#ada is atsushi's family
ssaraexposs · 22 days
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This whole scene is so freaking cute. I LOVE THE ADA
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tamberrio · 27 days
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“They say the murderer trapped the souls of his victims in the photos he took. What do you think, Atsushi-kun? Seems like a fun way to die~”
“… Sure. But the murderer stopped and he was never found, right?”
“Hah! It won’t be that way for long. His identity is as good as found now that I’m here!”
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timefospookies · 2 months
Headcanon that the ADA has a double sided whiteboard with like schedule and mission details written on the front and a betting chart on the back
Something mildly exciting happens and Dazai or Yosano flip the board and start gathering bets
Dazai: “Is the client the culprit? Bets everyone!”
Atsushi: “How much..?”
Dazai: “Hmm…¥1.000! All for aye?”
Kyōka: “Aye,”
Yosano: “Aye,”
Atsushi: “Mmmm…nay,”
Dazai: “Oh, Atsushi, you sweet soul,”
Kunikida: “Don’t make bets on the client!”
Atsushi: “I’d rather give them the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, they were creepy as hell, but maybe they’re just bad with people!”
Jun’ichiro: “Aye,”
Naomi: “Aye!”
Atsushi: “You guys…”
Dazai: “Nope! Aye or nay?”
Kunikida: “Dazai…”
Dazai: “Aye or nay?”
Kunikida: “This is incredibly unprofessional!”
Kunikida: “…….”
Kunikida: “…Aye,”
Dazai: “Aye, he says!”
Kenji: “:D?????”
Kenji doesn’t bet cuz he doesn’t get it, but it’s fun to see everyone so excited!
Ranpo’s not allowed to bet until everyone else has placed their own first (and they’re not allowed to change their mind once he bets).
Dazai: “All done! Ranpo-san, your turn!”
Ranpo: “Mmm….”
Ranpo: “Nay.”
All: *collective groans of defeat*
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fic where 18 yrs old dazai meets 14 yrs old atsushi (right after leaving the mafia ig) and w/o thinking takes him with him and they spend the two years on the run together (dazai becuz anytime he tries to abandon the orphan he picked up w/o thought oda flashes into his mind and ultimately he grows to care for him) (atsushi becuz the weird bandage guy pinkie promised he could ride on one of those trains he's seen in books)
dazai and atsushi dont look alike or have the same name so the ada picks up they arent related by blood real quick
anytime anyone asks how they met, they honestly answer "i/dazai kidnapped him/me" but everyone thinks its a joke
atsushi wins dazai over gradually, like small moments, small moments of kindness shown for dazai, small moments of seeing atsushi's real non-trauma made personality seeping through , he doesn't even realize it until it hits all at once how much he cares for atsushi
atsushi on the other hand was sold because dazai could make him laugh
also sskk where atsushi takes his bf to meet his brother and akutagawa and dazai do the spiderman meme
also dazai finds out atsushi's ability becuz at some point he comes to their hideout or whatever and a giant tiger is sitting there and before he can even panic it happily jumps at him and boom atsushi
in this particular au, dazai lets atsushi doodle anywhere like dazai's bandages and his books becuz its better than having to actually engage with the child and eventually gets atsushi an actual sketchbook and the two spend their time drawing, atsushi's sketches get better dazai's get worse but atsushi sometimes thinks its becuz dazai's silly and scary sketches make him laugh
there has to be a scene where someone asks atsushi what he's doing here, after dazai's joined the ada, and atsushi's like "im here w/ my brother" and looks at dazai, sees him poorly flirting w/ kunikida and irritating him and gets so much second hand embarrassment he points at ranpo instead
atsushi knows dazai was in the mafia but he thinks double black was just dazai's cringy ship name for his ex boyfriend
okay thats all i can think of now ill add more maybe
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benetnvsch · 1 year
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The Found Family Ever
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delusional-lavender · 5 months
It's missing them hours..
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I would commit several crimes just to see them all happy together again
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sskk-manifesto · 4 months
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Wouldn't say they were desperate to save him...
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 1 year
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"If you want to try again, come at me alone. If you do anything to my subordinates, I will snap your necks...no matter what it takes."
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thepartyishere · 4 months
The agency is on a mission and don't notice that Atsushi stopped walking to stare down an alley with his ears and tail out and slowly wagging. He ends up stalking a raccoon and pouncing in it. They're all disgusted when he brings it to them and tries to give it to Dazai, who's just amused by catsushi.
