their relationship worked too; the slight rivals to lovers trope was established well and it was very healthy for both of them!
2. that Miss Shion wasn’t afraid to show two men kissing. even if it was an accidental kiss. but also just bromances and homoeroticism in general. andre and myc being besties AND being in an orgy together??? amazing, andre getting mushroom herpes was worth it. rand and hannibal lecter lookalike being made to kiss, and then the latter going “UNLESS…?”??? so funny and much more entertaining than if it didn’t happen at all.
connected to 2. — they didn’t make characters’ sexuality their whole personality!! even the queer one/s!!! andre being described as “alwayssexual” was a funny, fleeting comedy moment and that was all! (i’m also counting the questionable quips like brett going “take your clothes off!!” at ron and ron asking reagan if she told everyone about his dingdong. btw brett is bicurious he told me)
in conclusion: canon queer characters are cool and het relationships (both romantic and platonic) CAN be portrayed very well, if done right!
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amatchinwater · 2 years
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(Mark Stiles confused and horny)
Pairing: Briles
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Brett Talbot, Liam Dunbar, Satomi Ito
Warnings: explicit sexual content, rimming, anal fingering, anal sex, semi-public sex (home alone, but in the kitchen), marking,
Words: 2168
Kinktober: Praise Kink
Ao3 link Masterlist
I'm so sorry I didn't post this yesterday, I worked literally all day and by the time I got home it seemed too late to do it. So, sorry for that!
The first time it happened, Stiles didn’t really understand what it had meant. It was innocent enough and he didn’t think twice about it. It was during practice one day. Liam, his brother, was on goalie, Brett was in his typical position to play the face-off, and Stiles kind of had free range. Suddenly, the wolf had tossed him the ball and Stiles actually caught it. Then, surprising everyone including himself, when Stiles shot for the goal, he actually made it. Liam wasn’t even close to catching it. 
“Nice shot.” 
That’s all Brett had said accompanied with a nod of approval. 
Stiles? He blushed. Really badly. To the point that he’s certain his helmet did nothing to distort the shade of his cheeks. 
The second time? Stiles was crystal clear on what was going on. 
Sitting in his room, Stiles was on a stool in front of his easel, painting the part of the preserve his open window allowed him to see. Satomi lives in a beautiful home not far off from where Derek lives. As a kid, Stiles didn’t realize just how far the preserve stretched. That its end actually went well into the next town. Born wolf or not, it’s hard to distinguish the size of woods when you’re just running for fun at night. 
Stiles dips his brush into the evergreen hue he’d mixed and raises it to the canvas, adding in a bit more shadow he’d missed the first time. After cleaning it and switching to a soft yellow to add the sun rays, the wolf smells Brett near his room. His ears picking up the other Beta stepping up behind him. Stiles just hadn’t realized how close the other wolf was is all. 
“It’s beautiful,” Brett’s deep voice sounds off merely inches from his ear. The wolf’s limbs lock up and he narrowly saves himself from smearing yellow paint across the whole canvas. Heat trailing down his spine when the other Beta continues, “you’re really good at painting and yet it never ceases to amaze me.” 
“I-” Stiles stops, clearing the lump from his throat. “Thank you,” he says, trying to play off that he’s not even remotely affected by Brett’s words. Realizing that without a doubt, he likes being told he’s good at things. Stiles likes being praised. And given the warmth pooling in his gut, he absolutely gets off on it. Or maybe it’s just Brett doing that. 
Now, he’s not stupid. Or even a little blind. Stiles is more than aware of how attractive Brett is. He’s had a crush on the blonde practically since Satomi took him in after the fire that killed his parents when he was young. Bonding over their shared trauma of losing their parents in similar ways and having the same Alpha save them, Stiles grew close to Brett quicker than anyone else in the house. Even Satomi. And she’s his Alpha and for all intents and purposes, his mother. 
Stiles tries his best to ignore the feelings he has for the other wolf. Really, he does. Brett is very good at pushing people’s buttons for fun. It’s something they bond over. But also another reason the wolf tries to pretend he doesn’t feel anything. If Brett can so easily toy with someone just to get a rise out of them, why wouldn’t the things he’s told Stiles just be for the sake of making him squirm? Not because he feels the same way. 
Best friends or not. 
He also likes to think that he does a really good job at it too. Because as far as the wolf knows, Brett doesn’t suspect a thing. Or at least if he does, the other Beta hasn’t put him through the humiliation of voicing it. 
Stiles bounds down the steps of the house, enjoying how quiet it is with everyone gone for the day. The wolf passed all of his finals early, so he doesn’t have to be at school with the rest of them. He gets the whole house to himself to relax and just exist in peace and-
“Hey there,” Brett eyes him up and down from where he’s leaning against the kitchen island. 
“Oh my god,” Stiles jolts, clutching his chest. How in the hell had he been that far in his head that he didn’t hear the other wolf’s heartbeat? “How long have you been home?” He asks, trying to brush off being terrified. 
“Long enough to have heard you singing in the shower,” the other Beta snickers. Stiles blanches and pointedly ignores him, focusing on his initial task of getting a drink. Bending down to grab a water bottle from the bottom of the fridge, he hears the other wolf rumble in his chest. “Don’t you look good today?” 
Stiles trembles at his words, standing up stalk straight. Turning around to find the other wolf right in front of him, his back hits the refrigerator door. He chokes trying to say a word, which one he’s unsure of. 
“You like being praised?” Brett asks, voice dropping honey thick. 
Fingers failing, Stiles drops the water bottle. Eyes fluttering, he gulps and nods. If he speaks, the wolf doesn’t trust what he might say or how it would possibly sound. Vocal chords more than a little constricted and air having a dangerously hard time making it into his lungs. 
Brett cups his neck, tilting Stiles’ jaw with his thumb, “what if I said that you were a good boy? Would that do it too?” The wolf chokes on his whine, amber eyes dilating. Brett chuckles, pleased with himself too. He corrects himself on a whisper, “what about my good boy?” Stiles’ knees damn near buckle. The other wolf hums, “you wanna be good for me, baby?” 
“Don’t-” Stiles swallows with a click, trying to gain some control over the situation. As if that were fucking possible with how close Brett is. The way his cologne is flooding Stiles’ senses like a lure. The other wolf’s breath tickling his cheeks sends a shiver down his spine. “Don’t play with me like this. Please,” the wolf mutters. He can’t handle that; the other Beta doing this just for fun. Stiles might implode. 
“With you?” Brett asks, stepping fully into the wolf’s space so he has to crane his neck to remain eye contact. “Never,” he says, lips slamming onto Stiles’.
Please, don’t ask Stiles to remember how to breathe. He’s lucky his mouth starts moving against the other wolf’s at all with his shock. The minute his fingers curl into the other Beta’s shirt to pull him closer, Brett grabs his thighs, lifting him to loop his legs around his waist. The other wolf turns them, placing Stiles onto the island counter, grinding their hips together. 
“So pretty,” Brett kisses into his jaw, painting his words across the wolf’s skin. His teeth nip at the exposed crook of Stiles’ neck making him mewl. Their cocks rubbing together perfectly, his eyes roll back. “Mine now, gorgeous,” he rumbles in his chest, “all mine.” 
“Fuck,” Stiles gasps, blunt teeth marking his neck at will. He’s surely going to be a mess of purple and red tomorrow, supernatural healing be damned. “Brett,” he sighs. 
“I know,” the other Beta says, dropping to his knees in front of him. That punches all of the air out of Stiles’ lungs. That’s not a sight he’d ever thought he’d get to see. But here it is crystal clear. Brett makes short work of unbuttoning his jeans, Stiles lifting his hips to help him pull them and his boxers off. 
Half expecting Brett to just blow him, the wolf is more than a little surprised when he’s yanked just over the edge of the counter, his legs being spread, and Brett’s tongue pushing into his ass. Stiles moans, throwing his arms out to catch himself from falling backwards, his head slumping to his shoulders. 
“Fuck,” he groans, earning himself a chuckle and a finger joining the other wolf’s tongue. 
Leaning back, Brett spits on his hole, quickly able to add a second. Of course he can, Stiles thought he was home alone, his shower was to clean himself off from fingering himself. “Just as sweet as I thought you’d taste,” the other Beta purrs, sucking his balls into his mouth while hooking and spreading his fingers. 
Stiles half hears the other wolf unbuckling his own pants before another finger slides into him so easily. The sound echoing in Stiles’ ears as Brett pumps them faster, his moans reaching a higher pitch when he finds the bundle of nerves. The wolf’s legs twitch, the warmth of Brett’s tongue trailing up his obscenely leaking shaft settling right in his core. Only able to watch Brett suck the clear liquid from his cockhead. He needs the other wolf inside of him so badly it hurts. 
