#a series of couplets
prinprime · 20 days
Wet dirt, dry blood, and tomorrow has already come.
I picked up smoking just so I could hold you like a ghost in my lungs.
It burns the same as lead, the same as your ministrations did.
You were too kind to be good and too good to live.
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cangelgifs · 2 years
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Cordy when she finally gets to dress a man:
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loopholesinmydreams · 4 months
Has anyone overlayed the "it's rotten work." "Not to me. Not if it's you." text over Wes and Angel because I think I need it
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pizzawendell · 4 months
Baseballs travel farther when you watch them fly Apples fatten on the tree when you walk by
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Genshin Impact Character Stickers
Hello, Travelers! Paimon has prepared a series of Genshin Impact Character Stickers. Feel free to use them!
This couplet's for none other than our illustrious Captain Beidou. Naturally, I would have to think of something extraordinary.
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Food's ready! Relax, Chongyun — this dish isn't spicy in the slightest. Try it and you'll see!
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One's Supreme Cuisine Machine makes cooking a breeze, so let one know if there's anything else you'd like.
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That special time of year has descended upon us once more. Let us enjoy the enchanting sights of the Lantern Rite together.
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It's not often that I get to let my hair down like this, so no discussion of business tonight. Are these snacks to your liking?
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Dr. Baizhu, can you keep up with us? Yaoyao, let's wait for him here.
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Thanks for coming to watch my performance! Let's all have a midnight snack together after the show!
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im so normal about the trials of apollo you guys
the way that prophecies adapted to different types of poetry aside from couplets (sonnets, terza rima)
appearances from past protagonists, but not in a fan-service-y way and it makes sense for the plot (i.e. visiting sally in manhattan bc it's the only safe place that doesn't have cameras from the triumvirate)
apollo lowkey taking notes on how to be a better father by observing paul blofis' selflessness
will and nico. that's it
minor characters being brought to the spotlight !!! kayla and austin, sherman yang, malcolm from the athena cabin
demigods of other gods getting more rep, demeter and the other dryads deserved it.
the big bad of the series was fascism/the 1%. that's dope asf.
i love how nobody really questioned the funding behind the princess andromeda and now that was brought back as a major villain???? amazing
apollo and meg are best buds with no bitches. we love platonic relationships
apollo recognizing the tyranny in zeus' rule by drawing parallels from nero and deciding to spend more time on earth whenever possible
"ill be there for you. the sun always comes back." i'm in tears are you kidding me
apollo's character development is so amazing, seeing victory through battles that were well fought with bruises and scars, rather than laurels that were given to him
apollo choosing diana for the summoning ritual bc if he was going to die, he would at least want to see his sister one last time
reyna joining the hunters??? that's so perfect for her
i can go on for ages. this series was amazing
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kaalbela · 7 months
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Khona was a poet and astronomer from Deulia village in Bengal, best known for Khonar Bochon, a series of couplets and short rhymes which imparts advice regarding agricultural and rural life. Born somewhere between 800-1200 A.D., Khona defied social and cultural norms of her time when women were rarely taught to read. Her husband Mihir was the son of the philosopher and astronomer Barahmihir, who was one of the navaratnas (nine gems) at the court of Chandragupta II. Khona lived in Chandragupta's court in Pataliputra for a time with her husband and father-in-law. According to legend, Chandragupta was so impressed with Khonar Bochon which benefited the farmers of his state that he named Khona the tenth gem of his court. Khonar Bochon remains relevant to the agricultural life of rural Bengal to the present day.
ষোল চাষে মূলা / তার অর্ধেক তুলা / তার অর্ধেক ধান / বিনা চাষে পান।
Translation: After 16 days of cultivation, radish cultivation in that land gives good yield. Cotton land requires 8 days of cultivation, paddy land after 4 days of cultivation gives good yield. Betel does not require cultivation.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
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The Be My Valentine Challenge 2024
An event from @timecanalwayshealyou
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The Be My Valentine Challenge is a challenge for writers, artists, and just any kind of creator, from the first of February to the 14th!
