#also been really attached to Isabella in this too
daydreamxsimmer · 2 years
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"So how about this? You let me go. Nothing explodes. And I'll send your regards to Angel when I catch up with her."
Isabella Reyes - Kapoor (she/her) - a straight A student turned master thief and now secret agent. She wears many faces, does she even know who she really is anymore?
[my mc from @scribble-games 's 180 Files: The Aegis Project ]
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goldiipond · 1 year
ray tpn is autistic and i'm gonna tell you why now
ray is one of the most heavily autistic-coded characters i can think of, and i've been wanting to write up a post going over as many of his autistic mannerisms as i can because there is a lot. this will probably be long because i am also autistic and i am especially autistic about ray, so please enjoy while i psychoanalyze this anime boy with way more scrutiny than anyone would consider healthy <3
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body language
perhaps one of the strongest arguments for ray's autism can be made by looking at his body language. ray tries to keep a stoic, neutral expression and voice the majority of the time (though he's often quite. bad at that too) but he is always extremely expressive through his movements and gestures, the most noticeable of which being the use of his hands. pretty much every character uses hand gestures, but ray is ridiculously excessive. it'd take frankly way too long to compile every instance of this (or even half) throughout the manga, so here's a small collection of gestures from s1 of the anime to give an idea:
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note that this is not even close to all of them and that he's exactly like this in the manga as well, though the animation and its use of snappy, exaggerated movements does help to make these much more noticeable.
moving away from his hands there's also just a lot of really expressive full-body language as well, such as this friendly chokehold:
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this dramatic shrug:
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and this even more dramatic flop:
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just to name a few. basically, ray has a thing for grand unnecessary movements and no one is surprised.
poor emotional regulation and masking
as i mentioned before, ray tries really really hard to bottle up his emotions and keep a sort of stoic persona during his time at gracefield. he's also really really bad at doing this. not terrible, as he was able to keep up a believable enough front that none of the other kids saw anything odd about his behavior for 6 years, but that's also because he deals with so much more stress once the events of the escape arc actually get going. there is a stark difference between his quiet and detached demeanor while emma and norman are still in the dark about the house, and him nearly having a meltdown every time something strays from his meticulously crafted plans while they actually begin making their preparations to escape over the course of the arc.
just a few examples of this include him nearly having a breakdown when emma insists on taking everyone:
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or one of my favorite anime exclusive moments where he strains his voice while yelling at isabella to the point he breaks into a coughing fit:
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and it's not just big flashy meltdowns, but little bursts of anger as well. shoutout to this moment in particular where he launches this bucket with enough force to tear up a bit of the damn ground:
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this emotional instability can be seen after the escape as well, the most glaring example being how he interacts with yuugo:
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their dynamic in general really does a good job of showing ray’s mental state after the escape, because pre-goldy pond yuugo is An Asshole. and ray is so, so easy to piss off and quite frankly tired from bottling up his emotions for so long that every interaction with said asshole is a massive struggle to keep himself from physically attacking him.
as for the topic of masking, that’s what ray’s attempts to hide his emotions feel like to me. ray is constantly in danger of losing isabella’s trust, whether that be by revealing he may be a little more attached to the other kids than he lets on or by showing too much emotion that the other kids start to wonder what the hell’s going on. ray has to constantly hide and cover up his emotions with more palatable ones for others out of fear of looking out of place or being seriously hurt, and well if that doesn’t just describe autistic masking to a tee i don’t know what does.
maybe one of the things that gets me the most about that is that he's essentially been masking for about half of his life, and doing that for any extended period of time is extremely draining. ray has been drained to the point that he will have full meltdowns when put under any sort of stress and when you take into account the fact that he already has pretty severe anger issues as a result of his trauma, it's really no wonder he has such a short fuse.
lack of a filter when speaking
ray is a very blunt person. he speaks matter-of-factly and he wastes no time in getting straight to his point, sometimes with only a single sentence:
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the way he talks is also pretty significant, as he generally has a more monotone way of speaking. he really only yells when he gets really worked up which like i said, happens a lot, but there’s almost no inbetween for him. pre-escape, he tries to show as little emotion in his voice as possible outside of his outbursts.
as for post-escape ray, he does seem to show much more emotion in the way he speaks. its a bit harder to judge, as nothing past the escape arc was ever adapted into the anime (s2 isnt real it cant hurt you) but his facial expressions become much more varied and it’s easy to say his vocal inflections likely do as well. however, what we can say for sure is that he remains just as blunt as ever:
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no matter how comfortable he becomes with expressing himself, this aspect of his speech never seems to change.
while we’re on the topic of his speaking mannerisms please also direct your attention to these panels:
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these need no explanation.
sensory issues. so many sensory issues
briefly moving back to the subject of ray’s hands, i couldn’t help but notice during my countless s1 rewatches that they are almost never just resting at his sides. if he's not using his hands for unnecessary gestures they are either shoved into his pockets, or he's crossing his arms. it's very likely his arms default to these positions because they offer a sort of sense of security, the former keeping his hands covered and the latter keeping him more closed off, almost like he's constantly hugging himself. basically, ray is a 'likes to feel covered and secure' autistic and if he was buried in weighted blankets he'd probably love it.
also tying into the ‘likes to feel covered’ aspect of ray’s autism is this scarf he acquires sometime during the volume 12 timeskip:
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it’s a well known autistic thing to get attached to articles of clothing and wear them as much as possible, and boy does ray get attached to this scarf. i can count 2 post-timeskip scenes off the top of my head that have him not wearing this scarf, and the image on the right takes place a full 2 years after the left one in canon. he has no explicitly stated emotional attachment to this scarf and we don’t even know how he got it, just that he almost never takes it off. it could easily be seen as a comfort item, maybe he just likes the way the fabric feels or the extra coverage it offers him. there is post-canon content that depicts him without it, but the fact that he wore it almost nonstop for at least 2 years straight is still pretty significant.
another sensory thing i feel is worth mentioning is that ray seems to have a very specific tolerance threshold for physical contact. he seems fine initiating touch himself, and touches from emma and norman are generally alright, likely because they are the only people he has openly allowed himself to be close with his entire life. sudden touches from others however, are a different story. the one that immediately comes to mind is this interaction with don:
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don in particular is someone ray becomes pretty close to, and i would say that besides the obvious growth with emma and norman, don is likely the person we see the most development with with in terms of their relationship. him having this reaction to a hug from someone he’s so close to seems indicative of some issues with unexpected contact.
and finally one of my absolute favorite things the anime added, which is ray experiencing what looks a lot like sensory overload:
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this takes place right after the argument with isabella, which ended with him being knocked to the floor and locked up in a room by himself, so its needless to say that he’s pretty shaken up. he gets so overwhelmed that all he can do is yell and desperately reach for any sort of stimulation to keep him grounded, curling in on himself and aggressively ruffling up his hair. i genuinely cannot think of an allistic explanation for this scene.
and basically, he is just so autistic
all in all, theres some pretty damn solid evidence for ray being autistic and whether it was intentional or not, the sheer amount of autism-coding present in ray’s writing is almost impossible to ignore. i love some good projection but i don’t even need to do that much, hes just doing this all on his own. in conclusion:
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
What if uh...what if Michelle and Olivia? W little Ray
And AU with post canon Olivia and Michelle w Ray:(
Going to preface this with how amazing it is people will send me asks on topics I've had vague drafts of for ages but for whatever reason never published them.
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(Evidence of my drafts and queue being fucking messes)
But yes, I'm still really attached to the idea of young sister candidates who still have siblings alive old enough to remember them being able to reunite with said siblings upon the farm system being dismantled, and one of the things that's most appealing about the Emma and Ray & Goldy Pond Resistance kids dynamics for me is them regaining that type of older sibling relationship after they had been the oldest siblings of their family for months if not two years since Susan was shipped out (this is also applicable to Norman with Vincent, Cislo, and Barbara post-imperial capital battle).
It's also a bit funny how CloverWorks provides a bit of foundation for this AU, saving Michelle from death because they wanted to save time and resources by reusing her model for one of the sisters that shows up in S2 episode 10.
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Arguably one of the best changes they opted for, though they do nothing interesting with it. There's so much melancholic and healing potential upon a reunion with the younger siblings who still remember her and Olivia after spending years in a cutthroat environment that fostered division and systemic exploitation.
With Ray specifically, there's the belief he failed them by letting them walk off to their fate without lifting a finger to stop it or even just provide them with a warning, anything to give them an advantage and show he loved and cared about them, but in his pragmatic planning, he prioritized Emma and Norman over them, and that old regret and shame resurfaces.
And they're left with that dawning, muted realization of "ah, that explains why he'd get so sad every time a sibling left."
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(Chapter 181.1)
Knowing he suffered in silence for so long and having been unable to provide him with a true sense of safety like an older sibling should, a new layer of sorrow tinging the memories of attempting to comfort him, sometimes with him maybe briefly lashing out due to something they said being unintentionally hurtful (e.g., "I'm sure they're happy with their new parents" because no they're not they're not they're not they're dead) but always ending with him curling in on himself and wanting to be left alone. Even during the few times it seemed like they were successful (though looking back, Susan and the collective efforts of Emma and Norman probably held the higher success rate), that ache is still present.
Again, lot of healing potential in that initial reunion hug between them and subsequent late night talks of mutual support where tales of their respective horrors slip out and worries over the search for Emma ebb and flow. (You could also go the route of him opening up about the full extent of his relationship with Isabella, though I'm firmly of the "there is no way in hell he is ever bringing that up until his 20s at the earliest unless prompted by an outside force" camp).
I would extend this out to all the older Grace Field kids from Ray through probably Nat though, if only because the first light novel already highlights Ray has a special attachment to Susan that it feels like he's taking up a disproportionate amount of spotlight without inherently offering a more unique spin on such a relationship, and we see Michelle and Olivia interacting with Emma and Norman a bit too, which is also precious.
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(TPN Light Novel 1: A Letter from Norman - “The Ghost Incidents at Grace Field House;” the younger siblings listen to Olivia recount her sighting of a ghost with rapt attention.)
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(S1 Ending 1 & Ending 2; some younger children sitting around Olivia as she reads them a story.)
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(Chapter 12 Bonus Comic; Michelle and Olivia being won over by Emma and Ray to push for being able to see a sick Norman.)
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(Minerva Confidential Report Key Animations for S1 Ending 1 & Ending 2; Michelle having a lively conversation with Emma and Norman as they walk through the first floor hallway of Grace Field. There's an argument that this isn't Norman because we can't see a hint of his shark fin cowlick, but unless this is when they're all walking to to push to see a sick Norman, I default to it being Norman since Ray is in the full shot so there's a complete trio babies snapshot.)
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(Chapter 181.1; Michelle and Olivia trying to help ease the distress Emma and Norman are going through at seeing Ray cry.)
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(Chapter 181.1; Michelle and Olivia with Norman wishing one of their young brothers well on his shipment day.)
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(Chapter 17 | Chapter 32; Don and Ray fondly remembering Michelle and Olivia among their siblings who were shipped out, respectively, and interestingly both deeply internalizing how close the two were with each other by each remembering them in a side hug, though this might have just been for Demizu's drawing convenience.)
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The ultimate modern!Guy head-canons -brought to you by my obsessed mind
So, I’ve been thinking about Guy (yes I know, shut up) and how I would go about creating a modern!Guy version that is as loyal to the original as possible in every way that matters -history, personality, trauma, profession etc. Below you can find my self-indulgent fantasies:
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Guy and his little sister Isabella were brought up by a single mother, their dad being a deadbeat that left the picture early
Their mum was loving and affectionate, but she had her own issues -mild substance abuse and a violent on-again-of-again boyfriend. When boyfriend was not around, she was nurturing and attentive. When he was around, there were many issues with fights, drink, violence and so on.
One night there was yet another fight and young Guy tried to step in and protect his mum - in the scuffle, things were knocked down and kitchen fire started.
The fire brigade noticed the chaotic environment, drink and signs of domestic violence and called social services. Guy and Isabella were removed from home and found themselves in the foster care system.
