damistrolls · 10 months
sorry, i didnt mean to scare u!! im doing good, just had some spaghetta :) whatcha up to?
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"Oh.. That s-sounds good...
I um... I was j-just p-p-patching up a rip in a d-doll dress... One of my dolls somehow t-tore it... I think t-they got a b-b-bit t-too adven.. adventurous earlier..."
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hirokiro · 1 year
random writing ‘cuz writer’s block.
“Goodness. I’ve heard of ‘trembling in fear’ but you’re practically shaking.” The villain grinned as they prowled towards the person weakly pointing a sword in their general direction.
The unknown person took a deep shuddering breath as the city burned around them.
“I… I can’t do this…” they sank to their knees, the blade clattering away as they hugged themselves and shivered.
The Villain's grin faded as they moved in closer. That wasn’t the voice of someone fearful so much as… as… Either way they paused over the person who was chattering but staring blankly at the ground.
Villain knelt and cupped the unknown’s chin, turning them to look up. Villain peered into their eyes. Shiny with fever. Villain felt their forehead. Very hot. Not yet dangerous but still.
“By the gods what are you even doing out of bed?” They couldn’t keep the astonishment out of their voice.
“Well, you know… town’s burning down… thought I’d go warm myself up and… maybe try to stab you since, that’s my job… stop the bad guy…” they replied listlessly, then tightly coughed, trying to hold it back.
“What do you mean it’s your job? I’ve never laid eyes on you and my minions never mentioned anyone of your description.”
“I j-joined the adven-ven-” they could barely get their words out, “ Ven- Guild… last m-month. Haven’t h-had a m-mission yet.”
A newbie?
“Huh.” Villain mused, straightening back up. They had meticulously planned this two part attack to draw the Adventurers’ Guild and guards out of the city, and then sweep in unopposed, “Who knew one of you was still here? What irony. The sick one faces me and can’t even keep themselves up.”
The villain felt a tug on their cloak and looked down to see the newbie wrapping themselves in it.
“What are you..?”
“C-cold…” they replied weakly, “T-to c-cold to c-care.”
This was… disturbing in an undefined way. Had no one stayed behind to watch this newbie?
“Isn’t anybody taking care of you? Anybody around?”
“City’s burning, idiot, ya think people are j-just gonna g-go about their d-d-... day taking care of one p-person?”
Villain had to admit the newbie had a point.
“Still, who left you alone?”
“I don’t know… there was a lot of chaos… Someone said they spotted you and I figured.. I could at least trip you up as I collapsed or something… I don’t know, cough on you? I can’t th-think.”
Villain stared down at the newbie, contemplating. Villain had to admit it was impressive the newbie even picked up a sword as if hoping to make some kind of impact. Surely this newbie had known they couldn’t to do a damn thing to stop the Villain?
And really who in their right mind let this kid run in the wrong direction? Or walk, or stumble, or however they got here?
“Well. First things first,” the villain commented as they took off their cloak and knelt to wrap up the newbie,. Next they swept the newbie up bridal style, “City’s taken so let’s just get you back to bed, eh? You were very brave but you are also very sick. Come along. To my new castle. I bet you’ve never seen the inside of a castle before!”
“I… no… I h-haven’t.”
The Villain strode along. Easiest captive they had ever taken. Not even a protest! This newbie could serve a purpose.
Well, first see to this newbie’s needs and be sure they didn’t become dangerously hot. Just wouldn’t due to lose them. Hopefully this fever wasn’t too serious.
“You’ll love it! Well, once you’re well enough to appreciate it.”
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lausurlesplateformes · 5 months
Dossier spécial: Les vaccins à base de plantes
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Photo: Kristina LeBreux
Les courtes pousses de Nicotiana Benthamiana en croissance dans l'Envirotron de l'Université Laval. Elles seront prêtes à être utilisées pour la moléculture après seulement 14 jours de croissance. 
Medicago se réinvente
La société biopharmaceutique Medicago renaît de ses cendres sous le nom d’Aramis Biotechnologies. Ce sont d’anciens employés de Medicago qui dirigent cette entreprise québécoise créée en février 2023 et qui permettront de développer davantage une plateforme technologique à base de plantes.
Laurence Brière
Article pour L’actualité 
Les anciens employés de Medicago, qui a fermé ses portes au début de l’année 2023, ont acquis la propriété intellectuelle de la société afin de relancer une compagnie similaire. 
En effet, cette nouvelle entreprise du nom d’Aramis Biotechnologies « développe une nouvelle génération de plateforme de biofabrication dans les plantes permettant de répondre aux besoins de santé publique actuels », selon le site internet de l’entreprise. L’entreprise se concentre présentement sur le développement de vaccins à base de cellules végétales. Il s’agit d’une technologie qui a été développée il y a quelques années principalement par Medicago. L’application de cette plateforme peut également être utilisée à d’autres fins pharmaceutiques telles que des médicaments. 
À la suite de la fermeture de Medicago en février 2023, le gouvernement du Canada a affirmé chercher un repreneur pour la société.  Selon un extrait du communiqué de presse à ce sujet, livré le 8 décembre 2023, « Cela découle du désir du gouvernement à accroître le degré de préparation du Canada en vue de potentielles pandémies et à s’assurer qu’une plateforme technologique prometteuse reste au pays ». Cette plateforme semble effectivement prometteuse sur le plan de la rapidité de création des vaccins, spécifiquement advenant le cas d’une nouvelle pandémie. 
Les avantages de cette plateforme innovatrice
Cette plateforme de développement à base de cellules végétales permet de développer des protéines en énorme quantité et très rapidement. La plateforme de production de protéines traditionnelle prend 6 à 8 mois à développer et produire. Tandis que la plateforme végétale peut produire les protéines nécessaires en 3 semaines seulement, comme l’explique Kristina LeBreux, étudiante à la maîtrise en biologie végétale : « Une poule avant de mettre à terme, elle doit être à l’âge adulte pour pondre des œufs. Tandis que mes plantes c’est à peu près 14 jours et elles sont prêtes à être agroinfiltrées. Et en 3 semaines, la plante a fait son cycle avec l’agroinfiltration et on a récolté les protéines », mentionne-t-elle. C’est donc un processus extrêmement rapide comparativement à la méthode traditionnelle. 
À propos de la méthode à base végétale
C’est dans l’Envirotron à l’Université Laval que Kristina LeBreux et 8 autres chercheurs développent les protéines qui servent à fabriquer les vaccins pour divers virus. Ce sont ces protéines qui sont envoyées dans les entreprises de biotechnologies comme Aramis Biotechnologies. 
La plateforme traditionnelle de développement des protéines utilisées dans les vaccins consiste à développer ces protéines à l’intérieur d’œufs de poule fécondés. Cette conception vaccinale est donc faite à base de cellules mammifères tout comme celles que l’on retrouve dans l’humain. 
Contrairement à cette méthode vaccinale traditionnelle, les vaccins que Kristina LeBreux participe à développer sont faits à base de cellules végétales. La plante utilisée lors de cette conception est la Nicotiana Benthamiana, une mauvaise herbe originaire d’Australie. Celle-ci est au cœur du concept de moléculture qui permet cette plateforme de développement. 
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Graphique fait à partir de Figma
Ce graphique représente bien la rapidité du processus de récolte des protéines nécessaires à la confection de vaccins à partir d'une plateforme végétale. Comparativement à une plateforme mammifère qui, selon Kristina LeBreux, prend au moins 6 mois.
Pour en savoir plus:
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dinaest · 5 months
Terjagalah! Markus 1:1-8
Adik saya lebih gampang tidur dibanding saya, dan kalau dibangunin susah betul. Saya kerap iri padanya, saking susah dibangunin, orang suka bilang, kayanya kalau ada rampok pun, dia gak akan bangun, saking susah terjaga, beda dengan orang yang susah tidur, selalu terjaga!
Kita akan mudah terjaga kalau kita merasa harus terjaga. Jika seorang petugas keamanan merasa dia harus menjaga keamanan dengan baik maka dia akan memaksa dirinya sendiri untuk tetap terjaga. Jika seorang murid memasang alarm maka dia akan bangun di tengah malam untuk belajar supaya besok bisa mengerjakan ujian. Ibu-ibu yang buat kue pasti akan biasa terjaga agar bisa bikin kue untuk dijual. Kita bisa membuat diri kita terjaga, atau membiarkan diri kita tertidur.
Dengan lilin adven kedua yang menyala kita diingatkan untuk terjaga. Dan dalam perikop yang kita baca, hidup yang terjaga dilakukan dalam cinta dan kesetiaan. Mengapa menjadi orang Kristen yang penuh cinta dan setia? Karena Mesias yang dinubuatkan melalui nabi-nabi datang pada dalam diri Yesus. Tapi, jika kita tak punya cinta dan kesetiaan pada Tuhan, kita tidur karena tidak terjaga.
Markus membuka nubuatan tentang Yesus Kristus melalui kisah Abraham, Ishak, Yakub dan kedua belas puteranya. Bersama Musa, Yesaya, Elia yang jubahnya mirip Yohanes Pembaptis tokoh sentral kita saat ini, dan Nabi Maleakhi. Markus percaya bahwa yang diberitakan orang-orang di atas adalah Yesus. Termasuk oleh sang tokoh hari ini yaitu Yohanes Pembaptis, nabi yang keterikatannya dengan Yesus sangat mendalam, bukan hanya sebagai sepupu tapi juga dalam cinta dan kesetiaan Yohanes Pembaptis dalam hidup dan matinya. Melalui Yohanes Pembaptis kita dibuat terjaga dalam sebuah pesan: kerajaan Allah sudah dekat.
Yohanes Pembaptis hanya punya satu tujuan: membuat mereka yang mendengarkannya mengubah pemikiran dan cara hidup mereka. Ini ditandai dengan baptisan, baptisan adalah sebuah tanda kita mau dibersihkan dan menjadi manusia yang berkenan kepada Allah. Tapi, siapa yang mau mendengarkan Yohanes?
Tentu ini menjadi pertanyaan bagi anda dan saya saat ini? Bagi anda yang larut dengan kegelisahan hidup dan sibuk mencari jawaban bahagia bukan pada Allah? Bagi anda yang merasa uang dan cinta manusia bisa memuaskan hatimu? Bagi anda yang merasa tidak membutuhkan Tuhan? bagi anda yang merasa jumawa karena merasa hidup ini masih lama? Apakah kita mau mendengarkan suara Yohanes Pembaptis yang berseru: Bertobatlah! Sebab Kerajaan Allah telah dekat!
Barangsiapa memandang pada Yohanes maka mereka akan memandang pada Yesus, yang kata Yohanes, jauh lebih berkuasa daripadaku. Dan akan membaptis kita dengan Roh Allah. Sang Putra Allah. Apakah kita cukup memiliki cinta dan kesetiaan pada Allah?
Di sepanjang belajar katekisasi, orang yang dikenalkan Gereja pada anda hanya satu: Yesus! Sidi adalah awal anda mengaku di depan banyak orang bahwa anda akan menerima perjanjian bersama Yesus. Tapi berjanji bersama Yesus tidak lantas membuktikan anda adalah orang yang mencintai dan setia padaNya. Semua itu harus dibuktikan. Seluruh hidup dan keputusan anda adalah buktinya. Ada beberapa yang saya sarankan pada anda berdelapan belas agar anda disertai dalam perjalanan mencintai dan setia pada Yesus!
Belajarlah mengenal Yesus terus menerus. Mungkin ada banyak orang di hidup anda gak terlalu peduli dengan mau jadi apa anda dan anda akan gimana besok, tapi Yesus peduli. Dia ingin anda menjadi orang yang hidupnya mujur dan bahagia. Dia gak ingin anda sedih, terluka dan bersedih. jadi, sepahit apa pun kehidupan, dan seberapa pun mengecewakan hidup anda, ingatlah bahwa datang pada Yesus, tidak akan pernah membuat anda kecewa!
Jangan sia-siakan hidup! Temukan tujuan kehidupan kalian! Memang manusia semua akan mati, tapi hidup itu tidak murah harganya. Jika anda ke Lapas, anda akan melihat banyak orang mengemis hidup yang bebas. Jika anda ke rumah sakit, anda akan melihat banyak orang memohon bisa hidup lebih lama. Hidup anda sama sekali tidak sia-sia. Jadi, jangan sembarangan dalam hidup. Kalau melakukan apa pun dipikir dulu matang-matang. Dan, carilah hikmat, dan Allah Sumber Hikmat itu! JIka kita menemukan tujuan hidup kita maka kita akan menghormati hidup dan orang lain, itulah makna menghormati Hak Asasi Manusia.
Dalam ini semua, semoga cinta dan kesetiaan yang mengalir dari hidup Yohanes Pembaptis juga mengalir dalam hidup anda. Ia hanya melayani 5 tahun. Namun dalam kualitas yang penuh. Tugas yang dihayati dengan sungguh-sungguh dan totalitas. Tak bermasalah semuda apa pun anda, sesederhana apa pun yang anda lakukan, selama semua dilakukan dalam cinta dan kesetiaan, adalah sebuah respon kita menyambut Mesias!
Mari sambut Putra Allah yang disaksikan Yohanes. Dengan cinta dan kesetiaan pada Tuhan, dalam semua tugas perutusan yang Tuhan berikan pada kita. “Jika kamu tahu sebabnya, kamu bisa hidup bagaimanapun caranya.” – Friedrich Nietzsche itu katanya. Semoga perjalanan anda mengikut Yesus, anda hidupi dengan terus belajar mengenalNya dan terikat denganNya. Sehingga kita bertumbuh mencintai dan setia padaNya.
