#ace awareness week 2019
fenneccef · 7 months
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Happy Ace Week 2023!
I wrote a bit about myself being ace, nothing much but it was kinda nice to put it into words.
I first heard the term "asexual" back in 2016, but I didn't think much of it and didn't look it up. Only in 2019/2020 when I first started to actively be a furry I also found the word "asexual" again and this time I did look it up too.
I honestly didn't put too many thoughts into my sexuality and just assumed I was probably bi (lol). However, as I read through the descriptions and explanations of asexuality, it felt like I was rediscovering myself. It was around this time that I also learned about aromanticism.
These days, I'm quite comfortable with being aroace. While there are moments when I feel like an outsider for not experiencing or understanding certain things, overall, I find it quite content.
Whilst I haven't come out to anyone close to me I'm also not particullary hiding my asexuality or aromanticism when talking about for example romance related stuff.
I have never really thought about my experiences of being aroace so I don't know what else to write . _. .... anyways, happy asexual awareness week everyone!
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shyphonics · 1 month
Salad Days Chapter 5: We Are The One
This chapter is certified 18+™ for smut and light mental health crisis (we've all been there... right?)
I'm sorry if I'm rusty lol. Also, I made a tag list! Let me know if you want in :) this is looking like it's gonna be pretty long.
one | two | three | four
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It’s your turn for soundcheck now, and… Jesus, you’re actually nervous. It’s been forever since you’ve been nervous.
You’ve played The Strike every week for about a year now, slowly creeping your way from dead Monday shows, to decent Thursday shows, to electric weekend shows.
You’ve worked your ass off to move from the merch table spot in the dark, at the edge of the dance floor, to one of the spots under the lights and the AC unit.
You know every person here, at least by face, and they know you. Either from the band or the bar. Except for Rodrick and his friends, that is.
You’ve never headlined before, though, and something about your first time is making you shaky.
So, here you stand, face to face with yourself in the bathroom mirror. Jessica, your lead guitar, is against the wall, cool as can be in her vinyl pants. She blows out a long puff of smoke, and fluffs out her short, green hair with one hand.
“We’re gonna be fine. It’s like any other night.”
But it’s not like any other night, not to you.
Is it Rodrick? Are you trying to impress him? That’d be really fucking stupid. You don’t do what you do to impress people.
That, and you’re pretty sure he’d be impressed no matter what you do.
You don't quite know what's happening to you, whether it's how good he’d looked on stage, or the feelings that overcame you when that douchebag sucker-punched him.
Maybe it's a combination of both.
On stage, he'd been sexy and self-assured. Playing those drums like it was nothing. Making your heart flutter with a wink and a smile, like you were a dumb lovestruck teenager at her first concert again.
After that guy had hit him… he got vulnerable. He'd looked so sad, defeated almost. Hurt, not just physically, but emotionally. It made you wonder if those two had a history. It made you want to latch onto him and make him all better.
It seems like Rodrick, whether he’s aware of it or not, knows just where to hit to take down your walls.
“We gotta go,” Maureen pops her head into the restroom.
You push your little emotional breakthrough back in and take a deep breath.
This isn't the time for that.
You climb the side steps, as you have a hundred times, and start fighting audio cables until everything looks right.
Pink cord goes from amp to overdrive pedal. Black cord goes from tuning pedal to bass.
Fuck. Is that even right? You don’t know anymore.
Low notes come from your amp, and you breathe a sigh of relief.
Everyone else is all set up, and you look around. It’s time.
Soundcheck is quick. Too quick. You adjust your setlist with your foot, and stretch out your fingers.
Eddie pushes his glasses up and gives you a thumbs up.
You just gotta start, and then you’ll be fine.
“Hey fuckers!” Your voice comes out more powerful than you'd expected, “We’re The Shrieks!”
The crowd comes alive. Deep breaths.
The lights are up, the crowd is buzzing and you- wow. You're glowing. You look so confident and fucking cool, all lit up in gold stage lights.
Rodrick watches as you and your bandmates give each other a nod.
A note rings out. A second. A third. A fourth.
The song explodes, and Rodrick’s mouth falls open. You’re hopping, and shaking your hair out, really hyping yourself up.
Then you open your lips. Rodrick is enamored. No high school crush he ever had could compare to how he feels right now. He gives in to the movement of the crowd, and it feels like being in the ocean. Bodies all moving as one.
There’s a smile on his face that just won’t go away. He’s never been to a show quite like this.
He holds on to the front of the stage just to watch you, taking in the absolute power you’re giving off. Trying his best to read your lips and hear every word.
I am the one who brings you the future
I am the one who buries your past
A new species, I come from the ruins
I am the one that was made to last
We are not Jesus (Christ!)
Oh, no, we are not fascist (pigs!)
Oh, no we are not capitalist (industrialists!)
Oh, no, we are not communists
We are the one
We are the one
We are the one
We are the one
The party’s still going, even after everyone has shuffled out and the doors are locked. Mike has commandeered the sound booth and is playing “some shit from the good old days.”
You're up in the storage loft above the stage, wrapping up cables and boxing up mics. You close a tackle box full of neatly rolled cords and notice Rodrick down by the stage.
You sit and just watch him for a minute, trying to figure out if your bathroom mirror crisis was just pre-show jitters.
He looks like he's looking for you, craning his neck around and slowly spinning in place.
He's just such a dork.
You’re not sure if you can even be snarky with him anymore.
It's been a really long time since you had a crush on someone. Especially one like this. You're used to being in control, giving no more of yourself than you want to. For all you know, when you get down there, you'll be giggling like an idiot at his mercy.
Pull yourself together.
“I love this song,” you drop down from the storage loft, hopping off the stage, landing in front of Rodrick. Trying to play it cool.
He jumps when you appear, a smile spreading across his face.
“You were amazing.” He sighs.
“Back at you,” you restrain yourself from grinning.
You're still buzzing with adrenaline, and it spurs you on to try something. You step forward, and clasp your arms behind his neck.
His eyes widen, but after some hesitation, he brings his hands to your waist. The two of you begin to sway, a little uncoordinated, to the music. You look up into his eyes. He looks nervous, but a small smile is beginning to form on his face.
Your giddiness starts to fade away, and you feel a little more in control of yourself.
“Did you go to your prom?” You ask.
“Hell no,” Rodrick scoffs, “Did you?”
“I didn't even graduate,” you laugh, “so no. But it explains why we're kinda bad at this.”
“I don't think we're that bad,” He attempts to spin you. You both break out in a fit of giggles as your back hits his chest and you recenter.
“I wanna do that, like, every weekend forever.” He sighs.
“That's not a hard ask. I can show you some of the other venues when I'm free. You guys will be working the circuit in no time.” You look up at him.
Rodrick’s smile is so genuine. He looks completely content.
The world disappears around you as you get lost in the song, swaying and spinning, staring into each other's eyes. You've never been so glad to have taken a chance on someone.
“How's your lip?” You ask.
“It's okay,”
“Does it hurt?”
“Not really.”
You hesitate, then lean upwards, testing the water.
He seems to be thinking the same thing, and he leans down to meet your lips.
The kiss is warm and familiar, all traces of awkwardness are gone. It feels like you know each other. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek and pulls away.
“So am I allowed to like you now?” His voice is lower than before. He holds you close to him, one arm tight across your lower back.
“You feel like you could pass a field sobriety test?” You smirk.
“Yeah?” Rodrick raises an eyebrow.
“Okay. You're allowed.”
He laughs, rolling his eyes, and leans in to kiss you again, but you both quickly turn to the sound of someone clearing their throat. It's one of his bandmates, the blonde one. He's avoiding looking at either of you.
“Hey, Rodrick, uh, you two…” He clears his throat again, “The other bands invited us out to eat, and we were gonna go… but it looks like you're busy.”
Rodrick blinks at you, “Are you gonna go?”
“Yeah, let's go. You should get some carbs in you. Soak up all that booze, or you're gonna have a bad morning.” You detach from him, and walk towards the back door.
Your car is parked right next to their van, and Rodrick looks like he's hesitating getting in with his friends. You roll your window down and raise your eyebrow at him.
“Do you… wanna ride with me?”
He looks surprised, “Can I?”
“Yeah, get in.” You lean over and pop the door open, butterflies swirling in your stomach.
He bounces into your passenger seat, beaming.
“You know where to go, right?” You shout into the van. Rodrick’s friends give you a thumbs up.
