#EXO Lay
xingmyeons · 1 month
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simply the prettiest ♡
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jongbross · 6 months
EXO members’ reaction on having a shy girlfriend around their (the idol’s) parents during family dinner 🤗
i think, fundamentally, all of them would try to reassure you somehow, like in their own way.
minseok: he would keep his hand attached to yours under the table, caressing your knuckles to make you feel less nervous. he would also ask his parents to go easy on you, as he knows how shy you can be.
junmyeon: whenever his parents aren't looking, he would lean in and whisper how well you're doing, besides giving you a kiss or two on your cheek. when you have to talk to his parents, answering questions or just being polite, junmyeon has the biggest smile on his face.
yixing: he lets his parents know that you're shy beforehand, so they won't pressure you in any type of way. he rarely presents a girlfriend to his parents, so when he does they know it's because that person means a lot to yixing - and the last thing he wants is for his parents to go all "are you the future mother of our grandchildren?" on you.
baekhyun: he tries to comfort you through physical touch as well, either is by resting a hand on your thigh or just being really, really close to you. he speaks about his mom with such love, i really think she might be a great person who can tell when someone's getting shy, so you can also count on her to make you feel better.
jongdae: his smiles are the only thing you need to know you're doing fine. like junmyeon, he would take his time to tell you to not worry, that his parents are loving you - which they truly were. he would also laugh a little bit harder at your jokes, just to make you win extra points with his parents.
chanyeol: i mean, have you seen him? have you seen his sister and mom? there's no way that family is making you feel uncomfortable. in fact, if chanyeol lets them know in advance that you're shy, his mom might even suggest you meet yoora first, and then her and his dad. but through it all, chanyeol has an arm around your shoulders and fingers brushing your arm.
kyungsoo: he can be quite shy himself, so he would ask his parents to please, just play it cool. he doesn't touch you or whatever, but he does give you little smiles from time to time. he also doesn't let his parents try any trick on you, which means that if any of them asks you something that might make you uncomfortable, he's more than ready to just say "mom/dad, don't". he respects your boundaries.
jongin: he tells you a million times that there's no reason for you to be that shy around his mom and sisters. having their approval over you means a lot to jongin, so he does everything he can to make you comfortable and talkative towards his family - he might even ask his mom to tell you embarrassing stories from his childhood, so you'll laugh and maybe loosen yourself a little bit.
sehun: similar to jongin, but their parents will tell you embarrassing stories about him on their own. he makes sure you're okay every minute, silently asking you if you wanna go home. he loves you to the point that, if you regret marking that dinner with his parents, he'll just excuse the two of you and mark it again in the future.
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marshmallow-phd · 1 month
A Manor of Shadow and Blood
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won’t let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4
Leaning against the faded brick of the manor inspecting his cuticles was the one you remembered as Baekhyun.
"You've hardly cared in the past," Jongdae said drily. He shifted so subtly and minutely that you would have missed it if you hadn't been looking at him, silently pleading for protection. And, for some reason, he'd given it to you. That small shift was enough for him to come between you and Baekhyuon. 
"We haven't had this kind of excitement for a while." Baekhyun leaned to his left so he could see you. "Enjoying the moonlight?"
"That seems to be a normal activity in this place,” you murmured. Jongdae sent a rather pointed look in your direction. The message was clear. Speaking was not wise. 
The left corner of Baekhyun's mouth curled upwards. "Mind if I join you?" 
"You don't have an errand to run?" Jongdae raised an expectant brow. 
A deep, rumbling chuckle slowly escaped from Baekhyun's lips. He leaned forward menacingly. "Already done." 
Jongdae released a sigh full of resignation. His gaze moved to you. If protest was to be given, then it had to come from you. But fear kept the two-letter word from passing your lips. 
Gathering your skirt in your hands, you said nothing as you passed both of the men and continued on your walk. They quickly fell into step on either side of you. No one spoke, letting the silence become the norm as you took in the manor from a new angle. But it was difficult to focus. 
On your right, you could feel Baekhyun's closeness. One inch separated an accidental brush of fingers. The flutter of his loose sleeve continuously caught your attention. A wind had picked up, moving the distracting fabric even more. Giving in to your peripheral, you watched Baekhyun as he stretched his neck from side to side, his grin now gone. The long lithe fingers of his right hand gently massaged the soft skin. 
"Are you injured?" 
The idiotic question was out before you could think it through. Jongdae, apparently done with the protector role, shook his head with a huff and roll of his eyes. Baekhyun's earlier demeanor returned in force. No longer walking, Baekhyun shifted his body and gradually leaned in. 
"Why? Do you want to... take care of me?" 
"No," you said sharply, trying to make your voice a cracking whip. It was the wrong approach. His grin grew and something flashed behind his lips. Your eyes refused to leave his own. He came closer. No matter how hard you willed it, your feet refused to move. 
At the soft, confident call of his name, Baekhyun backed away, a rather... grumpy expression on his face. 
Junmyeon approached the group with his usual authoritative air, hands clasped behind his back and hair somewhat tousled. "Will I have to keep an eye on all of you at all times?" he asked in a very exasperated voice. His gaze narrowed in on Baekhyun. "Don't you have an errand to run?" 
Baekhyun straightened, gleefully replying, "Already done." 
Junmyeon didn’t waver. "Go find another." 
Slackjawed, Baekhyun glanced at Jongdae for a possible retort. When he gave no protest, Baekhyun turned to you, as if you would protest his dismissal. Quite the contrary, you were thankful for it. 
Knowing he'd lost, Baekhyun whirled quickly on his boots before stomping away. 
"Jongdae," Junmyeon moved in closer. "I'd like to speak to her alone." 
Not caring for this sudden dismal towards him, Jongdae shrugged and held the bag of buns out for you.
"No, thank you,” you said bitterly. He was abandoning you to the most terrifying wolf. The food already in your stomach churned and threatened to come up again at the thought of being alone with Junmyeon. What would he do with no witnesses to intervene?
Your acidic response slid right off of Jongdae. Swinging the bag by his side, he walked away without a second thought for you.