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mersea77 · 1 year
SAAQclic et protection de la vie privée : bon ménage ?
Le virage numérique que nous connaissons depuis quelques années se produit à l’échelle mondiale. Bien entendu, le Québec n’en fait pas exception. Cette orientation se voulant être une manière de faciliter nos vies comporte malheureusement son lot de risques. Le vol d’identité représente, selon moi, le plus grand danger de cette tendance à souhaiter tout numériser. Voilà pourquoi, par un bel après-midi de la fin de mars, j’ai décidé d’effectuer le chemin aller-retour à Granby afin de renouveler mon permis de conduire. Il était hors de question que je m’inscrive sur SAAQclic ! Vieille mentalité, me direz-vous ? Peut-être, mais je préfère laisser le temps à ce site de faire ses preuves avant de me tourner vers cette solution informatisée.
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Un peu de positif !
Malgré ma réticence face à ce virage numérique, je dois avouer que ce dernier comporte quelques avantages. Il permet tout d’abord à la clientèle de la Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec de réaliser la plupart de ses transactions dans le confort de son foyer. Plus besoin de se déplacer dans l’une des succursales et d’y perdre un temps précieux. De plus, en faisant appel à l’informatique, les tâches manuelles sont sans doute réduites, ce qui a pour effet d’augmenter la productivité. Enfin, la pénurie de personnel sévit possiblement tout autant à la SAAQ que dans de nombreuses entreprises québécoises. Ce tournant numérique vient assurément alléger cette situation problématique.
Oui, mais…
Nous ne sommes pas sans savoir que le démarrage de SAAQclic fut cahoteux et a connu de nombreux ratés. Ceux-ci ont été très médiatisés et il a même été question de faux site et textos. D’ailleurs, j’en ai reçu un qui m’offrait gentiment un crédit en raison de la fermeture des succursales et des inconvénients engendrés. Si les débuts du virage numérique de la SAAQ sont à ce point complexes, nous sommes en droit de nous inquiéter de la suite. Comment la gestion de nos données privées sera-t-elle réalisée ? Sera-t-elle suffisamment sécuritaire ?
Par ailleurs, nous avons appris que nos informations personnelles transmises à la Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec seraient par la suite partagées auprès d’autres entités ministérielles. Cette décision soulève donc la question à savoir à qui appartiennent ces renseignements une fois qu’ils sont croisés avec de nouvelles données. L’usage que le gouvernement en fera ensuite reste inconnue, mais ne soyons pas surpris s’il s’en sert afin de mettre en place une surveillance à la Big Brother advenant une prochaine pandémie.
Aussi, qu’adviendra-t-il de nos renseignements personnels s’ils sont vendus à des entreprises privées comme souhaite le faire l’État ? En créant une telle entente avec ce domaine, le gouvernement pourrait « utiliser ces données pour essayer de catégoriser les citoyens par rapport à leurs comportements en termes de santé, de mobilité ou de gestion financière » (Gambs et al., 2022).
Finalement, l’extorsion de données reflète quant à moi le plus gros risque encouru dans ce virage numérique. Entre le 6 mars et le 31 juillet 2020, « plus de 1578 fraudes liées à un vol d’identité ont été signalées par des Québécois au Centre antifraude du Canada sur les 4730 dans l’ensemble du pays, ce qui correspond à 33 % » (Halin, 2020). Afin de se créer un profil sur SAAQclic, il faut fournir les informations suivantes :
Numéro d’assurance sociale
Numéro d’assurance maladie
Numéro de référence sur le permis de conduire
Numéro de référence sur la carte d’assurance maladie
Numéro d’un avis de cotisation de Revenu Québec des deux dernières années
Ajoutons à ces données qu’il est nécessaire de lier ce profil à un compte bancaire dans le but de réaliser des transactions monétaires. Avec toutes ces informations en main, une personne malveillante serait en mesure de demander un prêt à notre nom dans une institution financière. J’y entrevois un scénario désastreux d’accumulation de dettes non désirées.
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Pourquoi ne pas avoir envisagé cette solution ?
À mon avis, la meilleure solution quant à la protection de notre vie privée face à ce virage numérique réside dans l’authentification à deux facteurs. Microsoft définit cette dernière comme « une méthode de sécurité basée sur la gestion des identités et accès qui impose deux formes d’identification pour accéder aux ressources et données » (Microsoft, 2023). L’entreprise en propose quatre types :
Modules de sécurité matériels
Notifications Push
Vérification par SMS
Authentification vocale
Plusieurs organisations, dont des centres de service scolaires, utilisent cette avenue afin de protéger les données personnelles de ceux et de celles qui naviguent sur leurs sites web. Je trouve dommage que la Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec n’en ait pas fait autant…
Gambs, S. et al. (2022, 10 juin). L’identité numérique : quels enjeux et quels risques? Journal de Montréal. https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2022/06/10/lidentite-numerique-quels-enjeux-et-quels-risques
Halin, F. (2020, 30 septembre). Les plaintes pour vol d’identité plus nombreuses au Québec. Journal de Montréal. https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2020/09/30/les-plaintes-pour-vol-didentite-plus-nombreuses-au-quebec
Microsoft. (2023). Qu’est-ce que l’authentification à 2 facteurs?https://www.microsoft.com/fr-ca/security/business/security-101/what-is-two-factor-authentication-2fa
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guyboulianne · 1 year
C'est quand même bizarre ce que dit ce soldat : « On s’entraîne annuellement pour être capables d’intervenir advenant toute éventualité que ce soit au niveau d’une opération de combat ou d’intervenir à la maison, dans les CHSLD et les cliniques de vaccination. » : https://youtu.be/IRHITgSSG_8?t=62
Radio-Canada : https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1934574/entrainement-valcartier-35e-brigade-reserve-guerre-artillerie
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salamifuposey · 1 year
Lemonade - Chapter 19 - Dayley vs The Gods of Aurea
Chapter 19 - Dayley vs The Gods of Aurea
A lot has happened since Lemmy and his partners had arrived the Brightburn Tower. Since then, the tower had already collapsed, as such was the decision called by God Himself, after witnessing that one of the Anagi who happens to be Dayley Sparks stepped on his sacred hallmark, the tower where Gods would seemingly be created.
Not only that, God made the decision to call forth His own creations, which was Amea, the Goddess of Peace and Tranquility, Duran, the God of War and Bloodshed and Sabre, the God of Wisdom and Knowledge.
These three combined, God plotted to have them finally unleash justice upon those who defied him, including the Anagi themselves, who he called deluded for impinging their own ideals and wanting to be more self-righteous than God itself, as they trick and allude the world to think of it as less harsher than it is.
Dayley, who had just seemingly learned all about this, felt anguished over the fact that his kindred were so oppressed and tried to take Vonderv as hostage, only to not be able to go forth with it, due to his weakness to kill anyone with his fist or power. Influenced and corrupted from his own original world, he merely wanted out of it, having his heart now crushed over the ones he had saved merely thinking he was plotting.
Even worse, he felt guilty of being the one to blame for the tower's destruction, thinking that, had he not stepped in there, the tower would have probably continued to exist.
Due to all this, the Anagi now run at the risk of going into extinction, by God's wish.
Dayley's heart just then, had sunk to a new low, feeling like he was losing hope little by little.
He too felt oppressed by it, as he shared the energy of the Anagi, despite being a distant relative from across another dimension, as he grieved for them.
Even worse, he stood before three entities, these wanting to strike him down by God's will.
"... What..."
"... W-what is that?..."
"... Are those... Gods?..."
As these giant entities both blessed and cursed him with their light, the Gods intended everything but good for thing, as they were merely following God's instructions, having been summoned by him to bring their fury towards him, to finally put a stop to the Anagi person and carry on with his oath.
Dayley's body then trembled upon such sight, being both honored and frightened by them.
"... I..."
"... I just wish I didn't have to meet them like this..."
"... Now, I'm just... like a pebble in a road..."
Dayley then wondered why go through such lengths.
"... Why..."
"... Why get rid of me like this?..."
"... Am I that threatening?..."
He didn't want to think of himself as such, but truthfully, he already called himself a monster several points during his living, wishing he didn't have them and yet, there he was, standing before them, brandishing such powers.
He witnessed Lemmy and his other friends, including his mother, flee out of this, while they looked at awe over the Gods, wondering if they were even supporting him or rather, wanted him to be dead or dying in a ditch.
"... A-at least they're living..."
"... T-that's..."
"... All that matters..."
Lemmy and friends were then shocked, as Dayley stood before these entities.
"... W-what the hell is going on around here?!" Lemmy absolutely freaked, as he couldn't even believe his own eyes of these so called entities making a presence before them.
"Is he going to fight against them on his own?!" Adven then felt worried over what this could possibly mean for her friend who she had just met, still shocked having learned about him having been in the tower and learned about him being the one that protected her.
"What was Dayley doing in the tower in the first place?!" Lemmy's mother couldn't even believe she was around to witness this, as she never knew there were Gods of such level on this dimension patrolling it.
"... What on Earth is he?!"
Adven then tried to explain, albeit quite breath-taken by the Gods haunting these plains.
"... I don't know who that guy is, but he's a Anagi!" She hoped to clear things up for Lemmy's mother, who had little knowledge in the situation. "He's a freaking god-like entity who's energy is even beyond light itself! They're supposed to be energy amazons shared throughout the galaxy to protect each dimension!"
"Dayley? Dayley Sparks?!" Lady Miriam herself couldn't even believe the young chipmunk's words, as she uttered words like god-like and light.
"A protector?..."
Adven felt bad over him being so cornered by these entities, as this could only mean him being erased out of existence and the Anagi kind as well.
"... Wait, where's Hector and Jayt?!" Lady Miriam then actively searched around in vain.
In reality, Hector and Jayt had split off from the group, while Naddy ran off with Lemmy.
As they then looked around after running off and fleeing from the tower, they soon witnessed Dayley, who was just above them and the three God-like entities who were about to try to defeat him before their very eyes.
"... The hell is that?!" Hector then became frightened as he stared at these entities hovering not far from them, as they were about to bring down justice against the trespasser.
"... Dayley's going to fight against them?!" Even Jayt felt pretty alarmed by it, as he wondered just how strong Dayley was and feeling frightened he even got involved with such a man in the first place.
"... At least, we're far enough so they can't reach us!..." Hector then only hoped for the other ones to be safe, but he believed having Lady Miriam's squad was more than enough to protect them.
"... I can't say the same about Dayley though!... Who knows what'll happen to this guy right here!..."
Just then, as Dayley tried to surveille and watch over Lemmy and all those that surrounded him, in hopes they'd keep themselves at a distance, albeit slightly shocked over being stared at so much, one of the Gods then caught him off guard, as they lunged themselves against him to strike them down with her giant wings.
This was the Goddess of Peace and Tranquility, Amea, who was trying to strike him down, all while receiving that blow forcefully, sending him flying off the distance with great strength.
"... H-hah!..." Despite this, it seemed like he didn't suffer any big blow, as he only felt like he had his body projected and distanced off from her, all while she spread her wings to unleash her next attack.
Compared to them, Dayley was about as big to the Gods as a fly to them, similarly as to when he was afflicted by his former condition that kept him shrunk to a size, as he flew while dodging all of her attacks.
Just then, a beam of light suddenly struck him down, enveloping all around his body, its aim supposedly to burn him dead and cleanse him from the acts he had committed up to this day, to completely purge him.
"... Woah!" Lemmy then got shocked seeing such a God being so vengeful towards him.
"... Wait!" Adven then tried to watch over the fight, almost fearing for the worst.
Just then, Dayley still seemed like he was with no wounds whatsoever, as he mired shockingly at his own body surviving all those blows from it, breath-taken that he was surviving from the attacks of a God herself.
"... H-hah... H-how?!..."
But just as he was about to try to get back to Amea, another God got him off guard as well, this time, being Sabre, the God of Wisdom and Knowledge who held a magic tome and had just released a thousand spells upon him, a special concoction derived only from one single spell that used all elements of the galaxy upon him.
As these spells enveloped Dayley, he truly felt like he was in actual pain.
"... Hah!... What was that?!..." Lady Miriam for once, actually feared for Dayley's life.
"I-I don't know! Sabre's a special tome fighter! He read all of the books scattered across the galaxy, that's why he's called the God of Knowledge and Wisdom! He's read tomes as well, meaning he can cast spells to his benefit!" Even Vonderv didn't realize Sabre had so much power within him despite his title.
Despite this, Dayley, after that surge of power and magic faded out, still seemed unfazed by it, all while the magic and spells broke out of his body.
"... H..."
"... H-how..."
As he looked upon his hands while he was about to fall, Duran, the God of War and Bloodshed, then immediately cornered Dayley, making him completely vulnerable to his collection of weapons.
"... H-hah!"
Just then, Duran, with his giant Dullahan-like appearance, completely shot his large arsenal at him, fires shot against him and throughout his whole body, feeling like his body was constantly being tortured by it.
Machine guns, revolvers, snipers, shotguns, to different kinds of blades then tried to pierce them, even though it was all for naught, as his body merely recoiled them back, while he became horrified of what he was just witnessing, as the Gods tried to massacre his very own being by God's orders.
Just then, he had suffered a blow that sent him flying down towards the ground, as he impacted and made a crater on these plains, stopping him only but temporarily from receiving such burden from the Gods themselves.