The idea is to create thirteen smaller, lead-up pieces based on the prompts; for example, ficlets/drabbles/one-shots, couplets, small artworks, individual gifs, et. cetera - and finish the challenge with a larger work; a fic, a full poem, a gifset, a big artwork, whatever sparks for you!
They can be a series or separate, and you're free to change mediums or fandoms for different days. If you'd rather create fourteen small works, or all large ones, or a combination of both, that's completely up to you! Prompts can be used after the event, combined, just do whatever! Only "properly" used prompts will be reblogged to this page, however.
The catch; it's all romance prompts, in the spirit of Valentine's Day and because everyone on this site is single and lonely.
Each day has a quote from an iconic or relevant romance film (The Notebook, Red, White and Royal Blue, The Fault In Our Stars, Pride And Prejudice, etc.), an iconic love song, and a romantic cliché, act, or item.
This account will be reblogging a few works (art, drabbles, ficposts, etc.) from the event tag (bemyvalentine2024) each day. Full tagging rules, the transcribed prompt list, and other event details are under the cut. If you're unsure about anything, send in an ask! Happy Creating!
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There will be an ao3 collection open from the first of February to the fourteenth for submission. Artworks, gifsets, etc. posted to tumblr should be tagged appropriately to be seen as part of the event.
The official spotify playlist for the event can be found here.
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Anyone who completes this event is considered a Valentine, and anyone who participates is a Lover. At the end of the event, a form will be put out, so if you wish to be tagged in a masterpost, keep an eye out! I won't be fact-checking, it's an honour system, so please be honest.
There will be completion and participation badges, too! They're in the works as we speak!
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Tagging System:
event tag - #bemyvalentine2024
prompt tag - #bemyvalentineno1, #bemyvalentineno2, etc.
(Or #bemyvalentinealt1, #bemyvalentinealt2, if you use alt promtps)
the theme or specific prompt/s you chose - #love poems, #quote, etc.
fandom or oc - #stranger things, #original content, etc.
any trigger warnings/nsfw tags if needed
and then your own tags!
Only works tagged correctly will be reblogged to this page, so please take note!
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Transcribed Prompt List:
Day 1: "But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." Because You Loved Me, Celine Dion | Love Poems
Day 2: "I want all of you, forever. You and me. Every day." A Thousand Years, Christina Perri | Growing Old Together
Day 3: "I fell in love with a world through her eyes." Ocean Eyes, Billie Eilish | Love at First Sight
Day 4: "I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you." Marry Me, Train | Wedding Vows
Day 5: "My love will keep me from being a lonely spirit." When I Look At You, Miley Cyrus | Long Distance
Day 6: "People do belong to each other, because that's the only chance that anyone's got for true happiness." Home, Edward Sharpe | First Love
Day 7: "It's so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk." Sweater Weather, The Neighbourhood | Snowed In
Day 8: "I never wish to be parted from you from this day on." Say You Won't Let Go, James Arthur | Love Letter
Day 9: "You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." Lay Me Down, Sam Smith | Widowed
Day 10: "Hold on, are you writing a song?" I Want To Write You A Song, One Direction | Love Songs
Day 11: "To me, you are perfect." Perfect, Ed Sheeran | Kissing in the Rain
Day 12: "History, huh? Bet we could make some." Love Story, Taylor Swift | Historical Romance
Day 13: "I wish I knew how to quit you." All of Me, John Legend | Making Up
Day 14: "You don't step in love, you fall in. Head over heels." I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston | Valentine's Day
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sgiandubh · 4 months
Today's apocryphal Sun Tzu quote
The more biased you are, the less interested in the big picture.
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Sun Wen - Vignette from the illustration series of The Dream of the Red Chamber novel, 19th c. AD
A short note: Cao Xueqin's The Dream of the Red Chamber is probably my favorite Chinese novel. It opens with a very wise couplet, that could have been written for this fandom:
假作真時真亦假, 無為有處有還無。
Truth becomes fiction when the fiction's true; Real becomes not-real where the unreal's real.
