#actually double checking what I was about to put in the shaker instead of just being like ehhhhhh it’s fine
rachiller · 9 months
Today was long and kind of stupid but we harvested a giant pumpkin from the polytunnel and B was normal with me today & I was starving hungry all day despite eating like 2.5 meals and overall I felt like I was actually inside my body so idk I think yesterday my brain chemistry was just in a funk. Today was not amazing but I at least felt like I was there for it
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mixergiltron · 5 months
Ya guava be kidding me.
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Guava is a tropical fruit that is sweet,full of vitamin C,and according to the internet,"the queen of fruits" because it's supposed to have all kinds of health benefits. Why,just check out this fascinating chart:
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So what's the best way to add this miracle fruit to your diet? Why,in Tiki drinks of course!
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Mix #131 PopTiki Volcano Mug
1oz Barbancourt 8yr rum 1oz Demerara rum 4oz pineapple juice 2oz guava nectar 1oz lemon juice 1/2oz passionfruit syrup 1/4oz orgeat
Shake with ice and pour into mug.
This was created by PopTiki with the volcano mug they put out to raise money for the Hawaii fire relief. Cool mug,good cause,meh drink. It's very sweet and fruity with a strong guava taste. It's a big drink that will slake your thirst,but all that sugar is a trip to hangover city. I actually started to feel something after drinking just the one cocktail. Have one if you like sweet drinks,but no more unless you want to feel it the next day.
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Mix #132 Murky Lagoon
2oz Whaler's Original Dark rum 3oz guava nectar 1/2oz falernum
Combine all ingredients in double old-fashioned glass with ice. Pour into shaker,shake,re-pour into glass.
From Frankie's Tiki Room in Las Vegas. I used Coruba rum to make this because I didn't have Whaler's and every review I read about it said it sucked. Just use a good dark funky rum instead. It's a nice sweet,funky drink that's creamy and has a touch of spice aftertaste. Quite good with decent rum.
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Mix #133 Aloha Screwdriver
3/4oz light rum 3/4oz Lemon Hart 151 3/4oz banana liqueur 1oz guava nectar 1oz pineapple juice 1/4oz Campari* 1/4oz allspice dram
Shake with ice and pour into glass.
*I used Aperol.
Created by one of my fav surf rock bands,it can be found in the liner notes of their album The Lost Recipe. Nice Demerara funk,a touch sweet with some banana and a bit of spice on the end. Quite nice with a bit of kick.
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Mix #134 Blake's Guava Grog
2oz Plantation OFTD 1oz guava nectar 3/4oz lime juice 1/4oz falernum 1/4oz allspice dram 1/4oz cinnamon syrup 2 dashes Angostura bitters
Shake with plenty of ice and pour into mug.
I found this Facebook user's creation posted in the Tiki Recipes forum. Sweet and spicy with cinnamon burn and plenty of kick. A proper Tiki grog.
So drink up. The internet says it's good for you,and you can't put false things on the internet.
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♡Halloween Special♡
This is a modern AU one so I can have more to work with lmao
And it's kinda aimed more towards females just because I'm having so much difficulty finding/thinking of g/n couple costumes and I greatly apologize about that
'Because Red...'
It took so much convincing to go trick or treating with you but he settled on supervising once he learned that Klee was in solitary confinement again and you wanted to get her and yourself some candy
You, naturally, had him dress up. You had him be Giyuu and you be Shinobu This was the first straight thing that came to mind lol and honestly... Giyuu suits him well
You managed to get quite the haul actually!
Happy Y/N = Happy Diluc
Klee was very pleased
She was even more pleased at the fact that she got even more candy because of Kaeye and his significant other got some for her too
I have no clue if I'm spelling his name right and I'm to lazy to check
'Yeah Toots?'
'Trick or treating?'
He didn't need convincing. He also knew about the whole Klee in solitary confinement thing
He had you guys dress up as Mario and Princess Peach (who was which is up for you to decide.... personally I say he was Princess Peach-)
Quite the haul! And doubled too!
Klee was once again, very pleased
'Venti chill pls you're gonna throw out your hip again'
He DRAGGED you before you could even ask
You guys dressed up as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. He requested to be Sailor Moon.
The biggest haul ever!
He don't know what it is but if it makes you happy
You two were little red riding hood and the big bad wolf Gotta keep that aesthetic but more like big good wolf boi
Got a normal haul but he got more than u
I also don't know If I spell his name right and I'm still to lazy to check
'Wtf Y/n?'
'Put the dang costume on'
Putting him in a costume was hard enough so you didn't even bother trying to get him to go trick or treating. You guys just handed out candy instead
Zelda and Link!
After an hour you guys just went inside and watched scary movies, ate candy, and cuddled
'Hey wanna-'
'I didn't even finish my sentence'
You guys went trick or treating for about an hour but after getting rarely any candy (Childe may have glared at everyone who stared at you for a bit too long) changed your game plan and handed out candy
You guys went as Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl (that's why)
Yeah... basically Xaio's ending were after an hour, you guys went and watched scary movies, ate candy, and cuddled
'Wanna hand out candy oorrrrrr'
'Let's hand out candy! I'll still buy you some!'
'Sounds good'
You guys handed out candy and had a lot of fun doing it actually, you guys also went by to see Klee
You guys were dressed as Alice and the white rabbit
You guys handed out candy for awhile and went inside and cuddled afterwards
'It's Halloween!'
'... Hun-'
After a speedy trip to Walmart you guys handed out candy and stopped by to see Klee and give her candy
You guys were Salt and Pepper shakers
You guys handed out candy for like 2 hours and after she fell asleep, you decided to just go back inside and cuddle and sleep
I hope y'all enjoyed and I hope everyone had a happy Halloween!
Don't be afraid to request either!
Love y'all❤! Stay safe! Bye!
- Lady💙🦋
Edit 11/1/2020 6:09pm
Thank you person who told me how to correctly spell Xiao's name. I cannot spell so that is greatly appreciated lmao
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oneoftheextras · 4 years
Colour Changer | two
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masterlist | tip jar
warnings: +18, jealousy, verbal fighting, alcohol, angst & bit o’ drama (also endeavour if that needs to be put as a warning)
word count: 4.4k
part 1 | part 2 |
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Things were good with Keigo for a while, when you both had a day off of work you would spend hours watching movies and doing all the couplely things that you would roll your eyes to.
That was before he stopped turning up to your dates, before he stopped sitting at the bar during your shifts to help them go by quicker, and before he no longer replied to your texts.
It had been 3 weeks since you heard from him, his last response to you was “Yeah” and nothing else. You had called and text him multiple times since, but he stopped reading them in the first week.
It was exactly 3 days ago when you sent him one last text asking if you were over and he hadn’t responded - you could only take that as a ‘yes’. 
The thought of something happening to him during a patrol crossed your mind, but you’d seen through social media and the news that he’d been going out to parties and had been seen recently. There was no excuse you could have given him, he was ignoring you.
Trying to savour the last of your pride, you blocked his number. You weren’t interested in anything he had to say.
At least you still had your job. You’d actually picked up more shifts at the bar since your ‘break up’ to try and keep yourself busy, there was something about spending time alone in your apartment that reminded you of him.
It hurt, you weren’t going to lie to yourself, it probably hurt more than it should have done. But this was the first time you had let down your guard for someone, and this was how they treated you.
You tried not to think about it.
It was your 9th consecutive shift at the bar and some of your regulars had started to notice that you were working more than normal, as well as your boss.
“You working more shift’s has actually improved our business, a lot of the customers are showing up more just because you’re here more often” they had said before the start of your shift, then they proceeded to slide your pay check across the table to you.
When you opened it up and saw that your pay rate had increased, you opened your mouth to ask if there was a mistake, you didn’t want them on your ass about it later down the line.
“You earned it” they said, giving you a pat on the back as they left the bar in your hands. It was a Thursday night, so you were in charge of a small team, mainly first year college kids trying to pay rent.
This shift was going on as normally as any other, when 10pm struck the normal crew of Heroes strolled in, probably wanting to relax from their hard day of patrols and fighting.
“Endeavour, you’re looking as happy as ever” you joked with the man sitting at the bar, he grumbled slightly as you instinctively started making his usual. “What’s got you looking extra gloomy today?” you asked him, just wanting some conversation out of someone over the age of 18.
“Paperwork” he mumbled before taking the freshly made drink from your hands and knocking it back, apparently it had really been a bad day. “Oh, ew” you tried to sympathise with him, “We’ve got this whole charity Gala coming up soon and for some reason it’s fallen on me to organise it” by the time he had finished explaining he had finished his drink.
Almost like a conveyer belt, as soon as the glass touched the counter, you had already scooped it up and started giving him a refill. “Actually that reminds me-” he said, wiping away the residue of alcohol that had fallen onto his beard “-are you free this Saturday?” he made eye contact with you, something Endeavour rarely did. You felt a chill go down your spine.
Mentally going through your calendar, you remembered your boss forcing you to take the weekend off, something about labour law and you not being legally allowed to work that many days.
“I might be” you side eyed him as you put his second drink down, “Why? Are you trying to get me alone?” you casually raised an eyebrow at him, it had been so long since you had flirt with anyone, the feeling was strange but not so completely alien to you.
To your surprise, a deep chuckle and a slight smile came out of him, “Someone else has organised the catering and they’re insisting they bring their own bartender”, as soon as he said the last word you knew where this was going, “I don’t trust them, I’d rather have someone I know is capable” he never broke eye contact with you.
Immediately you were trying to think of an excuse to say no, you wished you had said you were working “I-” you started but was interrupted “Hawks will be there-” now it was your turn to interrupt him by groaning “Please don’t talk to me about him” you rolled your eyes.
Honestly, it was the first time you had heard his name since everything, “I thought you guys had a thing going on?” Endeavour asked, yet again, finishing his drink - you had no idea where he put all that alcohol. “Yeah, well, so did I. Until he ghosted me” you weren’t exactly sure why you were being so open with the number one Hero, but here you were.
“I’m sorry” he sounded as though he actually meant it, if you weren’t already looking at him, you would have doubted it left his mouth. “I still need someone, and with you I’d know the event was going to be a success, I’ll pay you more than you get here” his tone was still soft, as though he was walking on glass, but he knew what he wanted.
Poking your tongue out between your lips to wet them before you spoke, you feigned cockiness “Actually, I just got a raise, apparently people come here to see me”, before you had even finished your sentence, he had raised an eyebrow as though you were insulting him.
“Whatever they’re paying you, I’ll double it” straightened his back as though now that he was talking business the niceties were gone. “Double a shift’s wage? That’s not worth-“ he cut you off, “Double your yearly, for one night” he folded his arms.
If you had been drinking something, you’d have spat it out, but instead your eyes flickered in disbelief and your mouth parted slightly.
Smirking, knowing he’d basically won you over already, he wrote down the details on a napkin and handed it to you along with 50 thousand Yen - before you could question it, he spoke up “It’s a black suit event so get something nice for yourself”.
He didn’t wait for confirmation before changing the subject, at least he kept you company for the rest of the night.
You’d taken Endeavour’s advice and went shopping for a new black dress for the Gala, you had to at least look the part even if you didn’t want to be there. The dress you decided on was tight and hugged you in all the right places, it was very flattering, you had debated on whether or not to go for a nice dress, but you didn’t want to waste the money he’d given you.
Before you could really prepare yourself, you were setting up your space in the huge Gala hall. You’d turned up early so you could add some finishing touches to your bar before all the Heroes started turning up, you’d be more efficient if you knew where every type of alcohol was.
You’d taken the liberty of bringing some of the cocktail shakers from your work so you were familiar with the tools, but they had already supplied you with enough for a small team. Although, when the clock rolled around to 10 minutes before the Heroes were supposed to turn up, there was no sign of any other bartenders.
If Endeavour had hired you and only you, he was going to get an earful, Number One Hero or not.
That was exactly what he had done.
At first you slightly panicked, wondering how the hell you were going to manage so many orders all at once, but there were about 30 Champagne Waitresses making their rounds on the floor that kept everyone away from you.
Not to say that you weren’t extremely busy, but you were able to serve the Heroes fast enough that you were able to put on a bit of a performance, doing your normal tricks of tapping the cocktail shaker and changing the liquid contents as it was being poured into people’s glasses.
Like normal, the onlookers were amazed.
It still befuddled you that in a world of crime-fighting Heroes, someone who could change colours was something to gape at. Your quirk was more for show than practicality really.
When the majority had some type of alcoholic drink in their hand, the speeches started, everyone had stopped what they were doing to listen to the grey haired man talk about the charity that this whole thing was for and give a list of thank you’s that seemed to go on forever. 
Meanwhile, you decided to utilise this time to clean down your bar and restock some of the empty bottles, you weren’t quite sure what was going on with Gang Orca but he’d nearly finished a whole bottle of vodka by himself so you were keeping an eye on him. He seemed completely fine with no sign of intoxication, maybe his huge form was absorbing the alcohol.
You were sure as soon as this presentation had finished you were going to be swamped, even you were feeling the need for a drink, and oh boy were you right.
The moment the dim lights were brought back up and the music was turned back on there wasn’t a single space by the bar that wasn’t full. You expected people to start getting impatient because they were having to wait for their drinks, but strangely they were more than happy to wait and chat to you and each other, the amount of tips you were getting tonight would be enough to pay your rent for 2 months.
After the swarm of people were served and you had a second to breathe, you froze, golden eyes staring awkwardly at you “Shot of tequila” he bluntly said, he didn’t even have the manners to ask like everyone else was. You gave him a similarly cold response by just nodding and putting the shot glass on the metal surface with a little bit too much force and pouring the golden liquid into it, you also gave him a wedge of lime and gave him the salt shaker.
Without saying anything, he handed you the money and took his shot. You both seemed to breathe a breath of relief when the Number One Hero parted the line of people and approached the bar, you smiled maybe too much upon seeing him.
“Endeavour!” Hawks exclaimed when he saw his partner, “Have a shot with me!” he continued and you instinctively started preparing his normal tumbler of whiskey. Enji grumbled at the young heroes request, you would have died on the spot if you saw Endeavour do a shot.
After placing the his empty glass on the wood in front of him, you quickly washed your hands in the miniature sink the event space had provided you, dried them on your small towel, and scooped up three cubes of ice.
Both men looked at you with intent, you had served them enough for them to know this wasn’t your normal routine.
You allowed one cold cube to run down your palm and to the tip of your fingers, the second before it left your touch, you turned the white object into a gorgeous red. Uncurling your pinkie and ring-finger, you let the other two pieces do the same thing - changing the second one to orange and then the last one to yellow.
A small crowd of a few customers were ogling at what you were doing as though they had never seen it before, or it may have been because someone was paying attention to the Number One Hero despite everyone’s fear of him.
It was nice to see him smiling, but it was even better to see the faint grimace on Keigo’s face. Good, you thought. After the way he treated you, you wanted him to know what he was missing.
Endeavour reached out for the glass but before he could grab hold of it you slapped his hand playfully, you heard a few faint gasps in the miniature crowd that had formed, and a couple of terrified glances towards the Pro Hero on your behalf.
“Be patient” you smirked at him, you had to admit it to yourself, you were being very brave. You barely knew this man apart from his drink order, being so informal with him was a huge risk as you didn’t know how he would react.
He chuckled at your coyness, and your heart relaxed.
Cupping your hand in front of his face, you poured his favourite whiskey into your hand and let it run through your fingers, you held the bottle high enough so people could see the dark brown liquid flowing out of the nozzle and then quickly drizzle out between your fingers as a golden-yellow with bright red swirls. 
Once you had poured the right amount into the glass, you pushed the tumbler towards him and washed the remaining alcohol off your hand before it became sticky.
“I’m surprised he let her do that” someone mumbled a little bit too loudly, then another voice piped up “It’s not very hygienic”. Endeavour was happily sipping at his drink while Keigo was doing his best not to make eye contact with you still, this was too good of an opportunity to give up, so you mustered up all your courage and said in the most confident tone you could “It’s okay, he knows where my hands have been”.
If you weren’t mistaken, everyone inhaled sharply at the exact same time, all but Enji who side-eyed Keigo and then put his eyes back on you with a knowing glint - something told you that he knew what you were trying to do and understood his role. Maybe your hands would stop shaking sometime soon now that you knew he was going along with it.
“Thank you for the dress by the way” you added, gently placing your hand on his arm for a second before going back to serving the line of customers you had, you felt as though there was enough of an audience to make your point, “It fits you nicely” was all he added, it was more of a response than you were expecting. 
Deciding it was probably best to not push your luck too much with the flame hero, you turned your attention to the multiple pairs of eyes looking at you “What do you guys think?” doing a little twirl with what little space you had, of course the chorus of men erupted into whoops and cheers- you think you even heard Present Mic yelling “Hot” from one of the other stands.
Satisfied with the scene you had caused, you went back to pouring drinks, using all sorts of tricks you’d never been able to do before. You changed the whole bar to whatever colour the current customer wanted, even going as far as to change your own hair colour to gain praise from them. 
Honestly, you were starting to feel like your old self again, that was until you saw something small and red weave it’s way through the different pumps and towards you.
Slamming your hand down on the bar and hard as you could, you crushed the delicate feather under your force, “If I see another feather come across this line-“ you drew and invisible line across the wood with your finger “-I’ll cut you off” you said bluntly, throwing the feather back towards it’s owner. 
He opened his mouth to say something but you interrupted him, “Do you want to get thrown out?”, he chuckled to himself slightly and shook his head “Like you could” his tone was playful yet arrogant, “I don’t have to” you put the emphasis on ‘I’ and shifted your gaze toward Enji who had coincidentally caught your eye, he very lightly smiled at you and gave a small gesture that you assumed was a wave.
