#13 the musical movie
bookcub · 2 years
13 the movie musical review
so i have three categories for everything. the good, the bad, and the poorly executed. the poorly excuted is changes and updates that were made that i agreed with in theroy but didn't think the execution worked
the good
the child actors all did a good job, amazing dancing, good singing, and decent acting. i hope this leads to more roles for most of them. they also were actual tweens, and looked it. media about kids with kids in it is important.
the Jewish culture and herritage was still a large part of evan's story, and i am not Jewish, but it seemed like overall it was a good job. (i would have liked more, the whole theme of becoming a man and what it means to be an adult was taken out, which was a huge part of evan and tied to being Jewish because of his bar mitzvah)
the cast of children is much more diverse, not just race, but there were a few kids who were queer, and it was incidental diversity (a term ive heard some romance writers use)
costuming was great, loved how the teens were dressed like teens and all clearly had their own styles
the lighting!!! i could see everything!!! it was so bright!!!
i think im glad "the tongue" was taken away and it was about your first kiss instead but . . . im still not sure, like this was more sanitation but also felt more accurate to my middle school experience??
some of the songs cut I approved of because we didn't need hey kendra or any minute
while i was upset they added new songs after cutting many important ones, the originals were better than a lot of the original songs because of how many changed lyrics sounded so awful but worked in the original ones better
they gave lucy, kendra, and brett some actual nuance and less of a stereotypical persona, like there were motivations that were explained and kendra had more agency, so . . .. i think i liked that change overall, but despite the updates they still felt fairly flat
the actors who played brett and kendra can actually sing, in the original musical they have the weakest voices so that was a great change
the bad
who the fuck sanitized this? no one says hell or damn or ass, and those words were used frequently in the musical. no one talked about bras or wanting to get drunk. the kids were messy in the musical, they were jerks, and they were all lost and that was all taken away. no one cried or really shouted? the emotions were gone and it lost so much of the reality
i said this earlier, but evan has multiple songs about what it means to grow up and become a man and that was erased until it shows up in the second to last song which. . . ruined the whole theme and evans arc as a character. the songs could have been shortened, but becoming a man, here i come, and if that's what it is, should all be in there. im so upset they didn't make it into the cut
the end was totally changed!!! i didn't need all the other students to hate him like they did in the end but evan realizes that he prefers patrice and archie, and that the popular kids don't care about him and ugh. he realized he didn't need his ideal party to have the bar mitzvah he needed.
turn!! off!! autotune!! or if you use it, the average listener should not be able to tell
as much as I liked having more of brett, kendra, and lucy, patrice and archie were shoved to the side of the narrative and that was incredibly frustrating, ensemble movies are hard to make with everyone fleshed out rip :/
the antisemantic joke made me deeply uncomfortable, esp considering it was the only . . . .inappropriate thing said?? like the word bra was taken out but they had a remark about circumcision?? it makes it feel even worse. (is it just me???) i also have no idea if this was in the original, i only have the music memorized
the poorly executed
i haven't heard any commentary on archies character uh. . . ever, but not surprising to me that an adaptation would need to redo a lot of his character. however, the answer was not to cut his character entirely. he went from one of the characters with the most time on stage to some of the least screen time. dont just cut a role, give the work it needs to be updated.
lucy lucy lucy. .. . i loved seeing her motivation but let her be meaner. shes our lead villain, she does some terrible things. let her be terrible!!! (possibly we could have talked more about eating disorders?? her line in the musical at the end is jarring and very real and i wish we can time to unpack the complexity of mental illness in teens??? but also this show does not have the time or skill to do that)
I get there needed to be adults and they needed to not just. .. be there but this is about kids, this is not about your parents. put them on the back burner and give their screen time to kids. they should have the smallest parts ever.
opportunity. . . it needed to be changed some but every word except opportunity and the last line were changed . . . .like that's not the same song then??? and the rap was *shudders* bad. i liked trying to change the placement and ofc the inclusion of it in the musical but . . . no do better.
so many lyrics needed to be changed because they did not age well but the updated lyrics were so sloppy and didn't fit and whoever updated them clearly put random lyrics in without any actual thought into what a good change might be
(and many lyrics did not need to change, the producers were just cowards but whatever)
i have so much more to say but i just need to post this now
please tell me your thoughts, if you agree or disagree with any points, i really want to hear other perspectives!!