You roll the window up, and pull out of the parking lot.
Rodrick is drumming on his knees to a song playing in your car. You watch him out of the corner of your eye and smile a little. You think of the day you met him, all pent up energy and rock n roll, baby!
Big, dumb dog.
He moves a hand to your thigh and continues drumming the rhythm. You feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks. His eyes are locked on your thigh as it bounces to the beat.
You pull up outside the old Waffle House, and it looks like you're the first to make it.
“Let's wait,” you sigh, leaning back, turning up the music.
His hand stills on your thigh. You close your eyes, honestly exhausted from the show.
His hand moves upward to rest in the crook of your hip, and the corner of your mouth curls up. You turn your head to look at him.
“What're you doin’?”
“Nothing,” he says, trying to sound inconspicuous.
Rodrick’s heart is going a mile a minute. He'd been so confident back at the bar, but here, with you, just you, he’s freaking out a little.
He studies your face in the glow of an orange street light. Your eyes, the slope of your nose, the curve of your lips. He wants every feature burned into his memory forever. His hand is warm against your hip. You put your hand over his and he smiles.
“What, did you get scared or something?” You smirk.
“No…” Rodrick lies.
You kiss him again, and he melts into it. He slips one hand into the back of your hair and pulls you closer. You maneuver over the center console to get in his lap, and he breathes out deeply. The kiss gets messy, like all the energy of the night is coming out between your lips. Your hands are shaking. One rests on Rodrick’s shoulder, the other in his hair, and you make a noise as he bites your lip lightly.
“Sorry, is that okay?” He whispers.
You pull him in, and bite him back harder.
He groans, and his hold on your waist tightens.
He's snaking a hand under the hem of your shirt, when there's a tentative knock on the window. You pull away from each other.
“God dammit!” Rodrick pants.
It's Ward, with a hand over his mouth, feigning being scandalized.
“Oooooooh,” he taunts, when you're both out of the car, “I knew it.”
You roll your eyes, and keep the door open with your foot as the guys pour in. People from the show are everywhere, this is a decently common occurrence. You find a seat between your band and Rodrick’s at the bar. Maureen, your drummer, offers you a fist bump, and leans into your ear.
“He's cute,” she whispers, “did you drive here with him?”
You nod, suppressing a goofy grin.
“Do you think you're gonna…?”
You shrug.
“Up to him,” you whisper back.
The waitress, a blonde with a buzz cut and a face full of piercings, greets you by name, and asks, “Usual?”
Once your orders are in, Rodrick puts his hand securely on your thigh.
“Do you guys come here a lot?”
“Oh yeah, at least every weekend,” you lower your voice, “That's Jeanine, she's our regular. Then Martin and Rosie, who have worked here since the beginning of time. Then there's Carla. She's new. Last weekend, she and Martin were fighting because she kept getting orders wrong.”
He narrows his eyes and looks at each person you point at.
“Do you just come here to eavesdrop?” he asks quietly, suppressing a laugh.
“It's fascinating. Just watch.”
The two of you eat in silence and observe the inner workings of Waffle House.
Rodrick nudges you as Carla scrapes a plate into the trash, and Martin yells, Dammit, Carla! Chunked and covered! Not scattered!
Carla throws her apron to the floor and flips him off with both hands. Fuck you, old man!
“Oh shit,” you whisper.
“Damn,” Rodrick turns to look at you.
As your eyes meet, and the bell on the door jingles aggressively, you can't hold in your laughter anymore.
"He's such an asshole." Rodrick whispers, giggling in disbelief. Does every diner job just suck ass?
"I know, this Waffle House is under a dictatorship," you laugh
You both calm down, and end up just staring at each other.
“Rodrick, I don't wanna be too… forward, but…” you trail off.
His face goes blank.
“Do you wanna… get out of here? With me?”
Rodrick drops his fork, and snatches his tab off the counter.
“Yes,” his voice is feverish.
You follow behind him, and wave goodbye to everyone on your way out.
You'll absolutely get teased for this later on, but who gives a fuck?
Now, I've drunk a lot of wine and I'm feeling fine
Gotta race some cat to bed
Oh, is there concrete all around?
Or is it in my head?
Rodrick’s hands are on you the moment you shut your front door.
He backs you up against it, bringing his lips to yours once again. His lips creep down to your jaw, then your neck. Then he's on his knees, pushing the hem of your shirt up, kissing your stomach, your hip bones.
Your hands are in his hair, stroking and tugging.
“I don't know what it is about you,” Rodrick murmurs between kisses, “I just knew, I had to…”
“Me too,” you laugh a little, “I'm not usually this easy.”
He grins deviously up at you, undoing your bottoms.
“So you don't bring someone home like this after every show?” He gives your waist a little bite.
“No, god, no,” you chuckle, “this should be too fast, but something about this, you just feel right."
“Why me?” He pauses, looking up at you.
“You're just,” you look down at him. His dark doe eyes drill into yours, plump lips slightly open. You feel his hot breath on you, and it sends a shiver up your spine, “Jesus, you're just fucking hot. And you're not, like, an asshole about it. You could've taken any girl in that bar home tonight.”
“I wanted you,” his lips twitch, and without hesitation, he lifts you up, and sets you back down on your kitchen counter. He plants soft kisses on your thighs, and pauses to look up at you. It makes your head cloudy.
“Can I try something?” His voice is breathy.
You're still recovering from the shock of being lifted like that.
“Yeah,” you say, in slight disbelief, looking down at him.
He plants a kiss on your panties, and then removes them completely. You heartbeat skyrockets.
“I might be kinda bad, but… I've always wanted to try.”
You watch him gaze over your wetness. You truly cannot believe what's happening right now. He looks lustful, but focused, like he's trying to form a plan. Then without warning, he just dives in.
You hadn't expected much from him, but damn, he knows what he's doing. A shocked moan leaves your lips.
Your body feels electric as he snakes his tongue through your folds, finding all the places that make you whimper. He grunts, and you practically feel it reverberate through your whole body. You wrap your legs around his head and pull him closer. His tongue circles your clit and you throw your head back. His plush lips cover so much ground as he gives you a light suck.
“You sure you've never done this before?” Your weak voice teases him.
He pulls away with a pop, making you shudder.
“Nuh-uh,” he shakes his head, “I’ve just thought about it a lot.”
“Well, you're doing fucking great.”
He gives you a sly grin and goes back in.
Your back starts to arch as he flicks, and sucks, and swirls his tongue. Your moans mix with his soft grunts and you realize you're starting to come undone. You grab a handful of his hair and roll your hips.
“Keep going,” you gasp, “I-I’m…”
His eyes flick up to meet yours and that does it. Your body jolts, and you squeeze your eyes shut as an orgasm rattles through you, the counter cool against your body.
He slows his actions, and comes to rest on your thigh again.
When you're recovered, you sit up, and put your hands on his shoulders. You kiss him hard, tasting yourself, and feel a new arousal awaken in you.
“Was that really okay?” His eyes plead with you.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You pant, holding his face in your hands, and he looks bashful, “Best I've ever had.”
You hop down from the counter.
“Your turn.”
“Are you sure?” He stutters.
You take him by the hand, and lead him across the small apartment to your bed.
Rodrick’s breath is shaky as he leans against the edge.
“Take your shirt off,” you tell him, and he does.
His eyes are hazy with lust, and he grunts when you kiss him. You run your hands over his chest. The muscles in his core are tight, and you can feel his heartbeat. Hard and fast.
You kneel, and your hands find the tight bulge in his jeans. He bites his lip as you unbuckle his belt and free him from his boxers.
It's a good length, fairly weighty, and he groans when you take it in your hands. You look up into his eyes and lightly roll your tongue over the tip. His knees buckle, and he sits back on your bed. You chuckle and scoot closer, steadying yourself between his legs.
“So… safe to assume you've never done this either?”
You fit him further into your mouth, trying to wet as much as you can.
“One time… almost,” he says, labored, “we were in a car and the cops knocked on the window.”
“Fuckin’ pigs,” you shake your head, then take him in as far as you can get him.
He lets out a long, low noise. You grasp the rest of his length with your hand and pump lightly. His thigh shakes under your other hand as you swirl your tongue.
You catch his eye and come up for air, licking him from base to tip. His eyes roll back, and you laugh.
“Should I keep going, or is this gonna take you out of commission?” You tease.
