#a familiar netherworld au
pocketramblr · 4 months
I've got a M!IK au now too u.u enjoy Izuku summoning familiars shenanigans with a sprinkling of musing about trust and the occasional eldritch abomination
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officialdaydreamer00 · 7 months
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"The final resting place of heroes and the virtuous.
When the concept of reincarnation gained currency in the classical world, the two Elysian realms were sometimes tiered — a soul which had won passage three times to the netherworld Elysium would, with their fourth death, be transferred to the Islands of the Blessed to dwell with the heroes of myth for all eternity.
Blessed be, the destination of two fated lovers..."
finally closing the book, you let out a soft sigh. it wasn't that you didn't enjoy mythology stories like such, far from it exactly. yet somehow, it always gave you a sense of familiarity, as if you had been through it before.
you shook your head. mythology were just stories people of ancient civilisations made up for their beliefs, of course. that was just a silly thought you had, right?
... right?
you felt a pair of arms snaked around your waist, warm and gentle as if you were made from porcelain. a familiar scent that belonged to your beloved, the comfort of which your confused soul sought for. lips leaving a fleeting kiss to your tensed neck, murmuring a voice, beautiful and soothing, you yearned to hear.
"i'm home."
right, you smiled. it didn't matter much, as long as he was still by your side.
"welcome home."
as long as your bond still prevailed.
your fated, your beloved.
(From 20th to 30th of November)
— by Lovejoy Studios
A Twisted Wonderland AU sets in an inestimable timeline, where the gods are very much real. And you, dear one, and your beloved are reunited at last, after centuries old of godly tragedies.
𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝:
In Elysium, you may decide who shall play the god, and who shall play the human. Of course, both can be gods, or both can be humans.
I unfortunately cannot stop the tragedies you might have faced in your first lives, though, for Greek mythology shows no mercy for its heroes. That, dear one, you have to figure out yourself.
• You have to reblog this post, and spread the word to the best of your abilities. The more people who knows, the more effective it shall be.
• Seek the Oracle of Delphi and tell her your wishes. You may need to specify your beloved one, and a scenario you had in mind, else the Oracle would tell you a... less than appeal vision. However, if that is what you wanted, then I will not stop you.
• Examples of what your ask should be like:
"What is my destiny with Malleus Draconia? Would it end with us happily in love and dancing the night away under the night sky?"
"Tell me my destiny with Jade Leech. Would he truly be my fated one, had we ended up like Theseus and Ariadne?"
Be as creative and detailed as you wish, dear one. I am not here to hinder you from finding your destined end.
May the Fates be kind to you.
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format is inspired by the great mage of misery, @ceruleancattail
🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @siren-serenity @dove-da-birb @shinysparklesapphires @vioisgoinginsane @shyhaya @hisui-dreamer @axvwriter @names-are-dumb @leonistic @iseethatimicy @cecilebutcher @moonlit-midnight @krenenbaker @ryker-writes @cookiesandbiscuits @minimallyminnie @xen-blank @cave-of-jade @mermaidfanficlibrary @taruruchi @thehollowwriter @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @wordycheesecake @enigmatic-pers @jaylleoo14
note: i might not write for characters i find hard to characterise correctly (i.e. pomefiore trio, jamil, leona) but i will try my best to
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Hisashi sells Izuku to a demon named Sullivan (Iruma-Kun AU)
Hisashi did this after Izuku was diagnosed Quirkless, while Inko was out. He thought he could come up with a convincing cover story, or that she might not care because her son was Quirkless. He was wrong. He's actually lucky; had Sullivan realized what he was doing... oh man. Sullivan also thought she was in on it at the time and therefore that he would be able to spoil little Izuku guilt-free.
Being a kid, Izuku doesn't really process that he's basically been kidnapped. After all, Sullivan is a giant dork who just wants to dote on him! He gets so much delicious food, a giant house, games, toys, movies, everything! Izuku is living like a king. But he does start to miss Inko.
Izuku is still too young for Demon Public Schooling, which is actually good news for Sullivan and Opera because it means they have more time to ease him into Demon Culture and prep ways to fake his magical abilities. Things take a sharp turn when Izuku mentions offhandedly that he wants to be a Hero!
Sullivan cannot say no to Izuku. Physically. He's simply Too Good, Too Pure. It seems he and Opera have no choice: they're going to make Izuku into the first Demonic Hero. Opera asks if that means he'll be a Pro Hero in the Netherworld or on Earth and is resoundingly ignored.
Inko eventually managed to break into the Netherworld. Henri Azazel intercepted her with Demon Border Control, of course, but after hearing her story he chose to help her reunite with her son. He wasn't expecting Sullivan to take her in as well, but meh.
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Kalego wins by not having to be turned into a familiar for a week. It is the only positive either of them get. Neither class notices much difference between them.
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guesst · 1 year
Irugoose au? How so?
OK THANK YOU FOR THIS first of all:
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this is an au where iruma finds a gosling when hes a little tiny child on his mission to earn money for his stupid parents. gosling imprints on him, having been abandoned or orphaned or something. they become inseperable and goose also joins him when he goes to the demon world.
goose’s role is standing up for iruma, so in this au hes a little more confidemt and less anxious at the beginning. goose is like an attack dog for iruma :D
when goose sees opera its on sight like opera hisses at it and goose hisses right back and they start this cold war? sullivan finds it funny but iruma tells goose to stop very sternly. this means goose becomes an expert in attacking opera without iruma noticing
for this reason, kalego sort of idolises goose
also an important thing is that geese are not a thing in the netherworld so everyone assumes iruma is some powerful kid sulli kept hidden away and who managed to summon a powerful, aggressive familiar of an unknown species as a child which is. insane
goose loves balaam . like obviously goose loves iruma most of all but balaam is the only other person that can hold and pet goose. as he should be. robin thinks goose is so cool tho
goose attacks kirio on sight too also. kirio is so much more skeptical of iruma in this au cus irumas like ‘man i dont have any powers either!’ and then kirio kinds just looks at goose like ‘…yeah right’ so kirio isnt as interested in iruma
goose and azz fight at first but when they realise they have the same goal they are an unstoppable force. clara can communicate with goose she understands what goose is saying. she doesnt usually say tho. also goose often stares at nothing for some reason and theyre all concerned at first until they meet purson at which point they clock. goose is a purson detector. purson has a healthy fear of goose
bachiko and goose have a mutual level of respect and get along famously. this is because bachiko is goose’s past life
goose also singlehandedly wins the sports festival
also goose killed irumas parents a long time ago so they dont cause him all the trauma he has in canon :D
what else hm……………. in summary goose is highly respected and therefore by association so is iruma. goose solves all the problems in canon with violence 👍
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ribbonjc · 6 months
I ended up drawing ghoulasha in a new design with how she looks in my au since she plays a bigger role in it. Her character, rather than just looking for love, is a sassy aunt who gives life advice to anyone who will listen and knows almost everything about the netherworld being one of the few people born there. She still makes potions and gives them to people but their effects are only temporary aswell as their price. She still tried to convince betrayus to marry her but after that fails she becomes friends with him but doesn't help him in anyway for his quest in world domination instead just being there for his break downs and giving makeup advice. In my Au Flare also has a massive crush on her that she doesn't notice being less focused on finding a lover or husband and more focus on her work. She also has a familiar, a cat named Simon, who helps make her potions.