Something Brett seems very on board with, removing his fingers and rushing to his feet. The other Beta spits into his palm and Stiles just watches him stroke his cock. One hand steadies himself on the wolf’s waist, the other pointing his dick at Stiles’ stretched hole. Blue green eyes stare right into him as he slams his cock in deep. Stiles gasps out his moan, eyes flickering gold at the other wolf, his own responding in kind. 
“Shit,” Brett huffs, pressing their foreheads together, claws pinching into his waist to keep himself steady. “Fucking hell,” he chuckles, reaching up to cup Stiles’ face with both hands making him look up. Shaking him lightly, Brett laughs again, “you feel fucking amazing.” Ever so slowly, he pulls out, dropping his hands back to Stiles’ hips, looking down where they’re connected, Brett pushes back inside just as slowly. “Look at you,” he almost sounds amazed as he does it again, “swallowing me up so well, gorgeous. So fucking well,” he repeats, thrusting faster. 
“Oh my god,” Stiles moans deep in his throat, the end a growl. Had it not been for the bruising hold on his hips, the wolf would’ve fallen back on the island. Good thing Brett is competent enough to hold him because he doesn’t slow his thrusts at all, apparently in the same mindset of Stiles in needing to get off as quickly as possible. With the way the other Beta rams into his prostate, this is going to be over startlingly quickly. He doesn’t even have it in him to feel embarrassed about it.
Brett had apparently been talking through the snapping of his hips and Stiles had heard next to none of it. Catching only, “-just fucking you on the field. Made me imagine it was my number you were wearing too while I did it so everyone knew- fuck,” he growls, claiming Stiles’ mouth before he has a chance to respond to any of the information just given. 
It’s kind of amazing to know that someone as calm and collected as Brett is half crazed and losing himself over Stiles. It’s a power trip and wildly flattering all in one fell swoop. That the soon to be Alpha could barely hold himself together from fucking Stiles during practice. “Brett, Brett, please,” the wolf moans into the other’s mouth. He needs to cum so badly, the fire in his abdomen is burning him painfully from the inside out. 
The other wolf pulls back, golden eyes blazing, “you gonna be my good boy and cum?” Brett asks with a sexy smirk. Stiles can only whimper and nod, wrapping his hand around his dick and pumping it vigorously. Desperately. Just the way he’s always liked it. “Look at you,” Brett moans, lips curling in an approving grin,  lifting the wolf’s hips off the counter fucking into him harder. “Come on, gorgeous, cum for me.” 
Like he needs to be told twice. The coil inside of him snaps, cum shooting from his cock, spilling on his hand and shirt. Stiles moans loudly through it, the bundle of nerves inside of him growing over sensitive from the perfect abuse of the other Beta’s dick. 
“That’s my good fucking boy,” Brett praises, emphasizing each word with a hard slam of his hips. On the last, the other wolf pushes in balls deep, filling Stiles with his cum. The warmth spreads through him, making Stiles smile lazily and hum. Brett peppers tender kisses on his mouth as he pulls out, a wonderful distraction for the not so fun feeling. 
But then Brett’s cum drips out of his ass and Stiles can’t help but smile all over again. Worth it if you ask him. The lust fueled haze clears and the wolf looks up to fond blue green eyes, “yours, huh?”
“Yeah,” Brett grins, pinching his hips, “mine. Problem?” 
“Not at all,” Stiles sputters a laugh, kissing the other wolf. 
“We should probably clean this up before Satomi comes home and kills us,” Brett reminds him of where exactly they chose to have sex.
“Too late,” her voice says from just outside the kitchen. 
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bookcub · 2 years
13 the movie musical review
so i have three categories for everything. the good, the bad, and the poorly executed. the poorly excuted is changes and updates that were made that i agreed with in theroy but didn't think the execution worked
the good
the child actors all did a good job, amazing dancing, good singing, and decent acting. i hope this leads to more roles for most of them. they also were actual tweens, and looked it. media about kids with kids in it is important.
the Jewish culture and herritage was still a large part of evan's story, and i am not Jewish, but it seemed like overall it was a good job. (i would have liked more, the whole theme of becoming a man and what it means to be an adult was taken out, which was a huge part of evan and tied to being Jewish because of his bar mitzvah)
the cast of children is much more diverse, not just race, but there were a few kids who were queer, and it was incidental diversity (a term ive heard some romance writers use)
costuming was great, loved how the teens were dressed like teens and all clearly had their own styles
the lighting!!! i could see everything!!! it was so bright!!!
i think im glad "the tongue" was taken away and it was about your first kiss instead but . . . im still not sure, like this was more sanitation but also felt more accurate to my middle school experience??
some of the songs cut I approved of because we didn't need hey kendra or any minute
while i was upset they added new songs after cutting many important ones, the originals were better than a lot of the original songs because of how many changed lyrics sounded so awful but worked in the original ones better
they gave lucy, kendra, and brett some actual nuance and less of a stereotypical persona, like there were motivations that were explained and kendra had more agency, so . . .. i think i liked that change overall, but despite the updates they still felt fairly flat
the actors who played brett and kendra can actually sing, in the original musical they have the weakest voices so that was a great change
the bad
who the fuck sanitized this? no one says hell or damn or ass, and those words were used frequently in the musical. no one talked about bras or wanting to get drunk. the kids were messy in the musical, they were jerks, and they were all lost and that was all taken away. no one cried or really shouted? the emotions were gone and it lost so much of the reality
i said this earlier, but evan has multiple songs about what it means to grow up and become a man and that was erased until it shows up in the second to last song which. . . ruined the whole theme and evans arc as a character. the songs could have been shortened, but becoming a man, here i come, and if that's what it is, should all be in there. im so upset they didn't make it into the cut
the end was totally changed!!! i didn't need all the other students to hate him like they did in the end but evan realizes that he prefers patrice and archie, and that the popular kids don't care about him and ugh. he realized he didn't need his ideal party to have the bar mitzvah he needed.
turn!! off!! autotune!! or if you use it, the average listener should not be able to tell
as much as I liked having more of brett, kendra, and lucy, patrice and archie were shoved to the side of the narrative and that was incredibly frustrating, ensemble movies are hard to make with everyone fleshed out rip :/
the antisemantic joke made me deeply uncomfortable, esp considering it was the only . . . .inappropriate thing said?? like the word bra was taken out but they had a remark about circumcision?? it makes it feel even worse. (is it just me???) i also have no idea if this was in the original, i only have the music memorized
the poorly executed
i haven't heard any commentary on archies character uh. . . ever, but not surprising to me that an adaptation would need to redo a lot of his character. however, the answer was not to cut his character entirely. he went from one of the characters with the most time on stage to some of the least screen time. dont just cut a role, give the work it needs to be updated.
lucy lucy lucy. .. . i loved seeing her motivation but let her be meaner. shes our lead villain, she does some terrible things. let her be terrible!!! (possibly we could have talked more about eating disorders?? her line in the musical at the end is jarring and very real and i wish we can time to unpack the complexity of mental illness in teens??? but also this show does not have the time or skill to do that)
I get there needed to be adults and they needed to not just. .. be there but this is about kids, this is not about your parents. put them on the back burner and give their screen time to kids. they should have the smallest parts ever.
opportunity. . . it needed to be changed some but every word except opportunity and the last line were changed . . . .like that's not the same song then??? and the rap was *shudders* bad. i liked trying to change the placement and ofc the inclusion of it in the musical but . . . no do better.
so many lyrics needed to be changed because they did not age well but the updated lyrics were so sloppy and didn't fit and whoever updated them clearly put random lyrics in without any actual thought into what a good change might be
(and many lyrics did not need to change, the producers were just cowards but whatever)
i have so much more to say but i just need to post this now
please tell me your thoughts, if you agree or disagree with any points, i really want to hear other perspectives!!
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toppersjeep · 2 years
The One-[Jay Halstead X Matt Casey]
(a/n: the fact Jesse leaving hurts my heart so I’ll probably update more. it’s comforting to write him)
!Masterlist to other chapters!
Chapter 10-Think About Me
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Elle’s POV
It’s been a month since Jimmy passed. Today was my first official day at work. I only took a month to help with the funeral and clearing out his apartment. His family buried him near his brother. It was gonna be weird not seeing him.
Jay pulled up to the firehouse. I looked at the firehouse saddened. Jay held my hand. I looked over at him.
“Hey you’ve got this you can call me if you need me” Jay said. “I guess I’m just nervous” I said. “Your so strong Elle I know you can do it” Jay said cupping my cheek. “Well if you say so” I said he smiled. “I’ll pick you up later ok” Jay said kissing me.
“Don’t be late” I said with a smile. “I won’t be and remember date night” Jay said. “I’m cooking this time” I said he smiled. “If anyone can get through this you can” Jay said. “Thanks Jay” I said kissing his cheek.