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sandwhich-lady · 2 years
Cant wait to watch 13 the musical movie on netflix because I was obsessed with this musical when I myself was almost 13 and the nostalgia is what I need
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 3 months
see this is the custom image i made for myself bc i have rewatched this movie 5 times in the past 3 days. im so sorry everyone.
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yunyin · 1 year
It looks like the ML movie is gonna be on Netflix instead of theaters here and I gotta admit I'm a little disappointed! I kinda wanted to hang out with other ml fans irl for a bit, all incognito but maybe wearing one of my pins to see if anyone recognized it.
I AM glad that this should mean I can watch it in French, though. And also that it will be easier/cheaper to watch.
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badnewswhatsleft · 4 months
14 what a catch, donnie mv - commentary (patrick, joe, andy)
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adreamshouldneverdie · 7 months
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thisbibliomaniac · 10 months
I got my first mp3 player when I was 13. I still have it. It came with 100 free downloads from a site that probably doesn't exist anymore. I downloaded 100 songs, and listened to them nonstop for two weeks. On day 15, every one of those songs "expired", and were no longer playable. That experience has been in the back of my mind ever since, and that's why I have refused to pay for anything digital (with a couple of notable exceptions), and every bit of media I purchase is a physical disc.
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louismygf · 2 months
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just recently watched this is us with my college friends
#tbqh i found it kinda boring 😭#the louis clips were so not enough#ive watched some clips online prior to actually watching it (for the first time might i add)#one of my friends had a cousin who was crazyyy ab 1d so she dragged her out to the cinema to go watch it when it came out and in 3d lol 😭#the 3d schtick is so funny 2 me lmao 😭#my friend recalls freaking out in the movie theater bc she was a major niall fan at the time. she said 3d niall was so close 2 her face lol#anyway. ab how i watched some clips online prior#i was actually waiting for the louis n his sisters part or the one where he visits his school or smth#my friends.... they literally don't know a thing ab louis personality-wise so they didn't really get much from it#UGH i should download aotv and make them watch it that was way more interesting (but idk? smth about it feels like it's made for fans only?#but... i'll suggest it the next time we get together 🙏🏼#anyw back to my review.#simon cowell's face was a jumpscare what can i say. it was so evil how nicole scherzinger was just. completely written off#im from the future i Know things#<- and like. about this. i felt kinda bad being cynical about the movie when i know my friend is Still an ot5 at heart#i think i broke her 13-year old heart a little 😭#it's so weird how the movie keeps singling out zayn about him getting kicked out or him talking solo music etc kskdj. feels v pointed Lol#they really just documented the 1d-mania & madness they ensued huh.... i think 2 of my friends (bts fans) weren't as impressed LOL 😭#they kinda flamed their performances and stage outfits which is. yeah i agree. kpop idols do WAY more than just.... that (1d) kskskd#i guess i'll make them watch the extra clips next time (o haven't seen all the clips yet i think)#OH and 😭 why was martin scorsese in the film that was hilarious#didn't have a lot of realness to it. is what i thought of the film. yeah. this is(N'T) us ✊🏽😔#maybe... i am too much of a hater#i liked... the... um. it's hard to highlight things i liked ab the film when im Not a 1d fan 😭 like im a louie ONLY idgaf ab 1d 😔#the part ab louis audition.... im sorry babie the editors did u dirty but it was so funny........😭#<- though i imagine it solidified people's (wrong) opinions about him :/
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the-gamling-dog · 3 months
watching the Mean Girls musical for the first time while I work and when my wife came in with a ginger tea I called her Wise Girl for her translation advice...
Call my fandom Venn-diagrammed between three fantastic blonde women I guess? ¿Gatekeep/Gaslight/Girlboss?