That was the last straw, Keigo’s tone shifted and he stormed away from the bar, the entire night passed and you didn’t see him again. A part of you was glad, you didn’t have to keep looking over your shoulder, but that pit in your stomach was back, and just as you had started to feel better.
On the plus side, you didn’t have to clean and close the bar, the venue had hired some cleaners to take care of all the mess after everyone was done. Thank God.
The walk home was quiet and lonely, it was about 3am and most people had gone to sleep hours ago, so the ominous hum of streetlights really put you on edge- that, and that nervous feeling of being watched.
You tried to hurry along the uneven ground as quickly as you could, not wanting to tempt fate too much; how ironic would it have been? To be attacked by a Villain after spending an evening with Heroes.
A gust of wind blew your hair into your face and blocked your vision entirely for a few seconds, it was quickly followed by a force connecting with your back and then wrapping around your front.
You felt your feet leave the ground and the harsh whistle of wind rushing past your ears deafened you - your senses were blocked off. The wind was too loud to hear, and your hair acted like a self-inflicted blindfold, you were so disorientated that you thought you were going to be sick.
When your feet finally touched solid ground and the force holding you ease up, you stumbled forwards and fell to your knees, hands spread out in front of you. “What’s going on with you and Endeavour?” you heard a familiar voice say from behind you, you could not believe this.
“What?!” you exclaimed, aggressively turning yourself so you were now half laid down on the floor, you saw Hawk’s standing in front of his open window with the moonlight shining behind him casting a silhouette. “You kidnapped me to ask me about Endeavour?” you vocalised how ridiculous the situation was.
Hawk’s folded his arms in frustration, “You seemed pretty cosy with him earlier” he said bluntly, “So what if I was?” you bit back, your emotions were high and you didn’t know which voice to listen to - you were pissed off beyond your control, hurt and mildly frightened.
You knew Hawk’s wouldn’t hurt you, but the amount of hate in his eyes made you question him for a moment.
“Is that how it is? You moved on from to my partner?” he sounded disgusted with you and to be completely honest you were glad, he had hurt you so much in such a short amount of time it felt as though he was getting what he deserved.
“What do you care?” you snarled at him and turned your head away, not wanting to look at him. “What do I-?” he started but interrupted himself by rubbing his hand down his face. “Of course I care!” he extended his arms towards you as you dragged yourself up off the floor and brushed the flakes of dust and dirt off your new dress.
“If you cared about me you wouldn’t have left” you mumbled to yourself, not intending for him to hear but it seems regardless of whether or not he heard, he wanted you to say it again “What did you say?!” he raised his voice, to match his aggression you raised your voice louder “If you cared about me you wouldn’t have left!”.
There was silence for a moment, no words, just the sound of heavy breathing as you both decided whether or not it was worth carrying on this subject.
“Take me home” you gave up, exasperated at the situation. All you had wanted for the last couple of weeks was to hear from Keigo, and for him to tell you that you were still together, but now that you were actually in front of him, you wanted nothing more than to disappear.
He took a few steps towards you, “No-” he forced the air out of his throat like a bullet coming out of a gun, “-Not until you admit it” he continued, his hostile tone never wavering. “Admit what?” you laughed dryly, “Are you fucking Endeavour?” he asked bluntly and your jaw almost hit the floor.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but no I’m not” you answered him honestly, folding your own arms and glancing around towards the front door, if he wouldn’t take you home you would have to take yourself.
“How is it none of my business?” he snapped at you, “Because you left me!” you shouted over the top of him before he managed to finish his sentence, “I gave you every part of me and you couldn’t even be bothered to send a goodbye text” you finally let out what you felt like you had been holding onto for your whole life.
Taking a deep breath in and then with a sharp exhale you said, in a calmer tone “I’m leaving”, without giving him the option to respond you marched your way towards the apartment door.
Before you could take hold of the handle you felt your shoulder being pulled around and your body being pushed against the door, the next thing you saw were two golden eyes staring back at you .
“Let me go” you said through gritted teeth, “Not until you’ve listened to me” he was talking in a hushed voice as though all the anger and upset had left him in that instant, “I don’t want to-” you started but it was his turn to interrupt you, “You have no idea how dangerous my job is, the type of people I’m working with-” he stopped mid-sentence to glance around the room as though he was being watched.
“I was there every night, I watched you walk home from work to make sure you were okay” his voice was starting to crack and you could see water starting to well up in his bottom eye lid, “I missed you so much, but I had to keep you safe”.
Watching him come undone in front of you, you felt a pit fall in your stomach as extreme guilt flushed over you.
Your body moved without you asking it to and before you knew it your hands were wrapped in his hair and your lips were against his.
The kiss started as soft and gentle, but as soon as the shock had left his system he cupped your face in his hand and started kissing you as though it was the last time. 
Things got heated very quickly, Keigo pushed the hem of your dress up until it was bunched up at your waist and wasted no time shuffling your underwear down for you to step out of.
Unbuckling his belt like he wouldn’t live to see tomorrow, he let his jeans fall to the floor as he picked you up by your thighs and pushed you further into the door. His kisses became more erratic as he lowered you onto his cock.
The euphoria you both felt as the familiar sensation of him filling you again flooded to your brain, you gripped his shoulders tighter to try and stay stable. Instantly he started moving his hips, dragging himself in and out of you at a rapid pace.
The apartment was filled with a mixture of Keigo’s grunts, your moans and the door sounding as though it was on the brink of death. “I missed you so much” he mumbled against your neck as he dug his fingers into your bare thighs, his thrusts were ruthless and you could feel that you were getting close to your orgasm.
“I missed you too” you managed to breath out in between moans. You could feel the friction of your back rubbing against his door and you knew you would be waking up with a bruise. But you didn’t care.
Before either of you could say anything else you felt your walls clench down around him, emphasising every muscle and vein in his member, Ah, fuck” he growled, pushing himself even further into you as you let him pound you through your orgasm.
He grunted a couple of times and his mouth hung open, he moved one of his hands to hold your shoulder down as the pressure of his chest against yours held you in place. “I love you” he confessed, locking eyes with you, you were still panting from your own high so you weren’t able to respond, “I lo-” he started to say before he snapped his hips against yours and you felt him cum inside of you.
Flopping his head forward so your foreheads were touching, neither of you moved to allow the moment to last as long as it could- neither of you wanting your bubble of bliss to be popped.
“I mean it” he barely even whispered as he pulled his head away so he could look you in the eye, “I do love you” he repeated himself. Your heart leapt, your relationship hadn’t gone on long enough for either of you to have said the ‘L’ word yet.
But being away from him these last couple of weeks solidified how you truly felt, “I love you too” you smiled at him as he kissed your forehead.
@mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law @hereticpriest @enagmaticether @anxiousgoddest @kodzu-ken @moonnei @diesinspanishbcimhispanic
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fire-bear · 4 years
Familiar Voices
(Working title, from that song that goes “All around me are familiar faces”, etc.)
So, I’ve been doing the AFTG Bingo 2020, as you may have noticed and, since I had a few hours since I posted my last one, I decided to start work on another square. I’m not going to finish it tonight so I decided to just post the part that I’ve got done now and relax before I go to bed (or I won’t sleep well, as per usual). Anyways, I was going to attempt another line, but since I knew I wouldn’t finish, I went with the Musicians AU.
(I’ve put some under the cut cause this is a rather long post, but I wanted to show off the first part, so.)
The summary would be something like:
Neil was happy with his new name, new life, new friends, new home. He still had a lot of pop culture and movies and music to catch up on. Which is probably why all of his friends are excited when the popular rock band that Neil has never heard of - The Monsters - have come to town.
“There’s a rockstar in town,” Matt told Neil, three months after Neil had finally felt settled in his new life. 
“Okay,” said Neil, placidly. He pulled out a paper cup. “What do you want today?”
“A mocha,” said Matt, distractedly. He was scrolling through his phone, even as he was bent almost double to lean against the counter. 
“Cake?” Neil asked, knowing that Matt liked to have something at this point in the day.
“Hm, yeah. I should be healthy so, like, the carrot cake?”
“Sure,” said Neil, grinning cheekily at Matt when he looked up with a pout.
“Aren’t you interested?” Matt demanded, waving his phone at Neil.
“Neil!” Matt whined. 
“You know I’m not a big music fan,” Neil pointed out, already starting to work the coffee machine. The clanging and hissing filled the air of The Foxhole, the little coffee shop that Neil now worked in. 
He loved working there. Aside from the delicious smells that bloomed from the kitchen, the shop itself was cosy. There were two types of tables. Some were low for the comfy couches and armchairs. Others were attached to the thin pillars that were dotted around the place, tall stools available for the customers. The walls were painted white with little fox pawprints dotted across it. Napkins with foxes printed on them were available at the tables and every table also had fox salt and pepper shakers. A giant fox looked down on Neil from above the machines, nosing at the menu that was done in orange writing. 
It was home and Neil treasured it.
At the moment, since it was an hour till closing, there were very little people in. Anyone that wasn’t Matt were taking their coffees to go, on their way to back shifts and night shifts. Only a few people were actually sitting in, most of which were students. There was also a couple who were on a blind date, blushing at each other and stuttering through flustered conversation. That meant that Matt could block the counter without annoying anyone.
“I can let you listen to some right now,” Matt said, quickly tapping away at his phone.
Neil glanced towards the students and the date. “I don’t think doing that here is a good idea, Matt,” he said, nodding to them. “Maybe another time.”
Instead of backing off like Neil had hoped, Matt pointed his phone at Neil. “Tonight. After work. Come by my place. We’ll get pizza and we’ll listen to The Monsters’ albums and watch movies. Right?”
Rolling his eyes at the coffee machine as he poured Matt’s mocha, Neil sighed. “Okay, fine. If you want me to listen to them that much, then yes.”
“Great!” Matt exclaimed. “I’ll go pick up Dan and see if the girls want to join in!”
Shaking his head with a fond smile, Neil set down the cup and the bag with the carrot cake. “Okay,” he said. “Now, get lost so I can shut up shop.”
“You’ve got an hour!” Matt protested, pouting. “How mean!”
Neil laughed and swatted at him with the cloth he used to wipe down the counter when he had nothing else to do. Grinning, Matt scooped up his purpose, left more than enough money - a tip for Neil was included, as usual - and left with a wave over his shoulder. Shaking his head, he returned to his work which was mainly cleaning at this late stage. He also stocked up things like the cups and sugar. Half an hour later, he retied his orange apron and began to move around the room, wiping down every table and chair. The blind date decided to move on. Frantic students checked the time and cleared out, too.
He was utterly alone when there were only fifteen minutes left of the coffee shop’s opening hours and the door opened.
Having already wiped everywhere down, he was back behind the counter. He hid a sigh as he looked up, watching the lone man enter and look around. Compared to the cosy, sunny atmosphere of the coffee shop, the man was a black hole. Black combat boots; black skinny jeans with a rip at one thigh and a rip on the opposite knee, a chain hanging from his left hip; black tank top with jagged edges and a deep v-neck; black armbands; a black, dangly earring shaped like a tooth. His hair was the only light colour on him, the blond in it pale enough to reflect the light and make it golden. The man sauntered closer, gazing around as he moved, and his hazel eyes landed on Neil.
“Hi,” said Neil, forcing a customer service smile. “What can I get you?”
“A mocha,” the man said in a deep, rumbling voice. “Extra chocolate, extra cream.”
Neil resisted commenting on his choice. “Sure thing,” he said, pulling a to-go cup off the freshly stacked pile.
“No,” said the man, stopping Neil in his tracks. “To sit in.”
Turning back to him, Neil gave him a baffled look. “Sir. We’re open for less than fifteen minutes now. Wouldn’t it be best to-?”
“No,” the man repeated. He turned away from Neil, heading for one of the many, many tables that Neil had already wiped down. “I’ll sit in.” He stopped and turned back to Neil before he decided where to sit. “And bring me cake.”
Looking him over again, Neil realised what his mistake had been. Though this man had ragged looking clothes, they were clearly designed to be like that. The material of his clothes were good, likely to last, and probably expensive. Neil was interacting with some rich asshole who shouldn’t have been allowed to walk around on his own. Dan would kill him, though, if he didn’t at least try to be nice to him, so Neil smiled a little wider, trying to shake the fact that he probably looked like his father from his mind.
“Of course, sir.” His voice was tight. He was probably going to be told off, at the very least. “Which kind?” Gesturing at the display - something he would have normally been packing away at this very moment - Neil forcefully returned the to-go cup to its pile. Once this man left, he’d have to wash the dishes - again.
“Chocolate. With ice cream.”
“We don’t have ice cream. Sorry. Sir.” Neil was ridiculously pleased that he could actually refuse the man something and focussed on making his awful drink, hiding his amusement.
Behind him, the man sighed. “Whatever.”
Neil rolled his eyes but didn’t respond. Instead, he made the man’s drink, pulled out the cake, got everything ready on a tray with cutlery and napkins, and took the arrangement over to the man. Without looking at him, Neil unloaded the tray and straightened, holding the tray against his chest. It provided him with a shield against the man’s intense gaze, though Neil couldn’t understand why he would want to look at him. He wasn’t particularly interesting, even after he had bit the bullet and returned his eyes and hair to their original colours. 
“Anything else, sir?” he asked, for something to say.
“No.” The man sounded dismissive, but he didn’t take his gaze off Neil’s face. And hair. And eyes. Neil blinked at him for a moment, trying to work out what he wanted or what he was doing. Then he gave up.
“Do you want me to take your money now, or…?”
For a moment, the man stared at him. Then he dug his hands into his pockets, searching, searching, searching. He pulled out a phone. “Google Pay?”
“Uh…” Neil pointed at the sign by the till. The one that read: Google and Apple Pay functions currently not working. We are working to get this fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
The man stilled, staring at it. Then he looked down at his coffee and cake. Finally, he looked up at Neil. “I’ll need to make a call.”
“What do you mean?” Neil snapped, losing his patience. The man raised an eyebrow. “The shop’s about to close. I’m not going to wait for you.”
“If I call now,” the man explained, “my cousin will get here in roughly ten minutes.”
“Sure,” said Neil, sarcastically.
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axelsagewrites · 4 years
Stiles Stilinski*Followed Pt1
Ship(s): Stiles x Fem!Reader
Requested (?): By anonymous 
Can I get a Stiles x reader where the reader is this grunge/punk girl and is kinda intimidating and to everyone (even Derek?) and she finally gets a chance to be alone with Stiles (detention, study hall, etc. your choice) and they realize they have A LOT more in common than they thought?
Warnings?: couple swears, the norm.
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 (Y/N)  pov
I swear if one more person says I’m scary I’m going to flip out! Okay, maybe that won’t convince them but still. Apparently, I look intimidating. My face is just naturally aggressive for some reason. It's like a curse really.
This was one of the reasons, I think, that my friendship group is only small. Very small, at least in school. while I had friends from middle school and even a couple from freshman year, I hadn’t made any recently in school.
According to my friends, it might have something to do with the dyed hair, sarcastic comments and, resting bitch face. I come from a very sarcastic family and you have to be witty to survive.
While I’m not exactly bullied words like ‘goth’ ‘emo’ and ‘freak’ seem to be used more when I walk in a room. While there isn’t anything wrong with being goth, I’m just sick of being called it. For a time, I just stopped wearing anything with black on it but after coming to school in a white and yellow outfit and still getting called goth I gave up.
So, I’m the grunge kid. The one your parents tell you to cross the street from and that your grandma reminds you how sweet you used to be. And I don’t give a fuck.
But I kinda do. Like while I don’t deal with the awkwardness of introductions and meeting new people it’s because people don’t talk to me. And I wanna talk! I want to make new friends and get out of my shell. Partly because I don’t want to be alone forever and partly because I don’t wanna die alone!
For a while now this school has felt…strange. It started with a dead body being found in the woods and for some reason, my stomach is still in knots. Not to mention the guy they suspected of the murder keeps randomly showing up at school and dragging Scott and Stiles away. While I’m not friends with either I can’t help but be a little worried for them.
As I walk out of school, I prepare for the walk home. Headphones, jacket zipped, and dead face. I might as well live up to expectations. Honesty I’m used to the silent walk home. I live just close enough that I can walk but far enough that it’s a pain in the ass. Occasionally I get lucky and get a ride home, but it’s been a while.
I pass by a car far too nice to be in our parking lot and the man in the car sends chills down my spine. Derek Hale. Why is he here and why does he creep me out? The black Camaro feels like a shadow over the school, a constant reminder that Beacon Hills isn’t that safe after all.
Unlike in a room com when our eyes locked, and I didn’t look away it was because I was scared. But I couldn’t show that. Never.
  3rd pov
Derek’s eyes stayed on the unnamed girl as she walked away until he heard his car door open. “Who is she?” he asked as Scott slid into the front seat.
Stiles clambered into the back seat, making Derek internally wince at the mud on his shoes, “Who?” He said loudly as if he was in some TV show.
Derek rolled his eyes and looked at Scott, just hoping someone would be normal. “Um, I’m not sure. She’s from a different middle school. kinda keeps to herself,”
“Is this the scary chick from chemistry?” Stiles's head popped between the two front seats.
“Yup, What’s her name again?” Scott said, flinging his head back. “(Y/N)?”
“Yeah (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Really sarcastic, kinda scary, and would probably start a fight. Remind you of anyone?” Stiles looked at Derek.
Derek raised an eyebrow at the boy, “You’re scared of me?” Stiles mumbled something under his breath, “Put your belts on. I don’t need more problems,”
As Derek backed out his parking spot Scott piped up, “Why do you wanna know anyway?”
