#ahhhhhhhhhhh poster
Know i love you in every form, male, female, somewhere in between or not at all. I would love you if you where a worm and would give you the best life. Know I would love you if you where old and frail with wrinkles and sagging skin. Know i would love you with scars across every inch of your beautiful body. Know i would love you if you turned into a bird and flew away, i would spend my life watching you fly free if it made you happy. Know i would love you in any form you take.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Oh no.
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Oh god there was a timeskip look at everyone's designs, their hair. Luz, Amity, & Willow all have significantly longer hair, Hunter got a haircut, Camila has a gray streak in her hair, oh god
They've been stuck in the human realm for a while.
Oh god I'm gonna cry
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hanafubukki · 11 months
Meaning left could be SEBEKS GRANDFATHER BAUL
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irondiotallica · 14 days
I really like this comic created by @ffuscous so I wrote this little blurb. Definitely shorter than my other little blurbs, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. -Silas
There are ghosts in Hawkins, Indiana.
Eddie drove down the road with Black Sabbath blaring from his speakers. Hellfire had gone well, but the kids were all on edge. He had seen it in the way that they would each drift during the session. Eddie sighed.
Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley had been missing for three months now. Eddie still roamed the streets trying to find them. Looking for the two and putting missing posters up everywhere. He’d gotten cornered by Jason Carver and his crew a couple of times, but Eddie wouldn’t stop looking, even if it left him vulnerable to his tormentors.
 His eyes widened as his headlights lit up a lone figure standing in the road. He pressed his foot to the brake, luckily stopping short a couple of feet. Eddie jumped out of his van and called out to the figure.
“Hey man, you ok? You need some help?”
Eddie’s brows furrowed as the stranger mumbled unintelligibly. Eddie’s doe eyes hardened as he took in the bloody Scoops uniform and disheveled caramel brown hair. 
The figure turned still talking unintelligibly. Eddie flinched at the dead, cold gaze of Steve. This was not the Steve he knew.
“Steve, how can I help? Please, Steve,” Eddie pleaded, his heart racing.
Steve’s bloodied hand raised and pointed in the distance.
Eddie flinched at the bloodcurdling screams blaring from his car and turned to it in horror. Eddie turned back quickly, hoping to get Steve into his van. Yet, Steve had vanished before he could turn back around. Something horrifying was happening and he would find Steve and Robin; even if he ended up dying in the process.
There are ghosts in Hawkins, Indiana.
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
3rd anni req 5: beel, asmo / photos
ao3 link
note: this one's short n sweet! takes place post-jtta ^^
∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎
“Huh? What?” Beel jerks upright as Asmo barrels into the kitchen - his spoon clatters to the table in mild panic. “Did something happen?”
“Look at this!” Asmo wails, practically slamming an orange-cased D.D.D. on the table. “You were hiding these this whole time?!”
“Huh?” Beel seems to have already forgotten that he lent it to him. “What?”
Asmo rubs his eyes furiously, sniffs, then asks, “You didn’t even notice?”
“Notice what?” He asks cluelessly, then finally looks down at the screen. “...oh…”
IK’s eyes - very, very close to the camera - stare back up at him. Like an inquisitive sort of little bird.
He pushes away his bowl with one hand and pulls his phone towards himself with the other. He’s cradling it like something precious, wearing the sort of softly awed face you’d use for a baby animal.
Asmo isn’t sure whether or not to laugh. Beel hasn’t even realised there’s more than one picture yet.
He lets him remember to swipe in his own time. Silently, he watches him skim through IK’s little impromptu photoshoot - none of it quite taken seriously, but earnest all the same.
Beel stops on Asmo’s favourite - the one where her face is behind a glass of water, so that it warps in funny places. Maybe it’s because the warping obscures it somewhat, but this is the only one where IK’s wearing a full grin. The other smiles are sweet, but small and a little awkward - this one, for lack of a better word, is just plain joyous.
Asmo takes a look at Beel’s face. He doesn’t feel as silly for bursting into tears now.
Beel has exactly two pre-existing albums - Asmo knows this because he was snooping through them before he spotted the selfies - one for food (dishes he wants to try, promotional restaurant posters, and everything in between), and one for family.