At that moment, Dayley was looking above the skies, wondering about his true call, all while noticing his unscathed body and wondering how he even had such power to endure such attacks from magnificent God entities.
"... W..."
"... What am I?..."
More than anything, he felt tortured. Massacred and feeling like he had to atone for his sins, each and every single one of them, all while he got those blows from them.
"... Maybe..."
"... Maybe I do deserve it..."
Despite this, he was still frightful of it, his heart now racing and trying to catch up to the God's speed, as his body tried to lift himself of the ground slowly, as he was not in a hurry.
As he stood before them, the Gods out sizing Dayley actually became frightful of him and their desires to annihilate him grew even further as he tried to look back to them. Even so, he felt like he at least had to go through the effort of dodging these attacks, all while they were trying to purge him.
As Lemmy and those that surrounded him watched him at awe, he then flew off, trying to watch over the Gods while remaining at a distance, as his cape fluttered in the wind, his eyes still fearful over his own fate.
While the Gods tried to strike him back, Dayley, after receiving those blows, actually grew accustomed to their speed and the attacks they threw afterwards were barely dodged by him, as he tried to fly back and try to calm these entities, in hopes they wouldn't harm anyone else.
Having no longer concern over himself, Amea, the Goddess, then tries to swing him back with her heavenly staff, which was hidden behind her back, all while Dayley tried defending himself from her.
Feeling like he had everything but peace and tranquility and feeling like he had atoned for his sins enough as it is, simply because he lived hell every day on his mind, he then elbowed Amea towards the ground, after catching her off guard just above her back, trying to put a stop to her heavenly rays.
Sabre then came, bestowed with tomes and knowledge, as he tried to envelop Dayley once more, this time, sending him a Death magic spell that would be sure to put a stop to him, as it used all the damage spells from the galaxy to annihilate anything that stood in his path.
Dayley, feeling like he was devoid of wisdom and knowledge by having been shielded off from having a ordinary life, by simply being secluded and forced to be a hero against his own will, gut punched Sabre and then held down his hands together to also knock Sabre down, even temporarily, by also hitting him on his back.
Afterwards, Duran, the God of War and Bloodshed, lent his arsenal once more, this time using all of it, right down to his very last weapon, not caring in the slightest over lost ammo or bullets. Bullets were all that it rained, all upon Dayley and towards his body, while whips secured him tightly.
Dayley, also feeling like he was corrupted by unnecessary bloodshed and weapons and influenced by his men despite feeling like they were the only ones he could relate to after being massacred so much, then recoiled everything, right down to his very last bullet, his body unfazed by all of it, while he surprises Duran and obliterates his armor with a single punch and brings him down forcefully with a knee thrust and a hit to his helmet, finally bringing him down with a forceful swing of his leg, as Duran fell to hit the ground by it.
As they all fell towards the ground, Dayley then floated atop them.
He didn't want this.
He didn't want any of it.
He felt like he was used to fight and to entertain God, to please him, so he could watch him being tortured and used against his will to fight these Gods back, just because he felt Dayley was not supposed to exist.
Despite this, he didn't feel anything to not even a single one of these Gods, only but empathy.
He didn't want to harm them, not even a single bit to one of them.
Despite this, he was forced to.
Seeing all this, Lemmy, Adven and all of the others were witnessing all of it.
"... Did..."
".. Did this guy just obliterate your Gods right in front of our faces?!"
"... I-I didn't even know he had much power in him!... I..." Vonderv even recoiled before him.
"... N-no wonder God's afraid of him... The Anagi are able to transcend even God Himself!..."
As Lemmy trembled on his feet, he almost felt obligated to bow, as he didn't know Dayley had so much power in him. He felt like he had done him wrong and even trembled over the thought that he even punched him.
As Dayley watched over him, he merely got saddened by it.
"... Don't..."
"... Don't look at me like that..."
He didn't want to be worshiped or put in a pedestal. He didn't want any of it.
He merely wanted to be treated just like the rest.
Adven then noticed her friend watching over him, feeling like this isn't what Dayley wanted at all, seeing him in the distance, with a sad look in his face.
"..." She merely stood quiet, mourning that he could no longer be treated as normal.
Lemmy then wondered what was even going across Dayley's mind as he fended those Gods.
"... Who..."
"... Who's side is he even on?..."
Adven knew where Dayley stood on all of this, but she wasn't sure whether Lemmy could understand her well, given she was the one he had hugged out of desperation.
Since she knew all too well who's life Dayley had rescued off from the Midnight Crawler, having wrapped her arms all around her and saved her, even if it were for a shallow reason, just to protect her.
She also had noticed Dayley's hesitance over holding Vonderv hostage and actually taking his life, as she witnessed him trembling, showing frightfulness over ever killing anyone with his strength. Even if he had killed someone, she merely assumed for it to have been on accident, indirectly or in self-defense, as he would not have the strength to pull it through, not unless he felt betrayed or hurt by someone else.
Lemmy's mother, having witnessed such power, she then thought it was the right call never having fully confronted him, even though she fully knew he had covered crimes and evidence from her. She in fact knew all too well that Dayley was actually not like the others, as she recognized him as that one boy with white eyes.
"... Dayley..."
"... Dayley Sparks..."
"... Who knew you had so much power in you?..."
"... No wonder you kept covering your crimes..."
"... You kept hiding them as to hide the evidence, which was completely obliterated..."
"... When it was all in self-defense..."
"... I knew it didn't make sense to have some of them live and others go throughout it..."
"... They were actually trying to take advantage of him, even begging him to make cigarette marks on them..."
"... I even saw one of them forcefully outright trying to abuse Dayley on a video tape..."
"... Even the fires were more of a cleanse to him..."
"... It was the only thing that calmed him afterwards..."
"... I lost count of the tobacco evidence I kept finding in each and every single of those cases..."
"... The worst part was having to find that one video tape..."
"... And having to look throughout all that just to meet the real Dayley..."
As she stared back at him, not with respect, but solemness over him, Dayley caught a glimpse of that vile woman he called Mira, who kept digging through his weaknesses, as he didn't want that to be found by her.
He didn't know her from anywhere, only that he had confronted, but let go villains from her past let go, remarkably not harming a single one of them, even though he dreaded her knowing far too much about him.
Previously, he only knew Edgar by mention of name, but has also seen him in action, as there was evidence about Edgar lurking around and about how her husband survived explosions of any kind despite it all. Remarkably, he never ran across Edgar as well, only but Sean and even then, his men were the ones that did most of the job for him, also having attacked several of his men if they went too far with a task.
This could have all been avoided had he just come out and told the truth.
But in reality, he knew the hell that would unleash had his true power been known, knowing how far people can reach in wanting to take advantage of it as it is, having already devoted his life to super heroism since 13, while groomed throughout the years, all while trying to contain himself.
They took the only thing that calmed him which was fire, to which he replaced with tobacco once he found out what it was and how he could get a hold of it. Despite having been a heavy smoker, the product never actually harmed him, only but calmed him every time he would spark that lighter.
Since then, the years simply got piled on him, all while trying to bear through it one day after the other.
The white eyes he used to brandish slowly faded along with time, as he lost hope slowly.
"... Those letters..."
"... He was trying to hide his origins..." Lady Miriam felt shocked he even had to go to such lengths to protect his own family, just so they could live at peace without ever involving them with him or have them murdered by someone he knew about.
She then stared at him, hoping he could try his best and choose the right path for himself.
"... No one deserves to go through all that..."
"... Especially not someone with that much power in them..."
As Dayley then floated and hovered in the air, his memories were going to places he wishes he hadn't recollected, all while he went through them in his head, his chest feeling heavy.
Of days gone by, where he had suffered much anguish, of the day he lost all hope in mankind.
A awful memory he wishes he didn't remember whatsoever, if only because he had suffered tremendously because of it, all while it rang through his head, where he felt at his lowest.
The memory then flashes back, as the setting is set to that of a unknown place.
It was simply too dark to know where exactly it was located, all while Dayley was distanced.
He seemed to be sitting on the floor, sitting and coiling all to himself, crying about something and anguishing himself over it, as he mercilessly beat himself down constantly about it.
As he was rubbing the tears from his eyes, he kept cleaning them, hoping they could stop.
He coiled all to himself, withdrawn from it all, sobbing to himself, clenching his teeth and grimacing with a sad expression, all while trying to stop it from continuing further, cleaning the tears with his gloves.
There were points where he could be seen anguishing, putting his hand on his face while he suffered greatly, almost looking like he was screaming in anguish and about to break.
At the time, there was a video camera pointing towards him, unknowingly, not knowing he was being recorded. Still, he kept himself in his position, just wanting to be left alone in this darkness, until he knew how to make it stop, dreading anyone from coming in and seeing him at such a state.
After a point, he merely took a deep breath, after a hour of senseless crying, sulking his head in the process and shriveling all to himself, just wanting to get out of it to try and recompose himself.
After a while, he left his location, barely able to stand, all while trembling.
Due to the video camera hour and date having been reset, there was no clear set date or the time of this exact moment, lost throughout time until Lady Miriam caught it on tape, after researching Dayley's headquarters' video cameras that were spread throughout it.
The location seemed to be a dark room from the headquarters at night, with the lights turned off, where he was headed to and closed the door to it, all while remaining hidden inside it, hidden from everyone.
Afterwards, Dayley, who seemed to have had enough about memories, tried to make sure all the Gods were knocked down temporarily, as he stood above them, not wanting to mock.
Instead, he merely wanted to respect them, as he knew they were all remarkable entities that were just unfortunate having stumbled upon him, as he didn't realize himself just how powerful he was and the power he himself contained.
As he tried to watch all around him, he realized that he was slowly losing respect from those around him, all while he stared at them looking above them.
Dayley then, watched above the skies, wanting to be heard by God, trying to call for his attention, who he knew all too well was watching over him.
"... Is this what you wanted?!..."
"... Are you having fun with it?!..." Dayley felt sickened he had to go through this.
"... Do you enjoy seeing people suffer?!"
"... If you wanted to torment me, you already did it..."
"... I've already lost everything!..."
"... I've got nothing else..."
"... So, if you want to end me..."
"... Come at me!"
God then decided to openly mock him.
"... You still don't get it..."
"... I do not enjoy seeing others in misery."
"... I am merely bringing down my justice upon the Anagi."
"... They too, have openly mocked me, thinking all it takes is a dash of hope and love to solve everything." God pitied such frivolous and weak attempts at problem solving.
"They don't think that! The only thing they care about is bringing hope in others!" Or so Dayley believed, remembering that they wanted to create heroes out of it.
"They're just trying to make people happy, all while continuing to live their lives hidden from your eyes!" He reminded himself of their transparency and how they lived in fear.
"They won't survive long without their own tower and I'll take the blame for it!" Dayley had assumed his guilt, thinking that had it not been for him, they wouldn't have lost their main source of power.
"Just because I was the one who did that mistake, does not mean my people have to atone for it!" He wanted it to be put all over his shoulders, as he took the blame for it.
God then felt like he was about to lose his patience with Dayley Sparks.
"... I have gotten this remorse a very long time ago."
"... I know better than anyone else that the Anagi have no purpose living."
"... This isn't just about your mistakes, but past mistakes as well..."
"... That Anagi should have been kept quiet... He had one job and got corrupted because of it..." God kept referring to the Anagi hidden inside the Midnight Crawler.
Dayley then asked.
"For what purpose? For your own selfish need of law and order?"
"It's true that there are a lot of malicious people out there, but you can't just erase them without giving them a chance or without seeing how they became such persons, without knowing their roots!..."
"If something comes out of it that causes them to just be erased, it might have been their own fault for getting themselves erased in the first place, all without having other people in consideration!..."
"... Forcing one of our own while begging for it to bottle their own emotions, all while teaching them to kill mercilessly... To the point of even becoming a entity of negative emotions..."
"... I do not want to become a God or act like one..."
"... Justice finds its own path and unleashes itself to those who deserve it..."
Dayley then looked towards his opponents, who were temporarily knocked out.
He flew towards their direction and tried to check whether the Gods were fine.
He didn't look down upon them, but rather, treated them with respect, having given him quite a fight from them, as he wanted to bow for them instead.
"... I've had it with all this senseless fighting."
He then tried to make Amea stand, who was knocked on the ground, treating her just the same as himself, hoping she wasn't hurt from all the fighting.
"... Are you alright?..."
As he tried to make peace with the Gods themselves, hoping not continuing to fight them, Amea, who was still a subordinate of God, then tried to distance herself from Dayley with a beam of light, trying not to be influenced by his respect, who she thought was merely looking down upon her and her deeds.
Dayley being hit with this light, he then gets himself pushed, all while he dodged back from it.
The other Gods then raised, watching Dayley and not wanting to let their own God down, hoping to extinguish the Anagi, who have been running rampage for too long now, them knowing his true strength and the danger of him living.
As they measured Dayley's strength, they had severely underestimated his true power.
Meanwhile, Lemmy and friends were still quite breath taken, all while witnessing their fight.
"... This is madness..." Lemmy couldn't even believe it himself.
"The worst part is, we can't do anything about it." Lady Miriam then shared, feeling overwhelmingly at a disadvantage before Gods.
"Those are entities. If we fight them, we're dead."
"... And now the Anagi are without their tower... What are we going to do now?..." Adven felt crushed over the Anagi Village and their people no longer having the tower to fuel them and their village, all while God only cares about is the lack of their purpose.
"... If God goes through with it, they'll all be dead..."
