#a beast plus two
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yet another little Treat for myself! do i have a problem? maybe!
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longelk · 10 months
How does Leshy feel about her transformations? Does he only feel remorse for the pain of the transformations, does he feel sad that inscryption is unsafe for those who wish to pour as many hours into it as he did? Or is he just happy cause animorph
he wants to support Kaycee doing whatever she wants, but the tremendous and mostly self-imposed pain she puts herself through brings him an immense amount of discomfort! that feeling goes beyond her transformation (which started from her sacrificing her hand to win a game anyway) but her teeth-pulling and eye-gouging too
something to keep in mind is that Leshy only implemented these gruesome mechanics because he knew no real harm would come to the player behind the screen, so Kaycee in the flesh insisting she plays by these rules kind of sickens him but she lets her. because shes his queen
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Vincent Price and Peter Lorre - The Comedy of Terrors (1964)
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techno :D
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fierykitten2 · 4 days
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I wonder if we’ll ever get PNGs of the artworks for the Proto Beasts and Neo Swords from these (other than Leaves and Fire of course)
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villainboygirl · 8 months
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Scenes with the same energy
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wayward-wren · 3 months
Classic Who explores ideas, New Who explores morals
classic who is like 'i see this trend, lets explore what might happen if that trend continues and let the audience figure out what it's talking about and come to their own conclusions.'
new who is like 'this trend is BAD and i'm going to PREACH A SPEECH about why it's going to RUIN EVERYTHING' and it's so much more exhausting
#wren rambles#doctor who#this brought on by me watching orphan 55#which had SUCH a fun concept#and then absolutely FACEPLANTED with the doctor moralizing at the end#like yes doctor who has ALWAYS explored topical and political issues#but never is there a definitive I Am Telling You This Is Right message#whereas now I just had to sit here and watch 13 preaching at me?#ughghg#explore the idea but don't shove it down my throat#classic who had an episode (Ice Warriors) exploring climate change as one aspect of the story#talking about how all the plants were removed and that messed with the atmosphere etc.#but that was just a SMALL PART of the whole episode and it was never outright condemned (it was made clear it was BAD and the root problems#but that was never the BIG ISSUE the Doctor Lectured His Companions about) (not that victoria or jamie could do anything lol)#plus this feeds into my issues with 13's run (which started during 12's somewhat but less so)#where the Doctor is painted as the Narratively Right one#where when she says something that's what the narrative wants you to BELIEVE#which coming from Two and Three's run is WILD#because Two is chaotic and murderous when he thinks he's right#and he's manipulative and deceptive at times#and Three is selfish and pouty and rude#and don't get me wrong Thirteen has her issues and I lvoe them#HOWEVER. she's pretty much always RIGHT she's the Word Of God when it comes to moral things#and this more than anything is my biggest issues with Modern Who#mostly 12 and 13's eras#so i hope we move out of that somewhat in the new era but i'm not super holding up hopes (especially after star beast)#maybe one day i'll write a proper full article about it but GOSH#i don't watch this show to be preached at. I watch it for a fun/tragic scifi romp and also to see interesting ideas explored#and reflect the climate of the world and how society influences media#explore the idea of climate change turning the world into a post apocalypse! that's such a fun idea and topical!
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solpng · 1 year
hii, how many cats do you have? 🥰
too manyyy 😭 i haven't done a proper headcount in a minute so lemme do a list of names and i'll total it after
oook so there's: lily, rollie, taiga, deedee, toph, violet, vivian, vinnie, spice, simon, dean, sammy, arry, dr jekyll, mr hyde, jupiter, cosmo, comet, ember, garlic, gabriel, isaac, and pants
a lot of them were strays at certain points. like pants for example, he's new and has a much shyer brother i haven't named yet. we also have the three new kittens violet had a few weeks ago and i've only named one so far. her name's tangerine 🍊
anyway i think the total comes up to 27?? 💀 ohhh my fucking goddddd
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vivid-mandrake · 4 months
twiggy is so high energy 😭
it’s like he just. never stops going.
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I went on your blog to see which fictional men you were getting your boobs big for and I immediately saw Zarbon. Very valid
everyday i play back every episode of DBZ with him in it in hopes hes angled a specific way to look at me through the screen and see. like hi sir yeah 🤗✨
honestly im a sucker for a lot of fictional dudes. i just tend to talk about Zarbon alot because he's the whole reason i'm gay the way i am. though i have made a list showing off a lot of other key dudes id get my boobs big for. <- normal thing to say. i should know. im the one who said it. normal normal.