I got out of his car and walked up the driveway to the firehouse. Matt walked in with me.
“There she is” Matt said side hugging me. “Hey Casey hows everything after Gabby” I said. “I miss her but I’m doing alright and you” Matt asked. “Well I’m here” I said with a smile. “So you and Jay make or official yet” Brett said walking over to me. I hugged her.
“I guess you can say so” I said. “Well we definitely have to catch up” Brett said walking with me. I set my stuff in my locker. I saw where Jimmy’s was. Stella was now here full time in his place. “You alright” Joe said.
“I yeah..” I said shutting my locker. “Don’t beat yourself up about it ok you did what you could” Joe said. “Elena Chief wants you in his office” Kelly said. “Alright” I said walking with Kelly. “So how are you” Kelly said.
“I’m good the burns healed I just missed being here” I said. “We missed having you around” Kelly said. I walked into Bodens office and sat down. Kelly came in and shut the door too. “What’s this about” I asked.
“Well I know you don’t wanna bring it up but Jimmy” Boden said. “What about him” I said. “We took the liberty of cleaning out his locker” Boden said. “I thought you gave that to his sister” I said. “Most of it yes but this picture and a note was addressed to you” Boden said setting it on the desk.
“When we hung out at Mollys” I said looking at the picture with a smile. “His sister said that the notes in his locker where about you so” Boden said handing me them. “I don’t understand why” I said. “She also left you one” Boden said.
“Ummm.. thanks” I said. “Take the time you need” Boden said. I got up and walked out to the bunk room and sat on my bed. I first opened the one from his sister.
The letter :
Dear Elena, I really didn’t wanna meet you this way. Especially under this circumstance, we don’t blame you. I wanted you to know that Elena I will never ever blame you for his death. You saved his life even though he passed I wanted to thank you. Jimmy was a stubborn man just like our dad. But he loved this job more than anything.
Elena he really did love you. Jimmy would always call and talk to me about this girl. He never said your name but I knew when he looked at you. He told me how he messed it up with you. I don’t know if he ever got the chance to apologize to you. I really hope he did my brother wasn’t the best at his relationships. But you kept him happy after his brother passed.
I truly thank you for everything you did for him. Elena you are an amazing firefighter. Regardless of what happened to him please keep doing what you do. I know he’d want you too as well. I left you a couple pictures and some notes. The notes were to you and some were about you.
If you ever need anything at all please reach out to me. Thank you for everything Elena.
I set the note down. I heard someone walk in. It happened to be Herman. He sat down beside me. I just sat there not saying anything.
“Kid you did everything you could” Herman said. “Maybe I should’ve been closer to him then he would” I said. “You can spend your life thinking about what you could’ve done Elena but I promise you, it won’t make you feel better” Herman said.
“This job isn’t easy Elena it’s never easy to lose anyone but think about all the lives you’ll save” Herman said. “And all the lives you will save Jimmy wouldn’t want you to give up” Herman said I looked at him. “I guess I just miss him” I said.
“We all do and everyone in this house is here for you ok kid” Herman said I hugged him. “Thank you” I said. “Now it’s your turn to cook by the way” Herman said I smiled. “I thought it was Caps turn” I said. “We all know he can’t cook” Herman said.
It was the end of shift. It hadn’t been a busy day. Only a couple calls. The biggest one was a lady who’s cat was stuck on her roof. And of course we had yo get it.
I grabbed my bag and shut my locker.
“You coming to Mollys tonight” Stella asked me. “You can bring Jay” Otis said. “Actually Jay and I have dinner plans” I said. “Well that sounds like fun” Joe said. “It is” I said. “So did you end up finding an apartment” Stella asked.
“No not yet the leads I had we’re terrible” I said. “I mean if you needed a place to stay anytime you can stay with me” Stella said. “Thank you I definitely appreciate that” I said. “Well look who it is” Joe said. “Detective” Otis said.
“Otis always a pleasure” Jay said. “Have fun you two” Stella said walking to her car. “Sure you don’t wanna join us at Mollys” Kelly said. “No I think we’re good” Jay said.
“Can I drive back” I said. “Hmm it’s gonna cost you” Jay said I smiled and kissed him. “So” I said he handed me the keys. “Don’t tell your Dad about this one” Jay said. “I promise” I said.
We got back to the apartment. I set my bag by the door.
“So did it go well” Jay said. “It did we only had a couple calls today” I said walking into the kitchen. “Well that’s good I think” Jay said. “No it’s fine” I said. “So what are you making me” Jay said. “Honestly I have no idea yet” I said.
“What if we just get lazy and order a pizza or something” Jay said wrapping his arms around me from behind. “Sounds appetizing” I said. “I’ll order it then” Jay said grabbing his phone. “Alright” I said.
He ordered it as I did the dishes in the kitchen.
“I haven’t found any new apartment leads yet” I said. “You could just stick around here with me” Jay said. “Oh your sure you don’t want your own space” I said circling my arms around his neck. “No I like having you around” Jay said with his hands around my waist.
“Yeah” I said. “Mmmh” he said kissing me. “Is this why” I said. “Partly” Jay said picking me up and setting me on the couch. “How long is that pizza supposed to take” I said. “I think we have plenty of time to work up an appetite” Jay said looking around.
“Oh I’m sure we do” I said kissing him.
Later on…
“Your a terrible distraction” I said Jay smiled. “Yeah” Jay said running his fingers through my hair. “So what do we call this” I said. “Your gonna make say it aren’t you” Jay said. “Yes I am Halstead” I said. “Hmm wanna be my girlfriend” Jay said.
“I think I’d have to ask my boyfriend he’s a scary detective” I said. “Oh Shh I won’t tell him” Jay said kissing me. Someone then knocked on the door. But the pizza was already here. “Who could that be at this hour” I said putting Jays shirt on. “I’ll get it” Jay said.
“No it’s fine” I said opening the door but Jay was also behind me. “Oh well this is a surprise” Will said. “Hey Will” I said. “What’s going on” Jay said. “I’m sorry I clearly interrupted you two” Will said. “It’s fine Will come in” I said.
“Yeah let me grab a shirt or something” Jay said going into his room. Will came in and I shut the door. “So Elena how is everything” Will said. “I’m good you” I said. “Good” Will said. “What’s up” Jay said walking back out of his room.
“It’s about Dad he wants to see us” Will said. “You know why I don’t wanna go” Jay said. “I’m just gonna” I said walking into my room as they talked. I picked up my clothes from the floor. I then heard my phone ring. It was Stella.
“Hey Stella what’s up” I said.
“Jay didn’t answer so I’m calling you can you both come down to Mollys it’s about grant” Stella said.
“Is everything ok” I said.
“No he attacked me then Kelly stopped him and he .. stabbed him I just need help” Stella said.
“We will be there” I said hanging up.
I threw my pants on and some shoes. Jay came around the corner.
“What’s wrong” Jay said. “We need to go down to Mollys Stella is in trouble” I said. “Alright” Jay said grabbing his badge and jacket.
We quickly got there. Jay parked behind the cop cars. I got out. Stella was getting cleaned up in the ambulance.
“Detective Halstead” Jay said flashing his badge to the police officer. “And Elena Voight go on kid I know your dad” he said holding up the yellow tape. We went under and I walked over to Stella.
“Are you ok” I said hugging her. “I’m fine I’m sorry I know you were busy” Stella said. “No Stella it’s fine really” I said. “Stella I’ll talk to you after Kelly” Jay said. “Alright” Stella said.
Jay pulled Kelly aside.
“Everything happened so fast Elena god thank god Kelly was here” Stella said. “I’ve never seen him care so much about someone” I said. “Everyone says that” Stella said. I then saw another intelligence car pull up.
It was my Dad. I knew he would come. And this was bound to be awkward. For one Jay didn’t call him. Secondly there I was wearing Jays t shirt. My father didn’t want me dating anyone in his unit he made that clear. Especially after Sean.
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“Is that your Dad” Stella said. “Yeah I’ll talk to him” I said. “Does he know about you and Jay” Stella said. “No but he will now” I said getting up. “Elena what are you doing here” Dad said.
“Jays talking to Kelly then Stella” I said. “Answer the question” Dad said. “Stella called me because she couldn’t reach Jay” I said. “And you didn’t think to call me” Dad said. “I was worried about my friend Dad” I said.
“I had to find out through an officer that my daughter was here at the scene of a crime” Dad said. “Dad” I said. “No you listen you know how bad this looks especially since Kelly is your boss” Dad said. “Stella called me not Kelly” I said.
“It doesn’t matter go home” Dad said. “Sarg I got everything covered” Jay said walking over. “I’ll take the rest from here” Dad said. “Seriously your mad” I said. “Jay take my daughter home” Dad said. “Sargent I can stay and help” Jay said. “Take Elena home that’s an order” Dad said.