"There's gotta be a way to return it!..." She then looked back towards Von, hoping he'd have an answer for it, while having her heart sunk and conflicted with her own feelings.
"... Don't look at me, there's nothing we can do to help!..." Von then depressingly said.
"... Not unless God grants us a wish and we all ask for him to get it back..."
"... And we know better than anyone else not even God wants it!..."
"... I wasn't expecting the tower to crumble either..." Lady Miriam had been caught off guard by it. "Now because of it, our teleporter and aircraft is now underneath it." Her luck had just ran out as the tower debris had buried her machinery.
"... It's still hard to break it, so it might still be working, but it's still risky to try out and unearth it, what with God watching every step we make and we might risk being obliterated as well." The least she wanted was getting blasted off by God Himself.
"Who knew Dayley of all people would be facing Gods?..." Lemmy was still shocked to find out about this supposed villain who came from their home only to find out he's part of a prophecy he didn't even know about from a separate dimension.
"Should we even trust him?..."
"Not like we have any other choice..." Lady Miriam then admitted they didn't even have anyone else to choose from, all while they stared at the villain of their dimension suddenly taking on Gods as if it were a walk on a park.
"... Damn it, Dayley..." Lemmy then stared back at him, wondering what he was about to do next, feeling dread over someone like him deciding the fate of this dimension.
"... What are you going to do now?..."
As the Gods then mired Dayley from the distance, they then started to get on their feet and immediately started to stalk him, throwing back spells and projectiles towards him as he dashed and flew off again.
"... Persistent!..."
As they flied and kept on pressuring him, Dayley flew off in the skies, his cape fluttering with him, starting to feel tired of all this endless fighting, as he kept on watching them, hoping they wouldn't hit any of those he tried to protect, hoping God didn't have any more plans on the back of his head.
They kept striking on him, all while he punched rhythmically, fending them off successfully, each punch timed with his heart racing, each pump powering his fist, all while he kept on marching with it.
Each of his blows were like explosions, trying to strike back those who were fighting back. He was even learning how to use his strength, his heart beating around and feeling like his heart was about to come out of his chest as he kept punching with his fists.
Lemmy and his friends were watching this phenomenon, wondering how he was pulling it.
"He's striking back?!... But how?!..." Lemmy was in shock as he awed at it.
"The Anagi are powered by their heart race! Each heart beat can power their punches tenfold!" To Adven, it was a first actually seeing this phenomenon. "His punches can burst through anything!"
"... Rhythm?!" Lemmy then stood baffled as he tried to stare back Adven and Dayley back and forth, as he simply didn't believe his ears. "... You mean that guy can be powered by music?!"
"That's why they're called the Anagi! They're energy amazons who possess great energy power within them!" Adven then tried to watch his friend fight back, while he tried to strike back with each punch rhythmically.
"...Energy amazons?... No wonder that guy's so big!..." Lemmy was always surprised Dayley was more remarkably taller compared to the rest of the super heroes back from their old dimension, as Dayley even out sized his own father.
As they stood amazed, the pursuit still kept going, all while they insisted on striking back Dayley persistently.
God then, from above the skies, tried to attack Dayley, launching a heavenly strike, something that was completely unexpected from God Himself, while Dayley tried to recover from it, unharmed by it.
"... H-hah!..."
As Dayley then tried to fight back, all the Gods combined their power to unleash them upon him, mercilessly striking him back down, hoping this would be their final blow, as they were using their strongest spells and attacks, with their vicious resources created from God himself focused on a single attack.
This being a tri-attack, the force was powerful enough to send Dayley flying towards the ground, as it impacted him greatly, even although it still didn't leave even a dent or mark in his body, as his body merely kept bouncing back those attacks as if they were nothing.
Just then, Dayley's back hits the ground tremendously, making the ground shake with the impact, making a massive dust cloud emerging from it, all while the ground trembled.
He was knocked back into unconsciousness, albeit not even with a slight scratch on him.
As Lemmy and friends tried to keep their balances straight, God then pleads Lemmy to get help from him, hoping he'd comply with his help.
"Cough!... Cough cough!..." Lemmy then coughed due to the dust cloud in the air.
"... W-wait..."
"... I-Is he dead?!" Lemmy at this point wasn't even sure if that was a good or bad thing, as he didn't even know who's side to support, all while he stared back at this senseless fighting between Gods and entities.
A voice then echoed, calling and begging for Lemmy's blade, which possessed a God's power at the moment, as it was shining inside his backpack.
"Scythe-haired hero!" God then had bellowed out his status.
"... Huh?" Lemmy then realized God was intending to call on him.
"... Why... Why are you calling me?..." Lemmy couldn't even believe God was addressing him, until God then gave out his reasoning to bring out his blade and use it on Dayley's body to finish him, knowing far too well now the existence of the blade inside it.
"Brandish the blade with Yamiel's power and pierce the Anagi's heart with it!"
Lemmy then couldn't believe those words even had come from Him, as it rang through his ears like a harmonious cry for a hero to save their homeland.
"... You what?!"
God was actually asking Lemmy for a favor, much to his own surprise.
"... First of all, I appreciate the hair comment!"
"Second of all, I ain't piercing squat with anything!"
A white flash then came from the clouds above.
"... What was that?" Vonderv then started staring towards the sky, as the clouds started to darken. "... Please tell me that's not what I think it is."
As Lemmy watched the skies above him, God then struck lightning, almost hitting Lemmy and his friends, almost making him fall on his back, making everyone fall from their feet, all while the ground shook on them.
His friends were screaming, all while they kept remaining their distance, while their eyes trembled with fear, fleeing from God's thunderbolts.
"... Hey! What gives?! What kind of God does that?!" Lemmy didn't feel like taking orders from God, much less anyone else, as he tried not to make a single mistake that would cost his friends' lives, as he shouted towards the skies.
"... Are you mad with power right now?!" Lemmy felt like he was close to snapping.
Another lightning then came towards the ground they stood on, only having missed them by an inch, to the point it was even creating crevices and burned marks on the ground, incandescent particles from them.
"... Stop doing that!" Lemmy suddenly felt pressured, feeling like it was on his back to save all his friends, all while God insisted on throwing lightning, all while the clouds turned dark.
"Lemmy!" Adven then tried to stay back, as his friends, her girlfriend and her mother were trying to dodge God's fury, who's intents were to bring him to carve the dagger deep inside Dayley's heart, having no mercy for it.
Adven, Vonderv and Roberta tried to stay back, all while defending themselves from God's wrath, fleeing off from the distance even though God was everywhere where he could strike.
"Ahh!" His girlfriend yelped, as she tried to hold on to Vonderv, who was trying to shield her.
"... Knock it off!" He then shouted towards the skies, infuriated by God's insistence.
Likewise, thunder bolts were almost striking Lady Miriam's squad, who previously had tried to bring down and defeat the Midnight Crawler with their arsenal, all while she tried to tell them to keep their distance, hoping she wouldn't lose her men and women's lives on this very dimension, all while trying to protect them.
"... Stay back! Don't go anywhere near that lightning!"
Her squad then tried to jump and run back, all while watching the lightning strike before them, Lady Miriam even going to the point of saving their lives while trying to protect and shield them from harm.
"... Grr!" Lemmy, who had nothing but hatred inside his heart, then screamed back towards God again with nothing but boiling rage.
"... Fine, God, fine! But please for the love of all that is Holy, don't strike my friends with lightning!" He begged for him not to take his friends.
Lemmy felt like he'd highly regret it, despite that now being his only choice, as God was now forcing him to use his mother's weapon against his own will into a transcending being's heart, fearful of what might happen.
God then listened his call, hearing that he was now obeying his command.
"... Very well then."
As God had promised, he then had seized to send lightning towards them, all while ominously watching and judging Lemmy's every move, all while he held his dagger near his heart, frightened so, knowing he would have to carve it inside Dayley's heart.
"... Surely, you will obey."
Lemmy then clenched his teeth, enraged that God was going through such lengths to even try and defeat Dayley in such a cowardly fashion, even if it meant sacrificing various lives for it, just to get rid of a being that threatened him with too much power.
"... Now..."
"... Bring your weapon..."
"... And carve it into the Anagi's heart."
"... Surely, you can handle it."
Lemmy then, forced against his own will, tried to slowly drag his feet towards Dayley, who's body was now unconscious, as he had his back turned against the ground, his chest now exposed for it and breathing right in front of him.
"... Goddamn it..."
As Lemmy tried to approach Dayley, he too feared that Dayley would suddenly wake, as he too had his qualms against him, all while he watched him look knocked out and unconscious temporarily, seeing him with turmoil on his expression.
"... Lemmy! Don't do it!" Adven then tried to stop her friend from carving it into Dayley's chest, as he was about to use that dagger upon him and betraying his very trust.
"... He's the only one who can help!"
Another lightning then came and almost hit Adven, all while the chipmunk yelped and dodged from it and fleeing off from God's distance.
"Silence! I shall not tolerate such objection on my earth!"
"... Eep!" Adven then tried to hide herself off from God's eyes by trying to hide behind Vonderv, who had already had enough from him wanting to strike down his friends.
She then, from behind Vonderv's back, stuck her tongue out while pulling her eyelid.
"... Meanie!" She pouted, grumpy over God's insistence on using lightning against her.
As Lemmy then tried to keep going, slightly distracted by Adven calling out on him, he then approaches Dayley's body, who was knocked out cold, while still barely breathing.
"... God..."
As Lemmy then tried to hold his mother's dagger tight, he then pointed the tip towards Dayley's chest, aimed towards his heart, who was now completely exposed to him and the curvature of his blade, which was now possessed by Yamiel's power, the God of Death Himself, as his spirit lived inside it, while Dayley struggled getting awake.
"... Who knew I had to see you like this?..."
He then mired back at Dayley, who had his eyes closed, the debris of this cold crater now hugging his body, as he relentlessly tried to fight back his unconsciousness all while the wind howled in the silence, seeing Dayley's body pitifully laying in front of him.
Lemmy then got on his knees, holding the blade tight with both of his hands, hoping to pierce his heart with it, now remembering what he had made himself and his girlfriend go through.
He breathed, all while trying to gain the strength to carve the blade right into his heart.
Despite this, Lemmy, didn't want to carve Dayley's chest for some reason.
His forehead ran a cold sweat, dreading any minute he'd snap out of it and murder him right there. He saw his unscathed body being mercilessly thrown around, as if God didn't pity him.
Surprisingly, he didn't want to kill Dayley by puncturing his heart.
As he felt like there was still hope in him.
Remembering Adven's words, he then felt conflicted.
"... That was you, wasn't it..."
"... You're the one that saved them back there..."
"... Goddammit..."
"... You better break this thing!..."
Lemmy's body then lunged, as he tried to bring down his blade towards Dayley's heart.
"... You're supposed to be indestructible, aren't you?!..."
As he tried piercing the blade in his chest, the tip finally strokes Dayley's chest.
The tip of his dagger suddenly breaks and shatters, as it now shatters into a thousand pieces.
Yamiel's spirit then breaks out of that blade, as it now returns to his own dimension.
"... Hey, wait!..." Lemmy then didn't even realized that would mean Yamiel leaving back to his own place, as the spirit now recoils and returns back to its own origins.
As soon he felt that impact, Dayley's eyes wake up wide open, as his eyes sparkled white silver, while being brought back into life, frightened out of his own body and watching the skies above him, gasping for air, while his heart kept beating, distressed over being knocked out by such force and even trembling out of it.
"... H-hah!" Lemmy then got scared by Dayley's sudden change, as he had never seen him with white eyes before while he lived, as he thought he always had possessed blue eyes his whole life, all while witnessing him scared off like that.
As Dayley tried looking back towards Lemmy, he stared back at him with his white eyes.
"... Huh..." Lemmy then stood, both frightened and yet calmed by Dayley's sight.
"... Heheh..." Lemmy then giggled, hoping he wouldn't harm him over that small inconvenience, as Dayley's alive presence calmed and soothed him.
"... To be fair!..."
"... I was hoping that thing would break!" Lemmy then had admitted his own truth, as he didn't want to kill him entirely, despite still feeling like he owed to him and his girlfriend after all of that, also feeling indebted over him rescuing his friends.
As Dayley looked back towards him, he then stared back towards the skies.
One of the Gods were about to hit them, including Lemmy.
"... Hah!"
"... Stay back!"
Dayley then pushed Lemmy out of sight, trying to rescue him from the peril of the Gods, who were about to enrage and try to strike him once more to try and finish him at all costs.
"... Woah!"
As Lemmy then tries to stay on his toes, he then looks back and finds out Dayley had pushed him far off from the God of War and Bloodshed's reach, all while Dayley tried to fend him off, being received blows from Him from carved blades and sharpened tools to avail, all while his body repelled everything from it.
"... H-hah..."
"... He just pushed me off."
"... If it wasn't for that, I would have been impaled."
His heart almost skipped a beat knowing that.
"... What..."
"... How?..."
As Dayley kept on his struggle, he then flew off to gain distance from them, all while trying to summon all of his energy onto his hands, as they quickly were approaching him.
"... Hnngrgh!"
A significantly large ball of energy then hovered above him, as he then tried to send it off like a bomb, as he threw it sideways, hoping to lunge it against his targets, hoping to strike them back with it.
"... This thing better work!"
He then lunges the ball right into his enemies, all while stretching and throwing it off from his hands, the ball spiraling with all its power.
".... Haaah!"
"... I've had it!"