“Hm? Just wondered. Something about her doesn’t seem quite…right,”
“Like supernatural?” Stiles asked, popping his head through again. “Can’t you use your werewolf smell to tell?” Derek rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything. In truth she didn’t have a smell, unlike Stiles where Derek could smell his emotions, she didn’t have anything. Or maybe he just couldn’t tell. Derek didn’t like not knowing.
 (Y/N) pov
Another day, same old school stuff. My mum, who used to resent some of the clothes I’d wear, said nothing as I walked out in grey skinny jeans, Star Wars tee, and dark green shirt.
It was winter now and the walks home and to school were getting darker. Last night it felt like someone lingered around every corner, but I was alone. The walk to school was only made better as I knew the sun was rising.
My mum didn’t finish work till 5 but something was telling me I shouldn’t walk home tonight. Instead, I told her I was going to study support and would be finished around 5. Luckily, she offered to swing by after to pick me up meaning I wouldn’t be leaving school till about 5:15.
All the hope of my friends staying with me went out the window. One was sick, one had to leave early for a dentist appointment, and the last didn’t want to stay back that long because she had an online tournament that night. So, I was going to be alone.
Chemistry study support lasted from the end of school, 3:30, till 4:30. What I was going to do after, I don’t know. But alas I took the walk to chemistry after school and figured the school, at least, was safe.
While Mr. Harrison hatted everyone in his class equally, he was still required to do at least one after school study support class. No one ever went. I’d even emailed him the night before to make sure it was still on. He said it was though and even double-checked in chemistry first thing that I was still going, probably wanted to see if he could not go himself. He didn’t linger long though as after asking me Stiles station started smoking and he quickly went to yell at the boy.
both tragically and thankfully I walked to his class after the bell. As expected when I stepped in his class it was empty. Well apart from the man sat at his desk, moodily grading papers. He looked up as I entered, “You came,” his voice was as motioned as always.
“Yup,” I gave an awkward smile. Quickly I went to my sent, pulling out my chemistry stuff. I figured if I was going to be here I might as well study, “Sir can you how I went wrong on this question?”
The eye-roll he barely tried to hide spoke volumes. Alas, he did saunter over to my desk to brutally tell me where I had gone wrong. Just as he finished his spiel the door opened. “You’re late Stiles,” he said, not looking away from my paper.
“Sorry, Sir. Coach- “
“Sit down,” Mr. Harrison sauntered away from my desk over to his. He pulled out two poly pockets filled with sheets and handed Stiles and me a packet. “Study this. I need to go to the photocopier and if a single thing is out of place when I come back, I’ll know who did it,” his stormy gaze was met with two pairs of uncaring teenage eyes before he all but stormed out the class.
As I glanced over the papers, I realised I would rather wait in the parking lot. I couldn’t help chuckling a little before I packed up. Stiles shifted in his seat, “Where are you going?” he stuttered a little.
I looked up from my desk to see him looking at me, but he looked straight down. “Anywhere but here. I came for study support not to proofread a book,”
“You chose to be here?”
“Yeah,” I said with a fake preppy smile, “apparently I really do hate myself,” I walked to the front of the class. “Detention?” he nodded with an awkward smile before sulking in his chair, tapping his pencil. He had the same habit each time he got embarrassed in class which was too often. “What’d you do?”
“Scott put too much of the enzyme in and then there was smoke, but it was only a little. And I got the blame! Because apparently coach wouldn’t miss me at practice,”
“Well that’s bull,” I said. Stiles just kinda nodded and somehow sulked further. “How longs your detention?”
“Till 4 or something. I mean you’ve probably had worse but still,”
I had to try hold in a laugh as I moved to sit on the desk across from Stiles. “Nope.” I chuckled. His eyebrows scrunched and damn his eyes, “I’ve never had detention,”
“Really? I mean no offence but like I just assumed because well you know- “
My sigh cut him off, “I’m what? Scary? Yeah, I get it but I’m not actually a bad person,”
“I never meant that. It's just you are a bit…” he seemed to think, “Intimidating. Like you look important and as if you’ve got somewhere to be and I don’t want to get in your way,”
“The only place I want to be is home,” I said, “At home, alone, watching some geeky movie with popcorn. But alas, here I am,”
Stiles paused, even stopping from tapping his pencil, “Sweet, salted, or butter popcorn?”
I paused for dramatic effect, “microwave popcorn, from the corner shop, butter – but! With sweet popcorn topping from a shaker,”
He groaned, “That sounds amazing,”
“It is,”
We fell back into silence. “If you could movie marathon any series,” Stiles started “What one would you chose?”
“Star Wars. Easy,”
“Really?” he asked, his jaw seemingly hanging off.
“Yeah,” I grinned, moving my plaid shirt out of the way to show the death star on my tee. Though I had worn it so often the print had faded, “what did you expect?”
“Some horror film or something. I didn’t expect you to be- “
“A massive geek?” Stiles laughed and a bubble formed in my chest, “Same question. What movie series? And what snacks?”
Somehow this turned into a 20-minute convo on movies before Harrison came back. “You’re still here?” he asked. “You know what just go. I’ve got better things to do than babysit two teenagers,” he didn’t have to tell us twice and we bolted for the door before he could change his mind.
“I can’t believe I chose to go there,” I laughed as we walked through the corridor.
“I know,” Stiles laugh was becoming a favourite sound of mine, “I mean maybe it’s a good thing. Now I know you’re not scary. And someone who finally loves Star Wars,”
“If you ever want to geek out?” I said, opening my arms as he opened the door to the outside “I’m down to talk Star Wars,”
The parking lot was desolate apart from 3 cars; Stiles, Mr. Harrisons, and some other car in the back corner of the lot. Stiles nodded to the car “Is that yours?”
“I don’t have a car,” I said, my eyes stuck on the car for some reason. I didn’t want to look away.
Stiles brought me back to reality “How are you getting home?”
I forced my eyes away and back towards the boy in front of me, “Um my mum said she'd pick me up after work,”
“When is she coming?” he asked, checking the time on his phone.
“like…5:20?” I said.
His eyes went wide, “So you’re just gonna sit here for over an hour?” I shrugged. He glanced at the blue truck, “Do you want a lift?”
“Um, are you sure? I wouldn’t want to- “
“It's fine yeah. I mean unless you don’t want to then I get it but um… I don’t mind.”
Silence. The blush on his checks made mine flare-up. “Hum, that would be great. I’ll text my mum then,”
“Its no problem. Where about do you stay?” when I told him something seemed to dawn on him, “you only live like 5 minutes from me,”
“Yeah you pass me in your truck every morning,” I said as I clambered into the passenger seat. “Nice car,”
“Thanks,” a goofy smile stretched his face, proud of himself. I couldn’t help smiling a little.
While the conversation was awkward and clunky it was honestly better than I had had with my friends at lunch. As we were driving, I got the same feeling I got last night. I kept glancing in the wing mirror. “Are you okay?” Stiles asked.
“That car,” I said, “in the wing mirror,” I saw him glance at it in the rear-view mirror. His eyes went back to the road but jumped back to the car almost instantly, “Is that from school?”
“Maybe they're going the same way?” he said.
“Why didn’t we notice them leave though?”
Stiles's eyes went back to the road, “I’ve got an idea,” he said as he put on his indicator. One left turn, then a right, then a left. the car was still there, “It following us,”
“But- “
“One's an incident, twos a coincidence, threes a pattern,” he reached into his pocket and handed me his phone, “text Scott,”
“Why Scott? Isn’t your dad the sheriff?” Stiles said nothing. Glancing at him, then the car, then the phone. I opened the phone and went to contacts, “Do you want him on speaker?”
“Don’t call!” Stiles looked at me quickly before putting his eyes on the road, “You need to trust me on this one. Text him. Tell him I’m going to Derek’s and to meet me there,”
“Like Derek hale? The murder?”
Stiles glanced at me, “I may not like the guy but believe it or not he’s one of the good guys. Kind of. Just trust me. Please?”
I nodded and opened Scott’s contact as I saw the car follow us around another corner.
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peacefulrestvalley · 4 years
A Terrible Idea
Fandom: Shall We Date? Love Tangle
Four knocks on the door to the captain's quarters was all the warning he had before Rami loudly shouted from the other side, "HEY CORNELIUS, OPEN UP!" and then kicked the door once.
Rami and Cornelius share a drink one night aboard the Starling Kaleido where many things are said, but nothing is as important as what is left unsaid.
Notes:  Inspired by Cornelius's Vicious story in the spin-off Personalities as well as @northernscruffycat's commentary on Rami and Cornelius's main routes because, believe it or not, I would not have put the two together without reading both of these. This piece can be implied to have occurred in the Vicious Personality timeline before the Starling Kaleido docks and he narrowly avoids being shanked by MC (who is referred to in this story as her default name, Julia Darwin).
Four knocks on the door to the captain's quarters was all the warning he had before Rami loudly shouted from the other side, "HEY CORNELIUS, OPEN UP!" and then kicked the door once.
Unlike a certain someone, Cornelius had been actually working even as late in the night as it was, busy checking weather reports and comparing them to the Starling Kaleido's course one more time before heading off to sleep.  However, Rami's hopeful intrusion had him lunging toward the door in a mad race to put an end to the loud voice that could, and most certainly would, draw the attention of a guest out for a midnight stroll - or worse, a staff member.  He swung the door open with surprising force and came face to face with Rami holding up two glasses and an unbearably bright grin.
"Hey, yo-"
"Get inside!"
Cornelius pulled him by the arm into his quarters and then shut the door behind them in a decidedly more delicate manner than how it was opened.  "Honestly," he began what Rami knew would be a tirade out of embarrassment, "you could have done anything else in the world to get my attention but that.  You know your pounding and hollering is going to draw attention, and especially so late at night you know it's going to be the wrong type of attention.  You kn--"
"But would I have gotten your attention?" Rami interrupted with his grin still plastered on as he set the glasses down on a table and began to rummage through what he knew to be the liquor cabinet.  To Cornelius's disbelief, he brought out a bottle of vodka immediately and continued to search.
The answer was no, and Cornelius knew they both were aware of it so he decided to drop the subject.  Instead, he remarked, "Did you really bring your own drinkware?  Surely you know I have my own you can use..."
"No, no, look at them," Rami responded, eyes still scanning the cabinet.  He seemed to be weighing his options.  "Hey, you got any juice?"
"There's orange juice...and I believe some cranberry juice left as well."
Rami laughed as the information delighted him.  "You drinking on the waters after all?  Nobody drinks cranberry juice alone without alcohol."
Rolling his eyes, Cornelius returned as he moved to inspect the glasses, "No, it's been leftover since the last time you had one of your...visits."
"Oh," he said as he paused with a bottle of peach schnapps in hand, "oh yeah!"  He set it on the table with the vodka and glasses.  "Man, I hope it's not expired..."
"I haven't looked."  It was a dry acknowledgment as if he hadn't cared at all, though that wasn't the case.  No, if Cornelius genuinely hadn't cared it's doubtful he would have recalled it in the first place.  "Look," he continued, "I know you want to drink, but I've got an early morning tomorrow with a busy day, and--"
Rami's interruption came as he went to the small kitchen and brought out both juices, "You're always busy.  ...Did you look at the glasses?  I got them at the last port of call.  There's one for me and one for you.  Choose whichever one is your favorite."
"Really..."  Both glasses were rather kitschy and borderline obscene so he picked up the least offensive of the two, a highball glass with a regional slogan and pair of scantily covered breasts on one side.  "I suppose this one.  If anyone peeks inside my cupboard I can at least laugh it off."
"You don't like the prescription one that implies you're an alcoholic?"
Once again, and certainly not for the last time that night, Cornelius rolled his eyes.  "Not in the least bit."
"Well, I thought it was funny."
"You're also a terrible person."
He wasn't, but Rami laughed all the same.  "Anyway," he implored, "just have one drink with me.  I know you've got an early morning but one drink won't kill ya.  It'll get you to sleep faster.  See, I'm saving you, I'm--"
"One," he cut off, emphasizing his self-imposed rule.  "So, what are you making?"
"Sex on the Beach."
"You know that's a terrible idea."
And Rami laughed hard enough that Cornelius feared the engineer or someone would overhear.  It was a laugh that wouldn't nearly have been as funny if it weren't for prior experience.  "A...terribly delicious idea," he finally spat out.
Once again, the captain rolled his eyes and suppressed a laugh that otherwise may have been difficult to contain.  Composure was a hard thing to come by at times but damn if he didn't try.
He didn't say anything but Rami went right to work with a shaker and practiced motions.  Both cranberry and orange juice were doled out in equal parts and presented in both boobs and pill glasses for their enjoyment, and Rami took the initiative and held out his glass for Cornelius to clink against in a toast: "To never having sex on the beach again."
"...What?" was his response accompanied by a laugh while Rami downed half his cocktail at once.  Of course, Cornelius would be slower with his, choosing to savor the concoction as it was the only one he would have, and took a sip to appraise the adventurer's work.  "Mm, not bad.  Definitely better than the real thing."  He raised an eyebrow, though, when Rami polluted his with a bit more vodka.
For once it was Rami's turn to roll his eyes but neither of them spoke about it.  Instead, he sat down leisurely and kicked up his feet onto the large dining table, precisely because he knew how much it irritated his companion, and gave a large, satisfied sigh: "This is the life, isn't it?"  
It wasn't, and both of them knew it, but once again it would be one of the many things between them that were left unsaid.
"You act as if you don't have an upcoming lecture."
"Well, it's not now," Rami retorted, waving his hand in an exaggerated motion. "I mean, it's not even tomorrow!  You're too serious."
"On the ship?  Yes, of course, I am.  I have to be," came Cornelius's dull response, as if it was a standard reply to a common complaint between the two - which it was.
Rami immediately went into a double finger gun gesture and teased suggestively, "But Cornelius on land...  I mean work hard, play hard, am I right?"
"...Not anymore, I suppose."  In a certain sense, it was true for many reasons, but when Rami's expression fell he added, "Just because all my time on land is devoted to her."
"That's still playing hard! Don't make it sound like you're miserable ashore."
"Sorry, that wasn't my intention. It's bliss, honestly."
As Rami finished his glass and went to work on fixing himself another, he blurted seemingly out of the blue as if it was naturally the right time and level of mutual inebriation for such a thing: 
"So...you gonna marry her?"
Cornelius paused briefly but answered in the same intonation as talking about the weather, "Probably."
Immediately Rami set a bottle down on the table louder than it needed to be and shook the shakers more robustly this time.  "Probably?  ...Cornelius, she is the best damn thing to ever happen to you, and if your life with her isn't kittens and rainbows then I will marry her and be happy instead!"  
It was a strange threat but Cornelius only looked at his glass, half-empty with sex on the beach as its only memory.  "You're reading too much into things," he began and tried to hide how desperately he wanted Rami off his back for this topic; one drink just wasn't enough for that.  "I love her so much, but it's been a long day - and tomorrow's going to be longer.  Honestly, I'm thinking about the ship and my passengers right now, not the ring I want you to help me design for her..."
This was the first Rami had heard of this obvious distraction, but he nodded because that was respectable.  It was understandable.  Also, he was included.  Rami stuck his index finger out at the captain before he polished off half his second cocktail and prophesied, "...And she's gonna fucking love it."  
He may or may not have pre-gamed coming to the captain's quarters.
Cornelius knew which it was.
"So," Rami began as he sat comfortably back down, "how is Julia?  How are the animals?  Her job?  Her life?  You know, I text her these things to get a conversation going and all she answers is fine."
Cornelius definitely knew which it was.  
"Honestly, she thinks her life pales in comparison to your adventures, so that may be where your lukewarm responses stem from with her."
He pointed his finger repeatedly but had no response because the finger had done all the talking - he knew it, he was just so damn remarkable and was certainly not being edged out of wonderful friendship with Cornelius's partner.  
Rami finished his drink once again with a certain finality: he was distracted; he was placated; it was done - until he was sober, that is, and wrapped up planning his lecture when the tide would have room to wash back in with its evidence of other lives lived.  He certainly wasn't looking forward to that, the anxious thoughts and energy with little constructive outlet until the next adventure at a port of call.  Without the many planned activities aboard the ship, there would be little holding him back from jumping off and taking his chances in the ocean; at least the danger would be fun, very much unlike this quiet, subtle sense of hazard they faced together.
Even though the captain successfully bottled up all his tension to the point where most people would mistake that it wasn't even there, Rami wasn't most people.  He watched Cornelius finish his cocktail in appreciative silence but saw past the seemingly relaxed composure and knew it for what it was - restraint.  
...But of course, they both had their ways of releasing the pressure.
"Hey," Rami spoke up again, "you make a drink this time."
"No seriously, just one drink was more than enough.  As I said, I've got an early morning ahead of me tomorrow, and--"
"--I'm not talking about for you," he interrupted. "I mean for me!"
Despite his objections as a captain, he knew that if Rami wanted another drink then he was going to get another drink regardless of what anyone else said, so he didn't waste much time weighing whether or not he should oblige his request.  "Hmm, I only know vodka tonic..."
Instantly Rami shot it down.  "Boring."
"...Well, what if I made a new drink for you?"
"A brand-new, never-before-seen Captain Cruz cocktail for me?" he exclaimed, and Captain Cruz wasn't sure if he was poking fun at his expense or not. "...DEAL!" 
Cornelius didn't know the full terms or conditions, but a deal was a deal and he started to mull over his options in the liquor cabinet.  Of course, he wouldn't lose to Rami's practiced taste even if he had no idea how to go about doing so, and the pleasantly warm sensation of alcohol did nothing to hinder his competitive confidence.  "Let's see," he thought aloud, "we just had Sex on the Beach, so..."
"Sex on the Boat?"