After about a year of being moved around, Isabella was adopted by a couple, but Guy was deemed too old for adoption and stayed in foster care, being passed from pillar to post as various placements broke down. (Sweet little girls are much more likely to get adopted than hulking teenage boys with anger issues…)
Guy has a ton of issues as a result of his past. He has developed a disorganised attachment style. He idealises his mother, but also feel resentful that she didn’t prioritise them. He blames himself for starting the fire that got them removed from home. He has lost contact with Isabella after her adoption (He figured she was starting a new life, and didn’t feel like watching from the side lines… Brought up too many complex feelings.) Unfortunately, the couple who adopted Isabella turned out to be abusive assholes. As an adult, Isabella blames him for leaving her with them, not staying in touch, not trying to find out how she was…
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When Guy aged out of foster care, he was left without support… He considered joining the army but his temper issues prevented him. He ended up working for crime baron “The Sheriff” Vaisey, involved in drug trafficking, extortion, turf wars and so on. He doesn’t enjoy violence, but he doesn’t shy away from it either -that’s how the world works, as far as he’s concerned, and if he doesn’t do it, someone else will. And yes, his relationship with “The Sheriff” is as messed up and complicated as it is in the series. The man craves a family but can’t tell a toxic one from a healthy one.
He drives a Harley and has a Jack Russell terrier called Dale. He used to bite his nails, but stopped himself (with effort) because he thinks the habit makes him look worried and insecure. He chain-smokes roll-ups now (because they give him something to fiddle with, that doesn’t allow others to see he is stressed.)
He has worked as a bouncer, and knows Krav Maga. In his more optimistic moments, he dreams of leaving crime, having a family and starting a business as a self-defence instructor. But he doesn’t really think it will ever happen.
He looks like early Lucas North, complete with tattoos.
He loves getting a massage… (It feels intimate but is not seen as weakness. He really likes being touched, someone please love him…)
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naehja · 5 months
ok little idea that i shared with @officersnickers on pm =)
It all start when the demons decide to choose one woman in all the ones who are pregnants OR who gave birth to a baby in less of a year (so a baby who has not been sent in an orphanage for now).
Why? Because of a anniversary of the promise, for exemple, and one demon suggest to free ONE woman and her born (or still unborn) baby. The queen is not happy but she thinks that nothing will assure that the baby will be a good student and will have good scores so…she just decided that one woman will have two more baby to compense the lost of these two.
They decide to limit the choice at Grace Field: So a woman at the Grace Field headquarter, who is pregnant or who gave birth since less of a year.
You can guess, it's Isabella who is chosen. She has give birth to her baby since 6 months and was finishing her training before being sent to Grace Field House 3. She was going to be send to the orphenage in like...one week. One week later and she would have been removed of the selection.
One day she is given the new and can't believe it. She will have the chip in her heart and the one in her ear removed. Her tattoo will also be removed. And her baby will be given back to her, his own tattoo removed too.
One demon is very greedy and says "you are not forced to take your baby with you, you can leave him here if you want to forget everything about this life"
But Isabella, even if she is not especially attached (for now) to her baby who is the symbol of his captivity and slavery (or it's what she want to believe)... refuses to let him here (so it's a boy..she didn't know) because she refuses to let the demons win, even a little. She'll have the last word, she'll not let her baby between their claws.
So when she return of the surgery, without chip or tattoo, she sees, in her room, in a cradle, a baby with some black hair on the head and a bandage on the neck, where was his tattoo, who has been removed too. He cries because he suffers of the removal of ther tattoo but as soon she takes him in his arms, he calms down immediatly.
Like if he recognized her.
Or maybe (probably) because he just wanted attention.
The Ratri clan offers her a appartement, they help Isabella to have a diplome ir two and also help her to find a job, they give her a bank account with a nice sum in it, and then, they leave her alone, in the human world, free.
Years pass, Isabella get used to her freedom, to her new life. Ray grows up in a world where he'll never been in danger.
Sometimes, he does nightmares where he sees monsters, and sometimes he touches his neck but there are nothing here, right? Why he feels weird about it...he doesn't understand.
When he's 6, Isabella feels happy, really happy. In another life, her son's life would now be at risk to be ended any months. Even if he's smart and would have probably survived until 12 years old. The thought of "he'll live past his 12th birthday" comes at her and she starts to cry, and Ray panicks "mum what's wrong?"
Now he's 8 and they speak about Ray's nightmares who come back so often. Isabella admits everything to him and he can't believe the luck they have had. He doesn't resent her, he can't blame her because he knows she loves him and he loves her too. And she looks so sad when she speaks about it....
He's almost 12 and she smiles because Ray will live, will grow up, will become a teenager and then a adult. no woman will take him to a gate to be killed and he'll never been eaten by a demon.
(Meanwhile Norman discovered the secret of the orphernage, but has bveen shipped to Lambda and Emma has lead the escape alone, with Don and Gilda and maybe another kid who took Ray's place? Maybe a kid who will sacrify his life for her at Goldy Pond?)
(After that, everything is the same except that Ray isn't here)
When Ray is 13, one day, a lot of children and adults with tatoos appears everywhere in the world. Isabella has flashbacks and wonders what happens. And then her son comes back with a unconscious girl with ginger hair. He finds her in the forest near of their home he says.
The girl wakes up, but her green eyes are full of confusion and she doesn't remember anything.
Isabella has now a house with four bedrooms (she had started to think about having another kid, just a thought for now) and offers one to the girl.
Months later, a lot of kids find her and call her "Emma". but she chooses to stay with Isabella and Ray because she got attached to them. And she enjoys to lives with them.
Everyone is confused to learn that Isabella and Ray WERE former cattle people but have been spared by the demons for some weird reasons.
"but why? Why you?"
"Actually i have never got a reason from them"
Everyone is even more confused to see Ray so attached to his mum (even knowing everything) because they have mixed feelings toward the one who raised them. She loved them but she had shipped so much of their siblings.
I shared this idea but i don't plan to write it. So if you are inspired...feel free to take it =)
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tmnm · 11 months
Intro 1- the human kids
Okay, I don’t particularly know how to start but early on, I want the human kids to be more prominent and be given actual character, and I’m starting this also with the humans, because we have an oc in the pile!
I tried to go more in depth with their personalities and their development, just some descriptions because I’m not sure how to kick off the plot.
(small warning for mentioned transphobia?)
April O’Neil
Starting off with April, she has kraang features from the start, and she’s a nervous cryptid child who will bite. She’s very attached to the concept of fitting in and being ‘normal’, she doesn't want to be seen as an outgroup. 
April’s definitely the mom friend, she took a lot after her dad (who’s way more prominent in plots) and she has a heart of gold. However, she tends to blame herself for everything and is a huge people pleaser to feel included. She has the flavor of autism where she wants to know people and wants to fit in.
She lived in Northampton with her parents until she was 6, but for some reason her dad fled to the city one day with her, and now he doesn’t talk about it. She’s been friends with Casey since diapers, and she really doesn’t have that many friends. She’s not completely out, but she’s on the aroace spectrum and a lesbian.
While everyone else in the group run to danger, she curls up into a ball and cries for 45 minutes before biting.
Casey Arnold Jones (later Casey Jones O’Neil)
Casey has depth as a character now! He’s very impulsive and has an ironclad moral compass, tending to run off from the group to fit his morals. He has the power of tmasc gay man power, don’t know where to throw that in
His home life is very similar to IDW, the main difference is that Kirby has essentially adopted him at this point.
He’s a ball of repressed emotions, and he has little to no self preservation because of that, he is very prone to getting carried away and he gets very defensive when he’s not included or looked down upon.
He’s the flavor of adhd that’s very empathetic, but it just turns into him getting upset because of it, he tends to like fighting and hockey because he can get his pent up issues out, he tends to fight a lot with people and has a very strong moral compass
Isabella Del Toro (later Isabella “D’este” Hamato)
Isabella is new to the friend group, she only joined the summer before after moving from Washington. She moved there for better physical therapy after losing her right leg, and she’s getting used to a prosthetic.
She was a jammer in roller derby before that, and her coming out as a girl (and also bi but less so) put a huge wedge in her relationship with her parents, who aren’t accepting.
She’s the flavor of adhd that she plays everything off as a joke, she doesn’t take anything seriously so she doesn’t think about it too hard, she knows her situation is fucked up but she’s too tired to admit that.
She’s less reckless and stays more to the side of fights, but when she’s in the heat of the battle, she usually needs to be dragged out of the situation because she’s either gotten her ass kicked or stopped in the middle of a murder.
She leans heavily on distractions, she appreciates helping people partly because she feels better knowing she’s leaving the world a little better than it was before, but also because she’s pissed that nobody helps them.
The vigilante stuff™️
Casey and Isabella are vigilantes, and April is confused on why they’d put themselves out there in blatant danger, while the other two are confused why she doesn’t see her connections as a call to action.
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Now I sooo have to ask about your hcs on Maria di Angelo's parentss! If you want, ofc <3
Okay, first of all, I will literally never shut up about how Maria's mom is Venus.
Now, Maria's father Salvatore already had a wife when he and Venus got together (think of this as an Alex Fierro situation) but he strayed. No one ever really found out, or else Sal's career would have been over.
Salvatore's wife was named Lucia Isabella Baresi before they got married, they were an arranged marriage of sorts (high-profile families seeking political gain) but happy together nonetheless. Lucia was kind, motherly enough, and well meaning, but she just wasn't close to Maria. She didn't feel very connected to her for some reason.
Maria is a middle child imo, I should probably mention that! She gives me youngest sibling vibes but she's a middle child because her dad felt guilty for cheating and felt like the only way to make up for his sin (even though Lucia never found out about his cheating) was to have another child. The first daughter was Angelina. She's the favorite, the golden child, the perfect daughter who came before everything went wrong (to Salvatore. Lucia loved all three of "her"daughters the same). Then there's Maria, the troublemaker, the sin herself, the hellraiser. Salvatore always has one eye on her, always making sure she's in line. Half of the time, she never was. And thirdly, there's Isabella Giana. She goes by either Isabella or Gia, and both names come from Lucia's mother and sister respectfully, the women Lucia was closest to. She was always attached to Salvatore's hip, as if he had to prove her legitimacy after the Venus and Maria incident. He paraded her around and took every opportunity to show her off in public, but at home he just wanted to be free of the reminders of what he'd done, the sins he'd committed. This was similar to how he treated Maria, wanting her at every function and formal event to prove he had nothing to hide. Angelina was the only daughter he truly loved.
Salvatore was constantly anxious. He didn't know Venus was a goddess, but he was in confessional nevertheless immediately after they had sex. He had cheated on his wife. He had gotten another woman pregnant. Venus had warned him this would happen. He repented, he prayed, but he was never at ease. His god held him accountable and he'd be sent to hell to burn in the afterlife. He was always looking over his shoulder, always worried someone would see that Maria was much more beautiful than Lucia or her sisters. He kept his distance from his daughters and was careful to discipline them when they weren't ladylike, prim and proper. He was all about keeping his image and reputation intact. It put a strain on his relationships with all three daughters and his wife, but he didn't mind all too much.
Salvatore and Lucia were loaded. They had a huge mansion and many servants and maids. They had chickens. There wasn't much need for him to be a dutiful, loving, attentive father anyway.
As I'm sure you can tell, Salvatore was a very religious man. I've talked about him exorcising Maria and Nico before. He had an ordained priest in the house at all times when Maria and the kids would visit. Said priest was often written to anytime Salvatore couldn't go to confessional or service. There are many frantic letters from Sal to the priest that are probably very funny. Stuff like "Thought of a boob today and liked it. Please Father don't let me burn for eternity".
Venus is interesting because she never had a presence in Maria's life. Like at all. But she "blessed" Maria with great beauty and charmspeak. She told Maria she was her mother when Maria was a toddler. She appeared next to her crib like "Hey. I'm a goddess, don't freak out, and I'm also your real mother. Your dad knows but Lucia can't. I don't care if you tell her, but she'll think you're crazy and your father might throw you into a river, and I don't particularly want one of my daughters to drown." and then left and never showed up again. Maria never said a word but read as many books on Roman mythology and her mother as possible. It freaked Salvatore out, and he burned the books each time he found them and paid the library fines.
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flovey-dovey · 2 years
I’ve been tossing this idea around for a long time where I make one o’ them ship lists that folks on here do, but my list is so ridiculously long and I get nervous and constantly forget which ones I’m not actively thinking about, so I never did, but I still kinda really wanna?? If any of these are your jam too let me know in the tags if you like. Some of ‘em have AUs attached, but I’ll leave descriptions of ‘em for later (or never :P).