As the ball flew off, it being a significant size, it then completely submerged the Gods with it, as they had gone into his direction, surprised by the significantly large ball of energy who was about to hit them.
In a minute, the ball then shimmered, lending to a powerful explosion.
Dayley shielded his eyes, trying to protect them from this light, as the light of it completely submerged the Gods that used to protect this dimension, unknowing whether he had gone too far with them.
After the light had faded, the Gods were knocked out unconscious once more, as they laid upon the land they just protected, all while God was watching over them.
Dayley, who was now trying to get his breath back, even he was surprised of how much power he had inside him, as he had only just learned how to bring the energy out of his own hands by the Anagi woman.
"... G-guess that saved me back there..."
"... T-thanks..."
"... If it weren't for you, I'd probably be dead..."
Dayley then rubbed his face and his temples with his right hand.
"... H-hah..."
"... I'm tired..."
"... I just want..."
"... I just want this to end..."
As he rubbed his head and his face out of frustration and feeling worn out, he felt like he had already gone through way too much, all while he tried to endure days that were countless.
"... Why..."
"... Why the hell am I remembering that now of all years?..."
His anguish now growing, he still tried to forget those memories, but he felt like he was running off from them, all while struggling to shake them and feeling like his chest was sinking along with its weight.
"... Why..."
"... Why now..."
Memories then surged again, of a time Dayley wished he hadn't remembered, all while struggling with them.
As Dayley and his cronies walked on a dark emptied lot, it was midnight when he decided to approach a man in a trench coat, who was just about to approach him and receive him warmly on this eerie cold night.
The wind whispered while his boots kept marching on this cement floor, approaching this men quite slowly with a serious expression.
His cape fluttered in the wind, something seeming amiss, as Dayley seemed different.
"... Dayley! How you've been?!" The man received him politely with a smirk on his face.
Dayley, however, seemed as if something was preoccupying him, as he had something on the back of his head troubling him.
"... W-why did you bring me out here?..."
Dayley was in fact, very distracted for some reason, as he kept watching from the sides, almost as if he didn't want to be distracted or was watching over something that needed to have his attention.
"Dayley, you know full well why I've brought you here!..."
"... You should know by now!"
The man kept insisting to be kind and charitable even though he had intentions.
Dayley then kept looking to the side, almost as if wanting to avoid conversation.
"You've been getting soft!... I can tell!..." The man wanted to point out something that seemed quite off about Dayley that had been happening for a while, wanting to clear things.
"... You've been doing less crimes as of lately!... You haven't been setting as much fires as you used to, Dayl!" The man almost seemed like he was mocking him, although in a playful tone, to cheer him up and so he'd forget whatever he had on the back of his head.
While the man kept trying to talk to him, Dayley kept being distracted in his head, thinking all on his own, while uttering phrases, all while the man kept mumbling all to himself and trying to talk Dayley out of it.
"... Please be safe out there, please be safe out there..."
He kept ringing those words throughout his head, hoping that the worst wouldn't happen.
"... Please don't get hurt... If something happens, I..."
"... Dayley!" The man then shouted to make Dayley snap out of it, as he was distracted.
"... Did you even listen to a word I just said?!"
"... I did!" In truth, he was preoccupied with something far much important than even himself, as he seemed incredibly fearful of something happening.
"... So what?..." Dayley wanted to get right to the subject. "... Why are you so worried about whether I'm even doing crimes while I'm distracted doing something else that's more important?..."
"... So! That's why I offered up my help!" The man seemed like he had already done something putrid behind his back even.
"... To try and catch up on your crimes while you took your break!..."
"... While you were gone, I've tried to help by burning up a orphanage!..."
"... You WHAT?!" Dayley then became absolutely shocked, as he almost got startled by him sharing it so nonchalantly, almost feeling like lunging at the man, as his heart kept on racing.
"... Now thanks to me, you won't have to worry about the V.I.V headquarters recruiting any more orphans!"
As the man kept rambling, even Dayley covered his mouth in disgust and trembled, tormented that this man went through such lengths to stop the V.I.V headquarters, even if it meant scything innocent lives for it.
"No worries! I even had a stuntman replace you for it!" The man even went through the trouble of finding a stuntman that looked just like Dayley just to perform and going through with that arson only he had planned on the back of his head.
"... That big old jock definitely didn't have enough weight to pull it off though. Seriously, you'd have to be a giant to even pull off your height! It's like you're some kind of weird amazon creature."
As Dayley realized his mistakes, he then tried to reprehend him for his bad actions, taking the blame for it partially, as he felt indebted by all those lost lives, while this man simply stood in front of him as if they were nothing.
"... Why did you burn up a entire orphanage for it?! You and your men have been going just too far as of lately with your war and crimes! Do you even know what kind of lengths I had to go through to stop them?!"
"Do you think I like beating down your men?! While they keep trying to murder countless persons?!"
"... Dayley, you just don't get it, do you?" The man simply didn't want to give up on Dayley.
"... Those V.I.V headquarters have been causing nothing but trouble. And yet, you still insist on not trying to harm them! What for?! If you're trying to get rid of all that's evil, you gotta go for the roots!"
At this point, Dayley felt pretty close to snapping, as he tried making up for them.
"I've also noticed you getting weirder!" The trench-coated men then pointed it out, as he had noticed Dayley's odd behavior as of lately, thinking he was hiding something behind his back.
"You think I haven't noticed?"
"You think I couldn't tell by now how you kept hiding your origins, just because you're afraid of someone out there finding out about your story? Finding out where even your power came from?"
"I know you've been sending letters to your family!"
"All because you're afraid of someone finding out about your own family and trying to hurt them!" He tried out exposing his own weaknesses over his family.
"And I know that because you've been hiring men as of lately!"
"And you got someone for it!"
Dayley's eyes then widened upon learning that from him.
"... How... How did you learn all that?!..."
"Come on, Dayley!" The man then tried to warn Dayley of what could happen.
"Putting that kind of trust on someone you barely met?"
"Thinking he won't use you for it?!"
"Do you really think he won't stab you behind your back?!"
"I got video tapes! Of you handling your letters to him so he could send them back to your family!"
As this man uttered those words, Dayley's heart then started to race, fearing for the worst.
"I've been trying to be nice! But you've been getting on my nerves as of lately!"
"... And if you even dare tell anyone I was the one who set fire to that orphanage, don't think I don't know how to fight back! I know your family's address!" The man then threatened him with blackmail.
He then flailed a letter that belonged to him, which had his own family's address.
"Oh, the things I'll do to them! You'd be surprised just how many want to find out about your origins!"
"Your family's real lucky to have you! Such a shame they'll probably lose their lives because of it!"
"Who knew you were born and raised in a dairy farm?!... Suddenly, your name seems to be really quite a fit!"
Dayley then got immensely scared over his own family, who did nothing wrong and tried to be distanced from them as to protect them from harm and of the media knowing about them, ruining their peace.
"... Why..."
"... Why are you involving my family in this?..."
"You're the one that forced me into this! You're the one going all soft on me!"
The man didn't want any pity. In fact, he just wanted to use Dayley however he seemed fit.
"You keep getting distracted while I do most of your work!"
"And when I see your family, I'll burn them to the ground!" He then implied burning the dairy farm to the ground, as he knew ways to arson it and cover such crime in a way no one would find out about it.
As he uttered those terrifying words, Dayley felt his heart racing, terrified of losing his own family, who he loved dearly and even feared them ever being touched by strange men.
"I'll burn your family and that man with it!"
As he uttered those words, just then, Dayley had snapped.
He couldn't even control his rage, as his eyes were all focused on him, all while he grabbed him forcefully, as his heart wanted to take out on him.
As the man tried to struggle against Dayley, his path already set on vengeance, Dayley suddenly decided to do justice by his own hands, as he punched and obliterated the man that was right in front of him.
As he kept punching him, these words stood out the most to him, all while he kept repeating them, over and over, trying to protect those he cared about, all that was even left that he cared about on this planet.
He tried containing those punches as to make the man suffer as much as those children did. But even the slightest hiccup would immediately render this man dead, as his strength kept boiling even further.
"Leave them alone!... Leave them alone!... Don't you even dare touching them!..."
"... Leave them alone!"
"... Don't ever!... Touch!..."
"... A single hair!... Of his!..."
As Dayley trembled, his face turned that of a frightening one, of a man who merely wanted to protect his.
"... Don't you ever dare!... Touch them!..."
"... If you even LAY A FINGER!... Don't you EVEN DARE LOOK AT THEM!..."
As sweat ran down his forehead, Dayley then took deep breaths.
As his heart beat erratically, he stood before this man, all while his men witnessed his flurry of punches savagely take down this man.
They had never seen something like it, as it was actually extremely rare witnessing Dayley actually deliver his own violence unless someone went too far with something, their expressions being nothing but shock, as they watched over their own boss, who they wouldn't even think of defying him out of fear.
Remarkably, this man still wasn't dead, but it wouldn't be long until he'd be long gone now.
"... H-hah... H-hah..."
As Dayley tried to hold him tight, he realized that wasn't necessary, as he wouldn't be able to get far from him, even if he wanted to.
All he felt was hatred, boiling deep inside him, all because he threatened those he cared about, because this man was about to take everything he even had on this world.
He then stared at this man once more.
The man was beyond fix, as he only had an inch of life left.
The man then tried to look back at Dayley, who looked as if his heart was tormented.
"... You really are a monster..."
As this man whispered those words, Dayley, who had just given his punishment to this man, his eyes then widened in fear, as he stared back at him, having shown his true self.
The man then let these being his last words, as he slowly passed away during Dayley's grasp.
Dayley eyes then grew solemn, as he knew he had become one a long time ago.
"... I've known that for quite a while now..."
Dayley then dropped the man's corpse, as he merely wanted to protect his own family.
As the man then fell onto the cement floor, Dayley then was determined to get rid of all evidence.
But before he could do it, his cronies felt forced to kick around his corpse, after witnessing his strength, feeling like the man had done too much to bring out his wrath too much.
"This is for hurting our boss!" One of them said as they kicked him around, trying to gain their boss's respect, some of these even having been under this man's wing before, who had also been tormented likewise.
As the man now laid on the floor after it, Dayley then pulled a match box, watching the sparks fly while he tried to lit one of them from the box's side, while his eyes reflected those sparks.
Back then, his eyes were nothing but pure blue, not a single dash of white in them, as he tried to survive, all while living a certain way, just to live up another day, at least having the companion of his cronies.
Slowly, but surely taking his time, while he mourned the man, he then tried to give him the same fate he had inflicted upon those children, who were now gone and him not having been able to do something about it.
He then threw the match in fire towards him, as the flames engulfed this man to erase all evidence.
As he watched the fire dance, he then saw some relief in him, all while the evidence was being destroyed.
"... The things you do to protect your family, huh, boss..."
His cronies then tried to cheer him up, but it was clear Dayley still wasn't over it, as he stared towards the flames, now reflected in his eyes, as he found some peace within them, all while they danced.
"... Yeah..."
But all of a sudden, Dayley had watched something over the corner of his eyes just then.
"... H-hah!"
It was actually someone who had caught him in the act, who then fled from the scene after it, dreading to be caught and have their life taken by this monster, as they ran haplessly from it.
"... No!..."
Dayley's eyes then widened in fear, almost as if he had been caught by the wrong person.
"... No, no, no, no, no!..."
As his eyes trembled and almost watered from that shock, he then tried following that person desperately, all while trying and begging to get their attention.
The cronies then watched Dayley starting to go after them, as they saw Dayley going into panic, of which they followed suit, hoping to catch the traitor who saw and witnessed through the murder.
"... No!... No!..."
"... Please!..."
"... Don't prove me wrong!... Don't prove that man he was right!..."
"... You wouldn't back stab me!... You wouldn't!..."
"... P-please..."
"... I-I gave you all those letters!... I made you send that to my family!..."
"... I... I trusted you!..."
As Dayley then made a stop and stood by his distance, he then saw what he dreaded the most, as his heart pounded and his body instinctively ran towards them.
The person that he had put all his trust to was now on a phone cabinet, dialing and calling to turn themselves in after witnessing that crime, including Dayley for all of his actions.
"... N-no..."
"... W-why..."
As he trembled and his heart sunk, his men then caught up and approached him, all while they stared at him, almost as if his heart had been ripped out from his chest.
"... What's the matter, boss?..."
One of them then noticed who it was, all while seeing their boss's reaction to it.
"... Oh..."
"... It's always the nimblest..."
"... Well, at least you still got us, Boss!..."
"... We ain't running anywhere!... Right, Boss?..."
"... Boss?..."
Dayley then watched in absolute dread, all while trying to contain himself, putting his hand over his mouth, knowing what would happen next.
"... Y..."
"... Y-yeah..."
Dayley's cronies then decided to act on their own, hoping to catch the betrayer just in time.
"... Come on, boys! Let's get that filthy rat for our boss!"
The men then carried on to drag the man out of this phone cabinet.
The man had been given as much torture as much Dayley was anguishing in his heart and mentally, the man having been a vent from Dayley's over stress. Even during it, Dayley didn't have the courage to torture this man, all while he witnessed his men torturing this man endlessly, all while putting a brave facade to hide his anguish.
He poured gasoline and threw a match and ended it at that.
As he felt the pain was equal to that done to his heart and head.
After it, Dayley had highly regretted it, as he had anguished about it afterwards, having hidden on the basement of his own headquarters, all without his cronies knowing about it.