“Please… keep going,” Rodrick breathes.
His mind is foggy as he feels himself enter your mouth again. He can't even process what he's feeling, all he knows is he never wants it to stop. He doesn't feel in control of his own body. His hands desperately search for a grip on your comforter as you bob your head.
He tries his best to focus, to keep his eyes on you, but he feels something in himself start to slip. He throws his head back and closes his eyes, barely keeping himself up on his elbows. His legs tremble as he feels himself hit your throat and he lets out a long moan.
Then your mouth is gone, and he opens his eyes, desperate for the feeling to come back.
You crawl on top of him and straddle him.
“Scoot back,” you murmur, and he obliges.
You lean down to kiss him, and his hands come to rest gently in your hair.
Something still feels weird in his head. He doesn't think he's drunk anymore, but even the low light of your apartment feels too bright. His ears are ringing, maybe still from the noise of the bar. He feels his heart start to beat out of his chest, and he holds on to you for dear life.
It feels like he's dreaming, but maybe as long as his hands are on you, he'll be okay.
You're saying something. The words don't quite reach him, but he nods anyway. Eager for something to pull him back into reality.
A little voice in the back of his head is hissing. He tries to blow it off, but it's persistent, fighting him.
You don't deserve this.
Fuck his stupid brain. He wants to be present with you. He wants to hold onto every little second of this, keep it forever. It feels like you're far, far away from him, even as he watches you take your shirt off and feels your hips, warm on his.
The ringing in his ears subsides a little as your lips touch his again.
“Let me know if you want to stop, you look a little overwhelmed.” You whisper.
“No,” Rodrick urges, “I never wanna stop,”
You laugh, and start to kiss a trail down his chest.
He sighs into the feeling and closes his eyes.
The fuzz in his head isn't gone, though.
It'll go away, he knows it.
He just needs to focus. On you, on how good you're making him feel.
On how good he'd made you feel, he's pretty damn proud of that.
Just stay in the moment.
Please, just stay in the moment.
And now I'm ready to close my eyes
And now I'm ready to close my mind
And now I'm ready to feel your hand
And lose my heart on the burning sand
And now I wanna be your dog
And now I wanna be your dog
And now I wanna be your dog
Well, c'mon
tag list: @crumpets-are-better-with-jam
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touchingmadness · 2 years
Ace Week Aesthetics 2022
October 23 to October 29 is Asexual Awareness Week! Happy Ace Week to any ace-spec authors, and happy Ace Week to any ace-spec characters!
From now until the end of October, I am accepting requests for character aesthetics for ace-spec OCs and personal aesthetics for ace-spec writers. I did this once before in 2019, but haven't had the chance to do it again since.
[Requests close at midnight on October 31st, eastern time. I will likely be filling these into November, so please be patient once you’ve submitted!]
To request an aesthetic:
1) Go to my askbox. 2) Submit the info listed below the cut depending on whether you're submitting an OC request or a personal request. 3) Let me know if you have any colors in mind. (If you have no color preference, you don't need to say anything.) 4) Let me know if you specifically do or do not want your or your OC's flag(s) used in the aesthetic. (If you have no preference either way, you don't need to say anything.)
Please limit requests to no more than 3 per person. If you are submitting multiple requests, please submit them in separate asks.
You do not need to be following me to request an aesthetic, however, I will be releasing some discussions on the ace-spec characters from my current WIP throughout the week, if you're interested.
Request info below the cut.
Find sample aesthetics in the #aaw2019 tag, but note that I don't tend to stick to exclusively to even 3x3s anymore so expect more variation there.
Signal boosts allowed and appreciated! <3
In character requests, include:
The OC's name and ace-spec identity
The OC's other LGBTQ+ identities (optional)
The WIP they're from (optional)
Summary of interests, personality, appearance, background, and/or ideas for aesthetic elements
Alternatively, a link to their character intro
In author requests, include:
Your ace-spec identity
Your other LGBTQ+ identities (optional)
Your everyday interests, preferred genres, and/or ideas for aesthetic elements
Happy Asexual Awareness Week!!!
Tagging anyone on any of my taglists: @chayscribbles, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @lockejhaven, @magic-is-something-we-create, @marrowwife, @measlywritingblog, @memento-morri-writes, @pepsiwriteswords, @poetinprose, @antique-symbolism, @indigocastor
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Idk if ASAW will still be going on when this is posted, but I was scrolling through the aromantic tag and I'm so confused by how many people are calling it Aromantic Awareness Week / AAW????
Like granted it's a minority that and I /know/ learning new terms can be really hard for some people, but I remember when I first learned about ASAW back in… I think 2018 or 2019 it was very much talked about and explained to those who asked; That Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week was much preferred and was trying to become the new default because arospec who weren't the aro version of "black stripe aces" feeling left out and dismissed during our week. So well I assume it's probably mainly just people who didn't know that, I can't help but feel like it aromantics specifically trying to exclude arospec folks as I saw that happening way to much in the past to trust it suddenly died out and everyone who used Aromantic Awareness Week in their posts aren't exclusionists. This kinda turned into a half vent half history lesson lol, but I was not expecting to see AAW used especially more then I personally saw even last year.
Submitted February 21, 2023
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.3
Birthday of Spam E-mail
California Bookstore Day
Constitution Day (Poland)
Constitution Memorial Day (Japan)
Fox Day (UK)
Garden Meditation Day
Hugs From Holly Day
International Day of Forest Kindergarten
International Gilbert & Sullivan Day
International Leopard Day
International Rap Music Day
International Wild Koala Day
Invention of the Cross
Kenpo Kinenbi (a.k.a. Constitution Day; Japan)
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Awareness Day
Lumpy Rug Day
National Bike to School Day
National Clarinet Day
National Day to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
National Grab a Boob Day
National Justice Day
National Montana Day
National New Bra Day (UK)
National Public Radio Day
National SAN Architect Day
National Specially-Abled Pets Day
National Textiles Day
National Two Different Colored Shoes Day
National Widow’s Day
Paranormal Day
Pregnancy Fitness Awareness Day
Public Radio Day
Semi-Pro Baseball Day
Sun Day
Togyu Taikai (Bull Sumo; Japan)
Two Different Colored Shoes Day
Wordsmith Day
World Press Freedom Day (UN)
Write a Review Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Custard Day
International Eat a Pitogyro Day
International Grab a Kebab Day
National Chocolate Custard Day
National Kiss a Tomato Day
National Raspberry Popover Day
Raspberry Tart Day
1st Wednesday in May
Bike to School Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
Book Buddy Day [1st Wednesday]
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
Great American Grump Out Day [1st Wednesday]
National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day [1st Wednesday]
National Day to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy [1st Wednesday]
National Domestic Violence Remembrance Day (Australia) [1st Wednesday]
National (Deaf) Interpreter Day [1st Wednesday]
National School Nurse Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
National Skilled Trades Day [1st Wednesday]
National Travel Advisor Day [1st Wednesday]
Occupational Safety and Health Professionals Day [1st Wednesday]
Project Aces Day (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) [1st Wednesday]
Water Professionals Appreciation Day (Georgia) [1st Wednesday]
World Carnivorous Plant Day [1st Wednesday]
World Maternal Mental Health Day [1st Wednesday]
Independence Days
Aswington (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abhai (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Alexander I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Antonia and Alexander (Christian; Saint)
Bona Dia (Ancient Roman Women's Festival; Pagan)
Dia de la Cruz (Day of the Holy Cross; Mexico, Latin America)
Discoflux (Discordian)
Feast of the Finding of the Cross (a.k.a. Roodmas)
Fiesta de las Cruces (Spain)
Finding of the Holy Cross
Florae (Ancient Rome)
Frank Zappa Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
James the Lesser (Christian; Saint)
Juvenal of Narni (Christian; Saint)
The Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland (Christian; Saint)
Moura (Coptic Church)
Philip the Apostle (Christian; Saint)
Pirate Garb Day (Pastafarian)
Procession of the Holy Blood (Belgium)
Ptolomey Lagus (Positivist; Saint)
Pussy Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Sarah the Martyr (Coptic Church)
Theodosius of Kiev (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Tommy (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 9 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [9 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [9 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [18 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [26 of 71]
All Things Considered (Radio Series; 1971)
The Amazing World of Gumball (Animated TV Series; 2011)
Back in My Arms Again, by The Supremes (Song; 1965)
Barb Wire (Film; 1996)
Beer Barrel Polka, recorded by The Andrews Sisters (Song; 1939)
Carrie Anne, recorded by The Hollies (Song; 1967)
The Craft (Film; 1996)
Dead to Me (TV Series; 2019)
Fantastic (Off Broadway Musical; 1960)
From Under the Cork Tree, by Fall Out Boy (Album; 2005)
Going My Way (Film; 1944)
Gotcha! (Film; 1985)
Hugger Mugger, by Robert B. Parker (Novel; 2000)
Iron Man 3 (Film; 2013)
Little Red Rodent Hood (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Long Shot (Film; 2019)
Max & Ruby (Animated TV Series; 2002)
The Moose Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
No Deals, Mr. Bond, by John Gardner (Novel; 1987)
Oops!… I Did It Again, by Britney Spears (Album; 2000)
Republic, by New Order (Album; 1993)
Spider-Man (Film; 2002)
