#all dates I pulled out of my ass i hope theyre right
cranberryjuice-posts · 2 months
(clarisse is taking over my mid)
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- I’ll be back -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Persephone! Reader
An - just a heads up as I said in my Korra fic this will probably be my last clarisse fic For a while. The hyperfixation and excitement to write for her is slowly going away, I will be writing most all of the request that I do have for her eventually but other than that I will be taking a short break I hope you all understand!
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The sky had a thick layer of grey over it. The destruction to manhattan causing cement and other forms of pollution to take over the air.
Swinging your weapon aimlessly you tried to fight off the growing hoard of monsters. It was hard, fighting for gods know how many hours, seeing people you loved and care for die in-front of you and slowly loosing your siblings.
What hurt the most was seeing kids you grew up and laughed with fighting against you. Fighting for a cause that would benefit no one, fighting for what seemed like a dream that was never going to be real.
Trudging into a hidden alley way you lifted up your shirt. Looking down you saw the poisoned arrow shot wound becoming purple; throbbing harder and harder by the second.
Muffling your scream you pulled the dirty bandages off your body, tossing them into a dumpster. Rummaging through the bag at your side you quickly tried to change the dressings.
In the middle of war a second of peace was rare, a moment to asses your injuries was non existent, a chance to mentally reflect on your surroundings ended in death.
Death that forever followed you.
Standing stiff you were almost to scared to look down. If you gas lighted yourself enough you couldn’t feel it, it wouldn’t be true. It was foolish to think that you could of hidden from war.
“Checkmate” a raspy voice behind you whispered. Tyla.. s a daughter of Tyche and a friend who you had always competed with. Simple childish competion that eventually ended in celestial bronze piercing through your gut.
You’ve never been the best fighter but receiving deadly wounds twice in one day was setting the bar low. Pulling her sword out you fell to your knees, a metallic sound swinging in the air and hitting you in the back of your throat.
Tylas rough combat boot pressed your face into the gravel, tears quickly falling out of your face. “See You in hell” sliding the rubber bottom off your cheek she spat on you. Walking away with the intent to kill another.
Laying in the dirty alley way your thoughts went from the pain slowly leaving your body to memories of her. Of clarisse.
Sitting on the doc together where you shared your first kiss at sun down.
The first argument which ended with you both apologizing and laying together.
Sneaking into the ares cabin just to get caught the following day because you accidentally grew dead roses outside her window.
The awkward confession and her asking you on a date.
… the promise you made to clarisse that you would come back alive.
You woke up laying on a mat, a few medics crowded around you and the crying face of the woman you loved above. You couldn’t help but smile, even in her worst clarisse still looked beautiful.
Will reached over and grabbed her arm squeezing it. “She doesn’t have long” he mumbled closing his eyes. “Be quick” he softly spoke, standing up and walking to another kid.
You tried to move but she quickly took your body into her arms. “Hey, hey don’t.. just rest” clarisse tried to stay strong but right now she couldn’t help but loose it all. “You gonna be fine” her voice broke.
Tears began falling from her eyes and hitting your face. Her weak expression destroyed your heart.
Grabbing her shirt as it was the closest you could Get to touching her. “I’m ok… everything’s ok” you whispered. Clafisse just shook her head, the color was quickly leaving your face. “I just have to visit my mom for a little while, it’ll just be for a few weeks ok”
Clarisse brought your body to hers, hiding her face in your neck. Your arms went lip and around you both dead flowers and weeds appeared. As a daughter of Persephone death followed you every where, even in your final moments.
It felt as though the world stopped. That the outside wasn’t real and this all was a bad dream but even the strongest warriors had to accept when the sun came up.
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spicymaruchancontajin · 11 months
i had something else in mind but this is way better 😭
not proff read 😪
It was in the month of December and had a free week. So what better then going and visit the snow? And what do you do in the snow? Snowboarding. So that’s exactly what you guys did. “BILLLL” you yelled it was time to go and bill was still getting ready in his room. The rest of the group was waiting outside in front of the door with me. “IM GOING” he responded and Tom rolled his eyes. I just banged on the door again “BILL HURRY UP” this time Tom yelled. Bill finally opened the door ready to go after thirty minutes of you guys banging on his door. “Ok let’s go☺️”
Gustav was already in the driver seat just waiting so you got there scary fast… you guys get out and Gustav gets into dad mode and starts to unload stuff making everyone help making sure everyone has even and no one is missing anything and with that you all walled to the ski lift. “Ok who’s going with who” gerog asks but it so happens that Tom was already in line flirting with a girl. “We’ll…” “I wanna go with [reader]” bill chimes in with a smile “ok I’ll go with Gustav” after a while it was your turn to get up on the lift. You struggled a little as bill got on with ease. “Oh my god it’s high” you say a bit nervous “watch it brake” “DONT SAY THAT” bill laughed “Ooo it’s cold” you rubbed your hand in a atempet to warm up “yeahh” bill hummus after giggling and talking you sit in silence and lean on him “hey um [reader]” “yeah” you sit up to look at his face but is meet with a nervous look. “You good?” You asked moving to sit up and look at him better. He swiftly pressed his slightly cold lips on yours basically smushing your face into his before pulling away. He still has his hand around your face as you just sit there in shock blinking.
“I wanna go out on a date with you tomorrow”he blurted out like he didn’t just kiss you. He had a worried questioning face as you where still in his hands. you lean in fast smooshing your face against his. Your lips on his cool against your warm lips. You pull back questioning what you just did as now he’s in shock batting his eyes. You finally said something “yeah I’d do it” the lift had came to an end right when you said that. You and bill hoped right off to meet with Tom, gustav and georg. “Don’t be stu-“ “finally” tom cut of George “dam why dose it take you guys so long”gustav said before beginning to walk toward the snow bordering area.
After hours of falling on your ass and Gustav munching on snow it was getting dark and time to head back. You where all exhausted getting to your hotel room. You fell right into those white fluffy sheets and cuddling the lonly pillows thinking about going out with bill the next day.
The knocking on your door and the beeping of the hotel room door opening broke the silence. You had given bill your extra key just incase you lose yours. You where still in your bed the fluffy sheets basically eating you as you layed there. Bill walked over to your bed standing right in front of you. He lighty shook you In a temp to wake you up. “Get uppp”“Mmmph” came out if you in response “hey I said I was going to take you out on a date today so wake up” he poked you “I’m up I’m up” you rose up to your side leaning on you elbow looking at bill. He was half ready looking at your tangled hair and sleepy face. “Ok we’ll you have 20 minutes to get ready so I would start getting ready now” suddenly you weren’t so sleepy and bill was rushed out of your room.
Bill drove you two to a cute little cafe for coffee and food. You ended up sitting at a table with bill enjoying food and each other’s company with out a care in the world. ・:*+..:+・:*+..:+・:*+..:+・:*+..:+・:*+..:+・:*+
Hey it’s me Maru sorry for taking so long I’m lazy ass hell😪 and I read it wrong and wrote A WHOLE ASS STORY JUST FOR ME TAKE A SECOND LOOK AND RELIZE SHE MENT SNOW NOT SHOW 😭 or was it show 🧍‍♀️
anyway love y’all and keep on requesting 😜🙏
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Maru out😜
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you have no idea how far back i had to go in my OLD ask tag to find this fucking link. i love you kebbie i really do and i hope this genuinely proves it - so send me a book for a daydreamed story of mine! trust me i have many!
this ask has deadass been in my box for two years now um. holy fuck. its gonna be super long bc this is actually my excuse to force myself to figure out how this fucking story actually goes. youre my sacrificial lamb, babe <3
under the cut for toxic/abusive relationship themes | mostly stemming from not putting an end to toxic cycles and briefly refusing to believe it was an issue
so i had this old ass wip, right. it was called parisian lovers despite no one in the entire story being french whatsoever and it was basically a love story for a sexual relationship with danger turning into a genuine view into what happens when you dont. like check yourself before running headlong into what you think you want
ive since started readapting it to (surprise) swtor and an excuse to explore sith pureblood (henceforth referred to as "tsis") cultures surrounding whats considered normal in their dating/relationships, and also how it challenges familial relationships
the details of it are super fuzzy mostly bc all the meat of it was lost to twitter dms that i refuse to open. so heres a quick fast easy rundown
basically, youve got tsiksos. he is the third born and third son of an extremely powerful and wealthy union of bloodlines, and since hes really not the most important one, he decides he wants to study a niche theory of dark arts. something about how channeling power needed to cast sorcery can be amplified through vocals and choreography. basically he went to a contemporary dance school for the shadow wizard money gang
tsiksos meets ûtainoz, who is practically a beast in this school. he sees the valedictorian spot and hes steamrolling anyone he needs to. hes ruthless, hes heartless, hes a smooth-talker, he will do anything to get his way, and tsiksos found that hot and sexy and definitely worth falling in love with
predictably, this goes terribly. tsiksos doesnt know what the hell he walked into, only that he may as well enjoy it because hes sleeping with the hottest, most talented guy at this school. ûtainoz got a little too comfortable, though, and by the end of their tenure there lost his valedictorian spot to tsiksos,,, who was also gunning for it right under his nose
but whatever, its fine, they go their separate ways with the taste of one anothers venom permanently burned in each others mouths. they both fill their own niches. ûtainoz goes into more of a performative, traveling role and relies on his aesthetic rather than his power - whereas tsiksos followed through with his intent and deepened his connection to the dark arts through what he learned. he became something of a siren, honestly
anyway anyway anyway. tsiksos moves off of his homeworld. he decides he wants to actively burn fires through everywhere ûtainoz has been. and hes extremely successful. he wants to win, he needs to win, he will win. he meets utajhaiw while in the new city, and while poor utajhaiw falls in love - tsiksos sees someone he can keep close with him if he just uses all the right words.
which works! theyre together, its great, theyre fucking almost daily. but they argue every hour. to the point where it gets violent more often than not with tsiksos on the offensive. the arguments are largely fabricated or instigated out of boredom. but isnt it worth it for the sloppy nasty disgusting hateful makeup sex?
yeah well. the neighbors of their apartment dont think so. theyve nearly called the cops every time, until neighbor laishtzi comes over to investigate what just hit the wall. he gets pulled, literally, into the middle of their fuck. his partner rîshja follows and, likewise, gets pulled into the middle of their fuck. its like some sort of apology thing for them too and it becomes regular.
enter: their friend nunjor, a lawyer (i think. something like that) who also ! gets pulled into the sex life. whats worse is that both tsiksos and utajhaiw both fell in love with nunjor and wanted to have him as a permanent third.
sometime after this, the whole hatefucking thing gets a little too hateful. tsiksos actually genuinely nearly kills utajhaiw, and hes starting to hide the knives in earnest. nunjor suggests that they attend actual couples' things instead of just their joint performances where utajhaiw plays and tsiksos conjures something.
they try it. they enjoy it. their relationship actually improves. they make a vase together in a ceramics class.
by the way, utajhaiw has asthma. tsiksos has been stressing him out so bad hes started smoking. on purpose. yes it is what you think it is and tsiksos thinks its hot because he wants to shotgun the smoke from his mouth
anyway, something happens and tsiksos starts backsliding. they have another argument and he breaks their ceramic vase. all that dust from the glaze and the clay triggers a pretty bad asthma attack, bad enough that the neighbors come over (it had been so long without an incident) and call the paramedics to come get him. utajhaiw actually snaps at tsiksos in the middle of literally coughing himself to death, and this is uh. a little traumatizing. because its never been this bad before.
utajhaiw makes it to the hospital fine, refuses to see tsiksos, and nunjor is on utajhaiw's side - that was fucking uncalled for, dude. tsiksos goes back to their apartment, alone for the first time since they bought it together. naturally he should not be alone at this time
laishtzi phones a friend, kaqur (psychiatrist-adjacent) and his partner jashru (probably a psychologist, if not professional "wtf is wrong with you, stop that"). they agree to take tsiksos in while utajhaiw is back home with his family.
its about a year i think? that tsiksos stays with them, basically on s-watch, and it turns out he has a really severe derealization + depersonalization whammy going on, spurned from still dressing the way ûtainoz liked him to dress and the way other people wanted to see his body. he punched through a mirror. so once he started dressing in looser, more comfortable clothing - surprise! he felt better!!!
(meanwhile, utajhaiw spent a year at home strengthening his lungs again, writing songs and poetry, and reconsidering his entire life. spoiler alert: he actually was in love with tsiksos)
but things are never easy. at some point, tsiksos has a bit of a meltdown and breaks out of his little prison, steals the spare key to his apartment, and ends up burrowing in the bed wearing utajhaiws clothes and sleeping on his side of the bed because he feels so fucking bad about what he did to him. but uhhhhhhh.
apparently nunjor also decided to pay a visit that night. and tsiksos, in some nightmare-sleep-haze, reacts to nunjor trying to wake him as if he were ûtainoz - meaning he tried to apologize through offering his body. rubbing his hands on his thighs, face in his crotch (since nunjor was standing at the side of the bed). when nunjor gently corrected him and woke him (not that he would have been upset at the idea of fucking him again, buth he didnt seem to be in the right headspace) it actually uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sent tsiksos into a worse panic. scrambling out of the bed. tripping on something. breaking a glass.
oh, hello ptsd - it sure is nice crab-scrambling backwards on your hands and bare feet over glass while hyperventilating and sobbing so hard you genuinely cant see. again, laishti and rîshja to the rescue getting him back to kaqur and jashru.
so heres where the fun happens. ûtainoz comes back. hes genuinely changed for the better, he is apologetic. he wants to make it up to the person he hurt the worst. does tsiksos take him up on that? yes. should he have? yes, actually, because he needed the closure.
they start rekindling what little flame they had together. days turn into weeks, months, and theyre getting along just fine. apparently nunjor had left, and tsiksos had no comm - by the time tsiksos noticed, it was uh. almost a little too late.
theres a time where tsiksos and ûtainoz are in a speeder together and ohhhh nunjor is a poet, its in his full name, but he also composes. he sings. and he sings about how badly someone has just lifted him higher than ever before dropping him down into nothing. tsiksos has a breakdown on the lawn of some random recreational park.
things will get better again, though! somewhere along the way, tsiksos and ûtainoz make peace with who they are and who they were. nunjor comes back and he and tsiksos talk it out. they forgive each other. and then tsiksos and utajhaiw reunite. they explain a lot. they forgive each other.
tsiksos/utajhaiw/nunjor throuple endgame is the only thing that matters to me actually.
thanks for coming to my ted talk i love you so much
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goodmorningdove · 2 months
Rgu ep3 liveblog under the cut! :3
Interesting that she has no memory Of meeting the prince. Is this something unique to utena or do all the rose ring wearers have this amnesia. Furthermore, what makes her so fundamentally different from the others? I do believe the show intends me to be asking these questions.