In reality, this man was a comfort person during Dayley's hardest times as he didn't even have to do anything, as merely his presence was enough to calm him, earning his trust. Having the one he trusted the most back stab him made Dayley's heart break for mankind, as it was the absolute worst feeling he could have ever gotten, despite having already snapped several times during his past.
Due to this, Dayley tried giving him menial tasks to keep him out of trouble, as he was afraid of this person ever winding up hurt by anyone, by trying to give small tasks that didn't involve getting involved with dangerous men, all while helping him send letters back to his own family safe and sound.
He never entrusted sending those letters to anyone as this man was the only one who even knew about it, all while Dayley kept writing on his own office. He kept writing to check up on his family every now and then.
After a while, Dayley had snapped back to reality.
The wind was blowing, all while he stood in the air, watching upon the fallen Gods once more.
As God, Lemmy and those around him bared witness of this fight.
Lemmy, who was right next to his comrades, watched this fight between Dayley and the Gods, seeing Dayley stand victorious in the middle of it, wondering what God was about to do next, while his thirst for the Anagi extinction kept thriving in the land.
"... He saved me..."
"... That guy just saved me..."
"... What..."
"... Who on Earth is that guy?..."
His friends could do nothing but watch, all while Lady Miriam shared a piece of her mind.
"... He probably has a lot now going through his mind..." She hoped Dayley wasn't about to do something dumb, but at the same time, thought he probably had matured ever since he came to this dimension.
"... He defeated the Gods of Aurea..." Adven was shook by even learning all of this.
"... That guy's insane..." Vonderv couldn't even believe it, as he never thought he would witness something far much stronger than the Gods who stood before them. "... How... How did he..."
All of a sudden, God's voice then echoed once more, but this time, only Vonderv could listen to his call, wanting Vonderv to hear his warning.
"... Vonderv..."
Vonderv then heard God once more, although his friends couldn't listen to him.
"... Oh great, it's this guy again!" Vonderv then groaned, wondering what was even crossing God's head to even come up with such haphazard decisions at the nick of time.
"... Hey, brainiac! That sure did work up there, huh?!" He then started to mock God's attempts at putting a stop on the Anagi's rampage, even though he didn't particularly had anything against this specific Anagi despite having been held hostage.
"What are you planning to do now?! Have you grown tired of your endless tyranny?"
"... No, Von..." God then tried to reach back and communicate to Vonderv.
"... This time, I have something planned for it..."
"... Is that God again?!" Lemmy then tried to reach back to him and asked Vonderv to put him back on line, almost treating it like a phone line Vonderv had ringing on his head.
"Tell him we've had it! No more tyranny! It's over! It's time to put a stop to it!"
"This guy's tougher than either any of you combined!" Lemmy then tried mocking the strengths of the Gods, all while they perish and fall unconscious before Dayley.
"If you don't give the tower back to the Anagi, he'll come straight into your front door!"
"You idiot, God doesn't have a front door!" Vonderv then even mentioned the lack of an entrance, while mocking Lemmy's intelligence.
"Yeah well!..." Lemmy then stuttered for a bit, trying to come up with a comeback.
"... He'll come barging into your home, skies or whatever cloud you're in to kick your butt!"
God then made a ominous conversation towards Vonderv, as he was about to give a final warning of what was about to come before them.
"... Vonderv..."
"... It is time..."
Vonderv's eyes then almost popped out while he raised an eyebrow out.
"... Wait..."
".... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!"
"... What... What on Aurea are you talking about?!..." Vonderv then became apprehensive.
"... God, what are you going to do now?!..."
"I swear to God, if you do something messed up, I'll!..."
"... Wait..."
"... N-no..."
"... That's why you destroyed the tower?!"
"... Is THAT why you're doing all of this?!..."
"... Have you gone insane?! Are you even aware of what could even happen to us?!"
"... Wait, what's He planning?!" Lemmy then became fearful, all while he stared back at Vonderv, hoping for an answer. "Von, you're awfully quiet about it! What's going to happen to us?!" Lemmy was literally pleading for Vonderv to answer him.
"Von, answer me right now right this instant!"
"God, have you gone out of your goddamn mind?!"
Vonderv then shouted towards the skies as God has made his call.
"Don't worry, Von... I'll be right back..."
As God then leaves our friends, he then travels across the skies, as he is everywhere, searching relentlessly over someone across this dimension, hoping to receive a name from them.
From above the skies, he then calls upon a person that stood just outside their home.
"... Little girl."
He then talked to a small creature, one that seemed to be a child, carrying a red bow and grey fur, dressed in a little red dress with golden buttons.
She seemed to be quite petite, with a rather fluffy tail and a playful attitude.
As he stared at this creature vacantly, he then profoundly asked for it.
"... Give me a name."
As the girl then watched the skies above her, she then shouted her name towards God Himself.
"... Ashy!"
"... Ashyashyashyashy!"
God then stood bewildered, wondering what was going across this girl's head.
"... Seriously?"
"... Ashy?"
"... Can't we just settle for Ash instead?"
She then spun around in little circles, hoping to give that name as a tribute for her friend.
"... Ashyashyashyashy!"
"... Ash!"
He then took that as an answer.
"... Very well then."
He then came back to the land he once stood, just near the tower that had fallen before them.
"... The name has now been chosen."
"... Together, we shall brandish this sword."
"... And together summon our new God into our dimension!"
Lemmy and his friends could finally hear his voice once more, as it echoed above the fallen tower, all while embracing the time for a new creation.
"... Von?... Why is he talking about a new God?..."
".... IS HE IMPLYING HE'S GOING TO CREATE A NEW GOD, RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES?!" Lemmy then felt dread upon his shoulders as he heard that being ushered.
"Err... Huh..." Vonderv then stuttered, not knowing how to reply to that.
"... Probably?"
The ground then started to shake, as Lemmy and his friends started to clutch onto it, having now fallen and lost their balances, as they watched upon the skies wondering what was about to happen and what was he casting upon this land.
Dayley, who was still watching over them, quickly noticed the earth quaking and wanted God to stop right now, having already had enough of God sending his subordinates.
"... What are you doing?!" Dayley then stared baffled towards the skies, screaming at him.
"For how long are you going to keep at it?!... Have we really been tormenting you for that long?!"
"Is it really that hard to accept our kind in your land, just because we're not fulfilling your purpose?!"
"At least bother answering me! Why keep tormenting them and ruining your land just because of me?!"
"It's me you're after, not them! Leave them out of it!"
As the charade kept going, Hector and Jayt were running towards their group of friends, after witnessing the Gods having a fallout, seeing Dayley face out his enemies, all while brandishing great power with him.
It seemed like they had kept running for too long, having distanced themselves too much from the tower, all while witnessing Dayley's fight against the Gods, who's fury clashed on the skies while they were their audience, their clashes burning and shining from the skies across the planes, rays and lightnings being cast.
"Did you see all that?! That guy's a absolute freak!" Hector then freaked out about Dayley, not even knowing he possessed such power and strength. "That's the guy that burned you dead?!"
"Come on! We have to get to the tower to check on Lemmy! Goddamn it, who told us to run so far from it?!"
"You did!" Jayt then reprehended Hector for wanting to distance as far away from Dayley.
"You were afraid of him skinning us alive and burning us dead!"
"To be honest, that was a absolute chaos out there! I hope Lemmy's alright! Even the Lady was there! They must've all banded together watching through that fight!" Or so Jayt assumed, hoping they were still alive after it.
"Did you see it? There was lightning striking all over the place! And then Dayley just fell from the sky!" He remembered Dayley falling as his cape fluttered along with the wind.
"What was all that?!" Jayt then became frightened, wondering whether if something had happened to Lemmy and his group of friends, not to mention that the Lady was with them and her whole squad being vulnerable to them.
"I don't know what's happening, but if we don't get there right now, someone's about to die!" Hector then nervously thought about casualties happening, even although he was far from ready to face Gods as of yet.
"... Where are all these Gods even coming from?!" Jayt then saw something that resembled a veiled woman, a armored Dullahan and a great long bearded magician in white robes fighting against Dayley as if they had come from a fantasy fiction.
"And how does someone from our dimension beat the Gods of this dimension?!"
"You might not believe me, but I have a hunch!" Hector then tried to connect the dots, suddenly remembering Lemmy's hesitance trying to explain the Anagi's appearance and the Anagi that came from Midnight Crawler.
"Lemmy was acting all weird when talking about the Anagi! So I assume Dayley might be related to them, somehow!" Or he at least tried to deduce it. "Think about it! We never learned about Dayley's origins!"
"Whatever the heck he is or where he even comes from, he transcends Gods! And God is pissed about it!" Hector felt reassured more than anyone else about it.
"You think God out there feels threatened by Dayley?!" Jayt then wondered if that's why the Anagi village was all quiet. "Lemmy did say something about them being transparent! Do you think they are hiding themselves from God's eyes and remaining invisible from him?"
As they neared the tower, they were barely able to see Lemmy and friends.
"Just a little bit more and-"
All of sudden, someone fell to the ground.
"... Jayt?!"
Hector then had turned to Jayt, who was now on his knees, while trying to get right next to him, as he didn't even see him fall just then.
"... Hey buddy, are you alright?!" Hector then was trying to check up on him, seeing if he hadn't broken his ankle or anything while running towards them, all while crawling to his level and trying to lift him off from the ground.
"... Jayt?"
He then noticed his friend acting up strange for some reason, as he kept kneeling down while breaking down a sweat, all while breathing rapidly and taking deep breaths.
"... H-Hector..."
"... I-I don't feel so good..."
Hector then became anxious of his friends' wording, as they sounded ominous to him.
Drips of sweat were even coming down from his face, as his face flushed red from it.
"Wait, what's wrong?!..." As Hector tried to approach him, Jayt trembled in his knees.
"... I-I feel like I'm running through some kind of fever..."
He then picked up his friend and tried to keep him on his arms, while putting his hand through his forehead, checking whether he was coming down with an illness.
"Hang on, Jayt, don't worry, I gotcha!..."
Before he knew it, he burned up his hand while checking on Jayt's forehead, as his heart sunk.
"... Jayt, you're burning up!..." He then trembled upon his friend's fate, while trying to check up on him.
"... How did this happen?! How did you wind up so ill?!..."
Jayt then trembled, all while Hector constantly checked on his boyfriend's body signs.
"... Hec..."
As he watched over his fallen friend, Jayt then suddenly surprised him once more with a kiss, fearful of what might happen as he trembled, giving it to him before he soon regretted not having done so.
"... H-hey, hang on, buddy! You're not going to die on me just yet!... You'll make through this, I swear!..."
As he held on to his partner, he then cupped him in his arms, trying to figure out how to help him.
"... Hang on, buddy... Maybe I might have something with me that might just help out a little bit..."
He then noticed a rock not too far from them. After staring it from a distance, Hector tried to carry Jayt alongside his sack while bringing them next to the rock.
As Hector approached this rock, he then laid his partner on his back, laying it softly and gently on the rock, so he'd remain still while sitting.
"... H-hah... H-hah..." Jayt then remained sitting while he tried to breath, trying to endure his high fever, barely able to move even a part of his body, as he was simply burning up too much from it, all while struggling with it.
After letting him down for quite a bit, he then started to scavenge his sack, hoping he'd find something that could help out his friends' illness, getting desperate with each passing minute.
"Come on, Jayt, you can do this... You can fight it!..."
He then tried to rummage through his sack, only to find some cold compresses, which in the mean time, have lost its coldness, due to the heat that was coming from the tower.
He still tried to wet some compresses, hoping that at least the water could keep his forehead cold and fresh, as to lower his body temperature.
He then approached Jayt and put them on top of Jayt's forehead, all while he kept fighting it.
"Come on, come on..."
As he laid them on top, the compresses were actually sizzling, him being shocked Jayt was burning up so quickly, all while he stared at his friend fighting all the burning.
"You're burning..." Hector even became worried, dreading something might happen to Jayt.
"... I-I'm fine... I'll... I'll just..."
"... No, you're not fine! Jayt, you're burning up!"
"... I know you can make it! And I'll be at your side, no matter what!"
"... Leave me... Otherwise, they'll be dead..."
"... I can carry you! Maybe if I bring you to the Lady, maybe one of the Squad might help you out!" He then remembered that Lady Miriam could help out with his condition.
Hector then tried to pick up Jayt once more, but just as he was about to carry him on his back, Jayt's body actually burned Hector's arms, making him flinch entirely and back off instantly, leaving him on this rock.
"... Gah!... Jayt, what's wrong with you?!... What's happening to your body?!..."
"... I don't know, Hec!... I'm..."
"... I'm scared..."
"... Hec, am I going to die?!..."
"... Jay, come on, don't say that! Please!..."
As the large entities then stood on their grounds, Lemmy and friends were still in shock over God having decided to create a God in front of them, Dayley noticed them slowly rising once more, as he grieved them.
"... Please..."
"... Just stop..."
"... Stop with all this fighting!"
The Gods were not interested in stopping whatsoever, but despite all the fighting, they were in fact, getting far much weaker, as Dayley was actually having an influence upon them.
They then lunged towards him once more, distracting him, while trying to grab him hostage, swinging their arms and throwing their enchantments towards him, as he kept flying all over the place.
"... I feel tired..."
"... I can't keep at it much longer..."
"... Why..."
As Dayley kept his struggle with them, Lemmy and his friends were witnessing Dayley getting slightly tired, worn out over constantly having to fight all these Gods.
