psychicstrawberries · 3 years
Discovering Divergence
You know that feeling that you're not seeing the whole picture? Like, you have point A and point C, but point B is absent.
That's how I've felt virtually my entire life. It's like I'm seeing the world in fragments. Like there's gaps in my synapses. My entire world feels like a connect-the-dots. I'll do my best to portray this comprehensively but forgive me if it's not.
I was able to speak and walk sooner than most. That was the first thing my parents noticed that was a little different about me, but it was far from the last. I was enrolled in school a year before most, and that's when everything really kicked off.
I was reading, writing, and speaking well above my age. I was tested and showed to be at a college reading level by the time I was in middle school. I excelled in many areas of study. However, I was struggling in many, many things including being "normal."
I think the first time I called myself defective was in third grade. My school had "fun Friday," where if you behaved and passed all of your quizzes, you would get to have a field day on Friday. I was only included in 3 of those field days. This is because I was failing, horribly, at math.
My problem with math was largely an inability to focus. I could not make the process click with me, I could not keep my eyes on the numbers, I could not do the multi-step equations that I was asked to do. I would get lost in the process, constantly.
I asked for help. I explained my problem. The main responses that I got from the adults around me were "stop being lazy," "focus more," or "try harder." I did try harder. But my brain would bounce from daydream to daydream, thoughts flooding my senses and overriding my ability to understand what was in front of me. I felt alone, stupid, and defective. But I was told to try harder.
I had a habit of getting lost in thoughts. I still do. I would find myself gazing off into space, sometimes missing entire lessons, dreaming up stories and worlds and imaginary friends for myself. This largely happened in math because I grew to hate the subject by fourth grade. I couldn't understand it, I couldn't get help, so I ran away into my mind instead of listening to the teacher. This got me in a lot of trouble. I was labeled a problem child and a ditz. But, perhaps the biggest problem, was my mouth.
I used to talk until I ran out of breath. Rambling to anyone that would listen. About anything. Everything. I had so many thoughts and enjoyed so many things that I never ran out of material. Again, this got me in a lot of trouble. Time and time again, my desk was pushed to the front of the classroom into 'no man's land' as my teachers called it. This started my bullying.
My odd interests and intense fixations became subjects of ridicule. My jabberjaw got returned with a kurt "shut up" from most. My daydreams were punished. My excited blurts of an answer or unintended mimicking of another student's sniffle got me kicked off the jungle gyms. I became the weird kid. I didn't know why I was the way that I was, but I learned to hate myself for it.
In my teen years, I became a recluse. I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and depression. I blamed those disorders for my executive dysfunction, scattered thoughts, quickness to become overwhelmed and my perpetually racing brain.
I'm sure you can imagine where this is going.
Come to find out. All this time later. As a full-grown woman. I have ADHD.
For twenty one years, I believed that I was stupid. Lazy. Defective. A daydreamer. Only to find out that I share the same disorder as my siblings, my cousins, and millions of others around the globe.
The thing that boggles my mind is how my own family missed it, while simultaneously recognizing the signs in my other family members. I suppose, seeing as I'm the oldest, I was the beta child. Rather than seeing a disorder, they saw the smart girl that needed more structure, not a doctor.
ADHD is dramatically underdiagnosed in females because of its history. The first studies on ADHD were done almost exclusively on males, and the findings were largely focused on the 'hyperactive' and 'impulsive' side of the disorder. But in recent years, it's noted that females tend to present with the more 'inattentive' symptoms. Because of this, girls with ADHD are mislabeled as daydreams, dim, or distracted. Girls like me are told to shape up, and learn to hate things about themselves that are quite literally hardwired into us. Our brains are different. Not defective.
Ugh, long post, but necessary. That is what I have for you today, thanks for reading.
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rashmipranav-blog · 4 years
The link between ADHD and depression
ADHD is nothing but Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This disorder must not be new to anyone as it occurs in more people now. As this condition is characterized by hyperactivity and the lack of focus and attention, it has always been connected to various ailments on the go. One main connection that stands out is the link between ADHD and depression. Some experts often regard them to be conditions that co-exist and can cause extremely disturbing instances. As ADHD is an issue that is associated with the cerebrum, the brain isn’t able to center focus and attention on certain things. This is why most adults and children find it difficult to take up a task, monitor proceedings, make arrangements and so on.
ADHD can result in a grief situation where people might often face struggles and challenges in personal and professional life. Sometimes, it might be a hard task to take up certain jobs that might need complete involvement. As a result, people might not succeed in their work leading to misery and depression in most cases. Those people might not wish to face the world, go to work and attend classes. Nearly half of the people who suffer from ADHD tend to have a state of mind that is connected with depression. These people will have to deal with both ADHD and depression as soon as possible to prevent the condition from getting worse. One of the specialists at Healthoptionsworldwide states that people who suffer from these conditions will get therapy for wretchedness.