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itsaship-literally · 1 year
Okay so I just HAD to tell you this, I’m not sure who but someone put ‘the greatest show’ from the greatest showman (the version sung by Brendon Urie) and it suddenly gave me a fic idea I may or may not have the writing juice to make so if I’m not able to make it someone else PLEASE DO SO!!
The fic idea is just basically Lydia Beetlejuice and the rest of the gang make a circus to showcase their lives/abilities OR they make a musical (sounds way too familiar) out of their story except instead of props like normal musicals Beetlejuice uses his actual magic. I know it violates a lot of netherworld laws but that’s the whole fun of it right?? I have so many ongoing projects right now that I’m not sure I can dedicate the time to writing this idea but if any of you can, even if it’s a drabble of this AU, I’d love to see it!!
That sounds like a blast!
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winterpower98 · 3 years
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Welcome to the Monkey House AU!
Also know as a weird mix between Lego Monkie Kid and The Owl House
While this au was born from a combination of both shows, it won’t have the same plot points or major events.
Lets start off from the basics: The world building This world is populated by demons, spirits, and any other mystical or mythical creature you can think of. Consider this as a speculiar image of our own world. It has different cultures, different languages, different customs and so on. Basically, when the world was becoming too modern for monsters and demons to handle, they all moved into this other dimension. Not everyone moved into this demon realm of course, some stayed behind (think of the Chupacabra, the Loch Ness monster, BigFoot). Different from TOH, the creatures of this realm are allowed to learn as many types of magic as they’d like, but they need to choose one to start from and focus on during the whole school period. Young demons also have a hard time focusing on their magic, so they often choose a magical object to use as a catalyst. With time, demons don’t need that catalyst to use their full powers and they often depart from the object. But in small cases, some demons keep their catalyst.
Now onto the more interesting part: The main characters.
MK ends up in this bizarre word by accident and is immediately introduced to Monkey (Wukong) and the twins. He, just as quickly, befriends the school cryptid Spirit (OC by @kitkat1003) and the local troublemaker Zan. He also encounters the school prodigy, Red Son. The fire boy is quick to show his distaste for the human mortal, but said mortal isn’t at all fazed by it and he’s instead even more motivated to befriend the hostile demon.
Living with Monkey, MK quickly discovers that his host and three of his friends, Macaque, Baboon (the red-haired one) and Gibbon (the blue-haired one), have a massive hole in their memory. Everything prior to them getting to the Netherworld, including their names and identities, are a complete mystery to the four adult demons.
In numerous times, MK (sometimes accompanied by Monkey, Macaque or one other of their friends) would run into the Blue Dragon one of the elite guards that work for the White Empress. But it’s only after MK retrieves some stolen catalysts that he gets to really know the girl that hides under the Blue Dragon Mantle and forms a quick, but not brief, friendship.
If the White Empress feels familiar to you, that’s because under the white masks and silky robes is hidden the Lady Bone Demon.
The rest of the characters:
As briefly mentioned before, Monkey has three friends that often visit his half-broken house/half treehouse. Gibbon and Baboon spent most of their time out of the main city but they never fail to visit Wukong during the late morning or afternoon. Macaque, on the other hand, even though he lives somewhere in the city, only shows up after dawn. But no one knows what these three really do during their spare time.
The Spider Queen, ZhiZhu, is also present in this au and she is in constant conflict with Monkey and the chaos he always causes, having tried to capture the slippery monkey more than once. But there were also plenty of times where these two demons had to cooperate.
Red still has both of his parents, Iron Fan and Demon Bull King, but he also has an older sibling: Red Boy. Who stayed in the human realm when the first demon migration happened, way before Red Son was even born.
Other AUs
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dragonofthedepths · 3 years
45/100 (15th of June 2021)
some of these might kinda count as darkfic but I’m not 100%, sorry.  Delkira aid AU 14.7.21 Delkira becomes Demon King Iruma’s aid, doing the same job for Iruma that Sullivan did for him. Lots of background angst, including the fact that Sullivan is dead. (Possible time travel and reincarnation AUs set it this universe.)
Delkira’s Wings 15.7.21 Unexplained. Something is wrong with Delkira’s wings, and fixing it requires getting Sullivan to restrain him so he can’t shift around, and then letting him at his wing roots. And it’s gonna hurt, a lot. Poro walks in part way through and Sullivan has to tie him up as well to stop him from interfering because this really does not look good, and at the end of it all three of them are just very distressed.
Sullivan dies AU 15.7.21 Sullivan gets assassinated some time between Iruma getting Royal One and the Music Festival. Poro does not cope well at all. He goes by Sullivan’s house at some point because he needs to deal with some of Sullivan’s things, and that’s how he meets Opera, Iruma, and Alikred, all of whom are dealing with this horrible grief as well. Poro ends up with a new human grandson. And a butler. And a job as the chair-demon of Babylis. And a position as one of the Three Greats. He basically inherits all of Sullivan’s problems.
Familiar house 15.7.21 Sullivan never got Iruma — as the Netherworld goes more and more to shit thanks to Baal’s machinations, more and more demons find their way to the human world, where they end up homing as animals with a little blue haired boy.  Iruma finds its much easier to say no to people when he has a giant pink snake around his neck.
Paying for affection 15.7.21 Poro&Delkira, Poro/Delkira. ¿Reincarnation? ¿Modern AU? ¿Human AU? Heck if I know. Anyway about it Poro is very rich and Delkira is very much not. Delkira is still talented and smart and charismatic, but the world has done its best to kick him down and make sure he can’t get up. Poro on the other hand is depressed and touch starved and lonely, and puts out a request with a pay check attached for anyone over 13′ to hug him. (If this is reincarnation then they’re just completely missing eachother’s identity so I can draw out the angst.) Background Iruma&Delkira
Kalrobin fic 15.7.21 Kalego x Robin erasermic reincarnation fic with a side of angst and unrequited pining by Balam that I haven’t figured out how to word-for-fix-that-starts-with-a-C
Nightmare 15.7.21 Poro has a nightmare wherein he’s Returned to Origins and forces Delkira to submit to him. He wakes up very not okay. Darkfic 
(45/100) Written/posted for the #100daysofwriting challenge by @the-wip-project
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pocketramblr · 4 months
36 for the word game, please!
36. — conditional
"You don't... want to eat my soul?" Izuku asked. Everything felt unreal, between the light around the demon and the floating sensation between Izuku and his body. Maybe it was just the bloodloss or oxygen deprivation. Maybe the demon wasn't even here. That'd be the better option, right?
"It would not be." The demon grumbled. "Young man, I'd have to be a very powerful demon to utilize souls in magic. I don't know if anyone but the demon king has ever managed it. As for eating humans... Well, yes, some demons would. But I don't."
Well, then Izuku's would-be murderers were going to be very disappointed.
