thepropertybrother · 1 year
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@allonsy-gabriel @spacetai I haven’t talked to either of you in forever but I think it’s such a sweet surprise that y’all ended up being in my blogs i reblog the most! Miss both of you, hope things are okay for y’all <3
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aziraphales-library · 3 years
Hi! I'm wondering if anybody knows of any good human AUs where Crowley and Aziraphale are married from the beginning. Not particularly looking for secret relationshipstuff, just them being married and maybe dealing with outside conflicts while being solidly together the whole time. Thank you!!
Here’s some that I think you might like:
Hey There, Demons by IneffableAlien (T)
Married paranormal investigators Azra and Crowley explore an abandoned asylum.  It goes about as well as you might expect.
Death Do Us Part by WolfRampant (NR) - WIP
A married couple for three decades, Aziraphale and Crowley both die during a tragic accident. Well, there is still the Afterlife. Except Aziraphale ends up in Heaven, Crowley in Hell. Both don't want to accept that they will never see each other ever again. What else they can do but to start an epic fight against Heavenly and Hellish bureaucracies.
Like Real People Do by allonsy_gabriel (G)
Sometimes, when the sky was particularly dark and Crowley was feeling particularly melancholy, he would imagine what their lives would be like, he and Aziraphale, if they were just a touch more human.
Merciless Angel by Tofeycat (E) - WIP
Crowley and Aziraphale are a happy, married couple. Crowley works as the Detective Inspector for Scotland Yard, but when he is tasked with solving the homicide of Lucifer Morningstar, his ex, things soon take a turn for the worst. As more and more bodies pile up, he quickly realizes that this wasn't some random murder and that his husband isn't as angelic as he would like to think.
~ Mod G
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podcastwizard · 4 years
I would KILL A MAN to have Lin-Manuel Miranda to play Johann. I would COMMIT WAR CRIMES. I would BURN THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS. Let! That! Funky! Man! Tell me! We're gonna! Win!
ooooh lin manuel miranda voicing johaan would actually be super choice
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terezis · 4 years
THE SPACE YOU'VE CREATED IS GOD TIER, DUDE! there's gotta be a fight about asking for directions. kravitz says, you're a god!!! a travel god!!! how do you not know where you're going!!! taako says, listen thug!!! I moved to this plane a week ago!!! what, am I supposed to be omnipotent!!! kravitz says, yeah!!! you are!!! you're the god of travelling!!! this is your whole thing!!! taako says, part of travelling is asking for directions!!! plus I wanna get snacks!!! taako wins that argument.
taako says some philosophical bullshit about how life isn’t about the destination, kravitz, it’s about the journey
kravitz is very unamused and says that no, actually, in this case it is very much about the destination, he has a job interview in four days, taako
taako does not have a witty comeback for that one.
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kravkalackin · 4 years
all of your writing is hilarious but also, like? always makes me think of home? like the idea of home? I love it
:D ah that’s such a sweet compliment! i like writing Cozy things so i’m glad that comes across
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mortuarybees · 5 years
Hi I just found a poem written by an Anonymous Source that I thought!!! Was right Up Your Alley!!! So now I'm sending it to you!!! How exhilarating it is, my dear, to know//that the space between us is finite//and that one day//nearer and nearer still//I will hold you in my arms//again
you are entirely correct my friend that’s beautiful and so very up my alley!! thank you so much for sharing it 💕
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majiniesthings · 7 years
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Human Disaster Thomas Parker Jones, aka the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson in @allonsy-gabriel‘s AU. I read the description and I couldn’t not draw him.
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spetey-man · 6 years
Okay everyone that follows me (like all 40 of you!!), I’m about to go awf so 
STRAP. IN. More Below The Cut
Peter Parker
Sept. 6, 2018
An Actual Real Life MLA Format, English Teacher Approved, Five Paragraph Essay On Why Anthony Edward Stark Should Be Everyone’s Hero
What makes a hero? Is it some big thing like extraordinary powers and abilities, or is it something as simple as bravery, compassion, and a desire to do what’s right? No matter your definition of the word, one thing is clear: Tony Stark is a hero. From his charity work, to his pursuit of clean, renewable energy and other scientific achievements, to his efforts to protect the earth as Iron Man, Tony Stark is, on every level, a hero, and perhaps the best one there is.
Anthony Edward Stark is, at his core, a good man who is doing his best to improve the world we all live in. If you want proof, take a look—not even a close look, just a look—at his financial records and tax returns. Every year for at least the past decade, Mr. Stark has made at least five million dollars in donations annually. He’s helped fund STEM programs across not only New York, but the world. He almost single-handedly funded and ran the projects that worked to clean, repair, and restore New York after the Chitauri attack in 2012. He also recently wrote millions of dollars in grants through his latest charity, the September Foundation, which works to approve and fund the projects of over a thousand MIT grad students.
Mr. Stark is also a hero in the field of renewable energy. His perfection of his father’s invention the arc reactor has completely revolutionized the field, and his discovery of the element Badassium has only done more to further this advancement. He has also developed a new form of medical prosthetics that allow the user almost full mobility. Of course, no discussion of his scientific achievements would be complete without mentioning the Iron Man armour, which he developed in a cave in Afghanistan back in 2008 after he was kidnapped and tortured.