This one is a little more curated than the food album; given his lack of photography ambition, most of Beel’s gallery is filled by courtesy of his brothers messing around, so he’s more selective about which ones to commit to memory. Asmo watches Beel select the entire block of sneaky selfies, and saves them next to a magazine-worthy shot of Belphie staring out into the horizon.
He gets it. He’s feeling sentimental, too.
Beel is quiet for a little while longer. Finally, he says, voice perhaps a touch thicker than usual, “When did she have time to do that?”
Asmo had thought the same thing - which is why he’s already checked the timestamps. It seems IK was making a game of it for a little while, because the pictures come in bursts over a period of about a week. There are twenty-two in total.
Beel doesn’t seem to expect an answer. In fact, he’s already moved on. “I should show Belphie…”
He’s looking at the photo where Belphie’s tousled hair is just about visible in the background - IK’s done her absolute best to capture his sleep-contorted face. Based on the odd angle - and the blurring - she dropped the phone on him immediately after taking the picture.
He scrolls through the whole set one more time, then says affectionately, “I don’t think IK thought I’d find these.
He’s pointed out a certain quirk to her smiles. Asmo nods fondly; yes, that’s definitely the look of an IK who thinks she’s getting away with something. She does the same thing when she thinks Satan hasn’t noticed her drawing lines on his arm during study sessions.
“Gosh, I feel crazy,” Asmo sighs, then abruptly face-plants forward onto the table. “They’re just pictures, but I feel like I’ve just watched her win an award or something.”
“Is that what it is?”
“Maybe? Like, oh, that’s our girl, you know?”
“It’s…” Beel doesn’t finish the thought before moving onto the next. “...hmm. Do you think that’s what having kids is?”
“Having—” Asmo chokes on nothing in particular. “Huh? I’m too young to be a parent! That’s totally not the same thing.”
Beel doesn’t look convinced. “I’ll ask Lucifer.”
“That doesn’t count. He’s old.” He clears his throat and relaxes again. “...it’s a different thing. I don’t think there’s a name for it… I just think it means family.”
Beel smiles. “I think so, too.”
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dribs-and-drabbles · 3 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 6
I've been procrastinating on this because I'm finding it hard to watch all the bullying...but I want to catch up so the only way is to just do it!
...and also to remember that these are horrible people who will get what they deserve eventually. The show did a great job of making the audience (me) like (some of) them first and now that's changed.
Ohhhh the messages...I wish they'd translate at least some of them.
The abused becomes the abuser...
I just about choked on my pizza. IS JIN WATCHING KINNPORSCHE?! OPENLY?! AT SCHOOL?!?!
I don't know what it's like in Thailand (or anywhere else other than the UK and Sweden) but it wouldn't be that easy to open accounts and move money around like this, especially high school kids and especially random large sums of money. But I'm going with it for the story.
I'm waiting for the big reveal of who it is that Non keeps trying to contact. I mean I think I know who it is but I'm loving how they've twice cut to the poster of the tutor afterwards to imply something's going on there.
Oh Non's T-shirt game is on point this ep. 'Is there anything bothering you?' / 'You can tell by my face?' No, love, it's the glaring message adorning your chest 😂
This tutor had better not take advantage of Non. No, don't touch him. 😡
I will not get sucked into feeling sorry for Tee. I will not get sucked into feeling sorry for Tee.
Is Por going to buy a whole new camera? Because otherwise how can it be fixed so quick?! They're in school, he wanted the full cost back from Non, and he wants to use the camera straight away the next day. I don't know who could fix it that quick and why he would need the full-price cost for that...but I think the nuance may be lost in translation here...
Uncle DAMN!
Are they hallucinating again? Or is this their film?...Oh, it's their fiim... Nice 'callback' to their future plight.
Oh no is Jin going to shoot his shot ? Oh thank god he didn't. I'm afraid he will and will get rejected and then that'll make him join the others in bullying Non.
Not 'Mindset is Everything' when Non's about to get beaten up. Honestly these t-shirts are getting me through this 😂
Ok, I don't feel sorry for Por's mum anymore.
Ohhhh is the red bracelet is for Phee, who is red, and therefore Non is blue?
Oh no....I don't like that tutor. At all.