"They just summoned a demon, guess there wasn't a way to phone ahead and check your interest. Sorry you got dragged into this too, then, you can leave right?" And then with no demon to fulfill their wish, Izuku's kidnappers would... Probably just kill him. He was dead anyway.
The demon's brows furrowed, his eyes shone sharp blue in black. "I could, but I don't want to leave you to your death. Nor do I want them to try again, with another summoning circle."
Oh. That was nice of him.
"Unfortunately, I can't really do anything yet until I accept or deny the contract. Until you are dead, or mine." The demon began to pace, yellow bangs swaying side to side. Izuku watched him, and didn't move from the circle painted on the ground. Moving sounded like it would hurt.
"Well, I guess..." The demon sighed, then turned back. "Ok, here's an offer: I adopt you as my son. That means accepting the contract, with another on top."
Izuku already had a dad. He thought about what his mom would say if he said yes, it would have broken her heart. But if he said no... Well she wouldn't exactly have been happy about this, either.
"As your son?"
"It would allow you safe passage to the Netherworld and would fulfill a condition of the contract."
"The Netherworld?"
"Where demons dwell. As I said, in this world... You're not long for it."
"What are the other conditions?"
"I'd need something from you. As this saves your life, you'd have to give up something too."
"My soul?"
"No, that'd be under my custody until you reach adulthood. You'd have to give up your surname."
"Oh, like, change my name on the family registry because I'd be adopted? Demons have family registries too?"
"Sorta... But no. I mean, give it up. You wouldn't ever remember your family's name here, and it'd be replaced with mine."
It was his mom's surname.
"So if I don't agree, I die. And if I do, I forget my name and go to the Netherworld with you, and you are definitely only going to adopt me and not eat me because if you wanted to do that you already would have, I guess, and... What happens here? To make sure there isn't another summoning circle or they try to get even more people killed because it apparently works and-"
The demon waved a hand. "In accepting, I would also be sealing the deal with... them too, yes, but I can then make sure they are unable to do anymore harm with it."
"So, you wouldn't be giving them what they want?"
The demon snorted. "I'd be giving them what they think they want. And I can promise you this, they will regret it."
Izuku almost asked what it was. Almost asked what they wanted badly enough to kill him. But couldn't.
"All right. I agree."
"Really?" The demon sounded too surprised, considering he'd been trying to sell Izuku on this plan. Or, trying to get Izuku to sell on his plan?
"Deal. Sign here." The demon snapped, and papers and and old pen hovered in front of Izuku. He couldn't read the paper.
He signed it anyway.
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evilisk · 2 years
Part 1 of My Overview on Chapter 3, Act 3
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I cannot believe the length of this chapter. Kinda obvious, but don’t click if you don’t want spoilers for this part.
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Act 3 Overview
We begin with the aftermath of Act 2 and surprise, Marisa wasn't actually cut down by Master Youmu. After Marisa and Reimu reflect on the situation, the two and Lossy meet up with everyone else. Master Youmu plans to share her knowledge with everyone but Chef Yuyuko (who is still asleep).
Master Youmu pulls out a Seal Crystal (or a Dazzle, as it's known in this AU) and reveals she has it for as long as she's been in this alternate Gensokyo (i.e. she is also not from the current Gensokyo AU). Master Youmu also reveals that her memories are incomplete, and the her earliest one is of her bringing the Crystal with her for recording purposes.
Master Youmu doesn't actually know how she got there, and has actually been in that AU for a ridiculously long time. The extended flashback sequence starts with Youmu mentioning how it was a time before Hell, before Gensokyo, before the Netherworld, before the Calender was invented (the game uses the term "Age of the Gods". If I were to use the Timeline on the Touhou Wiki's page, this might make Master Youmu several millions of years old...)
Master Youmu lives through the creation of Japan and after what must be centuries, potentially milennia, she lives to see the formation of Saigyouji clan. While she eventually sees the birth of Yuyuko's father and then Yuyuko herself, Master Youmu notices that her own Clan, the Konpaku, do not appear.
Things now play out as they do in the original timeline: Yuyuko takes her own life, losing her memoriees in the process. She is then given her position in the Netherworld by the Yama and the Hakugyokurou is moved to the Netherworld. Then things start to diverge. The obvious one is that Master Youmu, who wouldn't have been born to a Clan that currently doesn't exist, becomes Yuyuko's fencing instructor.
Then Master Youmu reveals that Gensokyo was created by the Youkai Sages that everyone is familiar with: Ran, Chen, Nitori, Aya... The heroines then interrupt the flashback to point out that the history is obviously different. We then get to part of the timeline where the events of Touhou 7 begins.
To keep things brief, in this universe the heroines are unable to prevent the Saigyou Ayakashi awakening. Everything goes wrong; the heroines die, Yuyuko dies and the Murder Tree awakens. Even with the power of time travel on Master Youmu's side (yeah, she can just do that, for reasons I'll get into later) she cannot prevent Yuyuko from "succeeding". Youmu's repeated time travel is also starting to leave scars on reality (this is the explanation for why this Yuyuko looks the way she does)
While Master Youmu is praying, trying to find a resolution to this incident, a disembodied voice starts telling Youmu about Lost Words. Since the voice talks about how they have "no image" and manipulating borders it seems like this might be Yukari (the Yukari of this universe has been suspiciously absent).
She starts telling Youmu that rather than trying to change history by preventing the events of Touhou 7, she can change history by transforming the Ayakashi into something else (by force feeding it life force earlier than it's supposed to happen).
The only kicker is that the transformation would require a ridiculous amount of energy (as in, if the Ayakashi consumed every single soul in that world, that STILL wouldn't be enough). Anyway, after some more info is revealed (like how all the stolen life force would be returned if their plan succeeds) Master Youmu and Yukari begin plotting.
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The flashback then ends abruptly. According to alter Nitori, the Crystal has run out of magical power but the timing of the cut-out is obviously suspicious. After some speculation about Yukari (Lossy brings up the adult Yukari that she's been seeing while Master Youmu admits to giving Baby Yukari a piece of Lossy's hair) Reimu starts interrogating Ran about Yukari.
Alter Ran does not recall having a Mistress and insists that she is both a Shikigami and Sage, making it seem as if Yukari was spirited away (just like how Alter Reimu was spirited away during the Scarlet Devil Tower chapter). The conversation loops back around to the topic of Baby Yukari. The conversation is interrupted by Chef Yuyuko and the Fairies arriving. As Chef Yuyko goes off to prepare a meal, the Fairies then turn into cherry crystals (which is part of the process of being turned into life force for the Tree). It seems as if time is running out when Master Youmu mentions the Saigyou Ayakashi- right in front of Chef Yuyuko.
We flash forward to after that scene. Alter Aya and Nitori are going to attempt to stall Chef Yuyuko (who has already started showing a dangerous interest in the tree). The heroines reflect on their new information, speculating on the nature of the Ayakashi. Their discussion leads to Youmu revealing that Yuyuko's body is in the lower world. It was the reason she tried to stall everyone in the previous chapter, but with the Time almost at hand, she decides they need to act now.
