#a unknown reblogging
dendroculus · 1 year
at this point the house should just go for a new record. how many did they have to do in 1856? 133 rounds? we can beat that. it would be hilarious
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ssseriema · 1 year
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evil scott evil scott evil scott this is evil scott properganda (with bonus aimseys and owens) (this is area unknown scott btw please look at him)
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bowenoke · 4 months
we talk a lot about how current kids, teenagers, and parents never learned internet safety in this age of social media, but i think we also gotta be honest with ourselves that most of us, adults on the internet who participate in fandom, never really learned how to engage with young people without setting them up for disaster.
might be weird to say it like this, but it's important to leave people how you met them or better. like hiking or going to a nature reserve. if you are regularly talking to people on the internet, especially teenagers, you need to consider whether your behavior with them is how another, shittier person would take advantage of them, because you have no real way of protecting them if that happens. like if you're going into discords and saying 'hey i'm mom! let me help you with your homework and irl issues. also please feel free to vent to me if you have any mental health issues or problems at home" you have to understand that the next person who says that to them may be leaving out the end of their plan; "that would make you easier to abuse."
sometimes you have to say "you seem fun and have a lot of great ideas but you are also 15, so if you wanna talk fandom, here are the boundaries we're going to follow, because these are the boundaries other adults should be following with you." or just refuse to talk to kids.
you decide what your responsibility, is but what you can't do is build an illegal fire pit on the hiking trail, if you catch my drift.
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chimeride · 2 days
Have one beguiling creature the main body,torso and wings are that of a dragon fly its head that of a Gharial,however affixed where the eyes would commonly be are the elongated eyes of the stalk eyed fly,and at the end of every leg the foot of a turkey vulture.
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thefirststarr · 6 months
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SPACEMAS DAY 14 ✨🪐🌎☄️☀️🌕
Most galaxies don't have any rings of stars and gas but why does M94 have two? First, spiral galaxy M94 has an inner ring of newly formed stars surrounding its nucleus, giving it not only an unusual appearance but also a strong interior glow. A leading hypothesis states that there’s an elongated knot of stars known as a bar, and it rotates in M94. This has generated a burst of star formation in this inner ring. Observations have also revealed another ring, an outer ring. This one is more faint, different in color, not closed, and relatively complex. What caused this outer ring to form is currently unknown. M94, pictured here, spans about 45,000 light years in total, lies about 15 million light years away, and can be seen with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Hunting Dogs (Canes Venatici).
Image Credit & Copyright: Brian Brennan
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2022 MASS live tour - PHASE 02 - "TheUnknown" (spice.eplus)
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
What's tumblarity? Just the name alone sounds like a horrible idea
my all time favourite "okay there's no way anybody thought this was a good idea at any point" site feature / design choice
tumblarity existed for all of like 3 or 4 months in 2009 and i miss it because of how utterly insane it was as a concept like they really tried to start world war 3 in here
it was... a popularity score. a literal numerical popularity contest. nobody ever figured out exactly how it was computed because there was absolutely nothing consistent about it (engagement - likes, reblogs, followers - would increase your score but always by some random amount)
and hey. maybe just having a sort of "blog rating" number by itself wouldn't be so bad (a good grade in tumblr is both normal to want and possible to achieve) except
they also ranked everybody. both globally and within your country (hilariously you could change your country any time you wanted in settings so for a while i was the, like 11th most popular blog in belgium or something just because)
and showed you your place within both of those rankings alongside your score on the tumblarity page
the rankings could not be hidden
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babylon-crashing · 3 months
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"Do you know where little girls go who don't like putting their clothes on?"
"Yes, on the stage."
... from Humor Camp, vol. 5 (1961)
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kim-poce · 1 year
“Put some clothes on!” I call after her as she closes the door. “You might meet a Texan!”
“It’s five in the morning, everyone’s asleep! I’m not gonna meet a Texan! Oh, hi, Tal.”
“Tiny, why aren’t you wearing pants?"
When you want to be naked but there are Texans
Time to Orbit: Unknown
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chalamazed · 1 month
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New art! Graphite and charcoal
Reblog please! ❤️❤️❤️
Follow my art blog on insta
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Coco: You're one of my closest friends and my brother's partner, I would do anything for you.
Komatsu: I want you to maintain a decent sleep schedule and go back to Gourmet Hunting.
Coco: Absolutely not.
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theclownkaufmo · 6 months
Hey, Kaufmo, do you think the fluff or your hat looks like frizzy, curly hair sometimes? I do.
Also, do you remember what happens to you when you drink a large coffee? The last time I had a large latte, I looked like a ghost afterwards with pale skin and dark eyes.
Oh- hello. Apologies for my.. quite late response. I have been very busy lately.
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chimeride · 5 months
What if you made a manticore out of different animals, but kept the double rows of teeth?
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Easy answer, sharks !! I had some manticores concepts waiting in my sketches to be brought here, here is one them
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boanerges20 · 2 months
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A Sheep On Arrival | A Lion Upon Release
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go-go-devil · 11 months
Does anyone else have that one album you enjoy that's so incredibly obscure that it feels like it belongs to you personally? Like you're the one and only aficionado on it because you can't find anyone else who's as big of a fan as you are?
Reblog and put in the tags what yours are, I really wanna know 🎧
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lordlexion · 7 months
Q: "I can't stand this!"
Q5: "Oh shush it Q."
Q: "I won't! I don't like this one bit!"
Q5: "Oh, what's the point of your tantrum?"
Q: "Why he have to die? Why he have to live such a short life. Be being that will pass in blink of an eye. I can't stand this! It's unacceptable!
Q5: "That, will pass, as all things did. As all things must. All things."
Q: "I won't accept that."
Q5: "That's not something to accept or not, that's how things are."
Q: "Then I'll made them different."
Q5: "You can try but it's pointless. All things will come to pass, not us but the mortals will. They always do. And your... What they called them? Feelings, will too."
Q: "They won't! He won't! I'll not allow this to happen. I promise him eternity and I'll make it happen."
Q5: "You can try. But it's all pointless. And you, my little brother, are hopeless."
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