I love utena pointing out the inherent abusive nature of Himemiya not really having any friends. And the monkey mouse doesn't really count. He holds no power and cant really help Himemiya should things go south
Utena: im straight and want to date a normal boy, Kiryuu: allow me to introduce myself
Wow ok that 3 seconds of utena slapping Kiryuu for touching her hair was beautiful and perfectly showed me what the dynamic between these three is going to be
“Why do you have that” “so i could meet you” fucking liar. So many of these men suck lol
No he is not the fucking prince!! Girl you summoned the prince last episode. I know that was audience only info but like girl. Do not trust him. He hasnt explained shit and has only so far been a sly pos
Ok so confirmation utena is being left in the dark. Which is like really rude. Is she even supposed to have a ring? That would be very interesting. I hope blue hair stopwatch asks utena some questions they(?) Seem to be the kind to care about accuracy. Though they(?) Might not see a need to do what the end of the world people have also not done (explain to utena what the hell is going on)
I fucking love wakaba
Oh shit people are being mean to Himemiya. Utena get your ass over here
Hello Nanami. You are clearly important. I like you, you stood up for Himemiya.
Oh Himemiya does not need the stress of being dance queen. Shes already the rose bride. Shes already got so much going on she does not need petty school drama too. Nanami can you unnominate her?
“Ive wanted to be your friend for a long time” somehow i doubt that! I suspect you wish to be dance queen instead of Himemiya, but you dont realize Himemiya (probably, she hasnt voiced her thoughts yet) doesnt care about whos dance queen. Anyway Nanami i now hate you.
Im sorry what are those things that chu-chu pulled put of the dress box. Are they spare buttons or pills? my instinct says buttons but they have no holes
Oh nevermind i guess they were candies?? Chuchu is eating them. Ok. Sure whatever.
Oh no theyre those keep things from going moist dehydrator things. Or maybe moth balls. They were not supposed to be eaten. Anyway more important things are to be revealed, like Utena's outfit! considering its from kiryuu, my Money's on it being something super feminine utena doesnt normally wear
Himemiya is so based. Large crowds are way too stressful
Oh god i hate but also love how himemiya Is only going to the dance and try to make friends because Utena said so. Its so fucked up but i love it
Hello magia record uwasa girls. What is the uwasa today??
A man trap what the fuck do you mean by that
Ah i suppose they mean that the girls are going to freak out over boys. Except for utena and Himemiya.
Oh boy nanami is kiryuu’s little sister! i am curious as to how they will handle this. Theyre starting in an… interesting direction. But i can see how they could also make a commentary on their situation. But i dont know if i can trust rgu to make those narrative choices
Hang on is there no dance king??
Noooo utena is wearing the dress… i do like that she is visibly unhappy tho
Ah so Nanami thinks Kiryuu likes Himemiya? Nice touch that despite their close relationship, Nanami actually knows very little about Kiryuu's Life
Utena i dont. I dont think they are friends.
Please kill him please kill him
Nanami you bitch do not instigate Himemiya's anxiety like this! She is not competition For your brothers attention
Oh no that dress is boobytrapped in some way isnt it.
She! Is not! Competition! For! Your brother!!!!!!!
Holy shit i was not expecting tablecloth dress. Props to utena For that major skill
Nanami how do you not know who utena is. Everyone screams her name when she enters school
Utena is also not competition for your brother! She does not give a shit about him except for the fact that he might be her prince. Which he isnt.
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just-mebs · 2 years
I know you're currently into tf2 but you're my only mgs mutual and I really need someone to explain to me the order of the games to me PLEASE
+"Also can you add an explanation of each I BEG"
Oh fuck okay pop quiz time for me i guess, in order of when they take place + little explanation [spoilers i guess???] added a cut bc this got long
1. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - happens in the 1960s, the one where Naked Snake/the Big Boss goes to Russian jungle that 100% exists. Also Ocelot is gay
2. MGS: Portable Ops??? - Never played it and is one of the only games I know absolutely nothing about
3. MGS: Peace Walker - takes place like early 70s I think? this is the one Kaz gets introduced and him and Big Boss have gay sex :)
4. MGSV : Ground Zero - uhh you gotta save Paz and Chico from a camp in Cuba??? you get back to the MSF base as its being attacked and leads into-
5. MGSV : Phantom Pain - my personal favorite. Takes place in 1984. You play as Big Boss after waking up from a 9 year coma, but you dont. you aren't big boss. But you are? who are you? no one knows. Ocelot knows. Fuck Ocelot. He's hot tho. Him and Kaz both try to fuck Big boss/not Big Boss. Venom sweetie you deserved so much more.
6. Metal Gear - yes the og 1987 NES game. takes place in like 1995. Solid Snake infiltrates Outer Heaven and fights Big Boss :)
7. MG : Solid Snake - Another one I never played and know nothing about what happens?? tho I do know this is where Solid Snake kills Venom Snake who is not the Big Boss (but everyone thinks it is).
8. METAL GEAR SOLID - The og of the solid games. Solid Snake goes to Shadow Moses in 2005 and has to fight his twin brother/fellow clone Liquid Snake. Ocelot is here and gets his hand cut off. Solid Snake meets Otacon who pees his pants. Liquid Snake dies and it turns out Ocelot was working for the third clone: Solidus Snake who is the President of the United States
9. MGS2 : Sons of Liberty - Part 1 of this game takes place in 2007 with Solid Snake infiltrating a oil taker transporting Metal Gar Rex (???? correct me if I'm wrong). Ocelot is now Liquid Ocelot because he stole Liquid Snake's arm after he died and the arm lets Liquid possess Ocelot (thats how arms work btw). Part 2 takes place in 2009 where you play as Raiden who's a twink. There is a Vampire named Vamp, but not because he's a vampire rather because he's bisexual. Solidus Snake is Raiden's adopted dad and there is a meta about the internet
10. MGS4: Guns of the Patriots - Solid Snake comes out of retirement in 2014 and the Patriots (who have been the villain this entire time??? I never mentioned this???) have control over the entire world or something. Otacon and Solid Snake have a daughter named Sunny. I dont know anything else that happens in this game besides that Ocelot and Solid Snake make out before Ocelot dies. Oh and Ocelot lied the entire time, he wasnt possessed by Liquid he just hypnotized himself to act like he was :) We learn that Big Boss has been alive this entire fucking time and just ????
11. Metal Gear Rising : Revengence - game takes place in like 2018 I think and uhhh Raiden is a cyborg now?? Thats all I know about this game.
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nightslain · 5 years
Netflix: Asking on twitter if we’re ready to see Season 3 yet
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wonsheep · 3 years
enhypen (hyung line) and them asking for affection when you're not paying attention to them !%
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genre: non-idol!au, fluff &lt;3 pairing: enha hyungline x gn! reader warnings: none! uhh, there isn't really in-depth (LOL) kissing bc i don't know how well i can write kissing yet word count: 2.8k (damb) a/n: hello this is me daydreaming abt clingy (kinda) enha idk what this is but i enjoyed writing it, hope you enjoy reading it hihi (i'll do the maknaes too, i just put my whole chest into this rn and im impatient and tired)
when you were busy with something other than him
doing some schoolwork/work at your desk
and he'd been sitting in the living room, sprawled on the couch
messing around on his phone
and he'd seen a couple's post
or even just something that reminded him of you
he'd been like 😶😯😧🙁 "i miss y/n"
and heeseung just abandons his lazy chilling session to go find you
he's about to burst into your room when he thinks "WAITTTT what if theyre sleeping"
so he slows and quiets down
but when he looks around he kind of deflates
bc if you'd been sleeping, he could have easily cuddled up to you and slept happily
but you were doing something important
so he kinda had a dilemma (😛) whether to interrupt that or not
he decided that you've been working for a while, so it's about time for a break
so heeseung thought what better way to spend your break from work than loving on your cute handsome amazing boyfriend amiright? 😳
he padded into your room happily
"hi, baby!!!!!!" he greeted you excitedly bc he missed you
but you kept staring at papers filled with Lots of long words
he got dizzy just glancing at them
and you just gave a lil half-assed response, without looking away from The Papers
"hi, seung..."
and he was like 😄😃😐😕
but you looked serious, so he didn't take it to heart
now he made it his task to make you have a break
he walked up to your chair and rested his arms on it's arms, kinda caging you in
he leaned next to you and into your face
"hellooooo, please take a break and gimme a hug thank you"
he'd stare at you with those huge sparkling eyes of his
and omg heeseung, this proximity 😳
"please?" he pleaded, pouting when he saw you looking back and forth between his face and your papers
and ofc you gave in
"you're right, i've been working for a while" you smiled at him and it seemed as if a light has been switched on, he lit up soooo quick
he started grinning
he grabbed your hands and pulled you up and away from your chair and into your bed
he just fell onto your sheets and pulled you on top of him, which ouch???? might have hurt a lil
and yeah, he let out a kinda UFF sound
he let you get comfy by cuddling up to his chest
you listened to his quickened heartbeat and were unable to stop your smile from growing
"are you this excited to see me? it's been only like... a few hours"
"ONLY A FEW HOURS, ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? that's a few hours too long of us not cuddling"
he huffed, and pulled you a little closer by your waist
"now it's time for rest, so shhh and love me"
JAY !%
you and jay had agreed on you being the one preparing dinner for your anniversary
so obviously, you wanted jay to leave all the tasks to you
bc usually he's the one pampering you
so you felt like it's really time to pay his neverending kindess back
ofc by preparing an amazing, perfect date night for the two of you
"no, jay, i want this to be a special surprise, please don't peek"
"babe, we live together, how am i supposed to not see everything you do"
"i don't know.... uhhh,,,, don't come to the kitchen or the dining area until i tell you to..? please?"
jay was a little restless when you didn't let him help with cooking dinner, but after he eyed you for a little while and everything seemed to be going fine, he left the kitchen and decided to not bother you
he was fine for a pretty long time, but when he finished with yet another episode of one of the series he had been watching, he got kind of bored
when he was bored, he usually asked you if you wanted to hang out, cuddle , watch a movie or maybe even let him style you for the tomorrow, but you Weren't Available in the moment
he just sat on the couch (yes, hes sitting on the couch too, ok) and sighed to himself
he got bored of the series and social media wasn't interesting enough
he really wanted to resist finding out what kind of meal(s) you wanted to prepare, so he went into his room to try and spend time by playing some games on his nintendo
he caught some fish in acnh
fought some beasts in monster hunter rise
at a point, he even considered asking jake to play some fifa with him, but jay realised that there would be no way he'd be playing fifa with jake on your anniversary!!!!!
so he gave up resisiting
and put his most convincing apologetic-puppy-face and started making his way to the kitchen
he came at kind of the right time bc he saw you holding a baking pan that emitted steam, but you had nowhere to put it
out of habit, he wanted to walk up to you and help out, but halfway to you he closed his eyes bc you were holding the surprise meal!!!
he didnt want to ruin it
so he squeezed his eyes shut
"do you need help, baby?" he asked and you turned around to see him closing his eyes with all his might
even his nose srunched up, he looked adorable
and then you thought, seeing him come around,
maybe it would be more fun if this time around, jay was the one helping you out
he still wouldn't do the whole cooking process by himself, but he'd be able to take part
and preparing for you anniversary wasn't that fun alone
(you still wanted to decorate the dining table by yourself though, because you wanted to impress jay with your aesthetic decorating abilities)
"yes, please come here"
"can i open my eyes?" he asked, just to make sure
"sure. cooking isn't that fun without you :("
he grinned, and strode over
mr. long legs didnt have to run to be next to you in three seconds
he helped you by putting away a few ingredients and used containers to make space for the baking pan on one of the counters
you put the pan down and were about to turn around to fill jay in with the meal plan you had going, but you were caught in a backhug
he nuzzled his head into yours and circled his arms around your middle
neither of you could help the satisfied grin that came across your faces
you still had the oven mittens on, so you turned around to hold jay's cheeks in your warm mitten-covered hands
his eyes held a special adoration for you when he noticed how hard you were working for this special event, and he was vv moved that you tried to do everything alone
"i feel bad that you've done so much without me helping you with anything" he pouted again
"aww, jay, i was the one who insisted on doing stuff alone." you rubbed your noses together. contrary to your warmed up nose, his was a little cold.
"you always do everything i could ask for me, it's only natural that i want to pay you back for your efforts, so it's okay. you can be my helper though if you'd like to. i miss you in the kitchen."
"i miss you tooo!! i'll gladly be of help any way i can."
