#adhd frustration
normalbirb · 5 months
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Having adhd is like being stuck in rooms with no exits and then told by neurotypicals i should have just done like them and walked through a door
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thatoneluckybee · 5 months
Going to break into your house with pots and pans and yell at you until you reframe your thinking of productivity to include more than just schoolwork or a salary or chores and the like.
Did you do a thing? Was there a positive result for you or someone else?
Congratulations, you did a Productivity!!!
You aren’t ALWAYS going to be able to have the energy to do what we consider traditionally productive. You won’t always have the motivation.
Yeah, maybe you could have spent two hours studying for that test instead of 15 minutes. Maybe you could have cleaned the kitchen instead of the dishes. And? That’s still something!
Productivity is doing things!! Did you eat food and drink water? You did something that helped your body work! Doodled in class? You made art! Even just posting theories and memes on tumblr dot com is a thing! You thought out the post, figured out how to organize it (even if you don’t realize you did that) and you made it! And now other people can see and you DID something and you should be proud!!!
Be proud of yourself or I am going to show up outside your window tonight and scream positive affirmations louder than a cat who has just discovered her food bowl is empty.
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atlas-affogato · 9 months
Adhd is the most annoying thing on the planet because why am I procrastinating things I want to do.
I want to read my book
I want to watch my show
I want to take a shower
I want to go to the bathroom
But my mind is just like. Nuh uh
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asafeplaceforus112 · 4 months
I currently just feel so overwhelmed by cleaning
Does anyone have any ADHD cleaning tips?
Rant below
I have no clue on how to fix this but I'm sick of having no space and being treated by my parents like I'm a slob
You know even though they never bothered to teach me how to clean, how they clean is based on their dopamine "time to do this task now" and how I've never lived in a clean house my whole
I just feel so frustrated
Currently my brain thinks that if I get storage (because I do not, and it resulted in me just having shit everywhere)
I just feel so frustrated and it's keeping me awake and I just want to sleep and not think about this
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gremlinwithakeyboard · 8 months
ok so hear me out, superpowers as a metaphor for neurodivergency
but like not in the “neurodivergency is a/gives you superpowers” type way
more in a sort of “everyone acts like it’s a superpower and anyone who doesn’t think so isn’t thinking positively enough”
Oh you don’t like being a telepath? Come on! You’ve got a gift there! You’re lucky! Just please stay away from me so you don’t read my mind.
Your fire powers are awesome! You’d stop accidentally setting things on fire if you just put your mind to it.
What do you mean your super gravity powers being treated like rubbish telekinesis gave you lasting childhood trauma? At least you’ve got powers!
You lost your voice pushing your noise amplification powers to the limit? That’s kinda sad but just don’t do that next time! Your powers are still super and your voice will come back for you to do more cool tricks for us with!
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derekhalesbian · 9 months
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genuinely how i feel sometimes
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I don't think anyone talks about ADHD meltdowns enough.
I get them 9/10 times when I try to do homework.
It's not just crying because I do that every time I get frustrated with work and that's quite often.
It's not just accepting defeat and being angry with yourself because I do that a lot too.
It's breaking down sobbing, bending over and hugging yourself as snapping at anybody who tries to get you to continue working.
It's repeating I can't I can't over and over and feeling so ashamed whilst you're doing it.
It's feeling so angry with yourself because you know you can do the work you just can't do it like this and you're taking out your anger on other people.
It's other people trying to be helpful by saying that you can do it and there isn't much left so we have to crack on but that only makes you more frustrated.
Because they don't understand.
You want to.
But you just can't.
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dorianbrightmusic · 10 months
-OCD is not a synonym for neat or preoccupied with tidiness. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is all about distressing intrusive thoughts and rituals (compulsions) used to combat those thoughts.
-Intrusive thoughts are not synonymous with silly things I want to do. They're deeply upsetting, often taboo mental apparitions. Letting them win is the last thing anyone wants, and nobody is immoral for having them. (See 'impulsive thoughts' if you need a term.)