Thinking about what I've seen so far about the past, I've been wondering why the events of the future have happened the way they have, and there's a small part of me questioning whether Top and Tee are the two main intended 'victims' of the murderer. Even though they all bullied Non (Jin less so), they're the ones who started all the big issues for Non AND the others, with the lie about the broken camera and then setting in motion the events which led to Por, Fluke, and Jin being arrested. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I'm still wondering if Por actually isn't dead and it's part of an act to fuck up Top and Tee...even though I also can see this being a revenge plot by Phee (and maybe also Non...and White somehow). Anyway, I can't wait to get back to the future events!
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explodingfurby · 3 months
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alvaroz-starrs · 9 months
How they met
(Kinda Byortis?)
(Note/contents: Mentions of abuse, oppression, swearing, and sad children. This explains how I think they met, they are all kids when this happens)
The sound of shattering glass alone was almost too much to handle. Byron ran in his room, and locked the door.
Fucking Christ! What's his problem?!
Byron cracked open the window, wondering if even leaving for a moment would be worth it.
.. He'd rather be lost in this dumb park, than be frightened for his life because of that piece of shit. He quickly grabbed his satchel and put in what he'd thought he should take. Notepad for writing and drawing, pencils and pens, and a couple of dollars in case he wanted to buy something. And that should be it-
He looked at his night stand and saw the pocket knife he was given by his sister. You never know when you might need it.
He slowly opened the window, grabbed his satchel, put the knife in his pocket, and hopped out. He slid the window down, not fully closing it, but just enough so bugs wouldn't get in.
He ran down the street, heading into the center of Starr Park. Maybe all the people there will be a good distraction.
But no matter how much he reasoned with himself, he couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of guilt.
Byron slowed down and caught his breath, he might look suspicious if he kept running. He looked around and decided to treat himself. "..I'm surrounded by food and merchandise anyway, why not?"
He stepped over toward a little candy shop. God's, it's so bright in here.. they definitely want kids to buy as much as they can. The walls were covered with paintings of all kinds of candies.
I'll just pay and go as quickly as possible. So obnoxious here.
Byron grabbed some chocolates off the shelf, and went to pay at the register.
"Where are you parents, son?" The candy-man seemed tired, he probably expected Byron to be just as loud and difficult as the children outside the little candy shop.
"..They're just outside near the fountain..waiting for me." He slid over a couple of dollars to the man. The man seemed too tired to give it much more thought, and slid the candy back towards Byron.
"Thanks." Byron quickly ran off, he went around the fountain just in case the man was watching. Once Byron was covered by the crowd, he headed to the alley.
A little dark, peaceful area. Nobody really went there. It wasn't nearly as bright as the rest of the park, the most colorful thing in the alley was the occasional poster.
Byron sat down behind a wall near a box, away from any people. Talking to that candy-man alone was too much interaction for him.
"Finally.." Byron sighed out. He had a break from his Dad. A break from the awkward stares of people. And he had the whole alley to himself. Just him, and his chocolates.
As Byron unwrapped and ate his chocolate, he heard something. Sounded like someone…hiding? Not only that, but the noise was so close. As Byron opened his mouth to call out to anyone there, a voice interrupted him. A voice with a lisp, a..young voice?..
"Whatcha eatin-"
"Ahhhhh! Heh! Hahaha! What are you so scared of?" The boy was laughing, it seemed like he intentionally joined Byron in on the screaming.
"YOU!" Byron snapped out, he fumbled back a little. The strange boy walked towards Byron, and stood across from him. After Byron took a closer look at him, he was even stranger than he thought.
He wore a black hoodie, with little bat wings sticking out on the side of the hood's head. Odd choice in the middle of summer. He also wore long, dark, baggy pants. The boy had very pale pink skin, and had sharp little fangs sticking out. (Is that why he had a lisp?)
Is he a fucking vampire?! No no no no no! I-it must just be the darkness. He probably just has an overbite.. and he's probably just pale!
"Hi! I'm Mortis! You?" Mortis stuck his hand out, waiting for Byron to introduce himself.
"..Byron," He stood up and shook his hand. This 'Mortis' was just as old as him, maybe slightly older?
"If I may be so bold…why do you have fangs..?"
"Hah…!.haha…. no need to speak like we're in the eighteen hundreds, you sound like my parents-! B-BECAUSE THEY-THEY'RE REALLY POLITE." Mortis looked..scared?