And it is doubled by another couplet:
假去真來真勝假, 無原有是有非無。
When Fiction departs and Truth appears, Truth prevails; Though Not-real was once Real, the Real is never unreal.
And because History is often poetically ironic, the novel was written starting around 1745. I am dead serious.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 7 months
fuck it we're liveblogging Batman '66
black list "#66 time" right now if you don't want to see this because god. there's going to be so much.
ep 1x01: Hi Diddle Riddle
"Makenzie you never included the episode titles when you were doing Gotham" yeah man but the 66 episodes make little rhyming couplets and I want you to experience the whimsy with me
I think all the time about the way that Burt Ward was fully married with a child when he started playing Dick Grayson as like. the ageless platonic ideal of a wholesome young lad
"the Riddler contrives his plots like artichokes" I'm always saying that Bruce
Frank Gorshin Riddler you will always be iconic. he's literally just suing Batman for assaulting him. and it's working!
except he's not REALLY suing him that's just a pretext for delivering MORE riddles as part of a scheme to kidnap Robin and replace him with a henchgirl like it's so needlessly convoluted
so much is made about how much it would suck if Batman had to appear in court and reveal his identity but he's like. he's so above board in this show. he says in the first ep he's a "duly deputized agent of the law." he's literally just a cop in a bat costume with a teen sidekick he's only wearing the bat costume because it's fun. this Bruce is arguably the biggest freak of any Bruce ever put to screen.
bro they drugged his orange juice... can't have shit in Gotham...
Gorshin plays the Riddler as such a fucking. creature. always scuttling around and crouched over and bouncing and cackling and popping out of spaces where he absolutely should not be with a deeply weasel-like look on his shifty little face. he had such a blank slate to work with (if memory serves, the Riddler had cropped up in a grand total of like six comics prior to appearing in the show) and he picked violence.
and he was right for that
1x02: Smack in the Middle
see look at that. a couplet. how cute.
Bruce has an uncle? an alive uncle?
things that exist in Gotham: the old turtle mill on Orleans Cove
more writers should let Bruce have a "Bat Ray" the just kills the ignition in people's cars. surely that won't go wrong.
I don't think anyone talks enough about how buckfucking wild it is that in the second episode ever of this very goofy non-violent series a woman dies by falling into a nuclear reactor
and then Bruce makes a terrible pun about it that literally no one can hear but him. dick move tbh.
Riddler's got a whole plaid suit pink shoe/gloves/hat situation going on... kind of serving
the lawsuit was dismissed btw. if anyone was worried.
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lawlesslibrary · 7 months
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Jingguanlou is a private art collection primarily on 20th-century Chinese painting and calligraphy, compiled by the local connoisseur Dr Leo Wong Kwai-kuen. Dr Wong has generously donated to the Hong Kong Museum of Art a total of 1,110 priceless works of art from various categories: works by masters of the Shanghai School of painting; a collection of couplets, folding fans and albums, dating from the Qing dynasty to the modern era; a series of purple clay teapots with rubbings; and his own photographic works. With a particular fondness for the Shanghai School, Dr Wong has encountered many of the Shanghai famous artists and established a comprehensive collection of works created by Zhu Qizhan (1892 – 1996), Xie Zhiliu (1910 – 1997) and Chen Peiqiu (1923 – 2020) at different stages in their lives. Reflecting the close friendships that he enjoyed with these masters of Chinese art, Dr Wong's collection not only serves as an invaluable resource for research into the Shanghai School in the modern era, but also illustrates the development of Chinese painting and calligraphy in the 20th century. Dr Wong's photographs are also highly valued for the appreciation of Chinese art and culture. Profoundly influenced by Zhu Qizhan, he explores and strives to break through the visual language of photography with undertones of traditional aesthetics.
