#adhd ronan
vampyre-knight · 2 years
ive started rereading the raven boys and,,, me making several posts about all of gansey + blues autism coded moments + ronan's adhd ones (gansey has had like,,, at least 8 alr and im on page 55) when tbh??? i am collecting evidence so,,, maybe
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hellish-cruelty · 10 months
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I'm just a woman from the Greta Gerwig universe.
Movies- 20th century women (2016), Frances Ha (2012), Little women (2019), Barbie (2023), Ladybird (2017), Mistress America (2015), Maggie's Plan (2015)
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
So this is a headcanon but everything about him screams boy adhd and i love that about him. He's restless all the time and the way he struggles to stay in school is described in such an adhd way like you know it almost physically hurts him to show up to class like people tell him "just show up to class" but he just CAN'T (and i relate to that so much. People don't realise how hard that shit is especially when your undiagnosed and you've got a lot of other bad shit going on in your life). Speaking of bad shit, during the course of the series he's working through some heavy amount of grief, and i think that shows through a lot of unhealthy coping mechanisms typical for adhd people. He regularly goes street racing in search of that adrenaline rush that makes him feel alive or makes impulsive decisions he knows he's gonna regret later. A lot of people interpret his impulsiveness as anger issues but boy is just going through a lot he can't deal with and then it just explodes. Anyway here's my guy! I wanted to talk some more about him but i got distracted and now i found this half filled form in my phone two hours later lmao
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foxgloveinspace · 6 months
oh my god you gave permission to send vids and i lasted all of 30 minutes before needing to send something 😂
iv crying 🥺🥺🥺 the love for iii these last few shows has melted my heart and clearly the bands too
i cannot suffer alone with this one i’m so sorry
Well, as I watch this and suffer. here, sleep token official instagrams account second to last pic…. Our boy AdamRosssi knows what we want, haha.
Oh no……
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am i gonna have to start writing fic again just to combat the shortage of autistic!gangsey fics in the trc fandom
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adampasriche · 10 months
Hate when I go “oh I should reply to my friend, I forgot to text back” only to find out their last message was sent 2 months ago
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Peter Quill has ADHD. Sorry, but it's true. I don't make the rules.
Emotionally reactive (like snapping and punching Thanos)
Listens to music constantly, even while doing important things and especially when he has any free time whatsoever (stimulation seeking)
Afraid of abandonment, i.e his reaction to Ego, feeling threatened by Thor, and his behavior towards New Gamora (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria)
Comes up with unconventional plans that others are skeptical of, though they actually work, i.e his dance-off with Ronan (neurodivergent thinking)
Works better under-pressure - or rather only works under pressure (first battle scene of GOTG3)
Being overall impulsive
Has fixations/special interest on certain topics - in his case, David Hasselhoff and other forms of pop culture
Stims sometimes, i.e throwing the orb around in GOTG1 and tossing around another type of orb in GOTG3 (that I will not name here for spoiler reasons)
Questions authority and arbitrary rules to the point of being seen as careless or disobedient
He talks so much omg he talks so much, ie. calling people long strings of insults, using talking as a distraction (and surprisingly out of most of the male characters in the MCU) talks to emotionally vent.
He's literally funny in a way only ADHD people can be and im sorry but i mean that ('You're from Earth?' - 'I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri.')
He'd absolutely find this list too long to read and would skim it.
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lorata · 5 months
so the exam week is currently starting over here -advanced biology is the first one for me ;)- so to calm my nerves, could i learn about how your dear victors would cope if they had chosen an academic path?