"..You didn't answer my question.." Byron thought he was deflecting.
"Sorry! What was it again? I was too focused on your grammar!"
"WHY DO YOU HAVE FANGS????" Byron hadn't yelled, but he said it clearly and slowly. No more side tracking now.
"It-it's just an overbite! I..really need braces..?"
What a bad lier. Byron thought more and more how Mortis looked just like a vampire. What about his ears?
"What's with the hood?" Byron crossed his arms and stared intently.
".. Uh- I'm.. cold?"
"Yeah, your hands certainly were."
"Hey- how about we talk for a while?"
"Fine. But I'm not moving from this spot." Byron sat back down near his original spot.
"Okay! Then I won't move-" Mortis sat down close to Byron. "-with you!" Mortis had a genuine grin on his face, Byron could see his fangs even more closely.
"..So!.." Mortis sat on his knees, he patted his legs with his hands like drums. "What's your favorite thing to do?"
"To eat chocolate in peace and quiet." Byron's head nearly rested on his knees, his arms were wrapped around his legs, and he was slouched over.
"Cool! I like walking in the alleys, away from people, and the scorching sun. Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts.. Soooo I'm glad you're here!" His eyes pierced into Byron like broken glass. How can one be so cheerful?
Byron looked away. He didn't want to leave, but he didn't want Mortis to look at him. It's as if his very joy was a weapon.
"Hey, are you okay? You seem to be thinking about, a lot right now.." Mortis placed his hand on Byron's shoulder. He flinched.
"Don't touch me!"
"Why do you even care, VAMPIRE?" Byron took out his pocket knife, and pointed at Mortis.
Mortis jumped up shaking, he looked around all possible corners checking for any eavesdroppers.
"SHHHH! Keep your voice down!" Mortis spat out in a panicked whisper.
"Why should I? You'll just drink my blood anyway!" Byron was scared, but kept his knife pointed.
"That's a myth." Mortis seemed suddenly calm.
"It was made by vampire hunters to make us seem like a threat. The only blood I drink is from cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens. Not humans."
"A-and why should I believe you?" Byron's beliefs on others started to crack faster than glass.
"Personally, drinking blood from another sentient being makes me feel gross. Gross as a person, I mean." Mortis sat down with his legs crossed. He seemed a lot more calm now.
"You probably have some weird curses from the eighteen hundreds! Hell, you're probably a thousand years old!"
"I'm thirteen. Also, lower that knife. You're all hat no cattle."
Byron put away his pocket knife, maybe he's right…
".. Show me your ears..!" Byron wanted his last bit of proof that Mortis was a vampire. He couldn't accept it. Was he dreaming? No way a vampire could actually think like this! Right..?
"Okay, okay! Just cover me if someone else comes!" Mortis slowly took off his hood. His hair was frizzy, a bright shade of purple.
His ears were pointed. Just as Byron refused to believe. How was he still shocked?
"Shit.. You've got long ears.."
"Just insult me, I guess."
Byron reached his hand out, trying to study the structure of his ears.
"Hey, you okay?" Mortis pushed Byron back,
"Yeah-yeah. Sorry." He scratched his head. "I guess I was just in denial."
"Oh… hey uh-" Mortis sat next to him.
"I have two questions.."
"What is it, vamp?"
"I have a name, use it dork."
"Alright Motorhead. What's your question?"
"One… Can you keep me, being a vampire… a secret?"
"Sure, but you suck at hiding it. Your fangs stick right out."
"Ah, thanks for telling me!.." "And two, why are you here?"
Byron shivered, "What do you mean?"
"Where are your parents? You're here all by yourself?" Mortis had concern seeping through his voice.
"I-.....I could ask the same for you!" Byron felt defensive. He barely knew Mortis, and he's already prying into his personal life? "Why are you here?"
"I don't want to get sun burnt. Plus, if I get in danger I can just fly away."
"Right, I should've thought of that, mosquito.."
"Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay!" Mortis got closer.
"Fine. You want to pry so bad? I ran from my dad. Just to get a moment of fresh air and silence! I'M SICK OF HIS SHIT! I'M SICK OF HIS DUMB ALCOHOL PROBLEM! S-sick of the dumb broke-en glass..!. Sick of him… I-I'm so tired.."