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toxinoire · 11 months
Basically, Veronica listing down when she learned she can see ghosts, denying that fact and finally accepting it.
Anne Boleyn and K Howard make an appearance.
Veronica tapped her pen on the table, trying to drown out the noise Kurt and Ram are making by messing with her shelves while JD and Heather Chandler stop them.
She's been able to see ghosts for as long as she can remember, and she's been in denial of that fact until Heather. So she decided to finally pinpoint it all. She's written every key moment down as if it's a "5 + 1" fanfiction.
Contrary to how people depict ghosts, Veronica knows that they can in fact, touch things.
The ruckus in her room is a good example.
And Ram tossing her hat to her face.
It started at age 4, when her and her parents Nicolas and Evangeline Sawyer (my au obvs) were returning home from a vacation in France.
They were in the air at one point then the plane started to shake. Then it crashed.
Veronica opened her eyes to see herself standing in the hallway of a hospital, she can tell by the nurse talking to her grandfather Samuel Sawyer and uncle Edmond O'Reilly, her mom's older brother. She called out to them. "Grandpa! Uncle Eddie!"
No response.
She called them again. "Grandpa? Uncle?"
Once again, no response.
She's wondering why they're ignoring her. Then, someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see an old woman, who looks like she's in her seventies with gray her and blue eyes. "Hello there." She said in a soft tone as she kneeled down so she could be at Veronica's eye level. "What's your name?"
"Veronica Sawyer." She answered.
"Hello Veronica. I'm Tatiana Roberts." Said Tatiana. "What are you doing? And why do you look upset?" Although, she has her guesses.
"My grandpa and uncle are ignoring me." Veronica answered in a said voice.
Tatiana gaze softens even more, knowing well that this child is in a coma, and is currently a coma ghost. She doesn't want to let her know that, nor the fact that Tatiana herself is already an actual ghost who died during surgery. "Hey, there's a park here in the hospital. Do you want to hang out with me and my friends for a little while?"
Being four, of course she agreed. "Okay! But what about my grandpa and uncle?"
"I'm sure they'll talk to you soon." Said Tatiana. "Come on."
Tatiana learned that it was good that she did that when she did, otherwise Veronica would have heard the nurse tell her family members that her parents were awake and she was still unconscious.
Later at the park, she meets two other people. A married couple (who died a few minutes after arriving to the hospital after a car crash) who looked like they were in their early thirties. Hector Kane, a man with brown hair with some blue tips and brown eyes, and his wife Claudine Kane, a woman with blonde hair and green eyes.
"How did you two fall in love?" Asked Veronica.
Hectore chuckled. "Why do you want to know?"
"Because my mom told me that people fall in love differently. I want to know how you and Miss Claudine did!"
The couple laughed at the child's curiosity. "She's a little girl, I'm sure she'd like a story." Said Tatiana.
"Okay okay." Said Claudine. "We met in high school. But we weren't classmates. He was my big sister's classmate and is part of her friend group."
"We didn't talk much at the time but then we became teammates in the chess varsity team." Said Hector.
"What's a varsity team?"
"For schools, it's a team of people that can play sports."
"But isn't chess a board game?"
Claudine chuckled. "Well yes, but many consider it a sport too."
"Cool. So you fell in love because you were teammates?" Asked Veronica. The couple nodded. "That's awesome!"
"Yeah, Claudine is super good at chess." Said Hector as he grinned at his wife. "We would always compete against each other during training. She would always do think little thing with her hand whenever she won against me. And then I fell in love with her."
"Sap." Said Claudine.
Then, Veronica saw her hand blur. "Why is my hand blurry?"
Tatiana, Hector and Claudine see it too. They've been in this hospital long enough to know what this means...
Veronica is about to wake up.
"Your hand isn't blurry." Said Tatiana. "Maybe you're just sleepy."
"Yeah, go to sleep for a little okay? Maybe you'll see your mom and dad when you wake up." Said Claudine.