"There's still some path around the house,” Junmyeon said, suddenly appearing by your side, his elbow offered out for you. When you didn't accept his elbow, he took possession of your hand and held it hostage in the crook of his arm.
You would be going with him whether you found it agreeable or not. 
"I want to apologize for keeping you here," he said rather cooly, as if he were apologetic about missing dinner.
You scoffed at the heartless comment. "The only true apology would be to let me go."
"That was my original intention." 
You stopped just before the turn around the corner. With the hold he had on your hand, Junmyeon's steps also came to a halt."You– You were going to let me go?" Your throat constricted. What had happened to snatch your freedom away so quickly? "Then why keep me?" 
Junmyeon sighed and forced you to continue the walk. "We took care of you for the days you were sick with fever and realized we've been missing a feminine touch around here. It brings out the better sides of us." 
You didn’t believe him for a second. "The better side of you? I hate to see the lesser side." 
He leveled his eyes with you, his features hardened like stone. "No one is to touch you." 
"Really?" You scoffed. "Should I list the few incidents just in the past twenty-four hours?" 
Junmyeon’s eyes flashed. "Sehun has been reprimanded. That won't happen again." 
"And Mr. Yixing?" 
"Mr. Yixing? What about him?" He blinked, confused.  
"He was in my room last night." 
"What!" His voice cracked like the lightning before the storm rolled in. You flinched at his severe reaction. Realizing your face was full of fear, he composed himself. His voice came out more gentle. "He will be reprimanded. No one is to go into your room without permission." A frown knitted his brow. "Is that why you fortified the door?" 
You swallowed, forgetting that he had tried to enter earlier this evening. "Yes. Yes, it is." 
The way he nodded gave you reason to believe that…. Well, that he might actually be listening. 
"No one will ever enter your room without permission again," he promised. His leveled gaze made you believe him. 
"Even you?" you asked. 
His throat visibly constricted, but he didn't argue. "Even me." 
As relieved as you were for that promise, you couldn't be entirely ecstatic. "Why keep me here? 
The earlier coolness and arrogance of his demeanor had washed away. "I told you. We need a companion."
"We?" You pulled away from him, disgusted. For reasons unknown, he let you slip from his grasp this time. "I'm not something to be passed around for you all to play with." 
"Of course not." A ghost of a smile began to cut in the corners of his lips. "You'll choose. In time. Whoever you wish, we are at your disposal. Until then, you’re all our guest."
"That doesn't make any sense,” you pushed. "You're all fine gentlemen." In looks anyway. Manners was an entirely different  discussion. "Surely by the end of the season in town, you can all find a suitable wife." 
"We... have our reasons," he said slowly. "Your traditional ways aren't suited for us." 
"My traditional ways?" What could that possibly mean? 
Junmyeon didn’t explain. He merely took your hand and pressed cool lips to your knuckles.
"In time, you will come to see the truth. Until then, no harm will come to you." He turned your hand over and gave another kiss to your wrist. Letting you go, he walked away, his promise still lingering behind. 
On the edge of the gardens, a small swing made of a simple plank of wood and two long ropes hung from a mighty tree. It whispered a minute comfort. Not having been on one since your childhood, you were wary of sitting on the sun faded seat, unsure if the fringed ropes would hold your grown woman weight. 
There was no governess or wealthy aunt around to warn you of snagging your dress with such unladylike behavior. With cautious movements, you slowly turned and sat on the swing. The ropes didn't snap. 
Not wanting to test your luck, you didn't push yourself into full motion. No, you simply kept your toes on the ground, shifting only slightly from side to side. 
It was peaceful here, in this tucked away corner between the manor and maze-like hedges of the garden. No one else seemed to be around and that allowed you space to think. This was to be your home for... a longtime, it would appear. The negatives were more than obvious. So much that dwelling on them was pointless. That meant you needed to try and find a good thing in this situation. 
Your aunt. 
Well, that was easy. 
While she wasn't really a terrible human being, having to serve as her companion wasn't pleasant. Every whim of hers had to be met, the truth of your dowry hung over your head. And she could be as demanded as the Queen. Her holiday was not to be your holiday. 
And then there was the matter of your future. 
It wasn't that you didn't want to get married–you did. But you wanted love, passion. You wanted fire in your blood and yearning that could never be quenched. You wanted to know what it was like to be desperate for another person’s touch. Someone who looked at you with a gaze that sent your heart racing. Perfectly adequate was not what you wanted. 
Perfectly adequate was what your aunt was planning for you. Perhaps even less than adequate.
The rustling of nestled branches pulled you from your depressive, lonely thoughts. Kyungsoo had emerged from the garden hedges, his boots crunching to a halt on the rocky path. He stared at you with a horrified expression. The first bit of emotion you'd seen from him and it was accompanied by widened eyes and tightened lips. Was there something wrong with you merely sitting here? 
The one called Chanyeol appeared behind him. His gaze was more on the friendly side, something resembling a smile sent over to you. He took a step to start your way, but Kyungsoo grabbed a hold of his sleeve and dragged him away.
"Don't mind Kyungsoo, he avoids us all at one time or another." 
Jongdae suddenly chopped from the branches, landing on his feet beside you. Standing from the seat, you glowered at him. "You've come back, have you?" 
"If Junmyeon wishes to speak with you alone, then I'll give him that wish." His tone suggested that Junmyeon's wishes were met more like commands. 
"Well," you huffed, "then please obey my wish to be alone right now." 
Jongdae bowed deeply yet mockingly. He stayed behind, watching as you retreated back into the house.
Shoving the door closed, you leaned back against the wooden barrier that separated the main hall from the outside world. Only a few days ago, you had stumbled through those very doors, desperate for sanctuary. As insane as it sounded, perhaps you were given a bit more of a sanctuary than you had asked for. 
With a new resignation, you continued forward until you reached the main parlor on your left. 
The room was empty. Signs of recent usage were scattered amongst the furniture. Red stained goblets, chairs pushed away from the card table, a blanket half falling from an armchair. Thin slivers of moonlight broke through the heavy curtains, cutting across the floor like knives shattering the darkness. 