The connection
ADHD and depression have certain things in common and at times it might even be hard to separate them, complicating the diagnosis process. This means that depression also means that people have some issues at the center in the cerebrum and ADHD is also no different. There are chances that you might start using medications for ADHD side effects and the symptoms are in fact the same with depression and dejection too. Hyperactivity along with tiredness can also be seen in both ADHD and depression. ADHD can easily put people into depression as most youngsters might not be happy with the symptoms of ADHD and also due to the fact that coping up with life is pretty hard. They might feel completely sad as they might not be able to get along with the tasks and exams at school and issues at work. This creates an environment for profound sadness in most cases. Most experts do not have the faintest idea as to how these two could be related to one another. But on introspecting it deeply, it is believed that the condition could be passed on from one individual to another through the ancestral connection. One of the specialists at Healthoptionsworldwide states that people who suffer from these conditions will get therapy for wretchedness.
Treatment for ADHD and Depression
Treatment for both of these conditions can be divided into two parts. On one side there is a list of prescription medications, while the other side involves therapies and sessions with a specialist. But the kind of treatment you wish to choose first depends on the condition that affects you more. ADHD or Depression. If it is ADHD that is very prevalent, then you might have to go for certain behavioral therapies for better recovery. ADHD stimulants can also be taken to support the cerebrum center for better concentration. These stimulants can help hugely at school and work for a calm and composed approach. A specialist might often recommend a combination of both stimulants and anti-stimulants. The anti-stimulants might work a bit slower but it can be helpful. Also, anti-depressants are suggested most widely for the conditions of depression. Antidepressants like Valium that belong to the group of benzodiazepines might be effective in the process. Though they take their time to work, it can provide better results in the long run.
Antidepressant-like Valium can also help with ADHD symptoms and hence, Valium along with Psychotherapy can be a better approach to deal with the symptoms and lead a cheerful life. A psychotherapist can help you manage the associations with family, work, a school so that your life is all the better.
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petronegroupitaly · 4 years
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Psicologia dello sviluppo e riabilitazione cognitiva nei bambini e negli adolescenti nei centri di riabilitazione a Napoli e Pompei. Ne parliamo nel prossimo articolo su www.riabilitazionecampania.it o segui il link in biografia #ADHD #deficit #deficitiperattivita #deficitattenzione #impulsivitá #adhddisorder #mentalhealth #psichiatria #psycho #disorder #mind #mente #psy #psiche #psicologo #psicologia #psicologa #health #mentaldisorder #riabilitazionecampania #unisalute #previmedical #salute #riabilitazione #paziente #fisioterapia #recupero #trattamento #napoli (presso Naples, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6IxAG_B97X/?igshid=ljijlgs1hilh
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andnextcomesl · 6 years
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ADHD is a real disorder and we must treat it like it is. This post provides great info on what it may look like and what questions to ask if you think your child has ADHD. #adhd #adhdsymptoms #adhdisreal #adhddisorder #adhdkids #kidswithADHD #marvelouslysetapart: https://ift.tt/2N5ZjpE
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petronegroupitaly · 4 years
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La dislessia è una difficoltà di apprendimento comune che può causare problemi di lettura, scrittura e ortografia. Vi spieghiamo le cause e i sintomi su www.riabilitazionecampania.it o link in biografia #ADHD #deficit #deficitiperattivita #deficitattenzione #impulsivitá #adhddisorder #mentalhealth #psichiatria #psycho #disorder #mind #mente #psy #psiche #psicologo #psicologia #psicologa #health #mentaldisorder #riabilitazionecampania #unisalute #previmedical #salute #riabilitazione #paziente #fisioterapia #recupero #trattamento #napoli (presso Naples, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ATKqyAgGo/?igshid=1i1dqmkj04b9f
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petronegroupitaly · 4 years
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Scopri come trattare il disturbo da deficit dell’attenzione ed iperattività. Ne parliamo nel nostro prossimo articolo www.riabilitazionecampania.it o link in BIO La sindrome da deficit di attenzione e iperattività (in inglese ADHD) è una condizione in cui una persona ha difficoltà a prestare attenzione e si concentra sui compiti, tende ad agire senza pensare e ha difficoltà a stare seduta ferma. Può iniziare nella prima infanzia e può continuare nell’età adulta. Senza trattamento, l’ADHD può causare problemi a casa, a scuola, al lavoro e con le relazioni. #ADHD #deficit #deficitiperattivita #deficitattenzione #impulsivitá #adhddisorder #mentalhealth #psichiatria #psycho #disorder #mind #mente #psy #psiche #psicologo #psicologia #psicologa #health #mentaldisorder #riabilitazionecampania #unisalute #previmedical #salute #riabilitazione #paziente #fisioterapia #recupero #trattamento #napoli (presso Naples, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5GCK0fAE5R/?igshid=13f9a3vtzy89b
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petronegroupitaly · 5 years
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Ne parliamo nel nostro prossimo articolo sempre su Riabilitazione in Campania, 7 centri di riabilitazione a Napoli e Pompei. www.riabilitazionecampania.it o link in BIO #ADHD #deficit #deficitiperattivita #deficitattenzione #impulsivitá #adhddisorder #mentalhealth #psichiatria #psycho #disorder #mind #mente #psy #psiche #psicologo #psicologia #psicologa #health #psicomotrocità #riabilitazionecampania #unisalute #previmedical #salute #riabilitazione #paziente #fisioterapia #recupero #trattamento #napoli (presso Napoli) https://www.instagram.com/p/B21r2PAgM_I/?igshid=45nfrc1xe773
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