Then the next team arrives. They are alternate Prismrivers who are from a world that's also being affected by a mysterious incident (specifically, one where all ghosts, vampires, shikaisen and all manner of undead are being spirited away). These Prismrivers seem to be "Wandering Folk" which, I admit, is something I have no context for.
Anyway, with the Prismrivers apparently being the perfect counter to Mai and Satono's ability, and with a bit of help from Ran and Chen, the heroines pass Okina's test. The bad news is that Okina reveals that they are hours away from the Ayakashi's awakening...
Okina, Mai, Satono, Youmu and Lossy then prepare for the descent to the Lower World, though not before Okina casually reveals some stuff (like how alter Aya and Nitori have basically been serving her without knowing). Anyway, the journey to the Lower World begins...
[The Act continues after this, but since this is a monstrously long chapter, I’m dividing this post into parts]
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Talking About Yuyuko (Again)
I’ll say it now: this is where I started to have a lower opinion of alter Yuyuko. She’s not an inherently bad character (not like main Yuyuko :P), it’s more a matter of how she’s written. I glossed over it in the synopsis, but in this Act, Master Youmu tries everything to prevent Touhou 7 from happening during the flashback / time travel sequence, including just talking things out with Yuyuko.
Now, I get it. Master Youmu can't just talk Yuyuko out of her plan or there is no story. At the same time, I can't say I like how, no matter what timeline it is, Yuyuko basically becomes a robot that is mechanically determined to awaken the Ayakashi as soon as she's made aware of the tree's true nature. Like, if it was "Yuyuko can only be convinced by someone like Yukari, and she's obviously absent" or "Yuyuko is being influenced by the Tree" I could understand that... but this does not seem to be the case.
Despite the chapter being about her and her actions, we really don’t get to see what’s going through her mind, so she feels more like a plot device (used to flesh out Master Youmu's backstory and push the plot forward) than a proper character in her own right. This wouldn’t be bad in a vacuum but knowing how badly written the main version of Yuyuko is, it does feel like Yuyuko might be a character that the writer doesn’t really “get”. 
To defend the writer here, Touhou has a humongous cast. They are not going to get every character right and they don’t seem to have written Yuyuko badly on purpose. It seems to be a side effect of them focusing on Youmu, as both the original and the Swordmaster version are more well-written, well-rounded as characters. Writing is extremely hard, I don’t envy the writer having to balance such a huge cast of characters.
...I don’t want to absolve the writer too much though. Alter Yuyuko turning out how she did is because Chapter 3 is very much Swordmaster Youmu’s story. I will, however, continue to give them shit for how main Yuyuko turned out, and also for how alter Yuyuko’s defining trait is “I cook food and instead of eating it!” because I know they can do better. 
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(Other) Thoughts So Far:
--The fakeout with Marisa is honestly fine. Marisa still gets her character moment, it still shows how desperate the situation is becoming, also lets be honest: no way would mainline Marisa get killed off so it wouldn’t create any tension if that was the scenario.
--From a writing perspective, it's obvious that the story is meant to be "Touhou 7 but if things went horribly wrong" but Master Youmu's backstory is pretty insane? There is no way Youmu wouldn’t have affected the timeline in other ways if she was around for as long as she says.
--I do like that Youmu tries to remove all phantoms from Yuyuko’s Manor in one of her attempts to prevent Touhou 7 from happening, and how this has the side effect of bringing in Eiki who sympathizes and understands the situation but cannot do anything because of afterlife bureaucracy
--Like I said, I really do not understand the "Wandering Folk" stuff with the Prismriver Sisters in this Chapter. Like, I have no clue if this is some obscure Touhou lore or some original concept for Lost Word. 
--On the topic of the Prismriver Sisters, I am 99% sure they were added because “this is a Touhou 7 AU, so we should probably give every Touhou 7 character their own moment”. That’s how I felt on my first play through and Letty does appears later on (completing the Touhou 7 roster). It’s cool they get to fight Okina, though they get written out of the story very quickly (after this Act, Okina tells them to ‘go and distract Yuyuko’ off-screen).
--There's a bunch of stuff that's weird in this chapter but I can't really bring them up since these things DO actually get explained later on (like why Youmu has the ability to time travel, why Yukari thinks it's a good idea to take advantage of the Lost Word incident in this way etc.)
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dragontamer05 · 2 years
Iruma au Ed n Al n stuff
In the Netherworld Hoenhiem tends to gave to travel a lot for work- taking on even more jobs after losing Trisha to illness.
So they aren't alone they live with friend of thd family Pinako abd Winery.
Their bloodline magic is one the specializes in healing others
Ed ended up getting hurt losing an arm and leg during his first attempt at summoning a familiar despite being warned he wasn't quite ready for that yet it also lashed abd attacked AL nearly killing him but survived.
The armor thing is literally a hobby- Dad sends back odd gifts from his trips along with the letters.
After hearing about these gifted demons tho they get a letter basically saying they can attend the prestigious school Babylus.
Ed probably joins the New Magic Battler
Ed frequently picks fights with other students and teachers
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marigoldvance · 3 years
Trick or Treat 28
Death & Consequences AU
prompt: (Belated Trick) Which one is a tra­pped demon and which one has just made a terrible mistake?
note: i'm taking liberties with the interpretation of the meaning of "demon" ... so nyah nyah 🤪
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“We really must stop meeting like this.” Death said drily, expression void and unamused. “I implore you.”
Fíli whipped around at the unexpected sound of Death’s voice, heart in his throat and cold chills shivering down his spine. He spared a second to stare wide-eyed at Death’s familiar face before glancing down at the circle of screws and rods, then to his hands that held a crinkled and smoothed out again page of instructions, back to Death’s face.
“Zombies, Fíli.” Death reminded him. And then, “What was it this time?”
Morosely, Fíli replied, “A shelf.”
“Of course it was.”
Fíli resigned himself to never having a decently furnished flat and went to retrieve the candles he’d had to borrow from his downstairs neighbour during his last unfortunate encounter with the Grim Reaper – who, at that time, had revealed his name to be Kíli in the seconds before the black vapour had risen and disappeared him back to the Netherworld.
“Don’t forget the salt!” Kíli called after him.
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funziestudios · 3 years
Iruma, The Avatar [Iruma Kun X ATLA/LoK]
•The Human World has four nations that live with human benders and non-benders.
•The Spirit World is a parallel plane that co-exists with the Human World where spirits live.
•The Netherworld is a world blocked off by both The Human World & The Spirit World where demons live.
•Iruma is the Avatar, while he was a pushover to always help people in need, The Human World & Spirit World was too much at peace from repeatedly saving them, that the world doesn't need him around. He was born in Republic City.
•When his family found out he was the Avatar, they abused his title to get what they want as well as extort money from him. When the world didn't feel the need to have him around after saving people on multiple occasions, they sold Iruma to the demon, Sullivan to gain riches all at once. It would later be revealed that his human family lied to the world that Iruma died at a young age.