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ssaraexposs · 2 months
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I just found out that these two official arts are actually related
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young-prince-firefly · 11 months
Dazai: Are those adoption papers?
Fukuzawa: *stands completely still*
Fukuzawa: Perhaps.
Ranpo, Yosano, and Kunikida: *debating which member is about to be adopted next*
Dazai: You're adopting... Me?
Fukuzawa: Yes
Fukuzawa: *offers pen*
Dazai: Thanks, Dad
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timefospookies · 4 months
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guys im getting so good at twitter
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au where dazai is still in the pm but somehow has met the entire ada and somehow charmed them (look the agency has strange standards) so they're all actively trying to get him to change sides
featuring fukuzawa lowkey bragging about being a better father figure i mean boss than mori
ranpo inviting him for chess matches so dazai knows he'll have an intellect buddy at the ada
them putting up his picture on their employee wall portrait thingie (lucy poe and karl are also there)
junichiro trying to bribe him with video games awkwardly
naomi trying to blackmail him (you know she would)
yosano inviting him for trash talking sessions and girl nights (they talk shit about mori mostly)
kenji gifting him fruits veggies and the occasional cow to show goodwill
kunikida regularly checking in on him and mailing him pros of joining the ada and employee benefits
atsushi at some point just taking his hand and bringing him to work
also atsushi just telling dazai to come hang out a little earlier than they can actually meet so he's forced to be at the office
yosano trying to convince kunikida to "seduce" him; ranpo flat out telling dazai why he'd prefer it here
them bribing him with food
fukuzawa openly being kind and welcoming to him; kyouka considering kidnapping him when she herself leaves
kyouka sending him regular notes about how much happier she is to convince him
haruno offering to let him pet mii-chan; kenji reassuring him they want to be his friend; junichiro offering murder; atsushi offering to feed him (he already lowkey does)
dazai thinks they're just messing with him at first - then he thinks they want his ability which fair - now he's just confused
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bluemooniegif · 5 months
what can Atsushi's outfit tell us about his role, not only in the ADA, but the entire story?
(I'm slowly starting to cross-post everything from my tiktok analyses to tumblr and twitter. I'll link all of the original videos at the end of each post!)
let's first talk about what I think of as the Central Theme™️, something echoed throughout all aspects of BSD: the balance of light and dark. I have an entire tumblr post talking about it which you can read here, but for those of us who need a tldr: every character, organisation and even action is sorted into the category of "dark" (evil; yin; black) or "light" (good; yang; white). the PM is considered the "ruler of darkness," and the ADA the "guardian of the twilight."
when we first meet Atsushi, he is dressed in clothes that are ill-fitting and look very uncomfortable. we very quickly learn that his biggest internal conflict surrounds his lack of self-confidence- he thinks of himself as a nobody who belongs nowhere... and this is echoed in his outfit. in a city divided into black and white, he wears grey. his clothing does not only give us an insight into how we are supposed to see him, but also into how he sees himself!
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this is where I want to bring up a point Asagiri sensei mentioned in an interview once- he chose Atsushi to be his main character because he felt that he could easily change the course of Atsushi's life. the RL Atsushi Nakaijima was not as well-known as the others, leading Asagiri sensei to feel as though he was more malleable than the others.
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(translation via Popopretty1)
anyway, back to the costume design.
some people know this, but others have never heard: the outfit gifted to Atsushi in episode 2 (chapter 2) is comprised of items donated by each member of the Agency.
(I'm sorry for the Tanizakis but this image is just too helpful)
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this outfit indicates a hugely important shift for Atsushi; the difference between being a nobody and becoming a somebody.
he became someone, because the Agency believed in him, far before he believed in himself.
the best part about all of this, to me, is that Atsushi still has a very long way to go! his character development so far has been so incredible, though, and comparing the Atsushi we know now to episode 1 Atsushi genuinely makes me tear up 🥺🥺
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I hope this makes sense!! here's the original video link ~
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dazai-on-my-mind · 3 months
Oh I just thought about the ADA having movie nights together. Atsushi, Kenji's and Kyouka are building a pillow fort. Ranpoe and Dazai hogging it despite not helping. Yosano brings snacks and recommends horror movies to watch despite Kunikida's protests. The Tanizaiki siblings are hogging the popcorn bowl. Haruno is showing Fukuzawa pictures of her cat completely ignoring the chaos. Somehow a pillow fight breaks out. Popcorn is strewn across the floor and the movie is practically forgotten about.
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80sgaytrashgoblin · 8 months
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Can you tell I drew these all on different days?
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