You stepped in further, drawn in by the grand piano off in the far left corner. It was so large it took up nearly a fourth of the room. Its black coat shimmered, even with your dull eyes. Someone loved this instrument, that was certain. They kept it polished and tuned. The ivory keys beckoned to create music. 
But you didn’t know how. Of all of the lessons to educate you that you latched onto, the piano had not been one. Still….
You jumped at the piercing sound of the plucked cord, a quiet gasp passing your lips. Your finger had pressed down on its own accord. Eyes frantically searched behind you, but none of the men appeared. You brushed your fingers along the keys, astonished by their softness. If only you could play the songs you knew in your heart. 
A hand suddenly covered yours. Several keys screeched at your second jump. 
Chanyeol didn’t apologize for scaring you or say anything gentle at all. Your mouth went dry in worry as he removed his cool hand from yours. You watched as he rolled the sleeves of his black silk shirt up to his elbows. He didn’t look up at you. He sat down on the bench and began to play. 
For a moment, you simply stood and listened. But you needed to be closer. Closer to the music, to the beauty that was being created before you. The remainder of the bench was under you before he could second guess. Your eyes fluttered close as the notes drifted up from the piano and wrapped around you, protective, whispering sweet nothings in your ear like nothing you had heard before. They were a lover, a comfort. You could lose yourself in that melody forever. 
The song too soon faded to an end. Your eyes remained closed, desperate to hold on. 
“Did you like it?” Chanyeol whispered. His deep voice was so low you almost missed it. All you could do to answer was nod. Coldness touched your cheek. Your eyes snapped open. 
Chanyeol was only an inch or so away, his dark eyes staring not at your own gaze, but lower. He ran his tongue over his lips. All you could do was breathe. 
You'll choose. In time. Whoever you wish, we are at your disposal.
The fingers against your cheek drifted down and brushed against your collar bone. 
In a blink, he was gone, only the ghost of his touch and the echo of the melody left behind.
Your breath quickened in panic. Jumping from the bench, you ran out into the hallway. The barely visible back of Chanyeol was on the edge of darkness. 
“Wait!” you called out to him. “Mr. Chanyeol, wait!”
He paused. Then slowly turned around so his face, half covered in shadow, was to you. 
“Play it again,” you begged. You wanted to hear more. Needed to hear more. And, he didn’t scare you. Not in this moment. You had been wanting to discover a story for yourself that you had read a thousand times. Perhaps, this could be the beginning. 
A shining smile growing on his face, Chanyeol nodded and came back to you for another song. 
Chanyeol played for hours, never tiring or stumbling over the keys. Every note came from within himself. He never pulled out a single piece of sheet music. Each time one song ended, he paused only long enough to seek approval from you for another before beginning the next. 
For most of the concert, you sat in silent appreciation, but occasionally, you risked speaking to ask about the piece he was currently playing. Nearly all were his own compositions.
"How have you had time to write all of these?" you asked as the newest song came to a close. 
His fingers paused on the last keys, elongating the notes in a way that felt out of place. Throughout his playing, he had looked at you to gauge your reactions. But now he kept his eyes on the instrument, his brow furrowed. 
"I've had a lot of time," he said quietly. "All the time I could have asked for." He lifted his hand from the keys and stretched his fingers, curling them inward and then back out again. 
You laughed light-heartedly." You look hardly eight and twenty,"
"Have you been composing your whole life?" A forced smile pulled tightly at his lips. 
"For a very long time." 
You frowned at the cryptic answer. But your stomach prevented you from pushing another question onto him. The gurgling sound was soft, but enough to bring your hand to your stomach. 
"Oh, that's right," Chanyeol chuckled softly. "I forgot you have to eat." 
"Yes, I do that on occasion." The memory of his lack of dinner the other night brewed in your mind. And he said “you have to eat”. Not “we”. Was it merely a slip of the tongue? "Will you show me the kitchen?" 
"The kitchen?" he echoed. 
You nodded. "Yes. I don't need a full meal. Some bread, cheese, and salted meat would suffice." 
"Oh, erm." He stood from the bench somewhat clumsily. "Actually, you stay here and I’ll fetch you some food." 
He was gone before your tongue could click on the “T”. 
"Well, humph." That was abrupt. It wasn’t as if you had asked to see the coffers. You merely asked to go to the kitchen. 
Many times at home you had prepared your own midday meal. There were obviously no servants around here. What could be wrong with you entering a measly kitchen? You had half a mind to go try and find it yourself, but... you were hungry. And if you got lost, it could be a decent amount of time before you were able to eat. You could always search another time. 
Standing up from the bench, you wandered over to one of the tables still holding a dirty goblet. Remnants of deep red wine stained the inside of the glass.
At first glance, the drying liquid looked like any dry red wine you'd seen a hundred times. But there was something odd about the way it coated the glass. The thick red stain it left behind....
You wiped a finger around the inside and brought the coating closer to your vision. There was a stickiness to it that was different from your previous experiences with spilling the nightly drink. And the color... it was richer, more striking red than a deep purple. A color you had seen time and time again. You pressed the finger to your tongue. And immediately spat the taste out. 
It was undeniably blood mixed in the wine. What the hell were these men? 
"Do you insist on being everywhere?" 
You stumbled back from the deep voice, your hand colliding with the goblet. The delicate cup flew off the table towards the hardwood floor. Before it could shatter As a million pieces, a hand snatched hold off the goblet. 
Kyungsoo didn't replace the goblet onto the table. He stared at you with a hardened expression. His dark eyes like hickory seemed filled with shadow. 
"What are you?" you whispered, your heart beating so fast it was traveling up your throat. 
Blood, reflexes, cold breath. 
Things that weren't human yet familiar to you anyway. Somewhere in the back crevices of your childhood. 
Kyungsoo leaned in, forcing you back until you stumbled into one of the chairs. 
"What are we?" he scoffed mockingly. His top lip curled upward, revealing unnaturally long canines. "Figure the monster out for yourself." 
Fear charged through you like a prized stallion. You scrambled past him to get away, tripping over the hem of your dress as you fled. Chanyeol reappeared in the entrance, two others by his side and a tray of the exact morsels you had asked for laid out in an intricate picture in his hands. But you didn't pause long enough to appreciate it. You ran from the room, their confusion in your wake.