Truly Madly Deeply (Film; 1991)
Tweetie Pie (WB MM Cartoon; 1947)
When the Cat’s Away (Disney Cartoon; 1929)
Today’s Name Days
Jakob, Philipp, Viola (Austria)
Aleksandar, Filip, Jakica, Jakov, Mladen (Croatia)
Alexej (Czech Republic)
Endel, Endo (Estonia)
Outi (Finland)
Ewen, Jacques, Philippe (France)
Alexander, Philipp, Viola (Germany)
Rodopi (Greece)
Irma, Tímea (Hungary)
Efisio, Filippo, Giacomo (Italy)
Gints, Jesika, Krustins, Uvis (Latvia)
Arvystas, Juvenalis, Kantvydė (Lithuania)
Gjermund, Gøril (Norway)
Aleksander, Antonina, Maria, Mariola, Świętosława (Poland)
Irodion, Mavra, Timotei (Romania)
Galina (Slovakia)
Cruz, Felipe, Santiago, Violeta (Spain)
Göta, Jane, John (Sweden)
Theodosey (Ukraine)
Joletta, Trey, Troy, Viola, Violet, Violetta, Yolanda (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 123 of 2024; 242 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 18 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 14 (Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 12 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 2 Bīja; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 20 April 2023
Moon: 95%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Caesar (5th Month) [Ptolemy Lagus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 45 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 14 of 30)
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brookston · 27 days
Holidays 5.8
Ace Day of Visibility Day
Adam Lambert Day (San Diego)
Brian May Day (UK)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
Colorism Awareness Day
Crow Day
A Day Without Child Care
A Day Without Socks
Dupuytren’s Disease Day (UK)
Emancipation Day (Columbus, Mississippi)
Fête de I'iris (Brussels, Belgium)
508 Day
Free Trade Day
Furry Dance Day (a.k.a. The Flora; Helston, Cornwall, UK)
Hayek Day
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Blue Iguana Day
International Thalassemia Day
International Viking Day
Iris Day
Jamestown Day
Katniss Everdeen Day (Hunger Games)
Let It Be Day
Liberation Day (Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia)
Miguel Hidalgo Day (Mexico)
Mississippi River Day
National Amyloidosis Day (Australia)
National Archery Day
National Catahoula Day
National Coral Reef Day (Indonesia)
National Dakota Day
National Maria Day
National Meeting Planners Appreciation Day
National Nova Day
National Outdoor Intercourse Day
National Report Government Contractor Fraud Day
National Student Nurses Day
National Women’s Checkup Day
No Socks Day
Occupational Safety & Health Professional Day
Orache Day (French Republic)
Parents’ Day (Korea)
Provider Appreciation Day
Radio Day (Philippines)
Reward Yourself Day
Truman Day (Missouri)
Veterans Day (Norway)
Victory in Europe Day (a.k.a. V-E Day)
Westminster Dog Show Anniversary Day
Women’s Historic Night (Norway)
World Donkey Day
World Orienteering Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
World Smallpox Eradication Day
World Smile Day
Yerkrapah Day (Armenia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day (a.k.a. Have a Coke Day)
Empanada Day
Give Someone a Cupcake Day
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
National Have a Coke Day
Independence & Related Days
Breve Empire (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
British Monarchy (Restored after the Commonwealth; 1660)
Impy (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Qaflana (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
2nd Wednesday in May
Bike to School Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
CBDC Day (Canada) [2nd Wednesday]
Donate a Day's Wages to Charity Day [2nd Wednesday]
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
National Day for Staff Networks (UK) [2nd Wednesday]
National Nightshift/Third Shift Worker Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Numeracy Day (UK) [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
National Receptionists’ Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Root Canal Appreciation Day [2nd Wednesday]
National School Nurse Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
World Facilities Management Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
World FM Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 8 (1st Full Week)
National Women’s Health Week (thru 5.14)
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives During the Second World War Day (UN) [thru 5.9]
Festivals Beginning May 8, 2024
Furry Dance (Flora Day; Helston, UK)
Heart’s Delight Wine Tasting (Washington, DC) [thru 5.11]
Nigeria International Book Fair (Lagos, Nigeria) [thru 5.10]
Tehran International Book Fair (Tehran, Iran) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
Acacius (Christian; Martyr)
Agathius (Christian; Saint)
Alphonse Legros (Artology)
Amato Ronconi (Christian; Saint)
Apparition of Saint Michael (Christian; Saint)
Arsenius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Bacciccio (Artology)
Back Scratching Day (Pastafarian)
Benedict II, pope (Christian; Saint)
Bertalan Székely (Artology)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Buddha Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Camillus (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of St. Augustine (Christian; Saint)
Chivington Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Crumb (Muppetism)
Delousing Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Desideratus (Christian; Saint)
Dog-Prodding (Gremlins; Shamanism)
Feast of the Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel (Christian; Saint)
The Festival of Mens (Ancient Roman Goddess of Mind and Consciousness)
Forest Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Fulla’s Blot (Pagan)
The Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Cornwall, UK)
Gibrian (Christian; Saint)
Gybrian of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Ida of Nivelles (Christian; Saint)
Jean Giraud (a.k.a. Mœbius; Artology)
Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran)
Ludvig Karsten (Artology)
Magdalene of Canossa (Christian; Saint)
Mates Day (Pastafarian)
Nathaniel Dance-Holland (Artology)
Odrian of Waterford (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Luján (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Tarentaise (Christian; Saint)
Plechelm and Otger (Christian; Saints)
Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Church)
Thomas Pynchon (Writerism)
Victor Maurus (Christian; Martyr)
Wiro of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
White Lotus Day (Theosophy)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [17 of 30]
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
The Blue Dahlia (Film; 1946)
Buccaneer Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1948)
Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1972)
Clash and Carry (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1961)
Cover Her Face, by P.D. James (Novel; 1962) [Adam Dalgliesh #1]
Deep Impact (Film; 1998)
Dennis the Menace in Mayday for Mother (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1981)
Dr. Jerkyl’s Hide (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dr. No (US Film; 1963) [James Bond #1]
Down to Earth or The Bullwinkle Bounce (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 47; 1960)
Dracula (Film; 1958)
The Driver’s Seat, by Muriel Spark (Novella; 1970)
Elbow Room (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1976)
Endless Love, recorded by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross (Song; 1981)
Fall Story or Adrift in the Lift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 48; 1960)
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney (Essay Collection; 1982)
Frolicking Fish (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Good Shepherd, by C.S. Forester (Novel; 1955)
Grace and Frankie (TV Series; 2015)
Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales (Book; 1835)
Hot Pursuit (Film; 2015)
Huey’s Father’s Day (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Lady of the Lake, by Sir Walter Scott (Poem; 1810)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Album; 1970)
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe (Novel; 1794)
Olive Oyl and Water Don’t Mix (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Pacific 231, by Arthur Honegger (Orchestral Work; 1924)
Ragtime, by E.L. Doctorow (Novel; 1975)
Red Riding Hood (MGM Cartoon; 1943)
The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinkley Sheridan (Play; 1777)
Solar Opposites (Animated TV Series; 2020)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 1994)
Star Trek (Film; 2009)
Technocracked (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1933)
Three Imaginary Boys (a.k.a. Boys Don’t Cry), by The Cure (Album; 1979)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1983)
War as I Knew It, by George S. Patton Jr. (Memoir; 1947)
Woody’s Clip Joint (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1964)
Today’s Name Days
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Austria)
Arsen, Ida, Marija (Croatia)
Státní svátek (Czech Republic)
Stanislaus (Denmark)
Timmo, Timmu, Timo (Estonia)
Heino (Finland)
Désiré (France)
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Germany)
Arsenios, Melios, Theologos (Greece)
Mihály (Hungary)
Desiderato, Egli, Geronzio, Maria, Michele, Rosario, Vittore (Italy)
Aiga, Ceronis, Inita, Staņislavs, Stefanija (Latvia)
Audrius, Džiugas, Mykolas (Lithuania)
Åge, Åke (Norway)
Dezyderia, Ilza, Marek, Michał, Piotr, Stanisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ingrida (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio, Luján, Pedro, Víctor (Spain)
Åke (Sweden)
Acacia, Acacio, Acacius, Ace, Hal, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hattie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 129 of 2024; 237 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 19 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 1 (Ren-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 30 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 29 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 9 Magenta; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 25 April 2024
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 17 Caesar (5th Month) [Regulus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 51 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 19 of 31)
Calendar Changes
梅月 [Méiyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 4 of 12] (Plum Month) [Earthly Branch: Snake Month] (Sìyuè; Fourth Month)
0 notes
naomiruthwrites · 6 months
Today at work I got an email from our regional IT person being like:
“Check if you have this specific kind of battery backup. If you do go to step A.