So here’s a very plain part 1 under the cut! :D (not in any particular order)
Kung Fu Panda - Tai Lung / Po No Straight Roads - DJSS / Neon J, Tatiana / Mayday Sly Cooper - Rajan / Sly Cooper, Panda King / Murray, Mugshot + Don Octavio / Bentley (as in these two big bosses are smitten with the turtle and vice-versa) Toy Story - Buzz Lightyear / Woody Pirates of the Caribbean - Hector Barbossa / Jack Sparrow Epic - Mandrake / Ronin, Mub / MK A Bug’s Life - Hopper / Flik Nightmare Before Christmas - Oogie Boogie / Jack Skellington The Book of Life - Xibalba / Manolo The Great Mouse Detective - Ratigan / Basil Cars - Doc Hudson / Lightning McQueen Hunchback of Notre Dame - Phoebus / Quasimodo Ratatouille - Anton Ego / Linguini Sinbad Legend of the Seven Seas - Sinbad / Proteus Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron - Spirit / Little Creek (YES OK I KNOW so sue me) Megamind - Metroman / Megamind Madagascar - Vitaly / Alex, Skipper / Private Wallace and Gromit Curse of the Were Rabbit - Lupin Luminous Wolfgang (OC) / Wallace Tornado Outbreak - Nimbus / Zephyr Jak & Daxter II - Torn / Jak Kingdom Hearts - Axel/Lea / Roxas, Riku / Sora, Xaldin/Dylan / Marluxia/Lauriam, Luxord/’Dolur’ / Demyx/’Dyme’ (NOTE: Luxord and Demyx don’t have official names, so these are the names I’ve come up with after seeing others floating around) Avatar the Last Airbender - Zuko / Sokka One Piece - Shanks / Luffy, Zoro / Sanji, Franky / Usopp, Robin / Nami, Brook / Beck (OC) Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse - Ken / Ryan, Closet / Closette (OC) Code Lyoko - Xana / Jeremy, (OC who I forget the name of) / Odd Crash Bandicoot - Crash Bandicoot / Dr. Neo Cortex, Dingodile / Fake Crash, Crunch Bandicoot / Pinstripe, Ami / Megumi / Liz / Isabella / Tawna Luigi’s Mansion - (OC who I also forget the name of) / Luigi Kim Possible - Shego / Kim Sonic the Hedgehog (ships differ slightly game to game) - Shadow / Sonic, Eggman / Sonic, (etc. I forget about atm) Ace Attorney - Miles Edgeworth / Phoenix Wright, Franziska von Karma / Maya Fey, Godot / Phoenix Wright, Klavier Gavin / Apollo Justice
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tempo-takoyaki · 2 years
Thank you so much for telling me about the end of Giver (it's sad that you won't continue the fanfic, but I understand your reasons). Would you mind if I asked a few more questions? It's just that I really loved the story and I'm still curious about some things. How did Susan become an informant and why? And do you have any more information about her son? (Actually, I would be happy with any information about Susan, I really liked the character in the fanfic).
Sure, I don't mind at all ! ^^
The inhabitants of the House aren't aware of this, but basically Receivers receive a questionnaire upon leaving the House and are supposed to fill it with as much information as they can in exchange for points and rewards. Susan has just happened to have been there right before Andrew got killed, and mentioned that even though they used to talk a lot, she hadn't seen him the last day. The staff just put two and two together with other testimonies.
I don't have any information about her child. They are too young to pass any tests, and look more like Ray than Susan. That's all I can tell.
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Ray's father was a young Giver (the youngest at his time) called Charles. He was friend with Leslie and used to bring a lot of joy to the inhabitants of the House thanks to his music skills and his kind temperament. Also, just something that I liked to think, he was in love with Leslie, but never told him because he liked Isabella a lot too (as a person). After she left the house, and Leslie got shipped out, he waited until he received his first letter from Isabella (letters could be sent at the time thanks to an elaborate traffic) about Ray and what kind of child he was, before hanging himself in the dining room using his hair and a few bed sheets. Ray is apparently the only child he had that survived him. After his death, things when south in the House.
Ray didn't plan an escape like in the original universe because of similar reasons as Gilda: basically he was waiting for Norman to be with him to do so. However, as time passed he got attached to the other Givers as well, and after that his main preocupation became to protect them, and in the end, he didn't have time to think about escaping anymore. There was also a part of him that thought that since he lost Norman during their teenage years, what was happening to him was something he deserved, and fighting against it was useless, because it would only mean things would get worst. (Basically: low self-esteem)
Smee was honestly just there to talk about Norman's time before he got the House. Nothing happened to him before or after those events. He did help to hide some of the things going on at the House, but that's it.
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wordsnwhiskey · 3 years
As It Should Be | Chapter 11: It All Falls Apart
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Pairing: Agent Whiskey x F!Reader x Frankie Morales
Summary: It’s gameday in Colombia. The entire mission could have been boiled down to one single moment: Sunday, 09:00. Each minute that passed sent you careening towards tragedy.
Rating: M
WC: ~7.1k
Warnings: Guns, canon typical violence, swearing, character death, graphic description of injury (gore-ish), threats of death
A/N: It’s here! Day of the mission and the title really says it all. I don’t have much in the way of notes up top here other than buckle up!
Seriously, so much thanks goes to mi esposa, @danniburgh for beta-ing, she's been there with me from the beginning and who has known this was coming for months. Also a huge thanks to DA for helping me stay sane and for being so freaking encouraging. Love y'all so much!
Vocab: SITREP: Situation Report, HUD: Heads-Up Display
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Ch 10: Déjà Vu | Taglist Sign Up | AO3 | AISB Art
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The air was pushed from your lungs with a grunt as a blast flung you into the industrial railing of the staircase. You slumped down to the mid-flight landing, gasping for breath as you tried to orientate yourself and steel your mind against the pain in your ribs; it scorched your nerve endings, jagged and hot like lightning.
Sudden realization and panic arced through you, overriding your pain and giving you the clarity you needed to piece everything together. A charge attached to a pressurized container must have gone off. There was nothing you could do about it now, but there’d be hell to pay for Vodka when you got out of this. Assuming he got out of it, too.
Your vision was blurry; you were still struggling to focus your eyes in the aftermath. The sound of gunfire sent you scrambling to find better cover on the woefully open staircase, your heart thundering in your chest.
Everything had gone to hell, falling apart in the blink of an eye, and all you could do now was salvage what you could and try to make it out alive.
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The plans had been simple enough; not easy but simple; Tequila was going to act as a distraction while Frankie and Pope came in like a pincer from either side. From there, Tequila would move to secure the exit while Frankie and Pope cleared the house. They were banking on taking advantage of the panic and confusion while the guards scrambled to protect Duke and Isabella.
Meanwhile, you, Jack, and Vodka would set up small batches of explosives on the manufacturing machinery. The Weisels had warned you that due to the nature of their product, there would be no actual work taking place during your tour. Product would remain on the floor but in airtight containers. It worked better in your favor that way, anyway. You wouldn't have to worry about any Agent Red contaminating the air when you rendered the plant inoperable.
Simple, but not easy.
The entire mission could have been boiled down to one single moment: Sunday, 09:00.
Each minute that passed sent you careening towards tragedy.
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Frankie and Pope rose with grim determination. Frankie swiped his hair to the right with a quick brush of his fingers, then planted his hat firmly on his head while Pope laced up his boots. Tequila was almost shocked at the change in the two men. Over the last few days, despite the mission hanging over them, he had seen them both open up a bit more and share more stories about some of the jobs Pope had bid on and contacted Frankie for.
This morning, however, Tequila was met with the distant, stony faces of men who had killed before, and who were getting ready to do so again. Frankie’s eyes were dark and sharp but lacking their usual spark of life; it had vanished, shadowed by the death that would come later that morning.
They were both quiet, but while Santiago seemed to be steeling himself for what was to come, Tequila felt a curling tension from Frankie, something simmering underneath his skin, just waiting to come out and despite himself, it unnerved Tequila just the slightest bit. This was not the man who sat across from him, laughing at stories and teasing Bourbon. This wasn’t the broken man who struggled to come to grips with being back in Colombia. No, as Tequila took in the methodical way Frankie moved and the hard set of his jaw, Tequila realized this wasn’t the same man at all.
The trip was quiet as Tequila drove them to the shipping container for the last time, so that they could gather their gear and get into position for the op. They geared up with quiet efficiency; Frankie inspected a gun occasionally, then packed more gear and ammo into his backpack. They each did their own personal inventory check, patting down their pockets and looking over their backpacks one more time before loading up the truck and heading off towards the jungle.
The same palpable nervous tension that had been hanging low over their heads now consumed them as Frankie drove their truck through the picturesque wandering roads and hillside. Frankie and Santiago were drawn thin, the tension tugging, pulling the rubber band of their composure taut, and Tequila’s concern for them swirled in the air, mixing with the tang of their stress. He had all the confidence that they had successfully completed several ops and could see this one through but he worried about the rubber band snapping and one of them doing something they'd later regret or worse still, go off the deep end, letting it consume them, blind them and then they'd end up injured. He wasn't kidding when he said earlier that you and Jack would kill him if anything happened to Frankie or Santiago.
A dull roar descended on the windshield as Frankie parked the truck in the same spot they used before when they did their recon. The pitter patter of the rain as it fell made the frown that already darkened Frankie's face deepen further. Of course, it had to rain that morning.
The rain would make things slightly more difficult for them, drawing most of the guards inside rather than spread thin as they patrolled the perimeter of the compound. With a grunt, they got out of the car, then Frankie covered it with some of the surrounding underbrush before joining Pope and Tequila as they checked their comms.
"Alright, Fish, Tequila, we've been over this; we get into position and we go at 09:00 sharp unless Hawk, Jack or Vodka give us a signal otherwise." Pope took a breath, adjusting his hold on his rifle as he mentally prepared himself for what was to come. "If shit hits the fan, we meet here, or if the transport is gone, we meet at the RV Point. Got it?"
Frankie and Tequila nodded, the rain dampening the ground beneath them as they turned and headed towards their respective locations. The rain felt good on Frankie's skin, like the cool kiss of baptism, cleansing him for the coming blood that would be spilled and seep into the Earth. He rolled his shoulders, loosening the growing tension as he moved lithely through the thick of the trees.
When he finally reached position, Frankie forced himself to take a deep breath. He’d spent years trekking through terrain just like this. Years spent pushing his worries, his emotions, himself, down for the sake of the mission, and he’d spent years more trying to claw his way back to the surface. The last time he’d been in Colombia, he’d lost it. He’d fought so hard to keep a level head, but each bullet fired had punched a hole in his armor until he was left angry and raw. Frankie took another deep breath. <Catfish here, I’m in position>. He sighed, waiting for the others to give their SITREP. This time, he was determined not to lose himself again.
Frankie glanced at his watch, 08:30. Only 30 more minutes.
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Jack drove the rental Statesman had gotten for the three of you, tapping his fingers along to the upbeat song playing on the satellite radio. You were riding shotgun, checking your purse for the compact, adhesive explosive charges and detonators you and Vodka would be planting during your tour, while Vodka fidgeted in the back seat. From his nervous behavior and the way he was acting, you would have thought he was a junior agent on one of his first field assignments, and not a senior agent with countless missions under his belt.
“You good back there, Vodka?” You asked, doing your best to restrain the annoyance in your voice at the way his bouncing knee was hitting the back of your seat. “Your briefcase all set?”
“Yeah, of course, Bourbon.” Vodka sighed and leaned back, thankfully taking his knee out of range of your seat. “There’s just a lot of moving parts here.” A grunt from you was all the response he got.
You finished checking over everything, then turned to Jack and wove your fingers together with his free hand.
“Well,” you gave Jack’s fingers a light squeeze, then rested your head on the headrest. “If everything goes to plan, we’ll be in the jet and on our way back to HQ in three hours tops.”
The three of you finally came up on a large tract of land encased in a perimeter fence you had no doubt was complete with state-of-the-art security sensors in addition to the armed patrol you saw circling the exterior. Jack rolled to a stop in front of a call box outside of the gated entry and the face of a gruff-looking man illuminated the screen attached to the call box.