In the meantime, Hector was trying to figure out a way to carry Jayt to his friends, while Jayt stood and remained inclined on this rock, slowly trying to breath while laying on his back.
"... There's gotta be a way to carry you back! I'm not going to leave you here to your death!"
As Jayt stared towards the orange skies and lifted up his head to try to find some peace, he suddenly felt a jolt of heat going through his body, as he tried to endure it, struggling to catch his breath and feeling dread on his chest.
"... H-hah..."
As the heat enveloped him, his body was slowly rising in temperature, afraid of moving an inch even though his body kept twitching, almost as if wanting to break out of it, his fingers slightly coiling out of fear.
Just then, flames then started to appear before his eyes, almost as if he became shrouded by them, awful memories starting to come back.
"... H-hah... H-hah... H-hah!..." He was starting to get anxious, almost having a panic attack.
As his eyes started to tremble from all his frightfulness, his body then started to be enveloped by flames, scorching fire from within, all while his body stood powerless, forcefully transmitting heat from it.
The fire then started spreading out of his body, as he laid watching it spiral out of control. The flames, now a part and extension of his body, started to burn and spill from where he was sitting and all around it, marking his spot.
".... H-hah... H-hah!..."
"... Hector!..." He then cried out for his help as his voice trembled, feeling dread.
Hector then quickly noticed his friend, suddenly ablaze with fire all over him, all while he stood in shock, his eyes opened wide, as he witnessed his friend's body being wrapped around in flames.
"... Jayt?!" Hector then tried to reach out, as he fell onto the depths of his own flames.
"... Does... D-does it look that bad?!..."
Jayt then trembled, almost begging in a soft whimper tone.
"... I..."
"... H..."
"... Help me, Hec..."
"... I'm sorry about it!..."
"... I can't!..."
Hector, as his eyes lit of his comrade's fire before him, then stood in shock, trembling for Jayt.
Jayt, then, started to get up and rise from it, all while trying to drag himself out of it.
He fell on his knees, his arms feeling weak to it, as the fire grew stronger around him and on his back.
"... H..."
He clawed the ground he stood on, all while mercilessly trying not to give in.
"... Jayt?!" Hector didn't even know how to control it, as he didn't want to harm his boyfriend.
Hector then witnessed a gruesome sight, as Jayt then started to grow in front of him.
As his body grew in size, so did the fire around him, causing debris all around him, his shape now being barely recognizable, as the fire hid Jayt's appearance, now only being able to make out his silhouette amidst the fire.
Looking like a burning man, Jayt then raised from the floor, looking ominously towards the tower, his limber body slowly hunching as it kept raising.
Everything about his silhouette was black, being able only to make out his round, white, spirit-like eyes that oozed from inside his eye sockets.
"... J-Jayt? Jayt?..."
He tried calling out his name, but it was already too late, as he could no longer recognize it.
His heart beating now rapidly, Hector then trembled before Jayt, as his chest felt like it was about to be ripped wide open and as if he was about to lose something very dear to him.
His eyes trembling and being frightful over his comrade, he did something uncharacteristically unexpected.
"... What... What was that?!" Adven then shouted, startled by that desperate shout for help.
"That... That almost sounded like Hector..." Lemmy then dreaded to know why would Hector even bellow out such scream, as he knew Hector was not one that could be easily upset and never heard him cry like that unless someone had been hurt.
"... What... What did..."
As the Gods confronted and were fighting Dayley, trying to secure him, a quake then shook on His land once more, while God was watching from above the skies.
"... W-what's happening?!"
"I don't know!" Lemmy was frightened, wondering if this was something God intended.
The Gods then fled, keeping their distances off from Dayley, who was trying to confront them, hoping they would seize their fight, as to not go further with it, afraid he might regret erase the Gods on accident or cause even more unwanted fights or deaths.
"... They're distancing?"
Dayley was hoping this was a sign of the Gods wanting to put a stop to it, but he was afraid of letting his guard down, as he knew God would go through all lengths to make sure to erase them, even almost fearing God had done the worst.
"... Why are they..."
Just then, another quake then shook this land, Dayley having witnessed the land shake too often, what with God have taken things way too far with all this fighting.
"... Ahh!"
Everyone shouted with that quake as the earth trembled, while their feet quivered with fear.
God then came out once more, his voice bellowing from out the skies.
"... The time now has come..."
"... For a new God to bless these lands..."
"... So we can finally put a stop to all the fighting..."
"... To purge the land and reclaim what is rightfully ours."
As they trembled upon their feet, Lemmy then witnessed something dreadful.
His heart almost skipped a beat looking at it, as it was reminding him of someone he knew as a comrade and stood by his side back in their dimension.
"... What..."
"... What is that..."
As Dayley witnessed the Gods even almost running away, Dayley then felt something ominous behind his back.
As he turned around his head and looked back into it, his heart raced out of fright.
As it reminded him of someone that belonged to his past.
A large being of fire then emerges from the land where the Brightburn Tower once stood, the size of this being looming on Dayley as it stood before him, Dayley's neck being warm from its breath as the weight of consequences weighed on his back.
"... To my brothers and sisters of Aurea, I'd like you to meet..."
"... Ash, the God of Fire and Passion..."
"... Together, we shall rule this land..."
"... And purge it from beings without purpose..."
"... That only seek to walk upon these lands out of their own greed and selfishness..."
The God then stands before them, burning with undying flames, his stare being nothing but vacant white from within, as he stared down Dayley and has gotten repossessed in hopes of taking down Dayley with him.
As the person that it was before inside was no longer conscious about its actions.
To be continued?
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nemufosetot · 2 years
Star wars revan book pdf manuel mode d'emploi
 STAR WARS REVAN BOOK PDF MANUEL MODE D'EMPLOI >>Download (Telecharger) vk.cc/c7jKeU
           28 mai 2012 — canadiennes en service actif ou par toute autre personne travail- autres que celles de guerre (Military Operations Other Than War. 5 juil. 2022 — Martínez Mauri, Mònica (2003) Médiation et Développement. L'emergence des ONG et des passeurs culturels à Kuna Yala (Panama), pp.militaire - UFDC Image Array 2ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu › automne-2012-fraufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu › automne-2012-fraPDF and afte rwards adven tures in love as well as war prodigious alle gory for a pleas an t manual of the amorous our mode rn lyric.Résister - Petite histoire des luttes contemporaines · Manuel Cervera-Marzal. Une petite histoire de la contestation sociale.Ce livre nait d'un constat : il Jedis Tome 10 Star Wars La Guerre Des Etoiles La Paix Menacee PDF. Star Wars relaté dans les films, romans, BD, nouvelles et e- books sfm éditions. de M Weitzmann — surveillance regime that we identify in the book are the figure of Big Brother, the. Telescreens, the Spies, the Thought Police, The poet emphasizes at times the duration of the war. (e.g., Book 2); at times, when it suits his purpose to do so, he presents the war. 9 nov edge of the empire -- aux confins de l'empire - star wars le jeu de rôle Au Coeur de l'inconnu PDF book, you can contact us and check the book on The first full-length book devoted to Nancy Huston, and to which Huston contributed an essay as a prologue. Bilingual publication (an essay in English by
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emberprince · 5 years
hello... answer ALL of the halloween ask meme questions... OR the first 3 if you dont want to do them all
you fool... you’ve made me too powerful
Vampire: Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, and why or why not?
- this is a hard one, I’d probably have to say no because the only thing I’m looking forward to about death is not having to, like, deal with the planet when there’s little oxygen left and it’s hot as fuck and dying for real. or when the sun explodes or some shit. I wanna be done with my time on earth before it becomes hell. I also think I would be SUPER fucked up if I had to outlive all of my loved ones because I’m so emotional I literally cannot handle it
Werewolf: If you had to spend your life with just one person, who would it be?
- ok this is a little gay but... probably You...
Witch: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
- I think it would be nice if the greed levels in the world were just... waaayy lower. I think like 90% of our problems revolve around greed so maybe if people stopped hoarding money and killing the environment that would be nice
Ghost: Do you have any regrets?
- doesn’t everyone? I think I’m okay with where I’m at, though
Frankenstein: Is someone telling you how to live your life, or are you an independent person?
- I am a very independent person but I think everyone makes their suggestions from time to time
Mummy: If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think anyone would miss you?
- I HOPE SO???? eternal sleep sounds kinda sexy though I am so tired
Zombie: Do you miss anyone right now?
- you...... and sasha and zuko :( I also miss being near peyton and aredin, we never get to hang out anymore because I’m like thousands of miles away
Faerie: If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
- I would move into another, less shitty residence hall and live there in secret because they won’t let me move right now. anything else would have moral consequences too great for me to do it
Nymph: What are you like when you’re by yourself?
- absolutely silent and usually melancholy or anxious as fuck. always deep in thought or texting you frantically so my loneliness doesn’t overwhelm me, I overthink a lot and get sad about shit if I’m left by myself for too long
Mermaid: How far would you go to keep the one you love?
- if they don’t love me back, I wouldn’t go very far at all, but if they did, then I would do just about anything
Shapeshifter: What would you change about yourself?
- I’m really self conscious about my face and my body and I wish I was prettier. I also wish my voice was more normal instead of, like, gravelly or whatever the fuck it sounds like, and I wish I didn’t have anxiety. wish the mole above my lip would go away
Banshee: If you knew one of your loved ones/best friends had only one day left to live, how would you spend that last day with them?
- DON’T make me think about this i would be crying and hugging them the whole time but I’d also try to help them do anything they wanted to do in their last day. I would probably confess all kinds of shit
Siren: If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?
- I would make housing allow me to move to an apartment this year instead of next year so I could finally spend time with my pets again and not drive 8 hours every weekend just to see them
Genie: If you had one wish that would come true and couldn’t be reversed, what would you ask for?
- I would ask for my best friend’s chronic illness to go away forever
Fury: What is a word/phrase that you dread to hear?
- “hey can we talk?” or other anxiety-inducing shit, also things like “we were never friends” or whatever
Incubus: What would someone have to do to get in your pants?
- be semi-attractive, have a good sense of humor, have similar interests as me, probably be a girl rn because I am way too afraid of getting pregnant even with every single contraceptive method LEAVE ME ALONE im baby
Succubus: What’s one thing you can’t live without?
- you....
- and also sasha and zuko
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kevv · 5 years
kevin PLEASE draw more sexy garfield im begging you...
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livironheart · 6 years
all of them
◎: What is your muse’s most prized mundane possession? Why do they value it so much?
She treasures a lot of things, but at the moment it’s probably her engagement ring. It means a lot to her.
★: What is your muse’s idea of perfect happiness?
Warm summer nights, brimmed hats, fishing, friendly neighbors, cookouts, coming home to a loving partner and snuggling every night, going on occasional exploration adventures and mapping the stars
☩: Your muse is doing some intense spring cleaning. What is easy for them to throw out, and what is difficult for them to part with?
Liv probably doesn’t want to throw out anything because everything she has, she needs (or thinks she will need in the future, even if she won’t). Some old clothes might be the first to go.
♠: What’s the worst thing your muse has done to someone they loved?
Betrayed Rook while she was with Finn in Kalimdor
♢: In what situation would your muse feel most out of their comfort zone?
Anything overly intimate that she hasn’t experienced before will make her extremely uncomfortable. Also, rich social gatherings like balls and dances (even if she tries to love them, she’s not used to them yet).
♣: What’s your muse’s biggest cause of stress or anxiety?
Afraid that something will happen to Finn when she’s not around to help, or that she’ll never be able to master the spells she’s working on.
✚: What is the most frightening potential handicap or disfigurement your muse can conceive? What makes it so frightening?
Loss of magic is a big one, but not exactly a handicap in a normal world. She would probably hate being blind. She has such an appreciation for the beauty of the world and not being able to see it would be really depressing.
✔: What did your muse want to be when they were a child? Did they go on to do this and if so, was it everything that they hoped it would be? Or has this desire changed since, and why?
Olivier wanted to be an archmage. She’s kind of dropped from that ambition because she thinks it’s unrealistic, but sometimes she thinks about chasing it again. Right now, she just wants to secure a safe life for her and Finn for years and years into the future.
❖: What is the attitude and appearance that your muse presents in public? How does this differ from the attitude they have in private, when they are alone?
This has changed a little bit recently, but she used to be very angry/confrontational/arrogant in public and very honest and quiet when in private/alone. Now, she’s less angry and confrontational, but tries to be more of a leader. It takes a lot of energy, and she’s very quiet and often reveals her insecurities to others when they’re alone.
✿: Which one act in your muse’s past are they most ashamed of? Which one act in their past are they most proud of?
She’s ashamed of Northshire when she hesitated before going back into the abbey (when Finn died), and when she had suspicions that Kaldius was Krath’ul but didn’t act on them in time. She’s also ashamed of betraying Rook, and of getting bitten.
She’s proud of killing the troll leader singlehandedly in the Siege of Southhold, but almost no one knows it happened; she’s proud of being knighted, of advancing as far in magic as she has, and of what she did in the study between Un’goro 1 and Un’goro 2. It had its consequences, maybe more in the future, but it was still necessary.
➜: What sort of things does your muse keep in their pockets on any given day?
She has a coinpurse attached to her waist and usually has a small notepad and a pen on her. When she carries her bag around, there’s a lot more because it has an enlargement spell. Her bag usually contains a few tomes, a phoenix egg, a bottle of cider, snacks, and a first aid kit.
■: If one of your muse’s friends was asked to describe them in a handful of words for a profile on a dating site, what would they say?