The term Jingguanlou literally means "the studio of silent viewing" and is derived from the wisdom of Cheng Ho, a famous Confucian scholar of the Northern Song, that "All things can provide contentment when viewed with calm contemplation", which emphasises the inspiration that is derived from inner vision. It reflects Dr Wong's philosophy in collecting, which is based on serendipity and a calm mind. In November 2021, Dr Leo Wong Kwai-kuen donated his lifelong collection to the HKMoA to give the public the opportunity to share his joy in and affection for the outstanding Chinese art he has acquired. The abundant and valuable items from Jingguanlou have not only enriched the museum collection of 20th-century painting and calligraphy, but also laid a solid foundation for the HKMoA to be a noticeable hub for the collection and research on Chinese painting and calligraphy. The donation further recognises the HKMoA as a home for local private collections and has enhanced its status as an international museum.
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fandomestloser · 26 days
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letters from my bedroom floor
a poetry compilation by @fandomestloser
this poetry compilation is filled with various works i created over the span of several months so far, and i'm certain it will continue for many more months. the title is inspired by "emails i can't send" (an album and song by sabrina carpenter), and i think it really resonates with the messages i've portrayed in these poems; a lot of these works were created in times of emotional, financial, or interpersonal hardship, and they're works that are very important to me. do not repost any of my poetry anywhere without credit. moodboard is by me; all images belong to their original owners or creators - they were sourced on pinterest, dm for credit or removal.
poem masterlist under the cut.
💌chapter one: "many names of a teenager" a social comment on the expectations and misconceptions surrounding teenagers in the modern age. no warnings.
💌chapter two: "the things they don't tell you" what is essentially just a (poorly written) statement on the idiocy of the concept of "common sense' in a world with so many differences. no warnings.
💌chapter three: "i am not myself" a series of couplets about the challenges of presenting as somebody that you don't identify with, in a body or life that feels foreign to you. no warnings.
💌chapter four: "i want to be" the need to be truly loved. no warnings.
💌chapter five: "he is everything" a freeverse on the relationship between musicians and their fans, written specifically about louis tomlinson but pretty much applicable to any major artist. no warnings.
💌chapter six: "simpler me" a freeverse on the idea of pretending to be someone you're not, specifically revolving around gender, because it's going to be societally easier than the alternative. no warnings.
💌chapter seven: "what if?" a freeverse of self-reflection following the end of a toxic relationship (not inherently romantic). no warnings.
💌chapter eight: "star in your sky" a freeverse of the idea of, essentially, not caring what you are to them, so long as you get to be something. the idea of loving someone so desperately and so overwhelmingly that you don't even care if it's barely reciprocated, just as long as they recognise your existence. no warnings.
💌chapter nine: "torn" the idea of not knowing whether you are helping or harming; if it's worth you staying to love them, or if you are doing more harm than good. no warnings.
💌chapter ten: "numbers" a poem on the things that can be counted in the relationship, and in its ending; and the things that can't be numbered. no warnings.
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na-bird-of-the-day · 8 months
BOTD: Red-legged Thrush
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Photo: Christoph Moning
"An often conspicuous ground-dwelling species that occurs in a wide variety of habitats from brush and gardens to dense woods. Appearance highly variable across its range but throughout is unique in its blue-tinged gray plumage combined with bright orange-red legs and eyering. Song is typically a series of deliberate whistled couplets. Calls include a variety of squeaks, chucks, and a loud 'tsee-up.'"
- eBird
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mashithamel · 3 months
New accomplishment as a fanfic writer! I’ve been writing since middle school, but almost always one shots, often missing moments, because I loved exploring the emotion and drama of those moments but could never come up with a whole plot that would support a longer story, or burned out on a story when I realized I wasn’t interested in the connective tissue that would tie the interesting bits together. I’ve done some series with thematically related one shots, but nothing more than a couplet otherwise.
But I just finished something with four chapters! Not really plot heavy or anything, but more than 13,000 words where what happens in one chapter affects the next, and it has a beginning/middle/end type thing. I mean, is it good? I dunno, but I feel like it hit the emotional points I wanted it to, and I enjoyed writing it, so that’s what ultimately matters. It’s just a nice way to end my week having done something I haven’t done before, and to know that, maybe, I’m growing as a writer.