-Anorexic is not a synonym for thin or emaciated. The majority of anorexic people have OSFED atypical anorexia – that is, their BMI is above 18.5. You cannot judge the severity of someone's illness by their appearance. (If you're worried about someone, look out more for rapid weight loss than thinness, even when it's occurring in someone in a larger body. 10kg in 10 weeks is never a good thing.)
-Eating disorders are not synonymous with just anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is an ED, but it's nowhere near the most common. Bulimia is an ED, but again, not the most common. Together, they do not constitute the most common. The most common ED is binge-eating disorder, and the second most common is atypical anorexia, which is one of many, many OSFED categories. Those living with ARFID, pica, night-eating syndrome, rumination disorder, subthreshold BN, subthreshold BED, and orthorexia all deserve dignity, compassion, and acknowledgement. Remember: EDs are not necessarily thin, and never glamorous.
-Schizophrenic is not a synonym of all over the place, abnormal, unpredictable, dangerous, or crazy. Nor is schizoid or schizotypal. Folks with schizophrenia spectrum disorders live with hallucinations, delusions, disorganised thoughts/behaviour, and/or catatonia. They are far more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators, and go to huge lengths to act okay even when distressed by symptoms.
-Schizophrenic is also not a synonym of multiple personalities/volatile. For the disorder involving having different facets of personality that are generally unaware of each other, see Dissociative Identity Disorder, and even then, don't assume it's a) dramatic as it is in the movies; b) evil; or c) trivial. DID is a trauma disorder.
-Delusional is not a synonym of wrong. Nor is it the same as this politician/friend is saying something I do not like/that is potentially dangerous. Delusions are false, fixed beliefs held despite evidence. And generally, folks with delusions don't tend to proselytise them. I know that certain politicians have beliefs that seem to persist in the face of evidence, but nevertheless, we don't need to stigmatise mental illness further to call out poor political/social behaviour. If you need a word for the pundit spewing potentially dangerous content, use 'dangerous' or 'wrong', but don't call them delusional.
-Bipolar is not a synonym of all over the place or fluctuating results. Bipolar disorder involves mood states that, even in the rapid cycling form, tend to last at least 3-4 days (mania) and weeks (depression). If you need a word for the weather, use 'British' instead.
-Psychotic is not a synonym of evil. Psychosis is losing touch with reality, whether it be through hallucinations or delusions. It doesn't make a person bad or violent. It's just a neurological phenomenon that may be distressing. It's also relatively common: 6-15% of people will hallucinate in their lifetime.
-ADHD is not a synonym of just quirky/scattered/forgetful/unfocussed/lazy/careless. ADHD is fundamentally a disorder of being able to choose where to direct attention, rather than of just I can't focus. If someone can't tune out the noise of the crowd, but can't prevent themself focussing on something trivial because their brain is wired that way, it's not laziness or just being quirky/scattered.
-Autistic meltdown is not a synonym of temper tantrum.
-Borderline is not a synonym of harridan.
-Narcissist is not a synonym of abuser.
-Mentally ill is not a synonym of volatile or bad person. This doesn't mean we have to make something artificially positive out of mental disorders. If there is good to be found in certain disorders, great; if there is nothing positive about living with certain others, that doesn't make you any less real or resilient than anyone else. It's okay to have complex feelings about your own disorders. It's okay to feel exhausted or frustrated by a disorder. But never should anyone have to face stigma.
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oshaskell · 4 months
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Dozing noblewoman and her strange young friend.
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having adhd (or just generally being forgetful) is so fucking frustrating because you’ll lose something you literally just had in your hand and then proceed to go on a 45 minute quest to find said lost thing. meanwhile, you’re both the detective and the suspect, just trying to follow clues and patterns that make no sense. i’ll lose something, then grab my brain by the collar and go, “where tf is my charger. u just had it”. and my brain will just be like:
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cod-dump · 1 year
Soap: ghost can you hand me the... Uh... The thing?
Ghost: the what?
Soap, pulling a blank: you know. The thing!
Ghost: i don't know what you want!
(This goes on for at least 5 minutes. Soap gets so frustrated he cries. Ghost is *this* close to crying too)
Price was passing by when he heard screaming.
Price steps in, “Whoa, now! What’s going on here?”