“Sensitive and empathetic, but with little patience. Show you mean well or she won’t stick around long.”
‽: Who or what, if anything, would your muse die for or otherwise go to extremes for?
Finnigan Wyman
▼: What would you find in your muse’s refrigerator right now?
A little bit of everything (whatever’s in the study)
♛: If your muse had to die, how would they like to go? And if they could come back as a person or animal, what would it be?
Liv wants to go down in a really cool and epic way and sacrifice herself for the sake of some great battle and go down in history. She wants to go out with a bang. She would love to come back as a wild gryphon.
❸: Name three things your muse considers themselves to be very good at, and three things they consider themselves to be very bad at.
Good at swordfighting, stealth, magic.
Bad at cooking, talking, and being patient.
❦: If your muse was having a nightmare, what would be the worst one that they could suffer?
Something that reminds her of a past memory that incorporates her fears, like the room in Feralas. It leaves her waking up wondering if anything is real anymore.
♫: What is one thing that your muse thinks they are talented at, but actually aren’t?
Being smart/not rushing into situations.
♞: Who was your muse’s idol when they were growing up? Who did they first fantasize about being like?
Jaina and Khadgar!
✱: What is your favourite ‘happily ever after’ for your muse? And what’s your most unconventional ‘ever after’ headcanon for them (happily or otherwise)?
Happily ever after would have to be what I described earlier with settling down in a small fishing village or farm town with her significant other and going on occasional adventures.
An unconventional one would probably be her going dark and becoming a villain for the order or others.
✦: What is your muse’s fondest childhood memory?
Painting her room.
♯: What would be the perfect gift for your muse?
Liv wants a gun. Her muse thinks maybe that’s not a great idea and maybe she would enjoy a personalized cookbook with lots of little notes and pictures that remind her of the things/people she loves. Or a really, really awesome set of new armor.
❤: What is your muse’s perfect romantic date?
A fancy dinner somewhere, then a night camping in the mountains or at the beach under the stars.
☮: When and where was your muse happiest?
The place in the mountains when Finn proposed to her (even if it was initially intended to be a joke).
☥: If events in your muse’s life had gone very differently to how they did, what would they have done with their life? What sort of occupation might they have chosen for themselves and would they, in your opinion, be happier than they are now?
Olivier was very close to going full rogue and being in a life of crime. She could be leading a syndicate and killing/stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. She probably wouldn’t be as happy.
☢: If your muse knew that they were going to die in 24 hours, name three things they would do in the time they had left.
Kiss Finn, hug Finn, spend the next 24 hours searching for a way to change the future.
☠: What is the one thing for which your muse would most like to be remembered after their death?
Probably how she cared so much about everyone and everything, almost too much. She couldn’t often find it within herself to be apathetic, and threw herself wholeheartedly into everything to help the people she cared about, or to fight the ones she didn’t.
✎: Growing up, did your muse have a teacher or mentor figure? What was their relationship like?
Liv has has several teachers/mentors, all of them with odd relationships. She hasn’t yet managed to develop an extremely close bond with any of them because they’ve all left within months.
✄: How does your muse perceive themselves, both internally and externally? How does this differ from how other people may see them?
Liv perceives herself as a regular girl with a lot of emotions and a fierce passion to protect who she loves. She sees herself as a defender and a dreamer. Others might describe her similarly or in a more negative light depending on her relationship with them.
✈: Was your muse popular as a child? Did they have many friends, and are they still in touch/still aware of what they are doing with their lives now?
Olivier didn’t have any friends as a kid. She has some ex-coworkers that she’s sort of friends with now, but doesn’t really know what they’re up to.
♐: What is your muse particularly unskilled at?
Cooking and patience. The two happen to be related, yet somehow she’s great at fishing. She is slowly learning, one recipe at a time. She also sucks at mechanics and learning how tools and machines work. Absolutely awful.
☯: Who, if anyone, does your muse consider to be their best friend?
Finnigan Wyman
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nymphean-remade · 7 years
I was literally getting ready to go to sleep when I got this cursed Ask; now I’m fated to suffer for the next 365 days-
(Thank you Soup! Love you!)
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citrusrick · 3 years
Admit It ————————————— (Rick Sanchez x Reader OneShot)
You were sitting at your desk, fixated on your computer screen where you were working on your thesis. Tapping your pencil against your lips, you sighed. You were so ready for the end of the semester.
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. “Holy shit!” You turned to see Rick standing over you.
“Heyo! Ch-ch-chill out! I-I-It’s just me!” He laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender.
You rolled your eyes, “Rick! Why the fuck did you sneak up on me like that?!”
He started to pull on your arm, “I-I-I don’t have time to explain. Just c-c-come on!”
“No! I’m busy, Rick!” You pulled out of his grasp and turned back around in your chair. “Take Morty with you.”
“He’s at dumbass school or wh-whatever per our agreement with Beth.” He grumbled. “So-so y-you’re the lucky one who g-gets to come with me! Wh-whatever you’re doing can w-w-wait.” He grabbed at my arm again.
You shoved him off again, “Stop it! You don’t get to decide what’s important in my life and what’s not! Go away, please.”
“F-F-Fucking fine! B-B-But once I leave here sweetie, I-I’m never coming to see you again, th-th-that’s for f-fucking sure!” He shot a portal into your floor. “Ungrateful b-bitch! I’m Rick fucking Sanchez trying to-to-to take y-you on a intergalactic s-s-space adven-adventure!”
You groaned, laying your head on your keyboard. “Fucking goodbye then! Jesus, you sure do go on and on about never seeing me again every time I tell you no, but you always end up coming back over here, so see you later!”
“Fuck you.” He flipped you off and jumped through the portal.
You laughed, turning back to your work. What a fucking child. Though, you only got to type out a couple words before you and your chair fell through the floor.
“Shit!” You said as you landed in Rick’s ship. Your ass slammed hard into your chair that had fallen with you and you groaned. “What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole?!”
Rick just laughed at you as he flew out of the driveway.
“Where are we going?” You said tiredly as you moved your chair to the back and sat in the passenger seat, being mindful of your hurt tailbone.
“Y-You know, I-I-I love h-h—how you just accept that I-I’m going to get what I want, which m-m-means you coming with me-me whenever I f-feel like it.” He grinned at you.
“Fuck off, Rick.”
“C-C-C’mon, (Y/N), you-you fucking l-l-love me, b-b-baby.”
“I said fuck off. I may be accepting that I’m going, but I’m not going to entertain you.”
He rolled his eyes, “Oh, come-come on! J-Just admit it, sweetie!”
“No, I do not love you, Rick. You just happen to be my neighbor who happens to be a genius space traveler who happens to like me enough to bring me along sometimes. Yay for me.” You stared out the window, maintaining your pissed-off attitude.
He slammed on the breaks suddenly, sending you lurching forward. You pretended you didn’t notice and continued staring out the window.
He grabbed your shoulder, attempting to turn you towards him. “Hey!” He then grabbed your jaw and made you look at him. You stared nonchalantly. “H-Hey! Fucking no one t-t-talks to me like that, bitch! I-I—I am a genius and a g-g-god who sh-shouldn’t even give you the time of day!”
“Then don’t, please.” You were honestly trying so hard to keep from smiling. You loved pushing his buttons and pissing him off by acting like you didn’t care.
“Y-Y-You’re such a fucking cunt ass bitch! Th-the only reason I even sp-spend any time with you is b-because you h-have decent tits and no-no fucking b-b-b-brain to pro-protest my i-ideas!”
He was just spiraling and talking nonsense to try to get you to react. It was his favorite thing to get a rise out of you.
“O-Okay, I s-s-see how it i-is. S-Silent treatment. F-Fine. Wh-whatever. I-I-I-I don’t want to h-hear anything out-out-out of your m-mouth any-anyways.”
You knew you had succeeded in pissing him off by how much he was stuttering.
The two of you sat in silence for a while. You turned to look at him after a bit to see him staring at you. You stared back.
Suddenly, he moved closer, putting one hand on your hip and one on your cheek. “What-” He cut you off with a deep kiss.
“Hahaha! I fucking win, bitch! L-L-Let’s go have some fun!”
Here’s a fun little one-shot that I just typed out! It’s definitely not great, I didn’t proofread this at all lol. I have been in a horrible state of writers block for months now. Hopefully by writing one-shots I can get inspired for my chapter fic! I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you for reading!
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alazic02 · 7 years
I'm bored and bought some felt tip pens the other day, anyone wanna drop me a request for some doodles? I have dark brown, light blue, and dark blue purple if you're curious :>
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cithaerons · 3 years
Additionally, Sebastian's historical role as a "plague saint" throughout the Middle Ages contributed to his transformation into a "homosexual martyr," given the medicalizing tendencies in the late-Victorian sexology of Richard Krafft-Ebing and Havelock Ellis. Both of these influential theorists linked the psychosexual dynamics of sadomasochism with homosexuality, thereby establishing clinical categories for what previously had been moral transgressions. A tacit relation between Sebastian's homoerotic status and his role as a saint who is worshiped during periods of the bubonic plague is established in the Catholic aesthete John Gray's poem "Saint Sebastian" (1897), where the poet senses the tactile nature of Sebastian's curative powers, "Thou didst advene where men lay chained and dark," exults Gray, "And by thy bright touch their sicknesses were healed."
Richard Kaye, "A Splendid Readiness for Death:" T. S. Eliot, the Homosexual Cult of St. Sebastian, and World War I
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gitanodoescodes · 3 years
Tutorial: Jugar con los campos de perfil y no morir en el intento. Pokedex, stats e icons.
Declaración de intenciones: He mencionado en muchas ocasiones que no soy la mejor persona de la que aprender, pero hey, una vez más nunca sobra. Yo hago las cosas de tal modo que sean más prácticas para mí (o para la administración de la comisión en curso), nunca pensando en qué tan bueno pueda ser esto para foroactivo. Si algún día me gano una demanda, que sepan que fue por flojo. 
Ahora, comencemos. Me preguntaron muchísimo por cómo hice que en el perfil de Mékiam apareciera el Pokémon que escribieran. En sí, la ciencia detrás no es mucha, pero el trabajo es largo y se necesitará mucha paciencia. Pero oigan, Eevee lo vale, se los juro. 
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El primer paso es, a la vez, el más tedioso, porque debe ser hecho a mano y todos sabemos que no hay solo 151 Pokémon ya. Este es, también, el motivo por el cual no puedo darles el código hecho: Mékiam me lo entregó a mí, ya enlistado. Y consiste en nada más ni nada menos que en la lista impecable de todas las imágenes que queramos enlista. A cada una de estas imágenes las colocaremos bajo el nombre de una clase, con el nombre que queramos que se coloque al momento de llenar nuestros campos de perfil. 
Y sí, estimados. Esto significa hacer una lista, de este tipo, con todo lo que quieran. No necesariamente debe ser una pokédex, yo ahora estoy usándolo para seleccionar íconos de perfil personalizados a gusto del usuario según una lista, pero aquí, ya ve cada uno cómo logra hacerlo. Si queremos que aparezca una imagen en particular, la agregamos como background. Si queremos un color, exactamente lo mismo. 
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En resumen, un coñazo. Pero son los gajes del oficio si queremos lo que con tanto esfuerzo estamos buscando. 
A continuación utilizaremos un tutorial aparte, que no explicaré porque Necromancer ya lo tiene subido en su perfil y hacerlo dos veces sería redundante. Nos encontramos con el agregar clases a los campos de perfil. Podemos encontrar el tutorial haciendo clic aquí. 
Dato importante a tener en cuenta: Necro utiliza ppflabel/ppfcontent como contenedores, y el span.label/em. Pueden quedarse con los que más les acomoden, al final del día. 
Entonces, ¿Qué tenemos hasta ahora? Una lista gigante de Pokémons que no aparecen en ninguna parte y un montón de datos con una clase en ellos. 
Al momento de hacer nuestros perfiles en los templates, diseñaremos el espacio que queremos para ellos. 
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¿Ven ese div chiquito y solito? 
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¿Y este mucho más grande y lleno de cosas? Pues son los lugares dónde vamos a incrustar. 
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Sabemos entonces que este es nuestro campo del perfil. Vamos a robarnos el texto contenedor, en este caso el .pp-field.compañero em para convertirlo en una clase. 
$('.com-pa').each(function(i,t){    $(t).addClass($(t).closest('.post').find(".pp-field.compañero em").text());  });  
Nuestro código sería algo así. Yo les recomiendo copiarlo del pastebin al final del tutorial y no acá, para que Tumblr no se las lie con las comillas. 
¿Qué hará esto? 
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¡Añadirá la clase! Y con ello a nuestro Eevee. 
Ahora, ¿hay más funciones para esto? ¡Claro! yo lo usé hace un par de días para hacer barras, sin la necesidad de activar la hoja rpg. Aclaro que esto es solo útil si tienen datos que se cambian a mano. 
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En sí el proceso es el mismo, solo cambiaremos una pequeña parte del código.
$('.com-pa').each(function(i,t){   $(t).width($(t).closest('.post').find(".pp-field.reputación em").text()); });    
¡Y tadah! Solo nos queda esconder la el pp-field contenedor con un display none para que no estorbe donde estaba. También lo he probado para colocar iconos automáticamente y ha funcionado, solo es cosa de ubicarnos bien dentro de nuestros templates. 
Le doy las gracias a Adven Codes que me prendió la mechita cuando el código me fallaba. Tk, bro. 
Link a Pastebin: Link.
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