You ran until you reached the sanctuary of your room. You shoved all you could in front of your door to keep them out, keep them all out. 
Reflexes, grace fullness, nighttime. 
Blood, cold breath... fangs. 
Not human. 
That was what Kyungsoo had said. Had called himself. You were in a house of monsters. But what kind of monsters? 
Gathering the blanket from the floor, you crawled onto the bed and buried yourself under the fabric shield. Immediately, the air grew hot, but still you folded in on yourself, your arms tight around your shoulders. Eyes squeezed shut, you wondered how you ended up here, what you had done to deserve it. 
You prayed silent prayers that you make it simply through the night.
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f9smaragdine · 2 months
Cheers to 12 yrs of EXO
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Exo as husbands pls
Enjoy :)
Exo as husbands
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The proud husband
To put it simply, this man would do anything for you
If you need something, he will get it
If you’re hungry, he will cook
If you’re tired, he will be your mattress
The moment you became his wife, he sole purpose was you
Likes to talk about you to Exo-l's
As he is the leader of the group, you have become a older sibling type figure to the fans
Which he loves
Date nights together consist of old movies on the sofa with a bottle of red
Likes to sit and reminisce over your wedding photo's
He would just be an amazing husband
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The cute husband
He's just a squishy squish
He doesn't really act any different as a husband to when he was your boyfriend
He still teases you
Plus will do anything to put a smile on your face
He will happily do all the cleaning
Because according to him, you do it wrong
As we know, Xiumin likes to drink so I think dates would be a karaoke bar, with you both drunkenly screaming Whitney Houston's 'I will always love you' into a microphone/empty bottle
Always makes you breakfast in bed
You are literally his best friend and being with you is his favourite pastime
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The crazy husband
I wouldn't know whether to say Congrats or good luck
He is a tornado with a beautiful voice and handsome face
But still a tornado
He is also a clingy boy
So expect lots of cuddles/headlocks
Knows how to cheer you up when you're not feeling so great
Expect lots of butterfly kisses to the face
Loves to go long drives with you, just listening to music and talking about life
He's just your number one fan and will make sure you always have a smile on your face
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The protective husband
If you're going out with friends or at a work event, he will be your personal taxi driver
Always making sure you're ok
Also the type to tease you, in a loving way though
Likes to take you on spontaneous dates
He loves to stroke your hair whilst you sleep and looks lovingly at his wedding ring
It fills him with a sense of pride when he does
Loves how your lips feel against his skin
Can’t actually go a whole day without a kiss from you
Marriage with Chanyeol would be filled with loving moments
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The attentive husband
Actions speak louder than words
Kyungsoo's love language is his actions
He will always make sure you have eaten or that you are hydrated
At first it confused you, like you have managed to survive this long
Then the reality hits you, he’s trying to take care of you
Listens intently to whatever you have to say
Has had the same background on his phone for years and it’s from the day you met
Can’t stand to see you sad
It breaks him inside
Will provide advise whenever you need it
Though he doesn’t always say it, you’re everything to him
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The affectionate husband
He kisses you and holds you any chance he gets
He knew you were his before marriage
But now it’s like official and legal
So he has to show you every chance he can that he loves you
Expect to come home and find the lights dimmed and candles lit
The faint sound of your wedding song playing in the background
Kai would take your hand and pull you close to dance with you
Why am I giggling and kicking my feet rn
He likes to watch the stars with you
Whilst talking about your future
He will do anything to show you how real and unwavering his love is
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The Impulsive husband
You only have yourself to blame for this
You knew what you were getting into and you’re not getting any sympathy from me
You’re now married to someone who I can only imagine has a circus living inside his head
He’s always down to do something fun
Your dates consist of paint-balling and silent discos
Always knows how to cheer you up when you’re having a bad day
I can imagine him being quite a heated kisser
He doesn’t like to sleep alone so he wraps his entire body round you like an octopus
He’s like the worst nurse when you feel sick
But you appreciate the effort
I don’t know why but Sehun just gives me feral vibes
Like it wouldn’t shock me if he lived wild in the jungle like Tarzan
But being with you gives him the sense of home he’s always wanted
You are his world
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The doting husband
Be prepared to be treated like a queen
He has waited for the moment to call you his wife
Now that it’s official he can’t wait to be the husband he has always dreamed of being
Expect long talks into the night
He plans he whole future around you
You’re literally his one and only
Constantly sends pictures to the exo group chat of your travels as a married couple
Wants to show you off every chance he gets
Will sit and write songs about you
Every fibre of his being is you and your happiness
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imaginidol · 2 years
POV: The intimate moments of you and Baekhyun’s secret relationship
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The sight of your boyfriend jogging towards you under the otherwise dimly-lit street was enough to make your heart skip a beat. Again, you think, I get to finally see you again!
His panting gets heavier as he approaches closer, until you both finally embrace each other in a warm hug. His heavy black jacket is covered in his cologne and scent, one that you find so attractive and safe every single time.
“Baby,” he melts into you in delight. “I missed you.”
You smile warmly into him, whispering “I missed you, too!”
It wasn’t too many times during the week you got to see Baekhyun; the last time you saw him was probably close to three or four nights ago. Nowadays, it seemed as though the amount of Dispatch paparazzi and sasaengs flooded the privacy of artists as big as Baekhyun, following Chen’s announcement of having started a private family a few years back. Baekhyun’s name had only popped up once or twice for a dating scandal speculation in the last month or so, but he played it off very well, and with the help of an official statement from the company, he managed to keep his secret about you very private and exclusive only to himself.
“I brought you something,” he pulls away from you to reveal a small paper bowl with a plastic cover, filled to the brim with ice cream – a treat he knew you loved dearly.
“Baekhyun!” you smiled, your hands growing cooler at the touch of the cup.
“Shhh,” Baekhyun stops you with a sudden passionate kiss, numbly nibbling at your bottom lip as he feels your smile spread over your face. “If you say my name too loud, people might hear. We’re still close to SME.”