Step A: make sure it is not dusty, not over 3-5 years (depending on useage), is not near anything of great importance, and has room to breathe. Also make sure there is nothing flammable around it.
Step B: check where the nearest fire extinguisher is, and check that the fire extinguishers are regularly being checked to make sure they work.
Sometimes, with this model [INSERT IMAGE HERE], if it is old or dusty or overheats it can catch on fire.
Keep a cool head. Be aware of your surroundings. And know where your fire extinguisher is.
Check in with your Safety Officer to find out more information about standard safety procedures.”
I have two responses to this. My Initial Reponse:
Shouldn’t this read, we are recalling this model [INSERT IMAGE HERE] because it can catch on fire. Here is money to buy new ones. Kthnxbye.
My Secondary Response, of course, was to go check everything, and lo, and not to feel left out, also behold, we did in fact have that particular model [INSERT IMAGE HERE].
This is what I found out:
There are two battery backups.
One is near the breakroom/kitchen area:
It is in a locked closet.
It is only one years old, clean, not too hot, and has room to breath.
It is on the bottom rack of an IT extravaganza of wires and objects.
Above it are irreplaceable data drives that are not backed up anywhere else.
There is a fan blowing into the equipment to keep it cool, because we are in a desert.
We are in an old, dry building.
The nearest fire extinguisher is down a short but narrow flight of stairs, which is not far, but not ideal for an emergency situation or for someone with my disabilities.
Two is in the Theatre/AV Room:
It is only a little dusty.
It is of an unspecified age; either also one year or over 3-5 years.
It is warmer to the touch than I would like.
It is sitting on a counter, far away from the AC vent, without proper room to breathe, near a pile of old, dry, paper and a variety of other burnable objects.
There are two fire extinguishers within eyeline of the room, but whoever is currently in charge of checking the fire extinguishers must not know about them, because they have not been checked since August. So. Probably still work. But also may not.
We do not currently have a Safety Officer, because we are so low-staffed, and, in fact, have not had a consistent Safety Office since 2019.
The Safety Handbook is also from 2019. Or possibly 2015, but I will choose to believe it’s 2019 because my eye is already twitching.
In Conclusion: I don’t love what is currently happening with these two battery backups, and I am very excited for when we get a new person next week who will be able to be the Safety Officer, and hopefully update our safety procedures.
That is all.
0 notes
colleencrossingg · 7 months
About me:
- My name is Colleen but I don’t really like to use it much so just C is fine.
- I am 21 years old.
- I use she/they pronouns and I am bisexual.
- I have a B.A. in History with minors in Sociology and Anthropology
- Starting my M.A. in 20th century Southeast Asian/American History
- I live in the New England area, USA but will be soon relocating to NYC
- I speak both English and French but I am learning Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese.
- I have a fiancé and a bratty shiba inu.
- I am neurodivergent, chronically ill (POTS), and I suffer OCD and bipolar II. Animal Crossing is a huge coping mechanism for me as well as a special interest.
Animal Crossing About Me:
- I own and play every single game semi-regularly, but I am very busy between school, work, and my personal life.
- My first time playing Animal Crossing was in 2010 with Wild World, but I never played regularly. I started playing Pocket Camp in 2017, and New Horizons was truly my first game I played regularly.
Towns and Islands:
- New Horizons (Started September 2021)
🍋 Will start playing again in July to catch my remaining fish and bugs but will focus on the other island.
- New Horizons Island 2 (Started May 22, 2024)
🍐 New island after deleting my original island from 2020! Plan to play 3-4x a week.
- New Leaf (Started September 2022)
🍐 I play 1-2 times a week, sometimes every day.
- City Folk (Started January 2023)
🍎Do not play regularly at the moment because my focus is on New Horizons, last played February 2023.
- Wild World (Started February 2021)
🍎 Do not play regularly at the moment because my focus is on other games, last played January 2024.
- Population Growing/GCN (Started March 2021)
🍎 Not regularly playing, last played April 2024.
- Pocket Camp (Current campsite started December 2019)
🍐 Playing regularly for the moment but I go in phases.
Favorite Villagers:
Kitt, Moe, Rosie, Marina, Octavian, Julia, Molly, Drake, Kiki, Tangy, Chevre, Mitzi, Rocco, Stitches
Favorite Special Characters:
Celeste, Tortimer, Cornimer, Leif, Wisp, Rover, Kapp’n, Isabelle, Resetti
Other Games/Franchises I Enjoy:
- Stardew Valley
- Minecraft
- Mario in all of his forms especially Kart
- Zelda
- Kirby
- Pokemon
- Smash
- Splatoon
- Racists, Misogynists, Transphobes, Homophobes, Antisemites, Zionists, TERFs, Ableists
- MAPs
- NSFW or thinspo/ED blogs
- Any generally nasty or bigoted people, I will block you without hesitation
- My humor is kind of crude and I swear a lot, if you don’t like that I would suggest not following.
- I will post about politics/human rights issues, I know AC is a form of escapism for a lot of people, but raising awareness of things I care about is more important to me. If you don’t want to see posts like that, don’t follow.
Other stuff I’m into:
- Rock/Metal/Alternative/Goth Music:
Pierce the Veil, Paramore, System of a Down, Strawberry Switchblade/Rose McDowall, Linkin Park, Mitski, Type O Negative/Carnivore, Joy Division/New Order, Beatles/George Harrison, Smashing Pumpkins, Cocteau Twins, Acid Bath, Rage Against the Machine, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus
- Cooking
- Knitting/Crocheting
- Cowboy Bebop, Adventure Time, Fionna and Cake, Studio Ghibli, Sanrio, ATLA, Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, Smiling Friends
- Anything Anthony Bourdain god I miss him so much
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the-emerald-standard · 9 months
Ex-Marijuana Regulator Rick Johnson Caught in "Devious" Lansing Bribery Scheme, Attorney Confirms
Ex-Marijuana Regulator Rick Johnson 'A Bad Guy' In Lansing Bribery Scheme, Lawyer Says
The Michigan marijuana industry was rocked this week by news that former marijuana regulator Rick Johnson is at the center of a bribery scheme in Lansing. Johnson, who was appointed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer to the Medical Marijuana Licensing Board in 2019, is accused of taking bribes in exchange for favorable decisions on marijuana licenses. According to the Detroit News, Johnson's attorney, John Shea, has admitted that Johnson is the "bad guy" in the bribery scheme. Shea said that Johnson was "manipulated" by a lobbyist and that Johnson was not aware of the full scope of the bribery scheme. The news of Johnson's involvement in the bribery scheme has raised questions about the integrity of the Michigan marijuana industry. It has also raised questions about the effectiveness of the Medical Marijuana Licensing Board, which is responsible for regulating the industry. The news of Johnson's involvement in the bribery scheme has also highlighted the importance of hiring an industry-trusted testing and compliance partner for hemp and cannabis. ACS Lab provides comprehensive testing and compliance services for hemp and cannabis businesses, including testing for potency, contaminants, and other quality control measures. ACS Lab also offers compliance services, such as license applications and renewals, to ensure businesses are operating in accordance with state and federal regulations. By hiring ACS Lab, businesses can ensure that their products are safe and compliant with state and federal regulations. This will help protect businesses from potential legal and financial risks associated with non-compliance. Additionally, ACS Lab provides businesses with the peace of mind that their products are of the highest quality. To learn more about the advantages of hiring ACS Lab, an industry trusted testing and compliance partner for hemp and cannabis, click here.