•Iruma was already a fully realized Avatar as a young age, he was quite skilled with the elements but was never good at connecting with his spiritual self, so he never entered the Avatar State before until the Battler Party, where he broke the barrier to throw the ball as far as possible, but can't control it so he passes out after throwing it with all his might.
•He does know how to do energybending, but it doesn't work on demons. Healing, Metalbending, Lavabending, and Lightning he also knows skillfully from his masters were he was able to easily learn from too. However, he accidentally knows Bloodbending due to a sticky situation with his first waterbending master. The only other time he used Bloodbending was during Walter Park trying to save Asmodeus & Sabnock from death, shocking Balam from holding off the Magical Beast. He admits to Balam later that he hates Bloodbending but felt the need to protect and had no choice.
•His Full Crisis Evasion Skill is less developed from his horrible childhood situations and more of his Avatar Training with the Airbenders where he learned to dodge and move on lighter feet like a Airbender. He also admits he prefers the Air Nomad tactics while using the elements than any other method, when fighting. It is also revealed during his Airbending Training that he also befriend a Chi Blocker airbender who taught him how to Chi Block, which works just as well with blocking demon magic.
•His water healing abilities as well as his human blood healing capabilities are completely separate abilities as his blood can technically heal far greater than his bending abilities but only heals demons.
•He still obtains The Gluttonous Feeder due to his unmeasurable rank, so he's able to use Verbal Magic, but uses his master with the four elements as his bloodline/non-verbal magic, labeling as "Elemental Manipulation" and his Chi Blocking as his self defense fighting style.
•Ameri didn't figure out right away that Iruma was human. Instead of "First Love Memories" it was the manga stories about the pass avatars, minus Iruma. She only found out when Iruma was able to read the stories instead of the moment he bumped into her.
•Iruma still has Kalego as his familiar the same way as the original and recalls never having his own animal companion during his Avatar days in the Human World.
•Balam only knows his knowledge of non-benders, so it never occurred to him that humans could do "magic". He finds out Iruma is Human the same way as the original story.
•Iruma still learns the bow and arrow with Bachiko, stating he can't fully rely on his bending and needs to properly wield demon magic too and prefers to reach farther (flashing back to Walter Park and the Bloodbending incident) to save others from harm. The training and human reveal to Bachiko is the same as the original.
The whole Akudol Irumi is all still the same, except it is shown a bit where Iruma uses his water healing abilities to state Kurumu's conditions.
[Will add more details in a reblog later, maybe write the proper storyline fanfic/comic AU XD]
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autisticlenaluthor · 4 years
a little snippet of the ghost au i wrote on the notes app—
“aren’t you supposed to be in like... heaven or hell or whatever? sorry— i don’t want to be rude, i’m just confused.”
lena smiled. she rubbed her collarbone as she spoke, the familiar feeling of what it felt like to communicate with another human slowly returning to her body.
“well, we’re supposed to go to the netherworld,” she began. “kinda like in beetlejuice.”
kara grinned. “i love that movie!”
“yeah, well when i was in college my dad died. and he was kind of a dick,” lena continued with an awkward chuckle. “and i was just really freaked out that if went, i’d run into him. which, i know, it’s crazy, the netherworld is literally an infinite abyss of nothing, but still i was worried about it.”
kara folded her legs in her lap, watching intently as lena told the story. it went without saying that before now, she’d never spoken to a ghost before, and she had to admit, as strange as it was, it was kind of cool. though, it was a tad bit inconvenient that she kept thinking about whether or not she should offer her new friend a blanket, just because lena’s skin was so pale and she looked like she must’ve been freezing. kara had to remind herself it was probably just the whole, you know, being dead thing.
“so i procrastinated for a few days. then a few weeks... then months,” lena went on. “and no one had bought the apartment yet, so i assumed maybe i could just stay here for a while. i mean, after all, it was technically my apartment.”
“but then i moved in?”
lena shook her head. “no, the Johnson’s moved in. they were a cute couple, mid thirties. the wife was a vet and the husband was a graphic designer.”
“what happened to them?”
“well, i hated sharing,” lena admitted with a laugh. kara could’ve sworn she saw her cheeks turn pink for a split second. “so i decided i’d haunt them. not in a mean way, i didn’t try to kill them or anything. i just annoyed them.”
“turned off their alarms, hid their car keys, turned on the shower on in the middle of the night so they’d have to wake up to turn it off,” lena recounted with a proud smile. “rewired the elevator so when they pressed down, it went up.”
“how’d you do that?” kara asked, clearly impressed.
“i had a phd in engineering, so i know my way around a few bolts and wires.”
lena ducked her head and nodded, hoping that losing her life had also meant losing her inability to stop herself from turning bright red every time she got flustered by a pretty girl.
“the car keys and shower thing is kind of evil though,” kara said. “not like, murder evil, as you said. but i need my beauty sleep, so if you did that to me, we’d have some serious issues.”
“so did they, they left after three weeks. but don’t worry, i‘d never do that to you.”
“that fast?”
lena nodded proudly. “what can i say? i’m good at what i do.”
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happybeeps-nat · 4 years
Finnpoe Week 2020 - day 1: high school AU and/or meet the parents
an event by the lovely @finnpoeevents
Love is Bigger
Finn knew he couldn't ever meet Poe's mother in this life. But, well, this wasn't exactly life, was it?
Rating: teen and up audiences Warning: major character death Words: 2155 Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn (Star Wars), Shara Bey Tags: Meet the Family, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Light Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, That's Not How The Force Works, but i dont care, Freeform, Finnpoe week 2020, i swear this is a rather happy fic, Afterlife            
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Black One was burning, smoking, hurtling toward the ground at a speed Finn could not keep up with from where he was watching. But he didn’t need to keep track as he heard Poe through the comm link in his ear, heard Poe’s voice above all the cries and screams and explosions. Poe’s voice overshadowing death around him.
“Finn? Finn, I love you, okay?” the frantic, shaking voice came, anchoring Finn in the present, pulling his attention from the pain that seemed to overtake his whole body. “Finn, you’re okay. I’m sorry I-” Static kept Finn from understanding what Poe said. “- love you.”
“I love you, too, Poe,” Finn rasped.
“You’re okay, Finn. We’re okay, it won’t be long,” Poe promised.
Vaguely, distantly, Finn realised Poe’s voice was wavering, shaking, like he was scared. That made sense, everyone would be scared if they were crashing down to certain death. He didn’t want Poe to be scared, though. He never wanted Poe to be scared. A selfish part of him was glad that they could die together, win this war together, but he still didn’t want Poe to be scared.
“Poe,” he said, rasped, he wasn’t sure he had a voice.
“Yeah? I’m here, buddy.”
Not much longer, Finn thought, as he managed to blink and focus on Black One again.
“Me too,” he said, but again, not much longer. He couldn’t feel his limbs. But the pain was gone. And was his eyesight. He was tired and he couldn’t see, so he closed his eyes. There, much better. Now he could sleep. Finally get some sleep again, he was so tired.
Poe was speaking again, saying something, sounding frantic and breathing fast, too fast, more than Finn. Right, breathing, that was a good idea. But it was hard. Too much effort.