"alright, now let's get this dinner done."
there were a few kisses and loving gazes exchanged, but you split up a little and continued the work
ofc, you only gave jay some minimal tasks, but he still kept you company, so both of you were satisfied.
and that's how you and jay had an amazing and romantic anniversary dinner <33
you went over to jake's to officially meet layla
weirdly enough, you met jake's parents before you met layla
because layla lived with jake's family in australia and when his parents came to visit, they didn't bring layla with them the first few times
but jake got tired of the long-distance relationship with his lovely puppy
so he asked his parents to bring layla and let him take care of her in his own apartment
they agreed, because they knew how much jake missed his baby (his other baby aside from you)
you couldn't wait for the day layla came to the country
you've seen tons of photos and videos of her and found her an angel by what jake has told and shown you
it was only natural that you and layle were preoccupied with each other when you two first met
you entered jake's apartment and a glowing ball of fur greeted you curiously
at first, she was a little wary, and went up to sniff you
jake made sure you smelled like him "to make layla more comfy", but really, he just wanted to cuddle you before heading over to his (he even made you wear one of his favorite hoodies - not like you minded it or anything, you loved his clothes)
then layla started happily wagging her tail and even licked your hand once or twice
"see, layla, they are your other parent, we are a complete family now"
you flushed a little at jake's words
him and you being parents together 😳
to layla, but still, the idea made you 🥰🥰🥰
it was adorable, made your heart do a little boom-boom
you and the pup instatly clicked, layla sensed comfort in you and wouldn't stop draping herself all over your lap, switching back and forth between bringing you her favorite toys and just asking for pets
jake's heart sung when he saw how layla accepted you and how much fun you had with her
after he called layla's attention so that you could both play with her, layla brought her toy once to jake, then kept wanting to play with you
jake faked being hurt
he clutched at his chest where his heart was and cried out "my child, how could you betray me"
layla didn't really mind jake giving his best at acting hurt, she was focused on pulling a rope with you
"some children like their other parents more, that's just how it is" you teased with a smile
"this is unfair"
some time passed and you wanted to take a break from goofing around
even layla was laying down between you and jake, panting a little heavily
"jakey" you called out
"yes, my one and only love?"
"would you like to watch something?" you didn't show it, but you kind of overheated from jake using his sappy names on you, but you liked it
"yeah, i'm down!"
you and jake were getting ready to cuddle up in front of the couch, on the fluffy rug jake had on the floor, when layla decided to butt in between you two
jake was a little taken aback, but he thought he didn't mind not being glued to your hip for a little while
you two still held hands, so it wasn't like layla prevented you two from having skinship
there was just one little problem
halfway through the show you had chosen, layla, instead of getting drowsy like you and jake, thought she was in need of some pets
you started losing focus on the movie, because layla nosed your hand
so you started petting her, and you even let go of jake's hand to help layla into your lap
jake saw how you weren't paying attention but this was vincenzo!! and he wanted to show you one of his fav scenes ;-(
so he kept peeking at you to see if you're going to watch the show again
but you kept squishing layla in your hands (she enjoyed it dw)
so he leaned his head on you shoulder and whined a little in your ear
"baby, look, this is one of the most fun scenes"
you glanced up, but didn't really react
so jake got a little bit upset, because you paid layla more attention than him
he stopped the show and started frowning at you
"what's the matter?" you looked up, when you didn't hear the sounds of the tv anymore
"love me toooooo, layla's been hogging your attention all day :( "
"jakey baby, i just met her today, that's why i'm all over her" you smiled at your boyfriend. he was cute when he was needy like this.
"but still,,, i'm layla's father, i deserve just as much pets and cuddles as she does!"
"alright, alright, c'mere" you repositioned layla, so that she was next to you and patted your thighs.
jake happily accepted the invitation to lay in your lap, and grinned up at you
you started carding your fingers through his soft locks, and he sighed a little in relief
at his adorable face, you couldn't help but press a big smooch onto his cheek, which made him even giddier
"you could be layla's brother, you know. you resemble a puppy too."
"so i've been told." he hummed and reached for the remote to resume vincenzo.
"so..." you spoke up after a while " you into petting, huh?" you teased.
"shut up, i said that in the heat of the moment."
"the heat, you say..."
sunghoon isn't too big on pda usually
he just liked to keep intimate touches between you two
so both of you were content with "just" holding hands when walking in to the café you had your date at
you two decided to sit on the opposite sides of the table, beacuse you liked staring into each others eyes lovingly or what 😁
you liked seeing him blush when you said something corny
and he liked seeing the facial expressions you made when trying new cakes or beverages
you two were discussing what to try that day when a young waiter came to take your order
he looked a little flushed and stumbled over his words a few times
you giggled at his clumsiness, not because you made fun of him but because you found it endearing
sunghoon was glaring at the boy a little
he noticed your reaction to the waiter of course
and he wanted to make sure the boy knew sunghoon was your boyfriend for some reason 🙄
since sunghoon kind of gave the waiter the silent treatment, you were the one who engaged in conversation with him
"do you have any recommendations? we would like to try something new"
"oh, have you ordered our special spibling menu yet? it's very popular!" the waiter's blush was obvious as he smiled at you.
"special... sibling menu?" sunghoon muttered, rather baffled at the assumption.
"yes, you two look like a lovely pair of siblings!" the boy exclaimed, seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that you two were a pair, but not a sibling one 😫
"we're actually not related to each other that way" you quickly explained ", we're a couple."
sunghoon was a little more satisfied with your answer, but he was still a little grumpy at the waiter's obvious liking to you.
"oh.. excuse me" the boy cleared his throat " i would recommend you today's caramel latte and cake combo for sale. you can choose a cake of your choice"
you ended up ordering one of that and an iced americano for sunghoon
"you need to cool down, hoon. nothing happened."
sunghoon didn't waste any time plopping in the seat right next to you
"did you see that? he was literally looking at you with heart eyes." he muttered.
he lay his head on your shoulder with a frown, and kept staring at the boy.
he was a little hesitant, but gained confidence when he saw the waiter stealing a glance at you two again.
"it's okay, he knows we're together and i only want you."
at this, sunghoon's face heated up, and you could feel his warming cheeks on your neck
you started smiling and sunghoon finally looked at you
you brought up a hand to tuck a few strands of hair out of his eyes, then he gently held your hand in his and pressed a kiss on your finger
he conveyed his reply without words: "i only want you too."
he calmed down after he sat next to you and you reassured him
in the end, you were able to enjoy a peaceful café date (with sunghoon becoming a little more comfortable of showing skinship in public)
a/n: ik hoon's is shorter, but i'll make up for it next time 😫🙏
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iwadori · 3 years
hii i saw ur taking requests and I wanted to ask if you could do a fic with the miya twins,suna and iwa comforting their s/o after they have a dream of them cheating on her? tysm!
Cheating Misunderstandings with the haikyu boys (Osamu,Atsumu)
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Word Count:1.8K
AN: This was kind of on the lines of what you wanted, but I hope you enjoy it. Also you guys will see an ‘Empress appearance’ in this work....so don’t kill me.
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You were walking to miya onigiri ready to pick up Samu to go home
But when you got to the front door you see Osamu in the shop winding touching another girl
You couldn’t see the girl or Osamu properly because of the angle you were at
But you wouldn’t say your eyes were decieving you, so you did what you should do turn on your heel and get out of there.
You were back at your apartment and you were fuming, you were at your desk and decided that distracting yourself with your mountainous amount of paperwork that you had for your job would be better than sitting down and stewing over watching your boyfriend cheat on you.
‘How long has this been going on,’ you thought to yourself ‘Who even is she? She can’t be a worker’ since you knew everyone that worked there and the manager Empress would definitely not let a worker get with Osamu since you were besties after all.
Distracting yourself, obviously didn’t work and you sent yourself into a spiral of social stalking, trying to find this girl. Which didn’t work, as you only saw her hair and her height which was around a foot shorter than Osamu’s. ‘Stupid Osamu’ you thought, how could he do this? Why would you do this?
You wanted to cry, you were going to cry. Outside you heard a car door shut, and looking out your window you saw Osamu walking out the car with his keys in his mouth and bags (presumably food) in his hand.  
You heard some knocking, well kicking at your front door and a light shout of “Babe, can you open the door my arms our pretty full here.” You didn’t answer, you didn’t even move cause you knew if you saw his face it’ll most likely be him saying ‘Y/N im sorry, but theres someone else’ the thought alone made you cringe. You were knocked out of your thoughts with again the kicking of the door and Osamu saying with a laugh “C’mon babe all you really gonna leave a guy stranded out here, ive got your favourite too and its going to get cold”
You reluctantly opened the door, not actually greeting Osamu and just going back to your room to pack away your paper work and close your laptop. To your surprise Osamu was behind you and gave you a quick kiss to your cheek, which you would usually smile and ease into but today you cringed and quickly moved. Making Osamu look at you with a side eye.
By time he was setteled in you were sitting down at the dinner table eating, with the sound of Gordon Ramsey’s Hell Kitchen filling your awkward silence. Osamu did try to speak to you but you always just responded with “yeah,” “sure,” or “maybe.” Short simple answers that Osamu definitely didn’t like.
When dinner was over and it was the time when you two usually watched a shitty reality tv show together, you decided to go to bed early to avoid any more awkward conversation with Osamu. But before you could clamber into bed, Osamu grabs your arm saying “Y/N, what’s wrong with you?”
“What do you mean Samu?” you say with a forced smile on your face even though he couldn’t see it, you just did so he didn’t see you start to tear up “nothing’s wrong with me.”
“Are you Y/N?”
“mhm” you murmured trying to shrug off his hold, you sniffled a bit (attempting to do it quietly) but he heard it.
“No y/n, what’s wrong can’t you just turn around.” The force of you pulling away and he pulling you close, left you falling onto your bed and the tears just started to fall. Osamu immediately crouched down to your eye line “whats wrong love?” he said with a tender voice.
You shook your head in response, “what’s wrong?? Please tell me Y/N.”
“Why would you do that to me?” you say your voice breaking as the tears streamed your face. Osamu started to panick seeing you cry.
“Do what Y/N, what do you mean?”
“You cheated on me? Was I not enough for you? Don’t you love me anymore.”
“Who Y/N!Who.?”
“You touched her, I saw you. I can’t believe you would do that. In public as well” you accused “How could you do that to me.”
“Y/N, baby listen I don’t know what you mean?”
“Don’t call me that Miya, you’re such a fucking liar oh my god.”
“Can you please explain to me what you’re talking about?”
“You. In the shop. I saw you, touching her” you say scowling saying the last line as if It was poisonous.
“In the shop? What do you-” a spark flashed in Osamus eyes before he stood up and started pulling you out the room “You need to come with me.”
“Miya, what are you doing? I’m not going anywhere with you.” you groaned
“Yes you are, and stopped calling me that.”  
He dragged you outside to his car and opened the door for you, standing expectedly waiting for you to get in. “Im not getting in,” you say folding your arms
“Oh yes you are. Just get in the car.”
“But im in my roblox pyjamas” you groaned again feeling like a child.
“And you still hot babe don’t worry” he said winking at you ushering you into the car “Just get in it’ll be a quick ride anyways.”
You pulled outside of onigiri miya and Osamu begin to drag you out again taken you to the office where the security cameras are. He did something on the community and pulled up a date and time which was the time you were at the store earlier.
Playing on the screen was the recording and the incident which you saw before, but this one was a differnet angle. You saw a girl walking one way and Osamu walking the over with a drink in his hand, him spilling the drink on her and cleaning her off with a paper towel. Which you thought was him groping and touching her.
Your cheeks heated up hard in embarrasment, as you realised how you acted and how you got it all wrong. You saw Osamu with a glint in his eye and smirk on his face and before he could say anything you said “Dont. Let’s get back to the car.”  
All was forgotten on your car ride home and you decided to discuss eachothers days (skipping out the ‘cheating’ part.) However after you watched you shows and finally gotten into bed, when Osamu was holding you right against his chest (so close where you could hear his heartbeat) he said, “Y/N, although we agreed to not talk about this incident...even though I will definitely be telling Empress, I just want to let you know that I will never even think about cheating on you let alone actually doing it, I love you so much that the idea of cheating is so uncomprehendable I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Love you ‘Samu, and I'm sorry for making this into a big old thing when I could’ve just asked you about it.” you say in response
“It’s okay babe,” he said kissing your forehead “It’s okay.”
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You and Atsumu have been dating fairly recently meeting in your through your friend Empress who was the manager at Atsumu’s brother Osamu’s shop Onigiri Miya.
You’ve only been together 6 months and you’re ready to tell him that you love him
However you being the perfectionist that you are, wanted it to be perfect so of course you had to practice on friend, Empress’ boyfriend Hajime.
“Okay so go.”
“Atsumu, I think you’re a stand-up guy and you’re pretty cute can I love ya.” you said punching Iwa on the arm.
“Y/N, you can’t say that.” Empress said face palming.
“Okay, Atsumu I’ve fallen for you and I can’t get up?”
“No dad jokes Y/N.” Hajime said shaking his head
“Why theyre soo funny, what about Atsumu you’re a pain in my ass.” you said winking at Empress.
“Gosh Y/N! Take this seriously for once.” Hajime said blushing at your obvious innuendo.
“Well how did you two confess you undying love to eachother?” you asked and smiled at both their reactions, knowing that they definitely haven’t done that.
“Just say your confession Y/N,” Empress said rolling her eyes
“Okay Atsumu,” you said taking a deep breath “Ever since I met you after your brother spilt a drink on me at his shop and you tried to cheer me up with your terrible jokes I knew that you were the one for me. I love your passion, your drive your determination to make me feel better all the time even when I don’t need you too. I love being with you and I...”
Hajime looked at you expectedly, “I love you,” you said smiling “There I said it I love you!”
“Oh my gosh Y/N! That was so cute you should definitely sa-”
“What the fuck Y/N!” exclaimed a voice next to you “You love this clown.”
“Who are you calling a clown,” said Iwa squaring up to Atsumu making both you and Empress roll your eyes at the heeping testoterone filling the area.  