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treatnow · 1 year
Women and Concussion: CNN
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These young female athletes died by suicide. They all had head injuries in common
By Amy Woodyatt, CNN Published 8:20 PM EST, Sun February 5, 2023 CNN — Kelly Catlin and Ellie Soutter never met, but they had a lot in common. Both were commanding athletes: Catlin, a US track cyclist, was a three-times world champion and Olympic silver medalist, and Soutter, a snowboarder, was tipped to be one of Team Great Britain’s strongest contenders for the 2022 Winter Olympics, having already won a bronze medal at the 2017 European Youth Olympic Festival. Both were incredibly smart – Catlin was studying for a master’s degree in computational and mathematical engineering at Stanford University, while Soutter learned to speak French in about six months, according to her father. At times they almost seemed superhuman. In 2013, after only three weeks of formal training and having broken her wrist, Soutter became British Champion with her arm in a cast. Meanwhile, Catlin, who had a tenderness for children, once rode 80 miles through sleet and snow to speak to a grade school about her Olympic experience. Yet these two women’s lives were tragically cut short after they sustained serious head injuries in their pursuit of sporting greatness and then took their own lives. Catlin was 23, while Soutter died by suicide on her 18th birthday. Females may be more susceptible to concussion, and they also have worse and prolonged symptoms after their injury than men, according to a review of 25 studies of sport-related concussion published in the Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. However, women remain significantly underrepresented within sport and exercise science research. This, leading experts warn, means they often do not get the treatment or aftercare they need following a head injury. Women’s sports have historically not received the same attention or funding as men’s sports, Dr. Ann McKee, Director of the Boston University Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Center told CNN. “It’s been shown that women athletes are more likely to get a concussion, they tend to have longer recovery periods,” McKee added. “We do not have enough information about what happens in the female brain. We don’t know if women are biologically more susceptible to these injuries,” she said, adding that some research suggests the size and musculature of women’s necks could play a part.
Before becoming a track cyclist, Catlin, a triplet, was a national champion road cyclist and time trial national champion, her father Mark, told CNN. After winning a Canadian international race at 17 she was invited to an Olympic training camp for a try out, where, impressed by her performance numbers, coaches immediately offered her a position on the track pursuit team. Catlin’s father, Mark, told CNN, that his daughter was “intense” and “ambitious,” attributes she channeled into her sporting life. Her life changed irrevocably in January 2019. Practicing fast downhill descents in the hills near Los Angeles, she crashed and went skidding down the road. Despite suffering road rash, Catlin got back on her bike, and finished the ride. It wasn’t her first crash – she had experienced 4 or 5 hard crashes before this, her father said, and after the latest, she didn’t have any symptoms at the time. But soon after, at a World Cup track event in Berlin, Catlin was gripped by a sudden and severe headache. “She couldn’t compete,” her father said. “Kelly is kind of this stoical individual. And if she’s rolling around on the ground, clutching her head, it has to be a severe thing.” On closer inspection, Catlin’s helmet from LA had dents in it. Her father told CNN that this, coupled with her symptoms, caused her family to become aware she had suffered a concussion, which was later confirmed with a diagnosis from Stanford’s Health Centre. A concussion is a brain injury which happens after a hit to the head or body causes the brain to move back and forth inside the skull, according to the CDC. When Catlin returned to the US, her father says she was examined by the track training center in Colorado, whose work-up didn’t find anything. “There wasn’t any follow-up from Colorado after this. I believe they assumed she would seek care at Stanford,” he told CNN. Catlin’s symptoms didn’t improve, and in weekly phone calls with her parents, she admitted she was struggling with schoolwork and was unable to concentrate. Stanford Health Center, having diagnosed Catlin with concussion with ongoing symptoms, recommended that she decrease her training for 2 weeks and then gradually build back up and start sessions with an athletic trainer, medical documents sent to CNN by her father show. She was referred to a concussion specialist, the document adds. She tried to train, but “she would have to stop because she got a severe headache just from walking,” according to her father. Her heart rate would also accelerate rapidly from even the smallest exertion, leaving her with “no exercise tolerance whatsoever,” he added. Her injury had other consequences. “As far as we knew she was never a person that suffered from depression. She had an interesting sense of humor. She was always upbeat and bubbly about things,” her father told CNN. Kelly continually received requests for autographed pictures from fans, particularly from Europe, and a surprising number from Germany, her father said, adding that she always responded. Mark Catlin “She basically thought her life was over. She was no longer able to be the athlete that she was, she was failing her teammates. And she wasn’t able to succeed in school now. And I think ultimately, that’s why she took her life, because she thought her life was over,” he added. At the end of January, Catlin made a serious but unsuccessful suicide attempt, and was involuntarily admitted to the locked psychiatric ward at Stanford, her father told CNN. A month after that attempt, she took her own life.
Soutter’s father Tony said there were many dimensions to his young daughter – not only was she an “adrenaline junkie,” but she was “very conscientious” and excelled in school, even after moving from England to France. Aged 12, Soutter took up snowboarding at school – and just months later, she was spotted in her hometown resort of Les Gets and trialed by Team Great Britain in February 2013. “It was quite obvious why she kept winning competitions because she just made it easy,” her father said. “She just made it look graceful and beautiful.” But training took its toll – Soutter told CNN that his daughter suffered seven major concussions in five years, between 2013 and 2018. “I was being advised by doctors “Oh, don’t worry, she’s young enough she’ll bounce back. As she progressed, becoming an elite athlete starting on the World Cup circuit, every time she had another concussion, they got worse, and they took longer to recover from,” he told CNN. “With every concussion, with the exception of a few minor knocks, Ellie saw a doctor in person,” he added. “I was always told that she was young enough to bounce back to full health after each case and therefore never consulted with the doctors that I met, about any previous concussions.” But Soutter’s final concussion was so “huge” that she spent two nights in the hospital “When I got there, she didn’t even know who I was or where she was,” her father said. Soutter was then selected for the Junior Snowboard World Championships in New Zealand August 2018. But a month before the competition, she died by suicide. Her father said a neurologist conducted a CT scan of her brain and reaction tests three months after her final concussion, but said she was “absolutely fine” and could continue competing. Like Catlin, Soutter had issues with studying and concentrating, becoming more insular as she suffered from crippling headaches. She also started suffering from insomnia. “She would literally sit with the tutor a good month after a concussion, and suddenly, she’d go blind. She’d not be able to see – everything would go black and dark,” her father said. After missing a flight to snowboard training, Soutter died by suicide on her 18th birthday. Team GB referred CNN to GB Snowsport when approached for comment, adding that Ellie only competed for Team GB at one event. In order to represent Britain in international competitions, GB Snowsport says athletes or their coaches are required to demonstrate that the athlete has reached established performance criteria, is of the relevant technical ability to compete, and has appropriate medical clearance to compete. A large number of athletes can represent Britain at different levels of international competition but are not part of a programme delivered and overseen by GB Snowsport. “As Ellie was not part of the GB Snowsport programme, we were unable to implement a personalised recovery and management programme for Ellie,” a spokesperson for GB Snowsport told CNN in an email. “She was, however, covered by national policies and protocols around fitness to compete, and would not have been cleared for any activity – training or competition – overseen by GB Snowsport without being able to demonstrate appropriate medical sign-off,” they added. The spokesperson for GB Snowsport told CNN: “We take concussions and head injuries incredibly seriously, and in reviewing contemporaneous records from the time that Ellie was involved in snowsport we are confident that GB Snowsport staff applied and followed every appropriate process.” Catlin and Soutter aren’t the only young sporting women whose lives have been cut short in this way. After 29-year-old Australian rules football player Jacinda Barclay took her life in 2020, post-mortem research by scientists found that she had degradation to her cerebral white matter unusual for someone her age. “For someone her age, you would expect to see lovely pristine white matter, and hers looked like she was an old woman in that it was basically degraded,” Michael Buckland, founder and Executive Director of the Australian Sports Brain Bank, who studied Barclay’s brain, told CNN. “We haven’t gone back and done specific white matter studies on our donors,” he told CNN, adding that the bank hasn’t done peer reviewed research on this. “But what struck me, just as someone that sees a lot of brains – this is not normal for someone of that age.” Damage to white matter has been associated with dementia, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Opportunities missed