The last thing Finn heard was an explosion that sounded distinctively different to every other crash around him. Accompanied by Poe’s voice. And then complete and utter silence.
Finn woke with a gasp. Or he tried to, but his lungs wouldn’t fill with air. Turned out they didn’t need to because he was fine without air. That was curious.
He opened his eyes and saw a world that seemed to be taken out of a children’s book. One that made them believe in a land where only peace existed and everything was made of light. But the light didn’t blind you, it merely showed you the way and that you were welcome to stay.
Never before had he seen such a place. It was… magical. There were trees around him and the grass underneath him was soft but glistening and glittering with silver light. Not golden but silver and green and peaceful.
Still, his first instinct was to mistrust this sudden peacefulness. Where was he, how did he get here? Why did it feel so right to be here? And where was Poe?
Poe. Finn looked down to check for his wounds he knew had to be there, but they weren’t. His clothes were pristine like they never were, there was no time in war for laundry days, but there he was. Clean, unwounded, at ease, only mildly confused because everything within him screamed that this was right, this was real, this was not a dream and he was okay and that this was-
“The Netherworld of the Force,” a voice came from behind him. Finn was on his feet just a second later and turned around to the voice. There was a woman looking at him, giving him a soft smile that seemed vaguely familiar. She was drenched in the silvery-green light of the shining forest and seemed not at all confused about his being here.
Her smile got impossibly softer, patient. “That is where we are. Some people call it the afterlife, but this is the name I know.”
“Afterlife,” Finn repeated, thoughts racing in a distinctively slow manner - and how did that work? “That means… I died?”
“You did,” the women said, not at all perturbed by that.
Finn looked around. Surely, if he was here, everyone else must follow soon. But there was no one else around. “Where are the others?” Where is Poe?
Now the woman’s expression turned sad, but no less patient. “I’m sorry, Finn, I don’t know.”
He had so many questions, and with every answer he got, they seemed to double. But the woman… Finn had seen her before, he was absolutely sure, but he could not say where. Or when. Had he killed her once? But then, why would she be smiling? Questions upon questions upon questions. Could you get a headache in the afterlife?
“I’m sorry,” he sighed after a while. “How do you know my name? Is that an afterlife thing or have we met or-” did I kill you after all? Are my questions stupid? Where is Poe?
Her smile widened and she took a step toward him. “Finn. I know you. I felt you. I could not wait to finally meet you.” She took her hands in his and Finn was surprised to find them warm. “You do not know me, though. You know my son, Poe. And my friends and my husband. I am Shara Bey, and I’m really happy to meet you.”
Finn’s eyes widened. Shara Bey? Rebel hero Shara Bey? Poe’s mother?
“You must have so many questions,” she laughed, and it was then that Finn recognised her. The eyes, the smile, the laugh, the confidence with which she carried herself. Her beautiful face and curly hair. This woman could only be Poe’s mother.
Finn didn’t know what to say, so he only squeezed her hands. It was curious to know you could still squeeze hands in the afterlife. Right, death. That happened. Also, yes, you could get a headache in the afterlife.
“Can I hug you?” he asked because usually, he would have gotten a hug from Poe by now with everything going on, but Poe was not here, and this was not usual, and he just really wanted a hug.
Shara smiled at him with a softness in her eyes that Finn had only seen in the way Leia had looked at Poe. Leia - was she here as well? Before he could ask, though, Shara had opened her arms and tugged him in the way Poe had done so often, but this was warmer. Finn knew he had died what felt like ten minutes ago, he was in a world he didn’t know and Poe was not around and he was completely out of his depth here, but still he was not scared. Like there was something in the air, something in the way the light shone around him that told him everything was going to be alright. And then there was Shara’s hug that felt like home and Finn was inclined to actually believe that maybe for once, everything would be alright.
They sat down in the grass because Finn didn’t want to move. He couldn’t possibly understand how this realm worked, but if he was here and Poe had crashed not far from him, there was a small chance Poe could also be here. Not only here in this realm but also here in close proximity.
And if there was one thing Finn did know above all those questions still circling in his head, it was that he did not want to spend eternity in the afterlife without Poe. So they stayed and Shara told him everything she knew about the Netherworld of the Force while Finn watched the air above them move and sparkle with little particles of light.
He found he enjoyed listening to Shara almost as much as he did with Poe. She, too, had a faint Yavinic accent that made her voice melodious and beautiful and really, if he were to spend the rest of time here, at least he had company he enjoyed.
“I am happy my son found you, dear,” Shara said.
Finn was touched by that but the thought of Poe made him look around again and scan the trees made of light again, searching for movement, searching for Poe. Wishing for Poe. “I hope he will again,” he said at last.
Shara smiled. “He will.”
“How do you know?”
“I know my son. He is stubborn and in love. That is a dangerous mix not even the Force can handle. He will find his way to you,” she said with a tone of finality.
And Finn was inclined to believe her. He wanted to believe her.
“Tell me more about my son,” she pleaded and Finn did, for both their sakes. The smile on Shara’s face warmed his heart and he was sure the same smile could be found on his lips as well.
They traded a story for a story, Poe as a toddler for Poe as a mutineer, Poe as a baby for Poe when he first kissed Finn, Poe as a five year-old stubborn saviour of a stray droid for Poe as a reckless, wonderful, heroic pilot saving the day and the Resistance and the Galaxy as per usual.
“He comes just after his mother,” she said with a laugh.
Finn nodded. “That’s what Kes used to say, yeah.”
Shara got quiet then, thoughtful, sad, and Finn wondered what he had said, what he had done wrong. But it was the same kind of thoughtful sadness he had seen in Kes when they talked about Shara. So maybe it was their thing. He was certain that if he had to spend years and years without Poe by his side, he would have that same gaze. And he really didn’t want that to happen.
They spent a few moments in silence then and Finn resorted to watching the air moving above them, not ready to close his eyes against this beautiful world just yet. That was just his luck, because movement caught his eyes, a figure was stumbling their way through the forest, leaning on the trees as they went, confused, disoriented, just on the brink of panic, as it seemed - which was remarkable since Finn didn’t think it possible to experience negative emotions in here.
He squinted his eyes, trying to make out the form that was slowly coming closer, stumbling backwards before taking two steps forward again. The way they carried themselves, the way their hair was mussed and all over the place, the way they seemed to be talking to themselves…
Poe! Before he knew it, Finn got up and ran towards the figure.
“Poe!” he called. The figure turned and looked at Finn, and sure enough, it was Poe.
“Finn,” he breathed, confusion so obvious in his face. His eyes were wide, he was shaking, stumbling, trying to make his way to him.
“I’ve got you,” Finn said, catching him and pulling Poe against himself. Poe was here. Poe was here with him, Poe was safe. Confused, scared, but safe with him. “I’ve got you,” Finn mumbled again, kissing the side of his face.
“Finn,” was all Poe said, burying his face against Finn’s neck and breathing him in. “What- why- How? Where are we? What is happening? I thought you- I- we? I’m… Finn?”