“Haji let’s go,” said Empress dragging her boyfriend away “and Y/N I'm pretty sure you two need to talk.”
When Hajime and Empress were an ear shot away, Atsumu looked at you with a glare. “So Y/N, is this what you’re doing now slu-”
“Don’t even go there ‘tsumu, you’re such an ass sometimes.” You say walking away “And by the way I was practicing with Iwa to say I fucking love you, you asshole.”
You already stormed off before Atsumu yelled, “Wait! You love me?”
“Of course I do you ass.” you say scowling.
Atsumu jogs over to you and says, “I love you too Y/N” he picks you up and tosses you about in the air, practically doing sommersaults, “Im so happy! Wait till I tell Osamu bout this he’s probably hasn’t told his girlfriend about this.”
“Babe, they’ve been dating for years” You said with a laugh “But go ahead ‘tsumu tell the world.”
“I’m sorry for misunderstanding things.”
“And I'm sorry for calling Iwa a clown, knowing he would definitely beat my ass.”
“And I'm sorry for being an ass.” he said with his head down.
“You are an ass Atsumu,” you said with a smile “But you’re my favourite pain in the ass.” You said winking at him making him burst out with laughter at your stupid innuedo.
Whenever Atsumu sees Osamu he tells him about how much you both love eachother, which always leads them into an argument about who has the better girlfriend and who loves their girlfriend more which always has you laughing.
AN: do you guys see the connection between the two?? Cause if you see the connection I’LL LOVE YOU FOREVER :3 Hope you guys enjoyed it, what do you guys think?
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duckugou · 3 years
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Kenma x GN!reader
Im trying to stray away from my comfort zone of just writing readers that use she/her so bear with me
sorry if this lowkey sucks but it was inspired by harry styles song golden
cw: big cursing, huge fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, comfort, aged up!
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in!
Requests are open!!
Being a streamer comes with perks. Being comfy at home, not having to face people in real life every day, playing games, typical shit. Another perk is making good friends.
Meeting people on a voice chat is common for Kenma -guys and gals alike. What he wasnt expecting one night was the sweetest voice on the other end of his headphones.
"You're all fucks- I'm better at this game than all of you combined. Try me."
To think that was the sentence that made Kenma's ears perk up and burn.
"What the hell ever- we have the great Kodzuken on our side." One of the guys said, half joking half dead serious.
"Oh yeah, he isn't even speaking up to defend your pussy asses- probably knows I could beat him too." You could hear the smirk in that last part.
"U-uh, no. You can't beat me. Nobody can actually. Not at this game." Kenma rebutted , confident in his gaming skills but not so much his speaking skills to this stranger.
"Oh man, you certainly sound confident. Come on, Kodzuken- 1v1 me then. Show me who the best really is."
Kenma suddenly felt nervous. Should he really demolish this stranger? Isn't it polite to let the person you like win? He didn't like this person yet but god their voice was attractive.
"Fine. Send the request." He decided.
"Sent, fucker."
The game resulted in a tie because this stranger actually knew what they were doing. They both threw friendly insults at each other the whole time of course, making each of them laugh a little.
"Okay fine. The great Kodzuken himself almost beat me. Im almost honored to have a great streamer almost beat me."
"Well you almost beat me too- uh-" Kenma stuttered over the fact that he didn't know how to address this stranger.
"Oh! Call me Y/n." The person giggled.
"You can uh, call me Kenma."
"Oh you don't want me to repeat your title over and over like everyone else?" They laughed.
"No, friends don't call me that. They use my name name." His ears were burning.
"Friends, huh? Guess that means you owe me your number so we can schedule a rematch where I can properly beat your ass."
"Huh, guess so."
A few months had gone by and Y/n and Kenma were as close as they could be. They found out they live close by each other and began hanging out a lot.
Y/n would be in the back of his streams on occasion and wouldn't hesitate to speak up during them. Thats the thing about Y/n. They've always been so outspoken. Since the start. Everything they talk about comes so easy to Y/n. Nothing is held back. Kenma knows everything about them. He on the other hand is still a bit closed off. Quiet. The two are so opposite yet so alike. Kenma doesn't speak much about himself, opting to listen.
Especially when talking about past relationships.
One night, they were sat in Kenmas room in separate chairs, letting conversations flow.
"So, you've dated but why have the relationships ended?" Y/n asked.
"Ah, I dont know- its not important. Why did yours end?" Kenma flipped the question as he always does.
"One guy cheated," Y/n tossed a piece of popcorn in the air, missing their mouth and brushing it off. "One girl left because she was leaving for school, and one guy just didn't mesh with me. Your turn." Y/n pushed the question back.
"Uh- well. I don't click with people easily. I'm pretty closed off so when I date it usually ends in hurt feelings by accident or they get sick of me." Kenma finally admitted.
"Huh." Y/n flopped onto their stomach on the bed after setting down the popcorn. "Don't you like anyone though? Like- if you liked someone enough, do you think you would give opening up a shot?"
"I mean I guess. Nobody ever takes the time to...pry me open." That got a laugh out of Y/n. Good. "But yeah I do like someone."
Sitting up suddenly, Y/n became visibly excited.
"No god no- it isnt important." Kenmas ears burned again.
"Come onnnnn. Its gotta be someone big time cool to earn your heart. I have to approve."
Y/n pulled Kenma from his chair to the bed, not letting go of his hand as he sat down.
"Theyre very cool- and very sweet. Understanding. Someone who stands up for me and makes me comfortable-" Kenma began gushing.
"Do I know them?" Y/n interrupted.
"Y-yeah. You sure do." Kenma scratched the back of his neck.
"Oooh ok, a guessing game. Describe them more- their looks!" Y/n held his hand tighter, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"Well- ok." Kenma took a deep breath and decided he could be vague enough. "Theyre short. As short if not shorter than me. Competitive. Very cute smile-"
"TOO VAGUE give me the JUICY DETAILS" Y/n pushed.
"They uh- they have..pretty eyes." He was staring at this point, eyes wandering around Y/ns face to find more things to describe. "cute nose too I guess. Squishy cheeks. Glasse-"
"WHO THE HELL IS IT KENMA- its starting to sound like youre describing me." Y/n laughed.
"No- I'm totally not!" Kenma rushed.
"Tell this person you like them. You look so happy when you talk about them. Its kind of sickening."
"I can't just do that." Kenma stated flatly.
"Yeah you can."
"DO ITTTT. Nothing to be scared of- it's CUTE. They would be dumb to not like you."
Kenma sighed, knowing he couldn't tell Y/n the truth about who he liked. What does he usually do when he's put in a corner like this? Oh thats right-
"Who do you like then Y/n?" He asked, proud of himself for deflecting again.
"Oh thats easy. You." Y/n said, letting go of his hand and laying back on the bed, leaving Kenma sitting up and stunned.
"What? No I mean a crush idiot. Who do you liiikkkeee?" Kenma pushed, hoping he didn't hear Y/n wrong.
"You, Kenma. I've had a crush since our first tie in a game. Thought that was obvious-"
Kenma flopped back on the bed as well. The both of them looking at each other.
"Oh. My person is uh... really... open and honest." Kenma said quietly.
"Is that why you wont tell them?" Y/n asked just as hushed.
"Yeah... what if right now they say yes but then their feelings change one day? That would hurt so bad. Worse than not telling them ever." He whispered.
There was silence. They knew what they both just admitted. Kenmas heart started racing. This might've fucked everything up. He might lose them. But they like him too so why is he so scared?
Y/n held his hand again.
"I know that youre scared because I'm so open...but hey... If you wanna give it a try..." Y/n whispered, scared about whether or not their honesty fucked them over.
"You might be right this time Y/n." Kenma whispered.
The space between them was closed due to both of them being drawn together like magnets in that moment. A sweet kiss.
"Let's try it then. I'll work on... being more open if you'd like." Kenma said.
"Kenma. I dont want you to change one bit. I like you the way you are."
Acceptance. It was the best thing Kenma has ever felt.
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
ramon arellano felix as a dad would include
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a/n: heyy mis carinos youre favorite clown is back with something none of you guys asked yet here i am sharing this with you all i was soft but also because i havent written anything for my arellano boys in a minute and i got inspired wow anyways i hope you guys enjoy my desmadre
taglist: @fandomnerd16​ @visintaes​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @artemiseamoon​ @umvirgo​ @redhairedace 
let me know if you want to be tagged! 
ok right off i want to mention ME MUERO imagining ramon with the mini versions of himself
like he would be the fun dad thats always playing with his kids and always wanting to be around them constantly :(
but also my heart hurts imagining this ball of emotions being so happy about having kids with you
like i cant with the thought of him in the very moment you tell him youre pregnant-
like this soft ass moment where hes just in disbelief,, holding your face- “embarazada? de verdad princesa?”
i just- him being so excited,, wanting to hear you say it again and again before he picks you up from so much excitement :((
wow would not even hold back before hes already walking you both over to announce it to all his siblings :(
and like enedina would be the most excited because you know she would :( and i just have a feeling dina is going to go all the fucking way to be the consentida aunt :((
wow? um she definitely gives me the vibes of her always being around you to make sure your ok,, making sure you and her little niece/nephew have everything available to you within arms reach-
because she adores you with mon :(
but also ramon being constantly worried about you when hes not with you even tho he knows youre the safest person breathing in mexico
and because he knows dina is there with you all the time puts him a little at ease-
like omg if something,, even the slightest look,, happens to you or your kid, he would shoot up all of tijuana becasue no one touches his familia- his overprotectiveness goes through the roof- i
i am crying at the thought of him always kneeling down and talking to your stomach,, like that is a daily thing he does all the time-
like :(( imagine him doing it right after you told him your pregnant or something :( i-
no but also because the very fucking moment he knew about his kids existence in you,, he would give up his crack usage :/
todo porque he wants to be the best dad figure for his kids :((
like he vows to that shit even more once he had his kid in his arms- excuse me let me go cry,,
im sorry this is supposed to be a dad hc yall im starting to get carried away-
BUt WOw i cant even explain the way i go soft imagining this cabron as a dad with his kids :((
because you know what i thought of that first came to mind?
where he for sure would always give into them whenever they ask if they can get some ice cream for breakfast or something-
he would probably have his kids pinky promise to him to not tell you anything about skipping meals just to have an ice cream cone :((
and like having them happily eating their ice cream while he picks them up and sets them on his hip :((((
i am sorry,, but you cannot tell me park visits are not a thing right after having ice cream:(
like the thought of him pushing his kids on the swing set :(( or going on the slide with them is breaking my heart- :((
but ramon also being extra af with protectiveness with his kids :(
like him making sure everything and anything that could hurt his kids in anyway,, hes moving his kids away from them-
:(would make sure his mens guns and his own guns are away from his kids sights-
and moving a whole bunch of dangerous things away like in hard to reach places so his babies dont even get the glimpse of danger :((
all because he would never forgive himself if something he could have prevented hurts his ninos :(wow
:((((( AH he would love styling his kids hair all the TIME
omg i fucking cant at the thought of him having a daughter and loving to braid or putting his daughters hair in these little pigtails??? :(((
like him sitting her on his lap in the morning,, the both of them watching some kids show on the tv as hes just gently as fucking possible brushing her hair out :((( why do i do this to my s e lf
and he would like,, give her a little kiss to his ninas head like “mi princesa hermosa,, la mas guapa de la casa” :( WOW
or if he has a son,, the mini fucking version of him and dressing him up in those pinshis camisas :((
im just- holding in my tears imagining ramon being the dad that would love to bathe his kids :((
and like him having all these toys for them too,, playing with them all the time just to make his kids laugh-
fuckk- he would definitely do that cute shit where he would gather bath bubbles in his hands and place them on top of his kids hair :(( no one look at me
him def being the dad to like,, burrito wrap his kids in towels after their baths :(( carrying them around the house while they dry :(((
bro? picking out their clothes?? for them to wear?? because he has style??? :((((( im sorry
would always be seen walking around with his kids sitting on top of his shoulders when theyre old enough-
like my mon is a toll bby and his kids love getting upsies from him beacuse of that :(
wow would this one loving blowing all his fucking money if it means his kids have the best birthday party in all of mexico even if its like their first birthday loL
just christmas and birthdays especially being a mf highlight for him because he buys so much presents for them to have
decorating the house from top to bottom,, every year it’s somehow better than the last-
ok but also him buying everything and anything for his kids when he’s out with them
like before his kid even finishes their sentence that they want some car toy on the shelf
his ass is already shoving it into the cart because his little angels will get ANYTHING their little hearts desire ok?
i laugh because you probably scold him at times that he’s spoiling them too much
but he’s always on defense like “mi amor,, dime como les puedo decir que no a estas caritas preciosas????” :(( like low key tho he loves consintiendo his kids because he cant help it :(
oh my god??? you know what just attacked my mind that it made me start bawling??
the fact that mi ramon would love dancing nortenas with his kid/ daughter :((((((((
OR THE FACT THAT HE WOuld love taking you to bailes-
dancing with you all pegaditos to banda or nortenas,,, tu by los elegantes de jerez anyone??
