#i beg asagiri not to take atsushi away from the ada
ssaraexposs · 28 days
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This whole scene is so freaking cute. I LOVE THE ADA
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popopretty · 6 years
BSD Chapter 66
Dream a Butterfly – The Later Part
The continuation of Yosano’s backstory. And we got to see Yosano and Ranpo’s first meeting. An emotional chapter on many different levels.
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English and Japanese are not my mother tongue so I might make some mistakes here and there. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you spot any. Thank you.
- The number of injured people that need to be treated keep increasing. Everyone was screaming and begged not to be sent back to the field. The soldier who gave Yosano the butterfly hairpin in the previous chapter suffer a broken bone. Even though it’s not life-threatening, Mori decided that if it stays like that he will not be able to hold a gun and that he will need “treatment” (by Yosano’s ability). Another nurse tries to give him some morphine to ease the pain but Mori stops her because even after “treatment”, the morphine will still remain thus delaying the process of sending soldiers back to the field. Seeing that, Yosano said she didn’t want to treat him, assumingly trying to keep him off the battlefield. Mori smiled and said he was weak to little girls’ requests, but then immediately changed his attitude and ordered Yosano to do it. He talked about how the ones who failed to see the changes always ended up losing, and that at the moment, special abilities are changing the war. Yosano’s duty is to prove that “change” to people, or else the country will fail. Yosano talked back to Mori, saying she would not do it, because she only wanted to save people’s life. Upon hearing that, Mori took out his gun and shot the soldier, forcing Yosano to use her ability.
- A normal war would normally end with one side being injured too much to the point of losing the ability to fight and withdraw. However, because of Yosano’s presence, that didn’t happen. The injured could never get away from the battlefield, and then everyone who has been dear to her, the one who drew her picture, the one who patted her head, the one who made her delicious coffee, everyone died.
- One day one soldier lost control and tried to kill Yosano, because he also realized she was the reason they could never return home. She lost her butterfly hairpin on that day, and just when she was trying to find it, she heard the voice of the guy who gave it to her on the speaker. He told her that even though he has sworn to himself that he would endure it, there is a limit to everyone’s heart. He said even though he told Yosano that she was an angel, she was actually more than that. She was the “Death Angel” who reigned the battlefield. In the end, he asked Yosano to say farewell to his family for him. Yosano rushed to the room where the soldier was and found that he had hanged himself, using the poetry books as a step. Left in the room was the piece of glass he used to count the times Yosano has saved him, now filled with the kanji “正” (meaning “true”, “right”, “correct”), and a note saying “You are too “true”.”
- Yosano was traumatized after that and was captured and isolated. She became like a lifeless doll, having no intention to escape. 3 years after the war, the one who came to her rescue was “the worst guy”. It was Mori, who came and said he would need her ability again. And that caused Fukuzawa and Mori to fight each other. Mori insisted with his idea of building an “undead army” while Fukuzawa believed the action was inhuman. They cut ties from that day. While they were fighting, Ranpo took the chance to rescue Yosano. She refused and asked Ranpo to bring her back to the cell because she believed human’s lives were taken cheaply due to her being able to save them. Ranpo told her it was stupid, and that if she hated it that much she could just not use her ability. Ranpo said he was the best detective in the world so he would solve everything before she could even make her appearance. Then to prove that, Ranpo gave back to Yosano the butterfly hairpin she lost. He told her he knew everything so she could ask him whatever she wanted. Yosano then asked him what she could do from then on, how she was supposed to live on knowing that her ability brought misfortunes to people around her. To that question, Ranpo said ADA was the only one place in this world where Yosano’s ability would not be needed and invited her to join. He added that ADA wanted her not for her ability, but for her “kindness”. She was so kind she felt so painful seeing people die, and that “that sorrow has its value”.
- End of flashback. Yosano’s group is now heading to the trade place. They suddenly found the “Black Lizard” group on the way and overheard their conversation. In the end, it turned out that Mori has foreseen that ADA will ignore the warning and did the trade anyway, so he had ordered the Black Lizzard to stay close and protect ADA at all costs. Yosano told Hirotsu that this would not be a trap because she trusted in Atsushi.
- Meanwhile, the car taking Atsushi and Kyouka is approaching the location, Atsushi said that it would be important to reunite with everyone because only by staying together they can unleash their full power.
- Kenji saw a truck approaching and assuming it was Atsushi group. He ran to the truck and opened the door. The car blew up at everyone’s surprise.
The side note on the last page says “All hopes were taken away…”
And that’s it. I hope Kenji would be alright :( Or as someone said in a previous comment, if he didn’t survive he would be revived by the book later. However, I think things would not be that simple. Even if the book can revive dead people, there would definitely be a price and upon thinking that, the BEAST novel started replaying in my head. So I just decided to stop thinking and wait for what Asagiri will give us next.
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