Finn ran a hand through Poe’s hair in a manner that always used to calm both of them down. After a while, Poe stopped trembling and seemed calmer. “Come with me, we will explain everything, okay?”
Poe looked up. “We?”
“Well,” Finn smiled, shy all of a sudden. “I sort of met someone.”
Poe frowned but then his eyes went somewhere over Finn’s shoulder and his eyes widened, his jaw fell in shock and utterly overwhelmed surprise. He took a tentative step forward and then froze, still clinging to Finn’s hand.
Shara stood there, tears in her eyes, looking at her son with a look in her eyes Finn did not have the words to describe.
“Hello, sunshine,” she said, and before the words were out of her mouth, Poe had let go of Finn’s hand and ran towards her on unsteady but stubborn legs until he could throw her arms around her.
“Hi, mama,” Poe said and didn’t ask any questions for a while, just stood there with his arms wrapped around his mother for the first time since he was a little kid.
Later, much later, though time was not a real concept in this realm, Shara explained them what she knew. Why Poe could possibly be here with them even though he didn’t have the Force.
“The Force likes to bring balance and keep it. It does not separate what belongs together. And you two so clearly do. Not even the Force can separate that.”
She smiled at them and Finn’s heart melted at that, but there was still a hint of sadness there that only disappeared one day when a certain Kes Dameron made his way through the forest.
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years
written for @geraskierweek​ 
chapter one - don’t stop me now
The last place Geralt expects to come across an incubus is at Pride. 
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title: if the apocalypse comes, beep me author: splendidlyimperfect prompt day #: 2 (monster hunt) summary:  Geralt's a Witcher - one of few monster hunters that are trained to fight the nightmares that the modern world doesn't know exists. The only people who know are his Watcher Vesemir, and Yennefer, his ex-girlfriend who happens to be a witch. Geralt's doing just fine balancing hunting and college courses, but when he runs into an unusual man with a (literally) magical voice, his world gets a bit more complicated. word count: 2333 books/netflix/show/video game: netflix triggers/warnings: none rating: M (eventually) additional notes: buffy inspired, modern au with magic/monsters, monster hunting, siren!jaskier, trans!jaskier, yenn and jaskier get to be catty friends
The last place Geralt expects to come across an incubus is at Pride.
In retrospect, he should have seen it coming. A crowded, dark bar full of horny college students grinding against each other is the perfect environment for a demon of lust. It’s also the last place Geralt wants to be.
“Can we leave now?” he grumbles, elbowing Yennefer and tipping his head toward the door. She rolls her eyes at him, then tosses back a shot of something bright blue and smacks his shoulder.  
“Oh, come on,” she shouts over the din of the music. “You promised you wouldn’t be a grumpy asshole tonight.”
Geralt grunts, crossing his arms over his chest and staring down at the crowd. They’re on the second floor of the club, sitting at a tiny table with a plate of chicken wings and several beers between them. Geralt’s had four now, and he’s still not buzzed enough to deal with this shit.
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“At least I’m not making you dance,” Yenn says as she kicks his shin under the table. Geralt rolls his eyes. He’s already put up with a parade today, and if Yenn thinks there’s any way in hell she could convince him to dance, she’s got another thing coming.  
The music from the band on stage fades out and Geralt winces at the squeal of feedback as someone steps up to the microphone. “Give it up for The Witching Hour!”
Yennefer cheers, uncharacteristically excited as she stares down at the stage. Geralt rolls his eyes – he knows she’s checking out the lead singer, some redhead whose name he should probably know, but doesn’t. Yenn talks about her constantly, and Geralt tends to tune her out.
“Now, please welcome our Queen tribute band – It’s A Kind of Magic!”
A new group takes the stage – some other band dressed in bright colors that Geralt doesn’t pay attention to. He turns back to his beer, sipping it and wishing he could close his ears as well as his eyes.
Then the music starts, and Geralt’s medallion starts to thrum.
His eyes fly open and he leans forward on the table, immediately on edge. His gaze jumps between the members of the band, dismissing them all until he gets to the lead singer. He’s dressed ridiculously – bright red pants that look like they’re nearly painted on and a black leather jacket with nothing underneath – and he looks vaguely familiar.
“Isn’t that the guy from your Latin class that you have a crush on?” Yennefer asks.
Geralt glares at her, then taps at his medallion and nods back at the stage. Yenn’s eyes widen and she’s immediately vigilant as well, eyes scanning the crowd.
“It’s him,” Geralt says, gesturing to the singer. Yenn’s right, the man – Jaskier – is in his Latin class, but Geralt absolutely does not have a crush on him. He’s got ridiculous, floppy hair and baby blue eyes, and talks so much that his voice grates on Geralt’s nerves. His singing, however… well, it’s magical. Literally.
I’m a shooting star leaping through the sky like a tiger defying the laws of gravity…
Jaskier’s voice is clear and flawless – and, Geralt has to admit, he does sound quite a bit like Freddie Mercury. He’s grinning at the crowd, gyrating his hips ridiculously and winking at everyone in the front of the crowd. And everyone is staring at him, still dancing in a frantic revel, but seemingly unable to look away, as if enchanted by him.
Geralt’s pretty sure they are. Jaskier’s voice is hypnotic, jumping octaves as he tugs the microphone towards him and belts out the lyrics.  
“Are you sure?” Yenn asks, nudging Geralt’s elbow. “He doesn’t look very dangerous.”
“Monsters aren’t always sharp teeth and claws,” Geralt mutters. “Stay here.”
Yenn starts to argue but he ignores her, standing and moving toward the spiral staircase that will take him down to the main floor. Even he can feel the pull of whatever magic Jaskier is radiating, which is both unusual and worrying.
Don’t stop me now I’m having such a good time I’m having a ball Don’t stop me now if you wanna have a good time just gimme a call
Geralt’s made it halfway to the stage when the song ends. The entire room seems to exhale, and it takes a minute for everyone to come back to themselves and start to applaud. Jaskier grins at them, waving and taking a small bow before grabbing a bottle of water and taking a swig.  
He’s not singing anymore, but Geralt’s medallion doesn’t stop humming.
Jaskier waves to the crowd one last time before disappearing backstage with the rest of the band. His sweaty hair clings to the back of his neck and he’s breathing heavily, still high on the excitement of the performance.
“They loved you!” Jenna, the guitarist, claps Jaskier’s shoulder and grins at him.
“They always do, darling,” Jaskier says with a wink. He runs his fingers through his hair, shaking out the sweat, then steps toward the fan at the back of the room, exhaling in relief as the cool air touches his face.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Jaskier raises an eyebrow, turning to see a young man leaning against the door to the back room. He’s the one that Jaskier should be calling gorgeous – tight shirt dipping down to show off a collarbone dusted with glitter, dark eyes, dark hair tied back in a ponytail with a few strands escaping to frame his face.
“Hey, yourself,” Jaskier says, moving toward the man and making it very obvious that he’s eyeing him up. “Enjoy the show?”
“Absolutely,” he murmurs, reaching out and touching Jaskier’s cheek. “Couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”
The press of fingertips on his cheek sends something pulsing through Jaskier, but it’s not the arousal he was hoping for. Instead, it thrums through him, dark red and dangerous.