“Right, sorry,” you whisper in between kisses. You could tell he missed you from the way his kisses grew firmer against your lips, his weight almost completely leaning against your body. You’re the first to pull away, causing him to whimper softly in confusion. “For someone who doesn’t wanna get caught, you don’t hesitate to make out in front of SME,” you tease.
“Where are you parked?” His eyes travel quickly between your lips and your eyes, a sense of slight desperation overcoming him for wanting you in that moment.
“Farther down the street, behind that one corner store with the milkshakes,” you smile.
“What?” His expression quickly grows to deep concern. “Hell no, you can’t be parking back there anymore. It’s too sketchy for you to be around at this time of the night. Just start parking behind the SM building, the parking lot in the back. I’ll get you a pass tomorrow.”
“But Baek, the whole reason we agreed we wouldn’t be parking there in the first place was because we could get caught seeing each other or something,” your eyes threaten to fill with tears at the thought of Baekhyun’s name being once again stained at the stake of another dating scandal, especially now that it’s been years since the last real scandal finally died down.
“I change my mind; I’d rather you be safe and closer to me than out here. Sorry, I didn’t think about the alternatives much,” he heaves, taking you by the arm. “Let’s go to your car, I’ll drive us over.”
He takes his neck scarf and ties it over your face, then proceeds to pull a beanie from his jacket and tug it over himself. You both make way to your car, following carefully but briskly behind his every step.
Once you’re in the car, you turn to him, offering him some of your new ice cream.
“Only a little bit, love, since we’re performing tomorrow,” he agrees.
You take a spoonful of the cold treat and gently place it between his lips, a smile forming on his face at the sight of your own excitement. You take a spoonful of the dessert next, spilling a drop over your bottom lip.
He takes his thumb and slides it over your bottom lip, cleaning it over and proceeding to lick it off himself. The car groans to life, and soon you’re both driving carefully through a longer route until you reach the SME building.
He scans his ID through the back gates, allowing your car to enter into the private lot and hiding among the vehicles of other staff. He turns the car off, and then proceeds to turn his attention to you.
“Baek,” you start. “How much time do you have before you go in again?”
Baekhyun sighs back against his seat, pulling out his phone to check the time again. “Maybe fifteen, fourteen minutes?”
You both sit quietly for a moment in the silence of your reality: attempting to work out a secret relationship with a highly rated singer. It wasn’t the fairest game you thought you could handle.
There was just no privacy anymore.
In fact, it seemed as if Baekhyun’s stalker and sasaeng problem had only worstened over the course of the last few years.
“I’m trying to figure something out for us,” Baekhyun interrupts the silence. “I want you, but being with me is a toll too harsh for you to risk. I don’t want to… lose you.”
His voice cracks at the last syllable, while your tears spilled under your lids that you tried so hard to hold back.
“Are you sure you wanna keep doing this, Baek?” Your voice comes out a mere whisper, and he turns over in shock to see you had actually started crying.
“What? Of course I do. It’s… risky. But I knew what I signed up for when I knew I wanted you. Come here,” he pulls you in his arms, taking your ice cream and placing it on the dashboard. “A risk I’m willing to take, though I’m hoping for the better outcome.”
“Okay,” you heaved, “because I’ve already fallen for you pretty badly. I think I’m so down bad for you now, so it better work out for the best.”
“Shhh,” Baekhyun once again interrupts your doubts with a soft, tender kiss. “I’ll make sure it does,” he breathes through you, “I can’t lose whoever I choose to love over some stupid scandal. It’s never my fault when I fall in love. And I love you right now. Only you. I don’t want to lose you to a scandal like that, I don’t wanna go through any potential career deaths over my love life again.”
“I’m sorry, Baek,” you look up at him, feeling his cold fingers wipe away the warm tears welling from your eyes. His index and thumb lift your chin, forcing you to watch him closely.
“I’ll make sure you don’t fall harshly if we ever do get caught,” he promises with a smile.
Being the non-celebrity that you were, he knew how much your quiet, comfortable life meant to you. It meant a lot to him too, knowing that it was also a small escape from his lifestyle as well. One where he didn’t have to worry about his image or about having eyes on him at all times. You were also his comfort, and he couldn’t bear to lose that.
“I’ll work extra hard for you, too,” you finally smile up at him.
“Awe, look at you, pretty,” he whispers to you, pupils dilating at the sight of your beauty. To him, you were the greatest thing he could look forward to nowadays. What could possibly be better than this?
Suddenly, Baekhyun’s phone starts buzzing. He looks down to see it’s one of the members, and picks up.
“Yeah, I’m on break. Okay, I’ll be in soon, just give me a few more minutes,” he says, his eyebrows furrowing lightly. “See you inside in a bit. Bye.”
“Who was that, Baek?”
“Chan,” he mutters. “They want me to re-record a few new adlibs they just added to our current project.”
“Oh,” you look down in defeat, “okay.”
“I’m sorry, love,” he turns to you, knowing that cutting his time meant cutting time away from you.
This hurt you just as much as it hurt him. How many times a week could he really actually see you? In between his busy schedules and sudden occurrences (like Chanyeol’s call just now), there wasn’t always much time left even for a secret relationship.
“That’s okay,” you look at him, a devious grin slowly spreading across your face. “Pick a number between one and ten,” you say slyly.
“What? Oh, um, two,” he looks up, an expression of confusion overtaking his face. “Why?”
You start giggling for a moment, before whispering quietly into his ear, “You have two minutes to make out with me, in any way that you want.”
A panicked expression pains his face, a soft whimper escaping his lips. “No, no, no, no, no, that’s not fair, that’s not fair, ask me again,” he starts pressing his palm against the curve of your neck, his eyes growing hooded.
“You’re ten seconds in,” you whisper, sending him into a frenzy.
He doesn’t take another moment of hesitation before he pushes his lips against yours.
He’s completely melted into your love. He presses against you, leaving small pecks and long kisses all over your mouth. His hands pull your legs in closer, then proceeding to slowly follow the curve of your waist until he reaches the brim of your collarbone. His soft lips demand yours to part, his teeth slowly making their way to your bottom lip. He’s biting and sucking on you, soft groans escaping his parted mouth and bringing music to your ears. He invites his tongue into your mouth, a sloppy mess forcing a quiet moan to escape you. His fingers make their way around your neck and up to your jaw, his grip firmly bringing you closer to him as if there wasn’t anymore space left between you both already.