i do not have the most academically minded bunch, to put it diplomatically, but here goes
answers under the cut for length
Ronan: business or law, probably, something douchey but everyone forgives him because he's just that charming. however he'd be a little bit adam parrish in that his entire backstory is a total fiction and nobody realizes none of them know who he really is
Adessa: biology, genetics, behavioural psychology, i don't even know, she'd want to do everything and probably does multiple degrees. she'd be an absolute terror and "um, actually" everyone so they'd hate her but they'd also fight to be in her highly coveted and exclusive study group sessions
Odin: he'd do very well, obviously, either something obnoxious like classics (affectionate) or coming out of left field with natural science. doesn't really need to study but takes meticulous and beautiful notes
Misha: she drops out of high school in every modern AU i've put her in, so this one is tough! i can only imagine her as a campus cryptid who sneaks into classes without actually enrolling because she's interested in the content and no one knows who she is but they're all afraid to ask. she doesn't do assignments because she's not a student but once in a while she'll turn in something startlingly sharp
Claudius: music, obviously, like if he had to. i think he'd be one of those people who had a rotten time in the early years but liked doing his degree once he got there. assuming he gets recognition & accommodation for the dyslexia i think he'd manage all right
Devon: i think he'd do a degree in social work and he'd be very good at the people aspect and the practicum and all that but the adhd used to have him staring into space and missing things in class as a bb so i think the actual sit-in-chair part of coursework is always his least favourite. the centre is, for better or worse, very active and hands-on; university, not so much. studying has him lying flat on his back with his book laid over his face groaning aloud into the air. he'd need to find a cute boy and play 'one kiss for every fact i remember'
Petra: legitimately I don't know WHAT she'd do for a degree but I know that studying does not come easy to her (undiagnosed learning disability) and she pushes herself to near exhaustion to get top of the class if there are stakes involved (e.g. a scholarship, or Selene). she studies with Dash and works herself to the brink but she does it! and then eventually someone notices and says hey maybe you should get tested, and she resists because what are you implying! but she does, and what do you mean it's not this hard for everyone, what do you mean it could be easier, and she has a full out crying fit right there in the office. and then she still has to work hard but it's not AS hard, you know what i mean?
Brutus: struggled with this one because again, blue collar boy, BUT i genuinely think he'd like sports medicine! he'd need glasses and a dyslexia diagnosis but he'd throw himself at studying the same as at a cliff wall: silently, with grim determination, one step at a time
Emory: another one who in modern AUs like ... runs a bakery giving skills training to at-risk kids and volunteers at the local community centre all with a high school diploma, so my brain squints trying to imagine her in academia. maybe child psychology for teen therapy/counselling? like the others she'd need help with the learning disability but she is very stubborn when she wants to do a thing. flashcards work very well for her bc she can activate memory
Alec: the kind of student who studies super hard and still comes second to the one who rocks up the day of the exam without studying at all, and he tries very hard not to be annoyed about it, but he is, and he knows it's a character flaw, but oh well. med school is hard but he loves every minute of it
Creed: doesn't actually know how to study. he just ... comes to class, understands the material and does well? is that bad? people always make studying sound super complicated, but oh well. 100% poli sci / communications major
Lyme: i can't decide if she'd be on the kinesiology / sports medicine side or over on the social work / child psychologist side (i've written AUs with her doing both), it really depends. either way she's pretty focused and doesn't socialize much until people from class drag her out because they're afraid her brain is going to explode
Enobaria: i'm imagining 5 hour energy + 4 loko + redbull study sessions that leave everyone amazed she's still alive and a little bit afraid, honestly, but she needs the buzz to get her through it because the content is fun but the actual studying is so boring. i think it would help her to record lectures and listen to them while running but it would take her a while to realize it because her whole childhood is people trying to get her to sit down and do her homework ~properly
Nero: definitely social work but with a minor in like ... philosophy? poetry? something like that anyway. i want to say he's pretty quiet in class but does very well on exams and it startles his classmates the first time, but the profs tell him he needs to participate in discussions if he wants a good grade and he's like ............. y tho, but he does after
not sure for my less-developed characters but hopefully this is fun!
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aidaronan · 2 years
Aida Ronan's Stranger Things Fics - Master List
✨Newest ✨
🌻 Where the Sunflowers Grow (Buckingham) Where does a dead girl fit in a world that has already mourned her?
That's one of the many questions Chrissy has to answer after El brings her back. A recovery narrative first, and a romance second. Buckingham and Platonic Hellcheer. 🪓Who's Sorry Now? (Joyce v. Vecna w/ Jopper) When Vecna goes after Joyce Byers, it's a race against time for Jim Hopper and Jonathan. And it's a tumble through nightmares for Joyce, until she realizes that sometimes a person's horrors can also be weapons.
🚢 Steddie
Creature Feature - all my Monsterfucking
🧛‍♂️The Prettiest Boy in Hawkins, Indiana || Explicit 🌶️ || 19480 (for now?)