"State your business."
Jack rolled his window down, then nodded to the man and greeted him cheerily. "Jack Daniels an' company from Statesman here t' see Steven and Emily."
There was a brief pause, then the man nodded, “Confirmed. Welcome, Mr. Daniels. Please pull forward and follow the road to the main entrance. Mr. and Mrs. Weisel will meet you there.”
Jack smiled and tipped his Stetson, then pulled forward as the gates opened. The winding gravel road guided them to a giant rectangular building with a large heavy-looking door; the Weisels stood in front of it waving eagerly. Jack shut down the engine, then exited the car. You and Vodka followed suit, then greeted your hosts with smiles.
“Good morning Steven, Emily.” You nodded to both of them and shook their hands. “This is quite the facility you have here.”
Steven chuckled and puffed his chest out with pride. “Ah, yes, well, you’ll find that the interior is even more impressive.” Emily smiled and squeezed Steven’s arm, then turned. The both of them walked up the small flight of stone steps and Steven opened the door, ushering Emily, you, Jack, and Vodka inside before following.
Emily entered first, looking back at you as she did; her gracious hostess’ smile plastered on her face. “Given the… delicate nature of our product, as Steven mentioned earlier, we’ve shut down manufacturing while you’re here.”
A shiver ran down your spine, and gooseflesh traveled up your arms at the drastic change in temperature inside the building. “Sorry if it’s a bit cold,” Though her back was to you, it was as if she had seen you shudder and she continued. “We keep it cooler inside the plant. While it can last in temperatures up to around 100°F, we prefer to operate at a lower temperature to keep the product from spoiling.”
You cocked your head and frowned, then glanced at Jack before turning your attention back to Emily. “Is product stability a concern during distribution?” You asked, even though you were already familiar with how well Agent Red stood against heat. Ginger and her team had done extensive testing on Agent Red prior to the mission. Statesman wasn’t going to allow you, Jack and Vodka to blow up the compound without making sure you weren’t going to accidentally dose anyone within range of the wind.
“Not at all,” Steven spoke up from the back as he made his way to Emily’s side. “We transport in pressurized canisters or in temperature controlled vehicles so there is no loss of product.”
As the Weisels led you down a hallway and onto the production floor, Jack picked up his pace, allowing you to slip next to Vodka. “Remember, Vodka,” you murmured under your breath, doing your best to remain inconspicuous. “Keep away from the pressurized containers. We want those to go last. Detonating them earlier could bring this building down while we’re still in it.”
“Of course,” Vodka nodded. “I’m not one of your junior agents, Bourbon.” There was an edge to his voice even as he kept himself to a whisper and you fought hard not to glare at him for his petulance; instead you kept up appearances for your cover’s sake and slid back to Jack’s side.
Steven and Emily continued on, explaining the production process of Agent Red at a high level as they guided you through the plant. Every so often, you or Vodka would pause under the guise of examining the machinery, and attach a charge to any surface you could. They led you up one of the two curved flights of stairs, then down the industrial catwalk to their office.
“This,” Steven stopped in front of the giant bay window and gestured out towards the production floor. “Is our pride and joy.” He turned to face you, Jack, and Vodka; a confident grin playing at his lips. “Revenue has been skyrocketing. In fact, we can guarantee we’ll hit the high end of the projected profits we included in the agreement we drafted.” Emily took her cue and strode to the filing cabinets behind Steven’s desk, then began combing through them.
Steven poured drinks for all five of you, then sat down as Emily brought over the folio containing the agreement and placed it in the middle of the coffee table. Jack opened it, then sat back as he paged through its contents.
Your phone rang. Right on time. Frowning apologetically, you stood up. “I-I’m sorry. I have to take this.” You said, gesturing to your phone with a sigh. “It’s our corporate general counsel,” your hand found Jack’s shoulder, and you gave him a small squeeze. “They must have a few more clarifying questions for Mr. Meyers and I. We’ll just take this down the hall.” Vodka stood up, directing a small, apologetic smile towards the Weisels, then followed you to the office door. “We shouldn’t be more than a few minutes!”
<Hey Ginger,> you answered once you were far enough away. Vodka tapped your elbow when you reached a fork on the catwalk.
“Be right back,” he whispered. “I need to double check a few of the charges.”
You nodded, then turned your attention back to Ginger as she greeted you. <Hey Bourbon, I’ve patched in Team Beta; is your team in position?>
<Not quite, Ginger, but we’re a go for Team Beta to begin their advance. Vodka is checking on a few charges and Jack is with the Weisels in their office. We’ll be detonating shortly.>
<Okay everyone, I’ll be on comms and doing my best to keep an eye on things from here.> Ginger took a deep breath at her desk, back at Statesman HQ. This was it. <You’re clear to go. Good luck out there, everyone.>
“Your lovely assistant and financial consultant seem to be taking a while, Jack.” Steven drummed his fingers against the side of his whiskey glass and cocked his head, eyeing Jack suspiciously.
Jack smiled, looking unperturbed, as he leaned back in his armchair. He needed to lower their suspicions, and the best way to do that was to appear as though Steven’s concern was unwarranted. “It’s both blessin’ an’ a curse that we have such a thorough legal team.” He took a drink from his glass then set it back down on the table and shrugged as if to say his hands were tied in the matter. “Besides, those two are more curious than cats an’ about jus’ as easy t’ herd too.” Jack chuckled and shook his head affectionately. “Likely they jus’ stopped a moment in awe of the view of the production floor from up here. Don’t you worry now.” He drawled, waving his hand dismissively as he sat up, then tapped the agreement and smiled confidently. “They’ll be back along here shortly an’ well get that paperwork signed an’ ready t’ go.”
Steven nodded and smiled thinly, not quite convinced, and Emily shifted nervously in her seat.
Jack set his glass down, then paused, an uneasy feeling in his bones. Just then, a percussive blast sent glass from the windows flying inwards. Emily screamed as shards rained down on them, and Jack dove out of his chair to avoid the chandelier that swung dangerously above them.
Another blast went off, sending the chandelier crashing into the coffee table, and Jack covered his face with his elbow as more glass flew. Jack coughed as the dust settled and he cautiously rose to his feet, taking in the room as he did. His mind was racing. Something had gone horribly wrong; you and Vodka weren’t supposed to blow the charges until you were at least back in the office with him.
“What in th–” Jack’s voice got caught in his throat and he coughed drily, “–the hell was that?” he finished, coughing a few more times, relying on his Statesman glasses to pinpoint Steven and Emily’s heat signatures through the dust and debris. “Steven! Emily!” Only one heat signature came up on his HUD. “Y’all okay over there?”
Jack switched views on his glasses as the dust cleared and Steven came into view, laying over Emily. Shit. Ideally, they had hoped to bring the Weisels in to flip them and use them to dismantle the remnants of the cartel, but Steven sure as hell wouldn’t feel cooperative now.
Steven stood up and turned around to face Jack, gun raised and poised at Jack’s head. “You fucking set us up, Jack!” The gun shook in Steven’s trembling grasp as his voice cracked. “A-and n-now E-Emily’s dead!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hang on a minute now!” Jack put his hands out and ducked slightly in an effort to calm Steven and appear less of a threat. If push came to shove, he knew he could draw his gun faster than Steven would pull the trigger.
Steven's eyes moved to a spot just over Jack's shoulder and his brow furrowed in confusion. Two muscular arms wrapped around Jack, pinning his arms to his sides. Jack growled low in his throat as he threw a shoulder back to break the unknown assailant’s hold. A snarl twisted his lips and his fingers found the hilt of the knife at his side, then he slashed backwards, aiming to plant his Bowie in the person’s stomach, but then he felt a sharp impact on his shoulder blade that sent him stumbling forward. Jack’s eyes widened as he staggered and he met Steven’s hard gaze. He could still beat Steven to the draw. He dropped his knife and grasped at the grip of his Colt.
Gunfire echoed throughout the plant.
The air was pushed from your lungs with a grunt as a blast flung you into the industrial railing of the staircase. You slumped down to the mid-flight landing, gasping for breath as you tried to orientate yourself and steel your mind against the pain in your ribs; it scorched your nerve endings, jagged and hot like lightning.
Sudden realization and panic arced through you, overriding your pain and giving you the clarity you needed to piece everything together. A charge attached to a pressurized container must have gone off. There was nothing you could do about it now, but there’d be hell to pay for Vodka when you got out of this. Assuming he got out of it, too.
Your vision was blurry; you were still struggling to focus your eyes in the aftermath. The sound of gunfire sent you scrambling to find better cover on the woefully open staircase, your heart thundering in your chest.
Everything had gone to hell, falling apart in the blink of an eye, and all you could do now was salvage what you could and try to make it out alive.
You took a breath, reloading your pistol from behind your measly cover. The magazine slid home inside the grip of your pistol with a click and then ice water washed over you as dread echoed deep in your stomach: Jack hadn’t called in his position. <Whiskey? What’s your SITREP?> The responding silence dug a deeper pit of worry in your belly. After a quick steadying breath, you launched yourself to another point of cover; it wasn’t any better than your previous spot, but it would let you get a better look at Jack’s last known location.
Chancing a glance around your cover, you peered over towards the Weisels’ office at the end of the hall and the dread twisted in your stomach, piercing you like a dagger. An unmistakable pool of blood seeped from a source just out of view.
<Jack?> You called again on comms, dropping his callsign in your concern. <Jack, come in!>
The panicked edge in your voice made Frankie’s heart stutter. He swallowed around the lump in his throat and left the cover of the trees, making his way to the stone wall that encased the perimeter of the compound.
The white-hot fire of adrenaline and icy cold of dread warred in your veins, making everything move entirely too fast and too slow at the same time. You kept low as you left your cover and scrambled over to the doorway of the office; a choked out strangled sob left your throat as you sank to your knees.
There was Jack, laying in a pool of his own blood seeping from a shot to his head. <Oh g- oh god! No! Jack!>
Frankie halted his advance, rifle poised in hand as he stared blankly at Santiago on the other side of the compound. Pins and needles skittered under the surface of his skin, leaving an uncomfortable warmth in their wake only for the cascading rain to cool him, making him shudder.
Your hands were shaky as you reached out to touch Jack, stopping just shy of his cheeks; the remnants of fear and anguish marking his face. <J-Jack? No, no, no, no, Jack!> His eyes were open wide and unseeing, none of the usual warmth, affection or love sparkled back at you and another sob wracked your chest.
<W-Whiskey’s d-down!> You cried out, <J-Jack’s been shot! In-In the head...>
Frankie’s shoulders fell and something jagged and hard caught in his throat as his eyes fluttered closed; wishing to whatever power out there that this was a dream, a sick, terrible nightmare. A single tear rolled down his cheek, your cries of anguish shattering that fleeting hope. More tears followed, mixing with the raindrops that curled under the brim of his hat, carving little rivers through the dirt and paint caked onto his skin. His anguish morphing into something simmering and hot.
<Gotta… find… the gel…> The foreign, broken sound of your voice made you wince. Your thoughts were racing as you reached for Jack’s Stetson laying a few feet away and tore the adhesive off the gel pack. <N-no… Fuck!... Shitshitshit!> You hadn’t realized you were speaking out loud, far too engulfed in absolute horror when you realized a bullet had gone through Jack’s Stetson, nicking the alpha gel stored there.
Tears blurred your vision as you wrapped the alpha gel around Jack’s head; stomach churning at the small fleshy crater your fingers brushed at the back of his head as you did.
It wasn’t the first time you’d seen a gunshot wound, wasn’t the first time you’d seen someone lifeless before you or had someone else’s blood slicked your fingers. It wasn’t even the first time Jack’s blood smeared your fingertips, but never this much, never like this.
Never this bad.
Never someone like him.
The alpha gel would save him, it had before, and it would again.
More blue and orange fluid leaked, mixing with the blood on your fingers as you engaged the gel pack and you found yourself silently praying it would be enough, at least until you could reach Tequila. <Tequila… need your alpha gel… at the RV point.>
You were still talking over the comms, but Frankie only caught bits and pieces before his mind was completely overtaken by white noise and snow. He staggered, bracing himself with his shoulder against the stone wall of the compound.