im definitely not in the club crying my soul out at the thought of him kissing the top of his kids head and then you-
his stupid smile and heart eyes as he leans his forehead on yours and tells you “como te adoro princesa, por darme la mejor bendicion de mi vida” :(( someone pls come hug me
no :( i swear all i do is hurt myself because get this-
like do you guys remember when miguel angel killed off mi amor gueritos family?? holy shit could you imagine the way ramon would go fucking frantic to make sure that doesnt happen to his own family :(((
i kid you not he would go through anything to make sure you and his kids dont even get a single little piece of hair touched-
like im almost positive ,, family man ramon would fucking THREATEN to the max if miguel angel even looks or breathes in tijuanas direction-
wOW like when all the plazas got together and left in s2
and miguel angel saying some shit like “con cuidadito eh,, dicen que en tijuana anda bien peligroso,, no quiero que nada le pasa a esa hermosa familia que tienes, ramon”- ALL FUCKI NG SMUG WHILE MIGUEL THREATEN S HIM AND THE TJ BOYS FOR LEAVNI G-
good god- and ramon not hesitating for a second to try and pull his gun out,, all heated- im sorry for bringing that thought up
but overall just such a soft, overprotective family dad whos always going to be there making you and his kids as happy as possible :((
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blxetsi · 3 years
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armin arlert, mikasa ackerman, and eren jaeger polyamorous headcanons (modern au)
armin arlert x gn!reader, mikasa ackerman x gn!reader, eren jaeger x gn!reader, mikasa x armin x eren x gn!reader
warnings: uhh fluff, this is very long, reader has a gf b4 getting w ema,
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this is like my first post since feb that isnt a request 😍😍😍 how did i pull this out of my ass
- obv eren, mikasa, and armin have been besties since childhood so its no wonder they all got together first 🤩🙏
- and theyre all hot so why wouldnt they wanna date each other
- i think armin and eren wouldve gotten together first, and then invited mikasa into their relationship
- the three of them have been officially going steady for like over a year now, and its going really well
- they didnt really expect you to drop into their lives tho
- youre an old friend of historia's and you two reconnected after you moved to the city, securing yourself a decent paying job working as a writer for the city paper
- you usually get the boring stuff, never able to get a good story to write about, focusing your time on heartwarming stories in the community or the sports column
- its boring but it pays the bills
- you were thankful when historia called you during your lunch and asked if you wanted to get drinks at a bar with her and a couple of other friends
- of course you said yes
- so historia and her girlfriend ymir picked you up after work, having dinner with them after a long week was the best, but you were a bit nervous to meet all of their friends
- thats how you met eren, mikasa and armin
- at first you were sure that mikasa and eren were dating, seeing as mikasa had her head on the taller man's shoulder, while his arm was wrapped around her
- but when armin leaned down to give mikasa a kiss before heading off to the bar you werent so sure
- ymir pulled you away to get more drinks and explained to you what the situation was, while commenting on the way you gawked at the three of them before
- you were embarassed to say the least but they didnt bring it up that night so you hoped the throuple didnt notice (they did)
- you really hit it off with all of them though, especially sasha and jean, and were constantly talked about among the friend group
- because of your demanding job dealing with writers block and deadlines you couldnt really meet up with all of them often, usually just having sleepovers at ymir and historia's apartment, the three of you drinking while you wrote on your laptop
- after a couple months of casual hangouts with historia and ymir and their friends, you kinda became one of them too which was nice
- you were added to the groupchat, you all followed each other on social media, and a certain brunet had taken a liking to you
- eren didnt know why exactly he was so attracted to you but he was, maybe it was your hair, or how pretty your skin looked even when oily or with breakouts, maybe it was your smile or your body or your sense of humor or you kindness or maybe it was all of it
- eren jaeger would always stay faithful to his boyfriend and girlfriend, but maybe they could add another person into the mix, more to love right ?
- he had only known you for a couple of months though, he didnt want to jump the gun and bring this up with his partners so soon, especially if they didnt feel the same way he did
- and it would be a bummer if you turned out to be a bad person or smth
- so summer rolls around with lots of memories being made with your new friends, as well as friends from work, and you get a girlfriend ??
- shes not really your girlfriend you two have only been out on a couple of dates and she kisses you a lot but, you havent talked about labels
- one night you, along with your friends are back at the same bar where you first met them
"so, tell us about the girl youre seeing." ymir says, smirking over her beer.
eren's ears perked up at the mention of you seeing someone. "girl ?"
historia nodded. "mhm ! y/n's been talking to someone recently, they've gone on dates and kissed and stuff."
"and stuff, jesus tori you make it sound like we've had sex." you sighed.
the blonde just laughed, leaning her body onto her freckled companion.
"well ? what about her ?" eren asks. armin slapped him on the arm, already having suspicions about eren's interest in you.
your shoulders sagged. "well, she's great and everything, truly..."
"but ? is there a but in this ?" connie asked. sasha started laughing at connie's use of the word but, while jean slapped the girl on the arm because of her reaction.
you shrugged, swirling what was left of your fruity cocktail in your glass. "well, i'm not sure. she's very lively, and sweet. but i don't know, i just don't see myself being able to be in a steady relationship with her."
"so you're gonna end it ?" eren asked. you thought he seemed a bit too eager about your failure in the love department.
"why do you care so much ? you like the thought of me being lonely ?" you shot back, before downing the rest of your drink.
"no i just-"
"i think what eren means is," mikasa intervened, her smooth voice calming you as she looked at you with a smile on her face. "is that there's no point in staying with her if you can't see yourself with her. don't lead her on."
you nodded. "you're exactly right my friend. which is the plan for tonight because i," you quickly checked the time on your phone. 8:17. "have a date with miss molly at nine, so i will be taking my leave."
the group engaged in a chorus of boos for leaving so early, while you chuckled and took the lighthearted insults thrown at you by sasha and connie with ease. grabbing all of your things you put down two twenties onto the table. "i'll see you guys later, have a goodnight." as you walked off you heard jean yell "have a good time you heartbreaker !" making you shake your head
- the date with molly went less then well. she yelled, and cried, and even tried hitting you at one point. your walk back from the park was spent blocking her on every form of social media you followed her on, and when you got back to your apartment you spent the night in a hot bath before retiring to bed
- meanwhile, armin and mikasa were trying to pry the truth out of eren, who was constantly denying his attraction to you
- finally mikasa took one for the team "eren, you aren't alone with the way you feel, i do too." this made eren more willing to open up to his partners
- armin doesnt say anything about you, only saying how youre kind. he doesnt feel the way that his girlfriend and boyfriend do, but he knows that may change
- soon enough, more time flies and christmas rolls around, with you all deciding to have a secret santa get together.
- historia invites everyone to her home on christmas eve, with ymir begrudgingly allowing it
- bertholdt and annie come too, reiner not being able to make it due to going home for christmas, while everyone else decided to stay in the city
- you picked out your secret santas at the beginning of november so you would all have enough time to find something for each other, you hoped whoever picked your name gave you something good
- after hours of games and karaoke and drinking you all decided it was time to open the presents
- ymir got socks from bertholdt, connie got an ugly beanie from ymir, historia got new pens from mikasa, mikasa got knitting needles from annie, annie got a dumbell from eren, jean got a not so appropriate t shirt from connie, jean gave sasha more comic books, armin gave new stationary paper to bertholdt, sasha gifted you that new biography you've been wanting to read and you gave armin your old copy of frankenstein by mary shelley
- he was surprised but very thankful, "how did you know i needed a new copy ?" "well i remember you said eren spilt water on your old one, and the pages just stuck together so i thought you might as well have mine"
- it warmed armin's heart that you remembered something so insignificant, and opened him up to the thought of being with you
- the rest of the night was spent with hugs and thankfulness, cheering when the clock struck 12 and it became christmas day
- after getting things cleaned up everyone decided it was time to leave, with armin, eren and mikasa offering to give you a ride home
- a ride where armin straight up kissed you in the backseat
- you stopped him of course, thinking that it was weird he would cheat on his partners right in front of them, while they were shocked all on their own for different reasons, armin who didnt have feelings for you KISSED you
- and surprisingly armin took the lead in explaining how he felt, why he kissed you, an apology for doing so, and an offer to start dating all three of them
- your heart was pounding in your ears and your entire face felt hot, it was probably the alcohol, or the way his lips felt so soft when they touched yours, so you said yes.
- its not smooth sailing from there
- youre kind of awkward
- this is your first relationship where you really feel like you could love these guys (you already do) but its also your first relationship with multiple people
- the trio start inviting you over more often, soon for sleepovers, and start inviting themselves over at your own place, mainly eren
- he just comes at random times, sometimes when youre not even there and waits for you, or stays and cleans up a bit before leaving
- armin and you share a deep love of literature, and you often find yourselves in hot debates about whatever youve read (mikasa and eren have to pry you two away before things get physical)
- mikasa likes to cook with you, she shares recipes that her mom taught her, and her and armin love to cook dinner together whereas eren is the breakfast maker of the household
- the first time you slept in the same bed as them you were so nervous your whole body thumped to the tune of your heartbeat, you were convinced armin could even hear it as he was laying beside you, but eren wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into his large chest before whispering "youre as stiff as a board, relax honey"
- eren snores, mikasa drools, armin has those dreams where you fall and then violently wake up before you hit the ground
- slowly but surely you stop thinking about your relationship as the trio and you, but as all of you together, and that really helps you come out of your shell a bit
- you may still be in the honeymoon phase, and there may be bumps along the way, but you like being with armin, eren, and mikasa. they make you so happy, it feels like the happiest youve been in a long time
- you like watching eren and armin dance in the living room while you and mikasa cuddle on the couch, before the boys pull you two up as well
- you like when armin reads to you, his soft voice reciting the words of the great gatsby
- you like it when eren can just tell youve had a rough day, and pulls you into a hug like hes protecting you from all the bad things in the world
- you love being with them. you love them. and you think that theyre it for you
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i rushed the ending bc im fucking tired but i kinda wanna do a poly!series with like sasha, connie and jean, or annie, bertholdt and reiner, or any other poly ships u guys may request !
so yeah pls give me feedback it rlly helps me figure out whether you want a polyamorous series (or just like what i write in general), and it would be my first series ever which would be super cool anyways
yeah requests open for poly!ships anyways
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wearebothdrunk · 3 years
Omygod i just finished watching starwars and i kinda have an idea like maybe a jedireader? Or a jedi-like-reader where theyre in madripoor right, then they got attacked and she like "hold up let me handle it" AND SHE PULLED OUT HER LIGTHSABERS 😭😭 sam (and maybe zemo) geek out and bucky was like "i am so confused but that shits amazing"
Hi! of course!
“ A friend from work ”
pairing: Bucky x fem!reader (stark)
Word counting: 2186
Summary: You basicaly save Sam´s and Bucky´s ass in Madripoor. 
warnings: nightmares
a/n: I had to do some changes to your requests to be more Marvel so i hope you like it anyway! I love the request.
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*gif not mine*
Since your father died you have been supporting your mother Pepper and your younger sister Morgan. Pepper was not your biological mother but she always took care of you, even before she and your father started dating.
Without your dad and Nat and Steve, the Avengers seemed more lost than ever. You still helped and were Sam's backup on his missions but it wasn't the same. Your whole family had fallen apart, Thor was with the guardians of the galaxy, Clint retired, Bruce had enough with the avengers, and Wanda was taking some time for herself. You were left with Sam and Bucky. You were pretty good friends with Sam, but with Bucky...... let's just say it's complicated. You liked him for a while, but you didn't want to put your father in an uncomfortable situation, so you always put him first, even if it was very hard sometimes.
One day you were just relaxing on the couch when you looked at the tv and saw the news report saying that the criminal Zemo had escaped from prison. You immediately called Sam.
"Pick up Sam, come on-" you said.
you heard a voice on the other side " y/n? is everything okay?" you heard Sam´s voice
"No! Zemo has escaped from prison in case you haven't heard the news!"
" Really?!" he said but not very convincingly
You started to get suspicious. He seemed to already know about what was happening, but if he knew, why didn't he tell you? unless.....
"You're with him, aren't you?" you said straight out. "no, no, no, why would you think that y/n?" he was really trying to convince you
"Why did you do that Sam?! you know it's dangerous, what the hell were you thinking?"
" relax y/n. me and Bucky need him for a mission, he is just a means to an end" he finally said
"Are you with Bucky?" you asked. You missed him even if he was just a friend, he was special to you.
"Yes, but he is fine, don't worry! I have to go now! Goodbye, take care y/n"
he hung up.
Sam knew about your little crush on Bucky. He was like a best friend to you and if you couldn't count on his advice, then you wouldn't count on anyone.
Like your father you always wanted to help the Avengers in any way you could, so obviously you wouldn't be left out of this mission. In one of the upgrades you made to Sam's suit you added a tracker device in case he was kidnapped. It was the perfect time to use it! You pulled up a chair, sat down, and began tinkering with the gadgets your father had previously bought and used. You wanted him to be here with you but unfortunately, that was impossible so keeping his legacy alive was the closest you could get.
"Yes, found you!" You shouted in joy
"What city is this? Ma... Madripoor?" you asked yourself
"Well I hope it's worth it Sam Wilson because otherwise I'm gonna kick your ass"
You called Happy to get a flight for you. It was hard to convince him but you managed to convince him by saying you needed a short vacation.
* After 5 hours
You finally got to your destination, it felt like it took days to get there. Madripoor was a poor, dark and dirty city, you didn't like it there at all.
You got on your bike and headed towards the location of the suit. After about 10 minutes you arrived where Sam and Bucky were supposed to be according to your device.
"But this is just a car!" you said angrily.
Suddenly you heard gunshots and breaking glass and three unrecognizable men, at first.
"Y/N?! What the fuck are you doing here!?" Sam shouted, placing you behind a container to protect you from the bullets that were being fired at the four of you.
"Stand back!" you shouted at them, standing up.
You quickly took out the gun that was stuck inside your long leather jacket. You pointed the gun and in three seconds and without making a sound the gunshots stopped, just like magic.
"What the fuck was that? " Sam said surprised
" I am so confused but that shits amazing," bucky said with his mouth open giving a small smile.
"what are you waiting for?!! to die? get in the car now!" you shouted at them
The four of you ran quickly to the car and got in. Zemo started the car and luckily you managed to escape in time.
"what was that y/n?" sam asked
" it's just a prototype I made from a project my dad was working on before.... you know what. it works with extremely strong lasers that can demagnetize any weapon."