Six years after Vecna and Eddie's death, Steve is alone and managing a retail store at the new mall. El calls and tells him something is awake in Hawkins, and Steve vows to investigate. And then Something shows up in Steve's apartment and flashes sharp teeth. Featuring Vampire!Eddie, thousands upon thousands of words of saucy fangbanger kink, and what can only be described as two people who are absolutely fucked up about each other on a soul-deep level whether it's healthy or not.
👻(After)life || Explicit 🌶️ || 4812 words
When Steve wakes up from a nightmare screaming Eddie's name, he doesn't expect anything to answer. (Or Steve gets railed by Ghost Eddie, although there's actually a lot more to it than that because I've never successfully written pwp in my entire life.)
🖤In the Woods Somewhere || Explicit 🌶️ || 5526 Words Steve grew up hearing campfire stories about the Black Woods Monster. He just never expected it to be real (or for it to want to seduce him.)
🧛‍♂️Nothing Hurts (Like Your Mouth) || Explicit 🌶️ || 4125 Words It's the full moon and Steve's got an itch he needs to scratch. WereSteve/VampEddie mausoleum sex. Forbidden lust/love. Spice with feelings.
🐊Cassiopeia, Orion, Bootes || Explicit 🌶️ || 10780 Words
When Steve finds the flyer for Bayou Bobby's midnight swamp tours, he's excited to finally get the opportunity to do something interesting on his work trip to New Orleans. Until he finds out he's human bait for something that lives in the swamp. Something with claws and scales and eyes that glow red in the moonlight. (SwampMonster Eddie smut with a happy ending)
🕯️Blood, Sweat, Ambrosia || Explicit 🌶️ || 4431 Words When Eddie is reborn, he is reborn with hunger. How lucky it is for Steve Harrington that he gets to be prey. Also kind of a Christmas fic.
⚸ Blood and Water || Explicit 🌶️ || WIP Self-taught witch Edwina Wynn Munson just wants to graduate high school and get the hell out of Hawkins. A spell that promises new beginnings? Sign her up. Sacrificing blood and body to the goddess Dulcana, Eddie gets her new beginnings. But at what cost? As things turn deadly in Hawkins, Eddie realizes she's in over her head. She also realizes she's not the only witch in town. Together, she and Stevie Harrington have to figure out how to banish this hungry and possessive entity before it's too late. Featuring sex rituals, library-based pining, and gratuitously hot outfits.
Canon-adjacent and/or fix-it fics
☎️Anywhere, Anytime || Mature || 10,853 Words
Eddie wakes from a nightmare and calls Steve. Featuring endless banter, telephone calls, ADHD Eddie, clothes sharing, a slow-ish burn, hurt/comfort, a little pining, a love confession, and a Steve Harrington bi awakening. Podfic available.
🦹‍♂️Orta Recens Quam Pura Nites (Newly Risen, How Brightly You Shine) || Mature || 22507 Words
Eddie Munson is dead, and death is apparently nothing but blackness and water to your ankles. Eddie Munson is dead, and Steve Harrington is listening to his music and wearing his clothes and wishing he'd been able to stop it. My take on the Kas!Eddie trope. With a Winter Soldiery twist. Podfic available.
💸It's Not a Big Deal || Mature || 11708 Words
Eddie loses everything in the "earthquake," all of it sucked into the Upside Down and locked up forever. Steve starts buying him stuff. Featuring Steve as an accidental sugar daddy, Uncle Wayne as the best parental figure in history, and Steve giving D&D a go. Podfic available.
👑I'd Burn the Castle for You || Teen and Up || 3621 Words
Eddie calls Steve "big boy" and "pretty boy," and Steve keeps asking him why. The answer: "You don't wanna know." Except Steve does. Steve does want to know. A tender and loving fic with a side of Dad Hopper (a thing that is very greatunironic's fault.) Podfic available. Fan art!
🎲Critical Hit || Explicit 🌶️ || 7102
Steve shows up to play D&D. Eddie decides he can stay. IF King Steve recognizes the real lord and master of Hellfire. Featuring ring kissing, nerd sex, Steve being transfixed by Eddie's guitar-player fingers, and good ol' fashioned filth (of course.)