Soap is crying while Ghost looks like he’s on the edge. Price walks in and gets between the two.
“Easy, boys. What’s wrong?”
Soap speaks in a soft voice, “I forgot the name of something…”
Ghost crosses his arms, “I can’t remember the name for you.”
Price sighs, “Sit down. Yelling isn’t going to help you remember.”
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fatwithoutkatsudon · 9 months
Having undiagnosed ADHD until you’re an adult is so hard because it has shaped so much of your life and personality it’s hard to tell where it ends and you begin, but it’s also the answer to every time you have screamed, crying, frustrated with yourself “WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!?!”
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Man, sometimes living alone with ADHD really do be like:
Me: Huh, I wonder why I'm so shaky and tired and seeing spots everywhere
Also me: *hasn't eaten food in two days, hasn't had water in just as long, has been hunched over current hyper fixation for hours without moving, hasn't seen sunlight in days*
Me: .... Just one of life's great mysteries I suppose
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jojo-schmo · 2 months
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More Schmojo!! And I decided to name her dark matter friend living in her bubble rod, “Beauregard.” >:3
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Plus some doodles I thought of during work, and a lighthearted poke at myself lol.
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bonefall · 5 months
Hi there, as an epileptic person I’m so happy to see your changes to Shadowsight’s character (I was SO disappointed that they removed his seizures!) and that you have a whole section dedicated to it in the medicines overview! It means so much to me to have such genuine representation. The only little note I have is that the technical term for a grand-mal seizure is “tonic-clonic,” not clonic-tonic! Other than that you have some really great and well-researched information ^^
Oh shoot, I didn't realize the order was important! Can you tell me why it should be tonic-clonic and spelling it as clonic-tonic should be avoided, so I can share?
With Shadowsight and Sorreltail, I did my research by looking at educational not-for-profits and trying to make sure to listen to firsthand accounts of what it's like to have it, so that the portrayal was more based in life than medical journals. I'm pretty sure I have an old post floating around somewhere with a bunch of sources and links, in addition to the herb guide you saw.
It really is such a shame they did that with Shadowsight specifically :/ you're not the first to pass through thanking me for putting his epilepsy back. I was recently revisiting the earlier books of TBC to answer an ask (ballooned into an essay) and, man, seeing all the setup, with what I know now, utterly wasted is just devastating.
What I mean is, in Book 1, they're describing his auras from his perspective and how there IS a difference between his seizure-visions and his Ashfur-visions. They're establishing that he DID always have epilepsy, it's just ASHFUR that's new. That was a MAJOR hint that something was wrong! The epilepsy was always part of him, but the possessions weren't!
But then, in Book 4, the team unceremoniously decides that no, it was Ashfur all along. Even the seizures. GoodBYE epilepsy! It was literally just a magic spirit.
Though the "seizures give visions" trope is a bit problematic on its own (like "Blind Seer"), I feel like it's even worse to set up representation, and then just yank it away midway through an arc. Like they couldn't just have him lose the visions but keep the seizures.
Frustrating. But, well, this is MY kitchen and I get to decide the disability rep.
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handweavers · 4 months
i really struggle with consistency more than anything when it comes to my creative output not only due to having chronic illnesses that fluctuate in severity but also because i'm primarily motivated by learning new things and developing new skills so once i know how to do something to a quality that satisfies me i'm ready to move on to something else rather than making that thing i know how to make really well over and over again. i love the idea of having all of these beautiful finished objects but once i know how to make something and i've done it once, unless i need more than 1 for practical reasons (ex. making clothes for myself, replacing and mending things i already have) the thought of making more is boring and i can't get myself to do it. like i could never come up with a product and make it over and over again and keep it in stock in a shop for example, even batch-making something like beaded pins each pin design has to be different enough that it feels like i'm still learning something or i can't do it. i can't make the same thing twice. which is incredibly frustrating because i do reach a point with a lot of crafts where i run out of things to teach myself (*that i am interested in learning, there are always more things to learn) and i drop it, and it's not even that i don't enjoy it or that i was bad at it but that i ... got good at it and that made it boring?????? man im not getting out of here alive
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