Cornelius paused because while he was certain that Rami was joking, he was uncertain that it wasn't a real thing.  "Is that even in here?" he asked and handed him a bartender's recipe book.
"Hold on, let me check," Rami responded and began to leaf through the pages.
"Look for something with vodka if it's not," Cornelius instructed as he set out a few liqueurs as options before digging back into the cabinet. "I don't want you getting sicker than you're already going to be tomorrow just because you switched liquors."
It was a suggestion based on experience but of course, Rami ignored all that.  "Hey, there's one called Buttery Nipple..."
"Let me see the recipe," he commanded and grabbed the book for himself but then Rami batted it out of his hands to the floor, stepping on it for good effect.
"That's cheating."
"Well, what was in it?"
The subsequent eye-roll was almost audible.  "And, let me guess, butter?"
"You know that's a terrible idea."
"You're a terrible idea."
Rami laughed aloud, enjoying the sound of Cornelius's stifled snicker and the clinks the bottles made when he put most of them back into the liquor cabinet as if he had been struck with inspiration.  
"You've come up with something," he noted dryly.
"I have," he agreed with equal parts dryness.
While watching Cornelius pour, shake, and strain whatever cocktail he was making for him, Rami struggled to keep up and identify if this was actually based on a real drink or if he was just putting whatever the hell he thought of in there and using him as a guinea pig.  Either way, he was curious and shot the captain an eager grin as soon as he slid the finished concoction over.
"Voila, the Captain's Special."
"How original," Rami remarked and swirled the drink vaguely around after taking a sniff.  It seemed all right, and he didn't identify anything particularly strange while he watched him make it, but he also knew that it was amateur hour over in the captain's quarters that night, special or no special.  "No name like Bottom Deck or I'm Gonna Throw You Overboard Rami?"
"I'd need a salted cream for that last one so maybe next time," Cornelius responded wryly as he cracked a smile.  "Now are you going to drink up or what?"
Rami's eyes twinkled as he swung his arm away in an exaggerated gesture and said, "Now did I hear that right?  Our fearless leader, the ordinarily extraordinary Captain Cruz, is-"  His hand knocked into Cornelius's empty glass but did little else but send it sailing an inch away. "-encouraging me, the ruggedly handsome and dashing explorer, to drink MORE?  As in-"
"I can send you back to your cabin and pour this down the drain, you know."
"-MORE than this incredibly good-looking traverser of the lands and sea has already--"
Cornelius grabbed Rami's errant hand before it knocked into anything else and commanded, "Oh just drink already!"  He pushed the hand with the cocktail close to Rami's face before both of them laughed, a small spill being a minor casualty.
Finally, he drank that damn drink, draining it about halfway before pausing with a pensive expression.  If he minded that Cornelius's hand still laid atop his on the table then he didn't show it.
"Well?" Cornelius prompted as he gave a slight squeeze, clearly anticipating a review on his spontaneous creation.  
Rami took a few appreciative seconds before asking vaguely, "You seriously just made this up and haven't tried it yourself?"
"What does that mean?  Of course I did." He was impatient. "Do you like it or not?"
"Try it."
Cornelius shook his head.  "No, I'm done drinking for the night.  This one was all for you."
"All for me," he mused and ran his thumb alongside Cornelius's finger.  At this stage of things, neither of them minded the contact, but it was always a question of how much pressure Rami needed to apply for the restraints to loosen further.  "You know, once I finish this you'll have never known how it tasted - a fleeting moment of history, forever gone..."
"I'm fine with that," Cornelius answered, "as long as you tell me what you think."
There was a beat of silence in which Rami decidedly did not tell him what he thought.
"So it's good, bad...?"
He downed the rest of the drink and declared as he set the drink down on the table with finality, "Gone."
Cornelius's eyes narrowed in response and he attempted his best intimidating and interrogative stare.
While it worked on everyone else aboard the ship, Rami just brought his free palm up and shrugged in a manner specifically designed to be as grating as possible.
Whatever additional chip he added to break open the crack in Cornelius's walls this time had worked: in a sudden and almost violent manner, Cornelius grabbed the front of Rami's shirt with his free hand and crushed his lips against his, pressing his tongue to part through without preamble.
Rami went with it as a rudderless boat rolled with the waves, carrying itself further out on the sea's whim.  That is to say, he parted his mouth and let Cornelius's tongue slide in to gather as much as he desired.  Their fingers intertwined and Rami freed a soft moan, thankful he didn't have to wonder how much longer he had to prod anymore to transition to this eventual part of the night.
It was an intense but not particularly long kiss as the captain did part from those adventuring lips, although keeping in a breath's vicinity.  "...Not bad," he concluded, watching Rami gaze at his lips with some measure of satisfaction as he touched his jaw tenderly.  "Not bad if I say so myself."
Rami gave an impish grunt in disagreement and added, "You can do better."
"Then let me do that tonight."
"You mean let me do you?"
When they would later finish acting out the unspoken feelings between them and Rami would unsuccessfully attempt to sweet-talk his way into staying 'til dawn, it would be the last time Cornelius rolled his eyes that night.  But until then, Cornelius gave one more eye roll and answered with another passionate, unrestrained kiss.
...If only just to shut him up.
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Double deceit wedding.
For @thetourguidebarbie birthday. Happy birthday Angie.
“I need a husband.”
Katerina Petrova looks up from her phone at her best friend entering her hotel room. “ Your getting one tomorrow remember that’s why we are at this hotel for your wedding.”
Caroline forbes is getting married tomorrow to Stefan Salvatore. It was not her idea for this wedding and she does not want it. Her father is the mastermind behind this wedding. He is a business mogul who wants to take over Stefan’s and his fathers companies so he paid his daughter to date Stefan and get him to proposal. While he has Stefan busy with Caroline her father Bill Forbes has been planting seeds at both companies ie: take over. When the engagement was announced Bill told Caroline that he would up her pay to actually go through the planning and wedding. Caroline doesn’t have a choice her father has never paid her this much attention or have ever included her in any of his business deals. All Caroline has was wanted was her fathers attention. As an only child you would think she would be her fathers favorite child but no her fathers favorite is his companies. When she was five her father sent her away to a private boarding school. Where she spent her childhood and teenage years.
Caroline is getting paid for this wedding but there is only so much a girl can take and as the hours narrow and the wedding is closer and closer she is freaking out. She never thought that when she got married it would be to someone she not only doesn’t love but finds terribly annoying. Boarding school is where she met Katerina who is also an only child. If there’s anything boarding school and being friends with Katerina has taught her its never forget who you are.
“I know, with all the prenups signed and everything ready what if I told you I don’t like the groom so let’s find someone who will make this wedding invalid.”
“ You little troublemaker that’s a lot of money your giving up. I don’t know if I could give up that much.”
Caroline smiles devious she has thought about this decision all day. She knows the risks but she has to take them. “ My father is a going to give me the money right after I say I do. After I get the money I’ll tell everyone the new plan. My father has plans to take over the companies during the wedding. I have two options I can stall and not marry Stefan or I can marry him then embarrass him disappoint my father and become rich.”
Katerina looks up at her she had a feeling Caroline didn’t like Stefan but she didn’t know the extent of this whole things. “ Oh honey I’m so sorry your going through this why didn’t you tell.”
“ I don’t know but will you help me make this invalid.”
“ Of course next time tell me. Now lets go hunt for men.”
“ What about him?”
Katerina points to a tall brown haired man in the third bar they go to. Caroline looks over at him she shrugs and goes over to him.
As she is heading over to the man he turns around and she realizes its her ex Tyler Lockwood he looks different from the back and tries to turn but he sees her. “ Caroline what are you doing here? You told me you would never step inside a bar because you didn’t like the aesthetic.”
Caroline only told Tyler she didn’t like bars because he would get super drunk and make a fool of himself and embarrass her.“ Tyler I was dragged here by Katerina. We were walking by and she wanted a drink. So I’m going to go looks like your busy entertaining.” Caroline nods to the circle of ladies surrounding Tyler. “ Ladies have fun.”
When she sits down next to Katerina who slides down a salt shaker, a lime and a shot tequila. “ You need it after running into Tyler the womanizing drunk.”
Caroline licks salt off her hand downs her shot then sucks her lime. “Ready.”
“Yeah even I wouldn’t pick any of these guys.”
After two more bars they are feeling defeated. “ If we cant find a man for you to marry I will marry you. We already love each other. If I were to marry a girl I would only marry you.”
Caroline smiles at Katerina’s offer. She knows her best friend loves men and saying that she would marry her is big. She would do the same thing for Katerina if she was in her position. “ I love you. If I would marry a girl it would be you too.”
Katerina slides her arm through Caroline’s elbow “Come on lets find you a guy I am to young to be wife.”
Caroline laughs as they set out to continue their search for a husband.
“We’ve searched every bar in a five mile radius and everyone on the street it is hopeless. What do you say wifey want to make it official?”
“Where are we gong for our honeymoon if its lame that’s a deal breaker.”
Caroline lets out a little laugh even in this time crunch Katerina is being herself. “ Paris. I am going to be substantially loaded so what do you say shopping spree.”
Katerina smiles, they met when they were five and have been inseparable since. Even after they graduated they have remained in each other lives and are always there for each other. Both of them have dropped everything to help the other. They were roommates at school and have remained roommates even after school.
As they are walking to city hall Katerina sees a handsome dirty blonde guy walking towards them. She whispers to Caroline “ Handsome guy 12:00. If you don’t talk to him I will.”
Caroline sees him and smiles at him. He is handsome, definitely the first guy tonight she could consider marrying. As he passes them Katerina elbows Caroline in the side. “ Hey handsome guy stop.”
“Oh my god Katerina.” Caroline embarrassed pulls Katerina back when she starts to move towards the handsome guy.
The handsome guy stops and faces the women its dark outside but there is a street light so he can make out the two beautiful women who called out to him. “ My name is Klaus not handsome guy.”
“I’m Caroline and this is my best friend Katerina. Are you single?”
Klaus was just walking home from visiting his brother he never thought he would get called out for being handsome by a beautiful blonde and brunette. “ Yes.”
He sees both women share a smile.” I need you to marry me. I’ll pay you of course.”
“Excuse me?” Klaus is completely speechless. He has never heard something so bizarre.
“Look my best friend needs a husband now, we have been searching for a guy all night with no success. I almost married her then we saw you and knew you were perfect.”
Caroline knows he is the perfect guy for this plan. She needs him so she decides to tell him her plan.” All you have to do is marry me and go to my wedding tomorrow and be there when I announces I cant marry the groom tomorrow. After my father pays me we announce that we are married making the marriage he wants me to go through with null and void, we can have a quick annulment and you can be single and looking for a girlfriend by Monday at the latest.”
After a couple minutes of silence Katerina is growing impatient she looks over at Caroline who is sharing her same sentiment. “Either you will marry my best friend or get out of the way.”
Klaus comes out of his thinking to answer as he is he points at Katerina. “ Does she come with the marriage?”
“Package deal.”
“ My father always told me I’m too reckless even though I’ve never done a reckless thing in my life. At least now his claim will have some footing. So when is our wedding?”
Caroline smiles and takes his hand dragging him to the courthouse. “ Right now.”
The next day Caroline is getting in her strapless corset then flows out wedding dress with the help of Katerina when there is a knock on the door and Klaus pokes his head in. “ Wow you look beautiful.”
Caroline looks at him through the mirror. “ Should I be insulted that you said that with such surprise.”
“ I mean it you look beautiful you looked beautiful last night too under the glow of street light.”
Caroline smiles at him. “ You look handsome too. Now remember we don’t know each other until after I get paid.”
Klaus nods.
As Stefan is walking to the entrance of the isle he sees Katherine and Klaus coming from Caroline’s room. “ Katerina who is your date?”
“ Klaus he’s one of my boy toys.”
Stefan directs his next comment to Klaus. “ Tough break dude your probably wishing you were her Sunday boy or Friday guy.”
Katerina rolls her eyes and retorts “ Don’t you have somewhere you have to be instead of insulting my love life and making rude comments to my date.”
Caroline is looking at herself in the mirror one last time when her father comes into the room. “ Everything is in place say I do sign the papers.” He pulls out a check. “ And get this. You pull any type of trick and this check goes bye.”
“ Why would I try anything this is the most time we’ve spent together my whole life. If I did anything you would disown me since you cant sent me to another boarding school since I already graduated.”
Bill scowls at his daughter. “ Just do as your told and you will become rich.”
Caroline curtsies in front of her father “ Of course lets get this show on the road.”
As Bill is guiding Caroline down the isle she sees that Katerina has placed Klaus in the second row right behind Bill.
Bill places Carolines hand in Stefan’s, who helps her up the step to the alter.
The priest begins and when he asks Stefan if he takes Caroline to be his lawful wedded wife Stefan with no hesitation says “I do.”
The priest looks at Caroline and asks “ Do you take Stefan to be your lawful wedded husband.”
Caroline takes a breath and looks out to the crowd she sees her father put his hand over his left breast pocket where her check is. Then sees Klaus smile up at her. She looks back at Katerina who is holding her flowers she smiles at her best friend. “ I do.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.”
Stefan leans forward to kiss his new wife while Caroline knows she has to let Stefan kiss her but she does not want to kiss him so she leans her head back Katerina discreetly puts her hand on Caroline’s back and pushes her towards Stefan. After their kiss Stefan takes Caroline’s hand and holds themselves up and turns to the crowd who claps for the new couple.
Before the sign the papers that says as Stefans wife Caroline owns half of Stefan’s company. Katerina finds the bride and hands her a bottle of champagne. “ Seems like you need this more then the guests.”
Caroline smiles as as she opens it. “ I love you.”
“ Who do you love more champagne or me?”
“ At the moment its a tie.” Caroline winks at her. “ Where’s your date?”
Katerina smiles at the response she knows Caroline is joking and knew she needed that bottle of Champagne. “ As we were coming into the house for the reception we got sidelined by your uncle Brady. I managed to escape but Klaus wasn’t so successful. I’ll go get him and meet you at the signing.”
Stefan finds Caroline drinking the champagne of the bottle. “ Wow I’ve never seen you drink, they have glasses. How did you get a whole bottle?”
Caroline looks over at him. The sooner this sham is over the sooner she can start having fun again. “Its my wedding if I want to drink champagne out of the bottle I will now lets go sign those papers.”
Stefan and Caroline enter her fathers study her father notices the bottle in his daughters hand and takes it from her. There’s a lawyer behind the desk, Caroline and Stefan in front of the desk, Bill off to the side and Katerina and Klaus next to the closed door. When Bill sees Katerina has entered the room he says “ This is a closed family business wait outside.”
Caroline turns around to face her father. “ Katerina is my family she stays.”
Bill turns to his daughter who twirls the pen between her fingers. If she doesn’t sign Bill doesn’t get what he wants. He nods to Caroline to continue.
Both husband and wife bend down to sign the document. Stefan signs saying that he is giving fifty percent of all Salvatore businesses to Caroline. Caroline is signing that all her shares will go directly to Bill unless the marriage to Stefan is not legal. Stefan doesn’t know about Caroline’s clause in the document.
The lawyer looks over both signatures and the document “ All set.”
After the lawyer leaves Bill hands Caroline her check she smiles at him. “ Thank you.”
Stefan watches as Bill hands his daughter a check then the check is handed to Katerina. His wife turns to him and smiles up at his confused face. “ Our contract stated that half all your companies would go to me but you didn’t read the small print all my new shares in your company went to my dad who bought your companies earlier today. So my father is now in charge of all Salvatore companies. Or so he thinks.”
It’s now time for Caroline to turn to her father who is as confused as Stefan but hiding it better then him. “ It says I will give my shares to you if Stefan and I are legally married but we are not.”
Stefan goes to say something but Bill speaks instead. “ You said the vows said I do the ring on your finger it’s a legal wedding.”
Caroline smiles deviously since her father never loved her and always put his businesses above her she decided that since he can’t love his own blood she would try to hurt what he loved so much. “ Bigamy is still illegal in this state, right they didn’t change the laws in the last forty eight hours?”
“No they didn’t.”
“So you see Stefan and I are not legally married since I’m already married meet my husband Klaus.”
Klaus who has been next to Katerina this whole time walks over to Caroline and sees the confusion and anger between Stefan and Bill.
Bill is fuming with anger his face is red and his fists are balled into fists. He can’t not believe he did not see Caroline betraying him. He has been so focused on this take over he didn’t even see what was right of front of him.
“Now father before you disown me for destroying your take over remember you already gave me the check.” Bill looks at his check and sees Katerina waving it at him. “So I’ve gone back to being second fiddle to your real child your businesses.”
As Caroline, Katerina and Klaus are leaving Caroline adds insult to injury to her father. “ Since my marriage to Stefan was never legal my shares stay with me. See you at the next board meeting.”
As the three are getting in Caroline’s just married limo paid by her father. Klaus looks at his wife. “ Your beautiful but scary.”
Caroline smiles at him. “So scary you can’t wait to get an annulment.”
“Being married to a beautiful woman like you who at times can be scary but will be fun.”
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The Starving Prince of Lucis
Ship: platonic gladnoct, platonic ignoct
Rating: G
They really don’t feed people enough at these fancy events. Check the reblogs for the AO3 link.
It was thirty minutes until midnight at Boomerang’s Diner in upper Insomnia. Seventeen year old Myra’s twelve hour waitressing shift was almost over and her feet hurt. It had been a good tip day, though, so she could not complain much.