Byron started to cry. His words broke. He sobbed.
Mortis hugged him, he didn't know what else to do- so he hugged him.
"I'm so sorry. It'll be okay, at least one day, I swear.."
They stayed there for what felt like forever. Byron sobbed, Mortis did his best to comfort him, he even took him back to the candy shop, to the candy man's dismay.
Byron and Mortis munched on candy while they talked.
"So, same time next week?" Mortis asked, he sat right next to Byron, being there if any support was needed.
"How are you so comfortable with me? I literally tried to kill you." Byron asked that genuinely.
"I haven't really gotten many…friends… This is kinda new to me. And, I forgive you."
"Oh, okay.." Byron didn't have many friends either, even before he moved away from England. "Also, I don't have a watch on me." Byron crumpled up the candy wrappers, and threw them in a nearby trash can.
"I do! I have another one at home! Take mine," Mortis took Byron's palm, and put a watch in his hand.
"Yeah, sure. I like the sound of that.. Promise you'll be here?"
"I promise, Byron."
(FIN. God that was a long angsty one.)
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watchinghallmark · 2 years
We have some Three Wise Men and a Baby info!
Here’s the cast list. Ali Liebert is in it too!
Here’s a more detailed description of the movie (They seem to have the characters mixed up - Andrew is Luke and Paul is Stephan):
Luke Brenner (Campbell) is Mr. Perfect – an all-star firefighter and poster boy for physical health and clean living. But when he finds a baby on the doorstep of the firehall with a note asking him to care for it until Christmas, he’s uncharacteristically at a loss. Unfortunately, his mom Barbara (Colin) has to go out of town to attend to her sister’s medical emergency leaving Luke with no other choice but to rely on his brothers for help until she returns – Taylor (Hynes), an opinionated video game designer who recently lost his job, and Stephan (Walker), a pet therapist with severe social anxiety. It’s one mishap after another as the brothers take turns trying to care for the baby individually, and they soon discover the only way to survive the week is to work together as a team – something they haven’t done since they were children. As they slowly get the hang of things, they find themselves on unexpected journeys of self-discovery and begin to rebuild their relationships as brothers, as well as repair damaged romantic and professional relationships in their respective lives…all while rediscovering their love of Christmas.
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asdfaghgf forgot to send an ask yesterday BUT!! im a few episodes from the finale and i just love this season!!!! COLE GREW ON ME SM <333333 HIM AFTER THAT EARTH TEMPLE TAKING LEADERSHIP WAS SO COOL!!!! also love that thief guy! he really said tits out w his outfit while also wearing a mask and a hood and i respect that. adam is beloved ofc <33 kai and nya becoming leaders of opposing tribes at the same time was pretty funny but i also really appreciate that they both showed sides of themselves that we normally don't see! for kai it was using tricks/smarts to reach his goal and for nya it was sheer force/strength and its rlly nice to see them in each others element! (that moment when kai said "well she isnt that ugly" abt nya was absolute peak sibling energy im so here for this. ALSO WHEN HE SAID IF JAY CAN DO IT ITS NOT THAT HARD BUT THEN HE FAILED ASDHLDSFG I LOVE HIM) im absolutely loving the new armor looks they all have now too they look so freaking cool!!!! tbh so far i have no idea what a 'spinjitsu burst' is but if kai doesnt do it at some point i will be extremely dissapointed. i just think he deserves to go absolutely rabid and unleash raw hell on someone at least once in the series. also progressively getting more n more salty as i realize kai has not had a single season centered only around him yet :( I WANT ONE SO BADD ToT (correct me if i'm wrong but i think tournament of elements also focused on zane and the hands of time had nya. so like it wasnt JUST kai) SORRY FOR WRITING SM AGAIN ASDASDHFGKJHG
cole taking leadership and vania being like "cole is such a good leader of the team" and wu being like ":/// did he tell you he was leader?" and vania being like "??? i just assumed???" LIKE YES BRING BACK THE FACT THAT COLE WAS THE OG LEADER OF THE TEAM AHHHHHHHHHHH LIKE HE W A S the only reason he stopped being the leader is because lloyd became the green ninja like. dude knows how to lead. and also i love him. and i'm proud of him. and i would die for him tbh.