A guard rounded the corner, a startled shout leaving him as he raised his pistol, sight trained on Frankie’s chest. Gunfire rang out across the compound and Frankie blinked as the guard crumpled. He turned slightly to see Santiago facing him, gun pointed at where the man had stood, and then more guards started pouring out of the building.
Bullets whirred by, sending bits of stone and debris flying. On instinct, Frankie pushed himself further into the stone wall, vaguely aware of a warm stinging sensation along his jaw and distantly, he realized the last bit of debris had cut him. He was aware of the bullets flying, the shouts, the chaos, Pope, Tequila and Ginger over comms, but it was like it was all happening to someone else.
Jack was gone… dead. And just like that, everything had fallen apart. He'd seen countless people snuffed out by one single bullet through their gray matter; hell, he'd contributed plenty to that number. In his years spent in the field, he'd never seen anything that could reverse death. There was no surviving a headshot; there was no hope.
In that instant, Frankie felt the entire world crumbling beneath him. His heart was in freefall as he slid down the stone wall, shattering with the rest of his restraint as he hit the cold, wet ground. The familiar eerie calm he had been fighting to keep down broke free, sharpening the blur in his vision and mind. Years of training and instinct took over; the rage of his loss effortlessly brushed aside the reservations his humanity clung to.
He didn’t care about being too quick on the trigger here.
Another guard rounded the corner and this time Frankie didn’t hesitate in raising his rifle and dropping him with a shot to the head.
<Tequila, take the rear entrance. Pope, cover me. I’m pushing forward.> Frankie’s voice was gruff and cold in Santiago’s ear. He’d heard that tone the last time they were in Colombia, and an uneasy feeling started to build in his chest. <Copy, Fish. Moving now.> Pope popped out from his cover and pressed forward with Frankie.
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The initial shock of seeing Jack lifeless had faded into numbness as you assessed the room. Emily’s body lay on the ground, cold, and covered in crushed cinder block and glass, but Steven was nowhere to be seen, and Vodka hadn’t checked in either. You grimaced. Vodka had gone down to check on the charges and while putting one near the pressurized containers was his error, if he was anywhere near the blast, there likely wasn’t much left of him. It didn’t matter right now though; you needed to move, and you needed to bring Jack with you.
You got to work undoing the leather holsters Jack wore and slid them on, adjusting them to better fit you, then you pocketed Jack’s mangled Statesman aviators. Voices echoed from down the catwalk and stairway, guards were coming. The best way to take care of them would be to detonate the rest of the charges but you had no idea what that would do to the structural integrity of the building and running out in a hail of bullets with Jack on your back was never part of the plan.
You took a deep breath. You’d hauled the guys out before on missions gone wrong, and you could do it again now. The voices were getting louder as you quickly tied Jack’s wrists together with his lasso; then you laid down with your back perpendicular to Jack’s chest, wrapped your left hand under his thigh, and gripped his jeans tightly before you rolled to your side, bracing yourself with your left elbow and knee. It was your first time doing a “ranger roll” since you’d left Delta Force.
You panted from the exertion, then took a moment to steady your breath. Your right foot was already planted and your right arm was slotted between Jack’s legs. A strange, wet, sticky sensation coming from your left arm made you crane your neck and look down. Jack’s head was resting against your bicep, leaving remnants of a mixture of blood and alpha gel to drip like molasses down your arm. Something wet and sticky was soaking your shirt After grabbing your pistol in your right hand, you stood up with a grunt. Christ, it had been a long time since you’d done this.
Realistically, you knew you wouldn’t be able to last long carrying Jack like this, but you just needed to get to a vehicle so you could meet the guys at the RV Zone. You peeked out into the corridor and saw guards armed with rifles headed your way. Shit… well, now or never. You grabbed the detonator from your pocket, then squeezed the button. The charges went off on the production floor, incinerating the Agent Red that was stored there in its raw form in a cacophony of red, orange, and black acrid smoke.
The explosions drew the attention of the guards away from you and the office for just a fraction of a second, but it was all you needed. You stepped out into the corridor, raised your pistol, then fired at the guards. The first three went down without a shot being returned, but the fourth one fired their rifle as the third crumpled. You turned back behind your cover. Jack’s weight made you top heavy and threw you into the wall a little harder than you had calculated; had it not been for the wall, you would have toppled over.
The pinging of gunfire blew divots in the metal and splinters of wood in every which direction. Your advantage was that they could only advance three at a time through the catwalk, and eventually they would need to reload. The moment came a few seconds later, and you stepped out again, emptying your clip before tossing your pistol, then drawing one of Jack’s Colts and finishing off the rest of the guards.
You adjusted Jack’s weight, then looked to your left for any additional guards before hurrying past the bodies strewn across the catwalk. Normally, you would have preferred to double tap them, but you didn’t want to waste any more ammo than you had to.
You let out a deep sigh of relief once you cleared the stairs and made your way to the main entrance, knowing that most of the guards and staff would be preoccupied with putting out the fires from the explosions.
The rental car was still sitting where Jack had parked; and after making sure you were in the clear, you made a dash for it. You opened the back driver’s side door and tossed Jack inside, frowning as you noted a considerable amount of the alpha gel had leaked out, then hopped into the driver’s seat. The keys were still in the ignition and you turned them frantically. The perimeter guards had caught on and started firing on the car as you peeled out of the compound.
<Ginger!> You called out, hoping she was monitoring your comm channel. <Ginger, I’m in the rental car with Jack. We’re en route to the RV point.>
<Bourbon?!> Ginger’s voice was frantic with relief. <Oh thank God you made it out.> She breathed out as she pulled up the rental car’s GPS to track your route. <Is Vodka with you?>
There was silence for a moment as you glanced in the rearview mirror, trying to put as much distance between you and the compound as possible before they started following you. <No… I…> A small twinge of guilt fluttered in your chest at the thought of leaving him behind. <He never called in with his status, but he said he was going to check on the charges when they went off. I’d be surprised if he made it, Ginger.>
You heard her swallow and you could almost see the soft, sympathetic frown that was undoubtedly twisting her usual cheery demeanor. <Bourbon, it’s not your fault. You had to get out, and you’re lucky you did with Jack.> Ginger tapped away at her keyboard for a moment, then the typing died out and she let out a frustrated sigh. <It looks like the camera we had him plant in his tie cut out. I’ll need to take some time to comb through the footage and clean it up.>
The leather of the steering wheel creaked under the force of your grip, white knuckling it as you stepped on the accelerator. You’d need to ditch the car and find another one to throw off any pursuers.
<H-hey, Ginger… I-I need to know what the odds are for Jack.> You chanced a look back at Jack. He was a mess of orange and blue murky fluids, and you were worried that more had leaked out than was being used to protect the delicate tissue and brain matter. <A lot of the gel leaked out a-and… I just need you to tell me-tell me if Tequila’s gel is going to work.> You drew in a shuddering breath that you knew Ginger heard. <I need to know what he’s going to be like if-when... > Your voice cracked, a betrayal of your body as it tried to shove your words past the impossible constriction in your throat. <When he wakes up. Will he be ok?>
Ginger wanted nothing more than to tell you everything would be fine, but she knew you’d want the truth. <I-I don’t know, Bourbon. It’s hard to tell without seeing him and this is the second time...> She bit her lip and pulled up past cases to see if there was any sort of precedent, fidgeting with her pen as she scrolled through the data. <Tequila’s gel pack should help but even if the nanites can repair everything, it’s impossible to know what he’ll remember… or which Jack we’ll get when he wakes up.>
Your lips pursed in a tight line and you thought back on how Jack had been not even a year ago when you had to knock him out to save him, and the world, from himself. You hoped this time things would be different, but that was for later. Right now, you just needed to focus on getting to the RV point and then getting Jack home.
Absent-mindedly, you checked the rearview mirror again and saw two cars quickly approaching. <Alright, Ginger, I’ll call you back in a few. Looks like I picked up a tail that I’ve gotta shake loose.> You disconnected the call before she could answer. Out of habit, you cracked your neck causing some of the alpha gel and blood that had leaked onto your shoulder to cling to your cheek. It sent a deep feeling of unease to your stomach.
You shook your head, dispelling your uncertainty. This would work. The alpha gel would work. Jack wasn’t lost to you and Frankie. You’d get him back and no matter who he was when he woke up, he’d still be the Jack you and Frankie loved. You glanced back at Jack one last time then drew one of his Colts before turning and shooting at the car behind you.
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Frankie was the embodiment of wrath as he prowled through the compound. Their plan had gone out the window, but that was hardly a deterrent for them. Tequila watched in morbid amazement as the soft-spoken pilot moved from thug to thug in quick succession. The need to reload didn’t even slow the pair of former soldiers. Instead, Frankie snarled as he bashed a man’s nose in with the stock of his rifle, then pulled his SOG combat knife from its sheath at his hip, and slammed the blade just under the base of the man’s skull before twisting the knife, severing the brain stem. Santiago covered Frankie with just as much deadly precision while Frankie shoved the freshly made corpse off of his knife, sheathed it, then reloaded.
Tequila was no stranger to the bloody realities of combat and killing, but he realized that this was the curling tension he had sensed in Frankie earlier; the man who could kill with brutal efficiency and leave bodies in his wake was now uninhibited, set free by grief and rage. Tequila blinked back to the present.
<Alright boys, I’m gonna circle ‘round an’ try t’ cut them off at the rear.> He called out over comms, then started his advance towards the rear exit. Hopefully, he’d still be able to make it in time to cut off Isabella and Duke’s escape.
A gruff affirmation came in response from Frankie as he made his way towards the main door. <Copy that Tequila, we’ll clear the house and flush them out.> Pope said as he took up position opposite Frankie, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before they yanked the door open and walked into a storm of lead.
“FUCK!” Frankie growled when a bullet grazed his arm. He heard Pope hiss in pain as well, even over the sound of their responding gunfire. If Frankie stopped and thought about it, he’d realize how lucky they were to walk into that proverbial death trap and so far only come out with a couple of grazes, but he didn’t stop to think.
There was movement to Frankie’s left, towards the back of the house, and he squeezed the trigger on instinct. Pope followed suit. They heard a crash, the sound of shattered ceramics, followed by a series of hoarse, agonizing cries. Pope motioned for Frankie to advance and when he did, he found Duke with a bullet hole in his leg, pinned beneath the dead body of one of his guards; two others lay moaning in pain. Frankie kicked their guns out of reach, then pulled his pistol out and shot the injured guards. Duke yelped in horror as gray matter decorated the tile.
Pope shoved the body off of Duke and hoisted him up so that he was standing then put him in a loose headlock. “P-please, p-por favor, my leg. It hurts! Y-you guys sh-” Duke’s pathetic whimpering was cut off by Frankie’s snarl.
“I’m gonna kill you right fucking here!” Frankie’s body radiated tension as he stalked up to Duke and shoved the barrel of his rifle in the man’s face. “Y’hear me?!” His face was twisted in disgust and contempt for the man being held up by his friend. Frankie lowered his rifle, jabbing it into Duke’s stomach as he leaned in close. “We fucking let you live, got you and your sister out of here, and this is what you fucking do?”
Duke whimpered and Pope licked his lips in anticipation, his gaze never left Frankie’s. He knew Duke was worth more to them alive than dead, but this was worse than Tom dying; Frankie was out for blood now, and there was hardly a thing in the world that would stop him.
“¿Sabes que, Duke?” [You know what, Duke?] A dangerous flame flickered to life in Frankie’s eyes and he cocked his head. “Tus socios mataron a alguien que era… muy importante para mí.” [Your partners killed someone... very important to me.] Frankie took a step back, slung his rifle back and drew his pistol then jerked his head to the side, motioning for Pope to move as he took aim between Duke’s eyes. “Y ahora… ahora me voy a vengar.” [And now... now I'm going to get my vengeance.]
Before Pope could move, Tequila jumped in, shouting. “Whoa, Fish! Hold on there!” Tequila swallowed thickly when he received no response, his eyes darting from Frankie to Duke to Pope. “We need him, Frankie. Isabella escaped, he’s our best lead.”
Frankie’s jaw clenched and then he gnashed his teeth and snarled out, “Fuck!” He lowered his pistol, holstered it, then turned to Tequila, wild-eyed.