She had just finished clearing what she guessed would be her last table of the night; it was usually pretty slow after 10:30, maybe a few drunk stragglers here and there. Suddenly the door slammed open and the bells clattered and jingled against the glass. Myra looked up from refilling the salt shaker expecting to see such a straggler, but instead she had to do a double take at what she DID see. In the doorway of the hole-in-the-wall diner stood the very image of elegance. A young man, not much older than herself, dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit with a silver sash and bowtie. She thought she recognized him, and the more she looked at him, the more she was certain that she would be a fool NOT to recognize him. Standing six feet away from her was the Crown Prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum himself. He looked directly at the young waitress with…was that panic she saw?
“Please tell me you’re sill open!”
“Um,” she blinked rapidly and stood straight, smoothing out her coffee-stained apron. “Yes, Your Highness. We’re open 24-7.”
The prince gracelessly flopped into the nearest booth and sighed. “Thank the Six.”
Myra, still dumbfounded, produced her pen and guest check notpad from her apron pocket. “What can I get you to drink this evening?”
She watched the prince rub his temples, eyes closed and frowning. “Can I get, like, an entire pitcher of soda?”
Myra raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, sure,” having forgotten for a moment who she was speaking to, she corrected herself quickly. “I mean, of course, Your High-”
“Stop!” the out-of-place royal interrupted. “Stop it with all the Your Higness-ing. Do you have any idea what I’ve already had to put up with tonight?”
Myra shook her head wordlessly.
Noctis laughed humorlessly. “Well…”
Noctis paced up and down the tables of food, or at least what the Master of Ceremonies thought nobility thought considered food, grimacing at every hors d'oeuvre he came across.
They all had either unpronounceable (and equally inedible) vegetables, clumps of fish eggs, or both. Noctis groaned as his stomach growled for the fourth time in an hour. He was starving and this was not food.
Luckily, a familiar voice came to distract him from the hideous display.
“Enjoying the party, Your Highness?”
Noctis turned around to see Ignis approaching, carrying two glasses of wine. The adviser offered one to Noctis, who took it politely but had exactly -73% intentions of actually drinking it.
“Not particularly,” Noctis answered. “What is all this stuff anyway?” he asked, gesturing to the spread of not-food behind him.
Ignis withheld the urge to roll his eyes. “Those would be hors d'oeuvres traditional of Accordo, the country whose dignitaries we are honoring with these festivities. As prince, you really should familiarize yourself more with cultures and customs.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Noctis turned back to the table to make one last attempt to find something at least marginally palatable. He froze in horror when he noticed a trey of spiral shells with some sort of chunky green sauce in the opening.
“Ignis,” he said, pointing at the trey of…something, “Those. Are. SNAILS.”
“Ah, yes. That would be escargot.”
Noctis stepped back from the table, as if expecting the dead, sauce-drenched snails to leap off the table and attack him. “How about escarSTOP before I puke!”
Ignis really did roll his eyes this time. “Noctis, someday you’ll have to learn to at least stomach some of these food items. When you’re king-”
“No, when I’m king, I’m going to serve pizza. Pizza and beer, not,” he shook his head and set his glass of wine down on the table, “not snails and wine.”
“Noctis, you can’t-”
“If it crawled out from under a rock, I’m not eating it. If some chick’s feet have been in it, I’m not drinking it.”
“That isn’t how they press wine anymore and you know it!” Ignis argued, becoming irritated at his prince’s apparent lack of “culture.”
“I don’t care!” Noctis shouted, drawing the attention of several nearby guests, and walked off.
“Noctis,” Ignis called after him, “Where are you going?”
“To find food!”
By this point in the prince’s story, Myra had seated herself in the seat opposite Noctis in the booth. She laughed at his description of how he ditched his adviser.
“So, what then?” Myra asked. “You just left the party?”
“Took me half an hour to get out of there after I left Ignis,” he answered. “People I can’t stand kept coming up to me, all ‘good evening Your Highness’ and ‘spectacular party, wouldn’t you say, Your Highness’ or ‘Your, Highness, may I ask your opinion on blah blah blah’ I’m so passed done with it.”
“And so passed starving,” Myra added. “So what kind of food do you want? I promise snails are NOT on our menu.”
“That’s a relief. Tell you what, just bring me the biggest, greasiest, cheesiest heart attack between two buns that you can make. And a big pile of fries. No veggies on that burger. None. Like, don’t even let it touch a pickle.”
Myra nodded. “I’ve got you, Noctis.” she got up and left the table, disappearing behind a partition and returning with a pitcher of soda and a straw, which she set down in front of Noctis before taking a seat again. “We have a spacial here: the Boomerang Behemoth. It doesn’t come with veggies and if you can eat the entire thing, it’s free and you get a tshirt. Tanner’s cooking it up right now.”
Noctis grinned and took a drink of soda straight from the pitcher. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
“So while we wait, I’d like to here more about this Ignis character.”
“Well, I couldn’t ask for a better adviser. He IS quite the character though…”
Twenty minutes later, it took Tanner (the cook) and Elli (the waitress who came in at midnight to take over for Myra) to safely carry the trey. The burger was easily bigger than Noctis’ head, with a side of fries just as huge. Noctis stared with an awestruck smile as they set the trey gently on the table.
“You guys don’t fool around, do you?” Noctis said, a bit breathless. “Now THAT’S food!”
Tanner and Elli stepped back from the table and bowed, an overexaggerated gesture that was meant to be comical. “This, Your Highness, is the Boomerang Behemoth,” Tanner announced. “Two and a half pounds of meat and a third pound of cheese on a sesame seed bun, one pound of fries, seasoned to perfection with our special seasoning. Few have dared to take the challenge head on, and few who do succeed. But I’m sure it should be no challenge at all for our future king, right?”
“How to I bite it?” Noctis asked, still unable to stop staring at the enormous burger.
“Allow me,” Tanner said and produced a large kitchen knife from seemingly nowhere.
“Where were you hiding that!?” Noctis exclaimed. Tanner laughed and cut the burger into forths. “If you were an assassin and not a short order cook, I’d be in trouble.”
“The only thing killing you tonight is a heart attack from that burger,” Myra said, “so you best enjoy it. I better be heading home. Bring your adviser by some time, I’d like to meet him.”
“Yeah, sure thing.” Noctis assessed on of the burger quarters and carefully picked one up. It took some twisting, tilting, and almost dislocating his jaw, but he managed to figure out how to get his mouth around enough of the massive burger to take a big, cheesy, greasy bite.
And. It. Was. Heaven.
Almost half an hour and half the burger later, the door to the diner slammed open for the second time that night.
Noctis turned casually out of curiosity…
And died a little inside.
“Damn,’ he mumbled under his breath.
There in the doorway stood Gladio, phone in hand, looking at Noctis like the prince had just cursed the Amicitia name.
“Noctis what the HELL! I had to track your damn phone to find you!”
“Don’t start this, Gladio. In my position you would have done the same thing.”
“No, in your position I would have schmoozed up the some dignitaries and, I don’t know, THE NEWLY ELECTED FIRST SECRETARY OF ACCORDO and made connections that might come in handy in the future instead of RUDELY disappearing!”
Noctis shrugged and shoved three fries in his mouth at once. “I can’t politic on an empty stomach, Gladio,” he said with his mouth full.
Gladio growled and sat down in the booth opposite Noctis. “When are you going to learn your place in this world, Noct.” He absentmindedly reached for a fry on Noctis’ play, which resulted in Noctis slapping his hand away. Gladio looked wordlessly at Noctis with angered confusion.
“I have to eat this whole thing myself to get the tshirt. Order your own, and I’m not paying for you.”
“Tshirt? You better not have ditched a party your own kingdom was hosting in honor of the first female Accordian First Secretary for a tshirt.”
Noctis shook his head. “I ditched a party my own kingdom was hosting in honor of the first female Accordian First Secretary for a BURGER. Tshirt’s just a perk.”
Gladio shook his head and mumbled some sort of expletive. “You know, the only reason I’m not dragging you out of this diner, beating your bratty ass and hauling you back to the citadel over my shoulder is I know that food was nasty.”
“I know, right?” Noctis said around another bite of burger.
Gladio sighed and motioned to Elli to come over.
“Can I help you, sir?”
Gladio looked at Elli and pointed to Noctis’ plate. “Can I get one of those?”
The next morning, a photograph of the Crown Prince and his body guard exiting a diner dressed in ketchup-stained royal attire covered the front of the Crown City Times. The King was not pleased.
Also the next morning, Noctis and Gladio proudly sported their matching (pink) Boomerang’s Diner tshirts around the citadel. No one but them would admit to being amused, but the diner did have a seemingly random spike in business.
Myra was able to use the tip she received that night to replace the cracked windshield on her car, Elli used hers to but new cloths for her ten year old son, and Tanner bought an engagement ring for his girlfriend of two years. She said yes.
Noctis took Ignis to Boomerang’s one day to meet Myra. She was instantly smitten and slipped him her phone number with the check. She was slightly (extremely) disappointed (heartbroken) when he text messaged once, saying that she was a lovely young lady but, flattered as he was, she was too young for him and he was not interested in pursuing a relationship.
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To determine if you suffer from this condition, consider how often and how heavily you sweat. If you find that at least once a week you sweat enough to soak through your clothes, that you experience constant clamminess or excessive perspiration and that any or all of this is interfering with your social life, you may want to seek treatment for axillary hyperhidrosis. Most people perspire when they are hot or when they are stressed. Klairs Supple Preparation All Over Lotion. I bought this because I used a sample and it amazed me! It is a great moisturizer! Very light, quick to absorb, but it packes quite a punch! It has a herbal scent, like the toner. It is also very economical! 250mL is around 20 euro Mizon Ultra Suboon Cream. N n "She was with the gang of criminals, but we cannot say whether she participated in the shootout, " state Higuera said. "That's what we're going to have to investigate. " n nFlores Gamez was voted the 2012 Woman of Sinaloa in a beauty pageant in February. A double rainbow occurs when the light is reflected twice in the drop. It means you can see two different reflections, coming from different angles [source: Plait]. This leads to something that is actually really cool instead of seeing red at the top and blue at the bottom like a regular ho hum rainbow, the 양구출장샵 secondary rainbow (which is higher and lighter in color than the primary) has the colors reversed [source: Margusity and Andrews]. Pretty much in shock. I had seen cougars in zoos and maybe a flash of one in the distance, but the zoos had been SMALL cougars by the pacific standard. This one wasn even a true adult alpha it was probably 250 300 lbs.. I get a lot stricter on which orders I accept when it rush hour or when the weather is bad. I 양구출장샵 generally don accept orders under $15 total unless it close by to where I am and won take much time/effort. There a lot of variables to consider! When you first starting out, just take a look through the items, pull up the delivery address, and make an educated guess from there. I'm still confused as to how any of this really screws the consumer. Sure you can complain about requiring another new game store, but this has been synonymous with pc gaming for years now. In my opinion, if you can't deal with using multiple digital game stores and clients, go back to console which has one uniform store.. Monroe county has a large commuter population that doesn reside in the county. Other than Columbus, there isn much else down there. Indy has an abundance of "main" road ways for the population that is pretty evenly distributed in usage. I got two matte shakers on sale at Ulta, and they were both garbage. Horrible formula, made no sense. Whatever the juicy shakers are doing, with the gloss, isn't there with this product. I don think there is an accepted Indoeuropean etymology, that directly out of those primeval Germanic woods, where they made human sacrifices to Nerthus and other Old One entities, could be a borrowing from Chthuluish as far as we know.In summary, when the rail industry of the Northeast really began to pick up, many city workers realized it would be cheaper to live in New Jersey and just commute to their jobs in cities (probably why the most extreme instances of Boroughitis occurred in the metro New York and Philadelphia regions of New Jersey.)However the rural locals were afraid that these newcomers would want more/better government services (and thus higher taxes). To avoid having to pay more, these people voted to split their towns up and many did.Today it a little annoying because all these little municipalities are helping to put extra strain on NJ already rockey financial situation. 82 points submitted 20 days agoThey a lot more chill at the Dover crossing than they are for planes, I guess because it a bit more difficult to fly a ferry into a skyscraper.I remember when I went to Germany on a school trip as a kid the officials didn even need to check our passports at all (well, they didn need to check my passport, but they did check the passports of the Indian kids on the trip which felt a little awkward at the time).Although when I took a coach from Seville to London I had to have passport checks at the French/Spanish border, then two checks in Calais, then I think another check back in the UK which was a big pain in the arse.
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downwithpeople · 7 years
Pro-Tips For GMing
Or: Angus Teaches You To Be An Awesome Gamemaster As someone who's been playing/running RPGs and been enmeshed in the culture for the better part of a decade it's great to see so many new people getting into the hobby thanks to streams and podcasts. As the guy who's been the go-to gamemaster in most of my groups, I want to help demystify that role and encourage more players to step up to the plate and actually run games. Being the GM means taking on more responsibility at the table but it's an extremely rewarding experience and much less daunting than it might appear to be. I've put together this collection of my personal tips for running games. This is system-agnostic and is less to do with the nitty-gritty of actually preparing for the game. Instead, these are just some of the principles I recommend following as the GM. Keep these in mind and I guarantee your players will be back for session after session. Summarised: Be extremely familiar with the rules. Steal everything that isn’t nailed down. Ask lots of questions. Tell the truth and be informative. Put the PCs and their related NPCs ahead of your own. Allow the players’ actions to drive the story. Be flexible. Say Yes Or Roll The Dice. Have fun.
Be extremely familiar with the rules. The GM is the referee of the game, and that requires a higher level of rules mastery than the players. Of course, I would encourage everyone to understand as much as they can about every system they play, but it's a key part of the role for the GM. Read the rulesbooks exhaustively. Go online and find people talking about your game to see what advice they have to give. When necessary, change the rules to better suit the game you want to play. You don't need to have everything memorised, but if you make a rules mistake you should own up to it next session.
Steal everything that isn't nailed down. Be really lazy. See something you like in a piece of media? Put that in your game. You're not bound by copyright laws, so there's no need to be super-original. If you want the Starks to be living in Minas Tirith alongside the Grey Wardens in your game, absolutely do that and even change the names if you're feeling fancy. Steal entire plots. This goes double if you know that your players aren't familiar with the work you're plagiarising. Be straightforward and open with your players. During character creation and at the start of the first session, the very first thing you should do is tell your players about the game. Be straight-up about it. If you have interested players you've probably given them the elevator pitch for your game, so now's the time to expand on that and get them really hyped. Give them an outline on things like the genre of the game, the tone you're aiming for and the kind of characters they'll be playing. Answer their questions and encourage them to ask more. If there's any boundaries you want to set for the content of the game, set them.
Be a fan of the player characters. Love them like you love your players. Get hyped up about them and about their possibilities. They are, after all, the main characters of your story. If you're an artist, draw them. If you have disposable income, commission others to draw them. Your players will love you for it. I've had players write 'fanfic' about their characters and set up Pinterest boards and aesthetic blogs for them and if yours do that, check those out. Talk to your players about their characters and flesh them out together. Ask lots of questions. Both in and out of the game, never stop asking the players questions about things. Ask the players about their characters' families, their hopes and dreams, their favourite foods and colours. This isn't just limited to their characters either. Let them make decisions about the world they're playing in and let them see those decisions affect the game. If you're playing in a pre-made setting like the Forgotten Realms a lot of the big questions might already be answered but hey, you can change those too. Tell the truth and be informative. Tell the absolute truth. It's fine to mislead and misdirect, but if your players want to know something be forthcoming with that information. Whatever details they ask for (that their characters could feasibly know), hand them over. Sometimes people become attracted to the idea of doing a bait-and-switch on their players and suddenly changing major details in the game as a cheap gotcha, but it's better to be honest in all your dealings.
Put the PCs and their related NPCs ahead of your own. What does this mean? Make sure that the PCs and the side-characters that are important to them are the focus of your story. Keep them alive. Your NPCs on the other hand, treat them like garbage. Let the players massacre them. Resist the temptation to save them when the players make an effort to kill them. Don't lavish the kind of attention on them that you should be saving for the PCs. If you feel the need to do that, try writing a novel about them instead. Allow the players’ actions to drive the story. As I said before, the PCs are the protagonists. They're the movers and shakers in your game, the ones who make things happen. When they commit to a course of action, you want to follow that and see where it goes. Do this even when it tampers with your carefully-laid plans. Personally speaking? I try to plan for as little as possible and encourage the players to be a proactive force in the world. The former is optional (you might love drawing maps as much as I hate it) but you should always try to do the latter. Related to that: Be flexible. I guarantee you one thing, your players will come up with solutions to problems that you would never have imagined in a million years. They will one-hit your epic boss, they will use the abilities of their characters in wild ways. Even if they're not doing that, they'll do other things to surprise you like becoming intensely interested in the personal history of some random in your story. Get ready to improvise and if you're absolutely stumped, don't be afraid to say 'Hey guys, you really surprised me there so give me 20 minutes or something to unfuck this.' Say Yes Or Roll The Dice. This is a classic aphorism in gaming that essentially means that when a player wants to do something, you should generally let them do it. If you don't want to give it to them so easy, make them roll for it first so that they really have to commit to it. If they ask you the kind of leading question that sounds like they're putting together a plan, absolutely say yes and find out what happens next. Do they want to know if the room they're in has high gothic arches? It didn't before, but it does now. You want to be saying 'yes' or 'yes, but' twice as much as you say 'no'. Have fun. Have fun! This is a game after all, and you're playing it too even if you're following different rules. Being a GM doesn't mean putting everyone else's enjoyment above your own. If you're not enjoying the game, talk to the players and figure out what you need to do to change it. Try a different game, or let someone else put on the GM hat for a while. And when they do, direct them to this guide!
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Avec Nocturne Ch. 6
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Summary: AU A little thing called the flu forced him to call out sick for days. What he didn’t bargain for was his workplace hiring a girl to spin the tracks while he was out. He’s pissed off but why’s he thinking random thoughts about her?