Which leads us to our final point: Iron Man. Since Steve “Captain America” Rogers was announced missing in action in 1945, the world had not had a superhero until 2008, when Tony Stark created the Iron Man armor and proceeded to begin his career as what most people would typically describe as a superhero. Mr. Stark has saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives in his time as Iron Man. Since his escape from captivity back in 2008, and his subsequent defeat of his former business partner, Obadiah Stane, who was illegally selling weapons to terrorists, Tony Stark has done all he can to protect the world from every sort of evil imaginable. He’s also a founding member of the Avengers, which he also funded, housed, and helped organize. Through this work he’s protected Earth from countless threats, often at the expense of his own physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Tony Stark is a great man, whose work as a world-saving, science-revolutionizing philanthropist cannot be described as anything but heroic. His life is surely one that will be inspiring mankind for generations, just as it has surely inspired me. By looking to Tony Stark we can see that we as humans have the potential to rise past our weaknesses, trials, and mistakes to become a force that changes our lives, the lives of everyone around us, and the whole world for the better.
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inedoodle · 4 years
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Fantasy Vogue Taako special - Digital painting ft. @allonsy-gabriel
In which chaboi makes the cover of the most fashionable magazine in all of Faerun!
My friend cited above does amazing casual cosplays and hhhh they’ve got that Taako vibe you know?? I just had to go for it. Many thanks to them for letting me use their image in the biggest personal project I’ve undertaken so far <3
(If you haven’t already, go listen to The Adventure Zone!! Do it! You won’t regret it I promise)
Ko-fi? :D
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ecchima · 4 years
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Hello all!!! I’ve been working on several fics for the Good Omens Big Bang and this is one of them!!
From Eden by @allonsy-gabriel
The first time Mr. Asa Z. Fell met Mr. Anthony J. Crowley, it was the twenty-first of October, 1872, they were both fourteen years old, and the latter boy had just climbed his way up onto Asa’s balcony with a slanted grin and said, “Well, that went down like a lead balloon."
A story about friendships, willow trees, anonymous letters, and discovering love against all odds.
I drew this banner and lined it then @thelegendarypusheen-art coloured it and sent it back so I could add the text \o/
The other piece is 100% mine and I hope you’ll enjoy the art as much as I enjoyed the scene :D Please clic on the pics for better quality ♥
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allonsy-gabriel · 4 years
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Title: From Eden
Word Count: 25830
Archive Warnings: None Apply
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley
Character(s): Aziraphale, Crowley, Gabriel, Madame Tracy, Others Mentioned
Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Historical, Historical Accuracy, Historical Inaccuracy, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Forbidden Love, Love Letters, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Secret Relationship, Period-Typical Homophobia, Boys In Love, Slow Dancing, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Picnics, Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Childhood Sweethearts, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
Summary: The first time Mr. Asa Z. Fell met Mr. Anthony J. Crowley, it was the twenty-first of October, 1872, they were both fourteen years old, and the latter boy had just climbed his way up onto Asa’s balcony with a slanted grin and said, “Well, that went down like a lead balloon."
A story about friendships, willow trees, anonymous letters, and discovering love against all odds.
Part of the Good Omens Big Bang
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22292860
Link to Art: https://ecchima.tumblr.com/post/190312551700/hello-all-ive-been-working-on-several-fics-for
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lupsbro · 4 years
Y'all???? if you wanna have a good taakitz time I'm begging u go read this queer eye AU oneshot by @allonsy-gabriel I'm actually dying over here it's so cute
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Under the Willow Tree
Hey! I've recently been involved in a Good Omens Big Bang! This is my piece for the fanfic From Eden!
Please consider supporting both @allonsy-gabriel and @ecchima who both worked hard to make this project come together for this event!!
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saintbrnard · 4 years
windflower? dandelion?
windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why you like them  hm!!  @demigodnamedathena because i’m gay for them and also they always rb quality things @bambadoozler because they’re a huge nerd who i love and it’s one of those i don’t know anything about [insert media here] but i love you so i will like all of the posts @allonsy-gabriel because their writing is amazing and quality taz content on the regular @am-bi-tchious because we share just enough interests to be excellent and also he’s just a Good Friend @chimerical-caracal because relatable content So Often and just an excellent friend!!!  literally i do have so many more favs but !!! these folks are lovely <3 
dandelion: any special talent that you have? i don’t really think so? i mean, i have a lot of hobbies and i really enjoy them, i like to think i’m a good writer, i mean? idk!! i just vibe in a land of amateurism and i’m happy with that!! 
thank you for the ask !!!! <3 
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wolfythewitch · 5 years
5, 11, 54, and 55?
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
The TOH discord chat!! Everyone there makes me smile! Also my best friend! She’s the best.
11. are you listening to music right now?
Nope! I was a while ago, but my phone died XD
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
Hmm some stuff within my friend group, and general school stuff I guess.
55. tumblr friends
Do I
Should I tag them all because
That’s a lot
Here goes
@badass-sunshine @glamorouscarnation @oneofthemtheaternerds @sheepnasleep @ummm--no--pls @psychoticsherlockian @acadieum @allonsy-gabriel @relativelyjilly @biffable @silverbreeze424 @offbrandginger @ivekilledmonsters @mxcosmic @wildfirewhim @hecate-mist @seratlantisite @project-mythicus
And a few more!! I just can’t remember their handles because I talk to them on discord acahscsh
Anyways they’re all wonderful people!!
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sabrielbigbang · 7 years
#4: Heaven Sent
Author: @allonsy-gabriel
Artist: @ookamikuro
Rating: M
Pairings: Sabriel
Word Count: 20,185
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence
Summary: In the fight against Amara, Chuck decides he needs more fire power, and rescues Gabriel from whatever hell pit Metatron has been keeping him in since he resurrected him. Sam doesn’t expect Gabriel to be so broken, and he certainly doesn’t expect the feelings he had for the archangel to return full force.
 Link to Fic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10207262
Link to Art: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10334036
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