Veronica did fall asleep after a while and when she woke up, her grandfather and uncle were at her bedside and her parents were in two beds near hers. She looks around to look for Tatiana, Hector and Claudine. They're nowhere to be found.
Until she sees them later that night.
"That's where it started." Muttered Veronica as she finished writing that down. She chuckles as realizes that her seeing them after waking up explains the shocked expression on their faces when she waved to them that night.
She then wrote down the next one.
After that, she knew she's always seen more people in the house but she didn't think much of it and usually ignored them. However, when she was six years old, that's when she finally acknowledged those presences.
She was in the dining room reading a fairy tale, alone, everyone is either in the living room or upstairs.
"Ow." She heard someone mutter.
She looked up to see a man on the other end of the table who looks like he's in his late twenties, and looks a lot like her dad with his facial features and light brown hair. Only difference is the eye color.
"Excuse me sir? Are you okay?" Veronica asked.
His head whipped towards her. "Wha- yeah I'm fine...can you..?" He sits pulls a seat and sits down. "Can you see me?"
Veronica nods, confused on why he's asking this.
"I'm Veronica. What's your name?" She asks.
"I-I know your name, we uh...live in the same house. I'm Louis. Louis Saywer."
"Saywer? Cool, are we related?" Asked Veronica.
Louis nods. "Yeah actually..."
"How come my mom and dad don't talk to you?"
"Uh..." He nervously tugs at his sleeve, how was he supposed to explain that he's her father's older brother who died after someone broke in the house because he was the one in here when she was born and they still haven't found his body to a six year old? "They are too busy sometimes, so we don't always talk."
"Oh. So you do talk to them?"
He chokes out an answer. "Yeah..."
Veronica nodded. "Okay. Since we're related, can I call you uncle then?"
Louis relaxed and nodded. He knows that one day he'll have to explain this to Veronica, but not now.
He didn't have the heart to tell her.
"PUT THAT DOWN!" Heather yelled.
Kurt, holding up Veronica's sweater and swinging it like a banshee, laughs and answers "NOPE!"
"BITCH!" Yelled JD.
"Says the murderer." Ram retorted, who's also doing the same thing with another sweater.
Veronica sighs at the behavior of the four as she writes down the next one...when she realized she sees ghosts and tried to deny it.
Age 8, that's when Veronica realized, when she saw a picture of her dad and her uncle Louis and her dad explains he's dead.
"Ronnie..." Louis tried to get her to calm down.
Veronica didn't calm down.
"But...But I can see you! How are you dead?"
Louis sighed. "Veronica...I'm a ghost."
Veronica freezes as her eyes widen in shock.
He continued. "The other people you see here, they're also dead. It's why your parents don't talk to us, they can't see us. But for some reason, you can."
Veronica shook her head. "No...no you guys are probably just my imagination. Imaginary friends."
"V-" Louis cut himself off, he knew Veronica was stubborn, so he just stopped. "Believe what you want. You'll have to accept this one day."
Veronica just turned around.
He sighs again. "I'll leave you be. I'll talk to you soon."
Present day Veronica chuckled at her own words.
"Hello!? Veronica? Aren't you gonna make them stop or are you just gonna write there?" Said Heather.
"Heather, leave her be." Said JD.
"I'll help out later."
"Ugh fine." Said Heather.
The next one Veronica wrote down is a little crazy, but she still tried to deny it at the time.
Age 13, her parents took her to London, to fricking Hampton Court, because she had a hyperfixation on Tudor history at the time.
Her parents let her explore on her own. She is totally fine with that, it makes it easy to go check out stuff.
Then she heard sniffles.
Being the person she is, she went to see who was crying. Then she-
Holy crap is that a teenager in a fancy garment WITH BLOOD DRIPPING DOWN HER NECK?!
"Uh..." She mutters. "Is everything okay?"
Both girls turn to her.
"You see us?" Asked the older one.
Veronica nods. "Y-Yeah..."
"Oh. What is your name child?"
"Veronica Sawyer..."
She nods. "Katherine, kindly greet the girl."