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Strip Club setting, Flirting)
Characters: DJ!Chanyeol x Kit OC, featuring appearances of OT12 members
Notes: This is a spin-off (no pun intended!) series of Unwind written by @xiubaek13 and @oh-beyond. (Written with their blessing – thank you!) I own nothing except for my own OC and the content written here. (I recommend reading Unwind first to get a better understanding of the story’s universe.) I do not claim to be an expert in DJ-ing. Banner created by me. Absolutely no reposting anywhere else as your own!
Ch. 5 | Ch. 7
I swear you need to come clubbing with me again soon!
Sent 21:26 PM
How’s work going? Did those clothes work?
Sent 21:27 PM
I can’t - I work at night, remember?
Sent 21:29 PM
It’s interesting.
Sent 21:31 PM
Yeah, they were fine. Thanks again. I’ll wash them and get them back to you.
Sent 21:33 PM
Nah keep ‘em - you looked hot. Besides, you never know if you might need them again... ;)
Sent 21:34 PM
Sometimes I wonder if the bakery was a safer choice, Kit thought as she unloaded the washer and began moving clothes over to the dryer. She pressed a few buttons for the drying cycle before closing the door and heading to the kitchen to prepare lunch.
She checked her watch and determined she had roughly 3.5 hours before her regular shift at the club. Secretly, she was hoping for a more normal night, especially with everything that transpired in the past few days.
When Luhan and Xiumin had called her in on her day off, she hadn’t anticipated going into the office days after her run in with Chanyeol. The bruises had faded but she wished she could turn around and walk right out after seeing him in the front, preparing to head to the managers’ office. Instead, she avoided eye contact with him as they headed to the office, stopping briefly when a well-dressed young man passed them.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us?” the young man prompted Chanyeol as he laid eyes on her.
Kit ignored the tall DJ’s gaze as she stuck her hand out toward the young man addressing her. “Hi, Kit Adler.”
The young man flashed a charming smile as he clasped her hand in his. “Hello pretty Kit Adler. I’m Kim Junmyeon, but you can call me Suho, now that you are part of the family,” he replied.
Forward but he seems inviting, compared to Mr. Ray of Sunshine I’m following, she thought before they let go of each other’s hands.
Chanyeol stepped closer to the pair, glancing at Suho with a casual look. “So…2 weeks, right hyung?”
Suho nodded and looked wistful, bemoaning to the pair that he had nowhere to go.
Kit raised a brow at his response. 2 weeks for what? Vacation? Or had something happened and no one was telling her the whole story? Knowing her luck, it was probably the latter and part of her felt bad for this guy for some reason.
“Oh, you don’t? Well maybe you can crash at my place if you’d like,” she found herself suggesting, “I do–”
Suddenly she felt a large hand on her back nudging her in the direction of Luhan’s office, followed by Chanyeol’s deep voice lightly telling her that Suho was joking. She glanced up at his face and saw that he had a strange fixed smile on his face, eyes staying on the older boy.
“That is so nice of you Kit,” Suho replied. He raised a brow at Chanyeol’s choice of words to address Kit. “Noona? You don’t look like a noona to me. How old are you?”
“She’s not your noona – she’s your age,” Chanyeol mumbled as he tried to nudge Kit forward again.
She put on the brakes and glanced back at Suho, asking him what year he was born. “I was born in 1990,” she shared.
“Then you are one!” Suho blurted out with a gleeful look.
“OK we need to get going,” Chanyeol announced, jerking his head toward the office.
“I’m actually heading to Shanghai for a few days,” Suho reassured her. He glanced over at Tao and Sehun, who were lingering by the front entrance. "Please don’t worry about me – I have a place; I live with these two baby boys.”
Now that has to be an interesting situation, she thought as she pictured poor Suho trying to keep the pair from fighting. Like a father with two man children.
She felt Chanyeol’s hand move away from her back, long fingers wrapping around her forearm to tug her toward the office. Her insides twisted at the contact but she forced herself to keep the smile in place. “All right, it was nice to meet you Suho, have a good time!” she yelled over her shoulder.
She allowed Chanyeol to tug/guide her down the hallway toward the office. Once she was out of Suho, Tao, and Sehun’s sight, she pried her arm out of Chanyeol’s grip and stopped abruptly, shoulders tensed.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?” she hissed.
“Me? Nothing!” Chanyeol said as he blinked back at her.
“I think I have already made it clear that I do not like being manhandled!” she shot back.
“I wasn’t, I jus- Suho – he was flirting,” he protested.
“Well at least flirting won’t give me bruises,” Kit retorted as she passed him.
The emergency meeting she had been called into ended with signing confidentiality agreements for an upcoming VIP event, followed by special equipment training with Chanyeol in the booth. She had anticipated that it was going to be a long, painful ordeal of him talking and pointing things out. What surprised her was hearing a genuine apology from the young man, who confessed that he loved his job and felt upset that the managers made a decision to backfill his position without telling him.
“This booth is my safe space. When I’m here, I can be free. I’m not stressed about life or what’s expected of me as an adult. Here, I can call the shots and make my own rules, well sort of,” he explained. Things became less tense after his apology and the training went smoothly.
Because the managers asked her to dress up for the VIP event, Kit enlisted her friend Olivia, better known as Livy, for help, as she had no time to shop for something special. The following day, Livy had showed up at her door, armed with a suitcase full of club-worthy clothes and shoes. Several hours were spent playing Olivia’s questionable Barbie doll, slipping into skin tight dresses that showed every line and curve in her body and debating over hems and necklines. While she loved her friend’s confidence, their tastes couldn’t be anymore different.
“Lady, you need to look like a girl – this grunge 90s thing you’ve got going on is sad,” Livy whined after Kit rejected a very risque bodysuit with a neck collar and low-cut sweetheart neckline.
“Livy, I stick out like a sore thumb at work – like I need more attention put on me!” Kit groaned as she dug through her friend’s offerings, trying to find the least revealing garment in the pile.
After an hour and twenty minutes of rejected clothes, the pair had agreed upon a black bodysuit with a subtle neckline design, deep wine velvet skirt, and block heeled Mary Janes. Delicate silver accessories in the form of a wavy bangle and minimalist earrings completed the look. Livy had wanted to do her makeup but Kit kept it to a simple winged eyeliner and the Bloodroses lipstick. Hair was curled into soft waves with a deep side part.
Thankfully her jacket covered the top half of her outfit while she rode the subway – more stares than usual were aimed in her direction but she kept her eyes on her phone until her stop was called.
“NOONA?!” Sehun sputtered when he saw her enter the main performance hall. The towel he was using to dry his shaker slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor.
Kit paused and turned her head, trying to suppress the wince threatening to spread across her face. “The managers said ‘Look nice – it’s a VIP event’ so um, yeah,” she replied. “By the way, these aren’t mine – had to borrow from a friend and if you can believe it, they were the least slutty things she owned.”
Sehun quickly picked up his towel and composed himself, smiling as he studied her look and flashed her a thumbs up. “You look pretty,” he said, eyes crinkling into half moons. “Not that you don’t normally look nice, but it’s a good change for something like this.”
“Thanks Sehunnie,” she mumbled with a faint smile before heading to the booth. She began setting up her gear and slipped the headphones around her neck, fixing her hair in the process.
“What are you staring at?” Tao demanded as he passed Sehun before following the latter’s gaze. His eyes widened and he gaped when he saw Kit standing in the booth, doing a double take. “Wait, that’s not the savage girl from earlier, is it? Where are her ugly clothes?”
“I heard that,” Kit shot back as she stuck her head out. She sighed as she dragged songs into her queue, avoiding their eyes. Was it too late to negotiate with the managers to just bail on this and all future VIP events if it meant being ogled?
She heard someone cough and she spotted the familiar figure lingering at the entrance to the booth.
“Ah um...hello noona,” Chanyeol murmured as he played with the strap on his bag. “You um, you look...nice,” he said as he gestured to her outfit.
Kit looked up and nodded with a small smile. “Hey Slim Shady,” she said, “don’t get used to this – the managers asked for something less casual so this is what they’re getting. Probably won’t ever see these again ‘cause they’re going right back to my friend after tonight.” She moved closer to the controls so he could slip past her and he pressed his lips together as he stepped into the booth.
He began getting his equipment out of his bag, mumbling that he would let her handle the controls for the waterfall effects tonight. Kit nodded as she gave him space for his laptop and focused on adjusting the volume and settings on her mixing program.
“You look nice too,” she murmured.
“Oh um, me? Thank, thank you - it’s nothing special,” he admitted as he rolled his sleeves up as neatly as he could.
Silence had settled in until they heard footsteps and saw two young women flanked by bodyguards entering the main hall. Chanyeol flashed a charming smile at them and Kit managed a polite one, accompanied by a bow of her head.
“Should be a good night if we pick the right tracks,” Chanyeol murmured with a nod as the women were greeted by Luhan. He quickly programmed an effect to allow fake snow to fall upon the manager as he came closer to the women.
“Why am I not surprised that rich people have filthy desires like us?” Kit deadpanned in a low voice, traces of a smirk threatening to spread across her lips. “Surprised none of them have jumped on the performers yet.”
Chanyeol blinked at her comment and quietly asked if she knew who they were. Kit shrugged as she switched places with him to stand closer to the waterfall controls.
“Don’t know and I kind of don’t care,” she said as she swept her hair off the back of her neck, fanning it lightly. “Not into gossip or celebrities if you couldn’t already tell. To me, they’re just fancy people who we’re entertaining tonight. Period.” She reached for her water and took a long swig. Maybe it was the fact that there were two people standing in an tight, enclosed space, but she swore it started to feel a bit warm in the booth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chanyeol fanning himself with his shirt collar, small beads of sweat starting to form across his forehead.
Kit flickered the stage lights to focus on the waterfall before allowing a steady stream to flow into the area, Chanyeol blending in a song to complement Xiumin’s performance:
Lonely night millyeooneun neol Mageul su eomneun saebyeok I pado sorie Nan tteonaeryeoganeun jungingeol Oh no   Oh no
“I kind of envy him right now – at least he’s not sweating it out like we are now,” Kit muttered as she moved her hair to one shoulder with a free hand, the other lingering on the controls.
“I...I think the A/C’s...dying,” Chanyeol huffed as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.
Kit took another swig before she held out her water bottle and prompted him to take some, which he gladly accepted.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t faint on me Slim Shady,” she murmured, eyes staying on Xiumin as she adjusted the waterfall elements to match his movements. “Maybe we can crack the door open a bit once this is over?” As Xiumin wrapped up, she turned off the waterfall and glanced over at Chanyeol, who was drenched in sweat.
“Hey, I’ll get you a cold water from Sehunnie once Cat Eyes sweeps her off somewhere,” Kit promised as she noted his eyes looking a little glazed over. “You need to stay hydrated – keep drinking my water for now, okay?”
“Noona...you should take some...” he managed to get out.
“I will in a –”
“What’s going on here?” Xiumin hissed as he yanked the door open. He recoiled slightly when he felt the heat wave hit him.
“Hyung, the air conditioning went to shit and I can’t breathe,” Chanyeol bleated, almost panting.
“Kit do me a favor, there should be a fan under Chen’s counter – get it please before we have a roasted elf named Park Chanyeol,” Xiumin instructed.
Kit nodded before she slipped past Chanyeol, flashing Sehun an amused look as she darted to the front desk. She sucked in a deep breath of air before going behind the desk, leaning down to retrieve the fan from underneath. She carried the cord in one hand and the fan in the other as she returned, eyes widening as Xiumin ordered the sweaty young man to shed his shirt.
Chanyeol did as he was told and chucked his sweat-soaked shirt to the ground. He messed up his silver hair and froze when he saw Kit had returned with the fan.
“I am sorry but–” Chanyeol started to apologize.
“No Slim Shady, you do what you gotta do,” she replied as she slipped past Xiumin with the fan, “we don’t want you to faint and have me try to perform CPR on you.”
“Here hyung,” Sehun said as he quickly handed over a clean towel and cold waters to Chanyeol. He held his hand out for the cord to the fan and carefully plugged it in. The fan began to blow air and Sehun angled it between the DJs, keeping it against the back wall so they wouldn’t trip on it.
Chanyeol wiped the sweat from his face with the towel before tossing one water to Kit, who thanked him as she caught it. He quickly cracked his open and began guzzling it.
“Noona, Xiumin-hyung has Tao up next - you’re going to need to get something up for him soon,” Sehun prompted as he glanced up at the stage.
Kit straightened up and pursed her crimson lips together as she debated over songs to pick.
“Oh you have no idea how badly I wanna psych him out with this gem,” Kit chortled as she showed them her screen of a song titled Caramelldansen. “But since we’ve got high rollers who are expecting the cliches, I’ll keep it serious.” She pulled up a track, the cover art depicting a woman with a crazy, spiky hair-do walking off the cover:
Everybody wants me to be their angel Everybody wants something they can cradle
Oh, they don't know I burn They don't know I burn They don't know I burn
"Beep beep! Beep Beep!”
Kit blinked and pushed back her chair at the sound of the dryer going off. She wiped her hands on her napkin before heading over to collect her load.
The fan had helped cool down the booth, but things became slightly awkward afterward. Chanyeol kept his eyes averted while Kit busied herself with the controls and music for Tao’s performance. The earlier disturbance with the A/C had caught one of their guests’ attention and she shamelessly eyed the sculpted abdomen of the tall DJ.
“Did our bosses just leave the high rollers hanging?” Kit muttered as Tao continued his performance. “I have a feeling that if they don’t come back soon, the one who was ogling Cat Eyes is going to devour you instead.”
“Wha? Ah no, no, I don’t think–”
“She’s eying you like a tiger eyes its prey,” Kit noted as she stole a quick glance over at the woman. A teasing smile appeared on her face and she looked over at Chanyeol. “You know how to dance in case –”
“I think I see Luhan-hyung,” Chanyeol interrupted, relieved to see him coming into view.
Kit had followed her co-worker’s gaze to see their boss passing the entrance to the main performance hall, tugging a woman clad in black behind him.
“I don’t wanna know, do I?” she asked as the pair disappeared from their sight.
Chanyeol shrugged and muttered that he only heard bits of the gossip.
“Something about new clients and wanting VIP I think? Look, we shouldn’t worry about it,” he said as he adjusted the lighting effects.
Song List
White Noise (EXO)
Caramelldansen (Caramell)
Devil Inside [RJD2 Remix] (Utada Hikaru)
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bagelblossom · 7 years
Peach Pie (Quicksilver Fanfiction)
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Warning: Swearing
Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12666640/1/Peach-Pie
                                                       Chapter 1
                                               Strangers in the Night 
I was exhausted, I sighed heavily as I dragged the damp cream rag across a sticky worktop. School had been intense with exam season at it’s peak. When I wasn’t revising I was working, it was another night shift and coffee was the only thing getting me through it.
The Diner was quiet with only a couple of middle aged workers clearly enjoying a break at the diner. Though I relished in the quiet ambience of the restaurant and the smooth tones of Paul Anka’s Diana I found myself wincing as the dull pounding of my fingers became more apparent. I peeled off the latex gloves I was wearing to focus on the source of my discomfort. I flexed my hands, the usually healthy fingernails had darkened and looked mottled and infected - a stark contrast to my skin.
 I felt my heart race as I continued to inspect my hands. What the hell even is this? You’d think my hands had caught the plague or something. It was near impossible to get an appointment with the school nurse due to flu season but I would definitely need to get it checked out soon.
“You okay Lyla?” questioned the older woman her blonde hair pinned into a bun and bright red lips quirked into a friendly smile.
“Yeah fine thanks, Wish this shift would go quicker though” I replied swiftly tugging the gloves back onto my hands hiding the revolting sight and flashing the older women a reassuring grin. Maria was amazing, kind as she was humble she was actually a pretty amazing boss.
 “Tell me about it kid, I’ve got the biggest bar of chocolate when this shift has finished” gushed the Maria as she pushed a fresh cup of coffee into my hands.  
The chime of the doorbell caught our attention and I resisted the urge groan. My vice like grip on the mug increased and I looked at Marie in an pleading manner. Her expression was one of a mischievous imp and she clucked her tongue. “You can take this one, he looks like a cutie” she giggled (though in my mind it seemed more like a cackle) as she pretended to be busy with sorting cutlery. “Fab” I replied grabbing my pad and pen. “Go forth my loyal employee” she muttered as I passed by her. I snorted and tightened my cream apron quickly switching into waitress mode. I walked over to the now occupied table barely looking at the guy more focused on the pad in my hands.
The quicker I do this order the quicker I can go back to my coffee. Keeping my gaze firmly on the pad in my hands I could hear the customers’ fingers thrumming swiftly on the table in an impatient manner. Great another cocky customer who thinks the service is never quick enough.
“Hi welcome to Bonnie’s how can I help you today?” I recited attempting to put some energy into my voice yet failing slightly. The reply was silence forcing me to make eye contact with the individual. I soon found myself staring into the eyes of Peter Maximoff.
Well Shit.
“Do I know you?” he questioned his dazed features shifting back into a usual smug confident one. Double crap I didn’t mean for his name to slip out.
“Nope nope never met ever, at all, not once, no” I choked out eager to escape his gaze. He slouched back in the seat his eyes taking in my clearly haggard appearance.
 “But you know me?” he replied his eyebrow quirking and that smug smile returning. Did I know him? Of course I knew him, lets be honest who didn’t? No one ever said Peter Maximoff without the word trouble following not too far behind. He was the classic mix of class clown and troublemaker. We only shared a few classes but luckily due to his lack of attendance and my head down and focus on work attitude our paths never met. I’d heard the stories, oh yes I knew all about his kleptomaniac tendencies and total lack of respect for authoritarian figures but I wasn’t about to let him know that.