🎵Cut and Changed and Rearranged || Teen and Up || 10856
The real reason Steve never really dates anymore is this: the nightmares and the secrets behind them. In the middle of the night, reeling from bad dreams, Steve properly starts listening to the mixtape Eddie made for him. Featuring hurt/comfort, angsty Steve, Steve getting the love he deserves, bed sharing, Eddie in crop tops, the bi experience, and did I mention Steve getting so much love? This fic is a love letter to Steve from Eddie and from me. Podfic available.
🎡Like a Record, Baby || Explicit 🌶️ || 1866 words Three months after the world doesn't end, a traveling fair hits downtown Hawkins. When Steve and Eddie get stuck at the top of the malfunctioning Ferris wheel, Eddie has an idea for how to pass the time. Steddie: public blow jobs edition. (Okay maybe I can write pwp after all.) Podfic available. 🎩Wiggle and Flourish || Mature || 2456 words Eddie says his bedroom is where the magic happens. Apparently he meant that literally. Comedy and fluff. No smut. 🫂Like I Always Do || Mature || 5578 Words Russian torture, the Mind Flayer, Hopper. Steve goes through hell, and all he wants when it's over is to be with someone who will soothe away the aches. Hurt/Comfort with established sexual relationship. (No smut.) Podfic available.
🌌Every Single Time || Teen & Up || 2573
Eddie and Steve haven't talked about it yet. What they are. What they want to be.
On Hawkins' Senior Bonfire Night, maybe they will.
That universe? Alternative
⌛Life or Something Like It || Explicit 🌶️ || 9286
Eddie can't afford to move to Hawkins, but he wants to live a little when he can, while he can. Have some fun and move on. That was the deal he made himself before he decided to visit.
Falling for Steve Harrington is, therefore, pretty damn inconvenient.
A Steddie AU inspired by San Junipero.
✨✨Bonus: My Steddie Recs Collection
🚢 Ronance
🚘Porcelain Like This || Explicit 🌶️ || 3444 Words Nancy Wheeler likes sex and wants sex, and she doesn’t really see why that’s a problem. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be desired, with wanting to feel good. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with wanting Robin Buckley. Featuring Nancy fucking Robin the backseat of her car. That’s it. That’s the fic.
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Made Another One of these while I Wait for the Panic to Set in
"No! My drugs!" - Kavinsky "It pancakes out" - Chainsaw splooting in the summer "You could also consider it one big leg if you wanted" - Gansey (about snakes) "I spent negative time thinking about the voice" - Hennessey "Oh yea, my favorite color: pick one" - Henry "Gushy on the inside" - Henry picking the worst way to say Ronan is good with kids "This is the most fucked up fucker around" - About Adam "I make the Tom and Jerry 'YEOUCH' sound" - Henry (except he just makes the sound instead of saying he does) "Is there a ye olde garbage can?" - Ronan when he’s dragged to the Ren Faire by Blue and Gansey "Get fucked!" - [Ronan] and [Blue] out of sync "'American bread?' ([Blue]) 'White bread...FUCK!' ([Ronan])" "What if it's [Neeve], but she's been possessed by a [beetle]?" "Melee attacks are better against them because they are tiny and baby" - Ronan explaining how to clear spiders out of a barn "It's a ghost-hunting goon" - Noah (ghost-hunting being a euphemism for smoking weed) "Little potato on your shoulder" - Chainsaw on shoulder "I will do no expositing, thank you very much" - Adam explaining nothing about his past at Harvard "Define threads" - Gansey "I can fix that" - [Ronan] about killing worm "Long sword go brr" - Hennessey “Attention deficit hyperdoc. ADHD” - Gansey “Illiterate college student representation right there” - Adam after studying for so long words are fuzzy “Sorry that your dad, the president, has a tramp stamp” - Henry to Gansey “If you start doing weed I’m going to have to fistfight you” - Weed is prohibited in the Pig and Blue is an enforcer “Go speak to the Barnes and Noble Starbucks lesbians” - Henry telling Blue to talk to her mom and company “I feel like this is Chekov’s bigot, he’s gonna show up later” - About Kavinsky “I’d eat a muffin for the bit” - Henry, seconds before making the worst mistake in his life (eating health food at 300 Fox Way)
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squash1 · 2 years
incorrect trc quotes as things my friends and family have actually said
blue: “was that man you hate at lunch today?” ronan: “mallory is now 88, and i have to say, he looks 88.”