“Typical” I said rolling my eyes. “Come on” Jay said. “I’ll call you” Stella said I nodded and got in Jays car. “You think he knows” I said. “Oh definitely I’ll hear about it tomorrow” Jay said. “I’m sorry I probably made it worse for you” I said.
We finally made it back to the apartment. Once we got inside neither of us said anything. Will had left I knew Jay didn’t want to talk about it.
He wasn’t close with his father. I understood that partly. But I still wanted to be there for him like he was for me.
“So we gonna talk about it” I said. “What the thing with your Dad just now” Jay said. “No the other thing” I said. “Oh us hooking up” Jay said. “Yeah .. I mean I don’t normally do that sort of thing” I said.
“Neither do Elena I mean” Jay said. “It .. meant more than that” I said. “I’m not saying it didn’t for me and you do look cute .. in my shirt” Jay said I smiled. “Do I” I said he kissed me. “You really wear it well” Jay said picking me up.
“I think I’ll keep it then” I said. “Only if I can keep you” Jay said. “Slow down detective Halstead” I said. “I like the way you say that” Jay said. “Oh really detective Halstead” I said kissing him. “Music to my ears” he said setting me on the couch.
“I’m gonna go to bed” I said. “Who said you could” Jay said. “My shift tomorrow morning” I said. “Your no fun” Jay said pouting. “You can come with me” I said walking into his room. “Don’t have to tell me twice” Jay said.
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minniff · 2 years
“heavy rain” Brett Hand | angst
heavy topics/content warnings: drinking alcohol
Hello! I’m not sure how well non ship/reader stuff does here but this is just a test run. This is some sad stuff about Brett, might be slightly ooc i’m not sure. 
it also ends pretty abruptly but it was intentional. no happy endings here lmao, also i haven’t double checked anything yet and its probably not my best work. Hope you like it either way, 
The sun permeated through the curtains, and Brett groaned as he woke up. His vision was a little spotty, and he held his head in his hands – for a moment his mind was blank, surely he didn’t get much sleep last night, he ever did. 
His apartment was quiet, and he frowned.
“What am I doing?” He was almost startled at the crack in his voice, it lingered in the room. His eyes drifted off to the electronic clock on his nightstand, and he let himself fall back. 
4:12 am.
Walking into Cognito Inc, he held himself high. A routine he let himself fall into while working there. He smiled and greeted the people walking in the corridor, as usual, he liked his job, there were plenty of interesting things happening. 
The day was eventful, but then again there was never a calm, quiet day being with his friends. He smiled at the thought while twisting the key to his apartment door. He liked all of them in their own ways,
Reagan is his best friend, he’s never had someone who was truly honest with him like Reagan was. He could rely on her for anything, she was a shoulder to lean on when he didn’t know what he should do in a tough situation. Sure she didn’t like him at the start, but it doesn't mean anything now.
Brett shook his coat off, unbuttoned his shirt, and stepped into the cold shower.
Gigi was more confident than him, she was a lot stronger emotionally, he’d never seen her be anything less than amazing. She could do anything, he admires her for that. 
Andre and Myc were inseparable, he always appreciated the invitations to hang out. It reminded him of his time at school, stupid fun without worrying about the consequences after. 
Glenn was strict, but ever since they switched bodies he found a new appreciation for the guy. He liked the way Glenn would put his hand on his shoulder whenever he was proud of him.
 He wondered what his friends thought of him.
Hopefully good thoughts, 
He looked at himself in the mirror when he steps out. His hair is longer, and the ends touch the middle of his neck. His eyebrows furrow at the dark ovals under his eyes. His nose is slightly crooked, he's put on a little bit more weight. Maybe he should lay off the office doughnuts. 
He fingers have cuts on them, the gentle sting made him wince. His hands have gotten a lot more rough and dry. His nails were getting a little too long for his liking. 
He breathes in heavily, 
Sitting on his fluffy white duvet, hair still damp from his shower, rivulets of water snaking down his collarbones. He feels his heart sink, like heavy rain: cold, despondent, and loud pattering.
He rummages through his closet to find a half-empty bottle of Rekya. 
His therapist told him to avoid overthinking peoples’ opinions of him. That he should live his life how he chooses to. 
Maybe it is good advice, maybe it isn’t. 
How do you live life without anyone there to experience it with you?
Brett feels a sob bubbling in his throat. He’s naked, sitting on the foot of his bed and he hears laughing from the room below him. It makes him want to throw up. He thinks more about his friends.
Did they even like him?
Not even him and Reagan, his so-called “best-friend” have ever done anything that wasn’t at Cognito Inc. Maybe he was okay with that, but did Reagan think this friendship was just them being friendly coworkers -- when to Brett, it was so much more?
They’ve never seen the Brett that stays out late because his bed makes him uncomfortable, they’ve never seen the Brett that cooks six meals, sets the table and sits alone. They’ve never seen the Brett Hand that covers his mouth when he cries because he doesn’t want anyone to hear him -- even if he lives alone. 
Did they think he was stupid? Some adult man that acts like a little kid?
A “yes man.” 
Is that what he was?
He’s sniveling into his knees. Unable to take any more sips of the bottle, he set it down on the floor. His face and ears are flushed. He falls backwards.
He walks into his office more tired than usual, there was a ringing in his ears. When he sat down in his chair, he let his head press comfortably into the headrest.
His hand brushes with the recorder he left on his desk every day, and he presses play. 
 “Hey! Its Brett! I guess I don’t have to say that every time. Anyways, Reagan said some stuff today that really made me think.
She said I was annoying, can you believe that?” He hears himself laugh, it sounds wrong.
He frowns, he’s been doing that a lot lately.
“Myc said it was true, he always tells the truth even if it’s tough, but then again he’s always been a bit rude. It’s always all jokes though! He’s pretty funny.”
If his friends really said those things to him the day before, he doesn’t remember it.
“I wonder if trees have feelings, and plants. Do you think flowers can feel it when we pick them up? Haha! It makes me not want to pick flowers anymore.”
 His heart feels heavy again, like it did the night before. Only this time he feels like his chest is thundering. His heartbeat is slow, but loud; he grips his suit and throws up into the nearby trashcan. 
“I need people to like me.” 
His therapist glances up from her clipboard. He knows that she’s looking at him sadly, she always does but this time he can’t bring himself to look at her back.
“What do you mean?” 
Brett rubs his eyes. 
“I need people to like me, I don’t know. It’s hard to explain.” In a way he’s telling the truth, it’s hard to explain. It would take him hours, and lots of back and forth to come up with a reasonable answer to “What do you mean by that?” 
“Maybe we should do some exercises.” She begins, and Brett’s breath hitches but nods anyways. 
It’s hard to explain. 
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moodmusicmonday · 2 years
Fall Preview Playlist
I am so, so proud of this playlist y'all created! We have over TWO hours of beautiful music that has inspired new fics by some truly incredible writers! Not only will it get you ready for some AMAZING fanfictions, but it's just an amazing playlist to listen to while you're in the car, doing housework, cooking, or even during your workday. It's also a great list to learn some new favorite songs!
Beautiful job, everyone! Thank you so much for participating in MMM's Fall Preview 2022! We had fun--I hope y'all did to! Next week, we will return to our normal routine. Don't forget to share this list to your friends and followers!
We love y'all dearly!
@sfb123 & @txemrn
“Silta” - Happoradio; Darker Than Night, Chapter 2 [ILITW; Dan Pierce x f!MC (Rikka Yläkorpi)]
“Elämän laulu (olet runo)” - Jonne Aaron; The Gift of Love, future chapter [ILITW; Dan Pierce x f!MC (Rikka Yläkorpi)]
“Meri, tähdet ja kuu” - Jonne Aaron; Sea, Stars and Moon, future chapter [ILITW; Dan Pierce x f!MC (Rikka Yläkorpi)]
“Behind the Crimson Door” - HIM;  Untitled [Veil of Secrets; Flynn O’Malley x f!MC (Jessa Evans)]
“Cigarette Break” - Gavin James; Vancross; future chapter (Multiple Crossover Series; Liam Rys x f!OC)
“Wrecking Ball” - Scars On 45;  Best Kept Secrets; future chapter (TRR; Liam Rys x f!OC)
“Hopeless Romantics” - James TW; Us Again; future part (TRR; Liam Rys x MC)
Don’t Break, future chapters [TRR AU; f!OC (Kelly Carter) x ??)