“I love you, I love you so much,” he mumbled between kisses, though half of these words were more of a slurred, distracted speech.
His intensifying breathing pattern grows heavy and uneven, the only thought going through his mind being fuck, I’ve missed you so fucking much. You don’t know just how long he’d waited for this, but damn, it felt good.
“Time’s up!” you pull back giggling, watching his darkened eyes make a fuss out of your movements.
“Two minutes is not enough, let me pick another number,” he whines, making you laugh lightly in amusement.
“Baek, you really should go inside before Chan comes out looking for you,” you smirk.
“Ten minutes, I want ten minutes,” he pleads once more, but the slyness on your face tells him he’d have no chance. “I don’t get to see you often already as it is!”
You place your hand lightly on his cheek, your thumb sliding over his cheekbone. He lifts his hand and places it over yours, and you can see the desperation growing stronger in his expression.
But Baekhyun wouldn’t dare do anything to you without your permission.
“Give me your phone,” you say quietly.
“Give it, unlocked.”
He hands over the phone, anxiously waiting for you to give him another green light.
“Hmm,” you think, your thumbs searching through his messages, finally reaching Chanyeol’s number.
“Pick a number between ten and twenty,” you smile.
“A hundred!”
You break out in a laugh, and type something down into his phone, then returning it to him shortly after.
“What did you do?” He asks, studying the words on his screen.
“I just bought us a bit more time, and said you’re stuck in traffic.”
His eyes gleamed in absolute delight, a wide smile growing across his face.
Fuck, he was so beautiful.
“Now what?” He looks at you with eager eyes.
“Given I probably won’t see you for a couple days again, kiss me and don't stop. Oh, and by the way,” you subtly motion your head towards your backseat, “I made sure to tint my windows and clean the back seats for… you.”
He doesn’t hesitate to pull you into him, your giggles fading out into one of the most passionate love sessions you’ve ever experienced in your life.
On the dashboard, the ice cream slowly melts its way down to a mere puddle of tasty delight.
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96dys · 3 months
exo was peak kpop i wish the fandom wasn’t dead
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honey-com · 1 year
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it used to be mad love
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moreyixing · 11 months
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cindytranart · 5 months
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#SixFanarts EXO edition!
ft. Baekhyun, Kai, Xiumin, Lay, Suho, & Chen
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xingmyeons · 2 months
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if you see you and me K-I-S-S-I-N-G you might be psychic
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jongbross · 6 months
Exo members reaction to their partner hanging out with their mothers/sisters w/o them and realizing it’s a normal part of their s/o’s routine (like it happens once or twice a month).
the "i don't mind" squad: minseok, junmyeon, kyungsoo
they don't care, they're more than happy to see all of you bond - it means you like each other just like they wanted you to.
the "tell me everything!!!" squad: yixing, baekhyun, sehun
okay, but where did you go? what did you talk about? tell them the details!!! they're gonna die out of curiosity!!!!!
the "please let me part of it" squad: jongdae, chanyeol, jongin
kind of jealous about it, they want to be part of it 🥺 they'll gladly go shopping or do some cooking with you all, they just wanna see you all bond with their own eyes.
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i-nabi · 2 years
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⠀⠀      ⠀⠀     ⠀𓏲࣪    ۫  𓈒   𓄹   🎼   ⸼  🕝 𓂃
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itstheoneshot · 8 months
Kinktober Day 21
Corruption/Training - Lay
!dom Lay
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“Try again!” Yixing orders, “You can do better than that!”
Your legs are burning, every muscle in your body overworked, You have been in the dance studio for hours now, and you swear you are close to breaking. Yixing wanted that though, without telling you explicitly, it is obvious that he wants you to crumble, but you are headstrong and not one to give in, so he is going to have to try pretty hard.
You do as you are told though, counting yourself in once the music starts playing and running through the choreography once more. Four gruelling minutes pass, and while you feel that you knew what you were doing, exhaustion is definitely getting the better of you. Each time you glance over at your teacher… boyfriend… How do you define this? You feel anxiety bubbling, but divert your gaze to focus on yourself again. He watches you like a hawk, analysing your every move, not missing a single off-beat, it is terrifying, and you can feel yourself getting worse.
At some point, after another two or three run-throughs, you start to get dizzy. You don’t remember the last time that you had any water, and your vision is blurring, nothing is making sense, you are woozy, what were you doing again?
You stumble forward, falling with a thud to your knees, and if it weren’t for Yixing’s quick movements, you would have crashed head first into the mirrored wall. Instead, your limp body is held up with Yixing behind you, holding your jaw to keep you steady, hazily staring at yourself through foggy vision. Even in this state, you can feel him breathing, and see the way that he glares at you, his plan is working.
“Sleepy, baobao?” He sneers at you, “You still haven’t impressed me enough.”
Was that what you were doing? Dancing? You try to stand up, in a daze, but your legs won’t work, and Yixing chuckles as he supports you to sit down with your back up against the mirror. He reaches over for your water bottle, opening the lid and helping you tilt your head to drink some. From here, he guides you down onto your back, and you let your head lazily roll to the side to look at yourself, lips glistening with stray droplets of liquid, unfocused but noticing Yixing as he repositions himself beside you.
“How can I do that?” You ask, your words slurred, “What should I do?”
Yixing smiles, though it does not quite reach his eyes, and he bends forward to get right up close to your ear. His breath is hot, and it sends shivers down your spine, goosebumps raise all over your skin, and he trails up your arm with his fingertips.
“You’re going to take me,” He replies, “I’ve seen how flexible you are, and I’m sure there is still some energy in you somewhere.”
That is a lie, you are practically a ragdoll, nodding your consent before Yixing quickly begins to undress you, pulling your sweatpants down, and taking your underwear off with them. You roll over onto your side completely, facing the mirror as Yixing lies behind you, pulling one of your legs back over his, maybe he was right, it is good you are flexible, and without warning enters you harshly, if not for him holding you across the chest and shoulder, you would have fallen for sure. Your eyes roll back as he starts off fast, knocking the wind out of you but you still try desperately to cling on to anything you can reach.