matthew (with pink eye): “ok. i’m going to my death bed now.” declan: “can you take those paper towels upstairs?” matthew: “i’m not going upstairs.” declan: “oh. well where’s your death bed? just so i can find you.”
henry: “do you think i have adhd?” blue: “i think you have bad taste sometimes…”
matthew: “i asked declan to get me sour patch kids and he immediately said no but maybe there’s still a chance.”
ronan: “what about fucking VENN, he's just sitting there and he's like, ‘what if i make TWO circles?’”
jordan: “hennessy, why would you send me a text saying ‘what is the weather now?’ we’re in the same place. it’s sunny.”
declan: “i don’t like emojis. i don’t trust them.”
ronan: “i have a cuticle question.” blue: “i didn’t even know that you knew that you had cuticles.”
gansey: "give me an example of what could possibly be ‘good murder.’" ronan: "self defense." adam: "h1tler.”
gansey: “did you see the article about the sentient robot?” henry: “did it have 100 legs?” gansey: “that’s a centipede.”
adam: “i used to give funerals to flowers that died.”
blue: “two days ago i woke up 5 minutes before i had therapy and i cut off a little chunk of hair by my ear just for fun.”
maura: “i had a dream about a blind man who was like a murderer.” blue: “what did he do?” maura: “he killed people with a gun.”
ronan: "i’m not going to let anyone else have any of this, because then they'll get too selfish.”
henry: “god, you send just a couple núdės and suddenly everyone’s asking!”
declan: "what time does the boston aquarium open?" siri: "i don't have any matching locations." declan: "what time does the NEW ENGLAND aquarium open?" siri: "i don't have any matching locations." declan: "what time. does the GOD. DAMN. AQUARIUM open." siri: "i found two aquariums near you.”
ronan: “ahhhh. i’m so glad i’m not british.”
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selkies-world · 20 days
Girls with ADHD started the Salem Witch Trials?
Read this story from Ronan-Lukas Trodden on Medium:
In January 1692, Samuel Parris’ 11 year old niece and 9 year old daughter erupted into a hysterical outburst... William Griggs, a local doctor, diagnosed them with “bewitchment”. After this, other girls around the same age all began to experience the same symptoms.
In February, there were three arrest warrants for the women who the girls accused of bewitching them: Sarah Good, who was a homeless beggar, Tituba, the Caribbean slave belonging to the Parris’, and Sarah Osborn, who was a very elderly woman. These three women were brought before the village’s magistrates....
Read the rest here! (& check out the suggested article about how the traits used to diagnose Autism, Tourettes & OCD today were once the commonly accepted signs of being a witch)
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leithillustration · 9 months
Tarot Suits and the Gangsey
Does anyone have thoughts on which of the four minor arcana suits match which characters in the Gangsey? This is something I’ve been wondering about since I want to make some illustrations referencing the qualities of each suit in order to help me in my tarot readings. Obvs being a big Raven Cycle and Dreamer Trilogy nerd, I cannot possibly consider doing these illustrations without including my good boyos in the background!
Here’s what I have so far (below the cut)… sorry it’s such an essay… but also not sorry. CW: Spoilers?
💙Blue of Cups
Obviously Cups has to be Blue, right? It’s referenced so much in the books. Cups is all about togetherness, family, creativity, love, feelings, how we express emotions and connect to others. It feels right that this is Blue, with her connections to her family at 300 Fox Way. The way she communicates with Gansey, Adam, Ronan and Noah and loves them all for different reasons. Blue is creative and the element of water seems to fit her well - she reflects others potential while having hidden depths of her own, and holds her dreams close to her heart. Blue is also fiery enough to be wands, especially with her ambitions to travel and her creativity, but I’m not sure it fits her as well as Cups. I think there is still space within Cups for her to be her wonderful passionate feminist self.
Here are my first sketches for this piece.
🗡️Gansey of Swords..?