“Nope you just look like a Peter” I chirped flashing a large smile which must of seemed more like a grimace. “So what can I get you?” I continued desperately hoping he would order something and let me leave.
 “I look like a Peter?” He chuckled his slouched position becoming even more sprawled as if he was some sort of royalty and I was his personal court jester.
“Yeah, must be the grey hair, you know it’s distinguishable”  
“Your hair is pink”
“Its actually strawberry blonde” I countered feeling my body flush in embarrassment.
“Okay peach if you want to be technical”
The tension was palpable I glanced at Maria who looked like the cat who got cream.  Deciding to put an end to this verbal tennis match I cleared my throat.
“Right so what can I get you?” I forced out resisting the urge to smack the cocky look off his face.
“Yeah er hm choices choices-” he muttered his eyes glanced at the menu behind the salt and pepper shakers.
 “I recommend the-“
“-Peach Pie” he interrupted with a wink. I mentally stopped myself from throwing myself out the window and grunted an ‘okay’ while writing the order in my most aggressive penmanship.
“And a chocolate milkshake” he added nodding his head.
“Is that everything Sir?” I emphasized the sir hoping he’d get the clue and let me sort his order.
“Yepp” he smiled at me his leg shaking up and down quickly.
I gave him my most passive aggressive grin back and went to get his order. I could of probably cut his cake less aggressively but It did calm me to imagine It was his smug face instead.
I aggressively slammed his plate down on his table along with his milkshake. It gave me some satisfaction to notice him flinch slightly but this was soon masked once again by his fat ego.
“Thanks Sweet cheeks” he purred in what he thought was probably a smooth move but only sent my blood pressure climbing further.  I turned away so quickly I nearly gave myself whiplash to get away from the troublemaker.
About an hour went by and luckily aside from the occasional lingering glances Peter had got the hint and seemed to focus more on his milkshake.
Maria of course thought this was hilarious and continued to throw coy glances at me. The neon lights of the diner ached my eyes and the pain in my fingers hadn’t decreased. Overall I was totally done.
“Soooo- when do you get off” a voice spoke to my left. I physically jumped and turned to look at the source of my distress to see Peter leaning against the main diner table looking ahead in what he must of thought was an edgy look.
“Not for a while” I murmured pretending to be nonchalant. Perhaps if I could discourage his attention he would get bored and find a new toy.
“You can go now if you want sweetie” spoke Maria from a couple of tables away. She seemed to not notice the table she was cleaning was already clean thus not even hiding her interest. Subtle Marie.
 I nearly choked on my own spit to be honest when she said that and had to cover up a pained cough. “Wha-what?!?” I spluttered out my eyes looking at her in a wild manner urging her to frankly zip it.
 “Mmhmm you can go now you’ve worked hard enough, off you pop home now get some rest” she chirped a commanding hand on her hip.
 “Great I’ll walk you home” Peter chirped up ignoring my wild eyes and white knuckles. Usually Maria would drive me home at the end of a shift but since she was evidently throwing me to the wolves I clearly had no choice.
“Sure Thanks” I sighed in defeat I quickly went into the back and grabbed my coat.  Huffing as I buttoned it up I shouted a bye to Maria I swiftly grabbed Peters jacket and aggressively tugged. “C’mon lets go” I muttered avoiding Peters wide eyes and stumble as he followed me.
 The air was cold and I found myself resisting the urge to shiver. It had only just turned October and I was already wishing for summer to return. The walk home was mostly silent. The only noise being the odd car that passed and the rustle of raccoons searching through bins. I desperately hoped he couldn’t hear my wheezing as I walked at my quickest pace, him of course matching my steps with relative ease. I caught him glancing at me a couple of times and hesitating to speak, obviously my straight forward glaring hinted I didn’t want to talk. Before long we were stood outside of my house, the porch light remained on knowing my parents expected me home this late. My heart warmed at the thought of knowing my bed and bunny slippers were so close. True love.
 “So this is me so er thanks I guess” I spoke with the underlying hint for him to leave. Yeah thanks I guess considering I wasn’t really left with much choice.
“Cool” he grinned his eyes bright with mirth and hands tucked in a horrendous silver jacket.
“Well…bye” I turned around and went to go up the steps to my house when I heard him quickly inhale and shout.
“I actually hate Peach pie”
What? That stopped me in my tracks. I looked over my shoulder at him to see him nervously rubbing the back of his neck looking at the cement steps I was stood on.
“But you ordered it?” I questioned my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“Y-yeah” He sighed “Stupid huh” he chuckled looking at me.
The silence continued for a few minutes and he turned away to begin his journey home.
“Well you should try our apple pie next time” I called the words leaving my mouth without permission.
He froze and swiftly turned back round to stare into my brown eyes.
“Next time?” he questioned a teasing tone clear in his voice.
I felt my body heat up and heart begin to race.
"Or not, whatever" I snapped rushing into my house. Sadly I didn't shut my door fast enough to avoid hearing the chuckle that left his mouth.
I lightly ran up the stairs of my house and threw my bag and coat onto my bed. The action probably more aggressive than i meant it to be. I swiftly entered the bathroom ready to put this day to rest and get ready for bed. The only thoughts I could muster while brushing my teeth were simply. Stupid Peter. Stupid Pie. Stupid smile. Stupid.
I washed my hands and cleansed my face all the while thinking of ways to avoid him at the diner or school. I had to admit though his presence had been one of annoyance he had distracted me from the length of the shift and the pain in my fingers.
Yeah an annoying but a welcome distraction. "Stupid" I murmured knowing that at least I could relax now. My bed was extremely close and my pyjamas felt like the softest cotton. Yes no more stress I reached my quota of the day. It was then when I looked down at the porcelain bowl of the sink I found that one of my nails had fallen off.
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johnradams · 7 years
Comet is the only thing I care about if it doesn't win I'm gonna cry
Like. I can't even explain it I'm too invested in this show. I'm going to infodump about it because I'm so sad that DEH might beat it out for the tony and it doesn't even deserve to. -While you are walking in it gives you a Cold War / modern Russia vibe. The walls of the imperial are covered in posters and I remember reading the word pussy a lot which made me happy. - The guy at the merch stand was so sweet! No one else was there yet so I just was like " are you open?" And he helped me pick a shirt ( the red shirt with the family tree/ prologue lyrics was his favorite and I bought it bc I love it too.) - All the ushers were so nice! I was wearing a shirt that said " so broke can't pay attention" and a lot of them read it and told me it was funny. - the usher for my actual seat talked to me about DEH and I told her I loved it but it annoyed me when everyone kept saying ' oh yeah it has 9 tony noms' and I was like " well... comet has 12!" And she laughed and we Bonded™ - did I mention I was alone for like the first hour I was in the theatre because I ran in at 7 without my mom and sister. They wanted to eat their food and I was like "NO COMET" - I was hungry because I'd skipped dinner?? The comet gods threw food at me. - The girl who talked to our section was the best. Also I was the only person who read war and peace in my section which made me feel Important™ - Natasha's "NO!" When Andrey tells her he's going off to war and prologue starts - the door!!! - o Sonya - private and intimate life gave me chills. Gelsey Bell gives me chills. She was so genuinely scared and I just wanted to run down there and hug her and tell her it would all be okay. - an old woman was chose for bolkonsky's lover and she was so happy it was so sweet - "I KNOW THEYLL LIKE ME!" *pause* "EVERYONE HAS ALWAYS LIKED ME!" - getting stools into those tables took a little while but it was the best thing I ever saw. - no one else was so powerful. It's one of my favorite songs that I've like, ever heard, and Denee rocked it. Honestly the little things I noticed from her I applied to my singing it ( it's a song I'm working on in vocal) and it helped so much. God bless Denee Benton. - The opera was AWESOME. Gelsey again as opera singer made me die. Her voice is so strong and good and perfect. - stop touching dolokhov stop touching dolokhob Helene stop stop stop - the whole " where is dear Pierre" thing with Marya gently reminding Helene that she IS married to Pierre made me smile - WHEN THE RIP TBE BLOOD OFF ANDREY I CRY - Anatole get back behind that door you little shit - you are not allowed to walk down stairs like that Anatole stop -Helene please stop looking at your brother like that he's your brother stop - Natasha stop looking at him - Anatole stop looking at her - stop whispering in french Anatole you smooth fuck - GIVE HER HER FLOWER BACK ANATOLE PUT IT BACK PUT IT BACK PUT IT BAAAAAAAAACK. - you will NOT go to that ball Natasha u sit down and pick up a coloring book or something you literal child -when Pierre says " oh dear Andrey's betrothed." Anatole shakes his hand and goes " ehhh " like he's saying not for long - the entire scene before the duel hurts so much Pierre doesn't understand except he does - *shot comes from Fedyas gun* Pierre, with his arms out ready to die stays still for a few beats before doubling checking to make sure that he has indeed survived - HELENE LOOKS SO PISSED AT HIM. - dust and ashes is my anthem I have never related to anything so hard. Protect Pierre. Get him medical help. I want to see him loved. -DENEE BENTON STRIPPING-ISH ON STAGE TO JUST A CORSET AND UNDERWEAR ( I'm sure she has a Leo under it)?? MY GAY LITTLE HEART DID NOT SURVIVE. - Helene takes the necklace Andrey put around Natasha's neck when he left. Nat looks distressed until it is replaced by pearls and she gets distracted by the shiny. - the ball is so painful please Anatole no more - when Anatole and Natasha stand together In front of 9 flood lights then the door closes? I die - the door closing makes it final and I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it - Natasha's costume change is great you can see how teeny Denee is - Natasha gushing about how much she loves Anatole to the crowd makes me cry - Pierre you gentle giant plz stop drinking -that's right Sonya. Roast her. - Natasha no longer says " he's my master and I am his slave." In the genius annotations of the off broadway cast Dave says that the line might change because he knows how it looks to have an African American woman sing that about a white man. He said it was up to Denee to decide what she was comfortable with, and in the show it wasn't there. ( I'm glad Denee stopped saying something she wasn't okay with) -oh Sonya nothing is your fault you little gerbil please calm down and realize you aren't responsible for Natasha -THE PLAN FOR NATALIE ROSTOVAS ABDUCTION HAD ALL BEEN- - balaga is such a fun song. I didn't get egg shakers but everyone who did seemed to have a good time! - during the abduction when Anatole says not yet and pauses, Lucas draws it out a ton. One of the people next to me tried shaking her egg to get it started up again and he just looked at us and said " no." -Natasha is so excited to go with him I hate it. Also the violin is amazing as it always is in that show. - yOU WILL NOT WNTER MYYY HOUSE S C O UN D R E L. - Denee runs up to what looks like a sink (?) and you can see her miming taking arsenic. -Pierres reality check kills me. He's been telling himself he's worthless nothing matters and he probably hasn't gone outside in a long time, and then someone's asking for him for his friend. -what?? whAt? WHAT??? - Anatole sobbing in Helene's lap is good and terrible at the same time. She strokes his hair, and it makes me die. - DRAG HIM PIERRE. THREATEN THE BAD MAN. - when Anatole leaves Pierre and him throw his bag around for a bit. - Natasha very ill is so sad I cried then -in Andrey and Pierre, Andrey is so tired. He's holding the letters with anger, like he doesn't want to touch them anymore. It makes me upset because only about 25 songs ago he clutched them to his heart. - when Andrey says ' never speak of that' he holds Pierre up on his tip toes by his shirt. On " again" he punches Pierre in the chest and runs down to his fathers throne. He sits there and the tension never leaves him as he grips the arms of the chair. Mary tries to fret over him, but he waves her away. - Natasha and Pierre is the saddest song too. Natasha is so small in her room plain, baggy white nightgown and no shoes. The emotions in that song are so high. Natasha climbs up the stairs as Pierre starts the " if I were not myself" part of the song, and hesitates with each kind thing he says. - Pierre stops after "I" and I think he only continues because he sees that Natasha has heard him and that she tenses at the word. - "UNABLE TO FIND THE SLEEVES." - the comet is a good prop I love the comet #gayiconthecomet - the stage door was so amazing. All the actors were the sweetest. I'm super terrible at names so I apologize if I just call someone their character name. -Paul Pinto came out and instead of saying " I loved your performance and my friends did as well" I said " my friends love you and told me to say hi" he looked a little hurt and said "oh, well tell your friends I said hi, I guess." I have hurt the best man on this planet and I can never make it up - I told the guy who plays dolokhov that he was amazing and I cried very hard and he said " oh well that's what we always want, isn't it?" - PEARL ( an ensemble member) SIGNS IN PURPLE. I ASKED HER WHY SHE SAID IT WAS BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO BE DIFFERENT SO I WOULD REMEMBER HER. - josh came out even though he had somewhere to be. He went to the end of the line and worked his way up. - josh has the kindest eyes, he could stab me and I would apologize for getting blood on his knife. He also has a baby face and a beanie. I love him. There's more, like a lot about the set so if you want to hear me infodump about comet please let me know kids
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syndianites · 7 years
The Consequences of Your Actions Chapter 3
Ship: Syndianite (Tom x S1 Dianite)
Summary: Vampire AU! Dianite has had many lovers over the years. Some were mere playthings, meant to pass the time. Others were passionate loves, a fire raging until their inevitable demise. Very few were of the immortal variety, most searching for a power grab, others enthralled by his image. One was different, one was special. And he’d be damned if he was going to let him slip away.
Chapter: 3/?
AN: Today we get to see Tom figure out how to be a vampire, partially on his own, partially with Dia or others of the following. Also, plot. And we get a cameo from one salt shaker and one sparkley pants
Chapter 3
Tom felt like a new person. He could move like wind, strangely swift and fluid. Every time he would rise from sitting, or laying down, or just go up stairs, he would feel like he was floating. Of course, he would push harder than necessary, making his movements awkward and ungraceful, arms flailing as he tried to keep his balance. Dianite had caught him many times before convincing him to go a little slower. (And by a little, he literally took the smallest amount of effort off, getting himself up without careening all the way over.
Once Tom learned how to move, somewhat, he was intent on checking out what his new senses picked up on. His first problem, however, was that he hated being away from Dianite. Even a few feet unnerved him. As much as he loved the man, he was just so curious about his new abilities. Much to Dia’s amusement, he would steel himself before leaving the Lord to his work in the living room, getting through as much as he could before he had to go back. Once he finally returned to the bedroom, a vague stir settling in his gut as he remembered all their good time there, he found himself… content. He wandered the room, before plopping face first on the bed. For some reason, this worked for him. The longing for Dia didn’t hurt as much here.
For a moment, he pondered this, trying to figure out why. Then he realized it was the smell. Turning to his side, he snuggled into Dianite’s pillow. Laying there, he slowly came upon an idea. He sat up, pillow tucked under his chin, a sent a glance to the closet. Without falling over this time, he made his way over to it, throwing the doors open with care. Immediately making his way towards the back, he skipped all of his clothes, looking for one thing. He let out a noise of triumph when he found it.
Tossing the pillow carelessly on the bed, he slipped on the oversized sweatshirt. He had bought it way back for his lover, appalled when he had seen mostly formal jackets in the man’s wardrobe. Though he didn’t wear it outside often, it was greatly pleasing to see him wear it around the house. (According to Dia, it didn’t suit his image to wear it near the following, and they would think they could slack with their attire as well. Of course, he hardly bats an eye when he sees his children wearing PJs, let alone sweatshirts).
Rolling up the sleeves, as he was dwarfed in the large amount of fabric, he strut from the room. Though he couldn’t resist curling back up with Dia for a moment, he already felt a tremendous difference when walking without him. As he pulled himself away once more, he was ready to go downstairs.
Instead of taking the elevator, as the noise would alert his lover, he quietly opened the stair doors. They were tucked away into the side of the building, the main transportation being a number of elevators scattered among the floors. He crept down the steps until he reached the next floor, taking less care opening this one. They were used to the odd person using them. (To this day, one Tae Smith refused to use the elevator. Every day, he climbed 49 sets of stairs to go to work. At some point, they gave him his own little room to sleep whenever he was too tired to go back down). The sight that greeted him almost made him laugh.
It was only a few hours after sunset, and so many of them looked like zombies. The office itself was still a mess, (he could vaguely remember it being trashed last time he was there), and a handful of people halfheartedly tried to fix it. (“We should get rid of these wretched dividers and set up a new office plan. It’ll be cooler, and there can be mini fridges!” “Maria, I swear, that won’t fly with management.” “Not unless we get Furia on board!” Cue eye roll). When a hand settled on his shoulder Tom had to fight a girly shriek.
“Even now, you are so easy to sneak up on,” came a teasing voice of none other than Nadeshot (who preferred Nade over his actual name, Matt). With a playful shove, Tom stuck his tongue out. “Fucking hell, you know you are stupidly quiet. Fucking vampires.” Nade wrapped an arm across the younger’s shoulders, frowning. “I heard you’re a fucking vampire too. It’s a shame it happened the way it did,” he muttered, solemn for a moment. He perked up a little as an idea came to mind, “Oh man, we have to see if you can walk in the daytime without dying! It’d be a shame to lose my daytime buddy.”
Tom and Nade had met in a very set up fashion, though the newer fledgling had not known at the time. Both were online gamers, who shared an interest in many games. They first met each other at a tournament, though they didn’t end up facing off. (Tom came in around 4th ~5th , Nade got 2nd). After meeting there, they had exchanged numbers and done a couple videos together. They made fast friends, and Nade never questioned Tom’s weird hours, as his were just as strange.