YES KAI AND NYA AHHHHHH one of my favorite things about s13 is that even tho the ninja got split up, it let the ninja be with other people than their normal, right? like, yeah jay and nya were together, but lloyd was thirdwheeling with them and we could see the regret iuytffyuiokiuygtfgyhuij and lloyd trying to diffuse the situation between nya and murtella? ICONIC tbh and i am OBSESSED with the kai and zane dynamic, so i cannot tell how EXCITED AND HAPPY i was to see kai and zane together !!! and i didn't even notice that kai and nya used strategies opposed to their normal... i LOVE IT YES NYA USE YOUR BRUTE STRENGTH i swear she's the second strongest on the team--
YES PLUNDAR MY BELOVED i love the upply so much you have no idea
and wait... FRICK kai deserves better
tbh i feel like part of it is because kai was like. the poster ninja for s1 and it changed to lloyd in s2... ig the pilot season is kai-centric and is more of a kai season than anything, but STILL. because i wouldn't really say there is a "main ninja" for s4, though i would prolly have to say kai, lloyd, or zane... they all have their own thing going on and it's so hard to discern... i will say tho, the "main ninja" for s4 for me is jay because that season is PEAK jay like s4 jay is my favorite jay <3 but yeah, HoT was a kai AND nya season...
give kai a season 2k22
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hi welcome back to I’ve never been anywhere so now every store I go to is a brand new experience.
anyways why did no one tell me about five below??? They got some good shit in there like…if you search hard enough you can get a tee like the ones they have at hot topic but cheaperrrrrr. i always look to see if i can find horror shirts. But I didn’t find any prlly bcuz it’s not October. But I did find these posters??? Was no one going to tell me they sold posters. They big asf to?
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only about $5 and some change is wild. They also had those uh…metal posters? but I didn’t take a picture of those bcuz it was only Naruto n ion rlly care about that. They also had a lot of other stuff like. A lot of character themed headphones. (Are five below headphones worth it? I don’t need special just basic. I need big headphones n not earbuds) I will go back and search for horror themed ones bcuz I really need those. I’m sorry to feed into consumerism but like…idk I’m just really surprised they have licensed merchandise this cheap. And I spent so long looking at toys n shirts I only was able to see half the store so I am totally going back when I go to work.
I also went to a party city but idk if I still have pictures of that maybe we’ll see.
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legendofaghoststory · 6 years
Me: I’m going to save my money and actually spend it on things that I will actually need- Thomas: *Posts about having new merch in his shop consisting of T-Shirts and posters for the Sides* Me: . . . . . Whelp, there goes my wallet for the next few months.
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- Kevin's Birthday anon 🎈
Dear KB anon, you are so incredibly valid gtayshdjf
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
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I love them for every little thing! I fell for their passions and personalities! Their love for music and their love for EACHOTHER are huge reasons why I love them as deeply as I do tbh including all of their imperfections! which if you've watched the show yknow that the point of the show is for the protags to overcome their problems and better themselves as people!
They both can be pretty insufferable in different ways and like. Ryan definitely has done the worst things. Examples being, Ryan stealing Mins work keys to force him to chase him to the train station, lying to Min abt a gig in New York to get him to run away with him, and considering leaving Min and going through the portal home (although the scene afterward showing how guilty Ryan feels and genuinely how low he thinks of himself is so sad like FUCK)
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genuinely genuinely I fell for them when I first laid my eyes on them !!
now I'm just going to rant unrestrained on how I feel looking at images of them online so like. going to be under a read more and tbh will maybe be a bit suggestive (edit: yeah it is)
GENUINELY WHY IS HE SO CUTE!!!!! HES GORGEOUS WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! he has the cutest and stupidest expressions and ghdfjkhgdfjkgdf like GOD i love his pretty long hair and his red glasses and hes so SHORT and CUTE AND SOMEHOW STRONG❓❗ like he could just pick me up all princess style and maybe slam me on the bed idk
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and hes literally the biggest whore ever (in a very goofy way)
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stares directly at your c-
and like oughh when he gets pissed off im like 😳💦💦
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angry ryan please rai- *gets shot*
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(spongebob licking poster meme)
Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka
Min is the BIGGEST dork ever i see him on screen and screen and cry and throw up i cant get over how much of a loser he is hgfdsjk
I ALSO love his hair sm like ryan like i think his pompadour suits him but he ALSO looks soooo cute with his hair down and its a shame we dont ever see it outside of ep 1 😔💔💔 ALSO I KNOW HES FASHIONABLE I KNOW IT!!!!! DONT JUDGE HIM ON HIS DIGS HE HAD ON THE TRAIN HE WAS WEARING HIS WORK CLOTHES WITH HIS JACKET OVER IT!!!!