I feel Gansey is a good fit for representing Swords as it’s about intellect, logic, reasoning, knowledge, ideas, taking action. The imagery of Gansey with a sword is very kingly, and through TRC he’s constantly striving for knowledge and applying his own brand of Welsh King obsessed logic to everything (Gansey truly is the king of neurodivergent hyperfixation/adhd deep dives and I love him for it). Conflict is a part of swords too, and Gansey has a lot of that going on with Adam and Ronan as well as his family.. BUT here’s where I start to question things. Swords could just as easily apply to Adam. He’s arguably wrapped up in more conflict than Gansey (his father, his view of himself and what he wants, his ambitions constantly butting up against his background etc) and he’s an equal driving force for action throughout TRC. He’s intelligent and logical too. So who is a greater representation of Swords energy? Gansey could also represent Pentacles for his wealth and his connection to Glendower being very earthy.
🔥Ronan of Wands.. or Pentacles.. or Cups!?
Before I go on to apply Adam to every other tarot suit too, let’s give Ronan some attention. Wands is a great fit for Ronan (despite the magician imagery that obviously suits Adam- oops, I said I’d move on). Wands has fire energy, and Ronan is burning throughout TRC and The Dreamer Trilogy (thank you so so much Maggie for giving us this amazing spin off which gives me LIFE). He’s active and passionate, creative and everything is sexually charged with him. He can be aggressive and argumentative, and he grows so so much throughout all the books. But then, perhaps because if that growth, Ronan fits with so much earth energy too, which is encompassed by Pentacles. He dreams of / is partly a fantastical forest (all the best people are). His dreams are all about sensation, he is grounded in nature at the barns and he has strong values… which also relates to Cups! Ronan’s love and fierce loyalty for his family and friends, the way he loves is so cups! He’s instinctive. He wears his heart on his sleeve (I know there is a quote about this somewhere in the Dreamer Trilogy but I have no idea where). Cups is about dreams and family. Ronan is definitely Wands throughout TRC, but he’s also very Cups too in TDT imo. Of course, there’s also the conflict aspect of Swords that is Ronan all over- the punk is made of conflict - plus Ronan makes Vexed to Nightmare so he literally has a sword.. but the rest of the Sword suit doesn’t really fit with him as he’s far more about feelings and instinct than logic and reasoning.
🌱Adam of Pentacles… but also everything else too.
I originally cringed at applying Pentacles to Adam (I feel like he’d be mad at me because this suit has so much to do with finance) but having thought about it more, I think it fits him quite well. Pentacles has earth energy, which is so Adam Parish it’s ridiculous. I will be your hands, I will be your eyes etc. Despite all the turmoil in TRC, Adam remains grounded. He’s sure of where he wants to get to. He’s probably the most practical of the group too, next to Blue, and is very aware of his environment and his financial instability. He strives for financial security and seeks opportunities where he can. Throughout and especially by the end of the Dreamer trilogy, he’s a real grounding force for Ronan (fuck, Greywarren did things to me. Is it too much to stick my favourite Adam / Ronan chapters to my walls?!) and his connection to Cabeswater in TRC is all very earthy.. but it’s also very mystical and Cuppy?? Cups encompasses psychic energy which Adam has in spades. He also has the intellectual prowess and logic for Swords, and the fiery stubbornness and ambition of Wands.
Ultimately I think it’s really interesting how all the characters overlap in some areas, just like the tarot suits do. I’m very excited to make some art based on it all!
PS- Noah’s suit is Major Arcana. Henry’s suit is a toga.
PPS- If you read this far, thank you for sticking with my ramblings! Have a cute little ghost 👻
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perhapsisuppose · 2 months
you. give me your ninjago headcanons
the joy that surged through me.
i have a LOT
my faves tho are related around what they’d look like as humans
cole - definitely a big guy, super strong, would have darker skin and cool hair. i sometimes see people hc him as blasian or indian and both of those ARE SO FITTING
I fully and firmly believe cole is a metaphor for being gay
the royal blacksmiths ep in s1 is smth i have always felt was a subtle nod to the struggle of being gay and having a “double life” where he was nervous to tell his dad.
zane - either darker skin for human form or just the titanium (i think he’s a metaphor for autism 😈)
jay - white. canadian, probably. freckled everywhere, redhead bs, etc. (my adhd twin) the thinnest ninja, my guy is muscly but thin.
nya and kai - asian, tan skin, nya is definitely taller after s8 when they all start to grow up. nya’s bulky but kai is on the thinner side.
lloyd - asian, sometimes i see him portrayed as tan, and sometimes white. either work in my head. he’s not that thin, probably middle build.
random ones i’ve collected :
- jay’s special interest is video games, hence why they pop up as a constant interest for him throughout seasons, unlike the baking and cooking he mentions in the pilot (those were definitely his past fixations.)