“Giants” - Dermot Kennedy
“I Hope You Dance” - Lee Ann Womack
“Speeding Cars” - Walking on Cars
“Mission” - Moon Taxi; (Less Than) Noble Intentions, Part 3: Extraction [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Harper Gale)]
“Let It Whip” - SR-71; Sleepless in New York, Chapter 5: Let It Whip [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Harper Gale)]
“You Got a Small Town” - Dalton Dover; Lone Star State, (future Drake series) Chapter 1: You Got a Small Town (TRR; no pairing) 
“Hold On Tight” - Forest Blakk; Written in the Stars; future chapter (TRR AU; Drake Walker x f!OC)
“Fire On Fire (from Watership Down)” - Sam Smith; What I Need To; future chapter (TRR AU; Drake Walker x f!OC)
“When You Were Mine” - Night Terrors of 1927 f/ Tegan & Sara; When You Were Mine; future mini-series (TRR; Drake Walker x MC; Liam Rys x MC) 
“Feel Something” - Landon Austin; Feel Something, one-shot (TRR; Drake Walker x MC)
“Once”- Maren Morris; Once, Chapter 1: Untitled (TNA/OH AU Crossover; m!Sam Dalton x Addison Dalton)
“I Get to Love You” - Ruelle; You make me see in colors, Chapter 1: Untitled [OPH; Bryce Lahela x f!OC (Luna Auclair)]
Untitled, Chapter 1: Wake Up Little Susie [Nightbound/Hänsel & Gretel AU Crossover; m!OC (Grey) x f!OC (Gretel von Andresen)] 
“Prisoner” - Miley Cyris ft/ Dua Lipa; Losing Game [OPH; Bryce Lahela x f!OC (Luna Auclair)] 
“Dream On” - Aerosmith
“Fuck Up the Friendship” - Leah Kate
“Love (Validation)” - CARYS; Untitled WIP (OPH; Tobias Carrick x f!OC)
“the 1” - Taylor Swift;  Willow [working title]; (OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
“I Know Places” - Taylor Swift; Landry Finds Out (OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC)
“Coffee” - beabadoobee; HWU Coffee Shop AU (Untitled) (Hollywood U; Thomas Hunt x f!MC)
“Love You Like That” - Dagny; Irreplaceable, future chapter (TRR/RoE AU; Leo x MC; Liam x Drake)
“I’ll Be Good” - Jaymes Young; Untitled, Human Contact AU One-Shot about Leo’s Mom (TRR AU; Leo x MC)
“evermore” - Taylor Swift ft/ Bon Iver;; Evermore, follow-up to Exile  (TRR AU; Leo x MC; Liam x MC)
“Baby I Would” - O-Town; Untitled, new series (TRR, Liam x Riley)
“That Thing You Do!” - The Wonders; That Thing You Do, one-shot (TRR; Liam x Riley)
“Not Like The Movies” - Katy Perry; Not Like the Movies, one-shot (TRR; Liam x Riley)
 Better In Time [TNA; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Marie Castro); m!OC (Wyatt Kent) x MC (Marie Castro)]
”Hideaway” - Brett Eldredge
“Where Do I Sign” - Brett Eldredge 
“Where The Light Meets the Sea” - Brett Eldredge; [Final Chapter/Epilogue]
“All I Ask” - Adele
“From Where You Are” - Lifehouse; Never Really Over, working title, future chapter [TNA post series; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler-Dalton)]
“Brother” - Anna Pancaldi - Ricochet, future chapter [OPH post series; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tatum Erikson)]
“Only You” - Parmalee - Pour Two Glasses, future chapter (TRR AU; Liam Rys x MC; Drake Walker x MC)
“Would Anyone Care” - Citizen Soldier; Stay, Chapter 5: TBD [TRR AU; f!OC (Reid Ambrose) x ??; Drake Walker x f!OC (Jodi Walker)]
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @atsuinawa @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @choicesmonthlychallenge @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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makkarisbelova · 2 years
ok I got around to the cinema tonight and can now do a full review so THOR: LOVE & THUNDER SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!!
first off, let me just say: TAIKA. MOTHERFUCKING. WAITITI. this man has done so much for the Thor movies and has really brought so much richness and colour into the MCU. this movie was equal parts funny and emotional and I had such a blast watching it!!!
I’ve seen a few people say that it doesn’t feel like a cohesive movie narratively and to that I’d say I disagree completely; it’s just not as cohesive within the larger story of the MCU. Personally, I don’t think that takes away from the movie at all!! I never felt like there was something missing, it does a good job at being a very solid standalone movie. Thor as a character has always thrived in his solo movies far more than in the big plans of the MCU, I find. When he gets tossed into a group setting such as the Avengers, he ends up becoming more like the butt of the joke (hence, the offensive fat Thor bit they had in Endgame). I find here, in his solo movies, they maintain that himbo energy while also letting him have depth and be serious when necessary.
There are a few other smaller things to cover before the next big things I want to discuss, such as the POST CREDITS SCENEEEE. As a Ted Lasso super fan, seeing Brett Goldstein as Hercules a) made me scream in my seat, and b) makes SO MUCH SENSE. He’s here, he’s there, he’s every-fucking-where, and Mr. Roy Kent has a growl and bark to him that makes his energy so perfect. AMAZING CASTING!! And now that Cristo Fernandez AKA Dani Rojas was a bartender in the end credit for Spiderman NWH, the Ted Lasso -> MCU pipeline has been created and can only get stronger from here! My heart is bursting at the seams!! Also, round of applause to the screaming goats because that never failed to make me laugh. And no, I’m not just saying that because it was inspired by the Taylor Swift goat parody of I Knew You Were Trouble. And finally, I’d like to shout out Taika for making me fall back in love with Thor and Janes as a couple because this is the movie that really gave us the dynamic and love between them that the others never could. Here, they felt real and earnest and truly connected. The chemistry with Chris and Natalie was very solid and I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m going to miss their relationship a lot!
Now let’s talk about the next big thing: the queer rep. This is where a lot of people are divided, with some saying it was super gay and some saying the representation was underwhelming and disappointing for something that was “marketed as a super gay film”. However, I’m not sure I agree with either of those statements. Was it super gay? No, not at all. There were definitely some much appreciated confirmations of queerness with more than one character I suppose, but none of it felt worthy of it being marketed as extremely gay. That being said, there is a difference between Taika and Tessa calling it super gay and it being specifically marketed as super gay. At no point in any of the interviews or promos did they promise deep and prominent queer exploration. It’s also worth noting that Disney has a lot of control over the story, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Taika had wanted to make it even gayer and the higher-ups had said no. Also keep in mind that there WAS allegedly a version of this movie where Valkyrie’s whole storyline was romantic and she had a love interest, but Tessa didn’t want love to be the center of Valkyrie’s story and wanted a different route, so they rolled with it. So overall, the movie didn’t contain as much queer content as I had anticipated, but I don’t think it was a baiting attempt or a downside to the movie in any way. We got what we got, and even though it wasn’t a gay extravaganza, what we got was very solid.
The part of this movie that shines the most though has to be Christian Bale as Gorr. Not only was he completely fucking terrifying, but he was also, at the same time somehow, a villain I could sympathize with much more than Thanos. This movie was all about love and loss and how they intertwine, and Gorr reflects that just as much as Thor does, though in their separate ways. And let’s just take a minute to appreciate the differences between Gorr and Thanos because!!! hello!!! Thanos kills his own daughter for a goal of his that is purely economic/practical (in his mind) whereas Gorr literally makes a vow to kill every single god in existence just because his god didn’t save his daughter!! That is so beautiful!! And to think that I was more scared of Gorr than I ever was of Thanos, and yet still simultaneously more moved by Gorr. And in the end, he HAS to do the right thing!! His motivations and beliefs REQUIRE it!! If he had used his wish to kill all the gods when he could have used it to bring his daughter back, he would have been willfully refusing to save her and would therefore have been a hypocrite and just like the gods themselves. This movie did a fantastic job of answering the question: what happens when a villain’s motivation is, truly and without falter, love?