“C’mon, we need t’ get outta here.” Tequila’s voice was sympathetic but still firm. “Bourbon is on her way to the RV point with Jack an’ if we get there, there’s a chance we can save him.”
“What the fuck do you mean?” Frankie did a double take, then narrowed his eyes and even Santiago whirled around to face Tequila. “Jack’s dead. He was shot in the fucking head, Tequila.” Frankie spat, the words tearing his heart further to shreds. He couldn’t afford to hope, and not for something as outlandish as what Tequila had just said.
Tequila pulled his hat off and quickly showed Frankie the alpha gel stored there before putting it back on his head. “Statesman developed this in case of a head shot. It protects the brain so they can repair it in the lab.” He started walking out towards the rear entrance he’d entered the building from, knowing Frankie and Pope would follow with Duke in tow. “Whoever shot Jack, hit the gel pack too, but Ginger seems to think we can use mine an’ it outta work for him ‘til we get back.”
Frankie shook his head, dumbstruck and trying to clear his thoughts to focus on their next steps; that treacherous flame of hope burning hot in his chest. Instead of dragging Duke all the way to their truck, Frankie hot-wired one of the trucks parked at the compound.
“¡Vamos, Pope!” He shouted and Pope shoved Duke in the back then got in next to him, while Tequila took shotgun, then Frankie sped off. Frankie gripped the steering wheel tightly, his bloodlust and desire for vengeance still not sated. “I’ll tell you right now, if we get to the RV point and Halcón isn’t there, I’m fucking killing him and anyone else who gets in our way.”
Tequila nodded and clung to the grab handle, “She’ll be there.”
Duke cried out in the backseat and Frankie’s gaze flicked up to the mirror, his eyes narrowing. “Shut him up, Pope.”
“I’m… trying.” Pope grunted in response as he tugged his first aid kit out of his backpack. “Hey!” He barked at Duke. “It’s through and through but I need to stop the bleeding… hold still!” Duke thrashed around in the backseat but Santiago managed to dress the wound then sat back and put his first aid kit away.
Duke stayed quiet from then on save for a hiss under his breath when they went over a large divot in the road as Frankie sped towards the rendezvous point. Santiago glanced behind them, making sure they weren’t being followed, not that they’d left anyone there to follow them. He looked over to Frankie, his brother-in-arms, and thought back to how he’d cut through everyone who had stood in their path.
Frankie was practically feral; not that Pope could blame him, but it made him worry. He’d follow his friend through the deepest pits of hell in a heartbeat, and he knew Frankie would do the same for him; the problem wasn’t the going, though, that came easy, the hard part was coming back.
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A/N: So the character death is a technicality. Even if they can get Jack back using the alpha gel, he did, in essence, die.
Thank you so much for reading! Reblogs and Comments are much appreciated!
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
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when the murder gets mysteried
more info abt them under the cut!
Carla (28, she/her): A Private eye and a v e r y good one, though is a bit blunt even outside of investigations, willingly to do a l ot of things to solve a case. Carla was hired by Alexander to attend the part he threw and essentially go undercover and keep an eye out for anything suspicious, he provided no reason as to why. She's just trying to do her job and is stuck with a v e ry interesting group of people, she's trying her best here JHGKHJ
Marie (25, she/her): A maid that works for Alexander and lives in his mansion, There used to be more staff but most of them were let go when Alexander started living alone, she's a pretty big recluse and riddled with anxiety about keeping the house in a decent state
Isabella (30, she/her): A b-list actor with some pretty decent claims to fame, she's a childhood friend of Alexander from elementary alongside Louis but because she moved away from their town, she hasn't been able to catch up much with Alex and louis outside of letters. She's outgoing and overall pretty friendly although she can be ve ry overdramatic at times and is pretty concerned over her reputation in other peoples eyes. Used to be married but divorced the guy a year before the party.
Inara (18, They/she): A young aspiring journalist, always up to try and dig into anything to discover the truth to varying degrees of success. She used to be tutored for violin by Alex until she was about 15. Their parents were actually the ones invited to the party but they couldn't go so Inara went in their place. They greatly admire Carla and all the work she's done and wishes to do something like her one day. They're friendly but a bit socially awkward at times, she'd rather go to an abandoned building and take pictures of it while trying to figure out what happened in there.
Louis (29, He/him): A successful author with a decent amount of acclaimed works under his belt, Louis met Isabella in elementary school and through her met Alex, Louis stayed behind in their town with Alex when Isabelle moved away. He's a kind and friendly man, with just- a lot of anxiety and doesn't leave his house much unless he has to, he can get way to into writing something and the next thing he knows it's 8 am and he hasn't slept at a l l. He's Trying His B e s t, but at least Alex drags him out to actually get some sun in (also he and Alex are exes but are on good terms and ma y still like one another but u didnt hear that from me)
Alexander (31, he/him): Born into wealth but did make most of his money when he became an adult through his music, he can play a l o t of instruments and quickly picks up new ones when he finds one. He's a v e ry charismatic, outgoing and friendly man, though he doesn't actually make too many public appearances outside of his performances and going to see his friends, he tries to keep s o m e level of privacy (it's not working). He used to live with his parents in the mansion he grew up, but his parents gave him the place and moved out, so for the most part he's lived alone besides the occasional lover he lets stay there, thats mainly why there's such little staff, he doesnt really need al o t to begin with. This party he throws is the first one he has ever hosted at his house, and well if it wasn't obvious it doesnt go well for him GHFGJKHLJ;K man d IES (mAYBE actually I might've gotten too attached to him to kill him off but we'll see GHFGJKHLJ)
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I imagined a AU: Isabella, post the evasion of Ray, Emma and the others is in trouble. Peter Ratri still decide to put her in the grandma position BUT decides to be the ultimate asshole by making her live another kind of "trial".
While she is still captive post evasion, before Peter visits her, they impregnate two embryos in her body: a boy and a girl.
She has to face it: the boy will replace Ray (they don't know that she knows it's her son, Peter told her to "punish" her too but she keep her poker face) she has to raise them by herself, even more like a mother than she was for Ray since it will be the two kids only with her.
She has to raise the boy to be the perfect premium for when he'll be 12, like Ray would have been if he didn't escaped, and the girl to be the perfect sister who will maybe take her place one day. Can you imagine the torture for Isabella? She has to do that again. Except that she feel that she'll not be able to distant herself again. It will be only the two kids with her after all. She will get deeply attached. she knows it. It's a punishment.
She still sings the lubally while they are in her belly and even after. She is thinking to Ray a lot. Ray who is alive, who is not dead, who will not be eaten, with some luck. Ray who has now siblings (they have also the same father) and who doesn't know. Who will never know. Who would die one day. And she knows that Peter would have the sadistic pleasure to tell her or worse to force her to "prepare" him.
These children will hate her too?
She knows that she'll not be able to not love them. It was already hard with Ray. And she is so tired.
A sister from Grace Field helps her. It's a girl that she raised, one of Emma's big sister. Isabella managed to save her. The sister is very protective of her, because she knows about the punishment and tries to help. She doesn't really feel anger toward her. She understands her. she wanted to live too.
When the kids returns to Grace Field, after the death of the queen and the capture of the other children, Peter decide to promise Isabella that he will let her live with the twins in the human world if she helps him. Total freedom. After all, premium kids are not useful for him anymore and he's ready to offer her this freedom.
But the cost? Ray. She'll have to give him to the clan. Maybe kill him herself.
But during the few months where she take care of her new babies, her love for Ray also became bigger. She can't abandon him or betray him or hurt him again, she doesn't want to abandon him. Even if he hates her. She pretents to accept; of course, what else can she do?
Now there are 2 possibilites
She still dies. It happens like in the manga. The sister who helped her brings the babies with her to come in the human world (because she wants to be sure to tell Ray). And when Ray starts to panick because Emma isn't here, she comes to him and told him. She told him everything.
Ray has to search Emma while taking care of his baby siblings. It's hurt. The idea that Peter forced his mother to have another boy to replace him? To make her live THAT again? He didn't forgive her but it hurts to imagine her in this situation. and so, often, when his siblings cry, he cradles them, singing the lullaby. Very often he himself cry when they finally fall asleep.
2) She survives because the wounds wasn't deadly. It's almost the same, really. Except that she is the one to raise the babies. Ray still search Emma but comes often to the house where Isabella lives. He has a room here. But he doesn't often stay. He knows that he will always have a place here but he doesn't feel like a home. Really he comes just to see his siblings, he can stay few days for them right? But when Isabella sings the lullaby to the twins, he stays at the door, and watch what could have been in another life. Their relation isn't the best but, while they both heal, things become a little better, slowly. At least, Ray can stay in the same house than her without feeling anxious or paranoiac. He can spent few days without trying to start a "fight" with her.
For his siblings, he says.
I do very much love the idea of a Grace Field girl the older plant #3 kids would know coming back into the picture, usually so Emma, Norman, Ray, Don, Gilda, and maybe Anna and Nat can reconnect with an older sister they thought they lost, but this girl but helping Isabella in this scenario is oof even if she understands the circumstances of why Isabella recommended her. Some painful beauty and comfort in that.
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metaphor-cheese · 3 years
2nd dimension hcs timeline:
-the invasion happened 5 years ago, placing candace at age 10, and all the kids at age 4 (except buford who was 5)
-perry went on his last mission shortly beforehand. Only when he was defeated and reprogrammed did doof take over the tristate area. The other agents were made cyborgs a short while later
-when the invasion happened, candace was inside watching tv while the boys were outside playing. No one else was home. When candace saw her show be interrupted by doof announcing his conquest of the tri-state area, she rushed outside to see norm bots taking names and personal information from her neighbours for their papers (by force if necessary) and goving out copies of the new rules and put herself between them and her brothers, giving the information for her whole family
-the fireside girls’ Babey Troop the lil sparks were in a meeting at the time. Isabella and baljeet (who’d only joined a week ago) were in the group at the time of the invasion. Their den mother sprung unto action and hid the kids in the base’s secret bunker while she tried to gather information on what was happening. They stayed hidden there for a week before the rations supply ran out and the den mother had to admit defeat as this invasion looked pretty permanent. Everyone was sent home to their relieved families, though instructed to come back to the base regularly for their fireside girl training. (They soon created underground tunnels to each of their houses so as not to alert the norm bots)
-buford had won biff that day. On his way home he was stopped by a norm bot who, being programmed to hostile to animals, stole biff and went on to kill him. Buford was radicalised on the spot
-unknown to the fireside girls, the den mother was contacted by OWCA and teamed up with some of their remaining human agents in attempts to take down doof during the first few months of the dictatorship. They made good progress, but it didnt work and since they were targeting the inner workings of doofinshmirtz evil inc it wasnt really visible to the public that anyone was fighting for them. She continued training the lil sparks (now the only troops she could talk to) on the side, teaching them skills they’d need to resist the dictatorship
-candace started her rebellion two months after the invasion after stewing in fury at the injustice. It started with little things like throwing rocks at norm bots. They were updated so they werent so easy to take out, however since candace’s attacks were always in public people started talking. All adults were too afraid to fight doof, however the other kids at school were on board so she accepted them into the resistance
-since it started as just a bunch of kids with no order, candace created a tough, no nonsense nonsense persona (modelled after a character from a war drama lawrence watched) to command their attention. As the years went on she would slowly become the mask
-worried about the brainwashing in doofs schools, candace convinced linda to homeschool the boys. They grow up spending most of their lives inside the house
-three years into the dictatorship and the fireside girls den mother is captured. By this point she had tentatively started taking isabella, her best pupil, on missions and she was with her on that day. Before she was captured, she gave isabella the stolen information, her sash and made her a full fledged fireside girl and told her she was brave and smart enough to be the leader of the group from now on, before sending her back to base and giving herself up. Practically overnight isabella started training the fireside girls (now minus baljeet, since he realised he’s both trans and terrible at most fireside stuff and became their scientist instead) to take over their den mothers role
-candace meets buford who has been a solo anarchist for the past few years, getting away with breaking rules by just. Besting the norm bots with something heavy. Despite him being so young, candace figured he was safer in the resistance than causing havoc on his own where his recklessness could easily get him caught. She brought him into the resistance and tried to train him but because its buford he just resisted everything she told him and was generally a pain in the ass. She managed to teach him a few essential skills like how to deactivate a norm bot in an untraceable way through reverse psychology, but generally accepted that his role in the resistance was just gonna have to be a wildcard barbarian caveman-with-stick fighter. She never actually sent him on missions much since he was still like. Her brothers age and she was kinda attached to the kid
-soon after this the newly rebranded firestorm girls finally track down the other group who’s fighting against doof and ask candace to join the resistance. Candace is impressed by their skills and base (which is much better than the abandoned warehouse she’d been using) and officially welcomes them in as a separate division. She also gives them buford cos she hopes he’ll calm down and be subtler when its not an authority figure telling him to. He doesnt (also bc that is A Child and he needs friends his own age)
-candace discovers the den leader’s ties to OWCA in the files isabella gave her access to. She sucessfully contacts monogram, but as he’s already been captured and enslaved theres not much he can do other than give her a location to work out of and tell her some agents weaknesses
-after a while of working in isabellas division, buford gets sick of the rigid organisation of the firestorm girls and baljeet and decided to start resisting them to a collective eyeroll of the entire rebellion
-the portal is opened and the events of the movie start
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galaxina-the-pyro · 3 years
So I'm kinda curious, what is your "Like Father, Like Son" Au?