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#ask#greeneyre#there's definitely a lot more i could fit on this list but.#i feel if i added more id have to redo the sorting or id end up with a number thats not fun for formatting.#and im sure some characters i have likings for that arent on this list would have some folks be like ''huh? him??''#with dingodile i kinda wish there was a good official render of one of his first few designs#namely the one closest to crash bash's model.#i think crash bash has the best version of dingodile in terms of shapes and proportions#plus i like his sounds from crash bash the best :) i like his laugh#that isnt to say i dont like his current design or anything though!!! love him through and through#these arent in any specific ranking or order btw#i have zarbon and his beast form seperate only to ensure i didnt have one in the spotlight more than the other#you cant have zarbon without his monster form. youre ignoring his true beauty if you do.#i think theres definitely a pattern among all the ones shown here (and ones ive neglected to mention on this chart)#or. namely like a few different patterns atleast.#idk who else id point out as one thats not listed here. atleast a normal one that fits among these#oh uhhhh. white haired main dude from jojo part 5. and the guitarist from part 4.#akira otoishi and leone abbacchio#wouldve loved to have fit them both but then id need like. two more slots to make it 32#fuuuck now im a little sad i didnt list those two#if i had to list a character thats probably weird for this list itd be a character from the banjo kazooie series.#not clanker. i love his design but not in that way. clankers a girls best friend.#anyway ive been wanting to post this list for a while but. hadnt had the best opprotunity until now#thank you for the ask :) my heart lights up any time someone agrees with me on Zarbon#i could hyperfixate on him for hours. my mutuals know sadly.
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i-am-become-a-name · 6 months
December 7.  If you want to know a place, know their stories. 
The Doctor had been gone for over a week now, whatever a week was in this weird place, and she’d knocked at every door in the town, but no one admitted to seeing a short man with a silly accent. She’d seen these banners before, and since they seemed to change every day and night cycle, the repetition must mean it had been a set number of days for them, she could work that much out. She'd tried drinking at the pub with them, but it seemed no one talked in there, just drank their gross drinks in silence and left. Hang on, she hadn't been taking communion or something, had she? Nah, there'd been no bread, body of Christ or whatever it was meant to be. It had always grossed her out a little, drinking blood and eating flesh. Whatever they were drinking could be, she guessed, certainly tasted naff enough. 
But anyway, she shook herself back into concentration. The Doctor. Tapped her nose, and went out in the night to visit an old friend, telling her it would be of no interest. Then, when she awoke after sitting up waiting for him, it was full morning and he wasn't back. She'd think he had ditched her- he wouldn't, he never promised, but she knew he wasn't like that - and anyway,  the TARDIS was still tucked away where they had first landed, and he couldn't leave without that. He wasn't dead either, she'd know if he was, no need telling. So he was somewhere here. The pub? church? was no help, so where else could she get stories? A school? She hadn't seen any sprog about, and that was a bit weird too, now she thought about it. No kids, no proper pubs or beers, why had the Doctor wanted to visit again? 
God, how could she be so stupid? She hadn’t hung out there when she was a kid, but sort of remembered one at her school, a patchy little room with battered books where the social workers talked to her with such sickeningly nice smiles. But it was exactly the dusty kind of place the Doctor would go. Probably even call the books his friends, the weirdo, she thought fondly. The streets were busy, dusty and hot, banners for the day flapping in the too-hot breeze, but they were alongside differently patterned ones, decorated with shiny symbols. Maybe it was a new month too, or some kind of holiday? But hang on, it hadn't rained for a whole week, or whatever they were calling it, and maybe it was just summer, but even then good luck for a whole five days without it raining back where she grew up. Still, it was well weird.
She’d seen some bigger buildings while she was wandering around, even gone into what might’ve been a museum, but there weren’t even dinosaur bones to be seen. If they had dinosaurs here. But she’d skirted the other ones, could be government buildings and they were no fun unless she got to blow them up, but one of them could easily be a library. She navigated her way back through the streets, and ah-hah, it was! Even a display up in the front, screwy letters that twisted and curled when she tried to read them, TARDIS not letting her. So much for a library, full of books she couldn’t read. Not that she really wanted to anyway, resisting the urge to kick petulantly at the base of the display. She flicked open one of the thinner ones, trying not to chunder all over the wriggling letters, and flicked through looking for pictures.  
“What the-” and someone loudly hushed her, but she was already dumping the book back on the stand, running for- she didn’t know where, wherever they kept human sacrifices, according to the book. Bloody hell, he would, wouldn’t he? No one better at stumbling into stupid things like human sacrifices than the Doctor, and he wasn’t even human! Not that they were here either, but she could recognise what was going on from pictures. As soon as she was free, they were absolutely blowing those stupid government buildings and whoever thought it was okay to sacrifice her- her best friend, right up. Know their stories, whatever. They’d get a new bloody story after this.
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lewisbian · 2 years
imo russell deserves to be roasted much more for that “are we protecting the 1-2” team radio because what the hell 😭 it’s like oh if we race we might crash you know 🤪 meanwhile lewis probably had damage from his earlier contact and without lewis having to climb back up russell most likely wouldn’t have been able to keep him behind all race long. thanks again for nothing versatan.