Overall, when looking at the bigger picture of the MCU, this movie does not contribute much and probably isn’t the best of the best. But I think I like it better that way??? It’s a movie that shines beautifully on its own, whereas something like Dr Strange MOM (even though it also found its strength in the director’s strong stylistic tone coming through) had its faults even if you did look at it as a standalone movie, which is why this one is just so much more enjoyable. I would rate this movie a solid 8.7/10
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The way that at first I’d wanted the show to be saved because I wanna keep seeing more of Landon and for him to finally be treated better and get a good storyline, and of course I feel bad for those who lost their jobs. But at this point, like... there’s just no way I can support or want any more of what the writers have done. They have mistreated their POC male lead in ways unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Not just Landon as a character, but it extends to Aria as well, especially with what they’ve done to him this last season. They reduced him from the male lead to an extra with no storyline and hardly any screen time, separated him from majority of the cast, gave him the worst material to work with, all they’ve done is screw his character over. There’s gotta be some real prejudice going on or something with how they’ve treated him and it’s not okay. This is so wrong and damaging. This was Aria’s first big role, his first big project. He wanted to bring positive Middle Eastern representation to something, plus the fact that Landon was also an abused and bullied foster child and brought that representation to the show as well, and this is what the Legacies writers did. Killed Landon over and over again, a dozen times. They’ve inflicted constant violence and suffering on him. Have him continuously being sacrificed and left behind for everyone else’s benefit and no one cares. He gets no funeral ever, no respect is given, nothing. All they do is use him and hurt him. They’ve treated him as nothing more than a pawn, a plot device. He gets no storyline, no development, nothing for him as a character. He just gets tossed aside like garbage, thrown away like he’s nothing. They’ve done this to him nonstop. Add onto that all the unhealthy and harmful messages in the writing as well, I just... no. If the show continued with the same people in charge, this would all continue, the mistreatment would continue. Because Brett and these writers have shown us that they will never change, things would never improve. They had two whole seasons to do better and they didn’t, it only got worse and worse. They’d never treat Landon better, they’d just come up with new ways to hurt and disrespect him like they always have. And Aria would have to continue to put up with it. No way can I watch anymore of that or support that. I’d be all for the show continuing with a new and better showrunner and writers who’d put a stop to what’s been going on, and if the actors wanted to come back. But otherwise, no thank you. Even if by some miracle Landon gets a happy ending, it in no way makes up for what the writers have done. And what they’ve done is disgusting and inexcusable. It’s sad that something that got off to a great start, and had so much potential and could’ve really been amazing, turned into something so bad and painful to watch that, even though I feel bad for the cast and crew who wanted to continue, I’m grateful that the writers won’t be able to do anymore damage.
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pvccblog · 2 years
I'm sharing a post before the end of our night tonight because we had such an amazing time at the 4th of July festivities today! Our team, and the three other teams here are all amazing!
This day started out pretty early, as they shoot off cannons at 5:30 am every 4th of July. The festivities officially kick off at Cottonwood Park with a free breakfast at 7am. They had a short presentation that involved raising the flag and some special reading, AND, for the first time, they asked Brody to open the morning in prayer! It was an amazing thing to experience, as it is proof that the ministry of Grace Reigns is really having an impact here. There were hundreds present for this.
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There was a parade at 9:30 am and some of the team members were in it. The rest of us were finishing final preparations for the carnival area that we hosted. We had nine games, face painting, 5 bounce houses, archery, axe throwing, and a booth for the church! Even with over 60 volunteers it was a very busy day for everyone!
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This picture is the calm before the storm. The area was packed with people all day!
All the teams worked so hard and everyone had great attitudes and we're willing to help wherever needed, even when they weren't assigned to a particular area, they worked extra when they were supposed to be off. It was such a blessing for those in leadership. Thanks team! I'm saying team because even though there were 4 mission teams, we truly are one!
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The church booth was especially engaging for people. They had Bible trivia questions for people to answer. They received a raffle ticket for trying to answer a question and someone won a paddle board! Those are the booth mentioned that the simple trivia questions led to many great spiritual conversations. The gospel is going out mightily here through the power of God!!
Shout out to the three guys from the OC - Brett, Bryce, and Gabe - they put together this booth and it was awesome!
Also want to give a shout out to the incredible crew at the ticket and prize booth. This is always the busiest booth and is headed up by my lovely wife who is not here with us this year. She was missed but this crew really did an awesome job with pretty much zero breaks. Thanks a ton Vevalee, Kim, Sharon, Nancy, Aleah, and Alexis.
Well, I better go, Mr. Bill is cooking spaghetti for dinner and it's just about ready! Fireworks at the park tonight at sports camp begins tomorrow morning!
Love y'all!!
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bakerstreetbabble · 5 years
My Top 5 Holmes Actors: revised
A few years ago, I did a series of posts where I discussed the Top 5 actors who, in my opinion, have played Sherlock Holmes the best. A couple weeks ago, I promised to re-think that list. And now I have. This time, I shall present all of my Top 5 in one post, rather than stretching it out into five different posts. I realize many Sherlockians will disagree with this list, but at the moment, it's where I stand. First, here is my original list:
Benedict Cumberbatch
Jeremy Brett
Peter Cushing
Jonny Lee Miller
Basil Rathbone
And now I shall revise that list, and explain my reasons for each ranking...
#5. Ronald Howard
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I no longer have Basil Rathbone on my Top 5 list, even though he was Sherlock Holmes for many fans for several decades. Having watched the Rathbone/Bruce films, and comparing them to the TV series from the 1950s, I find Ronald Howard's portrayal quite superior to Rathbone's. He's a younger, bouncier Holmes, with much more of a sparkling sense of humor. He may have been just a bit too handsome to play Holmes, but overall, I find what he brought to the role to have been much more impressive than Rathbone's portrayal. Moreover, his Watson, played my Howard Marion Crawford was quite good, one of the earlier performances to buck the Nigel Bruce trend of playing Watson as a bumbler.
#4. Benedict Cumberbatch
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My thoughts on Cumberbatch's portrayal of the great detective have changed an awful lot since I originally put him at the top of my list. One of the things that changed my mind on Cumberbatch was Season 4 of Sherlock. It may have happened gradually throughout the series, but by the last episode of Season 4 it became painfully obvious that Cumberbatch's Holmes had become something very different from what it was in the first season of the show. Sure, he and Martin Freeman still make a very good duo, but the show replaced its earlier emphasis on Holmes's deductive abilities with an action hero ethos (Exhibit A: Sherlock and John jumping out of the window of 221B when a grenade explodes). What was originally, for me, a really remarkable reimagining of Sherlock Holmes became a slightly annoying caricature.
#3. Jonny Lee Miller
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Now that I've watched much of the first five seasons of Elementary, I can't help but think that the format of the American series has allowed Miller to inhabit the role of Sherlock Holmes much more than most actors have. Meanwhile, I think Miller's portrayal of Holmes has been more consistent overall than Cumberbatch's. And the Holmes/Watson partnership demonstrated by Miller and Lucy Liu (as Joan Watson) has been intriguing. So I've moved Jonny Lee Miller above Benedict Cumberbatch on my new list.
#2. Jeremy Brett
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I very nearly put Jeremy Brett at the top of my list, as so many of his performances were so good! However, watching later installments of the Granada Sherlock Holmes series, it is painfully obvious that Brett's portrayal, and the quality of the series overall, were negatively impacted by the actor's numerous health problems. If all that survived of Brett's portrayal of the great detective was that first series of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, I believe he would very likely top my list. However, I feel that I have to take into account how the series suffered as Brett became more and more ill. Incidentally, both David Burke and Edward Hardwicke did an admirable job at playing Watson.
#1. Peter Cushing
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Not only did my new #1 do an amazing job at portraying Sherlock Holmes in the 1959 Hammer Films production of The Hound of the Baskervilles, but Mr. Cushing also nailed the role of Holmes in the TV series he did in 1968. Just looking at the consistent quality of his performance in everything he did as Sherlock Holmes, I'm impressed by his attention to detail, the perfect physicality he brought to the role. He has the piercing glance, as well as the quiet frenzy as he works, that makes him a perfect Holmes to my way of thinking. And Nigel Stock is a top notch Watson, which makes the pair almost perfect.
​As I mentioned above, I am quite sure that other Sherlockians will disagree strongly with the ranking above. Give it another few years, and I may end up disagreeing with myself! Still, at this point in 2019, this is where I stand. I'd love to hear readers' comments and feedback.
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WEEK 5 - Wrap Up
The Pursuit of a Championship
Do you ever feel like you give and give and give to your fantasy team and all they do is take from you? They take your heart, they take your Sunday's away from your friends and families and eventually they take your money. We just completed week 5 and just like Will Smith in the Pursuit of Happiness - it just tears me up when my life and my family have to suffer because of these little Millionaires, running around playing a game and yet they can't do the basic job assigned to them and get the win. If you are feeling the same - just know you are not alone. Stay strong and find a good bathroom in a train station to sleep in if you have to...just find a way to make it to the playoffs...and it will all be worth it!
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Yes again. Mitch won again. Thank the lord that he didn't win High Point again, but he won and in fantasy football that's all you want each week. He beat the guy that use to be feared in this league....Andy Gullahorn. But since he teamed up with his son (not saying that's the reason just stating a fact) he is 1-4. Moose is 4-1. I feel like we are in backward worlds right now. What the hell is going on? I don't really have much more to say about this wrap up. Moose has been tough to beat and that scares me because I face him in week 6. Maybe he has had all the winning he can take? Congrats Mitch.
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Well, 161 points. Mind Blown. 10 point bonus for a defensive shut out. 23 from Mahomes, 25 from Achane, 24 from Kittle, 12 from Pacheco, 11 from his kicker and 42 from Saints D...Gentleman meet Cliff Young - our high point of the week winner a 4-1 record this season. This has to be a tough one for Rob because he had such an amazing week as well. Any other week it's a major win and likely also a high point win...but instead he goes home with nothing. See above intro and video...that's what I am talking about. Rob was robbed of a W. Cliff - congrats!