Suicide after concussion is rare. However patients diagnosed with concussion or mild traumatic brain injury had double the risk of suicide and a higher risk of suicide attempts and suicidal thoughts than people without brain injuries, a 2018 study from researchers at the University of Harvard published in JAMA Neurology found. Dr. Robert Cantu, clinical professor of neurology at the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy at Boston University School of Medicine told CNN that there are several theories as to why incidence of suicide is higher in people who have suffered concussion. One theory, he explained, is that those suffering from persistent post-concussion symptoms may have structural or functional brain damage and could be experiencing “behavioral dysregulation: short fuse, irritability, can’t suppress impulses the way you normally could.” With these emotional problems, “they would be more prone to perhaps do something impulsive, like commit suicide,” Cantu told CNN. A second theory, Cantu noted, is that post-concussive symptoms prevent people from getting back into their sport and stop them “from being the person that they were before their injury.” Neither theory is proven to the exclusion of the other, Cantu said, adding he thinks increased suicidality was “a combined factor involving both in many, if not most cases.” There are also differences in the way brain injuries affect women. A study of female soccer players across US high schools found they are nearly twice as likely to suffer concussion as their male counterparts, according to research that looked at over 80,000 adolescent athletes, published in the journal JAMA Network Open. Women remain significantly underrepresented within sport and exercise science research: a 2021 study examining papers from some of the most influential sports medical journals found that only 6% of the studies were solely focused on women, compared with 31% of studies that included just men. Other researchers have pointed to female sex hormones, with risk of concussion changing with hormone levels during a menstrual cycle. McKee said all athletes can also experience “non-concussive” injuries: “hits to the head that can be of the same magnitude as concussion, but they don’t rise to the level of symptoms for whatever reason, so a player tends to play right through it.” Cumulative exposure to repetitive head impacts – including concussion and non- concussive injuries – increases the risk for the neurodegenerative brain disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy, known as CTE, McKee said. The disease, which can only be formally diagnosed with an autopsy, has mostly been seen in either veterans or people who played contact sports, particularly American football, say researchers. The disease occurs when the brain starts to degenerate likely due to repeated head traumas, according to the Mayo Clinic, which notes CTE is “associated with recurrent concussions.” But scientists aren’t only concerned about concussions. Previous studies have shown subconcussive head impacts – repetitive hits to the head and body that do not cause symptoms – can still result in long-term neurological disease. According to The Concussion Legacy Foundation, “the best available evidence suggests that subconcussive impacts, not concussions, are the driving force behind CTE.” There have been cases of CTE discovered in athletes who have never been diagnosed with a concussion, according to the Concussion Legacy Foundation. And other changes in the brain after repetitive head impacts aside from CTE are likely “equally important,” McKee said. “We also see damage to the white matter. And that appears to be mostly in the frontal lobe, but also in the temporal lobes,” she said. “We’re trying to understand the relationship of those white matter changes to behavioral and mood symptoms, perhaps even suicidality,” she said. McKee stressed that concussion management is important, but physicians and athletes should also be aware of other injuries. “The problem is the subclinical hits – the non-concussive injuries that aren’t detected, you don’t pull the player off the field – and they can be in the hundreds or even the 1000s in a single season,” she explained.
Lack of research
Though a growing body of data suggests women in sport are more likely to sustain a concussion, have more severe symptoms, and to take longer to recover, most sports-related concussions protocols are based on data from men. In a review in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers looked at 171 concussion studies written since 1967 which are used to inform the most influential consensus and position statements in treating sports-related concussions. Clinicians rely on these documents to guide their medical practice when treating athletes – but most of the studies are focused on men. Read the full article
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ACE WEEK Day 2!!
There have been official daily themes posted for this week by @asexualawarenessweek but i’m just going to do something cool each day instead (tagged in case y’all want to follow the themes on your own blog) i’m posting this at like 8pm AEST oops but y’all overseas still have the day to enjoy!!
But today i bring you cool ace badge templates or you can use them as icons (like me!!!) from @/kuehbiko on instagram.
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bookcub · 5 years
Ace Books Rated Against Me*
*unlike previous lists, I will be comparing to how much I related to and felt connected to the ace experience of the ace characters in the books, and rather celebrating ace rep I’ve been lucky enough to read 
(inspired by @anassarhenisch​ who requested this about a year ago lol)
Quicksilver by RJ Anderson- This was the first book I read with an ace protagonist. I admired Tori’s conviction in that she was ace (and there are times where I have the same assurance in my orientation) and also how unfit she felt with her peers, like she had a mask. Her uncertainty in wanting a romantic relationship resonated with me more than other protags, as she and I exist in the same fuzzy area between romantic and aromantic. Her speech about friendship made me tear up, and I wish for a friendship as special as the one she has. 
We Awaken by Calista Lynn- The best parts of this book were about Victoria’s asexuality. Her freak out about being ace was so on point, you have no idea. Only misstep was how short it was, but that has more to do with timing in a book than anything. Also, the fact that someone else brought up the term to her and she didn’t discover it herself was exactly how my experience went. And as much as I love that she gets a romantic love interest who is also ace (whoot whoot), they move awfully fast, which I could never do. 
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann- This book is a bit more dicey with me. Alice is much more adventurous than I am or will be. She also doesn’t trust herself. Many ace people have had sex to either, get it out of the way and see if they like it, or to please their partner. I liked seeing that part of the community represented but as someone who is sex repulsed, my experience is very different than a sex neutral ace. I’m also so glad she was biromantic, I still haven’t figured out romantic attraction but I’m super into aesthetic attraction of all genders. Alice also has some of my favorite quotes about being ace and her analogy about jogging is the best. 
How to Be a Normal Person by TJ Klune- I waited on this book because I knew I would love it, and I did!!! This was the romcom of aces I needed. I was as grumpy and lost as Gus, but as confident and loud as Casey. They believed each other and trusted each other and it was just beautiful. I liked that Gus never used a label and I liked how important Casey’s label was to his sense of the world and how neither were invalidated. 
Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee- Felicity is so apathetic, it’s hysterical. She’s like, this is me, deal with it. Her aceness is tied to her aroness, which is the case for many people, but the distance of the time period and class made it hard to relate to her. I actually would have liked her ace identity to play a larger part in the book, and not be so easily dismissed by Sim.
Every Heart a Doorway by Seannn McGuire- Nancy literally not fitting into the world and also being ace was a wonderful metaphor. While there wasn’t much content on her being ace, I enjoyed how sure of herself she was and how she interacted with other people from the queer community, although not so much as queer allies, just generally supportive. 
Immortal Code by Lilllian Clark- I picked up this book with no idea there was an ace character, but there was Reese!!! She referred to herself as acearo, which was new to me, but hey, language constantly changes, right? Her love story of her friends is lovely and meaningful. 
Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee- I hope everyone gets a Tash book. Tash just fit with me. I adored her, and all her flaws lined up so well with mine. Her flawed mindset, her doubt, her emotions.. . .her experiences very much mirror my own. She deals with aphobia more, she has wants for a romantic relationship, but also completely lost on how to have one. She found the ace community online and connected to them there, as well as vocalizing how aces are part of the queer community. While she used words like “sexual” instead of “allosexual” and didn’t have other ace friends, found out in high school instead of college, her story all but felt like mine. 
I highly recommend these books and have linked my in depth reviews for most of them for more details on my thoughts on the novels. 
Vampires • Werewolves • Dragons • Aliens • Faerie • Portal Fantasies •  Dysopias • Angels/Demons  • Animal Companions  • Mermaids • Fictional Relationships  • Fictional Twins • Magic Schools
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shadedpenumbra · 5 years
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[image: a line of four slices of cake that bob up and down. The first and third slices of cake have asexual pride flag colors and second and last slices of cake have aromantic pride flag colors. There are a few ace of spade symbols and green and purple sparkles around the picture as well.]
Commentary: Here’s a quick aroace banner for the end of ace awareness week! 
Please don’t repost my artwork
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nox-ceur · 5 years
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Happy Asexual Awareness week y’all :)
Transparent hearts come from this post!