Of course, he thinks. Can’t ever just be a pretty boy, can it?
“You’re not too bad looking yourself,” he says out loud, stepping into the man’s space and sliding a hand into his hair. The man bites lip, looking up at Jaskier as his hand drifts down to his hip. “Wanna go somewhere a little more… private?”
The man doesn’t answer, just pulls away and grabs Jaskier’s hand, tugging him out into the dark hallway that leads to the club’s washrooms. Half the lights are burnt out back here, and Jaskier catches glimpses of the man in the sharp pulses of neon light from the front of the club. He really does have a nice ass, and Jaskier sighs mournfully.
At least the rest of the club is filled with other attractive men – and women – that he can fool around with once he’s taken care of this.
“Come here,” the man purrs, turning and grabbing the lapel of Jaskier’s leather coat and pulling him close. He stumbles forward, letting the man tug him into a kiss that’s hot and messy and not at all unpleasant. Jaskier kisses back, sliding one hand down to the man’s hip until he’s pressed up against Jaskier’s bare chest.
A slight pull of magic appears wherever the man touches him, and Jaskier pushes back against it, shoving him against the wall. He gasps, and Jaskier feels a smile against his lips – and then there are sharp teeth behind the kiss, and the magic pulls harder.
“I really wish you wouldn’t,” he sighs, before dropping the dagger from the sleeve of his coat and thrusting it into the man’s chest.
Geralt growls, pushing people out of his way as he stalks through the crowd, trying to find the source of the magic that’s affecting his medallion. He’s still suspicious of Jaskier and his enthralling voice, but the band is gone now and he’s still sensing danger. It tugs at him like a thread, pulling him away from the stage and toward the washrooms.
He sighs, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text to Yenn.
It’s near the washrooms, might need a memory spell or two if it gets messy.
All he gets back is an eyeroll emoji.
The lights start to flash around him as a new band starts up, bass pounding in his chest and making it hard to focus on the magic. Geralt growls, shoving another group of people with their hands all over each other to the side. Eventually he makes it to the hallway with the bathroom, and the thrumming of the medallion gets stronger. He’s about to open the washroom door when he looks down the hallway.
It’s Jaskier, making out with some guy against the wall, and if seeing that does funny things to Geralt’s stomach he ignores it. What’s important right now is that the guy that Jaskier is kissing is not, in fact, a man – he’s an incubus. Geralt can see through the ponytail and the tight pants to the demon underneath, and the incubus is getting ready to suck out Jaskier’s soul through the kiss.
“For fuck’s sake.”
Geralt takes a step forward, hand going to summon his sword, when suddenly Jaskier drops a dagger from his sleeve and stabs the man in the chest.
Geralt freezes, watching as Jaskier gives the incubus an apologetic look and twists the blade. The demon shudders, eyes wide as he stares down at the handle of the dagger, then curses as his body starts to dissolve into thin threads of black smoke. It only takes a second for him to disappear completely, sucked into the blade and banished back to the netherworld.
“What,” Geralt says, staring at Jaskier, “the fuck.”
Jaskier jumps, quickly sliding the dagger back up his sleeve and turning to Geralt with an uncertain smile on his face. Up close, Geralt can see that he’s wearing makeup, glitter smudged down across his chest, and a trans pride button is pinned to the lapel of his jacket.
“Look,” Jaskier says, “that definitely wasn’t what it looked like.” Geralt doesn’t answer, just stares at him. He’s certainly not a Witcher – Geralt would recognize him if he was – and Yenn would have told him if Jaskier was a sorcerer.
“What are you?” Geralt growls.
“Nobody,” Jaskier says quickly, giving Geralt a wan smile. “I mean, not nobody, obviously, but it’s a very long story that you probably aren’t going to believe. And I don’t think we have time for it, because that demon probably came with a partner and I need to find them before some poor idiot gets their soul sucked out through their mouth. Or cock. Neither would surprise me at this point.”
Geralt frowns, tilting his head to the side in puzzlement. His medallion is still thrumming faintly and Jaskier is right – incubi and succubi usually travel in pairs. But Geralt’s supposed to be the only one who knows about this kind of stuff.
Jaskier sighs. “I hate doing this,” he mutters, taking a step toward Geralt and murmuring under his breath. “Heed my voice and listen well, on this memory you’ll not dwell, take the vision fraught with fear, forget the things that you’ve seen here.” His voice is low and quiet, and the hypnotic melody is back. A heady magic mixes with the words, tugging at Geralt’s mind and making the medallion thrum harder.
“What the hell,” he growls, taking a step toward Jaskier, “do you think you’re doing?”
Jaskier frowns, gaze skipping from Geralt’s eyes to his hand that’s hovering over his hip, waiting for the incantation to summon his sword. Then Jaskier sees the outline of the medallion under Geralt’s shirt and his eyes widen.
“You’re a Witcher,” he says, the magic in his voice replaced by excitement. “My Gran told me about you. That’s why the magic doesn’t work.”
Geralt hesitates, bewildered by the fact that Jaskier knows what he is, and that he isn’t frightened by it. “How do you—”
“I’ll explain as soon as we find the other one,” Jaskier says quickly, looking over Geralt’s shoulder and back into the crowd. “Do you know where it is? That’s what the necklace is for, right? You can use your… Witcher senses or whatever you call them to find monsters.”
“I found you,” Geralt growls.
“Well, yes,” Jaskier admits, putting his hands on his hips. “But I’m not a monster. Well, I guess if we’re being technical, I am, but it’s more complicated than that, and we don’t really have time for my whole tragic backstory right now.”
“I can’t trust you.”
“I just killed a demon for you,” Jaskier argues. “Clearly I’m on your side. And if I was planning on committing some monstrous atrocity, do you really think I’d be wearing this—” he gestures at his leather pants “—while singing about fat bottomed girls?”
“The only monstrous atrocity here is that outfit.” A voice comes from behind Geralt and he turns, relieved to see Yenn standing behind him. She’s got her arms crossed over her chest and her expression is more amused than concerned.
“You take that back,” Jaskier says indignantly. “I’ll have you know this is a replica of the exact outfit Freddie wore on—”
“Enough.” Geralt grinds his teeth. “We’ll deal with the demon first. Yenn, bind him.”
“Hmm, try again?”
Geralt sighs. “Yenn, can you please bind the unidentified monster so he can’t run away?”
“Better,” Yennefer says. She holds out one hand, palm towards Jaskier, and quickly murmurs, “By air and earth, by water and fire, so be you bound as I desire.”
Jaskier laughs. “That’s cute, darling,” he says, then shakes his head. “It won’t work on me, but I promise I won’t run.”
Yenn doesn’t react, but Geralt’s known her long enough to catch the twitch of annoyance and surprise in her jaw.
“You’re sticking with me,” Geralt says, stepping forward and grabbing Jaskier’s arm. “Once this is over, you and I are having a talk.”
“Looking forward to it,” Jaskier says lightly. “Now, are we going to kill a demon or not?”
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