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Stu texted me mid day on Sunday talking about how terrible his fantasy team is this year. And yes, he was 1-3 at the time of the call...but later that night the 49ers played the Cowboys and Purdy put up 34 fantasy points and 49ers Defense another 24...so throw in a great day from Diggs and Stu ends up with a total of 121 points and moves to 2-3. Kyle continues to struggle. He had a huge week from Etienne with 37.40 fantasy points but none of his other players seemed to care. Kyle joins a few others at 1-4. Stay strong Brother in Law.
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Well this one wasn't what i expected it to be. I thought these two undefeated teams - facing each other...that it would come down to the wire with two high scoring games. But, Bebo turned in a modest 80 points and Scott finished Sunday with 72.50 with Devante Adams and Jordan Love still to play...so I am going to predict that Scott get's more than 8 points from these two guys and takes down Bebo early on Monday night. So, Scott Krippayne will go into week 6 as the only unbeaten team in the Office League. Congrats Scott...amazing year you are having. Bebo, I am sure it was a fluke and you will be back at it next week. (Update - Scott did win but it wasn't until mid 3rd quarter till he pulled it off and with all the Jordan Love INT'S he almost gave it back to Bebo.
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Well, this one was actually a fun one to watch! Funk Guy, sitting at 1-3 against Trade with Me also at 1-3...both wanting a win but neither one locking it down on Sunday. Dana was done going into Monday night with 79.12 and Brett is sitting at 70.94 but still has Christian Watson to play. So a mere 8.18 yards from Watson...basically 22 yards and a TD. Watson was pretty quiet until the 3rd quarter when he had a huge play that brought Watson up to 83 yards but he also had an odd 5 yard rushing loss so he needed 1 more point...which he got with a few minutes left in the game...so in what seems like a common situation for Dana - it comes down to the wire and he loses by .42 of a point. WOW! Congrats Brett...close one!
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And finally, my match up of the week. I was so excited to play against Gabe this week. First off, because I like Gabe. He's a really great guy. Secondly because he has yet to win this year so I figured...here's an easy win week...that will be nice. Third, because when I logged on Thursday night to see if he had any players in - DJ Moore was on his bench and he already had like 24 points and ended up with 51. So, again I am thinking...winner winner...dogged a bullet...free win. Fast forward to later on Sunday and all is going to plan until Breece Hall broke out for 177 yards and a TD and put up 30 points. I expected Tyreek to go off ...but a JET putting up huge points? Come on now! So as we go into Monday night...I am done and have 123.36. Gabe is sitting at 101.32 but has Josh Jacobs and Daniel Carlson (kicker). So 22.04 points between these two. By the start of the 4th quarter Jacobs ran in a TD and cut the margin to 5. All i can do is sit and watch the game slip away and slowly it does. Then with just 2 min left - Gabe's kicker Carlson missed a 52 yarder - it hit the upright and bounced out...which would have given him the win. I escaped barely and Gabe moves to 0-5. Thanks Gabe for being such a good friend and letting me win!
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This week we say goodbye to Stu, Kyle and Dana...leaving Rob, Gully, Mitch and Scott. Let's go boys...Rob already has his pick in!
Why post a pic when you can have video...get to know Elizabeth from our very own Tennessee Titans.
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brookezilla · 1 year
So, I know the cast is saying goodbye to the show online right now, but still, what do we make of the fact that previously every one of them was referencing this finale as the end of an “arc” / the story we wanted to tell until now etc. and not explicitly stating that it’s the end of the show?
Do you know what anon, I have so many theories about this ngl.
I think maybe that this is the end of the show being about Ted. If they did another season, he wouldn’t be the focus (but it’s tricky with the snow namesake).
I love this show and I do think that another season is kind of needed to explain a lot of things but I also don’t mind if we don’t get it.
This show gave us some amazing actors (especially Hannah for me) and it’s time they get to take advantage of that success to find they wonderful jobs.
Another season would mean they were tied down from doing other projects (like what happened with the reshoots).
I’m not really here for a spin off series if I’m honest, I feel sometimes you lose the essence of a show by trying to extend its universe.
Ted Lasso was so much about the family that it build, and the journey it took us on with them.
So idk Anon, it’s likely they’re hinting at a potential return but it’s unlikely with Ted. And it’s also unlikely to be focused on the main cast who have big projects lined up (Juno, Hannah and Brett).
But thanks for the message :) what do you make of it all?
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jkbabiey · 2 years
PAC: Your first kiss with your future spouse
Hey! Welcome!
This is my second PAC game and it will be about your first kiss with your future spouse.
There will be 4 groups. You should choose the one you feel more drawn to. Each pile will describe your first kiss with your future spouse but i'll giva you whatever the cards give me - so it's normal if there are piles with infos that aren't in all the piles. Like in the previous readings i'll give each pile a channeled song and quote.
How to choose: Close your eyes and focus on the question of how will your first kiss with your future spouse go. When you open your eyes, try to look at the different groups and see, intuitively, what group is calling your name. Follow your intuition.
The Groups:
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Group 1
Your cards: Queen of Wands, The Fool (rev), The Magician (rev), Queen of Pentacles (rev), The Devil, Page of Cups (rev)
So... I'm getting that you will initiate the kiss - you'll take initiative to kiss them. But I'm also getting that this will be a very reckless and spontaneous decision. You won't think about it too much. You may be drunk during the time you kiss them - because there's not much self-control in this pile. I'm getting that it will be good, you'll feel empowered in a way while kissing your future spouse for the first time. Some tongue may be included - it won't be a short peck at all. You'll be having a good time when it happens - before (it may happen at a party or celebration of some sort) and during the kiss. On the other hand, you may regret this when you come to your senses after the kiss happens. Like "oh my god, what did I do?!" or "What did I get myself into?"
It suddenly came to me that you may even have kept your feelings towards this person a secret for quite a long time before the kiss happens.
There's a big sense of holding back in this pile. Like you've been holding back your feelings and intentions towards this person and from this person, and this kiss works as something like the liberation of those. You'll feel free and happy and powerful - like you're doing exactly what you want and taking a risk for once in your life.
I'm hearing an "it's now or never" kind of mentality with this pile.
"We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine."
- Eduardo Galeano
Group 2
Your cards: The Empress, Death (rev), The Devil (rev), Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, The Tower (rev), Temperance
This may happen in a time of change, or just before a big change in your life. You'll be at a high point of your life in all aspects - your confidence will be over the roof, and your professional life will be about to go through amazing changes for the better.
You may be resistant to some of these changes of not knowing if you have the potential for them, but I'm getting that they will offer you a great chance for a very successful life. You will actually manifest these changes.
Really, it's coming through VERY strongly that it will happen during a time of economical and career success. It may happen in the means of celebrating something.
Maybe it'll happen when you just got a promotion, or have been accepted in your dream college, or just got your dream job. You'll get really happy and so does this person, and to congratulate you, they kiss you, I'm getting. The kiss will be all about you. They make the first move, but the kiss will go however you'll like it to go and this person will be very considerate of your wishes, I'm seeing. Like, they will want to make it about you and just go with whatever you want. If you just want a peck, it'll be just a peck. If you want something more, it'll become something more.
This pile didn't give off a lot of information and wasn't the most direct eheh, maybe it'll be a more discrete moment for you both.
"The best part about a first kiss is right before the first kiss."
- Brett Davern.
Group 3
Your cards: King of Wands (rev), The Lovers (rev), The Magician, The Emperor (rev), The Hierophant (rev), The Chariot, Ace of Swords, The Hermit, Justice
Very obviously, this kiss will happen when you and this person are having a heated argument. You may be questioning this person's intentions with you. I heard a very angry "BUT WHAT DO YOU WANT?". I'm also seeing some possessiveness and jealousy in this pile. I'm getting, and I'm sorry about the word, a kind of toxic behavior on both parts. I'm seeing one of you being very jealous and possessive over the other person and even questioning the other when they are with someone other than them, but at the same time, not wanting to become serious. And the other part kind of provokes the other so that they can get a reaction out of them.
Let me be honest, I was really worried about this pile, but I'm seeing that this is not an aggressive pile at all, there's just a rough beginning to this relationship. I just feel like one of you will have very big commitment issues and make the other feel very lonely and sad. While the other will openly try to make the other person jealous. Not healthy, of course, but this is not definitive.
So, this kiss will definitely happen in the middle of a heated discussion, so it will also be very heated, I'm seeing.
"It was raining that night, when we kissed for the first time."
- Avijeet Das.
Group 4
Your cards: King of Cups, Judgement (rev), King of Swords (rev), The Tower, Ace of Pentacles, The World (rev), Ace of Swords (rev), The Devil (rev), Queen of Wands (rev)
I'm seeing that this kiss isn't something you were expecting.