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Song spotlight: “Can You Dig It?” (Tork); photos from the set of Head (1968).
"'Can You Dig It' is about the Tao. The hook line I wrote in my dressing room on the set [of the television series in 1967]. The chords for the chorus I’d written in college, and [they] had just stuck with me. I hadn’t been able to do a thing with them until I was sittin’ there, just writin’ on a scrap of paper with ideas, and I wrote, 'Can you dig it?/Do you know/Would you care to let it show?’ Those three as a triplet — as opposed to a couplet. I just looked at them and [went], 'Wow!’ I grabbed a pencil and circled those three. They were part of a quatrain. I said, ‘Wait a minute. No, this works best as a little three-line chorus.'" - Peter Tork, Head box set liner notes
"I think they’re ['Can You Dig It?’ and 'Long Title: Do I Have To Do This All Over Again?'] the best songs in the movie [Head]. I love both of them. I thought they were just terrific. He had plugged himself into that whole Stephen Stills connection and was working with those guys. I think they fit the movie better than anything did. When those two songs start up in the movie, it comes alive for me." - Michael Nesmith, Head box set liner notes
“This started as a set of changes I wrote in college and didn’t know what to do with. Then one afternoon on the set of the Monkees we were making the TV show and I had my guitar in my dressing room. The basic lyrics came to me and these changes I had stored in the back of my brain spring forth and dictated that kind of vaguely Spanish/North African harmonic sense. I was writing about the great unknown source of all. It was perfect for the Head soundtrack.” - Peter Tork, Rolling Stone, August 23, 2016
“When I recorded ‘Can You Dig It,’ the guitar solo originally ran about three or four minutes all by itself. We cut that back to a minute and a half. Bob Rafelson took a pair of scissors and snipped off the end of it. He didn’t ask me to shorten it, which I would have been glad to do. He just chopped it off. Son of a bitch! I have a lot of gripes about that, but that’s neither here nor there.” - Peter Tork, Blitz!, May/June 1980
“Dewey Martin, Buffalo Springfield’s drummer. He was also a very good drummer. I was really impressed with him. In the Monkees movie Head, ‘Long Title’ and ‘Can You Dig It,’ he’s on both of those cuts. He’s the drummer on both of those, for the most part. Actually, I think it’s ‘Can You Dig It,’ it involves a lot of playing around on the toms, and I had Dewey take the snares off of his snare to make it into another tom, and he said, ‘I can’t get the snare back on in time to play the backbeats,’ and I said, ‘Nevermind, play the backbeats on the tom and I’ll overdub the snare afterwards.’ And I overdubbed the snare myself, so that’s me playing snare. But all the running around on the toms and the rest of it, that’s Dewey.” - Peter Tork, 2007, published by Rolling Stone in 2019 (x)
"Can You Dig It?" with Peter's vocal, 1968: here.
Peter performing "Can You Dig It?" live during The Monkees' tour in 1987: here.
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saveillow10 · 10 months
Welcome to my Willow shipping blog . This blogs is dedicated to Tanthamore Graylora Roguereaver for willow series .
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I love this pair Kit and Jade have so much chemisty and love for each . I just love any scene with this two . and also two most stronge fight I knew and hope we get to see this more on willow vol 2 also here on this blogs find all link with this two and much more here
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I love this pair Graydon and Elora have sure a sad love . they are both two damage people who have lots pain in their life grow up . I just hope also learn to grow and came into power their can find so kind of happy ending with each ,
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This couplets I love so much . I just love how boorman is so mean and than you so how he is with her and see a much soft side to him . and also get a little back story to his past . but I just wish willow would have get us back story to this two .
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what can I said about this shipping . Its just said Arik have never love Elora . and he could easy be fall for someone else so easy if give a chance . so I am happy if he end up with anyone . and that its end before its start .
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