"H-Hi." She mutters out.
Wait, Katherine?
"History has explained who we are, but we will still introduce ourselves formally. I am Anne Boleyn."
"And I am-" She sniffles. "Katherine Howard."
Veronica doesn't know how long she stood there frozen but she did manage to move. "Oh..." She sat near them. "What's wrong?"
Katherine looks at her for a bit before turning away again. "Every time I am here, I remember being dragged away by the king's guards."
Veronica looks at her with sympathy. "Oh. You were only 19 right?" Katherine nods.
"We were both moths drawn to a flame. And it eventually burnt us." Said Anne.
"I believe you guys." Said Veronica. "That you are innocent." She turns to Katherine. "And that you were not fully aware of what was happening. I know your executions were not justified."
Anne and Katherine smile at her.
"You should know that you knowing that, is very comforting." Said Anne.
Katherine nods. "It truly is."
Later, as Veronica left Hampton Court, she couldn't help but wonder if that truly was her imagination due to her current hyperfixation, or if she actually does sees ghosts.
Veronica turns and tosses a notebook--that she doesn't care for anymore--at him. "Get off my bed."
"Boo. Spoil sport." Said Kurt.
Veronica turns back to what she was writing.
Now for the day she finally accepted the fact that she does in fact see ghosts...
And that was Heather Chandler.
Ever since Heather died, she followed her around EVERYWHERE. She thought she was going crazy, especially when Kurt and Ram died and they followed Heather everywhere, resulting in them being around her a lot.
But only during that time JD broke into her room did she realized they were real.
She was hiding in the closet, Kurt and Ram are too busy enjoying the fact that they were in a woman's closet to worry, and Heather was next to her, keeping calm but her expression shows she's worried.
JD was currently monologing outside the closet door. "We'll plant this note explaining how they died."
That's when Veronica got the idea.
"We, the students of Westerburg High, will die!"
Heather noticed. "What's with that face Saywer?"
"He likes suicides doesn't he?" Said Veronica.
"I can hardly tell..." Heather said sarcastically. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Our burned bodies may finally get through, to you, your society churns out slaves and blanks! No thanks!"
"Let's see how he reacts to a suicide he didn't plan." Said Veronica as she took off her blazer and grabbed a blanket.
"Signed, the students of Westerburg High! Goodbye!"
Heather picked up Veronica's blazer from the floor and threw it over her shoulder. "What exactly are you doing?"
"We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors! Bring marshmallows, we'll make smores. We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!"
"I'm gonna tie the blanket around my waist, to carry me from the ground. Then around my neck to make it look like a suicide. Then I'll put my blazer on to cover the blanket." Said Veronica. "With the right angle, it'll look like I actually killed myself."
"Hm. Sounds like it could work." Said Heather.
"I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one!"
Veronica struggles to tie the blanket. Heather sighs. "Come on, I'll help you out."
"Oh thanks, just tie that there." Said Veronica.
"I can't make it alone! Finish what we begun!"
Wait, is she actually letting Heather help her? She's supposed to just be a figment of her imagination...
"You were meant to be mine!"
"And done." Said Heather.
"Thanks..." This can't be real.
"What's with that tone, Sawyer?" Asked Heather.
"Nothing, nothing." She immediately responded.
"I am all that you need!"
"Whatever." Said Heather as she held up the blue blazer and puts on Veronica.
"You carved open my heart!"
Veronica puts her arms in the sleeves and thinks, so that happened. Heather actually helped her out.
She really can see ghosts.
"Can't juts leave to bleed! VERONICA! Open the, open the door please."
Heck, she knew that all this time. She just refused to acknowledge that she can.
"Veronica, open the door. Veronica, can we not, fight anymore please. Can we not fight anymore? Veronica sure, you're scared. I've been there! I can set you free! Veronica, don't make me come in there! I'm gonna count to three!
Yeah, Heather cackling at JD when he thought Veronica was dead and at her mom when she dolphin screamed is definitely real.
Kurt and Ram pouted, but did so anyway.