(they/them pronouns please)
Quality sucks but it looks better on mobile
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rainyinjanuary · 5 years
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happy ace week y’all!!! i don’t often talk ab my ace identity (hello i am asexual) but the aro/ace community was a huge comfort to me while i was questioning and continues to be such a wholesome place. much love to all my aro, ace and a-spec pals this week and always :o)
also hi to all my fellow ace lesbians out there y’all are amazing and i luv u all
(the lil bit of art above is drawn by me!! so uhh credit to me ig lol)
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brookstonalmanac · 27 days
Holidays 5.8
Ace Day of Visibility Day
Adam Lambert Day (San Diego)
Brian May Day (UK)
Children’s Day (Maldives)
Colorism Awareness Day
Crow Day
A Day Without Child Care
A Day Without Socks
Dupuytren’s Disease Day (UK)
Emancipation Day (Columbus, Mississippi)
Fête de I'iris (Brussels, Belgium)
508 Day
Free Trade Day
Furry Dance Day (a.k.a. The Flora; Helston, Cornwall, UK)
Hayek Day
Infant Mortality Awareness Day
International Blue Iguana Day
International Thalassemia Day
International Viking Day
Iris Day
Jamestown Day
Katniss Everdeen Day (Hunger Games)
Let It Be Day
Liberation Day (Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia)
Miguel Hidalgo Day (Mexico)
Mississippi River Day
National Amyloidosis Day (Australia)
National Archery Day
National Catahoula Day
National Coral Reef Day (Indonesia)
National Dakota Day
National Maria Day
National Meeting Planners Appreciation Day
National Nova Day
National Outdoor Intercourse Day
National Report Government Contractor Fraud Day
National Student Nurses Day
National Women’s Checkup Day
No Socks Day
Occupational Safety & Health Professional Day
Orache Day (French Republic)
Parents’ Day (Korea)
Provider Appreciation Day
Radio Day (Philippines)
Reward Yourself Day
Truman Day (Missouri)
Veterans Day (Norway)
Victory in Europe Day (a.k.a. V-E Day)
Westminster Dog Show Anniversary Day
Women’s Historic Night (Norway)
World Donkey Day
World Orienteering Day
World Ovarian Cancer Day
World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day
World Smallpox Eradication Day
World Smile Day
Yerkrapah Day (Armenia)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day (a.k.a. Have a Coke Day)
Empanada Day
Give Someone a Cupcake Day
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
National Have a Coke Day
Independence & Related Days
Breve Empire (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
British Monarchy (Restored after the Commonwealth; 1660)
Impy (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Qaflana (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
2nd Wednesday in May
Bike to School Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
CBDC Day (Canada) [2nd Wednesday]
Donate a Day's Wages to Charity Day [2nd Wednesday]
Emergency Medical Services for Children Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
National Day for Staff Networks (UK) [2nd Wednesday]
National Nightshift/Third Shift Worker Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Numeracy Day (UK) [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
National Receptionists’ Day [2nd Wednesday]
National Root Canal Appreciation Day [2nd Wednesday]
National School Nurse Day [Wednesday of 1st Full Week]
World Facilities Management Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
World FM Day [Wednesday of 2nd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 8 (1st Full Week)
National Women’s Health Week (thru 5.14)
Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives During the Second World War Day (UN) [thru 5.9]
Festivals Beginning May 8, 2024
Furry Dance (Flora Day; Helston, UK)
Heart’s Delight Wine Tasting (Washington, DC) [thru 5.11]
Nigeria International Book Fair (Lagos, Nigeria) [thru 5.10]
Tehran International Book Fair (Tehran, Iran) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
Acacius (Christian; Martyr)
Agathius (Christian; Saint)
Alphonse Legros (Artology)
Amato Ronconi (Christian; Saint)
Apparition of Saint Michael (Christian; Saint)
Arsenius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Bacciccio (Artology)
Back Scratching Day (Pastafarian)
Benedict II, pope (Christian; Saint)
Bertalan Székely (Artology)
Boniface IV, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Buddha Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Camillus (Positivist; Saint)
Catherine of St. Augustine (Christian; Saint)
Chivington Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Crumb (Muppetism)
Delousing Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Desideratus (Christian; Saint)
Dog-Prodding (Gremlins; Shamanism)
Feast of the Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel (Christian; Saint)
The Festival of Mens (Ancient Roman Goddess of Mind and Consciousness)
Forest Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Fulla’s Blot (Pagan)
The Furry Dance (a.k.a. The Flora; Cornwall, UK)
Gibrian (Christian; Saint)
Gybrian of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Ida of Nivelles (Christian; Saint)
Jean Giraud (a.k.a. Mœbius; Artology)
Julian of Norwich (Anglican, Lutheran)
Ludvig Karsten (Artology)
Magdalene of Canossa (Christian; Saint)
Mates Day (Pastafarian)
Nathaniel Dance-Holland (Artology)
Odrian of Waterford (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Luján (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Tarentaise (Christian; Saint)
Plechelm and Otger (Christian; Saints)
Teresa Demjanovich (Ruthenian Catholic Church)
Thomas Pynchon (Writerism)
Victor Maurus (Christian; Martyr)
Wiro of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
White Lotus Day (Theosophy)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [17 of 30]
About a Boy (Film; 2002)
The Blue Dahlia (Film; 1946)
Buccaneer Bunny (WB LT Cartoon; 1948)
Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1972)
Clash and Carry (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1961)
Cover Her Face, by P.D. James (Novel; 1962) [Adam Dalgliesh #1]
Deep Impact (Film; 1998)
Dennis the Menace in Mayday for Mother (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1981)
Dr. Jerkyl’s Hide (WB LT Cartoon; 1954)
Dr. No (US Film; 1963) [James Bond #1]
Down to Earth or The Bullwinkle Bounce (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 47; 1960)
Dracula (Film; 1958)
The Driver’s Seat, by Muriel Spark (Novella; 1970)
Elbow Room (America Rock Cartoon; Schoolhouse Rock; 1976)
Endless Love, recorded by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross (Song; 1981)
Fall Story or Adrift in the Lift (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 48; 1960)
A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney (Essay Collection; 1982)
Frolicking Fish (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Good Shepherd, by C.S. Forester (Novel; 1955)
Grace and Frankie (TV Series; 2015)
Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales (Book; 1835)
Hot Pursuit (Film; 2015)
Huey’s Father’s Day (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Lady of the Lake, by Sir Walter Scott (Poem; 1810)
Let It Be, by The Beatles (Album; 1970)
The Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe (Novel; 1794)
Olive Oyl and Water Don’t Mix (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1942)
Pacific 231, by Arthur Honegger (Orchestral Work; 1924)
Ragtime, by E.L. Doctorow (Novel; 1975)
Red Riding Hood (MGM Cartoon; 1943)
The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinkley Sheridan (Play; 1777)
Solar Opposites (Animated TV Series; 2020)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 1994)
Star Trek (Film; 2009)
Technocracked (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1933)
Three Imaginary Boys (a.k.a. Boys Don’t Cry), by The Cure (Album; 1979)
Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1983)
War as I Knew It, by George S. Patton Jr. (Memoir; 1947)
Woody’s Clip Joint (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1964)
Today’s Name Days
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Austria)
Arsen, Ida, Marija (Croatia)
Státní svátek (Czech Republic)
Stanislaus (Denmark)
Timmo, Timmu, Timo (Estonia)
Heino (Finland)
Désiré (France)
Ida, Klara, Ulla, Ulrike (Germany)
Arsenios, Melios, Theologos (Greece)
Mihály (Hungary)
Desiderato, Egli, Geronzio, Maria, Michele, Rosario, Vittore (Italy)
Aiga, Ceronis, Inita, Staņislavs, Stefanija (Latvia)
Audrius, Džiugas, Mykolas (Lithuania)
Åge, Åke (Norway)
Dezyderia, Ilza, Marek, Michał, Piotr, Stanisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Ingrida (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio, Luján, Pedro, Víctor (Spain)
Åke (Sweden)
Acacia, Acacio, Acacius, Ace, Hal, Harold, Harriet, Harris, Harrison, Harry, Hattie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 129 of 2024; 237 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 19 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 1 (Ren-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 30 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 29 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 9 Magenta; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 25 April 2024
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 17 Caesar (5th Month) [Regulus]
Runic Half Month: Lagu (Flowing Water) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 51 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 19 of 31)
Calendar Changes
梅月 [Méiyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 4 of 12] (Plum Month) [Earthly Branch: Snake Month] (Sìyuè; Fourth Month)
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