" That's fucking awesome!" Bucky said
you smiled. you loved being praised for your work but being praised by Bucky felt different to you.
" Well, thank you, Bucky!"
" Don't thank Bucky. I appreciate what you did back there but this is super dangerous. Your dad and Steve wouldn't approve any of this and-" you interrupted him.
"Guess what? My dad's not here! Why? Because he sacrificed his life to save the world! And Uncle Steve isn't here anymore, so stop thinking about what they would think of me!"
sam looked at you with concern. He felt obligated to protect you since your father couldn't.
For a moment the car was filled in awkward silence until Zemo decided to open his mouth.
"No one told me about a fourth member of the team. Sorry, pretty girl, but you won't be able to continue this trip with us" Zemo said.
"You are not in charge of anything, we are. If y/n hadn't appeared out of anywhere, we would be probably dead. So I advise you to keep your mouth shut and play your only role if you don't want to go to prison again" Bucky said with his eyes fixed firmly on Zemo.
Zemo swallowed.
" well, but there aren't enough beds," Zemo said in a low voice, barely audible.
" don't worry, she can sleep in my bed, I sleep on the floor," Bucky said without even blinking
You felt butterflies in your stomach. You were going to be in the same space as Bucky for more than 5 minutes, you were nervous that you would say something stupid or give him the wrong idea.
"Oh, you don't have to.
(oh yes, you do.)
" Of course I do. " Bucky looked at you with intensity as if he needed to do this.
* after 20 minutes*
"These are your rooms. All beds are already made and your bags will be taken to your respective rooms Mr. Zemo" the woman said.
"Thank you, my dear," Zemo said kissing the lady's hand
"Well, these are your rooms. I don't want anything ruined and I don't want any noise because I am very tired. Good night fellows" Zemo went directly to his room and closed the door leaving the three of you alone.
" I'm just going downstairs to see if they can get me an extra blanket," Bucky said leaving you and Sam alone. Things between you two were still a little awkward from earlier.
" y/n, I don't want us to be on bad terms. You have to understand that I care about you" Sam broke the silence
" Sam, I know and I care about you too, but you have to realize that we are almost the same age and I don't need to have a babysit."
"I know, I know. No hard feelings?"
"No hard feelings," you said shaking his hand and pulling him for a hug
"So, what's this about you sleeping in the same room as Bucky? y/n I'm watching you like a falcon" sam joked
"Relax! He's just a friend from work"
" I have the blanket here. I'm going to bed now, good night". Bucky said to you two
"oh, I'm going with you, that way I can help you make your bed. it's the least I can do since you don´t let me sleep on the floor"
You both said your goodbyes to sam and went to your room.
Bucky spread out a blanket next to the bed where you were going to stay and laid down.
"You´re not gonna even put a pillow? Take this one I have too many." you said to him
"No! I don't want a pillow" Bucky said, throwing you the pillow again.
You got up and started to make his "bed" more comfortable. "You're not going to sleep on the floor like that, Buck-" he interrupted what you were doing by grabbing your arm and looking you straight in the eye. "I don't need that y/n. I'm used to sleeping on the floor."
You looked at him shocked. "You are used to it?!"
"Yes," he said hesitantly.
"Why Bucky?" you asked.
"  I don't feel comfortable enough to sleep in a fluffy comfortable bed, not after all the people I have killed and all the lives I ruined. Every night I have nightmares to remind me of that" he said as if it was something natural to him.
" Buck....... You can't feel that way. You deserve a hundred soft, comfortable beds, you deserve to have a happy life. You didn't kill those people, you didn't ruin those people's lives, HYDRA did. There are people who care about you, I care about you."
"You care about me? You said yourself that I was just a friend from work, and I understand and respect that y/n, I knew we were just that."
"That was me joking with Sam. I wish you were just a work friend, it would have saved me some heartbreaks."
" heartbreaks?" you could see by Bucky´s confused face that he had zero idea of what you were talking about.
" are you going to tell me that you never noticed that I liked you and cared differently about you?"
" NO!" he said surprised
"Okay, I understand. We can still be work friends Buck I mean it, I don't want to put you into another bad situation-" the touch of his lips against yours interrupted your speech.
"I never wanted to be just your friend from work" he sighed.
"me neither," you said kissing him again
You make out for about 5 minutes. when you finally let each other out of your arms, you got up and took the blanket that was on your bed and your pillow and put it next to Bucky. "what are you doing?" he looked confused.
"Did you really thought I was going to let you sleep alone on this cold uncomfortable floor?"
"y/n-" you interrupted him with a kiss. "Yes?" you asked. "I don't want you to sleep here on this horrible floor. you will go back to your warm comfortable bed and sleep" he said with a straight face
"Bucky, either you come with me to this warm bed or I will sleep here with you. it's your call baby"
he smiled and sighed. " you are the worst" he mumbled throwing you on the bed making you giggle. You walked over to him and grabbed his hand and kissed it.
"I promise you that you deserve all of this Buck" you whispered.
he kissed you again passionately to thank you for what you had done for him. You both laid down. You put your head on top of his chest and he put his arms on top of your back, you were finally able to sleep.
* later that night*
you began to hear a voice whispering something making you wake up.
"I HAVE TO, I HAVE TO DO THIS" Bucky sighed in the middle of sleeping.
Bucky was having a nightmare. He was sweating and he was gasping for breath.
"Buck? babe, it's just a nightmare" you whispered caressing his cheeks with the back of your fingers.
Suddenly he gets up, still heavy breathing, and sits in the bed.
" What's happening," he said in mid-breath. "You were having a nightmare babe.". You put your arms around him making him feel safe." it's okay" you said.
When he finally let go you stood up and start walking toward the door
"where are you going?" He asked with a puppy face
" don't worry, I'm just gonna get something to calm you down"
when you came back with the hot chamomile tea you had made for him, Bucky was still sitting on the bed with his hands on his head.
" here, this is going to help you. my dad always made me this when I woke up in the middle of the night"
" thank you for taking care of me," he said
" James Buchan Barnes I will be here to make sure you sleep like a baby for the rest of your life."
and he did.
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stevesharrlngtons · 3 years
this one might be too much but 😩 mutual pining between reader & Roman and it’s a formal event and someone is pissing him off and then reader comes in all dressed up and cute like “you said you would be nice ro 🙄” because theyre the date! and then he goes soft idk JKDFNF and people are like 😳 because they’re so cute together 😔
hi! i love this idea, and i hope you don’t mind if i tweak it a lil (-: enjoy!
so here’s the thing
roman is always looking for an angle
he loves a grift and a scheme and a plan
he’s always looking for a way to work smarter, not harder
and luckily, he has you to go along with them
since junior high, you had been roman’s accomplice, sometimes willingly and sometimes reluctantly
he had this annoying knack for knowing each and every one of your buttons and just how to push them to get his way and rope you into a plan of his
and of course, just fucking of course, that’s what he did this time
because you were incredibly skeptical about being set up on a date with some slimy businessman roman was trying to shmooze
in hopes of you becoming the man’s earworm for the night and getting him to invest millions in a new vaccine that the white tower was developing
“you know actual models, roman. i don’t know why you are asking me for this”
“because you are the only person i trust with this, and anything for that matter”  
you were sat on his couch in his living room while roman stood above you, giving you his best pout which he knew you couldn’t resist
“you could ask letha”
“i don’t want letha, i want you” in more ways that one, he thought
“you could ask destiny, maybe she could cast a spell or read his palm to help you out,” you crossed your arms
you really didn’t want to do this, even for roman
was it because you didn’t want to go on a date with a notorious creep? yes, of course
was it also because you didn’t want to date anyone but the man who stood in front of you, who also happened to have friendzoned you at the age of fifteen? yeah, that too
but it was mostly the gross old man thing
“i don’t want models, i don’t want letha, i don’t want destiny or any little trick she can pull. i want you there, with your cunning little mind and pretty little face,” roman dropped to his knees and jutted out his bottom lip in mock sadness, “don’t make me beg, baby”
and fuck, there was that little nickname that made your stomach flip and your heart race and you can barely keep the blush from your cheeks as you reluctantly agree
and so, the plan was set
next week you were to meet with mr. daniel reynolds, a sixty something medical investor who knew more hookers than manners and wouldn’t take his hand off your ass since the moment he saw you
in which his first words were “damn! godfrey is really pulling out all the stops for me, huh?” as he gazed at you with a smarmy expression
while your skin crawled at the gesture and you had to fake giggle to cover the retch your stomach gave, you did know he was right
you looked fucking hot and it was all on roman’s dime
a contingency for you agreeing to this night was getting to take his credit card for the afternoon to buy whatever you needed for the date, price be damned
daniel picked you up in a brand new aston martin, his hand high on your thigh as he blathered on about... something, you didn’t know or care
and neither did he, truly
you were there for his to grope and stare at, he didn’t care about what you had to say
when you got to the event, all eyes were on you
you swore that people stopped their conversations to stare at you and daniel, but you didn’t know if that was just anxiety or if was true until he whispered in your ear gross
“no one can take their eyes off you, gorgeous. feels good to know you’re all mine”
and before you could reply with your now perfected canned girlish giggle, roman approached quickly
“daniel, i see you could make it.”
and immediately, just from hearing his voice, you knew this whole plan was a bust
because roman was pissed, and he was barley containing his anger
upon turning to see his face, your suspicion was proven
roman was standing to his full height, hackles raised, predatory eyes set on daniel in a straining stare, his lips pressed in a thin line as his jaw was clenched
“roman, great to see you,” daniel slaps roman on the should to which roman didn’t budge, “you already have a leg up on this investment after you sent me this peace offering,”
he patted your ass in recognition as he appreciated your body with his eyes once more
“i don’t know where you found her, but tell ‘em i don’t know if i wanna give her back!”
you just looked straight ahead at roman with a fixed smile and a look in your eyes that said i swear to god, you owe me big
“yeah, well,” roman’s voice is wound tight as he closes his eyes and takes a swift step closer to daniel, “the thing is, i’ve decided to rescind my offer. both business and personal. you don’t get to invest and you don’t get to keep her.”
“what?” daniel said, at the same time that exact thought crossed your mind
“yep,” roman popped the word from his mouth, spit coming to splatter on reynolds skin, “i don’t need your money, i don’t need you. no one does, except maybe a nursing home or an erectile dysfunction seminar”
“you little prick! who the fuck do you think you are?”
“i’m roman fucking godfrey,” roman seethes through his teeth, “who the fuck are you?”
you stood in shock as you watched daniel do the same, before roman spoke again
“that’s what i thought. now, go stand with your nose to the wall and don’t fucking bother me again,”
and sure enough, daniel’s hand went limp and fell from your butt to his side and he turned robotically on his heel and walked at a simple pace to the nearest wall to place his nose against
roman watched with an intense anger the entire time to make sure he did what he was told
“hey -- what the fuck was that?” you whispered harshly under your breath
“i changed my mind,” he growled
“since when? you practically begged for me to do this plan with you just to ruin it the second he walked in?”
roman snapped his head to look at you with that same intense gaze as before
his body followed slowly, rotating beneath him like an owl
“i am allowed to change my mind whenever the fuck i want. and i decided i had changed my mind when i saw his filthy fucking arthritis fingers on you”
“that was the plan --”
“fuck the plan! fuck. it.”
you met his stare, doing your best to match his anger, but you couldn’t
because all you could think about was how roman had seen a man touching you and hated it
because all you could think about was how fucking sexy he looked when he was mad, when he was yelling at someone and coming out on top
all you could think about was how much you wanted to beg him to touch you and kiss you and wash away daniel’s touch with his own
and roman, for his own part was thinking similar thoughts
because he really thought that this plan could work, that he could use his jealousy to his advantage, that he could harness it and use it to be a better businessman
that he could use another man as your date as a motivator to do his best to impress you and to do anything in his power to seal the deal because nothing was more motivating to roman than getting a business deal out of the way so he could have you all to himself again
but the second you walked in, looking like that, in that fucking dress, but with that fucking man? touching you? everything left roman’s mind
all he could think about was how much he wanted you, how much he needed you, how much he was the only person allowed to touch you
and how much he wanted to maim daniel reynolds, investment be damned
“i would have loved a little heads up on this. would have been nice to know you were gonna bail on the plan so i could have just blown you off,” you bit
“well, here’s your heads up for now on,” roman stepped closer, his lips only a breath away, “no more plans where any other human being touches you. no more plans where someone touches you like that, that isn’t me. no more plans where anyone thinks that you are theirs and not mine. get it?”
his voice palpated for much passion and authority your head began to spin
and your eyes widened, and your heart raced and your palms started to sweat
for a moment you swore you might faint
for another, you swore you are just going to kiss him something roman would have no objected
but all you did do was say:
and roman gave you a swift nod
“good. now let’s dance, i don’t want to talk business anymore. everyone here is fucking stupid and old.”
so, with his hand around your waist, roman led you to the expansive dance floor
for the rest of the night, roman’s hands help erase the memories of their predecessor. big and warm and possessive all over your body
and anytime someone looks at you for more than a passing glance, roman pulls you in tighter
he kisses your forehead and rubs his cheeks and nose to the sides of your face, like a cat marking its territory  
showing everyone there what they all should fucking know
you. were. roman’s.
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imagines-mha · 4 years
League of villains and the type of s/o they need
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Toga, Spinner, Compress, Kurogiri
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➟ Did someone say patient??