Tom later found out he was a vampire by accident, after they pulled an all nighter and he had groggily rummaged through his fridge for an energy drink, only to discover bottles of blood. He hadn’t thought much of it at the time, and just grabbed the damn Monster that he couldn’t open for ten minutes. Later, Nade admitted to being tasked by Dianite to keep Tom out of trouble during the day. (He had complained later that he didn’t need a babysitter, to which Dia’s response was, “Like you’d stop hanging out with him. Besides, you love it when I pamper you,” He wasn’t wrong). According to the vampire, instead of the typical pyrokinesis, he had it reverse almost: He could basically reject all forms of fire and heat. Someone tries to set him on fire? He could put it out with a thought. This made it possible for him to walk in the daylight with little consequence.
But now Tom was a vampire, and depending on how strong he was, he would likely burn in the sun’s rays. (He wasn’t sure how he’d explain to his followers why he doesn’t go out during the day anymore). “I could always slather up in sunscreen and walk around with a parasol like those old ladies with delicate skin.” Tom snickered at the thought, just at how ridiculous he’s look.
Sliding his arm off of Tom, Nade gestured to the bustling group of vampires, “As you can see, most of us are hunting down McBitchface who tried to kill you. The rest are trying to clean up where Dia kind of… destroyed the office. But don’t worry, lots of them are pissed that Mr. Let Me Fuck You Over tried to kill you. They’re more than happy to hunt down his bitchass.” Raising an eyebrow, Tom turned to Nade. “And the rest?” With a shrug he replied, “Those are the ones who didn’t like you in the first place.”
“Eh,” he added, “Fuck them.” The two wandered farther into the room, Tom ducking his nose back into the sweatshirt he wore. Nade noticed with a smirk, lightly teasing, “The two of you are such love birds. When I was turned, it took me barely an hour to be alright on my own. You’d been in there for almost an entire 24 hours.” The shorter of the two glared up at his friend, defiantly snuggling further into the shirt.
From the mostly intact corner, Furia sent a quick glance at them. Doing a double take, he prattled off some instructions to his crew before making his way over. “Look who crawled back from the grave. And got away from Dianite.” The Advisor checked Tom out for a second. “Though I see you would rather be up there with him still. Just as you should be.” Rolling his eyes, the fledgling petulantly mumbled, “I was super fucking bored. He’s busy working, and I already got him off of it for a…... rather long time last night.” By the snort Furia gave, he had a feeling the man knew well before he mentioned it.
“Though our Lord is very capable of cutting off his emotions during his leisure time, there are other ways to figure out what he’s up to,” he injected, “Especially when a certain someone is quite vocal.” The other two laughed at his embarrassed shout and blush. “You know what. Fuck both of you. You’re the worst.” Unable to hold back a snicker, Nade added, “Well, it would seem Dianite already did a good job of that. Wouldn’t want to get in the way of your fun.” Tom marched away with a disgruntled noise, deciding to go find Enrique and convince him to make him some food. The man could make a mean omelet.
Tucker Boner was not at all scared. Not only had his Lord practically cut off their Sire bond months ago, leaving the somewhat new fledgling panicky, he couldn’t find the rest of the following. He had briefly spoken to Sonja over the phone, but she was clearly on the move and rushed. She had ended the call minutes after he made it. So no, he was not feeling left in the dark, scrambling for his balance among the other newer fledglings. They were all fine, and he would do his best to take care of him.
Now if only Marco and Hannah would stop calling him out on it. He wasn’t scared, they were fine, and he wouldn’t let anything happen to them dammit. Only John was content to believe him. The other three were starting to catch on. Of their makeshift group, and he and Hannah were even remotely old. 94 and 115 respectively, they were left pulling at straws. And now the fucking Eastern vampires were looking for them.
He was told by a Northern friend that Mianite had done something terrible. He didn’t know what, or why, or even fucking when. But it was enough for the Eastern Lord Dianite to start a full-on manhunt for anyone in the Mianite following, intent on taking revenge on his brother. And guess who fell in that fucking category.
They had the small advantage of being rather young vampires, the youngest being a measly 35, who looks like 22. But that by no means meant that they were unknown. He could list many Easterns that knew he was of the Mianite following. They were closer to his age, but they existed nonetheless. And if they knew, any of the ones actively hunting for Mianite knew.
And now he was on the phone once more, calling the one person he was certain could help him: Jordan. Where his other friends were part of the following or human, Jordan was a Northerner. He had told him what happened, he had consoled him and told him to find a safe place. And now, he was hoping he could help him not flip his shit. “Tucker? What’s wrong?” He was a little surprised he knew Tucker was on edge, but then remembered their last call ended with “you’re in danger, hide”. “Oh, well,” Tucker trailed off, not sure what so say. Of course, the older vampire did, “You’re freaking out, aren’t you?” He let out a high-pitched laugh, the strain of barely keeping it together evident in his voice, “Oh, just a little…. Just a little fucking bit, cause holy shit there is entire group of Dianitees hunted down our asses!”
“Tucker,” the other man soothed, maintaining a calm tone, “We’ll work it out. Your group doesn’t have the information they want. If I have to, I will do my best to make sure they don’t take their anger out on you. You guys are just kids, still trying to figure out the best way to live. If you would like, I could see about getting you set up in the North? I doubt Ianite would let any man hunts trapeze through her territory.”
Taking a few steadying breathes, the man mumbled, “That’d…. that would be great. I’ll just have to convince them to try moving during the day. Sunrise would be best. If you don’t mind me asking, what, exactly, happened?” Jordan was silent for a moment, and he wondered if he overstepped a line. “Remember your old roommate, from when you couldn’t pay rent on your own,” the older man asked hesitantly, a strange note in his voice. “Tom? Yeah, I still have his number. We talk sometimes still. He loved hanging out with us, even though he didn’t know we were vampires.” Tucker wasn’t sure he liked where this was going, not sure where it was going in the first place. “Well, he’s Dianite’s lover. And,” Jordan said in a rush, not giving the shocked man time to respond, “Mianite tried to kill him.”
“What the Fuck?”
Dianite felt like something was… off. After hours of searching the streets of the West, temporarily rendering himself omnipotent, he was starting to tire from it. Scouring the other side yielded few results, only catching a few groups of scared, abandoned fledglings. They likely would not know where their Sire was, and he made a mental note to tell his followers to ignore them.
But back to the present, the area around him was strangely different. The night had progressed seemingly fast, and the sky was beginning to brighten. The air held a stale edge, as though it had been sitting for a while. Which was weird, as last he had noticed, Tom was antsy and wandering around at a whim.
So where was his beloved? A quick listen in to the apartment showed no telltale signs of another being present. And with how clingy Tom was being, he doubted he would be able to leave his side terribly soon, and that was if the Lord even let him. So where the fuck was Tom?
The faint scent he left behind was mostly mixed about the room, though it sort of trailed out towards the exit. He wandered over, following it as it made its way to the stairs. That sneaky little child. With a huff, he chose to descend the stairs, stepping out at the next floor. The room looked considerably better from when he had last been there. An actual work station had been set up, the most intact computers decorating divider less tables, and a handful of people sat there doing their work. The rest of the floor held both neatly sorted piles and a basic set up for the unscathed items.
Furia caught his eye from where he himself was scouring over something on his monitor. Rolling his eyes at the Lord’s mildly panicked expression (he looked like he was about to start another war), he mouthed ‘kitchen’.  Leaving after a quick thankful nod at Furia, Dianite made his way to the elevator. Due to the nature of the building, both an office space and a living space, they had set up two communal kitchens, with full-time chefs. In all likelihood, Tom had made for the first one.
When he made his way into the partially full room, he spotted his lover rather fast. It wasn’t hard, seeing as he was sitting next to Nade (so very surprising), but also as he was surrounded by many other vampires. It was a sort of tradition to make the newest fledgling(s) feel as welcome as possible, and getting to know them and making them comfortable was at the top of that list. (Though many of the following already knew Tom, from when he helped new fledglings adjust when they were attached to Dia, or from simply being around so much, even when Dianite wasn’t there).
He sat back for a minute, and watched. “Oh my god Tom! Now we can go late night hunting like you said you would when you lost that bet!” A older girl ruffled his hair, receiving a complaint about potato hair. “Man, you always look like a potato. I would know. I lived in Ireland during the Potato famine,” one of the other vampires stated. Another injected, “Isn’t that when, I don’t know, there weren’t really potatoes around? You know, the general lack of them causing the famine? How would you being there make you know better what a potato looks like?” Affronted, the first retorted, “We dreamed of them. Our fantasies included potato men and women, calling to us, beckoning closer to our deaths.” “…. What the actual fuck.” Tom leveled a glare at the two, “I don’t look like a fucking potato! My hair is just potato-y.” A younger male lightly teased, “A cute pouty potato perhaps. Dia is lucky, he has the best potato of the bunch.” Tom spouted more objections to being a potato, and the Lord felt like this was a good spot to intervene.
Softly teleporting behind him, he snuck his arms around his shoulders. “You’re definitely the best potato I could ask for.” His beloved sent a mock look of betrayal to the Lord, as the group around his laughed. The youngest looking one, a thousands of years old vampire, said in a straight laced voice, “Maybe you should seed him so you can have potato children.” There was a beat of silence as everyone just looked at them. Then, as Tom’s face reddened and he dropped his head in his hands, they all started cackling, a sly smirk settling on the vampire’s face.
Leaning down to nibble at Tom’s ear, he not so quietly whispered to him, “Sounds like we have some plans for later.” All he received in return was a dying groan, the normally outgoing man reduced to silent embarrassment. Nade slid out of his seat as Dianite moved to pick Tom up bridal style, ready to carry the poor princess to safety. With a merry wave, he left the room, catching a few telling snickers on the way out.
(AN: I wrote most of this before work, so the last part may seem to hold a different tone. But I wanted fluff, so I wrote fluff. It’ll hurt more next chapter ;D)
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bosstoaster · 7 years
For the 1000 Follower Special, the first one I locked eyes on: 44. Shiro and the Holts. Bonus points for angst and mama Holt.
It’s the 1000 Followers Special!  Based on these prompts.  Prompts are now closed.  Don’t want to see all 35 of these?  Block ‘1000 Followers Special’.  Can’t read on mobile?  These will slowly be posted to AO3 starting in a few days as ‘Hold Up Half the Sky’.  A huge thank you to Xagrok for the beta’ing!
Shiro wasn’t sure how he’d gotten to the point where Earth felt surreal, but here he was.
It had been a week going back and forth between the Garrison, Washington DC and New York.  A week of first proving they were alive, then proving they were safe, then proving they were right.  A week of hearing the words ‘pilot error’, which still sent a jolt of cold betrayal through him with every utterance.  And it was amazing how people still clung to that story: they’d had years to absorb it, and even seeing Shiro, Sam and Matt alive somehow didn’t shake it.  Instead, they believed Shiro’s pilot error had gotten them captured.
Shiro really didn’t like that assumption.
Matt and Sam seemed to hate it.
Finally, they’d been allowed to head home.  And Shiro had been invited to go along with the Holts immediately, but he’d refused.  For one, Dr. Holt deserved at least some one-on-one time with her actual family, no matter how often he was told that he belonged there.  It was about her getting to reconnect, not Shiro.
That and he’d had a goal.
(Read More Below)
Instead, Shiro had gone along with Lance and Hunk as each of them made their way home.  And he’d taken the chance to speak with their family as much as possible, to let them understand exactly what Hunk and Lance had been up to, what they’d overcome, that they were heroes.
And, well, if it gave them someone to yell at and blame for their children’s disappearance, Shiro was willing to fill that roll.  Better to let them get it out at a stranger, rather than make Lance and Hunk spend some of this precious family time fighting.
Luckily, there hadn’t been much of that at all.
Then, Shiro had spent the next day with Keith, both of them working up on packing everything in his shack up to take back with them this time, as well as enjoying spending as much of the money Shiro had technically earned while MIA as well as what was left of his savings.  It wasn’t like he was staying on Earth to use it.
After, Shiro had finally agreed to go spend some time with the Holts.  Keith had been invited, but he’d bowed out, and Shiro didn’t really blame him.  Introverted as he was, a few days to himself to resettle on Earth wasn’t the worst thing, especially with the red lion just a thought away.
Now, he was here.  And despite Shiro’s fears and misgivings, he’d been folded into hugs and dragged around to see family albums.  Dr. Holt (Colleen, he was supposed to call her Colleen, but it was actually harder than switching to ‘Sam’) had been nothing but welcoming and amused at Shiro’s presence.
Still, it had only been a day.  That might change yet.
Sam would tell him this was Shiro being fatalistic, that he was talking himself out of rationality.  Shiro mentally told Sam to bite it.
It was those thoughts,and a general unwillingness to wake the house with his nightmares that kept Shiro awake that night.  He wandered downstairs, and spent a few minutes petting a sleepy, elderly Gunter, who tolerated the attention with aplomb.  Then he wandered into the kitchen, for a lack of anything else to do.
The room was pristine and clean, mostly from lack of use.  Shiro wasn’t sure if that had more to do with her missing family or the entire clan’s general incompetence at cooking.  But it at least had interesting nick-nacks, like the T-rex salt and pepper shakers, and Shiro spent a few minutes looking around just to pass the time in a way that didn’t involve staring at a dark ceiling.
“You know, we have television.”
Shiro jumped nearly a mile in the air and spun, grabbing a knife out of the block in instinct.
Dr. Colleen Holt eyed him right back, one brow raised.  “I don’t think that’s your most effective weapon.  The bread knife would probably be better.”
Well, three guesses where Matt’s sense of humor came from, not to mention Pidge’s bland form of bravery.
“I’m so sorry,” Shiro muttered, holding the knife loosely in his hands as he slumped.  “I didn’t hear you coming in.  Did I wake you?”
Colleen shrugged one shoulder.  “I have a light step.  And no, I was awake.”  She offered a thin smile that highlighted the bags under her eyes.  “I’m not used to sleeping with another person in my bed anymore.”
Wincing, Shiro nodded.  “Oh.”  That made sense.  Shiro had taken a long time to readapt to people in the room, much less in the same bed.  “I’m sorry.  Well, that you can’t sleep, not that- oh, forget it.”
Luckily, Colleen just chuckled and stepped forward.  “I understand what you mean, don’t worry.  Why are you awake, then?”
“I don’t sleep well,” Shiro replied honestly, because it was far, far too easy for her to double check with Sam, and he wouldn’t lie to her.  “Especially in new environments.”
Colleen nodded, eyes tracking over the scar on Shiro’s nose.  He resisted the stupid urge to cover it.  “I imagine so.  You all have seen a lot, no doubt.”
“We have,” Shiro agreed softly.  “More than enough.”  Meeting her eyes in the gloom, Shiro took a deep breath.  “I’m sorry for that.”
“For having seen a lot?” Colleen replied, voice flat and sounding so very much like Matt that Shiro almost glanced behind her to make sure he hadn’t woken up.  “That doesn’t sound very useful.”
Shiro shook his head.  “For getting them involved.  For taking them from you.”
There was silence for a moment, as Colleen stared at him.  Then she snorted, loud enough that Shiro jumped.  “You didn’t take them from me, are you kidding me?  I was left behind.  No more of that, I promise you.  The rest we’ll deal with.  And I know for a fact my children would have your ass for saying something like that.”
It was true, and Shiro’s lips quirked up.  “Probably,” he admitted.  “I should say it anyway.”
“Don’t talk nonsense,” Colleen shot back, flapping a hand at him.  “You were abducted.  By literal aliens.  Several times, in several forms. Including robot lions.”  Her expression tightened in uncomfortable confusion, and Shiro let that run off him.  Matt and Sam had the same reaction, once.  It was weird from the outside.  It was just hard to remember.  “Now, if we’re both not going to sleep, how about we take advantage of that television I mentioned?  But please put the knife back first.”
Oh, right.  Shiro glanced down at the knife, dropping it from the defensive hold.  It flashed in his hand, a practice move he didn’t remember learning, and nearly sliced open his human palm in the process.  Hmm. Weird.  These weren’t particularly good for this, it seemed.
Well, understandably.
Noticing Colleen’s wide-eyed look, Shiro finally shoved it back in the block.  “Sorry about that.”  He held up his hands, to prove he was as unarmed as he ever got.
“Oh.  I thought you’d sliced your hand open there.”  Colleen let out a low breath.  “I was getting ready to get you to the car to drive you to the hospital, and trying to figure out how to keep them from getting distracted by the uncut metal hand.”
Shiro straightened just slightly.  “That wouldn't be necessary.  It’s the middle of the night.”
“Oh for- Lieutenant, I would absolutely drive your ass to the hospital even if the rest of my family hadn’t adopted you, and even if you hadn’t spent the past several years keeping them safe, and even if you hadn’t saved my son’s damn life.  So next time?  When I say ‘I’ll drive you to the hospital’, you say ‘good plan’ and you get in the car.”
And that was Pidge.
“Yes, ma’am,” Shiro replied, amused despite himself.  “How about in the future I stop messing with your knives instead?”
Colleen inclined her head.  “Might be wise.  I don’t know how long it’s been since they were sharpened.  Best not to test it on yourself.  Now, couch?  I’m sure there’s some movies or TV shows you want to catch up on.  Might as well use this time well.”
Shiro smiled and nodded.  “One condition.  If I have to train myself to call you Colleen, you have to call me by my name too.”
“That’s your condition?  Goodness, you need better negotiating skills.”
That made Shiro shrug.  “Lance is our diplomat, not me.”
Chuckling, Colleen motioned for him to step out of the kitchen.  “Fair enough. Takashi. Now, pick your poison and I’ll see if I can’t pull up some episodes.”
Following behind her, Shiro mused that he really was doomed to be adopted by the Holt clan.  Especially since the second they sat down, Gunter dragged himself to his feet and hopped up as well, flopping between them for optimal petting.
Eh. There were worse fates.
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