Oh my...I was honestly afraid someone was gonna ask me this, but I kinda wanna answer it so...yeah. X'D
The AU started off as a "Doof is Phineas' dad" fan fic that evolved into something else entirely...sort of. Doof's not Phineas' BIO dad in this AU to put it simply - that just wouldn't make sense for the story I've written for it.
Basically, the AU takes place in "another 2nd Dimension" - the 2nd Dimension with the 2D cast still exists, this just takes place on another route (because I doubt that the number of dimensions is that finite if the movie is to be believed). Kinda like @lyllaotterofhalfworld's Platydad AU, everyone there is kinda the opposite of their canon counterparts, only I take a different approach.
Phineas is the main protagonist of this AU - he is an orphaned/abandoned little ragamuffin that Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel ended up taking in after finding him in a dumpster. He is creative and fun-loving much like the Phineas we know, but has a much more destructive way of going about it, often choosing to blow stuff up than build something in particular (though he CAN build things and has - his favorite part is just the demolition). He's a little troublemaker who likes to break rules, worldly possessions, and starts some fires here and there. He's also inhumanely strong and indestructible, with boundless amounts of near-unhealthy optimism. He can be pretty selfish and a brat, often at odds with the people who took him in, but ultimately is very caring towards others in spite of his more unstable tendencies. He's an adventurous daredevil that is incredibly extroverted.
Doofenshmirtz is the deuteragonist, and much like in the 2nd Dimension, he is a dictator (though his reign goes far beyond just the 2nd Dimension). He is almost nothing like his counterpart - rarely cracks jokes or smiles, is very no-nonsense, and is incredibly intimidating - it's also very clear that while he never wanted to be a dictator, he is the only reason why the inhabitants of Danville have not been killed by their own hubris. He's often the straight man to everyone else's insanity, though he too is quite the character, often displaying the same kind of reckless behavior and Phineas (and even somewhat encouraging it). He tends to keep people at arms length, but cares a lot for Phineas and Schnitzel's well-being and happiness. He lost both Charlene and Vanessa in a blimp accident and was never the same ever since. He also has a softer side when it comes to animals, stating that they're easier to understand than most people. Though he often is fine with Phineas' antics, he's equally overprotective of him.
Schnitzel (my OC) is the tritagonist, and is Doof's righthand (wo)man. She's a medical professional who's in charge of multiple factions of DEI, and is always stressed and suffers from high levels of anxiety. Always having to keep an eye on Phineas and to make sure Doofenshmirtz doesn't feel like being an idiot, she's often the voice-of-reason, or at least tries to be, her fear often driving most of her decisions. She is incredibly motherly, but can be very blunt and violent when provoked to rage. The universe seems to absolutely hate her, seeing as she's often the target of a lot of the slapstick in the AU. She's Doofenshmirtz's love interest and closest friend, being incredibly loyal to him and Phineas, as well as to Charlene even after she died. In spite of being the universe's punching bag, she often comes through when the call to action arises.
The AU centers on these three dealing with multiple antagonistic forces such as the OWCA, a "heroic" organization that experiments on animal agents to take on DEI (led by Monogram, the man that supposedly was responsible for Charlene and Vanessa's deaths), The Resistance, a group of teens bent on overthrowing Doofenshmirtz by any means necessary (that's also lead by Phineas' older sister, Candace, who very much hates him and is sadly blinded by anger to see that she's not being reasonable), and even LOVEMUFFIN, the very organization that rules over most of the planet that Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel both work for. They also deal with a bunch of misadventures as well, some typical familial drama, that kinda stuff.
A lot of the times Isabella, Phineas' best friend/crush (the boy just...loves her so very much, he can't even, if only she frigging knew, come on, it's so obvious), will tagalong on these adventures along with the likes of Ferb (who is NOT Phineas' stepbrother in this, but is considered his OTHER best friend - really, Ferb is trying to assassinate Doofenshmirtz for Candace, but grows attached to the very annoying triangular redhead), Buford, Baljeet, Irving, Django, and the Homicide Girls (the Fireside Girls of this AU). There's more to them as well, but that's about the gist of it.
Phineas also has a hamster named Freddie (ala @sortofcaffeinateddoodles) instead of Perry - I'm not actually entirely sure what Perry's role IS in this AU, anymore. He's definitely THERE, I'm just not sure what his relationship is with everyone else, or even if he's a good guy or a bad guy. Freddie's fun - he's got a knife. No one knows where he got it from, but he has one, and Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel are concerned.
This is mostly a very self-indulgent AU, that I guarantee is not for everyone - especially since I portray certain characters like Candace and Linda in particular in a very bad light, some characters like Vanessa are dead/are probably gonna die, and the fact that there are OCs in this story, blahblahblah. Oh. And they cuss a LOT - this isn't a kid friendly AU. I do plan on writing a fic where the canon-verse meets this AU, cuz I feel like it would be interesting for the characters to interact. Though I already do that with @lyllaotterofhalfworld, and our three-way AU where her AU, my AU, and the canon-verse Phineases all interact and stuff, and it's great and I wanna do more of that.
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mc-critical · 3 years
I'm so angry with Süleyman. Even if his love for Mahidevran faded, I think he should have still respected her as mother of his first Şehzade. He gave all his love to Hürrem but he also gave too much power to her against Mahidevran (basically giving everything Mahi dared to want to Hürrem). I think he had such big influence on the bickering of two women and he was responsible for every trouble that came out from it.
Oh, you have no idea how much I agree with all of this! Süleiman should've managed this all better and he could, but didn't want to.
What failed even harder for me there was him just seeming detached to Mahidevran from day one. The contrast between the flashback in the first episode and how he met her when she arrived in Topkapi was so strong - it was clear something was very different. And you know, I would never fault someone for simply falling in love, because despite of everything, yes, SS fell in love with Hürrem and it's something no one could change. That's why I think he never actually loved Mahidevran. He could've been very passionate for her in Manisa, yes, but love? I highly doubt it. If he loved her, he wouldn't have done what he did.
What also annoys me immensely about all this is that since he didn't really love Mahidevran in my eyes and he has already grown tired of her by the time he came to Topkapi (look at how even before they met again in E01, Valide asked for Mahidevran in a scene right before the first ring flashback, SS responded.... not indifferently exactly, but way too simply, like he was simply stating facts. Compare and contrast that to the way he spoke about Hürrem and reacted about Hürrem throughout S01 - he had this excitement and happiness radiating from his voice, something we never ever saw with Mahidevran right from the start.), it's like he only waited for a reason to discard her nearly entirely. There's no doubt that Mahidevran's actions in S01 added even more fuel to the fire and had an impact on how SS viewed her, but to me, it always felt like these actions were only a reason for him to discard her nearly entirely and go to his loved one. It's like in Topkapi, Mahidevran wasn't anything much to him even before the whole conflict began (and also viewed her as an obligation: he didn't kick her out when she went instead of Hürrem because of this and this alone) and her actions only helped and cemented the rift between them, because SS never actually loved her, they weren't the whole and main cause of it. It's like he used them as an excuse and it was horrible. Look how anytime he scolded her, he always capitalized on himself, how he took it, not how his love was hurt and how much damage Mahidevran's actions could've actually done. He puts only himself on the center stage and it always seemed more like his Ego was wounded and that was the only thing that mattered to SS. No matter how much he loved Hürrem, Süleiman cared about his Ego first and foremost, because he scolded people for actions that concerned himself the most and he could freely ignore actions against others, he forgave Hürrem for killing Isabella after all. When it's against him, it's a cardinal unforgivable sin, when it's not, it could be fine, as long as it's his loved one. He outrightly admits the attachment he has to Hürrem and how he lets her get away with stuff anyone else would have been beheaded for, similarly to Ibrahim.
Yup, he absolutely fueled the conflicts between the two women... solely for his Ego and amusement, really. The way he so often used Mahidevran when he was mad at Hürrem, as a way to punish her and spite her, was so disgusting. And he actually made both of them suffer because of it, since while he invited Mahidevran in his chambers, he didn't touch her at all and all her hopes were in vain. He did all this purposefully and it empowered the enmity between them. What's even more hypocritical is him always saying that he didn't want trouble in his family and yet he intentionally pulls strings that cause conflict among his family.
He should've been handled things better with Mahidevran, a little more respect and a little less hypocrisy because of his Ego would be in order. Because in example, I sure didn't get why he refused to free her in E45. All I saw was him being irritated that she dared question him so openly. One could argue he didn't do so, because he didn't love her or because "she didn't ask it for a good deed", like Hürrem did, but these are solely excuses he would love to use, and she caused that ruckus to begin with, because he didn't let her in, why exactly? No reason at all, except because he can and because of plot convenience. (one of the big problems I have with the whole episode - most things happen because they're forced to by the writers, because they're convenient to the plot)
Like.... he's so well-written and interesting as a character, but I hate him so much when it comes to this. He ended up only causing misery and pain to his family when that was his biggest fear and his treatment of Mahidevran and Hürrem and his utter hypocrisy were the earliest pinnacles of this.
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12 Dancing Princesses Thoughts/ Headcanons/ Assorted Stuff that Came to Me in a Dream
I’m kind of tired, so this may be incomplete. I wanted to put it out there, though. My dreams have mostly been from Courtney’s perspective, not an omniscient one. Because of this, there may be some gaps.
- Deserved so much better
- It actually makes me upset. I woke up from one of my 12dp dreams in TEARS because she deserved so much better.
- After Isabella passed, Ashlyn took on the role of being a maternal presence to her sisters. She did this extremely well, but it’s also heartbreaking how she pushed herself to grow up.
- Randolph was not a capable father during the lowest periods of his grief, and Ashlyn definitely had to compensate for this.
- Randolph... could have been kinder to her, especially after the queen died. He couldn’t look Ashlyn in the eyes. She reminded him too much of his late wife.
- Isabella wanted Ashlyn to inherit her belongings and position, but Randolph had his own favorites (I promise I don’t think he was an evil person, but he could have done better).
- I think Ashlyn would identify as bisexual.
- She knew several instruments, but was most attached to the flute. Her most treasured memories involved Isabella giving her flute lessons.
- She was expected to be the mature one all the time, so she repressed a lot of her own frustrations in favor of caring for others.
- She was closest to Blair and Courtney.
- She was a little soft spoken, and one of the most “ladylike”; Ashlyn was one of the sisters who struggled least with Rowena’s lessons.
- The younger sisters had a hard time remembering that she was a person capable of all sorts of feelings. They expected parental behavior from her, and got really confused when she expressed negative emotions.
- Some of the sisters assumed Ashlyn didn’t care for sweets, because she would offer hers to the others whenever they got any. In reality, she thought this was kind behavior. She showed sacrifice in several, seemingly inconsequential, ways.
- Despite seeming so mature, she always felt as if she stopped growing up after her mother passed.
- As the sisters grew up, Ashlyn really struggled with finding her purpose. She didn’t get the power her mother promised her. She put her own ideas and prospects aside to care for her sisters. She ended up floating from kingdom to kingdom, with varying success in several different courts. She eventually came  to live with the other eldest sisters.