➟ Before you guys date, be prepared for a LONG, SLOW, AGONISING wait
➟ He’ll push you away 93817 times before even letting you know his favourite colour smh
➟ You'll have to be thick-skinned. He has a tendency of saying things he doesn’t mean to test your ability to put up with him
➟ It wouldn’t be surprising if he tried his best to turn you off him cus he doesn’t believe he deserves ur love :(
➟ Affection is key, but in small doses
➟ When you’re alone and he’s being vulnerable- don’t treat him like he’s weird. Don’t even point it out, just let it happen and he’ll love you forever cus it takes a LOT for him to put down his guard
➟ Run your fingers through his hair, lace your pinky with his- cliché little reminders of your love. Remember how utterly touch-starved he is- the tiniest touches mean everything
➟ Having a motherly nature would be helpful. He forgets to shower, eat, drink water, function, and he’ll really appreciate your gentle reminders as opposed to kurogiri’s nagging ones
➟ Also- he’s a tantrum child with both mommy and daddy issues. You’re gonna need to be there for him when he gets out of hand
➟ Someone like his mother would be ideal for him: soft, understanding, gentle, caring
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➢ Yeah ur gonna have to be able to throw a few punches when the time comes
➢ He’s gonna run ur ass deep into the ground with his hard-hitting comments and straight-up insults. And he’ll probably pick a fight with you just to see how your body moves 🙄
➢ He doesn’t rlly mean what he says. He just finds it hot when you get mad
➢ If you’re good at arguing then dam 😳😳 he’s gonna be SHOOK
➢ You gotta like to tease, and like to be teased. He’ll pull your hair while he walks past you, you’ll shove him into the door when he’s not on guard. Simple things, yaknow?
➢ Enemies to lovers; slow burn; 500k
➢ He’s a secret glutton for your touch tho. Has no issue with grabbing your ass in public or dragging you into his room to fuck you whenever he wants. Be spontaneous 🧚🏻‍♀️✨
➢ If he sees you being too friendly with one of the members the league, then good luck bro cus his punishments HURT LIKE A BITCH
➢ Remind him he’s the only one you want- the only one you have eyes for. Then he’ll be satisfied
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➟ please give him your heart. All of it.
➟ He’ll nourish it and water it and care for it like he’s never done with anything else before
➟ Boy has got so much love to give and he wants to give it ALL to you
➟ Someone spontaneous would suit him well. He’s excitable, and operates on a lot of last minute decisions. If you’re regulated with schedules and times, he’s not the guy for you
➟ You gotta be versatile. Able to take high ass doses of energy one second and snarky comments the next
➟ Also thick-skinned. If he splits and calls you a bitch, he doesn’t mean it. It hurts but you gotta understand it- plus he’ll make up for it with thousands of apologies afterwards
➟ Someone who can take a LOT of affection and PDA. If he’s in the same room as you, you can bet your ass he’s gonna be HOLLERING about how much he loves you. His hands will NEVER stop touching you when you’re together in public
➟ He’s so soft. Listen to him bro. Like hear his struggles and trace your fingers over his scars and tell him all he means to you
➟ He’s a baby when it comes to comfort man he just wants someone to hold him
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➢ Oh my god DUDE you have got to have SO MUCH SKILL
➢ She’s a problem child at best. If you ain’t gonna at least guide her in the direction of right and wrong, you and your family might end up dead
➢ Just a reminder of her love
➢ Sometimes you gotta talk to her like she’s a child to make her understand. Her moral compass was blown to bits years ago- she’s gonna need someone firm
➢ But also someone who can handle her extent
➢ She’s very forward- and she’ll probably try to take your blood more than you’d probably want her to
➢ But once you tame her, she’s a cutie
➢ Talks a lot calmer with you- and seems a hell of a lot more human than before
➢ She’s really good at listening to you, and even better at taking you into her arms and treating you like you’re the most important thing in the entire world
➢ because to her, u are 🥺
➢ When she chills out, falling in love with her is as easy as pie
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➟ He genuinely doesn't believe he deserves love. Like ik it’s emo but he’s been thru some shit and he thinks he’s gonna die alone
➟ u gonna need to prove him wrong
➟ Any kind of affection makes him red in the face and dizzy. With that in mind, give him all the affection you have
➟ You gotta be clean too cus his room is a MESS and he’s gonna need the reminders and help fixing it up
➟ Same interests would be nice, or at least have an understanding for gaming and why he loves it sm
➟ If you’re a girl who plays grand theft auto tho,,, he’s 😳 simping respectfully
➟ But fr you gotta treat this man like he’s the cutest guy in the world. He’s flustered as fuck, but he has SO much love in him
➟ You gotta have some level of maturity. He has no time for lackadaisy, over-bubbly girls who are never sad
➟ Show him your depth and then he’ll knock down his walls
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➢ Can you handle a tease??
➢ God i fuckin hope you can cus this man is RELENTLESS
➢ You gotta have some level of class like let’s not lie
➢ If you’re well-versed in poetry, got that dark academia aesthetic goin on, read a lot- he’ll FALL SO HARD
➢ he just wants that live-mysteriously-in-the-woods-with-my-lady aesthetic
➢ Act surprised and impressed when he graces you with his magic tricks. He’ll want to show you first, since your acceptance is his top priority so u better act like one direction has reunited to give you a personal bedroom concert u hear me x
➢ You gotta be a romantic. Man’s gonna perform the most GRANDIOSE expressions of love
➢ Kissing your knuckles, dipping you into his arms, bridal style carrying you everywhere, cheesy old-fashioned pet names???? Atsuhiro has GOT it
➢ And he loves to hear it all back
➢ He’s a dad, too. And he wants a girl who is motherly. It may sound traditional, but if you know how to cook and clean etc like a housewife, he’ll be swooning
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➟ Oh my god you have got to be delicate. And you have to be okay with being babied
➟ He’s a quiet man with a hell of a lot of strength. He does manage the entire league of problematic kids after all
➟ If you’re mature like he is with a romantic side, he’ll be drawn to you so fast like SNAP. U got his whispy heart beating
➟ But also- be a little carefree yakno like he loves to relax as much as the next genetically modified ex-hero-in-training rip shirakumo
➟ Loves the type of girl who’s unafraid to be truly romantic. Slowdance with him in the bar at 3am and he’ll believe his entire life is worth living
➟ Also pls support him when he cracks his dad jokes 😭 ik theyre terrible but he needs the love smh 😔
➟ He’ll ask if you want to go mountain climbing and oh my god SAY YES HE’LL MELT
➟ If you’re good at tending to the league (whether it’s by being a good listener or patching them up after fights) he’ll be more attracted to you. The league are his greatest treasures, and you being friendly with them will only make his love for you grow
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Prompt: “what happened to your clothes?”  “I think i’m falling in love with you.” “I think ive always known, deep down, i think i’ve always loved you.” 
Dean x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, somewhat detailed sex scene, iunno not much really. 
A/N: Sorry it’s so long, i had this idea and thought it’d be a fun read. Enjoy :)
Dean sat on your bed, mindlessly watching and waiting as you hid in your closet, dress after dress, skirt after skirt flying out, one almost hitting him in the face. He caught it mid air before tossing it down next to him. 
“I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up, its just a few drinks at the bar, Max already knows you, you dont need to impress him, he already likes you.” Dean spoke, watching as you popped out from your closet, three different shirts in your hands.
Dean was your best friend, you had met him and Sam as a child, your fathers had been hunting partners for a few years, always leaving you and the boys at bobby’s to cause trouble for the old man. You could still hear bobby’s voice sometimes, demanding Dean stop influencing you with his schemes. 
His buddy Max had run into him at the bar last week while you guys had stopped in during a hunt and they had caught up for hours, you had connected with Max off the bat, and when he’d asked you out, you were skeptical, see deep down you always knew Dean was your guy, your never ending crush on him had turned into deeper feelings years ago, you tried to deny it for years, and definitely never told him, but when Dean had convinced you to give it a shot, go out on ONE date with a guy he knew and liked, you gave in, never being able to say no to him, i mean, to be fair you hadn’t been with a man in over 2 years and you could use a night out, maybe even some quality time in bed with a good looking guy, plus, Dean trusted him, and that was enough.
“Dean, i haven’t been out with a guy in 2 years, i’m not going out with a guy looking like a swamp monster, first dates are everything, and looking your best can make or break the date.” You huffed, holding out a shirt to him for an opinion, he shook his head, grimacing. 
“First, you never look like a swamp monster, you’re stunning no matter what, you hardly have to work at that, secondly, that’s an old ratty tshirt you stole from me, really?” He pointed at it, now realizing he was right, why the hell you were even suggesting this. It was time to pull out the big guns. You sighed, hiding back into your closet, you had to have something date worthy. 
Dean had popped away, grabbing himself a beer, giving himself a break from outfit advice. You were his best friend and he wanted nothing more than to see you happy, even if it meant trusting Max to take you out on a date. It was one date, it’s not like he was stealing you away forever. He had always had a soft spot for you, you were his first kiss as a kid and he’d looked out for you ever since, and even though he trusted Max, seeing you get all worked up over a guy that wasn’t him still didn’t settle well with him, but he shoved his feelings down and tried to be as supportive as he could. 
He walked back into your room, realizing you were finally working on your makeup, you were slightly bent over your bathroom sink, reaching closer to the mirror as you did your eyeliner, truth be told, he loved when you did that black wing thing, it enhanced your big E/C eyes and drove him nuts everytime. He looked you over, realizing what you finally had chosen to put on, a shorter than he’d like black leather mini skirt, a matching leather shirt thing that looked similar to a bra more than anything. He cleared his throat. 
“What happened to your clothes?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
You finish your eyeliner before walking past him, fetching lipstick out of your little makeup bag before making your way back to your bathroom, “What do you mean? Theyre fine.” You spoke, applying your lipstick as he piped up.
“I mean like, where’s the rest of it?” he sassed and you rolled your eyes as you walked back into the room. “It’s not that bad is it? It’s literally all i can find that isn’t covered in holes, old blood or stained monster guts.” You looked down at yourself, smoothing out your skirt. Dean cleared his throat as he eyed you properly, trying hard to calm his way out of a boner. 
“Uh, no, no i’m just teasing, you look incredible.” He smiled, nodding, you shoot him a innocent smile, “Better, Winchester. Much better, right answer.” You shoot him a small wink and he chuckles. He had come a long way on talking to women because of her, she helped him realize as a teenager and a young man that he didn’t need to be vulgar or gross to pick up women and he’d learned a long time ago thanks to her that chivarly was key.
He watched as she put on her coat, Max waiting by the door to take her out, she gave him a little wave as she told him not to wait up, she’d be fine. 
“Be safe, have fun.” He smiled as she walked out the door, his internal groan coming out of his mouth and he kicked himself for being too scared to ever make a move himself. He’d liked her since they were teenagers, but he was too stubborn to do anything, his fathers voice telling him hunter relationships never worked. 
The night had been a blast so far, you and Max were having a great time chatting, dancing and enjoying each others company at the bar, he was sweet, nice and had a good view on life and hunting. He told you entertaning stories, some even involved moments he and Dean shared as young teenagers hunting together, being boys and trying to get girls, Max pranking Dean. They had a good friendship and you were happy Dean had someone besides you and Sam he could pal around with. 
You had moved to his truck a while ago, the mix of alcohol and pure need affecting you both as you made out like teenagers, the windows began steaming up, it was an unusually warm evening in lebanon and you were thankful you wore this outfit or would have soaked right through it from the heat. 
His hand moved freely on your thigh and you straddled him, his back against the backseat of his pick up with you on his lap, dry humping him like some silly teenage girl who hadn’t had sex yet, you made the first move, desperate to feel a mans touch, it had been so long. 
You yank your top off, nothing but some nipple covers to cover your exposed breasts, Max lets out a soft moan, “Beautiful,” he mumbles while he kisses softly around your skin, he slowly peels off the covers off you and his mouth lands on your nipple and you let out a louder Moan than you want to but it doesn’t seem to bother him. 
Before you know it, your both down to nothing but your underwear, you reach down and pull down his boxers, reaching a hand in and grabbing him and placing him at your entrance, you’re already so turned on you don’t need foreplay tonight, not when you’re this sexually frustrated. 
You sink down on him slowly, and you both moan out, yours comes out as more of a shout, and you begin to move, slowly at first before changing into a soft but faster bounce, he’s making sounds, you know that for fact but you’re so distracted by the feeling of pure pleasure you haven’t felt in so long you aren’t even fully aware of what’s happening, you let out a shout, and before you know what’s happening, it all suddenly just stops.
You come back to reality and notice Max has pushed you off, he’s pulling his pants back on and avoiding your eye. Oh for fuck sakes, you haven’t even came close to your release and Dean set you up with a 2 minute one pump chump. You were going to kick his ass. 
“What’s wrong? are you done already?” you ask, his looks at you, letting out an exasperated huff before licking his lips and shaking his head. “I’m sorry Y/n, i don’t think this is going to work out, besides, you shouldn’t really sleep with a guy if you’re not going to rememember his name.” He scolds, glaring at you before he shoves his shirt on and climbs out the back, you put your skirt and shirt back on, deciding to skip the panties all together.
“Hey! I do remember your name, it’s Max, i’m not stupid!” You yell at him, angry now that he would even suggest that. Max turns to you, glaring, “Oh yeah, then next time maybe you should try screaming my name out and not Dean’s, jesus christ y/n, if you want him that bad just go fuck him, i doubt he’ll say no!” He shouts and you stand frozen. 
“What? Dean?, i didn’t...I don’t-” you stutter, he cuts you off. “It’s kind of obvious y/n, you screamed his name for a reason, you obviously have lingering feelings for him, and im not going to be your pitty fuck.” He sighs, he ushers you into the passenger seat, offering to drive you home in what is the most uncomfortabe, quiet, embrassing drive home ever. 
You slam the bunker door closed, worst date ever. You make your way past Dean and Sam in the library as you try your hardest to avoid them, especially Dean, you were embarassed enough, you didn’t need to face him right now, and you sure as hell hoped Max kept his mouth shut about it too.