- jay has a knack for inventing and tinkering - maybe it was a past fixation because it did fade as nya took the character role of “inventor”
- kai thinks cole is probably the hottest dude he’s ever seen, whether romantically or platonically is up to you, but he’s definitely had at least one fleeting homo thought
- jay and zane stim and talk over robotics and tech for hours. nya often walks in and joins, but will leave after they fall down another inevitable rabbit hole.
- lloyd dyes his hair blonde. he was born with terrifyingly bright blonde hair, but it became darker into a light brown with his rapid aging in s2. he just prefers the blonde.
- misako 100% has had some cheating-ass romantic interaction with wu while garm was out of the picture.
- harumi doesn’t love lloyd. she loves the idea of him. all she wanted was to be protected, and here’s the easy-to-manipulate, powerful, and cute green ninja - her easiest way to feel in control, whether subconscious or not at first.
- while arguing about nya with kai, jay has definitely pulled something like “what, you want me to marry you instead, asshole??” “you can say you’re jealous.”
- cole and jay have a closer bond than many.
- during the early seasons when cole was “interested” in nya, i hc that as him either experimenting or caring for her and confusing it for romantic love.
- nya struggles to say ‘i love you’ directly to jay due to the intense vulnerability it fills her with. she shows it in many other ways, and regrets not saying it sooner before seabound
- jay is insecure about this. ^
- that one archer ghost from s5 who wanted ronan’s soul bc of some deal he made was DEFINITELY into him. or vice versa.
- pythor and scales are 100% a divorced couple. how would that work lore-wise? it wouldn’t. they just are.
- chen is into the most fucking kinky shit you could ever fathom. he was alone on that island for a long, long time.
and is insane.
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🍐, 🍇and 🍉 for the fanfic writer q&a :))
🍐- do u listen to music when u write?
ummm more often than not no, but also like, sometimes??? and I have a few fics that were definitely prompted by music like I have a hotchniss wip called "I hope you dance" based on the ronan keating song (if u know u know and yes that is what it's about)
🍇 - what is something you struggle with as a writer?
um, everything x no but fr I'm the worst at sticking to a wip. I try, now, to write most of a fic before I start posting. I just get too excited, but then sometimes I lose steam...so yeah. but that's the adhd popping out fr
🍉 - favourite trope? cliche that u love?
omg. so many. and what's funny is I haven't written most of what I like.
I think a consistent favourite trope of mine is "only one bed" which I have NEVER WRITTEN. why have I never written this? I also love the dramatic admission of love during an argument that is *chefs kiss*.
thank u for the ask darling !!
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morgana-pendragon · 9 months
ur least favorite blondie song from each album? (🫡)
whyyyyyyy are you so mean to me >:(
debut: damn this one kinda hard idk most of the songs LMAO the outside? idk 😭
fearless: ummm i also have no strong opinions on these songs because i don’t know them so i’m gonna pick one at random: you’re not sorry? idk if i know that one
speak now: dear john (it’s too slow and my adhd does NOT like that. especially sandwiched between speak now the song and mean?? it’s like she wants me dead)
red: ronan bc it makes me cry too much (yes this is a copout 🤪 i’m not picking a least fave from red she’s my ride or die)
1989: they’re all my BABIES but for sheer overplayedness, shake it off can be put high up on the shelf for now
reputation: hm. again i love them all dearly but gorgeous has been chopped (yet again the culprit is overplayedness)
lover: lover is a perfect album but me! can go up on the shelf with shake it off (radio stations love them way too much)
folklore: ugh. literally cannot choose ughhhhhhhhhhh the 1 😞
evermore: hmmm happiness but not in a take it off the album way but more a “replace it with right where you left me or it’s time to go”
midnights: i could do without sotb
ask me my least favourite [blank]!
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