- Despite being (in my view) cheated out of her kingdom, Ashlyn seldom expressed frustration or resentment. She adopted the attitude of a retired noble early in life, spending a lot of time on composing music and serene hobbies.
- horse.... horses..... sleeping in the stables...... with the horses
- I’m kidding! Mostly!
- Blair was bold and opinionated. She also loved witty conversation and comedy.
- What else did she love? Horses.
- She would sneak out all the time to ride.
- Her favorite horse was black and very tall.
- She was closest to Ashlyn and Courtney.
- Blair was sick in childhood.
- Though the older sisters were known for being more refined and elegant, Blair pushed this notion plenty.
- She loved adventure.
- All of the sisters missed the golden pavilion, but Blair struggled with this a lot.
- She didn’t have as many problems with Randolph, but sometimes she would CAUSE problems on purpose (mostly defending Ashlyn and calling out his favoritism).
- She turned her own estate later in life into a close replica of the pavilion. The grounds were massive.
- She was intelligent, but struggled with many academic tasks. If she needed to read something that was challenging, she would often hand it to Courtney for help. She would only have motivation to read if it was about subjects she loved.
- This is ironic, because she later came to be a published writer. I believe these were short works, similar to pamphlets.
- Blair enjoyed throwing and attending large balls and gatherings. She was still chasing the thrill of the magical visits she’d make with her sisters.
- Blair was considered extremely beautiful, and drew admirers wherever she went. She accumulated many pieces of ruby jewelry this way.
- She also liked wearing capes and cloaks.
- Generally shy, Courtney made an exception when she stood up for Ashlyn.
- Courtney longed to travel, and books provided her with a form of escapism until she was able to.
- She had a health scare after the events of the movie, and this somehow tarnished her standing in society??
- She wasn’t straight, probably a lesbian.
- She was well read on political matters and the history of their kingdom, and would often be the first one to noticed Randolph’s incompetence in certain areas.
- She was a young teen when she first started rewriting her father’s treaties in her spare time. She learned after the first time not to bring her drafts to him.
- When Ashlyn and Blair left home, she grew closer with Fallon. Both had a streak of wanderlust, and gravitated towards the romantic.
- Courtney published poetry under a pseudonym starting at a young age. This probably helped her somewhat. As she grew up, her poems grew in notoriety, and many debated who their true writer was. A significant portion focused on love between women and feeling trapped.
- I think she had been to Apollonia (Antonio’s kingdom in Island Princess) several times, and knew both Luciana and Antonio from an early age. I think this was the case for many of the older sisters.
- After their mother died, the girls traveled less, and met less new people. Courtney was bothered by this.
- She was generally thought of as calm and quiet, but she felt emotions deeply ( even if she didn’t always express them).
- Athletic and spunky
- Delia enjoyed more structured sports.
- She was prone to sunburns.
- Delia was enamored with the sun and light. She would hang prisms next to her windows to watch the light refract.
- She was closest with her twin, Edeline. They enjoyed playing croquet together and (though it was usually harmless) gossiping.
- Delia had a temper. She would deal with guilt afterwards if she lashed out at someone.
- Her emotional regulation issues came to light after her mother died.
- Delia dealt with a lot of guilt in general. She didn’t feel as put-together as her older sisters, or as carefree as the younger ones. She felt guilty for not fitting in, and expressed feeling like an inconvenience to those around her.
- Outsiders thought she was dim-witted, and she internalized this.
- Delia often had a problem of interrupting people or speaking loudly, so it was advised that she stay quiet when visitors came. This really hurt her self esteem, since she was always happy to make new friends.
- Rowena had offended her when she was a young girl, and Delia never forgot this.
- Delia liked birds, and hummingbirds fascinated her.
- She had to learn to accept herself later in life. 
- She discovered people who appreciated her for who she was, and finally left her inhibitions behind. 
- After that, she became known for her charisma and charm.
- Edeline shared a lot of interests with her twin, such as sports and outdoor activities.
- She enjoyed making others laugh.
- Once Genevieve married Derek, Edeline took it as her cue to BULLY that poor man.
- Seriously, it probably warded off suitors for her other sisters.
- It was usually in good fun, though.
- Edeline disliked rules and structure.
- She was closest with Delia.
- She often stood up for her twin.
- Edeline had a good ear for gossip, and had her own methods of fact checking stories she’d heard.
- Something happened with her at Genevieve’s wedding?? Maybe she broke something??
- Edeline traveled some, but found her way back home eventually.
- She DESPISED Rowena. None of the sisters liked her, but Edeline couldn’t stand her from the beginning.
- Edeline would have loved to know about the concept of roast humor.
- She liked to have sleepover-like setups in their bedroom. She would build forts and encourage the others to come tell ghost stories. When the memories of her mother came to her, she felt the need to DO something, even if the action wasn’t necessarily related.
- She became known for her humor.
- Fallon was pretty much independent, until she and Courtney bonded.
- Fallon always wanted pets, and was jealous that only Genevieve was allowed to have one (besides....bugs and the horses, who were kept outside).
- She would try to befriend wild animals, and nursed some injured animals back to health.
- I don’t think Fallon was straight.
- Fallon was sensitive, and had a hard time dealing with Rowena’s harsh treatment.
- Fallon had nightmares, and would often go to her older sisters for comfort.
- She enjoyed the company of others. She would spend time with servants and other people considered to be below her station.
- Fallon played the harp.
- She loved the softer aspects of life. 
- She devoted time to charitable causes.
- I just know that she did that classic princess trope of posing as a commoner. That’s such a her thing to do.
- She gained a reputation for being eccentrically kind. She had a large family of animals, who she took EXCELLENT care of.
- You may have noticed that the older sisters were generally closer with each other. Well, Genevieve wasn’t, and she made it that way.
- She.... liked to act like she was in charge. She often undermined Ashlyn’s efforts.
- She was Randolph’s favorite.
- Genevieve got along better with the younger sisters, especially Lacey.
- She probably did have leadership skills, but a lot of them came from acting like she did.
- Like I’ve implied above, she got a lot of power after she married, instead of Ashlyn.
- Derek wasn’t a bad person, but he was a COBBLER. How did she get more political power by marrying a COBBLER?
- She butted heads with Blair and Courtney quite often after the events of the movie.
- Basically, she had Main Character Disease dsfghjk
- She traveled less than the other older sisters.
- Admittedly, she wasn’t a poor leader.
- I have a feeling she adopted a lot of children later in life.
- She and Derek had a pretty long transitional period after they married, meaning they spent more time really figuring out who they were as a couple rather than jumping into their duties right away.
- Genevieve kind of symbolized the cutoff for the sisters who had lots of solid memories about their mother and those who didn’t.
- She was one of the best dancers out of the sisters.
- She was brave and self-assured.
- She knew what she wanted, and she would get it.
- After Twyla, she got some other cats. They were mostly orange and/or long haired.
- She never quite shook her habit of being late.
- Hadley was closest to their twin, Isla.
- As Hadley grew up, they became more comfortable being gender nonconforming. They may have been trans, but I don’t remember.
- Hadley enjoyed fencing.
- Stilts were Hadley’s first love, and led to appreciation for other daring activities.
- Hadley also loved the ocean. Many of their adventures involved being at sea. They spent years sailing longside their twin on a ship Genevieve gifted them.
- Rumors swirled that they were a pirate. Though these weren’t true, Hadley didn’t mind.
- Hadley was energetic and intuitive.
- Hadley was an athletic risk-taker. They enjoyed acrobatics and other feats of the human body.
- Hadley became known for their adventurous exploits and fencing prowess.
- Though Hadley initially idolized Genevieve, she eventually sided with Ashlyn and the other older sisters once she learned the whole story.
- Hadley stayed with the older sisters after whatever scary thing happened with Courtney.
- Hadley mentored people, and may have been a teacher.
- She really missed the times when all of their sisters got along.
- There were rumors that Hadley was affiliated with darker forces, when in reality Hadley was one of the most well-adjusted.
- Isla was closest to Hadley.
- Isla liked adventure, but she was less daring than Hadley.
- Isla stayed our of most business involving the older sisters, preferring to spend time with her twin.
- She loved swimming.
- Isla had a collection of maps.
- She was known for being easy going. 
- She sometimes had to bring Hadley down from an idea that seemed too dangerous.
- Isla was the voice of reason in some situations.
- She never lost her passion for dance, and learned new styles through their travels.
- Isla had pet birds.
- She was admired for her grace and acrobatic talent.
- Isla enjoyed circus-like acts.
- She was more bothered by the pirate rumors than Hadley.
- Isla enjoyed researching magic, and trying to find a way back to the magic pavilion. 
- Isla was non-confrontational.
- She tried many forms of artistic expression, from writing to painting.
- Isla was loyal to Hadley, and would be there for her twin no matter what.
- Janessa maintained her love of insects.
- Since they were so young when it happened, none of the triplets remember details of the magic pavilion. If their sisters weren’t there to confirm their memories, they would have thought it was a dream.
- Janessa grew up to be very interested in science.
- Janessa found the proper way to care for insects, and took pride in how well she did it.
- She was prone to worrying.
- She often lamented the fact that she was so young when they visited the pavilion.
- Janessa was considered obedient and passive.
- Janessa heard how much she looked like her mother (though not as much as Ashlyn). She had mixed feelings about this, because she couldn’t really remember what her mother looked like.
- Janessa was closest to Kathleen.
- She became close with Edeline and Delia when she got older.
- Janessa knew she wasn’t Randolph’s favorite, and took this personally. She tried, especially in her youth, to gain his approval.
- She also knew that Genevieve preferred Lacey, even though all the triplets looked up to Genevieve.
- Janessa balanced her love for science with her royal duties, and used what power she had to provide exposure and resources to research institutes.
- Kathleen was creative and unconventional.
- She was closest with Janessa, and became close with Isla later in life.
- Kathleen was known for her paintings.
- She started out painting things like landscapes, then moved into less traditional subjects.
- Her royal portraits were renowned in particular. They captured royalty doing activities that were important to them, or in significant fantasy settings.
- She painted portraits of her siblings and father. These became their favorites. She captured: a relaxed Ashlyn writing music, Blair on horseback in mid-air, Courtney in her library, Delia in the sunlight, Edeline in a fantastical outdoor scene, Fallon with her animals, Genevieve dancing, Hadley fencing, Isla swimming, Janessa surrounded by flying insects in the sky, and Lacey at work.
- Though she tried many times, Kathleen was not satisfied with her attempts of painting her mother. She felt like she was simply copying pre-existing portraits.
- The only painting of her mother she was somewhat pleased with was one of Queen Isabella walking away, her back to the viewer as she walked into a golden pavilion.
- Kathleen tried to paint the magic pavilion, and these painting had a fuzzy, dream-like quality.
- Her art gained a significant following.
- She was Randolph’s second favorite.
-Lacey was unshakably loyal to Genevieve. She didn’t understand why the older sisters were upset about her being given power and land.
- Lacey struggled with illness as a child. She was inspired by the healing water at the pavilion to study medicine.
- Lacey struggled with muscle strength and coordination well into adulthood.
- Despite this, she continued dancing.
- She looked very similar to Randolph’s relatives.
- She felt the need to defend Genevieve, and would often challenge her older sisters because of this.
- Although Ashlyn never challenged her, Lacey harbored resentment towards her. She blamed Ashlyn for the fact that Genevieve’s approval wasn’t universal.
- Lacey was interested in scientifically based medicine, as well as magical remedies.
- Lacey was always closest with Genevieve, and lived with her for a long time.
- Lacey idolized Genevieve and Derek’s relationship, often heralding it as the pinnacle of romance.
- She searched for a way back to the magical world, believing it contained the key to eternal youth and immortality.
- Lacey didn’t care for travel as much as some of her sisters, but she usually enjoyed when she did leave her own kingdom.
- She grew up to be Genevieve’s closest adviser, and an accomplished healer.
Canon Noncompliant Things
- The sisters left the pavilion by dancing in birth order. Although Derek did leave by dancing with Genevieve, they weren’t responsible for leaving in the first place. Once again, Ashlyn doesn’t get the credit she deserves dfghjk
- Genevieve had an actual wedding, not whatever that was that was shown at the end of the movie. It was smaller than a lot of royal weddings (because Derek didn’t have many connections or people to invite), but it was a serious affair. 
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