Hes both tall, big, and beefy + chub but manages to be so LAME im OBSESSED 💙💙💙
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gives him a kiss on his cute little nose <33
HIS VOICE,,, HIS STUTTERS,,, HIS VOICE CRACKS!!! I GENUINELY CANT GET ENOUGH OF IT,,, and SOMEHOW he has the same voice actor as crypto from apex legends
I also wish we ever got to hear him sing solo,,, i know he has such a nice singing voice 😭💔💔
my fav deliveries from him in show was the way he says the lines
"You think THATS gnarly? Check THESE out! Keys to the Dumpty Kingdom"
and of course the heartbreaking
"You,,, you LEFT me,,,"
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cantdanceflynn · 2 years
guess what i got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, first of all a bunch of general books and this one pop fidget and this one with colored bubbles that i cant wait to read/use. second, a cool AS FUCK CORALINE POSTER. third, the phineas and ferb guide to life book, plus IM GETTING THE COMIC COLLECTION WHEN IT COMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fourth, they got me THE ACTUAL CHRISTMAS ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND A FUCKIN 2DS!!!!! WE ALREADY HAVE ONE TECHNICALLY BUT WE HAVENT SEEN IT IN MORE THEN JUST A LIL BIT AND SINCE EVEN THO I WOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY WITH LITERALLY JUST THE PNF GUIDE TO LIFE BOOK THEY REMEMBERED I WANTED TO PLAY IT, I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS LIKE A WIERD VERSION OF THIS ONE LINK ONE WHICH IS THE ONE WE ACTUALLY HAVE AND IS JUST LOST BUT IT WORKS AND THATS ALL I CARE ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JUST AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shhhlikeme · 3 years
Im glad you enjoyed my mini scenario for my Christmas movie poster🥺 If you ever write a scenario for my movie poster I would probably cry because that's soo sweet🥺 🥺 double dates with you and Aran sound amazing too. We can brag about our amazing boys. Being the presence of Prince Aran tho😳 imaging Aran in a prince outfit is too much hahaha. He'd be such a kind Prince too
I didnt even realise it was your sideblog that your reblogged it with hahaha. Getting used to using sidebloga can be tricky I have to double check in rebloggng on the right account or even sending a post thru the right account all the time. I also always check after I've posted something to make sure it was the right blog hahaha.
Oo I saw the pic you tagged me in, date tech boys look so good!!!! I cant wait to watch the episode later today! Idk why but I always watch anime at night hahaha, I think its cos my hero used to come online at 7pm here so id watch haikyuu after when they were both airing in January. Now I just wait until later cos its routine hahaha.
Anyway I know its late now for you, so I hope you have a good day tomorrow and enjoy your weekend.💛💛💛 - qyu anon
I absolutely will some time when I’m done exams and mentally back to normal 💖
Omg agreed he would be the perfect prince and he looks soooooo good with a slight beard I can’t wait to see him animated ugh!!!!
Smh it’s soooo annoying I hate that it does that! Especially because my usernames are so similar I don’t even look at the upper left hand corner cause it doesn’t catch my eye🙄 I just did it again just now with a comment and like....whatever I’ll get the hang of it. I do like the side account thing though cause it’s like having 2 in 1!!!
I loooooveeeeeee them ahhhhhhhhhhh. All I saw was a picture and it brought me so much comfort yo. Ah how would you rate the season thus far? I still haven’t watched the new season !!! 😭 is the entire thing just one match like shiratorizawa?
Haha I feel you on the routine thing, I despise the idea of waiting for episodes so I’ve never had to wait for an anime ep to come out but I do that with my reality shows so I reckon it’s be the same thing.
Now the roles are reversed and it’s super late there so sleep well and I’ll ttyl qyu anon💛
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