“Laoshi,” You moan, teacher, “Am I doing okay?”
Yixing chuckles, thrusting particularly hard before he rolls himself back, bringing you up on top of him without pulling out. Your thighs burn as you try to match his pace, thrusting in from under you as you bounce on his cock, only held up by his hands on your waist. Your head rolls back, soundless cries of his name, his title, leave you over and over again.
“So good, my girl,” He groans, reaching upwards to tug your hair back, arching your back, “Just look at you, I could do whatever I wanted to you, couldn’t I?”
You whimper at the force in which he pulls your hair, the way that he fucks into you with such vigour and strength almost enough to render you unconscious. You swear you weren’t like this before meeting him, always confident and independent, but Yixing knew just how to break you. He had you corrupted, worked down into the desperate, willing whore that he desired, falling apart eventually, despite your stubbornness, for him to use, to fuck, to take from whenever you were ready. 
It felt so good to let go, something you had not done before meeting him, but so happily did now. There was something so empowering to be broken and fucked without needing to put in any more effort, at least not after the effort you put in that causes you to break in the first place. You watch yourself in the mirror, as Yixing repositions you again, this time on your hands and knees, ass up when he enters you, and you lean down on your forearms, head resting on your hands. You know that he is almost done, he loves watching himself, and loves watching you cum too, so always finds a way to enjoy this to the maximum.
“Are you ready, baby?” He asks, even though your body tells him the answer, “Cum for me, now.”
You never disobeyed him, falling apart easily with his encouragement, practically drooling as your pleasure washes over you in waves not unlike a tsunami. He pulls out only when you can’t take any more, collapsing down as he strokes himself to completion, cum shooting out of the tip of his cock and all up your back instead. When he has nothing left to give, he leans down to you, close to passing out on the floor and he kisses you softly, while your mind begins to clear and you come back down to earth.
kinktober masterlist
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so uh we know how baekhyun take showers with his members to “get closer with each other”… may i request exo reacto showering with their s/o for the first time? lol it can be SG if u want 👉👈
Hello Lovely, thank you for requesting this :) I hope this is ok, I have done it in a way of how they would be and feel being in the shower for the first time with their S/O, I hope its alright. If not, let me know and I can re-do :)
Exo reaction: Showering with S/O for the first time <3
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Warmth: Suho is the type to always be in awe of you, to him your body is the most beautiful thing in the world and it deserves to be worshipped. He can't take his eyes off you which in the beginning can make you feel a little self conscious but when his arms wrap around your body and he whispers how beautiful you are, you find yourself relax. 10/10 would make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
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Elevated: He's literally over excited to shower with you for the first time. He peppers kisses all over your face and rubs his nose against yours. He likes to steal your body wash as he thinks yours smells better and will happily use the shampoo to style both of your hair into massive mohawks. He honestly just makes you feel at ease and comfortable to be yourself with him.
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Addicted: The look on his face when he watches the water cascade down your back is a picture. He is the type to be speechless in this situation, no words pass his lips but his actions speak for him. He will stand close to you, with your face pressed into his chest and just let the water fall on you both like rain. Love resonates inside the glass cubicle and he can't believe you're all his.
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Needy: He can't keep his hands to himself. He will use any excuse to touch you, such as massaging the body wash into your back or cupping your face towards the water so no soap goes into your eyes. His eyes are constantly tracing up and down your body as he bites his bottom lip, to him you're simply perfect. Definitely will make you promise that no other man will ever see you naked for the rest of your life. That view is for him and him only.
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Cheeky: He literally can't keep his hands to himself. As soon as you have entered the shower, his hands are roaming your body. Though he has seen you naked before, he feels as though its different in the shower, more intimate. He would press long, passionate kisses to your lips and lift you so your legs wrap around his waist. Your back will be pressed against the shower wall as he takes control.
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Delicate: He would be awkward when you first get in to the shower together, he finds himself stuttering and falling over his words. After a while though, he would relax a little and hold you close. Your back would be pressed against his chest as he sways you from side to side. He would press soft kisses against your neck and make you weak at the knee's. He also would help you wash your hair and untangle any knots with his fingers. All he wants to do is take care of you, in or out of the shower.
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Hooked: He would be the master of self control. As sexy as you look to him right now, he wouldn't want you to think that this shower is just a ploy. He actually just wants to feel closer to you, for you two to become more secure in your relationship. He would definitely have music softly playing in the background and would massage your shoulders and listen to you talk about your day. He would also press kisses all over your body and tell you how beautiful you are. He's just so in love.
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Shameless: The boy has absolutely no shame. As soon as you enter the shower, he's staring. Offers to help you wash but spend at least 10 minutes on your breasts before moving to your butt. Just laughs when you call him out on it. He feels like the luckiest guy on earth so he's going to make the most of having you in his arms. It doesn't take long until he's got you on the floor of the shower...and lets just say it becomes a whole lot steamier.
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imaginidol · 11 months
Sehun: Breakup Texts
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Sehun sat in between Suho and Baekhyun—on Minseok’s couch—playing a few rounds of Mario Kart with the rest of his members.
“You suck, Baek,” Suho muttered from his breath, watching in annoyance as he crossed 8th place in the final run as Baekhyun finished with 1st.
“Ha! Told you that you guys can’t beat me. Try me, try me!” Baekhyun excitedly turns to Sehun. “Sehun, race me next.”
Suho passed the controller to Sehun, but Sehun stood up and gave it to Chanyeol instead.
“What? Are you leaving?” Baekhyun asked his younger friend.
“No, but I really have to use the bathroom. I’ll race you when I get back,” he responded, giving Baekhyun a reassuring nod.
Baekhyun nodded and excitedly started punching Chanyeol’s thighs as the next round of Mario Kart begun.
Sehun excused himself and started walking out into Minseok’s hallway. When he approached the bathroom door, however, someone was ready inside.
“Hey,” Sehun lightly pounded the door, “hurry up in there!”
Suddenly, a faint buzz tickled the side of his thigh. He reached his hand into his pocket, searching for his phone.