"It's definitely a good thing that there's an adult figure in here." Said JD.
"Remember, just because I tolerate you two more than Kurt and Ram, doesn't mean I like you two." Louis reminded Heather and JD.
"Okay, uncle Louis, I think they know. You remind every time." Said Veronica.
"Anyway, what were you writing?" Asked Louis.
"Nothing entirely important. Just an analysis of a few things." Answered Veronica.
"Alright then." Said Louis.
Yeah, it's weird. Being able to see ghosts is weird. Especially when some are terrible, she's had her fair share of encounters with those type of ghosts.
But hey, at least she's never alone.
What do you guys think?
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nellarw95 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Jeffrey 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
February 29,1976
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
29 Febbraio 1976
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
I was tagged by @youshouldseemeinadeerstalker and @darkinerry to share share movies you should watch to get to know me! Like them, I'm going for 9 instead of 8 for ✨the aesthetics✨
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I tag @pumpkinspicepirates, @viagc, and @stedebonnets with zero pressure of course! <3
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jewishraypalmer · 2 years
13 the Musical on Netflix is like what if we changed all of their personalities so they seem more likeable while also erasing the disabled kid's personality altogether and also cut out more than half the songs
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cryptid-moose · 6 months
im sorry i dont care what the wiki or tiktok say theres no way velvet and veneer are minors those mfs are like 25, 21 at the least😭
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capableism · 6 months
13 The Musical Movie Missing Essential “Offensive” Songs
Evan Goldman is becoming a man in the Big Apple, or so he thought. After his parents divorce, he is forced to have his Bar Mitzvah in Indiana. 
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Photo by Sudan Ouyang from  Unsplash
Musical Conventions
13 is unique with no adults in the cast; it is easier to suspend disbelief for the immature choices driven by dating. 13 has a song, 
Terminal Illness, which focuses on Archie, a character with muscular dystrophy. A progressive neuromuscular condition. Terminal Illness is about Evan using Archie's disability to secure R-rated movie tickets for a date. 
Authentic Teenagers
Archie is hormone-crazed for Kendra, the most popular girl in school, and Brett, the most popular guy. 
Evan purposefully tells Archie he can date Kendra if he uses the pity he receives from his muscular dystrophy to his advantage and gets Evan's mother to pay for the tickets to the Bloodmaster. 
While Evan is more focused on his Bar Mitzvah than Archie, the song and Archie are self-aware of disability. Evan: 
"Listen, I'm not making fun. Of your terminal Illness. But you hold the secret to getting my mom to say yes. No one says no to a boy with a terminal illness.  Who could refuse when you shuffle your shoes and say please? Use all the tricks that you learned in your cradle. You don't need to lay it on thick with a ladle. 'Cause no one says no to a boy with a fatal disease!”
Self Awareness
Archie is a charismatic character and, earlier in the musical, has a number of Get Me What I Need; he tells Evan that having a date with Kendra is his dying wish. Terminal Illness is a musical number that shows Evan views a disability as an advantage he can use, partly because Archie also uses it that way. 
 Nuances in "Offensive" Songs
During the number of Terminal Illnesses, the question "who could complain?" refers to this plan. Evan responds, "Except for you because you're dying. In the next stanza, Archie responds, "Except for you because you're Jewish and you always complain." Evan says, "It's true." Both responses are played for laughs. 
This song shows both boys are willing to use what they can to get a date. Throughout the musical, Archie makes jokes about his disability. It is played for laughs as self-deprecating humor. "No one makes fun of me on the special needs bus. That would be ironic.” 
The movie adaptation omits all of these small details about Archie and songs such as Terminal Illness most likely to modernize the musical to be less offensive. However these songs drive the musical plot forward that has a more realistic depictions of a person's early teenage years.
Hessenger, J. (2022). 13: The Musical Follows Broadway Tradition by Becoming a Terrible Movie. Paste Magazine. https://www.pastemagazine.com/movies/13-the-musical-review
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everyfilmisaw · 9 months
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13 Going on 30 by Gary Winick, 2004
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