This energy is very shy if you know what I mean, so I'm guessing one of you is a very introverted person (the queen of wands reversed also shows this introverted nature to one or both of you, but I'm feeling that one of you is more introverted and the one is more extroverted).
I'm seeing that this will happen when you're in a vulnerable position. Like letting your feelings and frustrations out. I feel like you may even be crying when this happens. I'm feeling like you'll be quite disappointed in yourself because of something you did wrong at work or school or something like that. And this person will kiss you at that moment. I'm getting you'll be self-doubting and criticizing yourself and they'll just kiss you. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 CUTE
It could indicate that this person may be taking advantage of you when you're in a vulnerable position, but I don't feel like that AT ALL!!! I'm sensing more of a comforting vibe from this kiss. Really, they'll kiss you in an attempt to calm you down and comfort you, and to kind of make you forget your worries. This person is coming across as very mature and wise - they're either older than you or much more mature emotionally than you.
You won't be expecting them to kiss you like this so you'll be very shocked by this and probably won't even kiss them back (I'm not saying, you won't like it, you'll just be shocked by it). I'm feeling like this kiss may be just a sweet little peck to calm you down, really. Oh god, this is by far the cutest pile fr. I also feel like you may have a crush on this person in the period in which the kiss happens, but you don't think this person has a crush on you, so that's another reason why you'll be shocked.
But yeah, whatever it was, the kiss will make your self-confidence rise a lot, and your inner doubts will vanish. This person seems really good for you - they seem to care a lot about you.
"A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years."
- Rupert Brooke.
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lily-174 · 2 years
Hi. Hope you're having a good day or afternoon or evening and staying safe. I wanted to ask can I request a Blake Gallo imagine with the prompt of I want to marry you where him and y/n have been dating for two years and Blake has been wanting to ask her to marry him but he can't find the right time. He also tells the 51 crew then he decides to propose to her at his apartment after work with candles and a romantic setting.
Of course, she says yes. Then, they tell everyone at 51 the next day by y/n showing off her ring and everyone is ecstatic. Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️
blake gallo ‘will you marry me?’
i don’t know if this is what you expected but i did try!
warnings: none? fluff, busy shift, proposing.
requested: yes
summary: blake gallo x reader! blake wants to propose to the reader but has no idea how so he confides in his colleagues for help then he proposes.
it was start of a normal day at 51, you and blake your boyfriend of 2 years arrived to the firehouse together, you being a paramedic on 61 and blake being a firefighter your relationship never really effected your jobs, boden trusted the two of you to be professional. and that was amazing neither of you wanted to leave 51 and you loved working together.
as soon as you and brett started your shift you’d barely sat down unless it was in the ambulance, it was one call after another. you knew fridays were busy but this was a joke. it was almost 1 and you guys hadn’t even eaten yet. before you had even got back to 51 you been called out again.
for the firefighters of 51 there’d only been 1 call and it was quick, while you and brett were on your 4th call of the day.
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back at the firehouse blake sat in the common room staring into mid air, consumed by his own thoughts. he knew he wanted to marry you, he’d known that a while but he had no idea how to ask you. he wanted it to be special he wanted it to mean a lot to you. he wanted to make you happy. he needed help he wouldn’t be able to figure this out on his own. he needed help.
that’s when he saw stella walk into the common room. he stood up rushing towards her and ushering her out the the hallway.
‘gallo what’s up? i’m hungry’ stella sighed being dragged in the opposite direction of the food.
‘i need help. i want to ask y/n to marry me. i want it to be special but i just- i don’t know. how should i propose?!’ blake rambled panicking slightly as he said the words out loud, stellas face lit up and she pulled him into a hug.
‘that’s so exciting! i’m so happy for you! just do it in a way you think she’ll like. she loves you so much blake i don’t think it matters how you do it.’ stella explained knowing how much you love blake, stella was one of your best friends and she knew you so well blake thought stella would have an elaborate plan on how he should do this but that’s all she said.
‘thank you but stella how do i make it special?’ blake asked sighing and running a hand through his hair.
‘make what special?’ cruz and a few others came round the corner having overheard what blake and stella had been talking about.
‘you’re going to propose?!’ capp smiled widely, not exactly talking quietly as he should have been, and a few people in the common room heard capps loud announcement. then came the flood of firefighters surrounding blake asking questions.
“look guys, i just need help. i don’t know how to actually do it. i want it to be perfect.” blake explained and that was it. herrmann, mouch and ritter were exploding with ideas.
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you and brett hadn’t had a chance to sit down you were utterly exhausted and were now on your way back to the house, you had both now been on 6 calls. 6! you pulled into the firehouse and got out of ambo, you and brett slowly walked through to the common room where everyone was smiling and talking until they noticed the two of you. then the all scattered like mice.
“hectic day?” casey asked, chuckling at the two of you looking exhausted walking through the house.
“don’t even wanna talk about it. what foods left?” you asked casey, you were starving you needed food before you passed out then you needed to go to sleep.
“not a lot, we need to do go to the grocery store” you and brett both groaned at his answer as you walked into the kitchen area grabbing a breakfast bar then walking to the bunk room. as soon as you got to your bed when your head hit the pillow you were gone. sound asleep.
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at the end of your shift you had a few errands to do, drug store, grocery store then home. you were still exhausted apparently everyone in chicago needed an ambulance today. once you had finished running your errands you made your way back to your shared apartment with blake. when you got to the door you fumbled with your keys slowly opening the door once you opened the door, you noticed rose petals scatted on the floor, you followed them through the hallway leaving your bags at the door. they led to the living room, the room was decorated with flowers blankets laid out on the floor with all your favourite snacks laid out on them like a picnic, and your favourite movie ready to be played on the tv. the room was lit by candles, that fresh cinnamon and vanilla scent. then there was blake, stood in the middle of the room dressed in a suit.
“blake what is all this?” you asked smiling as you were sure you hadn’t missed an anniversary.
“come here baby” he responded smiling, you followed his instructions walking up to him to stand infront of him.
“y/n y/m/n y/l/n, you are the most beautiful women i have ever met. you’re so kind and caring. after what happened to my family i never thought i’d have anywhere to call home or a family again. but i met you and realised you are all i need. you are my home. you are my family. i love you so much, i want you, i need you. i want to spend the rest of my life with you. and after all we see and experience in our job i’m terrified of loosing you. so” he slowly got down on one knee, pulling a small box out of his pocket, one of your hands flew over your mouth tears burning your eyes.
“would you do me the honour of being the luckiest man in the world, will you marry me?” he asked looking up at you opening the box to reveal a beautiful shiny ring.
“yes! yes, of course i will!!” you smiled tears slowly rolling down your cheeks, he smiled wide standing up again slowly getting the ring out the box and sliding it onto your ring finger then hugged you tightly picking you up of the floor spinning you round.
“ i love you so much!” you smiled holding him tightly.
you and blake were so happy together, you spent the rest of your evening cuddling eating snacks, and watching your favourite movies, this was the perfect way to end your stressful day at work. you felt so peaceful and happy in the arms of your fiancé.
you laid their with blake admiring your ring.
“do you like it?” he asked slightly worried of what you thought about it.
“i love it baby, thank you so much.” you smiled leaning up to place a kiss on his lips.
“it was my mother’s engagement ring, i had it altered, to your ring size and stuff. it was one of the only things i had left of her after the fire. you mean so much to me y/n. i meant every word i said. you are my family.” he explained again bringing tears to your eyes.
“blake.. you sure you want me to have it?” you asked now knowing the emotion significance the ring had.
“of course i am. you’re the love of my life.” he replied kissing your head.
“you’re adorable you know that?” you smiled kissing him again.
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as soon as you walked into the firehouse on your next shift you grabbed sylvie and stella and pulled them into the bunk room, so excited to tell them the news. stella had a feeling she already knew what you were going to tell her, but sylvie had no clue.
“what’s up?” sylvie asked seeing you all smiley after dragging them to the bunk room.
“ blake proposed!” you smiled happily pulling your hand out your pocket. both stella and sylvies faces lit up with excitement.
“congratulations!!” they both exclaimed bringing you into a hug, you hugged them back happily.
“let me see it!” sylvie exclaimed pulling back from the hug to look at your ring she smiled.
“oh my god y/n it’s gorgeous. i never knew gallo had such good taste” she smiled happily admiring your ring.
“it’s gorgeous y/n i’m so happy for you.” stella smiled giving you another hug. you then explained the story behind the ring and they were both shocked, you loved the girls although you missed gabby and wished you could’ve told her as well.
thank you for reading!! i hope this was okay! please give me feedback! also send more request they are open! ❤️
also it’s late i just finished this i haven’t proof read it so if there’s mistakes i apologise.
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