[New Message: My Love 💞]
Sehun exhales deeply as he opens your text, realizing it was pretty late and you were probably asking where he was.
What he wasn’t expecting, however, was a dull, rather empty message with the single few words that made a chill run down his spine:
[My Love💞: Sehun, I think we should breakup]
What!? Sehun feels his heart skip several beats as he feels his emotions drop immediately, both in fear and of confusion.
[Sehun: Call me.]
Sehun worriedly looked around the hallway and quietly made his way into Minseok’s empty, dark bedroom. The EXO boys were still howling in the living room, and no one seemed to notice him slip away.
[My Love💞: I can’t. I don’t want to say it again. I prefer saying it over text.]
Sehun rubbed a sweaty hand over his neck, not knowing what to say or how to properly react.
[Sehun: Why are you doing this?? Is this a prank? You know I don’t like pranks like these…]
A few seconds passed before another notification from you ensued.
[My Love💞: Please don’t ask questions. It’s a personal decision.]
[Sehun: You can’t just leave me without an explanation... is it something I did? At least give me some sort of closure?]
[My Love💞: Sehun don’t ask me anything, please]
[Sehun: but we were so happy together. We were so healthy together.]
[Sehun: Or am I wrong, were you not happy…?]
[Sehun: please answer me, say anything… is it something I can fix!?]
[Sehun: you can’t just leave me like this!?!?]
[Sehun: please??….]
Sebum’s heart was racing, and he kept refreshing your messages awaiting any response. His anxiety slowly started kicking in as the minutes passed with no response from you.
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: I’ve taken most of my things from the apartment. I’m leaving tonight.]
Sehun felt overwhelmed, covering his mouth with his right hand and looking around Minseok’s room for a tissue box. Thankfully, the boy kept one in the top cabinet of his nightstand.
Sehun reached for the box and lifted a tissue paper up to his face. Almost immediately, the silent tears started rolling from his reddening eyes.
[Sehun: please tell me at least why?]
[Sehun: you’re the only one I love. This is unexpected for me too, please understand it]
[Sehun: it’s bad enough you’re breaking up with me over text, but if it’s a problem we can fix I’ll work hard for us to get better]
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: there, I said it. I never meant to purposely go out of my way to cheat on you, but it just sort of happened…]
[My Love💞: but you can’t even get mad at me because I see you so little since you’re always so busy and you’re always under so much scrutiny. I can’t take it Sehun, I can’t take your lifestyle as a kpop artist anymore. I can’t be your secret partner forever anymore!]
[My Love💞: the hiding in public, the way I have to ignore you so as to not raise suspicion, the way I have to wait around for your schedules to clear up except you’re ALWAYS busy. what am I to you? How have we even made it this long? I feel like I barely even know you!]
[My Love💞: Gosh, sorry, I didn’t even mean to lash out. I wanted to end things quickly. I wanted to be yours, with no risk of damaging an image or reputation attached. I wanted us to work, but it’s impossible because I don’t want to mess your career up. You don’t deserve it.]
[My Love💞: let’s just end it here and please block my number and I’ll block yours]
[My Love💞: don’t text me anymore]
Sehun read the last texts from you over and over again, his throat tightening more and more. The tears rolled harder, the muffled sobs grew more desperate for you.
It happened again. Again.
Another relationship I couldn’t save.
[Sehun: I’m not mad at you. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.]
[My Love💞: <is typing…>]
[My Love💞: don’t make this harder than it already is. I won’t respond anymore.]
Sehun closed the chat and turned off his phone, wanting to desperately fling it across the room, but also feeling a need to hold onto it in case you would text him again.
But you didn’t.
Sehun sat hunched over at the edge of Minseok’s bed, elbows against his knees and hands covering his face.
The first soft whimpers of pain escaped his lips. He wept angrily at himself, not you. What could he have possibly done differently? Wasn’t the relationship going well?
‘I can’t take your lifestyle as a kpop artist anymore!”
Your heavy words repeatedly lingered on in his head. He quietly detested himself for not noticing the signs of your distance sooner.
But perhaps you were right. How could have he noticed you were escaping from his arms, anyway?
The last time you’d spoken was… almost eight days ago!
How do I fix myself? How do I fix my career? How can I live a normal life without having to hide the most important parts of myself from my own supporters!?
Sehun is too deep in his own sorrowful thoughts to notice when Minseok walks in.
“Sehun? Oh, I figured you’re in here— I’m sorry, have I interrupted something? Are you okay?”
Minseok quickly walks up to his younger friend and sits gently next to him at the edge of the bed, patting his back gently and waiting for the younger boy to speak up.
Sehun says nothing, but looks down at his phone and opens your chat again. He motions the last few messages to his older friend.
“Sehun,” Minseok reaches over to hug his younger friend, letting him calm down in his arms. “I’m here, I’m ready to listen if you need me to.”
Sehun wipes the last of his tears and shuts his phone off.
Eleven months gone to waste. I’m surprised we even lasted this long.
“Minseok,” Sehun quietly whispers, “can I ask you something?”
Minseok nods.
“Being a kpop artist was never easy. But… when does it get easier? You lose people you love because of the backlash you get from… from anything, really. But I don’t want to hide the most important parts of me anymore. What can we do?”
Minseok sighed, smiling up at his friend.
“This is more of a conversation you could one day have with Jongdae,” he smiled. “because I’m sure it was never easy for him to tell the world about his new family.”
“But,” Sehun frowned, “he got so much backlash for it. Why? Why can’t we just—“
“Sehun,” Minseok whispers, “regardless of what you do or don’t do with your life, those who truly love you will stand by whatever it is that you decide to take on next. Just as long as your choices are healthy. I’d rather get backlash for breaking out of this rigged kpop-image box and be at my happiest with one pure supporter, than to be withheld in this unhealthy parasocial image and wishing things were different.”
Sehun nods. “It… it sounds like Jongdae’s case has already started to break us from the box then, huh?”
Minseok smiled, nodding gently. “Soon, you will be able to say and share these important things in your life and not risk losing them or your career, because… well, because things will get better. Things will always get better. You’ll break the box one day, Sehun. You just have to take it one day at a time.”
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