He really was goofy for that mind you that’s a man who had an advantage all weekend because he crashed out of qualifying. We have to laugh.
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reddragon-cowboy · 1 year
Niah [[ text ]] * 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖* 5:31
Spike [[ text ]] i don't need anybody's hearts. they're annoying. 5:32
Niah [[ text]] . . . . . ? 5:34
Niah [[ text]] :< huh? 5:40
Spike [[ text]] I only want yours 5:41
Niah [[ text]] . . . so dumb 5:43
Spike [[ text]] give me your hearts 5:43
Niah [[ text]] no you made me feel bad. you said they're annoying 5:50
Spike [[ text]] ❤️ sorry a bad joke. yours aren't I meant 5:52
Niah [[ text]] *💞💝💕💖💗💖💝💝💘💞💕* 5:56
Spike [[ text]] Oh yeaaaaah I hit the jackpot now 5:57
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nyanykamito · 1 year
Uncrowned King drabble
again @nemo-of-house-hamartia is responsible, bless her soul. this drabble would definitely fall under au so here we go,
In some alternate timeline Ardyn is King in his own right, while his people are on patrol they capture who they call a spy. Their brought to Ardyn who talks to them in private, he asks where their from and they dance around the question. Until he has them pinned, it's than that they reveal their from another kingdom.
While most people would execute their prisoner or torture them he does neither. But he does hold them hostage but he gives them freedom while in the castle walls but they cannot leave.
Who's this prisoner, well it's no other than the princess unofficially of Lucis. But she tries to hide this fearing this will provoke an official declaration of war. So instead she gives a fake name or rather a name she use to go by.
While staying with Ardyn she's given her own room, excess to anywhere in the castle well all except one area. She's not to be harassed by anyone but should she escape her privileges would be revoked.
So she uses this time to explore the castle and get to know this tyrant King better. Shes heard many rumors from her father, guards, her brother and many others how hes a cruel man. A trickster that was punished by the gods..but after watching him for a month...she questions what she's been told.
The people that call his "kingdom" home are cursed with what was believed to be incurable deceases. But Ardyn heals them, gives them a place to live all in exchange for loyalty. He entertains the children with a strange type of magic and listens to all.
She can't find a tyrant anywhere in the kingdom, if anything he's a trickster, big kid, childish at times and a schemer. But he seems to have a heart for his people...and Luscinia can't help but feel torn. The man she heard about and the man that she stays with are different people. How? Her father wouldn't lie to her right? And if he's a good man why couldn't her Kingdom leave him alone. No something must be wrong, so Luscinia decides to do some digging or rather snooping around the castle.
But one night she finds out that the rumors are true, he is a monster cursed by the gods.
The man she was falling for is a monster, goop runs from his eyes and down his mouth. Like tears running down a broken mans face, Ardyn reach's for her but she runs out terrified. Instead of running after her he watches...
She runs away and manages to escape the kingdom, later Luscinia is found by Cor and Nov father and daughter team for the win . They bring her back home. She's questioned where she's been and Luscinia makes up a story feeling torn about what's happened. Sometime passes and Noctis goes to talk to his sister because she's been distant. They talk and he manages to get through to her, she wants to confide in him but she worries what he'll say. So she decides to go to a friend and vent a bit, turns out Luscinia might have caught the feels.
Somethings happen and Luscinia manages to make it back to Ardyn, she tries to talk to him to get answers. To maybe help him but instead he just pushes her away and now treats her like a prisoner. In an attempt to keep her away and to save her from himself. Meanwhile her Kingdom is making plans to storm the castle and save the Princess. Noctis watched his sister be taken into the kingdom oops💦
Outside of drama that's happening their are soft moments,
Luscinia playing the piano with Ardyn, the two exploring the library together, exploring outside the kingdom together, like the bakeries, markets and scenic places.
I realise this story sounds like interesting take on beauty and beast somehow, except Luscinia is no damsel. If anything Ardyn is jk unless 👀
Hope you like Nemo, these two have me by the heart. TmT
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snakeofgarlemald · 1 year
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Safe to say, I have an inkling of what Menenius feels like after working just two 9 hour shifts. But like working almost non-stop, no wonder Lyon has to drag him to bed cause it would be nigh impossible otherwise to get Menenene to sleep. Add in the fact that they’re also fighting.....this asshole at 55 has more energy then I do XD
But for real, he probably had the most toxic and worse sleeping habit during the 10 years away from Lyon cause Noah piling shit onto him. Then Lyon having to undo all that cause wow, that’s not healthy......there’s a reason why Menenius is a walking ball of anxiety and probably depression just covered by the fact that he’s a workaholic and near perfectionist.
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fierykitten2 · 9 months
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Imagine if the Paradox Fusions existed and they were coloured something like this. That would be so cool!
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