“Y/N? That you? “ You hear Dean call out but you avoid answering, flying past them to your room before slamming the door shut. 
Dean’s eyebrows furrow.
“I guess the date didn’t go well then.” Sam speaks out, looking over at Dean. He shrugs, before getting up and walking towards your room
He knocks on the door softly, “Y/n, you okay? did Max do something cause if he did i’ll beat the living crap outta him.” He calls out, he can hear your sniffle, he sighs, before softly opening your door. You’re cuddled up in bed, watching your favorite episode of golden girls as you cry softly. He sighs and heads over, sitting on your bed. 
“Bad date?” He asks and you shrug, “Something like that.” He gives you a soft smile. “Want to talk about it?” He asks and you shake your head. “No, i just wanna forget it.” You speak, he notices you never meet his eye. He nods and agrees to leave it alone, he joins you quietly, watching tv with you but giving you your space. When you finally fall asleep, he goes to bed himself, but not before shooting Max a text. 
“Whatever the fuck you did man, she’s upset, and if i find out you hurt her, i’ll kill you.” 
It’s two weeks later when things finally come out, you haven’t spoken to Max since that night of your date. The bar is busier than usual, a few more college kids then there usually is but it is spring break, most of them are probably home for the much needed time away from school work. 
Dean is at the pool tables, hussling some airhead jock out of pool money. You watch and laugh when he heads over to you, cash in hand. 
“Ha ha, stupid brainless jocks. Always so much fun seeing how much of daddy’s money i can get out of them.” He chuckles, setting the money back in his pocket. You roll your eyes but smile. Why did you put up with this dork. 
Before you know it, someone is calling out for Dean. “Yo, Dean!” You both turn to spot Max, waving Dean over for a game. You swallow, nervous that the details of your date will come out, you still weren’t fully over it, and you dreaded Dean ever finding out, he’d never let you live it down and he really didn’t need a bigger ego. Luckily Max hadn’t noticed you yet. 
Dean motions he’ll play one round and be right back and you try to give him a smile, dreading this inside. Just don’t ask him about the date, you interally tell him, even though he’s long gone and can’t hear it. 
You sip your drink, asking for another one and you try to keep your cool at those two being in the same room all of a sudden. 
One game had turned into 4 and before you knew it, the two guys had captured a crowd, some betting on Max and some on Dean. It was becoming a friendly competition between the two boys. 
“Aw come on Max, don’t be a sore loser, i’m sure you can come back from that.” Dean teases, watching as Max lines up his next shot. 
“Easy for you to say Winchester, tell me, do you ever get sick of being a pompous prick?” Max winks at him and Dean smiles, “Eh, Sometimes, but then i remember how fun it is to watch you lose and its all worth it.” Dean chuckles, Max suddenly isn’t in a joking mood and he shoots, it goes in, he gets a few more and Dean’s actually surprised. 
“Not bad, man. You’re getting better.” Dean smirks, “Still no match for me though, i always win.” Dean leans in, takes a shot and gets his last three balls in, He lines up with the 8 ball, looks up at Max, and smirks, then his eyes find you, sitting behind Max a few tables down and he shoots you a wink, before sinking in his ball. Game over. 
Max turns around, realizing who Dean winked at, he turns back around, slamming his pool stick down. “Good game, I’m done, guess you won Dean, you got the money, and the one girl i’ve liked in a really long time, guess you always do win, huh?” He spits out, a bitter tinge to his voice. He scoffs and walks away.
Dean’s suddenly confused, what the hell was he talking about. He looks over at you, you’re watching the television over the bar, no clue what had just happened, he follows Max outside catching him before he reaches his truck.
“Hey! I didn’t get anything, if this is about y/n, you screwed that up on your own, okay? I had nothing to do with that!” Dean shouts. Max laughs and turns to face him. “Oh bullshit Dee, you have everything to do with it!” He sneers, “I really liked her man, she was cool, but like always, Dean Winchester always gets the girl!” He scoffs, making Dean frown, confused. 
“Y/n isn’t mine! she’s my friend, whatever you did to piss her off on your date was your problem, she didn’t tell me what you did but if you wanted her that bad, you had the chance to fix it!”
“REALLY DEE? Tell me, how the fuck would you fix the girl you like screaming your best friends name in bed when shes with you? Huh? How the fuck do i fix her thinkng about you while she’s fucking me?” He swallows, “Man, forget it, you wouldn’t understand, god forbid that ever happened to you.” He spits, before he’s in his truck, driving away. Dean’s still standing there, more confused than ever.
He finally makes it back inside, his eyes roaming around for you. He finds you in the same spot, the female bar tender chatting with you and making you laugh. Your eyes find him, beckoning him over and he moves.
He finally reaches you and you smile, “I got you another beer. How did the game go? You disappeared.” You ask, and he stares at you, he finally pipes up, and your heart sinks. Oh no. Please no.
“Max seemed very upset when he saw you, what happened on your date again? Why didn’t you ever go out with him again?” He asks, you take a sip of your beer and shrug. “I dunno, he wasn’t my type, just didn’t work out.” You bite your lip, hoping to god he lets this go, you don’t need to relive that embarassing moment. 
He nods, taking a drink of his own beer, “Okay, so he just wasn’t your type, that’s all? It had nothing to do with you screaming my name in the middle of sex?” He calmly points out and you nearly choke on your beer, spitting beer across the bar table, everyone close by stares at you, you turn red, apologizing and grabbing napkins to clean up your mess. 
You turn and face Dean, “He fucking told you!” Dean raises an eyebrow, “In a not so nice way, so it’s true? You really did?” He smirks and you bury your face in your hands, “Oh god...” You call out and when you look back up Dean’s cheesy grin is staring back at you, “Actually, apparently it’s Oh Dean.”
You throw a nice solid punch into his shoulder before you run out of the bar, “Y/n...y/n wait!” Dean calls out but you’re already half way across the bar and out the door. He throws down some cash and chases after you, catching you half way down the road.
“Y/n...” He calls out, “Just leave me alone Dean, i knew you would use this against me, i knew it. You’re a jerk.” You wipe away a tear, he finally reaches you and grabs your arm, turning you to face him. 
“Hey, i didn’t mean to upset you, i’m sorry, i just, i was surprised, that’s all.” He sighs, “Why didn’t you just tell me? I thought Max was the one who hurt you or something.” He speaks softly and you sniffle. 
“it’s embarassing, i didn’t even know i did it, i was so into it and then he just stopped, for a second i thought he’d already, you know, i was disappointed then we got into an argument about it and he took me home.” You shrugged. 
Dean nodded, he was quiet for a while, and then he spoke, revealing something that made even you question if you were drunk.
“I uh, i guess i wasn’t expecting to hear that, and i guess i got a little excited cause iunno i just, i think i’m falling in love with you, and when Max told me i just uh, i guess i was hopeful that maybe it meant you felt the same.” He swallows before going quiet, watching your reaction carefully. 
You nodded, frowning as you realised you weren’t dreaming, Dean loved you, Dean Winchester loved you.
“I think i’ve always known, Deep down, i think i’ve always loved you.” You shrug, “Every since we shared our first kiss, i think part of me has loved you ever since.” You smile, finally meeting Dean’s eyes, the grin on his face tells you all you need to know, this man is crazy about you, always has been.
“oh yeah?” He smiles, reaching out to grab you, you chuckle, leaning up and placing a slow, deep kiss on his lips.
“Yeah, what can i say, you’re just my type.” You smirk and Dean laughs. 
“Well then, why don’t we get back home and i’ll give you a real reason to scream my name.” He smirks, leaning down quite a bit to place wet warm kisses along your exposed neck. 
“You’re never going to let me live that down are you?” You roll your eyes, he meets them and a sexy grin appears on his face. 
“Not a chance.” 
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ariaisabitch · 2 years
My reactions to Love Is Blind S2 E2
Ok so it's starting right with them seeing each other. That was such an awkward run. Awwww ok never mind they're cute. THE WAY SHE HELD HIS NECK OMG
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They're kissing a lot sheesh. I wonder if these people watched the first season. Like do they all know they're gonna go to the same resort, cause last time it was kept a secret.
OMG ITS JARETTE AND IYANNA!! He said "our home" omg love him. 30 more seconds LOL. ah shit, I forgot about Mallory.
I love Mallory too. Aww I like Jarette and Mallory too. Fuuuuck.
I don't know how I feel about this never have I ever. I feel like I'm interrupting something 😭. Sir that blanket is very conveniently placed.
Awww no don't show me Natalie all by herself I will cry. Ew no, I swear if Shaina try's and comforts her I will puke. Ok never mind she walked out. Go yell at his ass girl!
Oh god. I feel like she's just going for Shayne because there's no one else that interests her. Why's he saying completely opposite things between the girls 😭 DID HE JUST? HELLO? AND SHE JUST? GIRL DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH? Ok it's fine he didn't propose it was just girlfriend. I don't think that counts, right?
Bro you don't got a romantic connection with them both, you are just looking to get laid by Shaina and you like how Natalie likes you. God he's such a dick. Shaina girl just walk out. Please for ffs. Spare us this cringey pain. Ik he is not gonna pull the water works to try and keep her. YES SHES WALKING OUT. I HATE YOU BUT IM STILL PROUD YOU DID WHAT NATALIE WAS AFRAID TO.
Why does the men's courters couch look exactly like my Dzadzu's couch? Like exact. IS HE SERIOUSLY STILL GOING WITH THE MANIPULATION? BRUHH?
Ok Deepti and Shake both make me uneasy. They both proudly admitted to only dating white blonde people. That's just.. icky to me. Girl you were just talking about how you don't like him and now you're talking about him being the one? Sheesh.
GOOD. YOU BETTER FEEL EMBARRASSED ABOUT BEING A SUPERFICIAL DICK! OMG HE'S PROJECTING? Ok wait he's actually being pretty self aware. He's admitting to being a dick pretty easily. That's pretty mature of him. +3 points for Shake. Still at -7 tho.
Ok workout montage, I see you girls.
I can't tell if it's cute that Shake calls her Deeps or not. Ok he's being pretty mature right now. Oh jeez he has a slow-mo walk. He's gonna propose isn't he? And of course she'll say yes. I mean he's not dressed up like the other guys usually are, but he's being very sweet right now so he gets a pass. A solid -4 right now. Deepti is so pretty dude omg. Am I gonna see them meeting this episode? I'll be upset if not. Them meeting will determine if I like them or not 🤔 LMAO I SOUND LIKE IM SOME COUPLES THERAPIST ANALYZING THE SHOW
Back to Iyanna, my love. Aww she's being so open. Bro she's my favorite, love her. Jeez I like Mallory too. Ok I like them better. I like Jarette more with Iyanna. Fuck ok he's admitting something to her that not many people know. HOLY SHIT BRO. YOU GOOD MY GUY? HIS FRIEND ST@BB3D HIM!? Ok at least he's being honest to her about Mallory. Jarrett with Mallory and Iyanna is the new Barnette with Amber and Jessica. OMG EVEN THE NAMES RHYME. NOT EVEN A COINCIDENCE I TELL YOU.
Ok here's the real test, will he tell Mallory about Iyanna...? HE DIDNT!? NOOO JARRETTE DONT BE LIKE BARNETTE! THEY'LL TALK IN THE COURTERS. Awwww poor Mallory. I hope they actually do talk to eachother. Oh no, now she's back with Sal. I swear if they get uncomfortably sexual again I'm skipping forward. Oh ok, he's singing something. Ok this is pretty cute. I thought it was gonna be like that one guy from the new Too Hot to Handle season, but he's actually pretty good and not cringey.
OH OH SOMEONES MEETING EACH OTHER?? ITS SHAKE AND DEEPTI! Oh ffs Shake I gave you points for not being superficial and now you're talking about immediately slapping her ass. You're back to -6. WHY DOES HE KEEP CONTRADICTING HIMSELF!? One sentence he's talking about not caring about appearance, the next he is hoping she's beautiful. "he wants the most attractive woman in the room" GIRL YOU ARE! YOURE SO PRETTY! DEEPTI LOOK AT YOURSELF YOURE GORGEOUS!
Ok ok they're at the doors let's see if it cuts off to the next episode or not. I can't see my watch time. Ok it's the same episode! Awww he's star struck. He literally looks at her like I want to be looked at. That's adorable. Ok that was cute until the booty part. Ok it's fine she said she likes that stuff. AWWW HE TOUCHED HER FEET. Ok ok maybe it's just cause I'm a lesbian. She really like his behavior that I find icky so he's gonna go to 2 points, no more negative. I can't tell if he looked at her like that as she walked away because of her ass or because he was still star struck by her in general.
Ok we're back to Jessica 2.0. Oh god he left a ring in the pod for her. Oh she didn't respond to that very happily. Are they just not gonna address the ring? She does not look very happy. She looks like she's in pain. AW ITS HIS MOMS RING!! Ok ew I don't like how he's attracted to someone that reminds him of his mom. That's freaky. This is not gonna last long, I'm calling it. HUH? SHE SAID YES?? She had to have done that through stress, she would be more happy. She's literally Jessica 2.0. Didn't get chosen by her #1, so settles for her #2, yet unsure about it. Either that or she's just really drowned in shock.
Ok she's sitting down and crying. Yes girl, it's terrifying, but it's more about how you go through with this. It's about how you handle those obstacles. Is he worth going through the obstacles or not?
Ew we're back to Coach Steve. And that's an insult to the actual Coach Steve. Is he gonna propose for real? Natalie please, this is your last chance. OH FUCK ITS NOT NATALIE!? ITS SHAINA!? Bro you are absolutely fucked. How have you not distinguished their voices right now? LMFAO HIS FACEEE. Jesus why is she talking to him again? She's literally Jessica 2.0.
Said yes to Marrying Kyle, but goes to talk to Coach Steve impersonator to tell him she still likes him.
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